#irish kings
does the bbc even understand how much money they’d make if the made a Disney Enchanted 2007 style Merlin sequel where Merlin has been alive, moving from place to place, magicking himself young and aging then moving and magicking himself younger and aging then moving and suddenly Arthur pops out of a lake, completely unaware of current events and is walking around demanding his manservant, claiming to be King Arthur Pendragon and he either
a. Gets on the news somehow and Merlin, doing whatever he’s doing now, sees and drops everything because WHAT IS ARTHUR DOING HERE AND ALIVE
b. Meets Merlin who has been working as a detective somewhere -because that’s basically what he did anyway-solving things and helping people, the family business, and Arthur is dragged in, handcuffed, and plopped in an interrogation room or the drunk tank with the cop who found him saying like This wacko thinks he’s some medieval king, go deal with him, and Merlin scoffs and walks in, promptly dropping his files and spilling his coffee when he sees a disheveled and petulant Arthur, who goes Merlin, finally, get me out of here already, will you and Merlin starts crying lmaooo
or c. Meets Merlin who has been working at an ER because, again, he was physician adjacent, and someone drags a wet Arthur in, like Found this, it looks like he might hypothermiate deal with him, and Merlin sees him, drops his files, spills his coffee, and starts crying hahaha
because I’m thinking that’d be fun and probably everyone on tumblr and everyone who knows someone on tumblr would go bonkers over it
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an-adhd-infested-nerd · 8 months
I have no real connection to my Irish heritage but every time something bad happens to the royal family the 50% Irish in me jumps up and does a jig
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wqemzz-blog · 1 year
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Giving Ronan Celtic tattoo designs is my agenda, perogative, scheme, and some may even say my destiny
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leo-muscle · 9 months
Kings of the World: Europe's Protector
Dominic, for the most part, was what the gay community would consider average. He had some mass to him, though not much, and his junk was fairly average. He had light body hair and a short beard, though not enough to be considered an otter. Almost no one swiped him on any dating app, which did leave him feeling dejected. He was a top, though all of his few matches pegged him as a submissive bottom. Though, someday, he hoped that he would gain the strength he desired.
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Alone in his apartment, Dominic was doomscrolling through Instagram, crying over pictures of happy men in love. It had been so long since his last hookup, let alone his last boyfriend, that he had become incredibly touch-starved. London's pool of gay men had been incredibly unkind to him.
A single notification rang from Dominic's phone. A match! Dominic dove to his phone, and couldn't believe his eyes. An absolute stud of a man had decided to give Dominic his approval. His pecs and ass were perky and voluptuous, his dark skin accented his enormous muscles perfectly, and judging by his bulge, he was more hung than every other man Dominic had seen, combined. The crystal crown on his head, while a little tacky, only added to his allure. According to his profile, he was "King Leon."
That sure is a King of a man, all right. Dominic thought.
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Soon, they began to chat.
King_Leon: Hey. I think you might have exactly what I'm looking for. Meet me at my place?
DomDom74: Absolutely! I'm on my way!
Dominic dashed to his car, and drove as fast as he could over to where King Leon said his address was. It was a tall apartment building, with an impressive view over Buckingham Palace.
King_Leon: Head to the Penthouse. I'll be waiting ;)
Not only is he immeasureably hot, but he's also rich? Dominic thought. This could not be going better.
Dominic sauntered up to the elevator, and hit the button for the Penthouse suite.
"Dom?" King Leon's Nigerian accent entered Dominic's ears like butter from the intercom. It was smoky and rhythmic, with a deep, rich melody that caused Dominic's cock to instantly harden.
"Y-yes?" Dominic stammered. He was already flustered, and he hadn't even met the man yet.
"I'm glad to see you could make it. I'll let you on up now." King Leon said.
Soon, the elevator opened into a lavish Penthouse suite, each room the size of Dominic's entire apartment. Relics and statues from every corner of the globe accented the space, though most were from Africa, where King Leon's throne resided.
King Leon himself was standing in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but a small towel. He was even hotter in person. His muscles, divine, his skin, glistening, his ass, superb, his incredible height and his enormous cock visible even through the towel.
"Dominic, it is so good to have you here." King Leon rumbled, his voice flowing over Dominic like a river, wearing down his inhibitions.
"S-same." Dominic stuttered. "You have to be the most beautiful man I have ever seen."
King Leon laughed. "Soon, you will be just as beautiful as I."
"What do you mean?" Dominic said.
King Leon smiled, and let the towel drop as he turned around, revealing his luscious, bouncy muscle ass.
"Why don't you come find out?" King Leon teased.
Salivating, Dominic ripped off his pants, and stuck his throbbing member into King Leon's hole. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever felt: King Leon's perfect ass seemed to be vibrating and massaging every square millimeter of his dick, creating pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt. Dominic's eyes rolled back into his skull as he lost himself in the pleasure, firing orgasm after orgasm into King Leon's ass, each one longer than the last. A gold fluid began to leak from King Leon's hole as the most orgasmic experience of Dominic's life finally came to a close.
