#yes i do think of the traps and pvps
transgendersquiddo · 10 months
thinking about that ashswag testrun ep......
#listen 2 me. as someone who has a passive interest in the youtube algorithm#and likes to hear people talk about 'optimizing' it sometimes#and Also as someone whos very involved in fandom culture#its so!! fascinating to listen someone who has a fandom talk about the meta of their work!#like#when i think of 'ashswag' i automatically think of the fandom. i think about the thousands of words and dozens of art about spite and rage#but. ashswag (the guy) refering to 'ashswag' as a brand that can be optimized#its. a Really jarring disconnect as someone who thinks of the fandom First#esp when parrot and ash talking about the longevity of their channels#and talking about other creators and eventually going#'yeah i wish my content will grow with me as a person so i wont beat youtube like a dead horse and not enjoy it :/'#is. so interesting.#esp bc later they talk about off sourcing their editing to dedicated editors so they can be consistent#and trying to find the motivation to keep on going for like#5 years#and about how their goals are numbers based but also 'i wanna make meaningful content'#like. bud. yall already are#as someone whos talked with lots of members of the lifesteal fandom: yall are making art that inspires you!#it isn't just content that can be optimized. your videos inspire other people to create and connect#and be. human with each other.#and i Do think thats where fandom shines best#artists celebrating other artists#and ive been trying to go into this mindset myself: but youtubers are artists man!#theyre just using a new medium!!#and it sucks that youtube sees them as profit machines!! and punishes you for taking breaks bc youre human!!!!#but. listen man. when i think of ls s3#yes i do think of the traps and pvps#but i also think about something else#i think about the trust. i think about how in a server that punishes you for being bad at the game
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forestfiresandfics · 7 days
Can I just say I would absolutely love to see a Grian-Scott team up in a life series (a proper team up, not just allies)
Because it would be either the most deadly team in the history of the life series or it would be an absolute disaster and there is absolutely no in-between
Because the thing about the two of them
Aside from the fact that they’re both, basically, good at the game (good pvp, good preparedness, strong use of allies)
The thing about them is that they’re pretty much foils of one another. The best example is how they treat their allies
Neither of them has ever actually betrayed an ally before, but they both have SUCH different vibes about it
Scott is basically upfront, he will be your partner until you are the last ones left, and then there will be an honorable battle with rules and a countdown. 
Meanwhile Grian has so many moments of ‘well what about that time where…’ That it’s easy to forget how loyal he actually is. 
In last life, the team officially rejected him before he started attacking. In limited life, he prepared for his dying team’s eventual death, then went back to help them with their blaze of ….well whatever it is Joel has going on. In 3rd life, he was so blindsided by betrayal he fumbled and died and then nearly killed himself again by fall damage trying to get revenge. Yes, he has the widows curse, but it’s never INTENTIONAL
Which leads me to why a team up with Scott would be so great. 
If they can get along, they would be staunchly loyal, effective, largely going under the radar by making just enough friends to make it through the initial chaos to the part where they can just clean up. 
But that’s if they can get along
Their skills and usual strategies are in perfect harmony
But they are opposites in every other way
Yes they are both prepared, but Scott is order to Grian’s chaos
Scott is direct and upfront, where Grian is sneaky and cunning
They’re both leaders, both strategic, but in differing ways. And it’s natural for two opinionated people to butt heads
Here’s how I see it playing out
They get along for the first session, leading to them partnering up. They don’t consider how powerful the team is until session two, after they’ve had a chance to think on it. At this point, they realize that the other is a serious competitor and they’re both past winners. 
Session two or three, they start to have small disagreements, or annoyances with the other’s methods. They start to form allies outside of the partnership, partly because they always do, and partly thinking of a backup plan for if they can’t get along. Grian makes his secret bunker that he always does. Scott thinks it’s suspicious that he’s hiding anything from Scott, and not doing disaster prep together. Scott may hide something dangerous from Grian, like he’s done in the past, which then makes Grian think that he doesn’t trust him. 
This devolves into a series of miscommunications. As they hide stuff from each other, make other friends, and have small things they butt heads on (never big things, though), they start to become increasingly suspect of the other, and eventually both sides are at the point where they expect a betrayal. 
But here’s the thing
There will never BE a betrayal
Because there never is
They constantly prepare for the other to make the first move, because neither wants to actually do it themselves. They have traps set up for one another, secret bases, backup alliances, etc. 
But the betrayal never comes
Instead, they trip over their own feet so much, completely ruining their ability to communicate with one another, that another team is able to divide them and conquer. They end up being some of the first out because they were so worried about the other that they weren’t focusing enough on the outside
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sparxwrites · 2 years
scar having "This is your land, where you are the author of your own story" in his theme park announcement is standing out so strongly to me. you've infected me with meta brainrot
YEAH the noise i made when he was like "look at my announcement" and started fucking talking about stories was. not human. mr goodtimes thank you for feeding a poor humble fic writer's lust for narrative worship. it's appreciated.
(but Yes pls join me in the scar-and-stories meta brainrot pit. it's dark down here, but it's pretty comfy. i have marshmallows. and my leg in this bear trap that means i can never leave, but don't worry about that. ignore it. focus on the marshmallows.)
real talk, the fun thing about the scar-and-stories theme i keep banging away at is that like...
one, c!scar is canonically a conman / confidence trickster / high pressure salesman / charming asshole who always gets what he wants, which means he does legitimately constantly use weaponised stories, and it's only a tiny nudge sideways to make that an occult / spiritual / world-build-y thing.
two, i personally have a lot of fun weird semi-religious opinions about stories, and this is a very cathartic way of working out what exactly those feelings are, and also propaganda.
but three, cc!scar - perhaps best out of everyone on the server, other than maybe bdubs, and maybe joe but i think tbh joe is just Being Weird rather than doing this on purpose - understands how storytelling works.
we see this constantly. like, yes, mcc has improved his combat skills, but it's very very obvious that he plays up being an imcompetent klutz. other than when the narrative allows him to do otherwise. which is why, now, at the moment, he's suddenly very good with a bow - yes, because he's gotten good with it bc mcc, but mostly because it's funny and serves the story that ren has initiated. and, out of all the hermits, he's perhaps the most responsive to changing what or who he is in response to the demands of the story, without it ever feeling ooc or like it's some dramatic change. just... scar is good with a bow now because it's funny in the context of the current story for him to be good, and he'll stop being good with with (or at least stop doing pvp) when it stops being funny. and at no point will this feel incoherent, or jarring, because he is very good with this.
(and, here, i start blurring the c! vs cc! lines, because when we're talking about acting skills or style, there's an inherent ambiguity there. is c!scar or cc!scar a good actor and storyteller? yes.)
crucially, though, this shape-shifting, story-shaping skill scar has - where he adapts seamlessly to and merges into the story being told, even if he's not the one that started telling it - means that he can ensnare other people in stories too. we all know it from third life, with the whole "give me your armour and i'll give you friendship points" where he dangles a yes and opportunity in front of the other ccs that is too fun for them to pass up and so manages to snag decent armour (despite grian behind him the whole time yelling that they shouldn't listen and it's a bad deal). but he's doing it with ren and bdubs this season, too, just... never saying no, but trapping them within the conceits of the story they themselves are telling to get what he wants (i.e. not having to give up his shop). and it's very well done. he's very good at this! very, very good. and it's done deliberately enough he clearly knows what he's doing, he knows he's playing people-
and then we tangle back into c!scar as a conman, and a confidence trickster, and a charming asshole who always gets what he wants. and how some of that, part of that, a large part of that, is because cc!scar (and, by extension, c!scar) is very good with stories.
