#it DOES make sense tho since the best way to beat a wizard is to make so they cant say magic words or make hand signs
My dear, you've got a choking kink. Out of every superhero residing in NY you are the one getting choked the most. And you seem to like it. I'm not here to judge you, you're looking hot getting choked but being turned on when fighting baddies isn't the way to go.
I DON'T LIKE IT!! Sheeesh.....bless your heart....
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi I hope you're fine! Can you make the reaction of the brothers to a Mc who managed to overtake Salomon and made 100 pacts, the 100 th being ... Diavolo himself ?! (idk if it is really possible) Thank you love on you
I don’t really know if it’s possible either but I gave it a go anyway! I love this concept tho because MC, being the powerhouse they are, now has absolute control of 100 demons one which is actual prince of hell. Idk why I find that funny tbh.
I hope you’re well too and that you enjoy reading these HCs!
The Brothers Reacting to MC who made 100 pacts:
-*Surprised pikachu face*
-I’m sorry, w a t?
-Not only did an average human,with no magical capabilities whatsoever, beat a spectacular sorcerer in the span of just one year and managed to make 100 pacts before him
-But they also made a pact with Lord Diavolo as a grand finale??? (MC knows how to leave DevilDom with class holy shit)
-If you look closely enough, you can see Lucifer’s wheels spinning inside his head
-And here he thought you were going to get eaten in the first few days
-He needs to sit down for a few moments, his fucking logic has decided to take a walk
-He really went 0-0
-And on one hand, he’s totally impressed and actually very proud of their little exchange student
-But on the other hand, when tf did you have the time to make 100 pacts??
-You talked with at least 92 other demons and didn’t get murdered?
-Are all humans this hard to kill off or it just you?
-Taking aside his confusion and the way he worries like a middle aged parent, he’s actually pretty boastful about your situation
-Pride on another level, I’m telling you
- Pretty smug about it to Solomon too which is concerning because he isn’t really supposed to have favourites in the exchange program
-But he totally does
-“MC, you’re full of surprises aren’t you? You’re ability to adapt here is very impressive. Just don’t get too reckless, I don’t want you getting hurt.”
-Aw your tsundere and arrogant boyfriend actually really cares about your well being
-“But I’m still your first man, right?”
-Literally the first thing that leaves his mouth when he finds out
-Doesn’t matter how many pacts you make, he’s always going to insist he’s your first and therefore your best pact of them all
-He may freak out a bit at first because he doesn’t like the idea of you possibly chatting it up with other demons but he’s pretty chill
-Until you tell him about Lord Diavolo
-“Guess who just made a pact with Lord Diavolo!!”
-“Is it someone famous?”
-He’s a bit scared because the price you have to pay to be in a pact with Lord Diavolo is pretty damn high
-But if you keep insisting you will be fine, his worry will subside
-He’s a bit smug, like Lucifer, knowing you beat a powerful sorcerer in a non existent contest that he just made up in his mind
-Like “In your face Solomon, MY HUMAN got to make 100 pacts before you had the chance. Haha what a loser.”
-I feel like the brothers sometimes wish to just abandon Mammon somehowere so they don’t have to deal with this
-Dude doesn’t care how many pacts you have or with who as long as you remember ‘he was your first man.’
-Of course you of all people would be able to attain such a significant achievement
-You were his human after all
-No matter what you do, he will be even more smitten with you than before
-“That’s cool. Will you pass me my headphones.”
-“Wait....you did whAT?”
-You’re telling him that he barely has the courage to step outside the House of Lamentation but you can go right ahead and start making pacts with demons like it’s nothing???
-Did he just get beaten at life by a normie?? His normie even??
-He’s really panicking because the shit you’d have to deal with when making that kind of bond with Lord Diavolo is apparently very terrifying and he’s scared something bad will happen
-Pacts also mean markings on your body, so his whole jealousy thing kinda sparks here
-Because ‘it’s not fair you have all these people’s pact marks on you while mine is barely visible!”
-Even though his is like, really obvious too???
-Other than that, he just feels like you’re gaining EXP and getting stronger, like a video game character which is cool
-I want him to show up whenever MC gets in a new pact and just shout ‘Level Up!’ at the top of his lungs lmao
-He doesn’t have that much of an opinion on Solomon, besides his cooking, but he’s impressed and a bit scared that you can outdo a human like him in something as dangerous as this
-Lololololo, Solomon got wrecked by a human normie what a noob XD XD #badassnormie #solomoncanteven #gameoversorcerer
-The brothers seem pretty adamant at rubbing the salt into Solomon’s wounds, can we get an f in the chat for our white haired wizard boi
-He knew that humans were capable of a lot of things but what the fuck?
-How is that even possible???? What is the likelyhood of a random human managing to make 100 pacts???
-He is probably the most unsettled because he relies on probability and logic to get him through his day to day life
-And that shit don’t make no fucking sense
-He’s not agitated, just very shocked
-And then he realises the potential threats you’ve been exposed to considering all the demons you’ve had a chat with
-So now he’s just thanking Lord Diavolo that you weren’t eaten alive by some lower level demon scum
-Don’t be surprised if he asks you how you went about when you started making pacts with demons
-You were always a bit of a special case and you certainly stood out from the very beginning but this was something completely different
-For a human like you, that is a very respected achievement you’ve unlocked
-Satan figures that since you made pacts with him and his brothers, you would try to do so with Lord Diavolo too
-But he actually accepted?? You just kinda gave up part of your soul to the demon prince and now you have full control over him???
