#into some anime villain or smth. what to hell
capricioussun · 4 months
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2am post jumpscare
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mikeellee · 3 months
Hi mikellee👋
I was wondering you know how you talk about shigaraki finding out that Izuku is quirkless. When does that actually happen in the manga or anime?
Hi @bibibbon
I really wish I could give you the receipts here, but find any proof of that era aka season3 about Izu's past or someone giving a fuck is hard.
Anyone let's try.
It was before the kidnapping BK arc and a maybe after the mall date.
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If you want to do a meta and isn't sure if this piece of info is genuine, you can quote me if I'm wrong I take it.
But if memory serve me right...it was Girian who gave a file to Shig...if not Girian then it was "the spy"
I even tried on Pinterest and google but no luck. I can hit up some meta blogs to see if they know but I'm 90% this scene is canon...and is completely underwhelming
Wanna know why? Bc shig does absolutely nothing with this!
But what intrigues me is not the waste potential or shig being lazy again...it's how a man who said "I will destroy all" learns Izu was quirkless and does nothing or say anything mean about it.
Shiga is a villain...he should have said smth BK said to Izu daily "quirkless good is quirkless dead"
But nope.
To be clear, I'm not an insane shipper. Shiga saying "oh ok" doesn't mean he is in love with Izu. But it's jaw dropping he is the only one who reacted ok, all things considered, hell he doesnt even taunt Izu or call him deku.
But again he does nothing
Not even dig the file about Izu shig did on his own.
So I will ask around but I do think that scene existed...but is totally useless since he kidnapped BK bc yes.
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butterflymarks · 3 months
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stats / plots / muse
heyyy i'm gonna be real, this intro got chunky. BUT! that's bc i badly want to start writing and i had a lot of Ideas. i'm duha (xe/xem/xir), presenting my goth rat kiyeon with the ability fearsight. 🎈 under the cut, i hopefully explain what the hell his deal is. like this post if you'd like me to reach out for plots (d*sc*rd preferred im scared of getting sb'ed again)! i listed ideas at the end, but i'm also down to just start writing and go with chemistry if preferred. i AM crazed enough to write u a random starter if that's the vibe. ps. my other muse eunjae (aka the Cooler moon twin) is @999kintsugi, but she's on a sideblog, so i won't be able to follow back there unfortunately.
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kiyeon, '98
it/its/he/him/his. you'll see me use them interchangeably but feel free to use Any pronouns for him on ur end yipeee
fearsight is the ability to induce potent feelings of fear, hysteria, panic, etc through psychological visions of the target's deepest fears. wherever applicable, their minds may project that fear onto kiyeon and they'll see him as a personification of their fears.
butterfly marks (minor passive "ability"): his skin is naturally covered in moving whorls of black, ink-like markings. they shift and gather into various shapes and patterns influenced by his moods or when he's using his ability, tending towards symmetric or radial patterns, sometimes resembling the patterns of a butterfly's wings.
???: he can't see his own reflection anymore. if he does try to look at himself, there's just Something else looking back. he's afraid of it.
his therapist says it's an extension of his main ability that has been stunted. in greater evolutions of fearsight, the metahuman could actually take the physical form of someone's fear.
isn't that something great to look forward to, The Therapist says, you'll grow into something More, but kiyeon just wants to know when he's going to grow into a skin that's bearable to live in at all ?
his fearsight is persistent & triggered by visible eye contact. it can work on other ppl through clear reflections, so he hasn't made meaningful contact with anyone in years tbh.
quiet, nervous, jumpy. probably looks scary bc of his markings but you might have heard him crying in the garden last night.
the journey so far:
lived with his older sister for a while, until he decided to leave about 2 years ago bc he felt guilty about burdening her.
uhhh fell into the serpents' circle shortly after, aka a petty villain group. was inadvertently "taken in" by them (see: he was too scared to leave), and now he's their part time publicity stunt kidnapping victim and part time videographer when they need "organic social media footage" of the crimes they're committing. they're trying to make it to the big leagues.
kiyeon is just there because one of them is apparently making him "a cure" for his eyes. it's been years since that promise now, but. you know. (see again: he is too scared to leave)
finally sought actual help and got into silver line 8 months ago. the research team thinks his markings are fascinating, they keep monitoring him and telling him to contact them if he ever feels "physical turmoil." like girl what??
(they're waiting for his power to evolve to allow him to actually physically transform)
(cw: themes of body dysmorphia) has a lot of feelings about his body and feeling distinctly grotesque and horrific. when you spent ur whole life getting ignored or being looked at in literal horror, how is ur sense of self & image supposed to survive unscathed. :|
anyway he's on a tenuous streak of stability atm. he even got a job at the animal shelter!! he's been substituting company with the animals for human connection because animals aren't affected by his eyes at least.
really a bit pathetic i won't lie. fucked up street cat rizz, if u will.
some connection / thread ideas:
here are some more Formal connections i'm looking for, let's figure smth out
a roommate...!!
he pokes around the places you're not supposed to. someone try to get into the 13th floor with him and then deal with the consequences.
i plan for his fearsight to evolve over time and become something more of a nightmare form, his true potential....wherein his body really does start to take on little characteristics of people's fears, humanoid or not. i think he has a long way to go to full transformations, but any muses who would like to encounter him on that path are welcome to hehe. just please know he'll probably have a breakdown on them afterwards. maybe your muse would be in the middle of one too (because kiyeon scared the daylights out of them yk) but that's a-ok! i love writing encounters where everything's a mess, so let's make them cry together 💢
someone he accidentally beamed with his fearsight before. now they're terrified of him, and he accidentally inherited some of their fears/phobias
he goes to group therapy sessions bc his therapist thinks it's good for him to have Human Contact, but mostly he's just quiet and never looks at anyone. maybe your muse is there too and they just start getting through their shit side by side ?
someone go to the movies with him. he loooves scary movies, he loves watching characters getting tormented by horrors and being like omg me too!!
eden is full of crazy powers so let's throw them in something crazy together !!? i crave high stakes threads
does anyone else feel less-than-human. does anyone else go out on walks in the middle of the night bc they feel like it's the only time they're "allowed" to be out (aka they can't endanger anyone). does anyone else want to be a little less alone on those walks.
fellow serpents 🐍 all kinds of dynamics. i'm thinking the serpents just basically try to cause unrest and chaos; maybe one time, your muse is supposed to be part of the incitement and kiyeon's supposed to get it all on camera .... except it goes wayward, and the others ditch them to throw them under the bus, so now they have to get away from the aeternals :\
anyone who's in that other villain group using the laundromat as a cover. maybe they're rivals with the serpents hehe ? or they cross paths in the villain business ?
be his first resident complaint
thank u for reading this far :people_hugging:
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grcetxt · 1 year
GOS2 opening title analysis
spoilers ig?? idk
so, again, this is gonna be long, rambling, and will prolly make 0 sense so stick with me here I'm feeling a lot of feelings. im gonna go thru each thing in as much depth as possible so buckle up, this is gonna be like twice the size of my poster + hillywood dissection.
OK THE WAY CROWLEY LITERALLY CRAWLED UP FROM HELL TO MEET W AZ IS LIKE :((( and like on their way out from the tunnel thing I saw like a figure with wings?? I reckon it might be Micheal (the angel not the sheen) but I'm not 100% sure. whoever it is, they're holding a box or smth?? so do with that what you will idk
Im pretty convinced we might be getting Moses stuff, cuz the shining light at the top of the hill? seems like mt siani (sianai? idk) and the fact we haven't seen that type of light before and Moses is supposesdly the only person to have a direct face-to-face interaction with god makes me think we'll be getting stuff from that era (catholic upbringing coming in handy for knowing this stuff) ALTHOUGH, there are lots of animals, and they seem to be like in pairs as well?? so maybe more Noah and the arc? which like MAYBE ALL THE FANFICS ABT THEM COMFORATING EACH OTHER ON THE ARC WILL COME TRUE??? YIPEE!!
ok everything bursting into flames is a lil random but after a while of thinking, maybe sodom and gamora? (idk how to spell that either) which like, MORE SANDALPHON?? Don't get me wrong, hate the guy, he's awful and creepy, but he's SUCH a good villain. the actor doesn't get enough props online for how well he plays him. sandalphon had like 3, maybe 4 mins of screen time in s1? and from that, he's become one of the most HATED characters in the entire fandom. That is just like, wow, well done, I hate the character you play, but that's because your acting is amazing. ANYWAYS, sodom and gamora. aziraphales gonna be having some *feelings* about that, because why would heaven hurt all those people? even if they were sinners? similar to noahs arc situation with Crowley giving the most comfort this time <3
WOOOO GOTHIC SHIT!! the pickled herring cart makes a return and it is as confusing as ever. they're in a graveyard, so that's fun times. maybe more hell? cuz that's where they met up when the antichrist got delivered. anyways, does anyone know the period this is meant to be in? it's gone out of my head. anyways, I tried looking up pickled herring carts to see if they had any significance thru history but na. like they were there, and popular, but no, no huge significance. ALSO, in the graveyard, they go past a gravestone with 'every day' written on it??? girl wtf does that mean?? the running theories I have so far are that it's either like, the death of the everyday, meaning that what they used to do (hate each other??) isnt.. happening anymore?? idk?? or that it's just Neil being edgy and emo. my bets on the latter (love u mr. gaiman <3) ALSO ALSO OH MY FUCKING GOD?? Another one of the gravestones says JANE AUSTEN ON IT!! ARE WE GETTING JANE AUSTEN CONTENT??? OMFG??? YIPPEE!! maybe we'll get to see where az gets some of his first editions from :D aslo rq, religious imagery in the background, an angel carrying a cross, more heaven looming over Az?? ALSO HOLY SHIT?? I just accidentally paused it at onde of the graves and i swear it says 'here lies *insert another couple words here* BEELZEBUB?? HUHHH?? is that gonna be the explination for beelzebubs new corparation?? but that wouldnt make any sense?? idk atp but that gravestone DEFFIENTLY SAYS BEELZEBUB
(if you think this is long pls know we're 22 seconds into a 1:44 video, i want lying when I said this was gonna be BEEFY)
SO. HELL. WOOO!! more hell content which could go one of three ways. either we get more goofy Crowley giving more presentations, CAN I GET A WAHOO?? or we get him being given more assignments and we get more of an idea of the whole structure of hell, uncomfortableness but nothing horrendous. OR ALL THE ANGST FICS COME TRUE AND WE SEE CROLWEY GETTING BEAT INTO A PULP BY HIS SUPERIORS!!! maybe all three! can't wait to see :D but as much as my angst-craving self would love to see the last one, I think the reality is it's gonna be the first two. it looks like there's a desk and office chairs, so we'll probably be getting scenes that are like the equivalent to what we see of aziraphale and the archangels in s1
so we already knew we were getting more ww2 scenes but.. MORE WW2 SCENES WAHOO!! maybe we're getting post-church scenes? tender love confessions in the back of the Bentley? or maybe angst? maybe edosian orchids 901s (I LOVE THEM SM) fic about Crowley having a breakdown after being forced to report on the horrors of war will come true? or maybe one of them has to conscript cuz... idk dude just cuz. The bomber plane makes me think of the blitz so maybe Crowley is comforting Azi while they hide from the bombs in the shop? whatever happens, ill love it :D
a quick google told me fuck all about the ladies of camelot, just that theyre often overshadowed by the guys. WHICH LIKE WTF?? anyways, apparently its like king arthur times, so maybe we see the arrangement being born?? YIPEE. other then that, they seem to be like a dance group? so like, idk? could be suppourting acts maybe? could the merlin fandom help with this maybe? whats goin on with the ladies of Camelot my dudes.