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fellspawn · 7 months
honestly fuck it what if KI removed the concept of choosing and "locking in" your school when you create your character. instead they make it where you can play as whatever school you want at any time on one character. to do this, you'd have to only be wearing one school's gear at a time, and then you'd only be able to cast that school's spells (with the exception of astral/shadow) while you're wearing said school's gear. for example if you're currently death and want to play as fire, you'd unequip all your death gear and equip fire gear which would then only let you cast fire spells. once you equip a piece of fire gear in this case, you wouldn't be able to equip gear of another school or use other school's spells until you take off any piece of fire gear you have on, at which point you could switch to any other school. rinse and repeat whenever you want to play as another school.
this creates an experience similar to runescape where players have the freedom to choose the class they play without completely starting over and losing months or years worth of progress.
yes, this would incredibly limit advantages such as elemental/spirit blades and traps, feint, and tower shield, etc. on schools that dont natively train those spells, but it would make it so much more gratifying when you reap the benefits of making a choice to play those certain schools. another major benefit i see from this is eliminating the tedious grind of leveling multiple characters up to max, especially if KI plans to keep adding world after world.
i dont see this being something they ever actually do as its a Huge switch that changes the game at it's core, but for the sake of the idea here, a system like this would make sense to be level locked maybe at level 30 along with Aquila or even 60 with Waterworks. this way, new players can get used to game mechanics before deciding what play styles they like.
you only have to max one wizard, and get to play any school at any time, but only that school until you switch out your gear.
please discuss!!
[edit:] an issue of replayability, playtime, and sales for KI was brought up in the replies. while i wasn't thinking practically about this idea as it is so outlandish, i like discussing hypotheticals so i wanted to add my reply to the post.
i know me being one person is an tiny minority but there are probably others that might agree - i feel like a system like this would make me more inclined to pvp consistently, and use the team-up kiosk for replay-ability which would address the playtime and retention claims (in this fake scenario yeah the kiosk would probably cease to exist as everyone gets to max and no one needs help at lower levels anymore but i digress).
as for sales with this mechanic, if you're trying to get multiple gearsets to switch between, i can see pack sales and dungeon grinding staying at a similar level which also feeds into playtime. getting this gear takes the same time and potentially money, just on one character instead of spread out over multiple. now, would people really prefer intentionally grinding out multiple gearsets instead of stopping when they get the one they need? probably not. but during this grind especially as i've seen in novus, you get a buffet of other school gear pieces in the process of trying to get one school's set. i can attest to this because i have a full myth aeon set collecting dust in the bank and almost a full death set when farming on my ice.
as the game stands now, there are obvious benefits to having multiple characters, being multiple backpacks and banks, additional castle slots, and anything with a limit for one character. with this changed mechanic, this is another area KI can increase sales, i.e backpack elixirs instead of world exilirs which would likely become obsolete.
this is a Huge post and i didn't expect to put this much thought into such an outlandish idea but i love the brainstorming that happens as a result!
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I apologize if I bother you, but questions: who Rasplin is, is there lore of his character and what your headcanons are for him?
you have fallen right into my trap, anon. cue the evil laugh.
rasplin is a mcyt whose content walks the line between quality pvp (quite often using end crystals/cpvp. he's cracked at it) & cinematics and roleplay.
does he have lore. oh does he.
rasplin is just a guy who is a dude, born in a universe that has such creatures known as crystal demons (yes he decided to insert his crystal pvp abilities into his lore. and who wouldn't). he has a cinematic video on his origins that's. 4 minutes. here it is.
most of the lore is stored in the rasplin- in these series:
#1. his povs of a few civilization events where he shows off his character as a skilled killer who will not stop at anything to bring peace the only way he knows how, through war (and just kills a bunch of people). throughout season 2 of jjkay's he becomes increasingly aware of that, and that it may not be the best option for him. the plot twist will Not suprise you simply because he spoils it in the first seconds of the video but it's fine, he can have a pass for that.
jjkay's s1
joynum's event
jjkay's s2 (which destroyed me. i will admit)
#2. his two-shot of 'my enemies put me HERE (okay i may have killed all of them first) and i escaped And killed all of them (again)' pt1 pt2 pt3 because sometimes you just need to make a couple cinematics that showcase you exploding some people.
#3. he has around 7 nemesis smp videos but i'll admit i only watched a couple of them, mostly 'cause the earlier videos are of somewhat lesser quality. but they do exist and there's some things happening in there!
#4 (no). every single video of other pvpers where they call him 'clownpierce's trainer'. drop the training montage rasplin-sensei huh
headcanons... honestly, since currently there's not much fancontent about him (at All) i don't mind sticking with the canon crystal demon origins of his.
my design is basically human-looking with lines of energy on his skin that pulsate more when he's experiencing strong emotions. i'm still not completely sold on the idea of an end crystal in place of his heart that i've had, but i'm thinking. his mask is a cat/fox mask with prolonged ears that curl inwards because i never bothered to look closer & didn't realize it's supposed to have horns. he's stuck as a catboy now.
he's definitely weak to poison. dpg said crystal demons' main debuff is pufferfish? well i'm making it dramatic. get some poison arrows and shoot this man, everyone, before he ends us all.
welcome to the rasplin experience!
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grimaussiewitch · 7 months
❤️⚡️🌹for the ask game?
Yoooo more asks! Thanks dude!
❤️ best double life pairing?
I’m sorry but I’m a sucker for team ranchers. Two guys who have barely interacted becoming two guys running a ranch, being each others hype man and SUMMONING A WARDEN!!!
Listen I love all of the duos in double life but nothing will beat the two wet cats summoning Ranchers Revenge.
⚡️most cinematic death?
I’ll do one for each series:
Third life: scar and grian’s final deaths. Just everything about that storyline ending with friends fighting to death in a cactus ring, surrounded by the ghosts of their fallen allies and enemies. There is so many ways you can picture their deaths going.
Last life: I think the lead up to Joel’s death is the most cinematic death to me. Joel and Grian doing their best to kill the other players, slowly one by one people fall until it’s just Joel alone with Ren and Scott. A pathetic plea coming from Joel to team, begging to not die only to be killed by Scott, foreshadowing his overall victory. The first red that shadowed over the server dies pleading to live.
Double life: Scott’s sacrifice for pearl to win. “Tilly death do us part” as Scott ignites tnt will always stick to me and Pearl’s last words being her yelling Scott’s name just struck to me. She couldn’t even get her final victory speech before dying.
Limited life: there’s a tie between Skizz’s final death and Martyn’s glass death. Skizz was doomed from day dot, him encouraging team TIES to continue on, to be killed by etho for time and the fact that he got his wish, for a member of TIES to which final three.
Now Martyn’s glass death might be a strange answer but something about him falling into the water below into shards of glass, invisible in the water and a newly red life Skizz witnessing it all it’s just peak cinema to me.
Secret life is still going but Torchy’s “death” man.
🌹if you could add one more player, who would it be?
My serious answer is Fwhip. He was rumoured to being a possible player for double life if Skizz was in. I don’t think pvp and trap heavy smps is too much of his style at the moment but I think it would be really cool if he joined. He knows most of the members well enough that I think he could slip in easily like Gem.
