#into cursed pixie dust
buckets-and-trees · 1 year
‘Into cursed pixie dust’ was the first fic I read from you I think aspen and I was stunned. I’d never read anything like it before and I thought it was such a beautiful take on the winter soldier and it instantly made me follow you. I can’t explain how you made me feel with it, I just know it blew me away and I wanted to let you know how much of an incredible writer you are 💗
Thank you, Mollie! You sharing this is incredibly special to my heart. I know I talk about my heart a lot when talking about writing or reading things, but I really do engage my heart a fair amount of the time, and that's one of the reasons I do adore creating and engaging with other creators in this fandom - there's so much that can be shared and experienced across the board. But I really do mean it.
The Brooklyn Boys was the series I started out posting here, but Into Cursed Pixie Dust was the first one-shot. I had the concept, researched, and posted it in the space of about a week, which...idk, sometimes I write things quickly and sometimes slowly, but that one with all the research that went into it, topping out at almost 9k, and having the soft dark and smutty components that it did, it felt kind of magical that it came together in one week.
It's stayed in the top five or so of my favorite stories. It meant a lot to me. I adore where it went thematically, emotionally. I loved the challenges I felt like I was able to meet as a writer.
But then like... Mollie, you saying it resonated with you? And another friend read it and commented this week with similar sentiment, and it's not like this fic has gone crazy with comments or anything, but it's not isolated comments so it seems even more special because it's like it's really not just my story anymore.
I need to go blush a lot now. I certainly got verbose in answering this ask, but my heart was full. Is full. And on top of that I'm even more sentimental since I've been able to get to know you even better recently, so it's just a lot of feels. 💚
Just...thank you for sending this for celebrating with me for this sleepover.
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
M!A clearly Eileen must be an alicorn in order to bring peace to all or madness good until midnight or for 24hrs, maybe the mun gets bored and wants it to end sooner? GET HORSE'D
An Ali-what-now? 
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Down on all fours
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Blurb: After you unwillingly come clean about your undying love for Eddie Munson, your life is swept into a whirlwind of deceit, lust, confusion and regret… and glitter that Eddie can’t seem to shake from his pockets.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Steve Harrington x Chrissy Cunningham
Warnings: 18+, slight angst (?), alcohol consumption, reader referred to as girl, cheating/unfaithfulness, drugs mentioned (weed), mentions of blood, depictions of violence, cursing, bodily insecurity, implied sexual themes. Character are 20+ and in a college setting!
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divider by @cafekitsune
The movie theatre would never be the same anymore— not to you. Not since that day. A place once associated with joy and child like wonder, where you watched your beloved characters come to life on the big screen and where you could laugh openly, unattractively and purely with your friends.
Tainted. Forever changed.
But not forgotten. Never forgotten.
The memories have been eating you alive, feasting on your insecurity and your shame. Despite the look of fearful regret on Eddie’s face, you still thought about him.
Day and night— morning and noon. Before you slept and before you awoke each morning. He even infiltrated your dreams. Dreams are meant to be sacred, private affairs and yet, Eddie Munson still ruled them like the King of all of your desires. His ring clad fingers were still clutching onto your heart— squeezing and loosening his grip around the vital organ as he saw fit. He had the upper hand; the control.
He always did. He always has.
You couldn’t bring yourself to face them— any of them. Not Steve, not Robin, not Chrissy and especially not Eddie. It was peculiar, the addictive need to see Eddie no matter the cost— no matter the humiliation. It out weighed every sane thought you had.
You would steal glances at him from across a room, hiding in plain sight. Desperate for the shadows to claim you as their own; for the walls to hug you back. You felt other worldly, as if your soul was floating outside of your body and you had no rational feeling. No say. No voice.
Confessions should be freeing; but you have never felt so trapped. Chained. Soul tied.
Love conquers all, but love also might just conquer you.
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It’s mid-week, and although college parties always attract unwanted attention you could never have prepared to see this many people crashing your family home. Precious photos were knocked over, the smashed glass from the frames line the top of shelves and cabinets- glittering them in a forbidden pixie dust.
Your bedroom has been occupied by a couple you didn’t recognise and if it weren’t for the pleasant buzz of alcohol coursing through your blood you most certainly would have screamed at them to leave. The sicker parts of you were envious of their engagement. Their human closeness and connection.
Why couldn’t you have that? Didn’t you deserve that?
So instead of blowing your top, you roll your eyes and scoff before slamming the familiar door obnoxiously loud and coke to nest at the bottom of the staircase; the wood is hard and cold against your bare thighs which causes you to pay some uncomfortable attention to your outfit. Sparkly, twinkly and stupid.
Your heart sinks to the abysmal pit at the bottom of your stomach at the realisation that nobody here really knows what this party is for. Who it is for.
Your birthday streamers that once decorated the walls proudly have become unpinned from the concrete, cascading down the wall in a massive spiral and hiding the message written on the plastic.
Happy birthday!
Not a single person had uttered those words to you the whole night. Even on a day where you were meant- born to be celebrated, you have been forgotten. A bystander in your own life. An observer in a theatrical play written for you. About you.
And the humour of it all?
You were used to it now.
Nothing could break your heart; because it was already in pieces.
Shreds. Splinters. Fragments. Puzzle pieces never to be solved or mended again. A heart shaped hole stamped into your chest where someone once lived.
Cobwebs inhabit the vacant crevasse, dust gathering on the sensitive walls. The sensitive walls that have hardened into a volcanic crust.
The only thing left behind in your impenetrable fortress? A single crumpled envelope with Eddie’s name written on it in cursive. The ‘i’ in his name punctuated with a loveheart.
He was the only tenant you wanted living there. And in reality, he should have been evicted a long time ago.
But nobody said love was easy. Nobody warned you that it would be this hard, though, either.
Was love supposed to make you this low? Was it supposed to make you find your bearings at the bottom of a red fizzing cup? The carbonated bubbles in your drink seemed to be your only friend tonight.
Would it really be your birthday if you didn’t cry at least once? Or twice… or thrice.
“Hey! Does anyone have any weed?” Your quiet attempt at a yell comes out of your mouth in the form of a drunken hiccup and you are debating the possibility that you may have stood up too fast, “Anyone? No?” Frustrated you pinch the bridge of your nose as you sigh loudly into your hand, your ears met by silence from your peers.
“I might.” You can hear a comedic tweak in his voice and you swear you can feel part of you die on the inside.
“Steve,” You say through clenched teeth, forcing a smile, “I didn’t know you smoked?” You also weren’t aware that he would be here— but you can’t deny the attention that this party is demanding from the neighbourhood. You are partly surprised that the police haven’t been called yet, but your neighbours aren’t known to be snitches.
“I don’t usually,” he shrugs dismissively, “I didn’t know you were throwing a party? Thankfully word travels fast in this town, huh?” His elbow gently nudges into your arm playfully, “There’s no better time for me to give you this.” He hands you a small box that has been wrapped all too perfectly in a sage green wrapping paper; brought together with a pretty black tulle bow. For a moment you are totally stunned, eyes inflated as you gawk down at the gift in your slightly shaky hands.
“You…” you search for the words, lost in his kindness and when you finally gather enough courage to meet his sweet brown eyes you nearly drown in their depths, “You got me a gift?”
He flashes you one of his signature Steve smiles and your drunk brain can’t seem to comprehend if this is a joke of not.
“Of course I did? You’re one of my best friends!” His voice is a happy chime as he ruffles his fingers through his chestnut gelled hair, offering the stiff strands some movement. You notice his pupils flicking between your face and the present in your hands, one of his eyebrows raise with subtle confusion, “Aren’t you going to open it?”
“Yeah- yes! Yes, of course!” You set your empty cup down on a nearby table before your nimble fingers come to wrestle with the sticky tape, painted fingernails clawing like an animal to get to the goods inside. There is a nervousness that comes with the unwrapping of the gift and you don’t quite understand why. The moment feels significant… special. You finally feel somewhat special tonight.
Eagerly, Steve keeps his warm amber eyes trained on you. A soft, dreamy smile itching at his lips as he awaits your approval. You and Steve had been friends for such a long time, you even opened your college acceptance letters together in his family dining room with his parents. He had always been there for you, through everything. One of your best friends— possibly your only friend.
“I haven’t seen you around in a while— how have you been?” His voice is laced with genuine concern but all you can do is ogle at what is displayed in front of you. A shiny silver necklace that had been personalised to have your name dangling from the chain with small colourful charms decorating the metal plating sit inside of the small box that Steve had handed to you. It was beautiful. It was you. And not to mention… it perfectly matched your outfit.
“Shut up!” You gasp, picking up the chain from the safety of its box and dangling it in front of Steve’s face, the neon stream of lights from the party reflect off of its pristine surface, “Steve!! What the Hell? This is stunning!” You become a fit of excited girlish giggles and Steve shakes his head at your outburst, finding it adorable.
“You like it?” He is booming to be heard over the increasingly loud music and you squeal, fumbling with the latch on the chain.
“Like it? I love it! Thank you so much!” You reach around your neck, fighting to clip the necklace and Steve offers you a helping hand accompanied by an amused chucklez, “It’s perfect, Steve, truly! I love it, I love it!” You brush your hair over your shoulder, allowing Steve to access the chain and clasp it securely.
“There! Pretty as a picture.” He winks at you and you toy with your name displayed across your chest; an honest smile gracing your lips.
“Happy birthday.” His large palm rubs the flesh of your shoulder and you nod at him in acknowledgement. There is an after glow that lingers after Steve’s touch disappears and you are not even aware of where he wanders off to but when you realise that you are stood alone… you feel that all too familiar feeling start to creep it’s way back into your chest. An icy chill. A storm brewing.
“Steve?” You call out to him, however your voice is wasted with how small it was and goes totally unnoticed. Your eyes drink in the sea of dancing, sweating bodies around you. The number of people in your home is multiplying— like a deathly virus.
The perky smile falls from your cheeks and only then do you remember why you were even talking to Steve in the first place— you wanted some weed. You needed some.
Or did you?
You wanted to escape life. To feel free from the bounds of Eddie Munson, free from the shackles of your mind. This is the only way you knew how… sleep wasn’t an option— he could reach you there.
Even the darkest corners of your mind, where even the ghosts refused to venture, were haunted by Eddie— there was no fleeing from him. You were his.
But he was Chrissy’s.
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You find yourself outside, sitting in the cool night air by the side of your house. Your face is flushed from the alcohol and your skin feels as though it is prickling with heat; fiery.
Your mini skirt hugs your hips and thighs and you fist the fabric, suddenly uncomfortable with the way your body looks in the garment. The way the flesh of your thighs squish the ground beneath you has you stifling a scream and you wrap your arms tightly around your torso to shield the rest of your body from the world.
Your eyes flicker and blaze with the mirrored light from the street lamps, the orange hues meeting the chunky glitter that dominates your eyelids. The heavy makeup was starting to irritate your eyes, but you would do anything to seem half presentable. Anything to feel and look your best.
A choked laugh emits past your lips; it was ludicrous. How you had been exiled from your own birthday party. Left to the wolves of the wild. You didn’t mind too much— it meant you could finally take off this weighty mask you had been hiding behind all night. No more untruthful smiles, no more biting back teary eyes.
You could finally feel. And breathe.
However, your reign of peace and solitude doesn’t last long as your ears perk involuntarily at an all too recognisable thundering chuckle. This whole time, you had been preparing for him to show face and yet you have never felt so startled. A deer in headlights.
The chains around your wrists tighten as you stiffen, unable to move. Unable to respond or breathe or think.
Eddie had arrived.
“Woooah! Lookie’ here! If it isn’t the birthday girl,” Even in the dim light of the garden you can see his Cheshire smile examining you, “What you doing out here all alone, Sweetheart?”
Your breath remains lodged tightly in your throat, wound up like a coiled spring and you are unable to speak. It’s almost as if you are paralysed— has he hit you with a tranquillising dart? Or was that just his cologne that had you so wrapped up in everything that he is.
He called you sweetheart…
He called you sweetheart.
His sweetheart?
“Hello? Are you okay?” His hand waves in front of your face, causing you to blink and flinch momentarily at the sudden action, “Aren’t you cold out here?”
“No…” a whisper is all you could manage. It’s all you could afford to give him.
There wasn’t much of you left to give. Soon you would be this vacant polished shell of a human being— beautiful on the outside and hopeless on the inside.
“Okay, well… Happy birthday.” He nods at you enthusiastically, his voice like a siren song lulling you to your demise. He shoves his hands into his ripped jeans pockets, letting out an exaggerated shiver before he says, “Hey, have you seen Chrissy? She came here an hour ago and I haven’t really heard from her.” He tries to disguise the worry in his voice, but you can read him like a book. The way his hands are twitching from his pockets to rub anxiously at his neck, or how he bounces on the balls of his feet— the adrenaline causing him to be restless.
You wish Eddie could do the same with you. You wish he could see past this makeup and this charade. You wish he could recognise just how much that simple sentence had ruined your evening.
Of course he was here looking for Chrissy, why else would he have showed up? For you? Please. The thought alone was laughable.
“I didn’t even know she was here.” Your chin tilts to your shoulder where you can eye the large window looking on into your kitchen. The lights are out but there are neon fairy lights twinkling and illuminating the darkness. It’s almost as if you are looking through a kaleidoscope.
It had taken you hours to hang all of those lights, only to watch other people enjoy their warmth instead.
“You should come back inside, you don’t seem like you’re having a lot of fun out here in the dark.” Eddie takes a leisurely seat next to you and out of instinct you shuffle a few inches away from him, trying to create as much distance as possible, “Are you wasted? You’re being eerily quiet.”
“It’s a party, Eddie.” You sigh, answering him without leaving a single beat, an abrupt newfound confidence helps you to untangle your voice, “People get drunk at parties— I just wish I had some weed.”
It was ironic, wishing for weed as you talk to a weed dealer.
“Is that really your birthday wish? To have weed?” His shoulders bounce lightly as he laughs, his hands coming to find his coat pocket. You shrug in response to his question, tipping your head back and swallowing the last of what was left swirling around in the bottom of your cup.
The truth was, you hadn’t even lit your birthday candles yet. There hadn’t been a right time and you didn’t want to be that person. But if you had sparked those candles… you would have wished for him.
