#into a skill ig. but thinking about it i loved painting so so very much i've always loved colors
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#that is so random but#ok honestly i've been feeling rather empty n apathetic ever since last night but#thinking abt creative stuff helps n#random but oh my on words i realize i'm often like this HSKFJSJFJS#when i was like. i can't rmb what grade but before i was 7 or smth i rmb#one of my fav words was 'silence' IDK WHY IT WAS RLLY COOL FOR ME AS A KID N#one memory i have v clearly is in the bathroom of that school bcs#that was the only time i celebrated my bday at school omg so#anyways i'll keep this bit short but hi random story i remember just shouting 'silence' when i remembered the word all of a sudden#idk why.. im like that with words... >_<#thinking abt that makes me remember the times i wld just search for hours for words n skim through dictionaries n stuff like that n#names! yes names i wld search for names for my ocs for hours oh my god#i'm very dedicated to. my passions like that. in a way aaaa#i rmb searching names w meanings of 'dark' 'night' 'sky' blah blah mythology too n angel names#i also remember often getting distracted n reading myths n wikis n searching of so much other info too#anyways i was just listening to music n i have these images in my head#i wld very much like to draw them :< but as much as i loved painting as a kid i never rlly had the chance to properly cultivate that#into a skill ig. but thinking about it i loved painting so so very much i've always loved colors#speaking of colors this is very random but today i'm wearing a top that is not black! wow! (it is white)#i've been feeling kinda dead lately but my. mind. my creativity n my analysis n wtvr that keeps me so so alive#thinking abt sciences n stories n uhh knowledge in general n expressing myself through different forms of art#I REALLY WNA LEARN HOW TO DRAW T_T & i shld rlly play the piano again#i shld probably learn the guitar first bcs we have one here too but goddamn i want to learn the violin so bad#i have a certain fondness n affection for elegance. goddamn i wish i at least tried out ballet as a kid aww#hmm another random thought but ig one reason why im so disappointed in myself is bcs ik i can do so so much better#& i used to be so much better as a kid yk i used to be the type that you'd probably brag abt. maybe say things like oh what a waste that#she's so shy or smth. idk. anyways i have regrets but i try so hard to just be enough for myself#THAT SAID HOLD UP I RAMBLE SO MUCH AAAAA#wait i will continue this in another post bcs i have sm i want to talk abt
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margareth-lv · 4 months
🧠 Cognition Today/Cognitive Dissonance: How We Make Sense Of The World And Interpret Everything In Ways We Can Accept Or Believe 🧠
Yes, I know, as usual I'm late to the party as everyone has long since stopped discussing Sam's spectacular conquest of Australia. The only explanation (for my lateness) is that I have been very busy lately. And also very bored. Like most of us are. Too bored to deal with the feeling of being bored by the Narrative.
So I apologise for returning to a subject that is long overdue. It's as exciting as watching paint dry, I know. But I have an inner need to speak out. And to give a sign of life.
*** *** *** Photos shared by displaceintime on Twitter (aka X) and by bella_sam_heughan_fan on IG inspired my sad reflection.
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That is, not so much the photos (so lovely!), but the comments underneath.
Where we saw an extremely skilled and experienced hold, supporting the child's back almost reflexively, others saw the following:
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All comments are from the two sources quoted above. I have made them anonymous as a gesture of kindness. Or mercy.
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Why do people have such different perceptions of the same situation? Simple, trivial question. Because we have different life experiences that affect how we see things, of course we have different insights.
But try giving my husband (a father of three with 20 years of experience) a child he doesn't know to hold. And look at the face he makes.
What kind of world is it where these women think, firstly, that this man (not my husband, but Sam Heughan 😜) doesn't have the children he has and, secondly, that he can't cope with holding a child?
And to end on a positive note, while it's true that everyone perceives reality differently, reality couldn't care less about our perceptions.  Reality does not change to adapt to our viewpoints; reality is what it is: Reality is fact. Reality is truth.
(borrowed from LinkedIn)
And let's keep it that way.
[1 March 2024]
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sco07ut · 1 year
i’ve got like 20 mins until my bus shows up and i’m bored so, at risk of being mobbed by that specific brand of over-30-cishet-female-mat-baynton-stans, i would like to talk about why i think transfem thomas thorne could actually be a good route for his character growth !
(but it’s below the cut bc it’s long discussion </3)
so obviously being infatuated with alison is an integral part to thomas’ character, aside from being a terrible poet it’s one of his most identifying traits. even in episodes where he’s tried to ‘grow out of it’ (see: s4e2) he’s still back to his original state at the end of the episode (and while this could be chalked up to the fact that you stays how you dies and therefore can’t grow as a person i would like to raise you this: he obviously was not obsessed with alison when he died, therefore i think there’s still some hope for him yet) anyway ! got off track a bit there,
thomas can’t ‘grow out of’ loving alison until he recognises why he loves alison - or perhaps, the idea of alison (now this could lead onto a talk abt why i also think and hc that tom is aromantic but people have covered that before)
let’s backtrack for a moment and review what exactly we know and/or can infer about thomas: he’s unlike the other men we see in the thomas thorne affair, his interests, opinions on romance and accumulated skills aren’t particularly masculine.
he’s very creative (just because he’s bad at it doesn’t mean the drive isn’t there), adores the arts (written word, paintings, songs), he clearly values women for who they are as people (and to a degree, their looks) and bases his affections on that, as opposed to financial gain (squints at francis button), and he clearly hasn’t had any experience when it comes to duels or fights in general and his general ‘layabout’ personality would definitely reflect the fact that rich women in the 1800s had very few responsibilities and obviously weren’t expected to work.
now, all of these aren’t inherently feminine traits, this is obvious, we all know this, i’m not saying that men can’t do these things. kindly don’t take my words out of context, but in the case of a man who lived in the 1800s, they can be seen as pretty feminine. this also isn’t the basis for my argument, i just want to point out a few things before i get into the meat of it !
and slightly less solid reasoning: mat baynton just plays him really fruitily. if you asked me to explain it i don’t think i could, but cmon just look at him
anywa, it’s pretty much an accepted part of the fanbase by now that thomas is bad at recognising what sort of love he’s feeling, and i raise you this: what if the desire he’s feeling for alison isn’t romantic, but is instead, desiring to be her.
(if you’re a lesbian, this is a familiar concept: do i want to date her or be her?)
he could potentially see elements of himself in alison, her own appreciation for art, and maybe even traces of the physical self (slim, white, dark haired? - this could also support the reasons why he was such a strong interest in lucy, who also shares these features, but hasn’t expressed any canon interest in fanny or kitty. mary is a bit of an outlier here but it’s whatever, my hc just has pockets ig). and when we have a great appreciation for someone we can tend to idolise them a little. in thomas’ mind, alison could potentially just be an idealised version of who he wants to be, and in his own confusion when it comes to recognising that fact, he could be mistaking admiration for adoration.
thomas is very clearly an idiot, the entire series is proof of that, and generally unless the facts are laid out right in front of him he doesn’t Get things. when we consider the fact that transgenderism was extremely uncommon and likely incredibly underground, thomas probably doesn’t even know it’s an option outside of the way that literally everyone ponders what it would’ve been like to have been born the opposite sex at least once in their life.
so why do i think this would be an effective way to fix thomas’s weird infatuation with alison?
well, at this point in the series it’s obvious that thomas isn’t just going to stop ‘loving’ her, there needs to be some big wake-up call that makes him stop. however, i feel that the longer ThemThere keep dragging out this part of his character, the harder it’ll be to bounce back from it. right now we’re lucky that thomas is such an avidly romantic character, his obsession with alison is uncomfortable enough as it currently stands but at least we know it’s innocent and emotional. but as the series goes on i just worry that that line could start to blur.
