#in other news yes i WILL be rereading the novel
gottagobuycheese · 2 years
okay admittedly this whole situation does suck somewhat and I definitely thought I’d be able to use this time to catch up on Real Work instead of just laying around in bed all day but there is something a little bit hilarious at watching everyone in the household struggle with all their might to open the same bottle of children’s cough syrup
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itscherrylipsforme · 6 months
A love story yet to be written: Jason Todd x Vigilante!bookworm!fem!reader
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Summary: The mysterious Red Hood has been your loyal teammate since you became another one of Gotham's vigilantes. Many literature puns and "subtle" flirty comments later, he has decided that it's time to meet you when you two are not covered by the city's darkness and your secret identities
Warnings: Just dozens of references to my fave classic lit authors and novels
Requested: yes
Words: About 1570
Author rambles: God, this has been on my drafts for so long. Glad I was finally able to publish it. Thanks to the anon who sent the request, hope you like it 🫶🏼
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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Gotham’s skies were pitch black when you submerged, like every twilight, in its streets and roofs. Masked face, combat boots, dark sweater and jeans paired with a black leather jacket and a bulletproof vest under all of it. Pointed daggers on your belt, a pair of guns attached to your back harness just in case. Being a vigilante was not an easy side job, but you needed to do it.
Some people simply can’t watch their whole world fall apart and stare blankly. And you would certainly not stay back when your beloved city was drowning in corruption and crime. Growing up you had always been aware that they were others protecting you. Batman, Robin, and the other peculiar crime fighters that had joined them with the pass of time. But being honest, Gotham was a criminals dump, and all the help they could get counted.
 So, you decided to do you your bit. Trained hard, learned how to hide in the shadows and started to feel that what you did matter to your people. Recognition was not long in coming, although fame was not what you were after anyway. One night a camera caught you beating up one bastard who was trying to assault a young girl, next day you were on the news. Dusk they called you and you were not annoyed by the nickname, it suited you in a certain way.
You soon became another no-faced admired warrior to your neighbours. Not bad for the girl who used to be bookworm theatre kid back in High School. Becoming one of Gotham’s saviours was not one of your dreams job as a child, but life has surprising turns waiting for us. What was even more unexpected is that you ended up meeting one of the other vigilantes and that he had become an interesting fellow during the otherwise solitaire superhero’s nights.
“Nice to see you here in the dead vast and middle of the night, darling” He greeted you, after hearing your feet landing in the same rooftop he was in. Didn’t matter if he was backwards, you had started to think he had developed a sixth sense to notice your presence. You could almost bet he was smiling bellow his metallic helmet.
“Good night, Hodd” You answered coming by his side. “Shakespeare, wasn’t it?”
“Smart girl. Hamlet, more precisely” You agreeded “You arrived later than you use to”
“Missed me, geekie boy?” A little chuckle broke the silence of Gotham.
“Of course I did! I would not wish any companion in the world but you” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, his gaze locked in the city’s sky. “And admit it, you are as much a nerd as I am”
“The Tempest? Have you been rereading Uncle Willy’s plays again?” The question ended up sounding like a half-joke half-teasing “And you are right, bookworm and proud. We wouldn’t get along so easily if I weren’t. I declare after all that there is no enjoyment like reading”
A slow nod was the only answer you received. You were certain that a smile was decorating his face at the moment. But not in a million of years you could have imagined that his usual smirk was now followed by a pinkish tone in his cheeks. How long he had been like this around you? He couldn’t recall exactly. This flirting slightly hided between book quotes and glances had been part of your friendship for quite sometime now.
The only problem? He couldn’t bear with being just a friend anymore. When it had all started? He didn’t know. Maybe the night he met you. And when the two of you started patrolling together like every other night, he couldn’t help coming back to those sweet memories still fresh on his mind.
“Another superhero wannabe” that’s what he thought when he first saw you moving from celling to celling without the grace and rhythm that only years of practice can give you. And he was not wrong, you were an amateur, one who still need to practice, but you definitely were determinate enough for that. Jason was not aware of this, therefore he decided to have some fun.
“What are you doing here?” He asked jumping to your side with a voice tone much deeper than his usual one.
“Patrolling” You managed to say in a whisper, rising your head to look at him directly. Shivers run through your spine, not knowing what to do. But you would not allow him to notice your fear.
“Scared of me darling?” He leaned a little so he could be nearer to your face.
“Not even a little, I know who you are” You answered and somehow the most daring and wittiest part of your mind chose to add the next sentence “And also there is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others.”
“My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.” He finishes almost instinctively.
He stared at your for some instants, not believed the words that had just come out of your lips. Another vigilante? Who quoted Austen? The night was turning up to be quite interesting.
“You are a sharp girl, with a good book taste” He resolved. “Red Hodd, at your service” He offered you his hand and his presentation, although it was no needed.
And that’s how all started, now a few months later you two keep protecting Gotham from whoever and whatever treats it. This night had been tranquil, a seldom occurrence, and Jason hadn’t talked to much, his mind was focused on a matter which had been troubling him for weeks. When the first rays of light threaten to appear, it’s time to farewell. Not without cracking some bad puns first of course.
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Dusk is the sun.” He smirked once again.
“First, that’s contradictory. Second, you seriously have to get over your Shakespeare era”.
“Does that mean I don’t get a proper goodbye?” Even with his voice modulator you could hear the teasing edge on the question.”
“Of course, you do” You tried to come up with something silly, yet sweet. “Good night, sweet prince, and flights and angels sing thee to thy rest!”
With that you made a small joking bow and left the rooftop to go back home. It had been enough; Jason had made out his mind. He was going to look for you. He needed to see the unmasked face who had been able to be the first one to win his heart. Luckily, one of his many siblings is a professional hacker.
A bookstore, somehow, he was not surprised at all when Tim found your worked there. In his jean’s pocket there was a small piece of paper with dozens of cheesy books lines that made him think of you. "You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever read." "We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright." “You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how” … And those were only the first ones. There were not enough words in the books from your bookstore to describe how nervous he was and how much he wanted to tell you he loved you. But he could at least try.
Your elbows were resting on the counter, another novel laying in front of you. When the doorbell rang announcing another client, you immediately smiled and looked at Jason. You left your seat to meat him by the door, the book long forgotten.
“Took you long enough to find me, geekie boy” You gritted him.
All his speech and quotes banished in the air with just a single sentence of yours. He finally came to himself.
“Wait, were you waiting for me?”
“Of course, I did” You chuckle, God he loved that sound “For almost two months, after all your bad pick-up lines I thought you would be ready to come and met me in person”.
“But… How have you recognized me?” Confusion was still seen on his face.
“Easy. Looked for the libraries and bookstores that had your favourite tittle. Cheeked the names of all the men who borrowed or bought them. Looked for their photos on the internet and compared them with the physical description I had from your” You shrug your shoulders as that work was nothing to you “I am a vigilante after all”.
“I have a brother who would love to meet you, you know?”
“Maybe later, but I guess you came here because you had something to tell me”.
He took a deep breath. Just a few hours, that was all he needed to win you over this time. "In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed.” He said softly, but determinate “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I love and admire you.”
Just after he finished your lips were meeting his in a soft and sweet kiss, like the ones written in romance novels.
“You have bewitched me, body and soul” You whispered to his ear.
“Actually, that’s from the movie, not the book”.
You had to kiss him again, this time with more passion, to shut him up.
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ladyloveandjustice · 8 months
My Favorite Books I Read in 2023
I read a ton of good novels last year- 36 in all (and uh, 78 manga/graphic novels, but we'll examine that in another post). Here's a link to my Goodreads year in books (the manga is at the beginning, the novels start with Siren Queen) and my storygraph wrap up.  
I reread a ton of Discworld this year, and it's as spectacular as ever. But what about new reads?
Well, here are my favorite books I read in 2023!
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In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
This is an autobiographical memoir about the abusive relationship the author went through with her ex-girlfriend. It's absolutely gut-wrenching, and at times, achingly beautiful. Machado uses the house she shared with her girlfriend, which she calls the "dream house", as a back drop. It's a place she always wanted and also a place she became trapped in, Machado's language is beautiful as she explores the relationship from different lenses-- The Dream House as Lesbian Cult Classic, the Dream House as Noir, the Dream House as Creature Feature, the Dream House as Stoner Comedy....All facets of the relationship are explored in a way that grips you by the throat and makes you remember everyone who ever tried to suffocate you-- but it also explores the hard work of moving on, of picking up the pieces, of living and embracing tenderness along with hardship.
I especially related to Machado's struggle to talk about abuse between queer lovers because of her fears of giving homophobes more ammunition...and when she says "we deserve to have our wrongdoing represented as much as our heroism, because when we refuse wrongdoing as a possibility for a group of people, we refuse their humanity", I felt that deeply.
This wasn't just one of my favorite books this year, it goes on the list of all-time favorite books. I wish I had this kind of writing style. I'll be returning to this again and again.
Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao
A middle-grade novel about a Chinese-American teen who feels a bit alienated from his heritage, which becomes a bit of an issue once he finds out the First Emperor of China has possessed his A.R. Gaming Headset. Now he needs to close a portal to the underworld with the help of other kids possessed by emporers.