MAGIC AZIRAPHLE MAGIC AZIRPAHLE MAIGIC AHVDSAKJ YAY!! I love the idea of aziraphale pulling a snake from his hat as part of the act and Crowley pretending to be pissed but internally freaking the fuck out because 'HOLY SHIT HES HOLDING ME HES HOLDING ME HES SO SOFT WHAT THE FUCK'
I HAVE. SO MANY. THOUGHTS. ON. SPACE. SO, SO HEAR ME OUT RIGHT, SO, the only time space has been mentioned really is when Crowley was talking abt how he made certain planets and the Alpha Centauri stuff. SO MAYBE WE'LL BE GETTING SOME PRE-FALL CROWLEY?? cuz like, the only thing close to space is heaven, but that's meant to be transcendent, and by definition exists outside of space and time. SO THEREFORE, PRE-FALL CROWLEY?? PLEASE?? NEIL IM BEGGING, IM ON MY KNEES, PLEASE!!
the... the hearts.. the love hearts.. the.. the hearts falling from the sky when they.. when the.. when... DNCBKHFVYEWIQUKLDWHJNX I'm feeling such normal feelings rn haha. anyways they're in love and :D the way they're sat on the roof together as well? like aw :( the jukebox and the vinyls (are those vinyls?) make me think more 60's content? and the Bentley as well? friendly reminder that Crowley goes too fast for him!! maybe we'll see him drinking himself into oblivion after he gets brutally rejected by Az :D oo or maybe him contemplating offing himself with the holy water! or maybe more lighthearted stuff, like the discovery of the queen curse :)
(also OO ninas shop!)
the lifts make me think more heaven content, which we knew was happening anyway but I'm thinking more Az giving reports and getting verbally abused and humiliated :D also, the steam makes me think industrial revolution for some reason? idk tho
THE ARRIVAL. is that the title for ep 1? Probably. but on the posters there's like a locked box? (getting fnaf 4 flashbacks) i've no clue what that means, like at all. but its prolly smth!
and thats it! this will probably be updated and edited, but these are all my thoughts as of the day it was released.
if you read this, there must be smth wrong with you mentally, but me too, me too. give me any thoughts you might have, ill be really interested to hear them! (these guys have consumed my brain)
friendly reminder that it'll be quiet, gentle, and romantic. and they like holding hands!
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genderstarbucks · 8 months
A list of things Viv has done in short summary (i think i have some things reblogged but i don't have anything tagged here, sorry).
Racism, SA, zoophilia tws
Most common topics right now
Alastor having voodoo despite that being a closed practice, Valenno and Velvette being seemingly bipoc characters but two of them are villains. Despite Alastor and Velvette being black supposedly, they are ashy and light. I won't comment too much on these because i am white, just saying what i have seen.
Angel dust / Episode four containing graphic SA. I'm gonna be personal here as a survivor, i think a lot of non survivors don't get a say about it. Its fine if other survivors hate it but i really think non SA survivors need to stay silent. But also i do think its weird that Viv hired someone into noncon to draw it. Otherwise it IS NOT romanticized.
Some other shit I'm not quite clear on but i think she MAY have apologized for: Supported some youtubers who did black face, drew some zoophilia with snakes (the context was the character can transform into a snake so ?), and also important she does not pay her workers well.
Alastor having voodoo despite that being a closed practice, Valenno and Velvette being seemingly bipoc characters but two of them are villains. Despite Alastor and Velvette being black supposedly, they are ashy and light. I won't comment too much on these because i am white, just saying what i have seen.
Angel dust / Episode four containing graphic SA. I'm gonna be personal here as a survivor, i think a lot of non survivors don't get a say about it. Its fine if other survivors hate it but i really think non SA survivors need to stay silent. But also i do think its weird that Viv hired someone into noncon to draw it. Otherwise it IS NOT romanticized.
Some other shit I'm not quite clear on but i think she MAY have apologized for: Supported some youtubers who did black face, drew some zoophilia with snakes (the context was the character can transform into a snake so ?), and also important she does not pay her workers well.
Also she hates women(?) And glorifies men. I'm gonna be honest i don't know where this one comes from other than just shitty writing.
Is at most, not willing to take genuine critism
I do not support viv at all but i will say i do think some things are bs or have been apologized/brought up from years ago. I also think the person who drew the SA scene is a survivor? Or Viv is? I'm not clear on that so.
Also I'm speaking as a hazbin/helluva crit fan who 🏴‍☠️ it.
( wcostream.org has it if anyone wants to watch, just find a trigger warning list first ).
hope this helps somewhat!! /lh
Thank you for telling me!
If viv or the animators are SA survivors, then personally as an SA survivor I see nothing wrong with showing what SA is like, but to be fair I haven't seen EP 4 yet so idk if its like, misrepresented or smth
But if there wasn't someone who experienced SA working on that scene then 🤨🤨
Even if that one character was a shape shifter, drawing a literal snake having sex with a person is fucking weird
And if she's not paying her workers well ESPECIALLY for shows like these? What the hell
Hopefully she isn't actually misogynistic and is just bad at writing shit like that
Honestly I didn't even know voodoo is a closed practice, and yeah the fact that the bipoc characters are villians is,,,
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tired-sapphic · 1 year
my top 10 jujutsu kaisen characters as of now:
[PART 2/2]
[part 1 here]
(manga spoilers ahead)
5. yuta oGOATsu
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at some point he was actually my no.1 but that was when the jjk 0 brain rot(i was obsessed w that volume) was real. he is just THAT dude, idk what to tell you. his growth from a scared little dude to a powerful little dude with an actual will to live was nice to see. i love his relationship with maki, i can't say I ship them but if they end up together then i'd be pretty happy(..so maybe i do ship them? idk). also love his dynamic w gojo. idk i just love him, he's cool. if the current anime season ends on him saying he's there to kill yuji, that'd be fucking hilarious, i live for drama.
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4. maki
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MY GOAT. she had a tough upbringing in that fucked up misogynistic household and said "fuck yall, i'll kill u all" n she did. goal-oriented. joking aside, i love her dynamic w her sister mai (great character). i wish she had a better relationship w her bcs they used to be so cute growing up but nevertheless, despite their anger and frustration, their love for each other never dwindled n u know what? that's how sisters are. that particular chapter w mai has to be one of my favorites. the parallel w toji is smth that i also really like. her story is sad as hell and i just want her to be happy in the future.
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3. mahito
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mahito being top 3 is a choice but that's just how it is when u have good taste. one of the most entertaining and ,imo, hilarious characters. i've always thought his powers were cool simply because of how creative and adaptable they are. he's childish and extremely dangerous and to me that's a good combo. just a really good villain. my headcanon is that if u play uno with him he'll secretly start eating some of his cards so he'll win.
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2. megumi
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i loved him back when he was constantly getting his ass beat and love him now. seeing his domain expansion for the 1st time had me so hyped i literally got up from my seat when i was watching it lmao. great seeing him learn how to utilize his shadows. also love his relationship w gojo so the current fight in the manga is stressing me out (i'll be mad as hell if he never finds out who his dad is). his friendship w yuji is so pure, i want them to reunite again so bad
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1. sukuna
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my favourite character. he has this kind of confidence one can only have when they'reTHIS powerful. i like that there's no sad backstory trying to humanize him in any way, like no that guy is just straight up evil lmao. his dynamic with uraume has always been so interesting to me and i love watching them interact. he's scary and has no hesitations when it comes to offing people but he's not illogical. it's clear that he values strength (and "true" jujutsu) a lot but at the same time has shown respect towards the curse jogo who is obviously less powerful than him (can't wait to see that fight animated). his relationship with kenjaku is kind of interesting. idk why but i never thought they would be cool like that lmao. his DE, malevolent shrine, is the coolest DE imo. he's just so fascinating to me and it's very entertaining seeing just how strong his presence is. one of my favourite earlier scenes is him taking over yuji in ep.4 or 5 and the special grade just fucking shaking from fear before he even did anything lmao. also interesting how he didn't seem to have intentions of killing that curse, not until the curse tried to fight. he dislikes when people don't "know their place" which is evident when mahito went into his domain twice (he was also cool w the idea of him and mahito laughing at itadori so it's not like he kills curses for no reason, i feel like as long a curse doesn't try to do too much and shows him respect, he'll probably won't kill them..? lmao) idk i just want to crawl into his head and explore his mind. ah and he's also a foodie 😁
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violentviolette · 2 years
even MORE FANDOM related questions because I cannot get enough (really loved how you put the whole "hero vs villain" structure of bnha and also the todoroki family dynamic into words, really well said genuinely). what are your thoughts on dabi's and hawks' dynamic? I'll admit, I'm not too knowledgeable on hawks' character beyond him growing up in a hero institute(?) and endeavor being his favourite hero since he was a kid (crazy connection there). would you say that you have a relationship akin to their dynamic (whether fanon and/or canon) irl? going outside of the bnha universe, what other characters would you say hit home for you as closely as dabi does (they can be anime or not) and other pairings you would say align with some irl relationships? I'm assuming chuuya is a top anime character for you, and if so, would love to hear your thoughts on his silly lil' self. IF you were in the bnha or bsd universe, what do you believe your quirk/ability would be, or what would you LIKE your quirk/ability to be? (you can tweak pre-existing ones to form something new or claim/combine pre-existing ones if you'd prefer). not too sure how much you know about pokémon, but if you were in the universe, which town/region would you like to grow up in? and if you were a gym leader, what type would you be and what would be the main quirks and colours of your gym outfit be? (if you want to go as far as listing the main pokémon you'd have as well, I'm all ears) Hell, you can be a gym leader of five types altogether for all I care. or create your own type (like a 'trans' type) and list pokémon you believe are trans as your main. non-related fandom question but you've reblogged posts about writing previously and I was wondering if you had somewhere you posted things (fics or smth) unless it's purely a journalling side-hobby or similar. anyways, hope all the noise in life has dialled down and that your father dies of his illness soon !
