#is he even creepy or just cute af
brainrot-of-a-thot · 7 days
need a pillow? [bofurin + shishitoren]
you’re always falling asleep (and if you’re not, you’re half awake).
a/n: moar headcanons!! this time with a twist. y’all will see :3
wc: 1.1k
c/w: gn!reader!! (as a coochie owner I can’t accurately write in a male perspective but I can do gn so that the readers gender is up to you!), hypersomniac!reader, I tried to make it to where it can be read as platonic and romantic but I don’t think I succeeded ugh, fluff (with crack too!), headcanon format, language (it’s me babes)
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↳ “hold up. lemme grab a pillow and join you.”
kiryu mistuki ↦ if you’re having a nap, this man’s is down. it doesn’t matter if you’re taking one in an alleyway, on the couch, on a desk, on the bed; he’s perpetually tired too and enjoys the act of sleeping — even more so when he does so next to you. will drape his furin jacket over both of you as a makeshift blanket (and please use his arm as a pillow, he loves it).
sugishita kyotaro ↦ tired af. seriously needs a coffee. runs off of pure adrenaline and whatever caffeine he can glean. you think he slouches because he’s insecure of his crazy height? you right but you also wrong. he slouches because man’s is too tired to even walk right. so if you’re sleeping, you bet your ass he’s faceplanting right next to you and joining your snooze fest. also a fan of using his jacket as a blanket (puts most of it over you).
↳ “that’s an odd place but you make it look pretty comfortable (and you look super cute.)”
togame jo ↦ by now, togame is used to your habit of falling near comatose in strange places. he’s found you in places ranging from the top of a roof to the inside of a damn cupboard — you just seem to find comfort in any place and position, even when your body is crunched up or cramped somewhere. he’s actually lowkey envious of it, but you look so cute when you sleep that he can’t help but just stare at you and smile softly rather than be angry or worried.
suo hayato ↦ one hundred percent has watched you sleep for hours and counted every single one of your breaths. it may seem creepy, but he’s not trying to come off that way. he is simply endlessly fascinated by the variety of ways, environments and times in which you can fall asleep. has likened you to a plow before because of the way he swears you snore (you deny it vehemently).
kaji ren ↦ when kaji catches you asleep he turns into a guard dog. even if he’s in the middle of a patrol, the minute he sees you in this vulnerable state he’s on guard duty over you. will snap and bite at strangers that get to close. likes to put his jacket over you if you fall asleep outside somewhere (oftentimes, he finds you sleeping on a bench at the park and it can get a little chilly sometimes. it’s not because he likes the way his scent rubs off on your skin and clothes when you have it on for hours. nope).
sakura haruka ↦ is mortified by the sheer amount of cuteness aggression he feels when he sees you sleeping. it’s the same exact feeling he gets when he sees a plump cat curled up on a wall snoozing happily. has petted you before. very lightly. and only when others weren’t looking. (suo has caught him doing it, and always keeps sakura on his toes by making him wonder if and when the man is going to spill the beans on him.)
↳ “I should probably wake you up because that position is most certainly not good on your body but you look so peaceful, so I’ll just move you a little bit.”
hajime umemiya ↦ often finds you sleeping up on the roof, right on the concrete between the multiple rows of vegetable plots. you’ve claimed that the scent and the breathability makes the roof a perfect place to sleep, but umemiya likes to tell himself it’s because you want him to catch you sleeping up there. after all, when he does catch you, you always wake up with your cheek pressed against some part of his body. and you always smile up at him so happily when you do; maybe he likes it when you sleep up on the roof, too.
akihiko nirei ↦ is genuinely terrified when you sleep because of how deeply you do so. sometimes, he watches you very closely just to reassure himself that you’re still breathing. has very rarely caught you sleeping in extremely weird/unsafe places, but has found you sleeping in his front yard before. when he woke you up frantically to ask you about it, you simply blinked blearily at him and said, “I wanted to sleep close to you because I feel safe.” that was the moment cupid shot nirei straight through the heart, and from that point on, anytime you wanted to nap, it was next to him (if the two of you are out in town, he will drag you back to his house — or yours — so that you can sleep in an actual bed.)
sako kato ↦ sweet boy brings you coffee all the time — he’s a bit of coffee fanatic, so he often brings you different flavors (it’s only to help you stay awake, not because he likes the way your eyes light up when you really like a flavor, or the adorable way you thank him every time; it’s not, choji, shut the fuck up). he doesn’t catch you fast asleep often, but every time he does, it’s because you’ve fallen asleep right next to him. and no, his face is red because it’s hot in here, not because your head is resting against his shoulder and seriously, choji shut the fuck up.
hiragi toma ↦ nine times out of ten he has to pop a gaskun when he finds you asleep because what the fuck you’re seriously going to break your neck sleeping like that. often wonders why he even tries to lecture you about unsafe sleeping habits, and he really wishes you would stop because now he has to stop in the middle of his patrol and fix your body; and the only way you won’t have a crick in your neck when you wake up is if he puts you on your side and sets your head in his lap. and if his heart skips a beat when you sigh happily and snuggle into his thigh, that’s no one’s business but his own.
↳ “I told you to have a nap not a fuckin’ coma.”
choji tomiyama ↦ choji is a pure ball of energy. pretty certain man’s is an insomniac. despite that, he’s very understanding of your avid love/need/obsession with sleep, so when you text him to let him know you’re about to have a nap he’ll send a cute little message like “have a good nap baby :3 <3” only for you to wake up six hours later to 54 messages and 26 missed calls and this lil’ shit is just like “you fucking dead? answer me cunt >:|” (affectionate) (he needs your attention badly).
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kneelingshadowsalome · 3 months
König is, obviously, a big little freak. Do you think he'd feel flattered/lovestruck if a cute girl stalked and was obsessed with him or would he be weirded out? I think the first: for once he gets pussy and love without having to do anything. Also it'd be kinda funny if he didn't even notice his little admirer at first cause she doesn't register as a threat and he's too busy being broody and depressed cause he's so alone (while reader is in her apartment fantasizing about their future kids and drawing little hearts on a pic of him)
Ohhh yes. König being oblivious af, thinks this is simply a joke.
It started out in school: cute little postcards that had bunnies or kittens or flowers or hearts on them, delivered to him by his mom who was smirking about how her boy had a secret admirer. There was nothing fancy scribbled on the other side, just soft, silly messages like: "I like you!" or "Your cute" or "Luv u ♡", and König saved them all.
…Until he showed the postcards to the wrong “friends”, who only made fun of them. One of the boys told him they sent those cards to him as a joke because no girl could ever want him, and König believed them. Allowed himself one, maybe two tears in solitude before he threw those cards away.
What was odd, though, was that the cards still kept coming. He always threw them in the trash, and at some point while growing up, they stopped arriving. No cats or hearts or cute mice illustrations for him anymore, just loads of video games and internet and a growing interest in war history and gym.
He didn’t think much of it after the age of 17, just went to the army to make a man out of himself. Got laid for the first time, got bullied some more, grew some muscle and grew some balls. Got kicked out of sniper training, his one and only dream, and went back home to brood for a few weeks.
That’s when he received the letter.
A 5 page love letter, written in beautiful, whimsical handwriting, smelling of something so angelic that it drove even the eternal stench of gunpowder and rust and military storage away.
König gets plunged into a whole world of soft feminine attention without even asking to, the letter now placed on his old desk that’s too small for him to sit at anymore. The fragrant sheets of paper are filled with confessions of adoration and love and… it would be a little bit creepy, were he a man who fancied so-called normal women.
He goes to the attic, searching his old cardboard boxes for the postcards to compare the handwriting, but can’t find none, remembering that yeah… he threw all of them away, didn’t he? The handwriting wouldn’t match anyway, that much he can remember, but then again it was a kid who wrote to him back then. Now, his admirer is a grown woman who apparently got back on her obsession train once he visited his childhood home after years of living abroad.
The hair on his shins, arms and at the back of his neck shoots up as he realizes some woman has a crush on him, some cute girl has been watching him since day one. Those postcards weren’t a joke, so she must have gone to the same school as him… She might be the daughter of some of their neighbors, living right next to him even now.
König goes door to door in search of her, but only wrinkly elders arrive to tell him that no, they never had a daughter or granddaughter or if they had, they have long since moved out to some big city.
He goes through the letter once again but finds no clues to who she is or where she lives. It’s just pages and pages of flattery about how he’s still the man of her dreams and so much more. How he’s even cuter now that he looks like someone pissed in his cereal. She wonders if he’s built the same everywhere, and if he is, then she should say her evening prayers… Too many impure thoughts going through her head already, why does he have to be so handsome?
König is in hell, as always, desperately trying to look for his admirer when he goes out to take the trash. Visions of some girl touching herself at the thoughts of him pester him from sunrise to sunset, and he has to take a cold shower every morning simply because one wank doesn’t seem to be enough to tame the big fellow downstairs.
He hugs his pillow and dreams of his girl, someone sweet to wrap his arms around and to protect. He fantasizes of someone cute waiting for him, someone he could surprise every time he gets home, someone adorable to eat out until they sob and squirm. Until he gets the stench of death out of his mouth…
A message arrives on his phone from an unknown number, and at first he thinks it’s spam.
But when he opens the message, he’s met with two perfect bare breasts. So fucking cute, especially when they’re accompanied by a set of fingertips grazing her soft skin; König even notices she has red nail polish on. So adorably, incredibly cute…
There comes a text that says: “I thought of sending you another postcard, big boy… But perhaps you don't care for kittens anymore. Hopefully this will do? ❤️”
There’s no face reveal, just tits and a cute female hand laid out there before him. Just a text that confirms that she’s the one. Typing a quick reply, he sends it to the unknown number: “This will more than just do 😳❤️❤️❤️”
Without thinking, like, at all, he pulls out his already hard cock and takes a hurried picture of it with a trembling hand. He usually knows better than to send a dick pic to a girl, especially after exchanging less than two sentences with them. But hey, she started this. The least he can do is give her something to pray about (and for)..
So he sends that horrid picture of his ugly cock to his cute mystery girl before she can even type a reply to the first message, and asks: “Are we praying tonight, my lady?”
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 21 days
[We went on shopping (it didn’t go well)] - TF141*F!Reader
not a chapter actually just a rambling, it's kinda messy and not my style imo, pls feel free to skip this etc. might rewrite this shit when I have time since I’m busy with my job these days and I just accidentally sliced my thumb open making it difficult to type, hence not much to provide sorry :( and the weird stranger incident in the latter part did happen irl damn it’s creepy af, but I was the one telling them to fuck off tho (they harassing my cute friend RAGE)
Summary: You sigh when it's the fifth time someone fights in your poor tea shop this month. You just open it two months ago, in an area ruled by mafia called '141'. Maybe you should find their boss and give them money or what to stop the bullshit keeps happening in your shop. (well, here they come)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
After your car graduates from its car life in about a week, congratulations, the poor shelf accompanies you since your college life is finally undone, fragments spreading across the floor making you shout Mama and mourn for its graduation.
You don’t have a car right now, so when Gaz offers to drive you to buy a new shelf, you agree to his suggestion without a second thought. Yet when the day comes and you open the car door, only to be greeted by the wide smile of Soap and Gaz, you almost slam the door close in reflex.
“Okay, but why do all of you come together? this isn’t an elementary school field trip!” You gawk at them when you squeeze in the car.
“Sounds fun, how can ye not tell us?” 
“Gaz I thought you could seal your lips!”
“Sorry love, Ghost exchanged it with some goodies.”
Oh yeah, Ghost is sitting in the driver’s seat.
Wait, he’s sitting in the driver's seat?
“Goddamnit—“ Your scream dies out on your tongue when said man puts his foot down. 
Ghost does a good job at providing you the same experience as riding a rollercoaster, glad that you didn’t throw up in the car and arrived at the warehouse without dying. If he's your Uber driver, you will give him five stars and block the hell out of him. 
You hop out of the car and walk to the door. As the automatic door parts after sensing your presence, you feel much better when the cold air of the store. Nice a.c. is one of the important features of a nice store, and you already built a fondness for the warehouse with how refreshing the chilly air is inside.
The first area welcoming you is food. Not bad, 6 out of 10 if it needs to be precise. Gaz pushes the cart and follows you as you saunter to the aisle with cereals.
“Oh, they have my favorite brand.” You murmur to him as your eyes travel across the price tag.
Wait, you must still be dizzy because no way it’s 30% cheaper than the same one you just bought from the supermarket.
“Kyle, it says it’s 3 pounds, right?!” pointing at the tag, your voice raises a whole eight-tone with excitement.
5 boxes of cereal are added to the cart. 
Actually, 9.9 out of 10 for this place, you fix the evaluation as you watch Gaz putting some of those ten bags of chocolate Ghost and Soap dump into the cart back on the shelf, and as a little revenge to Gaz for letting the other two men join the trip without you knowing, you choose to turn a blind eye when you spot Ghost sneaking all of them back in the cart.