This was a whole lot of fun, and often quite poignant. I was unsure if I could really enjoy middle-grade books as an adult, and this absolutely proves I can. There's a lot of really interesting Chinese history blended with action-packed fantasy, and exploration of the complicated feelings a kid can have about their own heritage . The dynamic between Zachary and Qin Shi Huang was so entertaining with the Emperor being villainous, heroic, charismatic, detestable-- and Zachary realizing how his complicated feelings about him mirror his relationship with his culture at large. There was also a lot of fun with other historical figures, and Xiran's take on Wu Zetian is a joy. (Also, if you like Yu-Gi-Oh!, you'll probably like this, since Xiran says it was one of their influences).
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Rose is young woman who's raised in a fundamentalist Christian household, and she's a devout, obedient daughter. But some weird things are happening. She's seeing a terrifying demon everywhere, insects are coming out of her mouth....and she's possibly having feelings about other girls. What's going on?
Yes, this is by the Chuck Tingle who makes all those Tinglers. But THIS one... will make you tingle with fear! It's a great horror novel! It's skin-crawlingly creepy at times, but also does a great job digging into how fundamentalist dogma harms queer people, and the hypocrisy of such beliefs. The conversion camp aspect is handled tastefully, and overall it was a great spooky read that's also ultimately very affirming, cathartic, and hopeful.
Qualia the Purple by Hisamitsu Ueo
You might go into this thinking it's just a quirky yuri light novel about a schoolgirl and her crush who sees everyone around her as robots (like literally, when she looks at someone she sees a robot instead of a human). But it quickly becomes surreal queer psychological horror steeped in absolutely wild applications of quantum mechanics and thought-provoking time travel.  Some of the quantum mechanics  exposition dumps were a bit much but I deeply enjoyed having my mind cracked open by this book. 
It's one of the most interesting takes of time loop stories I've seen. But it definitely covers a lot of rough subject matter, including a relationship with a serious age gap and extremely messed up relationships, so be cautious if you have triggers.
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Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
This book follows Miri, whose wife goes missing on a deep-sea submarine mission for six months. Miri thought her wife dead, but she miraculously returns one day...but her wife has changed. She's like a stranger. She may have bought the horrors of the sea home with her.
This is a gripping exploration of grief and loss combined with a delicious, slow horror that creeps under your skin. There's excellent Lovecraftian and body horror elements to the novel, but it works very effectively as a metaphor for a loved one going through trauma, and a relationship starting to crumble because everything seems different. A moment that really stuck out to me is when Miri copes with her wife's disappearance by frequenting an online community where women roleplay as wives with husbands missing in space. The way the online drama of the community interacted with her grief was  both funny and heartbreaking. 
This is another example of a book that makes me deeply jealous with its lyrical writing, and another one for the ever-lengthening all time favorites list.
Otherside Picnic Volume 8: Accomplices No More by Iori Miyazawa
The latest entry in a series about two girls exploring an alternate dimension full of creepypasta monsters, while also falling in love with each other. See my other reviews here and here.
This volume has the payoff to a lot of careful character work and relationship building, and it was completely satisfying. In fact, it was...show-stopping. Spectacular.  Incredible. I loved the exploration of how love, sex, and romance are so different for different people and it's impossible to put it in neat boxes. The frank and messy conversation our leads have about their relationship was perfect and so was that absolutely  bonkers, wonderful finale. This is another one for the all times favorite list, and I loved it so much I wrote a extremely long review/recap here. 
Queer Ducks (and Other Animals): The Natural World of Animal Sexuality by Eliot Schrefer
This was a well-researched, well-crafted, easy to read book that explores queerness (mainly homosexuality, bisexuality, trans and genderfluid expressions in animals, and even the question of if and how animals can related to gender) in the animal kingdom. Though it's definitely aimed at teens, I learned a lot from it (who knew female bonobos were such life goals) and it presented its information in a fun way. It included some interesting examinations of how proof of homosexuality and bisexuality in animals was historically suppressed and filtered through homophobic assumptions. If you want to learn a little animal science in an accessible format, definitely check this out.
Night’s Edge by Liz Kerin
The story follows Mia, a woman in her 20's living with her vampire mother. Her whole life revolves around not drawing suspicion towards her Mom. She also has to make sure to feed her Mom some of her blood every night--lest her mother fall back in with her abusive boyfriend and start hunting humans.  But when Mia meets a cute girl, she starts to dream of living her own life...
It was a really interesting use of vampirism as a metaphor for both living with a parent struggling with addiction and having an abusive parent. It's just a well-told, heartwrenching tale that got deep into the character's mindsets. I thought the ending was bit abrupt and rushed, but it did make more sense once I realized this was the first in a duology. It's a fascinating take on vampires, and I'm interested in seeing more.
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The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty
This novel follows a middle-aged Muslim female pirate living around the Arabian Peninsula. She's supposed to be in retirement, but wouldn't you know it, she's lured in for one last job! I she rescues a kidnapped girl,  she'll have all the riches she needs to set her family up for life. So Amina begins her adventure of fighting demons and monsters and ex-husbands. But the job might not be all it seems.
This novel is full of all the entertaining swashbuckling action and shenanigans that any pirate story should have. It's a rollicking good time, and feeds my craving for middle aged women going on quests and kicking ass. Amina's journey is a fun, wild ride full of dynamic characters and interesting mythology!
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
Juniper is friends with a successful Chinese-American author, Athena Liu, and has always been deeply jealous of her. When Athena dies in front of her, Juniper decides to steal her manuscript rooted in Chinese history and claim it as her own. But plagiarism might catch up with her...
This is a strong example of a book I thought was really well-done, but one I'm probably never going to read again. The way it depicted Twitter drama is just too accurate and I got anxiety. It did such a good job putting you in Juniper's awful shoes so you can feel the pressure close in along with her. The book's commentary on the insidious racism of the publishing industry was effective, and it made a horrible character's journey fascinating to follow. I was so intrigued yet anxious I had to force myself to finish the last few pages.
Bonus read:
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldtree
A very cute novel about an orc named Viv who decides to retire from the violent life of a bounty hunter and run a coffee shop instead. She ends up getting a lot of assistance from a succubus named Tandri...and my, is that a slow-burn coffee shop romance brewing? This book reminds me a lot of various cozy slice-of-life anime, and it's nice to be getting more of that feeling in book form. I wish there was a little more specific to the fantasy world rather than making it a coffee shop that line up 1 to 1 to a modern day shop, but it was definitely a sweet read.
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bjtch-craft · 9 months
"I'm a Rockstar Babe"
Todd Ingram X Bottom Male! Reader
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☆ Summary: [Name] reunites with an old high-school friend turned rockstar things take a turn when they restart their old high-school ways.
☆Request: Yes or No
☆ Word count: 2,836
☆Genre: Angst to Smut (Kinda)
☆Warnings: Smut, degradation, manipulation (kinda, tbh I just tried making him cocky but rereading it it sounds like bro is manipulating), Bl♡wjobs, slapping, just douchy rockstar things, spitting (he's one of those ppl)
☆Authors note: Dude, I rewatched the movie and reread the novels, and why is Todd so mf fine like WHAT? And why are there no stories about this man? Anyways enjoy!! (P.s this has been in my drafts for like 2 months now and I've never finished editing it for some reason...)
Also look at the comic version of him like WHAT A CUTIE like yeah sure he's arrogant, narcissistic, uncaring, and may or may not be a pathological liar, and a walking red flag but like that red looking a little orange so??? PRAYING SOME OF YALL READ THIS!!
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Did this count as being a groupie? No. It's not like I'm some obsessed super fan like Joseph I mean for fucks sake I knew Todd in high school [Name] thought as he lay on the mattress of the cheap motel room waiting for Todd to get out of the shower.
10:15 P.M. - some time earlier
[Name] was shoved and pushed around by the hundreds of thousands of fans who had gathered to watch the band play. The band in question was none other than The Clash at Demonhead. [Name] new one of the members (while technically two if you count Envy but they didn’t know each other. They were more of acquaintances really.) Todd Ingram who he was close friends with. Really close.
He'd given him head a couple of times (and slept with him too) but that didn't mean anything to them (yes it did.) it was what Todd considered a "bro-job" whatever the fuck that was. But that's not important (yes it is) what is important is how quickly their friendship ended after he got with Envy. They tried to keep in touch but after the band blew the absolute fuck up he cut ties with him.
Did it hurt? Yes. A lot. But [Name] didn't let it get to him he still supported Todd even if Todd himself didn't know it. [Name] bought every CD, vinyl, and cassette tape, and got tickets to most shows. He even tried to get backstage passes to rekindle his relationship with Todd but the prices were far out of his price range.
There have been times when for a quick second he'd seen Todd after a show or two and waved to him or said a quick word but he didn't recognize him. Which also hurt. How can you not recognize someone you spent almost TEN YEARS of your life with? But [Name] was determined to catch up with his best friend so after pulling a couple of night shifts and saving up some money he... still didn’t have enough.
10: 50 P.M.
"Todd's so hot!"
"Jesus Envys even hotter in person!"
"Why's that chick got a robotic arm?"
These are just some of the things [Name] heard throughout the event which was on the verge of ending.
12:10 A.M. - Later
The concert was over and [Name] pushed and shoved his way out of the venue and quickly rushed towards the back of the building looking for the band.
"Come on please don't tell me I missed them!"
