#is it just me or are the writers just aiming to piss people off at this point
justmenoworries · 1 year
I fucking hate how the Harley Quinn Show devolved from "actually funny satire with solid character work" to "Hey, watch which fan-favorite DC character we shit on this week for no particular reason! We're edgy and subversive please say we're cool"
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elodieunderglass · 3 months
It's not really my business, but honestly it feels like it would be advisable to hire a copyright lawyer. Like I don't feel like you're in it for the money, but it might be gratifying to have the guy milking your idea at least have to formally acknowledge you. I think I'd do it just for the peace of mind to know if I've been "legally" wronged or not. Either way, hope you continue to inspire, and live out a peaceful life.
(In reference to this post about the guy who pretends to have invented “Elder Teletubbies,” specifically how he is now kickstarting DnD minis of them.)
Ha, well, it’s all a little tricky I think. I might, hilariously, post on the r/legaladvice Reddit (even though they’re all cops lol) because the only thing I want here is for him to stop selling my “transformative work,” and ideally to stop pretending he invented it (which might be difficult as he appears to fully believe his work is creatively independent.)
I think if anything, my post counts as protected commentary or a transformative work of BBC’s Teletubbies, and I think it’s stinky to profit on that stuff in general (like I’m 190% okay with buying LotR fanart on stickers ! but I wouldn’t dream of trying to publish a fic with the serial numbers filed off. Why?)
I think ultimately I’m not a grifter, I’m a grownup, and I think it’s several levels of eye roll to sell fanart of a tv show on this level. I would be embarrassed to touch money made on that. I’m too fucking scrupulous and artisanal. I have toyed with a silly original novel for funsies since 2019 but keep saying things like, “oh, people will think this is too similar to something else that already exists” as if a silly original novel I write for fun has to somehow pass a Bar of Originality higher than anything salary-writers aim for.
I’m also pretty anti-intellectual-property myself in that leftist sense where I don’t believe people should be acting as if creative works are, like, oil. Like the resource extraction angle of intellectual property freaks me out, I don’t think getting super high-horse and snotty about Magical Brain Property is entirely compatible with the artisanal temperament I personally got going on here. I am like snufkin about this, simply smoking a pipe and making a flower crown saying “poor fools! Producing works for market, and serving as the guard dogs of the market, lest their work lose value if it becomes more common!” I do not have a high horse. I am not going to post 6900 words about the importance of defending fucking… Mickey Mouse. I buy those lotr stickers on Etsy! I do have a horse, but it’s a pretty low horse.
If it was his own work I would not care about this guy doing this in the least (apart from loftily calling it stinky - but hey, nerds are common and nerds are stinky, it’s not rare) IF he wasn’t STEALING FROM MY ANTI-COMMERCIALISATION DREAM TO DO IT.
That’s the bit that PISSES ME OFF too much to ignore: that and accepting compliments for being original like 😌 yes my twisted mind did this idk lol.
Like if you asked him point blank about the artistic choices he’d be like idk my twisted mind just sees the Teletubbies this way teehee! but if you ask ME why, for example, the adult Teletubbies live in the forest I’ll explain that in 2017 I was at a major life crossroads and this dream was ABOUT that. It was goodbye to my identity as a foreigner from the pine forests, and full steam ahead to settling permanently in the fucking shire (where the baby teletubbies on the bbc show live). It was about going back to work having had my first child, and saying goodbye to my various career dreams for myself (famous scientist! Published author!) as I chose instead, finally, the responsibility of working humbly as a public servant for the actual good of society. It is about witnessing the wild and saying “I am not of it, but it is my job to be its witness and voice.” That’s why the adult Teletubbies are dancing in my native forests while I’m watching them from the English hills. This guy doesn’t know that he just vaguely heard “spooky forest cryptid” and didn’t develop it at all, I do more work than that with FANFICTION in my time off!!!
So it’s really about nebulous stuff and ethics and not something worth paying a lawyer for I think!
But thank you so much for this, I think the thing that gets most perennial about it is the TOTAL GASLIGHTING of the “outside world” of the rest of the internet like, fully believing they invented this, and they DIDNT. They’re so wrong on the internet and they don’t know
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
hori constantly acts as if he isn’t the writer and has full control of the story and it pisses me off to no end. gonna drop some examples below. these are from the street wear profiles from the manga.
sen kaibara - “I love his Quirk, so I can’t wait to portray it more.” he’s acting like something/someone is actively holding him back from doing so.
tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - “I hope I get to show him in action more.” once again, acting like something is stopping him. side note, why tf did he give him that name. it’s just so lazy. and it’s not even funny. just annoying to say and annoying to write.
hanta sero - “He’s mostly just for one liners in the background, but he’s a good guy, and I’d like to feature him more. At some point. For sure.” and then proceeds to never do that.
this might just be me being bitter abt all the amazing characters he’s completely disregarded and disrespected. this might just be me not understanding what it’s like being a mangaka. but it still bothers me.
i just hate how he’s created this insanely interesting world and amazing characters and never expands on anything bc he’s too busy sucking bakugos dick.
speaking of bakugo, as someone who has narcissistic tendencies, he’s a textbook case.
he obviously has some sort of inferiority/superiority complex and a mild to severe case of a god complex. at best he’s dismissive of people who he sees as inferior to him, at worst he’s downright cruel.
his “nicknames” are all just fucking insults aimed at peoples insecurities.
raccoon eyes/horns: mina was probably bullied for her appearance and then her so called “friend” exclusively calls her names that poke fun at her appearance.
bird brain/bird face/other bird names: tokoyami has probably heard it all at this point but once again bakugo making fun of heteromorphs.
dunce face: denki has shown to be insecure about his intelligence and once again his so called “friend” mocks him for it.
tentacles/arms/octopus: again, mocking heteromorphs.
tail: i’m beginning to see a pattern here.
ears: ok how has no one pointed out how most of his nicknames are him basically just calling them slurs.
i don’t think bakugo has ever called someone their actual name. maybe a handful of times? but it’s like a massive event when he calls someone by their actual name.
exclusive calling people insults isn’t exactly heroic.
anyway rant over i just needed to get all this shit off my chest.
Hi @the-jello-bowl 👋,
There could be something to be said here about how the editors may have had a hand in Hori not exploring all the characters he may have wanted to.
But, even if that is the case, not all of the blame would rest on them.
Hori clearly did not plan ahead for a lot of MHA. He is very good at coming up with good character designs and concepts as well as bringing life to them but seems to be at a loss after that is done. The cast bloating is key evidence of this.
It is sad to see all these interesting characters be swept to the wayside in favour of Bakugou, who by contrast brings nothing of interest to the table.
Bakugou is a narcissistic abuser in my opinion. He uses cruel nicknames, not as lighthearted jibes, but to bring others down - especially his friends.
Other than the instances you mentioned, I want to bring attention to one that belongs to Bakugou's supposed best friend, Kirishima, who he calls only "shitty hair." We learn in his backstory that Kirishima changed his hair to be like his idols as a symbol of his growth prior to U.A. Therefore, being continually called "shitty hair" would hurt Kirishima deeply. He also tells Bakugou to stop, and yet Bakugou does not care.
The time I can think of when Bakugou called someone their actual name is that time he used "Izuku" instead of the usual "Deku" slur. And even that is bad because instead of asking for the right to call Izuku by his first name, usually reserved for close family, Bakugou just does it.
Typical narcissistic, entitled and stagnant Bakugou. We hate to see it.
I wish Hori didn't waste so many manga panels on this idiot.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
hori constantly acts as if he isn’t the writer and has full control of the story and it pisses me off to no end. gonna drop some examples below. these are from the street wear profiles from the manga.
sen kaibara - “I love his Quirk, so I can’t wait to portray it more.” he’s acting like something/someone is actively holding him back from doing so.
tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - “I hope I get to show him in action more.” once again, acting like something is stopping him. side note, why tf did he give him that name. it’s just so lazy. and it’s not even funny. just annoying to say and annoying to write.
hanta sero - “He’s mostly just for one liners in the background, but he’s a good guy, and I’d like to feature him more. At some point. For sure.” and then proceeds to never do that.
this might just be me being bitter abt all the amazing characters he’s completely disregarded and disrespected. this might just be me not understanding what it’s like being a mangaka. but it still bothers me.
i just hate how he’s created this insanely interesting world and amazing characters and never expands on anything bc he’s too busy sucking bakugos dick.
speaking of bakugo, as someone who has narcissistic tendencies, he’s a textbook case.
he obviously has some sort of inferiority/superiority complex and a mild to severe case of a god complex. at best he’s dismissive of people who he sees as inferior to him, at worst he’s downright cruel.
his “nicknames” are all just fucking insults aimed at peoples insecurities.
raccoon eyes/horns: mina was probably bullied for her appearance and then her so called “friend” exclusively calls her names that poke fun at her appearance.
bird brain/bird face/other bird names: tokoyami has probably heard it all at this point but once again bakugo making fun of heteromorphs.
dunce face: denki has shown to be insecure about his intelligence and once again his so called “friend” mocks him for it.
tentacles/arms/octopus: again, mocking heteromorphs.
tail: i’m beginning to see a pattern here.
ears: ok how has no one pointed out how most of his nicknames are him basically just calling them slurs.
i don’t think bakugo has ever called someone their actual name. maybe a handful of times? but it’s like a massive event when he calls someone by their actual name.
exclusive calling people insults isn’t exactly heroic.
anyway rant over i just needed to get all this shit off my chest.
