breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 27: PUSHED TO THE LIMIT 
Muffled Screams | Stumbling | Magical Exhaustion
Book 1 feelings tonight folks :’)
Please don’t tag with ships thank you!
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The thing is, Steve has learned, that becoming untouchable isn't all he wants it to be.
People were too quick to try and reach out for him, ask for more than he was willing to give. He hadn't wanted to give up his first kiss to some random girl at some random boy's twelfth birthday party because of spin the bottle. He hadn't wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Jenny Jackson or Linda Simons at Tommy's birthday party the following year. He did want to take Mary Linscott to Snow Ball, but she just wanted to make out behind the bleachers instead of dance with him. He didn't want to do that but then Brian called him stupid for not wanting to, and asked if he was queer. So, Steve had turned right back around and dragged Mary back under the bleachers, kissing her until it was time to go to prove Brian wrong.
(Even though Steve knows Brian isn't wrong. That Steve had wanted to ask Brian to the dance as much as he'd wanted to ask Mary but knew better than to do that. He saw how they treated Eddie Munson last year for the suspicion of liking other boys and Steve wasn't going to let that happen to himself.)
Brian had congratulated him after and asked what base he got to. Steve didn't want to get to any bases, but he couldn't say that, so he just punched Brian in the arm and said 'more bases than you' which was true because Brian's date didn't kiss him even once.
Then Carol Perkins approached him at lunch, shortly after Snow Ball, and asked if Steve would be her first kiss. Not because she wanted to kiss Steve, but because she wanted to kiss Tommy H, but didn't want to be bad at kissing. Steve agreed because he liked Carol. Not in the way she liked Tommy, but mostly because she'd asked.
No one had done that yet.
She came over to his house on a Saturday because she didn't want Tommy to catch them and think she didn't like him. They made out in his room because, despite his parents being home, they didn't really care who was in his room with him or if the door was open or shut. Probably didn't even notice he had someone over. She leaves an hour later.
By Tuesday Tommy and Carol are an item and by Friday they were Steve's best friends.
However, for reasons Steve doesn't understand, more girls keep asking him to be their first kiss. And maybe it's because he's already got a reputation, or maybe Carol let slip he'd said yes when she asked, but Steve finds himself kissing a lot of girls he doesn't want to. He doesn't know how to say no. Can't find a reason too. Brian's words play in the back of his mind every time he thinks about saying no.
(Are you stupid? Are you queer? He doesn't want to be either of those things, and given his grade in biology and pre-algebra, he's really only got a hope of avoiding the queer label. His father would tolerate a stupid son. He doesn't think he'd survive if his father had a queer one.)
There are a few girls he's been crushing on that ask him and that was nice. One, Alice Baker, even becomes his girlfriend for a month. His first relationship.
Soon eighth grade gives way to being a freshman and Steve, who has always been handsome and cute, catches the eye of upperclassmen now.
And Steve's not sure how it happens, but he ends up moving past first base with another girl whose name he can't remember, or possibly never knew. He doesn't remember asking her for hers when she led him into one of the bedrooms at the house this party was at while he was way too tipsy.
And then it just grows. The reputation and what people expect from him, and he doesn't want it, but he's never said no before so can he start now? Doesn't he need a reason to say no? If he doesn't have a reason, does that make him queer? He should be wanting this. What boy doesn't want this?
And maybe he does want it. But not like this.
He doesn't want to be slightly drunk at yet another party, following the first girl that grabs his wrist and pulls him after her into whatever secluded area they can find. He doesn't want to keep saying yes when he wants to say no.
The summer between freshman and sophomore year he confides in Carol. It's a risk. Carol can be cruel, quick with her words to tear you down, to spread the rumor that will ruin your life. But she's also fiercely loyal.
He tells her he's tired of kissing people he doesn't want to.
Carol is quiet for a long time, and Steve almost thinks he's made a mistake. But then she speaks.
"Okay. Let's make a plan."
And they do. Then suddenly Steve is untouchable. Carol teaches him how to see the weakness in people and call it out. How to wield his facial expressions as a weapon and a shield. How to put on the air of being the most important person everywhere you go so well that everyone else begins to believe it. How to fall back on the fact his parents are rich, gone often, and, almost most importantly, well known in the community. It gives Steve's name a weight to throw around.
More importantly, all of that culminates in people no longer asking things of him. Instead, they look to him to take the lead, they wait to be asked. It makes Steve feel in charge of his life for once.
But now.
Now, years later, having survived a spring break from Hell and averted the apocalypse, Steve watches Eddie hang off Argyle with ease, fling an arm over Jonathan's shoulder while laughing at a joke, easily pull Dustin into a headlock or wrestling match.
Easy touches that Steve should be able to do, too. A jealousy wells inside him almost as much as the unease he feels in his stomach at the mere thought of letting them know they're allowed to reach out and touch him, too. That Eddie's allowed to reach out and touch.
But then he remembers what happened when he let people have that power over him and he can't bring himself to do it.
It settles in Steve, then, the realization. When you become untouchable, you're unable to touch.
@nburkhardt @i-less-than-three-you adding my own lil bit of angst into the mix now (:
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shiorilizzy · 6 months
My thought about yandere Wriothesley
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My thought about yandere Wriothesley
I swear he has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!
He may look like a gentleman, you can see him as a gentleman and he can even be a gentlemen
But be aware of how far he took to get revenge on his foster parents. He will do anything to get what he wants.
Well at least to you, he will be gentle and easy, not that brutal and bloody.
I have a feeling that Wriothesley will have eyes on good girls. You may be noisy or sassy, you may be silent and shy, but your eyes, your heart… They are so innocent… So pure… It’s utterly beautiful like crystal to him. The way you help others, the way you are not scared of his appearance.
He may notice you when you two are in the shop, both buying a big bag of tea, milk and sugar. He is surprised at that amount of tea and your shining aura.
His heart goes BANG when he sees you help a homeless boy, you defend him against those bad people.
You’re… kind… and brave. He loves your slight tremble, trying to act tough.
He is jealous of that boy. He is so lucky to have you protect him. Wriothesley wishes he had someone like you in the past, maybe his life would be a little sweeter.
Like a hunter set his eyes on the prey. He will find a way to approach you.
Even if you have a boyfriend or husband already, it doesn’t matter to him. Remember his material for talent upgrade? He need “Order”, not “Equity” (or Justice to me). And it’s right for you to become his lovely and only treasure.
Wriothesley is actually very human. He will not just snatch you into his place.
At least, he tried to be a normal boyfriend, a perfect lover to you. After all, he really wants an ordinary life like everyone else.
But later, things got ugly. He struggled so much to believe you or everyone, everything around you.
He suspected the man talked to you on the street that day. He thought your family, your friends were trying to separate you from him. He is scared that you’ll leave him someday, that he will lose something he treasured so much again.
That’s when he decided: You need to be placed somewhere he can watch, always.
Things got even worse if you wanted to break up with him. You’re done. There is a high chance that you will wake up with your leg broken, or cuff, depending on how bratty and cold-heart you were.
Well, he will bring you down with him no matter what.
If I have to describe Yandere Wriothesley in one word, I will say: manipulation.
I believe Wriothesley is hella good at manipulating. Do you see how he cornered Lyney till he lost control? This big shit will gaslight you to believe fish can walk.
He did say that he would feel bad if he kept a pet in the fortress because they could not see the sunlight. But he could train you to accommodate to the environment. That’s much easier.
He will act like he was not the one who kidnapped you but “just a little bit forceful invitation to live with him”.
He will be a gentleman, respect you, listen to you, even argue with you if you are too “fussy”, told you that you can be nicer to him.
Why he is doing those? Because he knows you’re a “good girl”
Sooner or later, your kind heart will make you doubt yourself that maybe you were too harsh on him.
Your innocent soul will soon feel guilty because every “hassle” you cause others to deal with.
Wriothesley, unlike most of yandere who just lock his darling in a room the whole day, he makes you busy all day, let you roam around the Fortress on your own. You’re his darling, his cute little pet, not his prisoner.
He needs to create a playground for you, so you don’t have time to be sad, angry, miss the upper world, or even think about escaping.
Luckily, he is the Duke, the Warden, and the fortress is out of Fontaine’s control. So technically, he is the King down here.
So darling, what do you want to do? Just name it and he will give you.
A baker? Prisoners will smile happily when receive your delicious food every day. A teacher? Those people will express how grateful they are to gain more knowledge thanks to you. An accountant or secretary? Wriothesley himself will gladly have you on his side, helping him with paperwork.
Even if you want to be a slut. You will be promoted from part-time slut to full-time slut. But only for him.
Whatever you want, name it and he will find a way.
See? Life is really good down here, right? You have a dream job, delicious food, pretty clothes, lovely people, and especially, a man who is loyal and loves you unconditionally. What could you ask more?
Slowly, even if you can escape, you will not do that because you’re having so much fun and peace in here.
After all, the Duke really wants to be loved, as much as he loves you. But being a skeptical person because of his trauma, he needs you to stay where he can watch you.
Sometimes, he will show you his weak side. That will kick your mother hen instinct, just like that day when you protect that weak boy.
Oh this sly wolf, he will do everything to get you.
But do not think you can get away with everything. You definitely don’t want to see him get mad ever again.
Let’s say, you escaped and got caught by him.
That man will let you sit and watch he torturing your partner in crime (of course you cannot do all the work yourself), let you hear their loud agony, see their body slammed hard on the ground.
The more you beg for them, the more torturing he will give them. Until you are trembling in fear and tears and whimpering.
Does the guiltiness eat you? That’s his intention. He just knows you too well.
That is just one of his tricks. He has plenty to use. After all, he lived for quite some time, and most of them were in the Fortress.
He usually hugs you in sleep. Don’t hesitate to put your head on his arm or sleep on his body. He LOVES those pressures.
I have a feeling he will hug you like a teddy bear. And when he needs to switch to the other side, he will just “move” you along with him.
Even when you guys are in a “bad term”, he will sleep and hug you no matter what. Wriothesley even snug his head in your neck, like a poor boy.
As if you WERE the one at fault!
Overall, Wriothesley will make your relationship become “normal” sooner or later. You will think that this is just a little “special”, a little extraordinary, a bit of spice in love that everyone has.
That staying here forever is normal
That his love is totally normal
That you love him
That you want to have a family with him.
Wriothesley is smart, he knows what he wants, and doesn’t really care about morals.
So it is impossible for you to escape since he set his eyes on you.
I would write about him in bed another day
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
Welcome to the Wild
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Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x OFC! Caden
Synopsis: No longer about her future, Caden spirals as the rug is once again pulled from underneath her feet. Living her days in a silent shell, she forces herself into her work. Noted as the restaurant's Mute Pâtissier, the stuttering eyes of her boss always finds themselves attached to her. Studying her. Like some animal in the wild.
Divider by @strangergraphics-archive
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“Honey, how are those buns comin’, love?” Mickey’s deep voice calls over the chaos of the kitchen.
In the far corner, blocked off from the madness was his sole baker, prepared for war and unbothered with the onslaught of orders. She pulls out the third baking tray of rolls and places them inside the rack before turning to coat a tray of recently cooled ones with honey butter. The perfect, golden rolls absorb the butter. Droplets run down its sides slowly, the bread appearing like a professional photograph.
“First three trays are finished,” she calls back, not a pause in her pace noticeable.
The Berzatto nods, a grin taking over his chiseled features as he watches her work. “Atta’ girl,” he compliments, hustling on with the service. Afterwards as the staff gathered for Family, everyone talking and laughing, Caden looks over at the man who seemed to bring ease into her life.
“Why that name?” She asks, quietly. He looks over at her, stumped at the question.
“What name you talkin’ about, Honey?” He retorts, eyebrows scrunched. She nods his way, “that one. Honey. Where’d you even get that from?”
This time he looks down at his plate, fork shuffling the food around. “Because you’re a good kid, ya know?” He tilts his head up, looking at her.
“You try to push people away, scare ‘em off, but you really just want a family. You want someone to love your sweet soul just as much as you’d love them.”
Caden scoffs, playfully, shaking her head. “The day that someone can look me in my eyes and say ‘I love you’ and mean that shit, pigs’ll start flyin’.”
She swallows a fork full of collard greens and a bit of turkey tail in the mix, eyebrows scrunching happily. Mickey looks at her, his shy gaze steeled as he stares through her. The once mute kid Tina brought to his office like a lost kitten has become the rambunctious, scatterbrained little sister he never asked for but appreciated.
He chuckles, “just be happy it’s ‘Honey’ and not ‘Squirrel.’ kiddo.”
She sends a playful glare, chubby cheeks stuffed with food. “Hey, my ADHD ain’t a joke,” she tries to scold yet her words come out jumbled and slurred.
He smiles, leaning forward, ear facing her, “what was that? I couldn’t hear you over those stuffed cheeks, Squirrel.”
“Go to Hell,” she mumbles, going back to her food, ignorant of his eyes watching her with a soft gaze.
No one really goes into details about the hero of the story dying and how their loved ones, their supporters, deal with it. For Caden, Michael's death wasn't that big of a shocker. No one lives forever unless you're the Devil's favorite. Mickey was the most stereotypical older brother anyone could ever meet.
The stand-in father. Believes everyone is better off without him. The one who puts up with his abusive mother's shit, not because he's an enabler but the little boy who watched it all go to shit just can't let go.
God, she missed him. Despite having her own older brothers, Caden was doomed from the start, as if neglect and trauma was all she was destined for. No friends, a negligent mother, an ill father, and avoidant brothers.
But, Michael was her brother, though.
When Tina brought her to The Beef, all the poor girl had was a backpack of clothes, her grandfather's saving, and desperation. Michael took her in, watched her bake and turn the pastries she once drew into a reality like some magician.
If only she knew how much she reminded him of Carmen.
"Those two'll bitch each other out, but they'd be one hell of a front." He'd think with that smile he'd carry as if everything was gonna be okay.
Maybe she shouldn't have answered her phone that night. She should've declined his offer, make up some lame excuse like homework.
No. Even if that was the last memory of him she had, she'd much prefer that they were together rather than apart.
"Cousin," Richie's microphone for a voice rings off the kitchen walls. "You may already know some of these guys, seeing as they've been here longer than me. Tina, Ebra, Angel, Manny, and finally, the soul of the team, Honey."
Caden side eyes the men, lazily looking at them for a moment before sending a nod toward the short, curly haired one. Just as quick as she turned, she resumes back to her station, sorting her spices and chocolates. Behind, Richie simply waves her off, blowing a rasberry.
"Don't mind her. The name's sweet, but, uh, she's kind of dark." He warns the younger man. Ebra leans over, "her name's Caden. If you're a smart boy, you'd call her that."
Richie scoffs, "c'mon, this is Carmy, we're talkin' about. Mikey's little brother? It works out, perfectly, the Bears and their honey."
Walking past, Caden smacks her hand against the back of head, beelining for the walk-in. The man winces, rubbing the heated spot with a grimace, glaring at her back.
Inside the walk-in, she glares at the bananas, aggressively picking them off the shared stem. Why the fuck would he say some shit like that? Makin' it sound like some damn affair happened between her and Mike.
She'll fucking kill him if he keeps going. Marching back to her corner, her blank eyes fall onto the man, or Carmy's, blue eyes. He was obviously watching, waiting for her to walk out.
He walks over as she begins chopping a peeled banana into perfectly symmetrical slices. "I'm, uh, Carmen," he practically whispers, fingers pinching at his bottom lip.
"I'm sorry... uh, about, about Richie. He's an asshole, doesn't know when he's gone too far," he continues.
She nods, lost amongst the rhythm she subconsciously follows with every cut. "Have you, uh, have you ever went to culinary school?"
Her hand comes to a stop, her attention now focusing on him. Rather than snap, she curls her plump lips inward and bites down before shaking her head.
He nods, shrugging, "i, I was just wonderin', ya know? With the way you, uh, take, take care of your station, it's, uh. It's experienced."
"OCD," she whispers.
Her eyes return to the cutting board, hands frozen in place to memorize the exact width she had cut. Finishing the first one, she grabs the second, mimicking the actions of the first time, not a step different or seconds behind.
Laying the bare fruit beside the chopped pieces of its twin, she places her hands in a starting position. Left hand gripping the fruit, index and thumb pressed gently against her cutting mark that matched exactly to the ones beside it.
Carmen watches, fascinated, as the embodiment of silence works in an ongoing loop of repetition, shutting him out from her world. Her fucked up world of madness.
"You enjoyin' the show or some'?" A voice questions him, snapping the man from his thoughts.
Turning to face the intruder, his eyebrows raise with panic as Tina glares up at him. The corner of her top lip is pinned up, teeth bared as if she was prepared to mame him.
"Uh, no, not. It's not, it's not like that," he rushes to his defense. Her eyebrows raise, expression shifting to one of aghast. "Oh, so, you don't think she's beautiful? Talented? What, you too good for this place?"
He jaw jolts, brain short-circuiting as the older woman rapidly fires assumptions his way. He knew coming through the restaurant as a nobody was a risk. He may have been Michael's baby brother, the star in his eyes, but they only knew Carmen by his words. To them, Carmen was a fantasy character. The kid that stood in front of them was just a stranger, the stranger who was also their new boss.
"Tia," the woman calls, finished slicing the bananas. She turns to glare at the two. "Do you mind? I've got a system going on, right now. Take the playground shit somewhere else, yeah?"
Unlike the staff built up of Chicago natives and ethnic backgrounds - Latino and Italian being the majority, she didn't yell. Regardless of how far she stood from anyone, she never even raised her voice in a way to project her words. She just talked, casually, and if you heard her than you heard her.
If you didn't? Well, tough shit cause she won't repeat herself.
Her voice was mellow and naturally rested at a low octave. Her accent nowhere near the Chicago accent, it was more of a general midwest/southern accent. Her words relied heavily on the southern part of her dialect. It was as if she was a puzzle that just kept scrambling, creating greater confusion than understanding.
"Yeah, system, mija," Tina nods, a condescending smile taking over. "Don't fuck," she points at Carmen, finger just inches from his face. "with the system. Cocotazo."
She walks off, leaving the younger chefs to themselves.
In the beginning, he believed that Tina was fucking with him. "The system" was a fucking mess. It was about as sloppy and greasy as the restaurant itself. As the thoroughly trained professional he is, Carmen decided that things were to take a change for the better. The first being to go?
Every fucking red flag that dressed the staff like some high-end jacket. And God, did they fucking complain. Turn into children with their stomps, glares, and petty insults aimed at him no matter what he did.
Just simply asking for the chefs to keep up with proper hygiene outside of the typical washing hands with soap for 20 seconds resulted in a 'fuck you' and 'don't fuck with the system.'
Well, fuck me for not wantin' to deal with sick customers, he scoffed at the thought. A breath-filled chuckle releases beside him. Quickly, he looks over to meet eyes with Caden. She leant her right shoulder against the doorway of the office, face seemingly blank but her eyes hummed with warmth.
"I wouldn't wanna deal with these bitches on a regular, much less because they got sick from us," she states, referencing to the statement that rang through his mind.
He straightens, "oh, oh? Di-Did I say that out loud?" She nods, "yeah, you did." She steps further into the office, closing the door behind her. "But that's not what I'm here to talk to you about. Well, actually, it has some connection."
"Okay, uh, here," he stands, leaning over to push out another small metal foldable chair. "Take a, uh, seat. Take a seat." She nods, settling down beside him. "So, what did you wanna talk about?"
Please, don't say you're quitting. Please, don't say you're quitting, his conscience pleas.
"Staff," she starts off. "I love those assholes, but even when Mikey was here and runnin' the show, it was fuckin' chaos. They think they're functioning well because Mikey never corrected them, but we both know they're not."
His eyebrows raise with surprise. "Oh?" he whispers, sitting back in the wheeled chair, fingers pulling at his lips.
"Mh," she nods. "And don't even get me started on the bakery. Before Mikey died, we were workin' togetha' on how to make the bakery faster. Which meant better equipment and shit," she snorts.
"We don't have the money, though. Which leads me to the next suggestion," she leans forward. "We're gonna have to start hirin' some help."
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Taglist: @spiderstyles04 @lostinwonderland314
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nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
A bun in the oven | Part 1
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PAIRING | Baker!Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Employee!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | The relationship between you and Tony has been going steady for a while, and Tony is ready to take the next step in your relationship as he asks you to move in with him and his cat, Oliver. When you find out you're pregnant not long after the move, your relationship takes an unexpected turn, but you and Tony are set on giving your little baby the best life you possibly can.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, unspecified age gap, use of nickname (Peach, Detka, Bambi, Baby Girl, Cupcake), parts of Reader's body are described (thighs, stretchmarks, belly), unplanned pregnancy, references to morning sickness.
SMUT | Daddy kink, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, lactation kink, dirty talk, teasing, begging, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), overstimulation.
A/N | All I have to say is... wow. I didn't plan for this fic to become this long, but I'm very happy with how it turned out! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for all the help during this fic, from helping me when I was stuck during the writing to supporting me through it all; it all means more than you'll ever know. Thank you so much for proofreading this; your reactions made my experience unforgettable! Eu te amo 💜
EVENTS Masterlist | @fluffbruary Fluffbruary '24 | Bakery Masterlist | @marvel-smash-bingo | Comfort hug Masterlist | @fandom-free-bingo | First ultrasound
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist | Part 2
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Today is a long and busy day in the bakery for you, especially since Tony isn't there to run things like he usually does. Every Wednesday is his one day off; this time, it is an absolute rush of people the entire day. Your colleague, Alex, had to be called in as well, and you're delighted when the door finally closes; the bakery case is pretty much empty aside from a few cookies and a few stray pieces of pie.
''Why don't you go home? I'm sure the boss will be happy to see you,'' your colleague and good friend, Wanda, tells you with a wink. Since you and Tony started seeing each other, you have been practically inseparable, and you can't wait to see him and little Oliver again.
''Are you sure you don't need my help-'' you try, but she cuts you off.
''Go home, Detka. You've been here since 6 AM; you deserve to let yourself be taken care of at home,'' she says with a knowing look, and with a sigh, you nod, taking off your apron to go home. The drive is surprisingly fast, and before you know it, you're ringing the bell at Tony's house as he asked you to come over tonight.
The door swings open, and Tony greets you in a casual yet sexy outfit, lightly messed-up curls, and Oliver in his arms. A broad smile adorns his face as he takes in your outfit, which is comfortable yet perfect for the chilly weather outside. Tony is the first to lean in for a kiss, and as soon as your lips meet his, every last thought in your head seems to disappear, and all you can think about is that you're home again with your two favorite boys.
''How's my girl doing today?'' Tony asks as you step in, giving Oliver some scratches as well.
''I'm tired. We had a long and busy day, but I'm happy to be home again with my two favorite guys,'' you say before giving a peck on his lips, needing to stand on your toes to reach him since he's quite a bit taller than you are. After a few last scratches behind Oliver's ears, you venture into Tony's house and see how you need a bath to relax your aching muscles on your way to the bathroom.
''I'm going to take a bath, is that okay? My legs are sore beyond belief, and I could use some relaxation,'' you ask Tony, who confirms you can.
''I'll run it for you, Peach. You can just get undressed, and I'll do the rest,'' he tells you before heading to the bathroom. You trail behind him with your Kindle, but he walks faster than you. When you reach the bathroom, the bath is already half full, and there are many bubbles in your favorite scent, Peach.
You quickly undress yourself as you're facing away from the bathroom, failing to notice Tony walking your way as you're going to unhook your bra.
''Please, let me do it, Peach. I missed you so much today,'' he whispers against your ear, and you can feel your nipples pebble at his words combined with the cool temperature in the bedroom. His fingers unhook the lacy garment without a single problem, letting it fall to the floor and exposing your now hard nipples.
His long fingers get a gentle hold of both of them, stimulating them lightly but enough to have you clenching around nothing and moaning his name softly. Your hips involuntarily buck against his crotch, and you can feel him getting harder in his pants, too, knowing he enjoys this just as much as you - if not more.
''D-Daddy,'' you say in a breathy moan, his hands now cupping your entire breasts, massaging them softly, your hands holding onto his arms as he does so. Not long after, he lets them go to hook his fingers behind the hem of your panties, tugging them down in a smooth motion as he crouches behind you, allowing you to step out of them.
''Turn around for me, Peach,'' he asks in a low voice, and you do without hesitation. His lips place soft kisses on your thighs, whispering sweet words to you, his hands gliding from your calves up to your thighs and butt, where they rest for a moment to massage it as well.
''You're perfect in my eyes, Peach, all these curves adorning your body have me falling in love with you every single day,'' he says as his kisses trail up, placing one on your mound, too, right above your pussy. A wave of arousal flows through you as his lips make contact with your sensitive flesh, leaving you to clench around nothing and wish he was eating you out like a starved man.
''Those heavenly, thick thighs I want to be buried between every day, these beautiful stretch marks adorning your legs and belly, your amazing hips that I can never give enough love, and this perfect, soft, poochy belly that makes you softer than the softest teddy bear,'' he says, placing kisses everywhere before finally getting up, his hands staying on your waist.
''I'm so lucky to call you my girl, Peach, and because of that, I want to discuss something with you over dinner,'' he says before capturing your lips again, your fingers digging into his biceps as he takes your breath away. As he pulls away, a small smile dances on your lips, your eyes closed just a few seconds longer to keep the moment's magic alive.
''I love you, Tony, and I want to thank you for everything,'' you say with a shy smile, met with a broad one adorning his face.
''Oh, my beautiful, delicious Peach, you deserve nothing but the best, and I promise to give you nothing short of that every day. I love you so much, and I should thank you for everything you do for me. You truly make every day brighter with your existence, and I can't wait to spend every day together with you,'' he says, stealing one last, deep kiss before guiding you to the bath.
