#interim goddess of love
coldfanbou · 2 years
Series List Two Parters Kinktober 2023
Internship (WINTER)
Afterparty (Giselle)
The First One Is On The House (NINGNING)
Take Advantage (SEOLHYUN)
Succubus Sauna (JENNIE)
Getaway Trip (JENNIE)
Proof (LISA)
The Donor (SOWON)
Eunha Love Love Loves You (EUNHA)
Date Night (EUNHA)
Writing Aid (EUNHA Ft. CHAEWON of Le Sserafim)
Trainer’s Delight (UMJI)
The Goddess' Challenge (UMJI)
Leader's Punishment (SOWON AND SINB)
Reward Service (YERIN)
Consummating the Marriage (EUNHA)
After Work (SINB)
Easy Way Out (EUNHA) GP reader
Relaxation (SOWON)
Merry Christmas (EUNHA)
Celebration (EUNHA Quickie)
(G) Idle
Birthday Gift (MINNIE)
Squeaky Clean (CHAERYEONG)
Heavenly Time (CHAERYEONG)
Boyfriend Thief (CHAERYEONG)
A Bad Student's Lesson (YUNA)
Lock Up (RYUJIN)
Plaything (YUNA x GP ITZY)
See-through (CHAERYEONG)
Salewoman (YUNA)
Sour and Sweet (GAEUL and YUJIN)
Confessing (WONYOUNG)
The Gift of Cucking (MINJU)
Management Skills (XIAOTING and CHAEHYUN)
After Shoot Pleasure (NATTY)
Full Body Relaxation (Julie X G!P Members & Mreader)
Releasing Tension (JULIE)
Le Sserafim
A Different Kind of Workout (SAKURA)
Sidestreets (JINSOUL)
The Assistant (SOLAR)
Made For One (GP HWASA)
New Jeans
It Started As A Rental (Hanni)
Unending Praise (YUNKYOUNG)
Personality Switch (ISA)
By Your Side (NAYEON)
Just Desserts (SANA)
Descent (JIHYO)
Family Issues (JIHYO)
First of Many (TZUYU)
Unexpected Guest (MOMO and JIHYO)
Competitive Streak (JEONGYEON)
Nearly Caught (MINA and TZUYU)
Alternative Payment (G!P) (DAHYUN, MOMO, MINA)
Temptations (JEONGYEON)
Interim (JIHYO)
Special Massage (JIHYO)
Daddy's Girl (JIHYO)
Invitation (DAHYUN)
Drunk Night (JIHYO)
Power Trip (MOMO)
Her Frustration F Reader (SANA)
Sugar Babies (NAYEON, MOMO)
Poolside Fun (G!P MINA, CHAEYOUNG)
Overdue (JIHYO)
Mail Order Maid (MOMO)
Night and Day (SANAF reader)
Presents (NAYEON)
Happy Endings (NAYEON)
Ruining The Tiger (CHAEYOUNG)
Learning From The Best (JIHYO AND YUNJIN)
Homemaker (MINA)
Live to Serve (MOMO JIHYO GP)
Hard Interruption to a Game (MONDAY)
Rought Treatments (JIHAN)
Just A little Crazy (HYUNA)
Dressing Up For Darling (GP SUNMI)
Workout Partner (SOHEE)
Breeding Bull (SOHEE)
Multiple Idols
Wild Night (EUNHA, SOMI, UMJI)
New Year's Eve (CHUU)
Other Lists
MIna-Saiyat Story
TIAM Interactive Story
TIAM Interactive Story 2
TIAM Interactive Story 3
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
What did you think of Zelda's story in TOTK? When director Hidemaro Fujibayashi said that Zelda in TOTK is “going through growth, experiencing things, and ultimately figuring out what kind of a person she’s going to be,” how would you say that is reflected in the game? What kind of person do you think she realizes she wants to be? What scene(s) reflect her overall growth?
Whoa, I forgot I held on to this in my drafts, sorry, Anon. I wasn't done playing the game's main story yet so I hid it lol.
Idk, I'm... I guess I can kind of see some growth in Zelda in the game? She's hesitant about using her powers in that scene against the molduga, but she's been learning under Sonia... I remember at the end of botw she says she can't really feel her powers that much anymore, and she was fine with that (granted, she had also been using them for a hundred years), so it could be she was hesitant to tap into them again? Maybe in the interim between botw and totk she abandoned any thought of using her powers and just dove into what she loved, which was science and finding ways to help her people grow?
