#inspiration has been GONE
azen13 · 4 months
CW: Yandere Themes
Lately Yandere!Jing Yuan has been in my mind a lot, and I've been thinking about him with a Vidyadhara!Reader. In my eyes in this scenario, he would be worse than if you were just a regular human. Considering how dangerous the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus have been recently on the Luofu, extorting the Vidyadhara population to help make their draughts and medicines, and Jing Yuan genuinely fears for your life.
It isn't ideal, Jing Yuan mourns. He is a patient man, and he would prefer to take his time ensnaring you in his embrace. This cage is breakable, it has gaps and weaknesses that you could exploit. But if you locked yourself in it willingly and threw away the key...suddenly it's inescapable.
Jing Yuan makes do with the time and materials he has at his disposal. He worms his way into your at a pace that's brisk, but not quick enough that it comes across as suspicious. What begin as coincidental meetings at markets and small talk turn to purposeful plans and shared secrets.
Then they begin to escalate. One day Jing Yuan brings up the idea of having a Cloud Knight or two watch you if you leave your home. After all, the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus are lurking throughout the Luofu, and he would hate for you to get hurt, or even worse...
You acquiesce beautifully, and Jing Yuan can breathe a sigh of relief, though his worries aren't entirely quelled.
No, the only way to complete banish those shadows lurking in his mind is to have you safely under his grasp. It's unfortunate, Jing Yuan thinks, that he has to go to such extreme measures; that he has keep you safely tucked away where those zealots following the Plague Author will never be able to even lay a finger on you. But it's for the best, he tells himself, as he kisses you beneath pale moonlight after a walk in Exalting Sanctum.
On the chessboard of life, Jing Yuan moves a pawn. It's a subtle move.
Checkmate in three.
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desultory-novice · 10 months
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evil weegee.
idea where luigi becomes evil one way or another (i’m into the idea of it being a wish-turned-curse-situation) and mario and bowser have to team up to figure out wtf happened and to stop luigi from causing mass destruction.
bowuigi bonus: relationship is pre-established meaning luigi is ruling koopa kingdom alongside bowser. perhaps luigi is self-conscious and feels like he isn’t seen as a leader, leading luigi to make a well-intentioned wish to be taken more seriously. the wish is warped and turns into a curse, turning him into a wicked ruler that takes over koopa kingdom, and his subordinates follow him out of fear rather than respect, when deep down respect is really all he wanted. it starts internally by luigi kinda turning against bowser (confusing the hell out of the poor guy) and just gets worse from there. bowser’s dismayed because both his husband and his kingdom have been yoinked away from him, so he begrudgingly has to team up with mario and peach and whoever else to get everything back.🤠
i kinda wanna write a whole fic now but i honestly am not as well-versed in mario lore as i used to be and haven’t played any of the games in years 😭😭 but ngl drawing evil luigi was fun. low key been in love with luigi since i was 8 years old so it was quite cathartic for me
EDIT: guys i know Mr L exists 😩 i knew of him when i drew this but not exactly who he was/what he did. but i still wanna try to make my own thing here/try to differentiate them LOL. there can be multiple flavors of evil right
flats under the cut because i’m not entirely happy with how the lighting turned out 😩
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vulpixisananimal · 2 months
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<You jolt awake. Stars, you thought you'd survive that. It was just one story up, and sure, it was a little glass, but->
(Do you mind?!?!?)
<You roll your eye. No, but Odile did. Ha. Come on, Siffrin. Odile wasn't acting like herself. She was a dangerous enemy- we had to escape.>
(Stars, come on! You had to at least try and see what was going on, right?!?)
<Stop being stupid. Odile knows how to stop us Looping.>
(. . . I-)
<I'm right.>
(Shut up.)
<You sigh and sit up from the Favor Tree. Back here again, strange- oh stars, You hold your head for a moment. Headache, and sick. Your stomach churns, head pounding.>
(Craft exhaustion- stars, this is why, I wanted to-)
<We'll get over it. Just- just, breathe. . .>
(You breathe in, and out.)
(. . . Ack, stars. Why WERE we waking up here again? Wasn't it because of sleep that we make a checkpoint?)
<Perhaps whatever strange logic the Universe has at work counts our little meeting as a sleep. Which doesn't make sense, because->
(Yes I know we weren't asleep. I'm not stupid.)
