#free palestine is lying about israel
bottlepiecemuses · 3 months
You are just a piece of shit who seems to think Israel is innocent and the victim
Laughable - truly can't comprehend how you survived without getting decked once in your pathetic life. Living is a privilege you don't deserve.
Why are dna Tests in Israel court mandated?
Why were Ethiopian Jews sterilised?
Why were Yemeni Jewish babies stolen from their families and put into white European ones? Heard it still seems to be an issue today in Israhells society
Why have Muslims, Christians and Jews lived well in peace next to each other before the zionists came? Explain! Or are you just going to tell me to shut the fuck up? Tell me I’m a bigot and insult me some more without stating any facts?
You have been so brainwashed 😂
Disgusting uneducated moron
Can’t comprehend how you can look at yourself in the mirror without going crazy - don’t worry ugliness and arrogance are the only things you seem to have.
You lack a will to live and therefore have no inner peace
But thanks to you I could let out my anger for a bit
Also got anon because crazy bitches like you don’t stop at when they are blocked either
Go kill some more kids and drink tea and post some picture of yourself crying about how hard it is to live during war times💀 while you sit in you Cheeto dusted crusty dusty ass bed
I hope your soul never finds any rest and you will be hurt over and over again 🥰
I have never seen so much Pro-pallywood misinformation. First off Ethiopians were sterilized by a group who doesn't represent Israeli policy as a whole. Also DNA tests aren't mandated. Also learn something about Dhimmitude before you spout shit that they all lived in harmony because second class status was the norm for Jews and Christians. Anyone saying they lived in harmony could say the same thing about Jim Crow south which is everyone lived in harmony unless they knew their place but even that didn't prevent it because there were anti-Jewish riots before Israel was reformed. No you kool aid drinkers are far up the propaganda that you really hate anyone who doesn't see you bigotry as valid. Yemeni babies were not stolen by Israel and that plays ironically into old anti-semitic tropes. We don't get off on babies getting killed but you doofuses so ignore children on the Israel side dying by palestine's hand and want to still depict them as underdog victims.
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redvelvetwishtree · 27 days
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girlinafairytale · 4 days
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there is no evidence of sexual violence against settlers by palestinians. the israeli government was caught lying for the 8396395th time.
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news4dzhozhar · 14 days
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There is nothing I hate more then when the media refers to the genocide and ethnic cleansing that Israel is committing upon palestine as "Israel's war with hamas" because that's not what's happening, that is just their excuse.
If it was a war against hamas then they wouldn't be bombing schools and hospitals.
If it was a war against hamas then they wouldn't be killing palestinians in the west bank.
If it was a war against hamas then they wouldn't be making fun of the fact that palestinians are dying on their social media
If it was a war against hamas then marev ben-ari wouldn't have said "the children of Gaza brought it upon themselves".
If it was a war against hamas then more then 7000 palestinian civilians, more then 3000 of which were children, wouldn't have been killed in the past few weeks alone.
This is not and never has been a war against hamas. It has been their excuse to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide and the media is continuing to convince people of their lies.
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ragnarssons · 8 months
people who pretend to be neutral and are like "hamas totally bombed that hospital, there are proofs" and are citing IDF as a source (even tho they don't say said proofs come from IDF, google works fast yknow), and expose these proofs without even pointing out that some of them have already been debunked... y'all are just clear as day.
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fairuzfan · 1 month
I think like there's such a transparent lack of sympathy for Palestinians that you start to care about October 7th and you don't even question what life was like for Gazans before October 7th like you guys are so racist you only cared about gaza and hamas when you got affected or you FEEL like you got affected in some cases. Like you never had the same level of outrage or anger towards 'israel' that you do hamas despite the siege lasting for 15+ years and Palestinians regularly lost their lives and jobs and futures and were imprisoned on literal terrorism charges for donating to Palestinians. Online isn't everything I didn't talk about Palestine on this blog much but I'm so so exhausted after more than 6 months of being online seeing news of massacres after massacre and then zionists on here and on Twitter and Instagram and threads (???? Why is threads even relevant????) talking about how BDS sucks and how they hate hamas and how they think Palestinians are overreacting and lying about their death tolls or trying to link antisemitism to Palestinians as an intrinsic value they hold or something the Free Palestine movement is about. I even feel guilty for saying this because what's that compared to experiencing those terrible things like being starved and killed firsthand but like idk. Some of you are just so cruel. None of you willing to see you have a direct impact to how Palestinians are being treated in Gaza. Idk it's just bugging me more than usual tonight.