I will say, the game makes her an expert in like... everything. Like there's nothing she doesn't know, there's no tip to experts she can't give... it's not very realistic and doesn't leave room for growth, and I'm not a huge fan of it. I enjoy a beloved princess, but not a goddess. Zelda is the former, not the latter (at least this one, skyward sword is different lol).
But if that's the angle we're going with, that she abandoned her pursuit of her powers and went back to her default, that's... regression, not growth. However, she definitely has much more faith in herself than she did in botw. But that's growth from botw, not totk. Her sacrifice with the secret stone is huge, and wow what a scene it is (when totk goes hard it goes hard), her faith in her people and Link unshakable, and I love that for her, but that's... not anything new. It's basically botw all over again.
So I wouldn't exactly say Zelda has had much growth, no. And while I find that disappointing, I don't find it surprising.
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
week of december 4th, 2022
aries: these can be hard times for an aries and some will neglect to acknowledge that. so give compassion to yourself first. then continue to give compassion to others all week because you never know what they're going through either.
taurus: two ingresses occur this week into your fellow earth sign capricorn and one of them is that of your ruling planet venus. it is your 9th house; aspire to the highest and most transcendant love that you can.
gemini: the first half of the week focuses more on you than you have been accustomed to recently. for some geminis, lurking in the shadows is preferable. for other more extroverted twins, this week's brief spotlight can bring some recharging.
cancerians: in a few days, the planetary goddess of love venus moves into your 7th house of relationship/partnership, capricorn. while venus is not *super* comfy in capricorn this is great for you if you have had a romance you're trying to solidify, or if you just want to freshen your vibe with money!
leo: this is the last week before jupiter moves back into fellow fire sign aries. which is great for leo people, especially those who have been struggling in some way recently. jupiter brings a lot of luck to those who are willing to expand their minds and experiences.
virgo: substantial earthy activity including significant ceres activity occurs this week. some things will seem quite heavy and when they do it's okay to grieve or feel angry or whatever is needed. but in addition to that, go out of your way to have fun.
libra: it may seem frivolous but if you can buy a nice item or upgrade for your home, it is auspicious to do so late this week as venus heads for capricorn. your home sanctuary should provide you with the balance you need to thrive in life.
scorpio: your focus is (or should be?) moving away from the material and heading for the more cerebral. you can keep it simple if you want with fun puzzles or reading and writing for leisure but you may also be called upon in the next few weeks to solve intellectual problems or publish something.
sagittarius: here we are in the last half of sagittarius season as mercury and venus already exit your sign and head into capricorn, ready to bring in exchange of money and value and to beautify your material world. saving is great but spending a little bit is really called for here with mercury, just do so wisely.
capricorn: it isn't capricorn season yet (that comes later, at the solstice) but mercury and venus both move into your sign as a sort of warmup and this brings you a lot of personal eloquence, charm, and charisma, bordering on magical powers if you use them right.
aquarius: not a ton of activity pertaining specifically to you this week so let's use the opportunity to remind you that it's just a few short months away now from pluto into your sign and saturn out of it. don't get too comfortable in the interim.
pisces: be prepared for some tensions and clashes this week as there are a handful of mutable square type situations. but at the same time, hold in your heart the expectation that these tensions cause you to expand out of your comfort zone and into some better, higher dimension where you get more of what you want before very long.
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literary-illuminati · 6 months
Book Review 67 – Saint Death’s Daughter by C. S. E. Cooney
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This is a book I’ve been vaguely aware of for a while, without really knowing anything about it beyond that it was getting a lot of positive buzz, but it got a WFA best novel nomination and that provided the impetus I needed to finally give reading it a try. And, well, I’ll be honest – this was a slog for me. If it had been half the size it would very likely be one of my favourite works of the year; as is the best way I can describe the reading experience is ‘slowly drowning in cotton candy’.
The book stars Miscellaneous ‘Lannie’ Stones, younger daughter of a declining noble house which has provided executioners and assassins to the royal family of Lariat since its founding, and generally but not lately provided necromancers as well. Lannie is the hope of the family, a necromantic prodigy (if one with a profoundly inconvenient allergy to violence that requires her isolation from the rest of the family and her raising by a bound revanent nanny and the dubiously trustworthy ghost of an ancestor). As the story opens, her parents have both died, and she’s been forced to write to her terror of an elder sister to come home as their debts are called due. She comes home with an enscrolled and deeply unwilling fiancee abducted during her studies. This, surprisingly, only takes up the first small chunk of the book, followed by a timeskip, the introduction of Lannie’s niece born in the interim, the elder sister dealing with the consequences of her seven-year campaign of bloody vengeance against the foreign court which murdered their parents, and the beginning of the actual plot.
