#it also makes everyone very afraid of losing their careers
borrelia · 1 year
ohhhhh loving bobbybroccoli videos bc like. this is my field. when he says a bunch of scientists didnt feel comfortable making accusations of fraud when it was readily apparent, I Understand. when he says grad students were pressured into donating eggs for experiments and were not comfortable reporting their supervisor for this, I Understand
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uhohdad · 10 months
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Another Stalker!Konig x Reader Fic
Summary: Konig has an unhealthy obsession with you. AO3
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Masturbation, Abusive Relationships, Unreliable Narrator, No use of y/n
He had officially lost control over himself.
Konig knew he’d been a little off. Maybe even borderline perverted - but he’s always been good at keeping his darker desires buried with all the other horrific thoughts and traumatic memories that come with his career choices. He was good at that, repressing the difficult things and pushing forward. A soldier has to be.
But you.
You brought it out of him.
It was all your fault, really. You were coaxing the corruption from him, undoing years of rigorous training and discipline.
Not that you were aware. Konig made very sure of that. There were a lot of close calls, too. Decisions he had made out of pure impulse. It’s your fault. He can’t think straight when you’re around, he loses control over himself.
He knows he should quit you. Logically, rationally - he knows this isn’t good for him. It’s not good for you. It’s just not healthy. He should quit you, cold turkey. Forget every little detail he’s learned about you. Stop following you around. Let you free.
He’s tried.
Every time he sees you around base, his gaze is held captive by those beautiful eyes and that silky head of hair, you steal his breath. It’s like he’s lived his entire life in the cruel cold and you were a roaring fire of warmth he’s never known. Your warmth pooled in his chest and spread through his limbs and he could feel you burning beneath his skin. It ignites the complex and dark feelings and he’s convinced that it’s destiny that put you here. That the world was giving you to him on a silver platter.
That you’re his.
Who would be there to watch over you, to protect you? Who will make sure you get back to your quarters safe every night? Who will make sure that the fresh recruits won't get too handsy with you? Who will keep a watchful eye on you in the field - such a small delicate little thing doing such a dangerous job.
But most importantly - who will worship you, like you deserve to be worshiped?
He’s never interacted with you. You probably don't even know he exists. On the surface, he'd say it's because he's nervous. That it’s normal for a guy to avoid a pretty girl. But he knows that it's really because he has to protect you from himself. That he's just an oozing cesspool of unresolved emotional baggage with atrcosious desires. He can't let you too close, no. Doesn't want to hurt you, to dull your light in anyway. He doesn't trust himself with you. Can't control himself around you, throwing caution to wild. He’s afraid of what he's capable of doing to you. What he wants to do to you.
You were his. You just didn't know it yet.
Friday night was difficult for Konig, as it usually was. It was easy to follow you around base, so convenient that you had both worked together. He was supposed to be there, shielded with plausible deniability and equipped with home field advantage.
A more casual environment was a challenge for him. He didn't exactly blend in among the locals. It's difficult for him - to juggle the harsher risk of getting caught following you around town as opposed to base, while also crippled by his large stature.
At least the team was getting inebriated tonight, it's easier to go unnoticed when everyone’s too drunk to be fully aware of their surroundings.
Watching you have a good time sparks conflicting feelings for Konig. He loves to see that radiant smile. Usually you're so modest, always a polite smile, never letting your face warp. The beer, though, turns your insecurities to ash and your cheeks a rosy blush - you don't seem to hold back as much. Your smile is toothy and face-wrinkling, so genuine, it makes Konig feel like he can't breathe, eyes locked on to you like he's frozen in time. He knows he's not worthy of that smile, but he wants it.
It should be him making you smile like that.
He can hear your laugh from his booth in the dimmest corner of the dingy bar if he tilts his head just right, and listens carefully. Drown out the over-the-top music and incessant pub chatter. He could get intoxicated off your laugh, unrestricted and fueled by the alcohol. It makes him feel so warm to hear your authentic laugh.
It should be him making you laugh like that.
He loves seeing you enjoy yourself, he does. He wants nothing more than to see you happy and he works hard to do so.
And yet you give your joy away to others, - not the polite smiles and fake laugh you dull down for others - the real ones. The ones that come from deep within and give breath to any room you're in. Giving them away freely, and to who? Your co-workers? Your acquaintances?
Over what? A cheap joke?
He bets that it wasn't even funny. Not that you didn't have a good sense of humor, no, he loved your sense of humor.
It’s just... did you really have to rub it in?
You didn't see it, but you really did have the power to make a room so much more livelier. Konig hates not being in the same room as you. And he hates that in most rooms you're in, those hard-headed jocks from 141 followed. You'd been indoctrinated quickly. He can't blame you, you're naive, trusting, still new. You're quick, though, you’ll learn soon enough. You didn't see them for what they really were yet.
Not worthy of you.
Not worthy of your perfect laugh and radiant smile and quick wit and sharp field skills.
He despised that they get a front row seat and he has the wait in the shadows for scraps, working incredibly hard to lap up the leftovers of what you give out to them for free.
Konig gave a long exhale under his breath, closing his eyes and tilting his head back slightly as he tried to will away the vitriol boiling under his skin. He felt himself slipping away to that depraved place and he had to ground himself.
You had that effect on him, making him lose control.
When Soap throws his arm around you, and you don't even seem to notice or care, lost in the story you're telling, your hands waving along with your excited tone, Konig thinks he's about to lose his mind. It feels like you've stabbed him, liebe, why are you letting this happen? Why aren't you shaking his stupid hand off your shoulder and giving him a scowl so powerful he’d never dare to do it twice?
