#istg hes the only rational one
Why is the only coach not out for supa strikas throats the one that leads Grim
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scoobydoodean · 11 months
Made a similar post before but... I think people in their minds actually revise 2.03 Bloodlust to be this episode where Sam is on this "Monsters can be good" train before he ever gets kidnapped by Lenore and he then is burdened with the task of convincing poor stupid idiot Dean who isn't as open-minded and rational as he is to think for just one second and then at the end of the episode, pats him on the head and tells him not to feel guilty about it when he finally becomes enlightened like Sam has always been but that is not how that episode goes.
Sam's immediate reaction to the alleged existence of good vampires is not any different from Dean's. He immediately rejects the idea that the vampires aren't hurting anyone, and throughout his entire conversation with Lenore, refuses to believe her until she goes, "Fine. I'll let you go to prove it to you" which rocks his whole ass world.
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Face of man having his whole worldview toppled sideways and having to figure out how to adapt:
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So yeah after this Sam and Dean get into a 2 minute fight about it which turns into a completely different conversation because Sam decides for the third time in three episodes to try and pretend he's Dean's therapist then (badly) psychoanalyze him about how Gordon is a substitute for their dad and it (shocker) doesn't go well. But then Gordon steals the car and the moment Sam and Dean walk into the room where Gordon is torturing Lenore, Dean's feelings about the entire thing happening in front of him are "This is bad. This is very bad."
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The SECOND he enters the room Dean picks a side, and it isn't Gordon's.
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Just like Lenore "proved" her goodness to Sam by letting him go, she "proves" her goodness to Dean by resisting the temptation to consume Sam's blood... but Dean started defending Lenore and trying to get Gordon to back off the moment he entered the room.
Dean is also much more thoughtful about where this leaves him and Sam in terms of their past hunts while Sam doesn't consider the past at all?
Istg people rewrite this scene in their minds to be Sam approaching the whole thing from the perspective of someone who was already "enlightened"... but he wasn't. He was equally shocked by the revelation of good vampires possibly existing in this episode. He just doesn't bother to also consider the implications as far as any previous case they've ever been on. He doesn't feel any guilt about it he just lets it go with a shrug and Dean doesn't.
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Add to this that in 1.12, Sam was the one with the hardline stance that they couldn't kill humans—ones who would get away with their crimes because they committed them by supernatural means—and that doing so would make them "just as bad" as the things they hunt. The only difference between a human using a reaper to murder people for clout, and a monster murdering people, is the physical characteristics of the monster versus the human. Dean sees a human using a reaper to murder people for clout and says, "they're a monster in my book". He argues they should take care of it because of the human's actions—otherwise there will be no repercussions for the human involved, while Sam draws a hard line that they can't kill a human simply because they're human and for no other reason. This is also crunchy in terms of how it might relate to Sam's eventual feelings about his inner nature making him evil, versus Dean's actions-based analysis.
Sam has a lot of compassion for Max in 1.14, but it's gone by 2.05 when his reaction to Andy is to immediately assume he's a murderer while Dean rightfully thinks there's something else possibly going on... and that's two episodes after 2.03 Bloodlust.
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merakiui · 1 year
MERA YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG BRAIN!! Your alpha akademiya student wanderer ramble in your tags got me worked up like 😩 pls talk more about your thoughts on it!! The absolute audacity of that man, istg >:(
I have so many thoughts to share omg!!!! >0<
(cw: yandere, very brief implied nsfw, abo/omegaverse)
His appearances for lectures were spotty and rare at best, but after he meets you and familiarizes himself with your scent he's always showing up for class, bright and early just to get that seat beside yours. He's committed your smell to memory, so it's like his little beacon he uses to guide himself through the Akademiya's labyrinthine halls when he's looking for you. He always joins you for tea or lunch (though "join" is a bit of a kind word; it's more like he invites himself, forcing himself between you and some friends or interrupting your solitude to sit near you and indulge in tea or chit-chat).
Wanderer is a nuisance, albeit an intelligent one. You ask him if he has anything better to do. Surely there's a paper he needs to write or research he needs to conduct. He always smiles with so much bright satisfaction; he's already finished all of his work, diligent as ever. You're not sure why he prefers to associate with you. It's no secret that he rarely socializes, choosing to keep to himself, always so wrapped up in solitude. Why he's suddenly wanting to be so friendly with you is beyond you, but he's not as annoying as other alphas you've encountered, most trying to persuade you to sleep with them because you're unmarked and so tempting. Wanderer seems to care less about second genders, grousing about how he has no interest in omegas or betas or alphas. Knowing he isn't here just to try to ruin your future is a relief, so you let him stay and eventually you become something akin to friends (though he's the type who is always rubbing his good grades and essay scores in your face because who else can he brag to if not to his (only) friend?)
Wanderer likes you; it's rather obvious, but then he has no intentions of hiding it. What he does hide is the obsession. Part of him knows it'll look really bad if you catch him while he's rifling through your drawers after coming to visit under the guise of helping you sort through some extensive research notes. While you're occupied and distracted, he's searching for your suppressants and anything else you use to mask your pretty scent. He knows it's wrong, but then is it really if he's planning ahead to keep you safe? The amount of alphas he's had to scare off is starting to annoy him. Can't they see you have no interest? Can't they see you're his? Though there isn't physical proof, there will be soon enough. This is for your safety, after all. Friends look out for each other, or that's what Lesser Lord Kusanali is telling him when he briefly mentions he's made an acquaintance with a fellow student.