I really did want to enjoy this book, and on the page-to-page level it was often somewhere between charming and delightful. But there were just so many pages, and so very little happening on most of them. After the timeskip the book spends something like 500 pages just leisurely meandering, stopping whenever anything catches its interest to spend half a page or three enthusiastically describing it. At a certain point the exuberant narration and playful vocabulary stop feeling delightful and start feeling like the author is somehow being paid by the word.
This is made all the odder by the fact that around the 80% mark the book suddenly realizes its got a bunch of problems to resolve and switches into an entirely different gear, rushing through revelations and resolutions like it’s on a deadline. Which apparently it was? The book ends with what feels like less of a sequel hook and more like a final hundred pages were chopped off the finished product by a longsuffering editor pushed past the brink.
So, the lion’s share of the book is interested less in plot than character dynamics and cute slice of moments. It’s very much a found family sort of narrative, delivered in an incredibly blunt fashion. Which definitely works for a lot of people, I’m sure, but everyone was so obviously written to be endearing and charming and fell into love of various sorts with each other so instantly it just left me cold, and more a bit bored.
This is a book with footnotes, and among those it feels pretty middle of the pack? Not doing anything particularly impressive with them, and they don’t have a real character or voice different from the rest of the book, but they’re a fun enough way to infodump a bunch of Stones family history (particularly all the ways different members have died).
Thematically...look, I’m aware this is entirely a personal pet peeve not shared by any particular audience, but the fact that Lannie’s whole life from infancy is being chosen as the beloved priestess of a goddess of death for one specific purpose, and that this is portrayed as an entirely benevolent, positive, and uplifting thing to have done at basically all points that it’s discussed just sets me on edge. There’s nothing really badly done about it, I’m just a contrary maltheist by nature and the book did basically nothing to allay that.
Generally – I don’t know, I’m not opposed to 700 page books (I’d be an utter hypocrite if I was. Almost certainly still am regardless), but I feel like being that long is a failing the book then has to justify? It should be obliged to do something with the length, if it’s going to demand so much of my time to wade through it. This didn’t really feel like it did.
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Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tags y'all! @mistresslrigtar @zeldadiarist @ladyhoneydee y'all go read their stuff it's so good
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 8, but it's about to increase! ;)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda - All BOTW so far. I have some ideas for other Zelda games but they remain as ideas for now.
I also have a short Marvel story from my Steve/Bucky days circa 2013.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Shadows - An Epistolary Poem from Steve Rogers to Bucky Barnes
Is that a yes? (Zelink oneshot, NSFW)
That child of mine (my beloved longfic - I promise I'm coming back to this story soon! I miss it so much)
Silk and moonlight (with art from the magnificent @bahbahhh)
A chance encounter at the blood clinic (modern Zelink au that is very silly but you gotta be ok with blood donation)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I am a sucker for attention and I love talking about stories with people.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh DEFINITELY That child of mine. It's not even finished yet but there is some goooood angst coming, and I already know how it's going to end (I've actually written a good chunk of the finale already) and it's gonna be heartbreaking.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably A chance enounter? They get each other's number and the promise of a cute date.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! I've only gotten some (requested) constructive criticism. I do have a fic planned that I anticipate being kinda contentious? But I'm already planning on limiting comments on that one lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yee! I've never written anything hardcore but I do really like writing and reading sexy scenes. I'm not much of a PWP kind of person (give me all of the emotional context) but I'm a big believer that sex and intimacy are fundamentally human experiences and can serve a story in so many beautiful and interesting ways.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I continue to chip away at my Deep Space 9/TotK crossover idea. It's gonna happen one day... maybe...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but maybe I'll try re-writing one of my stories in French sometime as a project.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I would LOVE to. The closest is when B and I collaborated and I wrote a story and she did the art.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Zelink, definitely. People whose souls are inextricably bound to one another and keep finding each other, lifetime after lifetime? That's the good shit right there. Obsessed.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The story that walked into my head that made me start writing. It's a crazy ambitious story - Basic premise is that instead of the Sheikah technology being banned by the ancient king, the Sheikah themselves were banished from the lands of Hyrule. In the interim, Hyrule has been through many wars, dynasties and factions have all risen and fallen, and the bloodline of the Goddess has been forgotten. No one remembers any of the old stories. Zelda is a farm girl training to become a healer like her mother, Link is the son of the king who won the throne after lead a successful campaign against the Zora, and into all of this comes a young Impa, drawn back to Hyrule after thousands of years away, tormented by visions of calamity, a prophecy her people have passed down for millenia, knowing that Hylia would recall them to the land of their ancestors when the time was right. It's anti-monarchy, it's about climate change, it's about falling in love and renouncing power in order to fulfill a greater purpose, it's about knowing yourself, it's about righting ancestral wrongs, and I do not think it will ever be finished but I do like to come back to it every once in a while.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Coming up with interesting concepts!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Executing interesting concepts?