-It’s amazing how easily you could make demons of all things to trust you
-He respects that and also appreciates your tactical approach to this as well
-It’d be pretty easy to summon a demon to get your ass out of danger if the need arises
-He has no idea what you do to him but it’s strange he would rather let you ramble on about the backstory of every pact you made in the past year than read his collection of books
-Wrath certainly isn’t the only thing in his heart right now
-His partner beat his ex fuck-buddy at making a pact with Lord Diavolo
-Asmo knew you were special ever since that retreat at Lord Diavolo’s palace when you managed to summon him with such power
-But he definitely wouldn’t have guessed you would be capable of something like this
-Your bravery when it comes to this sort of thing endears him a lot
-He will probably want to see all of your pact marks now (haha you’re in danger)
-Unlike his brothers, he knew damn well why you had managed to make around 100 pacts in just one year
-Demons aren’t used to anything genuine or with good intent
-So, it makes sense they would be attracted like magnets to you and your approachable, kind nature
-After all, demons can’t deal with temptation very well
-Solomon is cunning and ominous, not that different from anyone else down there and it’s a fact the brothers don’t even trust him that much
-But Lord Diavolo?
-“MC honey you hit the jackpot! Tell me every little detail!! What happened? How did the topic of a pact come up?”
-He’s not worried about you overall
-Not because he doesn’t care but he believes that if you can survive for a year with the seven avatars of sin and also convince 93 other demons to make a pact with you, then you can handle whatever Lord Diavolo throws at you
-He probably buys a bunch of revealing clothing you can show off all of your marks because they look ‘fabulous’
-It’s the only think he’s gonna talk about for a while because how many other humans can say they have control of the prince of Hell???
-Asmo also acknowledges that Diavolo must have trusted you a lot for him to agree to this which he thinks is incredible
-He will definitely listen if you have any stories on the pacts you made because he finds them very thrilling and he loves the sound of your voice!!
-Again, he doesn’t need human souls, just a mirror, some skin products and drama to survive
-And you, if I had to guess
-The calmest our of the seven about it
-You made a bunch of pacts? Cool, it just shows how strong and independent you are
-Which made him respect you even more to be honest
-He flinches a bit when you tell him about Lord Diavolo because he knows that the prince isn’t the type to agree to anything without being given something in return
-Even if he knows you can handle yourself, he will be right there beside you to help you out
-Also, uh, don’t tell Belphie about the pact thing Diavolo. He might blow a fuse
-You guys work out together sometimes and he is usually utterly mesmerised by all the pact marks you have on your body
-He kinda wishes you would have asked him or one of his brothers to come along with you when you made your pacts
-Just in case things went wrong
-He regrets a lot of things that had happened until now, but one thing he absolutely cherishes is the pact you made with him
-Beel is aware that his brothers think the same and if you think you can deal with the pressure of having some many demons under control, then he won’t nag you too much about being careful
-As for the Solomon thing, he doesn’t have much to say
-I mean, yeah, he is a sorcerer and you’re just a human but if you could make a pact with Lord Diavolo in such a small time frame before he even had the chance to?
-It means you’re just as special as he is
-And definitely a better cook
-ok maybe humans aren’t as stupid as he originally thought them to be
-Making pacts with so many demons is something that takes strength and intelligence, so props to you
-He would never admit it, but you being able to do all this shit without batting an eyelid is seriously restoring his love for humans and their culture
-might take a while tho
-He also wonders when you had the time to make so many bonds, considering he spends most of the day with you at RAD and at home
-Eh, he was probably asleep
-His view of you before the incident did a full 180 degrees
-This sort of thing in DevilDom is something worth praising, especially for an average human like you
-And ‘I guess you don’t look all that bad with so many pact marks on your body *angy boi blush* but I still like mine best!’
-It might be best not to mention the Lord Diavolo thing, otherwise his brain might snap in two
-But turns out, he seems pretty relaxed about it
-Too relaxed, I would say
-“Hey do you think you could use your pact with Lord Diavolo to do something that would tarnish his reputation and maybe embarrass Lucifer while you’re at it, idk.”
-Ah, so that’s what it was
-He’s such a mischievous, spoiled brat
-“No Belphie shush.”
-“I’m just saying-“
-Despite him hating humans way less nowadays, he still holds somewhat of a grudge against them
-Old habits die hard I suppose
-Especially for Solomon whom he never liked in the first place
-He finds it very amusing when he figures out you just beat Solomon at his life’s work in under a year
-He has a good chuckle about it but never actually brings it up in front of him
-Because he knows you’re gonna flick him over the ear for it
-Belphie is the youngest sibling and therefore the spoiled child, can’t change my mind
(Ok so poor Solomon, I kinda want to give him a hug now lol. Hope I didn’t make these too repetitive or short. Thank you for reading!)
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edgeoffluffy · 6 years
Yule Ball Confidance
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First fanfiction ever! Please don’t be harsh, you wise fanfic-accustomed Potterheads!
I’m French, English is not my mother tongue so excuse the possible weird turn of phrases and style. Not sorry about the pun in the title tho :P
Ok, so the idea here is that you’re a champion in the Tri-Wizard Tournament instead of Cedric. You’re in the same year as the Golden Trio, you hang out with them often. The age limit doesn’t exist but there is still the drama that Hogwarts has two champions instead of one. You managed to survive the first task, but it wasn’t brilliant. You are looking for the perfect date to make an impression at the Yule Ball and you think Neville could be just the one to do this. (The Neville here is Movie Neville, who slays ballroom dancing). This is kind of a fluffy Neville x Reader thing, but it’s not reaaally romantic. More like BFF/love weird limit. See what you want in it.