Really, it's no surprise when you go into heat halfway through a busy day at the Akademiya. Wanderer would feel bad, but it's his fault for tampering with your medicine and sabotaging all other forms of contraception you might take for caution's sake. He's always around, even if you never see or smell him, and he swoops in just as you're on the verge of stumbling, catching you so very gracefully. There's an empty classroom nearby. Let him take care of you. You can't do much but follow instinct. Even the most rational of scholars are victims to the natural whims of biology. You're no different. And he smells so good and you're familiar with his scent and you trust him and he's your friend... Why wouldn't you accept his help when he's offering so kindly? He promises he'll be gentle, he won't bite your neck, and he won't cum inside or knot you.
But then Wanderer is also a liar, and you're the one he's wanted for months and months. Now he can finally have you.
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bibibbon · 9 months
Characters with wasted potential : shota aizawa (rant)
Look I first got into the series because of the idea of dadzawa but now i can confirm that it is just a fanon concept that people made(one that I wish was actually true). I have many problems with Aizawa's character that hori never really focuses on:
HE IS A BAD TEACHER. It is without doubt that aizawa shota is cannonically a horrible teacher who clearly favourites students like bakugo and shinso while clearly treating other students like izuku unfairly. One of the things that makes him a bad teacher is the whole expulsion thing. Something like that is very big as it completely ruins a perfect record which can ruin lives AND CREATE VILLAINS. Even his old students fear him and have a bad impression of him which doesn't help the "oh dadzawa" or "aizawa is a good teacher stuff". Shota can and will protect the students but that's it in terms of teaching his students something and taking care of them he rarely does that.
THE WAY HE INTERACTS WITH OTHER CHARACTERS. Iam talking about both sides here. He favours bakugo and goes to extreme lengths to defend him even though the public actually have a point and even nedzu states that the reason that they kidnapped Katsuki was because of his behaviour. It then makes no sense for him to keep on criticising midoriya instead of actually doing something and helping him handle OFA (he is one of the best teachers to help him with combat and his quirk) even if he doesn't know about OFA specifically he can still train and help midoriya which he never does or never offers. The only time we see him train a student it isn't even someone from HIS OWN CLASS which adds to the whole he looks like a bad teacher.
HIS BACKSTORY. Let's be honest the whole oboro and kurogiri thing had potential but it's all their just for shota and to make him a lot more sympathetic. It's literally Horikoshi's way of giving us a reason to justify shota's on paper expulsions and why he is so distant which doesn't work. His backstory had potential but was dealt with the wrong way to the point where later in the series all that shota is reduced to is the nomu oboros friend.
HIS INCONSISTENCY. Eraserheads character is very inconsistent like he goes from being this bad teacher who threatened to expel any student for coming last on a test and not showing heroic potential to him somehow forging yuuga for being the traitor and sympathising with him?!?! To me this development kind of comes out of nowhere especially when you realise that he KNEW he treated izuku badly and THEN PROCEEDED TO NOT APOLOGISE AT ALL?!!!?!?!. There are many other things inconsistent with his character like the way he treats all might and his friends like istg midnight is your friend so why you shutting present mic up for being angry and grieving midnights death?!!?!!
Honestly, I don't think Aizawa was supposed to come of as a bad teacher and a bad person but because of Horikoshi's writing it came out that way which is sad. I think horikoshi wanted him to be something similar to kento nanami (jjk) and hatake Kakashi (Naruto) but that didn't work out as seen here. You can improve this by:
Making him a good teacher. Show him reading his students files and trying to learn more about his students before meeting them which would help with his introduction scene where we see him waiting outside of the class to see how everyone is settling in. Have him use his rational deceptions but not make the consequences something huge like expulsion ( a transfer or a visit to the principles office would have the same effect). Let him acknowledge bakugos behaviour and have him call out stuff he sees. It makes no sense to me why anyone espe shota who got bullied by someone just like bakugo likes and constantly defends bakugo. HAVE HIM ACKNOWLEDGE/ LEARN MORE ABOUT HIS CLASS; he should know stuff like how secretive and closed off shoto is or how unusually aggressive bakugo is. Have him give actual concequences to his class that make sense like with mineta and bakugo they should of been dropped long ago or at least been sent to nedzus office so he can deal with them. FOR A GUY SO LOGICAL SHOTA DOESN'T SEEM TO DO ANY OF THIS!!!
Change the way we see him talk to and interacting with different characters. Iam all for having him be someone closed off but someone who still cares because that's the something that the narrative tries to do but fails at. The narrative also tries to make him as this guy who is scared to form real bonds as a trauma response to what happend with oboro but ironically he always ends up caring and trying to protect people in his own way which is an interesting plot point but fails. I would be content in keeping both of those plot ideas as a part of his character however, to do that have him not have any FAVOURITES and just slowly/unconsciously have him build bonds with the students in his class (can start to happen after the usj) and for shinso have him build a bond after shinso manages to get into the hero course. When it comes to him talking and interacting with his students keep him blunt and have him point out flaws but also give ideas and help into how to actually FIX THE FLAWS. This could lead to him trying to help izuku with his quirk situation and actually teach him quirkless combat (which is something CANON IZUKU SHOULD OF HAVE LEARNT!!!) From then we can see aizawas perception of izuku slowly change and he slowly starts to understand his student and realises the uncanny similarities they both end up sharing. When it comes to him interacting with teachers have him at the start feel like he doesn't fit in and be distant but slowly with the help of his friends present mic and midnight he starts to open up to the UA staff and we can get him develop a little rivalry with Vlad (I know a lot of people say it exists but it's quite one sided with just Vlad being competitive) Iam not saying aizawa should be extroverted and competitive but still be petty and uphold a bit of the rivalry in his own way. When it comes to his friends I think with them he should be close but also have this irrational fear of losing his friends ( actually have him realise and try to teach the dangers of heroics). With all might I feel like he should respect him as a hero and what his goal is which is to teach heroics to the younger generation ( he still doesn't know about OFA until way later ) but have him as someone who has been teaching for a longer time period give constructive criticism and sympathise a bit cos let's be honest teaching a group of overpowered kids is tough.