But in all seriousness, I know I still have a lot to learn as a writer. I'm overly descriptive, I have long run-on sentences, dialogue tags are my nemesis, and I struggle to write with real depth of character.
I do think I'm a good storyteller. I am just still honing those skills.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it's great! I am obsessed with conlangs - I think they're so fucking cool. For writing in existing languages, as long as you're familiar with the language, or getting someone to look it over and not just running things through google translate, I think that's wonderful.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Captain America.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
That child of mine my beloved
This was really fun, thanks y'all!
Tagging @louwhose @newtsnaturethings @wanderingnightingale and @bahbahhh ! I'm sure y'all have already been tagged but add me to the pile of fans who want to hear more about your work :D
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whatiwillsay · 23 days
I’ve been listening to your part 3 of analyzing ttpd and I really enjoyed your analysis but I did disagree a little on Chloe et al. and I wanted to share my thoughts. I interpret the first two verses as her writing from the perspective of the time in between from 2014 to 2023 before they got back together. Like when she is imagining him with other people and he is seeing her out with other guys that is in all the years before they got back together. And the second verse especially I interpreted as that like he had said things back in 2014 that she can’t forget about and it was in 2014 that they couldn’t be together because he needed drugs more than her. Like I don’t know what stage of recovery he is in right now but he was in active addiction back then. And I think the line about changing into goddesses, villains and fools was also in the interim and all the eras from 1989 to midnights where she was outrunning her desertion (perhaps being a little hyperbolic) of him the first time they were together. And I feel like the bridge really brings that all together with her going back to that moment of her desertion where she says she was too young to know how to deal with their relationship. And then I think that part starting with “so if I sell my apartment…” brings us back into the present where it didn’t work out this most recent time. I also really think this because in the first two choruses she uses past tense of say you loved me and say you always wondered but in the last chorus she brings it into present tense. So I think it was all written post breakup but she inhabits the perspective of herself before they rekindled in various parts of the song.
i like this!
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fieldsofbran87 · 1 year
I keep thinking about the Drawbridge Scene and what must have went down before it.
Basically my interpretation of the interim period of pre-coup, post-Ganondorf’s arrival, in regards to Impa, is that she was presented with a choice. She had the option to side with him and what he stood for, or continue to stand with the Hylian crown. She spends the month or so waiting for Link deliberating on this.
I think more than anything, Impa sees it as a choice between him and Zelda, who she undoubtedly loves and wants to protect, but is, of course, inseparable from the Hylian crown and its regime. If she lives, it lives, and for her to be safe, it must be in control. I think if she had the option, Impa would have taken Zelda and fled somewhere to live in hiding, staying out of trouble, but Zelda’s position as both the princess and Goddess-incarnate compromises any hope of that. Impa cannot defend Zelda without defending the Royal Family and the kingdom of Hyrule, even if philosophically she might oppose and resent them.
I think Impa sees this dilemma and her choice as a deeply defining moment. The end all be all of where her loyalties lie, and what that means for her role in the narrative. There isn’t a world where she’s allowed to exist in both spheres at once, and so when she decides to spare Zelda, she kind of goes all in with defending the Royal Family and orchestrating Ganondorf’s downfall. I don’t think she’s happy with this, nor does she really hold that much affection for the Hylian Royal Family, but the extremity of Ganondorf’s rebellion and Hyrule’s opposition to it has pushed her into a position where she must commit herself to one camp or the other. (The suffering caused by Ganondorf’s rule and its general failure to facilitate actual liberation for his people or anyone makes the choice easier, but still.)
