#is a joke im gonna sprint and hug when i see them
sugar-omi · 1 year
Imagine Step 4 Cove being out really late cause of something (I imagine it’s a party/get together but it could be whatever) and he’s not getting home till sometime after midnight so the MC is staying home alone, now I have two scenarios that can play out from that (if you have more feel free to go off about em I love reading them)
Option A: Cove finally gets home and is just ready to flop into bed and knock out with the MC in his arms but notices that the lights and tv in the living room are on and when he goes in he sees the MC fast asleep on the couch (plus points if they’re wearing one of his shirts/sweaters or cuddling with a plushie he got them) and cause it’s late and he’s tired Cove gets a little sentimental at the sight cause awwww the person he loves was staying up late just to wait for him they really love him *cue MC waking up only to see Cove petting their head and crying*
Option B: (This ones leans more towards the party option) While Coves at a party without any of his close friends he just calls the MC who turns out is actually wide awake which worries Cove but MC promises that they’re fine (“I’ve stayed up later for school this is basically nothing!”) and Cove and the MC just talk to each other for a solid hour until Cove decide that he wants to be home right now and he tells the MC he’s gonna be home soon then abruptly hangs up. Ten minutes later Cove bursts through the front door of his home with the MC and promptly tackle hugs the MC the second he sees them again
Clingy Cove <3
so I typed smth n accidently deleted it.....
imagine cove tries to go to a party on campus but the beer is shitty, the drunk girls trying to hit on him has gotten on his last nerve and so he leaves
he decides to call you, tired and a bit irritated bc his friend from class ditched him. well, friend is a loose word anyway.
surpsingly!! you answer
well, maybe not surprising since you say you're trying to grind out this essay due tomorrow.
cove laughs, "sounds better than this party.."
and you let him complain a bit, which somehow turns into a ramble abt his fish getting fat
after awhile w you laughing and joking n mumbling as you type out the last bit of your essay, cove decides he wants to see you
"im coming over"
he hangs up before you can say anything and starts the trek to your on-campus house, to which he breaks into a sprint once he sees you outside, wrapped up in a blanket as you wait for him
he throws his arms around you, rocking you side to side and burying his face in your hair/neck. "you smell nice.."
and you giggle bc his lips are against your skin so you can feel the vibrations of his voice
after practically dragging cove into the house and up to your bedroom, he falls into bed with you after you give him some snacks and let him wash up in your bathroom
n you're laying there, staring at each other n trying to be quiet bc your roommates are asleep but you're both giggling n whispering and the bed creaks bc you're constantly tangling your bodies together, trying to get closer
finally the sun is coming up n you're both asleep w cove basically on top of you and your roommate busts in, trying to wake you up for your class only to find you snuggled up w cove<333
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beedlemania · 1 month
I know you sent me a davybaby ask so long ago and i’ve been so so busy this summer with work and getting ready for school, i just haven’t felt like using my brain im so sorry 😭
but now I have davybaby thoughts and I need to get them out!!
mike and davy go out to the store together one day (micky’s staying at his mom’s because his sister’s are down and peter had wanted to go out and play his banjo in front of the local movie theater, so mike was home with davy and decided then was a good time to get the grocery shopping done) and davy had been feeling little on-and-off, mostly at home because it’d suddenly become part of their routine but at this point he’s still pretty embarrassed that he feels little, but at home mike makes him feel safe and loved so he lets himself have it.
anyway, they walk past a shelf of toys and davy spots this little red and green stable with ten toy horses and suddenly he gets so excited about it but he’s pretty embarrassed that he’s getting so excited by a kids toy so he lets it pass and they keep on walking.
but davy can’t stop thinking about it and as they keep going through the store he worries someone is going to see it and buy it, but he feels a bit guilty because he doesn’t want to take a toy away from an actual kid, but he tries his best to ignore his feelings.
they circle back around a couple of times and davy can’t help but peer down the aisle where the toys were to check if the stable is still there. at one point mike sees him glancing over to that aisle and makes note of it in his head but they keep walking on since davy doesn’t say anything.
eventually davy starts biting on the nail of his thumb and mike asks if he’s okay and davy nods that he is. mike gives his shoulder a small squeeze and keeps a hand on davy’s back and they keep going through the store.
eventually they’ve picked up most of what’s on their list. they walk past the toy aisle and almost pass it and davy finally can’t help it anymore and tugs on mike’s sleeve and quickly points behind him toward the toy aisle. he’s rubbing his bottom lip with the nail of his thumb and his eyes are big and nervous. he doesn’t know how mike will react because they already have so much to get and davy doesn’t really know if he should act little outside of the pad. mike glances behind him and suddenly it clicks that there’s toys down there and so he swings the cart around and they go look.
davy runs over to the horse stable (that’s thankfully still there!) and grabs it and dashes back over to mike all excited but still with a bit of nervousness cause mike could say no. but mike knows davy doesn’t have a lot for when he regresses, mainly just his blanket and the few stuffed animals that belong to peter that pete will let davy cuddle with so he smiles and goes “you want this?” and davy nods and mike goes “okay babe!” (he quickly flips the stable over to see the price as he pulls davy in for a little hug just in case but he’s relieved to find it’s not too much)
and so davy gets his horses! i didn’t mean to start writing a novel. i wasn’t gonna describe everything in detail but it just kept happening lol!
so many thoughts !! <3
This is so adorable!!!
They put it on the check out to pay for it and Davy immediately starts looking around all conspicuously like he’s trying to be nonchalant and be like “whaaaa for me? You must be joking!” Because the cashier is pretty but it just makes everyone more suspicious.
Mike doesn’t let him play with it in the car because it wouldn’t be practical and Mike really doesn’t want to find a toy horse randomly so when they get to the Pad Davy sprints inside to play with it and Mike is left to his own devices to bring in the shopping. When Micky and Peter get home they’re curious as to what Davy’s playing with but every time they get too close Davy wraps himself around it and glares at them. Mike knows he should be having a sharing talk with him but he resigns to let Davy at it for at least a day because it’s his first toy, he’s allowed to be protective. Mike also knows that by tomorrow Davy will be asking someone to play with him so it’ll all work itself out.
Davy eventually comes to having a favourite horse which he takes with him everywhere. It eats with him, takes baths with him, and sleeps with him. Davy says goodnight to each of his horses every night and Mike is still trying to figure out if it’s a cute thing Davy does or if he’s trying to stall bedtime.
Eventually, in a typical monkee romp, the stable ends up getting broken and Davy’s devastated. He cries for hours because now his horses have no where to live (hes crying because this was his first toy all for him and now it’s gone). The guys all pitch in their extra cash to get him a new one because they know how much it means to him, its not just a toy it’s Davy’s in a house where everything is shared and its a symbol that the guys are okay with him regressing because deep down Davy will always need reassurance that they don’t mind, but of course the toy is sold out. They search everywhere in town but its been so long since they bought it that it’s no longer being sold anywhere. Mike doesn’t know what to do, Peter gets an ice cream in the face for asking a kid if he can have his, but Micky decides to take this as a personal challenge.
Micky disappears onto the porch for days and he puts a big makeshift curtain around him (the covers are mysteriously gone off his bed) so no one can see what hes doing. He sends everyone away when they come outside to him until after a few days he comes back in with a handmade stable. It’s not as good as the toy, it’s all wonky and a mismatch of colours, but Davy absolutely adores it. He cries and hugs Micky super tight for a solid two seconds before its playtime with his new stable. His horses love it of course and after getting to play with it, Davy disappears on his own little project (with mikes supervision) and makes Micky a drawing of him and Davy at the stable with all his horse friends. Micky frames it.
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thedeafprophet · 2 years
one more week until i visit home and SEE MY CAT
and my parents too i suppose
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sohcah-toa · 2 years
heyheyhey, idk if you do sfw stuff. but if ya do, im here to request some lovely hurt/no comfort childe stuff. maybe a breakup or just like he gets sent off back to szneyaha (how ever tf u spell it).
anyways i hope you're well <33 take care of yourself 💜
-your local depressed childe simp™
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No Explanation
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⚠️ angst | gn reader
💬 i hope you're doing fine! <3 i'm not sure about what i did! i hope this is what you meant :{
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Childe took you out on a date today. He was ultra sweet which was suspicious, but to thank him you decided to do something.
You just got home from the date but you immediately started. You grabbed all the materials you needed. You decided to make a whale origami for him! It would serve as his lucky charm whenever he fights. You were so proud of this idea.
You ended up having no sleep at all, you wanted to give this to him quickly. Who knows when he'll fight?! He needs this whale! It wasn't that easy and you aren't creative, so you ended up wasting a lot of paper.
"I made the perfect one!" You say, looking at all the paper you crumpled up "I just made one and it took me a day" you plop on the bed, whale in hand "I was supposed to make a narwhal but that's impossible for me"
Your eyes adjusted as you open them, you look at the time "I was supposed to meet Childe!" and you quickly prepared.
You took the whale before leaving. It was extremely cold, it was raining. You waited for Childe on your usual place. You had a wide smile on your face, holding the small whale that was in your pocket while your other hand holds the umbrella.
He promised yesterday he'd be there but it's been half an hour and he still hasn't arrived. The smile on your face was gone, you became worried about him, what if something happened?
Just when you were about to go see him in his work place, he arrived, running towards you but without his usual cheerful self.
"Did something happen?" You ask him, sharing the umbrella, he was soaked. He tried catching his breath before apologizing to you.
"I-I'm sorry I'm late" He panted, still tired from his run "I have to go"
"But— you just arrived" You tell him "You're soaked, you're gonna get sick, here" you tried giving him your scarf but he pushed your hand away gently.
"I meant— I really gotta go" He said, he frowned, looking at your face, obviously wanting to know how you would react "Let's b-break up" his voiced cracked a little.
But to his surprise, you just laughed "Alright Childe" you roll your eyes playfully "Stop the pranks! Anyway I have to give you—"
"I'm not joking y/n" He held both your shoulders. You can't tell if he was crying or not because of all the water dripping on his face "I love you.. so much. Please take care" he kept kissing and hugging you before finally separating himself, making your clothes wet before running off again.
You were too stunned to even speak or move. You watch his back as he keeps getting further and further away.
When you suddenly get your senses back, a river of tears covered your face but you didn't feel anything at all. The umbrella fell as you sprint, following Childe. Slowly, you start feeling horrible, the energy being sapped away from you but you continued running hoping it wasn't too late since he was much faster than you.
"Where have you been Childe?!" Signora scolded him "We're about to leave"
Childe panted, looking behind him, seeing if you would follow but he didn't see you. Another shout from Signora, Childe climbed inside the ship, he kept looking back.
Childe frowned, changing his clothes in his own private room in the ship "It was— for the better .. probably" he sighed. It still hadn't sunk in.
There was a knock "Hey stupid ass, everybody's eating"
"Leave me alone Scaramouche!" Childe said, burying his face in the pillow "Fuck, I made the wrong choice" the pillow muffled the screams he was making.
You were crying, running towards their headquarters. Once you arrived, nobody was there, just a bunch of papers. You kneeled down and read some of it "Snezhnaya .. go back? The mission changed? W-What?" you start sobbing and screaming, throwing papers everywhere.
"Um, can I help you?" someone said "If you're looking for the harbingers, they already left"
You turned to face the voice .. a familiar face! You wipe your tears away "Viktor! You're here!"
Viktor shrugged "Oh, it's you .." then sighed "Didn't Childe tell you?" he asked, you shook your head no "Boy, didn't quite expect that"
"Please, help me!" You begged, you were desperate. That can't possibly be the last interaction you both had! You haven't even given him the whale.
Viktor sighed "I'm not some harbinger. The harbingers were on a ship, while we, the others are going much later. I can't possibly smuggle you with me!"
And that just gave you an idea.
"Childe" Dottore knocked "Open up"
Childe didn't answer. It was just Dottore anyway. Childe was silently crying on the pillow.
"If you don't open up, I'll kick this door" Signora's voice. This alarmed Childe, he'll get an earful if he doesn't follow. He immediately stood up, wiped his tears and opened the door.
"The hell do you guys need?" Childe asked, even Scaramouche was there.
"You can't act like that in front of the Tsaritsa" Signora said "Reminder to get your shit together"
"Did you get dumped?" Dottore laughed, trying to high five Scaramouche but Scara just rolled his eyes at him, leaving him hanging.
"Just leave me alone. Besides, we don't get there for a few days so it's fine" He sighed and closed the door on their faces. He laid down again, hugging his pillow, pretending it was you "It really is for the better. You'll find someone better than me, better than this"
A few weeks later, you were feeling helpless and frustrated. Viktor on the other hand, tries his best to smuggle you in. It was time to leave.
You went inside of the ship with the luggage "Thanks, Viktor" you said, finally getting in.
"You're lucky they're not strict with us" He said "Then, I'll go up now. Remember to never leave here, I'll bring you some food"
You nod, waving bye. You were with all the other luggage in the ship "I wonder what it's like working with Childe" you smile to yourself. You remember the last time you spoke to each other. It brings pain to your chest, like someone's gripping it, wanting to pop it. In no time, you found yourself quietly sobbing, you covered your face "Why— did we have to break up?"
"Finally back" Dottore said, going out of the ship. They had to walk because almost everything is frozen.
Everybody was getting out. Childe was still frowning, not his usual self so the others are really weirded out.
"The Tsaritsa wants to see us all, ASAP" Signora said, walking faster then everybody but then she looked back "The others are already there and Childe, remember what I said"
Childe sighed then nodded, sloppily walking on ice.
It was a few hours before they arrived at the Palace. Childe already conditioned himself to be as professional as he can even if takes up all of his energy.
Weeks later, you were starting to feel uneasy, questioning about everything. You were lifeless, so much so that Viktor was starting to worry about you.
"We're almost there, no worries" Viktor said, nervous about what to say, he doesn't even know anything about what you're going through.
"Tell me, Viktor, how is it in Snezhnaya?" you asked, eating your food even if you didn't want to.
Viktor pondered for a second and said "Cold, very. The people are quite — well— I have no idea how to explain it. Anyway, before everybody grabs their luggage, you have to leave immediately"
"Yes" you nodded "Thanks for all your help"
At last, you have arrived. The life in your eyes slowly comes back, hurriedly leaving the ship, just like what Viktor told you. He told you to go left so nobody would see you, he was right, it was all ice!
You shivered even though you were wearing layered of clothes already. You slowly walk straight towards the city "C-Childe" you whisper, there was smoke leaving your mouth. It was unbearably cold. You start feeling weak, you rub your hands together for warmth but it does nothing.
You stop for a while and sit down "I never knew it was this cold here" your eyes start feeling heavy and your body refuses to move.
You slowly open your eyes, it feels warm, you see an unfamiliar ceiling. You turn to your right and see three people, they were all young "W-Who are you? What's happening? Where am I?" you sit right up.
"Welcome to the Cyclops Club! I'm Anthon, the leader" He looked very familiar for some reason.
"I'm Tonia, please don't get weirded out" She sighed, even she looked familiar.
"Teucer, I'm the one who named the club" He looked at you very intently "You look very familiar" he kept touching your face. Tonia just keeps stopping him.
"Thank you uhm" You look at each one of them "Anthon, Tonia and Teucer?" you then realize "Childe's—?"
"You know big brother?!" Teucer's eyes immediately sparkled "Do you know where he is?"
"Shh Teucer, stop talking" Tonia covered his mouth. You remembered that Childe told you Teucer didn't know about the Fatui.
Tonia and Anthon were looking at you, hoping you would get it so you played along "Oh right, he's making some toys for you guys. Anyway!" you changed the topic immediately "Haven't you seen him yet?"
"Yet?" Anthon asked, him and Tonia exchanged looks, they didn't know?
You look at them and felt bad "I meant to say— anyway, thank you for taking care of me. How did you even manage to carry me?"
"Well, we three were surrounding you but we couldn't carry you" Tonia said, you imagine them doing everything they can to carry you and you laugh to yourself, Tonia continued "Some masked man carried you here, wearing all black? Said his name was Viktor"
You smile and thank Viktor in your mind "Thank you Anthon, Tonia and Teucer"
"You have to answer our questions first!" Anthon said "How did you know big brother?"
"I'm a — friend of his" You hesitate for a second there, they can't possibly know about a partner right?
"A friend! Then do you know his partner by any chance?!" Tonia's eyes light up "I really want to meet them! He told us he would bring them home but he never does"
Your heart ache, a twinge in every part of your body. You felt weak, couldn't move or speak at all. You never knew he told them about you. You feel yourself start crying but you try to hold it together for the kids.
"Yeah, I've waiting for forever! Big brother told us that person was very cool!" Teucer jumped with joy.
"Hmm, I'd like to meet them too. Big brother told us that they like adventures. I'd get along with them pretty well" Anthon said.
As they discussed between themselves, your tears start to fall. You remember every moment you had with Childe up until the last: when he broke up with you and left without explaining anything. If that really was his decision then you'll leave it be but you know that last conversation wasn't what you deserved.
"Are you alright?" Tonia asked, looking for cloth everywhere "Here" she helped you as you wiped your tears.
"Yeah, sorry, just feeling a little tired. Aren't you supposed to be back home?" You know it's selfish but you can't be with them anymore, it just hurts you even more "I have to go too" you put your hand in your pocket and the whale was there "Oh, um, can I ask you for a favor first?"
"Yeah!" Teucer said "Anything for our big brother's friend!"
