#infinity wars: infinity warps
darthmasterchief · 2 years
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Fight to the death: Weapon Hex vs Kefla.
Who’s walking away?
An incomplete list of the powers of Weapon Hex (Fusion of Laura Kinney/Talon & Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch):
Adamantium Bone Claws (virtually indestructible)
Regenerative Healing Factor
Chaos Magic Spells
Hex-N-Effect: Never explained, but it appears to be some kind of attack combining Laura's magic and claws.
Hexision: Never explained, but implied to increase the sharpness and/or durability of Laura's claws.
Hex Terminate: Never explained, but it appears to be an energy attack. Laura uses it in an attempt to kill Herbert Wyndham for the second time.
Hexual Healing: Amplifies Laura's healing factor.
Hexollection: Used by Laura to see a psychic vision of something that happened to Detective Greer Baptiste, which Laura did not originally witness.
Hexpulsion: Used to launch Elsa Bladestone into the air and (presumably) obliterate her. Also used to remove the cat-wendigo spirit from Greer (the woman it was possessing).
Hextermination: Use by Laura to destroy the cat-wendigo spirit.
Hexagone: Used by Laura to teleport Hellhound to the roof of the castle they're in.
Hex Filtration: Used by Laura to teleport Iron Hammer and Soldier Supreme to her location from a great distance away.
Hex Ray: An energy blast Laura uses to reduce Hellhound (who has a healing factor) to a skeleton, successfully killing her.
Hex Nihilo: Used to force the intangible Mad Ghost to become tangible.
Hex Position: Used to read Mad Ghost's mind.
Novis Sed Hexorcismus: A Necromancy spell that summons spirits of the dead to fight at Laura’s side.
Hex-Purgatory: When Laura becomes merged with Captain Peace (herself a composite of Captain Marvel and Justice Peace) and becomes Weapon Peace, she uses this spell to surgically remove her own past (which was apparently becoming gangrenous).
An incomplete list of the powers of Kefla (Fusion of Kale and Caulifa):
Flight: Kefla can fly by utilizing ki.
Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy attacks.
Continuous Energy Bullet: A combination of many energy waves fired at a very rapid rate.
Fist Cannonball: Kefla gathers energy in her fist, then fires a concentrated blast of green ki at her opponent.
Burst of Energy: Kefla fires a large red beam at her foe.
Gigantic Blast: Kefla creates a cluster of green or red Ki blasts in both hands and fires them at her opponent. With her precise Ki control, she can also have them home in on her opponent.
Gigantic Burst: While using Ray Blast, Kefla charges a much powerful Gigantic Blast and fires it at her opponent. When charging it, the energy spheres mix up forming a spinning disc of Ki in each hand before firing them in the form of massive energy waves.
Gigantic Breaker: Kefla charges a red ki blast into her fist and slams it into her opponent.
Ray Blast: Kefla releases her aura strongly enough that fires powerful laser-like flashes omnidirectionally.
Kiai: Kefla throws jab-like punches at her opponent in rapid succession, which causes thin, wind-like punches to appear on impact behind the opponent.
Full Power Energy Wave: One of Kefla's Ultimate Skills in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
Blaster Meteor: Kefla's Evasive Skill in Xenoverse 2.
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Marvel G-L Collected Edition Reviews
HAWKEYE OMNIBUS by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Javier Pulido, et al It’s Marvel’s most critically acclaimed comic in recent memory! Clint Barton continues his fight for justice. and good rooftop BBQs! With Young Avenger Kate Bishop by his side, he’s out to get some downtime from being one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. but when the apartment building he’s moved into and the neighbours he’s…
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
If I ever get back to my own timeline, the first thing I'm going to do is bury my Doc Martens so far up the ass of The Professor that he's going to wish he had never heard of dimensional travel. You certainly can't blame me for going along with it. It all sounded so good: with an infinity of other universes, chances are one of them is gonna have a low-miles 1978 Plymouth Volare that I can bring back home.
That universe, if it does exist, isn't this one. I knew as soon as I stepped out of the warp that things were different. The air hung thick with the smell of two-stroke oil. Screaming wasp-like engines ran at incomprehensibly high revs. Japanese kanji were stapled on the side of every building, making it nearly impossible for my illiterate ass to navigate the downtown well enough to secure a taxi cab. I stumbled through the rain-slick streets in search of a store with enough triple-A batteries to get home.
Something that looked like a hardware store approached from the gloom. The horrific shrieking din grew from all sides. Did they know I was coming? Were they hunting me? That's when I saw it. A family hatchback, containing a family. Front-wheel-drive. Nothing special. In the front, though, a shrieking dorito, its induction scoop jutting through an entirely absent hood. In this universe, rotary engines had won the war. Something in the laws of physics didn't go the same way here as it did in our realm. Pistons were virtually extinct, hunted to the ends of the Earth.
I could not bear to see if I could find my beloved Mopars in this world. If any had survived at all, they would be incomprehensible. And how bad would a Chrysler-helmed Wankel engine be? How horrifying would Saab have become, in this triangle-shaped hell? Most of all, I feared falling in love with it, refusing to continue the sliding. The good news is that these things had such low compression after a couple weeks of use, that 48-volt marine batteries were cheap as hell. Even if I did have to pay for them with chunks of my own hair.
