ursidanger · 25 days
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The Illustrious Indago for this month's cover of Villains Weekly
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primepaginequotidiani · 2 months
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PRIMA PAGINA Il T di Oggi domenica, 11 agosto 2024
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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11th May 2023: Sky this evening, Hampshire, UK. It was spectuacular to witness the sunlight shine through a shower and the epic rainbow that developed and domed over the area out the front with a second one briefly seen too then see some delicious orange colour at sunset. 
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thcecrowd · 2 years
VAP4U has the ambition to help provide citizens with tools that make it easier to find information and turn this information into the right knowledge at the right time.
VAP4U is developing a web-based solution such as www.indago.se - a search engine that should be helpful in finding hockey-related events, companies and camps in Sweden.
This search engine will in the future be developed as an application that can be used on most Smart-based mobile phones or tablets.
Link: https://fundrazr.com/INDAGOSEARCH
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kyle-rayner-daily · 1 year
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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #9
its unsettling to me how he's just standing idly compared to everyone else
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babsbabbles · 2 months
Seurata glances at the door for the first time. Rhyman is hanging on the ropes caging this exercise mat from the others. He bares his teeth at her in the way that Caviraan mean as a kindness, but the light doesn’t reach his eyes. She bares her teeth back, and he raises his head at her challenge.
“I have a name, Rhyman,” Seurata growls, “just as you do. I would think you would do me the kindness to use it.”
There’s a long pause. The quirk of his lips does not leave though his teeth hide behind them once more. “Seurata,” he says, lofty, with vowels too round and rolling, but he says it without a trace of service to the name-that-is-not she is forced to wear here, “you look like you need a new sparring partner.”
Seurata glances down at Indago, who wheezes something like a laugh, and then straightens her spine and lifts her chin, brandishing the portion of her colour mane that trails along her throat. “Are you offering?”
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newscakra · 2 years
Dukung dan Sukseskan Hanpangan, Ketua Persit KCK Koorcab Rem 071 Tanam Padi Inpago
Dukung dan Sukseskan Hanpangan, Ketua Persit KCK Koorcab Rem 071 Tanam Padi Inpago
  BANYUMAS  — Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana Koorcab Rem 071 PD IV/Diponegoro dalam upayanya mendukung dan turut serta mensukseskan ketahanan pangan diwilayah, terjun langsung tanam padi varietas unggul Indago hasil pengembangan benih padi varietas unggul padi protein tinggi Faperta Unsoed, Kamis (8/12/2022) di Desa Banjarsari Kecamatan Sumbang Kabupaten Banyumas. Tanam padi varietas unggul Inpago…
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its-a-bae · 10 months
Por que
A cada palavra, nota-se a confusão existente na mente de quem escreve. Não sei o porquê, mas hoje a confiança em escrever e postar foi firme e forte, como deve ser. Pois a vontade de chorar não passa, muito menos a dor quando as lembranças repassam no que diria ser a televisão das memórias, um grande repertório de seriados e filmes. Todos são originais, alguns reais e outros imaginários, mas nada além disso. Sim, o elenco é enorme, alguns famosos e outros desconhecidos para a mídia do dia a dia. E com as frases mais simples e bregas que se pode pensar, o coração encerrou e abriu portas para uma nova etapa, mesmo cheio de machucados e cicatrizes, isso não importa.
Porém, eu questiono: o que é o coração? Um simples órgão vital que bombeia sangue para todo o corpo, fazendo-o funcionar, lentamente ou correndo. Algo pequeno, do tamanho do punho fechado ou do cérebro de quem não permite fazê-lo crescer mais. Crescer ou florescer? O sentimento que esse órgão carrega parece mais importante do que a respiração. O que nos mantém vivos? Os órgãos ou o que eles nos representam?
De todas as perguntas, uma ou duas têm resposta, e nem sempre são concretas ou fáceis de serem interpretadas. Mesmo assim, questionar ao céu sobre tudo é o alívio de não ter que encontrar nada nisso. A todo momento é possível questionar, indagar e repensar. Sobre tudo, sobre os outros, sobre si, sobre a vida, sobre um órgão, sobre um sentimento. Apenas a representação que todos passam importa quando se fecham os olhos e não se vê mais nada. Onde o breu abraça a escuridão e tudo parece silêncio. A fala vira a escuta e a visão se perde. Sem um caminho, sem uma luz, sem mais nada. Perde-se como num sonho, que de um segundo a outro, parece transformar-se num pesadelo.
E o mundo continua a girar, o planeta no que é denominado Sistema Solar. Você. Olhe para o céu azul sem nenhuma nuvem e tente achar um ponto fixo, um fim. Quando o Sol volta a nascer e despedir-se no final do dia, tão perto mas tão longe. Olhe para a Lua quando é iluminada por essa grande estrela, repleta de explosões e calor, que apesar de tudo, continua a mostrar aquele pequeno satélite, tocado pelo homem e intocável pela criança. Tão próxima das nuvens e tão distante dos sonhos já esquecidos.