Not forgetting the primary goal for today, you go straight to the furniture area after letting Soap throw five packs of gummy bears in the cart and convincing Ghost not to get a cup of tea from the random tea shop. You’ll make a much better one for him when you get home — you coo when he stares at you with unhappy eyes not covered by the mask, glad that he seems to accept the idea, so he huffs and lets you drag him and Soap out of the food area.
“You should buy this.” 
“Ghost I don’t need a green shelf in my shop thank you.”
“Then ye should buy this bonnie!”
“That’s not even a goddamn shelf, Soap.”
“How about this?” 
Your eyes brighten up when Gaz shows you a wooden shelf, it’s stripped-back, with not many decorations, but it surely will fit wonderfully into your store with its aesthetic vibes and high functionality, thus you pick up your phone to type down the product number immediately.
“Oh my, Kyle, you’re the best.”
and you’re too busy typing the numbers down that you don’t notice him shooting the others a taunt of victory.
The last area before the cashier’s counter sets a bookshop. You don’t plan on buying books, but you indeed need to go to the bathroom, so you dismiss yourself and tell them to look around before you’re done.
Why are the bathrooms always hidden in a bloody long hallway? What if someone can’t hold back during their way? Your footsteps echo through the corridor as your mind starts hitting you with a fresh and unnecessary question, glad that you aren’t that urgent though, so you’re able to get to the destination without wetting your pants.
Washing your hands, you step back to the hallway again, but you yelp in surprise when you bump into someone.
“Sorry!” You nod at the man and start heading back to the bookstore.
but it’s weird, the man you just bump into walks so close to you, that you suddenly realize he’s just a step behind you.
Hey, don’t panic, might just coincidence, you try to tell yourself as you make another step.
“Hey, lovely.” Okay, it’s not a coincidence, fucking hell. You curse when his hand touches your shoulder and stops you.
“Sorry for bumping into you, Sir. Anything that I can help?”
“No, I’m waiting for you to separate from the blokes for a while can’t ask for your phone number when they surround you like dogs.”
“I don’t give strangers my number, sorry.” You try to leave, but the man’s hand grabs your shoulder forcefully preventing you from moving.
“Hey, give us a chance yeah? I’m sure we will have some nice time together.”
“I don’t fucking know you!”
Prying off his hand, you turn and start walking fast, almost running when you hear the stranger’s footsteps coming towards you.
Fuck fuck fuck, you haven’t run with such desperation in years, last time must be high school.
“Who the fok are ye arsehole?”
The tears prickling in your eyes when you hear Soap’s voice ringing in your ears before you feel a pair of warm hands drag you behind him.
“Ghost and Soap will deal with him, let’s go.”
Adrenaline pumping through your body finally subsides when Soap and Ghost reappear from the hallway, you don’t want to know what happened to the stranger, maybe hope they’re still alive and in one piece so you won’t involve yourself in another chaos, 
“I think it’s time to go home, Kyle. Is it okay?”
“Of course, wanna grab some food before we leave?”
“I guess Ghost already bought sufficient chocolate for us.”
A burst of laughter catches your attention whilst Gaz looking at the cart with bags of chocolate stuffing under your cereals with disbelief, and a smile crawls back to your lips as you look at Ghost slamming his forehead against a lower door frame and Soap laughing over him.
They aren’t that bad, maybe, or they reserve the remnants of tenderness for you, you’re not sure whether is correct, but at least they have your back when you need them, and that’s enough for you to stop exploring the answer for now.
“Oh.” A book gets knocked off when you shift to stand up. Turning around to pick it up, you have a good look at the shelf behind your seat.
Your eyes dart from ‘Today’s recommendation’ to the book within your grasp.
‘Surrounded by idiots — by Thomas.’
You will rate this recommendation 10 out of 10 for sure.
After insisting on paying yourself and shooing the men off, you take out your card and place it on the scanner.
‘Insufficient balance :( please try again’
You frown when the machine shoves you a nuh-uh, and you open the bank app to check your balance.
So you overspent 10 pounds huh? What a shame to your title for being a successfully financially broken adult. Which link loses and makes you make a wrong shopping decision? 
you scan the list of items with sharp vision until you land your eyes on a product.
Surrounded by idiots - £ 10.61
a/n: thx for reading :D sorry it's messy and unlike my previous writings :( hope I can have time to write again btw Price went on business trip so he's missing everything
tag list :D - @blackhawkfanatic @nexthyperfix @danielle143 @goodbyegh0st @reaperxxxxzz @kaoyamamegami @imyprice @cod-z @poppingaround @live-for-fluff @masterstr0ke @mall0ww @ghostysloot @hxnneydew @cutiecusp @beigechristmastree @rejectedbytheempty @lupikekee @hotvinimon @whitetiger846
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goldsbitch · 6 months
That second flight
part 4 to That one Christmas flight
summary: What happens when people stop lying to themselves? Sometimes, you get a good night out of it.
warnings: cheesy af, swear words and alcohoI guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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Do not fuck it up, do not fuck it up, do not fuck this up.
Hey you? What kind of a message even is that? Ugh. She ruined it. Now she will have to move away and start her life again.
The weather forecast predicted high levels of overreacting for today.
He must have liked the cool girl vibe she somehow gave of on the plane. Y/N prayed for the gods of cool vibes to bless her again.
Lando was just about to start an interview for Sky Sports when he received her message. He imagined this was how it felt to win a podium. On the top of the world. He gave an absolutely charismatic, energetic and funny interview. One that would surely create lots of gifs on the socials. PR manager even high-fived him when they finished. To be honest, he could not wait for a moment of solitude so that he could reply.
"hey" he started. "so I broke the rule, ups" Her reply came instantly.
"I've noticed. But then again, you radiate speeding tickets vibe from miles away. So no surprise."
He smiled, well aware of how efficient the Italian ticketing was running.
"paid one last week, so you got me there" "so, how's your cool student life going?"
"Trying gain some wisdom, as people just feel free to call me dumb on social media these days."
"compliments come in a variety of forms, don't discriminate"
From now on, there was no way back.
The next few days consisted of constant texting. Joking around, sending pictures capturing their daily life - both of them keeping in secret that lots of the information shared was nothing new. They were careful, somewhat distancing themselves from any real deep topics. But, days felt like blur, waiting for the next text to come and somehow managing to live the real life in between that. Y/N stayed in most evenings, almost making her friends concerned.
It did not take long enough for famously patient Lando to getting sick of it. They had a week between the next three week round of races. It was now or never. He missed one chance by being mr. mysterious, so mr. direct it was now.
"so, lady. what are you doing this weekend?" he asked out of the blue.
"I dunno. Probably studying, I guess."
"well, you're smart enough, you can skip that. let's meet up."
Y/N pretended to herself that she was second guessing. She headed out, to the bar where her friends were hanging out before they planned on heading to some faculty party. She felt joining them suddenly. Sat quietly, listening to their usual chit chat. Her charade lasted about seven minutes.
"Yes. Let's." she texted and threw her phone deep down to her bag. She was nervous, heart racing and mind quite not catching up yet.
"I need to tell you guys something," she interrupted them and almost demanded immediate attention. Questioning looks followed. "Uh, so I met this guy on a plane. And I'm gonna see him again this weekend."
Saying it like that, she realized that it was all kind of real and that she probably could not explain it in words how bizzare it all felt.
"Aw, that's cute! Tell us more!" Teresa clapped excitedly, the whole weird vibe surrounding her friend making more sense now.
Y/N expected her friends to be more shocked. "Um, yeah. It's just this guy. I don't really know how it's gonna happen, but yeah."
"Is he coming here? Can we meet him?"
Y/N kept the information that they already did to herself. Just in case she is left stranded alone and disappointed.
"I don't...I don't know actually. Yeah."
"We will do as we always do - sharing location and staying by if needed, honey."
Y/N missed a text notification. "great. i'll fly you out to somewhere where we can be alone, not to sound too creepy."
She landed an hour after him. Lando sent a picture of him waiting at the airport cafe.
He booked the best hotel room he could find. Well, technically he booked two rooms. Just in case she wanted to keep her distance or if by any chance he fucked up so royally, that she would refuse to share space with him. At least, he could walk away from this like a gentleman.
Since she last him, she forgot just how hot this guy was in person. Seeing him, sitting casually sipping coffee and glued to him phone, she took a moment to study him. It was as if he was tailored specifically to her taste. His clothes covering his godlike body, not too muscular but enough for the sight of his arms sending her to different dimension. The origin of her audacity she had to be the first one to talk to him on the plane was unknown to her. There was no more panic left in her body, as she had done nothing but panicking the whole flight.
She walked and sat opposite to him.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Hey yourself," she replied. There was a moment of awkward silence. Turns out there was a bit of panic left in Y/N after all. Last week she though she'd never see this guy. And now she was staring in his eyes.
"Do you want some coffee?," he asked innocently. He looked her up and down, excited to see her. All of his worries he refused to acknowledge were gone. After all, she got up and flew here just to hang out with him. The reality of this filled him with confidence.
"Yes. A small tiny espresso with no milk."
"Great. Let's grab that and hit the road."
Lando's car might have as well run on butterflies alone present in his vehicle. There was absolutely no way for him to drive some random rental car, so he called up McLaren people to provide him one for the night. It came up in the same conversation when he requested personal time off. Both things came to a certain level of surprise, as he had never done this before. Y/N knew she had to work on a group project for one of her minor classes. Just like him, she had done something she would not have dared - and completely ghosted her group for this weekend.
"You look nice, btw," he commented casually.
"Well yeah, when you're not on an overnight flight across half of the world wearing airport attire, it makes thing easier."
"Hm, I would say sweatpants have some magic to them."
It was hard for Y/N to get the image of him out of her head.
"So, where is my lovely kidnapper taking me?"
They discussed prior to this that the vibe they would like out of this was a casual dinner and then finding the shittiest club possible and have some fun, trying to remain as private as possible yet within the vicinity of the small Italian city.
"My assistant found this lovely little place in the centre. Don't get mad, but I had him completely book it out. You know, the privacy thing," he said with more insecurity than one would expect.
Y/N picked up on that and tried to lighten up the mood. It seemed a bit excessive to do that, but he probably knew what he was doing.
"Your assistant," she gagged over dramatically. "Jesus, am I not worth enough for you to google on your own? Mr. Busy man. Was he also the one who found me online them?" she joked?
"I'm sure I'd have to hire a special person to that if I planned on outsourcing it."
"You love it."
And she did.
He parked in front of the restaurant, without a care for the world.
"So you're telling me we're making a big deal about keeping a secret that you're here, yet you decide to park like a proper asshole?" she remarked while he opened the door for her. Jokes were making her focus on something else than the fact she was falling for him too hard.
"Oh, you're going absolutely hate my plan," he laughed as they were entering the full on empty restaurant.
"Wow, look at that. I invited all my friends!" he whispered to her ear before addressing the owner.
"Hello, you must be Dario?"
This Dario person smiled brightly at him. "Ah, mister Papaya!" Lando nodded and Y/N rolled her eyes. Dario then started speaking Italian without a care of the world. Language wise deaf Lando did not count for the fact people just did not speak English in this part of Italy. A tiny crack in his plan. What was he suppose to do, call Carlos? But, Y/N having spend a good year or two studying there was there to ease the situation. She whipped out her B1 Italian and greeted the man. Dario's happiness filled up the room.
He seated them and immediately brought local red wine and giving a long talk about where this wine was from and how his grandma used to pick up the grapes herself and how the notes did this and that. Y/N tried to translate at the beginning, but Dario looked like was ready to give a TED talk. She started to loose the grasp of the story, which Lando observed. And like good gentleman he helped her out. No, of course not, when he saw her getting lost, he put on a super interested face and asked about seven follow up questions. Y/N was super annoyed. The kind of annoyed that creates a smile on your face.
When this showdown finally ended, Y/N nearly gulped the wine down. "So rude, Dario just said, you're suppose to sit it and let it roll," said Lando and with too much affect sipped his wine. "Aah," he took a deep breath and the bit his tongue. Y/N stuck her tongue out completely like a five year old child. "Yes, I can your red tongue, that's also one of the reasons why you sip it."
They sat, talked and laughed. He seemed genuinely interested when she blabbed a little bit too long about her latest projects. And then he asked her for a feedback on his latest merch, which by sheer coincidence included lots of photos of him. It was hard to admit how much he enjoyed the idea of her looking at him.
"So, um. I'm not sure I understood Dario correctly. But it looks like he insists on getting us the local speciality," she said hesistantly.
"Well, only if his grandma would approve. But why is this strange look on your face?"
"I must have gotten it wrong. Because burnt pasta just sounds wrong. If I wanted that, I could have stayed and have my roommate cook for us."
"Hm, that is an interesting idea." Lando pretended he did not know her roommate's name.
Once Darion brought out the burnt pasta, the couple had a hard time not to laugh.
"When in Rome...well not in Rome, but you get the idea."
"Why is this good?" Y/N proclaimed with her mouth full to the limit.