at this point, thomas suddenly moving on from alison seems entirely unfeasible and he would definitely need to have some element of identity rocked to really consider what it is about alison that he’s obsessed with. of course i’d be completely happy if that happened to be the fact that he’s aromantic or aroace but i just think thomas ending up transfem would be an interesting route to go down as an alternative (bc i know some people are very much ride and die when it comes to certain ships. and i’ll admit, i do appreciate a bit of romance between tom n different characters)
i feel like it would also be a better justification for his infatuation with her aside from just ‘too much love’ (thomas thorne=ashfur.?), obviously all obsessions are a bit iffy but i feel like if it came from a place of ‘i really want to be her and don’t know how to express that’ instead of just ‘i want her’ it would be a bit less weird. less creepy i think? and it’s an issue that can actually be worked through and addressed properly with ways of helping thomas transition instead of telling him to simply stop loving alison.
plus it would make all their interactions just so much sweeter !! whenever they talk i’m always on the edge of my seat waiting for thomas to make some weird remark but augh!!!!! they could b girl best friends !!!!
and it’s not like the cast is adverse to playing trans women ! gabriel and ho-tan are such beloved characters, gabriel gets her happy ending and even though ho-tan’s wish is reversed it’s still very much implied that they respect her identity (i do wish they had explored or at least addressed this more though) (however, ho-tan’s femininity is never the subject of a joke like gabriel’s is, so i suppose they even each other out)
anyway my final reason for tom being transfem is that dear god i’m jsut a simple lesbian please please let me have this i won’t ask for anything else i swear
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kellyscowboy · 1 year
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ᯇ summary ! ✦ jack kelly's mirror lies to him, and david jacobs would rather take a lifetime of bad luck than let the mirrors continue with their deceitful schemes ᯇ warnings ! ✦ lowkey just angsty, uhh i mean not too angsty ig but i think you get the idea, a single cuss word lol ᯇ vienna's thoughts ! ✦ sorry this is lowkey so short! i thought it was gonna be a lot longer but it didn't turn out that way. reblogs & notes are greatly appreciated♡. also its 1 am & this was only edited once so if it doesn't make sense just pretend it isnt here. also!! this is very different from what i usually write so bear with me 823 WORDS © 2023 , 𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐲
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Jack Kelly was a sculpture, a gift sent from the gods. He was just as much a piece of art as he was an artist. From his calloused hands used in only the softest of ways, to the way his eyes spoke every truth of his soul. There had never been such a human to walk the earth, David Jacobs was sure of that.
David could talk about the abstract creation that was Jack Kelly until his heart stopped. About how Jack Kelly was the design of Aphrodite and Apollo, and how he would worship him as the people of Greece had worshiped his creators.
For Aphrodite blessed him love, with beauty. She pressed the dimples into his cheeks and painted the freckles on his face—the ones that only appeared when the sun shone. His laugh, that could send anyone within a twelve-mile radius into an early grave, was all her doing. Aphrodite had spent days, if not weeks (hell, Dave could argue it took years) perfecting him.
Apollo had blessed him with the sun. For his smile, the toothy smile that was so wide it could make someones jaw hurt just from seeing it, radiated more warmth than a hot New York day. And Apollo blessed him with light, for his eyes shone brighter than the brightest star. His artistic gifts had also been hand-curated by Apollo, an ability unique to Jack. Because there was nothing that anyone else could create that could compete with his works.
Jack Kelly put every bit of his being into his art. Every single stroke of paint held a little bit of his soul. His rough hands would glide over dried paint, and everything he possessed would leak into his canvases. Every line his calloused fingers traced stole its first breath from his fingertips.
He knew of beauty. He knew that beauty was everything. Beauty was a young mother holding her terrified sons' hand and pretending she wasn't just as scared as him. Beauty took form in the way of brotherhood, and beauty was ten thousand fists—ones of different background and beliefs—angrily thrown into the air.
Each and everything that blessed Jack's eyes was art. There, however, was one exception. And it was quite possibly the best piece of art in existence. Himself.
Apate, mistress of deceit, had stolen the creation of Jack Kelly just before he had been sent to bless the Earth. Though she could not undo the work of another deity, she could curse him to a life of falsity. She could change his story from one of art and blessing to one of tragedy. And she did. She took a film of insecurity and deception, and gently pressed it atop his eyes. Then, as an extra fuck you, she manipulated mirrors to whisper heinous lies to him for the rest of his life.
And the story of his creation turned from a story to a tragedy. For Jack had been blessed with the beauty, skills, and warmth of the gods; but he would never be able to admire the piece of art that changed David Jacobs' life. Himself.
While Jack Kelly had changed his life, David Jacobs had changed the other boys' fate.
"Davey," Apate—in an attempt to keep Jack Kelly's story one of tragedy—whispered to him from the clouds, "Be wary, for mirrors shall be your downfall. And with every mirror that you break, you shall be punished with seven years of badgering luck."
But Aphrodite's voice spoke to him loudly and with confidence. "It is untrue that mirrors shall be your downfall, for your story is one of great love. You will love greater than I have loved, and it will be your downfall. But for every love you love, and for every reflection shattered, you shall fix the broken. Do not be wary, for your fate is written in the stars."
And so it was told.
Jack Kelly had been stolen by the goddess of deceit and was misled by his reflection. And while David Jacobs had been the product of Athena and Momus, their tales had been curated by Zeus. Zeus, god of fate, wrote their story into the stars so that David Jacobs may save Jack Kelly from the fate that was himself.
They had been destined to save each other since the stars had been formed. While Jack Kelly drowned in the deception of his reflection, David pulled him out and broke every mirror that dared whisper into his lovers' ear.
Jack Kelly had been made to be a tragedy, an artist who would never be able find the art within himself. But David Jacobs had been made to save him. For David Jacobs' love was his downfall, and his lifetime of bad luck meant nothing when he got to feel Jack Kelly's lips against his own.
And so true was it, that the story in the stars had been their fate.
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pumpkinpie59 · 1 year
I’ll ask! What would 2012 Lotus relationship be like if she ever met her 87 counterpart?
What do they have in common/don’t have in common? Any similarities/differences? Anything they disagree with or bond over?
*gasp* YAY
good questionsssss
so honestly my 2012 lotus is more different than 87 lotus than i expected when i created her lol
their main similarity tho is their impulsive nature,,, by which i mean that they make up their minds on the spot and jump to action immediately. both of them can feign confidence for their career but are actually pretty antisocial otherwise. they’re also both pretty stubborn aha.
now onto their differences.
for one, 2012 lotus is a lot more flirtatious and more of a romantic lol. she’s had more of a love life, tho it wasn’t exactly the best experiences. deep down she longs for a family just as much as 87 lotus, but she doesn’t quite realize yet that her longing for love goes beyond just romantic love. i personally hc that 87 lotus never rlly considered romance before meeting leonardo, and he sparked those feelings for the first time hehe. not that she didn't have experience flirting for her job lol but she never enjoyed it until she tried flirting with leo haha.
87 lotus cares a lot more about her reputation than 2012 lotus does. 2012 lotus gave up her honor a long time ago and has a dark reputation. she has a moral code, but usually hides it for her career. 87 lotus seems to work only if the terms meet hers. also she was offended when shredder accused her of being a traitor.