No, no honey, go the fuck off.
I will say as a writer, I have experience with 'my characters have a mind of their own' and that through writing our plans have to change because the characters adapt more, but I will also say that Hori dropped the ball BIG TIME.
I am firmly of the belief that he had to have been pushed into making some choices by the publishing company because like... dude! You have so much cool stuff and you focus on Bakugou? The 'rich kid with superiority/inferority issues' you find in every drama?
All the insults is just another tick in the 'let's be honest no one would like this guy in real life' column, and it is so fucking funny to me that people try to romantisize that shit. Hell, look what everyone does to the name Deku.
'Oh he couldn't read it properly'
Did you watch or read the manga? Cause he did, and realized that it could also mean this.
'He called Izuku Zuku before'
'It was after-'
Nope, before the diagnosis, also the fact people try to use it to excuse it is fucked up. It would be like calling me the r word for my autism as a 'fun nickname'.
(I will say I know people with the same first and last name in real life. Some own it, some go by a middle name. I think it's funny that his name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu)
I saw someone say Bakugou has face blindness but even then you're right. Why the fuck is he making those jokes? He's like that white friend who makes racist jokes you ignore but will say someone is being sensitive when he gets called out.
Bakugou is just... ugh. He's so boring. My anger towards him has become: you're just a dull little man.
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no because, supernatural is absolutely a train wreck. it's a colossal accident that is happening in front of you that you can't look away from. it is homophobic and non-sensical and downright laughable at times but you know what? I love it. I absolute love it.
season 1 was absolutely beautiful. you don't understand, really, you don't. they had a piss poor budget, you can see that in every frame. but does that stop it from being fucking beautiful? no. it is stylised and ambitious and a fucking visual treat.
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and this is like the first fucking episode. the shots have so much character! and that's nothing to say of the characters themselves. from the first fucking scene you can clearly distinguish sam and dean's character clear as day. their motivations, their dreams, their hopes, all of it. it's established so well. their dynamic is unmatched. does it also have a lot of garbage? yes for sure. because what in the name of hell was that episode with bugs? what glue were they sniffing when they green lit that one? no seriously... I wanna try some.
but then they recovered, cause they did faith. my god, what an episode. WHAT AN EPISODE. that motherfucking reaper haunts my every waking hour
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like yeah, I love me some baby dean and baby sam going on their small scale ghost hunts while learning deep lessons about who they are as people and what they want from life.
also that 'laugh I nearly died' needle drop? where sam sees jess? god tier editing, GOD TIER.
then they came back with season 2. and here is my most controversial opinion that should not be controversial at all, season 2 is the best season of supernatural to ever supernatural.
what is and what should never be, hollywood babylon, heart, nightshifter, and the whole fucking season actually. not a single miss in my humble opinion. and that finale? THAT FINALE. beautiful, magnificent. ground breaking character writing, everything comes full circle while simultaneously opening up new plot lines to explore.
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and my god, yellow eyes is an epic villain. he is a very viciously written villain like, he's... my god. it ain't a walk in the park writing villains, believe you me patient readers, villains are harder to write than the protagonists, always. well, at least the compelling ones are.
now season 3 suffered because of the writer's strike, but didn't miss much either. like yeah some of the hits don't hit as hard as the season 2, but hey, mystery spot, time is on my side, ghostfacers, bedtime stories are nothing to laugh about. those episodes are fucking solid, like most of the season. and there is so much raw emotion is sam's need to save dean, it just makes my weak winchester brothers loving heart throb a little too hard. also...
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need I say more?
does the show did look little more washed out and boring? yes. but it's cool, cause we're moving on to season 4.
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listen, I kinda just wanna leave all my season's critique at this. i mean, yeah this. this is it. this is the long and short of it; castiel. i don't think i need to get anymore into it
so season 5 is just—
i'm kidding. obviously i'm gonna talk about season 4, at length.
listen, being able to introduce angels this late in the game and then have them be a such perfectly hidden players is a masterstroke of genius. it just is. i am a writer guys... apart from the relentless fanfic as well lol. and when i tell you, introducing a new big player which is also (not so) secretly the next big bad and playing it off as smoothly as they did in season 4, is beyond hard. but the biggest home run these fuckers hit is castiel and the best part is they weren't aiming for a one lol. and oh oh, the way they use their very VERY limited budget to show wings with just flashing the fucking light? CINEMA! that's fucking cinema right there man. i work on film sets, i am telling you, this is the smartest filmmaking choice they make on the entire show. it adds so much visual intrigue while being so awfully easy to execute. BRILLIANt.
now i cannot talk about supernatural without talking about the deancas romance of it all, which i understand not everyone can see or wants to, which is fine. to each their own. you consume art the way you want to, i don't care much as long as you can acknowledge that castiel and dean's friendship was just some of the best written television that mankind has ever seen. is that too grand a statement? yes. does that make it any less true? no.
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they even brought back the moody lighting.
and then there's the episodes this season, most of which are home runs in their own regard. just like beautiful writing, the character development for cas, for dean, for sam, even the late john winchester is wild. anna is a wonderful addition, so is uriel, and alastair? they don't make villains like him anymore, they just fucking don't. AND THAT GODDAMN PLOT TWIST AT THE END? man! the finale was just... too good. Chuck's introduction is absolutely wonderful, even if they ruin him by the end but that happens a decade later so wtv, who cares? But,,,, Jimmy. Fucking. Novak. That's all. that's the tweet. yeah. i'm gonna end the season 4 fan fair with jimmy.
moving to season 5.
subjectively speaking, this is my fucking favorite. this season is a writer's dream while also being their goddamn nightmare. so many WONDERFUL characters to play with and such a grand plot but you get to see it all on a very small, consumable scale which is just... it's too smart for me to not mention. i won't start naming the plot points and neither will i name my favourite episodes because what even is the point? all of it was fucking perfect. you don't understand how hard it is to develop characters to such an extent that they become so familiar to the audience that they know their next move before you even put it on the screen. and supernatural had that. they tied everything together with so much care and consideration, just... AAAH so good.
a special shoutout goes to endverse!cas, crowley and death this season. you all know it in your bones that those three were just the absolute scene stealers. especially death's introduction... immaculate.
they did lose a few points for not being as aesthetically pleasing as the past few seasons but hey, gabriel was enough to make a smooth recovery.
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but this... this is the end of the road for me people. season 5 is where it should have ended. in no way shape or form am i saying that there aren't a few good episodes here and there after this, because there are. i think season 5 was so fucking solid, tied up so many goddamn lose ends and then just put a cute little hell shaped bow on top and i just... yeah. this was and should have been the end of the road. do not get me wrong, i love me some jack kline, charlie bradbury, kevin tran, rowena macleod and eileen lahey but were they worth the bullshit ending i had to sit through? not really.
i absolutely think if there weren't more episodes of supernatural I would never have become a destiel fan, because i started shipping them when dean made cas a mixtape in season TWELVE! but my god, the good times were so scattered amongst the horseshit that even when i found those hidden gems, they were so fucking drenched in the stink that they lost their value.
the worst of it all is that, i cannot explain to you what supernatural means to me in a million words, because it is a part of me, heart and soul. i fucking AM castiel. i am a gay little angel you hear me? i love this show. i do. i'm glad it went on for however long it did but i feel like once in a while i need to write shit like this or read shit like this to remind myself of the show that it used to be. of it's beautiful cinematography, of it's clever little storytelling techniques. of it's wonderful cast. of how epic their song choices used to be.
