My dear, you've got a choking kink. Out of every superhero residing in NY you are the one getting choked the most. And you seem to like it. I'm not here to judge you, you're looking hot getting choked but being turned on when fighting baddies isn't the way to go.
I DON'T LIKE IT!! Sheeesh.....bless your heart....
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acerathia · 1 year
got a compliment!! my teacher said my writing is good!! :))
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Heya so I’ve been watching the new Mandalorian and loving Din and such but I was gonna ask if I can make a request. What about Reader getting jealous of Din and Bo’s relationship growing as friends (because fyi I see Bo liking woman idk? My opinion hahahah) anyways and also how Bo is becoming like more motherly to Grogu and Reader feels like Din can replace her so she decides to just move out of the way and then maybe Din finds out why she is being like this and it ends with comforting loving and reassuring smut? Idk up to you. I love love love your stories. You are my favorite writer
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AN | Ohh but no, this was a good one. Enjoy🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Din x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.1k
Masterlist | Din, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You tried to hide the scowl on your face as you looked over at the two Mandalorians speaking to each other, clearly in deep conversation. Apparently you weren’t doing a great job because you felt a gentle tugging on the bottom of your pants. You looked down to find Grogu  looking up at you with big eyes filled with concern and his ears downturned. He trilled softly and you let out a small sigh. 
You crouched down so you were closer to his level and lightly scratched the top of his head, “what’s wrong, my small love?”
He let out a small huff of frustration, letting you know that he knew you knew exactly what this was about. Your expression shifted to sheepishly as you shrugged lightly, “it’s nothing, I promise. I’m just being silly.”
Grogu reached out a small hand out and tried to touch your face as best as he could. He really was the sweetest thing being you had ever met and he definitely helped you to forget what you had been annoyed about in the first place. 
That was until several long shadows fell over you and you looked up to find Din and Bo-Katan standing over the two of you. You pulled back from Grogu and almost instantly jumped up, shrinking away from the imposing warriors. 
“Is everything alright?” Bo always managed to be so calm and calculating that it served to unnerve you. You were sure that it wasn’t anything intentional, just how she was, but it still sent a shiver down your spine. There was something incredibly intimidating about her. 
“Y-yes,” you nodded lightly, swallowing back all the reasons things were definitely not alright. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at Din; you could feel his gaze intently trained on you, “of course.”
“Are you s-”
“We should head into town,” Bo cut Din off, whether or not intentionally you weren’t sure, and jerked her head in the direction of the nearby city center, “and settle down for the night. We might be here for a few days. Come on, kid.”
Bo gently scooped Grogu into his arms, holding him in a gentle manner that allowed him to see everything that was going on. He seemed happy to be held and you couldn't help the fact that that made your heart ache slightly. 
He really loved her and she was clearly fond of him. You took your disappointment and compartmentalized it, shoving it to the very back of your mind. Everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about. Right? Right.
The fact that Din followed you closely and kept trying to say something to you wasn't lost on you. You did your best to try and ignore the feeling of nervous butterflies in your stomach. You knew he wouldn’t let things go that easily, so the best you could do was avoid him.
But Din Djarin had other ideas.
That night, once you were all settled into your rooms at the city center’s hotel, you heard a knock at your door. The three of you had all separate rooms, taking advantage of the opportunity to get some space. You closed your eyes for a moment before sighing softly and walking to the door; you opened it after a few beats of hesitation. 
You found Din on the other side, alone for once, and a definite air to him. You could practically feel the expression under the helmet; luckily for you, you’d been privy to getting a glimpse of his face so you could picture it accurately. 
“Din,” you said quietly, acknowledging his presence with a small nod, “what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” and oh. Did his voice have to drop that low and soft? It made you want to run and jump into his arms, “if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” you stepped to the side and let him, slowly closing the door behind you, leaning against it as you watched him go to the window and look out. It was silent between the two of you for a few moments, and you could feel the tension radiating off him, “what did you need?”
You heard him sigh, and the familiar sound tugged up the corner of your mouth into a small smile. He turned back to you, his hands settling on his hips; he was trying to search for the right words and felt like he was falling short, “you’re off…lately.”
“I’m off?” you echoed, “what do you mean? Wait - are you getting rid of me-”
“No,” a firm, resolute answer. He swallowed thickly, “you. You’ve been acting differently lately. Something is bothering you.”
Of course he was right on the money. But you didn’t want me to know that - at least not yet. You tried to plaster on the most natural smile you could, but you were sure it was more of a grimace than anything, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Din. Everything’s fine - we’ve just been busy and I-I’m just tired.”
“I know there’s more that you’re not telling me,” he didn’t say it accusingly - if anything his voice was soft. He was trying to coax you out of the shell you’ve been putting yourself in, “I…I want you to know that you can tell me anything.”
“I know,” and you did. Your heart constricted as he sat down next to you, his gloved hand brushing against yours, “and if there was anything to tell - I would tell you. Promise.”
Okay, so you were a liar. A dirty, kriffin’ liar.
“But you’re not right now,” again, it wasn’t even a question. It was a statement. You hesitated for a moment before shrugging lightly, “whatever it is, you don’t have to go through it alone.”
“Din,” you angled your body ever so slightly so you were facing him, “if there was anything to tell, I would tell you. I swear it.”
He paused for a long moment and you were seriously wondering what he was about to say. It could have been anything; he was a hard read sometimes. But then he stood up and in front of you, putting his hand under your chin and turning your face up to his. The Mandalorian remained quiet and stoic before brushing his knuckles across your cheek. The tenderness of the action was enough to make your eyes burn before they fluttered closed. 
After a few moments he gave you a simple nod before heading out of your room and quietly closing the door behind him.
You felt a sense of conflicted emotion wash over you; from how gentle and tender he was, you’d almost think he had some sort of deep rooted feelings for you as well. Then your mind instantly went to Bo and Din, how the two of them were together, and how Grogu loved them both. It made sense, of course, that the Mandalorians would find comfort in each other and form a deep, close bond. It also made sense that it broke your lovesick little heart.
Your shoulders slumped as you stared out the window, a heavy sigh escaping your lips. You could have just told him then and there. It would have been so easy to do so…and then, if nothing else, everything would be out in the open. Instead you’d chosen the easy way out and lied to him.
At least things couldn’t get any worse, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time you were up and dressed the following morning, you found that Din and Bo-Katan were already out and about with Grogu in tow. You grew upset when you realized that they didn’t bother to check in with you before leaving the hotel. You watched across the square for a little bit, watching the three of them interacting happily. Your heart practically fell into your chest when you realized just how much of a little family they appeared to be. 
Along with the hurt came the jealousy and that was a feeling you absolutely hated. There was no reason for it - but your heart felt differently. A part of you, and you hated even admitting this to yourself, hated how well they got along. It would have been easier if they disliked each other or didn’t have just chemistry or…anything. 
But Din had never been yours and would never be yours; it was a fact that you were going to have to accept and live with. 
You turned on your heel and started to walk back, deciding to wait for them to come back and find you.Childish? Maybe. But right now you didn’t care. 
It was halfway back on your trek that you had a sudden realization.
You didn’t have to stay with Din. You weren’t under any sort of obligation to stay with him. In the beginning you’d just sort of fallen into work with him. And you hadn’t really ever hashed out any sort of deal. Which meant…you could just leave whenever. 
It was just an idea…but when you got back to your room, it became more and more tempting. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the end of the day, you’d made a plan. Perhaps more of a semblance of a plan but it was something. 
You found Din and Grogu walking through some of the market stalls, the small one’s eyes lighting up happily with each little thing that he saw. The idea of being away from both of them was heartbreaking; you loved them both terribly.
“Hey,” you caught up to Din and started walking next to him, happy that for once Bo-Katan seemed to be absent. You felt him looking down at you as Grogu chirped happily, “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh?” you just knew that he was raising an eyebrow at you but then his voice dropped to something gentle, “tell me.”