With one playful smack on your butt, he helps you into the bath, and you let the warm water engulf you as Tony crouches next to the tub so he's at eye level with you.
''You can take as long as you need, alright? I'll get started on dinner for us, and Oliver and I will be waiting for you when you're done,'' he tells you, stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear as he looks at you with nothing but love and adoration. With one last kiss on your forehead, he gets up, lighting a candle on his way out before letting you relax in the hot water, and you open your Kindle, ready to finally finish the book you've been reading.
As you let your muscles relax, you subconsciously let one of your hands rest on your belly. Over the last few months, you and Tony have been talking a little more about the possibility of having children, and even though neither of you is actively trying, you wouldn't say no to getting pregnant sooner than later. Little did you know that Tony couldn't stop thinking about you getting pregnant.
As he's preparing dinner for the two of you tonight, his mind constantly wanders about what it would be like to have a little one. Everything seems to pass the revue from how he would care for you when you're pregnant to how you two would raise them. As he thinks about potential baby names, he suddenly hears your footsteps on the hardwood floor as you walk into the kitchen.
''How was-'' is all he can say before he turns around, his jaw practically on the floor at the sight before him. You're dressed in one of his dress shirts, which is about three sizes too big for you, and from what he can tell, you're wearing little underneath. He can't ignore the way he can feel himself stir in his jeans as he looks you up and down, smirking back at him with an innocent look on your face.
''What's wrong, Daddy? Is there something on my face?'' you ask with a mischievous, semi-innocent tone in your voice that has Tony going crazy for you already. It doesn't take long for him to have you onto the counter, two of his fingers working you through your orgasm, leaving bruises on your neck from the small love bites.
''This was your goal, wasn't it? Driving Daddy so crazy he just had to give you what you so badly wanted?'' he asks you, but you're too far gone even to register what he's asking you. All you know is how the pleasure is taking over your entire brain, and white edges appear in your field of vision as the pleasure is becoming too much, and you squeeze his biceps hard as you cum, your arousal squirting all over your boyfriend's arm and the kitchen floor.
With a satisfied smile, he works you carefully through the rest of your orgasm, giving gentle kisses along the column of your throat, his free hand rubbing your thigh soothingly. A slight whine escapes your lips as he pulls out his strong, thick fingers before holding them out for you, allowing you to lick them clean for him. With a content smile, you lick them clean, listening to Tony whispering sweet words to you.
''I can't wait to start our family, Peach; I bet you'll look even more beautiful when your belly gets nice and round. Our baby will be growing to be a healthy and strong person. God, I hope they'll look just like you, Peach,'' Tony tells you, sealing his words with a gentle kiss on your cheek before he helps you back on the ground, your legs still unsteady under your body.
''Careful there, Bambi! How about this: you go and sit on the couch with our little devil, and I finish dinner while you watch some TV,'' he offers, and you nod in response, finally trusting your legs not to give out from under you.
''I love you, Tony; I'm the luckiest woman on earth,'' your hands grab his cheeks before you pull him down, kissing his lips softly before turning around and settling on the couch. Oliver finds his spot on your lap soon after, but this time, he is adamant about lying his head on your belly as if trying to protect it. You don't think anything of it right now; instead, you give him the scratches he desires while watching TV, just like Tony said.
Thirty minutes later, your dinner is ready, and Tony has set the dining room table already. A few candles light the room in a dim, romantic light, your favorite music plays in the background, and the food looks as delicious as ever. How you got so lucky to have a man who is both a master at baking and cooking is beyond you, but you're not one to complain about it for even a second.
As soon as you're seated and ready to eat, Tony cuts right to the point, impatience taking over as he tries not to wobble his leg up and down the entire time. There's a bit of a lump in his throat as he thinks about how to approach this topic, but eventually, he decides to rip off the bandaid and ask you straight up what he thinks.
''Peach, do you remember when I said I wanted to discuss something over dinner with you?'' he starts, and you nod as you grab some salad.
''I want to discuss you moving in with me - with us. That way, you're closer to the bakery; you and I can spend even more time together that way. And I'm sure Oliver wouldn't object to you moving in, either,'' he says softly as his deep, dark brown eyes look into yours in anticipation of your answer.
''I-I'd love to, but the lease of my apartment isn't up yet for another seven months,'' you tell him, brows knitted as you think about the considerable fine you'll have to pay to end the contract earlier.
''You don't have to worry about that, Peach. I-'' he starts as he thinks about how to bring up his next point. ''- I already paid the fine to get out of your contract, so all you have to do is get your stuff before the end of the month, and you're all set to go.''
Your eyes widen at his confession, and you can feel the butterflies in your stomach go wild at his confession. A broad smile works its way onto your lips, and you quickly get up before straddling Tony's lap as you pepper his face with a bunch of kisses.
''Thank you *kiss* thank you *kiss* thank you!'' you told him, and from that moment on, you were slowly either moving stuff into Tony's house or selling stuff that you didn't need anymore. Before the end of the month, you're officially moved into Tony's house, living with the man you love more than anything in the world.
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It's been nearly three months since you officially moved in with Tony, and this morning, you got a chance to sleep in as you're having a day off. You're wrapped in Tony's arms as you're lying on top of him, exchanging slow kisses with a hint of tongue here and there, teasing one another a bit. These mornings are an absolute godsend for you both; you always like to make the most of them.
Tony's hands are roaming over your body, slowly gliding over your waist and hips until they find their place on your butt, squeezing suddenly to get a little yelp out of you, making him chuckle.
''What's going on, Peach?'' he says with a mischievous look, and you can't help but giggle at the sight. His usually dark brown eyes have darkened, and there's a hint of lust in them before he leans forward, catching your lips in a slightly possessive kiss, making your head spin from the intensity of it.
"Tony, please!'' you say against his lips, and before you know it, you're lying on your back, and he's lining his cock up with your entrance, ready to push in until he's buried completely. He stills as he looks up, his tip brushing over your entrance as he moves, making you squirm a little at the feeling.
''That's not what I want you to call me, Peach; I believe you know better than that,'' Tony says with a raised eyebrow, and you look up at him with a bashful look, a blush creeping onto your cheeks at what he's asking of you exactly.
"I'm sorry, Daddy,'' you tell him almost in a whisper, but it's good enough as he leans in to capture your lips with his, teasing you at the same time as he strokes his length, letting the head push against your entrance, but it's not enough to slide in, driving you crazy. All you want is to feel him inside you, every ridge, vein, and throb inside your pussy as he makes love to you, makes you fall apart on his cock.
''Please, Daddy, don't tease me,'' you whine softly, the teasing almost being too much as your hand slips down, but he lets go of himself to pin your hand above your head, making your breath hitch at the quick assertion of dominance, your arousal only making you wetter for him.
''But you're so beautiful when you beg for me, Peach. I can listen to it all day,'' he whispers into your ear before softly nipping your earlobe with his teeth, his hips thrusting forward as his cock glides through your folds, making you moan as it rubs over your sensitive clit.
''That's it, Baby Girl, want you to fucking moan and beg for Daddy,'' he says in a growl, the hand that was holding your wrist going back to his length, lining it up once again.
''Daddy, please fuck-'' is all you can say before he slides into the hilt, a long, broken moan tumbling from your lips. He lets you adjust to him before setting a slow, leisurely pace, wanting to take his time to have you fall apart for him. He revels in every moan and whimper falling from your lips, his eyes trained on yours to make sure there isn't any discomfort on your part.
''So big, Daddy, 's so big inside me,'' you breathe out as he pulls out before sliding it back in at an almost teasing pace, stretching out your pussy with every inch that he slides back into the warmth of you. He groans lightly when you wrap your legs around his waist, sucking him deeper into you.
''God, I love being inside you, Peach; I want to fuck you bare every single day until you're pregnant with my babies. Seeing those delicious boobs growing as they're filling with your milk, drinking from them until they're better, and your amazing belly growing round with our baby,'' he grunts against your neck between kisses and nips, which he soothes with his tongue.
''Will fuck you every single day until my cum drips out of this tight pussy, stuffed so fucking full with it that it drips out of you, and I'll stuff every last bit of it back until you're round for me, Peach, is that what you want? Do you want to carry Daddy's babies? Being a beautiful, pregnant wife for Daddy?'' he says as he picks up the pace, and your fingernails are making red lines on his back from the pleasure as you're trying to ground yourself.
''Fuck, yes, Daddy! Want all your babies!'' you exclaim as his cock hits your sweet spot just right, having you dangerously close to the edge without actually tipping you over. You can feel the pleasure building, but you also know you need just one more thing, and you're not afraid of begging for it, knowing how much he likes it.
''D-Daddy, fingers please,'' you croak out; the pleasure of his thrusts has you nearly unable to speak a coherent sentence, but the look of delight on your face tells him you're very much enjoying yourself.
''Where do you want them, Peach? Do you want Daddy to play with your perfect, sensitive, perky nipples?'' he asks as he pulls on one of them playfully, a loud whine escaping your lips at the feeling.
''M-my clit, Daddy, need them on my clit,'' you say with half-lidded eyes. A broad smile is dancing on Tony's lips as he picks up the pace as his thumb presses onto your clit, making the orgasm wash over you with a force you've rarely felt before, squirting all over Tony and the bed with a loud moan, your back arching into him as he praises you endlessly.
''Fuck! Doing so good for me, Peach, cum for Daddy!'' he says, and not long after, he cums too, his seed squirting onto your walls, the warmth filling you up as your hands scratch his back, a deep growl escaping his chest as you're both panting, riding out your orgasms. Tony carefully pulls out before crawling down your body, scooping up the cum that's dripping out and stuffing it back into your sensitive pussy, whines escaping your lips from the oversensitivity.
''Daddy, 's too much!'' you say as you try to close your thighs, but his broad shoulders prevent that from happening as he shushes you. Tears are flowing down your cheeks as the overstimulation gets too much, and you jerk your body away from him, and that's when he stops.
''You're okay, Peach, I'm here,'' he whispers against your scalp as he places himself next to you, and you crawl into his hold, softly sniffling as you let the emotions run their course. Tony's whispering sweet words to you as you come down from it, letting his warmth envelop you entirely under the comforter until it's time to get up and shower.
''Do you want to go and take a shower with me, Peach?'' he asks, and you nod. He steps out of bed and guides you carefully to the shower, where you let the hot water run over your body as Tony gives you endless kisses while washing every inch of your body.
''So perfect for me, Peach, 'm the luckiest man on earth to have such a beautiful wife,'' he says, and you turn around with wide eyes, a knowing look on your face. Your heart skips a beat at the word, but at the same time, the butterflies in your stomach go wild, too, and now it's all you can think about—becoming the future Mrs. Tony Stark.
''You like the sound of that? My wife?'' he asks with a broad smile, and you nod before standing on your toes, placing a soft peck on his lips.
''I do,'' you say with a wink, and then you finish the rest of your shower before heading out, ready to make breakfast for you and Tony and feed little Oliver. With a towel wrapped around your hair and body, you walk out of the shower, only to find Oliver, who has made his way into the bedroom and is now biting something previously in Tony's bedside drawer.
''What are you-'' you say as you walk over to Oliver, whose head snaps to you, his big eyes showing his guilt as he knows he got caught. When you see what he was trying to use as a chew toy, you can't help but let a deep laugh escape before grabbing it and heading to Tony.
''You'll never guess what Oliver did when I walked in,'' you tell Tony, who looks at you with one eye closed as he just got shampoo in it.
''I believe he wants a little brother or sister because I caught him trying to destroy the condoms in your bedside drawer!'' you tell Tony, who can't help but shake his head with a chuckle. Little did either of you know that Oliver's wish had already come true, though you don't know it yet.
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You've been sick the past week, and Tony has taken excellent care of you. From showering you when you were too weak to stand on your feet and clean yourself to giving you food and fluids, he has done everything in his power to make you feel better, but in all honesty, it has only gotten worse.
During the entire week, Oliver has never left your side, permanently curled up by your side, on your legs, or with his head protectively on your belly. Right now, you're lying on the bed, a few pillows under your head, Oliver on your lap with his paw on your stomach to protect you, and a thought wiggles into your head.
A while ago, you read something about cats that can sense when a woman is pregnant, and ever since you remembered that moment, you couldn't shake the idea. Oliver is lying with his head on your belly right now, and you're scratching him behind his ears when you decide to call Wanda, as she's supposed to come over with some groceries later that can't wait until Tony's home late tonight.
''Hi, Detka. Is everything okay?'' Wanda says as she picks up the phone after the second ring. Worry is laced in her voice, though you're quick to reassure her.
''Everything's okay apart from me being sick, of course,'' you say with a sigh as you're trying to prevent another wave of nausea, which works this time. Oliver switches positions and is cuddling even closer now, which makes you melt at the sight, and that's when you remember you're still on the phone.
''I- uhm… I have a favor to ask?'' you say in a high-pitched voice.
''Could you- uhm- Will you maybe get me a pregnancy test?'' you mumble, and you're not sure if she heard you, but she did.
''Really? I mean, of course, anything you need, but do you think your being sick might be morning sickness?'' she asks, and you hum in response, your hand lying on your belly as you think of the possibility of a tiny human growing inside you. The baby who will be the perfect combination of you and Tony. It's something you've dreamt about for a while, and now your biggest dream - becoming a mom - might come true.
''I'm about 50% sure. Oliver has been more clingy lately, and I read online that they can sense pregnancies, so I think it might be worth doing a test,'' you tell her honestly, and she agrees to buy a test for you so that you can ease your mind.
''You're the best, Wanda,'' you say before hanging up, and when you do, another wave of nausea hits, and you grab the trashcan just in time. Your morning sickness is the worst when you wake up, but it tends to linger throughout the afternoon, too, which isn't exactly fun either.
Not long after, Wanda has the groceries you requested and a pregnancy test. Oliver is happy to see her, and after a few scratches behind his ears, both of them are settled on your bed, where you can find the most comfortable position right now.
''Thank you for getting the test; I wasn't sure how else I would get one since I can't leave the house in this state,'' you sigh as you play with the box in your hands. Nerves are starting to take over now that you're getting ready to take it, and even though you're 99% sure what the outcome will be, it's still scary.
''It's okay, that's what friends are for! How late are you, if I may ask?'' she asks you, and you look at her with a nervous look on your face. The reality is settling in about how long ago it may have been, and you realize the signs have been quite noticeable. From the morning sickness to the increasing bra size and the fact that you're eating more, it all points towards pregnancy.
''If I had to make a guess, I'd say I'm about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant,'' you tell her, a small smile darting on your lips as you think about the little human inside you. You look at the box before getting ready to take it.
''Will you stay with me? When I take the test?'' you ask her.
''Like you even need to ask! Now take the test; I'm curious if I will be an auntie in 7 months!'' Wanda says excitedly, and you can't help but laugh as her enthusiasm works its way into your mood as well. A few minutes later, the test is taken, and you're waiting for the result.
''Are you hoping for a positive?'' Wanda asks as she holds your hand, and you squeeze it as you think about the answer. Of course, you're hoping for it, but deep down inside, you can also feel a little guilt, as this would mean you would have to give up a part of your dream to work in a bakery, which is your passion.
''I feel like 95% of me is hoping for a positive test, seeing how I've always wanted to be a Mom, and I know Tony wants to become a Dad as well. But there is also this five percent of me hoping for a negative, knowing that if it isn't, I will have to give up my dream of becoming a baker. I know it's not true, but deep down, it's a thought I can't seem to shake,'' you tell her, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.
''I feel so… selfish to admit it out loud,'' you say as you wipe the tears with the back of your hand, and Wanda pulls you into a side hug, her arm wrapping around your shoulders as you lay your head on her shoulder, letting her comfort you right now.
''It's not selfish to think that way, Detka; getting a child will change your life no matter what, but I think you and Tony will get through this without a single problem,'' she tells you reassuringly, and just when you're about to answer her, your alarm goes off. You pick up the test, and an excited squeal leaves your mouth, seeing it's positive. You're pregnant with the baby of the love of your life, and your dream is coming true.
''Oh my god, I'm so happy for you, Detka! I'm so happy you're going to be a Mom!'' she says as she pulls you into a hug, and now you can let happy tears flow over your cheeks, clamping the test tightly to your chest as you let the emotions run their course. From that moment on, your hands are constantly on your belly, and all you can think about is how Tony's going to react.
Not too long ago, you ordered a cute bandana for Oliver to wear when this day arrives, and you're glad you had the foresight to order it already. Now, you're settled on the couch, and Oliver is wearing the dark blue piece of fabric, happily purring in your lap as you watch some tv to distract yourself from the fact that Tony can come home at any moment now.
''Peach, I'm home!'' Tony says as he walks through the door, and you get up to greet him, carrying Oliver as well. You're excited to see him, but you're also nervous to tell him what's going on.
''How're you feeling, Baby Girl?'' he asks, feeling your forehead for a potential fever. His hand rests on your cheek, rubbing your cheek lovingly with his thumb.
''Good, how was your day?'' you say, and before he can answer, he suddenly notices the bandana Oliver's wearing, and his eyes grow wide as the words sink in.
''Is this- Are you- Is is true? Are you pregnant?'' Tony asks, and you nod as you take the test out of the pocket of the hoodie you're wearing, showing him that you're most definitely pregnant with his baby.
''Oh my god, I'm going to be a Dad! I can't believe it, there's a little baby growing in this belly of yours,'' he says before capturing your lips with his, and not long after the kiss turns salty as Tony's tears escape, so you pull back from it, wiping them away with the back of your hand.
''I'm going to be a Daddy,'' he whispers to your belly as he crouches down, lifting your hoodie to place a few soft kisses on it, whispering sweet things to the little embryo. His emotions are overwhelming as the tears keep flowing, yet he's very happy at the same time. The day he's dreamt of for almost 2 decades is here, and he's happy to share it with you.
A week later, you have your first ultrasound planned, and you're just stepping out of the shower with Tony. This morning is rough, and you even contemplate rescheduling the appointment.
''Are you sure we have to go today? I want to lay in bed,'' you try to convince Tony with a slight pout, which he swiftly kisses away.
''I'm sure we have to go, Peach. I know you want to stay in bed, but we'll see our little Cupcake for the first time today! If you want to stay home, we, of course, can, but I think it's important we go if you're feeling good enough, my juicy Peach,'' he tells you, and with a soft groan, you let your head fall against his chest. Tony and his reasonable thinking have you feeling some way, though you know he's right.
''Alright, but only if I can go in a comfy outfit; I don't feel like wearing jeans or a bra today,'' you tell him. A smirk appears as he leans in to whisper the following words in your ear.
''You will never hear me complain about you not wearing a bra or panties, Peach. You know that's how I want you always to walk around.'' Your breath hitches in your throat at his words, and you turn your head to capture his lips with yours, giving him a deep, passionate kiss that leaves you both breathless.
''God, I love you so much,'' you tell Tony before turning around and putting on a comfortable outfit, ready to go to your appointment. Armed with your water bottle and some medicine against the worst of the morning sickness, you go to the car, and 20 minutes later, you're at the hospital, ready for your appointment.
During your time in the waiting room, you get increasingly nervous, and Tony can tell by the way you're fiddling with your hands that something's going on. He grabs one of them and squeezes reassuringly before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
You're called in a few minutes later, and it's finally time to see your baby for the first time. The nurse explains everything, and before you know it, you can not only see your baby for the very first time, but you can also hear a rapid heartbeat that has both you and Tony tearing up. Your baby is healthy and growing at a rapid rate.
''Congratulations, you two, your baby is happy and healthy there! You're about eight weeks along now, meaning your due date will be around February 14th,'' she tells you, and you look at Tony with pure adoration in your eyes. You'll possibly have your love child on the day of love, making it perfect.
''Thank you so much,'' you tell the nurse, and when you're finally home, you're cuddled up on your bed, just like you wanted before you left the house. You're sitting on Tony's lap with your back against his chest, your legs stretched out over his, and Oliver is lying on your lap, his head cuddled up against your belly.
''What do you think about becoming a big brother, Oliver? Are you as excited as your Daddy and me?'' you ask him, and Tony places his head on your shoulder to see his little boy's response. Oliver bumps his head carefully against your belly, and you can feel yourself melting into Tony's hold, his hands splayed out on your stomach.
''Meow!'' Oliver responds. You have never felt so loved as you do now. Your boyfriend is by your side, your cat is on your lap, and a baby is in your belly. The rest of your life is officially about to start, and you can't wait.
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train-wrecc · 2 years
Nobody Gets Me
marcus baker x bestfriend!female!reader
warnings!: hunter-bashing?, a slap?, curse words, I think that’s it…
word count: 6.3k
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。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You and Marcus had been friends since the second grade. You and your family had moved to Wellsbury in the middle of the school year, leaving you to have to deal with the difficulty of making friends. 
When you first arrived in the town, your mom instantly became friends with your next-door neighbor, known as Ellen. Your mother had gone on about how her new friend had twins your own age. Your parents let you pick out your own room, you chose the one with a large bay window in it, which happened to be facing another window. Your small eight-year-old self sat on the seat of the bay window, taking in the large tree beside your home. 
Suddenly a boy appeared in the window across from your own, he made his way over to the window, now facing you. His face was filled with curiosity and slight annoyance. It was as if he was called by someone, because before he turned to walk away he saluted you, then ran off. 
Seconds later your parents called you downstairs as well. 
“Honey, our neighbors invited us over for dinner earlier, let’s head over and when we get back we can finish setting your room up.” Your mother explained, gaining a nod in response from you.
It was then that you were first introduced to Marcus Baker. 
The dinner was filled with you sitting quietly, Marcus making sarcastic remarks, sign language, and Maxine Baker talking everyone’s heads off.
The following Monday would be your first day at your new school in Wellsbury. Your mom had prepared you a special lunch, filled with your favorite snacks, and paired with your favorite meal. 
The day had gone smoothly until recess hit. You had barely grabbed the little race cars you had decided to play with before they were abruptly snatched out of your hand, “Hey! I was gonna play with that!!” You told the person who had rudely snatched the toy away from you. You turned to face them being met with none other than Marcus Baker. 
“Give it back, Marcus!” You shrieked at the boy in anger.
“No, race cars are for boys.”
“No, they’re not! Give me it!” You whined, arms crossed. 
“Make me!” The boy teased you as he stuck his tongue out at you, running off to the playground.
Of course, you were not about to let some boy treat you like that, so you ran after him. Marcus made you chase him around the playground as you shouted at him, and he laughed continuously until he tripped in the sand of the playground. You took this as your chance to take your toy back. You snatched the little race car from his hands, grabbed some sand, and threw it in his hair before your hand formed a little fist and hit him in the arm. 
Marcus let out another annoying laugh, before the following remark left his mouth, “You hit like a girl!”
This caused you to become even more upset at the boy, who had wasted half your recess and stole the toy you were going to play with. Your response was to muster all the strength you had and hit him again. This time he wasn’t laughing, “Ow!” He cried out.
You let out a “Hmmph” as you stared at the boy who was clutching his arm, a satisfied smile on your face. Your dad had taught you well. 
The boy looked up at you, and your satisfied smile was returned with a matching grin, causing your own to falter. 
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” You questioned the boy, sass dripping from the words you spoke. 
“Wanna be friends?” He asked with a villainous giggle.
“I just hit you, and you wanna be friends?” Confusion was written all over your face.
“Well yeah, your second punch actually kinda hurt, so I need you as my friend now.” He laughed.
You thought it over for a second, “Sure,” You shrugged.
You held your hand out to help Marcus up, he accepted the gesture, albeit he pulled you into the sand, causing you to yelp in shock. “Hey!” You shouted at him as he burst into laughter, before throwing sand at you.
“Now, we're even.” He smirked at you, before getting up and helping you up as well.
“Fine, let’s hurry up and play, you already wasted half of our recess!” You told him off as you both walked to a nearby bench.
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You were abruptly woken up from your sleep to hands shaking your shoulders.
“Get up loser, or we’re gonna be late.” You heard Marcus say before you had even opened your eyes.
“Shut up.” You responded before turning away from him.
“I got you your favorite,” He told you, as he walked over to the other side of your bed, you were now met with him shoving a drink in your face.
That was all it took for you to sit up. “Alright come on, I do not want another detention with Mr. Peterson.” 
“Fine,” You sighed, getting up from the comfort of your queen bed. 
You went to your bathroom, quickly doing your daily morning routine, before walking back into your room, Marcus sitting on your bed, back against the headboard. 
“Hand me my phone, please,” You said, Marcus handing it to you.
You turned your phone on, and 6:00 was read on the screen. “Marcus you’re fucking with me, we still have like 2 hours until school starts.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend.
“Exactly, you take forever to get ready, Y/n, you can’t even lie. Now hurry up and start getting ready before we really are late.” He waved a hand at you. 
You ignored the boy, heading downstairs, and were greeted by your parents in the kitchen. 
“Morning sweetheart your mom made breakfast,” He nodded toward the two plates on the island, before he kissed your cheek, which brought a smile to your lips.
“Morning, and thank you, Mom,” You hugged her, before grabbing the two plates and making your way upstairs and back to your room. Marcus practically lived at your house, rather than his own which was a couple of feet away, and your parents knew this. You and Marcus had been attached at the hip since you were younger, nothing being able to break your friendship. You figured Marcus always stayed over at your house because you guys were inseparable, but also because Maxine annoyed the shit out of Marcus with her need to always be the center of attention.
Marcus had already turned on the tv, your guy's favorite show playing as he sat on your now-made bed, one of your bed trays unfolded over his lap, as he waited for his plate. 
You placed your own plate on your makeup vanity, placing his on the tray, “Thanks, bub”
You respond with an “mhm” as you took a seat at your vanity nibbling at your breakfast while you apply your makeup, occasionally glancing at the tv.
