#instead of worrying abt which year is our year
jrueships · 2 years
we do this thing every like half year where we say 'the clippers are so cool now!! we're deadly! we're gonna win! watch out' why don't we shut the fuck up. why don't we be quiet. why don't we say nothing . it's less embarrassing that way
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 4 months
status of babbit's life yeehaw
tl,dr: busy moving and a couple of other big life things that just complicate things, but well on the way to being back to normal! new fic chapters and better quality art coming soon.
tl,wr (too long, will read):
Helloooo what's up its me, Babbit. or Rabbit. or Bones. or Idiot Moron Menace Child, idk im not picky lol
i know a lot of you guys have been wondering wtf is up with my upload schedule lately and the extreme lack of even basic content and also i am extremely aware that i have not updated my fics in a few millennia and for that i am very, very sorry. this post is to answer a few questions you might have, if anyone was curious about the 'reason' instead of just the 'when.'
my family and i have had a hell of a year, y'all. like, jesus christ, i really hope things level out and calm down for a while once we're moved in to our new apartment bc god damn we are so tired. the list goes: 1. we got kicked out of the house we were renting-to-own bc we wouldn't be able to afford the new rate, so they gave us two months to find a new place to live (not long enough, it turns out) and then foreclosed to get us out. 75% of our belongings were still in the house when we had to leave. that includes all of our christmas ornaments- including the ones kept for decades, and the ones made by me and my siblings, and the fancy ones made from blown glass. 2. the first night out of the house, one of our dogs, freaked out by the strangeness of the situation, panicked and slipped her harness and ran off. that was over a year ago. we haven't seen her since. 3. my cat got very ill and became unable to eat. she passed away almost exactly a year ago. she had been 14-15, and had been my baby since i was maybe 8. 4. one of the tires on my dads car blew out. during the night, while it was parked on the curb so he could put the spare on in the morning, one of the in-tact tires was fucking stolen LMAO 5. we applied to rent at so many places and got rejected so, so many times. it costs money to apply, btw. we're talking like $200+. no, u don't get that money back. 6. i lost my job bc knowing i would have to work 8 hours at a job that stresses me out to the point of exhaustion (at a place where no one takes me seriously and would actively laugh at me when i try to express my need to step away for a minute) sometimes paralyzed me and made me sick to my stomach and made me feel unable to leave the house, and i called out one too many times. a day after my birthday, too! 7. just recently, like within the last week, my dad's car got fuckin totalled!!!!!
the 'oh god' news is we still have to move in, and replace a lot of the stuff that we just couldn't take with us when we moved out (mostly stuff like bookshelves, dining table, dressers, etc) AND get the few things we could cram into a storage center out and moved into the new place, which isn't a lot but at the same time is more than we can realistically handle on our own. and then, we have to get my mums cats (a pair of kitty sisters that we had to temporarily house with my aunt, who got tired of looking after them and let them outside to be outdoor cats a few months ago. yes, this was an extremely shitty thing to do, and we've been working hard to get them back safely) AND my gecko (who my cousin has been looking after, even tho feeding him worms freaks him out LMAO yes i plan on compensating him) moved in, as well... basically oh my god there is so much to worry about but at the same time it's nice to have to worry about it bc it means we're making progress sdkfhsjdkfhdsjfh
basically i am just so tired but so busy and also thinkin abt so much im so sorry for lack of stuff but i am so looking forward to being able to bounce back, pls stick with me, it'll be sorted out soon i think and then i'll hit y'all with some good stuff i promise!!!!!!!
anyway thank u guys i love u and appreciate u all for sticking around
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mi-rae07 · 1 year
this was just a random idea for a fic where like pirate seonghwa’s s/o got kidnapped because she ran away after their argument so the s/o was expecting for seonghwa to woo her after being rescued but instead accidentally called her a burden or smth until she finally asks to break up bcs she was sick of it which brought back seonghwa’s consciousness abt the situation 😩🧎🏻‍♀️
Park Seonghwa : Shatter Me
Pairing : Park Seonghwa (Ateez) and named character (Yoon Serena)
A/n : This request was so much fun, really.
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Seonghwa : do you have fun causing trouble for me every fucking day of the week, princess?
Serena sat against the chair with a nonchalant look, not bothering to even look at seonghwa who was fuming in anger at what she had done.
Seonghwa : serena. I've told you, a million fucking times, that I need you to go our way. You cannot keep doing things as you like, this isn't your palace!
Serena : so what, you want me to turn into some sort of a pirate with you guys? Looting innocent people-
Seonghwa : they're rich people.
Serena : fine! Rich, innocent people.
Seonghwa : you think any rich merchant here is innocent? Money comes at a price, and that money these "innocent people" of yours have, they've looted poor peasants for it. Taxes, rents, feudal charges, you name it.
Serena : seonghwa-
Seonghwa : but of course! You wouldn't know any of what the normal people go through, would you? You were born into a royal family, lived in that palace for years surrounded by everything that you wanted and needed. Your entire life's been bubble-wrapped for you.
Serena stood up from her chair, walking closer to seonghwa as she said
Serena : yeah, because that's totally why I left all of those for you, my title, my riches, my entire life! I left everything for you, park seonghwa.
Seonghwa : and? Are you saying you're not having a comfortable life here in this ship, then? While my entire crew goes out and fights battles, looting money for so much as being able to afford simple food, you sit here idle, trying on your new dresses and playing princess with it. And even worse, you steal the money left on this ship to go buy your new dresses in order to feed that same dumb, stupid fantasy of yours!
Serena : is that your problem? Money?
Seonghwa : oh darling, I have so much more problems, but this is one of the many other problems that you cause me to worry about.
Serena stared at seonghwa before stepping away from him, leaning down and taking her shoes off of her feet, the one she usually never took off. She threw them at seonghwa, making it hit his chest before falling on the wooden floor with a thud.
Serena : sell these and you'll get half of your money back. And as for the other half, I'll manage.
Serena was about to move past seonghwa when he held her arm, looking straight into her eyes as he asked
Seonghwa : manage how?
Serena : you do not need to know. You said money was the problem, and I said I'll get it for you.
Serena pulled her arm away from his grip, looking away from seonghwa as she whispered
Serena : you're a pirate, aren't you. Isn't this how you do a proper trade?
Serena had decided to sleep in a room separate from seonghwa today. The reason partly being her argument with seonghwa, and partly because she needed to do what she said she would. Find money.
And so when serena was sure everyone on the ship had slept, she got out from her bed and walked to the cupboard in her room, pulling out a cloak with a hoodie on it. She soon slipped out of her room, walking up to the end of the ship while looking around to make sure no one was around. And she was right, no one really was around. Serena put her hoodie on before jumping out of the ship and onto land, her bare feet coming in contact with the watery sand of the beach seonghwa's ship had been anchored on. It was a beach that had been abandoned because of how dangerous the tides were, hence it was the perfect spot for seonghwa and his crew to rest and reload their ship before beginning a new voyage.
Serena knew this place, because it was her place, her kingdom. It was why she had gone out in the morning while seonghwa and his crew had gone out to loot a house, because she had wanted to see her kingdom one last time before leaving. And then she had seen a good pair of shoes that reminded her of the ones her mother had once bought for her when she was a child, and so serena bought it. Which was what led to the fight with seonghwa in the first place. But he was right, she was in the wrong. And she knew just how to fix it.
Serena finally reached the night market, keeping her head down while walking to a stall she knew very well. It gave money for selling jewellery, which was exactly what serena had needed right now.
And once she was finally there, she pulled out the bracelet from her pocket, banging it on the table. The shopkeeper looked at her, his eyes widening at the sight of the bracelet
??? : you wish to sell, this?
Serena : yes. And I expect a 20,000 for it.
??? : you want it right now, then?
Serena : yes.
The shopkeeper nodded and walked further inside the shop, making serena sigh as she looked back at the bracelet on the table next to her. This was one of the only things serena had taken with her when she left the palace, her royal bracelet. But now she had to sell it, and she blamed herself for it.
Serena yelped as she felt someone cover her mouth from behind, making her eyes widen. Oh no, seonghwa was going to kill her for this. Serena tried biting onto the hand, but realized that it was gloved. There was no way out for her now.
And soon enough serena felt herself start to lose consciousness from the medicine that was most definitely poured into the gloves, the world growing dark behind her eyes as she finally shut them.
