chemindesoie · 3 months
En bref - retour sur le confort
Je reviens sur un sujet dont j’ai déjà parlé à plusieurs endroits, pour partager mes dernières expériences en ce qui concerne le confort. Je l’ai déjà dit dans ce billet et dans celui-là, le choix du matériel est déterminant pour se sentir à l’aise tout au long d’une journée. Il sera impossible d’être à l’aise avec un porte-jarretelles muni de 4 attaches en plastique et de rubans longs et…
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
main symptom of being chronically online is having issues with other people’s ships lol relax buddy
main symptom of being chronically online is telling people they're chronically online. Yes i have an issue with people shipping a 50 years old with a 20 years old.
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superiorkenshi · 9 months
Je suis caisse au crémant ça me fait rire vas-y crackship Elias/Arthur
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Quand je dis would read fic about it c'est en mode curiosité morbide hein
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maviedeneuneu · 2 years
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Quand je vais chez ma dentiste et qu'encore une fois elle décide de me soigner sans m'anesthésier
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jezatalks · 2 years
Hier j'ai appelé le boulot pour dire que je ne reviendrai pas en août. J'ai menti en disant qu'on m'avait contacté pour de la peinture, mais j'ai juste besoin de me casser en fait.
Les collègues et le travail, comme je l'ai déjà dit, ça va. Mais ça fait plus d'un moi que je me répète "je ne suis pas là pour ça en fait".
Puis aussi, je me suis rendue compte que je fais malaise sur malaise. car en fait, les malaises c'est pas que tomber dans les pommes ??? Mon cerveau est retourné.
Donc oui, ça fait des semaines que plusieurs fois par jour, j'ai la vision qui se trouble, des bouffées de chaleur, des sueurs (avec ou sans coup de chaud/froid), des légers vertiges, l'impression que le sol et les lignes pas droites et j'en passe. J'essaye de m'hydrater à chaque fois que je le peux (car officiellement j'ai qu'une pause de 5min et une de 20min pour manger, mais je les allonge de 5min) "orf, tant que je tiens debout, mes paroles compréhensibles et que rien ne me tombe des mains, je peux bosser, ça passera" et spoiler, ça passe pas forcément mais j'ai quand même été capable de finir mes journées. Donc, je continuais.
Mais plus maintenant, mon copain a bien vu que je n'allais pas si bien, et que "rigoler du fait que j'aimerai bien pousser pour voir ce que ça fait de tomber dans les pommes" c'est pas très normal ni rassurant. Ah, et je commençais à stresser à chaque réveil d'aller bosser et je partais hyper anxieuse.
Donc plus qu'à tenir jusqu'au 31, et terminada.
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misericordieux · 16 days
Je comprends pourquoi je dormais mal
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fitnessmith · 27 days
Comment le gluten m'empêchait de perdre du gras
Comment le gluten m'empêchait de perdre du gras ( mais pas que ). À lire sur mon site ou en bio ici @fitnessmith
Pourquoi vous devez faire attention au blé et au gluten.  Lorsque j’ai commencé la musculation, la règle était la suivante : manger beaucoup de protéines et de féculents tout en r��duisant les graisses. Cette approche m’a rendu encore plus gras sans me faire prendre plus de muscle qu’une approche plus raisonnable.   J’étais frustré de passer des heures en salle de musculation sans réussir à perdre…
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bleu-sang · 7 months
Très fier de moi aujourd'hui ; j'ai accepté de me rendre inconfortable de courts moments pour aider les autres à guérir et ça fait vraiment du bien d'être capable de faire passer mes valeurs et mon sens moral avant de petits sentiments qui passeront bien vite.
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drqueenb · 2 years
Je ne veux pas de conversations inconfortables. 
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Un día llegué al trabajo y apenas me senté en mi zona de inconfort escucho que mi jefe le empieza a contar un chiste a mi jefa: "Resulta que un loco se casa y se tatúa en un huevo el nombre de su esposa...", ella lo interrumpe diciendo "un cuento de hombres para hombres...", él hace caso omiso y sigue con la narración. Yo seguí con lo mío, escuchaba su voz como ruido marrón o blanco de fondo pero no me interesaba el chiste, me parecía que posiblemente era tan horrible que era preferible incluso trabajar. En un momento siento el silencio: él había terminado su rutina de stand up, ella no ejerció su derecho a reírse.
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"...estaba seguro de no querer permanecer allí toda la vida. Era muy claro que había que salir, sin preguntarse para qué; el para qué, pensé, quizá habría de saberse luego, o quizá nunca, o quizá no había ningún «para qué»; pero había que salir, sencillamente porque no había ningún motivo para quedarse." (Mario Levrero; El lugar, 1982)
Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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emihotaru · 4 months
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Sooo, hum, I wanted to post it with a NSFW preview, buuuuut... I don't know how to do it....
Well, we don't actually see "anything", huuum...? They're just kissing^^
(Sorry if it makes you inconfortable, I 'll try to learn how to do it the next time)
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dayque · 2 months
Rafe: Dad, why I can not date her!? I am in love, she is good, take care of me and never EVER do something that make me feel inconfortable. NEVER.
