#instead of scar’s former crew dying
renthedevil · 1 year
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pirates smp huh?
parts 1&2 <- you’re here!
parts 3&4 <- next
parts 5&6 <- unfinished lol
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
Angst Prompt: Billy Hargrove
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Characters: Billy Hargrove, the hawkins crew, Eddie Munson Trigger Warnings: Suicidal ideations/mention, no attempts, homophobic language/violence Tags: Sad Billy, post season 3 & 4-Billy lives, Billy and Steve are ex's, Eddie is a worried friend, Neil Hargroves A+ parenting, post harringrove fall out, hurt/minor comfort, suicidal ideation/mentions, dissociative/Major Depressive Disorder Billy
*Fic also under cut*
Nothings been the same since July. 
How could it be? Billy died. And what was left of their heated-rivalry-turned-blazing-sex-life and budding romance died with him. Because Billy wasn't the same when he came back. How could he be? Nothing that Billy liked about himself existed anymore; Nothing that Steve fell in love with was recoverable. 
He’s a shadow of his former self, and its obvious to everyone, but worst of all himself. His Calforinan tan and meticulously sculpted torso were gone, replaced by a ghostly pale all over color, and ugly, horrifying scars left behind by the monster that almost took his life. His hair, which he had spent months learning to cut and style himself had to be cut to add stables to keep his brain inside his skull post attack. The ‘doctors’ did such a piss poor job of it too Billy lost almost all of the length. He hated how it looked now. How he looked now. 
Nothing is the same as it was before. 
When the Steve finally got the balls to call off whatever their pathetic attempt of going through the motions, Billy told Steve the first lie he’s ever told them since they became exclusive. 
“I get it Steve. Don’t worry, I’ll be alright.”
“I’ll be fine. Really.”
He wasn't fine. He wasn't even in the same ballpark as fine. He was ‘okay at best’ on good days, and seconds away from diving headfirst into the shallow end of the quarry on bad ones. The demons in his mind that plagued his night and daymares were nothing compared to the venom spit from his classmates, from Neil after everything with the mall went down and Billy was arrested after he barely surviving an interdimensional monster attack. 
Some rack of shit huh? Instead of a welcome wagon and fucking parade like the hero who sacrificed everything for a stranger should get, he was gifted with 100% of the blame, 7 months of rehab and a 6 thousand dollar fine for the damage. 
What was worse was that no one refuted it. Not a single person who was actually there that night. Not Steve. Not his fucking father, and since he was unconscious at the time, busy ya know, not dying, certainly not himself. 
Billy shut himself off from everyone after that. He quit the basketball team, spending the extra hour of silence after school at the quarry, increasing his likelihood of lung cancer, one malrboro red at a time. 
Since Steve had graduated, and dumped his ass, and he learned the hard way his so-called friends were as fake as silicone tits, he didn't see a point in being social. He was content to just keep his head down and degrade, one major depressive episode at a time. And at the end of each day, the bottom of the quarry looked more and more welcoming. 
Harrington Home
“So what's going on with Billy?” Eddie asked suddenly, and unprompted, catching everyone off guard. Enough that Steve dropped the dish he was washing into the sink and Dustin choked on the pizza crust he bit into. 
“Why- do you want to know about him?” Robin asks, eyes jumping anxiously between Steve and Eddie. 
“He’s been, weird,” Eddie said, unsure why now everyone else in the room was being weird.
“I haven't noticed,” Dustin shrugged and Max smacked his arm. 
“You ‘haven't noticed’ how the once loud and proud Californian Dickhead is now essentially a ghost? I don’t think I’ve heard him talk in months. It’s like he’s trying to will himself invisible. I think I even saw Carver bullying him last week. LIke isn’t that weird- What, whoa what did I say?” He asked anxiously, because now 7 sets of intense eyes were on him. “What? What is it? You can tell me.”
“Billy is… a complicated topic around here,” Lucas starts, hedging something big and looking very intently at Max. 
“Why?” Eddie asked again anyway and Dustin and Max sigh way too heavy for 14 year olds. But then again, they all did just barely survive an apocalypse. Some their second and third….
“Because he died,” Max answers, and Eddie’s mouth dropped open.
“Because he used to be our friend,” Dustin added, which is actually more surprising in some ways. 
“Because he’s my ex,” Steve says, finally addressing the real elephant in the room if all of the others matching tense expressions was any indication. 
Harrington Living Room
“He saved me. But, no one wanted to see that,” El said, her own tears staining her face as she retold the story of last July. 
“The Hawkins lab and the press have had an ongoing, lethal NDA since, what four years ago now? By the time Vecna rolled around, well, we were as close as you got to for experts at that point. The mall burned down because we had to kill the monster inside it. Without alerting the town there was one in the first place.”
“Which, happened to be controlled by the bigger monster possessing Billy at the time,” Lucas finished, because one look at Steve confirmed he couldn't. 
“As the building was burning down, The Mind Flayer basically had El, ready for the monster, but Billy, our Billy broke through. Sacrificed himself to the monster so she could get away. So we all could.” Dustin finished. 
“None of us knew if he was alive or dead for months,” Max chimed in. “And then one day, he just shows up on our doorstep. Looking like he got the shit beat out of him. Didn't say where he’s been, or why. I wasn’t even sure it was him. So I tested him.”
“How?” Lucas asked, evidently even he hadn’t heard the story. 
“I punched him,” Max shrugged, “He didn't block it or fight back. He barely even looked at me. He just waited, until Neil stopped screaming and then went to his room. He’s been like that ever since. Whoever, whatever he is now, that isn’t my brother.”
Hawkins High Locker Room
It's been 34 days since he returned to Hawkins, and there's still another 156 days left in the semester until he can graduate and move back to California. He’d leave now if that was an option. But it wasn't. 
He just wants to get through the school year without any trouble. He’s lived through enough already. But its evident in the next moment, Carver and Hill aren’t gonna let that happen. 
“Oh how the mighty fall,” Carver laughs, referring to Billy’s more-scar-tissue-than-unmarred-flesh shirtless torso. “Serves you right, karmas a bitch, huh?”
“I told you, I didn't do that shit.”
It was of the general Hawkins misunderstanding that Billy set the mall on fire, as an act of ‘unamerican criminal mischief’ turned way wrong. They also say he endangered the lives of several minors as well as many ‘respected members of the community.’ 
When Billy was hit with so much violence and hatred upon reintegration, he almost high tailed it back to California with his tail between his legs. But then, and now, he had exactly $197 to his name, and he needed more than that to get out of here for good. 
“Right, just like you didn't try and fuck Chrissy at Tina’s Halloween party right?” Hill piled on. 
He actually didn't. Chrissy was a friend. And Billy was gayer than Liberace. Just outfitted with denim instead of glitter. But Hill and Carvers sudden and vicious betrayal still stung and he just wasn’t in the fucking mood. 
“Didn’t need to initiate anything. She was begging for a fuck on anything bigger that pencil dick of yours.”
The next moment Tommy’s fist is in his gut, knocking him down before he has a chance to brace. Carver is standing above him, one shoe making contect with his solar plexus when he tries to raise up off his knees. 
“Remember your place fag,” he sneers and Billy laughs in his face.
“Well which is it? Am I fucking your girl on the side or too busy choking on cock? Can’t do both.”
Carver launched his own attack now, kicking into Billy’s chest hard until he wheezed. Hill added a right hook that knocked Billy flat on his ass. 
Any other day, before The Mindflayer, he could have taken them both. But almost all of his former strength vanished with the monster attack. He was vulnerable to everything they gave him. And what’s worse, he’s lost all will to get back up. 
It wasn't long before Tommy’s own kicks started. Billy’s been in this position on the floor all too often. He pulls his legs against his chest so hopefully his ribs won’t break under their combined force.  
Billy skipped the rest of his classes that day. 
After Carver and Hill left, (got bored of kicking an unresponsive Billy), he just laid there on the cold, filthy floor. All through the lunch period. No one else came into the locker room. Not even the Coach. Billy was grateful. It took longer than usual for him to get back up these days, and he really didn't want an audience to his shame. 
The quarry
Billy didn't go home. He didn't want to explain the bruises that weren’t from Neil. Neil would accuse him of trying to get social services called. So he just stayed out, drove to the quarry, lit up a cigarette and watched the sun go down and the moon rise. 
Some undetermined time later, another vehicle arrived at the quarry. For a moment, Billy froze, expecting to see the cops truck, or his fathers, here to drag him back home by his hair. But it wasn’t, it was Eddie fucking Munson’s screaming metal death trap and that was somehow worse. He didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Let alone his ex’s new BFF. 
Billy ignored Eddie when he exited his car. Maybe if Eddie realized he wasn't welcome, he’d leave. Eddie was soft. Billy, even now, could probably still scare him away. 
“Thought I might find you here,” Eddie says and the statement sets him the fuck off. 
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Eddie’s huge eyes only got bigger and his hands flew up in surrender. 
“Nothing, just, this is a good space to think. Figured after today you'd be looking for thinking space is all.”
“And why would I need that?”
Eddie grins, hands still up in the air. 
“Okay, you caught me. Steve uh, filled me in with what happened today. With Jason.”
Billy balks and jumps off the hood of his car that he was comfortably sitting on. He is not here to talk about this. Fuck Eddie Munson. 
“Wait! Billy hang on,” Eddie pleads, and for some reason, it stops Billy in place. He doesn't bother turning around. 
“You got three seconds freak.” 
“I brought weed.”
Billy huffs in frustration before yanking his hand off the door handle. 
“What's going on with you man,” Eddie asks, not more than three seconds into Billy’s hit. Guy really knows how to kill a high. Probably how he stays employed. 
“Nothing’s going on with me,” he said because it's true. He’s been silent for months. He’s just trying to make it to May. As soon as he graduates he can get the fuck out of this hellhole. Go back to California, his home. It's where he belongs. 
“That's what I mean. I actually never thought I’d say this, but I kinda miss being bullied by you.”
Billy takes another hit instead of passing the joint, flipping Eddie off. 
The brunette only laughs in amusement, his eyes crinkling adorably as he laughed. 
“Yes finally! Goddamn this has been the longest slow burn of my life!”
Billy rolls his eyes but the weed is helping soften some of his bad mood. And maybe the company is helping. He won't admit that shit outloud though. Never again. 
Eddie follows up with, “Carver’s a dick, don't let him get to you.”
Billy scoffs. 
“I’m not.”
“Then why are you out here?” Eddie asked, far more perceiving than Billy appreciates right now. 
“What’s it to you?”
Eddie’s eyes are too honest when he says,
“I don't know.”
Billy doesn't like it. Doesn't like how its making him feel. He can’t let someone else get in the way again. 
Billy shrugs, admission falling off his lips easier than expected. 
“I wasn’t planning on going home.”
Eddie’s eyebrows raise to his hairline but Billy didn't see it. He was too busy staring at the body of water that had to be below freezing by now. 
“So you’re just gonna what? Sleep here? In your car, all night?”
No. Ideally, if he jumped from this height, the impact would probably be enough to break some bones. His neck preferably, but beggars can't be choosers. 
“That's not what I said.”
Its eerily quiet in the next moments, as what Billy meant finally sunk in. Billy’s hand shakes on his last inhale. 
“Oh…” Munson says.
Well, at least Eddie didn't apologize, or launch into a monologue of 1000 reasons to live. 
“Yeah…” Billy sighs, feeling lighter but also so much worse finally admitting just how far gone he was out loud. He passes the dead joint back to Eddie before pulling out his car keys. 
“Wait, where- where are you going?” Eddie asks, panic obvious in his voice. 
Billy wishes he could feel something. Anything. 
“Home. Can’t try and kill myself now, can I?”
Eddie’s expression exposed he was probably suffering from the illusion that someone genuinely giving a shit could be enough for Billy to change his mind. But it wasn’t. Not long term. Not after everything he’s been through. “Night Munson, thanks for the weed.” 
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sullustangin · 3 years
The Expendables
A brief ditty about three kill options (and I kept it under 1500 words!). 
“All right. You go get your stuff, and I’ll keep an eye on the ship.”
Arcann nodded, silently, as he opened the shuttle door and jumped out onto the landing pad on top of the palace at the heart of Zakuul.
Annnnd that left Koth, with Senya, waiting.  “You aren’t going with him?”
Senya looked out of the viewport at the traffic that moved below them.  “I took my possessions with me when I left his father.  There’s nothing for me here.”
“Ok.”  Koth drummed his fingers on the dashboard.  It wasn’t out of nerves -- not anymore.  He was impatient.  He didn’t want to be here.  He loved Zakuul.. but his home wasn’t on this planet.  Wasn’t anywhere yet, to be honest.  He was only here because Lana asked him to do her a favor. 
Both Koth and Senya knew what that favor really was. 
“Maybe you can help hurry him along? Grab a bag, make a suggestion...?”  Koth gestured toward the door.
Senya shook her head.  “He needs his privacy.  The Alliance has watched him very closely since he arrived -- which I understand!” Senya said a bit quicker and louder than necessary.  “I just want to give him a few moments alone with his thoughts.”  She cast a look at the door that led down into the residence.  “You know, they’re turning this place into a museum.  And a mall.”
Koth leaned back in his seat.  “Well, finally gives people a chance to see what their taxes paid for over the last few centuries.”
Senya sat on the edge of her seat, constantly looking over at where her son had disappeared.  
Koth sighed, loudly.
“Could you --?”
“You just don’t want to catch him getting his girlie holo collection.”
Senya huffed, then withdrew slightly.  “I-I-I don’t know if he has girlie holos... or boy-ie holos.  I left before he ... went through those changes.”  Senya’s shame was laced through the sentence.  She was never going to forgive herself for leaving, was she.
“Well, he clearly likes girls, at least, since that’s why I’m here.”  Koth looked over at Senya.  “You let Arcann try to ask the Captain out or something, and now I’m here because Lana doesn’t want Spy Guy letting Arcann accidentally, mysteriously fall off a building.”
Senya pressed her lips together before replying.  “War -- conflict makes and breaks relationships.  I didn’t know how permanent --”
“Woman, your son threw his kinda sorta girlfriend into a freezer for five years.  He didn’t get over it. And now you let Arcann make a move?  You’re lucky Theron kept that to himself instead of telling the Wookiee.  You wanna see paternal panic?  Lord.”  Bowdaar was awesome, and Koth would have him serving on the Gravestone if he didn’t know the big guy wouldn’t stand being parted from Eva, his captain. 
Senya closed her eyes, and for a split second, Koth thought he’d made her cry and that was soooo NOT HIS INTENT.  Koth’s internal panic was quelled when she spoke, more tired and frustrated than tearful.  “It was the first time he expressed any positive interest in anyone that wasn’t me or his siblings.  So many years since he... Since he wasn’t trying to get revenge or best a rival in combat or play politics.  Maybe he was too awkward and came on too strong -- but I didn’t want to discourage that the first positive impulse he’d had in over ten years.”  
Koth tipped his forehead forward to rest on the piloting controls of the shuttle. He’d spent years blaming Arcann for the downfall of Zakuul. Knowing that it was the old emperor playing everyone made him hate Arcann less, but... it was honestly mindblowing to watch the guy hit ‘reply all’ to a Odessen holonet announcement to ask about how to do laundry. It proved how disconnected Arcann had been from reality all these years. 
(Lana made Koth help, once she knew via securiy holo that he’d literally been sitting next to Arcann as he’d done it.)
Arcann needed a friend to clean out his old apartment.  Well, the Force, Providence, the Galaxy, Lana -- they all moved in mysterious ways that had led Koth here. 
He unbuckled his seatbelt.
Koth found Arcann standing in the remains of a bedroom.  It had been blasted to shreds, the contents of every chest, every drawer scattered everywhere.  A fire had kindled on the bed for awhile before dying out.  Koth let out a low whistle, which caught Arcann’s attention.  “Vaylin redecorated in my absence.”
Koth stifled a laugh.  Arcann had a dry wit that came out when he wasn’t brooding or being clueless about normal people life. “She leave you anything?”
“A few things.”  Arcann held up an old carved box.
Koth recognized it as one of those multi-dimensional chess sets that only the richest people could afford.  “Anything I can do to help?”  Koth offered.
Arcann motioned around the room.  “If you find something not broken, let me know.”  The former ruler turned his scarred side in Koth’s direction.  “That might only be yourself.” 
A dry wit with a heavy dose of self-hate. 
The two men sifted through the remains of the room.  Koth managed to find one or two datapads that escaped Vaylin’s wrath.  Arcann pulled some clothes out of his closet -- all whites and blacks.  Maybe they could get the smoke damage out back at base. 
As Koth straightened up and cracked his back, he heard Arcann say, “She let me live because it infuriated my father.”
“He told her to kill me.  So many times.  Even as she took the throne -- you know what she said to him?”
Koth hadn’t asked anyone what happened at the time.  He just sat in the ship, gazing down at Zakuul as all the lights blinked back on as people emerged from hiding and the darkness.
“She told him she’d give the throne back to me, just to spite him, if he didn’t shut his mouth.”
Koth smiled openly now.  “That sounds like Eva, all right.”  His grin waned slightly as he saw Arcann standing there, torn between laughing and ... not laughing at all.  “Well, at least you know she hates you less than your old man.”
“I’m alive because of her spite.  It... it hadn’t occurred to me that wasn’t the best basis for... companionship.. until after...” 
