#is fuckin weird and tough!!
lostwanderer42 · 6 months
Tired of reminding myself it's been tough year and it's ok to not feel good
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some alien fish concepts for my headworld. well. one of them. the dragon one! well. one of them-
tiny note that these are not to scale compared to each other <3
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solradguy · 11 months
ik you said something about it before- but are you ever gonna draw any of the men w/ top surgery scars? (ofc you don't have 2) just think it'd be cool if maybe sometime you did a piece w/ some or maybe a bigger piece? w/ like some having them and some not? idk- I just love ur art lol <3 ~pumpkin anon (also sorry 2 hear ur foot brokey(? I think that's what it was) n u had to get an mri n all that before, glad it's healed tho!!)
Maybe not for Sol tbh... But if I ever draw transmasc Axl I will, and honestly if I ever draw Happy Chaos at all he'll definitely have them haha I really like how it looks when they're colored the same orange as his other markings, they compliment his design super well. Probably Venom too, if I drew him. So many people draw him with top surgery scars that sometimes I forget he doesn't actually have them LOLL
Recently I've been thinking about how Izuna would be really cool as a canon transmasc character too, what with his lore involving the data of a woman that got crushed by the Backyard mingling with Izuna's data while he was forming and all. It could be an interesting way to play with gender concepts in a uniquely Guilty Gear setting. Izuna's design would work really well with top surgery scars/markings too, since he already has some markings on his chest. Just shuffle them around a bit haha
Thanks!! It was my spine. I picked up a big plastic container full of heavy hardback books that I was helping my mom go donate but I lifted with my back instead of my knees and, well, there it went!!
Between each of your vertebrae are these squishy discs and I had two of those in my lower back squirt out of place. IIRC the one actually burst but the other one just bulged a little. My left foot was paralyzed and the rest of my left leg lost some feeling from the discs pushing against my sciatic nerve (the nerve that runs along the spine), and my doctor AND physical therapist both had very serious discussions with me about how it was Very Possible that I wouldn't ever be able to walk right again. Somehow or another I physical therapy flexed enough and have feeling/movement in my left foot again. It was wild!! They did shots directly into my spine. Would Not Recommend. For the love of every beautiful thing on this Earth please, please, pick up heavy boxes lifting with your legs and not with your back lol
There are still some days where it can be kinda ehhhhh but I do daily yoga and a shit ton of ab and back exercises to keep it in line. Literally in line. Strong back muscles keep it all together like a strong tortilla holding in burrito contents lmao
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bloodsbane · 2 years
this is so random, but sometimes i think about what i'd try to do/be like if i was a kid again, and honestlyyyyy god i just wish i was self-aware enough to be NICER. like i really genuinely would like to just be more kind....... i mean obviously not all kids are jerks, plenty of them can be v sweet most of the time. and its not a kids fault they're just not old enough to understand how to, like, moderate themselves and their emotions, duh. that's being a kid
but yeah im just like... sigh... there's a lot of dumb rude mean shit i did as a kid for like noooo reason, or weird reasons, or petty reasons. i wish i could go back and just be more kind to the people around me lol
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highonakuweeds · 3 months
POV: Your Alastor's wife and it's October
(A/N: I didn't read anything beforehand, so if you see any weird mix ups of whatever, I'm sure your brain can ignore it thank you <3)
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“My dear!” Alastor exclaimed towards you, who was at the bar, conversing with Husk. Your attention changed so that Alastor had it fully, which made Husk roll his eyes and chug a drink down. “Mon amour! How are you this hellish evening? I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Ah, yes well,” Alastor tugged on his coat, his grin somewhat strained. It wasn’t obvious for the majority of the others, but it was to his wife. “Just some irritating demons on the streets, is all; nothing to worry about.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Alastor, I know what that face means.” 
He raised a curious brow. “Do you, now?”
“Mhm.” You sipped the last of your champagne, and thanked Husk for the drink, earning a nod from him. “It means you’re horny.”
“What? Noo!” Alastor attempted to brush off, his eyebrows stitched with disbelief. “You know how I am about anything sexual, dear. I—” “Yes, yes, it’s not really your thing; we all know that. However,” light flickered through your gaze as you bore into Alastor’s eyes. “That doesn’t mean you can’t escape that month you hate so much.”
Alastor remained quiet, his eye twitching. You shrugged. “I mean, hey, if you want to wait it out, suit yourself. People will ask where you’ve gone, and you don’t want them to give in to curiosity, do you?”
He hesitated before grunting, grabbing your wrist, causing you to yelp. “Fine.” 
As your giggles of amusement echoed in the halls, Charlie tilted her head. “What’s he going to do to her? Oh, no, I hope it isn’t anything horrible…”
Angeldust snorted, swirling his pink cocktail before sipping. “Nah, he’s probably gonna fuck’er.”
“Angeldust!” Vaggie exclaimed, causing the spider demon to look at her in surprise. “What? You saw the way he looked at her, plus the way she was teasin’. I thought it was obvious.”
Cherri bomb grinned. “No shit they’re gonna fuck. But it’s kinda weird, don’t cha think? The edgelord finally wants to bang someone.”
Charlie thought about it. “Well, they are married.”
“Wait, they’re fuckin’ what now?”
“Wow, is this month that tough you gotta drag me to your room, Alastor?” You teased, causing him to groan. “You don’t even want to know how much I had to endure for the past couple of days.” He replied. 
Your brows furrowed. “Honey, if it was hurting you, you could’ve asked me way sooner. You know I would’ve been more than happy to help you.”
Alastor laughed, locking his door, and whisking the swamp side of his room away to not let anything disturb them. “Of course, you would’ve been, darling; you’re always so willing to help. Speaking of which, would you be a doll and soundproof the area?”
You cocked an eyebrow, obliging nonetheless. With a flick of your wrist, blue wisps coated his bedroom, leaving some sort of shiny residue scattered in the room. “Oh, I didn’t realize it was going to be a rough night for the both of us…”
“Oh, shut it.” Alastor mumbled before walking towards you. He crashed his lips onto yours, cupping your cheeks with fervor and slight desperation. You let out a noise of surprise before giggling and allowing your husband to do whatever he needed to do. You snaked your arms around Alastor’s neck, scratching the base of his ears, just how he liked it.
He let out a soft sigh of bliss, his steps making the both of them stumble onto the bed, with him on top of your. Before, Alastor normally just locked himself somewhere private, usually his radio tower, until this stupid cycle wore off. But now that his wife, his technical mate, was right where he was currently residing, it was way more difficult than it was before to be cooped up.
He had attempted to take matters into his own hands, both literally and figuratively, and the only thing it gave him was sheer shame and embarrassment, so he had stopped trying. So, to have you below him was such a relief.
And yet, he wanted more. He needed more. 
He needed to taste you, and mark you, and show every single demon that came your way that you were his wife. No one else’s.
Alastor pulled back from the kiss, planting small yet precise marks on your jaw, causing you to softly moan so quietly it riled him up even more. 
He tried his best to keep his composure calm, to hold himself back. But he truly couldn’t with how foggy his mind made everything become. Alastor sunk his teeth into your neck, right below your pulse. You let out an animalistic groan, your back off of the mattress already. “Alastor, love, calm down—”
“Apologies, my dear, but I don’t think I can.” He responded tightly, licking the wound he inflicted fervently, shuddering as the metallic taste hit his tongue. You chuckled, sweeping his hair away from his face. “Alright, then. Do whatever you need to, sweetheart.”
Alastor tried to think clearly, to regain any sort of control he had in his sexual desires, but he so miserably failed. The urge to bite you and mark you and make everyone know that you were his overruled his mind. It was the only thing he could ever think straight at that moment.
“Mine…” He muttered, kissing and sucking on almost every single part of your neck. His hand had other plans, though, as it traced your figure until it reached your hips, and it squeezed hard. 
You let out a yelp and a moan, your breath practically nonexistent as you chuckled. “I’m yours, darling.”
His hand, even if it was just one, grounded you to the bed. You found yourself unable to move, not that you cared, anyway. Alastor rarely needed you in this sort of way, and to have him like this, so desperate, so needy, it made you feel things.
You were not quite sure what was going on hearing-wise, but you felt yourself saying Alastor’s name as a plea. He groaned, pulling himself away from your neck with a strained struggle. He drank you in, his smile still present. You almost laughed as his eyes didn’t match that, though, since they were looking at your outfit in disgust. He adjusted his position to balance himself before snapping it away, leaving you bare.
