#in the agrabah universe!!
spartanexperience · 11 days
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teehee time to go fuck it we ball mode and unleash my other Hercules god ship (this time it does lowkey count as selfship since Orithyia is more of a selfinsert LOLL)
this one doubles down as a Doomed Monster Romance cuz these 2 are both nerds with Communication Issues(TM) and are a god and human. Orithyia is already an aging person with gray streaks in their hair. Time's arrow ticks too fast when you're immortal
Orithyia (she/they, genderfluid) is an alchemist and mathematician, in the style of Archimedes and Pythagoras!! Currently they're residing on the mountains with their lab and conducting her mad doctor research. (She's the cousin of Mechanicles, who unfortunately has not sent any letters ever since he travelled east to cause havoc) An eccentric scientist with Autistic Swag who will set her head on fire to cut her hair and actively says "UM AKSHULLY ☝️🤓"
So. Know the rather dark myth of Boreas and Orithyia and how he kidnapped the Athens princess to be his bride? Well, in the Hercules universe, that's a slandering rumor created by the Athens politician who was Orithyia's controlling and cruel, arranged marriage husband. He could not handle the humiliation of divine intervention, the god of the North Wind himself falling in love with his wife, having an affair with her and then saving her to a better place. (Yes I was inspired by Eclipsa and Globgor in Star vs the Forces of Evil BYE)
Boreas may be an arrogant, ruthless, selfcentered pompous bitchass but Orithyia is the one (1) person he will listen to, and he melts into a puddle of cold air listening to their scientific infodumping. And GODS FORBID you even bend a hair on their head or you will feel the North Wind's wrath (Boreas is very soft and protective, no matter how much they claim to be a heartless winter god LMFAO also Orithyia is very confused when they hear from others that Boreas is not a god with a sense of humor. Ori has always seen Boreas with a dorky smile on his face 😌💖💖)
They're the kinda couple that starts guessing the plot twists during an amphitheatre night and spoiling the plot for everyone in the audience JDNMAMSL
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Badun Detective Agency Picrews;
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Harry Badun, son of Helga Sinclair and Horace Badun.
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Jace Badun, son of the strong woman and Jasper Badun.
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Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia, daughter of Cedric the Sorcerer of Enchancia and Yzma.
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Reza Vizer of Agrabah, biological son of Tareq Vizer of Agrabah (the former royal astronomer of Agrabah) and Maji of Agrabah (harem girl). Adoptive son of Sadira of Agrabah and Mozenrath.
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Hermie Bing, daughter of Miss Atlantis and Maximilian Bing (The Ringmaster)(in normal form and clown form).
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Eddie Balthazar, son of Sarah Brown and Edgar Balthazar.
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Mystery Noir the nunchuck wielding turtle.
Picrews I used: 1 and 2.
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autumn-may · 1 month
really specific hc time I think axels ftm BUT there is no way in any universe he binded throughout any of 358/2 days. You think he’s wearing a binder in THAT black full leather outfit?? As a FIRE MAGE??? Sometimes in AGRABAH??? No way no how he’d literally be dead by day five. If he has top surgery it’d either be really fricked up because Vexen (only person in the org who could do it) does not like him, or it’d be really good cause Vexen would be a perfectionist about it. However Idk if axel would trust his unconscious body to Vexen-with-a-knife since vexens kinda famous for not liking anyone who wasn’t a original member, so either there’s something about nobodies generally being indicative of a somebodies sense of identity/strength of will like what kh2 suggested and Axel is magically cis despite lea being trans, or he’s just living tits out (king behavior btw). If it’s the latter it would be barely noticeable tho, because he’d be flat as frick. (I’ve seen his official art. That man is a skeleton. Seeing his marvel man style chest in official art activates a grandmotherly instinct I didn’t know I had. Please eat a sandwich king 🙏) thus concludes my really good and awesome and relevant analysis, follow me for more bangers
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rooksamoris · 5 months
I just read your thoughts about Scarabia and Leona's arc development in game, and I got very interested.
There's very little info on Arabian culture online, at least that I've seen, and also African. A thing that makes me very curious is about their mythologies, folklore, and also music. We know a lot about food, since it's something so universal, but the rest is hard to get info on, unless it gets popularized or romanticized by someone else.
The scarabia arc is one of my favorites for a reason, and that is because I'm very sympathetic with Jamil, and very sad how his and Kalim's story together got so "twisted" so fast (ehe). Honestly there are so many layers to it that it would take many many chapters, and events, to close the situation. But I think it's good they left the future open like that, since it's something that can't be fixed overnight.
And also, *gets down* PLS PLS PLS PLS 🙏 I love the fluffy fics, are you going to also add Bolllywood songs? They are so good seriously it's so dancing and fun! I love Jamil so much and I MELTED with the headcanon short fic where we are taking care of him. I wanna hold his precious handsome face and just kiss it all over! He is so cute I will go FERAL-
hey qamar 💕 this was a pleasure to read! honestly, i feel like both the scarabia and savannaclaw chapters were too short? of course, we were introduced to the themes and then the whole conflict—resolution mountain for stories, however i just feel like they could have done more with the both of them.
also, i think the reason why the southwest-asian and african themes aren’t covered is because the source material is literally disney films 💀 like we get a warning before rewatching aladdin since they just now realized it was kind of racist (still a major part of my childhood though 😭 “a whole new world” in arabic is delicious). based on how yana has written other characters that are meant to be from south asia, there’s a big chance it would have been disappointing anyways.
plus, with scarabia in particular, there’s too many cultures trying to be represented due to how colonizers deemed all of the countries to be the same thing in different fonts 💀 you’d never confuse a nepali with an omani, but winston churchill sure did not care.
the original aladdin movie was meant to take place in baghdad, a city in iraq, but due to political conflicts at the time (george bush a war criminal regardless of saddam hussein’s crimes. the usa literally gave saddam weapons to kill kurds and then turned around and invaded when he wasn’t convenient anymore 💀). baghdad became agrabah—but the culture is still an amalgamation of west asian, south asian, north african, and like eurasian/turkish culture. im sure they’ve got stuff from central asia too 😭
the issue with this is that from ethnic group to ethnic group/country to country, the culture varies a lot. yemenis and palestinians are both arabs, but our cultures are vastly different, with yemenis having more eastern african influences and palestinians having mediterranean influences. i personally headcanon the scarabia duo as arab, but honestly, they could be from anywhere. for all we know, kalim is afghan and jamil is tunisian—it’s all up in the air due to the original source material. but i digress!! i rambled a lot 😭
ON THE BOLLYWOOD NOTE! omg this brought so many good memories back. we used to watch bollywood films with shitty arabic dubs 🥹 i miss those days. i love that idea and ive always wanted to write bollywood inspired fics, like based on the crazy and unrealistic romantic moments in bollywood. it’s just so much fun lmao. honestly, i think that’s a great idea especially when so many bollywood songs just lead the listener through a story anyways. im so glad you enjoy my fics!!! that’s very sweet 💕 have a great day, qamar, and take care of yourself
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kiirostarz · 2 months
These are some of my favorite backstories from Disney Mirrorverse. In Jasmine's story, Jafar takes over Agrabah and imprisons her father, but she manages to escape and goes undercover to reclaim her kingdom. I mean, THIS IS FREAKING EPIC! I hope the next manga is about her!
