#industrial intelligence
Revolutionizing Energy Forecasting: Celebal Technologies' Industrial Intelligence Solution 
The energy sector is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by sustainability goals, cost optimization, and the need for increased resilience. In this dynamic landscape, industrial intelligence, a powerful combination of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), emerges as a game-changer. Celebal Technologies' Industrial Intelligence solution, featuring the Power & Utility Forecasting Framework (PUFF), empowers stakeholders with unparalleled forecasting capabilities across the entire energy and sustainability spectrum. 
PUFF: Unleashing the Power of Precision Forecasting 
PUFF goes beyond traditional forecasting solutions by offering a comprehensive and interconnected view. It delivers granular forecasts for various critical categories, including: 
Load forecasting: Predicting electricity demand with exceptional accuracy is crucial for utilities to ensure grid stability and optimize resource allocation. PUFF leverages historical data, weather patterns, and consumer behavior to generate highly precise load forecasts. 
Generation forecasting: Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are inherently variable. PUFF helps predict their generation patterns, enabling a more balanced and reliable energy mix. 
Price forecasting: Accurately forecasting energy prices allows market participants to make informed decisions about buying and selling electricity. PUFF analyzes complex market trends and factors to predict price fluctuations. 
Weather forecasting: Weather plays a significant role in energy demand. PUFF seamlessly integrates external weather data, further enhancing the precision of all its forecasts. 
Unlocking the Potential of Data: The Powerhouse Behind PUFF 
Data integration is the fuel that drives industrial intelligence. PUFF excels in this area by: 
Seamless Data Integration: PUFF seamlessly connects to various data sources, including smart meters, sensor networks within power grids, and weather forecasting services. 
Automated Data Cleaning: Data quality is paramount for accurate forecasts. PUFF employs automated data cleaning techniques to ensure the integrity of the data used for analysis. 
Multivariate Data Exploration: PUFF goes beyond analyzing individual data points. It explores the relationships between various data sets, uncovering hidden patterns and providing a more holistic view of the energy landscape. 
Automatic Weather Data Acquisition: Weather data is crucial for accurate forecasting. PUFF automatically acquires weather data from reliable sources, eliminating manual intervention and ensuring consistent data flow. 
Advanced Time Series Forecasting Algorithms: PUFF utilizes cutting-edge time series forecasting algorithms that leverage historical data and identified patterns to predict future trends. 
Celebal Technologies: Empowering You with an Intuitive and Secure Solution 
Celebal understands the importance of user experience and security. PUFF boasts the following features to ensure a smooth and secure forecasting experience: 
Intuitive & Self-Explanatory UI: The user interface is designed for ease of use, allowing for quick navigation, access to features, and effortless data interpretation with minimal learning time. 
High Degree of Customization: PUFF allows users to tailor forecasts to their specific needs. Integrate unique factors relevant to your operations for even more precise predictions. 
Easily Deployable System: PUFF offers a streamlined integration process, enabling swift implementation for utilities worldwide. 
Effortless Forecasting: The user-friendly interface features an 8-tab setup with easy experiment naming and updating capabilities. 
Centralized Access: All critical functions, including tracking, error analysis, and configuration, are readily accessible from the main selection page. 
Secured: Built on Microsoft Azure, PUFF guarantees data integrity and user protection with industry-leading security measures. 
Beyond Forecasting: Quantifiable Benefits for Your Business 
Celebal's Industrial Intelligence solution delivers tangible results: 
70% Enhanced Operational Efficiency: PUFF empowers you to optimize resource allocation, minimize waste, and streamline processes, leading to significant efficiency gains. 
3X Risk Mitigation: With accurate forecasting, you can proactively address potential issues and mitigate risks associated with fluctuating demand, variable generation, and price volatility. 
60% Improved Planned Maintenance: PUFF facilitates predictive maintenance by identifying potential equipment failures before they occur, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs. 
Streamline Decision-Making with Interactive Dashboards 
Real-time, interactive dashboards empower you to monitor and analyze multiple parameters simultaneously. Gain valuable insights to make informed decisions and optimize power management strategies. 
Conclusion: The Future of Energy Forecasting is Here 
Celebal Technologies' Industrial Intelligence solution, with PUFF at its core, represents a paradigm shift in energy and sustainability forecasting. By harnessing the power of AI and integrating diverse data sets, PUFF delivers unparalleled precision and empowers stakeholders across the energy value chain to make data-driven decisions that optimize operations, enhance sustainability efforts, and navigate the ever-evolving energy landscape. To supercharge your digital transformation journey, get in touch with the experts at [email protected] 
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starlit-mansion · 10 months
there's something so poetic about coyote vs acme being the thing that causes wb's 'the producers' ass scheme of shitcanning movies for tax breaks to blow up in their face and cause them to turn to the camera, blink twice, and dissolve into a little pile of ash that their eyes fall down into with a little bounce
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odinsblog · 2 years
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IN THE FALL OF 2020, GIG WORKERS IN VENEZUELA POSTED A SERIES OF images to online forums where they gathered to talk shop. The photos were mundane, if sometimes intimate, household scenes captured from low angles—including some you really wouldn’t want shared on the Internet.