Have his backstory focus on him and his friends. When reading the vigilantes manga and just looking at the main manga you can clearly tell that the whole backstory of oboro and the kurogiri situation is just there for aizawa and no one else which is such a shame considering it ruins all the characters that are involved writing. Throughout the reveal, we should of focused on the whole rooftop trios reaction as a whole and not only on aizawas we should of seen them try and take comfort and confide in eachother ,we should of seen their own regrets and suffering while giving all the characters screen time to show that. Also aizawas backstory doesn't make sense considering how he goes on to favour bakugo even though he was bullied by someone like bakugo so have him actually follow his backstory and maybe as a teacher empathise more with Izuku and try and help whatever nonsense pos is on.
It's such a pity that aizawa (one of Horikoshi's favourite characters) has so much wasted potential and could of been a great teacher that tried his best to teach and protect his students but because of the inconsistencies in his character and his actions all of that just FAILS horribly.
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starlight-bread-blog · 4 months
The Katara hate is so strong in this fandom, it has people making up complete lies and shitty memes. One meme tried to make Katara look immature and selfish by having her as a doge and screaming "I'm the only one who has ever suffered from loss!". But where in this entire show did Katara ever say that? Even when she told Sokka "you didn't love mom like how I did", she simply implied that Sokka wasn't as close to Kya, not that he never experienced a loss. ISTG Katara-haters are some of the most delusional haters I've ever seen. I just felt like venting.
The thing is that that line isn't saying that Katara is the only one who'd experienced loss, it's saying that they didn't have the same loss. It's not about the amount, it's about the type.
Does that make it an okay thing to say? No, it's not. But The Southern Raiders isn't normal circumstances. It's the peak of Katara's arc. After 3 seasons and six years of supporting everyone unconditionally and being perfectly rational about her very intense grief. Moreover, Sokka isn't as innocent as people paint him to be. He was backing up A\ang who was being incredibly insensitive towards her. It is under these circumstances that she has a human moment and lashes out.
From a doylist perspective, Katara by all means should act iraionally under these circumstances. She shouldn't be an angel 100% of the time. So to take her bahavior from just one episode and hold it as what she genuinely believes is reductant in my opinion.
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b0nten · 1 year
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 hanma hcs for a workaholic reader
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 for the one and only ray <3 @hanmasdolly hopw you like em pookie bear <3 also not proofread <\3
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tbh at first when he sees you working a lot he’s like really really confused
like… what are you doing? you’ve been glued to that notebook for 2 hours already. take a goddamn break?!
he’s actually super clingy when he wants to be so you focusing on your work all the time really threw him off, but he gradually he got used to it (thankfully)
once he got past his annoying, toddler-like stage, where he pulled your arm every three minutes to demand attention, he actually learned to enjoy being silent together.
but hold up, that took effort and patience 🤣🤣🤣 he was A LOTTTTT
🎶 🎶 🎶 you kicked and cried, like a bullied child… a grown man of 6 foot 5 🎶 🎶 🎶
after a very very unpleasant fight though, you sat him down and explained that your work is not necessarily as important as him, but still it needs to be done.
you both agreed to make compromises and surprisingly hanma was actually being considerate and rational.
he demanded that every hour you take a twenty-minute break (you managed to negotiate it down to 15) and you weren’t allowed to do ANYTHING past 7:30pm. we love a time aware king.
also urged you to take at least one day a week as a rest day. just for yourself, to spend time with yourself (or him too, he’d definitely NOT mind at all)
you agreed, with some conditions of yours as well, albeit a bit more simple : you couldn’t come to trivial events such as gang meetings or certain parties (except his birthday or very, very important celebrations).
you also suggested he could spend time around you doing something too — reading, writing, cooking, painting— idea which at first sounded kinda dumb to him but hey, now hanma knows how to crochet and gets way more than the daily 20 minutes of reading done!
once the fiasco was resolved and you guys were past it, it was actual bliss. not only did you two get along better, but you also, weirdly got to know each other better.
ironically, even hanma forgot the curfew he set for you sometimes and you guys just spent all night talking — you doing your thing, and hanma crocheting a new blanket.
literally so lovely istg
and it’s really wholesome that this became a habit you brought with you into your adulthood as well — just basking in each others’ presence. nothing more, nothing less.
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twig-gy · 5 months
this is why i get diseases from mind istg like. he thinks if he lets go for even a single second everything will fall apart. and he’s kind of right yet devastatingly wrong. he thinks he is the only one keeping them alive. when he falls asleep he’s afraid of what he’s going to find when he wakes up. sometimes he stays awake. it’s irrational but he doesn’t think of it as irrational because paranoia isn’t paranoia when it could happen, when he has found heart lying on the bathroom tile, eyes shut, a smile on his face - and it wasn’t his smile, it wasn’t the smile of those who don’t know what else to do, it was heart’s smile. heart only smiled when he was genuinely happy. his smiles were carefree. so this?
he opens their doors, carefully, because they would never understand. and the relief he feels when he sees them asleep but alive never eases, it hits him and he has to just take a deep, shuddering breath, watching their chest rise and fall. pressing his arm to their neck, gently, so he can feel the false-beat of a false-heart. it’s rituals like these which keep him from crumpling in on himself. it’s only rational relief he feels - after all, maybe they don’t know it but he does, if one of them died he would also go. so it’s only rational. he is compelled to do these things because the anxiety he never really stops feeling abates at them and only at them. he is truly the mind, because all of the worst possibilities buzz under his skin, he is a livewire of obsession. and it stops him from sleeping and it’s always a bit harder to sate them each time and it goes until he has to acknowledge it really isn’t rational at all but - it’s fine. it has to be fine. it’s irrational to try to change what you can’t. this is how the mind is. isn’t it logical, for the mind to obsess over these things? no one else is thinking of them, anyway. it’s fine, if he feels like he’s on the edge of shattering. right? it’s fine? cause it has to be fine, it has to be fine, it has to be
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(This post is an Ed Teach lovers only zone!)