Koth read Arcann like a damn holonovel -- captains knew how to do that for the safety of their ship, getting a quick assessment in just a few glances.  “You went back after she gave you the brush off.  And she got meaner about it.  Told you--”
“Agent Shan’s presence in her ship after hours also bolstered the fact she hadn’t spared me out of any affection.” 
Koth cringed. “Arcann, you gotta give up on her or else she will kill you.  Or he will. Or Bowdaar.  Or the rest of her crew, now that they’re back with her.  She’s got a lot of people who aren’t afraid of going to jail for her.” 
And Koth was one of them, if he was honest.  Technically, he’d go to jail for Lana after Lana killed someone for her. 
Arcann exhaled through his nose.  “She didn’t kill me at the ball, so I assumed she --”  His throat bobbed as he stared around his old room one last time, balling up the smoke-infested garments and tucking them under his arm.  “I only knew love and hate.  There was no mercy.  There was never an in-between.  Nobody was permitted to live unless they were a stalwart ...Nothing was neutral or grey.  There was just white and black.”  He looked down at his clothes.  “I have much to learn.”
Arcann dropped the white and black clothes.  As he started to let the chess set slip from his hands, Koth darted over, easily intercepting the small chest before it hit the floor.  “Hey, the wardrobe needs an update.  But... you’ll find someone good to play with on Odessen, someday.”  Koth grasped the chest one-handed and braced it against his chest to make sure he didn’t drop it.  “For now, you’ll have to settle for teaching my impatient self.”
Arcann smiled, slightly. 
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messedupessy · 4 years
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Gods this has taken such a long flipping time to finish, I don’t even remember when I started on this but it’s prolly been like  year or something, give or take fifty feet, as he won like a poll I made over on twitter on whose ref I would draw like ages ago, but he is finally done and I am very happy with how he turned out! While the like basic appearance have stayed pretty much the same as it was from the start, so did I have to remake how he looked awhile back because it was just such a mess and he looks so flipping better now!
Anyway so this is Crow, my Seafell Papyrus, who I am going to give some personality info about real soon, I just want to gush a bit more about his design as I am very happy with it xD because before he had like the red scarf thing and a belt on the outside of the jacket, and just so many other things that just didn’t make sense or look good and I am all what were I thinking back then, but that’s like the fun thing to like sit down and redo it, to update it and see how much better I gotten at designing these characters, and just fuck I am so stupidly happy with how he looks, as he is just so stupidly handsome haha! xD
Also the no bullet hole i the skull comment on the ref, it’s because all of my other pirate boys got holes in their skulls, but Crow does not as he died before any so called bullets was needed, so his skull is whole. 
But, time for some proper info and personality thingies down below, also some suggestive things just so ya know but nothing overly detailed, and as a bonus furthest down I put the old design of his outfit for ya all to see, so enjoy!
Crow is only 23, making him the second youngest out of all my skeleton boys.
He is also the second skeleton who is completely gay, who is only interested in one gender, as usually I make them skeletons bi/pan, but with Crow here it just felt right to make him homosexual only, and also gay pirates was very much a very big thing so pfft. So alas you simping peeps out there who aien’t male, he a man only guy.
He is a former pirate, after dying to only then wake up as a cursed skeleton, he finally had the chance to start anew and live his life how he always have wanted away from piracy, although he is a pirate hunter, bit of a vigilante, now instead so still is doing things related to piracy. But he never wanted to be a pirate, but thanks to been the literal son of a very powerful and feared pirate captain, he didn’t have much choice, as there was no way a proper navy or any other law following group would want to take him in.
His crew is a mix of human and monsters, most which are former pirates which he has taken under his wing. One of them are Seafell Undyne aka Fin, who gave him that lovely scar over his face before he succeeded in besting her and get her to join his crew, she is now his right hand woman and second in command.
He is extremely hard working, a bit of a workaholic like all my UF papyruses is, one way or the other, he works hard to keep his crew safe, to hunt down pirates who truly deserves to be hunted down, but he is way better at not working himself to the bone like Edge do, but there are times when he ends up working himself way too hard and into exhaustion. 
His goal is to find his father who is the reason to him and his brother dying and getting cursed, to destroy the artifact that is the cause and probably end killing his father as well. He is a bit revenge seeking when it comes to his father but not so much that he would put his crew in unnecessary risk, the safety of his crew is very important to him.
Very calm and collected, in control, great tactician, shit at naming things, loves to read and to play chess. Greatly cares about the people who works for him and have their safety and well being as the most important thing, a very just man who even though he had a pirate upbringing and been living as such for most of his life, so will he always go out of his way to make sure no innocent people ends up hurt and so on.
But he will break laws time to time if it is needed, not something he likes but sometimes some laws and rules needs to be broken so to do the right thing.
A very busy and driven man, but who will still always make sure that his crew is well taken care of and got all that they need, who often puts others before himself but not so much that he ends up suffering.  
He is polite, a gentleman, he will always give people a second chance because everyone can change if they are given the chance and got the will to do so.  
A bit of a accidental flirt at times, he is a bit dense when it comes to romance and to his own feelings towards someone he is actually crushing on. Mistake what he feels as friendship for awhile before he is able to figure it out, and if he ends up crushing on someone in his crew he will do his best to keep these feelings for himself, as he will fear that since he is the captain that would put the person in a very awkward position since he is their superior, and he just do not want to pressure someone to accept his feelings just because he is their boss. 
He later loses his leg as he saves one of his crew members, from getting crushes by a heavy object falling down, which would had killed his crewmate but which only cost him his leg. As Crow is willing to get hurt, to disregard his own health, to save one of his crew members, since a leg is less important than a life.
He’s a romantic, he loves been taken care of, to have his control taken away and get ordered around by the man he loves. He is a total sub at heart, something he tries to keep hidden as he worries he will lose the respect of his crew if it comes out that their captain likes to be ordered around and not in charge in the bedroom/in a relationship, in truth his crew already know but it’s not their business and they still respect him so much, but he don’t know that they do. 
He have had partners in the past before dying and becoming a skeleton, so he aien’t no virgin. 
And that’s all I’mma share about him for now, need to write info and so on down a bit better so some of the things above might end up changing a bit, might end up editing the text above, but for now it will do yes.
And as a bonus here have the old design of his outfit since there is such a difference to his new one but yet still allot of it is the same haha
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wrathbites · 3 years
Defeat’s a foreign shape on Rhys’ body, and yet Kaidan bears witness to it in the bend of his spine and the hunch of his shoulders and the brutal press of elbows into thighs, the bone-white knuckles from fists clenched so tight.
He shouldn’t care, he can’t afford to, some months of denial and two years of grief a monster grumbling in the space between them, but goddammit he does.  It’s by chance he discovers Rhys in such a disturbed state, but it’s by choice he remains, stepping over the sensor’s threshold so the door hisses shut behind him.  The Rhys he knew would’ve straightened then, gathering himself up like a scattered deck of cards and folding away his troubles, easy as breathing.
The Rhys he knew would sense the dark energy coming to life beside him, running down Kaidan’s arm like water, pooling in his cupped hand before he snaps it out like a whip.  The Rhys he knew would react, barrier coming alive between one blink and the next, corona snarling a challenge to his supposed threat.
The Rhys he knew.  Not the Cerberus upgrade closed off and distant before him, now.
“You okay?” he asks after the minutes have stretched too long for his nerves to handle, snipping his tether to dark energy with a casual flick of his fingers.
Rhys doesn’t answer, in more ways than one.  A void exists where his biotic presence should be, that spark between them, the fire inside him.  And when he finally acknowledges Kaidan’s presence, head lifting so he can watch Kaidan sit opposite him and steal his unopened beer... it’s missing from his eyes, too, ice gone grey and brittle, set in a haunted face.
He’d be a heartless bastard to ignore it.  He’d have his priorities ass backwards to focus on the red cracks shot through Rhys’ skin like lightning and scars rather than what’s literally staring him down.  He’s not okay.  He’s not okay at all and a straight answer...
Watch what you say aboard the ship.  The entire thing’s bugged.
Fucking Cerberus.
“Listen, I think we -”
“The shutters don’t close.  Not a single one.”
“- what?  Uh.  Might be a loose wire?”  Not what he was expecting, but something random is better than silence, right?
Wrong.  Rhys’ fleeting smile is an agony to witness, a shadow of its former self never reaching his eyes before it vanishes again, stealing Kaidan’s breath with it.
“I can’t breathe.  In my dreams.  And when I wake up, I’m still there.”
So very wrong.
A wisp of blue reclaims what he’d stolen and he lets it go without fight, fingers suddenly as numb as the voice trapped in his throat as the full picture finally presents itself.
Once upon a time, two years ago, Rhys’ dying breaths had been loud and frantic over comms, his surviving crew powerless to help.  Now, in a new ship with new shutters, his new team’s indifferent to the reminder stamped in every star he can’t escape.
Fucking Cerberus.
“Yeah.” Rhys downs the bottle in record time, and Kaidan doesn’t stop him.  He fetches another and joins him instead.
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phantoms-lair · 4 years
Ok, but Zuko's crew figuring it out after just a week or so and having had enough time to propperly convince him before finding Aang (because he might have seen reason but he's still stubborn and what else are they gonna do? Open a tea shop?) Zuko: *didn't think he'd get this far* 'THIS IS SO AWKWARD; WHAT DO I DO?!?!' Lt. Jee, who knows kids need other kids their age around them, seeing the Gaang: 'They're friend shaped!'
“Here we are, the Southern Air Temple.” “It looks amazing Aang,” Katara couldn’t help but be breathless at the sight. Even so she couldn’t help the feeling of trepidation. Aang was from a time of peace long past. No matter how much they told him otherwise, he wouldn’t truly understand what the Fire Nation was capable of till he saw t with his own eyes. And this was the place she feared it would happen.
Aang led them up a long and winding path, chattering excitedly about everything he knew about the place. “And that’s the field where we played Air Ball, and that’s where the air bison slept and-” he broke off, sadness filling his voice. “This place used to be so different. It was full of monks and life. Now there’s nothing here. I can’t believe how much things have changed.” “Maybe not.” Sokka was looking around with sharp eyes. “If this place was really abandoned, there should be all sorts of weeds and overgrowth.  But everything’s neatly kept. Someone’s been here, and a lot more recently than a hundred years ago,”
His voice was filled with dark suspicion, but it went right over Aang’s head. The last airbender perked up. “You’re right! Come on let’s find them!”  “Aang wait!” But it was too late. Aang had taken off on his air scooter, following the path as quickly as he could. He came to an abrupt stop, air dissipating, and stared at the two figures wearing blotchy grey clothes standing in front of him. One of them, a woman, dropped the bundle of sticks and weeds she was holding. The other, a man with sideburns whispered “An airbender...” under his breath. “Get Iroh, he’s meditating in the Avatar Chamber.” He then bowed deeply as the woman ran off. “Honored Monk, would you and your companions please join us for some tea. I know our leader would be honored to speak with you.”
Aang nodded, but he seemed a lot more subdued than before. They were led into a large room. Sokka kept one hand on his boomerang, just waiting to see if trouble would start. On the way they saw several more grey-clothed people staring at them in wonder.
“Iroh should be here shortly.” the man explained. “My name is Jee.” “Iroh’s the one in charge?” Katara asked. “Everyone but he himself would tell you so.” Jee had a half smile. “Iroh sees our little group as a collection of equals, but in times of crisis or question, we tend to turn to him or Zuko.”
“Who’s-” But before Sokka could finish asking who Zuko was (and for that matter who this group was) he was interrupted by heavy footsteps running towards the door and throwing it open. “Jee is it true?” An elderly man was panting, clearly not used to running like he was. “An airbender has returned?”
Jee nodded. “This good Monk and his friends just arrived at the temple.”
“Spirits be praised.” The mans face twisted as tears began to flow from his eyes. “That the balance might not be destroyed, it’s more than I dared hope.” Then he seemed to catch himself and dried his eyes. “Where are my manners. My name is Iroh, let me make you some tea.” “Thank you. I’m Aang, these are my friends Katara and Sokka.” Aang introduced. “But may I ask, please, how did people from the Fire Nation get here. I thought this temple could only be reached by flying bison.” “Fire Nation!” Sokka rose from his seat, grabbing his boomerang. Likewise Katara reached for the water Iroh was pouring into the teapot.
“Peace.” Iroh sad calmly. “No one here wishes any of you harm.”  “How can you say that?” Katara spat. “You’re Fire Nation!”
Iroh looked directly to Aang. “Will you hear our story, honored Monk?”
“I will.” Aang turned to his friends. “We can’t attack before we’ve heard them out.”
“Watch me.” But despite his words, Sokka made no move to attack.
Iroh poured more water in the kettle, to replace what Katara had taken. “I am curious myself, how you identified us so quickly.”
“You’re wearing ash-dyed clothes.” Aang explained. “That’s what Fire Nation people wear in mourning.”
“A custom no longer practiced, sadly. We have taken it for our own as we mourn the loss of so much in the world, and seek to save as much as we can. If we can call ourselves anything, we are Restorationists.” Iroh handed each of them and Jee a cup, before pouring one for himself.
“Our story began three years ago, in the Fire Lord’s war council. My nephew, Zuko, was about your age and had talked his way inside to observe and learn. Like all children of the Fire Nation he’d been raised to believe the Nation was perfect and the war just. And it was in this meeting those beliefs were destroyed.”
“A General suggested a plan that would end in the sacrifice of the youngest Fire Nation recruits in a gambit that would gain very little, for you see the Firelord cares as little for his own people as those of other nations. The War Room was usually divided into two factions. Those like the General who reveled in slaughter, and those like myself who knew there was nothing we could say to stop it. Except that day there was another.” “Zuko spoke out, loudly and passionately, about how wrong the plan was. He was told he’d have to fight an honor duel for his disrespect. Zuko was pleased to fight someone as dishonorable as the General. Only on the day of the duel, his opponent wasn’t the general, but his own father.”
Sokka drew in a hissing breath. “The Firelord made him fight his own father?”
Iroh took a long sip of tea. “He forced Zuko, yes. But it was not involuntary on both sides. My brother longed to be rid of his kind-hearted son, and saw the duel as an opportunity. But my nephew thwarted him.” Iroh smiled to himself. “He surrendered, refusing to harm his own father. As a result my brother couldn’t land a killing blow without being disgraced himself. Instead he scarred Zuko and had him banished in disgrace for his ‘cowardice’.” 
For the first time they heard anger in Iroh’s voice. “No child should have to learn so young that their Nation is disgraceful, that their family has no honor. It was a terrible lesson, and yet one he did learn. The Firelord gave him an impossible task in order to rescind his banishment, but it’s one Zuko has no interest in pursuing. Instead he set out to learn how much more of what he knew was a lie. I’m sure you know what he found.” 
“Zuko wanted to make a pilgrimage to the places most harmed by the Fire Nation, starting with the Air Temples, the Western Air Temple in particular. We told him only an Air Bender could reach it. We underestimated him. Within a day he had managed to get inside. What he reported back to us was...it was nothing less than a tragedy. The corpses of Fire nation Soldiers and Air Nomads alike were strewn over the temple, which, as you can imagine, had fallen into serious disrepair.”
“Over the next few weeks, we had removed the bodies of the soldiers and gave them tradition field rites as per the Fire Nation. But we agreed we did not want to disrespect the Air Nomads further by denying them the proper rites. We searched the temple in hopes of finding the instructions, which we did.” “Please Iroh,” Aang looked like he was a moment away from sobbing. “Can you tell me...I just want to be sure.” Iroh nodded. “We burned them on an outdoor pyre, eight people in attendance at the cardinal directions. Four people facing the pyre, praying for the spirit of the fallen monk, four facing away, praying to the spirits to guide them. When the fire burned out, we spread the ashes to the four winds.”
Aang let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” His voice shook and Katara pulled him into a hug. Iroh nodded. “But the search for the proper rites drove home to my nephew how much had been lost. We spent much of the first year at the temple, finding what we could on Air Nomad Culture, as well as undoing what damage had been done. We were few to start with, barely thirty people. But as we traveled, more came to us. Most were former soldiers of the Fire Nation who could not stomach what they were asked to do. Some were Earth Kingdom scholars, seeking to uncover what had been lost to the war. We have restored all but the Norther Air Temple, as well as several places in the Earth Kingdom.”
“What about the South Pole.” Sokka crossed his arms. “You said you were going to places the Fire Nation hit hardest.” “The South Pole is still occupied, and I doubt the current residents would appreciate us showing up. We have found some various parchment scrolls, which we have copied into our caches, but not much.”
“Hold up, what caches?” Katara demanded.
“We didn’t want to make it easy for The Firelord’s servants to destroy the histories of the fallen peoples again. All the information we’ve found has been copied and placed in caches. We have one places in each of the locations we’ve restored, as well as several other hidden places throughout the Earth Kingdom. The memories of these people will not be forgotten again.”
“You’re more than welcome to look through the cache here for any knowledge lost to you tribe.” Jee said kindly. “And we would greatly appreciate anything Monk Aang could add. We’ve done our best, but that’s not the same as someone who’s lived in the culture.”
Iroh bowed his head. “For that matter, we recognize that this place and the other Air Temples belong to your people. If your people do not want us in their ancestral home, we will of course leave.”