“I’ve been thinking,” you were wringing your hands nervously, aware of every little tell that you had, “a-about everything. And I think I’ve decided that I, ugh, I umm…I’m going to stay here.”
“What?!” he stopped so suddenly that you almost tripped over him. You shrugged sheepishly before looking away, “what are you talking about?”
“Just what I said,” you played it off, “I’m going to stay here for a while.”
“But we’re leaving in a few days-”
“You. You are leaving in a few days,” you replied softly, “you, Grogu, and…Bo-Katan. I’ll be staying here.”
“I don’t know how long we’d even be gone before I can come back for-”
“You’re not coming back for me, Din,” you whispered, stealing a little glance at him, “I don’t think you’re understanding…I am staying behind and you are going on. W-without me.”
“What do you mean?” now he just sounded concerned and confused and that broke your heart a little bit, “why would you not come?”
"Because I'm not…" you choked back the emotion that was welling up in your throat, "I'm not going with anymore period. I think it's time that we go our separate ways."
"Separate ways," he echoed as you nodded lightly, "why? What happened? I thought that-"
"You don't need me," you stopped and turned around so you were fully facing him, "you don't need me for anything you have left to do. You and Bo will be just fine together. You're Mandalorians after all. I'm just…me."
"That's not true," he insisted meekly as you stared at your feet, "we do need you."
"For what?" you blinked back the tears as you caught the sad little look on Grogu's face, "you don't need my help with him anymore. I'm not…necessary."
"None of what you just said-"
"It's not, I'm not - this isn't something that is up for debate," and yeah, it crushed your heart go say that to him, "I've gotta go my own way now."
You didn't - and couldn't - let him get another word in or you knew you'd be right back to where you had been. You didn't want to leave them and Din could see that, he knew that and he didn't want you to go. That had to count for something, right?
Even the slight bit of hope his words gave your heart wasn't enough to get you to turn around. Your decision was made.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Din wasn't as convinced that you were set in your way. He wasn't going to just let you get away that easily. You should have realized that by now. 
As you were packing your stuff to leave and figure out a more permanent situation, Din knocked once before letting him. He didn't even give you the opportunity to welcome him in - there wasn't time.
"Don't go."
Your hands dropped the shirt you were holding as you looked at him in shock. Your mouth opened and closed a few times as you tried to figure out where to begin to respond to that, "p-pardon?"
"Don't go," he repeated, taking a few steps closer to you, "stay. With me and Grogu."
"And Bo."
"No," he shook his head. He was a smart man after all and he'd managed to put the pieces together. And come to terms with his own feelings, "this isn't about her."
"Well it involves her," you sighed, scrubbing a hand over your tired face, "you and her and Grogu and your little save the Mandalorians and Mandalore mission. It doesn't have anything to do with me."
"Besides," you turned your back to him and crossed your arms over your chest, "you seem to be doing just fine with her."
"She's a fellow Mandalorian," he came over to where you could almost feel him behind you, "we are stronger together. That is all. She is not…I do not have any feelings for her besides any that are extremely platonic."
"You might want to tell her that."
"She's well aware," he promised and you felt the tension in your shoulders lessen at the feeling of his hand on your shoulder, "it is not me she has an eye on. She knows that you are…mine."
"What?" You turned around and looked at him with wide eyes and a confused expression. He was watching you intently, "Din?"
"You are mine," he repeated as your expression shifted to one of wonder, "as I am yours."
"You…" you vaguely gestured between your bodies, mind reeling as you tried to process what he actually meant, "me?"
"Yes," there was a bit of amusement coloring his voice; he was calm while you were panicking, "I thought you knew."
"No," you managed to choke out, "I-I didn't. I just thought you…thought of me as a partner. Business partner."
"Not just that," he reached over and gently pushed your hair behind your ears, "far from that."
"What about Grogu? He clearly loves her-"
"You are jealous," your entire body burned at his accusation and you swallowed thickly. Why did he have to be so damn perceptive? You couldn't even find it within yourself to lie and deny it.
"Yes," you looked into the black T of his visor, meeting his eyes behind the helmet, "I am."
"There is no reason to be jealous," he promised, "there is only you for me. And for Grogu. Once our business is concluded, it will just be us."
"Promise?" That is everything you had been craving and wanting so desperately, "Din?"
"I promise," he answered softly and you could feel it in your bones that he wasn't lying, "it won't be much longer."
"You'll stay?" He pulled off his clothes and tossed them to the side before gently taking your face in his hands, brushing his thumb along your cheek. You couldn't help but preen into his touch.
"Yes," you whispered softly, "I'll stay."
He made a small sound in the back of his throat before pulling back and walking towards the door. You were confused for a few moments until he switched the lights off, bathing the room in darkness except for the city lights that flowed in through the curtains.
"Do you trust me?" He was looking right at you and you were looking right back. But there was no hesitation in your response - you both already knew the answer.
"Yes," you promised, "I trust you."
He made a small sound before lifting his hands and slowly removing his helmet. Despite the fact that you had seen his face before, the gesture still spoke volumes. You watched as he rid himself of his gloves, followed by his armor and outer clothing. 
When he was done, he made his way back over to you, leaving just enough of a gap between your bodies. 
You couldn't see the details of his face but studied his handsome silhouette. After a moment he reached up and took your face in his hands. You turned your face and leaned into his touch, sighing wistfully.
"You mean more to me than I could ever put into words," he whispered so quietly that you almost didn't hear, "I'm sorry you ever had to doubt that."
"It's okay," you tried to ignore the feeling of butterflies exploding in your tummy as you looked at him with a small smile.
"Once this is all over…" he paused for a moment, as he trailed his fingers along your jaw, "I promise things will be different."
"And they don't have to be different," you insisted, "I just….I just want you."
"You have me," it was a firm, resolute statement, "all of me."
He leaned his face down towards yours, his nose gently nudging yours. You leaned up ever so slightly and met his lips, letting him gently kiss. Finally. After so much time, so much dreaming and wishing and wanting, you finally got to kiss Din Djarin. You’d always wondered what it would be like and now you knew - it was just like magic and tasted even sweeter.
His movements were tentative at first, gentle and testing the waters. When you responded so positively and eagerly to him, he relaxed and grew more confident. You rested your hands on his forearms before gently pulling back. A small, wistful sound escaped your lips as he pressed his forehead against yours. 
“You have me too, Din,” you promised in return and you could see his shoulders relax even in the darkness.
“You’ll stay?”
“Of course,” you stole a quick kiss from him, “I thought that would have been clear now.”
“It was,” he nodded, smiling against your lips, “but I just wanted to be positive.”
“Let me show you how positive I am,” you whispered, feeling bold and electric, “if you’d like me to.”
“Yes,” he agreed, both of you laughing softly, “yes.”
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httpsuniverse · 1 year
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PAIRING: mason mount x wolff!reader ; a bit of george russell x wolff!reader
DETAILS & WARNINGS: profanities, mentions cheating/infidelity, mason's anger is totally understandable, y/n's a bit of a bitch(? idk towards the end tho), rushed ending bc i really wanted to end this hahahah, also not proofread and tons of dialogues ahhahah
WC: 4k
A/N: i apologize for uploading this soo late 😭 i had writers block for a long while :< anyway, enjoy reading!