My crack answer is Philza. I have made a giant post to why I think he would be perfect for a life series. Will it happen? Dear god no. Can I dream and read fics about it? Yes I can XD
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vanivanvanilla · 2 years
PLEASE POST UR THOUGHTS ABOUT VORTEX i am watching ur account through a little window and youre flipping through images like a rorschach test and asking me "is this vortex" and all the answer should be yes but i want to know more about him... i am watching vortex vicariously through you and i amn so interested in your throughts amen
i’m obsessed with the way u worded this anon anything for u
so vortex!!!! i’m still getting a grasp of his character (personally i’m better with watching streams & getting characterization from that than videos) but a theme i’ve seen with him a lot is that he has good ideas yet due to unluckiness, they tend to flop (sometimes even killing him)
this is seen in videos like when he tried to kill clutch with rabbits and when he tried trapping spoke in honeycomb (both of which i recommend watching)
i don’t recall seeing vortex fight a lot but according to other members like parrot he’s pretty good at pvp! although we haven’t seen much of that this season probably because he’s currently on 4 hearts :’)
as for headcanons and such, i do have some that i think about a bunch!! i’ve posted them before but i don’t wanna go digging through my account to find them so i’ll just add them here:
- he’s a dragon hybrid and has physical features like wings, horns, and scales covering parts of his body
- he’s cold-blooded so he wears layers in attempt to keep warm, uses heating pads and other things that generate heat, and tries to avoid cold/snowy areas
- his eyes are sensitive to light which is why he always wears sunglasses
- his eyes are normally brown but when he feels an intense emotion, they turn purple
i need to make more headcanons for him but those are some of the main ones!! also, thank u for the interest!!! it makes me happy that you’re interested in my thoughts :DD
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asexualzoro · 2 years
what do you look for in character dynamics? i think you like desert duo a lot but i dont know what their deal is
don’t know what their deal is like you don’t know who they are? desert duo is grian and scar from the mc series third life. it’s a competitive series that turns into improv storytelling which i like to divorce from the game aspect and view entirely as a story, where all the players are actors cast as characters (the actual players do this as well, a lot of them referring to themselves or each other as ‘characters’ or leaning hard into a specific ‘character’ for the game (ren im looking at you))
what draws me to desert duo is the same thing that draws me to a lot of character dynamics i like—deep-seeded loyalty which has been purposely earned or gained, said loyalty based on a promise or formal roles, a leader & right-hand dynamic that is actually mostly equal, fun complementary characteristics, and a compelling test (and, sometimes, break) of that loyalty
anyway you’ve given me an opportunity to talk about desert duo so i’m taking it. gonan examine them against the points i look for in character dynamics. i’ll put it under a read more because i dunno how long it’ll be but i do know it will be long
first session of third life, grian accidentally kills scar with a creeper. everyone in the game only has three total lives (green, yellow, and red), and scar is pretty quick to die even on servers where their lives aren’t limited. losing his first life first before everyone else, in session one, in a game where you want to be the last one standing, puts him at a pretty strong disadvantage. so grian pulls him aside once he respawns and promises his first (green) life to scar. once he’s made things even and gone to yellow, scar’s on his own, but until then grian’s going to do whatever scar says and try his best to keep scar alive
which, check your boxes, ☑️ formalized promise and ☑️ a leader and right-hand!
grian then spends the rest of the next two sessions insisting he’s going to leave as soon as he can. any attempt by scar to talk abt lasting plans is shot down, and any scheme scar starts grian tries to undermine—he has to do what scar says, but that doesn’t mean he can’t warn the people they talk to scar’s trying to scam them (because scar is scamming everyone always in 3L. he spends all of sessions two and three scamming people. it works also. nat 20 charisma on near every role that man made for all of 3L)
all that said, grian’s actively building them a house in the meantime and, by the end of session 3, actively helping with some of the shit scar is pulling (such as encouraging taking a diamond chestplate). he insists when asked he’s going to leave, and often says he doesn’t care what scar is doing because “i have no stake in this,” but he already does
then scar dies. again. falls to his death, complete accident, putting him on red, his final life. red lives operate under different rules—while yellow and green names cannot attack other players or engage in pvp, red lives not only are allowed, but it’s their main goal. scar’s supposed to be attacking other players now. some people in chat float the idea grian should be allowed to leave now that there’s a red name at his base. if grian really wants to leave, he has an out
scar comes back on red and the first thing he does is throw grian flowers and ask “can we still be his friends?” now that he’s ‘scary.’ and grian assures him that yes, he will stay. he has to, right?
(this is a little loyalty test, and a step in building that deep loyalty, but hold off on checking those boxes quite yet) (this also makes me feel fucking insane)
now. grian’s favorite block in the game is tnt. so now that his partner is red, he starts immediately planning traps. grian can’t kill, but he can do it if scar ‘tells’ him to. you can now check off the ☑️ complementary characters box, because we have a fun parallel: a green name player who plays like a red life, and a red name player who plays like a green life. grian immediately gets the largest kill in the series, taking out three people with a bomb left outside the gate of ren, who scar antagonized/threatened when he was on yellow (and it didn’t really mean anything) ((3L ren also makes me insane))
scar talks a lot of game about murder, but he’s not really one for pvp—pretty sure he says outright to grian he’s all bark. grian talks a lot about having no stakes and following scar’s orders, but is the one calling the shots about who and when and how they’re going to get kills (check off the right hand and leader dynamic being ☑️ mostly equal, actually). grian digs his claws in deep with scar by killing a lot of the rest of the server—i think he gets like four kills incl the bomb and contributes to at least one other, from all three other major ‘factions’ on the server—which doesn’t exactly do him any favors when he’s ‘free’ of scar and needs somewhere to go. he still insists hes going to leave, but scar doesn’t acknowledge it. pretty sure the one time he brings it up, scar even says grian won’t actually leave, but i don’t think grian acknowledges that
session 7 rolls around, second to last. players are starting to be eliminated here—of the 14, three of them die permanently in this session. grian and scar get into a big fight against an opposing faction. grian dies. on yellow, he runs right back to scar. neither of them acknowledge it. he stays (you can check two points: ☑️ deep loyalty that is hard-earned. ☑️ compelling loyalty test). when grian finally addresses this alone, to the audience, he explains, “i just can’t let him die”
final session is session 8. it’s basically nonstop battle. the others are whittled down one by one—ren and martyn go on a fuckin killing spree and ren takes out three lives, eliminating two players (ren my beloved), then the survivors get into another large fight ending with four more dead (grian says to scar, right before this, entirely unprompted: “is this where we prove our true allegiance to each other and no one else?”). there’s five left, and this is where the betrayals start.
one person betrays someone who had helped him since day one, someone who had sworn his loyalty (the fun thing about improv stories is the thing that become foreshadowing by accident). now there’s four. scar breaks a promise to another person, having him killed. now there’s three. grian, scar, and a third, bdubs: another red name who just betrayed his day one and killed the fourth place winner for scar.
both bdubs and grian are following scer, so scar essentially just says “whoever gets this piece of paper i won’t kill” and drops it on the ground. bdubs get it. scar and bdubs turn on grian immediately, killing him and sending him to red
and that’s another check, there. ☑️ a compelling loyalty break. at the end of it all, grian follows scar to the end, and scar kills him.
but there’s still like ten godamn minutes left! grian hunts scar down, promising to kill him for being a traitor, and as soon as he gets there, scar kills bdubs. he turns around and tells grian “you can kill me, for everything you did to keep me alive this long” and encourages him to win. grian drops the anger immediately and insists he can’t do it
which is already insane enough as a scene. deeply fucking insane. but the people who have already lost insist there can be no double victory, and someone has to win. scar and grian go back to their mountain in the desert, drop all their gear, and fight bare-handed to the death.