Aang felt a lump in his throat as he realized that Iroh, and probably the rest of the Restorationists, had made a mistake. They thought he was one of a group of Air Nomads who had escaped. Not that he was the last. And...and if they had been to all the temples, except maybe the Northern One, he very well could be.
“Would you mind if I took a look at the cache.” To be honest he was less interested in it’s contents and more...he just needed some time to sort all this out.
Iroh nodded his head. “Of course. The cache for the Southern Air Temple is in the Atrium of the Southern Wind. I trust you know where that is?”
Aang nodded and rose. “Thank you for the tea.”” He gave a small bow an left, Katara by he side. Sokka hung back a bit and heard a snatch of conversation as he shut the door.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Jee asked.
Sokka froze, listening carefully.
“It depends on what you think I’m thinking.” Iroh said amicably.
“I’m thinking your bastard of a brother never let Zuko interact with other children and he never had the chance to once he took the responsibility to undue sins from before he was born. You’re hoping the Monk and his companions will be friends to him.”
“You know me too well.”
Sokka slid away, not sure if he was disappointed or relieved.
“What are you thinking Aang?” Katara asked as Sokka caught up. “Should we make a break for it.”
“No, if they wanted to hurt us, they would have tried already.” Aang said heavily. He sighed. “I really am the last, aren’t I?”
Katara gripped his hand and Sokka slung an arm around his shoulder. “You’re not alone thought. You know that right?” Katara asked him.
He gave her a sad smile. “Thanks guys.”
The Atrium of the Southern Wind was a tall chamber that was open beneath the ceiling so the wind rushed through. Though open to the air, it let little light in, so when the opened the door the chamber was flooded with light.
There was a single person inside, shielding his eyes as the new light greatly outshone the small candle he had been using. “I told you, Miki. I’ll take a break as soon as I finish transcribing this. Codebreaking is easier than reading Monk Chaiyun’s handwriting.” He was significantly younger than the other Restorationists they had seen. He also seemed to be wearing a strange white fur hat.
Katara and Sokka instinctively stood in front of Aang, who chuckled. “It really was bad.”
The Restorationist’s head shot up, causing his hat to fall off with a startled squeak. “You’re not-How did you get up here?” Then he shook his head. “That’s egotistical, we got up after all, sorry.” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
Katara and Sokka felt their stomachs twist. Iroh had said his nephew had been scarred, and they though they had understood what that meant. They had seeen plenty of scars on the men of the village, life at the mercy of the ocean wasn’t kind. Almost all members of the tribe has some scars, from light gashes on fingertips struck with fish hooks, to the broad slash across Chinuk’s chest from when he’s been hit with shrapnel from Fire nation cannons on their last raid.
Nothing they imagined prepared them for the burn covering most of the left side of Zuko’s face. It was like someone with a flaming hand grabbed it and held on. Knowing it was his own father who’d done this, who wanted to do this, sickened them.
Aang’s attention, though, was on his ‘hat’. “Is that a lemur?” he asked, delight entering his voice for the first time.
Zuko smiled. “Yeah. I gave him some food and he’s stuck with me ever since. Do you want to give him some food?”
“Do I? Aang excitedly asked.
Zuko reached into a satchel and pulled out some berries and handed them to Aang. Aang offered them to the lemur who sniffed, then grabbed one, scootign away to eat it.
“I don’t suppose you have some meat in there?” Sokka stared at the satchel longingly. 
“No, but I feel you though. We don’t bring meat to the Temples since the Air Nomads were vegetarians and we don’t want to disrespect them. But I miss it too. I do have some Rabbiyak cheese though.” He reached into the bag and handed a soft yellow wedge to Sokka.
“Good enough!” Sokka grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth, practically melting in joy. 
Katara laughed, both at her brother and her friend, who now had the lemur climbing over him. “You made a new friend, Aang?” Zuko perked up “Aang? You were named after Avatar Aang?”
“Avatar Aang?” Katara asked, thanking the Spirits that the Lemur was on Aang’s face, so Zuko didn’t see his reaction. 
“The last Avatar we have any information on,” Zuko explained. “He grew up in this very Temple. The last piece of information we have on him was that he was going to the Eastern Air Temple. We don’t know if he made it or not though.”
He didn’t. But neither of the siblings wanted to tell anyone from the Fire Nation that, not matter how much goodwill that cheese had bought from Sokka.
Sokka swallowed the last of the cheese. “Iroh said the cache in here might have some lost knowledge from our Tribe?”
“Oh he did?” Zuko looked surprised. “You’re from the Southern Water tribe? I mean, you’d have to be, we don’t have anything from the Northern.” He opened a stone chest next to him. It looked normal from the outside, but opening revealed a strange shape to the interior, as if there were teeth withing the lid. Zuko pulled out multiple scrolls, which he handed to the siblings.
Sokka opened one and was surprised to find a message within stating that this scroll was a reproduction, and described what the original scroll had looked like, from the type of parchment and ink used, to the carvings on the handles. The scroll itself contained information on building a rigging system for a ship.
“Are there Fire Nation Scrolls in here?” Aang asked, the lemur curled up on his head as it had been on Zuko’s.
“Yep.” Zuko scowled, which looked even worse with his scar. “Seems each Firelord does their best to wipe out a culture. Sozin launched the strike on the Air Nomads. Azulon pretty much destroyed all Fire Nation culture that couldn’t be used to prop up the war. So like, the Fire Festival is still on, because ‘Rah Rah Fire Good’, but the Festival of Rebirth, which centered around sowing the fields with ashes to benefit crops was struck from records and history books because it was ‘too Earth Nation’. A vast majority of our culture just...gone.” There was no hiding the bitterness is Zuko’s voice. “And despite the Earth Kingdoms being the single greatest force of Resistance, Ozai’s been obsessed with the Water Tribes, so I guess that will leave Azula with Earth.”
“If they don’t get stopped.” Sokka pointed out.
“I hope so.” Zuko sighed. “If the rest of the world would band together, they could have been stopped a hundred years ago, but too many keep saying ‘not my problem’ till Ozai’s armies are at their doorstep. Everyone keeps saying stuff like ‘If only the Avatar would return, but he’s just one man? Or woman. Like, sure he can bend all the elements, but you just need four people for that. Maybe try to work on stuff yourself rather than rely on one person???” 
“You don’t think the Avatar can save the world?” Sokka asked, eyebrow raised. Sure he like how easily Zuko admitted to the Fire Nation needing to be stopped, but still...
Zuko shrugged. “It’s less I don’t think he can and more...I guess I don’t feel he should have to, I mean, the Fire Nation is about the size and a half of Ba Sing Se. It wouldn’t have stood a chance if all the Earth Kingdoms gave a United front against it in the beginning, much less both Water Tribes assisting.  But only a few Kingdoms and the Southern Tribe did more than protect their own borders. It just doesn’t seem fair to put it all on one person.”
Thank you Aang thought. He wasn’t ready to admit who he was to the Restorationists. In fact, he would have been happy if no one had known. But Zuko saying it didn’t all have to be on his shoulders...no one but Gyatsu had told him that.
“This would mean so much to the Tribe.” Katara said softly, looking at a scroll describing building elaborate structures from ice.
“Would if be better to get the original or copies?” Zuko asked.
Katara gave him a look that was just shy of a glare. “What do you think?” “Depends on how quickly you need the information. We always put originals in the closest cache to where we find them. Like this Waterbending scroll-” Zuko opened one. “-we recovered from pirates in the Earth Kingdom. You can tell from this marking that the original is in our cache in the Fuxai ruins.” He pointed to a small green emblem at the top of the note explaining it was a reproduction. “That’s quite a distance from here. So if the goal is to get the information to your tribe as quickly as possible, it would be easier for me to get a few hands and copy all we have. We’d probably be finished by this evening, which means you could leave to return with it as soon as tomorrow morning. However if it’s important is the cultural history, it makes more sense to get the originals, even though traveling to all the caches would be months worth of work.”
“Oh,” That was...well thought out. It occurred to Katara this may not have been the first time the true owners  of what the Restorationists recovered had come claiming what was theirs.
“Do you think you could do both?” Sokka asked seriously. “Make the copies now and, since we’re going on a journey with Aang, we can swap out the new copies for originals if we pass by.”
“Certainly.” Zuko smiled. “And it gives me a convenient excuse to take a break form trying to decipher Monk Chaiyun’s script for a little while.”
“One question though. If you thought you could be done by tonight and it was important, why would we wait till tomorrow to leave?” Aang wondered.
“And the others say I’m reckless.” Zuko rolled his eyes. “You guys just scaled the mountain. You know how dangerous it is to navigate in broad daylight. In the dark? Even I’d call it a death trap.”
“Actually we don’t. We flew in on my flying bison.” Aang explained.
Zuko froze, then looked at Aang as though he was seeing him for the first time. “A...a real...you really are a...” His mouth opened and closed several times. “Can I see it?” he finally said, then buried his face in his hands as thought that wasn’t at all what he’d wanted to say out loud.
“Sure!” Aang rose to his feet, wind swirling around him. Zuko gaped openly, but followed the monk outside to where they’d entered the temple from.
Zuko hadn’t been the only one interested in Appa. A large group of Restorationists were staring, albeit from a good distance away.
“This is Appa. He’s been my best friend since we were little.” Aang introduced.
Zuko stared in wide eyed wonder. “Can I touch him?”
“Sure, Appa’s friendly. Aren’t you?’ Aang asked, as if expecting the bison to answer.
Zuko tentatively reached out  and touched Appa. He stroked it for a few minutes before impulsively hugging Appa, burying himself in the white fur.
“He’s so fluffy,” Zuko proclaimed in a muffled voice.
Katara laughed and even Sokka smiled. “Still not sure on the rest of them, but this Fire Nation guy’s alright.”
Katara smiled back at him, and at Aang, who was eagerly showing Zuko the best way to pet Appa. Yeah. This one was okay.
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random-senpai · 4 years
Senpai's MILF Otome Game Masterpost
Protagonist and key supporting roles
You, MILF Supreme: The main character of the Otome game. You are an 34 year old single mother of a beautiful 16 year old daughter. You are an absolutely stunning woman with an amazing rack, an ass that won't quit, never takes shit from anybody, and has a tendency to say "Ara ara~" when amused. Due to the hustle and bustle in your life you've taken to styling your gorgeous hair into an easy to maintain side plait. Long ago you fell in love with your childhood friend and became highschool sweethearts. The two of you became married when you got pregnant at 18. Thanks your support for each other the two of you were able to juggle college and raising a newborn daughter together successfully. You thought you would be happy together forever until you found him in bed with another woman at the age of 25. The two of you divorced shortly after and you won main custody of your daughter. 10 years later and now you are an successful businesswoman with only a few superiors at work. But due to the juggling of your career and raising your daughter with care you have little time for love. At least until it finds you instead.
Your Daughter: A beautiful 16 year old girl that takes after you in many ways. She may have her father's eyes but the rest of her is mostly you. She's an otome protagonist in her own story, but not in this one. She can be clumsy and stubborn, especially regarding her own emotions. But you can tell she loves you deeply and wants you to be happy, even if she's going through a rebellious phase in her life. She's taken to cooking, cleaning, and other housework in order to lighten your load when you aren't working. And despite your attempts to tell her otherwise you can tell she carries deep guilt for robbing you of your youth.
MILF BFF #1: A friend of your's since Middle School that's carried out to your whole life. She was there when you started going out with your ex husband and was the first shoulder to cry on when he cheated. She's happily married to a wonderful loving husband and you were the maid of honor at her wedding. She's recently retired from the workforce and is currently a housewife raising twins. She occassionally calls you for advice raising them which you happily give.
MILF BFF #2: A friend you met shortly after you began working after college. Together you raised each other up as you climbed your careers. She's a fellow single mother albeit from her husband dying in an Truck accident instead of a divorce like yourself. She's not looking for love at the moment. And although she's open to it, she says her focus is her son.
(When you are together with your BFFs, the three of you are a holy trinity of sheer MILF power. Many look at you three stunned by your energy and appearance but all of them are too intimidated to actually approach)
Your Boss: The Manager of your Company's entire branch in the city and one of the few superiors you have at work. He's tough on everyone and has the face to match his nickname of the "Demon Boss". But despite his general harshness he's very accommodating for family. He grew up in poverty in a single mother household and is very understanding to them to particular. Funny enough he lives very modestly despite the money he makes from his high position. He donates most of what he makes to charities and programs, particularly many that support struggling families and single mothers. Often volunteering on his days off to see the good of what his money goes to. Every month he changes the flowers at his mother's grave without fail. He's very adamant about not mixing his personal life and his professional one. A huge tsundere that blushes to a degree most would be surprised to see on a 45 year old man.
Your Daughter's PE teacher: A energetic man with the brightest smile you've ever seen, as well as a passion for sports and his students. Although he serves as the school's PE teacher and coaches various teams (including your daughter's volleyball team) he never pushes the students too hard. He was actually the ace in your college's Football (Soccer) team. Unfortunately he suffered an injury he never quite fully recovered from and never went pro. Long ago you had a chance meeting with him after he got injured and helped give him the strength to move on after losing his dreams. He wanted to ask you out back in college, but as you were married he simply thanked you and moved on.
Your Ex Husband's older brother and your former Brother in Law: A childhood friend that's always been there to support you. He has a scary face as well as a scar from when a cat you took in clawed him in your elementary days. He's been a great uncle to your daughter and helped you throughout your divorce to his brother. A former Yankee, he's never been the brightest in terms of booksmarts. One of your most consistent memories of middle/high school was patching him up after he got into fights. He failed his college exams and became a construction worker, gradually making his way to Crew Leader through hard work. When your Ex Husband cheated on you he beat him to the point where you had to pry him off. Now their relationship has been strained ever since. Despite his imposing presence he's a coward with his emotions. He's liked you since high school but never felt he was good enough for you, especially now that you're so successful and he's just a guy in construction. On the day he graduated he gave you all the buttons from his uniform.
The bar owner of your favorite place to drink: Charming and reassuring, it's incredibly easy to open up to him. He's been there for many a night of your drunk ramblings and even relates to many of your problems as a fellow single parent. Although he never gives details on what happened to his daughter's mom, he absolutely loves to brag about his daughter (who just so happens to be your daughter's best friend). Off the clock he's surprisingly sensual and is a bit of a dirty talker. His smirk in particular can get very seductive. He has an excellent singing voice and even though he insists he's too rusty, he's very talented playing the guitar. Long ago he was actually a musician that never managed to be successful. When he became a father, his own dad taught him the ins and outs of bartending and helped him raise his daughter. His bar was actually inherited from his father. The fact that he was entrusted with it is something he cherishes greatly.
The Young College Intern: A college student shadowing your company for an internship. Due to certain circumstances you've been put in charge of him. His naivety and energy remind you very much of yourself in your youth. He has a very obvious crush on you at first sight and is very bad at hiding it. Considering your age difference you just think it's cute and don't take it seriously at all. He's the eldest of 5 siblings and shows a more serious side when it come to them. Especially now that his parents are currently working abroad for awhile. Outside of interning for your company he also attends classes and works part time. Not wanting to worry anybody he often hides any signs he's tired with a smile on his face.
(Maybe Maybe not route) Your Ex Husband and your first love: A professional comedian, actor, and show host. Along with his older brother the three of you were close growing up. He always found a way to make you laugh and smile, thats why you fell in love with him. On your 2nd year of High School he confessed to you and you started going out. He's always been somewhat childish and immature but very quickly took up responsibility when you became pregnant at 18. The marriage was a shotgun wedding sure, but the two of you were happy. It was a struggle juggling raising a daughter and your subsequent educations and careers but together you made it work. Until you caught him in bed with another woman at 26. He broke your heart and the divorce was messy, numbing you to the possibility of experiencing romantic love for years. Post divorce he's changed his last name and became estranged from the rest of his family, especially his brother. He's been doing very well for himself however and broke out in popularity soon after your divorce. But even so he never lets his busy schedule get in the way of the days he has custody and he's been trying his best to be a good father to your daughter. He seems more mature now than when you were married and you can tell that he's changed. Whether it's for the better or the worse, you don't know. His route is the only one where your daughter doesn't support you and actively objects to it.
Other Supporting Roles
Your dad: Your father whose raised you alone after your mom died in a tragic accident when you were 13. He loves you deeply and spoils his grandaughter a little bit too much. He objected to it when you first married Ex Husband but has never said "I told you so" after the divorce.
Your Daughter's Best Friend and the Bar Owner's Daughter: A sweet girl whose more shy and introverted personality compliments your daughter's well. Beautiful but dresses very plainly. She has a wonderful singing voice and sometimes works part time at her father's bar as a server.
MILF BFF #1's Husband: He loves his wife and children dearly. He was always a little bit awkward even when they were just dating and you love to tease him about that. You can tell at times that he's self conscious about being a good enough provider and husband for his wife.
Boss's Little Sister: The owner of a flower shop in town. She often worries about her big brother and his prickly personality causing misunderstandings. But she understands him well and loves him greatly. The flowers he brings to their mother's grave are oftentimes ones she's grown herself and if she has time she comes with him. Married with 2 sons, she jokes with him about if he's ever going to find anybody.
Your Former In Laws: The parents of your Ex Husband and his older brother. Your late mother and them were very close friends. Even though you've divorced from their son they still proudly call you their daughter. In fact after your divorce they've all but disowned him. They still worry about their eldest and actively compete with your father over whose your daughter's favorite grandparents.