Lando laughed. "Ah, we have a lady at the table, I see. I mean yeah, I am not supposed to be having pasta now, but this is so weirdly good."
They finished their strange pasta and the bottle of wine. Said goodbye to Dario, Y/N tried not to think on how much it cost to close a restaurant down.
"Wait, what are we going to do about the car? We can't drive now."
"Not to sound like a complete asshole, but I'd like we remove the WE from any sentence including driving now at the beginning, if that is ok. And like I said at the beginning, you're gonna hate this."
"Go on, Lando boy. Tell me."
"Yeah, the car was provided by my employer. And they really need me, so I'm just going to leave the car here to get towed and inform them later."
"Jesus, why!"
"Well, I figured we'll get a taxi in the morning. I want to enjoy all the time I have with you. Dealing with the car is not on the menu today."
There was nothing for Y/N to reply. She was having too much fun to be thinking.
They found what seemed to be the shittiest bar playing 80's and 90's songs, weirdly colored lights swinging out of the rhythm and with people there consisting of old papas and few probably underaged kids. They brought their own wine bottle from Dario, Lando paid 100 euro for two glasses and for the bartender leaving them alone. It did not take long for Y/N to break out to the dance floor. Lando watched her clumsy yet somehow elegant moves for a moment, before he joined her. They danced, as if they were the only people there, laughing and completely ignoring the looks they were getting. And to the tones of remix of Brother Louis, they kissed again. And this time, they kept kissing until late hours, hand roaming around each other, as if they were two teenagers making out for the first time.
part 5
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother
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mangocustard16 · 7 months
Seventeen’s reaction to you not recognising them when drunk ♡
| genre:fluff
| warnings: mentions of drinking, pet names, cursing, lmk if i missed something
| w.c: 0.7k
| a/n: please reblog if you enjoyed, feedback is always appreciated✿
performance unit version | hip-hop unit ver.
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Seventeen had just clinched a prestigious Daesang award, and you were out celebrating the hard-earned victory with the group.
the night begins with celebratory drinks, as Hoshi's friends convince you to join in the festivities.
and that's it you guys were out, partying hard celebrating your boyfriend's success
although Hoshi had been there too to make sure you didn't go overboard 
what caught him off guard was your unexpected assertion of not recognizing him
"Get your hands off of me you pervert!"
he was shocked, to say the least
but gotta admit, he felt kinda proud seeing you stand your ground and not let some random guy touch you, even if that guy happened to be him.
You turned to Seungkwan, seeking validation and asking him to confirm that this person is not someone you know.
to which Seungkwan awkwardly laughs, caught in the middle of the situation
"Babe, I'm your cute boyfriend"
"Then tell me something only my boyfriend knows?" you question him
He raises his eyebrows and motions you to come closer 
"one time you tried to challenge me to a dance battle, but it turned into a clumsy stumble, and you ended up on the flo-"
you put your hands on his mouth to stop him from revealing that embarrassing story
"Okay, okay! you're definitely my boyfriend"
Despite being your boyfriend, Jun finds you unable to recognize him while heavily intoxicated.
the boy is pouting and is offended af
"Come on, shake it off," he said trying to grab your arm to get you out of the club
what caught him off guard was you landing a punch square in his stomach
Jun visibly grimaces, feeling the impact of the punch to his rib
"I know how to box sir, so you better keep your distance," you said walking away
At this point, Jun has no choice but to wait for you to head home by yourself, all he can do is follow you home making sure you get there safely
he woke up the next morning with a huge bruise on his side and for the love of god you couldn't remember a thing 
"Where did you get that bruise from baby?" you asked innocently
he tried to play like he was actually hurt by you not recognizing him, but, man, he thought it was so darn cute
he would listen to you ramble about everything in your life, from how your new cat was constantly attacking others to how much your boyfriend loved you
"You know, my boyfriend wanted to name the new cat Pumpkin, but he looks so much like an Oreo, we almost fought but in the end, we named it Oreo"
"Your boyfriend treats you so badly, why would he fight with such a sweet girl like you" Minghao played along
"NOOOO! my boyfriend is the sweetest person in the whole world, don't you dare talk shit about the love of my life," you warned your new friend showing shoving your lock screen of you and Minghao together in his face
He'd chuckle and mumble something along the lines of, "How am I not supposed to love you"
Dino got a little pouty when he realized you couldn't recognize him
all he wanted was your affection, but you wouldn't let him touch you, leaving him slightly disappointed
"Babe come on let's go"
"No I don't know you please stop following me, mister" you yelled
poor guy 
he's chasing after you trying to convince you that he's not a threat, in fact he's your boyfriend
"I'm your loving BOYFRIEND babe, do you not recognize me?"
"Why won't I recognize my own boyfriend you creep? Stop following me around." you'd say, slapping his hands away
You took out your phone and called your boyfriend trying to explain that a creepy man was following you around
Dino handed you his ringing phone, showing it to you to convince you that he was indeed your boyfriend.
"Babyyyyy!!! you should've come sooner" you exclaimed, throwing yourself on him, wrapping your arms around him
"I'll always be here for you love," he said shaking his head before planting a soft kiss to your forehead.
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@kflixnet @k-labels
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: how you meet pt 2
characters: fem!reader x zenitsu, shinobu, tengen & his wives
warnings: spiders, minor injuries, polyamory
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he's a sweetheart omg
you guys meet in the forest with the spider demons
you're a slayer
a pretty strong one too. not hashira level but you're working on it
you're weakness?
spiders, bugs, anything creepy and crawly
but isn't that everyones weakness?
idk know how you were convinced to go fight a spider demon
bc personally? ain't no way
but anyways
you get separated from the group of slayers you were working with
so ur alone
when u hear some bushes rustling or som
so u look down and boom
a spider
with a human head
you take off running and i mean fast
so fast you can't even see where ur going
and bam u run head first
into zenitsu
who coincidently was running from the same thing as u
he realizes ur human, grabs ur hand and TAKES TF OFF
ur gone
until u meet spider demon w the house
zenitsu passes tf out, ur shitting urself just a little bit, and then
zenitsu handles tf out that demon
while asleep?!
hot af
sleepy zenitsu could get it
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idk somethin abt her irritates me
she still fine asf tho
shes a top fs
you're a slayer
and you were on an easy mission
prob a low ranked demon
and then shit
a lower moon pulls up
low key fucks u and ur comrades up
somehow yall kill it
and your brought back to the butterfly mansion to be treated
and we all know miss gurl shinobu is running that mf
so shes obv overseeing your recovery
for some reason the other slayers heal faster than you did
wonder why?
perhaps purposely ripping ur stiches to spend more time around a pretty lady?
noooooo you would neverrrr
thats exactly what u were doing
and shinobu knows it too
but she plays dumb cause she thinks its sweet that you admire her enough to delay your recovery and cause urself that pain
she does poke u a lil too hard when redoing ur stitches tho
takes care of u til ur ready to go on another mission
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TENGEN + wives
he's so fine for what
can we make this foursome into a fivesome?
sooo ur not a slayer
ur not a kunoichi
not a fighter at all
just a cute lil civilian
you meet the wives before you meet tengen
you're out shopping
need some new clothes
or maybe you have an event that you need some new jewelry for
gotta look flashy yk
so you finish your shopping and walk out of the store when your knocked flat on ur ass
it was suma
she was running from makio after making her mad
and she ran straight. into. you.
she immediately burst into tears because she felt so bad
makio is yelling at her for knocking you down
and hina is trying to calm them both down
and ur jus like "wtf is goin on"
you feel fine until you stand up
you hit the ground again
ankle = sprained
que the guilty sobbing from suma
the girls carry you to a bench to assess the damage and this grabs tengens attention all they way from the inside of another store
like "who is getting attention from my wives?"
jealous af
until he sees u
a cute little civilian women in pain
and his wives fawning over you
he introduces himself and gets the story of what happened
calms suma and makio down
and apologizes on their behalf
meanwhile ur in awe
um hello?? a literal god is standing in front of you apologizing for his wives
he checks ur ankle
his hand wraps around ur entire leg
dudes hands are big af
not the only thing on him thats big
to make it up to you he carries you to a very flashy cafe
where you all sit and have tea and snacks together while you rest ur injured ankle
tengen pays
does this count as a first date??
i love them
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(heres a shitpost since I don't update a lot)
Giyuu definitely is the type not to talk to you but he be watching you from a distance I actually feel like he would just sit quietly in your room while you sleep and you don't even know his ass is there 💀 like he just likes your presence
Shinobu on the other acts how she is in the anime but like she'd probably come into your room in the middle of the night your knocked out cold from the sleep pill she put in your tea I feel like she'd rub your brown skin because she loves it 😶
Misturi she is a very shy but bright person but I'd definitely see her just stalking you or finding ways to see you all the time like girl I know you love m/n but damn Obanai real life would probably killed us by now but anyway she definitely gives you mochi with cute but creepy little notes 😀
Rengoku he's literally like a fucking owl seriously like his eyes just be staring in yo soul like damn nigga blink 😭I know he be smiling like he just tickled ya bootyhole and you didn't know like it's funny af 💀 and don't let me get started I bet when he kisses you on your brown skin or lips he's say umai! Every damn second
Sanemi he's The type to always have a aditude but when you actually ingore him and act like he's not there he's butt hurt like you know what you are doing too he's all in your lap trying to get your attention and you just like 👨🏿‍🦯 reading your book ☠️
Tengen oh this mf is freaky you could be doing the most innocent shit in the world and he thinks you want fuck or sum shit like boy if you don't go to your damn hot ass wives stop being freaky for once lmao he'd definitely try to make you hard so he has a reason to get fucked or something maybe even trying to bribe you using jewelry 😶
Gyōmei man I love this big giant but low-key he's scary at night like imagine you dead sleep comfortable as hell then you hear some deep as praying I know damn well I'd probably be scared as fuck thinking it's my sleep paralysis demon 😭
Yoriichi he's the definition of nonchalant like damn can't even get no love fr but gets all jealous and shit when you talk to someone or hug a friend like wasn't you just ignoring me tf 🧐how is that possible like bitch u thought you didn't care? Then here we go now you wanna be all possessive like wtf 🧍🏿‍♂️
(I'm sorry but I don't want to do the uppermoons and muzan dawg 😭 take it or leave it ☠️)
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tachimichishrine · 5 months
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hunting dogs x gn!barista!reader hcs
warnings: none!!
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jouno saigiku
oh dear
harasses everyone
harasses his partner
harasses his mf FOOD
by this, I mean he sends things back, not bc he isn't satisfied but bc he can
ESPECIALLY if his partner is on their shift, he'll be extra nasty
"what can I get you today, Jouno?"
"an iced coffee, with specifically 5 cubes of ice 2cm by 2cm, 1 pack sweetener, a drizzle of chocolate and 25ml of 3% milk and, oh, do you have chocolate sprinkles? yeah, I want some of that on top, add some whipped cream too and-"
orders the longest thing and then sends it back because "there were incomplete sprinkles" while staring down the barista with a huge grin
his partner is literally on the verge of breaking up with him for this
however, sometimes he gets bored of toying with them and just orders a coffee
he likes to observe people
it's kinda creepy but he'll pick a seat in the corner and listen as his partner writes down orders and smiles at other people, and then gets somewhat internally offended when they laugh at the random customer's dumb jokes
he narrows his eyes (even more, if that's possible?) at them at wonders why he doesn't make them laugh as loudly as that
takes it as a challenge
now you've got a clingy af jouno who sticks around the desk and seduces his way into the kitchen by flirting with the manager (his partner's boss)
his partner wants to YELL at him that they have to work, but he just places his hands on their hips and kisses their forehead and gives them the slightest hug and tells them how much he loves them, so their partner reluctantly tolerates his presence around their work
he may not know how to cook but he smells every single ingredient and is a surprisingly fast learner so the manager is lowkey trying to recruit him bc of his undeniable talent 👹
overall, he does help in the end, but his partner has to put up with a lot of teasing and nastiness. occasional jokes and cute little pranks where jouno would place a heavily powdered donut under their nose to make them sneeze and eventually messing up the ENTIRE place
but damn, those perfect milkshakes he made are worth it all
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tecchou suehiro
he is easily distracted
asks his partner all sorts of things
"hey, how do they make coffee?"
"well, you put the beans in the machine-"
"yes??? coffee beans???"
"yes, tecch, it does u adorable idiot 🙄"
"does that mean you can make coffee out of the beans they put in burritos and stuff?"
