#in order to sneak into the social media club
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Who is this? Why is he on my dash? Why is he a shitty png?
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kimsmuse · 1 year
yandere rich kid !!
not really a kid, just a spoiled brat.
gender neutral!reader, obsessive behaviour, blackmailing, mentions of drunk driving, implications of sex but no real smut TT. if you want to talk about yanderes my inbox is always open <33
i was thinking about mingi of ateez when i wrote it so you can imagine him as the faceclaim (v v optional)
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very rough idea but !! yandere nepo kid who is The Wild Kid, he’s his parents' and siblings' worst nightmare, partying like its his last night, hooking up right and left.
just imagine like early 2010s justin bieber but, um, no hate to him, but better.
this guy isn't evil or cruel or anything, he's just numb, and he's doing every possible thing that comes his way to just feel something, anything he can.
drugs? nothing. alcohol? nothing. nothing makes him feel like the people he sees in the movies, he tries talking to so many people, sleeps with them, but he can't feel it.
and it becomes increasingly uncomfortable for him inside his own body, he's aware of the things that are happening, his parents being disappointed, threatening to write him off their will but he can't seem to stop himself.
club after club, every bouncer knows him, the bartenders know his order, accurate down to the T because they know what's going to happen if they don't.
and enter you. okay, okay, this seems wattpad-ish but its not like love at first sight or anything. because when you and your friends sneak in to the vip section, the least of your worries is the nepo guy.
your friends seem to have an instant attraction to him, thanks to his entertainment news headlines. "famous business tycoon's son gone wild!" and what not. who doesn't want their name attached to a guy like that? everybody who doesn't have an ounce of rationality in their brain!
but he had other plans for tonight, he was spiralling, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to sit here normally and pretend his insides weren't burning. why was there no comfort for him?
he dreaded going home and waking up, looking at the clear disappointed looks of his family. he wishes he was different too, he wants to say to them.
the dance floor clears as the night deepens and soon enough your friends have abandoned their idea of getting laid by him, their patience running out as they grab some other people to take home.
you’re trying to get yourself a cab when he brushes past you, looking back briefly to apologise but when he is a bit ahead, he turns back again and offers you a ride, which you politely refuse, “thanks for asking but i’ll get a cab soon enough,”
okay, then he’ll wait with you! he doesn’t have anything better to do and he’d be going against the way his parents raised him (as if he hasn’t done that enough) if he left you out here alone so late.
after about 20 minutes of standing, looking through various taxi apps, you give up and take him up on his offer, and all the while our rich, spoiled yandere is figuring out what he’s feeling, it was out of basic courtesy that he offered you a lift but now that you’re sitting beside him in his car, he feels like he’s breathing in a new kind of air.
and you swear you didn’t mean to, but maybe its your hormones and the disappointment that all your friends got someone they went home with but you didn’t.. so as soon as you’re in the car, you give him The Look. and while normally the guy would just take it to his backseat, something in him stops him. instead he says, “my place isn’t far,” you nod.
when you regain your senses, it’s too late. it’s the next morning. but thankfully, he was the last person to ask you about what you both were after last night, and the last person to want to “see you again,” so you try your best to get dressed as his sleeping form just lies there peacefully. he’s cute, you admit that.
a few days pass by and you’re thankful that this wasn’t like the other times where his photos and the people he was with would be all over social media, so you went on with your life normally, attending classes, studying and all the jazz.
when once out of thr blue, when you’re working the counter at your part-time, he’s there. he gives you a small smile as you become increasingly uncomfortable. “hey,” you greet him awkwardly.
“i wanted to talk to you… about that night,”
and believe it or not but that’s when your entire life changes. the guy who didn’t even know your name was suddenly there asking you for a bit if your time and the manager obviously obliges, is even eager for it, the publicity that it would get the cafè ….
but yeah, as i was saying, he’s going to come up with a “will you date me?” it doesn’t, matter if he doesn’t know your name, he’ll learn, he’ll learn everything about you, he was willing to, didn’t that count? “please, give me a chance, you won’t regret it, i swear.” and you gulp, okay…
and after that, he’s driving you home from work, home from dates he’s taking you out to, and home from even your college which isn’t even a 5 minute walk from your apartment, and although it’s supposed to feel like “dating” you can’t help but feel a little awkward around him, the fact that he was doting on you like no one ever had in your life and seemed to be perfectly fine with whatever you wanted was just a little off putting.
for the yandere, it’s as if he’s been reborn, it’s as if he found a new purpose at life, he’s so overjoyed at the fact that he was looking for a sign and god actually gave it to him. it was you! he felt everything then, he felt heart beating in his chest, he felt the rain on his face, it was everything h ever wanted.
“this is NOT the guy from the headlines, y/n, this is his twin or something,” your friends were collectively shocked.
even the media was. they wrote articles and articles on if this was just a new stunt or has the resident playboy actually settled down? and they were snooping around your life too, and when the guy went to his parents to help stop that, his parents were delighted to hear that their son wasn’t asking for a new car but instead to help protect a person’s privacy?? who was he??
but they helped, obviously. not without a catch though, they hired a private investigatior to spy on you, were you blackmailing their son? who are you? they weren’t opposed to him finding love, they just wanted to make sure he was safe and not being taken advantage of. when you turn up clean and the investigatior lets them know that you aren’t even in a bit of love with him as much he is, his father is scared.
so he hires the same investigator again, it’s safe to say that money the private investigator made on these two tasks was enough to suffice him for the rest of his years.
and his father decides to pay you a visit, “please, this is the first month since he started middle school that i haven’t been spending on people to keep their mouths shut and to not file cases aainst him, you’ve truly changed him,”
you’re a little uncomfortable again, being this person wasn’t someone you wanted to be, jsut be reduced to beng someone who fixed him, he was nice, yes, but you did not want a relationship right now, let alone a serious-committed one.
then the father takes out his trump card, “…i did not want to do this but,”
he knows where your parents live, your siblings’ workplace.
“so, play along, okay?”
and the worst thing is that, you can't even call the police on one of the richest men in your country.
and as if this problem wasn’t enough, it isn’t even been 3 months and your friends have entirely stopped talking to you. why? well, because, you can’t even have a sleepover without that guy calling you every hour, asking if you ate well, are drinking enough water. and you don't blame them, you wouldn't have liekd it if you were in their position as well.
when you try, (keyword, try) to talk to him about it, he gets super sulky… what do you mean you're bothered by being left alone by your friends? you had him… wasn't that enough?
even at your part-time, it was getting uncomfortable, the times he would just sit in the cafè, working (yes, he even agreed to take over his father's company fot you) and while he obviously paid for his drinks, it was just concerning to the people you knew that he was fliterally following you around, that wasn't healthy.
you have an intuition it won't work, but you decide to give it a try anyway. "hey, we need to talk," you text him. and there’s a response in not even seconds, “what’s wrong?”
“just come over,”
you best believe he’s there in not even 10-15 minutes, and he’s panting too. couldn’t even wait for the lift, his precious darling needed him.
“listen.. i,”
“i don’t think this is….working out,”
“don’t freeak out-“
“freak out? are you kidding? i.. love you, how isn’t this working out?”
“you’re way too controlling,”
“i’m what? do you know how many peole would kill to be in your place, and people who would want their boyfriends to be like me? nd you say i’m ‘too controlling’?”
“you have no idea how grateful you should be to me,” you’d never seen him so… angry and it was like you could see the comments being true. “he’s so rude, acts so entitled,” being true.
“don’t look at me like that, i tried my best to appeal to you in a way you should have liked,” he hangs his head down.
“now we do things my way,”
kiss your freedom, part-time, college and apartment bye bye, because you won’t need it anyway, you’ll be his spouse, and there’s no bigger qualification than that. you desperately want to work? be his assistant, he’s getting ready to take over the company soon enough. his parents do see it, the things he’s doing but they can’t interefere, at least he’s staying out of the headlines, that’s all that matters.
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budgie-city · 1 year
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Welcome to this informational article where I will be explaining what exactly this "Budgie City" is, where it came from, and in which direction it will be going. So, sit down comfortably - there are some interesting things waiting ahead of you! If you are interested in the lore, visit this article.
What exactly is "Budgie City"?
It is a fictional world that I am actively developing. At the moment, I’m in the process of writing it in the form of a paper draft. I write long texts by hand, and it seems to me that spelling out each letter, unlike typing, helps to approach the composition of sentences more thoughtfully, and to more successfully avoid strange and crooked constructions that will then have to be rewritten and corrected. It is far from the final, but I want to warm up people's interest in this world before the release of a full-fledged work, which is what I am doing now. I will not publish too many pieces of text until I have finished the story completely (though I probably will show some sneak-peeks). For now the content on "Budgie City" is mostly limited to drawings — concepts, sketches and character designs. Gradually, I've been starting to bring this topic to my YouTube channel in order to introduce the setting and concept to my viewers.
You may have seen my first video of Budgie City since 2014, which I have released quite recently — “I am not insane”, a video that focuses on one of the secondary conflicts of the story.
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Where did this concept even come from?
It's quite a long story, and it's funny that this year is the ten year anniversary of me registering on the forum called "Budgie City". Yes, it all started with a regular internet forum — a by now almost extinct site format, which in the early 2000s and until about 2016-17 was the main place for interest groups on the internet. Now this has moved almost completely to social media, but before almost any hobby or interest had its own forum with different sections and topics. It saddens me a little that the golden age of forums has already passed.
In 2012, for the New Year, my parents bought me my first budgie — a classic green one, and I named him Gesha. At that time, I was not a regular "user" of the Internet yet. I only started to comprehend the vastness of the virtual network a few months later, and at first it leaned purely on me viewing memes in Google pictures and all sorts of videos on YouTube.
But in the spring of 2013, I discovered these wonderful things known as forums. And it was that point in time when I, having had a budgie with me for a year, decided to find a forum thematically fitting. Upon the request from my country, Google led me straight to the “Budgie City” forum.
The topics on there were something like rooms in a big house. The users randomly surfed through them and followed each other's daily lives. Therefore, Budgie City did actually feel really like being in a virtual society where everyone knows each other. I was getting used to the frequent people, getting to know each person individually. I went to their topics to write comments and answers, they wrote in mine. That's how we existed as this cozy club of interests.
There is an interesting thing with almost every child that is on the Internet — no matter where, in which community — a person with the admin/moder status is perceived as an absolute authority, any response from which causes awe and delight. And there were certain, more active and sociable admins in Budgie City — Anya under the nickname "Phoenix Bird" and Olga under the nickname "Olivka". The "Phoenix Bird" nickname spoke for itself — the image of a large bird of fire that walks around the city and receives admiring glances from everyone, was drawn in my head almost instantly. Olivka didn't have an image yet; I started turning her into a character much later.
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Phoenix and Olivka in their modern designs (2022)
In the early summer of 2014, I read "Warrior Cats", and that’s where the whole story took off. I suddenly felt like I should become a writer too and write my own book. And 12-year-old me, who was spending 80% of my online traffic on the forum, decided to write a story, turning part of the admin staff and the budgies of familiar forum members into their own characters. Phoenix and Olivka turned into birds, the latter in particular acquired an image in the form of a wompoo fruit dove with olive-tinged wings, the budgies of the forum were also turned into their respective characters: Gesha and Yasha (mine); Glasha and Gosha (Hoatzin); Clementine, Jack, Fenya, Nira, Mouse, Castorka, Mithril and Small (Phoenix); Kuzya (Dmitriy68), Milana (Radujniy), Raisin (yyna) and others.
Sections of the forum have turned into parts of the city — the restaurant, the mayor's office, the registry office and nursery, and suburbs with parrots of other species, located on trees surrounding baobabs.
This is how the novel of the same name with the slogan "Feathered Metropolis" was born from the "Budgie City" forum. I posted it in its own topic, had about a dozen readers and, judging by the reviews, they all really liked reading the story. Although, looking back at the writing now... I wouldn't call it something breathtaking. Rather the opposite. But then again, I am now judging from the perspective of a third-year animation director student, and not the fifth grader I was at that time.
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A couple of my original illustrations from 2014
The story was successfully brought to an end in about seven months, and after a while I started writing a sequel — however, the central conflict wasn’t thought out the slightest, so the plot quickly crumbled and was abandoned after several chapters.
Now the original text is lost in the vastness of the web — somewhere there is a piece of the prologue, somewhere even a couple of chapters. But the full version no longer exists — it was published only on the forum, and the said forum, unfortunately was — somewhere around 2019 — ruthlessly deleted from the Internet due to the desolation. All that's left of it are snapshots in the Wayback Machine.
Rewriting from the old version into a new one
In 2017, three years later, I made an attempt to rewrite "Budgie City" from scratch — leaving only the main conflict, the structure of the world, and the set of characters the same, to write a new text out of this "skeleton". Progress did not go beyond the prologue and the first chapter however, and rewriting was abandoned.
The same story with 2019 — a couple of pages, that’s all.
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Two artworks from 2019
The next approach took till early 2021 to happen, when the original story turned almost six and a half years old. At that time I was already in the middle of my first year of animation directing at SPbGIKiT (Saint Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television). I wrote the prologue and part of the first chapter and went to proudly tell our master Galina Voropai about my "really cool" world. Galina interrupted me in the middle of the impromptu presentation, after which followed a forty-minute roast, thoroughly and in detail explaining that the "Budgie City" in its concept is a piece of junk that does not have the right to exist in its current form. And all this was in the presence of my classmates in the workshop. I gave up trying to defend myself halfway through, and when it was all over, I got up, quietly thanked Galina for a detailed objective analysis of the shortcomings of my project, went down to the first floor, huddled in a bathroom stall, and burst into tears.
It was the first (and yet the only) time in my life where I was literally crying over my work, and the girls from senior courses came to my howls, and we sat together on the windowsill of a public toilet. I was all red, shaking, and dropping snot, as they tried to calm me down.
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(my mental state that day)
After that, I did not return to those written several pages for about a year and a half. I began to doubt whether I should continue at all or if it would just be a waste of time.
After the roast from the master, I went through all five stages of grief:
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Yes, that was tough. But after so much time, I was finally able to evaluate the message of this scolding with a cool head and understand that most of the comments were actually really helpful - the conflict and the world did require a lot more careful study and rework. With the next approach, I wrote out all the conflicts, all the character motivations, and made a proper plan. And since the end of last autumn, I have returned to writing. Now I know where the story will begin, where it will head, and how it will end. All the actions performed by the heroes are finally based in actual logic. And, although Galina will not see the final result (she sadly passed away at the end of 2021), I hope that the new version will be one that she would have approved of.
