#is it bad that I’m worried people on the how dare you say we piss on the poor website won’t detect the sarcasm in this post
rosakuma · 2 days
DRDT EP 14 Thoughts(spoilers of course 😋)
I’m about to go insane
Okay for starters…..I’d like to apologize to the Hu nation and the Eden!cultprit truthers. To be fair, she was very sus before we clarified Nico’s murder attempt. To which damn Nico, I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt only because it was strange how you held that wire, but it makes sense now knowing the reason. Man I feel awful for a lot of people here in this episode. Nico regrets trying to kill Ace even if they dislike him because he reminded them of the people who hurt Nico before(peers, teachers, and their father OOF). And now they gotta live with having “Almost murder” stuck to their name while also losing a potential friendship with Rose(we NicoRose shippers lost dang it). Poor Rose feeling guilty of her memory being out of shape(the poor girl is traumatized by remembering the clear deaths, I don’t blame her) and getting blames for it. But thank goodness my goat/best girl Teruko with some good old character development came in and reassured Rose that she is useful and it’s not her fault(Us TerukoXRoss shippers fricken WON!). David while still being an ass that I hate(albeit now feel more sympathetic towards) I feel bad for witnessing Arei’s body first….god no wonder why he’s so mad at the killer, I’m pissed at them too. And then there’s Ace….this episode turn me into the 1# Ace Markey defender. My poor man has been suffering this chapter and things keep getting worse for him. He pushes everyone away thanks to his paranoia, has a eating disorder no one notices which is hurting him, was ALMOST MURDERED with no one worried about him(hell Hu fricken defended his potential murder rather than reprimanding them!), and worse of all, the one person he thought who cared about him in this terrible place admitted he doesn’t care if he lives or dies….oh and now he’s being accused of killing Arei. F*ck Ace’s life is so tragic. Oh yeah speaking of the killer. EDEN HOW DARE YOU, I BELIEVED IN YOU!! She is 100% the murder and it makes me so sad and sick seeing how well she’s able to make Teruko take her side. She even hugged her like Min did(I am going to be sick). I will say, Arei would respect the hustle and manipulation though. Well done Eden, you impressed your would’ve been bestie. I might make another post about why Ace can’t be the killer unless someone beats me to it, but yeah it’s Eden. No way Ace is the killer and it sucks how David despite revealing his true colors is still able to manipulate everyone(bro gonna out do Kokichi Ouma man).
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catoperated · 23 days
At some point we’re gonna have to talk about how toxic websites like 4chan and Something Awful (rest in piss, Lowtax) influenced trans spaces online.
I only ever used SA back in the day, and it’s now mostly forgotten that “troon” came from a portmanteau of “trans goon” (goon being a member of something awful, not like a gooner… but, eh, it’s still apt), though it was always meant to be belittling.
And then there I was, a transmasc egg surrounded by transfemmes. I didn’t know how to express that I wanted what they had but different, cause I seriously didn’t know trans men existed back then. All I saw were transfemmes, and most of them were transmedicalists. I got called a transphobe when I said wearing a skirt shouldn’t be a required part of transitioning. I have since met many cool trans ladies who aren’t truscum, but the scars remain.
At the time I couldn’t fully articulate how uncomfortable I was with the idea of transitioning to the same old binary, because I also didn’t know GNC was a thing. So for a time I was suicidal because I had no idea of the options open to me. I’m not sure that reading Theory back then would have helped. Having read Theory now (both feminist and communist), I’ve come to the conclusion people lean on it way too much, take it way too literally, never considering that the things proposed have to be adapted to changing times and circumstances. It’s almost like evangelicals interpreting the Bible literally—to everyone’s detriment.
My point being, you can read anything, watch any YouTuber, but for fuck’s sake form your own opinions instead of just throwing books and videos at people like it’ll explain everything and also must be followed to the letter. It won’t, and it shouldn’t.
Yeah, I was also briefly suicidal over leftists dogpiling disability activists for daring to get groceries delivered or using plastic straws. Only other disabled people probably remember this, but it was perpetuated by that butter cat account, which was the most surreal fucking thing to watch unfold.
I’m just tired. Tired of self-proclaimed feminists failing to recognize the patriarchy is what makes us all suffer, including cis men, and that’s the real enemy. I know radfems are largely to blame for pushing the “all men bad” narrative again with the express purpose of dividing trans people, I’ve seen them cackling about what they get away with on accounts where they pretend to be trans. It’s sad people are making their work so easy for them.
I don’t hate or resent transwomen (I can’t remember if the space is preferred or not, but I’m sitting here sweating over it, afraid someone will call out my language when “troon” is already up there), but here I am right back at that awful feeling I had when trying to say skirts should not equal femininity. Fuck, I would probably be suicidal again if not for my partner, who is the best thing to ever happen in my life (love you, babe).
I don’t know how to word this better or more succinctly. My mind wanders a lot when writing. But it’s not just me, right? I see the schism forming and it’s bad for all of us, because the people who want us dead do not care how we present ourselves or how well we pass. We desperately need to support and uplift each other if we’re going to survive all the shit they keep throwing at us all in governments across the entire goddamn world.
So yeah, we need to look at how those websites poisoned the well, as it’s where that mentality of “if you’re not queer/trans in the proper way I deserve to call you a slur” mentality comes from. The pickme urge to go “I’m not like those cringe fags/trannies, I’m one of the cool ones,” too. To reiterate, the people who want us dead for existing do not care one way or the other.
Fuck, why am I worrying about how I word this? If people are gonna interpret this in bad faith there’s nothing I can do to stop them. I just wanted to get this off my zipper-tits—which I’m stealing from you fuckers who use it against transmascs. I got my dirty testosterone fingers all over it and it’s ruined now, sorry.
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howlingdemon13 · 1 year
Can we talk about Trevor’s sass and bully energy in CoD? Please? Please, I really want to talk about the sassy boi so bad!!!!!!
I have so many ✨thoughts✨ as to why an otherwise open guy who makes friends exclusively with fellow misfits would be so hostile to someone like Hector (a misfit trying to do the right thing).
I know some people have pointed out that it’s because Trevor is slightly affected by Dracula’s curse, but I feel like that kinda takes away from a more core/interesting take that you can make an argument for.
While I like the idea of even a Belmont being susceptible to dark magic to some degree (we see this happen with other Belmonts like Simon and Richter), I feel like it takes away from something that I think is a little more obvious?
Man’s is pissed, bro.
Trevor and his family have gone through hell up until this point. His ancestor basically doomed the clan to forever hunt the most evil being on earth for what will end up being centuries (looking at you, Leon). Which is good, considering they’ve made themselves the most qualified, but it cost them basic respect from the people they’re protecting and they’ve lost so much more because of it. But they’re noble and don’t seem to complain. You’re lucky, Leon.
Now, we know Trevor probably doesn’t care what people think about him so long as he can keep them safe. It’s his duty, and we see time and time again that he’ll literally do anything to make sure people are alive so that they can think their stupid silly thoughts about him and his family. By his time, he’s exiled, excommunicated, and shunned but he never once complains. Even when people come crawling to him for help, he doesn’t hesitate to do so. This is what he was called to do: kill Dracula and bring peace. He’s noble like that. He’s a knight like Leon in his own way.
As far as he knows, Dracula cannot come back after he and his friends defeated him in CV3.
Until things start looking… off. There’s a creeping darkness and uncertainty that feels so familiar. But that’s impossible, right? Dracula is gone, so how…?
“You’re telling me Dracula’s employee - some fucking guy - wants to bring Dracula back from the dead!?”
Would you not also be fucking pissed? To have your family endure centuries of pain and trauma - to have experienced it for yourself - and finally done what you have prepared your entire life to potentially do, only for some fucking guy to try to fuck all of that up? Would you not rush out of your home to go kick their ass and pummel them for daring to plunge the world into darkness? That same darkness you yourself expunged and went through hell to do???
Uh, if you say no you’re a liar.
From canon, we know that Trevor and Sypha have either started a family or are at least thinking about it at this point (I assume it’s the former since I am 110% certain she would have tagged along. Things would have been so much easier with her magic. And I personally think that would be a fun date idea - beating the tar out of Dracula’s unhinged employee - but I realize I’m not most people). Point being, Trevor not only has to worry about all of humanity (again), but his family. And, considering he was the last known member of his family when Dracula bit the dust, he’s going to fight tooth and nail to keep this.
If you say you’d play nice and try to be understanding when the lives and futures of your kids are at stake, you’re lying. Idk what to tell ya.
Trevor obviously takes initiative and it borders on impulsiveness, but he’s not going to make the mistake of letting this situation get to a point that all hell breaks loose if he has any say in it. I do like to think that he’s inherently a little sassy anyway, but let’s ramp that up to 100 when he’s livid.
But anger leads to getting sloppy and making mistakes. He doesn’t give Hector a chance to explain himself. That would take too much time. The Forgemaster could deceive him and cost him time or worse. He gets distracted and lets Isaac get away. He gets distracted again and nearly gets himself killed.
Maybe under different circumstances Hector would have at least gotten an apology. Like “aw fuck, sorry. I forgot there were two of you. My bad. Wanna help me out with this one?” Ultimately, he does help Hector despite his initial skepticism, and I think it’s a mix of feeling at least a little bad about beating him up and realizing that he works better with a team.
Going off of how he talks down to Hector after beating him up, one could argue that maybe Trevor is just kinda full of himself? Like he’s riding the high off of being the hero? Well, you’re wrong. Trevor is very quick to hype his friends up and give them equal credit in kicking Dracula’s ass. Sure, maybe he jokes about it with his friends, but he’s not full of himself to the degree that he’s going to hype himself up when his friends aren’t around. He’s humble like that. Fight me behind Waffle House about it.
Trevor isn’t incompetent, but he does let his emotions control him. Again, he works better with a team, but he’s so impulsive and pissed at this point that he probably just ran out of the house to go and do what is (up until this point) his job; keep people safe. Keep his family safe.
So, yeah, maybe the curse feeds into his emotions and decisions, but I think it’s more compelling for Trevor to be a very tired, traumatized, and livid dad doing what he thinks is the right thing to do to make sure his kids (and other people, sure) have a future in which they don’t have to go through the horrible things their mom and dad (and uncle Grant and uncle Alucard) went through. If he could see what became of future members of his family and see the hells they faced, I genuinely think it would break his heart.
So yeah, Trevor is bitchy, but I think he has a right to be bitchy when someone is threatening to blow down his metaphorical house of cards that he went through hell to stack up.
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Arbiter Corps AU Incorrect Quotes Part 2
Valkyrie: *spits mouthful of blood onto floor* You’ve become far more powerful since we last crossed paths. Dentist: Please stop, there’s literally a sink right next to you. -
Valkyrie: If there’s one thing I learned from Skulduggery, it’s to set people’s expectations real low, so you end up surprising them by practically doing nothing at all. -
Skulduggery: What is this!? Valkyrie: That’s the weight of guilt. Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend. Skulduggery: Ow! Make it stop! Valkyrie: Surrender to your kindness, Skulduggery. It’s nice to be nice. Skulduggery: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness! -
Skulduggery: I feel like I can be myself around you. Valkyrie: You’re weird and quiet around me. Skulduggery: Yes. -
Nefarian: I need to dye my hair. Valkyrie: ... Nefarian: Or get another tattoo. Valkyrie: ... Nefarian: Or a new piercing. Valkyrie: Why? Nefarian: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods. -
Skulduggery: *looks at Valkyrie* Skulduggery: Baby boy. Baby. Skulduggery: *looks at Nefarian* Skulduggery: Evil. -
Omen: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am. Skulduggery: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING! -
Skulduggery: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking. Valkyrie: Huh? Skulduggery: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out- Valkyrie: I love you. Skulduggery: Valkyrie: Valkyrie: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup. Skulduggery: I KNEW IT!! -
Valkyrie to Omen: Me? I'm the bee knees, but, you? You're just... Nefarian: Cockroach ankles! Valkyrie: Ye- uh, what? -
Skulduggery: Respect my trans homies or I’m gonna identify as a fucking problem. -
Skulduggery: Where's Valkyrie? Nefarian: Don't worry, I'll find her. Nefarian, shouting: Omen sucks! Valkyrie, distantly: Omen is the best person ever! Fuck you! Nefarian: Found her. -
Skulduggery: I'm having a baby. Valkyrie: Oh, congradu- Skulduggery, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here -
Valkyrie: I would let you ruin my life. Skulduggery: Sorry, I’m busy ruining my own. You’ll have to wait. -
Valkyrie: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby? Valkyrie: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us. Valkyrie: I also want to softhack his circuits. Nefarian: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again. -
Nefarian: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand? Valkyrie: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list. -
Valkyrie: I want to be like a caterpillar. Skulduggery: Explain. Valkyrie: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful. Omen: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right? Valkyrie: Valkyrie: That's just another highlight! -
Skulduggery: Y’know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here. I got the nice ocean breeze. Just alone with my thoughts. Nefarian: Hey, Skulduggery. Skulduggery: GODDAMNIT! -
Nefarian: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Omen's birthday invitations. Skulduggery: Well, what are they supposed to say? Nefarian: "Omen's birthday". Skulduggery: So, what do they say instead? Nefarian: "Omen’s bi". Skulduggery: Skulduggery: Works out either way. -
Skulduggery: Do you cook? Valkyrie: I made a cake once. Omen: Yeah, it was good. Valkyrie: Really? Omen: Don’t make me lie twice, Valkyrie. -
Valkyrie: I’m having salad for dinner! Skulduggery: Valkyrie: Well, fruit salad. Valkyrie: Actually, it’s mostly grapes. Skulduggery: Valkyrie: Okay, it’s all grapes. Valkyrie: Fermented grapes. Skulduggery: Valkyrie: Skulduggery: Valkyrie: It’s wine. Valkyrie: I’m having wine for dinner.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
I love how most of the reactions of the fandom towards Stolas snapping back at Stella for this episode was mainly “LOL YES KING”, or “GOOD FOR HIM HE’S STANDING UP FOR HIMSELF”- “THIS IS SO FUNNY GET HER LOL”- mainly people just stroking his cock oh- I mean supporting him pissed me off because it just goes to show how the fandom and writers don’t give a damn about Octavia, or realize how serious her situation is.
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It also doesn’t help that the story’s pacing is lazily sloppy as well, the writers want you to feel bad for Octavia since Stolas is occupied and can’t take her to her special event, but at the same TIME want you to laugh at her parents bickering at eachother, even though the show itself introduced this concept in a depressing light back in Loo Loo Land. Again, it just goes to show that writers don’t really care enough about Octavia. How are you going to introduce a serious topic about divorce and parents arguing around a child who grew up with them and loves them, yet later play it all for laughs? This isn’t really the first time the show did this, they did the same at the end of episode 5, where Octavia was sitting with her parents at the dinner table, listening to music while Stella was just screaming about plotting to kill her husband and Stolas couldn’t hear because plot. The show really just contradicts itself, I said it once and I’ll say it again, Octavia is done so dirty. The writers try to act like they care about her and how she’s upset with all the trauma she’s endured living a toxic household, but not only do they invalidate her feelings and push it to the side so we can have more Stolitz content and “funny” Stella and Stolas scenes, but Viv is SO afraid to fully call out Stolas on his actions. She can’t even fully make him a flawed character without excusing him, pulling the “he’s trying” card in the recent episode, even though Stolas has done the bare minimum as a father from what we’ve SEEN, emphasis on SEEN not HEARD. It’s all bullshit, but let me get back to what I said in the beginning.
For starters, I really don’t understand why fans are patting Stolas on the back in this scene for simply bickering back at Stella, because this isn’t the right moment nor the situation to be doing that. Octavia woke up happy and excited because it was a day that her father promised to take her to, to see this meteor shower. She then goes out and sees that Stolas is busy with packing Stella’s things out of the house, (which btw, doesn’t make any sense because Stolas established in episode 7 that Octavia would “visit her mother” on certain weekends implying that Stella already had her own place but then again I doubt the crew rereads their scripts) but yeah Octavia rightfully so gets worried and upset, asking Stolas if this will be done before he can still take her. Stolas then practically brushes her concern off, and continues to bicker with Stella, this scene once again painting ONLY HER as the one in the wrong, which is another thing that pisses me off because I wish Viv would stop painting this relationship as one sided. Anyway, we see Stolas irritated, shooting back at Stella, which the fans were happy to see, expect this isn’t the moment to cheer?? First of all, all Stolas is doing is being petty back, he’s not acting professional at all, acting like a child as well. If he would have said something like “I’m not taking your abuse any longer, and don’t you dare treat Via the same way or endorse her to this”- THEN I’d understand, but he’s just selfishly slashing back at his wife while his daughter is RIGHT THERE, the same daughter that clearly expressed to him how upset she is about her parents fighting. Like the fans are really saying “I’m so happy for Stolas” while Octavia is right there, endorsing something that isn’t healthy, and yet the show wants you to laugh here. Like the writers really don’t give a shit about Octavia, (saying she should just acknowledge that her father is “trying” when she had every right to be pissed) nor do the fans. They all just care about fucking Stolas, a character that hadn’t done anything to deserve sympathy. Saying he cares about Octavia is the bare minimum, he needs to actually change and put her before his dick, and thanks to the shows awful storytelling, we haven’t seen any of him trying for his daughter, except Loo Loo Land, which is a bad (and the only) example.
The sad thing is that…don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the lesson of “This character isn’t perfect, they’ll make mistakes and you need to acknowledge that” because in general it is a good lesson for people to learn, however it just doesn’t fit in this scenario, nor for a character such as Stolas. He’s still a horrible dad and I stand by that. It doesn’t matter if he genuinely loves her and is more kind to her compared to Stella, that doesn’t excuse any of his actions, and saying “he’s trying” doesn’t cut it because he’s really not. If he were, he would have talked to her about what he’s going through, or Stella and the divorce, and would have just…BEEN there for her. Instead he’s mostly emotionally neglectful, and never thinking about how she might feel. I’m honestly just…done with the fandom and the writers sucking him off all the time just because he’s in a sad uwu marriage. He’s just an awful character and Octavia deserves better in every way.
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
IMYM Chapter 2 High on Sweetness: Ink
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(I apologize in advance for my bad puns. Over four years in this fandom and my puns have not improved. They’re not as bad as the rock one though.)
“Well, that was weird,” Ink groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head. His skull pounded after having Nightmare inside it and his ribs throbbed a dull ache. The artist looked around and realized the Villain Sans Squad was gone, thank the stars. He felt tempted to lie back and nap for a while, watching the fluffy clouds pass through the blue sky. As soon as Nightmare left, the atmosphere cleared up. Birds were singing and flowers were blooming. Hopefully, laying back would clear the fog in his mind.
“Ink?” Dream kneeled down next to him. He had a concerned look in his golden eye lights. “Are you feeling okay? Nightmare’s influence can leave . . . scars on people.”
“Never better.” Thanks to the positivity magic still making him feel warm and fuzzy, Ink was only half sarcastic. Hate and anger didn’t burn through him anymore, which was a plus. But he was still pissed that the octopus played him like one of Error’s dolls. Why him out of the three? Why wouldn’t Nightmare go after his brother when he was standing right there?
Blue joined them with blue stars in his eye sockets. His energy hammer was gone, snapped away now that there was no danger. “Mweh, that was easy! I expected them to fight harder! But are you two alright?”
Dream looked up and nodded. “For the most part, we’re good. The mission was a success, no one died, the Villain Sans Squad is gone, and the AU is safe. The one negative was that Nightmare messed with Ink’s emotions and forced him to fight me.” He turned back to Ink. “Are you okay?”
Ink snorted. “Yeah, I’m fine. You worry a lot for the ‘embodiment of positivity’. Sometimes I wonder if you’re actually who you say you are andnot a hoax.”
