#issac soar
unagidevi · 1 year
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slowly working up more with the youtuber au
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writeroutoftime · 1 year
Omg! If your still doing Jamie tartt requests please can you write about the readers ex boyfriend being a footballer and Jamie has to play against him in a match
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word count: 0.5k
a/n: oh, I just love this idea! thank you for sending this my way, and please enjoy!! (also, I am so sorry this took forever for me to write, forgive me!)
"Alright, everybody, listen up." Ted called into the locker room gathering the team around him. "We're playing Crystal Palace this week and we need to be prepared."
"Yeah, some more than others." Issac quipped, smacking Jamie's shoulder, which was shortly followed by a chorus of "ooohs" from the rest of the boys.
Ted and Beard shared a confused look before turning back to the rest of the team for guidance. Roy finally stepped forward from the corner and spoke up. "Crystal Palace is home of Jack Thompson, probably a bigger prick then the prince prick of all pricks." Roy explained, nodding his head towards Jamie. "And the ex-boyfriend of our resident, y/n."
Jamie, who up until this point had silently stood back from the group, pushed his way forward and addressed the room. "Right, listen. This is just another match, so I don't want to hear another word out of anyone. Okay?" he asked, looking around for a response.
Sheepishly, the rest of the team mumbled their agreement and made their way to the pitch for the morning. And if anyone noticed that Jamie's kicks were just a bit more aggressive then normally, not a word was spoken.
At the end of the week, you stood outside the locker room, arms wrapped around Jamie, his number proudly adorned on your back. "I'm sorry if this game is going to be awkward." you apologized quietly.
"Babe, it's only going to be awkward for the prick who let you walk out of his life." he reassured, leaning in for a short kiss before watching you walk away to the owner's box with Keeley, Rebecca, and Leslie just as you did every week.
Walking onto the pitch with the rest of the team, Jamie did his best to keep his eyes forward and his mind clear. Unfortunately, your ex had other ideas and forcefully knocked his shoulder against Jamie's, and that was only the start.
Every chance Thompson had to get in Jamie's way or under his skin, he took the chance. "Hey Tartt, how's y/n doing?" Thompson threw over his shoulder, blocking Jamie from intercepting the ball.
"Much better in my jersey than in yours." Jamie shot back, finally allowing himself to give in and ran forward to intercept the ball back before passing it to Sam.
Whether it was the comment or the move, Thompson was not a fan and ran towards Jamie, sending him tackling to the ground. There were gasps all around the stadium as Jamie landed on his back, eyes closed for a moment. He knew what he had to do, and really played up his part, grasping his knee in faux pain until he heard the whistle from the referee.
As though he was suddenly healed, Jamie jumped to his feet just in time to see Thompson get a yellow card. Jamie subtly flipped him off, laughing with his teammates as he prepared to score a goal. And when the ball went soaring into the net only moments later, the rest of the team erupted into delighted cheers as Jamie turned towards you and blew you a kiss.
All you could do was shake your head lovingly at your boyfriend's antics, and blow him a kiss back, never giving your ex a second thought after that.
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gladdyator18 · 2 years
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I can confirm that I have made a badass OC. @giggly-squiggily thinks so as well! Also, shoutout to her for helping me with some her backstory and class/weapon of choice!
Point of reference/inspiration
Meet Corrina Vlezio Auradeau, heir to House Auradeau. Corrina is the daughter of Duke Abraham and Duchess Kathleen, and has a younger brother named Issac. Corrina is strong-willed, steadfast, and kind. She is often found training new recruits for her house’s army, for she is her army’s commander or wyvern-back riding with her brother. On the battlefield, she is a powerful wyvern rider wielding her mother’s axe.
When Corrina is training new recruits, her training methods are extreme but fair. 80% of new recruits breeze past her tests and trials, and to the remaining 20%, Corrina works with them to get them up to speed with the others. When her battalion is on the field, her motto is, “No man left behind.” When Corrina isn’t training recruits, she’s often found soaring through the Imperial skies on her wyvern, Veruka. Veruka is a very temperamental wyvern who only listens to Corrina and her mother; no one else. When she wants to be, Veruka can be gentle, especially towards Issac. Issac can often be found with Corrina playing in the castle woods with Veruka. Issac really looks up to his older sister and hopes to one day be like her. Sometimes, Corrina lets him train with new recruits or she would personally train him. Since Corrina’s often with her wyvern and brother, she never really had time with anyone else. That was until Emery, Julianna, and Diego came into her life and made it better. When the Auradeau House heard of the prophecy, they didn’t dare question it. Even if Corrina was the prophesied child, the Auradeau House knew better than to take up arms with the Imperial Family.
Okay, I had fun making her backstory. I had to throw in that she had a younger brother who idolizes her, cuz she looks like the type to have a younger sibling. That’s just my opinion.
Anyways, this was the last of the nobles for the Krezian Empire. Next up is the Vrudica Dynasty, so stay tuned!
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thepancakelady · 1 year
music discovery tag
rules: put spotify's "discover weekly" on shuffle and listen to three songs and give your thoughts; tag as many people as you want <3
tagged by @gaym3bo1 and @ablazenqueen
disclaimer: i actually don't add many songs to liked, i'd rather put them in playlists. if i add something it's probably so i can have easy access to it for a while and i i'm likely to remove it later
pain by issac hong - oh my god this song is the kind of rock ballad im a sucker for so i immediately knew i was saving it. and this guy's vocals are insane. im definitely looking into more of his stuff later
adding to liked || not adding || not adding but putting it into a playlist
can you stay by coldin - my first thought was that it's really nice and chill. the second was that it sounds like a bl ost and to no one's surprise it's from semantic error. that means ive heard it before but totally forgotten about it but i actually like it a lot
adding to liked || not adding || not adding but putting it into a playlist
soaring higher by adelyn paik - kind of a dramatic pop ballad. i do like it but i don't think it's something that will stick in my mind for too long. i like it enough to add it to my general k-pop playlist but honestly anything i even remotely like goes there and that's why it's 73 hours long
adding to liked || not adding || not adding but putting it into a playlist
tagging @xagan @springkitten @fandork @dropthedemiurge @crowie
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gggoldfinch · 3 years
help my friend told me to watch Peter Pan 2003 and I’m watching it and I’ve got the hots for Hook now
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
For the Romping and the Roaring- Part 5
My submission for Day 5 of @serpentfever's Inhuman Event!
It's the last chapter of this fic, guys. I'm sad to see it go, it was such a fun time to write. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, it's been a really fun ride :,)
Link to read on ffn.net (Recommended if you are on mobile or haven't read the previous parts yet)
“Kai,” Nya choked out, sounding like she was moments from passing out, “If they leave here without finding us, we die. You have to keep going, you have to be louder-” She broke off into a strangled scream, writhing as she tugged at the collar.
“Take that off and it’ll kill you,” Borg yelled.
Nya’s fingers darted away, and she choked on her sobs, saliva bubbling at her lips as she, with great difficulty, turned her gaze up to meet his. “Kai-”
No, no, no, he couldn’t do this, Borg would kill them, and then it would be all his fault-
His gaze met Borg’s, the man’s eyes livid with a ferocity ten times anything Kai had seen before. He knew for certain, in that moment, that Borg would kill them, slowly and painfully, if they didn’t get out of this.
Nya was right. If they didn’t escape now, they never would.
(Full chapter under the cut)
Prompts Used: Acceptance, Comfort, Safe (haha went all out on this one)
Word Count: 8,008
Rating: T
Trigger Warnings: Dehumanization, Torture, Attempted Murder, Mentions of Racism/Speciesism
Cole clicked the flashlight in his hands.
On. Off. On. Off.
Jay glanced over at him. “You okay?”
Cole sighed, setting the flashlight down. “I don’t know. I’m just scared. What if we’re too late?”
Jay was silent, adjusting his sling. “But maybe we’re not. If there’s even a chance they’re still alive, we need to take it.”
“Yeah, I know. I just am terrified of walking in there and finding them already gone.”
“Me too.”
The police car slowed to a halt, and Cole looked out the window.
They were here.
“You ready for this?” Grey asked them, turning around from the driver’s seat to look back at them.
“Ready as we’ll ever be,” Zane murmured, from where he sat in the passenger’s seat.
The four of them exited the car, and met up with the other police officers who were gathering outside of Borg Tower. As the officers headed through the doors, Cole paused. This was the place he had been trapped in for twenty-one years, his whole life up until a few weeks ago. Did he really dare go back inside?
He had to. His friends needed him. This was no time to get selfish.
Besides, they had a whole squadron of police protecting them. Borg wouldn’t be able to get them again.
Taking a deep breath, Cole stepped through the doors.
The scene around him resurfaced the memories he had been trying to bury. The employees bustling around, the sterile scent that hung in the air, and the thick, restricting white walls. He suddenly felt like he was coming back from one of his monthly outings again.
Jay stumbled backwards beside him, whining softly, and Zane put a hand on his shoulder.
“Remember why we’re here. As soon as we get them, we’ll leave.”
Jay swallowed, nodding, and the three of them trailed after the police officers.
All around them, people were sharply turning to look at them, panicked whispers among them. Although most of them had gazes on the cops, there were a fair amount of eyes on them too- some with shock and fear, but a few with sharp interest- those ones, Cole recognized as caretakers and trainers. One raised a walkie-talkie to her mouth and spoke into it. Cole bit his lip. They were surrounded. If Borg didn’t feel threatened by the police, then… well, they didn’t stand a chance.
The police Commissioner marched up to the front desk, her gaze expressionless. The poor young receptionist stared at her with wide, terrified, blue eyes.
“Can… Can I help you?”
“I need to speak with Dr. Issac Borg immediately.”
“Um, he’s not… he’s busy right now, ma’am. Is something… has something happened?” The girl was literally shaking by this point.
The Commissioner sighed, obviously realizing that she wasn’t going to be any help. “Get me the highest-up superior you have available right now.”
“Uh… yes, yes ma’am, I’ll be right back-” the girl practically bolted from her chair, scurrying into the back room.
As they waited, Zane elbowed him gently. Cole turned to him, expectant, but Zane just gave him the slightest shake of his head, tilting his head slightly towards something behind them.
Trying to look casual, Cole glanced back to see that several Borg security officers had entered the scene, subtly lurking among the crowd gawking at them.
Nudging Jay gently, so that he saw, too, he whispered, “Be ready.”
Jay gave him an incredulous look that probably said something along the lines of “are you crazy, we can’t take them all on by ourselves,” which was true, but what else were they going to do? Surrender? There wasn’t a way out, now, with a guard standing in front of the door, so running again wasn’t an option. Besides, they had come here for one reason, and Cole didn’t intend to leave until they had succeeded.
He just hoped the police would be enough to protect them.
The receptionist hurried back, a man in a suit storming after her.
“What is the meaning of this?” he barked at the Commissioner.
“Sir, we need to speak with Issac Borg now.”
“He’s not available at the moment.”
“Well, he better find a way to clear his schedule, because his corporation has been accused of some pretty serious crimes.”
The man’s eyes widened, before he quickly hid his shock in a scowl. “You can’t be coming in here without any warrant!”
“We can if we have a good enough reason!”
“Yeah? What kind of reason would that be- you!” he hissed as his gaze found Cole, Zane and Jay. “You little brats been telling lies about us again?”
“We have been given strong evidence to believe they’re not lying-”
Cole’s attention was snapped from the Commissioner’s argument with the man when Jay gave a startled shriek from behind him. He whipped around to see that a Borg security officer had wrapped his arm around Jay.
Hissing, Cole lunged forward and kicked him in the shin. The officer pulled back with a sharp cry.
Cole pulled Jay closer to him, holding a fist up towards the guard. “Don’t you dare touch him again.”
The guard scowled, reaching towards him. “I’m gonna have to ask you to step away from-”
Cole shoved his arm away and punched him in the shoulder. The guard lunged for Jay again, and Cole darted in front of him, raising an arm-
His feet were swept out from under him as the guard tripped him, and he fell to the ground, his chin slamming against it and causing him to accidentally bite down on his lip, busting it open.
“Cole!” Zane cried, and as Cole quickly struggled to his feet, his friend streaked past him and punched the guard in the face. He turned away, gasping, but the rest of the guards quickly advanced on them.
“Stop!” Grey snapped. “Fighting us will do no good. You will face consequences for disobeying officers of the law.”
“Not if we win,” a security guard snapped.
“You are outnumbered, and are fighting a losing battle-”
“Uh, Grey?” Jay interrupted in a soft voice.
Jay pointed behind him, and everyone followed his finger to see a squadron of security officers hurrying towards them.
Cole swallowed. This wasn’t going to be an easy fight.
The two groups just stared at each other tensely for a few moments. Both sides had hands resting on their guns, although no one dared to shoot. Cole held his breath. Maybe they could-
Ducking low, Cole spun around suddenly and kicked the legs of the guard with the gun aimed at his head, sending him to the ground before he could pull the trigger.
Cole stared at him in disbelief. He had almost died.
Apparently his movement had been all that was needed to start the fight. Shouts broke out around them as the blue of the police uniforms clashed against the gray of Borg Security. Cole, Jay, and Zane backed up against each other.
Guards were going after the police, keeping them busy, but more were heading towards the three of them, alongside a couple trainers, holding chains and ropes in their hands. Cole backed away, growling, and, immediately, Zane transformed into a falcon and soared past their heads, swooping at them with outstretched talons as he passed.
Several guards turned to deal with Zane, but it wasn’t all of them. Many were still heading towards Cole and Jay. They were going to have to fight.
“Cole, what do I do,” Jay whimpered. “My arm’s still injured. How can I fight like this?”
“Follow my lead, you’ll do fine. And stay close to me, I’ll protect you.”
As Cole covered Jay’s injured side, the two fought in sync, striking down the guards as they approached. Their most dangerous ploy was still their guns, but, even with his injured arm, Jay’s speed was knocking them out of their hands before they could shoot.
It was only a matter of time before he missed one, though. And the longer they kept fighting, the greater those chances were.
As he continued to fight the guards, Cole found himself using his strength in a way he never had before- fierce, accurate, unrestrained. He had wanted to try out these battle moves for so long, but now that he actually was… even though these were the same people who had hurt and kidnapped his friends, Cole wasn’t enjoying this nearly as much as he thought he would.
Maybe it was the thought of what it would be like if the tables were turned. His strength, Jay’s speed, Zane’s cunning and elusive flying, all working for Borg- it was a scary thought.
He wasn’t a fighting machine. None of them were. Just because they had these special abilities, didn’t mean that they should be used, like tools. Cole didn’t want to spend a life beating up other people, no matter whose team he was on. He just wanted to have a good, long, happy life with his family.
And if he wanted that, he reminded himself, he was going to have to fight one more time. Kai, Nya and Lloyd were somewhere in this building, scared and upset and counting on them. He had to press on, for their sakes. It would only be after they were reunited that they could find peace.
By this point, many guards were lying on the floor, some still struggling to their feet, while others didn’t get up. There were police officers on the ground too, but not as many. They were close. Just a few more guards, and-
“Cole…” Jay whispered.
Cole whipped towards him, feeling dawning horror spread through his body as he caught sight of what Jay was warning him about.
More guards were advancing on them, these ones equipped in heavier armor. The initial benefit of the element of surprise had worn off, with these guards having time to prepare after their colleagues had warned them.
The falcon flapped over their heads, and Zane reappeared with a flash, panting as he fell into a battle stance on Jay’s other side.
Cole himself was also growing tired. How long could they keep this up?
As the fresh wave of guards came upon them, Cole drew closer to his teammates. “Pull together, gang. Whatever happens next, we’re not going down without a fight.”
Thump. Thump.
Kai groaned softly at the sounds, putting his arms over his head and trying to bury his face deeper into the mattress.
“Kai,” Nya whispered, “Do you hear that?”
“What do you think’s going on?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
Lloyd yelped suddenly, and Kai sat up, looking over at him. He was sitting on his bed, head tilted and ears rotating.
“What is it, bud?” Nya asked.
“Someone’s here.”
Kai waved a hand, shushing her, and pricked his own ears. But after so long cooped up in this little room, his senses felt muffled. He could detect that the thumping noises were coming from somewhere above them, but that was all he could hear.
They both turned their gazes to Lloyd, watching anxiously as he adjusted his ears, trying to pinpoint the sounds.
“I think people are yelling,” he murmured after a moment. “Maybe fighting.”
“Why would they be-” Nya’s voice cut off abruptly, her eyes widening as her gaze met Kai’s. “You don’t think-”
Kai felt his breath catch in his throat. Was it possible? Was it really possible that someone had come to rescue them?
Kai jerked to his feet, immediately falling down as his legs gave out beneath him. He gripped the bars, panting.
“If someone’s here, they're never going to find us down here,” he whined.
“We can’t let them leave without finding us,” Nya insisted. “This could be our only chance. We can’t pass it up.”
“What are we going to do? There’s nothing down here to help us, no way out-”
“Make noise! If Cole, Jay, and Zane are with them, then- well, none of them have as good hearing as you two do, but if we’re loud enough, maybe-”
“They can follow the sounds! Genius, Nya!”
“The compliments can wait. We have to hurry!” Turning to the wall, Nya began to pound on it. “Help!” she screamed. “Jay! Zane! Cole! Somebody! We’re down here!”
Kai joined her, screaming even though his throat was dry and raw, grabbing the door of the cage and rattling it so that the brassy sound echoed through the room. Even Lloyd began to help, screeching and chirping loudly.
There was a jiggling near the door at the far end, and Kai whipped his head towards it hopefully. It had worked! Their friends were here to save them!
Borg burst through the door, storming into the room as two trainers firmly locked the door again behind him.
Kai shrunk back fearfully as the tall man seized the bars of his cage, spitting down on him as he spoke.
“Shut up! Shut up, the lot of you! What do you think you’re doing? I am this close to getting everything I want, and I’m not going to let you pests take it from me! Is that clear?”
Kai met his gaze, the man’s dark eyes glinting with malice. He knew Borg meant it when he said he would stop them- he had never purposely not made good on a threat before.
What they were doing wasn’t working. If they wanted to be rescued, they were going to have to do something else, and fast.
Kai jerked away from the bars, throwing back his head and roaring. The sound echoed through the room, loud and fierce and desperate.
“Stop him!” Borg cried, and electricity jolted through him as the collar was turned on. They didn’t waste any time on the lower settings, the pain coming in so fierce and quick that Kai lost his footing. His voice faltered for a moment, but he kept on. He couldn’t stop. The moment he gave up, they died.
“He’s not going to listen to that, don’t you see?” Borg snapped. “He’ll die if it means they get to go free! You have to turn on theirs, too!”
Shrieks of pain sounded from the cells behind him, and Kai whipped around to see Lloyd and Nya crumpling to the floor.
He stopped roaring, darting to the bars, but Nya screamed at him. “Don’t stop, Kai, we can take it!”
