#is it because of the explosion/injuries. is it like supernatural. is it just gonna be explained like halfway through season 4
coffee-bat · 1 month
why the fuck is bro in a coma now
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morganaspendragonss · 4 years
Bad Things Happen Bingo Masterpost!
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And that's a wrap on my @badthingshappenbingo card! Thanks to anybody and everybody who requested a square - this has been so, so fun! I've had this card for years and have been actively working on it for a year and a half, so it's incredible to have finally finished it 🥰
Prompts and Fills listed below the cut:
Used in Sacrifice/Ritual - Filled
you would be the one to rescue me | BBC Atlantis | Jason x Pythagoras
When Jason wakes, Pythagoras is gone.
This in itself is not so strange. What is strange, however, is that his cloak has been left behind despite there being a significant chill in the air. And when Hercules begins to wake, and there is still no sign, Jason knows.
Something's wrong.
Rage Against the Reflection - Filled
out, damned spot | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
TK wakes up gasping, choking on air. The sheets are suffocating him and, when he tries to free himself, they only seem to get tighter. The hands reaching out for him, trying to calm him, are the final straw; TK throws himself from bed and sprints to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him as he collapses against the sink.
On some level, he is aware that the hands were Carlos’s, that the sheets were theirs, that his hands are clean, and that the dream was just a dream.
But they weren't always that way.
Falling Through the Ice - Filled
ice in my veins | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
Carlos only turns away for a second, he swears. Unfortunately, a second is clearly ample time for his boyfriend to get into trouble because when Carlos turns back around, TK is no longer standing where he left him.
Instead, there’s a sizable hole in the ice.
Flashbacks - Filled
start again from the beginning | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK & Owen
Owen trusts his son. He’s watched TK fight his addiction and stay sober for the last six years, and he has faith that he can handle himself.
But when TK doesn’t show up for work the night after proposing to Alex, Owen knows that something is wrong. After all, they've been here before.
Branding - Filled
setting fire to our insides for fun | Supernatural | Meg x Cas
Cas had been prepared to find demons. Frankly, he would have been concerned if he didn’t find demons, given that that was his mission here. What he hadn’t been prepared for, however, was to find two demons torturing another, pressing the hot end of a branding iron into her forearm.
He killed the two torturers with practised ease, barely wasting a moment before they were both on the dirty, wooden floor, eyes burned out their sockets. Only then did he allow his surprise to catch up to him, breathing heavily as his gaze settled on someone he hadn’t seen in a long time.
Memory Loss - Filled
focal point | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
Waking up in the hospital is becoming all too familiar. Being the one in the bed is less so, but Carlos has had his fair share of hospital trips. He knows the drill.
As soon as he sees him awake, TK breaks out in harsh sobs. "Carlos," he breathes. "I... I thought I'd lost you."
Caught in an Explosion - Filled
can we skip past near death cliches? | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
It’s the kind of call every first responder dreads. A bomb threat in an apartment block, civilian’s lives on the line, the whole situation a hair’s breadth away from disaster. And Carlos is right in the middle of it.
tw: explosions, bombs
Forced to Kneel/Bow - Filled
in case you don’t live forever (let me tell you now) | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
His teammates were still sitting in the communal area when TK entered, eyes glued to the tv screen. Paul was the first to notice him, and TK’s concern only grew as he got everyone else’s attention, their worried gazes falling on him one by one.
“There’s a hostage situation at that big, fancy hotel across town," Marjan explained. "Apparently it’s pretty serious, they’ve had to send police in, and, um, well…”
Marjan paused, and TK felt dread wash through him, knowing what her next words would be.
“Carlos is there, TK. He’s gone in.”
tw: references to gun violence
Be Careful What You Wish For - Filled
can you beat back the night? | The Witcher | Geralt x Jaskier
He misses the bard. Geralt won’t admit it, not even to Roach, but he misses him. After months—years—of Jaskier’s constant chatter and the sound of his lute, the silence, once valued above all else, is too much.
It’s been months since the dragon, since Geralt lost both Yennefer and Jaskier in one fell swoop. He’s cursed himself many times over for the words he said—to both of them—and cursed himself more for the mistakes he made to get in this position in the first place.
this is the lot of witchers, to be alone.
Blood From the Mouth - Filled
I Got You | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos, TK & 126 Crew
“I’m just sayin’,” Judd says, waving his arms around. “Somebody’s gonna get themselves killed in there one of these days. I had to come out here three times last year because of some idiots who think they know better than the ‘Keep Out’ signs.”
The team are called to an abandoned house where some kids are trapped. Everything is going smoothly, which, naturally, means that it won't be that way for much longer.
Trapped in a Burning Building - Filled
a little unsteady | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
9-1-1, What's your emergency?
'Please, help! My house is on fire and my husband’s inside!'
t.k. sometimes wonders if the universe is out to get him
Worked Themselves to Exhaustion - Filled
In Your Arms | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos, Michelle & TK
T.K. and Carlos agreed when they started dating to check-in on each other that they were both okay. Reassurance that nothing bad had happened. So, when Carlos hasn't replied hours after his shift is supposed to have finished, T.K.'s definitely beginning to panic. 
Locked in a Cage - Filled
running out of time | Shadowhunter Chronicles | Kit x Ty
When (if) they got out of here, Kit wanted the record to unequivocally state that this wasn’t his fault. Not that it was Ty's either, but it certainly wasn't Kit's.
kit and ty's first hunt together after three years goes wrong and they wind up trapped in a cage with no way out. naturally, this leads to a heartfelt conversation.
Demonic/Ghostly Possession - Filled
Haunting | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos, TK & Owen
T.K. is five when he first sees a ghost, though, of course, he doesn’t know that it’s a ghost. His name is Joey, and he lives in the playground, which T.K. thought was a little strange, but he doesn’t want to ask. Dad says it’s rude to ask questions like that to someone he’s just met.
Fingore - Filled
ease my mind | 911: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
Briefly, Carlos considers calling TK and telling him about the accident. But… He only broke two of his fingers and it barely even classifies as a minor injury in his book, so there’s really no reason to bother his fiancé while he’s still on shift himself. He pockets his phone then looks around to figure out where the exit is.
Only, an all-too familiar laugh distracts him from his task, drawing his attention to the nurses station.
Where TK is standing, smiling as a nurse swats at him for stealing one of their lollipops.
Carlos is, beyond doubt, fucked.
Verbal Abuse - Filled
this is a song about somebody else | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos, TK & Marjan
TK doesn't notice the 126's latest visitor until it's too late. He freezes as Alex smiles at him, knocked off balance by this sudden intrusion of his old life into his new one.
alex vists tk at the 126. luckily, tk has his family to help him through it.
tw: abusive language
Dying in Their Arms - Filled
can you hear me screaming (please don’t leave me) | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
As a cop, Carlos has to deal with all kinds of cases, and not all of them end well. But never in his life did he imagine that he'd have to respond to an incident involving his own boyfriend.
tw: major character death
Blindfolded - Filled
find you here inside the dark | Doctor Who | Thirteen x Yaz
Yaz has walked this room too many times to count now; she’s traced her fingertips over the walls, searching for any cracks or crevices to indicate where there might be a door.
If the Doctor were here, she’d have her sonic out by now, spitting out words, only half of which Yaz could understand. She’d find a way out in no time. Or, if not, at least she’d be here. Talking a mile a minute, probably annoying the hell out of their captors. Yaz can almost hear her now—
She can hear her now.
Water Torture - Filled
soggy clothes and breezeblocks | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
Carlos wakes up slowly. He cracks his eyes open, wincing at the pounding in his head. He lifts his hand to massage the pain away, only to discover that his hand won't move, the cool metal of handcuffs biting viciously into his wrist.
After an undercover mission goes wrong, Carlos is forced to fight for his life. And to make matters worse, his kidnappers are making sure that T.K. is watching the entire thing.
tw: torture
Fighting from the Inside - Filled
and curse the gods | BBC Atlantis | Jason & Medusa
Jason knows what it is to be cursed.
Slammed into a Wall - Filled
mind over matter (matter over mind) | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos, TK & Owen
After a night out goes wrong, TK and Carlos are left to deal with the consequences.
tw: homophobia, hate crimes, hiding an injury
Suicide Attempt - Filled
be done with this now | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
Once upon a time, Carlos had thought that watching as his almost-boyfriend was whisked off in an ambulance, bullet wound in his chest, would be the worst moment of his life. Then TK had been kidnapped, and Carlos had spent hours not knowing where he was, if he was alive or dead, and he thought - this is it. Nothing can top this.
But, having to perform CPR on his husband, having to hold him as he slipped away in his arms?
That was worse than even his nightmares.
tw: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, depression, drug abuse, overdosing
Bleeding Through the Bandages - Filled
pull you in to feel your heartbeat | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
The call comes at the tail end of Carlos’s shift, and he instantly hates whichever idiot decided to ruin his night by mugging someone.
What he's not expecting is to find his boyfriend on the ground, bleeding out from a stab wound.
Arm in a Sling - Filled
have you been involved in an accident at work? | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK & 126 Crew, TK x Carlos
T.K. was on his way to the hospital. Again.
At least this time he could say with absolute certainty that it 100% wasn't his fault.
Self-Harm - Filled
but god i wanna feel again | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos
Carlos blames himself for not noticing. It's not like he had much choice in the matter; he hasn't seen T.K. all week, and his texts have been going unanswered, but he can't help but feel like it's partly his fault.
If only T.K. would actually talk about himself, instead of keeping it all in.
tw: self-harm
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thebonggirll · 5 years
Chapter 1 - Quirkless and Adopted
Summary (important)
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The first incident was in Qingqing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these quirks and before they knew it, the supernaturals became totally normal - the world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. The streets looked like scenes from comic book, a city swirled with chaos and confusion. In these situations, a new profession dominated and collected consciousness.
It was an age of heroes.
With the rise of superpowers came explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments was stuck trying to figure out how to reform laws with quirks in mind, courageous people started performing heroic acts to keep our cities safe - protecting us against villains who abuse their powers for evil. With overwhelming public support heroes found an official place as peacekeepers overseen by the government. Those who performed the best were paid the most and gained all the fame and glory. Their careers depended on their quirk to stay in the spotlight.
