#insurance australia
Why Is Professional Indemnity Insurance Important in Australia?
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Professional indemnity insurance is a must if you offer professional service in Australia. Read on to learn why you will need the cover of a PI policy. 
As a professional, you may have been told that it is necessary to take professional indemnity insurance to protect your business. You may already have one even, as it may be a requirement for membership to your professional organisation. 
Having your business insured certainly has its advantages, but why is professional indemnity policy particularly important in Australia? Read on as we will be discussing its significance in this article. 
4 Reasons Why Australian Professionals Needs Professional Indemnity Insurance
PI insurance is essential for consultants and businesses providing professional services. 
When providing advice or professional services, you may be held liable if something goes wrong. Your PI policy may cover the legal costs and expenses of dealing with the ensuing claims. 
It protects your assets.
As it covers the costs of settling claims, you need not fear the risk of losing your assets as you deal with the issue. 
The policy may pay for the legal defense.
Should any professional liability claim escalate into legal action, your PI insurance may cover your legal expenses up to the limits set by your policy. 
It protects both you and your clients.
When your professional advice or service ends up causing losses to your client, your PI policy makes sure that they are reasonably compensated and that you will not have to spend a lot of money while dealing with their claim.
What is covered by professional indemnity insurance?
PI insurance covers the costs involved when settling claims and the legal expenses if the case goes to court. 
How much does professional indemnity insurance cost?
It mainly depends on the size and requirements of your business. You may use our online quote tool to get an estimate.
How to calculate professional indemnity insurance?
To calculate your PI insurance premium, insurers consider the size and amount of your professional fees, the allocation of fees, your experience, your financial stability, clients, nature of your services, and the severity and frequency of claims. 
Who is covered by my Professional Indemnity policy?
You and possibly the employees or contractors who carry out your services are covered. 
What's the difference between Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance?
PI is a type of insurance concerning your professional advice or services. For example, PI policy may cover engineers who provided faulty structural designs or incorrect advice. 
Public liability insurance is another business insurance cover related to personal damages or accidents in your business premises, such as when a visitor slips and falls while you're in operation.
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nando161mando · 7 days
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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withywindle-valley · 5 months
I think y'all wildly overestimating where your target market is hanging out
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Reblog for sample size yadda yadda
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hellagator · 1 year
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A mob of camptosaurus!
Inspired by the upcoming hopping ability in Path of Titans.
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wildzero1999 · 5 months
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trendieworld · 1 year
The Financial Solutions Hub is a comprehensive online resource that offers a variety of financial products and services, including insurance, loans, and mortgage options. Our website is designed to help visitors navigate the complex world of personal finance by providing expert advice, educational resources, and access to top-rated financial products. Whether you’re looking to secure the right insurance coverage for your needs, obtain a loan for a major purchase, or find the best mortgage rates, the Financial Solutions Hub has everything you need to achieve your financial goals.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
"Can you imagine being a citizen in Japan rn experiencing this" Honestly, considering that Japan is Ground Zero for apocalypses every year, a lot of them are probably use to this.
Japan is like
If Gotham was a country
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"Climate change could make one in 25 Australian homes too expensive to insure in just eight years, according to Climate Council projections. Queensland and New South Wales are expected to be the hardest-hit states. Subscribe: http://ab.co/1svxLVE Read more here: https://ab.co/38NgEQk Environment reporter Michael Slezak has more."
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vegancas · 2 years
not to be bitter on main but with usamericans being able to get their student loan debt cancelled now and also remembering that so many people there are able to get their top (and other gender affirming) surgeries covered by insurance, while i paid nearly 20k out of pocket for my surgery and have nearly 80k in debt... but australia is a great place to live i guess
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zzgirlzz · 13 hours
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Real men are hard to find. Brad and those poors think they’re real men but expect a handy
Very few good anyone here.
Yes, it’s time to murder many poors. lol, nah. Amanda honey, you never knew me baby. You’re over, ugly junk lol
Go use more men
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Erik, mind your own business before someone kills you, baby
You don’t know other men and you’re not my lover
And the insurance agents … lord. What scum.
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Make another joke, Clay
Brandy or Adam may have drugged me.
Nick is on the radar so those good girls know to steer clear. Things are getting pretty gross and brandy is stuck for good
Drew Barrymore has brandy’s incest surgeries documented.
Arizona may or may not be laughing.
And Warren Wyatt likely accepts blood money to kill black or sick babies
Warren Wyatt may also Tahoe policies out on people based on lies. Dental. Jealousy. Mmm
Take **
Fur Elise lol lol lol
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I may get a job at the insurance agency and take policies out on these goddamn bags of junk including Brandy Meador’s husband Adam
Brandy honey tell me who you met honey who did you meet baby?
Plagiarism junks
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How Professional Indemnity Insurance Works In Australia
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Get to know how professional indemnity insurance works in Australia. Read on to take full advantage of your PI policy cover.