You gasped at the drop of temperature, causing you to scoff. “Alastor! At least warn a demon.” His deer ears twitched as he descended onto your collarbone, peppering kisses everywhere. “I apologize again, (name). I just…” He took a deep breath in and felt his eyelids fall heavy. “You’re intoxicating…”
At the mention of your name, you stirred slightly, feeling the heat pool down to your core. Alastor must have noticed this, however, since he started trailing kisses around your chest, his favorite part being the underside of it. He nipped at the skin and sucked like a dog in heat.
Well, a deer in rut, but one must digress.
You squirmed in your position as he bit down right before he resumed his trail of kisses down to your stomach. He could feel your arousal like it was his own, and that put him in quite the predicament.
“Aren’t you going to take care of yourself first, Al? You’re practically bursting.” You quietly asked, a hand running through red tufts of hair that was tickling your torso. A low growl escaped Alastor’s throat. “I will; have some patience, love.” Me? You’re literally bulging. “But right now, I need a taste of you…”
Your eyebrows twitched as they creased together. “What are you trying to do—” You cut yourself off with a yelp as Alastor planted a soft kiss on your clit, making your jump. “If I go too far,” Alastor started, gazing up at you through his bangs. “Tell me.”
You nodded, knowing that he never would go too far, and if he did, he would be too busy enjoying his meal to understand that. 
Alastor’s grin just stretched wider before probing his tongue into you, causing you to shudder with a groan at the feeling. You played with his ears, your breath being stolen away. Honestly, if it weren’t for his cannibalistic and homicidal instincts, he would’ve landed a spot in Heaven with how gentlemanly he was, giving you pleasure before indulging in his own.
Alastor was fully aware of the growing tent in his pants, but he paid it no mind, which he was glad he was at least able to do. With that, he knew his mind hadn’t succumbed to the worse thoughts that he dreaded the most.
He lapped and sucked up all of the juices you had to offer, his pace unforgiving and sloppy. You could feel your own claws puncture the mattress with how tight your grip was on it, but you were sure Alastor wouldn’t care later on. He doesn’t really…sleep.
With how quickly Alastor was working against you, you felt that knot in your stomach appear just as fast, making you curse under your breath. For someone who doesn’t really like anything inherently sexual, he sure is a master at it.
Alastor felt it. He felt you getting closer, and he wanted nothing more than to see you writhe in pleasure all because of him, and nothing, or no one, else. The hand that was gripping your thigh to the point of wounds hooked your leg onto his shoulder for the time being, holding it in place as he quickened his pace.
The only thing you could do was whimper and plead and whine. And every single syllable that dropped from your mouth went straight to his arousal, and he cursed internally. A string of violent curses escaped his wife’s lips as you tugged on Alastor’s hair, which led him to hiss in both the pain and pleasure it shamefully gave him. 
“Close—Alastor, wait—!” You managed to cry before snapping, waves of pleasure crashing into you intensely. You let out a demonic groan as Alastor drank you until your high faded.
Your head flopped onto the fluffy pillows of Alastor’s bed, staring at the red head of hair just where your abdomen started. The radio demon rested his head on the inner side of your thigh, catching his breath slightly, which caused a bit of feedback from the voice effect he always had on.
“Are you satisfied?” You asked, tilting your head. Despite the fact that Alastor kept smiling, his brows twitched. He was far from satisfied. 
You laughed, and Alastor could hear a bit of nervousness laced into it. Not that kind that was associated with fear, but the kind that was associated with excitement. 
It’s going to be a long night for the both of them.
You sat up properly before crawling to be in front of Alastor. “It’s quite unfair that I’m the only one bare right now.” You teased, undoing the buttons of his coat. Though, even as you did, he knew how much you enjoyed that power difference.
Alastor didn’t resist as you unbuttoned his waistcoat and shirt underneath. You had stopped undressing him when his shirt hit the strain in his pants, and he felt an annoyed grunt scratching his throat at the lack of friction. “(Name), dear.”
“You have to stop teasing…”
You scoffed out a laugh. “Is the radio demon attempting to beg right now?” Alastor’s face immediately turned bright red, the cold air that was hitting his bare chest not helping him, either. “Chérie, don’t make me do this—” “What, beg?”
You had figured out how to make it more fun for you, and more cruel for him.
It made him so embarrassingly hard.
Your positions were now flipped, since Alastor had tried (and failed) to cage you in, and so when he crawled towards you, you swiftly went behind him. So now, his back was towards the headboard, his ears pinned back slightly. Without his coat, you could really have a nice view of his small deer tail which was currently tucked in between his legs, barely covering the bulge in front of his pants.
His grin twitched. “So, how are you planning on taking advantage of our current situation?”
You laughed, a finger to his lips to shush him, which made an irk mark appear on his forehead. “Oh, dear Alastor, have some patience! You wanted me to have the same thing just minutes before, right?” Your finger swept to his chin to lift it up as you leaned in closer. So close Alastor heard your pulse.
Your eyes fluttered closed, your lips mere centimeters apart. Alastor sighed, ready to feel the sensation of your soft lips against his, but he only felt the cold air hit it instead. He opened his eyes to find you grinning with an eyebrow raised. His brows dropped as his smile strained, just as much as his pants were. Alastor cleared his throat before giving you an amused gaze. “Do you really think that would work on me?”
You shrugged, leaning forward to straddle yourself on him. He cursed under his breath (a rare scene, honestly. You savored every moment) as he felt himself buck against you. “Well, it did; there’s no real debate about it, hun.” You cupped one of his cheeks, in which he melted into, while tracing the outline of his deer ears with your other hand. You laughed breathlessly. “I’m sorry, your ears are just…absolutely divine.”
Alastor fought back every single moan and whine that you were pulling out of him from playing with his ears. “The things you do to me…” He whispered as he grinded against you slightly, that needed friction making him see stars. 
You almost lost self control at that statement. Just the way Alastor was slowly breaking under you purely because you were touching and prodding at his ears gave you such a power surge. Your hands made their way to his pants, where they undid them and freed Alastor, who had just hissed at the cold air hitting his cock.
You stared and ogled at the sight before you, your hand wrapping itself around it. Alastor tensed, his shoulders raised slightly. He let out a shaky breath, watching his own chest rise and fall to calm him down.
He was already leaking, and you used that to your advantage. You stroked painfully slowly, causing him to shiver. You glanced at Alastor’s expression with a sly smirk. “You’re enjoying this a lot, dear.”
Your tone was mocking; Alastor heard it. He tightly chuckled. “How would you know?”
“Alastor. You’re so hard right now.”
You snorted before increasing your pace against his cock. Alastor cleared his throat, feeling his mind fog with desire and lust, the two things he really wished hadn’t plagued his mind too much.
You felt a tentacle wrap around your left thigh, and your breath hitched. “Al?-” It started to massage your pussy, making you gasp and grip Alastor’s cock a bit too tightly.
He grunted in both pain and pleasure, that brief moment of extreme bliss washing away again. “(Name), love, I think you should calm down this time.”
“Well, it’s not my fault your stupid tentacles start to just—” You cut yourself by sighing in relief, the same tentacle you were referring to going in circles against your already sensitive clit. “I swear.” You muttered, quickening your pace against Alastor.
Suddenly, you stopped your hand, cursing when the tentacle wouldn’t do the same. At that lack of motion, Alastor swore under his breath, his grin showing annoyance as he grunted. Yet even with shocks of pleasure spreading across you body, you kept a steady face, the smile on your face absolutely shit-eating. “Is someone annoyed already? Doesn’t feel good when pleasure’s just taken from you, does it?” You swiped you thumb against his tip which made Alastor stir. He let out a low, dragged-out moan at the sensation. you repeated the motion, amused at the way Alastor took a sharp inhale and exhale, as if regulating his senses.
Alastor hated the way you pouted at him as if he were some pitiful creature. “Awh, does someone crave what he wants?” You scoffed, swallowing a gulp of saliva as the tentacle on your pussy quickened its pace. you attempted to think of something, anything, that could postpone your orgasm.
Ah, you knew.
Angeldust said something about Valentino having a waterboarding kink. Honestly, the thought of Valentino was enough.
You grinned, tilting your head as you set your pace to be irregular. When you knew Alastor was at the edge, you stopped, then when you knew that it subsided, you would continue. “You thought I wouldn’t make you beg for it?”
Alastor couldn’t help the lewd noises he was making, letting out strangled moans and whines and huffs. Just who do you think you are, making the radio demon beg for you?
Well, you are his wife.