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Born and brought up in a family where inspite of having quirks, no one really applied for the hero course, Y/N was stuck in a tight position. Her father had fire quirk, while her mother had ice - both worked in an entertainment company. Y/N's father was known for his jolly and happy behavior whereas her mother was known for her calm and strict behavior. Y/N had an elder brother, Haruto, who inherited father's fire quirk. But inspite of being powerful, he decided to pursue music and naturally got a lot of recognition.
And here was Y/N - a girl with an ambition of becoming a hero and saving people's lives. When she first talked about this to her parents, her mother opposed to the idea of becoming a hero and risking life. But things changed for the better when a crazy fangirl attacked Haruto at a concert overseas and he couldn't use his quirk to save himself as it went against the law. He had a few injuries but got saved by a superhero. After Haruto came back home, he sat down with the whole family and explained how Y/N should pursue her dreams. It took a lot of convincing and although reluctant, they agreed to send her to U.A. Academy. They were just scared for her and wasn't sure she could handle everything with her quirk.
You see, Y/N was different. Her quirk was water which came as a surprise to the whole family. But the doctors explained that she was among the very few percentage of people around the world who got a mix of both the quirks and inherited a whole new one. She trained herself ever since she was a child at a beach - Dagoba Municipal Beach Park. It was beautiful at first but soon got isolated due to excess pollution, but it was useful since she was near the sea and she could use her strength as much as she wanted. She practiced at her usual spot for two hours before she went to school. At first she was extremely tired but slowly she got used to it.
At present, Y/N was flipping the pages of her school book with an uninterested gaze. She yawned and checked the time. Y/N was never a morning person. Sure, she would wake up if it's for her training but she definitely wasn't interested if it was for her school studies. She decided to take a break from her training today. Well, she forgot to put on the alarm and Midoriya woke her up an hour before her school started.
Getting up from her study table, Y/N arranged her books and kept it in her bag. She plugged out her mobile from the charger and sat down on the bed - sending a text to her only friend in school.
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*Aldora Junior High*
"So as third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about your future and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests but" the teacher threw the papers, "why bother. I know you all want to go to the hero track!" Everyone started cheering. Everyone except for Midoriya and Y/N. While Midoriya was insecure, Y/N didn't want to cheer along with the other students. She found it ironic how these students were cheering about being heroes when they bully other people.
"Yes, yes you guys have very impressive quirks. But no power usage is allowed in school. Get over yourselves." The teacher said, trying to quiet down the class.
"Hey teach! Don't lump me in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks with some busted D-listers." Bakugou said grinning.
"Tch. What a narcissist." Y/N grumbled and looked out of the window while the rest of the class started shouting at him.
"Hm, you've got impressive test results. Maybe you'll get into U.A. High." The teacher said checking his result.
"He's gonna try for a national school? It has got 0.2% acceptance rate. It's impossible to get into." Someone commented.
"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me." Bakugou said jumping up on the desk, "I aced all the mock tests. I'm the only one in this school who has the chance of getting in. I'll be popular than All Might himself and be the richest hero of all time. People all across the world will know who I am, and it all starts with U.A. High!"
"Oh yeah, Y/N and Midoriya wanted to go to U.A. too right?" The teacher said checking their papers.
Everyone looked at them for a moment and started laughing.
"There's no way Midoriya can get into U.A. without a quirk right?" Someone said.
"A-Actually, they got rid of that rule. I could be the first one!" Midoriya said standing up.
"And you really think you are the only one in this school to get in U.A.?" Y/N said glaring at Bakugou.
"How will you get in loser? By asking your quirkless boyfriend to help you cheat? An adopted freak like you won't even pass the written exam with your average score." Bakugou yelled and broke Midoriya's desk using his quirk. "Listen up Deku! You're even worse than these rejects you damn quirkless wannabe. You really think they'll let someone like you in when they could have someone like me?!"
Y/N did help Midoriya at times, but she didn't most of the time. It wasn't that she felt scared - well a little maybe - but because she felt he should stand up for himself. And clearly he didn't stand up for himself at all during all these times. Meanwhile, Midoriya explained that he was not trying to compete with Bakugou, and only trying to follow the dream he had since childhood because he will not know if he can accomplish it if he didn't try. Bakugou said that the exam is impossible for him because he was defenseless and Midoriya will lose in the exam, as the whole class looks down on Midoriya, snickering.
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"Hey Midoriya, you wanna walk home together or you have stuffs to do?" Y/N asked picking up her bag.
"No I have some work, you should go." Midoriya said smiling, taking out his diary.
"You sure?" Y/N asked, knowing that Bakugou was still around, and now that he has heard about Midoriya trying to get in U.A., he will be more agressive with him.
"Yeah, goodbye!" He said, concentrating on his work. Y/N walked home that day having no idea about what her friends were gonna face that day.
Y/N usually trained herself at afternoon upto 8 p.m. While walking back home with her half-drenched hair due to all the practice, Y/N passed by a electronics shop and heard the news. Bakugou and Midoriya was attacked by a villain and All Might saved them.
No doubt in it, Y/N was worried and angry on Midoriya for his recklessness.
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Chapter 2
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Hi, the “why didn’t Cas go with them to save Dean” anon here. When I said “Cas went with them after Lucifer” I was also referring to s12 like in 12x07 and 12x08. Thank you for clarifying that Michael is just established as more powerful, but why would Lucifer be weaker than an AU archangel when their only difference is what universe they’re from? Why are AU archangels more powerful? Sorry if I made this too complicated, I just struggle with following the canon for magical powers sometimes.:P
I think you’re expecting a deeper canonical reasoning for some of this stuff that canon itself is basically just laying out in concrete terms here. Sometimes canon just Does That. Canon is not required to explain or justify itself when the explanation or justification is just... irrelevant to the larger narrative. This is a really difficult thing to explain, because this isn’t a value judgement on a character or a plot point or viewers who headcanoned something very different before canon laid down a New Fact. This is just... objectively what canon does sometimes. The trick for viewers is to use these new fact to readjust previously held headcanons and perceptions to fit with what canon is telling us is actually reality.
Why are AU archangels more powerful? Because canon said so. Because 13.07 hammered that point home. But okay, even if you accept that, and you still want an explanation as to why? Well, sorry, canon hasn’t given us one.
We can apply headcanon to this, look at the canon we already have in the past about archangels in our universe, and attempt to deduce the reasons for the difference, but honestly we don’t have enough information about the AU to say for certain. We know that universe is different from ours in fundamental ways. Sam and Dean were not the end-all, be-all apocalypse vessels for that universe, you know? Or else the angels would’ve made sure John was resurrected to father them into existence with Mary one way or another, and the apocalypse as it was prophesied in OUR universe would’ve marched on the same way.
(we know both Zachariah and Lucifer threatened to just keep bringing Sam and Dean back to life when they threatened to kill themselves to stop the apocalypse, so if Sam and Dean were the destined vessels in the AU it seems like the angels would’ve just... done the thing and MADE it happen, you know? Something is fundamentally different there on a cosmic level)
Not to mention the way AU Michael, in direct contrast to OUR Michael, has this disdain for God. Our Michael was trying to be the dutiful son despite God’s abandonment, but AU Michael made his own plans instead, almost as if his experience with God was very different. Which is interesting in its own right, bringing up the notion that maybe God really is absent in their universe, and what that might mean on a cosmic scale. Even if these thoughts don’t lead us to a concrete, absolutely solid explanation for why AU Michael is more powerful, they give support to the notion that if canon unequivocally states that is a fact, we’re given leeway to accept it as fact.
Sometimes canon requires us to apply critical thinking skills and make these sorts of leaps of faith, to fill in the gaps however we see fit in the moment. Just because we’re being asked to build the mental bridge and trust it’s solid enough to cross the divide doesn’t mean the bridge doesn’t exist.
But this does bring me to one of the dangers of the viewer attempting to fill those narrative chasms in with concrete, rather than just trusting the invisible bridge. I’m gonna call it Headcanon Fatigue. Bear with me, because one of my favorite things to do with canon is to attempt to explain it all with one Grand Unified Theory of Everything (which, heck, is why s11 is still my favorite meta-wise, because it DID solidify at least the cosmic-level Grand Unification via Love Theory, which honestly is still playing out in aftereffects). But often canon isn’t ASKING us to fill in all the canyons yet. It WANTS us to slowly construct a latticework of intricate bridges and stairways to navigate the canyons and explore all the nooks and crevices, but to not become so distracted by what we find to assume we’ve actually explored the entire canyon as a whole or understood the tiny fraction of what we’ve explored correctly, you know?
Like the whole Angel Vessel Consent Issue floating around a lot of the speculation I’ve seen about Michael and Dean lately.
A lot of that speculation was based on the single case of possession of Donnie Finneman in 5.03, and I think it leaves PLENTY of questions and like... a grand total of zero answers. So the fact that Dean wasn’t rendered comatose by Michael’s possession? NOT BREAKING THAT OLD CANON, because what we saw back then was unreliable at best, and an outright deception at worst. Deception that’s only been compounded by years of headcanon being built up around a single incident in canon that we never got a real explanation for.
Let’s compare the actual FACTS of Donnie Finneman’s case with easily misconstrued opinions versus various headcanons I’ve seen solidify into concrete, inflexible assumptions over the years:
Donnie, the vessel of Raphael, was the mechanic at a gas station where a skirmish between angels and demons had broken out”
FRAMINGHAM: Would not have believed my eyes if I hadn't seen it myself. We're talking a riot. Full scale.DEAN: How many?FRAMINGHAM: Thirty, forty, in all-out kill-or-be-killed combat?
So there was a generalized riot, then a sudden pure, bright white explosion, and the only one left alive in the middle of that was the mechanic, Donnie, who Cas immediately identifies as Raphael taking his vessel.
But... what led to Donnie saying yes? And WHY were those angels and demons skirmishing at that specific gas station? And WHY did Raphael chose that time and place to take his vessel?