San : captain! Seonghwa, wake up!
Seonghwa groaned, opening his eyes as it landed on a panting san who seemed to be covered in sweat. Seonghwa sat up, looking at san with confused sleepy eyes.
Seonghwa : what is it, san-ah?
San : serena! She's gone.
That was all it had taken for seonghwa to rush out of his room, running into serena's room that seemed to be filled with his other crew members. Seonghwa looked around as he asked
Seonghwa : when did you find her gone?
Yeosang : when I woke up, which was 15 minutes ago.
Hongjoong : do you have any idea where she went, hwa?
"As for the other half of the money, I'll manage"
Seonghwa quickly walked up to serena's cupboard, throwing it open as he scanned inside. He let out a scoff as he realized that her bracelet was gone.
Seonghwa : I think I do.
Wooyoung : are you worried about her?
Seonghwa : no, she's always been a brat.
Yes, because she was the love of his life. He didn't know how to live without her, and he couldn't even imagine losing her. Seonghwa was scared to the core, because if serena had actually sold that bracelet of hers and got the money, she would've returned to the ship by now. But she hadn't. which only meant one thing, she was kidnapped. And that worried seonghwa. But he was also furious, both towards serena and to the people who had kidnapped her. He was going to kill the latter half, actually murder.
Mingi : well I am.
Seonghwa's eyes landed on a store that read "Exchange stall", knowing this was it. Serena had told seonghwa about this place before, about how this was the one store where she would do all the illegal things, even when she was a princess. This would definitely be where serena had gone.
Seonghwa walked up to the store, wooyoung and mingi by his side.
Seonghwa : are you the shopkeeper?
??? : as you can see. What do you have for exchange?
Seonghwa eyed around the store, knowing there was something uncanny about this place straight away. He needed to push further.
Seonghwa : I do have something, but I would rather we discussed this inside the store. It's quite personal.
The shopkeeper nodded. Wooyoung leaned towards mingi with a smile as he whispered
Wooyoung : how stupid can one be?
Mingi : tell me about it.
Soon seonghwa, wooyoung and mingi were all inside the store with the shopkeeper, who was motioning them to sit on a sofa that was laid out. Seonghwa looked around the room with careful eyes, looking out for the bracelet. It was nowhere to be found, of course.
And so seonghwa sat down on the sofa, looking straight at the shopkeeper as he pulled out a stash of gold coins from his pocket, putting it right on the table in front of him. The shopkeeper looked at it with large eyes, shocked.
Seonghwa : we wish to do something different. Money, for the royal bracelet.
The shopkeeper quickly looked up at seonghwa at the mention of the bracelet before saying
Shopkeeper : who said I have the princess' royal bracelet.
He had just dug his own grave.
Seonghwa : I hear no denial.
Wooyoung stepped forward and caught the shopkeeper by his hand, mingi holding onto the other as the shopkeeper screamed. But seonghwa quickly kept his hand against the shopkeeper's mouth, leaning down before putting his hand into the shopkeeper's pocket. The shopkeeper squirmed, trying to get out of there. But wooyoung's and mingi's grip were strong on him, there was no way out anymore.
Seonghwa pulled out the bracelet from the pocket as he stared at it, fury rising in him as seonghwa glared at the man in front of him.
Seonghwa : where is she?
Shopkeeper : I do not know.
Seonghwa punched the man right in the face, making him cough up blood as he groaned in pain.
Seonghwa : I will not ask again, you bastard. Where, is my princess?
Serena : are you seriously going to hold me ransom?
??? : you're crown princess, I'm sure your parents will pay quite the big price for you.
Serena : are you stupid? I left my parents, and the court. My brother, is crown prince now. No one's going to give anything for me after I disgraced my entire family.
??? : really. Wanna test that out, my lady?
Serena sighed and sat back against the chair, the ropes around her already starting to cut through her skin. She had no idea where she was, she's been in this room since forever and the only person she's seen is this man in front of her, who was also the one who kidnapped her that night in the market.
At least she was fed regularly.
Serena : please. If it's money you want-
??? : you can give it to me?
Serena : just let me go.
??? : or what? You'll kill me.
Serena : no. but someone else will and that is not going to be pretty at all.
??? : who, park seonghwa?
Serena paused, confusion filling her as she asked
??? : you know him?
The man chuckled, leaning back against his chair as he said
??? : you think I kidnapped you only because you're a princess, then? I know you're his, and I know the things he could do to save you.
Serena : really. So if my parents disagree to give you the ransom, you're just going to blackmail seonghwa instead?
??? : you're quite smart for a lady.
Serena : don't sputter bullshit, sir. I've met many ladies who have much more thinking capabilities than you do and ever will.
The man stood up, walking up to serena before grabbing her by the hair as he said
??? : one more word, and they'll have to pay ransom for your dead body.
Serena : try me.
??? : are you threatening me?
Serena : aren't you going to kill me anyway?
??? : such a mouth for some princess. If anything, I expected you to already have started crying by now.
Except serena knew seonghwa would find her, it was only a matter of time. And she needed to stall this man, crying wasn't going to help her in there.
??? : well-
The man cut himself off as a scream was heard from outside, followed by footsteps. Serena smiled, looking up at the man as she whispered
Serena : oops.
The door to the room was kicked open, the door breaking apart as it fell on the ground with a thud. Seonghwa entered the room, the severed head of the shopkeeper held by his hair in seonghwa's hand. Seonghwa lifted the head up to his face with raised eyebrows, looking at the man next to serena as he said
Seonghwa : guess whose head is also going to be added to my treasury.
Serena : is this how you treat your wounded lady, hwa?
Seonghwa didn’t seem to be playing along with serena's jokes. He was just dragging her further into his ship, a cold look on his face. The fight had been quite brutal, serena had seen it for herself. She had a few wounds herself, but seonghwa's and his crew's were worse. And it was all because of her. The man was right, seonghwa could do anything for her.
Serena : has it been more than a day since I…left?
Seonghwa : it's been four.
Serena's eyes widened at that, not having realized it. She had been asleep for a long time, she supposed.
Serena : were you worried for me?
Seonghwa pushed her into their room in the ship, shutting the door behind him as he said
Seonghwa : no. I was not.
Serena's lips turned into a small pout, trying to come closer to seonghwa as she said
Serena : but you came to save me.
Serena was about to touch seonghwa's hair when he pushed her away, confusing serena. Why wasn't he happy to see her?
Seonghwa : are you kidding me, serena? If you wanted to make money by selling yourself, you should've just told me. I could've sold you to someone myself.
Serena : seonghwa.
Seonghwa : what? What is it? What more do you want from me, serena!
Serena looked away, muttering under her breath
Serena : you're angry with me.
Seonghwa : do you know what you've done? Do you have any idea, the troubles you've caused?
Serena opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by seonghwa tearing his shirt apart, his wounds coming to her sight. Serena gasped, her eyes running along the bandages that were wrapped around a few day-old wounds and fresh ones left open all over his upper body.
Serena : no. you're hurt.
Serena was about to come closer to seonghwa when he said
Serena flinched at that, stepping back in part fear. Seonghwa let out a breath, looking away as he said
Seonghwa : do you know the amount of wounds that you have caused to my other crew, serena? Within the span of 4 fucking days, we have had to run around this entire kingdom of yours, threatening and begging people to tell us where you might have been.
Serena : I'm sorry.
Seonghwa : NO YOUR SORRY DOESN'T FUCKING CUT IT! Because if it weren't for you, if I hadn't fucking taken you in, none of this would've been required.
Serena stared at seonghwa with teary eyes as he scoffed and said
Seonghwa : I've wasted so much on you. So much time, money, love. You've just become a burden to my crew and I now, serena.
Serena looked away from seonghwa, tears falling down her eyes as she whispered
Serena : a burden.
Seonghwa looked up at that, his eyes softening at the sight of her tears.
Serena : then let me go.
Seonghwa : what?
Seonghwa blinked his eyes as serena walked past him towards the door, throwing it open as she stepped out of the room. Seonghwa quickly followed her as he asked
Seonghwa : what the hell are you doing?
Serena : leaving. Letting you go of your burdens.
Seonghwa stepped forward, holding serena's arm as he said
Seonghwa : serena what the fuck? You can't just step out like that.
Serena : why! If I want to leave then just let me go!
Seonghwa : and? Where the hell are you going to go, huh?
Serena : to…to the palace.