You can count on the cover of your professional indemnity insurance when dealing with claims arising from allegations of incorrect professional advice or errors in your services. Whenever dissatisfied clients make liability claims, your PI insurance has your back.
In the following sections, we will tackle how this type of insurance works in Australia and how you can take advantage of its cover. 
Steps/General Overview on How PI Insurance Work in Australia
The protection of your PI insurance is invoked once you've received a letter of demand (LOD) seeking compensation for damages and threatening lawsuit if the claim is not addressed.
regardless of how preposterous or baseless the claim is, don't ignore it and take the following steps:
Notify your insurance broker. Do this as soon as you receive an LOD, but not long after the claim escalates to a lawsuit to avoid hefty legal costs.
Let your insurer do the work for you. Once you have notified your broker, your insurer will work on the case on your behalf, settling claims before they escalate into lawsuits.  
If the claim goes to court, you will get limited legal cover. The limits of this cover are defined in your policy.
Defining Professional Indemnity Insurance
PI insurance protects against liability claims made by third parties who have allegedly suffered losses directly related to the services that you've rendered. For example, a nutritionist will be subject to such claims if they fail to provide an appropriate diet for their client and medical complications ensue. Note that this type of insurance will cover the damages allegedly suffered by the claimant.
What does professional indemnity insurance cover?
Damages due to your negligence - Personal injuries, property damage, and financial losses caused by your negligent acts while rendering your services
Damages due to your contractor/employee's negligence - Losses incurred due to negligence of your employees or contractors 
Defamation - Spoken or written false statements that may harm a third party's reputation 
Breach of professional duty - Breach of confidentiality, privacy, or trust
Public relations expenses - PR meant to protect your reputation 
Why is Professional Indemnity Insurance Important?
PI insurance is important as it helps you address claims due to errors or allegations of mistakes made while rendering your professional services. Your insurance will bear part of the legal action expenses involved in settling these claims.
What if I don't provide the ARBV with my professional indemnity insurance policy documentation?
Without a copy of the Certificate of Currency for your PI insurance, the ARBV may reject your application or suspend the registration altogether. 
What's the difference between Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Professional indemnity insurance covers claims made against you concerning your professional advice or services. For example, PI policy may cover engineers who are subjected to liability claims due to errors in their structural design.
Public liability insurance, meanwhile, covers claims related to your interactions with the public. When, for example, a visitor slips and falls while on your business premise, your insurance has you covered if they decide to make a claim. 
I am applying to register as a practicing architect. Do I need professional indemnity insurance?
Yes, you do. The ARBV will require you to provide a copy of your policy's certificate of currency and other relevant documents.
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nando161mando · 9 days
"Homeless sent out of city to make room for Taylor Swift fans"
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childabusesurvivor · 8 days
Sharing - Meet the people falling through the gaps of the mental health care system
New Post has been published on https://www.childabusesurvivor.net/reviews/2024/05/31/sharing-meet-the-people-falling-through-the-gaps-of-the-mental-health-care-system/
Sharing - Meet the people falling through the gaps of the mental health care system
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This description of mental health care in Australia seems familiar to me as an American, too.
“The missing middle is where you’ve got at one end the severe and complex cases. They are people who will require hospitalisation for their mental health issues, and medication and often psychiatric intervention,” Dr Zena Burgess from the Australian Psychological Society told Hack.
“At the other end, you’ve got people who have transient short-term anxiety or depression, or social issues that need a bit of coaching and a bit of support to get through a particular circumstance,” she said.
Dr Burgess said our current system caters for both ends of the spectrum, but often lets people in the middle down.
They go on to describe someone with more complex issues being limited to ten therapy sessions a year. That’s less than once a month and wouldn’t be much help. In the US, it’s not uncommon to have insurance coverage for six or eight sessions in a year. That might be enough to help devise some strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety, which is a good thing, but for something like major depression, I don’t think a therapist visit every 6-8 weeks is going to help much.
I saw my therapist much more often than that. For two months, I saw her five days a week for neurofeedback sessions. My insurance didn’t cover much of it, so I paid out of pocket per session while living with family members for free. I was highly privileged in that regard. Not everyone would be. They can’t afford more than their insurance will cover, and it’s insufficient to help significantly.
And so, you wind up with many people just waiting to get worse before they can get any care. Even though we know early intervention is the key to treating mental health issues, there isn’t intervention until the person is “a danger to themselves or others.” Access to care may well come too late for many. They don’t make it that far.
We all deserve access to resources that would help us avoid becoming a danger to ourselves. These resources shouldn’t be limited to people like me, who are lucky enough to have family support to help cover the extra costs, and they shouldn’t require that we wait around for people to reach the point of needing to be hospitalized before we offer them any. That middle ground is full of people who deserve better.
#Anxiety, #Australia, #Depression, #Family, #Insurance, #Medication, #MentalHealth, #Resources, #Stress, #Support, #Therapy
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breakingpronews · 8 days
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