A small FAQ:
Q: When will the book be released?
A: I don't want to make any promises as of now, because writing is a rather spontaneous and uneven process. I write more when I am inspired, and inspiration is impossible to predict. So the answer is simple — it will come out when it's finished :D
Q: Will it be released electronically or in a printed book form? Will I have to pay for reading it?
A: I plan to release the final version "Budgie City" in the same way as the old one — in open access, so that everyone can read it at any time. I will not charge money for reading the electronic version, but if there will be a demand for physical copies, I may release a small print run, which will cost money for those who want to get a copy. But it's a little early to think about that anyway.
Q: How does the world in Budgie City work? How do they live? What is the main conflict of the story?
A: All of this you can find out in this article!
Q: Where can I find more content to this world and story?
A: On this very blog or on my YouTube channel
I hope this article was helpful and informative enough for you to know where "Budgie City" comes from and in which direction it is currently heading. Thank you for reading!
Huge thanks to @annchanorsomethin for helping with translation of this article!
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packsvlog · 1 month
Hello!! I hope you're doing well and hope you continue to do as well. I have recently stumbled across your account and I was wondering if I could get a JJK man match up (ITS HONESTLY SO EXCITING TO READ AND YOU DO IT SO WELL ❤️ 🥹)
So well about me:
- Considering my ethnicity, I can be considered pretty average tbh maybe 167 cm and a bit chubby but nothing on the extreme.
- For my personality, I can be considered the quite kid like not the mysterious one just someone who likes to keep to herself and just keep up a good appearance in front of professors/teachers. I can be very closed off like you can spit poison down my ears and I will not give you any reaction if I deem you to be unlikable. This often comes off as rude and at times I struggle to talk to others as well due to my high social anxiety (yes, I overthink A LOT). I fo not have that much friends either and it's a struggle when I have to talk to new people but I am pretty adaptable so if I am in a new place, I will just adjust to my surroundings without making any fuss. I hate when people order me to do something or just deem me unworthy due to their attempt at generalization. Besides that I am polite and will speak to you a lot if you're my friend and let you in about my life.
-For my likes and dislikes and interests. I am a writer here on tumblr as well as in ao3 and I like to do traditional art. In my heart, I am very girly like I love to dress up, I like make up, Taylor Swift, I love wearing heels and I do LOVE pink. In entertainment media, I watch and consume everything as long as it's entertaining let it be books, manhwa, Manga, anime, movies as long as the stories appeal me, I will watch/read it.
-As for irl i am omw to pursue my dream as a medical student and hope to be a doctor someday.
Well so... that's it for me. I hope you look into this. Thank you <3
a/n: hii, thank you!! hope you like this, and hope you become an amazing doctor someday 🤍 also, i haven’t decided the layout of the matches, so it’s all a mess, sowy!
⁀➷ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . ﹫ 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰 ៹ ༉‧₊📬
You were extraordinary to the Jujutsu world, had just graduated high school, carrying your id of special grade sorcerer, many tried to get in your good grace, only to be met with a wall, be a blank face or your cursed technique ── the ability to change your surroundings, creating an illusion for the receiver. You would take their distraction as a lead to sneak away.
Choso, newest member of the good guys club, found your abilities impressive. Still he, much quieter than you could ever be, ignored you. Not in a rude way, more in an understandable manner. He saw how others would try to run you down, how the high ups had futile attempts of commanding you, and many tried to use you. He thought, in his innocent mind, that you wanted peace, so he let you be.
Soon, that picked your interest.
Like an apprehensive cat, you approached him slowly. And like a comprehensible human, he found adorable how your presence had become constant. Always in the background, shifting your attention anywhere until it landed on him. He would smile politely, but would never approach. You did, and thank God you did.
You didn’t speak much, just telling him of a mission you both were assigned, before leaving the room right away. If it wasn’t for your constant search for him, Choso would think that you, like many others, saw him as his past ── evil, a villain. Somehow, he knew deep down you didn’t. That was enough for him to always smile at you.
Your mission was easy, he mostly talked with curiosity in his voice, asking about anything, and you politely answered. Until, you became more and more… normal. Even craving his questions.
Choso and you were in a park, walking along a river, when he said he had never seen a giraffe, he knew how tall they were, and their colors, but couldn’t picture it. For the first time, you used your technique on him, and also for the first time, you used it for good on someone.
Then, he asked to see butterflies, a garden of magnolias, and lastly, a dinosaur.
For the last, though, you decided to take him on a museum when you both returned home. A museum turned into a stargazing picnic, to a beach sunrise date, to a stabilized relationship.
Choso curiosity wont ever go away, that’s something you learn after showing him everything and experimenting most of it. This wonder, though, has shifted mostly to you. He finds you the most fascinating thing the world could ever had created, and it’s far from being only because of your powers. For him, they are just dust compared to your whole self.
So, with a shy expression, you show him your writing, your arts, your clothes and favorite songs, how tall you can get with your heels and how much you love pink ── to your astonishment, the boy that always dress in black, has taken a liking to it as well. Obviously, he likes because you do, but you will find some decorations with pink in his house and smooch his flushed cheeks right away.
─┈ ⭑ ° ⋆ FUN FACTS 𓂃ᰔ
📥 ┊ you tell him of your plan to leave the jujutsu world and become a doctor, he believes you can, and he hopes to become a photographer, so he can picture everything he finds fascinating, mostly you.
📥 ┊ he soon learns to grow his own taste in media consumption, food and places. still, he loves yours as well, so it’s a common sight to have him by your side, sharing an earphone, reading the same books and mangas, or watching tv shows.
📥 ┊ he will throw a fit if you watch or read a chapter before him.
📥 ┊ best boyfriend ever.
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svampira · 5 months
🥃🍕 for Elias !!
ask game
Yayyy ty bee^^
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
Omgg this is such a good question... (when he was alive) he definitely didn't have the attention span nor the time to watch any tv show but I can soo see him learning manipulation tactics by binging big brother and survivor when he was in middle school if he'd gotten to 21 he would have 100% been cast on big brother (not survivor he would kill himself 2 hours in). Favourite movies🤔 i would say the babysitter (reshaped his personality), scream, after(😭). He probably would have enjoyed horror movies a lot but i can't see him ever choosing the movies he saw or caring about that, he'd just watch whatever the person he was with picked. Also he loved over dramatic ya romance movies cause of course he did.
As a vampire he doesn't watch or read anything at all, there are only so many hours in the night and he's busyyyy though it'd be fun and cute if he ever got to rewatch one of his favourite movies for the first time again❤️
And his fave social media would have been tiktok cause he had like a million followers on there. There are so many plot holes in my story specifically because of this but it's staying it's true it's who he is(was)
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
Mhh🤔 the only thing he'd ever do alone would be go to the beach and swim, otherwise he'd always find someone to bother. If diamila was miraculously not working then they'd go clubbing (and hunting) together, sneaking into rich people events or locations, convincing her to wreck havoc wherever they go (she would strongly regret listening to him but he's a very hard person not to listen to). If Imesh was free and/or alive then that'd be the only time where he would actually be willing to do nothing, just lazing around together (under the condition he lets him drink medically concerning amounts of blood from him). If he's alone then he's spending the whole night at clubs or hooking up with random people off apps just to drink way more blood than he actually needs. Vtm vampires need to completely drain their victims in order to be fully satiated, but Elias doesn't know that so he just keeps eating and eating (until he drains Imesh to death and #realises)
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it's vegas baby!! food, entertainment, and (my fav!) pool recommendations
planning a trip to sin city can be an exciting experience. las vegas offers world-class shows, amazing dining experiences, luxurious hotels, and vibrant nightlife. additionally, you can relax and soak up the sun by the pool at some of the most luxurious and expansive pools in the world.
here are some of my favorite things to do and places to visit in las vegas!
(if you plan on booking a trip and want to check out deals that may be of interest to you, click the button below to go join rakuten. i have earned cash back on various trips in addition to scoring some great travel deals!)
choose your hotel based on your interests
personally, my idea of a vacation is about relaxing and unwinding. which means, we need a top notch pool, close proximity to restaurants, and entertainment.
totally my vibe…
let’s start with my favorite (so far!) to this date, my favorite hotel and pool experience was at v’dara. i rented a cabana there and had an incredible time! the cabana also included a semi-private pool which was wonderful! overall…A+++
not so much…BUT…
last time i stayed at the mirage, the amount of families and children there was just a bit overwhelming for a relaxing trip. (if you’re looking for an exciting time by the pool, don’t choose the mirage, unless you choose to go to the adults only pool which is 21+ and has a dj) BUT i haven’t been back to this hotel since it became part of the hard rock family…i’m always one to give the benefit of the doubt though. one of my favorite features of the mirage is the restaurant diablo’s cantina…SO DELICIOUS!!! i’ll link my youtube video where i did a review of their food (scroll down to view this review) overall…B+
definitely going to check them out…
i have heard awesome things about wynn las vegas as well as the cosmopolitan hotel. on first look, wynn looks stunning and the cosmopolitan stole my heart because they have rooms with balconies (if you know me, you know i love room with a balcony!) these hotels are on my list for the future for sure!
when i landed in vegas (on a previous trip), i met up with a friend and we spontaneously decided to look for a concert to attend. we scored with the amazing gwen stefani at only somewhere between $49-$69 per ticket! and the seats were awesome!
if you know there’s someone specific you want to see, definitely consider purchasing in advance, but sometimes last minute works out extremely well too. other last minute decisions included a magic show (not my thing but it was cool to watch), a trip to the grand canyon, and zip lining.
something worth checking out is if the hotel you’re staying at has any special offers for guests. sometimes hotels are part of a larger group of hotels and will offer discounts to attract you to spend some time at their other hotels too.
for a moment…let’s address the party scene…i am probably not the best person to suggest a club or party to go to. i am always down for a good time, but my friends are usually the ones choosing where to go…my apologies but i do not have club recommendations for you..your girl is just being honest! 🤷‍♀️
the one thing is will recommend though, is to check out hotels ig feeds. this is usually where i find suggestions and get a sneak peak of the venue before attending anything.
every time I visit vegas, there’s one place I always find myself at…wahlburgers. yes, I devour one of their spiciest burgers and some tots! my order..THE FIESTA burger. mmm..spicy and oh so delicious!
another favorite, as mentioned above, diablo’s cantina located inside the mirage…
thank you for visiting my blog today! make sure to subscribe to my email list for all of my tips, inspo, and more!
click the button below to find other social media outlets where the banannie diaries posts content! follow, subscribe, and stay tuned for more beauty, fashion, and positive vibes!
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alluringjae · 3 years
it’s a royal order - jjh
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⤑ summary: one of your royal campaigns became a success, and your bodyguard jaehyun was there to see it all happen. it’s only fair to celebrate, right?
⤑ pairing: jaehyun x female reader
⤑ word count: 2k
⤑ genre: fluff, suggestive (dirty talk, jaehyun got a daddy kink, superiority complex!!), implied smut | bodyguard!jaehyun, princess!reader, slight enemies to lovers!au, modern royal!au (where south korea remains under monarchial power)
⤑ warnings: mentions of alcohol, drugs, family problems and therapy, explicit language
⤑ playlist: lows by pink sweat$ | céline by gallant | i put a spell on you by iza | nasty by ariana grande | dance for you by beyonce | body by sinead harnett
⤑ author’s note: this is definitely less emotional than all i do is wait! i got this idea from a show i really enjoyed before it got cancelled named the royals. specifically, i really liked the story of eleanor and jasper, which is the whole princess x bodyguard dynamic. the pining and tension, ugh! if you know this show or not, it doesn’t matter. anyways, thank you for the 30+ followers and 200 notes on aidiw! enjoy!
i need holy water because of this piece.
⤑ credits to jeongjaehyuns for the gif above uwu
⤑  leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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“On behalf of the royal family, I would like to extend my utmost support for the Anti-School Violence campaign for all students to have a safer and more meaningful learning environment.” You proudly announced to the board of officials alongside other influential individuals in Korean society.
Being the only princess in the current royal line may have its pressures, but holding a strong, direct impact for a brighter future for the people motivated you to take advantage of your platform for the better. As the image of pure innocence and revamped women empowerment, you aimed to accomplish all the things your mother wished she could before her untimely death alongside your personal aspirations.
Expressing genuine joy with the campaign, with a tinge of desire to annoy the old-fashioned and closeminded officials, your prying eyes were more enamored by a certain man in the back clapping by the ballroom doors. You can’t help but act flustered whenever he witnessed you in a state of success and satisfaction.
This man went by the name Jeong Jaehyun, your trusted bodyguard since you were in your early twenties. 3 years later, he still stuck by your side and helped you endure all the darkness as a royal.
Back then, you went through a rebellious phase that was ruining the image of your family. Clubbing almost every night, drugs, skipping school, you even managed to get all assigned bodyguards to quit! The media ate up all your tricks, turning them into scandals. That was the plan, of course. You desired your own freedom from all the royal obligations because you didn’t ask to be born into that lifestyle. To all of your peers who wished to be in your footsteps, you would’ve impulsively passed your title to them. There’s so much deception that lies behind the glitz and glam of it all.
This unexpected change in your former untainted attitude came to the point that your father, the king himself, stepped in and personally assigned one of his men to get you in check. He figured that appointing a guard nearest your age may lessen the tension and mend you back together.
In the start, you absolutely despised him. There was no way to fool him when you were up to no good. He easily found your alcohol and drug stash which he disposed of on the spot and stood by your bedroom door every night so you wouldn’t sneak out past curfew (which your father also strictly implemented).
One big turning point in your relationship was when he rushed you to the royal hospital when you drank a cocktail that went unnoticeably spiked. To think that this was a typical social gathering with other royals and officials, you’re a constant target to many. You didn’t wake up for a few days, and the entire time, Jaehyun willingly stood by your bedside and outside your hospital room.
Since that and more instances your father insisted you get involved in royal affairs, you softened up. As cliché as it was, the more time spent with him, the more you knew about him and vice versa. He was the one that got you to fully open up about your grief towards your late mother, encouraging you to seek help. Turns out you weren’t as different as you thought despite your differing ranks in society when he also had a void for a missing parent. In his case, it was his father, who ditched his family for his mistress. Silently, you helped each other recover from your traumas alongside therapy. From dreading his presence, you started treating him more casually. Your father’s tactic of assigning a bodyguard around your age admittedly worked.
Oh, how time flies.
This campaign was the last thing on your weekend agenda, so you had the entire late afternoon and evening to yourself. Bowing one last time to the audience, you stepped down from the platform and accepted the soft hand of your bodyguard, who quickly made his way to you despite the flashing cameras. It was something he got used to as it is part of the job.
