#in the making. dependent upon all of us from different countries being able to be in the same place at the same time for once. I’d just r
waugh-bao · 1 month
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Rolling Stones Setlist (May 2024, New Orleans)
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sugolara · 2 months
𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Everytime he pulled on his chains, the metal would rattle against each other. It would rub itself against the pillar that he’d been chained to, the noise echoes through the dark concrete room. Well, it wasn’t that dark. Above the back wall was a small window, the glass had been replaced with barbed wires so it allowed some light to peek through.
That, however, did not ease Katsuki’s mind as he grunted everytime he pulled the chains. In this scenario, he wondered what F/n would do if she were in his situation. With no tools around, they’d both be in a prickly situation. 
All he had in his room was a thin mattress and a blanket. He’s thought of a way to use them to free himself, but nothing worked. 
Since yesterday, he’s been put in the room without his friends. He has no idea where they are as he couldn’t hear them. They had all been knocked out and woke up to the sight of being chained. He worried that they might already be dead or perhaps they were put in different buildings to which he hoped was the case. 
Hearing footsteps approaching, Katsuki let the chains go and stood up to his full height. His eyes narrowed as he waited for anyone to come through. Even with nothing, he still had his fist that he’d love to put in use.
Unfortunately, he had been caught off guard as the door immediately swung and a bottle of water had been thrown at him, almost hitting him in the face. With his reflexes he was able to grab it, though he quickly threw it back with force in hopes it would at least put the person unconscious. 
But upon hearing a slap and hearing a chuckle, Katsuki once again narrowed his eyes, taking a step back in case they had a weapon. 
“You should say thank you instead of tossing it back.” The male once again threw it, he made sure to aim at the blonde's feet, “I see being out in the streets has caused you to be paranoid.”
The blonde scoffed, though he briefly glanced at the water before looking at the older male. He didn’t say anything, his glare spoke for him.
The other male crossed his arms as he also glared at the younger male, “Be grateful I even let you have access to water. By now you and your friends would have been dead.”
The blonde had to speak at the mention of his friends. He played off his worries and scoffed, making no effort to pick up the bottle as he returned the glare, “Yeah? And why aren’t we? You plan on doing shit to us?”
The male leaned on the concrete wall, his nose sticking in the air, “Depends.”
Before he could ask him what he meant, the older male pulled a key from his pocket and approached the male. The blonde cautiously eyed his appearance, looking for a weapon but he didn’t see one. Despite the older male being buffer than he is, Katsuki wouldn’t back down a fight if instigated. 
The blond had to be weary as he couldn’t just accept someone’s kind action so easily. 
“The names Fourth Kind.” He said as he threw the chains away and stood to his full height, looking down at Katsuki, “Your friends had already been released beforehand. They’ve expressed that you were the stubborn one.” 
He ignored his last comment, his ankle feeling relieved from the heavy chains, “So that’s it? You’re going to let us walk?”
“No.” The taller male quickly said, “You and your friends caused a ruckus with that gunfire.The dead are still by so unless you want to die, then by all means feel free to leave, though even then you still aren’t allowed to leave. Not after you know this place.”
“You're going to kill us, then?” Katsuki bawled his fist, “Because that’s what I’m hearing.”
Fourth Kind ignored him and headed to the door where he then motioned for Katsuki to go, “Your friends are up there.”
The blonde raised an eyebrow. He thought it was a trick as he slowly proceeded. He turned around when the older male slammed the door and followed after him as well as passing by him and opened the second door where he held it open for Katsuki. 
He scolded himself for believing someone so easily as he entered the first floor. But his scolding lasted shortly as he saw Denki and Eijiro were there, sitting around a table without a scratch. He also noticed a couple people sitting by them.
Fourth Kind then shoved him as he stumbled, “Take a seat.”
Katsuki glared at him, but he followed his instructions as if he were to try anything he’d be at a disadvantage. He took a seat in between Denki and Eijiro, both giving each other a glance to know they were okay. 
Their attentions were then brought to Fourth Kind as he stood at the front, “You’re friends mentioned they lived in a community called, Sorston. Not far from here.”
Katsuki had to suppress a groan and slap them both for giving their location away, “Nice going, idiots.”
Denki let out an awkward chuckle as Eijiro looked at the blonde, “I saw an opportunity, and I took it.”
“Yeah? And that's by getting us killed?” Katsuki retorted.
A green-haired woman cleared her throat to catch their attention, “Your friends want us to help the community. They want us to trade resources, help each other out.”
“But that’s not going to happen.” A male next to her spoke as he crossed his arms, glaring at the younger males, “Many of our people died trying to get supplies. Some had gone missing.”
“That’s..kind of the whole point of scavenging.” Denki said, though he was kicked in the shin by Katsuki.
“As much as I want to agree, Ken is right.” The woman said as she had a sympathetic look on her face, “Sorston is a big community as you’ve mentioned. We only have about fifteen to seventeen people, that's how we survive. Your leader should have kept it small if they didn’t want people to discover it.”
Fourth Kind never bothered to put in his input despite being the leader of The Plaza. He only observed and let Emi and Ken do the negotiating as he trusted them to make the right decisions and upon hearing their conversations, he had to agree. 
It didn’t matter if there were kids, elderly, or people with disabilities, he had his own community to look out for. He had kids and elderly people and people who were left traumatized in his haven. He would do anything to make sure they were all safe, even if it meant leaving Sorston to die. 
“Exactly. Why even help a community that's no longer safe?” Ken commented, he then looked at Eijiro, “You’ve mentioned it's under stress, another group has been demanding supplies. You want to know my advice? Leave while you still can.”
“That's not fair.” The redhead bitterly said.
“Nothing in life is fair.” Emi sadly said, “That's just how things go, now.”
“Our decision is no.” Ken said as he stood up but he was caught off guard when Denki also stood up, his chair falling to the floor.
“No one has to know about you! We’ll keep it a secret, we’ll make up a lie on where we found the supplies!” Denki pleadingly said as he looked at all three, “You said you have little people right? Injured people? Elderly? What about children who are sick from the incoming weather!? You’ll need medicine and in these conditions it is hard to find them, but we have a lot! We can trade that's how we keep surviving, not by pushing the weak away!”
Katsuki eyed his friend. He should have told him to quiet down, to shut up as he probably put them at risk. But they were in need of help. How far are they going to venture until they finally find something good? That's a question that makes the blonde stress. 
Emi and Ken gave each other a look before looking at Fourth Kind. 
The said male looked out the window, “It’ll be getting dark soon.”
“We can go if you just help us.” Eijiro said as he also stood up. 
Fourth Kind then looked at three males, “Emi will have your supplies, in the meantime Ken will escort you out. After this, I don’t ever want to see either of you or your community again. Next time we do, we won’t hesitate to kill you.”
He felt a sense of relief on his chest as Katsuki stood up. He looked at Fourth Kind, a look of appreciation was shared, “You’ll never see us again.”
With that, Emi and Ken proceeded to head to the front door. Ken motioned for the three to follow, a scowl on his face as walked, “I’m sure by now the dead have left.”
Eijiro placed a hand on his chest, “I’m really grateful for the help and I assure you no one will know about this place.”
Ken let out an airy scoff, “It doesn’t matter.”
The redhead wanted to ask what he meant but the male gave him a key when they approached a small car, “You guys won’t need it?”
“It's a spare.” Ken then headed to the gate that was next to the car. He unlocked a padlock and set the chains on the brick floor, just in time as Emi arrived and handed Katsuki a crate. “This is all you’re getting.”
Katsuki adjusted the box in his hand. It was filled with canned foods and water. He grumbled out a thanks as he headed to the trunk of the car and placed it inside. 
Denki happily grabbed the keys out of Eijiro's hand, “I’m driving!”
“Hey.” Katsuki looked at the woman, “The medic-”
She cut him off with a smile, “We're fine in that department.”
“Right.” Katsuki said as he lastly got in the car. He watched the scenery of the small plaza and he could see a couple children running with their paper airplanes and a smile on their faces. He wondered if they even knew the situation they were in or if they had been shielded as they looked like they had nothing to fear. 
It was a peaceful sight to the blonde, a feeling of Deja vu.  
“You tell me right or left or straight.” Denki said as they exited the gates and drove off.
 “If you forgot why did you want to drive?” Eijiro said though he instructed Dneki on where to turn.
From the roof of one of the buildings, Emi and Fourth Kind stood there as they watched the younger males drive off. Emi used a pair of binoculars and upon seeing no other living person or the dead, she turned to look at Fourth Kind with an unreadable expression, “Do you think We made the right choice?”
The choice they took was risk. It would only be a matter of days until they were discovered, until they all die trying to protect what's theirs. 
Fourth Kind stared off, his eyes glancing down to his community, “Prepare the bus.”
Katsuki let out a yawn as they finally reached Sorston. They got out of the car with Eijiro grabbing the crate of food, “I’m taking this to the foodhouse. You guys want to come?”
Denki almost fell as he got out of the car, he felt tired as he could barely stand, “I’m heading off to bed. Today was a drag.”
Eijiro rolled his eyes before glancing at Katsuki, “What about you? You coming or..you’ve got someone in mind?”
The blonde flipped him off as he walked to his home, “Piss off.”
He could hear the redhead chuckle as they separated. Of course he had someone in mind. It's been three days since he’s last seen her. He could feel his heart flutter as he turned the street where they lived on. He hoped that she hadn't run off and was still there, even if it was being alone with Izuku. 
His worries eventually faded as he was filled with comfort. He stood at the end of the porch with his ruby eyes looking at the girl who sat on the porch's chair. She looked back at him with a smile and set a magazine away, “Hey. You’re back.”
His lips twitched as the air around him blew his blonde locks, “I’m back.”
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itsmaferart · 2 years
My Crazy SxF End Theories
If I had to bow to an end, I think I'd rather the idea than behind the possible war. There are one or more background plans that include the Apple project, and perhaps Desmond. But especially, for the connection there may be in the origins of Anya and Bond. Perhaps as "possible weapons of war" - Anya reads the mind and Bond predicts the future, they are two key elements for an "information war." In addition Anya the link to see the future to read the mind of the oracle dog
This is a threat that would affect both nations, the world, WISE, the SSS, and Garden. Which for me will denote the revelation of identities.