something that interests me about the final fight is it’s impossible to tell if scar is throwing or if he just sucks at pvp. regardless, in the end grian wins. the entire fight is just them apologizing to each other. grian immediately turns around and jumps to his death, ending the series with no winners at all
…which is all the detail i’ll give abt the final fight bc i think about it SO much and this ask is long enough without me going into it. suffice to say the whole finale, from scar and bdubs killing grian to the end, is just… fascinating to look at through the lens of their loyalty. grian spends the whole series insisting he’s going to leave as soon as he can, but in the end, his whole life is dedicated to keeping scar alive. and it blows up on him! scar turns on him! grian fails to keep him alive! he kills scar in the end, and then takes his own life. its tragic and i’m obsessed with it
loyalty-based dynamics have always done it for me. Luffy and Zoro, for example, hit all of those points except the loyalty break: start with a promise, complementary characters, leader and right hand (but rather informal), Luffy earns Zoro’s loyalty over a number of important scenes, ending with Zoro’s sacrifice at 485. there’s even other third life dynamics that hit those points that i also really like (ren and martyn).
i find gradual growth and strengthening and tests of a bond/loyalty to be inherently interesting and i always have. watching two characters face adversity against their bond and choosing each other over and over is always compelling to me. the fact only one person can be left standing in third life adds an especially fun layer of flavor on their dynamic bc that loyalty is earned and developed and inherently doomed, it can’t be forever. it’s really fascinating. esp when it’s entirely unscripted improv, evolving like that on its own. the whole story is just so fuckin fun and i like it a lot
if anyone reads this far shoutout to you for being the bravest motherfucker alive. anon thank you so much for asking. if this wasn’t exactly what you were looking for and you want me to talk abt character dynamics more broadly feel free to send another ask, i’d be happy to keep going on this
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
i saw you talking about minecraft and it Awakened the lifelong mc nerd in me
what kind of player d’you think the hp/prequel!sw characters would be?
ani, obi, (if you’ve watched the clone wars tv show ashoka, cody and rex too), sev, harry, hermione, ron, remus and sirius
random mix of fandoms ik but hear me out: ani&sirius and obi&remus&sev and ashoka&goldentrio would be besties
(and by “kind of player” i mean, like, miner, builder, potioneer, explorer, farmer, redstone, pvp fighter, achievements hunter, and hardcore player)
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(sorry for the late answer btw I just happened to forget I had an inbox full of unanswered asks 🤠)
I think Sev would absolutely be a potioneer player, but he would also insist on gathering his own ingredients and would refuse help from anyone, and so he’d go to the Nether and other locations JUST to get the properties needed for his potions. You’d find him running around the Nether like a psycho and battling Blazes merely bc of the items they drop 💀 (“wdym I have to ‘complete the game,’ headmaster? I already have the ingredients required to create a fire resistance potion, that’s all that matters”)
For some reason I feel Ashoka would be really into architecture, but she would also want to get every single block for herself, otherwise she’d think she “didn’t earn it.” She’d build awesome structures but would also take time to fight mobs and earn achievements and, if she feels like it, complete the game. Either that or she’d be a hardcore player. I think Cody would also be a hardcore player, or maybe even a pvp fighter. Not entirely sure about Rex tho 🤔
I think Ani would want to go to dangerous places and explore it all, he’d also experiment with redstone and try to build vehicles (mostly airplanes). <- he was deeply upset when he realised that’s not how Minecraft works. And I think Obi-Wan would just be… a regular Minecraft player. He would be super chill and does a little bit of everything; mining, building, hunting, exploring, etc, all while attempting to complete the game. Ani would also definitely build traps and passageways with redstone (R2 definitely helped him out) just to give Obi a fright 💀
I think the Golden Trio would team up (as per usual) and have each other complete different tasks. Harry would probably go around building shit while Ron goes mining and gathers resources and blocks and giving Hermione everything so she can craft and smelt crucial weapons for them. Then after a bit Harry had to accompany Ronald to go mining bc he saw spiders and freaked out, so they all agreed that Ronald and Harry go mining and hunting while Hermione crafts and smelts everything, then all three of them go to dangerous locations together to fight mobs and complete the game.
Remus and Sirius…. idk tbh, I think Remus would track everything down and want to find structures and gets really happy when he finds treasure maps, he would also LOVE farming and building cute comfy cottages. Sirius would honestly just do whatever tf he feels like and constantly teams up with James to troll Remus and Peter 💀 I think Sirius would also love raiding villages and bullying the villagers (the iron golem kicked his ass for it and his ego was so bruised bc of it). Similar to what I’ve said with Ani and Obi, Sirius might also experiment with redstone just to build traps for Remus lol.
random mix of fandoms ik but hear me out: ani&sirius and obi&remus&sev and ashoka&goldentrio would be besties
I literally always headcanoned that they’d be besties wtf 😭
Ani and Sirius always gave off similar vibes imo, plus they both have gorgilicious (yes that is a real word don’t google it) hair. Obi and Remus (especially PoA!Remus) also really reminded me of each other, and they’re both too sexy for our own good. + their accents 😩
and yes omg I remember previously seeing a few comments about Ashoka and the Golden trio and how they would have an awesome friendship, and since then I’ve always just wanted to read a Star Wars and HP crossover fic with them being best buddies. I don’t even know which one from the trio Ashoka would get along with the most bc she’s so similar to/compatible with each of them.
Anyway tysm for this awesome ask, I’ll go play Minecraft now (so far I’ve gone to the Nether and have 7 Eye of Enders, yippee for me).
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astraldrake · 2 years
thoughts on elden ring bcs i feel like i have to put them somewhere fair warning for spoilers
- much more colorful than ds3 (low bar i know but goodness the difference is stunning when you go from one to the other) -im so glad they gave us the ability to jump. like wow i can actually go up stuff now?? im not trapped if i fall down a small ledge?? sweet. - the ambient music in caelid makes my skin crawl (complimentary) also they really nailed the vibe of it as this horrible rotting place that wants you dead. also all the giant mushrooms and stuff everywhere, love those. - speaking of, i love the lil wolf howls in the raya lucaria ambient music. (also the overall color palette and aesthetic and stuff 10/10 blue good, sparkly rocks good) - radahn's fight was fun and chaotic (once i had enough health that he wasn't 2 shotting me right as i walked in) i liked that you could just keep summoning backup throughout the fight so you had a near endless stream of cannon fodder help. - rykards fight was a pain in the ass though, idk if it was just me but i struggled to get the timing down on when and how to stun him. (also, i really expected his voice to be more,,, idk intimidating?? he just sounds like he's talking with his mouth full.) - morgott wasn't too bad (although it was also the first fight i did while having a great rune active so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) (should also note i beat him before i took down rykard) i will say i didn't expect his lore to be so sad. Like shit dude I feel bad about killing you now. - im really enjoying the wide variety of stuff i can do with incantations, i can summon lightning, throw fireballs, temporarily give myself a tail, and turn my head into a dragon's, it's great. - i have no clue what is happening like 60% of the time. i feel like i probably missed some story stuff somewhere down the line. (i spent so much time dicking around with other stuff i would not be surprised) - I kinda miss destiny's more expansive lore entries. I get that that's just not the way these games tend to operate when it comes to story, like i know they like to be vague and leave stuff up to interpretation but sometimes i want more than flavor text yknow? I want to read more about these characters and events. (and yes i know ao3 exists but diving for good fic takes time and trial and error, that and i want a more consistent understanding of canon than what assorted fic would be able to provide. ah well, when there is no canon, you make your own.)