Because we have to assume that Donnie was in the middle of that battle, you know? Can you even imagine just being at work doing an oil change or something, and suddenly there’s this all-out riot between supernatural beings all around you? Like, seriously, that would probably be enough for ME to want to say yes to a cosmic being offering me protection or whatever in exchange for a yes there...
So was that entire scenario arranged by Raphael specifically to secure consent from his vessel? I mean, that’s one logical possibility.
Now let’s look at Raphael for a moment, throughout canon and not just at this one episode. Let’s remember what he thinks of humanity in general, and what his reasons for wanting to restart the apocalypse in s6 were. He HATED humanity. He was TIRED of playing that role of watching over them. He was BORED with humanity, and just wanted it all to be over. He wasn’t passionate about remaking the world in his own image the way Lucifer was, or the way AU Michael seems to be now. He’s just done.
So with that knowledge, why would Raphael even care about taking a vessel at all? What was his purpose? Why did he bother to arrange to have Donnie reduced to the ready and waiting “open phone line” of a practically empty vessel Cas and Dean saw in the hospital? What exactly was that entire situation about?
Because that’s what makes no sense with the rest of canon, you know?
So I suggest that rather than break your brain trying to resolve all of extant canon with that singular anomaly, you look at the entire scenario from the opposite perspective. Canon has been repeatedly inviting us to do this, after all.
It’s like... we aren’t so petty as to insist that the mission Dean and Sam set out on to kill Lilith at the beginning of s4 was actually the true mission they SHOULD have been going on to stop the apocalypse, you know? The entire season was a misdirect focused around the goal of killing Lilith under the assumption that SHE would start the apocalypse and they needed to stop her from doing that, but in reality she WOULD start the apocalypse-- with her carefully planned death at the exact right time and place. Sam and Dean (and Cas) were played for fools in the end, and everything they thought had been true had been overturned and the truth was only uncovered at the last minute, when it was too late to change course.
And I think a lot of the assumptions about archangel possession are based on those early (and deliberately misleading) assumptions based on Donnie Finneman’s case. Like... we take Cas’s word that Michael would leave Dean in a worse state than Raphael had left Donnie... but why do we accept that as a literal, surface-level assessment based on concrete fact? Because Cas said so? Cas also said they needed to kill Lilith at one point in order to stop her from breaking the final seal, but we later learned he’d been lied to about that, as well. I mean, Cas asked DEAN for help in uncovering Raphael in 5.03, because CAS DIDN’T HAVE ANSWERS AND NEEDED DEAN TO HELP “TALK TO PEOPLE” TO GET THEM. So assuming Cas’s guesses there, or Cas’s warnings to Dean about worst case scenarios of what MIGHT happen if he said yes to Michael can be seen on just that level-- since we know Cas is willing to lay down EVERYTHING in order to stop Dean from saying yes in the end. I mean, hello 5.18.
But now that we have that said, let’s go back and try and guess what happened to Donnie in the first place. Was he somehow gravely injured during the skirmish that led to Raphael showing up and coercing a yes out of him? I mean, we just learned the sorts of torture Zachariah was willing to impart on Dean in order to coerce a yes out of him in 5.01, and in 5.03 we also learn the sorts of trickery Lucifer will resort to in order to coerce a yes out of Sam, and in 5.04 we learn the lengths Zachariah is willing to go to get that yes again, and we learn again in 5.16 just how far Heaven will go... so why not apply that to Raphael, as well?
What if Donnie’s semi-comatose state was a direct result of injuries he sustained in that skirmish? What if Raphael had arranged that just so he could make Donnie into his notion of a “perfect vessel?” I.e. one not encumbered with an annoying human consciousness he’d have to deal with? Like Michael securing that yes from John in 5.13 (and in 1978), waiting until he was gravely injured and promising to make everything right? To save his wife and heal his body in exchange for that yes?
Why do we assume Raphael used any different tactic to secure Donnie’s yes?
Like... “I can relieve your suffering, deliver your soul to eternal rest and peace where your pain will end, if you allow me the use of your vessel.” If I’d been Donnie in that state? I’d have been tempted to agree.
So why do we headcanon that Donnie was Fine And Dandy before Raphael possessed him? And that the results in that hospital were only the result of Raphael’s possession? Because of that one offhand comment from Cas?
DEAN: I take it that's not Raphael anymore.CASTIEL: Just an empty vessel.DEAN: So is this what I'm looking at if Michael jumps in my bones?CASTIEL: No, not at all. Michael is much more powerful. It'll be far worse for you.
But we assume Dean was referring to the physical state Raphael left Donnie in here. So... why do we assume that Castiel, an angel, was also referring to the physical state of Donnie’s empty vessel with that comment?
Nothing in canon is suggesting that’s the correct interpretation of that scenario. In fact, current canon is actively refuting it. And it HAS been actively refuting it since Sam first said yes to Lucifer and was not rendered a blubbering vegetative lump of sasquatch in the aftermath, you know? NONE of the canon between 5.03 and 14.03 has supported that assumption that it was only Raphael’s power that rendered Donnie in such a state.
So that’s like... the opposite problem to the one you’re having making that leap onto a solid surface that canon is insisting is real, even if we can’t see the support structure holding it in place. We’re not being asked to pave over everything between point A and point B here. In fact, I’d suggest that attempting to pave that road could be as misguided as assuming that all the archangel possession canon post 5.03 must somehow support the headcanons that formed around Raphael’s possession of Donne Finneman. Because that’s not how canon works.
Sometimes it’s asking you to build bridges, and sometimes it’s just telling you the ground is solid, and going poking under your feet for the support structure is just gonna lead to you toppling headfirst into the ravine. Not fun at all. :P
*scrolls back up to reread your original question and wonders where the heck I took a wrong turn... probably Albuquerque...*
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pherryt · 6 years
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Supernatural Sci Fi Rec List
This is the second rec list in a series I’m making (first was the Destiny Fic Rec List). The art for this list was made by me ( @dragonpressgraphics​ ) for Colliding Worlds
By Pherryt/Me
What’s the Truth?: Wordcount: 8256, General, Destiel  Android!Cas, Android phobia, Secrets, Explosions, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Summary:  Dean has never made a secret of his hatred for AI's - especially androids. His whole world is turned on it's edge when he finds out Cas has been hiding something big from him since they met... and before he can even come to terms with it, he almost loses Cas for good.
Colliding Worlds: Wordcount: 54009, General, Destiel   Crossover with Doctor Who, Canon Divergent Season 11 Summary What happens if the Doctor meets our boys? When the supernatural meets the other wordly? Can the boys expand their worldview to include aliens?? A fun exercise in colliding worlds...
Crossing Fantasies: Wordcount: 6839, Teen, Destiel  Crossover with Star Trek, Bunker Fic Summary  Dean's minding his own business in the bunker when 3 very impossible people show up in his room amid a glory of sparkles. There's no way he could be facing down Captain James T. Kirk, Doctor McCoy and Commander Spock - they're fictional characters from a TV show for fucks sake, right? So why was he holding a gun on the very real presence of three strangers claiming to be just that in his own bedroom at a supposedly impervious Bunker?
You Stole My Line!: Wordcount: 2888, General, Destiel   Crossover with Doctor Who, Season Codas up to 12  Summary  Because really, Dean's gonna brag about killing Hitler, and that's going to make some people a little jealous...you know who I'm talking about right? And then in the end, it helps Dean open up a little bit more...
Midnight Adventures: Wordcount: 8992, Explicit, DCJ  Crossover with Doctor Who, Coitus Interuptus and feels  Summary  Dean, Jimmy and Cas had moved to the middle of nowhere for a reason. Relationships such as theirs were hardly ever understood to begin with. Throw in the fact that, well, Dean's boyfriends were related to each other, and it causes quite an outcry. So. Middle of nowhere. Lots of land and privacy. And all they wanted to do was celebrate their anniversary in peace. And sex (definitely sex). Of course, time traveling aliens with their magic box kinda put a damper on that. But that's okay - he makes up for it in the end.
The Replacement Engineer: Wordcount: 3061, Explicit, Destiel  ABO, Non Trad, Omegas Cas and Dean, Switching  Summary  Dean's the doctor on Charlies ship, and he's just met Castiel - the replacement for their previous engineer. Nobody expected them to take such an instant liking to each other. After that, it was only a matter of time before Sam was scarred for life and Charlie needed to give the ship a few upgrades. But it wasn't really their fault!
Humanities Second Chance: Wordcount: 3076, Explicit, Saileen  ABO, Post Apocalyptic, Omega Sam, Alpha Eileen, Switching  Summary  The world changed after the Earth rose up against humanity. Disaster after disaster struck, decimating the population, but as humans have always found a way to do - they survived. They might have changed a little in the process but, they survived. Not that the new generation of kids knew anything different. They hear the stories, the tales, but to them, this is the new normal. And Sam is about to embark on the next phase of his life - getting mated
Solitary Flights and Second Chances: Wordcount: 7415, General, Destiel  Astronaut Dean, NASA style Summary  All Dean's life, all he wanted was to go into space. He's sacrificed a lot on the way to that dream. Now he has it and he realizes... he sacrificed too much. Way too much. Sabatoge, injury and an aborted trip are a strange way to get back the things he lost... that most precious thing of all... but if he can salvage something good from all this, he'll take it. he just needs to get back home alive, first.
More Recs (Not Mine)
Purgatory: Population 1 By  @jhoomwrites​ : Wordcount: 13165, Mature  Destiel, Mark of Cain, Crashlanding  Summary:  While helping out a group of terraformers, Dean ends up with a mysterious Mark on his arm that gives him the urge to kill. After giving up on the idea of a cure, Dean comes up with the only solution he can think of: he takes his ship, picks a direction, and flies until he’s so lost no one will ever find him. And for a few years, it works. Dean has a planet full of monsters all to himself, monsters he can kill and maim and satisfy his dark impulses. At least until a stranger crash lands on his planet. Will Dean be able to resist long enough to help this man leave? And what if he doesn't want him to leave?