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Frozone and other superheroes, because of the stellar magic, their powers are like a thousand times stronger and even harder to control. I find it amazing because it could mean that in this universe, supers are something similar to the X-Men. Maybe being a superhero is more complicated in this universe. And something they have in common is that Edna Mode has to design their suits for their extra strong powers.
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I love Peter Pan's story. Basically, the pirates in this universe take control of Neverland. Peter is the leader of the rebellion to free the island. He even makes a pact with his shadow to help him. I don't know... I LOVE THIS STORY!!
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I also really like Zurg's story because basically this Zurg went to other universes to defeat himself, so he would be like the Supreme Zurg. Although it's also confusing because there are stories that say they are Andy's toys... I think it would be better if they were a version of their own stories like 'Lightyear'.
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And Cruella. I like it because it's not limited to just one universe; she's literally known as the most dangerous criminal across the entire universe. Epic.
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I definitely need the mangas for Jasmine and Peter
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readingrynbow · 6 months
alrighty starkid theory time (specifically cinderella's castle):
so, on the starkid instagram the livestream schedule was just posted, and they designed a map of "the lands that be" as the base for the post--I was just taking a peek at the map when i noticed something.
if you look in the bottom left corner there's a section that says "golden hold" and the design of the buildings looks suspiciously like agrabah (aka where twisted takes place)
now if they've mentioned anything like what i'm about to say then lmk but based on this i'm assuming that cinderella's castle is going to take place in the twisted universe--so hopefully (i'm assuming this will be the case) it's a different take on the original story similar to how twisted was.
as we know twisted is a blend of aladdin and wicked--this may just be me projecting my interests onto starkid media, but my prediction is that cinderella's castle will be a blend of cinderella and the labyrinth.
-> this is based on the font used in the title and design of some of the puppets plus i think it would be really cool.
okay analysis over, if anyone else has thoughts on what to expect from this show lmk!!
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masteraqua · 3 months
alright, as promised, here's my list of the disney worlds in kh1, ranked from favorite to least favorite!
Atlantica: structurally, this world is perfect. it’s not too long, there’s minimal backtracking, and the way it expands the player’s understanding of the universe through king triton is *chefs kiss*. i will take any excuse to listen to pat carroll and jodi benson
Wonderland: loooove how creative and layered this world is, there’s nothing else like it. it’s the perfect choice to introduce the disney worlds and make you feel like you’re not in kansas anymore. and then right as you start to get comfortable, BAM, the main character gets kidnapped in the middle of her own story
Neverland: the way this world is integrated into the plot is excellent. seeing riku and kairi here always has me on the edge of my seat and the whole concept of shadow sora is ingenious. the only reason this world isn’t ranker higher is because there are too many rooms that look the same
Monstro: everything about this scenario is cool, from the story actually beginning in traverse town with pinocchio committing petty theft to the flashbacks of sora and riku’s childhood to getting eaten by a giant goddamn SPACE WHALE. i think i love this world actually, i’m moving it up the list
Deep Jungle: i have mixed feelings on this world. on the one hand, there is WAY too much backtracking and the clunky physics are at their worst here. but on the other hand, the conflict between sora and his new companions is surprisingly compelling, and, most importantly, the VIBES are IMMACULATE *bongo drums intensify*
Olympus Coliseum: what this world lacks in size it makes up for in fun character dynamics. love the cast, love the tournaments, love cloud's little arc. but the cerberus fight can rot in hades, it’s probably my least favorite boss in the game
Halloween Town: this world has a lot of charm to be sure, but it also feels very disconnected from the story, almost to the point of distraction. even sora doesn't seem very enthused to be here. oogie boogie as a giant haunted house is the fun kind of nightmare fuel tho
Hundred-Acre Wood: i feel bad putting this so far down the list. i love the idea of this world and i quite like the execution too. the minigames just aren’t very strong in this game unfortunately
Agrabah: idk, this world just kinda falls flat to me and it’s hard to explain why. it seems to be more interested in cramming in as many callbacks to the movie as possible than in being novel or compelling. also there are too many boss fights
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twisting-echo · 28 days
Hello. Just whenever you see this. I had some ideas for Disney crossover ships and I wanted to run them by you. First is Hercules x Cinderella. They make sense to me because they're both kind and kinda outcasts but in different ways. Hercules was an outcast because of his strength,and Cinderella was an outcast and abused in her own home. The second is Aladdin x Mulan. I thought they made sense for similar reasons. They're both outcasts and free spirits who feel trapped for whatever reason. Sorry for the long ask. And sorry if this was a bother.
Hello, Sailor Brunette! It's nice to hear from you again. 🥰
OoOoH! I love it when I get asked about ships! This is no bother to me at all.
Hercules and Cinderella make an interesting couple! They were both treated as outcasts in their respective universes. Blending their unique strengths and personalities to see how they would complement each other as a couple is what I'm here for!
Hercules x Cinderella (Hercuella)
Complementary Traits:
Strength and Kindness: Hercules, with his immense physical strength and heroic nature, could provide a sense of protection and adventure. Cinderella, known for her kindness and resilience, could bring a calming and nurturing presence to their relationship.
Optimism and Determination: Both characters are incredibly optimistic and determined. Hercules never gives up on his quest to become a true hero, while Cinderella remains hopeful and kind despite her hardships. Together, they could inspire each other to overcome any obstacle.
Humility and Grace: Hercules, despite his godly strength, is humble and down-to-earth. Cinderella, with her grace and poise, could complement this humility, creating a balanced and harmonious relationship.
Romantic Dynamics:
Shared Values: Both value love and loyalty highly. Hercules’ willingness to give up his godhood for Megara shows his deep commitment, while Cinderella’s unwavering hope and kindness reflect her strong moral compass.
Supportive Partnership: Cinderella’s nurturing nature could provide emotional support to Hercules, who often faces immense pressure. Conversely, Hercules’ bravery and strength could help Cinderella feel safe and cherished.
Adventurous Spirit: Hercules’ adventurous spirit could bring excitement into Cinderella’s life, taking her on thrilling journeys beyond the confines of her previous life. Meanwhile, Cinderella’s grounded and practical nature could help Hercules stay focused and balanced.
Potential Challenges:
Different Backgrounds: Hercules comes from a world of gods and heroes, while Cinderella’s life has been more grounded and humble. They would need to navigate these differences and find common ground.
Balancing Strengths: Hercules’ physical strength and heroic duties might sometimes overshadow Cinderella’s quieter strengths. They would need to ensure that both their contributions are valued equally.