So, as much as it's obvious that the way Ed treated the crew should be understood as nothing more or less than a very fucked up suicide note, I do think he should try to make amends with the crew. They deserve that.
But, and this is crucial, I think Izzy should have to explain that he's the one who threatened Ed and kicked off his self-destructive spiral in the first place. The crew are obviously just thinking that Ed went off the deep end for no reason, and Ed deserves to have his actions put in that context. He doesn't deserve for Izzy to characterize him as a "mad dog" (istg if Izzy says that again it is on sight); he wasn't acting rationally and it wasn't right to bring the crew into his self-destruction, but he wasn't acting without reason.
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suguru-getos · 7 months
Oh. INTRESTING. I just realised I should think about self ships more 😭 but okay here we go 😎
my self ship would be with Suguru. Definitely. Not the cult leader tho 😭 just a little rewind right there. You see the high school Suguru? Yeah cool. I only claim him.
>>> How would be better like when I'm off?
It'd definitely hurt him too with me. (because that's what I've seen with people around me, you know when that loud and bubbly one goes silent ?! Even though you know they'd be fine it's just so ouch. As if something's missing. Yeah, my personality is more or less like Satoru, he's ENTP I'm ENFP. which by the way, did you know? Fits INTJ in compatibility better hehe yeah I see him as a threat so what? 😤) and since his rationality is something I"d value, he'd have to do the tougher job of being my backbone rather than getting away with just sympathizing and giving me rational and "harsh truth" perspectives when I come to him with the problem that's bothering me. He knows if tries to be soft with me or bullshit me with sympathy I'd see it right away. So that.
>>> I HC our relationship to be such that it makes everyone jealous because he's definitely smiling and laughing around me more (not because he's smitten or sth, because I'm his personal clown ✨). That's what I am about most of the times. Hyped up over the smallest things. Hehe.
>>> Jealous. Huh. Interesting. I'm a women in stem, and you must know how the ratio is always so heavy on men"s side. So naturally I have a lot of them hitting on me at all the points of time. 😂
>>>And another thing is, I'm an extrovert socialising with people all the time so he might be annoyed on how to get my attention on him out of all the other people i hangout with (Again, not my words 😂😭) little does he know he has all of it since day 1. But that'd be only an issue before we get together, because he'd never know if I view him differently/romantically or not 😭 because "you're this energetic with everyone. How am I to know?"
>>> I and Satoru would definitely always be bickering over how he lets me get away with spam texting but not him. Hehe. Suguru's reasoning? "You're annoying, she's not *shrug*"
I say I don't think any self ships but then I go on full on spam mode (I hope you don't mind it, if you do please be honest about it and lmk like "I just asked for headcanons not a ONESHOT you idiot🔪) somehow wow😭 but yeah. That's how I see it, sunshine x grumpy (kind of?) Trope.
(Which made me think, neither of us actually like yapping about ourselves too much so we'd just be having hours and hours of discussions about different topics. The quality time discussion is a love language kinda couple. )
Now YOUR TURN. *hands over the pen*
lmfaoooo why not the cult leader sugu? he has such a dominant rizzly energy my self ship revolves around him and i’d bark like an animal for cult leader sugs 🙇🏻‍♀️🥹
-> also that’s so cute omg?? i am an intj/entj hybrid so i love myself enfps 🫵🏻 they bring such a lovely vibe around. (my irl best friend is an enfp) & i’d die for her. <33 suguru would love you so much, you’d be his breath of fresh air & when you go down, so does his existence. i hc him as super empathetic to people he cares about, so if you’re down, he’s rock bottom. :33 hello 👋 another stem major here’s your crown 👑 gorgeous ‼️ i’ve graduated in 2022 from stem so i know how the life’s like. 😉 suguru would be disgustingly jealous fr fr you attract everyone with your positivity.
-> suguru would definitely appreciate your bickering with satoru & blabbering. it would make him feel good that two of the people he loves the most are talking/being together 💋
grumpy x sunshine is my favorite troupe so this post made me intensely happy. 🪷🥰 also, that’s alright for the long post, only made fun of how people can see a character so similarly yet so differently!!
-> as of my own self ship headcanons, i’ll post them cus i’d yap more than you istg 😭 he’d love when i wear a saree tho ‼️🙇🏻‍♀️
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Hazbin Top 5
I was going to make a top 10 character list, but realized after the first 5 I didn't know where to place anyone- But in case you're curious, some contenders for the remaining 6-10, in no specific order, were Angel Dust, Charlie, Emily, Niffty, and Sir Pentious. Now here's my top 5 with reasonings and appreciation for them all!