As he removed his pulsing member from the King's hole, Dominic almost screamed. His cock was... different.
It had swollen up like a balloon, until it matched King Leon's size, inch for inch, a full foot in length and as thick as a beer bottle. His balls had turned into massive grapefruits swinging between his legs, churning with his own kingly fluids. Most surprising of all, his cock was pale, with a red tip, surrounded by a fiery orange bush. No longer was it a brown twig, but a mighty birchwood weapon, capable of slaying any ass.
"Wha... what?" Dominic asked.
"A king needs a weapon, does he not?" King Leon said.
"How? Why? Why did you change me?"
"I saw greatness in you, Dominic. You could be the protector of this whole continent, if you wished. A king, a warrior, a protector... the most powerful Dom in this land."
Dominic considered this. Power, prestige, strength... The choice was obvious.
"I'll do it. Where do I start?" Dominic answered.
"Only a moment of submission, for a lifetime of lordship. Impale yourself upon my sword, and drink of my fluids." King Leon said, his voice having a playful air to it.
King Leon sat down upon a wide loveseat, his enormous Black horsecock reaching far past his abs. His pecs throbbed, and his nipples called to Dominic, just begging to be sucked.
Trancelike, Dominic walked over to King Leon, and lowered himself onto his cock.
It was like paradise: There was no blockage, no pain, just pure pleasure His cock filled up Dominic perfectly, despite its egregious size. Dominic's mouth latched onto King Leon's perfect dark nipple as the King began to slowly thrust.
Soon, the King's fluids took effect. As King Leon pumped load after load of kingly fluid into Dominic, his muscles expanded. His biceps, wrapped around one of King Leon's enormous arms, suddenly blew up to match the guns they worshipped. His hands, once small and insignificant, became enormous mitts, digging and massaging King Leon's equally huge arms. His back and lats wrenched themselves apart, creating a sea of perfect ridges. His abs repeatedly clenched and unclenched, growing stronger each time, until the eight blocks that made up his core were as solid as stone. His legs, once skinny, became almighty pillars of strength as they expanded to well over the size of tree trunks. His feet did the same, becoming bigger and wider, to support the royal mass they carried.
The more fluid Leon pumped, the lighter Dominic's skin became, until it settled on a lightly-tanned cream color. His hair became a fiery red, his beard changing to match. His brow narrowed, and his jaw became square. His voice deepened, and took on an Irish accent as he started gyrating his ass to properly milk King Leon's dick.
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"Yeh, you like that, don't you?" Dom said, in between chugs from King Leon's chest.
"Oh, I do... Daddy." King Leon said with a smirk. While he normally preferred to be the dominant one, for his fellow King, he would make a rare exception.
"My arse is going to milk your cock like you wouldn't believe." Dom said. With each slam of his ass on King Leon's mammoth dick, it bounced and expanded just a little more, until it became an enormous Irish booty, leaking an emerald fluid, which mixed with King Leon's golden fluid perfectly.
"Now, I want you to suck my pecs like your life depends on it." Dom ordered.
"Anything for you, Daddy." King Leon placed his soft, supple lips on Dom's left nipple, as Dom moaned with pleasure. His chest began to puff up, going from muscular, to voluptouous, to absolutely obscene. His massive muscle tits were just as large as King Leon's!
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Soon, Dom wrapped his arms around King Leon, and tried to wrestle him to the floor. King Leon obliged, and pulled Dom close, pressing their sensitive muscle tits together, releasing a moan from both behemoths. Dom continued to grow in height until he matched King Leon while they rolled on top of each other, each man fighting for dominance. Dom pressed his face firmly against King Leon's, locking him in a passionate kiss. They wrestled and fought and loved for hours, until the pleasure finally became too much for the both of them, and they came from all orifices at once. King Dom's transformation had completed.
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Both Kings laid there, exhausted. Soon, there would be more of them, and they could lead the world into a brighter age
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oneblueimp · 5 months
*A drawing approaches*
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Drew this during the charity stream but only finished it now. A version without the lighting after the cut
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whewchilly · 3 months
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carlossainz55 Short break before heading to Silverstone 🇬🇧
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laurasimonsdaughter · 30 days
The King of the Cats
A fun little folklore plot that shows up in Scotland, Ireland and England is the death (and succession) of the King of the Cats.
The story usually begins with a man being told, either by a cat or a disembodied voice, to inform a certain person that another person has died. Both persons are called by their full name, usually strange names, which are unfamiliar to the protagonist. When the protagonist comes home he tells what a strange thing happened to him. Upon overhearing the message the house cat jumps up and declares that they are now the King of the Cats, immediately leaving never to be seen again.