FUcking RENEGADE? iconic. wanted, dead or alive? cannot hear the song without hearing sam's off tune goat bleating that he called singing along.
i need to remind myself of how afraid i used to be of lucifer. of how much i cried while watching dark side of the moon; when dean and sam burst the crackers, and how i learnt the lyrics to knocking on heaven's door just because of that scene.
sometimes i just have to walk through memory lane and look back at gabriel's death, the good one, the only one. it was so fucking meaningful. i have to think of "we are making it up as we go" to be able to breathe properly because those moments were so fucking beautiful.
fuck the big ones, i even remind myself of the small ones, of dean's handwriting being in all caps, just like him. of sam's fucking huge laptop with that weird blue black sticker in the middle. of castiel's tie, that just was the right shade of blue, and hung all wrong but just naturally enough to add so much more to his character than any fucking dialogue could. every small little detail of supernatural that made it so damn supernatural. i miss it all.
idk. i'm rambling. whatever.
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chachadelight · 2 years
𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑴𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑴𝒆 |
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𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 1 | 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 & 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: NSFW 18+ , No smut in this chapter, violence, blood, guns, knives, swearing. No use of Y/N
𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢: Alrighty! Here it is, my new fic, which I should hopefully be sticking to. It definitely is aimed to be a long one with multiple parts. Forgive me, I am a slow slow writer as I get migraines often from looking at screens. But I am paSSIONATE about this so...I will stick to it. And please do not worry, filthy smut to come later. This is to just set the scene and the characters, so I hope you don’t think it’s too boring!
𝔓𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: Tangerine x Fem!Assassin!Reader
𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 4.8k (I know)
𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: Tangerine doesn't love, he can't. He knows that. So why does she make him feel the way she does and why does it piss him off so much?
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𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 & 𝔾𝕠𝕝𝕕 ℝ𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤
The air was frigid in Windsor, England. The night was clear and not a single cloud could be seen in the sky, stars clearly visible and shining and the moon full and gleaming, making itself known in the autumn weather. A peaceful night, only the sound of the orchestra and the mumblings of patrons could be heard outside the manor of the Lancaster family. A night unsuspecting, nothing could possibly go wrong.
“Why do you never read the fuckin’ brief mate?”
“I skimmed it, got all the important details”.
Tangerine pinched the bridge of his nose, brow creasing with frustration. The pair were perched outside their black Bentley, the hustle and murmuring leaking from the manor a few metres ahead. Tangerine soon pulled a cigarette from his pocket and placed it between his lips, letting it hang there as he continued.
“His name is Damien Lancaster, heir to the Lancaster fortune”. He lit the cigarette with a flick of his silver light, letting it bounce between his lips for a moment before taking a hefty drag. “The Lancaster’s being the richest family ere’ in Windsor which of course you knew didn’t you Lemon?”
Lemon rolled his eyes at his brother’s comment, hands slipping into his pockets as he watched the patrons slowly file into the illuminated manor. Large and lavish and obnoxiously luxurious with all its hand sculpted ivory columns and beautifully carved mahogany doors that decorated every entrance.
“Anyway, little Damien’s dear uncle aint so happy about him inheriting all that money so you see, he’s hired us to take care of the problem”. Tangerine rested his cigarette between his fingers, his free hand in his pocket and his eyes trained on the upper level of the manor.
“Get rid of the nephew then the uncle gets all the money, got it”.
Tangerine raised his brow at that, shifting his gaze towards his brother. He simply stared in silence for a moment, taking another drag and letting the smoke glide past his lips. “Glad you finally got the memo Lemon, thank you for articulating the job so eloquently”. Tangerine sighed and took one last drag from his half-smoked cigarette, knowing that the pair couldn’t waste any more time. The last of the guests were filing in which meant it was the twins’ cue to take on their roles as distinguished guests at the Lancaster gala.
“Let’s go”. With that he flicked the bud to the ground, pressing his polished shoe against it to but the last of the cinders out. Lemon grabbed the lapels of his dress jacket, adjusting the way they sat against his chest as he followed closely behind his brother.
The main room was sprawling with wealthy high-society families, affluent politicians, and deep-pocketed social climbers. Chatting and laughing over tall glasses of over-priced wine and amber whisky. The sounds of heels clicking the marble granite floors and crystal glasses clinking against one another filled the enormous room as Lemon and Tangerine made their way into the middle. Dodging other people as they meandered through the wonderfully dressed patrons the twins found themselves at an opening at the bar, needing a position in the manor to be able to begin their survey.
Tangerine flagged down a bartender dressed in a bowtie, ordering a scotch on ice. He flicked out his wrists, adjusting the cufflinks on each arm. “Now, Damien will be hosting a gentlemen’s meeting upstairs at around 8pm after the first round of mingling. Just before that he should be preparing himself in his office. That’s when we’ll get the job done”. Lemon’s eyes were trained on the crowd in front of them as he himself ordered a drink.
“Sounds like a piece of piss”. Lemon looked down at his watch, a gruff noise passing his lips when he noticed the time. “What are we s’posed to do before then?” He leaned his elbow back against the bar.
“Always does, doesn’t it?” Tangerine grinned as he took a sip from the glass the bartender had slid towards him. “What do ya’ think Lemon?” He grinned, smacking his brother on the shoulder and taking a step further into the crowd. “Mingle”.
Lemon deadpanned his twin, followed shortly by an eye roll. He took his drink and followed his brother’s lead, stopping for a moment to lean into Tangerine’s ear. “I’ll check out the security, you hang here and see if there’s anyone we should look out for yeah? Meet you back here at 7:30 then?”
Tangerine’s gaze had fixated on a group of conversing women dressed in exuberantly designed gowns, a small smile growing on his lips. “Yeah, 7:30”. Lemon’s brow creased for a moment in confusion to his partner’s lack of concentration before following his line of sight. He nudged Tangerine in the side, prompting the other male to let out a grunt. “Oi!”
Tangerine rubbed at his side, frowning at his brother. “Yeah yeah 7:30, bloody hell”
With that, Lemon disappeared into the crowd, leaving Tangerine alone. He moved his attention back onto the women from before, quickly adjusting the lapels of his jacket and smoothing his moustache down with his index finger and thumb. Tangerine sauntered towards the group, smile and charm dialled to an 11.
“Good evening, ladies”. The women all turned their heads in unison, confused expressions quickly turning into giddy smiles as soon as they set their gazes on Tangerine and his towering stance.
The woman with blonde hair, dressed in an obnoxious gold dress spoke up first, her voice high pitched and dripping with pride. “Well, well…to what do we owe the pleasure Mr…?” She reached a single manicured hand, the rest of the women’s gazes fixated on Tangerine as he politely took the offer and shook gently.
“Jeffrey Baldwin”. He flashed the brightest grin he could muster as he provided his faux name, the blonde woman hiding back her own grin as she took back her hand, pink lips wrapping around the edge of her wine glass. “And you are…?
She chuckled again, looking between her gaggle of friends before rolling her shoulders back and puffing out her chest. “Evangeline Astor, my father is Baron Astor, founder, and CEO of Astor Enterprises? I am surprised you don’t know who he is, he owns half of…well everything”. Evangeline let out another laugh that this time came out as more of a cackle that had Tangerine testing his ability to hide his expression.
“Ah, of course I know who he is Miss Astor. I knew he had a beautiful daughter; I’m not surprised it’s you”. Tangerine slipped a hand into his pocket, sending a wink her way as to diffuse to tension.
It seemed to work because she smiled shyly, her eyes looking him up and down, practically undressing him with her gaze. Something Tangering did not mind, and frankly he was happy about. He was about to speak again when he was interrupted…
“Jeffrey Baldwin?” It was another female’s voice, yet it was deeper, sultrier. Nowhere near as headache inducing at Evangeline’s. Tangerine and the women all flicked their attention to the culprit. A taller woman, her body wrapped in a smooth black gown that hit the ground and hugged her figure in all the right places.
Tangerine raised a brow, first wondering where on Earth she had come from. Was she there the whole time? “Sorry?”
She smiled, red painted lips pulling back wide. “You said your name is Jeffrey Baldwin correct?” Her dress was corseted at the top, pulling in her waist, and holding her chest high and proud. The diamond necklace that sat between her breasts did nothing to help Tangerine focus his attention.
Tangerine peered around, the group of women now silent and plain faced as they all awaited his answer to this mystery woman. “Yes, is there a problem?” He fixated his gaze back on her and she simply held her smirk, even taking a step forward. She brought her champagne class to her lips and paused, tilting her head to the side.
“Mm, I’ve never heard of him. Have you ladies?” She held her gaze on his, piercing him with an intense gaze he couldn’t quite describe. Who is she?
The group of women all murmured amongst themselves, soon followed by the shaking of their heads and quick shrugs when none of them could place the name. Tangerine returned the gaze to the woman in front of him, a small frown playing at his expression and his moustache twitching with annoyance. “I’m not from around here”.
“Clearly”. Her grin never seemed to fade from her features, black painted nails tapping at the glass of her drink.
Tangerine’s eye had begun to twitch the way it did whenever his temper was played with. Who the fuck is this woman? Did she know who he is? Whoever she was, she was beginning to fuck with his cover and this job.