Why are you still laughing and smiling and carrying on when Soap is touching something that belong to him?
When you finish telling a story that Konig is sure was brilliant and wonderful and perfect, Soap leans in inches from your face to whisper something to you. Konig can't read his lips, can't understand what he's whispering in your ear as he half-way embraces you.
Your eyebrows pull as you focus on his hushed voice over the commotion of the bar. Recognition floods you and a cheeky smile creeps across your face.
Konig’s nails are digging into his palms. His mind is racing and that bitter taste in his mouth turns his lips into a scowl.
He watches as you both stand and Soap finally removes his arm from you, finally. It was draped over your delicate shoulders much too long for his liking.
Where are you two headed, though? Off to the bathroom so he can seduce you while you're inibriated? Going to sneak you out of the pub while the rest of the team is distracted, just to push you up against some dingy alleywall, not able to resist another moment without knowing what it's like to kiss your lips?
Or, God help him, what if it wasn't the first time? What if you had already kissed him?
How long has this been going on, right under his nose?!
Konig’s slipping again, his thoughts running from him. Upon realizing he hasn't taken a breath this whole time he forces a few deep inhales, nostrils flared in uncontrollable rage.
This is your fault, you know.
A wave of relief floods him when you two stop at the bar, squeezing between the stools of the counter as you attempt to flag a bartender.
When the bartender notices you both, Soap’s hand finds your shoulder again, holding on for just a little too long as he relays your drink order to the bartender.
That should be him getting you a drink.
That should be him with his hand on your shoulder.
You and Soap are smiling as you chat, he can't hear what about, but Konig is hoping it’s just alcohol that’s to blame for your flushed cheeks.
The bartender returns with your drinks and yet you two linger by the counter, continuing your one-on-one conversation. What’s so great about him, huh? Why aren’t you two returning to the group?
He watched as you press the plastic cup to your lips and take a sip of your drink, eyes trained on Soap as he obnoxiously holds you in conversation. He hates that about the 141 boys. It’s easier for Konig when you’re all in a group, but it always seems like those boys all want their private moment with you.
He knows he can’t blame them, of course they want to talk to you. They can see your light just like Konig can. Liebe, you just don’t understand, they don’t have good intentions with you. They want to control you, dim you, ruin you.
It should be him ruining you.
Breathe. He has to breathe. Through gritted teeth, a snarled lip, and flared nostrils he has to breathe.
He’s suffocating on his own anger and the air in the bar is stuffy. He needs a break, a break from you but he needs to stay and make sure Soap doesn’t try to take advantage of you. Could he even blame him at this point? When you’re looking at him with those doe eyes and giggling like a naive schoolgirl at whatever shtick he’s peddling at you.
You’ve reached the level of intoxication where the alcohol is going down easy, Konig noticed. Not even a grimace as you sip your drink.
You’re shaking your head at Soap, and you give him a point paired with a cheeky expression. You both are finally heading back to the group, and Konig feels safe enough to leave his watch to slip out for some fresh air.
He needs to regroup, find his center.
This is all your fault.
You were acting so irresponsibly tonight. Letting these boys so close to you while you’re inebriated. So vulnerable. Chugging your drinks like you’re trying to make yourself stumble. Being your true, authentic self in their presence. Out in public, for anyone to see. It’s like flashing your expensive jewelry in the shady parts of town. So careless with your light, liebe.
This is why he has to watch you. To protect you. You’re too careless to do it yourself.
He’s got his eyes closed as he rests his back on the brick of the pub, having to remind himself to breathe.
You just make him so angry sometimes.
And then he hears your laugh. That genuine laugh he craved so much to hear. Craved to elicit from you. That beautiful laugh that fills his chest with warmth and makes his stomach flutter.
But it’s too close, way way too close.
He opens his eyes in a panicked jolt and he sees you, pushing open the pub door with your attention turned to the boy following you out.
Konig quickly shuffles backwards, not turning his back away from the action. He slips into the alleyway, body pressed up against the brick to shield himself.
He was always careful to keep his distance from you. He’s so recognizable, easy to pick out in a crowd. A stature you’d remember twice. It’s crucial that he stays on the opposite sides of the room of you, as far as possible.
Thankfully you two aren’t paying very good attention to your surroundings.
Oh, liebe. Always in your own little world. Unaware of the dangers that could be lurking in the shadows. Another reason why he has to watch over you. You’re not watching where you’re stepping, either, liebe. Stumbling as you step to the sidewalk.
What were you doing out here? Coerced from the safety of the herd again by one of them.
Not just any of them - Ghost.
Soap was annoying, sure, but his frat-boy shtick was an easier pill to swallow than Ghost. He was the one he hated more than any of them.
Konig knows you like him.
Simon fucking Riley.
With his perfect accent and tough exterior and mystique that attracted the women like honey attracts flies.
What did Ghost have that he didn’t?
You’re drunkingly humming the song that was playing in the bar. It doesn’t sound so over-the-top when it’s coming from you.
“Rowdy tonight, are we?” Ghost says, never straying from his usual gravely and unimpressed tone.
Konig has to force himself not to mock Ghost. Instead he hopes you can’t hear the sound of him grinding his teeth in rage.
He’s so fucking pretentious, so fucking arrogant. How dare he tease you? And for what, being lovable? What you do best?