Once you had finished your makeup, you rummaged through your closet looking for something to wear. 
You had shown Marcus the two outfits you had been debating on wearing, “Which one do you think?”
“Mmm, the second one, it brings out your eyes.” He said with a small smile.
“Alright,” You murmured, heading to the bathroom to change.
As you looked at the time it was 8 o’clock. 
“Shit, we gotta go.” 
Marcus and you made your way downstairs, bidding your parents goodbye, and getting into your car. Marcus had gotten a motorcycle a couple of months ago but didn’t have his license. You were older than him by a few months, so you’d already had your license.
As the both of you got settled into the car, Marcus connected to the Bluetooth, playing the playlist he’d made for you, which consisted of some songs he liked, and a majority of the songs were ones that he knew you liked. 
As you drove you could feel Marcus’s eyes on you. When you were stopped at a red light you turned to him, “What?” 
“What do you mean?” He questioned you, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“I can feel you staring at me, you weirdo.” You laughed.
“You wish,” He scoffed, a smirk on his face. “No, but I was just thinking about how you don’t even really need makeup, I mean you look good with it, but you also look good without it.” He said with a clear of his throat, before turning to look out the window.
“Oh, thanks…” You said, turning to face the road ahead of you as you felt your heart flutter at his words.
You pulled into the school parking lot, driving around like a crazed maniac as you looked for a parking spot, “I told you we were gonna be late.”
“We still have like 2 minutes,” You said, as you pulled into a parking spot.
“Yeah, and our classes are like halfway across campus.” 
“Shut up, we're wasting time.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
You met with Marcus at your usual lunch table, which was isolated from the rest of the tables. The table sat right under a big oak tree, whereas the other tables were a long way from it. You walked through the grass field until you made it to the table where Marcus sat scribbling in his sketchbook. 
“Hey, what are you drawing?” 
“Holy fuck, you scared the shit out of me, Y/n!” His hand flew to his chest, as you laughed at the boy.
“Sorry, you must’ve been really focused,” You murmured before taking a bite of your lunch. 
You reached over the table to try and get a look at his sketch but before you could he slammed the book shut. 
“Alright,” You said, returning to your spot on the opposite end of the table. 
It was quiet for a moment as you both ate, however you interrupted it with a question, “Who was it, Padma?”
Marcus looked up at you, eyebrows drawn together in confusion. “What no, it was no one.” He responded and you knew not to press him any further about it.
“And how do you even know about me and Padma?” 
“I mean it’s pretty obvious, Marcus, for example, that hickey on your collarbone, I’m not stupid.” You said with raised eyebrows. 
“I never said you were.” He responded gruffly. 
You bit back a response, “And it’s none of your business either way.” He muttered with a shake of his head.
You purse your lips, unsure of how to respond. 
“And me and Padma are nothing compared to you and Hunter.” He said which caused a scoff to fall from your lips.
“You’re insane Marcus Baker. Hunter and I are just friends.”
“Yeah, like me and Padma are just friends.” 
You shook your head at his response, “Just like you were ‘friends’ with all the girls before Padma.”
You knew he and Padma had been seeing each other for a while now, but you’d never brought it up because you wanted Marcus to tell you. He had slowly been spending less and less time with you, always running off to do god knows what with her. However today, you’d just been tired of it, you had thought you guys told each other everything but maybe you were wrong. You had seen a glimpse of the drawing but it was clearly Padma. It irked you, and you weren’t quite sure why. Padma wasn’t the first girl Marcus had been with, there had been many before her. He thought he was good at hiding his flings but he wasn’t. 
Truly you didn’t even know why he felt the need to hide them from you. You were his best friend. 
“Honestly, I don’t know why you hid it from me or why you even felt the need to hide it from me, Marcus, I mean we’re best friends, I don’t understand-” Before you could say anything else Marcus stood up, leaving the Capri Sun that came with his lunch because he knew you loved them, before taking off. 
You let out a sigh, using the straw attached to the Capri Sun and poking it in the pouch. You sipped on the juice, you were so deep in thought you didn’t realize Hunter was now standing beside you. 
“Hey, you alright?” He questioned, taking a seat beside you. 
“Yeah, ’m fine.” You said letting out a soft sigh as you stared at the bark of the tree in front of you. 
“Well it’s Friday, Happy Friday, so turn that frown upside down!” He exclaimed, to which you awkwardly laughed, unsure of how else to respond to Hunter’s weird antics. 
“You know I think I have just the thing to cheer you up,” He continued.
“Really, what-” You were interrupted by his lips being pressed against yours.
You pulled away once you realized what was happening, “Oh my god, Hunter, what the hell, dude!?” 
“What, I thought you- I must’ve read-” 
“Yeah, Hunter, you thought wrong, I- I don’t like you like that!” You exclaimed.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Y/n, I should- I should go,” He gestured, to which you nodded.
You let your head fall into your hands, “What the hell just happened…” You murmured.
The rest of your classes had gone by dreadfully slow, with not much happening in your classes.
You were now seated in your car waiting for Marcus. You looked up from your phone to see him getting into Padma’s SUV. 
“Wow, really, Marcus…” You grumbled. 
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
It had been a few days and Marcus hadn’t talked to you, texted you, or even opened his curtains because your windows faced each other. This had never really happened before so you weren’t quite sure what to do, in the numerous messages you’d sent him you’d apologized about bringing up Padma and all his ex flings. Once a week had passed you were now annoyed. 
“You know what, I’m not even gonna apologize anymore, y’know, why should I if he’s gonna ignore me anyways, might as well save my breath.” You ranted to Silver, you were both comfortably seated on a couch which was in one of the numerous hallways of Wellsbury High.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen him like this before, maybe he just needs some space?” 
“He’s never needed space before, I just can’t believe he’s acting like this just because of what, me talking about Padma? God, he can be so infuriating sometimes, ugh!” 
“What if, what if this is it? Almost 10 years of friendship down the drain over some dumb shit…” You said your eyes began to water, you glanced away, blinking to clear the tears.
“I’m sure he’ll talk to you soon, y/n/n, he’s just being dramatic, don’t worry,” She attempted to reassure you, her hand gently caressing your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” You sighed, “Enough about me, what’s happening with you and Maxine?” You questioned after clearing your throat, ridding yourself of the emotion that had been previously heard in your voice. 
“I don’t even know, sometimes I think she’s into me and then other times she’s talking about Sophie, I think she’s still in love with her.” She sighed.
“It’s her loss, you’re seriously amazing, Silver.” 
“Thanks, if you weren’t so hung up on Marcus, I’d think you’d have a crush on me,” She giggled jestingly.
“What, me and Marcus, psst, yeah right. Like we’d ever be together, I- I can’t even picture it,” You shook your head.
“Mhmm, girl, you are head over heels for him and vice versa.” 
“Now that’s absurd, Marcus is with Padma.” You once again shook your head ‘no’. 
“Have you ever actually seen them, y’know kiss?” Silver inquired.
“Well no, but when he’s not with me, he’s with her and he’s been spending a lot less time with me.” You countered.
“Well, maybe they’re just friends, like how you and Marcus are just friends.” She raised her eyebrows.
You scoffed not believing for one second that Marcus and Padma were nothing but friends. As you were about to speak up once again, you saw a figure hurry past you, a figure that looked oddly like Marcus.
“I‘ve gotta go Silver, thanks for letting me rant to you, I’ll talk to you later.” You smiled in appreciation at the girl before hurriedly following the form ahead of you.
“Marcus?” You called out to the person, who seemingly began walking faster. It was definitely him. “Marcus! Stop, we need to talk!” You shouted at him, speeding up to grab his shoulder, and turning him to face you.
“What’s there to talk about?” He retorted, a glare besmirching his face.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Marcus.”
“I don’t need to Y/n, I have nothing to say to you.” 
“Really? So that’s it. 8 years of friendship down the drain, because of what - a stupid fucking remark I made?” Marcus rolled his eyes, “Wow, I cannot believe this,” You shook your head in disbelief.
“I really don’t understand why you’re so touchy about your relationships, Marcus, but fine if that’s how you wanna be then I won’t bother you anymore.” Marcus stood silently, his face still formed in a scowl. 
“I’m not gonna keep trying to mend our friendship if you’re not gonna bother to try either.” 
“That’s the fucking problem Y/n I don’t give a shit to fucking fix our friendship, okay? And you, you are a fucking lying hypocrite!” He snapped at you, you took a step back at his accusatory tone.
“What the hell are you even on about Marcus, if you don’t wanna fix our fucking friendship then what the hell are we doing still talking?” You angrily muttered, your eyes beginning to glimmer as tears formed, hurt by your ex-best friend's words.
The hallways that were once filled with students, were suddenly deserted, neither of you heard the shrill ring of the bell, signaling the end of lunch.
You attempted to blink away the tears, turning away from Marcus as he went on, “I saw you and Hunter that day. You said there was nothing going on between you two. You lied to my fucking face, Y/n.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Not even 5 minutes later and you’re kissing him.” 
“And don’t even try to deny it, Y/n, I fucking saw you both, with my own eyes, okay?” 
You huffed, multiple feelings coursing through you, “Clearly you didn’t see everything, or else you would’ve seen me shoving him off of me, you asshole!” You yelled at him, tired of being called a liar. 
“Yeah right, Y/n.” He scoffed at you.
“God, I cannot fathom this,” You shook your head tired of this nonsense.
“If you want ask Hunter yourself for all I fucking care! I cannot believe I’m the hypocrite and liar when you’re the one lying about your relationship with Padma while walking around with fucking hickeys from her!”
“It wasn’t a fucking hickey, I fell off my skateboard and ate shit. And Padma and I are just friends, I don’t even have to fucking explain myself to you!”
“Neither do I!” You growled at him, through gritted teeth.
Your screaming match had caught the attention of multiple security guards, resulting in getting written up and sent to the principal’s office for skipping class, profanity, and a long list of other supposed offenses.
You and Marcus sat across from each other in uncomfortable hard plastic chairs that decorated the hall just outside the principal’s office.
“This is all your fault.” He spoke up after the long silence that had followed your fight. 
You rolled your eyes at him, choosing to remain silent.
“If you had just left me alone and taken a hint this would’ve never happened.”
“Oh, well sorry for trying to be a decent human being and apologize and try to resolve our problems, oh, I don’t know, fix our fucking friendship.” You sarcastically muttered, words filled with venom.
Marcus was the one rolling his eyes now. 
“You were just trying to make yourself feel better. All that lying and kissing Hunter and god knows who else probably made you feel guilty.” He scowled. 
You didn’t hear the door of the Principal’s office open too blinded by fury. Before you could stop yourself, your hand was already meeting Marcus’s cheek.
“Ms. Y/l/n! You are suspended, effective immediately!” The Principal demanded in a raised voice. 
You pulled your hand away from Marcus, both of your faces wearing nothing but shock on them. A red flush complimented Marcus’s face on the cheek which had been met with your palm. 
The same palm stung with a slight pain, making you question how hard you had slapped him. Your eyes watered once again, as Marcus turned to face you, jaw clenched. 
Had you really just slapped him? What the hell was wrong with you, you thought to yourself. 
Marcus’s eyebrows were pulled together in what you could only assume was anger, however, it wasn’t anger but worry. Were you really telling the truth about you and Hunter? Did he push you too far? Would you guys even be able to come back from this after everything that had been said?
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
Throughout your week of suspension, you had done nothing but lie in bed all day. When you went home that day, your parents had called you not long after you had arrived. The school had notified them of your suspension, the actions which led to the suspension, and that they’d sent you home immediately. To say they were upset was an understatement.
They couldn’t believe that you would slap Marcus. They were confused, and you were a little as well, still shocked at the fact that you had really slapped him. You remembered when you were younger and hit him, but that was different, you were a child who didn’t know how to contain themselves.
That evening you did nothing but cry, you felt so guilty for hitting your once best friend. Sad that your friendship was over. Mad at yourself for losing control and getting suspended. 
It had been 6 days into your suspension, you hadn’t talked to anyone since that day, not even your parents, choosing to lock yourself in your room. Your curtains had been shut, not bothering to peek out the window and see what Marcus had been up to. 
He had been debating going over to your house, and when he saw Hunter pull up in his SUV, anger began to fill him. 
He knew it, you were lying and to think he had begun to feel sorry for all the things he’d said to you.
“Hey, Marcus!” The boy called out to him, simultaneously running up to him.
“Y/n lives in this house right?” He questioned as he pointed in the direction of the girl's house.
Marcus shook his head no, “Really? Silver must’ve given me the wrong address by accident.” 
Marcus nodded silently, jaw clenched in anger which he tried his best to conceal.
“Anyways how’s Y/n? Did she tell you about what happened? Have you guys even talked since?”
“She didn’t need to tell me, I saw.” He responded by choosing to only answer that question.
“You did? Oh, shit man, I’m sorry, I guess I interpreted things wrong. I really liked her, but I shouldn’t have just kissed her like that, and I should’ve known she didn’t like me like that. I mean with how she looks at you she probably has feelings for you anyways, and she pushed me off her man, I didn’t mean to cause problems between you two.” He rambled on.
Marcus was taken aback by the words Hunter had said, “What the fuck did you just say?” He growled at the boy.
“What? That I kissed Y/n, I thought you said you saw?”
“Not that part dumbass, the part where she pushed you off her.”
“Well yeah man, I was tryna’ cheer her up and I thought we had y’know a mutual liking for each other so I just kissed her,” He shrugged.
“Why the fuck would you kiss her, let alone without asking her.” He spat out at the boy.
Before Hunter could say anything else, Marcus swung at him, hitting him straight in the nose, causing Hunter to stumble back. 
“What the fuck, bro!?” He shouted, clutching his now bleeding and probably broken nose.
“I’m not your fucking bro. And that’s what you get for fucking touching Y/n without her consent, dickhead.” He angrily told the boy, before Hunter then took off toward his car.
He couldn’t fucking believe Hunter. Or himself. He should’ve believed Y/n, she had never lied to him before but he was so blinded by anger and his feelings for her that he had refused to accept the truth.
However, it was Padma that made him realize and accept his feelings for his best friend. He was telling the truth about him and Padma, they truly were just friends. Albeit he had intentionally been spending more time with her to try and make Y/n jealous in an attempt to get her to reciprocate the feelings which Marcus felt for her. 
He couldn’t believe what a fucking idiot he was. And did Y/n have feelings for him too? Padma, Silver, Maxine, and now Hunter had claimed the girl was in love with him as well, but he figured there was no way a girl as amazing as his best friend felt anything for him. 
But maybe they were right. All he knew was that he had to apologize to Y/n, beg for her forgiveness, and attempt to mend their relationship. Marcus had never been one for prayer but now he prayed that he hadn’t fucked up too terribly and that Y/n could find it in her heart to forgive him.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
Marcus skipped school the next day. He knew it was your last day of suspension and he reckoned he’d apologize, however, he figured it’d be better to show up with something rather than empty-handed. Marcus would do anything for you to forgive him, including bribing you with your favorite things.
He had already gotten your favorite flowers, candy, and another stuffed animal to add to your endless collection of them. He had also gotten you some eyebrow thing that he knew you had run out of the week before, as well as a little headband thing the sales lady told him you’d like. He had also created a playlist for you filled with songs he thought you’d like because he knew you had been wanting to find some new music to listen to, getting tired of some of the songs you had been listening to on repeat for a month now. He had drawn the Spotify barcode to the songs and labeled them with various text, like ‘listen to me, when you feel sad,” or “listen to me, when you want to escape reality for a little bit,”. He had put all the codes in a jar for you. The last thing he had gotten for you, was a drawing he’d done of you.
He’d put everything but your flowers in a gift bag in your favorite color. He had decided that it may be best to knock on your front door rather than going through your window, unsure if that would upset you seeing as you were - well he wasn’t sure what the two of you were anymore. If there were two of you anymore.
Marcus swallowed the lump in his throat, his fist met your front door as he repeated his apology in his head like a mantra. The knock on the door was met with nothing other than silence. Which prompted Marcus to knock on the door once again. There was still no response, so he resorted to calling you, albeit you didn’t answer. You left him with no choice. He made his way up and through your window, barely managing to keep your flowers and other gifts intact. 
He was expecting to get yelled at as he set foot on the wood flooring of your room, but it was quiet and you were nowhere to be found. Marcus knew if you weren’t in your room you were most likely sitting on your back porch, sometimes you’d sit out there and curl up with the most recent book you couldn’t seem to put down, or just feel the wind kiss your skin as you watched the sunset. If not that, you’d be laying in the hammock that the two of you had begged your parents to get when you were 12. Marcus would often join you out there, only needing each other's company and nothing more.
As Marcus made his way through your house and to the french doors that led to your back porch he immediately spotted you sitting on the loveseat which faced your backyard. He pushed the doors open gently, not wanting to frighten you, he knew you got easily scared. 
“Y/n/n?” He gently let your name escape his lips. You slightly jumped at the voice that sounded from behind you. You turn to face Marcus, face set in a stern glare, as you refused to meet his eyes. “Here to call me a lying hypocrite again?” You crossed your arms against your chest, in an attempt to keep your guard up, and not give in to the puppy eyes Marcus was giving you.
“Bub, I’m really sorry,” Marcus apologized, holding the flowers out for you to take. 
“I don’t want your apology flowers, Marcus, and don’t call me bub, I’m not your bub anymore. I’m not your anything anymore, you made that clear when you didn’t care to try and fix our friendship.” You spat at the boy, shivering slightly as the wind began to pick up.
“That’s the thing, Y/n/n, I said I didn’t care to fix our friendship, because-”
“I really don’t want to hear it, Marcus,” You interrupted him, hugging yourself to try and get some warmth in the cold of the afternoon.
“Here,” He set your present down, pulled his hoodie off, and offered it to you.
You swatted the jacket away, “I don’t need your jacket Marcus, I’m fine.” 
“Y/n you’re shaking. Take the jacket.” He held it out again.
“No, Marcus I don’t want your stupid jacket, matter of fact, I don’t even want to look at your stupid face!” You hissed at him through trembles.
“Y/n come on, stop being stubborn, you’re gonna get sick.” 
“No, Marcus, just- just leave me alone, okay? Don’t call me, don’t come by my house, we’re done.” 
(A/N: LMAO, did y’all get the reference? I couldn’t help myself, haha)
“No, Y/n, we're not done until you hear me out, okay, and then I will leave you alone if that’s what you really want…” Marcus said, “Now, please, either put my jacket on or let’s go inside and talk about this.”
You glared at the boy, shoving his jacket toward him again and walking inside the house. 
You stood, arms crossed, still quivering.
Marcus had your gift in his hand and his jacket in the other.
Instead of trying to get you to put his hoodie on, he walked toward you and pulled it over your head. You let out a sigh, adjusting the hoodie on yourself. “Fine. Talk.”
“I’m sorry. I should have believed you when you said you and Hunter were just friends. I-I talked to him yesterday, and he told me what happened, what he did.”
“Is that why your hand is bruised?”
“Uh, yeah…”
“Does it hurt?”
“A little,”
Marcus laughed, “That’s fair, I guess.”
You rolled your eyes, annoyed that the boy would hurt himself for you. You walked to the freezer, as you two were stood in the dining area beside the kitchen. You grabbed a bag of frozen peas and handed them to Marcus. He exchanged the peas for your gift, placing the bag of frozen peas on his hand to soothe it. 
“Well, thanks, for punching him for me, I never even really liked him as a friend, but I didn’t really know how to tell him that.” You said, rubbing your arm, feeling awkward.
“Yeah, he’s a dipshit for kissing you like that.” Marcus shook his head. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n I said some shit I didn’t mean because- I, I-” Marcus’s mouth opened and shut repeatedly as he attempted to get the words out. He shook his head, slightly flustered before he gestured to the gift in your hands.
You looked down at the gift bag in your hands, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. You removed the gift tissue from the bag, eyeing the various objects in the bag. You pulled out the various things in the bag, placing them on your kitchen island. 
Your eyebrows scrunched up, how’d he know you need this? Or how did he know you had been wanting that plushy? “Y/n I don’t notice the small things you like, need, or do, because I’m your best friend. I notice how you play with your hair when you’re nervous, or how you bite your lip when you’re concentrated, how you rub your arm when you feel awkward, because, I love you, Y/n.”
“When I said I didn’t care to fix our friendship, I said it because, I don’t want to be your friend.”
“What- what are you saying, Marcus?” You gaze into the boy’s eyes.
Marcus steps closer to you, “Y/n, I am madly, deeply, overwhelmingly, in love with you. I want to be more than just your friend, and I’m sorry I ever hurt you, I just got so jealous and let my anger get the best of me. It took me a long time to realize that I’ve been in love with you since that day you punched me on the playground.” He let out a slight chuckle.
“No, you can’t be in love with me Marcus, okay? You’re, you’re with Padma, and she- she doesn’t deserve this. And you and me, we’re friends, that’s it. That’s all we’ve ever been,” You shook your head at the boy.
“Y/n, I swear to you, Padma and I are just friends. I mean she’s the reason I realized I was in love with you…” 
You took in a shaky breath, shaking your head as you brought your hands up to your temples. 
“Y/n, it’s okay, everything is alright,” He said, his hands placed on your shoulders.
“No, Marcus, everything is not alright, okay. This- this is not alright, this isn’t supposed to happen. We are friends. A relationship between us wouldn’t work, I mean were both too stubborn for our own good, and if we were to ever break up… we’d lose each other as more than friends, and friends. I mean ex’s can’t be friends, and-”
Marcus stopped your rambling, shutting you up by placing his lips on yours. His kiss took you back, literally, as your legs slightly trembled, causing you to take a step back. Marcus remained still, giving you a chance to pull away from the kiss, however, you did the opposite, returning the kiss and pulling him closer to you as you wrapped your arms behind his neck. You both poured all your love into the kiss, his hands cupping your face to deepen the kiss, your own running through his hair. You both pulled away to take a breath of air, foreheads leaning against each other. 
“I- I love you too Marcus, since the day you stole that toy car from me.” You sighed in contentment finally being able to get those words off your chest after all these years. 
You grinned tears of joy in your eyes. A tear ran down your cheek, prompting Marcus to swipe it away. You both had matching grins on your face, sitting at the island, as you began to really notice the jar and what was in it. The label on the jar read, “ Songs you’ll love as much as I love you.” While you were admiring the jar filled with music, Marcus pulled the drawing of you toward him, holding it in his hands. “This was what I had drawn that day at lunch. It wasn’t a drawing of Padma, it was a drawing of you. It’s always been you, Y/n.”
“Oh my god, that’s why you didn’t want me to see it… wow, you made me look so beautiful...” You murmured in amazement.
“You are beautiful, bub. You’re everything good in the world and more. And I have no idea how you thought I had been drawing Padma. Padma is pretty, but you- you’re ethereally beautiful, Y/n. You mean everything to me, and I never want you to ever think otherwise.” 
“You mean everything to me too, bub. Nobody gets me like you…”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N: This didn’t turn out how I planned, or how I really wanted, but I haven’t posted this week, and I’ve been trying to post every week, so I just decided I’d post it. I might rewrite it and post the other version later, or I might just write another best-friends-to-lovers trope, we’ll see.
Also, how do we feel about the use of you instead of Y/N, I don’t know how to feel about it… this was my first time describing the reader as you instead of Y/n, so yeah!
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sparkling-ariaria · 1 year
BTS fics I read and want to keep...no°1
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*Only fics that aren't already on one of my other lists*Complete fem or non-specific reader* Upd: 20.06.2023
Non-Idol AU
Only yesterday by borathae - Yoongi x Reader Your life in a small countryside village was nothing of the extraordinary, you owned a quaint little teashop, enjoyed warm evenings in your garden and liked taking walks by the river. One day a handsome stranger moves in the abandoned cottage opposite side of the river and it is not long that he becomes a source of comfort in your life.
Purr-haps I like you by taleasnewastime - Yoongi x Reader You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
A soft touch by madbutgloriouspond - Yoongi x Reader [fluff] Yoongi always knows exactly what you need.
The sweet shop by - Yoongi x Baker!Reader Yoongi gets extra clingy and too handsy while you’re whippin’ in the kitchen. And to Jungkook and Jimin’s dismay.
“You’re no longer alone” - Namjoon x Reader [hurt/comfort] God hears you when you ask him to make you feel less lonely.
Crazy, stupid love by koostarcandy - Bad boy!Jungkook x Good girl!Reader [short and adorable] Jungkook doesn't think of himself as man who would do reckless things for love, no. But he'd go to any heights, even if it drives him insane just for his love. Alternative? His drug is his baby.
Mr. Right (Swipe) family-free-side-blog - Fratboy!Jungkook x Reader Jeon Jungkook is well aware that he’s the bane of your existence. He just loves to push your buttons and lives to see you all riled up. So, what happens then when he catches you swiping left on his Tinder profile during class?
Fall back in love by bukguhope - Jungkook x Reader Jungkook somehow grew a reputation of sleeping around on campus, leaving him lonely and inexperienced with relationships. so when you, his old childhood best friend moves onto campus, he discovers what a relationship can feel like as he finds himself falling in love with you.
When I'm with you by koostarcandy - Jungkook x Reader
Heaven by daydreamindollie - Hoseok x Reader “Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”, “Can I do your hair?”, “Stop it, it tickles”
Alone again by archivedkookie - Hoseok x Reader Hoseok always ends up alone when the moon shines bright and the clock strikes midnight. Everyone eventually leaves him. And he isn’t surprised when you do, too.
A piece of your sun by holdinbacksecrets - Hoseok x Reader [talk about sickness of a relative, comfort] "You don’t have to ignore your doubts, love. It’s ok to say it hurts.”