Well Build Ourselves by @reallyelegantsharkfish / : Wordcount: 5420, Explicit Destiel, Android Summary: An android walks into Dean’s shop. (italics)
I'll Cross the Sky for You by  Superhoney  : Wordcount: 33364, Explicit Destiel, Top!Cas, Bottom!Dean, Courier/Captan Cas, CoffeeShop Owner Dean Summary: Castiel thinks it sounds ridiculous: a spaceship that’s also an Earth-style coffeeshop? But upon his first visit to The Family Business, he quickly realizes that the owner, Dean Winchester, is incredibly handsome, the pastries are delicious, and the coffee is out of this world. One visit leads to another, and before long, Castiel is completely won over by both the coffeeship and its owner. It’s hard to maintain a relationship when you’re constantly flying across the vastness of space, but for the sake of both his heart and his stomach, Castiel swears he and Dean will make it work
And then there were five by @feartheophanim : Wordcount: 5969, Teen Destiel, Spaceflight, Ship to Ship Battle Summary: Dean is the best engineer on base, and his father keeps refusing his requests for off-world assignments. Pissed off with the same old-same old, Dean goes for a drink and meets a stranger who offers him a job on his ship. Things are harder than Dean expected, out there in space, but things soon take a turn for the strange. He is left with far more than he bargained for.
the light of falling stars by by @procasdeanating : Wordcount: 4980, Explicit Destiel, Alien!Cas, Battles Summary:  … when Lieutenant Dean Winchester and the two ships under his command engaged in combat with a Seraph squadron. Two army ships were destroyed, while one fighter, presumably Lt. Winchester’s, made a forced landing on a nearby uninhabited class D planet after triggering the emergency protocol. The ongoing search has not produced conclusive results. Lt. Winchester is classified as missing in action…
The Ark by  @pimentogirl : Wordcount: 2776, Explicit Destiel, reunion, hurt/comfort Summary: The Ark, a triple class interstellar craft, offering the opportunity to travel between colonies regardless of Tier Status... ...and the last place left to look...
Because of Harrison Bergeron by  @nachsie : Wordcount: 5249, Not Rated destiel, sabriel, Android Summary: In the year 2081, amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. The Handicapper General's agents enforce the equality laws, forcing citizens to wear "handicaps": masks for those who are too beautiful, radios inside the ears of intelligent people, and heavy weights for the strong or athletic. When Harrison Bergeron in an attempt to overthrow the government is gunned down, the strongest able to break from the control start a rebellion that leads to an all out war. One rebellion group lead by Harrison's baby brother, Sam in it's attempt to destroy the government runs into a sleeper citizen base, running into by fate a sleeper teenager called Castiel
Real Skilled at People by Astarloa / : Wordcount: 1456, Mature  (This reminds me of a Robert Heinlein short that I loved but can’t find anymore. If anyone knows where to find it, I’d love to know!)  Summary:   In an alternate future reality there's a black market doctor named Robert and a man who yearns for wings.
Looking to the Sky to Save Me by raths_kitten / : Wordcount: 8693, Explicit Destiel, Bounty Hunters Cas and Sam Summary: Sam and Castiel are bounty hunters. When a warrant is out for Dean, Sam convinces Castiel to catch him. Loosely based on Killjoys.
Dreaming in Digital by @ltleflrt : Wordcount: WIP (80k +), Explicit Destiel, Sabriel, Post Apocalyptic, Androids, Bounty Hunters Summary: When Dean finds a deactivated sex bot, he knows it's his lucky day.
Qualia by @imogenbynight : Wordcount: 26600, Explicit AI, Bring Tissues, Destiel, Sam/Jess Summary: When Sam & Jess move into a smart home, Dean finds an unlikely match in the AI that keeps it running.
Lost and Found by @destieltrashland : Wordcount: 22928, Explicit Destiel, Sam/Jess, Nod to Space Seed (Star Trek), Character Death (not Team Free Will) Summary: When he reached the hatch door he looked through the small window, shining the light from his helmet inside. The cargo area was cleaner than the front of the ship, due to being sealed off from the tear in the hull, and it still held a sizable number of items within. The items floated under nets keeping them tethered to the floor. “What strange readings?” he asked as he pointed his own tricorder inside. “Power signatures and –“ she paused, pressing buttons on the screen as if to confirm her assessment, “life signs.”                                                       ----- Castiel and crew find something unexpected while recovering an ancient spaceship. Dean and Sam struggle to adjust to life 300 years in the future.
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blackjacketmuses · 6 years
hc; komaeda 15
I’m gonna put this under a cut because reasons, but I wanted to make an at least semi-coherent post about Nagito’s mental illnesses (besides the dementia) because I’ve brought it up in a couple threads now so it needs a decent post to its own. 
Nagito has suffered from fairly severe - and until after the Program, untreated - depression for most of his life. Given the incredibly extreme and constant trauma he experiences on a daily basis, it would be more of a surprise if he didn’t.
In fact, TBH, he suffers also from cPTSD -- now I was going to keep this post just about his depression, but I feel like tossing a bit of a note about that out there too, so it doesn’t look like I’m just dumping diagnoses on his head. Because haha, wow, he absolutely does have this (and taking a Psych class this semester is a double dose of ‘sure about this’). I’m gonna c/p the symptoms here so you don’t have to click the link, bolding mine:
In children/adolescents--
Attachment – "problems with relationship boundaries, lack of trust, social isolation, difficulty perceiving and responding to others' emotional states"
Biology – "sensory-motor developmental dysfunction, sensory-integration difficulties, somatization, and increased medical problems"
Affect or emotional regulation – "poor affect regulation, difficulty identifying and expressing emotions and internal states, and difficulties communicating needs, wants, and wishes"
Dissociation – "amnesia, depersonalization, discrete states of consciousness with discrete memories, affect, and functioning, and impaired memory for state-based events"
Behavioural control – "problems with impulse control, aggression, pathological self-soothing, and sleep problems"
Cognition – "difficulty regulating attention, problems with a variety of 'executive functions' such as planning, judgement, initiation, use of materials, and self-monitoring, difficulty processing new information, difficulty focusing and completing tasks, poor object constancy, problems with 'cause-effect' thinking, and language developmental problems such as a gap between receptive and expressive communication abilities."
Self-concept – "fragmented and disconnected autobiographical narrative, disturbed body image, low self-esteem, excessive shame, and negative internal working models of self".
In adults (and yes that last bullet point is real I did not add it):
Changes in emotional regulation, including experiences such as persistent dysphoria, chronic suicidal preoccupation, self injury, explosive or extremely inhibited anger (may alternate), and compulsive or extremely inhibited sexuality (may alternate).
Variations in consciousness, such as amnesia or improved recall for traumatic events, episodes of dissociation, depersonalization/derealization, and reliving experiences (either in the form of intrusive PTSD symptoms or in ruminative preoccupation).
Changes in self-perception, such as a sense of helplessness or paralysis of initiative, shame, guilt and self-blame, a sense of defilement or stigma, and a sense of being completely different from other human beings (may include a sense of specialness, utter aloneness, a belief that no other person can understand, or a feeling of nonhuman identity).
Varied changes in perception of the perpetrators, such as a preoccupation with the relationship with a perpetrator (including a preoccupation with revenge), an unrealistic attribution of total power to a perpetrator (though the individual's assessment may be more realistic than the clinician's), idealization or paradoxical gratitude, a sense of a special of supernatural relationship with a perpetrator, and acceptance of a perpetrator's belief system or rationalizations.
Alterations in relations with others, such as isolation and withdrawal, disruption in intimate relationships, a repeated search for a rescuer (may alternate with isolation and withdrawal), persistent distrust, and repeated failures of self-protection.
Changes in systems of meaning, such as a loss of sustaining faith and a sense of hopelessness and despair.
So, yeah, there’s that.
I don’t think I have to discuss his anxiety problems much, since those are pretty self-explanatory, especially watching his Island Mode events -- and it’s so closely linked with his depression anyway, discussing one comes with the other.
Living through this situation, through the horrors his luck spits at him -- accidents, kidnappings, freak natural disasters, people around him dying constantly, injuries, losing his home, so many terrible things that it feels unreal and comical -- is enough to make him feel helpless, make him certain there is no way out. He struggles to believe in the idea of hope, clings to it with everything he has, but he has none of his own. It’s the idea of it that matters. The idea that-- that it’s not that no matter what he has his bad luck will destroy it. That it’s that no matter what terrible thing happens, there is good coming after. He has to believe in the latter, not the former, because if he lets himself think the former...then what point is there to living?
He has bad days, always, where he can’t find it in him to believe in hope always winning, where it feels like a chore to get out of bed, where it feels like the terror of just existing will choke him -- the uncertainty of even the next hour nearly paralyzing -- where it feels like the best thing he could do is to make it stop, to make the fear and the pain and the horror just stop. He has no one, no one would miss him, and the world would be better off without a worthless person like him, and the bad luck and trauma that he exists with constantly just...stops. He never tries anything, though, because he’s half convinced his luck simply won’t let it work. So what’s the point in trying?
But he tries to make it through those days, forces himself to believe, gets up and carries on. It’s why he has such blind faith in hope, why he loves the idea of it so much and loves Hope’s Peak and the Ultimates so much. They represent strength and perseverance and hope, they represent safety and the idea that it will all be okay. Hope always wins, and the Ultimates embody that. 
Hope, happiness, safety, it’s all tied up together in his head. Even if he feels apart from them, distant, an outcast, unworthy-- just being in their presence is enough to make him feel just that little bit more sure that there is a tomorrow, that he can have a few moments, a few hours, where he feels like things might be okay. 
(Of course, his dementia does not help any of these feelings, and if they didn’t exist before a point, he can’t tell -- it feels like he’s always been this way.)
