#inflation is REALLY bad right now and i need a little treat ok!!
allbeendonebefore · 11 months
i.... i got cleared out of candy before 7pm
this has never happened to me before
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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I Don’t Like Bullies
Intro: Emmy encounters someone from her past, and is left shaken after they threaten her. Steve and Bucky decided to pay them a little visit…
Warnings: Some violence, a slightly dark Steve and Bucky…some bad language. SMUT (NSFW, No UNDER 18s!!!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Disclaimer:  This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
** If you haven’t read SSB in it’s entirety, this contains MAJOR spoilers**
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August 2024
“Again!” Jamie giggled, splashing his way over to Steve who laughed and waited for Jamie to reach him.
“Ok ,one…two…three…” hooking his hands under Jamie’s armpits he gently launched him into the air and the 4 year old laughed hysterically before he hit the water with a splash in the deeper end of the pool before emerging, from the surface.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack…” Katie sighed from where she was sat on the steps to the pool, submerged to her shoulders. Rori was suspended in the little inflatable baby support, her legs kicking out behind her as Katie gently pushed her away then pulled her back, the baby smiling and thrashing with her arms.
“He’s fine ain’t you son?” Steve asked as Jamie doggie paddled over to him, grinning.
“It’s like flying Momma!”
“Hmmm.” she said, as Jamie jumped on his dad’s back and he pulled at Steve’s neck. Steve, playing along threw himself backwards taking them both under the surface before he stood up, shaking his head like a dog as Jamie’s laugh hit his ears.
“You’re getting strong pal.” he said, turning his head over his shoulder so he could look at Jamie. Jamie grinned.
“How’s my little water baby doing?” Steve asked as he carried Jamie on his back to where his wife and daughter were, Jamie scrabbling out of the pool and heading to the lounger for a drink.
“She’s fine.” Katie smiled, as Steve turned his attention to Aurora, a huge grin on his face as she looked at him and beamed, waving her legs and arms as fast as she could.
“Look at you princess!” he said as Katie pulled her back towards them. He dropped down so his shoulders were under the water and Rori was at eye level. “Think she’s enjoying it.”
Katie smiled as the two of them watched the baby for a moment before Katie looked up at Jamie who was sat now with Lucky between his legs, gently talking to the dog. “Do you know what time it is?”
Steve glanced at his watch “Almost 4.”
“I should really think about starting dinner.”
“Leave it….” he said, turning to her, pressing his lips to hers. “Come on, when was the last time we got an afternoon like this?”
She smiled, “Feels like a while that’s for sure…”
“So…we can chuck a frozen pizza in for Jamie and we can get a take-out…” he said, moving so he was behind her, his arms curling around her waist, pulling her back so she was perched on his bent legs, his chin resting on her shoulder “Eat by the pool…” he placed a kiss to the crook of her neck, “And then later when he’s in bed and she’s settled we can hit the hot-tub…” another kiss “maybe a bottle of wine…”
“You feeling amorous Soldier?” Katie grinned, tipping her head round to face him.
“Always when you’re concerned…” he winked, his lips again meeting hers, only this time the kiss slightly deeper until they broke apart after a loud splash, followed by a smaller splash drew their attention.
Jamie had launched himself back into the pool, followed by Lucky who had clearly decided he too needed to get in the action.
They stayed in the water for another 15 minutes or so until Rori started to get a bit grouchy, and Katie took her out, wrapping them both in a towel and sitting in the quiet for a while to feed her. Steve and Jamie followed her out a little while later, both drying themselves off before Steve took Jamie inside to get him a juice box and throw his pizza in the oven. Jamie then insisted he wouldn’t make it until his pizza was done as he as starving, so Steve got him quick snack of breadsticks and hummus and sent him back out onto the garden where he made his way over to the side of the pool, flopping down on the lounger next to his Momma.
Deciding that a snack was actually a pretty good idea really, Steve grabbed a few things from the fridge, namely olives, more breadsticks, dips, cheeses and was about to carry it down to the pool area when the security system sounded to tell him that Emmy had come home.
“It’s ok…you’re ok…” his ears picked up Brooke’s voice from the hall and instantly he frowned as he heard Emmy’s deep breathing too. He strode into the hallway just in time to see Emmy slide down to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she tugged her knees to her chest.
“Emmy?” Steve asked, quickly dropping down in front of her. “Hey…look at me…”
She looked up and he gently reached out, his hand smoothing back her hair “Use your numbers ok, like we used too, remember?”
She gripped his hand tight and her eyes screwed shut as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing and Steve, not once taking his eyes off his daughter issued Brooke with an instruction to go and get Katie. Less than 2 minutes later she was also on her knees next to Emmy having left Brooke to watch the younger two and it was a minute or so later before the 16 year old began to breathe normally, her eyes slowly blinking as they returned to their usual size instead of being blown wide open.
“You ok?” Katie asked gently, looking at Emmy. She nodded.
“Don’t…” Steve looked at her as she fell into his arms, pressing her face against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head “Don’t every apologise for that, we told you.” The amount of panic attacks their daughter had had when she first came to live with them meant they’d been fairly used to them, but she hadn’t had one in a VERY long time, not since the events of the Final battle with Thanos had hit her and she’d broken down about losing her Uncle Tony, Auntie Nat and then how close she had to losing her parents. Emmy was a strong, independent teenager who for the most part simply got on with things, letting a lot of stuff that would bother other people wash right over her head. But clearly something had triggered her today.
“You need a drink sweetheart?” Katie asked and Emmy nodded.
“Ok. Think you can stand?” Steve asked.
“You’re not carrying me.” Emmy looked at Steve and he raised an eyebrow.
“You used to love me doing that.” Steve quipped and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah at the Parties at the Kids home.” she grumbled “I’m not 7 anymore.”
“Never too old for your Pa to carry you.” Steve teased, standing up and offering him her hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, and despite her protestations at her age she kept her fingers tightly wound around his as they headed to the kitchen.
“Emmy!” Jamie shot off his seat and threw himself at his older sister. She smiled and bent to give him a hug.
“Hey Jay…” she smiled, “You been swimming?”
“Daddy was throwing me.” he grinned. “I bet he could do it for you too.”
“Sure he could” Emmy smiled as she shakily took a seat, glancing at Rori who was in Brooke’s arms, her little hands tangling in the girl’s long, red hair.
“Jamie, why don’t you go in the den for a moment, watch some TV.” Katie looked at him, adjusting the crochet slip she had thrown on over her bathing suit “Momma and Daddy need to talk to Emmy for a second.”
“But I don’t wanna.” he frowned.
“Hey, why don’t you show me your legos?” Brooke said quickly. Steve could see the cogs in his son’s head whirring as he considered this for a second before he nodded.
“Thanks Brooke.” Katie said to her as she handed Rori back over.
“No problem Mrs R.” she said, allowing Jamie to tug her by the hand out of the room.
Once they were gone Katie adjusted Rori in her arms so that her head was tucked against her shoulder, mouth resting on her collar bone and Steve took a seat next to Emmy after pouring her a glass of water.
“Wanna tell us what happened Em?” he asked gently.
“We’d just been in The Hub.” she said, “You know the Computer shop because Brooke needed a new charger for her tablet.” Emmy swallowed and took a sip of her drink “We were walking down towards the bus stop so we could head home and we’d just passed that bar on the corner, you know the Irish Pub place?”
“Mc Mahons, yeah we know it…” Steve nodded
“And then he came out.”
“Who?” Katie asked, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
“Him…my old foster father. The one that used to hit me.”
Steve took a deep breath and breathed out through his nose “Did he hurt you?”
“No, not really…he erm, he didn’t recognise me at first and I kept walking but Brook had stopped and when she shouted my name he realised it was me and he grabbed my arm and…”
“Ok…ok…” Katie said gently, as Steve gently laid a hand on their daughter’s shoulder.
“Did he do anything else?” he asked. Emmy shook her head.
“He just started shouting stuff, saying he knew that I’d landed on my feet and that I was nothing but a worthless brat and that he would come and pay you a visit one day, tell you all about what I used to do and how bad I was and then you’d throw me out and…”
“Em, he’s an ass hole.” Katie said gently “You were never a bad kid. You’d been treated appallingly, what that man did do you…” she shook her head “It was cruel and abusive and…”
Steve’s hand fell to Katie’s knee under the table as she looked away, blinking back the tears.
“Emmy, me and your mom love you.” Steve looked at her, “We love all you kids more than anything, and nothing this dick says or does will change the way we feel. You know that right?” “I know, I just didn’t like seeing him that’s all.” she said gently “I just had all these flashbacks to the basement he locked me in and the belt…”
She swallowed and looked down. Steve looked at Katie, the jaw in his nerve twitching with anger as he took a deep breath and ran his hand up Emmy’s back.
“Well I hope he makes good on his promise and does pay us a visit.” he said his eyes flashing “I’d be very happy to exchange a few words with him, maybe a few fists too.”
Emmy smiled softly as Katie shook her head.
“Pretty sure your Uncle Buck would have a something to say too. And between you and me, his Murder Strut is frightening.” “Murder Strut?” Emmy looked up, the corners of her mouth twitching. Katie nodded.
“Trust me, I saw it a few times. Scared the shit out of me.”
“Woah, you saying I’m not scary?” Steve scoffed, folding his arms.
“Bucky’s a Rottweiler, you’re more of an angry retriever.” Katie shrugged and at that point Emmy laughed, which was exactly what her parents had been hoping to achieve. Steve flashed a wink at his wife before he turned back to Emmy.
“You know he won’t ever hurt you again, not now you’re with us.”
“I know. I love you guys.” she smiled and Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. She looked up, wiped her eyes and then glanced at her mom. “Can Brooke stay tonight?”
“Course she can, I’ll call Jen”
“It’s ok she can message…”
“I’ll call her.” Katie said firmly, “Brooke was there today so Jen has a right to know what happened. Don’t worry, she won’t be mad at you.” “Kay…” Emmy nodded “What’s for dinner?”
“Your dad threw a pizza in for Jamie, we’re gonna get take out and hang by the pool.” Katie said.
“Anything you fancy?” Steve asked.
“Can we try the Greek place?”
“Sure.” Steve nodded “Hey, do they do Shwarma?”
“Gyros.” Katie said, “Same thing almost.”
“I’m in.” Steve said.
“I’m gonna go watch TV for a bit, that ok?”
“Course.” Katie smiled.
Emmy stood up and moved behind her dad, hugging him from behind, her arms round his shoulders. He tilted his head so she could kiss his cheek before she moved to do the same to her mom, giving Rori a peck.
“Love you both.” she smiled at them, before she left the room.
As soon as she was gone Steve stood up, his calm demeanour ebbing away as Katie looked up at him, shaking her head.
“I wanna kill him Steve.”
“You and me both doll.” he paced.
“Think we should call the police?” Katie asked, gently rocking Rori to and fro as she had started to grumble.
Steve contemplated what she had said before he paused, folded his arms and looked at the door, then back to Katie “I got a better idea.”
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“You know I do”
“Then leave it with me.” he said simply
“Steve…” she stated, instantly understanding what he was implying “You can’t.” “Why not?”
“Well, for starters we have no idea where he lives.”
Steve snorted “Sweetheart, you’re forgetting who we know.”
“Oh, no…you can’t drag Sam into this.” Katie shook her head “Ross is being an asshole with him as it is without you giving him ammo by getting Sammy into trouble.”
“I’m not” Steve smiled, raising his eyebrow “I’m gonna drag Bucky into it instead.“
****** Bucky sat at the bar, baseball cap tugged down over his eyes. He’d been reliably informed his target drank in this run-down back dive every Wednesday and Thursday evening. He liked the happy hour, apparently.
Aint gonna be happy for much longer, buddy.
Despite the fact that he was trying to live a normal life now (ok, maybe helping Sam out every now and then) when Steve had asked him to help him with this particular mission he’d immediately said yes. Not simply because Steve was his best friend, but because it involved Emmy. As far as Buck was concerned, the Rogers kids might as well be his own in that respect because he’d give his life to protect any of them.
And then there was Brooke. Bucky had been dating Brooke’s mom, Jennifer now for a few weeks after they’d hit it off at Steve’s birthday party. It was great, slow moving but that’s what he wanted, and when he’d heard that her daughter had been caught up in all this business as well, it was another reason for him to slip back into his old assassin mode.
Only this time his instructions were clear. Apprehend alive.
At first when Steve had told him this he had been about to tease him, wind him up, surely after all these years the Captain had finally found that trigger to flip him over to the dark side, but then he had seen something stir in his best pal’s eyes. He’d told him then about an incident in a HYDRA base, where he had killed on of Katie’s captors and Bucky knew, it was there alright, and he had a feeling he was going to see it whenever they caught this punk.
He ordered another drink, his eyes re-reading the paper he’d brought with him for the 15th time. To most people stake-out work like this would get them bored, antsy, but not Bucky. He’d waited much longer before and he knew that if you got like that you lost concentration which made things 100 times harder in the long run. His eyes scanned back to the entrance to the bar, flicking back round the pub, and he observed the people to make sure he hadn’t missed the man sneaking in, even though he knew that was basically impossible. Satisfied he hadn’t, he took the drink off the bar tender, paid him (another rule of spy work- never set up tabs, you run without paying and your face is recognised all over the damned scene). He took a sip of his beer before he heard the door open and he looked round, fighting the smirk on his face as finally his target walked in and straight to the bar to Bucky’s right.
The man ordered his drink, a straight black label whiskey and when it was served he paid with a bunch of crumpled ones and picked the glass up, heading to a table.
Bucky had to hand it to the guy, in the half an hour he spent in the bar he knocked back a good 5 helpings of scotch before he stood up, and rather unsteadily made his way to the door. Giving him enough time to get out of the door, Bucky then rose and followed him. He tailed him into another bar, then another, before after the 3rd the man headed home.
Bucky watched him unlock the door to the rundown apartment block, before he staggered inside. Quick as a flash Bucky shot over the road, sticking his foot in the door to stop it from shutting. Slipping inside he pressed himself up against the dark wall, just to the side of the post boxes, as the man turned around. After a second or so Bucky heard him heading up the stairs. He walked to the bottom of the steps, and keeping his footsteps light he headed after him and emerged onto the second landing, peering round the wall to watch as the man stopped outside a door, pulling out his keys.
Bucky waited until the door was closed before he headed back down to the ground floor, pulling out his phone.
“I got him.”
***** Steve climbed out of his car, looking up at the ramshackle building before he crossed the road. Bucky was waiting for him and opened the door to the apartment block from the inside.
“What you come dressed as?” Bucky arched an eyebrow, scanning Steve up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark navy t-shirt and black boots, with a cap pulled down over his face.
“You.” Steve said simply, and Bucky snorted.
“He’s on the Second floor.” he said simply “Number 202. Still think you should just let me shoot him.”
“No.” Steve said “We’re not killing him…”
Bucky rolled his eyes “Why?”
“Because I want him as scared as he made Emmy.” Steve said simply. “He can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.”
Bucky shrugged, “Your call…”
Steve headed to the stairs and started to climb them, stopping as he heard his foot crunch on something.
“Nice place…” he mumbled as he looked down to see he had stood on a cockroach.
“Don’t be a snob Stevie…”  Bucky looked at him, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Even my place in the 40s wasn’t this grim.” he turned to look at his friend before he continued up the flight of steps.
“It wasn’t the ritz either.” Bucky shrugged as they emerged onto the landing. They stopped outside the door and Steve took a breath before he looked at Bucky.
“Looks like we need a key….” he quipped. Bucky gave a smirk, before he drew his left hand back and punched straight through the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to undo the lock from the inside. He threw it open and strode inside, Steve casting a look around before he followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Hearing the noise the man flew out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand, stopping dead when he saw Bucky.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
Bucky simply raised his eyebrows.
“Look, if Mario sent you…I told him, he’ll get his money…”
“I don’t know any Mario…” Bucky shook his head, “Well, not unless you count the one that rides on the karts in that game my nephew enjoys kicking my ass at. Now put the knife down Jack before someone gets hurt.”
“How do you know my name?” Jack asked, his eyes not once leaving Bucky, missing the Captain who was stood in the darkness of the room behind him. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I don’t want anything…” Bucky said, shrugging, “But he does…”
At that point Steve stepped forwards, drawing up besides his friend, getting a good look at the man in front of him. He was quite tall, but lanky, with a pointed noise and sharp features, reminding Steve of an overgrown rat.  Which fitted him perfectly, out and out vermin. Jack frowned and squinted slightly as he looked straight at Steve, suddenly paling even further. Whilst Steve looked a lot different from the once blue-eyed All American hero the world recognised him to be, there was no mistaking who he was, especially to the man in question. Steve stood stock still, his hands falling to the buckle which was round the waist of his black jeans, his chest flexing under his navy t-shirt as he glared at the man.
“Woah…look…I don’t want any trouble…” Jack began to press.
“You should have thought about that before you touched and threatened my daughter.” Steve’s voice was icy.
Jack’s hand clenched around the knife and Bucky rolled his eyes, before he whipped off the glove on his left hand, holding it up, the metal glinting in the dim light of the lamp that stood in the corner of the grubby apartment.
“This can do far more damage than that blade can.” he said simply, looking at his hand before he turned to Jack “Go ahead, I’ll even give you one free swing. But it better be fast.”
Steve expected the man to drop the knife, but instead he lunged forwards. Bucky sighed, and almost lazily dodged to the right before he knocked the knife out of the man’s hand with a single swipe and gripped him around the neck with his hand, slamming him hard into the wall.
“That was really fucking stupid.” he said, tightening his fingers around the man’s windpipe, lifting him off the floor. The man grabbed at Bucky’s arm, desperately trying to prise his fingers from around his neck.
“Buck…” Steve said, and Bucky let go, Jack slumping to the floor. Steve reached down, grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet slamming him against the wall.
“Now…” Steve said, his hands tightening. “I don’t like bullies. And that’s what you are. I know exactly what you did to Emmy, all the times you beat her, hurt her, whipped her with a belt until her back split and bled. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you in half right now.”
“Captain America…nah…you wouldn’t…” Jack stuttered, shaking his head “You’re a good guy…”
“Well, here’s the thing.” Bucky said, picking up the knife that Jack had dropped, leaning on the wall, lazily twirling the blade in his hand. “He’s not Captain America anymore. Just some guy whose daughter you threatened.”
“Which makes me a hundred times more dangerous…” Steve said.
“And I, well, I just don’t give a shit.” Bucky shrugged “Killed a lot of people one way or another…what’s one more piece of shit like you gonna mean?”
Jack looked at Steve, shaking his head “No, you wouldn’t…”
“I snapped the neck of the man who raped my wife.” Steve said, his gaze not once leaving the man’s in front of him “Trust me, you have no idea what I would do to keep my family safe.”
He paused for a second, letting it sink in as Jack swallowed.
“But I’m a fair man.” Steve said, letting go of Jack who dropped a few inches before he pulled himself back up full height. Steve smoothed down the man’s dirty t-shirt before he smiled at him. “So I’m gonna give you a chance to play ball. You got 48 hours to leave New York.” “By that we mean the state.” Bucky clarified.
“And if I ever get a sniff that you’re back in town…” Steve continued.
“And trust us, we’ll know…” Bucky mused, still looking at the knife before he grinned at Jack “We got friends in high places, eyes and ears everywhere…” “….then you’ll lose more than your teeth.” Steve concluded, matter of factly.
“My teeth? What do-“
Steve cut him off with a sharp jab straight into his mouth and Jack dropped to the floor howling in pain as the blood poured from between his fingers which clamped over the lower part of his face.
“Got the message?” Steve asked, standing over him as Jack rolled around, screaming. He mumbled something, his head nodding furiously.
“Can I shoot him now?” Bucky asked.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Just once in the knee?”
“No.” Steve snorted “Come on…let’s get out of here, the amount of noise he’s making someone’s bound to hear. He turned to go, and then heard another loud scream. Spinning around he saw that Jack’s hand was now pinned to the floor by the knife Bucky had been holding.
“What?” Bucky asked, shrugging as Steve shot him a look “You said I couldn’t shoot him, didn’t say anything about stabbing him.”
***** The two friends sat at a bar, not far from Steve’s house, each with a beer in hand.
“So, run that by me again…” Bucky said.
“I told Katie I was meeting you for a drink.” Steve shrugged, nodding at the bottle “Technically now I’m not lying.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted.
“She’ll know full well where I’ve been.” Steve shrugged “She ain’t stupid…”
“Good luck to you pal.” Bucky said, taking a drink “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
Steve snorted “Nah, she won’t be mad…she knew full well I was planning on giving him a warning so…”
“Then why not just tell her?” “Because she’d worry.” Steve said simply.
“Think he’ll heed it?” Bucky asked after a little pause and Steve pondered the question for a moment before he nodded.
“Like I said he’s a bully.” he took a swig of his beer before he looked at Bucky “You know as well as I do that the minute someone bigger stands up to them they back off.”
“Gotta hand it to you pal…” Bucky said, sitting back “You come a long way since you were defending yourself with a trash can lid behind the movie theatre down town…”
“So everyone says.” Steve shrugged “Still don’t feel any different.”
“Remember when Howard’s flying car was the strangest thing we had ever seen?” Bucky sighed “I almost miss those days.” “Would you go back?” Steve asked, “Given the chance?”
Bucky took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose “Nah, I’m too different…too much has happened you know. I don’t think I’d settle. Plus this would probably attract a little more attention than it does now.” he said, flexing his left hand.
Steve smiled “I know what you mean. If you’d asked me when I first came round…I’d have jumped at the chance but after Katie…” he took another drink before he let out a soft huff. “I crossed oceans of time to find her.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Dracula…romantic.” he said and Steve let out a laugh.
“Speaking of romantic…” Steve looked at his friend “How’s it going with Jen?”
“Just ok?”
“I’m taking it slow.” Bucky shrugged “We’ve been on a few dates and…yeah I like her Steve and she likes me so…”
“Well if you ever want any advice on modern day dating…”
“The day I ask you for dating advice is the day I quit.” Bucky snorted
“I did ok.” Steve grinned “Well, more than ok actually. I lucked out.”
“No, you got what you deserved.” Bucky shook his head “A woman that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Steve felt his cheeks flush a little as he shrugged “Not quite sure what I did to deserve her but…”
“You’re a good man.” Bucky said “You always were and always have been. A pain in my ass like, but…” he drained his beer and shook his head “Anyway, enough sentimental crap. You want another?”
Steve contemplated that before he shrugged “Sure, why not?”
One more turned into 5 more, and it was a good 2 hours later and approaching midnight when the men left. It wasn’t the first time they’d been out for drinks since being re-united, but to Steve it was the first time that it felt like the old days. They’d talked about so many memories, he’d laughed until he had cried as they both recalled some of their antics, and he felt completely at peace when he walked into the hallway of his house.
Removing his cap he ran a hand through his hair before he hung it on the coat rack on the wall. Then he dropped his keys into that infernal golden pineapple bowl that Katie had bought him all those years ago and headed into the lounge where Katie was sat in her pyjamas, Rori clutched to her breast as she fed.
“Hey…” he smiled, crossing the floor and dropping a kiss to her lips before he turned his attention to his daughter, his finger gently running along her hardworking cheek.
“You have a good time?” she asked, giving a little yawn.
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “It was nice. When did she wake up?”
“About half an hour ago.” Katie shrugged “With a bit of luck she’ll go down again soon and sleep for a couple of hours.”
“I’ll do the next feed.” Steve said “You can get some rest.”
“Ok.” Katie agreed, yawning again and as she did so Rori mimicked her, her eyes which were now carrying a slight greenish hue fluttering. Steve gestured for Katie to hand her over, and she did so as Steve held her up over her shoulder, hands that had hours ago been so violent were now ever so gentle, rubbing his daughter’s back to wind her as Katie adjusted her top.  They sat there in silence for a little while before Katie finally spoke.
“So how badly did you hurt him?”
“Jack?” She turned her head to Steve who looked at her “I know full well what you were up to.”
“I knew you would.” Steve huffed a laugh “And not too badly. Knocked a few of his teeth out…oh, and Bucky nailed his hand to the floor with a knife. He won’t be bothering Emmy again, or any of us for that matter.”
Katie looked at him for a moment before Rori gave a light burp and Steve gently turned his face, pressing his lips to the baby’s head.
“Here…” Katie said, and Steve handed her over “I’ll go put her down.”
She gathered the baby in her arms before she dropped a kiss to Steve’s mouth “Don’t be too long…”
He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Well, you know what you getting all dark and protective does to me…” she grinned, looking down at Rori “That’s what made her in the first place.”
Steve’s eyes darkened at the memory of that particular day in the HYDRA base which he was recalling for the second time in the space of a few hours, albeit for very different reasons. “How could I forget?”
Standing up she walked to the door, Steve watching her go, before she shot him a coy look over her shoulder his pants became a lot tighter than they should have been. He gave a soft groan, before his head fell back against the cushion of the sofa. After a moment or two he stood up and turned off the lights, before heading up the stairs after his wife.
He stood in the doorway, watching as she placed Rori in the crib at the end of the bed before he strode over to her, his hands falling to her waist as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers. She took the kiss eagerly, her tongue sliding against his as he backed her towards the bed, her hands fumbling with his belt as they went. Neither were wasting any time, and after a quick wrestle with their clothing they both collapsed onto the bed, Steve caging his wife underneath him with his arms and legs.
Their eyes locked for a second before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again, slow and hard, both his hands cupping her face, thumbs gently skating her cheeks as she let out a soft groan and he felt his cock twitch. His lips not once leaving hers his right hand gently slid down to her thigh, and his fingers gently gave her hip a squeeze causing her to sigh into his mouth again. Using his hand he hooked her leg round his waist, and ground his erection against her spot causing her to moan as she pulled away from the kiss, her head laying further back against the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut as his mouth dropped, swirling softly around her pebbled nipples, carefully lavishing affection on them in turn, and in moments she was quivering to his touch, her breathing ragged.
“Look at me…” he said, voice low, almost a growl and her eyes sprang open obediently, those sparkling emeralds glinting in the dim light as he held her gaze as he pushed into her, her breath catching in her throat. He stilled for a moment, enjoying her warmth as it gripped him before he moved his hips back, thrusting into her again. His pace was hard, deep and he continually dragged in and out of her, dropping his head to kiss and lick and suck all along her collar bone, knowing full well he would leave marks there for the morning but neither of them cared as their moans grew louder as his thrusts grew more desperate.
"Fuck.” he groaned, both hands now on her hips as he continued his movements and Katie’s hands moved to brace herself against the headboard, her body moving with every slam he made into her. One hand moved to the back of her head and he used it to make her look up, her eyes locking onto his as he felt her body start to quiver.
“I love you…” he said, his pace not slowing in the slightest.
“Love you too Soldier…” her words stuttered as he thrust up hard, stilling slightly, grinding up against her, as she writhed underneath him, a desperate, filthy noise escaping her mouth as her back arched and her hands flew to his back, nails scratching at his skin. God he loved the feel of her doing that, the stinging pain mixed with the pleasure was a heady mix and he took in a sharp breath, dropping his mouth to capture hers as she moaned again, this moan broken as she bucked upwards and clutched at him desperately.
“Stevie…” she moaned and her walls tightened on him as she came, her entire body trembling underneath him and he pulled back so he could watch her, lips swollen from his desperate kisses, cheeks flushed, eyelids fluttering against her cheeks. He continued his pace, her eyes opening moments late to lock onto his as the spring that had been coiled so tightly suddenly released and he spilled himself insider her with a low, rough grunt of her name and he tipped forwards, his hips slowing to a stop as he buried his face in her neck.