Pro Football (Soccer) player: Another alumni from your college and a member of the pro leagues. He played with the Coach back in the day and they still remain best friends. Although happy with his job and his life, he can't help but feel guilt over him living his best friend's dreams.
Intern's sister: The 2nd eldest of the family. She's a 3rd year on highschool and has taken over a majority of the housework in their mother's absence. She negs her brother over how childish he is, but is also the first to defend him against others. She worries greatly about how he overexerts himself.
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crqstalite · 4 years
oc interview!
tagged by @spaceprincealenko​ ! tagging,,, anyone who sees this because i’ve already tagged enough people today lol.
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Alexandra June “A.J” Shepard
Role: First Human Spectre
Full Name: Alexandra June Shepard
Nickname(s): Lexi (by Miranda or Kaidan only), June (see previous), AJ
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: First Human Spectre, Lieutenant Commander of the SSV Normandy, N7 Sentinel.
Birthday & Age: April 11th, 2154, currently 32.
Physical description: AJ stands at around 5′6″ (167.64 cm), with a mostly lithe build. Dark, nearly black eyes, and pixie cut naturally brown hair, though she dyes it red because it distances her from her past a bit. Deep scar on her neck from Akuze, and two lighter ones across her nose and jaw. Has about twenty million (more accurately, nine she keeps open) piercings from over the years, though more often than not, keeps the three up her left ear and two up her right with earrings in whenever she’s on shore leave.
Clothing style: AJ doesn’t usually intend it, but she goes for a far less ‘standing out’ sort of look than one would expect. Hiding in hoodies is usually her go to look, even though her dark makeup and bright red hair makes her rather difficult to lose in a crowd. Something like this.
AJ is a spacer kid, through and through. Mostly having grown up on various stations, home had always been among the stars (and Arcturus). She definitely doesn’t know much else, and for a time, that was okay. Having never known her father, it was just her and Hannah for the longest time. Her biotics then developed in her early teen years, and things shifted. Considering just how new they were around the time her aptitude was discovered, there were a lot of unknowns -- and to a point, that fascinated and terrified her. AJ just nearly skirted ending up at Jump Zero, which until she found out exactly what’d happened there, she was convinced her mother had effectively stunted whatever developing powers she had. Hannah had never wanted an implant for her daughter, even if she was lucky enough to still be alive after eezo exposure, she didn’t want to lose her to whatever side effects could come of it. Not to mention, AJ was just a frustrated person and frustrating person to be around. Loud, a bit of a perfectionist and not the best socially were a recipe for disaster. Funnily enough, small spaces weren’t good for a developing biotic, and a hyperactive kid with too much energy to burn. Regulating her emotions was a long and very difficult task stemming from her childhood, something Hannah just didn’t have the time or emotional capacity for. Every teacher of her’s always had something to say about the disruptive and frankly, entirely absent Shepard kid, and to no one’s surprise, it took a toll on AJ, who couldn’t really figure out why she was the way she was. No one was really able to help her either.
So of course, she doubled down on it. While she masked some things, she amplified others. AJ became a bit of a social butterfly, but only because she was rather intuitive to how others acted, and copied it near perfectly. Showing up to classes was rarely something she wanted to do, and was more than happy to sit and stare into space, or play with what limited biotic abilities she had. Which only lead to more of a rift between mother and daughter, the former who couldn’t figure out why her all around intelligent daughter was so determined not to use that intelligence for good, and the latter who couldn’t figure out what people wanted from her. They never verbally fought (well, not really. AJ can count on two hands how many times it was more a stern talking to -- and very one sided), but it was clear enough to AJ that she’d never quite be enough for Captain Shepard.
By the time AJ met Anderson around the age of seventeen, she was just near about to careen off the radar entirely. Hannah couldn’t figure her out no matter what she did, and AJ no longer really cared for what she thought. AJ had never gotten to be violent, but she was someone that her peers more respected than actually liked. One of the only students to still hold a passing grade (mostly off of exams) without having ever really shown aptitude for anything. A chance meeting during one weekend that really did turn her life around a bit, even if she was a bit put off by how kind Anderson was to her. The Alliance gave her a purpose at the very least. Her skills were put to use, and by nineteen, she’d followed in some of the footsteps that Hannah left. One of her first real deployments was to the eventual squad that followed up on leads to Akuze. One man, Walter Castillo, had taken a liking to her and took the young biotic under his wing. He was also the one that had made her begin using the name June instead of her first name, Alexandra, so that she could put some distance between herself and the girl that’d been such a thorn in everyone’s side. Staff Commander Castillo was one of her only acquaintances during that time, and like Anderson, a father figure to her.
Akuze was, evidently, the first time she’d ever failed. The entire mission plagues her like no other. She still deals with the lasting scars it left on her, and has never been able to really talk about the massacre with anyone, especially after Castillo was one of the last people for her to hear and she spent a very, very long four hours waiting for extraction, in the dark, and in tears.
After that, Shepard became a bit of a recluse. She was seen as too much of an omen to most to ever build lasting relationships with, and she didn’t mind it. She had seen herself as a disappointment to her mother for years on end and a failure to her squad on Akuze -- she wasn’t ready to add another crew to the list. She rose through the ranks rather quietly until Anderson picked her back up for a tour on the Normandy.
AJ was a name she chose for herself, in the end. Not Alexandra, who’d only be imperfect in the eyes of the people who cared about her, and not June, who’d failed the people who needed her. AJ Shepard was a blank slate, who was still tainted with the failures of the past, but was growing beyond it.
Preferred fighting style: AJ is a sentinel, which by every definition, doesn’t really make her a frontline soldier. Yet, you’ll find her leading the charge anyway. She’s trained in just about every weapon, but is more than happy to carry just a pistol into combat and relies heavily on her biotics. Mostly employing medium strength armor, and consistently will put her own wellbeing in danger for others. Some call her reckless. She is, but isn’t about to let someone die if she has anything to say about it. Not again.
Unlike her fellow sentinel, Kaidan, she’s far less about control. Not to say she isn’t capable, but when push comes to shove, she is not above cheap shots or letting loose.
Favorite weapon(s): Her pistol of choice is the N7 Eagle.
Special skills: An N7 Sentinel with extensive biotic training post-enlistment, and while fine-tuning is something she still needs to work on, her biotics are her favorite. She’s rather proud of how far she’s come. While sitting still to learn proper tech, she is definitely the creative type. Unconventional strategies are her forte, and and overload combo is the single best thing.
Family: Hannah Shepard (mother), Miranda Lawson (wife).
Love interest: In her ‘canon’ of sorts, Miranda Lawson, who she’s happily married to after the Reaper War. In an AU, Kaidan Alenko.
Best friends: Has friends out of Jack (much to Miranda’s chagrin), Liara, Jacob, Kaidan, and James.
AJ is nothing if not a little bit spiky all around. She is blunt, and will never lie to your face even if it hurts. She is not one for empty compliments, at all. They piss her off, and she knows when someone’s lying to her face, even if it’s just to make her smile. Because of that, it takes a bit for someone to become even acquaintances with her, and she doesn’t like to get to know her crew that much, even if pressed. It mostly stems from her fear that as soon as she becomes as close to them as she did Walter, she’ll lose them. After they lost Ashley, it only became that much clearer. She left the investigation into Saren knowing more about her crew than they knew about her, and that was fine. That wasn’t ideal, but she didn’t know much better.
The crew of the Normandy SR-2 that followed her into the maw on the suicide mission were the first people who ever saw much of her personality, someone who was going through an identity crisis but also someone who didn’t really have anyone left she cared about, and was convinced she was defective. Her own floundering attempts to cultivate real relationships and friendships months away from possibly dying after already having been brought back weren’t futile, at least. Her past made her cynical, but given the time, it made her care for the people who weren’t out to get her that much more. While it may not have always been clear because of how quiet she was (and how many roundabout ways she had to show that she cared), by the time they arrived back to Earth, there wasn’t much question that she wouldn’t lay her life on the line for these people. Seen as a bit fatalistic at times, she only does it because, well, she can’t stand the idea of losing someone else. Suffocating almost. Still, it makes her a good friend though. 
Her love language is words of affirmation -- people confirming that she hasn’t done anything wrong, or that they still do love and care for her is all she ever wanted when she was younger.
The red, short hair and piercings were more of acts of rebellion, if anything, that followed her into adulthood. She gave it up during her service with the Alliance to revert back to brown, though went right back to it during her stint with Cerberus. Checks out and tracks that when she came back to the Alliance three years later, Kaidan didn’t recognize her at first.
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b-listbadboy · 5 years
BROLY and GOKU are BROTHERS (AU/Headcanon) PART 1
So, the overall premise of this AU is kind of a rewrite to Goku’s lineage. Instead of Raditz being his brother, it’s actually BROLY who’s Goku’s twin brother!
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The story goes like this; Gine was a lower class medical Saiyan who essentially kept the warrior saiyans alive through the equipment they gained from other planets they inhabited or destroyed. Gine grew this hatred for fighting as a whole and was ostracized for her overwhelming sympathy and mutual respect for other Alien species. Eventually, she helped save the life of a Saiyan elite from death who was named Bardock. A hard headed patriot of the Saiyan race that sought out their best interest, even if it went against their races ignorance and Pride. Of course after a while Bardock and Gine bond over one another and eventually she comes to bear twins with him. One named after Bardock’s Grandfather who was the strongest great ape of his time “Kakarot” (Gine rolls her eyes, who would name their kid after their grandparent? 👀) and the other named by Gine herself. Choosing “Broly” as that sounded sweet to her! Even though they aren’t really supposed to see each other since Gine is a lower class and Bardock is an Elite, they both managed to have a fine family in secret, hence why no one ever really knew about these two before. Bardock in this AU is supposedly the second strongest saiyan next to King Vegeta on their planet, and comes from a lon line of insanely powerful Saiyan warriors. Bardock would still keep his old crew from the original rendition of Bardock’s story (Fasha, Borgos, Shugesh, Leek, and Taro) along with the Saiyan General Paragus who was great friends with Bardock and in turn was the only one to know about Kakarot and Broly.
Much like the beginning of the original TV Special, the Elite Saiyan Team totally dominates a planet of innocent alien inhabitants. But instead of Bardock being ambushed by a future seeing alien, he’s actually then ambushed by his OWN TEAM! Bardock is shocked to their betrayal and Fasha herself explains that this was all because of the Frieza Empire. They were ordered by Frieza himself to kill him and his family that he got word about! Bardock from there understanding the situation at hand still doesn’t back down and ends up defeating his fellow Saiyan brethren. Vowing to get revenge on Frieza for forcing them all to turn their backs on their own kind.
After Paragus finds and rescues a barely breathing Bardock from death, they both go to King Vegeta for assistance in a rebellion since word got to them in the middle of their fight that Frieza was planning on destroying the planet IF his team failed him. However, they were only met with suspicion of treason against their King and his new son training elsewhere with Private Nappa. Paragus calls him a coward, insinuating that their “King” was scared of the looming threat of Bardock possibly surpassing him, and overthrowing his position of royalty as well as the rewards that come from being in the good grace among Lord Frieza. The king enraged from his position being disrespected orders his men to kill them! And thus the two survivors are chased out of the castle.
Now with Bardock being the only one there who was strong enough to even muster a fraction of a chance at killing Frieza, chooses to stay behind as he tell’s Paragus and Gine to escape Planet Vegeta with their two sons. Since he believes that Frieza would be coming for them next. Gine at first refusing to leave her lovers side but was forced to by Paragus, sending each other one last goodbye look as he goes towards Frieza’s ship and army to finish the fight! Leading to the unfortunate obliteration to Planet Vegeta that we’re all too familiar with...
The ship Gine and Paragus ended up on gets caught in the planet’s explosion. The electrical wiring in the ships shield system haywires, accidentally sending Goku’s pod (that Gine put both boys in each just in case of an emergency) within the ship towards the automated destination; Earth. Gine immediately tries to go after him but Paragus stops her explaining that the rays from the explosion would have killed her! So she reluctantly stays, watching Kakarot’s pod in total distress of what his fate may intale...
Smash cut to little kid Bulma starring at the big telescope out in the break of the morning dawn sky, getting gitty and excited at her sights on a “shooting star” 👀
Meanwhile, the ship lands on Planet Vampa right as Broly actually starts to wake up. After three days of them waiting Patiently in the ship, and in turn Gine being in complete shambles that one of her own children is possibly stranded out there, decides that she’s had enough waiting around and loads up a pod to go find her missing son. Only for Paragus to once again distress that they can’t. He wanted to go along with her but knew deep down that they couldn’t risk Gine escaping in the slight chance that Frieza or one of his men ends up finding her and in turn them, ending their efforts of leaving the Planet’s Destruction in vein. So she begrudgingly complies at first, focusing on taking care of her other infant son in her arms.
A couple of earth days pass as Paragus learns the layout of the planet and it’s inhabitants. Gine focuses all of her efforts on finding food for them and Broly but realized that this planet was nothing good for the baby Saiyan or herself for that matter. Not to mention the ships rations were running extremely low to the point where Paragus was growing Delirious from starving himself and suggested other methods of survival. Such as killing and eating the bug like creatures for nutrients and protein. Gine knew of the stakes they faced for survival, but deep down in her heart she couldn’t bring herself to making her infant son eat something so deprived. Paragus wasn’t having any of it and was showing signs of growing irritated with her presence, so in order to escape his delusions and finally find her other son lost in Kami knows where she repacks a pod big enough for just her and Broly. But unfortunately Paragus catches her in the act and...puts her down. Single shot from the back went all the way through her chest killing her almost instantly. He didn’t want the chance of the Frieza Force capturing them again, at least that’s what he tells himself...
As the blaster shot through Gine’s chest, her last crying scream was “Kakarot!!!” knowing that her son will probably die somewhere out there in space... Broly being the little baby that he was witnessed her dying right in front of him, cried out in RAGE and transform for the first time just from the newly overwhelming emotion of sadness and grief into a fully powerful OOZARU! He didn’t even NEED the moon to transform, which Paragus nipped in the bud immediately by cutting off his tail, right as he attacked Paragus and gave him the scar on his eye that we see. As he was transformed back into a child he doesn’t even remember anything before going crazy which Paragus took full advantage of by saying his mother was killed by those bug monster things that inhabit Planet Vampa. And with Paragus being a former General of the Saiyan’s, he teaches Broly everything he knows and treats him no different than his other subordinates. Hence the drill sergeants esque treatment Broly receives from his “father.”
Every now and then, however, he’ll get flashes of his mother dying just from hearing the word “Kakarot”. Which will instill a blinding panick RAGE where he can’t be controlled! Hence why Paragus created the neck brace to keep him in line. And of course comes into play when he actually meets his long lost sibling on Earth.
(And that’s all for part 1! Stay tuned for part 2 soon, and if any of you guys like this story, lemme know if you want a “Story of Raditz” post to explain what happens NOW to the beginning DBZ storyline) 👍
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cardiganloser · 4 years
The Underworld Squad
Note: I made a few posts about a squad of Underworld kids, and them all finding family with eachother after being cast out of the rest of society. A few people were interested in the story, so I decided that before I start writing the fanfic, which I'll cross-post to ao3 and Wattpad, I'd talk about the characters involved. Namely the ocs, but Nico, Will and Hazel will all be making appearances.
Emma Blossom, female, daughter of Persephone
Oliver Mizeria, male, son of Akhlys
Seren Nova, female, daughter of Nyx
Aldrin Nova, male, son of Nyx
Gracelyn Tod, female, daughter of Thanatos
Maia Oneira, non-binary, child of Melinoe
Emma Blossom
After a blissful eleven years spent with her father, botanist Ethan Blossom, her bliss was bought to a grinding and painful halt when a rogue hellhound killed her and her father. A harsh twist of fate let her father into Elysium, as he died defending his daughter, but as she caused his death and the protectiom didn't pay off due to her own death mere minutes later, Emma was sentenced to the Fields Of Punishment.
She would have spent eternity in agony, if not for the intervention of her mother, Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring, Persephone. Emma agreed to slow her aging process and pay off her time in the Fields of Punishment by working for her mother in the Underworld for 500 years. At the end of the years of work, her good deeds for her Mum and subsequently, the Underworld, would be judged for her afterlife.
Due to her slowed aging, when she shows up as part of the Underworld crew, she has the appearance, body and mentality a fourteen year old. Emma has worked under her Mum since 1820, the year of her death.
Before that she grew up in Wales until the age of five, the last six years of her life spent in London. Her accent is audibly Welsh, and she is fluent in the language.
Emma's appearance takes after her father mainly, with brown curls and a smattering of freckles over her nose and cheeks. Her eyes, however, are a green colour reminiscent of a grassy field. She is short and has the slim waist and strong arms of someone who does a lot of work and barely eats enough to keep their stamina up.
Oliver Mizeria
Following three years spent in the US foster system, Oliver Mizeria, son of Akhlys, went to live with his Moms, Rosalie and Jocelyn in the state of Kentucky. He grew up under the care of his Moms until he was twelve and one of his teachers turned out to be an empousa in disguise.
Oliver almost died in the attack, but he was luckily rescued by Lana Corals, a daughter of Kymopoleia. She took him to camp, and he spent every summer there, while school time was spent with his Moms in Kentucky.