Overall, their relationship is a beautiful blend of strength and gentleness, adventure and stability, making them a well-rounded and complementary couple~
Mulan x Aladdin (Muladdin)
Aladdin and Mulan make a fascinating and magnetic couple to me. They did honestly feel trapped in the circumstances of their lives. I honestly don't know why I never thought of them before, especially since they're both in Disney Mirrorverse. When I was blending their unique backgrounds, skills, and personalities, I found myself really attracted to their chemistry.
Complementary Traits:
Resourcefulness and Bravery: Aladdin’s street-smart resourcefulness and quick thinking could complement Mulan’s bravery and strategic mind. Together, they could tackle any challenge with a blend of cleverness and courage.
Adaptability and Determination: Both characters have shown incredible adaptability. Aladdin navigates the complexities of Agrabah’s streets and royal life, while Mulan adapts to the rigors of military life. Their determination to succeed against the odds would make them a resilient pair.
Humility and Honor: Aladdin’s humble beginnings and Mulan’s deep sense of honor and duty could create a balanced relationship where both value integrity and respect.
Romantic Dynamics:
Shared Adventures: Both Aladdin and Mulan thrive on adventure. Their relationship could be filled with exciting journeys and shared quests, whether in Agrabah or across ancient China.
Mutual Respect: Aladdin’s respect for Mulan’s strength and Mulan’s admiration for Aladdin’s cleverness could form a strong foundation of mutual respect and admiration.
Supportive Partnership: Mulan’s strategic thinking and Aladdin’s quick wit could make them a formidable team. They could support each other in both personal growth and their shared adventures.
Potential Challenges:
Cultural Differences: Coming from different cultural backgrounds, they would need to navigate and respect each other’s traditions and customs.
Balancing Roles: Both are strong, independent characters. They would need to find a balance in their relationship where both feel valued and supported without overshadowing each other.
Overall, Aladdin and Mulan create a dynamic and balanced relationship, filled with adventure, mutual respect, and a shared sense of purpose~
I'm honestly in love with both of these ships. I think that their personalities mesh really well together.
I can just imagine how shy Hercules would be around Cinderella and how adorkable she would think he is~
I can honestly just imagine how fun and quippy the banter between Aladdin and Mulan would be. Especially if Aladdin met Mulan as Ping, where Aladdin would treat Ping like his bro and slowly start to have BiPanic around him until Mulan reveals her true identity. Aladdin is happy no matter who Mulan is, and Mulan supports her newly bisexual boyfriend~
Thank you for this ask Sailor Brunette. You made me kick my shipping goggles into high gear, and I loved the outcome. This is just good crossover ship food for my soul~
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fairytale-nonesense · 8 months
My map for the descendants universe:
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Everything labeled is tied to a Disney movie. Any letters repeated with a numeric value are locations mentioned/inferred in their respective movies.
Not pictured: Agrabah, China, the Americas, London, Isle of the Lost. Incorporating real places is hard and so is making maps, and I didn’t have the space. The grey section on the left is a land bridge that would connect the fictionalizations of these locations. (Also I couldn’t decide where I wanted the Isle.)
A. Snow White’s Kingdom
A2. Prince Florian’s Kingdom
B. Cinderella’s Kingdom
C. Aurora’s Kingdom
C2. Prince Phillip’s Kingdom
D. Camelot (The Sword in the Stone)
E. Prydain (The Black Cauldron)
F. Prince Eric’s Kingdom
F2. Atlantica
G. Belle’s Kingdom
H. Fictionalized France
I. Fictionalized Greece
J. Corona
K. Fictionalized Scotland
L. Arendelle
L2. Southern Isles
M. Auradon
Stars= Capitols/Castles
X= relevant movie locations
A X1: home of the 7 dwarves
A X2: the gem mines
B X: the Tremaine estate/Cinderella’s childhood home
C X: Forest where Aurora was in hiding
G X: Belle’s village
J X: Rapunzel’s tower
M X: Auradon Prep
Xa: the horned king’s castle
Xb: YenSid’s tower
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casinotrio1965 · 4 months
Disney Descendants: Who Where You? Before they Broke Your Heart?
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By Me and @hannahhook7744
Summary: In one world, the likes of Kyle White, Joyce 'Joy' Foxworth, Haul Bjorgman, and Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamad of Agrabah were a part of Hannah Hook's crew. 
This is not that world. 
(Part of the Killer Queen Universe).  .....
“Well this outta be good” Joy, now sixteen, said as she pressed play on the old video camera.
The video wobbled as the person holding it ran around erratically. Taking sharp turns around counters and giggling—only to almost immediately run into a pair of legs. 
“I wonder who’s video camera this is,” Joy said out loud to herself and no one else.
“Nadia? What are you doing with Luke's camera?” An unfamiliar girl, around Joy’s age, giggled. Kneeling down to the camera’s eye level to reveal that the girl wasn't so unfamiliar after all…
Because it was Hannah Hook.
“Holy cow... is that our new ruler who destroyed my father’s old home and EVERYTHING that I’ve cared about?!” Joy shrieked, suddenly becoming more angry.
The one holding the camera didn't seem afraid, however. No, instead she just giggled harder. “Se-kret!” 
Which in turn caused Hannah herself to giggle as she took the camera from her. “Don't tell Luke see you with this thing or he'll never make you cookies again.”
“Huh, she is kinda cute for a nutcase .. maybe I can use this video as dirt against her?”  Joy thought out loud, weighing the pros and cons.
The camera spun around to show a little tan girl with long black hair and big brown eyes in a white dress. She looked to be around two or three years old, and just pouted at the camera.
She was holding a tiny stuffed monkey. 
Joy wasn't seeing any kind of dirt so far which frustrated her, though she did wonder how some one so cute could go completely bonkers.  
“Hey! Has anyone seen my camera?! That thing cost me sixteen apples?!” A voice in the distance called. 
“SH–SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!” Hannah swore, nearly dropping the camera before quickly shutting it off. 
“Well that wasn’t helpful! “ Joy muttered.  “Well maybe... if I go back to where I found the camera there might be more dirt somewhere!”  ....
“Why are we doing this again?” Kyle gripped. Wiping the sweat from his brow as he dug in one area of the abandoned house on the isle where Joy had found the abandoned camera. 
“Because Joy wanted us to?” Haul suggested quietly, his long blonde bangs falling in his face. Searching another part of the house. Just as sweaty as Kyle was. 
Which, if you asked Joy, they deserved for wearing black leather jackets on such a hot day when she had clearly told them they were going exploring.
They should have taken a page out of Amira’s book and worn short sleeves and lightly colored clothes but nooooo…. They just had to wear their leather jackets. 
“Because we are looking for more tapes for the camera” Joy responded, rolling her eyes.
“Why do you even care about that stupid camera so much?” Kyle grumbled. Rolling his eyes as he threw some of the random junk that had been left behind across the room and out of his way. 
Right into Haul’s way. 
He said nothing, as usual.
Amira, on the other hand….“Hey!”
Joy rolled her again, though she was starting to admit that maybe this was a stupid idea after all. Not out loud of course but still… “ I care Because I just do ok ?! “ Joy Snapped.