In this world, Twilight may lose Anya to its own. Perhaps, similar to the "Bond Arch," Anya gets involved in the conflict by going to rescue her parents, but ends up being kidnapped and Bond next to her.
At this point in the manga, we are unaware of Garden's true posture. Here I see two possibilities:
Garden supports the war and the purposes of someone superior. These same consider Twilight an enemy, which, quite possibly end up incriminating acts that he obviously did not commit, but is part of Ostania's smear campaigns. Here our deadly and beautiful killer must make a decision, upon discovering the identity of her false husband. Loid Forger doesn't exist, and Ania isn't his daughter. Yor will surely be in emotional conflict, where she believes she must kill Twilight for her country, and the pain of having believed that Loid Forger was a good man. However, she will not feel able to kill him because your feelings were always genuine, and what you both have experienced feels "real."
Garden's killers are against the war. They decide to destroy those behind the war because it does not fit their objectives, and consider them "traitors of the Fatherland." Here, Yor suffers from the same dilemma, with the difference that he does not see Twilight as a direct enemy. She will continue to doubt "that it was real and not" in their relationship. But at the same time, both have been used in mutual agreement.
In both scenarios, Yor is key.
In that case, I think on both lines. Yor will understand that Twilight is not the enemy, and that in the midst of so many lies, what both feel (Love/sense of family) is real. So they both reconciled to go save Ania. Whether your two respective associations are in favor or find
In such a case, at this point, Yuri himself may also discover the identity of the spy so wanted, Twilight. And he becomes obsessed with capturing him, seeing him not only under the eyes of the "SSS," as "the worst enemy in the country," but as the subject who "deceived and manipulated his sister." In such a case, Yor may end up confessing to her real job or Yuri will find out. The Briar's older sister may make her brother see that Twilight is not the monster of history, or in such a case, he deserts, for above his country is his sister. Who happens to be a hit woman. I feel Yuri will be in the middle as "enemy and possible ally" but for the love of Yor
I think Twilight is the one who can go through the worst, as he faces his big fears.
Let a Second War Happen Again
Losing your family for the second time
But, especially, realizing that he was "deceived" all this time. Finding out that Ania all the time knew that he was a spy, that from the beginning he was using her and yet she was happy being at his side and being his daughter. And like this little one, she accepted the enormous weight of a mission with the illusion that they would stay together forever
Although from the beginning it was clear that he would abandon her
Also, realizing that Yor was a Garden killer all this time and he never realized it. That might make him feel that he was "betrayed" and "used," but, like Yor, both were paid with the same coin.
I don't know how the characters of Franky, Nightfall and Handler. I suppose it will depend on their individual development. But I am inclined to the idea that he must overcome his false family, take action with the mission, or in such case, be a direct enemy of the potential weapon, Ania and the enemy, Yor Briar. Although Franky may be the only one of the three to end up supporting the Folgers
But, again, circumstances may cause Twilight to enter a kind of "epiphany." Where he finally fully understands what he wants, and what he really cares about. I don't know if Endo plans a conclusion regarding the mystery of Twilight's father and his uncertain whereabouts. It may turn out when we least expect it, or if it is a "trigger" for Twilight to decide to stay with his family
A world where "children can smile," but this world cannot exist if it cannot protect the happiness of Ania and Yor.
It is here that I believe that Twilight and Yor, together, with one or another possible ally, end up in search of Ania and her rescue and thereby end up with those enemies who attack the peace of the world and the false Forger family.
Twilight loves his family, and this time he won't let a war take his away
I think the last details would already correspond to the climax of the Forger family saving both nations. Building a new path for peace, where it is not based on lies, or political strategies of defamation. But, be it through the truth
So Twilight finally decides to propose to Yor a second time and they both stay with Ania as their parents and protectors.
And in the end, knowing his real name, and adopting the Forger surname as an official
If we're lucky, maybe we'll get the luxury of watching Twilight and Yor's wedding.
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Sometimes it’s imperative not to look like a prepper or survival-minded person. Especially in this day and age, when people are jittery, you may not want to go around with items that could make you seem suspicious. Gray is the new black. Four of these items can be taken anywhere, even through metal detectors and on planes. The fifth is dependent upon where you’re headed.
These are five discreet items that I always have in my purse. If you don’t carry a purse, but you have big pockets, they could mostly be stashed in there. They cover several of the pillars of survival and can get you through a lot of different situations.
Obviously, if you’re in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard, this won’t save you – this is more to keep you prepped for day-to-day needs. Of course this will not see you through anything and everything. But it’s a good start and will help you to become more creative with finding multiple uses for your everyday items.
Water filter
It’s pretty trendy to carry around a water bottle these days, as many people are trying to reduce their dependence on single-use plastic. So it’s not going to raise any eyebrows at all to lug your water around in a filtration bottle.
If you are carrying a bottle for a survival situation, you want something that filters out more than a standard tap water filter. I suggest a Lifestraw bottle (least expensive), a SurviMate bottle (moderate price), or the holy grail of water filtration bottles, the GRAYL. (Pun absolutely intended.) The GRAYL bottle is awesome and filters out far more than the others, but it’s expensive and only filters about 60-70  gallons before you need to replace the filter.
Nobody will even look twice at you for having one of these.
When I’m traveling outside the country, depending on the state of the water where I’m going, I tuck a little Sawyer Mini in my purse for survival situations and use a metal wall Brita bottle for day-to-day drinking.
The ability to make fire can mean the difference between life and death in many situations. Fire means you can boil water to purify it (if you can locate a vessel to put it in), you can have warmth, and you can make a signal. I never go anywhere without at least one lighter. Generally there’s one tucked in my pocket and a couple thrown into the bottom of my bag.
These don’t have to be super expensive. Grab a few lighters at the checkout stand from your gas station or WalMart. It may end up being the most useful few dollars you ever spent.
First Aid kit
Editor’s Note: We recommend MyMedic here, but Daisy has some recommendations of her own.
This really varies with your needs. If you take medication required for life, you need to have extra with you at all times. If you’re ever stranded someplace, you’ll want to be able to keep taking your medicine. If you have life-threatening allergies, an epi-pen should be included in your personal first aid kit.
Barring that, I keep bandaids for blisters, a small Altoid tin of OTC meds, and this little vacuum-sealed kit that has what I need to stop heavy bleeding. That specific kit is no longer available on Amazon, which is a shame because it being vac-sealed means it is very compact, stays clean, and is easy to transport. If you have a Foodsaver or other food vacuum-sealers, you could easily make your own version using this kit or this more advanced one. At the least, you’ll want shears for cutting away clothing, a compression bandage, a tourniquet, an emergency blanket, some extra gauze, and perhaps some chest seal. Being able to stop bleeding might be the most life-saving skill you could ever have.
Mini flashlight
Nearly any situation is better if you can see. That’s why I am never without a flashlight.
I have one on my keychain, and I keep one in my purse. I like these little ones for my bag – I strongly prefer the kind that takes common batteries like AA or AAA. You can get rechargeable ones or ones that need hearing aid batteries, but they might be hard to replace or recharge during an emergency. You can nearly always find something that contains AA or AAA batteries to pillage from if you need to replace your batteries in a pinch.
Flashlights can also be used to signal for help. Brush up on your Morse Code or at least learn the signal for SOS. (Three short, three long, three short.)
Pocket knife
Finally, last but definitely not least, is a pocket knife. There are some places that you cannot carry a knife these days. If you’re traveling by plane or a method of public transit that requires you to go through a metal detector, you most likely cannot take your knife. The same thing holds true if you are going into a courthouse or other secure facility.
But everywhere else, a pocket knife is unlikely to raise any eyebrows. I pack a small one in my checked luggage when I’m traveling and clip it to my bra when I’m able to carry it freely. (Women don’t always have pockets, you know.) Here’s my everyday carry knife – it is legal in almost every country, even ones with incredibly strict laws. You might prefer a multitool to a penknife – everyone has their own favorite.
I use a knife regularly for things like opening packages or mail, prying something out of a tiny space, and other day-to-day tasks. I’ve also taken multiple courses to learn how to use one for self-defense. A knife can be incredibly multipurpose, but I strongly advise you to learn from someone qualified to teach you if you plan to deploy it to protect yourself. (Go here to see Greg Ellifritz’s schedule – he’s my go-to knife guy, and he teaches all over the country.)
If you cannot carry a knife sometimes you can carry something similar if it looks like you have a good reason to be in possession of the item. A pair of sharp embroidery scissors and some embroidery supplies can at least get you a sharp pointy thing in your carry-on bag for the plane but it would be unlikely to be allowed in a courthouse. I’d hate to have to use embroidery scissors for self-defense, but it would be better than nothing if you know how to use it. I would never take expensive embroidery scissors anywhere that I might end up having them confiscated.
Additional things
Of course, these are your bare minimum supplies to have on your person or in your purse. In the US, I carry a firearm and ammo, but outside the US, I can’t do that. I also like to have things like snacks, a map of my area, and my phone for comms, information, and navigation. I carry this book too. It’s about 3.5″x4.5″ and will fit in nearly any bag. It doesn’t go in-depth, but it provides the information you need to know to get through just about any situation that you might be unprepared for, like a snake bite or a tsunami. I bought a copy for each of my girls and have found it useful many times. And never forget that in bad situations, cash is king. I keep small bills in more than one currency on hand outside the US and small US bills within America.
Obviously, your kit should be dependent on you: where you live, what you might encounter, and what your restrictions are. Having the bare minimum to get you through a rough day or a crisis is incredibly important. Learning to be flexible and find multiple uses for the tools available is even more important.
What do you keep as a bare-minimum survival kit? If you could only have five items, what would they be? Let’s talk about it in the comments section.
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hjellacott · 2 years
I believe
Women have had to fights for their human rights from the very beginning, blamed for the sins of humankind since Adam and Eve, and after so many decades fighting hard for their rights, getting arrested, mocked, injured and killed, all we have achieved is a semi-equality to men. On paper, often, things look fairly equal, but are they in reality? not half the time, to put it mildly.