- I wish id gotten more time to talk w/ melina before she died. the cutscene was really nice and it felt like it implied a lot but i just didn't get to hang out with her enough for it to hit as hard as i think the creators intended it to. (or maybe im just more emotionally numb in general these days idk.) - that said, i really like the conversation you can have with her if you beat the boss at the end of the shunning grounds. "however ruined this world has become, however mired in torment and despair... life endures. births continue. There is beauty in that, is there not?" like fuck dude!! you're right!! there is beauty in that!! ( i then proceeded not to go looking for the frenzied flame, and instead just took the item in the chest and the incantation i got off the boss and left. ) - also i did some pvp invasion stuff for varre's questline since i wanted to see if anything in or around that area would have more fun blood flame incantations. (I have found none so far but i did find mohg!! who i have not fought yet.) Given my experience with pvp being primarily overwatch and destiny ( very different genre i know, but still) i kind of expected to just get repeatedly curbstomped by tryhards, but i actually didn't have too bad a time. I even manged to kill a person (or three. look three out of five is a pretty good track record for me ok??).
anyways i think that's all i have to say about that.
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jaythelay · 2 days
The true way forward for Minecraft is to split into seperate versions of itself based on the 4 pillars of it's community. Preferably with Mod developers, which unfortunately that'll likely come with a price-tag that'll split the community because, well, it's Microsoft. So just do it internally then.
Minecraft doesn't need the Aether, or these overly complicated (frankly awful) high-tech mods, it doesn't need to go back to the old days nor does it need to focus on PVP/Combat or adventures n quests:
It just needs to be allowed to be the sandbox it is. It's multiple games in one that became unbalanced in it's feel/gameplay due to focusing singularly instead of wholey, Adventure in one update, combat in another, the issue is the whole of the game was designed around these parts, and focusing on re-working just one at a time, meant the game's core elements went from a whole package, to 4 packages inside of one.
To focus entirely on revitalizing the IP, it needs, absolutely for certain, to be free to owners. You can have capes and pet skin bonus packs or whatever, no mods or texture packs or skins or worlds trapped behind a paywall that's Vile.
So how do you fix Minecraft's situation? There are 4 pillars of importance per player that take MC and make it 4 pillars under one concept, the fix is to allow MC to be all of them seperately, allowing MC itself to become a pillar by allowing the current 4 pillars to become concepts as MC currently is.
Or to simplify: Take the 4 primary community preferences of gameplay and establish them as their own versions, their own games, while still being in the current Minecraft engine. This way, you can experiment with the parts that people truly care about in a far more focused setting for it, so that information can be used for the main game.
To start, you'll need 5 versions of the game. 5 is the default Minecraft, leave it alone for a while, and focus on the other versions, the rest are:
1: Old Minecraf- yes I know, it's practically a give-in but if they don't try to do something that caters to older players, they're gonna bleed us since we know how to pirate. Primarily however, there's a simplicity to the older versions that if you work on a more lateral version than an upward one, I truly believe you can continue the old formula without destroying the atmosphere. Less enchantments, more weaponry, less realistic/blending visuals, and more basic, sharply contrasting nearly cartoonish visuals, no villagers/npcs, but more animals to befriend and more to do with them, maybe super rare old buildings like ruins at the most, no ending, just whatever you want to do with what's in the game.
Primarily the goal should be one where you're not thinking of the next advancement as a goal in the game, but a goal for you personally, not just a checklist you get simply by booting the game (remove achievements oh my god they always sucked) upgrading equipment and stocking them while not having to worry about individual stats and checklists to follow or wikis to pull up to decipher a made up language, or checking individual stats, nah man, the blue is better than the white. You're hungry? Man go make a hotpocket or something and come help me with the water elevator.
2. The overly complex builds with the pipes and the Redstone 2.0s teknic or whatever players. I absolutely Loathe any mods or concepts like it in Minecraft, and see, it's not that I don't think it should exist, but I do hate the idea of dev time being spent making the game more complicated rather than simply fleshed out, as best as I can put it, and for you vice versa, this is why I recommend the 4 pillars as separate versions, because builders wanna hyper-build wiki-pedia youtube tutorial minecraftforum forums, and still do combat n stuff, just not hyper-pvp stuff. Besides while I personally do not want to participate, I'll gladly help with materials and watch what is literally magic to me, happen. It's not that I'm against the idea of planes or trains, it's more that it's just too much for me. That being said, it's so specific and not minecraft-y that it really can't be expanded on as much as this crowd would want in the current state of MC.
You could have elaborate bookshelf doors, a functioning toilet and computer, sky's the limit, you just gotta build it, that's presently, rather trapped in Redstone right now, and that's cool and all, but Redstone is super basic compared to what mods people want and are ALWAYS included in modpacks or people's big mods for some reason they're also vital for cool stuff like man I just wanna slap things on a table after smelting and finding it ya know? Not get a degree in engineering. But I wanna watch like the fucked up little creep I am as someone builds me a functional bathtub.
3. Your hungry gays and anarchy bois. (Hyper-PVP) There really needs to just be a separate version designed around combat primarily, looking at the combat update, there's no way to really make work and imo, it just feels bad, it always felt bad, but when you get into anarchy servers and such, the PVP and in-game know-how is so far beyond the casual approach of Minecraft that you can't expand, so you're stuck at minor meta changes at it's height with little wiggle room in-between. Imagine how much you could do with the Hungry Games format if it had more to play with? Blocks that break from arrows and attacks, more trap items/blocks, weather/temperature could play a bigger part and so could hunger. World generation could be built around anarchy-like, mobs could be expanded upon drastically.
You could also probably add tents or something I dunno, torches could actually run out like Hatsune Miku wanted to do briefly during the halloween updates. More weapon variety and probably simpler crafting and hotbar stuff, like instead of 1-9 on your keyboard and a whole inventory box, it could be a limited inventory system you could expand by crafting or finding stuff. Like none of this sounds good in regular minecraft, but for specifically a PVP version of Minecraft? Oh hell yeah.
4. The Fun Stuff like Claymen and Aether mod. Mystical, silly, and adventurous stuff. You can do alot more with villages and ruins if you didn't have to worry about how it would affect literally every other element of the game from difficulty to "immersion" and world generation. Nobody wants their minecraft world to be filled to the brim with battle towers and expansive villages because it may take place of an area you could've built instead, however, if you're not much of a builder, and more of a nomadic player, this would open up opportunities for fast travel, quests, and true dungeon exploration, caves aren't about mining, they're about treasure hunting and using explosives to dig deeper, not mine your way down, you're an adventurer! Not a dwarf (probably, you get the point tho)
Alternatively it can also be the funny version, more experimental, see how far you can push things kinda thing. Bigger knockbacks, more customizable difficulty and world gen, it'd be inbetween expanding on Adventure while allowing arbitrary silliness the player can decide to participate in. But otherwise, if they wanted to see what a rainbow would look like maybe add a leprechaun that asks you to build it a house, and ya wanna know how the community would react, you'd put it here first and level it down for the main game.
Again, this all needs to be free for people who own the game.
It will not break brand-identity, it's still Minecraft but the rules are different for other 4 versions. With their GOD AWFUL launcher they could easily just make a 4 panel choice with the default minceraft in the center.
This has the added benefit of aiding default Minecraft development, as you'll get you experiment and see what works in the other versions, gauge community reactions, and get playtesting for all of it. User input and more too. But generally I think there's just going to be further creative burnout if another dev has to hear "That's a cool idea and all but would be it be Minecraft?" and honestly not be right or wrong but you're still mad because SOMETHING has to change eventually right???