Offended, Dream crossed their arms, stammering. “How dare you! I am not a hoax!” He stuck his tongue out. Despite his efforts, Ink laughed harder. Blue repressed a smile but gave up fast. Even Dream dropped the angry facade and smiled with his trademark giggle. They all broke down laughing, needing a bit of group positivity after the battle.
The Star Sanses were so distracted that they didn’t notice the human child flying above. One of their white feathers fell on Ink’s scarf, which is what finally made him realize they were there. They had brownish auburn hair, a baby blue sweater stripped with gray, and a pair of black goggles on their head. Their huge smile looked even larger with their closed eyes, or at least what appeared closed.
“Hey, kid!” Ink shouted up, “How’s it going?”
The human zoomed down a skeleton from the sky joined them. He had raven-colored goggles, which matched his jacket and wings pretty well. His only pop of color was an electric blue turtleneck. The two bird monsters blew up dust from the ground as they landed.
“Now that was an emu-sing battle.” Aviar winked, blowing dust from his goggles. The human’s smile faded in seconds. Aviar laughed. “Lark says thank you. We got the rest of the monsters out of danger and they insisted on watching the fight.”
“It was no problem,” Blue said through gritted teeth as his left eye socket twitched. “I’m glad you’re all safe.”
“That’s what we do. Protect you guys and make sure everything goes to your Creator’s vision. And this AU doesn’t involve skeleton killers. And if does, then oh well. You’re all screwed.” Ink shrugged. He stared at their unamused expressions. Lark signed something with their hands that he didn’t think was friendly. “What? I don’t make the rules around here.”
“Anyways,” Aviar coughed as he changed the subject, “I don’t know about your schedule, but I’m free for a while. My next guard shift doesn’t start for another two hours and I have to make up for slacking on the job. How about we go for nice cream? My treat.”
Dream blushed yellow. Ink never knew why, but he always seemed embarrassed when people offered to do things for him. “Thank you for the offer, but unless Ink and Blue-”
“Hey, I said it’s on me, don’t worry about it. I don’t do anything with my gold besides buy coconut oil. None of you are birdens, relax.”
Blue pressed the tips of his pointer fingers between his eye sockets, forcing a smile. “Sounds magnificent! But if you say another pun, that’s going to change very quickly.”
“You guys were right,” Ink said, his mouth full of Neapolitan. “Birdtale has the best nice cream.”
The Star Sanses, Aviar, and Lark sat with their legs dangling over the edge of one of the brown flight platforms. Some monsters flew around in the sky. The drop below was at least a thousand feet into an empty abyss, but Ink wasn’t scared. He could teleport with Broomie, Dream with positivity, Blue with his magic, and the birds . . . well, that’s self-explanatory. Even though Ink didn’t have lungs, he could feel the light air pressure against his bones. Lark lived up here so long their body could take it, so they were fine.
“Aviar, question.” Ink looked down into the chasm. “What’s down there? I’m guessing it’s either a river, rocks, or an abyss. Has anyone ever fallen?” Usually, Ink would know the answers to these questions since he explored the AUs and read the code so much. But sometimes the Creator didn’t make an answer, so the monsters had to figure out themselves. Even if most of the time there was nothing there. Sometimes he wondered if he could create the endings to stories himself, maybe he should try it . . .
The bird monster looked over the ledge. “No one knows. And I don’t . . . think anyone fell down. Kid, do you?”
Lark shook their head.
“Can I jump down?” Ink asked.
“No,” Aviar replied.
Ink leaned away from the edge, a bit disappointed. “Please? I’ll be fine! Trust me, I’ve been through worse.”
“Ink, no,” Blue said with a stern voice. “The last thing we need is you hurting yourself because you decided to be a reckless little shit and hurt yourself again! Look, I don't know how emotion magic works but . . ." He looked up at Dream. "Is it hard?"
He thought about it. “Speaking from experience, emotion manipulation magic is difficult. The stronger a person’s will and determination are, the harder it is to control them. I don’t understand why Nightmare only waited until now to use his magic.” Dream brushed his spoon against his banana sundae, making a swirl with the ice cream and syrup. “Oh, speaking of the battle, did anyone feel as if he retreated too easily?”
Ink shrugged. “Nope. He fought hard enough to me. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ll do this.” Shoving his nice cream cone in his mouth, Ink stood up and shot a bullet of paint into the sky with Broomie. The black pellet flew threw the sky until it hit the edge of the AU, sending an almost invisible ripple. It took years for Ink to get that trick right, but now he could make a protective shell around any AU until he left it. He sat back down with nice cream melting all over his chin. “Boom, shield. They can’t get in if they tried now, we’re a-okay! What gave you that idea they weren’t fighting enough?”
Dream watched the ripples go by before turning their attention back to their sundae. “It’s just . . . I don’t know. Most of the time, he puts more of an effort in. It was like he was toying with us, buying time. ”
“You’re overthinking, Dreamboat.” Dream frowned at the nickname. “You need to chill out and stop worrying about everything. Take a page out of my playbook and don’t care about anything for few hours. Yeah, that should be enough time . . .” Ink was talking to himself by that point. He was trying as hard as he could to erase the memory of Nightmare taking him over. He still heard the red vial messing with his head. Kill him! What has he done to you besides being a pest? He’ll only make things worse. I’m the right one. He’s a crybaby and makes you look bad by being around him. Kill them both.
Like sure, the team had their arguments. Dream was a serious people pleaser and wanted to protect everyone in every AU. He was a complete sucker for the ‘happily ever after’ that Ink didn’t understand, angst and suffering was more fun. He didn’t see why saving people was so important. The worlds were unique and magical and one of a kind. Meanwhile, the monsters were all copied and pasted with different clothes. There were millions of worlds with billions of monsters, so a few deaths won’t affect anything. But noooooo, Dream wanted to save everyone. Blue tended to side with him and that didn’t help anything.
But at the end of the day, they were teammates and friends with a common goal: To protect the Doodlesphere.
Moments like this were one of the reasons he was glad to have the worst memory in the Doodlesphere. He once forgot his name for an entire day and Fresh stilljokes about it. He’d forget he ever got mind-controlled by the end of the week. At least he hoped he did. He didn’t count on it. Especially after trying to forget his weird nightmares and . . . everything else weird going on.
For the last few months, Ink felt like he was being watched. Well, people were always staring at him, but this felt different. He’d get a sick feeling of dread in his nonexistent stomach out of nowhere. Some of his stuff went missing. At first, they weren’t huge things— colored pencils, paint, drawings— but it freaked him out. Then he lost more personal things. Clothes, entire sketchbooks, battle strategies, and worst of all, his homemade flute. He didn’t even have a backup flute! Why would anyone even steal a flute? And then there was the cold feeling he woke up to some mornings. It made him feel miserable and worthless, but only when he stayed in the room. Ink tried to blame the missing stuff on his memory, even though the cold didn’t make sense. He didn’t tell Dream or Blue yet, but he planned to if he lost anything else.
Blue licked his pina colada-flavored nice cream. “So how do we keep Nightmare from coming back here?”
Ink crossed his legs over each other in his pondering position. “Why don’t we . . . I don’t know, set up a trap back? Ooh! I got an idea! How about we make a giant spider web made out of paint or something, then we put in an AU they’ll attack-”
Blue stared at him as if he were insane. “Absolutely not! Remember the last time we tried something like that?”
“For the last time, it wasn’t my fault that apartment got set on fire!” Ink crossed his arms in a pout.
“Yes, it was.” Dream and Blue said at the same time.
Lark opened their mouth and raised a finger, but put it back down and closed it.
The group talked about whatever came to mind. Ink lost track of the time, though it was probably an hour. He spent most of that time laughing at the others’ jokes (and his own for that matter). Sometimes he got distracted and forgot what they were saying.
The wind grew stronger and the temperature dropped. Ink’s bones tingled like he got a nervous stomachache, but he wasn’t scared. On the other side, Lark’s face paled. He could recognize the feeling from anywhere.
A child who looked about nine stood behind them. They had gray skin and shadow gray hair cut into a choppy bob. To continue with the gray color scheme, they wore a gray-striped sweater with shorts. Instead of eyes, they had empty black voids. They weren’t black and soulless-looking twenty-four-seven. Ink has seen Core Frisk’s eye sockets glitter entire galaxies when they used their magic.
“Core! You almost gave me a nonexistent heart attack!” Ink dramatically clutched his chest.
Lark put their thumb under their chin and circled their index finger in the air. Their eyebrows raised.
Aviar translated. “Who are you?”
“No one important.” Core winked their empty, mischief-filled eye. “I came for Dream. I need your help with an AU I found, but if you’re busy-”
“Oh, no worries.” Dream ate the last of his nice cream cone and stood up. “Thank you for everything, you two. Core, what’s the problem? Please don’t tell me it’s another Code Purple.”
Ink groaned when he brought it up. There have been so many of these things lately! AUs corrupting with negative energy and turning black, purple, and misty. It didn’t affect the story much, besides getting darker in tone, but it was the inhabitants that suffered. A black goop spread across the AU and turned the monsters into negative hateful zombies. Did they have a cure for it? Not yet, but Dream’s working on it.
Core’s face turned grim. “I’m telling you it’s another Core purple. There may be some souls still alive and I want to help rescue them, but I can’t find them under the sludge, so I was hoping . . .
“I understand.” Dream shared their expression.
Core opened up the portal they came through. Their’s was glitchy, white, and purple portal opening to a dark forest. They looked behind themself at the artist. “And Ink, your face is covered in nice cream.”
Ink touched his cheekbone and it came back white, brown, and pink. Being the mature individual he was, he licked it off his fingers with his rainbow tongue. Then he licked the rest off his face. Once he finished, he sighed and brushed off his hands. “Well, I guess I should be going too. See you around, bird brains!”
Blue blinked shocked at the “Ink, aren’t you forgetting something?”
The artist squinted his eye sockets, trying to figure out what he had forgotten. “Say thank you?”
Blue facepalmed. “That, and I can’t make portals! Are you just going to leave me here?”
“Oh, right!” Ink laughed as he swirled Broomie in the air and made a portal to the Omega Timeline. “Thanks for the nice cream, Aviar!”
“No problem.” He waved lazily. “Hope you have an im-peck-able day.
Ink could hear Blue screaming in his head. He snorted and grabbed his arm before covering them both in black paint, sinking them into the ground. Even though he didn’t mean to, he teleported up too high and they both crashed onto the ground. Their two-story clubhouse stood in front of them, made of light brown wood and had a mix of things from each of them. Blue put a pirate flag and blue streamers around it. Dream lined the front, sides, and balcony with flowers and sun banners. And Ink splattered buckets of rainbow paint around it.
“Ow!” Blue cried out when he hit the ground.
“Oops, my bad.” The artist brushed the dirt off his pants, laughing. Blue didn’t share his sense of humor. Ink held out his hand and helped him up. Blue was a person who didn’t stay angry for long though, so he took it.
Ink waved goodbye to Blue before jumping into the ink puddle. He fell into his personal doodle AU workshop. This world didn’t have an ounce of white. Instead it was beige with rainbow splatters all over the walls and floors. Ink had some . . . not so great experiences with empty white spaces. His first-ever memory was waking up alone, afraid, and with no clue where he came from or who he was. That was at least three hundred years ago, but the nightmares still haunted him.
He glanced over at the pile of stapled papers under a swirling white portal. They appeared out of magic all on their own, the new AU ideas. Each packet was full of story, art, and notes.
Ink plopped down on his beanbag, an idea he may or may not have stolen from a certain Windows Vista. He sifted through the new AU ideas with an excited smile plastered across his face. The Creators were getting crazy creative lately and Ink loved it! Some of the ideas were pretty violent, but he thought the angst potential would be fun. He didn’t accept an AU idea if it looked boring or was an exact copy of another, but there was only one in this pile. But he didn’t throw them away, he changed things up as he wanted until it was original. The rest were new and fun. As long as he wasn’t involved or getting hurt, Ink was up for a dark story.
As he was preparing to make the brand new worlds, the smell of bubblegum filled the air. Ink lowered the pencil in his mouth, knowing what was coming. He braced himself for the sparkles and rainbow explosion. “‘Eyo, brotato chip!”
Fresh appeared from an explosion of colorful confetti and a rubber duck squeak. He was one of the tallest Sanses, almost a foot taller than Ink, and years or even centuries older. The reason? Something, something, parasite body mutation. His outfit screamed 90’s. A bright blue and purple jacket, neon green shorts, and multicolor heelys. A red fanny pack hung around his waist with the word SWAG in giant white letters. He had a backward multicolor baseball cap with a blue propeller. But his most iconic thing his sunglasses, which changed depending on his thoughts. They defaulted to YOLO in yellow and teal letters.
Ink was so shocked he vomited a pile of ink, which was common for him. Heh, Ink vomited ink . . . where was he? Oh right, Fresh.
Ink took the pencil out of his mouth and set it in his sash instead. “So what brings you to my corner of the Doodlesphere?”
The parasite grinned. “I wanted to let ya know that Cross is havin’ a get-together because of some surprise dat he’s not sharing. We’re all gonin’ ice skatin’ and it’s going to be totally rad! Do you wanna join!”
Ink’s left eye socket turned into a question mark. “Wait, does Cross want me there?”
“Probs not! But I bet it’ll be fine!” His smile didn’t waver at all, not a single speck of empathy or regret in those eye lights. As cool as he was, Fresh was emotionless like he was. Ink tried to convince him to drink paint but it . . . didn’t go so well. Short version is that Fresh shoved it down his throat instead, then he possessed his body and beat up Error. So an average Tuesday.
Ink wasn’t the type to turn down an invite. He wasn’t even the type to turn down something he wasn’t invited to. “Sure! I’m in! It’ll surprise Cross! Maybe we can even make amends for . . . you know what.”
“Yah, I know what ya did. He’s ranted about it once or twice.” Fresh glanced over to the stack of AU’s and picked one of them up, flipping it around to see it better.
Ink it them out of his hands, catching one that flew out of the pile. He tried to look angry, but he found it funny so his mouth twitched. “Don’t mess with these! They’re important. Unless . . . do you want to help me with making these? You’ll just need to like hold them and I’ll make them. I’ve never done it with someone else before, so it could be something new . . . ?”
Fresh cocked his head as he thought about it. He was almost always smiling, which Ink would’ve found creepy if he hadn’t seen worse. Most Sanses were always smiling anyway, at least the less powerful ones.
Eventually, his glasses shifted to SURE! “Alright, brah! Hand me da AUs and I’ll fire them to ya!”
Ink picked up the stack of papers and dropped them in his arms, making sure they were all straight and even. He snapped his fingers and covered them both in black paint. Ink was double careful this time, teleporting them to a better height and landing in an empty space. The Doodlesphere was a giant gradient, yellow at the top and white at the bottom, and filled with islands. Most of them were portals with decorations for their corresponding AU, but some were empty, like where they stood. When Ink created them, the AUs would drift toward where they would fit the most. The Fell AUs were all in one area, the Swap AUs in another, etc, etc. It was his favorite thing to watch.
The two stood straight apart from each other. Ink’s scarf and Fresh’s pinwheel hat blew in the wind. Ink could never figure out where the gravity and wind came from. Magic? That was the only explanation. Number one rule of the Doodlesphere: Nothing makes sense and you would drive yourself insane trying to make it make sense.
Ink held his paintbrush and aimed it in the distance, making little ‘pew pew’ noises. Then he swung it in a circle, calling to Fresh. “Whenever you’re ready!”
Fresh’s look turned more malicious as he tossed him the first paper. Ink smacked it with Broomie’s and it went soaring.
The paper stretched into an island with rocky ground. Skulls built up around the stone archway of a portal. A ball of light glowed in the center before turning into a swirling portal. It drifted through the yellow void before landing in its proper spot.
Ink took a deep breath when he finished up. Each AU drained a bit of his power, hence why he slept about fourteen hours a night with several naps, but it was worth it. Creating new worlds to explore was the best thing ever and he never wanted to stop!
Fresh took a second sheet and balled it up like a baseball before throwing it at him. Ink knew he wasn’t supposed to do that, but Ink did it too, just because it was fun, so he let it slide. He hummed a number with each one he hit. He had a huge grin on his face.
Fresh smirked, his glasses changing to IT’S ON. He teleported around Ink in balls of confetti and sparkles. He didn’t have a pattern, so he had to go by sound alone. At least the rubber duck squeaks weren’t sneaky at all. By some miracle, he hadn’t died in battle from being so colorful and noisy. To be fair, the same thing could be said about himself; Ink was very noisy on his own.
Eventually, all the AUs were gone and his job was done. Stumbling, Ink put his paintbrush away. Exhausted from doing so many at once and still worn out from earlier, he panted. But he was too excited to rest. Creating the AUs was only the second-best part of the process. The first was being able to explore them, their lore, and all the characters built. He had so many to choose from this time! He glanced over at Fresh with a smile. He turned around and held his arms out so it looked like he was holding some of the AUs. “Pick a world, any world!”
Fresh crossed his arms as his glasses changed to HMMM. His finger hovered between AUs until landing on the one with rainbow colors. Skulls were covered with some kind of rainbow goop that dripped down the sides. “Dat one.”
Ink waved his hand and put Broomie behind his back. He held his hands out to make a square and took in a rough idea of what it would look like. The black box appeared with a list of code. Ink learned to decipher it over time. The plot of this AU bubbly children’s show with a darker, more malicious element underneath. It was cliche, but there were so many ways it could go it sounded fun anyway. A fizzy feeling shivered through his bones and he bounced on his feet. He beamed and held his hand out to Fresh. “Undertop it is! Are you ready for this, it’ll be fun, but it might get a little bloody . . .”
“Dat’ll be no prob-blemo.” Fresh snapped his fingers and summoned his baseball bat. It had a sticker that said VIBE CHECK in bright red letters.
Nodding at his words, Ink shrugged and teleported up. He readied his paintbrush and jumped in for a quick new adventure with Fresh.
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auroraescritora · 1 year
Hi, we are back (temporarily). I'm still on my resting days, but I managed to bring you one more chapter. Hope you like it.
As expected, a new day came. The sun was shining brightly through the blinds, the birds were singing and they were late. Still, what worried Nico was not the fact that it was almost seven o'clock in the morning, but that someone was knocking on the door. And that someone was his sister, Bianca, who would usually be long gone to her first class of the day, but now was standing inside his room, watching them happily.
He was in a nightmare, that had to be the only explanation to justify the scene Nico has found himself in. Percy against his back, hugging him tight with only a sheet hiding their crotch. If Bianca decided to pull back the sheets, she would see it all, the marks on Percy's back and the hickey between Nico’s legs, impossible to miss even from that distance. And contrary to what he thought, Bianca decided to be kind. She waved goodbye with a lopsided smile and closed the door softly, though he could hear the sound of her laughter as she walked away down the hall. And again, he wondered what he was doing. He hadn't even… hadn’t reciprocated Percy the night before. He was the pettiest, most selfish person in the whole world.
Nico would’ve continued his self-flagellation if he hadn't felt the silent laughter against his back.
“Are you laughing at me?” Nico said, turning in Percy's arms. The boy was awake and wearing one of those smiles that infuriated and excited him at the same time.
“You have to admit, it's pretty funny.”
"No, it is not!”
"What's new? It's not the first time someone has caught us sleeping together.”
"Yeah? But it's the first time we're naked!”
“Oh.” Percy says, his smile softening. "It's even better.”
Nico got up faster than a rocket, he grabbed the first thing he saw and threw it at Percy's head. When he saw it was a pillow, he picked up the object again and smacked Percy over the head with it until his arms began to ache and he was forced to stop, settling where he was, only now realizing to be Percy's lap. What pissed him off the most was the fact that Percy didn't even try to defend himself, laughing, sprawled across the bed like it was the happiest day of his life.
