steaksex · 1 year
Angels with cockring halos send tweet
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i really want to talk about how much i fucking hate the new trend of using projections for EVERY FUCKING SET PEICE in shows lately!!!
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evilhausen · 1 year
The way I see it. The way I eat it.
cmjf do intimate powerplaying violence as a means to achieve something sexual
pentorange do something sexual as a means to achieve intimate powerplaying violence
And that's all I ask for
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whorrorbvby · 8 days
Similar to genshin impact of u heard of that but with a more intricate combat system
bro do not do not do not you do not under the obsession I have for genshin 😅 i would probably become obsessed with this one too 😂
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bipolbur · 1 year
i might do a part 2 to my tinarose trapeze fic during yuri week.
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felikatze · 4 months
QoL as Kindness: ISAT's diagetic tutorials
This is the hopefully first of a series of posts I'll be doing reinterpreting ISAT's Loop through the lens of START AGAIN: a prologue's context. As such....
Major spoilers for both ISAT (all acts, including optional content) and SASASAP (all endings).
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One of the biggest differences between ISAT and SASASAP is it’s QoL – it’s Quality of Life. QoL refers to all the little things that make a game just that little bit more playable; quick to navigate menus, quicksaving… tutorials.
It’s not really a surprise that SASASAP is as RPGmaker as RPGmaker gets. This isn’t a criticism, just an observation, and also a compliment to how much Adrienne’s skills with the engine improved between releases. Still, there’s some things that ISAT has over SASASAP.
ISAT’s QoL is absolutely essential to making it bearable. Anyone ever watch an ISAT playthrough where the player sighed in relief as the tutorial on picking where you loop came up?
SASASAP lacks a lot of ISAT’s QoL because it’s an earlier project without a studio backing it, but what impresses me is how this change ties into narrative.
Because the greatest chunk of ISAT’s greatest QoL is provided by Loop.
Even before you ever meet them, they’re already over your shoulder. Loop is the tutorial, speaking to you inside your brain. It’s genius, in that no player is ever going to question this. Hell, SASASAP’s movement tutorial is the exact same thing with less flavoring
This reframes what the QoL is – it’s not just a convenience to the player, it’s a convenience to Siffrin, too. It’s diegetic. It’s not something the game is giving you, it’s something Loop is giving you. Let’s look at what Loop gives you, and more importantly, why.
Zone Out
The first of the QoL features I want to talk about is the Zone Out function, the absolute bread and butter of not making this game a total slog.
The Zone Out feature as is did not exist in SASASAP (because Adrienne didn’t know how to do it yet) – instead, some doubled scenes let you just skip them entirely outright. There’s only two extremes: listen to all of it again, or none of it.
ISAT’s zone out system is much more dynamic, since it fast forwards dialogue line by line, letting you zone in whenever you’d like, and forcing you to zone in whenever a) something notably new happens, or b) whenever Siffrin speaks.
The way this feature is introced by Loop is kind of genius. Because Loop’s tutorial is about one thing – it’s okay to skip.
“You might miss what your party is saying, but who cares, right? If you make them mad, you can always loop back and they'll have forgotten all about it!”
It’s a cruel joke, or at least it seems that way on the surface. It’s also genuine advice. And a cruel joke at the same time. For Siffrin, freshly starting the loops, this is scandalous, but for Loop, who’s long since desensitized, it’s the same old same old.
What Loop’s doing here, by joking about Siffrin not listening to the party, is alliviate Siffrin’s guilt when they inevitably take Loop up on the offer. Because, even though Loop loves their party members…
From SASASAP, when sitting outside the bathroom:
(Will you get farther this time?) (Will you live this time?) (Or are you stuck listening to the same lines forever?) (…) (Stars, you’re so tired.)
Loop knows intimately well that Siffrin is going to drive themself insane trying to be a people pleaser every single loop, so this joke is telling the outright – don’t bother.
At first, Siffrin (and the player) still might. I really enjoyed reading the same conversations five times minimum because they’re fun and I’m deranged, but at some point I did start skipping them. And it was a relief to know there wouldn’t be anything new.
Siffrin: “Should I check everything again?” Loop: “You mean, should you check the same barrels, the same closets, the same objects on tables every loop?” Loop: “I mean, you can, but… You know things won’t change, right?” Loop: “If you really want to get a certain item again, or listen to your friends repeat something funny, you should!” Loop: “I personally would only check two or three things every loop, and ignore the rest.” Loop: “It will just make you crazy to expect something to change, when nothing will.” Loop: “All that might change is your reaction to it!”
The game is telling you, Loop is telling Siffrin, don’t drive yourself insane playing, please. The characters aren’t going to remember if you skipped something.
In the course of my script wizard activities, I’ve gotten an in-depth view of just how much that actually holds up. Pretty much all major differences are by Act, unrelated of how often you’ve done something. Minor variations apply for other things, but… those variations are minor.
And this also points out what all those variations are. Siffrin’s reactions!