Seonghwa : so you can get yourself executed? Serena, you aren't crown princess anymore. You ran away from that palace, you think they will accept you back with open arms now?
Serena shook seonghwa's hand off her, moving past him in order to step towards the exit. But seonghwa stepped in front of her again, shaking his head.
Seonghwa : after all that I had to do to get you back? You're just going to put yourself in danger again?
Serena : well you don’t have to save me this time, seonghwa. This isn't on you, it's on me.
Serena froze, staring at seonghwa as he let out an exasperated breath, cupping serena's cheek in his hand.
Seonghwa : what is wrong with you! Do you not understand? Yes, you are a burden. Yes, you bring me and my crew trouble but you also…you also give us happiness. You give us all a meaning, you give me a life, serena.
Serena : I-
Seonghwa : no! you cannot leave now. It will shatter me, princess. Please, don't leave me.
Serena stared at seonghwa who was now breathing heavily, tears in his eyes. Seonghwa connected his forehead with hers, closing his eyes as he whispered
Seonghwa : I'm yours, my life, my money, my everything…it's all yours. If you die, I die with you.
Serena sniffled, holding seonghwa's arm as she whispered
Serena : I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, hwa.
Seonghwa shook his head.
Seonghwa : I don't care anymore, please just don't leave me. You can have all the money that you want-
Serena : no, no no. I don't…I don't care about any of that, seonghwa. I just, I want to be able to make you happy. And I've been taught that if…if I wear pretty dresses and shoes, and make myself beautiful, that would be the only way to make a man happy. So I thought-
Seonghwa : no. no princess, you're beautiful even if you're wearing a farmer's dress. I don't care if you're covered in mud, or drenched in water, or…or whatever. You're beautiful however you are, I love you. You do not have to be doing anything else except being healthy and happy for me.
Serena smiled, opening her eyes as she looked at the wounds on seonghwa's chest
Serena : can I touch you?
Seonghwa : god, you don't even have to ask, princess. You can do whatever you want to me.
Serena chuckled, running her hand along his wounds lightly as she whispered
Serena : does it hurt a lot?
Seonghwa : I've had worse.
Serena : and…the rest of the crew?
Seonghwa : they'll be fine too, as long as you stay.
Serena : I'll stay. I'll stay as long as you like because you mean the world to me too, hwa. I love you more than you could imagine.
Seonghwa pulled back, taking the bracelet out of his pocket as serena gasped
Serena : you took it back.
Seonghwa : it's yours, as it always will be.
Seonghwa took serena's hand and put the bracelet around it before kissing her hand.
Serena : thank you.
Seonghwa smiled, leaning forward and capturing her lips in his. Serena's arms wrapped itself around his neck, pulling him closer to her as she smiled into the kiss.
Seonghwa : my princess.
Serena : all yours.
Serena pulled back with a laugh, making seonghwa smile. Serena looked up at the floor just above them, the entire crew watching seonghwa and serena with a smile.
Serena : have you been watching us the entire time?
Yunho : we need our drama too.
Serena smiled, motioning them to come down. And they all did, a smile on their faces as they crushed seonghwa and serena into a hug.
Seonghwa : oh god, ya'all need to bath sometime.
Hongjoong : shut the fuck up, captain, we're having a moment.
Seonghwa smiled as he patted their heads, feeling complete. This was all he had ever wanted, and now he had it. His family.
Serena : thank you, for having rescued me with all that trouble.
Wooyoung : what thank you. We would've done that any day, any time.
San : you're our captain's entire world, and a part of our family, we can't let that fall away. And! You make nice apple pies.
Yeosang : aish! What's wrong with this kid.
San : kid?! I'm 23 years old!
Serena smiled at all of them, feeling much happier than she ever did in any palace of hers.
Serena : I'll make all the apple pies in the world for all of you.
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masadd · 1 year
all my simon AUs [half are shower thoughts]
vampire simon multiverse world AU
• pretty self-explanatory!! simon is a vampire. it played out pretty similarly as our simon at first; he got the crown, betty left, mushroom bomb went off, and he met marceline.
• that's where things change. simon had to wear the crown to protect marcy, again. marcy panicked when simon wouldn't take it off and bit him without malicious intent, instead turning him into a vampire.
• since this technically killed simon, he broke out of the crown's grasp, now undead. marceline thought she killed him, panicked, and ran away. simon lived on his own ever since for like 1,000 years and kind of lost it being alone!!
HMS simon au
• this one is kind of like a crossover ?? with another one of my favorite things. it's based off chonny jash's characters, heart, mind, and soul. the whole plot of CCCC [chonny's charming chaos compendium] is that this guy's consciousness split into three [heart mind and soul], and they needed to reconcile.
• so . this goes basically the exact same as our simon. our simon, now like 1,059 [or however old he is], is in his little exhibit [same as the start of fionna and cake!!] he's chilling but keeps getting pressed closer to the edge each day.
• the main difference is that simon never actually ends up trying to make a portal to golbetty, and reaches his limit after like a series of unfortunate events.
• simon splits off into his own HMS. that's . essentially it . i dont wanna spoil much....
winter king worldswap AU
• i don't have it all planned out on how exactly it happened, but basically, winter king ends up in our ooo [aka just where our simon is from]. obviously this one is incredibly confusing for most residents of ooo, specifically marceline, finn, pb, and others .
• eventually, they figure out [pretty quickly] that this is NOT their simon . they try to ask where their simon is [who is out traveling with fionna and cake], but winter king has no clue !! he likely tries to pretend he does know though .
• ultimately . marceline ends up hating winter king
simon / F&C world interception AU
• is it obvious i don't have names for them
• ok so . basically, somehow simon ends up in the F&C modern au. which . technically should be impossible since it's inside his brain,,, but i have thought of a solution
• simon somehow [accidentally] projects his consciousness into the F&C world, leaving his real body just kinda There [probably unconscious]. think of it like that one adventure time episode where magic man makes jake go inside himself, and he explores his own little city and stuff . it's kind of like that!!
• his deal is similar to fionna and cake concerning his effects on their world . like for example how fionna touched winter king's crown and the magic went away, or when cake turned that one dude into a literal hotdog. basically, simon is doing the same on the F&C world, except he's doing the opposite!! he's magic-ifying it.
• shit starts to go down once people actually notice him. since he blends in so well, it takes a bit,,, just starts to get obvious once that one cookie turns alive or smth 😭
• simon is eventually overcrowded by a ton of curious [and terrified] people, and runs off to just the first inconspicuous place he sees. this leads him to running into marshall lee, who's chillin with gary. simon, gary, and marshall lee kinda chill for a while !! marshall and gary probably talk abt how fionna's gone, which prompts simon to feel guilty and he reveals where he's actually from, and what happened to fionna.
• gary and marshall lee don't believe him at first, until simon turns something [idk what!!] into magic again. they then try to get to our ooo
• marshall lee and gary make it, but simon's still kinda trapped in his own consciousness . likely in the candy kingdom hospital with marceline bc he just passed out unexpectedly 😭
•Wooooo his fate is unknown [dont worry its a happy ending]
* i also won't be very surprised if these have been done before just know i do NOT mean to steal any ideas . if that happened it was purely unintentional cos i just made these up based on my minds silly desires
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ming-sik · 8 months
as a devoted hater of isekai where the premise is "oh no i got isekaied as the most unfortunatest character ever but Actually my unfortunate situation is secretly the most bestest divine power and now i'm a minor deity" and a triple hater of characters whose disabilities get magically cured i have REALLY mixed feelings on the devouring bc despite appreciating the mooooostly really good deconstruction, aob stumbles at the resolution for me.
bc lets face it, that IS what the devouring is. rozemyne starts as a terminally ill peasant living without access to medical care, but from when her terminal illness is revealed to be her excess of mana the story does in fact follow the path of lvl 1 commoner → lvl 99 avatar of a goddess, and that kind of sucks because it means that aob doesn't end up doing what it seems like no isekai has the will to do and just make a protagonist that never attains godlike power and has to create a fulfilling life in this unfamiliar and harsh world despite never ever ever ever even getting to meet the crown prince, which cuts off an interesting story i wish got told more often.