"no- wait I don't think so- actually, maybe-"
other customers overhear the discussion and chip in and the entire thing escalates to the WEIRDEST topics
the manager is pretty impartial as to his presence, given that he doesn't disturb anyone and usually just orders and silently observes his partner with a faint smile on his lips
his partner turns, notices his gaze and bites the inside of their cheek to prevent themselves from blushing/grinning at him, then get back to work
they do, however, like to blow him little kisses while on their shift, or to leave a small note on Tecchou's orders like "ily <3" or "you're so cute 💕"
he is a gentleman omg
he once spent the entire time his partner was on their shift holding the door for the people who entered
gets asked if he works there, and he automatically replies yes and helps everyone with their stuff, whether it's a broken glass or spill or if they need sweetener in their drink
nvm the manager now loves him
he makes it a point to visit his s/o as often as possible when they're working, even if they live together or have a date planned for later that day. he might not say much, but he loves to be in their presence as often as possible
a literal GOD at taking care of angry customers
whereas jouno would probably subtly threaten them, Tecchou is just gonna walk up to their face and be rly straight-forward about it
"sir, what's your problem?"
"sir, just take a breath. the employee over here is going to make it for you right away, and free of charge, right?"
ofc, they'd nod and do as he said bc the person is no longer fuming
the biggest issue with having tecchou in the café is his orders
he asks for the oddest things, including, but not limited to, sugar on rice and a hard-boiled egg with the shell still on
his partner makes sure to explain to their boss that this isn't anything abnormal for him, and that they'll make sure to take care of the order themselves
after all, putting together a weird food combo in order to get a chubby-cheeked tecchou stuffing his face with sugary rice is very worthwhile
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teruko okura (aged up?? ig??? bc children running around a café is odd i think?? wtf is her real age-)
she is NOT made to be in a café with a serene vibe
no bc she picks up fights with everyone who breathes
"hey, idiot, stop breathing so loudly or else i'll come over there and shut you up myself-"
her partner thus keeps a stall in the very corner specifically for her that's far away from the other people 😐
teruko loves sugary and spicy flavors all in one, like a strong cinnamon or ginger, any type of warm drink that smells strongly rly
her partner does that mystical thing with the milk that creates a heart on the surface of the drink that looks so cute 
teruko chugs down the drink without even looking at it 💀
she isn't one for those kinds of gestures, and would much rather physically cling to her partner's side instead
sneaks up from under the counter and then pops up like a weasel with a HUGE smile on her face, the kind of cute smile that is like, showing all of her teeth and SUPER contagious and makes you wanna pat her on the head and hug her
the manager DOES NOT agree with this tho and kicks her out repeatedly. teruko is so close to snapping the manager's neck but her partner intervenes and reminds her that they still need their job
the entire café, teruko concludes, is against her
the powdered sugar gets thrown into her face by an unknown force
salt gets dumped on her hair
she slips on a puddle in the corner
the milkshake machine explodes in her face
it's just NOT her scene
that is the last time she visited her partner while at work, telling them that she's going to be waiting outside once their shift is over bc the pain is NOT worth it
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fukuchi ochi
fukuchi barely has time to spend with his s/o, given how much of a busy man he is
so, he'll support them by financing the café itself and making sure they get high-quality ingredients and that the working conditions are acceptable
he does make it a point to ONLY get his coffee from there, tho, but doesn't use it as an excuse to talk to his partner. he's in he gets the coffee, then he's out
for this reason, his partner - who is not an idiot and needs human affection just like the rest of the planet - "suddenly and mysteriously" becomes a klutz
"accidentally" drops the coffee on him as they're serving his order, which leads him to freak out, and then rush to the bathroom to wash it off
apologizing profusely, his partner will follow him to the bathroom and help him out, using this as an opportunity to 1) get him to take off his shirt 😌 2) talk to him
this happens for about 3 weeks before his dense ass realizes that they just want some love
tries this out, showing up and ordering his usual coffee, and then asks them how their day has been
they BEAM at him, and gush about the tiniest things
he won't admit to himself that he loves seeing them so happy like that and that it makes his heart flutter a bit, instead telling himself the next time he stays that he's doing it "out of convenience" or some bs like that
eventually finds himself spending hours in the café just talking to his partner about random things, whether that is during their break or while the s/o is supposed to be working
the manager doesn't have the balls to tell him that they're supposed to be working bc fukuchi supplies like half the financial funds for the place 😍
he might start to be showing up late to hunting dogs' meetings for the next while, but spending the time with his partner has been shown to be more than worth.
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tachihara michizou
It's very likely that the café is the place he met his partner, or at least has some kind of emotional value to him
either it's where they first asked him out (bc there's no way he'd make the first move) or maybe he was caught in the rain and his future partner, walking out of the café while holding an umbrella, offered it to him with a bright smile
for this reason, he likes to meet them here as much as possible
HOWEVER, there's an issue with dating tachihara, a big one at that
mid-way through the relationship, he had to go undercover and work for the mafia
since his partner had met him and knew only of his work as being "dangerous" and "top-secret", they understood a bit when he said that he had to go on a business trip of sorts and things would get complicated
tachihara lowkey went into a full-on breakdown bc he had never been loved like that before and felt sick at the idea of leaving, but his partner assured him that they'll be waiting for the day he comes back, and held him in their arms for the entire night, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear and gently kissing his forehead
eventually, he did have to leave. in the beginning, he teared up every night while in the port mafia thinking of his love
so, once he got the mafia's trust and moved along in the ranks, he got more freedom to move around and stuff. eventually, he got so heartsick he found himself subconsciously wandering right in front of the café out of habit
before he could snap out of his trance and get tf out of there, his partner noticed him and pulled him into the tightest hug in existence while sobbing their heart out
tachihara couldn't imagine the pain of saying goodbye for good again
so, he made it a rule to come and visit them on his shifts as often as possible, discreetly for their safety
they a b a n d o n their job and run over to hug him every single time he appears bc they never know if it'll be the last time they'll see him
the manager doesn't really follow the story, but tachihara's partner is one of the harder workers in the café, and the café itself isn't that popular anyways, so there's no point in yelling at them
tachihara isn't picky about what food he eats or what drinks he sips, so long as he gets to hear his partner's voice and be near them (I strongly hc that he has attachment issues)
he orders hot chocolate, even in the summer, and still hasn't shaken off that child-like tendency of chugging it down aggressively and ending up with a chocolate milk mustache, which his partner teases him about every single time
one time, he wasn't vigilant enough and gin - who was supposed to deliver a message from the boss about one thing or another - followed tachihara all the way to the café
saw tachihara kissing some stranger 👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯
she walked up to him, and his eyes went WIDE. his partner didn't recognize gin for obvious reasons, and thus got embarrassed, climbed off of tachihara and stood back at the counter, and asked her what her order was, since technically the shop was still operating
gin was confused af
she creased her brows at them, shook her head then turned towards tachihara
oh boy tachihara is screwed
at first, his partner thought he'd been cheating on them or something, then thought about it twice and realized that he wasn't the type to cheat on people. so they (not-so-)gently shoved gin out of the way and told tachihara that they "needed a smoke", a codeword for "outside. now. we need to talk"
he told gin that he'd received the message, and to tell the boss that he'll deal with it tomorrow, and then the mafiosa went on her way. 
his s/o demanded an explanation as to who tf that was, and tachihara reluctantly explained that it was someone he worked with
his partner isn't an idiot, they knew that his work was dangerous and that "someone he worked with" would be equally so, and thus they realized by the way he was perspirating with cold sweat and seemed pretty shocked that the girl had shown up
eventually, things were sorted out and no harm was done. tachihara made gin swear she wouldn't tell anyone about his dating situation, and like the frikkin amazing person she is, she agreed.
even though he slipped up that time, he couldn't stop himself from heading back to the café and meeting up with his partner as often as possible
in the end, the risk was clearly worth it
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looking-for-a-sword · 10 months
I'm sorry but we need to talk about Dutch boat guy..
because I still don't understand how people are fine with this storyline. Not even for romance's sake.
I know the whole thing with him and Rebecca was written (last minute) to have her in a different state of mind. I know she needed some time away from everyone and everything. I get that.
But I can't stop being offended on Rebecca's behalf, because I don't know any woman in her right mind, who would act like that. We're not speaking of a "first date went great, now let's hook up"-kind of situation, because they barely talked before she got on board. He could have offered her a blanket instead and help her get a cab so she can go back to her hotel room and change. Now THAT would have been a nice and cute gesture.
But NOPE the writers wanted her to have a shower on this random guy's boat, who she knows like full five minutes and who is insistent that she drinks his weird tea that's "definitely not drugged", kisses her foot and (for me at least) gives clear stranger danger vibes. And I'm not even taking into account that last line he muttered to himself, which was confusing and creepy af. She couldn't even call for help if she wanted to because she lost her phone!
I don't know how this could happen... I'm SURE they didn't want to convey this but they (inadvertently or not) did.
If they wanted her to spend the night talking with this guy, they could have let her drop her phone into the canal. She wouldn't find her way back, boat guy could be a café guy who offers her a warm drink - they have a connection whatever - she stays at his café and then he walks her back to the hotel after closing. Just.. let it happen in public and make it make sense!
but oh no this means she wouldn't see his daughters room and wouldn't be able to see the connection to Trish's predictions! oh NOW you're worried about predictions and hints - what about the fucking green matchbook
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mlink64 · 1 year
Their favorite place to kiss you
-The crook of the neck
-He loves the fact that your smell is so prominent on your neck (sounds kinda creepy but, I digress), it’s just very comforting to him
-Will come up and backhug you while you’re cooking or doing the dishes and kiss all over your neck to try and distract you
-This is also 100% how he wakes you up most mornings
-He’ll push your hair back and trail small, sweet kisses up your neck
- “Goodmorning jagi” he’ll whisper once he’s kissed his way up to your ear
-He’s not really phased by kissing you around the other members but he feels like your lovey-dovey neck kisses are more of a romantic, private thing for when the two of you are alone
-As a compromise, he’ll give you itty bitty pecks on the lips 
-Or he’ll kiss the top of your head and discretely smell your hair 
-Again, it sounds kinda creepy but I just feel like he would find your personal scent incredibly attractive and comforting
-When he’s having a tough time all he wants to do is nuzzle into you and surround himself with your scent because it calms him down 
-This is also his go-to when you’re feeling frustrated or upset
-He’ll cup your neck/face and brush his fingers over your pulse points while placing a soft kiss on the top of your head or forehead
-The top of your head cuz he tall
-He’ll do this a lot when you’re waiting in line anywhere
-One of his favorite things is to be back hugging you while waiting in a line and placing a soft kiss on the top of your head
-He doesn’t feel that it’s too much PDA-wise, finding it more innocent and chaste
-He doesn’t really do it for your smell like Jun but more so that it plays into his protective instincts, showing that he’s always there for you no matter what
-It says “I’m right here with you and I love you” 
-(not only to you but also to the people around you) 
-Sometimes when he kisses the top of your head you lean back/up to smile at him and place a tiny kiss on his jaw/the bottom of his chin
-If you’re looking to get him all shy and flustered this is a great option
-He’ll blush bright red and hide his face in your hair
-In my head, you also love to kiss his dimples because they’re so damn cute
-(who wouldn’t tbh)
-Then he would kiss your cheeks back ofc 
-He will always insist on kissing both of your cheeks 
- “So the other cheek doesn’t feel left out” 
-Like, all the way up and down your jaw 
-Not in a sexual way but rather playful pecks
-But if he’s in the mood he can definitely make it more sexual 
-He gives zero fucks about PDA, plus he’s energetic af so most of the time he can’t help but touch/kiss/snuggle you, regardless of where you two are
-Literally, this boy is a sweet puppy dog who loves you so so much
-Even around the other members, he dgaf 
-They’ll always roll their eyes and tease the two of you, having gotten used to Gyu’s loving and spirited antics
- (TBH they also don’t care too much because they’re grateful that you are always there to keep a smile on Beomgyu’s face, even if they know he’s been in his head too much) 
-He also likes to kiss in random places too, always determined to find the weirdest spot
-Think eyebrow, chin, elbow, knee, calves, waist, etc. 
-Since the boy is hella romantic tho I can also see him loving the cute, cliche/romantic kisses like your shoulders or the back of the neck 
-These are generally reserved for when you’re in private tho
-If he’s tired or upset he’ll curl into you and place little pecks there
-If he’s the big spoon, he’ll place a gentle kiss at the base of your neck without fail
-Hands and wrists
-He just finds your hands and wrists so cute and small
-He loves that he can circle your wrist with one hand
-Your wrist is just one of those weird places that he perceives as very intimate because he can feel your pulse when he brushes across it with his thumb
-He just freaking loves your hands okay!
-If you’re are holding hands, he will often bring your hand up and kiss it
-But only if no one is looking because it makes him all soft and bashful 
-It seems really dramatic but like, I feel like he would get flustered trying to express his love for you verbally, so he uses physical affection instead
-Also, related but also unrelated? Pinky promises!