With a reluctant glance over at them, Kai roared again, his throat aching. Come on, guys, where are you?!
The pain shot up abruptly, and Nya’s scream ripped through the air, broken and nightmarish. Lloyd’s cut off altogether, and Kai whipped his head towards him to see that he was lying limp on the ground, convulsing like he was having a seizure.
“Stop!” Kai screamed, “They’re not as strong as me, you’re going to kill them!”
“Then you better be quiet,” Borg demanded.
“Kai,” Nya choked out, sounding like she was moments from passing out, “If they leave here without finding us, we die. You have to keep going, you have to be louder-” She broke off into a strangled scream, writhing as she tugged at the collar.
“Take that off and it’ll kill you,” Borg yelled.
Nya’s fingers darted away, and she choked on her sobs, saliva bubbling at her lips as she, with great difficulty, turned her gaze up to meet his. “Kai-”
No, no, no, he couldn’t do this, Borg would kill them, and then it would be all his fault-
His gaze met Borg’s, the man’s eyes livid with a ferocity ten times anything Kai had seen before. He knew for certain, in that moment, that Borg would kill them, slowly and painfully, if they didn’t get out of this.
Nya was right. If they didn’t escape now, they never would.
He just hoped she was right about her and Lloyd’s abilities to take the pain, as well.
Kai roared, roared like he never had before, even as tears blurred his vision, even as he fell to the ground. He couldn’t stop. He was stronger than Borg’s stupid gadgets.
“Why isn’t it working!” A female voice cried, one of the trainers. “You said he would stop if we shocked the others!”
“Why won’t you stop,” Borg hollered. “Lloyd’s already out, Nya not far behind! I thought you loved them, why are you doing this to them?”
Kai’s heart skipped a beat, and he mustered the strength to crane his neck in Lloyd’s direction. The boy was unconscious on the ground, completely still except for the slight vibration of the electricity.
Kai squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to look away. No! That was what Borg wanted, to make him think he was the one doing this to them. It was Borg who was responisble, not him. None of this was Kai’s fault.
“This isn’t working,” Borg spat. “He’s not going to stop. Turn it up, all the way.”
“Sir, are you sure? That’ll-”
“I know perfectly well what it’ll do. If it’s the only way to shut him up, so be it.”
Before Kai could even register their words, indescribable agony shot through his body, and his roar broke off, replaced with a bloodcurdling scream.
Kai’s brain stopped thinking. His limbs seized up, his vision blurred as colorful spots danced in his eyes. The only thing that registered was pain.
What was this, he felt like his body was being ripped inside out, surely this couldn’t just be electrocution, he felt like he was going to be shaken to pieces-
Something, through the haze of pain, seemed to grab at his attention. He… he was meant to be doing something, he was meant to be-
My friends. They’re here, just above me.
Fighting back the scream, fighting back the froth in his mouth, he roared.
Slow, weak, at first, but quickly, it got louder, stronger, more powerful. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, fueling him and the roar to be louder than ever before.
But his body was faltering, failing, and Kai fought to keep consciousness, fought to keep roaring-
“Stop it, Borg! You're going to kill him!” The scream sounded warped and faint, as if Kai was underwater. He thought it was Nya, maybe.
Was she right? Was he dying? He didn’t know what dying was like, but he had thought it wouldn’t hurt this much.
And there was no relief, no end. No break, just constant, agonizing pain.
Without stopping his roar, Kai began to cry. He just wanted this to end, to be over.
Where was Jay? With his lightning fast speed, he could knock the remote out of Borg’s hand. Or Zane, who could swoop in, steal the keys, and get him out of this wretched cage. And Cole, who could lift him up with strong arms, and carry him far, far away from here and make sure he was safe.
He just wanted to be safe.
Kai choked on his sob. Where were they? He needed them, he needed his family, he just needed-
To his horror, Kai realized his voice was giving out, his roar dying in his throat. No, no, no they were so close, they couldn’t- he couldn’t-
Oh gosh, he needed that remote. He needed that remote or he was going to die-
He knew he couldn’t get it from Borg, but he didn’t care, he just needed to stop it. Lurching to his feet, they immediately gave way beneath him. Kai tried desperately to recover his balance, instead tripping over his own foot and falling, his head slamming against the ground.
Nya’s screams were the last thing he heard before his world was pitched into black.
Jay whipped around as Cole and Officer Grey walked up to him and Zane.
“Anything?” he asked breathlessly, hoping that his voice didn’t sound as desperate as he felt.
Cole shook his head. “Nothing. There’s no sign of them anywhere.”
“They have to be here,” Jay wailed. “The security guard said so, back at the jail! And they fought so hard to keep us from entering!”
“Tell me about it,” Gray muttered, shaking his head as he cradled his injured arm. “It wasn’t easy to take them all out. They were definitely defending something.”
“But we’ve looked everywhere,” Cole snapped, sounding close to tears, “and they’re not here! We can’t have gone through all of this and they’re just gone!”
“Maybe Borg moved them,” Zane proposed. “Maybe he found out we were coming and took them somewhere else.”
“But how?” Jay whined. “How would he have found out soon enough to get them away safely?”
Grey put a hand on his shoulder. “We won’t give up. We’ll send out search parties, put rewards on their heads. Both Nya and Lloyd are eligible for an AMBER alert, as well.”
“But what if it’s too late?” Jay whimpered. “What if they’re gone? I just wanted to come here and see them, we’ve never been apart this long, and now I don’t even know if they’re alive-”
“Jay, shh!”
He jerked his head towards Cole, hurt- but his friend wasn’t even looking at him, his gaze glued on Zane.
Zane’s head was tilted, staring off at nothing as the feather tufts near his ears shifted slightly, angling back and forth. His brow was furrowed in concentration.
“Everyone, quiet!” Cole cried, gesturing to the police scattered around the room, most of whom were tying up and chaining the Borg security guards.
The room seemed to hold its breath as the three hybrids froze, ears perking as they listened for the sound Zane had heard.
There- a muffled sound, something familiar, sort of like a yell, but louder, wilder, kind of like a-
“It’s Kai!” Cole cried. “I can hear him roaring!” “It’s coming from below us!” Zane squawked. “There must be some sort of basement down there!”
“There’s no basement in Borg Tower,” Jay protested.
“How else do you explain this? The sound’s definitely coming from below us.”
“Borg must’ve been keeping it a secret,” Cole agreed. “Which means the entrance is probably hidden, too.”
“But where? Why wouldn’t anyone have found it when we were looking for them?”
“It’s over there,” Zane said suddenly, pointing towards the elevators on the far wall.
Jay blinked at him. “What?”
“That elevator. It always had that out-of-order sign on it when we came down here for our outings. No one ever went to fix it. It has to be there.”
“Great thinking, Zane,” Cole told him, and the three of them, along with Grey and a handful of other police officers, rushed over.
“It looks like there’s some sort of panel here,” Zane observed. “For a passcode, most likely.”
“Well, we don’t know it, and we don’t have time to figure it out,” Jay barked. “Cole, you think you can get this door open?”
Cole eyed it uncertainly. “I dunno, maybe if I had something to push on…” He turned to the police officers. “Do any of you have a crowbar?”
“No, but maybe you could use a baton,” Grey offered, handing Cole the metal rod.
Cole wedged the end of it in between the elevator doors, then shoved on the rod. They held their breath, waiting, until a screech of metal sounded, and the doors pried open a couple inches. The police officers quickly grabbed the doors and, together, pulled them back.
Jay peered over the edge. There was no elevator inside, just the shaft. Pointing to something in the wall, he remarked, “I bet that’s a sort of staircase that pulls out when someone puts in the password. But since we didn’t…” he stared at the elevator cable, swallowing.
A police officer shone her flashlight down. “It’s not that far, I’d guess about forty feet. We can climb down the cable.”
“Let’s go,” Cole grunted, not even wasting any time as he reached out and started descending.
“I can’t go,” Jay yelped, waving at his arm in the sling. “Or do you expect me to do it with one arm?”
“Do you forget I can fly?” Zane smiled. “I’ll carry you down.”
“I’ll stay here,” Grey told them. “I don’t think my arm is safe enough for climbing, either, and I don’t want Zane to have to stop and come back for me.”
“Alright,” Jay nodded. “If all goes well, we’ll be back soon. With our friends.”
“Good luck.”
“Ready, Jay?”
“I guess,” he sighed, and Zane picked him up before jumping down the shaft.
Jay bit back a scream as they fell, and Zane spread his wings, catching their fall and allowing them to flutter safely to the ground.
The officers switched on their flashlights, revealing a long hallway with several doors on either side.
“Seriously?” Cole groaned. “We don’t have time to search all of these!”
“You forgot, you’ve got me!” Jay reminded him. Breathing in the air around them deeply, he let the scents around them wash over him.
Lloyd’s scent was immediately apparent, and Jay felt his tail wag.
“You smell them?” Cole asked.
“Yes. It’s weird, Lloyd’s scent seems to be out in the hallway too, while Kai and Nya’s are staler. But they’re all originating from over there.” He pointed to the door at the end of the hallway.
They hurried towards the door. Jay’s heart was pounding in his chest. What would they find behind it?
Cole jiggled the handle. “It’s locked.”
“Here,” one cop said, holding up a battering ram. He and another cop held onto it, slamming it against the door- wham after wham after wham- until it finally burst open.
The group filed into the pitch black room, many clicking on their flashlights. The light reflected against metal bars making up prison cells.
“Don’t take another step.”
Jay froze.
Issac Borg was standing in the room, a gun pointed at them.
“Borg,” Cole growled, his voice dripping with so much venom that Borg actually faltered for a moment- which was all the time Jay needed to dart forward, knocking the gun from his hand.
“Surrender!” the Commissioner barked. “You have nowhere to run. Hands in the air!”
Borg blinked at her, fury in his eyes, but as he glanced around at the police officers closing in on him, on Jay, Cole, and Zane’s smoldering gazes, and his only weapon trapped firmly under Jay’s foot, he scowled, raising his hands above his head. Handcuffs were clicked on as the police hauled him back.
“Who else is in here with you?”
Borg was silent.
The Commissioner shook him. “I said, who else is here?”
“Two of my employees,” he growled. The flashlight was shone on two caretakers, who slowly lifted their hands up as the police rushed over to them. “And… the prisoners.”
Jay felt his heart skip a beat. Borrowing one of the flashlights from the officers, he jogged down the hallway, shining the light into cell after cell, each one empty, until-
Jay froze.
The girl scrambled back from the beam of his flashlight, hissing. Jay blinked at her. She was so different from the last time he had seen her- long, black hair a tangled mess, eyes wide and scared, a gaping cut on her forehead, crusted with dried blood, and her movements skittish and jolting- but there was no denying it was her.
“Nya!” he cried, rushing forward to the cell, yanking on the door.
Nya’s bared teeth unclenched slightly as recognition flitted across her gaze.
“I’m here! We’re here to rescue you!”
To his surprise, moisture welled in her eyes. “Stoppit, go away,” she mumbled, crawling into the corner.
“Nya? What’s wrong?”
She pulled her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth. “This isn’t real. I’m imagining you. This is a dream.”
“No! It’s not! I’m really here!” Desperately, Jay yanked harder on the door. “Ugh! Just open, already!”
A police officer came up behind him. “We got the keys from Borg,” she told him, handing him the one to Nya’s cell. “It’s the only way you’re getting through.”
Jay shoved the key into the lock, nearly dropping it in his haste. The door swung open, and he hurried in, the officer close behind him.
“Jay!” Nya screamed, scrambling back into the corner and pressing herself against the wall. “Behind you!”
“Nya, it’s okay,” he soothed, crouching down next to her. He reached for her hand, but she flinched away, and he hung back, giving her space. “The police are on our side. They’re not going to hurt you.”
“They want to kill us,” Nya gasped, her eyes wild. “Borg said-” “Borg was lying,” Jay said. “As usual. They’re here to help us. If it weren’t for them, we would’ve never been able to find our way to you.”
Nya fell silent, watching the female officer with wide eyes. The officer’s gaze was gentle and sad. “It’s alright, honey. I just want to help you out.”
Nya took a slow breath, nodding, and the officer leaned forward, using the keys to unlock her cuffs and the chain around her ankle. Nya moved her arms around, looking at them carefully in a way that made Jay’s heart want to break. She had been down here way too long. They all had.
Suddenly, Nya was launching herself into his arms, sobbing into his shoulder. He hugged her back, fiercely, stroking her hair and whispering that he would never let her go again.
When Nya finally pulled back, wiping at her eyes, she caught sight of his sling. “What happened to your arm?”
He waved her off. “Ah, it’s no big deal. I’m fine.”
She frowned, sniffing, looking as if she was about to question him further, but, this close, Jay could see the exact moment the color drained from her face.
“Kai.” The murmur was barely off of her lips before she was racing out of the cell, and Jay hurried after her.
In the cell across from hers, a police officer was pulling the door open, and Nya darted past him, skidding to a halt inside and falling to her knees next to a figure on the floor.
Jay felt his stomach drop.
By the time Jay reached her side, she had Kai cradled in her arms, weeping over him as she brushed sweaty strands of hair out of his eyes.
Jay watched his friend’s face in horror. It was pale, expressionless, unmoving. Even in sleep, Kai had always been restless, but now, he was absolutely still.
“What happened to him,” Zane cried, running over to them and dropping down next to Kai. Jay whimpered, leaning over to angle his ear above Kai’s mouth. He caught the sound of his breathing, but it was shallow and uneven.
“They… electrocuted us.” Nya’s fingers traced the collar around her neck, shuddering. “We heard you fighting, and he tried calling out for help, so Borg turned it up…”
Jay felt fury flash through him. “Let’s get that stupid thing off of you,” he growled, reaching for the collar-
“No!” Nya yelped, flinching back. “You can’t take it off, it’ll… it’ll kill me.”
“It’s okay, Nya,” Zane assured her, rubbing his fingers across the back of her hand gently. “We powered down the system. It won’t hurt you anymore.”
Nya swallowed, her fingers reaching for the buckle. She hesitated, looking up at Zane. He nodded reassuringly, although there was a pained sadness in his eyes.
Nya clicked the buckle, and the collar fell to the floor.
“We need to get him to the hospital, right away,” Zane insisted, using the key to unlock his chains, then hoisting Kai up into his arms. “He’s still alive, but barely. We don’t have much time.”
“Neither of them do,” Cole grunted from outside the cell, and Jay’s gaze darted to his arms.
Lloyd laid there, limp and pale. Cuts decorated his body, dried blood crusting on his clothes. Jay tried not to gag at the bloodied, mangled leg that Cole was carefully supporting. What had Borg been doing to them?
It was then that it hit him- really hit him- how close they had come to losing their friends.
And they still weren’t out of hot water yet- Kai and Lloyd needed to get to the hospital, fast. He wasn’t about to come all this way to save them only to lose them again, anyway.
“C’mon,” he called to Nya, letting her put her arm around his shoulder so that he could support her as she walked. “Let’s get you all out of here.”
“Ha! A plus two, take that, Cole!”
“What if I stack it?”
“What? Jay, now I have to draw four and Cole’s going to win!”
“I didn’t know he had that card, Nya! If you’re so smart, why don’t you stop him?”
“I can’t, nitwit, because you played that reverse card a few turns ago!”
“How was I supposed to know-” he cut off, sucking in his breath. “Zane! Did you seriously just give me a plus four? I know you have yellow cards!”
“Yes, but I’m pretty certain that Cole does as well. I needed to change the color.”
“Choose wisely, feathers.”
“No! He’s smiling, change it back-”
“I can’t, that’s against the rules-”
“He said blue, zaptrap, so zip it-”
Kai groaned, blinking awake at all the noise. He sat up slowly, rubbing at his eyes. What kind of weird dream was this, Cole, Jay and Zane were-
Kai’s heart skipped a beat. They were here, across the room from his bed, sitting at a little fold-out table, throwing Uno cards at each other and laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe. Nya was with them too, bandages wrapped around her head as she ducked a card from Jay. Lloyd, who was lying on the bed behind them, bandage-ridden and an IV snaking along his arm, snatched the card out of the air, giggling triumphantly.
Five gazes whipped towards him, the room going quiet.
“Kai!” Nya cried, practically leaping over her chair and running over his bedside, throwing her arms around him. “You’re awake!”
He squeezed her back, his brain still trying to catch up with him. “What… what happened? Where are we?”
“You’re in the hospital,” she murmured, pulling back, although she didn’t let go of his hand. “That damn collar almost killed you.”
Instinctively, Kai’s hand darted to his neck, but there was nothing there. It was gone. “I don’t understand, I…”
“You saved us, Kai. It worked! The others were above us with the police officers, and Zane heard you. If it weren’t for you, we’d be dead by now.”
“I… he…” Kai stopped, swallowing. He turned his gaze to the others, who were gathering behind Nya. Cole was helping Lloyd pull his IV pole over so that he could come see Kai, too.
“He’s gone, Kai,” Zane assured. “The police arrested him. Borg Industries is under lockdown as the employees are being questioned to figure out who was involved.”
Jay reached out, putting a hand on top of his. “It’s okay, Kai. You’re safe now. We’re here.”
Kai felt his vision blur, and launched himself into their arms, sobbing. Arms wrapped around him- Jay, Zane, Nya, Cole, and even Lloyd’s little fingers gripping him somewhere in there. For the first time in a week, Kai let himself relax, melting into their warm, safe embraces.
He didn’t know what was going to happen next. He didn’t know what they were going to do, or what challenges still laid ahead of them. But he knew that everything was going to be alright, because they were together again.
“Nya, come on, we’re going to be late!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” She ran out of the hallway, slipping the pack of crayons and the notebook into the green backpack he was holding. “It’s not my fault you guys didn’t do this last night when you got home from work!”
“Fist to Face 3 just came out yesterday, are you kidding? Jay and I preordered that months ahead of time, you couldn’t expect us not to play it!”
“You didn’t have to spend five hours doing it! And on the last day of summer, no less! Zane, how’s that lunch coming?”
“All ready!” The falcon hybrid hurried over, slipping the Starfarer lunch box into the backpack. Pointing a finger at Lloyd, he reminded, “Don’t eat that until lunch time, okay? If you eat it all in the first five minutes of class, you’re not going to have anything to eat for lunch.”
Lloyd hardly seemed to hear him, bouncing excitedly on his feet as Kai zipped up the bag and slipped it onto his shoulders.
Lloyd scurried for the door, tripping over his own shoelaces, only saved by Jay, snatching the back of his hood in the nick of time, as Cole intercepted Lloyd and tied his shoes before he could escape Jay’s grasp.
“Don’t worry,” Kai laughed, clapping a hand on Zane’s shoulder. “I think he’s going to be just fine.”