However, aob is very clearly doing a deconstruction of this plot structure and her relationship with her power is extremely complicated. i do kind of wish rozemyne was kept at the level of "archduke candidate" instead of the godlike power she ends up having because rozemyne's ability to slam the 'put enough mana in the machine to Win' i think prevents some instances where she would otherwise be forced to struggle with the gap between what she wants to do and what she's physically able to do, but deciding to recreate the premise closely in order to subvert it is a fine narrative choice.
especially because rozemyne's power IS balanced and caveated by the fact that the devouring & its resulting mana clumps are a pretty severe disability. the fact that she is denied any education on it to the point of being seconds away from dying from an unknown illness for most of part 1 and even when she understands the devouring and eventually her mana clumps she has to reckon constantly with her physical limits, and the fact that she can't just pour 1 million magiwatts into any given issue to make it go away because she will die. despite rozemyne's power, her disability makes it so that she narratively has to deal with a pretty neat subversion of the 'commoner elevated to noble trope' that really takes advantage of the fact that commoners in that world are so completely locked off from magic that becoming a noble doesn't just result in mild culture shock judged by the Prissy Rich Villainness but is a fleshed-out, complex tool of systemic oppression that causes real obstacles for our heroine even as she spirals ever deeper into becoming a noble. it also serves as a really elegant allegory for systemic ableism and the way that minor issues for a rich girl can be life-threatening if you don't have access to quality medical care.
But Then The Jureve Walks In. "literally don't even worry about that," aob says, "theres a magic juice which just cures any disease, and the only challenge is creating that juice and using that juice". but no, no you tell me, the jureve is balanced narratively by the timeskip and the difficulty of getting it! rozemyne loses years of her life, that's not nothing! but while it's not NOTHING it also just. doesn't have enough far-reaching consequences that i don't feel like it's an invocation of the "dw abt your disability theres a magic cure for it" rather than a true subversion. imo a true subversion would require that there either 1) straight up not be a cure and rozemyne has to live the rest of her life at 150cm with 3 HP, 2) only be an imperfect cure which maybe allows rozemyne to reach adult size but keeps her health frail enough that using her full magic potential has serious consequences or vice versa if they want to also subvert the '300 yr old child' trope by acknowledging how much it would suck to be eternally trapped in a body with no fine motor control that people instinctively don't take seriously, or 3) only be a cure that is either temporary or otherwise not a one-and-done deal because now that she's big and healthy she just has no long-lasting consequences from her severely disabled childhood, which seems like a narrative branch that was pruned way too hard and way too early to feel like a satisfying subversion instead of just playing the trope straight with a couple extra steps. indeed, option 2b is what the jureve initially seems like...... until your man gives rozemyne some steroids and she's tall now too. so there's just no conflict whatsoever between rozemyne's power and her ability to utilize it, which makes it much, much harder to balance her power in a way that lets her have interesting conflict around magic where she can't just press X to win.
also this problem doesnt exist in a vacuum, and a related complaint is one mostly unexplored comment from when ferdinand is talking to rozemyne about dirk's devouring, and he says that dirk was born with more mana than myne, but her compression method meant that her mana ballooned much bigger than what it would have if she was raised as a noble. bc like god Damn is that interesting! my ideal plot twist would be that the cinderella theme returns because there's a random laynoble whose magic tool got taken away as a teenager who ended up independently discovering a similarly desperate mana compression method, but they're knowledgeable about magic enough to hide it as physical weakness and then become a ticking time bomb who can be exploited by antagonists as a rozemyne with nobody to help her, the ultra-devouring soldier. the contracted devouring in general are such a potent and viscerally horrifying worldbuilding element that i really wish they weren't effectively treated as npc baddies, bc like-- that could've been rozemyne! only her support network and sheer luck separates her from them. part of the problem with rozemyne being cured of the devouring means that she loses even the vestiges of her personal connection to imo the most interesting take on fantasy disability i've ever seen, which is a real shame! especially from a series that's generally so concerned with Not having npc baddies, like explaining that bandits don't attack the church because they're farmers most of the time who rely on the harvest or the fact that all the minor noble antagonists have coherent motivations from bindewald to grausam, even if you aren't at all intended to sympathize with them.
pictured below: me explaining what the devouring couldve been to you
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spoilers for vol5p9:
her recent PTSD around feystones... honestly feels like it exists mainly because if rozemyne is able-bodied and therefore powerful enough to just dye a duchy's foundation in minutes... she has an auto-win button for any situation that can be resolved by Having More Mana, which is most combat and a decent amount of politics because aob takes place in a society which runs on mana. i'm saying this as someone who felt like fran's PTSD was really well-done, despite it being the protagonist's problem rozemyne's is so explicitly and exclusively focused on feystones that it ceases feeling like a character trait that serves a narrative purpose and starts feeling like something that was crowbarred in because the trait meant to serve that narrative purpose got phased out before the realization that the story had rozemyne's power be balanced for a reason. is this me being unfair to miya kazuki when it's entirely possible that this was as planned out as everything else in aob and i have no idea what she thinks of this plot development or why she chose it? yeah probably especially when this is based on an incomplete prepub, which is why i say 'feels like' so much. i just read it and thought it fell really flat esp in comparison to earlier depictions of trauma triggers.
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charliespringverse · 1 year
iwbft – ghosted: a Bonus brief summary of my annotations
all highlighted quotes: 91
· ouch/ow/owie: 5
· real/felt/relatable/so true: 4
· ☹/☹☹/☹☹☹: 4
She said Shrek and Fiona, and then told me she never wanted to be famous. — the double life thing babeyy
“Jimmy,” he heaves out, and I feel a stab of panic in my chest. — just hearing ur friend's name shouldn't be enough to trigger panic unless u already know something is Very Wrong . at which point i feel they should've pushed for further help instead of finishing out the tour
“We can’t leave Jimmy out.” Lister stands shirtless in the middle of the room and spins around on the spot. — fuck yeah trio tingz :')
It almost makes me laugh how polite and casual Rowan manages to sound, despite the fact that our best friend is missing. — IT'S A DEFENCE MECHANISM!!!!!
I only wonder how much of it is my fault. — none of it bb dw :( he is Not With It enough to be thinking abt anyone but himself rn
“But I can’t drive.” Rowan stares at me. “I thought you had lessons.” “I only had three lessons.” And then I got bored, or tired, or busy, or all three. — ... adhd lister btw
Why would he do this to us? To me? — i think jimmy's dependence on rowan is more reciprocated than he realises
If we weren’t in a famous band together, I’m not sure whether we’d still be friends now. — this rly hurts my feelings and it hurts more bc he isn't necessarily Wrong i don't think
“You do know I can play eight instruments, right?” “But not the drums, huh.” Rowan folds his arms. “You will never let me live that down.” — LISTERROWAN BESTIEISM BANTER BABEY
“But you think I’m an idiot who has nothing intelligent to say.” “I don’t think that.” “Yeah, you do. You’d much rather I was the one who was missing right now.” Rowan doesn’t respond. We both know I’m right. — WELL MAYBE BUT U DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME THAT. I DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT IT.