Ever since the first task, despite not achieving what you hoped, you were assaulted every day in the hallways by guys wanting to go to the Yule Ball with you. You were not familiar with all the fame, unlike Fleur who always had a procession of bewitched boys in her trail. You could have told them yes, but you wanted to go with a friend, someone you cared about.
You were waiting a special event to make your decision. Hagrid had warned you about the dance practice that Professor McGonagall was going to hold since you surprised him carrying around a giant gramophone. And finally, the day came.
You liked dancing. In the hallways, near the Black Lake, in the shower, in the girls’ dormitories in Gryffindor tower, which annoyed all the other girls because you are taking so much space. You knew you were somewhat good at it and you thought that busting the right moves at the Yule Ball in front of everyone could repair your confidence somewhat weakened by the first task. Damn you dragons! 
So, on the D day, in the large classroom where the Gryffindor were assembled, as McGonagall explained everyone about the Yule Ball and music started to play, you began your hunt. You were paired with George, which immediately invited you to dance with abounding suggestive eyebrow movements. He wasn’t so bad as you began quickly to waltz around the classroom while everybody stepped on each other’s toes. But you were looking for your target.
Since the beginning of the practice you noticed that Neville, of all people, had a fiery look in his eyes. A look that you only knew from when he was facing a particularly recalcitrant plant in herbology. For an unknown reason, he seemed more than motivated to learn dancing while the boys next to him stared at him with a mocking look.
Finally, you spotted him in the middle of the dancers. He was fighting dancing with a giggling Lavender who seemed quite nervous. The pair was struggling and did not look like they were having a very good time. As the song finished and the couples across the room facepalmed quietly and/or laughed at the general awkwardness of their first dance, you politely thanked George for the dance (to which he replied with a “M’lady” tipping an invisible hat). Neville was looking really disappointed. 
You discreetly approached him while McGonagall was scolding everyone for being exactly what she feared: a babbling bumbling band of baboons.“Hey Neville!” you whispered.
“Hey…” he replied, a defeated look on his face.“Care to dance with me on the approaching next public humiliation?”
“The next song…”
“With me?”
“No, with the wall behind you silly!”
At this moment, the music started to play again, and everyone was begrudgingly going back to being less terrible. Deciding not to give him a choice, you took Neville by the arm and dragged him across the dancefloor. Once he returned to his senses, you began to dance to the upbeat waltz produced by the gramophone. While hesitant at first, Neville began to properly lead. As you gracefully travelled through the shocked faces of the other students, his face lightened considerably, like a child on a Christmas morning. 
You knew it somehow: Neville was really good at dancing. His unexpected skill was now revealed to all the students around you. Once the music stopped, a delighted professor McGonagall warmly complimented Neville who did not seem to fully realize what was happening to him. After everyone exited the classroom, you caught up with Neville, who seemed to remain on a cloud. 
“Neville!” you called. He turned around. 
“Neville, do you know how amazing you were out there?”
“Apparently!” he said with a small laugh. “Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?” you asked in a smile. 
“Yes!” he replied, a delighted look on his face. 
Suddenly, a realization came upon him. 
“Wait. You’re a champion. Does this mean we’ll have to open the ball in front of everyone?” 
This damn lack of confidence. You had it too, you understood it. 
“Mayyyvbe?” you tempted. 
“Then I don’t think…” 
“NEVILLE!” you cut him off, more abruptly that you intended to. What must you make things akward ?
 “Nevillle, we just danced in front of everyone! I know we can do it!”.
He thought for a while. 
“Alright… Let’s go!” he complied. 
“YES! Thank you! It’s gonna be great!” you exclaimed, giving him a brief hug then leaving him immediately, excited to begin planning everything.
The afternoon before the ball, you have spent really fun times with the Gryffindor girls in the dormitory. Parvati was cute as a button, Hermione looked stunning, and you were not so bad yourself in your midnight blue gown and your wavy half up half down hairdo. In short terms, everyone was beautiful and very late. Once the finishing touches were perfect, you rushed down the stairs with the other girls in not the most graceful way, but you were soon in front of the Great Hall.
Neville was there, looking smart and somewhat lost in his thoughts, with Harry, Ron and Padma, as pretty as her twin. Krum was brooding in the corner. He lit up as soon as he saw Hermione approach. Before you had a chance to catch your breath, the champions were called to open the ball. You looked at Neville who instantly offered his arm, a nervous look on his face. “It’s our arena, our trial” you whispered to him. “But this time, we are the dragon. Let’s show them how it’s done”. A determined, unknown look grew on his face as you began to follow Harry, Parvati, Hermione and Krum. 
They were astonished whispers and a few mocking whistles as you travelled across the crowd with him and took your place on the dance floor. A beat before the music started, Neville looked at you right in the eyes.
The orchestra began to play, everything became kind of a blur. You remember gracefully dancing across the floor, twirling around like the other couples at first then introducing intricate figures flawlessly in your choreography. You were laughing from the excitement while Neville kept a determined but radiant look, a little smile, while leading you steadily. Out of the blue, the partners were switched as other pairs joined the dance. 
You were swaying with a suddenly shy Viktor Krum as Hermione giggled while dancing with Harry. You noticed that Fleur Delacour, of all people, had a troubled look on her face in front of Neville’s new-found confidence as he was making her whirl around. You then jived with a completely uncoordinated and off-beat Harry but having a great time. You saw Parvati living her best life while dancing a crazy rock with Neville. You also remember leading and being stepped on for two minutes straight by Roger Davies, Fleur’s date. 