Once he successfully ushered you out of the ballroom, his hand still held yours. Nothing new, except this event was quite public and you didn’t want anyone to get any wrong ideas. Strolling down one of the many hallways in the palace became a pastime for the both of you, where no one can catch you. It was a safe haven within the destructive life of the Park kingdom.
“You did phenomenal as I expected, your highness.” Jaehyun complimented, recalling your panic the night before as the stage fright hit strong when you were reciting your speech to him over and over again.
“We are in private, Jaehyun. Must you really use those formalities with me?” You taunted, bobbing your head sideways mockingly. With him could you felt like a normal young adult, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Jaehyun loved being frisky with you, catching you get irked up. And he was up to do it again.
“Hmm last time we strolled these halls, Yuta caught us making out after a successful meeting with the Prime Minister.”
You gasped at his statement, conscious of whoever may be in the vicinity. But before you could refute, your hand that was interlocked with his were mightily slammed against the white wall. You lost your breath for a moment, his warm body closely on yours. His free hand freely roamed up and down your covered waist. His lips were dangerously near your neck, where you’re sensitive. Your hips naturally grinded against him to release the pent-up tension.
“Something tells me you want to do it again, princess?” Now he’s just using your title as a pet name, but you couldn’t complain. It just hits differently when the situation was set up like this.
“I deserve it, don’t I? Got a lot of those hell-driven officials on my side for this round.” You raised both your brows cockily, licking your lips.
“Hell yeah, you do.” Finally, he rids of the tension and plants open kisses on your bare neck. Your throaty moans were uncontrollable, and you could care less.
“My princess,”
“So intelligent,”
“So benevolent,”
“So helpful,”
“But,” He changed his pace and direction, swollen lips near your ear.
“But?” You question naïvely. He scoffed, smirking at your antics of playing dumb.
“But a total slut for her bodyguard.” He dominantly planted his lips against yours, one of his veiny hands gripping on your waist and the other by the arch of your butt. He was hungry, needy even. Due to your shared schedules, it’s been a constant struggle to have proper alone time from the snooping eyes of Korean society. After all, it wasn’t in the norm for a princess to fall deep for her bodyguard. Nor were you sure you would be accepted by anyone. Yuta, the bodyguard of your oldest brother, the crowned prince Jinyoung, finding the both of you at that time was a total shock but didn’t care either.
All that mattered was that your feelings towards each other are real and strong. Accepted or not, you had each other.
All this lust put you in a daze, wanting much more than another smooch fest in the hallway. Tugging on his belt, he squeezed your butt tightly. You emitted a moan, which allowed his tongue access. No way could you keep your hands to yourself, touching his upper body and the flexing of his abdominal muscles from his button-up. You felt his now hard member poking through.
Analyzing your area, you were on the other side of the palace. Farther to your bedroom where numerous rendezvouses were made, one kink you’ve considered in the past amplified your mind. Considering this area was also the king’s side, and he was abroad for royal affairs, this was your chance.
“I have an idea, my love. You up for it?” You rose a brow at your lover, challenging him. Not one to overpower this man in bed, but always suggesting a way on how to spice it up.
“And what exactly does your feral brain want to do with me, princess?” His finger lifted your chin so you meet eye to eye. You can just see the fire still burning, and oh how you were ready to intensify it.
“The main ballroom, where my father and late mother’s throne rest, are a few doors away.” Your fingers signal him to lower his stance as his tall height was difficult to reach. With a sneaky smirk,
“Let me ride you in the king’s throne, my love.” Your lips brushed over his and sucked his bottom lip, tugging him by his belt. He groaned, squeezing your butt. “It’s a royal order.”  
“Nasty, your highness. Insanely nasty, you are.” His hands hoisted your waist, boosting you up in his arms. You gasped with profanities, ravenously cut off by his lips again. His nails digging deep in your bare thighs, your legs naturally linked themselves around his torso while your arms passionately intertwined his broad neck.
In between kisses, he carried you to the said main ballroom. One of your wildest imaginations, just a second away. This room remained to be the only place without any guards stationed technological advancements or updated interior designs to preserve its traditional beauty. Dated as far as the 19th century, only special events were held and the highest of the high were allowed inside. Spacious, surrounded by gold linings majestic paintings of angels from above with a huge crystal chandelier right above the center. Right ahead, the original thrones that your ancestors, grandparents, and parents sat on when they were throned in its pure glory.
Pushing your lover on the king’s throne, the gold sun-like rays plastered behind the headrest, he cockily leaned back and manspread his legs for comfort. He rubbed his hands before patting his thigh, waiting for your submission. But you weren’t going to give in just yet.
Not when you prepared a mini-show just for him underneath your designer silk dress.
Jaehyun’s solemn eyes marveled over your gorgeous figure as you stripped down one strap after the other. Due to its silk fabric, it effortlessly dropped down to your figure to reveal a new set of black lace lingerie from your previous trip to Paris. Ages ago, Jaehyun unhesitatingly ripped your favorite ones during his birthday, so you decided to get a mature version of it. A version where your bra lifted your breasts more and undies hiked up to your waist to elongate your legs. Only for the eyes of yourself and the man in front of you, establishing that you were a powerful woman who can be absolutely anyone she can be. Princess, a normal young adult, or his slut, it’s up to you how you see yourself.
Jaehyun mumbled all the profanities he could think of at the moment. Looking like a divine angel when the sun from outside shuns behind you, his slacks tightening so much more than a while ago.
“All this for me?” He ogled shamelessly, undoing the buttons of his dress shirt and untying his necktie. “What did I do to deserve such regal treatment?”
You sneered at his comment, stepping out your dress in your heels and stationing right in front of his luring lap. “You’ve always been there for me, thick and thin. I think you deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
Lowering yourself to straddle him, his breath hissed when your damp core collided with his crotch. Distracted and caught in your trap, “I don’t think you answered my question, my love.”
Rather than a verbal response, he roughly pulled you back in for a kiss. His hands scattered to explore from your back down to your waist. Your hands messily ran through his hair, tugging on some when your body got too sensitive to his wild touches. The thrilling sounds of the two of you drowning in your fiery romance bounced throughout the ballroom, not minding if anyone passed by the hallways outside. It was a private room after all, and whatever happens here, stays here.
Rolling on his crotch while his lips trailed down to your collarbones, the quick snap of your bra wires echoed. The tight lift lessened as Jaehyun’s fingers dropped the straps, unveiling your bare chest covered in his marks.
“Enough playing, princess. Let daddy have some real fun with you.”
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cafe-au-lait-21 · 3 years
Cloud Bread Bakery Headcanons
“Everyone gets a little taste of the classics and heavens when they get something from this place.” - DW. C.  Loaf (Undertale Sans)
-   At least he has a bit more energy than Cloud, so someone takes care of the finances and customer issues when the Papyri aren’t around
-   Tends to mess around with Creampuff and Sprinkle’s recipes for fun, like secretly adding ketchup to the cherry danishes, much to the misfortune of the customers who unknowingly eat his “creative” interpretations
-   If you laugh at his jokes enough times (hence him warming up to you) then you’ll slowly find yourself buying cheaper bread or pastries on his good days. He also starts sneaking a few extra treats in with your orders as he grows to like you.
-   Loaf puts all the phone numbers and contact info people try to give to Cloud in his book of numbers for prank calls. He does this all the time.  It’s a planner notebook absolutely stuffed with business cards, scraps of paper and napkins.
-   Takes a lot of joy in teasing and embarrassing the other members of the Bakery. Especially in front of those who like them. Cloud mainly because the two of them are usually together.
Creampuff (Undertale Papyrus)
-   He knows accounting and can take care of the overall paperwork.
-   He is a little underhanded when it comes to manipulating Cloud’s fan club into paying for merchandise of him, no matter how trivial.
-   Has the strongest healing magic amongst the brothers and was the first one out of the four of them to take refuge in the Omega Timeline.
Cloud (Outertale Sans)
-   You can always find him asleep at the front counter. Sometimes with Loaf beside him. He’ll still get you your pastries and bread, but it’ll be with blue magic.
-   When he sneezes, it’s stardust and it’s beautiful.
-   Has freckles that sparkle like stars and brighten every time he yawns. (Which is a lot.) Blushes in galaxy colors.
-   Surprisingly skilled at running a business - when he actually has the energy to do so.
-   Has a following of locals who come into the shop every morning just because they “secretly” crush on him… he knows this, but still gets bashful when reminded.
-   His Official Fan Club is called “The Storm” and they’re all more than willing to buy merchandise of him, despite him not knowing the extent of their devotion.
Sprinkle (Outertale Papyrus)
-   An absolute master at cake decorating - best in the city by far, his cakes are incredible works of art
-   Loves anything star themed and incorporates the shape into everything he can - many of the laminated pastries have this shape and even the vent slashes in the bread loaves are stars.
-   Everything he creates is extremely pic-worthy and he’s made the bakery rather famous via social media
-   The first time he met Peppermint, Sweet Pea, and Chrysanthemum he just about died of sheer joy at seeing their starry irises…this may be part of the reason why he hangs out at Treehouse so often.
-   A bit less energetic than Creampuff and likes to take time off, but still has an excellent work ethic.
-   His favorite food are purple shooting star shaped sprinkles that are specially made by and for the bakery.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Romeo and Juliet Vibes - Emily Foster x Reader - Chicago Fire
Request:  Can you write one where reader and foster are dating but they’re from different firehouses and firehouse 51 and readers firehouse are always competing with each other? And the guys figure out that foster is dating the “enemy”
A/n: Hope this is okay, I couldn’t find much info on many other firehouses besides 51 so it’s a bit lacking in detail in places but I tried
Emily Foster wasn’t after anything serious.
She decided after she first saw you that, yes, you were cute, but she wasn’t after anything serious.
Not after anything serious.
Those were the words she said to you as you approached her at the bar.
You nodded in response, accepting the role of friends with benefits.
Until that all went down hill and you both caught feelings.
Of course neither of you admitted that to the other person so the two of you kept up the awkward friends with the occassional hook-up if Emily wasn’t seeing someone else.
But you couldn’t do that, even as your firehouse kept trying to set you up with people, much to your refusal.
All they knew was that you were crushing on someone you couldn’t have, or you weren’t who they wanted. Your firehouse chose to believe the former though.
“Where are you all going?” You asked your firehouse as you noticed them sneaking out.
“51 started a prank war, so it’s payback time.”
“And the payback is?” You enquired but your lieutenant shook his head.
“I’d stay out of it, candidate.” You just nodded at that, returning to the practice runs you were doing.
“Guys, wait, there’s the firehouse’s candidate out there, we can’t sneak in with them there!” Mouch exclaimed, leaving Herrmann to groan under his breath.
“Somebody go distract them!”
Brett raised an eyebrow as Foster moved way too quickly to go see you.
“Sup, candidate.”
“Foster, what are you doing here?” You tilted your head to the side, withholding your hug as you realised how Emily had her hands stuffed in her pockets.
“Wait... ugh, 51 is here for payback for the prank war? I’m not involved, my lieutenant advised against it and has me out here waiting for the lunch order instead.” You explained, smiling as Foster nodded along.
“How does Foster know the enemy house’s candidate?” Cruz exclaimed, leaving Stella to whisper to Brett.
“Probably met at a club, if you get what I mean.”
It was just as the food order arrived that your firehouse’s alarms began to go off.
“See you Foster!” You exclaimed, hurriedly ditching the lunches before running to the rig where your fellow firefighters are heading towards.
“So, Foster how did you know the enemy’s candidate?” Mouch enquired, leaving everyone to turn and look at her.
“We met a bar and it turns out that gender studies college thesis that was trending on social media? It’s their thesis.”
“So are you two just friends or-” Stella was cut off by a yell, everyone watching as Herrmann walked in.
“That dang firehouse struck again, this is war!”
Foster had only told Brett and Boden that she was heading out for lunch after she’d gotten a text from you to come to your firehouse.
“You sure it’s safe for me to be out here?” Emily asked as she approached you, sitting on the remaining beach chair you’d set out.
“The firehouse won’t bother me, they’ll think it’s a date and tease me later instead. Also, they don’t know you’re from 51.” You explained, passing Foster a sandwich.
“They’ll think it’s a date, huh?” Foster teased, leaving you to grimace as you sipped your drink.
“They keep trying to set me up with people. They see it as trying to help me get over an unrequited crush.” You explained, leaving Foster to frown at your nonchalant attitude.
“Wait, is that Foster? What is Foster doing here?” Brett pointed out to Stella who just smirked.
“Seems she caught feelings?”
“She said she wasn’t after anything serious, remember!” Brett replied, leaving Stella’s smirk to drop.
“Maybe they’re friends or... more than friends?” Stella replied, her eyes widening at the scene across the street.
“Foster’s making out with the enemy!”
“This totally has Romeo and Juliet vibes.” Ritter murmured to Gallo.
“Unrequited crush?” Foster began, leaving you to just roll your eyes.
“Yeah, I caught feelings for someone I had a friends with benefits situations going on with.” You admitted, leaving Foster to raise her eyebrows.
“But you weren’t doing that with anyone but, but me.” Foster stated, realisation in her eyes as she saw you moving to get up and leave.
“No! Wait, I, I want to give us a shot... I may have caught feelings for you as well.” Emily admitted, her hand going to your forearm to stop you hurrying away from her.
“Okay?” Foster tilted her head to the side, trying to read your facial expression.
“Can I kiss you? As uh, not friends with benefits?” You asked, hesistating until Foster smiled and your shoulders were less tense.
“As my significant other, yes.” Foster replied, her hands moving your hands to rest on her face with a smile. Her arms wrapped around your waist as she kissed you, neither of you hearing the uproar of shock from Firehouse 51 until the kiss was broken.
“Oh my god.” Foster murmured, her jaw dropping as she spotted the Firehouse watching. You just chuckled, kissing her on the cheek.
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(not my gif)
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
The Arrangement Chapter 4
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Series Summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: The job interview continues, and Yoongi finally takes an interest
Author’s Note: I wrote a massive amount of this story last weekend and I am super happy with it. I can’t wait to share the rest of the chapters with you guys each Thursday <3 
Previous chapter here  ---------------------------------
You left Grindhouse feeling better about the job. Mostly. It was clear that Kim Namjoon, you resolved to try and use his real name in case you ended up working together, wasn’t your biggest fan but he did respect that you had researched the position. 
Parts of the job were definitely strange. The strangest part? Agreeing to get married if the client decided “he wanted to.” No pressure. Totally a normal thing.  You thought back to the interview
“I’m sorry. So this is like a mail-order bride type thing?” You wrinkled your brow in confusion.