Currently, he’s still struggling with all this, but...being safe, being with Hajime and the others, everything being over, his physical illnesses being taken care of so he isn’t dying -- and being in a relationship!! with Hajime, the person he loves more than anything...it helps. Slowly he’s working on adjusting to this, to the idea that he has tomorrows, and even if he still has bad days, it’s easier to work through them. Hajime’s luck protects them all from Nagito’s own, and that makes it...that helps a lot. He knows happiness and hope firsthand now, and it’s a long road, but he doesn’t want it to end anymore, and that’s a huge step forward.
He is taking antidepressants now, too, since they have access to both a decent pharmacy and the Future Foundation’s supplies, and that also helps.
He’s getting better by inches, but he is getting better.
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deanandsamsbitch · 7 years
Loving A Broken Man Part 6
Pairing: DeanxReader
Word Count: 1,220
Warning(s): Injured! Dean, Heartbreak, loads of angst. I’m pretty sure you all hate me cause of the angst… anyway enjoy! *evil laugh*
Series Summary: Dean signed up to join the army, when he was away fighting, he got injured badly resulting with him coming home with serve injuries and PTSD. Dean refuses for help and ends pushing away his family, friends and the reader.
After Dean felt the bullet pierce through his skin, luckily the bullet hit him on the side. If it hit his spine he’d be paralyzed or if the bullet hit him in the chest, he’d be dead. Dean then blacked out and he didn’t know if his comrades made it or didn’t make it.
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 5 hours later
Dean woke up, he looked around and saw other soldiers. Most without either their hands, arms or legs. Some injured, others look like walking zombies after getting away from explosions.
 Dean: Where am I?
Nurse: The hospital.
Dean: Where’s my unit?
Nurse: They’re in their bunks, some didn’t make it.
Dean: Who didn’t make it?
Nurse: Benny Laffitte, Mick Davies, Kevin Tran, Fergus or as he prefers Crowley MacLeod and umm your sergeant. Robert Singer.
Dean: No.
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Nurse: I’m sorry Dean.
Dean: What happened to me?
Nurse: You got shot under your ribcage Dean, your lucky the bullet didn’t get stuck.
Dean: What do you mean?
Nurse: If the shooter aimed more into your ribcage, the bullet would’ve gone through your rib cage and puncture your lung.
Dean: Oh, thank you Nurse.
 The Nurse rights down Dean’s vitals, his blood pressure and heart rate.
 Dean: Hey nurse, did anyone call?
Nurse: Your mom, dad and brother called while you were in surgery.
Dean: No one else called?
Nurse: Your friend Castiel called.
Dean: That’s it?
Nurse: Yea, that’s it Dean. No one else called.
After the nurse left Dean, Dean laid back in his hospital bed. He knew you weren’t gonna call. He missed your voice, smile, hugs, you.
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 The Next Day
Dean was on the phone with Mary. He was telling his mom, dad and brother what happened to him. He could hear his mom crying because she could’ve lost one of her sons, he heard his Dad’s voice crack same with his brother’s voice. He knew you weren’t there, he didn’t ask. He knew his family wouldn’t tell him.  But Dean knew what he had to do.
Dean then dials your number and calls you.
You: Hello?
Dean: Hey Y/n.
You: What Dean?
Dean: I uh wanted to call and say hi.
You: Well you said “Hey.” So, you said your hi.
Dean: Y/n listen…
You: What Dean? What do you want me to listen to? You’re happy being away from me? Happy that you broke my heart? Happy that you broke your promise? Whatever you have to say I’m not listening. Now goodbye Dean.
Dean: Y/n, I was shot. I was almost killed in action. The bullet was shot under my ribcage, if it was more up, I would’ve been paralyzed.
You then felt the world freeze, you were relieved Dean was okay but your feelings were still bitter, angry, heartbroken.
You: Too bad you weren’t shot in the chest.
Dean: What do you mean?
You: Too bad you didn’t die. Cause that’s how I felt when you broke up with me and broke your promise! So goodbye Dean! Don’t ever call me again! Don’t even bother talking to me whenever you come home next. So goodbye Dean Winchester.
You then hang up the phone, you regretted saying those words to him, but you were still heartbroken because the one man who you loved broke your heart and his promise.
 Dean then signed sadly, he looked around at other wounded soldiers. He then heard some screaming and yelling at something. He knew those soldiers have seen more than he has. He knows those screaming soldiers seen dismembered comrades, dead civilians, destroyed homes, destroyed graves and more.
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 October 30, 2017
Dean was walking around the hospital as required by the doctor and nurse. Dean was in pain but he knew he had to get better and help his unit. Dean then read your old letters, he smelled them. They smelled like your perfume. He then let a few tears shed down his cheeks. Dean knew he screwed up but he didn’t want to burden you or his family with his struggles whenever he got back home. He read articles of people who married soldiers and saw their loved ones struggling with post traumatic stress disorder. He read that many people lost loved ones to PTSD, suicide or worse. Dean felt like he would burden his loved ones and he knew he had to do something. He had to push away his family and you. He had to build an invisible wall around himself, wear a mask, not show emotion. Dean had to become a cold hearted, angry man.
 Your POV:
I still can’t believe I said those words to Dean. I miss that idiot more than anything. I look at pictures of us together. Pictures of us when we were kids, birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, Easter and other holidays we celebrated together. I missed my best friends, I missed my boyfriend…my fiancé. I was looking forward to being his wife. Mrs. Y/n. Winchester.
Dean was either going to be a mechanic or a soldier. Dean loved fixing cars, he always helped his dad with his impala. Sometimes Dean would help the neighbours fix their cars, even help build the engines for cars. Dean loved cars, they were like puzzles he said. You put the engine together and you feel happy when you hear the engine rev loud and purr. I miss my idiot.
 4 hours later
 You were looking at your letters from Dean, you found one that you made you smile and made your heart race.
 Dear Y/n,
I miss you. It’s hot over here but not like you beautiful. Frig I miss you. I always think about you. I miss your smile, laugh, hugs, kisses, eyes. I tell my comrades about you. They love hearing the stories about our adventures together. I miss us driving in baby, down the road us singing to classic rock. You look so cute when you play air guitar to Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Scorpions, Guns N Roses, Kansas, you name it.
I miss you freakin much sweetheart it’s not funny. I always carry a picture of you in my uniform. I keep it in my pocket over my heart. Before I go on a mission with my unit, I kiss it, knowing I’ll be okay. You’re the reason I’m gonna come home. Like I said before I left, we’re getting married!
Anyway, write back soon sweetheart. I miss you Y/n. I  Love you.
 You held the letter to your heart, you then dialed the number Dean called you from.
 Dean: Hello?
You: Dean?
Dean: Oh, hey y/n.
You: Dean I’m sorry for what I said. I know you won’t forgive me…
Dean: Yeah, you’re right. I won’t forgive you. Don’t call me again.
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 Before you could respond, the line went dead. You then put your phone down and you cry yourself to sleep with Dean on your mind.
1)   @abbessolute
2)   @angelkurenai
3)    @artisticpoet
4)   @atc74
5)   @becaamm
6)   @beckawinchester
7)    @bringmesomepie56
8)   @blacktithe7
9)   @chaos-and-the-calm67
10)  @chelsea072498
11)   @curliesallovertheplace
12)   @dancingalone21
13)   @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
14)   @deans-princess-crybaby
15)   @d-s-winchester
16)    @ellen-reincarnated1967
17)   @eyes-of-a-disney-princess
18)    @faith-in-dean
19)  @fallen-haunted-to-the-truth
20)   @fictionalabyss
21)    @foreversfangirl
22)    @horseslover2016
23)    @goldenolaf25
24)  @ilostmyshoe-79
25) @imagining-supernatural
26)  @perfectly--imperfect--love
27)    @jayankles
28)   @juicifeur
29)  @just-another-busy-fangirl
30)  @kas-not-cas
31)  @katymacsupernatural
32)    @kittenofdoomage
33)    @lovetusk
34)   @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
35)   @luci-in-trenchcoats
36)  @mamaredd123
37)  @makenzie0329
38)   @mein1928
39) @misssamericaschavez
40)  @meredith019
41)   @nichelle-my-belle
42)  @ravengirl94
43)  @reigningqueenofwords
44) @sgarrett49
45)  @spnbaby-67
46)   @spn67-sister
47)   @squirrel--moose--giraffe–moose–giraffe
48)    @supernotnaturalcas
49)   @sup3rnaturalunkn0wn
50)   @sneaky-midnight-adventures
51)   @sparklingcas
52)  @tattooedmomster13  
53)  @trexrambling
54)   @thebabeontheback
55)   @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
56)   @teamfreewill-imagine
57)  @winchester-writes
58) @winchesterenthusiast
59) @winchestersnco
60) @white-sky-black-birds
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itsmajel · 7 years
Majel Reads - September2017
[What is this?]
Supernatural - Destiel
Hell on Earth Verse by grey2510, ThayerKerbasy
Summary Verse: Crowley had always had a plan. Even when he lost, he won. And when he died, he made sure his affairs were in order and that the one person he liked trusted tolerated inherited his most valuable and prized possessions.
Dean wasn't sure he'd ever forgive the bastard.
Juliet couldn't believe she'd been stuck with a blind pup for a new master.
- - - - -
Summary First Story: I, Crowley, known in life as Fergus Roderick MacLeod, being of sound mind, body, and demonized soul, declare that this is my last will and testament. I hereby revoke, annul, and cancel all wills and codicils previously made by me, either jointly or severally. I declare that I am of legal age, and have been since before my lawyer's grandfather was conceived. This last will expresses my wishes without undue influence or duress, even — or, indeed, particularly — when said wishes are contrary to those of anyone who ever wanted anything from me. I hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint the demon Timothy Hubbard as Executor. If this Executor is unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint the demon Harold Newman as alternate Executor. My Executor is empowered to settle any and all debts on my behalf, excluding soul contracts. I hereby bequeath...
[Teen And Up Audiences ] [ 38,138 Words ] [4 Works] [Read on AO3 here]
What Happened In Vegas by Ltleflrt
Long time friends Dean and Castiel are road tripping from Chicago to San Diego for Sam and Eileen’s wedding, and a pitstop in Las Vegas turns into drunken love confessions and a surprise marriage. Turns out the pining has been mutual this whole time, but now they’re finally together and on cloud-fucking-nine. Until they remember that this trip isn’t supposed to be about them.