His shoes thudded against the gravel, and as he rounded the corner a gate came into view.
"No. No, no, no, no!"
The gate door was slid open. How safe right?
"Envy? Do you wanna get a bite to eat or something?"
[Name] stopped for a moment as he saw Todd standing there his guitar case in hand talking to Envy. He took a deep breath and stepped through the gates. Fuck?
Todd turned to look at him a look of shock and anger upon his face.
"Who the hell let you in" Todd asked as he stepped closer to [Name] his voice coming off as aggressive as his eyes and hair started to glow.
"N-no one the gate was open."
"So you just snuck in?"
"I'm [Name], [First name], [Last name] we went to high school together. Remember?"
Todd's eyes and hair stopped glowing as his hair drifted back down in front of his face.
"You're kidding?!"
Todd dropped his guitar case and ran up to [Name] his tough guy rockstar persona shedding completely. He threw his arms around [Name] and pulled him into his chest. [Name] could feel the heat rising to two places as his face was smushed into Todd's rather large pecs.
"Todd you're squishing me..." [Name] said his voice muffled.
"Sorry!" He pulled away. "Jesus it's been a long time since we've seen each other... I'm a Rockstar!"
"I can see that!"
"Todd, what the fuck is going on," Envy asked?
Todd turned to look at them wrapping his arm around [Name's] waist. "This is [Name] from high school! He's my best friend remember?"
"While to me he looks like a fucking groupie! Let's go" Envy replied.
"I'm not a groupie..."
"Do you think he can come back to the motel with us?"
"Find some other cheap motel to fuck in," The Bionic arm bitch said.
"He's not a groupie and we're not gonna fuck! He's my friend and I wanna catch up with him!"
"Find. Another. Motel." Envy said the tone of her voice showed her annoyance more than anything.
12:30 A.M.
And they did find a cheap motel in an extremely unsafe part of town. Fits the stereotype, huh? A rockstar takes one of his fans to a cheap rundown-looking motel just to get it in.
[Name] once again was hugging Todd but this time was looking up at him.
"I'm so sorry for ghosting you [Name]."
"It's fine."
Todd's hands traveled down [Name's] back and reached his ass and groped it firmly, making [Name] let out an involuntary yelp. He pushed Todd off of him, causing the blonde boy to let out a laugh.
"What's the matter [Name] just like old times!"
"Todd aren't you dating Envy or something?"
He shifted his weight on his feet annoyingly.
"I'm a Rockstar babe we don't date," Todd said cockily.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower. I know I reek of sweat... care to join me?"
"Smooth Todd.... real smooth."
He winked at [Name] and waltzed into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. After a minute or two he heard the shower go on.
Did this count as being a groupie? No. It's not like I'm some obsessed super fan like Joseph I mean for fucks sake I knew Todd in high school [Name] thought as he lay on the mattress of the cheap motel room waiting for Todd to get out of the shower.
"Do I wanna do this... again?"
The first time [Name] and Todd ever did anything together was on his eighteenth birthday. They were both unbelievably drunk, and both were bored lying on Todd's bed in silence. One of them now and then would say something, and they would have a short conversation.
"H-heyyy~ [Name] can I ask you for a favor," Todd asked his words coming out slurred.
"Yeah- hic! What'sss ~'s up?"
"Do you think you could um... s-suck me off?"
"Well, I'm one drunk! And two horny as fuck~! So can you?"
"You know what fuck it! You are my best friend!"
[Name] slid his basketball shorts off and then his boxers and grabbed at his length.
"I've never done this before so um... bear with me~."
Todd nodded his head a goofy grin on his face. "Do it as if someone's doing yours."
[Name] took him into his mouth slowly going down inch by inch the girth was almost too much to handle. Almost.
But that was years ago. They were two dumb eighteen-year-olds who were just helping each other out. But [Name] didn't feel that way anymore... but reminiscing on their old days made [Name] slowly begin to get hard in the shorts Todd had given him.
[Name] rubbed himself through the fabric and pushed down on it, making him release a soft moan. He needed Todd he didn't realize how badly he did until right then and there. The door opened to the bathroom, and [Name] quickly through the blanket over his lap.
Todd walked out with just a towel around his waist, his bulge catching [Names] eye as well as his body, which was still wet and glistened in the light.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting another pair of boxers, I forgot to bring them into the shower..." Todd looked at [Name] and noticed the tent that was forming underneath the blanket. "Aw, are you happy to see me like this again, baby?"
"What! No!"
"Come on..." He said huskily. The cockiness was back. "I heard you moan... were you thinking of the times I fucked you? The times you begged me to fill you up? The times I came on that pretty face of yours?"
[Name] could feel his cock growing harder with each question.
"N-no" [Name] whimpered out.
Todd walked to the side of the bed grabbed [Name's] hand and placed it on his groin.
"You miss my fat cock don't you," He asked his voice sounding oddly humiliating.
"I don't have to say anything."
Todd started to move his hips grinding his bulge against the palm of [Names] hand.
"Todd we can't... you have a girlfriend."
"I told you we rockstars don't really - truly date, and if anything, it's just another bro-job, remember?"
[Name] pulled his hand away and sat up and using both hands opened Todd's towel up causing his cock to pop out and slap against his happy trail.
"Fuck~," [Name] whispered out.
[Name] reached out and pumped his cock twice.
"Yeah that's it~ I know you fucking missed it haven't you?"
[Name] let go of Todd's cock and adjusted his position so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Todd backed up a little.
"Please don't like- hurt me that much. Please?"
Todd chuckled and ran his hand through his wet hair.
"You sweet dumb thing, you know I can't promise that."
[Name] grabbed Todd's cock once more and spat on it and stroked him off spreading the saliva over his cock.
"I haven't done this in a long time... so I'm a little rusty."
Todd smiled down at him. The grin was a mixture of amusement and humiliation.
[Name] placed the tip on his tongue and licked it gently before wrapping his lips around it and slowly going down on it.
[Name] couldn't lie he truly did miss this. Not only did he enjoy it, but it honestly made them closer as friends.
[Name] gagged on the base as he looked up at Todd with tearful eyes.
"Aww you look so cute with my big cock in your mouth," Todd said softly his voice coated in lust as he gently patted [Name's] cheek.
[Name] began to slowly come off his cock before Todd placed a hand on the back of his skull and slammed him back down causing him to gag and for drool to pour out of the sides of his mouth.
"Mmm-hmm-agh." [Name] groaned out.
Todd pulled his cock out of the boy's mouth and slapped it on either side of the guy's cheek.
"You took it so well [Name]~."
[Name] looked up at Todd with innocent eyes, his tongue sticking out a little as he gasped for air.
"Jesus you look so fucking gorgeous."
"I-I think you bruised the back of my throat!"
Todd grabs [Names] chin as he angles his head straight aligning his cock with [Names] lips.
Todd spat on his cock (and on [Names] face) and slammed it down [Names] throat before pulling out. [Name] stuck out his tongue and licked a stripe down his cock.
"You're such a fucking slut baby. I bet you've been craving my cock since you heard about our band haven't you?"
[Name] nodded his head embarrassingly. Todd placed a hand on the back of [Names] head and leaned in, planting a kiss on his lips as his hands traveled down his body. His hands reached the bottom of the boy's shirt and began to pull it up over his head, breaking the kiss in the process.
Todd pushes [Name] down onto the bed by his chest and crawls on top of him, attacking his neck, causing [name] to let out a soft moan. Todd kisses down his neck while unbuckling [Names] belt and gently pulls them off along with his boxers.
"I don't reckon you have a condom do you?"
"I have one in my wallet in my left pocket," [Name] says, his voice barely above a whisper.
Todd grabs [Names] jeans off the floor and pulls out the condom from the wallet before discarding them back onto the floor.
Todd rips the wrapping of the condom off with his teeth and slides the rubber on. He places [Bames] legs on his shoulders and lines himself up at his entrance.
[Name] squeezes his eyes shut as Todd pushes himself into him. A sudden wave of pain and pleasure washes over him, causing him to grab onto the sheets, twisting them in his hands. A soft whimper escapes his lips as Todd continues to push deeper into him.
"Shit- Todd, you're so fucking- ngh~ big!" [Name] whimpered out, causing Todd to look down at him with a cocky grin.
Todd had pushed himself into the other boy and slowly began to pull back out, only to slam back into him, which earned him a low groan.
"Does that feel good?"
[Name] nodded his head and let out a whimper. Todd began to rock his hips in and out of him, the tip occasionally brushing against his prostate. His thirst got faster and quicker he reached down and grabbed [Name's] hands and placed them above his head.
Todd began pounding into [Name]. The sound of skin against skin filled the room as well as screams of pleasure from both boys.
"Ugh~ F-fuck! You're going to har-!" [Name] wasn't able to finish his sentence as Todd delivered a gentle (but still hard) slap across his face.
"Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" Todd growled out.
[Names] cock twitched as pre-cum drizzled down his cock causing a moan to escape from his lips.
"Don't tell me you're into this shit you slut?"
"S-s-shut up Todd~"
Todd smirked and began rocking his hips.
"How bad do you want it?"
"W-what?" [Name] stuttered.
"I can pull out right now and leave and not let you finish you."
"Please don't~ I'll do anything!"
"Then admit it.'
"Admit you're a filthy whore" Todd said his voice thick with lust.