“I wish you wouldn’t—” he begins but is cut off when his phone buzzes. — i hate that the phone gave him a get out from being open n sincere w lister :^(
“That’s a Southeastern Railway train,” says Lister instantly. “You can tell by the seat patterns.” — [freddie mercury voice] auuuuutism auuuuutism i want to ride my autism (note: this is summat @to-grill-a-mockingbird says and now i can never get it out of my head)
“He needs a night off.” "A night off from … what? His entire life?” Piero chuckles. “Yes.” — i mean ouch but also Yeah
“That was good news. He hasn’t been kidnapped. He just needed a nap.” “Can you not make a joke about this situation for like one fucking minute, Allister?” — could be the tism on my end but i didn't take this as a joke . jimmy needs a break, piero told them that, lister has seen enough to agree . (also: lister has Also contemplated running away so it makes sense he's less eager to bring jimmy back to ldn bc he doesn't see it as fixing the problem the same way rowan does)
Why do I always have to be the serious one? The worrier? Why can’t someone else do the worrying sometimes? — other ppl Do worry . but not so much that it becomes its own problem worthy of therapy
We save the deep chats for Jimmy. Jimmy doesn’t open up very often, but you know Jimmy will listen if you have something serious to say. — vs jimmy's wednesday narration 'we don't ever talk about deep stuff, me and lister bird' :((((
This whole bedroom is something out of twelve-year-old Lister’s wildest fantasies—it’s spacious and modern, with one floor-to-ceiling window, dark walls, LED lights behind the headboard, and a fifty-inch TV. — what u lack as a child you seek as an adult etc etc (space, material possessions, money)
Rowan’s room is always tidy. He puts away his clothes at the end of the day and makes his bed in the mornings. — always craving order & control :(
Rowan loves to criticize me about buying unnecessary things, but all I need to do is remind him of the velvet chaise longue in his bedroom that I’m pretty sure nobody has ever sat on. — comedy gold amidst the agony
He blinks at me. “You remembered my weird order?” — remembering ppl's orders is a love language
“Can I … ?” I shuffle on my feet. “Can we eat it in here?” — i hate that he's so uncertain n lacking in confidence while asking one of his best friends
I’ve always been deeply annoyed by what a high metabolism he has. I work out three times a week with a personal trainer just to stay toned. — rowan's fixation on body image makes me ✨nervous✨
“You were reading?” I ask, eyebrow raised. Lister narrows his eyes at me. “Wow, hilarious." — i stand by my 'lister loves to read but nobody ever assumes that or believes him bc their perception is skewed by him not gelling with academia' hc
“But don’t you see how that’s, like, still very fucked-up behavior, Rowan?” — GET HER JADE
And it’s scary that he thinks he’s completely fine. That this level of stress is normal. That he’s a functioning, well-adjusted human who is able to cope with being one of the most famous musicians in the world with absolutely no help or support whatsoever. — yeah :((
“You kissed him,” Rowan says. “So he decided to climb out of a window and run away.” “I mean, yeah, in summary.” — but no, realistically
Rowan wipes a tear from his eye. “Oh my God. So funny.” He’s properly pissing me off now. — give him a break roseph he's already mentally ill u don't have to embarrass him as well (/lh)
It’s a question I’ve asked myself every day for years. A question I’ve answered in daydreams, in nightmares, in conversations with myself in the shower. A question I still don’t know the answer to, and maybe never will. A question that doesn’t need an answer, now that I know for sure that Jimmy doesn’t like me back. — aaaaaagonyyyyy beyond power of speeeeeeech when the thing that u want is the only thing out of ur reach
“But … the circumstances of our relationship are so challenging. We live in very, very different worlds, and our lives are on very different trajectories. And sometimes I think relationships just can’t survive that.” — JUSTICE FOR LAIMONDI :(
Jimmy fell asleep almost immediately, a feat that would become less and less common as we all got older, but Lister and I couldn’t sleep because we were too busy watching funny YouTube videos on my phone, muffling laughs into our hands, trying not to wake anyone up. — BABY ARK MY CHILDREN
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kulekrizpy · 8 months
my friend/ex was really upset yesterday. his body is all messed up from various injuries, he needs dental work. i told him to call out of work bc he wasn’t going to get any sleep before his shift
he moved near his hometown with some planning but not a lot. he wants to go to school. but he won’t have in-state tuition since he was living in my state prior to moving. he works really hard at work but it’s physical labor and it only makes his health issues worse. he also doesn’t want to move up to a less labor-intensive position :/ he honestly needs to take medical leave
and he’s upset with my brother for various reasons, but last night he was drinking and it all came out and he messaged my brother and my mother about how upset he was about my brother breaking something of mine and not paying in full to replace it. he’s struggling with money on his own and he resents my brother for having a cushy job that he complains about and flouts authority on. in many ways my brother IS entitled and probably WOULD benefit from being punched in the face at least once for his shitty political views, especially bc my ex is genderqueer. but he has definitely not spoken frankly about it with my brother
speaking of which, now he’s in a less accepting place and tho he “toned down the queer” he still gets looks from ppl and it’s stressing him out a lot. he worries about going thru backroads in case his car breaks down and someone kills him
all his friends from back home are druggies or complete deadbeats or both and he’s had a falling out with everyone since he moved. he’s also worried one of his older friends won’t live beyond this year. so now all the friends he does rely on are in my area and not his and he’s very lonely and isolated. and that also means i’m his best friend rn, which he’s told me several times
a week or so ago he wanted to make a risky and illegal change in career and after i told him i wouldn’t have been friends with him anymore if he decided to do it, he told me he still wants to fuck me. when i told him i can’t be casual with him anymore so don’t say that, he said he didn’t say it properly and that he meant he wants to be with me, eventually. and it’s just a whole fucking thing. he can’t even articulate what he wants. i told him not to mention it again unless he was sure and confident he could actually be a good partner to me. and i told him i need time to get over him too
and last night, we were chatting and i realized he’d been drinking, and he’s in a negative spiral/combative. he messaged my family. i told him he should wait til the morning and he did it anyway. at that point i said whatever. the call dragged on for hours tho he needed to sleep for work. he was in such a state i didn’t feel comfortable getting off the phone with him in case he did something very risky, like driving drunk or idk what else. he talked about wanting to lay down on some train tracks…
AND he called me again at work the other day. like. on the work phone. he used to work there but it’s just… not professional. feels weird. esp bc he was doing it cuz he was drunk. told him to text or call my phone next time
he gets drunk and disregards boundaries. bc he also mentioned the dating thing last night while we were talking. and when i told him not to he sidestepped and kept going on about whatever rant. and he just argues abt everything when he’s drunk. DUMB shit. like me taking my bike apart to store it easier. like bruh leave me alone ??
in the end he called out of work, then talked to his sister and i guess she convinced him to drive up instead of doing something dumber. i asked if he was sober enough and he said yeah. which he would’ve said no matter what i’m sure :|
so. he got to his family’s place and i guess i’ll see him today sometime. i told him i don’t want to drink and my brother doesn’t wanna drink with him either, so we’ll avoid that at our house at least
he’s trying, but he’s also falling back on stupid habits. i just hope he can figure out how to get the help he needs
and i need to figure out how to keep my boundaries
the cats woke me up earlier. i need to sleep more before i see him. good night
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
mutuals appreciation! write heart-felt messages to some of your mutuals (or even ones you haven't talked to yet!) and tag them, BUT don't tell them which message is their, let them guess! after you're done, send this to 1 mutual you want to get a message from!
oh god okay this is very nice and sweet in theory KLDSLD but tragically i am perhaps the person with the most anxiety in the world ever and not telling people which message is for who for whatever reason feels like it would probably kill me so i think instead i will write some silly little notes for my mutuals but tag them directly or else i may die KLFCDSL sorry i cannot play the game properly i am not built like that kldskddsfkl but thank u nonetheless!!!! <3<3
@berryjaellie millie my lovely dearest fairytual who i adore and keep in my pocket it has been a joy interacting with u more thru twt these days be it to bicker or yell loudly or pester u abt matthew or hanbin as always i perpetually hope we can continue to interact more ily mwah!! thank u so much for sending me random little raccoon vids and associating me with cute things that i do not deserve u r so dear 2 me <3
@winxys paula my fucked up little meow meow there is nobody on this website who i would enjoy being the mortal enemy of more (even though with every passing day it seems like we are becoming 🤢friends🤢) as we continue to lose our minds over bbangiz crumbs and whatever onlyoneof are doing at most points in time. i know things have been rough for you lately and i really do hope they get better! here's to hoping zb1 don't debut with noise !!
@chwejongho i am not sure if u use tumblr at all lately (i believe u dont much) but it wld feel deeply wrong and incorrect to leave u off of one of these kaz dearest my boy my best friend my platonic soulmate u have put up with so much from me in these past few months (not to mention these past few years we've been friends) because i am a nuisance who never shuts up so thank you so much for putting up with my hours worth of instagram voice messages about how i was worried about matthew during boys planet even though you didn't watch the show i very much appreciate that you are always a shoulder to cry on for me no matter what the circumstance, be it me being overdramatic about a man i don't know personally or something much more serious. i appreciate you so much no matter how much or little we are talking at any given moment and i am forever wishing you the best no matter what. i love you so much!!
@hyvnsuk gabi my fellow haotual i do not have a ton to say here but i am incredibly amused every single time we have a same brain moment these days it's so fun and cute dslsdfk you're always a joy to have on the dash and your content is so pretty!! i hope ur always doing well mwah!!
@jjanguri rin dearest!! i hope the air quality has improved where u are !! u r so sweet and wonderful and i hope we can interact more soon!!! mwah!!
@haob1n lovely maria!! thank u for all the sweet comments you leave in the tags of my gifsets i do not deserve ur kindness and i am so incredibly overjoyed every time u call me a matthew stan pillar (or something along those lines) KDSSKLD mwah i hope u are always well!!