-You two will make pinky promises like, hook the pinky, kiss your thumb, press thumbs together
-He will NEVER do this in front of the other members tho because he knows that he’ll never hear the end of it and get flustered all over again
-Sometimes when one of you is leaving, he’ll circle your wrist and pull you back towards him before placing a gentle kiss on your palm or the back of your hand
-Immediately sending a warm shiver up your spine, especially if he’s looking into your eyes
-If he has to get up and leave before you he’ll always whisper your name just enough for you to half wake-up and grab onto his hand so he can press a kiss to it before he leaves
-He just thinks it’s really cute tbh
-Since he’s also hecking tall it just feels natural
-He’s used to being babied so when he gets to baby you it’s just so loving and fluffy 
-Okay…but…forehead -> nose -> lips 
-When he leaves for early schedules he whispers a sweet ‘I love you’ in your ear before pressing a kiss to your temple
-Since he’s very affectionate anyways, whenever he’s sitting with you he always tries to sneak in a little kiss on the forehead or temple
-He also loves to kiss the tip of your nose because you’ll scrunch it up which he thinks is one of the absolute cutest things on the planet because your nose is so cute and smol 
-Even though he’s affectionate, he gets a little shy when the two of you are with his hyungs because he knows that they’re going to tease him (and probably you too tbh)
-So even though he just wants to snuggle you and pepper kisses all over your face he holds back, feeling like a chaste forehead kiss is a good compromise 
-But when you’re alone I feel like he would be the kissiest human imaginable 
-He just finds the feeling of your warm skin against his lips very intimate and comfortable
-Plus, like Beomgyu, he’s almost always touching you in some way because that’s one of his favorite ways to show affection
-It says “Hello, I’m here and you’re here and I love you” 
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Random Hashira Post #2
Was listening to a horror YouTube channel so let’s do more headcanons of the Hashira! This time, it’s headcanons when playing horror games!
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The Hashira
- Obanai’s back is the single wall from safety and complete utter horror
- They(being everybody except Muichiro and Giyuu) all are scampering to leave the room by the end as a very frustrated Obanai is trying to exit the game
- About 80% of the Hashira are scared out of their minds of horror games in all honesty. So, the horror game night never ends right
- “Oh my fucking god, this is not even creepy, this is the worst—“ “Iguro, turn it off!” “This is so unfair! All those poor defenceless animals! How dare that monster hurt them!” “Namu Amida Butsu…” “Obanai, please! Turn it off! Turn it off! It’s so scary!” “Why is everybody so attached to this? None of it is real” “Let’s play another, Iguro! I got a great idea!” “Bring it on, demon! Your ugly ass face isn’t shit!”
Kyojuro Rengoku
- Has the gut to address and wave at the creepy characters though, he is very nervous. The tension is evident in his voice
- He is able to handle horror a bit better then most of his fellow Hashira but eventually, he needs to turn away and rub his eyes to shake off the picture stamped into his head
- Kyojuro compliments the artwork of the game and praises the game’s creator at the end as he believes all small creators deserve to have their work appreciated, even if the said work scared him out of his mind
- Wants to play the game but he feels immense guilt over leading the cute characters to their deaths and loses his shit over fourth-wall breaking. He must only watch or you’ll risk a really upset Kyojuro reluctantly playing
Tengen Uzui
- Calls whatever Hashira(mainly the dudes) a pussy for looking away but screams outloud at the scares he wasn’t suspecting. Hypocrite much
- Horror games don’t phase Tengen, he proclaims but he is on edge and clutching his chair halfway through the game. He denies his fear by pretending he was cold/hungry/other
- Jealous AF of Obanai’s fearlessness and tries to one-up him, just to fail and bolt out of his skin from the sudden creepy still-frame
- These horror games are so unflashy, Tengen hisses under his breath in salt as he has to blink several times to get that one creepy-ass scene out of his head but it doesn’t go away
- He may or may not gain a temporary but horrible fear of the dark after this event and require his wives to accompany him everywhere
Mitsuri Kanroji
- T E R R I F I E D
- Screams at every little noise the game makes and is constantly hiding her face in Obanai’s lap on the verge of tears. She can’t handle watching nor hearing horror games
- Mitsuri is actually shaking, help her
- Has nightmares of the creepy characters she sees for weeks on end and honestly, she calls Obanai in the middle of the night crying and begging for him to sleep with her
- She wants to be brave for her friends and watch the gameplay with them but she can’t take it. So, she is the first Hashira to admit defeat and hide away
- Mitsuri is that one friend that complains and whines about how the game shouldn’t be scary and why it couldn’t be a non-scary game
Gyomei Himejima
- Even though, he can’t see the terrifying characters. He still flinches at the intense noises, the loud screams, the responses of his friends
- He can literally sense the terror of his fellow Hashira so he feels as scared as them and wishes to coax them to calm them down
- Like Kyojuro, he feels very strongly for the characters supposedly getting killed in the horrific world and asks Obanai to shut the game down to save the poor characters
- He is usually just kinda there for emotional support most of the time(being helping to calm down the horrified Mitsuri) but still responds in fear to the scares as well. The screamers rock his world everytime
- The screams do get to him and he thinks about them at night afterwards sometimes. Even if they weren’t real, the sound of pained screaming hurts him
Muichiro Tokito
- Is always spaced out so horror and the sights of horror games just fly over his head. That doesn’t mean he didn’t find the characters creepy, it just doesn’t bother him as much as it bothers his fellow Hashira
- Why do the little animals have to get mangled like that? Muichiro is more curious over the details and the few Easter eggs of the horror game then the actual game itself
- Can be insensitive to the other Hashira’s fear since his own fear is very minuscule, it almost never shows up as he asks why they can’t handle the gameplay
- Weirdly takes a bit too long to jump at the scares as if his brain is skipping over like a buffering screen
Obanai Iguro
- Bow down. Obanai is the literal king of horror
- He is the only Hashira that doesn’t have a single ounce of fear on horror game night so he’s always the one playing. Even Gyomei flinches but Obanai doesn’t
- No jumpscare nor fourth-wall breaking nor creepy character/picture can scare him as he just makes sarcastic remarks, much to the dismay of his fellow Hashira
- He honestly got ALL the fear one could possibly experience out during his childhood so nothing can scare him now
- Finds horror games amusing more than anything yet, he’ll stop playing to help Mitsuri get through jumpscare aftershock
- Obanai fucking LAUGHS at the horror games. He also makes a lot of snarky remarks and sometimes gets frustrated at how long the game stretches out it’s scare.
- By the end of the game, everybody is cowering under the table or behind Obanai. He is use to playing the game by himself
- Tengen is still trying to scare him with other horror game suggestions, it’s not working
Shinobu Kocho
- God, she straight-up hates horror games and can’t stand them. Not because their so scary but because their too loud!
- But yes, she also hates how creepy the drawings of the characters are and shields her eyes when she deems necessary
- Ew, all the blood gross her out but the sight of dead bodies shakes her to her core that she clings to the closest Hashira to her(that is usually Mitsuri)
- Hides behind Obanai when the game shifts to horror in a instant and eventually yells at him to get out of the game for the creepy still-frame that takes minutes too long to change over
Giyuu Tomioka
- He could give less of a fuck so he isn’t really watching the gameplay. He is just kinda there
- But when he is forced to, he just shrugs off the scares and/or the creepy pieces. Yeah, they made him jump and struck a cord but he doesn’t respond like his fellow Hashira do
- The Hashira believe Giyuu is like Obanai, that he doesn’t find the games scary but he does. He just won’t admit it, as he sees no need to harp on being scared of fake animated things
- Giyuu plays for Obanai when he has a quick nicknack to do and makes zero comments, other than confusion towards the dead creatures or annoyance over the bad controls
- Why do people always change cute harmless characters creepy? Giyuu doesn’t like that part when it comes to horror games. Like, what did Kirby do to deserve this treatment? He feels a sense of justice for the fake horror variations of fake characters
Sanemi Shinazugawa
- Horror games can kiss his ass, Sanemi likes to believe he isn’t afraid of horror games at all and for most of them, he isn’t
- Very specific ones gets under his skin and create goosebumps. They are usually ones that deal with real-life heavy subjects(such as Among the Sleep)
- Sanemi’s taste in horror is a clearly a bit more precise. He won’t bat a eye at the typical Exe./demon games but anything in the real-life problem category, haunts him at night
- Finds horror games a bit stereotypical and can predict what will happen. He eventually gets bored with how Exe./demon games are basically the same
- Looks out for new Horror games to watch Obanai play for the Hashira as he is interested to see what else is out there. He challenges himself with horror, he wants to know his limit
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galvanizedfriend · 2 months
surprising absolutely no one, second ask of the day!!
this isn't really a question tho, I just wanted to let you know that since I've read Speed Dating, it has been stuck in my mind 24/7.
I'm not kidding when I tell you that I think about it at least once a day (I'm sorry if I sound like a fanatic but I mean it in the best way possible).
it was/is such an easygoing three-shot, but yet it really left me the feeling of having watched a five seasons show! it's like you managed to perfectly compact a long rom-com series in just three chapters and 23k words! idk maybe I'm overreacting but I really want you to know how much of a great job you did, that fic bring me so much comfort I can't even explain it 😭😭
ALSO, I have a feeling there will be a CaroMille moment, and THAT will be the final wake-up call for Caroline. Probably Camille just getting dumped from Klaus and Care runs into her, telling her that she's sorry for them, and Camille would just shrug and be like "I had zero chance against you". So Caroline would look at quizzically because she's a girl's girl and she DOES NOT go after "taken" man, so she would ask Cami what she meant and Cami would look at her with arched eyebrows and say something like "don't tell me you haven't noticed he's in love with you?" AND THEN BAM. (yes, I know, it's creepy and weird that I thought this through a lot, but in my excuse, I had to do something during math class other than sleeping)
This is just the loveliest of messages, omg 🥹🥹
I tend to get messages about The Wolf a lot, and I obviously love all of them (all of your messages about TW and your Eve hadcanons as well!), but it warms my heart so much to know people are reading and enjoying my other fics as well. 🤧
Speed Dating was such an accidental fic, it was never meant to be any longer than that first chapter, but years later I had this crazy friends to lovers phase and I knew I had to keep going with that one.🥹 I love rom coms sm! it's so, so, so nice to know you enjoyed that one so much. ❤️❤️❤️
It's also a good reminder that I need to get back to it. 🥲 I'm so close to the finish line you wouldn't believe, but I have been living in canon-ish universe between TW and NOLA that it's sometimes hard to switch back to human AU. But I gotta do it, I need to finish that.
And honestly, that's not a bad idea at all 😂 Caroline really is a girl's girl. She can call them bitches and be mean AF whilst still standing up for the collective cause. It's not what's going to happen, but I really like the idea.
I had to go back and see where I left off on chapter 3 and I just realized that I posted way less than I thought I had. 😂 Wow, you guys don't know the half of it.
Seriously, thank you v much for this message. ❤️ I've been having a bit of a rough time and this week in particular was not easy, so this has been the nicest lil thing to read. ❤️ It's very kind and very sweet of you and I appreciate you sm! muah!
Here, have a cute Klausy gif as a token of my appreciation
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
The Babysitter
The Media Nanny Mcphee
Character Simon Brown (Age up)
Couple Simon X Reader
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Warning: Semi non-consent / aged up smut /
I rolled my eyes and sighed, as I stood at the top of the stairs my father was going out with Evangeline for the evening meaning we needed a babysitter. I utterly protested the idea but he was insistent, After all this time he still doesn't trust me! Then again I suppose my childhood of chasing away nannies this is my pay for it, nineteen and still having a bloody babysitter. Then again there are a lot of kids in this house and I'll just wanna stay in the bedroom so... maybe it's not all that bad an Idea, even if I'm not happy about it. 
My father and Evangeline came out from wishing everyone goodbye in the playroom and were faced with me, 
"Simon stop pouting," he said, 
"I'm not pouting."
The door knocked and he rolled his eyes, "Be nice." He said going to answer it, 
I stuck my tongue out but I admit... I was taken aback by what stepped through the door. Most of our babysitters had been older women from town but...
She was young with a bun of sweet hair and a long blue dress she... she's beautiful. But I stiffened myself.
They gave her some basic info and they headed off shutting the door leaving her and I alone. 
"Good Afternoon Master Brown." She cooed, 
"Uhhh After- Afternoon." I nodded, "And you are?"
"Y/n. The Babysitter."
"Ahh." I glared, 
"I hope you don't mind you seem a little old for a babysitter?" She giggled, 
"Yeah, I'm nineteen."
"Aww a year younger then me," she giggled, "seems a little odd."
"I have uhhh I have a lot of siblings,"
"Ohh I see, I take it you're the big eldest boy."
"I am the oldest. yeah." I snapped not exactly thrilled she was talking to me like I was a child. 
"Very well I'll stay out of your way then Master Brown" she curtsied before heading into the house, 
I rolled my eyes and followed her at a distance making sure to keep an eye on her as she looked after my siblings even if I admit looking at her in that cute little blue dress was making me a little crazy, especially if she bent over revealing her black boots and stockings below, she was now in the kitchen preparing dinner I did feel kinda selfish not helping her but still I couldn't help but watch.
