#israel is the jewish homeland
I really appreciate your blog.
Your normal about gerim, right? I've seen people use us as a reason to deny Jewish indigeneity, completely ignoring that many if not most Indigenous peoples had practices of "adopting" people into their culture/religion/community before colonialism- the only difference is that instead of getting rid of the practice we just formalized it.
Ilysm <3
This is the second ask I’ve gotten about gerim, which is funny because my dad is one.
Whoever uses gerim as an excuse to delegitimize Jews in any way doesn’t know anything about Judaism. Or indigeneity. Or much about religious and cultural developments throughout history at all really.
If conversion somehow made the Jewish people and Jewish heritage and history less legitimate, Halacha wouldn’t allow it. If hundreds of years of rabbis can be “normal” about gerim, random uneducated goyim on the internet can be too.
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bottlepiecemuses · 6 months
You are just a piece of shit who seems to think Israel is innocent and the victim
Laughable - truly can't comprehend how you survived without getting decked once in your pathetic life. Living is a privilege you don't deserve.
Why are dna Tests in Israel court mandated?
Why were Ethiopian Jews sterilised?
Why were Yemeni Jewish babies stolen from their families and put into white European ones? Heard it still seems to be an issue today in Israhells society
Why have Muslims, Christians and Jews lived well in peace next to each other before the zionists came? Explain! Or are you just going to tell me to shut the fuck up? Tell me I’m a bigot and insult me some more without stating any facts?
You have been so brainwashed 😂
Disgusting uneducated moron
Can’t comprehend how you can look at yourself in the mirror without going crazy - don’t worry ugliness and arrogance are the only things you seem to have.
You lack a will to live and therefore have no inner peace
But thanks to you I could let out my anger for a bit
Also got anon because crazy bitches like you don’t stop at when they are blocked either
Go kill some more kids and drink tea and post some picture of yourself crying about how hard it is to live during war times💀 while you sit in you Cheeto dusted crusty dusty ass bed
I hope your soul never finds any rest and you will be hurt over and over again 🥰
I have never seen so much Pro-pallywood misinformation. First off Ethiopians were sterilized by a group who doesn't represent Israeli policy as a whole. Also DNA tests aren't mandated. Also learn something about Dhimmitude before you spout shit that they all lived in harmony because second class status was the norm for Jews and Christians. Anyone saying they lived in harmony could say the same thing about Jim Crow south which is everyone lived in harmony unless they knew their place but even that didn't prevent it because there were anti-Jewish riots before Israel was reformed. No you kool aid drinkers are far up the propaganda that you really hate anyone who doesn't see you bigotry as valid. Yemeni babies were not stolen by Israel and that plays ironically into old anti-semitic tropes. We don't get off on babies getting killed but you doofuses so ignore children on the Israel side dying by palestine's hand and want to still depict them as underdog victims.
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secular-jew · 7 months
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1881, Jews rebuilding their ancestral country out of an empty, desolate, malaria infested land. Very few Arabs lived in Israel until the 1920's when the British arrived after the Ottomans withdrew, and some Arabs were drawn to the area for new economic opportunities, from Egypt, Syria, and other Muslim countries. The only Palestinians there were the Jews, many of whom had been there since Judaism was born there 3500 years earlier; small numbers of Arabs also present were called Arabs or Moslems, and did not identify as Palestinians. That came later in 1964 when Nasser and Russia came up with the idea and invented the "Palestinian" people as a weapon against Israel. They recruited Arafat, an Egyptian, to play the role of a "Palestinian" and cultivate a false nation.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
by Sophie Kalmin
The Roman period left various indelible marks on the Jewish psyche, further exhibited by the remains of the Masada fortress. Excavated in the 1960s, King Herod’s first-century BCE stronghold serves as a powerful symbol of Jewish resilience. It was at Masada that Jewish rebels stood firmly against the Romans before the fortress was destroyed, and the Romans marked another victory over the land’s people. Today, Masada serves as one of the most popular tourist sites in Israel, in which visitors can interact with ancient cisterns, pottery, and engineering feats completed by Jewish architects. With areas of the fortress still yearning to be excavated, Masada prevails as one of the most poignant reminders of the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel — Jewish people died defending it thousands of years ago.