“Technically internet-order bride, and don’t make that face, it will give you wrinkles,” Namjoon replied waving his hand in front of his face.
“Ok fine. Walk me through a day in this job.”
“Huh. This is usually where half the girls laugh at me and leave.”
You awkwardly shrugged your shoulders and waited for him to answer your question.
“Wake up, check the itinerary for the day. A work schedule will be emailed to you every morning by 7 am. Ensure the client makes it to their appointments on time, accompany the client to events both domestic and international, organize small social events. Any and all of these things. Whatever the client asks for. I’m sure he’ll have work for you to do. You are also responsible for posting appropriately to social media about your burgeoning love story,” Namjoon looks boredly over at the door, surprised that Yoongi never came back.
You wrote down some notes. “ Will I be provided social media accounts? I don’t really want to use my own. “
“Yes, they would be monitored and managed by BigHit behind the scenes.”
“Ok.” You jotted a few things down. “I saw that I would be living on-premise. Would I still be able to see my family and how far away is the location?”
“Yes. The apartment is actually at BigHit Headquarters. Several floors are dedicated to staff apartments. You may see your siblings if you put in appropriate time off requests and mark yourself out. You may not skip important company events. You must also sign a nondisclosure agreement upon the beginning of the contract. Your family and everyone else can’t know you are being compensated for your role outside of personal assistant. As you can imagine, it would look bad for the company.”
“Ok. That makes sense.”
“One last question [Y/N]: Why are you so nonchalant about this job? The marriage stipulation had most of the girls running off. And I can’t tell you how many cards I handed out that never signed in.”
You pouted, “ And here I thought I was special.” You laughed dryly as he rolled his eyes. “Dude, I’m not getting any younger. Dating sucks. I might as well get paid to do it.” You flipped your hair behind your shoulders. “This is a lot of money. If I end up getting married, it’s just a piece of paper. As long as the guy’s not a total asshole I really don’t care.”
“Oh yeah?” Namjoon clicks his pen a few times, “What if he’s really ugly? Is the money good enough to make up for that?”
You don’t miss a beat, “I’m more of a personality gal myself. Which may explain why you and I aren’t exactly hitting it off,” you mused and he just laughed at you, beginning to acclimate to your dry sense of humor.
“Yeah. That’s why.” He rolled his eyes. “All  right. We’re done here. If you make it to the next round you’ll receive an email within the next few days.
Well that was a fucking disaster, Namjoon thought as he walked back over to the office. Three. He had started with 50 cards distributed. 20 returns. And three candidates that showed an interest after finding out more about the job. He groaned. Why had BPD thought this was a good idea? He took his phone out as he entered the lobby and to Namjoon’s absolute shock he saw that Yoongi had scheduled a meeting for the two of them that afternoon. 
Two things were extremely out of character: one that Yoongi had even scheduled a meeting at all; most of the time Yoongi had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the meetings. Two, that he actually took the time to put it in the agenda. He most often showed up when he felt like, walked into Namjoon’s office, bypassed a yelling Jimin, and then complained about something. 
Namjoon rode the elevator up to his floor. He didn’t get a chance to eat since the interviews had taken all of his lunch hour. He exited and walked over to Jimin. “Order me lunch. Surprise me.” 
“Of course Sir,” Jimin dutifully replied and pulled up the food ordering App. 
“Thank you. When Yoongi gets here send him on in.”
Jimin straightened up a few items on his desk, “Usually I have trouble keeping him out sir, but I understand.” Jimin was dying to know what was going on. Yoongi and Namjoon usually avoided each other but had interacted thrice now within the week. He resolved to make a coffee delivery mid-meeting. Yes. Excellent. Jimin smirked as he placed the food order and sent it. 
Namjoon took out the three remaining folders and placed them on his desk. Hopefully this meeting meant Yoongi had stopped being a little shit and decided to go along with it. He took out the paperwork he had prepared for Yoongi, a similar NDA to the one he had discussed with [Y/N].
An hour passed where he ate his lunch and caught up on emails.
Yoongi exited the elevator and lazily walked over to Jimin. “Is Namjoon ready?”
Jimin raised his delicate eyebrows. “You’re actually stopping to ask? Well that’s a first.”
Yoongi stuffed his hands into his pockets and rolled his eyes. “I’ll just head in then.”
Jimin sat there, utterly confused but also strangely excited. He ordered two coffees in preparation for his eavesdropping. Yoongi had never, ever stopped at the reception desk. Or made an appointment. Since when was he playing nice?
Jimin: GUYS. Yoongi and Namjooon are meeting for the third time this week. And Yoongi actually made an appointment.
JK: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
V: Are you serious?
Jimin: Yes. I’m sneaking in there in half an hour. I’ll report back.
Jimin didn’t know why he cared so much. It was just that Yoongi was such a mystery compared to the rest of the guys. He was good looking, talented, but kept to himself and seemed to resent everything and everyone else that worked there.
Yoongi opened the door to the office. Namjoon looked up from his desk, “Yoongi. You left the interviews early, I’m surprised to see you made an appointment this afternoon.”
Yoongi walked closer to the desk, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah well I had seen everything I needed to see, and heard everything I needed to hear.” He looked down at the desk. “Are those all the candidates that are left?” 
“Yes. Unsurprisingly it was difficult to explain the situation without sounding like we are running an escort service, as you can imagine.”
Yoongi had been practicing the conversation he wanted to have since he got back to the building earlier after the girl returned his headphones. “Are there any headshots included in these?” He asked, feigning nonchalance.
“Nope,” Namjoon replied, looking over the NDA. “You said you didn’t want to be, and I quote, unduly influenced by physical appearance.” 
“Huh. Ok.” Yoongi responded. He didn’t want Namjoon to know that he had met one of the women who had applied for the job. Wait. She had said she worked somewhere nearby. “Can I see the resumes?”
“Knock yourself out.” He said, pushing the papers toward the edge of the desk.
He flipped through them. The first one was a model. Nope. The second one was an office worker. The third one listed two jobs, including Club Tokki. That was the woman he had met earlier. She had gone back and completed the interview. Despite trying to school his face, he let a small smile creep across his face.
“Find something you like there?” Namjoon asked. 
“These two sound interesting.” He handed two of the folders back to Namjoon. 
Namjoon looked at the two he had kept, “Of course you dumped the model. Here we have Lisa. She’s nice. Boring but Nice. And [Y/N]. You know what? I’m not even going to tell you anything. She’s something. Let’s invite her just to see what happens.” 
Yoongi stood there for a moment, swiping his lips with his tongue. Really? It had been that easy? 
“Here. You need to sign this. It’s an NDA about the situation. As far as anybody else knows, the girl we hire is your assistant. None of this was arranged before time. Additionally, you are to tell her that you want this, not that Big Hit is forcing you to do this.”
Yoongi puffed out his cheeks, “Why does that matter if she’s in on it?”
“Plausible deniability on the company’s part I’m sure. I didn't write the contract, BPD and the attorneys did.”
Yoongi sat down and started to read through the document.
Jimin knocked lightly on the door before entering. “Coffee gentleman? I have two iced Americanos right here.” He walked towards the desk.
“Thanks Jimin, put them on the desk.” Namjoon said, standing with the files in his hand.
“Ooo am I getting a new coworker?” Jimin tried to ask casually.
“Yoongi’s getting an assistant.” Namjoon responded.
“Good maybe someone will actually answer when I call down to the studio.” Jimin quipped.
Yoongi snorted, “As if I would let her in MY studio.”
“Enjoy your coffee, Sugar,” Jimin said, purposefully pronouncing his alias incorrectly.
“It’s Suga. Thanks for the coffee.”
Jimin blinked slowly, not sure how to respond to Yoongi saying something half-nice to him and slowly exited the room.
Yoongi picked up the coffee, sipping it while he finished reading the document. “Alright. Give me the pen.”
Namjoon was excited to be moving forward on this stupid project. If it actually worked, he hoped he would have to babysit Yoongi way less. “Here you go. You need to come to the next round of interviews. I think it’s important for you to meet each other.”
“Yeah, ok.” Yoongi signed the paperwork and stood up. “Put it on the calendar. See you.”
Taglist:  @lidda​ @anpanman-sonyeondan​ @firefairy1​
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The Swing of Things
Neal Caffrey x Female Reader
Summary - You and Neal go undercover can you keep it together and not derail the operation.
Word Count - 2,091 words
Warnings - crime, talk of threesomes, unrealistic depiction of FBI procedure and gadgets.
A/N - My best friend, @widdershinny wanted a Neal Caffrey fic for her birthday!
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You were sitting at your desk trying to go through some numbers on a mortgage fraud case when you heard the tell tale signs of Neal being bored. Sitting next to Neal was usually fun. He was entertaining and sneaking glances at him throughout the day wasn’t a bad way to pass the time and made your crush on him grow a little each day. The only time sitting near him wasn’t fun was when he was bored, he had the tendency to sulk or or fidget.
The constant snap of Neal picking at his impressive rubber band ball was slowly driving you insane.
“Neal!” You ground out. “Will you stop that, please. I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Sorry, I’m just so bored,” he sighed. 
“Wanna help me with this mortgage fraud case?” You asked hopefully. 
“I’m not that bored,” he replied with his nose scrunched up. 
Peter called you and Neal from the front of his office.
“Looks like we have a case, you might be saved from your soul crushing boredom, Caffrey.” You smiled and patted his shoulder. 
“Let’s hope it’s interesting,” he grinned. 
Jones, Diana, and a few other agents were already in the conference room when you arrived with Neal. The grins on Diana and Jones’ faces made you suspicious. You took a seat next to Jones and Neal sat on the window sill close to Peter. 
“What’s with the face?” You whispered to Jones.
“Oh, you’re going to love this,” he said, trying his best not to laugh. 
“Okay. Neal and Y/N we need your help with a case.” Peter said making his way to the tv screen where a pictures of a woman and a man were displayed. 
“This is Miranda Digby and her boyfriend Stephen Arthur,” Peter said. 
“Never trust a man with two first names,” Neal deadpanned and you chuckled. 
“They’re responsible for blackmailing couples at their swingers club,” Peter continued. 
“They get their targets to agree to pay to spend a night with them. When the couples refuse they threaten to post their interest in illicit activities to their social media accounts and inform their employers. They get this information by hacking their victims’ phones while propositioning them. Y/N and Neal, we need you to pose as a couple and get them to make you their next targets,” he concluded. 
You coughed as you choked on your spit. “What?!” You asked as you patted your chest, ignoring Jones’ chuckles. 
Peter rubbed his forehead and said, “You guys are the only members of the team they haven’t seen. Diana and Jones are already so-called members but Miranda and Stephen didn’t take to them and the agents they were with.”
“You have my sympathies, Y/N. I had to flirt with Caffrey for a case,” she said with a smirk. 
“You wound me,” Neal said, placing his hand on his heart. 
“We can’t do this without you guys,” Peter said, looking at you earnestly.
“You know no one can say no to you when you look at them like that, right?” You asked, slumping on your chair a little. 
“I know, that’s why I do it,” he smiled. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Fine,” you replied. 
The rest of the day was spent going over the plan to take down Miranda and Stephen and reviewing there membership records. Fake social media accounts, employment and bank records were set up for you and Neal. You were making contact the next night. When the couple tried to blackmail you, Peter and the rest of the team would come in and arrest them. 
You entered the infamous van wearing your favorite first date outfit. It flattered your favorite parts and minimized the parts you’re not so happy with. Neal turned as the door opened, his eyes widening slightly.
“You clean up nice,” he grinned. 
“I don’t look like a FBI agent when I’m off the clock, Caffrey,” you rolled your eyes. 
“You don’t look bad when you’re at work,” he replied. “You just look professional.”
“I hope you have better compliments than that when we’re inside,” you chuckled. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about that,” he said with a dazzling smile
You tried to ignore the heat in your cheeks and gave Neal a once over. He wore a charcoal gray suit, baby blue shirt, and black tie. He looked dashing, as always. 
“You look alright too, I guess,” you smirked. 
Neal shook his head and chuckled. 
Peter handed you an earpiece and a watch with a recording device. “Ready?” He asked. 
“Ready,” you nodded once. 
“Jones, Diana, and a few other agents are already inside. They’re waiting for my signal to take Stephen and Miranda down. You’ll be fine,” Peter assured you. 
“Thanks, boss,” you smirked. Peter rolled his eyes and smiled. 
You and Neal exited the van and crossed the street to the club. When you arrived at the front door he placed his hand on the small of your back and your stomach fluttered. This May be harder than I thought you said to yourself. You entered the club and saw people mingling and drinking, nothing suggested the nefarious dealings of the club owners. After you reached the bar and ordered drinks you covertly scanned the room for Miranda and Stephen. 
You leaned close to Neal and looked at him lovingly. 
“Miranda is on your six,” you said caressing the hair behind his ear. 
Neal took your hand resting on the bar and played with your fingers and gave you a soft smile. 
“Stephen is on the other side of the room, three o’clock. He looks interested,” he said and moved closer to you. 
Neal nuzzled your neck as his hand slid down your back and stopped just above your behind. You gasped as your stomach fluttered again. He looked up, made eye contact with Stephen, and smirked. You felt his heart beating rapidly against you. 
“You okay, Caffrey? Your heart’s beating awfully fast,” you whispered. 
“I’m fine. My heart always beats a little faster around you,” he pulled back and looked you in the eye. You gulped. “Stephen is signaling Miranda,” he said.
You pushed yourself even closer to him and rested your forehead on his shoulder. Your mind was reeling from his confession and you wondered if it was just part of the act. You raised your head and gave Miranda a shy look. She looked to your left and tilted her head towards you and Neal. 
You pulled away from Neal and looked at the floor.
“Miranda just signaled back. Do...do you mean it?” Neal lifted your chin with his index finger and you looked into his eyes. 
“Every word,” he replied with a soft smile and ran his thumb over your bottom lip.
You opened your mouth to speak but were interrupted by Stephen. 
“What a lovely couple,” Stephen gushed as he put a hand on one of your shoulders and the other on Neal’s. 
“Absolutely stunning,” Miranda replied and  looked you and Neal up and down. 
“Thank you,” you said shyly. 
“Can we buy you a drink?” Neal asked as he shifted and put his arm around your waist. 
“No need, we own the place,” Stephen bragged with a smile.  “Your drinks are on us,” he said, removing his hands from your shoulders. 
“Thanks so much,” you smiled and batted your eyelashes. 