TAGGED: @i83andrew @pleasantducktimetravel
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
now, four months have passed since you’ve broken up with mason (or at least that was what your letter stated). in those months, mason finds himself longing for you. the man often finds himself up most nights, sleeping so late and waking up so early to head to training and other prior schedules he has every day.
mason would not deny it; that if someone were to ask if he had tried contacting you, your dad and even your stepmum. the couple would always say that they don’t know your whereabouts, but deep inside, he knows they know and knowing you, you were probably the one who asked them not to tell him. the first month was the hardest, he tried calling you every night and every chance he got while on his schedule. he was waiting for your voicemail greeting to play just to hear your voice and after that, he’d record what he wanted to say. a mixture of i love you’s, i miss you’s and please come back. 
it wasn’t easy with you as well. you missed mason and you missed the days where it was just the two of you in your own little world. if you could only go back in time, you’d never leave the house during the night of your fight and maybe this never would’ve happened. you missed seeing mason on the other side of the bed; you weren’t a morning person but whenever there’s a chance that you wake up before him, you’d watch him sleep and listen to his gentle snores while you lightly trace his beard with the tip of your finger. you missed snuggling to him during cold mornings, you missed the lazy make-outs because he couldn’t get his hands off of you, you missed him whispering sweet nothings in your ear after you wake up. you missed mornings with mason, too bad you can no longer relive those moments.
though you can’t help that every time you wake up, you have that thought that you could go back to london, you could return his calls, you could return back to mason and restart your relationship. but every time you do think of doing those things, you’re reminded of what you did. all those lies you’ve told him, and those days where you were away and sleeping with another man. 
going back to the man you’ve hurt seems such a foolish thing to do, and you know the people around mason wouldn’t allow such a thing. though you may think that mason would have the same thinking as the others, he sometimes does not. he wanted to risk it all again with you, he wanted to try and fix it with you. all he wanted is you and you alone.
going back to mason is something that you want to do but wouldn’t do. and on the fourth month, 5 day mark, mason had revealed his month long relationship with a model, lia mendes.
honey, why you calling me so late?
it’s kinda hard to talk right now. 
honey, why you crying, is everything okay?
i gotta whisper cause i can’t be too loud.
you stood in your living room filled with moving boxes, susie and toto were outside while jack was napping inside your bedroom. all you could do was sigh. it felt so weird moving into a new apartment–let alone moving to the southeast corner of france. monaco was a lovely place to live in, knowing that your father lives here (though he travels most of the time), the fact that you live nearby brings you some sort of relief, safety and comfort. though, as many people have said, you disappeared off the face of the earth for a few months, you’ve lived your life quietly with your mum for a while as you wait for the situation with mason to die down.
you were in a rush when you left london the night you told mason you were just going to the store. you left without even taking a second look, not even an ounce of thought. sure, it was a wrong move—a dumb decision as well, but you wanted to run away from all the mistakes you’ve made. you wanted to escape. leave everything you have to the place you once loved—now a place you dread the most. it was not the easiest decision either, but it was the only solution that you could think of.
the night you left mason, you didn’t go to the store. instead, you met george. again, a clandestine meeting. you messaged george when you were a few blocks away from his place, which is why you met a furious brit.
“have you lost your mind, kid?” he says, god you hated that nickname. it was the nickname that toto knew george gave you and became the hint that you and the driver are close. “she could’ve caught me! she could’ve seen your bloody message! why did you want to see me—”
“i told him, george. he–he probably saw the letter by now because i left a few hours ago.”
the driver’s eyes widened, definitely not the sentence he was not expecting to hear from you. suddenly, he didn’t know what to do or say. george tried to pull you in his arms, but you were quick to push him away. “this… george! this is exactly why we need to stop what’s between us!” you said, “i can’t believe i’m saying this but i regret everything that happened between us. i regret taking advantage of mason and carmen. i hate how i know that dad will be so disappointed in me. so please, let’s stop this… we can’t keep hurting and breaking the trusts of the people around us.” 
your voice cracks by the end of the last sentence, you could feel george staring at you but you kept your gaze on your feet. no strength to look at his eyes because you know that this man would do anything just to make you stay. 
“but baby—”
from calling you kid to baby—you hated it. you felt disgusted. you needed to end it.
“no, george. no buts.” you cut off, “i have to go. i… i wish you all the best.”
you walk back to your car, locking the doors in case george runs after you. again, without looking back, you drive away. leaving the confused brit in the empty street.
and even though you ended things with george that night, he hadn’t stopped calling and texting you—afraid that you might say anything about your relationship to others, even with friends and family. all he ever cared about was his reputation, he was scared. after all, he was doing great with mercedes the past season and a scandal with his boss’ daughter would put him through hell. 
now, you were left alone in this apartment overlooking the beauty of monaco. you sat on your balcony with a glass of wine sitting on the table, feeling the breeze of the mediterranean sea. oh you missed mason. you haven’t heard anything from him since you two broke up. 
and maybe it was the number of wine in your system that you ended up dialing his number, the one you’ve deleted yet can’t seem to forget as you knew it by heart. no matter how hard you try to forget about it. it kept on ringing and ringing, and you tried to re-dial once it ended due to the exceeding minute. 
on the fifth try, you finally heard his voice. 
you know that feeling when you’ve spoken to your high school crush for the very first time, your heart drops and your stomach is filled with butterflies to the point where you don’t know what to say? that is exactly what you felt when you heard mason’s voice after months.
“hello?” he repeats, “is this a prank call? ‘cause this is the fifth time you called and i might need to block your number–”
you heard sounds of bed rustling followed by a door closing, you assumed that he was already in bed and was fast asleep. after all, it was already midnight. “y/n?” and that’s when the tears started to roll in, god how you missed that voice. “are you crying? is everything alright?” his voice was quiet.
“y-yeah, just…” you sniffed, “just missing you and i think it has something to do with this stupid wine.”
“sorry, i’ve got to whisper. m-my girlfriend’s asleep,”
“oh.” you wiped your tears, you only found out that mason was dating someone now. “i’m sorry, i should’ve known. god, i’ll hang up–”
well, my girl’s in the next room
sometimes i wish she was you
i guess we never really moved on
it’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
it sounds so sweet
“she’s in the other room anyway, we can continue talking.” he continued, “h-how have you been? i’ve seen photos of jack on susie’s instagram, may have had a glimpse of you spending time with them in her stories. have you gone karting with jack recently?”
you chuckle, chugging the remaining wine on your glass before responding. “i-i stayed with them for a month, i stayed with my mum as well, after our… well, you know. i’ve accompanied jack while dad and susie are busy. you know, the season has already started and susie is busy with the f1 academy. i was vacant for a month, but i’ve started working again–i’m talking too much, you should really hang up, mason.”
“you know, it’s really good to hear your voice saying my name, y/n.” mason said, “it-it really sounds so sweet.”
“we should really stop, mason.”
you heard him scoff on the other end of the line, “it’s so funny that you’re the one saying that, i’m not the one who called in the first place, y/n.”
“i know, and i only found out that you were dating someone tonight. y-you should be with her, you shouldn’t be talking to your ex who… who cheated on you tonight. she deserves better.”
“i guess we never really moved on, y/n.” he replied, “i–”
“goodbye, mason. good night.”
coming from the lips of an angel
hearing those words, it makes me weak
and i never wanna say goodbye
but, girl, you make it hard to be faithful
with the lips of an angel
mason couldn’t sleep that night and had trouble waking up, which was the reason why lia, so early in the morning, was mad as her boyfriend was sleeping so deep and no matter how hard she tried to wake him up, she just couldn’t. lia was running late for a schedule that mason had promised to come with her as their break for the season had begun. 
“masey, i’m running super late. my manager is about to burst, can’t you please move much faster?” she said, in a mixture of annoyed and calm voice. “didn’t we go to bed at the same time last night? why do you look like you haven’t at all?”
“because i haven’t slept,” he answered directly.
“just… nothing. let’s go.”
the couple exited mason’s house, lia practically sprinted to mason’s car and sat on the front seat. masey, that was the nickname most people call him but now, he only wanted to hear your voice call him that and nobody else. when you say his name, it sounded like it came from the lips of an angel. it made him weak most of the time. 
lia had arrived a half an hour late, her manager was already glaring at mason and immediately separated the couple. while lia was doing her photoshoot, leaving mason alone, he realised that he never wanted to break up with you, even if you admitted what had happened between you and george, or maybe he was just thinking about it as you’ve spoken last night. maybe he just missed you. he did miss you. 
what’s fucked up is that he thought he finally moved on from you, that he was ready to commit to a new relationship. he knew that when he and lia were testing the waters, a month before they officially dated. he has told himself several times that he was over you, yet here he is. reminiscing all the memories you’ve shared the past years you two were together after that phone call. you were making it hard for him to be faithful.
as he was waiting, mason was on his phone when he received a notification of an invite to attend another f1 race with red bull. this time, it was in barcelona. he remembered the last time you and he went to monaco, a weekend to remember indeed. 