Women have always been harassed, mocked and attacked purely for sex-based reasons. We’ve received sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence of all kinds, and been murdered for sexual reason. Because of our sex, we were traditionally supposed to, and expected to, be ovens for babies. Men back in the day, and still today in many cultures, only married us so that they could legally sort of “own” us and do what they wanted with us, because in many cases upon marriage women had to ask their husbands permission for everything, including getting a bank account. I’m not listing my sources, but just open a history book (for once). This was still the reality in many [now considered very civilised and progressive countries] such as the US, Spain or the UK until less than hundred years ago, which is fairly recent. And it is still the reality in many cultures, specially in certain religions, sects... the whole reason why marriage even started in these societies was so that while society pretended to be elegant and sophisticated, men would be able to privately abuse a woman in any way they wanted, with all her rights depending on him, transforming her into a baby-making machine to keep her husband’s family name in history, a chef, a cleaner, a caretaker of her husband. You just have to read Dickens to understand the kind of world women were in so little ago. But even today, there are clear signs of women still being in huge inferiority and disadvantage, like the fact that in a huge number of countries, women are expected, if not forced, to change their names to have their husband’s surname upon marriage, not just that, but their children aren’t supposed to have their mother’s surname at all. There are few exceptions to this, such as it happens in Spain. 
And it’s all justified in biology and sex. Biology says women are physically less strong than men (mostly because we truly have to work twice as hard to get half the muscles of a man, and develop them more slowly), so because of this, we’re seen as fragile little dolls, damsels in distress, even though we’re strong and tough enough to give birth, instead of crumbling like men when you accidentally slap them in the balls. Because of our somewhat physical inferiority (men are also most of the time bigger than us, stronger, etc, with exceptions of course), we’re placed in a more physically vulnerable position, and thus, we don’t walk around the street feeling safe and great. We know men have a big sexual appetite, centuries of embedded genetic memory of being our owners, our superiors, and thus, as history’s proven over and over again and as we see on the news constantly, men keep attacking us purely on sex-based reasons. We’re the main victims of rape, assault and murder because of our sex, purely because of it. I’m not saying it’s our fault (it isn’t). What I’m saying is that if we had a different sex, these predators wouldn’t even see the point on attacking us.
We make less money, get promoted later, have to work twice as hard to achieve the same rewards in the same job, have to “earn” our place in your jobs, prove all the time that we’re not some brainless, fragile dolls incapable of doing a proper job at anything, prove the most sexist of men wrong all of the time. All because of some ideas men have of what it means to have the female sex. The same ideas that have created sex-based insults such as bitch, sissy or whore.
So of course it’s only logical that to sex-based problems, we find sex-based solutions. We’ve come up with a separate sex-based sports category, women, that acknowledges our physical disadvantages, but we also have mixed-sex sports so that we can win things against men in spite of our biological disadvantages. It’s very satisfactory. We have sex-segregated schools, prisons, all kinds of spaces. And that’s historically helped. Women feel safer, women get attacked and assaulted less and women are happier when they get to enjoy a space for themselves that no one else has a place in. Sex-based spaces for sex-based problems. It works. And that’s why we can’t lose them and we need to protect them like hell.
Sex-based spaces are not a way to exclude anyone or kick anyone out. They are ways to focus on an specific type of people. Think of schools for the blind, think of universities, think of sports’ clubs. Spaces designed to attend the every need of an specific type of person, so that they can be at home 100%. Women’s spaces are spaces where women can focus in their reality and their problems. Fight for their rights, learn about their sexual and biological health, feel safe, talk with other women and share thoughts, ideas and understanding about the reality of being a woman in today’s world. Much like men enjoy their gentlemen’s clubs and things alike. Because sex-based spaces weren’t a woman’s idea. Women weren’t the first to come up with them. They copied it from men.
— MEN.
Men can only be one of two things. They’re either allies, or they contribute to the problem of sexism. But because I’ve heard some insane ideas about men in the most radical feminist places, I want to make it clear. I do think the idea that men are inherently evil is wrong. I don’t fight violence with violence. I don’t think I’ll earn anything from demeaning, insulting and being violent towards a man. I won’t stoop to a low level like that.
The truth is predators exist in both women and men. Yes, the majority are men, but not the only ones. I know in my personal life cases of men I know are great people, and have been victims of fake sexual assault accusations that I know for very specific reasons and facts they’re innocent of. It happens.
But the thing is, men have buried their own hole in the ground. If they hadn’t abused their biological superiority for decades, if they hadn’t turned a blind eye to other men knowing that they were doing to their women, if they hadn’t sometimes even educated boys to behave in such abusive way towards women and if they hadn’t been complicit to the abuse, now the majority of abusers wouldn’t be men, and therefore, one wouldn’t automatically presume it’s a man’s fault if a woman get’s sexually assaulted, or that the man is automatically guilty the second a woman accuses him of anything. Men have done it to themselves.
You know what else men have done to themselves? they’ve given themselves horrible mental health issues that every year get worse. Because of the accumulation of decades and decades of men telling boys not to cry, not to dance, not to be “girly”, not to be artistic, not to be affectionate, not to be emotional or not to talk feelings, now, as genetics happen to have memory and engrave decades of behaviour into their DNA, they’re emotionally stupid, damaged, and suffering from their own rules. There are less men in the arts than in any other field. Less male ballet dancers, for example. Men were so clever that they created a bunch of sex-based privileges for themselves and then a bunch of sex-based limitations and “forbidden things” for themselves. And now they realise they fucked up. They want a lot of the things women have. They want part of the equality, enough to get the few benefits, but none of the disadvantages like a lesser salary. You don’t have to think hard to understand where drag queens come from. And by the way? they’re a mockery of women.
It’s a weird paradox then that men are both guilty of the sexism they’ve caused, and also victims of it. Not the main victims, that’s women, but still. All the pressures they feel for being men? to care for their families, to be tough, to be providers? guess who put them there? men!
Feminism doesn’t exist to protect men. It exists to give women better life, better rights, more equality. It exists to fight for women. But much like an umbrella exists to protect you from the rain and then it also happens to protect you from the wind or the sun, feminism just so happens to be good for men too. Because turns out, only conservative, white old men like sexism and misogyny. The average men and the grand majority of women hate them, for different reasons, just about the same.
And speaking of sex-based problems and sex-based solutions? sexual education would help a lot. We could be raising boys and girls to be allies, friends, to respect each other, to see each other as what they are, members of one same species that should be caring about each other and legal equality between them. We can keep tackling sexual violence by teaching women to go around the streets armed, which works for conservative, sexist, misogynistic men because then when a woman accidentally kills a man, they can make her the enemy, or we can, better, teach men to have some fucking respect and stop predating.
Unpopular opinion: they can be bloody useful.
I remember becoming an auntie (youngest in the fam) and not knowing what the hell to gift my nephews and nieces as they turned birthdays, and sex-based stereotypes gave me a hand. Because my nephews happened to adore sports, and my nieces, happened to adore dresses. We gave them other options, encouraged them to forget stereotypes, but still, as children, they prefered stereotypical things. It wasn’t until puberty that they began to separate themselves from stereotypes. Because we had always offered them the option, always told them they didn’t have to fit in any box or stereotype, always encouraged them to be their own person, once they matured and grew up that’s exactly what they did. Now my eldest niece is a badass, tough young woman on her way to becoming a doctor, but she’s not worried in the slightest about having to be a specific type of woman. She’s grown up around tough, independent, well-educated women and she knows she can be anything she wants. She doesn’t care about pleasing boys. She’s kicking arse in life and she’s taking no prisoners.
But also, now my eldest nephew has done a very unmanly (according to traditional stereotypes) thing; he’s a violinist, an opera singer, a sensitive guy, and he loves cuddles. He gets called gay on a daily basis, but does he give a fuck? no. He knows gay isn’t even an insult, half his parents’ friends are gay and he loves them. And because he was raised to eventually not give a damn about stereotypes, to be confident in his own skin and encouraged to be his own bloody self, every time someone tries to make him feel like he’s less of a man, he doesn’t even listen. And guess what? he’s still fucking sporty. He does it all, being academic, athletic, artistic and sensitive. He loves and respects women. And so I know if he ever has sons he’ll raise them so wonderfully, and that whenever he gets a girlfriend, she’ll be lucky to have a real man beside her who will never put limits in her path.
And as an aunt, I’m fucking proud of both of them and all their younger cousins, because I can see they’re going to have it better than their parents and myself did. I can see progress.
So yes, sexual stereotypes can be helpful, but eventually, before adulthood, teens need to know they’re not important, need to stop focusing on them and making it all about fitting them, and need to be encouraged to become their own wonderful selves, no matter what stereotypes say they should be.
I’m not going to say they deserve the same rights as anyone else because it seems as obvious as to state the sun is warm. These days we shouldn’t even question it. These days, it’s a fucking fact.
I will instead say something that I don’t see talked about often, and I will say so as a woman who isn’t precisely straight. The terms homosexuality or bisexuality have the word “sex” in it. I know it seems super obvious, but a lot of people still don’t get it, so let me say it a big louder. These terms refer to sex-based orientations. And it’s not like you fucking choose them.
What happens is that eventually we all raise puberty and naturally, biologically, because we’re all born with a sex, with hormones and “born this way” as we love to say very rightfully, suddenly we realise we’re sexually mature and getting turned on. I don’t ever remember having decided “and now I’m going to find girls hot”. No. I was finding men hot already and one day I realised I was heavily into a female friend of mine. Yes, someone straight, as you do. Being gay isn’t a conscious decision. It’s a process as natural, as normal, as needing to breathe. It just happens. And there’s nothing you can ever do about it, other than to accept it and move on. Bit like when you have your period, only than less painful and it might even lead to a lot of pleasure, and I am winking here.
As any sex-based orientation, it implies that a part of our brains, in most cases (because we do have asexual beings, for example, so it doesn’t happen always to everyone, or in the same way) suddenly begins to notice other people’s sex. It’s not a conscious thing. You don’t decide boobs will turn you on, or that abs will become a sexy thing, you don’t decide to like beards, you don’t decide to like butts. It just happens.