There are other versions of this type of story, more widespread over Europe, where there cat may be a fairy or troll in disguise. Or there isn’t a cat at all, but a house gnome or elf instead, and the announced death is that of a relative or enemy. But it’s the concept of a King of the Cats who can be succeeded by a cat that is currently an ordinary house cat, that delights me so.
The name of the deceased Cat King and the successor differ per story:
In this version from Lancashire they are called Doldrum and Dildrum.
In Joseph Jacobs’ version, which is an amalgamation of several English variants, they are called Tom Toldrum and Tom Tildrum. (This version even includes a whole feline funeral procession.)
The oldest recorded version of this story is from the Beware the Cat by Baldwin (written 1553, published 1561). Only the dead cat in question (Grimalkin) is never called the king of the cats, and the cats receiving the message (Puss) is a female cat, who is sad to leave her home.
In this Scottish version the successor is unnamed, but the dead Cat King is called Old Peter.
The stories sadly do not say a lot about what it means to be the King of the Cats, apart from some mentioning a sceptre and crown, but Lady Wilde does have something to say about him in her Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland (1888):
A most important personage in feline history is the King of the Cats. He may be in your house a common looking fellow enough, with no distinguishing mark of exalted rank about him, so that it is very difficult to verify his genuine claims to royalty. Therefore the best way is to cut off a tiny little bit of his ear. If he is really the royal personage, he will immediately speak out and declare who he is; and perhaps, at the same time, tell you some very disagreeable truths about yourself, not at all pleasant to have discussed by the house cat.
Her second example has a content warning for animal cruelty, so I will put it underneath a cut, but it does imply that the Cat King might be capable of reincarnation…
A man once, in a fit of passion, cut off the head of the domestic pussy, and threw it on the fire. On which the head exclaimed, in a fierce voice, "Go tell your wife that you have cut off the head of the King of the Cats; but wait! I shall come back and be avenged for this insult," and the eyes of the cat glared at him horribly from the fire. And so it happened; for that day year, while the master of the house was playing with a pet kitten, it suddenly flew at his throat and bit him so severely that he died soon after.
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la-belle-histoire · 19 days
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Guinevere and Iseult: Cartoon for Stained Glass, William Morris. 1862.
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thefugitivesaint · 2 months
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Ian Miller, 'The Wolf King of Tara', ''Spectrum'' #2, 1995
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 17 days
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shit-talker · 8 months
Roach definitely has a tiktok where he literally just shitposts but it is super fucking popular for no reason. Because of the really spotty internet he has basically all of the time, he doesn't really interact with any of his fans, but there was once like five months where he didnt post and people started cancelling him for "propaganda".
It had all pretty much calmed down by the time he even realised it was happening, but in response he posted a video of Gaz and Soap, both high on pain meds laying in beds next to each other meowing at each other because they both think the other is a real cat (for some reason). He just slowly pans it to Ghost, who is sitting deadly still, eyes balnkly staring at a wall. He looks tormented. He switches the camera to his own face and pulls the polite-awkward-british-smile and just nods.
It's got clown music playing in the background, and the caption with absolutely no hashtags is just "Honestly thought my account was the definition of 'anti propoganda' but ok (i am in hell (please save me (this is a joke (for legal reasons (god bless the queen)))))
Almost every single comment is ; "It's a king now actually"
He then posts a video of him and the guys all saluting to a picture of Trisha Paytas. No caption at all. No hashtags.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 8 months
So you’re going to have to start on them William coins and notes huh…
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vyorei · 9 months
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There are no words good enough to describe how strong Wael Dahdouh is. This man needs a statue built in his honor, I am not fucking kidding. A pinnacle of unwavering strength. He just keeps going, even though he's clearly being targeted, even though he's lost his family, even though things are getting rapidly worse and he can see the world powers watch with disinterest. Wael Dahdouh is a living legend who deserves nothing but respect, peace, and ease for the rest of his life. Problem is, he may never get it. I want him to get it. Him and all the other journalists who've made it so far despite everything.
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Trooping The Colour 2024
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Prince William, Colonel of the Welsh Guards, rides down The Mall on horseback after attending Trooping the Colour on 15 June 2024 in London, England.
Trooping the Colour, also known as The King's Birthday Parade, is a military ceremony to mark the official birthday of the British Sovereign.
The ceremony takes place at Horse Guards Parade followed by a flypast over Buckingham Palace and was first performed in the mid-17th century during the reign of King Charles II.
The parade features all seven regiments of the Household Division with Number 9 Company, Irish Guards being the regiment this year having their Colour Trooped.
📸: Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images
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princesscatherineblog · 3 months
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The Princess of Wales and her three children on their way to Horse Guards Parade ahead of the King's birthday parade on 15th June 2024.
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geekysteven · 4 months
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