5. Lucifer
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Obviously bro is relatable, not only for his awkwardness and hyperfixations, but he also happens to be the same height as I am at about 5'2" (according to the sources I've seen). Being the same height as Lucifer is my biggest flex lmao- I still have no idea why his hatred of Alastor seemed so instant. Like yeah, Alastor was trying to annoy him by being a better dad to Charlie, but the whole 'fuck you' moment happened before any of that started. Did he just sense the bad vibes off of him or what? Anyway, his awkwardness and desperation to connect with his daughter make for probably my favorite lines of the episode, such as the "Hey bitch!" and the whole "You like girls? So do I!" situation followed by him being so distracted he called Vaggie by the wrong name. Perfect comedy
4. Lute
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I love her an insane amount for someone who shows up so relatively little with so few lines, but here we are. I've already made an entire post about her, here it is if you want it, so I'll keep this short (Spoiler alert: I failed). I actually don't think I mentioned just how attractive this woman is, so let's get that out there right now. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this, about half the people I've seen react to Episode 6 have seen Lute without her mask, took a pause of recognition, and we all knew what they were thinking before the pressed play. Istg my taste in women (and sometimes even men, thanks Vox) is just "Can they murder me without a second thought? Yes? That's hot". My favorite line of hers is when she's hyping up the army with Adam and says "Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass!" and even Adam has to be like "damn girl chill what the hell-" She's so feral I love her so much
3. Rosie
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Everyone needs a Rosie in their lives. I don't just mean a regular therapist, I mean a person in your life, friend or family member, who will talk you out of your downward spiral and gently call you out on why those paranoid thoughts are actually pretty unrealistic (the other side of the same coin would be Husk, he's just more blunt about it). I'm also still completely convinced she has some interesting and sad backstory based on how she was talking to Charlie and I need to know about it so bad. "It can be difficult to admit to things you're not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love" Ma'am what did you do? I find it hard to believe it's just about the cannibalism. I don't know if in this instance, she's the one who hurt someone or someone else hurt her and she was the one who failed to forgive them, but either way I need answers.
2. Vox
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Y'all know I love this man in more ways than one, he one the hottest Hazbin character poll for a reason. But I swear everything about this man makes me love him as a character more. First, I always love a technology based character, his electricity powers and literal screen head are the coolest thing in the world to me. He's voiced by Christian Borle, which was a fantastic choice, along with the glitched effect his voice gets when he's mad, I love to see it. Apparently it's also canon he can fly (with rocket shoes)?? He just keeps getting the best character design choices possible, this can't possibly be fair- The fact his first introduction was being done with Val, telling him to call tf down, and treating him like a child ("Now that's why they pay you the big bucks!") was a pretty good first impression for me lol, made even funnier when it was followed by him losing all sense of rationalism when Alastor entered his line of sight.
1. Alastor
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The character my blog is named after, this should not be a surprise. Shockingly enough, despite my obsession for him and acknowledgement of his charming nature and generally attractive design, I' do not simp for him in the slightest'm not personally attracted to him in the slightest. I simp for a TV and yet apparently deer man with permanent smile is where I draw the line idk- The most I want from him is to be as good of a friend to him as Rosie is (well that and to touch his ears but that's a given). But this is another character I love literally everything about. Who would've thought the concepts of 'radio host', 'serial killer', and 'literal deer' would work so well together to create this dapper yet terrifying fucking cryptid. Not only can he be either incredibly scary or a silly guy, he can and has done both at once. Example: Episode 3 when he's just casually eating a deer carcass in his room (in which he summoned a whole ass bayou). I was genuinely so glad when the 'this face was made for radio' thing happened in episode 1, confirming that they were still gonna lean into his creepy-as-fuck distortion and general vibe he had in the pilot. He's horrifying and evil and I love that about him. Meanwhile he also says shit like "Now he's pissy, that's the tea" (definitely taught to him by Rosie) and kicks his legs on the bed like a schoolgirl as if he hasn't committed countless atrocities. My favorite character, everyone-
Wow I wrote more than I meant to for this, sorry about the essay-
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toadslug · 10 months
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New Iterators just dropped 🔥🔥 Only two of them are new, but I haven't introduced the other one yet, so I'll do that here! More under the cut:
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This is Whirling Ellipse ("Ellipse" or "WE" for short)! She was my first Iterator OC, so she has a special place in my heart 🥺💖 She's playful, talkative, and very friendly, but her deteriorating systems have caused to act more loopy and spontaneous (than usual). She experiences frequent memory lapses, and her communications are shaky. Oh, and her arms fell off... oops. A grumpy Slugcat named The Salvager (who I should also probably make a post about) occasionally pops in to supply her with new parts.
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Onto the new Iterators!! This Idle Speculations ("Specs" or "IE" for short); she's the youngest member of the local group. Her can is situated over a desert region, and she's far away from the other Iterators (even her own local group). She's rude, brisk, always annoyed, and easily frustrated... so! Kind of an asshole. It's always the short people istg 🙄
She pretends to like being alone, but she secretly appreciates company. She also seems to be the only Iterator who has caught onto DWOE's recent suspicious behavior...
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This is Two Masquerades ("Masquerades" or "TM" for short)! They're slightly older than Ellipse. They're elegant and kind of keep to themselves (they don't mind the other Iterators; they're just very focused on their work). They're super into fashion and love designing clothing. The Ancients of their city would frequently wear their designs. Now that their Ancients are gone, Masquerades has moved onto designing clothes for the local fauna. Do the creatures appreciate it? Not really. But Masquerades thinks lizards look cute in tiny hats.
I'm going to work on fleshing these guys out some more! Thinking about adding one of two more Iterators to the group, but I have no character ideas right now lol. Feel free to check out my Toyhouse if you want lore updates and stuff. I also made a isolated drawing of DWOE (non-possessed yipeee!!!):
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Actually, I don't think I've ever gone into his character here...? So I'll do a little of that right now:
Dulcet Warble of Evening was the senior of his local group. He was calm, thoughtful, and rational; his Ancients and other Iterators frequently went to him for advice or consoling. He always prioritized his duties as an Iterator, but he had a greater love for nature. He liked observing wildlife through his Overseers. He started working on a way to detach from his arm so he could explore the world and discover new species, but he never achieved that :( Now he's possessed LOL 🤣🤣
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Time Cut Short | Hugo Stiglitz x gn!reader
@inlovewithhugostiglitz asked: omg first off i love ur hugo fics sm and i just reblogged a load of them, so i was wondering (if u have time) could u write a fic thats hugo x gn!reader and he's being soft w the reader around the basterds (a very rare occurrence) like he's hugging them and like giving them like kisses on the forehead and stuff like that😭 if u do write a fic like this tysm istg
summary: Hugo has a soft spot for one person, and one person only.
tws: swearing, mentions of war/death/etc
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Never straying far from your side, the Basterds did not need to be told that you and Hugo were a couple; the way that he laid his head on your lap when he slept, the way you always covered his body with yours when travelling beneath collapsing bridges as tanks went over, the way that he would scrape some of his rations onto whatever you were using just to make sure that you were fed, how you would pour some of your water into his bottle.