“Yes, thank you. That’s very kind,” Neal smiled. 
“I’m Stephen Arthur and this is my other half and business partner, Miranda Digby,” he smiled and shook your hands.
“Pleasure to meet you both! I’m Nick Halden and this is my other half, Amanda Gordon,” Neal beamed. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” you smiled. 
“Miranda and Amanda! What a pair! I feel like we were destined to meet,” Miranda squealed. 
“Would you like to join us somewhere a little quieter so we can get to know each other?” Stephen asked. 
You looked at Neal and smiled. “What do you think, honey?”
Neal chuckled and pulled you closer to his side. “It sounds like a party,” He grinned. 
Stephen and Miranda led you into a private room. The red walls and low lighting were supposed to ooze sex appeal but to you it just felt sleazy. Stephen and Miranda took a seat in chairs in front of the coffee table and sofa. You and Neal made yourself comfortable on the sofa. You tried not to think of all the disgusting things that may have happened on it. 
“So, what brings you here?” Miranda asked as she crossed her legs. 
“We heard about this place through word of mouth. We’re new to this and a friend suggested we come here,” Neal said, putting his arm around your shoulders. 
“Oh really, who? Stephen asked as he shifted in his seat. 
“Greg Harrison,” Neal smiled. 
“How is Greg? He hasn’t been in for a while,” Miranda said. 
“He’s fine. He and Ariana found a lovely couple to spend time with,” Neal replied. 
“Oh, I’m glad. They are wonderful,” Miranda beamed. 
“So, would you mind telling us what you’re interested in,” Stephen asked as he ran his hand up and down Miranda’s thigh. 
“Well, Amanda was curious and I like to watch,” Neal said as he caressed your arm. 
You were going to kill Neal. You were going to get a snack because operations always made you hungry, then you were going to go to June’s and kill him. 
“It’s always the shy ones,” Stephen said and licked his bottom lip. 
“So you’ve never done this before,” Miranda asked. 
“Not with a couple, no,” Neal smirked.
“He’s watched me with men and women but never a couple. It’s something I’ve been dying to try,” you replied with a sultry look. 
Stephen rose from his chair and sat down beside you. “I think that can be arranged,” he said as he ran his thumb along your cheekbone. 
“Say when and where,” you replied in a breathy voice and looked down at his lips. 
“There’s just one teensy little thing,” Miranda interrupted as she swirled her glass around. 
“There is? What?” Neal asked. 
“The fee,” Miranda smiled. 
“Do you mean membership dues?” You asked. 
“There are those and the fee to be with us, specifically,” she replied. 
“How much?” Neal asked with an arched eyebrow. 
“$20,000. And don’t say you don’t have the money we have all of your bank information,” Miranda sat back in her chair with a smirk. 
“What?! How?!” You balked. 
“This handy device right here,” Stephen said and pulled some sort of skimmer or cloning device out of his pocket. 
“That’s right. Pay up or we inform your bosses and all your little friends on social media about all the naughty things you’re into,” Miranda smirked and crossed her arms. 
“Honey,” you looked at Neal and appeared scared out of your mind. “I can’t lose my job! My family follows me on some social media! They can’t find out about this!”
Neal kissed the top of your head. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Fine, we’ll pay,” he sighed. 
Miranda pulled her phone from her purse, entered something and showed the phone to you and Neal to verify your bank details. You both nodded. 
“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said with a cocky smirk. 
“FBI, put your hands up!” Diana and Jones yelled as they burst through the door with two other agents. 
Stephen and Miranda were marched out of the club. You and Neal followed behind them and the other agents. Once outside you took a deep breath and walked away from the commotion. 
“You okay?” Neal asked. 
“Yep,” you nodded. “Be honest with me. Did you really mean what you said in there?” You asked, looking Neal in the eye. 
“What? That I like to watch?” He asked with a smile. 
“Neeaallll. Be serious,” you tried to scold without laughing. 
“Okay, okay. Yes. I have a massive crush on you,” he admitted with a small smile.
“Oh,” you replied, looked down at the ground, and rubbed the tip of your shoe along the pavement. “I might just have a massive crush on you too.”
“Really?!” Neal grinned.
“Mhmm.” You shrugged and looked up at him. 
“Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?”
You took a deep breath, pretended to think about it, and exhaled.
“I’d love to,” you smiled. 
You both walked back towards the van. “We’ll have to look up the policy on co-workers dating while working for the FBI,” Neal said. 
“Let’s just see how this first date goes, Caffrey,” you laughed. 
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
If you decide to write bowers gang fan fiction again, could you do like a “bowers gang quarantine” basically what it be like being quarantined with them. I know it’s modern but like still
Y O we doin this right THE FUCK now. And I love the idea of doing this modern day! I actually got a modern Bowers Gang request ages ago that I always wanted to do but never got around to, so I’ll mix it in with this! (and maybe do it after this, who knows, quarantine got me feelin’ some type of way...)
This boy is so easily stressed out that he’s in constant need of a soothing activity to keep his mind busy
So you immediately introduce him to the world of face masks and bubble baths
And it’s like this boy has t r a n s f o r m e d
He’s constantly just GLOWING
But he still needs to keep his brain busy, face mask on and ready to go
Victor is an Animal Crossing baby right now
If he goes anywhere, his turquoise switch lite is always in hand
Everything going on has got him so stressed out, so he focuses 100% on his island (which is fucking beautiful at this point)
He then convinces you to get the game and a coral switch lite, and you also get to the point where you can’t put it down
The two of you can be found laying in bed all day visiting each other's islands, filling up your museums, and paying off your loans to Nook
(wearing face masks)
When he’s not playing Animal Crossing, he’s channeling all his energy into his doodles
With some encouragement from you, he starts streaming his art on Twitch and surprisingly gets a pretty good following
You love seeing all the support he’s getting on social media but you juuuuuuust can’t help yourself...
So you post a picture of him laying in bed, playing Animal Crossing with a bright green face mask on and his hair pushed back on Instagram
He’s embarrassed at first, but it eventually gets turned into a relatable meme and he honestly is quite proud of that
It can now be seen as a custom emote for his Twitch subscribers
(and as your phone lock screen)
Honestly couldn’t be happier to be on government mandated lockdown
(especially with you)
Belch is such a homebody so he is in complete bliss rn
The two of you spend most days snuggling, snacking, binging shows on Netflix and watching conspiracy theories on YouTube
Y’all watch so much tv at this point that you’ve actually moved the mattress into the living room and made it into a deluxe blanket fort
The two of you swore to start cooking more since you couldn’t go to restaurants anymore, but damn did Domino’s have some good ass coupons...
Long story short, you ordered pizzas more times than you’d care to admit
But whatever, self care, am I right???
Belch also used this time as an excuse to force you to learn about cars
He always said that if you were gonna drive one, you’d need to know how to fix it
You’d always figure out how to cute your way out of it, but not this time
There was n o  e s c a p e
He taught you to change your tires, headlights, oil, brake pads, check all your fluids, the air filter, E V E R Y T H I N G
By the time Belch was done with you, you were basically ready to open up your own auto shop
But then it was straight back to the blanket fort
And although Belch was straight vibin’ in quarantine, god did he miss driving
So he would take you on these nice midnight drives
Sure, he would blast music as loud as he could, but it was so relaxing to look at the stars and the occasional deer that passed by
Absolutely follows 0 of the rules at first
He’ll go to the grocery store if he damn well pleases whenever he damn well pleases
Even if he doesn’t need or want anything, the big ‘fuck you’ to government orders is enough for him
At first he just lounged around all day watching tv, but he finally started to get bored
So he started sneaking out of his house and into your bedroom despite the lockdown order
And as much as you wanted him with you, you refused to let him inside
You were a goody two shoes, what could you say? (but of course this is why Henry was drawn to you; he got off on tainting you any way he could)
So he persisted, but you could tell he was doing it mostly to be a jackass
Until one day he showed up looking like a lost puppy, so you caved
You were also a softie, what could you say?
Henry wouldn’t say it, but you knew the lockdown order had finally sunk in and he realized that he would have to be quarantined with his father
So you decided to be his safe haven (and his constant distraction)
You introduced him to your PS4 (he’d never had the luxury of having his own game system) and it opened up a whole new world for him
Games like Destiny and Red Dead Redemption really gave him an outlet and he especially loved that he could control what he did with his character in Red Dead
Which then led him to RPG games like Wolf Among Us and Until Dawn
The two of you would pull all nighters playing these games, constantly debating on which choice to make and how it would impact the story
And when you two weren’t playing games, the extra time quarantined together actually encouraged him to start opening up to you
So one minute the two of you might be swearing at a video game while the next you might be deep in conversation over a cozy cup of cocoa
You thought he was a nightmare before?
Well, I hope you’re prepared to handle him 24/7 for god knows how long
This boy is jumping off the fucking walls okay
And he can’t take it out on the Losers Club, so it has to come out somehow...
This motherfucker starts a prank channel on YouTube and decides that you are his target
Sometimes it’s as harmless as pretending he factory reset your iPhone
Sometimes it’s as infuriating as destroying your eyeshadow palettes and pressing sidewalk chalk into the pans
Sometimes it’s as terrifying as him chasing you around in a monster mask with a kitchen knife while you’re just trying to paint your damn nails
But no matter how pissed you get, he gives you that dumb stupid cute smirk you love to hate and kisses you, reminding you why you tolerate him in the first place
And as much as you think you can, you really can’t stay mad at him for long
Because when he isn’t devising more dubious schemes for internet views, he is alllllllll over you
Somehow being quarantined has amped up his testosterone an ungodly amount
And there’s only so much PornHub’s donated free subscriptions will take care of
But when all these fun and games finally come to a rest, Patrick is jumping off the walls in a completely different way
He has never had to be cooped up for so long, and his mental health disorders are really getting the best of him right now
It gets worse during the night, so you’ve started taking him out to stargaze to calm down
Afterwards, he finally starts to calm down and you actually get to spend some quality time with him
You’ve also found that puzzle games give him something to problem solve with rather than focus on his own labyrinth of a psyche
And in these moments the two of you can finally relax, listen to a creepy yet hilarious episode of Last Podcast On The Left, work on some sort of puzzle game, and enjoy some peace and fucking quiet for once
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sunsetika · 4 years
brainfart 1 - oisuga
oikawa meets suga after he comes home from japan. despite the uncertainty of their relationship, they could not help but fall deeper and deeper into each other.
I’m not sure if I’m ready to commit to a multi-chaptered fic just yet. The last time I wrote one was 2011 LMAO.
Hence, I’ll just type out an outline I’ve been wanting to work on for a while, now. Will I get to it? Maybe, maybe not. But dang, I want this to come to life so bad.
I kind of have the start down, but the in-betweens: not so much.
Sooooo if ya wanna see the outline, read away!
Setting: Winter 2022 (starts December), Tokyo + Miyagi
Oikawa: 28, still part of the Argentinian National Team
Sugawara: 28, teaches elementary students at a school in Sendai
Nearing Christmas, Oikawa was sent on a forced break after injuring his knee in a game. 
While his knee managed to heal, he overworked himself to the bone-his knee injury being the breaking point, Coach Blanco insisted that he needed this in order to come back a stronger player.
Oikawa decided to fly home to Japan. He decided to stay in a hotel in Tokyo for a brief period, enjoying the city’s bustling yuletide season.
One Friday night, while walking down the streets, he bumps into Sugawara. Suga mentions that he was just about to buy a drink and invites Oikawa.
They catch up, flirt, drink glasses of beer as the night draws to a close.
They touch upon Daichi getting married soon, and Iwaizumi settling down with a girlfriend, and kind of relish in heartbreak.
Suga mentions he was in Tokyo since he headed straight here as soon as he was able to leave the school, since he was incredibly stressed.
Oikawa takes Suga back to his hotel and they spend the night there (yes, they do).
Suga rises up early to head back to Sendai, since he has to grade some papers back in the school, despite it being a Saturday.
When it was sundown, Suga was surprised to see Oikawa waiting for him by the school gate. He pulls Suga and manages to drag him into Seijoh, sneaking in. Oikawa admits the small crush he had on Suga, while Suga returns the confession.
Here’s the muddy in-between lol
Suga & Oikawa meet up time to time, whether it was for a date or for a hookup. They never put a label.
Though they don’t live together, Oikawa stays at Suga’s apartment for long periods of time.
Oikawa helps coach Lil Tykes Volleyball Classroom again.
Suga receives an invitation to Daichi and Michimiya’s wedding, sending him to tears once more. Thankfully, Oikawa is there to help him through. Oikawa says ‘I love you,’ but Sugawara doesn’t say it back.
They grow more and more attached to each other, scaring Suga - he can’t go back to Argentina with Tooru (yes, first name basis now!!), and he doesn’t want to make him stay in Japan for him.
Oikawa knows this is a dead end, since he can’t make Koushi (!!!!!) stop teaching, since it’s his passion.
Long distance relationship is out of the question, since they’re not even in a relationship in the first place!!
One morning: “I want to be selfish, Tooru. I want to want you to stay.” Suga cries. “But I can’t bring myself to. Ever.”
Daichi sends the invitation to the wedding. Suga informs him to reserve a seat for 1.
Suga arrives alone at the wedding. He was happy for Daichi, but he was torn: he misses Oikawa, but is also glad that he decided not to bring him along, since bringing a plus 1 to a wedding means serious things.
To his surprise, Oikawa shows up (he contacted Daichi secretly). Suga is happy, and they dance together.
They continue to go out, being more and more attached to each other as the months pass by, but they don’t put a label on anything.
Oikawa and Suga finally tries to define “the relationship” - there is none. There doesn’t have to be any, since they know it won’t work out. Oikawa gets ready to go back to playing volleyball. They promise not to wait for each other, to move on. They’ll try to keep in touch.
The two agree to not see each other off when Oikawa leaves. They say their final goodbyes at Koushi’s doorstep.
Oikawa takes one last look before entering the departure area, hoping to find Suga, feeling a pain in his chest when he doesn’t.
Oikawa enters the departure area, just as Suga arrives outside, panting, but Oikawa was no where to be seen. He was too late.
Lots of time skips.
Suga and Oikawa try to keep in touch with their social media, but this dwindles as their schedules get busier.
Oikawa never settles down, but continues to hook up with different people. While he wasn’t trying to fill a void and simply enjoys the company, he keeps going back to Suga, wanting to see him, to feel him once again, and again, and again.
Though they don’t talk anymore, Oikawa constantly checks Suga’s Facebook, even liking some photos as he passes by them.