Konig can hear you give a long drawn out hum as you think it over, “You have to be, every once in awhile. Good to let it out sometimes.” Konig hears gravel scraping under one of your shoes. “Would you prefer I be extra rowdy once a week? Or a little rowdy everyday?”
You’re so charming. Konig loves the way your mind works, always with your silly little prompts and thought experiments. You were always such a daydreamer, he could tell by the way you get lost in thought. If you totally zone out, and he watches careful enough, he can catch you making slight facial expressions at your own thoughts. He wishes he could pick your brain. Learn you from the inside out, always knowing what you’re thinking.
Ghost lets out a huff and Konig hears the unmistakable sound of a lighter being struck, and his brows pinch. He can’t help but peek around the corner and get a visual on you two.
Ghosts’ lighting himself a cigarette, the flame illuminating his face. Once it’s burning, he holds it between his first two fingers as he exhales the smoke. He passes the lighter to you - since when do you smoke, liebe?
You’re just doing it to impress him, aren’t you?
“Those are my only two options?” Ghosts asks you on an exhale. Even though you’re about to light your own, he still makes an effort to not blow smoke in your beautiful face.
“Well, what else do you suggest I do with my rowdiness? Bottle it up like you?” You say with a cheeky tone. Konig can tell your words are influenced by alcohol. You normally wouldn’t speak to your Lieutenant like this.
You knew you’d get away with it, too. With your devilish smile and teasing eyes.
Konig watches as you put the cigarette to your lips and he feels his cock twitch in his pants.
When the orange flame casts a light on your features it’s like someone took his breath from him. He’s never seen you lit like this before, liebe. The highlights and shadows cast upwards on your features was fit for a painting.
It’s gone in an instant, but you still look so beautiful in the moonlight. You pass Ghost’s lighter back to him. Konig can’t hold back his scowl at the way you brush up against his fingers. He’s hoping it’s just because you’re drunk, uncoordinated.
Ghost holds this cigarette with his mouth as he slides the lighter back into his pocket. He exhales while keeping his gaze forward, “I think the word you’re looking for is discipline, soldier.” His tone is still unchanged, but he gives you a sly glance from the corner of your eyes.
Ghost doesn’t let it show much, but Konig can see from here that even he has a soft spot for you. That’s the light you have, liebe. Able to crack the toughest of exteriors.
“Discipline? Oh, yeah. I remember that one. In the dictionary, it’s the one right next to boring, yeah?” Your whole body is turned toward him, and you’ve still got that cheeky smile on your face, your tone playful.
Could you make it anymore obvious that you want to fuck him, liebe? It’s like you’re slashing Konig with each word, it hurts so much to see you acting so irresponsibly. So intoxicated that you’re flirting with your superior.
Ghost huffs again, and Konig can tell he’s amused with you, even if it came off as annoyed. He takes another draw from his cigarette and flicks away some ash.
“Thesaurus.” He corrects.
“Gesundheit.” You say proudly.
Oh, liebe. You’re practically begging him to fuck you. Pushing your chest out and kicking your feet sweetly and flirting with him like the whore you are.
Breathe. He can’t lose his cool here. He’s trying to soothe his temper, but how can you expect him to do that when you’re acting like this? So fragrantly?
Konig’s teeth are about to crumble under the pressure and his nails are breaking the skin in his palms as he clenches his fists.
This is your fault.
You both take a hit from your cigarette, and Konig can’t believe you’ve allowed him to corrupt you like this so soon. Smoking? What a terrible habit. He’ll have to interfere if you keep it up.
You both still for awhile, basking silently in the nicotine buzz and taking in the evening. The moon was bright tonight, and the street was quiet compared to the overwhelming pub.
Konig watched you close your eyes just a little too long, and he’s wondering how far gone you are. What terrible things will happen if he were to let you out of his sight. Konig’s tired, but he hardly gets rest anymore. It’s difficult managing his career, protecting you, and stay well rested. He can’t forgo the first two, so his sleep suffers.
You’re worth it liebe. You’re all he thinks about from the moment he wakes up to the moment he falls asleep.
But did you really have to keep him out so late?
Don’t you think you’ve put his heart through the chipper enough today?
You extinguish your cigarette on the red brick behind you. You don’t litter, no. How considerate of you to take it in with you to toss. Ghosts is less thoughtful, flicking his butt to the ground and stepping it out with his boot.
You slip back into the pub, and Konig briefly considers pulling Ghost into the alley and ending your fling right now.
He resists his urges, something that’s becomes more difficult the longer he observes you, seething from his alleyway as he watches Ghost follow you in.
He didn’t even get the door for you, liebe. Konig would treat you so much better.
Konig has to let all these feelings out somewhere, and he was far from the battlefield. He opts for the metal bin in the alleyway filled to the brim with empty beer bottles and pub garbage. A firm kick paired with an aggressive grunt imprints the metal with his boot as it knocks over, it’s contents spilling out into the puddles of the alleyway with clinks and rattles.
He takes a few more deep breaths.
He was never like this before. Anxious thoughts were one thing, but this constant feeling of rage and jealousy and obsession boiling underneath his skin has only swelled the more he observes you. He’s never felt like he doesn’t have control over himself, over his actions.
This is your fault.
Konig tries to soothe himself by shutting his eyes and picturing you flirting with him instead of Ghost. That it was Konig who had snuck you away for a drunken cigarette. That it was him you were pushing your chest out for, him you were desperately flirting with.
It does ease the depravity a bit, and he casually slips back into the pub. He was still angry, don’t get him wrong, but his nerves about leaving you alone with them overcame his rage.