Quem é você? O que é o coração? E indago, por quê?
(Alice Rodrigues)
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ursidanger · 4 months
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Nothing compares to the bond shared between a loyal henchman and their boss
(Indago created by @fabba-banna; Juniper created by me)
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cashmerecupid · 3 months
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Matching flat color fullbodies for @ursidanger of Indago and Juniper!
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dsaf-confessions · 4 months
-Wattpad anon
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bangsinc · 1 year
🖤 Dot by Dot, Heart to Heart - Chapter One ⚪️
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Hi everyone! So, this is my first fanfic. Ever, lol. I mean ever that I was confident enough to post. Credit to @trenchcoatbees for the wonderful idea! And thank you to @indago-snake for tagging me! So, this is going to be run by chapters, and I might upload it on Ao3. cool, right? Just gotta wait.
Enjoy! I hope the read more thing works
The Brooklyn streets came alive with the vibrant rhythm of the city, each step echoing with the pulse of a thousand stories aching to be told. Many stories had finished long ago, but not this one. His pace is quickened as he adjusts the misshapen, rather unfashionable hat atop his head.
A man walks through an empty alleyway in Brooklyn, a worn-down trenchcoat clinging to his misshapen figure. He was a man of many talents, but little features, the only discernible thing about him was the holes that lined his body, which was covered by blank, canvas like skin. He walks with no purpose, although he used to. He’s not the same man, not anymore at least. And nobody remembered who he once was.. not a soul who wandered the crooked, ever-changing streets of New York City cared to learn what happened to Dr. Jonathan Ohnn..
No.. not Jonathan Ohnn.
The spot.
He’d given that name up long ago, back when he had lost everything.
He walks the streets mindlessly, hoping to come across something that might help his dilemma. A man with a power he can’t even comprehend correctly, no friends, no family, no job.. not anymore. What was once everything he knew was nothing but an unfinished story, one that ended too early.
Spot steps on something, his foot quickly dragging away from it onto the pavement. He looks down, his orifice squinting to get a better view. The figure on this paper was oddly.. familiar. Perhaps it was something that could help him, although highly unlikely. He gave up looking for things such as that.
Things that.. who.. who is this?
He picks up the paper curiously, his opposing hand brushing the dust and attempting to straighten it to its former integrity. He wasn’t sure why this called to him so much.. it, it echoed to him almost. Like a distant memory, an old friend who was calling to him. A warm feeling he wished for, a feeling he hadn’t felt since the collider.. had..
Those who pass by might only see a man who’d found something of no interest. They pass with no curiosity or solicitousness, getting on with their lives as they always had. But The spot stayed there, his grip on the paper softening. It was a photo, more specifically of him. He’d know it from anywhere, from the idiotic, carefree smile he had to the hooked nose and unkempt hair. His fingers trace upon what once was, a tinge of envy settling in his new form.
But that wasn’t what truly had caught the enigmas attention. No, it was the words below his old photo. ‘MISSING’ was written in big, bold letters. The red font had faded with age, some of the text failing to be read, but he could understand the greater picture of the narritave, and it’s that someone was truly looking for him. Someone, out there, in the big bustling city of New York, missed him.
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passeracea · 7 months
Mia nipote, 7 anni: zia io da grande vorrei essere come te!
Trattengo a stento la commozione derivata da queste inaspettate parole e indago: innocente creatura, tenero virgulto dal cuore puro e dalla mente incontaminata, dimmi, come ti ho ispirato? Ti ho conquistato con la mia indipendenza? Con la mia forza d'animo? Con il mio geniale sarcasmo? Con la mia intelligenza? Con la mia sfavillante personalità?
Zia io voglio essere come te...SENZA FIDANZATO!
Sto ancora cercando di capire se sia una cosa positiva o no. Cioè per me lo è ma non so che messaggio io possa aver inconsapevolmente trasmesso. Appena superato il trauma indagherò ulteriormente.
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I officially have a rough draft for Splintered Glass in its base form 😭🎉
I say base form bc in my head it would actually be a webcomic
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me0w-w0lf · 8 months
This might be a bit specific (sorry oofsies)
May I request a Kieran x reader from Pokemon, reader got that chill and pursues ways that they consider fun, cliff-faced 24/7 and if one ever converses with them they sound like they have very little to no interest. Response ranges from hums to "whatevs" to "cool" with a deadpan face.
Classic silent kid that takes no crap from anyone. But with their friends, they may not look like it but they tend to be more attentive to them and their actions speak louder than words (ex: Penny would ramble about her favourite anime while reader is playing a game, the next day they memorized details about the anime Penny loves so much)
I think it's interesting for Kieran to have a partner or friend like that
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So like a lover that looks like they don't pay attention to them but actually does.
I can to that and I can do where the reader is protective of kieran if you like :3
I'll make it where it's after the Indago disk
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kyle-rayner-daily · 1 year
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