2012 lotus is more fun-loving than 87 lotus is, tho 87 lotus isn’t above a good joke here and there. (“i’m all tied up” “you could not be more right” *literally ties him up*)
and 2012 lotus is very affectionate, while 87 lotus is more shy about physical touch. 2012 lotus enjoys makeup while 87 lotus prefers a more natural look. and ig other little things like that.
their stories have a lot of differences too, especially since 2012 lotus’ story is more drawn out and complicated. ofc her story has references to 87 lotus’. for example, when lotus finally breaks free from chaplin, she decides to leave nyc to cover her trail just in case, and leaves a lotus flower for leo as a promise that she’d be back (which is what that one recent artwork i did was about).
as for how i’d think they’d interact, i like to think they’d be impressed by each other’s skills, tho 87 lotus would encourage 2012 lotus to have more respect for herself. i think they’d both love painting watercolors and could enjoy doing that together. honestly i think 87 lotus would become more of a mentor/older sister figure to 2012 lotus, encouraging her character growth and teaching her what she’s learned from her own mistakes. and ofc they’d gossip over their blue boys and about how much they love them x3 (and how stupid they are)
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Hi! can i get a genshin, bsd and mysme mashup? :D
My pronouns are they/them, I'm demisexual demiromantic! I could give you my full typology and birth chart but i think that would be too much, im a ENTP 7w6 sx-sp, capricorn sun, piscis moon and scorpio rising.
I suffer in my 5'1, im tan(? let's just say im tan bc i have no clue how to describe skin tones in English, i have short, red hair but my natural color is more like a dark brown, i have brown eyes
Im spontaneous, observer, i want to say im funny but ngl idk, im anxious and ambiverted more on the introverted side. idk what else to say lol. I'm like 707, najimi osana, luz Noceda, reki Kyan and Entrapta
i love rpg maker games, typology, any kind of horror media, asmr, anime and kpop. im currently hyperfixated on ace attorney, genshin impact, fnaf and cookie run, my special interests are deltarune, undertale and cats. i love plushies, fashion dolls and that's it ig. my favorite animes are saiki, snow white with the red hair, Ouran Highschool Host club, komi can't comunicate, kill la kill and bsd. my current favorite book series is tian guan ci fu ;)
my favorite genshin characters are childe, all the anemo boyband and lisa
i hate red cherries, ren yamai, people that just miss the entire point of characters, homophobia, ableism and racism and i can't think of anything else tbh
i love reading, watching movies and anime, playing videogames, making art and sleeping.
i have adhd and possibly autism :D
anyways thats all
Hello! Sorry this took a while, I've just finished the first half of semester at uni and I'm on break now so I'm catching up on some writing. Hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Kazuha is a good match for you in so many ways. He's just the right balance of introvert and extrovert so you won't have to worry about him crossing any boundaries or not expressing his own boundaries.
He's also one of anemo boys so that's also a big plus!
Your spontaneous side is something Kazuha takes great delight in. He's fairly spontaneous himself, often letting his next step be determined by what his heart says.
Having someone close to his heart that shares that nature brings him comfort.
People watching with Kazuha on a lazy afternoon? It's definitely going to happen!
He would also love to read with you and spend time together doing your respective arts.
He'll definitely write poems about your art. For example, if you're into painting, he would love to write poems about whatever you're painting.
Modern AU Kazuha would enjoy watching anime with you. He's not really into any shows in particular but he has a fondness for romcoms and romance anime in general. He'd probably enjoy watching Ouran Highschool Host Club with you.
A relationship with Kazuha is one filled with art and tranquillity. He'll always make sure you feel valued.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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I think Poe is a good match for you, despite you two being the exact opposite of the saying "opposites attract".
You and Poe are very similar but while he is a complete introvert, you have enough extrovert tendencies to help bring him out of his shell a bit.
That's not to say he's going to start going out clubbing every night. Poe is still very much the introvert. But he'll at least be able to have conversations with other people as long as you're with him.
Poe would love it if you would read over his drafts! With your observation skills he's sure you would be able to provide some insight that would make his writing that much better, no matter how small a comment it is.
He'd love to read with you as well. Whether it's one of you reading out loud to the other, reading the same book over the other's shoulder, or reading your own things, he loves the peace that comes with relaxing with another person.
Loves your fondness for plushies! They remind him of his connection with Karl (who loves you as well).
Poe isn't big into horror stuff but he'll sit beside you with eyes closed tight while you watch your favourite horror things. It's one of the ways he can think of to show you his affection.
Poe's not the best at expressing himself, but he'll try his best to show you that he truly cares!
In Mystic Messenger, I match you with...
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Jaehee is the most supportive partner anyone could ever have.
She's already got plenty of practice dealing with people like 707 so she'll have no worries interacting with you.
There's no escape for Jaehee. Her boss loves cats. 707 loves cats. You love cats. At least she can go out for coffee with Zen and escape the cat manics (affectionate) for a while.
Okay, Jaehee is a huge fan of Tiān Guān Cì Fú! I don't know why, but I get that feeling. She loves that you love it as well and she would be so happy if you would spend one of her few days off reading the whole series together.
I feel like Jaehee isn't super into anime but it's mostly because she doesn't have time to watch it. Introduce her to some of your favourite shows and she'll cherish the time.
She doesn't get time off very often so most of your time spent together would have to be early morning or late night.
If it's early, Jaehee will be subtly checking her clock to make sure she's not running late. She gets caught up in whatever she's doing with you so she has to be careful so that she doesn't forget about work.
If it's late, you'll have a sleepy Jaehee on your hands. She wants to give you her undivided attention but sometimes her busy schedule catches up to her and she'll start to doze off. She finds your company far too relaxing!
Jaehee is a dedicated and supportive partner who will always take time to make sure you feel cared about.
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petscrub · 1 year
i really do feel at a loss rn financially lmfao i think i have about.. $50 and thats before any kind of bills need to be paid... *clown emoji* (sorry im on desktop)
ive been thinking i need to make new tshirts to sell but the ones ive made in recent time havent been selling as well as my old ones, and my sales have dropped sooo much. idk i honestly feel like i dont have any ideas.
i’d love to make money off of prints or artwork like paintings but idk. i always feel unsatisfied with my work, to the point where i either give up or think no one would even want it. ive had a listing of one of my paintings on etsy for awhile, and its in someones cart but it hasnt been purchased yet (i listed it for $300 lol). ig i just genuinely feel like a subpar artist... i feel amateur and mediocre at everything i do, the only thing i ever see potential in is my music and even with that i think is not great lmao. i forgive myself more for that though because music is new to me still and is hard and i think im decent for someone who is still a beginner.
i wish i could offer the same space to myself with my other endeavors, but its hard, especially when the main thing on my mind is money. it really doesnt help the patience and skill that art requires when you are horribly broke and feel like you need to create in order to afford basic necessities.
so ig im just seeking any kind of advice or words, i dunno. i have a fine job right now its just become very monotonous and i dont make much money from it. ive grown tired of it and would love to be supporting myself on my own, through art or creativity in some kind of way.
i begin to feel hopeless about everything when im broke. i question myself and my abilities. ive been practicing guitar again tho, and it feels nice. i want to be able to improve and be able to play even if just at an intermediate level, though of course id love to be amazing at it in the future. other than that i havent been working on ableton, and i havent finished a song in forever.... i hate all my old songs because i can sense a sort of holding back and reluctance in them that i despise and am desperately trying to move past. so most of my old songs are duds because i didnt approach them in the way i need to and im not sure if they are fixable tbh...
anyway idk what else to say im just kinda down today. i go back to work tomorrow so thats probably why. i just wanna live a good life and enjoy things and love what i create. 
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Creepypasta hc time!!