To avoid undermining Sam and Eileen’s important weekend, they decide to keep their new relationship status a secret. They’ll keep the heart eyes toned down and their hands to themselves, but the struggle is real.
[Explicit] [ 18,447 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
My Liege Lord by jhoom
From a young age, Castiel has been groomed to serve as Dean’s personal bodyguard.  They’re inseparable as children and good friends as adolescents.  When Dean ascends to the throne, though, there’s a subtle shift in their relationship.  If only Castiel knew what to make of it…
[Explicit] [ 70,525 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
I'm the Only by Desirae                
Dean cleared his throat. “It’s just, if she did something really bad, maybe Charlie didn’t tell me for a reason. Like, say you cheated on me. If there was the slightest chance I was going to forgive you, I probably wouldn’t tell Charlie about it because I wouldn’t want to taint her image of you.”
“Woah, wait. You think about me cheating on you?” The outraged tone of Cas’ voice had Dean wanting to backtrack fast.
“No, no you’re missing the point. I am just saying IF you cheated on me-”
“If I cheated on you? If I cheated on my husband whom I have loved since high school, who I am utterly devoted to?” Cas’ face had pinkened in his ire and Dean wished he had kept his mouth shut.
When Professor Winchester makes an offhand remark on the way to his sexy husband's tattoo convention, it sends them both on a trip down memory lane, back to High School, where popular goth, Castiel, made it his mission to win the heart of quiet, bookworm Dean. A story of blooming first love that grew into forever.
[Explicit] [ 25,121 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Captain America / Marvel CMU - Stucky
The North Star by littleblackfox
“I heard rumour that William Fly is swinging from a gibbet in Boston harbour. They say the age of piracy is ending,” Steve utters softly, rubbing the tip of his thumb across his lower lip. Sam glances at him. “You got plans to retire, Cap? Find a nice little beach in the Indies and a good supply of rum? Couple of pretty girls in grass skirts to dance for you.” “Sam,” Steve mumbles, covering his face with his hand. “I’m sorry, a couple of pretty boys?” Sam grins wickedly. “Sam!” Steve looks scandalised, which gets him nothing but laughter from his Quartermaster. “You’re fired. Go throw yourself overboard this instant.”
[Explicit] [61,335 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
the cold never bothered me anyway by icoulddothisallday
Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life in a state of mild hypothermia. Steve Rogers has spent the last 70 years in the ice. The two things aren’t related until, suddenly, they are. Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU (AKA the awkward bb au)
[Explicit] [ 75,562 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
penis for password by obsessivereader, talkplaylove, wearing_tearing
Bucky's had his wifi name since forever, courtesy of his friend Clint thinking he’s funny as shit, and he's pretty much forgotten about it—until he hears the enthusiastic shout of 'PENIS!' through the walls from his new next door neighbor.
[Mature] [ 1,557 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Death Doesn't Discriminate (Between the Sinners and the Saints) by sangha
James Buchanan Barnes died four years ago, while deployed to Afghanistan. An IED blew up his convoy, his left arm in pieces, his life ended. Eleven months later, his lungs filled with stale air. He was in a wooden box. He had never been this hungry. Somehow he clawed his way through the wooden lid, through dirt and sand. He didn't seem to need to breathe at all. All he knew was hunger.
Now, four years later, Bucky is just trying to make a life for himself, when he meets Steve and he is forced to decide how Steve is going to fit into this new life.
[Mature] [ 57,045 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
The Northern Lights by ThisChairIsMyHomeNow
“I can’t feel my face,” Steve shivers.
“I can’t feel my left arm,” Bucky says, deadpan. Steve barks out a laugh. It’s all white puffs of vapor in the chilly air.
“This the spot?”
“Nah,” Bucky pants, breath ragged from the long ascent up a mountain. “Almost there.”
[Mature] [ 21,754 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
to feel your skin on mine by obsessivereader
“Hey Buck, what's wrong?”
Bucky grimaces as he sits down next to Steve. “It aches sometimes,” he says, as he rotates his left arm.
Steve puts down the report he’s reading. “I could massage it for you? I had a physiotherapist after I came out of the ice. The massage really helped when I overdid things while getting back into condition.”
“You?” Bucky pauses mid-rotation, a look of patent disbelief on his face. “Overdo things? Say it ain’t so.”
“Very funny.” He tries to ignore the way his heart is pounding. “You want that massage or what.”
[Explicit] [ 2,484 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
How to Seduce a Writer by obsessivereader                
What's a determined master strategist going to do when the oblivious writer he's trying to woo keeps missing all the clues?
He doesn’t think it’s because he hadn’t signaled his own interest to Bucky. He’s pretty much done everything short of hitting Bucky over the head with semaphore flags by this point. There’s no way Bucky could’ve missed them. Unless… There’d been that one link he’d stumbled upon when he’d googled ‘how to talk to a writer’. It’d been written by a writer, who’d been candid about how oblivious writers could be, and how someone could go about seducing one. An idea starts to form. It’s ridiculous, but at this point, he’s willing to go with ridiculous, since subtle wasn’t getting him anywhere.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 2,111 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
maybe bi guy by obsessivereader
Steve: i saw that guy again. i think i’m not as straight as i thought i was Unknown number: i hate to tell you this but you got the wrong number pal. but hey, i’m bi. i’ve been there. i can talk you through it if you want --- Or Steve embarks on a journey of self-discovery assisted by a helpful stranger who likes to make really bad puns
[Mature] [ 3,338 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Lessons In Chemistry by Brenda
Bucky Barnes is having a rough senior year of college: his girlfriend of two years just dumped him for being too boring, he's drowning in lab work and classes and assignments, sleep and free time are a distant memory, and all his friends seem to want to talk about is how he needs to out of his comfort zone.
But then his old high school buddy, Steve Rogers, drops back into his life, and suddenly classwork and studying and getting into a great grad school are the last things on his mind.
[Explicit] [ 42,388 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Dare to Dance: Leave Shame at Home by MarleyMortis
Having suffered an accident that left him with anterograde amnesia and an incomplete spinal cord injury, Bucky Barnes is determined to live his life to the fullest and meet the challenges of daily life head-on.
Steve Rogers, marine biologist and a retired Space Airman who led a squadron of F40 Avengers to save New York from an alien invasion, isn’t sure how to move past war until he meets the vivacious Bucky.  He’s eager for a second date.  Trouble is, his date doesn’t seem to remember him.
[Explicit] [ 86,660 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Summer Don't Own Me No More by alby_mangroves, Nonymos
Bucky Barnes, weary soldier, illegal immigrant, sarcastic sex worker. Steve Rogers, miracle of science, lonely man, disillusioned cop. Both of them on a collision course in this brave new world, like that's not gonna end in sex and explosions.
[Explicit] [ 28,349 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
The Hobbit - Bagginshield - Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
It's a braid thing (you wouldn't understand) by authoressjean
After the last near "tragedy" (or so the dwarves are calling it, Bilbo's about done with them), Bilbo doesn't cut his hair and instead lets it go long. Except now, now he's almost home, his dwarves insisting on escorting him back, and he's got long hair he doesn't know what to do with.
When Thorin offers to braid his hair, Bilbo reluctantly agrees, if just to have something to remember the dwarf by.
Except it doesn't do Thorin any favors. Bilbo was already attractive enough, and now there are braids. In his hair.
And if Fili and Kili don't stop snickering, Thorin's content to return to Erebor without his heirs.
Prompt fic. One-shot. Sort of.
[Explicit] [ 6,102 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
slow dancing in a burning room by fideliant  
don't you think we ought to know by now? don't you think we should have learned somehow? don't you think we ought to know by now? don't you think we should have learned somehow?
[Explicit] [ 18,806 Words ] [2 Works] [Read on AO3 here]
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(All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag  here on tumblr, my reading list masterpost or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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angry-ace · 7 years
I was tagged by the inspiring @barbex who's fictober challenge I am doing
Rules: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on: writing, art, gifsets, whatever.
I’m gonna tag people that are waaaaay to cool for me but who’s to stop me my anxiety probably @crunchie-morris who by the way has the BEST jackcrutchie modern au that I love with my whole heart and @your-brother-crutchie who is my go-to sprace blog both Sami and Rowan own my entire ass guys not in a sexual way but in a you’re my idol and I want to write like you way  also @one-true-houselight who’s got some pretty cute original fic stuff going, and lastly my son Thayne @king-of-newyork whom’s’t I love with my whole heart
Fuck this is gonna be long
-my Jackcrutchie Mermaid au
-my newsbians fantasy au
-my hella angsty sprace au where Spot is a farmer not a newsie
-yesterday's fictober prompt that I accidentally fell asleep before finishing oops
Original fics (I'm going to be including both the works I've started and the ones that I wish to start but are currently just ideas rattling around my brain. As I was summarizing this I realized how messed up some of these are so I’m gonna give a content warning for death, abuse, body horror?, cannibalism, supernatural evils, attempted rape:
-a post apocalyptic novel about a group of teenagers who become refugees after their hometown is attacked by bandits and they end up fighting some cannibals and shit 
- currently there’s kinda an idea for a horror book in my brain about an evil ghost that preys on mentally ill people because neurotypicals find us less credible. Don’t worry the ghost gets killed in the end by a kickass lady and the sibling of one of its victims.
-  A woman is with her older sister, her niece, and her brother in law when the zombie apocalypse starts. Her parents were scientists and she was named after one of their coworkers.The brother in law is bitten and killed and the sister kills herself shortly thereafter. The protagonist is left to care for her niece. They end up in this community run by a tyrannical guy who sends the niece away against her will. She escapes and wanders alone until she’s scratched by a raccoon. The scratch gets infected but she's saved by another woman. They begin dating and find a new community that’s actually safe and good. They get word of the niece and decide to leave together to find her.