Not for weed. Not for money. Not for beauty or brains.
You would have wished for Eddie Munson.
“Here.” He is careful to take your hand into his, gently prying your fingers open and dropping a bud of weed into your palm before he is securing your fingers back over it, “It isn’t much, I know that but… if I could make your birthday wish a reality then I suppose that’s pretty alright, huh?” He holds your wrist loosely in his grip and your fuzzy brain can’t compute if you are dreaming or not.
You had expected fireworks from his touch— a massive explosion of technicolour and bright blinding lights.
But what you got was far more sensual than that. An electric shockwave travelled along your skin from your arm to your back, zapping down every vertebrae in your spine and coating your body in a blanket of goosebumps. Every single one of your hairs stood on end and this might have been the most alert you have felt all day. You felt awake. Resurrected. Alive.
“Are you sure?” You gulp, mouth suddenly dry, “I can pay you…” You start to frantically search your person for any sign of loose cash— your bra, did your skirt have pockets this morning? No. Where the Hell is your purse?
“No- no! This is a gift, from me to you! It’s your birthday for crying out loud!” Eddie is holding both of your wrists now, his attempt to still your nervous jittery movements, “Just enjoy it, okay? Just… just smile.” His deep pleading voice is painful as it enters your ears.
Just smile.
Smile? Weren’t you smiling?
“Thank you…” up until this point you hadn’t fully perceived just how close of a proximity you and Eddie were nestled at. His slight body leaning in closer to yours, close enough to feel the heat radiating from his skin. He was within kissing distance and all you could do now was stare at his dimpled smile. The sight alone was enough to cause your own lips to tweak up at the corners.
“Do you know how to roll a joint?” Eddie could evidently sense the growing tension and he pulls away from you, not in a moment of disgust and terror— but out of respect. Attraction was clear but Eddie was like a loyal dog to Chrissy. There’s no way he would betray her.
“Oh- uhm… no, no I don’t.” You laugh slightly as you look down at the drugs held captive in your hand. Your skin being tinged with the ponging smell.
“Luckily for you, I’m a bit of a master at it.”
“Eddie?” A whimper. A whisper. Weak. Sorrow filled.
“Yeah?” His heavenly eyes had you questioning why thieves ever bothered to steal art— when you were looking at a masterpiece.
A pause. Nothingness. Expectation. Shadows.
“Why do you hate me?” The question is shuddered out through constricted teeth and you find an ungodly comfort in that familiar ache inside of your sternum, “You have no idea what you’ve been doing to me, Eddie.”
“I don’t hate you-“
“But you don’t love me. You don’t… like me.” You push your feet into the soft earth, coming to stand shakily in front of Eddie’s seated frame, “Every time I look at you, I can't help but hope you feel the same butterflies in your stomach when you look back at me.” Your eyes settle on the empty street, the only noise circulating the neighbourhood was coming from inside your house. Thumping bass beating in harmony with your heart, “But deep down, I know all you feel is pity."
“That isn’t true and you’re being cruel.” Eddie launches to his feet, darting to stand in front of you, “Where is this coming from? If I have hurt you, I assure you that it was never my intention— I could never hurt you purposely.”
“You didn’t have to purposely hurt me, Ed’s. All I had to do was sit back and watch you love someone else. Someone better than me… that was enough to break my spirit.”
A disruption shakes the interior of your house, a commotion surfacing and you can hear the cheers and whistles from your peers. Eddie clocks it as well, and you can see a panic distort his puppy like features.
“Please can we talk about this tomorrow, when you’re sober and… and we can both just figure this out? Please?” His hands find your shoulders, holding you steady as his chocolate orbs bear into yours. His attention is on you, but you can tell that his feet are ready to sprint indoors.
Quietly, you nod. Anything to please him. Anything to make him happy. Plus— you were also intrigued as to what was happening behind in you. Whatever it was, it had stirred up a whirlwind.
Eddie is quick to leave your side, like a whippet released onto a race track, taking the porch steps two at a time and you are hot on his heels. You are clumsy in your kitten heeled shoes, but you are right behind him.
‘I’ll follow thee and make a Heaven of a Hell.
To die upon the hand I love so well.’
William Shakespeare, Helena
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“What’s going on?” You stagger into the shoulder of a Frat member, whispering an inaudible apology as he turns to glare down at you. Though, after he takes in your appearance his solid and annoyed expression softens into amusement and what you can only assume as blind lust.
“Harrington and Cunningham got caught banging in the bathroom— can’t believe you missed it! It was fucking priceless.” He drapes his heavy muscular arm over your shoulders and your knees nearly buckle beneath you at his weight pressing down on you.
“What?” You peek up at him through your eyelashes, clearly dazed. You have to make sure— you have to hear him say it again.
“Cunningham? Chrissy?” He is laughing rudely into your face and your nose scrunches distastefully at the stench of beer on his breath, “And Steve Harrington! They were fucking! He had her bent over the bathroom sink, man! His hands full of her hair— pretty sure the mirror is gonna be covered in lipstick!” Finally he unhooks his arm from around your neck and you feel like you may just float up to the ceiling.
You push away from him, using his massive hulking body to propel you further into the mob, your eyes desperate to find Eddie in the crowd. And when you do… it’s ugly.
Anguish, rage, indecision and fear blaze in Eddie’s tear glossed eyes. The gears inside of his head were working like clockwork and you knew where this was about to go as he stares murderously at Steve. Jaw wired tightly shut, nostrils flaring into bullet sized holes and fists so punishingly rigid that you can see the bones of his knuckles straining against his skin; turning his skin to a snow like shade of white.
Steve descends from the top of the staircase alone. His hair is tossed into a messy heap upon his sweat soaked head and you can read from his slumped and lazy stance alone that Steve is totally gone. His hands grasp the bannister, clinging onto the wood for dear life in hopes that he won’t fall down the steep steps.
“Eddie- no, don’t do it!” You try to move toward him as quickly as your boozy brain would allow, but it’s too late. Eddie is flying toward Steve like a bat out of Purgatory.
Time appears to speed up as you watch the violence unfold in front of you alongside the rest of chanting crowd. Eddie has smashed Steve against the wall by the collar of his shirt and you swear you hear some sort of cracking noise come from concrete from the connection of Steve’s back hurling into the plasterboard.
“Fuck! Guys, stop it!” Not only are you terrified of Steve getting beat to a pulp— but your parents would kick you out of the house if things got tarnished beyond repair. And that includes the paint work.
A brutish punch thrown by Eddie bursts Steve’s cheek open and you squeal in horror at the stream of pure gore that spurts from the gnarly wound, “Jesus Christ, Eddie!!” Marching up the staircase you wedge yourself between the two men and Eddie’s movements still. He allowed himself one punch. One good punch, as a warning and also as a courtesy. He didn’t want to frighten you and he also didn’t want to take advantage of Steve’s inebriated state.
One punch is all he needed to satisfy the sickening anger bubbling within him.
And then he fled— like a killer at a crime scene.
“Eddie! Wait- fuck!!” You curse, your hands finding your hair as you tug on the roots of the delicate strands. You are beyond stressed. All you can do is watch as Eddie weaves his way through the mosh pit of bodies who had all quickly gone back to dancing— like nothing had happened.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Steve blubbers next to you and you turn to him, your eyes widened with shock and distress but it doesn’t take long for your glare to become vexing.
“What did you do, Harrington?! If you weren’t already bleeding right now I would slap you in your goddamn face!” Your grip on him is scolding and hurried as you manage to help him down to rest on one of the wooden steps, your eyes unable to waver from the crimson leaking gash on his face.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” His face rests in his hands as he breathes deeply, in through his nose and out through his mouth. And just as you prepare to give him a bollocking of a life time, Chrissy emerges from sanctuary of the top floor, desperately trying to rescuer her bra straps back onto your shoulders. Her clothes are twisted sloppily around her body and she, too, is undoubtedly, totally, 110% fucking hammered.
Both your and the blondes eyes meet and your lips pinch downwards into a frown. Your head shakes disapprovingly and your mind is clouded with nervy thoughts for Eddie’s wellbeing and all you can conjure up to say to the dishevelled woman is;
“How the fuck did this happened?”
taglist: @colorful-white-ideas @littlered0000 @ali-r3n @daisy-munson @serenadingtigers @rainybloo28 @munson-enthusiast @godcreatoreli @littlefreckles4 @what-the-jams @tlclick73 @ameliapond1995 @thepurplelovewitch @somethingvicked @costellation-hunter @munsonzgf @emxxblog @ingridvasquez @sadbitchfangirl @im-julessssss @munsonburn3r @unclecrunkle @cierra222 @ziggeddie @yarafae
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buckrecs · 1 year
HELLO so i was wondering if you have some winter soldier x reader fics?? ive been trying to find some but theyre all so short (still amazing stories tho) tysm, i really appreciate you making recs
Winter Soldier!Bucky
masterlist | req masterlist
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Into Cursed Pixie Dust by @buckets-and-trees
“He's credited over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years…” but you don’t know that. You run into him once, then again, again, again. Destiny draws you together, and neither of you can deny the pull. And yet though he never ages, you do.
Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
sleepwalking by @lanadelreyscokewhor3
when your boyfriend bucky wakes up with the winter soldier mindest, you do the only thing you know how to do- comfort him. he does the only thing he knows how to thank you- possessive sex. 
Colors in the Dark by @buckychrist
The world is without color, and that’s never bothered the Winter Soldier. The Fist of HYDRA didn’t have time for love and soulmates. At almost a century old, what are the odds that his soulmate was even still living?
ephemeral by @earlgreydream
the winter soldier shows up wounded at your door during a storm.
Purgatory by @wkemeup
While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.
a soldier gone rouge by @kinanabinks
the winter soldier has been sent to kill you. why, then, are you so wet?
Reverse Psychology by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky’s Winter Soldier mode is triggered. But you have something up your sleeves that will bring him back.
Comply by @gogolucky13
With Hydra, everyone is a prisoner.
Don’t Fear the Reaper by @gogolucky13
One night, the Winter Soldier appears at your place of work to eliminate a target. He leaves you alive, only to return a few months later.
Fatal Mistake by @rookthorne
A rogue agent amidst their ranks, it was the perfect plan, a perfect escape. It was their fatal mistake. 
Wolf, Partner, Gloves… by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
the dragon and her shadow by @kashimos-hajime
You fall in love with the Winter Soldier, and they punish you for it. Sentiment is weakness, but what can they do? After all, they cannot kill the Fist of H.Y.D.R.A. and mortal men cannot even begin to comprehend slaying a dragon.
take it easy, romeo by @sunmoonandeddie
The Soldat remembers one person through it all.
You Found Me by @samthemarvelfan
Bucky Barnes always came home to you. What happens when he doesn't? Worse than that...what happens when he forgets you existed?
Gone Again by @tokoyamisstuff
The Winter Soldier is lost and confused, unable to remember a single thing - except for the place where he’d find the woman that had become his safe space.
I’ll Come Back for You by @milliedazzledust
something where he is in winter soldier mode and protecting the scientist (y/n) where she is the only one who can sort of calm him down after a mission.
Void by @theeleggymeggy
Working as a nurse at HYDRA, you find yourself intervening when you catch Alexander Pierce striking The Asset. You don’t even know this man, but you can’t just stand and watch him be beat down.
Sweet Memory by @
One’s Promised by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Living a double life was not a choice when one was the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Y/N was the youngest agents of SHIELD and one of the most respected threats within Hydra’s empire. No matter her allegiance, she was feared by both. Y/N Pierce would’ve tried to escape it all… if it hadn’t been for The Winter Soldier.
Soldat by @the-fallen-nightmare
Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time? And what happens when reader is captured by Hydra and The Winter Soldier, again. Can she make Soldat remember her or is her life with Steve just a slow fading memory now?
Breach by @darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor (dark)
The reader finds herself in the Winter Soldier’s cross hairs during a lock down.
Reset by @lunarbuck
The government has fallen, Hydra has taken over. You were an agent of SHIELD long before the reign of terror began, and became a member of the resistance when they needed you most. Everything changes when the Winter Soldier captures you from your safe house.
Devil’s Backbone by @trashmenofmarvel
With your team dead and your mission failed, you’ve been taken by the assassin to an unknown location and are at the mercy of your cruel tormentors.
Krasavchik by @after-avenging-hours
While under orders from Karpov to test the Soldat’s loyalties to Hydra, you find yourself questioning your own loyalties.
Welcome Home… Soldat? by @winterarmyy
Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
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it flows and it flows and it flows
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cw. selfship-coded, f!reader (no specified anatomy), pre-canon, pre-relationship, childhood friend au, reader eats a defined devil fruit, love as sacrifice, denial of feelings + mutual pining, vulture culture mention
pairing. portgas d. ace x reader
synopsis. as a hydrophiliac, eating a devil fruit is a horrifying thought. as a pirate, eating a devil fruit is an incredibly dumb decision. you'll gladly embrace the horrors and stupidity to keep your loved ones safe.
notes. the way i planned on writing something else for my next childhood friend au installment but this decided it would be making a cameo first whoops. cover comes from monet's impression, sunrise (1872) it just reminds me of ace.
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For its moniker of Faerie Faerie Fruit, it isn’t pretty to look at.
The name itself invokes the imagery of translucent wings, tinkling laughter and pixie dust at your fingertips. The fruit in your hands invokes anything but the aforementioned. No, this fruit seems more akin to invoking something out of your nightmares with its gray and pruny peel. All the more damning is the way the face of the fruit is caved in, like a woman in mourning.
According to the encyclopedia you’d skimmed through, once upon a time, this isn’t even the ugliest the Faerie Faerie Fruit can achieve. That has been allocated to the sickly green Goblin model. Knowing this does nothing to quell how unsettling the fruit in your hands is to look at. A fitting feeling for Model Banshee, the variant of the Faerie Faerie Fruit that had fallen in your hands on this most recent adventure across the Moss Isles.
“You should eat it!” Wallace insisted at dinner with a sharp-toothed grin, holding his keg of beer in your direction. “Then the Spades'll finally have a power holder besides the captain!”