Loop’s pre-empting Siffrin’s guilt, cuz they probably felt it themself. Hell, we do know they felt the pressure to perform and make sure nobody notices anything’s wrong, in SASASAP! Right up until the finale, Loop was driving themself up the wall.
(You have to act, you can't crack, you have to fake it and play it exactly as you did the first time for the whole way through so your friends don't find out anything is wrong) (You don't want to know what would happen if they knew their quest was in vain) (If they knew their quest for justice and change always ends in stillness and death!)
Acting everything out perfectly is one of the ending paths for SASASAP, which results in… complete and utter failure. Obviously.
(You acted perfectly normally, didn't you?) (Nothing out of place, nothing weird, every line the same as it might've been the first time?) (Ah…That was your mistake, wasn't it…?) (Because… Didn't your very first time… end exactly like this?) (The King throws the Housemaiden's body onto the floor again.)
Zoning out for too many conversations actually awards weird points in SASASAP, locking you out of the Perfect Ending. On the other hand, acting “perfectly” in ISAT… has no awards whatsoever. No special scene or or optional event or anything at all. You get nothing for paying attention!!!
So spare yourself the pain already, m’kay?
(On that note: I don’t think Loop not being sarcastic about it would’ve like… worked. At the start of ACT 2, Siffrin isn’t going to believe Loop when they say “Stop forcing yourself to relive the same thing over and over because you’ll start seeing your friends as disposable actors and lose touch with reality.” That all comes later, when Siffrin can look back on Loop’s words and see how right they were.)
Loop Back
The second biggest sigh of relief in any given ISAT playthrough is probably this specific tutorial.
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Loop graciously shows you that you don’t need to loop back all the way to the beginning every single time. You can pick and choose where to go, even going forward by paying up with Memories of Skirmish.
This is a feature SASASAP does not possess, for the reason that it is much, much shorter, only covering about as much as one floor of ISAT’s three floor House.
But… since this is a character showing this to you, Loop showing this to you, we can ask… when did Loop learn this? After all, START AGAIN, Loop’s loops, do not have this feature.
“It'll save you time, so it's important, so listen up!”
This feature not existing in SASASAP means this is a thing that Loop did not know exists during their own time as Siffrin.
And that’s just the thing, isn’t it? SASASAP’s Siffrin does not know how to do this. They cannot pick and choose where they end up, as demonstrated wonderfully by SASASAP’s True Ending. There’s an even more wonderful implication, though –
On SASASAP’s Perfect End path, when exiting the final room before the King, Isabeau says this:
Isabeau: “…I'm glad you're feeling better, though!” Siffrin: (…?) “What do you mean…?” Isabeau: “Oh!!! Um, you were…” Isabeau: “Well! You were acting a little weird when we were way closer to the Castle's entrance……” Isabeau: “You weren't really listening to us, you were kinda smiling the way you do when you're actually not happy…” Isabeau: “…and you like, almost acted like you knew exactly where you were going?” Isabeau: “But clearly you're feeling better now! You're acting just like normal!!!”
SASASAP’s Siffrin knew how to do this, somehow managed to lock themself into the House’s last floor… and then forgot how to get back. By making this tutorial, Loop is ensuring that Siffrin never will.
“What can I do next?” – SASASAP’s greatest flaw
So, if you’ve had the pleasure of playing START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: a prologue yourself (as you should), then you’ve probably faced this scenario, or some variation of it:
I got to the end, I died to the King, but… what do I do next? The game tells me to go for the extremes, but how do I do that?
(edit: apparently some of yall just managed to speedrun sasasap in two loops. You're gonna need to stay with me here, please. Suspend your disbelief a bit, because a lot of people [including me] were dumbasses about it)
Maybe you try another loop, but just get the same ending again (or a differnet one, depending on a coinflip). You’re getting frustrated. Getting the Perfect Ending demands pinpoint precision to avoid everything weird, the True Ending demands good memorization of every single damn key in the game, and the order you do everything in. (Though, to be fair, the requirements on that one are actually more merciful than one might expect.)
Point is, in SASASAP, it’s incredibly easy to get stuck in that endless loop of “What the fuck do I do now?” It’s not uncommon to think you got it right only to get the same result anyways. What does one do in this situation?
They consult a guide, obviously.
START AGAIN’s ending requirements are frustrating. They are. When I tried to go for either the Perfect or the True Ending, I saved inside every single room, just so I could get right back to it when I inevitably fucked up five times minimum. This is both criticism… and praise. Because Loop is the major reason that ISAT does not suffer from this same problem.
Whenever you’re stuck in ISAT, Loop is just a single loop or call away at any times. And besides that, no plot requirement in ISAT demands nearly as many moving pieces all at once as SASASAP does – the “Sus Route” has been relegated to an optional ACT 4 exclusive event, instead of the game’s True Ending.
Instead of consulting an external guide on how to progress, you have one right there in the game, always ready with the next tip. They’re not infallible, mind you – enough time in Isatcord’s #game-help proves that, but Loop solved all of the moments I got stuck and frustrated in ISAT for me.