- A teenage boy with monoplegia in one of his legs caused by a spinal injury navigates the zombie apocalypse. His journey begins with his mother, infant sibling, and abusive father who escaped jail at the start of the apocalypse. He was in jail for causing the car crash that injured the protagonist by driving drunk. To escape a zombie horde the father throws the baby into the mob and the mother runs in after the baby, they both die. The protagonist is left with his abusive father who is eventually killed by a badass afab agender hero in a hotel. The hotel is overrun by the dead and they escape together. Once outside they steal a car with a key in the ignition. They drive for miles heading towards a refuge from the dead, a safe community where they can live out the rest of their lives in safety, when they hear noises coming from the trunk. They open the truck, expecting to kill a member of the undead, but are instead surprised by the presence of a kidnapped teenage girl. They drive together to the community but the protagonist is denied entrance because of his disability. The girl enters the community but the protagonist and agender badass move on. They encounter a group of other disabled people who were denied entrance to the safe haven. Notable members are a spunky autistic girl, and a deaf young woman who turns out to be the sister of the teenage girl they’d previously traveled with.
- Okay so Nina Normal is a transracial adoptee from India who is living in Kansas. She was adopted when she was a baby so she never meets her birth parents and they literally never become a plot point. She visits her uncle in his science lab and is caught in the explosion of a particle accelerator that gives her super speed. She starts fighting bigots with her best friend Maia, a Japanese teen who is an aspiring voice actress. She also attempts to dismantle Narcorp, a company responsible for selling the faulty lab equipment that caused her accident who’s goal is to cause people to get super powers so that they can have a super powered army.
-Okay so this one is an ace lesbian named Lana has a super abusive mom and also she is a princess. She’s a painter and has magic but she has dyslexia so finds it difficult to read spellbooks. There’s this army that trying to overthrow the queen and she joins them after her mom throws her out of the house after she attempts suicide. In the army she meets a girl Mary and she and Mary start dating. The queen’s army threatens to attack Mary’s army while it’s weak and Lana gives herself up to protect Mary. Lana’s mom tries to do a ritual to remove Lana’s magic for herself but it’s interrupted by Lana’s father, who she’s never met, rescuing her. Lana’s dad returns her to Mary and helps aid the overthrow of the queen. Lana and Mary have a huge fight about Lana’s mother’s execution and Lana goes to study magic in her father’s court. Lana’s dad turns out to be a dickhead, he tries to make Lana get married to a dude but obviously she doesn’t want to because she’s gay and also still hung up on Mary. The dude gets drunk and tries to rape Lana but she uses a spell to make him start throwing up and get really sick. Lana returns to Mary and helps dissolve the monarchy in her home queendom. It basically becomes a lovely anarchist commune and Mary and Lana get back together and also get married and live happily ever after.
- Okay so this one doesn’t have any humans. It takes place in a different solar system on the planet of Oceana. Oceana is almost entirely water and it has a bunch of different mermaid cultures and types of mermaids. There are polar mermaids that live in the cold areas, can survive on the ice, they have gills and tails, the way they walk is by digging their claws into the ice and dragging themselves around. The deep sea mermaids are more like angler fish, they have super great hearing and rather than speaking and doing hand motions like polar mermaids they communicate by flashing their lights. Basically the different mermaid tribes are at war and idk the mc is trying to resolve the conflict. The mermaids would be different sizes based on whatever fish they’re supposed to be.
-So there’s this evil group trying to turn people superpowered to do espionage shit idk. And they kidnap a bunch of at-risk teens to experiment on giving them powers or to study their naturally occuring powers. The kids eventually escape during an attack on the lab by a group opposing the scientists, but some of the kids got left behind. They begin working with the attackers to rescue their friends. What happened to them has some fallout on the kids like the mc’s boyfriend becomes addicted to drugs from his struggle to cope. Eventually the kids that got left behind are rescued. Some of them don’t want to keep fighting the organiation and move on. Other’s feel like their lives have purpose since they began the fight and keep at it. The one’s who moved on get roped back into it when the organization attacks a very public place and their guilt gets them involved.
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pinejaysong · 7 years
Spellbook and wardrobe for the blood moons ;)
ok im just gonna do all five of the moon crew bc i can’t decide shflkdhgl
wardrobe: what's your OC(s) style like?
kalli: loves capris an unreasonable amount. constantly wearing layers, especially with casual button-ups and flannels. has approximately twice as many jackets as she actually needs. absurdly talented at braiding her own hair.
sierra: very cute, very pink, very fluffy. really good at putting together multiple looks from a very limited selection. prefers skirts over pants, and secretly wishes she could get a variety of vintage and historical fashion pieces.
miguel: cargo shorts. so many cargo shorts. he loves them for the pockets, and claims he’s making up for all the pockets he was denied as a child bc he grew up wearing girl’s clothes. his nice clothes consist of like 90% sweater-vests??? bless this nerd boy.
teddy: crop tops, glitter, and flip flops. pouts relentlessly whenever it’s too cold for crop tops or flip flops, which is unfortunate, because he’s from wisconsin. (it’s a good thing it’s never too cold for glitter.) steals miguel’s hoodies and then denies it despite the fact that he’s more hoodie than boy at that point.
zachariah: Hot Professor Vibe™. lots of button ups with the sleeves rolled up and a vest. can also rock a Hot Lumberjack Vibe™, but that one doesn’t get pulled out quite as often
spellbook: are any of your OC(s) supernatural? if so, what are they/what are their abilities?
kalli: dryad. long-lived, incredible endurance and resilience, at the cost of reduced flexibility and slower healing for major injuries. has an intrinsic connection to plant life. can go a long time without food, surviving on only sunlight, water, and air (but eats for fun anyway).
sierra: faerieseer, or Zauberbrecher. an innate ability to see through and nullify glamors. faerieseers are generally quite skilled at reversal magic, which is to say, disrupting or undoing other magic which already exists. sierra’s abilities are quite uncommon; there are perhaps a dozen known faerieseers in the world.
miguel: hereditary witch. his powers came from his mother, but either parent can pass on magic of his type. his magic produces instantaneous, visible effects as a result of verbal, mental, or physical directions. or at least, it would, if it wasn’t alternately useless or resulting in explosions. (this causes him a bit of angst, bc as the seventh child of a seventh child, he’s supposed to be very magically powerful.)
teddy: merman. his particular type of merfolk are shapeshifters, going between a human form, a classical merfolk form, and a full sea creature form. teddy and his family are sharks. nearly all merfolk have the ability to do some kind of magic, and most of them, unsurprisingly, have an affinity for water-based magic.
zachariah: vampire. he grew up human, and was bitten when in his 30s, while he was working as a ranch hand for his uncle and was in an accident that nearly killed him. he is inhumanly strong and agile, and although he can be physically injured, he heals rapidly, and cannot be killed except by decapitation.
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megansescape · 7 years
A/N : This is entry for @mysteriouslyme81 challenge, the Supernatural Music 2016/17 Challenge. I was given the prompt song “Little Black Box” by Stan Walker. Lyrics from the song are in bold. This was Beta’d by the amazing and talented @babypieandwhiskey, she is absolutely fantastic. Tags are below the cut, I have used the tag lists from SPN Fanfic Pond and @mrswhozeewhatsis. If you have been tagged and would like to be removed please message me and I will remove you ASAP.
Summary: Reader is upset with dean and dean tries to prove his innocence.
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader.
Word count: 2125
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It had been two long weeks since you had last seen Dean Winchester and it had been the worst two weeks of your life. You had been dating the eldest Winchester for about two years before you realized he had been cheating on you. It had broken your heart when the two of you had a massive argument. He had repeatedly lied to you about being on a case and he was well known for being a womanizer. Dean denied that anything had happened and you hurled abuse at him in an attempt to make him feel as bad as you did.  After the fight, you had packed your bags and left the Bunker quickly, driving for hours before pulling into a motel and crashing for the night. You meant to move on the next morning but you just got consumed with your grief and started dragging yourself to the local bar, trying to forget your sorrows by watching the people around you but never succeeding.
You had run into a few hunters about a week ago, who were passing through the town on the way to their next hunt. As you chatted with them, they mentioned hearing from Dean that he was looking for you. You made them swear not to tell him where you were but apparently that meant nothing because now you were stuck in a bar with the one and only Dean Winchester. You really needed to find a way to change your luck.
“Hello Y/N/N.” Dean came up to you, speaking softly as if he was trying not to startle you. You refused to look at him, choosing to stare down at your Coke instead of meeting his gaze. He sat down across from you, placing his little black box of a laptop on the table in front of him. “What are you still not talking to me? You spoke to those hunters. Why not me?”
“Because they are actual human beings with feelings that did nothing wrong Dean, you on the other hand are a different story.” You replied using the most sarcastic voice you could muster in your aggravated and exhausted state.
“You got something to say, say it to me. Not everyone else.” Dean spoke quietly, anger still creeping into his voice. “You say that I’m to blame? Don’t go fooling yourself. You are just as much to blame for this as I am!!” He ended with a shout, his frustration breaking through for a split second, allowing you a glimpse into his mind. You thought you would have been happy to see him upset but it only tore at your already broken heart.
“Blame me if you want Dean, but it was you who cheated, not me. So take the sob story elsewhere.” You turned your gaze back down to the table. Sadness was beginning to overtake you and all you wanted to do was  go back to the motel to get some much needed sleep.
“Look, I chose the wrong words. I am not saying I blame you. I am just trying to say that this could have been avoided if you would have just believed me.” Dean sighed.
“How was I supposed to believe you? You had been lying for weeks! Always saying you were going off on cases when I found out that you hadn’t been near a case in ages.” You spat the accusations at him, rage filling your gut. You loved this man so much and you had given up a huge amount just to be with him. You had never been hurt this badly before, not by anyone. Sure you had lost people and that was unbelievably agonizing, but this was Dean the one person you were supposed to be able to trust. He betrayed you leaving you to do everything by yourself and you weren’t sure you could do this alone.
“I never cheated on you Y/N. NEVER. Yes I lied to you, but it was for a good reason. I know that without proof my words are in vain so I brought proof.” Dean opened up his laptop as he spoke, turning it towards you. You looked at the screen and saw what seemed to be a CCTV video, it was time-stamped with a date that you recognized; the date you thought Dean was with another woman. You looked up at Dean’s face, watching as he fidgeted nervously. You looked back to the screen and pressed play.