“Gods! I think I’m dying. Did I go back in time by any chance? I still remember--
"Don’t you dare! How old are you?”
"Ten. Want to play house? I’ll build a fort out of chairs and blankets and we can--
"What got into you today, huh?"
"I'm happy. Don’t you?”
Nico stopped in the middle of another complaint, realizing that he was naked and still sitting on Percy's lap, just like he had a thousand times before, but this time, it meant so much more.
“Of course I am. But you don't have to go back to kindergarten.”
"Why not? It’s more fun than pretending to be a responsible adult.”
"We're not pretending… are we?"
“Nico." That's what Percy said before sitting down and hugging him tightly from the middle of his back. “I can fake many things, what I feel for you is not one of them.”
“I don't understand why now. What has changed?”
"Everything changed. You went away.”
“Per… I didn't know you cared so much, I thought… it was better if you didn't have a shadow following you around the corners.”
“Nico." Now Percy looked like he was in pain. "Who told you that? What made you think like this?”
“Well… it's just… you know… she said those things and I asked myself 'what if it's true?' I thought a little distance would be good.”
"For who? For me or for you?”
It was a good question. He just didn't want to feel so bad every time he saw those people in the school’s hallways, murmuring behind his back, things he didn't even want to know what it was, but deep down already suspected what it could be.
"Answer me.” Then Percy grabbed his face and made him look at him closely. "What were you running from?"
"Does it matter now? What will you do? Go after them and say how horrible they are? What... what's the use of looking back at the past?”
"When did you grow so much?" Percy didn't look happy about it, resigned at best.
“When I had to leave behind the one I loved the most.”
This finally silenced Percy, the boy looking at him so sadly it looked like Percy would burst into tears at any moment.
“I know who did this.” Percy said. “I needed to hear it from you. I didn't want to believe that she would do something like that.”
Nico found himself smiling, though it was a wilted, sad thing. That was the truth, people were mean and some of them would do anything to get what they wanted. The secret was not to be innocent and protect yourself, or try to stay away from their wrath. 
What could you do but try? He hugged Percy tightly and laid his head on Percy's shoulder. Since they were running late, there’s no need to rush things up.
When they finally went downstairs with their shower taken and hair combed, breakfast was already on the table; eggs, bacon, coffee, and juice. Something simple, but that they rarely had time to do. Why didn't they? Ah, now he remembered. Having to run from Will or explain to his father why he didn't want to spend time at the company had indeed taken up all his time and Bianca's as well, who ran from Hades as much or more than he himself did. But here? In the stillness without people chasing them was heaven, like a weight had finally lifted off their shoulders. It probably wouldn't last long, unfortunately. That’s why Nico wanted to take it slow, and maybe that way, he’d have more time to organize his mind and decide what to do from this moment on.
"All good?” Percy said in the hallway, as they left the room, heading towards the stairs to reach the first floor. “You've been quiet since we got in the bath.”
“Hm.” Was he that obvious or was Percy just paying attention? "I was thinking…”
"In what?”
“I… I just want to finish high school without the drama, you know? Graduate and try to make something useful out of life.”
"Is this about us?"
“I meant it when I said I didn't want a boyfriend. But I want my bestfriend back.”
"Allright.” Percy waved, all serious, though he had his hands on Nico's shoulders as they walked down the stairs, too close, to be honest. But it was a closeness Nico liked, even if he knew it made things more complicated. "Are you going to stop talking to me or is it about the sex?"
"I…" It was another good question. Did he want to get away from Percy?
“So there's no reason to put labels on what we are. It's just a name. I’ll never ask for something that you are not interested in providing.”
Nico knew all of this. Percy had never done something like that before and it wasn't now that his friend would start forcing him into something. In fact, Percy had been so patient that he'd been mistaking care for disinterest all these years. Now, he understood. Well, he understood because of yesterday. It was revealing. For real.
"Percy, look--”
“I understand more than anyone, but that doesn't change anything between us. I'm not in a hurry and I'm not going anywhere.”
"You promise?”
"I promise. I'm the same old Percy and you are my sweet little Nico. Nothing’s going to change.”
Nico blinked slowly and found himself lost in Percy's eyes, caught in every word and every whisper uttered. He knew all of this and hated how sexual the nickname now sounded, ‘my little Nico’ or ‘my sweet Nico’ spilling from Percy's lips in a tone so possessive and hot he should have run far away while he still could. He knew he should, and that was the problem, the urge and compulsion to get close to Percy was greater than any rationalization he could’ve had. When he realized what was happening, he found himself pressed against the wall at the bottom of the stairs, Percy right next to him, hands on his ass, their hips grinding against each other, and Percy's fingers pulling him by his hair in that kind of kiss meant for privacy of a bedroom walls.
He didn't remember Percy being this intense. Was all of this really because he'd been away for two years? The boy he knew was sweet, kind, and selfless. Now, most of the time, he could barely control himself when Percy decided that talking wasn't what they were supposed to do. Like in that moment, feeling Percy's hips grinding against his, almost making him come in his pants like a teenager, something he'd never was defore.
Gathering strength he didn't even know he had, Nico dragged his lips away from Percy's and took a deep breath and then pushed him away, just enough to disentangle their bodies, holding Percy by the shoulders at a safe distance.
"You can’t do that. You said you wouldn't force me.”
“I'm not forcing you.” Then Percy thought again and added, “I’m sorry. I won't do it again.”
Nico wasn't sure he believed it. Those green eyes on him, so intense they seemed to burn wherever they landed and the quick, gasping breaths told him something else, told him that if it was up to Percy they wouldn't be standing in the middle of the stairs.
"Percy, I don't think this is going to work."
“I said I'm sorry. I had to wait a long time. That's it. I'm not a monster, no matter what people say.”
“Nobody says anything.” Well, not since he went abroad. He remembered how Lou and Alabaster had hinted that Percy was waiting for the right moment to strike. And, all he had thought at the time was, “So what if Percy was? Were they jealous?” In the end, he'd walked away with a broken heart and another trauma for the collection.
“Hm, beautiful.” Percy smiled and this time Nico was paying attention. Percy took a step forward and contrary to what he expected, Percy didn't try to kiss him, I mean, not on the lips. Percy took his hands and brought them to his lips, kissing each finger separately. "I would never do anything that could hurt you. I hope you know that.”
"I do know.” Nico thought he knew, but he had discovered that good people could do bad things and after his last relationship, he wasn't sure of anything. “Just… let's take it slow, shall we?”
"Sure, Nico.”
Percy smiled once more and let both hands fall apart only to hold them in a comforting grip as they both looked down at their clasped hands. It was a scene he had never let himself visualize before, him and Percy, in a quiet place, nature around them, maybe some chairs stretched out in the sun and the two of them together, holding each other's hand as they watched the sun go down. Maybe… maybe if he was lucky enough. In a not too distant future. Maybe if they could--
“Here you are. How long will you whisper in the dark?
It was Bianca. Who else could it be?
For some reason, Percy wanted to laugh, even though the experience was turning out to be stranger than he'd anticipated. Instead of finding Hades who had told him he would arrive that morning, it was Bianca who had greeted them last night and opened the door for them; she hadn't asked anything and just said, 'Nico's room is in the same place.'
With a shrug, he had picked Nico up and headed upstairs, not the least bit put off by Bianca's presence. Percy admitted he was moving too fast, too eager, but who could blame him when as soon as they entered the room Nico had moaned softly and kissed him even sweeter, starting to take off his own clothes and lying in the middle of the bed with his legs open? He was only human, and like the weak being that he was, he did what Nico didn't have the courage to ask aloud, but said with his gaze and all that bare skin. Percy had knelt on the bed, kissed from Nico's legs to his neck to finally touch where he wanted most. Maybe he got a little carried away, touched too hard, because when he saw Nico, the boy was coming in his mouth and on his face, moaning as if it hurt and contracting so hard that for a moment he thought Nico was going to have an epileptic seizure; the only reason Percy wasn't worried was the expression of pure ecstasy on the delicate face of his baby, the heaving sigh as Nico relaxed on the bed and closed his eyes, calm and content.
He hadn't even cared about the result, him excited and frustrated, and Nico sleeping peacefully. It was his fault, plus Nico was under no obligation to reciprocate, whether they were dating or not. Taking a deep breath, all Percy did for long minutes was watch Nico sleeping comfortably on the bed, arms stretched over his head, gripping the pillows, legs spread and cock now flaccid, small and collected in the path of thin black hair that went from the lower part of his belly button to his groin, still wet with saliva and semen. Percy wanted to touch him again right then, turn Nico on one more time and see how long it took for him to come again.
In the end, making an effort to get away, Percy got out of bed slowly so as not to wake Nico up, entered the bathroom that was inside the suite and lowered his pants. It would be safer if he took care of things away from Nico, just to make sure he could behave the rest of the night; Percy knew how suspicious Nico was when it came to sexuality and trust, especially when a year ago Nico had broken up with his boyfriend and not told him the reason. And even if he suspected what had happened, that was none of his business either. If Nico didn't want to tell him, Percy should respect his decision. For now.
That way, He took care of things mechanically, found a clean towel, dampened it with warm water and cleaned Nico, then stripped off his clothes and climbed into bed with him. Percy had barely laid his head on the pillow when Nico wrapped his arms around his neck in his sleep, snuggling against him. Legs against legs and chest against chest, practically kissing him, stretched against his body.
"I missed you.” Nico murmured, sighing contentedly and falling back into his deep sleep once more.
Percy thought that had been one of the happiest moments of his life, Nico after so long letting himself be vulnerable around him when Percy thought that these scenes would never happen again.
Feeling a tightness in his heart as if it would explode at any moment and wanting to cry, Percy finally allowed himself to close his eyes and accept his feelings. He loved Nico, not even time or other people would make that same sense of completeness set in; no one made him feel as good and as powerful as Nico did, no one made him laugh or cry as easily, or create this crazy desire in him to be the best just to make sure he was able to give Nico everything he needed.
“I missed you too.” Percy ended up muttering back before falling asleep, pulling Nico closer and finally letting himself go.
Now they were sitting at the kitchen table, Bianca sitting across from him while Nico sat beside him, filling a plate with food and a cup of plain, unsweetened coffee, handing it to him.
“You still remember.” Percy said picked up the cup, taking a sip and inhaling the fragrance of freshly brewed and ground coffee, not as strong as he liked, but of exemplary quality. It was all so familiar that Percy found himself smiling, watching Bianca smirking and Nico pretend he wasn't embarrassed by the compliment. Nico was never very good at receiving them.
"I did nothing.”
“Hm.” He murmured, trying not to provoke Nico any further. But he couldn't help it, he followed Nico with his gaze, seeing him finally sit down and grab a glass of orange juice, taking a long sip before concentrating on his plate, when Bianca looked at him and asked:
"Percy Jackson, what brings you here?"
“Nico.” He said and smiled at Bianca. Between them there was never room for anything but outright sincerity. After all, she had allowed Nico to practically move into his home for those long, magnificent years and he wouldn’t do anything to break the trust between them.
"Are you serious this time?"
"That’s nice.”
Bianca nodded, satisfied. She turned back to her food and raised a mouthful of eggs to her lips.
"What was this?” Nico asked, putting down his fork. He crossed his arms and glared at them.
"I wanted to know.” Bianca shrugged. “You arrived late yesterday.”
"I can’t believe this!” Nico covered his face and groaned anxiously. "Did you see us?"
"I saw everything.”
There was silence, however, not for long. Nico pushed back his chair and stood up, staggering.
“I need… I need to get my bag.”
Which was just one reason for him to hide for a while or until the blush faded away. Percy watched Nico drag himself out of the kitchen and turned to Bianca.
"So, then?" He asked. He knew Bianca wanted to say something, but he didn't want Nico to hear.
"You look different.”
“More…decided. Mature.”
“Some things happened.”
When Bianca didn't say anything else, he shrugged and continued:
“Nico left and I found out a few things.”
"Nothing much.”
Bianca raised her eyebrows and Percy surrendered.
“It seems I was very nice and innocent. So I decided not to be anymore.”
"Do not tell me.”
"Nobody tells me these things! I thought Nico didn't think about…about…”
“Apparently I was wrong and he thought I wasn't interested.”
"Hm..." Bianca looked at him for a few more moments and was merciful. “It's not your fault, it was that blonde girl who was always after you.”
"Damn it. I don't even like women!"
"And? I would be more careful if I were you.”
Percy knew this wasn't a threat but it was a warning, as Bianca would never do anything to get in the way of Nico's happiness.
"Do you think I should do something more drastic?"
“I think Nico would do something drastic if he thinks he's in the way.”
Percy stopped breathing for a moment and realized the seriousness of the problem, only now did he see that Bianca looked worried. She wouldn't be home when responsibility always came first for the Di Angelos; she wouldn't be wasting that precious time if Bianca didn't think it was extremely important.
“I'll take care of everything. You don’t need to worry.”
"It's what I hope.”
With that, they both lowered their heads and continued to eat until Nico returned, calmer and more composed. Both finished eating the rest of the food, and in a hurry, Nico soon pulled him by the hand and towards the car parked in front of the Di Ângelo's house.
As always, your feedback is always important. Thanks for reading!
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wromwood · 2 years
OK, someone PLEASE let me know if this is indeed a stupid trope or if there’s something my autistic ass isn’t getting:
Why do people in fiction keep assuming that things are pranks? It’s always annoyed me, but now it’s really pissing me off for some reason. It seems like every time a character does something (especially if it involves them looking confused, or panicking, or otherwise expressing ‘I’m scared and I need help!’ or ‘That thing I did that made you angry wasn’t my fault and it’s bad for me too, PLEASE, I’m so frightened!’), the other character will get angry and say “If this is a prank...!”
... WHY. Why a prank? It’s hardly ever a case of the boy who cries wolf, either. This happens to characters who aren’t established pranksters, and we often have no evidence at all of them lying or going against their word. The character in distress is often our protagonist, often kind and good, and yet the other person will IMMEDIATELY jump to the conclusion that this is must be a prank, and how DARE they even THINK of playing a prank! If this is a prank, then their fear and terror should be answered with EXTREME ANGER and ABANDONMENT, FUCK the character, may their distressed soul ROT IN FUCKING HELL APPARENTLY
... I obviously have personal issues with this, but that’s beside the point.
I’m more understanding of people who say “Is this a joke?” Because a joke is different than a prank. It’s easy to not understand when someone is joking. It’s easy for a joke to fall flat, or to be delivered too seriously. And it’s understandable to get annoyed at this, or even a little angry. The annoyance comes from “phew, you worried me. Please only use that tone for serious things next time.” The anger comes from “Grrr, I can’t believe I failed to recognize this as joke, or go along with the bit.”
But a PRANK? A prank is different. A prank is intentional. A prank means that the pranker wanted to make a fool of you. A prank is done AT you, TO you. A prank can be (even if it isn’t always) cruel. I understand why people would respond to a prank with rage.
... but why do they assume prank before joke? Why from characters they’re supposed to like? People don’t pull pranks regularly enough for this to be a common fear! Who out there is being a serial pranker and making everyone so jumpy?
ok rant over bye
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In defense of Wai
Hey there, Bad Buddy fandom! No, I am not about to write a 10k words long post in which I will justify Wai for what he did to Pran (and Pat) at the end of episode 8; what he did is unjustifiable, so I won’t even make an attempt. All I want to do is to—maybe—let you all see him in a different light—especially those who have either never rewatched the show or who have only rewatched the PatPran/InkPa scenes (understandable tbh): there are so many little details spread all around the episodes that may go unnoticed on a first watch. 
I also read many people talk really bad about Wai as a friend overall, even before what happens during (and after) the curtain drop scene; and I heavily disagree, so here’s my personal perspective on this character.
[NOTE: I do not like Jimmy’s acting and the only reason I’m able to ‘stand’ it in Bad Buddy is that most of the scenes in which he appears are pretty light-hearted, or meant to be comic relief, so his cringey acting does not look (that much) all over the place. Despite this issue, I still believe Wai is a well written character who has layers to him and I would love to explore them.]
The show literally starts with a close up of Wai’s feet [EP1, part1, 0:44], introducing his character while he tries to run away from his bullies—yes, Pat and co. are acting like bullies and I do not care about how amazing of a person Pat actually is, I don’t care how goofy and likeable Korn becomes later in the show: they are introduced as assholes who are willing to resort to violence the moment someone gives them a middle finger. That is not okay (yes, I will be talking about Wai and his tendencies to resort to violence as well, don’t worry about it), especially when you watch the show in retrospect and know what they’ll do to Wai in his workplace (but we’ll get there).
We are immediately given some info about how much Pran cares about Wai: when Safe tells him [EP1, part1, 2:29] that Louis is in trouble, Pran only retorts ‘He gets himself into a fight everyday’, but when Safe mentions that Wai’s there too, Pran changes his mind and decides to go to his rescue. This is important because a) we’ll get to know Pran over the episodes and we’ll realize he doesn’t like violence at all and is way less inclined to piss people off as well, favouring manipulation and politeness to get what he wants; b) Pran is not about to help Wai because he believes he’s innocent, considering what he asks him [EP1, part1, 8:31] after the fight: ‘What did you do to them this time?’; Pran goes there fully aware that, despite Wai being the victim in that specific situation, he probably did something that led things to go the way they did. And yet, he still puts himself in danger to help him, and assists him [EP1, part1, 8:02] in getting up before running away, making sure he’s safe and sound. 
Wai is therefore introduced as a troublemaker, as someone who doesn’t shy away from a fight, who’s quite immature and doesn’t know how to read the room; of course, it’s not his fault Pat and his guys decided it made sense to chase down someone over a middle finger, but all I’m saying is that Pat had a well-known reputation, and Wai still decided to provoke him and his friends well aware of that. Safe even tells him (EP1, part1,9:08): “I just don’t get it, Wai. Why did you have to mess with that guy. I heard he’s the boss of his faculty. Even our seniors don’t want to have problems with him. Who are you to dare?”, to which Wai replies: “I’m not scared at all.” and then suggests to take revenge on the Engineering gang as soon as they can. So, he didn’t learn much from what just happened, but I can’t say I blame him entirely, to be honest: I never liked giving in to bullies either. The mature and wise thing to do would be to report them: to have them act like bullies in front of a camera, then show the video to their professors and get them all suspended or expelled. But as we already established, Wai is everything but mature, or wise. 
When Pran refuses to help them in their plan for revenge (<3), he then turns to Wai and reccomends him [EP1, part1, 9:36] to be cautious (he doesn’t give the same advice to Safe or Louis, focusing entirely on keeping Wai safe). You can then see Wai thinking about Pran’s words and nodding, as if he’s actually giving it some thought (in other words, Pran’s opinion is important to Wai, and since he actually doesn’t seem to be plotting anything against Pat and his friends later in the episode it’s fair to assume he realized Pran is right). 
We don’t know the circumstances in which these two met—we only know it was before they started Uni. My personal headcanon is that they became friends when Pran was transferred, in his boarding school; on the other hand, it’s likely that they met Safe and Louis during University (therefore these two friendships are still very new to Pran, which explains his blatant favoritism towards Wai). Wai must have done something to earn Pran’s trust and affection—and I only wish the show dived more into their past—, we don’t know what, but he must have done something! Pran isn’t a person who makes friends easily (we have canon confirmation of this in ep10, but it was pretty obvious from his personality alone), so for him to be this attached to Wai something huge must have happened. We do know, though, that Pran never talked to Wai about liking Pat, or liking boys as a whole; so we do know that, while theirs is clearly a deep bond, Pran never really managed to fully open up with Wai; then again, we also know that Pran doesn’t easily open up to anyone, that he has issues doing so even with Pat; and being transferred somewhere else must have been a trauma for him, to the point that he may have just wanted to forget all about his previous life, never mentioning anything concerning Pat or his family situation to avoid thinking about them. 