Oliver was claimed by Akhlys soon after the Titan War, but stayed in the Hermes cabin as he was the only Akhlys child in memory and so many new cabins were already being built at Camp.
He has bright ginger hair, and his eyes are an icy blue colour. He's pale, but not in any way freckley. He's tall, and fairly gangly. At the time of this story, Oliver is 15.
Seren and Aldrin Nova.
The twin son and daughter of Nyx, Goddess of Night, the Novas grew up with their Dad, former astronomer turned Broadway dance choreographer, Benjamin Nova. The pair and their loving but bust father grew up in the big apple itself, NYC.
After expulsions from multiple schools, they finally landed a supposedly perfect private tutor, who was really a fury in disguise. After the subsequent fight, in which Seren earned a scar across her cheek and nose, and Aldrin lost his arm.
They began attending Camp Half-Blood at the age of Eleven, and are 14 at the time of this story. They were claimed immediately and sleep in the Big House to avoid annoying the Gods with a Nyx cabin and scaring any other campers.
The pair are pale, with dark hair. Aldrin's is a mess of black curls that frame his face and end at the top of his neck. His sister's hair is straight, but only because she straightens it on purpose, and she also had bangs. The two are identical other than hair and gender. This includes their dark black eyes.
Gracelyn Tod
The youngest of the Underworld demigods, at age thirteen, Gracelyn's mother, Amanda Tod was a french woman with German roots. She died giving birth to Gracelyn in an alley, so the baby girl was born with severe lung issues. Interestingly, she did not inherite the usual ADHD, but her dyslexia is more severe than average, to the point that even Greek, which her brain is hard-wired for, can be hard for her to read.
She was placed in the Foster system until an exchange program that was really organised by Hades as a favour to her father, Thanatos, placed her in the care of a couple in Paris. It was ten years later that she discovered that she was adopted, and a demigod. Her family, which now consisted of two siblings, both of which were younger than her, moved to the states and learned English so she could go to Camp if times got hard. She maintains her French accent. She discovered she was a demigod via a satyr who she sometimes sees around Camp.
Gracelyn, who goes by Grace or Gracie for short, is tall, with lanky arms and long, dark red hair. Her eyes are chocolatey brown and large, framed with unusually long eyelashes. Her asthma means she doesn't take part in as much physical activity as other demigods, but she is known for being kind to younger kids and taking care of them.
Maia Oneira
Maia Oneira, the non-binary child of Melinoe never had nightmares as a kid. Their Mom's area in nightmares meant Maia often entered the dreamscape as a kid and explored the dreams of others. They also helped people with mental disorders when they met them, dreamscape or physically, tapping into their mother's control over mentality and insanity.
Despite their help to their community, Maia's father was a neglective alcoholic who never wanted kids. After a satyr fended off a rogue hellhound that tried to kill them, Maia was bought to Camp where they stayed all year as a way of getting away from their father. A few months later, they came out as being non-binary, and camp ceased use of female pronouns, swithcing instead to they/them.
A short kid with a choppy brown pixie cut, Maia highlights their hair with a new colour every year. At the time of the story, their hair is brown with the front dyed with streaks of red. They are a little pudgy, but their size has led to many false assumptions about Maia, a highly skilled fighter.
Woooo, that's a lot. Honestly, this post took way longer than I thought it would, so please leave critisims, suggestions and the rest in the comments.
-Elle (she/her)
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Daughter of the Sea, Daughter of the Storm (Pt. 2)
Gay viking pirate lady gets married to another pirate lady, read all about it, they are very in love.
Inspired by @onepiecehcs viking nami au and special thanks to @captainsupernoodle for inspiring me to write about sword proposals!!!
Ao3 For Better Quality!
Vivi first saw her love on the sea, drenched and beautiful and axe-wielding.
She last saw her love holding her hand above her head like a declaration of love, like a defiance to the world, you cannot take me away from you.
She last kissed her love when the necklace she now fingers was draped around her neck like warmth and fire and love, and she last talked to her love two hours ago, when Nami called to say that the Thousand Sunny had entered Alabastian waters.
Vivi currently awaits to be kidnapped. She’s in a prime spot for it, on her throne, bags packed beside her and jewelry layered about her. Her hairs in a braid that Nami taught her, pattern familiar even after all these years, and a gift awaits in her hands for the Pirate King.
Kohza has been placed as next in line for succession, and the newest law Queen Vivi passed yesterday (In case of kidnapping by the Pirate King, the next in line shall immediately be placed as acting ruler, law effective for one year but all changes to succession permanent) without her council knowing is ready to be put into use.
All that is left, is a warrior to sweep her off her feet.
The door slams open – her guards jump to attention, but a look from the Pirate King (Conqueror’s Haki) silences any action.
Instead, her love walks through the door.
Her hair is braided more intricately than any wanted poster could reveal, and kept together with beads and stones and gold and diamond. Its longer than Vivi remembers, but still catches like fire in the desert light. Her shoulders are bare now, style changed, and revealing a long sleeve of tattoos – Vivi see’s clearly her first one on her shoulder, the X she holds near (resting just above a familiar bracelet), and the start of the straw hatted jolly Roger that Vivi’s sure is draped across her back, but she doesn’t know the stories behind the others and cannot wait to find out. Nami’s still wearing axes around her hip and on her back – now folding in with a cape of blue and gold and her skirts are hitched up to the brown belt around her waist, revealing loose pants and boots fit for sturdy warriors.
But her face – oh her face! How she missed that smile, those eyes, the familiar dusting of freckles and the soft quirk of the eyebrow. The laugh lines, from joyous celebration (She’s the navigator of the Pirate King) and the scar running from her left brow to left ear (now pierced and decorated) are new, but she’s still Nami.
“NAMI!” She calls, and stands from her chair, rushing to her.
Nami smiles and laughs shouting “VIVI!” in return, and sweeps her off her feet, strong and relentless in her love. “You aren’t supposed to run to your kidnapper!”
“You knew I would – I’ve always loved pirates and adventure, haven’t I?”
Nami only laughs again and kisses her senseless, picking her up and bringing her to her crew, her family.
The newspapers will talk about her kidnapping and Marine ships will be after the Pirate King’s ships for days, but Vivi will be smiling as she dresses in pirate garb and flees to the sea at last – her lover’s arms around her.
(She can’t wait to show her what she learned with the spear.)
Three months later and Vivi stands bundled in furs on the cliffs of Cocoyashi, nose red and hands clasped together. It’s the summer months, but it’s so much colder than the desert nights of Alabasta ever were, especially without her love wrapped around her.
Her love is instead covered in dirt and dust, tirelessly shoveling rock and soil out of the way as she digs into the ground. Her skirts a pulled up to reveal thick pants and her boots slosh in the mud with every step. Her hair – intricately braided and weaved with gold by Vivi this morning – is falling out and messily shaded about her face. The sky is of the mid-morning sun, dim, but catching the height of Nami’s cheek bones and the frame of her face, the dusting of frackles spilling across her cheeks and onto her body. Her hands do not tremble against the cold where they grip the shovel, so used to instead gripping the axe that lay nears Vivi’s feet.
Her love is dirty as she digs into her adopted mother’s tomb, her burial of treasures that she couldn’t bring with her beyond, and Vivi cannot help but be touched that her love does this all for her. For Vivi.
It has been an hour now, and Vivi almost can’t feel her toes. But the sun is shining, and her love is climbing out the trench she created, beautifully carved sword in hand.
According to legends of Cocoyashi, before warriors can be sworn to another they must first be sworn by the blade. By exchanging swords, they promise to protect one another and fight for one another, to keep each other by their side till their dying breath and then on till eternity.
Nami has no sword, but Bell-mere does, one promised to Nami or Nojiko on their wedding day – whoever married first.
Nami has won that race, and so it is Nami who digs into Bell-mere’s burial hill, where her body is not laid but her mortal belongings are, and retrieves the sword.
(Wolfsong, is this swords name, for power and the call for family. Nami tells Vivi of Bell-mere having the sword forged when she was three, a promise that Bell-mere’s love for them would always protect.)
She climbs out of the pit, sword in hand, and Vivi can only stare at her love as she goes to her knee and presents the sword – iron and metal strength with woven patterns promising a future protected. On its hilt rests a single golden ring with a small blue stone atop it.
Vivi does not speak despite the tears rolling down her cheeks (She is so very happy-) but reaches for the ring, sliding it on her finger, and then for the sword. When it is in her hand, she reaches to her own waist.
All the while, Nami kneels still in the cold, her breath breathing out plumes of white as she stands without her furs and dirtied. Her hands are still splayed out but she’s looking up at Vivi with adoration in her eyes and love in her smile.
(She has never looked more beautiful.)
Vivi draws the sword from her waist, golden and slender looking compared to Nami’s larger Viking gift, but it is no less deadly.
(Sunviper, is this swords name, for the thousand sun reign of Alabasta and the striking bite of the blade. Vivi whispers to Nami about how it was forged by her father’s orders, for that his daughter might rule for a thousand more suns with the deadliness of a thousand serpents.
They both laugh, because the former King Cobra could have never seen his daughter becoming a pirate.)
Vivi places this sword in Nami’s hand, and then a ring atop it. Nami stands, sword held carefully in her hands, and slips the ring on while holding the sword.
They stare at each other then, something silent and holy passing between them, like a vow or promise.
There’s water dripping down her chin now and Nami’s eyes are wet too, and suddenly that inescapable, beautiful moment is over and they fling themselves at each other because now –
Now they are promised by rings and swords and hearts, now they are betrothed by their own hands, now they are bound and when they get to the open seas of the Grand Line –
Nami will not only be her queen but her wife.
Nami was born in the depths of winter on the coldest mountain top, but she is married at the height of summer in the midst of the most dangerous waters of the world.  The sun is shining and she is smiling, happiness having found a home in her chest and never leaving ever since she saw her beloved (her Queen) again.
In the midst of summer she is married atop of the Thousand Sunny held high on Laboon’s head so that all her guest may see as joyful music plays through the air. There are eleven thousand guests from a thousand places, all invited by her and Vivi’s hands. The Moby Dick carries half of them, private ships and the Straw Hat Fleet now numbering 10,000 strong carrying the rest.
In the crowd, Nami could spot Dressrossa and Fishman Island and Zou, a marine entourage and two emperors, Revolutionaries, billion berry men and women and a thousand riches. On the ship she could see her beloved crew and the people of her village, her sister and friends, Alabasta’s new king and her captain standing beside her.
But she doesn’t, because she has eyes only for one – Vivi.
She’s dressed in white and gold, silver decorating her limbs and hair. Her flowing sleeves are split to reveal golden arms, and her hair is braided in a fashion Nami knows she taught her. A smile, radiant like the Alabastian sun, shines at her. There are sunspots across her cheeks and a twinkle in her eye, the start of a tattoo running down her shoulder and the necklace Nami gave her around her neck and gods – Nami has never felt more flustered than in this moment.
She herself is nothing fancy – blue cloths and layered necklaces, bracelets around her waist with her log pose and her sword and axe by her side. Her hair is as intricate as Vivi’s, done up by her sister and braided in gold and iron compared to Vivi’s silver.
Nami feels amazing and in love, and she’s getting married at the height of summer to the Queen of Alabasta as the Pirate King’s Navigator.
She’s freer than she has ever been before.
The crowd grows quiet as the Pirate King lifts his hands. As captain, he’s preceding over the wedding.
It’s simple, the way all the Straw hats are simple.
“Nami,” He states her name, not giving any fanfare – the people are here for her, why do they need a reminder of who she is? “State your vows.”
Storm Summoner Nami takes a shuddering, happy breath than speaks. “Vivi. I have loved you since before I met you, I think. And then you shouted for us in Alabasta, you shouted for the fighting to stop, and that is when I knew I loved you. And every day after that, I have fallen in love again. I am a warrior… I cannot make the fighting stop – but I promise to fight for you, to guide, you to love you – and that is all I can possibly give beyond all the riches in the world. I love you, my queen. Marry me?”
Luffy’s grinning wildly next to her ear, blessedly silent for once, but Vivi’s face is bright red as she begins her own vows without prompting. “Nami – my love, my queen, my light – I have practiced this speech for a thousand days, but I don’t think anything I could possibly say could prove my love to you more than action. You fought for me in Alabasta, and you have given me gift after gift after gift – so here is mine.” And with that, Queen Vivi of Alabasta lunges forth and kisses her lover with a passion that rivals the sun.
Luffy laughs and the crowd cheers. “THAT’S IT! I PROUNOUCE YOU WIFE AND WIFE! LET THE FEAST BEGIN!!” And the world erupts in euphonious cheers as thunder from cannonballs and godly might cracks in the background.
Vivi and Nami part and laugh and smile – as they head down the deck, Nami hoists her wife onto her shoulder and jumps onto the Moby Dick, where a feast awaits them both.
In between gulps of whiskey and wine and bits of delicacies that only the most skilled cooks could make, Nami holds her wife’s hand and smiles at her.
After a week of feasting they shall move to Raftel once more, and show their last crew member the treasure of ages, but for now?
Nami holds her in her arms and relishes in happiness.
At midnight she dances with her wife, the party still going strong but muted to her ears. A low song, unknown to the everyone but them whispers between their breaths.
Nami sways, Vivi’s hands clasped in hers as she touches her forehead to her wife’s.
Her wife. It’s been half a day but she still cannot believe it.
She hums, Vivi humming with her, the low playing of a violin in the background singing with them.
“I love you,” she says simply, like a truth that cannot be stolen, and Vivi responds the same.
“And I love you. Are you ready to shake the world?”
A kiss and a promise – “Always.”
But for now – they sway, breaths shared and hearts stolen by each other and promised swords hanging by their sides and rings on their fingers. They are still dressed in their wedding garp, though Nami has shedding her cloak and Vivi her cape. Simply, like all straw hats are, in love as adventure brews on the horizon.
The papers talk about it for weeks.
The Navigator of the Pirate King and the Straw Hat Pirates, Storm Summoner Nami, warrior of Cocoyashi, wedded on the pirate ships of two emperors to the Kidnapped, or now Runaway Ransom Queen of Alabasta, Nefertari Vivi.  The wedding attended by thousands of people including various princesses and kings and emperors – all gathered together for two people
The next outrageous stunt of the Straw Hats – and that is not all.
A week after the marriage and consequential feast for a week, the Straw Hats do not take the Underwater route to the New World. Instead, they ransack Mariejois.
‘”A honey moon,” they say Nami calls it, “A gift to my wife,” Referring to the slaves freed and the riches stolen.
“A disaster,” The Celestial dragons shout, “Kill them all,” they scream holding Saint Charloss’s beheaded body, courtesy of the legendary Oska.
The marriage of Nefertari Nami and Nefertari Vivi is an earth-shaking one but they do not care.
For who could challenge them?
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edales-drabbles · 5 years
Powerless 2
It was a couple of years before magic found its way back into Raidon’s life. Learning to live without it had been hard at first. Just doing simple things again was so much harder now. His brothers had been suspicious of the fact he was hanging out with them again instead of his snobby friends. His stepfather had found him a part-time job to help pay his portion of the rent. Slowly, he settled back into being what he had always been destined to be. A man from the streets. 
Scars covered his knuckles from fights, he kept his head shaved and got a few tattoos. He smoked and drank with the rest of the lads. Most nights he could get away with being bi rather than gay, though the fuckers never stopped teasing him. Anyone who got too aggressive about it met the end of his and his brother’s fists. Hence the scars. 
He finished school, scrapping enough passing grades to get into college. He took one day at a time. He never quite forgot about magic. It would be impossible to do that. The feel of energy at his fingertips, sparking with power. He dreamt about it from time to time. Kept a silver knife under his pillow and a line of salt above his door and window. Monsters were unlikely to come here down with no trace of power in him but somethings stuck with you. No one questioned the malachite necklace he wore or his habit of knocking on a doorframe three times while entering a house.
He was theirs. 
“Rai, bruv,” An arm wrapped over his shoulders and tugged him close into a stench of booze and weed. “We got a tourist interested in you. Watch your back, fam,” a warning came, from Omar. His cousin gave him one last jostle before disappearing back into the crowded club of people. People parting as the bloke went. 
Raidon blinked, a touch tipsy and full of nicotine. Omar usually stuck away from him. Didn’t like people remembering they were family. He stumped his fag out before heading to where his mates were eyeing up birds. A few were even good lookers. The rest were skets the lot of them. A glass too much wine in them and they’d hump anything that moved. Not that his mates were much better so maybe it was a match made in heaven.
“You heard anything about this tourist?” he asked, leaning against the bar with them. One of the skets was starting to show her pole-dancing skills. Maybe sober she had them, in this state, she was making a show of herself. 
“Posh twat. Says his t’s and everyting,” Stuart shrugged, eyes on one lass who was a little more put together than the rest. Still very much the local gal, dyed blonde hair, fake tan wearing leggings and a crop top. Definitely one of theirs, but she was holding back from the mad hatters who were starting to rage at the bouncers coming to kick their skinny arses out.  Some of the others were yelling encouragements. 
“Posh twat, eh?” Raidon frowned. “I’m gonna skip,” he decided, punching Stuart in the shoulder. “Go get her before she gets kicked out with her mates,”
Stuart flushed and Raidon dodged his own punch before heading out. Keeping his jacket at his ears and eyes peeled. There weren’t any posh twats he knew. Not seen the magic stuff. This wasn’t the kinda place tourists typically came. There was always some group who stumbled in on a hen night or stag do but in general, this was the local. If someone was asking for him, someone was hunting him. 