Suga tries to settle down. He eventually finds himself a girlfriend, whom he loves very much. They decided to marry, and they do. He looks at their wedding photo on his social media, staring long and hard at the notification: Liked By Tooru Oikawa
After three years of marriage, Suga’s wife files a divorce. Although Suga tried to fight for their marriage, his wife points out that she knows: she knows there’s someone else in his heart. She knows he’s never gotten over him. She knows. 
“And it’s okay.” She says. “I know you still love him.”
Suga’s (now ex-) wife tells him she understands admits that she still loves her best friend and wants to be with her.
His wife argues that they only married for the sake of tradition which hurts Suga, since he does still love his wife, but comes to terms with what was really missing - Oikawa. He eventually signs the papers, and divorce peacefully.
“I hope you’ll be happy someday, Koushi.” She says before bidding goodbye. “With Tooru.”
Oikawa notices the lack of updates from Suga - he probably lives a quiet life, now. Is his wife beautiful? I hope she’s kind to him. I wonder if they have kids. They’ll probably be as beautiful as Koushi.
It’s what he deserves.
Year 2037. Coach Jose Blanco passes away, and Oikawa is devastated and, for the first time in a while, unsure.Maybe he should coach. Maybe he should stop playing volleyball and live a normal life. Then, he decides that he needs another reset. Boarding the plane, he posts a photo on his social media: Going back home.
Suga's in the break room when he sees Oikawa’s post. He’s teaching high school now, and is the adviser and co-coach for the school’s volleyball club. He quickly scrambles, asking one of the teachers to substitute for him - it’s an emergency, he says. He hops onto a cab and heads to Sendai Airport, heart racing. I don’t even know what his exact arrival time is. What if it’s not in Sendai Airport? What if he comes home with a family? Would he even be glad to see me?
He gets off the cab and nervously waits on a bench across the entrance. Suga keeps checking Oikawa’s social media for updates, but there was none. Why can’t I message him?
Hours pass by and it’s already 10 in the evening when the next flock of people come out. Suga keeps his eyes peeled, and then - there he is.
Oikawa comes into the clearing, looking around. There’s no one with him, but Suga’s heart drops. He runs to Oikawa, tears threatening to spill.
“Koushi? What -”
Without shame, a crying Suga kisses Oikawa. After recovering from his shock, he returns the kiss, a sigh of relief leaving Suga’s lips.
After the kiss, they stand in each others arms, panting.
O: “What are you doing here?”  S: “Waiting for you you idiot - wait, you’re not married, are you? Oh my god, what have I done -” O: “I’m not, but you... You’re married, right?” S: [smiles and shows his bare left hand] “I’m not.”
Oikawa laughs, feeling all his emotions bubble out all at once. He spends the night at Suga’s once more, relishing in his lover’s arms, happy.
O: “I still don’t know what’ll happen from now on.” S: “We’ll make it work.” O: “I don’t know if I’m staying in Japan.” S: “We’ll make it work.” O: “Are you sure? I can’t take you away from what you love, Koushi. What if I decide to go back to Argentina -” S: “We’ll make it work.”
Suga holds Oikawa in a loving embrace, and Oikawa sighs at the warmth. Suga looks him in the eyes with reassurance and determination. “Besides...”
“It’s you, Tooru...” Suga plants a kiss on Oikawa’s forehead. “You’re the one I love.”
Sorry it’s so long & wordy HAHA.
Will edit this from time to time I guess??????????????? Or take this down when I decide to actually write a full fic??????????????????
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ohkiyo · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: Goshiki Tsutomu x Reader
warnings: none
word count: 2, 863
a/n: I got sidetracked so many times while writing this XD.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
shiratorizawa navigation || main navigation
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Rest days were very rare for members of any sports clubs, especially when a very important tournament is just right around the corner, and just as practices are good, taking a break and resting those tired muscles is very important as well. 
That is why, when Coach Washijou announce yesterday that they’d have the weekend off, members of Shiratorizawa’s boys’ volleyball club use it as an opportunity to finally do the plans they have been holding on for a while now.
Therefore, when Goshiki called you last night to tell you he’d be taking you on a date the next day, you were ecstatic. Letting out an excited squeal, startling your roommate in the process who was watching a movie while you jump around in your room, still talking to your boyfriend about your plans for your date. 
Your roommate was definitely looking at you funny, watching as you were talking so fast she couldn’t even understand what you were saying, so she just shook her head and continued watching her movie.
The two of you didn’t really plan anything extravagant, just a stroll around the mall or anything mundane, you don’t really care, you’re just glad you can finally have your boyfriend all by yourself for the whole day. Currently, the two of you were in your favorite clothes shop in one of Sendai’s malls, going through the various assortments of apparel they offer.
Browsing through the rack of sweaters and jacket, a certain clothing item caught your attention; you took it from the rack and giving it a closer look. It was a black colored hoodie, with a little animated bread with a smiley face and the words peanut butter printed just below it was the design, situated on the upper left part of the chest area. It was big, but you have always preferred clothes that were twice your size, they were more comfortable.
Going through the rack again, you saw another one, similar in color, a similar animated bread with the smiley face but this one says jelly, the position of the design was the same but it was smaller, closer to your size than the one you are currently holding.
Realizing that it was a couple hoodie, you walk up to your boyfriend and showed it to him.
“Tsutomu, look!” you said, holding up the two hoodies for him to see. He examines it, the cute design definitely catching his attention.
“Can we buy this?”
After paying for your items, the two of you went to the mall’s rooftop where restaurants with open areas were operating. It was mostly the go-to place for most shoppers since the tables were placed in an open space, surrounded by many potted plants and a beautiful fountain in the middle, not only that, the fresh air is a good addition as well if anyone wants to get away from the stuffy smell the mall’s air conditioners were usually giving.
“It looks so good” Goshiki said, as the server place your food on the table, you could feel your mouth watering just by the sight of it. Immediately digging into the plates of food, once everything you’ve ordered was served.
“(Y/n)-chan, have you tried this one yet?” Goshiki pointed at the plate of chicken in front of him, you shook your head, swallowing your food.
“It’s really good” he took a piece of chicken with his fork and feeding it to you, watching as you slowly chew on the piece of meat. Your eyes went wide, a little hum leaving your lips at the various flavors exploding in your mouth. 
It was just fried chicken, but it was a lot different from the ones you have had, probably because of the spices the cooks put during preparation.
“Tasty, right?” you nodded your head as he fed you another piece chuckling at how your cheeks were bulging with so much food.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, on a table, a few feet away were three pairs of eyes watching the exchange like a hawk.
“I didn’t know he has a girlfriend” Yamagata leaned forward as he squints his eyes, trying to have a closer look at the girl to see if he recognize her.
“She’s probably just a classmate” Reon said watching as his other three companions decided to ignore their food and focus more on the cute display of affection happening in front of them. 
It’s not even considered PDA, they were just sharing their food something people normally do, but for them, who had been around the first year far too long would know that this was new, even they were surprised. 
They know Goshiki is not good at talking to girls, they could clearly remember how he chokes on his own spit the other day when he was talking to one of the members of the girls’ volleyball team. 
“She’s probably more than just a classmate” Tendou wiggled his finger at them, sliding his plate towards Ushijima and telling him to finish it.
“A friend maybe? They look close” Semi offered, as both he and Yamagata followed Tendou’s action, Reon sweatdrop watching as the third-year captain silently accept all the foods being given to him. 
“What? No!” Tendou objected, an offended look on his face as if they had just insulted his favorite manga “You’re all clearly underestimating Tsutomu, he’s tall, he’s cute, he’s smart and good at sports. He’s like a mini Wakatoshi-kun if you ask me!”
“So, you think Wakatoshi is cute?” Yamagata raises an eyebrow at him, crossing his arms over his chest as Semi’s mouth formed into the widest grin Tendou has ever seen.
“You know he’s right over there, you could tell him that you have a crush-“ 
Tendou clamp a hand over Semi’s mouth as he sneaks a glance towards Ushijima who seemed to have not heard what any of them was saying, and was more invested in his food than pay them attention. He let out a sigh, before turning his head to the two.
“We don’t talk about that here”
Semi remove his hand a smirk on his face “Alright, but we’re going to have a discussion about it later”
“They’re leaving” 
They watch as the duo walk away, hand in hand, something that did not go unnoticed from their prying eyes.
“Guess they really were a couple”
"Told ya!”
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
"Hmm, what to watch" you tap your chin as you look at the various movie posters that were showing that day. The movie options weren't even that interesting to begin with, half of it was romance dramas while the others were just poor adaptations of movies from other countries. 
Goshiki let out a sigh, about to suggest that you do something else when another poster, all alone in the far corner of the wall, caught his eye.
"(Y/n)-chan look" he tugs at your blouse as you turn to look where he was pointing, you squint your eyes reading the details written on it. It was a promotional poster to this year's Eigasai [1], the list of movies to be shown were listed in bullet forms and the selected malls where it would be showing printed at the bottom.
"That's today" you look at your boyfriend who nodded his head and the two of you went back to the rooftop, walking towards the area where the screening for the Eigasai selected films were being held.
"Their movie line up this year is good" you muttered, as you read the titles of the multi-awarded films.  Recognizing how most of them were movies directed by famous directors.
"Let’s watch this one" Goshiki pointed at the poster, the title The Boy and The Beast catching your interest, you nodded your head as the both of you stood in line to get your tickets.
Once that was done, you made a quick purchase for your snacks before going inside the cinema, sitting in your designated area as you waited for the movie to start.
The projector was playing an ad as people slowly fill in the empty seats. You adjusted yourself in your seat, leaning back as the lights start to go dim, grabbing a few pieces of popcorn as the movie's intro starts playing.
Among many villages of beast in the world, the busiest is here, called Jutengai. The number of beast living here is about a hundred thousand.
“This is a very good way to start a movie” Goshiki commented eyes never leaving the screen as he took a sip of his drink. You nodded your head in agreement.
“I know, right?”
A long time leader among them proclaimed he shall retire and become a god. While pondering which god he shall be, since a new leader must be named should he decide, he ordered everyone to prepare a candidate.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
"That was probably the worst horror movie I've ever seen in my life" Semi grumbled stomping out of the cinema as he let out a huff “People were hyping it up so bad on social media, that I thought it was going to be exciting or something"
"That was definitely a flop" Tendou added shaking his head in disappointment.
"I demand a refund"
"I don't think that's possible Eita" Reon could only offer a pat on the back, before casting a glance at the second years who they had bumped into while waiting in line for their ticket "I think I saw Kenjirou fell asleep somewhere in the middle"
Shirabu shrugs his shoulders, moving his bangs away from his eyes to have a proper look at his upperclassman "It was boring"
"We should have just went to Eigasai instead" Kawanishi patted the giant poster displayed beside him. Popping a popcorn in his mouth as he watches Semi grab Tendou by the collar of his shirt and shaking him.
"You made me pay ¥1,800 [2] for a movie where I could've just watch it for free!"
"Now, now Eita-kun it was an honest mistake. We didn't know the film festival was today"
Tendou tries to explain but Semi just shook him harder, while an oddly pale-looking Yamagata stood beside Ushijima, not saying a single word since they had exited the cinema.
"Are you okay Hayato?" Ushijima asks, looking at him.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" he answered before a thought went through his head 'What the fuck you mean that movie was boring?! It was terrifying!' He had to resist the shiver running down his spine as he could still remember some scenes from the movie.
He was definitely having nightmares tonight.
“By the way. Have you seen Tsutomu today?” Tendou asks pulling Semi off of him “He’s on a date!”
The two second years raise an eyebrow “A date?”
“Yeah- look there he is!” the redhead stretch his hand and pointed to Goshiki and his date walking towards the escalator. Laughing amongst each other.
“C’mon let’s go!” he gathered them all and started pushing them towards the direction the two have gone, completely ignoring their protest.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
"I didn't know there was a park here" Goshiki mumbled a stunned look on his face as his eyes surveyed the area. It was big, a lot bigger than the ones near the neighborhood areas, there were gazebos, a picnic area where tables were already set up overlooking a wide lake with wild ducks swimming around. A playground at the far corner complete with a seesaw, a slide, a sandbox, and a jungle gym.
"Me neither" you added taking a seat in one of the many benches as a sudden realization hit you "Gosh we need to go out more. How long has it been since we went off campus?"
Goshiki thought for a moment before answering "2 months"
"2 months?!" you gaped at him, as he tried to recount the days but it stayed the same "How?"
"High school happened" the both of you let out a heavy exhale, pulling you closer to him as the two of you watch the rest of the park goers enjoying their afternoon.
“I had fun today Tsutomu-kun. Thank you” you said squeezing your boyfriend’s hand as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Really? I’m glad” he smiled down at you, planting a kiss on the crown of your head as he adjusted himself, resting his head on top of yours. 
“Tissue! Tissue!” 
“We don’t have any more tissues!”
Kawanishi sniffled, a pained groan leaving his lips as he sneezes once more. The itchy feeling in his nose irritating him as he took Shirabu’s offered handkerchief. 
Kawanishi raises his hand in a small wave as you frown, walking up to him while rummaging your bag for the tissue you had packed earlier.
“What are you doing standing near the flower beds? You know you’re allergic to them” you took hold of his wrist as you pulled him towards the picnic area where there were only grasses and trees present, the other following after you two.
“Sorry” he blew on his nose, as you gave him his antihistamine pill and a bottle of water. Semi doesn't even question why you're carrying an anti-allergy pill with you, he's just glad Kawanishi was immediately given some medication.
“You know her Taichi?” Tendou tilts his head to the side, eyes blinking in question.
Kawanishi nodded his head “She’s my younger cousin” he answered as he turned you to them, telling you to introduce yourself.
“Hello, my name’s (L/n) (Y/n) nice to meet you” you bowed as they introduce themselves to you one by one.
“You’re Tsutomu’s girlfriend, right? We saw you two earlier” you nodded your head, smiling at Yamagata as he started patting Goshiki on the back, while Tendou keeps on ruffling his hair until it was messy, saying something how he didn’t tell them that he has a cute girlfriend and why he didn't introduce you to them earlier.
You chuckled, turning your attention back to your cousin who's sniffles had finally calmed down. You gave him another piece of tissue, stepping to the side as a couple walks past your group. You scrunch up your nose as the familiar smell of strong perfume went up to your nostril, before a sneeze finally left your lips.
"You too?" Semi asks, growing worried by the second as a barrage of sneezes left your lips. Goshiki sitting you down beside your older cousin and offering you the almost empty tissue pack.
"It was the perfume" you wave your hand at the couple that was already a few feet away, but the smell of their perfume still lingering in the air.