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butternutsquashsoup · 5 months
the focus right now must be on stopping the genocide, stopping the occupation, stopping colonization, stopping the mass bombing and starvation and forced displacement of 2.2 million people. the focus should be on them and the real, on-the-ground violence being done to these people by israel. i do not want to derail that work, but i do want to clarify my position as i'm seeing a lot of conspiracy theories swirl around non-palestinian activist spaces.
just so we're clear, if you are a non-palestinian person engaging in pro-palestine activism, the following are antisemitic:
claiming that jewish people have zero historical connection to the land or are lying about that historical connection (this connection does not excuse colonialism or ethnic cleansing)
claiming that all jewish people are white (israel has engaged in well-documented white supremacist violence. not all jews are white and many have been victims of israeli white supremacy)
holocaust denial (can't believe i have to say this)
claiming that antisemitism no longer exists as a problem at all, anywhere in the world
advocating for the total ethnic cleansing of jewish ppl from palestine (this is a colonial mindset and mass forced removal is always bad. the vast majority of palestinians are not calling for the removal of 7 million people and you shouldn't either)
free palestine. we fight for a future of liberation and peace.
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hindahoney · 8 months
Honestly one of the hardest parts is that I want a free Palestine. I want liberation and equality and dignity for Palestinian people. I don’t support Bibi or settlements or the extremist government or strong military actions. And if that’s what everyone else meant too, then I would be standing next to them in solidarity.
But I’m watching as so many of these protests wave a Nazi flag, and put blood on the Jewish Star and attack Jews. And I hear people call for an Intifada and trivialize our pain, and say we deserved it or it didn’t happen at all and ignore history, and say we’re lying about antisemitism, and call for the destruction of Israel and witness as they turn Zionism into a dirty word.
It was devastating to find out that my definition of “Free Palestine” meant a free Palestine and the left’s definition of “Free Palestine” meant death to Jews.
Most Israelis feel that way too. We don't like the extremist settlements and certainly none of us like Bibi. But even if you take both of those out of the equation it's not as if you'll automatically have a free Palestine. They'll still be under the mercy of a terrorist regime. But people don't care about that, so they'll continue to support the terrorists who are hurting their own people while trying to say they care about them.
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tiredandsleepyaf · 8 months
Blocklist of people engaging in antisemitism
Reblog of this post with some screenshots to back it up
Who you will see on this list:
Anyone who’s a Nazi, openly hates Jewish people, celebrates Jewish death, denies the Holocaust, harasses Jewish people simply for being Jewish or speaking out about antisemitism, etc. (examples: implying or blatantly stating Jewish people should be killed, implying or blatantly stating all Jewish people are evil, or claiming Jewish people are part of some secret society and controlling everything)
People engaging in antisemitic stereotyping, rhetoric, or behavior. (examples: blood libel or Implying or perpetuating that Jewish people run the banks/are all rich elitists/money hungry/etc.)
Who you will not see on this list:
People criticizing Israel’s government or calling for justice for Palestinian citizens without being antisemitic.
Disclaimer: This list is intended to be used as a blocklist or a list of people to unfollow, not as a list of people to harass.
I’ve added the reasons people have been added to this list so goyim stop accusing me of being a Zionist (once again, this list and this blog is NOT for goyim. This list is intended for Jews so they aren’t harassed or subjected to antisemitism. But some of you can’t respect Jewish spaces). I strongly recommend Jewish people who are blocking these people so they don’t have to see antisemitism ignore the italicized text in blue.
toad-underhill. Mocking people fleeing from Israel even though they claim that’s what they want and reblogs stuff from a user who’s well known for being antisemitic (see screenshots for more)
Perpetrating antisemitic stereotypes (see screenshots for more).
Perpetrating antisemitic stereotypes and engaging in antisemitic behavior.
Lying about Jewish people as an excuse to be antisemitic and harassing Jewish people. Bordering on blood libel.
Antisemitic conspiracy theorist who’s made posts about “noticing” (antisemitic dog whistle). Is also likely a white supremest.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotypes (rich elites controlling the media kind of stereotypes) and antisemitic behavior.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotypes and antisemitic behavior. Reposts antisemitic stuff from the person above.