“we’re going to be separated for almost the whole day, baby” you laugh, putting on your dress as mason shoves his phone into his pocket. “it’s going to be so weird because you’ll be at the red bull garage, and i’ll be at mercedes!”
“hey, i can still go there, you know? plus we’ll see each other around the paddock.” he replied, walking behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “besides, your dad loooves me. i’m sure he’ll understand that this is for work and publicity.”
you smiled, zipping your dress up and turned to face him. mason pursed his lips, signifying that he was asking for a kiss. you giggled, and eventually leaned in to connect your lips together. when you pulled away, you put your hand on his face and ran the pads of your thumb on his beard–the one you loved doing after you two kissed every time.
“you, sir… look so handsome with your outfit.” you compliment, he was wearing his chequered rhude shirt over some white shirt. you leaned in again for another kiss, deepening it–only pulling away when you heard your phone ring. “okay, before things escalate, i have to go. dad’s calling.”
“your dad’s such a cockblocker.” he teased, earning a slap on the arm from you. “i’m just kidding! i’ll see you when i see you at the paddock.”
mason remembered how he stole a kiss every time you crossed paths at the paddock or at the pit lane during his walk. a lot of people saw and took pictures and videos of it, posting it on social media. that video was trending in the world of f1 and football for a few days before dying down. he remembered seeing tweets and posts on instagram, saying they were jealous of your relationship. he remembered the two of you having dinner at toto and susie’s place, how he was teased by you and jack (toto eventually joined) throughout dinner as he went as red bull’s guest and not mercedes. he remembered lying with you on the deck of a rented yacht, under the sun, enjoying the monte-carlo air.
on the other side of europe, you are woken up by the sound of your phone ringing. you were taking your afternoon siesta before returning back to your home office to continue working, and whoever was calling you in the middle of your nap, may they stub their toe on some furniture. tired, you reached out for your phone and answered the call without looking at the screen.
“hello?” you groggily said, “whoever you are, you’ve interrupted my siesta and i may hate you for that.”
“well, hello to you, my daughter.” your father’s voice rang through your ears. “and i’m sorry if i interrupted your nap, but would you be so kind and open your front door please?”
“open the door, i’ve been out here for almost fifteen minutes.”
and off you went to your front door, toto was greeted by a grumpy daughter whose eyebrows were furrowed. you looked at your father, “what are you doing here, dad?”
“no ‘hallo, vater’? no ‘how are you doing, dad?’. none?” he joked, entering your place as you made way for him and closed the door. “okay, i will be quick. come with us to barcelona this weekend.”
your eyes widened, “what? i have work, i can’t just leave.”
“your brother told me that you have a flexible work schedule, that you’re allowed to bring your work everywhere you go.” your dad replied.
“theodore wolff, that little bitch.” you cursed under your breath, you couldn’t help but facepalm with what your brother just did. “dad–”
“i know that tone, y/n wolff.” toto stopped you from continuing your sentence, “come on, it’ll be just like the old days! except your brother isn’t here because his finals week aligned with the weekend in barcelona.”
you bit your lip, making a decision as your father can be impatient. if you go to the race, the possibility of running to george is high–no matter how much effort you exert on avoiding the man, you simply can’t as he is, of course, a driver for mercedes. but, it’ll be good for you as well! you haven’t gone to spain for years, a change of environment and working outside of your home office may be good for you as well. you work only on weekdays, and you’ll be free for the rest of the weekend so you wouldn’t think of work that much in case.
“okay fine, i’ll go with you. when’s the flight?” 
“TONIGHT?! dad, a little heads up would’ve been nice!”
“i’m sorry, pack your bags and we’ll pick you up by 8.” toto said, planting a kiss on your head. “i’ll go now, we’ll see you later!”
on saturday morning, arriving at the paddock with your father, a lot of people approached you by the entrance. some asked for pictures, some for autographs (which you didn’t quite understand), and some were nice enough to greet you. to say that you’re nervous is an understatement. you were returning to the paddock, you’re about to see george, his fiancée–the people you've been avoiding for months were in barcelona with you. you opted to stay in your hotel since your arrival in spain, finishing all the work you have left before proceeding with your weekend. as you walk to the paddock with toto, you could feel your palm sweat and your stomach turn the more you get closer to mercedes’ garage. 
“word is, footballers are in red bull’s garage.” you overheard one of the mechanics upon entering the garage. the word football made you even more nervous than you already were.
“oh come on, mate. i think i’ve seen a few yesterday! that’s old news!”
“i haven’t seen any yesterday but so far, i’ve seen james, felix, chilwell–” please don’t tell me mason is here. “–and mount. just last year they were in monaco, weren’t they?”
the other mechanic nodded his head. mason is here. breathing the same air as you, probably a few metres away from you even. i knew this was a bad idea. you thought to yourself.
“you look like you saw a ghost.” said your father after speaking to the engineers.
you shook your head, “well, i think i’m about to see one today.” you joked, “i-uh, i’ll go out to find something to drink.”
toto raised an eyebrow, a bit unsure of your change of behaviour but you gave him a smile and reassured that you’ll be back. “alright, just…be back before quali, alright?”
you nodded your head and exited the garage. walking around the paddock like you were a normal guest, someone who just wants to enjoy the weekend. but it’s hard when people recognize you as toto wolff’s daughter, and as much as you try to stay away from the crowd, people still approached you. little did you know, someone has spotted you.
“oi, mason!” ben called his teammate, walking towards the man who’re talking with the other players. “guess who i saw walking around the paddock?”
ben took a step closer to the younger, whispering your name. mason felt his heart skip a beat, realising the same thing you’ve thought about just a few minutes ago: you were here, breathing the same air as him.
it's funny that you're calling me tonight
and, yes, i've dreamt of you too
and does he know you're talking to me?
will it start a fight?
no, i don't think she has a clue.
needless to say, you were good at hiding. mason had presented the pirelli pole position award to max, he wanted to know if you were there to see him next to the driver. but as he scanned the sea of crowd, you were nowhere to be found. after the qualifying, you returned back to your hotel–reasoning that you were exhausted and had a headache. as soon as you were back, you changed clothes and plopped yourself on the bed. but it wasn’t so soon when your phone started ringing, a number you once called.
“a little birdie told me that you were in the paddock today.”
you sighed, closing your eyes but held the phone close to your earshot. “was it ben?”
“you know it. he’s always liked you–in a platonic way, i mean.”
silence followed right after he had mentioned ben, you were exhausted to even reply. 
“it’s so funny that you’re calling me tonight, mason.” you said, “i assumed the night i called you, you would’ve blocked my number.”
“you know i would never do that. we’ve been together for a long time, y/n.”
“i must be living in your head, mason.”
mason scoffed on the other end of the line, “well, i wasn’t thinking of you until the night you called.” he replied, “and yes, i’ve dreamt of you too.”
you jolted up from the bed when you heard a knock on the door, with the phone on the other hand you made your way to the door. you didn’t even bother looking through the peephole to see who was knocking on your door late in the night, you just assumed it was your dad. promptly, you opened the door–lo and behold, mason mount was standing in front of you. unable to speak, you still held your phone by your ear and stared at him, him and his stupid smile. mason was the one who ended the call and shoved his phone into his pocket.
“hi,” he said, “it’s been a few months, y/n.”
“how did you–what are you–i’m so confused right now.” you expressed, about to shut the door but mason was quick enough to stop you. “what do you want, mason?”