In one particularly revealing shot, a young woman in a lavender T-shirt sits on the toilet, her shorts pulled down to mid-thigh.
The images were not taken by a person, but by development versions of iRobot’s Roomba J7 series robot vacuum. They were then sent to Scale AI, a startup that contracts workers around the world to label audio, photo, and video data used to train artificial intelligence.
They were the sorts of scenes that internet-connected devices regularly capture and send back to the cloud—though usually with stricter storage and access controls. Yet earlier this year, MIT Technology Review obtained 15 screenshots of these private photos, which had been posted to closed social media groups.
The photos vary in type and in sensitivity. The most intimate image we saw was the series of video stills featuring the young woman on the toilet, her face blocked in the lead image but unobscured in the grainy scroll of shots below. In another image, a boy who appears to be eight or nine years old, and whose face is clearly visible, is sprawled on his stomach across a hallway floor. A triangular flop of hair spills across his forehead as he stares, with apparent amusement, at the object recording him from just below eye level.
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iRobot—the world’s largest vendor of robotic vacuums, which Amazon recently acquired for $1.7 billion in a pending deal—confirmed that these images were captured by its Roombas in 2020.
Ultimately, though, this set of images represents something bigger than any one individual company’s actions. They speak to the widespread, and growing, practice of sharing potentially sensitive data to train algorithms, as well as the surprising, globe-spanning journey that a single image can take—in this case, from homes in North America, Europe, and Asia to the servers of Massachusetts-based iRobot, from there to San Francisco–based Scale AI, and finally to Scale’s contracted data workers around the world (including, in this instance, Venezuelan gig workers who posted the images to private groups on Facebook, Discord, and elsewhere).
Together, the images reveal a whole data supply chain—and new points where personal information could leak out—that few consumers are even aware of.
(continue reading)
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drferox · 3 months
There’s a couple of things happening on the information technology side of the veterinary industry at the moment:
Practice owners are increasingly aware that they need an online presence (website plus social media), but most of them have minimal interest in actually making one because they want to focus on patients. You know, the work they signed up for in the first place.
Various tech companies sell packages to most vet practices doing some or all of this, including ‘writing SEO optimised articles for your website’.
While many of those articles were copy-paste, now they are often ‘unique’ which looks more and more AI generated.
At best, this looks like shoddy articles written for a machine instead of for people. At worst it generates information which is not current or outright false. In the middle, you get articles reminding you to brush your bird’s teeth.
So I find myself wondering if it’s even worth the effort to write informative content and it mostly feels like it doesn’t. Not compared to how fast and easily AI stuff can be churned out. Seriously, there are so, so many articles and videos out there about how to use AI to automate content generation or digital shops… it’s depressing.
But it probably is still worth writing things because it’s always been worth trying to combat misinformation. It’s just that misinformation and weird information can be generated so much more rapidly.
And I realise that whatever I put out on the internet might be chopped up and rearranged in the AI blender, but somebody has to keep telling the internet that you don’t have to brush your bird’s teeth.
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apotelesmaa · 5 months
I like to imagine there’s at least one huge nerd at kamiyama in their third year and they’re always studying to get the best grades like really hitting the books & taking classes outside of school but they continually get the second highest scores and they’re seething with rage about it because the only person outdoing them academically is that purple fuck who never pays attention in class, is put in detention every week for blowing shit up and brings his whimsical ass gadgets to school. & he doesn’t even care about his status as the most academically talented kid in the grade. They’re planning on going into medical school or some other STEM field and he’s going into the arts.
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iww-gnv · 8 months
Voice actors are taking to social media to criticize SAG-AFTRA, the union representing actors and other entertainment professionals, for an agreement it struck Tuesday with an artificial intelligence company that would allow video game developers to use digital replicas of actors’ voices.
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nando161mando · 5 months
"No Tech for Apartheid’s protest is as much about what the public doesn’t know about Project Nimbus as what it does. The contract is for Google and Amazon to provide AI and cloud computing services to the Israeli government and military, according to the Israeli finance ministry, which announced the deal in 2021.
Nimbus reportedly involves Google establishing a secure instance of Google Cloud on Israeli soil, which would allow the Israeli government to perform large-scale data analysis, AI training, database hosting, and other forms of powerful computing using Google’s technology, with little oversight by the company.
Google documents, first reported by the Intercept in 2022, suggest that the Google services on offer to Israel via its Cloud have capabilities such as AI-enabled facial detection, automated image categorization, and object tracking."