Friend, huh? You smile "Give this to him, alright? This is your club's mission!" you told them, all of them were eager, you give them the whale. They all got excited.
"Woah! That looks so adorable!" Tonia said
"As the leader, I promise you that this will reach our big brother!" Anthon said
"Waaaah! So cute!" Teucer said, examining it
You pat their heads one by one and give it to Anthon
"I trust you. I'll go now, thank you for all your help" You say before leaving them all behind.
You sigh, walking back to where you came from "He lives in a completely different world than mine. Maybe it is for the better, maybe I didn't really know him .. this side of him at least" you felt the same twinge earlier but this time, you were sure of your decision.
Luckily, the ship was still there, guess they had errands at Snezhnaya too, hitting two birds with one stone by also sending all the other fatui members.
You get inside the luggage place like earlier except it was already empty. You get settled in, it'll be a long time before you go back.
It was silly anyway, going to Snezhnaya, you were lucky those three found you, if it was the officials, you could've been caught with no official papers. You were being too hasty; making decisions left and right.
You grab your chest, gripping it with all you can staring into the vast ice while sobbing "Farewell, Ajax"
Childe released another deep sigh before entering his home, preparing to act happy in front of his siblings. He opened the door and said "Surprise!" but no one was home "Great" he sighed once again, plopping on the floor, sobbing "Y/n.. I promised I'll take you here the next time I came home, I'm sorry"
The door hit his shoe as the door opened, he stood up, wiped his face and looked at who it was, it was the three kids "BIG BROTHER!" Tonia and Teucer jumped and hugged him
"Anthon?" Childe asked, Anthon finally hugged him, the whale behind him.
"You're finally here!" Tonia said, letting it slip
"Tonia, shh!" Anthon reminded her causing her to cover her mouth
"We met a person!" Teucer said "At the clubhouse you made for us near the port!"
"I guess they gave hints that you were arriving. Did you come with them? Where were you?" Anthon kept asking a bunch of questions
Childe laughed nervously, he can't tell them that he spent a few days at the palace working "Making toys! A-ha of course, toys. Don't worry, I'll be here for good" he sighed remembering what the Tsaritsa said, that they won't ever leave again, he was still relieved he found an excuse for Teucer "Wait— you met a person?"
"Yeah! Your friend!" Teucer said beaming with joy, it was the first time they met a friend of Childe's "They told us to give you a whale"
Anthon handed it over "Take care of it. I guess that person went all the way here just to give you this? I don't understand" he was confused.
Childe stared at the origami, he took it carefully, staring intently until tears started falling from his eyes "It's Y/n. They were here? I-I— made the wrong .. choice after all" he sniffed, as if talking to himself, he immediately ran outside, leaving the kids, running. The tears in his eyes became small icicles.
"You .." Childe said, still running towards the port, he stopped and stared at the ocean, the sound of waves were loud enough to make his sobs seem quiet " .. aren't here anymore"
He panted, trying to catch his breath "I can't believe you .. came here for me" he smiled, wiping his icicle tears "You really are something else .. lucky for you I'am too" he smiled softly, talking to the whale in his hand.
You arrive at Liyue with a sigh, feeling weak and hopeless, walking home lifeless even leaving your luggage behind since it doesn't matter. It really was official, you were broken up with Childe. All those years, fun times, those sacrifices you both made were gone just like that.
You finally arrive home, so lifeless that you couldn't even cry. You plop on the floor. You felt needles on your chest, pushing in even further as your tears finally flow down on your face. Unlike what it felt in Snezhnaya, these tears felt warm.
"Childe.." You whisper to yourself "Please, come back"
You spend your days in your home, depressed, waiting for him to knock but nobody ever does. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days and days felt like weeks. You had no idea how much time has passed, you don't care anyway.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // next
part one
word count: 1.7k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u all enjoy this !! i am a sucker for soulmate au’s <3 let me know what u guys think and if u guys want a part 2 !!!
Bucky awoke to the sound of the guards unlocking the door, the metal creaking as Alexander Pierce walked in, waving the guards off to leave the two alone.
“you have another mission today” the man spoke smoothly, bucky getting up from his small bed and staring at the man infront of him, “you need to finish this before it gets out of hand” pierce spoke, eyeing the soldier as he stared blankly ahead.
“Do you understand?” He questioned, bucky looked at him, nodding his head silently as the guards took him out, taking him to get ready for his mission.
He had stopped resisting, he had nothing left, he couldn’t remember much and he had no idea who he even was. Bucky followed the motions, suiting up and grabbing his weapons alongside the other HYDRA agents.
You frowned at steve and natasha, grumbling to yourself as Sam let you into the house.
“im y/n, sorry about these two” you smiled at the man, extending your hand out and turning to your two friends.
“thank you for coming y/n, we really need you” Steve spoke, natasha nodding in agreement as she dried her hair slowly.
“yeah, yeah everyone always needs me” you joked, sitting next to them and rubbing your eyes, “woke me up from my nap so this better be good” you spoke, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back.
Steve and natasha explained the situation, telling you what they knew about the winter soldier, you soaked in the information, attempting to google him but coming up with almost nothing.
“hm, so you want me to do what, exactly” you questioned, looking at the trio staring back at you.
“fight with us, help us, we have to stop HYDRA” Steve spoke, looking at natasha before continuing, “i don’t know who to trust and” he sighed, “we know we can trust you, are you in?”
You smiled, getting up and pulling the three in for a hug, sams eyes going wide.
“of course I’m in, i care about you guys too much to let you die alone” you chuckled, pulling away, looking at Sam before speaking up, “no ones dying by the way, right?”
The four of you were on the rooftop, getting information out of Sitwell, laughing when natasha kicked him off.
“What about that girl from accounting, Laura?” Natasha spoke, looking at Steve as he thought about the woman’s name.
“Lillian! Lip piercing right?” Natasha nodded and Steve shook his head.
“yeah I’m not ready for that” you laughed at the two lightly.
“you should get with the time have a little fun!” You teased, Natasha smiling as you sided with her, nodding her head excitedly.
As Sam brought Sitwell back you began the interrogation, threatening to throw the man off for good is he didn’t start talking. Your eyes were steely and they let you handle him, getting all the information you needed.
“i didn’t know you could be so-” sam stopped, trying to find the right words.
“evil?” Natasha offered.
“terrifying?” Steve chuckled and Sam nodded.
“Insight launched in 16 hours” you spoke up, checking your phone, Natasha nodded speaking up after you, “we’re cutting it kinda close here.”
Steve looked ahead with furrowed brows nodding his head, “well use him to bypass the DNA scans and bypass the helicarriers directly.”
Sitwell scoffed next to you, blabbering on about you something, you rolled your eyes, going to say something when someone reached through the window and threw him out, your eyes going wide.
“what the fuck!” You screeched, looking up and seeing who you assumed was the winter soldier.
Your eyes were wide as you stared out the windshield, a tug in your chest as you saw him sliding across the concrete, steadying himself with his metal arm.
Natasha pulled her gun out, aiming at the man. A car rear ended you, pushing you forward and knocking your wind out. The soldier jumped atop the car, holding on tight as the truck behind you pushed you all foward.
Sam pressed on the breaks, trying to steer away from the other cars. A metal hand reached through the windshield and tore the steering wheel out from his grasp.
“shit!” Sam yelled, eyes wide as the car drove into another, Natasha reaching her gun and shooting in hopes of hitting the masked man.
Steve grabbed onto the three in the front, looking back at you with wide eyes.
“go!” You yelled, scrambling to open the door before the car crashed into the wall.
“hang on!” Steve called, jumping out, with you bracing yourself for the impact seconds after, you flew out the door, hitting the ground with a thud.
You ran to join natasha and Sam, ducking behind cars to avoid the bullets, finally pulling out your pocket knife and hitting one of the men in the chest, running again as they shot at you three even more.
You and natasha jumped down, holding onto her as she shot something under the bridge to swing from.
The two of you landed safely, you pointed to the shadow of the solider, running alongside her to shoot at the man.
You both aimed and fired, hitting his giggled and causing him to turn back. You let out a sigh, hoping they would give you a minute to recover. You both ran for cover as he leaned back over, machine gun in hand and shooting wildly.
“fucks sake” you let out, breathless as you aimed to shoot back at him, running for cover once again, hiding behind the parked cars. Your eyes focusing on the bus steve had fallen into, relief flooding your body when you saw him jumping out and hiding behind the shield safely, eyes moving to the highway and seeing Sam shooting from above.
“I’m gonna leave this recording here, ill sneak up behind him and then you try and get him, we can double team him” Natasha spoke, you nodded, letting her record the memo before setting it down and running.
Your heart raced as you saw the soldier approach the vehicle, waiting for the right moment to strike. As Natasha ran to tackle him from behind you noticed the amount of people still around you, the explosion next to you sending people flying.
“shit” you mumbled, running to help them as Natasha held her own.
“get out of the way! Run! Get out of here” you yelled, pointing at those in frenzy to run in the opposite direction, you glanced over your shoulder, Natasha being thrown into a car.
As you turned to help her you noticed a little girl crying, alone. You debated for a second before running up to her, taking her in your arms and handing her off to some random adult who was fleeing.
Natasha had messed the man arm up, joining her in her sprint as you all yelled for people to move and to take cover. You heard the whirl of a bullet and natasha groan, doubling over next to a car.
“take of her!” Steve yelled, holding off the soldier. You let eyes were wide, putting pressure on Natasha wound and looking around.
“you’re gonna be fine” you told her, looking into the car and breaking the window with your elbow, opening the compartment in the passengers seat and smiling when you found a first aid kit.
“come on” you mumbled, moving her gently and cleaning the wound, doing your best with what little you had. You tried to bandage her, the sound of the bullets hitting Steve’s shield making your hands shake.
“go help them, I’ll be fine” Natasha groaned out, you hesitated before nodding, running to where Steve was.
You hid behind a car, watching as he shoved a knife into a van, barely missing Steve’s head.
You jumped from behind the car as Steve reached to grab his shield, hitting the metal armed man, you used your body weight to twist him back.
Visions flashed in your eyes, quick flashes of a man with a charming smile and beautiful blue eyes. The sound of laughter echoing in your ears as the mask fell besides you. You saw the two of you cuddled up on a couch, you saw two two of you watching a sunset while on a picnic, giggles falling from your mouth.
Bucky saw it too, his mind flashing with pictures of a life he didn’t recognize, seeing you, his mission in them. He saw you cuddled at his side, he saw you on a stage together singing with lyrics on a screen, he saw the two of you rescuing a white cat from the rain. Bucky saw you holding out a present for him, a bright smile on you face, he saw you throwing flour at him in a kitchen, cookies baking in an over.
He stayed on the ground, memories who he used to be flooding his mind, hope of who he could become clouding his judgement.
Tears brimmed in his eyes as he looked up at you, standing in front of Steve with an equally shocked look on your face.
“it’s you” you breathed out, your heart tugging in your chest as your eyes met his blue ones, they were cloudy and they were broken but god, you already loved them.
“it’s you” he whispered. A year rolling down his face before HYDRA agents surrounded you all.
“Bucky?” Steve spoke, finally getting a good look at the man.
The super soldier stayed quiet, panic in his eyes and he looked at you, setting his weapon down. You made a move to run to him, but Sam flew in, knocking him feet away from you, Natasha soon launching a grenade.
“no!” You screamed, running to where he was. He was gone.
“No! Please i just found him no!” You cried, sinking to you knees, Sam ran over to you, holding you tightly as you sobbed, agents surrounding the four of you and telling you all to get down on your knees.
You sobbed into sams chest, only leaving his embrace when the agents ripped you from him.
Buckys eyes were wide as he sat in the chair, his heart racing as he recalled your face, your hair. He recalled the flashes he saw, his future with you.
He had something to hold onto, he had something to fight for, someone to survive for. He thought about the man who was next to you, he was familiar, he was in his old memories.
Buckys mind raced, knowing they would wipe his memories, he soaked in every last detail, praying he could hold onto to what he had after they wiped him.
He could hold onto you, his hope.
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
Your blog is everything I wanted and more. Im a lurker for your writings ahaha if you can guess who i am 👀
How about the guys reacting to s/o's death. Can be a group writing but if its too much, just Diluc, Childe, Razor and Kaeya would be nice. I think they would have interesting reactions >:3
First of all, Anon. I LOVE YOU. I wanted to write this out but thought it might be a bit too much but then you went and requested it!! I guess I have no choice but to write this out! >:) (That’s also why I did all the characters) second. Guess who you are o: may I get a hint? I have 2 people in my mind tho o: Warnings: Death, mentions of blood, angst. Pure angst.
Sidenote: The woman in this is my OC named Toxin! Whenever I need a really big, bad villain, she’s my go-to! That’s all!
Includes: Aether, Kaeya, Venti, Diluc, Razor, Xiao, Xingqiu, and Childe!
Scaramouche & Zhongli Here | Part 2 Here
You Die!
You ran as fast as your feet would carry you, desperate for an escape. A scream erupted from your lips as the ground shook beneath you, causing you to stumble and fall over. You had received an emergency request to help fight… someone. The request wasn’t very detailed but someone needed help and you couldn’t turn your back on them. So, you went ahead and tried to help.
You should’ve been careful. You should’ve brought help. But you didn’t and you were paying for your stupidity. The person that you were fighting was strong. She was tall, pale, and had long black hair. Her unearthly glowing green eyes were terrifying. She was fast and all of your attacks were unable to touch her.
As you ran, only one thought crossed your mind. The smiling image of your boyfriend. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you tried to run. How you wished you could be in his arms, feeling safe and sound.
As you ran out of the forest and down the field, the woman appeared in front of you, catching you in her arms and stabbing you with a poison dagger. You shrieked as your hands curled around her clothes. The sharp pain turned into a burning sensation and you looked up at her. Her face was inches away and she smirked, her eyes glowing bright by the second.
“Finally. But you’re not the only one I wanted to break.” What? What did she mean? Her head turned to the left and you followed her gaze and the second you saw what she was looking at, your heart shattered.
The woman pulled the dagger out and it seemed to vanish as she smirked at your boyfriend. The tears slid down your cheeks as you weakly reached out to him for help.
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“(F/N)!” His heart stopped as he watched the woman disappear and you fall to the floor. He sprinted to you, picking you up in his arms as blood poured out of the wound. “H-hey! Hey, keep your eyes open! J-Just stay awake!” He held your head against his chest, trying to calm himself, but how could he? You were bleeding out in front of him. 
He looked down and ran his fingers along your cheek as your skin started to turn purple. The poison had taken its effect and it was moving fast. You were leaving, you would leave him just like Lumine left him. He was gonna be alone all over again.
“A-Aether… I-I l-love you.”
“I love you too! You’ll be fine, everything’s g-gonna be ok.” Who was he kidding? You weren’t going to make it. But he couldn’t admit it. Aether still had yet to find Lumine and he’d never gotten over losing her. You, you were his light. You were his guiding start. You were his moon, his everything. 
To think that he could lose you? No, no! He didn’t want it. He didn’t want a world without you. A world without you was pure torture. So why? Why was the universe so hellbent on taking things away from him? Why did it demand everything precious to him?!
Why you? 
A pained cry left his lips as your hand fell to your side and that light disappeared from your eyes. “N-no. No, no, no, no! W-wake up! Please wake up! Do-don’t leave me! Don’t you leave me too! Not like this! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” He held your lifeless body against him, his head pressed against your chest. He couldn’t hear it… he couldn’t hear your heartbeat.
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“No… NO!” He ran as fast as his feet could carry him and caught you before you hit the ground. The woman had disappeared but he didn’t care. You were… you were dying! How could he stop it? He wanted to stop the bleeding, he wanted to stop the way your color was changing, he wanted to stop time!
“K-Kaeya… h-how-”
“I was told to come here. A messenger came to me and said you called me and told me to come here.” He explained, taking your cold hand into his, pressing a kiss against it.
“I-I’m sorry…”
“No. Don’t apologize and don’t close your eyes. Please, just stay up a little longer.” He wanted to pick you up and run to the nearest doctor, but he knew… it wasn’t worth it. He wouldn’t make it. He’d never felt so worthless and weak. He swore to protect you and keep you safe and now that you needed him… he was useless.
“T-tired…” Slowly, your eyes closed and your hand fell limp in his. Kaeya’s eyes widened as the tears slid down his cheek.
“(f-f/n)? B-baby! No, wait! Don’t do this! Pl-please no!” He took your hand and pressed it against his cheek, but the second he loosened his grip, it fell. Kaeya shook his head, tears flooding down his cheek as a scream erupted from his mouth. “(F/N)!!!”
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Slow. He was too slow. Why couldn’t he be fast enough?! That woman, he knew her. He knew her and he vowed to hunt her down and tear her to shreds. But right now…
Venti picked you up with trembling hands, letting his now bloodied hands touch your cheek. He couldn’t even talk, his voice quivered as he looked down into your eyes. No. This wasn’t happening. You weren’t going to leave him like this.
“H-hey, love. E-everything’s going to be just fine. You’re fine.” He tried to keep his smile up but it was so damn hard when he knew the truth. He couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t even lie to himself. You were slipping away and all he could do was watch. He knew he was the weakest of all archons but why? Why couldn’t he be a little bit stronger to save you.