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Warp Trotters are very suspicious creatures in Honkai Star Rail.
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Description :
"An interdimensional creature lost in the stars. Docile in nature. Sweet in taste. Inedible. Spends most of its life feeding and fleeing. Travelers who encounter these creatures see them as good omens."
Trotters are described as "interdimensional creatures" and "trans-latitudinal organisms". They are lost creatures that are always scared and try to flee when facing a fight. They can teleport by murmuring equations related to black holes like the Schwarzschild radius. They can basically move between dimensions.
In the Interstellar Travel (phenomenon) entry, it's stated that only beings that can manipulate the Imaginary Tree's energy such as Aeons or Emanators can travel through space. What the Trotters do is no ordinary feat.
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Normal (golden) Warp Trotters have physical, quantum and imaginary weakness.
Don't you think it's weird that Trotters are literally everywhere, even in dreams (Penacony) ? Trotters can travel to the Memory Zone without using a Dreampool. In the Radiant Feldspar, some Trotters have been attracted to the floral scent of the swimming pool.
Even weirder, there is a Trotter in A Child's Dream, a realm created by Mikhail's memories.
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In the Where Are You, Mystery Trotter mini-event, Trotters can shapeshift into inanimate objects like vending machines, but they can also disguise themselves as humans and imitate human speech to a certain extent. (Although they don't seem to understand it, the Trotter in the event was just repeating the same things over and over again)
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Acheron is an Emanator of Nihility and her technique literally one-shots enemies in the overworld, except Elites and Trotters. Trotters > Acheron
In the Simulated Universe, Trotters have special abilities related to the Abundance, Preservation or Destruction. This could imply that Trotters can become Pathstriders or, since the power of the Aeons stems from Imaginary energy, that they borrow the energy as well.
The Trotter in the Aetherium Wars (Pokemon event) is an unique Aether Spirit with a mind of their own.
If you interact with the Trotter in the Astral Express as Hanu, this shows up :
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If Trotters are lost, what are they looking for ? Their home ? What are Trotters ?
My theory is that Trotters are either Leviathans or their descendants. (like how chickens are descendants of dinosaurs)
Leviathans are ancient lifeforms that were in the Galaxy before the Aeons were born. It's possible that they could have Aeon-like abilities. Most of them have been wiped out by the Dusk Wars and their corpses are used by the Antimatter Legion to create Tramplers and the Doomsday Beast. There aren't any known Leviathans except Oroboros who is both an Aeon and a Leviathan.
After the Dusk Wars, the Trotters (the Leviathans' legacy) have been forced to wander across the universe. They are trying to find the Leviathans' homeworld, unaware if it has been destroyed or not.
A controversial theory in the Species of the Galaxy : Wubbaboo readable explains that remnants of the Leviathans became Astral Spirits (Heliobi). It suggests that they could have taken another form.
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Trotter are the only enemies (excluding the Trashcans) that drop Stellar Jades when defeated.
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"A fleeting gleam", "Catch it before it's gone"
The Oneiric Shard can be exchanged to Stellar Jades. The description coincidentally mentions Leviathans.
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In that case, it's easy to make an association between Trotters and Leviathan.
In the Planar Infinity event (where the geniuses mess with the SU), Stephen Lloyd tries to attract Leviathans by using the Shattered Star Bait and ended up attracting Trotters. If the theory is correct, Stephen has unknowingly succeeded.
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Note how Leviathans are attracted by an "unique aroma of cosmic dust"
What about Numby ?
Numby is a smart Trotter that can write mails and do actuarial sciences. Could every Trotter do the same ? If not, could Numby be special (like a Trotter King) ? How has Topaz tamed a Trotter if they always try to escape ? Topaz and Numby might be the Xiangling and Guoba of HSR
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catulhu333 · 3 months
Khaine and Khorne being directly stated to be the same
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While this is an often discussed theory, or that the two are at least closely connected, and many hints of it in lore/fluff, there are at least two instances in canon were this was directly stated. First one is very old, from the 1988 article "Witch Elves!" in White Dwarf #108: "The Kryrnaa are an ancient order, founded during the early dark days of the building of Naggarond. They had turned from the worship of Slaanesh soon after their exile from the Elven Kingdoms, and, still drawn by the allure of Chaos, took the murderous Khaine as their new Master. For many centuries the Krynaa were a secret order, their name heard only in the whisperings of dark passages, but their numbers slowly grew. And as the Krynaa increased in strength, there came the inevitable conflict with the Dru Perim. For Khaine is that aspect of the Blood God recognised by the Druchii, and the Blood God, known to other races as Khorne, is the sworn enemy of Slaanesh."
The second time, is much newer excerpt, from 2006's Liber Chaotica:
"Of Pleasure And Rage
Behold! For I speak to you from the Shadows - the Great Darkness, that gives meaning to all Light. At the heart of this Realm, shrouded and unclear, stands the Powers of Chaos, locked in each other's embrace, hated lovers and eternal companions.
These Four are like points upon a compass - none are close and some are opposite. War and Pleasure are two such opposites, facing each other across eternity, hating and warring, two ideals seperated by an impassable gulf of Belief and Purpose. For Khorne is discipline, hardness, suffering and rage, while Slaanesh is indulgence, beauty, ecstasy and lust. Their opposition is carved upon the knucklebones of fate and conflict can be their only recourse.