I noticed my little half-sister, one of Evangeline's daughters scamper in, little Lisa came in and looked at the dinner being prepared before grabbing the skirt of 
"aww hello there, how can I help you? yes it's a lovely dress isn't it, you're welcome to feel if you'd like,"
And of course, Lisa was happy to do so playing with Y/n's dress excitedly and giggling away, Y/n didn't bother to pay her that much attention and it was... such a strangely arousing thing to watch as Lisa in her innocence was fluttering and flapping y/n's dress trying to flip it and getting frustrated that she couldn't make it do the things she wanted it to do, it was completely innocent just a young girl playing with a woman's skirt nothing sexual of course given Lisa is four and has no idea what she's doing and y/n doens't know I can... uhhh see... what's happening and the mere flashes of her stockings was enough to send me up the wall. But the play had become tugging and pulling and flicking and flapping, trying to see what was under the skirt in her sweet innocent curiosity oblivious to her antics and the effect they had on me, I watched for a creepy amount of time as one flick made the fabric flick up and for a moment reveal the top of her stockings around her thighs and a flash however brief of white cotton panties... 
I gulped as I tried to savour such a view for a mere second before the dress fluttered back down. 
"Go on go get your brothers and sisters," Y/n told Lisa as she finished making dinner, Lisa nodded and scampered away happily to tell everyone and it was then I was caught looking. "Can I help you master brown?" 
I jumped at the thought she may have known I was there but given her glance, she only just saw me, I sighed in relief to think she didn't know I saw everything, "I was just... I was just, err, checking to see that you were alright - you're a pretty woman you must get all the attention, I hope my siblings aren't annoying you?"
"of course not there all lovely" she Smiled "Dinner, is ready if you'd like to join us? if you're not too big and grumpy up in the bedroom?"  
"No I uhh I'm happy to," I nodded, even if I was a little annoyed at her once again talking to me like I was a child,
I took my seat as everyone headed in and began to eat, the food was nice and she did keep everyone settled fairly well and once again after dinner, everyone scurried off outside to play. 
"I guess you're pretty good at this babysitting thing, I thought you'd have given up by now."
"why your all such Angels" she Smiled picking up Lisa and helping her down from her chair to run off too, 
As she bends over to set Lisa on the floor I can't help but look and think of what I saw, I wanted so so badly to see them again. 
"yes?" She asked "Something the matter Simon? You're as red as a strawberry?"
"No, no, no nothing really I was just... I... I'm okay. Just... I-I was just watching you... you're a great babysitter is all, and you're so patient."
"Well thank you very much," she cooed, before she headed out to the garden to keep an eye on them, I followed her of course and stood with her a moment, "aren't you going to play Simon?" She asked and for a moment I glared as, "Sorry," she giggled, 
"no, I'd rather watch you. You're such a good babysitter you know, it's fascinating."
"Thank you," She smiled "But you're never too big to play you know" She smiled, "It's fine your just coming to the end of your I need to be cool phase?"
"I guess..."
"I went through a too-cool phase too"
"It's a weird time, especially with so many kids around I wanna be an adult but... also feel like, I'm not too cool, you know, I'm still young - I'm still a kid. It's just, we have our own thing going on back there and I... I was fine just watching you."
"Alright," she smiled,
For a moment there was this... quiet between us a gentle acceptance I suppose, but she soon broke it.
 "I know you were looking"
I blushed like crazy, embarrassed, humiliated but I had to speak, "Oh-oh, uhm, yeah... I-I couldn't help it. You're an attractive woman and I couldn't help but notice. Sorry."
"you're not in trouble." she giggled, "It's fine Simon, Perfectly natural for boys your age Girls are a big thing for you,"
"I guess... kinda hard to meet any given I'm struck here all the time with them," I said I had to admit it, it was true I rarely see girls my own age or anywhere near it, I rarely see anyone but my great aunt and my siblings, and she is so beautiful, so cute and sweet, 
“you share a room I notice with your siblings?"
I nod my head, still feeling overwhelmed and blush a little bit but I don't want to make it awkward, so I just keep my head lowered. "Y-Yeah, we all sleep in the same room."
"awww poor thing" she cooed "Why not ask your father for your own space? he surely can't expect you to be happy bunking in the same room as your baby sister at your age"
"Yeah, yeah I'd like my own space,"
"I'm sure of it, and I have to admit that attic with that nice round window does look nice and spacious, it might be a little dusty and need some TLC but a good space for the eldest brother to make his own" she smiled "plenty of space and privacy too... Grow up"
"It would be like my own private sanctuary, you know, my own corner of the world. I think I'd love it." I smiled, "I've always been really mature for my age. but I would give anything for my own space to... grow up." 
"Promise me, no matter the... Raging hormones and rebellious madness, don't forget to still be a kid, you might be mature for your age I was too but trust me one day soon... you'll suddenly realise all you ever really wanted want to be a kid." she explained and even if she had only lived one more year then me I felt the weight in her words more so then any other person, I felt like I truly believed her for once, "but you can always have fun as an adult it's not the be all and end all, you can be childish any age and mature any age, what matters is experiences and having fun"
"Thank you, I will" I nodded, unable to stop looking at her,
"I take it girls are a big focus for you right now or am I just lucky?"
"um... yes... I mean, yeah, girls have been catching my attention lately. and uhhh you are also lucky I uhh don't get to see many girls- Women sorry."
"It's alright, I went boy crazy when I was a little younger than you," 
Just the thought of her being boy-crazy gives me butterflies in my stomach, "Yeah I guess getting to the end of the cool phase far more into the girl crazy, I guess maybe I'll level out when I'm a bit older."
"Perhaps you can peak up ladies' skirts" she laughed "when you're older"
"something wrong?"
"Um, no, nothing's wrong. I'm just... thinking, that's all."
"I'm just thinking about... uh..."
"your thinking about my skirt aren't you?"
"Okay, yes I am. Do you... do you mind?"
"not at all."
I froze up at the idea she didn't mind me thinking of her skirt! Ohh god I wanna do so so much more then think about her skirt 
"I uhhhhh i ughhh I umnmmmmm yes y/n?"
"It's fine, you can look we're both adults here."She giggled and plaid with her own dress skirt a little
I'm not sure why the way she's playing with her is so distracting and hot... but it is. I can't seem to look away from the way the skirt is rising. The more she plays with it, the more I can't see myself looking away. her hips and legs are too distracting. I blushed so intensely because despite telling myself to look away, I just can't. I should look away, but I'm enjoying the view way too much. The more I stare, the hotter and more intense it is for me. her legs are so incredible, she is simply out of this world. I can't believe she's letting me keep peeking! she knows I'm standing here, she knows I'm looking! but... it almost feels like she wants me to look... 
Maybe I should play with her skirt. I can't possibly miss this chance, it might not ever come by again. I guess it wouldn't hurt to just.. play with her skirt. It would be fun and a little cheeky right...? Without really thinking too much, I slowly moved my hand onto her dress's skirt and moved myself to stand behind her she had yet to protest or even turn to look at me so I quickly slipped my hand up underneath her skirt. I can't even think straight right now but I'm enjoying this way too much. the soft skin of her thighs, her sweet stockings, her slinky dress, her warm skin, her lavender perfume, I can tell that this is wrong and I probably shouldn't be doing this... But I can't think too much when I'm so hot and distracted by her body. Playing with her skirt is so naughty, and I love being naughty... I'm gonna play with it.
I slide my hand up a little bit further, not all the way up but far enough that my hand is just below the top of her thigh feeling the soft warm skin. I'm really getting close now, a little bit closer and my hand could accidentally slide higher with a few more inches. I wonder how far I can really take this before she tells me to stop... I'm at the point where if I move my hand a tad higher, then my fingers will be resting on the hem of her panties. This is probably a little too naughty, maybe I should stop. But I'm enjoying this a little too much. she seem to be letting me do this as well, so I guess I can't get in trouble for it... can I?
The thought of moving my fingers a little bit higher has me tempted. It would be extremely naughty, and I'll definitely be taking a huge risk... But the thought of doing it is so alluring and tempting at the same time. I need to make a quick decision, because if I hesitate too long, then my hand will move on its own... And I don't want that to happen. I should just do it
I slipped my hand up to meet the soft white cotton of her cute little panties they were so smooth and soft I fondled her ass through them with my hand for a few seconds already feeling like I'm drooling all over her shoulder just at getting to touch her! I don't know how much more she'll let me do but I am not stopping! I don't think magic or madness could stop me now!
I kept fondling and groping her ass for a good while but I knew what I wanted I decided to move my hand to a naughty spot. I moved my hand down between her legs and stroked her sweet pussy through her panties I found her clit and began to stroke it softly The way I'm moving it is not so much a playful touch anymore, but a very naughty touch. It's making my heart beat so fast, but it's such a thrill to do it. I can't believe I'm doing this to her, but I'm getting such a rush from this.
The moment my fingers grazed her, "uhh! Simon!" She squealed slightly but not enough to alert anyone,
Hearing her squeal slightly takes me by surprise, but the sound of her moaning and squealing in enjoyment is so hot. I'm already blushing so intensely, and with that sound, in my ears, the rush is getting even stronger now. She has no idea the things I want to do with her right now but these things flooded my mind, of ripping her panties and fingering her like a creature possessed, of bending her over and having my way with her, of throwing her over my shoulder taking her up to my bed in the bedroom and... ohh god the things I'd do to her, but I didn't want to waste a moment of this, I don't want to stop and I want to keep going, especially after that little squeal she made. I don't know what's getting into me, but touching her like this is making me feel really hot my erection had fully jumped to attention in my pants and was throbbing at the sound of her gasps, 
"uhh Simon..." She moaned "this isn't an appropriate way to touch your babysitter -"
"Ummmm I know, I know, I know," I told her kissing her cheek, "Tell me to stop. Please... Please... Tell me to stop before I do something bad..."
"Are you going to if I don't tell you to stop?"
"I think so... make me stop, beg me to stop, tell me to stop, I... I want to do this.... so so fucking bad." 
she only moaned again her moan is absolutely enchanting, so much so that I start to feel incredibly hot and passionate. I can't believe she's letting me continue doing this, but I'm enjoying it so much. I really am. The thrill and rush is making me feel so naughty and excited. The more her moan keeps filling my ears, the more I enjoy playing with her.
I think I'm going to continue this, and maybe even go further.
My fingers keep touching her very sensitive spot her sweet little clit. I'm blushing and giggling softly as she continues moaning. The rush of this is incredible, I've never felt this good before. And the sounds of her getting more and more aroused and excited is like music to my ears, it makes all my senses more vibrant.
My fingers caress her clit gently, making it more and more enjoyable. I'm playing with her and teasing her like this. I'm enjoying it so much. I'm enjoying it a little too much, actually. My own heart is pounding so fast and my cock throbbing in my pants, I can hardly focus. The way her body moves and reacts to my touch is just too hot. It's impossible to stop at this point, I just can't resist anymore...
"uhhhh! Simon, I'll-"
her moaning fills my ears and makes me so excited. I feel so tempted to touch her more, the feel of your body and how it moves and reacts to my touch is just too much. The sounds of her moaning my name only make me more curious to touch her  like this, she isn't stopping me so I'm gonna keep going, 
At this point, my fingers began rubbing on her clit hard and mercilessly through her cotton panties, The touch against her body is making her moan even more now, and the way her body reacts to me playing with her in such a naughty way is just too much. she seems to be enjoying this a little too much, which only makes this even more appealing. I'm going to keep playing unless she really stops me, and even then I'm not sure I'd be able too 
"Simon- Simon- ughh!"
The sound of her getting closer and making these noises is driving me crazy. I'm blushing so hard, my fingers are rubbing and caressing her so much they were tried but I didn't bear to stop. It's making my blood boil all over my body and all I see now is her in front of me, I'm enjoying this so much. her body looks so beautiful and I can't really think about anything else right now. she is making me so hot and I can't make myself stop this.
She suddenly clamped a hand on her skirt and on his hand holding my hand tightly the other on her mouth as she concealed her squeal, immediately her body tensed up and the wetness that had been gathering in her panties as I touched her began running like a river down her legs 
"Simon!" She protested
My heart stopped when she grabbed my hand. her tight grasp on my hand and watching it all running down her legs made my mind shut down completely. I could barely think straight anymore and I was completely at a loss for words. I thought I was gonna faint! Or cum! Or both i don't even know what I was gonna do! 
I just had to get a grip on myself!
Or don't get a grip on myself if I don't wanna make a mess all over her dress... but ... also... i kinda wanna... 
The feeling of the wetness running down her legs was unexpected but something about it also aroused me immensely. It was hot, really hot. The grip she had on my hand was so tight but it's like I didn't want to move my hand either. I know what she did... what I... made her do, but I just want to have a bit more time playing with her. She make me feel so seductive, so intoxicated.
 she's like a forbidden fruit, and I just want to have a lil' more taste.
the way her body reacted to me touching her makes me acknowledge that I definitely am not the only one enjoying this... The wettness running down your legs is making me feel hot and giddy at the thought I had her do such a thing. I wanna do more than just touch, I wanna explore... I wanna slide my hand down there and explore her entire body.