“I-I wa-wanna sl-sleep-”
“NO!” He frowned and pressed a kiss to your lips. “No, don’t sleep. Not yet. Just stay awake a little longer and then we can both sleep together tonight.” You weakly nodded, but you couldn’t stay awake any longer. You felt like you were moving, but your body was slowly going numb, until everything disappeared. “(f/n)? (f-f/n)? H-hey! Hey this isn’t a joke! WAKE UP! WAKE UP, PLEASE, PLEASE WAKE UP!”
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The second he saw the woman step away from you, a fiery phoenix flew towards her, but she’d disappeared before it could hit her. Diluc ran to you as he watched your body fall to the ground.
He fell to his knees and quickly picked you up, shaking you a little. There was something that snapped inside. He’d always kept his composure, but after seeing what had happened, his emotions burst out of him. He wasn’t in control of anything. He couldn’t control his thoughts, emotions… or your death.
“It’ll be fine! Everything’s fine!” He said, pressing his hand to the wound. You winced at the pain as your skin started to turn purple and blood spilled out of your mouth.
“I-I’m so-sorry.” He shook his head, taking your face in his hands.
“No. I’m sorry. I sh-should’ve gotten here faster.” He was still trying to convince himself you were going to be fine, but deep down, he knew the truth. He knew the ugly truth that was coming up.
“D-Diluc… y-you’re pretty.” His eyes clenched shut at your words as a tear slid down his cheek.
“Don’t leave. Th-there are so many things I-I want to do with you. Pl-please don’t leave me. Wh-what d-do I do?” You smiled weakly at him.
“Y-you b-be the Darknight H-hero…” He scoffed and looked down at you.
“Without you… I’m nothing.” You wanted to say more, you wanted to deny his words, but you were so tired. Slowly, the world faded away and you could no longer hear his cries. “No! NO! NO!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME! STOP! COME BACK! PLEASE BRING MY (F/N) BACK!”
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The wolf within had appeared but he wasn’t able to catch up before the woman disappeared. He ran to you and picked you up, seeing the blood gushing out of the wound.
“N-no! (f/n)!” Tears flooded his eyes as he watched your color turn purple. That woman, she reeked of poison so she must’ve poisoned you.
“Shhh…” You muttered, holding your hand to his cheek. “D-don’t c-cry.” He didn’t know what to do. He felt so lost and helpless, but the worst part… he knew what was coming. He shook his head vehemently and tried to pick you up, but you let out a cry of pain, making him lower you back down.
“I c-can save you!”
“I-it’s ok… it’s ok, Razor. I… I’ll be ok.” He hated those words. He hated everything you were saying so much. Razor adored you, he missed you every second he couldn't be with you and normally, he’d never hate your words. But today… right now, he hated how right you were. He shook his head as the tears slid down his cheeks as he felt you slip away.
“Do-don’t do this t-to me. Not you too… they left me. Why do you want to leave me too?” You weakly tugged him down and made him kiss you, but half way through the kiss, he felt your head fall back and he knew. You were gone.
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He knew that woman that had done this to you. He knew her and he was going to make sure she paid. But right now… right now you were more important. Xiao took you in his arms as tears started to fill his eyes. He’d never felt like this before and he hated feeling like this.
You made him feel so powerful, so invincible, so untouchable. But right now, he felt so vulnerable and broken. If he had been faster, if he had just gotten here faster he could’ve saved you. He could’ve been hugging you, seeing your skin bright with life, seeing your glimmering eyes, seeing that dazzling smile. But no, he was a failure.
A sob escaped his lips as he watched you starting to slip away. He pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“D-don’t do this. Pl-please don’t leave me. Y-you pro-promised you w-wouldn’t do this to me!” He looked down at you but you still had that angelic smile on your face. Why? Why would you do this?! You touched his cheek and spoke; your voice was a quiet whisper, but he heard it.
“I-I love y-you, Xiao…” He shook his head and glared at the sky before shutting his eyes. He didn’t want to see it. He didn’t want to see this happening to you.
“I love you too. S-so much.” He felt your body go limp and another sob escaped his lips. “Y-you pr-promised you’d c-come back to me.” He raised your face closer to him and pressed a kiss against your lips. “P-please come back to me. I-I can’t live without you… I do-don’t want to.”
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He sprinted down the hill towards where you lay, gathering you in his arms when he was at the bottom. He didn’t know what to do, there was so much blood, so much poison, and no hope. He fell beside you and pressed his hands onto the wound as blood gushed out.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, it’s ok, it’s ok, everything’s just fine!” You winced in pain in your torso, but it didn’t last very long. It only took a minute before you lost feeling in your legs and arms.
“Xingqiu… i-it hurts.”
“I know, I know and I’m so sorry! If I was faster, I could’ve helped you. It’ll be ok, I promise, my love. I won’t stop until you’re taken care of.” Why didn’t he believe his own words? Maybe it was the fading light in your eyes, maybe it was the color draining from your face, maybe it was the sheer amount of blood that poured from the wound… but Xingqiu didn’t have a single ounce of hope. Why? Why was the world doing this to him? Why was it punishing you like this? Did he do something? Did he commit a sin that was so unforgivable that the universe or the gods would punish someone as sweet and amazing as you?
He wanted to cry, but he bit his lip to hold the tears back. His eyes were glossy and his vision was blurry, but he refused to cry. He wasn’t going to show you the fleeting hope in him. He wasn’t going to show you that he was  a liar.
“Xingqiu… w-will y-you g-give me one l-last kiss?” His head snapped to you and he shook his head.
“It won’t be our last kiss! We’ll have more chances. We’ll have so many more chances.” He did kiss you however. It was short and sweet, as he returned to applying pressure onto the wound. His eyes flickered to you for a second before his entire body tensed. You were staring at the sky… with dull, lifeless eyes. “(f-f/n)? H-hey… hey wake up.” He gently shook your shoulders. “Hey, stop. Th-this isn’t funny! I know you like playing tricks on me but this isn’t funny! St-stop!!” Finally, he broke. He laid his head on your chest as his tears started to flow. 
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“NO!” Oh, he knew that woman well. He’d worked with her once. She was, indeed, powerful. She was a killing machine and there was a time where he was impressed by her. But right now he felt nothing but pure hatred for her. But that had to wait, because you… you were dying.
Childe pulled you into his arms, holding you against his chest and kissing your head. He was trembling and his emotions were a mess. Tears trailed down his cheeks as he looked down at you. The wound oozed with red and purple, so he knew you’d been poisoned.
“H-hey, darling. You ok? Everything’s just gonna be ok, you hear me?” You gave him a weak nod as you looked down at the wound. However, he took your face and made you look up at him. “No, no. Just look at me. Nothing but me.”
“I-I won’t… I’m tired.”
“HEY! Don’t you dare close those beautiful eyes on me! Everything’s going to be fine! Everything… everything is fine. Do you hear me? Don’t you dare even think about leaving me. Don’t you… don’t do it. Please, god I’m begging you (f/n)! Don’t leave me all alone in this world!”
“I-I ca-can’t stay…”
“Yes, y-yes you can! You can’t leave me, please d-don’t.. I-I don’t know what to do! What am I supposed to do?! Just go on, pretending everything’s ok?! JUST PRETEND LIKE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE DIDN’T LEAVE ME?!”
“Shh… d-don’t get so angry.”
“I-” He sighed, taking in a shaky breath, “I love you so much i-it’s hard to breathe without you. Do-don’t take away m-my reason for li-living.” You didn’t answer. You only weakly smiled before your eyes closed and your head fell back. Childe’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “N-no. No- HEY! No, no, no! Please no!” He held you against his chest as he let out a scream. What else could he do besides cry.
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Your boyfriend stood up, holding you tightly in his arms. There was only one thought in his mind as he glared in the direction the woman had gone. 
There was nothing left for him. So he wouldn’t stop; he would relentlessly hunt that woman down and tear her apart completely. That way, she could feel an ounce of his pain.
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ssamie · 3 years
paper rings.
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·˚ ༘⌗ chinen miya x gn!reader
·˚ ༘⌗ childhood promises aren't unusual. miya and you had made many to each other, but the most notable one would be the classic promise to marry one another. miya was getting impatient with time, and decided he didn't need to be a grown up to marry you. after all, paper rings will do, right?
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: fluff, both of you are still in middle school lol 😃, miya being cute and kind of ooc??
gen masterlist.            sk8 masterlist.
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miya grumbled as he sneaked quick glances at you from across him. you were both at school eating lunch underneath a tree for shade, like you always do, and for some reason, he was acting strange and awfully fidgety ever since the morning you went up to greet him.
"alright, what is it, miya?" you asked with a sigh "h-huh?" miya jumped as he nervously sipped on his drink, avoiding eye contact as his fingers fiddled with his switch.
"you're acting so weird" you said as you throw a candy wrapper at him "you've been looking at me strangely all day" you said as you narrowed your eyes at him
miya gulped and shook his head "no way!" he denied "you're getting too confident, you slime!" he said as he stuck his tongue out playfully
you rolled your eyes and laughed at his antics, throwing another piece of wrapper at him as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "whatever" you said
"and don't call me a slime, im your best friend!" you whined with a laugh. miya blushed and jutted his bottom lip out in a sort of pout. "you're still a slime if you keep acting like that.." he muttered
you raise a brow in confusion "acting like what?" you asked. "a-acting so... so.." he stammered out, looking so flustered as he tries to maintain eye contact with you, even though he could practically feel his heart palpitating.
"so what?" you asked again, this time even more confused as his face visibly becomes a brighter shade of red all the way to the tip of his ears.
"so cute!!" miya finally admitted, accidentally raising his voice a little too high, causing a few students to turn their heads.
"aghhh" he groaned out as he ducked his head to avoid their gazes out of embarrassment.
"oh.. is that so?" you cooed out with a laugh as you cover your cheeks which were heating up from the compliment.
"well, you're pretty cute yourself" you teased "even for a slime"
miya looked up and glared at you, despite his quivering lips and shaky voice he still managed to let out a small "im not a slime.."
you smile and pack away your bento, standing up on your feet and pulling him along. "im gonna keep calling you a slime if you won't stop acting weird around me" you said
"anyways, let's go. lunch is about to end" you say as you take his hand in yours and proceed to walk away. miya gulped as he stared longingly at your intertwined hands.
more specifically, your ring finger which seems to be quite bare.
"hey, y/n.." he muttered. "yeah?" you reply
"remember our promise?" he asked ".. yknow, when we were kids?"
you hummed for a moment before replying, "i think so.." you said "i mean.. i remember promising not to tell anyone when you fell into a canal when we were like five-"
"not that!!" miya shrieked with a bit of a pink tint to his cheeks "forget about that whole thing, that's embarrassing!" he whined
"then what?" you asked with a laugh "i can't name every promise we've ever made all in one go, you know?"
miya huffed and abruptly stopped in his tracks, causing you to halt along with him.
"i meant.. when we promised to marry each other." he said in a soft whisper
"miya.." you mumble as you stare at him in surprise. miya simply looked away, avoiding eye contact as his lips quiver into a small frown.
"um. yeah, i remember" you replied with a nervous smile as miya takes your hand in his and locks your fingers together.
"y/n, i think.." miya stammered out "i think i want to get married already."
you blinked in shock and confusion before letting out a sheepish laugh "haha, miya you can't be serious" you said
"we're too young, plus, you're saying that as if you like me or something" you said in a joking manner as you playfully hit his shoulder "but you don't actually like me, right?" you asked with a nervous gulp
miya shook his head and placed your hands over his chest, holding them tenderly as he stares up at you with his eyes glimmering with admiration.
"i like you a lot, y/n" he admitted "i've liked you since we were kids and-" he cut himself off
"actually, i think i love you. so um.. i wanna get married so nobody else can love you but me." miya said with a look of determination on his face as he nervously waits for your response.
"well uh.." you stammer out as you nervously look around "i.. i love you too, miya.." you finally admitted as you send him a bashful glance
miya's eyes widened as his smile turned into a wide grin. "really?" he asked with excitement
"yeah i guess" you muttered bashfully as you try to avoid his entrancing emerald hued eyes.
"that's great! let's get married." miya said as he took your hand and pulled you along as he ran towards the infamous cherry blossom tree in your school.
"miya, slow down!" you whined as he practically dragged you along while you struggled to keep up with him since he was basically sprinting.
"hurry up, you slime!" miya exclaimed with a laugh as he slows down to match your pace
"geez. you know we can get married at like 20 or 25 instead, right?" you said as you let out a breath of air
you were both underneath the cherry blossom tree. the beautiful pink blossoms fall and sway around due to the wind as the both of you lay on the grassy ground.
"we don't even have rings" you laughed as you turned to look at him. "don't worry i already have those" miya said with a cat-like grin
you watched in amusement as he dug into his pocket and pulled out two rings made of paper with small cat and video game stickers and both of your names written on the inside.
"oh gosh you actually have them" you sweat drop "ofcourse! i made these this morning and put a lot of effort so you better accept it" miya playfully scowled
you both sat up as he held out his palm, urging you to place your hand on top of it.
"my vows would be.. uh i'll love you forever and let you play my games. and i won't ever leave you and call you a slime ever again" miya muttered as he slid the ring into your finger, blushing madly as he does so.
"wow, nice vows. very heartfelt." you say sarcastically with a laugh, causing him to grumble and gently hit you with his fist.
"just say your vows, you slime!"
"you just said you wouldn't call me a slime anymore!"
"that only applies after! we're still not together since you still haven't told me your vows, slime!"
you sigh as a fond smile grazed your lips. you stare at miya through your lashes, chuckling to yourself as you see him waiting expectantly with a concerning amount of blush on his cheeks.
"my vows would be.." you muttered "that i would never leave you and i'll be with you and support you in whatever you wanna do." you said
"that's enough" miya cut you off by waving his hand at your face, while covering his with the other. "u-um.. im fine with just that, you don't have to say anything else.." he said
you blink in confusion but agree anyways. "okay then" you smiled
miya gulped as he shakily lends you his hand, watching in astonishment as you slid the ring onto his finger.
"there, we're now officially together forever" you said with a laugh as you intertwined your hands together
"yeah." miya mumbled as his lips slowly curled into a loving smile
you gave him a smug grin as you point to your lips "this is the part where you kiss me-"
miya didn't let you finish as he suddenly tackled you into a hug and pressed a soft kiss onto your lips before moving along and pressing his lips onto both of your cheeks and nose.
"thanks for marrying me" miya muttered against your neck as he buries his face against your skin
"anytime" you chuckled. you wrapped your arms around him, causing him to sigh in satisfaction and relax against your body.
"mhhm, love you y/n" he mumbled
"i love you too miya"
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"man, you'll never understand since you're too young" reki said with a smug grin as he patted miya's head to emphasise his point
"love is just too complex for kiddos like you" reki teased
miya simply grumbled and glared up at the redhead, causing reki to laugh even more. "oh yeah?" miya taunted
"well, it's not like you have a lover of your own" he scoffed "you can't flirt for the life of you, and girls wouldn't even waste their time of day to look at you"
reki let out a pained smile as he sulked over miya's harsh words. "ahahaha, those are some big words for a little kid like you" reki squeaked out with a chuckle
"tch.." miya gritted his teeth as he glared up at reki "you have no room to talk when your ethe one who doesn't have a s/o, you slime!" he exclaimed
"eh??" reki mused "why? do you have a s/o?" he taunted "i think not-"
"yes i do." miya cut him off with a smug smirk
"ha?! how?! you're like three?!?" reki exclaimed in surprise, which seemed to catch the others' attention
"ha?! im thirteen idiot!!" miya yelled back with a scowl
"what happened?" kaoru asks with a raised brow as he looks between the two boys. reki seemed to be in shock and suspicion, while miya was sticking his tongue out at the redhead.
"cherry, miya said he has a s/o!!" reki exclaimed "how is that even possible?! he's a child!"
"im a teenager!" miya exclaimed
"really?" kaoru hummed in amusement as his eyes slowly trail over to you, who was too busy munching on burgers with langa to even notice their arguing.
"who is it??" reki asked "its y/n." miya replied with a proud smirk
"Y/N?! IMPOSSIBLE!" reki exclaimed with widened eyes. he ran over to you and hugged you protectively to his chest. "y/n, answer me honestly!" he said
"are you and miya together?!"
you blink in confusion and look at langa for an answer, though he simply shrugged and carried on eating. "um, well yeah." you said
"no way?!!!" reki exclaimed "oi you slime, why does it seem so unbelievable to you anyway, huh?" miya asked him with a raised brow as he pulled you closer to him
"it's just a shock to me!" reki said "i never would've guessed that.." he let out a sigh
kojiro sweat dropped and patted miya and yours' heads. "well, it was pretty obvious they'd end up together" he said
"yeah, we even got married." miya said in a nonchalant tone as he intertwined your hands.
"EH?!" now this time, everyone had let out a scream of their own. they looked between the two of you and blinked in shock.
"impossible. since when?" kaoru asked
"a week ago" you replied with a smile as you raise both of your hands to show them the rings on your fingers.
"but thats just paper-" kaoru slapped langa's mouth with his fan and smiled proudly at the two of you.
"that's wonderful. are those your rings?" he asked with a hum
"yeah. miya made them" you replied "it was really fun. the 'wedding' was a bit unexpected but its fine." you said
"the children are growing up!" kojiro exclaimed as he covered his mouth, while he wipes the stray tears of joy away.
"kaoru! the children are grown!!"
"shut up, you gorrila! you act like they're our kids." kaoru rolled his eyes. he then turned to you and smiled softly once again.
"congratulations" he said
"heh. hows that, you slime?" miya sneered at reki as he flaunts the paper rings with a smug cat-like grin.