Going back to the Drawbridge Scene, I think she and Ganondorf had the most loaded stand off known to man. I think it’s entirely possible he expected her to hand Zelda over to her right then and there, and when she didn’t, it severed any thin goodwill they might have shared during his time in the castle. Impa sees this as a vow to stop him at all costs and Ganondorf takes this as rejection to the pettiest, most intense degree. Link basically walked in one the last few seconds of the ugliest break up ever. They went from being kinda chill to Arch Nemeses vowing retribution in a split second, and then they spend the next 7 years obsessing over each other (and also Zelda, in different ways).
They’re literally So Much. Somehow, they managed to create a relationship where they experience every human emotion at once when they look at each other and it’s nuts.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
You probably saw it but Nike saying "it’s about Lucien becoming the HL of Spring, and Elain tagging along like a good little mate" in her last reblog is infuriating. Nobody said that EVER, NOBODY. She's twisting people's words again to make eluciens look bad. I can't stand it.
Pot meet Kettle (not you, E/riels)
I know not everyone loves Elain as much as I do but in my version of how the story goes, Elain is basically in the image of a Goddess of Life. Not only can she shape shift into an owl, but SHE will be the one to heal Springs lands, acting as interim High Lady. Lucien will play a supporting role to her or as a somewhat equal considering his long history with Spring, knowledge of its people and lands and also is demonstrating powers of being High Lord. There's no "tagging along like a good little Mate" anywhere. It's either Elain taking center stage or them as equals. Then, they will help free Vassa from Koschei, together. If she is a Healer of sorts, we know that a Healers Light AND fire can defeat the Valg, which Koschei seems to be. They are the perfect tag team.
In E/riels version, Elain is basically Az's tag along spy partner. Who will need Az to show her the ropes. Who can't be better than Az at being a spy considering he's a shadowsinger and has how many years in that role? Where in the E/riel version of things does Elain shine brighter than Az? Where is she bringing anything to the table apart from him? And there is no chance Az will be going to defeat Koschei / free Vassa in place of Lucien considering Vassa is Luciens friend. Az hasn't even met her.
Even if Lucien and Elain were instrumental in restoring and (temporarily) ruling Spring, I still think there are hints that Elain, as a possible goddess of Life type of figure, will have a power that he doesn't. So regardless of their bond, she still stands on her own in a powerful way. Just as when without Elain by his side, Lucien will have his own gifts from Helion.
Not to mention she'd get the opportunity to play with Pegasuses being mated to Lucien so, obvious point in favor of him.
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angelwithshotgn · 2 years
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{lewis tan; genderfluid ; he/they} hey isn’t that KAI YOUNG? the 35/1000+ year old FALLEN ANGEL and a song that plays when you see them is ANGEL WITH A SHOTGUN by THE CAB. They are known to be PROFESSIONAL and WITHDRAWN. They have been in VALDEZ for 2 years and always remind me of    a sheriff’s badge worn on leather belt, trained killer turned hero, trying to blend in to an unfamiliar world, a quiet room to hide away in. what secrets will they discover?
NAME. malachai
ALIAS.  kai young.
BIRTH DATE + AGE. unknown | 35 / 1000+
ZODIAC.   unknown
GENDER. genderfluid
PRONOUNS. he/they
ORIENTATION. demiromantic / demisexual
SPECIES. fallen angel, archangel former
OCCUPATION. interim sheriff.
FAMILY. GOD father, GODDESS mother, ANGELS & FALLEN siblings
FACECLAIM. lewis tan
EYES.   black 
HAIR.   black
HEIGHT.   six foot three.
BUILD.   muscular.
TATTOOS.   various.