OUGHH anon listen. listen. i fucking love hawks with every fiber of my being that little bird boy has me by the *throat* i am SOOO NORMAL about him under a read more to save all ur dashboards
i genuinely love hawks so much i think he's an amazing character and he's so deeply intertwined with the todoroki's i very much consider him one. him and dabi both having father issues over the same man is genuinely so fucking funny to me. like imagine u meet a guy there's definitly something wrong with him and he's highkey got daddy issues and then u find out he's got daddy issues with UR DAD like aljksdhjkdsklasdjkhaksldj fucking gold but no on a serious note i ship dabihawks so hard. i think they're such great mirror images of eachother. they're the same and different in so many ways but their core ideologies are so different it makes for such a great push and pull between them. hawks comes from a deeply abusive household where he was neglected and beaten and then essentially sold off to a goverment agency to be trained as their super soldier. the hero commission i think is such an amazing concept that horikoshi absolutely squandered and did nothing with
like, the hero commission is introduced to us as this force for good, in the public eye theyre an agency that works with the top heros to keep everyone safe. but they're shady af, they ""adopt"" an abused and vulnerable child from a low income family, then abuse him further and train him as a disposable tool. they use him to kill in the name of the "greater good" and have him take the "unsavory" commissions, doing the dirty work that no one wants to publicly admit to in secret, always saying its the right thing to do, but is it? is any of that moral or right or just?? is any of that worth it? worth the countless people like lady nagant and hawks whose lives are stolen from them as children and are forced to become murderers for the state?? does their humanity not matter? how many people must be sacrificed for "the greater good" before its not worth it anymore? how is the commissions grooming of children to become murderers any different than all for one's grooming of children to become murderers? the only difference between dabi and hawks, is which side got to them first. all for one takes, abuses, and grooms dabi from childhood to become a murderer in order to create his ideal society. the hero commission takes, abuses and grooms hawks from childhood to become a murderer in order to create their ideal society. and yet one of these men is the number 2 hero and the other is a terrorist. what is the different? where is the line? have they not both suffered under the hands that guide them? are they not both irreparably broken by a system that swears its meant to protect them? are they not both failures? and hawks' internal struggle reflects this!! we see that the guilt of all the things he's done, the people he's killed, everything he's lost, and all he's sacrificed for the commission weighs on him. we see how it eats at him, how he doesnt consider himself a good person anymore, how he hates himself for every life he's taken, how he resents the commission for essentially enslaving him and caging him. how desperately he wants to be free and how the commission exploits his desire for a peaceful world by pretending everything he's done will be worth it for that goal. and he just keeps telling himself that over and over again, that it'll all be worth it one day, no matter how much he knows deep down that its a lie i think after his and dabi's original fight, it would have made much more sense for his character development for him to have defected or at least stop siding blindly with the heros. after the fall of the commission horikoshi essentially just stops giving hawks any development and stagnates his character after having learned absolutely nothing and their being zero consiquences for the heros. like dabi showing hawks murdering twice SHOULD have caused the public opinion of him to shift and for people to turn against him and for him to have to actually face and confront the person the commission turned him into and how much he hates that person and that should have been the tipping point for change but instead there's zero consiqunces, no one cares, hawks just doubles down on becoming endeavors new adopted son and just continues to follow him blindly and become a sexy lamp. it's so annoying and infuriating and one of my major gripes with the canon. hawks deserves so much better. he deserves to break
as for having a hawks of my own, that would be ryo LOL him kinning hawks and me kinning dabi was originally how we got to know eachother. we met in a cluster b server and he had a hawks pfp and was running a gore channel called hotel transylvania and i instantly fell in love with him LOL turns out we have like, multiple kin pairs in common which i just think is really funny. we have maimed and killed eachother in so many lifetimes <3 true love right there
as for other kins i have a few but not too many. rin okumura from blue excorcist, catra from she-ra, Akira from devilman crybaby, nezumi from no.6 and a couple others i do love chuuya!! he's my baby, i dont fully kin him but he is big me energy. i dont have too many in depth thoughts cause ive been avoiding the manga and spoilers cause ive liked watching the anime fresh but his and dazai's relationship is everything to me lmfaooo love some bitter ex's who still unconditionally love one another and who work so flawlessly together and compliment eachother so well and can just jump right back into things as if no time has come between them. also love the unshaken and unquestionable trust that comes with letting something destroy u knowing the other person will save u before its too late. soukoku is just *chefs kiss* and dead apple is SUCH a good arc for them
im terrible about inserting my current self into those universes to pick a quirk or gift tho cause like, in my mind i already exist there lmfaoooo so i can never actually pick a different thing than what my kin already has. like cremation is 10000% what my quirk would be and i would absolutely not be a gifted but actually be the current embodyment of an ancient summoned god LOL
as for pokemon i'd probably end up a water gym leader cause i always end up with a water team whenever i play lmfaoo i just cant help it i love the soggy wet little dudes. but personality wise id probably be a dark/fire type trainer. or i'd have like, nothing but dog and fox pokemon. my favorite as a kid was ninetails because ofc it was lmfaoooooo now it's vaporeon tho i love that little water fox so much
i do have an ao3 but i post there very very rarely. im not great at writting and so i just kinda dabble in short little stories when i get a real itch or have an idea i cant let go of. right now there's only 3 on there but ive been working on another dabihawks one but its taking me 90000 years a;lksdjjahsdklajsd
but thank u anon i really appreciate the kind words and questions and stuff!! im glad u enjoy my ramblings about how normal i am about anime men LOL
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toomuchdickfort · 4 years
Derek and Arson have gone in opposite directions
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my thoughts on possession* that literally no one asked for, xD:
*i mean ns5, not, like, owning property or smth😭 keep reading under the cut, rip your browser though-
- the ghost whip was apparently supposed to be remixed off the ghostbusters theme?? i haven't watched the latter, but idk man, that's pretty cool:D
the fact that the scriptwriters decided to make a teenage emo ghost with awesome hair and too much eyeliner more threatening than the literal embodiment of this show's version of Hell is,,, wild tbh 
the air has water (well, moisture) in it, and food has water in it... like wouldn't it be weird if ghosts could just accumulate enough water on their corporal forms from the air and food and stuff and then slowly dissolve, because of like, eating too much watermelon or something- 
@/wojira made an awesome post (i don't have the link:() about how they'd realized that water is fatal to ghosts probably because it's one of the most important things animals need to live, and that's just such a cool idea 
yang LAUGHED when the others found out cole was dead. he. freaking. laughed. i haven't watched day of the departed but that's,,, geez, that's pretty horrible- 
also!! y'all, back me up here: when you read a post that has the abbreviation 'dotd', i can't be the only one that mentally hears it as 'dotted'?? or am i just weird😭
possession is the only season from one to seven not to have a 'companion' song by the fold:( but day of the departed does have close the circle yk? 
anyways- i'd really like to know what exactly the fsm died from, and how he died? like he could literally create anything couldn't he just create an elixir or life or smthand also!!! i really really want to know whether he was dying from whatever it was and went 'oh shoot, gotta protect the realm crystal, lemme just create a tomb-maze-puzzle real quick!' or he created said tomb-maze-puzzle a while before his death and when he was dying he just went down to the cave and lay there...... 
also this is tragically hilarious, i wasn't sure if i should laugh or cry when i first read it, but- if you search 'morro' on google, the first thing to come up is something called morro..... bay.... 
bay, as in, huge thingamajig of water- i think i've got a new fav antagonist, y'all. the scriptwriters!! 
what happened to all of yang's students, like, before they got ghosted. i wonder what he did to do them for all those years, tbh. like was he actually a teacher, just a really strict one, or straight up horrible? (i know i know, dotted- i'll watch it at some point) 
morro also kinda sounds like "to-morro":(- okay, i'll stop now 
for a homeless orphan who then lived in a monastery with a really strict teacher, i would love to know how morro got access to bleach and hair dye,,,, like, did wu buy it for him or was it a side effect of his powers or,,, actually, now i wanna write this- 😭
who actually sends ppl to the cursed realm? like,,, it seemed to be the show's version of Hell (all the villains were sent there after they died, wu and garmadon sent the anacondrai generals there too), but who DECIDES who goes there, yk...??
the entire season can literally be summed up by this thing my friends and i use sometimes:(((: 😃🔫 
cloud kingdom is basically the show's version of 'what came first, the chicken or the egg' and i'm not sure if i should love that or want to scream every time im reminded of it, because, like, FREAKING GOSH DID THEY WRITE THEMSELVES INTO EXISTENCE OR WAS IT THE FSM OR WAS IT ANOTHER THING LIKE AHHHHHNNGGGG I NEED TO KNOW- 
mmmmmm mmmmm puffy potstickers 
also, how can ghosts gain weight, like, they're legit green misty foggy things-  def gonna reblog and add some more, this is fun, lol- also, thanks for reading if you read all this weird rambling, xD. if you have any similar thoughts or questions, feel free to put them in the chat or the tags!:D
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bluearson · 4 years
Double Trouble
Request: I see your requests are open and you write ✨ soft Dabi ✨ can we get a little smth for Dabi with an s/o who has a water quirk that sooths his burns to further soft dabi supremacy 🥺 (thank you for all the fantastic fluffiness you have blessed us with 💕) The day started off ordinary.  The sound of music filled your ears as you patrolled around your self-claimed “turf”. Life was easy, a little dull but the life of a vigilante with no loyalties was not always boring.  Then you saw him, hiding away in an alleyway. He was tall, beautiful even you might say. The scars that littered his body looked painful. You felt almost sorry for him, a quirk that his own body can’t handle.  You wanted to help him.