The pair of them lay still, the only sounds in the bedroom now were the deep, ragged drawings of breath. Katie gently ran her hands through his hair, as she always did, Steve’s body on top of hers rising and falling through the movements of her deep breathing.  Eventually he raised his head gently and pressed their foreheads together, his nose sliding up and down hers. She smiled at him, and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss before he rolled over onto his back, and she snuggled into him, her head on his chest. He reached for her left hand which was laying flat against his abs and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just underneath where her wedding band sat.
“I love you, I love you all so much.” he said gently. She raised her head to look at him, smiling as she kissed him softly.
“I know, I love you. We all do.”
She was asleep before him, Steve lay awake for a little while longer contemplating everything that had gone down that evening. He’d crossed that line again, the darkness that had awoken all those years ago had bubbled inside of him and he wasn’t going to lie, it had been satisfying, and despite what he had said to Bucky, he would have happily killed the snivelling bastard with his bare hands and not even blinked twice about doing so. But something had stopped him short this time, and he knew now what it was.
His kids.
Back then they hadn’t been in the picture, and he wanted to be able to look them in the eye and tell them right from wrong without feeling like a hypocrite. Steve Rogers was a good man, a loyal husband, doting father, and he wanted to be worthy of the love that surrounded him on a daily basis.
He looked down at his sleeping wife before he shifted slightly, dropping a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes and fell into a trouble free sleep.
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Five. Part 3
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The word neurology, it keeps replaying in my mind over and over and over again. I am fearful of what has happened, I haven’t seen any video or anything, but I don’t know what to do or say “I need to sit down” turning away from the reception “I need to sit down” I said again, Rich held my arm as I made my way to the seats just across from the reception desk “I can’t breathe, I really” taking in deep breaths, oh my god. Everything is coming to me; everything we doughy on so hard in getting in better. He was so depressed, suicidal to say the least and he always said to me if that ever happens to him he wouldn’t do it, what if he’s so bad “oh my god” I can’t cope, I really can’t “I want my mom!” Tianna’ voice broke my train of thoughts; I am literally breaking. I can’t do it; I don’t want to hear any words. I feel I am going to break if hear anything else “Ti” Mel spat but it’s too late, Tianna saw me and is with me “mom, I am scared. Can I stay with you?” Mel rushed over “you need the toilet baby” Mel said, but Tianna held me close. My kids know something is wrong, they are hurting like me “he’s in the neurology department” my voice broke, looking up at Mel “oh my god” staring at her clenching my jaw trying to not cry, she knows I want to break “what is it mom?” I got to hold it together, looking up closing my eyes. Just breathe Robyn “nothing, you want the toilet” looking at her “you take me” nodding my head, I have three kids that need me and I am just ready to break “Robyn let me” shaking my head, getting up from the chair “I don’t want to speak” holding Tianna’ hand as I made my way to the toilets, I feel so empty inside and I don’t like this feeling at all because that means I am losing him and here I am just walking but I just can’t face it “here” Rich said, I was walking off but the bathroom is there “yeah” I said, Mel rushed to me. She is trying to give me space but also be there for me, I would do the same for her. Tianna let my hand go “mom stay close” nodding my head, she walked off and did a double take to check I am still stood here but I am, of course I am. Mel is looking at me is making me feel even worse “I can’t do this” I said in a whisper “I can see you are breaking” I am healing but having to be strong for my kids “I rather be dead then be without him” Mel shushed me “stop, I can’t stand to hear that” she’s saying that but I mean it.
I don’t even know what is happening, I’m just numb to it “Mrs Fenty” my eyes bulged out, not a police officer “no” I said, I got up from the seat “we just need to speak to you” I can’t do it, I just ran and Rich chased after me, I don’t want to hear it. Going into the room they have my family in “no, tell him I don’t want to hear it” Rorrey looked in shock and worry as he got up from his seat in shock “who!? Who is it?” My brother said in a shock “there is is police officer, he just wants to speak to her” I can’t do it, I don’t want to hear it “I’ll be back” Rorrey walked off, TJ just stared in shock, he is frozen like me. It’s like we don’t want to hear it, I am so fearful of what I am going to hear. I can’t do it, looking over at my girls. They are scared, because I am the way I am they are concerned “mommy what is happening?” Rylee asked, if something was happening with me I know that Chris would be the same but I think he is stronger than me in this situation, I am really not strong at all “Robyn look you need to speak to them, there is no way I can sis” Rorrey said, I need to be stronger then this but I don’t think I can handle anything bad “they need to speak to you Robyn, nobody else” I stared off into thin air as my heart just dropped, if I lost Chris then I have lost myself. No matter the arguments, disagreements, my annoyance for his silly ways. I take that back, I rather see his goofy little face when he’s trying to annoy me, if I have lost my husband. Then I am going with him, I love him too deeply, that is my soulmate, twin flame “Joyce is coming soon, if you want to speak to her” TJ said, looking at him “we need to speak to the next of kin” I am shaking “she’s not in a real fit state?” I’m not but I have to be “I’ll go, alone” moving Rylee from me as I got up, not to push her but I need to go “mommy” all three of my girls said “mommy will be back, just wait here” Mel said behind me.
Walking behind the officers as we made our way to a room I guess, Rich did come with me because he goes everywhere I go “just here Mrs Fenty” he gestured “call me Rihanna” I said as I made my way into the room “I will be out here for you” Rich said looking suspicious as ever, but I am just not ready, I don’t know what they are going to say to me. All I know is that the police tell you bad news, that is all they do, sitting down on the chair “myself David and my colleague Lei was at the scene, we wanted to speak to you. We were first at the scene of the accident, when was the last time you spoke to your husband? We are treating this as suspicious until we know otherwise, the vehicle was caught on camera speeding towards the Uber” my face softened “Uber?” I repeated “yes ma’am the Uber was hit, the car accelerated once the Uber was in view, it was caught on the CCTV” this is confusing me “erm, I spoke to him just before he left for the Fenty event, so it was just before ten here, that was it. I left him to it, are you saying it was done on purpose?” is that what they want to know “sadly the Uber driver died on impact, we are treating this as a hit and run now the driver of that car was missing” my heart is being squeezed right now “my husband, please tell me about my husband” I asked “when we arrived, he was talking but very much shortness of breath and we didn’t manage to really speak to us particularly because of concussion and he was in and out of it but we wanted to speak to you if your husband had anyone you knew that would want to take revenge on him?” shaking my head “but is my husband ok?” the officer shook his head “I am sorry but you need to speak to the doctors” sighing out, Chris was talking so does that mean he was ok. I am so confused right now “I need to go” getting up from the chair.
I keep running away, I keep running because I don’t want to hear something that will break my heart “Doctor Gianos” the nurse said, nodding my head as I stood “please sit down” he said, I came upstairs without anyone, I just want to be alone “I am working with Chris, I just saw him. Finished examining him, he is settled” that was it, placing my hands over my mouth “is he ok? Oh my god, he is alive yes? My husband is he ok” the doctor smiled “he is with us, we have been giving him lots of tests, very scary tests. He has been asleep for most and we performed a small and quick surgery, he’s asleep again now. He is confused, we were worried, so we had to give CT scan, check any damage to the head but the force is all on the left side, lot of force. Bad bruising all here” he touched his chest, all I can think right now is that he is alive “thank you god” I breathed out, god is testing me but I thank him “yes” the doctor said “he did talk, he asked if his wife was here but we needed to make him better” a sob left my lips and a smile to my lips “he did” I said, he nodded “but we needed to do a small surgery, so he is sleeping. So the impact is on the left side, when the car hit, it was bad and hurt a lot of that side, he has a collapsed lung, we have inserted a tube, this is going to help the lung to expand. We will monitor him, the tube is going to help air drainage and then inflate the lung, it’s just the left side but once he comes around he will be short of breath and a little tired. From hearing what the crash was like, we are shocked there isn’t more damage. Just a lot of bruising on the left side, I think he crouched inwards trying to cover his face and protect himself, but I am happy. He is resting” this is the best news “he doesn’t have head injury? Just that I was told he was at neurology?” I asked “yes we were there, just he was very confused. He may come around and still be confused, but just some days rest, get the lung better he will be ok” I breathed out smiling “thank you, can I see him?” I need to see him “yes of course, right this way” I am so grateful, the heartache I have been going through.
Follow behind the doctor “we have a waiting room here; you can put your family here but here is his room. He will be asleep for a few hours, we put to sleep to put the tube in” nodding my head “that is fine” the doctor stood to the side “you can just go in, I will be around. I have other patients to see” letting out an oh, I am just so nervous to see him now, but I need to see my baby. Walking into the room slowly, I have seen Chris in every position in life. Nothing more heart-breaking then seeing him on a breathing machine, seeing all those machines on him, they will always scar me, so I am ready to see, but the way the doctor explained, he seemed to be shrugging it off like he is ok. I breathed out, seeing Chris on the bed with a tube coming from the side of his chest, and just a breathing mask on. The bed is inclined up but he is asleep, nothing can compare to that day and seeing him near death. I mean this is bad but, I am just happy he is with us. I thought I lost him; I really did. Making my way over to him “sitting up inclined is better for recovery, I just thought I would tell you” looking behind me, I did assume why but the doctor told me before he left again, continuing my walk to Chris’ bed “poppa, oh my baby” I said standing at the side of his bed, he is with me. That is the point, he is with me and that is all I want “we are going to get through this, we will. Like we always do Chris, I feel someone is doing some black magic shit on you. I sound like my mother now” holding his hand, I am just so glad to know he is with me. Like I know I am so relieved that he is like this, but I thought I lost him, it hurts to see him like this but I rather this then he is gone from me. My thumb lightly stroking his hand “you are going to be the death of me Chris, I just know it” god is trying to take my husband but I just know Dolly is protecting family, I know she is.
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Don’t Worry, Be Snappy!
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Summary: Amber finds herself stranded on a boat with Mike Weiss…and as anything where Mike is involved, it all gets a little crazy!
Warnings: Bad Language words.
A/N:  As it is past midnight here in the UK here it is!
BEWARE- This is utter, utter nonsense. You’re about to get an insight into exactly how stupid mine and @icanfeelastormbrewing​ ‘s minds and brain storming sessions really are. But it made us laugh, and we hope it makes you laugh too.
Written especially for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ for her birthday! Happiest of days to you Ambi, we love you lots!!!
Fic Song: Don’t Worry, Be Happy by Bob Marley 
Now listen to what I said, in your life expect some trouble, when you worry you make it double. But don't worry, be happy, be happy now
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 The problem with Mike Weiss is, well, just that he is Mike Weiss. Total crackpot, in more ways than one. Which was why Amber found herself one sunny July afternoon sailing down a literal creek without a paddle as they searched for his pet alligator. Mike had been struck by a sudden idea the previous night that it would be nice to take Snappy to the Everglades- “So he can associate with his own kind, learn so alligator social skills”
Of course, despite Mike’s protests to the contrary, Snappy was instinctively a fucking wild animal. So as soon as Mike had dropped him into the water he had slunk off into the weeds and completely ignored (again, not surprisingly) Mike’s calling of his name.
“Why did you let him go Mike?” Amber groaned, laying back on the bench in the boat.
“I was high, ok?” Mike sighed “Seemed like a good idea.” He chewed the inside of his cheek a little as he glanced around, hands on his hips “Here Snappy, Snappy.” “Yeah, he’s mingling Mike…there’s no fucking way we’re A- gonna find him, or B- he’s gonna come back!” “I love what a positive, always look on the Brightside kinda gal you are.” Mike shot her a look as he steered the boat carefully down the small reed lined stream.
“I’m a realist.” Amber sighed, still looking up at the clouds “You should try it sometime.”
At that point the boat they were on gave a little stutter and Amber sat up to see Mike glancing curiously at the controls.
“Erm…” he looked around “It broke.” “What do you mean it broke?” “Well it was working…” Mike rolled his eyes “And now it’s not.” “Fucks sake…let me try.” Amber sighed. She stood up, shoved Mike out of the way and she turned the key in the ignition. Nothing. With a groan she looked at him, her hands on her hips “I TOLD you we should have taken my fucking canoe.”
She flopped down back into her seat with a growl.
“Someone’s cranky” Mike whispered and Amber glared at him.
“You know what, I am, you’re right.” She pointed at him “You’re a dumb dork, who does dumb dork things, like letting an alligator go free in the middle of the swamp in FUCKING FLORIDA!”
Mike opened his mouth to say something but the sound of another boat engine drew their attention and they both turned. Amber’s eyes were instantly taken by the man steering the boat who was dressed in a white shirt and a dirty pair of jeans. His wind ruffled hair was stuck up slightly and his eyes were hidden by a set of aviators. A small girl with blonde hair sat besides him, a ginger cat on her lap and behind her perched a woman with long, reddy-brown hair, a pair of glasses also over her eyes.
“You guys alright?” the man asked as they pulled up alongside them.
“Yeah, this dumbass managed to strand us here.” Amber jerked her hand over her shoulder.
“Frank did that to us once.” The young girl grinned and the man who had just stopped the boat besides them looked down at her.
“That was the one time my repairs let me down.” He shook his head.
“One time too many.” She quipped.
Amber snorted, “I like you kid.”
The little girl smiled “I’m Mary, this is my uncle Frank and his girlfriend Fliss.”
“Nice to meet you all.” Amber smiled. “I’m Amber and this is Mike.”
“Want me to take a look at it?” Frank asked, nodding to the boat “I do it for a living so…”
“Be my guest.” Mike said, and Frank nodded, heading to the back of his boat.
“So what are you doing here?” Mary asked.
“Mary stop being so nosey.” Fliss sighed.  Mike gave a chuckle.
“We’re looking for my pet alligator…”
“Yeah Idiot Boy here set him loose. Thought he needed some alligator time with other alligators…” Amber rolled her eyes.
“You have a pet alligator?” Mary’s eyes widened. “Frank, can-“ “No.” Frank cut her off as he turned round, a length of rope in his hand.
“It can live in the pool!” Mary pressed
“Absolutely not.” Fliss looked at her and then their attention turned to Mike as he gave a chuckle.
“Can’t keep em in a pool kid, chlorine…not good.” Mary paused and then grinned “We can build him a lake in Monty’s field…” “The hell we can.” Frank snorted.
“Ah go on man, make the little girl happy!” Mike smiled. “They make great pets…”
“Clearly they don’t.” Frank grumbled, looking Mike up and down before he frowned at the man’s ridiculous shirt and trouser combination. Fliss grinned.
“Nice boots” she said, gesturing to Mike’s cowboy specials.
“Thanks!” Mike flashed her a cheeky grin and a wink.
“Shame about the rest of it.” Frank quipped, as he tied a length of rope to the side of the stranded boat, securing it to his own so he could hop over onto the deck.
“You’re calling my outfit out?” Mike scoffed, gesturing with his hand to Frank’s loud yellow and black Hawaiian print shirt “Exhibit A your honour.” “Clearly this is some sort of shit outfit competition.” Amber mumbled.
“I feel you sister.” Fliss grinned “Are you two…erm…together…or…” “Never seen him before in my life.” Amber denied and Fliss laughed.
“What the fuck Amber?” Mike protested.
“He just turns up from time to time when he has the munchies and eats all my Sour Patch Kids.”
“That’s not the only thing I eat.” Mike grinned and Frank let out a snort.
“Yeah, sure.” Amber rolled her eyes before she looked at Fliss and Mary, dropping her voice “He also eats my dog, Tikka’s, food.” “Frank ate one of Fred’s catnip treats once.” Mary said and Frank shrugged, not taking his attention of the engine of the boat.
“I wanted to see what the fuss was about.”
“You were drunk” Mary retorted.
“That was the night you came home saying the leprechauns had stolen your jacket.” Fliss said.
Mike grinned “I see leprechauns a lot.”
Amber shook her head “Jesus Christ…” she mumbled.
“Ok, I see the problem.” Frank smiled, stranding up and turning to Mike “You’re out of fuel.”
Amber blinked as Mike turned to her, giving her a small shrug and an innocent, boyish smile as she exploded “What the…you didn’t think to CHECK?” “I thought they were electric.” Mike shrugged.
“God you’re an idiot…should have brought my canoe.”
“You know, that’s the second time you said that.” Mike looked at her.
“Really, well here’s the third…” She snarked “I. SHOULD. HAVE. BROUGHT. MY. CANOE!”
“Ok, we can give you a tow back.” Frank said, moving back to climb into his own boat. “Get you back to the centre.” “No can do.” Mike shook his head, “Need to find Snappy…” “Yeah, erm…” Fliss pointed to something that was approaching them, a confused expression on her face “I think he may have already found you.” They all turned and as they watched Snappy sail past their boat led on an Alligator shaped pool inflatable, being pushed by an extremely good looking man in a wet suit. He glanced up at them, smiling, his teeth white from behind his beard and he flicked his long hair back out of his eyes.
“Leave no gator behind.” He said simply, as he continued swimming past, Snappy basking on his inflatable.
Amber blinked, looked at the can of coke she was holding and turned to Mike “What the fuck did you put in this?” “Nothing…” “And why am I suddenly cold?” she frowned.
“Cold?” Frank looked at her “It’s like 90 degrees…in the middle of Florida.”
“That may be, but I’m still cold…” she frowned “And why is it going dark…”
Amber sat bolt upright, her head colliding painfully with the bunk above her, breathing deeply as she looked around. The light and warmth she had been feeling had been replaced with dark and cold, the blues and greens of Florida swapped for the dark greys and browns of the train…
“Hey…” a familiar voice said and she turned to look at Curtis as he sat up besides her “You ok baby?”
“Yeah, I just had the strangest dream.” She said as her man gently rubbed between her shoulders as she began to explain to him what she’d been dreaming about. He arched an eyebrow, sniggered occasionally and then snorted with laughter, a rare thing for Curtis Everett, when she told him about the inflatable alligator.
“And Mike, Frank, the Diving guy…they looked a bit like you. Which is odd.” She finished shrugging.
“Well I’m clearly on your mind.” Curtis quipped as he lay back, arms folded behind his bed as he gave her a sinful look “And you should be on my face so I can wish you a happy birthday properly.”
Amber grinned and shuffled round to straddle him before she stopped, her hands falling to his chest.
“On one condition.” She smirked.
“Take your beanie off first. It gives me a rash.”
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my-one-true-l · 4 years
Hey luv!!🖤 Can I order a microfic for wammy's boys by taking their child trick-or-treating on Halloween with his parents? Hope you have a good time this Halloween! 👻
Hello My Darling Anon! I put a rush order on this one to get it ready in time for Halloween! I hope you have a good one as well!!!
“Come on Daddy! Let’s go!” The tiny child dressed all in black with the oversized cat ears and velvet tail dragging on the ground behind them tugged on L’s sleeve, trying with all their might to yank him towards the door. “If we wait much longer, there won’t be any candy left for me!”
L pressed his thumb to his lip, a smile growing beneath it as he looked at them lovingly. “I’m sure there will be no shortage of treats. It isn’t even dark yet.”
“Granddaaaad!” They whined at Watari, their huge greyish-blue eyes pleading up at him. “You’ll take me, won’t you?”
“Patience, child.” Watari’s grin widened under his moustache. “Your mother and father will take you in just a moment.”
“What about you Granddad? Aren’t you coming with us?”
“Someone has to stay here and hand out candy to the children that come here. We wouldn’t want them to be disappointed by trick-or-treating at an empty house.” He handed them a pumpkin-shaped pail before straightening the pointy cat ears.
“Just don’t give it all away, ok?”
“Little One, you will have plenty of candy of your own when we return home. There’s no need to be greedy.” L gently took their hand in his.
“They remind me of someone else when he was their age.” Watari patted L on the shoulder kindly.
“So you’re blaming genetics?” L smirked at him.
“I’m sorry I’m late!” Little One’s mother hurried into the foyer, also donning cat ears on top of her head. She squatted to be eye-level with her kitten and whispered, “Everything is ready for Daddy’s birthday party.”
“Even the cake?” Little One’s excitement rang out a little too loudly.
“Mhmm. Even the cake.” She stood up and took their hand, pumpkin pail dangling between them. She gave L a little wink, who had no doubt heard what they were planning. “Ready to go?”
“YES! I’ve been ready since this morning!” Little One pulled them both towards the door.
“Sounds like someone else I know.” She smiled playfully at L.
L sighed as they stepped into the cold night, together as a family. “Apparently I’ve made quite the reputation for myself.”
“That’s ok Daddy.” Little One squeezed his hand a little tighter. “I’ll share my treats with you.”
“That’s it. Let’s have them.” Mello frowned down at the tiny biker that stood before him, leather pants and a tattoo of a dragon drawn in marker on his arm made them look even more like thier father.
“I wasn’t going to use them. I just wanted them, you know. In case.”
“Mells, are you shaking our kid down for their chocolate?”
“No, but I might have to do that later.” Mello’s scowl softened when he spoke to her. “Look what our little darling decided to bring trick-or-treating?” In Mello’s hand was a half-used can of shaving cream.
“Did you really think it’s ok to vandalize someone’s house?” Their mother asked sternly.
“Only if they don’t hand over the good candy.”
“That is not ok. Your mother and I taught you better than that.” Mello turned to his Love. “There’re some eggs in their pillow case, too.”
“I thought I bought more than what is in the refrigerator!” She held her hand out to them. “Give them over.”
“You don’t want that. They broke when they set down their treat bag.”
“And it ruined all my goodies.” They yelled angrily at their parents.
She sighed and looked to her husband. “We really raised a mini-Mello. What are we going to do?”
“I think you should-“
“Your mother wasn’t talking to you.”
She closed her eyes for a second to clear her head. “This is what we’re going to do. We’re going to go get you a clean pillowcase and we’re going to try this again. We’ll go door-to-door as a family. You’re too young to be going trick-or-treating alone anyway.”
“And tomorrow starts your grounding. Two weeks. No T.V, nno video games.” Mello doled out the punishment. “And I get half your chocolate.”
“HALF?!” They growled at their father before his eyes grew wide. Mello didn’t need to say anything. His kid knew he meant business. “That seems fair.”
“Now that’s settled. Let’s go. And I don’t want to catch you pulling something like this ever again, you got that?”
“I sure do. Sorry Dad.”
“You know that’s a bunch of crap, right? They’re just like you.”
“Yeah, I know.” Mello lowered his voice to keep the words between him and his wife, a smile making his scar even more beautiful. “Is it bad I’m a little proud of them?”
“It’s alright sweetheart. Go knock on the door.”
The little vampire hugged their mother’s leg, peeking around the woman with wide eyes as they stared at the stranger’s door.
“There is nothing to be afraid of. Pumpkins are not frightening and the spiders and bats are merely decorations, made of plastic in some factory.” Near reassured his child the only way he knew how.
“But I’m scared.”
“That’s ok. Halloween can be scary, but if you’re really brave and go to the door, you can get candy.” She stroked her child’s hair, still clinging to her leg.
“What are you dressed up as?” Near asked his child, twisting his hair around his finger.
“I’m a vampire.” Their voice shook the response.
“Are you an actual vampire or is it pretend?”
“It’s pretend.”
“As are these decorations.” Near held his hand out to his child. “Now let’s not be frightened of something that is pretend. I will go with you if it will give you courage.”
The little vampire with the flaxen hair nodded at their father, taking his hand and stalking toward the door, cape pulled up over their nose. Near’s Love couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. They looked like Dracula from all the old movies.
Together, Near and his child walked up the porch steps, between the cotton cobwebs and glowing pumpkins, the baby vampire building courage with every step before ringing the doorbell.
The door opened and a kindly older woman smiled at them.
“Trick-or-treat.” The tiny vampire could barely speak the words.
“Oh, aren’t you adorable! Such a cute little vampire.” She plopped a handful of chocolates and lolllies into their pail before turning to Near. “And what are you supposed to be? A ghost?”
Near frowned at the woman. “I’m a detective. Thank you for the treats.”
“Alright, on our Trick-or-Treat bingo, we have skeletons, pumpkins, spider webs and bats all checked off.” Matt held the card in his hand, crossing out the words in purple marker as he read them aloud. “We need those eyes that are peeking in the bushes still…”
“And something inflatable. Oh and we need a house that is playing scary music.” The small Yoshi excitedly chimed up at their father. “Oh, this house has purple lights! Cross it off dad while I go to the door!”
“Haha, alright. Go get them. Make sure to say thank you!” Matt called after them before turning to his Love. “You did a damn good job on that costume.”
“Anything for my two favorite gamers.” She smiled proudly at him, never telling him it took her the last 6 months to perfect it.
“Mom! Dad! I got M&Ms and a Reese’s peanut butter cup! Your turn mom, cross it off.” Their face beamed from where Yoshi’s mouth should be. “Did I get Bingo yet?”
“You are one Milky Way away from getting candy Bingo.”
“And you need Orange Lights and you will have it on the decorations one.”
“Alright! I’m on it!” They ran to the next house, green and white tail waddling behind them as they hopped up the steps and knocked on the door.
“So what are we going to do when they win?”
“10pm pizza and scary movies until they fall asleep on the couch?” Matt grinned, proud of the prize at the end of the game he created. “I think they will love that.”
She smiled softly at him. “I think all three of us will love that.”
“Hey Dad! Check me out!”
Beyond’s child bound towards him, rubber butcher’s knife sticking out of their head, red corn syrup running down their face with eyes ringed in black, which Beyond was not fond of. It reminded him too much of someone he had tried hard to forget.
“Wouldn’t you rather go as the murderer than the victim?” Beyond hated even the slightest hint of his offspring being weak, even if it was only a Halloween costume.
“I’m not a victim. I’m a scary undead dude.” The excitement fell from their face. “You’re no fun sometimes. You don’t know how much work it was to look like someone you’re not.”
B knew all too well how much effort that required.
“On second thought, I think you look quite scary.” Beyond’s compliment brought the smile back to their face. “I think you’re going to get a lot of candy this year.”
“I think so, too!” The sweet voice of the child’s mother announced her entrance into the room, standing at B’s side & whispering in his ear, “I hope you don’t mind I let him use that old stage makeup you have hidden in your drawer.”
Beyond fought back a frown. “Of course not. Why would I have a use for that? I don’t even remember why I have that.”
“Mom? Dad? Can we get going please? I don’t want all the blood to dry up before I can collect my candy.”
“Alright, let’s go.” Beyond mustered a smile, letting a bit of the corn syrup drip on his finger, sucking the sweetness from his nails. “It’s terrible once the blood dries on.”
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass and a Lotta Sass Chapter 24: When A Negotiation Goes WAY Wrong...OR Where the Fuck Did You Find a Wedding Dress During the Apocalypse?!
You’d think that with wicked ex one and wicked ex two growling and snarling undead at the gates would have slowed Negan down a bit. It would have made him consider how to proceed with our relationship. He had so much on his fucking plate.
He was leader of the Sanctuary, full of my review of the outpost leaders in hand. He had a troop of people remodeling our floor to make it a full apartment with a kitchen, dining room, and nursery to start with. He had his day to day drudgery. He had his own personal challenge to bulk up his daily intake of me, to save for that six week dry spell that would be coming on us in no time.
And yet, as my bump grew, the months passing like blinks, he had a new mission. “How to get Callie to agree to marry me?” became Mission Number ONE.
It started simply. Days after watching Frankie and Tanya eat what they sowed, the subtle touching of Mom’s rings became more pronounced. That question I kept seeing flash across his face barely holding back.
Then, as I came through my fourth month of pregnancy, he’d start to ask leading questions during meals. Had I ever had a dream wedding in my head? If I could have any type of ceremony what type would I choose? Was I against all marriage, or just to him?
OK that last question wasn’t leading it was abrupt. And I’d sat across from him, my mouth wide, and the bite I had hovering in front forgotten. The fuck? “What?” I asked, forcing my mouth to close, and setting my fork down.