“I know. It’s just hard. He hasn’t been on his own since…”
“Hey, Nya and I did some research. This is a really good school, okay? He’s gonna do good here. And it’s super close, so if anything goes wrong, we’ll be right there. If this isn’t the place for him, nowhere is. We can’t spend our lives hiding, Zane. That chapter of our lives is over.”
He smiled at him. “It is, isn’t it?”
A purr budded in Kai’s chest. “We’re our own people now.”
It had been nearly a year since they had been freed from Borg. Charges had been pressed, and Borg Industries had been shut down for months, until it had been bought under new ownership and rebranded as Julien Industries.
As for them, the Ninjago City Government had provided them with a house and had offered jobs to Cole, Zane, and Kai, and they alternated shifts so that someone could always be with Lloyd. Jay and Nya had enrolled at the local high school, and had been working hard to catch up with their peers. Fortunately, both of them were very bright and planned on pursuing careers in mechanics and engineering. Kai, Cole, and Zane were taking night classes, as well, so that they could eventually work their way up to a job that they were more passionate about.
Through it all, though, they always made sure to have family time every day, where they would just relax, play games, and laugh. It was a life far different than anything Kai had experienced before, and took some adjusting- but he wasn’t complaining. For the first time ever, there was no weight on their chests, no doors locking them in. They were free.
“Are you two coming?” Nya hissed at them, her, Cole, Jay, and Lloyd already halfway out the door. “We’re going to be late for Lloyd’s first day of school, don’t make me leave you behind!”
“Hold on, we’re not missing that,” Kai cried, running after her before she could close the door. He felt a warmth in his chest as he passed the hat rack without grabbing anything. They had nothing to hide anymore.
They caught up with the others a little ways down the sidewalk, and Kai cracked a grin as he saw Lloyd, skipping alongside Cole, holding his hand and babbling about something that sounded like Starfarer- the kid had been obsessed with the show recently, there had been a fair number of tantrums trying to get him to stop for bedtime. Jay and Nya walked a few paces behind them, Nya holding out a homework sheet as the two argued over one of the problems, Zane hurrying over to help them before it got too heated.
Kai bounded over to Lloyd and grabbed his other hand, smiling down at him. “You excited for your first day of school, Lloydster?”
“I can’t wait!” he yelped. “Nya says I’m gonna do so many things! I’m gonna color, play with toys, meet friends- she says they even have play-doh! I only got to use that once before, and it’s really squishy-”
Kai glanced up as Lloyd rambled on, catching sight of a couple walking on the other side of the road who was staring at them, whispering to one another as they pointed at the long tail unfurling from under Lloyd’s coat, swishing behind him happily.
Kai sharply turned his gaze forward again, making a point of flicking his tail as he walked on.
Life wasn’t perfect, now. Since their story had traveled the news, and they had stopped hiding who they were, many citizens were uneasy around them in public. And when one of them snapped playfully at each other, or yelled too loud, it was often enough to send people scurrying away. He would be lying if he had said there hadn’t been a few awkward confrontations from some particularly bold citizens, but… it didn’t bother him as much as he would’ve thought. What these people were doing to him was still a hundred times better than anything Borg had ever done. Kai had done everything he could to be kind and welcoming to people, and if they still weren’t going to accept him and the others just because they were different… well, that was on them, not him.
Besides, no one had ever promised that their life was going to be all cupcakes and rainbows now that Borg wasn’t a threat to them anymore. Life was never like that- it was messy, and that was just part of the fun. He and his family were safe and happy now, and that was the only thing Kai really cared about.
When they arrived at Lloyd’s school a few minutes later, they walked to the classroom Lloyd had been assigned, the boy watching the students laughing and chatting around them with wide eyes.
The classroom itself was filled with young kids, some looking as excited as Lloyd, others hiding behind their parents. Some were even bawling. Lloyd gripped his hand slightly tighter as they walked, but he didn’t shy away from his classmates.
As Zane and Cole went to speak with the teacher, Nya grabbed Lloyd by the face and kissed him all over. Lloyd squealed as he tried to pull out of her grasp, although there was a purr rumbling in his throat.
“You have a great day, alright bean? Behave well, and be nice to the other kids. Zane will be here to pick you up after school.”
“After dinner,” Jay added, “We’ll go out for ice cream and you can tell us all about your day!” Lloyd perked. “I’m gonna have the best day ever!”
Nya laughed. “I hope so, bud. You deserve it.”
“Lloyd,” he asked, pointing at the cubbies on the far wall, “should we go find your cubby?”
Lloyd hurried over, Kai following, as he checked each label printed above them. “Here,” he pointed, a little ways down, “Lloyd Garmadon. This one’s yours, bud.”
As he helped Lloyd out of his jacket and began to put his things in the cubby, Lloyd squealed, darting away from him. Kai whipped around to see that he had thrown his arms around a little girl, who was hugging him back tightly, a huge grin on her face.
“Lloyd, what…”
“It’s Raina! From the mall!”
Kai looked closer at the little girl and saw that Lloyd was right, it was the girl he had been playing with at the mall last year, before all the chaos with Borg had happened. Kai had thought they would never see her again.
“She’s in your class? How crazy!” “Raina, what are you doing, bring your coat over-” The woman walking up behind her, who he recognized as Jessica, Raina’s mother, froze as she saw Lloyd. Her gaze darted up to Kai, and their eyes met.
“You… you’re the ones we saw that day, aren’t you…” her voice trailed off, gaze flicking from Lloyd’s long ears to their tails.
Kai shuffled closer to Lloyd, placing a hand on his shoulder.
But the woman’s face broke into a tentative smile. “I can’t believe it, I had thought you would never call!”
“Yeah…” Kai’s gaze dropped, and he ruffled Lloyd’s hair gently. “We kind of had… other things to worry about. In all the chaos, I kind of forgot about everything, and I also had to get rid of my phone-”
“Oh honey, you don’t need to make excuses. It’s alright, I saw… I saw everything on the news…”
Kai felt moisture welling in his eyes, and turned his head, blinking hard. They had watched the news, too, for those first few nights, hoping to get some closure on the Borg case- but the pictures, the videos they had shown, had brought back unpleasant memories, and they had quickly stopped watching after that.
To his horror, he realized he was crying now, and quickly tried to wipe at the tears dripping down his cheeks.
Suddenly, Jessica was hugging him. Kai gasped slightly, caught off guard for a moment, before returning the embrace, allowing himself to cry into her shoulder.
In a way, it was humiliating. There he was, a young man, crying and clinging to a woman who was hardly more than an acquaintance of his, in front of a room full of five-year-olds.
But on the other hand, it felt good to be held. He had spent so long being the one holding others up, and… it was nice to be on the receiving end of that, for once.
It had been a year since Borg, and his emotional wounds were healing. But the scars were still there. Some days, more than others, but… they never truly went away.
“Sorry,” Kai sniffled when he finally pulled away, wiping at his eyes.
“You have no reason to be sorry,” she told him gently. “No one should ever have to endure what you did, especially not someone as young as you are. Sometimes, we just need a really good hug.”
“Thanks.” He smiled warmly at her. “Lloyd and Raina will have to meet up sometime.”
“For sure,” she agreed.
“Where are you gonna sit?” Lloyd asked Raina. “We should sit at the same table!”
“Let’s go over here,” the girl cried, grabbing his hand and dragging him away.
Jessica laughed. “We definitely will.”
As Kai walked over to the others, who were getting ready to leave, Nya shot him a glance. “You okay, bro?”
“I’m fine. Are we ready to go?”
“Wait! Don’t leave yet!”
He turned to see Lloyd running towards him, and the boy launched himself into his arms. Kai laughed, hugging him back tightly.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he mumbled.
“Me too. But you know what? You’re gonna have so much fun here with Raina, that it’ll be time to go home before you know it, and then we’re going to have an awesome night of ice cream, Starfarer, and videogames.”
Lloyd smiled, burying his face in Kai’s shirt. “I like when things are like this.”
“Me too, bud. We all do.”
The others crouched down around them, hugging Lloyd too, so that the boy was sandwiched in between them, causing him to squeak in surprise.
Everyone laughed, and they hugged him tighter. A warm, tingly feeling spread through Kai’s chest, and, right then, despite everything they had been through, he felt like the luckiest person on the planet.
As they unfurled from the hug, the feeling still remained in Kai’s chest. As they walked out of the room, the school, even as they took their separate ways for work and school, the feeling never went away.
It was the feeling of love. Undeniable, unbreakable love.
Because no matter what happened, from here on out- as they all grew up, as life changed in the turbulent matter that it did- one thing was always going to remain the same, and that was the love they had for each other.
Family was forever, and Kai’s family was the best one there was.
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extraspectrumed · 3 years
~meanwhile, back at Bot-Anon’s home~
[Bot-Anon]:”Okay, Subwoofer hover boot test #23. Is the camera ready?”
[Dan]:”Yup, Everything’s good to go!”
[Bot-Anon]:”Perfect! Alright, I’ll start the test right about… now.”
(Bot-Anon grabs a Microphone brought in specifically for this test. The previous 22 tests were fairly… lackluster. So, Dan suggested the Microphone to use in the next test. bot-anon leans close to the mic.)
[Bot-Anon]:(Okay, here goes…)*inhale*”AAAAAAAA-“
(The scream alone had set the subwoofers into overdrive, and it launched bot-anon soaring into the air. If anyone was watching him flying through the air, most would assume he was a comet.)
(Pretty soon, Bot-Anon had pretty much flown over a great distance away from home, and is now at a crash course to Near’s backyard. God only knows what’s gonna happen next…)
{Note: I really hope bot-anon’s accidental arrival will cut this tension happening right now. Plus, I do want to help lighten the mood, so I want to come in like a comic relief character.}
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Just outside of the treehouse, Bot Anon's arrival comes mid-conversation with enough force to propel the tire swing Hope rests on and knock over a certain little moth entirely... Luckily, a few bushes are there to help break his fall a little, though the other three are left in varying states of confusion...
Hope, Issac, and Kenny are available for questions!
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tallmadgeandtea · 4 years
Far Side of the World
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Hi! So, this is one of my favorite scenes I’ve written for SS&SP, but like most of them I am not sure it will fit in the actual published fic, but I really enjoy it, and I hope you do too! Let me know if you like one shot kind of things, cause I could totally write more of them! This one takes place around March 1778, or about a month into Ben and Liz’s secret relationship. Thanks for reading!
SS&SP spoilers under the cut!
It was spring, and she was on top of the world.
It was spring, and the valley was alive, resurrected, slowly blooming and blossoming after months of winter. The snow was melting away, defeated by the sun’s return, its long awaited arrival. It brought rising temperatures, it brought a gentle breeze instead of a biting, howling wind. 
The screams turned into birdsongs. The grass was wet with early morning dew, gone was the frost, the crack underneath their boots as they trudged up the hills, through the miniature mountains of snow. 
The sun was high in the sky at all hours- it stayed for as long as she wanted it to be, it was there to greet her in the morning and when she left the camp, said goodnight to her soldiers, as they got ready for later evening patrols. She had more hours to ride, more hours to spend there. She didn’t have to be home before dark. The sun was reliable. It had to apologize for being gone for so long.
It was spring, and she was at the top of her game.
The soldiers respected her, they called her by her name, they bowed their heads and took their bread with a smile. Washington received her reports, the inventory. They sat at the top of his desks every morning- she knew he had Hamilton check the math, check the numbers, see if she stumbled, see if she made a mistake, wrote something down incorrectly, forgot to add or subtract. 
But they were right- everything was right, falling into place. The puzzle was coming together, the problems were being solved. She didn’t have dreams, she didn’t have wishes. She had problems she wanted to see solved- the beginning stages and the final solutions, and the feeling when it was tried and true, when it was perfect. 
It was spring, and she was had him.
He rode in front of her, high on his dapple gray horse, his helmet shining in the sunlight, his sword swinging at his side as he turned onto the familiar, beaten path. She only needed one escort- she could handle herself, she said. If anything, an army of Dragoons leading her home looked suspicious. She had nothing to hide.
Nothing to hide except him. 
Except his heart sewn onto her sleeve, except the way he called her name when they were alone- Elizabeth, he whispered in her ear as the door closed, as they stood in his tent, and a look flashed over his face, softness and happiness, a joy she’d never seen him wear before. Elizabeth, he said as he walked over to her, moved the hair out of her face, stroked her cheek. Elizabeth, he sighed as he bowed his head, walked towards the door, as he started to leave, to go back to where he came from. To where he belonged. 
Except the things he told her- his thoughts, his hopes, his memories. Memories of Setauket, a world away from Philadelphia, a sleepy seaside town surrounded by saltwater and swamp. He told her about his friends- he told her about the ring. But to him they weren’t spies, they were his family. Caleb and Anna and Abraham. He told her about his family, his father and brothers. “Issac would like you,” he said. “You’d leave him flustered.”
“How so?”
“You’re prettier than any of the girls in Setauket.”
He only talked about New Haven in passing, before he fell asleep- and he never mentioned names, only vague memories, pieces for another puzzle.
 But it didn’t matter- anything showed her she mattered, showed her he wanted to tell her something, he wanted to bring her closer, he wanted to pull her in. 
And she would let him.
She already did.
It was spring, and she had everything.
She had warm weather and sunshine, she had friends, a family, a purpose. She had him.
He didn’t stop, looking over his shoulder, the plume whirling as he faced her, the white horse hair cascading down his back. He squinted underneath the visor, “Yes?”
“We aren’t far from home, are we?” She asked.
Of course we aren’t. You know the answer, Elizabeth. You know all of them. But he doesn’t.
“I do not think so,” he paused, glanced up at the trees, slightly leaned forward in his saddle to try and make out the rest of the road, “Why? Do my Dragoons take you a different route? Do you have to stop?”
She shook her head, “No. I was just wondering if we could pick up the pace.”
“My mare is growing reckless.”
She could see his smirk from where she was, “Oh, is she?”
“She hasn’t ridden in a long time.” Elizabeth replied. “She’s used to carriages.”
“And what are you suggesting?” He asked.
She took a deep breath- hold onto the reins, and don’t look back. Only look ahead. And run.
“A race!” 
The mare whinnied as Elizabeth kicked her side, and suddenly Benjamin was behind her, hidden behind a veil of dust. She caught a glimpse of disbelief, shock and surprise.
And then, Benjamin’s calm canter transformed into a gallop. 
“Miss Walker!” He shouted.
“Oh, don’t call me that when we’re alone, Major!”
She reached the turn before him, heard him swear under his breath- she was getting further ahead, she had thrown him off his guard, off the course. Did she always have a way of doing that? Did he know it was vice versa? 
“What do I get if I win?” His voice was distant, overpowered by the sound of hooves beating against the dirt, horses breathing and panting. 
“A kiss!” She yelled- as if he wouldn’t get one regardless, as if she wouldn’t give him whatever he wanted. 
That motivated him- she heard him grunt as he sped up, told the horse to go faster. Seeing Benjamin ride was rare- horses weren’t allowed in camp, he was always walking, either to headquarters, to the woods, to the dragoon’s tents. She loved seeing him ride- he looked at ease, confident, daring and dashing. He looked like a soldier, a spymaster. He looked important. 
What did he see when he looked at her? Did he think of her as one of his spies? Another plan of his? Another thing to worry about? 
Did he know he had her? 
Just as she had him?
Don’t think about that, Elizabeth. Think about how much fun you’re having, how happy you feel, how fulfilled you are. Think about the wind in your hair, your skirts and feet flying. 
She was soaring- she had been soaring this entire time, but it was disastrous, she was simply waiting to crash, she didn’t know where she would land. Did she now? 
No, but she knew where she was going.
She was going home.
And he was following her.
Behind her, closer. And he was laughing, the sound traveling through the air like a melody, like the roar of the fifes and drums, like a chorus. It was sweeter than music, it was lighter than the bird’s cry and the river’s running. 
“I thought you would be faster!” She called back to him, “Your regiment has light in its name, Benjamin!” 
“I’ll have you know I’m the fastest dragoon, Elizabeth!” 
“Then prove it!” 
The clearing before the driveway was in the distance- she could almost smell the garden, the fields and the farm. Going home was always the worst part. Standing in the foyer, Mary waiting to take her cloak and wet shoes and socks as the soldiers disappeared down the road, turning into little specks as they dove into the darkness.
But now, there was light.
It was spring, and she had everything.
It was spring, and she won. 
She came to a stop in the clearing, in the sight of Walker manor, in the sight of her home- could she call it that anymore? Had it lost that feeling? The warmth in her chest, an invisible blanket over her shoulders. Where had it gone?
What had she given it to?
It was spring, and she had him.
He finally arrived, breathing as heavily as his horse. He shook his head and inhaled a sigh, but he was grinning, beaming, shimmering. “I lost,” he said, matter of fact.
“Yes,” she nodded, “you did. But, you may still get a prize. Come here.”
He dismounted, and he walked over- she could’ve sworn the world slowed whenever he walked into a room, whenever he came into her view. It slowed when he walked into the woods after a raid, it slowed when he walked into Washington’s office. It had slowed that night, the first time she saw him- in the mist of chaos and pain, disaster and destruction, he was slow. He was the center of it all.
Benjamin picked her up, and he kissed her.
It was spring, and she was in love.
Love, a trivial, remarkable feeling. She had heard of it- in the way her father talked about her mother, wistfully and painfully. She had seen it- in the way certain couples looked at each other at the balls, as they danced the night away, spent it in each other’s arms. She had thought about it- would she ever have it? Would she ever be able to put the puzzle together herself?
Was love a problem to solve?
She didn’t know.
But it was real and it was tangible, and somehow she had gotten her hands on it.  Somehow she deserved it. 
It was spring, and she had everything.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she whispered.
Benjamin sighed, “I know, and I’m sorry.” His hand delicately ran through her hair, placed a kiss on her forehead. He held on tighter- she felt his grip through her coat. 
She had everything.
Everything until he had to leave.
Until he had to go wherever the war called him.
Wars didn’t build homes.
War only destroyed them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Major Tallmadge.” 
But she wanted to stay like this, in his arms, head on his chest, for just a moment. Just until the sun sank deeper into the sky. Just until Mary called her name. Just until it was nighttime, and she was alone. 
When she only had herself.
“I’ll be here first thing, Elizabeth.”
Benjamin kept his promises. 
She knew he would give her anything she wanted.
If the war gave him anything, he gave it back to her.
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 4 years
Daddy’s Family ~ A Negan One-Shot
Summary: The day Negan’s life gets put back together in the middle of the end of the world when Simon brings a young girl to the Sanctuary.
Warning(s): Language. Angst. Threats. Rules. Violence - Slightly Canon, Slightly Non-Canon. Negan being an ass. Anxious Negan. Sweet Negan. Caring Negan. Daddy Negan, but not in that way, ok...maybe a little like that, but only with his wife. Lol.  Happy AF Negan. OOC Negan. Fluff. Happy ending. Abraham and Glenn live. More time has passed since the dead started walking and Negan’s outpost gets attacked by Rick and company than what it is in the story, but Judith is toddler when Negan meets her for the first time. Not beta’d, so...there’s that. I only have Grammarly used on this.