Downplays antisemitism and the seriousness of the holocaust and claims Jews bring up the holocaust to play the victim card.
Violent antisemitic posts and calling Jewish people k***s (see screenshots for example) .
Literally has a swastica in blog name.
Same persons as above.
Blatant antisemitism and strongly implying the holocaust was a good thing.
Antisemitic conspiracy stuff.
Went under a Jewish persons post talking about antisemitism to say we should “eradicate religion”
Goyim who tries to define what antisemitism is for Jewish people. Calls Jewish people talking about antisemitism “unhinged”
Harassing Jewish people for speaking out about antisemitism and accusing them of being Zionists for talking about antisemitism.
Harassing Jewish people.
Harassing Jews and mocking them for being upset/scared about antisemitism.
Mocking Jews for being afraid of antisemitism and harassing Jews.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotyping.
Engaging in antisemitic stereotyping and genocide rhetoric.
Antisemitic behavior and violent undertones. Implies she doesn’t think Hamas did anything wrong.
Engaging in antisemitic behavior and strongly implied hatred toward Jewish people who point out that there are Jews who support Palestine. Also, implies any Jewish person criticizing any antisemitism perpetrated by supporters of the free Palestine movement is a Zionist and is behaving in a way that strongly indicates a hatred for Jews.
dr-schwaglove (changed name to death-to-usa)
Mocking Jewish fear of antisemitism, but probably did a lot worse as she’s been banned multiple times on Tumblr for what she claims is for “anti-zionist crimes” but is likely just antisemitism.
Tw antisemitism ahead! here’s a quote from this person: “I HOPE EVERY ISRAELI CIVILIAN DIES BRUTALLY”
Proclaiming Jews as untrustworthy and basically accusing Jews of being oppressors who aren’t oppressed (seems to buy into Protocols of the Elders of Zion type antisemitism). Compares Jews to Satan. It’s worth mentioning this person is also a terf.
Lying about Jewish people to instigate harassment (basically accusing Jews who aren’t Zionists of being Zionists) thinks most Jewish celebrities and Jewish people support Israel right now, downplays antisemitism, says she “stopped being concerned with things like"don't put horns on Jewish characters" or "X monsters is a Jewish caricature" and "X villain is Jewish coded"” because she “realized that was a Zionist worldview”
Self proclaimed Jew hater and antisemite.
Tw antisemitism ahead! Here’s a quote, “People on here are still saying "Hamas is evil" whilst large chunks of Gaza are being bombed into unmarked graveyards. You need to be literally curbstomped.” I think we know who they’re talking about curbstomping.
Claims anyone who doesn’t support Hamas is in support of genocide. Reblogged the post from prev.
Lying about Jewish peoples intentions to justify harassing them and harassing scared/grieving Jews. Likely also searching for Jews to harass (this includes Jews that support free Palestine, but speak out against antisemitism).
Unfortunately, the majority of people posting the worst antisemitic stuff are cowards on anon, so it can be difficult to figure out who some of the worst offenders are.
The blocklist has been closed and will likely stay that way
(explanation for why here)
If you are more resilient than me and would like to take it over, feel free to copy my list and any of my other post and continue it.
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gingerswagfreckles · 7 months
At this point the "Secret Zionists control the media" rhetoric is going way beyond the actual coverage of Israel. Reports of hate crimes against Jews worldwide are being immediately dismissed as propaganda, false flag attacks, and elaborate conspiratorial lies all designed to derail the Free Palestine movement and help Israel. All I have to say to this is: You people are fucking crazy, and very, very antisemitic. Jewish people globally are not faking the massive uptick in death threats and hate crimes we are facing. Jewish people aren't faking their own deaths and elaborately staging antisemetic attacks against themselves to make the supporters of Palestine look bad.
It's the same age old situation as we have seen in so many social justice movements infiltrated by bigots: If you actually hate Nazis and hate antisemites, why are you so committed to covering their hate crimes up? Why are you so committed to denying the existence of this bigotry? Shouldn't you be trying to distance yourself from this bullshit, be trying to weed out the Nazis that use the pain and suffering of the Palestinians as a vehicle of their hate?