Then we progress into puberty and we learn to know ourselves better. At some point, we have observed ourselves long enough and made sufficient deductions, analysing what’s going on when we feel horny, to know exactly what turns us on and what doesn’t. I realised I find bearded, dark-haired, curly-haired men, with light eyes and a slender figure insanely hot. I see other men and it’s like, fine, handsome, but as hot as my previous description? impossible. It took me a bit longer with women. I realised I wasn’t into women that wore a lot of make-up, into androgynous women (which is fucking ironic considering I’m not precisely very stereotypically female), or into brainless women. In fact, I realised cleverness and intelligence was, regardless of the person’s sex, a huge turn on. But sex mattered. I didn’t feel turned on by drag queens, by people who didn’t identify with either sex.
Like any of you, I can’t convince myself to feel more attracted to this or that. Like any of you, I realise attraction is not attached to finding someone beautiful, because I know dozens of stunning people I admit are works of art, and I don’t feel sexually attracted to them at all. So if I happened to just be attracted to men, I would know I wasn’t thinking less of a woman for not wanting to sleep with her. If I’m not attracted to androgynous people, I know it doesn’t mean I wish them anything bad, or that I’m against them, or that I can’t feel affection or even love towards them, because also, attraction and love? not necessarily hand-in-hand. And similarly, even though I’ve noticed a pattern of finding myself attracted to white people more frequently than I find myself attracted to black or Asian people, but I’ve also noticed I don’t think someone’s less beautiful because of their race. I worried briefly, one time, about this meaning I was a racist. And then I realised, no. I know what I like to eat and I know what I love to eat. Just because I don’t love to eat other things, it doesn’t mean I’ve got anything against them. Just that biologically, I was made with built-in preferences I cannot fight. I notice patterns of behaviour. I notice the majority of people I feel attracted to have light skin, light eyes, very dark hair, slender figures. And I noticed not all of them are people I’d even find beautiful. I never made a decision as to what I’d be attracted to, it happened, but I do make conscious decisions to keep an open mind, to find the beauty in all types of people, and to develop affection towards all of them, regardless of sexual orientation, race, or anything else. We are all human species, and we should all, always, stand for one another’s happiness and safety.
So imagine my astonishment when after how many years of oppression? people, and more often homosexuals and bisexuals, start being called out for not wanting a sexual or romantic relationship with transgender people. It’s like people have lost their royal minds, isn’t it? because there are hundreds of reasons one might reject a sexual or romantic partner. I mean just the other day I rejected someone just because he asked for my number in a rather bad moment, God forbids he happens to identify as trans (which I’ve no idea of) and accuses me of transphobia.
How do you know they said no because you’re trans? how do you know they simply weren’t into you at all? not necessarily because you’re trans, maybe just because you’re short, or have big feet, or hairy face. Maybe they’re not into beards at all and you’ve got one. Maybe it’s because of political ideas. Maybe they are heavily into rock and you’re not and it turns them off.
And even if being trans made you unattractive... how does that make someone transphobic? it’s all down to taste, a taste we didn’t choose to have. If someone supports you unconditionally, loves you, fights for your rights and freedoms... they’re not transphobic. Even if they just don’t feel like sleeping with you.
And also, since when do we need to justify saying no? since when does consent need to provide reasons? when did it become “sleep with me and if not, justify why, and if I don’t think it’s a good reason, you’re a prick mate”? since when can’t I just say I don’t want you, period, no reason?
Not to mention when this happens with the gay community, when lesbians and gays for example are called transphobic... their attraction is 200% sex-based, do you have any fucking idea what it means? no they didn’t choose for it to be like that, so they cannot help it if they look at you, and you have or appear to have a sex they just don’t find attractive at all. What, should they force themselves to feel attracted to you? should they let you rape them? like the song says, “you can’t make the heart feel something it won’t”. Harassing them and accusing them of whatever bullshit just because of their sexual orientation is a sex-based hate crime, mate. And after all those people have gone through to fight for their rights, you better have some fucking respect.
And i’m sorry if it hurts to be said no. To be rejected. I’m sorry if you’re trans and every time you get rejected you think it’s because of that and feel the need to call them transphobic because you’re so angry, hurt and bitter. But rejection is part of life. You need to be with someone who loves you wholeheartedly for exactly who you are, but also someone who finds you so bloody attractive, sexy, beautiful. Don’t ask an apple tree to give you bananas, you know what I mean? understand no one chooses who they’re attracted to, that being trans might not even be what makes you unattractive to certain people (maybe there isn’t even a reason you don’t attract them), and that gays will be gays. Go for pansexual people, they’ve got a more open field of taste. And above all, don’t place the blame on others and bullshit them because they don’t like you, because people don’t always have to like you, won’t always like you, and they’re in their perfect right to say no.
Consent is important and no means fucking no. Without justification needed.
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daisy-blooms · 1 year
Daisy, and the name that I won't say.
Hi, this is my introduction I guess. I've never really used tumblr before, but I've always heard that the people here are unhinged. It was probably worse before they banned pornography. Anyways, I'm Daisy, y'all. I'm a semi-closeted trans woman currently attending a private Christian university in Tennessee. I live with my homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic/slightly racist parents under a different name that won't be said. I'm at a point in my life where I'm really trying to think hard about what it is I actually want to do.
Right now I am studying as an art major and English minor. But that's not super important to me. The only reason I'm attending college is because somehow I am getting paid to do it. My father works at the school I go to, so I get my tuition wavered. I have a couple scholarships as well, so since I live at home, all of that money goes straight to me. I'm also working two part-time jobs while I'm not studying or procrastinating. Basically, I'm doing fine financially, for now at least. I'm trying to take advantage of every opportunity in life to make money at the moment. My goal is to save up enough to move across the country to some state that's more friendly to people like me once I graduate.
In order to do that, I've had to do some pretty gross stuff. My attending college, and more than likely my housing situation, is entirely reliant upon the fact that I uphold my role as my parents youngest child, the son my mom gave birth to twenty (twenty-one in September) years ago. I had a therapist at one point, but that quickly became too expensive for a legal-dependent young college student without any personal health insurance. I have lied to my family and friends for more than two decades now. Again, as that name that I won't say. It eats away at a girl. Especially when it's over something so trivial as skirts and heels versus cargo shorts and sneakers.
I am at the precipice of the rest of my life. I am only one year away from being able to do what I have planned for about eleven years now. I feel like a lot of queer people can imagine the feelings going on in my head: elation, relief, fear, frustration and freedom. It's a lot for someone who never learned how to manage them. I have successfully turned every stress-relieving hobby that helps me relax into a way to make money or a waste of my time.
I do not know why I am here. I do not know why I am typing a Tumblr post right now. But it has helped me think about my situation and where I am at in life. It all boils down to surviving one more year while being called a name that I won't say. If I can do that... the only name that will matter will be the one that I picked a while back from a field of transgender flowers: Daisy.
Yours honestly, Daisy S.
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gabagemf17 · 1 year
April TC challenge
even tho its may now//
1. What is the most adorable thing your TC has done?
Everything B does is pretty cute, but as I mentioned in her other post its probably her eyes getting all wide and soft smile when she's excited ab something.
2. On a scale of 1-10, how intense are your feelings towards your TC. Why?
I'd day around an 8-9/10. It's been a slow burn from platonic crush to genuine attachment to romantic/sexual attraction.
3. Does your TC have any cute quirks/habits? If yes, which one is your favourite?
There's a couple things, but I loveee the way she speaks, it's very theatrical and melodic, even when she's just talking to me . (Long dramatic sighs, "but alas...", etc.)
4. If you could change one thing about your TC, what would it be and why?
Her love of country music. Definitely unexpected coming from her, and I'll certainly put up with it, but I hate the genre myself.
5. If you had to confess your feelings to your TC, what would be the perfect way of doing so?
I'm not sure. I guess all I can picture is me, shortly after graduating (over 18), alone with her. Maybe we're at a coffee shop. She broke up with her fiancee before they got married a few years ago and I mention it offhand. "You know, I always used to have a crush on you, B"
6. When having a TC, what is the most important thing to remember?
Teacher/student relationships are really always immoral, and you certainly shouldn't express feelings when you're a minor, this can make them either extremely uncomfortable or potentially put you in a place of danger. Keep it professional/friendly.
7. If you had the chance to re-live/change one moment with your TC, which one would it be? And if you wished to change it, how would you?
If I could, I would re-live the hug I received in the hallway after my dog passed. It was really hard and we had presentations to do that day and I was so tired and barely able to contain my tears. She talked to me through it and told me she'd really rather spend her time with me in the hall than in the classroom. Before we went in, she said "Can I give you a hug? I don't wanna be weird" And ofc I took that opportunity, and as expected it felt really nice and comforting. I'd like to do it again one day in a different context.
8. Why do you think people fall for their teachers?
It can be a lot of things, but from what I can tell it stems largely from the support and maturity from the teachers that they may be lacking in other parts of life (parents, yourself, etc.)
9. If a close friend/relative frowned upon the fact you have a TC, what would you say to change their opinion?
I probably wouldn't. People that don't get it, don't get it. (That's like I'd tell someone irl in the first place)
10. If you went out on a date with your TC, what do you think they would wear?
Depends on the date. Probably not somewhere stuffy. I can see her wearing her pretty normal clothes. A cute sweater and some jeans, pair of slip ons.
11. List 1-5 of your TC’s best qualities.
Her intelligence, her humour, her sweetness, her smile, her eyes
12. How would you feel if you found out your TC had feelings for another student?
Well besides it being ILLEGAL, I'd probably be crushed. I'm one of the few students who really appreciates her, most of her students treat her like shit and take advantage of her.
13. What do you find most attractive about your TC?
14. What is your TC’s reputation around school?
Young, pretty, and too nice for her own good
15. If you had to serenade your TC, which song would you choose and why?
Cause' I Love You- Johnny Cash <3
16. What hobbies does your TC have out of school?
Witchcraft and anime (:
17. If you could travel anywhere in the world with your TC, where would it be and why?
She mentioned always wanting to go to Scotland, so there fs.