Pinkamena: takes a while for her to warm up to anyone, is totally a baking tiktoker with absolutely insane vibes, has 1 million plushies
EJ: barely talks, but when he does, he has a very childlike dialect, saying things like “i’m… hungry… need… food…” all the time, plays with Pinkamena’s plushies a lot, he obviously is intimidating af, but has a very soft side
Jeff: sends memes to literally everyone he knows, and each meme is as deranged as him, emo af, gives nicknames to everyone, a really chill dude, when he isn’t going absolutely insane, talks to corpses
Jason: he’s super into fashion, can be kinda yandere at times (sorta canon), will teach you how to make toys, if you want him to
Ben: a little gremlin boi, deadly curious, brings his friends to their favorite video game dimensions, replies to texts with either, infodumps, or one worded texts
Helen: tsundere boi, paints pictures for his crushes and friends, but will never show them, just an average struggling artist, but murderous, is epic transmasc
LJ: practically the only extrovert creepypasta, one braincell only, does insanely dangerous things to try to impress people he likes
Candy Pop: very chill most of the time, genuinely likes chilling with his friends, takes stunning selfies, actually makes weapons for his friends, and is kinda well known for it
Slendy: has lots of anxiety, the only responsible adult except Jane, says he doesn’t like animals, but all of the animal creepypastas are constantly seen cuddling him
Jane: draws a little, and writes goth poetry, likes anime, but barely interacts with fandoms, raging lesbian
Nina: tries to be helpful to other creeps, but usually fails, watches anime and plays video games with her friends (specifically romance sims, and yandere horror), loves alt music
Sally: is Jason’s little helper, will kill you if you don’t come to her sleepovers or tea parties, sneaks around a lot, because of her trauma induced anxiety, doesn’t talk much
Lazi: toootally has a crush on Sally, will end whoever hurts either of them, is a little cookie monster, is practically Sally and Pinkie’s shadow
The Rake: has very little social skills, is nervous around people he thinks are cool, doesn’t need to eat, but if someone makes food, he’ll eat it to please them
(This list will contain lesser known characters that I personally like btw)
Bubby the clown: lurks around the woods outside the creepypastas’ houses, doesn’t talk much, except to LJ, Candy, Pinkie, and Jason
Mr. Mix: cooks with Pinkie a lot, Pinkie thinks of him basically as a celebrity chef, and constantly tries to impress him
Clockwork: a total badass, Jane’s bff (or possibly gf), thinks of Toby as her little gremlin she has to take care of, is the irresponsible parent of the group
(Marble Hornets, cause they count ig)
Toby: anxious little guy, follows Ben, the other proxies, and Clocky everywhere, he really likes waffles, but not to a crazy extent
Masky: tries to be responsible, but no one really lets him do anything serious, the only proxy who cares about his work
Hoodie: steals other people’s hoodies constantly, sometimes finds disturbing surprises in the pockets… once accidentally locked himself in a shed, and was too anxious to ask for help, so he stayed there for a week until someone came around searching for him
(If you have any faves i left out, suggest more!!! Same with other fandoms!!!)
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acornered · 1 year
*slams through your wall kool-aid man style* 🌺 🎯 🍎 ✏️ 🍩
OH YEAH! I'm gonna keep doing Ama because she is living rent free in my head right now aND you asked the parents question so I need an OC who actually knew their parents lol
Character: Amantheá "Ama" Erauger
🌺 Do they have any love interest(s)? I think it's probably more accurate to say she is Holly's love interest. The distinction here is important but hard to articulate. iykyk ig
🎯 What do they do best? She is a prodigy in her world's version of magic and basically became a master in her craft at 16, although by the time the story takes place she is severely out of practice. Years of depression, gifted-child burnout, and living with an abusive/controlling partner put her off maintaining her proficiency, but in the novel proper she is still adept at reading and understanding magical theory, and the practical stuff returns to her over time as her mental health improves. It's like...her whole character journey or something. But beware the twist at the end!
🍎 What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? OH MAN THIS ONE. There is a whole essay I could write about this, and generational trauma is an integral part of her character. For brevity's sake I'll just paint a picture of what it's like at the start of the story-- Her mother is dead by suicide and she is currently the full time caretaker of her father while she is under house arrest, as his magic-induced dementia progresses. And this is probably the healthiest her relationship has ever been with either of them o_o
✏️ How often do you draw/write about the OC? Nearly constantly. I pretty much always draw her and Holly together for the ship, but I don't really post my art of her because I don't feel like my skill level has allowed me to capture her in a satisfying way yet.
🍩 Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Her twin brother Artheán. They were raised to resent and compete with each other, exacerbated by the fact that he ended up married to a kind and loving husband, while she was married to a cruel one for political reasons. And their relationship really only gets worse from there. I'd like to be able to tell you that they reconcile by the end of the book but...I haven't decided yet. All I can say is that neither twin truly hates the other, it's just complicated.
This one took me a while because WORK but I'm still very interested in these! Also you are allowed to request specific OCs, I know some of y'all know these bitches
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notanotherockstar · 3 years
 ‘The Whole World Is a Stage’
(Headcannons of dating Neil Perry)
Warnings: slight smut ig, dps spoilers, Knox Overstreet’s endless pursuit of Chris Noel, Neil being absolutely adorable.
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You met Neil when he came to audition for the part of ‘Puck’ in a Midsummer Nights Dream.
You had joined the production to help with the sets, props, costumes, etc. and were just about to leave when you see him recite his lines for the audition.
To say that you were instantly enamoured would be putting it lightly.
You introduce yourself to Neil just as he’s about to leave and compliment him on his acting skills.
And the boy is a stuttering fool when you do so because, going to an all boys school and having incredibly strict parents, he’s not used to interacting with girls let alone having very pretty girls come up to him and tell him that his acting is good.
He thanks you but tells you that he isn’t sure if he’ll get the part since it’s his first time acting professionally— unless the silly little plays he used to put up for his parents in his living room when he was a child count.
You laugh at first, thinking he’s joking.
But then you notice the ‘shit did I say something wrong’ expression on his face and you understand that he is not only very serious but also very nervous.
So, you assure him, telling him that, “I was there for all the auditions and yours was by far the best. They would have to be idiots to not cast you.”
Neil is blushing like crazy at the compliment.
He’s blushing even harder when you ask him if he wants to grab a cup of coffee or something from the diner nearby.
He wants to say yes but then remembers that he needs to be back at Welton before dinner so that no one realises that he’s been gone.
“It’s alright,” you tell him, “I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other— I’m working on the set and all of that stuff.”
This marks the beginning of a short yet lovely relationship.
You’re the first one he comes to when he finds out he’s got the part of Puck.
That’s when you two go out on your first date.
It’s nothing much just the two of you and a little picnic by the river with food you stole from your kitchen.
You two stay there still twilight when Neil realises that he needs to head back to school.
Neil helps you clean up because he’s a gentleman.
Just before he can leave you pull him into a kiss that leaves Neil weak in his knees and his cheeks brining red.
“See you tomorrow then?” You ask.
“Y-yeah, yeah.” He stutters and nodds making you giggle.
When he reaches Welton he’s completely lovesick.
The rest of the dead poets boys groan because having to deal with a lovesick Knox was bad enough but now they had to deal with a lovesick Neil too.
He tells them all about you.
He talks about you so much it’s kinda annoying.
Todd has to cover his ears with his pillow in the night for two reasons:
To block out Neil’s chatter about you before they can go to sleep, and;
To block out Neil’s moaning in the middle of the night that wakes him up no matter how deep his sleep is.
Needless to say that after all the talk the boys are very eager to meet you.
But Neil doesn’t want to introduce you to the boys, mostly because he’s afraid you’ll end up preferring Charlie or Knox over him.
So he refuses to bring you along to any of the Dead Poets Society meetings, no matter how much they insist.
Sick and tired of all the secrecy one day the boys decide sneak out to Henly Hall while Neil was at rehearsals.
They ask around backstage till they’re directed to you where you were painting a backdrop.
They introduce themselves as Neil’s friends and you surprise them by very accurately guessing who’s who since Neil had told you a lot about them too.
You and the boys hit it off right away.
Joking around with Charlie, Meeks and Pitts.
Discussing literature and art with Todd.
Discussing your friend, Chris with Knox which ends up with the you agreeing to become his wingman and talk him up to Chris since you’re not a fan of her current boyfriend.