Yet how mightier is Khorne than his delight-filled sibling! Oldest of gods and greatest of warriors, Khorne's armies stretch from infinity to infinity to infinity and the Pleasure God may not rival Him. But this was not always so. For in the days when the Slaanesh, Last Born and Most Beautiful, strove for existence, His power waxed stronger than all other gods, be they seperate or together, and it seemed as though His spiteful triumph would destroy the Balance in the Warp.
But as is ever the case, Khorne was there to stem the flow of Delight. He saw the growth of His youngest sibling, and hated Him even before his birth. With His mighty arms, Khorne sought to crush the life from Slaanesh before He had even left His womb, but the war god had not counted on the passion of Slaanesh's creators, and the harder He squeezed the greater the pressure became to drive His arms apart.
The war god fought on. He sought to give all mortals time to bring an end to their corrupting decadence - the decadence that fed the nascent Power that was Slaanesh. But mortals are weak as gods are not, and though some used the time bought for them by Khorne to learn from their wicked ways, many others did not and sank ever deeper into indolence and debauchery.
Slaanesh's tempermental screams and self-tormenting nightmares echoed through the Aethyr, and insanity bloomed on every world. Terrible storms raged throughout Heaven and Hell, and rains of fire lashed across Khorne's back, but His grip ever stayed firm around His embryonic sibling. Freezing winds tore at His face and floods of poison crept up His legs, yet still the War God would not let go.
Then His brother came upon the scene. Decay stood there beside War.
"Give up," sighed Father Nurgle. "Give into what must be. It is the nature of things that morals decay and cultures must rot. Mortals cannot leave their destined path."
Khorne turned away from His brother and grasped His wrists all the tighter. Then a gust of coloured light brought there to the brothers the Changer of Ways, and Tzeentch gazed upon the War God with amusement and disdain.
"End this," he hissed. "For it must come to pass. Change is the constant that cannot be changed. We Three must be Four, so the Game has demanded. Be it now, be it later, our sibling must come."
But Khorne would have none of it. He rorared His fury until the universe shook, and the foundations of All That Is, All That Was, and All That Shall Be, threatened to crumble. His brothers left Him then, one with a sigh and one with a chuckle, for both knew that the ending was close.
Upon the Mortal Plane the wars had all ceased. All morals and laws had rotted away, and the change to conceit was almost done. The Three wavered as decadence took hold, and Slaanesh expanded beyond size and beyond measure. But Khorne, unable to see defeat, hung on to His charge though his arms were bent back and His body near-crushed. Then with a scream of release that ripped through the Warp, Slaanesh threw off His eldest brother and burst into being.
Such was the Event of Slaanesh's birth, the metal body that had contained Khorne's essence since He had slain Khaelis Ra, shattered into a thousand pieces that scattered across the dimensions. But though His soul had been freed from its silver prison, Khorne had not the strength to strike a counter blow against exultant Slaanesh, and so the Pleasure God was left to reap the souls of His mortal creators and set His Throne alongside those of His brothers. So it was that the Three became Four and the Eternal Pantheon was complete.
From whenever 'then' was, until wherever 'now' is, the gods have continued their unending dance, twirling each other through the minds and souls of mortals. First one leads and then another, each keeping step in this pavane of peril, a stately measure played out to the beating of human hearts.
None of these powers can ever truly win against its brothers, for, as the Great Conspirator did say, it is the nature of things that change is the only constant - and nowhere is this more true than within the shadow place that is Chaos.
Yet still the gods dance and their bellows of delight shake the universe.
from the 'Liber Maleficarum'. Restricted distribution 2405- I.C. by order of K. M. Eisel, Witch Hunter Captain"
(written down by Dreadnautilus on reddit, as the fragment was in handwriting in Liber Chaotica).
As seen in the fragment describes Khorne fighting and destroying K(h)aelis Ra (the Nightbringer), exactly like Khaine was described in lore from the same period (the short story, and in-universe Eldar myth "The Birth of Fear"). And being, or rather Khaine/Khorne's shell being shattered by Slaanesh.
Does it mean Khorne and Khaine are the same? Not necessarily. Even the fluff from Liber Chaotica implies they are no longer the same, being split by Slaanesh. It's also hard to tell if this fluff/lore is canon, especially seeing multiple elements from the White Dwarf #108 were directly retconned. Still, it does show there were instances were the two gods of war and blood were stated to be same.
combined artworks of Khaine by Jes Goodwin and Khorne by Ian Miller
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imdonnalynn · 22 days
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Made a new header with who I believe will be big players towards the end of the Multiverse Saga. Agatha maybe not so much but in her own way however that may be.
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch SPECULATION -
What happened to Wanda with the collapse of Wundagore in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness?
Did she die in the collapse like so many would have you believe?
Did she simply put herself in some hibernation form within the rubble?
Did she transport herself elsewhere to self-isolate? An off shoot of this speculation was she banished herself to the Void.
Hear my theory, think about it, in Multiverse of Madness when Wanda finally realized the Darkhold had corrupted her, in the eyes of her children, it was only then she was able to see the monster she had become and stop her rampage.
I think Wanda realized how truly dangerous she was and in an effort to protect her children and by extension the Multiverse she brought Wundagore down on top of her in an effort to rid the Multiverse of her as a future threat.