“Are you against the idea of marriage?” He asked, bleeding patience with me. “Or are you only against the idea of marrying me?” His voice was light, but the question was anything but.
I blinked at him. What the literal hell? My bump was growing by the minute. My emotions were all the fuck over the place from the little demon’s control over my hormones, and he’s tossing this at me NOW?
“I don’t want to have this conversation now, Negan.” I bit out, pushing my plate away. “Since your little seed keeps fucking nudging me in my kidney, consider this time for one of my MANY potty breaks.” I stood and practically ran to our bathroom. Locking myself inside, I took a moment to pee, because yes, that is my reality. And then I stared in the mirror as I washed my hands. Why now? What the fuck would possess him to start this shit now, when I look like a blimp being inflated?
I heard his knock on the door. Of course he’d follow me. The man was becoming a very large and very solid shadow. If I so much as hissed because baby Satan moved suddenly, he was at my side and trying to find the source of discomfort. I shook my head and stared into my own eyes. You can do this, just keep the logic of NOT dealing with it front and center. Negan could be talked down from things. Right? Sure.
I opened the door and gave him a small smile. “Sorry, your kid really fucking likes my kidney.” He reached his hand down and curved over the top of my bump. I knew he wanted to feel the movement, but we also knew that it could take another month.
“Knock it off, little one.” He said, kneeling in front of me and kissing the growing bump. “Daddy wants Mommy to have a break, we’ve got important shit to discuss.” His hands were cupping the bulge, and I knew he was hoping against hope of feeling them move. No dice, Negan, not yet anyway.
He stood up and kissed my lips gently. “Can we talk like grown ups now?” He asked, and I rolled my eyes. “Callie, why won’t you just fucking answer the question?”
I licked my lips and moved to sit on our bed. “Because I don’t fucking know.” I groaned, and lay back, my head only reaching nearly the middle. “I don’t know if I hate the idea of marriage completely or if I equate marrying YOU with them.” I didn’t elaborate and he didn’t need me to. The wives, even with two dead and the others content with their mates, they still hovered over me.
“I never married them, Callie.” I snorted. Remembering how Glenn ‘married’ Maggie. “I gave them a fucking ring and told them what was expected from them. That’s not marriage.”
I raised an eyebrow at him as he lay down beside me and turned so we were facing one another. “We’re in the middle of the end of the fucking world, Negan. What the fuck truly constituted marriage now?” I sighed and settled into the fucking softness of our bed. “And if that’s not clear, then why does it fucking matter so much to you?”
He groaned too. “Because, Callie, I want to marry you.” I gave another eye roll. “I do. I want you to be my fucking wife, my real fucking wife. My partner.” And I heard it, even if he didn’t say it, ‘like Lucille was’. Sure, that’s going to be a bargaining point. Look at how well you treated her.
“And how, my brilliant Negan, would OUR marriage be so fucking different from the others?” I wanted to know, damn my curiosity.
His hand reached out so his fingers could trace my face. “We could have a wedding. A real wedding.” Ah, those questions about my dream wedding started to make sense. “Name it, and I’ll make it happen.” Shit, that was fucking generous.
I squinted at him as his fingers kept lining my features. What did I know about Negan that would make this promise of a dream wedding stay at bay? “If I wanted to have it back in Alexandria?” First strike, having it on Dad’s turf.
He didn’t blink. “Done.” Fuck.
OK, what else goes into a wedding. I strike the idea of a dress, my huge ass decked in white, that would make me look like a parade float. Nope. Didn’t he tell one of the others about Gabe creeping him out? HA, checkmate. “I’d want, IF I got married, to have a REAL minister perform it. Because then it’s REAL, not just for show.”
He listened and considered it. Clearly pushing Gabe far out of his fucking mind. “Where would this minister come from? I don’t-” And then it dawned on him. I could see the shiver run up his spin at the mere thought of Gabe’s smile and collar. He swallowed, hard, and I waited. “You fight dirty, baby girl.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Negan.” I replied, leaning into his hand. “You asked me what it would take to consider marrying you, and I told you. I would want a REAL wedding that ended in a REAL marriage. That takes a minister, fully ordained and in the cloth.” I shrugged, looking supremely unconcerned.
 The questions stopped. The remodel rolled on. And Negan spent more time working, which irritated both of us. Every time he came back to our rooms, he looked worn out, and I had to stop from asking him what was wrong. A part of me was terrified it was bad news. That Maggie had started the retaliation that I feared would come. And the other part of me was following doctor’s orders.
My blood pressure was slightly elevated. I was warned to keep as much stress out of my mind as possible, so I don't borrow trouble. Instead, I’d wrap myself around Negan and try to divert both of our worries away.
Then, as the final touches were being finished on the expanded apartment, Negan came home whistling and grinning. This was unexpected, but fully welcome. As was his news that we’d be visiting Alexandria. Finally, I thought, glancing down at my five month bump. I had worried that Dad wouldn’t know that he had a grand-baby until he could fucking hold it.
I should have questioned the timing. I should have seen the glint in Negan’s eyes. I should have added so much shit together, but I didn’t. And I blame hormones. I blame hormones and pregnancy brain and a hundred other things for the reason I didn’t add all the parts together and instead was blindsided by what waited for me. How else would you explain it?
 We went a week after he’d made the announcement. He reasoned that he had to make sure security was ready. That we had more to worry about than just the two of us now, and I agreed. Sitting beside him, same truck going in a different direction, we set off early in the morning. I’d worn comfortable clothes, still unsure of how long it would take to get there and unwilling to be uncomfortable in the name of looking cute. I even held back a glare as he buckled me in. And with a quick confirmation over the walkie that we were ready, we were off.
Negan kept me occupied. Telling me about how simple it had been to find a crib for our little demon. Smiling as he mentioned a cache of baby clothes a run had found, and I found myself napping as I listened to his voice. By the time we arrived, I’d slept most of the way and was happy to find we’d run into no trouble.
Helping me from the truck on the outside of the gate of what once was my home, I heard the guard on duty gasp. Yeah, no shit, I thought, I was huge. Negan’s hand settled on my lower back, where most of my weight seemed to settle and give me pain, and we approached the opening they’d created for us.
Dad was waiting on the other side, and his eyes widened at my very obvious state. I waited, in silence for Negan to throw his first volley. And I wasn’t disappointed.
“Would you fucking look at that, Papa Rick?” I could hear his dimples come out. A whistle and then, “Did ya ever fucking imagine that my fucking baby would be your fucking grand-baby? I have to wonder, whose genes do you think will be dominant? I'm laying odds on mine.”
I shook my head and pulled away from my erstwhile man. Hugging Dad and fighting a grin at Negan’s running commentary. “Hey, Dad.” I rolled my eyes, and smiled up at him. “Guess I can’t hide this anymore, huh?” I pointed at the bump nestled between us and he grinned down at me.
“Guess not, sweetheart.” He kissed my forehead and I felt him smile despite Negan’s teasing.
Michonne was laughing and hugged me next. “I told you so.” She whispered, running her hand over my bump. “Congratulations, honey.”
I was shaking my head so much I must look like a wet dog. “Carl,” I held open my arms and my brother, holding my little sister pressed between them. “I missed you.” My head was on his shoulder and I was including Judith in that sentiment. Kissing her head and his cheek I felt a tear fall. “Shit, hormones.” I pulled away, and brushed it away.
We ended up in Dad’s house, talking over one another, Negan included in the mix. I found out he kept the promise for beds. I learned that Alexandria was flush with comfort and contentment without an axe swinging over its head. And then, Gabe walked in and I was informed that our visit was going to include something I wasn’t fucking prepared for-my fucking wedding.
 Michonne had taken me upstairs after Gabe came in to “finalize the ceremony plans” with Negan. I’d grown pale. And she grew concerned.
In my old room, now housing a bed that I would have killed for before leaving for the Sanctuary, a dress hung from a curtain rod and fluttered in the breeze of the open window. White, of course it would be fucking white, and shorter than I’d expected for him to settle on. If I had EXPECTED him to get me a dress, that was. Dear fucking God, I felt like hyperventilating. When the fuck did he plan it? How? And was it happening TODAY? And where the fuck had he found a wedding dress that would hold these mountains of boobs and my bump during a fucking apocalypse?
“Tomorrow.” Michonne answered me, watching I’m sure, my face turn various fucking shades of green. “You don’t want this?” She was worried, duh. My reaction didn’t fucking scream blushing happy bride.
I thought about it. Did I want it? Did I NOT want it? I considered life without Negan and recoiled from the thought of it. OK, so come on Callie, what does that fucking tell you? That you can’t live without him. OK. What do I hate most about the idea of marrying him? The plural wives, obviously. But they were gone, some in more permanent a way than others. And he wanted to marry me in the same way he’d been married to Lucille. Who he cheated on, while she lay dying, literally. But he gave them up for ME. Shit was I arguing with myself.
Michonne was still studying me. “Do you love him?” She asked like it was that simple.
“Yes.” I could barely hear myself.
She nodded, her theory confirmed. “He loves you, too, you know?” I focused on her, not the dress, not the hysteria bubbling inside me. “He contacted Rick awhile back. They put this together, with some help from the rest of us.” Ah, that explained a lot. “Gabe, well that was a final request, actually, and surprised all of us, no one more than Gabe himself. He swore that Negan thought he was creepy.”
I gave a chuckle. “Yeah, that he does.” I sighed. Shit. I was going to do it. I was going to marry him. He’d countered every move. And he proved he wanted it badly enough to work for it. Fuck.
“You have an entire night, alone, to work it out.” She offered, wrapping me in her arms. “Plus, you have some vows to write.” Fucking hell. I felt her fighting a bout of laughter. Of course she'd find this shit hilarious.
We had dinner together, all of my family and Negan. I found out that he was commandeering Spencer’s house. Foregoing, he assured me, his stag party. Like this wasn’t the most surreal fucking moment in my whole damn life. And as darkness fell, he kissed me sweetly and offered the corniest parting I’d ever heard him give.
“I’ll meet you at the altar.” He was grinning so fucking hard I thought his face would crack.
Playing along, with a roll of my eyes, I gave the standard, “I’ll be the one in white.”
His laughter echoed as he walked away. And felt my nerves racket up a notch. Fuck. I was getting married.
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
First Time: Twilight Faction
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Oh ho, I totally get what you mean. 👀
Ok, but read past the first three italicised bullet points if you really want the real NSFW part. Also, I’m sorry, I just had to.  :P
Also, it kinda got super long so I might have to do them individually in fic prose next time. I think this should be done as a series honestly so I will revisit this because I kept it still relatively general here.
Finally, I really struggled with this one so I’m sorry if this was late and super bad. :C
It was super hard. Yet, even as you stroked it gently, you couldn't help but bring it closer to you. You needed it closer to you.
“Oh my god, I can finally tell the time!”
I mean, you couldn't help but squeal at seeing your very own pocket watch for the first time. 👀
Ok, but really, he was getting sick of you not knowing what time it was unless you consulted with someone. 
And by that, I mean the several HOT AND INTERESTED Ayakashi surrounding you.
He is totally not jealous. He just wants you to be less inept and get his brother’s sweets on time instead of having to ask some random person. 
Yura knows he’s jealous. You know he’s jealous. 
It was only a matter of when you guys will make him admit it. 
But in the meantime, there you were, admiring your new accessory while helping Gaku finish his last rounds of delivery.
There was some respite along the way as you guys unloaded the remaining devices.
You were sorting them out when Gaku actually went up and hugged you from behind...
Ok, it wasn’t a hug, he was just making sure the watch was telling the right time because damn, you were slow in organizing everything.
Yet you giggled and he really couldn’t complain as you guys just rocked back and forth even as he was trying to adjust the length of the chain for you.
But after one little twirl to get away from his small chiding session... you heard a horrifying snap.
No, not the snap of your sandal. 
Somehow, your bra had been opened amid the dancing.
Both of you paused. The streets were becoming slightly more crowded as the evening rush kicked in. There was no way you could discreetly reach for the back without looking awkward. 
"... Let's go somewhere to adjust that." 
Along the way to the nearest inn, you noticed him trying to shelter you from other men while you held up your currently dangling bra. 
His whole stance was like that of a feral wolf, guarding what was his. 
"... I know I shouldn't be worried. But... Finally having you after 1000 years... I guess..." 
At that, their room was booked... but you were letting Gaku remove your bra and other items.
Needless to say, it was passionate and somewhat... reassuring. The events that transpired were blurred together into a warm, fuzzy memory of hot bodies desperately seeking each other to be aligned together and their names being the only words exchanged.
Gaku interestingly leaves... a lot of hickeys, as if wanting to really mark you as his. And even more interestingly, each one, coupled with some hot touches and kisses had left the both of you aching for the other.
You keep the pocket watch on the whole time. 
As soon as he placed it in, he started pumping with reckless abandon. What soon followed, however, was the grim realisation...
“MC! I need help, I can't inflate this balancing ball for the next act!”
The first time ever breaking your back while giving air to Kuro’s prop is definitely memorable, eh? 👀
Ok, but really, he is ironically the most resistant in taking initiative. 
Yes, the same man that literally swings on Gin-Gin’s arms like a tree, glomps Gaku, randomly dips Toichiro and even cuddled with Nachi (because who the hell doesn’t want a cute kitty?).
He really wants her... but he also wants to reassure her that it isn’t just a ‘naked hug’ and to really treasure the moment. 
You’re probably the one who takes the reigns because as sweet as his whole reasoning is... you ain’t gonna make love until he was Gaku’s age.
It doesn’t matter your level of experience is, so long as you know what you want and you know Kuro also wants it.
Screams at him to touch her.... well, not really. But she would try when congratulating him after a very hard-earned successful performance. 
Especially if she had seen and helped him train, from nutritious meals, giving honest critiques and even being his partner as clearly evidenced above.
I would have tackled him, ok?
So what do you do when you want to praise them?
Why, of course, reenact everything they just did. 
Seriously, he even joins her at one point and they basically twirl around the tent in intricate twists and turns.
And with each act, you would try to get into the role of a vixen, coyly brushing your hand around any exposed part of his, and literally pressing into each other to the point you could hear his erratic heartbeat caused by either sheer exertion... or suppressing something...
... Until he goddamn giggled. 
Maybe he that was his way of telling you he swung another way... which you would totally respect after having a serious talk on boundaries so that you don’t harass him further.
Until the rope snaps. 
Probably the reason why you aren’t a professional performer (well unless you really are Nonnie... then let’s just say it was really bad luck...)
Either way, he has to dive in and swoop you up to the top level.
The thing is, it had to be at an awkward angle so you guys landed... with him on top of you. 
And you both heavily panting against each other from the shock.
... And evidence of why he wasn’t so graceful as usual because... well, he was nursing something... hard.
But he was too preoccupied with checking your bodies for injuries, literally prodding you like a dead fish...
Until he accidentally... touched your lips.
And you... actually tentatively met his fingers through the gap he had created with a simple tongue flick before fully engulfing the digits. 
Looking into his suddenly darker eyes, she could see the reflection of her sucking on his hand. 
Let’s just say the moment he pulled them out with a soft pop, the sexual tension snapped for a good 3 rounds... with you on top.
He reached into his pants and pulled out the longest, hardest thing she had ever seen.
“You have to admit, the scroll from the Elders is longer than usual.”
Who knew that your first time working together with Shizuki would make you mourn for the loss of a tree... or two... or three...  👀
Ok, but really, being Toichiro’s valet was hard work. 
Seeing him scramble back and forth, you decided to treat him in the servant quarters.
So why not an ice-cold foot bath?
Look, I know a lot would prefer warm but we want him to relax, not die.
The thing is, he REALLY showed his appreciation.
No, sexy time isn’t now, wait.
He let out the most guttural moan.
And marked you as scared (because his rough nature was starting to appear) and horny (because his rough nature was starting to appear)
Scooping the chilly water in your suddenly warmer hands, you poured move over his feet and let your fingers trail after the stray droplets.
Encouraged by his purr of approval, you picked up one foot and began to gently rub at the heel, eliciting a throaty growl.
It was like you were discovering his repertoire of sexy cries.
His calves would make him gasp slightly, carving out the quadriceps rewarded you with a purr and even a very, very, very muffled expletive when you grazed over the hamstrings.
And the thing is, YOU were starting to whimper at how firm his muscles were with each caress of your hands, feeling each one tensing at your once-innocent assault.
So, you tried to retreat to the very cute toes and ONLY THINK HOW CUTE HE WAS...
Until he bloody grabbed your hand and splayed it over his thigh.
Ok, NOW is sexy times.
The thing is, the Dude is A FLIRT.
Like, even more wretched than Oji if I’m being honest. 
So you know he has been with a couple of girls.
I can’t say how much but well, you did have to wonder if this could be compared to what others may have done with/to/for him.
Until you saw that bloody smirk somehow mixed with uncertainty.
“If you don’t want to do this, if you don’t want any of this..”
Of course, we all the answer if you are here, reading this.
“I want anything you give me. And everything you have.”
So yes, it starts with you sucking his popsicle.
But he also wants you to at least have a taste of his skills (pun intended) 
So it’s a 69. 
At the servant quarters.
Toichiro dismisses the others for a day and decides to harass Koga to cope with unrequited love.
He stroked her, firm and determined until his fingers were glistening...
"Fine, I concede MC. This facial oil really defines the cheekbones and eye area." 👀
D'aww, don't you find a couple's first time doing each others beauty regime so cute???
Ok, but really, somehow you covered in goop was... strangely sexy. There you guys were, chilling in the chic pyjamas after torturing Salesgirl #8 and sipping wine far away from Shizuki.
So, naturally, Toichiro decided to pull a prank on you.
Your eyes were covered by cucumbers (probably by some kappa or something)
It would be perfect to just use the top tip of his centre tail and just tickle you under the chin.
The thing is... it backfired. 
While adjusting yourself into a more comfortable position, you had shifted upwards. 
Meaning the tail MISSED your chin.
And tickled... somewhere else.
And Toichiro may be adaptable... but even he couldn’t help but be stilled at your whimper.
Let’s be honest; the last three guys here are most certainly NOT virgins. So he thought he could control himself until you outright broached the topic or he found a suitable time to test waters.
This was not one of the envisioned scenarios.
A bit pouty that all of his greater schemes went to waste but then he remembers your very, very, very vulnerable body. 
At the same time... you were clearly not prepared for this. 
So he tried to brush it off. 
“Huh, maybe we should get masks for this part as well.”
... He is floored by what you do next. 
“Then... I guess we better shower this off... together.”
Yup a roonie, shower sex.
But him holding you steady against the bathroom wall, with teasing kisses that reached everywhere BUT where you needed them the most QUICKLY distracted you from any hazards.
You only did 1 round because Shizuki just HAD to enter with desserts at that moment. 
But let’s just say the night was not the time for sleeping.
She opened her mouth, gasping as the thick white substance filled her mouth and throat immediately.
“Yeah, sorry Oji, but your cigarettes are too much. Count me out.”
Oji is disappointed he won’t get a smoking buddy after their first time sharing a light. 👀
I... would like to think you guys have found some sweet meadow of flowers.
The man seems to have an affinity towards them, and I know it’s ideally filled with bellflowers.
But I don’t think they are in season and if they are, congrats, you are not in a boiling pot. 
Yes, you can see where I am heading with the deflowering.
It was quiet, the stars were shining, your eyes were shining with love and Oji was really wondering what did he do in his 100 years to deserve you. 
As he weaved some daisies into your hair, he couldn’t help but be tempted by your nape as his fingers got closer and closer.
The first time was surprisingly the most vanilla out of the whole lot.
Don’t want to break his back, LOL.
But you know he knows what to do as he peppers each loving word, praise and pet names with hot and long kisses.
Maybe it was the power of the daisies somehow trying to make him a BIT purer.
Refuses to let you jerk him off (yet) because well... you guys were technically still out in the open and he didn't know how plants would take to such fluids and well, he didn’t have THAT many condoms.
The standard missionary was ideal in your situation.
His pace was incredibly slow at first but quickens at your request and when he’s close to coming, his rhythm becomes kind of off-balance and erratic. 
Yet, even though the constant rocking motion, not one daisy fell from your locks.
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lhs3020b · 5 years
Some notes on recent polling developments (long, fairly depressing)...
The YouGov MRP figures came out last night. This is notable because in 2017, the multilevel-regression approach was the sole one that spotted the possibility of a hung parliament. We all ridiculed it at the time - I'll confess that I side-eyed it too. And then - well, we all know what happened to Theresa May, don't we? So, the MRP thing deserves to be taken seriously. And unfortunately, this year, it's looking grim for us. Briefly, the MRP is forecasting a Tory majority. They're also predicting that all opposition parties (bar the SNP, who only stand in Scotland) will lose seats. Labour in particular look in the danger-zone for a collapse, and contrary to their bullish predictions, the Liberal Democrats are also forecast to lose seats. (Note that this is with respect to their current strength - technically, the MRP result gives them a gain of 2 seats on where they were on the 9th of June. They currently have 19, due to defections from various other parties.)
I'll admit that I don't want to believe the MRP results, but this has never been a data-denialist blog, and I don't intend to start on that road today.
One caveat is that the reporting on the MRP results has ben remarkably-bad. The actual YouGov page is here: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2019/11/27/yougov-mrp-conservatives-359-labour-211-snp-43-ld- Buried a long way down the page, they say this: "Taking into account the margins of error, our model puts the number of Conservative seats at between 328 and 385, meaning that while we can be confident that the Conservatives would currently get a majority, it could range from a modest one to a landslide." As far as I can tell, the "majority of 68" figure is derived by treating 317 as a working majority and assuming that the Tory vote lands right at the upper end of their confidence-interval. This is poor statistical practice for a variety of reasons. It's also a bit questionable in terms of parliamentary arithmetic - the "working majority" thing depends on how many Sinn Fein MPs Northern Ireland elects (they don't take their seats, so count toward neither Government nor Opposition tallies). And we won't necessarily know how many that is until, well, December the 13th.
(Also, a further health-warning is that apparently the model isn't able to fully-represent some local phenomena, such as independent candidates, and the effect of the Brexit Party's partial stand-down is also apparently somewhat-unclear. The last caveat is that the analysis assumes data that has already been collected - that is, if public opinion changes between now and polling day, then obviously existing projections could become obsolete. This will still be a possible source of error even if the MRP sample is statistically-unbiased and the underlying theory/analysis is all sound.)
However, even the best-case scenario for us gives the Tories 328 seats, which is both a working and a (very small) absolute majority.
Obviously, this is not a good situation for us.
While not quite a landslide, nonetheless an inflated Tory majority will be devastating for this country. The stuff they'll do will be awful. Brexit will happen. There'll be a bus crash late next year, when the transition period ends. (No, they will have no plan for this - they won't feel they need one, as they'll be secure in power until 2024.) There'll be a Windrush for resident EU citizens. They'll trash the economy. They'll probably crash the NHS - the only question there is whether they do it through accidental negligence or through deliberate malice (say, an ideologically-driven trade "deal" that gives President Trump everything he wants on a silver platter). Nothing will be done about the country’s escalating housing crisis. They'll double down on all the maddest of the madcap "law-n-order" stuff - expect an explosion in jailable offences, accompanied by lengthy minimum-sentence tariffs and further restrictions on legal aid. They'll also resuscitate their plans to manipulate the parliamentary boundaries, and change electoral laws in their favour. The media? Expect no surprises from them. The newspapers are largely already Conservative Pravdas. The BBC - nervous about its precious Royal Charter - seems to be in the process of declaring itself for the Tories too.
Bluntly, if the Tories get re-elected this year, they'll gerrymander things so you have little chance of getting rid of them in 2024.
Perhaps this is the key thing to understand about Boris Johnson: really, he's less Britain's Trump, and more Britain's Victor Orban. He'll leave just enough vestigial democracy intact to make what he's doing plausibly-deniable, but he'll busily rearrange the furniture to favour himself and his friends. If he gets re-elected this December, you can expect to be seeing his face into the 2030s. The only reason I put the cut-off as early as that is that I expect the coming climate-crisis will wreak havoc with the Tories' internal coalition. (Oh you've built all your luxury millionaire mansions by the seaside? How nice for you, especially now that the sea is literally in your parlour. Umm, whoops.)
What can be done? Well, the first thing is to reiterate some discussions I've seen on Twitter recently. The TL;DR of them is that hope doesn't have to be something you feel - it can be something you do. (And that's just as well, because I'll admit that 2019 has destroyed what traces of social optimism I was clinging to. I'm dreading the bad end that's coming to us next month, but I also fully-expect it.)
So, my advice remains as it has been: on December the 12th, turn up, and vote for whoever you judge most likely to beat the Tory.
Remember, the MRP approach is fallible. "Mortal, finite, temporary" is absolutely in play here; no model is any better than the data that went into it. Or, indeed, the date when it was calculated. And at the end of the day, the only poll that genuinely-matters is the one on December the 12th, and that hasn't actually happened yet. (Though admittedly, given the storm-surge of pre-emptive grief that's flooding Twitter today, you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise.)
As for the horrible mess that are our opposition parties, I'll repeat what I said in 2017: it's OK to vote for a least-worst option. You're not perjuring yourself or committing any moral sin, rather you're trying to be a grown-up. Part of the package of being an adult is making the best of bad situations.
It absolutely does suck - believe me, this is one of the most soul-destroying election campaigns I've ever seen. Every single party has clown-show'd itself. All of them have done things that are ridiculous, inept or otherwise ghastly. (Well, maybe not the Greens - I haven't heard of any specific scandals surrounding them - but their cardinal sin is that they have no plausible prospect of winning the election.) But even then, the barrel we're going to have to stare down is going and voting for them anyway.
(As a related case-in-point, one factor that seems to have helped the Tories win their unexpected 2015 majority was that a contingent of left-wing voters simply stayed at home on the day. While it's hard to find concrete statistics on, nonetheless anecdotally, this absolutely was a thing. A lot of people were demotivated by Labour's confused and incoherent campaign, left cold by all the bothering about fiscal rules, and alienated by things like the mug with "controls on immigration" on it. All of those are 100% valid criticisms. Except, except, except ... it helped an even worse party back into office. The theory of "if the choices are bad, sit it out" has been tested to destruction. It turns out that looking the other way is also a choice, and not necessarily the best one.)
I would add that there are also real questions to be asked about the utter vacuum of political strategy of people nominally on the anti-Tory side - it seems the Opposition spent the summer fixated on the minutiae of House procedures, while never stopping to ask why they were on this battlefield to begin with. Meanwhile the Tories largely-ignored Commons process, and instead sent a political appeal straight to Leave voters. It lost them a lot of individual legislative battles (and I'm not minimising their defeats - they were important!), but it put them in a good strategic place to win an election. And in the long run, it turns out that was what mattered.
It's hard not to feel bitter while thinking about the events of spring and summer. Perhaps if Jo Swinson had been less blinkered about Jeremy Corbyn, perhaps if Labour could have had the minimum sense to call a Vote of No Confidence when BoJo was vulnerable, perhaps if the collective Opposition had been able to recognise the huge wave of unharnessed political energy washing through the country during the petition back in March, perhaps if Change UK had managed to be something other than an unfunny joke, maybe if Corbyn had taken the anti-semitism problem seriously in 2018 and had actually done something instead of sitting on his hands and letting it metastasize to the point where it derailed his election campaign ... but, no. That's for some other, better timeline, not the one we live in. We seem to live in the world that resolutely and firmly chooses the wrong fork in every road. I don't know whether our timeline quite qualifies as the Bad Place, but it's certainly a place full of bad choices.
In a weird sort of way, though, this brings us back to the key theme. Whatever you might think of what's happening in this election - and goodness knows I'm as appalled as anyone else - nonetheless, your vote matters. Use it. As we're seeing, this is the ultimate limitation on their power, and the one chance we have of stopping them.
