indigobackfire · 2 years
I wanna "come to terms" on why I like Ismelda so much and why I despise Merula more and more every time she's on screen. Otherwise my takes on 'problematic faves' will ring very hypocritical (considering also that there are different types of problematic and[or] complex characters).
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tentaipetto · 4 months
Chapter 1
Ismelda looked around the room at the life she knew she would never have, that she was never meant to have. Soft furnishings that looked plump and inviting, the kind that would easily swallow a small child without any trouble. Wooden artifacts that were so intricately decorated she thought she might actually be able to smell the grapes carved into them. Above her a crystal chandelier dangled, shimmering and sending small twinkling reflections of candlelight shooting around the room. The candles themselves were enormous, almost the size of a child, they made the room warm, they smelt inviting and projected a much more amiable atmosphere than Ismelda felt the room should have been afforded. There were 2 large 4 seater sofas with a plethora of fancy cushions arranged on them, they were facing each other in the middle of a large and beautiful rug that was depicting various hunting scenes. Around the sofas were various tables, sideboards and display cabinets, all of which were creaking under the weight of nik-naks, artwork, gifts, and crockery.
Ismelda herself was the one thing in the room that was plain and simple, her appearance was anyway. She tried not to feel self-conscious about it but her efforts appeared to be in vain, she flattened down her tatty brown woollen skirt with her hands and tried to adjust the handkerchief holding back her long but greasy auburn locks but she ended up just creating a lump in the fabric that looked suspiciously like she had some sort of protruding tumour growing out of the side of her head. Dressed differently, Ismelda would probably have been quite beautiful, or at the very least fairly attractive, but in her current slightly stained, tired, crumpled and greasy state she appeared to look necessary. Her skirt was necessary as it covered her legs which were a shocking shade of white and had in the past actually startled people who happened to glimpse them. Her handkerchief was necessary to keep her long hair from falling into her tired eyes while she worked, the sweater that was originally thick and was now constructed more of holes that fabric was necessary to keep her organs slightly warmer than the rest of her body, it was also the same 'fetching' shade of brown as her skirt which Ismelda felt must have been a bonus on some level. Finally her feet were clad in a two part ensemble of itchy brown woollen socks which were necessary for her blisters not to make the inside of her shoes slippery. Covering the socks were her shoes which were at some point leather but it was now debateable as to the material of thier construction, but they were necessary to maintain a semblance of respectability as it was very much frowned upon to be without shoes in any sort of respectable profession. Ismelda, without even trying, was the epitome of necessary. But here she felt decidedly surplus to requirements. Standing in the plush surroundings it made her feel dowdy and boring, but at home it just made her feel normal. Her parents had never gone in for any of this new fangled frivolity and colourfullness. They much prefered the necessary look, plus it was much much easier on the brown woollen necessary purse strings.
Ismelda was currently within the walls of the main castle of the Northern Bank which resided a little outside Longthorne, it used to reside in Longthorne but the villagers got fed up of the comings and goings of castle life and just sort of moved away, now the castle was surrounded by the homes and businesses of the people who worked inside the castle walls. It was usually customery for servants and maids and workers to live within the walls and safety of the castle to which they served, but the ruler here was nervous of people and chose a few that he trusted enough to give lodging inside his realm of safety. The people outside were not trusted enough, they were just workers, but they were required to stay close to the castle, should they be needed. Ismelda had always thought that it was quite a rude way to deal with ones employees, but who was she to judge, it was obviously working as no one had managed to bump the ruler off yet.
Longthorne itself was a fairly quiet little place, the sort of place that keeps itself to itself. Simple, plain folk lived there, they werent stupid, they just werent all that intelligent either, but they were bloody hard working. Each household looked after itself, but was more than willing to help someone in need. Generosity was a virtue, few could afford it but they would do it anyway. Ismelda was proud to be from Longthorne, it was possibly the quietest famous place on the planet. She had only visited a few villages one way or the other, she had never gone far, so the thought of where she might end up after all the talking was done was making her nervous.