But what I think really happened was instead of killing her she sent herself to the Void.
She absorbed some of America's power, its possible with her already powerful reality warping abilities with what little she took she was able to send herself to the Void with a thought, like she erased all mutants in the House of M storyline by stating "No more mutants..." in this case she thought "I want to be where I'm no longer a threat to anyone..." and to me that means the Void.
I think Wanda unintentionally banished herself to the Void. As evidence by her Scarlet Witch statue from Wundagore making a cameo appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine in the hideout of the resistance team against Cassandra Nova.
Wanda has likely been in the Void since Multiverse of Madness and has avoided any interaction with anyone and anything fearing she will become an unstoppable threat again. So I don't think Cassandra Nova felt any need to try and kill Wanda even if she somehow knew about her.
But once Avengers: Doomsday comes, RDJ's Doctor Doom, will very likely pull an Avengers: Infinity War and leave audiences stunned when he causes incursions of the Multiverse into one place, the Void making it BATTLEWORLD. That is a lot of populus and stuff of all kinds coming into the Void and between that and Wanda possibly running into some of her old friends from her universe 616, she will begin to realize she has to get involved if the fate of the Multiverse, the fate of her children, is at stake. Any projects that take place between Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars has been heavily rumored to take place in Battleworld.
Wanda will be an integral part in restoring the Multiverse so the Mutant Saga can thrive. Loki, Doom, Wanda and maybe even Strange will all have a hand in reestablishing everything.
p.s. ...Clea may also be a big part with the other magical beings of the Multiverse.
update 9/5/24 - She could also be in some form of Hell based off the souls of the damned in Multiverse of Madness. If you count the souls that she was trapped with versus how many burst free when she did the number is short so its implied she could have been dragged to some hellish realm.
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randomthefox · 1 month
Every time I think the IDW characters can't get any more bland and empty the comic immediately proves me wrong.
I was completely assured that Surge and Kit were the most banal and vapid things to ever come from the franchise.
Then Clutch becomes the center of attention. His entire "character" and "role" is putting on a generic evil face. Clutch has nothing to him other than the fact that he kinda looks evil.
With how things are going, the next IDW villain could be a featureless character base who holds up a sign saying "I am scary and awesome" without ever doing anything
The idw comic characters are so ass. I can't even call them caricatures. Caricatures at least have notable features and traits. The idw OCs are more like unfinished summaries of extremely basic archetypes.
It was so crazy to me the moment I realized that Clutch is Evan Stanleys Thanos. She's been setting him up for years and this is his big Infinity War storyline where everything comes to a head. I don't think Ian Flynn has ever even written an issue where Clutch has been featured? I don't feel like double checking that. But I'm pretty sure Clutch is exclusive to Stanley's issues. Sorta like that guy from the Powerpuff Girls reboot who was a self insert character for the episode writer who was Blossoms boyfriend and only ever appeared or was acknowledged in episodes he wrote. (I'm not making that up that's real you can look it up.)
It's like. Kind of sad. It's like second hand embarrassment. Like, wow. This is the best she can do huh? This is her magnum opus? She's written the story so that Ian Flynn's main villain Starline, who Stanley always wrote as a bumbling joke subjected to slapstick, was propped up and supplied entirely by HER villain. And the primary villains of Surge and Kit who had dominated the comic for the entire year since they were introduced decided to join up with and be subservient to Clutch basically on a whim. And Mimic, another villain invented by Flynn, also joins up under Clutch and displays weary fear of him?
It's crazy how Stanley appears to be incapable of writing a new character without warping the entire universe to revolve around that character. This is the same thing that happened with Belle actually (hilariously, Clutch and Belle were introduced in the same storyline). The entire comic just became single mindedly devoted to her melodrama for more than a year. And now Clutch has just become this gravitational force that every remaining villain in the comic is orbiting even though it literally makes zero fucking sense for any single one of them to give a shit or not want to murder him on sight.
I also find the way Clutch was retconned as being responsible for Starline and recruiting Surge and Kit to be a burn against Flynn. You cannot convince me that there isn't drama between those two. And Stanley is absolutely burying everything Flynn has done with the comic, there's no way this isn't deliberate character sabotage and assassination.
It's such a mindfuck dissecting this comic. It's like a rotten onion with infinite layers. I just keep peeling it back and finding maggots and puss and tar and mold and it never ends. Every time I even THINK about this comic I realize something new about its festering incompetence. It is an endless abyss of absolute fucking trash.
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izzydaninja · 6 months
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Sonic Prime - Finale Rewrite? Sonic Prime & Avengers: Infinity War Peter Parker Dying Scene, recreated to be Sonic dying. This was a random silly idea at first, but I decided to keep going with it. :) Hopefully you all liked it. I got awfully sloppy with a lot of it. Didn't bother finishing some of the hand and shoe basic sketches, and just left them as warped blobs and such. lol But, as long as it gets the meaning across, I'm good with it. I would've done a fully finished comic, but I knew I'd never get it done, so I just left it as the sloppy sketchy mess it is. Did enjoy taking my time on the last panel, though. :3 Sonic as Peter Parker/Spider-Man Shadow as Tony Stark/Iron-Man
~The heart is for my signature in the background, not for the characters and panels, etc. lol Sorry if it was misinterpreted as such.~ *DO NOT TAKE, COPY, OR REDRAW* ~No stealy~
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gendertrickster · 1 year
What are your thoughts on dirk’s deal with his splinters, and how a similar concept (whether internalized or externalized) might present itself in other Heart classes?