Alastor tried to fight the urge to give in, but the way you were teasing him and playing with his pleasure made him want to snap. He averted your gaze as he muttered something incoherent, but you knew what it was.
You slowed your pace on his cock again, tilting your head in feigned innocence. “I’m sorry, dear, I didn’t catch that. You better speak up.” Immediately after you spoke, you bit your lip and cursed internally. You were so desperately close because of what Alastor’s tentacles were doing to you. Hell, you weren't even sure if Alastor knew that his tentacles were pleasing you to the brink of insanity.
Alastor’s pride and ego got the better of him, though, as he mumbled it again, just a bit louder.
“Alastor.” You warned. “Speak. Up.” You quickened your strokes before slowing them down again, smiling as you got the reaction you wanted from Alastor.
“Hhngh, please, darling…” He moaned, his eyelids heavy. Alastor’s grin twitched once more in annoyance. “Please, finish what you started…”
You were going to say something before you felt you coming close. you cursed under your breath, something you didn’t know if Alastor heard you or not. And just as you was about to reach the highest peak, 
The tentacle against your pussy stopped its rubbing, and you whined, arching you back. You were grateful for it, though. You could tease Alastor even more.
“Awh, Alastor,” you taunted. “Surely you can do better than that…right?” You placed a kiss beside the tip, and Alastor suppressed (but horribly failed) the need to moan. “Beg like you mean it.” 
Alastor accidentally whined, his eyebrow twitching once he heard himself. “Please, darling… don’t tease me like this…” You gazed into Alastor’s eyes, a look of mischief on your face as you stroked quicker. 
He moaned heavily, his chest rising and falling at an alarming rate. “Fuck, please let me finish already…!”
Your eyebrows shot up at that crisp swear, you grin stretching from ear to ear. “You’re getting there, love.” The speed of your strokes gradually increased. Suddenly, you felt the tentacles again, but this time, it was just one. It was two.
You discreetly attempted to glance back, getting interrupted by the thicker one prodding your entrance. you gasped, trying to regain your composure and control over him. You tried your best to focus on Alastor instead. “You’re so cute when you beg; you know that, right?” You propped yourself on your elbows instead of having your other hand support you to play with Alastor’s cock more.
More quickly than he would have wanted, Alastor felt himself losing control. He let out an animalistic groan, gritting his teeth. His shoulders tensed once more as he felt himself getting close. He bucked his hips into your hands, the friction making him whimper ever so slightly. “Please…please, please, please please…”
You had never heard Alastor so whiny, so helpless. It was unlike him, just allowing you to assert yourself in this kind of situation. But hey, you didn’t mind. In fact, you loved it.
You should visit more often.
The hand closer to his tip massaged it with the thumb, making Alastor cry out in response. His breath was shallow and ragged, and his voice was breaking. His radio filter was long gone, and just the sound of his real voice made you go crazy.
You felt yourself nearing your climax, too. With how quickly the two tentacles were either massaging or pumping into you, you realized it was inevitable.
You decided it would be ideal if you came together.
You immediately quickened your pace against him, the fact his whole intimidating facade was gone with how he was muttering pleas made your heart pump, if undead hearts could do so.
Alastor felt kisses against his inner thigh, and that was what sent him over the edge. With a cry of your name, strings and strings of white translucent fluid released itself from his cock. His hearing was compromised with a ringing sound, but he heard you moan his name out just a couple of seconds after him, your grip against him tightening as you never stopped stroking.
His breath hitched as he realized that you weren't going to stop. “Wait, (Name)—” He whined, his head hitting the pillow behind him. It was too much; the feeling, the pleasure, just everything. He hadn’t even touched himself in decades, so to just have someone stroking him even after he came felt painfully pleasurable.
Thankfully, you stopped after some time, your grip loosening as you caught your breath. Somewhere during that time frame, your right hand made its way to his thigh, acting as a pillow for your cheek. your eyes trailed down Alastor’s twitching cock, and you grinned, liking a stripe from base to tip.
He shivered, his eyes closed as he held his forehead. He placed his hand down onto the mattress and… Why were there punctures in it?
Just as Alastor was about to ask, he noticed movement behind you, his brows furrowed. Then, he saw it. He saw the shadowy tentacles he knew were his.
His eyes widened slightly as he looked at the now flushed out you who was half-lidded with your ass in the air. “My dear?”
“Why are my tentacles…out?”
“Huh?” You glanced back and sweatdropped as you finally realized just how thick they were. No wonder You felt full. “Oh, they–” You cleared your throat. “They were…fucking me. I thought you knew that.”
Alastor’s eye twitched before he let out a chuckle. “Well, I apologize for that, dear. Though, I hope you can still take more, since,” he sat up straight, helping you fix your posture before picking you up by your hips and straddling you against him, your pussy just mere centimeters on top of his cock. “I’ll be handling you now.” Alastor glanced up to look you in the eyes. “Do you consent?”
“You know I always do.”
Alastor huffed out a laugh. “Whatever you say, darling.” He strained himself as he held every ounce of the animalistic urge that he had kept constrained as he made you sink down onto him. A guttural moan forced itself out and he started to grip your hips tighter, using that as a way to bounce you on his cock.
You always knew and understood how mating seasons work, from their cycles to the subject’s attitude during. Well, you needed to read about it; one can never have too much knowledge, right?
You weren't sure about one thing, though: if demons experienced the same kind of cycle that their animal counterpart did. Well, this explains it.
It was obvious that Alastor was attempting to help you adjust to his throbbing dick but just the idea of being inside you drove him towards the edge. He bucked his hips at the same rhythm you bounced on him.
Your mind was clouded with lust and pure bliss. Alastor’s cock was kissing your cervix one too many times, and it sent you to absolute ecstasy. your lips formed a lazy grin as you kissed him hungrily, causing his hips to stutter.
With no ounce of shame left in his body, he allowed himself to groan and whine at every thrust he did in you, savoring how warm everything felt. How ironically heavenly you made him feel. 
The only unfortunate thing in Alastor’s mind was the desire to breed. To fill you up until his cum splattered onto his mattress. He wanted to make a mess of you, and possibly himself in the process. Alastor needed to make sure you knew that you were his, and his alone.
Somehow his lips made their way to your neck, savagely nipping and sinking his teeth into your flesh until he tasted metal. That sweet intoxicating flavor that always drove him wild.
you dug your nails into Alastor’s back, feeling your climax rising up again. It wasn’t long until you were spewing curse words that would make a normal man break down and cry as you felt the cord in your stomach violently snap again. 
But Alastor wasn’t stopping. He started to prioritize his release the moment he slipped inside of you. His pace never faltered; in fact, it quickened at an inhuman speed, causing your gasps of air to be just hiccups.
“You’re making me see stars.” He whispered into your ear, desperate and whiny. He could feel that build up happening again, and this time, he was going to get what he wanted as quickly as possible.
Fuck, just the idea of him cumming inside of you almost broke him. He knew that since you were both sinners, you could no longer have children, but it would never hurt to try, right?
His grip against your hips tightened to ground you in place as moaned as loudly as you had ever heard him. He pumped inside of you, thrusting harshly yet slowly until he felt himself fully inside you. you gasped, feeling your pussy stretch until something absolutely huge squeezed itself inside you.
Wait, did Alastor just–
Loads and loads of cum painted your walls, filling you up to the brim. Alastor’s teeth bit your shoulder as he released inside of you. you felt your mouth dry as you finally gasped for air, involuntary moans coming out for you.
You stayed like that for a minute or two, chests heaving as you caught their breath. Alastor’s knot finally deflated, yet it felt like he didn’t want to leave the position. However, you were still at the hotel, and the others might probably be looking for them.
Even worse, they might think they did something steamy.
Well, you did, but Alastor didn’t want that thought in their heads.
He planted a kiss on your forehead, his lips slightly burning from your skin. “We should get going, my dear.” He whispered, his radio filter back on.
“Did you know you could do that?”
“Do what, love?”
you looked at him through lazy eyes. But even if you did, he could practically feel the mischief beaming through them. “Knot.”
Alastor stitched his eyebrows together, confused. “What’s…knotting?”
you tilted your head. “You don’t know how your cycles work?” He averted your gaze, his ears flopping down in embarrassment. “I’ve never really done this before, dear.”
Your grin turned devilish. “Well…”
Oh, deer (hah). It’s going to be a long night for them.
“Where is Alastor?” Charlie asked, looking around. “I’ve been trying to call him for an hour or so but I haven’t seen him.”