Ismelda took a deep breath in an effort to calm herself but it didnt help, the warm smell of the candles was filling her brain with hungry thoughts but she could smell something else in the background, a small smell hiding behind the coat tails of the bigger smells infront, but it was getting bigger. Cigar smoke! Ismelda smiled to herself at her own revelation and then let it sink in a little, and quickly began to panic. If she could smell that smell, and that smell was getting bigger, that meant he was on his way towards her. She felt her legs tense and panic began to float around her and envelope her like a blanket. She fought the urge to run, to leave the warm room behind and just go home and forget this whole sorry affair, but she didnt, Ismelda stayed perfectly still where she had been standing the whole time and the only external difference to show her panic was a slight quickening of her breath. Ismelda decided that in an attempt to maintain her composure she would concentrate very hard on one thing, she did this in her own life at home but there it was much easier to choose something as there was much less to choose from. Here there were all manner of trinkets, pieces of furniture with elborate decoration, clocks, curtains and pieces of artwork. Ismelda didnt really go in for all this fanciness, the artwork just seemed pointless and headache inducing. She decided that a small but nevertheless useful trinket box on the side table infront of her would have to do. It had a purpose besides decoration that satisfied her parents voice that was echoing through her mind. The box itself was a hexagon shape with a flat lid, it was a deep violet in colour and was inlayed with pink and blue pearlescent stones that followed its hexagonal shape in thin lines into the centre where a large purple pearl sat and pretended that it was useful because someone had once said it was a handle. Ismelda mused about how much a box like this was worth, a months wages? a years? 10 years? it was probably the latter she concluded, and then some. This whole room would probably take 3 generations of her large extended family thier whole lifetimes to decorate. The reality of her situation began to creep in again, like an icy chill on the back of your neck on a cold shivering night on the seashore. Ismelda knew the reason she was there was a valid one, she knew there was no other choice, had there been her parents would certainly have chosen any other path than this one for thier eldest daughter. But this was thier only hope and Ismelda knew it, which made this particular situation so much more difficult to deal with, the inescapability of what was about to happen felt like it was trying to suffocate her. Ismeldas breath quickened again and a very thin sheen of perspiration unbefitting of a young lady (which was lucky really as Ismelda could be called many things but a lady wasnt one of them) began to form on her forehead that was unaccustomed to being within a room that was this far away from freezing on a thermometer. The moment was almost upon her, she could feel the air around her change texture, as if it became thicker and more difficult to gulp down into her lungs, it began to tingle and prickle on her skin. She fought the urge to flee one last time and just at the precise moment she was attempting to calculate how high up from the ground the window was and how mant broken bones would result from flinging herself out of it, just at that moment the ornate wooden double doors across the room were flung open and a large figure appeared from beyond them flanked with many more guards than were actually necessary and a cloud of cigar smoke that must have been a serious health concern for anyone in its vicinity.
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immagrosscandy · 6 months
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i wanted to practice some character design last week while i was doing some work! it's been a while since i craved to draw every single female character of the game and here it is :D! hope i didnt forget anyone
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i also added some hcs like ravenclaw!rowan and hufflepuff!skye (they share the respective house of my mcs)
dont ask me for a male one i dont feel confident enough to draw male bodies 😭
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marmotish · 5 months
Freyja catching feelings for anyone: Aw, Crap.
Anyone *sans Barnaby* catching feelings for Freyja: Aw, Crap.
Barnaby catching feelings for Freyja: *see HPHM year 5 Love Potion Quest*
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((Jae’s gonna get his ass kicked.))
it’s true, nobody but Barnaby would be ok with catching feelings for Freyja. Even if only temporarily by means of a dodgy love potion.
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hmhoney · 10 months
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epsilonchi · 10 months
I'm halfway through the premiere of mentopolis and i'm obsessed with the worlbuilding and the philosophical implications of it.
"The Big Guy" aka Elias Hodge is a god for the characters, but also their CEO, and their client. The police and institutions ? That's negative self-talk and low self esteem. Journalists and reporters ? They signal uncomfortable sensory things, but not the uncomfortable mental things. Detectives like Hunch Curio are interested in tropes, patterns, and not in leads. Hyperfixation / the Fix's job is to eliminate distractions violentely, whether it is basic needs or intrusive thoughts.
It's not entirely realistic and it's far from perfect (Donny Urges as an intrusive thoughts who judt wants cake is... far from perfect) but the entire concept is so fascinating. I need so much more rn
Edit : nearly finished the episode and loooove the idea of kids as hobbies and interestd that could blossom, but are repressed in the refuge of Madam Loathing because they are not important . Also the mafia being related to greed and avarice is quite cool.