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By Gary Wilson
The United States military has shifted toward AI and “data driven” warfare. A new revolving door is putting senior Pentagon officials into executive positions or as advisors to the Big Tech companies.
Over the past two years, global events have further fueled the Pentagon’s demand for Silicon Valley technologies, including the deployment of drones and AI-enabled weapon systems in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the Pentagon’s AI arms race directed against China.
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rowanthestrange · 3 months
I in no way think you’re supposed to be uncritical of Kate Stewart and her litany of poor choices (including using the Triad tech of a woman you’re investigating as an evil alien threat for fuck’s sake Katherine), but can you imagine Captain Jack walking in while the Doctor is finger-guns’ing everyone, looking him dead in the eyes and saying
“If you saw that I had hired children you would have had a stroke.”
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avant-greendecor · 1 year
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The City's Embrace: An Industrial Haven for Modern Explorers
Visit my website for more inspiration 🌿
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Transforming the Energy Sector: How Cutting-Edge Industrial Intelligence Solutions are Shaping the Future
The energy sector is on the cusp of a significant transformation. Driven by a growing focus on sustainability and the increasing integration of renewable energy sources, traditional methods of power generation and management are being challenged. To navigate this evolving landscape, industrial intelligence solutions are emerging as powerful tools for optimizing operations, ensuring grid stability, and fostering a more sustainable future.
At the core of this transformation lies the ability to accurately predict energy demand and generation. Industrial intelligence solutions, encompassing a suite of technologies like machine learning and big data analytics, are revolutionizing energy forecasting, also known as power forecasting and load forecasting and generation forecasting.
Power of Prediction: A Multi-Faceted Approach
Industrial intelligence empowers a multi-faceted approach to energy forecasting. Here's how:
Data Integration: By integrating vast datasets from various sources, including smart meters, weather forecasting services, and historical energy consumption patterns, these solutions can identify complex patterns and predict future demand with unprecedented accuracy.
Weather Forecasting: Weather plays a crucial role in energy demand, especially for renewables like solar and wind. Industrial intelligence leverages advanced weather forecasting models to incorporate these variables into energy predictions, leading to more reliable utility forecasting.
Price Forecasting: The ability to predict energy prices allows utilities to optimize procurement strategies and even participate in dynamic pricing models. This not only benefits them but also helps stabilize the energy market.
PUFF: A Framework for Smarter Energy Management
One such industrial intelligence solution is the Power & Utility Forecasting Framework (PUFF). PUFF utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze historical and real-time data, providing utilities with highly accurate forecasts for load, generation, and prices. This empowers them to make data-driven decisions regarding generation scheduling, grid maintenance, and resource allocation.
Sustainability Gains Traction
Industrial intelligence solutions are not just about optimizing traditional energy sources. They play a crucial role in integrating renewable energy sources into the grid. By accurately predicting renewable energy generation based on factors like wind speed and solar irradiance, these solutions allow for a smoother integration of these sustainable sources into the sustainability sector's energy mix.
The Road Ahead
The adoption of industrial intelligence solutions in the energy sector is still in its early stages. However, the potential benefits are undeniable. From ensuring grid stability to facilitating the growth of the sustainability sector, these solutions are poised to play a transformative role in the future of energy. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications that will shape a more secure, sustainable, and intelligent energy ecosystem. Contact Celebal Technologies today!
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askagamedev · 6 months
On the topic of generative AI, what jobs are game companies looking to replace with it first? I imagine that concept art is going to be one the easiest things to replace and I harass some games are using AI to fill out voice over work ( AI is a major sticking point between game companies and the voice actor union right now), but what other jobs are at risk of being replaced?
Honestly, right now it's actually rather difficult to replace entire jobs with generative AI. It's much more of a situation where AI would be used to augment and fill in small knowledge gaps rather than replace contributions from individual developers.
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Recently, a development company called Keywords attempted to build a 2D game internally using only generative AI tools. Keywords is a well-established co-development studio that has helped out with development on many large projects like Alan Wake, CoD: MW3 (2023), Super Mario Bros Wonder, Mortal Kombat 1, Starfield, Madden, Diablo IV, Skull and Bones, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, and so on. After six months the Keywords team [reported on their findings]:
Whilst the project team started small, it identified over 400 tools, evaluating and utilising those with the best potential. Despite this, we ultimately utilised bench resource from seven different game development studios as part of the project, as the tooling was unable to replace talent. One of the key learnings was that whilst Gen AI may simplify or accelerate certain processes, the best results and quality needed can only be achieved by experts in their field utilising Gen AI as a new, powerful tool in their creative process.
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This gels with my own experience with Gen AI - it's an expanded Dunning-Kruger situation. Gen AI can create all kinds of content or results but it requires actual expertise in the field in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. Without having the skills needed to determine if something is good or not, the Gen AI results aren't (yet) good enough to use to build something.