So he sits back down in his dingy little corner, keeping an eye on you listening to the story being told and finishing your drink.
He thinks you must be close to calling it quits judging by the way your eyes keep fluttering shut. You’re getting sleepy, holding back a yawn as you stretch your back against the booth.
A few minutes pass, and you say something to the group, probably a goodbye, as you stand and gather your items. You head for he bar and pay your tab, and who other than Simon Riley walks up to the counter as you wait for the bartender to return with change.
He leans against the bar, facing the opposite direction as he turns his head to look at you. Konig’s trying to make out what he’s saying but can’t hear over the noisy pub. You wave your hand at him dismissively.
Good, liebe, shut him down.
Ghost continues, his hands draped casually on the bar behind him. You roll your eyes a bit at him, giving a half-smile.
No. Whatever he’s offering you is bad news. Don’t let him pressure you, liebe.
You thank the bartender oh so sweetly, and turn towards the door as you stuff your change sloppily into your wallet. Ghost slinks from his propped up position and follows you.
Konig’s eyes narrow, watching as Ghost follows you closely behind.
Going to trick you back to his place and then take advantage of you?
What else could it be? Ghost must of saw his opportunity and took it. This is all because you couldn’t act responsibly, liebe.
After a moment passed, Konig follows you two out of the pub and traces your steps. He’s careful, keeping a block and a half between you. Had you not been so inebriated, he might have followed further behind and been a bit more discreet. But you don’t have an eye for detail at the moment and Ghost is too busy guiding you along and keeping an eye on your unsteady strides on the sidewalk to notice.
Konig has to force himself not to jog to catch up in an attempt to decipher the echos of your words as they reverb off the quiet streets.
When you’re back on base, Konig is able to close some distance thanks to the cover of foliage.
The base is mostly empty, the workers and soldiers either home or sleeping in their quarters. Konig’s able to crouch behind some bushes a safe distance from you, able to see flashes of your lower halves through the branches. He's careful to be still as he quiets his breathing.
He’s close enough to hear you both now.
“Thanks for walkin’ me back.” You say, words slurring a bit.
“It’s my job to look out for the team. Especially when they don't know how to hold their liquor.”
Konigs heart pinches in his chest.
It’s his job to look out for you.
“Liquor? I barely even know her!” You say with a proud smile as you fumble your key in your lock.
Ghost gives an unamused sigh.
You finally get your door open, “Night Lt.”
“Goodnight.” He stays stiffly, waiting for you to be safely inside before turning away from your door and heading off. Konig stays in his spot amongst the bushes until he's gone.
He’s glad Ghost left, didn't try to take advantage of you. The interaction still leaves a knot in his stomach. How dare Ghost take care of you, make sure you were safe. That’s what Konig was for.
Once Konig is sure the coast is clear, he sneaks around the side of the building, heading for the small window you had. He’s delightfully surprised when he can see the light pouring from inside your modest quarters.
Usually you had the blinds closed at this hour. Guess you were too drunk to care.
You were too drunk to care about a lot of things, Konig noticed, as he nested into a spot obscured by your window, just the top of his head and eyes showing from your view. You had skipped your shower and forgo most of your normal night routine, your cares dulled by the booze.
This was his favorite part of the day. When he could have you all to himself - he despises having to share you. He enjoys observing you when you think no one’s watching. When you feel safe enough to shed the facet of your persona in charge of social life, and just let yourself be. The real you, liebe.
Of course there was the intoxication - so you weren’t quite yourself - but he still enjoys watching you in your natural environment. You turn off the lights, it takes a moment for Konig’s eyes to readjust, and he watches as you stumble over to your bed, shedding your clothes down to your underwear before collapsing onto your bed.
Konig can’t help the ache that fills the give in his pants as he maps your uncovered features.
It’s like you were sending him a message. A thank you for keeping you out of trouble all day, even though you acting were so difficult.
You’re forgiven.
How can he stay mad at such an engel? When your gorgeous body is on display, just for him. His gaze is tracing the curve of your delicate hips and your perfect ass in those cute little panties. Not for anyone else, not any of those boys on the 141. No, this show was just for him. You even left the blankets off you and the blinds open for him so he could get a perfect view. You’re so considerate, liebe.
Your hands are propped under your head as you drift off and he cant help but imagine himself straddling you, cock grinding against your ass as he kisses along the dip of your back, holding those pretty little wrists down. He’s been able to restrain himself, but the last few weeks the urge is unshakable. He doesn’t know how much longer he can go without sneaking into your room, liebe. He just wanted to know what it was like to be in your space. Where you sleep and decompress and get ready for the day. He wonders how many times you’ve pleasured yourself on that modest little mattress.
His cock is at full attention now, and he can’t help but palm himself through his pants.
He needs to get close you. Close enough to take in all the precious details of your features. Close enough to hear you breathe. Close enough to feel the warmth that radiates from your skin. Close enough to figure out what your shampoo smells like.
You probably wouldn’t even mind.
His gaze flicks over briefly to the lock to your quarters. He wonders if you’re in a deep enough sleep not to stir if he were to pick it.
You’re practically inviting him in. You can’t possibly expect to tease him like this and expect him to control himself? You’re giving yourself to him.
Desperate hands pop the button of his pants, shoving his hand into his waistband in order to find some relief. He can’t stop staring at your beautiful body, liebe. He wants to wake you up with your cunt in his face, already dripping from his tongue making gentle circles around your clit. Too turned on to deny him. He wants you to helplessly come on his face, his grip digging into your plush thighs as he forces you spread and holds you steady though the convulsing of intense orgasm.