18. Imagine if you and your TC were in a relationship and lived together. Describe the perfect daily routine. (As a bonus, how would you split the chores?)
I wake up at 4:45, make two cups of tea. She wakes up shortly after and we sit on the balcony and take turns reading to each other. I make a small but filling breakfast that she eats as she gets ready for work. As she's at work, I finish most of the housework, and I start working on my comic. I take a short break to paint, and she comes home to a large painting of herself in the easel and freshly delivered takeout on the table. We eat and she tells me about her day and I massage her shoulders while we drink our evening tea. I then put on some netflix afterward and we fall asleep together.
19. If you found your TC visibly upset and/or crying, would you comfort them? If yes, how would you go about it?
I would place a hand on her shoulder and offer a listening ear, as she's done for me more times than I'm willing to admit. Maybe hold her hand in mine, a gentle hug, a warm smile. Whatever to make her feel better.
20. How would you feel if your TC suddenly cut off all contact with you? What do you think their reason would be?
I honestly couldn't see her doing that at all. I'd be wrecked though.
21. What do you think your TC’s opinion of you is?
I'm definitely a favorite student. I help her whenever she needs it, and make conversation with her often. She prob thinks I'm an emotional wreck tho, and maybe a teensy bit of an asshole. I've had no gripes about telling her that I'm not nearly as nice to teachers I don't like so much, she doesn't mind much tho "Well I'm glad you've taken a liking to me"
22. Has your TC influenced your opinions in any way? Likewise, how has having a TC changed you?
I'll be honest. I used to think the TCC was weird and gross and promoting unhealthy attachments and sometimes p3d0philia. Now, however, I know what it feels like first hand and find solace in knowing there's people out there with the same struggle I have.
23. Are you ashamed of your feelings towards your TC? If yes, why?
Definitely, before this I've only really had "conventional" crushes, and I often daydream about her breaking up with her fiancee or cheating on him and I know that's not right and is very selfish.
24. What is more attractive? Your TC’s appearance or personality?
Probably her personality. It's what draws people in. She's not conventionally/traditionally "hot", as most people would put it (though she's DEFINITELY not ugly.) but still everyone I've talked to thinks she's really cute bc of her empathetic demeanor
25. What makes your TC special to you?
I've had "nice" teachers before, but I've never felt this attached. Maybe it's she way she's curious about my life, or remembers the things I tell her, or her own cute little quirks and interests that always leave me wanting to know more about her. I just really LIKE her, in it's purest form.
 26. Describe your TC’s appearance.
She's short, pale, with a round face and big grey eyes. Cute little crows feet when she smiles and frizzly brown curls/waves. Small hands and tight-lined eyeliner that only accentuates her beautiful eyes. The cloudy/distant look before anyone walks into the classroom when she's bored grading things.
27. When you first met your TC, did you think you’d feel the way you do now? If not, what made you fall for them?
Probably not, as I never expected to have a TC at all. However, I could tell she was a favorite from day 1, which was refreshing for the asshole I had for English last year.
28. If you could get your TC a gift for any occasion, what would it be?
Her favorite doughnuts or some nice incense/candles
29. How have your feelings affected your everyday life? Has it affected the way you do work for their class? (If you have them as a teacher.)
100%. I definitely work harder and actually study for her class. I also talk about her like she's god, sticking out even though most of her students speak of her fondly.
Day 30) What is the best and worst thing that happened with your TC during the past month? In addition, how do you predict these moments will affect your relationship in the future?
This past month was rough. I'd guess the best and worst moments are about the same. It's my most vulnerable and emotional moments that, despite being incredibly embarrassing for me, also reassure that she really cares and listens to me when I have no one else to. I think we've definitely grown closer from it, and I plan to show her I'm a big girl, and I can bounce back from moments like this.
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fleshing-out-fodlan · 2 years
Morfis Map Headcanon
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Morfis is broken into three main regions, divided by the rivers.
Easir Region: Named after the two rivers that surround it (the Major Easir River and the Minor Easir River, both of which were named after a famous traveler in Morfis history whose family is still famous to this day). This is the most fertile region in all of Morfis. However, it is also the most prone to flooding. Every region has a governing family that reports back to the king and queen and the leader of this region is the Easir family.
Eastern Desert: This region is mostly a rocky desert, with extreme temperatures and limited agriculture. However, what this region lacks in agriculture, it makes up for in mining as this area contains many unique gemstones. This region is also where many of the most skilled magicians hail from. This region is ruled over by the Salah family.
Ahlka Region: This region is known for its beautiful scenery and includes the two small islands of Morfis. A century ago, this region had been a wasteland, destroyed during the Maja Civil War, when the old ruling family, the Majas, forced civilians to rise up against the ruling family by withholding food from those who refused. The Maja family was defeated and a few disgraced descendants still roam the area now ruled by the Gamal family, who were able to turn around the region’s luck through policies that focused on restoring the region’s nature. Or at least, that’s how the story goes…
Qarhu: The capital city where the ruling family, the Atefs, live. The most populated area in Morfis, known for the magnificent shows put on by magicians showing off their magical prowess. This city also contains many ports where robust trading occurs. The Committee of Academic Honesty meets here, where they annually review historical texts to ensure that what is being taught to students is an ‘accurate depiction of the past.’
Mara: The second largest city in Marfos where the Easir family resides. This city is known for its great schools and many students wishing the study the magic arts come here.
Almur: A small fishing village known for a great flood that decimated the town in 1160. The whole town was rebuilt on stilts to try and prevent similar events from occurring. The unique building style of this town makes it a tourist hot spot, much to the chagrin of the town’s local population.
Alzi Ra: The largest farming town in all of Morfis.
Rame and Jatun: Both are large national parks with many unique flora and fauna. Rame is known for its amazing sea life and many people visit there to go diving.
Wayan: A coastal city where the Gamal family lives. This city is considered the art capital of Morfis.
Soyana: Once a large bustling city, Soyana was destroyed during the Maja Civil War. While efforts to rebuild the city have taken place it still has not been able to regain its former glory. Rumor has it that some descendants of the Maja family still live here, although they go by a different name now.
Eazl: An extremely small town, only the most talented magicians come here to see if they can use their magic to sustain themselves with no food or water for a month. Many magicians that travel out here never return.
Asan: A city known for it’s bustling market. This is where the Salah family lives.
Mountains of Extinction: An area surrounded by volcanoes so hot all living things quickly die upon entering. Only the most skilled magicians are able to traverse the area, using magic to protect themselves from the extreme temperature. This is the only area where the Volcanic Crystal can be found, a rainbow gemstone that seems to change color depending on the lighting which is worn by the royal family as a status symbol.
Darah Island: This island was once its own country until it was conquered by Morfis nearly 50 years ago. The population of this island still mainly consists of the native Nua people, although they are not given the right to govern themselves and their unique form of magic is viewed as unrefined. The Bread Crisis of 1176, when shortages of flour and sugar led to a dramatic spike in bread prices on the island, has caused many Nua to join together to form an independence movement and try and break free from Morfis.
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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NAME: Aos Sí (pronounced ace-she)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Aos Sidhe, Aos Sith, may have various other names depending on population living there
DESCRIPTION: The fae are famously poor at organization, but they have managed to organize themselves into small communities spread all over the world, referred to as aos sí. About 75% of fae worldwide come from these communities. They are highly variable in size, appearance, setting, and social norms and mores. However, they all have one thing in common: they’re completely and utterly lawless, and lack forms of official leadership. Conflicts tend to be settled with word binding and trickery, perhaps followed by some mutual respect. 
Wicked’s Rest has a number of aos sí communities in town and nearby – some are in the town proper, others might be out in the woods, mountain, or ocean, or their own dimension. As a whole, aos sí don’t really interact with each other; it’s not out of malice (they’re just too insular and self-involved). Most fae don’t particularly care which community another fae is from and see family in each other regardless, though there are the snootier types out there.
While the majority of these communities aren’t truly glamoured, they’re hidden in such a way that one won’t see them unless the person in question knows the aos sí is there, or takes a moment to realize what they’re looking at. Most aos sí have a number of different fae species living there, and are open to all fae. Others may only be accessible to select fae, such as the underwater locations or communities high in the mountains. While aos sí lack laws, some still have things they heavily frown upon, and individual fae may take it upon themselves to punish transgressors in whatever way they see fit. For example, it’s not uncommon for aos sí to frown upon not-for-eating humans entering the community, though social allowances are a little more generously made for direct human family members.
PROTECTION: Given the high concentrations of fae in these areas, fae need a way to keep themselves from being seen by humans and even supernatural non-fae. Their primary defense is keeping themselves off the radars of others to begin with. When many fae are in the same space, they generate a kind of veil called féth fíada. Aos sí use féth fíada to shield themselves. This will hide the aos sí from the senses of wardens, and prevent non-fae from seeing or hearing the aos sí unless they’ve already entered it (either intentionally or by chance). 
The strength and effectiveness of a féth fíada varies by community. Some make it very hard to perceive them, while others may only require looking out of the corner of your eye to enter; some may behave strangely such as completely masking a community but also releasing a strong stench of rotting cheese. In a sense, this is an extension of their glamouring abilities, and as such, it can be strengthened or dropped based on collective decisions, concentration, and beliefs of the community. Féth fíada dissolve during Samhain and Beltane, which means more non-fae find themselves in dangerous territory – inversely, fae are also on guard to keep their homes safe. 
Some aos sí have additional layers of protection, such as having faun or nymphs planted in the area around the community to distract anyone who happens to walk by, or using banshees as alarm systems to predict the worst so they may at least be able to warn other nearby aos sí.
AOS SÍ LANGUAGES AND DIALECTS: While there used to be many prominent ancient fae languages with a variety of roots, they’ve largely fallen out of favor. Most aos sí communities simply speak the prominent language from wherever they are geographically located. Even the secluded ones aren’t so cut off that cultural transmission is impossible. It’s also common for fae to learn and use the language in their country of origin or where the ancestry of their species hails from. Because many fae have Irish and Scottish origins, they tend to be frequently used to some extent, even outside of Europe, but there’s a lot of blending of different influences and cultures.