“How about I buy you a drink aye? Then you can get to know me, won’t be strangers anymore”. Tangerine broke the tension in his face, quickly covering it with a false grin to ease some of the growing tension.
Her smile had dropped at this point, but her gaze never left his. “Sounds wonderful”. She peered at the group and her smile appeared briefly. “Ladies”, and then it was gone once more.
Tangerine made sure to lead her to the far corner of the bar that was attached to the far side of the wall, somewhat hidden by the large velvet curtain of the floor to ceiling window. He was using every muscle in his body to not explode in the middle of this gala, his buttons were already pushed at this point. Who was this woman? That’s all he could think of. However, maybe she really was just another patron of this party. He couldn’t just lose control and blow his cover on the suspicion that she was someone he needed to worry about, someone like him.
“A negroni please”.
“What’s that now?” He was broken from his train of thought, quickly turning around to find the object of his ire standing there with a brow raised.
“The drink you offered to buy me? I will take a negroni”.
Tangerine pursed his lips, taken aback by her straightforward attitude. He didn’t linger on it for too long before he ordered her drink and one for himself, flipping the bartender his card between two fingers. The pair gazed at each other in silence, both studying one another, eyes taking in every last detail. Who was going to break the silence this time?
“So…” Her turn. “Mr Baldwin… here on business or pleasure?” She took her drink, twirling the peach liquid with the straw and taking a sip. Tangerine noted the way her red lips wrapped around the straw for a moment before speaking.
He took a moment to give her another look up and down, admiring the shape of her hips and the length of her legs. “Both”. He grinned, casually leaning against the bar as he too took a sip from his own drink.
She let out a little noise and Tangerine couldn’t tell if she believed him or not. Or if she was just unimpressed by him. Which in fact, would be a first for him. In general, she was hard to read, everything about her screamed red flag however she had yet to do anything to warrant extreme concern for Lemon and Tangerine.
“Do you do this for every woman you meet at fancy galas?” She took a couple steps forward until their bodies were a few centimetres apart. She pulled her drink back up to her lips and peered from beneath her lashes, looking ten times more unsuspecting than she did only five minutes prior. Tangerine’s brows were instantly raised, not expecting the sudden proximity but definitely not opposed to it either. He chuckled and tilted his head at her, taking in the scent of her vanilla and smoke perfume.
“Definitely not”. Suddenly every worry Tangerine had about her had floated away, a mere memory at the basement of his mind. He was entranced by this woman’s gaze, watching carefully as she placed her empty drink down yet remained as close as she was. Another small noise passed her lips as she let on a small smile, long fingers climbing up his chest to gently toy with the end of his tie. She leaned in closer now and as if on instinct Tangerine keened forward, giving her access to his ear.
“It’s funny how quickly you trusted me with a few bats of my pretty lil’ lashes”. Her posh accent was suddenly gone and replaced with one that sounded a lot more like his. Tangerine had barely any time to react to her before he was suddenly being rammed into the wall behind the curtain, a groan leaving his lips as the air was stolen from him.
“Who the fu-!”
Before Tangerine could get a sentence out, he felt the familiar cold press of knife against the base of his throat. He quickly shut his mouth at that as he leaned his head against the pillar behind his head.
“I think the question is who the fuck are you? Jeff-rey Bald-win”. She accentuated each syllable of his fake name, her face twisted in what look like disgust. She definitely knew he wasn’t who he said he was. “Stupid fuckin’ name”.
Tangerine growled, attempting to push against her until she pressed the edge of the knife harder against the skin of his throat to which he retreated, hissing his next words through gritted teeth. “Your friends seemed to like it”.
She scoffed, pressing the knife in even further, causing Tangerine to begin sweating nervously. That was obviously not the answer she wanted to hear. “Alright alright…! I’m ere’ on a job”. He hesitated to tell her exactly what for. What if Damien knew about the attempt on his life and hired someone to take out whoever that was?
“I’m gonna’ need a little more than that”. She hissed in displeasure again, her fingers turning ivory against the handle of her knife. “Who sent you?”
“Afraid I can’t disclose that love”.
She sneered at the pet name, her red lips curling with disgust. “Give me one fuckin’ reason I shouldn’t slit your throat right here?”
“For one, we’re in the middle of party sweetheart”.
She paused at that, and her eyes darted to the side, noting that they were in fact way too in the open and killing Tangerine here would be way too risky, blowing her own cover and ruining the job. She looked back at Tangerine for a moment, eyes blown wide before she groaned and lowered the knife from his throat, however keeping it strategically aimed at his stomach. “At least tell me what you’re here for”.
Tangerine hummed to himself in thought, noting carefully where she had her knife aimed now. If he tried to make a move on her like this, he would for sure be getting a gut full of blade. Perhaps they had different motives. But if they didn’t, this would complicate things ever further. Where was Lemon when you needed him?
“I’m here for Damien Lancaster…someone wants him gone”.
Suddenly she grinned and that wicked look in her eye returned. Tangerine frowned, unsure what to feel by her reaction.
“Looks like little Damien has a target on his back…”
“I’m here on behalf of Baron Astor…” The tension in Tangerine’s shoulders dropped slightly. “The Lancaster’s currently own the other half of Windsor and well…Mr Astor isn’t so thrilled”.
“Well then I guess we don’t have anything to stress about, so if you could just move this…” Tangerine reached for her knife, placing his fingers over her own before she suddenly lunged forward, the knife pressing uncomfortably into his side. He hissed; eyes blown wide as he watched her.
She clicked her tongue, shaking her head at his words. “I’m afraid I need Damien Lancaster alive. He has all the access to the Lancaster data base. I need access so Mr Astor can do his little dirty work and run Lancaster name through the mud, then poof! Suddenly everyone wants to work for Astor Enterprises and the Lancaster’s are ruined”. Her smile was wicked, amused, she clearly enjoyed her job.
“Now I’m sure we can work something out”. Lemon would be looking for him by now, surely it was reaching 7:30.
“Mm, I don’t think so. A shame really, you are so handsome”.
“Thanks love, a shame for you though”.
“You’re beautiful”.
“And I’m about to fuck you up”. Lemon appeared behind her, firm hand against her shoulder that had her immediately reacting by spinning herself around and swatting Lemon’s arm away from her. Using the opening she swung forward and landed a punch against his stomach, sending the larger male keening forward with a guttural groan. She used the opportunity to slip past the pair, quickly disappearing into the crowd before either of them could react.  
“Fuck me! Took your fucking time didn’t ya Lemon?”
“Fuck you! I had no idea where you were. Who the fuck is that anyway?!” Lemon clutched his stomach as the pair already started making their way through the crowd.
“I don’t fucking know! She’s here on another job, said she needs Damien alive and was bout’ to fucking stab me”.
“Shit…it’s almost 8pm, we’re way off schedule”. Lemon groaned as they now found their way past the main part of the foyer and into the silence of one of the many halls of this damn manor.
The two brothers found themselves hiding on either side of a large open archway. It was a rather inconvenient predicament to be in as they were way too out in the open. There were four suited guards patrolling the empty hallway and there was no doubt that there would be plenty more to come if a single gun went off.
Tangerine locked eyes with Lemon, a stern look on his face as he pulled his pistol out and slowly twisted a silencer barrel onto the end of it. He was going to try his best not to use it at all, but precautions were put in place nonetheless. Lemon looked equally as concerned about their position, not to mention that there was now another assassin on the job. God knows where she was at this point. But that wasn’t the main focus. The pair needed to get past these 4 brutes in order to get to Damien Lancaster’s office.
Tangerine made the first move by carefully timing the moment guard 1 and 2 had their back turned around the first corner, Lemon following suit as the other 2 made their way to the other side of the hall, moving to the balcony that overlooked the main foyer. Tangerine swiftly rounded the corner, silently easing his way up to the first guard before wrapping his arm around his neck and promptly applying heavy pressure to his throat. The man only struggled for a moment before he eventually fell limp to the ground. Tangerine made sure to drag his body away from the main hall, letting him slump in a nearby alcove in the wall.
Guard number two put up slightly more of a fight, having noticed Tangerine’s shadow before he could attack. With a little more of a struggle, Tangerine was still able to throw in a single punch before whacking the guard with the butt of his pistol, quickly subduing the man.
“Fuckin’ ell’… arsehole”. Tangerine let a puff of air through his nose, tucking in his pistol and smoothing his curls back down as they had come slightly loose from the struggle. As if on cue, Lemon came back around the corner. Tangerine frowned as his brother came to his side, noticing a small splatter of blood on the front of Lemon’s white shirt.
“Bloody ell’ Lemon, what’d you do?”