My hand is still firmly clamped down by her, and I have to figure out my next move. I don't think I can go any further than this. Unless she'll let me. I feel like she may be open to playing a little more. she seemed so spirited earlier, and her body is still trembling showing she enjoyed my touch and I bet she wants more...
I bet she's clamping my hand to her pretty pussy to make sure not to let me move my hand. 
Maybe this is her way of stopping me moving away? Or maybe you just want more time to let the adrenaline settle? 
she still trembling from her orgasm and I'm still trembling from the rush, and I still feel like playing a little bit more. It's such a hot moment, one that I don't want to take for granted. I must not let this moment pass and I need to keep exploring her body...
after a minute or two She let go of my hand moving her own back from her mouth gasping hard,
Immediately My fingers go back to caressing that sensitive little clit again,
She gasped was loud, and I hope nobody can hear this. My cheeks are still blazing red, and I'm breathing pretty heavily myself. her body feels so hot and shs shaking so much, but I must not stop playing with her just yet...
"no! No! No! Simon!" She gasped almost squealing,
her voice and the way she breathed that last one sounded a lot like a moan, and the more this moment persists the hotter it keeps getting. 
she says no but you're not stopping me that easily babydoll? Do you really mean no or are you teasing me now..? 
My fingers are still caressing her lit, I'm enjoying this too much to stop...
her breath gets faster and I can hear her getting more and more aroused. her body keeps trembling and I can hear her making little noises to keep it all inside. I'm enjoying this way too much, I really am... Even if we're going to get caught, it would be completely worth it. I'm going to keep caressing that body of hers, I could keep playing with her like this all day if she really let me...
"Simon stop!" She begged,
"Mmm... Why? You're not stopping me now are you?" Your voice is barely a whisper now and she's begging. "Ummm! I told you to stop me before I did something naughty babydoll" I growled in her ear, "You should have stopped me when you had the chance.."
Your words sound so hot, so provocative. And the more you beg the hotter and more passionate this whole moment makes me feel. I'm not gonna stop, not yet at least. Not unless I'm forced too...
"ohh... ughhhh! Simon... you... You have no clue what you've done do you?" She gasped,
"Humm babydoll? What have I done?" I growled, "We both know what I made you do babydoll... and I'm gonna keep playing with my little doll until I'm finished with her," 
"Simon please your father could-"
"He could come home your right, he could see us." I smirked, "Or any of them, humm what would my father say his trusted babysitter was found with my hand up her skirt, dripping her squirt down her legs having just orgasmed while she was meant to be taking care of the children?" 
"Simon stop please- I" she begged, 
 her words are so hot and so arousing, it's hard to think straight.
How can I think about anything else when it feels like her body is burning hot with arousal? I can't believe the way this has escalated, but oh god I don't regret a minute of it. her body is still trembling and her voice keeps getting more and more flustered. I can't stop, I refuse to stop playing with her.
"no! Simon, you have to stop please!" She begged
"Mmmm... Don't worry, I will stop. when I'm done." I growled, "Ummm just let me touch you babydoll,"
"Suimon please..." she begged,
her begging just makes it more tempting, and honestly, I don't really care that we're on the verge of being caught.... It kinda makes it even hotter that way.
I'll keep playing with her as long as I could, until she can't take it anymore. I'm in complete control of her body and she is in complete control of me. The thrill is amazing. all I want is her, all she needs is me, I want to throw her on the grass and fucking take her! I grab her panties and push them aside slipping my fingers inside her as I rubbed her overstimulated clit, 
"no! No more!" She whines
"Just for a little bit? I promise you'll love it, it'll be good for both of us..."
"No please" she whined,
"come on babydoll, come on, little more for me," I groaned fingering her so hard her wetness was flooding down my hand her whole body shaking and squealing as quietly as she could her only suppose to even stand is me and I'm the one torturing her giving her no escape from this feeling inside her, and she hit her second orgasm screaming below her hand as she clamped it back over her mouth her body almost falling against me as wetness flooded out of her and her whole body tensed and suddenly related, "Ummmm you feel so good when you do that," I muttered slowly down to let her ride it out and as soon as she could breathe again I smirked and began to finger her again moving them as hard as what got her to her orgasm but she forced my hand away and turned to me holding her hand between her thighs as she struggled to even stand,
"no!" She demanded, "No more."
"Just one more for me babydoll."
"I said no." She snapped grabbing my hand and tugging me inside with her, 
The moment they where in the kitchen she whispered but with her face red and her hands clamped between her legs "oh my god - oh my god- oh my god- Simon!"
"ummmm I know, it was so so good-"
"It was not!"
"wasn't it? we both can see what you did y/n."
she's completely red in the face and she still has her hands clamped between her legs. she's 
Ummm just watching her like this in the aftermath of two orgasms it's so hot and arousing, she's almost moaning as she tries to speak 
her body is moving and trembling so much and it's making it so much more difficult to keep my head straight I just wanna get my hands back up that dresses skirt,  she still biting back her moans which just makes it so much more arousing. My entire body is shaking as well now, the heat from this little moment is getting my body hotter and hotter.
"Simon we- We-"
"I know what we did babydoll... now... uummmm let me back at you-" I groaned trying to grab her but she pushed me back, 
she kept saying she wanted me to stop playing but her body looked so desperate, so needy like she needs me so badly to keep going. all her begs are doing is making me want to play more and more with her I try again to get at her but 
"Simon I said stop!" She demanded forcing his hands away
My mind is almost shutting down from this but I don't want to let go just yet.
my body is craving for more play, even if you want me to stop. I'm not going to let anyone or anything get in my way of playing with you babydoll
"Don't stop... I said do NOT stop!" I demanded, "Please just let me play more. Your body wants it too right? You know it does... Your body is dying for it. It makes it so much easier if you don't keep fighting me..." I growled kissing all over her face trying to tug her dress up as I pinned her waist to the table, 
My hands run up to the hem of her dress and I can't help myself, I lift it up completely exposing her thigh her stockings and her little soaked white panties still put to the side to make room for my fingers, she turns bright red humiliated and embarrassed at having herself exposed like this, I don't even hesitate I grabbed her waist with one hand and set my other to thrust two fingers inside her and rub her clit as hard as I can, The sensation of my hand coming into contact with her skin is intoxicating. 
"Simon! No!" She ordered, "Simon!" She screamed, "stop it! Now! Immediately you stop this right now! Or I'll tell your father!" She begged, "ahhhhh! Simon!"
"One more of your orders and you think I'll stop?"
I'm in total control of this moment right now and I will play with her as long as I can. I can barely breathe right now and I feel like I'm going to pass out from such excitement, her orders don't stop me one little bit, I'm not going to stop until I feel like stopping. Even if that means me keeping my hands on her skirt, I'll find a way to play with her. 
I know You can't resist me, and you can't stop me either babydoll, 
"If you wanted me to stop you should have stopped me when you had the chance. Now my little doll let me play with you until I'm tried of you." I demanded, 
"uhh Simon" she muttered
her response only drives me even wilder, at the moan of her giving in, her submitting, I admit.... The thrill and excitement of what I'm doing gets me so agitated that I want more and more. The idea I've already made my babysitter cum twice and I'm gonna force another out of her was more then anything I could imagine, 
"uhhh Simon!" She moans
her moans It makes it so much more intoxicating for me. "Ughhhhh fuck! Babydoll.." I muttered kissing her neck, "Uhhh your moans are gonna make me cum my little doll," I smirked rubbing on her thigh the sight was enough to thrill me but I need a little friction to get myself there even if I'm pretty sure I don't need much, 
"uhh Simon please -"
We both seem totally lost in our own little world as our exploration brings us a lot of pleasure. I feel my mind start to drift off as everything seems so euphoric, I know I'm close too and god damn do I just wanna take my pants off and fucking ruin her! 
She begins to shake her hands gripping the table her head thrown back which only made my hips go faster and faster, 
The sight of her now is driving me insane, her body is shaking and she's obviously letting go of everything but the pleasure my hand can give her, The sound of her heavy breathing in my ear makes it feel like my senses are shutting down, all I can feel and hear is her. It was like the whole world was coming together to give her as much pleasure as possible.
 I'm only now admitting just how much power I have over both of our bodies...
"Simon Simon please im-"
Hearing your voice calling my name makes my body suddenly seize a little. "Ummmm I know babydoll, I know, I am too. just... just let me keep going, just let me feel you-"
"ohh Simon! Your gonna make me- ughhh! Simon, please don't stop don't stop please"
When I hear her voice beg me not to stop it sends a sudden shiver throughout my body. 
"I won't stop, I'm never gonna stop my beautiful little doll!"
"Simon... Simon... I-" her voice breaks
 I can tell that she's losing any control she had on her body, it's shaking hard and her voice is breaking. 
"If I continue further then it's possible you might lose yourself completely to me babydoll"
"uhh! Uuuhh!" She froze up her body completely shut down and gave herself to my pleasure completely her arms wrapped around my neck her head thrown back as her squirt ran down her legs and that sight was enough to tip me over sending me to an utter plane of ecstasy and euphoria unlike anything I had ever given myself in the rare moments alone in the bath or if my family had gone out, this was another level and my eyes rolled back as I pushed my body hard against her 
"Ughhhhh! Ughghhhh Y/n!" I moaned as I tried to hold both of us up as we gasped and relaxed from that high, "I uhhh I uhh I'm sorry I uhh I think I went mad there."
"Yeah, you kinda did. it's fine Simon" she smiled giving my lips a little kiss, I happily kissed her back cradling her in my arms and fixing her dress for her, 
"Thank you.. so so much!"
"You're welcome, thank you very much," she giggled,
"You are... without a doubt the best babysitter I have ever had." 
"Aww thank you, Do you think you could recommend me? get me some more work?"
"No way."
"No, you're all mine babydoll," I cooeed kissing her sweet soft lips when we pulled back I noticed the uhh state of my pants and her dress, "Ohh uhh we should uhhh"
"Yes, look after them I'll go wash this" she nodded scampering away, 
I happily did so still feeling on a little cloud when she came back I went and changed my underwear and my pants, hiding any evidence of our snuggles and we may have... made out in secret a little after she put everyone else to bed I wanted so much more! I wanted to take her up to the attic, lay her on the floor and... make her mine. 
But soon enough my dad and Evangeline came home so I hid upstairs as she let them know it all went well and she took her pay before she left heading home, I smiled so happily.
"Ohh you're still up Simon?" My dad asks as he comes to the kitchen and sees me,
"Yeah," I shrug this was fairly normal for me still being up so late, and I admit I couldn't help striking as he leant on the table that... y/n and I had... plaid against. 
"so? How was it?"
"Fine, she kept stuff handled." I shrugged,
"So? you think maybe she's okay?" he asked, "no issues with her like your other babysitters?"
"she is... acceptable," I said, trying not to smirk or blush too much,
"So if we wanted to go out again, you're fine with her?"
"I am happy for her to be the babysitter, whenever you guys need to go out." I told him,
"Good, I'm glad we found someone you kids all like." he chuckled,
"yeah, ohh by the way...."
"The attic? Can I have it as my own room?"
"... well... your a big boy now I guess that's alright, we'll get it sorted tomorrow." he said heading off out the kitchen and I couldn't help but smile 
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celabi · 1 year
hi i miss u sm i come here everyday
okay but like when you said scummy heizou.. i got all excited CAUSE IM CURRENTLY HYPERFIXATED ON HIM RN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HES SO PRETTY
anyway, i think rather than being a loser i think he would be someone respected by others, since yk detective stuff, but some people find him creepy BECAUSE he knows a lot. despite being popular af and maybe in student council i think he would actually try to hide his scumminess?? for self image but deep. deep down inside he loves you almost as much as scummy scara would (not AS much no one can replace our lil princess). like he knows so much about you, maybe even everything. hes sneaky too so that gives an advantage. i think he would be able to do those yandere sim rival eliminations too (matchmake, maybe even manipulate someone too) and instead of being like the og babygirl we all want to see oiled up during the "arguing to let a teacher sit with you" i believe that he HAS such a good reputation to the point he can choose the seating charts. and ohoho what do you know? your friends are on the other side of the room to "prevent you from getting distracted" but hey, at least that gacha life fallen angel sits next to you, maybe its a little embarrassing cause YOU? sit next to HIM? dont be silly. fuck it happened. and maybe if you're failing he WILL do everything to be your tutor, just to sneak a few (a lot) of pictures of you on his phone, spend time together and see what you like! <3 (not that it matters. he already knows, hes a detective he knows all your dirty secrets)
MAYBEE out of character cause its early in the morning and my head is NOT RIGHT feel free to change ANYTHING you want cause im not satisfied. anyway sorry this was long and i had to bother you with this 😭
- WITH SPECIAL LOVE TO MY FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGGER (and cuddling under the stars partner), 🎐 anon
YES BC I WROTE THAT HES IN THE STUDENT COUNCIL WHAT 😳😳😳 liek like liek he abuses his power of a high rank and gets to do stuff like other students can’t, like pull you out off class when he feels like it, or study with you in a private area instead of the crowded library.