SCARS/BIRTH MARKS. scars where wings used to be
malachai was created in heaven, not born, appearing at the same time as all of his other siblings. he was made an archangel, and genetic twin to the archangel michael. he did what he was designed to do, until about 1000 years ago when he had seen a beautiful human, seen her from Heaven and often went down to visit her, falling in love with the mortal. while he was twins with michael, malachai was close with his brother lucifer.
the angel went to go visit her once again, his siblings stopped him. he wasn’t supposed to interact with humans, it was the rules, he wasn’t even supposed to leave heaven. so he’d been banished from his home. having his wings ripped out from behind him as he was expelled from heaven.
when he woke up, he’d been laying in a bed, found by an old couple, who when asked him about himself, he didn’t have any answers. not that they could know. they told him he’d been found in the snow, naked and surrounded by bloody snow with stray feathers surrounding him. they’d collected the feathers for him, thinking they were of importance to him, which they were right. they were what was left of his wings.
they treated his wounds, wrapping bandages around his torso to keep the wounds from bleeding out - which later healed faster than what would have for a human. he left their home, taking on the name kai young, the last name being the old couples, and he never found her again, the girl he’d fallen for. 
he later learned that his “sibling” lucifer led a revolt in heaven, against their father’s rules and against the order of things, getting himself and others of their siblings expelled from heaven, much like kai had been years before.
almost 500 years later, kai meets ezel somsi, and started spending more time with her, not having to return home anymore. but things started to change when he learned what exactly happened to an angel when they fell. they lost their powers, their purpose, so when he learned that ezel had been attacked and tried to save her by healing her, he couldn’t. instead he used his new abilities to manipulate the vampire who’d attacked her to turn her. he wasn’t going to spend eternity on Earth without her.
but ezel didn’t know he was the one who made the vampire turn her, or that he himself wasn’t human. so when she turned, she took off, angry that she was stuck like this, hating what he had done to her. and he left, realizing that what he did to be with the woman he loved, to save her, was her undoing.
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jasper-the-menace · 2 years
My Current Magic The Gathering AO3 Fics
Almost exclusively Streets of New Capenna-based. Warning: the lewd ones are under the cut.
Last updated: July 5, 2023
Beyond The Planes [no ships] (complete) - The Father of Machines isn't too delighted by modern Phyrexians. The Benevolent Goddess has an idea.
Blood and Songbirds [background Edith Maestro (OC)/Emery Black (OC), Spara/Xander, Jaren/Jinnie] (complete) - A vampire demon hybrid is certainly rare, enough so that meeting another one awakens a fatherly side of Xander that he's not familiar with. But after the Adversary rears his head and old threats return, Xander finds out the hard way that he's in for the long haul. A reworking of the Streets of New Capenna set plus beyond to help me develop my OCs and wrap up some SNC plotlines that seem like they've been abandoned in favor of the Phyrexian plotline. And then suffering beyond that because I'm a big fan.
Five Times Falco Spara Fell In Love With Xander (And One Time Xander Did) [Spara/Xander, implied/background Evelyn/Xander] (complete) - Spara and Xander have fallen in love over and over again. Especially on Spara's side. (This takes place in my Blood and Songbirds-verse, which is only apparent with the last scene.)
In The Interim [Jaren/Jinnie] (in progress) - A series of scenes set in my Blood and Songbirds universe, after the end of Blood and Songbirds. Tags will be updated with each new chapter.
White Fires of Memory [Jirina/Lukka] (complete) - Traveling through Vadrok's lair towards Lavabrink was dangerous enough with the injured and ill, but Jirina Kudro and Vivien Reid did not expect the help and rescue they received.
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Expected Partners [Spara/Xander, Ziatora/Xander, Raffine/Xander, Jetmir/Xander] (complete) - When a vampire reaches a certain age, they tend to stick with the same partners simply because they know what to expect. Xander often found himself sharing a bed with the other crime lords, which led to a nice variety. He didn’t much care for working, so he often let them take the lead. We're not gonna pretend that this is anything more than porn, let's be real.
For Ransom [Spara/Daniel (OC), other higher-up Brokers/Daniel (OC)] (complete) *implied/referenced rape/noncon, but not at Spara's hand; mature, not explicit* - If you accused any of the Brokers of being soft, most would toss you out of a window. But even then, one devil in all of New Capenna has the higher-ups wrapped around his finger, and there are plenty of people who would love to take advantage of that...
Fucked Up Cycles [Elspeth/Xander, other relationships with Xander referenced] (complete) *Omegaverse* - Xander wasn't expecting his heat cycle to come early. Luckily, a certain planeswalker happens to be an alpha and is willing to lend a hand.
Mismatched [Perrie/Kros] (complete) *Omegaverse* - Kros is late to meet with Perrie regarding their next mission, so Perrie goes to find him. You see the tags and the rating, you know how this ends.
What He Wants [Nixilis/Xander noncon] (complete) *rape/noncon* - Instead of killing the head of the Maestros, Ob Nixilis has other plans.