“Rai,” another arm over his shoulders, this time his brother. “You packing tonight?”
“Na, came straight from work,” 
“Waste man,”
“Tosser,” Raidon shot back, trying to yank out of Vincent’s hold but he didn’t let go. “Vin,” he growled. Vincent was just as bad as half his friends when it came to him. He hadn’t managed to put on much muscle unlike most of them. When trouble came sniffing, he was one of the first to get yanked into the back. Didn’t seem to matter how often he joined in a brawl, if someone was looking for him they made him disappear. “Stu said it was some posh twat. I doubt their packing either.” At least, not in the way that Vin was suggesting.
“Blud, quit being a twat. You know the fuck boi?” Vincent asked, the two continue to walk out the door. The bouncer was still in a yelling match with the drunk sket who had been pole dancing. Her arse was hanging out of her dress and Raidon could feel bile rising in his throat. 
“No clue,” Raidon grimaced. “Not many of that crowd would be seen dead ‘round here. Not like they kept in touch either.”
“Shove on then. Some of Chappell’s pricks have been acting like big men uptown ting,”
“I ain’t no pussy,” Raidon should be. If the big men were packing magic, that wasn’t anything he could stop. Yet there was a big part of him that was still fuming at that entire crew for abandoning him. Edric had ripped his powers from him but they had left him out to dry. Hadn’t even checked in on him, the wankers. If someone was here, Raidon’s fist was going to met their skull as soon as he saw them. “They want to try?” he squared his shoulder’s ready to go.
“Shut up, Rai. You’re forcing it again,” Vincent slapped the back of his head. “You got into Uni, fam. Don’t mess that up now by being a mad man. Go home, Rai,”  
The growl that rumbled up from Raidon came from his chest. He turned and stomped off, Vincent yelling something about this being for his own good. He cracked his knuckles, rolled his shoulders and stormed through the streets. Never should have applied for uni. Got in, possibly thanks to those connections a few years back and now everyone was hoping he’d get out of this shithole and make something of himself. Only he’d had that chance before and blew it by trusting the wrong person. Who was to say he wasn’t going to do it again. 
A whisper of something in his ear. A chill down his spine. Hints of something he’d almost forgotten. Raidon froze in the street. Turning he found no one. Just an empty street with flickering street lights and the sound of some dog barking in the night. 
“While I appreciate you didn’t do this in the club, this ain’t the time either,” Raidon offered, keeping his voice low and rough. He wasn’t completely sure this weren’t no roadman playing tricks. If it was a mage, they wouldn’t enjoy the slang, or possibly even understand it. Unless Chappell’s men had been teaching it. 
“I don’t know,” a soft a cultured voice purred into his ear. “I think this is an excellent time to talk to an old friend.”
“Allen, you fucker,” Raidon turned and hugged the man tight. The mage let him, hands not quite hugging back but more from lack of experience than anything else. Raidon mentally shrugged as he remembered the mages didn’t tend to hug. “Why the hell are you down this way?”
“Got put on an assignment to hunt down someone selling dark energy as a drug,” Allen smiled at him uncertainly. “I saw you.”
“Dark energy?” Raidon frowned, remembering clearly what that was but none of the side effects had been creeping around that way. Not that he’d tell Allen that. Mage was a fed, former friend or not and there were reasons why he was a former friend. “Nothing like that in this end, blud. Best try the next borough.”
“Blud?” Allen looked at him unimpressed with his language. 
“Al,” Raidon mirrored the look with a hint of mocking to his body language. “I’ve been stuck here for four years ever since Edric pulled that trick. If I didn’t want to get shanked for being gay, I had to blend in. That includes learning the slang and walking the walk. Now was there something else you wanted to say to me?”
“I guess not,” Allen’s look of disapproval shifted to one of hesitation. “I don’t suppose I could crash at yours tonight? They didn’t have a place prepared for me and well...” Allen looked down the street with the distinct look of someone out of their depth. Raidon almost felt sorry for him.
“I doubt it,” Raidon shrugged. “You’re a fed, right? My fam ain’t going to want that in their home. Brings trouble round here, you get me?” 
Raidon sighed. So much for punching the living daylights out of the first mage he saw. 
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curiousjan · 5 years
TROS is Fake News - A Fix It
In the interest of being able to join in the impending holiday cheer I will be considering the following version of the events of TROS the real story:
Poe, Finn, and Chewie return in the Millennium Falcon to pick up Rey from her Jedi training with Leia. Rey is clearly still not interested in anything beyond friendship with Finn and avoids him as he constantly tries to get her alone. When he finally gets a moment with her she interrupts his confession, thinking he is going to confess feelings for her. Instead, he tells her that he's realized he can sense the force and wonders if Rey would train him. She refuses, remembering her visions of accepting Kylo Ren's hand and ruling the galaxy beside him. Instead, she says he should train with Leia. Finn is disappointed but agrees. Poe accidentally eavesdrops on the conversation and is elated when Rey rejects what she thinks are Finn's romantic advances. In his next scene with Finn, he can't stop smiling, causing Finn to notice and comment on it.
When Rey explodes the transport ship and thinks she's killed Chewbacca, she spirals into depression, causing her friends (especially Finn) to fear she is succumbing to the dark side. They will not discover Chewie is actually alive until later when he manages to escape with the help of a defecting storm trooper (Jannah, who does not yet have a name here) who takes pity on him and gets him off the ship. Chewie escapes in time to rescue his friends, to their great surprise, just as Kylo Ren has tracked them down yet again and is closing in. Chewie fixes the Millennium Falcon and they all to escape.
They return to the resistance base and reunite with Rose, who has just been cleared by the medical team to get back to work. She and Finn have a few awkward encounters before Rose decides to address the kiss and make it clear she knows he does not return feelings for her but that she just wanted to kiss him goodbye when she thought she was dying. Rose says something that hints she believes Finn and Poe are in love, which causes Finn to reevaluate his relationship with Poe. Finn has never had a romantic relationship before. He spends a lot of time stare silently at Poe, instead of joking easily with him, which causes Poe to think he's decided to remain on the base and train with Leia. When he finally admits to Finn that he overheard the conversation about the force, and that he will be sorry to leave Finn behind on their next mission, Finn says he has no plans to do that, and Poe tells him that he is glad and that piloting the Falcon doesn't feel right without Finn.
Jannah and Finn become fast friends, and Poe is clearly jealous. When they meet his ex, Zorii, on the next mission and their relationship begins to rekindle with a lot of playful banter and flirting on her part, Finn is clearly jealous.
Jannah comes with them to the ruins of the death star, and both she and Finn are astonished and moved to meet the group of ex-storm troopers there. Rey does not go off alone when told it will be best to wait until the weather calms to sail to the ruins. They spend the night with the former storm troopers, and Finn and Jannah share stories around a fire. This is where Jannah gets her name, given to her by the group in a tradition they have created for naming themselves. When they ask Finn how he got his name, he recounts how Poe gave it to them, and the two share a moment that does not go unnoticed by most of the others. Rey is oblivious because she is too concerned with getting to the way-finder as soon as possible, before Ren finds her again.
When they sail out to the death star wreckage, the clear weather immediately turns violent as soon as Rey is close to the ruins, as if purposefully trying to separate her from her friends. She and Finn are in the first boat, and Poe is with Chewie on the second. Jannah and the leader of the storm trooper group are on the third. The 2nd and 3rd boats have to stop and take cover on one of the bits of wreckage behind Rey and Finn. Kylo Ren arrives and they all watch the ensuing duel between Rey and Ren with horror, and Poe especially as he watches Finn try to intervene a few times before being knocked into the waves. Poe pulls him out of the water as he washes up next to their piece of wreckage.
After Rey heals Ben, she uses the force to retrieve her sunken boat, sends it to Finn and the others, then takes Kylo's ship and disappears without a word. The group prepares fearfully to face Kylo Ren, but Ben Solo only stands up, appears to be talking to himself (and I'd prefer to put Leia's voice only here instead of a vision of Han), then throws his light saber into the water and sits down, facing away from them.
They are all uncertain of what to do, and sit waiting for the weather to clear, watching him. After a while he gets up, chucks his helmet into the water as well, and begin to undress (to the disgust and confusion of the group). He sheds and discards his outer garments into the water, and paces back and forth.
Finally, Poe calls out to him and with a few comedic lines of banter first, discovers that he is now “Ben Solo”, and asks if he needs a boat. The group argues over who is going to be the one to ride back to shore with “Ben”, and Finn volunteers. He wants to know what Ren said to Rey that made her run away. Poe is distraught, and doesn't want to let him go sacrifice himself to the enemy. Finn says that if Rey thought Ben was going to kill them she wouldn't have left him alive. Poe wonders if Rey's gone to the dark side, and Finn says he can feel through the force that she has not turned, and that he thinks they can trust Ben. Everyone thinks he is nuts but they let him go to Ben.
Ben rides with the crew on the Falcon back to the resistance base and hides in the ship. He has agreed to turn himself in after he helps Rey defeat Palpatine. Once again, Finn believes him while the rest are skeptical. They are even more skeptical when Ben and Finn steal a ship and disappear to find Rey. Poe covers for Finn, explaining he's felt Rey needs help through the force, and soon after they get Rey's signal that leads them to Exegol.
Ben arrives on Exegol and goes to find Rey while Finn takes the ship and joins the fight. Instead of getting thrown all the way down the pit, the force-ghosts of Jedi past break Ben's fall and he climbs out in time to stand with Rey and defeat Palpatine. They both appear to be dead for a moment, then Leia's body disappears. Ben reaches for Rey's hand. After a moment, she takes it firmly. The color slowly returns to their bodies. They sit up, embrace, and kiss.
Ben once again hides on the Falcon, and is discovered during the celebrations by Maz Kanata, who reveals that Leia had a vision of her death and her son's rebirth, which she shared with a select few. She  later implies to Rey that she should tell everyone Ben died fighting Palpatine with her, and allow him to go into hiding.
During the reunion after the battle, Finn and Poe finally kiss, initiated by Poe. (The half a second shot of the ladies smooching can stay in as well).
Final scene is the same, except when Rey is asked her last name, she is joined by Ben in the frame of the shot, who says "Skywalker" before putting his arm around Rey. The old woman remarks she never heard of Luke Skywalker having a son, and after a wink from force-ghost Luke and a smile from Leia, Ben and Rey simply smile at the woman. Ben's scars are healed, his hair is shorter, his skin is tanned, and he barely resembles himself when smiling. As long as they are careful nobody will ever know he is Ben Solo/Kylo Ren. The last shot of them playfully dueling in front of the setting suns reveals they both have new light sabers, both yellow.
Disclaimer:  I suspect the ending is yet another fake out, and this was not “the end”. Disney is playing us.
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CSUAVS PRT 49 half
Veronica was standing guard in front of Kre'el's room, halting the progress of their mission to visit the woman with minimal fuss made. They'd darted though the palace, as if on a secret mission. With Krolia wanting to speak with him, his mother was likely to pop out of nowhere and spoil their plans. Doubling back, it was a slight trek to find a vent opening they could both reach. A mural decision that had been made with a roll of Lance's eyes and a groan on Keith's behalf at the sight of a grumpy looking Veronica. If he'd had his comms, he could have sent Acxa to distract her but they'd left their comms behind to prevent being interrupted. The half-Galra supposed he would have to apologise to Veronica at some point, but that point wasn't until she apologised to Lance for treating him simply as her little brother.
 Unhooking the vent cover, Keith dropped down first, nearly taking out the visitors chair as he lost his balance when his eyes met Kre'el's. This plan of theirs seeming somewhat stupider now they'd reached their end goal... and a whole lot stupider when Lance dropped the block of chocolate they'd brought with him down on his head. Mentally glaring at his husband, Keith leapt down off the chair to retrieve the chocolate as Lance lowered himself down, somehow ending up on his arse instead of standing. In her bed, Kre'el gave a coughing laugh. Lance looking to her with too much interest. Resisting the urge to growl, Keith the the chocolate at Lance, before stalking to lean against the back of the visitors chair, attempting to glare her into shutting up until Lance was ready to talk. Kre'el knew exactly what she was doing, using her left hand to lift her oxygen mask off to sit under her chin.
 "You came back?"
Nodding, Lance was tense
"I had to. We haven't finished talking"
"I see you brought Keith"
"He's staying"
"He's handsome... If I were three hundred years younger..."
Then what? That was plain creepy. Plus... she had nothing he was interested in
"He is right here. Lance had questions, and you're going to give him answers while no one is watch us"
Kre'el ignored him
"What do you want to know? I thought I explained before"
Lance took a breath as he started to fiddle with the chocolate wrapper
"I want to know about his men. Klearo's men. I want to know what they sent you. You said he was to observe and report to you... did he... did he film me?"
Kre'el moved her left hand towards Lance, leaving the mask down under her chin. She barely looked alive, let alone like the woman that had tried to kidnap them
"Lance, I'm not sure that will change anything... They're dead. Taken care of after Klearo abused the power we bestowed upon him... I couldn't let them do it again"
"So he did... Why? What happened to the film?"
Breaking off the chocolate, Lance's hands were shaking
"I erased files... after you agreed to help kill Klearo. The data he provided was next to useless. You're pain threshold was higher than expected, as was your healing time. The drugs processed through your system too fast to be effective, only serving to tell us that it wasn't a suitable form of sedation. Other than your marks and high quintessence, there was nothing particularly fascinating until we knew human males weren't biologically designed to carry young... Klearo... he got what he deserved. I never imagined he'd take things that far or that way simply because you bruised his ego"
Passing Kre'el a piece of chocolate, the Altean took it in confusion
"It's chocolate. It's good..."
"Why are you giving this to me? You should hate me, like your partner does"
"Honestly. I want to hate you. I want to shake you and yell at you, and throw you out the nearest airlock. I want to demand answers to all the questions I have... but when I look at you... I can't... I still see her... Those god awful coffees... Sitting at the bar while you complained about you boss... but I guess he was a friend after all. Kre'el, what happened to Helo? Did you... did you kill him? Did any of them survive?"
Gasping, Kre'el coughed as she shook her head
"That wasn't me. Not personally. It was... on behalf of Erathus, at the outpost. He was getting to close to our operation. Looking into the missing ships... Pollarck could only do so much in his position... I was told he was apprehended by your Earth friends. I never wanted him to die... I wish we could go back to those days, but it was always going to end like this..."
 How Lance could sit there nodding, Keith didn't know. Helo was a friend to both of them. Someone else who didn't need to die
"And his body?"
"Parts... the ones with low quintessence... they served so we could live"
Keith drew his brow in disgust. Lance was acting too calm. As if he was simply visiting a friend, not a mass murdering bitch. He was barely holding his tongue. His teeth hurting from how hard he was gritting them. Lance needed this and so far had kept his temper, but he didn't know if that was better or worse
"What do you mean?"
Placing the chocolate in her mouth, Kre'el sighed around the piece
"This is good"
Lance wasn't buying it, his voice firm
"Kre'el, what do you mean they served so you could live? They served the ship? Then why did they need to be in pieces?"
"Lift the blankets... I can't..."
 Lance went to move as Kre'el said, Keith stopping him by placing both hands on his shoulders and pushing him down. There was no way Kre'el have a weapon on her, but Keith wasn't chancing Lance's health
"I'll do it"
Stepping around the visitors chair, Keith was slightly rough as he pulled the blankets back to expose the hospital gown Kre'el was wearing, not sure what he was supposed to be seeing
"Break the tab on the side, and pull it back. We're all adults here"
There was no tab, just the string that tied at the back. Taking the thin fabric in his hands it snapped with ease. With her arm in the left sleeve, Keith gave up and tore the fabric, revealing a sunken stomach littered with thick scars. Eyeing it in revolt, Keith backed away, gathering Lance against him as his boyfriend said nothing
"Our bodies are breaking down... you saw my arm... we... wanted to live... We weren't the only ones trying to extend our lives..."
"That doesn't make any of this right. You fucking let them hurt him. You could have confessed to him. You could have come to us! You killed thousands of people... How many lives have you destroyed?! Where are the rest of you? You said something about a new home. Where?! How do we get there? How many of you are still there?"
"Keith, just... just stop. Please..."
Reaching out, Lance pulled the blankets back as Kre'el tried to help. She could freeze for all he cared
"She broke... they broke you. How can you just sit there? What happened to all your questions? What happened to you needing these answers?"
Lance shot him a glare, smoothing out the piece of blanket near Kre'el's hand. His voice was soft, and far too understanding
"Because they just wanted to live... We all want to live... Kre'el, is there another planet? Another home base now that the outpost and ship are gone?"
"Yes... a world... we tried to make our own. I don't know if any more will live... not without the ship..."
"How do we get there?"
"It's all on the ship... the... the pass code is "hope"... you... have an Altean... don't let them use the pods..."
With Kre'el running out of breath, Lance broke his hold completely to lift the mask back onto her face. Telling them to go back to the ship was a cop out, in his opinion. Kre'el could be stringing them along. Lance feared having been filmed, and she'd confirmed it.