Ace squinted at the good-natured fishman with an offended pout, leaning over as best as he could with Kotatsu on his lap. “So I’m not good enough now, Wallace?” The gray lynx mewed, disgruntled at the movement and Ace settled down. “It’s nice to know how you really feel!” In spite of his words, Ace’s lips were curled into a smile as he snickered. He blended perfectly against the Grand Line’s reddening sky, carmine and vermillion painted against the clouds.
“Won’t it be confusing to have two banshees on the ship though,” you asked with a half-smile in return, nodding in the direction of the strawberry blonde. At the mention of her name, the woman grinned at you impishly.
“Maybe you should sell it to me then,” the ginger nodded in satisfaction at the thought. “Then I really would be a banshee!”
“You want it?” You leaned over with intrigued.
As quickly as she brought it up, Banshee shot it down, “no offense to Ace, but if I’m gonna be a pirate,” she gestured beyond the borders of the Spadille, to the sea itself. “I want the security of knowing I won’t drown if I fall into the ocean.” A chorus of laughter followed as Ace whined that his eating the Flame Flame Fruit had only been an accident. A very unforeseen accident.
In one exchange, you were brought back to square one.
You sigh, unable to help a few chuckles. It’s only luck your time on Sixis Island didn’t result in you losing your ability to swim then when you unknowingly bit into the Flame Flame Fruit. Being the first to bite into it, only Ace received any abilities from it. As much as he hadn’t been prepared to eat the thing, however, you can admit it is an ability that suits him.
Ace is like a flame that draws in anyone lucky enough to notice its glow. You want more and more people to see it and relish the warmth of your friend as much as you do.
That doesn’t mean you want to necessarily join him in the ranks of being cursed to drown should you fall into a body of water. Eat, sell or toss it back into the depths for someone else to discover. Those are the only options for a person who finds a devil fruit.
“You shouldn’t eat it anyway,” Ace told you softly when the conversation moved on to a different topic. “You love swimming.”
You love water as easily as you breathe. It has been one of your best friends since your childhood on Dawn Island.
You remember jumping into crocodile infested rivers.
You can hear Luffy’s sniffles as he clung to you desperately. How Sabo sighed, “Can’t you become one with the water in a way that doesn’t look like you drowned?” How Ace, whose face donned more scowls than smiles at 10, rasped a fist against your head in agreement and ranting all the while.
You recall the cool of the returning tide as you looked for seashells on the beach. Then you’d take each one back to Dadan’s, resting them beside your growing collection of unconventional treasures of mummified paws, empty turtle shells and dissected owl pellets. Seashells and stones were the bones of the sea and earth respectively, your grandfather had told you once, so they belonged with your treasure trove as much as any of your other finds.
I wonder if Dadan’s tossed all that out by now, you wonder vaguely. Well if she does, I hope she doesn’t touch my eggs. Protect ‘em for me, Luffy. You remember the beaming haul of large anaconda eggs you’d painted over after Dadan cracked them open for breakfast. There had been four for each of you.
A yellow egg for Luffy, a red egg for Ace and blue for Sabo before you finally painted one over in your own favorite color. You think Sabo’s egg is the collective favorite of the members of your quartet that remain.
It’s only been 7 months or so since you left your life on Dawn Island but it feels like it has been years. Yet throughout it all, the ocean had been a steady companion.
You love it as an extension of your very being.
And yet…
Sloppily drawn eggs and raucous laughter filling the air when you should have been sleeping flood your mind. Your eyes rest on the creepy fruit resting in your hand once again. You don’t necessarily desire joining Ace and Luffy in the ranks of incurring the disdain of the sea, truly. But-
“Flameo, Hotman,” you say suddenly at the approaching heat and footsteps that announce Ace’s presence before his words can.
Ace grins as he rests his arms on the edge of the Spadille, “how’d you know it was me,” he asks unnecessarily, sea breeze running its invisible fingers through his wavy locks. Your eyes crinkle from how you smile at the sight. 
You nudge him carefully, fingers tightening slightly over the fruit in your hands, “I felt the furnace getting closer and closer.”
Ace snorts, signature grin on his face. It should feel stranger, seeing him smile so much when he tended to frown and furrow his brow constantly when you were children, but it doesn’t. Smiles suit Ace more than any other expression you’ve seen him have in the past. “What are you over here thinking about?” His eyes dart to the fruit in your hands. “Are you gonna throw it back?”
“It certainly crossed my mind,” you admit with a shrug. Maybe if you hadn’t stopped to think about the past, you would have. The fact you hesitated is more than enough of a sign that your heart hadn’t been into the idea. “I changed my mind, though.”
“What does it do anyway?” Ace poked the wrinkly face with a curious finger.
“Banshees are supposed to be some kind of faerie of death,” you think back to your base information you know about the beings the fruit derives its name. “When someone is gonna die soon, they scream and keen to let people know. But that’s about all that’s really known about ‘em. When you think about it, it kinda suits me, huh?” He hums thoughtfully, looking at the thing deeply and you continue on. “Remember when you gave me my first turtle shell?”
The freckled man’s face softens with a nostalgic smile, “Dadan said boys are supposed to give girls flowers not corpses.” You can hear the cranky woman’s voice even now, exasperated at how you excitedly twirled with the item in your hand. She never quite understood your interest in vulture culture but beside the odd complaint, she never discouraged it.
“I thought it was pretty cool,” you snicker in return. “But you probably should default to flowers whenever you find someone you like. I don’t know if they’d be as appreciative as me.” Whoever that person is, they’ll be lucky. You disregard the strange itch in your chest and thoughts of sky blue hair as Ace rolls his eyes with a chuckle. He may think the idea of someone loving him is ludicrous but he’s an idiot when it comes to such notions.
Portgas D. Ace is special and deserves to be loved in a special way. He will be, someday.
With a sigh, you turn so your back is facing the edge of the ship rather than your front. “Anyways,” you divert the topic back to the former. “I have to admit that it’s pretty useful, objectively thinking. There’s a lot of people out there who wanna avoid death like the plague.” Your heart clenches uncomfortably once more, albeit for a reason you can discern.
Ace nods at your words, “it’ll definitely go for a lot when we get to the next island. So try not to accidentally drop it now that you’ve decided you won’t be doing it intentionally.”
“Oh shut up,” you snort but not unkindly.
But he’s right, this would probably go for a shit ton, not that you know how many berries most devil fruit go for on the market. A devil fruit that grants its user the ability to sense death, however, certainly is above the average.
A smile missing a tooth comes to mind and you have to stop yourself from squeezing additional indents into the Faerie Faerie Fruit. The rough hands of your grandfather covering your own as he shows you how hook a worm follows.
Sabo and Grandpa are gone, there’s no bringing them back.
There are people you love who are still here though, your thumb brushes against the face of the fruit. Indented in anguish as it silently screams for the imminent loss of life. You glance at Ace who is content to stare out at the waves carrying the crew to its next destination. You feel yourself smiling again before you can stop yourself, wistful.
You love the water, it’s as easy as breathing. It’s been your best friend for as long as you could remember.
You remember listening with giddy awe to your grandfather recounting how taking you out the bath as a baby was nigh impossible unless the tub was empty first.
You can hear Makino’s panic as you groggily wake up, realizing you fell asleep in the midst of your floating. Your head hung sheepishly as she scolded you, voice uncharacteristically sharp about the dangers of falling asleep in the ocean. “Heaven forbid the sea king was around!”
You recall the shared panic of Luffy falling underneath a lake’s surface, you, Ace and Sabo diving after him in unison.
If you could become the ocean itself, you’d gladly do so and let your limbs dissolve into it and feel the pulse of every living creature residing within.
Another sigh slips from your lips as you look over your shoulder at the sunset-stained gem the Piece of Spadille sails across. I’m really going to miss being in it. You don’t necessarily want the curse eating a devil fruit will bring, but even if you can’t swim in it anymore you will find ways to still enjoy it.
With solidified determination, you bite into the ominous fruit resting in your hands without a second thought.
At your movement, Ace looks in your direction.
His eyes go from inquisitive to as wide as dinner plates in the span of seconds, calling out your name in frantic surprise. “What are you doing?!” Large, freckled hands reach for you and you side step him immediately before breaking into a run. “Spit it out!”
God this tastes awful, you nearly gag but you force yourself to swallow the piece anyway. Hearing heavy boots chasing after you, you bite into the wrinkled fruit once more. Just in case the first bite doesn’t take.
“Um, [First]?” You barely hear Deuce’s confused reaction. “Ace?”
“Can you stop Ace for me? Thanks!” You call back to the masked man.
“Stop her from being an idiot!” Ace shouts after you.
The Masked Deuce smartly decides being neutral is his only course of action. “You guys figure it out! We’ll, uh, we’ll be over here!”
You could squeal from how close he is but you manage to bite into the foul-tasting flesh a final time before warm arms wrap around your waist, preventing further escape. You swallow instinctively.
“[First]!” You pull against how he tries to grapple your possession from your hands. Try as you might, you aren’t able to get a fourth bite in. You squeeze your eyes shut, not that it does much but it does prevent you from seeing what is undoubtedly an Ace with a frown.
“Can’t spit out anything,” you cry before Ace can start that up once again. It is far too late for the man to do anything about your consuming the Faerie Faerie Fruit. “I already bit into the shit three times!”
“But why?!” Ace asks incredulously. 
“Because it’s useful! I’m not giving this sort of ability up!” You stop wriggling, knowing it is redundant when you’ve already done what you’ve set out to do. “I just,” you open your eyes, downcast. “I don’t want to lose anyone else I care about.”
If you were to ever sense Ace or Luffy’s deaths, it will break you. At least you know in those moments, you’ll be able to do something about it. There doesn’t have to be anymore Grandpas or Sabos, not for you. Not if you can stop it. You’ll gladly eat a dozen more Faerie Faerie Fruits if it gives you any ability to keep them safe.
There’s a pause then a groan of resignation as your feet touch the deck again. I guess there’s no point in eating anymore of this, you look at what remains of the fruit. You aren’t sure exactly how it will change you in ways beyond a newly acquired death ping. You resign yourself to eating the rest regardless.
The silence isn’t entirely uncomfortable but it isn’t comfortable either, it just is. There’s nothing else that can be done about your decision.
“You can’t ever take this back, you know,” his voice is soft.
“I know,” you murmur after the last of the devil fruit has been eaten. “I don’t need the ocean like that anyway.” You will find new ways to enjoy it. Finally you turn to look at the man who has been your closest friend since you were 10. You were practically family. Family, that’s right. Family looks out for each other. You are going to look out for Portgas D. Ace whether he likes it or not, you promised yourself this after you met Old Man Naguri.
Even as Ace looks at you with equal parts acceptance and sorrow on your behalf, you think the sacrifice is worth it. It’s bitter but the sweet in your chest outweighs it.
“That’s one more thing we have in common,” you try to lighten the mood. “Paramecia and Logia differences aside.”
Ace sighs but he gives you a snicker of courtesy, “I would have been fine with us not having this in common.”
“Eeeh, you’ll get over it.” I’ll get over it, you chuckle, turning back to face the horizon. The sun’s almost been swallowed entirely by the sea and there are more things dotting the sky than you remember there being a few minutes ago. Your eyes widen at the ghastly image of whales swimming through the skies as if unaware their time has passed many moons ago.
Whales, stingrays, sharks and unidentifiable fish as far as you can see.
A silent procession across the Grand Line only for your newly acquired eyes. It almost makes you want to cry.
“Is everything alright,” Ace draws you back in, eyebrows knit in concern.
You wonder if Grandpa and Sabo’s ghosts are gallivanting about Dawn Island.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 & 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈
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(requests are open❕)
smut ✅ (18+ only)
𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑐𝘩-𝑢𝑝 𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑜𝑎𝑟𝑑?                    
                                               ⸻ ✶✺✮ ⸻
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who I think the characters would be best suited to
when you, their crush, is confused by their avatar body would include
⭑ Jake Sully ⇢ sfw alphabet 
⭑ Neytiri  ⇢ being her mate would include
⭑ Neteyam ⇢ being his mate would include
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⭑ Astarion ⇢ being his s/o would include
⭑ Halsin ⇢ being his s/o would include
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𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑺𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
⭑ Charles Vane ⇢ sfw alphabet
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𝐵𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑦 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑉𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑆𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟
⭑ Spike ⇢ w/ a tall and/or chubby gf would include
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𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚
Who Is Your COD Soulmate?
cod men as character archetypes 
how you wake them up
random relationship headcanons
text story: you don’t want to do something while they’re on deployment
how they react to you falling asleep on them; pre-relationship
ᴘᴏʟʏ ᴛᴀꜱᴋ ꜰᴏʀᴄᴇ  
Poly141! | Mission Pixie Dust
⭑ John Price
⭑ Kyle Garrick
⭑ Simon Riley ⇢ poly relationship w/ him & johnny ⇢ random relationship headcanons
⭑ Johnny MacTavish ⇢poly relationship w/ him & simon
⭑ König ⇢ random relationship headcanons
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𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑪𝒊𝒕𝒚
⭑ Ruhn Danaan ⇢ being his Mate would include
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𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝘩𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠
what pets they’d have w/ you would include
who I think the characters would be best suited to
how they act when jealous (sandor & sansa only)
headcanons w/ your bonded dragon (pt.1)
headcanons w/ your bonded dragon (pt.2)
headcanons w/ your bonded dragon (pt.3)
⭑ Jaime Lannister ⇢ meeting your family for the first time would include
⭑ Podrick Payne ⇢ nsfw alphabet
⭑ Sandor Clegane ⇢ being in queen sansa’s council w/ him, your husband, would include
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𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟
how they react to their s/o using an Unforgivable Curse
how they react to their s/o getting into a fist fight would include
the gryffindors as fathers would include
what kind of music I think they’d listen to
domestic headcanons w/ the hp characters
🇲​🇦​🇷​🇦​🇺​🇩​🇪​🇷​ 🇵​🇷​🇪​🇫​🇪​🇷​🇪​🇳​🇨​🇪​🇸​
their pet names for you
⭑ Harry Potter ⇢ your wedding w/ him would include
⭑ Fred Weasley ⇢ sfw alphabet
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔
⭑ Johanna Mason ⇢ being her s/o would include
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𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛
first time with them would include (18+ post)
the characters falling in love with their enemy would include
⭑ Rhaenyra Targaryen ⇢ being married to her would include
⭑ Daemon Targaryen ⇢ being the rider of Vermithor and in a poly relationship w/ him & daemon would include
⭑ Aemond Targaryen ⇢ being the rider of Vermithor and in a poly relationship w/ him & daemon would include ⇢ with a plus size s/o would include
⭑ Otto Hightower ⇢ sfw alphabet
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒅𝒐𝒎
Which of The Last Kingdom Characters Is Your Soulmate?