"those are just paper anyways! so you're not really married- ow!" reki yelped as he felt kaoru's fan hit his head
"tch. whatever! im gonna get real rings soon!" miya exclaimed.
"no need to rush things, you know?" you mused as you patted miya's head
"yeah.." miya muttered "paper rings will do for now.. right?" he asked.
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hunterofthemist · 3 years
Strength of the Meek
Carrying a paper bag Dave walks into the cafeteria. He looks around the room and sees Kotzal waving him over. He walks over to him and sits down with Kotzal at a noticeably empty table.
"Hey Dave, how are you?" Kotzal asks with a grin. "You dont have to rub it in, I had no idea you were a natural," Dave grumbles.
"It's just that when you showed me the rules I realized how similar they were to a game I used to play on Geon. Thrum If I remember correctly." Kotzal and dave talk for some time, the topic changes quickly from poker to physical ability.
"How strong are humans anyway? I've seen your movies but you said they aren't a good representation of human strength." Kotzal asks intrigued.
"Were strong enough. Enough to take down something bigger than us, at least with some planning that is." Dave answers. "I mean back when humans still dwelled in caves we took down wooly mammoths, which were beasts around three times the size of a human."
"Oh, I didn't know that. It's pretty impressive to hear." Kotzal says more than intrigued at this point.
"What about when a human has to do something impossible, just to keep the ones they care about alive. What do you do then?" He asks, his face getting a bit more solemn.
"We push on, do whatever it takes, even if it means we tear ourselves apart doing so," Dave says with a look of sincerity. He then breaks the look and smiles warmly. "What's got you asking a question like that?"
Kotzal laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. "I dont know, I just heard stories over the Ether."
The conversation ends as the buzzer goes off on everyone's watch. "Shit thought we had more time for lunch break. That blows." Dave sighs.
Dave and Kotzal start walking down a hallway towards their respective stations. Halfway towards Dave's station, the alarm sounds, as well as an explosion in a nearby hallway.
"What was that!" Kotzal panics, immediately hiding behind dave and shaking. Dave reacts accordingly, not to the explosion but to Kotzal hiding behind him. "Woah dude, you good?"
"Oh sorry, my species is a prey species on my home planet. We get jumpy when stuff like this happens."
Dave chuckles at the thought, "you know if you did this around the others im pretty sure they wouldn't be able to see you." His attention focuses back on the sound. " We should go check out what happened, we're engineers after all."
Kotzal steps out from behind dave nervously and agrees. They walk down the hallway towards the commotion. Smoke billows out of the walls, embers pour out of the holes as well.
A hulking beast pulls its way out of the hole, it had to be around 8 and a half feet tall. Just as dave gets a look at it, several more come out of the walls. Kotzal grabs dave and pulls him around the corner, away from the beasts.
"Get down! Those are Tarvok pirates. We need to go, we do Not want to pick a fight with those." Kotzal is freaking out, likely having a panic attack. He tries to pull Dave with him. Dave doesn't budge, instead, he stares at the wall and puts his hand on it. "I cant."
Kotzal gets more anxious and frenzied, pulling harder on Dave. "No We have to go, David dont do this." In response, Dave grins and puts his head on the cold metal wall. "I said I cant, This station is my baby. I've fixed her more than anyone else. I can't leave her."
Dave turns to Kotzal and continues. "Not to mention the number of people these guys could hurt. You know how far the nearest guard post is, and how understaffed it is. If I turn tail and run countless people will die. But If I distract them, buy us some time. Maybe I can save a few lives."
"But you'll die! You'll get killed, I can't have you do that. I can't lose you, You're the only one who even respects me, let alone is nice to me." He says as tears start to form in his four eyes.
Daves grin breaks and he pulls Kotzal into a hug, Kotzal's small stature causing him to look like a small child not wanting their parent to leave. "That's not happening. I ain't gonna die." Dave thinks for a moment and goes on. "How about you help me, I dont buy this scared child Schtick. There's something there, something strong. I can see that."
Dave breaks the hug and pulls a knife from his belt, and hands it over to him. Kotzal stares at the blade for a second and takes the knife and nods in agreement. "Use your speed and stature to your advantage. there's a lot of smoke, try to use that."
Dave and total talk for a minute discussing plans and strategies after they're done he grabs a pipe on the wall and rips it off, but not before speaking to the station itself. "Sorry about this."
Walking around the corner Dave bangs the pipe on the wall, getting the army of Tarvok's attention. "Hey you brutes, eyes on me." He says, resting the pipe on his shoulder.
One of the Tarvok's starts walking over to Dave with a look of hunger and anger. Dave grins, this being a part of his plan, and stomps on a jagged and sharp piece of metal, launching it into the air. To which Kotzal leaves cover from behind Dave and grabs the piece of metal and throws it into the eye of the Tarvok.
"See, I told you no one would be able to see you back there." Dave jokes. He takes a step forward and inspects the now corpse of the Tarvok. "Oh damn, straight into the eye." Kotzal meekly responds to the compliment. "Thanks, it was heavier than Im used to so I didn't think it hit where I wanted to."
"You're a good shot, keep it up." Dave compliments. For a split second, Dave swore he could see Kotzal's cheeks turn blue.
Dave starts walking forward towards the rest of the army, beckoning them to come to fight him. One soldier takes a step forward to fight. The hulking beast throws a punch towards Dave but he sides steps it and slams his weapon into a pipe next to the Tarvok.
The soldier notices this and started to laugh but a second later the pipe bursts and hot steam starts to burn the soldier and causing it to fall to the floor.
The next one rushes Dave and throws a punch at him, he absorbs the blow into his shoulder and uses the force to spin himself around and slam the pipe into the soldier's skull.
At the display of force, the rest of the Tarvok's take a step back from the carnage. "Hey Kotzal, I think I fucked my shoulder up. It's your turn. " Dave says quietly so the brutes in front of them won't hear. "Yeah, let's do it." He responds, trying to hide the fear in his voice.
Dave starts to run towards the group of Tarvok's with Kotzal following. Before he gets too close he ducks down and arches his back and Kotzal jumps off his back and launches himself toward the enemy.
With one hand he throws a sharp piece of metal in the neck of one of the soldiers and with the other he stabs another with the knife Dave gave him.
The last one is in front of them, he's bigger than the rest. Probably the leader. "Let me handle this one," Dave says as he blocks Kotzal from moving forward with the pipe.
Looking at the pipe in his hand, Dave realizes that the pipe is way too damaged to continue to be useful. He takes a step forward and throws the thing as hard as he can. The pipe flies through the air and when it's about to hit, the leader catches it.
As soon as he threw the pipe Dave started running towards the beast but only noticed that he caught the pipe when he was too close to do anything. The Leader propels his knee into Daves's gut, the spike on it spearing into dave.
"Oh fuck!" He screams as the spike goes through him. He falls back and tries to stop the bleeding. Another scream is heard, not of pain but rage. "You Fucker!" It's Kotzal, with the look of pure rage in his eyes.
"I'll kill you!" He screams as he starts running towards him. As he reaches him he jumps at the leader to get a clear shot at him. In retaliation, the Tarvok grabs him by the neck and holds him in the air. Kotzal doesn't seem to notice, the anger blinding him. He starts slashing wildly at the beast in front of him, a good majority hitting their targets.
Kotzal gets a good stab into the arm of the beast holding him, causing him to be dropped.
While on the ground he stabs the blade into the back of the knee of the Tarvok leader making him fall to his knees, lining him up for a stab to the side of his head, killing him.
He keeps stabbing the now dead Tarvok, more out of rage than him being unsure he's dead. After a few dozen stabs he stops and takes a second to breathe and remembers Dave. He turns around and sprints towards Dave.
He starts trying to help him staunch the bleeding and stabilize him. "No, no-no-no. Dont do this, you cant." He starts tearing up trying to help him.
"It's okay, you did well. Didn't expect the fucker to catch the pipe. I think this is it" Dave says as he rests on the wall, trying to do whatever he can to stop the bleeding.
"Dont say that! You'll be fine, I know what im doing. I can help you." Kotzal says frantically.
Dave looks at him and puts his bloodied hand on his shoulder. "You can't save me, an injury like this is impossible to fix up."
"Shut up!" Kotzals shouts as he slaps dave. "We aren't in the medical dark ages, You know how strong modern medicine is." a grin forms on Daves face as he shrugs. "Whatever you say," he says as his vision fades to black and passes out.
Daves eyes open and the bright light blinds him, "hey your awake." a familiar voice says. His eyes adjust to the light and he sees that Kotzal is sitting on the chair next to his bed.
Dave groans in pain as he tries to sit up. Kotzal puts a hand on his shoulder and stops him. "Dumbass, you can adjust the bed." He laughs, handing him the switch.
"How long was I out?" He asks as he raises the head of his bed. "About two days. You had us worried for a little while." Kotzal responds with a smile.
"You can't kill me that easily, its gonna take a lot more than that, I still have work to do here." He smiles back.
"Oh yeah, like what?" Kotzal asks. "The engines been making a thunking noise for the past week, I still figure out what the hell the problem is." They both start laughing for a minute and after they stop a silence is formed between them, which is promptly broken ten seconds later by dave. "Hey after they discharge me, do you wanna go to the bar and get a few drinks? I'll buy."
"Sure thing, I'd love to."
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blxetsi · 3 years
Can I request hcs of reader pranking Mikasa, Annie, and Pieck like they are hiding another girl from them? Here’s the link for reference :)
yuh ‼️ ty for the request !!!
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mikasa, annie, and pieck reacting to you pranking them (modern au!)
college!mikasa x gn!reader, college!annie x gn!reader, college!pieck x gn!reader
warnings: uhhhh humour + fluff ?, sexy women lol, a touch of angst ??,, annie leonhart marry me challenge, u and pieck being cuddlebugs
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- PLSSS you only got the idea from eren bc he sent u the tiktok in the first place,,,,
- anyways he told you to do it and record it for him
- you agreed, and bc ur a little shit you even skipped ur last class just so youd get back to your and mikasa's shared apartment earlier
- the audio is literally just sasha speaking 😭😭😭 you did the best with what you had yknow 🤨‼️
- anyways u decide to wait in ur bedroom for mikasa when u hear the door open
- time to get started 😈
- after making sure ur camera was recording and getting the audio ready, you played it just as she was coming down the hall
- you heard her footsteps stop for a second before continuing and thats when you threw the phone and went to meet her at the door
- as soon as you saw her face you immediately regretted ever doing this to her,,, she looked so sad
- "are you hiding someone in here ?" YOU COULDNT EVEN KEEP IT GOING BEFORE YOU APOLOGIZED
- you cooed at her before hugging her and apologizing "mika im so sorry i SWEAR its a joke im recording it"
- all she does is nod at you and you KNOW youre in trouble
- "mikasa, lovey ? please dont be mad its just a prank i saw on tiktok im so sorry." she just keeps looking around the room
- she makes you sit on the bed while she checks absolutely EVERYWHERE while youre trying to convince her theres no one
- you finally play the audio and she stops from where shes looking under the bed, "is that sasha ?" "yeah i used her voice for the prank" "😡🗡️"
- she makes you pamper her for the rest of the night as an apology, and you GLADLY do it bc you love to serve your gf 😁‼️
- dont even try it
- dont do it, im serious,,, unless you want to be buried at the local cemetary 😁👍
- ymir sent the tiktok as a joke like "lmao imagine if you did this to annie" you said "okay 🤩🤚"
- ymir makes a new gc for you, herself, reiner and bertholdt so they can talk abt it 🙄
- bertholdt and reiner are immediately in the gc like "no no,,, dont do it y/n,,,, you have so much to live for, so much potential" and ymir names the gc "y/ns funeral planners"
- so u set up your camera and hide in the bedroom when you know annie's coming back from boxing
- yeah,,,,, boxing,,,,,
- you play the audio ymir made for u super loud and you hear her SPRINT to the fucking room
- say ur prayers bae ur going down lol
- you dont even have time to react before shes pinned you down on the bed 😭😭😭
- sister looks at the phone, then back at you and says "ymirs voice is ugly, you wanna trick me at least make it believable" before you can even apologize she gives you a FAT kiss on the lips,, im talking tongue and all
- then she says "im going to shower, dont try that shit again, okay baby ?"
- yes ma'am,,, i live to serve you 🛐🛐🛐
- lmao good luck tricking this bitch she doesnt even believe it
- porco sent it to you like "imagine if you did this to pieck lol" and you were like "lmao sure"
- you didnt know who to ask to speak to you ?? so your dumbass just used yourself 😐🤚
- you got yourself speaking into your microphone in some high pitched voice 😭😭😭😭
- anyways you set up ur camera and played the audio after she came home from her shift at work
- this bitch GIGGLES before entering to see you on the bed before the two of you burst out laughing
- she comes and lays beside your body to pull you into her "are you trying to prank me baby ?" "maybe i was" "i saw that video a week ago after porco sent it to me"
- excuse me 😃⁉️
- "what ? porco sent it to me" she starts laughing again "he wanted me to do it to you but i know how sensitive you are, couldnt make my angel cry like that" and now youre absolute mush
- you hide yourself in her chest while you feel your face heating up and she chuckles while patting your head
- "now that the silly times are over, do you wanna watch a movie with me ?" you answers muffled from her clothes but she hears you loud and clear "yes please"
- and you two spent the night cuddled in bed with a laptop laying on you both, playing some netflix original <3
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AND ITS DONE !! this was fun to make. also idk if mikasa's came off as "obsessive" bc i wasnt trying to,, shes just a bit insecure abt your relationship :( give her love pls
ALSO !! requests open ok stay safe
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eternalstann · 4 years
Baby Fever
Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: swearing, mature themesss
You and Tom babysit for Harrison, Tom realizes how badly he wants his own kids..with you.
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“I can baby sit for you!” You chirp to Harrison, and Tom looks up from his food. He’d had baby fever for few months now, and he knew this was not going to help.
“Are you sure Y/N” he asks, face already lit up at your offer and you nod. Harrison had been complaining all dinner about how he’d told his step brother he’d babysit his two kids this weekend, but the girl he’d had his eye on for weeks asked him to hangout.
Harrison runs around the table, and hugs you. “Thank you Y/N, you’re literally a lifesaver!” He exhales and you just smile, “You’re welcome Haz”
“I’m so excited! I haven’t seen them since we went to the races last June!” You tell Tom, running around your apartment trying to put the finishing touches on, and baby proofing everything.
“I know, I can’t believe Eva’s five...” Tom says, taking a sip of his beer and you pout at him.
“How’re you gonna help me babysit if you’re drunk Thomas!” You tease and he laughs, holding up his hands. “Sorry babe”
You kiss his cheek, pulling away when you hear a knock on the door. You nearly sprint, pulling it open and melting as soon as you do.
“Y/N!” Eva screams, jumping into your arms and you squeeze her tight. “Hi honey!” You exclaim, leaning back to look at her. “You get more beautiful every time I see you, and taller too!” You tell her and she smiles, “I’m tallest in my class”
“I’m here too y’know!” Tom speaks up, walking over to hug her.
You stand up, and embrace Lauren. “Lauren, it’s so good to see you...you look amazing!” You embrace her and she grips your shoulders when she pulls away. “Me! You look stunning. Thank you so much for doing this” she breathes and you wave your hand.
“Anytime, where’s Theo?” You ask, pretending not to see the boy behind his moms legs. “Hmmm, I sure wish my friend Theo was here” you sigh, you hear little giggles and peak your head around Lauren.
“There you are!” You grin, lifting him and placing him on your hip. “Y/N!” He struggles to say your name but does his best.
“Okay, so they usually go to bed around 9. Theo still gets his sippy cup to go to sleep. And he uses pull ups, but he’ll tell you if he has to use the loo. They can eat whatever you do but Eva is lactose intolerant. If you have any trouble just call me, or that flake Harrison” she jokes, setting their bags on the floor by your couch and you nod.
“Got it, now go enjoy your alone time!” You shoo her and Theo mimics you. Lauren fakes offense before kissing his forehead, and waving to Eva who was busy showing Tom her American girl doll.
“....but you’re English!” You hear him tell her and you roll your eyes. Only Tom.
“Hmmmm Theo, what do you like to do now that you’re 3?” You ask, setting him down on the ground. He pauses thoughtfully, “eat brownies!” He cheers.
You expected him to say play hide and seek or something. But you could do brownies. “Tom?” You look to him and he’s already pulling Eva to the kitchen.
Tom watches your every move, the way you lift Theo to stir the batter. The way Eva giggles when you pretend not to notice the chocolate on your nose. How you clap every time one of the kids adds an ingredient properly.
All of it makes his heart clench...and his stomach stir. You were so good with them, he couldn’t help but wonder what you’d be like with your own. His kids. Would they look like you, or him, or both?
God, he doesn’t know what came over him. He just couldn’t stop thinking about filling you up, and watching you get big with his baby inside of you. His baby having his baby. Tom’s so deep into his fantasy he doesn’t hear you calling him.
“Tom...Tom!” You laugh, your dazed boyfriend looking startled when he finally realizes you’d been shouting his name.
“Yes love?” He answers, and you notice him adjusting himself before walking over to you. You smirk, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Was it me bending over the oven that got you all hot and bothered?” you joke and he kisses your forehead.
“Something like that”
The rest of the night goes smoothly, the kids pretty much tire themselves out. And you only had to diffuse a mini temper tantrum when you explained that Eva couldn’t have milk with her brownies.