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x-heesy · 5 months
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„Fabricated Elegance“ by vojtek morsztyn 🖤
Artificial Intelligence in: Architecture, Industrial Design and Digital Arts 🎭
Vojtek Morsztyn is a creative designer who is combining traditional design with a new technology in the field of Industrial and Interior Design.
#Travelingwithoutmoving 🧭
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Fables & Fairytales - Deniz Kurtel Remix by N/a, Rosina 🎧
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ferretteeth · 1 month
I keep seeing this attitude specifically from Americans commenting on animal videos (note I’m generalizing enormously here) where specifically cows and horses are seen as harmless because they’re herbivores
There’s something very humbling about standing next to an animal that weighs 500-1000 kilograms and absolutely could kill you before you could kill it if it decided to view you as a threat
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my-vanishing-777 · 2 months
Men hate intelligence in women. It cannot flame; it cannot burn; it cannot burn out and end up in ashes, having been consumed in adventure. It cannot be cold, rational, ice; no warm womb would tolerate a cold, icy, splendid mind.—Right-Wing Women (1983)
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randomvarious · 3 months
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Today's compilation:
Teknoir 1999 Rhythmic Noise / Experimental / Industrial / IDM
Oh boy! Here's a late 90s double-disc sampler from German label Hymen Records, whose name, yes, of course, is making reference to a part of the vagina! Founded in 1997 as a sub-label of Ant-Zen, Hymen bills itself as 'technoid noises for collapsing people,' which is a description that will make a whole lot more sense to you if you actually listen to this album.
Now, I didn't like most of what's served up on this thing; I'm not really a noisenik or a rhythmic noisenik, and I don't go for much in the way of industrial music, either. BUT, at the points when this album steers a little bit away from German avantgardist weirdness, and more towards genres that are a tad more conventional like IDM and breakbeat-based stuff, that's when I fully latch on to a solid handful of these tracks 😋.
But before we dive into all of that, we also need to address a certain elephant in the room when it comes to industrial music writ large; and that elephant is fascism. Now, I am certainly no fan of this purely rotten political ideology, but there is no doubt that because industrial music has a hard, abrasive, and martial quality to it, that it can definitely attract a certain goose-stepping type. And being that we're talking about Germany specifically here—where fascism once again appears to be rearing its very ugly head, as the once-fringe AfD party continues to gain seats in the Bundestag (German parliament), and vocal criticism of an apartheid state that is pretty clearly currently committing genocide is forcefully stifled—you have to wonder, are the people who are making this music sympathetic to fascism themselves?
And the answer to that question would appear to be a pretty full-throated "no," as evidenced by a wild track from Substanz T called "Industrial Music for Industrial People (Live)." On this tune, Substanz T loop up a quote from a guy who passionately says, "and if you don't like fascism, don't play industrial music." And so, taking clever heed of those words, with this track on an album that's surrounded by a whole lot of industrial music otherwise, Substanz T decide to play a diabolical brand of hardcore acid jungle instead, so as to say, "yeah, we're not fascists, man, so we're not gonna play industrial music for your ass. Here's this dance genre that a whole lot of black people have played a significant role in building instead, you fuckin' prick! 🖕🤘"
Gotta love it!
But while I certainly dig the messaging of that song itself, I don't think that that one is my absolute favorite here. And to be honest with you all, I don't know which of these is actually my favorite, because the front half of the second disc offers up a bunch of terrific choices, like the chilly and dub-brained IDM of Architect's "Pastgate," the sublimely splattery and drill n' bassy "Listen to the Call" by Beefcake, the Goldilocks-level-of-Gary-Numanesque-synths-crossed-with-bludgeoning-percussion that is Somatic Responses' "Oblique," and the sort of 80s retrofuturistic distorted nu-electro of Klangstabil's "Regelkreisauslöser." All seriously uniquely brilliant electronic tunes!
And this leads me to my final point, which feels like maybe the ten millionth time that I'm making it: No matter how bad or unfit to your own personal taste an album might seem, don't dump out of it until it's over, because you really might miss out on something remarkable. I say this so many times because it's happened to me so many times. Outside of that anti-fash Substanz T song, the first disc on this comp really did not end up bearing much fruit, and as a result, I *really* was not looking forward to having to endure the second disc. But had I decided to call it quits at that halfway point, I would've missed pretty much the entire cream of this release's crop, and that simply would've sucked, because there actually happen to be a whole bunch of unexpected marvels on that second disc! 🤩
Not Breathing - "Kissy (Pre M.R.I. Mix)" Substanz T - "Industrial Music for Industrial People (Live)"
Architect - "Pastgate" Bochumwelt - "La Pensée" Beefcake - "Listen to the Call" Somatic Responses - "Olblique" Klangstabil - "Regelkreisauslöser" Mother Destruction - "Odr"
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