Love Language by rmnamjoons - Namjoon x Reader Exactly one year before one meets their soulmate, their love’s first words spoken to them appear as a tattoo on their wrist. When Namjoon’s tattoo appears, however, it’s not of words, but of the most beautiful set of eyes he’s ever seen.
All to myself by madbutgloriouspond - Seokjin x Reader It's easy to come home and let yourself be wrapped up by your boyfriend.
A part of your home by jinkookspencil - Seokjin x Reader In which seokjin creates space for you in his apartment.
Bookstores and safe havens by jinkookspencil - Jungkook x Reader "Just one book", you promise Jungkook as you step into the bookstore.
Heart of the storm by ladyartemisia - Jungkook x Reader Jungkook was the handsome RA that you could never quite bring yourself to talk to, and you were the ice princess whose status kept you far out of his reach. But a selfless act of kindness in the midst of a terrible storm forges an unexpected bond between you - one that could break your guarded heart…or finally set it free. 
fxck a fxckboy by yoongifis - Yoongi x Reader Where you sort of hooked up with one of the school’s biggest fuckboys but end up leaving him hanging and never contacting him because…well…why not? Somehow the universe brought you two together and now you’re left dealing with him because he apparently caught feelings for you.
Protective by justcallmenikki7 - Platonic!BTS x Reader You’re new, and one day you get hit by a basketball and somehow, in some way, you got the Bangtan boys wrapped around your finger. 
Angel by joonberriess - Yoongi x Reader [nsfw but fluffy] He’s yours and you are his. You didn’t need a magazine to tell you that, because the media knew nothing about what went on behind the scenes.
Gold by beahae - Yoongi x Reader One thing your boyfriend isn’t shy about is his musical talent. You know he enjoys getting to show off a little. Which only makes it especially intriguing when he gets suddenly bashful about his most recent songwriting development.
Your Yoongi by yoongiphoria - Yoongi x Reader Yoongi’s a little tipsy, lots of lovey-dovey fluff and smut
One morning by aamalaaa - Yoongi x Reader What soft mornings with Yoongi would be like.
Studio Dates by mirahuyooo - Yoongi x Reader Nothing beats spending the late hours in your boyfriend's studio. 
Paws & Claws by amethystwritesbts - Taehyung x Dog groomer!Reader You get a bit exasperated when you have to stay late just to groom the dog of a high profile client, less exasperated when he ends up being a total sweetheart - his owner isn’t so bad either, turns out.
Intertwined by beenbaanbuun - Namjoon x Reader Namjoon brings home a new artpiece and you try to figure out what it symbolises.
Sunshine boy by magicchai - Hoseok x Baker!Reader Hoseok visits the bakery y/n works at regularly, enjoying the peaceful moments and the opportunity to flirt with a pretty girl.
Party on you by here2bbtstrash - Hoseok x Reader The only thing stronger than your social anxiety is your big dumb crush on Hoseok - and you're certainly not expecting it when he tells you the real reason he threw this album release party.
JK drabble by eoieopda - Jungkook x Reader Jungkook gets home from tour and is just the clingiest, cutest, softest bf.
Safety Net by orithyia-eriphyle - Platonic!BTS x member!Reader Compilation of the moments where the members of BTS are protective over the only female member, you.
Hierarchy by persphonesorchid - Panther Hybrid!Yoongi x Bunny Hybrid!Reader You go to an uni where most of the students are predators and get paired up with Yoongi for an assignment.
Out of the woods by angelicyoongie - Wolf Hybrid!Namjoon x Human!Reader Promising Jihyo that you were going to stay away from your writing for one weekend had been easy in theory, but much harder to actually do once you reached the little cabin the woods. To make matters worse, the only thing that rivals your inability to keep promises is your terrible luck – and after a particularly bad choice leads you to get lost in the mountains, you suppose that it’s only karma that you end up face to face with a wolf that looks ready to rip your throat out.
Soulmate Drabble - OT7 x Reader
The Choice by ladyartemisa - Bastard Prince!Yoongi x Reader In which y/n virginity plays an important role in fulfilling a prophecy. Who will she decide to give it to?
The Mark of Yun-Ki by ladyartemisia - Tiger hybrid!Yoongi x Human!Reader For a thousand years the tiger god Yun-Ki has marked the heirs of the Min Empire and thus only a marked heir can inherit the throne. When the beautiful daughter of the Min Emperor’s loyal warlord rescues a mysterious tiger hybrid from the imperial prison, she unleashes a secret that the throne would kill to protect. The young emperor claims to be the chosen heir... but who really bears the Mark of Yun-Ki?
My Home by purpleyoon - Dragon!Yoongi x Human Healer!Reader It was close to winter, and your medicine was nearly complete for you to use. But when it came to, you helped another whose wounds were life threatening. Now, random items kept showing up on your porch, with each item bringing you closer to the creature you healed. And when he returned, he saved you. Now, with him, you felt like you were home.
Sehebon by httpjeon - Alien!Taehyung x Human!Reader You find yourself on Izo Huen, home to the Sehebon. Luckily for you, you've arrived at an interesting time.
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strvlveera · 1 year
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥.
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pairing: royalty!oikawa x afab!reader
genre: royal au, angst w/happy ending, fluff
w/c: 10.7k (help me)
warnings: swearing (lmk if there should be more !)
synopsis: sick and tired of the looming castle walls, tooru decides to adventure outwards. somewhere he wasn't allowed to go. dressed as a young 'peasant' boy tooru comes across the delicious smell of fresh baked bread. considering he was starving he marched right in demanding a loaf of bread, forgetting he wasn't in normal attire. you, the daughter of the baker, found him a headache but also amusing. I mean what source of entertainment can you get when you're so poor?
"I am your prince!"
"...then why are you dressed like that?"
(lowercase intended)
slightly based on 'ceilings' by lizzy mcalpine
a/n: this isn't proofread so there may be careless mistakes! the synopsis doesn't comprehend how much angst there will be... I made this fic as an excuse to not sleep...got this idea at 2 am so T_T honestly since hq is coming back(?) soon I just want my home boy back...
I also apologise for not getting this done sooner i don't know why it took me so long.. anyways enjoy!
btw can you spot a manwha reference too?
taglist: @tooruchiiscribs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @sillykawa @rukia-uchiha-98 @softcd @misfit-megumi @suzizanne
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"sit here and reminisce about your actions. I have a lot of things to do today," the king calmly demanded tooru as he whined and grumbled, dragging him by the arm to his room.
"I just wanted to play, you're always so busy and nee-san is always holding tea parties with her friends!" tooru exclaimed, crossing arms.
"you'll understand in the future. when you’re king, you'll always be busy."
"what if I don't want to be king? I want to be a knight! I want to be free and keep my friends safe, as well as you and nee-san," tooru proudly said to his father, as if convincing him that taking the throne was what he wasn't destined for.
the king mockingly laughed, not taking tooru's words seriously.
"keep an eye on him, don't let him leave this room until I come back," stated the king to the guard outside who gave a quick nod.
"of course, your highness."
"i'll be off then tooru, behave."
with the creak of the closing door tooru sprawled his arms across the bed as he flumped down, a sour look on his face staring into the ceiling.
"behave tooru! oh, look at me being too busy being a king that I don't even have time for my son!" mocks tooru, reminiscing about his father's stern words rather than his own actions.
i mean, it wasn't his fault that he 'accidentally' hit his great-grandfather's statue. it wasn’t as if he was trying to catch anyone's attention. it wasn't his fault he was alone most of the day, except when the royal tutor came. it wasn’t his fault that the dreams of becoming a knight got disregarded as soon as he even said the word 'knight', as if it wasn’t an option.
tooru had to practically beg his father for swordsmanship lessons, even though he was so young, desperately clinging to his dream of becoming a knight. why? to be free from his fate, his destiny and yet his father still said no.
"king this, king that, why not knight this, knight that?" questioned tooru, still huffing from his father's words.
he doesn't even want to be king anyway. the responsibility of it seemed trapping as if he'd be a bird in a cage with everyone watching his every move.
silently staring at the ceiling with a blank face, tooru decides on an escape plan. except this time he'll escape to the city. the place where his father told him to never go.
"you'll catch a deadly disease! how will you train to be a knight?"
the memory passed through his mind.
"how am I supposed to be a knight anyway whenever I'm always confined in this boring palace?" tooru thought out loud.
knights are daring and dashing and most importantly loved by all. if tooru wanted to be a knight, he'd have to be a little adventurous and brave.
"if mother was here she'd let me go," says tooru, quietly reassuring himself that his decision was beneficial and ethical.
finding old clothes from the back of his wardrobe, he tried his best to make himself an unroyal attire. with a bit of tearing in certain parts tooru proudly stood in front of his mirror with his disguise, ready for operation: escape to town.
"soo original tooru.."
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
tooru's ears perked up to the sound of the bustling streets of the city, his eyes lighting up with excitement as crowds of people strolled up and down the street. some frantically buying groceries from the local market, some sitting outside having a beverage of choice whilst talking with the person opposite, laughing at each other's comments.
this is way more fun than the palace thought tooru, as he gazed around.
alas, with the growl of his stomach, tooru then realised how he barely had any food that day as he was having too much fun causing chaos at the palace.
"i should've brought money for food, why am i so dumb?!," tooru whines, whilst ruffling his hair out of frustration.
the feeling of his empty stomach made tooru more impatient until he smelt a whiff of something delicious. following the scent like a delirious zombie, tooru came to a halt when he came across a bakery. as he opened the door a ding came from a bell and his eyes landed upon a girl, which he assumed to be his age, putting some sort of pastry in an oven until she realised the presence of tooru and quickly wiped her floury hands, rushing towards him.
"hello, sir, welcome to shokupan. unfortunately, you're visiting during our closing hours, would you like to leave in an order for tomorrow?" she asks with a click of a pen, smiling at tooru as he processes what she just asked.
"i need that loaf of bread," demanded tooru pointing to the freshly baked milk bread on the counter, ignoring the girl’s question.
following tooru's finger, the girl realised what he was asking for and nervously chuckled.
"o-oh! i'm sorry but that isn't to be bought by anyone except the man that ordered it earlier. may i ask again if you want to order anything for tomorrow?" she asks again.
by now tooru's patience was wearing thin. with an awful combination of an empty stomach and tired legs, he started to grow irritated but so were you. yes, you. the baker's daughter.
with your father off for deliveries, you had to look after the bakery; taking orders everyday, making the dough and baking most of the bread yourself. with a job like this, it can get very tiring easily. especially with ignorant customers but that was rare. until today, where you had the 'fortunate' opportunity to stumble across a hungry and grumpy tooru.
"i don't want or need anything for tomorrow. what i need is that bread - so would you just give it to me?" demanded tooru once again.
you sighed, putting a hand to your forehead being physically and mentally exhausted from the hard work and now him.
"as i've said before, sir, i can't just give you a loaf of bread. if you don't want to order anything i'll have to ask you to leave so that i can close up the bakery," and with that you began to head back to the kitchen.
"you don't understand, i need that bread now! i'm dying of hunger, don't you pity me?" pleaded tooru with furrowed eyebrows, desperate for a bite of that delicious looking bread.
"look, there are many people who wander in and out of the bakery looking for pastries but unfortunately i can't give you it without permission from my boss. it's just how business runs around here," you shrugged, used to the situation.
normally, you'd give him a loaf of free bread, however word got out that you gave out free bread to those who couldn't afford it and an upburst happened causing the bakery to be shut down for a whole week. your father was certainly not happy about what happened but was glad that you were charitable and sympathetic to the people.
of course tooru had no idea this happened, he never read the newspapers anyway as they were too boring to him. he'd rather run around the palace causing chaos.
with tooru in desperate need of food he decided to play his trump card.
he cleared his throat and proudly stated, "although i may not look like it, i am actually prince tooru of the oikawa family, ruler of this city and province. as of now i may not look like the part, because i am on a very special mission, but i can reassure you that this is your dear prince."
with a small hair flip and a smug smile tooru awaited an apology but instead found you laughing hysterically like a hyena.
offended, tooru immediately questions, "w-what's wrong? you should be cowering before me and asking for my forgiveness, why are you laughing like a maniac?"
obviously you couldn't reply, still holding your stomach as you try to catch your breath from laughing too much.
"b-because…." you began but immediately started laughing again.
tooru scoffed, flabbergasted at your behaviour and disrespect to him as a royal. you were just a commoner and he was royalty, how dare you mock him like this?
"i don't know why you think this is hilarious but i am not lying. i am your prince!" proclaimed tooru, tired of your actions.
calming yourself down with a shaky breath out, you look at (a very annoyed) tooru up and down.
"if you really are the prince, which is very unlikely considering that this is the west side of the city, then why are you dressed like that?" you questioned, suspicious of his manner and clothes.
confused, tooru stops glaring at you and begins to analyse his outfit and quickly realises what you meant.
you chuckle in disbelief and maybe even pity, thinking he's gone mad already as a teenager.
"yeah, oh."
embarrassingly, tooru took off the smug look off his face and cleared his throat.
"you're not doing a very good job at convincing me prince tooru," you mocked, cheekily smiling at him.
"maybe i need more time to enhance my skills," tooru replies with an eye roll.
what a pity you thought, he was really entertaining. you wondered if he did acting as a job.
“well, i guess this is the part where i go,” tooru awkwardly began as he slowly turned to walk out the door, mostly out of embarrassment and the need to get home. his father would be furious if he found him dressed like this.
"wait just a second," you frantically said, trying to catch up with him, after grabbing something from the counter.
he anxiously turns, not wanting to be humiliated even more. however, to his delight you handed him a paper bag filled with a loaf of milk bread. you could immediately see how his demeanour changed and how his eyes lit up, almost as if there were stars in them.
"c-can i really have this?" asked tooru, with saliva already threatening to drip from his mouth.
"of course, i'm not that cruel. plus, i saw you eyeing up the milk bread from earlier. you looked like you really couldn't live without it. i’ll just make another batch for the old man," you replied with a small smile, mentally reminding yourself to not tell your father about this. who knows what would happen.
relief spread across tooru's face.
"thank you…?"
"ah - i'm y/n."
"thank you y/n," tooru replies with a wide smile, grateful for the milk bread.
with a bright smile, you waved goodbye to tooru as the bell of the door rang once again, indicating he was leaving to your dismay.
"come back soon!" you called out to tooru, secretly wishing to see him again tomorrow.
happily chewing on the milk bread, tooru smiled to himself filled with content, glad of the encounter and his courage to adventure off.
his father certainly wouldn't be pleased if he found out.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
it was the following day and you couldn't help but secretly wait for a certain someone to come through the door. most of your customers were regulars so it was usually the same people saying the same things that you already knew about even when you'd make conversation asking,"anything new happen?" and with them replying with,"it's always the same old y/n."
it was pretty boring in the west end, except for all the crime that's been lurking around. the ring of the bell came and you turned around, only to be met by the same boy from yesterday. you were ecstatic to see the brown haired boy again. swiftly walking over to him you greet him with another milk bread you made just for him.
"well if it isn't the prince tooru, gracing me with his presence again," you sarcastically say, with a little courtesy.
it wasn't until you got a proper look at him that you realised how he was panting, trying to catch his breath and the plum bruise on his face.
tooru saw how fast your reaction to the bruise was, as your eyes started to fill with worry and concern. with furrowed eyebrows you hesitantly touched his face and he backed away.
"i'm so sorry tooru I didn't mean to-"
"no-no it's fine y/n don't worry, I don't know why I backed up in the first place," he reassuringly said.
although, in reality he backed away because he got nervous when you touched him. it felt comforting, which was a foreign emotion to tooru ever since his mother passed away.
"are you okay? how'd you get the bruise? did something happen?" you asked, bombarding him with questions, wondering how he ended up like this.
tooru found it really heart-warming how you only knew him for less than twenty-four hours and yet you showed so much concern for him. most of the maids in the palace only cared about his safety so that they wouldn't get fired by the king. to have someone genuinely worry about him made him feel as if he was valued as a human being, instead of "the king's son" or "the heir to the throne".
he actually got the bruise by accidently bumping into a gang that didn't look very pleased with him. he ran as fast as he could, screaming his lungs out.
"not very knightly of you tooru," he thought.
he made sure to not tell you about this.
he softly smiled at you as he said, "nothing, don't worry about it,"
not wanting to pry anymore, you let it go although you were still sceptical about the ordeal.
"well, if you say so. how about we enjoy the milk bread i prepared for you? it's a slow day today so we can sit down and have a chat outside," you insisted, leading tooru outside.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
throughout the next few months you both continued to meet each other. with tooru sneaking out the palace more often and you already having freshly baked milk bread just for him. your father would get suspicious, catching you smiling to yourself at random times of the day whenever he was at the bakery but brushed it off as he was glad to see you happy rather than tired from all the work he gave you.
with your father starting to help more at the bakery than doing deliveries, you decided to pick a new meetup spot with tooru so that you two could talk with as much freedom as possible. without your father glaring at tooru as he did with his first encounter with him.
you showed him your hidden gem, a place where you would run to when the world would overwhelm you. your safe haven. urging tooru to go in first, his eyes were blessed with a charming peaceful meadow, secluded from society which was a good thing, as its beauty was preserved for you to see and now tooru. surprisingly you haven't even shown your father this heaven but you willingly led tooru here.
there was something about this milk bread obsessed boy that made you feel as if you could trust him. you've had male friends before but they would always tease you that you were a one trick pony as you could only bake but barely cook to save your life.
“ugh! I keep burning the bacon….” you grumbled, looking over to the pile of burnt bacon on the counter.
"just stick to baking y/n, it's the only thing you're good at," matsukawa slyly said, with the classic smirk of his which resulted in a loud smack to his head. he deserved it.
they never took you seriously. until tooru came along and changed your perspective. yes, he would be very arrogant at some points but alas that was just how he was and without it he wouldn't be as charming. it also brought out a new side of you, where you would make snarky remarks to him which would end in the both of you hugging your stomachs from laughing or tooru pouting.
relaxing down on a light patch of grass, you began talking about the future, a common topic in your conversations to tooru's dismay but it ended up helping him release his bottled up problems.
"i feel bad," you began, in a soft tone.
"why? you've done nothing except give me happiness," he questioned, confused by your sudden statement.
flustered by the choice of words that he used, you averted your eyes. clearing your throat you continued,”i always complain about my life and talk about my problems and yet you never get the chance to talk sometimes, when we talk about the future or anything serious in general.”
realising how insensitive you sound, your eyes widen and turn to tooru to apologise.
“i didn’t mean that-i mean I did but not in that context. of course you don’t have to talk about touchy subjects in your life if you don’t want to,” you paused for a second, trying not to panic and calmly collect your thoughts.
“I guess what i'm trying to say is, you can talk to me. you can talk about anything, other than your love for the milk bread i give you,” that earned a chuckle from tooru.
You grin, pleased that you received a positive reaction from him.
“i know we’ve only been friends for quite a while and i whole-heartedly understand if you feel a bit uncomfortable with all of this. just know I’ll always be here tooru,” you concluded, slightly embarrassed by what you said.
"aww….y/n, you care so much about me huh?" teased tooru, although he secretly soaked up all your words.
you sulked, embarrassed at your actions and mostly how tooru reacted to what you said but also not very surprised by his antics. tooru was busy laughing at your demeanour.
"sorry y/n, i didn't want to ruin the moment by laughing but i am really touched I swear!" tooru explained.
"i poured my heart and soul into that and you're here making fun of me!" you grumbled, purposely exaggerating your words so that he'd apologise soon.
tooru's laugh rang in your ears and he quickly apologised for teasing you.
"don't worry y/n, i listened very carefully. you have no idea how much I appreciate you."
just as you were about to say "thank you", tooru continued.
"mostly because of the milk bread you bake for me but don't worry i also appreciate the company just not as much as the bread," he cheekily said, earning a smack in the back of his head from you.
"ouch! what was that for?" he whined.
"i’m not give you milk bread anymore," you replied with a stone face.
tooru gasped and started pleading for your mercy, trying to flatter you with compliments as you got up from the dented grass and started walking away from him.
"y/n you're an angel, you know that right?"
"yes tooru i know i am. now stop clinging onto my cardigan or else I'll feed you raw dough instead."
you only gave into his pleas when he started bowing down to you in the middle of the street when you were trying to ignore him.
"almighty y/n, i am a sinful man begging for your forgiveness. please give me a loaf of milk bread."
"tooru people are starting to look, please get up," you hurryingly pleaded.
he gave you one last glance and in return you gave him a dirty look, already fed up with his act.
"almighty y/n, please listen to my prayer-"
"fine, fine! i'll give you free milk bread again…"
"oh thank you! almighty-"
"i'm seriously going to punch you."
--- ⁠✧
the day ended with tooru beaming with happiness as he ate his milk bread, and you sat across from him once again with your hand resting against your chin gazing upon his figure. you never understood why your milk bread was so special to him but you were glad that you could make him happy in some sort of way.
"maybe I should start charging you, we might just go bankrupt from all the free bread we've given you," you teased, already knowing what he'd say.
"well it isn't my fault that they taste so good!" tooru whined.
you giggled and went back to staring at him, appreciating his beauty. the way his smooth skin glistened against the withering glows of the sun, the way his lips parted to take a bite of the bread, the way his brown eyes would melt into golden rays as the sunlight hit his face. how on earth could this boy in front of you be a commoner when his looks alone could help him get a job easily?
"you know you're really pretty tooru, even when you have a lot of crumbs on your face," you randomly said as you focused on specific parts of his face.
tooru almost choked on the milk bread, surprised at your sudden statement.
"of course i'm pretty. i am a prince after all," he nervously chuckled trying to cover up his flustered expression.
"are you still acting as if you're a prince?" you questioned, amused that he’s still keeping up the act.
with a smug face, tooru replied,"when the time comes and you see that i am a prince, you will be so shocked and i'd laugh right in your face."
you rolled your eyes as you thought,"yeah right. as if a prince would be sitting right in front me, stuffing his face with the milk bread that i baked. tooru is seriously unbelievable."
it wasn't until a year later that it became believable. specifically, on his eighteenth birthday.
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
"be careful with those plates!"
"which colour would you like your highness? celeste or baby blue?"
"would you like chocolate or vanilla frosting on the cake, your highness?"
the palace was clearly bustling with noise and excitement. why? because it’s tooru’s special eighteenth birthday tomorrow.
tooru hadn't realised it until a while ago but his heart started to soften more and more at every encounter you two had.
maybe it was because of the countless amounts of milk bread you would prepare for him which made tooru question if you were making it with the intent of seeing him (probably not). sure, all the chefs and maids in the palace prepared the most luxurious food for him but it just felt the same with every meal but it was somehow different with you.
maybe it was because of the uplifting conversations you would have, where you both could voice your thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects with no worries of being judged. tooru swore at himself, wondering what he'd gotten himself into and yet he still consciously ventured further, wanting to learn more about you, other than you being a baker's daughter. you didn't know his true identity and yet you were so thoughtful towards him.
although, it felt selfish as he couldn't truthfully tell you his identity, he continued to pursue a growing friendship whilst walking home with a guilty heart each time he saw you. he was addicted. now that he was turning eighteen, tooru couldn’t hide it any longer. he had to tell you, one way or another. before it was too late and before he’d have to go back to the life he had without you. a boring, uneventful life.
--- ⁠✧
“why didn't i sleep early last night?” you questioned yourself, yawning for what felt like the hundredth time.
honestly, you stayed up last night because you knew it was tooru's birthday tomorrow and you were crocheting a scarf for the first time, even though it was the middle of summer. you couldn’t just bring him to the meadow and eat ice cream and milk bread all day like all the other years you spent celebrating his birthday. no, it had to be something different, something that no one else could give him and something that you've never done before especially since he was now getting to the age of marriage.
you were in the middle of putting the classic milk bread that you’d make for tooru in the oven when you heard the ring of the doorbell as it opened. you didn’t recognise the person making his way towards you but he looked oddly familiar.
with another yawn you groggily said,”hello welcome to shokupan, what can i get for you?”
“uh- y/n?” he spoke, as if he was confused.
you lazily smiled and looked up to the man, “yup that’s me, what can i-,” it was only then that you realised that this stranger knew your name and only then you realised who exactly it was.
your tired eyes quickly shot open, as if you got electrocuted. it was tooru, but he was dressed so magnificently. a bright, shining suit adorned his figure; gold shoulder pads showing off his broad shoulders; perfectly combed hair that would usually be messy and unkempt.
"t-tooru?" you whispered, wondering if you were still dreaming. was this really your tooru?
he chuckled,"yes n/n, it's really me," whilst sarcastically posing for you. however, you couldn't respond. you were speechless.
"y/n? are you okay?" tooru asked, concerned but also amused at your unresponsive state.
as tooru's words went in one ear and out the other you got out of your tranced state and started firing questions at tooru, "why are you dressed like that? where'd you get the money? did you loan the money? tooru you can't use all your savings on a suit, what about food?"
tooru couldn't contain his laughter any longer and bursted out laughing.
"what's so funny about spending all your money on something you don't even need?!" you exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed as you tried to make sense of tooru's actions.
as tooru's laugh died down, he gazed at you with a smug smile.
"i told you before that one day i'd show you that i'm a prince and that you'd never believe me. so here i am y/n, prince tooru of the oikawa family, inviting you to attend a ball tomorrow to celebrate my birthday," he gracefully bowed down whilst holding out an envelope towards you which you hesitantly took from him.
carefully, you observed the envelope, wondering if tooru was actually a prince or if he was just playing one of his silly games on you again. you knew your answer as soon as you flipt the envelope to shockingly fix your eyes on the royal seal, a four leaf clover crest. anybody could recognise as the city was adorned with the symbol. in disbelief, you lifted your head to tooru with wide eyes.
“you…” you started, trying to comprehend everything with your already jumbled mind.
“i’m?” tooru replied, anxious to see your reaction.