Next time we see Wai [EP1, part2, 4:44], he’s hanging around with Pran, Safe and Louis, and they’re being cute together, laughing and smiling without a care in the world. They’re walking in pairs, and Wai is—of course—standing next to Pran. After they get an interruption by another Architecture student, they split up, Safe and Louis heading to the canteen, Wai and Pran to the workshop studio. But before they go, Wai catches Pran’s attention and shows him a flier on the wall [EP1, part2, 5:50], the one that’s spamming the Freshy Day Music competion. When Pran points out that the layout isn’t great, purposely ignoring the real reason why Wai showed him the flier, he seems amused [EP1, part2, 6:01]—actually, he looks at Pran with a fond smile the entire time, clearly looking forward to his reaction. 
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Now, I know most people will probably say that this is the first time Wai tries to guilt-trip Pran into doing him a favor, but Wai doesn’t even mention anything about how much he wants to take part into the competition, or how great it would be for him if Pran agreed, he just points out he knows Pran wants to do it, and spurrs him into action. He doesn’t even pressure him, simply stating [6:35] that he’ll go get an application form, which Pran can decide whether or not to sign later. I genuinely believe Wai was doing this with the best intentions. Did he want to join this competition? Sure. He obviously likes to play guitar, considering he’s got money issues but still owns one of his own. But he also mentions he knows Pran wants to. What does this mean? It means Pran told Wai about his love for music. He didn’t bring his guitar with him when he got transferred: we know Pat is currently holding it in his closet; therefore the topic must have just popped out at some point during their friendship, and Pran must have felt comfortable enough to talk about it. 
The scene that follows is very light hearted and fun. Pran points out it’s for the best if he’s the one getting the application form, since Wai likes to slack off and the last time they went to get a coffee they ended up getting no work done at all. It’s a little detail that tells us Wai is not really the most diligent person in the world (who would have thought?) but also that these two really enjoy spending their time together, to the point that hours can pass and they barely notice. 
The next scene that’s important in terms of Pran and Wai’s friendship is the conversation Pran has with Pat in his room (EP1, part3, 6:29). Pat asks Pran to stop protecting Wai, to back off, and—despite the feelings we know Pran has for Pat—he refuses to do so. “Wai has been my close friend since before I transferred here.” 
Pat and Pran come to an agreement: Pran will avoid Wai getting hurt by asking him to apologize, and Pat will be the one backing off consequently. Wai agrees to this, and I firmly believe it must be because of something Pran told him, otherwise he would have never apologized to them (especially since, sure, he gave them a middle finger, but they’re the ones who resorted to violence, so they’re really the ones at fault).Things don’t go the way they planned, because Pat’s friends are complete assholes, but at least they gave it a try; the trade-off scene is so fucking cringey—seeing University students acting like mobsters gives me chills—, so I won’t dive into it any further.
So, what did we get out of episode 1? 
- Wai is Pran’s closest and most important friend and Pran cares deeply about him;
- Wai gives credit to Pran’s words and opinions; 
- they truly enjoy hanging out together; 
- they most likely had some personal conversations over the years, in which Pran opened up to Wai about his love for music, and Wai remembers what Pran told him. 
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azuisreading · 2 years
Crossing the Line by Heather Garvin
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High school may have been three years ago, but Claire Ackerman and Aiden Lewis know each other more than they’re willing to admit. Their past created a tie between them that neither thought they’d have to acknowledge again, and when Claire unknowingly storms into the bar Aiden frequents in their hometown of Beacon, New York, they’re both thrown off by the sudden reunion. A lot has changed since high school. Aiden is shut off from the world, and Claire has just had the rug ripped out from under hers. But even though he finds her a little uptight, and she finds him a little rude, the pair end up on a train to Florida together regardless. Claire gets on board as a way to celebrate her newfound independence, and Aiden joins because, even though he swore he’d never go back to Florida after what happened, he’s worried about the girl from high school that he could never fully forget. The two have a plan, and they have rules, but things don’t turn out how they expect. Because rules are made to be broken. And even the boldest of lines are meant to be crossed.
I think I’ve been pretty lucky, getting to be part of the ARC teams of amazing writers. Heather Garvin is another of those and since the first moment I crossed with her book, I knew I would have an exceptional time. I just didn’t know how great it would be. So for that I’m doing a review now in exchange.
This is a book I will not only have in my favorite shelf but in the one of my comfort readings too. But it is that I’m weak for men like Aiden Lewis, Claire Ackerman is a lucky girl. They have a long journey, being this a story about second chances. It made me hopeful about second chances. Not all of them are bad and not because they’re a second is doomed. Well, the conditions are always important for the outcome, and at least to me, they had exceptional conditions.
It doesn’t even seem romantic, very fateful and coincidental, but not strictly romantic. It felt like an adventure, and each step an opportunity of now or never (as all opportunities really are). They did go through almost all the steps consecutively, and I was surprised at how willing they (he in special) were to talk about things. If you read the book, you will say I’m lying, I know, but I said they were willing, and they were. They really tried to do so. Because, well, misunderstandings happen, too often, and in an equally stupid way; in that we had an experience very close to reality, so close it hurts. That’s why communication is key and we not only have to be willing and try, but really make it happen to avoid outcomes like those.
Even with all that they both made me go through, I love them. I’m sorry I have favorites, but it is that Aiden Lewis… sigh. He doesn’t seem like it, but he’s worthy, especially if he’s with the love of his life (because I don’t steal other people’s men, that’s low, no matter they’re all fictional -cry-). It’s not only a figurative journey, this book. If you board this train, I’m warning you will go through all the emotions you can feel paired with love, and not only the good ones. The positive part about it is that that’s the way we grow.
Phrases that I liked so much that I marked them while reading
«There are people who love their lives, and then there are people like me. It makes you think that it’s time to reevaluate your life. And that’s the last thing I need.» — 1.
«and I kind of want to break something. Or scream. Yeah, maybe I’ll just scream.» — 2.
«Don’t do it. Don’t you dare chase after that girl. Mind your own damn business, Aiden.» — 5.
«He looks left and then right before he spots me leaning against the wall a few feet away, and his posture immediately relaxes. One hand holds a brown jacket as the other runs through his loose waves. “You’re still here.”» — 6.
«And for whatever annoying-ass reason, the thought of her going on this trip makes my stomach twist. Which pisses me off because whether or not Claire Ackerman goes to Florida shouldn’t be any of my damn business.» — 7.
«It’s more like I feel like I have to—like someone has to, and I’m the only idiot around to do it.» — 7.
«Life is so much easier when you don’t give a shit.» — 7.
«Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “Why are you doing this?” “I have no fucking idea.”» — 8.
«“What if we go all the way there, and it’s raining?” It probably will be because Florida sucks.» — 9.
«“I remember because after I saw you, I wondered if all the girls who lived there were as beautiful as you. For the record—they’re not.”» — 12.
«She smiles, and I’m surprised how much I like the fact that I’m the one who put it there.» — 13.
«She falls quiet again. I don’t know why her silence eats at me. I usually can’t wait for people to stop talking.» — 13.
«“I have a fear of dying in some type of freak accident.” His face falls. “That’s morbid.” With a roll of my eyes, I say, “I’m not saying I think I will. It’s just a fear. Like every time I ride the subway, I think about how terrible it would be if something went wrong with the tracks and we collided with another train.” “You think about that every time you get on the subway?” My cheeks burn, and I backpedal. “Well, I don’t dwell on it or anything, but it usually crosses my mind at some point.” I wave my hand in the air dismissively.» — 14.
«“I only want to hear things about you.”» — 14.
«Sitting here in silence for the last fifteen minutes was driving me crazy; there’s no way I could take, however many hours we have left, with her not speaking to me.» — 15.
«I laugh because her last lie would have been more than believable for most of the girls I know. It just wasn’t believable coming from her.» — 15.
«all I can focus on is how wrong I was about him, and if this is the real him, I’m glad to be over a thousand miles away.» — 20.
«She doesn’t meet my eyes as she says it, and I hate it. I want her to look at me. I want to see her smile again. I want to be the one to make her smile again.» — 21.
«but there’s only one place that would have the audacity to be this bright so early.» — 31.
«and groan as I get out of the hammock. There’s no graceful way to get out of a fucking hammock.» — 31.
«The only movement on the streets below comes from the early risers walking their dogs, riding bikes, and doing whatever else mentally stable people do this early.» — 31.
«Chances are the guys aren’t even awake yet, and this view isn’t something to rush. I wonder what view Claire is waking up to this morning. Hopefully, it’s one like mine. I think she’d enjoy it.» — 31.
«Chad snaps his fingers. “Ethan, control your woman.” “She calls the shots,” Ethan says with a shrug of his shoulders.» — 33.
«Seeing her makes me happier than I’ve been all day.» — 35.
«She looks different. Holy hell does she looks different. I don’t even know how, but damn. If Florida has ever done anything right, it’s whatever it did to Claire Ackerman.» — 35.
«She’s staring at me like I’m an idiot. Probably because I am an idiot.» — 35.
«She’s made it clear she doesn’t want anything like that from me—so clear that she made a fucking rule about it. Which I know is for the best. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.» — 39.
«I don’t know what the fuck just happened. But I need more of it.» — 43.
«I like her too much to just be the guy that helps her get over him.» — 45.
«I know how Aiden Lewis operates, and there’s a good chance that I won’t hear from him again. Aiden: Come outside.» — 46.
«I’m still on the bottom step, staring at her like an idiot.» — 47.
«I thought I’d be ready to see her, but I wasn’t expecting her to look this good in the morning.» — 47.
«Em smiles at her friend before looking at me and mouthing be nice. This is the shit that pisses me off. I shouldn’t have to be nice. I will. But I shouldn’t have to.» — 55.
«“Do you think we can go somewhere and talk?” Part of me wants to flat out answer no, but another, more curious part takes control. “Yeah, I guess.” And this is how curiosity killed the fucking cat.» — 55.
«Em widens her eyes at me while Claire isn’t looking, but I have no idea what she’s trying to tell me. She’s probably telling me that I’m stupid, but I already know that, Em. Thanks for nothing.» — 57.
«Aiden rubs a palm against his chest like I’ve punched him. “Jesus, Claire, no warmup? You just go straight for the kill?”» — 60.
«I’m not used to anyone looking at me the way he is. Like he wants to possess me but feels like he’s at my mercy. But I love it.» — 62.
«This past year, I’ve been gambling with a string of one-night stands and casual hookups, and now, because of sheer, dumb luck, I feel like I’ve won the jackpot.» — 63.
«I carefully move out from under Claire, doing my best no to wake her up. It turns out that not waking her isn’t difficult. This girl is passed the fuck out.» — 63.
«I guess, no matter how much you think you know the facts, there’s always that chance that none of it is real.» — 66.
«It’s easier to keep myself together when no one asks me if I’m okay. Because I am definitely not okay, but I’ll pretend for as long as I can.» — 74.
«Those blue eyes pin me in place the same way they always have, and I’m too intrigued to know what lies behind them to do anything about it.» — 86.
«Locking eyes with him steals the breath from my lungs and makes my heart race. The longer he looks at me, the harder it beats in my chest.» — 86.
«I want to tell her how badly I want this.» — 87.
«I’m like a kid who wants to touch a pretty object but knows there’s a good chance he’ll break it—and the last thing I want to do is break her more than I already have.» — 87.
«She deserves someone who will stay and fight for her, and that’s who I want to be.» — 89.
«She might not know if she can trust me, but she laughed. And I’ll take it.» — 89.
«“We’ll have to figure out how to see each other.” “I’ll visit whenever you want.” “¿You will?” “Claire, I’ve already gone to fucking Florida for you, and that was before you knocked me on my ass. Now that I’ve fallen, I think it’s safe to say two hours on a train won’t be an issue.” “Tell me more about this falling.” “To be fair, I didn’t stand a chance.” “¿No?” “When you flipped me off on that beach, I was done for.” “I should have known that would be the way to your heart.”» — 90.
«She’s his greatest adventure, and it’s only just beginning.» — Epilogue.
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strawberrysodaslut · 2 years
Try Me - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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[ Eddie Munson Masterlist ]
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word count: 2.5k
summary: After getting drunk with your best friend, Eddie, you find out he’s never been kissed before. You’re happy to help him in that area (and maybe others…)
warnings: SMUT, oral (male receiving), gagging, slight d/s dynamic, praise kink, establishment of a safe word, cum eating, friends to lovers (let me know if i missed anything)
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Eddie had been your best friend since second grade. He had always been there for you, no matter what. Even when the two of you fought, he would always come over when you called him.
You would often spend a chunk of the day listening to Eddie bitch about Steve Harrington on your way to the video store. You knew he was just jealous of how Dustin adored Steve, the guy was practically a god to him.
But whenever you brought it up, he’d get completely defensive, going off about how he’s ‘not jealous, just worried that Dustin will fall victim to the disease that is popularity.’
Of course, if popularity was a disease- you don’t even know what you and Eddie were. You weren’t unpopular by any means, you were on good terms with the general school population, but you wouldn’t consider too many people your friend.
That pretty much caused your Friday nights to be spent alone with Eddie, but the two of you didn’t mind. You’d watch movies or have Eddie explain whatever plan he had for the next d&d campaign, you never really understood what was going on, but he always had you hooked on the story.
Tonight, it was your turn to pick, and you had decided on a game that has stood the test of time with sleepovers.
“No, no way I’m playing truth or dare.”
“Please! Come on, it’ll be fun!” You begged,
He shook his head, “Nope, can’t we do anything else?”
You stood your ground, “Hey, it’s my week to pick. And remember last week when you were half an hour late? You owe me a night of thruthing and daring.” You say, crossing your arms on your chest.
Eddie rolls his eyes, “Fine, truth or dares it is.”
It starts pretty tame, but the longer you play, the more fun Eddie is having. Asking more daunting questions and embarrassing dares.
It took about an hour for you to introduce alcohol into the game, and it didn’t take much longer for the two of you to be piss-drunk on Eddie’s couch, filters completely gone as you both answer questions you’d never tell each other otherwise.
“Truth,” you say, ready to answer any question he had.
He pauses, his breath hitching as he scratches his palms- he’s nervous. “Eddie? What’s the question?” You ask, trying to calm him down.
“Wh-what happened with you and Billy?” He asks.
You and Billy Hargrove had a very brief relationship a couple of months before the StarCourt Mall fire last year. You knew he didn’t like you that much, and you weren’t fond of him, but honestly, you didn’t care. You just wanted someone.
But even though you never really liked him, it hurt when you broke up. Eddie hated him, so you didn’t really talk about what happened between you two. Billy’s death made it even harder to talk about, but with Eddie, you knew you were safe to talk to him about anything.
“So… that’s what happened.”
Eddie takes a big sigh, “Wow,” He says, turning to you, “Is it bad I’m a little jealous right now?” He asked.
You laugh, “You’re jealous of a shitty, toxic relationship where the guy died in a fire?” You ask, taking a swig of your drink.
He chuckles, shaking his head, “No, no, just having a relationship in general, someone who wants to be with you like that.” He ducks his head in embarrassment.
You look at him, “Come on Ed, plenty of girls would want to be with you. You’re the perfect guy.” You say, lightly punching his shoulder.
“You say that, but look at me. I haven’t even kissed a woman yet, but please show me the line of women waiting for me.” He says, throwing his hands in the air.
His eyes went wide once he realised what he said, and you can’t lie, your own eyes matched his. You don’t know why you didn’t consider it, Eddie was older than you, he always had this “cool guy” attitude to him. Sure you’d never seen him with a girl- or guy, but you just assumed. He never told you anything otherwise- until now.
This urge hit you, one you had been fighting for years now. You weren’t sure whether it was the buzz from being drunk or the new information, but the urge changed into a demand.
He hasn’t had a first kiss? Let’s give him one he’ll never forget.
You moved closer to him, using one hand to take him and the other to cup his cheek. He leans into the touch before his mind catches up, realising what’s about to happen. His eyes go wide.
“Oh, oh, uh-“ He stutters, “You don’t have to-it's fine.” He says.
You shush him, “I want to,” You lean in, you can feel his breath on your lips. “Do you?” You ask, the question coming out like a whisper.
He nods, and before you can second guess yourself, you press a soft kiss to his lips.
The kiss is chaste, but just as you lean back, he’s pulling you back in, his left hand finding your hips while the right cups your cheek.
The kiss is quite sloppy at first, but Eddie is a fast learner. Quickly becoming one of the better kisses you’ve had.
You poke your tongue against his lips, asking for permission to enter, he obliges, giving you space to kiss him with your tongue. It doesn’t take long before he’s experimenting with his own, finding out what’s good and what isn’t.
He nips at your bottom lip, just testing the waters, you moan into the kiss, causing him to groan.
You slide into his lap, straddling him as his hands slip just under your shirt. The cool rings on your skin tickle, so you giggle, pulling out of the kiss. Moving down to kiss his neck.
You can feel the vibrations of his groans on your lips, encouraging you to continue. You quickly find his sweet spot and bite down to suck a bruise. He moans out, bucking his hips up into yours, you moan, gripping his shoulders for stability.
You finally get to look at him, his face is bright red, his lips were completely swollen, he looks completely and utterly fucked out. But he’s also smiling like he just won the lottery, which in his eyes, he just has.
The bulge underneath you quickly grows as he hardens, you roll into it, eliciting another moan from him. You lean in, kissing his neck before licking along his jaw.
“Wait-“ He says, moving you back into place. Just as you’re about to ask what’s wrong, he grips at your shirt, tugging it. He’s trying to ask you to take it off.
You smirk, you’ve never seen Eddie like this. So… needy, desperate. You decide to take advantage of it. “What d’ya want baby? What is it?” You ask, giving him the most innocent look you can.
He starts stuttering, fingers still toying with the hem of your shirt, you almost feel guilty, wanting to apologise and give him whatever he asks for. But you also like the position you’re in right now.
You grip his chin, making him look at you. “Words, baby, I need you to tell me what you want.” You say, moving to nibble on his earlobe.
To your amusement, he whines, “Please,” he
whimpers, “Please let me take it off.
You smile, about to pull your ace card. You press a chaste kiss to his lips, “Good boy,” you mutter against his lips. You’re very pleased when he reacts by bucking his hips up to yours. You smirk, “You like that?” You ask.
He nods, “Yeah, I really do.” he says, his face turning red as he buries his face in your neck to hide.
Despite enjoying teasing him, you decide to give in, tugging on your own shirt to let him pull it off you. You thank yourself for deciding to forgo a bra today. He practically tears your shirt off of you, moaning at the sight of your breasts.
“Holy shit…” He mutters, his hands hovering just under your breasts, he’s waiting for permission.
You smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “You can touch me, Ed,” You say, a chuckle clouding your words.
And just like that, he goes in. Taking your breast into his mouth, sucking, biting and licking across your nipple. You moan at the stimulation, grinding down onto him, “Fuck, so good.”
He takes this as a sign to keep going- as he should. Gripping harder on your waist as he takes your nipple in between his teeth, rolling it before licking to soothe it.
You card your hands through his hair, tugging as you moan. You’re being absolutely worked. This was supposed to be about him, you’ve gotta fix this.
You tug his hair, pulling him off of your breast. You sit up slightly, moving your hand to palm at his cock. He moans, shuddering as you light drag your nails across his neck.
You unbutton his jeans, resting your hand on the zipper as you look to him for permission. Once his brain catches up he’s nodding profusely, a begging mess for you.
As soon as you’ve undone his jeans, you’re pushing your hand into his boxers, wrapping your hand around his hard cock and slowly stroking it.