Tendou and Shirabu had to pinch their nose, trying to prevent themselves from accidentally inhaling the scent as Yamagata tries to stop himself from gagging "I don't know what it was but it stinks"
Reon nodded as he tried to wave away the awful smell, while Ushijima doesn't even look affected in the slightest. You let out another sneeze rubbing your temple as you start to feel yourself getting a headache, Kawanishi doing the same.
Looks like it’s going to be a miserable weekend for the both of you.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
You stood beside the two coaches, a smile on your face, and a notebook in hand, as your eyes scanned the face of the new team you will be managing from now on. You had just finished introducing yourself to the team, waiting for Coach Washijou and Coach Saito to finish their pre-practice reminders.
“Starting today she will be your new manager so don't screw it up!" 
"Yes sir!" was their collective reply as Coach Washijou nodded his head, satisfied at the energy they seem to possess.
"Good, now start warming up. We're starting with spiking drills today"
With that, they disperse and walk over to their own area and started stretching. Thoroughly preparing their body for the strenuous exercise they will be doing today.
"It's funny how we just met (Y/n) a few days ago and now she's our manager" Reon mused, as he twists his body to the side.
"I offered the position to her" Ushijima said as they look at him "Shirabu mentioned that she's an outstanding student and I think she would be a good addition to the team. Someone reliable to help take care of everyone"
"You're fast"
"It would be a shame if she were to manage a different a club, and also..." he pauses meeting their eyes as his lips twitch into one of those rare smiles they have seen "... She would be an excellent motivator for Goshiki"
He motioned his head to where the two first years were talking to each other, Goshiki was sporting a very wide smile on his face, visibly vibrating on the spot as the girl wrap his fingers with some tape. Which was odd, he doesn’t even tape his fingers.
Probably an excuse to talk to her more.
"They're cute together aren't they?" Semi commented, watching as Goshiki sneakily gave his girlfriend a peck on the forehead before jogging towards the court.
"Yes they are" Tendou nodded his head, as silence enveloped the both of them before Semi spoke up again.
"So... about your crush on Wakatoshi"
"Eita-kun, shh!"
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
[1] Eigasai is a Japanese film festival held every August, I think. They would have screenings of the best Japanese films animated or not, and the best thing about it, it’s free! You just have to make the effort to wait in line. I search up google and unfortunately, it’s an event only available in my country, at least that’s what it said, but just for the sake of this story, I decided to include Japan as well. hehehe
[2] According to Google, that’s the actual price for movie tickets in Japan.
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Good Girl
Pairing: Chris Evans x black!reader
Summary: The reader acts up at a party and a Chris decides to do something about.
Warnings: Smut of course 😏
A/N: Apparently I have a thing about writing Chris in secret relationships. This fic was inspired by the photo below 👇🏿
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Oh shit, you were fucked! He stood there angry in his all white linen suit with his drink in his hand.
You should’ve known better not to piss him off like that, but when the party started you were in a petty mood. Chris and you had some little argument that you couldn’t even remembered what it was about before your party and being your petty little self, you decided to make him jealous.
There was a bunch of celebrities at your pool party and you spent most of your time twerking on Drake. To everyone else that was normal, but to Chris you were crossing a line. No one knew that you two were a couple, because as a renowned club owner you didn’t want to get involve with any celebrity and it’s also fun to sneak around at events.
“Y/N/N, where’s somewhere quiet I can go? My agent won’t stop calling me?” His fake niceness had you scared. There was no way you were gonna fall for that.
“Anywhere upstairs is fine. But fair warning, if you end up in my room, don’t judge me.” You turned back to continue your conversation with your friends, but Chris wasn’t easily deterred.
“How about you be my guide and that won’t happen?” His smile was inviting, but you had to be strong.
As you were trying to say no, Megan was standing behind him, mimicking the cowgirl position, mouthing to you to “Tap that.”
To get Megan to stop and knowing you’d be in even more trouble if you told Chris no, you escorted him upstairs.
Chris had to restrain himself walking up the stairs behind you. All his attention was on the curve of your ass and how it was eating up your bikini bottoms.
“Walking slow won’t stop your punishment. In fact, the longer you make me wait, the harsher it’ll be.” Chris informed you, catching onto your reason for going up the stairs so slow.
Wanting to get it over with, you ran up the rest of the way up to your room. Once you were inside, Chris didn’t say a word. He just stared at you while rolling up his sleeves.
“You can’t spank me this time. The marks would show and I’m not covering up. This bikini is too cute.” You tried to establish some semblance of dominance.
Still Chris didn’t say a word. He just quirked an eyebrow that said, “Oh really?” Chris gently pushed you to your knees, pulling out his hardened length.
You already knew the punishment and assumed the position, hands on your thighs and mouth open. Chris pushed his stiffened dick in your mouth and begun to throat fuck you.
Thanks to all your training, you were able to fit him all the way in your mouth, but he was still brutal with his thrusts and you loved it. “Since you wanna act like a slut, I’m gonna treat you like one.” Chris grunted above you.
His strokes reminded you of how he treats your pussy, rough and methodical. You had to dig your nails into your thighs to stop them from dipping inside your bikini bottoms; you didn’t need to get into anymore trouble with Chris.
Chris’ eyes dipped down to you and he darkly chuckled at your struggle. He pulled out of your mouth with an audible pop and leaned towards your face, gripping the sides tightly. “Awww, look at the little slut. Me fucking your throat made your tight little pussy wet, huh? You want me to fuck that pussy, don’t you?”
“Yes, daddy,” you whimpered.
He spit in your mouth and shoved his thumb inside for you to suck. “Well, who am I to deny my baby girl? Get on the bed.”
Quickly, you jumped to your feet and laid on the bed. Not too long after, Chris stripped down and joined you on the bed. You didn’t get to admire the work of an art he calls a body, because he flipped you over on your stomach. With his teeth he untied your bikini and pulled it off.
Once you were completely naked, he ordered you to arch your back. Chris wasted no time and slammed into you, almost causing you to cum right at that moment.
Gripping the back of your neck, Chris grunted in your ear, “Don’t you dare fucking cum until I say you can.”
A muffled ‘yes sir’ escaped your lips and Chris resumed his pace. By the way he was fucking you, you could tell this was all about his pleasure, but you were still enjoying it. Subconsciously, Chris always assured you were pleased when you were in trouble with him, that’s why you were always being a brat.
“Can I- cann can I- can I please cum?” You begged through Chris’s masterful strokes.
“Hell no! Only good girls who know who they belong to can cum. Did you really think I let you cum after you shaking your ass on another man in front of me? Oh sweetheart, that’s adorable,” Chris taunted.
Aware that he was running low on time before your party guests would be curious about where you and Chris was at, he began chasing his release. The sound of you begging him over and over again pushed him over the edge, making him paint your walls with his nut.
All he wanted to do is bask in his post-nut afterglow and cuddle with you, but y’all had a party to get and your punishment still wasn’t over. So, regretfully he got up and went to get a towel to clean you up.
After he made sure you were good, he got dressed again and came to sloppily kiss you, taking your breath away. “Get dressed and be downstairs in five minutes. If you’re not, you’ll get a repeat of what just happened all night long.” He threatened with a squeeze of your neck before walking back downstairs.
Hurriedly, you put your bikini back on, which was torture because it rubbed against your sensitive clit. You spent your last minute looking for one more piece of clothing before heading back outside. Luckily, you found it in the nick of time, because you knew Chris would be timing you and if you were even a second late, he would make good on his promise.
Chris’ eyes lit up when he saw you. He had to fight the smirk on his face when he noticed you in a swimsuit sarong. Even without him saying anything, he knew he had an influence on you.
Desperately, you wanted to curl up next to him and hang on his arm, but you couldn’t. So, you settled for the next best thing: randomly popping up in conversations he had. Chris was social so, he talked to various groups of people and you being the hostess gave you the perfect opportunity to suddenly appear in those groups.
It was becoming so frequent that Meg began to notice, but she kept her mouth quiet until you started to pretend to be sick. “Bitch, ain’t nothing wrong with you. You just trying to get rid of everyone so you can have Chris all to yourself.”
“How’d you know?” You whispered.
Meg scrunched up her face and laughed at you, pulling you away from the rest of your guests. “Girl, you’ve been near him since he’d broke your back upstairs. Who knew Captain America was so nasty?”
Your jaw dropped at her revelation. “Your secret is safe with me. I’m just mad you ain’t tell me sooner. How long y’all two been together?”
“A couple of months.”
“Well, I guess I understand why y’all keeping it a secret. Don’t want the media all in your business.”
“Exactly! And the sneaking around makes the sex so much better.” Both you and Megan laughed so loud at your joke that y’all made people look at y’all to see what was so funny.
“Since, you figured us out can you do me a huge favor?” You asked with puppy dog eyes and a pout.
Your friend laughed at you because she already knew what the favor was. “Start telling people you don’t feel well and get them the hell up out your house?” Enthusiastically you shook your head yes. “Girl, I got you. Go lay on a lounge chair and I’ll start clearing out.”
Thankful that you had a great friend in Megan, you laid on the chair, appearing sick.
“Alright y’all, now y’all don’t have to go home but you got to get the hell up out of here! My bestie don’t feel good and y’all gots to go!” You had to hold back your smile after listening to Meg’s announcement.
Everyone understood and started to file out. Some would stop by to tell you to feel better and walk off, but one person decided to sit in the chair next to you, blocking the sun. “You’re something else. You know that right?”
Cracking one eye open you peeked at your boyfriend and smiled at him. “How else am I gonna get you alone? And I really do feel sick.”
Chris laid his hand against your forehead. “Huh, you don’t have a fever. What kind of sickness is this?”
“It’s perpetual horiness and can only be cured by penetration from the patient’s boyfriend.”
The way the two of you were seated had other’s view of what you were doing blocked. Grabbing his hand, you slipped it in your bottoms for him to feel how horny he left you. “See daddy, you got me all wet. You just gonna let your baby girl suffer like this?”
He couldn’t resist you or himself anymore. Chris had to see you cum, and it was going to be because of him. “No, I won’t. Lay back and let daddy take care of you.” Chris ordered, just before he started fingering you.
His fingers were hitting the right spot, making you quiver so hard you leaned into Chris, gripped his forearm and cover your mouth with it to quiet your moans.
Both of you were too caught up in chasing your pleasure that you didn’t notice Sebastian and Anthony approach you.
“Oh wow, you don’t look or sound too hot Y/N,” Anthony commented, mistaking your moan of pleasure for one of pain.
Instead of letting you talk, Chris responded. “Yeah that’s why I’m gotta stay back and make her some of my mom’s famous tomato soup.”
Sebastian winced at the mention of Chris taking care of you. “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing. One time I got sick on set and Chris went total mother hen on me. So, don’t be surprised when your ready to kick him out.”
Just to ensure you didn’t let a moan slip out, you offered them a small smile. The boys talked a little bit more with Chris before finally leaving.
Once they were out of earshot you punched Chris in his shoulder. “Did you really have to keep fingering me while you talked to them?”
“C’mon don’t pretend like you didn’t like it,” Chris smirked at you. “I bet that turned you on even more.”
You hid your face in the crook of his arm because you didn’t want him to know that he was right. Something about him fucking you while talking to his friends turned you on.
When you didn’t respond to him, Chris moved his fingers faster and started circling your clit. Your orgasm hit you like a freight train and this time you actually bit into his arm to stop you from screaming out in ecstasy.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful when you cum. Daddy’s gonna take care if you all night, ok?” Chris pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Alright, the house is cleared out and I’m about to head out. Have fun, you nasties,” Megan announced.
You and Chris both thanked Megan and told her goodbye. As soon as you heard the door closed Chris picked you up and ran up the stairs.
He threw you on the bed and began to strip. “You’re gonna be a good girl from now on? Cause daddy doesn’t like punishing you.”
Licking your lips, you crawled off the bed and help Chris take off his pants. “Yes, daddy. I’ll be good.”
Chris cupped your cheek and kissed you deeply. “Good. Now get naked and get that pretty ass in the bed, so daddy can take care of you properly.”
This time you eagerly followed Chris’ instructions, knowing being a good girl would get you exactly what you wanted.
Tags: @chaneajoyyy @chrisevansbabymama @titty-teetee @cocooned-butterfly @twistedcharismaaa @soufcakmistress
442 notes · View notes
older-brother-kit · 4 years
TSMC ch. 3
I’m back with chapter 3! In this chapter: Everything goes horribly wrong, but something good comes out of it. Or does it...?
Here’s chapter 1 on AO3 and on tumblr, here’s chapter 2 on AO3 and on tumblr, and here is this chapter on AO3! Let me know by comment, reblog, or tags if you want to be added to the tag list for this story, and please let me know what you thought because I really appreciate it!!
The Sibling Matchmakers Club 
Chapter 3: By the Angel
Mina was happy to say that she was enjoying her time at camp. After two weeks she’d made a great friend, figured out she was good at soccer, learned how to do origami, and started a prank war. 
Ah, right. The prank war. Now Mina enjoyed pranks as much as the next person -ok, maybe a little bit more, and she would blame Kit for that- but Lucie and James had made it a little too personal. Mina had arranged the first prank because she thought they’d all be able to laugh about it and become better friends afterwards, but instead James and Lucie had gotten fired up and started fighting for real. At this point, it had gotten way out of Mina’s control.
Not that she had tried stopping it in the first place. While she’d tried talking with James and Lucie separately about how they could prank each other and still be friends, neither of them had wanted to listen. Mina quickly gave up, but decided that it wouldn’t stop her from having fun and helping Lucie out. 
Though for once, Mina wasn’t doing a prank. Today was Saturday, and every Saturday the kids got to call their family back home. Mina actually owned a cell phone, a small model that her dad had been very hesitant to give her. He had thought she was too young for one for the longest time, but had rethought it after an incident where she got lost at the mall and couldn’t find him. Kit had promised to make sure Mina wouldn’t have any bad social media or weird apps if she got one, and so Mina was given the phone a week before heading out to Camp Clover. The camp’s policy was no electronics though, so Mina hadn’t used it much. Even before camp, she really only used it for calling her family and her friend Tavvy.
On Saturdays, she used it to call her dad. Jem always made sure to make time to answer Mina’s call, and Kit usually liked to make loud comments in the background. At the end, they’d both tell her they missed her and say I love you and their goodbyes. Mina was having a lot of fun with Lucie and James and the Lightwoods, but she looked forward to Saturdays the most.
Mina was startled when the phone in her hand started to ring before she even pressed the call button. It was usually her dad who called, but this time it was Kit’s name and picture that flashed across the screen. “Hello?” 