<Could have fooled me.>
(You grunt, and shake your head. You start walking down to the homestead, seeing Ramos and Mirabelle walking up to meet you.)
(Mira waves to you.) "S-siffrin!! Oh thank Change, are you okay???"
(You laugh half-heartedly.) "Yeah, just a bit dizzy, it's the stage."
"It's. . O-oh!" (Mira perks up a bit at that.) "Oh then! T-then I guess we've, told you everything already?"
"Yup." (You nod.) "I'll try and make this quick. . ."
(You quietly open up the back door to the Homestead, which lead straight to the kitchen. Mirabelle and Ramos followed behind you, ready for anything. With Isabeau waiting for you up front, and Odile possibly going after you upstairs, getting in the back would be the best idea.)
<Or you could break in a window again.>
(After what you did?!? Not a chance.)
"Hey, wasn't Bonnie cooking here this morning?" (Asks Ramos.)
"O-oh, yes! They were getting along with Jan." (She tried not to bite her nails.) "W-we should, check on them! Make sure they're ok!!"
"Good idea." (You nod, continuing through the kitchen. Nothing too strange, so you continue-)
"I thought the kiddo usually cleans up after themself." (Ramos says, you look back, they're looking at some half finished dishes.)
". . . They do." (You squint. That's not like Bonnie. If they didn't clean up, they'd make sure someone else did.) "Let's hurry."
(You get to the doorway to the common area and stop. You hear some voices.)
"Get him upstairs, we can figure it out there."
(Huh? Oh wait you knew that voice. You pause for a second.)
"I, I don't, why should I trust you?!? I'm fine! I-"
(You didn't recognize that voice. You hear a craft spell of something. You feel Mira lean in a bit close to listen in. She asks,) "What is it?"
"People I met last loop. One of them gets effected." (You listen in again.)
"He'll stay asleep for a bit. I'll take him upstairs."
"I'll make sure everythings safe. Just be quick."
(You hear them walk off. You sigh.) "Stars, maybe talking to Polaris coulda helped but. . ."
"Maybe. . ." (Ramos starts.) ". . . Well, maybe next time I could do something about it? If we're quick to get here?"
(You nod.) "Right, next time. C'mon, lets find Bonbon."
<You're really worried about the Kid, aren't you.>
(You frown as you step out into the common area. Of course you are! You care about Bonnie, and you have to make sure they're okay!!)
<The time could be better spent looking for the star. Then the Kid could be safe.>
(You ignore him. You start looking for anything out of the ordinary. There's a few random dishes left out, Jan wasn't around, those three travelers went upstairs, Isabeau was waiting outside. . . Hmm.)
(Looking up to your friend and ally, Mirabelle looked distracted, probably worried about the rest of your family. Ramos was staring at that sign in your language.)
"It's just a cheesy proverb," (You call over, going back to looking around.)
"Wait, really?" (Ramos turns to you, hand on hip.)
(You shrug.) "Not every island thing is some omen- Oh, yeah that reminds me, Mira?"
"O-oh?" (Mira looks over to you.)
"Did I ever mention that I found a book in my language in the Dormont library?"
"Oh really??? What was it about?? Was it helpful or anything???" (Her eyes brightened- genuine interest! Yes!!)
"I mean, I got the title," (You stick your tongue out.) "The Cursing of Château Castle, volume 2."
". . . Pfft-" (That makes her giggle.) "Of all the things to be found there!"
"I know right?!?" (You shake your head.) "H-haha, I was so excited, too. Finally able to read it, and lo and behold. . ."
"Hehe, It was just a book from my favorite series!"
"Exactly." (You finish looking around and walk over to her.) "Well, nothing here. Upstairs next?"
(Ramos and Mira nod in agreement. The three of you get back in formation as you lead them upstairs. You make sure to step quietly, listening as you go, not wanting to be caught off guard.)
(You hear some talking, a door opening, then closing. You take a few more steps, and peek over the top of the staircase. There's no one in the hall.)
<What is your goal, Siffrin.>
(To find Bonbon, like I said!)
<Ugh, fine. If you're looking for the kid, why would they be here? Where should you go?>
(The room they were staying in? That's where you think, anyway. You walk through the hall, hand on your dagger, Ramos and Mira right behind you.)