You were indeed a lot closer than anyone else.
But closeness afforded you both a wealth that, when fighting murderous fascists, was not often accessible; closeness afforded you both a comfort, and a fear, that could not be truly appreciated outside of the military.
If the fascists were to catch you, the things that they would do would be worse than death; Hugo knew that all too well, he wasn't stupid, and he feared it every fucking day. He had feared it every day since you had first met him in nineteen twenty three, in Göttingen.
An RAF pilot having just earned your wings, you had charmed Hugo all those years ago, even moving in with him for a little while; but when the bugle sounded, and the drums of war we're beginning to pound, you were dragged away from him.
It was only when he had joined the Basterds that he had found you again; a Nazi had shot your hawker hurricane down, and it had been the Basterds who had found you, who had taken you under their wing. Hugo hadn't let you out of his sight since, and promised to never let you leave his side again; it seemed that you had a similar thought process, too.
At least, you would always have your brief moment in Göttingen.
It was daytime, the Basterds had stopped in an abandoned village in order to scavenge whatever they could; it felt like it had been weeks since you had last eaten anything, and with ammo running low and the temperatures getting colder and colder, you could not be blamed for taking what you could from those who had left it behind.
You would starve, if you didn't.
You would fall under the fire, if you didn't.
You would freeze in foxholes, if you didn't.
You needed to take things, needed to grab what you could and run for the hills. But as always, Hugo was right there with you, never leaving your side.
Every time he passed you something, a kiss on the forehead followed. Every time you paused to talk to one of the men, he would wrap his arms around you tightly, and press his forehead to the back of your shoulder. Every time you went anywhere, his hand was holding yours.
Scared to let you drift away, not wanting you to be lost amongst the chaos of war once again; he had so little precious time with you as it was, he didn't need it to be cut even shorter.
Hugo was not a soft man, not normally; he was cold and quiet, wearing a permanent scowl and death glare, he was abrasive and coarse... but he melted when he was near you. He was always warm, somewhat talkative, rarely scowled and glared, he was soft and gentle - but everyone knew that that behaviour was only ever for you; he was only ever like that because of you, he was never the same with anyone else.
Still, when it was time to take account of what had been taken, you and Hugo managed to find some time to sit together while everyone else was talking; you didn't mind that they could see as you sat between his legs, your back pressed to his chest as you laughed softly when he started to pepper your neck with soft kisses.
"Bist du gut?"
"Ja," you nodded. "Nicht kaputt... du?"
"Bin gut," he agreed softly, letting his hands slowly dip under your shirt. The feeling of your skin on his own was enough to make him grumble as he relaxed. "Ich liebe dich."
"Ich liebe dich auch," you mused with a smile, leaning back into him as you dropped a hand to his knee and gently tapped it. "I could fall asleep right here, won't lie."
Hugo pulled you in a little bit closer, letting you sink down enough so that you could rest the back of your head against his shoulder, letting him lay his arm around you as he kissed your forehead so softly. "You can sleep, Glücksbringer, I'll be here."
"Ja, natürlich - ist kein Problem," he shook his head, adjusting himself so that you would be a little bit more comfortable against him.
You nodded, turning onto your side as you always did, pressing your face against his neck; your breathing was gentle against him, your hand coming to rest on his chest. Dipping between buttons that he soon unfastened, so that you could feel him against your fingertips. Bringing your legs up a little as he kept his arm firmly and steadily around you; his infamous glare and scowl on his face when the others looked over.
They would be more than wise to not even attempt to disturb you. Very, very wise. As although Hugo did love the Basterds, although he did look upon them as his family, he would never hesitate to bark and growl if they got too close to you; if they tried to take you away from him. Never again, Hugo vowed it to himself, he would never allow you to be taken away from him again.
if you enjoyed this fic, REBLOG IT; if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM level of support. do not interact if you won't reblog.
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ifishouldvanish · 11 months
what you say about mizrak and olrox... you're so real for that, istg they sleep a few times and olrox is a little concerned about the man he's sleeping with possibly dying and suddenly everyone and their mothers think they're in love???? it's only been a few years since olrox's lover - a non-white man like himself - died, and he's very probably projecting his grief for that by feeling concern for this guy he picked as a momentary lover, and this guy - a french crusader knight, like it can't get any worse - calls him an animal. my latina ass was fuming at that like OLROX STAND UP. STAND UP STOP MOPPING FOR THAT COLONIZER— but that's just me, i'm much more interested about olrox's late lover and his story with olrox, but i'm sure they'll try to deepen in olrox's and mizrak's relationship or whatever they have next season, i did read a presumed storyboard artist saying they suspect more happened off screen for mizrak to catch olrox's attention, but 🤷🏽‍♀️
I mean I think there is a ton of potential for them to have an amazing and beautiful story by the end of S2/the series, but as things stand right now I would be super 🙅🙅🙅 for them to just like, kiss and make up within a few episodes or for Olrox to be pining all season as though he's lost this great love. I know we're meant to see that Mizrak ultimately has his heart in the right place, but oof.
Like Olrox clearly sees some elements of his late lover in this guy who genuinely seems to want to do the right thing and is trying so hard to rationalize what he's doing in the face of like 37385939 gigatons of cognitive dissonance. And Mizrak all but admitting the abbot's collusion with Erzsebet is a necessary evil is obviously meant to echo the unease with which Olrox/his lover allied with the American revolutionaries.