He moans, rolling his hips into your hand. “Son of a bitch.” He mutters.
When you remove your hand, he actually whines, desperate for your hand back on him, but that desperation is rewarded as you kiss along his jawline, leaning into his ear, “I wanna suck you off,” you mutter, grinding into him. He moans, rolling his hips up to match your rolls. “Is that okay?” You ask.
Before you’ve even finished the sentence, he’s profusely nodding, “Yes- yes please.” He sputters.
You roll into him once more- for good measure, before moving to go on your knees. “You’re- this is- wow…” He says, watching as you pull his jeans and boxers down.
His cock springs free, slapping his stomach. It’s a surprising length- you never really thought about how big he would be, but you didn’t think it would be that big. It’s slightly curved, with a very red tip, like it’s angry, demanding stimulation.
You decide to oblige, pressing a kiss to the red tip. Eddie immediately moans, bucking his hips. You want to tease him, but decide to be nice this time. Finding a vein in the base and following it right up to his slit, licking the precum.
He lets out a guttural moan, “Oh my god, please don’t tease me, baby, please.”
The mix of his begging and that nickname burned in your abdomen, feeling the wetness from your panties on your leg where you sit.
You decide to be kind, guiding his cock into your mouth and sinking as far down as you can. Using your hand to rub whatever parts you can’t fit.
You swallow, causing him to jerk, hitting the back of your throat. You pull off, gagging and coughing. You try to let him know it’s okay, but he’s already profusely apologising.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you- shit. Do you need something? Do I need to call an ambulance?” He says, not taking a breath in between any of his words.
As your coughing comes to a stop, you sit back up on the couch, resting your hand on his cheek. “Hey, I’m fine, was just surprised s’all, it’s no big deal.” You say, he nods, “Now, we can stop if you want, but I’d be happy to keep going.”
He looks up at you with near doe eyes, “Really? You’re sure you’re okay?”
You giggle at his nervousness, the way he cares for you making your heart swell. “I’m fine, that shit happens all the time. Some people are into it.” You say, his eyes widen. God- he really is clueless about this stuff.
He takes a second, “I don’t think- I’m into it. Is that okay? I just don’t like seeing you like that.” He whispers, brushing his hand along your hair.
You nod, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Of course it’s okay,” You pull back, still seeing some apprehension in him. Your heart aches, he’s not doing anything wrong, he shouldn’t feel guilty.
“Okay, how about this.” You start, he looks at you with peak interest, “If you’re uncomfortable, and want to stop, you say red, if you want me to slow down, say yellow, yeah?” He nods, understanding what you’re talking about.
“And if I want to slow down, I’ll tap twice,” You say, tapping twice on his thigh to show him. “And if I wanna stop, I tap continuously.” You say, tapping at a rapid pace. “Does that make you feel better?” You ask, kissing the side of his lips.
He nods again, looking so much more relaxed. “Definitely, I don’t wanna hurt you.” He says, rubbing along your back.
You giggle, “I’m glad,” You say, leaning in to kiss him, taking his cock in your hand and gently stroking it. “You want me to keep going?” You ask.
He nods before moaning, “Please, please do.” he says, rolling his hips into your hand.
You nod, sinking back down to your knees. Since he still seems nervous, it’s probably better to go a little slow. You press kisses along his length, rubbing the slit with your thumb, smearing the precum over his tip.
He gasps as you start to place kitten licks along the slit, slowly getting bigger as your mouth started to cover his head. He moans, “Fuck baby, s’good.” He says, hand reaching to pull your hair away from your face.
Eventually, you get down far enough that your nose is brushing his pubic hair. You take that as the best sign to start travelling up and down his shaft, swallowing when needed -and sometimes just to feel how he squirms.
His moans turn one continuous string of moans as you feel his cock throb in you. He reaches to feel the way his cock sits in your mouth, swearing at the sight of it.
He feels- close, so you start to increase the pace at which you bob your head. You feel him tense below your hand. “Shit- so close.” He moans.
You continue to swallow around him, encouraging him to unload in your mouth. He moans, allowing himself to fully let go, spilling his seed into your mouth. You smile as you swallow around him, making sure to catch every drop before popping off of him.
“Holy- holy shit.” He mutters, repeating various swear words as you coax him back to you.
You can tell he’s worn out, certainly too tired to learn any ways of getting you off, but that doesn’t matter. Tonight wasn’t about you, it was about him, making him feel good. And after tonight, truth or dare is his new favourite game.
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starlitangels · 3 years
Father/Alpha Balance
Another Anon request! With either Angel or David getting in an argument with Gabriel, the son I made up in “Pups” and then making up afterward! With the way I made Gabriel originally, I never saw him as the argumentative type, but teenagers will be teenagers, I guess lol 3.1k words CW: argument
Natalie looked up from her game as Gabriel slipped into the house through the back door. “You’re home late,” she whispered to her big brother, popping an earbud out of her ear. “Where have you been?” Gabriel lifted a finger to his lips. His sister raised an eyebrow—a skill she’d inherited from Dad. “Were you out with Miiicaaaaah?” A playful grin tugged on her face.
“What? No!”
“Too bad. That would probably piss off our parents less.”
“Natalie, don’t you dare say anything to either of our parents, understood?” Gabriel hissed.
Natalie shrugged, putting her earbud back in and unpausing her game. “Probably won’t. No promises. You know I’m a bad liar.” That wasn’t entirely true. Natalie just placed a great deal of value in honesty because lies were too hard to keep track of—but her to-a-fault honesty made it easy to lie since people would believe she was most likely telling the truth.
“Natty, listen to me. This was important. They don’t need to know.”
“Need to know what, Gabriel?” The deep grumble of an angry David Shaw caused the blood to drain out of Natalie’s face, leaving her skin cold. She slipped off the couch as the living room light flicked on, revealing their dad standing at the base of the stairs.
Natalie slid past him and bolted up the stairs. A moment later, the door to her bedroom shut.
Gabriel’s jaw clenched. “It’s none of your business,” Gabriel retorted.
“You were out two hours past curfew. I know we don’t enforce it very strictly—but that’s because we trust you and we expect you to respect yourself enough to come home at a reasonable hour,” David said. “Where were you?”
“What, were you worried?” Gabriel sneered.
“Yes, I was,” David snapped. “You’re my son. And as your father—and as your alpha—I love you and want to keep you safe.”
Gabriel scoffed. “Always the alpha, never the dad.” His tone had hushed, almost like he didn’t want his dad to hear.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You haven’t looked at me as my dad since I was thirteen. You look at me like you look at the other pack members—like I’m another name on a list of people to check in on and keep in line.”
I sighed and got out of bed. “This is going to end well,” I muttered. Pulling on my bathrobe against the early spring chill, I went downstairs.
“—sorry if I’ve made you feel that way. That was not my intention,” Davey was saying, tone tightly controlled. The same way I’d heard when Milo had come to him saying the pack teased him for being small in wolf form. It wasn’t a tone I’d heard David use often. When he was so angry he was deathly calm. “That said, you are still my son; and I am still worried about you. Where have you been?”
Gabriel’s eyes—the same green as Davey’s—flicked to me. I recognized my defiance in that look. The part of me that had turned teasing my mate until he loosened up into a hobby. But Gabriel had his dad’s steel inside him too, as he looked back to David. “If I told you I was out with Andrew and Justin in the woods, would that piss you off more?”
“Is that why you’re bleeding?” I asked softly, looking down.
Gabriel swore under his breath and put his arm behind his back. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Gabriel.” David’s voice sharpened like a blade. “Have you been fighting?”
“You’re one to get righteous with me,” Gabriel snapped, “given how you regard Tank!”
“This isn’t about Tank, this is about you,” David snapped back. “Tank is an adult—”
“Who’s been making bad decisions since before they were my age.”
“Gabriel, this isn’t about Tank. Their mistakes are in the past. We are talking about you. Right now. You’re bleeding, and it’s one in the morning. Where have you been and what have you been doing?”
“David, not so harsh,” I said quietly, taking his hand and squeezing it. “It’s time to be Dad, not Alpha.”
A muscle flickered in my husband’s jaw. “I know, angel,” he replied.
“Gabriel,” I said to our son, keeping my voice soft and my tone measured. I let go of David’s hand to take a step further into the living room so there wasn’t an awkward standoff between my son and husband on either side of the room. “We trust you, sweetie. And we know that the position you’re in comes with a unique set of challenges—”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Gabriel muttered, glaring at David and not even looking at me.
I took a deep breath. Took another step closer to my son. “We just want to know you’ve been keeping yourself safe,” I tried again. The tension in the room could have been cut with a rusty spoon. “We haven’t made much of an effort to enforce curfew because we want you to know we respect your agency—but as your parents, we also want you to be safe. We love you. And we know you know how to take care of yourself. Gabriel, look at me.” Gabriel’s eyes finally left his dad’s to meet mine. I didn’t use an authoritative tone often—so Gabriel knew I meant it when I told him to look. “Why are you bleeding, sweetie?”
I gave up the pretense and crossed the living room, setting my hands on my son’s shoulders. He’d gotten about an inch taller than David in this past year, though he seemed to have stopped growing at 17.
He looked down at me. “I—” He stopped. “I’m—” He wrenched his shoulders out from under my hands and opened the back door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” David demanded.
“Evelyn’s.” Gabriel dodged out and slammed the door.
David moved to stomp after him, but when he got to me, I put my hands on his chest. “Don’t,” I said. “You both need to blow off some steam.”
“It is one in the morning, angel. He is not going over to Asher’s at this time of night.”
“Oh please. You know Asher’s still awake. Let him go.”
“I want to know what’s going on with him, angel.”
“I know, Davey. I know. I do too. But pushing so hard isn’t going to get us anywhere with him. He’s our son—I’ve seen the best and worst pieces of both of us in him. And he’s a good boy, baby. But the fact of the matter remains that he’s a teenager. Yeah he’s had his wolf for four years now, but he’s still adjusting to hormonal changes and having magic. That’s a lot. I mean, I just had puberty and that was hard enough. Add magic on top of it and he’s bound to take a while to figure everything out. Including himself.
“Look, call Asher in twenty minutes to make sure Gabriel got there safe, and then we can try and have a more constructive talk with him in the morning, okay?”
David was still fuming, but he seemed to be calming down. “Fine,” he muttered.
I patted his chest. “Go back to bed, Davey.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Check on Natalie. Remember the last time you and Gabriel got in an argument?” It was a rare occurrence for Gabriel to get argumentative, but it happened every couple years.
David sighed and went to sit on the arm of the couch. He rubbed his face with his hands. “I think he’s right,” he muttered.
“I... I haven’t been good at... being a dad to him since his powers manifested. For whatever reason, it’s easy to be Natalie’s dad even since she manifested. But not Gabriel. I’ve been his alpha, not his father.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I crossed over to him and took his head in my hands, guiding it to rest his forehead on my shoulder. “I’m not good at balancing that with Gabriel. Not like my dad was.” I felt my sleep shirt dampen with warm tears.
“Hey, it’s an adjustment for you too. I think you both need to give yourselves time to figure things out. I don’t need two wolves tearing apart my living room.”
“It’s not going to come to that, angel.”
“You think,” I said. “But Gabriel hasn’t had his wolf for as long, remember? His control isn’t going to be as good as yours. If he shifts, you would too, to try and calm him down. And, again, I don’t need two wolves destroying the living room.”
David sighed. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I know I’m right.”
“I’m gonna call Ash. Let him know Gabriel will be there soon—and if he’s not to let me know.” David got up and went to go find his phone. He caressed my cheek. “I’ll see you in bed, angel.”
“I love you, Davey.” I slipped up the stairs and down the hall, knocking on the door decorated in Legend of Zelda and Dungeons & Dragons decals. “Natty? Baby?”
“Come in.”
I opened the door.
My daughter’s face was illuminated by her handheld console. The blue light showed her puffy eyes and the tear tracks on her face.
“Are they done?” she asked, lowering her headphones. I went to her bed and perched on the edge, letting her bury herself into my chest and wrapping my arms around her.
“For tonight,” I said softly.
“I hate it when they fight.” Her voice was muffled.
“I know, baby girl. I hate it too.”
“He said he wasn’t out with Micah.”
“I figured as much. I think he’s been picking fights. Maybe with Andrew and Justin, maybe with someone else.”
“This isn’t the first time he’s done this,” Natalie said. “Just the first time he’s been caught.”
“What do you mean?”
“I... I’ve started waiting for him to get home on Friday nights. Listening for when his bedroom door shuts. Usually it’s not this late. When he didn’t come home at midnight like he usually does, I snuck downstairs to wait for him. I... I think he’s been going out and fighting Tanker.” She looked up at me, my own eye color intense in the light of her console screen. “I think Tank’s trying to teach him something.”
I sighed. “I’ll call Tank in the morning. See if that’s true. But, hey, don’t tell Dad just yet, okay? I’ll tell him after I’ve talked to Tank.”
She sniffed and nodded. I rocked her back and forth, scratching the back of her scalp with my fingernails. She and Gabriel both had David’s hair—Natalie just wore hers a lot longer and asked me to braid it most mornings if David was already gone. Otherwise she liked his braids better.
I just held her for a while, until her console fell asleep, plunging us into total darkness, save for the light coming from the living room. Downstairs, I could hear David’s voice, but couldn’t make out any words. Probably talking to Asher.
She sniffed finally. “I’m gonna go to bed,” she said softly.
I kissed her hair. “Okay, baby girl. I love you.”
“Love you too.” She set her console on her bedside table and snuggled into bed. I tucked her in, brushed her hair out of her face, kissed her forehead, and slipped out of her room.
The back door opened. Then shut. I glanced over from where I’d been making some pancakes on the griddle. Gabriel looked like hell. Bloodshot, puffy eyes, slouched shoulders, head down. He heard the sizzling of the pancakes and looked over at me. “Morning,” he said. Voice low and tone dejected.
“Hey, sweetie,” I said softly. I turned to him and held out my arms.
He ran at me, slamming into me so hard I had to take two steps back to keep from falling over, and buried his face where my neck met my shoulder. He shook with sobs. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“I know, baby. I know.” I held onto him, one hand on the back of his head.
“Where—where’s Dad?”
“Upstairs. Helping your sister rehang a poster that fell off the wall last night.”
“That dragon one again?”
“I think so.” I reached around him for the spatula and somehow managed to flip the pancakes over so they wouldn’t burn while still holding Gabriel with my other arm. “I called Tank about fifteen minutes ago. They told me what you’d been up to.”
Gabriel’s shaking stopped. “Have... have you told... Dad?”
“Not yet. But I might have to, if you don’t.” I scratched his scalp. “Sweetie, why didn’t you just tell us? Were you embarrassed?”
“I don’t know. I just... I didn’t want Dad to know,” Gabriel said.
“Well... if it couldn’t be us you turned to, I’m glad you went to Tanker. They’re probably the one who can understand how you’re feeling the best.” I held him tighter.
“Want me to call your dad down here and we can all talk? Calmly?”
Gabriel took a deep breath, lifting his head from my shoulder. “Okay,” he said.
I smiled and cupped the side of Gabriel’s face with one hand. “I love you, sweetie. Never forget that.”
“I know. Thank you. I love you too.”
I turned my head toward the stairs. “David! Can you come down here for a bit?”
“Just a sec, angel!” David called. I heard Natalie laugh from upstairs.
Gabriel fidgeted with his keys in his hands.
After a moment, David came downstairs. “Gabriel,” he said, sounding surprised.
“Hey Dad,” Gabriel replied quietly. “There... there’s something I need to talk to you about. Both of you.”
David nodded. “Okay.”
I checked the pancakes as David leaned against the counter island and folded his arms. Waiting. I turned around and tugged David’s arms. “Not so closed off, baby,” I whispered. He let his arms fall to his sides and put his hands in his jeans pockets.
Gabriel fidgeted again before dropping his keys on the counter with a clatter. “Tanker has been teaching me to fight,” he said. “On Fridays after I leave DnD with Lily and Micah and the others and Evelyn brings Natty home, I meet Tank in the woods. And we fight for about an hour. Last night it was two. I needed more time. And Tank beat me to hell—just like I asked them to. And I came home bleeding at one in the morning.”
“Why didn’t you want to say anything to us?” David asked softly.
“Tank’s been teaching me because I—I—I needed some way to vent. I’m frustrated, Dad. I’m frustrated with the expectations you and the pack put on me. I don’t know what I want from my life but everyone else looks at me like they’re expecting to see the next alpha. Even you. I don’t know if I want that.”
“Did Tank ever tell you that I considered them for the beta position before I chose Asher?”
I glanced at David. He’d never told me that.
“No?” Gabriel replied.
“Asher has always been my best friend. The closest thing I ever had to a brother. And when my dad died in a car accident, and I became the alpha—too young, when I was supposed to have decades more to learn—I had a decision to make. I needed to pick a second-in-command.
“I considered Tank only briefly. Tank... had a hard time connecting with the members of this pack—something I am very glad their daughter doesn’t seem to have a problem with. But Tank is a damn good fighter. Probably better than me. I don’t think I could do what Tank has done and come out alive, as they have. I thought about their skill when I was making my choice.
“But I knew they would turn it down. They didn’t want the authority or the responsibility—and they would fight against me on it. Asher wouldn’t. It took Ash years to figure out how to be the beta, but he got there eventually. I was made beta when I was eighteen because I felt ready for it. Asher and I were in our early twenties when he was made beta. I stand by that I made the right choice, but Ash wasn’t ready.
“Gabriel, you don’t have to make that decision yet. Asher is fine serving as the beta until either he dies or I do. You’re seventeen. You’re young. If you’re not ready, you don’t have to be.” David pushed off the counter and set a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “I love you, no matter what. You’re my son.”
Gabriel let a tear fall. “I didn’t want to let you down—i-if I... if I didn’t want to be beta.”
“Oh, son,” David said softly. He grabbed Gabriel by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry if my behavior made you believe that. I will never be disappointed with the choices you make. You’re my son—I love you. And I will support you with whatever you choose.”
“But if you don’t want to be beta, jerk, I do,” a new voice said sarcastically. I whirled to see Natalie sitting on the back of the sofa, her console in her hand but not being played. She had my best impish grin on her face.
I vaguely wondered how long she’d been sitting there. Probably the whole time.
“Yeah, like Dad would trust you, brat,” Gabriel retorted.
“Gabriel, Natalie, be kind to each other,” I warned.
“Sorry,” Natalie said, not sounding apologetic at all. I wasn’t sure if she was not-apologizing to me or her brother. “But, seriously, if you don’t want the job, I do.”
Gabriel scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You’re fifteen. You’re way too young.”
“I didn’t mean now, Einstein. I meant when I’m eighteen.”
“Enough,” David said, sounding tired.
Both of our kids stuck their tongues out at each other.
I pulled the pancakes off the griddle. “Alright,” I said. “First batch done. Dish up. Get eating, Shaws.”
David let Gabriel go, kissed me on the head, and started passing our kids plates. “It’s going to be okay. Whatever you decide, Gabriel,” he said. “I promise. And... I’m going to try harder. To be your dad. Not just your alpha.”
Gabriel gave David a melancholy smile. “Thanks, Dad.”
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parkersbliss · 3 years
My Reason | K. Brekker
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pairing: kaz brekker x female reader
warnings: cursing? maybe slightly out of character?
wc; 2k
synopsis: kaz brekker makes a desperate attempt to protect you, but it backfires for both parties
prompts: 015: “You’re everywhere I go!” 020: “I just wanted you to be happy.”
a/n: kaz brekker: *breathes* me: I LOVE YOU YOUVE DONE NOTHING WRONG MY SWEET CHILD
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
You felt like crying.
Scratch that. You were going to cry.