If I had to guess how this season will go I think the main villain will be a representation of work anxiety or burnout, who killed the employee ? Idk
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maelstroumwaterfall · 3 months
So I decided to draw one more hphm character as a dragon
I've drawn two sketches, one with a Nightwing Ismelda Murk
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and one with a Sandwing Ben Copper
(sees that Merula is flying towards him)
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The problem is that I'm not sure which one I want to draw and so I wanted to hear someone else's opinion 'bout that like.. who would u like me to draw? :'> Just like.. Who do you think look better?
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rairolin · 2 years
Leo: I'm so happy with the people who are in my life right now.
The people:
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Bluntly quoting:
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avidrawsthings · 27 days
Wanted to include a photo of the parents alongside the kids, so here's my take on their appearances as of 2008. Knowing me, some stuff might get changed up later on, but for now I'm happy with these results.
The Copper Family
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Well before the first Beyond Hogwarts leaks, I've always envisioned Ben becoming an Auror and growing a full-on dad beard once the kids were born. While he's mellowed down considerably from his edgy teen days, he's still more than capable of getting dangerous if he has to.
Ismelda herself would use her Doll Magic and make a business out of selling custom dolls. True to her roots, she'd also use them to scare off any rude kids and annoying neighbors. She especially enjoys messing with the local Karens.
Sometimes people around them are left wondering how the two ever got together given how drastically different they appear to be.
Info on their kids will be here
The Celestia-Winger Family
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So fun fact, Talbott's height actually stops at Reina's shoulders, but I made him taller for the pic cuz otherwise it'd look really funny to me.
Sometime after getting married, they considered having no more than two kids to see how things would pan out. The universe had other plans and they instead had their quads lol It was a nice surprise, and they cherish their baby birds.
Reina works at her bakery and after the Battle of Hogwarts, Talbott switched from being an Auror himself to becoming a Healer. Wanting to be there for his family, he wanted to have a career that wouldn't put his life at risk anymore.
Info on their kids will be here
Ricardo De Los Santos and Naomi McDaniels
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The two didn't really get the chance to become a family as Naomi had Ascended into an Angel and had to reach the Departure shortly after Rel was born. As it marked the end of her human lifespan, she was essentially dead.
The pair met in Las Vegas in 1993. Ricardo went there to get over Chester dumping him, while Naomi had been there with her group of "friends" that quickly ditched her. Deep down she knew that her time was coming to an end, so she was there to live out her final days as much as possible.
The two enjoyed each other's company and hooked up almost instantly. Thanks to some drunken shenanigans, they find out they were expecting. They decided to confide in each other and told their biggest secrets, with Naomi learning that he was a Wizard, and Ricardo realizing she had Ascended and was on her final days as a human.
Her Departure gets delayed due to her pregnancy, and they're aware she'll pass on once the baby is born. In the year they got to know each other, they grew very close. She got the chance to hold their daughter and gave Ricardo the idea to name her after his late older sister Rel. Ricardo would see her off once the Departure was initiated.
He always remembers her fondly and has a memorial for her at his home. Rel was told about her mom once she was old enough, and loves her all the same.
Info about Rel will be here
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ariparri · 4 months
Y8 Ismelda & Merula Redesign Concepts
Masterlist | Ismelda Redesign | Y8 Penny | Y8 Skye | Y8 Andre
Alright everyone! Here are my concepts for Ismelda and Merula because I don't like how JC designed their post Hogwarts look. Well, Merula was alright her hair was just awful. I originally was just gonna do a touch up for her hair but I went all the way and gave her a new outfit too 🙃
Ismelda's redesign pretty much follows what I had planned for her role in my version of Hogwarts Mystery. Her design also stays close to how I made her redesigns for her Hogwarts look.
Okay now Merula! Girl what did they do to your hair?!
Again, wasn’t planning on making her design but I looked back on the datamines and first thought “i see merula still doesn’t know what a comb is” then I thought “what the absolute hell is that color choice?”
This could have clearly worked out if they didn’t make her hair so damn shiny! So for my redesign, above you can see that I made her hair a little longer. Specifically the locks at the front and towards the back it’s more layered and wild. I fixed that ugly dead starfish of hers as well and made it appear more as highlights. And I got rid of the bright yellow because it does not match with that dark shade of brown.
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I kind of overdid it with Ismelda, but hey she looks good. I mentioned in one of the datamine posts that I feel like Ismelda would be good working at a tattoo parlor so her design has quite a few tattoos and piercings. In my revamp for her, Ismelda eventually gave up on trying to be like her sister and started exploring her own style. And Ismelda would totally fit for this aesthetic!