But way too many people seem content to look away at best, and at worst, to actively perpetuate the narrative that Jews worldwide are coordinating a fake media campaign against ourselves to stir up sympathy for Israel. And it's antisemitism. It's textbook antisemitism. Some of you are lifting phrases and tropes directly from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and then getting angry when Jewish people around you doubt your sincerity about wanting to "punch Nazis."
Being critical of the media's slant towards Israel isn't antisemitic, but the way you guys talk about this often, often is. Zionism isn't just some word you can throw around to justify ignoring the growing wave of antisemitism. It's a specific ideology that seeks to establish and maintain a Jewish ethnostate in the Israel/Palestine area and is not what it is driving 99.9% of the pro Israel narratives you are reading.
The United States isn't backing Israel because the government is controlled by people who are oh-so-commited to Jewish Ethonationalism. They are funding Israel because they want to have an ally in the Middle East and a place they can launch nukes from if they want to. Any slant in the American media that exists is much more tied to the interests of those in power (who are OVERWHELMINGLY gentiles) than it is to the interests of some secret cabal of nationalistic Jews. The idea that "Secret Zionist Jews" have control over the narratives in the media is perpetuated by antisemitism, not reality.
When confronted with this fact, gentiles within the left are very quick to say that they are not accusing Jews as a whole of controlling the media, "just" Zionists. There are even Christian Zionists, they tell you! Maybe you, the paranoid Jewish person seeing antisemitism everywhere, are the real antisemite, since it's you who are conflating Jews and Zionists!
This is an extremely dismissive and disingenuous way to frame the very legitimate concerns and fears Jewish people are bringing up in regards to the narrative around "Zionist controlled media." The vast majority of people who are using the word "Zionist" here are using it as a synonym for Jews, and the argument that the loudest voices on the left are truly using this word to only target real "Zionists" is very very quickly falling apart.
If you don't really believe there is a secret group of interconnected JEWS controlling the media, why are you accusing random Jews worldwide of elaborately lying about hate crimes? Why are you accusing actual Jewish Pro-Palestinine activists of being double agents for the Israeli government when they speak up about antisemitism? Why are you accusing the ADL of working for the Israeli government? Why are you suspicious of every single instance of antisemitism being reported by unrelated Jewish people around the world, regardless of their connection or lack of connection to Israel?
Most importantly, why is the fact that these unrelated reports are occasionally making the news evidence to you that the media is controlled by "Zionists"? If you really did not believe that these media-controlling Zionists are all Jews, you would not be accusing Jews who have no connection to Israel of lying about antisemitic hate crimes that are making the news, and you wouldn't be accusing news organizations that are reporting on these unprompted, unrelated attacks of being Controlled By The Secret Zionists.
Insisting that you do not really mean Jews when you say Zionists control the media means nothing when every word a Jewish person says absout rising antisemitism is evidence to you that they are part of a conspiracy. The more you accuse random Jews of lying about antisemitism, the more Nazism and bigotry are allowed to grow and take advantage of the Free Palestine movement. When Jews start talking about this antisemitism, your reflexive response should not be to accuse them of lying, or of being a double agent only pretending to be pro-Palestinine who is really secretly an Israeli pysop. This is classic antisemitism and it is absolutely terrifying how many people are regurgitating it without a thought.
Not everything you read on the news can be blindly trusted, but the stories and people you choose to be critical of are telling when they start to create a pattern. At this point that pattern is very clearly NOT just "we are critical of the coverage of Israel, and of statements from the Israeli government." Its now quite openly becoming "we don't believe any news reports covering instances of antisemitism, and are suspicious of all statements or accounts provided by any Jews."
Please, please, please stop. For the love of God, slow down. It's very easy for bad faith actors to hijack righteous anger for a just cause to perpetuate their own conspiracies and hate. And that is very clearly exactly what is happening right now.
Jews worldwide are a minority group. A tiny, very hated minority group that is not responsible for what the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinian people. We are facing a massive wave of antisemitic backlash over it, which is landing most squarely on the Jews in the world who have the least power, because those are the ones who are the easiest to hit. But we are not your punching bag, or the outlet for your anger over Palestine. And the immense suspicion so many of you are casting on all Jewish discussion of antisemitism is terrifying. We are not your enemies. We shouldn't have to beg you to recognize that, but we clearly do. The recognition that there is growing antisemitism everywhere, including the left, is not mutually exclusive to supporting the Palestinian cause.
And we are not. We are not. Controlling the media. Please stop accusing us of faking antisemitic attacks.