Author’s Note(s): So, I know this is really fuckin’ long, but I really hope y’all fuckin’ enjoy this! It was only supposed to be a couple thousand words, no more than 3,000...but...I just couldn’t bring myself to end it after only 3,000 words. So, y’all get a whopping almost 11,000 words! And I know it’s a bit OOC for Negan, but oh well! We all need some soft Negan at some point! Any feedback is appreciated! As always, if you wanna be tagged, just let me know! P.S. I’ll be getting back to my “Lovin’ Him” story soon, I hope. I just haven’t been in a good mental place, but I haven’t given it up. I promise!
Word Count: 10,495 words!
Relationship(s): Negan x Leigh Sullivan (OFC) [romantic]. Negan x Lucille (OFC and not the Lucille from the story) [paternal]. Negan x Issac “Ike” (OMC).
Characters: Negan. Leigh Sullivan (OFC). Lucille (OFC and not the Lucille from the story). Issac “Ike” (OMC). Rick. Sanctuary Workers. Simon. Michonne. Carl. Judith. Eli (OMC).
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho @ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan
Story Time:
It’s been three days. Three days since Simon and his group brought the young girl back to the Sanctuary. Three days since Negan had been out on a solo trip to the one place he’s visited on the same day every year for the last 8 years since the world went to shit and his world ended. Three days since Negan got back and heard the first whispered words about the new girl.
Three days and Negan still hasn’t said a word to her. He hasn’t been able to bring himself to introduce himself to the teenager. And he knows why. For the first time since everything went to shit and he lost everything, he’s scared. Scared to give in to the hope that’s trying to crawl outta the deepest recesses of his hardened heart. 
Scared to believe the words he’s ‘bout the girl for the last three days. Scared to find out the truth. Scared that he’s gonna lose everything all over again if everything’s true. After mentally beating himself up, leaving him on the verge of a panic attack, something he ain’t had in a while, he finds himself sucking in a deep breath as he knocks softly and hesitantly on the thin door in front of him.
When he doesn’t get a response from inside the room, he wipes a leather-covered hand across his forehead, wiping the sweat away, and reaches a shaky hand out, curling his long and normally steady fingers around the metal doorknob, twisting it slowly, hearing the latch click open. He pauses and bites his lip as he mentally curses himself.
If his people could see him right now, they wouldn’t think of him as the strong, bat-wielding leader he’s built himself up to be in order to cope and lead his people. They would think he’s a weakling, and he’d lose his spot as leader. But, in this moment, another part of his mind tells him to fuck what his people think and to open the door.
He swallows deeply and follows that part of his brain as his heart thumps loudly against the side of his ribs. Slowly pushing the door open, he pauses at what he sees inside the small room. And what he doesn’t see. His eyes search the room that’s basically bare, minus the mattress in the corner, a chair and small table against one wall, and a small set of drawers next to the door.
It takes him a moment before his eyes finally settle on what, or rather, who he’s looking for. His heart tightens painfully in his chest as soon as he sees her. The teenage girl his men brought back to the Sanctuary three damn days ago. The who had been found in the middle of a decently sized herd, fighting off as many walkers as she could when Simon and his group showed and laid waste to them.
The girl who had passed out, from shock or exhaustion, they weren’t sure, as soon as Simon had uttered Negan’s name. The girl Negan had been avoiding like the plague since he returned from the memorial spot he visited every year. The girl who Negan now finds himself unable to take his eyes off as he takes her in.
Dressed in a slightly baggy, once white but now a faded grey from years of grime and dirt t-shirt, holy blue jeans, and a pair of black combat boots still on her feet, regardless of the fact that she’s sound asleep, seemingly dead to the world. His eyes water as he looks at her hair...short ‘nough that it’s above her shoulders and just long ‘nough to cover her ears. 
He bites his lip as he watches her, leaning against the doorframe, using it to keep his tall body standing up straight. He looks over the girl, looking for any visible injuries, and lets out a soft sigh of relief when he doesn’t see any on her tall, lanky body. A body that looks so small with the way she’s laying. 
She’s pressed up against the wall, back straight and not an inch between it and the wall. Her knees are bent at a 45-degree angle with her feet pressed flat against the wall and a pillow between her knees. She has a small bag tucked under her head as a pillow and hers tight against her chest in an almost fighting stance, prepared for anything, and one hand slightly under the bag she’s using as a pillow. 
But. She’s still sound asleep and an old, brown Carhartt jacket covers her body. The worn jacket with a small Bald Eagle and the word “SOAR” under it stitched into the fabric above the right breast pocket, no doubt still three sizes too big for her if the triple rolled sleeves have anything to say about it. 
Negan chokes back a sob as he sees her, instantly recognizing the old jacket. He remembers the love she had for the thing when he’d often find her snuggled up, napping and feeling safe in it, after he’d take it off. His heart clenches as he realizes that some things never change. Even if she’s gotten older and can’t completely hide under it anymore.
He watches as she jerks in her sleep, clearly having a nightmare. It breaks his heart even more. He’s always hated seeing her in pain, and that included her having nightmares. Without thinking, acting on pure instinct, he softly pads across the room, wearing only his jeans and a white t-shirt, similar to what the girl’s wearing, but cleaner and whiter. 
Settling his tall, lanky frame on the edge of the bed by her knees, he places a large hand on her knee as a way to comfort her. It was one way he could always get her to relax and calm down. Not even half a second after he lays his hand on her knee, he’s got a knife pressing against his throat, just below his Adam’s apple.
He lifts his eyes up and finds himself staring into a pair of panic-filled, yet determined muddy brown eyes. 
“Hands. Off. Now.” Her sleepy voice hisses.
He swallows deeply and croaks out a quiet “Lu?” 
He lifts his hand off her knee and holds them up so she can see ‘em. The girl tenses more, digging the knife deeper into his skin, nicking it slightly, for a moment before she processes what he said and the sound of his voice. Negan watches as her eyes widen and her fingers drop the knife. In one quick movement, she’s in his lap, arms ‘round his torso, face buried in his neck as she cries. 
“Daddy.” She sobs.
He just holds her, trying not to break down himself. He holds her close, feeling her body tremble and shake in his arms. He breathes in deeply and tightens his arms ‘round her.
He rubs her back and murmurs softly in her ear. “Daddy’s got you, Princess. You’re safe now. I fuckin’ promise.” 
He kisses her head and holds his little girl, who he’d thought was dead, tightly in his arms. His heart breaks as he hears her sobs, and feels them soaking into his shirt. He doesn’t care ‘bout that. Or the fact that the young girl in his arms is finally 14. He finally has his daughter in his arms, for the first since she was 6 years old.
He reaches a hand up and softly scratches her scalp, massaging lightly. His little girl always loved when he’d do that as he read her a bedtime story. Back before the world ended. 
“Daddy’s here, sweet pea.” He assures her, and feels her arms tighten ‘round him. “I’m so fuckin’ proud of you, princess. You made it this far. You’ve survived.” 
He hears her let out another sob that twists his heart as he feels the walls he built many years ago crumble. He holds her close, letting her cry as much as she wants to. He doesn’t say a word, just holds her to him, rubbing her back and massaging her scalp. A few times, he does murmur a soft “Breathe” in her ear when she gasps for air from crying so hard.
He scoots back on the mattress, leaning against the wall, holding his little girl, keeping her safe in his arms. He feels her cling to him tighter, burying her face against the side of his neck as he moves across the bed and gets comfortable.
“Shhhh. It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just getting comfortable and I’m not letting you go til you’re ready.” He whispers softly.
“Never.” Her sob strained voice murmurs against him.
He kisses her head, understanding that one word. “I’ll never let you go again, baby. Daddy’s here. He’s not going anywhere and he’s gonna always protect you. I swear, sweetheart.”
Feeling her nod against him, he takes a deep breath in, knowing he’d die before he ever let something happen to her again. He ain’t gonna lose her again. Never again. After an hour, he finally feels her body stop trembling in his arms as she relaxes against him, sniffling every so often as she stops crying.
He brings his hand up and cups her cheek, lifting it and gently wipes her tears away, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.  
“I’ve got you, princess.” He murmurs.
She nods against him and leans into his touch. She looks at him, her eyes dancing across his face before she lets out a soft giggle.
“You got old.”
Negan’s eyes widen and he barks out a laugh. “Thanks for stating the fuckin’ obvious there, kiddo. That kinda happens. ‘Specially when the world fuckin’ ends. You got old too!”
Her eyes widen. “Did not! I’m still your little girl!”
He smiles. “You’ll always be daddy’s little girl, Lucille. Have been from the moment you were born and had me wrapped ‘round that little finger of yours.”
She lets out another soft giggle that heals his broken heart and hugs him tighter.
“I missed you, dad.” She whispers.
“I missed you too, sweetheart. So. Fuckin’. Much. Losing you and your mama...it fuckin’ killed me. I died inside when I lost y’all.”
She lifts her head and stares at him. “Why didn’t you come lookin’ for us?”
Negan lets out a shaky breath. “I did, sweetheart. Despite the fact that I watched you, my sweet little angel, and your mama, the love of my life, get swept up in the middle of that herd. I killed every single one of those dead fucks, despite my injuries. When I was done, I didn’t see y’all anywhere and then I passed out from blood loss and ended up in a coma. It took me 3 weeks to wake up. When I did, I went back out there, searching for y’all. I went back to our house, our rendezvous points, everywhere I could fuckin’ think of. I did that for years. Despite every fuckin’ thing suggesting y’all were dead. Each time I went out and didn’t find y’all, I died more and more on the inside. I never once gave up on y’all. I’ve just gotten a little busy lately to go searching as much as I used to. My people have been getting attacked, slaughtered.”
Lu nods slowly, taking in words. “Mom and I...we thought you were dead. We saw you go down after you took ‘em all down. Ma pulled me into a building and we hid. We were gonna come get you but then you just collapsed, seemingly dead to the world...and then some of the dead came out from the back of the store we were in and we had to run. We ended up in a little community named Alexandria, and we’ve been there for the last 8 years. Mama wasn’t in any shape to stay on the run. Not with me being so young and not in her condition. So, we stayed. The three of us. We’ve tried to go out but the new leader doesn’t let anyone that’s not his people go out.”
Negan’s breath gets caught in his throat at her words. Lucille notices how her dad’s entire body tenses up and she lifts her head. Not quite realizing the exact reason he tenses, but thinking it’s one thing. She gently pats his cheek.
“Don’t worry, daddy. Mama’s ok. So is Ike. He’s adorable. And looks just like you.” She assures him, thinking that’s why he tensed up a moment ago.
Negan eyes widen and he gasps at her new words, even if his brain’s still caught up on the fact that she’s been living in Alexandria. 
“Ike? He? Your mama’s alive? Alexandria?” He stumbles over his words.
Lucille giggles and nods. “Yea! Mama found out she was pregnant a few months after we got separated from you with the herd and thought you were dead. She had a little boy, Issac, almost 5 months after we got to Alexandria. The leader, Deanna, she was a sweetheart and helped mama through the pregnancy and Ike’s birth. I was so happy to be a big sister. I’ve been super protective over Ike since he was born. He looks just like you. Just...tinier and cuter.”
Negan huffs softly. “I’m still cute.” 
Lu giggles. “Mama still thinks so when she looks at the photo of you she has. Or, well had.”
Negan furrows his brow. “Had?”
Lu nods and lays her head back on her father’s shoulder, not caring that she’s a teenager. She’s missed her daddy. And he still makes her feel safe. Plus, a part of her’s worried that this is all a dream and that when she wakes up, he’s gonna be gone, so she’s trying to enjoy it as much as she can.
“Yea. Had. The new leader of Alexandria, Rick...he’s a dick -” She starts.
“Language, daughter!” Negan grumbles. “But continue.”
Lu laughs. “I’m a teenager, dad. Mama does say I cuss worse than you used to. Anyway. Rick. He’s a dick. Or should I say Prick? Which would you prefer?” 
Negan narrows his eyes at her. “Neither, but as you pointed out, you’re a teenager. I don’t expect you to listen to me.”
She giggles. “I’ll always listen to you…when I wanna. I’ll stick with Prick. It sounds better. Rick the Prick.”
Negan laughs. “I like that. Rick the Prick. Just don’t tell your mama I’m letting you cuss. She’ll kick my ass. And I’m quite fond of my ass. Ok. Continue.”
He smiles when he hears her laugh and hugs her tighter to him as he listens to his little girl, who’s not so little anymore.
“He found the picture after it fell outta mama’s pocket one day a couple of weeks ago. He looked at when one of the guys from one of the other communities saw it too and gasped. They apparently recognized you in the photo. He told Rick ‘that’s Negan. Just he’s older now. And he carries a bat around. But that’s him.’. Rick lost his shit and demanded to know who’s photo it was, yelling that there was a traitor amongst the community. Mama and I never said a word. We’d seen him kill outta spite and we weren’t gonna do anything to bring his anger towards us. Mama cried ‘cause she no longer had the photo. I snuck out one night...last week? I was gonna go back to our house...try to get another photo for mama. I don’t like seeing her sad, daddy. I made it there after two days. Got the photo, and was heading back home when I heard a truck drive by...I hid in the woods behind the house and when I heard the truck engine turn off, I made a run for it. I ended up getting swarmed by a bunch of the dead a few hours later...I was almost done taking them out when a bunch of gunfire rang out...taking out the rest. The creepy dude with the pornstache demanded my shit, and I told him to fuck off and started walking away. He grabbed my arm, told me I should be grateful for him saving my life. I flipped him off and then punched him in the nose when he wouldn’t let go of me.”
Negan lets out a snort of laughter. “That’s my girl.”
“He got really pissed off and said that a man named Negan would deal with me, and that I’d better pray that I didn’t piss the “Big Boss Man” off. I didn’t really pay attention to that part as soon as he said “Negan”. You don’t exactly have a common name, dad, and I just got really overwhelmed, plus I was fuckin’ exhausted. I guess I just passed out and when I woke up, I was in this room. I’ve only been allowed to leave for meals. And that’s it.”  Lucille continues.
Negan takes in her story and hugs her closer. He grinds his teeth as he thinks ‘bout Rick hurting his family. His wife. His daughter. And the son he’s never met. He grinds them harder when he thinks ‘bout Simon putting his hands on his little girl, regardless of the reason. Looking down at Lucille, he unclenches his jaw.
“I’ll deal with Rick the Prick. You can guaran-fuckin’-tee that. He’s got a shit storm coming his way. Now, where’d Simon grab you? Let me see, sweetheart.” He says, in a soft voice.
Lucille lifts the sleeve of the shirt she’s wearing and Negan chuckles as he realizes something.
“Damn, kid. You just stole all your daddy’s clothes, didn’t you? First my jacket, now my shirt?” He teases.
Lu giggles. “Shut up, dad! You know that jacket makes me feel safe. And it was laundry day when I snuck out so when I got to our old house, I changed into a cleaner shirt. I realized it was yours ‘cause it still smelled like you.”
Negan chuckles. “You’re adorable, sweet pea.” 
He smiles, showing off his dimples as his little girl blushes. The smile fades a little when he sees the handprint wrapping ‘round her upper arm. He brings a hand up and gently traces it, growling low in his throat.
“I’m gonna kill that fucker for laying a hand on you.” He mutters.
Lucille’s eyes widen and she stares at him. “No, dad. You can’t.”
Negan raises a brow as he looks at her. “And why the fuck can’t I? He put his hand on a woman. My own fuckin’ daughter.”
“He didn’t know I’m your kid, dad.”
“Doesn’t fuckin’ matter. I have a strict rule ‘bout no one laying a hand on a woman, hurting them. Same goes with kids.”
“Dad. Don’t. Ok? I don’t want you hurting someone ‘cause of me.”
Negan stares at her. “My sweet little Lulu. I would kill any fucker who ever laid a hand on you in a way that you did not want to be touched. You are my little girl. Even if you are a teenager. You’re still my little girl. I’d have done it before the world ended, even if it meant going to jail. And I’d definitely fuckin’ do it now, ‘cause I’m the Big Man in charge. And no one, I repeat, fuckin’ no one, lays a hand on my family.”
Lu hugs him tight. “Well...you might kill a fucker for touching me...but I’d kill a fucker if I don’t get something to eat soon.”
Negan chuckles and hugs her, kissing her head. “C’mon, squirt. Let’s get you outta this boring ass room, up to mine, and while you shower and get cleaned up, I’ll have some fucker bring up some food. Maybe I’ll have Simon do it. If I can’t kill him, I’ll just make his life fuckin’ miserable.” 
His daughter laughs at the smirk on his face and hugs him again before climbing off his lap and standing up. 
“As long as you don’t kill him.” She says grinning. “No. C’mon. You promised me food and a shower. Chop chop, old man.” 
Negan grunts and flips her off. “I’ll show you old man, kid. I’ll still whoop your ass.”
Lucille laughs. “Nah uh! C’mon. Think ‘bout it. You get to enjoy all the perks of having a teenage daughter!”
Negan eyes widen with a scary thought and he stares at her as he stands off the bed. “So fuckin’ help me. You’d better not have a fuckin’ boyfriend! You’re too fuckin’ young for that shit!”
She laughs as she grabs her stuff. “Nah, dad. I don’t like boys.”
Negan lets out a deep breath. “Thank fuck for that. You’re too fuckin’ young!”
She laughs and decides to tease him. “Go on, old man. Lead the way to your room. I need food. I’ll tell you ‘bout the girl I have a crush on.”
Negan whips his head around to look at her so fast she can’t help but giggle, not surprised if her dad gave himself whiplash. 
“I don’t give a fuck if you like dicks or not. You could like both for all I care. That don’t bother me. Lord knows I don’t have a problem with playing for both teams, but you are too fuckin’ young to date anyone. You can date when you’re my age!”
“But, daaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd! You’re older than dinosaurs!”
Negan gives her a glare without any heat behind it. “Watch it, young lady. I will ground your ass and not think twice ‘bout it.”
She giggles as she walks outta the room. “Mama said y’all were 16 when y’all started dating!”
“That’s different! You’re my daughter!” He says, following after her leading her down the hallway, ignoring the looks from his people at his proclamation. “No dating, young lady!”
One of his men snickers and Negan rounds on him, pinning him to the wall by his throat. 
“Something fuckin’ funny, asshole?” He hisses.
“Dad! Stop!” Lu says, tugging on Negan’s arm. 
The man shakes his head as he stares at the boss man and croaks. “No, sir. I just….”
Negan glares and lowers the man back to his feet. “You just what, fucker?”
“Remember when my little girl was at that age. I know what you’re going through. That’s all.” He says, rubbing his throat.
Negan eyes widen. “Oh...sorry ‘bout the whole pinning you by the fuckin’ throat. She’s just...she’s my little girl.”