The party continued as every student joined in. Time flew by as you were having the best time with Neville who never looked so happy since you knew him. You noticed Hermione rejoining Harry and Ron and their dates on the other side of the room. You saw Ron and Hermione fighting and Hermione leaving, as you predicted because you bet with the Gryffindor girls that Ron would be jealous of Krum. You decided to cowardly leave Neville to a horde of girls wanting to dance with him. 
You rejoined the boys, who seemed to think they had done their share of dancing. Parvati and Padma looked absolutely bored out of their minds. “Are you not ashamed?” you said to Harry and Ron, who did not seem to understand what you meant. A popular pop song began to play. You turned to the twins. “Ladies, shall we dance?” A grateful look appeared on the girls’ faces. “Yes please!”
You danced all night long. Memories pop up one by one. Fred and George dancing salsa with each other, then with you. Seamus and Dean having the worst dance-off in history with Durmstrang boys. Two Hufflepuff muggle-borns attempting what they called “the Dirty Dancing lift”, whatever that meant. They both crashed in a group of offended/hilarious Beauxbatons students. 
You didn’t know what time it was, but you were exhausted. A slow song began. As you were about to leave after saying good night to everyone, someone grabbed your wrist. It was a completely disheveled Neville. Without saying a word, he pulled you back on the less crowded dancefloor and began to slow dance with you. No complicated steps, no wild rhythm, just the two of you. Nonetheless, the heat began to rise in his cheeks and a little bit in yours.
“You know, my grandma always told me that a man should know how to do three things: fight, learn and dance”. He giggled. “I’m not really good at either fighting or learning even though I try so hard. Thank you for teaching me how to dance”. You shook you head. “I didn’t teach you a thing Neville. You had it in you the whole time. I only noticed it. You showed what you’ve got to the rest of us and you did it perfectly. I’m sure the fighting and the learning is somewhere in there!”
He sheepishly smiled. “You really think so?” You smiled back. “I’m persuaded of it. Thank you for a great night. I’m gonna steal that confidence of yours and nail the next task with it!” 
He laughed. “You? Lacking confidence?” You raised your eyes to the starred ceiling. “Of course! Surviving an encounter with a dragon doesn’t mean I’m not completely terrified of what is next!”
He stopped dancing for a bit, looking right at you. “I assure you you’re the most capable person in this tournament. You can win it if you want it”.
You were startled by his sudden seriousness. Not knowing what to say, you took him in your arms and hugged him. You were vulnerable for once and incredibly grateful, because that is what you needed. A friend, someone you cared about to believe in you, so you can believe in yourself again.
And that night, the two of you learned something about themselves from each other.
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Do we need "Love, Simon?" TIME says, "nah, bro."
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I was reading the TIME article that attracted all this controversy over Love, Simon and I'm not gonna lie, some solid points were made. I agree in that there look to be some tropes and cliches, and that the trailer feels it will be a more juvenile film compared to, say, the pedophilic wonder Call Me By Your Name (I joke...sorta) -- but I don't think we can really compare the receptions from both films (CMBYN winning an Oscar and LS getting this [insert adjective that sounds nicer than "shitty" here bc I'm trying to be civil...] Time article) because, as Time itself points out, the two movies were made for different audiences in mind. And isn't that the whole point? 
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This was the headline^ I'm not saying YA movies/shows, etc., have to be unintelligently written. Many are intriguing, layered and that's why so many rent-paying adults are still toting Harry Potter scarves and arguing about which House is better (Ravenclaw btw, fight me) -- because YA material can engage all ages. But yes, a lot of YA can also be straightforward (hah there's a pun lurking there somewhere) and one-dimensional, it happens. But if Time's point was that the movie didn't do its subject matter justice due to the fact it was a "flat rom-com," that's kind of very much bullshit since it never pretended to be some sort of genius plot to begin with. Like if the movie sucks (which imo it doesn't look horrible but I can see where the tropey tropes might come in) then that's too bad, but how does that have anything to do with whether or not it tried to carry a message that people can still take something away from? I mean when did bringing the LGBTQ+ genre to the big screens suddenly mean one had to produce amazing work in order to justify a gay character being the lead? If the plot was bad bc it did not try to send this message, then yes something would be wrong here but clearly that's not what's happening. The message is clear. Everyone deserves love. Two seconds into the trailer and bam. I already know. You don't gotta be a Ravenclaw to see the message (still best House tho, not backing down). It might not be done cleverly, idk, but the movie's not muddling that message in general no matter how trope-tastic it is. People who thought Twilight was dumb didn't conclude that oh, hey, since this ex-Cedric-Diggory fellow was one-dimensional and the romance was unconvincing, that must mean the efforts to portray straight people finding love on screen for all to see is "unneeded."
In fact, I'd actually be sort of glad if Love, Simon ended up being a "flat rom-com." Hooray! The LGBTQ+ community should be able to have the luxury of making both generic entertainment AND more, idk, Oscary Oscar entertainment (the voting process for that makes it a debateable standard anyway). That would be a hallmark moment: Gay characters can star in shitty movies too, folks. Just like straight leads. How does that put down the LGBTQ+ movement in any way? Why do all works that have homosexuality as a topic HAVE to be "good" in order to be something that exists? Can't the producer/director/cast just try their best to be passionate about what they make and hopefully entertain some people along the way?