Angeldust snorted before it turned into a cackle. “Like I said, toots! He’s probably in his room, fuckin’ the shit outta (Name).”
“I really doubt tha–” “Good evening, everyone!” Alastor exclaimed, his usual outfit now on. His grin remained constant as he wrapped an arm around your waist. “I do apologize for not being present for the past couple of hours. I had some business to do.”
“Yeah, her.” Angeldust mumbled, a smirk on his face. He lifted his face to look at you. “How was it?”
You just smiled, tilting your head. At that, the whole crew saw what you were trying to show.
Marks and marks of bites all over your neck, bruising it a little. They were surprised that it wasn’t bleeding with how wounded it was. 
Angeldust’s mouth went agape with a smile. He wasn’t entirely serious about that statement, but for it to actually be true? This was a day he never saw coming. “Ho-holy shit!” He exclaimed with a laugh. “I didn’t realize it was actually true!” 
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lurochar · 17 days
Racy Reverie
In response to this ask
18+ MDNI
“Finally, you don't know how much I need this!”
You smiled at Angel Dust, who collapsed on the opposite side of the couch from you. “I don't mind talking about your job if you need to, Angel.”
“You sure ‘bout that, Toots?” Angel Dust snickered at you, but then sighed almost wearily. “Not sure why you're the only one willing ta listen to me after a hard day, ya know? I mean, everyone in this hotel is a secret freak, right?”
You blinked.
“Little Miss Sunshine and Vagina – you've heard them go at it when they forget to put up their soundproof barrier, huh? Like damn, wonder who's using the strap there?”
That was true, they were quite loud when they failed to remember that important little detail.
“And c’mon, ya think that pussycat wasn't drowning in pussy himself back when he was an Overlord? Or maybe he likes cock better? I can’t tell with that guy. He’s got a good poker face, I can tell you that much.”
Honestly, you had no idea either which gender Husk preferred – he would probably choose a bottle of booze rather than a warm body if you had to guess.
“And Snakes? He has two dicks. Nuff said about that. And he calls me the whorebug?” Angel Dust scoffed. “And Niffty? Uhh, yeah, let’s… let’s just not get into her little mind of horrors.”
Well said.
“And so,” Angel Dust glanced up, a frisky smile suddenly gracing his face, “that just leaves you and Smiles. Spill, Toots. No need to be shy ‘round me. Don’t hold anything back. Everyone here knows you’re both a ‘thing’. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Creepy is into some fucking weird shit, isn’t he?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Alastor… isn’t–” You struggled to put it into exact words. “He doesn’t, well…” You scratched the side of your head in frustration.
“Ah, is he pulling the whole ‘proper gentleman’ bullshit? Doing the courting thing?” Angel Dust shrugged. “I remember you mentioning he died in the ‘30s or something? Does he really believe in the ‘no sex before marriage’ crap? Cuz let me tell ya, I died not that long after that, people weren’t as proper as you’d like to think they were back then.”
You glanced away. “Maybe… that’s a part of it.” You knew Alastor had little interest in the more intimate aspects of a relationship and he had admitted to you he had never done anything with anyone in either his mortal life and afterlife.
Of course you desired to touch him and for him to touch you beyond his own little affections – usually him placing his hand on the small of your back and perhaps a kiss on your forehead.
Alastor was not an affectionate man and you knew that going in and you respected that, but he had never outright told you it would never happen and so you could only hope it may happen one day.
“But this is about you! I said I would listen, you had a tough day, right?” You said quickly, earning a sympathetic look from Angel Dust, but he got the message to change the subject back to himself.
“Bleh, yeah, you got that right! Val’s into this thing called ‘bukkake’ right now, ever heard of that?” He earned a shake of your head. “It’s some Asian shit. It’s where multiple guys cum on you. So I’ve got like twenty Hellhounds cumming on my face – and fuck, dunno if you watch porn or not, but the loads some of those dogs are packing! Felt like I was fuckin’ drowning–”
Your face felt hot and Angel Dust’s voice felt distant as you unconsciously squeezed your thighs together. You weren’t a virgin, but you weren’t exactly swimming in experience either as you only had a few sexual encounters in life and none had involved… that.
What would it be like, Alastor cumming on your face?
Would you be on your knees in front of him? On a bed beneath him? Would he stroke himself to completion or would you use your mouth? Would he call you endearing pet names or be degrading towards you?
Oh fuck– 
“Hey, Toots! Still there?” Angel Dust broke you out of your fantasizing and you jumped, blinking and feeling your face burn with sheer embarrassment. “Shit, was that too much?”
“No, no!” You tried to wave it off like you weren’t affected. “I-it’s fine! You can continue!” You swallowed thickly.
“Nah, don’t worry ‘bout it. I think I got what I needed off my chest. Thanks for listening to me, Toots.” Angel Dust stood up from the couch. “Wanna get a drink with me?”
You could definitely use a drink right about now. “Yes. Yes, I would.” You got up, heading over to the bar with Angel Dust.
Neither of you noticed the shadow listening in.
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spid3namy · 8 months
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pairing : e!42 miles x mixed!female reader
summary : miles had a bad day so you comfort him in the best ways you know how
contains : angst , fluff , cussing , head kisses
word count : 867
notes : i was just like bored and just thinking cus ya know, why not? i thought of this and felt like it was good so then this was made 😍 
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Miles wasn’t one to make a big deal out of something that was so small.
He wasn’t one to talk about his feelings. And he definitely is not the type to cry in front of anyone. So why did he break so easily around you? Why was it that every time you asked him something, he would tell you? Maybe it was because he knew how worried you got. 
Either way, he hated the power you held over him. He hated how easy it was for you to see past his tough exterior. 
He was so hard to read in the eyes of everyone else. But not you. You always knew how to tell if he was upset over something. It made him feel weak. He was your boyfriend, he was so supposed to be strong for you. Yet, he was weak and he knew you knew it. It sucked.
“Hey, boo. Snap out of it”
Your fingers snapping in front of his face is what caused Miles to pull himself out of his thoughts. He blinked and looked over at you, a faint smile on his face as he looked at you. He didn’t know what happened. All he knew is that he was apparently crying. 
“What’s wrong, Miles?”
Miles shook his head and wiped at his eyes, feeling that crushing feeling in his chest again. This happened a lot. That vulnerable feeling caused this weird crushing feeling to fill up his chest. 
He hated it.
You give him a look. One he knew very well. Miles merely shrugged and moved his attention away from you. Miles stared at everything but you. He knew you were gonna get the truth eventually. You always did.
“Miles, love.. Look at me”
You gently grab his chin and turn his head towards you, pretty much forcing him to look at you. Miles looked at you with sad eyes, there was clearly something wrong.
“Bad day?”
Miles merely nodded and averted his eyes away from yours. You hum and soon let go of his chin before you move closer to him on the couch, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 
“That’s okay..”
Miles allowed his shoulders to slump and his eyes to stay away from you. He was less tense than earlier. That was a good sign at least. He still wasn’t talking though but you already knew he just needed some time before he spoke to you. 
“It hurts, ma..”
Miles’ voice is low and soft, the sound causing your heart to ache. You nod your head and hum lightly, your fingers playing with the ends of his braids gently. You two sit in silence for what seems like forever. And it did feel like forever. 
“You put too much pressure on yourself, boo.”
Miles shook his head at your words and let out a sigh, his eyes staring down at his hands. And before he knew it, his eyes were welling up with tears and he was crying. Why was he crying? He had no idea. All he knew was that the tears were running down his face and he couldn’t stop them.
You pulled him closer and allowed your arms to wrap around his frame, rubbing his back gently as he sobbed onto your shoulder. You didn’t care how wet your shirt was getting or all the snot that was definitely gonna be on your shirt, you were too focused on him. And how much you wanted Miles to be okay. 
“I ... I fuckin’ hate how you make me feel, ma.”
“How do I make you feel?”
“You make me feel so fuckin’ weak all the damn time.”
You merely hum in response, not even fazed by his words. It wasn’t like you really could change that. It was just impossible for you to change how he felt so you would just have to deal with it. Not that you really thought it was a bad thing. 
Miles continued to cry on your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your waist and holding you tightly. It was almost like he was scared that you were gonna disappear if he let go of you. And he didn’t want that to happen. 
“Shh.. it’s okay, my love. You’re okay..”
Miles broke at the sound of your voice, a choked out sob coming from him and his gripping tightening on your slightly. He could feel his body shake when you pressed a kiss onto his forehead. 