The man nods and smiles softly. “No worries, Sir, and I understand. I’ve done the same thing a time or two before. But, don’t worry, Sir. I’ll make sure no-one messes with your girl.”
Negan raises a brow. “Yea? What’s your job here?”
“Not anymore. You’re a Savior now.”
“Really? Even though I’m an old fuck?”
Negan chuckles softly. “You’re a Savior, man. Doesn’t mean you have to go on runs. I’m sure I can find another task for you, but you’re a Savior. You offered up to protect my daughter just ‘cause, so that says a lot. Hell, I might have you become my new right-hand man. I need one who won’t lay a hand on my girl. What do you say?”
The man’s eyes widen. “Really? What ‘bout Simon?”
Negan smirks. “I’ll deal with him. He’ll think twice next time before he lays a hand on a woman or a kid. Let alone my kid.”
The man nods. “Well, then, sir. I’d be honored to be your right-hand man.”
“Thanks, Eli. Now, do you mind doing me a favor? Run and fetch Simon. Have him bring two dinner plates to my room, and when you get done with that, stop by the Commissary and grab some stuff for kid? I don’t think she wants to wear the same clothes she’s been wearing for a week. We’ll be in my room. I got 8 years to catch up on that I missed of my daughter’s life.”
Eli smiles and nods. “Yes, sir. Of course.”
Negan smiles and pats the older man’s cheek before turning to Lu and hooking his arm ‘round her shoulder. 
“C’mon, kid. You smell worse than I do.” He jokes which just earns him an elbow to the gut and a soft laugh.
“Shut it, old man!”
Eli watches and smiles as the boss man takes the teenager upstairs, the two of them laughing, and joking around. He goes to do what he was ordered to, more than happy to do so. He wouldn’t ever say anything, but doing janitorial work in the Sanctuary for the better portion of the last decade had not been too kind on his aging bones.
Being the right-hand man to the boss man would be great. He really was honored. He liked and respected the man. He didn’t agree with some of the things he’d done in the past, but he’d understand. ‘Specially once he’d seen that lost, devastated, and haunted look in his eyes. He recognized it immediately and just knew, somehow, that the man had lost his family.
But, now that Negan had his daughter back, Eli was sure things were looking up for the younger man. And he’d make sure Negan never had that look back in his eyes.
Upstairs, Negan shows Lu ‘round his room and living quarters. 
“After you get fuckin’ cleaned up, and fuckin’ eat something, you can pick out your own room.” He smiles.
Lu smiles a little and nods slowly. Negan catches the look of sadness that flashes across her face.
“What is it, sweetheart? Do you not want your own room?” He asks, worriedly.
“I do…” She says softly.
“But...I miss mama and Ike...besides...what if your girlfriend comes up here?”
Negan’s eyes widen. “Girlfriend? What’re you talking ‘bout, kiddo?”
“Whenever I’d go to get meals over the last few days, I’d always hear women say how much they wanted to be your wife. That there was no way a man like you could still be single.”
Negan sighs and hugs his daughter tight. “Sweetheart, not that I really wanna discuss my sex life, existent or not, with you, I promise you, I don’t have a girlfriend. And I only have one wife. That’s your mama. She’s the only one for me, ok? When we got separated all those years ago, my heart was broken. And it never healed. Your mama was, and is, all I need. I ain’t even looked at another woman. Your mama has and will always have my heart.”
Lu looks up. “Promise?”
He kisses her head. “I promise, kiddo. And, I can also promise you, we’re gonna get your mama and your brother here as soon as possible, ok? Then we can be a family again.”
His heart melts at the happiest smile his teenage daughter gives him before she ducks outta his arms and walks to the bathroom, ready to take a shower. Before she shuts the door, she looks back at him and smiles again. 
“I love you, dad. And, I’m glad you’re still alive.” 
Negan grins from ear to ear. “I love you too, kiddo. Now, go wash your stinky ass.”
She laughs and flips him off. Once the door’s closed, Negan flops back on his bed, his heart now beating happily and strongly for the first time in years as all the walls that once blocked it lay in a crumpled mess. He strokes a hand over his face and then looks at the wedding ring on his left ring finger that’s been there for well over 15 years.
He grins more and mumbles to himself. “My wife. My daughter. My son.”
He sits up straight, laughing softly. “I have a fuckin’ son! And they’re all alive. I’m getting my family back.”
The following morning, Negan does a happy dance in the solitude of his own private bathroom as he gets ready for the day. Nothing could get in his fuckin’ way or ruin his fuckin’ good ass mood. Last night had been one of the best. He and Lu had talked til she fell asleep, snuggled up to his side like she used to do all those years ago when she was still only a couple feet tall.
He’d carried her to the bedroom she’d picked out after her shower and they’d eaten dinner. He’d tucked her, kissed her forehead, and turned the lights off. The routine coming back to him as naturally as breathing. He’d gone to bed with a smile on his face as he told himself that he’d be getting his wife and son back the following day.
Which is why he was currently doing a happy dance as he brushed his teeth, standing in his boxers, and humming ‘round the toothbrush in his mouth. You’d never guess that the dead walk ‘round outside, that’s how happy Negan was. For the first time in the 8 years, he finally had a damn good reason to get outta bed in the morning.
He raises his brow, spitting in the sink as he catches his daughter’s gaze in the bathroom mirror. 
“Mornin’, sunshine!” He says.
She just grumbles and flips him off. “Too fuckin’ early for this shit, dad!”
He laughs. “Not a fuckin’ mornin’ person, are you, sweetheart?”
She shakes her head and flips him off again. “No. I’m fuckin’ not and I don’t see how the fuck you are! You’re an old man! Shouldn’t you still be asleep? Snoring?”
He laughs, rinsing his mouth out and spitting again, before walking over to her and kissing her head. 
“Normally, I ain’t a mornin’ person. Fuckin’ hate getting up early. And, I don’t fuckin’ snore, thank you very fuckin’ much! No one’s complained in the last 8 years.” He teases. “Besides, today, sweet pea, today’s the day we’re gonna go get your mama and brother. So, hurry the fuck up, get dressed, and then we’ll head out.”
He smiles as he watches her eyes light up and a sleepy smile spreads across her face.
He smiles and nods. “Mmhhmm! Now, c’mon. Chop chop! You wanna wear one of my shirts, kiddo? That way you can leave the jacket here, safe and sound?”
“Of course. Brush your teeth. Get ready and I’ll bring you one of my shirts once I get pants on.”
She smiles. “Thanks, dad.”
He smiles and nearly tears up when she gives him a tight hug with a whispered “I love you” before going to get ready. Negan continues his little happy dance as sets a shirt on the bathroom handle before he gets dressed in his standard grey jeans tucked into boots, white t-shirt under his signature leather jacket, and the beautiful red scarf that had been a birthday present from his beautiful wife many years ago, tucked securely ‘round his neck. 
He picks up his trusted barbed wire baseball bat and softly ran his fingers around her handle. He’d named it Lucille since she had helped him picked it out ‘cause she wanted her “daddy to have the besses bats in da whole wide wowld” as she told him in her cute little 5 year old voice the day they’d gone shopping when he found out he was gonna be coaching the baseball team at the high school again the next year.
After the world ended, he’d kept the bat close, using it to defend his family, keeping his girls safe, and when they got separated, the scarf and the bat were his way of keeping his family close to him. To remind him of the love, of his family, and the good things he’d had in his life. 
Negan jumps and places Lucille in her rightful place on his shoulder as he turns to look at his daughter, who’s fully dressed and in similar attire, sans the leather jacket and scarf. Her knife strapped tightly to her thigh. 
She giggles. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes. What the fuck’s going on in that old head of yours?”
He laughs and flips her off. “Just remembering the day you helped me pick Lucille out.”
Her brows nearly reach her forehead as she looks questioningly at her father. “Pick Lucille out?”
He nods as he opens the door to lead her out to the hallway so they can get a move on with their day. He explains as they walk down to the trucks.
“Lucille,” He gestures to the bat. “I named her after you when we all got separated. The scarf and the bat...they were my ways of keeping you and your mama close to me. Besides, Lucille here is just as much of a badass as I knew you’d be when you grew up.”
His daughter laughs. “You’re weird, dad. But I think it’s sweet. I mean, I did keep your brown jacket. Ike has the whistle you used to use when you coached. Drives mama crazy when he blows it all the damn time. Mama has your….well she has a lot of your stuff.”
Negan smiles at her words and slings an arm ‘round her shoulders as they walk. His smile grows when he realizes she’s almost as tall as him, even though she’s only 14. Holding the door open for her he leads her out the truck and explains the rules for going outta beyond the walls of the Sanctuary as they walk.
“I’m telling you these, kid, ‘cause I don’t want you to get hurt. I know you can handle yourself if need be. But, I can’t risk losing you again. So, please just stick by my side. And don’t do anything stupid. I will ground your ass the moment we get back. Understand?” He says, giving her a stern look while opening the truck door.
She nods, climbing up and into the big vehicle. “I’ll listen. But only ‘cause I don’t wanna lose you either.”
“Good girl.”
He kisses her head before shutting the door and going ‘round to his side. As soon as he’s in, he glances at her. 
“Seatbelt on. Now.” 
She rolls her eyes but does as he says. “It’s the apocalypse, dad. I don’t think a seatbelt’s gonna do much to save me.”
He stares at her. “Listen, I’ve already been in a deadly wreck that I should not have survived. But I did. And, had I been wearing my seatbelt, I wouldn’t have been thrown through the fuckin’ windshield.”
Her eyes widen as she stares at him in shock, dread filling the pit of her stomach at the thought of her dad in a wreck so bad that he went flying through the windshield. 
“Yea. It was ‘bout as fuckin’ fun as it fuckin’ sounds. And, if I tell you to do somethin’, you fuckin’ do it. It ain’t me just being a father and pulling the “I’m in fuckin’ charge, you listen to me” bullshit card. No. It’s ‘cause I’m trying to fuckin’ protect you.”
She nods fast. “Yes, sir.”
He gives her a small smile before he buckles himself up and cranks the engine. 
“Now. Let’s go get your mama and brother. I got a little boy to meet and the love of my life to kiss!”
Lu groans, grossed out at the thought of her parents kissing. Negan laughs and tells her to get used to it. Once the gates open up, he drives through and with a wave of his hand at his a few of his people, the gates are closed. Negan and Lu talk for a bit while he drives. Eventually, though, he listens to her directions to the community that’s caused him and his family so much grief.
As they roll up on the community, Negan glances over at his daughter, noticing and feeling the anxiety rolling off her. He lays a calming hand on her knee.
“It’s gonna be ok, kiddo. I ain’t gonna let nothing happen to you, your mama, or Ike, ok?” He assures her.
She nods slowly and fidgets with one of the holes in her jeans. Negan brings the truck to a stop outside the gates of Alexandria, and turns to look at his little girl who suddenly looks like a little kid instead of the badass teenager he knows she is. Turning the engine off and tucking the keys in his pocket, he unbuckles them both and pulls her in for a tight hug.
“You trust me, don’t you, kid?” He asks softly.
She nods against him, her arms snaking ‘round him. “Of course.”
He kisses her head. “Then you know I’d die before I let anything happen to you. Nothing’s gonna happen. I’m gonna set Rick the Prick fuckin’ straight, teach him he’s messing with the wrong man, with the wrong family, and he ain’t gonna bother us again.”
“What if he does?”
“I’ll fuckin’ kill him then.”
Lu jerks her head up and looks at him. “What?”
He nods. “I will. If he messes with my family, with what’s mine, he’ll regret it and become a munchie snack for dead.”
“Dad, he has a little girl.”
“Good. Then he should understand the things a father would do to protect his daughter.”
She sighs softly and nods, hugging him tight again. “I just don’t wanna lose you again.”
Negan smiles and tightens his arms ‘round her. “Listen, sweet pea. I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille, and my nutsack is made of steel. I am not dying until I am damn good and ready.”
She giggles. “That’s gross. I didn’t need to know that ‘bout your nuts, dad. But I get it. You ain’t dying til you’re ready.”
He chuckles. “Ex-fuckin’-actly! And I ain’t gonna be ready for at least another 50 years. I gotta live to at least 100!”
He smiles when he hears her laugh and lets the mumble retort slide. He kisses her head before leaning back. 
“C’mon. Let’s go be badasses and get our family!”
She smiles and nods, getting outta the truck. She waits for him by the gates, brow raised when he starts whistling and bangs the barb-wire bat against the metal gate. 
“Little Pig. Little Pig. Let. Me. In!” He calls out in a sing-song voice, grinning at his daughter’s reaction.
A moment later, the gate opens up, and a somewhat nervous looking man looks at him, glancing at Lu before turning his attention back to Negan.
“Ummm...who are you?” The man, who Lu knows to be Spencer, asks.
“Oh, you better be joking?” He smirks, grinning at the man, watching as his eyes widen a little bit in fear. “Negan…” He gestures with his bat to his daughter. “Lucille…”
“I know who she is. What is she doing with you?”
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business, asswipe. Now, be a good little boy. Let us the fuck in and go get Rick the fuckin’ Prick.”
Spencer sighs but opens the gate to let the father and daughter in before he closes it and scurries off to go get the leader. Negan smirks as he swings his Lucille up on his shoulder and wraps his arms ‘round his daughter’s shoulders. Walking into the community, Negan looks around. 
“Holy shit! It’s the fuckin’ apocalyptic suburbs!” He laughs, grinning when Lu giggles and shakes her head.
“Shut up, dad.” She jabs a finger in his side, between two ribs but it doesn’t do much since the leather jacket’s in the way.
Negan laughs. “C’mon. Let’s go see what this fuckin’ Prick’s all ‘bout.”
“That’s him.” 
Looking to see where his daughter’s pointing, Negan raises a brow. 
“That’s the fucker that managed to get a group together to slaughter 30 of my men, women and children? I’ll be fuckin’ damned.” He mutters.
Lu looks up at him, eyes wide. “He...he did that? Kids?”
Negan sighs and nods. “Yea. That attack I mentioned yesterday, it came from a group known as Alexandria. That’s why I zoned out the moment you mentioned that’s where you were staying.”
“Oh, dad. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Like I said, Rick doesn’t like anyone who’s not part of his group,” She gestures to the dozen or so people surrounding the community’s leader. “And he doesn’t tell anyone who’s not them what’s going on.”
Negan tugs her a little closer. “I know, sweet pea. I know my little girl could never be a part of something like that. I know I’ve done some shitty things in the last decade, but they’ve all had a purpose. I’d never just murder a bunch of innocents. Let alone fuckin’ kids.”
Lu nods and bites the inside of her lip as she stares at Rick, giving him a look that would kill if it were possible. Rick walks over, looking at her.
“Lucille? What’s going on? What are you doing with him? He’s a murderer!” He exclaims, going based off the stories from Gregory over at Hilltop.
Lu shrugs her dad’s arm off her shoulders and stands up to her full height, looking the former sheriff in the eyes.
“No. You, Rick, are a murderer! How could you kill 30 innocent people? Men, I can kinda understand! But women? CHILDREN? HOW? You say you wanna protect us, but then you kill kids!” She glares.
“How do you know ‘bout that?” He asks, shocked.
“Because! Unlike you, my father doesn’t lie to his kids!”
“Your father?”
Negan smirks and steps up next to Lu again, pride swelling in his chest at his girl. He glares at Rick.
“Howdy there, Sheriff.” He smirks. “You were a sheriff, weren’t? Yea. I bet you fuckin’ were. You just got that arrogant “I’m above the law ‘cause I am the law” look fuckin’ written all over you! And, yes. Her father wouldn’t lie to her. Ok. He might’ve lied ‘bout running outta ice cream or some other silly shit before the world went to shit, but he wouldn’t fuckin’ lie ‘bout another man killing kids. Oooo. I can just see the little wheels in your hamster brain spinning real fuckin’ quick. I bet you’re trying to figure out how the fuck I know ‘bout her father. Take a fuckin’ guess.”
Rick stares at him, mouth slightly open, shock all over his face. 
“No. Seriously. Take a fuckin’ guess. Rick the fuckin’ Prick.” Negan hisses.
“You…her…?” He stutters.
“Winner winner fuckin’ chicken dinner! You guessed it. I’m her fuckin’ father, you prick! And, I dunno ‘bout you, but I would do any-fuckin’-thing to protect my little girl. Even if it meant fuckin’ tell her ‘bout some damn fuck who killed kids!”
Rick’s eyes widen. “You’re Negan…”
“Right a-fuckin’-gain, Prick! Yea. I’m the man you tried to fuckin’ kill when you decided to go all ghung-ho and attacked my fuckin’ outpost! All based off some fuckin’ story from a man with a pair of loose fuckin’ lips that’ll spill whatever they can if it means protecting his sorry fuckin’ ass! I sure hope you ain’t killed any-fuckin’-one else based off a lie!”
“I...we were...I have people to protect!”
“Don’t care!” Negan says in a singsong voice. “I have people to fuckin’ protect too, Prick! Which is why I don’t go killing a fuck ton of fuckin’ people all whilly fuckin’ nilly!”
Rick doesn’t get another word in before Lu hauls off and decks him, her father’s earlier words finally processed in her brain. The group of folks standing around all gasp at the turn of events.
“What the hell?!” Rick gasps, clutching his nose.
Negan’s eyes widen. “Ho-ly sh-it! Rick, you done fucked the fuck up! Don’t you know not to piss off Daddy’s little girl? Fuck. She ain’t seen me in 8 years  and she’s still fuckin’ protective over me!”
Lu raises a brow at him before turning back to Rick. She hauls off to deck him again before Negan gently curls his fingers ‘round her wrist with a shake of his head. She sighs and nods, crossing her arms across her chest. Negan kisses her head.
“Good girl. Go get your mama and brother for me, yeah?” He asks, in a soft voice.
She nods and kicks Rick’s shin before storming off to do as she was asked. Negan smirks and pokes his tongue out as he watches her.
“Yep. She’s definitely still Daddy’s little girl.” He chuckles and turns back to Rick. “Alright. Here’s how it’s gonna fuckin’ work, Prick.”
Rick shakes his head and cuts him off. “No. I’m not listening to a word you have to say.”
“Oh, you fuckin’ better listen. I came here with every intention of not laying a damn hand on anyone, you included. Because that’s just the fuckin’ gentleman I am! Now, my daughter hauling off and decking you? I didn't plan on it, but I ain’t sorry it happened. You pissed her the fuck off, and I can tell she’s got my temper. In fact, I still think you got off fuckin’ easy considering what you did. So, either you can either fuckin’ listen to what I’m ‘bout to fuckin’ tell you and no one gets hurt, or I should say no one gets hurt more. Or, I can kill one, just one, of your fuckin’ people and you’ll still listen to what I’m ‘bout to fuckin’ say. Your fuckin’ choice. You have five seconds to fuckin’ decide.”