@zeroze hope!!!! ik we have not interacted much but it is always so fun to briefly goof around w u in the replies of an ask u are so sweet and funny!!! i rlly hope we can talk more soon <3<3
also to all my zerosetuals in general pls feel free 2 chat with me!! i wld love 2 make some zerose friends hehe
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. The wild part to me about the "Persephone got approved Underworld citizenship" is it took what, a week at most? Even if you want to use IRL Royal examples, someone like Megan Markle would (if she had kept up the process) still need two YEARS to get approved of it at minimum which includes a lot of paperwork and staying in the country for prolonged time, but Persephone gets it in a few days with no process? Is there really nothing Persephone doesn't get handed to her on a silver platter?
2. "How to be a woke misogynistic :Add white before woman" I think this anon was tryna call antis misogynistic?? Which like. Some of the "criticism" ive seen is just people using lo as an excuse to be misogynistic against rs but most of it is genuine idk what they're going on abt 😭
3. ya know for claiming to be a "loving and supportive fandom with no drama" lo fans are by far the most cruel set of bullies i've ever seen, and I've been in a LOT of intense fandoms. and I can't even handwave these fans as just dumb kids, many of them are adult women who made a mid webcomic their entire world and would rather get a power high off the harassment and bullying of others who dare no obsess over what they do while still thinking they're "feminists". it's so weird 💀
4. Lol I love that the person typed that 'regular' people just drop it and move on when they dislike something. Apparently you're no longer a regular person for disliking and discussing a piece of media 😔
Anyway, LO can bite it. It's misogynistic and an insult to Greek culture among many other glaring flaws. The giant red flag of an age gap and power dynamic between them is one hell of a thing to defend y'all, and it's also a hell of a thing to praise 1 character for cheating but cheer on another character for doing the exact same thing 🙃🙃🙃
Also it's incredibly funny to me how LO stans are so so aggressive and condescending to us about disliking it when we're just minding our own business?? We ain't talking to you nor do we go out of our way to mess with your tags (tumblr is tumblr, y'know) unlike a few of y'all that I've seen specifically use the anti tag to start shit like a bunch of brats. We'll continue minding our own business talking about LO with both non-fans and fans who actually want to have a discussion instead of mindlessly praising it, and y'all should mind your own business. 
5. This comic loves to claim it’s pro sexuality, pro kink, and pro female empowerment AND anti purity culture yet loves nothing more than framing sex outsides of Hades as bad, loves to push Purity culture to make Persephone look like the best woman ever, loves tearing other women down for not being the “right” type of woman, and consistently shames others’ consenting sex lives as gross and weird despite the whole comic being an obvious stretched out mess of Rachel’s office setting DDLG kink. Like??
6. I mean I get why LO Hera doesnt murder babies and all but it is an issue RS rides off "I'm not trying to be accurate!" when she makes Hades the "perfect" guy and Hera and Persephone the most desirable/amazing with zero flaws but then turns around and goes "oh well I'm being accurate!" to make Zeus be super mega awful and just make up stuff to pin on Apollo, Leto, and Thetis like?? you can't have it both ways?? Like she obvs picks and chooses who gets to be whitewashed and who doesnt.
7. Go figure LO fans to make Netflix all but closing down their entire animation department and laying off hundreds of people to STILL make it all about LO. I have countless friends who lost their jobs all en-masse with no warning and a neutered severance plan (NF purposely made it be four WEEKS instead of four MONTHS), the majority of them and their productions by BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ creators and they're only worried over well-off and employed Rachel? Fuck off. I'm so upset over this.
8. Completely and utterly disappointed at LO being nominated for an Eisner again. I think Webtoon has the power to just nominate it every year and ignore all of their other series.
9. Listen we all know every award is just marketing and we know damn well Webtoons just pumps the with money to nominate LO but we know damn well they're giving way more money to pump up their brand now because the Batman comic is so lazily made yet was ALSO nominated for best webcomic and they're like "one of our BIGGEST HITS big ethel energy is being printed!" despite it being one of their most hated series that is lampooned for bad art and writing. anyway they need to be taxed more.
10. HXP is such boring, basic mythology shipping. Get back to me when they give Isis x Osiris and Dionysus x Ariadne the respect they deserve.
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mangaken · 1 year
Hello its the anon again! Thank you for replying to my ask! I know it is quite heavy and painful to talk about it, so I am thankful you took the time to write it down. I hope you are healing properly and taking care of yourself! Don't worry, I won't approach them nor pry any further about this. I pray the best for you and let us enjoy the fandom within our own ways. (You don't have to post this or reply if u want. I just want to inform you that I won't ask any further abt it and wish u the best of luck on ur healing journey)
Thank you for your understanding.
It's fine tbh.. I think it's good for me to just let it out instead of bottling it up which it really screwed me over for these past years. If you have been following me for long, you noticed I went semi hiatus for several years cuz I've been focusing on other stuff (playing apecc lol) & I really thought of quitting art entirely.. I only just manage to recover and told several people I closed with and even them hated how they can do things like this.. its such a shame really..
I already have them block completely but it's inevitable that I will be tag along side with them when Im back into Nu.
I suppose everyone within the fandom should be careful too of not letting your weakness out to them because they will take a full advantage of it & they will face no consequences from it.
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kafus · 1 year
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i have a trio of ingame faves that accidentally developed over time, my dragonite named titan is the oldest pokémon in my modern games. he's from my champion team in fire red, and was the only member of that team that ever got transferred up to gen 4 & beyond before my cartridge got stolen.
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this is mr deathy, the giratina i caught in platinum in the middle of class when me & a friend were racing the game. [also that pic was taken with the help of my DS action replay that i use to clone or rename mons before transfer.] i won the race & turned him into my ribbon master. and turned out to be a perfect pick because i hate battle towers & mr deathy couldn't take part in those anyway.
i even have some headcanony "lore" about mr deathy's OT because i had to erase that file instead of diamond due to diamond being tied to pokémon ranch so the Official Mr Deathy Lore is that hayley killed his OT, LMAO
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the master rank ribbon is really important because a friend of mine got that for me.
the metagross is the event metagross from ORAS. it upsets me that i can't name event mons, but i call them iridium. i probably used them more than my actual starter throughout the game, and i can always re-see all 3 of their evolutionary stages during the credits segment of my alpha sapphire file. for YEARS all 3 of those pokémon stayed in my party in that game and basically became inseparable. in my headcanon they are best friends.
DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR THE TEXT WALL THE MORE DETAILS THE BETTER. i'm obsessed with how all three of these guys are from completely different games and yet are Besties. like most of my pokemon that are my favorites or that i associate with each other come from the same file + i don't do a lot of transferring (except for rms) so the only thing i can think of with me that's similar is my ribbon masters being friends in my head but even then they have like... cliques based on what game they're from i guess. that's very unique and Cool
I'M SORRY ABT UR FIRERED CARTRIDGE OMG all of my original pokemon are gone forever because as a kid i replayed leafgreen over and over to death which means my original save was wiped over many times. by the time diamond and pearl came out and i unlocked pal park i did start transferring pokemon but due to losing my diamond and platinum as a child due to various reasons a lot of those transferred pokemon have been lost regardless. but i have a level 100 charizard from when i did a solo run of leafgreen on a whim when i was like 8 years old or something in my pokemon home and it's cool to have him, i'm pretty sure he's my oldest pokemon :) i'm glad you have an old pokemon from gen 3 too!! even though u could only rescue the one
also mr deathy is a great name and he has a great backstory. that's awesome bdsfjfsdj AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE PICTURE!! i've literally done the same thing with all my rms, they're cloned in their origin gen before transfer, usually with glitches if possible but occasionally with external devices. i even have similar pictures lol
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and that's really neat i don't think i've ever used an event pokemon for an actual playthrough... if only iridium was from gen 4, in gen 4 the name rater only checks if the TID matches, not even the SID or name, and also doesn't check the event flag, so you can rng manipulate the same visible TID as the pokemon, trade it to that file, and rename event pokemon that way LOOOL but alas. still though that's awesome they are iridium in our hearts
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slytherinshua · 3 months
Sorry I meant to reply to your last message (I have a terrible habit of being social and then go radio silent for like a week after ahaha). I listened to a few of Hyunsang's songs and oh my goodness, genuinely is he ok?? They were really good and I loved them, but all the ones I heard were so sad?? Does he need a hug?? Who do I have to beat up?