You were going to cry and possibly throw something, anything. You wanted to grab a knife and chuck it at the wall repeatedly until there was a hole.
You wanted the wall to feel the same pain as you.
Like there was a hole in it.
Kaz Brekker, dirtyhands, the bastard of the barrel, shattered your heart. And he probably didn’t even know it or cared.
Kaz only cared, for one thing, money. You couldn’t blame him for that. Money was something necessary in Ketterdam. You needed money to stay alive and above the rest.
But money also puts a sign on your head. A big red blinking sign that probably says something like “big kill, big money.”
You weren’t stupid. You were very well aware of how big of a sign Kaz had on his head. Plenty of people wanted his head on a spike. You almost want to add yourself to the list.
“What?” You asked, voice small.
“Don’t make me repeat it.”
Kaz doesn’t bother to look at you. His eyes stay trained at his desk, filing through paperwork for the slat. He scribbles on them, whether it be a signature or a check.
“I don’t understand.”
“I’ve made myself clear.”
“I’m not asking.”
“I don’t want to.”
“(Y/N), this isn’t up for debate.”
“Well, it should be! I should be allowed to have a say in this.”
“You don’t get one!” Kaz said harshly, finally meeting your eyes. “Out.”
You want to refuse, sit there and scream at him for the rest of the night. But you can’t. Kaz Brekker won either way. It doesn’t matter if you sat in his office the rest of the night and argued. His say was final. You would only be denying the inevitable by fighting.
You stand up, blinking through the tears forming in your eyes. The words slip past your lips before you even realize.
“I hate you.”
You slam the door shut behind you, missing the way Kaz’s face drops, and his pen explodes from the force of his grip.
He had kicked you out like that. Stripped you of everything you are. One mission gone wrong, and you were booted back onto the streets of Ketterdam.
He had kicked you from the Dregs.
It wasn’t even your fault. You didn’t understand his reasoning. You got shot, and the next thing you know, as soon as you've recovered, you’re alone.
And honestly, if Pekka Rollins himself asked you to murder Kaz, you just might. The Dregs weren't a gang; they were a family. They were home to you.
A home that you hadn’t had in a while, but it wasn’t just the Dregs. It was Kaz Brekker. The bastard of the barrel was also the person that held your heart in his hands. He was the person you went to at midnight when you didn’t know what else to do.
He was the person that listened to you.
He was your person.
But you weren’t his.
You grabbed the knife off the table and throw it as hard as you can at the wall.
You miss.
You grab the knife, wiping away the tears blurring your vision, and aim again. This time it lands in the wall. You clutch it and throw it again.
And again.
And again.
The Crow Club is still as lively as ever as you walk past it. You contemplate going inside, but you know better. A shadow catches your eye behind you, but there’s no one out here but you.
And yet, you can’t shake the feeling of being watched. Then again, any member of the Dregs was constantly being watched.
You shrugged it off.
Work was easy to find in a place like Ketterdam. It was also easy as one of the top assassins. You busied yourself in easy missions with easy targets.
It was the one thing in your life that remain stable. It was after one of these missions while cleaning your knife, did you see her.
The said girl steps out of the shadows, silent as ever, and pulls down her face covering. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?”
“The same thing as you.”
You use your knife to gesture to the dead man on the floor, and she nods.
“Looks like I beat you to it,” You joke, tucking your knife away and rolling your shoulders.
“It would appear so.”
You want to ask how everything is, and despite every bone in your body, how Kaz is.
But instead, you turn around to leave.
“We miss you,” Inej blurts.
You freeze, letting your shoulders fall. “I miss you guys, too.”
“He’s an idiot.”
“You don’t have to tell me that.”
Inej nods, stepping back into the shadows, and you leave, an aching in your heart.
But that wasn’t the last time you ran into Inej. You saw her everywhere after that and nowhere at the same time. At first, you didn’t mind, but then it became unsettling.
You felt like you were being watched in your own home, but there was no one. It was hard to explain. You always saw her in town, but the feeling of being watched couldn’t be shaken when you got home.
You didn’t know how to explain it. You wanted to call her out on it, but you said nothing.
Until you did catch her in your house.
You let her off with a warning by throwing a knife into her corner. It was never going to hit her, neither of you would allow it, but she stepped out after that.
You raise an eyebrow at her. “What are you doing?”
“Checking on you.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“I’m just looking out-”
“You’re everywhere I go!” You shout, “Everywhere, Inej. If you wanted to look out for me, you could use the door and ask!”
“I’m sorry,” The Suli girl said.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing. You feel bad for yelling at her. Inej was one of your closest friends, and she was only looking out for you. “Inej, it’s fine I just-”
“It’s Kaz.”
“Kaz?” You question, voice softening.
“He wants to know that you’re okay, and not dead. Every time you go on a mission, he sends me as unofficial backup.”
“I can take care of myself. If he’s so worried about my safety, he shouldn’t have kicked me out in the first place," You snap.
“Maybe you should tell him that.”
You turn to face Inej, but when you do, she’s gone.
Kaz? This was his doing? You didn’t believe her, but you also knew she wouldn’t lie. You sit on the edge of your bed, staring out the window. Kaz wants to know if you’re okay.
Kaz Brekker, the man that kicked you from the Dregs wants to make sure you’re okay. The thought should be comforting, but it’s more infuriating to you. At first, you thought maybe he had changed his mind, but this was worse. He didn't trust you to take care of yourself or respect you in the slightest.
You were angry at him. You didn’t understand why, and he refused to tell you. He was so stuck up, thinking that keeping his feelings from others would make him appear stronger.
But the strongest thing anyone can do is admit them.
You stand up, grabbing your knife from the wall and tucking it into your belt.
There was someone you needed to see.
It’s bitter cold outside, biting and chilling. It forces you to walk faster towards the Slat. No one questions you when you walk in; it’s normal to them.
In fact, they look happy to see you.
Jesper’s eyes light up, and he goes to hug you, but Wylan pulls him back.
“That’s her pissed-off face.”
“I would wear earplugs if I were you,” Nina warns, “(Y/N) doesn’t back down from a fight and certainly not with Kaz.”
You make no comment and step past them, making your way up to his office.
You don’t bother knocking and throw open the door, eyes blazing.
Kaz’s head snaps up from his work, equally pissed that someone dared to open his door without permission, but then his eyes soften.
“You’re supposed to knock first, you know that,” Kaz said sharply.
You roll your eyes, slamming the door behind you. Nina smirks as she sits with the other crows outside the door, all wearing earplugs to reduce the sound of your screaming that's bound to come.
“I don’t care about your petty rules, Brekker.”
Venom drips from your voice, and Kaz sets down his pen, leaning back in his chair. “Is there something you want?”
“An explanation.”
“I can’t offer you that.”
“Kaz, you promised.”
His lip twitches ever so slightly at that.
“You promised me this. We made a deal. And Kaz Brekker goes through with all his deals.”
Kaz is silent. He’s at a loss for words. Dirtyhands did not have the upper hand here, and it seemed he was finally stunned.
“You can’t just send Inej out to watch over me after you kicked me out, okay? If you don’t have an explanation, at least let me live the rest of my life without you watching over.”
You sigh, pushing the tears back, ready to make your way out of the slat for the last time, but then he speaks. His voice is raspier than usual but soft, almost like a whisper.
“I just wanted you to be happy.”
“Happy?” You scoff. “Why would that ever make me happy?”
“It was a way out.”
“Out of what, Kaz?”
“This!” He shouts, standing up and gesturing to the walls around you both. “This lifestyle of doing the dirty work to survive and always having a sum of money plastered on your forehead.”
“I don’t want out!”
“It was a way for you to escape…. to escape me.”
There’s silence as you process his words. You wanted to be angry at Kaz and continue to lash out at him, but you understand. He had given you your reason, and you're damned because it's a good one.
But you didn't want to escape him. Kaz was the only reason you stayed in Ketterdam; he was the thing that kept you grounded here. He was your person.
“Why would I ever want that?”
“You hate me.”
You shake your head, “Kaz-”
He cuts you off, switching topics. “This lifestyle isn’t meant for you.”
“It’s not meant for any of us.”
“I gave you a chance.”
“You gave me a reason.”
“A reason?”
Kaz waits for an answer, but you’re afraid to give it. The hardest thing anyone can do is admit their feelings. And you're unsure if you're strong enough to face them.
Kaz Brekker was stone cold, and you don't know if he'd drop the facade, even for you.
“You are the reason I deal with this lifestyle,” You finally said, voice barely above a whisper as you feel the weight lift from your shoulders. “Because it’s worth it. You are worth it.”
“I am not worth anything,” Kaz dismissed.
“Kaz Rietveld, you are worth everything to me.”
The boy freezes, and you take a step forward, placing your hand inches from his. Your heart beats madly in your chest, and you feel like you're suffocating as you wait for an answer, a reaction, anything. You expect him to pull away, but he doesn't. He stares at your hand inches from his on his desk.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“It’s okay,” You said.
His eyes meet yours, and you can see the fear in them. His hands are shaky, but he manages to take yours in them. He still wears his gloves, and your hands are just barely resting on top of his, but it means enough to you.
“You’re worth everything to me,” he repeats back to you.
Your heart bursts in your chest as Kaz squeezes your hand lightly. The action means everything to you.
Nina screams in triumph with the rest of the crows outside the door.
You and Kaz laugh, still holding his hand.
And at that moment, you know, you are his everything, and he is yours.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction | Crying During An Argument [Request]
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Stray Kids x GN!Reader 
Chan walked through the door of his bedroom to find you fast asleep in his bed, while usually he would be pleased to see you laying there waiting for him tonight it only seemed to piss him off. He slammed the door behind him and walked into the living room, throwing himself onto the sofa to sleep instead. 
"Channie?" You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes, coming out to see who was banging about, it was 3 am and he'd been home to the dorms late every night this week. Not that you had been there but the boys had been keeping you up to date on what your boyfriend got up to when you weren't around. 
"What are you doing here? I told you I was busy this week," He grumbled as he laid flat on his chest, face squished between the pillows, you let out a yawn as you tried to speak. 
"I told you I was coming, I text you. If you took the time to read your phone you would know," You joked playfully but it didn't land, Chan sat up and grumbled at you that he'd been too busy working to even think about his phone. 
"I was joking Channie...Come to bed, I can help you relax...Give you a massage?" He continued to sit there staring at the floor as if he hadn't heard a word you said,
"For fuck sake! Why are you always going on! I've just walked through the door! Give me a chance!" You cringed at his yelling, the boys were all asleep and if he continued he would wake them all up. 
"Chan the boys are sleeping," You hissed at him not fancying the boys coming out to find the two of you fighting with one another over seemingly nothing since you had no idea what was bothering Chan so much lately. It just seemed as though he never wanted to be around you and when he did it was as if you weren't there, he would spend the whole time ignoring you. 
"I don't care! I'm sick of you always being around to check on me, you're always here, always breathing down the back of my neck. It's exhausting Y/n!" The boys had to have been awake by now but they weren't coming out of their rooms, you just stared at Chan waiting for him to finish his rant. You knew how stressful his life was and you always gave him space when he needed it, always forgiving him for yelling at you when things got bad but this was enough. 
"I'm here to make sure my boyfriend doesn't overwork himself, to make sure he actually gets some sleep since he doesn't listen to his band members." You finally snapped, tears starting to gush out of your eyes as you told him how you were really feeling. You were angry at him for not taking care of himself and angry that he was taking his anger out on you and the boys who had told you about his outbursts with them all week. 
"I gave you space when the boys said you were snapping at them, I figured tonight you would want some company." Chan looked at you as you spoke, his heart breaking into two pieces as he saw the tears rolling down your face. It was then that everything fell into place and he was the Chan you knew and loved. His arms wrapped around you without another word as he kissed the top of your head. Telling you how sorry he was over and over again until you accepted it and told him to go back to bed with you.
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This fight had been going on far longer than you wanted it to, you didn't even want to be fighting with Minho because you knew he could stand his ground. Neither of you could remember what was going on in the fight, it had stared over something so small and petty that it no longer seemed important. 
"Can't you see that I have a point?!" Minho yelled out as he turned around to look at you, your head was in your hands as you sat at the kitchen table. Shaking your head in answer to him, 
"No, because I can't even remember what we're supposed to be fighting about." You mumbled, laying your head down against the wooden table wanting nothing more than for the fight to be over already. 
"That's your problem! You always forget everything, every little thing! Because you just don't care." Your heart panged as you lifted up to stare back at your boyfriend with a blank stare wondering if he truly meant what he had just said to you, 
"I don't care?" You couldn't believe what he was saying to you, your chest was starting to hurt as he said nothing to you until you shook your head, trying to urge him into saying something else.
"You don't, you don't care about anyone else but yourself." This only made your chest ache more as you stared at him, waiting for him to tell you that he was joking or that he wasn't being serious but it never came. He continued to stare back at you with a serious look on his face as if he believed it, 
"That's it. Walk away like you do every time!" He yelled out as you began walking out of the kitchen but you scoffed at him, going into the living room and pulling out a box from your storage closet. 
"If I don't care, what's all of this?" You dropped the box down onto the table and began pulling out all of the small items you'd kept over the years of being together with him. The ticket stub from your first date together, a photo of you both on your third date, and even a ramen packet from when you first cooked for him and the rest of the boys when you were first introduced to them. 
"Don't you dare tell me I don't care about us!" You yelled out at him as you cried, you hadn't even noticed you'd been crying until you felt the tears rolling down your cheeks. 
"No. You look at me, and you tell me I don't care about our relationship when every day I'm doing everything I can to keep us going." Minho sighed as he pulled you into his chest, rubbing your lower back as you cried into his arms, 
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it, I was just angry at both of us...Fighting over something we can't remember." He whined as he brought you closer to him, sinking down onto the floor so that he could continue to hold you close to him as he apologised for what he had said. 
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Changbin had been giving you the silent treatment all day and it was starting to bug you, you had done nothing wrong to warrant him not speaking to you. 
"I thought you wanted to watch a movie tonight," You pouted at him as he walked into the shared apartment you had together and headed straight towards the bedroom instead of staying with you. 
"Changbin!" You called out but he ignored you again and again, not even glancing over at you as he shut the bedroom door. You weren't going to stand for it, all day he'd been like this. Ever since you'd gotten to the dorms and the boys began talking with you, he'd began ignoring you.
"What's going on? I thought we were going to cuddle and watch a movie," You whined at him playfully,
"Why don't you ask Jisung to cuddle you!" He snapped out as he stared at you, his chest rising and falling quickly and you realised what his problem had been all day. Jisung had been a little clingy with you today but you put that down to him not seeing you for almost a month when you went home for a while. 
"We're just friends," You sighed to Changbin, sitting down on the bed as you stared at him. This was the way it always was when it came to you hanging around with people, whenever Changbin saw them getting a little too friendly with you in a way he didn't like he would become this overly jealous boyfriend who had no need to be jealous. 
"Tell him that, he didn't seem to think that when he had his arms draped around you the way he did...and you didn't exactly stop him Y/n," You rolled your eyes as you laid down on the bed not wanting to get into this fight with him, it was something that was overdone all of the time and something that didn't need to be spoken about. He knew that he was the only one you loved and it would always be that way, 
"He's a friend,"
"He doesn't act like a friend! He acts like a lover." He continued to rant on about how Jisung shouldn't be able to wrap his arms around you like that, how it was Changbin's job and not Jisung's.
"Do you not trust me?" You finally questioned as you sat up, coming face to face with Changbin who was at the end of the bed staring back at you. 
"Maybe I don't," You scoffed at the comment, saying nothing more as you got up from the bed and began to pack some of your clothes into a bag, not wanting to have the whole trust fight with him. 
"Where are you going to go?" His voice was calmer now as he realised he'd upset you but you weren't going to speak to him, you were going to give him a taste of his own medicine by ignoring him the way he had ignored you all day. 
"Y/n! You know I didn't mean it," He yelled out as he followed you down the stairs of your apartment and towards the front door, begging for you not to go but you were still walking out as he spoke to you. 
"But you did, didn't you? You don't think you can trust me despite us being together for almost five years?" Tears were running down your face as you turned around to look at him, your eyes were bloodshot as you let the tears flow through your anger. 
"I've been with you through everything, I've been there even when I was scared you would cheat on me but I stayed. I trusted you throughout every part of our relationship, all I'm asking for is the same trust!" You pleaded with him and he sighed, finally realising how much of an idiot he had been acting around you. He trusted you, of course, he did. He knew that he could trust you with his life if he needed to but he couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw someone else all over you. 
"I do trust you...I just find it hard when he has his hands over you," You sighed at him and kissed his cheek, promising him that there was nothing that could come between you. 
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It happened for the sixth time this week, Hyunjin ignored your texts and calls and you were starting to worry that something was wrong. You text Chan asked if Hyunjin was at the studios and if you could head over, Chan seemed relieved to hear from you and you headed over right away. Taking everybody some lunch since it was almost time for them to eat and you didn't know if they had something, 
"I bought the food!" You called out as you walked into the dance studio to see Hyunjin, Jisung and Minho standing together all of them covered in sweat from the work out they had been doing. Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he saw you standing there but you thought you were seeing things and chose to ignore it, 
"I left it with Chan and Changbin so you better run before they eat it all," You told the boys as Minho and Jisung scrambled towards the door, wanting to get something before the boys grabbed it all. 
"You're not hungry?" You asked as you saw Hyunjin getting ready to dance again but he just nodded, ignoring you as he waited for you to leave the room but you weren't going to. You were going to get to the bottom of this silent treatment one way or another. 
"What's going on? Are we okay?" You asked insecurely as you stared at him, waiting for some kind of explanation as to what his problem was lately. 
"We're fine. I just need to practice. Can you leave?" He snapped angrily as he stared at the mirror, taking in a deep breath as he got ready but you just shook your head. Turning to leave when you stood your ground instead of walking away, 
"No. Something is clearly going on. You're ignoring me, ignoring my texts and calls. All I want to do is spend some time with you." You whined but it wasn't met with an understanding Hyunjin as it normally was, he just started yelling at you. 
"I don't have time to act like I'm happy to be around you! I don't have the energy to be around you right now!" You froze in place as you heard the words he was saying to you, 
"You don't have to act to be around me! I thought you loved me, I thought you would be happy around me no matter what. I'm sorry I seem to bother you so much Hyunjin," You scoffed slamming the door as you stood your ground, wanting to know what else he thought of you now that he was spilling his guts. 
"You know that's not what I meant. Fuck, you always take everything so literal." He groaned at you, running his hands through his hair as he stressed out, 
"You just said you don't want to act happy around me, that you don't have the energy to be around me so how about I make things easier for you? I never come back? You'll never have to deal with me again." It wasn't until Hyunjin heard your voice crack that he knew you were crying, there were tears rolling down your face from how angry you felt about everything and he grabbed your hands. 
"No, you clearly don't want to be in this relationship anymore. I'll do you the favour of ending things," You mumbled, snatching your hand away from him but he pulled you back into his chest. Staring down into your eyes as he nervously shook his head, 
"I didn't mean it. I've been busy with dancing, writing and then we're getting told off by our manager for not being on time...I was just projecting my anger," He explained as he rubbed your lower back, kissing your forehead as he apologised over and over again for making you cry.
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Another date another night of Jisung sneaking out of the dorms to come and see you. He was panting heavily and sweating as he walked into your apartment staring at you with a giant smile on his face which faded quickly when he realised you weren't happy to see him standing there. 
"You wouldn't have to sneak around like this if you just told the boys we were dating," You mumbled as you placed some popcorn into your mouth, staring at the TV screen as you watched the movie you'd put on. 
"I can't tell the guys about us yet," Yet. That was what he always said whenever you brought up the topic of telling his friends about your relationship. He wasn't ready yet, it wasn't the right time yet, the boys didn't need to know yet. Every excuse he could give to you he would if it meant getting out of sharing you with the boys but it only made you grow anxious over time. 