 A few doboshes of awkward silence past as Kre'el regained control of her breathing. Lance was biting his lip as he stared at his former friend. It didn't look good for Kre'el. It was like death was in the air
"Lance, I think you should ask any other questions you have"
Looking up to him, Lance looked back to Kre'el. Just because Lance had accepted things, didn't mean Keith was ready to jump into the same boat. Someone had to stay objective... Which he definitely wasn't being... but wouldn't admit. Taking Kre'el's hand in his was the last straw for Keith. Walking over to the wall, he leaned back against it. If Lance was going to be an idiot, he could get himself out of whatever she did to him
"You don't have to talk... just nod or shake your head. Is everyone with that tattoo gone? From Klearo's crew?"
Kre'el nodded
"And there's more of you out there? That could be dying without the ship?"
Kre'el nodded again
"And if we unlock the ship, we'll be able to access the records? Including that data you took on Keith and I?"
Nodding again, Kre'el was letting one rattling breath after another
"And us... our friendship. You regretted what was done? But you were still desperate to survive?"
Pulling off her mask, Kre'el coughed
"I'm sorry... I wanted you dead... I wanted... if you had a child... I wanted... I wanted... why we had to die... why she had to die... didn't... want you to die... wanted to live"
 The machine monitoring Kre'el's heart started to beep louder, her hand grasping Lance's harder as she wheezed, trying to talk of her daughter to his boyfriend. Rising, Lance placed her hand on forehead
"Babe... should I get Veronica?"
"She's dying"
"So I should get Veronica?"
The beeping was getting louder, Veronica was sure to be in the room any tick as it was. As Kre'el started to flatline, Lance pointed to the door while keeping his eyes on Kre'el
"No... Let her go. If they come back in here, they're only going to revive her over and over until her body fails completely. If we do that, we're no better than they were. Let her rest... Que Dios te lleve a su abrazo amoroso y tenga piedad de tu alma. Que descanses en paz en los brazos de tu hija, en el paraíso que es el cielo... Sleep and when you wake, might your daughter be there to accept you with open arms"
"It's ok. Kre'el, it's ok to let go. I forgive you..."
 As the door to Kre'el's room opened, Veronica glared at the pair of them
"What are you doing in here? Lance, step away from the prisoner"
"She's dead V. It's time to let her go"
"She holds important information"
"Her body is failing. Bringing her back is too cruel"
"I can't simply look the other way. Neither of you are supposed to be in here unsupervised"
"God. Put the rules aside. She was a mother and she wanted to save her people. Let her pass in peace. Let her rest"
"You don't have the authority to make that decision"
"As the person she hurt most here, I say I do"
"You're not..."
Pushing off the wall with his foot, Keith stood between Lance and Kre'el. Veronica might have a job to do,
"Call Shiro and ask him. He'll agree with Lance"
"Keith, you..."
Behind them, Kre'el continued to flatline, Veronica pushing Keith out the way, before stopping just shy of Lance
"She's gone already V. Let her rest with her daughter"
"She was valuable"
"She was a person. A really fucking misguided person. If Honerva could find rest and redemption, so can she"
"You can't make decisions like this"
"I make decisions like this all the time. I've lost team members and friends, V. If mami can accept what I do, so can you. You never would have had access to her at all, or to her ship without us. Now it's time she rests..."
 Placing down Kre'el's hand, Lance moved past Veronica, Keith moving to catch his boyfriend in his arms before he escape
"I'm ok... Not ok, but... I knew it was coming"
"What do you need?"
"Can we go back to the Telula? I need my holopad..."
What did he need his holopad for? Kre'el has just died, and Keith's head was still full of questions. Shiro probably wouldn't be too happy that all they got was the code for the prison ship's systems was "hope". Pidge had probably already hacked it, or one of his other officers. They should have kept Kre'el in a pod longer. Even if they'd only taken her out the morning she was being transferred, it'd have given them more time for Lance to talk to her
"Babe, I think you're in shock"
"I want to write everything down before I forget it... We need to get to that planet to search for any survivors"
He should have seen the one coming from a mile away. There was no way Keith was agreeing to them checking it out, but a panic attack or an argument in front of Veronica wouldn't end well for Lance
"Ok. Let's get everything written down and talk to Shiro?"
"And Coran. Coran knows what "hope" is in Altean. It's probably not been the same word as "hope". Shit. Shiro's not going to be happy"
"Shiro said he was happy with what you got from her. We should get out of the way"
 With Kre'el flatlining and Veronica not yelling directions at medical staff, the staff filtering in to deal with her body were in no rush. Taking Lance out the the room, Lance looked back as Keith tugged him on
"What's going on?"
"I forgot the chocolate... do you think she liked it?"
For the second time that day, shock was starting to set in, Lance stopping again to stare back at Kre'el's room. Chocolate wasn't a priority, and Keith had given Lance's mother more than enough for the stockpile in his possession. Being Lance's mother, she'd wanted to pay for it all, but understood when Keith explained he wanted to pay as it was a personal gift and not just a want.
"Yeah. I'm sure she did"
"Maybe I should have given her more?"
"You saw how sick she was, babe. You made her happy for a few moments"
"Do you think she liked it?"
Wrapping his arm around Lance's waist, Keith kept guiding him away from the room. There was nothing that could done for Kre'el now
"Babe, you just asked me that"
"Oh... Oh. I want to go to the Telula..."
"That's where we're going"
"Ok. I hope she finds peace"
"I'm sure she will. What was it you said to her in Spanish?"
"Oh... um... just a prayer. I couldn't think of a bible verse that fitted for her... so I said a prayer. I think... I hope she's at peace with her daughter... What she must have gone through... Veronica's going to be pissed"
"That's her problem, not yours. You just lost a friend"
"I know... I feel like I should be crying, but I'm not"
"It hasn't sunk in yet"
"Yeah... maybe..."
Shoving his hands in his pocket, Lance didn't return the hold. His feet still heavy as slow, even once Kre'el's room had long disappeared behind them.
By the time they reached the Telula, Lance was walking taller. The glint in his eyes not his soft boyfriend's but that of when Lance donned the mask of Leandro. Heading on board, Shiro was waiting for them in the cargo bay, the man poised to attack them with a hug, only to stop and raise an eyebrow at Lance's lack of tears. Giving a slight jerk of his head, Shiro silently asked him if Lance was alright. There was no way to silently reply to that. Keith wasn't even sure he had the words to vocalise a reply
Blinking at Shiro, Lance then out a weary sigh
"She passed. I'm sorry. I couldn't let them bring her back again. Not after everything. Keith needs to talk to you. Do you know where Coran is?"
"The others are in the medbay. Pidge wanted in on the programs Coran was gifting Daehra with. I can go get him..."
"No. No, it's ok. Thanks. I'm just going to borrow him for bit. Keith, why don't you take Shiro down to your old room for some privacy, I'm going to head up to the bridge"
Keith wasn't sure what he was meant to talk to Shiro about. He was more worried for Lance. Even if he was seeking out Coran, Keith still wanted to be there for him... It stung... and the half-Galra would be lying if he didn't say he was confused as to what he was supposed to be feeling. The feelings of anger and disgust were morphing into something else... Maybe he did need to talk to Shiro? Was it in his scent? Is that what made Lance think it was better he talk to Coran instead of him?
"Ok, babe... I'm here if you need to talk"
"I know. Just gotta do this first"
That was a whole lot of nothing explained. Lance said he wanted to write things down... So how did Coran work into that? Still in search of something to hug, Shiro slung his arm over Keith's shoulder
"Take as long as you need. Keith can fill me in"
Lance's only reply was to give a nod before striding off ahead of them
"Is he ok?"
"I don't know, Shiro. I really don't know"
"Ok, kiddo. How about you and me go have this talk?"
  It looked to Keith like in his absence his room had been turned into a storage room for Lance. The bed was made, but was made with all of his spare blankets. The pile so thick that it was almost impossible to roll into a pile then on to the floor. He stupid instincts didn't want other people's scents on things, despite another's scent clearly being on their blankets. He didn't know the scent, it was soft like faded fabric softener. Something floral at a guess. Sitting on the edge of be bed, Shiro sat down next to him. His one armed hug moving from his shoulders to around his waist, having been broken to make space for them. Burying his face in his hands, Keith rubbed at his eyes, nudging softly Shiro prompted
"Veronica called ahead"
"I figured she would. She wanted to revive Kre'el when she flatlined. Lance wanted to let her pass"
"Did she talk? I didn't expect you two to head back to her so soon"
"I didn't either. But the first thing that idiot wanted was to finish talking to her"
"Did he get the answers he needed?"
 Keith let out a bitter laugh. That was the question of the varga. Did he?
"He said he forgave her"
"And you don't?"
"I don't know. It was easier to hate her before I knew everything else. She fucked him up so much. He was suicidal, throwing himself headfirst into all his missions because he didn't care if he died. He's been popping god only knows what, shooting up the yellow shit they got him addicted to. Picking fights with everyone. Hunting down dangerous criminals. He only escaped them the first time by killing everyone, then he went right back in there and did the same to Klearo... and now he finds out the sick fucks filmed the whole thing. Kre'el said she deleted it, and he believes her. He believes her because  he... he still sees his friend in her. I don't know what to do Shiro..."
 Shiro gathered him up against him as tears started to well in Keith's eyes
"It sounds like you've been there for Lance, but he hasn't really been there for you"
What no?
"What do you mean?"
"That was all about Lance, but how do you feel about Kre'el's death?"
"I don't know. I said I don't know. Why would you say that about Lance?"
"That came out wrong. You sound exhausted, and you've only just reunited. Neither of you have stopped since you came back together. Naps and sleeping don't count"
"It's... complicated. He's good to me. I promise..."
"He is. He's there. He listens to me most of the... some of the time. It's been hard to get him through things, but it's also brought up a lot of things I haven't got through either... and he helps with that. I still have nightmares... and I understand things differently to how I did. I didn't understand how people could rely on something so much... like the drugs, but now I realise you were my drug. I was relying on you so heavily I went crazy when I lost your support. It wasn't healthy... I mean, if you went missing now, I'd hunt your arse down and kick you back to Curtis. But I understand why those kids couldn't just stop... and... When he went back, he asked me to come with him. For us. He wants to put this behind him for us... but now we've found out there's this whole other planet that might be filled with dead aliens... and I just know he's going to want to go"
"Did she give you coordinates?"
"No she said they were on the ship. The password is "hope" in Altean. She mentioned some other alien called Pollarck? I have no idea who he is... I don't think I can forgive her like Lance did..."
"You don't have to forgive her. You know what happened now"
"I don't know if I do. I feel like I still have questions, but I have no idea what they are. Lance said he had questions, and I don't know if he asked them all or gave up because she was so close to death"
"That's a talk you're going to have to with him"
"I know, but he's swapped into work mode now. He said he wanted to write everything down... I'm worried Shiro. They took a heap of personal data from us on that outpost. I'm worried that when the technicians are looking through the ship's data, they're going to find everything out. He was already scared that they had filmed him, then she went and confirmed it, only to say it was gone. But what if it's not? What if it's still on system? What if it gets out?"
"It won't get out. The ship is on lockdown. We have it under surveillance in case the rest of her network come for it"
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deputysaint · 5 years
      i need to be told to stop playing new dawn. 
   ft: @sanctemony 
     john/deacon centered with some mentions of: joseph, jacob, faith, paul, rachel, hannah
        warnings: canon typical violence, character death(s), flowery smut, my tears
   it’s been a long time since deacon’s been in this situation, but he remembers the feeling of it, and knows what to do. even with his knees in the dirt, and his hands above his head, he has options. even with there being a gun pointed in his direction, he knows what he can do to get out of this. he can see that their grip is sloppy, finger on the trigger but too loosely to be a threat, and deacon knows if he needed to, he could get out of this. he could overpower the person hovering over him and take them down effortlessly and without really harming them. it’s all muscle memory, he’s done it hundreds of times before the collapse, and dozens of times since the arrival of the highwaymen.
 he knows he can do this. but he doesn’t. he sits and bides his time.
 there’s voices on the radio, the highwayman is swearing up a storm, a gleeful one, the busted lip he’s sporting doing nothing to prevent his excited report.
 he should be listening to the report, he knows he should be, but it’s boring things he’s heard before, and he doesn’t care. he catches his name in all the swearing and laughter, and then a slur he chooses not to acknowledge, and finally something about him being new eden’s guard dog.
 he bites back a grin.
 he’s not anyone’s dog. and he hasn’t been deacon saint in a very long time.
 movement catches his eye between the threats of don’t move and the twins are going to love this, and it takes all of his willpower not to track it with his eyes. he knows the man coming up on them, wearing a long jacket like nothing has changed in the world. deacon knows him well enough to know that he could probably kill the man above him easily even if noticed, but he also likes him well enough to not want to cause him that grief.
 john seed looks beautiful in everything, even his own blood, but deacon knows well enough that he’ll catch hell if jacob sees him with another split lip or bruised face, and that joseph’ll never forgive him if he brings john home with more scars than he’d left with. ( paul would forgive him, deacon knows that for a fact. paul was always forgiving, and would just sigh at the sight and ask who they’d pissed off that day. faith would probably laugh at them, curl her fingers in his and ask if they’d had fun. )
 some things changed in the new world, and some things didn’t.
 lacing his fingers together loosely atop his head, deacon chooses instead to smile up at his captor, all teeth and mirth and lacking any and all kindness he might have had before the collapse.
 he’s different now. still the same kind man who smiled at people, who believed in the good of the people of hope county before the bad. but he’s also more protective of them, and with the arrival of the highwaymen had come a strange, more dangerous side to him, something protective and ruthless and deadly.
 he thinks, despite what everyone said, that this part of him has always existed, it had lived in him long before he’d arrived in hope county, fresh and ready for his new job. he knows a part of him has always been unkind, but before he’d been better at smothering it.
 now, however, he has no reason to. his family needed him, the county needed him, and he would murder anyone who tried to threaten their safety.
 when john shoots out the man’s knee from behind, deacon is ready to launch himself at him, hands grabbing for the rifle and pushing it towards the sky as they fall.
 two pulses of gunfire. and then he’s dead, and john is laughing down at him, teeth too bright, hand held out.
 deacon takes his hand.
 they hunt the highwaymen together.
 it’s not what joseph wants for his brother, for either of them, but he can’t stop them. he locks up new eden, forbids his flock from leaving except at night, under the cover of darkness and bliss-created fog, but he cannot stop john and deacon from doing as they please, just as he couldn’t stop jacob from taking his chosen, his wife and children, and setting up a separate settlement nearby.
 it’s the end of an era, the final act of brotherhood. they stand together, but apart, having chosen different lives for their family. joseph tends to his flock, his people, and jacob tends to his family, his people. faith stays with joseph, broken and a little mad, seemingly so small without her bliss. paul floats between settlements, alliance torn between two of his brothers, but unwilling to choose a side over the other and instead choosing to find a balance between the two.
 john and deacon wander. they hunt.
 they live.
 it ends because of a mistake, a foolish moment of sentiment over sensibility.
 hannah’s gift, her final gift to deacon, gets caught on a branch as they’re running from highwaymen scouts. and deacon goes back to get it, ignoring john’s yells of warning and frustration.
 it’s the only thing he has of her left, of their unlikely friendship. and he won’t let it be lost.
 when he looks up after getting it, the scouts are too close, and shots ring in the night.
 there’s too much blood.
  it’s been a while, but he’s been here too, with blood soaking his shirt and john leaning over him, trying to stop the flow with bandages and duct tape. but it’s never been like this, john has never looked down at him like that.
  they’re in a house, someone’s home, one of the few remaining buildings that had withstood the collapse. it looks familiar to deacon, like he’s been here before, searched it before, bled on this floor before, but he can’t tell when, or why, and honestly, he’s bled on a lot of floors before, nearly died in a lot of homes.
  he probably should have stopped with that shit seventeen fucking years ago. but he hadn’t.
  “john. john.” his hand feels like dead weight, like he’s been sleeping on it and it’s gone numb, and he nearly slaps john as he tries to cradle his face in his hand. “johnny.” he pleads quietly, and wide blue eyes flick up at that.
  there’s fear in them. deacon doesn’t understand why.
  “stop moving.” the statement is snapped out. a command. but there’s too much fear in his voice, and he’s shaking too much for deacon to stop trying to pet him, get his full attention.
  “you need to... to go.” it’s funny, because he thinks that when he hears the wet sound of something hitting the ground, he should be afraid. logic says he should, because that’s him bleeding through the shirt john has been pressing against the wound on his neck. but instead, he’s calm, so calm and peaceful.
  he’s dying, and he knows it. and he can’t help but feel free.
  “johnny,” he whispers the nickname, and this feels nothing like any other time he’s nearly died. everything is warm and cold at once, and he feels like he’s stepped into the bliss. “you have to go. the flare - they’re coming.”
  “i’m not leaving you.”
  i’m not leaving you.
  you’re not leaving me.
  you promised.
  everything is all muddled, but deacon can still read john like a book. and it’s not said, but he knows he’s thinking about the promise deacon has made, again and again and again. so many times over the many years they’ve been together.
  you’re never going to be alone.
  fuck. he closes his eyes, breathes out a sigh.