Rick glares at Negan with his head tilted back slightly to stop the bleeding from his nose. 
Negan raises a brow.
Rick glares.
Lu walks over with a woman and a young kid.
Negan smirks and tightens his grip on Lucille, getting ready to move her off his shoulder.
“Fine! Say what you fuckin’ want to say!” 
Negan smirks and relaxes his grip on Lucille, letting her drop down to hang by his side. He stands up straight, towering over Rick a bit. His tongue darts out again, between two rows of insanely perfect white teeth and wets his bottom lip.
“Here’s what’s gonna fuckin’ happen, Rick the fuckin’ Prick. I’m gonna be taking my family. Yes, I have a fuckin’ family. A wife. A daughter. And even a son that I get to meet for the first fuckin’ time. I’m gonna take them home with me. I’m not gonna harm a hair on your head. My daughter might, but I won’t. Because I won’t hurt a little girl’s daddy unless he truly deserves it. Why, you ask? BECAUSE I’M NOT A FUCKIN’ MONSTER! And, my little girl asked me not kill you, because, despite you fuckin’ deserving to be a snack for the fuckin’ dead that are on the outsides of these fuckin’ walls after what you fuckin’ did, you still have a little girl. And every little princess needs her daddy at some point. And I’m not gonna fuckin’ take away from your daughter what mine had snatched from her 8 fuckin’ years ago. When I leave, you’re not gonna fuckin’ try and fuckin’ track me down to try and fuckin’ kill me again. That shit won’t fly. You try, and I WILL SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN! Don’t make me take your daughter’s daddy away from her. I don’t want to do that, but I fuckin’ will if I fuckin’ have to. After I leave, you’re gonna be a fuckin’ good boy, go back to your fuckin’ house, and be a father for your children, “He glances up to see a woman with dreads, keeping a watchful eye over the former sheriff. Negan nods to her to show he ain’t gonna hurt her man, before he looks back at Rick. “And by the looks of it, husband to a woman who is too damn good for your sorry ass. Not trying to run ‘round, playing fuckin’ hero. People are fuckin’ resources, Rick, something you clearly fuckin’ fail to grasp the concept of. You can lead your people, get supplies, and shit to live. You play by the fuckin’ rules, and our paths won’t ever fuckin’ cross again. You don’t play by the rules, there will be consequences. This ain’t baseball, Rick. There aren’t three strikes and you’re out. No. You get one chance. You fuck up and disregard the rules, Lucille here will be dishing up some bloody homeruns, and you will NOT like the score. Am I understood?”
Rick glares at him.
The sheriff sighs and nods slowly. “Yea.”
“What the fuck was that?” He cups his ear. “I didn’t quite hear you. My daughter says I’m getting to be an old man, and maybe she’s fuckin’ right. So, I’m gonna need you to speak the fuck up, Rick!”
“Yes, sir! You’re understood!” 
Negan grins and steps back, patting Rick’s shoulder. “That’s a good boy. Now, run the fuck along and get that nasty ass blood off your face.”
Rick sighs before walking away with Michonne following him. Negan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them, his eyes land on a little girl with curly blonde hair. He kneels down, ignoring the popping of joints. He gently lays his bat down on the ground and looks the little girl.
“C’mere, sweetie.” He says in a soft voice.
The girl looks up at a young boy, who Negan can tell is her big brother. The boy glares at Negan for a moment til the man gives him a gentle nods and an understanding is reached between them. The boy looks at his little sister and gently nudges her, letting her know it’s ok to go to the tall man crouched down. 
She does a mixture of a waddle and a run to get to Negan. He smiles as she giggles softly when he gently scoops her up in his arms, standing once again. He tickles her belly and kisses her cheek, making the girl blush and giggle.
“You are just the cutest little angel! Yes you are!” He coos softly. “What’s your name, sweetie?”
She giggles. “”Ju!”
“Her name’s Judith. She goes by Judy too.” The young boy says, walking a little closer, clearing protective of his younger sister.
Negan smiles and tickles Judith. “Such a pretty name for such a pretty little sweetheart! You your daddy’s little princess?”
She giggles and nods fast, curls bouncing on her head. She wraps his little arms ‘round her tummy, giggling and babbling a little bit, telling him all about how she’s a princess. Negan smiles and just listens, nodding along with her. 
“Well, I have to agree with you, sweetie. You are definitely a princess!” He coos, making her squeal with giggles. “Now, you go be the bestest princess in the whole world, ok? Always keep your daddy and big brother on their toes!”
She giggles and nods. “Otay!”
Negan smiles and hands her back to her brother, looking at him. “You’re both good kids. Even if your dad can be shitty. You’re both good. And, I want you to know that I would never, ever harm a kid, ok? You have my fuckin’ word on that. I would rather die before I had to hurt a kid. All I want is to be with my family. I’ve missed the last 8 years of my daughter’s life. Last time I saw her, she was just a few years older than your sister here. And, I’ve never even met my son. As long as your dad doesn’t mess with me, my family, and my people again, I won’t bother him, ok? You’ll never have to see me again, unless you want to come hang out with a bunch of kids, ‘cause there are a bunch at the place I call home. Some are newborns and they range all the way up to your age and my daughter’s.”
The boy’s eyes widen as he holds his little sister. “Really?”
Negan nods and smiles. “Mmhhmm. Kids are the future, boy. And I’d protect each and every last one of them to my dying breath. And if you come over, that would include you too. I know I’m not necessarily the best person on the planet, but then again no one is these days. And, I can assure you whatever story your daddy’s been spoon fed ain’t completely true. Yes. I’ve killed. But they’ve been men who deserved it. And by that I mean they either laid a hand on a woman or a child. Or they’ve forced themselves on someone, which is a big fuckin’ no-no. Either way, I don’t kill just for the pure hell of it. I do it to protect others. You’ve had to kill to protect someone, haven’t you?”
The boy nods slowly. “My mom. She died when Judy was born. I had to kill her before she turned and killed my sister.”
Negan’s eyes widen. “Well fuckin’ shit. I wasn’t fuckin’ expecting that. I’m sorry, kid. You did what you had to in order to protect your sister. I’ve done what I’ve had to protect the people I take care of. I’m telling you this ‘cause I can tell you’ve seen some shit, more than just killing your mom,  in your life. Shit no kid should have to ever see. But times change when the dead start walking. Kids have to grow up faster than they need to. But I’d do anything and everything I could to try and help them stay kids a little longer. Being an adult sucks ass. So, try to be a kid for a little longer, ok? Soak it up.”
The kid nods. “Yes, sir.”
Negan smiles a little and ruffles the boy’s hair since his sister took his hat. “Good. Now, maybe I’ll see you again if you want to come play with kids. If I don’t, just know that you’re badass, ok? And you’ve got my respect. Something not a lot of folks have.”
The boy nods fast. “Ok.”
“What’s your name, boy?”
“Nice to meet you, Carl. You keep on being a badass.”
Negan grins as the boy nods fast and then leans down to kiss Judith’s hair. “Bye, Princess!”
She giggles and waves as Negan walks away, straight to the three people who mean the world to him. The reasons he has to keep on living. He watches as a little boy watches him and after a moment, runs to him, squealing happily as he leaps into the tall man’s arms, with a screeching “DADDY!” ringing through the air.
Negan tears as he catches the little boy, scooping him up in his arms, kissing his head for the first time in the kid’s life, hugging him tight.
“Hi, baby boy! I’m so glad I finally get to meet you!” He says, his voice cracking. “You been taking care of your mommy?”
The little boy smiles widely and nods fast. “I’m a big boy! And I keep mommy safe!”
Negan smiles. “I’m sure you fuckin’ do! Does daddy’s big boy have a name?”
Another toothy grin is flashed. “Issac! But mommy calls me Ike!”
“Ike? Hmmm. That sounds like a damn good name for a big boy who protects his mommy!”
Ike giggles and nods fast. “Mommy said you my daddy?”
“Your mommy would be fuckin’ right, little man. I am your daddy! Wanna know how I know I’m your daddy?” 
“How?” Wide eyes and a curious face look up at him.
“Because, little man,” Negan smiles. “You have the same hair color as me.” He lightly tugs on a few strands of jet black hair. “You have the same cute dimples as me.” He gently pokes chubby little cheeks, making the boy smile widely, showing off dimples. “And! Your mommy said I’m your daddy. She’s a smart lady, and she always tells the truth!”
Ike giggles and nods fast. “Mommy does do that!” 
Negan chuckles and kisses his son’s head again, doing everything in his power not to start crying as his little boy hugs him tight and murmurs against his jacket.
“Love you, daddy.”
“And, I love you too, my little man.” 
His statement earns him a happy squeal and another tight hug as little legs wrap ‘round his waist. Negan tightens his arms ‘round the little human clinging to him like a fly on a strip of duct tape. He closes his eyes and savors the feeling of holding his son in his arms for the first time. Issac clings to him, the man he’s known as his daddy without having ever met him.
He knows his mommy and sister were right. This is his daddy and there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. He rubs his face against the smooth leather jacket and lets out a happy noise, before he starts crying.
“Ike?” He hears daddy’s voice ask. “What’s wrong?”
He sniffles and clings to him more. “Missed you, daddy. I happy you here now.”
His little heart nearly bursts with happiness as he feels super strong arms tighten ‘round him again and a gentle, yet heavy hand rests on his back, keeping him close. Keeping him safe. Letting him know it’s ok to relax, so he does. His little body sagging in the strong, safe arms, holding him close to a warm chest.
“Daddy’s got you, little man. You’re safe now. I fuckin’ promise.” He hears the words murmured in his ear by a gentle voice. “Daddy’s never leaving you. Never letting you go. Never gonna stop loving you.”
Ike cries harder, his tears soaking into the leather of his daddy’s jacket. He feels a soft kiss against his temple. He doesn’t realize that the words are almost identical to the words murmured to his big sister the day sister. He doesn’t care ‘bout that. All he cares ‘bout is the fact that his daddy’s here now, that he’s never gonna leave him, that’s he’s safe, and that his daddy’s always gonna love him.
He sniffles, rubbing a snotty nose across slightly wet leather, his tears slowly drying up as he grips the smooth fabric in his tiny hands, never wanting to let go. Negan holds him close, rubbing his back with soft, gentle movements, eyes closed as he presses his own nose in his son’s hair. He curls his fingers a little to lightly scratch the little boy’s back, helping him relax. 
After a few moments, the two lift their heads and stare at each other. Ike reaches a hand up, running his fingers through his daddy’s beard, and giggles at the feeling.
“Dat tickles!” 
Negan laughs and rubs his face back and forth across a tiny outstretched palm, making more giggles erupt from inside the tiny boy in his arms. 
“Do you like it when daddy’s beard tickles your hand?” He asks, getting a super fast nod in response. “Yea? I bet it’d tickle your tummy! What do you think?”
Ike giggles and shakes his head. “Noooo!”
“I think it would! Should we find out?” 
After a brief moment of thinking it over, and before the little kid can reply, he’s lifted higher in Negan’s arms as his shirt gets raised and suddenly his daddy’s beard is tickling his tummy as he blows raspberries above his belly button. Ike squeals with giggles and tries to push his shirt back down and he wiggles in Negan’s arms. 
“DADDY!!! STOOOOOOOPP! DAT TICKLES!!” He squeals, giggling, his little face a bright red.
Negan laughs and gently tugs his shirt back down, covering his son’s tummy. 
“I told you it’d tickle!” He chuckles.
Ike giggles. “Bad daddy!”
Negan pretends to pout like he’s been scolded, but it doesn’t last long as both he and his son start grinning from ear to ear and one giggles while the other laughs softly, kissing his head.
“Should daddy tickle mommy with his beard? Hmmm? Give her tickle kisses?” Negan asks, his eyes dancing with happiness as he glances up at the most beautiful woman in the world, then his daughter standing next to her, before looking back at his son. 
“NO!” His wife says, giggling.
“YES!” Both his kids say, giggling.
Negan smirks and looks up at his wife, once more. “Sorry, baby. Looks like it’s 3 to 1. The kids voted I give you tickle kisses!”
“You do it, Negan Alexander, and you might get slapped!” 
He chuckles at the threat that has no heat behind the words as he walks closer to her. “That’s a risk I’m willing to take, sweetheart. It’s been too fuckin’ long since we’ve kissed.”
He grins and steps right in front of his beautiful wife. Biting his bottom lip between his teeth, he gently sets Ike down, smiling when the little boy wraps his arms ‘round his leg, holding onto him. Negan reaches up with both hands and gently cups his wife’s cheeks, gazing into her eyes. 
“Kiss me, baby, and I’ll take you home.”
A bright smile lifts her lips up as a teasing glint is seen in Leigh’s eyes as she leans into her husband’s touch. 
“Promise?” She whispers.
“I fuckin’ promise promise, baby.” Negan replies, his voice a low murmur.
A moment later, their lips meet as he lowers his head and she lifts herself up on her tiptoes, both with their eyes closed. Negan moans softly against the soft lips pressed to his as he feels his wife wrap her arms ‘round his neck, pulling him closer. He drops his hands from her cheeks and lets them settle on her hips as he gives a slight tug, bringing her body closer to his. 
Their lips part slightly as his tongue lightly runs along hers, begging permission for something terribly missed over the years. Gaining the needed permission, Negan lets his tongue glide across his wife’s, engaging in a dance not performed in almost a decade, but never forgotten. Slowly pulling back, he places a quick kiss on her plump lips once more before completely lifting his head and opening his eyes.
His smile turns into a lazy smirk as he takes into the sight of his well and properly kissed wife who brings a hand from ‘round his neck to rest against her lips as her eyes flutter open and gaze up him.
“So fuckin’ worth the risk of getting slapped.”
Leigh’s laughter fills his body and soul, making him feel like the happiest motherfucker on the God forsaken planet where the dead walk and the living fight each other. His son’s fit of giggles only makes him happier as he scoops him back up, perching him on his hip. His daughter’s giggle and eye roll makes him chuckle before pulling her to him, wrapping his free arm ‘round her, hugging her close.
“So...shall Daddy take his family home now?” He asks, glancing at the three most important people in his life.
A chorus of “Yes”’s ring out from the kids while his wife smirks and nods.
“You did promise promise, Daddy.”