Kyle didn't accept that for an answer, unlike the other two because of course the son of Snow White just had to be as difficult as always. “You haven't even told us what's on the crappy thing. You can't blame us for being curious.”
“Ok fine! You know the girl who destroyed Neverland and took over Auradon? Well she’s in this camera.”
“WHAT?!” ....
The camera was less shaky this time as it ever so slowly zoomed in on a sleeping Hannah Hook, from when she was about ten.
Her face was pressed up against the steering wheel of a ship, which she was leaning on. No, practically laying on as she sat on a barrel. 
 “Well that’s an  uncomfortable looking way to sleep” Kyle muttered. “Who Would film someone while they slept ?” Amira questioned.
The camera turned out to reveal a giggling ten year old boy with red hair and green eyes—one who looked and dressed suspiciously similar to Hannah Hook's right hand man, Luke Tremaine-Westergaard. 
“I told her she drools and yet—” he zoomed in further on the brunette. “There she is! Here's my proof, Bam-Bam!”
“Lame! Who says Bam-bam?” Kyle asked, rolling his eyes.  
“It's clearly a nickname you idiot.” Amira snapped, clearly tired of his non-stop complaining. 
“Will you two be quiet like Haul ?!  I’m trying to see if there's more !” Joy snapped at both of them.
The brunettes both rolled their eyes. But only Kyle spoke. “Haul’s always quiet!”
“Yeah and you two could learn a thing from him, ” Joy muttered under her breath”.
The camera turned off. .....
“Hannah?” The boy from earlier called out. Zooming in on the girl in question, who looked about seven now instead of the ten in the other video.
Seven and holding a bundle of something in her arms.
“What's that?”
“...a… small human?”
The camera hit the ground, causing the video to shake as a pair of running sneakers came into view. “No!”
Hannah could still be heard in the background, yelling “yes!” As a baby gurgled. 
“Why is she holding that baby?” Joy wondered. 
“I heard a rumor that she has a lot of little kids in her crew…” Haul quietly replied from where he sat a little aways from  the rest of them. As he always did.
“So her crew consists of babies ?” Kyle snorted. “Apparently,” Joy replied.
“He didn't say it consisted only of babies. He just said there's a lot of them.” Amira pointed out. “And he would know, seeing as her crew did destroy his home and family.”
Joy had forgotten that. “Gosh Haul I’m so sorry that happened to you” Joy said to the blonde even though it was cold comfort.
The blonde didn't look up from his lap. ....
A loud scream rang out as the next tape played.
“Man could they scream any louder ?” Kyle Complained. “Turn the volume down !”
“Fine whatever.” Joy responded, rolling her eyes as she turned the volume down.
The screaming continued as the camera zoomed out to reveal a ten year old Hannah Hook, screaming bloody murder as she clung to a fourteen year old Harry Hook's back. 
All while he looked down at a cat sized spider with thinly veiled disdain.
“Woah, that spider is HUGE!” Joy exclaimed.
“I think he looks friendly.” Haul mumbled.
“You think EVERY ANIMAL looks friendly !” Amira snorted.
“MAKE IT GO AWAY! MAKE IT GO AWAY!” the ten year old wailed. Looking pale. 
“I wonder if she’s still scared of spiders ?..” Joy mused, secretly thinking of a revenge plan in her head. Then there was this voice in her head saying NO ! Revenge is not the answer. What she needs is some serious help! “Nevermind it’s stupid idea” Joy muttered out loud.
“Aw man, I wanted to see where that thought was going.” Kyle whined. 
They all ignored him.
“Hold your bloody horses, I'm going.” Harry huffed, before holding out his hook towards the spider—glaring. “Shoo!”
The spider didn't move an inch. 
“I said shoo you bloody menace!”
“Is that the brother who was executed by King Beast?” Amira asked.
“Former King.” Kyle corrected. “and yes.”
 Poor Hannah..” Haul said sympathetically. 
Kyle almost looked as if he agreed with the other boy. 
“You guys might have a point .. “ Joy mused. “Losing your older sibling can’t be easy…”
Harry scowled down at the spider and kicked it, causing it to hiss and scurry off. Basically the spider version of a bad guy’s ‘I’ll be back!’ speech. 
Hannah whimpered and buried her face in the ravenette’s shoulder. Still hiccuping. “Is it gone?”
“Aww poor Hannah .. that spider was so mean !” Joy started. “ Guys .. I think Hannah Hook needs a support group ..”
“Don't let your parents hear that or they might disown you.” Kyle mumbled. “She did still destroy Neverland, even if she didn't kill most of its population.”
“True.. but honestly.. I don’t know WHAT to think anymore!” Joy replied. ....
“Hi Luke! Sorry I tooks your camera but I hads to make this video somehows since our bir-th-day is coming up ands I wanted to gives yous a gift!’ a six year old Hannah Hook rambled as the camera turned on. 
She had two missing front teeth and a freshly healing black eye as she wiggled around in the oversized coat, dress, and boots she was wearing. The oversized hat on her head sliding down her face. 
Yet she was smiling.
“So here it ‘tis! My gift to you!”
She started to tap her foot. 
“Yo! My b-best friend, b-best friend 'til the very end!”
She stumbled slightly.“Ok I CAN’T take this anymore!” Joy shouted. “ I Can’t believe I'm saying this but I feel sorry for Hannah Hook !”
“Same.” Haul was, surprisingly or not depending on who you asked, the first to agree with her. 
“Me too..”Amira sighed. 
“Ditto.” Kyle replied, far less reluctant than anyone was expecting.
“There’s gotta be a way for her to step down peacefully!”  Joy said.
“'Cause b-best friends, b-best friends don't have to pre-tand!” Hannah hopped from one foot to the other, stumbling back. A nervous smile on her face as her goggles slid down her nose. “You need a hand?”
She held out her hand before pointing out at herself. “and I'm right theres right be-sides you!”
“So ..anyone got any ideas for how we get her to step down?” Kyle asked.
“None whatsoever. I'm bad with people…” Haul  winced. “But… then again, maybe if we treat her like an abused cat—”
“Would that work or would it just piss her off more?” Amira interrupted.
“We have to try,” Joy said with a determined expression.
“You in the dark? I'll bes da bri-ght light to guide you!” Hannah fell forward onto the camera, causing it to turn off. 
“Come on guys, “ Joy said. “ We have a scared little girl to see.”
The End
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Real Names in “Descendants“
Here’s a rant + solution about the characters’ names in Descendants.
Who in his right mind could accept Lonnie’s name is just that? Mal makes sense for the explanation we were given, but Evie? Even assuming Ally is short for something, isn’t that’s a weird name? The books have stuff like Herkie, Lil’ Shang, Pin, Tiger Peony, Ginny Gothel and I don’t know how many more and while I get it’s about making them recognizeable as the children of certain characters, I do get it, I still think they’re bad.
So I decided to compile a list of presumable actual names of the Descendants kids, VK and AK alike that anyone could feel free to use in fics.