  “okay.” he smiles crookedly, and he knows it’s filled with blood. but when he opens his eyes, there’s blood, his blood, smeared up john’s cheek, and the former baptist is gazing down at him affectionately. “okay.”
  john piles together all he can find, all the supplies they’ve been carrying. and all the things other people have left behind, or stored there during the collapse. there’s shotgun shells in a drawer, a gun taped to the underside of a desk, ethanol and bomb making materials stuffed under loose floorboards.
  john finds a familiar knife wedged between a stripped bed and the wall, but says nothing of it. just turns it over in his hands and stares for a long time. then smiles a bitter smile and heads back to deacon’s side.
  they make a plan. it’s suicidal.
  deacon dies quietly, tucked against john’s chest.
  his last words are i love you.
  less than half an hour later, one of the highwaymen lieutenants and his crew bust down the front door, and begins a room by room search of the home.
  they don’t recognize the smell of ethanol under the smell of wood rotting and blood.
  john smiles where he is, tucked in the dark, with deacon resting against him. he lights a road flare.
  the house erupts.
  some seventeen years earlier
  deacon is over him, on him, in him and john’s disgusted with himself, even as he digs his fingernails in deep, even as deacon shifts and hits just right enough to cause him to gasp, his world to go briefly white.
  he hates him. he hates him so much.
  he hates that this isn’t about hate sex anymore, and that deacon’s long stopped letting john use him for frustration relief.
  he hates that deacon feels so good, and he hates that deacon can light his nerves on fire with just a touch or a look.
  he hates deacon’s soft whispers of god, you’re beautiful and fuck, fuck, john, i -
  he thinks he hates that deacon always cuts himself off before saying it the most.
  there’s a knife in his free hand, and he means to use it. he wants to go home, and it’s become obvious at this point that deacon’s morals will never let him join them, will never let the deputy join him.
  the fingers wrapped around the knife curl tighter, and move to raise it. above him, deacon doesn’t notice. his head is pressed to john’s throat, whispering sweet, nonsensical things there, pressing wet sloppy kisses to his skin, refusing to bite and make it hurt like john wants him so desperately to.
  he wants it to hurt. he doesn’t deserve this kindness and affection.
  he raises the knife the same time deacon raises his head to look at him.
  the world seems to stop. john freezes in place.
  but deacon, sweet deacon, his fucking saint, doesn’t see the knife, doesn’t look at anything but john’s face and there’s just so fucking much in his eyes that john doesn’t know what to do with. doesn’t deserve. doesn’t want.
  ( it’s a lie. he wants, he wants, he wants. )
  a warm mouth presses against his at the same time a hand brushes down across his ribs, uncaring of the scars that fingers catch on. the man’s other hand readjusts its grip on the underside of his thigh, pulling gently, so fucking gently. and then, the hand sliding down his body wraps around him, wet and warm, grip comfortably firm and tight.
  john chokes on a sob as his world whites out.
  the knife drops out of his hand, slides off the bed. wedges itself between the bed and the wall.
  deacon loves him, and it’s fucked up, but he thinks he loves him back.
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peacekeeper-xiv · 6 years
Honest Q&A: Round 6! Table
Hello all! It’s been a while since we were all together. I’m glad everyone was able to join our roundtable today. Hmm… looking over the questions submitted they seem to be… ahh, yes, these were all omitted from the previous questionnaires due to their… darker theme. Well, it seems my editor is looking to expand our readership. Very well, if anyone feels uncomfortable answering these VERY hypotheticals… feel free to pass.
First, a question for myself. Where have you all been? It’s been really hard to track you all down for another sit down lately.
Lloire: “I’ve been… Home. Researching. I might have doubled my workload recently so… I’ve been busy.”
K’risa: “I had to go back home for a bit. Mother got herself into some trouble and I needed to give her a hand.”
Beta: “Work, work, work. Poor Ikara probably thinks I’m a myth. Mythical boyfriend. Only appears on blue moons. My uh… well, Lucilius told me about some things going on back… home. I’m trying to help out some and I’ve been pouring myself into my work. I’m bad at taking breaks.”
Chadrick: “Ye an’ Scars o’er there are soundin’ more an’ more alike lad. As fer me? Ah’ve been spending quality time with Aislyn. Our last job set us up fer a good while so… we’re on leave fer a bit.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa found himself in the Burn, yes? Difficult place to be. Many things try to kill Aasifa, but he is difficult man to kill.”
Benedict: “Work seems to have dried up, so I have been spending my time working odd jobs and helping with restoration efforts at some of the holy sites.”
Chance: “East.”
Felix: “You find me when I want you to find me. You don’t need to know more than that.”
 Alright, on to our… readers’ questions. <cough> Uh-hmm… let’s get this over with, shall we?
“If you had to kill one person you cared about to save the rest of the world, who would you pick?”
Lloire: “Hmm, I know everyone expects me to say myself…”
Felix: “Lo, Lloire, I'm sure we’re all eager to hear your answer, I'm going to let you finish, but I’ve been waiting for these kinds of questions a long time! A long, long time! Me… I’d kill anyone to save the world. It doesn’t really matter who. After a while you learn that sacrifice is sometimes necessary.”
Lloire: “Right… As I was saying… I know everyone expects me to say myself… but that sounds like a cheap answer. Everyone would say that, except apparently Felix.. To answer the more difficult question… who besides myself would I kill? I’d have to say Soren. I’d like to imagine he’d do the same in that situation. We’ve been through enough together to know it’s what the other would want I think.”
K’risa: “I’m, vaguely concerned that you both answered that so easily. I don’t think I could do it. Killing someone awful to save the world is one thing. I don’t know that I want to save a world where I’m forced to kill a loved one.”
Beta: “This is a bit-crank question. Who thinks up this kinda garbage? I guess if I had to pick it’d be Lucilius. He’s older than anyone else I care about… But I’m kinda with K’risa.”
Chadrick: “Tha’s nay tha way ‘eroes work. Ah would nay stop another from sacrificin’ themsel’es, but Ah’m nay about t’ kill an innocent. Meself, sure. Nay another.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa is thinking… His former master, yes? Aasifa is having cares for this person.”
Benedict: “Master Taqalid… I would very much like to hear your full story someday. I fear I too would be unable to kill another to save the world. I am not so arrogant as to assume myself above the gods. If it is their will, the world would be saved without so gruesome an act.”
Chance: “Yea, sure, everyone dies or one person dies. Makes sense. I’m not hero enough to go offing myself, so it’s probably going to be the least liked member of my crew. Sorry, whoever that is. You should’ve been more likeable I guess.”
 "What is the worst thing you can imagine someone doing?"
Felix: “Ooh, we get to be creative now? Awesome! Let’s see… Oh! I know. Flaying someone alive while hooking them up to machines to ensure they don’t die then leaving just enough flesh that you can heal it and start all over again. And again. And again.”
Lloire: “You… sound entirely too gleeful at that thought. I’ll keep it simple. Betrayal. ”
K’risa: “Lying. I hate liars. Breaking someone’s trust is the worst!”
Beta: “Bad people are just that, bad. The worst thing someone can do is be a good person and stand by while bad things happen.”
Chadrick: “Good point lad. Aye, tha indifference o’ good men is probably tha worst sin.”
Aasifa: “Making someone your slave. You do this, Aasifa will kill you.”
Benedict: “Turning away from the Gods. It is one thing to be ignorant of them, and another entirely to believe and abandon them when life changes.”
Chance: “Desertion. Plain and simple. You don’t wanna fight, don’t sign up. You run, you get others killed.”
 "Do you think death is the worst fate there is?"
Felix: “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. No. Losing your mind is. Insanity, amnesia, anything of that sort is far worse. Better to die as the person you are than to live as someone else.”
Lloire: “I’m of a similar mind, though more to the mindset of freewill. The worst fate is giving up who you are and knowing you’ve done so. To be a puppet for another.”
K’risa: “Watching those you love die is worse than dying yourself.”
Beta: “I don’t know guys, dying means things can’t be fixed. Like, someone might be able to restore your mind, your puppeteer might get killed and you go free, you will meet new loved ones. Dying is the only one that means you don’t get another shot.”
Chadrick: “Aye lad, but there’s somethin’ comfortin’ in knowin’ it’s nay your problem anymore. Ah think those who’ve lived through enough know tha’ sometimes e’en tha memories of wha’ ‘appened are worse than dyin’. Ah think bein’ forced t’ relive yer worst failures would be far worse than a simple an’ clean death.”
Aasifa: “Being slave is worse than death. What is life if you do not control your own destiny? Even if you leave this to chance, it is your choice, not the choice of another.”
Benedict: “There is far worse than death. Death is simply a new beginning that brings us closer to the Gods.”
Chance: “There’s not much worse than death. A lotta shit you can move past. Me personally though… I’d rather die than be feeble and weak. I’d rather die the man I am then be left a crippled shell of who I was.”
 “Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?”
Felix: “The cause, without question. It can more easily be circumvented that way.”
Lloire: “Hmm, the date. You’d have time to set your affairs in order. There is no hiding from death forever so… better to be prepared when it does come.”
K’risa: “Neither! I’d be panicked the whole time if I knew the date. Like a time bomb ticking. If I knew how, everything remotely close to like it would scare me.”
Beta: “I guess the date? Would be kinda nice to know how long I make it and know how many projects I could finish.”
Chadrick: “Well shyte, Death-catte an’ Scars o’er there both make good points. Neither one seems better than tha other. I guess date so Ah could make sure Aislyn was cared fer when Ah was gone but nay before.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa is knowing these things already. This question does not apply to Aasifa.”
Benedict: “I’m more concerned with how I live than how I die.”
Chance: “Cause. If I’m fated to die in some auroch shit way like getting sick or in my sleep, fuck that. I’ll go out before hand in a fight on my own terms.”
 “If you were trapped on an island, would you rather resort to cannibalism or die of starvation?”
Felix: “Cannibalism. No offense, but meat is meat at the end of the day.”
Lloire: “I’ll… do what I must to survive.”
K’risa: “Nope. No. Nu-uh. Not happening. I am not eating people!”
Beta: “I barely like meat as it is. I don’t think I could do it.”
Chadrick: “Ah’m nay killin’ anyone else t’ eat them, but if they were already dead… Ah’m not goin’ t’ die so tha flies can get fat instead.”
Aasifa: “No, this thing is not done. The body once housed the soul and must be treated with respect or the soul will not move on. Aasifa is not being responsible for revenants.”
Benedict: “I suppose I will die.”
Chance: “Hate to say it, but I’m with Lloire. Won’t like it, but survival.”
 “Would you rather have an arm hacked off or a leg?”
Felix: “A leg. Much easier to make a new one if you have both hands to work with.”
Lloire: “Are you an Ascian? I’m asking for a friend. Anyways… I say arm. The Flame General seems to get along fine after all.”
K’risa: “My leg if I have to choose. I mean, I can sit and sew.”
Beta: “I’m going to go with the majority so far. We had someone in the Blades who had a magitek leg. Pretty sure I could make something similar… but I’d need my hands to do it.”
Chadrick: “Ah’m with Lloire. Ah can wield me sword with one ‘and. Much ‘arder to run or dodge with one leg.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa is getting choice? He would flip coin to see which.”
Benedict: “An arm is not needed to kneel in prayer.”
Chance: “You can tell who the ones at the table are who fight the most. I’ll go with arm too.”
 “If you murdered someone, how would you get rid of the body?”
Felix: “That’s pretty easy. Fire. Don’t leave behind evidence.”
Lloire: “I… agreed. For once.”
K’risa: “I guess that works for people who have unlimited access to fire on the spot. I’d probably make it look like Amalj’aa did it.”
Beta: “I want to be made everyone has an easy time thinking about this… but I already decided acid so I don’t have any room to talk.”
Chadrick: “Ah’ve got contacts. They’d be much better about it than Ah would be.”
Aasifa: “Get rid of body? Why are we doing this? If you get rid of body, how will the others know not to test you? It is better to display what is done and allow them to see to their dead.”
Benedict: “I… I have no answer for this.”
Chance: “Probably by dropping it off with whoever paid for the job.”
 “Would you rather hear the voices of dead people or see their ghosts?”
Felix: “Hear, definitely. The dead might have useful things to say. I don’t really care what they look like though.”
Lloire: “Both options are readily available so the question is rather moot.”
K’risa: “Creepy. Um, I guess see. There are people I’d want to see one more time.”
Beta: “Let’s go with neither. Yea, neither. The dead should just yanno, stay dead. ”
Chadrick: “O’, Ah’m with Death-catte it seems. Ah’d ‘ave a much easier time findin’ things if Ah could ask tha previous occupants where they left stuff.”
Aasifa: “This is not Aasifa’s place. There are those who are blessed to listen to the dead. Aasifa is not worthy of this honor.”
Benedict: “I’d like to hear them. I might be able to help them find a way to move on.”
Chance: “The fuck do I care about ghosts? If I gotta pick, see. That way I can kill them if they’re fucked up.”
 “If someone you loved committed a gruesome murder, would you help them cover it up?”
Felix: “Only fair.”
Lloire: “It would depend on the circumstances.”
K’risa: “Uh, no.”
Beta: “I don’t know. That’s a pretty big ask. I’d hope nobody I loved would do that or involve me really.”
Chadrick: “Aye, dependin’ on their reasons. Fer shytes an’ giggles, nay. But some people need killin’ an’ tha law doesnay always see it tha same.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa is still not understanding this cover up or hiding bodies thing. If you do the thing, be proud of your actions. Stand by them, yes?”
Benedict: “I… am having trouble with that notion Master Taqalid. I don’t believe anyone should take pride in murder. I’m afraid I would not be able to help them hide their crime.”
Chance: “Yea, most likely.”
 “Would you rather be kidnapped for six months and survive or die without any psychological damage?”
Felix: “Psh, psychological damage? For my kidnappers you mean?”
Lloire: “I’ve lived through it before. I’d choose survival once again.”
K’risa: “I’m not sure I’m made of the same stuff as you guys. I hate the sound of being kidnapped that long, but, I’d still rather live.”
Beta: “I guess it depends on by who. Being a P.O.W. is bad but not as bad as some sadistic psychopath in some underground ruins.”
Chadrick: “It’s worse fer a lass than a lad most times. I’d choose life more likely than nay.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa is probably killed in escape attempt. So it is death either way.”
Benedict: “Every man can be broken. Yes, even you two. I’d rather die than be broken in such a way.”
Chance: “Live. Then I can go back, find who captured me, and make them pay.”
 “You can only save one... your worst enemy’s infant child, or your best friend's true love. Who do you pick?”
Felix: “Hmm, my worst enemies infant child. Then I would raise them to oppose my enemy.”
Lloire: “Most likely my best friend’s true love. Simply because in doing so I would be save more lives, my best friend’s included most likely.”
K’risa: “Ugh! This is horrible. The child of course. They’re innocent!”
Beta: “Yea, I’m going to have to go with the kid too.”
Chadrick: “Ah’m with Scars. Tha true love. Ye di’nay know how much wickedness is in tha blood and while e’eryone is born innocent, nobody stays tha’ way. Love on tha other ‘and… Tha’s nothing to scoff at if it’s true. Ye need t’ protect it.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa’s worst enemies are either not allowed to have children or their children would be too well guarded to ever need Aasifa’s saving, so he is picking the other option, yes?”
Benedict: “What the child may become is up to them, the sins of the parents are not the sins of the child. I agree with miss Mau.”
Chance: “The child. If my best friend cannot protect their loved one and they can’t protect themselves, that isn’t my fault. The child has no one except the fool who became my enemy.”
 “Would you rather marry your most recent ex or spend five years in jail?”
Felix: “I married my most recent ex’s. I’ve got no problem doing it again.”
Lloire: “I’ll take jail. Been there, done that. I’ve screwed up a marriage before. I’d rather not do that again.”
K’risa: “I’m going to go with jail too. Some men aren’t the marrying type.”
Beta: “Mister Chadrick? If looks could kill you might be dead. I think it’s safe for me to say marrying my ex. Kinda a non-issue for me.”
Chadrick: “Come on lass. Ah’d do fine in a bondin’, it just di’nay work between us. Ah’d still say bondin’ though. Jail’s a pain an’ e’en if ye are exes fer a reason… bondin’s can be annulled pretty easily.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa would be widower then. Still, it is better than losing freedom.”
Benedict: “I fear I cannot answer this as I do not have an ex per say.”
Chance: “Yea, I’d marry her to get outta the jail time, annul it, and get on with my life. Heroboy has the right idea for once.”
 Thank you all for taking the time to answer these… ahem… questions. I appreciate your candor and I’m sure our readers do as well.  One last question of my own before we break. What’s next for you?
Felix: “I’m setting up a new… workshop in the Mists.”
Lloire: “I’ve a problem of my own making I need to deal with. Once that’s handled… I need to get back out into the world.
K’risa: “I’m not really sure. Been thinking about going back home. I’ll be sure to say good-bye and let you know if I do.”
Beta: “I’m going to keep working with Lucilius but yea, I should prolyl take a bit more time away from work too.”
Chadrick: “Back t’ work Ah imagine. Ah’ve been hearing some strange things about Dalmasca. Might go an’ take a look.”
Aasifa: “Aasifa will follow the wind. See where it is taking him, yes?”
Benedict: “I will be looking for work for Sunny and I. What’s that Master Ashton? Oh, certainly.”
Tagged by: Uh, I made this one. So @me?
Tagging: @wicked-virtue @waitingrose @nebula1984 @devil-you-know @hedgearcher @yutikyis @quirkycoterie @voidfirenate @invalmos-kha @rinoasdream and anyone else I might have left off or forgotten
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