Mirrored District: This surreal little pocket dimension is home to a community of varied fae species that prefer to be as far removed from humans as possible. The Mirrored District can be accessed during gibbous and full moon phases by jumping into one’s reflection in large surfaces of water, though some mirrors in town provide alternative means of entrance and exit when the light is at just the right angle. This is known by only a rare few, meaning that it’s easy to fall into the Mirrored District accidentally and get stuck. The Mirrored District has a dream-like beauty but can be disorienting due to everything being upside-down and the sky stretching out below you. Many of the fae outwardly appear to be humans, and the shops sell truly strange supernatural fae goods.  Many residents are aware of Wicked’s Rest and seem to be under the impression they are connected to the rest of the town normally. They refer to visitors as being “from the other side of town,” and tend to greet other fae as “cousin” but don’t explain why. The District is only as big as Wicked’s Rest and terminates at an abrupt perimeter. Those who walk into the strange fog rolling off the edges of town are rarely seen again. Terrible things happen to non-fae who linger in the Mirrored District for too long.
Veilpeak: While not supernaturally hidden, Veilpeak is named as such because it’s high up in Wicked’s Rest’s Seven Peaks, obscured by both its elevation, and the fact that the only way to walk there is to navigate through an intense cave system. The aos sí is located on a large ledge, unable to be seen from below. Only fae with strong and well-formed wings are able to fly up there, and only fae who are adept in darkness can get through the caves, limiting access to those who can reach it. This community is rumored to have developed their own human farm in the caves, though some of the fae may have fondly taken them into their homes as rescues. Many oreads, lampades, and khiones are from here. 
Bare Creek: Deep in the forests of Wicked’s Rest, lies an aos sí somewhat hidden behind a cloud of féth fíada mist. If you look into the mist, you can see the Burning Man sign the fae who live here stole. The slight edit to make it Burning huMan is probably a threat to any non-fae who dares to enter. The fae here live what most would call a very natural lifestyle, which includes not bothering with clothes. It is not uncommon for the fae here to dance carelessly in the nude among the gnomes they call friends. Said gnomes have a habit of forming fairy rings, making it especially dangerous to happen upon this community between August and November. At first glance, humans would assume this aos sí is full of hippies singing sweet songs and living among the trees, though that’d probably be the last glance they ever take. Many faun and nymphs such as leshy, flower nymphs, hesperides, and oreades call Bare Creek their home. 
Elm Street: Along this seemingly normal town block lies something much more sinister. While some fae like to live remotely, others prefer to cause chaos in the human world. As a result, a group of fae in Wicked’s Rest formed their own aos sí. At first glance, the homes and their residents are perfectly normal in every way. From perfectly manicured lawns and stylishly dressed people, this street looks like something out of a sitcom. It’s only if one looks too deeply they’ll notice the fae who inhabit these homes typically have humans living in their basement or that the pool boys are simply people who happened to thank the wrong person. The fae blend in with the human community, but don’t do any of their own bidding. That’s what humans are for afterall. Many muses, faun, spriggans, and adaptable nymphs call this home. 
Hidden Isles: If you go a little further out past World’s End Isles, you may spot Hidden Isles. You probably don’t want to spot it though. The fae here are particularly hostile towards unwelcome visitors. They’ve carved their own little luxurious slice of life on this island and will go to any lengths to protect it. For fae who enjoy some of the finer human luxuries without the human company, Hidden Isles is the perfect home. From beaches free of pesky humans to beautiful houses and the finest meades, the fae here have it all. Many sand nymphs, sylphs, and even a few nereids call this home. There’s also that one spriggan who paints their tattoos on and everyone pretends they don’t know. 
Mount Foreverest: Deep in the woods lies a small rock dubbed Mount Foreverest by those who live under it. Whether it’s a play on their shorter lifespans relative to other fae or the actual size of its inhabitants is unknown, but many spriggans call the space under this rock home. If you were to take a peek, you’d find the tiniest tiny homes you’ve ever seen and many smaller stolen items. The spriggans who live here take a lot of pride in their community and are certain to keep it hidden. Well, except from the gnomes who live with them and even act as vehicles for the spriggans to get around their teeny neighborhood. If you give some fae craftsmen in downtown Wicked’s Rest a wink and a nod, they’ll construct tiny items suited just for the spriggans who live here.
Dancing Falls: There’s a good reason you won’t find Dancing Falls on any hiking maps. The combined magic of the nixies who live here make it nearly impossible for anyone but other fae to spot. The nixies claim it’s the best underwater aos sí in Wicked’s Rest. After all, the nereides don’t have a waterfall to dance under and what could possibly be more joyful? A deep dive in the pools under the falls will reveal a beautiful underwater community filled with little caves that the nixies call home. There’s also a good number of skeletons and sunken kayaks for decor. The nixies here are particularly festive which is part of how the falls got their name. The combination of how loud the falls are and a good bit of fae illusions allow the nixies to dance, sing, and swim to their hearts’ contents without drawing any attention. On the off chance they do draw human attention, they have a good time of drowning the humans. While Dancing Falls is primarily home to nixies and other suitable types of nymphs, they often welcome other fae to join in their dancing.
Mystic Triangle: Among humans, Mystic Triangle is known for the alarmingly high number of ships that seem to disappear when sailing across it. The nereides who live there are pleased about that. They want to be left relatively undisturbed (of course, they do happen to enjoy sinking ships every now and then, but who wouldn’t?). Under the water, the nereides have actually used parts of these sunken ships to build their own homes, shops, and entertainment. Considering it’s underwater, the homes are in remarkably good condition, likely due to the fact that the nereides want to claim their stake as having the best underwater aos sí in Wicked’s Rest. Sure, the nixies’ waterfalls and sunken kayaks are neat, but sunken ships, yachts, and a ferry or two are much more impressive. While the nereides have nothing but love for their nixie cousins, they are very prideful. They have nightly gatherings filled with singing and dancing, which sounds a lot like whale songs to anyone above the surface, but this is one spot we don’t recommend going for a whale watch. Some of the bioluminescent nereides lure sailors and swimmers toward the Triangle with their glows at night, eager for a new ship or skeleton to be added to the collection.
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aressida · 2 months
My entry: “Contract.” Hey, write this down… - Aressida. 26.4.24.
“Write this down. E.M.E.T.I.B. You got that?” ”Yes.” ”Okay. Now reverse it.”
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What makes anyone on Earth the right buyer for my soul? You misjudged me.
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With all these contracts around, they should all go remove themselves. Since we, the sovereignty, are moving in a different way. As we know, everything else is built on satanic agreements, and they collect the signatures to secure the right to cast spells.
A signature is corporate. A man autographs. All contracts, regardless of their nature, assert false entrapment and lack true authority.
This realization explains why many individuals rely on the existence of this fraudulent system without being aware of it. They become dependent on a foreign occupation, defending it vehemently as it ensures their own livelihood. However, we, the ones who conduct research, must remain cautious and discerning.
What is the bond value for a birth certificate? And, why is a person's body, mind, and soul able to be utilized as collateral for government debt through the employment of a birth certificate bond as a financial tool?
Understanding that birth, marriage, and death certificates are public records rather than private documents is crucial if we are to allow our thinking to go beyond birth certificates. These records are essential resources for researching our family history, sure, but the ability of a birth certificate bond to bind an individual's body, mind, and soul and use them as collateral for government debt is what we must admit is the supposed worth of this document.
When we register ourselves or our children, we unknowingly surrender ourselves to these individuals and corporate entities.
Birth certificates are used as stocks and bonds on the now-dissolved country's stock exchange. The intention of banking institutions is to eradicate our original language and replace it with the language of democracy, which essentially makes us slaves.
A Corporation is a dead entity.
Organizations and various other banks have functioned as "governmental service corporations" and storefronts engaged in armed racketeering, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, identity theft, credit fraud, probate fraud, and impersonation of public officials.
For their own advantage, they have taken out large loans against us and our assets, both public and private. They filed for bankruptcy because they could no longer afford the debts, so we were left to pay back all of them. Some even go so far as to inflict disease and death upon the populace in an attempt to profit from unclaimed estates that contain enormous sums of money that we are ignorant about.
They actually use our given name as a copyright to construct a made-up being called the PERSON, who is "birthed" rather than "born." In the process of announcing a "birth," we are essentially announcing the death of the PERSON, and our family's name and assets are considered "granted" to the British Crown, the banks, and the legal system.
Since all governments are artificial beings, we must accept that they are companies and are unable to transact business with human beings. Their only business dealings are with inanimate objects. This epiphany has the potential to significantly transform our understanding of the system we live in and give us the confidence to look for other options.
It is essential that we consult the Magna Carta and the Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, specifically Section 44 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, when investigating legal systems. Using the oath to Article 61 as a starting point, these documents offer thoughts on how to break free from the system.
If there is attack coming in any way it's all witchcraft and by contract so declare your absolute authority over self where you lost it in your Capital name and Christ is your witness that it is to be returned.
Through Christ, curses have no effect on us as we are the highest authority before God.
We the People must establish new Common Law courts and staff them. We have no place in their COURT SYSTEM with commercial law. They are not even entitled to the honor of speaking to us.
Protect your legal rights by establishing ownership of your personal information, business names, trademarks, and assets, including your property and children. Your body, soul, spirit, DNA, private properties, water, food, shelter, money, silver, gold, animals, vessels, energies and frequencies, products, inventions, copyrights, words, thoughts, charters, companies, devices, cars and transportation, inherent rights, and anything else you can think of that they might try to get their hands on are all yours to own.
This is your life; therefore, take back and safeguard what you own as a sovereign person.
They are done.
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hotgirlmythology · 2 months
The Lime House
I thought I should note this information down because it has turned into a pretty sprawling world.
The centrepiece of the world are the Houses of Parliament, that have been filled with limes. The limes go six feet deep throughout. Trying to clear them away is physically impossible, because they simply reappear. I think a timeline will be useful here.
