#introducing wips
writeouswriter · 2 years
No, I didn't forget about those WIPs, time just moves differently for me. For you, it's been years; for me, it's just been a few seconds, maybe a minute
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cyanwyrmy · 3 months
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I’m working on something silly…
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electricpurrs · 2 months
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what if we were both girls and we were in a toxic yuri office situationship would that be fucked up or what
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azuries · 2 years
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and this is how gay love is gonna save the world
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notsodailycake · 2 months
Agent 32 doodle dump
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Happy moments together, all filled with cuddle and kisses after the chaotic trip 8 had
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Nothing better than to tease your significant other lmao. 4 find 8 extremely soft and squishy and can't help but always wanna pinch him, he does not find that amusing
Meanwhile, 8 has a weird habbit of rubbing his hand (or face) on 4's flat surface head, and she has no idea why that is.
Also, the "Cute!" Look that 8 is giving at the bottom right, i drew this last year, and BOY did i hit jackpot with how i drew him there, he looks ADORABLE I CAN'T!!
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Rommies waking up in the morning, but 4 is so not an early bird like 8, be she tries, and 8 is there to try and help heh
Oh look! I finally drew these lovebirds! These have been sitting with all my wips for quite a while
A few months
Oh also, the 2nd and 3rd ones are just doodles i did on paper last year that i decided to digitilize lol
But yay! Meet my agents 32, Minke (agent 4) and Finn (Agent 8).
I need to see more of male agent 8. He's like, my favorite, and I barely see him YwY
I'll probably have to be the sole provider for the m/f ship version of them ngl (which sue me is my favorite, mainly cuz male 8 is my fav). But seeing busy i am rn, this will probs be my one rare post for this month
But who knows, I've been thinking up on Minke's family quite a bit, that might be my next topic, family meeting
Also fun fact, the doodle of 4 going "oooh you missed me" was originally gonna be a sad moment of 8 comforting her, but i couldn't get the pose i wanted right, so i went for a more cheerful tone. And yes it is after side order hehe
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dilfsonic · 10 months
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Wip for the service animal piece! I’m having many thoughts today…
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I, for one, would definitely be interested in learning about your flondon main, if you're willing to share
Oh, I suppose I can go ahead and share a tad... presuming my poor, skittish heart survives the ordeal. ^_^;; +++
"D. T. Oversol, Silverer. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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(Portrait by my good friend Cheru at @cheru-art-time!)
Primary Skills: Persuasive / Dangerous; Glasswork / Artisan of the Red Sciences
Feel free to send a calling card! Lengthier character introduction beneath the cut. +++
Mr. Oversol (or Oversol, as he is commonly referred – he seems rather particular about sharing more than the initials of the rest of his name) is an immensely private individual. Whilst he is semi-commonly present at a variety of high-society events, and, of course, the occasional apocalyptic threat to London, he always seems to subtly direct conversation towards topics related to others rather than himself. This aire of mystique, as some have put it, is only furthered by the bombazine-dark veil he has not been seen without in many a year. ...In fact, one might note, he wears black gloves, too, and a high-collared shirt, and even dark spectacles beneath hat heavy veil... God forbid one foregoes manners enough to ask about all the pomp directly, of course. High society leaves little room for such straightforwardness. A silverer by trade, his services are peculiarly difficult to obtain. First comes the mere challenge of locating the blasted man, should you not find yourself fortunate enough (or, em, unfortunate enough?) to be inundated with party invites. Oversol's offices lie somewhere in the twisted back-streets set about the foot of the Bazaar, and the longer one searches the clearer it becomes he may not want it to be found. Does he even have clientele? And why, for goodness sake, is a silverer rumoured to turn away all of the Bohemian-and-creative sort? Truth be told, Oversol is a bit of a hermit – mostly due to a displeasure with rowdy environments, a few too many suitors, and a healthy appreciation for his own privacy. This most certainly has nothing to do with a rising paranoia that has grown steadily over his years in the Neath, and irrational fears over what exactly some unsavory party might do with information on his good self. He makes true companions exceptionally slowly due to this, and finds himself primarily in the company of one Dola Hallowrove, monster hunter (@peliginspeaks), and a Captain-Correspondent Ren Haarsink (@indefinitely-sealed). —Er, perhaps not the latter. Not at current. Not after recent events. Regardless of the man's paranoid tendencies, and resulting stiff public face, he is exceptionally warm and loyal to those he considers his trusted and beloved few. They, of course, are welcome at his office any time of any day (set just beneath his lodgings, in fact; both are decorated in expensive fashion, yet stay within the line of good taste), aside from the middle of his appointments, and may even be allowed knowledge of his dear young daughte– ahem, feline companion, Boo. Sure, his gifts tend to be inordinately and unnecessarily expensive, and he will most certainly refuse a romp through Prickfinger or any other destination lacking a proper road, but you can always count on him to lend a good ear and as many perfectly-steeped cups of tea as you'd like. (Oh, ah— One last little thing. You would be well-advised not to allow him inebriation; he's a nasty rash streak with a little alcohol in his system. Last time he took drinks at a bar, he ended up across the zee on Gaider's Mourn daring pirates to most unreasonably dangerous competitions. Ghastly, that hangover was. Ghastly, and awfully zalty.)
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('Portrait' by me, on MSpaint with mouse, because my tablet is broken.)
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 months
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But when you think I've had enough From your sea of love I'll take more than another river full
A collab with @magnusbae ♡
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
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Request from @bleakoutlo to draw Ralsei weaving a scarf; I had to watch a few videos to understand how weaving worked in order to draw him doing this, which ended up being a really nice way to pass the time during the inclement weather today :D drawing the loom was a ton of fun too once I started to understand how it worked, so I really liked working on this one. Thank you for the request!