Cameron isn’t there because he’s afraid he’ll get into trouble if the teachers find out they snuck out— not that anyone minds.
When Neil visits you after rehearsal he feel like he’s going to faint at the sight of you, Charlie, Todd, Knox, Pitts and Meeks covered in paint and laughing your asses off.
You immediately run over to Neil and kiss him, trying your hardest not to get paint all over his clothes before scolding him to not introducing you to his friends earlier.
There’s a very awkward chuckle from Neil which is followed by, “I was just waiting for the right moment.”
Charlie is stopped from making a sex joke by Knox placing his hand over the boys mouth.
That is followed by the boys informing Neil that you’ll be attending the next Dead Poets Society meeting.
Neil is speechless— on one hand he’s happy that you’re getting along so well with his closest friends, but on the other hand he wishes he had more time with you to himself before you could meet them.
Anyways, a few nights later, Neil shows up at your house around midnight and takes you to the cave where the Poets meet.
You’re excited to see them all, of course, especially Todd because he’s adorable and just needs to be hugged.
Neil starts the meeting by reciting Thoreau. 
True to mr. Keating’s words you do very much swoon as you watch him recite the verse. 
Joking around with the Dead Poets as you all take turns to recite poetry from the book Keating gave Neil. 
Flirting endlessly with Charlie throughout the night.
Cue jealous Neil.
And you don’t even notice.
You’re too busy giggling as Charlie as he plays endless melodies on his saxophone. 
Now, I kinda imagine Neil as getting all upset when he gets jealous
Because, let’s be honest, with parents like his own there is absolutely no way he doesn’t have self esteem issues. 
So, anyways, you’re babbling on about how great the night was when you notice Neil kinda looking at the floor like a puppy who has been kicked. 
You ask him whats wrong but he shrugs it off, requesting you to go on about your time with the rest of the Dead Poets.
You don’t back off however, insisting that Neil tells you what’s bothering you.
So, he spills the beans.
He’s surprised to find you laughing once he’s done. 
“Neil, Charlie’s fun but we’re only friends,” you tell him when he asks you why you’re laughing. “I love you. And only you. Besides, I’m pretty sure I cannot be around Charlie for more than an hour without throwing up- he wears way too much cologne for his own good.” 
Soon Neil’s laughing too.
The two of you are just laughing and giggling and messing around with each other till you reach your house. 
You two stare at each other for a few seconds- neither of you actually wanting this night to end.
So you invite Neil inside. 
“Aren’t your parents asleep?” Neil asks, completely oblivious to your ulterior motives. 
It takes Neil a few seconds but once he does you’re dragging him inside for, in the words of one brilliant miss Amy Santiago, “a cray-cray night of funky fun.”
Neil’s gone when you wake up the next morning leaving behind nothing except the smell of his cologne and a note telling you that he loves you too and that he’ll see you in the evening for rehearsal. 
It’s pure bliss from there on.
Sneaking kisses before he has to go on stage.
Picnic dates.
Movie and museum dates.
Library dates.
Sex every free moment you two got.
And by the time the day of the performance came around everyone knew about Neil and you.
Most of them *cough cough* your parents *cough cough* thought you were adorable.
The others *cough cough* the director, the cast and crew of the play *cough cough* just wished the two of you would stop making out and being all lovey dovey everywhere.
You give Neil a good luck kiss on the lips before he could go out on stage and promise that you will watch from the wings.
And you do. You watch and you cheer louder than the Dead Poets in the audience.
You leap into Neil’s arms once the play is finished, kissing him all over his face while he giggles.
“You were so good,” you tell him. “You were so, so good!”
“I was, wasn’t I?” Neil asked with a wide grin spread across his face. “I was really, really good!”
You’re about to say something when a teacher comes up to Neil and tells him that his father is looking for him.
“Everything okay?” You ask him as you watch his expression fall at the mention of his father.
“Yeah,” he nods and places his hand on yours before pushing it off his cheek. Neil bent forward and placed one last, soft kiss against your lips. “I’ll be right back.”
“Sure,” you tell him and watch him walk away.
You stand completely still for a few minutes before deciding to follow Neil.
You walk out of the theatre just in time to see Neil being forced into a car by a man you presumed to be his father and the car then drive away into the darkness.
You ask Charlie what just happened with Neil but he seems to be more or less as clueless as you are.
So, you end up going back home, the worst thoughts about what could have happened to Neil popping into your head when you try to go to sleep.
Then the next day, just when you’re about to leave for school your mother tells you that there’s a call for you.
You immediately rush over hoping it’s Neil.
Thankfully, it is.
He tells you that he his father pulled him out of Welton and enrolled him into military school.
You’re crying, of course, weeping happy tears because you’re just so happy that’s he’s well and alright.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack you know that?” You tell him amidst tears as you run your hand through your (y/h/c) locks.
“(Y/N) I—“ Neil’s cut off by the sound of his father yelling in the background. “I’ll call you back later.”
“You better,” you sniffle and wipe your tears against the sleeve of your shirt. “Neil?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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still-we-rise · 3 years
hi !
i’m a relatively new f1 fan and was wondering if you could give a quick run down on problematic/stupid things the drivers have done or could direct me to somewhere i could find out? (i only rlly know about mazepin) it would be really useful :) thank u have a lovely day mwah <3
First off, hi! Welcome to the sport <3
Please note that I have a memory of a goldfish and I don't remember everything that happened. So feel free to add more, correct me, etc.
The rest is under the cut because it's quite long.
Starting with Lewis, there was a lot of controversy after he said to his nephew that boys shouldn't wear dresses, which many people saw as transphobic or at least inappropriate. He apologized for it and later he wore a skirt for GQ. There were also smaller controversies, such as him being investigated by New Zealand police after recording himself while driving a Harley (which, from what I understand, is a criminal offence), or was called out by PETA for playing with tamed tigers. He wasn't a saint, but he went though an amazing personal growth and now he's the biggest human and animal rights activist in F1.
The only fuss related to Checo I can remember is him being accused of severe sexism. When Susie Wolff was driving for Williams, he was asked if he'd like to have a female teammate, and his answer was that women should stay in the kitchen. After a wave of criticism, Sergio apologized and said the whole situation was just an unfortunate joke, and Susie herself laughed it off.
Lando Norris. sigh He's a streamer on Twitch, and during his streams he made many misogynistic comments objectifying women. As far as I'm aware, he didn't address accusations of his sexism. He also never missed an opportunity to belittle Hamilton's achievements and undermine his skills (generally he's known for speaking first and thinking later :/)
The biggest Leclerc controversy I can think of his his film from a zoo in Dubai. He was accused of approving animal cruelty and a reckless approach towards the pandemic (he wasn't wearing a mask in public and tested positive for covid later).
Daniel Ricciardo? He was running around LA without a mask during one of the biggest covid outbreaks. I don't know if there's more.
Valtteri Bottas shared an ig story containing a picture of a sign with a swastika on it and made a racist bat joke about Wuhan, after which Mercedes needed to release a formal apology.
A company owned by Sainz's father released a commercial containing blackface (unclear if his son himself has anything to do with it), and Carlos himself made a racist joke about Chinese restaurants.
The list of this year's non-kneelers: Leclerc, Raikkonen, Verstappen, Giovinazzi, Perez, Mazepin, Tsunoda, Ocon, Bottas, Sainz, Alonso.
Kimi Raikkonen is a really nice fella who put an iron cross on his custom merch, which was a neo-nazi Jesse James. Iron Cross is considered a hate symbol and adding my personal opinion, I think it was very insensitive (lightly worded) to show up in the paddock with a symbol used by Luftwaffe, knowing that one of your co-workers (Lance Stroll) is Jewish.