". . . Which room was Bonnies again?"
"O-oh uh, that one, on the left." (Mira replies, pointing to a door further down the hall. You head over to it. Nothing out of the ordinary yet. You put an ear to the door.)
(You could see Mirabelle get more and more fidgety with each second. You wait, still. . . . No, you couldn't hear anyone on the other side. You try the door, locked.)
"I could break it down, probably." (Ramos suggests.)
(You shake your head.) "Too much noise."
"Uhm, what about the outside window?" (Mira asks.)
(You make a face.) "Yeah, that could work. Again."
"Why didn't you go in a window this time?" (Ramos asks.)
(Your face was all the response they needed.)
<It wasn't that bad.>
". . . W-well. . . Where, where else can we check?" (Asks Mira, finger to her chin.)
"I'm. . . Hmm. . ." (You tap your foot.) ". . . Your room, Jans, double check my own room."
"Lets check yours- out of Odile's way, hopefully, and maybe Isa did something." (Ramos suggests. You nod.)
<Your rooms one door down. Right side. You have a key for it in your pocket.>
(How did- Oh, it was YOU who was in charge this morning then?)
<It was. What of it.>
(Unpack that another day. You get to your room, listen at the door for a moment, then unlock it. The three of your slip inside and you lock the door behind you.)
"One bed?!?" (You hear Mirabelle exclaim. Uhoh.)
"Stars, you two really are like a bonded couple." (Ramos jokes, giving you a look.)
"S-shut up! I thought it was going to be two beds!!"
"Suuuuuure." (Ramos rolls their eyes.)
(You tug up the collar of your cloak. Stupid. Dumb. At least they wont remember this. You go over to your pack to check if everything's in order, only to find it isn't.)
"Oh blind it all!" (Your pack had been completely upturned, belongings spread out across the floor. Stars, what on earth was this?!? Null, did you forget to lock up once you woke up?!?)
<No. I made sure to lock the door.>
(Great. Mira came to your side with a sour look.) "Was, anything stolen?"
(You crouch down, sorting through your things.) "No, it doesn't look like it, but. . ."
(Among the items was a lot of scrap paper. You had been noting things down on them. A lot of things. Before you realized your amnesia was partially caused by freeloaders in your head, you had made notes to yourself. A lot of those notes you didn't remember. Each of those notes were laid out neatly, like someone was looking through them.)
"Someone tried getting in here." (Ramos comments, you look over, they were inspecting the window.)
<That window's stuck.>
"But isn't that window stuck?" (You echo.)
"Yep, but. . . Here, here and here, signs of an attempted forced entry. Probably gave up 'cause it would make too much noise."
<Very, very concerning. There is a good chance that was last night.>
(Yeah yeah.) "Who was trying to get in then?"
(Ramos shrugged.) "I dunno. Someone who could scale up to a second story window?"
"But whoever it was, that might be who we're looking for!!" (Mira says, almost excited.) "Oh this is like a murder mystery!!"
"But without the murder." (You hope.) "Stars, what a mess. . ."
"Don't think there's anything else here." (Ramos comments.) "Where to next?"
"I'm not sure. It was around now that Odile showed up last time." (You sit down on your bed.) "She was upstairs, and I opened the door and. . ."
<Quiet down, then.>
(You hold up a hand, and a finger to your lips, and listened.)
(. . . There were a few footsteps outside, from down the hall. There were a few voices, possibly the other traveling group. No-one coming upstairs. . . You hear some light footsteps run past your door, followed by a slower, heavier pair.)
<Going downstairs. Light footsteps are possibly Wren. Possibly Bonnie. Check that out next Loop. Heavier footsteps are either Odile or Vixul. Most likely Odile and Bonnie then, right?>
(Then you should go check on them! Make sure they're alright!)
<No. If Odile is being effected by Mind Craft, which I think she is, then Bonnie is too.>
(You frown. Stars, you hate that he's right. You wait a few moments more before saying in a low whisper.) "That might have been Odile going downstairs."
"R-right." (Mira nods.) "What, w-what's next then, Siffrin?"
"Don't know." (You shrug.) "This was where I died last time."
(You see Mirabelle wince at that. Oh, right, she's still not used to you dying. Eh, it was fine. You think for a moment, where to go next. . .)