He takes a look around, making sure no one was around before pulling his cock out, his grip firm on the base as he pumps himself. He just can’t help it. Not when you’re sprawled on the bed and showing off your body for him.
He’s thinking about how your hands would cling to him, nails clawing to get him off your pulsing clit, but he would hold firm, taking advantage of your sensitively. He wants to you powerless to the pleasure, the only resistance you’d be capable of is desperate and broken pleading as he hungrily commits your taste to memory. It’s the least you could do for him, after everything he‘s done for you.
His other hand presses up against the cool wall, holding him steady as he jerks himself off.
Precum is leaking from him as he pictures you, mumbling sweet nothings and reduced to a trembling mess. You wouldn’t even have it in you fight him as he lines his cock up with your dripping cunt, pushing his tip in and savoring how tight you are as you stretch around him.
He wants to ruin you, liebe. Reduce you to a whining and quivering mess as he pounds into you.
The visual you gifted him had him so excited, he didn’t last long. He spilled come all over the concrete wall beneath your window sill, some dripping to the dirt beneath his feet. His whole body shakes at the intensity of the orgasm, involuntarily hunching forward and choking off any noises begging to escape him. He’s imaging he’s filling you up with his come, staking his claim deep inside you. Claiming his ownership.
He’s still for a moment, taking hitched breaths as he recovers from his orgasm.
Once his thoughts return, the flush on his features transitioned from the warmth of pleasure to the heat of shame, looking to you lying on your bed sleeping, then to his mess scattered outside your window as he crouches outside.
He’s out of control, he can’t help himself, liebe. He wasn’t usually like this. It was just for you - you brought it out of him. It was all your fault, you’ve reduced him to a perverted peeping tom by teasing him like this. Purposefully making him jealous, messing with his emotions, and then luring him back with your beauty. He knew what game you were playing, he was smart enough to understand the power you held over him. He still could not resist you.
You will be punished for how you’ve been treating him, liebe. The tortuous weeks you’ve put him through. He will ruin you. Dig his nails in, train you until you are right where he wants you, never able to hurt him again.
You were his, liebe. You just didn’t know it yet.
Part Two
Original Works Masterlist
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inkblotsinkblots-alt · 4 months
My experience with [band]
My experience with [band] and [band]'s management starts in April 2022. I had emailed the band's business email that used to be in their bio in December 2021, and in April 2022 I got a response. I had been asked if I was available within the next couple of weeks to come down to Brighton and do a photo shoot with the band. Management really liked my work, and wanted to work with me. I was asked to provide my rates and any expenses that would incur. I had asked if I would be at least credited for these images on social media (tagged etc ...), and management said that they could not commit to that at that time. This photo shoot did not happen.
I worked with [band] for the first and only time in January 2023 and photographed / videoed their set.
I was completely blindsided by the fact that this could’ve been a huge opportunity for me, and it could change my career completely. When I got the email inviting me to work with the band, I screamed and actually worried my parents for a few minutes. I agreed to terms that I shouldn’t have (not a full written agreement, but various statements in emails). In hindsight I had no clue what some of them meant (and I think the band’s management knew that).
There was no formal contract, only emails. The band would own my photos 'in perpetuity' and when I asked what that meant, they (management) said that 'the band have the freedom to use them however they please'. Making money off of my photos, and putting them on merch that they would then sell out of, was not mentioned. I was under the impression they would only be using the photos on social media as I did not get any clarification, even though I asked for it. I wanted to press for a more detailed answer, but I was afraid that I'd lose the job.
This was never about the money that I'd potentially make from having my photos on merch, it's that I didn't even know it was happening. I was also 'allowed' to upload '3-4' photos to my social media from the gig, even though they were my photos. I was stupid enough to agree with this. Again, I felt as though if I challenged this I would lose the job.
At the end of the show in January 2023 I was promised at least a couple of shows on the upcoming tour, as '[I was] great to work with. Such a pleasure.' I have no evidence that I was offered shows during that tour as it was said to me in person. I was then let down at the beginning of March (after multiple follow up emails) with 'I don't think there is the additional need for your services also' when I asked about discussing the tour. I was devastated.
I was offered photo passes* to subsequent Manchester gigs and I took them as they had no strings attached, and the band would not own my images (that's why you've seen a lot of them on my socials).
I met a bunch of well-known creators, musicians and photographers while working with [band] and they were all so very sweet. Some of which I am still in contact with today, and some I am good friends with. I am very grateful for this.
I fully support Shelby, she is so incredibly brave for talking about her experiences, and it's because of her bravery that I felt confident enough to share my experience - although very different in nature.
I fully believe that [band]’s management wanted to take advantage of fans who wanted to photograph [band]’s gigs. And pay them as little as possible with no consistency in pay between photographers or how many photos they were allowed to post. (This is my own opinion)
I am not the only one that has had a negative experience with [band] and their management as a photographer / creative, but those are not my stories to tell and if they want to comment then they will. Please don't speculate on who these people are or harass them on social media, they have every right to not want to talk about their experiences. Please respect everyone involved.
Massive love, take care of yourselves.
(*Photo passes are offered to press photographers and non-touring photographers. They shoot the first three songs from the photo pit and then leave. Either to go into the crowd for the rest of the gig, or leave the gig entirely.)
please do not edit this post or reblog, do not take screenshots and post this on twitter or any other social media platform, thank you.