The last but not least, Max Verstappen said slurs on the radio. He refused to apologize for it, even after a formal complaint from the Mongolian government.
Also remember that the bigger the name, the bigger the controversy. So I'd be very careful with painting drivers who didn't have much as saints.
Have a lovely day as well, mwah right back at you! <3 And sorry for the quite late response :3
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vaindumbass · 3 years
Do it. Elaborate on the Shrek au. I dare you.
oh god. oh god. well i cannot resist now i have been dared. remember that u asked for this. Also, this is mainly a collection of vague thoughts & details that maybe do not matter all that much, and will probably not make sense if u havent watched it.
fundamentally, shrek is a film (insert ‘im not even going to call it a movie’ meme here) about learning to love yourself as you are, but also about opening up to other people & letting them help you & also about how those two things interact with each other.
And who kind of hates himself and feels like a monster and uses the help of his friends? remus, of course. However! to even slightly maintain the vibe of the film the main character has to look hideous and intimidating to others, so we’re adding the lore that everyone can see that he’s a werewolf because of a particular scar on his head.
(sidenote: remember when sirius volunarily locked himself into a cave and looked like shit and ate rats? he would also make a good shrek, but if im going to list all the alternative ways this could be done we’ll never be done) 
Then, an enthusiastic four-footed sidekick: prongs. yes, it’s James in stag form. no, i don’t think he’ll be human at any point in the movie. (He has to be an outcast, that’s what unites them all, after all)
Also, the swamp is the shrieking shack.
now it’s going to get complicated, because unfortunately shrek wasn’t made with the idea of a marauders au in mind, which is kind of inconsiderate tbh. I’d make voldemort Lord Farquad just so that all the ‘compensating for something’ jokes can be replaced with something along the lines of: ‘well u know what they say: the smaller the nose,,,,’  
the magic mirror that snitches on them is Peter, and he tells voldemort that to be complete he needs a seventh horcrux and that the only thing fit for that is this one Black family heirloom. The black family will only give it away as a wedding gift. enter sirius black, stage left. 
lily is the dragon but. we’ve got to change the personality. lily is simply a Professional and wants to do her job, but james, overconfident as always, says he’ll be able to distract her with his seductive skills (yes, hes still a stag). Weirdest thing? it works. lily, who has never really talked to anyone before, just burned them to a crisp, is too busy laughing to really do anything. Somehow the whole ranting and never stop talking thing is the perfect approach, and Lily is quite curious about the outside world and how it has changed those past few years, and she is quite glad that she doesn’t have to kill him, because turns out he was just lost, and that must be true because he hasn’t asked about the prince yet. 
And then she spots Remus and Sirius getting away and realizes she was tricked. she isn’t exactly. proud of her reaction but to be fair trying to burn and kill people was just her knee-jerk reaction at that point!! she didn’t really have the time to get used to the talking thing!! 
ehhh sirius changes into a. fucking dog at night. and he can’t control it. that’s the curse. 
that one robin hood-like figure? that came to attack them? the blonde one with the song. yes that’s Gilderoy Lockhart and Sirius enjoys punching him very much (#letsiriusblackgoferal2021). Remus enjoys watching the punching and such and then the cute and slightly disturbing bonding montage starts. 
they take shelter in the windmill, sirius transforms into a dog but can still talk for plot reasons, and explains the whole being cursed and needing a true love’s kiss etcetera. remus got him a flower but drops it when he hears the words ‘but who could ever love a mangy mutt’ and it’s all a very sad misunderstanding and voldemort takes sirius away. (sorry abt putting the image of sirius and voldemort marrying into ur head <3) 
Here, for fun, I’d suggest just giving Lily some time to shine, going out, exploring the world, because she doesn’t really have a job anymore and doesn’t know what to do. She sees the fairytale people, the different ones, and how they are treated and how lord voldemort tries to get them all away because it doesn’t fit into his worldview. It’s horrible, and at her core, she’s a protector, so one day she just swoops two dwarfs (marlene and dorcas) onto her back, away from the soldiers who try to make them go down the mines and stay there forever, out of sight.
They have fun & explore & become friends, honestly, and her new friends want to show her some really cool dwarven shit let’s say a nice gemstone. Lily gives the appropriate reaction but unfortunately a very big dragon isn’t very subtle and the soldiers manage to find them and to capture marlene and dorcas, who both encourage lily to just get away as fast as possible. and lily does. she flies and flies and keeps flying until she can’t and then she stops next to a lake and cries.
that’s where she sees james again. they talk, james consoles her, says that at least she had that friendship because friendship is the most important thing in the world, and then we see him have a lightbulb moment. He makes up with remus. 
They crash the wedding! sirius appreciates the dramatics of it all, and, not one to be bested, reveals that he changes into a dog when the sun goes down. lord voldemort, appaled, calls for his guards (remember, the problem isn’t necessarily ugliness, here, but the exclusion of the non-normal, non-human people (shrek as a metaphor for queerness anyone?)) and lily eats him. #girlboss
remus hugs dog-sirius, and he’s smiling a lot more than we’ve seen so far in this film!! he also presses a small kiss to the top of sirius’ head just because. not much happens but a few seconds later sirius seems to concentrate and suddenly he’s human again (a delighted human, to be clear). he concentrates again and he’s a dog. human-dog-human-dog-human. remus, although he isn’t quite sure what’s going on, watches with a fond smile. sirius remembers he’s there and they kiss and it’s cute ig
ending scene is a big party with a banner of ‘we ended the monarchy!!!!’ and next to it there’s a painting of the person who was elected as president and it’s Just Some Guy. halfway through the party james decides to defend lily’s honour and crosses out the ‘we’ and writes down ‘I’ and drapes it around lily as if it’s a sash. remus and sirius are also vibing. dorcas and marlene are furiously digging out gems and giving them to each other (it’s how they flirt). the end <3
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
Hey congrats on 100!!! i was wondering if the event was open i would love to get a genshin and twst matchup.
i am a pan or demisexual girl
prefered pronouns: any pronouns
my love languages: physical touch + words of affirmation ( im touch starved😭😭)
personality traits: as per my MBTI i am an ISTJ-T. I am introverted indeed(unless its related to work or studies somehow) I've been told that i am intimidating to people or have a resting bitch face. I can be mean to people I'm close with. I like staying mellow places like libraries, cafes and sometimes arcade. i like getting lost in my own world mostly. I am often very sarcastic. I have anxiety. I only like being around few people, the kinds of people who can be in silence without making it awkward. I tend to say random stuff alot that doesn't really make much sense. I make alot of awkward and dark jokes when im nervous or scared.
I tend to be that silent kid in back of the room at first, who somehow gets roped into some group and goes along with the dumb shit and ends up having fun even at the cost of being annoyed.I love being invested in a good book.I just dont let anyones bullshit involve me ig.
I love just having a single friend who i can vibe with instead of having like 15-20 people around me it gets very overwhelming for me to deal with crowds and loud places. Currently a law student. I dont get up in anyones personal space but im the kind of person who would basically listen to all rants, be it anytime day or night and also would give hugs when someone is feeling down. I can play some instruments. music, painting and reading also gaming is kinda like my hobby.
I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!! Again congrats on 100!!!!! <3
Because Genshin is a hyper fixation, let’s start with that!
I don’t know your age and there is a….intimidating amount of teens in the cast so ima just wing it and pray I didn’t create something pedophilic-
Anyways, based on my thought process, I believe that your perfect match is…..
•Dude loves both quiet spaces to read and starting mischief, so he’s compatible with your love for places like libraries and arcades. A little fun never hurt anyone after all
•When it gets silent he doesn’t mind, it gives him a excuse to read. Saying weird stuff out loud isn’t a problem either with how he talks to himself when immersed in a good book.