Alec: Rafael, she is 8 years older, you are 16. Is a big no, end of the conversación.
Rafael: You married a sugar 600 years older than you, that is no fair!
*slam the door*
Alec: You will not say something to him!?
Magnus: I mean, he is right... What should I say? It's time to apply. humanity's oldest strategy.
Alec: Which one?
Magnus: Pray.
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pix-stuff · 3 months
Keqing was in favor of technology, of progress, and being able to avance further without being restrain by tradition, without discarding them. She understand that they are important to people but that shouldn't stop the progress.
The creator was one of them. Far than being just a tradition, it held back the nation of Liyue for a long time, and even today. That is why Keqing was reluctant as seing the creator being reborn. Of course, meeting the creator in place of the seven Qixing and representing Liyue was a honor. She would have been truly foolish to let pass such an occasion. With Rex Lapis stepping down dead at the rite of ascension, it was up to the Qixing to show up at the meeting between Liyue and the creator.
She was chosen as the one that would go there, as she has bright ideas for the futur that the Creator might be please to hear. Her bold suggestion might show to the creator a new view on Liyue.
Anxiety was eating her whole, making her repeat her speech a hundred time, the fear was controlling her, making her move like it intended to, forcing her to feel inconfortable even in her own clothes. Her own stomach betraying her by letting bile go to her mouth before forcing it back to her stomach.
Fear of disappointing this high status person. Someone she isn't allow to annoy. She won't messed up. She didn't do all that just to fail.
On the day of the meeting, it wasn't fear that she felt. It was pure horror. While entering the room, she wasn't overwhelmed by pure, divine power. No shine in the eyes of the creator. No nothing. Fear take her instead of devotion.
The only thing the Qixing couldn't foreseen was the possibility of the creator being a fake. And that by having less faith, by not being blinded by it, she would pass for a heretic, if it was known.
From this day on, she would have no one to talk to anymore.
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coolvieilledentelle · 2 months
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" Être libre demande un certain courage. Le courage de se libérer d'un semblant de sécurité… Le courage d'oser être soi…. Le courage d'assumer ses choix…. Le courage de se détourner de ce que les autres attendent…. Le courage de se faire passer en priorité… Le courage de se responsabiliser… Le courage de ne plus rien attendre de personne… Le courage d'apprendre toujours plus… Le courage de donner le meilleur de soi… Le courage de choisir, se choisir et le courage d'aimer qui on veut…. Oui, dans cette société basée en grande partie sur la conformité, qui nous conforte par habitude, dans une forme de victimisation, il faut un certain courage pour oser briser ses chaînes, prendre soin de soi, et Être. Sortir du cocon devenu inconfortable, et Vivre. Tout simplement…"
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mileysueeveryday · 5 months
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#6 It all your fault ‼️
Damn the eyes make me very inconfortable 💀🙏
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kalilassecretplace · 1 year
Hi hi!! Im here to submit a tighnari x reader idea! I think taking care of a drunk flirty tighnari would be cute if you’re up for that?
Drunk loverman
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Drunk!Tighnari x female!reader
Fluff, sfw
cw: Cursing, Tighnari being Tighnari the way I see him, alcohol obviously
n/a: This is so cute stooop the way I dropped my homework to write this instead LMAO, I honestly never got drunk or was with drunk people lol, don't ask me how, so it was a lot of research, I hope I made it good lol, I apologise in advance if there's any mistakes, I'm dyslexic and English is not my first language :>
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*How did I got there?* the question keep repeating itself in the hybrid's head, and he would try to ask himself harder everytime anyone would violently bump into him. But then seeing her from far away, laughing and talking to the other forest rangers, he remembered the answer. He agreed to come only to see her. The party was a commun idea from all the rangers, and she agreed without hesitation. He would have said no, because he knew very well that water wasn't going to be the main drink of the night, and he knew much more how loud drunk people were, and his ears weren't willing to handle this. But how could he ever says no after he saw how thrilled she looked at the idea?
And that's how he ended up here, in a room full of noisy rangers, who pulled out their best bottles of wine and all sorts of alcohol for the occasion. He wasn't planning on drinking a single drop. First because being drunk was the last of his desire, and second because he didn't trust any of those peoples without someone watching over them. He was sitting on a sofa, in a corner of the room, his expression twisted in inconfort. But then he finally was able to put his eyes on her again, happily chatting with Collei, the both of them being one of the few who weren't drinking as well. As he got up to try and join them, as much as he knew he would regret it for the noise after, he got held back by two of his colleagues, grinning like two kids planning something.
"Hey Tighnari! You HAVE to check this thing out, i' is sO good!" the first one said, with a little hiccup.
"No, thank you Amir. I don't plan on-" he got cut off by the loudest scream ever, his eyes and ears aggressively twitching, before he grabbed the cup from the others hand and downed it in one shot. The other two rangers hyped him up, shocked at the fact he did actually drank it. Then, grumbling "fuck that, I am not doing this sober anymore", he went over to the drinks and impulsively downed a few others.