But what IRKED me the most was this quote from the article:
"But those kids who were met with support when they came out are probably too sophisticated for Love, Simon–so much so that its vision of how good it feels for a masculine, traditionally attractive bro to receive encouragement might not resonate at all."
Firstly, 'bro'? Art thy not Time? What's with this colloquial language? Did I accidentally stumble upon a Tumblr rant such as my own? For fuck's sake?
Secondly, I get the criticism of Simon potentially being like a stereotypical white dude, but idk if I'd agree that it's this huge horrible thing. I'm not white but I don't feel offended? It doesn't seem like a racist move, in my opinion anyway, I mean whatever someone's ethnicity is they would have a story to tell in this situation and that's what the movie is about. Everyone equal and deserving love.
Thirdly, how does a KID being met with support when coming out mean they are suddenly too mature to handle a movie that represents something that happened to them? Oh shit maybe THAT is why I like Harry Potter! Because I haven't been told "yer a wizard!" It makes so much sense now, only things that I haven't had to handle should grace my TV screens -- so fuck off, all movies starring straight people! If I've seen one man kiss a woman, I've seen em all! Can't learn anything new I guess!
So basically what TIME is saying is that because Simon wasn't oppressed but instead had a healthy, positive coming out experience, the movie was unnecessary. Uh, what? BY THE WAY, Time also argues that the movie isn't relateable because in the parts of Simon's life that ARE indeed making it hard for him to come out, it seems like he's facing an outdated problem. So make up your mind please, Time. Is the movie a waste because it is too kind on Simon or too harsh? Oh, what's that you say? Matters are actually complicated and struggles are not able to be easily dismissed as "over now"? There we go...
Anyway -- not all coming out experiences are the same or laced with tragedy, so why does Simon have to be SAD and DOWN in a movie like this? You sadistic Time writer you? I get it, okay, Time wants to be MOVED, they paid good money on their box of tissues but again, Time already agreed that this is a YA movie. If it wants to be simple, why is that bad? And isn't it good, to not only let others who had a similar coming out experience know that they are just as legitimately a part of the LGBTQ+ community even if they had a calm coming out experience, but also to show audience members an example of how to positively and encouragingly converse with someone who is trying to tell you they are gay and/or any other kinds of things they would want to share with loved ones? Would Time rather ask the YA demographic to watch something gruesome and dark like a beating or some shit? Are the people at Time also those people who are so uptight about violent video games influencing their children yet somehow believe portraying how NOT to handle someone coming out is a good idea, and the only way to give meaning to a story about a gay male lead?
I just don't understand why the article had to make Love, Simon seem like it was this waste of an idea/hard work/money/excitement simply because it happened to be exactly what it said it would be, a YA movie. I don't understand why Time made it sound like the only way hype about a gay male lead would be allowed is if Interstellar happened again but like instead of Matthew McConnaughey trying to find his way back home to save his daughter, spewing copious amounts of philosophy and space jargon as he did so, he was now trying to reunite with his gay lover or some shit. (Actually, now that I say it aloud, I really need to watch that. Please someone make it happen. We can start a petition or something. Matt is a generous guy, I feel it in my soul.) And yeah I'd probably enjoy that movie more than Love, Simon because looking at the trailer, if I may take a moment to pre-judge the movie, it does so far seem to have the setup of a cheesy rom com for young teens. So? That doesn't mean it's some kind of setback for the LGBTQ+ movement. That doesn't mean it's a waste.
Also this has nothing to do with the rant but I thought it was pretty cool:
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(found on instagram)
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ectoflowermaid · 7 years
Rainy Days Homestuck Headcanons
John: of course whips out every single goddamn one of his favorite movies who are y'all kidding!! The trolls haven’t seen them, he has to enlighten them. Karkat leaves the room the second John says, “hey guys! What if we-” because he knows what’s coming and he will not be here for it no sir. For reasons beyond any and all comprehension, Terezi becomes absolutely obsessed with the Ghostbusters. Whether she likes the way they handle “ghost justice” or she just likes licking the screen when the ghostly baddies show up, even John regrets showing them to her and everyone admits that it was a grave mistake.
Jade: on her island she used to like going out into the puddles and hunting for frogs. Um. She doesn’t want to do that anymore or possibly ever again. She still likes to take a rain slicker and some boots and go for walks in the rain tho, she’ll find a nice place to sit and be alone with her thoughts. Sometimes Jake will go with her and they’ll sit and listen to the wind in the trees and the roar of the rain together, but more often than not she makes the trek alone. Once Jane realizes this, Jade always comes home to a nice cup of hot cocoa waiting for her on the counter. She warms right up before even taking a sip because this, this is what having a family is supposed to feel like. Not some taxidermic guardian staring her down.
Dave: Uses the time to work on his sick beats which have, surprisingly for everyone but him, become extremely popular with the citizens of Earth C. They don’t know what the mysterious “Obama” creature is that the Knight of Time references so often, and conspiracy theories grow by the thousands. Was he an ancient deity? A fallen ally? A worthy foe? Entire websites are dedicated to putting the pieces together. Dave will also build blanket forts with Karkat in which they watch only the worst and cheesiest of romcoms, no one else is allowed in. Except the Mayor. Cuddles may or may not ensue.