Seriously imagine all the ideas you have and going to the big man in charge or whatever's easiest to imagine, and while you both agree this is a great idea, very fun and in playtesting everyone enjoyed it, it's just not Minecraft, y'know? It's good but it causes all these others systems to break in it's place, so adding it means reworking all this, and it's such a small idea it's not worth it since it destroys the identity here and there and blah blah
How about, instead of "Nah man" over and over, you get "Oh hell yeah put Aether in the Adventure version!" or "temperatures would be cool, put it in the PVP version"
At the VERY least, you allow more ideas than the cutting room floor can realistically handle. At some point there's not even cut or considered content, just DOA ideas over and over that ARE GOOD but DON'T WORK in default minecraft, or maybe they can! But you'll never get to widely test it outside of briefly in a snapshot.
However, there is a whole elephant in the room:
That's 5 versions of the same game jesus christ that's actually impossible.
Now. Hear me out, if you made it this far, you should know I have An answer, just not one I think most will entirely like, however:
I'm not knowledgeable enough on this, but I do know that Microsoft Fought the IRS and Won, Crippling them from ever going after anyone rich ever again. So I think they can afford having 5 development teams for The Best Selling Game Of All Time and probably more recognizable than Mickey Mouse anymore. Go ahead, your kid knows who Steve is, fucking Steve. That's his name. Not god damn Mickey Mouse or Ezerith Maroon or some shit, Steve. God damn Steve. They got Minecraft Legos, I think they can afford this and on top of that, have the technical know-how considering it's Microsoft.
But that's all a crapshoot. Point is: Minecraft is a very, very broken game. It somehow ticks the tocks of maaaaany people, but I can't help but wonder if the game's elements are fighting each other as the identity of the series continually dwindles into a corporate sludge. I personally think 1.8beta really showed that the game was walking a tight-rope and it fell onto another tight-rope and later onto another one. It's not doing well. The fact that an intentional part of it's act is eventually it'll fuck up and fall onto another tight-rope but not purposefully, really could be better handled. It's either boring waiting or not interesting when it happens again.
As is, Minecraft devs needs a break from the default formula to focus on something actually creatively expanding, they're tip-toeing for a good reason, but allowing them to actually experiment would be better for the series than pretending it's not 5 games in a trenchcoat. I'd rather the 4 pillars not hold up a faulty 5th concept, and instead for those 4 to become concepts that make the 5th a pillar on it's own, or some gay shit.
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cat-mentality · 7 months
Yes!!!!!! It's just the first day, there is like two weeks to make modifications if things truly go off the rails and players genuinely started getting upset
Yess everything will be fine!!! The admins will figure it out if players aren't having fun!! And players are already finding creative ways of engaging for those who don't like straight mining, like players have suggested making traps for other teams, having pvp fights, spying on other teams, trying to manipulate other teams... they'll find fun ways to win
And I think people are forgetting that the teams aren't fully separated, if some people from separate teams want to get together to do some type of them-against-the-world lore they still can.
And the eggs and the eyes and the mystery of it all!! Something is still happening there!!! There will be clues!!!!! Begging people to give this a chance 😭 it does get frustrating to see people get so negative right off the bat, it's only one day of a weeks-long arc and things will be fine
Absolutely!!!! They are incredibly creative, I'm sure they will find ways to make it fun
Like I saw somewhere that Roier is Not down for killing Cellbit and honestly I think others will feel the same about other people as well, there will be times where the heart wins over survival, and also moments where the teams will fracture between themselves, there is no way shit is not going to go down.
And even if it doesn't damn think about the lore implications.
The betrayal.
The distrust.
The new found friendships.
Like Pierre looking at Tubbo and not seeing a menace? Seeing a leader, seeing a friend?
Cellbit realizing he is NOT alone? How can he consider Jaiden and Baghera as enemies when he spend WEEKS side by side with them? Relying on them to survive, protecting them?
Damn I want to eat this whole plot like a french fry. I have so many writing ideas anon, SO MANY, I will be writing about this like a mad woman
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kalianos · 8 months
A rant of the last two months.
So I looked at a lot of my draft posts. The ones for the last month and a half were kinda Venting about the new corp I joined in Eve Online.
To be fair, I learned a mutual friend who has a habit of starting things then just...not taking control as a leader and lets things die as a result was starting it.
soooo yeah. That happened. Only one logging in now. ~_~
"It'll be great Kali! Getting back into Eve Kali! We should try doing FW and small gang pvp! Hey isn't it weird how you are the only cis guy in this corp?" yeah sure, except one problem. You dragged a bunch of newbies who never played before into it. As all Newbies tend to do, they are for some reason scared of pvp and losing ships. HELL ONE OF THEM THINKS THAT DOING PVP WAS THE SAME AS HARMING SOMEONE AND COULDN'T BEAR IT!
So we ended up turning into a Mining and Industry Corp. Except I was one of the few paid accounts. So I was the only one who could reliably skill into to building things. Okay I still can't get over the lack of wanting to PVP in the game built on it.
...a bit fucked up way of thinking but there was always mining and industry I guess? no. I spent, hundreds of millions on BPO's and started doing research material and time development which takes ages. We do a mining op, they manage to...somehow not know how to read? "Oh the sleepers are back!" Well I already took care of them in an Orca. Do it again!
No they are Drifters. Webbed, scrammed, disrupted. Trapped and couldn't warp off in an extremely large bulky slow ship. -_- 2.5billion down the drain. It was cool seeing the explosion though. Then slowly everyone started petering off one by one.
Our scared to pvp person went exploring in the pvp areas and was shocked that..they were attacked and managed to escape with their pod. They felt sick at the idea of shooting at a player. V: like...no seriously wtf? This is EVE. Everyone Vs. Everyone. Market pvp, Industry pvp, MINING PVP. Yes Mining pvp is a thing. Its called putting on the highest yield risk mining crystal and just sneaking into enemy territory asteroid field and just going to town destroying their asteroid resources so they can't build ships!
The Hauler did two contracts for us, and dipped. ...best fifty mil wasted?
Two of our number thought it was weird that the game didn't just automatically played itself? Like auto-target and then auto-fire? ...those modules exist but thats too much.
the lead and their girlfriend don't show up anymore so. Its just me in this corp? AFter spending so many skill points and isk in industry since "You are now the industry lead!"
Back on track learning how to pilot Triglavian ships and Edencom stuff since thats what I wanted to begin with.
Now I am in a dead corp with nobody logging in and my isk and LP is being taxed heavily to a corporation that no longer even functionally exists. Except as a blackmark in my job history in the game as "Why were you in this Corp. for only a few months after leaving your starter corp after nearly 14 years?"
BEcauseI got tired of helping people out in the newbie corp and wanted to hang out with friends! ....who immediate flaked out and left. And my other MMO friends won't touch EVe with a ten foot pole. "We don't understand it." -_-; Game is so much easier now than it was back then.
I wish....I wish I could just clone myself and have mini-me's running around non-stop. ....actually thats a bad idea. I don't understand Reactions in industry too well and I've only just started doing PLanetary industry setup after years of having the skills trained.
MAybe it would just be nice if people logged the fuck in and we could hang out. "My new job doesn't fit in with the weekly group up so I won't log in at all" >:V oh fuck off.
Screw this, I'm going into Wormhole space and find a Wormhole crew living in that insane spaghetti mess of systems and run C3's to earn enough isk in a couple days to buy a month of game time in game.
Or Join Faction Warfare and do the same but also have constant pvp.
Viva la Caldari / Guristas
Or constantly run Abyssal dungeons solo.
I am tired. At least there are a lot of new players coming into the game now? Its refreshing.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
“Hello, Grian.”