i think the splinters are something very unique to the prince of heart, because to me a prince is very literal: a ruling class. a prince builds a kingdom out of their aspect; dirk, faced with this absolute isolation and having nobody who could quite relate to him (in both a gay and transmasculine sense, even), has to make his own company. he builds a robot in his own image, he makes chatbots that talk to each other for infinity and, most vitally, he creates the auto-responder. he has nothing to relate to so he just breaks himself into pieces and shapes those pieces upwards. what this results in, though, is dirk being surrounded in totality by all of his own personal traits, which makes his own flaws stand out far more to him, leading him down an inevitable path of self-loathing.
to me, a prince is also at odds (or perhaps even at war) with the aspect opposite theirs, so for dirk he is at odds with mind. he's constantly overthinking to the point of wrapping back around and making hugely uncritical decisions, he's so self-aware it hurts, he has trouble understanding the internal logics of others (autism), he feels as if he has to be the one making all the choices for everyone's sake, and most of all he's endlessly doubting himself on whether he's gonna turn out a bad person based on some trajectory he can't change. once the game begins to start, his kingdom starts collapsing once the AR 1) starts deliberately keeping him in the dark on what he's doing and 2) begins to obscure to his friends what dirk even is anymore, and this image of dirk that is defined by all that he's created in his image begins to shatter.
every splinter of dirk represents a trait of his own cranked to 11. brobot is his fighting prowess warped into this twisted bloodlust, brain ghost dirk is his masculinity as jake sees it which for jake, who hates being a man, becomes toxic, and hal is the leader of this rebellion in his own heart, representing every part of himself he wanted to leave behind. by the end, brobot is broken, jake doesn't want to talk to him anymore, and hal has merged with equius, becoming something entirely different.
what dirk has to do in this fallout is not lose himself to this endless self-criticism and start trying to appreciate any of his own traits, or his loathsome nature of self will take everyone down with him.
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theelectronicstranger · 11 months
Loki Season 2 Episode 5 “Science/Fiction” Thoughts and Theories
            If you have not seen this episode of Loki, then please look away right now. I really like this episode and you should get a chance to watch it.
            I really liked this episode of Loki, or as I call it “Tom Hiddleston’s audition to be the The Doctor from Doctor Who”. The way he recruits Mobius in this episode literally reminded me of how the Ninth Doctor recruited Rose Tyler in first series. It is so nice to see what everybody’s life was like outside of the TVA. I like how different everyone was. Although, I would say OB being a science fiction writer who is also a physicist isn’t really that different from who he was in the TVA. It was really sad when he came out of the time portal to reveal to everyone that it’s been 19 months and his wife had left him and he lost his job. Loki literally just ruined this man’s life. It’s nice to see Hunter B-15 as a pediatrician; it’s not that different from her caring self in the TVA but when we first saw her in the show, this was not what I would imagine her real life was. Casey shocked me the most since he was a criminal in his timeline; the Casey we know in the TVA is completely opposite to his real-life counterpart. I love that Mobius was a salesman who sells jet skis. That would explain why he has this obsession with them. Although, that begs the question of: do the TVA members know some bits of their lives? Because Mobius has this obsession with Jet skis, the same way he kind of does with his real-life counterpart.
            I loved Loki and Sylvie’s conversation in the bar. I think it gets to the point of who Loki is and what he’s been wanting since we met him in Thor. He just wants to be with his friends. Loki, as a character, has always wanted to find a place where he belonged and a place where people would accept him. In the first Thor, we see Loki betray Asgard because he finds out he’s a frost giant. He feels othered by this revelation and he feels betrayed by the people he thought was his people. We even see that in the end of Thor: Ragnarok, where he helps the Asgardians escape Asgard. Sure, he’s doing it to help them but some part of him also just wants to be the hero that gets all this adoration and glory. We also see it in last season’s episode 5 “Journey Into Mystery”, when Loki is talking to the older Loki, who survives the attack of Thanos during Infinity War, the older Loki talks about how he was captured by the TVA because he wanted to come find his brother to see if Thor missed him or if anybody else did. Loki is this kind of sad character that inside this conqueror, malice, and superiority exterior, just wants to find a place to belong. He found that in the TVA. He found a place where he knew for a fact that he’s just this small being in this vast multiverse and there are things he can’t conquer, so he’s finally able to go back to what he truly wants, which is a place to belong and some friends to go along with it.
            You know when this season first started, I didn’t even think they would go to the Loki is the God of Stories route but after this episode, it seems more likely that that is what they’re going to do with him. If I remember correctly, just a few years ago, Loki was reborn as the God of Stories, which made him a being of immense power. Not only does he know that he’s in a comic (I’m pretty sure it was in that God of Stories run that he found out) but he can also warp/ change what ever reality he is on; he can make every story he tells into reality. Now, I don’t know how much of that the MCU is going to adapt or to put on Loki but if he does become the God of Stories then he literally can change the marvel landscape immediately. You know how there are rumors that Marvel has plans to change Jonathan Majors as Kang and to maybe bring the old Avengers back? Well, this is one way they can do it if they want.
