#israeli solidarity
bottlepiecemuses · 28 days
Oda wrote about pirates who are destroying colonial powers. Of course he cares. He hates Israel. Luffy is more like a Houthi than a Zionist.
Luffy would hate the Houthi they are more like the evil pirates. Houthi are ruthless people who are terrorists and not freedom fighter you deranged pos. Also again funny you say colonial powers when that is the history of so many Islamic nations. You anti-semitic bigots need to get your ass out of this fandom quick. Seriously, you guys also have dumb logic saying he cares because he writes about taking on tyranny.
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monamoon8 · 3 months
Instead of getting ready for Eid festivities like they used to every year, my friend Bilal's family are still living in a makeshift tent in this sweltering heat, striving to secure the inadequate amount of food and water they can hardly come by. Since October, Israel has imposed a tight siege on Gaza, severely limiting the flow of life-saving essential food and medical items. Now, with the seizure of the Rafah crossing border which has been closed since May 7, the situation is worse than ever. Vital goods are scarce in the markets, and when they are available they're sold at exorbitant prices.
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Bilal's family had to leave Rafah and go to Khan Yunis again to escape the recent massacres. It is now harder for them to provide basic needs for themselves and the children including the three newborns. The little water they manage to obtain with great difficulty is often polluted and salty. It's not even suitable for cooking regular meals for adults, let alone prepare baby bottles for three newborns if ever formula is accessible.
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Every single day is a struggle for survival for Bilal's family. Their lives are constantly threatened by acute malnutrition, infectious diseases, and indiscriminate bombing. Your support has truly made a difference, but it is now needed more urgently, as the situation is getting more dire.
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Please help Bilal keep them as safe as possible until the border reopens and they are hopefully able to evacuate.
It would mean the world to them if you donated or reblogged.
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
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Not At Odds
Ceasefire Now + Bring Them Home Now
Jewish & Palestinian safety & freedom are not at odds with each other; they are interconnected. These things can must coexist.
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mylight-png · 7 months
This is disgusting. It's 2024 and people are marching through the streets with Nazi flags.
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kropotkindersurprise · 11 months
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October 10, 2023 - During a protest in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Sheffield, UK, two people scaled the 60-meter tall town hall to take down the Israeli flag that the local council had raised over hte building. In its stead they raised the flag of Palestine, to cheers from the crowd. [video]/[video]
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vyorei · 11 months
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Ohhh ya little bollocks, picked the wrong fucking one
Israel's BIG MAD Ireland isn't fucking bowing to them right now. Thanks to their shit, Paddy Cosgrave and President Michael D Higgins seem to be the biggest villains in Ireland right now.
So one of their 'diplomats' decided to fuck around and got caught. How many inflammatory Tweets filled with accusation and lies have genocide advocates had to delete these last 2 weeks?
From the article:
"Adi Ophir Maoz, the deputy head of mission in Dublin, stated: “#Ireland Wondering who funded those tunnels of terror? A short investigation direction - 1. Find a mirror 2. Direct it to yourself 3. Voilà”"
Source: @IrishTimes on Twitter
Link to the full:
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good-old-gossip · 6 months
Palestinian tatreez in Japanese kimonos: A cultural symbol of solidarity
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
The Rafah coverup preparations:
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Getting rid of the witnesses..."democratic" "allies", undemocratic accomplices.
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remindertoclick · 3 months
This is your reminder to Click for Palestine today!
And donate directly to UNRWA you have the means!
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workersolidarity · 6 months
🇵🇸 🚨
📹 Palestinians come together for the last Friday prayers of Ramadan while gathering in the rubble and ruins of a destroyed mosque in the Gaza Strip, following through on their Islamic traditions regardless of the Zionist genocide that looms over them at all times.
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anartificialsatellite · 11 months
Like yes sorry I am actually fucking furious that there are people in Israel who have been fighting for peace and equality for Israelis and Palestinians for years and years without acknowledgement or support from the broader international left, and since you weren't spoonfed this information by the Tumblr School of International Relations you wanna just act like it's never existed.
Fuck you.
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bottlepiecemuses · 6 months
lmao okay so you're chronically online, you support a genocide AND you, when arguing against a pro-palestine individual, just use insults instead of actually trying to prove your point?
zionism isn't sexy, dude. and at least try to show why you think a garbage state like israel committing a genocide is justified in your eyes instead of just using three-year-old vocabulary and insults as "witty one-liners".
I am using insults because I insult bigoted assholes who swallow this kind of crap built on years of a smear campaign by people who are triyng to actually commit genocide but want to depict themselves as the underdog victims.
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monamoon8 · 4 months
These are Omar(2) and Salah(5), Bilal's nephews. 8 months ago, they were enjoying the warmth of their home and being pampered by their parents and everyone in the family. The pictures below are from Omar's first birthday. Bilal told me how he was the one who prepared everything for the surprise party. He was,then, so excited to gather the whole family and give Omar a memorable first birthday and bring joy to everybody.