I just think more than anything Olrox just needs so badly to believe that the fight against colonialism isn't an impossible one. He had hope that his late lover wasn't wrong to work with the Americans, and he starts to have hope that Mizrak isn't wrong/won't betray him. Hope that Mizrak's faith is genuine and not just a means to justify colonialist nonsense.
But then... he gets told he's an animal who lost its soul long ago?? As if whatever 'soul' Mizrak is referring to wasn't stripped away from him after living under forced colonization for 300 years. Nah, he just 'lost' it. 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Sjskskjkl GOD I'm ready to throw hands at Mizrak myself is2g
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pollocamis · 1 year
So. Everyone seems to agree that Dive Back in Time is from CXS's POV, but I don't really think so?
Bear with me
(spoilers after the cut)
And THAT's where I think the song is no longer meant to be in CXS's POV. I think it never was tbh, but it was always LG's song. I'm no interpreter (God I wish I was one of the theorists of Tumblr) so I'll just go through a few obvious points in order through the lyrics.
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"Without you, I don't know if I could take this road", "if only I had got it right before". While I think everything screams LG's POV these are the main-sentences in this part. W now know LG really cannot take "this road" (the timeline he was in) without CSX by his side. And the second one shows he's prolly very regretful for letting CXS die. Foreshadowing to it being his fault maybe? Hope not!!!
I'm not talking about the "chase you to the end of the world" lines, bc they're obvious enough. Come on.
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So... haha I hope it's not a surprise I'm a shiguang shipper.
Moving on: these lines are the main reason I thought the song is LG's. While the line "I'm always late to my fate" is kinda CXS coded (he's late to dying bc LG keeps saving him haha get it), the rest just screams LG and his silent love (be it wtv kind of love. Like even if you don't ship it you can't deny he loves him in some way. Would you rip the literal fabric of time and reality for someone you don't love).
"Here's to all the mistakes I never made" is pretty on the nose: he's gone back and fixed the stuff that caused CXS's death node to appear.
Now, the part that made me clarify I'm a shipper: "If it ain't for your misguided taste, I'd turn out so ordinary, fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain". We all know LG's considered to be the more stoic rational one of the pair, and has probably always been like this. I believe CSX entering his life had such a big effect on him, he actually relaxed in some way or smth. I do not know the words to express this properly in English nor do I have any evidence of this, so I hope it makes enough sense.
Now this doesn't have to mean anything for the ship but I like being delusional.
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I believe he's saying this words to CXS when he's dead. He's probably like "well, I know I told you you shouldn't be messing with time and I'm gonna be a hypocrite but don't feel sorry for me I'm fine with anything as long as you're alive" (hence "I'll love where I'm going now"). " 'Cause I'm about to lose my mind" is simply him going apeshit for CXS's death to the point where he's decided to go back in time. You can't change my mind have you SEEN THE ANGER IN THIS DUDE WHEN CXS GOT SHOT ISTG-
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I know I said I was going in order and then left the chorus for the end but this screenshot has the last chorus so it counts :)
I think this is the main reason ppl believe it's meant to be CXS, and this is probably meant to be deceitful. We didn't know Lu Guang could go back in time after all, so it made it seem like it was CXS's words. Especially with "something secretive hidden inside your mind", which I don't truly have a theory for tehehe. But let's get back on track.
"All the heartaches and the smiles never faded, I know you'll be by my side when we make it" kinda seems like LG's telling that everything is fine after he's gone back, doesn't it? He's rewound CXS's existence, wich got him back to happy times; but he hasn't really moved on. His heart still hurts when he remembers what's gonna happen.
"I know you'll be by my side when we make it" is simply him being hopeful that the whole going-back-in-time plan will work. And maybe foreshadow to a happy ending? (please)
I probably didn't add anything new but I need to rant about this show a little bit 'cus i'm about to lose my mind *wink wink*
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edgyandoverzealous · 1 year
Show Log: Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu Pt.2
If you don't know the drill these are my thoughts opinions and reactions during my first watch through of Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu. I made one of these a couple of days ago and I'm back with so many more thoughts. Also spoilers, duh, for up to the episode listed below, and please no spoilers! We good? Good.
Season 2 Episode 14:
• I told you I'd riot. Grab your pitchforks my boy has lost his whimsy. I'm damn near certain at this point.
• Lloyd Garmadon loves his dad and genuinely believed that he'd break through to him, and he did, for a moment, but then his dad, who Lloyd believed to be all powerful, failed to fully break through.
•The pain in Lloyd's eyes (shut up shut up shut up, I know they're Legos) as the Overlord took control again and told Lloyd his father was gone. The way the line was delivered to be saw raw and wrong as Lloyd got overwhelmed and lost consciousness.
• The way he limped over to the shoreline immediately after waking up and how serious he's gotten. I just-- why must you torture my boy, he's just a kid.
• Give him one parent but take away another I think the fuck not. (I'm conflicted more on Lloyd's mama later) Give my boy his dad back, please.
• I think the only reason they aged Lloyd up was so that much pressure and stress wasn't portrayed on a literal elementary school aged kid. But guess what, and say it with me, 14/15 year olds are still just kids and should not be put in life changing and traumatizing scenarios.
• Additionally, destiny was talked about like a deity this episode, if "destiny" has a form as the Overlord did this episode I will give a swift kick to the groin for my boy Lloyd because what the ever loving fuck? The baby, the boy, my boy.
• Also Nya. My blorbo, my babygirl, my favorite girl. They turned her evil??? They turned her evil.
• But she called after both Jay and Kai as they fell which is very important to me. It shows that she cares about both of them when in other media the "damsel in distress" might only call after her love interest, a lame trope imo.