As the video began to play, you noticed that it was footage of a jewellery store front. There was nothing unusual about it, until you saw the Impala roll up outside the store. Dean got out of the car and went inside the store. The video then seemed to fast forward itself. You looked up at Dean, a question starting to fall from you lips only stopping when he beat you to it.
“I didn’t think you’d want to watch it all, I was in there quite a while.” He said shyly. You nodded quickly, casting your gaze back to the video just as it started to slow to a stop. Looking at the time stamp you could see that Dean had been in the shop an hour and a half, he stopped outside the Impala and patted his pocket before promptly getting in the car and driving away.  The video cut to black and you shut the lid gently.
“What does this prove Dean? What did I just watch? You have to explain it to me.” You pleaded with him, a glimmer of hope before you.
“I never cheated on you, that’s what this video proves. I drove two hours to that town just to go to that store.” Dean spoke with such conviction you found it hard to doubt him. “It wasn’t the first time either. All those other so called “hunting trips” were me going to different towns, trying to find what I needed.”
“What did you need?” You asked him, your anger fading by the second. Dean reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box, placing it down on the table before pushing it along towards you.
“I wanted to do this differently, but obviously things are difficult now.” You took hold of the box opening it up to reveal a stunning engagement ring. It was simple but elegant and looked as if it was made for you. You looked up at Dean with tears in your eyes. You didn’t know how to respond; you were so conflicted. Whilst you were ecstatic that he hadn’t cheated and that he wanted to commit to you in such a permanent way, you were saddened by the fact that you had forced him into giving up his secret, all because you didn’t trust him. You closed the box, pushing it back towards Dean.
“Dean, I am so sorry.” You whispered tearfully. “I am sorry I didn’t trust you,didn’t listen to you when you needed me to. I was just so stressed and scared that I projected my insecurities onto to you and that wasn’t fair.” Your hand drifted to you stomach, you thought about telling Dean, but you still felt a tremor of fear.
“You don’t have to apologize Y/N. We both could have handled it differently. I just want you to come home.” Dean begged you, his emerald eyes pleading with you as he reached out. taking your free hand in his own. You smiled softly at him, the loneliness that had surrounded you for the past two weeks, gone with the simple action. You knew then that you had to tell him, now, before you lost the nerve.
“I wasn’t thinking straight and I need to tell you why. It’s only fair. You told me the truth, now I get to do the same.” Dean looked at you bewildered. “I’m pregnant.” You blurted out so quickly that you had no way of cushioning the blow. You looked at Dean, expecting an explosive reaction of either fear or joy and yet saw nothing. He sat there his mouth gaping open slightly, a blank look on his face, he blinked slowly. His mouth twitched, silently making words before discarding them. You sat there waiting for him to say something, anything to ease your nerves.
“W...wha..wait...I don’t...huh?” Dean stuttered out, his eyes blinking rapidly. If the situation wasn’t so nerve wracking, you would have laughed at his apparent inability to form a sentence. “You’re pregnant?”
“Yep” You replied, nervously.
“I’m gonna be a dad?” Dean asked you, dumbfounded by this information.
“That is correct.” You spoke slowly, nodding your head as you did.
“I really have to give you the birds and the bees talk? Seriously?” You squeaked at him, embarrassment rising as people started looking at the two of you.
“No of course not I.. well I just… I’m shocked.” Dean spluttered out.
“Does that mean you’re not happy about it then?” You asked disheartened, looking down at a scratch on the table, picking at it as dread began to consume you. You heard nothing from Dean as he stood up, you were certain that he was going to walk out the door, out of your life forever. Suddenly he was beside you, reaching down to pull you out of your chair and pull you into a loving embrace. His strong arms wrapped around you, making you feel safe, warm and loved; as he picked you up and swayed you in his arms before placing you gently back on the ground with a carefree laugh. You giggled as you looked up at him, you had never seen him so happy.
“Y/N I want this, I want you and a family of our own. I want sleepless night and messy diapers, I want school recitals and graduations. I want tantrums and teenage drama. I want more kids with you, I want sons and daughters, yep you heard me, plural of both.” You raised your eyebrows at him, a smile playing on your lips. “I want to go through it all, so long as I go through it with you.” A tear fell from your eye as you reached up and pulled Dean down for a tender kiss, earning a cheer from the people around you.
“I want that all too Dean. I want to build a life with you. Right now. Let’s go home.” You just wanted to go home and sleep peacefully beside the man you loved. Dean grabbed his things and the two of you walked out to your cars.
“Y/N, I can ask Sam to come pick your car up. Jump in the Impala and let’s go home.” Dean spoke cheerfully and as much as you hated to burst his bubble you knew that it was getting late and it would be a long drive back to the Bunker.
“How about we go to my motel and drive back in the morning; that way I can get my things and we get some extra alone time to make up for the past two weeks.” You winked at him, a dirty grin on your face as you wiggled your eyebrows playfully.
“Damn, I love the way you think.” He growled at you, his eyes darkening with lust. You got into your car, starting the engine and buckling in.
“Follow me.” You smirked as he raced to his car placing his things in the back, before climbing in the front.
You took off towards the motel, rolling the window down, feeling the cool air fly through your hair. You felt carefree and happy, you could finally allow yourself to imagine a happy apple pie life with Dean. Things would never be perfect, but this was as close as you wanted to get, anything else and it wouldn’t be your life. Things with Dean were perfectly imperfect and you loved it that way.
That was your final thought as you crossed through the green light of the intersection before being blinded by the headlight racing towards your side of the car. You felt the crushing blow of the impact, the car spinning wildly out of control, before flipping over onto its roof. You stayed there, dazed and suspended upside down, the world around you coming in and out of focus. You could hear shouting and screaming around you as your body started to go numb. Dean was shouting to you, you tried to focus on him but unconsciousness was pulling you under. The last thing you heard was his screams for help.
Your vision faded to black.
Forever Tags: @inmysparetime0 @your-average-distracted-waffle @mamaredd123 @atc74 @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname
Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @loveitsallineed @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @salvachester @whispersandwhiskerburn @impala-dreamer @roxy-davenport @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @frenchybell @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @cici0507 @fiveleaf @waywardjoy @deansleather @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @jpadjackles @jensen-jarpad @quiddy-writes @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @charliesbackbitches @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @kayteonline @zanthiasplace @winchesterfiesta @skybinx-blog @feelmyroarrrr @faegal04 @jotink78 @avasmommy224 @wheresthekillswitch
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bounnostra · 5 years
[crocker voice] supernaturals! || Cowboy || Trial 2-1 || RE: Obama, Rookie, Treeccomplice Theory, Kryptonite
At Obama's mention of having to take this conversation into a more supernatural direction, Cowboy gets a wicked grin on their face. They had a feeling that the trial would take a turn like this. It was inevitable. Who could possibly beat their dearly departed Superman other than a fellow super? This just got a lot more interesting. A lot more magical, some might say.
"Hot damn, a lotta y'all out here are so...unique. Musta taken a special set of skills to take down our pal Val. La Bamba's right, let's get all up in that fight scene, shall we?"
They punch into their palm and let out a small, "raaawrgh." Cowboy doesn't give up any chances to be theatrical, even the unnecessary ones.
"We're not just talking about agility here. We're talkin' about flyin'. If yer in a fight with somebody who's only just fast as fuck, why would you need to Hulk out about the Ferris Wheel? Nah, Valley boy was tryna reach his target. That killer was a flyer who needed t'be knocked down outta the sky. Somebody that kept stayin' outta reach, because, like we already heard, Valerio woulda Pacquiao'd the motherfucker otherwise."
Cowboy looks around the room, picturing everyone with a pair of wings that'd match their aesthetics the best. But shit, these are supers they're thinking about. There were plenty of other ways to fly without having to bust out the traditional wing set-up. If supers were anything, they were full of surprises. Supers didn't give a fuck about the usual conventions.
"Mm, and I just wanna say, 'ooooof.' Are some of us really tryna paint Val Val as somebody wantin' to play hero or pretendin' to be a good guy or as somebody with some convoluted ass tree murder plot-plan-strategy-theory-fuck-I'm-running-outta-words-in-my-thesaurus shit?"
Yes, Cowboy actually said that thesaurus part out loud.
"If he was gonna 'innocently' kill somebody with some kinda 'trees fall, people die' shit, then why not let it happen? Doesn't sound like he was in on that shit to me. He wasn't Eval, y'know." Every Val in the universe hurt reading that. The non-Vals, too. God. That was awful. "I bet what happened was that he figured out who did it after the fact and they had a chat in his room about it. They had that talk so quick they didn't even take time to wipe that chippy axe down. Oh, and!"
Cowboy's still going.
"Our Superman's kryptonite is heat? And he stuck around in a fiery scene long enough to be done in by that hypnoxia whatever the shit it was? Choking can take a long time. If he was feelin' that and all 'eughh, heatonite,' then why wasn't he just gettin' the hell outta dodge? Yeah, he woulda had his flyin' supervillain to deal with in their epic little battle, but that flyer didn't seem like shit. It was that stab to the back that did him in and no one needs powers for that. What could that flyer do but buzz around his head? Hold a burning stick? Yeah, sure, that's real scary. What I'm bettin' is that Val ran into that Mirror House to save somebody. Him savin' y'all from the tree proves that he's a self-sacrificing kinda guy. He'd totally run into a burning building to save somebody and then get all fucked up from that."
All this explosion talk reminds Cowboy of something.
"Oh, shit! Yeah, I just remembered that homeboy had this punchy bruise on his chest. Saw that when I checked 'im out. So maybe that flyer wasn't hot shit, but whoever he thought he was rescuin' in the Mirror House was. Wham! They punched him the fuck outta the Mirror House and sent him flying. The drag marks were from him scrapin' the ground. That's why there's no broken bones or explosive injuries like that. Bet that musta dislodged somethin' in his chest, too. Made him cough up blood and shit."
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