“does he know you’re talking to me? will it start a fight?” he asked, completely ignoring your question and welcomed himself inside your room, shutting the door close. “george. does george know?”
“i called it off with him the night i left a letter for you, mason. i went to his place and i ended things with you both at the same time.”
mason scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. “wow,” he exclaimed, “george had the in-person “break-up” and all i got is a stupid fucking letter?”
“that is bullshit, y/n. pure bullshit.” mason barked, “all this time, george got the closure that i should’ve had. me–y/n, i was the one you dated for a long time and all i fucking got is a lousy letter about the truth of your affair with george?”
“i was supposed to, mason!” you yell back, “i was supposed to tell you, but the timing just wasn’t right.”
“and you thought lying straight to my face when i asked you about it, was okay?” you were about to answer, but mason was already rushing to the door. when he was about to exit, he said: “i went here thinking i could finally get the closure i needed, but fuck, was i wrong about this.”
you scoff, “that’s on you, then. you come running to the girl who cheated on you.” you said, “does lia know that you’re still hung up on your past? because i don’t think she has a clue.”
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liked by susie_wolff, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton and others
ynwolff so many familiar faces here in spain 🇪🇸 here’s a little dump of my weekend here 🤓
view all 739 comments
yourbffsig oh i know who those familiar faces were 😉
ynwolff 😂 stop
yourbffsig we’re going to a party tonight after what happened, we need to get wasted!!
ynwolff as long as i make it back home on time and alive, let’s gooo
mercedesamgf1 glad to have you back in the garage, y/n! 🐺
ynwolff glad to see the team secure a double podium, thank you for having me! 🖤
mercedesamgf1 a great weekend indeed!
yourmomsig missing you so much, sweetheart! hope you enjoyed x
ynwolff miss you too mum ❤️
theowolff what about me 😓
ynwolff miss you too dumbass 🙄 you’re the reason why i went so you should’ve been with me, i could’ve avoided an unexpected circumstance hahahah
theowolff if only school let me 💀 but hey, at least you ‘enjoyed’
ynwolff i’m blocking you!!
user2 stop with these assumptions I BEG YALL
user3 people should learn how to stfu im being fr rn
user4 that’s toto’s reaction when he read your comment
user2 also the cryptic messages HELLO ?? i dont think they saw each other or if they did, it probably didn’t go so well
user3 you’re onto something babes 👀
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liked by declanrice, benchilwell, redbullracing and others
masonmount thank you redbullracing and jodieporter8 for everything!
view all 2,495 comments
liamendes meu belo homem 😩🫶 i love you!
— ❤️ by masonmount
redbullracing THANK YOU!! 🫶
user5 when i tell yall this man is so FINE 🤌🏻
user6 this man is scrump-DILLY-tious
user7 yall CALM DOWN
user8 mason did something happen between u and y/n bc her posts have some sort of cryptic hints and i kinda wanna know whats going on tnx (jk hahaha love u both)
user9 HELPPP me too 😓 like what does her bff mean when she said “whag happened” and y/n saying “unexpected circumstance” LIKE GIVE ME SOMETHING??? A TEA PERHAPS???
user10 currently dying to know what the fucj happened in barcelona
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godsandvillains-if · 4 months
" MC's powers are based on the use of Chaos Magic by the Scarlet Witch."
If you really want to be accurate to her powers that mean MC's abilities and power level should change with every chapter to simulate marvel writers not knowing how to handle her
Hahahah well, In my defense and MC's defense (and maybe even Marvel's defense), they can't use the full potential of their power from the beginning for a few reasons. First, the MC suffers from amnesia. All the knowledge that they may have accumulated about their abilities is far from their reach at the moment.
Second, the terrorists and someone really close to the MC worked in ways to keep their power in check and from going out of control, so they created dampeners for that reason. Until these dampeners are removed they can't access the full potential of their magic.
Third, if the MC was all powerful from the beginning of the story and could undo all problems with just a thought, there wouldn't be a story worth telling, would it?
Thank you for the question! 🥰
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livmadart · 10 months
Hey again!
So I'm a fanfic writer, and I've come to start on a new DCMK Pokémon crossover now
So I was wondering if you maybe could make some more posts on the Phantump Conan AU, because I need some Pokémon crossover fuel!
Hi! I am very happy to hear you like my work, and I am interested in your own! You can absolutely have more Phantump Conan :)
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This AU is so sad if you think about it but I always always go for the jokes, and that’s probably everything you need to know about me hahahah
If anyone wants to make some actually angsty content for this AU, please do!
Thank you for your ask!
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caffeinewitchcraft · 1 year
How did you find the courage to start posting online?
Finding courage is actually why I started this blog!
I’ve always loved writing. The first book I wrote was in high school (and very rarely sees the light of day) back in 2010. I gave short stories to my family for Christmas in 2011 and I did write a little bit of fanfic back then.
But I never tried to query my work and I never posted anything online. I felt like my work wasn’t good enough for a multitude of reasons - too short, too long, choppy dialogue, not interesting, wrong punctuation, etc
Then I went to college and I studied English/psychology/writing for a little bit. One of my writing professors really pushed me to consider publishing (at that point I was on track to get a psychology degree) and I realized that that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be a published writer
But I was too scared!
I was frozen for years. I would write all these stories for fun and never had anywhere to put them. After I left the cult (lol) I ended up not having many friends to read my work either. I had my sister and my best friend from high school (both of whom I owe a lot) and they lived in a different city for most of that time.
College was a really bad time for me all around. I don’t talk about it that much because I very dearly want to be someone who can heal from trauma. But my writing at that time was viciously angry. I felt like I couldn’t share it because it would show everyone how awful I was. So I didn’t post online then either!
I left school and became an EMT with this idea that I was going to be a writer but I still couldn’t bring myself to query. “I need to experience more of life to write,” I thought. “I’m not good enough yet. The things I write are all too depressing or too escapist. One day I’ll write something amazing and I’ll know it and go from there.”
It was during that time (around 2016) that I honestly got sick of myself. I had a lot of insecurities and life was very difficult. It’s hard to explain exactly where my head was at. See, up until the creation of this blog, I was putting writing as a low priority in my life. I was going to keep driving an ambulance. I was going to go back to school. I was going to only engage In The practical side of writing (copy writing) and do other Meaningful Work like driving ambulances or maybe going to law school
But I wanted to write. And I knew I was scared. And I knew that part of what was holding me back were all these expectations from my family and from myself that I needed to focus on finding a career rather than in what made me so happy
So I made this blog! “No one I know will see this,” I thought. “I don’t have to tell them. I can write whatever I’d like without having to worry about hurting anyones feelings or making anyone upset.”
Well, I did make people upset! Hahahah, for some reason 22 yo me wrote a prompt fill of God trying to set up Satan with a guy. A looooot of people (like 6 which seemed like a lot at the time!) sent me messages about how awful I was for writing that and how I needed to take it down
Instead of taking it down or stopping writing, I looked at why I wrote what I did. I’m Pagan. Wby did I feel driven to write a story about God?
The prompt used language I disagreed with (I believe it called satan “a homosexual” like those old anti gay propaganda films) and I wanted to write something that was more positive and nuanced. The story accepted the idea that, at one point, being gay was a sin (I was just coming out at that point as well.) But I also wrote a God that was flawed, who recognized their flaws, and admitted that they made a mistake by trying to control love like that. God apologized to Satan for making him feel he was wrong and that he couldn’t love who he wanted. That story meant something to me who, despite being from an amazingly supportive family, still worried about people being jerks when I went out in public with my girlfriend.
And after looking at all that, I stood by my story. That’s important to why I keep posting online. I stand by what I write. Even if nobody enjoys a story, I like it. And so it stays up.
(Though I will admit that some aspects I’ve had to improve myself on. I had one person point out that I only used Anglo-Saxon names for all my characters. Meaning I only wrote white characters. So, after a lot of googling and reading, I set out to diversify my work! I wrote Firebreather after that, starring Nadezh and I am so obsessed with her.)