So once more, let me reiterate: turn up. Vote against the Tory. Do it as a hopeful action, even if you don't feel hopeful. If nothing else, do it so that when the bad things happen, at least you can say you tried to stop it. I wish I had something less bleak to offer here, but this is where we are.
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stcllac · 5 years
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muse intros part 2 yee yee
yejun roh
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he’s basically just another one of my jin fcs so idk what to tell u fam
he has a pretty basic upbringing tbh ??? his parents are chill and work decent jobs and they were always fairly middle class ?? they didn’t stand out too much
they also come from gardeniaville aka where briar’s from so he grew up knowing her
except yejun made himself stand out bc he’s fuckin yejun and needs to be Stopped at all times
he knew from a young age that he was adorable and handsome and it kinda inflated his ego a bit and sure some people hated him for it but most people found it funny bc he wasn’t a dick about it he just made jokes and shit
he found himself doing some part time modelling when he was in high school, and he definitely enjoyed it and would have gone down just that route had it not been for an incident during his third modelling gig
basically he saw the outfit and was just “ooooh it’s pretty !! though i would’ve done this.....and this and this..........
the designer wasn’t offended tho and was just “you have a good eye boi maybe you should be a designer yourself
and the clouds parted and the light rained down and suddenly yejun knew exactly what he wanted to do in life
it actually wasn’t long before he rose to fame as both a designer and a model bc his confidence in his own abilities as well as his general appearance was through the roof sO
he now owns a brand simply named roh yejun, or rojun for short
he’s willing to work with just about anyone tho some people tend to avoid him bc he’s dramatic af which is valid tbh
like this is the guy who will make himself the star of his own fashion show and ensure that rose petals are falling down around him as he struts it down the runway i s2g
he has definitely shouted “THIS IS A GAY’S ONLY EVENT GO HOME” more than once
he knows that magic and all that jazz exists, but he believes that there’s always a science behind it, so he’s a certain brand of sceptic, like he needs to see it to believe it
potential connections & stuff !!
he’s probably worked with anyone famous sO mostly stuff with that tbh
portia galexia
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alien princess !!
she’s from the planet lucaura which is a very magical planet that has a very strong connection with the stars and the various constellations in whatever galaxy they happen to be in
lucaura’s magic is very strong and a single (though well practiced) spell by the king or queen can send the entire planet into another galaxy, which is something they tend to do if their current position is threatened
this is how they ended up near earth, as the argenti had attempted to invade them and the royal family were having none of that, and so they spelled the planet to wherever the magic would take them, and thus they ended up close to earth. this was just over a year before the argenti stumbled upon earth themselves
the lucaurans are peaceful and diplomatic people, and so they sent their daughter portia down as a mediator in negotiations
they didn’t really have to try hard as earth as we know it has some strange and magical people, and so it wasn’t hard for her to be accepted, and portia was able to strike a deal where lucaura would protect earth in the case of danger and vice versa
portia is a very generous and kind individual, but can also be optimistically stubborn. if she thinks something can be fixed by her hand, she’ll make sure she does just that as soon as possible, and she can have a one track mind at times
she actually really likes it on earth and spends a lot of her time there. she initially lived near the space port downtown, but that became an infected zone pretty quickly, and so she lives in a skyscraper right by it
her parents made the decision to not tell the earthlings about their history with the argenti, a decision portia didn’t really agree with, but she trusts her judgement and instead focuses on ensuring the safety of the earthlings and the lucaurans
ever since she was young, she’s focused a lot on her magic, and so she has very strong powers that she gathers from the stars. they’re stronger at night for obvious reasons
her magic can be pretty op in terms of what she CAN do but there are definitely things that are generally forbidden in lucauran law, such as resurrection, murder, summoning the dead in any capacity, basically anything that is considered disrespectful is a big ‘no-no’
they don’t count killing argenti monsters as murder tho so go wild i guess
possible connections & stuff !!
if you’re a leader or hero of some kind, she’s probably at least met you once since she’s always trying to help and make connections
her attendant aka the sort of ?? official ?? who came down w/ her to earth bc those are the Rules yeet skeet
levi royce
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an orphan boi
levi has absolutely no idea where he came from or who his real parents are or even what his birthday is but he’s roughly 18 so ??
he was left on the front steps of anna’s home when he was a wee bab and there was nothing to tie him to who tf he was so he didn’t have a name or birth certificate or aNYTHING
his name was given to him by one of the people who work there, and he was sORT OF adopted at that moment ?? but he lived in the orphanage bc his adoptive mother lived in the orphanage, and even then it was just this agreement that this child was the orphanage baby and he was everyone’s son
levi didn’t really question it until he was quite a bit older, about eight or nine, and they pretty much told him the truth bc he was pretty mature for his age and could take it
while he didn’t show it, it actually really affected him bc at least some of the other kids had a vague idea of where they’d come from, but not him apparently, he was a mystery
he refused to reveal how he felt to anyone tho bc he’d already made a name for himself as being the big brother to everyone in the orphanage, the one all the kids could rely on to be there with advice or a bedtime story, and he didn’t want to show weakness in front of them
while he’s a relatively calm person he goes into angry protective mode when the orphanage or the residents of it are threatened like he’s not playing he has a sword and he wILL use it
the day the argenti came, he’d had a really bad feeling, especially when the clouds starting coming in, and so he’d told the other kids to stay inside. sure enough, then came the argenti
he wasn’t able to save all of the kids tho as one of them went missing and he has no idea where they are, but he once again refuses to show his worry
he’s the type of guy who’s really soft around those he considers his family but can seem kinda distant to strangers, but that’s because he can be a bit distrustful at first
he absolutely sings the kids to sleep he has a heavenly voice
but he’s also kind of a dumbfuck with no sense of self preservation sometimes as well as being completely and utterly oblivious like jfc
possible connections & stuff !!
gimme more orphans like it doesn’t matter if they’re older or younger he’ll look after all of them ok
micah gilligan
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speaking of dumbasses
micah is basically the epitome of a dumb teen he’s just ?? niCER THAN MOST I GUESS ??
he was (and still is tbh) the neighbourhood kid who would try stupid stunts and break his arms every month or so without giving a fuck like i s2g he’s immune to the pain to this point why is he like this
he lives in the cul-de-sac w/ the other kids there and grew up there from the time he was a wee bab so he ofc knows remy and thinks of him as his older brother of sorts
he’s super friendly and gets along with most people even tho he’s, as we’ve established, dUMB
his parents are just waiting until he graduates and he goes off to college
when the argenti first made themselves known he was just “WHAT” like everyone else, but after that, he was determined to get in contact with them
he didn’t meet an argenti, per say, but he met one of the monsters the argenti had made from a few nearby bushes. needless to say, it didn’t end all that well for him, and he had to be treated for burns, but at least he wasn’t dead
that hasn’t deterred him, though, and he’s determined to be of sOME use in the fight, and so he lets fighters come into his home while his parents are out and makes sure they’re fed and well-cared for, even lets them sleep upstairs if they need it
once he gets one of siwoo’s weapons in his hands he’s gonna be unstoppable tbh he’s gonna gO FOR IT
honestly it’ll be a miracle if he doesn’t end up killed
despite all of this, once he does figure out that someone is upset for whatever reason, he ensures that he pays attention to them and gives them whatever they need if he’s able to and is just there for them in general
too bad he’s an oblivious little shit half the time
possible connections & stuff !!
hi i need more cul-de-sac crew kids asap i want them All
any fighter around the suburbs that he could’ve helped !! he’s pretty friendly with all the people who have set up camp in their little enclosed area so !!
paige park
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yall know my girl it’s been a while
she works for the agency that doesn’t have a proper name bc they’re that secretive that they’re just “the agency”
her parents were both agents who met while working there and badabing badaboom paige is conceived
paige’s father didn’t agree with the experiments the agency was doing in the science department, the ones where they were attempting to combine human dna with animal dna to make shapeshifting hybrids, and so he called them out on their bullshit and booked it once he was labelled as a traitor
what happened to him afterwards is officially unknown by most, but many speculate that he was assassinated
as a big ‘fuck you’ to the guy who tried to ruin their precious experiments, the agency decided that they would make test subjects out of paige’s mother and paige herself after she was born
the experiment on her mother, the one that was conducted barely a day after paige was born, was almost a success, but there were several factors that caused the project to fail, notably the fact that her mother was still recovering from giving birth and that the animal dna wasn’t large enough in quantity to overpower her genetics. she died on the operating table
paige ended up being part of an experiment along with a bunch of other infants, and it’s only then that the experiment was a success and the scientists realised that they would need to inject the dna and ensure its spread during the first few years of life, around a few weeks to five years old, though ideally around the three year mark
and thus, paige the platypus was created
she’s a stellar agent and is considered one of the best in the field, though this often means her workload is tough
most of her jobs prior to the invasion kept her close to the agency downtown, and while she’s still in the downtown area now, she has to stretch herself pretty thin sometimes
since she has platypus dna she can turn into a platypus, though the only ability she retains in her human form is electroreception, which basically means she can sense shit underwater
she’s sorta known as a big sister among the other animal agents bc of her personality, she’s very much the mum friend
she has no idea what happened to her parents and is pretty obedient when it comes to the agency
possible connections & stuff !!
i’ll always love me some more animal agents
even tho she’s focused on the argenti that doesn’t mean she can’t see other criminals in action, she’s more the tailing type tho sO she might stalk some shady people just :eyes emoji:
margaret corrs
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she’s trying her best
maggie’s always been the responsible one out of her and her sister and that’s been the case since they were little
what she diDN’T expect was that she would end up becoming her sister’s legal guardian when their parents went missing under suspicious circumstances
her parents both worked for a well off family and her mother was a secretary and her father was a driver so they’re pretty much invisible workers ?? not that they’re unappreciated or anything it’s just that people tend to have conversations in front of them as if they aren’t there
aNYWAY one day they went to work but ended up not coming home which was of course sUPER concerning and so she went to the police to file the missing person’s report
long story short, she was to look after violet while the police did their investigation, but for a year and a half it was a constant string of no-shows and dead leads and shoddy police work and maggie was growing tired of it
she was already studying journalism so it wasn’t hard for her to become interested in investigative journalism and she used the skills she learned to start looking for hERSELF why her parents disappeared
the argenti attacked before she could get very far tho
and now that vi has gone missing she’s looking for her too and she’s stressed and feels terrible bc her entire family is gone why couldn’t i help them
she isn’t doing anything sUPER crazy yet, just looking around and asking questions, but the more time spent without any word from any of her family members the more determined she’s gonna be
she has literally nO time for the argenti fam she has a family to find and those dumbass aliens aren’t gonna stop her
she’s a pretty no-nonsense person and the mama bear will come out if you even tHINK of hurting anyone close to her i dare u
she can defend herself aDEQUATELY but not amazingly
potential connections & stuff !!
tbh she’s probably questioned anyone and everyone so !! anYONE TBH
castanea primus
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succubus babie
except she’s not really a babie she’s just a Brat
after what happened to her parents back in the underland, castanea has always held a deep grudge against demons despite being one. as far as she’s concerned the only other demon she can trust is her older brother and everyone else can perish
that’s a major reason as to why when her brother moved away from the underland she was just “tAKE ME WITH YOU”, she really wanted out of there
some of her generalisations towards other demons have changed the way she sees herself, and so she doesn’t see herself as a good person in any capacity, so she doesn’t really try
upstanding citizen ?? what’s that ??
she’s not going around and doing crimes, but she just doesn’t care. she doesn’t care about school or how she’s going to get far in life. who needs to do that when you have the ability to charm someone into doing whatever you want them to ???
the daytime hours are when she acts the most human, going to school (most of the time) and spending most of her time with surface dwellers. her night time hours are usually spent at the club her brother works at, pestering him and anyone else who might come her way
tbh she can’t wait to be a hoe but only bc she wants to get stuff out of it
the argenti is something she tends to ignore for the most part, as in her opinion, her life on earth would likely just be cut short in some other way if they weren’t around, so why bother ??
very flippant about death as you can see, doesn’t really care if she lives or dies, but she isn’t about to tell anyone else that
she’s considered the ‘cool beauty’ type at school. beautiful, but hard for people to approach. she probably has a group of good friends but it’s unlikely that they know she’s a succubus
talks back to teachers with the most deadpan expression and calm voice
refuses to get Attached™
possible connections & stuff !!
fellow students !! her school friends !! even just people around the downtown area who know her !!
anyone she can get attached to, bc getting attached fUCKS HER UP
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Stark Spangled Forever: I Don’t Like Bullies
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Intro: Emmy encounters someone from her past, and is left shaken after they threaten her. Steve and Bucky decided to pay them a little visit…
Warnings: Some violence, a slightly dark Steve and Bucky…some bad language. SMUT (NSFW, No UNDER 18s!!!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Had this one in my head for a while, finally got round to penning it down. Hope you enjoy.
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
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August 2024
“Again!” Jamie giggled, splashing his way over to Steve who laughed and waited for Jamie to reach him.
“Ok ,one…two…three…” hooking his hands under Jamie’s armpits he gently launched him into the air and the 4 year old laughed hysterically before he hit the water with a splash in the deeper end of the pool before emerging, from the surface.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack…” Katie sighed from where she was sat on the steps to the pool, submerged to her shoulders. Rori was suspended in the little inflatable baby support, her legs kicking out behind her as Katie gently pushed her away then pulled her back, the baby smiling and thrashing with her arms.
“He’s fine ain’t you son?” Steve asked as Jamie doggie paddled over to him, grinning.
“It’s like flying Momma!”
“Hmmm.” she said, as Jamie jumped on his dad’s back and he pulled at Steve’s neck. Steve, playing along threw himself backwards taking them both under the surface before he stood up, shaking his head like a dog as Jamie’s laugh hit his ears.
“You’re getting strong pal.” he said, turning his head over his shoulder so he could look at Jamie. Jamie grinned.
“How’s my little water baby doing?” Steve asked as he carried Jamie on his back to where his wife and daughter were, Jamie scrabbling out of the pool and heading to the lounger for a drink.
“She’s fine.” Katie smiled, as Steve turned his attention to Aurora, a huge grin on his face as she looked at him and beamed, waving her legs and arms as fast as she could.
“Look at you princess!” he said as Katie pulled her back towards them. He dropped down so his shoulders were under the water and Rori was at eye level. “Think she’s enjoying it.”
Katie smiled as the two of them watched the baby for a moment before Katie looked up at Jamie who was sat now with Lucky between his legs, gently talking to the dog. “Do you know what time it is?”
Steve glanced at his watch “Almost 4.”
“I should really think about starting dinner.”
“Leave it….” he said, turning to her, pressing his lips to hers. “Come on, when was the last time we got an afternoon like this?”
She smiled, “Feels like a while that’s for sure…”
“So…we can chuck a frozen pizza in for Jamie and we can get a take-out…” he said, moving so he was behind her, his arms curling around her waist, pulling her back so she was perched on his bent legs, his chin resting on her shoulder “Eat by the pool…” he placed a kiss to the crook of her neck, “And then later when he’s in bed and she’s settled we can hit the hot-tub…” another kiss “maybe a bottle of wine…”
“You feeling amorous Soldier?” Katie grinned, tipping her head round to face him.
“Always when you’re concerned…” he winked, his lips again meeting hers, only this time the kiss slightly deeper until they broke apart after a loud splash, followed by a smaller splash drew their attention.
Jamie had launched himself back into the pool, followed by Lucky who had clearly decided he too needed to get in the action.
They stayed in the water for another 15 minutes or so until Rori started to get a bit grouchy, and Katie took her out, wrapping them both in a towel and sitting in the quiet for a while to feed her. Steve and Jamie followed her out a little while later, both drying themselves off before Steve took Jamie inside to get him a juice box and throw his pizza in the oven. Jamie then insisted he wouldn’t make it until his pizza was done as he as starving, so Steve got him quick snack of breadsticks and hummus and sent him back out onto the garden where he made his way over to the side of the pool, flopping down on the lounger next to his Momma.
Deciding that a snack was actually a pretty good idea really, Steve grabbed a few things from the fridge, namely olives, more breadsticks, dips, cheeses and was about to carry it down to the pool area when the security system sounded to tell him that Emmy had come home.
“It’s ok…you’re ok…” his ears picked up Brooke’s voice from the hall and instantly he frowned as he heard Emmy’s deep breathing too. He strode into the hallway just in time to see Emmy slide down to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she tugged her knees to her chest.
“Emmy?” Steve asked, quickly dropping down in front of her. “Hey…look at me…”
She looked up and he gently reached out, his hand smoothing back her hair “Use your numbers ok, like we used too, remember?”
She gripped his hand tight and her eyes screwed shut as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing and Steve, not once taking his eyes off his daughter issued Brooke with an instruction to go and get Katie. Less than 2 minutes later she was also on her knees next to Emmy having left Brooke to watch the younger two and it was a minute or so later before the 16 year old began to breathe normally, her eyes slowly blinking as they returned to their usual size instead of being blown wide open.
“You ok?” Katie asked gently, looking at Emmy. She nodded.
“Don’t…” Steve looked at her as she fell into his arms, pressing her face against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head “Don’t every apologise for that, we told you.” The amount of panic attacks their daughter had had when she first came to live with them meant they’d been fairly used to them, but she hadn’t had one in a VERY long time, not since the events of the Final battle with Thanos had hit her and she’d broken down about losing her Uncle Tony, Auntie Nat and then how close she had to losing her parents. Emmy was a strong, independent teenager who for the most part simply got on with things, letting a lot of stuff that would bother other people wash right over her head. But clearly something had triggered her today.
“You need a drink sweetheart?” Katie asked and Emmy nodded.
“Ok. Think you can stand?” Steve asked.
“You’re not carrying me.” Emmy looked at Steve and he raised an eyebrow.
“You used to love me doing that.” Steve quipped and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah at the Parties at the Kids home.” she grumbled “I’m not 7 anymore.”
“Never too old for your Pa to carry you.” Steve teased, standing up and offering him her hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, and despite her protestations at her age she kept her fingers tightly wound around his as they headed to the kitchen.
“Emmy!” Jamie shot off his seat and threw himself at his older sister. She smiled and bent to give him a hug.
“Hey Jay…” she smiled, “You been swimming?”
“Daddy was throwing me.” he grinned. “I bet he could do it for you too.”
“Sure he could” Emmy smiled as she shakily took a seat, glancing at Rori who was in Brooke’s arms, her little hands tangling in the girl’s long, red hair.
“Jamie, why don’t you go in the den for a moment, watch some TV.” Katie looked at him, adjusting the crochet slip she had thrown on over her bathing suit “Momma and Daddy need to talk to Emmy for a second.”
“But I don’t wanna.” he frowned.
“Hey, why don’t you show me your legos?” Brooke said quickly. Steve could see the cogs in his son’s head whirring as he considered this for a second before he nodded.
“Thanks Brooke.” Katie said to her as she handed Rori back over.
“No problem Mrs R.” she said, allowing Jamie to tug her by the hand out of the room.
Once they were gone Katie adjusted Rori in her arms so that her head was tucked against her shoulder, mouth resting on her collar bone and Steve took a seat next to Emmy after pouring her a glass of water.
“Wanna tell us what happened Em?” he asked gently.
“We’d just been in The Hub.” she said, “You know the Computer shop because Brooke needed a new charger for her tablet.” Emmy swallowed and took a sip of her drink “We were walking down towards the bus stop so we could head home and we’d just passed that bar on the corner, you know the Irish Pub place?”
“Mc Mahons, yeah we know it…” Steve nodded
“And then he came out.”
“Who?” Katie asked, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
“Him…my old foster father. The one that used to hit me.”
Steve took a deep breath and breathed out through his nose “Did he hurt you?”
“No, not really…he erm, he didn’t recognise me at first and I kept walking but Brook had stopped and when she shouted my name he realised it was me and he grabbed my arm and…”
“Ok…ok…” Katie said gently, as Steve gently laid a hand on their daughter’s shoulder.
“Did he do anything else?” he asked. Emmy shook her head.
“He just started shouting stuff, saying he knew that I’d landed on my feet and that I was nothing but a worthless brat and that he would come and pay you a visit one day, tell you all about what I used to do and how bad I was and then you’d throw me out and…”
“Em, he’s an ass hole.” Katie said gently “You were never a bad kid. You’d been treated appallingly, what that man did do you…” she shook her head “It was cruel and abusive and…”
Steve’s hand fell to Katie’s knee under the table as she looked away, blinking back the tears.
“Emmy, me and your mom love you.” Steve looked at her, “We love all you kids more than anything, and nothing this dick says or does will change the way we feel. You know that right?” “I know, I just didn’t like seeing him that’s all.” she said gently “I just had all these flashbacks to the basement he locked me in and the belt…”
She swallowed and looked down. Steve looked at Katie, the jaw in his nerve twitching with anger as he took a deep breath and ran his hand up Emmy’s back.
“Well I hope he makes good on his promise and does pay us a visit.” he said his eyes flashing “I’d be very happy to exchange a few words with him, maybe a few fists too.”
Emmy smiled softly as Katie shook her head.
“Pretty sure your Uncle Buck would have a something to say too. And between you and me, his Murder Strut is frightening.” “Murder Strut?” Emmy looked up, the corners of her mouth twitching. Katie nodded.
“Trust me, I saw it a few times. Scared the shit out of me.”
“Woah, you saying I’m not scary?” Steve scoffed, folding his arms.
“Bucky’s a Rottweiler, you’re more of an angry retriever.” Katie shrugged and at that point Emmy laughed, which was exactly what her parents had been hoping to achieve. Steve flashed a wink at his wife before he turned back to Emmy.
“You know he won’t ever hurt you again, not now you’re with us.”
“I know. I love you guys.” she smiled and Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. She looked up, wiped her eyes and then glanced at her mom. “Can Brooke stay tonight?”
“Course she can, I'll call Jen”
“It's ok she can message…”
“I'll call her.” Katie said firmly, “Brooke was there today so Jen has a right to know what happened. Don’t worry, she won’t be mad at you.” “Kay…” Emmy nodded “What's for dinner?”
“Your dad threw a pizza in for Jamie, we're gonna get take out and hang by the pool.” Katie said.
“Anything you fancy?” Steve asked.
“Can we try the Greek place?”
“Sure.” Steve nodded “Hey, do they do Shwarma?”
“Gyros.” Katie said, “Same thing almost.”
“I’m in.” Steve said.
“I'm gonna go watch TV for a bit, that ok?”
“Course.” Katie smiled.
Emmy stood up and moved behind her dad, hugging him from behind, her arms round his shoulders. He tilted his head so she could kiss his cheek before she moved to do the same to her mom, giving Rori a peck.
“Love you both.” she smiled at them, before she left the room.
As soon as she was gone Steve stood up, his calm demeanour ebbing away as Katie looked up at him, shaking her head.
“I wanna kill him Steve.”
“You and me both doll.” he paced.
“Think we should call the police?” Katie asked, gently rocking Rori to and fro as she had started to grumble.
Steve contemplated what she had said before he paused, folded his arms and looked at the door, then back to Katie “I got a better idea.”
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“You know I do”
“Then leave it with me.” he said simply
“Steve...” she stated, instantly understanding what he was implying “You can’t.” “Why not?”
“Well, for starters we have no idea where he lives.”
Steve snorted "Sweetheart, you're forgetting who we know."
"Oh, no...you can't drag Sam into this." Katie shook her head "Ross is being an asshole with him as it is without you giving him ammo by getting Sammy into trouble."
"I'm not" Steve smiled, raising his eyebrow “I'm gonna drag Bucky into it instead."
****** Bucky sat at the bar, baseball cap tugged down over his eyes. He’d been reliably informed his target drank in this run-down back dive every Wednesday and Thursday evening. He liked the happy hour, apparently.
Aint gonna be happy for much longer, buddy.
Despite the fact that he was trying to live a normal life now (ok, maybe helping Sam out every now and then) when Steve had asked him to help him with this particular mission he’d immediately said yes. Not simply because Steve was his best friend, but because it involved Emmy. As far as Buck was concerned, the Rogers kids might as well be his own in that respect because he’d give his life to protect any of them.
And then there was Brooke. Bucky had been dating Brooke’s mom, Jennifer now for a few weeks after they’d hit it off at Steve’s birthday party. It was great, slow moving but that’s what he wanted, and when he’d heard that her daughter had been caught up in all this business as well, it was another reason for him to slip back into his old assassin mode.
Only this time his instructions were clear. Apprehend alive.
At first when Steve had told him this he had been about to tease him, wind him up, surely after all these years the Captain had finally found that trigger to flip him over to the dark side, but then he had seen something stir in his best pal’s eyes. He’d told him then about an incident in a HYDRA base, where he had killed on of Katie’s captors and Bucky knew, it was there alright, and he had a feeling he was going to see it whenever they caught this punk.
He ordered another drink, his eyes re-reading the paper he’d brought with him for the 15th time. To most people stake-out work like this would get them bored, antsy, but not Bucky. He’d waited much longer before and he knew that if you got like that you lost concentration which made things 100 times harder in the long run. His eyes scanned back to the entrance to the bar, flicking back round the pub, and he observed the people to make sure he hadn’t missed the man sneaking in, even though he knew that was basically impossible. Satisfied he hadn’t, he took the drink off the bar tender, paid him (another rule of spy work- never set up tabs, you run without paying and your face is recognised all over the damned scene). He took a sip of his beer before he heard the door open and he looked round, fighting the smirk on his face as finally his target walked in and straight to the bar to Bucky’s right.
The man ordered his drink, a straight black label whiskey and when it was served he paid with a bunch of crumpled ones and picked the glass up, heading to a table.
Bucky had to hand it to the guy, in the half an hour he spent in the bar he knocked back a good 5 helpings of scotch before he stood up, and rather unsteadily made his way to the door. Giving him enough time to get out of the door, Bucky then rose and followed him. He tailed him into another bar, then another, before after the 3rd the man headed home.
Bucky watched him unlock the door to the rundown apartment block, before he staggered inside. Quick as a flash Bucky shot over the road, sticking his foot in the door to stop it from shutting. Slipping inside he pressed himself up against the dark wall, just to the side of the post boxes, as the man turned around. After a second or so Bucky heard him heading up the stairs. He walked to the bottom of the steps, and keeping his footsteps light he headed after him and emerged onto the second landing, peering round the wall to watch as the man stopped outside a door, pulling out his keys.
Bucky waited until the door was closed before he headed back down to the ground floor, pulling out his phone.
“I got him.”
***** Steve climbed out of his car, looking up at the ramshackle building before he crossed the road. Bucky was waiting for him and opened the door to the apartment block from the inside.
“What you come dressed as?” Bucky arched an eyebrow, scanning Steve up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark navy t-shirt and black boots, with a cap pulled down over his face.
“You.” Steve said simply, and Bucky snorted.
“He’s on the Second floor.” he said simply “Number 202. Still think you should just let me shoot him.”
“No.” Steve said “We’re not killing him…”
Bucky rolled his eyes “Why?”
“Because I want him as scared as he made Emmy.” Steve said simply. “He can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.”
Bucky shrugged, “Your call…”
Steve headed to the stairs and started to climb them, stopping as he heard his foot crunch on something.
“Nice place…” he mumbled as he looked down to see he had stood on a cockroach.
“Don’t be a snob Stevie…”  Bucky looked at him, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Even my place in the 40s wasn’t this grim.” he turned to look at his friend before he continued up the flight of steps.
“It wasn’t the ritz either.” Bucky shrugged as they emerged onto the landing. They stopped outside the door and Steve took a breath before he looked at Bucky.