A very irate middle-aged James Bond (who is actually called Timothy) is let go from MI6 after they outsource their pet contract murderers to some eastern european militia groups. Following this, he decides to recreationally take 19 benadryl, which as we all know, summons the Hat Man. The Hat Man is one of five Clothes Men, who are extradimensional entities covering a variety of different qualms people have against the world. The Hat Man for his part enjoys flair and drama without an awful lot of substance, hence the hat. Thus in response to Timothy's drug-fueled rant about the woes of government fund allocation, he concluded that the best course of action was to fill government offices with limes. Boris Johnson is very nearly ousted via a vote of no confidence, but Special Agent Liz Truss' assassination of Queen Elizabeth the Eternal and the violent retribution of her Majesty's undead hordes proves that the leadership candidates just aren't up to snuff.
Once it becomes clear that the houses of parliament are indeed filled with limes, self replicating, imperishable limes at that, most of the government wants to move somewhere less squishy to hold parliament. The attitude of the public however is that they should "Stick it out," so they do. It lasts about a week until ministers begin to resign in droves and half the civil servants working there also hand in their notice. Massive by-elections sweep the country, with people looking for independents who don't seem likely to toe the party lines in trying to leave the traditional home of government. Around this time, the job listing for the LDS (Lime Disposal Squad) is posted, which is seized upon in about a day by a forum of bored internet addicts who fill up every remaining spot as a joke, to see if they can make this the workplace of their dreams. The result depends on whose dream you are judging with.
The first new MPs begin filtering into parliament. Among them are Daen, Liverpool MP who got in exclusively by being able to prove he had never told a lie in politics, and Jamie, MP for Shitting-on-the-Wold, who got his position by being the only person in town with an a-level in politics, which probably makes him more capable of running the country than most actual MPs. A popular new debate method is to hurl limes at someone whose point you dislike to try and unbalance their footing on whatever they are standing on. The LDS is kept very busy constantly scooping up limes and winching around their gantries to dump them - given the limes will try to reach six feet up from the highest non-lime object, this usually means overenthusiastic individuals collide with mps regularly on their way to clear up the mess.
Parliament's ability to pass and record any kind of information is severely hampered when their computers are inundated by crushed lime juice and blow up, a la guy fawkes. Mobile devices are obviously worse than useless when you have to get in by jumping in a window, so most secretaries quit in protest, barring Hayley, a cali girl ex-yacht thief turned illegal immigrant when her prospective mark decided that he would in fact report the unidentified hot woman on his boat to the police rather than trying to chat her up. As she was only here because of the girlfriend of one of the MPs snagging her the job, she was unlikely to leave and expose herself to being caught undocumented. Don't think about how she got a civil service job without documentation.
Valerie returns from her sojourn in Paris. Hayley's old employer and the only woman Jamie will ever allow to be referred to as his girlfriend, the paris trip was to allow her to recover from the various cybernetic augmentations she underwent as a result of enlisting in the Royal Environmental Response Commission. This is an organisation under the direct supervision of the king that is responsible for developing the Oil Tycoon Obliterator 3000, a rather large mech designed to, as the name suggests, obliterate oil barons. And most anyone else who gets in the way of green energy. Valerie acts as a guard for the Palace, under whose fake plastic exterior the work is unending. Before this she was an alcoholic art thief with the attitude of a coked up ferret trying and somehow succeeding to sip wine in a refined manner. Before that, she was a covert MI6 operative in afghanistan, responsible for mining a variety of roads, murdering random people on sketchy information, and telling other people sketchy information that would make them murder people she didn't like. As one might imagine, this trauma made her go into alcoholic art theft. However, she is now trying to work through it with Jamie to support her.
News bulletin elsewhere in the world
America pretended to invade itself to try and wipe out its debt. Somewhere along the line, the ruse got hijacked by dissidents, and a mass killing of prominent politicians was organised by sympathetic revolutionary minds already in the military. After this, and the short and very bloody petty warlord period, General Octavia blew her way into the White House with the nations' missiles at her back, and installed a nice comfy new chair. Octavia, named after hers truly, is a country where everyone can be what they want to be, provided that when they get told to go and work on something they do it immediately. What they cannot be, however, is a mermaid, who have realised that they can hijack ship comms systems to sing their songs through. Mermaids cause enormous multi-ship pileups by doing this,before swimming into the sinking ships and looting them. Octavia relies quite heavily on sea trade, and so there are now three rather enormous Orbital Sex Change Operators in perpetual geostationary orbit. These radiation cannons cause the instant alteration of a single X chromosome to Y, or a single Y to X, in each cell of the target organism blasted. Mermaids, being exclusively female, die instantly if they get a Y chromosome. Many transgender people are very excited about the prospect of such an efficient sex change operation, and it is now a tradition that on trans visibility and remembrance days lots are drawn to see which 3 trans people get beamed. The reason it's so infrequent isn't the cost of the orbital lasers, but the fact their hospital bills for acute radiation poisoning need to be covered by the state.
There is a giant kitten that wanders through the void of space and enjoys playing with stars. The kitten itself is made of starlight, but not stars themselves, which confuses the only four "cosmikittists" in the world when they get together in their discord server to discuss it. They are not sure how it exists, or anything about it except how to summon it. If one thinks very very hard of a pretty star, the kitten will pick up on it. Distance isn't the problem, as time and space are immaterial to such a creature, but one must match the kitten's wonderment in relation to stars. If done correctly, you will shortly be visited by an enormous kitten the size of a large moon, whose effect on air pressure and displacement usually causes toppling and flattening of anything nearby. This usually distracts the summoner from the star, and the kitten leaves in a huff, but one of the four did manage to stroke it once. It felt very soft and fluffy and cool to the touch, though it's to be expected when you regulate your temperature based on nearby stars. Currently some scientist in antarctica is accidentally developing a mental image suitable for calling in the space kitten, and the cosmikittists are going frantic trying to identify where the person causing all these near misses by the kitten is.
Britain is now the europe's primary exporter of limes, given they have infinite and always available limes being produced on a huge scale in parliament. Their cuisine has become very influenced by limes, too, with lime juice being used to season many dishes.
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6990portfolio · 3 months
portfolio entry #7. blank check challenge
a very wealthy person gave you a blank check and told you to spend the amount you wished for to make yourself happy. what are you going to do with it? make a list of what you want to have. write as many as you want.
h     a fully paid for house for each of my direct family members and myself, in our desired country of choice.
h     complete furnishing for the houses stated above, including decor, to our tastes.
f     latest model of electronic devices for the lot of us (laptop, phone, tv, xbox, ps5, etc.)
f     items in relation to our personal hobbies and interest (paints, books, writing materials, musical instruments, etc.)
c     stylish clothing and shoes that suit our personal style and tastes.
f     fully paid tuition for any course to any institution for the ones looking to further their education, myself included.
answer the following questions: 
how would you feel as you do the blank check challenge?
which among the items on your list do you like the most? why?
perhaps the electronic devices, since majority of my interests and quality of life depends upon them.
if ever you were given a chance in real life to have one among the list. which would you choose? why?
the houses for all of us, because being able to come home to a house that’s completely yours just hits different.
does your choice different from what you answered in question number 2? why or why not?
yes, because number two comes from a materialistic mindset whereas number three is more of a realistic one.
go back to your blank check challenge list. 
put a mark on the left side of each item with the following categories: 
b – if the item is related to your body 
c – if the item is related to clothes 
f – if the item is related or intended for your family 
h – if the item is related to home 
answer the following questions: 
a. which among the categories do you have the most in your list?
f – if the item is related or intended for your family.
b. what do you think these things tell you about yourself?
that i cater to my family the most.
make a reflection paper about the material self. 
the concept of the material self delves into the tangible aspects that contribute to our identity, emphasizing the significance of possessions and physical attributes in shaping who we are. as i reflect on this material, i am prompted to consider the intricate relationship between what we own and how it influences our sense of self. our possessions, be they clothing, gadgets, or other belongings, often serve as external expressions of our identity, reflecting personal tastes, interests, and even socioeconomic status.
exploring the material self also raises awareness of societal norms and consumer culture, which play a substantial role in shaping our perceptions of what is valuable or desirable. the constant exposure to advertisements and societal expectations can impact our preferences and, consequently, our material choices. additionally, the environmental impact of our consumer-driven society becomes apparent when considering the life cycle of products and their contribution to issues such as waste and resource depletion.
moreover, the material self extends beyond physical possessions to encompass our bodies and appearance. societal standards of beauty and the pressure to conform to certain ideals can significantly influence our self-perception. this material aspect intertwines with psychological concepts like self-esteem and body image, underscoring the multidimensional nature of the self.
in conclusion, reflecting on the material self invites contemplation on the interplay between our possessions, societal influences, and personal identity. it prompts critical examination of the values we associate with material goods and encourages a deeper understanding of how our material choices shape not only our self-perception but also the world around us.
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prasadmedicals · 6 months
What is clinical rotation in USA for Indian students?
The Importance of Clinical Rotations in Medical Education
Indian students studying clinical rotations in the USA will have the opportunity to gain firsthand experience in a medical setting. With the guidance of seasoned physicians and faculty members, these rotations involve direct interaction with patients. This invaluable experience bridges the gap between theory and practice, preparing international medical students for the real-world challenges of a clinical environment.
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Choosing Clinical rotations for international medical students in USA with help Prasad Medical Center, students can develop their clinical competencies, diagnostic skills, bedside manner, and decision-making abilities - all fundamental to becoming a proficient and competent physician.
For international medical graduates (IMGs), clinical rotations offer a unique chance to gain first-hand experience in a foreign healthcare system. They can become well-versed in various medical technologies, patient demographics, and healthcare customs of a different country. This exposure greatly influences their outlook and plays a crucial role in shaping their future medical pursuits, regardless of their chosen practice location.
Structure and Duration of Clinical Rotations in USA
In the US, clinical rotations are organized to cover the major specialist providers and take place at university teaching hospitals, medical centers, and clinic networks. The most commonly covered specialties include:
Internal Medicine
Allergy Specialist
During their clinical rotations, students can expect to spend approximately 6-12 weeks in each setting. This timeframe provides a valuable opportunity for hands-on experience and direct mentorship from resident physicians and faculty. Students are able to actively engage in a variety of clinical tasks, such as participating in patient rounds, making diagnoses, observing surgeries, assisting with deliveries, and contributing to treatment plans, ultimately impacting patient health and wellness.