(Primarily that one time you need to figure out that a photo is similar to being stuck in time. That moment in particular is actually commendable, as you need to ask Loop about it twice before they tell you, leaving you a last shot to try and figure it out on your own.) Loop is a feature that nullifies SASASAP’s greatest flaw in its successor, and they choose to do so.
Memory of Keys
In my humble opinion, Loop does this because… they do not want Siffrin to suffer as they did. They want Siffrin to escape. And there is no greater example of their kindness than how Loop treats keys.
First of all, all keys in the game have a sparkling effect on them if you’ve picked them up at least once before, making it immediately clear where in the room they are. This means you don’t need to search every single room top to bottom for them, as you had to do for any keys and Star Crests in SASASAP. It’s some nice QoL that just means you don’t have to re-search the same area if you happened to forget which specific cupboard the key was in.
Key point being: SASASAP did not have this feature. In SASASAP, you did have to memorize where all the keys are, and doing so is expected if you want the True Ending.
Loop does not want Siffrin to have to do this. Because…
From SASASAP’s True End:
(The torch in the infirmary? That’s important!) (The key in the book? Soooo important.) (The names of your friends, that have been by your side throughout this entire adventure?) (Not worth remembering.)
Compared to ISAT’s ACT 2:
Siffrin: “How come I can see where the keys are?” Loop: “Whaaaaat? You caaaaaan? How can that beeeeeee?” Siffrin: “Is it thanks to you?” Loop: “Maybe.” Loop: “I figured you'd have other things to worry about than where a stupid key is.” Loop: “No need to thank me.”
To Loop, that they memorized the House’s layout over their friends’ names is a defining moment to their own failures. After all, in all likelihood, the True End of SASASAP is the last loop before they called it quits. It’s a traumatic experience from them, one that came from having to remember all the dumb fucking keys.
They do not want Siffrin to experience this. They do not want Siffrin to have to memorize the House, to push away what actually matters in favor of efficiency. So Loop is directly, personally, giving them a boon, so that Siffrin does not have to.
There’s probably more tutorial things I could talk about, but I feel like you’re seeing the pattern now, even if I don’t bring up saving level ups or keeping equipment or the “You’re stuck” signifier, least of all cuz they don’t have direct points of comparison with SASASAP like my other examples do (SASASAP has no changeable equipment, and saving levels doesn’t matter if you only have one floor, and you can’t softlock either.). So.
Loop’s tutorials all belie a fundamental kindness to their character. Everything that made their own experience trapped in the timeloop just that bit worse, they’re choosing to do away with it for Siffrin. They are choosing to make Siffrin’s time here easier.
Zoning out too much lead to them never paying attention to their friends, forgetting their names, so they make sure that Siffrin can still zone back in whenever something new happens.
Loop trapped themself for years on the final floor, locking themself out of progress that might lie further back, so they’re ensuring Siffrin knows exactly how to loop forwards and backwards so it doesn’t happen again.
Loop lets Siffrin keep equipment across loops to cut down on time spent doing the exact same thing over and over.
They are saving Siffrin time, and they are giving Siffrin comfort. At every single turn, Loop is saving Siffrin from the same pitfalls they fell into without anyone to guide them out.
It's honestly incredible to transform an increase in skill into an actual narrative element. Yes, SASASAP sucks more to play. But ISAT sucks less, because Loop wants it to. It's the perfect marriage of real world circumstance and storytelling. I could... probably pull another comparison here, saying it's like a game and its remake - overhauled graphics, expanded story, and loads and loads of QoL, because the makers of the remake realized something. They love the original, but parts of it do suck, and there's so much that can be done to make a new player's experience smoother. Metanarrative commentary,,,, woah,,,,,
Every single one of these QoL elements I’ve mentioned function as a crutch for a player’s failing memory, but also Siffrin’s (similar to what I talked about in my previous essay on ISAT’s ludonarrative - the player and Siffrin are always in sync, even in how tutorials benefit them). Loop doesn’t know the player exists though (only the Change God does), so they do everything for Siffrin.
To keep Siffrin from forgetting. To help Siffrin focus on what’s important. To make Siffrin’s journey just a little bit less miserable. Loop directly improves ISAT’s QoL. For you. For Siffrin.
From Loop’s introduction:
Loop: “See, I’m useful! I’m very useful! That’s why I’m here, helpful Loop.” Siffrin: “Why are you helping me?” Loop: “…” Loop: “Because I think you should be helped.” Loop: “I won’t always have the answers, but… I think having someone on your side to talk to is better than dealing with this alone.” Loop: “Right?”
From Loop’s hangout:
“But it’s fine.” “Whether you believe me or not, I’m here to help you.” “So you can escape this loop.”
And finally, from the start of ACT 3:
Siffrin: “Are you really here to help me?” Loop: “Stardust…” Loop: “…” Loop: “Yes.” Loop: “If you can believe anything, believe that.” Loop: “I asked to be here, so I could help you.”