spending yule w/ them would include
⭑ Uhtred ⇢ being his warrior s/o would include
⭑ Sihtric ⇢ being your husband would include
⭑ Finan ⇢ loving you from afar would include
⭑ Osferth ⇢ with a s/o who is the opposite of him would include
⭑ Aldhelm
⭑ Aethelflaed
⭑ Eadith
⭑ Ragnar
⭑ Sigtryggr
⭑ Leofric
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𝐿𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠
⭑ Galadriel ⇢ being her human s/o would include
⭑ Legolas ⇢ seeing his knight s/o scars for the first time would include
⭑ Samwise ⇢ being a hobbit & his s/o would include
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𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙 / 𝑀𝐶𝑈
sharing a bed for the first time with the marvel characters would include
⭑ Valkyrie ⇢ sfw alphabet
⭑ Loki ⇢ w/ a plus size soulmate would include
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what kind of music I think the knights would listen to
how they would react to someone insulting their spouse
⭑ Merlin ⇢ comfort headcanons
⭑ Morgana ⇢ sfw alphabet ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & guinevere would include
⭑ Guinevere ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & morgana would include
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Edmund, Peter, Caspian & Eustace fighting over you would include
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𝑆𝘩𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 & 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒
the crows and the one bed trope
how they act when the characters have a crush on you 
⭑ Jesper Fahey ⇢ being his pirate s/o would include ⇢ snuggling w/ him would include
⭑ Nina Zenik ⇢ with a grisha best friend who has chronic pain would include
⭑ Genya Saffin ⇢ jealous headcanons
⭑ The Darkling ⇢ sfw alphabet
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𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑦
their pet names for you
the one bed trope
what kind of person I think they’re best suited to
how they react to you punching someone in the face
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𝑻𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒐
⭑ Jamie Tartt ⇢ being his s/o would include ⇢ being Keeley’s s/o would include
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𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝘩𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑟𝑠
⭑ Porthos ⇢ being a healer and his s/o would include
⭑ Constance ⇢ being married to her would include
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𝑇𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓
⭑ Stiles Stilinksi ⇢ being his witch s/o would include
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⭑ Charlie ⇢ being in love with a female vampire would include
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𝑃𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛
⭑ Captain Jack Sparrow ⇢ w/ a chaotic s/o who has been there since the very beginning would include
⭑ Tia Dalma ⇢ growing up in Port Royal & being her s/o would include
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being in a secret relationship w/ them (rollo & ubbe only)
⭑ Bjorn ⇢ being a witch & his s/o would include | how you met (pt.1)
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𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑
⭑ Michonne ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & Rosita would include
⭑ Rosita  ⇢ being in a poly relationship w/ her & Michonne would include
⭑ Negan ⇢ deciding that he only wants you as a wife would include
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑾𝒆 𝑫𝒐 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔
⭑ Nadja ⇢ with a shy s/o would include
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓
⭑ Geralt ⇢ giving you a bath would include
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⭑ Rhea Ripley ⇢ nsfw alphabet
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plasticflwrs · 1 month
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⠀⠀   ⠀┈─ THE ALBATROSS ⠀⠀/ ⠀⠀ an introduction to oh deurim ( 2022 ).
"The notion of my future suddenly snapped into focus: it didn't exist yet. I was making it, standing there, breathing, fixing the air around my body with stillness, trying to capture something—a thought, I guess—as though such a thing were possible, as though I believed in the delusion described in those paintings—that time could be contained, held captive." — My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh.
WORD COUNT. 2.7k WARNINGS / NOTES. Mentions of Oliver's suicide attempt and references to Jiyeon's eating disorder. Let me know if I'm missing anything else and please enjoy! Originally posted in 2023 but almost completely rewritten.
At the age of fifteen, you are told your debut is postponed for ‘the greater good’ and that motivates you to become the best.
The real money wasn’t with Celatum anyway. They would always be the group left behind by your company and casual listeners. They were never popular enough and with the growth of better acts, it seems that they will be forgotten to the past, waiting for their contracts to end so they could go their separate ways or get kicked out trying. You aren’t missing much by the company passing over you, but it hurts like a bitch, to be passed up by some new trainee that could barely hold a tune.
It hurts and that motivates you further.
At the age of nineteen, you reach the top of every evaluation with ease. You are the perfect trainee—docile, open to criticism, and supportive of any plan that they have for you. You have perfected the art of singing, dancing, and even rapping to maintain that spot at the top of everything. The company figures that should be enough to secure your debut in their newest project and attempt to hold their own survival show. However, the stress of the competition gets to you, and you are left in the dust because of a bad call as team leader. You are branded a villain and kicked from the show with no mercy, back to the practice room with nothing.
You realize that being the best can only get you so far. You will need the help of someone else to get you there and suddenly, you are twenty-years-old and there’s an opening in Plastic Flowers. You are picked from a lineup of seven trainees to fill the spot left by Minghui following his dramatic exit and Shin Yeonghui choses you personally. Another boy, one you have never met, is put on the back burner in case the lead singer, Oliver Song, doesn’t return from his vacation in the States.
Yeonghui is excited to work more closely with you and she hopes that extends to her career as well, promising her big things if she turns this into something bigger. You don’t understand the double meaning behind her words but smile and nod instead, promising that she would not be let down.
This was your chance to prove yourself as something more than the ‘bitch’ from Timefighter and get back on stage—where you belong. Your piano skills are rusty, something you never thought to brush up on, but there’s always time.
You are going to debut.
Cheon Garam, your new manager, picks you up from the trainee dorm at four in the afternoon. Garam looks young, maybe thirty-one at the earliest, and has an interesting look with a short pixie cut and dark eyeliner. She seems nice enough and fills you in on the recent drama in the dorm. Apparently, they were beginning to worry about the future given the recent events with Oliver Song. The second trainee makes more sense.
“Are you excited to debut?” Garam asks, glancing at you for a second before going back to the road. “It’s been a long time coming, huh?”
You nod, “I always knew I was going to debut, the question was just when.”
“I do need to warn you though,” Garam starts before swearing at another driver in front of her. The other car had cut them off, but from the amount of curses that leave her mouth, you would think it was something worse. “Sorry—but things are gonna be a bit slow for a while. Oliver just got back a weeks ago and he might say he’s fine, but I call bullshit. That kid has never been fine. You’ve been filled in on what happened?”
You nod again, but don’t reply. It had been a big deal in the trainee dorms because all the girls had a crush on him. (You liked him as well and often tried to catch his eye despite the very public relationship he had. You would never admit it to the other girls, of course). He was the only idol that gave them the time of day and was often in their monthly evaluations, giving constructive criticism rather than barking orders at them. He was nice and actually understood what being a trainee meant. It was easy to like him. Seeing him back in the training areas caused everyone to jump in excitement, attempting to impress him and win some unknown prize.
“Good,” Garam sighs, “I didn’t want to have to tell that story again.”
Oliver Song was a train wreck waiting for it’s inevitable crash and that happened just a few months ago, kick starting this sequences of events. You suppose you have to thank him when he finally returns. Child stars are always the most vulnerable to these things and he was no different. The stress of the job and the death of his father had gotten too much. You heard in the lobby that he tried to kill himself in the old dorm’s bathroom, swallowed a bunch of pills and it was Serin that found him. After that, the affair went public and he was shipped back to his hometown of Boston with very little contact.
No one has seen him since the airport photos had dropped on Twitter and you figure that was for the best of everyone involved. There’s a piece of you that wished he would be there, just to see what he looked like on the inside and brag to the other girls when your cellphone was returned. You would know Oliver Song and the members of Plastic Flowers on a deeper level than they could ever imagine.
“I’m sure it was hard,” you comment, feigning sympathy to get some information out of her.
Garam nods, pausing to switch lanes for the fifth time in a few minutes. “I guess, but I’m not as close to him as they are. Just remember that when you meet the others, yeah? They’re going through a hard time.”
“I get it,” you shrug. “The trainee dorms were probably worse.”
She doesn’t say much else as you pull into the parking lot of a luxury apartment building. With their careers finally taking off, the members of Plastic Flowers were given a new dorm to celebrate the success of their latest albums, though it seemed to be redundant as they faded back into obscurity. With no new music to chase the momentum, they would be forgotten like the other one-hit-wonders and you hope that Yeonghui has a plan to combat this.
“Welcome to the new building. Everyone else is still living at the old place as we sort things out. We own a few floors of the building already and hope to move everyone over when they reach the same popularity. Eden Jeong and Kim Yuchan have their own apartments, though. We only manage their music careers.”
You nod along as she explains everything about the building. There’s constant security to keep all the fans out and away from loitering outside. None of them have realized that the band had moved, but that would not last very long. They were still public figures and the company needed to be vigilant. The apartment has five bedrooms, thankfully, and you will be free to decorate however you please. The elevator finally arrives and you make a note to find the stairs because going up three floors makes no sense. Your foot taps against the metal floor and the butterflies hit as you go to meet your group mates for the first time. It makes a dinging sound with each floor they move up and when the light flashes on the third floor, she fixes her posture and puts a smile on your face.
You have already seen the different rooms thanks to the few live streams they had before the hiatus. The living room was decorated by both Serin and Salem because they didn’t trust the boys to make any aesthetic decisions, which Oliver protested from the other side of the phone. It's cute with a color palette focused mainly on neutral colors and sage green as the accent. Pictures of the members and gifts line the walls from the few in-person fan interactions they’ve been able to hold last year. You plan to take down the big picture from their first photo shoot as five down tomorrow.
Your picture needs to be up there to remind both members and fans that you’re not going anywhere. Whether they liked it or not.
“Everyone!” Garam called and her voice resembled your old teachers—carrying with just the right amount of authority that it wouldn’t scare them. “Come meet Deurim in the living room!”
Following the manager, you take in all the different decorations that filled in the room. More pictures of them throughout their childhood and career lined the walls, there were plastic vines hanging across the ceiling with a warm glowing light attached to it, and an entertainment system. The place was obviously lived in and you fight the frown that threatens to appear. You needed to make your mark on the apartment soon.
Each of the members looks worse than the other.
Junyeong was the only one that seemed awake and aware of his surroundings as he took a glance at Deurim before looking back at his phone. He tapped on it, sighing at something that seemed annoying, while not even looking up at her again. Whatever on the screen was more important than meeting his new band mate, of course.
Serin was pale and despite her fragile build, looked more like a skeleton than human being. You can see the dark blue veins standing out against her skin and the way she pulls the navy blue sweater closer to her body as if trying to find more warmth in the item.
Oliver stands in a similar manner to Jiyeon, though he rocks back and forth on his heels as he obverses you, as if trying to remember something. You hope it doesn’t take long for him to remember your talents and what you have shown over the past few years. Better was a strong word to describe it, but he healthier than the last year. He was no longer blond and he didn’t look so dead behind the eyes anymore.
Salem hasn’t been sleeping. That was the first thing you notice about her alongside the redness of her eyes, though she looks determined to make it through this meeting without breaking down. She could have fooled anyone else, but you have gotten better at looking for these little details over the years.
“Hey,” Salem greets, stretching her right hand to shake yours. “It’s nice to finally meet you—uh, congratulations on making it into the band.” Her voice is strained as she says the congratulations, as if unsure this was a good thing.
“Thank you,” you smile widely at all of them and take Salem’s hand, making sure that you appear friendly and likeable. You’ve pefected the act over the years. “It’s really an honor to meet you guys and actually join. I’ve admired you guys for years.”
Jiyeon smiles back and acts as the buffer between all of you. Now as the middle member, she was going to be the mediator. “We’re really excited to have you,” she beams. “Though Yeonghui made the final decision, it was pretty unanimous that we wanted you in the lineup. You seemed like a good replacement for Minghui.”
The name causes any trace of the friendly smile to disappear. He had willingly left the band and they still thought well of him. You don’t like that and threw a wrench in your biggest goal: being accepted into the group. You know it was going to be hard because they’ve already been together for five years, but you selfishly hoped that the anger towards Minghui would hasten the process. That assumption was wrong, apparently.
You laugh the statement off and try to calm the simmering temper. “Those are gonna be some tough shoes to fill.”
Garam nods and clasps her hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Well, you guys welcome Deurim and show her around. I’ll see you all at eleven tomorrow, okay?”
Everyone nods or responds to her question just before Garam slips out of the door. Without that middle person, you feel off balance as the other four look at you, each one with different expressions between boredom and curiosity.
“Deurim, you’ll be sleeping in the room between Oliver and Jiyeon. It should be empty, but let me know if you find anything,” Salem explains. She moves easily across the room and puts on her leather jacket, stuffing her keys and cellphone into the right pocket. “I have some leftovers from lunch if you want them or you can always order up to the apartment. I have a meeting with Yeonghui, so I’ll be back later. Don’t do anything stupid.”
The last statement is directed at Oliver and Salem glares at him before he nods, the best response that she was probably going to get that night.
“Well!” Jiyeon says, looking between all four of them. “Why don’t we get to know each other?”
“I’m in.”
Junyeong gives you an annoyed look before taking a seat on the loveseat. He grimaces as Oliver sits next to him, Jiyeon takes the armchair by the window and that leaves you with the other chair across from them. The set up of the room makes it feel like an integration instead of a conversation as you glance between each other, waiting for something to start the conversation.
“Deurim, why don’t you start since we know each other already? You play the piano, right?”
“I started learning when I was younger but stopped to try dance. It wasn’t until recently that I starting picking it up again and transitioning to a keyboard.”
“What kind of dance did you learn?”
“Junyeong might finally have some competition,” Jiyeon joked, tapping him on the shoulder.
“No, I don’t,” Junyeong said, his nose turned up and glancing fully at Deurim this time. “I’ve judged her evaluations and there was nothing special.”