"Uh. . ." (Ramos spoke up.) "I, know you can't exactly take a note thought the loops, but, maybe going through daily events could help? Where everyone is and such?"
"Right. . ." (You tap your foot. Where would you even start with that?) "Next loop, though."
"A-alright." (Ramos replies. They look out the window to the rain.)
(There's an awkward silence, and you're not sure what to do right now. Sneak to one of the other rooms? You weren't sure if Odile was still out there waiting for you. You were really sure she was downstairs now, but you didn't know.)
<There is still a lot to think about, Siffrin. For one, why did, assumedly Isabeau, look through your things?>
(Because he's being mind controlled?)
<No, stupid. Think deeper. Why would he be commanded to do that.>
(Why would he- right. Someone is in control, after all. Was it who talked to Ramos and gave them that star? They did seem like prime suspects, and they were interested in their guardian who was from the Island. Were they looking for more about the Island?)
<Good. You're on track. What about people we know are here.>
(Well. . . Jan? Maybe? No that just doesn't seem right-)
<"Doesn't seem right" isn't a good reason.>
(Alright, what about Vixul and her group? Sure, they seemed just as confused about this as you were, but she was a researcher. It would be up her ally.)
<Getting better, keep going.>
(What about that mystery couple who left this morning? We don't know much- well, anything about them.)
<Then that's who you should look into, right?>
(But they left long before any of this Mind Craft started! Who knows if-)
"Crabbing Stars-!"
(The strange mix of curses snaps you back to reality. You turn to Ramos, whos face was pressed against the glass, looking, concerned.)
"W-what's wrong???" (Mira asks, standing up. You stand too, going to the window. Ramos moves to let you look.)
"It's that sadness again." (Says Ramos. As you look out. . . Stars, it was. It was barreling towards the homestead. Looking as mean as last time! Come ON!  Why did this have to happen NOW!!)
"O-oh, oh no-" (Mira grabbed her sword, moving to the door.)
"Mirabelle wait, just a second." (You start.) "If, if we just rush out there, then we could be stuck between, u-uhm-"
(You stop talking at the look Mirabelle gives you. R-right. You, you couldn't just, leave a sadness to run rampant, even if you were looping.)
(You hear a crash from downstairs, and a scream. The three of you race to save the day.)
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spoiledskullz · 7 months
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Draws them as ponies again ☁️💎
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mionkings · 3 months
The Deep Lands 🏕
Amity Park is strange; even without the ghosts' destruction, the ectoplasm is enough to change and make things strange. The residents just as eccentric and weird. But they can be friendly when they want!
However, the national parks near or in Amity Park are terrifying.
People disappear mysteriously to never be seen again without explanation or are found eventually either dead or alive in the most unexpected places ands strange circumstances.
Those that do come back, become different. There is no true explanation.
Amity Parkers or Ghosts take notice that there is just something— ancient and primal deep in the mountains, where stone and trees older than humanity bleed with energy of even the most deepest parts of the Infinite Realms. It is enough to ward ghosts to indulge in their obsessions away from nature and into Amity Park, something familiar.
Has the land changed with them? Or has it always been there, untouched until now?
For when Phantom flies by the large vaste land, he takes caution. Entering in with the respect one would have towards a home, or rather a haunt.
It calls to him.
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sivvan · 1 year
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whipped | /wipt/ adjective
kim do ha
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fiona-fififi · 3 months
#feeling controversial today i guess#but like#i am at the point where i actively do not get the hype around tommy#like he’s just some guy#most of what people seem to like AND hate about him seems to be just based on headcanons not anything he's actually done in canon#he's had exactly zero development outside of moving buck's character forward since showing up again#like sure maybe there's potential but it hasn't actually been used at this point he's just kind of there#i do not understand having particularly strong opinions on him in eithet direction#like fanon opinions sure he's fun in fic#but like. the way people seem to be mapping their fanon versions of him onto canon to fit either a blind adoration or a blind hatred for hi#is super weird to me#like he’s just som guy y'all why is half the fandom falling out over this dude while the other half has gone underground??#he's just not that interesting#i will never understand how hard this fandom goes for side characters#who have had next to no development of their own#i didn't get it with lucy#i don't get it with tommy#like to each their own#but damn the power y'all give these random characters who frankly just aren't that interesting in their current states is#a lot#like enjoy have fun no judgment there#but can we maybe stop actively attacking each other over this guy he's just some dude come on y'all#*either *him *some#i really need to proofread my tags#*also i think i mean more controversy rather than hype in that third tag. it's not really that i don't understand why people like him#but more that i don't understand how he inspires such extreme opinions#anti tommy kinard#just in case#this isn't meant to be anti really i'm just like. very neutral about him#911 discourse
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pebblezone · 1 year
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samaraxmorgan · 1 month
Mutuals pls hold a gun to my head and tell me to write
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I don't necessarily buy into the idea of love languages, but I think figuring out how you show your love to others can be such a great idea.