And I do believe them. Loop’s feelings on Siffrin are… complex, to say the least. They love Siffrin, and they hate him in equal measure. They’re jealous, and spiteful, but underneath everything…
In SASASAP, if you die to a Sadness thrice, you get this monologue:
(Sometimes, when you loop back here…) (In the corner of your eye, you can sometimes see someone that looks just like you.) (Is it a you from another loop? Remnants of your past failures?) (Are you going crazy?) (May they succeed where you cannot.)
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cakexblankett · 7 months
Lap dance
Larissa Weems
It was a chill sunday evening when you received a message from Possum.
Wish you could be here with me, mommy is feeling very naughty tonight.
10:30 PM
You bit your lip, reading the message again and again.
You had been texting this misterious woman, who called herself Possum, for a couple of months now. It all started innocently, she found you on Tumblr and sent you a message. You remained intrigued by her, her way of texting was sweet and passionate, especially when she talked about what she liked- fashion shows and fashion in general, she could go hours telling you about it.
You stalked her account; she reposted pictures of cats, and, obviously, fashion related posts. She seemed innocent but refined. Soon enough, you found out she wasn't that innocent after all.
She started asking you personal questions, at first normal one, like what was your colour or your favourit dish, then getting more insidious, like what was your favourite position in bed or if you liked to be toped.
You didn't mind, you took a liking to her, so you replied truthfully, knowing she would do the same. And before you knew it, she started wanting you to call her mommy and even asked you if you would be willing recording you touch yourself. You declined, but not because you didn't trust her or because you were ashamed or shy about it, but you would have prefered leaving this kind of things for when you would meet in real life.
Then maybed I should come over and make mommy feel good.
10:35 PM
It was time to get things in motion and see who you were talking to. You imagined she was a beautiful woman, she said she was in her forties, and you loved middle aged women, so that was surely a point in her favour- and in yours. You imagined she was a freak in bed- all those messages she sent you, about how she would have liked to try different positions with you, made you certain she was a beast in making love.
You waited for her reply, while your thoughts filled with fantasies of her touching you. You didn't even know how she looked but that didn't stop you from dreaming.
I'll send you my location. Don't make mommy wait.
10:40 PM
You jumped off your bed and ran towards your wardrobe. You were wearing your pajama, so it was evident that you needed to change. What to wear, though, was a dilemma. You wanted something that would have caught her eye, something luxurious, sexy, but easy to be undressed from.
After a while, you opted for a tight skirt and a blouse- you left the first three buttons unbottuned. You wore a choker with the word "pet" spelled on it.
You smiled, calling a taxi and giving the driver the adress. The ride there was torture, you nimbled on your bottom lip, thinking of all the ways she would make you come undone. You were already feeling the ache, the need to feel her touch all over you.
Once arrived, you paid the taxi driver and texted Possum.
I'm here.
You looked around you. The neighborhood was quiet and you could tell from the villas and expensive houses that she was rich like everybody else there.
You glanced at your phone, seeing that she read your text. You waited for a second, before the door in front of you opened and your breath itched in your throat.
Before you stood the most beautiful woman you had ever layed eyes upon. Her white hair was in an introcate updo, her plump lips were painted a sinful shade of red. Her blue eyes were watching you curiously and hungryly. She was tall, very tall and she wore a tight, beige dress, that accentuated her curves in a delicious way. You imagined she was beautiful, but she was divine, she was more than you could have ever dreamed of.
"Please, do come in."
You smiled, making your way into her house. It was huge and well decorated. She wasn't lying when she said she liked fashion. Everything was curated meyiculously, every detail added to the perfection of the interior.
"This is nice. You are nice."
She raised an eyebrow, smiling. You were so nervous, you felt your cheeks flush red.
"Am I just "nice" or do I make you feel something more... carnal?"
You gulped. You had just met her and yet you were ready feeling inebriated by her. It made you feel dizzy, like you were dreaming, but you hoped it was really real, that she wasn't just a fantasy born from your imagination.
"You make me feel everything at once."
She hummed and you had to close your eyes, the sound going straight to your core. Her voice was something otherworldly. Her english accent made her sound refined, and her voice was sweet and low, making you feel like a sailor at sea, called by a siren. You were doomed, you could have easily fell for a woman like her. Maybe you already did.
You opened your eyes at the feeling of her hand on your throat. You gasped, her fingers tracing the letters on your choker. She giggled, an exquisite sound that you wanted to hear more of.
"My little pet."
You watched her lips move whilst she said that, feeling the need to know how soft they were. Her hand closed gently around your neck, squeezing gently. You let out a moan, watching as Larissa's eyes grew darker. Then her lips clashed on yours, it was so fast you could have missed it if it wasn't that now you two were kissing, and her lips were soft as feathers, your wanted to stay like that forever.