“you’re a prince,” you whispered, not believing your own words.
slowly, the cogs were starting to work in your brain, the pieces of the puzzle were connecting. why haven't you noticed? tooru always implied it even in your first encounter. there were many other reasons too on why he’d be a prince; he always had to leave early or he was late; the amount of times you’ve patched him up without you knowing that it was because of his swordsmanship lessons last year; the way he was able to read sophisticated words and write with very neat handwriting, which commoners couldn't do simply because they didn't have the money for the education; the way he never showed you where he lived or where he was from; the way he never talked about himself during your conversations. it all made sense and yet you were too dense to even realise it. you were angry and disappointed with yourself.
“why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you questioned, wondering if he thought of you as a person who couldn't be trusted.
“well, i guess i just…” he paused and took a breath in.
“i was scared, y/n. maybe even terrified, that you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore or that you’d hate me, and i completely understand if you do now because i just basically lied to you throughout our whole friendship which is so stupid and idiotic of me and i’m so, so sorry y/n. i cherish you so much and i don't want to lose you, so please don't ever think that i never trusted you because i do, wholeheartedly.”
tooru finished and waited for you to talk or say anything, but you just stared at him in disbelief.
"y/n, please say something," tooru pleaded, his fist tightening against his chest as he grew more anxious.
"does your father know?" you asked.
"what? of course not he'd go crazy if he did-"
"oh my god tooru, you're unbelievable," you muttered, with your fingers pressing on your temple.
"what? y/n i just told you why i didn't want to reveal my identity, you know my father would go crazy if he found out i was sneaking away," tooru reasoned, trying to calm down the situation by reaching out for your hand but you slapped it away, still not comprehending the situation.
"yes tooru, and i understand that, if you weren't a prince. this completely changes everything, you know that right? what if someone saw us and reported it to your father? you'd be in great trouble and don't even get me started on how i'd probably be the talk of the city. a laughing stock. i mean, a commoner being friends with a prince? ha! how ridiculous," you rambled, looking away and staring down at your feet.
"y/n, look at me," tooru softly asked, gently lifting your chin up so you could meet his eyes. your breath hitched as he stared right at you, as if he could read your every thought.
"it doesn't matter if i'm a prince or if you're a commoner. even if my father finds out, I won't let any harm come to you. i'll do everything in my power to make sure you're safe."
"i'm not done. just because you're a 'commoner' doesn't mean you aren’t worth anything less. you're y/n, my y/n and that's all that matters. i don't care about titles. fuck being a prince, it doesn't matter as long as i'm with you. as long as you're here."
you both became silent as tooru awaited a response and you were still processing what he just confessed to you. tooru sighed and let go of you, turning away and hiding his face from you, embarrassed at himself.
"tooru," you started, still finding the right words to say to him.
"if i have to be honest, i'm disappointed not only in you but for myself. it feels as if you just used me as a way to escape from your own life. i really, really enjoy your company tooru and you made my life so much more exciting and enjoyable, and even thinking about what we’d have in plan to do helped me get out of bed in the morning but now, i do not know what to think anymore. not only that, but the fact that you’ve hinted at it all this time and yet i was too dumb to even realise it. was this all a joke to you?" you questioned, your chest tightening at your own words, hoping he’d contradict with you.
“y/n…none of this was ever a joke and i can’t even truly express my gratitude to your very own existence with just simple minded words. from our first encounter to even now, the only person i’ve wanted to see was you. you’ve never once left my mind,” his eyes softened before his mouth came to a fine line, you could physically see his lips quiver as he awaited your response.
you finally let go of the breath you’ve unconsciously been holding and came face to face with the boy who made you feel an array of emotions that you couldn’t comprehend and simply gave him a gentle hug, with your head resting on his chest hearing his quickened heartbeat drumming in your ear.
with an awkward smile you looked up to him,”you really are scared huh?”
“god y/n, you have no idea how many times i was planning on telling you, but i would just end up getting lost in the moment and keep putting it off, until now, i really thought i screwed things up,” tooru frantically explained, letting out a sigh of relief.
although, to his horror you pierced his ears, saying, "you kind of did."
the atmosphere shifted to a chilling silence, with tooru’s bug eyed expression processing the words that you just announced and you fidgeting nervously with your hands.
“what?” tooru meekly asked, needing affirmation.
”look tooru, even if we remain as friends and keep meeting up, we’ll never go back to normal. you have to understand that. even if titles don't matter to you, they matter to everyone else. in their eyes, i’ll always be a ‘lowly’ commoner and you will always be a prince, hell maybe even king!”
“don’t you dare say that about me, i will never be king nor will i ever want to,” tooru defended, slightly raising his voice over the sensitive subject but that didn’t stop you from continuing.
“come to terms with reality tooru, this isn’t some fairy tale where i randomly get gifted a fairy godmother for christ sake. sure, it was okay when you were younger but now, really? you’re turning eighteen tomorrow, you can’t just keep skipping out on your duties as a prince,” you continued, pleading with him to see your point of view.
tooru scoffed, ”what do you know about being a prince? you’d never understand how shit i felt every time i get told off for every little mistake i made and how i know everyone secretly wished my mother survived instead of me.”
you stood still with a withering expression, your mouth parted and heart clenched with tears pricking your eyes. he never talked about this before.
“tooru, i didn’t know-”
“i was suffocating in there y/n, and you were the only one that made me feel like i wasn’t drowning with responsibilities and yet now i’m getting reminded of it again by the only person i could rely on,” he painfully expressed, solemnly looking at you, catching your watered eyes.
alas you stood your ground,
“well, as the person that you can rely on, i'm only telling you this for your own sake tooru, and yes i’m not a prince and i’m sure as hell not educated enough to understand what a prince does. however, i do know that you’ll have to get married soon now that you’re turning eighteen and i can’t keep distracting you tooru and you can’t keep running away. you’re going to have many people wanting to speak with you and important meetings to attend and you won’t have time to see me. we both know that,” your heart breaks at your own words.
tooru stood still with a pained expression. he couldn't argue with you, knowing that everything you said was true.
“wake up tooru. we aren’t fifteen anymore.”
silently, tooru sets down a wrapped box on an empty table and walks to the door without a word. all you could do was watch his doleful figure. before he stepped out into the street he stared at you without his warm brown eyes with a disappointed smile and said, ”you’re still invited you know? i already booked a carriage for you, so please come.”
The ring of the doorbell came at last, indicating his presence was gone and with that you burst out in tears with you crouching down against the counter recalling the argument between you two. were you too harsh? did you even consider tooru’s side? were you being insensitive? all these questions left your mind swirling like a spinning wheel to the point where you just laid lifeless with stinging eyes from all the salty tears.
finally finding the strength to get up, you dust yourself off the floor and spotted the clean and elegant box tooru left for you. carefully, you raised the lid upwards and you gasped surprised. sitting in the box before you was the most luxurious dress you’ve ever laid your eyes upon. sophisticated patterns adorned the purple gown with numerous delicate jewels stitched on, where if one was sold you’d no longer be a baker but instead living more comfortably.
“i’ve never seen a gown this shade before,” you astonishingly admitted, surveying the gown in your hand gently touching the rich fabric. unbeknownst to you the shade was specifically tyrian purple, a shade only the royal family wore.
peering inside you see a little rectangle note. you delicately placed the gown down on the table and opened the note.
“you’re royalty too.”
slightly grinning at the sentence you let out a light hearted sigh, letting it convince your tender heart.
“i guess i’ll be going to a ball tomorrow.”
..·:*¨༺ ♚ ༻¨*:·.
it was the day that everyone anticipated for and yet tooru wasn’t excited at all. he lost sight of all hope as of yesterday, after the argument he had with you. even his best friend iwaizumi hajime tried comforting him, in his own unique way.
“oi, it’s your own birthday try to lighten up. you look like a rotting zombie,” he pointed out.
tooru gave iwaizumi a sour look at him and miserably said, ”she isn't coming so what’s the point?”
“she? oh, you mean y/n?” iwaizumi asked, tooru gave a small nod.
“she’ll have to come, you prepared a gown and a carriage for her. how could she refuse? won’t most girls like that?”
“maybe the fact that i screwed everything over plays a major part,” tooru explained.
iwaizumi gave a puzzled look to tooru, clearly not informed of the events that happened yesterday morning. with a heavy sigh, tooru began to catch up with iwa on the unfortunate argument that occurred.
“oh i see now.”
“yeah, you’d think she’d still come?”
“after what you did? no way. i reckon it’ll take a miracle for her to attend,” iwaizumi blatantly replied, making tooru hopeless as he let out another heavy sigh with a blank stare at the floor.
“but, you’ll never know tooru. miracles can happen,” with that iwaizumi stood up from the cold cobblestone step and gave tooru a pat in the back, his steps echoing behind tooru as he continued to remain alone with his thoughts.
don’t lose hope, he thought.
it was definitely easier said than done.
--- ⁠✧
thankfully, you weren’t alone while you were getting dolled up. your trusted friend yachi was here to help. you were fortunate enough for her to stumble upon your bakery as a middle class girl visiting the city and you both instantly connected, although you both barely saw each other as she lived outside the city but you both kept in contact with letters. as of now you both were struggling on putting on the corset.
“y/n you have to breathe in just a little bit more so i can tighten the corset fully!” yachi exclaimed, while tugging the strings to the best of her ability.
“i know yachi i’m trying my hardest!” you cried out, in pain from holding your breath in for so long.
“and…done!” yachi cheered, clapping her hands.
“how can girls wear these things everyday? i’m about to pass out,” you said, exhausted already trying to reach for a chair.
“wait y/n we aren’t done yet, you have to put the petticoat on and then the actual gown,” yachi explained, encouraging you to keep standing.
with a groan you got up and yachi assembled the gown with a blink of an eye.
“oh my god y/n you look so pretty!” yachi praised, admiring you with stars in her eyes.
you bashfully smiled at her and asked,”you really think so?”
“you’ve always been pretty y/n, oh i’ve got something for you,” she said, going into her purse to fetch an object of some sort.
“what is it?” you aksed, curious of what she prepared.
yachi hid the object with both her hands behind her back sneakily and began by saying,”well, in the letter you said that you had been given a purple gown…”
“so..?” you questioned, urging her to continue.
“so i thought i’d glamour you even more,” she explained before showing you a white sapphire necklace with a wide smile. you stared at it, mesmerised by the sheer shine it gave.
“what do you think?” yachi asked, lifting up the necklace.
“i-it’s gorgeous yachi. are you sure i’m allowed to wear it? where did you get it in the first place?” you said in disbelief while yachi laughed at you with your gaze transfixed on the necklace.
“of course you can wear it, that’s the whole reason why i brought it anyway and don’t worry about where i got it from, just be excited to wear it,” she said with a mischievous giggle that worried you, and before you could even reject her offer she was already putting it on you.
thinking you were finished you went to sit down but to your dismay yachi was in front of you holding hair pins and a comb with an ecstatic expression.
“we’re only getting started y/n!”
you nervously gulped, getting ready for the amount of pain you were about to go through.
--- ⁠✧
chatter filled the ballroom as it continued to fill up with hundreds of guests from around the nation. tooru was trying his best to answer all the questions from all of the women surrounding him in a polite manner. although, they all were obviously there for two main reasons: status and power, as they wave their fans at him with a leering expression. however, he was solely looking for a certain someone to walk through the grand doors and for a certain someone to apologise to.
“do you have someone already in mind prince tooru?” one of the ladies asked which made the rest of them quiet, anticipating tooru’s answer.
he knew he couldn’t say yes without upsetting them all and causing a scene so he chuckled and declared, ”no, i don’t. not yet,” which caused them to erupt in ‘oohs’ and giggles, clearly glad with tooru’s response and the chance they all had to court him. although he knew in his mind that he definitely had someone he wanted to court himself.
unfortunately, that certain someone was running late. the carriage was already patiently waiting outside the bakery when you were trying to find the invitation tooru gave you yesterday but you somehow lost it. if it wasn’t for yachi’s help you probably wouldn’t have made it out the front door.
“have fun y/n! don’t forget to say yes when the prince asks for your hand in marriage!” yachi shouted to you in a cheery tone.
“oh be quiet yachi,” you jokingly said, your face heating up at her joke, embarrassed.
“i’m so sorry i’m late, i just couldn’t seem to find the invitation,” you explained to the coachman who gave you a small nod whilst helping you into the carriage.
you’ve never been in a carriage before but you’ve seen many travel back and forth from the palace at the city centre. you’ve always been in awe of them and dreamt of being in one someday and here you are now, admiring it in all its beauty. in contrast to the outside it was much smaller than you’d imagine but the seats were very comfortable for your already sore feet as they weren’t used to high-heeled shoes you were wearing.
i wonder what tooru would think.
--- ⁠✧
it was getting further into the night and there was still no sight of you. tooru looked over to iwaizumi who was trying to communicate to tooru.
“is she here yet?” mouthed iwaizumi, as he stared at tooru still being bombarded with women.
tooru gave him a frown and shook his head. were you ever going to show up?
it was time for the first dance as the string orchestra began playing a waltz for the guests and tooru to dance to. he immediately had a line of ladies encouraging him to dance with them until one troublesome women decided to ‘accidentally’ trip into tooru’s arm into a dramatic pose that wasn’t impressive, but before he could ask if she was alright the orchestra suddenly stopped playing at the sound of the grand doors abruptly opening and everyone’s attention was averted.
“y/n, from the l/n family!” declared the attendee.
as you slowly emerged and came into everyone’s view. they all gasped and started murmuring to each other at the site of the colour of your gown.
“does this girl not have any idea what crime she’s committing?”
“she’s clearly mocking the royal family, how disrespectful!”
“who does she think she is?”
“i’ve never seen her before.”
fortunately, you couldn’t hear them as you were trying your best not to trip as you descended down the flight of steps, holding onto the railing for dear life, but you could feel all the judgemental stares they were giving you in the corner of your eye.
tooru’s heart began pounding in his chest as he saw your descending figure. muttering a quick,”i’m sorry,” to the woman he caught and helped her onto her feet and swiftly began to approach you with haste. he couldn’t let this chance slip from his fingers. not when he has a million things on his mind to say to you.
finally, you stepped down onto the polished marble floor and let out a sigh of relief and glanced up to find a pair of familiar brown eyes with a million hues, belonging to the man of the night, growing larger until they were right in front of you. not once did your eyes break contact with his.
“you made it,” he gawked, astonished at your arivial.
“i wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you beamed at him, forgetting how much you’ve wanted to see him again.
he bowed down. “would you grant me the greatest honour of joining me for my first dance of the night? only if you can handle it,” he teases, thrilled to be in the presence of you.
“you may, only if you can handle having your toes stepped on,” you tease back whilst curtseying, causing the both of you to erupt in laughter.
as tooru led you to the dance floor, all eyes were on you both as the orchestra began to play a waltz again. realising how nervous you must be, tooru gently placed his hand on your waist and held your hard reassuringly.
“just focus on me y/n. let me lead you.” you nodded, trusting in tooru to guide your inexperienced self.
tooru was true to his word as you both glided gracefully around the dance floor. he led you effortlessly, not even flinching when you would accidentally step on his foot for a brief moment. he just kept smiling at you with his gaze transfixed on your face. you couldn’t help but feel bashful.
“you look breathtaking,” tooru began, causing your face to heat up from his compliment.
“oh stop it tooru, you don’t have to say things you don’t mean,” you said, smiling down, still grateful for the compliment.
“it’s true y/n,” tooru affirmed, looking at you with a caring gaze that sent your stomach into a whirlwind.
“well, thank you. you don’t look bad yourself,” you admitted, wanting to compliment him too.
“of course, i am a prince after all,” he jokingly said, making you chuckle.
“did you plan this? us wearing matching colours,” you asked, realising the way he had the exact same shade of purple on his suit as your gown.
“and what if i did? it’s all part of my master plan,” he replied.
“your master plan of what?” you wondered, curious on what he was planning.
“you’ll see~” he retorted, causing you to sarcastically roll your eyes.
you both continued to dance in a comfortable silence until tooru abruptly broke it when he cleared his throat, getting ready to speak.
“i’m sorry y/n, for everything. i’m sorry for the lies i’ve told you about why i was always late to our meetups and why i was always getting bruises and cuts. i’m sorry for not opening up about my life sooner like you did, that wasn’t fair for you and i’m truly sorry for being the reason you cried,” he apologised.
“you saw me?” you asked, surprised that he knew.
he smiled and gazed at you,”how could i leave without taking one last glance at you,”
his words had a way of lifting an invisible weight off your chest. it felt surreal. the way he was able to enchant you with a few meek words that anyone could say, but he had his own unique charm that made you euphoric.
with a pause, tooru closed his eyes for a second, getting ready to say something.
a sudden rough, deep voice caused both of you to stop dancing and turn to see what you assumed to be tooru’s father. his demeanour sent chills down your spine as he looked at you with a stone cold expression. tooru looked irritated and turned around to face the king with a serious face as if he just switched personalities.
“father,” tooru said, in an expectant tone.
“come with me,” he demanded, turning around with his royal cloak following as it fluttered in the air.
tooru gave his father a small nod, his palms starting to become mildly sweaty. before he followed his father, he promptly turned around and held both of your shoulders and whispered,”there’s a side door near the back of the hall, exit from there and you’ll see a small stone shelter. go there and wait for me. i’ll try to be quick.”
the smell of a faint rosemary scent grew stronger as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your skin and an unexpected warmth resided on your cheek. with that he left, with you looking at his figure slowly fading away. you placed a hand to your left cheek where he laid his soft lips and rigidly exhaled. you’re full of surprises tooru, you thought.
you made haste, trying to ignore all the eyes that were on you. to your demise the same girl that tooru caught stood in your way, not moving an inch.
“excuse me ma’am, i have to get through,” you politely asked, starting to become impatient.
"you're not royalty," she accused, looking at you up and down.
"what?" you asked confused, just wanting to get out of the hall.
"you're clearly not royalty. your manners are ridiculous and you certainly don't know when to be on time, you attention seeker," she taunted, causing the crowd around you to gasp and snicker at her accusation.
to say you were peeved was an understatement. she irked you in a way no one has before. her voice was like a nagging child throwing a tantrum. it made your ears bleed. you wanted to grab her fake hair and strangle it around her neck. you would’ve if you had the chance. alas you sadly had to remain calm and collected.
“you’re just being hypocritical, miss. i’m sure everyone here saw the way you desperately threw yourself at the prince,” you retorted with a smile. the woman’s cocky expression quickly dropped to a glare.
“you lowly bitc-”
“i think that’s enough lady ayame,” iwaizumi cut in, his words silencing the crowd as he stepped out into the open.
you turned around to see the owner of the unfamiliar voice walking towards the two of you. he stopped and looked down upon the ayame with cold eyes.
“l-lieutenant iwaizumi,” she cowardly said in fear, curtseying while avoiding his gaze.
he then turned to you. you slightly jumped, scared that he’d glare at you too for causing a commotion. you were frozen in place.
“see lieutenant, she isn’t even showing her manners towards you!” ayame pointed out, trying to justify her actions.
iwaizumi didn’t bother wasting his time by talking to her. instead he raised his hand in a way to silence her in which she immediately stopped talking as he kept his eyes on you. at this point you were sweating bricks, trying to not move an inch. this isn’t what i was signing up for.
“go,” he sternly said, nudging his head to the direction of the door.
all you could reply with was a nod then you grabbed a handful of your gown and ran out, not daring to look back. i’ll have to thank him later, i almost got into a cat fight.
you were amazed at the scenery in front of you when you frantically left the hall. you suspected it to be the royal garden. you stepped down onto the footpath, hearing the therapeutic sound of flowing water from the fountain surrounded by an abundance of radiant flowers. from the dim street lights illuminating the garden, to the warm summer breeze brushing against your skin you felt ethereal and nostalgic at the same time. finally, you entered the stone shelter, still admiring the scenery in front of you as you patiently waited for tooru to arrive.
--- ⁠✧
it must've been more than five minutes now and slowly the rain droplets began pattering against the cobblestone paths and yet it wasn’t cold at all. the summer night prevented it. you hated the humid air as it clung onto your skin, feeling sticky.
you speculated on what kept tooru so back. did his father need to talk to him about an important matter that they had to speak about in private? a thousand questions began to swirl in your mind as you started to worry.
in deep thought, you saw a tall figure approaching through the heavy rain. you stood up, squinting to make out who it was. it was tooru. you immediately started shouting his name whilst waving your hand, encouraging him to run faster. you couldn’t help but beam at his presence, excited to what he was going to tell you. he stood in front of you panting, his hair covering half his face as water dripped from his hair and clothes. he shook his hair like a dog, trying to dry himself. you screamed as you tried to backed away from the water droplets attacking you while tooru evilly laughed trying to get closer to you.
“ugh, tooru get away from me!” you shouted with a light hearted laugh, running around in circles from the small space of the shelter.
tooru laughed in response, catching you from behind with a hug. immediately, your gown started getting wet. you tried hitting his arms so he would let go but he didn’t budge.
“come on tooru, let go of me!” you whined, attempting to pry his arms open.
“hmm, i don’t think i will,” he teased, resting his head on your shoulder.
you huffed and roughly turned yourself around so you could see him, and lifted his damp hair up trying to clearly see his face until you saw a harsh red mark on his cheek. your lips parted at the realisation of why he took so long and cupped his face. this time he didn't flinch or back away.
“tooru…” you painfully started. how could he just stand there and smile at you?
“yes y/n?” he asked, gazing at you with a warm smile, not bothering to hide what you saw.
not finding any words to reply with, you just gave him a warm embrace to which he accepted. you cried deeply inside. why did you always have to see him bruised and battered?
“you don’t deserve this tooru,” you sighed.
“don’t worry about it y/n,” tooru reassuringly replied, stroking your hair.
“ it’s all my fault,” you began.
“if i hadn’t showed up none of this would’ve happened. you would still be in the hall celebrating your birthday, having the time of your life with everyone. but instead you’re stuck with me and now your reputation is most likely ruined. i mean, did you see everyone ogling us? they definitely didn’t enjoy seeing me dance with you,” you concluded with a heavy heart.
“if the world were to suddenly end in the next minute, i wouldn’t regret being stuck with you,” he professed. you couldn’t help but let out a breath of unbelief, marvelled at his statement.
“well tooru, as the next heir wouldn’t you think that you should be spending your time wisely?” you sarcastically asked, eyebrows dramatically raised trying to make him laugh.
“well y/n, i’d be glad to tell you that i’m not the heir to the throne anymore,” he retorted, mocking the same face you made to him.
“yeah sure tooru, nice joke,” you rolled your eyes at him smirking but he kept a straight face.
“that wasn’t a joke y/n,” he claimed, causing you to furrow your eyebrows.
“you’re pulling my leg,” you said dumbfounded.
tooru hysterically laughed at your expression while you stood there wide eyed.
“tooru, please tell me i heard that correctly,” you asked, wanting affirmation on the words you processed.
“what do you think i said?” he teased smirking at you.
“i think you’re lying,” you retorted.
“and why would i ever lie about that?” he asked, enjoying your flabbergasted state.
“y-you’re really not lying?” you questioned, not wanting to fall for another joke. tooru gave you an honest smile. you knew he wasn’t lying anymore.
“holy shit,” you swore out of disbelief. tooru laughed at your reaction.
“is that how you got that?” you pointing to his cheek, looking at him with empathy.
“maybe,” he teased.
“I’m being serious tooru,” you sternly said, having enough with his antics.
he sighed,”well, father called me out to talk about you first and foremost. he scolded me about inviting you and giving you that gown but i didn’t care. that wasn’t the reason why he did this though. i said that i didn’t want to be king and that i was going to leave the palace to join the army like iwaizumi and was the result,” he bashfully said scratching the back of his head.
“does this mean you’re no longer a prince?” you wondered.
“i still am by blood. i'm just not going to be king. i never intended to stay anyway,” he explained.
"then who's going to step up in your place?"
"that's where my sister came in and explained how she's already prepared to be a queen since she's older than me and smarter too. father just never shown her favour because of mother. he wanted her to live a calm and peaceful life. it's quite a twist of events that all came out to my fortune," he smiled to himself, thankful his sister stepped in for him.
"i wish i met your sister," you said, thinking of her as a role model already.
"you really wouldn't. she gets mad at me all the time for the littlest things," he grumbled, remembering all the times he got scolded by her.
"i can understand why, you are like an annoying little pest," you teased with a giggl, to which tooru pouted and whined.
as the two of you died down, a comfortable silence took over as you two listened to the pitter patters of the ongoing rain. i've missed this. what a coincidence that you both thought it at the same time. tooru looked over to your calm figure as you gazed out onto the garden.
"y/n?" tooru called, seeking your attention.
"mhm?" you responded, turning around to face him. he was closer than before.
"remember before i left, I wanted to say something to you?" he asked nervously.
"hmm, oh yeah, you were about to say something to me. what was it?" you recalled, curious onto what he was going to say.
"well, the sole reason i wanted to be a knight was because i couldn't protect my mum. of course no one was able to save her, but the burden and guilt that was left held me accountable from my perspective. it has always been my goal to protect everyone i love," he stopped, catching his breath. you gave him a nod, motioning him to continue.
"y/n, my heart aches everytime we depart. every goodbye you say to me makes me want to come running back to you. every lingering touch made me yearn more from you. i only experience the goodness of life through every second i get with you. truth be told when i say i live now to serve you," he expressed, pouring his heart and soul into every word he said.
"w-what are you getting at tooru?" you hesitantly ask, your heart racing for an answer.