Feeling confident you strode up to him, “Sir?” You spoke out to him.  He was almost like a feral cat, he shifted his weight quickly onto his other foot and extended his left hand, blue flames appeared between his fingers. It was like a reflexive survival instinct. Your reflexes were faster than his though, you pulled the moisture out of the air and snuffed his flames out. He watched in disbelief as steam bloomed off his hand. “That’s an impressive quirk you got,” He croaked. “So, what are you? A pro hero?” There was an malicious edge laced into the words he spoke. “I wouldn’t want to rope myself in with such close-minded people.” You scoffed, “I’m better than that. I’m my own boss.” You crossed your arms over your chest as you eyed the flame-quirked stranger.  He only grunted in response as he looked you over. You felt like he was scrutinizing you under his eye. “If our paths cross again.. I think I’d prefer having your help.” He was gone before you could even say goodbye. Even though he hadn’t made the best first impression, neither did you. You weren’t sure how to feel about the next time you met him. At the very least you hoped that you wouldn’t be on the wrong side of his flames a second time. You shuddered at the thought.  You caught a glimpse of him walking down the street together with a girl much shorter than him, she rather cute. You wondered about what relationship they must have had. They seemed like good friends at the least. She was very animated and clung onto his arm as they walked together. Secretly you wished you could be her, clinging to his arm as you strolled through the city. That was another fantasy to write about in your journal. It wasn’t the first time you’ve been infatuated by someone but man.. you really wanted to be at his side. The universe seemed to have enough of punishing you when one day you heard a voice calling out to you, you looked over your shoulder as you took a long swig of water from your water bottle. You flashed the familiar figure a smile as it came fast approaching. “I missed you.” “I’m sorry I kept you waiting so long, sweetheart.” He teased. “I like what you have to offer. I think we could make a pretty good alliance.” The words sent your heart a fluttering. Alliance? He wanted to form an alliance with you? “I would like that..” You extended your hand to touch his forearm, looking up at him as though you were asking permission to touch him. Your fingertips grazed his skin softly. When he didn’t move away you allowed your hand to settle on his rough skin. “Does it ever hurt?” You asked as you examined where the stables met his skin. “Sometimes.” He answered quietly, as though he was sharing a secret with you. “Do you have somewhere we can discuss this privately? I hate being out in the open too long..” He rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes darted around. “Yeah I have a little hideout where I make deals.” You turned on your heels and made a beeline for the hideout before you could even see the look on his face. Once inside you fastened the series of locks that prevented squatters from breaking in when you weren’t around to protect your secret base.  You told your new partner all about your quirk, nearly professing that you held a flame for him once or twice as you tried to explain how useful you could be to him. You had experience teaming up with criminals before. Together you were a force to be reckoned with, especially since you could stay hidden as you supported Dabi from the shadows. You began to notice he’d start doing little things for you.  You even took note that his arm stopped sizzling as much after a fight, usually you tried your best to keep up with him but there was only so much you could do while trying to not seem like a shady person carrying around several gallons of water. Still you felt like your efforts were always appreciated, even if they weren’t up to the standards you wanted every time. You lived for the way he’d pat your head as steam rose off his arm. The way he’d smile at you even for a brief moment.  “I love you.” You said to him one day as he smoked his morning cigarette. You were enamored by him, utterly and totally captivated by everything he did. “I’m glad we’re apart of each other’s lives.” You quickly added.  The raven haired villain took a long drag before exhaling the smoke, you watched as some slipped through the staples in his face, it looked as though he was a dragon breathing fire. “I’m glad you’re around.” He tore his eyes away from yours and you felt a little deflated.  You wondered if there was ever a chance he’d see you as something more than just his “sidekick”. You wanted to ask him if he was single or not, about that girl you saw him hanging out with all those months ago. It never seemed like the right time, nor the right place. You didn’t want to ruin a good thing.  Things didn’t change between the two of you after your little outburst. You still couldn’t push your feelings aside for him, no matter how hard you tried. “Dabs, do you try to push me away because you don’t think I can be a good villain?” It had been on your mind for a while, the way he seemed to keep you at arms length even though you both shared a common goal. “You don’t need to protect me if that’s what you’re trying to do. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself and holding my own.” Your eyes searched his for an answer, for a glimmer of emotion under the tough guy act he held in public. You knew him long enough to see right through him. Every mask he wore. Every layer he tried to mask his true feelings behind.  You wanted to tear all those walls down for him, to hold him in your arms and play with his hair. To be vulnerable with each other and raise hell together. If he wanted to watch the world burn you’d gladly fan the flames of his ambitions and further his goals. You wanted to see him succeed in everything. For the world to know that there was nothing that could stop him with his partner in crime by his side.  He just stared back into your (E/C) eyes, a sad look washed over his face. He couldn’t just say you didn’t understand, you knew about his ideologies. You supported him with every fiber in your body. He cupped the side of your face, rubbing his thumb against your smooth skin.  For once he didn’t have a snarky comeback to bite back at you with.  You two just stood there, staring into each others having a silent conversation. It felt as though you two were trying to telepathically communicate with emotion what words couldn’t possibly convey. It lacked the power to truly grasp the full breath of the things you wanted to tell each other. Dabi pressed his forehead against yours, “I don’t ever want you to act recklessly because you’re following behind me. I never want you to get yourself hurt trying to keep up with me.” He paused, and brushed a lock of hair out of your face. “I know my own limits, and I know when I’m pushing myself too far. You don’t need to worry about me like I’m some.. fragile kid. I’m not made out of porcelain. I’m made out of flesh and bone, muscles.. and I’m a lot more sturdy than I might look.” You laughed lightheartedly, trying to lighten the mood. “I appreciate the fact that you’re looking out for me Dabi.. but I can only do so much if you keep me at arms length. I want to be your equal.”  “You always were.” “Then let me in. Open up to me. Talk to me for fucks sake.” “I think actions speak louder than words. Words get jumbled.. twisted.” He tore his eyes away from yours as he looked off into the distance. He seemed so far away and you let him have his moment to reflect. “You’re too valuable to me. You help the pain stop. I’ve gotten too used to it Y/N. You know you’re really cruel sometimes..” He toyed with a lock of your hair. “You’ve got me hooked on your special little treatment and now I can’t stand the thought of you no longer being apart of my life. You’ve made yourself essential to my personal comfort.” You pulled him into a hug, squeezing him gently as you listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. It took a moment before he wrapped his arms around you in kind, his body was warm. “How do you think I feel?” You chuckled as you shook your head, “I’ve always been fascinated by you Dabi, ever since the first day I met you. I’ve never been able to get you off my mind for even a single second to myself.”  “Damn..”  You felt a rough kiss being planted onto the of your head. “What did I ever do to deserve someone like you in my life?” He chuckled. “Don’t ever say I never loved you. You just weren’t looking close enough. Too caught up in your head to realize I’ve been saying it ever since I agreed to let you into my life.” You said nothing as you simply enjoyed his embrace. Drinking in his scent as you let his warmth envelop you whole. “Wherever you go, I’ll be close behind. Damn all the consequences. There’s no place in this world I’d rather be than with the man I cherish. I trust you with all of me, Dabi.” You planted a kiss on his cheek. “When you’re finally ready to entrust all of you, your baggage, scars, and whatever else you’re hiding away from. I’ll be there, to help ease your pain.” You took his hand and raised it to your lips, planting a firm kiss into his skin. Taglist: @some-kindofgnome @humanitiesstrongestchicken @hecatve @axerrri
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clownmoontoon · 3 years
I just found out about the whole bn///a and tow things came two my mind: 1) the fy k. 2)THE FUCKK!!!??
I used to read this manga when it first came out and i honestly though it was going to be good they had a good story coming out and nice or cool characters desings but then came the anime (wich surprise me to go 3 full seasons but i undertood) i try to keep up.wirh the manga cuz that was i start it
But.as it goes futhure it lost its charms amd i lost interest ( the fandom they were too much) and left (the school festival arc wasn't even starting)
Once in a while a random post of them would pop out and see it some spoilers of them (da__bi was one of the most i saw at time)
I try to filter them.......looks how that turn out
But really, what the actual hell is happening?? Is super hell all over again but much worst,
And i can't stop laughing of how much non sens and caos is in this
Oh man,this would end in blood i tell you (also if you could tell my what the hell is happening to de\\\ku i would thank you forever)
⭐️ p much everybody in the main cast knows deku inherited all might's power and that all might and all the other grown ups expect him to take up the mantle of "symbol of peace"
⭐️ All For One (the big baddie) has possessed shigaraki's body (the hand guy) and is causing a fuck ton of chaos bc he broke out all the baddest villains from bad villain superjail aka Tartarus, and lots of heroes have died and if they havent died a lot of them quit
⭐️ SO deku decides to leave school and go villain hunting full time, he knows everyone expects him to be the Greatest ™ and he wants to protect everybody AND KNOWS AFO IS AFTER HIM SPECIFICALLY TO STEAL HIS QUIRK(S) so he figures leaving is the safest option and all might supports him (and regrets it later)
⭐️ he leaves his classmates all a letter saying hes leaving (they dont take it well lmao)
⭐️ deku can communicate w the previous (dead) users of One For All in his mind space and can now use all their quirks + One For All so hes just this mASS BALL OF POWER STUFFED IN A 16 YR OLD
⭐️ deku starts to feel like he shouldnt rest until he finds AFO so he hasnt been eating/sleeping/cleaning himself off after each fight and now when ppl see him theyre like.. genuinely terrified of him bc hes covered in dirt and blood and looks like this
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⭐️ FINALLY HIS FRIENDS STEP IN AND ARE @ THE ADULTS LIKE "HEY THIS IS RLLY UNHEALTHY AND FUCKED UP CAN WE GO BRING HIM BACK" and they decide ye maybe we shouldnt have put all are hopes on a fuckin teenager's shoulders that was kinda messed up of us actually (also they were using him as bait .. he agreed to it but WOW.. ADULTS PLS DO YOUR JOBS)
⭐️ SO all his classmates from 1A work together to bring him down and tbh they cant, even all together, hes just too powerful now so
⭐️ as theyre fighting him (hes fighting back bc he still believes he shouldnt stay/be around ppl for their own protection) they start yelling all the ways hes inspired them and how they wanna stand with him and not be protected behind him
⭐️ finally iida is the one who catches up w deku (w help from bakugo bc even if iida is the fastest in the class w all these quirks deku is faster now) and quotes deku back at him saying "a hero's job is to help even when they arent asked" or smth like that and that finally makes deku break down and theyre both crying!
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Title: So P(r)etty
Characters: Connie Springer x GN!Reader
Genre: Crack, Fluff
AU: Present-day
Warnings: Some cuss words; Reader being a jealous, suspicious, petty bih and hitting Connie's arm; Corny pet names
Summary: A simple internet challenge turns into petty drama.
A/N: Is this challenge still a thing or :D Also idk what this is I just need smth light-hearted after Going Thru Sum Things
"Come on, Connie!" they pleaded, even jutting out their lip and clasping their hands tight in an attempt to get their nonchalant boyfriend to give into their demands. "Pretty please?" their voice was sickeningly sweet and very unlike them.
Merely clucking his tongue at them, Connie furrowed his eyebrows as he focused on his game. He loved his honey baby love to bits, but if he lost this ranked game, he just might end up withholding forehead kisses for the rest of the afternoon. "The presentation of the "please" doesn't matter, babe." he said monotonously as he continued to mash the buttons on his controller.
They really didn't want things to come to this, but they were left with no choice. Walking over to Connie and taking a seat on his lap, they leaned on his shoulder and looked up at him with the best pleading emoji face they could pull. "Pleaaase?" they pleaded once more, fighting back a smile once they saw a shift in their partner's face that meant he will give into what they have been pestering him about.
"Two minutes." Connie muttered. He didn't need to look at them to know that they were doing That Face, and damn, it melted his heart like butter on hot toast every single time. "This is the last round, I promise, then I'll go do your make-up." he added, tilting his body to the side slightly as if it would help him defeat the virtual enemy better.
Upon hearing that he will indulge them in the "My Boyfriend Does My Make-up" video they've been wanting to film for a while now, they let out a squeal of delight and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll go set up." they said excitedly before skipping over to their shared bedroom.
Slumping further into the couch, Connie quickly pressed on the controller buttons that would give him the winning combo, smiling softly to himself upon hearing the joy in his beloved's voice that he will never get tired of.