Two little notes before anything else:
the -son/-dottir patronimics I see sometimes in fics are North European and should be used only in the right context, avoided otherwise. In Ancient Greek the correct suffix is -ides (gender neutral), so Mal wouldn’t be Hadesdottir but Hadeides; similarly, Uma would be Ursulaides, and Ursula Poseidonides and so forth. Despite that, I assume Auradon would want to conform to the habit of fixed family names that is normal in modern Europe, so they’d make everyone adopt one, like Chad Charming, or use the place of origin, like Jordan of Agrabah.
The explanation I have in-universe for some names is that there's an obsession in Auradon with precising who their famous parents/relatives/family friends could be and many kids end up with nicknames tied to that. Either this or because names have power when it comes to magic, so real names are kept secret and known only by the most trusted people, but that wouldn’t get along with how magic works in the movies, nor with the fact Ben and Mal shared their middle names like it was no big deal (but then again, Ben could have a secret third name and Mal didn’t specify her first name is short for Maleficent). The first explanation is easier.
I’ve been working on this list for quite some time. As such, if you use this as reference it’s fine, but I’d like to be told at least, even in a note to this post and given credit if you pick one of my ideas that aren’t mainstream in the fandom.
Also, I may add to/modify this post later on, but without taking into account anything made after Descendants 3.
That said, VKs first:
Mal: we’ve been said Mal is just short for Maleficent and the daughter isn’t allowed to use the full name because she “didn’t deserve it”. Abusive and terrible, yet it fits. But I don’t think Hades would agree and in myths there is a Melinoe who is an Hades’ daughter, so Mal’s full real name could be Maleficent Bertha Melinoe Hadeides or just Melinoe Bertha Hadeides.
Jay: I saw Jayden around and, nope, it doesn’t work for me. Either Jayanth or Jayad (both mean “victorious one”) sound a lot better and more fitting for the general area Aladdin is set in. But, really, this page has tons of names starting with Jay, pick one from there. (also, for a proper surname you should check Arabic onomastic, which is complicated, so just use “of the Isle” or “of Agrabah”, unless you know the subject well. I don’t think Auradonians would bother to learn anyway)
Evie: oh, dear, my poor girl, what an atrocity. It could be short for anything like Evelyn, Evangeline (but the Evil Queen would never choose such a meek name, plus it’s tied to Tiana’s story), Evanna, Evalina, Evisse, all can work, but the one I prefer is Everhilde or Everild, which would call back to the Evil Queen’s real name, Grimhilde. On this note, I suppose Genevieve could work too with the “parent-children with same intials” trend.
Carlos: I already said I find weird he has a Spanish name when Cruella is British, and unless there are some Spanish roots somewhere in the de Vil lineage, his name should have been Charles. But recently I headcanoned his father could be Bruno Madrigal, so the Spanish name could stay (in the books it’s stated his middle name is Oscar, which @dragoneyes618 reminded me was also Bruno’s first-draft name), so, Carlos Oscar de Vil-Madrigal.
Uma: it’s a Hebrew or Hindi name and a weird fit for the granddaughter of Poseidon (yes, I am one of those who agrees Ursula is one of Poseidon’s children and thinks a name meaning “little she-bear” is a tad weird for a sea being). But, after all, Ariel is a Hebrew name too, so Uma fits the Little Mermaid lore and all is well.
The three Hook siblings (Harriet, Harry and Calista Jane) have the most normal and reasonable names of the whole franchise and I won’t dare to change them. Perhaps I’d argue Harriet and Harry are fem/male variants of the same name, but, really, there is worse in the franchise (and I guess, when she made up Harriet, Melissa de la Cruz had no idea they’d later create Harry for the next movies).
Gil: his real name could be Gillaume (variant of Guillaume) or Gilbert. Personally, I prefer the latter (like Gilbert Motier de La Fayette, you know, lol). His brothers’ names, unfortunately, fit with Gaston’s narcissism, so they can stay. The canon surname is LeGume, although I’m not sure where it comes from exactly as it’s never mentioned in either movie or live action as far as I remember.
Freddie: I think Frederique Facilier sounds great and she probably hates it. I read that in a fic but I don’t remember whose, maybe @ginnyrules27 or @hannahhook7744 or @dragoneyes618, feel free to correct me if it’s none of theirs.
Celia: it’s a name in its own good, used in both French and Spanish (fitting for New Orleans’ culture), but if we want, we can consider it short for Cecilia.
Ginny Gothel: assuming Gothel (like Yzma) was able to procreate and Ginny isn’t actually Cassandra’s daughter (I haven’t seen the series though so I don’t know much about her), Ginny is still an abbreviation, usually of Ginevra/Guinevere. I can’t fathom why Gothel’s name became a surname though, I’m at loss here, unless we are supposed to read it as Ginevra Gotheldottir (Rapunzel is a germanic tale, so this kind of patronimic fits), shortened Ginny Gothel.
Dizzy: I wrecked my brain on this. Drusilla or Desdemona. That’s it, that’s the top I could come up with. Drusilla Tremaine-Westergard, in my universe, to be precise.
The only other Tremaine cousin we have a canon name for is Anthony and I think it’s a perfectly fine name. Antoine if we set the story in pseudo-France.
Hadie: Hades had few children in the myths and Zagreus was the one I liked the most, that’s my reasoning. In myths, Zagreus is Persephone’s son but here it could be anyone’s, he’d still keep the Greek patronimic, so Zagreus Hadeides.
Squeaky and Squirmy Smee: those are 100% nicknames, it can’t be otherwise. In fact, in piracy, it’s pretty normal to have nicknames and aliases that are known more than regular names, like Calico Jack, Blackbeard, Big Murph and so on. The twins likely have normal names like Sullivan and Sean or something like that. In fact, their big brother is Sammy, short for Samuel, I assume, so it pretty much supports it.
Mad Maddy: while “mad“ is a mockery/title, Maddy should be short for Magda or Magdalene, but it’s used on its own too, so it’s your pick.
LeFou Deux: stupid name, like so stupid it can’t be real. Let’s pick a normal french name, like Denis LeFou, with the mockery he acts like father, they call him Le Fou Deux aka “twice as stupid”. Kids can be cruel.
Claudine Frollo: unfortunately, it’s an actual French name, but a religious zealot would maybe give her a double name, like Marie-Claudine.
Zevon and Yzla: I don’t know what to say here, I really don’t. Yzla sounds bad, that’s all I can say (but I admit Zevon has a nice ring). I accept suggestions.
Lil’ Shang: first thing first, in China (and other Eastern countries) surnames come before names. So Li=surname Shang=name. Cleared that up, this name makes sense only as a nickname (which I hate). If we want it to start with S and an assonance with his father’s, we could pick Sheng (victory) or Shuang (clear and bright).
Lonnie: Lanying, which, mispronunciated, became Lonnie, it would make sense if said by kids first. (Fun fact: irl Lin Lanying was the name of a scientist, there’s also a Guo Lanying who is a soprano, both great women).