Rose: knits way too many scarves in an attempt not to think about the rain because she is 1000% Done With Rain. She has zero good memories associated with this goddamn precipitation. It reminds her of her drunken mother and of the unfinished quest that still haunts her. To keep her mind off things, she spends rainy days obsessively poring over ancient tomes, writing drafts for “Complacency of the Learned”, and more often than she would care to admit, reading Roxy’s wizard fan fiction. It’s very good and she’s extremely proud. When the power goes out and Rose can no longer see the pages, Kanaya is always there, ready to light the room with her skin and her smile.
Kanaya: shares a similar aversion to frogs as Jade, but can’t help but be fascinated by the rain because she’s never seen it before. Rain on Alternia was extremely rare, even more so for her because she lived in a desert region. It takes her a very long time to get used to thunder, and the first time she heard it her chainsaw was out in record time and she was running around trying to figure out just what the fuck was happening. Once it had been explained to her by a patient, trying her best not to break down into hysterical laughter Rose, Kanaya felt pretty embarrassed but admitted that her reaction had been funny. She loves seeing lightning in the distance, and sometimes tries to light up at the same time.
Karkat: Dave and Roxy show him earth musicals and boy howdy does he fucking love musicals. He was very skeptical at first, but after being assured of romantic content succumbs to the intense peer pressure. Dave’s favorite is Hamilton because anything that can combine rap and history (aka dead things and presidents) is truly the highest form of art. He may or may not know every word to every rap. Karkat, however, latches on to Wicked and does. Not. Let. Go. He relates immensely to the off-color mutant human who stands up for what they believe in and faces incredible odds to become the best!! And she gets a love interest in the end! Karkat argues the entire time that Elphaba and Glinda had a million times more chemistry than Fiyerwho Gives A Fuck, but still cries every time at the end because he’s so happy that Elphaba is happy. Dave often catches him humming the soundtrack and teases him mercilessly for it, but is secretly glad that he helped Karkat find something he cares so much about.
Terezi: Thanks to John, now screams “WHO YA GONNA CALL” every time a ‘crime’ is committed and Justice™ needs to be served. John accuses her of debasing a classic, to which she responds by licking his face and telling him that nobody listens to losers who taste like blueberries. Likes to catch raindrops in her mouth and LOVES the sound of thunder, sounds like sweet, sweet music to her ears. Loves “watching” (smelling) the humans trip all over when the lights go out because cmon just smell your way through it! Trolls have night vision and do not trip, which Terezi finds massively disappointing.
Jane: Cooks the entire time. Raining out? Guess we’re having more cake, everyone! She tries a new flavor combination every time, so far the favorite is lemon cake with raspberry frosting, and the least favorite was carrot cake with mint frosting. Not a good time. She also likes to try out Alternian recipes for the challenge, not to mention because the troll kids are a little sick of human food. After a few months Jane manages to produce a close approximation of grubloaf and it was the happiest cry Karkat had since the time Dave told him they should probably date or something.
Jake: watches the storm through the window, sometimes goes and sits by the ocean to watch the wind stir up the waves. Something about growing up on the island makes Jake and Jade more in tune with the weather, they can feel it deep in their bones whenever a big storm is coming. It also gives them a strange sense of melancholy. Dirk tries to comfort him but there’s something ancient in Jake’s eyes whenever the clouds roll in. Sometimes it’s best when they sit quietly, watching the storm together.
Roxy: makes her own blanket fort suck a dick, Dave!! No boys allowed!! She and Callie built it using a combination of blankets that Rose has knitted for her and generic objects used as building blocks. No Dave, that’s not cheating, maybe if you could make building blocks out of your time powers you wouldn’t feel so inferior to us and our amazing blanket fort which is better than yours. Knows every word to every musical (she had a lot of spare time before the game) and Karkat vaguely idolizes her. Teach me your ways, oh great musical goddess. Watches movies with John and they weave in their own witty commentary, she helps slowly rebuild John’s faith in his shitty, shitty movies.
Callie: has lived underground her entire life and doesn’t know what rain is? Why is water falling from the sky I don’t understand? Also, still getting used to actually being able to see the sky. Finds thunderstorms therapeutic, she likes the constant thrum of the rain, the deep boom of thunder, and the sharp crackle of lightning in the distance. Her favorite place to be is snuggled up in blankets between Roxy, Jane, and Jade, all doing various things but it doesn’t matter because they’re together.
Dirk: will sometimes sit with Jake during his Rain Moods™, other times will watch Hamilton with Dave and they rap along to the entire thing. A lot of the time it will devolve into a rap battle and everyone chooses sides, bets pass along boonbucks like it’s the goddamn horse races up in here. There’s never a real actual set of guidelines that decide who the winner is, the only judge is the Mayor and he is a righteous and fair judge, Dirk and Dave both win equal amounts and no one (mostly) goes deep into debt. Dirk also likes to go running in the rain, he’s never had so much space to just *move* before, and rain was scarce down in post-apocalyptic Texas, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.
Sollux: The static in the air from lightning messes with his psiionics and it makes for some sicknasty hijinks. Think of a balloon when there’s enough static, every time it thunders Sollux’s hair starts standing on end and if he’s too close to a wall he gets sucked in and stuck. The Great Storm Disaster ensued one day when Sollux decided to rub his feet along the carpet and shock the next person he saw which was, unfortunately, John. It was unfortunate because John, in an attempt to up his pranksters gambit, had a buzzer on his hand. No witness can accurately describe what happened on that horrible, horrible day, only that the blast of cheap buzzing, static electricity, and wackass psiionics threw Sollux and John in opposite directions where they got stuck to the walls and couldn’t move until the storm was over. It also singed John’s eyebrows off. Dave wouldn’t let it go for months.