Grian yelps and turns around. Joel smirks as Grian tries, very quickly, to hide redstone and a half-loaded TNT minecart behind himself. (Although - TNT minecarts? Really Grian? Joel’s gotta put blast protection on his armor, he swears. No more not wearing a chestplate. Sigh.)
“Hello there, Joel! Don’t mind me! Just... getting inspiration for my base!”
Joel snorts. “Oh yes. Very explosive inspiration. Have you considered making your base into a crater? I’ve heard it’s avant-garde. Maybe it would explain what that aqueduct of yours is carrying water towards.”
“A crater?”
“I don’t know, Grian, I’m telling you to get out of my base and stop setting traps!”
Grian puts his hands on his hips and huffs. “You agreed to it. It’s to add spice to these last ten hours! To send you an appropriate sendoff before you leave me here alone!”
“Yeah, but I think you’re doing it wrong.”
“Wh- I’m not doing it wrong! I’m good at traps, you know.”
Joel snorts again, this time making sure to put as much disdain and incredulity into the snort of laughter that he can manage. “Sure, Grian. Good at traps. That’s definitely something you are.”
“Oh, for the - will I never live that down?”
“Nope,” Joel says, taking in as many of the still-exposed traps as possible. Technically, it’s probably cheating or something, catching Grian in the act, but also Joel just. Really doesn’t want to die? He’d look terrible with a mustache, and if he fails before he hits 100 hours, neither Grian nor Scar will ever let him live it down. Just like Grian can’t live down the entirety of third life. Ah, jokes that never stop being funny.
“You know what, like you can talk. I was around during Last Life too, you know!”
“Gasp,” Joel says out loud. “I’ll have you know those traps did kill!”
“Yes! They killed you.”
“Yeah but they did kill someone.”
“If PVP weren’t off -”
“Hah. But it is. Sucks to suck, Grian.” Joel pauses just long enough. “Sorry. I mean Grien. Since Grian died and all. Like a chump.”
“I could set off these TNT minecarts -”
“And take us both down? Weak.”
“- but actually.” Grian pauses. Grian goes quiet. Grian smirks, widely. “I don’t think I will. In fact, I’m going to leave without placing any more traps. Have fun with your last few hours, Joel. I’m sure they’ll go excellently.”
Before Joel can process that, Grian flies off, dropping the TNT minecart as he goes. Joel yelps, but the thing isn’t armed yet, so it doesn’t so much explode as sit there on the ground, toothless but ominous. Joel stares at it for a little bit.
“You know, maybe it was a bad idea to antagonize him,” Joel says. “Eh. It’s funny though. No regrets.”
He goes back to his base. Now, about that blast protection...
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How do you think Last Legacy characters would play Minecraft?
Hmmm, interesting question! Let's find out, shall we? :)
Last Legacy Cast Playing Minecraft
Wizard Boy leans into the Wizard Aesthetic, shocking.
This man absolutely lives in a gigantic tower/castle.
He would enjoy the designing part of the game. I think it's relaxing for him to just be able to go worry about nothing but building whatever his heart desires for hours at a time.
Definitely plays in creative most of the time. Has an entire village he's been working on for years. It has a lot of different building styles and aesthetics and most of the buildings are only half-finished but eh, it's fun.
Joins a server because his friends pestered him into it and immediately decides to have fun with it. Becomes that weird wizard dude.
Lives in a huuuuge tower, in the middle of a dense forest/swamp. Definitely has a moat. Has various traps and hidden doors throughout the bottom half of the tower. Stunning place, though, looks very mystical and ancient.
Has the best enchanting area in the entire server, and he made sure of this. I mean the man went through some serious effort here.
Also has an entire level of his tower dedicated to potions. Can brew so many at once. Has an entire wall lined with chests that he keeps all of them in. Almost always has them in stock.
He did all of this hard work so he wouldn't have to do any work. He's made the tower borderline impenetrable, but he can teleport to the top of it. Barters with people using his magic. Makes you bring him whatever he needs before he'll either teleport you up into his tower or get you what you need himself
Mostly spends his time in creative and pops on there whenever someone messages him and tells him he's needed.
Has a black and white cat that follows him around. Doesn't know how it got there, he never tamed it. Doesn't matter what world he's in, the cat spawns in with him and is functionally immortal.
Chaotic boy is chaotic.
PVP master. Ish. He's not unbeatable, but he's really strong.
Works hard to get himself the best gear. Has a monster farm near his base to get all the experience.
He has an enchanting table but literally never uses it because he has like, three bookshelves and he always just goes to Felix
Plays on a server 90% of the time and is that chaotic idiot who will break into your base and steal your stuff, maybe break it/burn it down in the process.
Won't kill animals. Even if he burns your base down he'll painstakingly shove your dog outside and give it a bone or five before he leaves.
Look this man has an unreasonable amount of pet stuff okay. Always has bones and fish, if nothing else. If you have a pet and he steals from you, he'll leave those in the place of what he took.
He has a literal army of dogs and if you mess with them oh, there will be war.
Has a secret account on the same server where he does as much good as he possibly can for the community. Whenever he's feeling down he logs on and runs around helping people out because their praise makes him feel much better :)
Yes, his minecraft skin has the ears & tail. His friends joke that you can summon him using fish, bones, and/or weapons. They did it once at his house as a joke because they were bored and he happened to log in, so now everyone is solidly convinced that it works.
Probably the server admin.
She enjoys the worldbuilding but she primarily focuses on keeping everything running smoothly.
She's the one who makes and enforces all of the rules.
Enjoys running around in creative mode, mostly because Sage tries to kill her on sight purely to mess with her.
She's a pretty good fighter when it comes down to it, but Sage can beat her because he's mastered the PVP in this game. Doesn't matter when she has access to commands that can instakill him, so she still comes out on top most of the time.
Literally ventured off to the corner of the map once and built some kind of huge maze prison thing, and has taken to teleporting Sage or anyone else who bothers her there. Have fun :)
Needs to relax honestly, c'mon Annie.
Has a little farm that she tends to relax, and will sell or trade her goods to the others in the server.
Don't mess with her. Seriously. Sage and Rime burned her house down once as a prank and they was banned from the server for a solid month before she decided they'd apologized enough to rejoin.
Probably really good at the fancy coding stuff. Uses redstone. Might have even made a couple of mods. Made one mod specifically to launch Sage to the other side of the map if he sets foot on her property, even when she's offline.
Also chaos incarnate.
If your base gets robbed or destroyed it was probably either him or Sage, who knows? Has also started leaving bones and fish or whatever just so he can pin it on Sage.
Has a perpetual rivalry going with Sage and several other people. Endless prank wars.
Rime is really good at making traps and will spend so, so much time in the dead of night when he knows Sage is asleep booby-trapping his house so that as soon as he takes a step or opens a door or something the whole place explodes
He's the type to mass-produce T&T. Literally went to the End just to get himself a shulker box or two to keep them all in because he isn't dumb enough to just leave them in chests.
He isn't as good of a fighter as most of the others but he's absolutely ruthless. Keeps well stocked with potions. His favorite are the invisibility potions, because he can just disappear and stab you a bunch until you die.
Rime is 100% that weirdo who has a base that isn't in the main world. I think he'd choose the nether over the end, for the sheer aesthetics. He also has a suuuuper fancy base though, and several animals that no one is quite sure how he managed to get over there.
It's like home alone near there though so watch out man. Rime has enemies and he knows it.