Herkie: oh, don’t make me start with this. This is one of the atrocious names that are clearly rip-offs of the parent’s names and I hate that. Hercules had lots and lots of children in the myths, from Megara in particular he had four: Therimachus, Creontiades, Ophitus and Deicoon. Pick whatever you prefer, I am partial to Therimachus, too difficult for Auradonians to enunciate, they started to call him Herkie as a nickname that stuck.
Tiger Peony: I’m certain I’m not the first who thinks a name like this is, like, the epitome of disrespectful. For the same reason, I admit I know nothing of the subject and ask if someone could tell what an appropriate name for her could be.
Ally: Allison Liddel (original Alice’s surname) or Kingsley (live action surname). Or another surname if she took her father’s (I am partial to the Tim Burton movies and ship Alice and the Hatter, so Allison Hightopp, but that’s just me).
Jordan: Joodah (or Joudah) meaning “generous“ or “of high qualities“ (as far as I could find, please feel free to correct me).
Artie: don’t ask me where I took it from, but in my head his full name is Arnault Pendragon (and he isn’t Guinevere’s son as Disney’s Arthur married another woman under the advice of Merlin, but this is all my headcanon).
Pin: Pinocchio’s son. Now, in Italy it is traditional to name children after parents or grandparents (I have one uncle and 5 cousins all named after my maternal grandfather and other 4 cousins after my grandmother, to say nothing of the ones who have them as middle names), so it wouldn’t be weird BUT! we don’t have names without final vowels, especially first names, in Italian, so he’d be called Pino. Which is also short for Giuseppe (Giuseppino) and I much prefer that (if they wanted to use Geppetto’s name it would have made sense too, and that he would have been nicknamed Geppettino > Tino).
Now, for the dwarves’ sons I picked German names with the same initials:
“Doc II” Dominic;
“Hap” Harold;
“Cheerful” Klemens;
“Gesundheit”/“Gus” Gustav;
“Bash” Bastian;
“Shy” Silas;
“Crabby” Conrad;
“Sleepy jr” Simon;
“Snoozy” Samuel.
Doug and Gordon are normal names and can stay.
Ruby and Anxelin Fitzherbert: I’m not even sure from where we got those names from for Rapunzel’s daughters, I seem to recall Ruby mentioned in Wicked World, maybe? Anyway, I don’t like either name. Anxelin is the name of a wine, that’s a very strange choice, and Ruby, uh, is too generic, I guess? There are so many german names to pick from, if we want to follow the pattern of same initial as the parents! Renate, Rayna, Reinheld, Richel, Roslin, Rowena... then Engelbertha, Eda, Erika, Evonne, Edith,... Just research a bit. If we really want to keep the original ones, Anxelin could be a deformation of something like Annegret or Analise, and Ruby could stand for Ruperta or Ruomhildi, although I prefer to call them Annika (same initials as Queen Arianna, Rapunzel’s real mother) and Roslin.
Opal: daughter of Mama Odie (what is it with those super-old women having teenage kids?!) can be Opal of the Bayou, I suppose. It has a nice ring, actually, although I don’t know what tie opal stones may have with voodoo.
Bobby Hood: usually, Bobby is short for Robert, which fits the area and the pattern. Robin is, at times, short for Robert, but I don’t think it’s the case here. The surname Locksley was discarded by Robin, provided it existed in the Disneyverse, but it’s worth remembering it.
This post will possibly be corrected expanded in the future and I appreciate further discussion, as long as all parties are respectful and thoughtful.
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Descendants Headcanons/Wickedverse Guide
Some of these aren't so much "headcanons" as things I'm using in my post-canon universe, named the Wickedverse. Me and my sister share this universe, so she has a lot of influence with some of these. Will get updated as I add/change ideas.
Centuries before Auradon was formed, there was a great war between the kingdoms. After years of fighting, they made an agreement on territory and everyone closed their borders. This lead to kingdoms/cities to develop at different rates, due to different resources. Many years later, all the fairytales/stories happen over the course of seven years or so. Then, Auradon is formed.
The formation of Auradon (and the Isle) created the Age of Goodness (AOG). Upon it's creation, was year 1.
Since Descendants takes place twenty years after the AOG, it is year twenty
The first Isle book takes place in the July before Descendants. Descendants occurs in September-October (as Ben's birthday is in October), and Wicked World happens in November. The second and third Isle books take place in January of year 21. Since D2 takes place six months after D1 it occurs in March of 21. The fourth Isle book takes place in May of 22. D3, taking place after the older have graduated, occurs in June of year 22.
Some other Disney properties are included that aren't specifically mention in canon: Frozen, Frozen II, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (TV series), Encanto, Big Hero 6, Raya, and definitely more.
Mal and Ben's wedding is on the 13th of April, almost a year after D3.
Sometime after D3, the Isle of the Lost is renamed the Isle of the Found.
Uma and Freddie are twin sisters, having been separated after Dr. Facilier and Ursula broke up. Freddie and Uma were unaware of this, and found out in the events of Never Knew I Lost You (coming soon).
In addition, Celia has a different mother, an OC named Lauren.
This is also why Facilier seemed to dislike Freddie (though, her abuse portrayed in the Wickedverse is probably worse than it is in canon), as he dislikes her mother. Whereas he favored Celia, since he likes her mother. Also why Ursula didn't care much about Uma, having become despondent after losing her partner and daughter.
King Philip has three sisters, Brigitte, Bianca, and Marya, taken from the book A Twisted Tale: Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell. Bianca is Ariana's mother and Marya has a daughter named Naomi.
Lumiere is married to Fairy Godmother, and is Jane's father.
Evie and Dizzy have the same father, Hans, making them half-sisters.
Doug's mother, named Clarita in this universe, is from Encanto. Agustin is her maternal uncle, making him Doug's great uncle.
Jay's mother was a woman from Agrabah named Lulu. She dealt in some shady business, thus why she was sent to the Isle. She died from an illness when Jay was five.
The sea witches mentioned in the first Isle book are Morgana's daughter, and Uma's cousins, instead of sisters.
Hadie's mother is an OC named Lian Teng. She is the sister of one of the Huns that survived the avalanche. He was all she had, so she followed him to the Isle. She worked in Hades's Souvlaki and her and Hades had a brief relationship a while after his break up with Maleficent. Hadie is three years younger than Mal.
Harriet, Harry, and CJ's mother is a woman named Red Jessica from Jake and the Neverland Pirates TV series. However, she is only the same character; her role and relationship with Hook is different in the Wickedverse than the cartoon.
Carlos's father is Bruno Madrigal from Encanto (inspired by @silverloreley 's headcanon and discussions). Bruno had a bad vision about Cruella and went to warn her about it. They had an unexpected connection, and one thing led to another.
Melody (from the Little Mermaid sequel) and Zephyr (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame sequel) are married and have a (currently unamed) child.
Prior to the events of Wicked World, and possibly D1, Jordan and Ally become best friends after Jordan helps Ally out of a bad relationship.
Jane and Freddie become best friends during the events of Wicked World.
Likewise, Uma and Audrey become best friends sometime after the events of Descendants 3.
Because of the discovery of Uma and Freddie being twins, they start spending time together. To not leave Jane and Audrey out, the four of them hang out together often, forming a friend group similar to the Core Four.