He didn’t understand why he was crying so hard but he did know that he was happy that you were allowing him to cry on your shoulder like this. His tears and snot were soaking your shirt but you didn’t seem to care, something he found very sweet. 
He knew being vulnerable with you wasn’t really a bad thing. He hated being weak in front of you though. Hated how it made him feel. Hated how he thought that you would hate him when you see him being vulnerable. 
But now, in this moment, he didn’t care. He felt safe enough with you to cry all his stress out in front of you and he was thankful that you made him feel so damn safe.
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shankschewtoy · 11 months
Yo I got this idea from your pickle fic you did a couple months ago.
Monster trio,law and kidd super gluing a pickle jar and ask their s/o to open it and to their surprise their s/o opens it without any problems
I love your crack fics so much
Please and ty
a/n - I’m so glad you like my humor because sometimes I feel like I’m so unfunny 😂💜 oml kidd would break the jar (also I can’t fit all of the characters so I had to omit Sanji 😭😭)
Warnings ⚠️ - I bully Kidd, crack, g/n reader
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- Bro thought that maybe he could troll you back since he couldn’t open the pickle jar a couple days ago (he’s still depressed, so no one talks about it) y’all just pretend it never happened
- zoro: hah! Remember that time when you couldn’t open the-
- everyone: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
- luffy: huh?
- poor zoro 💀 he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to talk about it since they left him at the previous island
- He was all tightening the pickle jar with the glue, giggling and kicking his feet just imagining you not being able to open it like him, so you’d be embarrassed like him. (He’s evil, beware)
- he skipped over to you and handed you a pickle jar, “Hey y/n, can you open it for me while I go grab something to eat?”
- you nodded, grabbing the pickle jar and opening it with ease. Huh, that’s weird, why would Luffy ask you to open it?
- he had such a big mischievous grin when he came back and then when he saw the pickle jar sitting next to you, the cap right next to it, oml he freaked out
- “What do you mean? It was super loose.”
- ….
- nah he’s dead now watch him go sob in the corner
- man was sobbing for about an hour or two before Sanji was able to feed him some meat to make him stop crying. Has ptsd with pickle jars now- and you felt bad so you gave him a jar for him to open (you could’ve opened it but you wanted to make him feel tough and strong 💜💜)
- “Luffy, I just can’t open this thing, can you open it?”
- The way his eyes lit up and he just RAN to help you, “MHM! Sure!”
- opened it without a problem and puffed his chest out, crossing his arms, “Shishishi~ I’m strong!!!!”
- “You’re the strongest captain ever! King of the pirates! Roger wishes he was you!!!” -you
- He was giggling, flexing his muscles and all lmfao
- man Luffy is lucky to have you as his personal best cheerleader 💜💜😭
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- oh nah, the prank you did on him did not end well 💀 man literally blew up and poor killer had to just sit there in the midst of his explosion (his mental health was harmed in the process of this)
- things chilled out after you managed to give him a hug and some cuddles and coaching him through calming breaths (he does yoga to relax you can’t convince me otherwise)
- Kidd the yogi 💀💀💀
- So he decided that it’d be absolutely hilarious to do the same pickle jar prank on you bec he’s an asshole and a dumbass
- Idk how he did it, but he spent all night formulating and researching which glue was the best until he just decided to weld it shut
- “Kidd what are you doing?” -killer
- “Go to bed killer.”
- stfu Kidd don’t be mean to your best friend 💀
- fast forward to the time of the prank, he handed you the jar with a literal shit eating grin on his face, bro could not stop giggling (sounds like a fucking clown. And I don’t mean in a good way.)
- “Why are you giggling..?” -you
- “No reason >:)”
- You opened it, continuing to watch your show on the tv, handing it back to him. There was a moment of silence that lasted about 5 minutes. He was not moving, blinking, nor breathing for that matter. Killer walked by the room, and took a picture before walking away 💀
- man just started yelling outta nowhere, scaring the literal shit out of you
- “…..”
- “Why the fuck did you weld it shut you dumbass?” -you
- he beat you up (correction) you beat him up for even trying to beat you up
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- he didn’t seem that affected by your prank earlier but trust me, he’s crying on the inside, praying to corazon and asking: why tf am I so fucking weak
- after you told him it was just a joke he was pretty mad and ignored you for about a day (before he just couldn’t ignore the love of his life anymore😂)
- but yeah lesson learned, don’t do it again
- well he thought it’d be funny to do it to you since it made him so irritated (he will not admit that and will tell you that Bepo made him do it or something like that)
- the hardest part for him was asking you for help because anytime he does you get all smirky and say: “ooooo you need my help??? 😏”
- “never mind I don’t.”
- so yeah he was a bit nervous about asking you- but he had to do it lmao
- “Y/n-ya, can you open this for me?”
- “Sure.”
- you literally opened it in seconds, you didn’t even struggle.
what the fuck?
- “Y/n. How did you open that?..”
- “It was loose, did you loosen it?”
- “…….I’m gonna go to bed now.”
- “it’s 2pm!”
- “I’m. Going. To. Bed.”
- went straight to his computer to look up
- “Is my s/o a demon?”
- “what is the strength level for opening glued shut pickle jar”
- “911 marine hq”
- “counseling hotline”
- “can glue expire?”
- “am I weak?”
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- Zoro was still pretty mad that he couldn’t open the jar last time, so he’s added, “opening pickle jars for y/n, 20 reps, 2 sets, give pickles to Luffy.”
- his workout page looks like a Barbie notebook you cannot tell me otherwise
- everything is pink and neon green 💀
- anyway, mayyyyybe Luffy convinced him to do the same prank on you because Luffy kept laughing at him about it, poor moss head’s self esteem was a bit low now 😭
- So he grabbed a jar, glued the damn thing shut and went over to you (took a while because he could not find you)
- “hey y/n. Can you open this for me? I’m gonna go train.”
- “Sure.”
- he hid behind the corner, watching as you took the jar and paused, continuing to read your book before opening it with ease, putting it back on the table next to you
- man was flabbergasted.
- how the actual fuck did you do that?????
- “Zoro??? What do you want me to do with the jar?!” -you
- His plan to hide out behind the corner was ruined the moment Luffy came over and fucking said hello to him
- “Oh hey zoro!! Whatcha doin?”
- “SHUT UP!”
- “huh?”
- You turned around to see Zoro trying to shut up poor Luffy who literally wanted to just say hi 😭
- “Zoro what are you doing?? I opened the jar, is it for Sanji’s meal?”
- “….Yeah just- give it to him.”
- he looked sad, it was painful for your heart
- imagine getting stabbed, then reading something sad, listening to sad music, and then realizing. You’re sad.
- that is what this felt like
- you tried your best to comfort him (even though you didn’t know why he was sad) so you watched him train and you sat on his back while he did pushups. Seemed to make the poor guy feel better, but you still didn’t know why he was so sad in the first place :’)
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a/n - poor zoro
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fortjester · 1 year
okay i was thinking about that post you made about what random house citizens are thinking and you know what would seem so suspicious? the state of the corpses (or lack thereof) that the houses receive back. the missing bodies, the cremated remains, the gruesome ones seemingly attacked by a monster, or perhaps even most suspicious, one body killed by a rapier to the thought. like im sure at least some of this info leaks to the general public and im sure to theories are intense.
Fourth House Tisis Reps getting Jeannemary "crucified on a bed" Chatur and Baron Isaac "colander boy" Tettares's bodies back like:
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like they'd be used to getting fucked up and weird remains back, sure, but from the First House?? from the Lyctor trials?????
Imagine being the poor Third House guy who has to break the news that Ianthe's ascended but Coronabeth, the Crown Princess and heir is in fact dead but no you're not actually going to get any remains oh why? there was nothing to salvage :) so sorry for the inconvenience. you just KNOW they had a week of mourning. you just KNOW it was the topic of choice at every party for MONTHS. crazy theories. most people do believe she got eaten and are enthusiastic abt telling you.
Hi Trentham officials :) here's Lieutenant Dyas's remains. mhmm. yes, she did get turned inside out, what a bummer. We Could Not Recover Captain Deuteros's Remains. Everyone running the mile for the next fortnight is like "i mean yeah, judith was a chickenshit, stuck up nepo baby *spits* but uh, how can there have been NOTHING TO RECOVER??"