But it was when Tom walked by the bathroom, and saw you playing with Theo and Eva as you gave them a bath that he knew. He wanted you to have his babies.
He already knew you were the one. You’d talked about marriage and he knew you wanted kids. He just didn’t know when. He was praying now was the time.
You practically collapse into bed once you get the kids to sleep and Tom listens to your breathing even out, and tries to do the same. But he’s too caught up in his thoughts to sleep.
Morning comes, and Lauren picks up the kids. Tom loved Eva and Theo, but he was practically itching to get you alone.
Before you even get the door all the way closed he grabs you, pushing you against the wall. You don’t protest when he kisses you and you hum, wrapping your arms his neck.
“Wait; wait!” Tom calls, pulling back from you and leading you to sit on the couch. “I want to talk to you” he explains and you can’t help but feel a little nervous.
Tom takes a deep breath and holds your hands in his.
“Y/N I love you so much...” he starts and your eyes go wide, was he breaking up with you? “...and I was thinking, I really want to have a baby” you exhale in relief when he finishes but then your eyes go wide again.
“What?!” You exclaim. That was the last thing you’d expected him to say. His face falls a little at your reaction and you squeeze his hands.
“Tom I love you too, and I want to have your babies someday...I just don’t know about now” you admit. “There’s things I still want to do..” you continue and Tom shifts.
“Why not? You have a good job, and lets be real I could support us and ten kids if I had too. You could quit, and both of you could come with me when I’m shooting. We could all travel the world together. And we could hire a babysitter sometimes, plus I know my parents would help out so we could still go out and have alone time. Watching you with the kids yesterday solidified it for me. Y/N I want this so bad. And if you don’t right now, then I will absolutely respect that, but I just want you to know I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make it work. I want this with you”
Your heart swells at his words. This just all seemed too much like a dream to you. But you knew you loved Tom. Imagine how much you’d love the baby you made with him.
Any doubts in your mind were erased when you looked in Toms eyes. How steady he was, how much he felt like home. You wanted this with him too.
You nod.
“Let’s have a baby”
YOU GUYS IM 21!!!! I’m so excited :)
This was just something to post imma do a lil saucy part 2 of the actual baby making lol, I love y’all!
P.S do y’all like Toms new haircut??
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 3: black dress shoes
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chapter 2
It was definitely a lie, I don't think I could ever be ready to start a new life all alone, but I had Dumbledore so I guess I wasn't completely alone. But it didn't change from the fact I still felt alone. Part of me was still upset about my father. He didn't even look at me, and I know he blamed me partially for everything that's happened. But he was out of my life now and I had bigger things to worry about. Like walking into this school without dying. Dumbledore headed in and I followed closely behind my luggage levitating behind me. I took deep breaths and looked in awe all around me. "Now since it's late I won't be giving you a tour as of right now, I'll just get you situated in your temporary room until tomorrow." Dumbledore said softly, looking down at me gawking at the gorgeous building. I told myself to look away and just focus on my actions. I didn't want to grow to like this place. I missed Beauxbatons that would always be my home. I wasn't gonna let this school's extravagance trick me, Beauxbatons was gorgeous and elegant, but Hogwarts was a different kind of elegance. Somehow it felt more, comforting and warm.
   I shook the thoughts away and smiled up at Dumbledore, playing it cool. "Sounds great!" I responded. "Wonderful follow me then." he said walking down the hall. "Tonight you will just be sleeping in my quarters. I hope you don't mind but don't worry I have a guest room attached so you will have your own room and privacy." he said cheerily. "Wow thank you Dumbledore that's very kind I would have been okay with just crashing on the couch haha." I said lightly laughing. "Oh merlin no, I would not have my goddaughter sleeping on my couch, it's very uncomfortable." he said with a joking tone. I smiled and followed him to his quarters. We approached a gargoyle that was perched in front of us. I kept my eye on it worried it may move or be alive or something. He whispered a phrase that I couldn't understand and it moved aside to reveal this very odd almost circular staircase that was moving it seemed.  He walked up it with ease and looked back at me, visibly confused as to how I was supposed to walk on it without being thrown back down. "Don't overthink it my dear, just walk" he said kindly. I did as he said and just kept my eyes forward and walked up on it. Hmm how peculiar. "What did you whisper to make the gargoyle move?" I asked, curious. He just looked at me and smiled. I took that as, "it's a secret and I am not going to tell you hehe". I followed him into what I assumed was his office.
   I stood in awe looking all around at the most extravagant headmaster office I had ever seen. "Holy crap" I said, amazed. "Yes it is quite nice" he said with a small smile. "Quite? More like I could live here." I joked looking back at him noticing he had walked across the room and behind his desk. "Come," he said and I followed walking around his desk and chair. "Now back here" he said, opening a door to reveal a small but comfortable living quarters, "is where I sleep and if you come over here" he walked past his bed and to a bookshelf. He removed a rather large book and it revealed a small doorknob. He opened it up and it revealed a very cute guest room which looked to have been done up just for me. "This is your room for tonight." he said cheerily. My luggage flew past me and landed softly on the bed. "Now since it's late I won't waste anymore time and let you get your rest" he smiled. "Thank you so much this is perfect. Thank you for...everything" I said with a genuine tone. I walked over and gave him a hug, it was more than just a thank you hug. I was so glad to see him and not be alone. Someone to watch over me and make sure I was ok. It felt nice to have a parental figure here with me in this new strange place. He let out a light chuckle and patted my back. "Now I will be right in the next room if you need me, that door right there is a bathroom if you need to shower or anything of that sort. He said kindly while walking to the door. "Ok great thank you, goodnight" I said walking over to my bed to put my shoulder bag down. "Oh and y/n" he said and I turned to face him again. "I'm here" he said softly and walked out shutting the door behind him. It was almost enough to make me cry. It was so nice to hear those words. They comforted me so much to know I would be able to do this on my own but have someone for guidance. I smiled to myself and opened my suitcase getting out my pajamas and toothbrush. I got changed and put my day clothes back into my suitcase, hanging my coat and bag on the bedpost and putting my shoes at the door. I went into the bathroom shutting the door behind me. As I turned the faucet on I looked into the mirror. Brushing my h/c from my face and putting a headband in. I washed my face with the warm water and dried it off with the soft hand towel that was hung next to the mirror. I wet my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Rinsing my mouth and wiping off the excess toothpaste and left my toothbrush there to dry. I exited the bathroom  and went and sat on the bed. I sat there and admired the room. There was a small window above the headboard that was too dirty to see out of. I used my sleeve to wipe a small circle and I looked out.
   I couldn't see much since it was dark but I could make out a few trees here and there. Hmm. I layed down and got under the covers. I closed my eyes and layed there trying to fall asleep. I looked over at the clock on the wall and it read 10:45. I looked back at the ceiling and then turned on my side, closing my eyes once more trying to clear my thoughts and fall asleep. After what seemed like forever I had no luck. I mean I did sleep nine hours on the train so of course I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep. I looked back at the clock and it now read 11:20. I sat up reaching over into my bag and pulling out my wand. I whispered a quiet "Lumos" and my wand lit up lighting up the whole room. I sat and stared at it not knowing what else to do. I held it up and began making shadow puppets on the wall. After a rabbit I began to feel silly, but I excused the childlike behavior because I didn't know what else to do. All of the sudden I started to hear a door. But it wasn't mine and it sounded farther away than Dumbledores. Then I heard muffled voices sounding like they came from his office. I whispered a "Nox" and my wand went out. I slowly and quietly got up and walked over to my door, pressing my ear to it but not having any luck in hearing better. I contemplated it for a moment and turned away back to my bed, I shouldn't, that would be an invasion of privacy. One of the voices grew louder and I then heard Dumbledore say to quiet down. I looked at the door. Well we all know im gonna do it. I have no respect for my morals. I tiptoed to the door and quietly and slowly turned the doorknob. As quiet as I could , I opened the door and peeked into his quarters, not seeing him but seeing the light from his office casted from under his door. I tiptoed over to that door making sure to not hit anything and breathing through my mouth to be as quiet as possible. Last thing I would want is to be caught eavesdropping on my first night in the castle. I gingerly pressed my ear to the door and stopped breathing to try and listen. "I think she will excel wonderfully here! You don't doubt my beliefs do you?" I heard Dumbledore say, surely he wasn't referring to me. "Of course not Albus, I just don't know if it's the best idea for her to be my student!" I heard a strange deep velvety voice say. Who does this guy think he is? Why wouldn't he want me in his class? "And why is that?" I heard Dumbledore respond calmly. The man paused and cleared his throat. "You know why." he retorted. The fuck does that mean I thought. My heart picked up speed as I began to grow very concerned and confused. "I think you are overreacting, she will be just fine." Dumbledore assured the man. I stepped back and laid on the floor trying to look under it. I laid my head on the cold stone floor and peaked through the small crack. All I could see was two pairs of shoes. Ones that were obviously Dumbledore's that were blue and had some light floral pattern and another pair of just black leather dress shoes. They continued talking but I zoned out staring at the pair of shoes. Hmm I took a mental note and got up off the floor. However when I was pushing up off the floor the rug my feet were on moved slightly and caused a small table to move and hit the wall with a thump. My eyes grew wide as their conversation came to a halt. "I thought you said she was asleep" the deep voice snarled. I didn't take any chances and sprinted back into my room closing the bookshelf door behind me as quietly as possible and jumping to the bed pulling the covers up over me and facing away from the door. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my head and feel it in my chest. My breath was ragged trying to catch up to itself. I heard his bedroom door open and heard him walk in and around it. I could hear him pause for a moment outside my door and then exit his room closing his door behind him. I heard them exchange a few more muffled words and then heard what I was assuming the black shoed man leaving his office and Dumbledore returning to his bedroom. I closed my eyes trying to be still just in case he came to check on me. I continued to fake sleep until it eventually caused me to drift off and finally fall asleep.
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spunkpunx · 4 years
Are Friends Electric? (Alex Turner)
Multi Part Series
Tumblr media
Part 1: Dreamy Days
Sheffield 2002
"Is that a fookin' United shirt?"
"Yeah, so what? It's not mine, you know I support Owls."
"Am honestly disappointed in you, consortin' with the enemy an' that," Alex shook his head, refusing to look at the offending football shirt that I'd been forced into wearing.
"It was in lost property, an' you know what the PE teachers are like, they threatened to suspend me, Mam would kill me if they did," I replied, rubbing her legs in an attempt to warm them.
"Only 'cause you've been suspended before."
"Yeah well I don't want to do it again, she'd have me bloody guts for garters," I told him. He rolled his eyes. We were sat on an old bench around the back of the school, dressed in PE kits and smoking B&H cigarettes I had stolen off my mother. My football shorts were no match for the harsh January weather, but I was wearing a parka, hence why Alex had only just noticed the Sheffield United t-shirt. We couldn't leave school grounds yet, because in order to get out from behind we'd would have to go past the French classroom, and as the bell hadn't yet gone, there would still be Miss Kelly and a class of year 7s ready to catch us out.
"I'm fookin' freezing," Alex whined, putting out his fag on the wall and dropping it onto the floor. "At least you've got that bloody big coat."
I sighed and flicked my cigarette butt onto the floor, stomping it out with the toe of my trainer. "If we go over the wall you know you have to give me a leg up," I explained bluntly. He nodded along almost eagerly, likely desperate to get out the cold and home as soon as possible.
"I don't mind Jack, I just wanna leave."
"Right then," I replied, standing up, picking up my bag and putting a foot into a crack in the stone, grabbing the top edge where my fingers could just about catch grip on the rough stone. Alex came up behind me and put his hands on my shin, and using his hands to push against, I pulled herself up. Unfortunately, my foot slipped, and I began to fall back down, but my fall was stopped by the feeling of hands holding me up. Alex's hands, on my bum.
I felt my ears burning red, but not willing to have to try again, I pulled herself up using my arms and jumped down the other side. As soon as my feet touched the ground I climbed on top of the large wheelie bin that sat against the wall and grabbed Alex's arm as he clambered over as well. He was a lot taller than me now, he'd grown in a way only 15 year old boys do, all long limbs and clumsiness. I'd barely even noticed him shoot up. I helped him over and we jumped into the street below.
"Um... I'm sorry that I touched your..." Alex stuttered slightly, his cheeks going uncharacteristically red. I cut him off.
"Al, it's fine."
"I mean I-"
"It's fine," I repeated, more firmly. He shrugged and pushed his hands into his pockets, beginning to walk down the alley toward the road. I followed him, jogging slightly to catch up with his long strides.
"Am gonna join a band you know," he told me as we turned the corner onto the street. I looked at him in surprise.
"A band? Who wiv?" I questioned, confused.
"Matt Helders or Matt Sheppard?"
"Matt Helders of course! Av'e never even spoke to Matt Sheppard why on earth would I be talking about 'im?"
"Well I dunno do I? I didn't even know Matt Helders played an instrument, he's not singing is he?" I queried, scuffing my shoes along the floor.
Alex shook his head slightly. "He plays drums, I'm the singer."
"But you play guitar?" I could sense my brain was really struggling to keep up.
"I can do both, like Bowie."
"Don't compare yourself t'Bowie unless you go to your gigs dressed in a catsuit an' heels an' bat away crowds of lads and lasses who want to sleep with ya."
"I'm not against the crowds of lasses, but I don't think I could commit to the rest," he laughed cheekily. I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder.
"You're full of shit, you are," I grinned, as he rubbed his arm over-dramatically. Cars whizzed past as we reached the main road. Cars that caused slight rushes of air as the pair of us continued to walk, that's how close they drove past the pavement.  "Mine or yours?" I asked him.
"Yours, yer mam won't be back from work yet."
A silence lulled in the conversation as we continued to walk down the street, Alex was scuffing his trainers along the floor. It was annoying as fuck but I didn't say owt.
"Did you hear what Rory Pike did today at lunch?"
"He got his cock out on the school field," Alex divulged me, a laugh spread across his face. I couldn't help but join in the joke.
"Rory Pike is a world class minger," I told him, and soon we were both in stitches, adding extra gross details to the story to the amusement of each other.
"Did Cook finally ask tha' girl out then?" I changed the subject, catching my breath back from my laughing fit.
"'Course not, he jibbed again, then Simmo asked her instead," Alex explained.
"Simmo? Did she say yes?"
"Why would she? She clearly fancies Jamie."
"He needs to get his act together and ask her."
Alex nodded, momentarily in thought. He then very suddenly turned around and gave me a playful shove.
"First one to yours!" he exclaimed, quickly speeding off around the corner.
"Bastard," I muttered, beginning to run after him. I sprinted to catch up, but the awkward coat prevented me from getting anywhere near the speed his long limbs could get him. He legged it off and I was forced to slow my pace back down to a walk. The boy was clearly going to win and I had the house key so he'd have to wait outside for me anyway. I decided to take me time knowing I'd probably bump into Alex around the corner when he came back to see where I was. He'd probably be a bit moody about it, telling me off for being a fun sponge, and I'd apologise insincerely and then he'd give me an awkward side hug and tell me he couldn't stay angry at me, there's no way I'd let him. Then we would probably walk back to mine and be done with the matter.
This wasn't the case. I got round the corner, then the one after that, and didn't see any sign of Alex. There was no way he would still be running, he was too lazy and he would look like an idiot, racing against no one. He was a dafty but not that much of one. I began to get confused after I rounded the third corner and there was still not a sign of him.
"Oi Jackie!" Alex exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders from behind. I yelped in surprise and he burst out laughing.
"Fook you Alex Turner," I scolded him. "How did ya even get behind me?" He said nothing, and just tapped his nose conspiratorially.
Sheffield 2003
He knew everything there was to know about Jackie. He knew her favourite colour (red),her middle name (Arabella), her handwriting and everything else in between. Alex had known this for ages, but it had never weighed on his mind as much as it had recently.
It was the way he'd seen her the other night. There was a small gaff at someone or another's and Alex had gone with the boys. Jackie had showed up a bit later, dressed very differently to how he normally saw her. She had a leopard print mini skirt on and a tight, cropped t-shirt, along with her trainers and Adidas jacket. Of course he noticed her, lighting one of her L&B blues and trying to smoke it subtly; she was the only one smoking.
He had gone over and said hello, and she'd grinned when she saw him, glad of some company, he expected. Some 90s rave hit was playing, and cheesy lights flashed across the room. Trying too hard, he thought. She picked a beer off the counter she was leaning on and gave it to him. A Corona, lukewarm but still alcohol.
"D'ya wanna come for a spliff?" she asked him, patting her pocket, and he said yes. Her top was very tight, although he tried not to look, but he saw her bra, visible through the fabric. They went outside onto some kind of shitty balcony. She got what looked to be a large gram of weed and some Rizlas out, making an L and then ripping open a cigarette to get the tobacco out, she carefully sprinkled in some of the spliff and rolled. Alex didn't say anything, he just watched as she deftly rolled the joint. She lit the end and took her time, sitting down on a breeze block. He found himself a seat on the step.
"So how's t'band going, Arctic Monkeys i'nt it?"
"There's a gig coming up, at The Grapes," Alex told her, proudly. In fact, he puffed up slightly with pride. Jackie had never really got involved with the band, she said it weren't her business, but Alex still felt remarkably pleased whenever she showed an interest, especially if they were doing well.
"D'ya want me to come?"
"'Course! I thought you already were."