On y/n side, she was enjoying her evening in a peaceful way. But she spent a good amount of her time looking for Tighnari, even if it has only been a little while since it started, she wondered if he actually came at all. Collei went over and chatted with her for a bit, however, as much as she loved the apprentice, she couldn't really focus on anything else than finding her fox friend in the crowd. He said he was coming, didn't he? She was kind of disappointed for a split second, but her train of thoughts was cut short, as she heard the voice she was looking forward to hear, but not with the tone of voice she was expecting.
"Well hello there, beautiful." he said, looking straight into her eyes, coming from behind her.
"Tighnari?! You're here!" she happily underlined, "You're drunk?!" she panicked, the realisation of his state hitting her. Out of everyone, he was the last one she expected to see drunk tonight.
"What's with the big eyes?" he whispered inches from her face, as he gently put as strand of her hair behind her ear.
She was slowly decomposing inside, in complete denial that anything that was happening was real right now. He was holding onto her shoulder for balance, and his cheeks were pinkish. It was too much to handle for the poor Collei on the side, who cleared her throat loudly enough for the pair to turn to her. She declared she would be "leaving the two of you to it", and no matter what she said, Collei wasn't turning back, nor was she slowing down, literally running away from them. As she was confused what to do, he quickly took the opportunity to even do something away from her.
"Why are you always so mesmerising to look at?" the fennec boy said, and you snapped your head back in front of you.
"A-Alright", she put her hand on his shoulder and put distance between the two of them, let's bring you back, you're not you right now-
"Noooo", he whined letting himself slightly fall on her, wrapping his arms around her body messily, "I wanna stay with you.. All this other idiots are horribly noisy and annoying tonight! So reckless and unescessary loud, I would have never showed up if it wasn't for you, you can't leave me like this!" he protested with his head resting on her shoulder.
It caused her face to burn even more than it already was. She lightly patted his back, as out of character as this whole thing was, he still managed to be him.
"I'm staying with you, but not here." she almost pleaded, feeling some people's eyes on her, gosh she won't be able to face anyone after that.
She noticed his tail wagging after her proposition, and he pulled himself back up, stumbling. You put your arm under his shoulders, and he gladly took the opportunity to lean on you, while the two of you slowly walked out of the room. The first minutes of the way were filled by Tighnari's giggles, as he complimented everything he could about you. From you shining eyes, to the way you would brighten up any places you would enter in. He would also sometimes proceed to sarcastically criticise whoever he was thinking of, and he reeked of alcohol. She didn't want to take anything he said about her at heart, because she knew he was under the influence of the drinks, and now was not the time anyway. Though she couldn't help but wish everything he said were his actual thoughts about her.
After finally reaching his house, you helped him on his bed, it felt like he would fell straight to the ground without help to balance.
"Stay with me a bit longer, y/n, please." he looked at you with a pout on his face.
You tried and keep your face as neutral as possible, putting the blanket over him. You started thinking of what you were supposed to do in case you have to take care of a drunk person. First, you knew he needed to drink water.
"I'm not leaving until I did everything I can to assure you're in the best conditions for tonight, don't worry." you smiled gently at him, thankful for the dark of the room that was making you blush practically invisible. You went in the kitchen to fill him a glass of water, and then sat down on the bed next to him. As you helped him sitting back up, holding his back, you couldn't contain a little laugh, the tables had turned. He would usually be the one taking care of people this way, if you remembered right, it was your first time taking care of him. He didn't let go of your fingers after, keeping them like they were the most precious thing on earth. Then, she told herself talking to him was probably a good idea, maybe that'll help him falk asleep.
"So, why did you even got drunk for?" she scoffed, finally letting out the question she had a the tip of her tongue.
"Ugh", he complained, "I hated it there. I don' know, I acted recklessly, that was so stupid of me, damn it."
"Oh come on, it's okay-
- But I'm not the stupidest here, you are! So oblivious to my flirting, I'm pretty sure the whole entirety of Gandharva Ville knows but no, you don't notice!"
She stayed completely frozen, her mouth half open. Well, he sure was even more honest than usual, as hard as it is to believe. She pretended she didn't hear anything, clearing out her throat, but he was still playing with her fingers, looking into her eyes. Before he could say anything more, she puts her other hand on his mouth.
"We'll talk about it all tomorrow, okay? I promise." she nervously said.
"Not like any of us can escape the conversation now!" he spat out, slightly laughing. "But... I really mean it. Everything about you!!" He abruptly stand back up.
She softly push him back down on the bed, shushing him. Then, she told him it would be best if he tried to sleep now.
"You-" he started.
"Yes," she breathed, "I'm staying, I promise."
He smiled before he started complaining about the beginning of a headache, expected, she said. As he went on talking about literally everything that came into his mind with zero filter, they spent their evening together, him holding her hand, while she was sat on the ground beside the bed, her hand and arm residing on it. And as they both fell asleep, while one was already forgetting half of the events, the other had them still very clearly in mind.
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