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Historians say…
Beyond archaeology, the writings of Flavius Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian, provide an insider experience of Jewish life and Roman governance in Judea. In his work Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus details the Roman administrative presence in the region, including the taxation policies implemented by the governor of Syria, Cyrenius. Flavius notes, “Moreover Cyrenius came himself into Judea, which was now added to the province of Syria, to take an account of their substance, and to dispose of Archelaus’s money.” This account emphasizes both Jewish property and economic activities in Roman Judea. Josephus’s comprehensive records serve as a critical source, underscoring the continuous Jewish involvement in this land across millennia. 
Benjamin Tudela, the 12th-century author of The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela, records Jewish activity at the Cave of Machpelah. Tudela, a Jew living in the Middle Ages, describes the religious practices being exercised distinctly at this place. He writes that casks of generations of Israelites are buried within the cave and that our forefathers constructed “a gate of iron” to protect those visiting their loved ones’ remains. Because of Tudela, the stories of connection between Jewish people and their ancestors buried in the Land of Israel resonate more deeply.
Lasting Jewish Practice 
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the early 20th century provides arguably the most compelling evidence of the Jewish people’s enduring connection to their land and heritage. These ancient manuscripts, which date back to the last three centuries BCE and the first century CE, include the earliest known copies of the Hebrew Bible, providing invaluable insights into Jewish life, law, and beliefs during the Second Temple period. Written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, these scrolls are a powerful symbol of Jewish spiritual and intellectual resilience. Their survival over two millennia affirms the enduring legacy of Jewish scholarship and the community’s unwavering commitment to preserving their sacred texts.
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Israel is the Jewish Homeland
When British ships landed in North America in the late 16th century, they didn’t dig up Shakespeare plays and find ancient coins minted in English. By definition, colonial powers are not indigenous to the places they colonize. Jews have maintained a continuous presence in Israel since Judaism’s inception, despite numerous conquerors that have come along and expelled the Jews from their land. These exiles are not only thoroughly documented in Jewish literature and cultural evolution, but in continuous archaeological findings. Failed attempts to eradicate the Jewish people from their land have reinforced the urgency of the lasting existence of a Jewish country.
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 6 months
If Americans are so pressed about Israelis “living on stolen land”, then they should probably get back to their own countries too.
You’re criticizing so-called “stolen land” from stolen land… give it back babes.
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proudzionist · 5 months
Source : DiploAct on Instagram.
Israel is not an apartheid state !
Israel has been there for thousands of years and other nationalities and religions dwell there .
Israel is the only Jewish nation in all the world and they just want to be left alone .
I am Proud of Israel 🇮🇱💙🫂
I am Proud of the IDF 🇮🇱💙🫂
Your Hate makes Israel stronger 💪
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its-a-cautionary-tale · 4 months
This wave of people joining “creators for Palestine” has me really frustrated.
I have no issue with supporting the right to safety and freedom for the people of Palestine and I have no issue with wanting to help but I DO have an issue with the organizations that they are choosing to support.
One of the main organizations is the UNRWA, a confirmed Hamas puppet. The UNRWA is actively stealing aid from civilians, and members were actively a part of the October 7th massacre and held hostages in their homes. Why would you want to send them money?!?!?
The amount of misinformation and disinformation that is being spread at the moment is absolutely appalling. Israel isn’t “not sending enough aid”, Hamas is attacking humanitarian aid crossings and stealing the aid that they do let in.
In many of the cases of these creators, I do believe that they have only the best intentions but they are choosing to support a terror organization rather than actually helping the people they claim to care about.
There are also so many people denying the very legitimate REASONS that Israel is doing what they’re doing. I’m not saying I support everything they are doing but I understand why they’re doing it. If you want safety and freedom for the Palestinian people, you have to support the destruction of Hamas. There will be no peace until they are gone. It’s really a simple matter when you strip it down to the basics (not the conflict itself, that’s very complicated, but the reality of the current situation regarding any hope for peace).
Anyway… I now have to decide if I’m going to unfollow all of these creators whose work otherwise brings me joy. They are contributing to the false narrative and waving a literal imperial flag under the guise of “indigenous liberation” (don’t even get me started on the stupid fucking watermelons…)
If anyone has any advice about how to deal with this (tips on separating the content from the creator perhaps) or people who ARE doing good work and are actually helping the situation, please let me know.
This post is most specifically about SMOSH but it applies to a lot of creators. I’m so tired, and I can’t even begin to imagine how the Jewish people in those circles are feeling. People have been calling for Noah Grossman to be fired for being Jewish a zionist for months now, this cannot be helping that situation. I want him to know that the people with critical thinking skills and fucking basic understanding of the complicated history and current situation in the Middle East support him.