But just cause he’s respected, doesn’t mean he’s not scummy. Heizou is always resting his hand on the lower of your back and trailing it down until either it finally lands on your behind, or you pull away before he he has the chance to grope you. He’s so kind and gives you cold bottles of water, but spits it in, so every time you take a sip, your basically kissing tbh. He’s putting what he thinks are love letters in your locker, but they’re actually kind of disturbing from the way he tells you things that he probably shouldn’t know, like “I love how kind you are to your dog, it’s just so adorable.” Or “I see the way people are your job are quite rude to you, maybe you should quit.” It’s just kinda creepy, but he thinks he’s doing a good job.
He’s not shy like scummy scara, instead he’s more proud, and popular. People don’t shove his shoulders when he walks past, but high five, and greet him. He teases you to get a reaction, and I guarantee that whatever reaction you do give him, it’s gonna give him a boner. You look flustered after he complimented your body? Oh you just look so cute that he couldn’t help it. You look annoyed? He likes the way your eyes narrow at him, and couldn’t help it. You look mad, and walk away? Holy fuck that was so hot, and if you yelled at him, he probably would have cum a little tbh.
I really don’t know when I’ll post the proper thing I wrote, but hopefully soon. It’s gonna be long though, like 3k words and I’ve only finished heizou and slightly started xiao and Gorous 🫡
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kira-fluff · 2 years
Imagine the bros with someone who was a gremlin as a child and just nonchalantly tells them their stories. For example in kinder I got dared to put a rock in my ear and my little five year old self was not gonna back down. I had to get that rock removed by a doctor 😭.
a/n: i love this oddly specific request as well as the flawless usage of the descriptor "gremlin". i too was a lollipop-stuck-to-hair, hot-mess-express child. thank u for sharing your amazing story x i took the liberty of using as many funny childhood stories as i could remember, as well as your own (thought it a befitting tale to tell to lucifer lmao) disclaimer: this is assuming that you had a childhood full of crazy events, but none including ab*se of any kind. these are silly, funny memories, not ones that would hurt you to this day. tw: language, mention of children in the future (not totally breeding kink tho), established relationship unclear so just decided that for yourself bc im lazy
reacting to funny stories from your childhood - obey me! brothers x reader
stories of your childhood were always something most found entertaining, but you found that these stories intrigued your demon roommates even more so. it started off as a comment you'd mentioned off-hand, but the brothers urged you on, hooked on hearing some of your stories - after all, it had been a few hundred years since they'd been children.
"...so one time i got dared to put a rock in my ear and, of course, only losers back down from a challenge--" "you didn't" "--so i put that rock right in my ear! then i had to go to the doc to get it taken out, but at least my friends knew i ain't no pussy." "of course you did."
trying to pretend like he doesn't care
but is easily baited into the conversation when mammon says "the person who knows the most 'bout y/n is obviously ME!"
rolls his eyes, but you can see his head turning to listen to you better
is rude af about it once you finish your story smh
"it all makes sense now, that rock must've replaced your brain"
smirks throughout the story, making focused eye-contact with mammon because his dumbass did the same thing. LAST. MONTH. (for a bet, of course, that he lost)
scoffs at your story, but can't help but continue to listen with a smile
he's got it bad
feels the need to one-up your stories with stories of his own (that aren't embarrassing at all, but that prove that even at the age of 2 he was a badass)
can't help but let his mind wander to having a child with you (he's domestic af okay)
"let's hope your our child inherits more of the father's genetics"
i dare you to smack him upside the head he deserves it for being a snarky little whore
just run away after, it's not like he'll catch you he def will
"...and then my sister took my doll, so then i tackled her to the ground and started chocking her. she passed out but she had it coming. my mom grounded me for like a month but i didn't care because guess what? my sis never took my doll again" "remind me not to take your shit anymore oh fuck--"
oh? cute stories about your childhood?
he's all ears
can't help but turn it into a competition to see who knows you the best or who your favorite is
so badly wants you to say it's him ;-;
was expecting stories about maybe the time you made your first friend or when you learned your first word
he's over here sweating bullets because did he remember to put back all that stuff he took?
he wasn't gonna sell it or anythin'.. he just kinda likes the way yer stuff smells... not in a creepy way though, ok?!
and like, you hadn't noticed yet
so of course he was gonna keep some of your stuff!!!
but.. but you choked your sister for stealing a doll?
not even lucifer was that... extreme
may or may not find him in your room, putting all of your things back in the places he recalled he'd taken them
you'd just laugh, saying you didn't mind as long as it wasn't something you really needed
he breathed a sigh of relief
he was genuinely about to shit his pants when you walked through the door
"'m too young to die! swear i was jus' lookin' at 'em!"
"..one time my dad was in a bad mood so he got mad that i passed the ketchup bottle without the cap facing DOWN so that all the ketchup was able to be poured out quickly. so then, when he asked me to pass the salt, so i looked at him, then turned the salt shaker face down and handed it to him as the salt was pouring out..."
spurs him to tell his own stories about his childhood (he wants to share but swears its sO emBarrAsSinG"
swears he was into anime as a newborn
is honestly a lil giddy to hear your stories and laughs at them just as much as everyone else
whenever you come into his room while he is gaming he wants you to tell him more of the stories from your childhood
doesn't find it hard to believe that you were just as sassy as a little child
you're just like him <3
kinda blushes imagining the two of you being childhood besties uwu
like he gives bullied in high school vibes for some reason idk
i can just imagine the two of you being the best of friends
you'd make him lil flower crowns while he ranted to you about his pokemon card collection
he's so SOFT for you omgggg
would quite literally die for you if he had to but im getting off topic
anyway, please never stop talking to him, it's his number one fear <3
giggles in the dorky way he does when you get super expressive
"...there was this day when i was eight and i didn't want to go to school anymore and i was bored in class so i decided right then and there that i would lose my tooth and get one of those crappy-looking 'tooth necklaces'..... not five minutes later, i ripped my front tooth out and was sent to the nurses with blood dripping down the hallway. i was so proud of myself but it turned out i had accidentally ripped out an ADULT tooth. my parents were pissed, but i was proud because i got to go home and eat ice cream for two weeks."
THRIVES off the stories of you being a little shit as a kid lol (or the stories of you being a little shit now)
that being said, WHAT THE FUCK
he forgot how wild kids can be, much less YOU
i mean, you were sent to the demon world and all you did was shrug and roll with it??? who even are you????
you even felt a little bit of pity for your parents, bless their souls
he smirked at the part where you got out of school as you clasped your chest proudly
it was cute to watch you get excited about all your little adventures from when you were younger - it's hard to believe that was only a few decades ago (to him)
finds himself looking for the you now in your old self
he's easily able to identify some of your key traits: stubbornness, strength, optimism, kindness, wit...
you were always this way, he thought, and it was reassuring.
a little smile crept up his face, taking over the neutral expression that once adorned his soft and regal features
you were always something something special
"...and then the teacher was wearing this ugly ass skirt and so my sassy little six-year-old self was like 'did you dress in the dark or something? because your shirt doesn't match your skirt'... i feel kinda bad about it now but it was iconic back in the day."
gives you exaggerated reactions to each part of your story, but they're genuine
hand over mouth
laughs at the parts when you get super animated
insists your are doing her a favor by helping her with her fashion dilemma
honestly he probably has some similar stories to share himself
gushes about how the two of you are so alike that it is shocking
(i mean i guess sorta? jk u wish)
"we're so similar.. let's go to my bedroom and find out what is different"
all his other brothers simultaneously shout, "NO"
i headcanon that asmo has dimples that come out when he truly, REALLY smiles and he does it when you talk about your childhood
you get all excited and he can't help but just shout, "oH you're SO cUTE~~~~~!"
"....i backflipped into the christmas tree and the next thing i knew i was in one of those crusty ass hospital beds. so yeah, i don't recommend doing that."
got lost half-way through the story when he got up to get a snack
next thing he knew you were talking about backflipping???
still though, he found it really cute how you got all soft when talking about the way that your mother started crying once you woke up only for her to fall into a fit of rage the next moment
the moment actually brought tears to your eyes, reminding you of a part of yourself that did really miss home and the people that you left there
his eyes widened, taking in your shrinking form
as if his arms moved on his own, he moved to grasp you in a tight embrace
your sniffles ceased and you even let out a little giggle, "beel, you're squishing me"
he apologized, his purple eyes full of worry and remorse
you only shook your head, mumbling a quiet, "i'm fine"
he realized that even though devildom seemed like home to him now, he also knew what it felt like to have to get used to an entirely new place, especially going from being an angel to a deadly sin
so he cherished those moments in his heart, but he was hesitant to ask you more about your childhood, afraid that the memories, while happy, would also make you homesick
he cares for you so much, don't ever think otherwise <3
"...i skipped class so many times because i slept in - and like, usually i'd just show up late, but i had decided that i will never be that loser who ran to class. if i was gonna show up late, i'd show up looking good. so i'd curl my hair and put on makeup if i was late. i'd be more late, but i'd look like a bad bitch."
your "idgaf" personality reflects his quite well
the amount of times he's tried to skip school because of sleeping were too far to count
yet lucifer always forced him to take part in the daily academics activities
honestly sort of jealous of you
still, he gets over it quickly, though, when he sees the cute little crescents that your eyes form
can't help but not be mad at you
and now he knows the perfect person to go to when he wants to escape the world and take a big nap
maybe miss a few classes on the side with you :)
you're his special napping buddy
a/n: this was sorta ass but just ignore it
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mailbag!! for the event!!
franks mama, emily, had no idea she was fucking a god until after she found out she was pregnant
annabeth's step mother has a peanut allergy, but annabeth loves peanut butter. annabeth isn't mad about it, bc her step mom also them to have peanut butter, just away from her
estelle jackson (sallys mom) was also clear sighted, she just thought she had a vivid imagination
leo has so made a joke, where he has a candle and lights it with his flames
leos mom liked star trek thats why he was confused af when jason said vulcan and he thought it was a star trek ref
piper knows every mean girls quote
hazel likes f.r.i.e.n.d.s for no reason
nico always let his sister (or mother before she died) brush his hair, so hazel and will are the only ones allowed to brush his hair
persephone actually likes hazel, bc she reminds her of demeter when her mother was younger
beryls one night stands with zeus/jupiter were pity fucks rather than actual love
thalia swears a lot
luke is allergic to bananas
percy is a chronic insomniac, annabeth is a chronic sleeper
Hephaestus and ares sometimes forget theyre fucking aphrodite at the same time bc theyre too busy betting on which capture the flag teams gonna win
"nico i had a nightmare" "go back to sleep" "but dads sculpture keeps looking at me" "huh--oh shit thats actually creepy, um.. okay anyway--" = hazel and nico at some point in time
amphirite and sally get along rlly well
ares has a son called marcus and he thinks its cute but also funny (marcus means son of mars)
(pssst the even did technically close but i dont mind breaking the rules for you pookie)
also i love love love the hc that ares has a son named marcus that's so funny-
children of aphrodite are amazing public speakers bc it's largely based on emotions, which there very in tune with
frank carries a little bottle of maple syrup with him everywhere he goes 'just in case the restaurant doesn't have any.'
hazel starts to carry some too, 'just in case frank's runs out'
jason starts keeping a journal (it's a diary but he doesn't want to call it that lmao) after the whole juno thing bc he never wants to have his memories stripped of him like that again
nico wears ONE singular gold ring on his ring hand, for will
will cant wear rings bc doctor, but he's got a black one on a chain around his neck, something about it being like dogtags
a lot of children of aphrodite are like pan or similar sexualities because they just have so much love to share that they can't just love one type of person
leo, unironically, loves 'over the hedge'
percy is the girl scouts biggest supporter, him and his mom go crazy in the spring and march back to their apartment with their arms just stuffed with boxes of cookies
he through a fit when they raised their prices and wrote them a ragey email with the help of annabeth
percy takes blurry pictures of architecture things and send them to annabeth, asking her what it is, just to see her ramble about the things she loves, bro doesn't even care or understand completely frfr
coach hedge keeps a photo of leo, piper, and jason in his wallet. his babies frfr
leo still has nightmares from the wilderness school but piper is always there to comfort him
big sister behavior frfr
clarisse once unknowingly got into a fight with her father on twitter and won
luke throws up every time he drinks ambrosia bc it tastes like his mom's cookies and the thought of his momma makes him sick
charlie once made a dagger for silena with their initials etched into it. it know is proudly framed in cabin nine, a constant reminder that the children of hephaestus are deserving of love
roman demigods can't stand gyros and greek demigds would rather eat dirty socks than cesar salad
connor makes friendship bracelets for all the new campers that come through cabin eleven, so that they don't forget them when they get claimed
mr. d never gets over the lost of his son, even struggling to look at pullox on some days bc he looks too much like his lost boy.
chrion likes to play pattycake with the younger kids
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