"Yeah I just... weren't sure, that's all," Jackie responded, unusually quiet. She was acting off with him.
"Is summit up?" Alex asked. She shrugged, taking another drag on her spliff and then handing it to him. "Jack?" he prompted further.
"It's nothing Al, jus' summit stupid," she replied. Her fingers fiddled with the edge of her sleeve. He decided to leave it, pushing her wouldn't make her tell him, it would just annoy her. He took a toke of the joint and they sat in silence for a moment.
"Wanna find some White Lightning and get hammered?" she asked and Alex grinned.
"Are you sure? That stuffs pretty lethal."
"Well fook it all we're not going home tonight," she replied, laughing slightly. Alex nodded, smiling, then passed her the spliff back. It was a still and cold night. Jackie let the smoke seep out her mouth and inhaled it through her nose.
They finished the spliff and went back inside. Alex found the rest of his mates and together they all got steaming. Simmo was acting strangely all night. Then Jackie started acting strange too. She was all quiet and snappy.
"Why were you being such a mardy bum yesterday," he asked her the next day. They were lounging about on the sofa at his, nursing two horrible headaches. She rolled her eyes at him.
"Not now Alex, I'm too hungover for this," she answered, misery clear in her voice.
"Just tell me and I'll stop naggin'" he told her, shuffling a bit closer so she couldn't turn over and ignore him.
"Your mate Simmo," she replied simply.
"What'dya mean? Look, I know the joke was a bit insensitive but tha's just what 'e's like," Alex began to explain, for some reason unknown to him, in Simmo's defence.
"It's not tha' you bloody great nit, he kissed me."
Alex couldn't explain why that came like a twist in the gut, but it did nonetheless. It made him stumble for his words for a moment.
"Oh," was all he managed to get out. "Did you kiss him back?"
"Of course not, he's funny, but a bit gross," Jackie replied, pulling a face, and Alex laughed. A strange sense of relief was felt somewhere in his system, although nowhere near enough to dull the queasy thud of his hangover. "'Sides, Chris asked me out the other day."
"Who the fook is Chris?"
"Chris Maher, from the garage."
"Him? You've lost your mind Jackie, he works at fookin' MotorWorld."
"He's funny! And he knows loads about cars, plus he can drive," she said stubbornly, crossing her arms.
"Why does it matter 'e can drive?"
"So I can get places, obviously," she responded dryly.
"I've almost passed me test!"
"Al, you're not even close to passing, I spoke to yer Dad an' he says you drive like you're drunk. 'Sides, I wouldn't want to get on your nerves, always cadgin' a lift." she explained, to Alex's disappointment.
"I didn't expect your type to be a guy who walks around in trackies, how desperate are ya?" Alex jabbed, a little cruelly. Jackie shot him a scathing look.
"Alexander, what is up with you? You were fine last night, an' now you're acting like I'm makin' you suck bloody lemons," she reprimanded him. She was trying to draw him into an argument, he could tell. He wasn't about to start a fight.
"Oh, it duen't matter," he said offhandedly, hoping to diffuse the issue, which seemed to work.
"He's actually a really lovely guy," Jackie added after a long pause.
"Ay, I'm sure he is," Alex replied halfheartedly.
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baroquebucky · 4 years
bad weather
in which you give Bucky house warming gifts
a/n: hey guys ! here’s a short little bucky fic i thought of last night its kind of a mess but idc its sweet hehe <3 send in requests for our beefy boy
You finished stuffing the little basket with a couple small things and closed it, smiling as you texted bucky;
im walking over w your house warming gift !! <3
aw doll i could just pick you up :-)
no >:(
You quickly sent the text and headed out the door, a smile on your face as you walked down the street, headphones in. However your music wasn’t loud enough to cover the loud thunder from the sky. You jumped slightly, looking at the sky and noticing the flash on lightning, the sky quickly darkening.
You sped up, hoping to beat the rain, you were only a couple blocks away when the thunder cracked, a flash of lightning lit up the city and rain began to pour. You squealed, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella as you continued to rush down the street, taking your sweater off and wrapping the basket in it so your gifts wouldn’t get wet.
You tried taking shelter under a roof for a while but the wind only blew the rain in your face, you huffed, mentally preparing yourself to sprint the rest of the way. By the time you turned the final corner you were out of breath, your side hurt and you probably looked like a wet dog (smelled it too).
You quickly knocked on buckys new door, shaking slightly from the cold water, you envied the basket seeing as though it was perfectly dry since you covered it with your jacket.
Bucky swung the door open, a smile on his face that quickly turned into a frown when he saw your soaked frame. His frown turned back into a smile as he began to giggle.
“I told you i should’ve picked you up” he teased and you rolled your eyes, pouting a little as you let yourself in. “I never said come in!” He joked, closing the door as you stood by the doorway. “I’m soaking wet and I’m cold, dont test me Buchanan” you threatened, unwrapping your now wet jacket from the basket and setting it down on the table.
“oh doll why’d you wrap the basket in your jacket! You’re gonna catch a cold” he spoke, pulling you into his chest. You let out a content sigh as his body warmth radiated onto you. “you sound like a mom” you joked causing him to scoff and push you away, which resulted in you whining and him hugging you once more.
“let me get you dry clothes to change into doll face” he smiled, kissing the top of your head before going to his room. “come look at my new room! it’s so cool” he giggled, grabbing your hand and pulling you along.
As you took in his new room he rummaged through his closet, mumbling to himself as he tried to remember where he put his long sleeves. After a couple unsuccessful attempts he found the right drawer and pulled out a soft long sleeve shirt along with a pair of boxers.
“you can change into these if you wanna, so you aren’t dripping all over my new carpet” he teased and you scrunched up you face, sticking your tongue out causing him to smile. “you’re so cute” he replied, kissing your nose before heading to the bathroom to get you a towel for your hair.
As he handed you the towel he spoke up, “I’ll wait for you outside doll, tell me if you need anything okay?” you nodded, blushing at how respectful he was.
You quickly changed, his shirt fitting very loose and comfy, it smelled like him and it made your heart swoon. You pulled on the boxers and dried your hair a little with the towel, putting it back in the restroom when you finished and walking out with your wet clothes in hand.
Bucky felt his breath hitch in his throat when he saw you in his clothes, a blush on his face when he checked you out. “You can put your clothes with my dirty ones doll, I’ll give them to you when i wash” he smiled softly, and you nodded, tossing them into his dirty clothes basket and going to grab the basket as you set it infront of him.
You looked at him excitedly, eager for him to see the gifts you had bought him. “okay it’s not much honestly, but i just wanted to help warm this place up! i know how brooding you can be” you began to ramble, nervous that he wouldn’t like the gifts you got him.
“brooding?” he looked at you offended, you only rolled your eyes at him causing him to chuckle softly. “okay okay open it!” you urged, a smile on your face as he quickly opened the basket.
After tossing out the tissue paper his eyes first landed on a small planter with an arrangement of fake succulents. A small smile on his face as he noticed the bright blue planter with a yellow sun on it and a heart.
“i painted the planter myself, you always said you wanted a pop of color and you always wanted plants but you can never keep them alive because of your missions but these won’t ever die” you explained, Bucky smile only widened, excited to see the rest of your gifts.
There were a couple more things, a digital clock, some plates, and a framed picture of the two of you, he had tears in his eyes as he looked at all the gifts, each one with an intricate meaning behind them. He felt his heart melting as you had explained everything, always talking about how he had mentioned something and so that’s why you got it.
Bucky had only ever had steve remember little things about him, and now here you were, a basket full of gifts for his new house because you had remembered every little things he had mentioned.
He smiled at you, tears in his eyes as you looked at him to see what he thought. “what do you think?” you chewed the inside of your cheek nervously, “i love it” he chuckled, putting everything down and moving to wrap you into his arms, you smiled and threw yourself into his embrace.
the two of you wiggled around for a moment, shifting so that the two of you were now cuddling on the couch, the sound of the rain hitting the window roughly, thunder causing car alarms to go off.
You helped Bucky arrange your gifts around his place, taking some things out of boxes and setting up the living room while listening to music, singing and dancing around with smiles on your faces. Soon enough the two of you were tired, the living room and kitchen were finally finished and the only things left to unpack were half his clothes and some stuff for his room.
You both threw yourself on the couch, cuddling into each other and turning the tv on, flipping through channels until you found something good to watch. Finally settling on just switching to Disney+ and watching Star Wars instead. 
Soon enough you started to yawn pulling your selves over your knuckles and cuddling a little more into buckys chest, he looked at you with a soft smile, pulsing the movie and moving a bit. 
“are you tired doll? we cam go to bed if you want” he spoke softly and you Hummers din response, “I kinda don't wanna get up though” you mumbled against his chest, he smiled, turning the TV off and picking you up swiftly.
“I forgot you were a super soldier for a second” you remarked and he shook his head. Soon enough the two of you were cuddled up under the sheets, the soft patter of the rain hitting his window followed by the occasional flash of lightening that would light up the room. You cuddled him a little closer during the claps of thunder, mainly for his sake, you felt the way he would grip you a little tighter. 
“goodnight buck I love you” you would mumble, placing a gentle kiss on whatever skin was close to you and closing your eyes. His face would heat up, a smile quickly overtaking his features. “goodnight doll, I love you more” he’d reply, kissing you right back and holding you close, falling asleep quickly to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. 
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shittyfanfic · 4 years
I have a marvel request. If you don't mind, may I ask for a fic about Peter's twin who survived the blip, how they handled the five years without their twin? Maybe they're a hero? Any gender is good! And maybe a little reunion when everyone who was blipped returned between the twin and May and Peter?
The Future’s Not Ours to See
Warnings: Angst, Crying
Word Count: 1,692
When the ship landed and you stood amongst what was left of the Avengers, you felt hopeful.
You felt a sense of hope that your dorky twin brother would come stumbling down the stairs and say something dumb like, “Star Wars made space seem less terrifying” and you would punch him in the arm for scaring you and hug him with all of your super strength.
So when Tony and a mysterious blue woman came trudging off the ship, you were beginning to feel that hope turn into horror and sadness.
When Tony told you and Steve that he had ‘lost the kid’, you fell to your knees.
You expected yourself to scream and cry, hell, everyone did, but you just sat there and stared at the grass wondering where you went wrong.
Tony hugged you on the ground and kept apologizing for what had happened, saying he would trade his life for Peter’s if he could.
You kept thinking that you would do the same.
After mourning for another hour or so, Steve picked you up and carried you inside, your legs not being able to hold you up at the moment. Normally you’d be flipping out and bragging to Peter about how Captain America is carrying you like a princess.
Now you felt like an empty paper lunch bag, tearing at the bottom from an invisible weight.
You sit in one of the chairs spread around the table, listening to Natasha explain how Thanos did what he said he would and watched as pictures of those who had vanished slowly fade in and out.
When Peter’s popped up, you buried your head in your hands and tried to keep quiet.
Everyone continued to talk about how to reverse everything. You wanted to joke about how no one has ever listened to Que Sera Sera, but that thought was crushed by the title wave of negative emotions in record time.
Even as the team planned and Tony blew up at Steve, you stared into space.
Everyone jokes that twins are a half of one another and that they complete each other. Sure, you and Peter fought sometimes and were mean to each other over things both big and small, but you honestly felt like you were only half alive. Your brother is gone.
What ever will be will be.
When the team returned with the news about Thanos and their backfired plan, you felt the same as you had when you found out Peter was initially gone.
You held no hope for the Avengers getting the stones and redoing what that psychopath had done.
Sometimes even the best have to lose.
You half expected them to try and think of something else to do. After all, they’re the Avengers and they don’t take no for an answer.
But it seemed like their journey through the stars had sucked all hope and emotion out of the group and left shells of people behind.
Everyone seemed to get the memo that what was happening was just how it was gonna be, some later than others, and one by one the once perky and hopeful bunch disbanded off to try and rebuild from the rubble or just wallow in it instead.
Aunt May had picked you up after you called from the compound. She was too choked up to respond, but you managed to hear that she was coming to bring you home.
“Oh my gosh!”
When she got out of the car, she left the door open and launched herself into you for the strongest hug she could muster. Everything that you needed to say and that she couldn’t convey was said through that embrace.
“Hey May,” you buried you head in the crook of her neck. “I’m home.”
*Five Years Later*
You had gone through all the emotions and processing you needed after what has now been labeled ‘The Blip’...almost. Only took half a decade.
You had gotten over the fact that you should’ve gone on that spaceship with Peter rather than sit on that dumb lamppost nearby and should’ve been on Titan with him instead of panicking on Earth.
In his absence, you became the new Spider-Man. You found an old suit of his, AI and everything, and did patrols like he did. You even knew his old routes and advice he’d given you when he would ramble after a night of crime stopping.
When you initially got your powers along with your twin, you didn’t want to have to use them because being a superhero and dealing with the responsibility that comes with it wasn’t something you wanted at the time. Maybe you’re doing it now to honor your brother. You don’t even know anymore.
You had to adjust to your powers as well as the webshooters and the suit as you had never used your abilities much before, save mundane tasks like getting a snack without getting caught by May.
Once you got the hang of it, you went around and tried to help. It was less action and more basic work like helping a family get food or getting a cat out of a tree.
Every time you donned that mask, you wore it with pride as well as a weight. You had to live up to Peter.
When you got called to the compound, you were confused to say the least. Mr. Stark, as you remembered Peter calling him, came to your apartment to let you know that they had a way to get everyone back.
At first, you laughed and offered him a cookie you had made, saying if he needed someone to talk to, you’d listen.
After realizing he wasn’t going through a rough patch, talking and running through logistics, you began to realize this was a chance that you couldn’t pass up.
You told May, and while she was against you going, she knew that you would be devastated if you didn’t.
So you and Mr. Stark arrived at the compound a few hours later and were met by a team of somewhat optimistic heroes.
You couldn’t breath.
You tried sucking in air but got dust instead. Your coughs echoed off the concrete.
The weight of the collapsed compound was crushing you down and you were afraid.
One minute you think all life has been restored and the next an alien ship is launching missiles at you.
You tried calling out, pushing yourself up and clawing at metal sheets, but nothing seemed to work.
Just as you were ready to accept that you would die here, Bruce came stomping over calling your name.
“I’m here! B-Bruce I’m here!”
He quickly ran to you and threw what was pinning you down off to the side like it weighed no more than a cardboard box.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You coughed and nodded as he helped you up.
You didn’t like what you saw.
The compound was leveled. The once lush, green surrounding area was scorched with dust covering the sun and sky. Trees burnt black had flickers of orange embers and craters splotched the land.
You could hear yelling through the comms but couldn’t listen as you took in the sight around you.
Bruce quickly picked you up with his good hand and set you on his shoulder.
“Hang on kid!”
He raced over to where Cap said he was fighting.
Seeing him fight Thanos by himself was terrifying. Seeing him wielding Thor’s mighty hammer quelled the fear a bit, but you were still afraid for him.
You attempted to jump off of the giant green man’s shoulder only for him to pull you back and shake his head with a scared look.
“Bruce I can’t sit here while he fights an all powerful titan by himself!” You try fighting his grip again.
“Kid, running in there is suicide.”
“So is fighting Thanos alon-”
A loud roar rang through the sky as creatures began appearing. An army rallied behind Thanos. Hundreds upon hundreds of aliens lined behind him, each willing to die for his insane cause.
Before them stood one man, tightening a broken shield on his arm, ready to fight.
The portals had opened, so many ready to engage in a fight that would determine the fate of all life, and the battle began at Steve’s battle cry.
Chaos erupted as the two sides clashed. You webbed up as many mindless space gremlins and activated instant kill for the first time, piercing several of the creatures through the heart before repeating, all while looking around in amazement at the array of allies around you.
Pegasi flying across the sky, magic shields being placed in front of people, aliens and creatures you’d never even seen.
He would love this.
When you saw Peter land with the glove and Captain Marvel take off with it, you sprinted to him and skid on your knees in front of him.
He had blood on his face, covered in dirt and sweat with messy hair and a terrified expression and you made sure to commit every detail and curve to memory.
“H-Hey. Long time no-”
You slammed into him and began to cry into his shoulder. Nothings else mattered except that your brother was in your arms and he was safe.
“If y-you ever pull anything like this again, I will melt your legos into a sword and stab you.” Your voice trembled with sobs.
“I missed you too.”
You both laughed and cried as you clung to each other for dear life.
After the battle, you took Peter back to May and watched as she crushed Peter in her arms and refused to let go.
She eventually grabbed you and smushed you into the hug as well, keeping her family in her arms and not daring to waste a second.
You all attended Tony’s funeral. Both you and Peter were trying to keep it together and failing miserably.
Once the service concluded, you all went back to the apartment and laid on the floor. No one said anything because no one had to.
You were back together and that needed no words.