"Okay, I guess I'm done." Connie put the brush down and shook the creeping numbness out of his hand. Who knew that five minutes of him handling cosmetic tools would make his hands hurt more than when he'd spend hours on his video games?
With their heart beating fast in a mix of excitement and nervousness, they slowly opened their eyes and adjusted to the brightness of the room before turning to the mirror propped right beside their camera.
"Oh my God!" they exclaimed, blinking at their boyfriend's work in disbelief. Connie merely smiled at them awkwardly, as if to say "I told you I'd suck at it". "It's...." they were at a loss for words as they studied their reflection. They thought they would end up looking like a cakey mess as show in other challenge videos, but no– they actually looked like they had their make-up done by Bobbi Brown herself. "It's perfect!" they chirped, smiling as they admired the soft glam look their boyfriend ended up doing for them. Connie smiled proudly and puffed his chest out in mock arrogance, putting his hand on his hips and letting out a haughty, villain-like laugh though the heat that rushed to his cheeks became evidence of how flattered he was by the compliment.
However, the light-hearted moment was short-lived as an observation sunk in: Connie had always been a typical "boy" when it came to cosmetics– he childishly whined non-stop whenever they took too long to get ready for a night out, grumbling about how they looked much better with a bare face anyway, and shamelessly showing his boredom whenever he accompanied them to a Sephora– hence the abrupt confusion of how or when the hell did he become such a pro at doing make-up.
"Connie?" they called out, to which their boyfriend merely raised his eyebrows at. Slowly craning their neck to look back at him, their face showed an indifferent expression that made Connie flinch a bit; the image was eerily similar to a scene from a horror movie. "Who taught you how to blend?" they deadpanned.
"H-huh?" Connie stuttered out– his first, and presumingly, last mistake. Never, ever play dumb in front of a significant other asking you a direct question. "What do you mean?" he was thoroughly confused at why his baby doll was being scary about this.
"You know what I mean." they answered with annoyance. They weren't usually the jealous, petty type, but the situation sounded alarms in their head. "Have you been hanging around some other bitch who's been teaching you about make-up? Huh?" their words started coming out rapidly. Damn, they were pissed.
It didn't help that Connie merely scoffed and chuckle at the accusation, but he couldn't help it– it was simply ridiculous! "Can't a guy just be talented?" he teased, jokingly flexing his biceps as he did. His humorous moment was cut short upon having them slap the shit out of his arm. "Ow! What the fuck!" he exclaimed a bit too loudly, gripping the spot that now felt like it was burning. They really were hooked on that one volleyball anime, huh?
"Where'd you meet, huh? Discord?" they knew they were being stupid, but it was too late– emotions were high and IQ was low. "Is your little 'Discord Kitten' teaching you how to blend eyeshadows and shit? Well, tell them I said "hi"!" they huffed, pouting and sticking their tongue out childishly before storming off, leaving Connie with mouth open in disbelief and grip the arm that still burned a bit.
He was even more flabbergasted that the whole thing was caught on camera. Well, hopefully it won't make the cut. Or it could. It would be funny if it did.
He knew they were just having a little moment and they will come around, but perhaps a box of doughnuts and their favorite popsicles would expedite the forgiveness process.
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gojosattoru · 3 years
oh my god i am so sorry, i said tropes, i meant PROMPTS lmaooooo!!! also nice, i love black and blue too, black is such a pretty color!! i like the yellow/blue combination you made in some of your colorings of nanami ^^ i think one of my favorite quotes of dabi is "this is what i call a you reap what you sow moment. come dance with your son in hell" or smth like that haha! do you have any lyrics you associate with dabi or hawks or both? i love to see edits where people associate poems +
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Hahahah!! It's alright bby! XDDD no worries! The prompts I tho about them are like childhood past, family trauma, hero vs villain (like them fighting with each other), betrayal they had with each other when they were pretending to be allies to get what they wanted and I tho of something like if they were like allies? Like a universe that Hawks was a villain and was Dabi’s sidekick or the inverse! Dabi being a hero and being Hawks sidekick, I hope this made sense XD haha Ikr??? I just loooooove black!! (I'm almost 90% of the time wearing black haha) Black and blue give a awesome contrast ^^ since blue is so light and with black gives such a great vibrancy ^^ black always goes well with everything really XD Ahhh thank youu!! I really love doing edits with blues with the yellowish cream color it always look so aesthetic ^^ pastel colors I really like those too! With any color! Oh yes definitely that quote is the best of Dabi I love it!! <3333 About the songs, I have two that I really relate with Dabi and I have been thinking on doing a graphic coloring of him with one of them lolol (i'm such a lazy ass that i still didn't done lol i have the folder seating on my computer for a long time waiting). It's from Three Days Grace: The Animal I Have Become! and Skillet: Monster! They are such awesome lyrics for him, like he was once a innocent, full of energy and focus to help people on becoming a hero and with what he went through he became someone so dark, bad and corrupted! Once he wanted to save people and help them and now he doesn't mind in hurting those around him to achieve what he wants! I hope I can make the graphic one day XD I don't have any song for Hawks tbh XD I've heard so many and I still couldn't find one that goes well with him idk... do you have songs you associate with them?? Or with other characters? :D I reaaaallyyyy adore seeing graphics with quotes and songs related, it gives such a deep meaning for the character and we makes us think about it! It's such a creative way of showing how you see that character or show! ^^ Oh gosh thank you so much darling, I'm so thrilled to know you and to see your gift!! hehe I bet anything you'll make will look gorgeous! Thank you so much for taking all the info for making something for me <33333 You're so sweet hon!! *hugs you real tight* Yessss!! I celebrate!! *W* I LOVE christmas is my most fav holiday hehe ^^ Do you celebrate it too honey? Wish you a lovely day/night cutie!! <333333
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This is a personal opinion but from where I see it the Given movie and the anime itself definitely was... something that I would question because somethings just.. didn't make sense to me. The development of the Characters were either super fast or super slow and it made the pacing really really weird for me idk. But I do think that a huge reason so many people love the Given movie is because of the fact that when you compare Given to OTHER JP BL animes, there's very very slight improvement in terms of the story itself of Given. Is the story poorly executed? Fucking hell, who the hell is going to say no here. But is it better then some of the JP BLs out there? That's depended on how you view BL to be. For a lot of people things like Super Lovers or Hitorijime My Hero are super unbearable to watch because it's "problematic" (which honestly okay, you do you BB) which then leads them to look for BL animes that DON'T have such "themes." Leading them to actually liking things poorly executed but just "not problematic", Given for example.
Given is “not problematic”? Debatable.
Their first kiss was right after Mafuyu finally had a courage to sing a song about his ex who commited a suicide. ???
Problematic doesn’t only mean stuff like “he’s underage”. What about using someone to get over your grief or getting into a relationship with someone who is still not over his ex death and is vulnerable at the moment? Is this suddenly “not problematic” bc they’re same age and he haven’t pushed him into a wall in throws of passion?
To me it’s not even about the fact if it’s problematic or not (it’s rarely not tho, no matter what ppl think), it’s about whether its believable and feels genuine or not. It depends on many factors: situation, characters past, traumas, etc, etc. It depends on the story and how you write it.
Change some stuff and it’s gonna be a completely different thing. Make it like Uenoyama only hugged Mafuyu after the song, even tho he wanted to kiss him, but knows that it’s not the right moment. Make Mafuyu heal first, make Uenoyama be in his own angst that he loves Mafuyu so much for example, but cares about him recover more, so he doesn’t expect for it to go somewhere, then he tries to date someone and Mafuyu first starts getting out there, when he feels like he can start trying again. Someday he gets sick and Uenoyama cancels his date to take care of him even tho it’s nothing serious and then the realization comes. Make Mafuyu kiss him first and take the first step. This would’ve changed everything so much. He should’ve made the first step when he was ready, this would’ve felt so right. Uenoyama kissing him after that song is just.. it feels, I was like ehhhmmm.. weird?
Seeing someone saying that Given is a masterpiece is hilarious to me. The fact that it includes heavy themes like suicide, doesn’t make it a masterpiece, esp when it’s handled this badly. Once again, if you pick such thing as a base for a love story, do it right then, not in a “bibbidi bobbidi boo” kind of thing. 
BL or not BL, any relationships, it depends on whether you watch it and it feels plausable or not. 
For example, if Yuu says that he can’t live with Mika, my tongue won’t even twist to call it “unhealthy” or be like “dude why”. But if some high schooler in slice of life anime who has a caring family tried to end himself bc his two weeks friend left him, I would’ve yelled “bitch go see a doctor”. 
Depending on the story you can sell some feelings or not.
Nezumi and Shion are also problematic according to ppl’s logic these days. But I 100% believe they’re each other’s true loves. Only 11 episodes and it’s sold.
In Given I didn’t believe it. Bc it’s ridiculous, ok? It wasn’t the right place or time to start this relationship. It is not a new love story, it’s just a sad story. 
Given movie is slightly better compared to other japanese BL? Why would you offend Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Uragiri wa boku no namae, No.6 and many others?
Also better where? They kept the same old “’stop, i don’t want to’, but he did it anyway” stuff AND on top of that the story sucks.
The way he used him knowing very well that he was unrequitedly in love with him for so long is so disgusting that it leaves a much grosser feeling than many yaois combined. You’re saying “it’s slightly better” bc they’re of age or don’t have an age difference? I don’t get it. It somehow makes everything better?
No, thanks. I’d rather watch Onodera sleep with Takano in high school with them being genuinely into each other and it going great than whatever happened in the Given movie. I don’t care if they’re both 18 there, it made me feel bad.
I didn’t feel bad, when Wei Wuxian thought “why the fuck didn't I have sex with Lan Zhan back when I was 15? I've really pissed away all my days, haven't I?”. I wonder why is that.
Like what you’re saying here is that their opinion on BL is so low that they automatically would give it 10 out of 10 bc it’s slightly better than smth that they find “unbearable” to watch? What kind of evaluation is that exactly? Maybe also let’s compare each anime to “boku no pico”, then everything will look like a masterpiece.
Like excuse me for the fact that when I watch some shonen-ai and yaoi, I judge it the same way I judge any other genre and any other relationships (hetero or gay) in animes. On a scale whether I care or don’t care, whether I believe that they love each other or don’t, whether it’s a good story or not. I don’t get what it means “it’s good for yaoi”. It’s just not good. This movie is trash, I mean, the relationship in it is trash. Who the fuck cares gay or not gay. Trash relationships are trash. Bad story is a bad story. Whether it’s a bad gay story or a bad hetero story, I don’t give a shit.