Her tongue swept on your bottom lip, asking for entrance, and you gave it to her. Her tongue didn't have to battle with yours for dominance, because you were more than alright being the one seduced and dominated. The fact that a woman like her wanted you made your ego reach up the stars.
She took her hand and led you up the stairs, to her bedroom. The room was spacious but almost empty. There was a huge painting on one wall depicting two women having sex. It was beautifully made, it almost looked like a photograph. There was a kingsized bed, who screamed for you to use it.
She kissed you again, more gently than before, and started unbottuning your blouse.
"If you're not feeling comfortable, tell me to stop and I will."
You shook your head, helping her undress you.
"I want this, I want you."
She gave you a quick peck on the lips before taking off your blouse. The skirt followed it on the floor. She took two steps back, glancing at you.
"Hm beautiful."
You blushed, her compliment meant the world to you. She made you sit on the side of the bed, then she slowly started taking off her dress. Her legs were long and toned, almost in contrast with her pale complexion that made her look like she made out of porcelain. When she remained in her undergarments, she sat on your lap and began moving on you, giving you a lap dance. It was funny, her, the tall and mature one, giving you, the small and young one, the lap dance. But you didn't complain.
She knew what she was doing, roaming her hands on your body, her hot breath on your ear. You clasped your hands on her butt, helping her move easily on you.
"Tell me what you need."
Her whisper made you shiver.
"Fuck me."
She stopped her motions and got off you. She kneeled and opened your legs. You moaned at the sight. She looked at you with doe eyes while she took off your panties. The fresh air hit your wet center and you whimpered. She stroked your folders with two fingers, feeling just how ready you were to be taken.
"Is this the effect mommy has on you?"
You nodded frantically, seeing her on her kneew, between your legs, made you horny like nothing else could.
"Do you want mommy to make you feel good?"
You nodded again, letting out a small moan. She was so hot, so seductive, you wondered if she was ever like this or if she learned to be.
"Say it."
"I want mommy to make me feel good."
"Hm good pet."
She licked your slit, latching on your clitoris, sucking at it and swirling her tongue around it. Waves of pleasure washed over you, you felt euphoric. She swept her tongue one last time on your bundle of nerves before entering you with two fingers. You let out a whimper, grasping the sheet under you. She curled her fingers inside you, making you see stars.
"Good girl, taking me so well."
You were a moaning mess, soon you felt the orgams wash over you. She helped you ride it, still moving gently inside you.
"Such a good pet, did mommy make you feel good?"
"You made me feel more than good."
She smirked, taking out her fingers. She put them in her mouth, looking at you straight in the eyes. She moaned, tasting you on her digits. Your pupils dilated, feeling yourself grow needy once more.
"Do you want to make mommy feel good too?"
She took off her undergarments, and positioned herself between your legs. Her clitoris touched yours, and you felt a jolt of electricity run in your veins. She started slowly moving her hips, the friction making you whimper. Your clitoris was still sensitive, but it felt good to feel her moving on top of you.
"Hm you're going to make mommy come."
She started riding you faster, her hips swaying up and down quickly. In a matter of minutes, you two were pn the edge.
"Come with me, make me hear you scream my name."
You only needed a few more movements and you both came.
She layed beside you, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead. You hugged her, feeling her warm skin touch yours. You could get used to this.
"It was awesome."
She laughed.
"You had doubts?"
You smiled, shaking your head. She cupped your cheek. You tried to take a picture of her in your mind. Her lipstick smeared, her updo slowly falling apart. She somehow looked better than before.
"If you want to, you can stay the night."
"I would love to."
You both smiled. You felt incredibly lucky to have met her, and you knew that night was the start of something far bigger and marvelous than you could have predicted.
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alwek · 2 months
I have 100 9/11 memes in my collection, and so here is my
Top 10 9/11 Memes From My Folder
From Worst Of The Best To Best Of The Best
10) Conkeldurr
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I like this edit a lot. It's decently cut, it's a funny idea executed cleanly, it envokes the image of a kaiju causing 9/11 and I think that's interesting. It's almost like he's crushing the twin towers with his fists, or he's about to use them as weapons in a fight.
9) The Coup
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Album covers/images that go hard. This was originally going to be the cover of the album, and it was chosen PRIOR to 9/11. The cover was greenlit in June 2001, and only some retail copies with the cover were printed on September 11th, which is a funny coincidence. I want one of the Exploding Towers prints so bad.
8) The Two Towers
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The joke that wrote itself. It just makes so much sense! And this edit is so clean, too. Just and absolutely fantastic Two Towers meme. THIS is how they could have beat Sauron.
7) Mama Mia
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This is the meme that started it all for me. I quote this all the time, and laugh whenever I think about it. The thumbs down reactions, the dryness of the responce "thousands of people died" the killer comback that is "Mama Mia." It just hits me in all the right spots. It's got subtlety, it's got a good edit, it's got an original joke, I love it.