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notlikeaghost · 7 years
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sorenkingsley · 7 years
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Books finished in 2017 05/??: Interim Goddess of Love - Mina V. Esguerra
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Not related to anyone -- I just like saying it -- but if I hadn’t made it explicit before, I’ll note that while I acknowledge fanon-Zant, I largely disagree with it. He’s got the hilariously dweeby side, certainly, but I feel like he’s demonstrably a lot more dangerous and cunning and cruel than he’s given credit for. It’s only in very rare instances he’d be what we consider nice. 
For comparison? You’re actually WAY more likely to walk away from a chat with Ghirahim none the worse for wear than you would Zant once he’s started on his decline. 
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good-beans · 2 years
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Various Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual interpretations of Shakespearean characters:
(I found it helpful a lot of the time to compare characters to Romeo and Juliet’s willingness to die for each other. Even though I said it doesn't matter if hugging, kissing, etc was a sign of "just friends" in the Elizabethan era, you can usually convince a doubful person this behavior is romantic when comparing it to such a universally accepted declaration of love.)
Antonio from Twelfth Night:
He rescues Sebastian from a shipwreck and nurses him back to health, describing their relationship as follows:
“I snatch’d one half out of the jaws of death, reliev’d him with such sanctity of love, and to his image, which methought did promise most venerable worth, did I devotion.”
“To-day my lord; and for three months before, no interim, not a minute’s vacancy, both day and night did we keep company.”
“His life I gave him, and did thereto add my love without retention or restraint, all his in dedication; for his sake, did I expose myself, pure for his love, into the danger of this adverse town.”
He follows Sebastian to Orsino’s court, knowing there were people who wanted him dead there
“I have many enemies in Orsino’s court, else would I very shortly see thee there. But come what may, I do adore thee so that danger shall seem sport, and I will go.”
To Sebastian: “If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant.”
He leaps into the middle of a duel to protect Sebastian, risking his life and ultimately getting arrested. 
Celia from As You Like It:
Not life or death, but she still does sacrifice her entire life to stay with the woman she loves. She gives up her entire lifestyle, family, security, and identity in order to remain with Rosalind. 
“I cannot live out of her company.”
Others talk of how Celia “loves her … she would have followed her exile, or have died to stay behind her … never two ladies loved as they do.”
“I see thou lov’st me not with the full weight that I love thee.”
“We have slept together, rose, at an instant, learn’d, play’d, eat together; And wheresoe’er we went, like Juno’s swans, still we went coupled and inseparable.” (Juno is the goddess of marriage, and swans are known for mating for life)
Horatio in Hamlet:
Proves himself a loyal and loving friend to Hamlet. Even though Hamlet deeply distrusts all other characters, he is willing to believe everything from Horatio -- even far-fetched tales of ghosts
Horatio attempts the exact same sacrifice as Romeo when he reaches for the poisoned cup to join Hamlet at the end of the play: “here’s yet some liquor left”
Antonio in The Merchant of Venice: (Yeah, I know. It turns out Shakespeare had like five Antonio’s...)
In order to save Bassanio’s life, he offers up his body as payment to a deal. 
He takes the man’s hand before he is to die, commanding him to tell Bassanio’s wife, “say how I lov’d you, speak me fair in death; And, when the tale is told, bid her be the judge whether Bassanio had not once a love.”
Afterwards, Bassanio faces pressure to give away the ring that he had sworn to his wife he’d keep. Antonio persuades him to give it away.
There’s a lot of lines and behaviors involved in As You Like It and Twelfth Night as a crossdressed character causes the cast to act on unknown homosexual desires. And listen, just because the characters don’t realize they’re falling for the opposite gender, or just because they were falling for the right gender all along, it doesn’t take away from the passion and flirting that occured -- there's no "mistakes" going here
Orlando flirts daily with Ganymede, exchanging romantic banter and even getting pretend-married.
Phoebe falls hard for Rosalind and begs to marry her.
Orsino develops feelings for Cesario. In many productions he grows awkward around him because he isn’t sure how to act.
Olivia chases after Viola’s affections, flirting and begging her to marry.
You can also look at themes/conflicts when reading a play as queer. Even when performed with cishet characters, it can be interpreted as a metaphor to those who relate to the experiences. 
People aleays laugh when I say Romeo and Juliet is a great gay play, but it is. It focuses on forbidden love, with the threat of family’s wrath. Should the protagonists’ parents or relatives discover who they chose as a lover, the characters may face disownment and danger. 