“Looks like we need a key….” he quipped. Bucky gave a smirk, before he drew his left hand back and punched straight through the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to undo the lock from the inside. He threw it open and strode inside, Steve casting a look around before he followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Hearing the noise the man flew out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand, stopping dead when he saw Bucky.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
Bucky simply raised his eyebrows.
“Look, if Mario sent you…I told him, he’ll get his money…”
“I don’t know any Mario…” Bucky shook his head, “Well, not unless you count the one that rides on the karts in that game my nephew enjoys kicking my ass at. Now put the knife down Jack before someone gets hurt.”
“How do you know my name?” Jack asked, his eyes not once leaving Bucky, missing the Captain who was stood in the darkness of the room behind him. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I don’t want anything…” Bucky said, shrugging, “But he does…”
At that point Steve stepped forwards, drawing up besides his friend, getting a good look at the man in front of him. He was quite tall, but lanky, with a pointed noise and sharp features, reminding Steve of an overgrown rat.  Which fitted him perfectly, out and out vermin. Jack frowned and squinted slightly as he looked straight at Steve, suddenly paling even further. Whilst Steve looked a lot different from the once blue-eyed All American hero the world recognised him to be, there was no mistaking who he was, especially to the man in question. Steve stood stock still, his hands falling to the buckle which was round the waist of his black jeans, his chest flexing under his navy t-shirt as he glared at the man.
“Woah…look…I don’t want any trouble…” Jack began to press.
“You should have thought about that before you touched and threatened my daughter.” Steve’s voice was icy.
Jack’s hand clenched around the knife and Bucky rolled his eyes, before he whipped off the glove on his left hand, holding it up, the metal glinting in the dim light of the lamp that stood in the corner of the grubby apartment.
“This can do far more damage than that blade can.” he said simply, looking at his hand before he turned to Jack “Go ahead, I’ll even give you one free swing. But it better be fast.”
Steve expected the man to drop the knife, but instead he lunged forwards. Bucky sighed, and almost lazily dodged to the right before he knocked the knife out of the man’s hand with a single swipe and gripped him around the neck with his hand, slamming him hard into the wall.
“That was really fucking stupid.” he said, tightening his fingers around the man’s windpipe, lifting him off the floor. The man grabbed at Bucky’s arm, desperately trying to prise his fingers from around his neck.
“Buck…” Steve said, and Bucky let go, Jack slumping to the floor. Steve reached down, grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet slamming him against the wall.
“Now…” Steve said, his hands tightening. “I don’t like bullies. And that’s what you are. I know exactly what you did to Emmy, all the times you beat her, hurt her, whipped her with a belt until her back split and bled. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you in half right now.”
“Captain America…nah…you wouldn’t…” Jack stuttered, shaking his head “You’re a good guy…”
“Well, here’s the thing.” Bucky said, picking up the knife that Jack had dropped, leaning on the wall, lazily twirling the blade in his hand. “He’s not Captain America anymore. Just some guy whose daughter you threatened.”
“Which makes me a hundred times more dangerous…” Steve said.
“And I, well, I just don’t give a shit.” Bucky shrugged “Killed a lot of people one way or another…what’s one more piece of shit like you gonna mean?”
Jack looked at Steve, shaking his head “No, you wouldn’t…”
“I snapped the neck of the man who raped my wife.” Steve said, his gaze not once leaving the man’s in front of him “Trust me, you have no idea what I would do to keep my family safe.”
He paused for a second, letting it sink in as Jack swallowed.
“But I’m a fair man.” Steve said, letting go of Jack who dropped a few inches before he pulled himself back up full height. Steve smoothed down the man’s dirty t-shirt before he smiled at him. “So I’m gonna give you a chance to play ball. You got 48 hours to leave New York.” “By that we mean the state.” Bucky clarified.
“And if I ever get a sniff that you’re back in town…” Steve continued.
“And trust us, we’ll know…” Bucky mused, still looking at the knife before he grinned at Jack “We got friends in high places, eyes and ears everywhere…” “….then you’ll lose more than your teeth.” Steve concluded, matter of factly.
“My teeth? What do-“
Steve cut him off with a sharp jab straight into his mouth and Jack dropped to the floor howling in pain as the blood poured from between his fingers which clamped over the lower part of his face.
“Got the message?” Steve asked, standing over him as Jack rolled around, screaming. He mumbled something, his head nodding furiously.
“Can I shoot him now?” Bucky asked.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Just once in the knee?”
“No.” Steve snorted “Come on…let’s get out of here, the amount of noise he’s making someone’s bound to hear. He turned to go, and then heard another loud scream. Spinning around he saw that Jack’s hand was now pinned to the floor by the knife Bucky had been holding.
“What?” Bucky asked, shrugging as Steve shot him a look “You said I couldn’t shoot him, didn’t say anything about stabbing him.”
***** The two friends sat at a bar, not far from Steve’s house, each with a beer in hand.
“So, run that by me again…” Bucky said.
“I told Katie I was meeting you for a drink.” Steve shrugged, nodding at the bottle “Technically now I’m not lying.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted.
“She’ll know full well where I’ve been.” Steve shrugged “She ain’t stupid…”
“Good luck to you pal.” Bucky said, taking a drink “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
Steve snorted “Nah, she won’t be mad...she knew full well I was planning on giving him a warning so…”
“Then why not just tell her?” “Because she’d worry.” Steve said simply.
“Think he’ll heed it?” Bucky asked after a little pause and Steve pondered the question for a moment before he nodded.
“Like I said he’s a bully.” he took a swig of his beer before he looked at Bucky “You know as well as I do that the minute someone bigger stands up to them they back off.”
“Gotta hand it to you pal…” Bucky said, sitting back “You come a long way since you were defending yourself with a trash can lid behind the movie theatre down town…”
“So everyone says.” Steve shrugged “Still don’t feel any different.”
“Remember when Howard’s flying car was the strangest thing we had ever seen?” Bucky sighed “I almost miss those days.” “Would you go back?” Steve asked, “Given the chance?”
Bucky took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose “Nah, I’m too different…too much has happened you know. I don’t think I’d settle. Plus this would probably attract a little more attention than it does now.” he said, flexing his left hand.
Steve smiled “I know what you mean. If you’d asked me when I first came round…I’d have jumped at the chance but after Katie…” he took another drink before he let out a soft huff. “I crossed oceans of time to find her.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Dracula…romantic.” he said and Steve let out a laugh.
“Speaking of romantic…” Steve looked at his friend “How’s it going with Jen?”
“Just ok?”
“I’m taking it slow.” Bucky shrugged “We’ve been on a few dates and…yeah I like her Steve and she likes me so…”
“Well if you ever want any advice on modern day dating…”
“The day I ask you for dating advice is the day I quit.” Bucky snorted
“I did ok.” Steve grinned “Well, more than ok actually. I lucked out.”
“No, you got what you deserved.” Bucky shook his head “A woman that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Steve felt his cheeks flush a little as he shrugged “Not quite sure what I did to deserve her but…”
“You’re a good man.” Bucky said “You always were and always have been. A pain in my ass like, but…” he drained his beer and shook his head “Anyway, enough sentimental crap. You want another?”
Steve contemplated that before he shrugged “Sure, why not?”
One more turned into 5 more, and it was a good 2 hours later and approaching midnight when the men left. It wasn’t the first time they’d been out for drinks since being re-united, but to Steve it was the first time that it felt like the old days. They’d talked about so many memories, he’d laughed until he had cried as they both recalled some of their antics, and he felt completely at peace when he walked into the hallway of his house.
Removing his cap he ran a hand through his hair before he hung it on the coat rack on the wall. Then he dropped his keys into that infernal golden pineapple bowl that Katie had bought him all those years ago and headed into the lounge where Katie was sat in her pyjamas, Rori clutched to her breast as she fed.
“Hey…” he smiled, crossing the floor and dropping a kiss to her lips before he turned his attention to his daughter, his finger gently running along her hardworking cheek.
“You have a good time?” she asked, giving a little yawn.
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “It was nice. When did she wake up?”
“About half an hour ago.” Katie shrugged “With a bit of luck she’ll go down again soon and sleep for a couple of hours.”
“I’ll do the next feed.” Steve said “You can get some rest.”
“Ok.” Katie agreed, yawning again and as she did so Rori mimicked her, her eyes which were now carrying a slight greenish hue fluttering. Steve gestured for Katie to hand her over, and she did so as Steve held her up over her shoulder, hands that had hours ago been so violent were now ever so gentle, rubbing his daughter’s back to wind her as Katie adjusted her top.  They sat there in silence for a little while before Katie finally spoke.
“So how badly did you hurt him?”
“Jack?” She turned her head to Steve who looked at her “I know full well what you were up to.”
“I knew you would.” Steve huffed a laugh “And not too badly. Knocked a few of his teeth out…oh, and Bucky nailed his hand to the floor with a knife. He won’t be bothering Emmy again, or any of us for that matter.”
Katie looked at him for a moment before Rori gave a light burp and Steve gently turned his face, pressing his lips to the baby’s head.
“Here…” Katie said, and Steve handed her over “I’ll go put her down.”
She gathered the baby in her arms before she dropped a kiss to Steve’s mouth “Don’t be too long…”
He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Well, you know what you getting all dark and protective does to me…” she grinned, looking down at Rori “That’s what made her in the first place.”
Steve’s eyes darkened at the memory of that particular day in the HYDRA base which he was recalling for the second time in the space of a few hours, albeit for very different reasons. “How could I forget?”
Standing up she walked to the door, Steve watching her go, before she shot him a coy look over her shoulder his pants became a lot tighter than they should have been. He gave a soft groan, before his head fell back against the cushion of the sofa. After a moment or two he stood up and turned off the lights, before heading up the stairs after his wife.
He stood in the doorway, watching as she placed Rori in the crib at the end of the bed before he strode over to her, his hands falling to her waist as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers. She took the kiss eagerly, her tongue sliding against his as he backed her towards the bed, her hands fumbling with his belt as they went. Neither were wasting any time, and after a quick wrestle with their clothing they both collapsed onto the bed, Steve caging his wife underneath him with his arms and legs.
Their eyes locked for a second before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again, slow and hard, both his hands cupping her face, thumbs gently skating her cheeks as she let out a soft groan and he felt his cock twitch. His lips not once leaving hers his right hand gently slid down to her thigh, and his fingers gently gave her hip a squeeze causing her to sigh into his mouth again. Using his hand he hooked her leg round his waist, and ground his erection against her spot causing her to moan as she pulled away from the kiss, her head laying further back against the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut as his mouth dropped, swirling softly around her pebbled nipples, carefully lavishing affection on them in turn, and in moments she was quivering to his touch, her breathing ragged.
“Look at me…” he said, voice low, almost a growl and her eyes sprang open obediently, those sparkling emeralds glinting in the dim light as he held her gaze as he pushed into her, her breath catching in her throat. He stilled for a moment, enjoying her warmth as it gripped him before he moved his hips back, thrusting into her again. His pace was hard, deep and he continually dragged in and out of her, dropping his head to kiss and lick and suck all along her collar bone, knowing full well he would leave marks there for the morning but neither of them cared as their moans grew louder as his thrusts grew more desperate.
"Fuck." he groaned, both hands now on her hips as he continued his movements and Katie’s hands moved to brace herself against the headboard, her body moving with every slam he made into her. One hand moved to the back of her head and he used it to make her look up, her eyes locking onto his as he felt her body start to quiver.
“I love you…” he said, his pace not slowing in the slightest.
“Love you too Soldier…” her words stuttered as he thrust up hard, stilling slightly, grinding up against her, as she writhed underneath him, a desperate, filthy noise escaping her mouth as her back arched and her hands flew to his back, nails scratching at his skin. God he loved the feel of her doing that, the stinging pain mixed with the pleasure was a heady mix and he took in a sharp breath, dropping his mouth to capture hers as she moaned again, this moan broken as she bucked upwards and clutched at him desperately.
“Stevie…” she moaned and her walls tightened on him as she came, her entire body trembling underneath him and he pulled back so he could watch her, lips swollen from his desperate kisses, cheeks flushed, eyelids fluttering against her cheeks. He continued his pace, her eyes opening moments late to lock onto his as the spring that had been coiled so tightly suddenly released and he spilled himself insider her with a low, rough grunt of her name and he tipped forwards, his hips slowing to a stop as he buried his face in her neck.
The pair of them lay still, the only sounds in the bedroom now were the deep, ragged drawings of breath. Katie gently ran her hands through his hair, as she always did, Steve’s body on top of hers rising and falling through the movements of her deep breathing.  Eventually he raised his head gently and pressed their foreheads together, his nose sliding up and down hers. She smiled at him, and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss before he rolled over onto his back, and she snuggled into him, her head on his chest. He reached for her left hand which was laying flat against his abs and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just underneath where her wedding band sat.
“I love you, I love you all so much.” he said gently. She raised her head to look at him, smiling as she kissed him softly.
“I know, I love you. We all do.”
She was asleep before him, Steve lay awake for a little while longer contemplating everything that had gone down that evening. He’d crossed that line again, the darkness that had awoken all those years ago had bubbled inside of him and he wasn’t going to lie, it had been satisfying, and despite what he had said to Bucky, he would have happily killed the snivelling bastard with his bare hands and not even blinked twice about doing so. But something had stopped him short this time, and he knew now what it was.
His kids.
Back then they hadn’t been in the picture, and he wanted to be able to look them in the eye and tell them right from wrong without feeling like a hypocrite. Steve Rogers was a good man, a loyal husband, doting father, and he wanted to be worthy of the love that surrounded him on a daily basis.
He looked down at his sleeping wife before he shifted slightly, dropping a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes and fell into a trouble free sleep.
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lucywithlupus · 6 years
Top 4 Bad & Good Things about my Body/ Top 4 Cosas Malas & Buenas de mi Cuerpo
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Let's get real: arthritis sucks. It sucks incredibly hard. It sucks so bad not even all of the straws in this planet (serious issue) could suck as terribly as receiving the sad news that you suffer from a rheumatic condition.     And because this condition is that terrible, it can lead your mind, heart, and soul to constantly attack your body with negative feelings, perceptions, and emotions. It is like your mind cannot stop concentrating about how not good your body is, how it fails to do the smallest things, or how it is not doing the things you ask it to do.    The Mental Health Surveys published in 2008 their results on mental disorders among persons with arthritis. With a sample of 10 641 adults (wow!), with 78% response rate in an audience with 23% reporting at least one medical disorder in the past 12 months, they clearly showed that these disorders and mental illnesses go hand in hand. About 35% of people with a mental health disorder did seek treatment, while more than half did not even consider the idea.    These were their conclusions:
"The high rate of not consulting among those with disability and comorbidity is an important public health problem. As Australia has a universal health insurance scheme, the barriers to effective care must be patient knowledge and physician competence."    Aka there is a LOT of work to do. A lot.        Another study by SAGE Journals said first what was said by The Mental Health Surveys in 2005, only focusing on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) About 150 participants, with varying duration of time since diagnosed, and the results were the following:         1. Perceiving illness as that something closest to you worsened depression and overall quality of life.     2. Remaining calm actually worked on those recently diagnosed:
"Optimism related to lower pain in early and intermediate RA. Social support related to lower fatigue in established RA. Indications for interventions targeted by disease duration are discussed."    Sometimes, when the years go by and your good ol' pal arthritis has been sitting in your couch for way too long, it can really get heavy on your shoulders. So much to do, so many things to see and experience, only to be dragged down by your frenemy right there *aggressively stares at chair*.    But it does not have to be this complicated. Your body and your mind are one and the same, they do not have to hate each other, or disconnect from one another in a way that actually will strip away all control from your hands. Your mind and body should not have fights every two seconds, they are both just trying their damn hardest to get by, and you know that. I know that. Your loved ones know that.    So let's do it for them, for you and me, but most importantly, you.    Without further ado, here we go! Top 4 Bad and Good Things about my Body with Arthritis.    
   Bad Thing 1: My body is weak
This used to be my mantra for six years of my life. I used to play this on repeat in my head like the hottest new summer mixtape. I already had enough with high school, trying to get unimaginable perfect grades and carrying the burden of being told every day that I was Einstein or something and I could achieve those grades if I wanted to.
The problem is that I wanted to, but know I know I never did. Does that make sense?
Let's be real. What kid likes to be sat down, all day, staring at colorful post its and trying to remember those English quotes for a massive surprise essay next week? No one! Not even me now, even though I am an adult. Kinda.
I just dreamed of getting to university, the days of the present shifting by while I had my eyes on the prize. At least I managed to get a spot on a university I love and enjoy with all my heart.
But even at arrival, I felt weak. Felt weak that I could not sit in my lecture hall comfortably for an hour. Felt weak because I had to take a nap in the afternoon after a three-hour lab. Felt weak because I could not finish that deadline because my knees hurt way too much to sit down and type away.
Feeling weak is normal, but we need to know that we cannot do everything. Nothing in life is free, but also it does not mean we do not take a break every now and then to make sure our body is taken care of. You cannot achieve what you want without rest. Your body will blow up! Poof!
Do not do that to yourself. Please.
Good Thing 1: My body is strong
Think of the strongest person you know. It's probably its Dwayne the Rock Johnson so let's stick with him.
Dwayne is a huge person. His arms are probably bigger than my ribcage, and his ribcage is probably bigger than my entire body. He trains a lot, eats more than that and is always ready to sing in the next Disney Movie, kick butt in the next action feature or yell in Moati dancing with a bunch of ten-year-old football players (pls do google this. It is hilarious.)
His life is pretty incredible, but that does not mean he did not have his up and downs. His childhood was pretty intense, as he was a major athlete and had to keep up with the legacy of wrestling legends established by his grandfather.
But this 101 on Dwayne's life isn't about him, it's about you! Look at you! You are the Rock too!
You managed to be told you have a condition that may probably never leave you and you successfully did not attempt to quit your life. You basically babysit your body all day, every day, trying to give it what it needs and avoid what it does not. You made and will make sacrifices to make sure you and those with you are ok, under any circumstance.
We get up every morning, in stinging pain, attempting to fling our bodies out of bed and waddle to the bathroom, take a shower, change clothes, brush our teeth, stuff our aching feet into some shoes and get out that door because we know we would go mad if we did not fight this every day. We know that if we did not go through that hassle every day and showed arthritis who's boss, our minds would collapse, we would lose the fight.
So keep fighting.
Bad Thing 2: My body is weird
Needless to say, a typical human body does not wreck itself everytime it goes up the stairs (remember kids: the first step is always the hardest). It is simply not the way it was designed to function, simple biology. Now, that does not mean your body is plain vanilla, but it also does not mean your body is an abomination like the ones in horror movies- or the ones who barely make it through horror movies.
My body is not weird. Period. I already spoke about how people are so legitimately shocked that I can properly function like the productive adult that I am, let alone those who just disapprove of me being me in public. Well, too bad Susan, I am here and so is my medical condition! I can't press the off button today thank you very much.
Your body can do so many amazing things. It can take care of itself and others. It can stump to the places you need to be in, or walk in good days, or run in the best days. It can do so many wonderful things, but you have to stop telling yourself that you are the odd one out. Anyone with a slight glimpse of intelligence will not care that you have to take your pills at this exact time, or that you have to sit down and rest for a while.
Keep those people close, but your enemies closer. No enemies, but confused strangers. Teach them about your condition, educate the public on what it is and how they can actually help us get by (aka this blog!).
Good Thing 2: My body is interesting
Maybe its because I am studying for a degree in science, but natural curiosity is never as bad as some people may think. Your body actually is fascinating to many doctors and field experts out there! The way it behaves and its mysterious ways are like an elegant puzzle, an enigma for them to observe and somehow complete.
Now, don't sell yourself to science, unless you really want to. Find money elsewhere.
I was always questioning why my body behaved this way until I realized the way I felt, when I felt it and how I felt it was pretty consistent, almost clock-like. The way our body operates is highly interesting, investigating on the subject won't blow your mind, but it may lead you to ask a question or two as to why your body is doing this to itself.
Maybe googling or reading a few articles some things will help you share your journey with others. Soon I will teach you the best ways to research for your own condition in a new post!
Just close your eyes for a moment, and focus on every single part of your body, one by one. Think about one good thing they did today: your feet took you to have breakfast, your hands held your favorite book, your eyes watched a beautiful movie today, your mouth helped you eat lunch, etc.
Any insignificant action that your body does is amazing and should be celebrated. Treat yourself for that!
Bad Thing 3: My body is ugly
Ugly duckling never felt so ugly. Now she did not only had to worry about her thick legs that could not fit inside those terribly small skinny jeans or that small bump in her stomach where, surprise surprise, but organs are also supposed to be in. Suddenly, what little body confidence she had taken a whole new spin: her body was now also not cute in other ways. Like abnormally inflated joints, finger stuck in a claw-like fashion, or the constant weight gain and loss I had during my experience with arthritis due to the lack of exercise.
Arthritis and other rheumatic conditions make yourself feel terrible about your appearance. Taking care of your looks sometimes is not a priority anymore. It can even be a challenge: you have to pick outfits, wear uncomfortable shoes, not have enough space in your purse or pockets (women pockets are the worst!period!) to carry your medicine around. Makeup can sometimes even be harsh on your skin when you get redness, or your hair may fall out because of the medication.
Let's not talk about shaving. Avoid for our own good.  
But everyone deserves to feel cute, at least once in a while. Now I really don't care what they tell me: I can look a mess but feel beautiful, every single day. Because my body is my home, it takes care of me, and I take care of it. It deserves pampering and I will provide it every now and then.
Good Thing 3: My body is beautiful
Now, let's repeat the exercise we just did, now open your eyes. Look at yourself in the mirror, take in all that you are, every curve, every little detail, and imperfection. Say one nice thing about it all. Look at those eyes! Look at that hair! So stylish! Look at those shoulders! So strong! And so on.
No one's body is perfect, and trying it to make it magazine ready all day is not worth it. But please have the chance to try new things, look for new clothes (or used ones) that make you feel good, beautiful and confident all day!
So if you see a cute dress that you like and you can afford it, go for it! You will slay whatever place you will wear it to. Did you saw a nice shirt on sale? Buy it! You will look so cool, so fly.
Hint: there will also be a new post coming about tips and tricks on how to buy and wear clothes when you have arthritis. Struggling with that zipper every morning is a major problem! Stop!
Bad Thing 4: My body will never heal
   As already discussed, no one really knows why arthritis is a thing, and thus, no one knows how it leaves and why. Maybe it has to do with stress. Perhaps it has something to do with environmental conditions or lifestyle. Who knows.
But that does not mean you lose hope that easily. Sure, some of us have had our condition for five, ten, even thirty years, and it still there. But arthritis' place in our bodies is not permanent, I swear on Yuval Harari (aka one of my favorite authors of all time).
You can bet all you want that when you least expect it, this uninvited acquaintance will be poofed off, and free you shall be at last. Just make sure you are working for it: be kind to yourself, take your meds, eat healthy (at least try), do some exercise, educate yourself and others, help out those in need, etc.
Good Thing 4: My body will get better
It will, and it is. Yas.
I sometimes I feel challenged to balance my priorities and make sure I am not overworking myself when trying to get better. The irony of it all: we sometimes work too hard in trying to get better sometimes. We read a lot, research to no end. We try so many different diets, hoping one will be the one to cure us at last, we go to so many different treatments, yoga sessions, detox classes, and God knows what more.
Being excited about staying healthy is important, a good solid start. But do not go crazy trying to find a cure that may not even be accessible to you at stores or detox juices. Instead, trust your body. It knows what it's doing, most of the time. It will heal itself in the only way it knows how to: eating, sleeping, resting, drinking water,  and asking for stuff. Lots of stuff. Another hint: new post on how to make a survival kit soon!
Getting better can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster: sometimes we are up, sometimes we fall head first 20 feet up in the air towards the solid ground. Gravity is harsh, man.
But you know what I a trying to say. Things will not always be easy, and sometimes you will not be able to control everything or know what to do. That's why you have to ask for help. From your parents, your caretakes, your doctors and your friends. Build a support circle around you so you always know someone always has your back, sometimes literally.
Arthritis is no piece of cake, and other rheumatic disorders are not either. They are tasks for us to fulfill, but we are not bad. We are not sick. We are not ugly. And we definitely are not going to sit here and take it. Because we have enough things to worry about, and we could not care less about what you or others have to say about our progress. We know our worth, we appreciate ourselves and celebrate our bodies in the best way we can: by treating it right, with respect, dignity, love, and courage.
Love you so you can love. See you around!
Also, I would love to share with your guys this lovely group of families in Kampala with children with disabilities at Ndagire Ritah @ritandagire76 on Instagram. Please copy and paste their username and say hi! Drop a donation if you can! It's for a great cause!
Seamos sinceros: la artritis apesta. Increíblemente. Es tan mala que ni siquiera todas las cañitas del mundo (problema bastante serio) no podrían igualarse a recibir la triste noticia de que tu sufres de artritis reumatoide.
Y por que esta condición es tan horrible, puede convencer a tu mente, corazón y espíritu de atacar a tu cuerpo con pensamientos negativos, percepciones falsas y emociones dañinas. Es como si tu mente no puede dejar de concentrarse en todo lo malo que tu cuerpo es, todas las fallas que comete, incluso en las quehaceres más pequeños, o cómo no está logrando las cosas que tu le pides que haga.The Mental Health Surveys publicó en el 2008 sus resultados en la relación que existe entre las enfermedades mentales y la artritis. Con 10 641 sujetos adultos puestos a prueba (wow!) y una tasa de respuesta del 78%, el estudio involucró casi 2,500 personas discapacitadas. Los resultados demostraron que los desórdenes reumatológicos y las enfermedades mentales van de mano en mano. Casi 35% de las personas que padecían de una enfermedad mental buscaron tratamientos, mientras que más de la mitas ni siquiera consideró la idea de hacerlo.
Y estas fueron sus conclusiones:  
" El alto índice de falta de tratamiento mental en aquellos que sufren de discapacidad y comorbilidad es un problema de salud pública. Ya que Australia tiene un esquema universal de seguros médicos, las barreras que previenen cuidado efectivo deben ser el conocimiento del paciente acerca de posibles tratamientos y la competencia del médico tratante."
En otras palabras, hay mucho que hacer. MUCHO. Demasiado.
Otro estudio por SAGE journals anticipó en 2005 lo dicho por The Mental Health Surveys, solo enfocándose en la artritis reumatoide (RA). Casi 150 participantes, quienes padecían de artritis por variadas duraciones de tiempo. Los resultados fueron los siguientes.
Percibir la enfermedad como lo más cercano a tu ser puede empeorar la depresión y calidad de vida.
Conservar la calma tuvo, en efecto, un resultado positivo en aquellos que acababan de ser diagnosticados.
"El optimismo mejoró el dolor secundario  en artritis reumatoide de duración temprana y intermedia. Indicaciones de intervenciones dirigidas a la duración de la enfermedad fueron discutidas."
A veces, cuando los años pasan y tu vieja amiga artritis estuvo sentada en tu sillón por mucho tiempo, en serio puede convertirse en una carga pesada. Tanto que hacer, tantas cosas que ver y experimentar, solo para ser empujada por tu amiga-enemiga, que siempre está justo ahí *miro mi silla*
Pero no tiene que ser tan complicado. Tu cuerpo y tu mente son tal para cual, fulano y mengano no tienen que odiarse, o desconectarse de una manera que quitaría todo el control de tus manos. Tu mente y cuerpo no deberían pelear cada dos segundos, solo están tratando de conseguir el mismo objetivo: trabajar super duro para sobrevivir, y eso ya lo sabías. Yo lo sabía. Tus seres queridos también lo sabían.Así que hagámoslo por ellos, por tu y yo. Pero sobre todo, hazlo por ti.Ahora sin más preámbulos, aquí vamos! Top 4 Cosas Malas y Buenas de Mi Cuerpo.   Cosa Mala 1: Mi cuerpo es débil
Este solía ser mi mantra por seis años de mi vida. Solía repetir esto en mi cabeza como esas canciones pop que salen en verano. Ya tenía suficientes líos con la secundaria, tratando de sacar notas inimaginables y perfectas y cargar la responsabilidad de ser vista como Einstein o algo por el estilo. Todo el mundo me decía que yo podía sacar la nota que quisiera sin esfuerzo alguno.