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littlebigafterdark · 4 years
patton's asthma attack and finally agreeing to try therapy
content warnings: hurt/comfort, detailed description of asthma attack, very brief mention of past eating disorder, crying (i always hav that tho)
i copy pasted this from mine and livs discord convo so thats why it might be formatted weird and i swear a lot also if you see "hhh yeah" then thats liv commenting hshshsh
patton has had a cough the past few days because BASICALY since priscilla (remys cat) visited hes been more breathless with his asthma but he didnt tell anyone bc he doesnt want to worry them or make it so vee never get to see priscilla again if she cant visit anymore
so his asthma is acting up but he ignores it - and hes had asthma cough for a couple days (which is a sign of an incoming asthma attack) but again hes ignoring it, hes so used to brushing off symptoms he doesnt click what it means and he diesn ttake his inhaler when he needs it
WAAAHH oh fuck oh my god oh god wait fuck i just realised
the moment patton gets his asthma attack its saturday afternoon, roman is little and playing with logan and vee isnt quite little yet but fae's on faer way there, fae is very giggly and playful and patton says "okay babygirl, lets go get you changed!"
and when he gets up from the couch he takes a moment to cough and just stand still a sec bc he got suddenly dizzy but he pushed through it to not worry vee, and he actually usually lifts her onto his hip straight away, but this time he very subtly is like "okay hold daddys hand while we walk to the stairs"
so they get to the stairs and patton of course lifts vee up, and theyre only a few steps up when pattons breathing gets really heavy. it makes vee frown and look at him and say "daddy am i heavy?"
and patton smiles and shakes his head, because hes too breathless to speak. but he pushes through and hurries up as fast as possible
once theyre at the top of the stairs, patton is wheezing. his chest is rattling and whistling and he suddenly loses his smile and quickly hurries away from the stairs to place vee gently on the hallway floor, and as soon as vee is safe patton wobbily sinks to his knees and leans his head against the wall. his eyes shut tight trying so so hard to breath but its realy whistly now
and vee of course panics. "dady? papa are you okay??" and whimpers when patton doesnt react and clutches at his chest
and it throws her out of her semi regression. she jumps up and hurries downstairs, a little wobbily but ultimately fine. and she speints to where logan and riman are and yells "daddys h havin a panic attack!" and instantly starts crying
logan and roman were in the middle of a game and smiling and laughing but as SOON as they hear that they jump into action. logan runs out of the room to go to patton and roman grows up and runs to vee and lifts her up to shush her cries and calm her down - they dont even share a single look before they do this, they both just instinctively know what to do
and logan of course finds patton and realises its an asthma attack not a panic attack - he goes into his emergency like emotionless mode where he just gets the job done. he asks clearly where patton keeps his inhaler and patton just shakes his head. so logan alarmed asks "you dont have a reliever inhaler??" and patton winces and shakes his head again.
logan sprints to his room into his bedside drawer to find tthe inhaler he keeps for emergencies double checking it hasnt expired
he sits with his legs around patton, patton leaned back agains his torso, and puffs pattons inhaler for him and times the attack and the puffs (knowing that if it isnt better after ten puffs and fifteen minutes they have to call an ambulance) and using his own deep breaths against pats back to help him recalibrate his breathing
luckily it only lasts 8 and a half minutes and 8 puffs - but logan is so so shaken about the fact that that was very close to requiring medical assistance, he had his ohone out ready to dial 911
once pattons attack is over he's finally breathing, short and deep at first gasping in the oxygen, but within a few more minutes of sitting against logan it slows down and is much calmer. hes very shaky because the reliever inhaler does that to you, and weak from the tax on his body, so logan helps him up into their nearest bedroom (pattons)
at first he calls roman to swap places with him and watch over patton hust so logan can change vee into a diaper since she regressed from fear as soon as roman picked her up and obv he cant change her diaper
so roman sits with patton while logan does that and roman is actually really quiet and awkward and nervous, just looking wide eyed at patton and hugging himself.
and patton feels bad abt that and whispers "its okay little prince, daddys not hurt. im sorry for scaring you, honey" and roman just chews his lip and nods and looks down and they dont talk again until logan is back and roman goes out to take care of vee and logan comes in to lie with patton and rub his chest soothingly
logan is distressed and frustrated and shaken at that point but he knows not to have their conversation until the next day bc patton will be emotionally and physically exhausted
but the next day they have a serious talk - logans pretty ANGRY that patton was so ignorant of his wellbeing that he didnt refill his inhaler, patton brushes it off but logan says its a good thing he secretly kept one for patton (bc he almost suspected this might happen)
it rly hits patton when logan tells him if he had needed anymore puffs than he took they wouldve had to phone an ambulance - like patton not wanting to worry his family by admitting his asthma was acting up backfired way more and has made them worry even more because he had a full attack that could have gone so much worse
the whole conversation is VERY stern and serious even at the start when patton smiles and chuckles and jokes and brushes it off logan just gets frustrated and upset. logan is SO angry literally he is glaring at patton when patton brushes it off and makes jokes abt it and he snaps.
logan actually very seriously tells patton this is self harm and patton goes WHAT nonono no its not i dont know why youre getting so worked up
and logan fucking SNAPS like "Youre not giving your body what it needs to survive because you dont think your worth that!! you're neglecting your basic needs to the point of needing urgent medical care, doesnt that sound familiar??? doesnt that sound like something we've both been through before???" clearly referencing his eating disorder
and pattons eyes go wide and he profusely apologises hes like im so sorry oh my gosh logan honey im sorry did i trigger you im sorry and logans just like STOP APOLOGISING this isnt about me its about you!
and he sso angry bc he thought they trusted each other but the fact that patton didnt tell him when he literally couldnt breathe is so scary to logan
but that is basically an argument bc logan was so fucking worried and devastated that patton has ignored his health to such an extent and vee gets nervous bc both her and roman can hear them yelling and she thinks the cgs will breakup bc they "had a fight"
but once theyre finished talking and vee shakily asks if theyre not gonna be a family anymore they'll of course comfort faer and talk abt it, its not a fight its a disagreement and mummys and daddys have those sometimes. theyre still a family and they still love each other very very much. they all soend their family day together as usual, though patton isnt as able to get up and play with roman understandably
also the fact this all comes around the same week patton and logan tell vee that janus wants to babysit, thats why patton has been absent from the blog recently i guess bc hes been keeping busy trying to work through his feelings of janus wanting to come in
hhh yeah... the way it lines up to patton's other insecurities abt janus coming into the family and it all just piles on too much all at once
so on monday morning logan goes with patton to get more inhalers and they actually stay out for while like they go to a forest or smth just to be alone and help patton recenter a little - he's always loved being in nature, it really brings him a lot of peace, being in nature is really the best way to keep patton grounded from his dissociation, thats why hes always gardening
and logan doesnt want to be angry at him and he knows patton needs support and comfort atm even is patton doesnt think he does so they have a calm day just being together and logan trying to remind patton that hes there for him
HHH stop bc they YEAH bc they kinda had a fight even though it did get 'resolved' but they needed to take time to reconnect their energies and like show each other (and specifically logan show patton) that their love is still secure and their friendship is still strong - just the quiet care of logan taking patton somewhere they can just be alone without responsibilities
secretly patton was rlly upset that logan got angry with him but he didnt show it but logan KNOWS him and he knows he needs to fix it with queality time (pats love lang) because pattons been alone a lot recently, its just been that he keeps busy and accidentaly distanced himself bc the others would all be busy and hanging out in some way and he fet a bit abandoned but yeah logan is dedicating the whole day to him
and patton does end up talking abt his inner turmoil a little but not until theyre like in the middle of the forest and hes a lot calmer and theres no one around, he just feels so much calmer and safer in nature to open up like that.
and this is when patton tells logan about his worries about janus becoming closer to vee, and how its lovely for them but what if it hurts vee, what if they dont get along, what if they DO get along and vee wants to move back with janus. Logan doesnt say anything to the worries, he knows patton just needs to blurt them out while he can, while it mixes with the sounds of nature.
then patton mentions quietly that dr picani phoned him a couple weeks ago and told him that he would like to offer patton a trial session of therapy - not with vee, just patton. logan very calmly asks if that sounds like sometnging that might be helpful for patton and patton just giggles nervously "um i dont know. Vee has therapy"
logan frowns. "yes she does. but that doesnt mean you cant have it too, if you would like it"
patton goes quiet and looks anxious, scratching at the moss on the log theyve sat down on. so logan takes his hand and looks very earnestly at him and says gently "i would like you to at least accept the trial session. It is your decision but... i think it might be worth a try"
patton nods a little, just looking at their intertwined fingers. and after a long silence where they can just hear the birds tweeting and the wind rustling the leaves and small animals scurrying along the grass, patton finally looks up at logan and breathes "i'll go to therapy"
and when patton says that out loud suddenly his eyes well up and he sees logan smile at him - a little sad and a lot proud - and feels his hand squeeze and the tears just dont stop coming and he hides his eyes but laughs nervously like haha dont know why im crying this is so silly! but logan doesnt say anything to it, he just pulls patton into his side and rests his head on pattons head...
and patton keeps trying to laugh and joke but its so choked and sad and nervous and wet and logan wraps his other arm around patton too and just grntly whispers "pumpkin, its okay if youre not happy right now."
and patton just starts sobbing into logans shoulder and logan holds him so tight as they sit on the log
patton cant cope with silence when its about him yknow, he couldnt handle logan not laughing or tutting at his jokes so he just kept joking until logan insisted its ok to be sad
so once they get home logan sits with pstton while he phones dr picani and books his first solo therapy session for friday morning
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mischiefandi · 4 years
A Shitty Love Song (Part 4) - Stiles Stilinski
Cheap Thrills
A/N: hey everyone! part 4 is where things start to change a little for y/n, and im really excited for u guys to read it! I work really really hard on this series so it means a lot to see you guys enjoy it <3
Summary: Y/N is a 17 year old girl who struggles in an epic battle against herself. Whether it is amor’s icy grasp or life’s unexpected course that forces her to open up, only one thing is certain. The truth cannot long be hidden.
Warnings: light cursing i think and mentions of panic (nothing severe)
Word Count: 5.3 K
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Y/N)
Series Masterlist
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(picture is not mine -> credits to @ clemono on unsplash)
The school doors opened, thus concluding winter break and the holidays, the thrilling sound of students’ footsteps echoing throughout the halls. It had only been two weeks since they had last seen each other, but the ecstatic teenagers greeted each other with wide smiles and warm hugs, their excited voices overlapping as they recounted the tales of their winter shenanigans.
Y/N burst through the large metallic school doors, her brown suede bag hooked over her right shoulder, and she sighed happily as her eyes scanned the crowd, searching desperately for her friends, the people she had missed so much. Most of the group had gone away during winter break. They had all kept in touch, but Y/N had found it quite difficult being alone in Beacon Hills, stowed away in her dark room, anxiously waiting for her busy friends’ texts. Being away from them had been harder than she had thought it would be.
So she walked past the cafeteria and turned a left, almost sprinting through the corridors as her quest continued. The bell was going to ring soon and she frowned, impatiently tapping her fingers against her side. Maybe they were all late. Or maybe they just hadn’t thought of saying hi before going to class. Y/N winced a little at the idea. She stopped mid-step and looked down at the floor, her eyes vaguely stinging when her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of warm hands clapping on her shoulders. She whirled around and her lips curled into a large smile when her eyes rested on Scott and Kira.
“Scott!” she exclaimed, wrapping him in a tight hug he happily returned.
“I was beginning to think you were avoiding us,” he joked, holding her tightly before letting her go.
“Har-har,” she said, hugging Kira next.
“How was your trip to Boston! You guys have to tell me everything!” Y/N couldn’t help the high pitch of her voice, her excitement difficult to contain as she breathed in Kira’s familiar cherry perfume and Scott’s musky cologne.
“It was amazing. We spent the whole week sight-seeing and I even managed to convince someone to ice skate with me,” Scott replied cheekily, hooking his arm around Kira’s waist and she scoffed with a smile.
“Everything was going great right up until that moment,” she whined and Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. “Everyone knows I’m the clumsiest person on Earth.”
“If you want my opinion, I think he took you there to act like the perfect gentleman when you fell,” Y/N whispered conspiratorially in Kira’s ear.
“I heard that.”
Kira grinned widely, her eyes fixated on her boyfriend’s goofy smile.
“It was definitely worth it then.”
The trio talked some more until the bell interrupted their conversation. Groans and whines echoed throughout the halls, clanging against the lockers as the students slowly started to shuffle into the classrooms.
“Ugh, already?”
“I’m gonna be honest, definitely have not missed this part.”
“Before you go, have you seen the others?” Y/N inquired, tightening her grip on her bag.
“No, not yet. I have class with Isaac and Stiles right now though.”
“Meet up for lunch at the cafeteria?” Kira asked with a soft smile.
“Yeah, definitely. See you then!”
Y/N waved goodbye to the couple and sighed softly. Seeing them had done her a world of good. She walked away from the lockers and into her classroom for math.
Words could not describe how badly she hated this class. Whether it was the teacher or the actual course in itself, Y/N couldn’t bear it. She had always been terrible at it. Abstract notions had always been excruciatingly difficult for her to grasp. They just didn’t make any sense to her, they never had. Even at her previous schools, math was the only class she constantly failed, no matter how much she studied and tried. Math wasn’t just something she disliked. It was something she feared - because it meant failure.
Y/N groaned in the palm of her hand as she scribbled the rapid-fire explanations her teacher was giving into her notebook, her thoughts desperately trying to catch up with his messy rambling. Her fingers curled around her pencil and she winced, a small wave of stress passing over her. Her foot tapped furiously against the floor, the blunt sound echoing in her ears, resonating as loudly as the lockers being slammed in the school halls. Y/N closed her eyes, inhaling as deeply as possible, hoping with every inch of her body that her spasms would cease soon. She focused all of her thoughts on calming down, breathing steadily, her eyes still shut tight.
She wondered why she was so easily affected by the stupidest things. Who freaks out over algebra?
The sound of her phone vibrating in her bag made her snap out of her funk, and she immediately reached for it, sending a glance at the teacher still busy lecturing about equations before checking the screen.
Stiles: where are you hiding?
Y/N’s lips instantly curled into a wide smile as she read the text, a wave of relief washing over her. He hadn’t forgotten about her.
Y/N: math class :(((
Y/N: where were u hiding?? couldn’t find u guys this morning
His reply was immediate, the phone vibrating in her hand almost as soon as she had sent her message.
Stiles: jeep trouble again
Y/N: do i need to get u a new roll of tape?
Stiles: do i sense mockery?
Y/N: ding ding ding
Stiles: oh i see how it is
Stiles: how’s math going
Y/N: it’s hell on earth lmao
Stiles: anything a genius like me could help you with
Y/N: genius huh?
Stiles: yea, i’ve got a certificate and everything
Y/N: u should get it framed
Stiles: oh i did, not to worry
Y/N: niiiice
Stiles: seriously though, if u ever need any math assistance
Stiles: i’m your guy
Y/N’s heart radiated warmth as his words engraved themselves in her mind. He truly was such a good friend, and it was a nice feeling knowing she could count on him to help her out with stuff like this. In the past, always being the new kid in school meant she rarely made meaningful relationships with people, so she wasn’t used to asking for help, especially not with something as basic as math.
Y/N: i might take you up on that
Shutting off her phone and slipping it back into her bag, Y/N straightened her shoulders and breathed slowly, embracing the feeling of air slowly filling her lungs. With a newfound confidence and motivation, she sat up straight and went back to taking notes.
At 1 pm, the bell rang, and Y/N grinned from ear to ear, thrilled about having lunch with the gang. It had been a while since the last lunchtime they’d all shared in the cafeteria, and she had missed them a lot. Packing up her things and exiting her history classroom, she held onto her bag and walked past the people casually chatting in the hall.
The cafeteria was filled with noise and chatter, the sound of loud reunions and fits of laughter exploding all over the room. People bustled round with their trays of food, jumping from one conversation to the next. Y/N’s eyes zoomed in on her friends’ table, the familiar faces sending a jolt of joy straight to her heart. She ran over to them and their faces lit up at the sight of her.
Allison jumped out of her seat, immediately throwing her arms around her friend, and Lydia quickly followed suit, smiling widely. Isaac then bumped her fist and she laughed as Lydia rolled her eyes. Finally, Y/N’s eyes rested on Stiles who had gotten up, patiently waiting for his turn to greet her. His eyes lit up when they met hers and he rushed forward to hug her. Though the moment ended fast, it was lovely to be reunited.
“I was beginning to think you were avoiding us,” he joked and she scoffed.
“Duh, I’ve been trying to get away for months.”
The group chatted about winter break and everyone’s holidays, exploding into fits of giggles and chuckles, occasionally teasing each other as anecdotes were spilled over the table. Everyone was there: Scott, Kira, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, and Stiles. And it felt good.
As lunch started to come to an end, the hands on the clock announcing the impending return to class, Y/N was laughing with Stiles, ranting about Han Solo’s character arc in Star Wars, when Lydia interrupted the conversation, eyes staring at something in the distance.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Isn’t that the guy from Danny’s party?”
“What?” Y/N asked, turning her eyes to where Lydia was pointing. Her jaw dropped, completely dumbstruck.
Sitting just a few feet away from her table, surrounded by Beacon Hills High students, was the tall blond boy from the Halloween rave, the one who had so meticulously painted her body.
She gasped. It was really him.
“Who’s that?” asked Stiles, intently watching the chivelled blond shake his head with a laugh at one of his friends.
“Y/N’s blast from the past…”
The girl’s cheeks warmed up instantly as she remembered the rave, purple lights once again making an appearance in her mind. She still didn’t know who she had kissed that night, but she did know the boy she was busy ogling was really cute.
“His name is Jeremy, and don’t call him that, Ali,” she laughed, eyes still fixated on him.
Stiles raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
One of the guys sitting across from Jeremy suddenly seemed to notice how curious the table adjacent them seemed to be at the sight of them. With a smirk, he pointed at Y/N and told his friend to look.