Would not wanna be the person who has to write down "mysterious post-mortem incision to large intestine" on Abigail's autopsy report. Yeah, no clue what happened at the First House but i do think it was a kind of Jigsaw Trap and unfortunately us Fivers are fucking weaksauce competitors who die first and get used as CHESTS
We already vaguely know abt the Sixth's response to getting pieces of a shattered skeleton and Cam's empty coffin (as fuckin if she wouldn't leave an equally dope corpse) (also shout out to whatever psychometrist studied Pal's bone fragments for a few hours before looking up and having to say that the explosion came from inside the Palamedes, must've been a tough gig, dude), but now i am thinking abt Rhodes recieving two urns and also this severed head :). that sucks. pressing F to pay respects to Mia and the kids, they deserved better than that.
truly believe the Eighth house had a distinct crisis of faith after recieving Colum and Silas's bodies. what the fuck else could you do. Silas was very clearly stabbed with Colum's sword and Colum has no eyes now. That does not bode well at all.
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carnivorousyandeere · 4 months
How the Martial Arts Group reacts to a darling who is tough and could break anyone's face, but ends up becoming extremely docile towards the yanderes, promptly responding to their requests and showing passionate puppy dog looks?
Coach: Oh, Coach fucking LOVES this dynamic with you. They adore knowing they’re the one who built you up and made you such a force to be reckoned with, teaching you how to direct your strength in the most effective ways. And of course, they adore how obedient and eager to please you are. You’re the type of Darling who’s going to get outright favoritism from Coach rather than harsher instruction for sure. They can never say no to your puppy dog eyes, the same way you can never seem to say no to them…
More Experienced Teammate: they’re thrown for a loop every time they remember that the same person who follows them around like a lost puppy is the same one who effortlessly throws them around every time they practice together. They like to pretend that you’ve knocked the wind from their lungs whenever you knock them down, just to see your focused look break into sweet concern. You always offer to help them up, and they never deny you. The contrast between your focus and power in the ring, your tough appearance, and your sweet and obedient personality are quite endearing to them. Even if they act a little exasperated at your clingy tendencies, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Less Experienced Teammate: puppy dog eyes v./ puppy dog eyes. They’re always trying to help you, you’re always trying to help them. Even if you’re just being kind, they always view your obedience and desire to help them out as a sign that you return their feelings. Their obsessive delusion is only strengthened by other people assuming the two of you are a couple because of the way you both follow each other around. Of course, they’re obsessed with how strong and tough you are. Probably pins up pictures of you on their wall to admire your form. Definitely swoons at the thought of you carrying them around and might pretend to get injured in practice just so you’ll carry them to go get their ankle wrapped up, and the like.
Rival: similar to your more experienced teammate, they’re always taken aback to see the different sides of your personality. They regard you with immense suspicion and distrust as always, though it makes their heart and stomach feel weird whenever you give them that dopey fuckin’ look of yours whenever you’re trying to do something nice for them. And why? So that they’ll owe you? Just more dirty tricks, they’re sure. And it makes them angry (and flustered…) if you stop giving it your all when fighting them, in favor of being placid and obedient to them. They know you have an immense strength, why are you holding back with them? Do you not respect them as your opponent anymore? And yet, they can’t help feeling bad when you end up looking like a kicked puppy from their fighting words, tail practically between your legs. Begrudgingly begins to treat you more nicely, and begins to plot to convince you to join their training group or to join yours when they realize you’re actually genuine…
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funkynumaki · 20 days
Could I request something for Naib and Norton? Maybe them expecting they'll be the dom during their first time with you (just because they're seen as tough/manly and that's the role they usually took when it comes to sex before they met you) but then you turn the tables on them and top them and them surprisingly loving it?
Turning table
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Summary; they're usually the one who's in charge or take the lead in sex, so what happen if they have a partner who's more dominant than them?
Characters included: Norton Campbell and Naib Subedar
Warning: Dom!reader x Sub: character(s), handjob (G), slight blood mentioned in Norton's (like just one line).
A/N: sorry for not posting, something caught up and I lost motivation. But I'm back! I can't really promise if I'll be back long though. For now I'm trying to clear my draft <3.
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|| Norton Campbell
- when you both start dating Norton always thought that he'll be the one who'll take in charge of intimate moment, credit to him it was an almost logical thinking of his. I mean, he's way bigger than you, so in his mind it's supposed to be him who's in charge, right?
- so it was a bit surprising to him when you prove him wrong. And more surprising that he ironically enjoy being in that position, even as much as sometimes he'd not like to admit.
"How is it?" You ask, looking at the man underneath you. Watching as groan and breathy moan slipped from his throat. "Fuckin-nh good..-" He manage to answer your question with little or no self control, especially in the state he's currently in. Your fingers move instinctively, teasing the tip of his dick, Tracing your nail slightly on it. "O-ohh shit-!Pl-ngh..!" His words barely coherent anymore. The prospector's back arched slighty at the sudden pace. "What's that..? You doesn't look like someone who's usually in charge right now.." You cooe in his ear, which he answer with a strangled moan. Your finger stop stimulating his tip, changing its main focus on the base. "Fuck! Ga-ahh..!" He throw his head back from the sudden pleasure that is now mainly on the base of his dick. His hand nails digging your back almost hard enough to drew blood. "Sensitive much, hm?" You chuckle as he try to suppress his noise by nipping on your neck, though it's a bit useless since his breathing is still labored. "Answer me, love. Let me hear how much you love it." You said, slightly threatening him by slowing your pace.
"Mnh..hh-! N-no-dont-fhuck!pl-ease..! I need it..-please-Ahngh! I love it-lo..veit so-much..!"
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|| Naib Subedar
- being a mercenary he is used to bring in charge, well mostly because he usually hold more power in the relationship. Trust is something important in naib's relationship, so even if he's already aware that you can switch and take in charge, he still needs sometimes to think. He trust you, just not sure at first about the idea.
- when the time arrives, it's best to be gentle with him. And let him get comfortable with being the one's bottoming. At first he thinks it feels a bit weird, but gradually enjoy it with each passing second.
You notice how he hides his slightly flushed face on the crook of your neck, trying to prevent any noise slipping out of his throat. "You okay..?" You ask, waiting for him to confirm that he's okay. Since the least that you want is accidentally hurting him when he finally show you his vulnerable side. ".. Yes.. J.. Just continue..-" Nodding at his confirmation, your hand slightly fasten its pace. "Ng-ahh-" A choked moan slipped down his tongue, his eyes trying to focus on your fingers as they wrapped around his throbbing dick. "No need to hold it, love. I want to hear you moan" You whisper in his ear, brushing a strand of his hair back. Naib let out a groan, eyes still focused on your fingers. His face still slightly flushed. Your nail trace the tip of his dick, he trashes his head back at the sudden stimulation against his tip. "Doing so good..." You cooe.
"A-ahh! Fuc-hh..please. S'good.."
I might post my art in this acc :0
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archie-sunshine · 5 months
PLEASE DONT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF i need to hear all the deeanged cywhirlgate. I bet that little guy ruins them both
Ahem. So to start this explanation of my hcs for cywhirlgate, you first must understand the basics.
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FIRST OF ALL!! Every single person in this relationship is painfully, deeply, aggressively touchstarved and repressed. They have all been enjoying various aBSURDLY LENGTHY dry spells, though tailgate's sticks out as the longest(re: 6 MILLION YEARS IN A COMA STUCK IN A HOLE) and two of the three are fuckin... tsunderes about their emotions I guess. I obviously believe that being in a relationship with tailgate would kinda shake them out of that issue, but it'd probably take a while.
I feel like as well, though cyclonus and whirl obviously love each other, I think they'd both be the type to wrestle or fight each other as foreplay. I think they decide who tops between the two of them that way, while Tailgate just chills. I think that cyclonus and whirl are both switches(and so is tailgate as well) but they both demand that between each other they are ONLY tops and MUST be fought into submission(its their enrichment)
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ADDITIONALLY!! You are right!! I hc Tailgate as the MAIN top of the relationship, partially because tailgate is widdle and neither whirl nor cyclonus want to injure his minibussy, but mainly because Tailgate is packin heat and he fucks like a monster.
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I also think that Cyclonus would absolutely get picked on by both of his partners bc he's got the only mouth in the relationship-
I also think just generally they'd all be the type to snuggle after sex, but tailgate would have to be the one to initiate bc whirl and cyclonus are playing tough guy chicken to see who breaks and admits they wanna cuddle and be soft first.
SIDE NOTE- WHIRL HC! I think whirl has a drooling problem. I made this very clear in my chapter of survey says that features him- and also in my drawings I did for this post- but I think when whirl gets really happy or horny or overwhelmed he would start drooling bc his intake is in a weird spot and it can't hold excess oral solvent inside so good-
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basically this.