Depending on their area of interest, students may choose to do additional rotations in other specialties like radiology, anesthesiology, emergency medicine etc. to gain deeper exposure.
See details of Clinical Rotations at Prasad Medical Center
The IMG Clinical Rotation Experience in USA
"International students have the unique opportunity to accelerate their medical careers through clinical rotations in the USA, specifically for Indian students.”
Direct mentorship from experts
As students immerse themselves in their studies, they have the unique opportunity to work alongside esteemed physicians, specialists, and faculty from renowned university hospitals and cutting-edge specialty medical centers across the USA. This invaluable mentorship extends beyond rotations, as students also have the chance to engage in research collaborations and observerships, tailored to their specific interests and future ambitions.
Hand-on training in world-class facilities
At modern medical facilities, clinical rotations are tailored to match each student's specific areas of interest. These rotations not only offer hands-on experience, but also access to specialized medical technology that is necessary for a successful career. With advanced simulation labs, state-of-the-art medical equipment, and access to diagnostic and treatment methods, international students are able to gain in-depth practical knowledge that can greatly enhance their professional development upon returning to their home countries. Connect with us for your bright future ahead
Building perspectives on patient care
As students engage with and take on the responsibility of caring for American patients for several weeks, they gain a unique perspective and boost their confidence. By being exposed to various healthcare policies, insurance procedures, efficient coordination among different specialties, and patient engagement strategies, students develop a broader understanding of patient care.
Gaining US clinical experience
The wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience gained through clinical rotations in the US healthcare system is truly invaluable. From staying up-to-date with cutting-edge treatment protocols to gaining a comprehensive understanding of standardized practices across medical specialties and witnessing the power of multi-disciplinary care, the rotation program offers a unique opportunity for international medical students and doctors to propel their careers to new heights. This exposure is truly transformative and can have a profound impact on one's professional development.
Why Choose Prasad Medical Center for Clinical Rotations?
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Based in New York, Prasad Medical Center in Brooklyn was a pioneer in customized clinical rotations for International Medical Students in USA. They partner with over 40+ major teaching hospitals and medical centers across 20 cities in USA to offer specialized rotations paired with mentorship and perspectives into American medicine.
Rotation program focused on IMGs
With almost 20 years focused on addressing IMG needs, their structured programs provide:
Flexibility of duration & rotations to match student needs
CME-accredited Hands-on clinical training
Clinical knowledge, skill development & CVs that stand out
Specialized training & observerships in chosen specialties
Guidance from dedicated team right from enrollment to completion
Over 3000 IMG students and physicians from different parts of the world etc. have completed clinical clerkships with Prasad Medical Center gaining exceptional clinical exposure enhanced by strong mentorship, assimilation support and post-rotation guidance.
Strong Track Record with Indian Students & Institutions
With a track record of accommodating more than 2500 Indian students, Prasad Medical Center in Brooklyn boasts vast knowledge in catering to the unique necessities of Indian medical students and complying with their curriculum requirements.
Endorsed by their Indian physician alumni, the center offers unparalleled clinical exposure and beneficial learning outcomes that have proved to be life-changing for their medical vocations in India. Book your appointment online for your queries.
Furthermore, the center has formed strong alliances with esteemed medical institutions all over India, carefully crafting tailored rotations for students from prestigious schools like Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipal University, and Sri Ramachandra Institute.
Personalized Guidance & Support for Students
At Prasad Medical Center, we are committed to helping each student achieve their rotation goals by providing personalized guidance. From helping select the perfect hospitals, to handling visa paperwork and accommodation logistics, we take care of every detail so that students can focus on their intensive training in the USA.
To ensure a smooth and successful journey, each student is paired with a dedicated advisor who provides ongoing support throughout the entire process. We also understand the challenges of adjusting to a new country, which is why we match students with peer mentors who offer local insights and assistance in daily life.
Our comprehensive range of services, combined with our exceptional training curriculum, has led to an impressive 86% of our past students giving us a perfect rating of 10/10 for their experience with us.
Take the Next Step for Impactful Clinical Training
Clinical rotations are invaluable for physicians, providing an essential foundation for their training journey and enhancing their skills, scope of practice, and overall perspective. The incomparable exposure offered in American hospitals raises the bar, allowing international physicians to reach unprecedented levels of development.
Therefore, selecting Prasad Medical Center for Clinical rotations in USA for Indian Students guarantees steady growth. By offering specialized programs tailored to the needs of international medical students and providing personalized guidance, organizations like Prasad Medical Center bridge the gap in impactful clinical education between countries. Students who choose this opportunity can truly make the most of this transformative experience during their critical training.
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michel-tanguy · 8 months
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/get-a-spouse-meet-single-girls-for-marriage/
Get a Spouse Meet Single Girls For Marriage
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Simultaneously, most Offshore girls perform share this kind of character qualities as customer loyalty, modesty, and intelligence. Naturally , it on top of that is determined by just how many outings you’ll need to find a excellent international woman—China can be described as large nation, and it may well take around 5 journeys to seek out the appropriate Chinese lady. We might give you a few easy tips about the ways to discover appreciate on dating sites. Today, it is totally apparent the fact that right romance between Offshore girls and foreigners is a direction. It started out many years in the past, however entirely now it may be so wide-spread that it could possibly be seen in each of the parts of the world.
The best courting support will always have a cell variety of the web site that is both handsome and useful. Several websites choose one step further and develop a great impartial cellphone app. The primary thing to find out here is that marriage with an Asian mail order bride-to-be is absolutely accepted and established by the ALL OF US authorities, however on a handful of situations. Chinese girls often save cash about completely different occasions as a performance of their “sense of crisis”.
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formicarum-rex · 1 year
playing oregon trail 5 (a certified Problematic Fave) and thinking about all the other historical moments in american history that a simulation style game could be educational, and the sort of unfortunate situation we're in currently, where proper educational software, especially in non-STEM areas, has more or less been pushed out by the internet. I feel like games do have the benefit of being able to put you in other people's shoes. history has a reputation of memorizing facts and figures, but games can make the effects of those facts real for the player, as they can see the direct outcome of them on how their character fares. they can teach empathy and make the motives of people from the past ("heroes", "villains", and normal people in-between) more understandable.
anyway, possible oregon trail-esques (based on american history, since oregon trail is):
most clearly from the oregon trail experience, something regaring the experience of native americans in the 19th century. Kids probably wouldnt like it as much as Oregon Trail since there can´t honestly be any "good" outcomes, the game *has* to be rigged, but its an important perspective that The Oregon Trail just glosses over, at best. And where the player's actions in Oregon Trail, whether conscious or not, has a direct negative impact on the indigenous nations. How do you chose to deal with the US government? do you make treaties? war? is war forced upon you?
gold rush in california and/or alaska and the yukon. (im more familiar with the california rush so this is more based on that, but I understand that there are similarities to the alaskan/yukon one.) there are a lot of luck based outcomes. you´ll definitely want to program in the idea that those selling to the miners generally got richer than the miners themselves, even if the miners have more exiciting gameplay. you could also play around with different ways of mining over time. you could also include multiple perspectives, whether american whites, american blacks, european, mexican/californio, native, chinese, etc. but if its designed for schools, you'll probably want to cycle everyone through all of these perspectives, or else you'll have students chosing backgrounds based on themselves (as is natural), and anyone who isnt white, or even american, will have a much worse time, and that sucks.
(there was in fact a "Yukon Trail" game, but my impression of it is that it focused on the journey there as much as what happened at the location, which is what is more interesting to me, and at minimum there's no choice to already be living in Alaska/the Yukon. it may otherwise be good.. i haven´t played it, but should)
a dice roll determines which southern/eatern european country youre from, and what religion you are. you start at ellis island, and you have to survive late 19th/eary 20th c. New York as an Italian Catholic or a Polish Jew or etc. do you Americanize? what kinds of work do you go into, if you even get a choice? can you survive a work environment pre-regulation? what chances do you take to try and get you and your family out of the tenements?
conversely. you are either native born or an immigrant, but either way, you luck and work your way into some cash. how do you navigate being a millionaire of the gilded age? what politicans do you support? do you implement vertical and horizontal integration into your business? are you able to secure a monopoly? what if your workers go on strike? what are the most appealing options, to you, the magnate?
Try to escape slavery. This is honestly the most Oregon-trail ish of the bunch, since it is about travel to a different part of the continent, and has a specific goal in mind. do you take your family with you and incur more risk? how well are you able to prepare? there´s a lot of luck involved with this. what route do you take? depending on background and/or luck, the game may not give you a proper map and you have to rely on verbal tradition for navigation. where do you go? northern states or all the way to canada? why would you chose to go further north? (hint: a certain federal law you probably memorized for the test-- see how seemingly random names and dates you memorize actually effected real people?). what kind of people are you able to trust? how do you know? you could give the player to decide to stay and not run away, in an attempt to stay with family or with the hope of waiting out the civil war (if playing in a civil war year), and the game can tell you how that pans out.
puritan simulator. choose a wacky name. try not to die of the new england winters or be burned as a heretic. be forced to put your 21st century ideas of society and religion to the side in order to keep up a good relationship with your fellow citizens and avoid exile to rhode island, or worse. how does your religion influence your ideas on the land you're occupying, the government you participate in, your relationships with the native peoples? same game, other half: youre a native american in what would become new england. there's some difficult decison making to be done with the meta knowledge of the player. being hospitible to the newcomers will not work out. but then, rebellion is barely any better. much like with the first item on the list, the cards are stacked against you.
various poltics simulators for different eras. weighing the wishes of your constituency, your ideals, your wealth, etc to be elected and re-elected. curriculum items include not just political history, but civics items as well.
Great Depression simulator. I've proposed enough of these that you can guess what the options are, and what the goals would be. How do you deal with being poor/the dustbowl, etc? how does Hoover's and Roosevelt's words over the radio effect you? maybe the game starts post-wwi, and you are given some success before the crash to show the severity of it. how do different ethnic and geographical backgrounds effect you? how do your experiences with the depression influence your stance on whether we should enter WWII?
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just6f · 1 year
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