A few months before the Bal wedding, Lonnie and CJ meet and become best friends.
As a reason for why Carlos was not at Mal and Ben's wedding (and why the rest of the Core Four were sad about it), he develops COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and goes into a coma a couple weeks before the wedding. He wakes up a few weeks afterwards.
Some last name headcanons:
Dwarf last names are from gems and the Seven Dwarves' last name is Lazuli, from lapis lazuli. This makes Doug's full name Doug Lazuli.
Maleficent and Mal's last name is Dragonheart, making Mal's full name Maleficent "Mal" Bertha Dragonheart.
Ben's last name is Leroi, meaning "the king" in French (taken from @hitchell-mope)
Evie's last name is Grimhilde, mostly taken from the fandom.
Jane's last name is Faery, and Fairy Godmother's real name is Joan.
Audrey gives up her birthright to rule Auroria, deciding that isn't the path for her. Naomi will rule Auroria instead. (Which was also what they were planning to do when they thought Audrey would be queen of Auradon).
Uma becomes leader of the Isle after D3, with Harry, Gil, and her crew acting as her advisors/council/soldiers.
Varian and Cassandra (from the Tangles series) are married and have two kids, Caelan and Valeria.
Anna and Kristoff are married and two sons, Alaric and Kade.
Raya has a son named River.
Maleficent has a younger brother named Kaveh, who comes to Auradon a few years after D3 to help stop a new threat. He previously lived in the Moorlands, the ancestral home of dark fairies and Maleficent's homeland.
Ally has a (currently unnamed) older brother.
Snow White and Prince Florian have a (currently unnamed) child.
Scar (who was turned into a human before being put on the Isle) has a daughter named Safiya.
Mirabel is married to a man named Rico and they have two kids, Anabel and Matteo. Others from Encanto also have kids, but most are currently unnamed.
Ben X Mal -- also known as Bal
Doug X Evie -- also known as Devie
Jane X Carlos -- also known as Jarlos
Jay X Lonnie -- also known as Jonnie
Harry X Uma -- also known as Huma
Chad X Freddie -- also known as Chaddie
Gil X Ally -- also known as Gilly
Hadie X Audrey -- also known as Hadrey
Zevon X CJ -- also known as Zelista
Maleficent X Hades (after Maleficent's redemption) also known as Mades
Some other ships that aren't as focused on:
Anthony X Harriet (Anthoniet)
Jade X Diego (Jadiego)
Li'l Shang, Celia, and Dizzy are shipped with OCs:
Li'l Shang is shipped with Safiya
Dizzy is shipped with Alaric
Celia is shipped with Caelan
We also refer to (some) best friend pairs with combined names:
Jordan and Ally are Jolly
Mal and Evie are Mevie
Jane and Freddie are Jaddie
Uma and Audrey are Umdrey
Lonnie CJ are Lonista
Not a name combination, but Uma and Freddie are Shell Sisters
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 21: Magiaoasis Dorm 🏝️🐵🌺
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Magiaoasis (マギアオアシス寮, Magiaoashisu Ryō) was founded on the Headstrong Heart (頑固なの心) of the Princess of Sand and is inspired by the world of Aladdin. Students of this dorm excel in Cultural Dance and Horticulture.
Dorm Founder: Jasmine
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Known in-universe as the Princess of Sand (砂の王女).
Dorm Crest
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The dorm crest features an emblem with a purple exterior. The inside of the emblem features the genie's lamp puffing out pinkish purple smoke and behind the lamp is a silhouette of the Sultan's Palace under a starry night sky. On the top of the emblem is a pinkish purple moon shaped charm with gold  swirls and a golden outline and on the bottom of the emblem is a purple and yellow banner that resembles a carpet with the dorm's name on it and on the tips of the banner are gold fringes. In the background of the dorm crest, there is purple smoke clouds.
Dorm Leader: Vidya Nazari
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Magiaoasis' current dorm leader is Vidya Nazari, the generous princess of the Oasis Kingdom who desires to help commoners and is a skilled swordswoman.
Dorm Fairy: Luna
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Luna (ルナ, Runa) is Magiaoasis' dorm fairy and vice dorm leader. She is a headstrong fairy who admires people that seize the day with a determined outlook. She also listens to students issues regarding relationships whether with friends or lovers. Luna is as ferocious as a tiger when she joins in training with the other students. It is said that she might have encountered a genie years ago but that's just a rumor.
Her current appearance takes form of Vidya's fiery spirit as a child, always determined to make herself better in order to maintain her people's happiness and help the Oasis Kingdom prosper.
Dorm Living Quarters
• The exterior of the Magiaoasis dorm living quarters has the same features as the palace in Agrabah, however, the layout is more close to nature and has plenty of open areas to keep the heat out. Unlike the Scarabia dorm where Kalim's father donated a hefty sum of money to upgrade the dorm. Vidya sent her personal gardeners to have the dorm beautified because the plants tend to wilt under the harsh heat. So she planted better versions of the plants and then some exotic ones. The dorm living quarters has sandstone walls and marble pillars that are in a light beige. The roofs are built with a special glass that keeps the heat out while providing a natural light source during the day. The dorm living quarters are also surrounded by a vast amount of plants that wild animals often flock to during certain times of the month. Students routinely feed them and make sure they are in perfect health during the animal's stay.
• The only thing she had built for the dorm was a better and more spacious greenhouse and aviary. She kept all of these additions within a reasonable price since she has a paranoia of making the wrong purchase so she's making efficient use of materials that are affordable yet durable. The greenhouse contains a variety of fruit trees, flowers and cacti inside. Most of the produce are delivered to the cafeteria or be turned into smoothies for a quick and refreshing drink.
• The interior of the building is decorated with plenty of sofas and tapestry that depict the story of the Princess of Sand. There is also wall sconces that were made to hold fresh lavender that is changed three times a week to help provide a peaceful night sleep.
• There is an oasis nearby that students sometimes swim in. It became a normal pass time to swim in the oasis during the harsh hot months. For some reason the oasis doesn't dry up, that is a mystery to the students of the dorm but they aren't complaining as it is their only option of cooling off. On occasion, you can find a herd of camels near the oasis that come to drink.
• The aviary is placed in the hallways leading to the outside garden. Some of them contain a student's bird companion while others house sick or injured birds.
• The only permanent animal residents of the dorm are the monkeys. They are playful and mischievous, so students need to keep a close eye on their belongings unless they want it to end up as a monkey's plaything. Luckily, they'd willingly trade it back for bananas. The monkeys may also find some interesting objects lying about in the sand, sometimes they bring some pieces of shiny metals or minerals. They have a habit of chasing after anything shiny. The monkeys know how to use knives and swords much to the shock and amazement of the students. They handle it as well as any other swordsman. The monkeys use it keep away dangerous wild animals that might come near. There have also been rumors that the land the dorm was built on was where a hidden cave of treasure could be found, but that's just rumors right?