El problema es que yo sí mi esforzaba, pero nunca quise hacerlo. Se entiende?
Seamos honestos con nosotros mismos. A qué niño le gusta estar sentado todo el dia, mirando post its de colores con datos para el siguiente ensayo sorpresa de Inglés la próxima semana? Ninguno! Ni siquiera yo ahora quiero hacer eso, incluso si soy una adulta. Casi.
Yo solo soñaba con entrar a la universidad, los días del presente un abrir y cerrar de ojos mientras yo tenía la mirada fija en la línea de llegada. Al menos logre un lugar en una universidad que yo a mi y disfruto con todo mi corazón.
Pero incluso al llegar, me sentía débil. Débil porque no podía sentarme en mi salón de audiencias cómodamente por más de una hora. Débil porque debía tomar una siesta en la tarde después de un laboratorio de tres horas. Débil porque no podía entregar el trabajo por que mis rodillas me dolían demasiado para sentarme en mi escritorio y prender mi computadora.   No te hagas eso a ti mismo. Por favor.
Cosa Buena 1: Mi cuerpo es fuerte
Piensa en la persona más fuerte que conoces. Probablemente es Dwayne the Rock Johnson así que utilicemoslo de ejemplo.
Dwayne es una persona enorme. Sus brazos son probablemente más grandes que mi pecho, y su pecho es probablemente más grande que mi cuerpo. El entrena un montón, come más que eso y siempre está listo para cantar en la siguiente película de Disney, pegarle a alguien en el siguiente blockbuster de acción o gritar en un baile Haka junto a grupo de niñas de diez años en un partido de football (por favor busquen eso. Es divertidisimo.)
Su vida es muy increíble, pero eso no significa que no tenga sus altibajos. Su infancia fue bastante intensa, pues esa un atleta profesional desde muy chico y siempre trató de mantener el legado de leyendas boxeadoras establecido por su abuelo.
Pero este 101 en la vida de Dwayne no se trata de él. Se trata de ti! Mírate! Tú también eres como La Roca!Tu lograste soportar que te dijeran que tienes una condición que quizá nunca te abandone y victoriosamente no tratarse de terminar tu vida. Tu básicamente de cuidas cual bebé todo el dia, todos los días, esforzándote para darle a tu cuerpo lo que necesita y evitar lo que no necesita. Tu haces y harás los sacrificios necesarios para asegurarte que tu y los que amas están seguros, bajo cualquier circunstancia.
Nos levantamos cada mañana, en dolor agudo, tratando de aventar nuestros cuerpos fuera de la cama y cojear hasta el baño, ducharse, cambiarse de ropa, lavarse los dientes, encajar nuestros pies dolidos en un par de zapatillas y salir por esa puerta por que sabemos que perderíamos la cabeza si no luchamos esta condición todos los días. Sabemos claramente que si no nos tomáramos la molestia de hacer todo eso en la mañana y no le mostráramos a la artritis quien manda, nuestras mentes colapsaría y perderíamos la batalla.Así que sigue luchando.
Cosa Mala 2: Mi cuerpo es raro
No hace falta decir que el típico cuerpo humano usualmente no se destruye a sí mismo cada vez que tratas de subir las escaleras (recuerden amigos: el primer paso siempre es el más difícil). Tu cuerpo simplemente no está diseñado para funcionar de esa manera, biología básica. Ahora, eso no significa que tu cuerpo sea tan básico como el pan blanco, pero tampoco significa que tu cuerpo es una abominación como las que salen en las películas de horror- o los que a las re justas sobreviven la película.
Mi cuerpo no es raro. Punto. Ya hablé de las personas que siempre se encuentran tan sorprendidas que yo puedo funcionar como la mujer productiva que soy, y también de aquellos que me miran con desaprobación en público. Bueno, que pena Susan, estoy aquí y también lo está mi condición médica! No pude apretar el botón de apagado hoy, muchas gracias.
Tu cuerpo puede hacer tantas cosas maravillosas. Puede cuidarse y a otros. Puede lentamente dirigirse a los lugares en los que tu debes estar, o caminar hacia ellos en los días buenos, o correr incluso en los días súper buenos. Puede hacer tantas cosas maravillosas, pero tienes que dejar de nombrarte a ti mismo la oveja negra. Cualquiera con poco de inteligencia no le importará que tienes que tomar tus pastillas a esta hora exacta, o que tienes que sentarse un rato de descansar.
Ten a tus amigos cerca, pero a tu enemigos más cerca. No enemigos, pero extraños confundidos. Enséñales a cerca de tu condición, educa al público de qué es la artritis y cómo nos pueden ayudar en el dia a dia (o sea, este blog!).
Cosa Buena 2: Mi cuerpo es interesante
Quizá es porque estoy estudiando para un bachiller de ciencia, pero la curiosidad nunca es tan mala como algunos creen. Tu cuerpo es en realidad fascinante para varios doctores y expertos de la medicina! La manera en que se comporta y sus muchos misterios son como un elegante rompecabezas, un enigma para que ellos observen y resuelvan.
Ahora, no te vendas a la ciencia, a menos que en serio lo desees. Encuentra dinero en otro sitio.Siempre me cuestionaba por que mi cuerpo se comportaba de este modo hasta que me di cuenta que lo que sentía, cómo lo sentía y cuando tenía constancia, casi de reloj. La manera en que tu cuerpo se opera a sí mismo es altamente interesante, investigar en el asunto no reventara su cerebro, pero te puede llevar a preguntarte algo o más acerca de tu cuerpo y de porqué hace lo que hace.
Quizá googlear o leer unos cuantos artículos de esto te ayudará en tu viaje con los demás. Pronto les enseñaré las mejores técnicas para investigar tu condición en un nuevo post!
Solo cierra tus ojos por un momentos y enfócate en cada parte de tu cuerpo, una por una. Piensa en algo bueno que todos ellos hicieron hoy: tus pies de llevaron a tomar desayuno en la mañana, tu manos sostuvieron tu libro favorito, tus ojos miraron una buena película, tu boca te ayudo a comer tu almuerzo, etc.Cada acción que parezca insignificante es increíble y debería celebrarse. Quiérete por eso!
Cosa Mala 3: Mi cuerpo es feo
El patito feo nunca se sintió tan feo. Ahora no solo tenía que lidiar con sus piernas gruesas que no entraban en esos horribles pantalones entallados, o el pequeño bulto que sobresale de su estómago donde, sorpresa, hay órganos importantes ahí! De repente, su baja confianza en sí misma también tomó un giro de 360 grados, pues regreso al mismo lugar, solo que en una perspectiva distinta. Su cuerpo ahora tenía otras razones por las cuales no era lindo, como las articulaciones anormalmente inflamadas, los dedos atorados como garras, o la constante sube y baja de peso que pasó por la falta de ejercicio.
La artritis y otras condiciones reumáticas a veces te hacen sentir terrible a cerca de tu apariencia. Cuidarla a veces ya no es una prioridad, o incluso puede ser desafiante. Tienes que elegir atuendos, usar zapatos incómodos, o no tener suficiente espacio en tu bolso o bolsillos (lo dire: los bolsillos de mujer son horribles!) para cargar tu medicina alrededor. El maquillaje también puede ser dañino para tu piel enrojecida por la inflamación, o tu cabello se podría caer por la medicina que tomes.
Y no hablemos de la rasuradora. Evitemoslo por nuestro propio bien.
Pero todos merecemos sentirnos lindos, al menos de vez en cuando. Ahora no me importa que me digan: puedo parecer un desastre pero de todas maneras me sentiré hermosa, todos los días. Porque mi cuerpo es mi casa, me cuida y yo lo cuido. Merece consentimientos y los proveeré de vez en cuando.
Cosa Buena 3: Mi cuerpo es hermoso
Ahora repitamos el ejercicio que acabamos de hacer, ahora abre tus ojos. Mirate al espejo, observa todo lo que eres, cada curva y cada detalle y imperfección. Di una cosa buena acerca de cada cosa. Mira esos ojos! Mira este peinado! Qué estilo! Mira esos hombros! Que fuerte! Y sigue asi.
El cuerpo de nadie es perfecto, y tratar de lucir listo para la portada de una revista todos los días no vale la pena. Pero por favor ten la oportunidad de probar cosas nuevas (o usadas) que te hagan sentir bien, lindo y con confianza todo el dia!
Así que si ves un vestido lindo que te gusta y lo puedes pagar, hazlo! Serás despampanante a donde vayas. Viste una camisa que te gusta y está a la venta? Consíguela! Te verás genial, tan cool.Pista: habrá un nuevo post acerca de tips de cómo encontrar y usar ropa adecuada para personas con artritis. Luchando con ese cierre cada mañana es un problema mayor! Detente!
Cosa Mala 4: Mi cuerpo no se va a curar
Como ya lo discute, nadie sabe por qué la artritis existe, y debido a eso, nadie sabe cómo se va y porqué. Quizá tenga que ver con el estrés. Quizá tenga algo que ver con las condiciones medioambientales o el estilo de vida. Quien sabe.
Pero eso no significa que debes perder la esperanza tan fácilmente. Si, algunos de nosotros han tenido esta condición por cinco, diez, quizá hasta treinta años, y sigue ahí. Pero el lugar de la artritis en nuestros cuerpos no es permanente, lo juro por Yuval Harari (uno de mis autores favoritos de todos los tiempos).
Puedes apostar todo lo que quieras que cuando menos te des cuenta, esta conocida sin invitación se desvanecerá, y tu serás libre al fin. Solo asegúrate de hacer tu trabajo y ser amable contigo mismo, tomar tus medicinas, comer saludablemente (al menos trata), haz algo de ejercicio, educate y a otros, ayuda a los que lo necesitan, etc.
Cosa Buena 4: Mi cuerpo se va a mejorar
Lo hará y lo está haciendo. Yas.
Yo a veces me siento abrumada por el balance que debo poner en mis prioridades y asegurarse de no sobre trabajar cuando me estoy mejorando de una crisis. La ironía: a veces trabajamos demasiado en mejorarnos. Leemos demasiado, investigando sin fin. Tratamos tantas dietas diferentes y jugos detox, esperando que uno sea la llave maestra de la artritis. Vamos a tantas cursos de yoga, tratamientos naturistas y muchas otras cosas más.
Estar emocionado de estar saludable es importante, es un buen comienzo. Pero no te aloques tratando de encontrar una cura que quizá ni siquiera puedas comprar o poner en un jugo detox. En vez de eso, confía en tu cuerpo. Sabe lo que hace, la mayoría del tiempo. Se sanará a sí mismo de la única manera que sabe cómo: comiendo, durmiendo, tomando agua, descansando y pidiendo cosas. Muchas cosas. Ya viene el siguiente post de cómo alistar un kit anti-artritis.
Mejorarse a veces parece una montaña rusa: a veces subimos, a veces caemos en picada de 20 metros en el cielo hacia el duro suelo. La gravedad es dura.Pero sabes lo que trato de decir. Las cosas a veces no son fáciles, y a veces no podemos controlar todo o saber qué hacer en ciertas situaciones. Por eso debes pedir ayudar. De tus padres o cuidadores, de tu doctor y de tus amigos. Construye un círculo protector alrededor tuyo para que siempre tengas a alguien sosteniendo tu espalda- a veces literalmente.
La artritis no es una caminata en el parque, pero otras condiciones reumáticas tampoco lo son. Son trabajos de tiempo completo que debemos realizar, pero no somos malos. No estamos enfermos. No somos débiles, feos, raros. Y definitivamente no vamos a sentarnos y escucharte decirnos eso. Porque tenemos cosas más importantes que hacer, y no nos podría importar menos lo que otros tengan que decir al respecto, o que digan de nuestro progreso. Sabemos lo que valemos y celebramos nuestros cuerpos en la mejor manera posible: tratándolo bien, con respeto, dignidad, amor y coraje.
Ama para que puedas amar. Nos vemos!
También me encantaría compartir con ustedes este grupo de familias en Kampala con niños con discapacidades en Ndagire Ritah @ritandagire76 en Instagram. Por favor copien y peguen su username y digan hola! Donen si pueden! Es por una buena causa!
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randomfictkin · 6 years
Octo Expansion first impressions
I was honestly really excited about the Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion when it came out. I preordered it the same weekend it was announced and kept waiting for any and all updates on it. I was really excited about there being a brand new story and and new things to learn about the lore. I was really interested to see what game design innovations were there if any, and I was ready to play basically a version of Hero Mode only with good story.
I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed for a number of reasons with this addition to the game. I'll get into what I don't like in a minute though. First I'll nail what I find good about it.
the story so far is really interesting, and explores the psychological effects of the brainwashing of the Octolings. I like how they convey how disorienting everything is for Agent 8 and how they show that Octolings aren't actually evil.
the enemy AI is actually good this time, they're not just running around shooting at random stuff, they actually strategize their attacks on you, and it actually feels like you're taking out an enemy. I really can recognize the polish they put into making the enemies themselves a challenge to take on, and I appreciate the effort they put in to make the Octolings you fight actually feel smart.
the environmental detail is excellent, I love how interesting and detailed everything looks, not a single model in this expansion is placed in the environment without an intent in mind, from graffiti on the subway train to IV stands on the trees. everything is a hint and a view into the lore of the game, it's very interesting.
now for what I don't like about it... oh boy...
I can understand the appeal of a difficult game, the high challenge gives you a sensation of euphoria once you beat a level. you get to release everything for a moment and gloat in the fact that you just pulled off something that seems extremely daunting. there's a massive difference between an interesting challenge and unfair difficulty though, and Nintendo showed so little restraint that the game is way past both of those into the realm of nearly impossible. I don't know how they expected a mainstream audience to actually enjoy this, but it's not working for me. I don't like sitting down to play a game I paid about 80 dollars for only for it to punish me for not being quite good enough at it. don't get me wrong, not all of these levels are bad. there are one or two that I've played that I found myself thoroughly enjoying. the first level was fantastic, it had some serious challenge in it, and had a logical progression of difficulty from start to end, it was a truly great level, but it just kinda devolved from there. the next level I remember playing was one where you have to get through an obstacle course in an infinite version of the baller special within a specific amount of time. I really enjoyed this level, it was really hard, but exactly what I had to do was clear, and once I figured out how my approach should work, I accomplished it. another one was a rail based level where you have dualies and your one goal is to make it to the end without dying. it was cool to quickly react to anything and everything coming my way, and think my way around the enemies and hazards in my path. but contrasted against that, you have a stupid shooting gallery level where you need to hit 20 boxes without hitting any balloons, which in itself wouldn't be that big of a deal, it would have some interesting and cool challenges to it, and it would make you think, but if you don't do it in time, our main protagonist gets remotely detonated by the guy who plopped us into the level, which brings me to my next point.
C. Q. Cumber is one of the prominent characters, and owner of the subway train that's taking you to Inkopolis. he has a cool and cute looking design and on his face, he's a likeable character, but don't let that fool you, this sea cucumber is a sociopath. he'll take you to Inkopolis, sure, but you have to do 80 nearly impossible tests for him, and you have to pay him to participate in these tests, and if you mess up just a little bit, he'll inflate your backpack until it explodes, taking you with it. I wanted to like the character, I really did, but I have to say, I hate him so much. I had a stupid grin on my face when he appeared on screen the first time, but now I can wholeheartedly say that said grin has been replaced with a grimace.
Pearl and Marina have integral roles in the story too. I actually like what Marina does, that's some pretty nice stuff, but Pearl does some stuff that in my book, is really not okay. when you run out of currency to continue playing a level, even if you have enough to go back and grind on an early level(you will, trust me) she has the "bright" idea of removing some money from her father's account and giving it to you, making you pay it back to her. you read that right, Pearl forces debt on you. then the game has the nerve to treat you like a child and tell you "when you have debt, you should always pay it back" even though Pearl never asked you if you were okay with being put in debt. I would've said no if I was given the choice, honestly. personally, being in debt whether it's in real life or not seriously stresses me out, that's one of the reasons why I don't like living in the house I'm in, because something might happen and my parents go "ok you owe us now" despite the fact that it's insanely hard for me to make any money due to their own restrictions. I currently "owe" them $150 because they've asserted that it's not a big deal for them to force that kind of debt on me. so it's pretty obvious what Pearl giving me a "loan" of 3000 points reminded me of.
so far, I feel like Octo Expansion is really really promising, but I can't in good conscience call it a good expansion.
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k0saji · 7 years
Caffeine Challenge (cont)
Part 2/2 of this challenge right here.
Warnings for violence.
The cracks start like this. “You really don’t know anything, do you?” Tammy says. The two of you sit at what you consider your bench, the park curiously empty for this time of day. Mark is drooling into his bib as he stares down a squirrel while Sarah is busy making a castle in the sand. “Pardon?” You say, the back of your neck prickling. Tammy tilts her head back, looking at you with pity. “You don’t know,” She repeats, chuckling to herself. “I don’t know which was worse, you knowing everything, or you being innocent.”
“Tammy?” “I am sorry about this Katherine,” Tammy looks genuinely upset as she shifts, hands locking around your wrists and keeping you on the bench beside her. “It really is for the best.” “Tammy, what the hell?” You struggle but you can’t move. The way you are sitting, all your weight on one hip and a leg folded up on the bench makes it hard to get away as Tammy pins your hands to the bench, not letting you get any leverage to move. You look around, hoping to find someone when you see Sarah move from the corner of your vision. Only she didn’t move so much as glide, movement so smooth and controlled that it looked alien on her small frame. You’re heart turns to lead as she picks Mark up and turns to face you. Her eyes are black. Not just the iris but the whites of her eyes are gone, leaving shiny black sclera that reflect your frightened face. Sarah sets Mark on the grass, stretching his limbs apart raises a knife, more of a stiletto really but you are far too busy fighting against Tammy, who now has her arms wrapped tightly around you. “Shh, it’ll be ok,” She croons in your ear as tears spill from your eyes. No, no, please god, no, you pray. “I know its hard to understand now, but it really is for the best. We had to act soon or it would be too late for us, for the world. I know it’s your son but this is much bigger than you,” Tammy keeps talking. “Besides, you are young, healthy! You will have other children. It was just bad luck you had to have this one." No, no not your son, not him. God please, no. The knife stabs down. “MARK!” A hand wraps itself around Sarah’s wrist, stopping the knife just above Mark’s eye. “I don’t know where you’re from, kiddo, but we don’t kill kids here.” The speaker twists Sarah’s wrist until she lets go of the knife. The clatter it makes as it skitters over the ground shakes both you and Tammy out of your stupor. You rip out of Tammy’s hold and snatch Mark away from Sarah’s grasp, backing away with him clutched to your chest. “You.” You flinch as Sarah hisses out, low and guttural at the man, turning her head at what had to be an uncomfortable angle. “Let her go,” Tammy’s voice is hard, like the steel in her eyes as she faces down man. He looks unruffled, his blond hair falling over light colored eyes as he looked down his nose at Tammy. Sarah tries to twist away, but he all he does is change his grip to throw Sarah back at Tammy. “You alright, Ma'am?” He asks, keeping his eyes trained on the other two. You nod shakily and he gives you a grin. “Good, good, now lets take care of this mess then. What exactly is the problem here?” He turns to Tammy and Sarah. “You can’t stop us, not now! We need to get rid of it, before it can grow stronger,” Tammy spoke desperately, looking beseechingly at the man. Whatever she hoped to find was not there though, and you watch as Tammy’s face pales. Sarah moves forward, her face twisted into something you can’t call human. She has the knife again. “Madam, you should leave. Maybe call the police?” The man asks and you don’t hesitate. For whatever reason Tammy seems terrified of him, and he took care of Sarah so easily before. You leave. Later, after the police have taken your statements and pictures of the bruises blooming around your wrists and up your arms, you learn that Tammy was sitting there on the bench, clutching a bloody knife that matched your description. They also found Sarah’s corpse, right in front of Tammy. And no matter how hard they searched, the blond man was no where to be found. --- You feel paranoid, and refuse to leave the house. The neighbors are understanding, and make sure to give you updates. Its the most excitement they have had in years. They say Tammy had a psychotic break, you hear as people whisper around you like you are fragile. That she was perfectly normal, a loving foster mother and an upstanding pillar of society. (You thought the same about your husband) --- A year passes with no surprises and you start to relax. You move, travel across the country. A fresh start, your husband says, holding Mark carefully in his arms. He is home more often, more attentive to both you and Mark and you are happy that he and Mark have started bonding. Yes, you think, taking in the nice suburban house you bought together. A change might be just what you need. You feel your skin prickle, the hairs on the back of your neck raising. Alfred takes Mark into the house but you pause to look around, peering at the shadows along the buildings and trees suspiciously. They stay still under your watch and with a final sweep of the street you follow your family inside. (The definition of insanity: trying the same thing over again and expecting a different result). --- The next four years pass without anything noteworthy happening. Mark has grown into a rambunctious child, always climbing anything he could reach and asking questions. Not at all like he was as a baby. (You don't think about how Alfred has withdrawn from his son. After the last argument you learn to pick your battles). You go to therapy, and you feel better with every month passing without instance. Mark turns five and you have a large party, inviting the children from the neighborhood and setting up an inflatable castle. Alfred invites some of his friends from college, you reach out to your friends but most of them are on the other side of the country and you haven't made much of an effort to integrate yourself with the neighborhood. You regret that a little, sitting alone at the table, playing with the straw of a juice box when someone takes a seat next to you. "You!" It was the same blonde man from the park. You immediately look over to Mark, but he is happily bouncing along with his friends inside the inflated castle. The sound of plastic tearing catches your attention and you look back to see the man poking a straw through his juice box. "What are you doing here?" You demand. Your body tenses, blood pumping faster as you think of the different routes to grab Mark and get inside the house. "Is it really so odd that I would check up on you?" the man asks. He sips the juice daintily, before pulling the beverage away to frown at it. "We moved," You move to stand up but stop when he lifts a hand. “I’m not here to fight,” he says, setting the juice aside and leaning forward, folding his hands across his knees. “I’m actually here to help you, Ms. Hallaway.” You give him a disbelieving look and he sighs. “It’s about your son. Have you noticed the way things seem to mysteriously happen around him?” “Not here.” You snap out, feeling cold. You take a quick look around, Mark is still running around with his friends and you can see Alfred in a nearby cluster of parents. Good. “Come on,” You mutter, grabbing an empty tray and walking back into the house. You duck into the kitchen, away from the window looking out into the back yard and turn. The man leans against your counter top, hands tucked into his pockets. “What do you know about demons?” (Your world shatters that day, alongside the cracks that you tried so hard to ignore) --- The man calls himself Hal, that's not their real name, and they are not a man. They tell you about your husband, about the cult he belongs to. About Hell and Satan and everything you thought belonged in religion or pop culture. They tell you about your son and you almost throw up. (You believe them, which would surprise you if you hadn’t been suspicious of Alfred for months, if you hadn’t noticed how he and his friends treat Mark. How they look at him with hope and what you now realize was greed in their eyes.) --- Things don’t change much, on the surface. Mark’s birthday was three weeks past when Hal drops in again. They have been doing that for the past few years, you learn. For security. They didn’t have a part to play in all of this, but got caught up when they saved you and your son from the angel. You finally have a word for what Sarah was. It’s a cold comfort given what you now know. After all, you did your part, you had the child. Now... now you were just a liability. If Mark didn’t bond so closely to you, you didn’t doubt you would have disappeared like the other women they tried to impregnate. Hal sits down beside you on the couch. Mark was coloring at the table, sending curious looks over to the two of you. You sip your tea and wait for him to start. Hal sighs. “Look, you need to understand, Heaven and Hell had been at it for centuries. With the Antichrist-” “Mark.” You interrupt. “He has a name.” Hal grimaces. “Mark,” they say with some reluctance, “is a valuable resource. He can act on Earth in a way no demon or angel can. It makes him a target.” "From God," You say, your voice flat. "From angels who follow God's will. Which is most of them," Hal admits. "Despite everything, you humans did manage to pass down grains of truth about His teachings." "The apocalypse." You did your research. "When he reaches adulthood he will be channel the powers of Hell, unleashing them on the planet." You look at Mark, head bent over his coloring book and can't imagine it. He is just a boy. "He's more than that." You didn't realize you spoke out loud. "He will rule someday, and every celestial being will be watching him, either to curry favor or to destroy him. He's the first child to reach this age, and Hell has put far too much time and effort for his birth to loose him." "So what? There's nothing I can do? Just let him be used as a, a pawn in a game?" You demand, putting down your cup with a sharp click. Hal shrugs, "I'm just telling you what to expect. At this point, the boy would be taken away to be educated, and to keep him away from... bad influences." "Like me." You smooth down the fabric of your pants with a brisk motion. "That's not going to happen." You stand up and walk back to the dining table, leaving Hal protesting behind you. "Look, you can't stop this, it will be you against everything He can throw at you, you will lose everything." Hal looks pointedly at Mark. "Then I better win," You say, and reach over to pluck at Mark's drawing. "Almost done, sweetie?" Mark looks up at you with solemn eyes and nods, handing his paper over. You look over the neat black lines and the colored in spaces and place it at the center of the table. You hear the scrape of the chair over wood as Mark moves behind you, and ignoring Hal's sudden questions, start lighting the candles set around the picture. "Wait- Don't!" Hal's voice cut off as you prick your finger on a sterilized needle, and drip the blood onto the drawing. Nothing overly dramatic happens, and you find yourself just a bit disappointed. "What did you do?" Hal breathes out, edging back from the table. "Called your boss. You might want to make yourself scarce," You add, almost as a afterthought as the shadows along the table and the corners of the room darken, and the chandelier starts swaying to a non existent wind. You pull Mark back behind you as something oozes out of the shadows. The shape writhes unnaturally, twisting itself up and into the silhouette of a man. The darkness peels away, revealing a smartly dressed man with handsome features. You aren't fooled. Red eyes look down at you, whether in derision or interest, you can't tell. "Well then?" the Devil himself asks, looking over from you to your son and behind you, where you can hear Hal's soft whimpers. You pull out the folder you set aside earlier and hand it over to him. You can feel the heat emanating from His hands, almost burning you even though your hands never make contact. You stay still as He flips through the pages, and finally looks up, snapping the folder shut. "Most women don't bother making deals when they find out," He said. No, they didn't. "I'm not most women," You say. "No, you aren't." He agrees. "No one has the guts to summon me anymore, and yet here you are. Are you not afraid? I can hear your heart racing." He leers, a predator watching in amusement as its prey walks into its claws. You stay silent. "Do you know what will happen once I sign this? Any protection you have now will be void. Everyone with a stake in this game will target him, without any care to bystanders, rabbit" "I am not here because you protected me." "No, you are not," He says softly, tapping at the folder with a long finger. He smiles, and drops the folder, spinning it across the table so it faces you. "Alright then. Lets see how far you can run, little rabbit." You open the folder to see His name written on the line in bright red. You wipe your hands on your slacks and look over the papers. Nothing looks to be changed but you carefully go over it again, word for word. Finally, you put the folder down and reach for the nearest writing implement. You sign the contract in red crayon and hope for the best.
(Now comes the hard part).
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greysfanpage388 · 7 years
On The Brink - part 2
Hey there guys- here it is finally, part 2 of ‘On The Brink.’, the post season 13 finale collaboration between myself and the lovely @ferryboatsscrubcaps
So sorry for the long wait, we were both being kept busy with work and other stuff going on in life. I am also juggling writing ‘Amnesia’.