"Why? If you're that ashamed of us being together, why don't you just end things?" You snapped at him as he sat down next to you, you had enough of sneaking around. The point of your relationship was to be happy together and spending time together easily but his sneaking around and always being overly secretive with the boys lead to too much hassle. 
"Ashamed? I'm not ashamed of you." He said calmly as he clearly didn't see that you were as angry about this as you were but you'd reached the breaking point. I t was getting exhausting having to pretend that you didn't know him whenever you would bump into one another in the JYP building. 
"You act like it," You snapped harshly as you turned around to look at him, his eyes were wide and he put down the bowl of popcorn as he got up from the sofa. 
"Is there something bothering you?" He questioned as he stared at you, 
"Yes! I want you to tell the boys we're together. I'm sick of sneaking around and pretending I'm not in love with you whenever I see you at work," You thought it would be simple. The other boys were in relationships and they were happy for one another. What could possibly be the problem with Jisung telling them about you and him?
"But I'm not ready to tell them," He sighed as he felt as though he was going around in circles with you on the subject, he didn't see why you wanted to make it into a huge deal that the two of you were dating.
"You're not ready to tell them or you're not ready for people to know you're not on the market anymore," Your hand slapped over your mouth as you realised what you had said but it was no secret that Jisung flirted with everybody. You'd been working in the studios with Chan when you overheard Felix and Changbin talking about Jisung flirting with one of the stylists. 
"What are you talking about?-"
"I hear about your stories, how you flirt with everyone at the studio, everyone tells me about it." You mumbled as you realised how crazy you sounded right now but you didn't care. 
"Flirt with who? Why would I flirt with anybody?" You shook your head at him as you stared at him, 
"It's the only thing that makes sense about not telling the guys or anybody else about us. You just do that so you have the freedom to flirt and be with whoever you want!" The way you suddenly raised your voice shocked Jisung, he'd never heard you yell at anybody before much less him.
"Babe-" He reached his hand out to you but you stepped away from him, begging him not to call you that right now. 
"Please just go I've had enough of this, I've had enough of being your secret." You mumbled tiredly as you felt the tears begin to gush down your cheeks, getting so angry at the thought of him flirting or being with somebody else that you began crying but Jisung didn't move an inch until he took your hand in his. Walking towards the door of your apartment as he began dialling Chan's number into his phone, bringing it up to his ear as he shut and locked your apartment door. 
"What's going on?" You questioned confused but he just told Chan he would be back soon and to have some food. 
"I'm introducing you to the boys, I had no idea you felt this way." He looked at you nervously, reaching up to rub his thumb under your eyes to remove the tears.
"I don't want you to think I'm ashamed of you, or flirting with somebody else...I didn't tell the boys because I figured I could keep you to myself for a little while longer," He confessed as he leant forward to give you a small kiss on the lips. Smiling as you kissed him back, 
"I'm sorry for-"
"Don't, I should be sorry for acting the way I did." He said as he cut you off, beginning to walk down the stairs of your apartment building.
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As soon as you watched Felix hit the ground your whole body seemed to launch yourself at him, rushing to his side as you went to check that he was okay. 
"Babe, you okay?" Your voice was strained as it came out panicked, checking over him as you run your hands over his elbow which he'd smashed onto the dance practice floor. 
"I'm fine," He grumbled at you, snapping his arm away as he got up from the floor, moving away from you as he mumbled something about you being overprotective. You knew that you were protective of him but that was only because you didn't want anything dangerous to happen to him, Felix was the love of your life and seeing him hurt, hurt you. 
"I was just watching out for you," You whispered, hurt that he seemed to be upset over something so seemingly insignificant. 
"Well don't! You're constantly breathing down my neck and it's fucking annoying," You and Felix rarely fought and if you did it normally ended in you walking out, you hated confrontation and yelling but this time you weren't going to back down from it. You'd done nothing wrong to warrant being called annoying by Felix, all you did was try to make sure he was okay. 
"You're overreacting, I just wanted to make sure you hadn't hurt yourself," You were calm with him, trying to make him see your reasoning but it only seemed to make him angrier, he grew red in the face as he turned to look at you. 
"What are you? My parent?!" He cried out as he stared at you, clearly, it was something else that was bothering him and he was passing the blame onto you. 
"I was making sure you didn't break a bone! The next time I'll just leave you to cry on the floor!" Felix was shocked at the sudden yelling coming from you, in all the years that you had been together he'd never once heard you yell at him or anybody else.
"You're constantly all over me! It's overbearing to have my partner constantly watching my every move!" He yelled out before he even processed what he was trying to say, he knew how sensitive you were to be called overbearing. Your ex had finished things between you because you were always checking in on them to make sure they were okay. Felix said nothing as he waited for you to say something but all you did was shake your head at him, tears rolling down your cheeks from the anger you were feeling. You had no idea how to process the feelings and they were coming out in form of tears instead. 
"No! You know what, if I'm that overbearing as a partner why don't you just leave me? Huh?" You snapped at him as you raised your eyebrows, having enough of this already, 
"If I'm that bad to be with just end things! All I wanted to do was make sure you hadn't seriously injured yourself! I was trying to be a good partner but whatever, if you don't care and you want to get hurt-" You grabbed your bag from the floor and began storming out of the room, 
"Then be my guest, but don't come crying to me when you hurt yourself and no one is around to help you." You tried to slam the door to make a dramatic exit but Felix grabbed the handle to stop you, bringing you into his arms as he pressed you against his chest. It was now that you realised he was also crying but not because he was angry but because he realised how much he'd upset you, 
"I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm sorry," He whispered as he kissed the top of your head, kissing down to your lips. 
"Let's go home. Have a shower and watch a movie." He whispered to you, holding onto you tightly so that you couldn't leave him, 
"I'm just stressed with comebacks coming and the shows-" He was cut off when you leant up to kiss his lips softly, 
"I'll stop being so over protective...I promise," You whispered to him as you kissed his cheek once again, tugging at his grasp so you could head home for the evening.
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You and Seungmin had been living together for about six months and it had become an unspoken rule that you cleaned the home while he worked at the studios. It was just the way things worked since you were out of a job thanks to lockdown happening too suddenly, you enjoyed the cleaning and Seungmin enjoyed coming back to a clean home but this week was different. You'd been too sick with migraine to even think about moving out of bed and Seungmin had been so busy at the studios he'd barely noticed you not leaving your room. YOu were asleep when he got up for work and asleep when he came in late so he figured you were fine. 
"Ugh! Fuck sake! Y/n!" You heard Suengmin scream as he entered the house, you groaned wrapping yourself in a blanket as you stood at the top of the stairs to see him. He'd walked through the door, tripping over the shoes that had been left on the floor instead of on the shoe rack,
"The house is a fucking pigsty!" He yelled out as he walked into the living room to see nothing had been done all week, the washing from Monday morning was still sitting on the floor in front of the machine and the dishes were beginning to take over the kitchen sides and table. 
"I've been a little-"
"I'm so sick of coming home to a messy house!" You flinched at the way he yelled his voice but not because you were scared but because yelling only made your head feel worse.
"I've not been well, I was going to do it when I felt better," You mumbled, leaning your body against the wall to try and relax but it only seemed to make Seungmin angrier. 
"You do nothing all week long! All I ask is that you make sure the house is tidy and I'm constantly coming home to a mess!" Seungmin continued to rant about how you didn't have a job and had nothing to do all day until you finally lost it. Snapping at him as you cried, tears rolling down your cheeks from the anger you were feeling towards him, 
"I haven't been cleaning because I'm sick! If you were any kind of boyfriend you would have taken the chance to notice I've barely gotten out of bed in over a week because my head feels like it's being kicked in!" The sudden yell from you made Seungmin stumble back and take a real look at you for the first time that night, your hair was a mess, you looked like you hadn't slept right for days and you looked genuinely unwell and he filled with dread as he realised he hadn't even noticed until you said something.
"I've been so stressed about not having the house clean but I could barely get out of bed, Sungie." You whined as you collapsed onto the sofa in front of him not knowing what to say or do anymore, all you wanted to do was crawl into bed. 
"Go, I'll clean up and I'll bring you something to eat. I'm not taking no for an answer," You didn't fight him back on it, you just lifted yourself up from the sofa and headed up to the bedroom.
An hour or two later the door to the bedroom opened and Seungmin appeared, carrying a tray with food and painkillers on. 
"Lay back," He told you as he placed a damp-cold cloth on your head, making sure you were comfortable before he began getting the soup ready for you to eat, 
"I'm sorry. I should have checked on you before now. I promise I'll start helping around the house too,"
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The front door slammed against the wall as you walked into the apartment, laughter filled the air which only seemed to fuel your growing anger even more. Water was dripping onto the floor from your body as you kicked the door shut behind you, staring into the living room to see your boyfriend sitting there with all of his friends who had yet to notice you. Once Jeongin heard the door slam shut he turned around to see you standing there, you were drenched and kicking off your shoes as you held eye contact with him.
"Babe? You're all wet, and you're late home." He chuckled at something that Felix had said to him and you could feel yourself starting to lose your patience with him. Normally you were the kind and relaxed partner but tonight was too much even for you, you'd been stood up by your own boyfriend and now he was choosing to spend his evening gaming instead of with you. 
"Do you have any idea what day it is?" The tone in our voice changed the read of the room as the game was shut off and the boys began to leave without a word to you or Jeongin who looked lost and confused. They could sense that there was a fight coming and none of them wanted to be in the way of the warpath when everything finally came out.
"Guys?!" They didn't answer Jeongin as the door shut and he was left staring at you, he was blushing a little as he tried to remember what day it was and what he could possibly be missing that would make you this angry at him.
"I was sitting inside for an hour and then I thought, maybe you just forgot and went to bed because you've had such a hard day," As you spoke to him you peeled off the wet jacket you were wearing and dropping it on the floor, ignoring the squelching sound it made as it hit the hardwood flooring. 
"I figured you'd be in bed and I wouldn't be as mad at you for forgetting but what do I find when I walk into our house? My boyfriend, gaming instead of out with me on our two-year anniversary date," As soon as the words left your mouth Jeongin got up on his feet his eyes widening in fear, trying to walk over to you and apologise in any way that he could but you weren't going to stand for it. This time you'd had enough of his excuses of blaming things on being too tired, it wasn't an n excuse anymore when you'd given him reminders all week. Telling him how excited you were for your date on Friday, not to mention that it was the anniversary of the two of you first got together. 
"I thought that was next week," He pleaded with you trying to get you to speak to him but you just walked up to the bathroom, not wanting to fight with him while you were dressed in wet clothes. 
"Babe!" He called out but you shut and locked the door in his face, turning on the shower and radio so you wouldn't have to hear him yelling for you to open the door while you were showering.
When you emerged from the bathroom Jeongin was waiting for you on the edge of your bed, staring at you as he waited for you to speak first but you weren't going to. The silent treatment seemed like the best course of action so you kept your mouth shut, peeling back the covers and climbing inside and covering yourself up. 
"That's it then? You're not even going to talk to me?" Jeongin snapped as he stared at you, turning the light on whenever you would turn it off. 
"I'm tired." You lied as you laid there with your eyes shut, you weren't tired. Far from it. The thought of Jeongin not remembering your anniversary was bothering you more than it should have been meanwhile it didn't seem to bother him one bit. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen. I thought that it was next week...You know I never would have stood you up-"
"But you would, this isn't the first time and it won't be the last so whatever," You rolled over on your side to face away from him but Jeongin wasn't going to let you get away with it, 
"What do you mean it's not the first time?" You scoffed as if he didn't know. 
"You ditch me all of the time to hang out with the boys. I'm used to it. I just thought tonight would be different." The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as Jeongin tried to remember the last time he cancelled on a date to hang out with the boys instead but he couldn't. 
"I've never-" You sat up which cut him off, he could see the anger written across your face as you stared at him.
"The date we went on when you decided to meet my parents. I had to rearrange it seven times because the boys were doing something you just had to be included in." You stated as you angrily got out of the bed and placed your hands on your hips. 
"I have friends Y/n! A life! I can't help it if things come up," Which was true but what bothered you more was that he had made plans with you first and then bailed on you. 
"You can always rearrange with the guys, something like meeting my parents and our anniversaries are a one-time thing," You hoped that he was seeing where you were coming from with all of this but from the look on his face you could tell he hadn't gotten it. The angrier you got the more tears began to well up in your eyes but you didn't want to cry in front of him, he would think you were upset but you weren't. You were pissed off. 
"Babe. I'm sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you." He soothed as he reached out to take your hand in his, dragging you onto the bed beside him as he wouldn't take no for an answer. 
"I'll cancel my weekend plans, we'll spend the weekend together. Just the two of us," He promised as he kissed the top of your head over and over again.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Legal Guardian
ugh this took way too long lol, but here it is!!! i forget exactly that sparked this but i thought it was a cute idea.
warnings: injuries (nothing major), hospitals, cursing, harry being a protective dad 🥺, talks about adoption and legal guardians, crying
wordcount: 2481
harry styles x reader, stepdad!harry x reader, stepdadharry x oc!stella
Stella gets hurt and Harry is the only one there- but he has no legal jurisdiction…
It all happened really fast. Harry can’t even recall how it started, but he knew very well how it ended. A sobbing Stella strapped into her car seat as he raced to the emergency room, frantically calling Y/n who was in a different state on a work trip.
The 5 year old didn’t understand what was going on, she just knew she was hurting… really bad. And that she wanted her mommy and daddy.
The traffic seemed to be working against him, getting in his way at the most inconvenient times, all the while he was trying to console his weeping daughter, crying out “Daddy it hurts so bad!” effectively shattering his heart into a million little pieces.
Stella had been playing happily in the backyard at home, showing off her wonderful dance moves to Harry who watched with an adoring smile on his face, taking little videos to send to his fiance, when suddenly she was laying on the ground, clutching her ankle, and crying for him to come get her. He rushed into action, not having seen her take the fateful step into what must have been a hole in the ground or something.
Screeching into the hospital car park, he stops somewhere he obviously wasn’t supposed to but he couldn't care less. His mind was racing. What if she broke her ankle? Or tore a ligament? What if she has to get surgery? All of this is what he worries about as he flings the back door of his car open, trying his best to appear calm for his daughter (but it’s not really working), and scoops her carefully into his hold, bringing her inside and shouting for someone to please help him.
A few nurses rush to his side, asking him different questions and asking for someone to “Page Dr. Robbins, tell her we need a peds consult.”
Stella is whisked away from him and before he can start to follow after her, a hand is placed on his chest, stopping him in his place.
“Sir, we can’t have you in the room with her. You’re not on her file as a legal guardian!” A doctor tells him. In that moment, he sees nothing but red, steam pouring out of his ears.
“The hell I can’t, I’m her father! I’m not going to let her sit in there all alone while strangers poke and prod at her!” He all but yells at the man. Harry is not violent. He really isn't. But he’s not afraid to lay somebody on their ass when it comes to his girls. With kindness or course. And maybe a black eye.
From the room she was taken into he can hear her crying for him.
“Wan’ my daddy! Daddy!” Harry didn’t think his heart could break any further than it already had but he was proven wrong by the ache in his chest that only grew stronger the longer he was kept away from his lovebug.
“Doctor, respectfully- if you don’t move the hell out of my way, I will move you myself. That is my daughter, and my fiance is in a different state right now on a business trip so I am the only parent she has right now. If you try to keep me from my child I will take legal action against the hospital and sue for everything you’re worth. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Harry is seething, trying to move past the man in the white lab coat and light blue scrubs. Again, he is stopped.
“I will call security, sir!”
“DADDY!” Stella is now screeching, her little voice hoarse from all the yelling and crying.
“Don’t you fucking hear that? She needs me, and you’re telling me I can’t go be with her! What the hell kind of doctor are you?” Harry is in the man's face, pointing at him vehemently. He doesn’t care that people are starting to watch the scene. Doesn’t care that some people have recognized him and are recording the ordeal. Let the people see him fighting for his family. He doesn’t give a rat's ass if his “image” takes a hit. His daughter is on the line and he won’t back down.
“She’ll be fine-”
“No she won’t! Go ahead and call security. My daughter needs me and you’re not going to stop me from being in that room with her.” With that he pushes past the doctor (who must be an intern or something with how he’s handling this situation) and rushes into the room where his baby is screaming for him. He’s at her side in a matter of seconds, wiping the tears from her face, peppering kisses onto her head, petting her wild hair back from her face, just consoling her in any way that he can.
How fucking dare they try to keep him from her, especially when she’s in a state like this.
“It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here now. I’ve got you. You’re ok, you’re ok!” He mumbles into her hair, doing his best to stay out of the way of the people examining her but still close enough so she knows he’s right there with her.
Little tears still streamed down her face but she was much calmer now, her breathing more even and body less tense.
“Mr. Styles we’re bringing in the portable x-ray to take a look at her ankle, so you’re going to need to wear this.” He nods and takes the vest given to him, putting it over his shoulders like he sees the others do. A similar article is placed over Stella, who is clinging to Harry’s hand, fearing that she’s going to have to be without him again. But he promises he isn’t going anywhere.
As they’re taking the x-ray his phone starts ringing in his pocket and he checks to see that it’s Y/n calling him back.
“H, what’s wrong, is she ok?” Her panicked voice rushes out as soon as the call connects.
“We’re in the ER right now and she’s getting an x-ray to see what’s going on with her ankle-”
“You’re in the room with her right? She’s not alone?”
The little shards of his heart keep breaking into smaller and smaller pieces as her voice breaks.
“Yeah, I’m right next to her. Don’t worry m’love, she’s not alone!” He glared at the doctor that tried to keep him out as he said that, letting him know he hadn’t forgotten.
“I’m gonna facetime you so I can see her.” She said and he nodded, waiting for it to come through. When it did he quickly accepted it, seeing the love of his life’s face on the screen, with her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks as she wiped away the remaining tears so she didn’t freak out her baby.
“Stell, mumma’s on the phone, she wants to talk to you.”
“Hi baby girl!” Y/n said as soon as Harry held the phone so Stella could see her mom. The little girl's tear stained cheeks looked exactly like her moms, and her heart broke for her baby.
“Hi mumma,” Stella pouted into the camera, clutching onto her daddy as tight as her little hand could. Harry was a little uncomfortable but he would take this over not being in here at all.
“How do you feel, baby? You ok?” She asked.
“My foot hurts and they wouldn’t let daddy in here and I was scared, but he’s here now so I’m ok.” The little girl rambled off. Y/n almost missed how she said they wouldn’t let Harry in the room but when it finally registered, she was fuming. Absolutely, royally pissed.
“What do you mean they wouldn’t daddy in there?” Stella shrugged and looked up at Harry for an answer. He brought the phone back so he could see her after looking around at the doctors in the room, all doing their job and pretending they weren’t listening to this conversation, but a few of them winced when Y/n asked her question.
“Some bloke tried to keep me out of the room while Stella was being examined but she was on the verge of a whole breakdown. It was like Disneyland in Paris all over again.” He said, referencing the time Harry took his girls to Disneyland while they were in Paris and Stella got separated from her mom and dad. She had never not been able to see at least 1 of her parents before. Needless to say… she didn’t handle it very well. Screaming, crying, and hyperventilating (which freaked her out even more- causing her to scream louder and cry harder) ensued very shortly, disturbing every person around her. But it made it easy for them to find her and she spent a very very long time clutching her tiny arms around her daddy’s neck, not letting him set her down for anything. That was an interesting trip to the bathroom …
“Why would they try to keep you out of the room? You’re her father!” Y/n was on the verge of popping a blood vessel. Of course the one time her baby really needs her, she’s hours away.