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Now, Omar and Salah are going through hardships no child should be experiencing. They are surrounded by rubble and unsanitary conditions wherever they go; not to mention the random bombings that threaten their lives every moment of every day. Omar took his first steps while being displaced in a tent in Rafah. Imagine your baby learning to walk in a refugee camp under the constant buzzing of drones! The children and the whole family had to endure the cold winter and being drenched by rain in their flimsy tent, and now they have to go through the unbearable heat in the same inhumane circumstances. As if all this suffering wasn't enough, the occupation is currently asking everyone in Rafah to evacuate again, even the hospitals!
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The survival of Omar, Salah, and the whole family in now more than ever at stake. Bilal has been in Germany for a year or so now. The thought that he might never get to see his beloved nephews again haunts him every day. He humbly asks for your support to help him keep his loved ones safe until he has the chance to reunite with them, hopefully as soon as possible. Please donate any amount you can spare and reblog this post. Every contribution can make a difference and restore the family's hope!
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A 26-year-old American peace activist was just shot in the head and killed by an Israeli sniper in the West Bank.
Israeli forces killed Aysenur Ezgi Eyg in the occupied West Bank's Beita town.
She was part of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which has been campaigning to stop the illegal Israeli settler violence against Palestinians.
She is the third ISM volunteer to have been killed by the Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Rachel Corrie, who was killed in Rafah in 2003, and Tom Hurndall also belonged to ISM.
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mylight-png · 5 months
You know how I know that the anti-Israel hate is deeply rooted in antisemitism, and not just "social justice" or whatever people are calling it right now?
Let me tell you a common situation I encounter:
So, being a college student away from home, I don't have a car here. This means that if I ever need to go anywhere, I need to get an Uber or Lyft or something along those lines.
I always tuck in my Bring Them Home tag, magen david, turn my "am Yisrael chai" pin to the inside of my clothes, etc. I hate doing it, but I have heard of violently antisemitic drivers, and I'd rather not risk it, considering I'm alone in the car with them.
Every time, I call my mom. It makes me safer to have someone on call. And every time, she makes the same two recommendations.
The first is to put in an address of a neighboring house for pickup, because the house I live in has my landlord's car out front, and his car has stickers in Hebrew on it.
The second is, if asked where I'm from, to say Russia. I don't get asked where I'm "really from" unless I'm with my parents usually (they both have strong accents). But it's a warning my mom repeats every time anyway. The choice of Russia isn't random, I was raised fluent and can back up the claim if need be with random knowledge. But I have never been to Russia, except for the airport once to catch a connecting flight to Israel. I was, however, born in Israel, and I've been there multiple times (unfortunately not since 2014 though). So to say I'm from Russia is a lie, and to say I'm from Israel is the truth.
Both are countries at war. Russia, unlike Israel, actually started the war. Unlike Israel, Russia actually does have a history of colonialism, genocide, imperialism, and worse.
So why is it safer for me to lie about being from an aggressor country than to tell the truth about being from a country caught in a war it didn't want?
Antisemitism. Anti-Russian hate crimes globally didn't spike, Russian women haven't been raped as "justice" for Ukraine. Russian businesses weren't commonly vandalized simply for being from Russia. Meanwhile, all of these things were done to Jews as a result of a war Israel did not start.
If this global response to the war wasn't antisemitism it would be equally safe or unsafe for me to give either answer.
But in reality, it's safer for me to lie about being from Russia than to tell the truth about being from Israel.
That's how I know it's antisemitism.
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applesauce42069 · 2 months
I had a friend. She was Palestinian. We had a good rapport. We saw each other at parties, we hugged, we talked. We didn't talk about things in detail, especially when I moved away from antizionist activism (she played a role in getting me involved) but we had a general sense of respect. We recognized that we probably wouldn't agree on everything, but we stayed friendly.
After Oct 7th and the beginning of the massacre of Gazans she reached out to me, and we made a plan to get coffee.
The night before, I posted that Jews are Indigenous to the Levant and she blocked me. Not a word. We never got coffee. She has a different group of friends now. I haven't seen her since.
I don't blame her. Its a really hard time. I know how I felt on Oct 7th, so I have an idea of what it feels like to watch your people get massacred from afar and be able to do nothing. Every day has been October 7th for her and her family for months now.
I also won't let go of my principles, of who I am. I know where I come from and I'm not going to deny my people's inherent right to self-determination and sovereignty in our ancestral homeland. I am also not going to deny hers. I feel connected to her because we share a homeland and also ancestry.
Its devastating that as a Jew and as an Israeli citizen, I can get on a plane any time I want and visit my homeland. For her, for Palestinians, it's not that simple. My dream is that one day we will meet for coffee in Jerusalem. One day we will be allowed. And we will have no reason to block each other or hate each other and there will be peace and freedom.
One day.
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