“Eh?” Lemon peered down at his chest, clearly unaware of the mess he’s made. “Ah! Yeah no worries bruv, old mate pulled a knife on me so I sent it back to im’”.
Tangerine sighed, adjusting his cufflinks. “Right well. You hang out here, keep an eye out. Lancaster’s office is just down this hall on the left”. He signalled downwards with his fingers, Lemon nodding along to his words.
“You be quick yeah? I got a bad feelin’ bout this”.
“What are you on about Lemon?”
“Well I just know if it were Thomas-“
“Don’t”. Tangerine raised a palm to his brother, closing his eyes with a frown. “Fucking don’t bring Thomas the Tank Engine into this”.
Lemon raised his hands in defence to his brother’s distaste. “Alright…just hurry up”.
Tangerine had made it the large mahogany doors leading to Damien Lancaster’s office. He adjusted his tie before reaching for his pistol and taking it out once again. “Right Mr Lancaster let’s have a chat”.
The familiar press of a barrel of a gun suddenly pushed against the back of his head, paralysing Tangerine in his spot. He didn’t dare move, not surprised by the voice that followed. “How about we have a chat first?”
“Ah darlin’, you found me”.
“Mm, and now I’m really gonna’ end it. Now your little friend isn’t here”.
“Not so little I’d say”.
“Shut up”.
Tangerine made his move by quickly manoeuvring his arm to whack her hand to the side, sending the pistol flying. Reaching forward he gripped her wrist and sent her back against the adjacent wall. She didn’t take kindly to this when her back was met with a loud thud, causing her to grunt from the. She hissed with annoyance before kicking Tangerine square in the gut, sending him hurling backwards. Stumbling only for a moment before he managed to find his footing. However, she didn’t hesitate when she pulled her knife out once again, swiping once, twice in Tangerine’s direction. She was quick, skilled, but so was Tangerine, narrowly dodging her attacks before grabbing at her wrist again. They struggled against one another as she attempted to yank her arm free by pulling him closer to herself. Face to face she sneered at him, and Tangerine’s nostrils flared in response.
“Give it up sweetheart”. He said in a strained voice, veins on the side of his neck protruding as he pressed against her. He was stronger than her and he knew she knew. He just wondered when she’d make her first move.
“I guess you’re used to girls doing whatever you ask aren’t you?” Her voice was equally as strained, but the smirk that stretched across her lips suggested she was enjoying this.
“I don’t mind a little brat every now and then”. That smirk, those eyes. That devilish glare that sent a warm wave through him, nestling at the very core of his stomach. Was he really getting turned on by a woman trying to murder him? Yes. Yes he was. And the smile that grew on his own face proved so.
She suddenly roared out, lashing out every ounce of energy she had left to push against Tangerine. Using her momentum, she swung herself around in a circle, her leg coming up at the end and her foot connecting with Tangerine’s face with a disgusting ‘thud’.
Tangerine collided with the floor, groaning, and gripping at the side of his jaw. “You fuckin’ bitch”.
“Sorry handsome, I really tried to avoid the face”.
“That’s a fuckin’ lie love and we both know it”. He rubbed his jaw, propping himself up on his elbow. That’s when he realised in the struggle, she had dropped her knife and it was now only an arm’s reach away from him. She seemed to notice this too when her eyes widened. They both hurled for the blade, and she ended up missing it by an inch as Tangerine curled his fist around it and swung up blindly, having no time to aim.
He heard her exclaim and when he finally stood from the floor he saw her gripping at her arm, crimson liquid streaming from between her slender fingers. She stared at her arm for a moment, frowning when she lifted her fingers to witness a hefty cut with a steady stream of blood flowing from it.
“You just fuckin cut me! Bastard!”
“Why are you surprised by that!?”
“You--!” A loud bang and she was sent hurtling back as a splash of red sprayed from her left shoulder.
Tangerine cursed before turning around to see who the culprit was, hoping it was Lemon. The burning came on quick, followed by warm sensation of his blood beginning to pool at his thigh. “Fuckin’ bellend!” Tangerine aimed his pistol up and in a quick blur he managed to send a bullet right through the guard’s skull, his body thumping to the floor,
“Where the fuck did he come from?” He groaned out, his face contorting from the pain beginning to shoot up his leg as he limped his way back to the door. She had her back pressed up against the door now ripping at the end of her dress to make a makeshift bandage for her arm and now her shoulder.
“This was one of my favourite dresses too…fuck!”
As Tangerine sunk to the floor beside her, the pair both groaned in unison, heads pressed against the door. “Well this went tits up aye love?”
“Thanks to you Mr Bald-WIN”.
“Aye this is as much your fault as is mine!”
“Shut up”.
She clicked her tongue in annoyance, hissing as she applied pressure to the wound in her shoulder, blood steadily trickling down her arm.
“Listen…” He trailed on. “You only need him alive for access, right?”
She frowned but didn’t speak, her tired gaze settling on Tangerine as he spoke.
“How about you get your access and do whatever you need to do and I kill the bastard and we can all go on our merry little way?” Tangerine peered at his new mystery woman with a hopeful look even though he himself wasn’t too convinced of his new plan. Lemon for sure wouldn’t like it.
She didn’t speak for a moment longer, weighing her options, which weren’t exactly plentiful as the pair bled out on the lovely velvet carpet. That was going to be a bitch to get out later.
Look at Tangerine with hazed eyes she simply leaned forward until their foreheads touched, her warm breath fanning over his face as she spoke. “Do not fuck me over”.
Tangerine grinned and shook his head, his eyes boring into her own. “Wouldn’t dream of it sweetheart”. The way she looked at him was something else. Tangerine couldn’t help the grin on his face. This woman was something else, trouble for sure. But something else he couldn’t quite pinpoint.
“Lemon just get in the fucking car don’t ask questions. Take us to the Hollyvale Hotel”.
“Since when do we take on new partners in the middle of the job!?” Lemon exclaimed with annoyance as he helped his brother into the car, making sure to stay clear of his wounded leg.
“Hi handsome”. She grinned and winked at Lemon as she slipped into the car with grace and ease. Lemon paused for a moment, letting the compliment go straight to his head as he sat in the driver’s seat and started the car. “Alright maybe she isn’t so bad…”
“Just drive”. Tangerine groaned as he pressed his palm into his thigh. Lemon clicked his teeth and did just that. Drive. He sped off, sending loud screeches through the winter night air.
Lemon peered down at his writhing brother with concern knitted between wrinkled brows. “Fuck Tangerine…you alright mate?” He looked back up at the road, taking a hard swerve to the right.
“I’m fine…bullet went through”.
“I told you Thomas was right”.
“Oh shut the fuck up!”
“Thomas is always right”. Her voice sounded from the back, prompting the brothers to look at her through the rear-view mirror in unison. Lemon’s expression surprised whereas Tangerine was all frowns.
“That he is! Ah…?” Lemon trailed off, rounding another corner.
“Call me Damsel”.
Tangerine scoffed at that. “Damsel my ass”.
“It’s ironic”.
“Fuck you fruit boy”.
“I know you wish you could sweetheart”.
“Should’ve stabbed you when I had the chance”.
“You did have the chance. You lost”.
She rolled her eyes at that, deciding against argument. Tangerine noticed this and smiled proudly as his small win. It was almost sad that she didn’t continue the argument. He liked seeing her mad. He had just met her, tried to kill her, and he was already noting the things he liked about her.
The car then pulled into a new street, the overhead luminescence of “Hollyvale Hotel” fading as they drove into the underground parking.
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the-path-to-redemption · 10 months
Long Post Ahead
So, I just rewatched the first episode of Ice Queendom, and MY GOD, did it just pisses me off even more when I looked at the entire series as a whole.
It set up the characters, the dynamic, the pacing, and the motivation so fucking well that I'm more than just disappointed that the entire series derailed at the end. The first episode was amazing, and I think that's why many of us wanted to give the franchise another chance.
Already in the first 5 minutes of the episode, we were shown what we always wanted from canon RWBY: Yang's interaction with Summer's grave and how she felt about her mother. Hell, she even calls Summer "Mama", and gives her a wink as she embraces Ruby who just told Summer about her sister's admission to Beacon. It establishes their family dynamic, which only furthers when we see Tai interacting with his daughters.
He jokes with Yang and talks to her about their family having an outing, he goes with her to Vale to check on Ruby when she's late with the present, and they both wait for Ruby at the police station. He even sent them off on the airship. Where the fuck was this guy in the canon?? Ice Queendom actually managed to make him believable as a single father who's trying his best to support his girls, instead of someone sitting around in his house doing nothing.