6) USA vs UK
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I like this one for its subtlety. You look at this and think, "It's just a chess board." But look and look a little closer you see some pieces are missing. A little closer, you notice that the players are the USA and the UK. And what pieces are missing? On the UK side, the queen. On the US side? The towers. It's trusts itself, and it trusts you to understand it.
5) Garfield Did It
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This COULD be a completely innocuous Garfield comic of him getting in trouble. But introce the context of "but what if 9/11?" It immediately makes this a top tier 9/11 meme. Who else but Garfield to orchestrate such a thing? What a classic Garfield antic.
4) Subway Ad
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I love this one a lot. This is one of the cleanest edits I've ever seen, and the fact that it looks like real ad is really boosting the capabilities of this meme. You could potentially trick someone into thinking this is a real ad, and I think that's beautiful.
3) Jenga Sales
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Another really good subtle one. Environmental story telling at its absolute finest. Jenga sales dropped drastically after 9/11, and the graph of that on its own is just so fucking funny.
2) Data Is Right, Do it
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This one is perfect. Data would absolutely say this, and there's very real potential for star fleet to end up in this situation. Captain Kirk would do it, too. He'd spend the whole time trying not to, but because of those antics, he would lock himself into having to use The Enterprise to do 9/11. This meme could be cannon, and that's awesome.
1) When Life Depends On It, You Use Asbestos
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I can't imagine something aging worse than this ad. The Twin Towers were PACKED with asbestos. Yeah this may not be a meme but how fucking funny is this? The towers going down was probably an extremely good thing considering this. You could spin it that Isis or whoever was trying to save america by stopping the asbestos. "Use asbestos, save lives" that's such a tag line to have for something that causes cancer, I love this image so much.
Send me 9/11 memes
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midnightmah07 · 22 days
Hi, Mah! How are you doing?
I saw your post about Daisy's relationships and I was curious about your oc's relationships with each other. You don't even have to go into details, just, are they friends? Are they indifferent? Things like that.
Most of them are friendly with each other, but one relationship between my OCs that I NEVER talk about but I feel like I should is the friendship between Daisy, Perse and Jeanne
So, have you watched Kimi ni Todoke? If you did, I made them friends simply because I wanted to make something similar to Sawako, Ayane and Chizu's friendship! Perse and Jeanne were already friends before Daisy came to Twisted Wonderland, Daisy became Jeanne's friend due to book 3 and book 4 shenanigans, and she introcated Jeanne to Daisy later on.
Daisy's the heart of their group, I feel like Jeanne and Perse got close with each other with her presence, because Daisy was always encouraging both of them to be kinder to themselves and she always supported them. Jeanne and Perse helped Daisy to put her foot down and to always hype her up when needed, their friendship is something similar to what Daisy, Ace and Deuce has, like, it's her girl friend group, ya know? Girl friend groups are really important to me and I think they're important to a lot of girls, so I wanted to give Daisy one🥺
About my other OCs, they're not as close, although everyone has a friendship with Daisy it's not as deep as Daisy's other friendships (ADeuce, Kalim and Jeanne+Perse); Damali is friends with Daisy, Isabelle is friendly with Daisy and Maisie thinks Daisy is a wonderful example of what a young lady should be!
I think Jeanne and Damali are kinda weird? Damali doesn't really like Jeanne (at least in the beginning) due to her job of protecting the Asim's treasures, and Jeanne thinks Damali is just. She's hiding something. No one is that perfect. Also her obsession with bugs freak her out
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Night Vale Bracket — Round Α
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Old Woman Josie A.K.A. Josefina Ortiz:
Simone Rigadeau:
she is the only one who properly understands night vale. she knows about the whispering forest. she remembers the day the world ended but didn't. she introced a courses in the night vale community college about the distant prince and we haven't heard about it in 7 years or so
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capcavan · 6 months
Some stuff ABT wren before I pas sour
Wren domes from normal ass family in negative way. The environment he grew up in was not directly abusive but none of his emotional needs were meet as a child and then teenger making him grow into adult how is unable to form proper bonds with people and disregards others. Above it all he developed big need for attention and recognition. He is ruthless and goal oriented to a point of hurting people who might stand in his way.
He joined Crows only because there was no space for him in the ravens but he spend whole year believing Riko himself will notice his talent and invite him to perfect court.
Unable to form bonds with people in his environment wren developed introcative parasocial relationship with riko beliving that his time away from nest was a trial sent on him by riko himself
After all wren is brother Riko deserved of course all wren had to do was to prove his way skills by leading crows to victory.
Crows of course had not won.the team got fragmented by wrens actions and lack of respect to fellow team mates. By end of the first year everyone knew that wren does not see crows as a chance for finding place for himself but as a stepping stone while aiming at a team that hurt so many of them before (crows staff is ex ravens who wanted to help other people with similar experiences recover and find meaning in their life ).
Wren does not care about crows
But then riko killed himself and wren wanted to follow . Instead he got to spend the summer in psych ward . Left behind betrayed at least in his own understanding of the situation . He comes back to crows just to realise that chasing unattainable dream all that was left for him was scorched earth and team mates that hate him.