• In the middle of the dorm building is a large fountain with a tiger statue in the middle of it. This is the dorm's wishing well, they throw coins in and pray for luck but the monkeys usually snatch the coins after the student leaves.
The dorm's name is a portmanteau of the words "magic" and "oasis".  The latter referencing the oasis Aladdin and his companions travel to after escaping The Cave of Wonders.
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rosyrosethorns · 3 months
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(so i scrapped the pirate au. i decided that any disney faves i have would be friends with my s/i in the shrek/puss in boots universe, especially since any crush other than my prince piper has only lasted a few days QwQ)
(in the crossover, madi met captain hook during her quest for the genie lamp she planned to give to big jack horner thatd hopefully grant his wish... she got to convince him to help with transportation, partly by offering him any other treasure in the temple where the lamp is located. also pied piper using his flute to sway the pirates’ opinion lol)
(the following is a little one-shot of madi using her powers to help her new friend hook deal with the damn tick tock croc thats stalking his ship)
୨ ——- ♡ ——- ୧
Both Madi and Mister Smee were discussing Captain Hook when the hook-handed man himself came scrambling over, howling the name of his first mate. Before Madi could ask what was wrong, Hook climbed onto Smee like a frightened koala running up a tree.
"It's him!! It's the crocodile!! He's followed us, Smee! He's followed us!!"
The girl's eyes widened. "Crocodile??"
Despite Smee's attempt to explain, all that could come out for a second was stuttering before Hook's yelling answered for him:
"The crocodile that took me hand!! He's after the rest of me!! SMEE, PLEASE, DO SOMETHING!!"
Listening past the poor captain's screams of terror, Madi could hear the faint sound of a ticking clock looming near the Jolly Roger... She followed the sound, looking over the side of the ship.
And, indeed, swimming beside the ship was a persistent crocodile licking his lips as his hungry eyes searched for the man whose hand he had stolen years ago. Did he also devour an alarm clock? That was the girl's only guess regarding the strange ticking noise coming from the beast's stomach. No wonder the sound put poor Hook on edge...
“Mister Crocodile!” Madi shouted. “I must ask that you leave the Captain and his ship alone!… Please??”
… The large reptile only narrowed its eyes at her in response. Either it didn’t understand her or it simply didn’t care.
The girl glared back in response, her tone more stern as she spoke once again: “The Captain is helping me and my boyfriend get to Agrabah! I’d appreciate if you don’t do anything to make me come down there!!”
“Madilyn!! Lassie!! Ooo, get away from there!!” Hook exclaimed. “Ye can’t reason with somethin’ as dreadful as THAT!!”
The crocodile snapped its jaws at an attempt to intimidate the girl. It wanted what it came out here for, and it was obviously going to take a lot more than some scolding to get it to leave.
“… Tch.” Madi’s brooch began to glow as she lifted herself over the side of the ship. “Fine, then.”
Both Smee and Hook watched her jump off in horror; scrambling over as a flash of light suddenly appeared. “M—M—Miss Madilyn?!” Smee called after her… Hook was about to collapse from a panic attack before both he and his first mate not only noticed swan feathers floating around, but the girl was perfectly fine where she landed… and she was standing on the surface of the water like it was a shallow puddle on solid ground.
Even the crocodile was baffled as to how this human was suddenly donning a dress that resembled a white swan; staring at the ballerina with a dumbfounded expression for a moment before its eyes narrowed once again.
“I don’t know how long you’ve been tormenting this poor gentleman, you dragon imposter,” Madi sternly spoke as her hand moved to her pendant, “but it ends now.”
The irritated crocodile lunged and snapped at her; much to Hook’s horror as he averted his eyes. But the girl was swift in this form, skillfully dodging before opening the locket part of the pendant to reveal a glowing white gem inside.
She held out her hand. “I cast a curse upon you,” the ballerina spoke in a low voice as the gem slowly changed color, “that forbids you from touching Captain Hook in any way. If you dare to do so, it will be instant death for you… and I will be glad to turn you into a new hat for him.”
… That mortified look on the crocodile’s face as it watched Madi’s dress change from white to black was enough to convey its feelings towards the situation. The beast’s tail splashed some water towards her as he huffily swam off; secretly doubting her words but not in the mood to test them.
Meanwhile, Smee and the Captain both stared in jaw-open awe. A magical ballerina was on board… and she just drove away the one creature Hook feared more than anything else.
“M—Madilyn, me dear…” Captain Hook was still visibly shaken up despite the ballerina having sent the crocodile running; watching her return to the ship with wide eyes. “What WAS that just now??”
The girl’s dress returned to its original white color as she stood before the pirate. “The Piper is not the only one of us with magic powers,” she replied with a small smile before holding out her hand. “Now that he can’t hurt you anymore… we can focus on you. Dance with me, and I’ll take the fear you’re experiencing at the moment.”
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p0isonedapple-fanfic · 5 months
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Ariel’s smile was radiance, the most brilliant star in a sky of thousands, as they pierced the clouds and entered the diamond speckled fields of Heaven. 
Aladdin tried to be subtle about watching her as they ascended. He’d gotten so used to riding Carpet, he forgot just how magical it all was. He had missed this: the sheer wonder inspired by the beauty of the universe. The wonder that she was now gleaming with.
Thick bands of red hair danced wildly in the air around her, every now and then snapping against Aladdin’s bare shoulder, each smart against his skin bringing him back to reality—something he sorely needed right now. It was too easy to forget she was real, this peculiar stranger he’d picked out of the ocean and accompanied to the sky; this woman with gemstone eyes and moonlight skin who sat amongst the stars and looked like she belonged there, where not even the gods would question her presence.
Title: “Where the Sky Meets the Sea” Author: P0isonedApple Art: Copilot (A.I.) Rating: M Pairing: Aladdin/Ariel (Disney)
Set sail with Ariel and Prince Eric to Agrabah. Trapped in a whirlpool of royal expectations and dreams of unexplored horizons, Ariel’s heart is a tempest. Her love for Eric is deep, yet adventure calls her name, stirring a guilt-edged yearning for the unknown that comes to a head when she meets Aladdin, the rogue prince with a free spirit whose untamed essence mirrors her own.
Torn between the safe harbor of marriage and the wild seas of adventure, Ariel’s journey is a dance on the edge of duty and desire. Her selfish streak, a silent undertow, complicates the voyage, pushing her to choose: Will she anchor in the bay of tradition, or will she sail the endless seas of her heart’s true calling?
Follow the story on A03 and check out more images on Pinterest!
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poppetsisters · 10 months
Okay you know what? I’m creating a new AU:
What if every Disney Animated Musical existed in the same universe AND every villain’s plot succeeded? The Evil Queen kills Snow White, Jafar rules Agrabah, Gaston kills the Beast, etc.
I’ll be adding ideas and interactions periodically through reblogs but I welcome other’s ideas as well.
I’ll at least start with one I’ve already made art of: The Evil Queen and Maleficent are bitter rivals, driven by the Evil Queen’s envy of Maleficent’s beauty and Maleficent’s general disdain for monarchy.
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