The first episode also established the Schnee family so fucking well as a contrast to the Xiao Long-Roses, with Weiss already too familiar with her mother's day drinking habit and her tense relationship with Whitley, who was given a moment of complexity! What the fuck, they actually feel like siblings who never connected because their parents are never there for them without villainizing neither kids for feeling the way they do.
It even shows, in the end, how Weiss felt about her grandfather. Which had it been written by capable writers, we could've seen Nikolas Schnee from various perspectives. He could've simultaneously been a good family man, a great man whom Weiss idolizes, and a colonizing monster that he is to everyone else, especially to Vacuans whom he spearheaded their decline. There was something here, people, fucking do something about it.
And Blake... oh, baby girl I am fucking mad for you at the end of Ice Queendom. It sets her and Adam up so well, even with him clearly letting her go so that she, in his mind, can truly understand the cruelty of the world and how it treats Faunus. None of that bullshit "abusive relationship" shtick was shown, but rather what we expected of them: they have a fallout due to differing opinions but still aim for the same goal which is Faunus liberation.
But nope, her shadow self was villainized at the end for speaking the TRUTH. Weiss and her family did exploit the Faunus. Hell, Weiss herself in the nightmare clearly groups the exploitative, parasitic board members of her company in the same hostile environment as the people they abuse, the Faunus, who she portrays as monsters. In Weiss' mind, these two groups are the same, and that's fucking horrid. Weiss don't give a fuck about the truth at the end, she's just embarrassed that now everyone she knows sees how much of a fucking racist she is.
Ice Queendom disappointed me, and I hate it.
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invisibleperiwinkle · 2 months
Probably the thing that pisses me off the most about toning down Gabe's shittiness is the excuse for it, that they thought that presenting such an explicitly abusive dynamic would be upsetting for certain audience members. Putting aside the fact that movies and tv shows display fucked-up shit all the damn time (it's almost as if it's fiction and you can get away with it), this comes across as extremely patronizing since it suggests that some people, namely kids, can't handle sensitive subject matter. Adding on to the points you made, the simple fact is that you can include any thematic overtones and tell any story you want so long as it's appropriate for the intended audience (which really just translates to "no blood, sex or swearing in a kids show").
To highlight my point, consider Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko is the 2nd/3rd most central character in the whole show (one aimed at 7-year-olds I may add), and a massive part of his character, including his single most defining physical trait, involves the effects of an explicitly shown abusive relationship. Are you really going to say kids can handle that and not Gabe? That's not being considerate to the audience, it's just wussing out.
yep exactly! in the books it’s more or less implied with few direct references to what’s actually happening. it’s not really obvious unless you get it!
but nope. as you put it the writers are just wussing out. and it’s ridiculous.
kids can handle that shit. it’s a story franchise aimed at middle schoolers, and if anyone can handle bad mental health and shitty home life issues it’s middle schoolers. because that’s their whole life.
but nope. lets censor it all!! these kids are abused and neglected! why would they be! it’s a kids television program!
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lagncx · 5 months
levi x reader
(if ur new here ur titan form is a wolf yup...ok...im not a good writer do not think this is a romantic chapter it is just filler )
“Just because you aren’t sitting on your throne doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong to you.” 
WHAT THE FUCK! Was Erwin yapping about when he made you come see him. It seemed normal just the normal pushing around cause he wants to test your emotional control but what the hell was he meaning? You sighed leaving the building making your way back to training and you smiled “waiiit…basically I got dismissed cause Erwin wanted me.” You smirked headed towards the other side of the field where the water pump was taking a swig from it. “Y/n! Hello!” You heard a voice that you  we’re starting to get involuntarily familiar with. You stood up straight with a groan “ugh…Eren.” He walked in your line of sight moving as you turn your head to avoid him “y/n we should spar! In our titan forms it could be good to develop our strength” you shook your head “too risky, people on the field.” You shrugged “well that’s no problem look over there! It’s enough grass for us both” he pleaded you just sighed “why should I?” You walked off towards the rest maybe they’d pick him off of you like the damn flea he was what was up with him? This weird big influence picture he made of you was so stupid. “You’re scared.” You heard him whisper “you think I’m gonna beat you!” Your eye twitched and you turned to look at him over your shoulder. 
‘This kid.’ 
“What?” You growled “you heard me!” His eyes were unreadable “You trying to challenge me?” Your tongue ran over your teeth specifically your canines like snake fangs they seemed to get sharper..larger. “I’m not sure you’ll be much of a challenge” he laughed you pulled off your jacket throwing it far from you “listen I don’t appreciate your tone.” You cracked your knuckles “Then I guess you’re gonna put me in my place.” Eren laughed before the sound deafened and light blinded you “Hey! Asshole!! I said no titan!” You could sense Levi running over your way turning to look Erwin followed behind his eyes meeting yours. 
‘Cocky asshole…wanna show off fine…let’s show off.’ 
You fell to the floor hands and knees  feeling your jaw and body being stretched you felt the need to break out like an itch and before someone could stop you your face was deforming being stretched your eyes transformed to something doglike 
‘I have no need to fight you…but now I have to punish you.’
Your mouth opened your snout emerged and some people backed up feeling sick it was a quick transformation but it seemed it was too hypnotic not to watch your body was now pieces lying around you the flesh of your face fell off revealing your form you started growing people backing up from you and Eren clearing the smoke steam coming from his mouth he screeched at you your doglike frame made you look smaller but at least your bark was enough to shake even the glasses miles away the ground seemed to rumble from your growls and the roar you let off made the observers cover their ears there eyes wide with terror. Eren lunged at you aiming for your neck but you stood making you bigger a very…very formidable foe your jaw opened wide tearing a piece of his shoulder from his body “No! Eren!” You heard Mikasa his little lap dog. Pushing Eren away from you tearing the muscle from him you threw the steaming flesh to god knows where you turned to Mikasa. 
‘People like you…make me sick.’ Who was this? This isn’t you thinking. But it doesn’t matter you’ll shut her up. Your nose was inches away from her. Before you could even manage a powerful roar to send her back Levi stood in front of her making you bite your tongue his icy glare made you look at him you only whined quietly pushing your nose against his stomach softly “Stop this foolishness at once!” He glanced back at Eren “I didn’t give either of you an okay for this pissing match!” He looked between you both, but no use Eren had grabbed you and threw you to the ground his arm on your neck you kicked and panicked 
I am so tired. 
Of the loneliness 
I am not a monster 
I am not a monster 
But I am so…hungry 
You used your strength to get your feet under you standing before locking your jaw onto erens quickly ripping his jaw off crushing it slowly in between your own teeth. Eren fell to his knees. He was beaten. People stared at you with disgust and disapproval but nobody gets to insult you and get away with it. You turned towards Levi who didn’t even flinch when your head rested at his feet a soft apologetic whine rumbled your throat. 
Levi shook his head and looked at Erwin who looked at you smiling. 
 You felt Levi’s glare “stop this. You won.” You whined closing your eyes feeling your shell slip off as you pulled yourself out your titan form nape and feeling the breeze on your hot skin you walked over to Levi who shook his head and went to go deal with Eren. You looked at Erwin “Looks like the queen is always stronger than the king hm? You’ve claimed your throne.” He chuckled slipping a chess piece into your hand and walking away towards Levi and Eren you looked down and seen the queen piece. You felt a little pride. Eren locked eyes with you while blocking out the bashing Levi was giving his ear. Eren looked at you with admiration. Not envy….
  You yawned dressing yourself in more comfortable clothes heading to the mess hall and when you entered everyone went silent it took no less than a second for someone to call you over….GODDAMIT IT WAS FUCKING EREN!