In that moment, you realize you might hate Kang Junyeong more than Minghui.
“I find that hard to believe,” Oliver argues. It’s the first thing he’s said since you got here and he was defending you. It almost makes you smile. “I sat in on them too and I thought she was pretty good.”
Junyeong shakes his head. “You know nothing about dance. You think that Chaeha is also talented.”
Kwon Chaeha had somehow debuted before you as Yuel as Velvetine and was one of the least talented people you had ever met. She was one of those filler idols, just placed in the group because they were pretty and would bring in money from commercials and acting. She wasn’t there to sing or dance, she was a glorified model. The comparison is not fair.
“Well, she’s certainly trying and I think that you can relate to that, Junyeong.”
Junyeong only shows emotions through his eyes, seemingly having mastered the ability to keep his face blank in any situation. They squint just a fraction and that’s the only tell that he has any reaction to Oliver’s comment. It’s no secret that Junyeong was a poor drummer, but he’s gotten better over the years. He turns towards the other and says, voice just as blank as his face, “you also tried something new and failed recently, but I haven’t said anything.” With that Junyeong gets off the couch and stalks into his bedroom, making sure to slam the door with all of his power for dramatic effect.
You play dumb for Oliver and Jiyeon. You wanted to hear everything from their perspective to see how drama tricked down and across the company. You needed to know the real story. “What’s he talking about?”
Jiyeon’s smile becomes strained as her attention turns back to you. “It’s nothing. Just something stupid that happened last year,” she shakes her head and stands up. “C’mon—I’ll show you to your room.”
You follow quietly behind her, glancing back at Oliver at the couch just before turning the corner. He hasn’t moved from the spot and glares a hole into the wall above him, as if trapped in his own thoughts. A sigh leaves your lips as you finally look away, pretending to listen to whatever Jiyeon was talking about. You nod along and hum in agreement at the perfect times, instead focusing on what you’ve learned about the members of Plastic Flowers—your new band mates.
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redfurrycat · 10 months
🤠🤴👑🏰🐓Royalty Fic Recs🐓🏰👑🤴🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: 64PackofCrayola, Aishii420, Alltherecklesshours, Hangmanbradshaw, Lovelybattle, McDanno50, PleaseHellMe, Renai_chan, ToukoJalorda003, Trinipedia.
> Navy Prince, aka THE Nepo Baby
Heart on Your Sleeve by Renai_chan {T}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
Jake and Bradley are princes of neighboring kingdoms who grew up together. On Bradley's eighteenth birthday, everything changes.
Man of his own invention by trinipedia {T}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
Jake is an enticing young man with blonde hair 70 feet long, who has been kept in a tower his entire life by his seemingly overprotective mother. Everything changes the day that Rooster the thief, by chance, scales the tower and stumbles upon him; Jake strikes a deal with Rooster so that the charming thief takes him to the place where the floating lights he has seen every year on his birthday come from. Jake is about to discover the world for the first time, and in the process, he might even find out who he really is...and what he really wants.
Rival Princes AU by hangmanbradshaw
/Medieval Royalty AU/
I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland {E}
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” He said as Bradley, confusingly, looked even more devastated. The pain washed over him again, and he started to stumble. The blood loss was definitely starting to make itself known. That spurred Bradley into motion. He seemed to snap out of whatever daze he’d been in, and he stepped forward, grabbing Jake and holding him up. “Shit. Get Halo, now!” Jake felt himself starting to lose consciousness. As he succumbed to the blackness, he heard a soft voice saying “stay with me, Jake” and then he was out.
and I feel like my castle's crumbling down {_}
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” All it took was nine words for Bradley's heart to rebuild and break again.
Innocent by lovelybattle {E}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
Bradley has no idea how he ended up here. It’s all a blur. One minute he’s standing in a field by himself, and the next he’s got the crown Prince spread out, beautifully and blissfully naked, beneath him.
loose lips sink ships all the damn time by hangmanbradshaw {E}
/Buccaneering Royalty AU/
“Wait, is this the Dagger?” That stopped Rooster in his tracks. He looked over curiously from where he was unwrapping a rope. “You’ve heard of it?” “You guys are…you’re…” Rooster dropped the rope and walked over, a challenge clear in his eyes. “We’re what? Go ahead, say it.” Jake breathed out, “Pirates.” Rooster took another step followed by another. Each step was calculated. He stopped a foot or two away. Jake hated the fact that he had to look up into his eyes, not by much, but still. “We prefer the term vigilantes.” Or The Princes & Pirates AU
it's 2am and I’m cursing your name by hangmanbradshaw {E}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
“Yeah, but you know him better than anyone, right? You could give me advice.” He raised an eyebrow. “I know I’m not an expert on romance or whatever, but if he’s your true love, shouldn’t you just, I don’t know, be yourself?” “You gotta help me. I don’t want to be stuck as a rooster forever. Please.” The final please broke him. He looked so sad, voice clearly miserable and desperate. Jake took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and mumbled. “I’m going to regret this.” He opened his eyes and said louder, “Fine. Alright.” Or Rooster's a rooster, and Jake definitely isn't his soulmate aka the Hangster Princess & the Frog AU (with a twist) After all, all it takes is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust (or in this case, bickering, helping the guy you're in love with land another prince, and a meddling warlock)
Call Me Yours by Renai_chan {E}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
Jake is the perfect Crown Prince of Seresin--handsome beyond compare, educated by the world's most renowned scholars, draped in all the luxuries his wealthy kingdom can afford, magnificent in battle, with multitudes of adoring subjects throwing themselves at his feet--but all he really wants is to be put on his knees and called a filthy whore by his slave, Bradley.
The Prince and His Knight by McDanno50
/Medieval Royalty AU/
On A Dreary Night {E}
Jake felt his heart thump quicker, galloping in his chest, as the clicking of claws grew closer. Heavy breaths not his own let Jake know he was no longer alone. He remained still even as natural fear urged him to look over his shoulder to gauge the threat. But there was no real danger because Jake knew in his soul that he was safe with the monstrous wolf-like creature that lurked in the flickering shadows. The beast who terrified the men, women, and children not born of Miramar was hardly a monster to Jake. The bright light of day sees the Crown Prince of Miramar, Jacob Seresin, protected by his personal knight: a Lycan named Rooster. But at night, Jake loses himself to pleasure by Rooster's wolf form.
A Speckled Rooster Crowed {G}
Lycans had few offspring, litters born every ten years. The last Lycan pups included Julian’s own knight, Cyclone. And now it was Jake’s turn to choose a knight – his very own Lycan pup to raise and train as his personal bodyguard. He’d never known something so exciting yet terrifying. The time has come for Prince Jake to select his knight. Five pups vie for his attention, but one young Lycan seems a bit preoccupied with a fowl enemy.
Of Sex and Flowers {E}
If Heaven truly existed, Jake was sure his would be exactly like this. With Jake and his knight Rooster, alive and together in this peaceful place. Nothing outside of the meadow mattered when they were here: Jake was not royalty and Rooster was not a Lycan. They could play pretend and just be two men hopelessly in love with no duties and no secrets. Jake sneaks out of the castle to spend some private time with Rooster in a meadow. Their relationship will change once Jake becomes the Crown Prince so they say goodbye in the only way they know how.
Of Crowns and Medals (That Don’t Shine Like They Should) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
/Modern Royalty AU/
It wasn’t as if Rooster hadn’t wanted to serve in the Guard his entire life - he had. Serving the king, his country…it was the only thing he’d ever wanted. …Until it wasn’t. And with the rules being as strict as they were, there wasn’t anything he could do about it. Bradley falling in love with Jake was going to get them both in trouble - and he wished more than anything that he could change that.
Swan Prince by 64PackofCrayola {_}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
(Based on Swan Princess 1994) A beautiful prince falls in love with a prince from another land, but an exiled sorcerer who wants him for himself conjures up a spell to transform him into a swan. Forced to embark on a dangerous quest to reverse the magic, the prince is helped along by some new-found human turned animal friends.
Break Free from the Chrysalis by aishii420 {M}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
In a Kingdom far away, The King and Queen of Corona decided to have a baby. Everyone was overjoyed, especially their brother, the Captain of the Royal Guard. All was well until the Queen fell ill, and the Captain set off to find a cure.
Crowns And Collars by PleaseHellMe {E}
/Modern Royalty AU/
King Peter "Maverick" Mitchell had been ruling the kingdom of Miramar for the past two decades after his father was killed. The pressure of mating with someone and producing an heir had been lifted from his shoulders as the crown would be passed to his godson. Maverick never felt the spark to mate with someone and opted to wait for the right person. Then one day, when Maverick had been walking in the market square, a tall blond-haired angel caught his attention, and suddenly all Maverick could think of was how he could make this man his. -- Thomas Kazansky lived outskirts of Miramar with his son Jacob. He was raised in nobility, but then things went south, and his family was stripped of their status. There have been multiple people who wanted to mate with him, but their offers were met with rejections every single time. Usually, it took only one time for the suitors to get the hint, but suddenly Tom finds himself in a situation where the same person keeps sending him courting gifts day after day, refusing to give up before Tom accepts the offer.
stolen kisses, pretty lies by hangmanbradshaw {E}
/Modern Royalty AU/
Bradley had never expected he'd be awaiting coronation in a country he'd never stepped foot in until his 30s. Then again, there were a lot of things he'd never expected- being told he had to find a suitable spouse, a security team being necessary just to drive down the road, and Jake Seresin...he'd never expected Jake Seresin. Jake's parents just needed him to settle down. He'd had other plans, and Bradley Bradshaw had not been on that list. Or, Jake's a prince with a reputation for breaking hearts, Bradley just wants to marry someone he at least likes, and neither of them ever saw the other coming. AKA the How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days/Princess Diaries 2 AU inspired by Blank Space. Yes, you read that right.
I'll see you by and by by alltherecklesshours {G}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
"He's been doing the bare minimum with his responsibilities. His coronation is in less than a year and he keeps evading important meetings, disappearing for days without a warning. How is that doing a good job?" Uncle Pete asked, crossing his arms over his chest, looking annoyed. "And how is finding him a partner going to change that, Pete?" No. Bradley wouldn't take them fighting because of him again. "If I promise to do better with my responsibilities, can we postpone the idea of marriage? "Fine. But this is your last chance. If you don't do a better job this time, I will call for a ball with every unmarried person in this kingdom and the ones around, and I won't let you leave until you find someone. Am I clear?"
Take Me for Who I Am by Renai_chan {E}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
Jake, the omega child of Lord Seresin of Austea, is all set to be married to Javy, his best friend who he's been betrothed to since before they were even born. On the day of the wedding, a mysterious man shows up and whisks Jake away to the castle. Jake later learns he is Prince Bradley, the Crown Prince of Miramonte, who intended to take Jake as his own.
Swords and Guards (And Dreams to Aspire Towards) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
/Medieval Royalty AU/
In Anser, if things were normal, Jake could’ve done anything he wanted. He could’ve been anything. But in Anser, his father’s choices had determined his own - and had somehow left him with a debt to pay and a spouse he didn’t want. Enter Bradley Bradshaw, the prince of the kingdom, and a bodyguard position that might just be enough to cover his debts. If he can prove himself, that is, which might be more difficult than he wants to consider - given that Bradley hates his guts. Fuck his life. ———————— Or - the bodyguard and royalty AU
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lamamasjamas · 10 months
Pixie Dust
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Summary: Early morning greetings and first meetings. Miguel finds his very own little guide after encountering problems with a warlock.
A/n: I changed a few thangs from my original concepts because I wanted Miguel to be sexier. I’m feeling rather horny and size kink is godly. Could be considered fetishy, idk. 🗣️
Based on these two posts: 1 2
Warnings: Hunter!/Cursed Monster!Miguel, Fairy!Reader, dub-con (sex pollen) smut (Giantism? Don't know what's it's called but Reader is the size of his palm and he fucks her with his tongue), there’s a rabid squirrel tryna eat her in the beginning, some angst and tw for the use of a hunting rifle…
It was disagreeable to the eyes. The sounds it made were akin to those of a brawling cat. He was clearly not friendly, at least not anymore.
The sickness had spread, coming from the nearby kingdoms, mostly because of the dogs and various other rodents that plagued the cities and towns around it.
Poor Gerald, his eyes were usually soft, his chitters inviting and playful. But now he chases you, mouth gaping and teeth gnashing with yellowish tinted foam, trying to get a bite of your flesh.
It was a pleasant morning, you were lazing by the stream, waiting for the clothing you had made with the scraps found in the outer villages of the kingdom nearby to dry.
Then you heard them, at first you had mistaken it for playing but then you heard a sharp cry emanating from the bushel behind you. A deep and hurting cry.
You saw the squirrel, Gerald, before he saw you. You stood frozen in a mix of fear, anxiety, and sadness. How did the disease get this far into the woods? There must have been others…
Because of the initial shock, your bodies refusal to move and run away as Gerald bit into a companion's neck in repetition, he found a new target.
Just weeks before, you had gotten stuck in branches of a pine, it’s bristles so rough and thick that your left wing had bent and twisted.
Everyone, including yourself had wept that day.
They were wrapped in layered leaves, covered in ointment which was pasted onto the damaged delicate chitin in order to help it heal.
You could barely flutter and once you had been cornered by the base of a tree, hardly fitting into a small crevice so that Gerald couldn’t claw or snap at you, you shook in fear.
The bark around you was starting to chip, the only barrier between you both starting to dwindle along with your hope that he would leave you alone.
Miguel heard you before he saw you. His senses had been heightened, to an alarming and annoying degree.
It had made him lock himself inside his small isolated cottage for a week because of it. It was overwhelming. Your screams and cries for help were overwhelming too.
It was hard to spot you, hidden in a small nook against the tree trunk, pressing yourself as far in as possible to avoid the screeching squirrel in front of you.
It had almost made him chuckle, he thought you might have just been a rider, unable to tame your pet. But then he saw it. The pure black eyes, dilated to expand over the whiteness.
It was feral, its fur matted with its own blood and the mud from the soil of the nearby stream. He aimed right behind its shoulder, directly at its chest.
The shot startled you, it created a harsh wind to breeze by you, your ears ringing from its chaotic energy.