I kept the God prompt up and started receiving positive comments on it! I started writing more prompt fills. I’d write after hard 12 hour shifts. I’d write while in the ambulance. I wrote a very popular story from my phone!
I’m very, very lucky! I’ve always received very positive feedback on my stories here. There are people who won’t ever know it but they supported me through very difficult times.
Why have I written all of this? I definitely haven’t shared everything about my writing journey, or my life journey, but these are the highlights. Why share such a long answer to a very straightforward question?
Because I want you to have the context for when I say that the courage to post online comes from a deep and unending love for writing. For your own writing. For the magic that writing helps you create, for the excitement of finishing a story, for the thrill of understanding yourself a little better.
For me, the creation of this blog was an act of self love. I’ve said that on here before. I took an amazing gamble and I won! By posting online, I forced myself to confront my writing head on. People were seeing it and commenting on it, good and bad, and it forced me to interact with my work in a way I hadn’t before.
I started being able to look at my writing from a distance. There were some warts, for sure. But I looked at it and loved it all the same.
I stopped being so ashamed and fearful. My whole family knows about my writing now (that’s actually how I came out as bi to a few of them lmao) and I’ve self-published my own work.
I will say, that I’ve been very lucky on Tumblr. My experience doesn’t seem to be very typical and my blog is a bit more popular than I ever intended! I’m very grateful and blown away by it still.
Courage comes from confidence. Fake it til you make it! I used anonymity as a shield until I gained enough confidence to own my work proudly.
Thanks for the ask and thanks for bearing with my long response. I’ll most likely talk about how posting online affected my mental state and career more at a later date :)
Tl;dr: Love your writing unconditionally. Accept its flaws and know that you have the ability to improve it.
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legacyshenanigans · 2 months
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Rowans "treats" could honestly be anything that he really enjoys, it would take much to convince him 🤣 whether it be food, being taken out somewhere with you or spicy thinnnnnngs 🤣 I think it would work on Marvolo, getting him to do something by offering him similar things hahahah.
Rowan: *napping while lay on MC's legs*
MC: Rowan?
Rowan: *grumbles*
MC: Rowan, I can't feel my legs*
Rowan: *half asleep mumbling* Cozy...
MC: ...Ro-
Rowan: Coozzyyyyy.
MC: *sigh* How about we go for a walk?
Rowan: *opens one eye and looks at her*
MC: We'll go get ice cream while we're out.
Rowan: *opens his other eye*
MC: And then when we get home...And I'll let you eat something else *winks*
Rowan: *instantly jumps up* BET.
Marvolo: *doing paperwork at the Den*
MC: *asks him to do something laborious and time consuming*
Marvolo: Not right now, love. Can it wait, till Monday maybe?
MC: *small pout* I'll go and buy you those pink cupcakes you like if you do it now?
Marvolo: *thinks for a moment then puts down his pen, leaning back in his chair* I'm listening...What else...For my troubles? *smirks*
MC: ....I'll let you do that thing you like, to me....
Marvolo: *raises a brow* That "thing" you usually only let me do on my birthday?
MC: Mmhmmm *giggles*
Marvolo: *sinful grin as he stands* Then consider it done, right now. *chuckles*
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r26yz · 6 months
Rambles incoming :D
idk, i just... I FREAKING LOVE the dazaku writers in pixiv and lofter. I am not fluent in japanese or chinese, heck im not even fluent in english, i read them using google translate (i want to thank google for dazai obama) and its wonky af but THE FEELS!? It hurt, it grabbed me in the lungs and heart. The translation is off but damn the emotions are conveyed perfectly.
And... hm.. i noticed that, how hopeful they are about dazaku relationship? Yeah, they are not good-ish, kinda, sorta abusive. But like, there's hope? You understand? By no means there are lot of writers that don't hesitate to dunk on dazai for what he did to akutagawa. But the things, there's still something.
Im thinking how to say this.
Akutagawa's hate.
Dazai's taunts.
Akutagawa's want for approval.
Dazai withholding that approval.
If dazai don't like akutagawa that much, shouldn't he just gave him that approval and be done with? I know he already acknowledge him way before. He even gush on him to odasaku. akutagawa would probably wont bother him again. But then he doubled down on him, Atsushi is better than you ;). Why taunt him with Atsushi? Atsushi is his coworker, not a student specificaly (something that a lot of writers emphasize, very neat).
Why dazai? do you need him to go crazy for you :D bahahaha loser. Is it because akutagawa the first thing you own that is actually yours? yours that you got to choose yourself? you freaking gave him a mating offer by killing his friends' murders. you idiot. you sad man. what a sad little man. do you want akutagawa to kill you someday so its still considerd suicide by your own hand/creation? you sad sad wet man? you really think that he'd hate you enought to kill you? really? you, the man who gave the akutagawa sibling a home and warm meal? really? hmm? hmm?
see, that's why... call it shallow, but i don't think akutagawa could ever really hate dazai? ish? kinda? the man did save him, even though then he got thrown to another kind of hell on earth. He gave him home, meal, and hope. The meaning of life. Hahahah indeed he's like a dog. that makes dazai that type of dog owners who made a shitty job at taking care of their puppies. the kind that was excited first and (sorta, kinda, idk) neglect/abuse them when they don't do their tricks properly.
i only know games bcs i watch rtgame's youtube, and when he played "Slay the Princess" and then proceed to search about them on tumblr, yeah. "The opposite of love is not hate, but indiference" and yeah, i believe that it also true to dazaku. because in a way, they are in this two person tango of chasing, taunting, i need you to be my eyes, you've become stronger, can you give me the meaning of life. Hate is really visible and the love is so between the lines. But they are not really indifferent to each other.
The love is there! the love is there. yeah, the love is there.
i'm not sure how i came into this conclusion but, "akutagawa doesn't need dazai, but dazai need akutagwa" and yeah, maybe their bsd counterpart is reversed from their real life, but the essential part is still there? Thats my delusion is. I just wanna said that in the end.
if you manage to reach this part. Uh, thank you for reading. Sorry for the typo. I hope its understandable. suffer with meeeee!
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wanderingblindly · 1 month
have two! would you ever write something *mega* long (/if not what's your sweet spot, length wise?) AND would you ever write a popular pairing you haven't already written?
OOOOOOOH thank you darling!!!! Feel free to send more writing asks 💖💖
1. I think I’d like to try, actually. The longest I’ve written so far is about 22k over five chapters, and I actually remember quite enjoying it. If I ever have an idea that feels Expansive, maybe I’ll…. maybe I’ll try a multi chapter fic again,…
But I think my sweetspot for longer fics is about 10k! For shorter one shots it’s about… 3k? Plus or minus some handwaving idk
2. Ok so I went and had a peak at the most popular ships, and here’s my conclusion on the ones I haven’t done:
Maxiel: Not for me. Daniel seems hard to write, and I really ok write Max as an excuse to write Charles lol
Carlando: I would if I had even an OUNCE of Carlos understanding; good carlando fucks so extremely hard
Piarles: too…. French.