But here is the chapter, enjoy and do let us know what you think! :)
The link to chapter 1 is below- do check it out if you haven’t ;)
Owen’s eyes widened as he put two and two together.
Was he really interpreting it right? Was Amelia really hinting to him that she was pregnant and suffering from morning sickness?
He didn’t want to get his hopes up though, so he decided to confirm it with her first.
‘ Amelia, are you pregnant?’ he asked, an expectant tone in his voice. He was afraid to hear her answer though, for fear of being disappointed again.
‘ Yes, 4 months now.’ she answered meekly as she wiped her face dry after rinsing her mouth. ‘ And yes, it’s yours in case you’re wondering.’
Owen’s heart leapt for joy, but he remained calm for Amelia’s sake, not wanting to scare her off.
This was the moment he had always dreamt of, being a father. But now that the moment had come, he didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t the circumstance in which he had imagined to find out the news. He had always imagined that his wife would give him a pleasant surprise, by presenting him with a wrapped up gift, and he would open it to reveal a positive pregnancy test. He would then embrace his wife gleefully and they both would shed tears of joy at having created a new life together out of their love for each other. Unfortunately, the circumstances in which he found out about this pregnancy were less than ideal. He and Amelia hadn’t been together for a few months since she had run away from him. Furthermore, with Megan now being found alive and returning to them, it was already a lot to handle without throwing a baby into the mix. What bad timing for such wonderful news.
‘ Is everything ok?’ he asked softly. He wanted to hug her tight, tell her that he loved her, kiss her forehead, rub her belly and tell her that everything is going to be alright, but there were so many things unspoken between them. He settled for giving her hand a comforting squeeze instead.
She nodded, blinking back the tears starting to form in her eyes. She had been more hormonal than usual and cried a lot more easily lately. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones.
‘ Arizona performed the detailed scan on me last week and everything was fine. Our baby is developing normally and she didn’t detect any abnormalities.’ she answered.
She didn’t tell him how she didn’t sleep the entire night before the scan, as she played in her head the possibility of the baby being anencephalic and wondered what would she do if the baby turned out to be anencephalic. She decided to keep secret from him how she cried in tremendous relief when Arizona told her that the baby was healthy and had a head. She didn’t let him know how she hid her pregnancy for a few months prior to the scan because she wanted to make sure the baby was fine and developing normally before she told anyone. She didn’t tell him how she spent all those lonely nights staring up at the ceiling and praying to the powers above to let this baby be healthy, because she couldn’t handle having another anencephalic baby.
‘ That’s great, I’m glad that everything is going on well.’ Owen nodded earnestly.  Part of him wanted to jump for joy and delight at the news , but another part of him knew that he had to give her some space as things between them were not really as they were before.
‘ Yeah, ‘ Amelia nodded in reply, giving him a small smile.
There were so many things running through Owen’s mind at that moment. He wanted to ask how she felt when she found out, why didn’t she tell him earlier, how had the pregnancy been treating her so far.
Instead, all that came out of his mouth was a simple request.
‘ Can I feel our baby?’
Amelia nodded as tears suddenly filled her eyes again.
‘ Yes, of course you can.’ she answered in a shaky voice.
Owen carefully closed the gap between them and slowly lifted up Amelia’s oversized shirt. He let out a soft gasp as he saw it- the small but prominent bulge on her belly. After a few months of not being in close contact with her, the change was obvious. It was too good and too surreal to be true- this was his own child, his and Amelia’s child which they had both created.
In awe, he slowly reached out his right hand to touch the bulge where their baby was safety buried inside.
As his hand made contact with her abdomen, Amelia felt herself being enveloped by a warm sensation. How she missed his touch!
He pulled her closer as he slowly and gently rubbed her belly.
‘ Hey bean.’ he whispered. ‘ It’s me, your daddy. I just found out about you and I love you so much already. I can’t wait to meet you.’
Amelia felt tears roll down her cheeks at Owen’s words. She internally chided herself for being so emotional lately.
Owen finally looked up at her, and seeing her tears, pulled her into a hug, feeling the small baby bump pressed against him.
‘It’s ok, we’re going to be fine.’ he whispered into her ear as he stroked her hair and felt her tears rolling down onto his shirt.
He released the hug and cupped her face in his hands.
‘ Amelia, we’re having a baby!’’ he proclaimed, with a wide smile on his face.
A dimpled smile slowly formed on Amelia’s face. She initially wasn’t sure what to feel about this pregnancy, especially since they both weren’t in a good place with regards to their marriage. However, Owen’s excitement was contagious, and coupled with the fact that the latest scan showed their baby to be healthy and developing normally, she allowed herself to feel the joy too.
She knew there were still some unresolved issues between them. She had yet to explain to him why she ran away ,and she had yet to tell him about her unicorn baby.
But right now, at this very moment, she allowed herself to celebrate the fact that they were going to be parents.
Their brief moment of joy and celebration was interrupted when Owen’s phone rang.
‘ Hello?’ he answered, his face still beaming with delight as he paused and listened to the person on the other end of the line.
‘ Oh, that’s great!’ he answered as a wide smile formed on his face. ‘We’ll be right there.’
Amelia looked at him questioningly as he hung up.
‘ The nurse in charge of Megan called.’ Owen answered her unspoken question. ‘ She said that Megan is awake.’
‘Let’s go!’ Amelia exclaimed, reaching to throw on the nearest sweatshirt and slipping on her tennis shoes. ‘
Owen nearly sprinted down the hallway towards Megan’s room, but slowed near the door, being careful not to spook her.
Amelia remained back by the door as Owen slowly walked closer to Megan’s bed. She was facing the wall, turned away from Owen, but cautiously turned her head to see who was there. Owen expected some sort of inflated reaction upon her seeing him for the first time in years, even just a smile would’ve sufficed, but instead, her expression didn’t even change. She turned her head back towards the pewter colored wall. Owen’s face fell.
“You still look the same, Eeyore.” Megan muttered, her voice empty and distant. Owen scoffed.
“Megan,” Owen said awkwardly as he wiped a hand over his face. “It’s- it’s good to see you.” The pure shock in his voice was quite evident. Though he had seen her everyday in the hospital since she arrived, this was different because now she was awake. He heard her familiar voice and a wave of all sorts of emotions swept over him.
“ Right back at ya.” She said, not moving an inch.
“ I missed you. I can’t believe,” Owen sighed as he traced his hairline with his hand. “I can’t believe you’re here.” ‘”
There was a long pause. Amelia watched the exchange attentively from the door. Megan hadn’t noticed her yet, which was probably a good thing. Amelia had decided to keep her distance, since Megan didn’t even know she existed. She would slowly introduce herself to Megan and go from there.
“Yeah, everyone thought I was dead. They stopped looking.” Megan said, her voice still extremely cold with absolutely no emotion.
“Megan, I’m so sorry. But after all that time passed, and no sign of the chopper, it just seemed like….”Owen explained, trailing off.
“Yeah, I get it. It was easier to stop looking and claim we were all mysteriously dead and gone, than keep searching. I would’ve given up too.” She shifted a little in the bed and cleared her throat. “
“Megan, I-” Owen started, but Megan interrupted, “Stop, Owen.” She turned her head quickly to look at him. “I don’t blame you. I’m alive. You’re alive. That’s all that matters, okay? Enough with the stupid apologies and details.” She stared into his eyes for a moment and saw the mix of emotions on his face. She felt bad for him, and almost wanted to get up and give him the tightest hug ever. But she couldn’t; she wasn’t there yet. It was going to take a while to warm up to the idea of emotionally and physically interacting with her closest friends and family. She wasn’t exactly coddled for the past few years.
Amelia watched as Owen’s shoulders fell at Megan’s words. She could practically see the excitement and hope leave him and be replaced with confusion and hurt. She watched as he swallowed hard and squared his shoulders.
“Alright, well, I’ll come back later.”  He said, turning towards the door and walking out with heavy footsteps. Amelia gently laid a hand on his shoulder and followed his lead down the hallway, back out to the car.
He got in the driver’s seat after opening the passenger door for his wife. He put the keys in the ignition, but sat there unmoving, like he just couldn’t start the car yet. They sat in silence for a few moments, as Amelia knew that was what he needed. Finally, he broke the silence. “I’m not sure what to do.” He sighed heavily.
“I know, O. It’s hard. Neither of you know what to do.” Amelia replied softly.
Owen looked over at her, feeling grateful that she was there to support him. Megan’s reaction really hit him hard, but Amelia being there by his side softened the blow a bit.
“Thank you, Amelia. For being here.” Their eyes locked on each others for a moment, before his trailed down her torso towards her tiny bump. Even though she was wearing a sweatshirt, he thought, she still looked as gorgeous as the day he first met her and as when she walked down the aisle. “And thank you, little bean,” Owen said, smiling, towards the baby bump, “For bringing so much happiness into my life already. I love you both.” Amelia smiled, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together, finally getting the loving touch she’s been longing for for months. This was a good thing. He was a good thing.
The couple shared small talk on the car ride home about the baby, possible nursery arrangements, and how they would tell their friends and family. Amelia was really enjoying this, sharing this joy with the love of her life. But the reservations were still there. No matter how many ultrasounds and blood tests she had done, or how many times Arizona reassured her that the baby was completely healthy, Amelia always had a nagging feeling in her telling her there was something wrong. After what she went through with her first child, she couldn’t allow herself to completely believe that her baby was healthy. She didn’t want Owen to notice her reservations, though.
“So what do you think, boy or girl?” Owen asked.
Amelia hesitated.
“It really doesn’t matter, though. I’ll be over the moon either way,” Owen practically swooned.
The baby wasn’t even here yet and he was already acting so adorable.
“Doesn’t matter to me, either. As long as it’s healthy, I’ll be happy,” Amelia said, trying to force a smile. She couldn’t stand that she was letting these stupid doubts and worries creep into her head. Owen could tell something was up, but didn’t want to push her too much.
He put the car in park as he rolled into its usual spot in their driveway. “Me too, Melia.” He smiled at her before getting out of the car to open the passenger door for her. As they entered their house, smelling the hint of cinnamon from their burners, Amelia sighed and sat down her purse on the barstools. She went to the fridge and pulled open the door, observing its contents for a minute before choosing a bottle of water and shutting the door. Owen lingered by the bar counter, sensing her off mood and feeling it out before he pushed for details.
“I’m really tired, O. I’m just going to head to bed, okay?” Amelia said with little emotion in her voice.
“Amelia, it’s eight o'clock.” Owen said, glancing out the big windows in their foyer and chuckling a little.
“Well… I’m just going to go read a little. I have some journals to catch up on. Some cool things have been going on at Mayo in their neuro research department.” Amelia said a little more excitedly, obviously trying to put on a front for Owen. She turned away and walked towards the grand staircase.
“Amelia….. you okay?” Owen asked, cocking his head a little and looking at her with sympathetic eyes. The classic Owen look.
She nodded and smiled, uttering a “mhm.”
She tried to go back up the stairs, but he interrupted again, “Okay, if you’re fine, then…” he sighed, “Goodnight.”
Amelia looked back to see him drop his head and run his hand over his forehead, furrowing his brows. She thought about going up the stairs and retreating to those medical journals. But instead she just stood there. She wanted to be able to share her concerns with him, but she just didn’t know what to say. And she knew it would lead to that argument. The one that’s been lingering between them since the moment she left home that day, since their argument in the stairwell, since she told him they were expecting. She swallowed hard, and looked up as she breathed out deeply. She walked back down the bottom few stairs and over towards where he was standing.
“I feel like I need to tell you-” Amelia hesitated, “I need to tell you how I’m feeling. How I’ve been feeling. I need to tell you…. just everything, O. But I don’t know how and I don’t want it to lead to a big fight. I want us to be happy - to be US again. And to do that we need to share everything with each other.” She blurted out.
This truly shocked Owen. His wife wasn’t one to willingly share her feelings - ever. He looked up at her as she spoke and listened intently. He was ready to have this talk. He wanted to hear her concerns, emotions and thoughts and be able to guide her through them. To tackle them - together. That’s what marriage was about.
‘Well, ok, I’m all ears.’ said Owen earnestly.  After his wife withdrawing from him the past few months, he was glad that she was finally willing to open up to him.
Amelia swallowed and took a deep breath before she began. This was the inevitable moment that she had been trying to avoid-  revealing the truth to her husband, barring her entire soul to him, telling him her deepest and darkest secrets.
‘Well, first of all, I’m so sorry for running away from you,’ she admitted in a small voice. She did indeed feel remorse for escaping from him. He had been so loving, kind and caring towards her and she ran away from him in return.
He remained quiet but nodded, silently urging her to continue.
‘I was just…...I was frightened, O. I went away because I needed some space and time, I needed time to breathe.’
‘I know, you told me that I was suffocating you.’ Owen replied, a bitter tone in his voice.
‘ No Owen, just listen to me, please. I haven’t finished my story!’ Amelia said exasperatedly.
‘Ok, go on.’ Owen conceded, folding his arms in front of his chest.  He was still furious about Amelia yelling at him about suffocating her shortly before she ran away. But he deserved an explanation from her and he was now finally getting one.
‘Do you know that I was actually so excited when I first thought that I was pregnant? In my excitement, I even went and blurted out to friends and colleagues that I thought I might be pregnant. April, Maggie and Meredith knew.  I even asked them about the best way to tell you. Then Meredith had to ruin it by saying that with Ellis she didn’t have to tell Derek as he was already dead. It was then I realized that the last time I had a baby, I didn’t have to tell the father because he was already dead. And it brought back all those memories about my first pregnancy.’ she said, her voice shaking.
‘Your first pregnancy?’ Owen asked curiously. He remembered her mentioning about her baby living for 43 minutes while they were in the hospital chapel after Samuel’s death. He didn’t probe her further about it then, as they were merely colleagues and didn’t know each other well back then.
Amelia nodded in reply.
‘Remember I told you about Ryan- my boyfriend back then who died of drug overdose?’ she asked softly, tears pooling in her eyes at the mention of Ryan’s name.
Owen nodded. Yes, he remembered it vividly.
She took a deep breath before continuing.
‘Well, it’s his.’
It tugged at Owen’s heart to hear her admission.  She had lost a fiance and a baby in a short period of time, it must have been so heartbreaking for her.
‘I’m so sorry.’ he whispered, for lack of better words.
‘When I first found out I was pregnant with his baby, I was in denial at first, but eventually, once I accepted the fact, I was rather excited.’ she admitted.  ‘ I was excited about being able to carry a piece of him in me. So when Addison revealed that the baby had no brain…..my heart just shattered. It was the most devastating news I had ever received.’
She shook her head at the memory, as a stray tear rolled down her cheek.
‘You had an anencephalic baby?’ Owen asked softly, feeling so sorry for her, but not knowing the best way to react. He wanted to hug and comfort her, but there were so many unresolved issues between them and he wanted her to tell him the entire story first.
‘I did.’ she replied. ‘He was the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. I held him in my arms for 43 minutes before he developed respiratory distress and had to be taken away from me. When Addison and Jake took him away,  It was like a piece of me was being taken away, and it left a hole in my heart. I called him my unicorn baby, because he was miraculous. I was given the option to abort him earlier on,  but I decided to carry him to term so that he could donate his organs. In the end, after his birth, he donated his organs and saved lots of lives during his short time on earth.’
‘I’m so sorry to hear that, Amelia. That’s a very honorable thing to do.’ Owen whispered, as he took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze as a gesture of support. He had newfound respect for her. Not every woman would willingly carry their anencephalic baby to term just so that they could donate their baby’s organs. It was such a noble thing to do.
Amelia shook her head as tears rolled down her cheeks.
‘Don’t feel sorry for me.’ she answered. ‘I’m sure he’s happy up there wherever he is, and smiling down at us.’
‘I’m sure of that too.’ Owen replied softly, giving her a small smile.
This gave Amelia the courage she needed to open up about her true feelings and emotions to him.   ‘ When I first found out that I was pregnant, I had a major freak out. I hid myself in the bathroom for a whole hour, until Maggie had to knock on the door to ask if everything was alright. I was hyperventilating and I couldn’t breathe. The possibility that this baby might be born anencephalic as well suffocated me, Owen. I just couldn’t handle another brainless baby.’ She sniffled, shaking her head as more tears rolled down her cheeks. ‘I felt so alone then, and I didn’t know what to do. I finally confided in Maggie and Meredith and begged them to keep it a secret. They suggested me to go for antenatal booking with Arizona, so that’s what I did. She was amazing. I’ve been to 3 visits so far, and each time I would have anxiety and palpitations waiting for my turn . There was always this nagging question at the back of my mind about what would I do if this baby has an abnormality.  I wasn’t ready to face that possibility. So you can only imagine my relief when Arizona informed me that this baby is developing normally and has a brain during the latest scan last week.’ she added, exhaling deeply.
Now that she had told Owen all her underlying worries and issues about having a baby, she felt a huge burden being lifted off her chest. She really hoped that he would understand.
A tense silence filled the air as Owen tried to process Amelia’s words.
Now, he finally understood why she was so afraid of getting pregnant again. The loss of her first baby must have really taken an emotional toll on her. Still, part of him was hurt that she decided to run away and hide all her anxieties and past issues from him instead of opening to him about it and letting him help her. It showed that she didn’t trust him enough to tell him about her insecurities and let him support her through it all.
‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’ Owen asked softly, trying his best not to sound condescending. He was just curious to know why did she make that decision of running away and hiding the news from him when he had been nothing but supportive of her all this while.
‘Because I wanted to make sure that this baby is ok first.’ Amelia answered. ‘I wanted to wait until the detailed scan confirmed that everything is fine with the baby before I told you.  I was afraid that if I told you earlier and this baby turned out to be abnormal,  you would blame me and leave me. But after the scan last week, I didn’t know how to go about telling you given the current circumstances between us.‘ she added, gesturing between them.
‘Leave you? Why would I leave you, Amelia?! Did you honestly think that?’ Owen was seriously taken aback by Amelia’s confession, a hurt tone apparent in his voice. Did she not trust him?
Amelia studied Owen’s face, realizing from the tone of his voice and his facial expression that he meant every word he said.
‘It was the main reason I went away actually.’ she admitted.  ‘ I was afraid that you would leave me if our baby has any abnormality.’
Owen shook his head sadly.
‘I didn’t know you had so little faith in me,’ he said in a disappointed tone.
‘I have faith in you, O. I just got scared and ran like I always do. I didn’t want to face the possibility of having another anencephalic baby,  and losing another baby and you in the process.’ Amelia admitted.
‘You know that I love you so much and I would never leave you no matter how our baby turns out to be!’ Owen emphasized earnestly.
Amelia felt a sudden pang of guilt at Owen’s words. He had been nothing but supportive, kind and caring towards her, and yet she didn’t trust him with her insecurities and secrets.
‘I know you love me so much,’ she said softly. ‘I’m so sorry. I guess it’s an irrational move on my part, I acted out of my instinct. I should’ve talked things out with you instead of running.’
‘Melia, marriage is about being there for each other and supporting each other no matter what happens. When I said I’ll be by your side no matter what comes our way, I really mean it. So stop running. Open up to me. Relationship is about communication. I cannot understand how you’re feeling unless you tell me exactly what’s in your mind and what’s bothering you. Only then can I help you,’ said Owen, taking both her hands in his as their eyes met.
‘Ok, I will.’ Amelia nodded as she gave him a grateful smile. She wondered what had she done to deserve such a wonderful man in her life.
Owen let go of one of her hands to reach to her stomach. He softly grazed his hand over the cute little bump. “This is my child. Our child. And we’re going to have such a great life together - the three of us. And I can’t wait.” He leaned down and placed a kiss right on the top of his wife’s baby bump.
“Me either, Owen.” She smiled at him and looked into his eyes longingly, prompting him to lean in and draw her in for a long, soft kiss.
They both pulled back abruptly when a loud ring pierced the silence of the cozy living room.
Owen reached for the phone, which was perched on the kitchen bar counter. “Hello?” His eyebrows furrowed a little as Amelia watched him. “Oh, yeah hi… What? Really?” Owen ran a hand over his face and sighed. “Okay, we’ll be there soon. Thanks.”
Amelia looked at Owen with a questioning expression until he explained. “That was the hospital. Megan had some kind of… attack. PTSD, maybe? They don’t know, they sedated her, but they want me to come in and see what I can do to help.” Owen said before grabbing his keys off the counter and escorting his tired wife out the door.
When they arrived at the hospital, Megan’s doctor met Owen and Amelia in the lobby and escorted them to her room while filling them in. ‘She has been sedated, but she’s starting to come around, so if you,’ the doctor said, stopping to turn towards Owen, ‘could just go in and see if you can talk to her.. I think that would do some good.’
‘She’s probably not going to want to talk to me,’ Owen said firmly.
‘ Maybe not, but when she wakes up she’s either going to be very confused and emotional, or she’s going to launch right back into attack mode. If that happens, you’re probably the first one to be able to calm her down.’ the doctor explained as Owen nodded in agreeance.
‘Alright, I’ll go in.’ he conceded.
He grabbed Amelia’s hand and gave it a single squeeze before opening the door and walking into Megan’s room.
Inside, Megan groggily rolled over in the bed, now turned to face towards Owen and the door where Amelia and the doctor were prepared to watch whatever exchange occurred.
‘She was yelling and screaming just now and just wouldn’t stop. I don’t know what exactly triggered the episode.’ the nurse in charge of Megan told Amelia softly as they watched Owen slowly walk towards Megan’s bed.
‘ Megan.’ Owen whispered, his voice full of emotion as he slowly walked towards her bed.
Megan just stared at him with stony cold eyes. Her years in captivity had dulled their sparkle. Her entire face was red and it looked like she had been screaming and crying.
‘ Megan’ he whispered again as  he took his place by her bedside.  ‘ How are you feeling?’
She just stared right through him, with a blank expression, which scared him and made his heart sink. It was obvious that she was hurting, and he wished he could do something to help her.
‘ Megan.’ he repeated.  ‘ It’s ok. You’re safe now in America. You’re no longer in the battlefield.’
Amelia stood at a respectful distance from Megan’s bed, watching the interaction between the Hunt siblings with interest. Megan’s doctor and nurse meanwhile had excused themselves out of the room.
There was still no response from Megan.
‘ I know that whatever is going through your mind now is torturing. I know you can’t block off all the things that have happened over there. I know, because I’ve experienced it before too. But just know that I’m here for you.’ he added as Megan remained stoic.
‘ Please look at me.’ Owen now pleaded. ‘I love you so much, please just say something. Yell, scream, punch me, whatever, just do something instead of ignoring me.’
Megan remained stoic and still, as a tense environment filled the room.
Owen cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched in reflex at the contact and violently shrugged his hand away.
‘Get away from me.’ she growled in a low voice.
Owen backed away slowly from her bedside, heartbroken but understanding that she needed space at the moment. He was suffering from PTSD too and he knew how it felt like.
‘Ok, I’ll give you some space. But just know that I’m here for you.’  he said softly.
‘ You’re lying!! You’re lying to me!!  Don’t you dare pretend that you care for me!’ she screamed at the top of her voice, her face red with anger. ‘ Because I know you don’t!!’
Owen felt his heart sink to the bottom of his chest at his sister’s accusation.
‘ You don’t care!! You all don’t!!’ she screamed again as she waved her hands violently in the air. ‘ I hate you all!!! Get the hell away from me!!!’
Amelia gestured to Owen to leave Megan’s bedside as she pressed the nurse’s call button.
‘ I think we better leave.’ she suggested softly as she gently guided a crestfallen looking Owen out of the room.
A few nurses and army officers entered the room to calm a still screaming Megan down.
Owen and Amelia sat in silence in the hospital waiting room, both busy entertaining their own thoughts.
‘She hates me’ Owen whispered, shaking his head, a defeated look on his face.  ‘ She hates me.’he repeated again.
‘ She doesn’t hate you, O.’ Amelia reassured, stroking his arm comfortingly. ‘ She was just rescued after 10 years of captivity, she must have gone through a lot of emotional and physical trauma. She needs time to readjust back to normal life. Maybe everything is a shock to her.’
‘I know that. But it still does feel like she really hates me.’ Owen admitted sadly. ‘ You saw what happened just now. She looked at me with full of spite in her eyes. And I feel like I deserve her hate. I was the one who let her get on the helicopter. Had she not gotten on the helicopter, this would not have happened. I’ve failed my own sister, Amelia..’
‘ Owen, stop saying that. Stop blaming yourself.’Amelia said gently but firmly, as she took his hand in hers and looked at him in the eye. ‘It’s not your fault, and you know it. Had you known what was going to happen, you would not have let her get on the helicopter.’
‘ I just feel so heartbroken to see my sister, my little sister in such a condition.’ said Owen in a melancholic tone. ‘I feel so helpless, my role as an elder brother is to protect her, and yet I failed to do so. And now there’s nothing much I can do to help her. I feel so hopeless.’
‘I know that you feel hopeless now. There’s nothing much you can do except to be there for her and support her.’ said Amelia. ‘She would need your support now more than ever. She might not say so, but she needs you, Owen. She has a long road to recovery ahead of her and you can be there for her every step of the way.’
‘I didn’t expect it to be this hard.’ Owen shook his head.
‘It is hard, I know.’ Amelia admitted. ‘ It is going to be a long and tough journey ahead for you both. But I’ll be there to give you both support and encouragement. I have booked the best psychiatrist in the country to fly over here to see you both.’
Owen looked at Amelia, feeling really grateful for her support. Their eyes met and unspoken words were exchanged. His eyes showed angst and despair and hers showed sympathy and compassion.
Amelia slowly pulled Owen in for a warm hug and he surrendered to the hug, feeling the comfort of her heart beating against his chest. The warmth of Amelia’s touch made him believe that maybe, just maybe, like everything else, he could get through this with her and their baby by his side.
Hey guys- here it is, the end of chapter 2.  Do let us know what you think, we would really love to hear from you!! Comments, reviews, reblogs, messages are very much appreciated!!
p.s The next chapter might not be up that soon as @ferryboatsscrubcaps is on a one week vacation.