Being good striker is not enough after all exy is a team sport and crow need to do some serious amendments or accept that he had clipped his own wings.
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kidge-planet · 1 year
For the ship meme headcanons with Kidge!
#1. Who is the most jealous? 👀
HI @alphaofdarkness !
Im again going to go to the point here: Keith!
He hates it when she talks to another man and seem to have a nice time with them (generally only when he doesn'tknow the man) .
He would get overprotective for nothing.
Once, they were in another planet with their friends for a party that had been made for the paladins. She would be standing with some people and Keith noticed that the guys seemed to pay her a little too much attention. That really made him angry and, he couldn't help but get closer and get a lil more contact with her to show that she was taken.
He some time, When she is texting someone, would ask with whom she talks and that would often get them to argue... He trusts her! He really does! but he can't help but asking...
That jealous aspect especially comes from his galra instincts... Galrans doesn't keep a same mate for long but they are very possessive towards them... Keith is half human, so, he keeps a same partner BUT, he has that galra part of him telling him that he has to protect her from other mans... It even happened to a women that was getting too comfortable with pidge, Keith scared the shit out of her and she never came back. That also got Pidge mad, she thinks he is too hard with people.
coming back to his galran part, I let you imagine what it is when it's galran's mating season... She barely goes outside. ( which is fine to her, she is an indoor person... That gives her an excuse)
As for Pidge, she is more chill about this... She trusts him with her lide and knows that he loves her and that he would never cheat, he is to "possessive" for that and WAY too scared to lose her... ( She gets that Keith is protective in his own way, that he has trust issues towards people and that he has a galra instinct. She always try to be understanding... It stays hard some times, when she had a long day, for example.)
She also gets jealous, tho. Keith is handsome and, she feels like next to him she is... Well, ugly which is untrue, She is the prettiest and the cutest... She never really said it out loud, but she thinks it.
So, when a "gorgeous" woman gets too close to Keith and that he would politely smiling at her, She feels like they would fit better together than she would ever with him. She ends up crying and reminding herself each of her imperfections in the bathroom. She would stay quiet about it, she will never interfere because she feels ridiculous next to these tall and pretty womans. But eventually, Keith noticed. He reassured her without even really talking to her directly. He literally was introcing her to every womans that he was meeting has the most gorgeous and smart woman he knows and that he is a lucky man. They did had a talk about all this and it helped her to feel better. Anyways, these insecurities came back when she noticed that she had took weight after their last kid.
Hope you enjoyed these headcanons!!
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ultimatebottom69 · 11 months
Someone : Arcanum has so many introcate plotlines that are all extremely relevant to the plot.
Meanwhile one of SAID plotline :
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atombonniebaby · 1 year
Okay so I've been less active lately 😭
Love in the Crosshairs, my fic, probably looks neglected...far from it.
it has been getting a lot of my attention. I'm never one for planning, but it's got such an introcate story, with plot lines I'd already mapped out, that I needed to develop it further.
FO4 is also being a PITA (pain in the ass) for various reasons and it's killing my groove a little. I just don't have the brain power to deal with it's pish right now 😅
But don't let that fool you, I'm hardcore into FO4, sharing ideas and spreading the love for rat-man !
I came to Tumblr after reading your fics, and then lost myself your art, reading headcanons and your thoughts the game!
And I wanna do more, rant with people and share from the mood-board of choas in my head, maybe even get some inspiration to write and draw about 👀
So, like hi 👋🏻
Oh, and until I do fix FO4, I thought I'd share from my collection of FO76 screens (I've neglected 76 for too long guys 😭)
So, to start, here's my toon's progression 🤣
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Me writing female characters: This is Celastine Abernathy, beautiful woman with a dark secret. She is her own personality, with small introcate things she does to show she isn't perfect but just human. She has long history with trauma she is still unpacking from her childhood. She cam be cruel-
Me writing male characters: this is Dave. He likes women and probably something else like jazz. He just likes to be involved.