(Idk I wanted to get the feeling of lore where y/n is a role model for eren in a way and just you being a lil simp for Levi)
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outtoshatter · 11 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
finally getting to the tag games i've been forgetting! thanks for the tag @sugareey-makes-stuff this looks so cute and fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 93....for now! I have a secret little goal to hit 100 before the end of the year but realistically that probably won't happen.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,864,258! I'd like to hit 2mil eventually :D
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Teen Wolf for now! Although I've been trying to get myself to be inspired by others, it's just not happening. Although i finally finished watching Superstore the other day and intensely plotted out a fic that would fill in some missing stuff that was bugging me. but I likely won't do that lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Haaa Son of the Sheriff [Teen Wolf, G, 3k words] Nature of the Beast [Teen Wolf, M, 56k] No Mercy [Teen Wolf, M, 64k] Love Don't Lie [Teen Wolf, T, 2k] Ride with me [Teen Wolf, T, 4k]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! almost always. sometimes I don't know what to say but I try to respond anyway. I didn't before, at first because when I joined ao3 the authors' whose works I commented on didn't respond so I just thought that was the culture, and then occasionally now because I'm just...very drained from pulling the story out of my head. MOSTLY though I genuinely love talking about my stories with people, especially when they have questions about my worlds; I put a ton of thought and care into my worlds and LOVE when people are interested!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah...hmm. I don't know! i always aim for happy endings, they bring me the most joy in writing. Uhhh maybe Pulling Strings? It's more open than angsty, buuuut it is less outright happy than my other fics!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
HAPPIEST. That's so hard!! Because see above, all happy endings. I'll say an even tie between The Next Chapter and Fractured Starlight, just going by most recently picked fics!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
klfjsalkfslka I don't know that i'd call it outright hate. but i've gotten some WILD comments before. That were unquestionably FUCKING rude. But i don't know if it counts as hate. I have an entire folder i have named Hall of Shame of some of the worst offenders. It's gotten less bad now that I've archive locked all my fics, which made it so much more fun to post. I think the worst was either the several-paragraphs long, two part comment about how the reader was disappointed in me (??) and just a bunch of other rudeness, OR the person who, after I deleted their comment that pissed me off, pasted their comment back in with a bitchy little addition to let me know they felt entitled to leaving rude stuff on my fic. so i deleted it again c:
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't write a lot of it! Definitely not PWP. Just emotion-focused sex scenes if it happens and works for the rest of my plot! it's just not as fun as action scenes for me most of the time c:
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm hesitant to call it stolen but someone did ask me permission to translate my fic, and I granted it, but they did not link me to it, or even post it on ao3, which bothered me. but i found it. and. they had translated it, sure, but they'd also changed it from a sterek fic....to a Derek x Peter fic. which was. a weird thing to do. that was not what we had agreed upon so i just messaged them mainly asking like. for why.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
LOL. Yes! 4 on ao3, and two out there...on other sites. that was annoying D< I am flattered people wanted to translate my fics! I now have a blanket statement on my profile for this sort of thing, including that I want translations only on ao3, and not posted elsewhere because of...well. #11 lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No :c I'd like to try! But i have so many to-write fics!! I have some vague plans for a fic with @dappledawndrawn but like. my list. it's so long. (Also add in my fears that I'd be overbearing or something and i will procrastinate this forever.)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I'd have to say sterek lmaooo. I have others I like and even love a whole lot I just haven't become obsessed with finding out how to fit those other ships in a whole bunch of other worlds like I have with sterek. Maybe one day! Mostly they're book ships hahaha
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh man. ;-; the third of my fairy tale series. I started it like 3 times but could never get it right! i had it all planned out and everything it just would not work. So annoying.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding for sure. Plotting, foreshadowing. Building the tale itself i guess? And action oh man am I obsessed with writing action and I am good at it. I love building worlds, blowing things up, and telling the tale of why, taking the reader on the twisty, interesting, exciting journey to the satisfying conclusion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Personally, I think I need to work on my descriptions of characters, and tbh I have trouble writing emotional scenes! I'm working on it though.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it before! Looking back, I was annoyed at myself xD I mostly now stick to just writing it as regular dialogue, then "-in [x language]" afterward. I don't have anything against it I suppose, but usually it's not really important to the plot to have a single line in a different language than the rest of the fic (special cases happen) so I just don't hahaha
19. First fandom you wrote for?
e.e This question always happens on these things lkfdsalkfjdskaf SIIIGH it was Maximum Ride. c,:
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I am ever proud of Are You Ready? it's my baby, my love, I am so so proud of it and how my writing improved just trying to do justice to that story. So.
Thanks for the tag! Tagging @raisesomehale @rosieposiepuddingnpie @2dents @cephalog0d @halevetica @tkwritesdumbassassins @evanesdust and anyone else who might want to play who i didn't tag lfkjdslakjfs sorry
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beevean · 1 year
Is it too soon to speak of the concept that Lanolin has wasted potential yet? Because I am so convinced she could have been a far more likeable, or at least tolerable character if:
We got an actual explanation for why she acts the way she acts, because right now we simply have no idea why she suddenly is so bitchy. I really do think that showing that she acts this way because it is how she thinks leaders act (stern, always right, always knowing what to do, always in control) and then learning that no, being leader means respecting those around you and knowing that you are not high and mighty above your subordinates, makes for a far more interesting character than... well, this.
It didn't constantly appear as if she hates her teammates and everyone else around her except for Duo. This isn't from recent issues either: she's been drawn odd, bored, tired, annoyed, etc etc more than a dozen issues ago already.
Like... give me a Lanolin who is such a control freak she starts stressing out and panicking the moment things go south because she knows she is not cut out for this yet. Someone who sees Silver and Duo arguing and knows she cannot intervene, thus she lashes out and stops the argument before it can, in her mind, go further south. Someone who sees Whisper accuse a new teammate and clumsily tries to calm her down, which does not work. Not that constant anger and irritation, especially aimed at Tangle, and her sheer contempt for Silver. Someone who is really doing her best and wants to do well, but who has the entirely wrong idea of what constitutes the role she has put herself into. No more disappointed kindergarten teacher who is never called out by anyone in the narrative.
I personally would wait until the end of this whole story arc before deciding how much of a waste she is. It's what I did for Surge and Kit... and even then the comic is bringing them back so who knows what's going to do with them 😂
Lanolin is more of an interesting case of writers clashing, because you just know that ABT had a completely different personality in mind when he designed her.
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You've seen anything like this so far? Lanolin being more of a stepford smiler? Yeah, exactly.
Lanolin's behavior would make sense if we had confirmation that she, like Whisper, has been left with trauma after everything she went through off screen. She would be a foil to her! Whisper became an introverted loner, Lanolin now insists on forming teams and having them hyper-organized. Whisper's personality is withdrawn, Lanolin forces her (fake) personality on others. Hell, even her overreaction over being grabbed could be passed as one stemming from trauma!
But I don't get that. Lanolin doesn't seem to be high-strung. She seems, as you say, like she can't stand a single person around them and only interacts with them out of polite courtesy. She's mean as a personality trait. And it's not even that she clashes naturally with certain kinds of people, like say Tangle who is scatterbrained so of course the control freak wouldn't stand her; the only person she has shown something resembling respect so far is Sonic, and even then not always. Around Tangle, Silver, Whisper, she has this constant disdainful look on her face.
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Who pissed in your cereal, ma'am? This isn't funny! She's mean! And Tangle has fallen far down in my list of liked characters, but ffs she hasn't done anything to deserve this glare!!
Anyway, to get at your point. Lanolin has shown one moment of vulnerability very early on, when her operation failed. That was the one time she admitted she didn't know what she was doing. That was a moment of relatability and sympathy for her, because the audience could see a hidden side of her and understand where she was coming from.
It hasn't happened so far in this arc. Again, I have no idea how much we're meant to understand Lanolin. I only know that so far she has only shown one emotion, and it's contempt against people who don't deserve it. This is not how you write a likeable character, not even as an antagonist. She's not fun to hate. She's just a bully.
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cicero-the-assassin · 8 months
On the Subject of Teeth
((Just your yearly reminder that in most (If not all) verses, Cicero/Lucio has got some freaky and weird shit going on with his mouth.
His grins and smiles are a bit too wide, enough to be noticeable, but slight enough to be uncanny.
His tongue is longer than most normal people's. He loves licking things and people and will drool and make the most unappetizing slurping sounds. (Don't give this man cherry tomatoes if you don't want to be traumatized. Again.)
Many if not most bites given by Cicero become infected. (Poison and possibly necrotic damage.) Unless of course, I as the writer don't FEEL like it. (Aka, if he's biting you from a place of affection, you'll probably be fine. Probably. Because I do what I want.)
And boy does he love biting and tearing chunks of flesh from people with his big ole teeth! He eats alot of things he shouldn't and honestly he does it on purpose for this exact reason.
He's also not beyond spitting on people or at people. And he's pretty decent with his aim. If you capture him, he will attempt to spit in your eyes or mouth. Usually to get you sick if not just piss you off enough into making a mistake.
Typically this is what I mean when people kiss him or let him go down on them and I put something in the tags along the lines of: 'you don't know where that's been'.
Just wanted to write about it. He obviously gets his oral fixation from me.))
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The reason why I'm equal parts excited and nervous for the Fionna and Cake miniseries is because this is going to actually canonize the lore of The Fionna and Cake universe:
So it's got me very curious...
What are they going to keep and what are they going to throw out?
While Ice King was receiving information about Fionna and Cake during sleep, anything he says about them will be wildly incorrect because the crown distorts his mind. I mean... he literally thinks Fionna would be into him, so he's clearly not a reliable source of information about her and her universe.
Would they keep Marshall Lee's, Gumball's, and Fionna's dynamic the way it was presented in Bad Little Boy and the Fionna and Cake comics [the ones that were written and illustrated by Natasha Allegri] or would they throw it out completely because this information doesn't come from "reliable sources".