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sissa-arrows · 7 months
The imam of the Great Mosque of Paris asked for proof of the 1200 antisemitic attacks since October 7th. The same day he was summoned back on TV to apologize for saying that… because asking for proof is denying the existence of antisemitism.
Except this is complete bullshit. Without denying antisemitism this is 100% legitimate for a simple reason. They keep on mentioning 1200 attacks since October 7th but they count Free Palestine tags as an attack. Fuck apartheid is also counted as an attack. And somehow writing “Fuck antisemitism” is antisemitic. They also count blue David stars tagged in Paris to support Israel (Zionist are paying people to do it) as antisemitic attacks. A comedian joking about Netanyahu being “Hitler without foreskin” is also an antisemitic attack in France.
The ONLY thing that was broadcasted and would qualify as an attack was a Jewish woman who got stabbed except it’s starting to look like the RER D 2004 “attack”. The Police and doctors are suspecting that it was a self inflicted wound and that the woman is lying.
In a country that refuse to count attacking an older North African man and telling him “Dirty Arab I’m going to cut you into pieces and send you to Jerusalem” as racist but count “Fuck antisemitism” as antisemitic it is 100% legitimate to want to know what are the 1200 attacks they keep mentioning. Especially when those attacks are weaponized to make targeting North Africans legitimate and when we are blamed for every attack without proof (Zionists paying a white non muslim couple to tag blue David star was pinned in Muslims for days even AFTER the couple was caught)
Note: The 2004 RER D “attack” is something I will never forget. It’s one of my earliest memories of “oh so they hate me because I’m Algerian and Muslim”
January 2004 a woman is found crying on a bench with cuts on her body, antisemitic slurs and Nazis symbols written on her belly and arms as well as her hair cut. She explains that she is Jewish and that she was attacked in the subway by a group of North African men. She says they tried to steal her stroller for one of their sisters that they took her handbag and when they saw where she lived they said “An Ashkenazi Jew? You guys are rich…” All politicians and medias immediately jumped on it hated on North Africans for the rise of antisemitism. Started claiming that North African/Algerians were bringing the “conflict between Palestine and Israel” in France. I was 9 and it was really horrific because I knew that what happened was unacceptable but I also felt that they were using it to hate on us Muslims. Then the media kinda stopped talking about it and this story stayed in the back of my mind for years just a memory. A couple months ago a song from a French Algerian rapper was suggested to me. I listened to it and it was about this story. Except the song said it was fake… so I looked it up and found out that the reason the story died down in the media is that 2-3 days after it came out the investigation proved that it was all fake. The surveillance camera showed that the woman never got in the subway neither did any group looking like the one she described, they found the knife and pen that were used on the woman’s body in her own apartment and when faced with the evidences she admitted that the story was fake she did the cuts and writing herself with the help of her partner… like 29 years old me learning that one of the things that made 9 years old me realize how much the country where I was born hates me was based on a white woman lying and because in her lie Arabs were antisemitic savages people believed her and went with it…
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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thefirsthogokage · 7 months
Can we please remember that Taika Waititi is a zionist and not spread his face on Tumblr?
I don't care what that man has done in queer television, he's a zionist who's also racist towards afro-indigenous folks. And none of us are free until all of us are free.
If you are giving up The Last of Us and Stranger Things for their zionist creator and/or cast, then you should stop supporting and his work too. If you're boycotting Scream because of them firing Melissa Barrera for her support of Palestine, boycott OFMD.
Skyler Astin is also a raging lying zionist, so don't forget to boycott So Help Me Todd as well. And forget about the new Buffy audio things, Charisma Carpenter is just as disgusting as Tyler Astin.
While your at it, Only Murders in the Building needs to go to for Martin Short and Selena Gomez supporting the letter that's pro-israel's genocide of Palestinians.
If you're boycotting products for Palestine, boycott actors and works too.
*Edit: I was apparently misled elsewhere into thinking Rick Riordan was pro-genocide, and apparently that isn't true.
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floralcavern · 6 months
All right I’m finally doing this.
Name’s Flora. I’m a gray-desinoromantic heteroflexible girl. This is my side blog. I write fanfics on there. Or you can check out my AO3 account!