The reason I’m more into boy on boy ships is because I love the relationships there more than relationships in most heterosexual couples. My fav hetero ships are either “from hate/attraction to love” stories like “gone with the wind”, “anastasia” or “pride and prejudice” or stuff like “equals without pink goo, who only see each other and don’t need no one else and would die for each other, epic soulmates” like Richard and Kahlan. In anime 99% of those fit bromances, not romances. Like I don’t find Midoriya/Uraraka appealing at all for a reason that “she said ‘hi’, he blushed as a tomato, now they’re supposed to be each other’s romantic interests” is not what I find romantic. I find romantic the fact that Todoroki is forever devoted to Midoriya bc he knows he’s amazing and is not afraid to say it; and he’ll always be there for him when he needs him, no matter what it is, him just sitting there crying, some villain trying to kill him or if he’s too late out ther grossery shopping. Uraraka most of the times doesn’t even care where he is.
Most hetero romantic animes, I just find ridiculous, too cheesy and unrealistic and I’m not ready to watch 50 episodes for them to hold hands. I’m not in that age and I also never found things like this romantic before either. Stuff like Kisa/Yukine, when you meet someone, find him attractive, wanna fuck him, then fall in love accidentally.. yeah, that’s understandable to me. Stuff like Takano/Onodera “I was an naive idiot in high school, but now life made me a sassy bitch and I can’t open up to people as easily” also yes, relatable. 
When you’re turning into a tomato bc someone said “penis” and think holding hands will take your virginity or smth, that’s not my thing.
So when I watch BL, I expect more, not less. So if it’s bad, I just say it’s bad, I’m not gonna be like “hmm... unproblematic... then 10/10″ like what? 
1stly, even “little mermaid” and “cinderella” are problematic. 
2ndly everyone is so focused on purity these days, like storyline don’t matter at all. It’s like any great love story is automatically trash if they have age difference. Any trash love story is great, if they don’t?
Let’s then also rate “Dororo” as 1, bc it’s like 24 episodes of them falling for each other while she’s 11 and he’s 16. Wow, such gross relationships they have during the whole story. Doesn’t matter that she grew up at the end of the last episode, the whole anime she’s a child. And let’s rate Noragami 0, bc 2000 years old perverted Yato is into 15 year olds.
No one has to fuck asap (heck even in the same hella problematic “Super Lovers” you talk about, Haru refused to fuck Ren even tho he was 17 in s2 and wanted to fuck another guy) and the rule “you can only fall in love after 18″ doesn’t exist. Also underage is not BL thing, it’s all anime thing. It’s time to shut it already. There are zillions of age gap couples out there who are great. Hyakkimaru waited for Dororo to grow up, it’s fine, seriously, they love each other in the right way, he didn’t want to fuck her when she was 11, okay? They did love each other tho already then. Pls excuse them for that.
3rdly, some relationship that ppl here call unproblematic are 20 times more problematic, than what they call problematic.
4tly, why the heck it’s like couples who have an amazing character and relationship progression, who love each other to death and will do anything for each other, ppl go: “wow, at the very beginning, he grabbed his wrist, he needs to go to jail”. Meanwhile a relationship who has no base, no story, no logical progression, no anything are “yes, best love story in the world”. Yeah... who cares if it feels like it’s all been pulled out of an ass and doesn’t make sense, very healthy tho.
It sounds lately like if most ppl here had two stories in front of them and one would be about two men who just met and the next day one proposed and they lived happily ever after and 2nd would be some complicated incredible story with a natural progression of the relationship, but they yelled at each other once, they’d be like “1st is better”. Well, not to me, no.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (FatGum) x shy! reader (fluffies!)
This is my first, o f f i c i a l tumblr fanfic, so woo! I ' m f c k i n g t e r r i f i e d -anyway, this is a FatGum x reader, because Tai is the cutest thing and I don't see enough of him. I'll be doing some of my personal favorites from the anime, ranging from popular to underrated characters, so I hope anyone who comes across this weird mess enjoys it! Leave a comment, or like, or smth, because I think this will be really cool, and i wanna be like those other awesome fanfic writers one day- anyways, byeee!
Word count: Idk dude, I'm on mobile-(it's a lot tho, trust me-)
Warnings: Mild cursing, also make sure to brush your teeth afterwards, cause this will give you a toothache from the sweetness-
A box. Wait, what? Where did it come from? Who put it there? Is this a prank? It smells like…Takoyaki?!? Fatgum rushed to his desk, opening the pastel purple box sat neatly on his desk. ¨Yes! Morning snack!¨ He cheered whilst fist pumping the air. Fatgum reached to take a piece of the octopus goodness, but hesitated, for just a moment. His smile faltered, and he took a second to evaluate, his hero instincts shining through. Poison? Intruder? Stalker? However, the mouth-watering smell of his newly-acquired treat pulled him sultrily out of his cautiousness, and Fatgum gave in to the temptation, devouring the takoyaki in mere seconds. He made sure to be careful with the box though. ¨Ill ask Kirishima or Amajiki if they gave me this. Those kids are just the greatest!¨ He bounded out of his office in a rush to excitedly badger at his two son- interns, but he soon found that neither knew what he was talking about. They had just barely entered the agency for the first time since yesterday, so they had no part in this adorable gift Fat had received. Fatgum was slightly put off, but resolved that he would ask everyone at his agency personally, determined to find and thank the angel who gave him this thoughtful present. 
Its been about a month since then. After a week of daily takoyaki, Fatgum was wondering if he´d be destined to live a life of having takoyaki for breakfast when he opened his office door and froze. Fatgum had expected to see that same lavender(he checked) shaded box of goodness, but he was greeted with a rolled up bag sitting on top of a box, but it was a different shade of purple. His seemingly permanent smile grew tenfold and he giddily bounced over to his desk to investigate the new items he had been gifted. He opened the bag first, and took out a cup. Coffee. He was stunned. Not by the fact that his ´secret admirer´ had brought him coffee, nor was it the fact that they could have gotten it wrong. No, he was floored by the logo on the coffee cup. It was the logo of the small cat cafe down the street. Fatgum asks Kirishima and Amajiki to visit there almost everyday, though he insists its just for the coffee. Fatgum went there once to get himself a coffee his two children were busy, and he hasn´t gone back since. Not because the establishment was bad, no it adorable. The pastel color scheme, the friendly felines who endlessly entertained him, even the mere scent of the cafe brings a smile to his face, but for one reason, and one reason only.
You, the one who owned, managed, and staffed the humble cafe all on your own. Fatgum could barely manage to keep professional, for he had no idea where he was supposed to direct his eyes. Your precious attitude, the excitable gleam in your eyes, your contagiously cute giggle, and your blush, oh the blush! Fatgum had told you a joke to ease his own nerves, but the waver in his tone and ok-at-best comedy skills only proved to make him even more anxious. That was, until he heard you laugh. You didn´t just laugh, no, because he had just found your weakness. Simple, honest, puns. You attempted to cover your mouth so you could save your dignity, but resistance was futile when you were hit with such a bad joke from such a cute man. You doubled over in pure, jovial, laughter, and at that moment, you thanked every Greek god that has ever lived that you two were the only ones occupying the shop at that moment. Well, besides all the spectating kittens. You were so caught up in that stupidly funny pun, you failed to notice that you were the only one laughing. 
Fatgum was speechless. Normally, hes the one laughing at his own jokes, but here you were, laughing. Not only that, but your laugh was heavenly. It was music to his ears, and he could hardly stomach the rush of feelings that had hit him. Embarrassment, anxiety, calm, joy, happiness, lo-…
Love? Did he love you?
He wanted to say no immediately, there was no way. But his rushing mind stopped once he heard you snort. You covered your mouth, hoping he hadn´t heard such an embarrassing sound come from you, but it only made you laugh harder, and soon you were snorting with every other breath. He couldn´t breathe. You snort when you laugh too hard??? His head was spinning with every wave of feeling that enveloped him. He felt like he was floating. He was on cloud nine simply from the fact that he could reduce you to giggles and snorts like this. He was so overwhelmed, yet relieved by your reaction. You had bashfully admitted to him that you had trouble opening up to others, and you had found it remarkable how easily he had broken down your walls as if they were nothing more than a breeze. He wondered if this meant he ad a chance. Talking with you was effortless, and brought him a level of joy he had never experienced. It made him wonder what else you two would get up to. His mind flashed with endless scenarios, you appearing in every single one. You on a date, shy smiles and ´accidentally´ bumping into each other every two seconds. You at his house, leaning into his chest as you stuff your faces with popcorn, hypnotized by a movie. You underneath him, your small frame dwarfed by his larger one, breathless and writhing. You in his office, sitting on his lap and snuggling him as he finishes up some paperwork.
He wanted you, with every thing he had. He wanted to have you, have fun with you, do things with you, go places with you. He wanted you childishly, so you two could bounce around the world together with reckless abandon. He wanted you selfishly, to pull you close where everyone could see, so no one would mistake that you were his. He wanted you devilishly, giving you endless kisses and lovebites, just to see you squirm and blush. He wanted you innocently, to sing karaoke at the top of his lungs with you, and do scavenger hunts for your anniversaries. He wanted you longingly, knowing that he could power through the villains, the mountains of paperwork, all of lifes bullshit, just so he could be greeted by your smile, the smile of a tried-and-true angel.
After that day, Fatgum never went back to your store. He knew that if he saw you again, with that illegally cute maid outfit and those entrancing eyes, he would be compelled to get down on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage, which is a level of mortification hes not ready for. The day after his return, he was so stunned by the mark your presence left on his very being that he began to notice that almost everything reminded him of you. The fluffiness of the clouds brought to his mind the cute way the frill on your outfit bounced in excitement. The soft shades of blues and purples at nighttime reminded him of the perfect lighting of your cafe as he passed it late at night. Hell, his assistants cat reminded him of you, and he noted every one of these things for his own sake, but he never realized just how loud he gets when hes in his own head. His muttering got louder and more distracting, to the point that he would daydream at every possible moment, dreamily sighing your name like a mantra. Taishiro Toyomistu, an established pro-hero, a fully functioning adult, had been reverted back to a love-sick teenage boy. It was almost pathetic, yet he made up for by how excited even the mention of you made him. It piqued his interns interests, and they decided to take matters into their own hands.
Amajiki was currently rethinking his entire life. His decisions, his friendships, his entire existence was being heavily reevaluated. How did he let Kirishima talk him into this? His underclassman who he thought was just beginning to understand what boundaries are, had somehow, by some absolutely-mystical-means, convinced him to hide in his mentors cabinet to watch for some mystery person leaving snacks for him. He couldve been training, he couldve been eating, hell, he couldve even been talking with Mirio and Nejire, but no. Here he was, cramped between a shelf and crates of paperwork, staking out someone who he doesnt know, and hoping that he wont have to wait for too long stuck in this position. He was about to adjust himself to leave the cabinet and forget this whole plan, when the office door creaked open, the annoyingly loud squeeeak making the person wince as they continued to open it. Amajiki froze, barely containing his squeak of fear as he watched in awe as the door opened but...n-no one was there???