ANYWAYSSS those are the basics, I think they're pretty vanilla as far as like actual legit BDSM stuff goes, but I do think they're the types to frag in the woods or a broom closet or something? I imagine on the rare occasions that tailgate bottoms there's some fun with large insertion and stuffffff..... I also think cyclonus bites when he gets the chance, and whirl would also bite if he had a mouth. OH I also believe whirl chases his partners around like i hc drift does, but its all fun no shame for him, he knows they love to play with him.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
I think Suna's twins are girls 🥹
Could you imagine how soft all those boys would go seeing the two tiny pink bundles.
part 3 of this series
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“They’re like…two little people.”
The two little people in question are your newborn twin daughters. Two tiny blushing bundles of baby swaddled in two sets of thick and clammy arms—arms of who they don't yet know to be their uncles. Uncles who just so happened to lie about their familial status to the receptionist to get in your private room. 
“Two little ladies,” Atsumu knowingly corrects his twin. “Address them as such.” 
“It’s like, how did they even come out of you?”
Though there’s no ill intent in the question, your exhausted body can't help but be slightly offended. As if the past 36 hours of excruciating labor (times two) that you endured didn’t exist in real-time, to those who weren't there. 
You huff a short and dry laugh, “Slowly and painfully.”
Suna rubs a slender hand through your hair, gently using this thumb to massage away at your tender temples. Your eyes close instinctually at the comforting touch. “You did great, mama,” he coos. 
Atsumu lets the two of you enjoy the intimate moment for about five seconds before deciding he’s been considerate enough.
“What about me?” his eyes refuse to leave the little lady he cradles, “This is my first time holding a day-old baby. Isn’t uncle doing great, too?”
“They’re two days old,” Suna deadpans, “and I’m docking you ten uncle points for that stupid comment.”
Atsumu’s jaw drops slightly in shock at the newfound punishment. He immediately backtracks, “I’m kidding, jeez.” 
The baby in his hold doesn't open her eyes, but she manages to crinkle her nose in her half-slumber. Her scrunchy little body takes an extra strong inhale, resulting in what Atsumu thinks is the softest babble he’s ever heard. It softens something inside of him—something he didn't even know he had.
“Obviously your ma did great, look at you two,” his pupils grow like saucers as he swoons between the baby in his arms and her twin in his twin’s. “Sucks that stinky Sunarin is your old man, though.”
Osamu would swat his brother if it weren’t for the two precious bundles of cargo they both hold. He settles for kissing his teeth in distaste. “Fuckin’ language, ‘Tsumu.”
“Huh? I said suck, you just said fuckin—”
Suna scoffs from beside you. “Enough, you’re already contaminating them with your stupid.” 
Impossible, you think. They could never be contaminated, nor stupid. They’re two little unexpected blessings who could do no wrong—though you’re sure Mama Miya said the same thing about her set of twins. You can’t find it in yourself to care. No matter the tough pregnancy, painful labor, or rowdy uncles, they’re the best surprise you could’ve asked for.
Atsumu’s pointer finger slightly shakes as he lifts it before your daughter’s face, using it softly to boop her nose. 
“Her nose looks like a tiny button,” he declares with a giddy grin. 
Like he just won the lottery, his brother instantly perks up with an identically contagious excitement. 
“I was just thinkin’ the same thing! Her’s does, too!”
“Weird,” Suna hums earnestly, before the sarcasm laces its way between his syllables, “maybe it’s ‘cause they’re twins.”
If there weren't two sets of tiny ears in the room, the brothers would be groaning in disgust and hurling insults your husband's way. Instead, they choose to quietly scoff and hiss, reminding themselves to be cautious of the sisters they carry. 
“Don’t even talk to us about twins, ya scrub.”
“Right! We practically invented twins.”
After a whole ten minutes of gawking at the teeny twins, Osamu slightly turns to his brother. 
“Switch with me, ‘Tsumu.” 
The blonde immediately agrees with excitement, as if the baby in Osamu’s arms will look, act, or in any way exist differently from the one in his. The two uncles clumsily fiddle with the bundles in hand, figuring out the best way to trade babies without dropping one. 
You subconsciously wince as your body tenses up with newfound anxiety. You suppose this is what a mother’s instinct feels like.
You can’t stop yourself from speaking up, “Careful of their necks, support their heads.”
“We got it,” Atsumu idly reassures you—even though he voluntarily offered that this was his first time holding a baby just a few minutes prior. 
They successfully trade babies. Osamu brings a calloused finger to your daughter’s face, allowing his roughened thumb to barely skim her creamy cheek. 
“This is so cool,” he flashes a toothy grin, “you guys have daughters.”
“Thank god,” you tiredly tease. “Too much testosterone around here with you three, I needed some girls.”
Atsumu nods in agreement, not even batting an eye at your lighthearted banter. 
“I’m still bitter that they aren’t named after us, but…” his words trail off as his finger is engulfed in the entire palm of your daughter, “I guess this is cool, too.” 
You swear the Miyas are sniffling and misty-eyed, practically seconds away from bawling like the newborn babies they hold. It's a good look on them—new, but precious nonetheless. 
 “At least you guys look like your mom. Because yikes, if you looked like your dad, that’d be—”
“Fifty uncle points. Now hand them over.”
Osamu’s face drops in pure shock when Rin responds to his teasing remark. You feel a sudden sense of deja-vu. Something about the whiplash that comes with this family you’ve created—from crying out of joy one moment to hurling insults the next, you wouldn't have it any other way. 
The twins think your husband is bluffing until he stands up and comes to collect his daughters. 
Atsumu greedily curls the baby in towards his chest, “He was just kidding—” 
Suna cuts him off with his usual deadpan tone. 
“Seventy-five, and now they hate you,” the babies gurgle and coo as he lifts them both and nuzzles them beneath each arm, “See? They just told me so.” 
The older twins whine, already missing the delicate weight of the sleepy frames in their hold. 
Though they’d rather die than admit it, maybe they are a bit jealous of this new chapter the two of you have entered. It has Osamu dreamily considering working up the nerve to ask his wife if she’s ready to start trying soon. Has Atsumu thinking about redownloading that lousy dating app to start his own journey. 
The thought of it brings a sour look to his face, so naturally, he sends it Suna’s way. “You’re no fun, Suna. Fatherhoods already changin’ you.”
Suna places the babies in their matching hospital cradles, side by side on their backs as they squirm in their sleep. He drowns out the sound of the twins in the back—muffled voices of ‘They already like me better’ and ‘I’m gonna be a better babysitter than yer dumb ass,’ ricocheting in the background. 
In his own little world, Suna finds himself taking a moment to admire his babies. His daughters. 
“Don't listen to them, I’m fun,” Suna whispers into the cradles, just loud enough for the three of them to hear. He’s more so convincing himself, but they don’t need to know that just yet. 
He is fun, and he’s going to be fine. Because he has you, and now, he has them. 
“But I am grateful that my girls look like their pretty mama.”
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hs-transfusion · 2 months
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CHUMHANDLE: gaianGenerator [GG] STRIFE: brssknklkind MODUS: Periodic Table LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Thief of Blood LAND: Land of Rhythm and Rivers
GG: now thats what i call a scientific fuckin BREAKTHROUGH B)
Jade is tough to read, wholly by design. Her IMPENETRABLE STOICISM and DRY WIT lend her an aloof air that convinces damn near everyone that she's HOT SHIT, which isn't an entirely untrue sentiment. There's nary an experience that can GROSS or WEIRD HER OUT. That's what happens when you've already SEEN IT ALL ONLINE, or so she claims.
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Though she insists her love for FURRIES and STUFFED ANIMALS is entirely ironic, it couldn't be further from the truth. She LOVES those little guys, but under the Strider name is forced to CONSTANTLY BAG ON THEM. At least she can bond with the CROWS SHE TAXIDERMIES after they meet unfortunate demises in the neighbouring areas. She also has a passing interest in NUCLEAR SCIENCE, but it's, like, whatever.
Jade's PERIODIC TABLE Fetch Modus allows her to store an item only if its name or initials CORRESPONDS WITH AN OFFICIALLY CLASSIFIED ELEMENT. Peanut butter can be logged as Pb, or a Ca-n of Sprite can be logged as Ca.
Jade's relationship with her BRO is pretty complicated to say the least. He strives to HONE HER MARTIAL CRAFT through combat training, and though she puts her all into it, the constant PSYCHOLOGICAL MIND GAMES stresses her out beyond belief. The second any such thought comes up however, she's quick to SHUT IT OUT all together. He's just her BRO. Doesn't have to be more complicated than that. At least he has good taste in PUPPETS.