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mrsunderhill678 · 4 years
Hehe, more writing
“Not all darkness equates to tragedy, just look at the night sky. Despite it's darkness, it's still beautiful, and isn't it the same with us?" - Romena Sunfritz
“That's all war is. A twisted blood sport for the powerful to watch, is that all we fucking are, huh? A God damn spectacle? There's thousands dead on either side, soil so stained with blood it ain't ever washing clean of that crimson, but you claim this is for a good cause? To hell with that, to hell with the country, to hell with you, and to hell with me. Damn, us, all.” - William Phoenix
“The world is quiet but even violence goes by softly spoken.” - William Phoenix 
“I was eluded by the dark, wrought with passion and addiction, I danced within the illusion of love, lost within a resplendent delusion. And oh, now, here I stand, my heart aggrandized by the dark, swindled into the illusion that this is my purpose, my destiny.” - Alden Delafontaine
“Am I sick, or am I twisted? For I am starting to believe there is no cure, and I am simply twisted in nature.” - Alden Delafontaine
“This world isn't fucking cold, dude, we're just turning our backs to the flame.” -- Rocky Bellot
“I used to say, I'd light a match, just to feel the fucking flame, that I was Pinocchio, rotting in the shop, but perhaps, now, I'm Jipedo, and I can breathe life into me, and fix this rotting boy of wood.” - Brad Collins
“I've tried so desperately to scrub myself clean, I've spent hours at the stream, rubbing at my hands yet still they remain stained. With tragedy, with pain.... With me. Perhaps I am the stain.” - Turner Kordell
“The scariest thing of all isn't being scared of other people, it's being so terribly frightened by yourself that even if the mirror isn't broken, you are.” - Turner Kordell
“If my past were tangible, it would bleed me dry the moment I ran my hand across it, so wickedly sharp that I never stood a chance, really. I can forgive myself all I like, but at the end of the day, it isn't about me, it never was.” - Turner Kordell
“I have been destroyed down to my very atoms, nothing but the molecular level of what I once was, but here I am, still standing, cause I ain't in this life to back down, I'm here to rise up, and stay strong in the face of my damn fear.” - Kirby Bellot
“When I'm done, I can look the devil in her pretty blue eyes and say, I did good nuff, and she'll embrace me with open arms, cause these days, the devil leans back, admires my work, and bites her damn lip, cause I've sinned so deeply ain't even the most forgiving of beings can forgive me. I am a testament to the fact that even good men, can go rotten, just ask the devil, cause all she ever did, was tell the truth. And I'm proof of that.” - Zafavri Holts 
“We're all playin' a game 'a chess with our demons, mate, we're all in a back and forth battle against our darker fuckin' side, difference between me, and the average man, is my demons said checkmate the day I was bloody born.” - Alfonso O’Sullivan
“I am beauty in the ugliest of ways.” - Micah Romiro
“They say killing a man fundamentally changes a man, and that's true so long as it's yourself you're killing.” - Micah Romiro
“It's me who made this mess, the genocide of my own self, the slaughter of my own sense of being.” - Max Shaya
“I often wonder if God keeps me alive only because she fears what I would do to her.” - Howl Matthews 
“I have danced with such sin that I am the crawling of God's skin.” - Howl Matthews
“I do not fear death, I do not fear life, or the punishment I shall receive for mine.” - Howl Matthews
 “My whole damn life around me burned and now I can just hear the fucking silence of my regret.” - Milos Fellwitz
“I have found peace in who I am, I am prepared to burn for what I've done, for everything I love already fucking did.” - Milos Fellwitz 
“So come on world, come at me, I'll break you down to my level, cause you already broke me.” - Milos Fellwitz
“Stand up to me, we'll see where it gets ya, cause buddy, you can start this fight, but you sure as FUCK, ain't gonna be the one to God damn finish it. You want a grave? Good. Stand up to me and I'll grant your wish.” - Milos Fellwitz
“I am no longer tethered to me, I am nothing more than a conscience in another body, a reflection of someone else. In these many lives I've lived I've forgotten who I was, Preston Wilkins, the walking grave.” - Preston Wilkins
“I have made grand discoveries in this life, beasts do indeed roam this world, and you'll be surprised to learn we aren't the worst of them. There are things darker than the shadows in this world. Things more tenebrous than the pitch black of the nebula.” - Preston Wilkins
“I am dead to me, a grave now to even myself.” - Mikaelson Graves
“The only time I feel truly alive is when I can dance under the torchlight... The flame flickering on my skin, the moonlight dancing on me, it's as if Heilgravold is spinning only for me on those nights... The stars shine, the moon gleams, the world spins, I can't just stand still.” - Jemalina Night
“I have lived a life I fear will end in damnation, but I cannot truthfully look God in the eye and say I had no justification for what I've done.” - Adam Borwick
“We are inclined to believe that everything beautiful is good, but even the damned can look of salvation. The scariest thing about a liar, is they're often indistinguishable from the truth tellers, and often I've found they pretend to be prophets. They speak lies as others breathe, lies fall off their tongue like truth, and just like that, a thousand fools are lured into lies. Great minds think alike, my friend, but fools' minds rarely differ.” - Adam Borwick
“My hands are a fretwork of white laced scars, healed remnants of the pain I've felt, reminders that I've survived, that I'm alive.” - Juliet Borwick
“My brother often thinks himself a hopeless case, afraid of the blood he's spilled... But despite everything he's done, he's still my hero, and I know that if the wolves surrounded me, with their gnashing teeth and claws, he'd come to my rescue, frightening the beasts with poetry singing of clashing steel and red.” - Juliet Borwick
“The sun ain't gon' rise... At least, heh, not for you.” - Defforest Van Patten
“I have watched bullets soar through the air, droppin' soldiers and bloomin' flowers 'a red misery.” - Defforest Van Patten
“I will face this Goliath in my future as if I was David, slinging the fucking stone.” - Lockman Pierce
“ I will drag this dark into the dawn and make it Icarus, only difference is, it burns for a cause more grand than itself.” - Percy Pierce
“I'd rather go up in flames then down the wrong side of history.” - Percy Pierce
 “My hands are stained with blood, and truthfully, I don't know if it's my own or my conscience's... In this dark place my mind rattles, constantly ricocheting between myself and another... My mind speaks from the tongue of my abuser.” - Dylan Robertson
 “I'm just another man riddled with bullets, watching as all the King's horses and all the King's men simply step over me. This was war, but it became tragedy, as all wars do. Bullets flew, prophets spoke, but the blood was never prose, just red.” - Dylan Robertson
“All it takes to be a good man is to love and be loved, to give what you can and help those less fortunate than you. Even a smile can save a life. I reckon our hearts are suns waitin' to rise, and all it takes is a spark, really. Of love, of joy, even of curiosity. I've found when times are hard, ya don't got to look forward to what life may bring, just curious enough to explore the path God has given you.” - Thornton May
 “I am silk, woven from the finest of horrors.” - Dr. Tobias Emory
“I have watched humanity build themselves a grave over these many years, from the days of the lawless West to the stabbing of Julius Caesar, funny, how knives find backs and ours found the world's.” - Dr. Tobias Emory
“I am poetry, a dark entity captured in the paintings of Van Gogh and the prose of Allen Poe.” - Dr. Tobias Emory
 “You hold a secret for long enough, you become one.” - Changreta Alderbright
“My regret is so softly whispered that I imagine I am simply the who shouting only for Horton to hear.” - Changreta Alderbright
“I am lost, my eyelids heavy and bloodshot, projecting the horrors I can't scratch out, and despite how much I've torn, there's no key behind those fuckers.” - Arnaldus Alswith
“In a kingdom where the gifts the gods bestowed upon us is outlawed, punishable by death, what else are we supposed to do but rebel?” - Faylen Osophine
“I'm a shadow, wearing a crown as if it would save me, but instead I am crushed under it's weight, a stain on my engraved tile floor.” - Jalandar Osophine
 “This battle, this revolution of me, was never meant to be easy, I've fought against myself for decades, and I'm proud to say, not a single corpse of me fell, and flowers bloomed from the bullets fired.” - Georgia Graves
“I am a heartless beast washed in the blood of the lamb by force. God spares me, because I've pulled the wool over his eyes. I am Jacob, pulling a coat over my barren arms and telling Issac I am Easu if only to receive a blessing a doth not fucking deserve.” - Abdalla Calico
“This war against myself is too much to bear, how did I manage to become the hunter, the deer, and the bullet piercing my own damn skull?” - Abdalla Calico
“So oh lord, I am washed in the blood of the lamb, but be weary, for that's only because I slit it's throat.” - Abdalla Calico
“I say, it's time the outcasts wrote the fucking history books. The victors write their own version of history, so I say it's time someone told the damn truth.” - Sluzmink Jones
“I ain't askin' to be forgiven, just spared.” - Regan Locke
“On the inside, I am dyin', bullet holes and old wounds etched on the inside, and yet, on the outside, I ain't even bleedin. It's funny how that works, huh? We all die before we ever reach the damn casket, all it takes is a single bad day, so imagine a life of em.” - Regan Locke
“Bleeding from one's soul is the truest form of self.” - Azophine Bane
“My heart sings a battered melody, but even a lute of few strings can play a chord.” - Brilista Shante
 “I often damn myself for others have damned me.” - Brilista Shante
“I fear I am the judgment of others, I fear I am every person I've ever met and every crime I've ever committed. But maybe, that's because in a world that hates you for your birth, I'm scared to exist, when my existence is damned.” - Brilista Shante
“Who said gluttony came in the form of food? We can wolf down sins just as we would a meal on a silver platter, and I'm just as greedy as the rest of ya if not more.” - Harold Stout
“I have fed myself so full that I can hardly walk without the crushin' weight 'a my sacrilege buryin' me six foot undah.” - Harold Stout
“I am starved yet gorged with sin.” - Harold Stout
 “Am I really to stumble through the dark, finding cliff-sides rather than solid ground?” - Gothel Hendricks
 “My tongue is scarred and bleeding from the lies of affection, my lips are burned with the taste of abusive love.” - Gothel Hendricks
“Life can be tough as all hell, it can shove us in the dirt and then some, but all you gotta do to survive, is get back up. The worst thing a man can do, is stay down.” - Salary Holmes
“Mercy, my dearest of friends, is torture after you are broken, so I wouldn't go praising a man for sparing you. He's spared you of death, not the pain he wishes to cause you.” - Cyrus Hollow
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unagidevi · 9 months
Spikes 'n Commentary (Previously Senseless Cracked Commentary Squad)
Basically I started to remake everyone's sheets and stuff. Starting with Error, Nightmare and Cross as per usual: we have the Commentary squad.
Ezra Philip - Error Sans, a Layze based commentary youtuber that's Canadian
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Cace Levi - Cross Sans, A Kurtis Conner/Chad Chad type commentary youtuber that's irish
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Issac Soar - Nightmare Sans, a FilmCooper based youtuber that's british
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lunarxdaydream · 5 years
"Mayuri! Look!" He was practically shining as he tore through the door of the home, no doubt scaring his young son whom he quickly pet the head of. "Sorry, kiddo. But look!" The certificate unrolled and held up for the pair to see. Previous anxieties about the test that morning finally worn away as he held up the award he received for his efforts. "I passed! I actually got a qualification!"
     “Your turn to get a bath. Can’t have you say hi to papa like that.” Arms scoop James, his tiny limbs embracing her as he cheerily went over the outcome of the short imaginary game with Issac. If not for the youngest requiring a nap, the pair might have continued to play in their little world of spies – all induced by their father who seemed more than eager to play along. She supposes that for Halloween both children might dress alike. Well, one being able to walk around and ask for candy while the other is carried. Ah, she couldn’t wait to see them! They were going to be the cutest little – 
     Body momentarily jumps at the sudden burst. A soft exhale is all that calms her frightened state only to watch Elliott glow. Beaming. He is soaring on high wings … and it’s all because he worked hard. The desire he wanted. One of his dreams … Oh god, he’s going to laugh but … she’s emotional. For days on end, Elliott was working towards this. His long nights spent studying … and he finally did it.     
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     “Papa!” James squirms only for Mayuri to hand him over; his face reaching to nuzzle close to his father’s neck. Little arms embracing as tight as they could to express how joyous he felt for the other. “Papa did it!” Unable to help it, Mayuri soon joins in. Lips planting an affectionate and overjoyed kiss. “I’m so proud of you, Elliott.” He did it. She knew he could do it … and now, there in printed letters … – “Congratulations, darling.”
|| @aimhleas ||
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sassysweetstories · 6 years
Request: “hoya can u pls do a issac x reader when allison and issac r dating, and the reader loves issac but she's hurt so she like leaves town and issac realises how much she meant to him?? and he wants her back n stuffs and after 3 years, the reader comes back and they meet..but they dont get back together because the reader has a bf? angst angst plss, ily your writing so much !! especially with a gifs n stuffs !!!:DD”
Ship: Isaac Fem!Reader (previous), Allison x Isaac, Fem!Reader x random dude
Warnings: angst, swearing, heartbreak, fighting, fluff, minor kissing, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners
Tagged: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw @anamcg317 @bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist @beingmadinwonderland @princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet @lachicadelamanzana
Third P.O.V
(Y/n) watches the couple with a longing gaze, pain stuck in her heart from her unrequited love as he kisses another. She wants nothing more than for those lips to be hers but he’ll never look at her that way. This interaction had been happening on multiple occasions where she’ll wallow in self-pity and watch as the dirty blonde would ogle another. It was wrong, of course. To even possess these feelings, but who said love was kind to begin with. But for poor (Y/n), she couldn’t even bare being in the same room as the couple anymore. She was done feeling this tormented and hung up over someone who hadn’t even showed her the slightest bit of attention. Right after school, (Y/n) eagerly got her things together and left town to transfer to Canada, having already finished all her projects for school. (Y/n) turns up the volume on her headphones, happy to be rid of Beacon Hills for what could be forever. 
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The next day, however, Isaac had noticed a sudden shift in his life. Things weren’t the same as they were before and he couldn’t figure out as to why. That was until he noticed she was missing, gone completely. She hadn’t been sitting in her usually spot at lunch, sipping her drink as she smiled softly at her favorite part of the book. Isaac could no longer admire the way the sun shown down on her face, illuminating her already gorgeous features. He could not longer laugh when she ran into doors whilst trying to navigate the heavy traffic that is high school. The most simple things she’d done became his most exhilarating memories. But why had he felt this sudden thumping in his chest? And so abrupt? Why had it never happened before? Gazing out at her empty chair, he felt just like the chair; alone. It was another heartbreak he’d yet to understand. The beauty of what once was there, taken from the lover’s grasp. There wasn’t a presence anymore that seemed to be looking over him, this sense of home which seemed to be gone. 
Everyday the sensation gets worse. So much so, Allison can’t bare to be in the same room as Isaac as he won’t stop talking about (Y/n). Allison can tell that he misses her. But what she, nor he, could understand was why now? When she had been there, he’d never pay any attention to her, but now it was as if she was the only thing he could think about. She kept him up, night after night, longing for her. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her small frame in comparison to his. Isaac dreamed of her giggle, though soft, can sprout into something much louder and downright angelic. A simple sound he would most likely never hear again. She hadn’t left any contact with anyone despite Stiles and that boy refused to let the number fall into his dirty hands, as Stiles put it. But everyday, Isaac would notice another thing about her he hadn’t pointed out before. Another feature or trait that tore his heart up just a little bit more. 
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[three years later] 
Isaac sat at the lunch table, zoning in and out of conversation. That was until Lydia’s voice caught his attention. “Oh. My. God. Is that...(Y/n)?” The young boy doesn’t hesitate to turn over his shoulder to see if her words were true. In that moment, his heart soared. She looked just as angelic as the day they’d met. Her skin radiated under lunchroom lights, looking absolutely ethereal. He could look at her all day, admire the way her cheeks tighten when she laughs. The way her whole body moves as she covers her smiles. For the first time, Isaac didn’t feel lost. For the first time in three years, the empty place in his heart felt whole. “(Y/n)?” He asked, voice choppy and unsure. When she looked back at him, he felt his heart soar. Her eyes were bright and wide and beautiful. “Isaac, long time no see.” She says with strength behind her tone. (Y/n) doesn’t speak with as much kindness as she had before. Before he could continue, maybe take a chance he’d been praying for another body came up from behind her and kissed her cheek. “Hey babe. Who’s this?” 
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Isaac takes a step back, shocked. Unconsciously, he placed his hand atop his chest, feeling his heartbeat pace at an abnormal rate. In that moment, he felt everything around him crumble, all hopes of future restoration dispersed. “It was nice seeing you, Isaac.” (Y/n) said shortly before taking her boyfriends hand. No, no, no, no, no, no. He thought to himself. This wasn’t suppose to go this way. “(Y/n) wait, I want you back!” Isaac helplessly shouted. He couldn’t withhold himself, his feelings getting the best of him. “I beg your pardon?” Her boyfriend scoffed, obviously angry and surprised that this boy was trying to take his girl. “I wanna try.” Isaac pleaded with her but the longer he looked into her eyes, the more he noticed there was nothing for him there. There was no longer a longing gaze or feeling. They looked empty, only filled with love for another. “Isaac, I was never yours to begin with.” Before he can even retort, she grabbed her boyfriends hand and left him standing in the cafeteria, alone and lost. 
(I hope you guys liked it! PLEASE, FUCKING, COMMENT!) 
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tevotbegotnaught · 4 years
Dubov's Last Jump-off pt 3
Saturday afternoon, we found out the club couldn’t (or wouldn’t) accommodate our third night. Dubov had to pay us, of course. Mo was looking at other venues, possibly for tonite, realistically for the coming week. He asked our availability. Once we all responded, possibilities quickly evaporated. That weekend passed and more days after.
After waiting a week, I texted Mo about money. Hours later, he replied:
“High paint he otter eyes or sue didn’t cut anything”
At the gigs, I watched Mo use his phone; its screen at his nose, glasses mid way between forehead and hairline. He looked down precipitously, grumbled, grumbled again, then pressed send. What usually came through was a ransom note clipped from Beckett. He never corrected these puzzles until one of us asked. Here, a fully translated version of our exchange:
“I paid the other guys, you sure you didn’t get anything.”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Did you send your invoice to Julie.”
“I’ll call them”
“is there anything I can do to expedite this?”
“Chris, I’m not your employer”
“There’s a rehearsal tonite, will you be there”
“I didn’t know about a rehearsal. Where and when?”
“Still working on a place. Maybe 7?” (3 hours from now)
“Tough for me”
“No worries. If you go, you’ll be paid of course”
“No worries. I’ll get back to you”
Now, I was enrolled in the Godot payment plan. Dubov was looking at spending four lifetimes in more chains than Issac Hayes ever wore. I just wanted to get my money.
Weeks later, Mo Bedbug went live.
“Bears ash oh Friday”
Mo called in a favor with some Long Islanders. We had a show Friday. I lobbied for travel money.
Any evening rush hour on the LIE (a highway, not an enormous falsehood) was a parking lot. Friday rush was tailgating minus libations. I pressed him for my other money in the bargain.
“I paid Pianist with Venmo. Do you have Venmo.”
(I send my Venmo)
“This is will be easy, I didn’t know you had Venmo.”
“Ok”(I offered twice before)
“I’ll see you Friday my place"
Mo balked at travel money, though. Arranging an Uber from his place and promising we'd miss rush hour. To get to Mo's, I took the bus, two of them. It cost me way more than the fare. Flushing Avenue, Shabbat imminent, was a sightseeing tour: high school kids, restaurant workers, construction crews. So many people boarding, I couldn’t see nor hear my stop and had to walk an extra half-mile.
Turning onto Mo’s street, a familiar Bushwick tableau appeared. A massive pit, surrounded on three sides by green plywood. Graffiti tags and band decals fading under the shrouds of old posters. At the curb, a ziggurat of garbage-strewn ten-foot pipes and a marooned RV, black spray paint scrawled over its siding and vents, windows cracked and stuffed with wads of insulation, front seats piled to the ceiling with bundled magazines and crumpled newsprint.
On the next block, I found Mo's address stenciled on the brick wall of a old factory. Drummer stood away from its entrance smoking and scrolling his phone. He looked up.
"Man, I texted him like 10 minutes ago."
"No answer?"
"He said he’s coming right down"
"I’ve been giving him progress reports. F***ing bus was crawling."
The building’s entrance, a glass and brushed steel module, sat cheek by jowl with a battered freight elevator. After a text reminder and more waiting, the freight elevator doors parted vertically. Mo let the canvas strap swing overhead.
"This way" he said, glancing over his shoulder at the gleaming foyer before pulling the strap down. The elevator enclosure, a hypoxic chamber of fuel vapors and sawdust, led darkly to a huge steel door. Mo punched a code and pulled the handle. Inside, a newly carpeted hallway, filled with tarps, drywall, paint cans and the potent smell of sandalwood.
"They’re still doing work....as you can see. My place is cool, though.”
"Where’s Keys (the new pianist)?"
"He’s here. Been here a while. Working on the music."
"You have a piano?"
"Uh, I have kind of a studio. Not for recording, but you know, instruments and stuff."
Mo had room for those instruments and plenty more. His walls sprouted art in every medium and material: paintings on wood, metal, plastic jugs, shards of glass; sculptures of bottle caps, cardboard, styrofoam; violent, erotic black and white photos fetishizing punk style and concert posters from Downtown’s acme.
I stooped to gawk at an undulating video in a KFC bucket.
“That’s from my gallery. I used to have a gallery. When it closed I moved everything here. Well, not everything, but…you know.”
Keys sat on a leather couch. He was a kid, maybe twenty-five. I was his grandfather. That messed me up. Before excusing himself, Mo pulled me an espresso from a fancy Italian machine. I packed sandwiches and coffee, but the extra shot was welcome. From a closed door, medicinal-grade weed wafted. We were a full hour behind schedule.
Out on the street, waiting for the Uber, Mo nodded at the construction site and listing RV, saying in his mumblecore voice,
"That’s my girlfriend’s art project.... I mean, ex-girlfriend. "
"The RV? She did THAT?"
"Yeah....Well, her friends... they did it together. I don’t know who did which part"
(There were ‘parts’?)
"How long has it been there?"
"Uh....nine months. Wait...yeah. We broke up six months ago. She was living in it for a while."
"Living in it? You’re kidding. Was that part of the project?"
He chuckled. "Yeah...I don’t know."
"We’re still friends" he said, mostly to tumbling litter in the street.
Inside the Uber, Mo continued: “the realtor told me this was east Williamsburg, but it’s not, it's Bushwick. I don’t care what they call it, of course. I don’t mind living in Bushwick. It’s easier to have a car here.”
“You have a car?”
“Not now. Had to get rid of it. Wasn’t right for this neighborhood”
“Wasn’t right?”
“it was an Audi R8. Midlife crisis car. These streets are so bad, I kept having to get it fixed.”
Driving due east, the winter sun behind us pooled on the shiny road. We careened through four lane traffic. Ahead, break lights fanned out, ruby droplets cascading off a humpback’s tail.
Drummer and Keys talked through the set, then volleyed gossip about mutual friends.
When the radio spun an artist he knew personally, Mo turned around and apropos-ed a story, interrupting the other guys. In the 80s, he produced videos for many fledgling stars. It was a new medium for him and Pop music. A few of his clients soared from Downtown digs to world domination. Mo didn’t stay on for their ascent, though. He also worked on an early Dubov-produced movie until the boss’s relentless cost-cutting and hostility wore him down. While he rambled, a vape pen did plenty of its own talking.