"I'm not going to- ah~!"
Todd pulled out of [Name] leaving him feeling empty and somehow even more fucking desperate.
"Todd please" [Name] begged.
"Then say it."
"I-I’m a whore okay? Is that what you want to hear from me? I'm a fucking slut for you okay?!"
Todd looked down at [Name] with a cocky grin.
"Good boy."
Todd leaned back over [Name] and placed a soft kiss on his lips before pushing himself back into him. He wrapped his hand around [Name's] throat and began pounding into him. The sounds of skin against skin filled the room once again.
Todd raised his hand and brought it across [Names] face with enough power to cause a sting of pain leading [Name] to let out a dry moan.
"I can't believe your into this shit!" Todd said with a cheesy grin.
"Shut up!" The boy underneath him whined out.
Todd smirked and removed his hand from [Names] neck and grabbed him by the waist and slowed his thrusts.
"What are you- agh~!"
Todd pulled [Name] into him driving his cock deeper into him pushing past his prostate. [Names] jaw dropped as the sudden feeling causing a high pitched moan to erupt from his throat. Todd took this opportunity and grabbed his jaw holding it open and dipped his thumb into his mouth.
"Don't close your mouth got that?"
[Name] replied with a whimper as Todd's thurst became annoyingly slow as a string of spit slowly began to fall from his lips and landed in [Names] mouth.
[Named] closed his mouth after Todd gave him a look that practically yelled at him, too. Todd's slow thrust became faster and faster. Todd wrapped his hand around [Name's] dick and began jerking him off as [Name] placed his palm at the back of Todd's head.
"I'm so close!" Todd groaned out as his rhythm began to go out of sync.
His movements became harder and harder as he felt himself getting closer and closer to finishing.
"W-where- fuck~ where do you want it?" He moaned out.
"On me..."
Todd placed a hand behind [Names] head as his thurst became sloppy he spat once again at [Name] the salvia covering his face before pulling out and jerking himself off.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
With one final moan ropes of cum erupted from his cock covering [Names] body in white ropes. Todd pumped [Name's] cock for a minute before he came their cum mixing on his stomach. Todd scooped up some of his cum off of the boy's body with his index finger and popped it into [Names] mouth.
"How's it taste?"
"Salty... can you get me a towel?"
1:35 AM
[Name] lay on the cheap hotel's mattress, his head on Todd's chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Hey, have you ever thought of being a roadie?'
"A what?"
"A roadie helps the band set up... you could be one for us so we could keep in touch and..." He wrapped his hand around [Names] body and groped his ass "Have some more time to ourselves."
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Authors note!!
Again, sorry for the break. School is still once again kicking my ass :) I do plan on writing more over Christmas break, but I do have like half-written stories in my drafts, so here are some of them. (Some of them have titles, but they are to be determined, so kill me or wtv) .
Darry Jenner x Male reader (Fluff)
Miguel Ohara x Male reader (Smut)
Chad Meeks x Male reader (TBD)
Simon Kalivoda x Male reader (Fluff)
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johannestevans · 1 year
I'm 80% certain I discovered you through a story about a vampire and the guy he was feeding off of that I absolutely ADORED, but cannot seem to find! I remember it being pretty long, published on ao3, being an original work, and the two specific scenes I remember are: vampire standing behind the guy he's about to feed from and telling him many people find it pleasurable; and the vampire getting ill (and maybe passing out?) because some of the people he regularly feeds from got sick and he doesn't want to take their blood while they're recovering. if this was you (and very sorry if it is not!), could you share a link or the name? I loved it very much and have a few friends who I think would also enjoy it greatly! your writing is very fun and I enjoy reading your more serious essays and the.... more scandalous material :)
I found the vampire fic lmao anyway hell yeah for getting it published!
Haha, yes, it was initially on Ao3 and I actually took it down because I thought I had to, when it turns out I didn't!
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Heart of Stone was my first novel, published in 2020, and it's a slowburn fade-to-black romance between an ADHD vampire named Henry Coffey and his new secretary, Theophilus Essex, who's big autism! It's full to the brim with neurodivergence and sweet gentle affection and a blossoming romance between the two of them.
Read reviews on GoodReads / / Read reviews on the Storygraph / / Buy on Amazon / / Buy on Smashwords
Thank you so much for reaching out, and I hope you enjoy it on the reread!
With my other serials that are on Ao3, such as Powder and Feathers (a contemporary dark romance between a fallen angel assassin and his deeply depressed artist boyfriend, originally inspired by Les Misérables) and An Uncommon Betrothal (an interwar romance between a lonely and self-isolated translator who's a polio survivor and relies on several mobility aids, and his butler-cum-fiancé who begins to connect him with other queer men like them), they're not going to be taken down even when I finish, re-edit, and then publish in paperback and eBook! They'll remain up.
I only would have had to take them down if I was enrolling in Amazon's KDP program, which I don't and won't.
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the---hermit · 5 months
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In the end I chose to stay home this week and avoid the two lectures of today and tomorrow. It's just what is better for my mental and physical state at the moment, and as soon as I can I will be emailing the professor to ask her if I need to work on additional materials. I was planning on doing that today, but of course my uni has to fuck stuff up and momentarily blocked ALL student's email addresses so I have no way to communicate with the professor until the end of this week. I can't even use another email because the uni email addressess cannot recieve emails from the outside it's a nightmare. WIth this being said my mood was a bit better today and I was also more productive than expected so I am happy about that. Not only I finished my reread of the play, but I also found so many (too many) sources to use for my paper. I also organized said sources and starting tomorrow I will read and annotate them which hopefully won't take too long. I cannot wait to get to the writing part because that will mean I will be close to the end, and I'll be able to move on to other tasks. As for non uni related things I am in a book limbo since yesterday I finished what I was reading and I haven't picked up my next fiction read, and I have no idea what to pick.
today's productivity:
read first thing in the morning (and since I haven't picked yet my next novel I started the day with an historical essay which is great but not necessarily how i'd like to start my days)
finished rereading and annotating The Merchant Of Venice
looked for new sources for my English lit paper (so far I have 17 sources including two books, ya kid has a lot to work on rn)
organized the sources I found and created an attack plan (yes that is how I am calling my study organization)
worked on my cross stitch project
daily Irish review on duolingo
📖:L'Idea Di Medioevo by Giuseppe Sergi, The Merchant Of Venice by Shakespeare
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ongicloud · 1 month
Wammy's kids
Pardon me if this is a little incoherent, it’s been a while since my last rewatch/reread of Death Note and I’ve definitely watched the L vs Kira arc more than the aftermath of it. I’m not as well versed on the characters as I would like to be. I had to dig through wikis and such for some context and I’m not 100% sure on all of the details so forgive me!
Still, it makes me sad thinking about the Wammy’s house kids. Watari founded the organization for “gifted” kids, yes? And found L to be the most promising, I would assume. I’m certain there have been mentions of kids going off to succeed in other venues (I think I remember an artist), but the focus since L’s career began seems to have shifted more onto finding a successor. 
I think about the kids, most stripped from their names and identity other than becoming a replacement for someone “great”. The immense pressure on them, the way their whole childhoods would have revolved around trying to live up to someone they don’t even know.
As unserious as the LABB novel is, it makes me even sadder for the kids??? A killed themselves due to the pressure. We know nothing more about them other than their letter and that they died by their own hands. Just a loss to write off in regards to finding a successor. 
“B” or Beyond is odd to me too. He is a pretty silly character to be fair, but the fact that he was groomed to become the next L along with A makes me wonder if he, too, found the pressure and expectations too much? Instead of doing what A did, was his response to lash out, to gain back some control? His final victim was supposed to be himself, after all.
It makes me sad that we don’t get as much insight into the Wammy kids in general throughout the series. They really are just pawns in a complicated game of chess played by the adults around them. I may be reading too much into this but Mello comes across to me as someone who has also cracked under the pressure. His bouts of anger and impulsive nature seem like something that could easily stem from that environment. Children essentially pitted against each other to receive the honor of being stripped of all they could have been. To become just the new version of someone else before them. 
I don’t have much to say about Near, despite my best efforts he seems sort of a mystery to me. He is a lot like L in some regards. But he seems to be much more detached from L’s ideals. He just seems to be going through the motions. 
How much of L is even really him? Is he a product of this environment too?
Idk this was all super rambly but I just have a lot of Feelings about these KIDS!!!!
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asexualbookbird · 3 months
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Immediately forgets everything that happened in June. Uh. I threw a tea party! Finished a knit hat! Did one (1) queer corvid piece! Started playing baldurs gate! Read some good books! SAW SOME SANDHILL CRANES!!!! Found new enrichment in the form of a new walking route! A busy busy month! Didn't read as much as I intended, but I did get to check off five more books on my Reading Books I Own chart so I call that a win.
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The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakranorty ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- WHAT A FUN BOOK! "Adventure" is the perfect word for this. Yes, it's a trilogy with only one book out, but this also works so well on its own, as individual books SHOULD! It's its own little thing. Wrapped up neat and tidy with little threads to pick up in the future. I had so much fun and the audiobook was a DELIGHT, I want to read it again immediately.