Your post about people is so true though, it's honestly so hard to make friendships (or even just be nice to some people tbh). Sometimes you just don't vibe with a person, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I mean irl, there is someone in my friend group who I just don't vibe with at all, but all of my friends really like him and enjoy hanging out w him. It is quite hard sometimes to be friendly ahaha (it does make me feel like a horrible person tbh, but what can you do? But I think the whole thing of how he got into our friend group is a bit strange. Without context it sounds bad, but I promise it is genuinely kinda weird lol). But definitely if you ever find that our convo is too dry or weird, don't hesitate to tell me!! I think sometimes you have to prioritise your comfort and if the other person is willing to change, then that's probably a good sign!
I hope you are doing well! (I watched another clip from a Lucy concert and got jealous of you again 😡)
lol don’t worry at all!! LMAO STOP IJBOL 😭😭😭 it’s so true whenever i listen to hyunsang im like WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS BOY?? imagine debuting with an ep titled “my poor lonely heart” AND EXPECTING PPL TO THINK UR FINE DIDJKS 😭😭 and if you watch any live performances or his covers HIS EYES LOOK SO SAD WHILE HE SINGS LIKE HE COULD CRY AT ANY MOMENT ☹️☹️☹️ so literally when he smiles I melt so much cause I’m not used to it anyway he’s so cute and I love him and his emo music and pretty voice 🥹🥹
yeah I feel it a lot lately cause I always want to be nice to everyone especially if they talk to me on my blog but if we don’t click after a bit of talking I feel awkward 😭😭😭 and they’ll keep messaging me and then idk what to do cause the conversations are literally like “hi hru” “I’m good wbu” AND THATS IT 💀💀💀 damn that must suck I’m sorry that’s a thing 😭😭 it’s even harder when it’s a friend group situation cause you can’t just stop talking to one person if they still have connections to all your other friends and you also can’t bring it up with your other friends cause they won’t see the problem :( but don’t worry our convos have been anything but dry since you first sent me an ask 🥹🥹 I love talking abt lucy or anything else with you I could do it all day lmao
I’m doing pretty good!! I have my first piano lesson in like 2 days.. I’m really nervous for it because it’s my first one in over a year since I took a break and it’s with a new teacher. I had lessons with her for a bit in 2020 but they were mostly over zoom because of covid. these ones are in person and I haven’t had in person lessons since 2019 🧍‍♀️ I also haven’t practiced piano since last year when I was taking lessons and even then I feel like I didn’t practice at all between lessons cause I was losing motivation.. so realistically I probably haven’t practiced properly and consistently for 2 years fml 😭😭 but hopefully everything will go well. I’m hoping I’ll like this teacher again I don’t really remember having an opinion on her when I had her 4 years ago, but I remember switching back to my old piano teacher who had moved to England since I was doing online lessons anyway. I’ve had her for around 6 years total so I’m very comfortable with her she’s basically made me the pianist I am today lol. but I think in person lessons would be beneficial which is why I’m trying this out instead.
I have nothing to help you about the jealousy but I did get the group photo back recently (kinda sad they didn’t give us 2 cause we did take 2 and I was so nervous when the first pic was taken that I didn’t have a pose and sangyeop was telling me that he was gonna do a flower pose and I didn’t know wtf a flower pose was until a day later when it clicked in my head LKSJSKS) but I am the one w the pink heart and yes I was RIGHT next to sangyeop and wonsang aka my bias and wrecker skdjsksk how did I survive
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ladyfanatics · 8 months
it's been a while. man, i was wondering when I'd stop posting on here. it started feeling like a chore instead of being stress-free. anyway, im back at school, my mom half knows abt my ex, cuz yes i told her and i broke up with him. yes, he's still texting me through someone, yes it's annoying. yes I've blocked him everywhere. now that I think abt it, I should change all my passwords. yes I have a new crush, again. yes, my hair is still blond. yes, I'm anxious abt him finding me or smth. . #paranoidtings 🧏🏻‍♀️ so, I guess I should update yall on the other dude I liked, Kyle. welp, in simple terms, I gave up. too many girls liked him, but he also did something that irked me enough to stop speaking to him. which is sad, but the fact I, the ugly bitch, got this far, is mighty impressive. anyways, he texted me abt this girl I know, and it made me jealous and I decided that that was enough. i haven't entirely stopped liking him, but I have feelings for a new dude. it's not exactly feelings, but DAAAAYUM he's fine. let's call him Michy. he's just sooo. but I have my doubts that he's a whore too. just like Kyle, I sit next to him in class. last class I had with him made me imagine having his babies tbh. he laughs at everything I do, I'm not even exaggerating. i typed my email wrong and complained that it wouldn't log me in, and he burst out laughing. then he started playing papa pizzeria, and I had told him that I had never played the game. he said I had no life, and laughed when I couldn't slide the pizza all the way. dammmnnn yall.. he's tan, curly headed, and lowkey looks asian. whatever, let's get into my ex and why he pisses me off. he won't leave me alone. he keeps texting me. im TRYING to go no contact, but he's LITERALLY not letting me. it's so ..ugh. the more I look back, the more I realize how weird our relationship truly was. for exemple, he always needed to mention my backside. I have a voluptuous ass for a skinny girl, I know. it's been brought up THOUSANDS of times, I GET IT. he had given me this weird nicknames that literally REVOLVED around it. "sexy lady with a level 4 gyatt"... without mentioning how cringe that is, wth?? seriously? ew. when I brought up that I had never showed it to him, he brought up the time I had wore leggings on call. he said that he "couldn't help but look". like what? he's creeping me out generally. honestly if I end up dead somewhere, it'll be his fault. also, he wouldn't let me break up with him. he tried to make me promise I'd wait for him, I said no. this isn't mlp. that's not how relationships even work. i tried to break up multiple times over the span of 2 WEEKS. that's INSANE?? I also was worried he'd do something, so I made him promise he wouldn't, and asked his best friend to watch over him. I think that's pretty good. im not a good girlfriend, at first, I felt bad for him. but after the 5th time trying to break up, you start getting annoyed. ig that's my life now. it sucks. im still friends with my bff. ppl have asked me multiple times to go back to the gc. I've said no or avoided it entirely. i NEVER wanna go back. I HATE that gc and the majority of everyone in it. I haven't spoken in there since 31st December or January 1st, which is cool, since I had been in it since July 😀. it felt so good to ghost everyone. trust me, ghost everyone, you'll be free. this year I'm protecting the FUCK out of my peace. enough of letting ppl walk over me. esp boys. so yeah, that's my resolution ig. im proud of myself for trying in the first place. anyways, tomorrow i have that class with michy. that's if he's even there. he probs won't be, but wtv. if he is, maybe I'll tell you, or maybe I'll disappear AGAIN 😝😝 anyways, that's my life yall. it's been.. special. I've probably left out a lot, but it's so much and this log is big enough
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angeltism · 9 months
INDEED!!! SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!! its weird because 99% of the people i know also wanna put me under a microscope... guess it can't be helped. eternally destined to be studied... oh dear me! YEAH YEAH sometimes if things are way too sweet they end up having like a really bad effect on me i end up feeling so weird... thats why i always end up mostly going for savory or spicy foods instead of sweets (also because most sweets i like are expensive to acquire. cruel cruel world we live in truly)
YEAH YEAH KAZUI AND MIKOTO! they are also two of my most me irls ever like. yeah. AND YES 3 TIMES! once as queer platonic f/o and two as romantic f/o hehe. FEEL FREE TO REBLOG EVERYTHING YOU WANT we will mostly be in most of those reblogs and that will be oh so awesome
actually our current situation as "mutuals" is. weird. we Were mutuals for a good while but unfortunately things happened and my blog was Gone and i am kinda anxious to follow again (specially because i decided to start all of this. just Not Yet HSJSHSJSH) but yeah! in a way we Are kinda mutuals. even if neither of us are following each other currently. your homework is to figure out whatever the hell that means/SILLY. even before all that happened with my blog i have been very very interested in you though hehe. AND YEAH WE SHARE A LOT OF MUTUALS SO!!! INDEED!!! MUTUAL CIRCLE!!! i think im doing like an extremely good job at Not talking the way i mostly talk soooo i think it will be way too hard for you to figure out specially considering how complicated our status as mutuals is HEJSHSJHS even then dont you grow desperate about figuring out my identity i just Know i will get bored and reveal myself sooner rather than later. im impatient like that HDJSHSJHS and im also curious about how you will react to the revelation (not that its something too mind blowing though just. something you might Not expect y'know)
- 💌 anon
yayaya !! sawrry for late reply I've been getting ready 4 new year's n going 2 see xmas lights n couldn't write an actual reply . which uu would definitely deserve so I wanted 2 wait 2 be free n all that ANYWAYS . :3
and oughh that's so interesting . . . I know I have many mewtuals or accounts I've known that have disappeared or deactivated so . yeah . but that's so interesting . and yes uur an honorary aqua mewtual even if neither of us follow eachother *insert me knighting uu but it's making uu an honorary mewtual* ^_^
and omg yeah no worries I'm ok with waiting for uu to reveal uurself fufufu . in a way this gives us time to get to know eachother ?? or at least me uu since ig uu are Very Aware who I am . despite how curious I am n it'd mayhaps help me . . . idk . feel more attraction 2 uu ? like . there's only so much somebun can be attracted romantically to an anon on their blog .