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gachagon · 24 days
Oh so that's what everyone was freaking out for 😭 tbh I have been saying since day 1 that Kaiser doesn't actually care about Ness and that he really has just been keeping him around to literally use him. But I won't act like Ness isn't going along with it or that on some level he doesn't know. I think Ness does know and just doesn't care because being next to Kaiser for any reason or excuse is still good even if Kaiser doesn't have the same level of obsession as Ness holds.
However I think we're getting close to seeing Kaiser really lose it and Noa knows it too.
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However just what that rock bottom will look like and what else it'll take for him to really go that far down is a mystery to me. It could be Ness joining Isagi, it could be him not scoring another goal this game etc.
I think Kaiser's inability to understand other people's kindness and compassion makes it impossible for him to really change just because Ness cares about him. He's gonna have to get an ego that's more sustainable if he wants to continue his career.
This chapter reminded me of a few things but most notable was when Kaiser was remembering how it felt to make other people lose and fall into despair because he was the reason their dreams were crushed. That part really reminded me of Isagi and Niko's game and how Isagi admitted to himself that he didn't care if winning meant the other team losing everything in the process because the feeling of victory itself is too good and rewarding.
I think it really just hammers home how similar Kaiser and Isagi really are because they both really do think of soccer in the same way.
This chapter also brings that ancient question from Snuffy back up. "What are you without football?"
And I think Kaiser knows that without the game he truly has nothing, no plan, no ambitions. His goal to make everyone in the soccer world hate him by proxy of him winning all of the games is egotistical, but being better doesn't mean people will hate you, so his goal is short sighted and something that won't last long.
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Now I'm going to say something that I think might be controversial to some people.
Okay here it goes.
I don't think Isagi hates Kaiser. I think Isagi is completely neutral towards him and even understands his intensity on some level and THAT is the issue between them. I think it's both a combination of Isagi and Kaiser being too similar (which in turn means Isagi is in Kaiser's head and vice versa) but that Isagi doesn't hate Kaiser at all and holds no real animosity towards him, even though Kaiser has made his displeasure of Isagi very obvious.
Really think about it too, because Kaiser has done SO many things that would normally piss anyone off. His motivation to make people hate him because it's the only way he really understands how to socialize with people, puts his first meeting with Isagi into perspective. The whole "calling him Yoichi" thing even after Isagi corrects him, constantly getting in Isagi's personal space even after Isagi openly says "hey you're kinda close...", even during the first little scrimmage between them when Kaiser openly steals the ball and looks to Isagi like he expects Isagi to blow up at him and be absolutely pissed. It all points to Kaiser deliberately trying to rile Isagi up and foster some resentment in Isagi.
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But instead Isagi has done nothing but continue to hold the same kind of "hate" that he has for Kaiser that he holds for the rest of his rivals. Yeah Isagi isn't afraid to talk shit but off the field? He acts completely indifferent to it all, as if Kaiser doesn't get under his skin when he's not playing the game which kind of shocks me.
I feel like out of the many rivals that Isagi has, Kaiser is the one who has tried the hardest to be the absolute bane of his existence and it just isn't working at all. Kaiser is annoying and a nuisance and an all around jerk when playing. And Isagi understands that totally and still it doesn't bother him.
He's not thinking of how much he hates Kaiser and is treating Kaiser like a person. A human being with thoughts and feelings. And Kaiser doesn't understand why at all because he truly has just been nothing but a huge asshole this entire time 😭 And we know from this very chapter that Kaiser doesn't understand why anyone would treat him in that way since he's never been treated like that at all. He doesn't know how to have a normal relationship with people at all or how to have a healthy rivalry with Isagi, and Isagi doesn't care about any of that and still decides to treat him like he would any other player on the field who's got amazing skill.
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And I think what really drives this home is that Isagi has also admired Kaiser's skill in football in a way where he wants to learn. Isagi knows that Kaiser is extremely talented at the game and that he could pull things off Isagi couldn't even dream of. The admiration is different from the kind most people have given Kaiser because unlike Ness, Isagi hasn't centered Kaiser to such a total degree that he's the only thing keeping him going and unlike the other players on the field Isagi isn't driven by jealousy.
He knows when people are better at him and instead of breeding hatred in him, he wants to get closer to these people, he wants to ask their advice and for them to help him get better. Think about all the times he's just straight up gone to Rin and Kunigami and Barou for advice on what to do even though it's clear they think very poorly of him 😭
So if it's not malice that drives Isagi and it isn't Jealousy and it's not obsession, then what DOES drive Isagi Yoichi? That's what Kaiser can't figure out because Isagi isn't like the other hundreds of players that he's gone up against, and Isagi doesn't treat him like every other player does.
Really this is the best chapter we've gotten in terms of Kaiser more and how he thinks and how he got this way. It makes me want more chapters just so I can see how he comes with losing so completely and getting treated like a human being from a guy he fucking hates.
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extracurious · 7 months
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Why heart's desire for you is the strongest than anything else?
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Her transition from "I'll keep you posted" to calling Miles as her "friend " with so much strength in her voice when Miguel accused her for letting him escape away was amazing.
Why she chose Miles or why was she drawn to him from beginning and always telling everyone that he had potential and later calling him as spiderman when she knew he was an anomaly?Why was she so much bothered about him even though knowing he might act as a threat to her if she got too much attached to him?
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Since the beginning only Gwen wanted to be with her favorite person ,Miles. This boy not even trying to do anything very grand still manages to make her feel emotionally safe and comfortable within his love for her. He patiently waits for her to realise the connection building between them and return back to him where she left him behind. He wishes to hold on to her by keep on drawing her in that sketchbook. He fears that even if he finds a way to see her ,that moment whether she will have enough time to reciprocate his feelings for her or not. While she is just scared of falling in love thereby losing the precious friendship with Miles also .