Bad Little boy was basically Marceline's Finnceline propaganda a Marceline episode w hich gave us a deeper look into how Marceline views her relationship with Finn, Finn's relationship with PB, and her relationship with PB.
The FAC comics illustrated and written by Natasha Allegri were a continuation of Bad Little Boy BUT these comics were Gunther's Fionna/Marshall Lee/Gumball OT3 fanfics.
All the information we have about Fionna and Cake come from in universe fanfic... technically, none of it is true to the FAC universe - every Fionna and Cake story is told by an Adventure Time character, so they are all unreliable sources of information for the FAC universe.
So what do you do?
Do you throw out all the Fionna and Cake information that came before the miniseries since none of it is technically canon? Do you really throw out the most popular Fionna and Cake episode and well received comics because they're told by characters who wouldn't be able to see into the FAC universe? Or do you use these dynamics but create completely different backstories for the characters?
Fionna doesn't actually have to meet Marshall Lee and Gumball the same way Finn did - she doesn't even need to be the same age as Finn when she meets them. She could meet them when she's older [like 17-18 years old], since she's going to be a young adult in this new show... I mean why wouldnt she be a young adult... in a show aimed at young adults...
I just dont see them copying and pasting Adventure Time into Fionna and Cake. This new universe gives them a chance to explore new dynamics and ideas they wouldn't have been able to in Adventure Time.
Then there's taking the shipping into account... how do you tackle this monstrosity without pissing too many people off? Fiolee and Gumlee are BOTH very popular pairings, so how would you go about presenting these pairings in this alternate universe?
A thing people dont really realize is that Fionna and Marshall Lee could be a possibility because they're going to have different backstories from Finn and Marceline. Again, it would be boring as fuck to just do Adventure Time a second time - they're going to give these characters different backstories and they're going to meet each other under different circumstances.
As for Gumballs and Fionna's relationship... it might not be as creepy as Finn's and PB's relationship. They would not be able to get away with the creepy shit they pulled with PB and Finn', because people are going to see the red flags right away. People didnt notice the red flags with Finn and PB because we're not used to seeing older women creep on and exploit boys/young men nearly as much as we see older men creep on and exploit girls/young women. And again, it would be boring to to the same thing AT did with Finn and PB.
Oh wait...
Okay I know how they're going to tackle the shipping issue, and I dont really like it because I think it's spineless: Since this is a multi-universe adventure they are going to make different relationships canon in other universes. This will prevent fans from flipping their shit TOO MUCH and the writers can have their cake and eat it too.
Based on the summaries of the show I just dont see Marshall Lee or Gumball helping Simon, Fionna and Cake. First of all, that is way too many characters to manage. Secondly, based on this part of the summary:
Fionna and Cake with the help of the former Ice King, Simon Petrikov embark on a multiverse-hopping adventure and journey of self-discovery. 
The multiverse is going to be used as a way to develop Fionna. I mean.... it's been a hot minute since ive watched Adventure Time but Im pretty sure Simon isnt going on a journey of self discovery. This show is targeted at young adults... Simon isnt a young adult so i dont know why the story will be focused on him... if anything he's going to be the character who will offer Fionna guidance.
But yeah... the multiverse is the perfect opportunity to explore different pairings and ideas they wouldnt be able to do in a single story. So I dont see why they wouldnt use it to it's fullest potential.
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mskinkyafro · 2 months
Natasha doesn’t bother me for pursuing Stefan — I do not want that man. But it really irks me that she’s constantly gossiping, both about MC and her relationship w Stefan, and just about everyone in general. Her beef where it was revealed she had all this to say about all the other women rubbed me the wrong way; why are they making that her only personality?
I’m not doing a Natasha route but she’s so pretty and she seems really fun. I just wish the writers would let her expand her topics of conversation from MC/Stefan to literally anything else. Does that make sense?
I’m not trying to diss Natasha. Again, she’s gorgeous and I couldn’t care less who she couples with (I’m flirting with her man Hamish so what can I say about her and Stefan). I think more than anything the writers hate her and are making her kinda gossipy, which feels… icky considering she could be a LI. Idk. I think I’m crazy
1. To answer your point she’s always gossiping, maybe I’m forgetting things or not reading into it enough, but I don’t feel like she gossips a lot. I feel like the part that was capture on the PDA Awards was the bulk of it. And also the moment with Melissa. I feel like her gossip level is similar to everyone in the house bc they have nothing to do BUT interact with each other and “gossip”. You can apply it to literally everyone else. Shit even my man Finn, was desperate for some tea during the kiss during hide n seek between Kat and whoever. Like they all do.
To your credit, I agree with the writers have had her bring up Stefan and Mc relationship too much. Which is annoying. That I wish they would have done better at feeding that to the player without using her as much. I think they needed to a certain activity discuss more about what went wrong in everyone past relationships or instead of paywalling it, airing out what happen in everyone season since some people are in the loop or out of it regarding the other islanders season.
And Natasha shared a season with Mc so even though she constantly bring them up, I see it as her way of trying to discuss or compare their different journeys navigating the same season.
Now this might be my bias coming in, but I feel like her commentary or “gossip” isn’t any different from like mc’s own that typically we see in the thought bubbles or comebacks during challenges. So I guess it just boils to personal preference and how we perceive the writing, but I just see it as no different from Mc commenting or being savage to people’s face. Hers just got aired in the most messy way.
2. I agree and ultimately still blame the writers as a whole from keeping her as our go to lore character. And therefore we hardly get more about her personality. We see that a lot with the entire cast.
Especially when there’s so much more interesting things about her. She’s a dog groomer, is it high end or specialized in certain breeds. She’s really flexible, was she a gymnast star?
Like so many things. I guess for me, I tend to really hone in on those things and run with it to help fill in the gaps. But it’s annoying that as a player I HAVE to do that bc they don’t give them more time to talk about more things.
3. But lastly, You’re not really the demographic target for my rant LOL. I just was annoyed by moreso ppl who don’t even want Stefan or on a non Stefan route pissed off at her when in my eyes , the very qualities they claim that makes her snakey or bad friend is the very same ones Mc can have and typically does. Ones that we later revere.
Or better yet, Kat still gets hate typically but we got some who prefer her over Nat and I’m like, Kat has been the absolute WORST compared to Nat. Like cmon now.
And yes, honestly the writers once again set up the black female character for mistreatment. They know damn well a certain chunk of this fandom can’t resist it. So yknow. It is what it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m never surprised.
But appreciate your reasonings, nonny. Like I said, you’re not who I’m aiming my critiques to but still. I see where you coming from and appreciate it nonetheless.
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Idk how to word this well, but I’ll try my best!
As someone who writes for the male audience, it warms my heart seeing comments & reblogs saying they feel happy feeling included because a lot of stories are aimed towards the female audience.
But when there are ppl who interact with my stories that aren’t the male audience (cis or trans), i feel like my boundaries are being crossed. A lot of ppl have an issue with it, but if it’s a boundary, then why have an issue with it, if that makes sense? Idk, but there’s not that many stories for male readers & I’d like to make them feel included.
In general, I think restricting users from reading a work isn't a great thing, but I really only have issues with blogs that say fem aligned can't interact with their blog but then they follow me or other fem aligned writers and share our stuff and comment on our blogs.
It just kinda rubs me the wrong way.
But the only thing that has really truly pissed me off was when a reblog only blog was sharing stuff from blogs like mine and then telling fem readers to get their own stories.
Gatekeeping my story and other people's work was really the thing I found truly unacceptable.
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rescue-ram · 5 months
4, 14, 20, 37
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Rolling the little guys around in my head like marbles lol. A lot of times I start with a random idea, or just something I'd like to explore, then just kinda free associate until I feel compelled to write.
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I'm a pretty emotional writer. I don't always draw on direct personal experience, but I'm almost always writing from an empathetic place and feeling what they feel. Like I have cried or gotten so pissed off o had to take a break from writing. I prefer to write from that emotional place because it's easier, though I think such writing often benefits from a little space before publishing to make sure it's not too self indulgent. Some writing scene are more distant or analytical, like I'm a director staging a play, but still pretty emotional.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Augh yes actually- when you tagged me in the 10 first lines meme I was mortified that my two most recent fics have almost identical first lines jxkkxkx. I've definitely noticed some recurring phrases but I didn't write them down and don't remember specifics. I also feel like I really like exploring "closet cases" and people with messy relationships to their own sexuality.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Vibes, mostly. Sometimes I have a word count I'm aiming towards, or I make a list of scenes and either find a natural breaking point or insert one. Occasionally I'm just like FUCK IT I WANNA PUBLISH.
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