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mossymandibles · 11 months
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For a while now I’ve been mulling over Durja’s place in my story because I’m attached to her. She started as my ds3 character and was part of an old storyline. She kind of randomly pops in with Sylvaine’s vignettes every now and then but I didn’t know what she was or what to do with her.
But here she is with a new look and new back story and and I’m excited to reintroduce her BUT a lot of her story I’m realizing involves stuff I haven’t talked about on here yet, oops (still need to make that lil website with all the lore stuff ( ಠ◡ಠ )). Anyway, a little more about her below:
She calls herself an ‘Ashen Fury’. She, like Kraw’s father, is from Zenith; the last remaining landmass considered big enough to be a continent. Her Rook was called Mistfall but she doesn’t like to talk much about Zenith, since she believes she’ll never see it again. She leans more towards being bird adjacent rather than dragon, her wings were feathery as well.
Sylvaine had helped Durja after taking control of the Asheweaver estate (a hospital/research facility/mansion essentially). The previous ‘doctor’ and owner of the estate (to be introduced) had left her mutilated and she’d nearly gone into septic shock before Sylvaine was able to preform surgery and safely remove what was left of her wings.
Skip ahead to where Durja now helps Sylvaine out as an orderly/nursing assistant of sorts, as well as becoming her partner (er, one of them, since Sylvaine is poly. Can ya guess who her ‘plaything’ is?). But they have a special relationship over all, might as well be married idk.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 2 months
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progress is happening incrementally
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skyward-floored · 2 months
May I request the math scene? I want to inflict math on Time :)
Poor Time. He had a reasonable education, and would normally be okay with helping, but then they had to go and switch up math on him... just wait until he realizes he’ll have to help Hyrule with his schoolwork too.
“...Okay, so then you divide here where the sixteen is—”
“No no, Dad, that’s not how you’re supposed to do it,” Wind said as he looked at his father’s scribbling, turning his math book around and pointing at the page. “They want us to do it like this.”
Time stared at the problems in front of him for what felt like the hundredth time, frustration building as a headache behind his eyes. He’d scraped by when he’d been in school, but the math hadn’t been like this, and he didn’t even recognize some of these symbols...
“Why do they want you to do it like that? It makes no sense,” Time said with a disbelieving look, and Wind shrugged.
“I don’t know. Nobody tells me anything. But the teacher said we’re supposed to do it like this.”
“Well I don’t know this way,” Time said, giving the math book a glare with both eyes. “Why would they change math?!”
“Dad, it’s okay,” Wind tried to interject, but Time had lost his patience with the math book.
“Last I checked, math was math!” he growled, jabbing a finger at the book, “MATH IS MATH!”
Wind gave him a concerned look.
“...You know Dad, I’ll just wait for Mom to come back, it’s fine,” Wind said quickly, and Time wrestled down his frustration with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he sat back down.
“She won’t understand it any better than I do,” he grumbled.
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ahordeofwasps · 2 years
Sometimes I’ll have a character concept in my head but as soon as I start introducing the character, they turn into a completely different person and it is delightful
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writingamongther0ses · 5 months
Her name is Rhea-Kore Ianthe Calimeris!
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daneesoro · 2 days
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I Don't Care Who, Somebody Go Out With Me! But it's Kyni
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monbons · 2 months
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WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tags @thewholelemon and @shrekgogurt. Your stuff looks so good (yes ALL of it Jenny! Stop doubting yourself!) and I cannot wait until it is out in the world. Thanks also to @hushed-chorus -- I already devoured the two fics on your list I had never heard of and they were SOO good! We're very much on the same wavelength with vamp angst.
You know what’s not as fun as everyone's updates? Developing a truly distinct voice for a fic and then trying to break out of it once you are done. I love my narrator for The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch, but flowery prose/omniscient third-person doesn't work for most fics! I'm trying to ease my transition back into first person POV switching by writing a sequel to my EGF fic, Kill Em With Kindness. It doesn’t need a sequel, but it’s been a fun way to get back to throwing words on the page and seeing what sticks. (I wrote 1k words over the past couple days, which is way more than I have since I finished Eternal Life! Are the words any good? Debatable. But progress is progress...)
In the meantime, here is a bit of current Baz from chapter 5 under the cut. Not technically spoilery if you haven’t started reading, but honestly, you should be forced to wait just as long as everyone who has been reading for this meet-cute…so I forbid you from clicking if you haven’t started yet!!!
“Hey—uh—there’s a long line—” the young man smiles awkwardly, “—so if you aren’t ready, maybe you should step aside?” Baz regains control of his mind and mouth briefly enough to utter an order. “Pumpkin mocha breve. Small.” The young man laughs. “Are you a child?” “What?” “That drink sounds gross.” He wrinkles his nose. “Certainly much too sweet for a grown man to drink before his morning run.” Baz is well and truly shocked from his reverie now. He glances at the young man’s name tag. Simon.  “I’m perfectly serious, Simon. Can you not make it?” Baz raises an eyebrow.  “I can.” Simon shrugs. “I’d rather not.”
Hellos and high-fives: @roomwithanopenfire, @cutestkilla, @beastmonstertitan, @bookish-bogwitch, @rbkzz (loving your art! keep it coming!)
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @drowninginships, @valeffelees, @skee3000
@aristocratic-otter, @emeryhall, @cattocavo, @raenestee, @iamamythologicalcreature
@best--dress, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @arthurkko, @noblecorgi, @larkral
@comesitintheclover, @artsyunderstudy, @ic3-que3n, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @whatevertheweather
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