I’m 17 years old. I’m in a ton of fandoms, my main ones being The Song of Achilles, Percy Jackson, The Owl House, Wings of Fire, many different Webtoons, TBHK, and many others. I’m Catholic, so don’t talk shit about my religion to me, I’m so tired of it. From that one country where people eat way too unhealthy and likes freedom 👍 I am the embodiment of stressed and depressed, but well dressed. I really like writing and world building. If you wanna check out some of the stuff I’ve written, sort through the tags on my blog by putting in ‘Writers on Tumblr’ Here’s my Spotify account if you wanna check out my 200+ playlists:
I’m an Israel supporter and pro-Zionism. Sooo.. ya. I don’t give a shit what you think about me. But please know that this does not mean I do not care for the citizens of Palestine. The real threat is Hamas.
My opinion on the IDF (because it’s a lot more complex than you think)
Do you really know what it is you’re chanting?
Important 2
Important 3 (extremely fucking important)
Important 4
Important 5
Important 6
Important 7
Important 8
Important 9
You guessed it. Important 10
Important 11
Important 12
Oh wow! Important 13!
News on the hostages
Hamas doesn’t welcome Christians
Your antisemitism does hurt people
Fuck Hamas
They have security for a reason
Hamas’s war crimes
Al Jazeera is not credible
So much misinformation
Antizionism is antisemitism
The side of everything that no one sees online
Your movement is turning into a death cult
Have it make sense
This is no where close to genocide
Israel has tried peace over and over again
But-But Israel hates Muslims!
I fucking swear, if I see one more person say the hostages were treated well, I will scream
I’m afraid ignorance is contagious
“The hostages said they were treated in well!” You are gullible as hell..
Y’all can support the existence of Palestine without being racist toward Israelis
This is war, not genocide. Also, Hamas are liars
Get your savior complex out of here and learn to hold people accountable
Free the hostages, holy crap.. (t/w for blood)
Confuse them in their own bullshit!
Ignorance.. ignorance everywhere
You’re actually harming your own cause
The casualty numbers are FAKE
It’s the appropriation of Jewish history for me
Oh wow. Al Jazeera. Lying? Who would’ve thought?
Hamas aren’t freedom fighters
Actually extremely interesting
This literally is a war, no matter how much you deny it
Wait until they learn they’re reciting KKK and Nazi propaganda
Hamas do. Not. Care. For the Palestinians
Experts, people who have studied this shit for years, agree that this is not a genocide
Palestinian origins
The reason Palestine hates Israel and Jews (surprise, surprise, it’s because of Hamas)
Palestinians are taught to hate Jews
Wait until you learn that those “Palestinian hostages” are prisoners who were arrested for horrendous crimes (t/w for description of torture)
What the fuck, oh my gosh, this is awful.
Fuck Hamas and fuck the UN
Other people providing links of info
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Free the hostages
Uyghur Muslims in China
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paranormeow7 · 7 months
I’m probably going to get harassed for this post but. As a Jew who fully and entirely supports Palestinian liberation and is horrified by the carnage in Gaza and the crimes Israel has been committing for decades, please don’t use this terrifying situation as an excuse to share antisemetism. I have seen otherwise well meaning and completely helpful posts peppered with additions and wording such as “lying is in their(Israelis)blood” “Israel’s dominion/control over the West” “All Jews need to be held accountable” calling any Jew they don’t like a Zionist, and other wording that bears similarities to Nazi dogwhistles shared around innocuously by people who I KNOW only want to help. Even by people sharing posts like “Zionism≠Judiasm” and “Israel does not speak for the Jews”, which is true!! They don’t!! But it doesn’t stop a lot of antisemites from sharing posts that are basically just nazi dogma, but replacing “Jews” with “Israelis”. The worst part is, it doesn’t help Palestinians at all. I understand that right now is terribly scary time, and that you’d want to get as much information as you can, help any way you’re able, and that we’re all being bombarded with posts from all kinds of sources, and that in the chaos, we can forget to check if what we’re sharing really has good intentions or not. Because that’s what Nazis do, they feed off of your confusion in an attempt to get you to not look at the fine print and join their cause. The Nazis don’t care about Palestine, they only care about using this horrible tragedy to justify their hatred of Jews. And Jews aren’t Israel!! Israel, in fact, isn’t even on the side of most Jews (look up their rejection of Mizrahi/Sephardi/non Ashkenazi Jews). So yeah idk, random shittily written tangent. Fuck Nazis, free Palestine.
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