•Words of affirmation is within his skill set, to quote Hamilton because I’m a theatre nerd “You built me palaces out of paragraphs.” That sums him up, he’ll basically spout poetry about you on the spot. Might be a Venti kinnie ngl-
•Physical touch is something he’s both comfortable with and capable of. Cuddling while reading is the perfect way to spend time together in his eyes.
•His relationship with Chongyun is proof enough that he can get through to you and rope you into his bs.
•But speaking of Chongyun, he probably helped with Xinqui’s confession. I imagine that it went to sh!t but hey he tried his best
And now for twst…I was thinking among the lines of Rook Hunt
•Minor and mayhaps giant stalker alert-
•I’m positive this dude could spout poetry about something as mundane as a bar of soap, and since you’d obviously be of higher regard to him his words of affirmation skills are 100/10
•Physical touch is a must for this dude (you lucky b!tch Vil literally says he’s been building muscle in his thighs-)
•He’d be fascinated with every hobby you have. Although it’s hard to get proper criticism from him if his judging skills weren’t proof enough
•He enjoys quiet areas with you, even if you’re busy reading or something he’s just happy to be in your presence. His staring might get creepy though-
•I don’t know how good of a gamer he is but any games with snipers that he plays, he instantly becomes a god
•A god that’s only really looking out for you much to your teammates annoyance.
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otp-promptly · 4 years
Can you please write me some prompts wherein A and B are superheroes, in a relationship with each other, on the same team? A finds out she’s pregnant, but doesn’t know how to tell everyone, let alone B. Their teammates are very supportive of their relationship and B is very protective of A, especially after A finally tells him she’s pregnant.
Oooooo I love this idea!! And I’d like to apologize for taking so long for this😅 school is not fun
Also umm I don’t watch/read much superhero stuff but I hope these are good!
A has no clue how to tell B, so they keep putting it off. B eventually finds out when they see A’s bump growing in their suit.
An idea for this:
B, looking at A’s stomach: “Is that—?”
A, shyly: “Oh...yeah... I uh, I didn’t know how to tell you. But yes. I’m pregnant”
B: *picks A up and spins them around* “we’re gonna be parents!!”
A and B, sitting on the couch, with B’s hand on A’s bump:
B: so how are we gonna tell everyone? And what are we gonna do while you’re pregnant?
A: Like what will I do while y’all are doing your hero thing? I’m not sure. I won’t be able to fight, of course. And I don’t know how we could tell them. What do you think?
B rambles about a few ideas they have, and they both slip into a deep sleep while the radio/tv plays in the background
[assuming these heroes have powers]
The whole hero group is together, having what they think is another one of their dumb normal conversations. What they don’t know is that B guided them to talking about whose powers a baby born to two heroes would have. They have a friendly argument about this, until A or B says “I hope our baby has [A’s/B’s] powers”
A hates not being able to help while the others are fighting evil/crime, so they try to help around the headquarters/house. At first, they do more harm than good, but soon they learn/practice a bunch of household/potential parenting skills (cooking, baking, doing laundry, knitting, painting, etc.) and the group is really grateful for all the help they give! They jokingly refer to A as their mom sometimes.
The group plans and pays for a baby shower for A, with the help of the people A has saved before.
B tells A all the time to stop exerting themself, and A responds with “you can’t do all the work every day! I need to be helpful too!” And continues what they’re doing.
B begins using their powers/acting like a hero more around A when they’re pregnant as a way of being protective. A’s even getting surprised at how creative they’re getting.
B begins using A’s status as a way of getting special treatment for A (in a non-manipulative way). For example, B announces “pregnant superhero coming through when A is having trouble moving in a crowded place, says A is a pregnant hero to get a seat on a bus, etc.
By the end of the pregnancy, A is so tired of hearing “pregnant hero”, and is looking forward to leaving the title behind. B is so used to saying it though, that it doesn’t go away for a couple weeks.
[slightly comedic ig]
The group announces a no-crime week on the week of A’s delivery, informing the town of what’s going on. Miraculously, there’s no crime, and the whole group is able to wait in the waiting room for A and B.
I might add to these later!! I hope these are what yoh were looking for!! And again, I’m so sorry for the wait!!
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michibikionmain · 3 years
This isn’t THE tommyinnit villain essay but it sure is one of them
Ok ok so 4 those of u who aren't on discord with me: i have two main essays that have been in the works for MONTHS, these being my Complete Dream character analysis essay going in-depth for nearly all of his canon interactions and finding his character traits and motivations through the story, and my Tommyinnit (and Wilbur Soot) were Always The Villains on the server essay talking about how the only reason so many people view them as the good guys or heroes is because we see the story from their perspective mainly. This essay? Is not either of those. BUT, it does go through a lot of my thoughts on Tommy and Dream’s characters so I figured I’d post it. maybe itll help me organize my thoughts 4 my Mega Projects lol
@ranboocore bc u helped me pop off on this so hard LMAO
Warning, it’s VERY Tommy Critical, what a suprise. I do not like Tommy as a character lol. idk what triggers yall might need me to tag but if u need one in particular pls lmn!
My biggest issue with tommy's character is that he SAYS hes learned but he never does he is exactly the same person he was at the start of the server just More Sad and with Trauma, when out of all the characters he's had the most push to change. c!Tommy is a very tell-don't-show character which can make it hard for some people to connect to him, especially those who don’t directly share his trauma or see themselves in his character. Of course, there is still a MASSIVE amount of people who relate to his struggles and thus love him regardless of his writing, but those who can't relate to him will always feel some kind of barrier until the things they've talked about are actually shown to the viewer instead of being spoon-fed to them.
It is a very beginner writing thing, and I'm hoping that Tommy is figuring out how to fix this, maybe with support from the many other writers on the server. There's the 3 you mentioned, plus fundy, niki, and maybe tubbo who also play dnd, plus Dream who said he would've been an English major and does a lot of personal writing for fun.  I think the biggest issue in the writing lies in the individual ccs being inexperienced in the medium, particularly with planning out their own character growth. 
Another glaring issue I have with c!Tommy is how he's framed to be sympathetic and he goes through all these horrible things without acknowledging his role in any of them. The things that have happened to him are a direct result of his actions, but the thing is HE won't acknowledge and so it falls flat. This isn’t to say that being abused is his fault, because it’s NEVER the vicitm’s fault, but being exiled? His multiple fights with c!Dream? His friendships falling apart? Losing the disks in the first place? They’re the direct consequences of HIS OWN actions, but he never acknowledges this and constantly just... brushes off any accountability by either saying that it’s Dream fault or simply SAYING he feels bad without properly showing it through redemption and GROWTH.
Denial is useful in storytelling sometimes, but Tommy's character has been in denial since the very beginning of the server and at this point it's just exhausting. He only ever switches between denial and depression, not really going through all 5 stages of grief properly. His violent/upset reactions would be more powerful if they were any different from how tommy usually acts, but this is always how he is. When he “lashes out” because he’s reached the end of his patience, it doesn’t SEEM like the snap it is because that’s just... it’s seriously just his standard reaction to everything. It hold no WEIGHT to see c!Tommy yell at someone violently or threaten to fight them because he does that anyways!
Static characters can be a good thing, and can be interesting if done correctly, but not every character SHOULD or CAN be static in a story.