The Novice by Taran Matharu ⭐- This has been sitting on my shelf since its release. It moved homes with me. It will not be doing so again. Bland, generic, poorly written. Proof just because you were an internet success, doesn't mean you don't need an editor. Also proof that publishing is about Luck and Connections. I know goodreads ratings mean Nothing, but come on. Why is this one so high. Did people really enjoy it that much? HOW??
Translation State by Ann Leckie ⭐⭐⭐⭐- Okay. Look. This was not my favorite Leckie novel. In fact it very well could by me least favorite Leckie novel. HOWEVER. Even then, it was still fun and enjoyable. I wish it ended differently, but I still loved all the characters and how they interact. I do want to reread this as well, because I remember enjoying Ancillary Justice more the second time around and I wonder if the same will happen here.
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What Moves The Dead by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - A reread! To get ready for What Feasts At Night! Even knowing all the secrets, it's still a perfectly bite sized creepy read. My favorite thing about Kingfishers writing is how even with the darkest subjects she still manages to add humor. And it never seems out of place! It's a great breather for the reader but doesn't detract from the tension. Do not recommend reading this while walking through a field of bunnies.
What Feasts At Night by T Kingfisher ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - I gave What Moves The Dead four stars at my initial read through, so I wonder if this will ALSO change to five stars upon rereading. I had to read the first few chapters twice for them to stick, and ended up switching to the audiobook which was very well done. I really didn't expect another book about Alex Easton, but I'm hooked now to be honest. I mean, stop putting this soldier in Situations, but also. I want to know what other Situations ka gets into. Angus and Miss Potter are adorable.
The library has a few summer reading games with prizes so my reading in the upcoming months will be influenced by those. Someone said there might even be a local bookstore gift package in the mix and I Want That. I do still want to do the Bone Season updated read, if for no other reason than to get rid of those books so I don't have to pack and move them. Other than that, no reading plans. I've read nearly every book that's on the shelf in my bedroom, which, wow, so it's getting harder to choose what to read. I guess that's a good thing! Leaves more room to reread old favorites.
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veliseraptor · 3 months
June Reading Recap
Slower reading month on account of I got distracted by cdramas.
King Hereafter by Dorothy Dunnett. I don't know what to do with this book!!! It was by turns magnificent and difficult to get through. It definitely didn't hit me the way the Lymond Chronicles did/does, but even when I wasn't personally feeling it I can recognize a magisterial piece of work when I read one. The Thorfinn/Rognvald dynamic was probably one of the highlights for me, while it lasted. The premise of this one combines the life of the historical King Macbeth and that of Thorfinn Sigurdsson, positing that they were the same person. I did a lot of Wikipedia diving while reading, unsurprisingly. I recommend it for Dunnett readers, I think is what I'd ultimately say, or for historical fiction aficionados, but perhaps not more generally than that.
How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying by Django Wexler. I keep reading Django Wexler because I enjoy his work, and keep finding that while I enjoy it and find it fun there's not a lot of real substance. But this book's gimmick (combining "time loop" and "villain protagonist") was too pointed directly at me for me to not give it a try. And I'm glad I did! It was very fun, and yet again it felt like the real substance was not quite there. However, I probably still will be reading the sequel when it comes out. So you know, I can't be too hard on it.
Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood. I feel like I did not exactly "enjoy" the experience of reading this set of interconnected short stories but I still want to recommend it to others, if that makes sense as a perspective. It also really made me want to read more generally about this period of time, both in fiction and nonfiction.
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer. This was totally a "let's just try something new for the heck of it" choice - fantasy romances are everywhere right now, this one was floating around in them and sounded potentially like fun in terms of concept, it was an impulse. I can't say it paid off. It wasn't an awful experience but I did find myself repeatedly going "why isn't this fluffy romance not digging more into its characters or implications" and the answer there is "that's not the point, Lise", I guess, and yeah, I think (English language) romance novels are probably just not for me.
The Law of Blood: Thinking and Acting as a Nazi by Johann Chapoutot. This was a really interesting book. It very much takes its point as "what if we take Nazi philosophy seriously as philosophy." I really haven't read anything quite like it before and it was definitely disturbing to read in terms of really...getting into the heads of How Nazis Thought They Were Supposed to Live, but fascinating for those reasons too, and the reasons of exploring how implications of ideology leads to specific real-world policy-making.
Translation State by Ann Leckie. Still haven't read anything else by Ann Leckie that gets close to the high of the original trilogy but I did really enjoy this one. It did make me feel like I need to reread the original trilogy because I've definitely forgotten a lot, and usually when reading something makes me go "I should reread this other work by the same author" it speaks at least somewhat well of it.
Qi Ye by Priest. Hard not to compare this one to TYK since, you know, same author and same universe, and ultimately this one I didn't like quite as much. I think I...wanted the whole "trauma from living multiple lives" to come up more and more often than I felt like it really did here, and the relationship between Wu Xi and Jing Beiyuan was fine but didn't have what I needed to particularly compel me.
Extinction: How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago by Douglas H. Erwin. As something of a mass extinction afficionado (as it were), for the most part there was nothing in this book that was really new to me except for one little brief glancing note at the end of the book about the possibility that we are not yet into the throes of a true mass extinction event and that's good, because if we were it would probably be too late to really do anything about it. Overall, though, it feels like this book falls somewhere in a confusing gap between "true academia" and "slightly too academic for general audiences" in terms of the specific analytical techniques it analyzes when assessing different arguments for extinction causes." Interesting, but not one I'd make a casual recommendation.
Sha Po Lang by Priest. I was feeling sort of middling on this one while I was reading it in official translation release time so I decided to just read the whole thing to see if I wanted to keep buying it, and I think after doing so I've come down on the side of "probably not." It was good, but, to be blunt, not quite good enough to grab me in the way I needed it to for the financial outlay. I still feel like I'm chasing the magic I got out of Faraway Wanderers and (what I've read of) LHJC from Priest and haven't found it again yet. I think part of the gap here was that I really liked Gu Yun but struggled to care very much about Chang Geng. I did kind of love the Pope being a major antagonist, though.
So probably the other reason I didn't read much last month is because I'm having a hard time finding something to read to really get into.
I'm currently reading too many books at the same time due to a confluence of factors including "travel" and "difficulty getting into one of them." The list is: The Grass Crown by Colleen McCullough, A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge, Silent Reading by Priest, and (on the side) Black Midnight Holds the BE Script by Teng Luo Wei Zhi. so hopefully I'll finish at least one of those this July.
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fruitcoops · 1 year
Hey eve! Saw someone do this a while ago and thought it was a lovely idea: I thought I'd request a sequel of whatever fic you'd like! I love when you do sequels/series b/c then I have an excuse to reread MULTIPLE fics in a row like a mini novel :) Have a great day and I hope you get some ice cream (or whatever sweet treat of your choice) in your future! -aj (Also letterkenny is fantastic and always makes me think of these LADS)
Of course! Sequel to the end of this fic for the lovely AJ <3 Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Sirius Black: Notorious Liar?
Black-Lupin Wedding…Faked? See Page 7 for Full Story.
Runaway Grooms of Pro Hockey!
Why the Lie, Cap? Speculation Around Sirius Black’s Supposed Gay Wedding.
“You drive these poor people insane.”
Sirius tucked his feet beneath Remus’ thigh and cackled.
“They are running themselves in circles—”
“They are minding other people’s business,” Sirius interrupted, eyes glittering with maniacal glee. “And getting what was coming to them.”
Remus shook his head and turned back to his phone. “I can’t believe you.”
“Yes, you can.”
He refused to dignify that with a response. Sirius looked far too pleased with himself in Remus’ periphery already.
Remus bit the inside of his cheek.
“Hey.” A toe poked his hamstring. “Yes, you can believe I would do this.”
What an utterly impossible man he had married.
“Re.” Sirius dragged himself upright and stretched his way into Remus’ lap—they toppled to the other side of the couch in an undignified lump. Despite Remus’ protests, his phone was plucked away and set aside so Sirius could make himself comfortable across his body. His eyes were bright and happy as he settled his chin on Remus’ sternum. “Say it.”
Remus arched a brow.
“Say you can believe I would lie to those very, very annoying people.”
“Your knee is digging into my thigh.”
Sirius squeezed his thighs together, effectively paralyzing Remus from the waist down, and kissed his chest. “I would make a great massage therapist. Now say it.”
Remus huffed.
“I think it’s funny,” Sirius continued, kissing the edge of his shirt. His mouth trailed over the faint slope of Remus’ collarbone in a lazy path. “I think I’m doing what everybody always wants to do. So, if you think about it, I’m being so brave and funny and you love me so much.”
Fuck, he really did. “You said ‘think’, like, seven times there.”
Sirius’ groan vibrated against his ribs; Remus laughed and pushed a hand through his hair. “You can’t give me this one thing?” Sirius complained. When Remus ran a thumb over his half-smile, he turned to kiss the pad. “I did this for us, you know.”
“That’s true.” Remus pretended to consider it, tipping his head back and forth on the couch cushions under Sirius’ soft attention. The thing was, it had been pretty fucking hilarious. He still wasn’t sure how Sirius managed to think up a real wedding venue on the spot like that, nor how he kept his (entirely fake) story straight for three and a half months. It was an impressive display of commitment to the bit, which was, of course, wildly attractive.
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “I know you. I know you thought it was funny.”
“…how many people fell for it, again?”
He loved how mischief looked on Sirius’ face. “Five media teams, thirty-four fans, and a news van.”