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ziggydageek-blog · 8 years
The days turned to weeks as time always did; the weather grew progressively colder. Here and there I’d catch sight of the large black dog that had once occupied the space in front of my fire, only to turn into the man who occupied the side of my bed that one night. I kept busy, in hopes of keeping the loneliness at bay. November had just started when I came home to find a familiar form. On the top step sat the shaggy dog; my heart skipped a beat, only to land somewhere inside my stomach. “You Came back,” I whispered as I tapped my wand against the lock. Hearing the clicked, I pushed the door, the giant dog pawing it fully opened before allowing me to enter. The bag I held in my other arm contained groceries from the non-maj market I had Apparated to just outside of Hogsmeade. With the wave of a wand and an utterance of a spell, I Magicked them to their proper cupboards. “Witchy enough for ya?” I turned to face where the dog had been, only to be greeted by the still skeletal Sirius Black. He leaned forward on the table, Apple in hand, the crunch reverberating off the cabin walls. “You been practicing that all month, have ya?” He grinned at me. The containment of my joy was a feat I couldn’t tell you to this day how I accomplished; it threatened to break thru the surface at any moment. I spoke calmly, calculated, tho I wasn’t so sure that’s how I came across, “so, I meant to ask you last time, why exactly are you lurking around Hogswarts? That Potter boy is murmured about often here, so I’m gonna go out on a limb here-” Sirius cut me off. “You’re smart, I’ll give you that,” he placed the apple core on the table. “Yeah,” he continued, “Harry’s a part of it.. his dad, James.. he was my best mate.” Sirius looked down at the finish on the wooden table and continued his explanation to whatever pattern it was he had focused on. “But he’s not the only reason; the rat I told you about? He’s up there. Funny thing,” though the tone of his voice told me he didn’t find it so funny, “good ol’ Pettigrew has been living in the pocket of Harry’s best mate.” I gulped, “some coincidence, huh?” Jaw clenched, he shook his head. I seized the silence to ask what had burned since we first spoke, “ so this… Pettigrew, you called him? He’s like… an ACTUAL rat? Or just..” “He’s an animagus too. We all are. Were. Well, besides Lupin. But that’s another story,” he finally looked up from the spot he had been fixated on. “It’s my birthday today,” his signature smirk fixed on his lips. Stunned, i stuttered, “Wow! Well uh, ha-ha ppl birthday!” Unfazed, he shrugged it off with, “I happened upon a paper today, noticed the date. It’s no big deal but it means now I really am 34..” The sentence faded off. Letting the silence fill the cottage for a moment; there was a request bubbling up inside of me that I’d wanted to ask since I realized what he was capable of… “Teach me,” Came out; I hadn’t meant for it to be a command, tho that’s how it felt on my ears. I cringed, then added, “please.” Sirius looked at me, as tho he were evaluating me on a level deeper than I could fathom. “What shape does your patronus take?“ He asked. Slightly Stunned by his response, I froze before I amswreed. It had been awhile since I had used the spell, tho given the environment we were in, it was worth brushing up on. "Expecto Patronum!” I yelled. A white light filled the cabin; from the wisps formed a lynx. When he saw this, a full blown smile lit up the sunken features. “Suits you,“ he chuckled. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Simple,” he smiled, “you never know want animal you’ll turn into but a good indicator… but you.. You’re just cat like. Smart, independent; you also get this look in your eyes when you’re thinking like life is one giant chess game and you’ve gotta stay three moves ahead for fear you’ll perish.” My mouth dropped. “You can tell all that-” I let the sentence finish prematurely. Sirius looked at me so smugly, I had to fightback the urge to smack him. “Cheeky,” he winked, as tho he could read my thoughts. Blushing I prodded, “is that a yes?” “Could be,” again, he leaned back in the chair. “What’s in it for me?” “How about I don’t turn you in?” I pushed the back of his chair so that all four legs returned to the floor. Unabashed, he pulled the fronts of my robes, making it so that I looked him dead in the eye. “If you were to uh…‘turn me in’,” he drawled, “You’d already have done so..” he let go, and I wished he hadn’t; my knees had gone weak. Sirius relished in that fact for a moment, before decidedly declaring, “sure. What the hell, right?” My heart again skipped and I shrieked, “yes!” “Remember,” he warned, “this isn’t gonna happen over night. And since I can’t be seen going to the same spot too often, our meetings will remain sparse.” As tho he read my mind, he stated,“ any suspicious activity could be noticed, even if the perpetrator is an oversized dog.” Apparently I did poorly with my attempt to cover the confusion I felt, for Sirius took one look at me and felt compelled to follow up with, “I got into the castle. Halloween night. So 4 days ago now.. safe to say everybody’s guard is up,” he laughed humorlessly. An emotion took over me, one I could only articulate by shouting, “ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” Sirius leapt from his spot at the table, his posture like on the defensive. “What, you think you’re the only one here with a past? You think you’re the only one haunted by it?” The anger in his voice was palpable. Stunned, but unwilling to let go of my newfound anger, I argued, “You do realize the differences in our positions, correct?” “OH, YOU MEAN HOW YOU’RE THE DAUGHTER OF THE MOST EVIL MAN KNOWN TO WIZARD KIND AND I’M AN INNOCENT MAN WHO WAS FRAMED 12 YEARS AGO FOR A CRIME I WOULD NEVER COMMIT?!” The words hung in the air; it made it almost hard to breathe. Sirius’s ribcage expanded and deflated beneath the torn robes. It felt as tho somebody had kicked the wind out of my lungs; tears threatened to