"i love you, y/n. i'm not trying to force you to love me. i just…" he momentarily paused gathering his thoughts before continuing, "i won't ask you to love me, so please just give me permission to love you."
you had the utmost authority right now. he was pleading to you. he loves you. with all these realisations, you stood there, opposite a lovesick tooth, filled to the max with mixed emotions. good ones, where one of which swayed you to leaped into tooru's arms as you held him tightly close.
"is this a yes?" tooru asked with a grin as he gazed at you longingly.
what followed, your weren't entirely too sure. your brain fogged as the proximity between the two of you came to a close. tooru's soft, puckered lips collided gently against yours. you both could exhaled at the contact, releasing all your tensions as the world came to a stop for both of you. sparks of joy leaped from tooru's chest as he cherished the moment. this was his reward for waiting so patiently for you. the strong scent of rosemary intoxicated your lungs as you breathed him in. your hands found its way to his hair, your fingers carding through his locks. you were each others addiction, craving for more, not letting go until you were both satisfied. pulling away, you both took deep breaths whilst gazing at each other fondly. tooru still holding you close.
"that was…" tooru began between small breaths.
"amazing," you finished, a wide smile forming on your heated face.
"of course it was, aren't i a great kisser?" tooru praised, returning back to his charming self.
"oh stop it," you rolled your eyes as you tried to turn away from him.
"look at you becoming shy because of me," he teased, grabbing you by the hand and pulling you towards the rain. you decided to just let him take you, knowing you wouldn't have enough strength to defy him.
"i've always wanted to do this with you," he shouted through the booming sound of rain.
"do what?" you shouted back, trying to block the rain from your view with your hand.
he took your hand and placed it on his shoulder, intertwining his remaining hand with yours. a familiar scene playing out again. instead, this time you both looked ridiculous. clothes soaking wet that whenever tooru would twirl you around your gown would project droplets of water like an umbrella. but you both didn't care. laughing carefree, acting childish, knowing you'd be sick the next day and yet you both had no regrets. the rain began to disperse and you both came to stop, finally tired from all the dancing.
smiling up at him you greeted, "happy birthday tooru," before pulling on his collar and giving him one final peck on his soft pillowy lips, as the summer breeze flowed by and the cicadas buzzed in the trees.
it didn't feel real. it felt heavenly.
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dramioneasks · 1 month
Hey! I’m improving my English and I would love to do it with the help of my Dramione. So, I’m looking for recommendations of fanfics (maybe if it’ll be onefic is better) with easy English level for I practice. I think I’m B1, and I always try to start reading in English but when appears a lot of things that I don’t know I’m very disappointed and let it go. I’ve already read a lot of fanfics with the help of translation, but would be a pleasure if I could read it in English. 🥺
Please, send me if you have something in your mind.
Thanks for your help! ✨
P.S: I wrote this comment without assistance, sorry for any mistake, how I said “I’m trying” 😁
Hi, try these, hope they help you! :D
The Long Weekend By: cleotheo - T, 3 chapters - When Lucius and Narcissa agree to look after their grandchildren for the weekend, Lucius assumes it will be a breeze. However, he wasn’t counting on his five year old granddaughter, Lyra, who is a bit of a handful and manages to keep her grandfather busy all weekend. Short three part story.
To All the Wizards I’ve Loved Before - takenbytheview - M, 7 chapters - “What if—” Malfoy begins, twisting his signet ring with the forefinger and thumb of his other hand. “What if you didn’t tell him?” “What?” “What if we let people think we were actually together? Just for a little while. Not just the Weasel. Everybody.” A Dramione Eighth Year adaptation of Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.
A Touch of Fate By: cleotheo - T, 6 chapters - While celebrating Ginny’s birthday at a swanky spa hotel, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are shocked to run into their old friend, Hermione Granger, who they haven’t seen for several years. Can old friends be reunited, or will Harry and Ron jumping to conclusions ruin things beyond repair? Reunion style story.
Baker’s Dozen - DarkoftheMoon, Maria81 - T, one-shot - As part of the new and mandatory Muggle Studies curriculum, 8th year students are paired together for a year-long practicum in the culinary arts. If only Draco were interested in either.
Love and Other Historical Accidents by PacificRimbaud - T, 13 chapters, Words: 155,397 - Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy never intended to blow up their life’s work, but that’s rather what they’ve gone and done. Now they’re trapped 200 years in the past, with a broken Time Turner, a missing snuff box, a handful of overly-eligible daughters, and a House-elf with a grudge. It will require the combined power of their keen intellects to get them home. Too bad they despise one another. For fans of J.K. Rowling, Jane Austen, and P.G. Wodehouse, a historical romantic comedy all about time, and getting the hell out of it.
1 teaspoon of Vanilla and a full bottle of LoveBy: dracorpheus - T, one-shot - After the War, Draco moves to Muggle London to become a baker. He also teaches young children at a nearby school how to bake. One of the parents decides she needs cooking lessons as well.
The Muggle Telephone by gloivy - T, one-shot - Draco finally caved and bought one of those muggle telephones everyone is going on about, though he doesn’t quite understand how it works yet. A social media AU.
Owl SPEW By: kaitward - T, one-shot - The beginning of a relationship, told through a series of letters.
Fireworks By: cleotheo - T, 10 chapters - A party at the end of seventh year results in major life changes for Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, including the loss of their best friend, Ron Weasley. Can a reunion several years later fix the rift, or are some things too broken to ever be fixed? Reunion style story.
The Dangers of Meddlesome Redheads by frostykitten - T, 12 chapters - Ginny thinks Hermione needs to stop waiting around to be swept off her feet, but when she casts a spell on her friend to help her get that special someone, things don’t go exactly as she’d planned… Hermione may just kill her for her meddling.
Future Tripping By: Miss Dorktastic - T, 2 chapters - A few weeks into his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy has a world-bending epiphany. Throw in some crystal balls, a crush and a little bit of jealousy and what he gets is way more than he ever imagined. Or… The 5 times Draco Malfoy’s feelings for Hermione Granger terrified him and the one time it didn’t.
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
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You and Komatsu are like siblings.
The two of you are like Ying and Yang or Bronze and Barins when together, a perfect fit.
You two meet just before Komatsu had left for he's training.
Komatsu had actually bump to one of your pokemon herd's when he thought he will try to see atleast one of them.
Luckily for him, it was actually a group of Milcerys that were accompanying you to the small restuarant you work to see what it is like.
Of course, the Milceries were at first jumped scared when Komatsu had bump into them but they, suprisingly, they quickly gotten attach to him.
You had witnessed the display with shock on your face until you had remmeber something.
Milceries have the habit of being drawn to bakers and
So when you had gotten to know eachother, especielly Komatsu's goal of becoming a top chef, it makes sense why the milceries were drawn to him.
Two of you became friends, soon turn to BFFs, after that encounter.
You sometimes give him some pointers, advice and food that you had grown and made to him whenever he come by your place or as a package to him in the city.
Especially the cream of Milceries and Alcreamies.
The food he made with it are to die for.
Many of the pokemon loved him after he had give some of them food to show some trust.
In which it did.
He loves to play with baby pokemon, they always love to chase him around or even being chase by him whenever they stole some of the treats he made.
The pokemon misses him dearly.
Before he had left to the big city, both you and him would make pastries with the Alcremies and Milceries help.
Of course the other pokemon had help too like Slurpuff, Ribombee, Clefabble, and Chensey.
Yet despite Komatsu have interacted with some of your pokemon, especielly the ones that seem intimidating and gotten in their good side, he is still a the same timind boy you befriended.
You remember that one time that he was jumped scared when Gyrados had come out of the lake to see who was there.
And dint get me started with Gigantamax Alcremie.
Word has spread about a Beast Tamer, you, that is living in a small village with many powerful beasts in her hands.
Gourmet hunters, who had heard about this, gotten curious (and foolish) so they wanted to see how strong your beasts are.
Komatsu, who had witnessed a Gourmet Hunter laughing and taunting at an Alcremie for its weak looks, was upset and angry at what they had said.
Yet your smirk never felter as the battle progress between you and the Hunter, until it was gigantamax time.
Both Komatsu and the Gourmet Hunter had their mouths dropped (and pissed) at the sight before them.
Not long after, the Hunter had screamed and ran away in fright, not wanting to battle anymore.
Though you were annoyed that the Hunter had scrammed, you cant deny the pride that both you and your Alcremie had at giving karma to the Gourmet Hunter.
But you two have to help poor Komatsu...
Oh dear.
But after all, Komatsu deeply loves you and vice versa.
Two of you are one heck of duo togather.
And let me tell you this, all the pokemon in your care will tear anyone apart if they had hurt their family.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
Movers shakers likers and haters! by u/IconicAnimatronic
Movers, shakers, likers, and haters!
Movers, shakers, likers, and haters!
It's odd that many accounts originally in support of the RF have either changed allegiance lately or have disappeared completely.
Although there are vanishing SS members, too. Even more bizarre, some SS have gone silent, and yet others have doubled down with utterly baseless and unbelievable nonsense. For some, their papable principle is not, it seems, to support our Saint, with receipts, but to mire themselves in whataboutisms. And while a whataboutism may be true, it doesn't negate any argument, whatsoever. Whataboutism just means someone else did soething, too. Not that your idol isnt guilty for their behaviour.
There are Optimistic Nostalgics who can't let a 12 year old losing his mum, or a 27 year old cheeky chap, drunk and naked in Vegas, or even a Nazi armband wearing Harry go. It's the boy they knew then that they support, not the bitter, spiteful man he's become.
The SS are far from close-knit in terms of their support. If they're necessarily fans at all. They seem to have many different factions with really no unity at all. The Anti-Monarchists only appear to support JH and the ILBW because they're causing detriment to the RF. Detriment which can be twisted to have facts rewritten, to go alongside blatant untruths. These people believe the Monarch's property, which he agrees to allow profits be taken by the Treasury, can simply be taken from him if we were to become a Republic. That was never the agreement. The property is still his as it was never given up. Only the hereditary revenues were exchanged for a civil list (now Sovereign Grant) payment.
However, this Republican, Anti-Monarchy group has found extra numbers from the SS to add to their voice. Shame then, that so many are American, and don't count!
Of course there are The Trolls seeking out comments from or about other Royals that they can disrupt, make threats, or simply just try to make it about their Quean. And the Bots pages and pages of whom post the same comment. Word for word. Hashtag for hashtag. An attempt to manipulate the system and get the hashtag trending.
Some believe MM to be the first biracial member of the royal family. Despite the fact an American genealogist established that Queen Charlotte, the wife of George III, was directly descended from the illegitimate son of an African mistress in the Portuguese royal house. Despite the fact that Gary Lewis, a Māori, married Lady Davina Windsor and fathered 2 biracial children; Senna Kōwhai Lewis and Tāne Mahuta Lewis (26th in LoS at birth). Both children are welcomed with love at RF events. Going back further, Queen Philippa of Hainault, who was born in 1310 in Valenciennes in France had Black Moorish ancestry. She married Edward of York, who just before their marriage in 1328, became King Edward III of England. These Anti-racist supporters conveniently forget the mixed raced marriages and their future heirs from across Europe and the aristocracy. They forget MM was given privileges no other royal girlfriend had been allowed, and given projects and patronages very close to her heart. She was welcomed whole-heartedly, yet this faction of the squad will find racism in everything. Yes, even you, saying you ate cornflakes for breakfast. They are still using one man's (Danny Baker's) disgusting and distasteful picture to cast aspersions on the entire British media, and all British citizens. It was one man! Most Britons themselves were appalled by this one man's post. The other "got ya" headlines they spout, often originated in America. And the apparent use of the N word in the comments section is jumped upon. But it's not a word that the British use. And whilst these comments may be made in response to a British tabloid story, comments are open worldwide.
Then they often forget that the humanitarian work, the sorority, the friends and boyfriends, in fact her own CV, showed little support to those who thinks she represents them. They forget that the award accepted for fighting racism in the RF was made moot by JH claiming they'd never called them that, or said the family were. Indeed, the late Queen symbolically danced with Ghana's president Kwame Nkrumah at a farewell ball in 1961 and during her reign many colonised countries were given back their independence and made republics. It's telling, though, that many remained in the Commonwealth.
The Prince's Trust, set up in the early 70s with his own money (severance pay from the Navy) has helped many BAME individual and entrepreneurs. It supports the Black Pound Marketplace to celebrate and showcase young, Black owned businesses, who set up their businesses with support from The Trust’s Enterprise programme. It was also one of the first to lend support to the BLM movement. The Black Pound initiative has helped to send over 30 young people in Nepal, Zimbabwe, and India to school. In the UK, Cordell has supported over 5,000 black and minority ethnic students, delivering resilience training, inspirational talks and entrepreneur workshops in schools and youth settings. He got his own break through the Prince's Trust Enterprise Programme.
Meanwhile they support someone who's turned her back on her entire Black family. Lied that her children wouldn't get titles or security because of their race. Uses the white colonial title with aplomb. And of course, there were rumors swirling around that MM got a black journalist fired because her interview didn’t go as planned. The pièce de résistance? A visit to Uvalde using brown children as a PR opportunity.
And as for ARO, who is its target audience? I'd hazard a guess, it's none of her fans. Whichever faction of that muddled group they are.
They now seem to be trying to organise yet another planned attack. These are adults. The negativity and disruption they cause. The death threats. The bullying and harassment. Do they honestly think this is the right was to bring discussion and discourse to the table? Especially with a less than coherent group!
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https://ift.tt/1GbtDZS post link: https://ift.tt/yYzlAiJ author: IconicAnimatronic submitted: April 02, 2024 at 10:39AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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sl-ut · 2 years
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pairing: au!baker!wanda maximoff x fem!reader
description: wanda’s been out of the dating scene for a long time, so she’s understandably nervous when her friend sets her up on tinder. she usually wouldn’t go for someone so much younger than herself, but it might be exactly what she needs.
warnings: kinda steamy?, tinder usage, legal age gap (wanda is almost 40, reader is around 24), alcohol, first date jitters, sensuality, milf!wanda (v much so a warning), TEXTING KEY: bold and italics = Y/n, bold = Wanda
words: 3.3K
date posted: 18/04/22
next part
series masterlist
“I’m telling you, my sex life has never been better,” Monica lowered her voice to Wanda as she leaned closer, careful to avoid the hot steam that rolled out of her mug, “I mean, I didn’t even realize how unsatisfied I was before.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, cheeks reddening at her shameless words in the middle of a busy café, “I’m sure James would love to hear that, Mon.”
This sort of conversation wasn’t out of the ordinary for the two women. They’d become close friends since Wanda had moved in across the street from Monica over a decade ago. The women had bonded quickly over their shared devotion to each of their young families, and Monica stood proudly at Wanda’s side throughout the proceedings of her divorce and everything that had happened since. Regardless, Wanda has been forced to sit and listen to the gruesome details of Monica’s (up until recently) boring sex life, this time pertaining the new status of her marriage as an open one. 
“Well I don’t hear him complaining. He’s probably even happier with this new little arrangement we have. Seriously Wanda, Tinder is a game changer for finding hot, meaningless, kinky sex. I can’t believe that you’re not into it all, I mean, it's been almost two years since the divorce with Vision.”
“Well,” Wanda flushed, fiddling with her fingers nervously, ���I never said that I wasn’t.”
Monica’s eyes widened, “Wanda! And you didn’t tell me?”
Wanda shrugged, “I’ve had it for a while, but I’ve never really thought about actually using it. It’s been a while since the last time I’ve… you know. And I think it would just be very difficult for Billy and Tommy if they ever found out I was back on the dating scene… I just don’t think it's the right time.”
Monica placed her hand over Wanda’s on the table, “Hun, Billy and Tommy are big boys now, they can handle it. They’ve been good so far about the whole ‘coming out,’ haven’t they?”
“They have, but me actually introducing them to a girlfriend is much different than me just being gay.”
Monica guffawed, leaning back in her chair as she took a long sip of her steaming tea, “Who said anything about a girlfriend? Wand, you are a beautiful woman, and to be completely honest, there are literally hundreds of ladies who would kill to shag a MILF like you.”
“Please–” Wanda stifled her laugh through her fingers, “Please never call me that again.”
“Okay, okay,” Monica grasped Wanda’s phone off of the table, gesturing for her to unlock it, “Now let me see. I wanna hear all kinds of noise complaints from the neighbours in the weeks to come.”
Wanda hesitated, considering the idea of simply denying her the ability to peek at her profile, but tapped her short, glossy black fingernails over the screen and held it out for her to inspect. 
“That one’s cute… and that one is…” Monica chewed her bottom lips, “I’m sorry sweetheart, but you are never gonna get any with this profile.”
“What are you talking about?” Wanda furrowed her brow as she retracted her phone, defensively, “I like it.”
“These photos aren’t exactly screaming ‘I’m a good lay,’ babe. For God’s sake, you don’t even have a bio!” 
“I didn’t know what to– Hey! What are you doing?”
“Just fixing you up,” Monica began scrolling through her photos, “Do you not have any pictures that aren’t of the boys– Oh, well hello…”
“Monica, that’s a bit much,” Wanda warned, “That’s a Halloween costume!”
“Yes, and it’s the only one that shows even an inch of cleavage, so it’s the one that we’re going with. Now for the bio… What do you think?”
Wanda read over the words in horror, snatching her phone away hastily, “Monica! ‘Recently divorced, looking for fun’?” 
“It’s straight to the point,” Monica shrugged, “Fine, you do the bio then, but do not touch the pictures.”
“Alright…” Wanda thought for a moment before she finally began typing, “How does this sound?”
“Hmm, ‘Sokovian, mother of two, just looking to get back out there’,” Monica nodded approvingly, “Also straight to the point. Nice touch of mentioning that you have an accent, the ladies love that. This’ll work.”
“More coffee, ladies?”
Wanda was nearly caught off guard by the dazzling smile that she was met with as she glanced up at the waitress. The girl was young, probably less than a decade older than Wanda’s own children, and the woman almost felt guilty as she found herself simply unable to look away. 
“Please,” Monica smiled at the waitress.
She quickly filled Monica’s cup to the brim, then turned back to Wanda with raised brows, “And yourself?”
Wanda snapped herself out of the trance, “Uh, no thank you.”
The girl smiled at her again, “‘Course, just give me a shout if you need anything.”
Wanda’s eyes followed the girl as she disappeared behind the counter, even after she’d escaped her sight. She’d seen her around before, hell, she’d seen her working at that very café dozens of times, and she knew that she was only working there while she was on her summer vacation from university. Her name was Y/n, and though she didn’t know the specifics, she knew that she was only in her early twenties, while Wanda had just celebrated her thirty-ninth birthday.
Wanda had begun choosing that very café for meetings such as this simply so that she could thrive in the minimal interactions that they would have. She hated herself for acting like a lovestruck teenager, fawning after someone who most definitely wouldn’t be interested, but she also liked to rationalise with herself. Wanda was a divorcée, one that had only publicly come out as a lesbian just over a year beforehand, and hadn’t had any action beyond the work of her trusty vibrator since long before the divorce. There was nothing wrong with a little crush, even if it made her feel like some sick perv. 
“Wanda, are you listening?” Monica’s dark eyes caught Wanda’s, suddenly aware of her disengagement.
“Oh, sorry, Mon,” Wanda shook her head, “Just got caught up thinking about everything that I’ve gotta get done this week.”
“Girl, you’ve really gotta go on a vacation or something. I swear, those boys of yours are running you down to the bone,” A wicked smirk grew on her glossy lips, “But you know what else would help? Sex. Sex makes everything just so much better, and you are going to have some. Look at this, you’ve already got nine likes.”
Wanda took her phone from her friend’s hands, scrolling through the profiles that had liked her. Some of them were very attractive, but their bios made it clear that they were looking for another woman to surprise their husbands or hardcore BDSM, neither of which was she prepared for. She continued to scan the profiles over the next few days, making a few matches with respectable women, though none were exactly what she had in mind. She tried to remember what Monica had told her, who said anything about a girlfriend?, though she just wasn’t interested in a meaningless fling with someone who she genuinely didn’t care for. Then, as she swiped through the profiles one evening while she finally found herself relaxing in a steaming hot bubble bath, her phone just scarcely missed being dropped into the water as her thumb tapped the screen to enhance the profile, cheeks heating at the sight of the girl photographed in front of her. 
It was Y/n. Her profile was filled with various photos of her, some alone where she was posing somewhat seductively, and others where she wore that very same blinding grin on her face as she’s surrounded by friends. Her profile encapsulated her radiance, and Wanda’s finger mindlessly hit the little green heart in the corner, causing her eyes to widen in panic. She had not budgeted for Tinder Gold, so there was simply no going back. Wanda wanted to scream into her pillow, cry, do anything that any heartbroken teenager would do out of embarrassment. Then, the screen lit up in green letters; IT’S A MATCH!
For the following few days, she continuously hovered her finger over the keyboard, wanting to send a message in greeting but never knowing what to say. Would you respond? What if it was all a joke, get the sad, lonely mom all excited over nothing. She simply decided to avoid going to that coffee shop at all costs in fear that she would just melt into a little puddle on the floor under her gaze, which would only cause Y/n even more inconvenience, as she would have to clean it up. 
By Friday morning, Wanda was back in that café with Monica before work. Y/n hadn’t been working that morning, which was a blessing to her. Instead, she sat in silence, staring into her dark coffee thoughtlessly as Monica updated her on her new promotion at work.
“What’s the matter with you?” 
Monica rolled her eyes, “Let me guess, you’ve been sketching yourself out on Tinder?”
Wanda sighed, leaning back in her chair as she laced her fingers together, “What’s your thoughts on dating someone younger?”
Monica narrowed her eyes, “How much younger are we talking here?”
Wanda tilted her head from side to side, “About fourteen years.”
“Wanda!” Monica laughed, “Please don’t tell me that you’ve gotten wrapped up in becoming a sugar mama or whatever.”
“No, no,” Wanda chuckled, “It’s just… There's this girl, and she is about fourteen years younger than me, and as I say that out loud I’m realising how horrible that must sound.”
“No, no,” Monica touched her arm, “It doesn’t. Maybe it’s a bigger difference than most couples, but that doesn’t matter if you really like this girl. Is that what you’re going for? A relationship?”
“I think so,” Wanda frowned, “I don’t know, I’m not very good at this. With Vision, everything was just so easy.”
“That’s because you started dating when you were seventeen and you were trying to pretend to be straight. Real relationships, ones that last, they aren’t easy.”
Wanda hummed, glancing down at her watch and jumping in shock at the displayed time, “Shit, it’s almost nine! I’ve gotta get to the store, Mon, I’m so sorry.”
She quickly bid farewell to her friend and left a few bucks on the table, rushing out the door in a desperate attempt to get to work on time. She swore, digging through her purse for her keys, not finding them anywhere amongst the contents of her bag. 
“Hey!” A melodious voice called after her, “You dropped your keys!”
She turned on her heel, eyes meeting a glowing figure in the morning light as Y/n jogged towards her, car keys in hand. Wanda’s tongue felt numb as she took her in; She was dressed comfortably, wearing a pair of cotton shorts and a matching hoodie and a pair of sandals, but she looked even more beautiful than the other times that Wanda had seen her, when her beauty and personality was constricted to the beige uniform she wore at work. 
“These are yours, right?” She extended them to her as she finally stopped merely a foot away. 
“Uh,” Wanda stared for a moment longer before finally responding, “Yes, yes. Thank you. You literally just saved my life… well, my job, anyways.”
“Hey, no problem.” Y/n smiled at her as she turned to continue on her way, “Have a good day, then.”
“Thank you,” She murmured, “You too.”
Wanda always tried her best to avoid using her phone at work for anything other than emergencies, but over the next hour, she checked Y/n’s profile three times simply just to compare how her smile was even more radiant in person, and she dropped to the floor behind the confectionary case when she caught sight of the notification telling her that she had received a new message. 
hey, hope I saved your job on time this morning :)
Wanda bit her lip, thinking over a good response while simultaneously trying to act as if she was actually doing her job and not extremely close to human combustion. She wanted to appear unbothers, suave even. Wanda definitely didn’t want it to be clear how big of a crush she’d been harbouring for the younger woman for weeks now. 
You certainly did. I feel like I owe you.
well if you insist… maybe over dinner and drinks?
Wanda felt her heart jump to her throat. 
Sounds great! When are you free?
call me eager, but I’m off at five-thirty tonight… 
Works for me! See you then.
The rest of the work day passed by slower than usual. Wanda impatiently watched the clock slowly tick by, like torture as Wanda’s mind raced. What would she wear? How would she compose herself? It was hard enough to act cool over the phone, but in person would be a completely different story. 
By three o’clock, Wanda had done the bare minimum of her work on top of her inner turmoil, giving more attention to the detail for the evening. Monica, whose words seemed to jump through the screen at her after hearing about Wanda’s date, had agreed to have Tommy and Billy over for a sleepover with her own kids so Wanda was able to go without worrying about them for the evening. 
Throughout the afternoon, Y/n had messaged her to suggest a few places, and they agreed to meet around seven at a small bistro across town, and around six-fifty, Wanda sat in the parking lot, nervously hammering her fingers into her thigh as she worked up the courage to head inside, finally giving herself one last glance in the mirror before crossing the lot with a purposeful stride.
“Good evening,” The hostess greeted, “Do you have a reservation?”
“Uh,” She cleared her throat, suddenly aware of how dry her mouth had become, “I’m actually meeting somebody?”
“Wanda!” Y/n called from the bar, raising her hand to wave her over with a large grin across her painted lips. 
Wanda smiled politely at the hostess as she slipped past, wiping her palms along the sides of her pants. She admired her appearance as she came closer, dressed nicely in darker colours and accented by the bright red of her lips. She stood to greet her, opening her arms to give her a loose hug before inviting her to sit. A single glass of some pink blended drink sat on the bar, condensation rolling down the side to create a puddle on the bartop.