The Land of RHYTHM AND RIVERS is the WORLD'S LARGEST METRONOME, with a faint, pulsing sound echoing throughout the skies with PERFECT TIMING (most of the time). The rivers run red, though that's likely just because of the RED SKIES. Hopefully. Whenever the planet's heart seems to SKIP A BEAT, terrible calamities strike all across the land, something that the denizen HERA seems to wish fixed.
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thornsnvultures · 8 months
anywhere || eddie munson x plus size!reader
cw: angst, talking about drug usage, eddie's in the hospital post-vecna, your mom kinda fuckin sucks, best friend!eddie who likes you more than you realize
a/n: that one line in the muppet babies theme song fucks me up every time. literally every time I hear it I tear up. so thanks for that jim henson.
"When your world looks kinda weird and you wish you weren't there," Eddie's terrible Kermit impression makes you laugh so hard you almost spill the bowl of cereal you're pouring. You hit him back with your equally terrible baby Miss Piggy voice.
"Just close your eyes and make believe that you could be anywhere!"
Eddie snorts at the way your voice cracks trying to hit notes your voice was not made to hit.
"Shut up, that was flawless and you know it," you hand Eddie his bowl with a grin and plop down on the couch next to him. Were you watching cartoons made for children? Yes, but who didn't love Kermit the Frog and his adorable little muppet friends?
You missed this, being here with Eddie. A lot had changed since you started going to college last year while Eddie stayed behind to be a senior for a third time, but not this. Your friendship never changed. It was something you treasured coming home to, when you could. School was starting to pile up and these visits were becoming few and far between, but Eddie would always be your Eddie. You were sure of it.
"So you're leading up Hellfire now, huh?," you asked Eddie as you finished your cereal. He took your bowl and put it on the coffee table with his, not meeting your eyes. Maybe you shouldn't have brought it up. The two of you didn't talk about it much, him still being in school. Like you didn't want to break the spell that everything was normal. The two of you hanging out like normal, like you did since you were kids. It was comfortable, you didn't want to ruin that.
"Yeah the, uh...yeah. It's up to me now I guess. The guys know they can't compete with my campaigns."
He's smiling, all cocky because it's true, they're always amazing. But his smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.
Weren't your just saying nothing had changed? Maybe you a lot had changed and you just weren't paying attention.
"I miss adventuring with you," you sigh, snuggling into Eddie's side until he puts his arm over your shoulder. "And the guys."
"Yeah, they miss you too," Eddie's voice sounds strained. You try to move thinking you're laying on him in a weird way, but he just pulls you closer, tighter.
You spend the rest of the morning watching cartoons. Eventually you forget the weird tension, putting it aside to enjoy your day with your best friend before you have to leave again.
It's a year before you see Eddie again.
School was tough, taking up so much of your free time you barely saw anyone besides the librarian and the two people you shared a dorm room with. You had tried to join a DnD club at school but your schedule didn't line up well with the rest of the group. And it wasn't the same. You missed Eddie's energy, his frantic dramatics. The guys were cool but sticklers for rules and, to put it nicely, boring.
You couldn't take being away from home any longer, you missed your friend.
So when your mom called one Friday afternoon and told you, in her own bizarre and nonchalant way, that Eddie had been in some trouble recently and, "I'm sure you saw the news about the earthquakes," you came straight home.
"You know, I always thought he was a nice boy. Did you know he was selling... grass," your mom whispered the last word like police officers would be knocking down her door if she spoke too loud.
"I didn't." You did. You also partook, but your mother didn't need to know that.
"Anyway, everyone got all upset when that little cheerleader died, but when they found him, like that, I guess they thought he was a victim too. Can't maul yourself like that, that's for sure."
"Oh my god, mom," you stand up, your chair harshly scraping against the linoleum. You can't sit here and listen to this any more.
"Where are you going? I have a pie in the oven."
Your mom follows you to the door, huffing like you're the one being ridiculous. She never liked Eddie much but the ease with which she talks about your childhood best friend being... mauled...
"I'll be back later."
You don't wait for her to respond, slamming the door as you go. You hop in the hand-me-down car your dad gave you before you left for school, peeling down the drive and heading straight for the hospital like you should've done when you got back. Tears cloud the edges of your vision until they spill over, you don't bother wiping them away.
"Hey, you're Eddie's girl."
"Excuse me?"
A short, curly haired boy in a baseball cap appears next to you when you ask the receptionist where Eddie's room is located.
"It's okay, Brenda. She's with me." You snort out a laugh when the boy tips his hat to the woman behind the desk. Her smile and the wave of her hand tells you she is in fact used to this.
"I'm Dustin," the kid explains as you follow him through the maze of hallways and elevators. "Eddie's told me a lot about you. Recognized you from the picture he thinks I don't know about in his glove box. Not my fault he just shoves stuff in there. If he didn't want everything to spill out he should organize. Not that I'm great at organizing either-"
"I'm sorry," you stop Dustin's rambling, your head spinning from all that information, narrowing in on the one that stuck. "He keeps my picture in his van?"
"Yeah a few in his room too. He's just down here. You just missed the guys, Jeff had to go to work and he was their ride so they left. Wayne will be in later. He usually stops by after work."
Dustin kept talking and you tried to keep up but the closer you got to Eddie's room the more your ears rang and your chest felt tight. You knew it was bad, he'd been in for a few days and was still heavily sedated after a number of surgeries. Wayne told you the day before you came back on the phone that he might not be awake when you got here. The old man might've been trying to spare you the trip, but you were coming to see him no matter what. You should've come back a long time ago.
Standing outside his room now, the year you were away felt like an eternity now. How had your Eddie changed? Was he your Eddie anymore? Was he ever yours?
"Hey, you comin' in? He's still sleeping."
Steeling yourself with one deep breath, you enter Eddie's room. With one look at Eddie and you're asking Dustin for a minute alone, pulling up a chair by his side.
"Sorry I'm late, Eddie. Traffic coming out of the city is crazy." You laugh at your stupid joke because you'll cry if you do anything else. You don't think about the air tube in his nose or the beeping heart monitor, the bandages on his arms or how hollow, how fragile he looks.
"My mom said you've been selling 'grass'," you chuckle as you twist one of his curls around your finger. "Should I tell her how many times I snuck out to smoke with you? She's already mad at me for taking time off from school to be here."
Eddie lays there as you talk, sleeping softly as you compliment the cards and flowers on the window sill. You tell him how the past two semesters of school have been, how miserable you've been without him, how guilty you've felt for "missing" his calls, not reading his letters because you've been too exhausted to do anything that wasn't surviving and work.
You're holding his weirdly ring-less fingers, contemplating leaving instead of holding out hope that he'll wake up while you're here, when you hear a familiar theme song on the television.
"When your world looks kind of weird,"
Your gaze falls from the TV to your friend in his hospital bed.
"And you wish you weren't there,"
Your eyes close wishing you were back in Eddie's house, stoned out of your mind doing muppet impressions.
A tear falls down your cheek as you close your eyes and sing along with Miss Piggy, not caring how ridiculous you sound.
"Just close your eyes and make believe and you can be anywhere."
You choke on a sob, suddenly angry at this stupid kids show for making you lose it when you were holding yourself together so well.
"Still sounds awful."
You open your eyes, wiping your tears away with your hand not in Eddie's at the groggy sound of his voice. He's holding the other one tight, almost too tight, like you'll run if he lets go.
"That was a perfect impression," the words stutter on a heaving breath but you're smiling through it.
"I'm on so many drugs."
"I'll go get the nurse," you laugh, trying to pull yourself together.
"No," Eddie just barely tugs on your hand, not yet strong enough to pull you close. "Don't leave."
"I'm not, I won't. I'm here, Eddie. I'm sorry."
Eddie's eyes flutter shut, too tired yet for a full conversation, but he won't let your hand go. You find the call button next to the bed to call the nurse and wait.
"I'm not going anywhere."
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conceptofjoy · 4 days
you kinda have to transition for yourself at the end of the day. n like i get that passing is also a safety thing right. being trans is hella complicated, but if youre lucky enough (jesus.) to not straight up be hate crimed for dressing gnc, however you present yourself first n foremost has affirm yourself to yourself THEN u can worry about passing or whatever. its tough asf tho tuning out other people who are misgendering you or giving weird looks. we’ll fuckin get through this.
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