“Min-Min!” Kit’s voice rang loud and clear, and Mina smiled widely without even thinking about it. “I thought I’d try to catch you before you called Dad, since you usually call around this time.” His voice lost some of its energy, and she could picture the strained look on his face. “There was an emergency at the hospital and he couldn’t leave, so he can’t call today Mina. I’m sorry.”
Mina sighed, her smile quickly fading. Her dad loved them both and always tried to make time to spend with his children, but she knew that being a doctor was a demanding job and he couldn’t always be there. Growing up, they were often babysat by different family friends until Kit was old enough to look after them both on his own. 
“It’s ok,” Mina said, telling herself that at least she got to talk with her brother. “I’m happy I can still talk to you.”
There was a slight pause, and when Kit spoke she could tell he was smiling. “A smooth talker as always, Mina. So, how’s that prank war going? Did you and Lucie finally win?”
Mina perked up, and spent the next few minutes recounting her most recent successes and failures. Recently they had managed to get help and put the boys’ beds outside of their cabin, but then they had snuck a whole handful of fake spiders into Mina and Lucie’s beds. Grace and Paige hadn’t been very happy about Mina and Lucie’s sudden screams, and neither did the other side of the cabin. Mina had a feeling they were slowly getting fed up with the prank war going on, but Mina had no plans to stop anytime soon. If there was anything her dad had taught her, it was to not give up.
If there was anything Kit had taught her, it was that when it came to pranks you had to start small and work your way up to the big stuff. For Mina, the big stuff was only just beginning.
“We already have our next prank planned out,” she told Kit proudly. “It’ll be like the first prank we did, but better. There’s going to be maple syrup and-”
Mina’s cabin counselor Jessamine, who had been standing at the corner supervising the phone call, gave her a look.
Mina cleared her throat. “I mean, nothing. We’re not going to do any pranks or anything with maple syrup, because that would be bad.” She heard Kit snort.
The counselor sighed and checked her watch. “Hurry it up,” she said, nodding to the door. “The lunch bell is going to ring soon.”
“Sorry, I’ll have to end the call soon.” Mina said. “How is Dad doing?”
Kit sighed. “He’s still overworking himself at the hospital, so basically what he’s been doing since you went to camp. Then of course there’s that horrible-” Kit gasped suddenly. “Mina,” he whispered in a low tone. “You have no idea, I totally forgot he hasn’t told you yet. I know he wanted to wait to tell you in person, but you have to know. There’s this woman named-”
The lunch bell rang, and Mina heard shouts from outside her cabin about how excited they were for today’s lunch. Apparently, today they had hotdogs and hamburgers. Mina jumped up from where she had been leaning against the wall.
“I have to go!” She interrupted, and felt a little bad about it, but it was hotdogs and hamburgers today. Plus, Lucie and Mina had to finish eating early in order for today’s prank to work. There was no way she could be late. “It’s lunchtime, sorry. Bye, love you!”
“Wait, Mina-” Kit’s voice cut off as Mina quickly hung up the phone before handing it to Jessamine and rushing out the door. Normally she’d try to find Lucie first, but she bet that Lucie was already on her way to the dining hall. 
Kit had mentioned a woman. Her dad had actually talked about someone that he wanted Mina to meet when she got back to camp, but Mina hadn’t known it was a lady. It was probably normal for Mina to be worried, to think that maybe her dad was seeing someone, but that was silly.
Mina’s dad never dated, so Mina wasn’t concerned at all. As she ran to the dining hall and caught sight of Lucie, her spirits only lifted. 
“We have to finish quickly,” Lucie told Mina quietly, slathering ketchup on her hotdog. She ignored Mina trying to hide her wince at the amount. The dining hall had been mostly out of ketchup, but they’d gotten there early enough for Lucie to snatch some off of the other tables undetected. “You said yourself that the key for the prank was time.” 
Mina nodded silently, having just taken a bite of her hamburger. She swallowed and coughed for a second before taking a sip of her apple juice. “I might be eating too fast.” she said sheepishly. “Though as long as we finish before James and Thomas and Christopher get here, we’re fine.”
The two of them ate at a faster pace than usual so that they could get back to their cabin and prepare their prank, though Lucie noticed that she didn’t see James or the Lightwoods anywhere. They’re just late, Lucie thought. Christopher probably exploded something again and they’re cleaning it up. Christopher Lightwood might be a genius, but his experiments often caused something to catch on fire. 
Mina stood up with her empty plate, and Lucie did the same. The two of them grinned at each other in excitement as they put their plates onto the dirty dishes cart and walked out of the dining hall.
“You remember the plan?” Mina asked, and Lucie gave an enthusiastic nod. 
They were going to sneak into the boys’ cabin while they were still eating lunch, and cover their entire side with maple syrup and mustard. An odd combination, but today at lunch Lucie had remembered that James hated mustard. Mina had thought it was a brilliant addition, and a step up from only using the maple syrup Mina had taken at breakfast. If any of the food workers noticed their disappearances, they didn’t say anything.
“Lucie,” Mina said suddenly, and Lucie snapped out of her thoughts to look at her. 
“What?” she asked, and Mina pointed to their cabin where Grace and Paige were about to enter. “What, that they’re here? You know they like to wait and have lunch later.”
Mina quickly shook her head. “The bushes,” she said hurriedly. “Do you see them?”
Lucie looked at the bushes next to their cabin and her face paled. “Oh no,” she whispered, and both she and Lucie started running to the door.
James and the Lightwoods were sitting in the bushes, mostly hidden by the thick leaves. They didn’t seem to notice Grace and Paige’s approach.
“Wait!” Lucie called out to the two girls. “Hey, wait a second!” They ignored her, as per usual.
James glanced over, and his eyes widened as he saw Grace grab the door handle. He quickly jumped out of his hiding spot and reached towards her. “Hey, don’t open-”
It was too late. Grace opened the door and her and Paige walked through. For a split second Lucie thought that maybe nothing bad would happen after all, but the second ended quickly. A huge bucket full of a thick, red substance, tipped over and onto both girls’ heads. Lucie, Mina, and James looked at each other in horror. There had been an unspoken agreement not to get the others into it, and now they had gotten the worst people possible involved.
Grace and Paige screamed, and James immediately ran up to them. “I’m so sorry,” he said frantically, trying to wipe some of the substance out of Grace’s hair. He just smeared it in more. “I am so sorry, please don’t tell on us.”
Thomas and Christopher stumbled out of the bush, their faces shocked as they surveyed the scene. “Do you think they like ketchup?” Christopher pondered. 
So that’s why the dining hall was out of ketchup, Lucie thought, and had the urge to laugh. 
“Hey!” a voice yelled, and Lucie turned around to see her camp counselor storming over to them. “What happened here?!” Jessamine demanded. 
James looked terrified. “Uh, I-” he stuttered. “It’s not what it looks like, we were just-”
“Just what?” Jessamine spit out. “Look at what you’ve done!” she gestured to Grace and Paige. Paige was bawling her eyes out, and Grace was glaring at them all with an intense hatred that made Lucie unconsciously take a step back.
“We didn’t mean to,” Lucie spoke up, feeling brave. She and Mina were the ones who started the prank war, after all. It wasn’t fair for James to be the only one yelled at, even if his prank was the one that got them caught. “We were just trying to have some fun.”
Jessamine turned to look at her. “Oh, I know all about your fun.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, and Lucie exchanged nervous glances with Mina. James tried to help Grace get the ketchup off again, but she slapped his hand away and he stepped back. “We’ve all been letting it slide because it wasn’t hurting anyone and you always cleaned up your own messes, but this has gone too far.” 
“But-” Mina tried.
“Save it,” her counselor said, then her gaze moved to the three boys. “Now which one of you did this?”
There was a short moment of silence before James raised his hand. “Me,” he said. “I planned it and set it all up.”
“Hey, wait a minute!” Thomas protested. James gave him a look, and Thomas stopped talking.
“I did all of them myself, all of the pranks,” James announced. “Christopher and Thomas were just here to watch.”
Jessamine sighed. “Come on, then,” she said as she started to walk in the direction of the main building. She stopped to look at Lucie and Mina. “You too. All three of you are in trouble.”
Lucie slowly started to walk with them. “This isn’t good,” she mumbled to herself. This wasn’t good at all. 
All James wanted was for them not to call his mom. Please, he thought, as he imagined the disappointment in her voice. Anything but that.
The three of them were now being led to an older cabin that was a ways off from the main cabin area, having stopped the main building and then their own cabins to get all of their stuff first. Thomas had looked guilty and both he and Christopher had apologized, but James had told them it was ok. James wasn’t looking forward to the punishment, but he was happy that he was at least able to save his friends from getting trouble.
James looked at the girls nervously. Originally they had tried to avoid talking to him, but Lucie had quickly given up and started making comments under her breath to them both.
“Is she taking us to an abandoned cabin to kill us?” Lucie whispered, kicking at some grass.
“No,” James argued quietly. “Our parents would never let them.”
Mina frowned and adjusted her ponytail. “She wouldn’t do that in the first place,” she said, but James saw her put her hands behind her back to hide the fidgeting. 
“Alright!” Jessamine announced, stopping as they reached the front door. “I discussed it with the other counselors, and your punishment is to stay here for the next week.”
“Here?” Mina asked, her voice cracking. She cleared her throat. “I mean, isn’t it too old? What if it collapses or something?”
“It won’t,” the counselor said confidently, but Mina didn’t look satisfied. “The three of you are going to stay here all week, only coming out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
Lucie gasped. “We can’t stay in here all week, what are we supposed to do for fun?”
Jessamine gave her a look. “Talk to each other without fighting or pranking each other, maybe? Just a thought.”
“Hold on,” James said slowly, processing her words. “All three of us?”
“Yes, that’s what I said. All three of you, together, with only each other for company.” She paused, as to let the information sink in. “Well, you better get inside and start putting your things away! A counselor will come to escort you to dinner once the time comes, but other than that you shouldn’t be leaving the cabin.” 
“No buts!” The three of them were pushed inside the old cabin, and the door creaked as it shut in their faces. 
James looked around at the inside of their living space for the week, frowning at all the dust. “This place looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in a year.”
Lucie sighed and walked over to the right bunk bed, flopping herself down dramatically on the bottom bunk. She didn’t seem to mind the dust getting onto her clothes. 
“Probably because it hasn’t.” Mina pointed out, and sat next to Lucie. James sat down on the bottom bunk of the left bunk bed, making sure to wipe off the dust first. 
“I guess we should start putting things away,” he muttered glumly. 
Mina looked around the cabin and fiddled with her shirt again. “You don’t… You don’t think this place is haunted, do you?” she asked in a small voice. 
With the way they’d been fighting recently, James would’ve normally made a joke or snarky comment, but Mina looked genuinely scared. He found that he couldn’t help but want to make her feel better.
“It’s ok,” James assured her. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s definitely not haunted.”
Mina gave him a nervous smile, and they all started unpacking their things. Once James had his bedsheets on and his clothes put away into the tallest drawers, he sat on his bed to take a break.
He turned to Mina, who had finished putting away her things first and was now watching Lucie struggle to fit all of her clothes in her designated drawers. “Hey,” James said, and Mina looked up. “Why did you start the pranks, anyway? Wasn’t it you that had the idea?” At this point he wasn’t mad, just curious.
“Yup, it was me,” Mina said proudly. “My older brother likes pranks, so I already knew a few and what to do for them.” She paused and then stood up suddenly, her face bright. “Oh wait, I have a picture of him I can show you!”
James leaned forward in interest as Mina picked up her bag then sat back down and began to dig through it. Lucie had given up messing with her clothes and moved to join Mina on the bed. 
“Aha!” Mina exclaimed, and she pulled out a picture and showed it to Lucie. She gestured at James to join them, and he carefully walked over and sat down next to them on the bed. 
Mina handed the picture to him. There was a teenage boy with bright blond hair and light blue eyes smiling at the camera. “That’s Kit,” Mina said. “His full first name is actually Christopher, but no one ever calls him that.” Kit was sitting next to Mina by a big pool, and they were both smiling without a care in the world. 
“I wish I had an older brother,” Lucie said wistfully, and James nodded in agreement. He wished that he had an older brother, but really he just wished he had any sibling at all.
“My dad took the picture, that’s why he’s not in it.” Mina explained. “I don’t think I have --oh wait, I do!” She went back to her bag, and after a minute took out another picture. 
It was a strange picture. The ink was messed up a bit in places and it seemed a little old, but the weirdest thing about it was that it was ripped on one side. Ripped on one side, James thought, and an idea popped into his head. He rejected it immediately. No, that would be crazy.
“It’s him on his wedding day,” Mina said, and turned the picture over so they could see. The man himself didn’t look familiar, but the flower bushes in the background did. 
There’s no way, James told himself. It has to be a coincidence. 
Lucie was suspiciously quiet, and James turned to face her. “Mina,” she said, her face oddly serious. “Do you… Do you know who your other parent is?”
Mina looked surprised at the question. “No,” she said. “My dad never wanted to tell me. Look, he even ripped them out of the picture.”
“Huh,” Lucie said, looking like she was about to faint. “Mina, I have that same picture, but of my papa and ripped on the other side.”
“What?” James asked incredulously, his heart beating in his chest. “But that’s- I have the same picture but of my mom and ripped on both sides!”
Mina and Lucie looked at him and each other for a moment, and he knew his face must be mirroring theirs of shock.
“I have it!” Lucie suddenly shouted, then lowered her voice and looked at them. “I have the picture,” she blurted out, and dove for her bag.
“There’s no way,” James breathed as he reached to grab his own bag from his bed. “It can’t be!”
He and Lucie hastily pulled out their own pictures, holding them close to their chest. “On three?” Mina suggested quietly, her eyes filled with excitement and something that James thought might be hope. She put her picture down gently on the bed, face up. 
James and Lucie slammed their pictures down next to Mina’s, and James felt like bursting into tears.
The pictures fit together perfectly, like pieces of the most finely crafted puzzle. James’s mom was there in her wedding gown, two handsome men in suits standing next to her and on each arm. All three of the adults were grinning, and they all had on the same ring.
“By the angel,” Lucie whispered, and James didn’t even question the odd saying that he’d previously thought was something only he and his mother said.
“Are we siblings?” James asked, and he pinched himself just in case this was all a dream so that he could wake up. It didn’t work.
“This is impossible!” Mina said, putting a hand on her forehead. “I’m so confused.”
As James looked at how neatly the pictures all combined into one, he couldn’t help but agree.
Thank you reading, let me know if you enjoyed!
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