“Uh, Mr. Styles, I’m so sorry to interrupt! But the x-ray is complete. There’s no break, it looks like a sprain at worst. Also, about why my intern was saying you weren’t allowed in the room, not that I was listening to your conversation, with ped’s cases we typically only allow legal parents or guardians in the room and your name isn’t anywhere on her file or on her records so he was just trying to follow safety protocols. He didn’t go about the situation as well as he should have because we always want to make sure our patient has what they need and that was obviously you- but that is the reason why you initially weren’t let into the room. You’re not a legal parent or guardian. Based on your situation- you’re legally considered a step-parent and that title doesn’t come along with any legal jurisdiction.” Dr. Robins explained, in quite a few words Harry thinks, but he doesn’t say anything about it. Just sits and realizes that while for the better part of a year and a half, he’s been calling himself Stella’s dad but the whole he’s not been anything… not legally anyway.
Y/n realizes this too and makes a mental note to call their lawyers to do something about that.
“That makes sense… Thank you, Dr. Robbins! I have her mum on the phone, but you knew that, so if there’s anything else I legally can’t do, she’ll have to take care of it like thi-”
“Mr. Styles, we won’t tell if you don’t! Anything else that needs to be signed, we’ll just go ahead and have you do it. Save the hassle for everyone.” Dr. Robbins interrupts him and he smiles, silently thanking her.
“Daddy, what's a legal guardian?” Stella asks after a quiet moment.
“A legal guardian is someone who takes care of you because the law says they can. So because I didn’t help mumma make you and I came into your life a little later, I’m not a legal guardian of you. Not yet anyway.” He mumbles the last part but Y/n catches it.
“Does everyone have a legal guardian?” She hiccuped, rubbing at her eyes with the hand that wasn’t clutching Harry’s.
“At one point yeah, but once you get older you don’t need one anymore because you can take care of yourself.”
The girl pauses, thinking about her daddy’s words before muttering “Don’t wanna take care of myself. Wanna stay with you and mumma forever.”
All the little shards of his heart slowly start to piece back together.
“I want you to stay with me and mumma forever too lovebug.” He cooes. Y/n’s eyes light up, her gaze filled with adoration for her little family.
. * .
“The documents are all drawn up Mrs. Styles, everything is ready for your husband to sign.”
“Thank you so much Ben!”
. * .
“Baby, c’mere. Wanna talk to you about something.”
“Yeah mommy?”
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to quell the tears she could already feel threatening to fall. Her newly wed husband sat beside her on the couch, running his hand along her back and squeezing her shoulder and letting her know he was there if she needed him.
“Do you remember when you and Daddy had that conversation about legal guardians?” The woman asked, pulling her baby into her lap, brushing her hand over the girl's hair affectionately.
“Uhhh, kinda.” She murmured, curling into her mom.
“Do you remember what a legal guardian is?” Y/n rephrased, hoping to jog the girl's memory. Stella nodded and when prompted by her mother explained that “It’s someone who takes care of you until you're old enough to take care of yourself.”
“That’s right baby, very good!”
“And do you remember when we were at the hospital and that doctor was being mean, not letting Daddy into the room with you?” Harry chimes in, scooting closer to his girls. She nodded with a roll of her eyes and a huff of breath, causing a little giggle to erupt from her parents. She really is her mothers daughter.
“Didn’t like him.” She mumbles.
“Do you remember why they didn’t let him into the room?” Y/n asks, knowing she should probably get to the point before her little one checks out and gets bored.
“Cause daddy’s not my legal guardian.” Stella huffs again, rubbing her eyes and nuzzling further into her mom.
“Do you want him to be?”
Stella’s quiet for a moment, tapping her little finger on her chin like she’s thinking hard. “Yeah.”
“Yeah? You want that baby?” Harry asks, pulling her into his lap. The girl wraps her arms around his neck and lays her head on his shoulder, nodding.
“Yeah, Daddy. Want you to be able to come to the doctors with me.” She mumbles sleepily.
The tears Y/n had been fighting off finally broke through, despite her efforts. It’s official. Harry is going to adopt Stella and they would be a family in every sense of the word. No one would be able to take Harry's little girl away from him. All he had to do was sign the paper. Harry felt tears spring to his eyes as well, smoothing his hand along his baby’s back.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that…” He says, squeezing her a little tighter. Y/n snaps a quick picture before she snuggles into them.
“Love you Mommy, love you Daddy.” She murmurs before falling asleep in Harry's arms. Something that isn’t new, but feels different now for some reason. Things felt a little more official and he hadn’t even signed the papers yet.
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uwusenpaiuwu · 3 years
Baji Being A Menace To Society (And Your Relationship) 2.0
Sequel to: Baji A.K.A. The Worst (Best) Matchmaker
Summary: Baji’s at it again, acting out-of-pocket and creating chaos for absolutely no reason, other than to see you suffer. In his own Baji-esque way, of course.
Pairing: Sano Manjiro | Mikey x Male Reader
Warning(s): Boku no Pico is mentioned, but there is absolutely nothing graphic; mentions of masturbation
Note(s): I am so sorry if it isn’t funny. Sadly, I am but an amateur writer, not a comedian. Still, I hope you all enjoy! ^^
"(Y/n), want some ice cream? My treat."
Usually, you'd be the first to jump at an offer for a sweet treat, especially when you don't have to pay. However, as of now, the word 'ice cream,' when said by Baji, instantly triggers your fight-or flight-response. Paired with the fact that he’s broke as hell, your suspicions only increase for the sudden indulgence.
Since you know you're no match for the long-haired menace, your body automatically prepares to flee, legs twitching to lurch into a sprint. Unfortunately for you, just before you can get the fuck out of there, your hand is being grabbed by Mikey, who leisurely begins to tug you along to claim your dessert.
“You like ice cream, right?” he turns to ask, eyes unbelievably soft when looking at you.
And because you’re weak for him, all you can do is nod stiffly, trading in your sanity for the pleased grin that spreads across his face, his confident strides thereafter likely a result of him successfully remembering another miscellaneous fact about you, as has been the case since you officially started dating him. From the most trivial of things, like which brand of pens and pencils you prefer, to the slightly more important stuff, like ice cream being one of your favorite desserts; he’s made the effort of remembering them all.
He really doesn’t need to do any of that, ‘cause you’ll love him either way, but the conscious decision to do so is what makes you love him even more.
Zoning back into reality, you shake your head to reorient yourself. It isn’t the time to be going over the reasons why you’re such a lovesick puppy.
No, there are other things to worry about, mainly Baji.
You squeeze Mikey’s hand as you’re led to the nearest ice cream parlor to try and calm yourself. It works for the most part, especially when you get a reassuring squeeze back.
‘Right,’ you tell yourself, ‘it’s going to be okay.’
After all, Baji wouldn’t do anything too drastic, right?
You were wrong. So, so wrong.
Despite nothing having transpired yet, every alarm in your head is going off, pounding at the door of reason to get you to wake up and realize that it’s Baji you’re talking about, the same person that sets cars on fire when hungry and punches the first unfortunate soul he passes by on the street when sleepy.
You really should’ve listened to your survival instincts and ran. Alas, it’s much too late to escape, leaving you to wallow in your anxiety, while you wait for misfortune to strike.
And strike it does.
“Please, don’t sit next to me. You make me nauseous.”
“That’s cruel. I bought you ice cream, and you treat me like this?”
Yeah, he may have bought it, but you refuse to eat it because of how intensely Baji is staring at you. Fucking weirdo.
"Oh, do you want some of mine instead, (Y/n)?" Baji accentuates his question with a sensual lick to his ice cream from the edge of the cone to the finessed peak, making you extremely uncomfortable as he stares you down with the full motion.
As slowly as he licks his frozen treat do you slowly raise your middle finger, eliciting chuckles from the other occupants of the table.
You think you won that mini battle, though?
Ha! Nope.
Baji mirrors the vulgar action, not once breaking eye contact as he dips the tip of his finger directly into his ice cream, pulls it out, and proceeds to lick that, too.
Disgusted, you promptly avert your attention elsewhere, praying that Baji won’t continue being, well, himself.
Your prayers fall on deaf ears.
"It's cold!" As soon as the exclamation leaves your mouth, your blood runs glacial, knowing that you've unintentionally played into Baji's trap. The appearance of a sly, almost feral, smirk when you whip your head around to glare confirms what you already know.
The curtain has risen, and you’re standing center stage in a performance you can’t break free from.
"Aw, can't let it go to waste,” Baji continues, reaching over to scoop the ice cream you’re 100% certain he purposely spilled on the front of your shirt, with his fingers.
Then, to your horror and everyone else’s shock, he asks, without an ounce of virtue to his name, "Want me to lick it off with my mouth?"
Chifuyu is seated on the other side of the table, hiding his face in his hands. “Baji-san...”
"It'll stain if it dries like that." Dear God, how you wish to un-see Baji batting his eyelashes at you.
“I don’t care!” At this point, you’ve resorted to clumsily scooting your chair as far away from him as possible, which isn’t actually as far as you’d like considering your surroundings. Hell, so long as you put some distance between yourself and the crazy bastard that wants to see you suffer, you don’t mind having to force yourself halfway onto Mikey’s lap. (The firm hand that keeps you steady by the waist proves that your presence isn’t unwanted either.)
"Geez, (Y/n), you're such a scatterbrain."
Seeing Baji sell the line with a slow tugging of his hair behind the ear has you torn between laughing and dying a little more. Truthfully, his acting is frighteningly impressive, and you would’ve applauded his performance, if not for the fact that the role he’s playing still haunts your dreams.
By this time, most of who accompanied you to the ice cream parlor have figured out what kind of drugs Baji is on this time, which also means that those fuckers have seen, or are at least aware of, the cursed trilogy of questionable porn that’s being reenacted before their eyes, with you as an unwilling co-star. Those that are puzzled as to why people are shoving their fists in their mouths to refrain from laughing are obviously God’s favorites.
“The fuck is going on? I wanna laugh at Baji’s dumbassery, too.”
“Pah-chin... I think it’s best you don’t know.”
Interestingly enough, the one you’re most concerned about hasn’t said anything yet, splitting his attention between observing the scene unfolding and eating his portion of a deluxe sundae.
Then, out of nowhere-
“I understand.”
You and Baji freeze where you are, each of you grasping the other’s collar, you to shove him away, and him to draw you closer.
“(Y/n),” Mikey says, your name rolling silkily off his tongue in a tone much too fond for his next words, “if you like roleplay, just tell me.”
“I’m fine with pissing, remember? So, roleplay shouldn’t be a problem.”
Heat rises to your face at an alarming pace, and it continues to climb as Mikey takes your free hand in his, which serves not to comfort but to unintentionally remind you of the humiliating experience from a few months back. And just when you convinced him that you didn’t want anything to do with getting freaky with the body’s excreta, too.
“You’ve got it wrong! I don’t- arfghfgh?!”
Your prayer to help cool down your flushed cheeks must have been heard, but you’re pretty damn sure you didn’t ask for Baji to shove his ice cream in your mouth!
“Oh, yeah. (Y/n)’s a fuckin’ geek when it comes to roleplay,” the unhinged bastard speaks in your stead, indifferent to the nails clawing at his hand clamped over your mouth. “You should try it with him. We were doing a scene from his favorite anime.”
Mikey tilts his head, interest positively piqued. “Which one is that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, leader?”
Mikey raises an eyebrow.
Baji opens his mouth.
You lunge.
It’s a series of events that happens in the blink of an eye and ends with loud crashing as you tackle Baji to the ground.
“Listen up, Baji Keisuke. We took an oath that day, and if you dare utter a word of what went down, I’ll consider that a breach of the code of secrecy and take you down, making sure you drown in a pit of your own shame and despair.”
Surprised to have been pinned down so quickly, it takes a while for Baji’s brain to catch up, but when it does, he’s frustratingly unfazed at the threat.
“Oho~ How scary. Too bad for you, I have no shame.”
“Not even if I tell Mama Baji where your porn stash is?”
That has the great Baji tensing up.
“You wouldn’t dare use an underhanded tactic like that.”
Your lips turn into a wicked grin. “Are you sure? I have as much dirt on you as you have on me, and like you, I won’t hesitate to use it to my advantage.”
If your grin is wicked, Baji’s is downright evil, showing off his sharp, gritted canines and all.
“You got balls, (Y/n),” he snarls, “but mine are bigger.”
The boy beneath you opens his mouth, and faster than you can stop him, he just...does it.
“(Y/n) (L/n) watched Boku no Pico and liked it!”
Silence is all that’s heard for a good, long minute following the booming roar of the revelation.
You dare not look up to gauge everyone’s reactions, instead keeping your icy glare fixated on Baji, who looks smug as shit for having caused the glorious eruption of heat to spread like wildfire across your entire body, from the tips of your ears down to where your skin disappears under the collar of your jacket.
This is war.
Taking in a deep breath, you answer his uncalled for declaration with your own thunderous shout of, “Baji watched Boku no Pico and jacked off to it! Twice!”
Baji laughs. “Oh, pray tell, saintly (Y/n), how many times did you jack off to it?”
“None of your fucking business, asshole.”
“Pretty fucking sure it is, since we were in the same room.”
Someone chokes, while you choke Baji.
“We. Swore. To. Secrecy. You. Asshole,” you practically growl, with each of your words accompanied by a ruthless back-and-forth shaking of the other boy’s person.
“Let up on the choking, dude. I’m not into that. You, however-”
Unable to take the ceaseless slander to your name anymore, you reel your fist back, but, upon seeing Baji’s cheek turned to you, jaw jutted out, as if inviting you to take your best shot, you hesitate. You know you wouldn’t be able to pack enough of a punch to actually leave an impact on him, which is terribly upsetting.
On the bright side, there’s still one tactic you can use that’ll be just as effective, a technique courtesy of your health teacher, who happily taught it to the class to use in case of an emergency.
Technically, it’s meant to be used to assess a person’s level of consciousness, but you suppose it can be used to get back at inconsiderate idiots, too.
“Ow! Ow! What the fuc-! Ow!”
You keep a straight face as you continue to rub your knuckles against his sternum, fully intent on delivering the worst possible pain to the current bane of your existence. It brings a sort of sadistic satisfaction to hear the ever prideful Baji’s screams of pain, and while it doesn’t completely undo the damage done, it does help soothe your wounded self-esteem.
“You want me stop? Beg for it.”
“Pissing, roleplay, choking, and begging? Goddam- OW!”
Your reign of terror comes to its untimely end when you’re lifted up into the air by the armpits, and through the haze of your power trip, you realize that Baji’s saving grace is Draken, who proceeds to carry you out of the parlor with ease.
“People are staring,” he coolly explains when you protest to having unfinished business.
Pouting, you cross your arms over your chest. “It’s his fault.”
Once outside, Draken doesn’t immediately put you back on your feet, until Mikey strolls out of the parlor. Only when the gang leader has his arms outstretched to you are you promptly deposited on the ground and taken into his embrace.
“Are you done letting off some steam?” is the first thing he asks you. Even though you can’t see his expression, the way he holds you and the way he cradles the back of your head, handling you with the utmost care, is indication enough that there will be no reprimand for, essentially, assaulting your division commander. (You would argue that it was an act of self defense against verbal harassment, but whatever.)
There’s just an overwhelming amount of love. So, so, so much love for each other.
“Yeah, I am,” you eventually answer, followed by a content sigh.
Naturally, that’s the perfect time for the tinkling of the bells above the parlor door to pilfer your attention. Baji’s appearance causes your face to morph into a scowl.
You cling tighter to Mikey, peeking over his shoulder to flip the ravenet off and mouth, ‘Go to Hell.’
As always, Baji answers your attempt to appear opposing with an obnoxious smirk.
‘See you there.’
“Boku no Pico, huh?”
“Draken, don’t laugh! Baji forced me to watch it!”
“All 3 episodes?”
“Favorite scene...?”
“As if I’d have one.”
“Ahh! Shut up! Why are you here, stupid Baji?! You live in the other direction!”
“Hey, (Y/n). Want to try doing the same thing with me?”
You look up, perplexed. Mikey literally just walked into the room, and that was the first thing he said to you.
“Do wha-?”
Your breath catches in your throat when you turn your head, only for you to come centimeters from bumping noses with him. And because he can, he lovingly knocks your foreheads together, too.
“It’s okay. I promise it’ll definitely be fun.”
You should feel ashamed for recognizing the same sequence of lines from Boku no Pico so quickly, though any coherent words are overtaken by an incomprehensible, high-pitched screech, a feat achieved solely by a teenage boy going through puberty.
A combination of shock and amusement crosses over Mikey’s features then. He’s never heard you make that sound before.
It’s cute. Strains the ears quite a bit, but cute.
While Draken lurks beside him, questioning Mikey’s standards of what constitutes as ‘cute,’ you’re sprinting across the room, red-faced, to Baji, who’s already grinning from ear-to-ear.
“Stop tainting my boyfriend, you piece of shit! Give him back his innocence!”
(Unbeknownst to you, whilst immersed in your fit of hysterics, your use of the word ‘boyfriend’ has a certain blond beaming.
“Did you hear that, Ken-chin? He called me his boyfriend.”
“Wow, congrats.”
Mikey either doesn’t give a shit or is simply too smitten to acknowledge Draken’s apathetic response.)
Baji blinks, unable to believe what you’re trying to insinuate. “Innocent? That little gremlin motherfucker?”
Both of you look in Mikey’s direction. When he sees you staring, he breaks out in a smile and throws a wave.
Your heart involuntarily skips a beat at the sight, and, okay, you’re convinced. Mikey deserves better than knowing of that cursed series’ existence.
Clearly, you’re down bad for Toman’s leader, and as such, Baji figures he can use that to quench his boredom for the day.
“Ooh, if only you knew what he gets off to.”
The tone in his voice instantly rouses suspicion. You narrow your eyes at him. “I don’t care what kind of porn he gets off to.”
“Porn? Nah, ya silly goose-”
“Don’t call me that.”
Baji ignores your comment as he moves to sling one arm around your shoulders, the other raising up to mimic an obscene tugging motion that no teenage boy is a stranger to.
“He jerks it to yo-”
One second, Baji is lazily hanging off of your person, the next, he’s sprawled out on the floor, face down, and groaning in pain. You expect nothing less after witnessing him receive a rather impressive flying kick to the chest from Mikey.
Before you can assess the full damage, your view gets obscured by a pair of keys.
“Wanna take my bike out for a spin?”
Yes, you know Mikey is trying to divert your attention from whatever Baji was going to say, and, yes, you probably should check on the figure that has yet to get up.
But do you really care?
You take one glance at Baji’s concerningly unmoving body and quickly come to a conclusion.
You do not.
That being said, you quite literally drag Mikey and, by extension, Draken out of there, chanting an excited, “Let’s go!” on your way, abandoning Baji to wither on the ground.
Baji feels betrayed.
“Y’know, I was joking.” Baji flips onto his back with a grunt. “Man, who knew Mikey was all grown up?”
The vice captain of the first division hums, seemingly uninterested in his commander’s musings.
It goes quiet for a few minutes, the sole instigator of noise being Chifuyu flipping the pages of his manga.
Unpredictable is Baji, and the same goes for his train of thought.
“I should punch Mikey for kicking me.”
“No, you’d get beat up.”
“I should punch (Y/n) for Mikey kicking me.”
Truly, unpredictable and senseless.
“You’d still get beat up.”
Baji opens his mouth to argue.
“By Mikey.”
He promptly closes it.
“Fuck it. I’ll keep spicing up their relationship as payback.”
Sighing, Chifuyu closes his book to crouch down next to him. “Baji-san, with all due respect, you’re an asshole.”
Baji Keisuke has experienced betrayal twice today.
And he deserved it both times.
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