            I’m not saying that Loki will definitely be the God of Stories by the end of this season. Although, him having to figure out whether time slipping’s rules are a matter of Science or Fiction, then ultimately figuring out that it’s a matter of fiction kind of points directly to this God of Stories route. Although, I think his powers would be nerfed a bit where he can only change reality by time slipping to the past and changing the reality through that point. That’s why in the first episode of this season, OB can remember his interaction with Loki perfectly because his new time slipping powers made it so that OB wouldn’t forget.
            What did you guys think of this episode? Was there something that I forgot or maybe got wrong? I’d love to know. I haven’t read that God of Stories Loki in a while, so I might be getting something wrong with that, so feel free to add more if you want. If I remember correctly as well, Loki ends up telling Deadpool that he’s in a comic at some point, but I’m not sure when that happened. Anyways, have a good day/night and thanks for reading.
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
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The Guardians are getting variant covers paying homage to their history across the years. Here’s tiny Stephen from his time during the events of Infinity Countdown/Wars/Warps.
Moon Knight #23 Stormbreakers variant cover by Jan Bazaldua.
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darthmasterchief · 2 years
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Fight to the death: Laura Kinney/Weapon Hex vs Ana Schariac/Herrscher of Rimestar (Marvel vs Honkai Impact 3rd). Both women have the combined powers of two people. Who’s walking away?
An incomplete list of the powers of Weapon Hex (Fusion of Laura Kinney/Talon & Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch):
Adamantium Bone Claws (virtually indestructible).
Regenerative Healing Factor: Powerful enough that Laura can heal from a pile of either ashes or dust.
Chaos Magic Spells:
- Hex-N-Effect: Never explained, but it appears to be some kind of attack combining Laura's magic and claws.
- Hexision: Never explained, but implied to increase the sharpness and/or durability of Laura's claws.
- Hex Terminate: Never explained, but it appears to be an energy attack. Laura uses it in an attempt to kill Herbert Wyndham for the second time.
- Hexual Healing: Amplifies Laura's healing factor.
- Hexollection: Used by Laura to see a psychic vision of something that happened to Detective Greer Baptiste, which Laura did not originally witness.
- Hexpulsion: Used to launch Elsa Bladestone into the air and (presumably) obliterate her. Also used to remove the cat-wendigo spirit from Greer (the woman it was possessing).
- Hextermination: Use by Laura to destroy the cat-wendigo spirit.
- Hexagone: Used by Laura to teleport Hellhound to the roof of the castle they're in.
- Hex Filtration: Used by Laura to teleport Iron Hammer and Soldier Supreme to her location from a great distance away.
- Hex Ray: An energy blast Laura uses to reduce Hellhound (who has a healing factor) to a skeleton, successfully killing her.
- Hex Nihilo: Used to force the intangible Mad Ghost to become tangible.
- Hex Position: Used to read Mad Ghost's mind.
- Novis Sed Hexorcismus: A Necromancy spell that summons spirits of the dead to fight at Laura’s side.
- Hex-Purgatory: When Laura becomes merged with Captain Peace (herself a fusion of Captain Marvel and Justice Peace) and becomes Weapon Peace, she uses this spell to surgically remove her own past (which was apparently becoming gangrenous).
An incomplete list of the powers of Ana Schariac/Herrscher of Rimstar (Fusion of Herrscher of Ice and Herrscher of Stars):
Ice Manipulation
Thermal Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation
Black Hole Creation
Existence Erasure Resistance: All Herrschers can survive being in the Imaginary Tree, which is an 11D structure that causes that effect upon everyone that sets foot in it unprepared.
Intangibility: Herrschers can switch the state of things from Imaginary to Real, bypassing durability and increasing their defenses.
Corrosion: Honkai energy in large doses is lethal to entire leaves of the Imaginary Tree, which hold universes. Herrschers produce just enough to turn everyone without high Honkai resistance into dust just by being in the vicinity, and since Rimestar is 2-in-1, she produces twice the amount as standard Herrscher abilities.
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artacetinker · 5 months
I'mma dump bc dump and dump and enjoy dump 🙂👍
First is a doodle page with friends, guess which ones mine
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Wip of infinity Moku for a friend
I saw somewhere that most artists have their own version of Hatsune Miku
Mine is a moth version and her name was originally Mothku but changed to Moku because it sounded better
Her hair is the fluff on her antenna
There is no certain moth species I've made her, she probably changes for her different modules
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My FPE oc Miss Axis again
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Stylized endermen from the enderman overhaul mod
Namely the mushroom one, the flower one? And the warped forest one
Here's the endermen btw
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(Second to last on the top second on the bottom and last on the bottom)
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Shinoku, my TADC oc who's a Giant Phantom Jellyfish, hence the dark colours
The red thing in her 'hat' is supposed to be her stomach because jellyfish anatomys
She lives in the lake
Bonus points for anyone who recognizes the hairstyle lol
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An Urzuk from Creatures of Sonaria on Roblox
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And my sister drew a war machine using the study I did of them because Im about 35% sure I'm mentally unstable when it comes to the enemies or villains or supposed bad guys of movies or video games
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The study in question lol
It's terrible I know but it's good enough for me and I can now successfully draw the long beeping cloth-devouring scarf-snatching floaty rock cage snake enemies from Sky Cotls predecessor 👍 (at least I think it is, it's older and shares a lot of aspects with sky)
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drleevezan · 7 months
And now, having finished All Of Classic Who (with the exception of Dimensions in Time and the TV Movie, which are next on the list), some random lists, most of which are of little interest to anyone but myself:
Favorite Doctors: Hartnell, Troughton, Davison, McCoy.