Static characters need to have their position or behavior challenged and question, where they look into if the way they see and interact with the world is really the 'correct' one or just evaluated to see if they truly believe in them. This questioning period is CRUCIAL! and NEEDS to be well done in a way that ACTIVELY SHOWS the conflict between the two ideals. If they decide to hold onto their beliefs/continue their behavior then, it feels deserved, because rather than just being a flat "they do thing its who they are" they have defined WHY. WHY is a very important question to think of when telling the difference between dynamic and static characters. The why of a character is ESSENTIAL to developing them as a relatable, sympathetic person rather than a flat story telling device. It makes them a human rather than a puppet. When a character's motives aren't well defined or discussed, they're doomed to fall flat in everything else, because the WHY is the foundation of what makes them who they are.
c!Tommy has an underdeveloped "why", his motivations are weak, rarely properly discussed and when they are it doesn't particularly stick with him. His motivations change without showing us the internal struggle that should come from literally shifting your driving principles. There are some good MOMENTS of him reevaluating the importance of certain things, but they're so spread out and contradictory and immediately spat one that they're hard to piece together. He TELLS us what his motivations are as well, which is another big flaw when it comes to all that but we don't have time to unpack all THAT Anyways, the key to static story telling is reaffirmation. The character goes through a complete journey and ends with the same beliefs because they've looked into why they have them and determined that they still matter to them. A great example of static writing in my eyes is c!Techno, who since the beginning has believed that governments are bad. c!Techno enters the server to destroy a government, and still ends up doing that because he sees and we see him experience that the reasons he didn't like government before still hold true and he has no reason to support them any more than before, and so his anarchist beliefs are REAFFIRMED, proving to him that they way he handles things is the right one for him.
c!Tommy’s attachments are all just... they're all so weird.  like he LITERALLY SACRIFICES HIS LIFE MULTIPLE TIMES for L'manburg. By action of sacrifice it seems like it should be the most important thing to him, but then he throws it away for some disks that mattered less to him just a minute ago.  But then it's all about how c!Tubbo is worth more than Anything and maybe he's found something more important! but then he shoves THAT out the window for the discs again ig!!! but then it's about l’manburg again? Make it make sense.... pls....
Here's smth that really irks me about Tommy's character, and is kind of weird but give me a second to explain: Tommy has never actually permanently lost much of anything on the server. Every punishment he's ever received he's tried to find some way around. And like... I'm not expecting him to be HAPPY to face the consequences of his actions but seeing him constantly have his cake and eat it too is very irritating, especially when there are characters who DO have to deal with actual permanent sacrifices. The whole thing with the disks. where he WILLINGLY OFFERED THEM UP AND GAVE THEM AWAY THEN SPENT FOREVER TRYING TO STEAL THEM BACK WHILE CLAIMING DREAM STOLE THEM FROM HIM, is the biggest example of this, but it's generally his characters way of dealing with things. He's very backhanded and conniving, constantly calling himself "big man" except for when he wants things from people and he plays up the "iM a MiNoR" card to try and get them to give him things or feel bad. He's not just some sweet innocent kid like people paint him, he knows damn well he's messed up and while he SAYS he feels bad about it, he has never once really shown, with his ACTIONS, regret for what he's done except for the stuff with c!Sapnap, which could it could be argued he did because he thought it would help get c!Sapnap on his side to fight Dream and he knew c!Sapnap was a skilled warrior and could possibly be persuaded to fight with dream.
c!Tommy is in NO way some sweet innocent child, he knows what he's doing. He KNEW l'manburg was a drug empire, and wanted to turn his hotel into the same He was FULLY prepared to just murder c!Schlatt for legally winning an election that he KNEW was rigged AND INTENDED TO HELP RIG HE LITERALLY TEAMED UP WITH c!TECHNOBLADE KNOWING THAT HE INTENDED TO BLOW UP L'MANBURG AND ONLY LEFT WHEN HE REALIZED IT WASN'T GOING TO ACTUALLY HELP HIM--
The line of c!Wilbur saying "Tommy, are we the bad guys?" wasn't him mentally going batshit it was him realizing that the entire time they've been doing terrible things. c!Wilbur was literally ALWAYS Vilbur but the time people CALL Vilbur is when c!Will himself realized he was a villain.
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Little miss starch here, back at it again. Actually, it's my birthday in 5 days (27th), so I have a special little request (or a big one I'm sorry for wasting your time). Can I get Evan, Frank, Danny/Jed, Herman and Michael and my request is this: plan me a birthday (or not planning, bc ig these are all murderers lmao) - so like, what they get me, is there a cake and what we doin that day - and if you want I can retweet this with my reactions bc I will love whatever you write let's be real here
Evan Macmillan (The Trapper):
- Evan is a very classy and traditional guy. Get ready for a birthday party with a few friends, both survivor and killer. It’s a little awkward but it’s okay because it is your day and everyone understands that if they fuck it up, he’ll fuck them up. He’s probably got a nice ass cake he may have asked Sally and Bubba to bake, and a little present corner. He’ll also dress nice and make you dress nice too. No matter your style, even if he has to make you a stylish hobo. You’re gonna be the belle of the ball.
He’ll take you out on the town afterwards when everyone leaves. A sweet little walk in the park and a few awkward but sweet words. He isn’t great at expressing his total adoration for you, but you’ll get it anyways. He’ll melt if you smooch his cheek.
Frank Morrison (The Legion):
- Frank is the opposite of classy. First off, he’d start your birthday off with no cake. You and the gang go out for milkshakes or slushees and you can buy as many snacks as you want. Y’all just chill together for a few hours playing games, talking shit, playing with make up or outfits. This is the one time the only time that Frank will let you put makeup on him. So make him look ridiculous. Draw dickbutt on him, get that sweet sweet revenge for the time he drew on your face. After that, you two are sneaking up to the attic for some alone time. You guys can spend that time however you want (Lenny face), but after everything he’ll be giving you an entire talk about how glad he is that he’s met you and how important you are to him.
Probably made you a hand carved necklace piece. Something you hold dear to heart that you can wear all the time to remember him by and cheer you up when you’re down.
Michael Myers (The Shape):
- Michael doesn’t really do birthdays. He’s sort of been trapped in an asylum and he doesn’t have great memories. Now, if you told him it was your birthday, he might do some asking around about it. Expect to come home to a shitload of his hidden Halloween candy and fun activities you guys can do, like painting, cartoons, and paper mache.
Also get ready for him to carry you around on his back. A lot. He may seem like he is annoyed or doesn’t care, but inside he is actually really content because he hasn’t had this much fun before! He also loves you so there is that-
Danny Johnson (The Ghostface):
- Ah yes, Danny Johnson, a charismatically smug bastard and king of romance. We all know this doodoo head is a dork and is actually great at birthdays. As much as he loves the spotlight and loves popularity, he’ll actually give you a small surprise. Aside from a present, which would most likely be something he thought you might like so he stole it, he takes you out into the fleet with his camera. Just when you think you’re lost, he’ll sneak into some old, overgrown, ruined building you didn’t even know was there. He’ll make you follow him, and you’ll end up in a small clearing by a running river, right next to a sort of waterfall dip into a lake. It’s a very soothing and charming spot.
He then makes you take poses or just takes pictures of you doing whatever while complimenting and flirting the whole time. You two will end up under a willow tree somewhere while he tells you cheesy jokes and pick up lines. It’s a really calm day and he starts opening up about stories and telling you everything he loves about you. It’s really sweet and all about you!
Herman Carter (The Doctor):
- Herman is a wild man, we all know this. You probably expect him to serve you a still beating heart starched to a potato battery as a birthday cake. Honestly, any other time he would, but a birthday is important. At least, for him. It’s very rare for him to find something he feels anything towards, and the fact that he loves you is enough for him to make the effort.
He has no cooking skills, so he buys you your favorite flavor cupcake from a supermarket or bakery. He might even buy some extra treats for the both of you later on. He has a little stash of alcohol and music. He, like Danny, isn’t going to make a big gathering, mostly because everyone is scared shitless of him and also the Institute isn’t that great a place for party’s, you know, because of most of the rooms being bathrooms and what not.
He’ll play music on his phonograph and dance with you, read to you, and just overall be pleasant. This will also be the first time he takes off his head gear. And holy fuck, this man is so handsome when his eyes aren’t threatening to leave his skull.
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