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Even though trying hard to forget about this Brooklyn native, she still gets lost in his thoughts throughout their time apart. He is so close to her heart .She acts cool around him but truly is much more obsessed with him than he his with her. She wants to let Miles come into her life but is afraid of can't having him thus eventually hurting both of them.
If she clearly didn't want any deep connection to develop between her and Miles she didn't have to think about her cannon events of dying or a relationship ending badly just like other universes.
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Miles make her know that both need to feel equally involved and loved to help their relationship to nurture and become strong in future. They became emotionally attuned to each other which brought them close and helped her to open up to that one person whom she found to be completely trustworthy and who wants to provide space and respect her opinions .
Her leaning on him, that romantic glance and smiling at him are genuine ways of her expressing "thanks" for understanding her feelings even though not asking many questions about her monotonous life.
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Gwen got hurt by losing the connection with the last person ,Miles,who brought value and hope to her life during her darken times.
And Miles got hurt by trusting one of the persons whom he loved the most. He was just disappointed with Gwen's decisions because he was unable to realise whether there was actually any relationship developing between him and her or it was mainly one sided.
And during their time apart that sense of longing amplified to such an extent that they have failed to put each other thoughts out of their mind as if they are missing their other half.
This got connected with the Gwen's monologue "He is not the only one",which meant both are hopelessly into each other and did not know how to find their way back to where their beautiful bonding started.Thus Gwen risking her career to visit him and Miles following her through the portal even though knowing he might die due to glitching. He couldn't leave her in those awful conditions where her life would become miserable.
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The choice she made was to fall for Miles and not for any boy of her age even in her dimension also. Her love for him was not for his spiderman identity,but she considered him as smart(physics class reference),loyal,courageous , ofcourse naturally charming and above all he fights for the people he loves the most. She couldn't help herself from slightly blushing when she saw Miles really wanted her to be happy atleast with someone who genuinely cared and loved her and that she shouldn't mind with the age gap. But Miles didn't know that "someone " was him only. Quite beautiful that whenever Miles talked with her she got lost in his eyes or glanced at him romantically or simply acted awkwardly reflecting her feelings for him. She finally accepted this whole thing and let her hesitation and fear go at the end of ATSV. Now she truly wants to be with him no matter what obstacles come in her way. She will not let her love slip away instead with every power hold it to herself.
"Not to be reposted" 😊
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leonsliga · 1 month
Leon Goretzka for Sports Illustrated Deutschland
-> In this Sports Illustrated interview, Leon discusses not being called up to the national team, his character, and handling high pressure situations. The new Adidas Bodycare brand ambassador also discusses his hopes for the future.
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On the pitch you show strength, off the pitch you are known for your social commitment. How is it that you are so present and outspoken?
That has envolved over the course of my life, but the sense of justice has always been within me. The only thing that has changed over the course of my career is that I now have a much greater reach and more people hear my opinions.
How difficult is it to fight against adversity? Can something like this be trained or is it something you’re born with?
You have to learn to deal with it. Then you can take a clear stance—or you can just leave it be. Everyone has to decide that for themselves. But I can cope with resistance, even though some of the things that come at me these days are extreme.
How do you deal with pressure and disappointment?
Pressure is something very positive for me. I really like it. It probably helps me in my job too. When it mattered most, I was able to deliver top performances. I like a bit of pre-match jitters. That's why I'm not afraid of pressure. Disappointments are also part of it. You learn that very early on, especially in football. Losing games starts in training. But that’s why you play in a team; that's the beauty of team sports—that you can support each other. Like at FC Bayern this season, which wasn't quite as successful as we had expected and were used to. These are experiences that you can take with you and mature from.
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Did it hurt you a lot not to be called up for the national team?
It was an extreme disappointment for me because I didn’t expect it. Afterwards, I gave myself a day to come to terms with the situation. The day after that, I looked at how I could rectify it. The best way to do that is to perform at your best and accept this new role.
How hopeful are you that you will be at Euro 2024?
What is your emotional world like? Do you always allow all feelings—even the negative ones?
Everyone has to find out for themselves how they deal with feelings. My recommendation would be to talk about them, but I don't always manage that either. I like to work things out on my own and let the process mature within me. I can draw strength from that.
How do you strike a balance between self-criticism and self-confidence?
Self-criticism and self-confidence are mutually dependent. Telling yourself that you are the best has nothing to do with self-confidence. You are strongest when you also know your weaknesses.
As a leader, do you always have to live up to the sometimes very high expectations?
Yes, that's the job of a footballer. We live in a fast-paced, day-to-day business. You're only ever as good as you were in the last game. In my career in club football, I've won all the major titles that you can win with a big club like FC Bayern. Nevertheless, this season I have experienced what it means to be criticized as a leader. It reminds you that you are obliged to perform week in, week out.
How do you build yourself back up again when things aren't going your way? Do you train even more then?
I don't make my training dependent on situations that I experience week after week. I have long-term training plans. But of course, the motivation to correct things when they go poorly is always there.
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What role do negative fan opinions play? Should they be ignored?
You have to accept these things. Everyone has their own opinion. Of course, it would be nice if things were a bit more civilized, but unfortunately that's not the case. This doesn't just apply to football; it can happen to anyone on social media. It's extremely disappointing. We should think about how this can be regulated. I'm lucky that things don't bother me too much. But there are certainly many users who unfortunately don't get on so well with it.