“You look great,” Y/n indiscreetly ogled the older woman, eyes dropping to get a full look at how the red pantsuit accentuated her figure.
“Thank you,” Wanda flushed, “So do you. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.”
“Not at all, I just got here myself,” Y/n shook her head, glancing at the glass in front of her, “Sorry I didn’t order you anything just yet, I didn’t really know what you would like.”
“No worries,” Wanda struggled to hide her grin behind the cocktail menu, pleased at how equally nervous the younger girl sounded, “What did you get?”
Y/n pushed the glass towards her, “I asked the bartender to surprise me with something fruity. I think it’s some sort of daiquiri, you can try it if you want.”
Wanda accepted, holding eye contact with her as she lifted the straw into her mouth, slurping some of the sweet liquid into her mouth and letting out a small moan of approval, “Mmm, that’s good.”
A small giggle shook Y/n’s body, “I know. Do you want me to grab one for you?”
Wanda raised her brows, “I thought I was supposed to be buying?”
She smirked, turning on her stool to face the bartender, “You can get the next one.”
Wanda thanked the bartender as she slid the drink over to her, turning back to her date as she took a long drink, “So what do you do, aside from serving me coffee almost every morning.”
“Well I’m in university right now,” Y/n began, “I just finished up my third year at Rutgers. I’m majoring in gender studies, but I’m hoping to get into a decent law school afterwards.”
“Oh wow, that's actually very interesting. I actually thought about law when I was younger, but by the time I was out of high school, I had completely different plans.”
“Oh yeah? So what do you do now?”
“I actually own a bakery.”
“Oh my God, that is so cool!” 
Wanda’s cheeks reddened at both the excitement that the girl presented to her and the softness of her fingers against Wanda’s own flesh. The date felt relaxing and exhilarating at the same time, enjoying the youthful glow that she felt from simply being in Y/n’s presence. The evening was much less tense than she had anticipated as conversation flowed easily and they bonded over similar interests, though Wanda thought that she had made a major mistake after she mentioned Billy and Tommy, though Y/n didn’t appear to be bothered at all, which caused Wanda’s heart to swell.
Wanda insisted on paying the bill, despite Y/n’s offer to at least let her pay half, and almost jumped out of her own skin as Y/n’s hand made contact with her lower back as she led her out of the bar. 
“Well this was fun,” Wanda wasn’t entirely sure how to go about the ending part of the date, especially because she didn’t actually want it to end, “We should, I mean, would you want to do it again sometime?”
Y/n grinned widely, taking a step closer to the older woman and staring at her through her lashes as she parted her lips just slightly, “I would love to do this again sometime.”
Wanda exhaled heavily, flushing at the clear invitation as she admired her beauty up close. She raised her hand, running her finger tips over her hair and tracing over the column of her throat so that she could gently cup her jaw and guide Y/n’s lips to meet her own. 
Neither of them moved for several beats, absorbing the simple pleasure of such an embrace before both began to softly move their lips in sync. Y/n’s fingers gripped onto Wanda’s waist, squeezing her snugly as she moved impossibly closer to press her own body against her. Small shockwaves sparked over Wanda’s entire body at the contact, and she had to physically force her body to restrain the moan that threatened to escape her throat as Y/n’s tongue met with her lips, tracing over it with feather-light pressure until Wanda finally allowed her to slip it inside. 
Their lips separated with heaving breaths from both parties, though they did not move away from one another entirely. Wanda rested her forehead against Y/n’s, touching her cheek gingerly.
“That was,” Y/n giggled, “That was cool.”
Wanda laughed at the juvenile response, “It was very cool.”
Nerves began to eat away at Wanda’s gut as she considered what she would do next. Her body craved for more, for the date to continue on throughout the night, preferably at her house, where there were no teenage boys waiting for her. 
“So,” She cleared her throat, “I don’t normally do this sort of thing, and I don’t mean to be too forward or anything… But would you want to come back to my place?”
Y/n smiled shyly at her before nodding eagerly and allowing her to pull her along to the car, mentally preparing herself for the activities to come. Wanda grinned to herself, pleased with herself for finally getting back into the dating scene, and also having a sex life to report to Monica.
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
The baker and her crush - Chapter 1
Summary: After the death of Vision shortly after the birth of her twin boys, Wanda moves into a small city in Jersey and opens a bakery. Which is where she meets you and starts a friendship with you but shortly after it starts Wanda ends up developing feeling for you. What does she do? 
Characters: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Baker! Wanda, mention of the avengers, mention of vision as well, fluff, useless lesbians, bakeries and food. 
word count: 4.4k words 
A/N:everyone go thank @whelpimhere for the prompt, she is the best person in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!! also the way i was gonna have this posted Thursday but everyone and their mother kept interrupting me and making me run errands.
Happy reading besties!!!
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Let it be known that Wanda had no plans of ever having a crush on you. After the death of her husband and the birth of her twin boys, romance was not on her list of priorities because her main goal was to be the best and do the best for her kids. Plan on having a crush on someone who became one of her closest friends ( Next to Natasha but she doesn’t have to know that information of course) was not on her list.
She had gotten a love for baking ever since she was a little kid and it had continued as the years went on. It only grew stronger when she had joined the Avengers having access to the best ingredients and items to bake whatever recipe she found online. Tony has spared no expense when it came to groceries for the team and Wanda used that to her advantage very much. It’s how she ended up bonding with Natasha, late nights when both of them couldn’t sleep due to nightmares, and ended up baking famous desserts from Russia and Sokovia. It’s where she ended up falling for the synthezoid Vision, teaching him to bake some of her favorite desserts which he would keep in the back of his mind when Wanda had a bad day and needed something to cheer her up. 
So once she was done for good with the Avengers, Wanda had decided to open up a little bakery in new jersey. It was an excellent way to keep her busy while the boys were at school along with something to occupy her mind. Many on the team had tried their best to convince her to stay but it would bring too much sadness to be in the area that reminds her too much of the love of her life. Plus she wanted a fresh start in which she could heal from his death and have the “ ideal family life” she had seen in some of her favorite sitcoms. 
Lucky for Wanda, she wasn’t all alone in the town when she had moved in or when she was opening a bakery. She had some friends for support like the remaining avengers, her neighbor to her left Agatha, and you. 
Wanda had met you and Agatha 6 years after she had moved to the small town with her then-baby boys, meeting Agatha as well. After college, you had moved into Westview, finding an affordable home close to where you work and avoiding a long commute. Agatha had seen you struggling with some of your boxes, and immediately made friends with you, claiming you need someone to “ have fun within such a boring town” or whatever. That day you were tired from driving so you just smiled and nodded at whatever she said. After a week of unpacking, and waiting for furniture to be delivered, you had a little get-together with Agatha as well as her mystery plus one. 
Which is where you met Wanda and had become best friends right away. Both of you had the same taste in tv shows, books and music so it was no shock to anyone that you’d click right away. Along with that both of you always seem to be up at the early hours of the night, Wanda because of the kids and you with many deadlines your boss had given you that you’d have to finish late at night at home.
 Years ago
“ How are the babies Wanda?” you ask her on your phone, Wanda and Tommy on facetime with you as you are trying your best to finish this deadline so you can get 4 hours of sleep. 
“ Billy is fast asleep while Tommy here,” she shows the 1-year-old boy she’s holding on her side who seems to be wide awake,” wants to help Mommy with some cleaning here in the kitchen instead of sleeping like his brother”
“Oh poor baby, “ you say to her as you finish the last of the project,” once I send the last of this to my boss I can give both of you my undivided attention,” you tell her through the phone and successfully send the email with 20 minutes to space from the deadline that was set.
“ finally y/n, now can you tell me about what your mystery admirer sent today to your house,” the redhead says to you, trying her best to get Tommy to sleep and failing badly.
“ Well yesterday they left a box of some of the best croissants ever, I’m talking stuff that would be found in Paris, god they were amazing and today they left some snickerdoodles at my door when I got up,” you show both of them the box of cookies left for you when you got up for work. Tommy just continued to make baby noises as he had no sense of what cookies were while his mother was smiling like crazy at how excited you had gotten over the box of cookies. 
It had been about 4 weeks since a mystery person had left you baked goods for you in the morning, just leaving a note with said dessert and you still have not gotten close to finding out who it was. 
“ Oh, snickerdoodles!!! How amazing, I wonder if y/n had figured out who sent them all this food,” she says to her son and he giggles at the baby voice being used by his mom, as Wanda continues to hear about the dessert that was left to you. 
Around the time that the boys were around one year old, Wanda had developed a crush on you and had been having a hard time trying to “ woo” you or whatever modern term the kids use these days. 
You can’t blame Wanda for not having the moves with you, at the time it was still weird for her to even like someone after Vision had died. It felt like she was betraying him by liking you so she had hoped that maybe if she had dropped off some stuff she had baked for you before heading to the bakery in the morning, then you could get the hint about the crush the woman had on you. 
So far there’s been no progress at all with her crush on you, only seeming to grow bigger as the years went on, especially when you spent more time with the boys when Wanda had gotten busy with the Bakery, having to hire 2 people to help her out. She didn’t think it would be such a hit in Westview but she was happy nonetheless with all of the new customers and the happy faces who came to taste her desserts. 
“ Are you sure you can take care of the boys while I deal with the problem at the bakery? I don’t want to have you babysit on your day off and stuff -” 
“ Wanda I don’t mind taking care of them, now go and deal with the new hire while the three of us watch some paw patrol,” you say as the 3-year-olds are too busy paying attention to the plot of the show. 
Whatever plot you can’t seem to figure out always seems to get their attention for what feels like hours. 
Your friend gives you a checklist that’s meant for her babysitter, kisses them on the head before making her way out of the house to go and help the new hire at the bakery before he ends up setting the place on fire by doing something dumb. 
Once she helps the dude with the unexpected rush of customers, Wanda finally comes home to see the three of you sitting on the living floor. Both of them are putting their full attention on you as you show them some of the Lego sets that you’ve built over the years, having a whole folder on your phone dedicated to it. 
“ Boys Mommy is home!!!” Wanda announces and both of them run off from their spots to greet their mom with a big hug. 
“ How were the boys y/n? Did you have fun with y/n boys?” she asked and hoped that nothing went in the couple of hours she was gone. As much as she loved the boys, they sometimes have a problem with making babysitters quit, so maybe the universe can help her out and hoped they were on their best behavior
“ Mommy we had fun with auntie y/n,” Tommy says and Billy nods in agreement with his brother. 
“ Y/n let us have ice cream and then we got to watch some tv and she even showed us legos,” Billy says with excitement in his voice, mostly from the ice cream you had given him but still very much a good response. 
“ Yea mommy, can we get legos like the ones y/n has?” Tommy says and gives Wanda some of his best puppy eyes. 
“ If you and your brother go and clean up the mess in the living room,” she points to the mess of toys,” we can go to the store” and both of the boys run off to clean up the mess of toys while you get up to go and talk to Wanda. 
“ Both of them were on their best behavior don’t you worry,” you say and place your hand on her shoulder which takes Wanda a bit to wonder what this means,” as always if you need me to babysit here or at my house, I’m always happy to”. 
“ You're the best friend ever you know that y/n?” Wanda says to you in a sweet tone and you smile back at her. 
She has no idea how the fuck this crush on you hasn't killed her yet or how you haven’t figured out it was her delivering all the desserts. 
It even leads to the both of you sometimes having late-night baking sessions after the boys fall asleep or when Natasha along with her sister Yelena volunteer to babysit the twins while she handles the stuff in the bakery. 
By “ Handling stuff “ that means baking different types of desserts while you taste test them and give your honest opinion on them. What else did you think? 
It was a nice Thursday evening, the sunset had just set in Westview as the redhead across from you is testing out a new flavor for cookies she wants to sell along with some cupcakes as summer gets closer. It had been kind of sweet and a little domestic just watching the redhead do her magic as she reads over different recipes that have been in her family since she was a small child. 
You didn’t even notice that you were zoned out watching her bake until you felt some flour hit your face, Wanda on the other side of you giggling like an idiot that she caught you off guard, unaware of the reason behind it. 
A couple of seconds pass by as you quickly move items with sort of value away from her baking station and an all-out food fight begins in the kitchen. Loud laughs and cheers can be heard by everyone within half a mile, both of you not giving 2 shits if you get called by the police for being too loud. 
20 minutes later, both of you call it a draw ( Wanda trying to claim that she won fair and square), and you spend another 30 minutes or so cleaning the mess that you had created in the bakeries kitchen, not wanting to piss off the employee who had closed that night after hearing about the food fight and the aftermath of it. 
Wanda managed to bake like she had wanted to even with the impromptu food fight that occurred. Both of you sit in front of the oven, patiently waiting for the cupcakes to be done so the cookies can bake. Just happy to enjoy the silence and energy between the two of them in the kitchen.
“ y/n???” 
“ Yeah Wanda?” you ask her.
“ Did you ever figure out who that secret admirer was ?” 
“ I have not Wanda,” you say looking at her,” why are you asking me ?” 
“ Well,” she says and avoids making eye contact with you, afraid of the reaction of what she’s going to admit to you,” I do know who is it”. 
Better late than never to tell you that she’s been the one leaving an assortment of desserts at your door. It’s a surprise to hear that you still haven’t figured it out yet but then again if you don’t get a good amount of sleep, it’s hard for you to think. 
“ Wait, are you telling me all this time you’ve known who it was Wanda?????” you say in a surprised tone. It’s not that you’ve been hating all of the food they have been delivering, it's saved you so much money since this has started but with your busy job, there’s been a difficulty with trying to figure out who the mystery person is. 
Most of your free time that you do have, is used for sleeping or helping out your friends ( mostly Wanda if you had to be honest) with whatever problems they had. Sometimes even put together some amazing lego sets to display in your office as well. 
As you patiently wait for Wanda to tell you who the mystery person is, the alarm that she had set on her phone rings at the perfect moment. She wanted to tell you but her thoughts were getting the best of her, unfortunately. 
She decided to tell you another time when it’s just the both of you and she isn’t focusing on baking and her business. 
Maybe she’ll start to telling over people about it. 
Which she decides to do when she gets back home from the bakery to see Natasha and Yelena in her living room, with both of her boys sleeping on either side of them. It’s kind of a cute thing to see but feels it’s too risky to take a picture. 
“ I’ll take the boys to their bed,” Yelena mouths to her as she wakes up the boys so they can sleep in their room.
Once Yelena has both of them Wanda gives her a thumbs up and smiles, and Natasha gives her a questioning look. She knows her too well to know that something must be up, probably having to do with you. 
“ Wanda are you okay?” Natasha asks her and that’s when Wanda decides to tell her about you, well she knew who you were but the part about having a crush on you. Yelena even got to hear a bit of the story and once she was done, all Wanda could feel at the moment was relief that someone heard her talk about you. 
She also feels hopeful that after telling both of them about you, they could help her come up with a plan so she could say to you without being nervous. And that’s what the three of them 2 for the next three hours, accompanied by the help of coffee. 
“ She needs to go big Natasha, Wanda would want to impress this y/l/n chick,” Yelena states, being firm on her plan of doing something big and over the top while Natasha is on the other side of this. Keep it plain and simple so she can make the point.  
“ Let me guess Yelena, you got it from all those cheesy romcoms??” Natasha says to her younger sister, getting flipped off by the blonde for liking those types of movies for the cheesy romance and predictable plot.
“ They are not cheesy! It's funny for you to say it’s cheesy when I saw you watching the wedding planner the last week when it came back from the mission with Kate”. 
“ for research stupid” 
“ Sure it was Natasha, cause by the looks of it you seemed to be intrigued by the plot and I saw no paper around you STUPID-” 
“ Okay call me stupid one more time- “ 
“ Stupid”
“ I’m gonna tell Kate about the time you stole her leftover mac and cheese that she bought from that once fancy restaurant.” 
“ YOU WILL NOT TELL HER NATASHA OR IM GONNA FIGHT YOU” Yelena whisper yells to her sister in an attempt to wake up Billy and Tommy from their slumber 
“ And I’m gonna win”
“ Sure Natasha with your lame tech” 
“It's not lame “ 
“ Lame” 
“ Now call me lame one more time-” 
“ WILL BOTH OF YOU STOP ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF DUMMIES AND HELP ME FIGURE OUT HOW THE FUCK I’M GONNA TELL Y/N,” Wanda whisper yells at both the widows which makes them shut up right away. It didn’t even wake up the boys at all too so she’s happy about that. They both take a break from arguing like a bunch of idiots to help their friend with her current problem. 
Yelena and Natasha stop and both find a way to combine their ideas, and one hour after their 5-hour brainstorming session, both of them were able to come up with a plan for Wanda 
Wanda knocks on your door a couple of times, holding a box of heart-shaped cookies that were personally decorated by Billy and Tommy themselves. Who had been woken up by all of the talking at night when one of the boys woke up from a nightmare and had walked into the living to find all the women in their brainstorming session. The plan that was made by the widows was thrown out the window for the plan that both her boys. 
“ Can we help with your plan mommy?” Billy asks as Wanda is walking them to school, the question taking her by surprise that the boys were awake when she was with Natasha and Yelena what to do. 
“ Wait how do you know about the plan boys ?” 
“ I woke up from a nightmare and heard you talking with auntie Nat and Yelena but went back to sleep right after,” Billy tells her and pauses,” And then I told Tommy about it when I woke up the next morning. The next time she sees the widows she’s gonna have to throw a pillow at their faces for being too loud. 
The redhead takes a moment to check the time on her phone, she still has 30 minutes til school starts, so it gives her more than enough time to hear the plan Billy and Tommy had come up with. 
Which led her to where she’s standing at the moment, a box of cookies made by her, decorated by her sons, a nice card made by herself with a nice written note on it and hopes that all of this goes well for her. 
It takes all of her not to check the time on her phone but that would just make her even more nervous than she already is and all she could do at the moment is just waiting for you to open the door for her. 
“ Ralph if you need one more fucking egg from me again I'm gonna have to start giving you direction to the grocery store and -, “ you say as you see it’s not your annoying neighbor who never seems to have eggs to cook with,” Wanda hi! What are you doing here so early in the morning??” 
“ I came to deliver these cookies that I and the boys made yesterday,” she tells you while handing you the box,” and to also give you this card that I wrote, I’m too nervous to tell you so I wrote my feelings in the card”. 
You step to the side to let Wanda in so she can come in while you read the card.
“ Where are the boys?” 
“ Asleep right now, Natasha is here so she’s with them so they are not alone in the house,” Wanda says. 
Wanda takes a seat on your couch right next to you and you open the card to see the most beautiful design and the sweetest message ever. The woman next to you relaxes for a bit seeing the big smile on your face.
Dear Y/N
When my husband had died when the boys were just babies, I had no idea if I’d even be able to love someone again like I did Vision, and then I met you. I had started off seeing you as just a friend and as both of us spent more time together, I started to develop feelings for you. The feelings I had for you made me feel guilty for having them but you are such an amazing person, so nice to me and everyone around you, helping me with the boys, and so on. I think my favorite thing about you is how good you are with kids, especially when some people might hate kids for no reason, here you are always being so nice, being so cool with them and they love how cool and nice you are( maybe because of the legos for Tommy but I’m not too sure about that being the only reason). So as my feelings started to develop, I decided that sending you different desserts would maybe help you get the hint but clearly, my plan did not work too well in my favor since I’m here rambling. 
To make a long story short, I like you so much y/n you have no idea 
Sincerely, the mystery dessert person, Wanda Maximoff 
You check the back of the card to see the cutest messages ever from the twins too, guess they wanted credit for their part in this too. 
Cookie decor by Tommy And Billy :)
“ Natasha and Yelena had this big plan made up,” Wanda start to talk after giving you time to read the card,” but the boys said it was too hard and decided that I should just go simple, plus they wanted to decorate some cookies for you”. 
You open the box and 2 heard cookies decorated by what seems to be Wanda and 2 other ones that seem to look like lego pieces, which you assume were decorated by both Billy and Tommy. You make a mental note that the next time you see them, you’ll thank them for the cute cookies. 
“I am so dumb Wanda,” you say to her. 
“ No, you aren’t y/n” 
“ All this time it was you and now I feel bad because you’ve been so nice and yeah I do have feelings because oh my god,” you pause,” Wanda you're like the coolest person I’ve ever known, stupid hot, and like the best mom in the whole world like you could get anyone else and I'm lame -” 
Wanda interrupts your rambling to kiss her and to say it’s the best kiss you’ve ever had would be a total understatement. Her lips are so soft on yours, the way she’s holding on to you is so gentle and all you want to do is be in this position with her forever but at some point, both of you do need air to breathe. 
“ Hi y/n” 
“ You did that because? “ 
“ To stop you from rambling,” she says with a smile and leads you to the couch so both of you can sit for a while, to bask in the moment. 
“ hahaha right,” you tell her and do your best to hide the blush that’s appearing on your face but she stops you from doing that. Wanting to see how cute you look after kissing you like she’s been wanting you for years. 
“ If I actually would have seen the clue that it was you I would have realized sooner,” you tell her Wanda. 
“ I know but y/n,” she takes a hold of both of your hands,” I know that you would have seen it was me all of those years ago but your job kept you too busy but hey here we are now and that’s all that matters”. 
“ I can’t wait to see how everyone else reacts to this,” you tell her. 
“ Can I kiss you again Wanda?” you ask her and you pull her to sit on your lap so you can feel her close to you and kiss her some more before she has to leave you. 
For the most part, when you do tell people it’s all mostly a good reaction from friends and family. 
Agatha is happy but not surprised it took you both this long to admit the feeling both of you had for each other. Something about you being the most useless lesbians she’s ever met, unsure as to what she meant by that but a happy reaction from her anyway.
 Both Billy and Tommy were over the moon at the news of both of you admitting your feelings to each other. Her sons gave each other high fives at the fact that their plan went super great, along with the fact that their mom was happy with them. You even got the “ if you hurt her “ talk from the boys when Wanda was in the bathroom but you promised then not to ever break her heart. 
Everyone else was also happy for both of you as well. Natasha and Yelena were excited when Wanda had told them but Yelena was a bit mad when they heard their plan wasn’t used. 
“ You mean to tell me that we came up with the best plan ever and you threw it away for your kid's plan????” Yelena says a bit in shock. 
“ Why are you even mad about it Yelena, we can just use that plan for someone else when the time comes,” Natasha tells her sister to calm her down a bit. She’s also mad at the plan not being used as well, not as mad at Yelena. If there’s something known about Natasha is that she’s very well at hiding emotions from others but Wanda could tell. They were happy to see that their friend was able to find love again nonetheless. 
Let it be known, that even after 6 years after the death of her husband, she was able to move on from her feelings for him. Even after she felt like having any sort of romantic feelings for anyone else would be like betraying him, here she was able to tell you how she feels about you. 
Overall, Wanda is just excited for the future when it comes to her bakery as it seems to always be increasing with happy customers but also a future where she can be happy and have a romantic relationship with you.
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A Failed Betrothal /Betrothal AU: Take Two
So here is the second part of the betrothal AU that I decided to name "A Failed Betrothal. This takes place before Part 1 which in hindsight should have been done first. Part 2 got too long so I cut it and started Part 3. I have no idea and nothing planned on how long this will go. Hope you enjoy ❤.
(Part 1)
Marinette also wasn't having a good day or a good week.
Lila Rossi had been up to her usual tricks. You know, spewing lies from her mouth. How she met these awesome celebrities during this trip and they worship the ground she walks on for her amazing and humbling help. There were stories of these charities, trips and galas that she had been to or was invited to. She has problems with her wrists and can't do simple stuff like carry her own bag or do her homework. She has tinnitus in her ears so she needs to sit in the front where the only seat available would be next to Adrien.
And for the finale.
The desert after feeding the class a banquet of lies.
"Mari...nette..has been bullying me, she...told..me not to tell anyone..*sobs*..that she would kill me if I did.."
Lila dramatically gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. Turning on the waterworks for a more dramatic effect. They all ate it up, jumping on the ‘let’s hate Marinette, a bad person’ train.
"She is going to kill me now and I am so scared." That snake managed to snuck an evil smirk past her glaring, oblivious classmates.
Marinette, at this point of her life, had frankly given up caring for them due to the class's lack of brain cells and Agreste's spineless 'High Road' Approach.
For Kwami's sake, she went through a brutal torture that was training in some jungle temple in Asia before Sabine Cheng, former mercenary/assassin, kidnapped her (Little Marinette took a risk. She ran away and followed her around until Sabine begrudgingly accepted that she was now the 6- year-old girl's mother because screw it, Tom said he wanted children.) to raise/train as her own while she settled down with a baker whose mother may or may not have ties with the Mafia and other illegal activities.
(Mother-daughter bonding days became much more fun once she had Guardianship of the Miraculous. Sabine was ,at first, furious at Master Fu for dumping everything on the girl and losing his memories before swearing to help protect the jewels. Adopted or not, Marinette is her daughter and no one should let a child, even one with training, fight a war. A good thing to come out of her reveal was that her mother was a great tiger to have as back-up. But now, her training regime had become harder and challenging.)
The point was that Lila Rossi would be dead and body missing since that first time she threatened Marinette in the bathroom. The Italian was in perfect health despite what she claims otherwise, because Marinette didn’t want to be the person she was raised to be and also she didn’t want to disappoint Tikki, she was fond of the little red kwami. But sometimes, she just wanted to give into the urge to kill.
She had met and dealt with unsavory characters of all types and she can safely say that Lila Rossi was a manipulator that thrives on attention and like a parasite, latches herself onto the fame of others. None of the unsavory people she had met get under her skin like Rossi had.