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Now for the outfits!
Honestly Ismelda's design was so boring, I’m sorry I know some like simplicity but I don’t. She could use some color AND leather would have looked good on her (c" ತ,_ತ) so would chains and a choker. And I was right. And Merula, again, wasn’t planning on giving her a redesign. But once I started on her hair, I thought of a new outfit too! Not a heavy redesign but an altering of her canon design.
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congrats to ben on his new goth gf
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immagrosscandy · 1 year
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here comes the slytherin inquisition
don't ask me for complex backgrounds that's like asking a pig to fly 😔
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indigobackfire · 8 months
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Honestly, she's not bad at all. They didn't proportion her face quite right, but the look is not disagreeable, though they could've been more creative.
I was gonna add some pictures but I'll link my Pinterest file I made for her. They could've gone more 90s goth, or some Victorian goth academia since I assume she'd go into history studies and she's a literal witch so...
But all and all, she's still my goth baby.
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redhairedgryffindor · 11 months
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Slytherin Trio Ed Edd n Eddy Pose
I really love this show since I was a kid.
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No Surprise
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[Spoiler and Long Explanation Ahead]
a bit of spoiler cause i'm still in year 5 of the game and i have a lot i wanted to draw before this event
I listen to this song in repeat while making this maybe you should too? (also the reference of the title)
In Year 6, after the death of their best friend, Ben and Jeniferl decided that it is best to break up for the meantime.
Ben believed that despite being together, he had failed to protect her and the people she cares about. The death of Rowan shows that he is still incapable to protect the others, despite his attempts to change. He felt worthless and believed that only a strong, courageous person could be with Jeniferl that can keep her safe... unlike him. He will keep changing, even if it makes him the worst version of himself, until he has proved to himself that he is capable of becoming that person.
Jeniferl on the other hand, didn't want more people to die because of her. She once again blamed herself from all misfortune and believed that the more she is attached to someone, the closer death will come to them. After the death of her best friend, she fears Ben will be next therefore she wants to maintain her distance and, to the best of her ability, suppress her emotions in order to concentrate on breaking the family curse and the curse vault. If she kept bringing ill fortune, she believed she didn't deserve to be loved.
The breakup left a bitter taste in their relationship. They told one another that  they could do anything they wanted regardless of what the other think, but their relationship is over.
On the day of the Masquerade ball
It was surprising how Jeniferl was on the ball despite all the tragedy that happened to her; it was Barnaby’s idea for her to go. Jeniferl and Barnaby are like siblings to one another, for they share the same interest in magical creatures and dueling. Feeling bad about what happened to her, he invited Jeniferl to a dance at the ball in an attempt to cheer her up, which she appreciated and agreed with. But what’s more surprising is what they saw in the Ball, 
Ben and Ismelda were dancing together. 
Everyone was startled that the two were together, but Jeniferl repress her emotions and smiled at them as they danced elegantly in the night. As promised, Barnaby and Jeniferl performed their dance as friends, but someone is watching them closely. It was Ben. Even though he presents a cold and disinterested demeanor around her, he is nonetheless troubled. In actuality, he only attended the event because of her presence. He wasn't supposed to go because he didn't see the point in going and would rather train to get stronger instead. But Ismelda came and informed him how Barnaby would be going with Jeniferl. He requested Ismelda's company in order to verify whether it was real. Upon realizing it to be true, he was reminded of their breakup and understood that there was nothing he could do.
The night may be beautiful, but no surprise, two hearts are left in sorrow once again.
First I wanna say sorry for my poor writing and grammar skills I just want to finish this so that i can focus on my uni,,
and second, YES, the two broke up after 3 years of flirting and a year of dating ,,how unlucky but thats just the life of Jeniferl. I already planned this ahead before the spoiler TLSQ happen but, I hate to admit it, this tlsq benefit the story and I'm sorryy I added more pain in my story(I'm gonna add more tho).
No hate to Ben and Ismelda shippers, I love Ismelda's character and i just thought her being with ben is an out of character but i become more curious . Also I chose Barnaby because he is the one i chose to be partnered with my mc in the game but in my story, Barnaby doesn't have romantic feelings towards Jeni
But the TLSQ haven't released yet so there might be changes added in the story but who knows, I hate it but I'm excited for this tlsq~ also i kinda didn't follow the color dress code sryy
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yarmoon · 2 years
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Slytherin trio 🐍
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