You were cowered into the trunk, hands over your pointed twitching ears and eyes tightly shut.
You were about the height of a robin, no larger than his ring finger, a couple of your heads longer than his thumb.
You weren’t supposed to be here, he realized, your wing had dried herbs and leaves, stiff enough to keep your wing upright, but making it utterly useless because of the added weight.
He lowered to his knees, you peaked from behind the bark and your eyes sharpened harshly. He watches as realization washes over you, eyes widening and brows furrowing in confusion.
"What are you...?" you whisper softly, eyes trailing over his piercing red eyes, the fangs peaking over his bottom lip.
He doesn't quite know himself, but he does know he's not entirely human either and judging by the way your nose twitches and your nostrils flare, you could tell as well.
Still, you keep your displeasure at seeing a type of human well known. You don't even say thank you as you make your way to the body of Gerald, reaching out to at least pat one of his ears.
He takes a moment to look closely at your wing, the patterns similar to a Monarch Butterfly. You were supposed to migrate south for the fall, along with the rest of your group, your family.
It was well known that your kind traveled yearly, your instincts similar to those of your ancestral cousins, the milkweeds. You might freeze to death from the cold this winter. His palm blocked you before you could reach the creature who attacked you minutes before.
The pity he felt for you was wavered at your glare and scowl.
"It's sick. If you want to start foaming at the mouth, go ahead, fairy."
Your scowl turned to a pout, then a reluctant sigh escaped between your lips. You sit, staring at the ground beside Gerald, only able to see some of the tufts of his hair from your peripheral.
You imagine his chest rising and falling, as if he were just sleeping.
Miguel didn't know if it was the pity of the loss of a creature you clearly had some connection to, or your injury. It might have been because he knew you were alone and that you might not survive the winter.
He sat nearby on a log by the stream, making a fire to start cooking some rabbit. He skins it and briefly thinks of keeping the fur so that Lyla, a sprite who usually helps him in his hunts, could make a coat.
His slight chuckle to himself makes you turn your head, you eye the fur he places in the cold water of the stream to clean off, along with the meat.
A few minutes later it smells like cooked meat, the sun was starting to set, and your clothes were dry. You could have left; he could have left too but you both stayed.
You shiver, body going rigged with cold. You got closer to the fire, he watches as you flutter your wings, keeping them from spreading with tingles of the deadened nerves.
It's like they dance with the fire, making shapes with the shadows on the ground next to you.
He might have also stayed close because you smell so sweet. Like the candy they would sell at the markets. Pure sugar, warm and sweet enough to numb his tongue.
You were intrigued on what he was. He smelled too much like human to be considered much else, but you knew humans didn't have the aroma of the wild in their scent.
He smelled dangerous, strong, protective. You felt as if you owed him something, which wasn't something you wanted to feel, not to anyone, much less a human. It was instinctive, it was a form of... courting to your people.
A strong partner that is able to protect and provide was encouraged and the acts of services were held sacred. You scowl when he nudged a piece of meat towards you, holding it towards you with the tip of his knife.
Your face heated seconds after, realizing he wasn’t going to leave you alone until you took the offering.
You took it too quickly. The rest of the village took most of the stored food in order to consume it for their travels south. You were left with nothing.
You remember the face of your mother, attempting to leave as much as possible, stating she didn't need as much for the journey this year. You knew she was lying, you returned most of what she left back into her pouch the night before their leaving; without her knowledge.
You shiver, chewing slowly despite wanting to stuff your face and lick your fingers clean from the heartiest meal you've had in two weeks. You remined him of Lyla in size, he glances at the fur, he imagines asking her to make you a coat, similar to ones she wears. There was enough for at least two.
He can't help but want to take care of you. You were a beautiful little thing, headstrong and strong-willed judging by the way you reapplied ointment and cut gauze from fabric for your still healing wing.
You weren't afraid of him as you sit near the fire, now sat up on a makeshift bed made of petals and grass.
It reminded you of a mutualistic relationship. Like a crocodile and its little bird pecking at its teeth. An apex predator and a meek prey, living communally.
Therefore, you wonder what he wanted from you…
"Where's the sinkhole?"
His voice did startle you, from its roughness and boom amidst the chirping of crickets and the churning of the water in the stream, despite your glowing confidence
But you could laugh. There it was, the self centeredness, the reason he didn’t let you get mauled by an animal.
The sinkhole is where the wishes from the upper layer have sunken down into. The myth was that wishes had become so heavy, so much so that they created a giant gaping hole into the ground.
This resulted in the creation of the cave lakes, its pools and its magical properties. Along with the upper layer destruction came the destruction of one’s otherworldly abilities to fulfill one’s dreams, aspirations and ambitions.
The only way to have a wish granted is to get deep into the sinkhole. No human has been able to get past the forest. The thick of it at least.
You look up at him and glance at his body. A human attempting to traverse the forest where creatures larger and more dangerous than himself habituated?
You giggle. His head tilts and his eyes narrow, his eyes were consumed in red. You stare back, hiding your teasing and spiteful grin behind your hand, your eyes squinted from the smile in your cheeks.
You spit your words slowly, mockingly.
"What will you wish for, human?"
He promised you protection, shelter and a free trip south, where the weather was warmer; where your wings wouldn't freeze and snap off. Coincidentally, the sinkhole was further south, which seemed like a perfect opportunity for both of you.
He’d be given passage and guidance through lands no human was allowed solely because you were with him as an escort, and you’d get to live another year.
You slept peacefully that night, dreaming of seeing your family soon.
He was awake before you, you stretched as you sat up. His body, hunched over feet away, next to Gerald, now covered in flowers and leaves, turns at the sound of your yawn.
His eyes were the color of drying blood, almost brown but in the light burning a deep maroon. His fangs were longer than the night before, or maybe you didn't notice how sharp and long they were in the dark.
He looked like a demon. He turned his head at your stare, standing to his feet, allowing you to then see the flowers surrounding Gerald. You smiled.
You sat atop his head. He feared he would accidentally crush you in his hands or cut you with his claws. He felt as if his pocket could suffocate you. You'd slip off his shoulders and since of you couldn't flitter down softly, you'd splat on the ground floor.
So, you sat on his head, playing with the long tufts of his soft hair and slapping his forehead lightly when wanting his attention.
He'd grit his teeth with every question, answering despite knowing you just wanted to annoy him.
"So... you wronged a warlock you used to work for, and you're slowly turning into a spider monster?"
His cheeks turn a deep shade of red and he glances up at you as your head peaks down at him in genuine curiosity.
"I... I did this. He poisoned me and I attempted to find a cure, by myself..."
You burst out laughing.
"So you cursed yourself?"
He stays silent and rolls his eyes as you continue to giggle, even falling to your side and ruffling his hair in the process. Once you calm you sigh and sit up. You pat his forehead in a sweet and pitiful gesture, making him scowl slightly.
His heart flutters as you lean down to his ear.
"You humans are so silly."
To fight through his embarrassment he swats at you, effectively. You yelp as you fall, sliding down the side of head, fingers barely skimming the strap of his bag on his shoulder as you descend on bunches of wildflowers.
He's momentarily stunned, before he kneels down and searches for you amidst the bush, unknowingly opening up flower buds and shaking their stalks.
"Wait- stop!"
It was too late, you cover your head as pollen falls over you, sprinkling you in golden dust. You cough and gag at the sweetness of it, the taste burning your tongue and making your skin tingle. You collapse on the grass, attempting to clean your hands on the blades covered in the morning's precipitation.
He watches in concern, picking you up gently and making you groan in frustration.
"Put me down!"
He doesn't, instead he attempts to wipe the dust off of your body, but as a result he just spreads it deeper into your clothes and skin. You whine at his ignorance, your fists pounding against his pointer finger as if it were a person standing in front of you.
Miguel watches as you resign yourself, spewing curses at him in a language he did not understand. He continues to 'flick' off the pollen from your body, until you let out a moan and your hands clutched his finger still.
Now you had no way of cleaning yourself and you felt your body heating up quickly, too quickly than what is considered normal. The flowers would be collected by many types of fairies in the region, for recreational purposes and to enhance the 'breeding' experience.
Every touch, every sound and every vibration felt around you was amplified, all sensations directing themselves to your pussy. You pushed yourself up against his fingertip, breasts plush against the pad.
Your nipples pebbled and you closed your eyes at the intense feeling of them being rubbed against the ridges of his fingerprint.
Usually, the village would collect around three flowers a year, enough to harvest pollen for those who needed it. You think Miguel had indirectly shaken three flowers on top of you, a whole year's supply of the aphrodisiac.
He shakes you off his finger delicately, confused at your sudden affectionate behavior and making you fall onto his palm, unable to sit back up.
The amount of pollen that had fallen over you was overtaking your body; your eyes start to roll back as your hips twitched. He holds you gently, lifting your trembling body to his face to inspect you.
He blows on you, holding his breath as some of the remaining uningested and uninhaled dust flies away from you.
Your mouth opens to let out a throaty moan as your body convulses at the feeling. He feels wetness pool on his palm, and he inhales sharply, in turn taking in the hint of the heavy arousal in the air.
“What’s happening to you?”
You writhe at his voice as it sends pleasant vibrations over your body. Your attempts to stand were unsuccessful as your thighs squeezed together to tighten your core.
You suddenly press your face into his skin, kissing as if you were with a lover. The tiny pecks leave him speechless, his heart racing as you lathe your tongue over the lines of his palm.
“Miguel…” you moan, voice higher than usual, breathy and seductive.
“I need to release. Or else I’ll die…”
Miguel can clearly tell your mind was clouded, you lifted your skirt up, pressing your face down and lifting your ass up as if he could penetrate you.
You wanted cock, deep down you wanted Miguel’s cock. But it was physically impossible. For some reason, in your hazed brain, you imagined him thrusting into you, breeding you till you screamed.
The words startled him, but he could feel his dick rise with every wiggle of your hips and the way your hand spread your ass cheeks and presented your slick hole.
“You’ll die?”
“Yes. I will,” you whine.
You wouldn’t. It just felt like you would. He moves his face closer as if he were going to inspect you. His nose twitches and his mouth salivates. His lips seemed to part on their own.
His tongue slithers up your thigh and spreads them as it explores. You feel his tastebuds, the warm wetness of the muscle twitch against your skin. Your wings flutter like lashes in time with your heartbeat, you turn your head to the side and desperate tears glide down your cheeks.
The tip of his tongue meets your cunt, encompassing over your clit and slit, spreading your lips apart and splaying them flat. He tastes you, sweet and tangy, and he hums.
For a moment he pulls back, watching as you cover your heated face with one hand and grip his thumb with the other. You were shaking, your pussy pulsing and your clit peaking between your folds, aching to be licked and grinded on.
He glances to the stalk of the flower, briefly imagining breaking it in half and pushing it into your hole, fucking you while allowing you to move your hips against his tongue.
He wants to hear the squelch of your tiny tight pussy, stuff you full until you couldn't breathe. But he needed to help you release now.
Your squeals and moans echo in the forest, the tip of his tongue was stretching you, barely skimming inside your hole and hitting your g-spot consistently.
Miguel flexes his tongue, attempting to angle it downward. His bottom lip presses against your clit and mound, the lower half of his face spreading your legs.
Your arousal and his saliva was dripping onto his palm, as if he were sucking on a candy with little to no restraint. You were so impossibly sweet, especially with each orgasm he brings you.
Miguel had heard rumors before, of changling faes who would transform into human women for a night for fun. How they could seduce easily and their cunts would taste like sugar cane.
He believes it now, especially when you gasp out a heady moan and squirt on his tongue; the eight orgasm so far.
He groans into you, your hand tightens over his thumb and index finger tightly as you ride out your orgasm. Your arms give out from under you and his tongue pops out of your cunt with a squelch as you buckle forward.
He licks you clean the second you collapse, your wings folding protectively as you weakly turn on your back in short breathed pants.
He presses a kiss, aiming for your swollen cunt. His lips rub over your lower half and suction for a second. Enough to pull out a groan from your lips and shudder a sigh as you close your eyes.
He sets up camp for the night, fixing you a bed from a spare shirt he had and petals, not from the wildflowers of course.
He was gentle to clean you up with a rag with the tip of his finger, ensuring that the pollen was off of your skin for good. He delicately pried the ointment for your wings out of your small pouch, later wrapping said wing gently like you did every couple of hours.
You were out cold, but breathing and healthy by the way your skin was still warm and your chest still lifted and fell with your breaths.
He checks the backs of your thighs and calves, he sighs in relief at not seeing any pricks from his now growing in fangs.
He sleeps nearby, sat up with his arms crossed, ready to defend from any hostile creatures nearby.
A/n: Bim Bam! I’m taking requests again, officially! For this ‘series’ or anything else… 😈 Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated and help authors/artists create more so please 🙏
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
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Better set of wings , stabilized magic , but too HEAVY to fly .  Just her luck . Cue to annoyed snort that follows her finally rolling over .  Yeah ... she’s not a happy camper . 
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Hi love
I stumbled upon ur blog and ahh love ur writting i wad thinking maybe if ur requests are open that u could write a lil smth IF UR FREE OFCI
was thinking scaramouche x reader argument (angst to fluff :the ansgt shouldnt be brutal bc i dont hsndle it well)
Or if ur not comfy writting that u could doo
Scaramouche x reader scara accidentally confesses to reader??