Marinette had enough self-preservation to drop the nice girl act and sometimes let the dragon underneath to surface. She stopped doing last-minute favors and giving away free stuff which Lila uses to her full advantage to further destroy her relationships with her ‘friends’. It was better than sticking her neck out for classmates that were no longer worth her time. Attempts to expose Lila had backfired due to the denial they are in, believing the liar to be a sweet, nice girl living the high life.
Adrien with his rose-tinted glasses firmly stuck to his eyes was not happy at all with her decision. That may also have to do where she suggested he shove his advice after he tried to reason her to take the high road for defending herself for the umpteenth time. She felt like the biggest idiot to ever have a crush on him. Every time, Rossi blames Marinette for a problem, he would shoot disappointed looks in her direction.
Alya being Lila's biggest guard dog tore into Marinette for her newfound 'bad' behaviour. The rest of Lila's supporters backed her up with "How could you do that to Lila","I can't believe you changed." Nearly all her so-call friends had turned their backs and lost all common sense to the Italian's manipulations.
(Alya was supposed to be her best friend, aren’t you supposed to listen to your ‘bestie’ over a complete stranger)
The designer took it all with a bored expression on her face, used to the lecturing which was a waste of time because her behavior isn't going to change, no matter what, Lie-la will keep up the act of being the bully's (*cough*Marinette*cough*) victim.
Her heart that cracks the tiniest bit at the accusations. A small part of her, she admits, is hurt that they think so low of her.Was she really that worthless to them? All those times and efforts helping them out on last-minute favors and giving them free treats. Were they not enough to earn their friendship? Their trust or at the very least, a benefit of doubt?
The only ones who didn’t join the berating to 'correct' the raven-haired girl’s attitude were Chloe (who had proven herself to have changed after the miracle queen incident and Lila stole the spotlight and Sabrina. There were a lot of apologizes, gifts and ‘making up to do’) Alix (she came to her senses when the supposed bullying started) and Nathaniel (Lila blatantly claimed to be the artist for the Ladybug comic to his face).
“Girl, Marinette, are you even listening to me?”Alya demanded.
“Maybe. Did you say anything that doesn’t have to do with Lila or how I did her wrong or how I am no longer the person you knew?”
Marinette knew that being sarcastic would backfire but nothing she does or says will change what they think of her. One word from Lila and they will turn back on her. As much as she hates to admit it, Lila’s threat has fallen through and she was alone. Mostly.
She still had Chloe, Nathaniel, Alix, Luka and Kagami as friends. The trust-worthy and loyal kind.
“Girl,” Alya says in a disappointed tone, shaking her head,“when I look at you, I don’t see that girl who stood up to Chloe the bully-”, Chloe snorted, she had changed but they were too blind and prejudiced against her to notice her efforts, “-Picking on Lila, threatening and harassing her. This isn’t you and you know it. Just get over your jealousy on Lila being close to Adrien and apologize to her.”
If Alya had talked to her in the past 12 months other than demanding things that took away her time or anything relating to Lila, she would know that her infatuation had turned into annoyance.
Marinette sighed, too tired of this routine, tired of trying to knock heads so the brain cells can work again. Apologizing would mean that Lila had won. She was petty and stubborn enough to allow that to happen. Lila said she will take the class and Adrien. Fine, she can have them but Marinette Dupain-Cheng will not admit defeat. Bigger men had fallen to the ravenette for lesser offences. A year has passed since the expulsion and the class still hasn't regained common senses, so they can deal with the consequences after the inevitable downfall of Lila and Marinette will be there to see them lay in the grave they dug.
Steeling herself for the pain that will come with the execution of her plan,
“What if I don’t. I won’t apologize to her because I have not done anything to her or even interacted with her. If I apologize, it would be insincere and a lie. And I hate liars.” The former assassin said evenly.
“Lila is not a liar. I don’t know why you are like this.” Alya said, frustrated.
Marinette knew there would be a small chance of an akuma with Gabriel Agreste having an important meeting to attend on this day that would last for the next hour. This was the small window of opportunity to start the plan and also further confirm the identity of Hawkmoth. Killing two birds with one stone.
“Alya, this has always been me, you just never took the time to get to really know the real me.”, she replied, the last part with an icy tone.
“Well-... I- ..You-, fine, then if you can’t say those simple three words, we can’t be friends. I clearly don’t know what a selfish bitch you are. God, I can’t believe I wanted to be best friends with you. You are now replaced by Lila because unlike you, she is genuinely nice and selfless.” Alya declared. The rest of Lila’s supporters murmured in agreement.
Phase 1, complete. Lure the Lie-la into a false sense of security by making her think she won.
Marinette tried not to show how hurt she was, to be replaced by the scheming bitch. But at the same time she felt relieved, she no longer had to walk on eggshells in fear of losing the friendships of people she used to care about. It felt final as she maintained her stoic expression, hoping they didn't notice the glassy sheen her eyes had.
“Then, it is official. We are no longer friends.”
They haven’t been friends for a long time.
Mme. Bustier finally walked into the classroom to start the afternoon classes, signalling the end of the conversation. After class, Marinette resolves to inform them that she was resigning as class president which she was sure the class will be glad for. She was right.
Ladybug was, as the Americans say, pissed at Hawkmoth which was nothing new. He had sent out another akuma just as Marinette was back home and trying to relax after the stressful day. The akuma was not any of her ex-friends which she wasn’t sure to be thankful for or not.
Louise Martin was a boy about Luka’s age and mad at his friends who had blamed their fifth loss-in-a-row on him despite the fact that it was his skills that were getting them any progress. They were playing one of those recently released 5V5 skills and strategy battle games. (League of Legends or Mobile Legends. Take your pick, I am going with the latter)
He was akumatized into Hayakuma as proof of Hawkmoth’s lack of creativity. Hayakuma was a bleached out version of Louise’s chosen hero avatar, Hayabusa whose outfit was basically what the media portrays ninjas to look like with some samurai aspects.
Unfortunately, he also had the hero’s ultimate special powers which were making four shadow copies of himself and being able to switch positions with them. Thanks to Rattlesnake’s Second Chance, they know that he can only make a switch once every two minute. Hayakuma also wields a sword, showing off his skills.
Just lovely.
Hydra and Ladybug were the only ones able to counter his attacks with Hydra’s sword and Ladybug’s summoned one. (Let’s go with that headcanon(?)/trope that she can summon weapons for plot convenience and the others can too but just don’t have enough practise yet.)
The others managed to dodge and shield themselves from Hayakuma’s really sharp sword.
The shadows themselves were annoying as they would distract or hinder the miraculous users by grabbing them by their shadows and making them unable to move. Until Bunnix had the brilliant idea of shadow boxing which gave the heroes gain more even ground.
With how strong and handful the akuma was, it was code ‘all hands on deck’. Ladybug, Stinger, Rattlesnake, Hydra, Bunnix, Trickster. Well, nearly every hand. Lady Mǔ lǎohǔ was busy with the bakery. Chat Noir was nowhere to be seen or very late which had been the norm for the last year ever since Ladybug wanted to form a new miraculous team consisting of permanent heroes.
(He didn’t show up for the first few months because the first permanent member was Ladybug’s mother who did not like his attitude towards her daughter. He ran away with his tail between his legs once he found out how she was related to Ladybug. His face when he realized it, was something Marinette will cherish forever)
At least when Lady Mǔ lǎohǔ was around, he would not dare act out of line. When she is gone however, he is back to his old ways.
After saving one of Louise’s teammates from Hayakuma’s sword, they gathered the rest of the team and hid them someplace safe. Using Trickster’s illusions to trick all the shadows and the original to one place, the heroes were going to surround and ambush them and get the akumatized item. The plan would have been a success if it weren’t for Chat Noir hugging Ladybug from behind, making her miss her cue.
“Hey~ Bugaboo~ Did you miss me~? Your Chaton~?”
Thwack! Smack!
Chat Noir was on the rooftop, groaning pitifully in pain. Especially his crotch area. Ladybug glared at him and looked to the ambush point to see the illusions had disappeared and everyone else gone from their hiding place.
She sighed and turned on the comms, (Thank you, kwamis)
“Sting, did you venomed the akuma?”
“No, he escaped before I could. What happened, LB?”
“A certain cat got me delayed. What’s the status update?”
“Hydra is holding him off and Bunnix found that an umbrella is a good substitute for a sword. The rest of us are keeping track of the shadows. They split up but none of them are getting near where we hid the targets.”
“Where are you? I will meet you later with back-up.”
“Near Notre Dame and tell Mama Tigress I said hi.”
“Tell her yourself.”
She looked down at Chat No-, no he is not worthy of being a hero anymore with the amount of times he had derailed and hijacked the plans to defeat the akumas just so he can ‘earn’ Ladybug’s heart.
She looked down at Adrien Agreste, who was sitting and sulking like a child that was unfairly punished. (Once she got over her crush and started looking at the right things that she managed to piece together her ‘partner’s’ identity by accident. Tikki’s confirmation sealed the deal.)
“Chat Noir, this partnership of ours,” she said, gesturing to the two of them, “ is going to change tonight. Meet me at the ‘spot’ at 11 sharp. Now, go home.”
He left with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes at her words. She felt a little bad about the subtle manipulation but with the way things were now, it can’t go on. He was hindering more than helping and the people of Paris that weren’t shipping ‘Ladynoir’ saw that.
As she jumped towards Notre Dame, she called the bakery with her yoyo.
“Mama, are you free now? I need a little help with the akuma and can you bring the horse miraculous.”
Chat Noir waited excitedly at what they both dubbed at their ‘spot’, in the good old days when it was just the two of them. Maybe Ladybug was finally open to the idea of dating. Or maybe she must have seen what a great hero he is and was going to get rid of the team. Or realized that having her mother on her team was a bad idea. Parents are the worst and they both can be two rebellious teenagers in love. Like Romeo and Juliet. So romantic~.
He was so deep in his daydream that he didn’t hear his lady land.
“Chat Noir.” Startled, he nearly fell off the roof. No, don’t make a fool of yourself in front of Ladybug.
“Yes, Bugaboo.” Hoping she didn’t know that he was very distracted. His attention will always be hers 100%.
“Don’t call me Bugaboo. Tikki wants to talk to Plagg about Kwami stuff. So you go over and hide behind that chimney. Then, we can talk about why I told you to be here.” Adrien frowned and then smiled. His lady must be very embarrassed about her mistake that must be why she is taking her time. He tried listening to what they were saying but the kwamis were talking in their special Guardian Language. Was it him or did Tikki’s voice sound more like his lady’s voice?
Adrien was tied up with Ladybug’s yoyo. “M’Lady? Bugaboo!? LADYBUG! WHAT IS GOING ON?!! PLAGG-”
Ladybug cut in, “Adrien Agreste, you have been slack in your hero duty and choosing your own feelings over supporting your partner, me, the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous and current Grand Guardian, in the efforts to defeat the enemy of Paris, Hawkmoth. Due to those reasons, you are no longer worthy to be the Holder of the Black Cat Miraculous” in one swift motion, she took the ring off his finger, “As such you are hereby revoked of Plagg’s Ring.”
Adrien went slack at Lady Tigress’s pinch on his pressure point.
“I don’t what you ever saw in the boy.”
“I don’t know either. I think I dodged a bullet here. Can you carry him back to his home? I think I have dealt with enough of him tonight.” Ladybug muttered, as she erased Adrien’s memories of being Chat Noir.
Tag list: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0, @myazael, @tonicxworld, @thewitchwhowaited, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @kissa-chan, @iwantasecretidentity, @theymakeupfairies, @user00000003, @woe-is-me0, @kashlyn, @mochegato,@moonlightstar64 , @greatcatblaze, @moongoddesskiana, @tazanna-blythe.
(Part 3)
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This little drabble is for the amazingly wonderful @thedevine666 who was a winner of a gif drabble as part of my monthly reblog draw. So sit back and enjoy a little Mycroft.
It didn’t take a Holmes to see that Mycroft had more than a passing interest in Sherlocks latest ‘goldfish’. There had been increased visits to Baker Street, boxes of cupcakes that the elder Holmes claimed had been given to him but he couldn’t eat them all alone (something Sherlock scoffed at more than once), and a willing visit to the theatre with his parents once his mother had let slip you would be accompanying them. Yes, it seemed Mycroft was rather smitten, although he would (and did) strenuously deny such claims.
Christmas Day, and he was standing in his parents garden, sneaking a cigarette like a naughty teenager, conversing with his brother.
“For the last time, Sherlock, I have no interest in who your little friends are or are not dating.” He huffed indignantly.
“That’s good then, because I was thinking of setting her up with Lestrade. I think she would be good for him.” Sherlock smirked as he took a puff of his own cigarette.
Mycroft was about to argue against such actions when they heard the front door open and the pair span around, hiding their cigarettes behind their backs, as if the trail of smoke wouldn’t give them away.
“No.”, “It was Mycroft.” They said simultaneously before realising it wasn’t their mother, but you standing on the step, an amused smile on your lips.
“You two are so busted. Anyway, Sherlock, I thought you’d quit.” You looked at him pointedly as you wandered over to them.
“Well, if you won’t tell my mother about my smoking then I won’t tell my brother about…” Sherlock began only to be swiftly cut off by you.
“I won’t be telling your mother anything. Though you should probably be heading back inside.” You frowned at him, something which seemed to amuse him as he stubbed out his cigarette and headed back to the house.
“And what dark secret are you hiding that you do not wish me to find?” Mycroft asked in amusement, believing that whatever it was Sherlock was holding as blackmail had already been deduced.
“You boys are funny. You expect me to just cave and tell you? Perhaps it is something I have taken great pains to hide from you, Mycroft. A feat which is impressive in itself because you see almost everything. No, if you want my secrets then you have to trade your own.” You gave him a lopsided smile which made his heart race.
Any time he get your full attention on him, he felt as if you could read his every thought. The tips of his ears began to heat up and he raised an eyebrow thoughtfully. “And which of my secrets would you deem worthy for this trade? I have many.”
“Yes, you do, but I don’t want state secrets, nothing to do with your work. My secrets are personal, so the only fair trade would be a personal secret of your own.”
Mycroft looked down at his cigarette and wondered if this game was worth playing. He rarely played fair. His mind trailed through his ‘personal’ secrets but the only one that sang out like a soprano at the opera was his secret feelings for you, and he could not share that.
“Sherlock thinks I am lonely.” He said carefully.
“And are you?”
“How can I be when I am standing here talking to you?” He asked rather smoothly, noting the way the corners of your mouth twitched up at his words.
“So, your personal secret is that your brother thinks you are lonely, but you aren’t? Or is it that spending time with me makes you feel less lonely?” You asked curiously, unable to work this man out.
“Which would grant me your secret? I suspect the second surmise.” His hawkish eyes tried to read your expression, although he found he could t look at you for long without becoming distracted.
“Spending time with you makes me feel less lonely too.” You shrugged, aware of his gaze on you.
“Perhaps we should spend more time together, since it alleviates our hypothetical loneliness.” He mused, stubbing out his cigarette.
“That sounds suspiciously like a very Mycroft way of asking me on a date.” You smirked, glancing over at him.
“Perhaps it is.” He returned your smile, turning to face you and brushing an errant strand of hair from your face.
“Then I would very much like to accept. Should we shake on it?” You teased, knowing how formal he usually was about things.
“I have a much better idea.” He leaned into you in a sudden fit of boldness. His lips had barely met yours when the front door opened and the two of you jumped apart.
“When you two have finished kissing like teenagers on the front lawn, the queens speech is about to start.” Mrs Holmes called over, trying to suppress her smile as she took in the awkward embarrassment of the two of you.
“Be right there.” Mycroft called, silently cursing her for breaking the spell.
“So, this date, you want to come to mine and I will cook? Or shall we do it at yours?” A relieved smile pulled at his lips at your words and he offered you his arm.
“We could do both. The first at yours and the next at mine.” He suggested.
“So you are anticipating more than one date?”
“Oh, my darling girl, you can count on it.”
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a-simple-gaywitch · 3 years
“I’m SO Fired”
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer falls in love with Dave Rossi’s adopted daughter
Word Count: 2038
Warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of brutal case, mentions of death of parents, that’s it. it’s mostly fluff
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“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” -Anton Chekhov
Spencer was leaning over Emily’s desk, helping her with some details of her paperwork. He glanced up and noticed a beautiful woman briefly talking to Anderson before entering through the glass doors. 
“Reid. Reid!” Emily said, snapping her fingers to get his attention. 
“What? Oh, sorry.”
Emily shook her head. “And just like that, 187 gets slashed to 60.”
The woman walked over to the desk with the two. “Uh, hi,” you said. “Is Dave Rossi here?”
“Oh, um, he should be here. Did you- do you have a meeting with him?” Spencer asked. 
“Kind of,” you said with a small laugh that made Spencer’s stomach flutter. “I’m-”
“(Y/N)!” Hotch said when he saw you. 
Emily and Spencer exchanged glances as you gave Aaron a brief hug. 
“Are you here to see your dad?” he asked you. 
“Yeah, is he here?”
“He should be in his office. How long are you in town?”
“Just the weekend,” you said. “But I’m coming back in June for vacation.”
“Well, I’ll let you go see your dad,” Hotch said. As you walked up the stairs, he turned to see Spencer gawking at you. Emily looked at Hotch apologetically. Hotch sighed and said, “Reid, focus on your paperwork, not (Y/N) Rossi.”
You knocked on the office door, waiting to hear your father’s voice. 
“Come in!” You pushed open the door and your adoptive father’s face lit up. “Tesorina!” he said, getting up to kiss your cheeks. “I was wondering when you were getting in. How’s work? And what about that boyfriend of yours? Anything-”
“Dad,” you said, cutting him off. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know at dinner. But you promised you’d introduce me to your team the next time I was in town.”
“I did promise that, didn’t I?” he said, pushing up from his desk. He slung his arm around your shoulder and steered you out of his office. The team was gathered in the bullpen, and they all turned to face Rossi when he cleared his throat. “Guys, this is my daughter, (Y/N).” He then introduced each team member to you, save for Aaron.
“Wow, Rossi, I didn’t know you even had a daughter,” Morgan said. 
“Gee, Dad, you don’t talk about me to your coworkers? I’m hurt,” you said, pressing your hand over your heart. 
Rossi rolled his eyes. “Drama queen.”
“So, you’re a Rossi?” Emily asked you. 
“Not biologically. Dave adopted me when I was five,” you explained.
“Initially, I was just fostering her for a little while, but I fell in love with this little rascal,” he said, ruffling your hair.
You set about fixing your hair. “Well, I gotta run. See you at the house for dinner?”
“Yeah, I should be done around 6. Don’t get into trouble.”
“Me, get into trouble? When have I ever been known to do that?” You shot a wink at the man you now knew to be Dr. Reid before leaving the BAU.
Spencer’s cheeks turned pink and he felt Rossi’s eyes on him. He looked down at his desk, busying himself with organizing his pen cup. When he heard Rossi’s office door close, he let out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. 
Derek rolled his chair over to Spencer’s desk. “You’re looking a little flushed there, Pretty Boy. That wouldn’t have anything to do with Ms. Rossi, would it?”
“Shut up, Morgan,” he muttered, focusing on folding a small piece of paper on his desk into even smaller squares.
Dave walked into his house (mansion) to the smell of garlic bread and tomato sauce. He smiled and set his coat on the rack by the door. 
“You know, I would have cooked!” he called as he made his way to the kitchen. You were setting the table for the both of you. 
“Yes, but how often do you actually cook?” you asked him as you poured two glasses of red wine. “You’re always away on cases, I know how much fast food and takeout you eat. Now shut up and enjoy my carbonara.”
Dave chuckled and sat down at the table across from you. “So, how’s work going?” he asked you. 
You shrugged. “You know, there’s good days and bad days. We had a brother and his little sister get adopted together this week, which is always one of the big wins for us.”
He nodded. “What about that boyfriend of yours, Chad?”
“Oh, we broke up,” you said. “About a month ago.”
“Good, I didn’t really like him.”
“Dad, you say that about every guy I date.”
“And it’s true, I haven’t liked any of the guys you’ve dated.”
“Yeah, the only guys you’ve liked have been the ones you’ve tried to set me up with.”
“That’s not true!”
“Dad, remember Stephen?”
“I thought you would be a good match, honest. And before you say it, it’s not just because I’m overly protective.”
“So, we can admit you’re overprotective of me?” you said. 
“Of course I am. And can you blame me?”
“I guess not,” you said with a shrug. “And you could be worse. I could still be living here.”
“Oh, come on. Would that be so bad, having a huge house mostly to yourself?”
“Well, no, but I like living in Pennsylvania,” you said. “And I like having an apartment.” Your father gave you a skeptical look. “Stop profiling me.”
“Sorry, it’s hard to turn it off.” He took a sip of his wine. “You’re planning to go to the cemetery tomorrow, aren’t you?”
“I do every year, you know that.”
“Yeah. They’d be so proud of you, you know.”
You smiled down at your plate and pushed the pasta around. “I know. I, uh, I don’t have many memories of them anymore,” you said. “But the one I’ve been trying to get rid of is still there.”
Dave reached across the table and grabbed your hand. “Hey. Your parents loved you, so much. That’s all you need to remember, okay? They loved you so much that they sacrificed themselves for you.”
You lost your parents when you were five. There was a serial killer in the Greater DC Area, a family annihilator. He’d called himself the Orphan Maker. The man would seek out young families with kids no older than 8 and kill the parents first, in front of the children. Then he would kill the children. 
Rossi had been on that case, and had found that your family was the next target. Unfortunately, they did not get to your family before the man killed your parents. But fortunately, they caught him before he could get you. 
Rossi felt guilty they didn’t make it in time. When the law officers found that you didn’t have any family to take you in, Dave offered to bring you home. The plan was to originally just be a foster parent to you until CPS found a place for you to stay officially. But he fell in love with you. You were a little spitfire, a little troublemaker. Dave adopted you and dedicated the rest of his life to taking care of you and protecting you.
“Hey, Rossi!” Morgan said as he met the man in the kitchen to get coffee. “How was your weekend with (Y/N)?”
Rossi noticed Reid’s back straighten at the mention of (Y/N)’s name. He smiled to himself, a plan forming in his head. It was a bit of a convoluted plan, but it would work out for everyone in the end. 
“Oh, it was fine. She made me watch an episode of that show Reid and Garcia like.” He glanced over at Spencer’s desk and noticed he was listening intently. “I agreed since she’s still recovering from a recent breakup.”
“Is she okay?” Derek asked. “I know breakups can really suck.”
“She’ll be okay, she bounces back quick. I didn’t like the guy anyway. He was a meathead jock who thought being the high school quarterback was his entire personality. I want her to find a guy who’s smart and kind, someone I like.” He walked out of the kitchenette and passed Reid’s desk. He clapped his shoulder. “Morning, Reid.”
You were back in the area for a week-long vacation, and Dave had promised to go sight-seeing in DC with you. 
You walked into the bullpen and were greeted by Penelope, who had quickly become your friend. She wrapped you in a hug before Rossi made his way over to you. 
“Hey, Dad. You ready to go?” you asked after giving him a hug.
“Um, actually, I have to work late. But, you know, Dr. Reid here,” Spencer’s head snapped up from where he was packing his bag at the mention of his name, “knows more about the area than anyone I know. He can show you around. Right, Reid?”
Spencer looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.”
You smiled at him and Spencer felt the butterflies that were already in his stomach go crazy. The two of you walked out of the office, Spencer nervously gripping the strap of his bag while you walked alongside him. 
Penelope looked at Rossi narrowing her eyes. “You don’t have to work late.”
Rossi smiled. “No.”
Penelope gasped. “You’re trying to set them up, aren’t you?”
“I will neither confirm nor deny,” Rossi said before walking back to his office. 
“So, Dr. Reid,” you said as the two of you walked out of the FBI building, “I heard you’re a huge Doctor Who fan.”
Spencer turned to look at you, losing his footing and tripping on the sidewalk. He straightened himself up and cleared his throat. “You, uh, you can call me Spencer. And yeah, I’m-I’m a fan.”
You smiled and Spencer thought the sun had come out again with the brightness you radiated. “Who’s your favorite? Personally, I’m a Tennent girl, but Baker is a close second.” Spencer was staring at you, his jaw dropped. “What?”
“You might be the hottest girl I’ve ever met.”
When Spencer woke up, the first thing he noticed was the beautiful woman asleep next to him, her head on his bare chest. He smiled and ran his hand through your hair as you started stirring.
“Morning,” he said as you looked up at him, resting her chin on his chest. 
“Morning, Pretty Boy.” You saw his smile falter and his eyes go wide. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m so fired,” he said. “I slept with my boss’s daughter. I’m so fired. No, I’m more than fired. I’m dead. Rossi is going to kill me.”
“Hey. Spence, breathe,” you said, cupping his face in your hands. “He’s not going to do anything to you. And if he tries, he’ll face my wrath.”
Spencer chuckled. “Well, after that guy drove through that puddle and splashed you last night, I believe it.” He was silent for a moment as the two of you sat up in the bed. Spencer wrapped his arms around you, pulling your back to his chest. “What are you going to tell him when you go home?”
You shrugged, leaning your head back. “The truth. I got to know a sweet guy last night and I stayed the night at his place.”
Spencer smiled and gave you a soft kiss.
You slipped into the Rossi Manor, feeling like a teenager missing curfew again. You got about halfway through the kitchen before hearing Dave clear his throat. You spun around to see him standing by the kitchen island with a cup of coffee. 
“Oh, uh, morning, Dad.”
“So, you were out all night.”
“And you’re wearing the same clothes.”
“Who is he?” When you didn’t answer, he said, “Spencer?”
Your face paled. “How did-”
“You didn’t really think you could hide that from an old profiler, did you?” He handed you the mug. “Don’t worry, I approve. I’d be more than happy to have Spencer as a son.”
“I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” - J.R.R. Tolkien 
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