Midsummer Night’s Dream features characters constantly dealing with unrequited love and rejection. A commonly discussed experience from gay and lesbian communities is the tendency to fall for others outside the community who never reciprocate those feelings. (There's also some falling-for-unconvential-partners, but that gets a little murky when you try to compare queerness to falling in love with a donkey :/ Still, if you've got the time and dedication there's definitely queer analogies you could find in that play)
The Taming of the Shrew is known for its theme of “otherness.” Katherina is notorious for breaking current conventions, and is treated poorly for it. The title itself refers to her experience of being painfully assimilated to fit into the norms. I've heard Othello discussed along with this theme too. (I didn't go too deep into it for my project, since it's clear commentary on race rather than queerness. But the evidence is there if you wanted to read it that way)
All the previous examples can contribute to bisexual readings, with Orlando, Phoebe, Olivia, and Orsino being the most specific examples. Unlike the others, they show attraction to two distinct genders during the events of the play. Sebastian may also be included in this, if one reads him as reciprocating Antonio's love while also marrying Olivia -- there are some productions that have all three of them Together during the happy finale :)
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hello I'm re-reading Interim (thank you for blessing us with this btw) and was wondering..... how does Link get over his nerves about going all the way with Zelda? Does he get as nervous when he's with Draga?
Links hang ups with Zelda have a lot to do with putting her on a pedestal for a long time, her being a literal manifestation of the goddess, her openly disliking him for a long time, the power imbalance and stress of being the chosen hero. Like he fixated on her for both professional and personal reasons and was like “shit. I’m in love with my boss” basically. So there was alot of him not making his feelings her problem and immediately dismissing the possibility of a relationship… so yeah he has to overcome a habit of telling himself “no, stop that” for ages.
And honestly? I think Link has no nerves with Draga because A: Link is kind of a ho when off duty so he’s pretty up front about being into ppl (when it’s anyone but Zelda). B: Draga and he are on the same slightly feral frequency and they clicked IMMEDIATELY. Like you know when you meet a weird person who is weird exactly the same way you are? That’s Link and Draga.
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veramyeong · 2 years
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𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌  ...  𝑡ℎ𝑒  𝑟𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙  𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦  𝑜𝑓  𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑛 .
𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬  𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚  𝐦𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠  (  fc :  adeline  rudolph  )  —  future  queen  of  belvan .  shown  by  the  media  to  be  mysterious ,  distant ,  &  cold .  occasionally  called  ‘  the  ice  princess  ’ .
the  late  𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫  𝐦𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠  (  fc :  max  herbrechter  )  —  former  king  of  belvan .  known  to  be  ruthless ,  power  hungry ,  &  heartless . his  relationship  with  vera  was  strained ,  as  he  mostly  neglected  her  and  never  wanted  a  daughter ,  especially  not  as  an  eldest  child .  he  never  understood  her  and  never  tried ,  it  was  easier  pretending  she  simply  didn’t  exist  unless  it  was  for  his  own  political  gain .
𝐝𝐮𝐤𝐞  𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫  𝐦𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠  (  fc :  sebastian  koch  )  —  currently  interim  ruler  of  belvan  until  vera  comes  back  from  school  to  take  the  throne .  six  years  younger  than  his  older  brother ,  kaiser ,  alexander  is  a  respected  member  of  the  council  that  advises  the  royal  family .  he’s  smart,  dependable,  &  grounded .  after  queen  ara’s  passing  alexander  looked  after  vera  from  a  distance  and  acted  as  a  father  figure  towards  her .
the  late  𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧  𝐚𝐫𝐚  𝐦𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠  (  fc :  kim  sung  ryung  )  —  a  woman  who  showed  strength  in  her  softness .  she  came  from  a  large  family  of  royals  who  all  tragically  passed  in  a  plane  crash.  there  are  still  conspiracists  who  believe  it  was  no  accident .  the  last  of  her  name,  queen  ara  married  quickly  to  kaiser .  she  was  resilient,  loving,  &  gentle .  she’d  walk  into  a  room  and  every  single  person  would  fall  a  little  bit  in  love  with  her .  vera  thought  her  mother  was  a  goddess  and  the  most  beautiful  woman  in  the  world ,  and  ara  loved  vera  entirely  just  the  way  she  was .
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