I've learned that I show love through gift-giving and creating things with my loved ones in mind. While this won't be compatible with everyone, the core of why you like expressing your love in particular ways can help you explore how to expand on how you express it.
I think this is important because I think we should strive to be adaptable and to understand ourselves as deeply as we understand the people we love. By getting to know yourself, you can how to appreciate all these qualities about you
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
you are watching mythic quest season 3. i am watching the mythic quest season in my mind where cws death has an actual effect on most of the characters that prompts their development. we are not the same
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sapphicautistic · 1 month
my old lady friend is dying. probably only a few days now.
this sucks so bad.
she and her partner are completely devoted to each other and i feel awful for both of them. i don't think he'll be here this time next year, he's been wasting away visibly with worry over her.
i hate death and resent it very very deeply and on some level it mystifies me. how is it possible for someone to just stop existing?
i've never been able to wrap my mind around it. for years and years after my mother died i battled an instinctive assumption that she was just... elsewhere. still living, still being herself. i don't understand how it's possible for a process as amazing as a human being to just... end.
i don't understand how one becomes okay with this. on a deep emotional level, i don't understand why death has to happen. none of my intellectual knowledge can touch that childlike bewilderment.
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rizardofether · 2 months
I got an idea for one of those talk about your characters prompts:
How would your Commander/other GW2 characters react to being stuck in a time loop?
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averlym · 8 months
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@remylong :
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#newest broken telephone installment#the remy renaissance#or rather standard avvycc dms. broken telephone elements include ccsims designs of my old designs plus prev hp art plus the general sepia#of everything on fire. bonus to the chromatic aberration on hp it feels quite fitting (yknow bc the chorus behind his lines..) idk vibes#this colouring style is actl terribly fun i'm quite !!! about it. i'm also glad that I made reference sheets for them all long ago bc#otherwise i would have gone insane rrying to rmb them from scratch. lately despite the rainbow hp seems to overall be turquoise blue? which#is so fun compared to the more purple/ neutral blues and greys i have in mind for mark...#anyways doing well! getting back slowly into Making things again! having fun etc etc#have been in OC-land late​ly but nothing i'm ready to share yet haha#so occassional bit of fanart it is. i inexplicably want to draw hands now though i was walking back home#pondering my adamandi era (mad the most insane fanart i've ever made; no recollection of it now) and after enough mulling it over#it would be nice to return to it. don't think i'm as obsessed anymore but it's certainly not lacking in inspiration#ideas are there just havent reached the sweet spot where you get so taken by an idea you're compelled to turn it to reality#and i think itwould be fun. perhaps even gratifying to set wips to rest#so maybe. in the meantime px11 brokentelephone is sustaining my urge to make miscellaneous fanart haha#melliotverse so true. wonder why despite watching taopp i haven't been compelled to draw it but i get the inkling it's just that specific#aesthetic that doesn't do it for me. <blinks> it was very good and i enjoyed it immensely! i think i just surprised myself by being normal#about a musical for once. i think also bc irl i've been more Good Busy the drive to engage in fandom has dissipated somewhat..#so overall i think it's a good thing. just different. but then again this stretch of time is a transitory period for me so changing ought to#to be expected. ah well tldr don't overthink just do what sparks joy be happy? literally so lucky to be spoiled for choice wrt things#i want to do. so much to do and see and learn and time still to get to figure it all out!
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cowbeeboy · 3 months
watching silly animals in a silly game about a silly cowboy i care about more than i care abt real people bc i’m silly like that. anyway my horses name is shortcake and him and arthur have matching vests/coats and it’s the cutest thing in the world
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