Favorite companions: Susan, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Steven, Jamie, Zoe, Jo, Leela, Romana, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Ace.
Top five serials of each Doctor: (roughly, because it's difficult to choose)
An Unearthly Child, The Edge of Destruction, The Web Planet, The Gunfighters, The Time Meddler
The Faceless Ones, The Enemy of the World, The Mind Robber, The Web of Fear, The War Games
Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Ambassadors of Death, Inferno, The Three Doctors, The Curse of Peladon
The Brain of Morbius, The Horror of Fang Rock, The Ribos Operation, Warrior's Gate, The Keeper of Traken
Snakedance, Terminus, Enlightenment, Frontios, The Caves of Androzani
The Mark of the Rani, Revelation of the Daleks, The Mysterious Planet, Mindwarp, The Ultimate Foe
Delta and the Bannermen, Remembrance of the Daleks, Battlefield, Ghost Light, Curse of Fenric
Least favorite stories: Destiny of the Daleks, Four to Doomsday, The Sea Devils, The Ark in Space, The Dominators, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Two Doctors, Warriors of the Deep, The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Seasons with the highest overall story quality: Season 7, Season 13, Season 18, Season 20, Seasons 25 & 26
Best regeneration story: The War Games
Best post-regeneration story: Power of the Daleks
Best companion departures: Ian, Barbara, Jamie, Zoe, Jo, Sarah Jane, Romana, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Random one-off characters whom I particularly liked: The Commandant (The Faceless Ones), Anne Travers (The Web of Fear), The Karkus (The Mind Robber), Isobel (The Invasion), Milo Clancey (The Space Pirates), Jennifer and Carstairs (The War Games), Hal the Archer (The Time Warrior), everyone in The Ribos Operation (The Ribos Operation), Professor Emilia Rumford (The Stones of Blood), the DJ (Revelation of the Daleks), Goronwy (Delta and the Bannermen), Lady Peinforte (Silver Nemesis), Mags (The Greatest Show in the Galaxy), Bambera, Ancelyn, and Shou Yuing (Battlefield)
List of particularly effective moments/images that come to mind:
The extended disorientating first dematerilisation of the TARDIS in An Unearthly Child
The white void in The Mind Robber.
The end of the doomed universe in Inferno.
The 'Binro was right' scene, and Graff Vynda-K unraveling after he accidentally kills his second-in-command and imagining that he's leading a military charge as he runs away and explodes in The Ribos Operation.
The Tharils' world in Warrior's Gate.
The statue garden in The Keeper of Traken, the Master's poisonous influence at the heart of the otherwise-beautiful world, and the story's happy ending being subverted as he re-emerges at the end.
The Doctor and the Master rushing to stop the accidentally-unleashed entropy wave in the latter part of Logopolis as it destroys half the universe.
The first episode of Terminus as it builds in tension from the skull materialising behind Nyssa at the beginning to the final revelation of their location at the end.
All of the setting and set design in Enlightenment.
The dialogue-free scene of Omega returning to the universe in Arc of Infinity and stumbling dazedly throughout Amsterdam and watching a puppet show before he begins to disintegrate.
The ending of Mindwarp as the structure of the story is sent off the rails by the Time Lords pulling the Doctor out of time before the climax and sending Yrcanos to assassinate Peri within their visually-warped time-bubble.
The ending of Ace's arc in Curse of Fenric as she dives into the sea and emerges having confronted her lingering fears from her old life, as well as her earlier fight with the Doctor and the idea of her confronting her mixed feelings about her mother through meeting and loving her as a baby.
The Doctor confronting and rejecting the survival-of-the-fittest worldview in Survival, and the show's final scene as Ace declares the TARDIS her home and the Doctor makes his speech.