Dont overwork urself and remember to eat <3
✿ 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ✿
characters: scaramouche x nb!reader
warnings: just a cute fluffy fic<3333, a bit of a namecalling and cursing but then again it’s scara we’re talking abt, yearning, scara don’t knowing what to do with feelings, i say traveler so you can think of it as either sibling you want, it’s more from scara’s and 3rd pov
notes: hi hi hi! absolutely loving the fact i’m getting requests ehe~ i thought of going with the argument one but i’m afraid it might get a bit too dark bc i absolutely love angst😔 i’m sorry luv. but i hope you don’t mind this one cuz i literally started working on it right as i got it lmaoooo. also the song mentioned is “rises the moon” highly recommend
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“wait, hold, pause. you’re telling me that you keep staring at [name] is because you love them??? as in??? love love?????? as in romantically??? “holy shit i’m feeling emotions” way??? as in-“
“godDAMMIT TRAVELER YES! I LIKE THEM OKAY!” this was definitely not how scaramouche wanted his secret infatuation with you to slip out. so if you’re wondering just what in the name of all the dead or alive gods’ is happening then let’s rewind a little bit.
you were always with the traveler and their stupid little pixie. constantly supporting them, helping people, traveling around teyvat, making friends and some enemies and accidentally stealing the the heart of a certain bowl-cut head.
he first met you during his plan in mondstadt to ambush the traveler. just as he was about to strike them, your claymore was thrown in front of him, blocking his path and the astrologist managed to escape with the traveler and the chatty girl. immediately sending electro strikes to your presumed location only to find a scorched jacket instead.
the second was during the delusion factory incident. when the balladeer charged at the weakened and drugged traveler, you appeared once again, protecting your companions and clashing against the harbinger. even after the traveler passed out and the drugs was starting to make you see hallucinations, you still fought earnestly. and that was the first impressive thing about you. the second being, you, a lowly mortal being able to fight toe to toe against a hundreds of years old merciless harbinger like him. and the third was how incredibly loyal you were. while he shot electro made weapons at you, the balladeer had briefly wondered if you were his friend, would you have protected him just like how you were protecting the traveler and their pixie.
the third time, he was no longer a harbinger but a god. the everlasting lord of arcane wisdom. since he has ascended to godhood, he would have followers and he had proudly asked you if you would become one. but you were headstrong and still disgustingly loyal to yourself and to your friend, the traveler. the everlasting lord has never felt more jealous of someone since his disposal as a failure.
after the battle ended and the dust cleared, his gnosis was taken away.
how dare they! how dare those weak, disgusting pests! how could the world be so cruel! why does it keep taking away things that are rightfully his! it wasn’t fair!
as he fell from the destroyed mechanical robot, the broken puppet felt himself being caught and cradled in someone’s arms. he was too tired to even care but he hoped it was you.
the fourth time was when he met you as the wanderer. not the manipulative, blood thirsty harbinger but simply as scaramouche, the wanderer. the boy who regained his heart. at first you kept your guards up. anyone who isn’t stupid would. yet slowly your little group began to feel more and more like a group of friends just traveling around the world together. paimon, traveler alongside yourself taught scaramouche about the humane side of things, while he would help with battle tactics, training and sometimes keeping guard during the night. it was oddly… sweet.
during your travels together, the purple eyed eccentric learned more about you. you liked slow dancing under the stars sometimes, you didn’t like the hot sun of the afternoon, loves to make silly, meaningless little things such as flower crowns and wood carvings. hates how your friends or companions would injure themselves during a fight. it was all so very strange but so, endearing.
one night, the traveler couldn’t fall asleep due to nightmares plaguing their mind and you hummed a gentle song to them. something about closing their eyes, going to sleep and the moon will surely rise again. he wondered if you would sing to him if he were to cry in his sleep or grew restless due to nightmares.
the wanderer would watch as you chide the traveler and paimon for walking into danger like idiots as you clean their wounds with the gentlest touch. he thought of how you would treat him if he was injured.
scaramouche saw how the traveler and their companion would joyously yell your name and throw themselves at you shouting “catch!” as you three would reunite with a hug after doing some commissions separately.
he wanted to be the one to be hugged by you instead. he wanted to push the traveler and their loud pixie away and throw himself into your arms. how warm you would feel, how you would remind him of a warm summer night filled with laughter and story telling, how he wanted to close his eyes and drown himself in your everything. your smile, gentle humming in the night, silly little antics, weird 3am thoughts, your kiss until every sense and thought of him is just filled by you and only you. only you and no one or nothing else.
scaramouche soon understood what this longing feeling was. it was called “love”. but how can a puppet ever learn to love? aren’t puppets just a hollow being made only to follow their orders and entertain? would he be no longer a discarded puppet if he were to feel emotions? would scaramouche be seen as human if he fall in love with you?
and he concluded that he was no puppet. he was no hollow husk of a being for he had a heart. he was no being made to entertain for he had cut his strings. he was no puppet for he had emotions. he was scaramouche. and scaramouche fell in love with you.
ever since he realized his feelings and his desires, he would always stare at you. his mind filled with daydreams of how it would feel like to kiss you. his body feeling a little colder without you to gently hold him. his heart feeling twisted whenever he sees you smiling at someone that wasn’t him. his hand feeling empty because you weren’t linking yours with his.
dammit all. he was hopelessly, foolishly in love. and that is where it leads to the current situation. the traveler noticed how the wanderer would always stare at you whenever you didn’t notice and they decided to confront him of it. turns out it was the complete opposite of what they were thinking. sadly it seems like the victim in questioning shouted a bit too loud because now you were standing beside them in your sleepwear, wide awake and clearing your throat.
you woke up because these three idiots wouldn’t stop chattering in the middle of the night and your light sleeper self had woken up. just as you were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and grumbling curses under your breath you heard scaramouche’s not so secret confession. now don’t get me wrong, you had feelings for the purple eyed male but due to all four of you traveling together, you didn’t want to make things awkward. well, seems like that just got thrown out the window.
“ahem” three different reaction happened all at once. scaramouche looked like he wanted to bury himself right then and there, paimon gasped dramatically and the traveler gave scaramouche a knowing smirk. that little shit.
“traveler, paimon could you two please excuse us for a while?”
“sure. but don’t get too heated you two” oh that little pesky traveler. you’ll get them back for this. after waiting a while for them to disappear out of sight, you faced the tomato faced scaramouche. he didn’t know what to think, say or what kind of an excuse to come up with to save his life. so he tipped his head down, hoping you won’t see his red face but that hope was squashed when he felt you hand on his cheeks. tilting his head to look at you, he saw a smile on your face.
with the moon shining on you and him and the soft glow of crystalflies floating around, you looked even more ethereal. if true beauty were to be sculpted, it would be you. so incredibly flawed, humane but so incredibly otherworldly.
cupping his cheeks in both of your hands and tilting his face, you lowly whispered if it would be okay to kiss him. all he could do was nod like a meek, shy boy. and when you finally, finally kissed him after his months of longing it felt like all of the crystalflies around were now floating around in his stomach. his mind getting filled by the thoughts of only you and him in this moment and his heart racing miles a minute. when you pulled away, he chased after your lips like a depraved man. throwing his arms around your neck and pulling you back towards him, it felt like everything was right.
he is scaramouche. and he fell in love with you.
“awww, two lovers connected by fate. PAIMON WANTS TO BE INVITED TO THE WED - bonk”
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🧚🏼‍♀️ Fae-tastic Prompt Ideas to use:
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Three word prompts (use one, two, three or more):
June ☆ Pink ☆ Fairy
Spring ☆ Glitter ☆ Pixies
Royal ☆ Protector ☆ Fae
Nature ☆ Celestial ☆ Elves
Barbie ☆ Rainbow ☆ Unicorns
Nesper ☆ Perrikin ☆ Orc
Two worded prompts:
Moonlit Magic
Enchanted Gardens
Pixie mischief
Forest guardian
Fairy Dust
Multiple words prompts:
A Midnight Summer Dream
"I'm a [insert random word] fairy."
Once upon a Fairytale...
"You're my daughter, my fairy, my love..."
Hidden from human eyes.
"I want to become a Fairy!!"
Guardians of the...
"I'm a Dreamer."
Other Story Idea Prompts:
Reading a Fairytale to the children
Getting a coin from the Tooth Fairy
Wearing a Fairy/Fae/Elf costume
Hanging Fairylights together
Getting cursed by the Bad Fairy/Fae
Human discovers Fairy Land
Royal Fae/Fairy/Elf Court of all realms
Human falling in love with a fae/fairy/elf
Elves meet Fae
Royal Fae/Fairy/Elf Wedding
About your own Character:
Characters from all Choices books are welcome!! Would they rather want to be a fairy, fae or elf? Do they like Fantasy? How would they look like in their fairy/fae/elf version?
Introduce your magical Characters:
Whether they're the faes from Nightbound and The Cursed Hearts or the elves of BOLAS.
Picture Prompts:
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monstercampus · 1 year
ellie... may I please know more about Chaos or the pixies? 🥺 pleaseeeee 🥺
of course my love!! <3 sorry it got so long ehe 👉👈
The pixies live in a pixie-specific dorm (which is basically a large birdhouse that Sheela and Huxley built) since they're all very close and tend to stick together as a pack. The ones you've met already are a group of six, but there's more pixies on campus if you know where to look. They aren't necessarily students, but aren't necessarily staff either; pixies tend to hole up wherever they fancy, and since they're quite rare and one of very few monster species that aren't governed by anyone but themselves, they're allowed to come and go as they please. Plus, they're considered to be good luck by most, so even their mischief is tolerated to a high degree since it's considered just part of their nature. They're usually pretty docile but since your arrival they've gotten.....more active than usual.
See, pixies have a long history with humans, but due to the current state of the monster-human world and the scarcity of the pixies themselves, they rarely if ever get to interact with humans like their ancestors did. It's one of the reasons that faeries, a sub-species of the pixie grouping, are so rare too nowadays--faeries are almost always born from a pixie-human union, so despite their long lifespans the race of faeries is slowly dying off. So the pixie girls on campus are eager to find ways to get close to you, partly because they're absolutely fascinated with humans...and partly because they'd like to recruit you, such a nice and pretty human, to make nice and pretty faerie babies that will revive their population! <3 Pixies are creatures of ecstasy though, and they can get easily distracted, so needless to say they might need a little time to get around to that while they're busy messing around with you and figuring out what you like. But lucky for you, pixie dust is a very potent aphrodisiac for humanoids--and lucky for them, they're small and sprightly enough to get under your clothes even while you're in the middle of class, just to give you a little pep boost for the day ♡
Chaos is a household curse and very well-known in myth, but very, very few have ever had the displeasure of meeting him in person and lived to tell about it. Chaos is one of the last and oldest titans known to both gods and man, imprisoned in The Pits in the deepest, darkest area of the Underworld for thousands upon thousands of years. Aside from being an immortal god whose actions are impossible to predict, Chaos was imprisoned for eternity for the crime of murdering the old gods who once ruled over the Holy and Unholy lands. Although many believe his treason was borne out of nothing more than a destructive, rageful urge and acted upon by impulse, scholars have uncovered many old tomes and ancient texts penned by godly scribes about Chaos' life as a free god; including the snatches of records that indicate that Chaos once had a lover and home he was wholly devoted to. Although the general public tends to prefer the simpler ideology of Chaos being an unpredictably evil god punished by the forces of good, it's been well-established in record that Chaos' story is much more...elaborate than that, and it roughly follows as such.
Eons prior to common memory Chaos once walked the earth as divinity in human form, freshly separated from his sibling Creation where they once were inseparable. Feeling a sense of dread and loneliness at walking the world alone that he helped shape, Chaos wandered until he stumbled upon a treasure in the sands of a beach; a pearl nestled safely inside a rugged oyster, perfectly shaped and smooth and cool to the touch. New to such a natural wonder and unable to resist the pull of a prize that had manifested without his or Creation's influence, Chaos claimed the pearl and carried it up the mountains he had made his home to the highest peak. There, he held out the polished treasure that he had kept so safe and warm to the sun, and with the radiance of the holy lands shining down a spirit sprung from the pearl! The glow of the holy lands spun that spirit into human form out of its light, and with the pearl nestled safely in the crest of their newly-beating heart, a new divinity entered the world; Eden, the first valkyrie of the gods and the first creation made from both earth, heaven, and underworld influence.
At first sight Chaos fell to his knees and wept, his loneliness forgotten, and he grew deeply infatuated upon the first touch of their hands as Eden helped him to his feet. The two were soon lovers and built a home for themselves, happy and content with their simple lives, until the old gods called Eden back to attend to their duties as a valkyrie. They were forced to fight the battles of the old gods and would return to their husband Chaos broken and exhausted, but never able to refuse the will of their deities who had given them life and love, and never without a smile on their face for him and him alone. Eventually the old gods demanded Eden's permanent return to the heavens and were stoutly refused, thus in petty retaliation they subdued Chaos and murdered his beloved spouse as punishment, stripping their immortality from them and casting their body into The Pits to suffer for the couple's shared act of defiance. And in a grievous rage, Chaos broke his shackles and rampaged through both the Holy Lands and the Underworld, slaughtering the old gods and each and every divinity that served them until he grew tired and slow from his injuries. In that moment of weakness the remaining deities cast him into The Pits to be sealed away forever and never return to the surface, destined to be bound by chains and tortured for all eternity as penance in a contract bound forevermore.
But as he wandered there, small and alone once again, he discovered a treasure--the pearl that once served as the heart of his beloved Eden, still warm but cracked and chipped from wear as it lay within their broken body. As the gates to The Pits closed for eternity, Chaos tearfully wrenched it from their breast, held his pearl aloft and begged one last time for mercy, not for him who would accept his suffering but for his paradise not yet lost. And just as his fate was sealed, the pearl was plucked from his hands and spirited far, far away from the Underworld; dropped into the vast ocean of the earth and sunk to the very bottom like a stone, Eden's restless spirit tugging at their shape to search vainly for their fallen husband. With time they settled in exhaustion, and for millennia they were left in the deep, dark coldness of the sea, the water and grit and current polishing them down, down, down until they became nothing but a handful of stardust glittering amongst the waves. And when time came, Creation returned to their side after rescuing them from death and scooped up what remained of Eden in their hands, lifted their palms to their lips, and blew that glittering stardust gently into a cloud that swirled and bound itself into a soul borne anew. With all but the smallest drop of immortal ichor remaining in their veins, Eden the valkyrie was rebirthed and given new life, all but that one drop and the same form they took remaining.