• She then got kidnapped and fed pure darkness. Like what the hell? Not my Nya, not my girl. The boys are fucked, truly, they lost their girl. The one that makes them tech and upgrades their shit with better combat skills shown canonically, they're so screwed.
• I'm fairly certain she could've kicked their asses but whatever invincible soldiers with their invincibleness and Nya without any super weapons or tech.
• She said goodbye forever but istg if Jay and Kai don't rescue her and find a way to bring her back I'm gonna send a strongly worded email to Ninjago productions and explain why they single handedly ruined their show.
• Because brilliant, beautiful Nya has on multiple occasions carried the entirety of the Ninjago Masters and they would collapse without her. Additionally I believe good written women in what is primarily a show written for boys is incredibly important because it portrays women as complex and strong people which they fucking are.
• Also Jay's character writing is giving me whiplash (more on that later) but I think he's back to normal now?
• Nya got kidnapped and he lost his shit as any good boyfriend would do. They kiss but haven't put a label on it and Nya means the world to him and it shows in the show consistently. Very nice, I appreciate.
• I feel like Kai's reaction should've been a little stronger after they all fell into the sea, because him screaming Nya's name and then acting calm and rational was, ngl, kinda weird kinda suspect.
• but then again no one believes in Nya more than Kai. Kai knows his sister and that she is stronger than most of the team and smarter than most of them too.
• That being said it feels likely that he felt a need to stay strong and focused so they didn't all fall apart as well which with my interpretation forgives the initial reaction.
Season 2 episode 6 - 13:
• Lloyd's mom dropped him off as a baby to the Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys. As a baby. I was right. His attachment style is anxious avoidant. It's plain as day when he interacts with his mom.
• At least she's back now and supportive as she appears to love her son. Hopefully she's not evil and doesn't betray him. I don't think she is so far she's pretty motherly and seems to have a thing for Wu.
• She's a homie hopper. Likes both brothers.
• It's not cool how she said she chose the wrong brother though because Lloyd wouldn't have been born is what I got from that, my own mommy issues peeking through I presume. But Lloyd is such a good boy, legitimately, so he deserves appreciation.
• Also I'm pretty sure Lloyd doesn't get what's going on between Wu and his mom because when he asked her "So how'd you meet him" she replied with "Who, Wu?" And he went "what? no. My dad.😐"
• This proves, to me, that his mind is not at a teenager level of development yet as his body is. That or he has no exposure to romantic situations and therefore doesn't know the social cues. Yet again, my boy didn't deserve this and also he's just like me fr fr?
•Zane's dad is alive!!! Woohoo!! And he's adorable an adorable inventor.
• And the sanest insane person I have ever seen. I mean mans went I'm not a fighter and then proceeded to fly the blimp into Garmadon's face. I love him.
• Also his story reminds me of the Greek myth of Icarus and Icarus' dad. Because he was locked in a tower gaurded by a monster and told to invent in order to see his son again.
• I am in love with Zane's dad. Literally like 💍🧎
• He's so, y'know smart and loving and shit. He's also ambitious, patient and slightly insane so my type.
• If there are more parallels I'll cry. *death glaring at Zane* please don't fly too close to the sun I will be annihilated on spot.
• Cole is so comfortable with his dancing now, not him moonwalking and singing over enemies after he got his weapon back he's so silly.
•Just a little guy who likes to sing, dance, and beat up bad guys.
• Why did they turn Jay's idiot meter up so high?
• Like my mans was fully just dumb dumb baby there for a bit there. "I don't pack clean undies. Like my mommy advices cause real men only wear one :P."
• Like bbg. No. Nya deserves better, you have to keep using that brain you goofy goober, you can't just lose you braincells because she likes you---- *sudden self-realization* oh no...
• Additionally his cowardice seems to be heightened. Which understandable the boys are going through the wringer in terms of stressful situations. Which once again say it with me, teenagers are still kids, and you should not chuck them into dangerous, traumatizing, experiences. You will cause psychological issues for the rest of their lives. Woo.
• Also Jay's parents are so real for telling him he's not allowed to save Ninjago unless he eats his veggies. 🫡🫡🫡
• god this is unhinged and I sound like a 27 year old dad, I'm 18 wtf?
• Nya my beloved builds so much cool surprises and shit and Jay is always so pumped for them <333 I love them.
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amarkys · 2 years
I hate ItaFushi (biggest lie ever told)
Jjk spoilers
Honestly just thinking about how we've only seen Megumi smile when around Yuuji. The way he smiled mid culling game when the new rule got added, knowing it was Yuuji makes me cry. Like you experienced a massacre 3 weeks ago and now you're basically in a genocide game why are you smiling?
Yuuji and Megumi are so the golden retriever and black cat duo. Not in the corny 'cute innocent x mysterious cunning' way. Golden retrievers are said to be family dogs, by nature they're not aggresive, but would protect their family if violence is needed, which fits Yuuji. Black cats are said to be perceptive, calm and reserved, compassionate and smart, which definitely fits Megumi.
They're also definitely the sun and moon. Yuuji is ever so positive and optimistic, shining brightly amongst the other things in society, but when dawn nears, he can sink into despair. However, as dawn nears, the moon appears and his job to be bright is taken over by the moon; by Megumi. Although he's not as bright as the sun, he's still a source of light and happily carries on the sun's brightness.
Yuuji and Megumi complete each other like no one else could. Yuuji is morality and Megumi is rationality. Yuuji is empathetic and Megumi is compassionate. Yuuji is strong and Megumi is smart. Yuuji lacks a cursed technique and Megumi makes up for it. Whatever they lack, the other has it and lends their ability to the other.
Can Akutami end their suffering already and just make them live in an appartment in Tokyo with 2 goldfish, a cat and a dog. Every Friday they go out with Nobara and Satoru to drink and the next morning they somehow always wake up in their closet together (homosexuals istg)
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