Random lines that are eternally stuck in my head for some reason:
"People keep giving me guns, and do I wish they wouldn't!" (The Gunfighters)
"Hey, who's that? He looks smashing!" (The Macra Terror)
"Plastic cups!" (The Faceless Ones)
"We all follow his adventures in the strip sections of the hourly telepress." (The Mind Robber)
"I'm not one of your stuffy Norman nobles. I like a bit of rough fun!" (The Time Warrior)
"Praise the company!"; "The money to be paid from your private purse." "Argh!" "You spoke?" "Merely a cry of gladness at being so honoured." (The Sun Makers)
"Tell Dexeter we've come Full Circle™" (Full Circle)
"I've never seen such a State of Decay™" (State of Decay)
"There's only one place in the universe a Terileptil can acquire such scarring. The tinclavic mines on Raaga." (The Visitation)
"This is Terminus, where all the lazars come to die. We're on a leper ship! We're all going to die!" (Terminus)
"Deaths unaccountable."; "He said the earth was hungry." (Frontios)
"One of the best, my friend, was that time by the fountain." (The Twin Dilemma)
"It was not a true syllogism, Tandrell. It contained only the major and minor premise." (The Mysterious Planet)
"Hey, that's the property of Uncle Sam!" "Where is he, your Uncle Sam?" (Delta and the Bannermen)
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windor-truffle · 2 months
brief graces update! i spent most of this session dualizing so not as much plot progress 😅
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so apparently there was ONE person who kinda sorta knew about the warp from the amarcian ruins into wallbridge, but he didn't report about it because it scared him 😂 it seems like the developers threw this in to acknowledge how unlikely it would be for a high-security fortress to have an unknown secret entrance, though I'm not gonna nitpick that detail because they made it clear that Amarcian technology isn't well-known by the average person, much less understood
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i made a new discovery! if you talk to these guards here they'll give you items. I believe it was 3 apple gels, 3 panacea bottles, 2 life bottles, AN ELIXIR AND AN HOURGLASS AND AN ALL-DIVIDE WHAT
as I was exploring the Barona Catacombs, specifically the chamber where you fight Lambda, my Eleth mixer produced a Possessed Crystal even though it only has a 3.3% production chance 😅 that just feels scripted
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btw what even is the function of this place anyway. Barona has a sanctuary but no established religion that we know of. Since these are catacombs I assume SOMEONE is entombed here but who tf wanted their grave to look like this. i guess the infinity spiral in the center can suggest i hope for life after death but everything else about this just looks SO ominous
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i like how this skit ends up foreshadowing Sophie's worries and Asbel's answer in L&L (was this skit added to graces f for that reason? it's too bad it's very hard to grasp what changes were made to the original Graces since only the remaster was localized here). also only tangentially related but i was entertaining a fic premise set on the one year anniversary of King Ferdinand's death where a mourning Richard discusses with Asbel where each of them would prefer to be buried--- Richard quietly asking NOT in these fucking catacombs, he has way too many bad memories of this place for his soul to find any rest here
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and uninjured, again. not sus at all.
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i don't know why but this skit made me laugh, i guess because most of it was about Cheria and Pascal doing acupuncture? in the middle of a civil war en route to kill a king?? and angry evil Richard wants to stop to talk about vases??? and immediately after Asbel says 'i got nothing' the skit just ends????? hello?????????
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demigodofhoolemere · 11 months
Please tell me you are not still buying the mind control garbage in 2023. And no one has to do anything to "merit" someone being angry with them. Sometimes, when you feel hurt, you lash out! That's a way pain can work! In Thor Loki lashed out at the Frost Giants for the pain he felt about his origin and he lashed out at Thor for the pain he felt about not feeling good enough and in the Avengers he lashed out at Earth because of the pain he felt about everything leading up to that moment and he felt like Earth was something Thor treasured. Literally nothing in the Avengers hinted at Thanos controlling him that was just a bullshit fandom theory because everyone wanted to believe he couldn't do bad things of his own agency. But he could. Hurt people hurt people.
I never said he wasn’t emotionally messed up. His emotions were certainly out of control, he had a big breakdown in the first movie and definitely was still not okay in The Avengers. Yes, pain doesn’t always go hand in hand with being rational, you can get hurt and angry people who didn’t mean anything. Yes, he lashed out at the Frost Giants because of his origin. Yes, he took things out on Thor, though I’d say that his negative feelings about Thor had less to do with Thor himself and more to do with the culmination of centuries of being made to feel lesser than him thanks to Odin and other Asgardians (which is what I meant in the original post — not that someone necessarily has to do anything to merit another person having a negative emotional response towards them, but that Thor himself wasn’t the direct cause of the anger, it was pent up because of a million different things but not because of any specific thing Thor himself had done). Yes, in his warped state of mind there was satisfaction in attacking Thor’s beloved Earth, but it was still Thanos who sent him there.
I’ll give you those things, certainly. But The Avengers could literally only be clearer about Thanos’s influence if it put it in neon lights. I’m not saying he didn’t have some measure of control. I’m not saying he was 100% not at fault because he can’t do anything wrong ever. Most of his fans have never said that, but people sure like to spread the idea that his fanbase is just blind and thinks he’s a pure baby who could never do something terrible. We’re often the first ones to remind people about what he did to the Jotuns. For most of his fans it has never been about him being pure or something. Part of his appeal as a dynamic character is how messed up in the head he is. What it’s about is being objective and fair, no matter who it is.
The Avengers ABSOLUTELY shows what is going on. The idea that Thanos was behind it has never been a theory. It is in the movie, and Marvel themselves later confirmed in Infinity War that Thanos sent him, and clarified in a description on their official website that the scepter WAS partially impacting his mind and his feelings. Again:
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I don’t know what else I’m supposed to take this stuff to mean, especially, “He will make you long for something sweet as pain,” and Bruce outright saying that Thanos sent Loki to New York. This isn’t about trying to justify, redeem, or make innocent a character I like by applying a headcanon that takes 100% of the responsibility away. Looking at the facts in front of me and trying to be fair, no matter who it is, is just how I operate. As far as I’m concerned, the facts in front of me are that there was always more to this and that while Loki has done bad things of his own accord it’s still only fair to take into account the areas where it’s not all his fault.
Finally: please don’t come into my inbox and swear at me. I always tag my rants and put them under a read more for a reason — so that the people who won’t like them don’t have to see them. I try to stay in my lane when I’m bugged by something because I know not everyone sees things the same way. I only ask for the same level of consideration in return. You don’t have to anonymously come into a stranger’s inbox and be rude to them over something that wasn’t meant for you.
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