Amajiki blinked, wondering if was just a stray breeze, or some ghostly apparition, which brought tears of terror to his precious eyes from the mere thought. He blinked his tears away hastily, and looked back to reassure himself that no one was there, and even if they were, they were probably friendly. Or, at the very least, he could overpower anyone with relative ease, but he choked on his own reassurance. One second, there was no one, the next, there was you. You, the girl from the cafe, had just appeared out of thin air! You were the one leaving the snacks for Fatgum! Amajiki gawked as you set down the periwinkle box of cupcakes, along with the bag that contained his mentors coffee, brewed to perfection and made with so much love that he could feel it from his hiding spot. He stayed as still as possible, silently spectating as you arranged the snacks neatly while humming a sweet tune, as if you were in the comfort of your own home. You decided that you had adjusted the box by .1% enough times, and you smiled warmly at the box, before jumping at the sound of Fatgum's voice, laughing joyously at something while steadily getting closer to the office you both were in. You panicked and ran behind the door, closing it fully before he got too close, so as not to seem suspicious. Amajiki had blinked only once, and then you were gone again, and Fatgum had opened the door, bringing the operation to a screeching halt. When Amajiki reported back to Kirishima, he realayed back what he had witnessed to an excitable Kirishima, who jumped for joy when he heard that it was you. 
¨I knew it!¨ Kirishima exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. He had guessed beforehand that you were the one leaving such a heart-warming gift for his mentor, and now his next meal was paid for, which he was very happy about.
Fatgum was accompanying Kirishima and Amajiki to his favorite restaurant after a surprisingly peaceful patrol, and they knew they had to tell him then, when they had a peaceful moment to relax. So, they told him.
¨Hey Fat, I just wanted to let you know that…¨ Kirishima started, looking over at Fatgum from his menu, but his sentence was soon forgotten. He, and Amajiki, were staring incredulously at Fatgum, who was currently trying to disappear into his jacket. ¨F-fatgum?¨ Amajiki asked shakily. ¨Whats w-wrong? A-a-are there villains here?!¨ He looked around in alarm, but there were no immediate threats in sight. What had shaken their fearless mentor up so severely? Fatgum simply shook his head, and laid his forehead down on the cool table in hopes of soothing his burning face. Kirishima and Amajiki looked at Fatgum, then to each other in confusion. They both shrugged and went to comfort him when they heard a giggle that caught their attention. Normally that wouldn’t matter at a time like this, but that giggle triggered something in Fatgum and the most obvious shiver went down his spine at the sound. Amajiki, who was across the booth from Fat and Kirishima peered from around his seat to see who it was and gasped. He looked back at Fatgum, then mouthed to Kirishima ¨Its the girl from the cafe!¨ Kirishima gaped, standing up to get a better look. Sure enough, there you were, chatting with a friend who worked the reception booth at the establishment. You were there for your weekly shipment of leftover supplies from the restaurant that you could use for your sweets, but Fatgum didnt know that. All Fatgum could think of is how embarrassing it would be if you saw him cowering like a child in your mere presence. But even then, he couldnt get over how absolutely stunning you looked in casual clothes. He was thoroughly surprised at the fact that you werent already up and married when he met you, because you were simultaneously everything he wanted and needed, and not at all what he was expecting. You were funny, smart, and cute, but he knew there were worlds of things hiding behind your bright eyes. You were perfect. You were everything. You were-
¨T-Toyom-m-mistu? Ar-are you ok? You seem a b-bit sick or som-something?¨
You were right next to him, poking his arm. You were blushing almost as fiercely as him, for multiple reasons. 1. you were right next to someone who instantly caught your heart in his excessively large hands as soon as you met him, and you were poking him. 2. His two interns were staring you down so intensely that you began to wonder if you ever should have walked over in the first place. and 3. is he sick or not?!? You just wanted to make sure hes ok, and maybe kinda possibly ask him why he hasnt visited the shop in a while. But it doesnt seem like thats gonna happen. You kept your voice down because you knew that if a commotion happened that you would actually be sick from fright, but you couldnt help the worry that bubbled in your gut at the sight of him.
On the other hand, Fatgum was just about ready to fucking combust. He wanted to look up, he wanted to see your soft, caring features and the look of concern that was undoubtedly on your face, but he knew impulse would  overtake him. He barely managed to keep from making a fool of himself in front of you and everyone who knew him, and he felt backed into a corner. His mind was racing, and he couldnt even feel his heart beating anymore. His breath was getting heavy, but he barely noticed it. He was driving himself mad, slowly devolving into a panic that he didnt know was enveloping him, nor did he know how to get out of it. All he could think of was you, how disgusted you would be by him if he proposed to you, how you would walk away from him if he said the wrong thing. He wanted you, but he cant have you, and he doesn't know what to-
¨Taishiro!¨ you exclaimed, no longer worried about making a scene. You wrenched his head up from the table and pressed his forehead against yours. He stared wordlessly at you, his thoughts going silent for just a moment, and that was all you needed. ¨Taishiro, look at me, ok? You're ok. I've got you.¨ You spoke softly to him, phrases that you're soothing voice spoke to him. Things he could only imagine from his wildest dreams. His breathing slowed as he slowly came back to his senses, forgetting all about his panic in favor of taking in you. He made no effort to move, because he was completely content on being this close to you forever. He was astonished by you, how you could calm his mind and steal his heart all at once, but the thing he couldnt draw away from was your eyes. They held no pity, however in it's place was the light of experience. You held him not because you pitied him, but because you knew his fear, and wanted to take it away, if only for a moment. He couldnt help but tear up at the genuineness in your gaze, the gaze that you never broke, not even for a second. You had grabbed his arm as he sunk, pulling him back up, and encouraging him to let you help him. You knew what it felt like to be stuck with no one to help, so you told him to relax, let himself be helped just this once, all without any words. All you needed was to look into his eyes and he could understand everything you tried so desperately to convey to him for months. You lost control of your filter as you soothed him, letting slip how much you missed him and his goofy smile, and how undeniably happy he made you. You brought him onto his feet and carried him up, and as you unknowingly whispered "That was when I knew that I loved you", he could see the bright glowing light that enveloped you. You really were an angel. He could see your halo, your soft wings, but overall he saw your heavenly smile, one that begged him to respond, as you were losing confidence at an alarming rate. At that moment, he broke into the brightest, cutest, and dorkiest grin you had ever witnessed, and it melted your heart all over again. He leaped up in a flash, and before you knew it, he had you bridalstyle in his arms with dizzying speed. You squealed in fear, but relaxed as you saw him gaze down at you lovingly. You smiled back shyly, and buried your face in his chest when you could hear the restaurant goers cheering at the display, He carried you out of the restaurant in a valiant display, and his remark as you both exited made the cheers of the onlookers sound deafening, and it drove your blush all the way down to your ears in shock.
¨Hey sweetcheeks, we should get married!¨
I hope you enjoyed it! It took me about three days to finish, cause online school, but this was awesome. I legitimately love this one, and this probably the only one I've finished and was satisfied with. If you like it, pls let me know cause I already adore this, and I wanna share with the world, no matter how scary it might be. Anyways, this has gotten long, so I'm gonna bounce. Gotta start the next one. Bye-bye!💜
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
dude sheepy do u know abt corpse party? if theres rumors abt the delinquent school being haunted, imagine smth kind of like that in that school, but like with less gore. maybe even a ghost love interest. maybe!!! the reader is one of jacks goons and!! love triangle?? i gotta go
Let me throw in not only one, but two new characters in the mix because I'm a masochist.
Jack my boy, I'm sorry, but you have some competition. Also no, Bucky isn't one of the "official characters" (as in, there won't be any requests available for him).
Hidden, forgotten, and starving [Yandere!Delinquent x Goon!Reader x Yandere!Ghost boy x (Fuck, another possible Yandere!oc??)]:
(Non-binary reader btw)
You know, when your leader said something along the lines of "Meet me up in 9 p.m", you thought it was going to be something fun. Maybe you and the gang would be able to hangout without having to be on school grounds, or on a dark nasty alley.
But, nah, that was only wishful thinking.
Jack's type of fun is a little different from the normal person's type of fun. Is surprisingly really violent for someone who's is kinda small, and has such a pretty face.
Not, that you have noticed or anything.
Hell, one of these days he said he would burn a whole corporation and drag some rich family's name into the mud for, pissing him off? You guess?? He was ranting, so none of you actually payed attention.
Again, he may be a little short, but that anger in his soul is something no human can comprehend. Where were you? Oh yeah, he didn't call the gang to play some games and have fun, he had called y'all to beat the shit out of some other gang….
On school grounds…..
At night.
"- …. You know this isn't a good idea, right?"
You asked him if he was sure, but he didn't say anything. He was focused on only one goal.
Entering inside the school isn't really hard. If anything, is pretty easy, jump the horribly placed iron fence. Ya done. Welcome to Saint Bernard's School for Little Prodigies! Where everything sucks, and everyone is insane!
"- It isn't so bad! There are a lot of cool things hidden in this place… There are so many legends that graduated from this school!" Your fellow gang member and also local himbo sweetheart, Bucky, (is actually Benedict, but he doesn't really like that name), said it.
"- I don't think so…" You said honestly. You don't really think you, Bucky, Jack and the others are going to find anything special except dust and old shit. The only thing that will spice this night is this gang meet up or whatever.
"- Come on, it will be fun! We can search the school and find all type of old stuff!" You look at how excited he is, and although you love him dearly, you can't help but still have difficulty to enjoy this whole situation.
"- Bucky….. it's old stuff."
"- I know right! Can you go with me [Y/N]-"
"- Oh my God- Shut up!" Jack yelled. He was getting impatient with your whole conversation. He had only came here to show some girl gang that this school doesn't have any space for them. Not to see…. You and that imbecile talking about stupid shit.
When he yelled he did seem to mention it more towards Bucky than you. It's not that he doesn't like him, it's just that he-
"- [Y/N], come here!" Jack yelled again, calling you to get closer.
You go towards him, as he asks you to look around and see if you can see anyone. But no one seems to be near the school grounds, and you can't see any motorcycle girl's gang anywhere.
"- Why exactly are we going to fight them again?" You ask, tired more than usual of Jack's odd behavior. Or well, usual behavior.
"- …." Silence. He doesn't answer you, but his expressions changes a little. Fuck, why can't you just follow his lead without questioning everything.
No, he shouldn't have thought that, ever. Y'all are your own people, you don't need to hear him, he prefers when you guys decide for yourselves. Well mostly the other ones, when it comes to you, he has a hard time acknowledging how he doesn't like how you head in into danger without hearing him.
He never stops to actually think about this stuff, maybe today he just….. feel a little more on edge than usual.
After seeing that neither you or the rest will just drop the question, he answered.
"- …. Sigh. The leader of the other gang wants to be the new Little Miss Red." He said unbothered, while everyone had an extreme reaction, you were left wondering who the fuck was Little Miss Red.
Sounds like a anime villain, or something like that.