Tonight’s venue, a redux of a famous Long Island rock room, now tucked in the basement of a new boutique North Shore Inn. That building, a block-size Cape Cod, dropped like Dorothy’s whirling farmhouse at an angle to the tony commercial strip.
We had a seriously low pressure slot, opening for a veteran blues band. Ten white guys from three generations; a solid outfit with a long history playing sincere, tasty covers. Always simpatico, Karolina added "Stormy Monday" to our set list. Due to the short notice, we lost Pianist, our stellar MD, and Trumpet wasn’t available. Pruned to prototypical stripper band: saxophone, piano and drums. Not without some irony..
When the ladies hit “Uptown Funk", shimmying and signifying, the audience, almost all sixty year-old white dudes with the occasional spouse, started hooting and whistling. T and A wasn’t on the bill, but it still satisfied. Margherita did her canned steps for ”Too Darn Hot". Karolina was confident and sold her songs. Keys somehow kept the basslines and harmonies together. I completely missed the famous trumpet intro to “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy". The ladies jumped in undaunted. The Male Gaze kept the show alight until we exited, dodging the headliner's B3, Leslie and vintage amps.
The ladies were pros now and we repaired to the underground parking lot to celebrate. The girls in jeans and hoodies, band in our "gangster suits". While she waited for Keys to blaze up. Margherita asked me,
“Did you have fun?”
"Sure, I always have fun" I told her. What counts as honesty when the entire premise of an act is fakery?
"Great" she said, tracking down the joint.
A couple hits and we went back inside, sitting down near the jacked-open exit door. The blues band’s horn section looked on wearily as the front man sang verses fashioned by tougher men for harsher times. From our seats, we saw Mo sweep through the green room doorway, his long canvas coat and scarf swinging. He pivoted at the closest table and exchanged with the owner, a grizzled man with a barely legal date. Their conversation rearranged chairs and sent the men striding out of the club, proving there actually were blues to be had everyday.
When Mo and dance partner failed to return, we headed upstairs and onto the porch, where patio furniture gleamed under blinding lights. At the foot of the wooden steps, livery cars glided in and out of the glare. After a flurry of texts, the ladies gathered their garment bags and kissed us goodbye. A black SUV, indistinguishable from the others, stopped and a rear window opened. Inside, Dubov’s face, like crumpled paper, if paper were milled from lipids and dusted with ash. "Good job guys" he said, voice level and hoarse. We thanked him. The ladies got in on the far side, Dubov’s window closed and the car drove off.
After dropping him at the factory, Mo left the meter running on our Uber so the band could get home. On the way, we speculated about Dubov’s eventual prison sentence, Mo’s fee and when "the New Yorkers" might book their first Bar Mitzvah.
The driver, a Bengali, navigated without commenting on our post-mortems, confirming and re-confirming each address for his app. I was last on the circuit. Once we were alone, I asked the driver about his night. His answers were brief and courteous. As we waited at a light, he turned his head toward me. "Excuse me, one question. Have you ever been to Las Vegas?"
0 notes
broomballkraken · 4 years
Title: Simply Complicated 
Fandom: Code: Realize
Pairing: Leonhardt/Victoria
Word count: 3340
Warnings: None
Summary: To the outside world, they were Captain Leonhardt and Her Highness the Queen of Britain. But in the privacy of the Queen’s bedchambers, they were Rempart and Victoria, a simple - no, not simple, just...simply complicated - man and woman who had a lot of love to give...especially to each other.
“Is something bothering you, Your Majesty?”
Victoria was jerked abruptly from her thoughts as she turned to find Leonhardt watching her, his brow creased with a look of concern in his eyes. It was the end of a long, exhausting day of seemingly endless meetings, political or otherwise, and by now the Queen of Britain was a bit out of sorts. Apparently she had spaced out for the entire walk from the throne room to her bedchambers, for she just now noticed that they were standing right outside of her door. How...unlike her to let her guard down so carelessly.
“I‘m fine. Just...a bit more tired than usual, I suppose,” Victoria said, stepping through the door when Leonhardt opened it for her. Once they both were inside and the door was closed tight, Victoria allowed herself to sigh deeply.
“Things have been a bit more...hectic than usual after everything that’s happened.” Leonhardt mused, following Victoria as she swiftly crossed the room to her vanity and dropped unceremoniously into the chair in front of it. They fell into a comfortable silence as Leonhardt got to work helping remove her outerwear, starting with her cloak. Victoria rolled her shoulders to help crack her back as she pondered his words.
Hectic. That was an understatement that caused Victoria to chuckle softly. Issac Beckford had almost completely and utterly destroyed London in his quest for a never-ending, global war. Luckily that had been avoided, due to the efforts of Issac’s daughter and her band of trouble-making, rambunctious friends.
Dealing with the aftermath of the chaos was exhausting, however. Between the efforts to rebuild London and the negotiations with the young but surprisingly mature vampire king, Victoria barely had time to eat, and her erratic sleep schedule left much to be desired. But, there was one thing that remained a constant in her life, and that was Leonhardt, her most loyal and trustworthy guard and friend.
Be that as it may, Leonhardt was also a cause of recent mental strife for her. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, and she absentmindedly lifted her foot for Leonhardt, who had knelt down in front of her to help remove her shoes.
The recent horrific events had Victoria thinking hard about the future, specifically pertaining to her...personal life. Seeing so many people lose their lives so swiftly and unexpectedly had her thinking about her own mortality, about how fragile even her life was. It made her desperate to speak of her buried, unspoken feelings of longing that had been festering within her for a long, long time. She wanted to tell Leonhardt of her true feelings for him.
She did not know exactly when it had happened, but at some point from the time he became her most loyal Guard Captain to now, Victoria had fallen in love with Leonhardt. He was the only person that she could truly let her guard down around, and not worry about him judging her for expressing her exact feelings. She could not recall the last time someone other than Leonhardt had seen her cry, and she would be keeping it that way. He never really said much during those times when she had felt her most broken, he just held her until she could compose herself and move on as if nothing had happened.
Victoria also not only admired his undying devotion to her, but also his dedication to the men under his command, and the general compassion that he held for those that he swore to protect. She had watched Leonhardt train new guardsmen in secret many times, and she was always impressed with his efficient and effective training regimens, but also his patience when a recruit was struggling to keep up. Maybe it was while watching one of those training sessions that she fell in love with him.
Her head suddenly felt lighter, and Victoria glanced at Leonhardt through the mirror, watching as he lifted her hat and headdress from her head and placed it on the vanity. He then moved to stand behind her again, and took a bow.
“I will take my leave now, Your Majesty. Please, rest well. Goodnight.” Leonhardt said, and he started to make for the door. Victoria frowned as a creeping, familiar loneliness dropped into her gut like a pound of lead. This was how her nightly routine usually went; Leonhardt would help her with removing her outerwear and accessories, and then he would leave and send in the maids to help her with the rest of her undressing. Tonight, however, she found that it would be a bit too painful to let him leave so soon.
A small smile crept over Victoria’s face when Leonhardt froze mid-step, and he quickly straightened up as he turned back around, brows knitted with confusion. It had always amused Victoria at how animated Leonhardt was, and how easy it was to read his feelings. He always seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve, and Victoria made a mental note that he would be absolutely awful at playing poker.
“...Is there something else that you want from me, Your Majesty?” he asked, after a brief moment of hesitation.
Victoria almost laughed at the deceptively simple question, but she managed to keep a straight face. On the contrary, it was anything but simple. There were many, many things that she wanted...no, needed from him. She needed to feel the warmth of his hand in hers, his calloused fingers entwined with her soft, delicate ones. She needed to indulge in the taste of his kiss, and smile against his lips when the hairs of his mustache inevitably tickled her nose. She needed to whisper sweet nothings into his ear as she melted into his embrace. She needed to tell him what her true feelings for him were, that she loved him…
She scoffed inwardly at her simplistic, adolescent desires. It was as if she was a princess in a fairy tale, dreaming of her one true love, her prince charming, her knight in shining armor...her most loyal Captain of the Royal Guard...How exceedingly immature of her...but, frustratingly, her heart still longed, ached for him.
“Yes,” she said as she stood up, “I want you to stay and...help me with my hair.” Victoria bit her cheek to keep herself from laughing when Leonhardt sputtered, and she caught his face flushing the brightest shade of red before she disappeared behind her dressing screen.
“B-But, Your Majesty, t-that would be...would you not feel more comfortable with, ah, a fellow woman helping you with that?” Victoria heard him ask as she quickly shed the rest of her clothes, letting out a sigh of relief when her restricting corset was removed.
“Leonhardt, you should know by now that you are the one person that I am most comfortable with,” Victoria responded, and she snickered when she heard him inhale sharply. Silence filled the room, and Victoria paused as she waited for his reply.
“...Is that an order, Your Majesty?” he said, and Victoria rolled her eyes. What a very Leonhardt like thing to ask.
“It is merely a simple request,” she said, although he probably thought that it was anything but simple. “You can leave if you truly want to.” Victoria left it at that as she grabbed her nightgown that was hanging over the dressing screen and slipped it on. She half expected Leonhardt to have retreated from the room by now, but she was pleasantly surprised when she stepped out from behind the screen to find him still standing stock still in the same spot that she had left him.
“Oh? I’m surprised that you didn’t flee from the room, with how much you were protesting,” Victoria teased, letting a giggle slip when Leonhardt cleared his throat and averted his gaze.
“Well, how could I refuse an honest request from my liege?” Leonhardt mumbled, and Victoria’s heart clenched as she grit her teeth. Was that all that she was to him, just the queen that he served? She had a lingering hope that he may harbor the same feeling for her as she did for him, but the fear of him rejecting her was always gnawing at the back of her mind, like a rabid beast picking at a festering wound. She steeled herself as she made her way back to the vanity and sat down.
Victoria’s eyes slipped shut when Leonhardt moved back behind her, and her heartbeat quickened when his hands slid through her hair, carefully removing the clips and pins holding her long white hair in place. She cracked open an eye, and she smiled at the look of deep concentration on Leonhardt’s face.
“You are surprisingly good at this.” Victoria commented, and Leonhardt shrugged as he deposited the last of the pins onto the vanity before grabbing the hairbrush sitting nearby.
“Yes, well, I used to help my sister do her hair all the time.” Leonhardt said, smiling fondly as he started to brush out Victoria’s hair. She nodded slightly, careful to not move her head too much.
“You’re a good man, Leonhardt.” Victoria said, her cerise eyes meeting his emerald green through the mirror. He paused his brushing for a moment as he stared at her, the intensity of his gaze giving her pause, before he broke the eye contact and stared down at her hair.
“You flatter me, Your Majesty. I do my best to uphold the ideals of justice, but it was you who gave me the opportunity to do so in the first place. I am...eternally grateful to you for that.” he said, and those simple, honest words were enough to send Victoria’s heart soaring within her chest. He was indeed the best man that she had ever known...and that scared her, because how could someone as pure-hearted as him love someone like her?
Upholding Britain's image as a global powerhouse was a daunting task even for her, one that has led her to sometimes seeking out...unsavory ways to keep it that way. And Leonhardt knew every single one of those ways. As morbid as it sounds, she was lucky that the events caused by Issac Beckford had happened when they did, because she arguably had something just as heinous planned to achieve her own goals. Luckily for her, seeing the aftermath of Issac’s insane plot had opened her eyes to just how awful her own schemes were, and she ceased those plans at once.
But still, Leonhardt had been the only person that she had shared these plans with. How could he not think of her as a monster, considering how many lives that she had been planning to sacrifice for the sake of her country? Victoria knew that Leonhardt would follow her straight to hell if she asked him to, but did she want that? No, certainly not. She wanted only good things for him, even if that meant a lifetime of longing for a love that she did not deserve.
That being said, the possibility - however slim it was - that Leonhardt did share her feelings was too hard to pass up, so even in the face of overwhelming rejection, she decided that she needed to act upon her feelings. She was Alexandrina Victoria, Queen of Britain. She would not let a measly fear of the unknown keep her from her desires, however silly and naive they may be.
“Er, Your Majesty?” Victoria looked up to see that Leonhardt had finished brushing out her hair, and was now shifting nervously on his feet behind her, “It is getting rather late, so I should probably, um, let you retire for the night…”
Victoria frowned as she narrowed her eyes at him. Your Majesty. My Queen. Your Highness. She could not recall the last time, or if he had ever, called her by her actual name. She didn’t like that. Leonhardt was her best friend, most loyal guard, the man that she loved. She wanted to hear him speak her name, and she in turn wanted to speak his.
Shooting up from her seat, she turned around and walked straight up to Leonhardt. He jumped slightly, startled by her sudden movement, and he made to step backwards when Victoria stepped dangerously close. Victoria would not have that, so she stopped him by placing her hands on his arms, freezing him in place almost instantly.
“Say my name.” Victoria said, her gaze intense as she stared Leonhardt in the eye, who just gawked at her, losing any shred of the composure that he had been trying to keep together.
“I want to hear you speak my name.” Victoria released her hold on the now dumbstruck man’s arms and instead slid her hands up against his chest. His breath hitched and he tensed up, and Victoria could barely hide her amusement at how absolutely flustered he was.
“B-But…” Leonhardt stuttered, and Victoria sighed, boldly moving her hands from his chest to gently cup his face, her cold fingers warmed by the heat radiating from his cheeks.
“Say my name...Rempart.” Victoria whispered, her eyes boring into his as she tilted her head upwards. As he stared down at her, she felt the tension slowly ease away from him under her fingertips. He closed his eyes but for a moment, and when he opened them, Victoria’s heartbeat quickened at the intense fire burning in his eyes.
“Is that an...order?” he asked, his voice soft and low, and that was enough to send a shiver down Victoria’s spine.
“It is...a desire, from the deepest depths of my heart.” she breathed, her desperation evident in her voice as Leonhardt slowly brought a hand to her face and gently caressed her cheek with a feather-light brush of his rough, calloused fingers.
“...As you wish...Victoria.”
Hearing the man that she loved finally say her name was enough to completely break the dam that had been holding Victoria’s emotions back. She wasted no time as she pulled Leonhardt face down, closing the distance between them completely as her lips met his. His surprised noise was muffled, and Victoria smiled against his lips as she watched his eyes slowly slip shut, with hers following suit soon after. He removed his shaking hand from her cheek and moved it to the back of her neck, his other hand moving hesitantly to settle on her waist. Victoria relished at the closeness, and she pulled Leonhardt even closer when she snaked her arms around his neck.
Finally kissing the man that she loved after what seemed like an eternity of unspoken, agonizing pining made Victoria feel an indescribable amount of happiness. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss, and the soft hairs of Leonhardt’s mustache brushed lightly against her nose, causing her smile to widen. This...was even better than she had imagined, and when she felt Leonhardt’s lips turn upwards against hers, she knew that he was feeling the same way.
It seemed to end all too soon, but Victoria was forced to pull away to catch her breath. She stared up at Leonhardt’s face as she panted heavily, taking the time to admire the flush on his cheeks and his red, slightly swollen lips. Leonhardt stared down at her, an unsure, hesitant look in his eyes, and Victoria giggled.
“My, my, are you speechless for once in your life, Leonhardt?” she teased, and his face scrunched up as he rubbed at the back of his neck.
“Ah, well…” he mumbled, “it’s just...I never, in my wildest dreams thought that you would ever...Ah, this...isn’t a dream, is it?” Victoria snorted before she burst out laughing.
“Well, if this is a dream,” Victoria said when she composed herself, and she reached up to gently brush away a bit of Leonhardt’s hair that had fallen into his face before she continued, “then I never want to wake up.”
“Do you...really mean that?” Leonhardt asked, and the complete disbelief in his voice made her heart clench as she frowned.
“Of course I do. I...I have harbored these feelings for you for quite some time now.” Victoria said, the words tumbling out of her all at once. It seemed so easy now, why had she waited so long to tell him this? She watched as Leonhardt pulled away from her, some kind of inner conflict playing out on his face as he ran a hand through his hair and chewed on his bottom lip.
“...Of all the men that you could choose to be with,” Leonhardt finally said, his voice barely above a whisper as he swallowed thickly, “you...would actually choose me?”
“Yes.” Victoria responded with zero hesitation as she reached out to grasp his hands, calloused from years and years of wielding a sword in her name. “There never has been, and there never will be anyone else that I would choose over you.”
“But, surely you would want someone of royal blood-”
“No,” Victoria cut him off sharply, her eyes narrowing with annoyance, “I am not so shallow as to pick a suitor just because they are royalty. No, Leonhardt, you are the most exceptional man that I have ever met. I trust no one like I trust you, and I...love no one like I love you.” When those last three words left her mouth, Leonhardt’s eyes went wide as saucers, and he finally smiled again.
“I...am at a loss for words,” he said as he approached Victoria again, and the radiant smile on his face was one of the most beautiful things that she had ever seen, “I never imagined that you would ever love me like I love you.”
“Then we have both been pining fools for far too long, haven’t we?” Victoria said, a sly smirk crossing her face as Leonhardt laughed as he pulled her into a warm, safe embrace.
“I do love you,” Leonhardt whispered into her ear. Victoria smiled against his chest; she would never tire of hearing those words fall from his lips, “I love you with all of my heart.”
“I love you too,” she said, pulling away slightly to gaze up at his handsome face. He smiled down at her, before he glanced out of the window at the night sky.
“It is rather late, I should...probably leave you to retire for the evening.” Leonhardt said, a deep frown settling on his face. Victoria could practically see the disappointment oozing out of him, and she shook her head.
“Stay with me tonight, Rempart.” Victoria said softly. He seemed to hesitate for only the slightest moment, before a smile returned to his face as he took her hand in his.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? The maids will talk, you know.” he said, and Victoria laughed and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.
“Oh, I know they will. I just don’t give a damn.” It was Leonhardt’s turn to bark out a laugh. When he composed himself, he lifted Victoria’s hand to his face, his eyes never leaving hers as he placed a tender kiss on the back of her hand. It was a simple gesture, and yet it ignited such an intense heat deep within her gut that it surprised her.
“As you wish, my beloved Victoria.” he whispered, and Victoria let herself be engulfed in his warm embrace as their lips met once more in a heated, hungry kiss.
To the outside world, they were Captain Leonhardt and Her Highness the Queen of Britain. But in the privacy of the Queen’s bedchambers, they were Rempart and Victoria, a simple - no, not simple, just...simply complicated - man and woman who had a lot of love to give, especially to each other. They would have to part all-too-soon to resume their essential duties, but right now, they were content with basking in the warm of the other’s embrace for as long as they could.
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mollyj8jt-blog · 5 years
Fire breathing Bruno Knight, takes the temperature soaring as a lycra clad Issac Jones hangs from t 5ce5f21eaadf8
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