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bythepowerof4 · 7 years
bythepowerof4 uuuggggggggggghghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
nickatnightwalker good morning sunshine
bythepowerof4 very very bad morning. day. all of it :/
nickatnightwalker im trying to feel compassion but you did kind of do it to yourself
bythepowerof4 do what???
bythepowerof4 i didn't get fucked bro i was only a little off lmao i just had like. a bad time ):
nickatnightwalker oh is this not a hangover moaning
bythepowerof4 god i wish
nickatnightwalker what happened as far as i could tell you stayed clothed so whatre the regrets
bythepowerof4 i did lmao. ok like ur ego is probably swelling in the wake of everyone's poor decision making, but would it inflate it more if i said u were right all along
nickatnightwalker my ego's already reached terminal velocity youre gonna have to be more specific about what i was right about
bythepowerof4 etsuko :/
bythepowerof4 and prom. and prom with etsuko
nickatnightwalker /fuck/ yes i knew it and it's a bad thing because you dont know what to say, yeah?
bythepowerof4 fuck oooooooffffffffffffffffffff yeah :/ but it's also a bad thing cause she was fucking smashed and wanted to kiss me and chucked on my shoes and oh my god
nickatnightwalker oh smooth that's a definite winner as far as first moves go
bythepowerof4 haha yeah ok but i think maybe it wasn't the first move??? and i missed the others cause im an idiot i guess??? and she was so weird and sad and i feel like shit
nickatnightwalker no in all seriousness i obviously have a bias but good things have come from worst first moves it's not your fault you didnt know something she didnt say if she's sad you didnt pick up on it that blows but it's not on you
bythepowerof4 fuck lmao u are the expert :p and yeah. are you like. very sure im in the clear bc idk tbh i got kinda pissy and im still kinda pissy cause she said weird things about me and also daisy but like, we're friends and i think i was harsh
nickatnightwalker it's not your fault for not being a mind reader
bythepowerof4 i wish i was they need a class for that here. everyone wants you to be a fucking mind reader
nickatnightwalker oh what am i gonna have to stuff somebodys second mouth with newspaper and make them smell a jockstrap or what
bythepowerof4 no you are not and none of this leaves this chat ok!!!!
nickatnightwalker yes yeah but do i have to kill her or what i already gave thiren the flu this school year im comin in hot
bythepowerof4 was that you holy shit she shared her flask you gave it like everyone lmaoooo but wait no no killing!!!! she was just like. idk im kinda fuzzy on the deets but she acted like she was scared of like. breaking girl code. getting up on some other girls territory i think she actually said territory which made me feel very gross and i still do actually wow
nickatnightwalker i didnt make anyone share her bottle im innocent of everyone else getting sick alright also what the fuck girl code? territory??
bythepowerof4 i know girl code is strange and mysterious to us both but it was still. weird
bythepowerof4 she thought she couldn't say anything cause of daisy i think. cause she brought it up before i even said shit i think???
nickatnightwalker girl code is not a thing
bythepowerof4 i think it's shorthand for like basic decency
nickatnightwalker alls fair in love and war motherfucker if you and someone else like the same person whoever wins wins theres no playing nice playing nice is like, insulting
nickatnightwalker you like who you like and someone bowing out for someone else isnt fair to you just saying
bythepowerof4 :/
nickatnightwalker im serious it's wildly outdated and treats you like something that someone has a right to
bythepowerof4 like territory
nickatnightwalker very uncool
bythepowerof4 its not her fault i think im making it sound worse than it is
nickatnightwalker to be totally fair probably she thinks you like daisy and didnt want to get in the way which is respectable and respectful and a different story but territory is very uncool
bythepowerof4 yeah i think that's closer idk i barely have it in me to be confused about one girl this sucks talking to people sucks i don't know what's going on
nickatnightwalker you dont like have to know whats going on
bythepowerof4 it clearly helps
nickatnightwalker like. not to be fake deep but feelings arent easy to parse like, ever sometimes it takes a long time so just chill it's not a big deal to not know what to say the second someone comes on to you
bythepowerof4 i did say things though like a few things and i think they were kinda mean like youre right but it Sucks !!
nickatnightwalker ok. ok like.  being mean may have cut that option off for you you know that right
bythepowerof4 oh my god
bythepowerof4 oh my god fuck
nickatnightwalker dont freak
bythepowerof4 shes not an option she's just my friend which means i shouldn't be mean yeah way too late
nickatnightwalker on a scale of 1 to 10 how bitchy were you also if shes like.  not an option.  and just your friend.  isnt that kind of your answer clea.  like i dont mean to point out the obvious or sway you in any way but im not getting strong yes vibes from this strongly negative reaction
bythepowerof4 i don't know!!! i don't know it happened very fast i think i called her dumb
nickatnightwalker ouch
bythepowerof4 and got pissy about like. how we are Always Doing This
nickatnightwalker what, throwing up on each other
bythepowerof4 her throwing up on me yes
nickatnightwalker ok i can see how thats a bit of a turn of *off
bythepowerof4 this has like. happened and i think it's bad which means i should have been nicer about it
nickatnightwalker youre really being so vague right now you mean shes tried to tell you before or what
bythepowerof4 i mean she's gotten off her fucking face and started crying before and i just like, take her to the dorm or back to mine and its like. idk
nickatnightwalker right you dont love it
nickatnightwalker is what im gathering
bythepowerof4 no i think i think i think it's kinda nice sometimes cause i like helping her and that's really really bad
nickatnightwalker it's bad that you like helping her im just trying to get this right have patience with me
bythepowerof4 well yeah if she needs to need help before i can help her
nickatnightwalker oooooookay well it's not like youre sabotaging her just to get your hero rocks off
bythepowerof4 that sounds even worse thank you
nickatnightwalker youre not, are you?
bythepowerof4 i don't think so but like
bythepowerof4 i didn't stop her or anything
nickatnightwalker youre not her babysitter
bythepowerof4 i was um. distracted but i shoulda right
nickatnightwalker if you wanna help her outta the goodness of your heart thats good for you but youre not her babysitter i let damian and daisy both make turds of themselves last night
bythepowerof4 they weren't even drinking that's different
nickatnightwalker yeah, they did that shit sober and i still didnt try to stop them dude, my guy, bro youre your own responsibility ok
nickatnightwalker youre not her mom
bythepowerof4 im her friend!!!! friends look out for each other and stuff!!!!! and if im apparently leading her on or something and making her feel like she can't talk to me and letting her get all messy and miserable then im a bad friend and im upset about it!!
nickatnightwalker 1. leading someone on kind of has to be intentional, otherwise youre just like, being crush-worthy by being yourself 2. friends arent moms 3. moms are a social construct anyway 4. you dont "let" her get anything youre not in chargeof her cmon clea youre takng on way more of this than you should
feel bad she feels bad if you want to but guilt doesnt factor into this
bythepowerof4 you're like. way too rational you're making it very hard to be hysterical that's a compliment i think but im mad about it lmao :/
nickatnightwalker my job is to be rational about everyones problems except my own
nickatnightwalker thats my niche in the social hierarchy
bythepowerof4 big words from the guy trying to decimate my well meaning babysitter niche !! if you ever need someone to be hysterical about your problems know that im here for you
nickatnightwalker i have no problems my life is a glittering utopia compared to the dumpster fire of your last night and today apparently
nickatnightwalker like i cant make your decisions for you or anything but before you do make one id seriously advise you to work on not taking responsibility for etsuko's life and bad choices cause that way lies a really fucking miserable relationship
bythepowerof4 lmao liar!! everyone has problems and i'll be personally offended if you don't at some point dump them on me like im doing right now to you. two way street :p my advice might be less cool and wise and prophetic but like. still its not like, a """decision""" anyway cause its not some weirdo love triangle bullshit. cause i dont like. maybe if she said something before or if u know?? if shit was different but not now the decisiony part is just how to undo the dumpster fire lmao. which i think. i can maybe do idk thank u ur so good at this i hate you
nickatnightwalker i gotta be real i have no idea what anything you just said meant
bythepowerof4 oh i thought i made sense that time :/ that sucks this sucks again
nickatnightwalker is this a new kind of sucking or is this the same suck as before
bythepowerof4 part of the same suck cause i don't make , like. sense :/
nickatnightwalker just that one part where you say youre not making a decision cause you kinda got to even if it's to do nothing
bythepowerof4 oh ok yeah
nickatnightwalker "cause i dont like. maybe if she said something before or if u know?? if shit was different"  also this part
bythepowerof4 well im not doing nothing cause i don't wanna fight with/not talk to anyone and if i said i was thinking of waiting it out you'd tell me that's stupid lmao and that parts just like. u know
bythepowerof4 what she wanted to do and whether i also wanted to do that thing
nickatnightwalker idk i actually dont think waiting it out is a terrible idea in this case at least until she's calmed down and youve had time to think about whether you also wanna do that thing
bythepowerof4 i don't think i do right now i thought i was making that part fairly clear it's not like a hard no cause she's cool but i've got a lot going on rn lmao
bythepowerof4 ok so waiting. lmao can you be a mate and like buzz me when it's a good time to no longer be waiting
nickatnightwalker no that part was fairly clear from the way this news didnt like, make you happy in the least
bythepowerof4 oh. yeah i guess? that could all be circumstances though
nickatnightwalker it's been a couple days now probably tomorrows a good day to apologize for being bitchy
bythepowerof4 ok. ok i can do that !!!
nickatnightwalker circumstances arent THAT much of a game changer when it comes to wanting a person to kiss you or not also dont apologize for her getting drunk that was her choice dont be weird about it
bythepowerof4 barf mouth tho
bythepowerof4 and yeah ok i'll skip that part
nickatnightwalker ok barf mouth is actually a good point
nickatnightwalker but still easy enough to fix for it not to be a huge dealbreaker
bythepowerof4 oh hey ets yeah let's go get you some goddamn listerine, and i'll go change my shoes and then we'll meet back here in 15 for super scheduled smooching !! no thank you!!!!
nickatnightwalker do other people not do that i feel like people do that i personally have definitely sent people away for listerine
bythepowerof4 oh my god and you can just?? get back in the moment like nothing happened???? i don't see it
nickatnightwalker idk if theyre hot enough you can let a lot of stuff slide
bythepowerof4 oh bc ur sooooo hot enough that they let ur critiques on their hygiene slide :p
nickatnightwalker you think im that tactless? im fucking smooth people dont even notice it's insulting
bythepowerof4 is there a tactful way to send ppl off for mouthwash
nickatnightwalker yeah, you tell them what they get when they come back or pass em some gum and hope if it's not too bad
bythepowerof4 jesus you really think you're all that !!!!!
nickatnightwalker what it's not like im making this up when youre out sometimes people arent super picky ok
bythepowerof4 i believe you its just weird !! i thought people were picky as a rule and like, idk it sounds so awkward
nickatnightwalker oh no absolutely people are not that picky all the time and if you wanna k iss someone you wanna kiss them and you'll wait if you gotta you see?
bythepowerof4 oh well duh im good on the waiting part lmao which is why i would wait for a different time entirely when no ones barfy or critical :p im very patient!!!!
nickatnightwalker right but you have to like.  want to wait. and if you wanna wait then that should kinda clue you in
bythepowerof4 oh. yeah we're talking about that again ok
nickatnightwalker it all comes back around theres no such thing as tangents
bythepowerof4 youre a terrible person i live off tangents
ok well. yeah no. i don't wanna like a little but not enough. which i feel weirdly bad about but sure whatever brain!!
nickatnightwalker no no guilt over that
nickatnightwalker not allowed if etsuko's a half decent person i dont think she'd want you to feel guilty about that either
bythepowerof4 tell my brain that im trying !! she wouldn't duh i think she feels worse about it which makes me feel worse about it
nickatnightwalker say it with me now i am not responsible for someone else's feelings now you
bythepowerof4 :/ i am not responsible for someone elses feelings
nickatnightwalker yeah there you go try this one im not responsible for someone else's messy behavior
bythepowerof4 i am not responsible for someone elses messy behaviour even though if i can stop it i should probably try ok next
nickatnightwalker nope if you want to out of the goodness of your heart go for it but you have no responsibility to stop it not even should
bythepowerof4 are you sure not even should that seems extreme
nickatnightwalker no like it'd be nice of you but youre really NOT under any obligation youre not her mom
nickatnightwalker thatd be creepy and gross clea
bythepowerof4 not obligation just like the parameters of friendship it's creepy and gross that u keep saying that!!
nickatnightwalker it's creepy and gross that you feel like youve gotta babysit her im just being real here
bythepowerof4 ughhhhhhhhhhhh i knew it i knew i was gross it's not even her ok i would look out for you if you weren't so mr perfect perfect all the time!!!
nickatnightwalker thats the first time ive ever been accused of that lemme bask in it for a second ok im good
nickatnightwalker clea that kinda sounds like an issue that's you-based and youre like, gonna get worn out and have a breakdown or something
nickatnightwalker we're kids we're not old enough to take care of other people like that
bythepowerof4 i just. don't get why ur objecting to my like, decency if you ever actually needed it then maybe you'd get it but you don't so it's fine!! im not gonna have a breakdown i don't wanna have a breakdown
nickatnightwalker im not objecting to decency im objecting to feeling guilty if you dont go out of your way for someone not like i dont generally frown on decency anyway but thats not related
bythepowerof4 no tangents!!! everything is related :p it's just. very hard ok can't help it, didn't know it was weird, this is by and large new information
nickatnightwalker i too like introspection better when someone else does it for me
bythepowerof4 god right ppl should make a living off this
nickatnightwalker i think that's called therapy
bythepowerof4 shit yeah ok but who needs that
nickatnightwalker apparently most of us no shame
bythepowerof4 :( i don't see you so much as going to the school counsellor
bythepowerof4 that sounds weird nvm
nickatnightwalker well you got me there but as we've established im perfect so
bythepowerof4 lmao right!! you should go to counselling and counsel the counsellor
nickatnightwalker you think i could take that up as an extra curricular beef up my resume
bythepowerof4 oh for sure "browbeat a mental health professional into respecting my superior opinions" looks good to me
nickatnightwalker i dont have to browbeat anyone into knowing im right
nickatnightwalker are you like.  good though
bythepowerof4 oh of course!!!! my mistake
bythepowerof4 oh um. yeah like no but yeah everything's just a lot u know
nickatnightwalker it sounds like it shes not like, on you about itthough right
bythepowerof4 no she hasn't said anything which is worse
nickatnightwalker shes probably mortified wouldnt you be?
bythepowerof4 well. yeah i have some recent experience here actually so yeah i can imagine
bythepowerof4 shit
nickatnightwalker of what? bein?
bythepowerof4 yeah being drunk and dumb and um. misreading situations and friendship and liiiiiiiiike idk being fucking mortified it's this nvm idk arrgggghhhhhhghhhhhh
nickatnightwalker damn you had a busy summer huh
bythepowerof4 ://////// yeah kinda :/
nickatnightwalker which is part of whats going on with etsukoe? whyd i add an e
bythepowerof4 lol autocorrect always fucks with it its so annoying ok i guess it's maybe related to the degree that everything, as we've established, is related but i just had a uhhhhhh not so great time with my old friends
nickatnightwalker you were drunk and misread a situation
bythepowerof4 not the alien kind the people kind
nickatnightwalker were you the etsuko or teh clea
bythepowerof4 oh my god. i had, like, previously been the etsuko. but that was a while ago and not a big deal it just kinda came rushing back u know and then i realised she thinks im a freak and then i did freak in a full freak way cause my face kinda popped
nickatnightwalker what
bythepowerof4 hey do you have any problems we can talk about instead this is terrible
nickatnightwalker im very interested in what you mean by your face popping but ok
bythepowerof4 you know like the glamour its kinda like paper and im underneath very much not like paper and then pop! no more paperface no more old friends
nickatnightwalker oh fuck hopefully they were all trashed too and just think they were drunk?
bythepowerof4 all of them????? sharing the same weird drunk hallucination??????
bythepowerof4 that's like extreme sunnydale syndrome
nickatnightwalker but it's so weird i doubt theyd wanna discuss it because theyd be worry about sounding crazy
bythepowerof4 i guess they're still gonna think it it's still how they're gonna picture me
bythepowerof4 and apparently they already thought i freaked and had to like go "somewhere" which i guess is true but i feel weird having ppl think of me like that
nickatnightwalker just seeing you one weird brain glitchy time isnt gonna change what they think of forever and i mean you could like.  tell them you just transferred schools like, tell them the partial truth right?
bythepowerof4 i did idk i don't think she believes me or like she does but she still thinks i had a breakdown???? i just don't get it ok im very put together
nickatnightwalker youre more anxious than i am
bythepowerof4 what no im not pretend i put some sincerity exclamation marks there
nickatnightwalker yeah you can see how thats not convincing though right
bythepowerof4 the exclamation marks? those are very convincing also im not trying to be convincing bc it's just true. cause u like. Have anxiety right
nickatnightwalker what
nickatnightwalker no im anxious about living in a magic school where everything and everyone can kill me
bythepowerof4 oh i just you use the word anxious a lot that usually sorry :/
nickatnightwalker im like 85% sure you can be anxious without having anxiety
bythepowerof4 well yeah i just im sorry u seemed really like im gonna stop ok cool im very sorry
nickatnightwalker im interested in how deep a hole you were going to dig for yourself
bythepowerof4 im not we should really move on also you were the one saying it's perfectly believable that i would completely flip my shit so maybe i should be offended !!
nickatnightwalker point was you seem really stressed like a lot
nickatnightwalker youre kinda tightly wound clea like regardless of whatever i am you are kinda a little stressed all the time
bythepowerof4 ok well im not or like a little bit but i don't want people thinking of me like that so this also just sucks
nickatnightwalker yeah, it sucks for people to think youre nuts, but that's kind of how it is if youre even a little bit weird out there, isnt it
bythepowerof4 yeah. that is how it is but it's oddly enough not making me feel better :/ hey ok im just gonna put these issues away bc i don't like them and i have to deal with the main problem bc ai is bugging me oh my GOD
bythepowerof4 please don't go trying to talk to ppl on my behalf bc it is apparently really annoying
nickatnightwalker ai is bugging you cupcake girl? the plot thickens
bythepowerof4 she stopped its fine i shouldn't even have said that she's just looking out for ets cause she's a good pal and stuff there's just like a lot
nickatnightwalker whatd she think she was gonna do change your mind
bythepowerof4 no she just asked why im mad so she could report back and now im reporting back on her reporting back?? this is so high school i have a headache
nickatnightwalker where is the self awareness with these people holy shit
bythepowerof4 i don't knooooooow im freaking out i don't like it
nickatnightwalker wait why are you freaking out youre not mad at etsuko, anymore, right?  you can like.  talk to her instead youre not beholden to ai's nosy ass
bythepowerof4 yeah i can but not yet because im talking to u and daisy kinda and ai and she's talking to ai and it's a lot of talking and i actually really have a headache everything's all doubletriple
nickatnightwalker wanna talk about something else
bythepowerof4 yes please
nickatnightwalker uhhhh i took a fuckload of martial arts classes over the summer and can now reliably flip people so thats cool
bythepowerof4 oh what that's so cool!!!! is that who was in the back of some of ur pics?? like the class??
nickatnightwalker oh yeah and daisys ballet class is in some of them too
bythepowerof4 yeah i defs noticed that lmao i dunno if i said enough but that was nice like getting those idk i missed you and now we're all back and im making it all drama!! instead of all chill could u flip damian. hypothetically but also for demonstrations sake
nickatnightwalker yes and yes
nickatnightwalker the more important question is will i the answer to which is also yes dont feel bad about the drama it's actually really 100% not your fault
bythepowerof4 i know but telling you about it is on me lmao text me when you're gonna there's no way you can do that without me there ok
nickatnightwalker who says i cant do it multiple times and idont mind you telling me either everything's chill on my side so it's easier to sort of have perspective
bythepowerof4 if you do it multiple times i insist on being there for all of them sorry not sorry yeah. perspective is good. you're good at that
bythepowerof4 >:/
nickatnightwalker ill do it right the fuck now clea
bythepowerof4 omg really omg please
nickatnightwalker i would never lie about this
bythepowerof4 yes yesteryear you're so good i love u tell me where *yesyesyes lol let me be excited autocorrect!!!!!
nickatnightwalker i was wondering why you were talking like carolyn ok were in front of artume lets do this
bythepowerof4 yessssssssss ill be right there
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golddaggers · 8 years
Reader x Stiles Stilinski
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Imagine: You are Derek Hale’s daughter and has a passionate relationship with Stiles Stilinski, but he doesn’t know. Once he founds out, he invites Stiles over to dinner and you decide it’s good timing to make him pay for all the teasing.
N/A - It’s nearly three in morning, so forgive me for any mistakes. I’ll fix them later. 
Warnings: sort of smut, but it only has some handjob; also, swearing. that’s all. 
Word Count: 1767
“Fuck…” You moaned softly, enjoying the touch of Stiles’ tongue against your neck, licking and leaving purple marks behind. “We can’t do this here, baby, if my dad bursts in, we’re screwed.”
His honey brown eyes turned dark and a naughty smirk curved his lips, as he shortened even more the space between you, tightening the grip on your hips. A low gasp pushed its way out of your mouth, because, damn, that Stilinski knew how to tease. 
“Didn’t you say he’s out a town?” He hummed, the vibration on your skin sending heat waves to the small nub in the middle of your legs. “Plus, you’re my girlfriend and I think it’s only fair we come clean to him.”
You laughed, managing to slip away from his arms, and went to the fridge, snatching an apple juice box to ease your thirst. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head and looking adorably confused by your latter actions. 
“What is it?”
“Nothing. I’m just wondering since when Derek Hale’s wrath doesn’t scare you.”
“It never did!”  
“Oh, no.” Your voice was soaked with sarcasm, making the boy shift the weight between his legs and frown, clearly annoyed. “I’d like to hear your perfect explanation, other than fear, to why you jumped out of my window last week when he got home.”
“Is this an attempt to shred my masculinity to pieces?” He questioned and, even though it was a bitter response, his tone was smooth, making chills run across your spine. “Because if it is so, I’ll have to show you again who the boss is.”
That strong, dominant man standing in front of you nearly erased the cute dork one you met almost two years ago. You could still remember that night, when you snuck out to find the source of the unfamiliar human smell you had sensed and, then, you found those two boys, who were Scott and Stiles, as you would later find out, examining your backyard,  so deep within their investigation that they did not even realised you were there.
You could not help but let a small giggle slip, recalling their stumped faces when you cleared your throat and draw their attention to you. Definitely priceless the way they got scared once Derek stormed at yard, angry as hell because he thought you were under some sort of risk.
“Do tell me what is so amusing.” His hands were lazily massaging your waist, which induced a low moan to escape. “Come on, babe.”
“It’s nothing, really. I was thinking about how much you have grown.”
“Am I really hearing a compliment from you, Mrs. Hale?”
“Definitely, Mr. Stilinski!”
Both of your faces were enlightened with bright smiles, enjoying the purity of that moment. Stiles stroke your cheek, his eyesight meeting yours with such deep feelings, and, afterwards, he pulled you to another breathtaking kiss. So bloody intoxicating that your awareness was compromised, therefore not allowing you to hear a car parking outside.
Derek Hale decided to make you, his beloved daughter, a surprise by returning earlier, bringing as a gift the charm bracelet you wanted, one you bugged him about it for weeks. However, the minute he stepped in on the kitchen, everything else seemed pointless. Stiles Stilinski had his dirty hands on you and that angered him in ways no one could describe.
“What the hell is happening here?”
Upon hearing your father’s deep voice, your boyfriend pushed you off and choked on a breath, as if he was caught stealing or something. His reaction made you realise how much you hated the way Derek treated you, like he needed to be your saviour and never let anyone come too close, otherwise it could lead to you dying horribly. Urgh, this whole scenario was simply annoying and brought up the urge to remind him, despite the fact he was your dad, he could not control your life like that.  
Straightening it out your back, you finally turned to the angry man.
“I’m waiting for an answer.”
“Dad, this is not what you are thinking.” It was a lame excuse, sure, but nothing better came up at the moment. “Me and Stiles, we were just…”
“Hooking up? No strings attached?” The man queried, eyes widened and inflated nostrils. “Like you teens do it these days?”
“I-I, no… It’s nothing like that, I promise. I just…” Stiles tried to explain, babbling and making absolutly no sense.
“Shut up, Stilinski!” Derek roared and, if you were not standing in between them, he would have punched the pale boy right in the nose. “Y/N, why haven’t you told me?”
“Do I really have to say it?” You intertwined your fingers with Stiles’, trying to ease his anxiousness. “Look, we have been dating for awhile now and I couldn’t bring myself to tell you, for I knew how you would react.”
The raven haired guy let his shoulders fall and glanced at you ashamed, while you allowed your head to rest against your boyfriend’s chest, receiving a tender stroke in your hair. It felt relieving to see him rethink his own actions and even more that, from now on, you no longer had to hide your relationship from him.
“So, can we talk like grown ups now, dad?”
A short while later, after a little bickering, since your father disliked the fact you had been going out with Stiles for at least six months and never told him, he apologised for his rough  attitude. Also, he used that to invite the boy to stay over for a meal. Derek argued he wanted to do things right and nothing sounded better than a family dinner. With everything settled, the older Hale went off to start cooking.
“See, it was not that bad.”
“What?” Stilinski flinched. “He nearly killed me, Y/N/N.”
“Oh, my poor baby.” You stood on your knees, leaning to whisper provocatively on his ear. “What can I do to make it up for you?”
His usual mischievous smirk appeared and he wrapped his arms around your waist, connecting your lips. It was a short kiss due to your father’s presence in the next room, but hot enough to increase the wetness on your panties. You wanted to make Stiles pay for teasing you so much. Matter fact, you already had a few ideas cooking on your mind and you were just waiting the perfect timing to execute them.
Forty minutes had passed when your dad called both of you to take sits on the large table at the dining room. The food smelt delicious, he had made one of your favourite dishes: grilled chicken breast, a tomato and lettuce salad and mashed potatoes. It was nothing fancy, yet, all perfect in your eyes, for you had the company of the two men you loved more than anything in this world.
“This is delicious!” You exclaimed, humming in pleasure.
“I have to agree.”
“I’m happy you enjoyed, kids.”
“Oh, damn it, dad, quit calling us kids. You’re not that old.”
Derek laughed and you joined him, whilst Stiles only smirked. As the conversation kept going, you noticed your boyfriend was definitely not paying attention to it, which gave you the opening to put your plans into practice. Stealthily, one of your hands trailed up his thigh, getting dangerously close to his crotch. Under such feeling, he quickly stopped breathing, nearly choking.
“Are you alright?” Derek quizzed. “Do you want some water?”
“No! I’m… fine.” He was fighting to not gasp and you gazed at him innocently.“It was nothing.”
You popped open his pants and your fingers played with the waistband of his underwear, already feeling his length harden underneath your indirect touch. Stilinski clenched his jaw and tried swallow his food, struggling to remain quiet. It would turn out to be a rather complicated task, since you were determined to taunt the hell out of him.
Derek was mumbling some unimportant stuff, to which you only hummed, pretending that you were listening. Under the table, you pushed down Stiles’ briefs, grasping his cock with your bare hands and slowly pressing its tip with your thumb. He was so fucking warm and hard, you could feel the wetness pooling in centre of your legs. Definitely not fair that even when you were the one provoking him, he still turned you on.
Your boyfriend glanced at you, his brown eyes dark and filled with lust. So fucking sexy and, to make it even worse, he placed one of his large hands above yours, forcing it to slide up and down on his member. This time, you were the one who had to suppress a loud sigh. Luckily, Hale did not even notice what was going on and it was better that way.
“OK, who’s ready for dessert?” Your father suddenly asked, standing up and collecting the dirty dishes, that, by the way, were already empty. You two did a pretty amazing job on eating single handed. It was a gift.
With a charming grin, you nodded effusively and informed him that there was some ice cream left in the freezer. Soon enough, he had abandoned the room and you were all alone again, which was perfect timing, because you could feel that Stiles was very close to his release by the way he suckled harshly to obtain air. His chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Your boyfriend muttered, screwing his eyes shut, and you felt his cum drip down your hand. “Now, can you explain to me why the hell did you want me to embarrass myself in front of your father?”
You ignored his query, licking your fingers clean from his orgasm instead, causing Stiles to stare at you mesmerised. Well, at least you reached your goal: leave him wanting more. Just like he did with you every single time.
“Did you like it?” It was an unexpected reply. “Because I did…”
“Oh, God damn it, Y/N. Stop teasing me!” He begged. “I’ll have to punish you later.”
“Dad!” You screamed, out of the blue. “Forget dessert, I’m going out with Stiles. We need to figure out some stuff with Scott.” “Will you be back late?”
“Nah, I’ll be home by eleven.”
At the door, checking to see if he was still not looking, you stripped off your knickers and handed them to the brown haired boy next to you. Stilinski quirked a brow, his traits showing he was a bit confused by that particular action.
“Oh, darling, I’m just saying I’m looking forward to being punished by you.”
Stiles grinned, maliciously, dragging you towards his jeep. It was going to be one hell of an intense night, the kind only him could provide to you. And, heck, you were dying to get that started.
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