“Oh my god,” Remus laughed.
“There it is!” Sirius crowed, burrowing his arms further under Remus.
“A news van?”
Sirius’ grin was sweet-sharp, like spiked lemonade. “Ouais.”
“Talk about a wild goose chase.” Remus pinched the bridge of his nose as another laugh bubbled out of him. “God. I really should feel bad for them, but I so don’t.”
“They were nosy and rude.” Sirius’ mouth found the edge of his jaw. “They deserved it. Can you imagine how awful it would have been to have them there if I told the truth? News people? At our wedding?”
“…you were very brave and very funny.”
“And you love me so much.”
His chest felt pressurized, as if it had been stretched like a balloon beneath Sirius’ comfortable weight. Whatever filled it was light as air and twice as warm. Sirius went happily when he pulled him up to kiss his forehead. “I love you so much.”
“Moi aussi.” Sirius shifted and heaved a long, happy sigh. “Pour toujours.”
“You could do better,” Remus whispered through his smile. Sirius shook his head. Silk-satin ink slipped between his fingers. “No?”
“Non,” Sirius murmured back. “Not even a little.”
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aclowntiny · 11 months
hii I was rereading your work and i was wondering if you could do a Seonghwa + firsts when ur free!!!
Heck yes! He was next up in my head too bestie 😌 now we’ve only got one man left!
Seonghwa + Firsts
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First Date: This man is going to ruin men for you with this romance novel date. He brings you to a farm where you choose and cut flowers yourself make bouquets at the end of the day with them! It’s so cute how wide with wonder Seonghwa’s eyes are, soaking up the rainbows of flowers and your own gazes of shock and joy. You’re sure you looks like he does, filled with the most joyous wonder, but no matter what his infectious happiness is enough. When you finish, he asks if you’d like to exchange your bouquets, and with your heart thumping, you agree. He hands it gently it to you and you realize he picked almost all flowers in your favorite color, a few extras as accents to it, and it strikes you how much thought he put in!
First Time Holding Hands: Honestly, I think he’d do that the moment he first confesses to you. He takes your hand and looks deeply into your eyes as he tells you he really likes you, would you be interested in spending more time together?
First Kiss: It’s a few dates in. You’re not in a rush, and you know he’s a gentleman, which you appreciate because it means you’ve got a sweet guy who isn’t with you to get in your pants- not by a long shot! The moment is so classic it feels like something from a movie. You’re alone together just enjoying being in each other’s company, the feeling of the night breeze. Seonghwa asks permission, reaches over to get something out of your hair…but when his fingers leave it they trace along your jawline and suddenly he’s pulling you softly into his lips.
First ‘I Love You’: You enter the dorms and Seonghwa standing there with a smile, all your favorites laid out for dinner and a vase of your favorite flowers in the middle of it all. He knows it’s been a long day, he tells you, he wanted to do something for you. It wasn’t only that he couldn’t wait to see you. He has something to tell you, too, something to do with the fact that euphoric is the only way to describe how he feels around you. How light he feels every time you show him your caring heart. It means the world just to see you smile like you do when you walk in the door, tell him it’s amazing, and falter before both of you speak the words simultaneously: “I love you.”
First Fight: It’s more like a snip fest with him, like it starts with something kind of petty but you get ticked when he complains that you leave things a mess because it wasn’t that bad, you just lost one thing he came over to get and your home wasn’t a disaster. Then because he had an especially bad day, he replies passive aggressively and you end up icing him out for a bit. The afternoon passes like that, both of you just taking some much-needed space, and you come back together cooled off and ready to apologize.
First Anniversary: A true romantic, Seonghwa one hundred percent considers your hundred days an important celebration. He stays classic with the gift of flowers and matching couple rings for you, taking you out on a boat ride where he gifts them to you on the calm, sparkling water! He tells you then that he can’t wait to hit one thousand days with you.
First Pet: Ok, so Seonghwa really loves furry animals, right? But we all know his true favorite animal! You come home with a surprise, telling him he has his very own dragon now. His eyes light up and a smile spreads across his face as Seonghwa makes the assumption you’ve gotten him a plushie or a lego dragon. Wrong! What you have is a little tank for a bearded dragon lizard all set up with the cutest little decoration you could find- ok, fine, it was supposed to be for a fish tank, but shhh! Seonghwa can’t help but laugh and shake his head, but he also immediately coos and picks up the little guy gently in his hands. Your new baby’s name? Toothless, of course!
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hi just reread your master for the nth time and I just realized since the hunting dogs body will each and rot if they do not receive the surgery how would that work??????
hope you have a good day
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I am doing good. I also hope, that you have a nice day. 🥰
Hunting dogs are safe in this AU. They were lucky to appear at the certain point of canon.
Self-Aware! BSD. World Building. Canon chains
Warning: English is my second language. Spoilers for BSD Manga, LN and Anime.
Canon chains - events and information that happened or were mentioned in canon. 
Canon chains include events or information from:
Untold Origin Arc
Fifteen arc
Day I Picked Up Dazai novel
Dark Era arc
Entrance Exam Arc
Gaiden (If I understand correctly, it happened somewhere here)
Port Mafia Arc
The Guild Arc
Guild Aftermath Arc
Cannibalism arc
What happened or were mentioned in these arcs are, in some way, set in stone and can't be escaped.
BSD Cast understand it and don't try to change the outcome.
But, in time, Canon chains became more loose.
1. From Untold Origin to Port Mafia arcs.
 Chains are strong. They can't be broken. It that point, no matter, what characters do, they can't change
Example: Fifteen arc. Rimbaud's death would still happen. Even if Mori choose to lock Rimbaud up, at the moment of his death, the wound will appear on Rimbaud's body, killing him.
STORMBRINGER arc. Flags still would be dead, even if Verlaine decide to stay away from them.
Dead Era arc. Oda and Gide still would die, even if Oda will wear a full body armor during his fight with Gide or Gide will stay in the outskirts of Yokohama. Or Mori would ask someone else to investigate Ango's disappearance.
2. The Guild Arc, Dead Apple and The Guild Aftermath.
BSD Cast self-awareness are slowly destroying the chains of canon. The closer to The Cannibalism arc is, the more freedom in actions characters get.
Now, the outcome of events won't be the same.
Example. The Guild Arrival at Yokohama and their clash with ADA. In canon, it leads to Yosano healing other ADA members.
Now, there were no clash, and two sides just talked, sharing information. The consequences - ADA members feel sore for no reason, but, there is no need to Yosano's ability.
Another example. Akutagawa didn't fight against Mitchell and Hawthorne. Mitchell didn't get injures from Rasenmon out of nowhere, but she did feel sore for the next few days.
Another example. Q weren't captured, The Guild didn't try to use their ability to destroy Yokohama. Instead of mass destruction, there were some broken asphalt and that's all.
And, Fitzgerald and Shin Soukoku weren't fighting, they, once again, simply talked. Fitzgerald didn't lose all his money and wedding ring. Yes, he uses some sum of money and a tiny part of the ring, but, otherwise, he wasn't hurt.
3. Cannibalism arc and so on.
Canon chains are barely holding. Characters almost get their freedom.
What made canon chains broke? Karma's fate.
At that point of time, almost everyone can hear your voice clearly. So, Fyodor, who became interested in you, after hearing, that you feel sorry for Karma, decide not to kill him and took Karma with him.
Starting from that point and beyond, chains are broken.
Only basic information (age, height, weight, likes, dislikes, ability) and what we learned during the new characters' first appearance are set in stone.
Their past remains mostly the same. So, Tachihara still a part of Hunting Dogs.
If, after that, something serious is added, it won't affect characters.
Example. In this AU Akutagawa isn't sick, because we learn about this after the Cannibalism arc and after Canon chains were destroyed.
From that point, all body alterations won't happen to the characters.
Example: Kunikida won't lose his arms, Tachihara won't be blinded. Both of them won't even feel an urge to itch.
As for Hunting Dogs surgeries.
From their first appearance, we learn, their names, why Hunting Dogs exit, and that they are super strong.
We didn't learn anything about mandatory surgeries and rotting bodies.
So, this information won't affect them. Hunting Dogs won't need them and could live in a real world without fearing for their lives.
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perryavenue · 11 months
rainjoy Has A New Post. It's Personal
rainjoy is one of my favorite Klaine fanfic authors. Their first Klaine fanfic was published on LiveJournal in 2011, their last in 2021. Health issues have become more intense over time. Their most famous works, All The Other Ghosts and Grey, were published in 2012 and 2013. So those who've joined the fandom fairly recently may not even know about their other fics, the most recent one being from 2021. rainjoy has written Klaine in every genre: high school!Klaine, college!Klaine, married!Klaine, supernatural!Klaine, fantasy!Klaine, and even superhero!Klaine.
Here is a link to rainjoy's works on Live Journal
Here's a link for Dreamwidth
I hope that you'll help boost it by re-blogging. Thanks in advance, @klaineccfanficlibrary and @todaydreambelieversfic
This is rainjoy's post from today (October 27, 2023).
"Hello, I’m still alive.
Hello, I do mean it, hello anybody around to see this, I really hope you’ve been well, I’m sorry I haven’t been around, I *haven’t* been well. But I have, over a course of fucking months, actually written something, so I’m writing *this* here so I don’t need to leave a novel-length author’s note on it, as some kind of explanation of where I’ve been.
