#israel is not a settler colony
bottlepiecemuses · 6 months
You are just a piece of shit who seems to think Israel is innocent and the victim
Laughable - truly can't comprehend how you survived without getting decked once in your pathetic life. Living is a privilege you don't deserve.
Why are dna Tests in Israel court mandated?
Why were Ethiopian Jews sterilised?
Why were Yemeni Jewish babies stolen from their families and put into white European ones? Heard it still seems to be an issue today in Israhells society
Why have Muslims, Christians and Jews lived well in peace next to each other before the zionists came? Explain! Or are you just going to tell me to shut the fuck up? Tell me I’m a bigot and insult me some more without stating any facts?
You have been so brainwashed 😂
Disgusting uneducated moron
Can’t comprehend how you can look at yourself in the mirror without going crazy - don’t worry ugliness and arrogance are the only things you seem to have.
You lack a will to live and therefore have no inner peace
But thanks to you I could let out my anger for a bit
Also got anon because crazy bitches like you don’t stop at when they are blocked either
Go kill some more kids and drink tea and post some picture of yourself crying about how hard it is to live during war times💀 while you sit in you Cheeto dusted crusty dusty ass bed
I hope your soul never finds any rest and you will be hurt over and over again 🥰
I have never seen so much Pro-pallywood misinformation. First off Ethiopians were sterilized by a group who doesn't represent Israeli policy as a whole. Also DNA tests aren't mandated. Also learn something about Dhimmitude before you spout shit that they all lived in harmony because second class status was the norm for Jews and Christians. Anyone saying they lived in harmony could say the same thing about Jim Crow south which is everyone lived in harmony unless they knew their place but even that didn't prevent it because there were anti-Jewish riots before Israel was reformed. No you kool aid drinkers are far up the propaganda that you really hate anyone who doesn't see you bigotry as valid. Yemeni babies were not stolen by Israel and that plays ironically into old anti-semitic tropes. We don't get off on babies getting killed but you doofuses so ignore children on the Israel side dying by palestine's hand and want to still depict them as underdog victims.
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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"Gaza now has the largest population of child amputees in the world." [@/abrahammatar on X. June 5th, 2024.]
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sarroora · 3 months
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“OhH maH GUrrrD aRe yOu SaYiNg IsRaEL hAs No RiGhT to EXisT”
You bet I am. Decolonize Palestine. All of it. From the River to the Sea. Uproot Settler Colonialism from our region. End Zionism.
Since the US and the West love Zionists so much to the point of worship, they can give them their own lands. Be my guest.
UPDATE: Here’s the original artist’s instagram! Thanks, glitteraorta!
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pink-cloud-99 · 11 months
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chaithetics · 2 months
EDIT: I've now made a post that you can read here with more information about the ICJ rulings, their powers and what we can do with this ruling here. I had to this morning and will continue to delete, report, and block all comments/asks that are anti-Arab, zionist, Islamophobic, racist, and/or antisemitic.
We already knew this but the ICJ has now ruled that Israel's continued occupation of Palestine is illegal and needs to end ASAP.
They found that Israel's occupation does not give it the right of sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza and that it is not a temporary occupation but is an illegal, permanent and discriminatory annexation. The ICJ also found violence against Palestinians, Israeli exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, transfer of civilian population (settlers and companies/organisations), extension of Israeli laws to replace local Palestinian laws, forced displacement of Palestinians, confiscation of Palestinian land, annexation. That Israel's 'security concerns' are not valid justifications for any of these measures.
The ICJ has ordered Israel to end its presence in the West Bank and Gaza immediately and to cease all new settlement activity, return all lands and assets to Palestinians that they've ceased since 1967 and that includes archives and items of cultural significance, evacuate all of their settlers from the settlements, pay compensation, and repeal all laws that maintain this occupation and discrimination. The ICJ is not legally-binding but does carry significant political weight and this ruling is important for continuing to advocate for Palestine and to put pressure on our government's to do the right thing and for them to put pressure on Israel. Keep contacting your representatives!
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The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.  These are all financial indicators. But the crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy. Israel’s power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand. The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing. After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia. Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy. Server farms do not work without 24-hour power, and no one knows how many blackouts the Israeli high-tech sector could potentially survive. International tech companies have already started closing their branches in Israel. Israel’s reputation as a “startup nation” depends on its tech sector, which in turn depends on highly educated employees. Israeli academics report that joint research with universities abroad has declined sharply thanks to the efforts of student encampments. Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals). Once a significant portion of these people leaves, he says, “We won’t become a third world country, we just won’t be anymore.” 
19 July 2024
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With international attention focused on Israel’s genocide in Gaza, Israel is violently and rapidly stealing more and more Palestinian land in the West Bank.
Israel’s most genocidal leaders are seeing through plans to force as many Palestinians out of their homes as possible in order to ensure they can never return.
“For every country that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state, we will establish a [illegal] settlement,” said Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.
Let’s be clear, stealing Palestinians land has been Israel’s goal since day 1. It’s illegal, it’s wrong, and it must be stopped.
No one is above international law. The Biden administration should be pushing Israel to abide by international law, not enabling its war crimes against Palestinians.
Like all people, Palestinians deserve to be safe and free in their homes.
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chimaeraonwards · 11 months
Al Jazeera posted a long-form article about the Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza. It talks about who they were, their hopes and their dreams.
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At the bottom, there is a Romanized searchable version of the list of names of people killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.
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The first 7 pages are children below the age of 1.
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He didn't even get the chance to be named.
This is a genocide.
Read the full article here:
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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Hey if you trust The Atlantic, stop.
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At one point in the article the author basically says, " Israel isn't a settler colonial state but even if it was why don't people care about CHINA being settler-colonialism??? How come everyone only cares about Palestine? 🧐🧐 Because they're antisemitic commies that's why"
I'm not gonna link it on the bad reading comprehension website, no
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Same dude wrote these brain rot propaganda pieces, too, you might remember the 2nd one.
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Erasing native voices on our own colonization and denying those critiques existed at all before the 1990's is just another way settler-colonialism seeks to erase natives and pretend we were either never here or were always willing.
False lies to make future generations of settlers feel better.
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odinsblog · 9 months
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The Israeli army is just shooting anyone they think is Palestinian, much the same way that Israel is indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza, including the “safe zones” where they have directed noncombatant civilians to go right before they bomb them anyway. It’s war crimes, plain and simple.
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totallynotcensorship · 6 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 10 months
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"... a stark reminder that genocide is about more than just the premeditated mass extinguishing o human life; it's also about the calculated, and often vindictive, destruction of a people's culture, language, history, and shared sites of community." [source: Gabrielle Bates on X, formerly known as Twitter. 11/27/23.] Original post they are responding to on Literary Hub: "Gaza's main public library has been destroyed."
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entitledrichpeople · 10 months
Israel and Israeli settlers aren't the way they are because of Judaism. That's how settler colonialism and settlers are. Even people who are political radicals, who have experienced oppression as an ethnicity themselves, etc. can become twisted into believing and doing horrible things as Settlers. Look at the Irish in Ireland vs Irish American settlers politically. Australia ended up with a disproportionate amount of human rights and workers rights activists in its initial groups of settlers (as convicts), it lead to nothing in the face of joining settler colonialism. Colonialism routinely makes monsters of the colonizers.
Scapegoating Judaism just lets other settler colonies off the hook for similar brutalities.
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soxiyy · 6 months
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From Levantine_gay on insta
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