Simi: 1000000% if the idea ever came to me, I’d be RUNNING to my docs
Brocedes: in theory, yes. In practice, their lore is too expansive and the Established Writers are too honed in on their voices for me to try hahahah
Sewis: same as Simi
Galex: I think my rampant American-ness would be so apparent that all of f1blr would have no choice but to execute me
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sixosix · 2 months
haiii pookie snukums muah muah cherry pie :3 idk i just wanna give thoughts (and maybe recieve some from u too 👉👈) from the new trailer bc im bored and i feel like im being toasted alive... mainit
FREMI💀 no bc he looks like he can be blown away from a lil breeze. like a sneeze can turn him into dust💀 BUT BRO BLOCKED A WHOLE ASS HIT FROM ARLECCHINO WHILE ALSO HOLDING LIKE A 30 KILO CLAYMORE💥 HOW BUFF IS HEEEEE😭 (lyney at the side like a damsel)
speaking of lyney,,,,i saw somewhere, idk if its canon or not, but i read that lyney is canonically weak. not weak as in "cannot fight", more like, "brains over brawn" type of weak. his main strength comes from his big fat brain and i think thats hot (lyney as brains, thawed!mc as brawns. an unstoppable duo if i do say so myself)
Im just gonna say, arlecchino DID NOT MISS❗❗ when she chose lyney as the successor. bc think about it, the house's main objective is to adopt kids to make them into soldiers(or other stuff). so why are the children not doing anything about it? because they are blinded by father's "love". they've been provided a home and a family that they can love, ofc theyre going to do whatever they can to repay her kindness. i say "blinded by love" bc its most probably not genuine. arlecchino will only do things if it benefits her. so, in short, the children are being decieved into loyalty and submission.
and what is one of lyney's biggest/ most prominent trait? being able to decieve others very easily. he's a magician ffs😭😭 (this is probably why thawed!mc is hesitant/ doesnt believe him whenever he does something bc she knows that its probably not genuine. and bc of this, they're both miserable.💀)
like, he may not be physically strong, but that brain and charisma can bring you to your end in a snap. and that hot.
i only heard childe's voice but i feel like he's important to the lore. my manz been to 3 countries, and hes hasnt retrieve a single (1) gnosis😭 pack up boy ur no harbinger all u do is look pretty and get your ass handed to u THRICE😭 (i love him tho muah)
WIDNTRACE omg windtrce FINALLYY😭😭uueuedhhsuwh
ur so cool bc i just saw the ask asking if theres thawed update tmrw, and ur gonna do RESEARCH???? this is why i love u. marry me. pookie idc how long it takes, everything u write is so delicious. quality over quantity is so real ily. and i dont want thawed to end so soon....
i think thats all of my brain barf today. congrats again on 5k!!! ily muah♥️
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HI AKAAGIIIII i did. i did see. i watched it from zy0xs livestream. first of all, ARLECCHINO IS SOOO COOL her presence… unmatched….. the lore ?! im so excited as a player and as a thawed writer!!!!
I KNOW FREMINET WAS INSANE THERE HAHAHAH the way he didnt fall back.. King. king behavior. LYNEY TOOOO HELLOOO THE LORE BOMBBB the throwback to him being chosen as the next King AAAAAA my brain was going overdrive (thawed!mc being brawns shes so stupid i love her)
and yes!! your thoughts on lyney and arlecchino are so true. arlecchino picking lyney makes sense in her perspective but the fact that lyney doesnt want to do it says so much about his character! lyney is such a well written character im so in love
i was so surprised to hear childes voice i was like oh gosh the thawed is writing itself?????
AND YESSS RESEARCH AAA i rlly rlly want to wait and see what the House lore is all about before i write thawed because i think i could really use it. not only for ideas but for keeping it feel like it could easily be an actual genshin quest.. TY AHAHHAA ILY TOO we shall have a spring wedding, like taht post about artists asking permission to draw fanart from writers (thats me)
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dorabledewdroop · 4 months
Hi just starter reading your white healer story and I’m really interested and loving it so far glad that I found your story.
Just one question from what I can see so far it looks like dom Nat and sub Wanda. What is the reader is she also a dom? (inner thought spilling here: I mean if she is I would really be happy ) maybe she could be more dom than Nat that would probably surprise them and Nat with how sunshine and the kid was she showed they would be really surprised hahahah. I stop rambling now
But sincerely I’m okey with whatever you as the writer is doing your the boss. And good luck
I'm really glad you're enjoying the story. My head is literally bursting with the story and I can't seem to type fast enough.
As for the reader's preference. I wanted to keep it a surprise but surprisingly a couple of people have asked for Dom!reader.
(I was going to have Dom!reader anyway but now I'm motivated to make it even spicier)
As for the Nat surprise, that's a really good idea and I would love to incorporate it into the story.
Unfortunately I don't think we're going to see reader get down and dirty with wanda and nat anytime soon because im trying to build more tension and chemistry!.
And please feel free to ramble even more!! It makes me really happy to hear people talk about this story!!
Hope this answer's your question!
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mojowitchcraft · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @emryses 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 25, I have no clue how that happened
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 278,105... wowowow 👀 dis bish is cray cray
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just Stranger Things at the moment! If you really want you can go find an old HP one shot I wrote years ago on Fanfiction.net but I don't really count that!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? You’re The Ultimate No One Rides For Free [Night Drives Part 1] You Think These People Really Care For You? [Part 2] Take Me On A Night Drive [Part 3] You Give Me Pale Shelter [Part 4]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, always
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really write angst but I guess the lil spooky 500 word vamp Eddie fic I wrote could be considered an angsty ending since it's open to interpretation Awakened I Have Become
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Strawberries & Cigarettes
8. Do you get hate on fics? No I haven't really! The only annoying things I've seen are people complaining about the smut at the end of the bodyswap fic (You're the Ultimate)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! Must have smut! I'm a fairly vanilla person myself, so I don't really veer into kinky stuff in my own writing. I like sex where the characters are having fun, some silly stuff happening is always good. I love Virgin Eddie & Bottom Eddie, so I write that a lot, but they usually switch it up in pretty much everything I write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No I haven't! I think cross overs can be fun but I don't think I'll ever write one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!! I've seen it happen to friends though and it really sucks.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but that would be so cool! I'm always open to people translating or creating something based on my fics!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet! But @glitterfang and I keep talking about it!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh god, my brain is so full of Steddie... are there other ships? hahahaha
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Right now I'm staring at my Steddie dads fic that I started for Steddie Week and it kinda grew legs... I've been feeling guilty that I haven't finished it, I'll either have to keep it short (3 chapters like I originally planned) and end it more abruptly, or I'll need to brainstorm and expand it. but I DO fully intend to finish it! I just feel shitty that I haven't yet and it keeps slipping my mind. We Part To Meet Again here it is in case you want to read it without ever knowing when it's gonna be updated hahahah *cue everyone running away screaming*
16. What are your writing strengths? Oh god, ask someone else, I don't know!!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Struggling to make time to write, maybe not being as descriptive with settings and clothing as I could be?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? This feels like such a random question hahahaha, I mean I've read a few where they're in another country and there's a smattering of a different language. It's nice when authors put the translations in the end notes.
19. First fandom you wrote for? HP technically.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? How am I to choose between my children!! I do really love Night Drives, and all of my other fics. I was really proud of 'Am I Your Fire?' but it didn't get much attention so I'm gonna say that
zero pressure tags: @toburnup @glitterfang @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @entanglednow @mixsethaddams @justcourbeau
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saengak · 9 months
Hii, saengak ❤️ If possible, wrt the ‘get to know your writer’ prompt! Could we do 74? [after reading your Naruto fics and then ofc, FSHOTS 🥹🫶🏼, I’m so curious to know whether you feel like there’s recurring themes/styles in your writing… ‘cause I really couldn’t seem to find any (other than the fact that I absolutely loved everything you wrote 🫠🌹)] Also, I’m dying to know 76 as well, for FSHOTS, ‘cause the universe you’ve so masterfully created is just so inherently dark that I often wondered whether it was tough to stay on track and not be led astray, down scarier roads…
Hiiii eclairfair ❤️ awww thank you so much for the lovely ask and sorry for taking so long to get to it ❤️
74. You've posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you'd written it?
It would be extremely gay. And angsty. It's the pining and devotion that gets me 👌 hahahhahaa
I like to put characters in situations where, even though they are good people and will in the end be nothing less than devoted to each other, they hurt each other either through circumstance, accident or mistake. Case in point: FSHOS and your fingerprints on my skin, my two IceMav fics. I also like arranged marriage AUs, slave AUs, etc. though I don't think I've published any yet.
Or, the blorbos would find each other in dire circumstances and fall in love gradually from the intimacy of relying on each for survival. Example: the ruins of our lives.