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The current situation is Israel is very confusing to a lot of people, and the word "colonizers" is thrown a lot in conversations, social media and protests. If you are not sure whether you can or should call Israel a colonial state, here is a handy guide divided by origin-country of the speaker:
Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey, Mongolia: Every single one of you has conquered us at least once, so keep your mouth shut or start talking about reparations. (Yes, even the Mongols. Did you know that? I only found out a couple of years ago. Isn't that cool? I mean bad. Very bad...)
Every single country in the American continent + the surrounding islands, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, China, India, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia: LOL. Don't even fucking look at us.
Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Japan: Let me check a history book for a sec. Yeah, no.
Every other nation in the world: I don't know enough about your history to put you in another category, but no.
Liberia: Literally the only nation in the entire world that knows even half of what we’re going through. They’re not colonizers, and neither are we. Stop trying to force your Western terminology on our history.
North Korea: I think you need to deal with some other issues right now darling...
Hope this helps.
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gxlden-angels · 11 months
I cannot express the anger I experience being unable to do anything about anything while Christians salivate over the idea of the Israel-Hamas conflict being a sign of the Rapture
#anyways Free Palestine#Hamas attacked innocent people#The Israeli government is terrorizing innocent civilians that just want the right to live#Jewish people deserve to have land where they are safe to go to if there is another rise in antisemitic attacks in their current home#Palestinians deserve to have their homeland respected and safe for them to live on#All of these statements can be true at the same time#and I say all of this from the safe comfort of the US#I am not the one that you should listen to about the situation.#I am not the one who you should trust to give correct information about what is going on because I get the same information you do#We should be listening to Palestinians and the Israeli civilians affected#And unfortunately the news in the US is based on Christians who want nothing more than to escalate this#They do not want to recognize Palestinians unless it brings about a world war that triggers the Rapture#And I am enraged by it#I know people currently living in Israel#I know students from Palestine#And I am infuriated by christians treating them like pawns in their little Jesus War#These are people. These are fucking people#They are friends and family and lovers and so much more#I genuinely cannot express just how frustrated I am by my inability to do anything as I sit in safety#If you get nothing else from this post please listen to Palestinians and the war crimes they've experienced for decades now#If you get nothing else please listen to Israeli civilians begging for their government to stop escalating this conflict#Please listen to Jewish people and Muslims when they say shit like this increases violence against them around the world#Anyways I'm at the doctor and someone had CNN on and I'm tired#antisemitism tw#islamophobia tw#israel-hamas war tw#rapture tw
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me: would you still love me if I was calling out the massive propaganda campaign that is demonising Jewish people by making up a completely different narrative and meaning for a well established word and ideology that literally is so milquetoast mild that no one for the last century has been like “ah this means this now” because it just doesn’t, and the people who do say it means this were literally the Nazi’s and the USSR.
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lostinsidelostoutside · 6 months
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stardust-falling · 7 months
No matter how much trauma you have experienced, you never have the right to inflict that trauma on others.
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mylight-png · 10 months
Israel has the right to exist.
If this upsets you, something is deeply wrong with you and/or your views.
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quixtrix · 5 months
Ngl, did NOT have this scenario on my metaphorical bingo card for insane shit that has happened in this fandom. Infighting and discourse? Yeah. Fighting over ships? Yeah. Main character getting sidelined? Unfortunate but also yeah. Someone making essentially a fan theory about the creator's personal life, getting mad that people are telling them that's creepy, then turning around and calling others CREEPS for 'being entitled to personal info' even though they started it in the first place? Wow, most of those types back off and put out a shitty apology to try and get people to back off, but this mf doubled down and hit it with a double whammy of 'well you should've expected it, don't want your work to be known, don't create', what the actual fuck is going on here.
i dont even know man. i think i shouldnt have engaged further after the initial villain monologue bro pulled on me, but i digress. it was also very weird to me how they were lecturing me on how to analyse media and digest it but couldnt register that i was using a basic example in my initial explanation on why writing about dark topics does not necessarily equal having the trauma those experiences give.
tbf i looked at their blog and theyre a zionist so
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infiniteglitterfall · 11 months
if your Jewish friends aren't talking to you about anything that's happening right now, it's because they know that at its core your take is probably rooted in greedy-grasping-jew stereotypes with a hefty helping of i-don't-mean-you-of-course. And they're doing both of you the favor of pretending it isn't.
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ignorethisatyourperil · 11 months
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