Some say that it was Creation's gift to their fallen brother who still endured endless torture in The Pits, growing larger century after century as his titan blood boils in rage and agony, his chains growing with him yet The Pits themselves eventually growing small in comparison to his enormity. Although close followers of Creation insist that their craft takes form regardless of any personal desire, as Creation itself is a god void of nearly all emotion. Either way, Eden supposedly walks the world in present day, void of memories of their past life and of their dear husband, of the life they once dreamed of and lived together in harmony. Some rumour that Chaos' eyes that were stolen long ago during his enchainment was to eliminate the possibility of him recognizing his newly-reincarnated spouse, for if he ever knew for certain that they live there would be no force that would keep him locked away a moment longer. But were they to be recovered and returned, if Eden themselves were to find their way back to the husband they never knew they lost, the world would undoubtedly witness the return of the most feared, most villainized god from myth and fairy tale alike, and would see firsthand the unbridled ecstasy and arrogance of Chaos claiming for good what he was willing to blight all existence for.
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vexillumvixen · 4 months
I’ve got an idea for a hellaverse mythology AU
Hazbin characters
Angel Dust- Jorogumo(Cursed)
Alastor-Centaur(Deer form)(Cursed)
Niffty-Oni(one horned)
Sir Pentious-Naga
Cherri Bomb-Drop Bear
Lucifer-Winged Naga(Cursed-formerly a fairy)
Zeezi- Dragon
Carmilla Carmine-Harpy
Odette and Clara-Humans
Valentino-Incubus(non hellaverse variant)
Razzle and Dazzle-Dragons
Sara-Fairy Queen
Emily-Fairy Princess
Lute-Fairy Warrior
Helluva Boss characters
Octavia-Human(Sorceress in training)
Sallie May-Troll
Wally Wackford-Troll
Striker-Troll/Lamia(hybrid-Tail of a serpent)
Verosika Mayday-Huldra
Barbie Wire-Troll
Chaz-Merman(Shark Variant)
Andrealphus-Human(Ice Sorcerer)
Glitz and Glam-Water Nymphs
Asmodeus-Griffin(Rooster Variant)
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
1. I’m honestly impressed about how you two made a whole ass fan fiction which I heavily enjoy with just a simple question
2. I’m hoping onto that Peter Pan idea train
3. This random idea which has less Angst. Basically one day at NRC, all the main cast suddenly get transported into to a story book where they get each character is transported into a different story that best matches there personalities(or in author sense what there character was inspired by), so when the Diasomnia group get transported to the story of sleeping beauty, the can’t find Sebek anywhere. Meanwhile, Sebek is wondering where the hell everyone is and why he’s on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere, where’s there’s apparently pirate ships. (I also imagine sense Sebek is half crocodile fea he has a crocodile tail which can disappear and reappear)
1. We're just that cool
2. I think i need to make a tag for that now...
They probably messed around with this cursed storybook that Crowley keeps in his office and now they suffer the consequences.
The thing is though that they have to complete each story by their order in the book to actually progress. So, we start with Alice in Wonderland where Heartslabyul is stuck in. The further down the story is in the book (First story = Alice in Wonderland, last story = Sleeping Beauty), the longer the dorm has been inside.
For example, Heartslabyul have only been stuck for a day. Savanaclaw for a week. Octavinelle for a month, etc.
The basics of how this works is that while the first story is being played out, the others haven't even started yet. They're basically on pause. It's like Heartslabyul is trying to finish the story in a day while Savanaclaw is stuck inside the story 1 week before the events actually happen.
When Heartslabyul finish their story, they get transported to the Lion King and meet with Savanaclaw. They finish the story, then meet with Octavinelle in Little Mermaid, so on and so forth.
They eventually reach the Sleeping Beauty, only to be met with a frantic Diasomnia who have been stuck in the story for 5 months (They don't age or something by the way...when they return to the real world they've only been gone for a minute).
Turns out they have NOT seen Sebek at all, and Silver is in a FRENZY. Malleus is starting to embrace his villain role a bit too well in the story, and Lilia has practically reverted back to his old war veteran days.
The cast finally snap them out of it when they're able to finish the story, and Riddle suggests that maybe Sebek wasn't affected by the storybook for some reason? Or they'll be able to find him once they reach the true end of the book.
So, the true characters of thr story finally manifest so Diasomnia can just watch things play out with the rest of the cast as well.
They watch Aurora get married, some get a bit teary-eyed while Leona and Malleus argue over the color of her dress, then all they have to do now is wait for the end of the story-
Everyone gets transported to a room. The Darlings' room. Everyone freaks out because WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO HOME???
Diasomnia are inconsolable because they think that Sebek was left behind in the Sleeping Beauty story and will be stuck there forever and are continuously trying to find ways to go back-
"Uh, you guys aren't Wendy." Everyone turns towards the window. Peter Pan, in all his glory, was sitting by the windowsill with his arms crossed. He thinks that they broke in and is prepared to beat their asses until Jack and Trey explain their situation.
Peter hears about this Sebek guy and goes "Oh! You mean ole' croc? I know where he is!" Diasomnia pause and then immediately start screaming at him to bring them to him.
A few pixie dust later (courtesy of a disgruntled Tinkerbell), they're flying over Neverland. Peter is about to introduce them to the lost boys only for the sound of a cannon to interrupt him.
Pirates are invading the island once more, and the cast are quick to defend themselves. They can't seem to get a single hit on Captain Hook though, mostly because of fairy tale laws or whatever.
They're in a bit of a disadvantage, and even Peter is getting restless-
Captain Hook goes pale, as well as the rest of his crew. NRC look confused only for a familiar voice to ring throughout the fight: "ARE YOU BACK FOR ANOTHER ROUND, CAPTAIN?" It's Sebek!
Except he looks...different. Not different in the way that Rook now has black hair for whatever reason, nor different by the fact that Lilia's hair is long again.
This Sebek looks older. Not too old, but there are key differences. His usual round ears are now a bit pointed, his hair past his shoulders. He's wearing something wildly different- there's no trace of his uniform.
Instead, an old, raggy pirate's cloak hangs off his shoulders that just serves to make him look more intimidating. And uh the rest of his clothes are the ones that Will Stetson is wearing in his cover of Shinunoga E-wa with black pants LOOK MAN im writing this in my notes app offline.
His magestone is no longer placed in a pen, rather it hangs off his ear as an earring.
The biggest change however is the scales and tail...as well as the ticking face of a clock that replaces his right eye.
Hook's crew are quick to retreat, not before Sebek can suddenly jump into their ship though. The cast watch Sebek raise Hook up by the scruff of his neck, and with a flick of his wrist, his claws retract.
"P-please!" Hook pleads. "Have mercy!" Sebek smiles. "I'm true to my word, Captain." And promptly slices his hand off.
He jumps off the ship with Hook's hand, Peter quick to catch him as they ignore Hook's frantic screams. Blood trickles down his claws, and once they reach solid ground, Peter puts Sebek down.
Sebek throws the hand into the sand, and with a single kick, sends it flying into the ocean. Right on time, a crocodile jumps from the water and catches it into its mouth, before retreating back into the water.
"That was so cool!" Peter exclaims from behind him with childlike wonder. Sebek doesn't react, only sighing, "HUMAN, JUST BECAUSE IVE BEEN HERE FOR A YEAR DOESNT MEAN ILL BE HERE FOREVER. SOONER OR LATER, YOU WILL NEED TO FACE THE CAPTAIN BY YOURSE-"
He turns around to continue to berate Peter, only to pause when he sees the mildly injured forms of the NRC cast.
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nullsleepy · 2 months
The Strike of A Villainess
Chapter 1 Chapter 8 Ao3
Opening the door, Marinette was met with a chill in the air. The hallway was darker than before, dimly lit. Taking a deep breath, Marinette entered the hallway, eyes scanning around her as she made her way down.
A shiver went down her spine as a wisp of air caressed her cheek. Even as she began to hesitate, Marinette couldn’t find it in herself to stop her feet. Eventually, her legs led her to a single door.
Suddenly, Marinette fell back when her hand reached towards the door knob, being pushed back by an invisible force. She stared in front of her with wide eyes as something pink entered her vision.
“PLAYER 001, REGISTERED USER PIXIE DUST, INITIATE TUTORIAL BATTLE 008?” A pink screen in front of her read as Marinette gasped.
“What the fuck?” Marinette rubbed her eyes, but the screen did not disappear. Another shiver ran up her spine. Was something watching her? What was this screen? What did it mean?
“Okay, Marinette, don’t panic. You’ve been through way too much for something like this to freak you out.” Marinette looked down at her hands before calming her breathing. She closed her eyes before looking up determinedly.
“YES. NO.” Two buttons appeared in front of her, as if she was playing a VR game. Biting her lip, she thrusted her hands forward onto the “YES” button.
Marinette’s eyes began to close as drowsiness overtook her senses, but her eyes immediately noticed the purple steam leaking out from underneath the door. She let out a small curse as her eyes fell shut.
A low groan escaped Marinette’s lips as she slowly opened her eyes, a hand reaching up to massage her head. Carefully, she sat up, staring forward with heavy eyes. Noticing an endless green around her, she turned towards her side, noticing large flowers and bushes.
“What the-?” Marinette mumbled as she slowly stood up, legs a bit shaky. Her hand rested against her chest, where a small symbol of a star rested, warm to the touch.
“Marinette!” She heard a small voice call for her, causing her to turn around. She quickly rushed forward as she noticed Paris, who was stuck in a thorny vine.
“Stop moving.” Marinette told the kwami as she carefully avoided the thorns, tugging at the vines. It took a moment, but she was able to eventually remove the vine from around the kwami. “Are you okay?”
The kwami nodded as it hugged her hand, before flying up and landing on her head.
“How’d you even get stuck there?” Marinette leaned forward as she stared at the vine.
“It grabbed me!” The kwami responded. “I touched one of the flowers and it surrounded me from out of nowhere.”
“…it grabbed you? When you touched a flower?”
“Yes!” The kwami said exasperated.
Marinette paused, eyes narrowing as she turned all around her, eyes going from flower to flower.
“I think.. No, I have an idea. Just hold on tight, okay?”
Marinette sprinted forward, thrusting her hand onto each of the flowers, where vines would follow her until it got tangled into another vine that would try to grab her. Eventually, Marinette had touched each flower and a small gap had appeared from where each of the vines had emerged.
“And that’s our exit.” Marinette grinned as the kwami on top of her shook, holding its mouth as it gagged from all of the quick movement.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked the kwami as she felt it shake on top of her.
“Just fine.” Paris mumbled, laying on her head.
“Okay, just stay on me, okay?” Marinette squatted down, throwing herself forward and through the small hole. As she landed, she quickly stood up, taking a fighting stance. She looked around her, noticing a marble statue of a mermaid. Her gaze landed on the mermaid’s sparkling eyes, memorizing her.
“Marinette?” The girl slowly stepped forward, hands reaching up towards the eyes.
“Stop!” Paris flew in front of her, blocking her hand from touching the statue. Marinette blinked, grabbing her head as she let out another groan.
“What was that?” Marinette held her head, massaging it.
“I.. don’t know.” Paris flew back onto her head. “Maybe it was-”
“Miss?” Marinette turned around, noticing the greened eyed, smiling maid. She took a step back, eyes narrowed. “When did you leave your room?”
“Eloise… I… um…” Marinette bent down, biting her lips before throwing dirt into her eyes. “Paris, we need to transform!”
“Ugh!” The maid wiped at her eyes angrily.
“I don’t know how to,” Paris cried out, “I don’t know my words!”
“Then I’ll make one! Paris, shadows out!” The maid thrust her hand towards Marinette, but suddenly, darkness covered her, making the maid fall backwards.
Marinette felt a familiar feeling cover as she stretched out her limbs, smiling.
Her eyes slowly opened as the darkness was consumed by her outfit. Suddenly, she was dressed in a black lolita outfit, with a dark umbrella covering her. She wore a red masquerade mask that covered her eyes and had on red lipstick.
“You!” Eloise stared up at the girl, snarling.
“Me.” Marinette grinned, dark bat wings shooting out of her outfit, causing her to float a few inches off the ground.
Eloise shot her hand forward, purple mist spewing out of it and towards Marinette. Marinette took her open umbrella and twirled it around, the mist blowing past her.
“What? Can’t touch me?” Marinette giggled before flying forward and landing right in front of the woman. “Hmmmm… doppelganger?”
“How did you-!” Eloise’s eyes went wide.
“You aren’t as good of an actor as you thought.”
Eloise let out a loud, high pitched growl before her skin began to melt, a dark sludge emerging from inside. Sludge flew forward from the body, spewing everywhere. Suddenly, the sky went dark and the bushes and flowers began to wilt. Fire suddenly spread over the grass, causing Marinette the shriek as she flew upwards.
“What in the actual hell?” Marinette gripped her umbrella, holding it in front of her to keep the slide from landing on her. As she shook, a small warmth began to fill her chest, reminding her of the book.
“Purify. I have to purify it.” Marinette took a deep breath as she started to have to fly around to avoid fire along with the sludge. “But how?”
“The eyes.” Marinette turned around, hearing a voice. She gripped her umbrella tighter, before her eyes went wide. She flew over to the mermaid statue and grabbed its eyes, seeing its green twinge.
“No!” The sludge screamed, rushing at her. Marinette flew up high, avoiding it as she gripped the green crystals.
“Bite it.” Marinette took another deep breath before biting down on the crystal eyes, fangs emerging from her mouth and words starting to spew out.
“Estelle.” Marinette mumbled, the green leaving the crystals as her fangs bit through them. Her eyes suddenly went red as she turned her umbrella to the shrinking sludge. “Lights out.”
A bunch of bats appeared from nowhere, surrounding the sludge until it disappeared, before flying all around. The sky turned back into blue and the garden began to shrink into a small maze.
Marinette flew down to the ground, closing her umbrella as one of the bats flew towards her, dropping off a red gem. Marinette gripped the gem before falling to her knees.
“Shadows in.” Marinette mumbled before her head hit the ground, heavily breathing as the bats disappeared and Paris hit the ground beside her.
“DUNGEON - CLEARED.” Marinette looked up as the screen emerged. “REWARDS - BEGINNER DARKNESS GEM.”
Marinette groaned as the screen flickered off and the purple mist from before surrounded her again. She let out a sigh as she closed her eyes and the darkness surrounded her again.
Taglist(open): @fangirlingfanatic @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @iinhalemayonnaise @kking13 @xxcalypso-phoenixheartxx @khneltea
Notes: finished this last minutes again, oof. Also my health isn’t doing good and I’m going be pretty busy. Might be the last updated in a while, who knows.
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