Jeremy turned around in the direction of his friend’s nonchalantly pointed finger, and his lips curled into a smile as his eyes met Y/N’s. He had recognised her.
Y/N felt herself shrink as he stood up, signalling to his friends he would just be gone for a minute, before walking over to the table. The pack grew silent as they all watched him, anxiously waiting for the scene to unravel.
“Hey, you’re the girl from Halloween, right?” His warm voice made her shiver as she gazed into his deep blue eyes, and she smiled shyly, tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear.
“Yeah, you’re Jeremy,” she replied, flabbergasted.
“That’s me.”
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
He laughed, passing a hand through his hair, eyes never leaving hers.
“I-uh, I transferred over the winter break. My parents moved closer to here.”
Y/N nodded swiftly, taking in the information.
Jeremy, the boy from Halloween, the boy she’d spent hours thinking about after the party, was here, attending her school. What kind of trick was the universe playing on her now?
“By the way, hi, everyone, I’m Jeremy!” he exclaimed, suddenly realising he and Y/N weren’t alone.
“Hi, nice to meet you!”
“Yeah, welcome to Beacon Hills High,” Scott said, friendly as always, sending the blond a warm smile. He was immediately met with one in return.
“Thanks, man.”
Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes off of Jeremy, still not over the initial shock of finding out he was here.
“By the way, I still don’t know your name,” he laughed, sending her a look that made her heart melt right in her chest.
“Right, I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to officially meet you, Y/N. I missed you on the dance floor.”
Y/N’s heart stopped, his words echoing in her ears. So, he wasn’t the one she had danced with that night? Hundreds of thoughts clouded her mind. Who had she kissed if not him? Had it really been Stiles? Or had it been someone else entirely?
The entire pack stayed silent as they watched her watch Jeremy. The tension in the air was so tangible, you could cut it with a knife. Thankfully, the bell suddenly rang, snapping everyone out of the moment, the people surrounding them getting up and gathering their things to go back to class.
“We have to get to class, I’m sorry,” Y/N said, so nervous she could feel her heart beat out of her chest.
“-Yeah, so do I,” he said, anxiously shaking his head with a smile.
Y/N’s friends slowly got up from their seats, eyes still fixated on the pair of teenagers, intent on watching the whole scene. She smiled at him and pulled her bag over her shoulder, finally breaking their staring match.
“-Wait!” she heard him say, and she looked back at him, lips slightly parted in anticipation.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Would you wanna hang out tonight? There’s a restaurant not far from here I really wanted to check out.”
“Are you asking me out to dinner?” she asked, practically wheezing as the reality of the situation settled in.
“Uh, yeah, I am. Is that okay?”
Y/N suddenly giggled, her smile widening slowly as her eyes twinkled with excitement.
“Yes, it’s okay.”
“So you’re down?”
“Yeah, that’d be great!”
He sighed with relief, before handing her his phone in order for her to type in her number. The pack stayed completely silent as the other students shuffled out of the cafeteria.
“Here you go,” Y/N said before handing the phone back to him.
“Thanks. I’ll text you the details after school, okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Great. Anyway, I should get to class. It was nice meeting you all!” Jeremy said as he started to walk away, sending Y/N a small wave along with a grin, one she happily returned before letting out a sigh.
“Y/N, what was that?” exclaimed Allison, jumping up and down with a shriek once Jeremy had left.
Y/N couldn’t believe what had just transpired. She had just been asked out. On a date. By Jeremy.
“I don’t know, but apparently, I’m going out tonight,” she replied, giddy with excitement.
“Congrats!” Scott said warmly.
“I expect a full report when you get home. And he better behave like a gentleman or he’ll have us to deal with,” Lydia added, tone dead serious.
“Absolutely,” Isaac agreed.
“You guys are dorks. But thank you, I’m excited!” she said.
As the group started to leave the table, Y/N looked around, trying to find her best friend and her eyes landed on Stiles’ back, the spiky-haired teenager swiftly walking out of the cafeteria.
“What’s that about?” she thought to herself before grabbing the last of her things and leaving as well.
Hours later, Y/N stood in her bedroom, the sun outside setting slowly. She stood in front of her full-length mirror, eyeing her outfit. She had chosen to wear a v-neck dark red sweater and black skinny jeans along with her favourite pair of black boots. Her look was okay, but she couldn’t figure out how to wear her hair.
Wrapping the long strands around her hand, she thought to herself, biting her lip with uncertainty.
“Updo or no?” she asked herself, tilting her head to the side to get a better look.
Y/N was so confused and anxious. Seeing Jeremy in school had answered one of her questions, but now she had so many more. Plus, she had never been on a date before. No one had ever taken an interest in her like Jeremy seemed to. In fact, it baffled her how this fun, friendly, and albeit seductive guy could even look twice at a girl like her.
“Half-bun it is.”
As she pulled her hair back and made her bun, she watched herself, thoughts still running wild with every passing second.
“What do people even talk about on dates? What if it gets awkward?”
She unfortunately had no answers for those questions, though she did know someone who definitely would.
Rushing over to her messy desk, she shoved piles of books and stray sheets of paper out of the way, scrambling to find her cellphone. She grabbed it as soon as she found it, hurriedly dialing Lydia’s number. A couple rings later, her friend’s voice echoed through the speaker.
“Hi! Lyds, are you busy right now?”
“Not at the moment, no. Why, what’s going on?” Lydia replied, confused.
“You’re kind of the relationship expert of the group, right?”
“Obviously, continue.”
“Well, Jeremy’s picking me up in like 10 minutes and I’m freaking out. I’m really nervous!” Y/N exclaimed in her phone.
“Don’t be. Just enjoy the ride,” Lydia said, the words rolling off her tongue so nonchalantly Y/N could almost laugh.
“It’s not that easy. What do I say? What if I get something stuck in my teeth?”
“Y/N, he asked you out. That means he likes you. So just talk to him like you did at Danny’s party and everything will be fine. Besides, he’s probably just as nervous as you are.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Are you more anxious than excited?”
Y/N paused, thinking deeply. Was she excited? Earlier that day, she had felt weak in the knees at the idea of going out with Jeremy. But right then, all she could feel was her heart beating abnormally fast. She was scared, scared he’d be put off by her, scared he’d want her to do something she wasn’t necessarily prepared to do. And something else was bothering her, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint it.
“I’m excited,” she finally answered, brow furrowed as she stared straight at her reflection in the mirror.
“Okay. Then go kick some ass. And by kick some ass, I mean be charming and blow his mind.”
“Thanks, Lyds. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.”
“I don’t expect any less,” the strawberry blonde quipped and Y/N snorted.
She hung up and walked over to her dresser, placing various rings on her fingers, eyes just staring into the void. It was an odd feeling, getting ready for a date she was apprehending so much. Something just didn’t sit right with her, but she just couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.
As she passed her earrings through her lobes, she thought back on her lunch break from earlier that day and a pang of guilt suddenly hit her in the gut as she remembered Stiles walking out of the cafeteria, alone and not bothering to signal his departure. It had confused her, how he had just left without saying a word, especially after they’d had such a fun conversation all through the break.
Shaking the disruptive thoughts from her mind, she finally grabbed a small bag filled to the brim with her wallet, phone, keys, and makeup in case of an emergency touch-up.
The sound of her phone buzzing sent her heart into a frenzy and she read the words carefully, slowly breathing in and out to calm herself.
Jeremy: hey, i’m in front of your place :)
Y/N took one last look at herself in the mirror, admiring the dark shade of red lipstick she’d carefully applied to her lips, before nodding with resolve and leaving her room.
Sure enough, there he was, sitting in the driver’s seat of his grey Prius, and his eyes lit up when they met hers, a warm and inviting smile drawing on his face.
Y/N smiled back at him, ignoring the slight throb of her heart as she walked closer to the car, making her way around. Much to her surprise, he immediately jumped out of the car, stumbling over to the other side of the vehicle in order to open the door for her.
“Hi,” he said sweetly, eyes not leaving hers.
“Hey, thanks for picking me up,” she murmured, cheeks turning to a deep crimson.
“My pleasure. You look really beautiful,” he said and Y/N suddenly felt strange, a distant sense of uncertainty filling her mind.
“What’s wrong with you? He’s being really sweet.” She thought to herself.
She smiled through it, trying desperately not to show how scared she felt before slipping inside the car and into the passenger's seat. He soon joined her side at the wheel and turned on the ignition, pulling onto the road and driving away from her dimly-lit house. The sun had almost disappeared beneath the horizon, leaving the sky a deep blue. Y/N gazed at it, embracing the peace that came with admiring the first visible stars of the evening. She took a mental note, memorising the view for later. She couldn’t wait to paint this.
“So, did you have a nice day?” She heard Jeremy say, and her head snapped in his direction.
“Yeah, it was great seeing my friends. What about you, how was your first day?”
Jeremy laughed, eyes fixated on the road.
“It went pretty well. I already knew a couple guys from Beacon Hills so I hung out with their group. I gotta say your school’s bigger than my old one,” he answered with a warm chuckle.
“I’m actually new- I mean new is a relative term cause I’ve been going there since September.”
“Oh really? You don’t seem new.”
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked, a confused but playful grin on her lips.
“I don’t know, you just seem like you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, like you’ve got it all figured out.”
Y/N laughed, unsure of how to answer. She had never been told she seemed confident, so this was quite a foreign concept to her.
“Thanks? I guess,” she said in between soft giggles.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” the boy next to her replied, flashing her a wide grin.
Not too long after having picked her up, Jeremy pulled into a small parking lot next to the restaurant he had picked out for them, cutting off the engine with a twist of his car keys. 
“I hope you like Italian cause this place serves the best pasta in Beacon Hills.”
“Wow, the highest of praise!”
The teenagers walked into the little bistrot, and a waiter soon sat them down at a small round table by the front door. The room was dimly lit, though a rather large candle stood on the shelf behind Jeremy, illuminating the corner in which he and Y/N were seated. The sound of chatter and chaos in the kitchen filled the restaurant along with the divine smell of tomato sauce and smoked meat.
The pair carefully read the menu and ordered two bowls of pasta carbonara along with bruschetta and a bottle of water. As soon as the waiter had gone, Jeremy started up a new conversation.
“Wanna play a game?”
“Sure, what’s the game?” Y/N asked, unbelievably nervous on the inside but curious.
“It’s called 21 questions. We each ask each other 1 question after the other, you know, to get to know each other.”
“And let me guess, we stop at the 21st question?”
“Wow, you’re catching on real fast,” Jeremy joked.
“Yeah, well, I’m really smart so…”
“Okay, first question. How old are you?”
“17, how old are you?”
“I’m actually 24.”
“You’re what?” Y/N exclaimed, earning herself a couple of narrow side-eyes.
Jeremy snorted which sent Y/N into a fit of giggles.
“I’m just messing you, oh my god!”
“It’s not my fault if I was fooled by your terrific acting skills,” she replied, still laughing.
“My deepest apologies. My turn again. What’s your favourite color?” he asked.
“The color of my sweater.”
“It’s a really nice sweater.”
Y/N felt her cheeks fill with red at his remark, and she smiled shyly before clearing her throat.
“Would you say you’re a good student?”
“I’d say I’m not a bad one. Do you have any hobbies?”
“I love to paint. I actually picked it up again this year.”
“That’s really cool. What do you usually paint?”
“Nuh-uh, it’s my turn to ask a question!”
Jeremy laughed, throwing his head back.
“My bad.”
“What’s your favourite band?”
“I’m not really into bands, I like Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, stuff like that.”
“Oh okay. I don’t really listen to them. I mostly listen to rock music, so like Nirvana, Led Zeppelin.”
The food finally arrived, and the pair dug in, the delicious pasta invading Y/N’s senses with every bite.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding. Best pasta in Beacon Hills.”
“Right? It’s so good.”
Y/N almost moaned as she took another forkful of spaghetti and Jeremy stifled a chuckle.
“I see you’re really enjoying it.”
“It’s your fault for bringing me to such a nice restaurant,” she teased.
“That reminds me. Next question. Favourite season?”
“Summer! Favourite Star Wars movie?”
“Easy, none of them.”
“I’m sorry what?” Y/N almost choked on her food, sending him a wild look. “You don’t like Star Wars?”
“Uh-oh, did I poke the dragon?”
“How can you not like Star Wars?” she exclaimed, flabbergasted. “It’s iconic!”
“I don’t know, it’s just kind of repetitive. And also it doesn’t make any sense. Like, how is it that they all just perfectly understand the big bear when he makes those sounds.”
“It’s his language! And how dare you, they are not repetitive,” she half-whispered, trying to calm down before anyone could ask her to quiet down.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I take it all back!”
“Thank you!”
The pair laughed and kept playing their game of 21 questions until they finished their dinner, happy, full, and content. The food had been delicious, and Y/N was actually having a very nice time, though still, a strange feeling loomed in the back of her mind, preventing her from completely enjoying the moment.
However, he was a very nice guy, he even offered to pay for dinner, telling her he had it covered. He was sweet and he seemed genuinely interested in everything she had told him that evening. So she tried to ignore her doubts, laughing at Jeremy’s jokes and smiling sweetly.
When the evening came to an end, Jeremy and her walked back to the car and headed straight to her house. The moment where they’d part was impending, Y/N couldn’t help but think about what was going to happen next. Was he going to try to kiss her? Was he expecting more? She felt her heart beat faster with every mile travelled, and she bit her lip in anticipation.
After what seemed like an eternity, the car finally came to a stop in front of Y/N’s house. All the lights seemed to be turned off, meaning her parents were probably asleep. She let out a shaky breath, placing her hand on the handle of the car door.
“Let me walk you back,” Jeremy said, shuffling out of the car. She appreciated the gesture, though she felt more and nervous by the second.
The walk up to her front porch was silent, the only sound perceivable being the chirping of small crickets gently making music with their wings.
Y/N stopped as she got to her front door, and she sighed softly.
“Well, this is me. Thank you for tonight. I had a great time,” she said.
Jeremy’s eyes bore straight into hers and he smiled.
“I’m glad you had fun. By the way, I still have one question left?”
“You do?” Y/N felt herself shrink as he took a step closer to her, his piercing blue eyes still looking deep into hers, her heart thundering in her chest.
“Yeah. Can I kiss you?” he asked gently, and Y/N paused, mind going blank.
She had known this moment would come eventually, but actually hearing the words slip from his lips made her freeze in place. Did she want him to kiss her? He had been extremely sweet and gentlemanly. He was nice and quite fun, and he even seemed to like her, unlike most of the guys she’d had her sights on in the past. But something just didn’t seem right. And much to Y/N’s dismay, she still couldn’t understand what that something was.
All she knew was that she couldn’t lead him on. He didn’t deserve that. This wasn’t amor.
Taking in a deep breath, she shook her head softly, looking him straight in the eyes.
“I’m really sorry, I don’t know why-”
“-But you don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry,” she repeated gently, concern clouding her features.
Jeremy’s smile slipped but he sent her a warm look despite his obvious disappointment.
“Is it because I don’t like Star Wars?” he teased and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, a small wave of relief washing over her. Even after being turned down, he was nice to her. She truly didn’t deserve him.
“No! I know it’s super cliché to say but honestly, it’s not you. It’s just-” she paused, coming to terms with the fact that there was no reason for her hesitance other than a feeling.
It was so ridiculous of her.
“-I just can’t,” she finally breathed and Jeremy nodded.
“It’s really okay. Friends?” he asked, a hint of hope in his voice as he put out his hand.
Y/N shook it warmly and beamed at him, relieved that he still wanted to stay in touch.
“Definitely. I’ll see you at school?”
“Yeah, see ya!” he said before winking at her and walking back to his car.
Y/N watched the car drive off and she sighed. It had been an eventful night but a good one, and she truly was happy they could stay friends. Unlocking her front door and sending Allison and Lydia a brief text to say she was home, she walked into her bedroom and closed the curtains above her bed.
She plugged in her phone and shut it off, before slipping out of her clothes and into her pyjamas. After brushing her teeth, she climbed into bed and turned off her bedroom lights, though it took her a while to fall asleep. She couldn’t help but think about the events of the day.
Stiles walking away without saying a word really had struck a chord with her, especially since they hadn’t talked since then. She replayed the scene over and over in her head, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for why he had done that.
Perhaps the most obvious one should have come to mind immediately, but she didn’t dare think of it, pushing it as far away from her mind as possible. He had most probably realised he was late for class, or he’d forgotten something in his locker. Maybe. Whatever it was, Y/N felt her eyes grow heavy, and eventually, she fell asleep.
The next day, Y/N walked to school, fresh air invading her lungs with every inhalation. She couldn’t wait to see her friends so she could explain what had happened the night before. Even though she hadn’t kissed Jeremy, she still had a lot to tell Allison and Lydia.
She walked into school and headed to her locker, putting in her combination before taking out the books she needed for class, when a sudden clang erupted next to her. She jumped with a gasp and whirled round, her wide eyes landing on Allison.
“Y/N! You’re not gonna believe this!” The brunette exclaimed.
“Dude, you almost gave me a heart-attack! What’s going on?” Y/N asked with a laugh.
“It’s Stiles,” Allison said, voice so serious Y/N started to feel anxious, worried something might’ve happened to him.
“What, what is it?” she pressed, eyes wide.
“He broke up with Malia.”
A/N: thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it! if you liked it, please please please reblog this, it would mean the world to me. it really helps us writers out and i work super hard on this series which unfortunately is flopping lol, so if u like it - reblog <3 thank you guys
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