As for style (oh god, I'm exposing myself here AHHAAH):
em dash: I love them. So Much. One thing I like to do is to end a line of dialogue with it when a character gets interrupted mid-sentence.
dramatic one liners: I need to ration myself or I'll do it all the time.
comma splices: it's not grammatical but I like it. I probably use them more than I should but I try to be mindful of how I use it and how it affects the rhythm my writing.
use of names: you know that "the taller man" / "the aviator" / "the older man" thing people like complaining about in fanfics? Unless the descriptions are relevant to what's happening, I try to avoid those descriptions and just use their names instead. It does pose another problem though: overuse of names. I'm still figuring out how to balance it hahahah!
switching POVs: I try to ration out time to explore each side of the ship's thoughts
So there it is. Guide to identifying (recent) saengak fics 😂
76. Did you have any ideas that didn't make the final cut of FSHOS?
(Spoiler alert for FSHOS in case anyone else is reading this.)
Here's a scarier road that branched off from Chapter 22: David makes Mav disappear. He finds the transfer form with the buyer signature still blank and just... kidnaps him. Gets a few goons and stuffs Mav kicking and screaming into the trunk.
By the time Ice finds out, it's because someone has filed the paperwork to pull Mav out of the Navy. David has handed Mav off to a third party and Mav is already on his way out of the country.
(Spoiler alert for this potential fic... I don't think I'll manage to write it but just wanted to warn.)
Ice is on the WARPATH. He knows his father is behind this but he just can't find Mav anywhere and can't pry his location out from between his father's lying teeth, so he makes good on his promise and drags the Kazansky name through an all-out shit show of a campaign to take down omega trafficking. Maybe Ice's mom's alpha helps cause she's a banging lawyer.
Legally speaking, Ice is in an absolutely terrible position but it is an unprecedented case that opens up to a lot omega rights arguments. The media eats up the drama and there are investigations, protests, etc... and the omega rights lawyers/activist all flock him wanting to make this The Case to overturn omega laws.
They are in and out of court all day every day. There are TIME magazine articles: WHERE IS MAVERICK? reads the heading, with a grainy, candid picture of Mav in his Navy uniform. The Washington Post has a picture of Ice walking down the steps of the courthouse with dark circles and a glare, and David is somewhere further behind him, stepping through the courthouse doors with his face shielded: KAZANSKY V. KAZANSKY - the generational chasm.
Ice can't look at the news without feeling like throwing up but he knows how to play the game and he plays it well.
I have some thoughts on how Ice would win: national security concerns for one, to void all omega sale contracts out of the country, cause Mav is privy to Navy secrets. Undue duress of some sort is another option to void the transfer form. Finally, if omegas rights are granted, all omega contracts could be voided!!
That's all and good, but we still have one problem: seriously, where is Mav? It's no use winning in court and winning omega rights if he can't get Maverick back safe???
*turns back the clock*
Ice knew this from the start. He had hoped that dragging the Kazansky name through the mud would force his father to capitulate and hand Mav back, but he knows that (i) he could fail, (ii) it would take a long time even if he succeeded, and (iii) it means nothing if Mav is gone.
So he sends his best friend, Slider, on a mission.
Slider has his rifle ready. He has a fast car. "I'll get him back Ice. I promise," he growls. So off our best boy Slider goes, zooming off and sniffing the ground like a bloodhound to track down their precious Mav.
(Meanwhile Mav is rattling the bars of his cage, biting shitty alphas, gnawing through ropes and escaping into the wilderness.)
Slider finds him dehydrated and sunburnt on the border but he's safe. He's safe!
Omega rights: won. Mav: back home. Slider: extremely relieved and proud. Ice: weepy mess ❤️
❤️The end❤️
Even though I thought out this whole AU, I didn't go down this path because (1) I had already thought out the protest and the "canon" fic ending, and (2) I wanted Mav to be in a mentally healthier / more stable state when he re-started his relationship with Ice.
In contrast, the scarier Ch22 AU would give Mav a hugeeee amount of trauma (Ice too) and would probably end up with Ice being extremely protective and Mav accepting it, for stability's sake, while they heal together.
Again, thank you for this great ask!!! ❤️❤️🌻 
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burningblake · 1 year
What do you want to see from Chenford for the next part of Season 5? And are you happy with the development of Chenford and their story?
Oh boy, am I happy with their development so far, yes, YES! The answer is yes.
I admit I had different expectations at first. Like I expected they would get together at the end of this season and also I expected there would be a heated confession / make out session before anything, but I am happy with the story the writers chose to tell (I mean we got them together a lot sooner so how can I complain?) It might not be what I had in mind, BUT, and I emphasize that, it is SUCH A REFRESHING WAY for a couple to get together on prime TV. Like they talked things out like adults? Agreed on a date? Healthily dealt with all issues because what matters is they love each other like crazy? Delicious! And it works with chenford because first, it feels surreal in a beautiful way (I would stop at random times in my day and think, wait, this actually happened between tim and lucy?) and second, it echoes their establishment as mature adults who talk things out and asdfghjhjj best friends who care about each other.
So yeah I love how things turned out.
What I expect from now on, well, it's all been rainbows and butterflies so far, so I fear rather than expect that there's major angst coming. Eric's cameo saying "I've been killed"? I know it was a joke, but it put me on edge, because why would he say that? And then there's speculation that Dim is coming back, so maybe Dim dies? And Lucy thinks it's Tim? That would be great angst, but also so so heart-wrenching. It's also the kind of angst that I would prefer, instead of let's say, angst because an ex comes between them. They are so solid as a couple, it would feel out of place to introduce this kind of conflict, but I trust the writers know what they're doing.
Aside from the angst, I think my wishlist for them is pretty much similar to everyone else's. Like I really do want to see a scene where they exchange "I love you's" (maybe even rings? Lol, too far ok. But maybe a symbolic moonstone ring scene 🤞🏻) However, I don't think we'll get a scene where they talk about when they first had feelings for each other, because I'm pretty sure the writers would want to leave that to our interpretation. I also want Tim to meet Lucy's parents and put them in their place about how they've been treating their daughter. And let's not forget that we've yet to see Tim Lucy and Kojo spending time together asdfg. Also, I want Aaron and Angela teasing Tim about Lucy hahahah, maybe even a Smitty comment (Tim did mention that would happen so I have my hopes up now lol). Finally, I'm a sucker for found family storylines, so I definitely need more Tim and Tamara dad-daughter dynamic.
I think that this about covers it. Sorry that this has been a long answer, and thanks for coming to my inbox and giving me an outlet to share my views on this <3
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
If you had told me before season 1 premiered that the first scenes depicting TVL era would be from Armand’s perspective my mind would have been blown but that’s looking like a reality now and it’s making me unhinged hahahah
Do you think writers will be really sick and we actually will get some first hand accounts from Nicki (letters, journals etc) as well to explain some of those days orrrrr do you think we shouldn’t count on Nicki appearing in season 2 just yet?
I don't know.
It is a possibility, with the 1785 extra calls, obviously.
And I'd love it!! I'd love all the little tidbits, the posters advertising him and Lestat??? Where did the red wolf coat end up, too, you know? Where are Nicki's hands, did Armand really throw them into the fire... imagine we see a hint of Nicki already. Imagine Armand pulls the darn coat out of a closet :)))
There is so much possibility there, it makes me so giddy!!
ALSO, yes, Armand being the one to tell us about the theater is just... oh I love it. I had so hoped for some of his memories, and it obviously must be (I think), and I cannot waaaaiiiiiittttt.
I do wonder if he ever told Louis before. Or if this is the first time that Louis hears it all, too, and ... how that must be for him!!!
Does Armand have some of the stuff in that folder maybe, too? Are the posters advertising Lestat de Valois there??? IMAGINE.
Ugh. I want it all *laughs*
And I am beyond excited for season 2. :)))
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