"- [Y/N]!! Y-you don't w-who Little, L-little-"
Bucky was trying to ask you so hard, but he couldn't stop stuttering with excitement and fear. Jack is having none of his dumb attitude today.
"- Speak up. Little Miss Red." He said, harshly. What is wrong with him today?
"- S-sorry Jack. Little Miss Red was the first student to form a gang and dominate the entire school!" He is excited to tell you everything he knows. He may be a little troublemaker, but is mostly because he really admires Lil Red and her story (even if most was left far away from public sight).
"- Oh, really?" You're not gonna lie, you wished you were sleeping at home. You wished you heard about this chick on another day. You can't be bothered right now. So what? Some girl wants to be the new Red? What do you have to do with it?
"- She wants to dominate the school, dumbass." Another one of your group said. Fuck that guy, you can't even remember his name, you're really tired.
"- If not the whole entire neighborhood around the school." Said Jack.
"- Well, I'm pretty sure they aren't coming, how about we just go home then-"
A loud noise came from inside the school. You guys could see a little bit of light coming from outside the windows.
"- Are they inside?" You ask.
"- We were supposed to meet outside." Jack responded.
And then, of course, since you guys really needed an encouragement to get inside that hell place, all of you heard a disturbing, inhuman scream. And after that, a female voice calling for help.
"- …. We, are going in, or…?"
Like, this is a really, really dumb idea. Normally when someone hears a terrible noise and then a call for help, it only ends up being a terrible sign.
"- Going towards the monster, nice plan." You said sarcastically. It's not that you're afraid of monsters….. You just don't want to meet one, in person.
"- Monsters aren't real." Jack said.
"- … But if you really are scared, then come here."
"- Sure."
You walked closer to Jack, that was leading the way towards the corridors. His phone's flashlight being extremely useful.
Something is bugging his mind ever since you all entered school grounds. He feels like Bucky is getting a little too friendly with you, and although he shouldn't be mad about something so stupid, he can't stop thinking about this.
He needs to concentrate, but he can't stop worrying about Bucky losing his guard and you-
"- Hey, I think we should separate."
"- … What?"
He is being a dumbass.
"- Why though? What if we can't find each other?"
He only wants to ask you a simple question, but is such a stupid question. He needs everyone to go away so you two can talk.
"- Let's divide into two groups, I'll go with [Y/N], y'all can go upstairs and check it out."
"- But that's not even equally divided-"
"- I said, go upstairs-"
Another scream. That same female voice, it sounds so close, coming from the other hall.
But then another one, a male voice coming from…. Everywhere.
He sounds desperate, he says that someone should get him out.
"- Hello? Who's there?" Bucky asked.
"- You know, you shouldn't ask ghosts questions, they can start fucking stuff up man." One of the other members said.
"- Oh, but they sound in pain, shouldn't we help-"
"- Please… I don't want to stay here…" The male voice said. His voice is starting to crack, he is crying.
His voice is coming from somewhere really close.
"- Argh!" You all turned your backs to see a girl in leather jacket trying to crawl. She finally notice that she wasn't alone.
"- Help!-" Hands covered her mouth, her face, her arms, it started dragging her backwards.
You guys were going to follow her, when again.
"- Please, open this door…." You heard him, he was in agony. You couldn't leave him alone.
Jack and the others were following the girl, while you kept walking down the hallway. Following the voice.
You felt like you needed to help him. Desperately. He was going to die if you didn't. To you it felt like ages as you walked slowly to the janitor's closet.
Walking silently, trying to hear his pleads. He got louder and louder the more you came closer to his prison.
You found the janitor's closet. The door was shaking with the pounds of the boy.
You opened the door. It wasn't locked. It hadn't been locked since a long time.
You finally woke up from, whatever the hell happened to you just now. But you don't think you're a 100% fine, tho.
You can only hear a deafening silence. There is no one here. There is nothing here except for old paper on the ground.
You walked in, slowly, afraid that if you took a bad step you would suddenly fuck something up.
You kneeled down, looking at the documents in the ground. You, suddenly feel a little too eager to read them.
Maybe you're just feeling really curious.
There are old newspapers, all saying something about Saint Bernard's School for Little Prodigies. Some saying something about Little Miss Red, others about the school bad conditions and somehow involvement into the Amaryllis Academy's school foundation.
You found a couple of notes cut into pieces, some are not easy to read. Others are really simple and, although you would normally find really boring to read this kind of stuff, you have a odd feeling reading them.
It's two friends talking over paper messages. They seem to be in class and can't let the teacher know they're not paying attention. They talk about meeting after school, and having plans on a Saturday. It doesn't have a exact date on the paper, but you can see the paper is pretty old and dirty.
It sounds like a normal friendship. One of them even said:" I have something really important to tell you, but I can't really tell you in person since I'm really shy about this stuff. I'll tell you this Saturday, I promise."
You found old photos of students on the ground. Most are market with a red marker. Crosses all over their faces. But the are only two that you can see the face of.
A chubby black girl, big curly hair, wearing glasses. She is looking really awkward in this picture, as if she didn't want to take it. She is wearing the same blue jacket you're using right now.
The other one, however.
Is the same chubby black girl. Her hair has red streaks on it, and she isn't wearing the blue jacket, but rather a red vest, with fishnets under going from her shoulder, to her hands. You almost thought they weren't the same person, one looks shy and awkward, but somehow really sweet, the other one is straight up giving whoever was the cameraman the middle finger. Her faces says how done she is with everyone's bullshit.
You like this girl. You guess this is the girl you heard about.
And the last thing you found. Was a cut article about, some student that was found dead out of nowhere on this school.
His body was inside this closet.
You didn't notice, but time suddenly stopped when you enter in the janitor's closet. It didn't stop literally, but you didn't felt like it was running normally.
On a moment you were seeing a girl being dragged by some hands, and now your reading some old creepy stuff.
Which reminded you-
"- [Y/N]! Where are you?" Jack asked, his voice was somewhere distant.
"- Wait, guys I'm here!"
You get up as fast as you can, but it didn't matter.
As soon as you return to reality after reading about your cursed school, you felt the sudden realization that they didn't see you going the other way. Hell, you didn't even help that girl that was being fucking dragged!
Before you can escape this terrible place, the door closes.
And it locks itself.
"- No, no, no, no, no, guys! Come on, I'm here, you idiots!"
You bang the door and scream as loud as you can. No one can hear you.
"- Goddammit."
You start packing, thinking they might leave you here if you don't do something. But before you can think of a way out, the realization of you not being the only one inside there, hits you really hard.
"- …. He-help!" You heard it. That same male voice from before. Closer than ever. He sounds like he is right behind you.
Yet his voice sounds hoarse. Timid, yet cold.
You turn around to look at your company, you see a student, just like you, curled up into a ball, holding his stomach. He is murmuring nonsense….
You try to get closer.
Hey, maybe he is lost…?
You can see he is a latino boy with long hair, tied as a low ponytail. He is shaking uncontrollably.
"- I'm- I'm so hungry. Please, let me go."
He managed to say out loud.
"- Hey, are you alright? I can help you, we just need to get out of this closet, I can buy you something, okay?"
What happened to this poor guy? He seems traumatized.
"- Pl-please!"
He stutters again. You came closer, putting your hand on his shoulder.
"- I'm going to help you, okay?"
You say.
He stopped shaking. He stopped talking. He stopped hyperventilating. He stopped breathing.
He is extremely cold.
Before you can react, you're pinned to the ground. The ghost boy on top of you, salivating like a mad man.
"- Hey! Get off!" You don't want to believe this guy is dead. Ghosts aren't real. Monsters aren't real, right??
He is breathing even faster than before. Like there isn't enough air on his lungs.
Believe it or not, he truly doesn't want to do this.
"- ….. I'm sorry." He apologized before biting your neck.
"- What?-Aaaaargh!-"
For a ghost guy, he does feel really real! It hurts a lot!! What is he a vampire or a ghost?
You're bleeding. He isn't trying to suck your blood, he is trying to tear your skin.
You can hear his stomach growling.
And you can also hear Jack searching for you. You manage to free yourself from the ghosts grip and move yourself away for a bit.
"- Jack? JACK! Help!- Argh, fuck! Get off!"
Only to have him try to tear your arm away. He isn't doing a good job at this though.
"- I'm sorry. I-I'm really sorry!" You look and see him crying.
"- Well, then let me-"
A unholy screech comes from you. He broke your arm, at first he didn't seem so strong, but after feeling him digging his fingers into your arm and rotating it, you can tell he really is trying to tear your arm away.
He could have done this quicker. But he didn't want to do this to begin with! He swears, he doesn't like doing this…
For your luck, your scream is heard. You can see the door shaking and hear Jack screaming for you on the other side.
Ghost boy got distracted by it. Usually, there isn't anyone at night. Actually, he is the whole reason there isn't any night classes.
Too many students and staff members suddenly going missing at night time.
It's good to meet new people. He used to think so. He misses having company.
He misses not endlessly consuming people to satisfy an endless hunger.
"- Jack!" You took advantage of the boy's distraction, and decided to get away from him. You kicked him, but your foot passed right through him.
You still managed to get away and reach the door. You looked back, thinking he was chasing you.
He wasn't. He didn't want to. He could, but he really didn't want to.
He only said his goodbye towards you, still apologizing for what happened.
You were too surprised by the boy's action, that you collided with Jack when he opened the door.
"- Ouch- Really? You missed me this much [Y/N]?"
You can't respond. You're hyperventilating like you just runned a marathon.
"- Hey, are you alright? I heard you screaming, are you hurt?"
You remember your arm was broken, and that's when you realize, it's really painful. Yet you can't really find the right words right now.
"- [Y/N]?!"
Jack brought you home after the whole incident happened. Turns out the girl that was getting dragged was actually the leader of the gang you were supposed to fight off.
Janette, the girl's name, was "playing a little prank on everyone", cause you know, that's really funny when everyone is scared as hell.
The fight was still going to happen, but Jack couldn't care less about that or her, he only wanted take care of your broken arm. Janette didn't really complain, she didn't understand how the hell you managed to get your arm broken, but she didn't want to fight anyone that was already in disadvantage.
Although being someone that wanted to pick a fight with all of you, Janette helped you out with your broken arm and bleeding caused by the ghost boy.
She is apparently really talented when it comes to dealing with this stuff, you can tell she has been through a lot, looking at her scarred face.
She is really pretty for someone so build. Damn, that actually makes her more pretty though.
Oh, and about the ghost. No one fucking believes you. They all think you either were hallucinating or just "saw things because you were scared".
You tried to explain how you got hurt, but when you mentioned a ghost, absolutely no one understood what you were talking about.
Anyway, you had a long night. You need some rest. In the morning you'll explain what happened to everyone.
Even if you yourself can't tell what really went down while you were at school.
Your mind keeps re-telling you what the ghost had told you before you left.
"- I'm sorry. I was really hungry."
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