fall down my face. Finally, I mustered the strength to inform him, “the only reason I give a shit… is because I care.” It was Sirius’s turn to look stunned. “All I meant,” he started, and I could hear how calculated his voice was so as to keep the biting edge out of it, “was that you’re not the only one here who has had something.. shape them. You’ve got to realize, all that I had in that place, all that I clung to, what kept me sane was the- this obsession. And being this close, THIS GODDAMN CLOSE!” His fist met the table. The emotion that had gripped me started to loosen it’s grip. “You were out of line,” I muttered before I turned and went to the room. As a laid on the bed, the tears that I had held back finally burst thru. Between silent sobs, I heard Sirius muttered, “fuck,” beneath his breathe. The legs of the chair scraped the floor and footsteps grew louder the closer he got. I felt the bed barely sag beneath the weight his weight; his hand gripped my shoulder. Even tho it looked frail, the grip he had surprised me. Gently, he ran his hand from my shoulders to the base of my head, then down along my spine. Nobody had ever touched me that way; all I knew was aggression or withheld love… this felt soothing. More than that, it awoke something within me I had never even had stirred. Influenced by this, I turned to face him. His grey eyes stared down at me, brows furrowed, a look of apology painted on every line of his face. “Look,” he started. “I don’t know what I’m doing here. I’ve no fucking idea. This is, indeed, stupid, reckless…. but if I’m honest, I suppose that’s part of the appeal.” Again, the hurt surfaced and I heard myself say, “so is that all I am to you? Some cheap thrill?” He barked, his hand making its way to my cheek, where he held it firm as he said, “There is nothing ‘cheap’ about you; the fact is, plain and simple, you’re the only peace I’ve ever known..” he let the sentence settle in. A lump formed in my throat. Swallowing, a tear took advantage of the bodily distraction and fell to where Sirius’s fingers lay. Unfazed, he wiped them gone. “I know what it’s like… the loneliness.. I’ve spent over a decade alone..” he trailed off. He needn’t say more; I more than understood. “Kiss me,” I breathed. He obliged; the hand on my cheek lifted my face so that our lips met. The simple act ignited a flame in me. I needed him, suddenly and ferociously. Sensing this, Sirius pulled me deeper. His tongue parted my lips, and I did nothing to resist. I allowed it to pull my tongue into his own mouth, where he sucked it, creating another level of lust inside of me. The hand that wasn’t holding onto my face found its way inside of my thighs. Unwilling to resist, I allowed him to part my legs. Motivated by this, his kisses become more passionate. His mouth moved down to my throat, his tongue gently licking in circles. I felt as his thumb met my clit; unable to suppress it, I let out a moan. “IS this what you want?” He whispered into my ear. Expertly, he pressed his thumb on my clit, gently rubbing til I could feel it harden. Feeling it too, he looked down, saying , “I’ll take that as a 'yes’,” and before I knew it, he placed his head between my legs. “Oh my God,” I muttered. I had never been as wet as I was in that moment; Sirius noticed. He placed two fingers inside of me. When he pulled them out, he smiled to himself before placing the two fingers into his mouth where he sucked my wetness off of them. My breathe left my chest and before I could catch it, his face was where his fingers had just been. Placing his fingers on either side, he spread open my lips, exposing my clitoris. He picked once, twice, then fixed his lips around it and started to gently suck. “Sirius,” I gasped, completely enthralled. Ignoring me, he continued to suck on my clit, his two fingers back inside of me. I had never felt so turned on in my life. Sirius took note and raised himself to meet my mouth again. Grabbing at his face, I forced his mouth against mine, tasting myself on his lips. “I want to feel you inside of me,” I spoke against his mouth. An excitement overtook him. Raising himself above me, he pulled his robes over his head. As he did so, I ripped mine off entirely as well. Sirius looked down, and smiled. “It’s been awhile,” he muttered as he lowered his body on to me. He was hard and I felt it press against my inner thigh. I reached down, wrapping my fingers as far around it as I could; he was large, indeed. When I closed my hand, it barely made enclosed the circumference. He emitted a low growl as I worked my hand up and down his throbbing cock. “Fuck,” he muttered, eyes closed. His hand wrapped my hair around his fist, while the other had two fingers inside of me. Unable to take it anymore, I told him, “put it in me already, Sirius… please..” he readily obliged. I removed my hand and Sirius took his fingers put of me; he grabbed his dick and rubbed the tip against my clit. I watched him, not wanting him to stop. Finally, he moved his cock down and gently, placed the tip in. He pulled back, then thrusted it in. A moan escaped my lips just as he let out one of his own. I felt every inch of him work it’s way in me. When he pulled back, it slid easily, a testament to my arousal. Slowly at first, he built up a tempo that rendered me speechless. Suddenly, a sensation took hold of me. I felt the tingling intensify and my scalp started in as well. He continued to thrust and it only took a few more moment before the tension erupted. I loaned loudly. My scalp tingled and I felt my pussy tighten around his cock. Following suit, he finished in me, then collapsed onto the bed next to me. “Oh.. my God..” I whispered out of breathe. “Yeah,” he answered, his bare chest rising and falling. “I- I think… you gave me an orgasm,” I looked at him. He turned to face me, a smile played across his lips. Taking my head in his hand, he kissed my forehead, then wrapped his arm around me to pull me in. “I suppose I did,” he whispered to my shoulder blade. “Happy birthday to me.”
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