He's had several alternate accounts where he tries to be a Nice Good Member of Society but he somehow always gets caught. It's just so obvious that it's him. He's too chaotic to disguise himself that well.
Has a secret creative world where he plays around to relax. Builds stuff if he feels like it, raises animals... happy lil deer farmer boy.
Elowen is also in on the rivalry, though she's a little less aggressive about it. For the most part she lets Rime and Sage fight it out, often meddling in the chaos. She'll play pranks on one or both of them in the style of the other to spark more drama to watch.
She occasionally teams up with either Sage or Rime just for fun. Sometimes she'll team up with Anisa and/or Felix to take them both down at once, when they've gotten especially annoying.
Is the one person who can best Sage at PVP every time, and she takes pride in this. She's honestly not even as powerful as he is, she's just a really good fighter and she knows his weaknesses.
Not a big fan of farming. She prefers to just hunt animals for her food or barter with others. Is often paid in food for her assistance in fights.
Has a secret base deep in the end somewhere, well-hidden and protected. She knows the people she's playing with far too well, and prefers to keep the important stuff on her so it won't get stolen.
She also hides her things. She'll wander off to the middle of nowhere, dig deep down and bury a chest, then write down the coordinates alongside what she buried in a physical notebook. It's rather inconvenient if she needs them immediately, but she actually possesses the most valuable resources simply because they aren't continuously being stolen or destroyed in the endless prank war.
Tulsi is a builder. 110%. She has a massive plot of land that she's claimed away from the main hub of the server, and she spends her time gathering resources and making the most impressive things people have ever seen.
Her base is beautiful, and ridiculously elaborate. She spent way too much time swimming in the nearest body of water, hunting for specific fish to stick in the gigantic aquarium she has in her living room.
The woman has a zoo. She built unique enclosures for all the different animals. Charges admission to get in and visit them. It's not much, and she'll accept all kinds of things as currency, from your standard diamonds to building materials. If you capture a rare animal for her, you have a free pass for life.
She's the most respected person on the server, and the only one immune from the prank war. It's an unspoken rule of the server that no one is to mess with Tulsi. Her buildings are too beautiful to destroy, and she has so much time invested in them. Plus, she often builds things for others, and she makes the server prettier by installing paths and such and building up a little downtown area for shops and the like.
Sage occasionally messes with her from time to time, but he's extremely careful to never do any actual damage-- once he spent an hour rearranging all of the supplies in her massive chest room. Another time he stole the animal she'd just spent so much time and effort getting, only to return it the next day as if nothing had happened. He's also flooded her animal enclosures and builds with common animals, often bunnies, though he's used cats and chickens before as well. He's the only one allowed to do this because he's her brother, and she always gets him back for it.
I know you'd think that she'd be in the weapon business in minecraft as well, but I don't think so. She tried it once. It's too boring for her, making the exact same things every single time, and just throwing different enchantments on them... no. The reason she enjoys her work so much is because she gets to make something, and every one of her pieces is unique and wonderful. The best way that translates into minecraft is building, because she gets to put her creativity skills to the test. Plus, it takes so much time, especially on survival worlds, and the woman has the patience of a saint.
Anisa gave her the ability to use creative mode, because she can be trusted not to abuse it, and it'll let Tulsi build so much more easily. Plus it means she can fly away from the idiocy.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open!  Tag List 🐝 @krae16 @frozen-daydream @mako-bones @saintkastillian @soiled-snowflake @bananacockatiel @pst-02 @velleitxs
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“hey guys?” scorpler asks, midway through the furtive dash across the map to jaylen’s stronghold of a base. “anybody else think this is a bad idea?”
they’re met with a chorus of “yes”es and “absolutely”s over proximity chat. they chuckle.
“okay, just checking.”
“hey, there’s six of us and one of her,” moody says, unmuting their mic. no point in stealth at the moment if everyone else is chattering anyway. “we just have to find her, gang up, and whale on her for a minute.”
“safety in numbers,” kiki chirps from just ahead of them, her skin’s witch hat bobbling as she hops from block to block. what she doesn’t mention - what no one mentions - is that they’re all fully armed and armored, but none of their gear is enchanted. because jaylen has the only enchanting table on the server.
jaylen’s base, built into the top of a mountain, comes into view the moment the group filters out of the forest they’ve been using for cover. it looks small from down here. but moody scouted it out with hiroto early in the game, and there are rooms and staircases built down inside of the mountain. traps, too, and free-flowing lava that took moody down to their last life when they couldn’t escape it fast enough.
it’s not just moody - everyone here is on their last life. it’s the only time they’re allowed to engage in pvp combat. tony has been calling their little alliance the suicide squad, and he’s not exactly wrong. whoever’s left after this can battle it out among themselves, but for now they’re unified in a singular goal: take out jaylenhotdogfingers, bane of blasecraft’s 3rd life server.
“so,” yazmin says, as everyone hops around the bottom of the mountain. “uh, we go up from under?”
“tunnel up,” elijah says. “mics on mute when we get higher up.”
“we’re sure there’s nobody else in there?” scorpler asks.
“pretty sure,” tony says, already making a hole in the side of the mountain. “everybody’s off southside, i think.”
it’s hard to be sure, on a server this big. but they’ve got lookouts - moody types ‘green light?’ into the chat, and gets an affirmative ‘green light’ back from hiroto. she’s posted up on another mountain near here, keeping eyes on jaylen through a spyglass.
“alright,” moody says. they’ve somehow become the de facto leader of this alliance, which means it’s on them to herd everyone. and it’s on them if anything goes wrong. they try not to think about that part. “let’s do this.”
“my heart is going like eight hundred miles an hour,” kiki whispers, after about five minutes of digging up through the mountain. they’re not up high enough to have muted their mics yet - jaylen won’t be able to hear anyone through the proximity chat until they get closer to the top.
“same,” scorpler says, with a nervous laugh. they’re at the head of the group, which means they’ll be the first to know if jaylen’s waiting at the top with a bucket of lava. moody doesn’t envy them the task.
“yep,” moody says. their hand is shaking a little on their keyboard.
“how are we gonna find the enchanting table?” yazmin murmurs. she’s at the back of the group, keeps raising and lowering her shield reflexively at any sound.
“well, we hope jaylen has it on her when we kill her and she drops all her stuff,” scorpler says. “or we kill her and then - oop -”
their pickaxe breaks through a block and finds only open air on the other side. a room of the base proper, intersecting the small staircase the group’s been steadily digging out.
“oh - my god,” scorpler says. they sound like they’re choking back another laugh. “no way.”
“what?” five voices ask at the same time.
scorpler digs a proper entrance into the room, and moves aside so everyone can see. it looks mostly empty, just a simple dirt chamber with some chests scattered around, but tucked against one wall is - unbelievably - the enchanting table.
“yo,” tony says.
“the table!” kiki says, maybe too loudly, her voice cracking.
“guys -” moody starts, but everyone’s already filtering out into the room.
“check for traps,” yazmin says, nervously, still in the tunnel.
“oh, there’s diamonds in here,” scorpler says, flitting towards the chests. “maybe we don’t need to kill jaylen -”
“we should -” elijah starts.
“guys -” moody says, only really meaning to make everyone focus up, and then the room explodes.
<mcscorpler> blew up
<moodycookbook> blew up
<elijahbates> blew up
<biggametony> tried to swim in lava
<kikifamilia> tried to swim in lava
“oh, shit,” jaylen says. she leans back from her keyboard and laughs as the death messages roll through the chat - almost an absurd amount of them. she thought she’d get one or two, not five. “the exploding floor thing actually worked!”
“told you,” mike says, from the other side of the room.
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