#loveless is a fucking book?
cistematicchaos · 1 year
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ID: a post by @ / myceliumgirl from Sep 16th, 2022 reading:
"Call it solidarity, call it the evolutionary drive towards mutual aid, call it friendship, call it camraderie, call it community. Call it whatever you want, but understand that it is love."
I love this post. It's poetry, it's beautiful and it's true to me. But I also think a lot about how (I think it was) @jacuzziwaters who pointed out that the last part of it doesn't apply to plenty of us. Like, obviously, all of these things are connected and it's glorious, but your foundation for these things doesn't have to be love, love doesn't even have to be part of the picture.
I know the idea of loveless connections, relationships, ect is just completely unfathomable to some people but they're here. They exist and they're beautiful and important too.
Obviously, solidarity/community/ect can be shitty as well, falling into abusive structures and patterns and/or existing solely for bigoted reasons but if we're gonna acknowledge their beauty, I think it's definitely worth pointing out love isn't what makes these remarkable. Or rather, it doesn't have to be love; there is beauty in these connections alone, in community dedicated toward taking care of its own. Loveless relationships/connections prove that all the time and deserve the acknowledge for it, honestly.
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loveless-arobee · 6 months
Just heard someone on TikTok state that "platonic love is the purest form of love" and I just want to vomit now.
Fuck off with that bullshit. Don’t say crap like this.
Grah. Can’t even word. What the fuck makes people say shit like this and believe they’re actually right??? And that they’re somehow helping aros with it???
(It was a TikTok talking about (queer-)platonic relationships, and started off already weird with bullshit about how if you don’t love your friends you’ve "done something wrong in life", but it just got worse and worse from there………)
Just a fucking reminder that loveless people exist. Aplatonic people exist. And that no form of love is """purer""" than another. Just… how do people think this is an even remotely okay thing to say?
Fuck amatonormativity. Fuck platonormativity. And above all, fuck love.
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I just finished reading the book 'loveless' by Alice Oseman and it's SO FUCKING GOOD like seriously I'm internally screaming right now
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Please read it I cannot stress enough this book is so fucking good
The friendships in this book are top tier chefs kiss
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
LIKE. lets reframe the question. yes you can kill me for being too aro to live if you wish but fucking LISTEN FIRST. if you are not currently in a relationship. maybe your life is good maybe your life is not so good. maybe you want one but cant get one do to circumstances. maybe you only kinda of think about wanting one but your like. eh. i can do without for now. you know. but. OH MY GOD! the REST of my LIFE. NOOOO ROMANCE?
and yes. no to be clear, if its a thing you want. you would be missing out on that experience. THAT ONE. POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE. okay. now is there also a fruit youve never eaten? a hobby youve never tried? does that youve never eaten a fucking. i dunno. pawpaw. mean a strawberry is less delicious? does never going ice skating mean you never experience the joy of rock climbing?
when someone phrases a question like. ITS THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! RAHHH!!! You suddenly get the urge to. what? count you joys objectively? qualitate and calculate every aspect every missed chance and moment?? the question was not. would you be MORE happy. it wasnt, would you linger on the possiblity of a missed intimacy and closeness. a form of sharing a life for a while or for an age that you might enrich all parties. it was. do you think you would be happy.
do you think YOUD NEVER EXPERIENCE HAPPINESS. do you think your feelings would be constricted through a tube of NO ROMANCE. do you think one loss, one ache, one feeling of regret, MEANS YOU NEVER FEEL ANYTHING ELSE? You would never see a sunset? youd never eat a delicious and emotionally significant meal? Youd never cry with someone out of joy or grief or anything else an feel comfort? GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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skateisawesome · 1 year
why did nobody tell me that i can get books off amazon and theyre cheap?? how did i live my whole life thinking that amazon sold books for like 20 dollars??? WHY CAN I GET LOVELESS FOR 9 DOLLARS???????
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fucked up some people never even have to think about their identities. I’m like 3 weeks into a self-reflection to try and figure out if I feel love and they’re just out there. never thinking about that
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rowboataobwor · 1 year
I’ve gotta stop listening to the audio book for Loveless by Alice Oseman in public, I’m literally gonna cry this book is so good
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asterdeer · 4 months
okay last attempt at a good url while i have a mini crisis. i will Never change my icon at this point though
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tiger-moran · 5 months
I am seriously convinced by now that published fiction about asexual (actually aroace) adult male main characters in a m/m relationship just does not exist
Everything I can find is either non fiction (in fact huge swathes of 'ace books' are just non fiction; where is all the fiction damn it?), 'young adult' or about female characters (and in many cases it's YA about female characters). I can barely even seem to find anything involving a male asexual character full stop, never mind one that's about adult characters and involves m/m relationships.
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
im rereading loveless and GOD i forgot how good this book is at like. making me cry JESUS
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Something I really like about Stellarlune (or maybe the others as well but this is the one I'm seeing with this perspective) is that we kinda see what Fitz feels like when he lashes out at people. It seems to me like an issue of regulating his emotions. He has an intense (sometimes disproportionate) emotional reaction to [whatever the cause is]. But it's also more than that, he's also honing in on that emotion, focusing on it. Sophie actually more or less does the same thing, but with anxiety rather than anger (plus guilt sometimes but that comes from anxiety alot of the times). Another thing they have in common here is the way they feed into the feeling with their thoughts. Fitz going on rants and Sophie zoning out thinking about impending doom. Or getting stuck on that feeling for days like when Alden's mind broke or when Sophie wore the ability restrictor and wouldn't wake up for days. Plus the way they're both thinking of similar things- Fitz feels like everyone's against him and Sophie feels like nobody likes her. The way Sophie tries to calm Fitz down and other Keefe and Edaline try to calm Sophie down using rational explanations both times. The way Sophie is *known for* keeping secrets(bc of her anxiety, esp in the early books) and Fitz is known for secluding himself or yelling, in a way because of how all consuming their respective reactions can feel. I just think it's a cool/ realistic/ interesting way to portray emotions/ emotional dysregulation and it's really neat.
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doodle-girl · 2 years
I am only 54 pages into this book and this girl has shown nearly EVERY fucking sign of being aspec I can even think of, Ms Warr I love you so much
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„I hated her. I wanted to be like her. I hated myself.“
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aroaceofthesea · 2 years
Pls does anyone have good book recs? I finished The Giver yesterday and idk what to read
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reckless-rider · 2 years
Fuck I'm not even 60 pages into Loveless and its already waaaayyy too relatable
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sbd-laytall · 2 years
Petition for all of Alice Oseman's works to be put onto television.
I want to see Frances and Aled save each other through their love for each other.
I want to see Angel and Jimmy meet and drive the catalyst for the arcs.
I want to see Georgia have her love story with Rooney, Pip, Jason, and Sunil.
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