but with all that said this whole thing is good for me to ask uu silly questions that otherwise mayhaps I wouldn't think abt if we just knew eachother casually . . . like I don't rlly just Ask what other beings fave colors are or what their favorite foods are . this is making me overly curious about uu , which I don't think either of us mind , y'know ? ;3
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mapsareforbraindeads · 11 months
the cold hard truth
late-night confessions
a game of lying monsters - the final remarks of the great detective L
just two bisexuals writing in their silly little notebooks
look me in the eyes and call me your love
you know what? fuck you *amnesias your light*
im asking abt ALLL of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn ok /pos
this is going under a cut because i’m providing a description AND excerpt for each fic which is. a lot
the cold hard truth is the only one i need to keep quiet about. it’s a one shot that’s going to be published after true successor is over. it spoils the entire fic so i can’t talk much about it but i WILL say this: it’s L’s pov :)
L shot the pen into the pile of junk as his vision blurred. Is this what his mother had seen all those years ago? That bright, beautiful light? The bells. Those bells that cried out death and despair. The bells he could almost hear now.
late-night confessions is the fic i write whenever i want to write but am too drained/sick to think about actually writing. it’s basically a post-yotsuba arc story where light confesses his love to L. original.
“I dreamt that I killed you.”
“This isn’t helping your innocence, Light.”
“I don’t think that you understand,” Light growled, “I dreamt that I walked into this room as you slept and stabbed you thirty-seven times in the heart as your blood soaked through my skin. You didn’t even scream as the color drained from your face. Do you know how terrifying that is to think about?”
a game of lying monsters is… interesting. it’s written kind of like LABB, but instead of mello talking about beyond, it’s L talking about light.
The monster that I am is cunning. He stalks his prey meticulously before making his moves. He poses as a friend in an attempt to lower their guard. I am the world’s greediest, most despicable monster. Worse than Beyond Birthday, murderer of men and children alike. Worse than my dearest father, who left my mother and I for dead without warning. And most definitely worse than Kira, the world’s “just” killer of inmates and criminals. My mind is a house to evils beyond imagination. And yet, I still declare myself to be righteous.
the next fic is my kira!lawmane au. it has a name but i think the current title is funnier. anyways it’s a pretty basic premise
“Ah, my apologies, Amane-san. Your clothing and personal items were confiscated due to your confinement,” A beat, “Please forgive me, it was necessary for our cover.”
Misa smiled, “Don’t worry about it! And please, just call me Misa!” Misa grabbed onto L’s hand, causing his face to be dusted in a faint pink.
“R…Right,” L stuttered, “Of course, Misa-chan.”
“Ooh!~” Ryuk sing-songed, “She’s ‘Misa-chan’, huh?”
look me in the eyes and call me your love is a bit experimental. it’s basically a second person story where the reader is light going through his execution. the issue? L is the one escorting him there. i haven’t written L’s part yet though whooops
You’ve grown used to the cuffs wrapped around your wrists and ankles; grown used to the yellowed walls surrounding you and those metal bars keeping you from the outside world.
You’ve been here before, of your own will. You thought you’d never end up here again. But alas, you have once again fallen under the watchful eye of the camera placed in front of you.
finally, my amnesiac!light au. this one actually doesn’t have a name lol. anyways, you may be thinking “but vari, light already loses his memory!” haha! you fool!
What were they going to do to him?
The voice spoke again. “Light, this is a terrible act and horribly unlike you. Are you alright?”
He looked up at the camera, raising an eyebrow. “Who’s Light?”
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thechaosoflonging · 1 year
cute tings my besfwen did on dis trip tog w me 2 den haag & s-hortengobosch
he’s da only one who can see thru my facade of being happi in isolation & he told me dat i was rly sad acc n i had a huge self identity/personal crisis n cried for an hour in da hotel room. & realised i didn’t wanna 2 live like dis
couldn’t meet me at da airport saur said he’ll pay for a taxi 2 my gaff
bought me my ov chip card as a reign of passage of me being a local in da dam (2 pay me back for my taxi)
changed his bedsheets for me at my request
let me keep my stuff here & kept a drawer for me
peeled an orange for me & gave me a bit of choco da next morning for bweakfast (it was his fake roomates lmao) + told me 2 use his fake roomate’s body wash if his were empty lmao
would fill himself water n then fill it again for me in da same glass instead of giving me a separate glass
always shares his airpods w me whether it be a podcast or vids on ytb or reddit or music<3
helped me out in da markets when i didn’t have cash & i was able 2 get rly cute cat eye sunglasses bc of him for 10€
helped me w smuller getting me a borger bc it was like a vending machine for food
bought me water in da shops
told me when we arrived in s-hortogenbosch dat it was acc a rly cute town n he felt bad bc he’s sick n didn’t want 2 shit all over my plans
showed me his festival vids/pics & his concert vids
changed my mind abt techno! lofi techno or chill techno or techno where there r vocals is acc nice 2 listen 2 w a fwen
told me 2 stand near sum flowers n took pics of me
had dmc w me l8 at nite
we had a talk abt our relationship n i realised dat he treats me like family. not like a guest. no matter where i go. we’re jus so comfortable w one another bc we’ve known each other for 8 years
told me dat if i got a vocal coach i’d be an amazing singer bc i have a nice voice i jus dunno what 2 do w it along w being saur nasally n vocal fry a lil bit when i sing from my throat. it rly boost my confidence in singing bc all my life i’ve been told 2 shut up but my 2 besfwens r da most supportive of me musically wise
is acc convincing me 2 move 2 NL & 2 move out my gaff
told me i can come over for a week n we can do lots of fun stuffs hehe
told me 2 not be a stranger n dat i was always welcome 2 stay w him n his roommate
told me dat my turquoise dress was gorgeous & dat my tennis dress was v 70’s esque
his fake roommate told me dat he told her abt me working in childcare which means he does talk abt me 2 his fwens
took candid photos of me on da boat & nice photos of me posing
taught me 2 drive da boat. we got stuck in a pond but he got us out of it. & he slowed da boat when there were cute ducks n swans
went 2 an arcade n played ddr w me even doe it was out of his comfort zone
got rly rly rly into taiko drum game w me n we killed da last song n we look to our right n there were a group of 10 ppl (tourists?) outside looking at us n cheering along w us as we finished da song n it was da funniest ting dat has happened 2 me in a long time
dis cute lil tap tap tings on my bare leg/arm while we were listening 2 music n lip synced songs while we vibed tog
haggled da taxi for a round trip for me
got my luggage n stitch for me super fast as i stayed in da taxi
kept reassuring me not 2 worry
carried my water/smoothie/rubbish for me in his side pockets
carried my slippers for me in his bag
told me dat childcare/au pair suits me sm again
told me he acc thought sum of my playlist was p gud
always sat next 2 me on da train even doe his fake ass roommate tagged along w us 2 da market
called me out on my perfectionist standards which i rly needed 2 hear
told me dat he’s gonna invite me 2 stuffs n we can do more tings tog if i stopped bringing my suitcase lmao
took selcas w me on da boat <3
sent me off 2 da airport even doe he had 2 help his fake roommate move out
always sat next 2 me on da train given da option of sitting next 2 me or his fake roommate
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