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Verona: il comune aderisce a una Food policy per promuovere uno stile di vita sano e sostenibile. La presentazione del progetto
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Verona: il comune aderisce a una Food policy per promuovere uno stile di vita sano e sostenibile. La presentazione del progetto. Educazione, sicurezza alimentare e riduzione dello spreco. Su questi tre pilastri si basa "Verona Food Policy", una delle pratiche messe in campo dal Comune di Verona, nell'ambito della Rete delle Città Sane dell'OMS di cui è socio e detiene la vicepresidenza nazionale, per promuovere pratiche alimentari che tutelino la salute e l'ambiente, garantendo anche la sostenibilità delle filiere produttive. L'iniziativa è parte integrante del progetto VIVIAMOVERONA, che si propone di coinvolgere la cittadinanza e gli attori istituzionali nella progettazione della città futura. "Con il lancio del percorso per la definizione di una food policy del Comune, avviamo un processo strategico per Verona – spiega l'assessore alla Transizione ecologica Tommaso Ferrari –. L'obiettivo è arrivare a un ampio coinvolgimento di tutti i portatori d'interesse della città, che sul tema delle produzioni agroalimentari è già un punto di riferimento a livello nazionale e che può vantare esperienze di eccellenza sul contrasto allo spreco. Un lavoro collettivo che tocca tematiche fondamentali da un punto di vista ambientale e strategico per i nostri territori. Una visione di sistema per una città che informa, sensibilizza e promuove una corretta educazione alle risorse disponibili, che valorizza le proprie produzioni e che guarda con maggiore consapevolezza alla propria salute. Una tappa fondamentale anche per prepararci all'anno olimpico 2026". "Il progetto Food Policy del Comune di Verona ben si inserisce nel programma delle attività della Rete Città Sane OMS – afferma la consigliera comunale delegata per la Rete Italiana Città Sane – OMS Annamaria Molino -. I comuni che fanno parte della rete mettono in campo tutta una serie di iniziative per tutelare la salute delle persone, degli animali, dell'ambiente, la cosiddetta 'one health', salute globale, per garantire così il miglior livello di benessere possibile. Alcune città della Rete hanno già avviato il progetto food policy, e prossimamente tutti i comuni saranno invitati a iniziare questo percorso, condividendo buone pratiche". "Verona Food Policy" vedrà coinvolti diversi attori, dall'agricoltura alla grande distribuzione, dalle mense scolastiche alla ristorazione, tutti per sensibilizzare riguardo all'adozione di pratiche innovative e l'impiego di strumenti tecnologici per monitorare e implementare le buone pratiche. Un progetto particolarmente significativo anche per il ruolo che Verona ricoprirà in vista delle Olimpiadi invernali e paralimpiche del 2026, e per questo supportato da Verona Agrifood Innovation Hub con il sostegno della Fondazione Cariverona. Saranno istituiti cinque tavoli di lavoro per affrontare specifiche tematiche legate alla food policy: educazione, spreco e scarto, eventi pubblici, salute e prevenzione, produzione. Verranno coinvolti vari soggetti istituzionali e privati, tra cui l'Assessorato alle Politiche educative, Verona Mercato, la Grande Distribuzione Organizzata, associazioni del Terzo settore, Enti sanitari e organizzatori di manifestazioni pubbliche. Il progetto presentato venerdì 2 febbraio durante una tavola rotonda nella sala Bellini, Galleria 6/7 del Centro Congressi Arena di Veronafiere. Introce l'incontro il presidente di Veronafiere Federico Bricolo, con la partecipazione dell'assessore alla Transizione ecologica Tommaso Ferrari, Diego Begalli dell'Università degli Studi di Verona, Franca Castellani Veronamercato, Sara Ferrari e Seride Meloni di AULSS 9, Mauro Zamboni dell'Università degli Studi di Verona e AOUI con anche la partecipazione del Comune di Milano. Modera Filippo Federico di Verona Agrifood Innovation Hub. Le fasi operative. Primo passo sarà lo sviluppo di un portale dedicato al progetto per informare e coinvolgere la cittadinanza, seguito dall'organizzazione di un evento di lancio del progetto con tutti gli stakeholder coinvolti durante Fieragricola. L'evento sarà l'occasione per invitare anche alcuni rappresentanti del Comune di Milano, che nel 2015 hanno iniziato il percorso della Food Policy e che sono alla presidenza della Rete Città Sane-OMS Verranno poi avviati l'avvio di tre tavoli di lavoro. Il primo per creare cultura e conoscenza su alimentazione e nutrizione corretta, sia come scelta dei cibi a tutela della salute sia come sostenibilità degli stessi. Il progetto si rivolge a tutte le fasce di età coinvolgendo le scuole, dove già ci sono percorsi attivati, e trovando altre forme di sensibilizzazione e formazione per le altre fasce di età (famiglie e RSA). Il secondo step sarà "Zero scarto". Saranno coinvolti manifestazioni e congressi in edifici comunali/feste/sagre/eventi nel Comune, al fine di associare al nuovo regolamento sui rifiuti in via di approvazione un protocollo e delle indicazioni relative alla riduzione degli scarti e all'utilizzo di filiere corte, prevedendo premialità per i soggetti che aderiranno al progetto. Verranno poi scelte alcune Circoscrizioni dove sperimentare modelli per tutta la popolazione (es. To Good To Go o altre applicazioni simili, altro), con premialità per chi aderisce; saranno coinvolti anche i ristoranti (protocollo volontario di ristorante zero sprechi? Incentivi per l'adesione?). Il terzo tavolo riguarda la "Sicurezza alimentare" attraverso l'elaborazione di materiali divulgativi, organizzazione di eventi e redazione di documenti ad uso dei vari settori dell'Amministrazione comunale coinvolti, in collaborazione con i partner della ULSS 9 e dell'Università.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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