Largely, I’ve been in bed, I’m likely going there again after posting this, they need to invent new words for how tired I am so much of the time, my upgraded wheelchair is worth about as much as my *laptop*, my life revolves around Can I? Probably not. and lots and lots and lots of ‘resting’. I’ve not been well, but please don’t worry, I’ve not been unhappy. This is the golden age of being ill, the sheer quantity of stuff out there to amuse the bedbound – I have books and podcasts, all of Netflix, I practically live on Sky: Children of the Light, when I’m too dopey even for that I have Animal Crossing, when I am genuinely such a puddle of not-human lethargy that all I need is for time to pass until I feel just slightly better again I have videos of other people playing video games on YouTube and I’m sorry my darling baby moths I will pick you up and help you every single time but it will never not be funny watching someone go through Eden for the first time on YouTube, it just never will not make me laugh, oh my gods I’m so *sorry* my loves <3
So anyway, there’s all that, that’s where I’ve been, life really does not work out the way you planned it to, huh? Because outside of my bed, I know I have messages and emails and someone got a tattoo?? You got a tattoo and I’m just really sorry I haven’t been in touch, my energy has to be paid out like a miser, if I want to wash my hair then wow the world is really not getting anything else out of me, you know? But I am still here, and I do still love the things I love. I still think all of it is worth it. I think the world is a *lot* of fun, though I bear in mind that still, and always, we live through very frightening and distressing times. Which actually makes me think we need to cling to the things we love *more*, not less, love makes better people of us, when we let it.
So I did watch the new season of Good Omens when it came out, and safe to say I was not impressed, but it did jog in me the memory that didn’t I write a sequel to it? Yes I did, and it involved *all* that blood. But I reread it – it’s like reading a stranger’s writing after so long – and that jogged the memory: Didn’t you start a sequel to *this*?
Yes I did! Two thirds written, actually, hurrah for my past self. The last third took, I don’t know, when did the new season come out, it took that long. I used to sneeze out this sort of thing. This, now, is getting at my arms, it’ll be another lie down soon. But anyway, the point of all this: I live yet. In the next few days I *hope* I will be formatting and posting a sequel to But Thou Readst Black because of course everyone wants *that* back in their heads again, my gods. And I hope hope hope you’ve been well, I do think of people while I’m stuck doing nothing but pooling my brain out of my ears on YouTube. Look after yourselves, take care of each other, my gods you tattooed yourself I mean more power to you but it alarms me when things I make turn out to be *permanent*, you know? It feels like I barely touch the world anymore, my circumference has become so small, but it makes the world seem only more precious. Take good care of it, and of yourself as part of it. And very, very much love, to anyone remaining to see this, much love <3"
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geneticcatalyst · 1 year
as promised, an exploration of my one pet problem in fandom, or: misinterpretation of jby's first death (ft. zzs)
heres the thing. i occasionally see people reference what seems to be a misconception of the (english translation) text in qi ye. both the fact that its a translation and the metaphorical phrasing make it pretty clear to see why they got the wrong idea, but i firmly believe its still the wrong idea. i am by no means calling the people who got this mixed up dumb or bad, i am simply leaning over their shoulders going 'wait no bestie pls read that again pls read that one more time!!' because this is one of my favorite books and this thing is a key piece of one of my favorite things about it.
i said i was gonna pull screenshots for this post but i think it will be a little while before i get to another reread and i can't ctrl+f the google doc so im just gonna whip this out from memory. if anyone does have this particular passage on hand feel free to pop it in here. the rest of the context/explanations are just from my cursory research, im not chinese or a historian.
cards on the table. the only thing i love more than unhinged gay romances is unhinged platonic soul mates. its catnip to me. i go feral every goddamn time. and i havent stopped losing my mind about zhou zishu and jing beiyuan since that first qi ye scene. what do those guys have going on? not even sure they know but it's A Lot. ive got like 18 other unpublished drafts trying to work that out slash losing my fucking mind at the lengths they go to about each other. that relationship is at the center of both novels even if the spotlight isnt on it. so I admit that my readings are colored a bit by how much i like that they like each other!
which is why im shocked baffled and, ok, lightly salted, to see a few people make the claim that zishu (personally) tortured/killed beiyuan in his first life.
so what the text says is that after helian yi stopped trusting beiyuan (after su qingluan's accidental death), he was basically put to death. but even the emperor has to have a half decent reason to execute someone. the text describes these reasons- ten of them- as zhou zishu's masterpieces. it also refers to them as great shames to beiyuan's standing. what's happening is that helian yi has zishu frame beiyuan for treason or other betrayals against the emperor/the country. it isn't specific as to what, but it doesn't really matter, because its all fake and zishu is really good at his job. so yes, it is fair to say that zishu is the INSTRUMENT of beiyuan's death, but he didn't kill him, he just laid the groundwork.
the text goes on to another slightly confusing line where it says something to the effect of that when each of these accusations were read out in court, each line drew blood from jing beiyuan. that's a metaphor! it's just saying that his reputation was torn apart and ultimately his fate is sealed, despite the phrasing there are no literal injuries happening.
also, i may not have the timeline perfect on this part, but in zishu's introduction in the beginning of the novel, the narration tells us outright that while zishu is partially responsible for beiyuan's death, he was like. cool about it. in what seems to be the first and only time he ever steps out of line or goes against helian yi's command (!), after setting all this up but- if im remembering right- before the news actually breaks in court the next day, zishu warns beiyuan. now this admittedly doesnt do a whole lot because the only other possible option (cut and run) isn't a very good one, but it's the only thing zishu can do. he doesnt have to, but he does it anyway (!). of course beiyuan doesnt even consider doing this, he's stubborn and heartbroken, but he really seems to 1. appreciate the risk zishu took here to try to give him a chance and 2. not hold the whole set up against zishu or take that bit personally.
so what actually happened at the end of beiyuan's first life? he was sent the 3 zhang of white silk. the text does explicitly say this once, but if you're not familiar with the practice it may not click. receiving the white silk from the emperor is what happens when you're too high ranking to execute like a commoner but you've fallen from grace and are being politely asked to hang yourself in order to clear your name. and of course beiyuan, stubborn and heartbroken, does. yes, it's a forced suicide, but it isn't a murder.
anyway, its in that secret conversation, where zishu secretly meets with beiyuan seemingly to try to convince him to save himself and beiyuan outright refuses, that beiyuan promises that if theres a next life (ha), they'll get drunk together. and of course against all odds, there is and they do.
the thing about the idea that some people might think that zishu killed beiyuan is that after that nothing between them makes sense. even if it was at helian yi's request, i just cant see that not permanently damaging the friendship, i don't think beiyuan could immediately pick back up being best friends in the seventh life with that memory in the way. why would zishu go out of his way to warn beiyuan one day if he was perfectly capable and fine with killing him the next? why would beiyuan not only be happy to meet zishu again in the seventh life but also go out of his way trying to save zishu's? none of their other interactions really make sense if you believe there was a murder done there. idk. it clouds the whole throughline of the story which is that they have a bond!
i think maybe people think it is in character due to the other ruthless murders, and they're not wholly wrong, but that's the kicker for me. zishu will murder all kinds of innocents no questions asked, but he's suddenly trying to give an out to his coworker and drinking buddy? hello? thats insane, and that's the point.
furthermore, if you think maybe it would make sense for helian yi to have beiyuan violently killed (since it keeps fucking happening later), i actually have to become helian yi's lawyer for a moment here and say that that doesnt make sense either. helian yi is sitting on a throne gained by shadowy means but he's the Good Guy Ruler and that reputation is important. hes not a cruel person and he may have become paranoid but he still has a shared history with beiyuan. plus, even the emperor has to abide by a certain amount of decorum when he wants to have people killed, especially when that person is also a high ranking member of court. beiyuan's status is basically second only to the royal bloodline, he's essentially the prev emperor's godson, as well as a previously close confidante of helian yi himself. the white silk was regarded as a privileged, dignified means of offing someone. helian yi is perfectly within social acceptability to do this to beiyuan with the pretext of beiyuan's disgrace. but it would be pushing the boundaries for the good and just emperor to suddenly have one of his top advisors and members of high nobility brutally killed like a common criminal. he could probably do it, but it would reflect on him and his reputation too. he could do it in secret, but would have to cover up the disappearance of a prominent court figure. it just makes sense to use the white silk as the neatest, most acceptable legal justice channel here. maintain emotional detachment, be polite, everybody's honor gets honored and such.
so that's the ted talk. theres even some beautiful fanart on here of white-haired first life beiyuan holding the white silk! he wasn't tortured or outright executed, and he chose to obey rather than escape or fight the false claims of treason even though his friend tried to give him the only out he could manage. to interpret things differently really skews the character motivations and plot for everyone- beiyuan, zishu, helian yi- in a way that warps the story out of believability, imho.
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fictionadventurer · 10 days
7 & 9-12 for Wives & Daughters, 14-21 for The Galleries of Stone, 1-4 for Brine & Bone, and 7-10 & 16 for The Blackout Book Club, please?
Wives and Daughters
7. how does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? has it surprised you yet? how?
I was under the impression that it was a sweet nineteenth-century English countryside story, like a lot of the type of classics I read, but also very long and unfortunately unfinished. I was surprised at how engaging I found the writing (at a time when Victorian authors could be very hit-and-miss with me) and how gripping I found the story, and how layered and lovable all the characters were, and how satisfying it was despite the lack of ending. And I was completely surprised to find that not only did I love it, but I might have found a new favorite novel.
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
Girl falls for a bug-collecting dweeb who is dumb enough to fall for her flashy, unsuitable stepsister who doesn't care a straw for him.
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
Are there good songs about sisters? (I'm sorry, all of the music questions are going to have horrible answers)
11. if you were put in the main character's position, how well would that go for you on a scale of 1-5?
I mean, I'd probably do a lot of what Molly does, and things seem to work out pretty well for her, so 5.
12. assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story?
I can't say I've ever wanted to live in Victorian England, but within that time period, I'd say Elizabeth Gaskell's kind and gentle English countryside is about as good as it gets, so I wouldn't seek it out, but if I wound up there, I could be happy.
The Galleries of Stone
14. how likely do you think this story is to break a reader's heart? If you're not done with the story, just guess.
There are some heartbreaking elements, but overall the vibe is so cozy and lovely, with all these people finding a place to belong, that the heartbreak is more for things that happened before the story than for anything that happens within it.
15. what time are you most likely to be found reading/watching this story? (time of year, time of day, season of life, whatever makes sense to you)
Either January (when I first read it) or at the end of Lent (when I tend to go back to my favorite indie-published cozy fantasy ebooks)
16. do you think this story has broad appeal, or is it meant for a very specific audience? if it's more "niche", what kind of person would most enjoy this story?
I agree with @lover-of-the-starkindler that the cozy fantasy niche is growing.
17. compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed?
The magic system isn't quite the kind of thing I usually like (a bit too woo-woo), and I've never been fond of anthropomorphic animals in fiction, but she makes it work well.
18. compare this story to your usual tastes. what parts of it are exactly the kind of thing you've always loved?
I love domestic fantasy that focuses on the details of daily living and the differences between cultures. I love stories about big, loving family and strong marriages, and this story gives them to me like nothing else does.
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
How about a spinoff set on a completely different mountain (maybe the green one, with all the wind chimes), with a sculptor who takes multiple different apprentices and things work in the usual manner, and we get to see the daily lives of these people who occasionally come into contact with Aurelius or something.
20. what's the WORST thing about this story, in your opinion? (feel free to be positive, e.g. "it's not longer", if you want!)
The epithets! They drive me absolutely bonkers and make parts of it almost impossible to reread.
21. based on this story, would you be interested enough in the author to read their other work?
Yes, but unfortunately none of the author's other work looks appealing to me.
Brine and Bone
1 what got you into this story?
I don't remember how I found it, but I like fairy tale retellings and this one was cheap, so I bought it. I found it a forgettable straightforward retelling the first time I read it, then one Lent when I was in the mood for light fantasy retellings I picked it up again and was blown away by the depth and beauty of it.
2. describe it in one or two sentences.
Sentence 1 (retelling description): A "Little Mermaid" retelling from the point-of-view of the woman who the prince marries that retains Andersen's original ending
Sentence 2 (story description): A woman reconnects with the prince she's loved from childhood when she finds him after a shipwreck, but their romance is threatened by the appearance of a beautiful, frightening magical creature who may want to claim the prince for her own purposes.
3. quickly list 3 things you like about the story!
The romance, the appreciation of natural law, the heartbreaking beauty of the ending
4. assign this story a hyper-specific genre name
Theological romantic horror fantasy fairy tale retelling
The Blackout Book Club
7. how does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? has it surprised you yet? how?
It pretty much lived up to my initial impressions of it--home-front WWII fiction about people coming to find home and friendship in each other--but I was surprised at how delightful the book club minutes were. They were my favorite part of the story.
8. what questions are or were you most excited to learn the answers to while experiencing the story for the first time?
I can't remember specifics anymore, but there was one old lady's backstory that I was interested in learning about.
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
While a worldwide war rages, a bunch of people sit around and read books.
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
Some kind of WWII-era Big Band music.
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grumpywiltedlettuce · 7 months
I’m on a reread of tcf so expect more lists soon. This is mostly for myself but have it anyways. I’m just past chapter 200 on the reread so the attack with the northern alliance is underway.
TCF TL/PR notes that made me lol
29 Cat washing face reference
1. Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J_Bl9f-MTA
50 About Toonka (TL: Yet he got shipwrecked…clearly didn’t survive the sea…(PR: Perservering = Survival)
51 ( It’s a small boat that requires oars but has rooms and windows?! o.O )
57 “That’s enough thanks. If you thank me anymore, it will not feel genuine. Same thing with the apology.”
“Got it. Thank you very much.” ( (PR: You had one job.) )
59 Cale could see the still flawless Violan’s eyes turning chilly. ( :O If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is Beacrox’s mom! )
59 “Yes, daddy.” ( I’m sorry, I just had to. It was the perfect opportunity. )
59 ( … The Henituse family is the Night’s Watch … )
68 Cale knew how Shickler had domesticated the troublemaker Archie. He beat him up. He beat up him so much that the entire ocean seemed to be filled with dust. He really beat him to a pulp while saying that a beating was the best medicine for a troublemaker. ( (PR: I pity Witira and Paseton.) TL: You mean envy. You like the pain as a masochist… )
71 Toonka got up while staggering to the side. At that moment, Cale could hear Raon’s serious voice.
– …Why is he laughing after getting hit? Does he enjoy getting hit? ( Our PR’s masochistic friend. (PR: I’m innocent I swear.) )
74 about Mueller ( (PR: I originally felt pity. Now I am thinking that we can do without one more mage.) )
76 ( (PR: Raon is a yandere…) )
110 Cale looked odd as he suddenly stopped laughing and stoically stood there. A path of silver coins was shining on top of the boiling lava. That silver light meshed well with the red-haired Cale.
“Weak human.”
“Let me know if you don’t have enough! I am willing to give you my piggy bank!” ((PR: IT’S ADORABLE.) ) …
The king of rocks, the Giant Cobblestone that is known as the, ‘Super Rock,’ is in the land of boulders. (Really wanted to call it Dwayne Johnson )
112 Cale could see an old Elf with white hair and beard walking toward them. It was the Elf Chief. However, unfortunately, he did not have time to greet her. (I double checked the raw and it does indeed say beard but it is a woman )
114 The group all looked toward Cale at Ron’s question. He had fainted after coughing up blood. They knew that Cale was a good person who really liked to help others, but they also knew that Cale did not enjoy moving around and getting hurt. (Pfft, you’ve all been scammed to believe he’s a good person! (PR: I mean, he COULD have just ignored the Elves’ plight…) )
118 “Just what are you selling to the Whipper Kingdom that Alberu keeps laughing for no reason when he is alone?”
“… His highness keeps laughing when he is alone?” ((PR: Cale broke him.) )
129 Hannah let out a quiet chuckle. Although her poisoned body was still in pain, she was now full of vitality. Cale gently asked Hannah, who seemed to be imagining the opportunity to get her revenge. (Cale just collects people who want revenge. )
135 He could see that Tasha was looking at him with warm eyes and that the black robe was coming toward him. (Author references Mary as black robe frequently because that’s all you can see. (PR: And I hate it.) )
142 “It has been wonderful having Cage-nim here. If it is okay with you, young master-nim, I hope that Miss Cage can stay here longer.” (Went from Cage-nim to Miss Cage in one breath. New ship? Poor Taylor. )
148 ‘It’s not a matter of if I will be fine or not. I don’t think I’ll be able to differentiate. Once I start to see blood, I can’t stop myself from killing anything in front of me.’ ((PR: Hannah was the one who said that a sea of blood would be beautiful. I don’t think her blood addiction is as bad as Redika, but she definitely still has a blood addiction. Why is everyone in this novel a sadist?) )
151 The Count nodded his head multiple time as he answered.
There was a different kind of smile on his face now. Raon, who was watching the father-son duo chat while remaining invisible, started to speak into Cale’s mind.
– Human, the Count is smiling like you do when you are scamming people! It is amazing! It is very similar! ((PR: I wonder what Deruth’s young scamming years were like…) )
158 “Was it you?”
“What are you talking about, your highness?”
Alberu was certain after seeing Cale eating a cookie with an expression that seemed to be saying, ‘I know nothing.’
“It was you.”
“What was?”
“What did you do to the Vatican?”
Cale started to smile as he bit down on the cookie. ((PR: Cale is an innocent lil child.) )
‘That knight is originally from the slums.’
‘Apparently, he grew up with poor parents and many siblings, but his good character made him popular with the people in the slums and the general public. They call him a Dragon from the river. (This is an idiom for something rare. You wouldn’t normally find a Dragon coming out of a river. (PR: A-Are dragons common in other places then?) )
Alberu shocked to find out choi han is a sword master ((PR: Oh if only he knew Cale’s party’s full strength…) )
160 Huten and Metelona. ((PR: Their names sound like pokemon.) )
164 Cale ~must~ go home and spend the new year with his family ((TL: such a good boy.))
172 “Just one of the many average people.” ((TL: Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-man.) )
174 Cale quickly understood what Hong was trying to say. ((PR: I can’t even read lips, but young master Silver Light can understand animals!) )
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