The football business can be very tough. What do you wish for the future of football, especially for the players?
I don't know if I should give an honest answer to that.
We’re asking for one.
If I'm completely honest, we should stop trying to generate clicks at the expense of the players—both on social media and in reports.
Can football help people and society feel more positive?
The 2006 World Cup showed how football can galvanize our country. Germany's enthusiasm and interest in football are certainly back. As players, we can influence this huge potential if the German national team performs well.
You are an ambassador for Adidas Bodycare. What does "well-being" mean to you?
For me, "well-being" means that I have an awareness of my body. For the balance between strain and relief, but also for regeneration. Ultimately, it’s also about work-life balance.
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finnswcrd · 2 months
yes the watcher situation is a disaster but there’s something no one is really talking about
everyone keeps saying how ryan and shane wanted to make "high-caliber, tv-level quality shows" but none of the fans wanted that, fans just wanted the goofy chemistry between them while they talk about ghosts and mysteries
but....they're not obligated to make that kind of content for you???
have y'all not seen the amount of youtubers who get cornered into producing a certain kind of content for a long period of time because fans love it and it performs well on YT, only to later burn out/get bored/admit that they don't even like the content they're producing anymore but they're afraid of branching out and making different content at the risk of losing fans/subscribers and suffering from the YT algorithm, and finally their channel dying off and becoming irrelevant
(i've seen this happen with multiple video game youtubers, desbug with mariomaker, dannydinosaur with breath of the wild, etc.)
basically - its 100% FINE that fans want the older, low-budget style of BFU videos.
at the same time - its also 100% FINE that ryan and shane might not want to make that kind of content anymore. they might WANT to make content that is more heavily produced and "higher quality," whatever that may mean
the problem comes when they expect their current audience to stick around if they continue down this path. they're free to make whatever kind of content they want to, but they'll just need to find a new audience, which is very unlikely on their own private, independent streaming service with no discoverability, and they'll probably need to recognize that their content-creator careers will suffer (maybe temporarily, maybe forever)
anyway. almost all of the criticism i've seen is valid but it was just annoying me that everyone says "we don't want this kind of content! we want xyz!" ok? then stop watching lol. they're literally not obligated to make anything for you and you don't deserve anything from them
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theninthdoor · 11 months
I see you've done this! Tysm. May I please request the same of stray kids as well? Have a nice day!!
request: Stray Kids' questionable/bad sides again… before you read: make sure that you take everything with a grain of salt and put your common sense to good use! no human being is 100% angel; no one is perfect + some of these things we, ourselves, do or think of doing from time to time. still, if anyone is expecting idols to be some sort of perfect demi-gods, the internet might not be for you 💘 also, of course, i’m not claiming anything as facts. feel free to dismiss my interpretations, if you wish.
Bang Chan || knight of swords rx, the chariot: Domineering. Wants to lead + to feel the strongest, even if it requires some gaslighting. Lacks tact, at times. May miss some social cues without realizing. Uses rudeness as a way to mask his insecurities. Uses his career achievements as his whole identity.
Lee Know || the hermit, the world: Keeps too many secrets; really bad at communicating and being honest about his thoughts and opinions. Silence is always the solution for him, just not for everybody else. It's never him that has to change, but others; others must adapt to him, not him to them. A know-it-all, too.
Changbin || nine of wands rx, two of cups: He wants his friends/family/partners to have the exact same opinions and tastes as him. Plus, he can't stand feeling left out, so bet he's going to be jumping through hoops to be everywhere all time just so they don't have a chance to keep things from him - he must be present and informed, at all times! Changbin is also very paranoid and overprotective, has poor boundaries and may sometimes become quite co-dependent. He simply can't be alone for too long.
Hyunjin || knight of cups, justice: He knows how to sweet-talk someone to get whatever he wants. Hyunjin will become whoever you wish him to become in order to accomplish his own goals. He's well aware of his image + the of the power he holds over others, and he's not afraid of using it. Besides that, he also gets way too invested in things, even to the point of being completely unrealistic with his plans and expectations. Everyone is "the one" for him at least once.
Han || knight of cups, eight of wands rx: Loses interest very quickly; starts or buys things on a whim, but forgets about them overnight. In love with the idea of love, but doesn't feel like going through all of the hard work that relationships require. Often lets his emotions control him more than he controls them; definitely keeps his rose tinted glasses close by. But, again, soon he's onto the next thing (or person of interest)…
Felix || the hanged man rx, two of pentacles: He's never happy with what he has; always thinks others have it easier or better than him. Very impulsive; regrets his decision as soon as he makes them. Felix never learns… he'll make the same mistake a thousand times and still not understand what he's doing wrong. Keeps busy to avoid certain people/situations/issues.
Seungmin || four of pentacles, queen of wands: Greedy; what's his is his, and he's not going to share it with anybody. Way too proud. Likes attention and compliments a little too much. Materialistic; uses material things to get the attention/compliments that he's looking for.
I.N || the tower rx, nine of cups rx: Tends to sweep things under the rug instead of facing his issues properly. I.N's always expecting the worst, so quite often he might run away before the situation has had time to develop. Hates change more than anything - even good and necessary change! Might throw a big ol' tantrum every now and then.
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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i’ve been wanting to talk in-depth about this forever so
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they’re the same. they’re literally the same.
⚠️spoilers for all of death note, spoilers for the mha manga. i’m writing this with the assumption that you’ve seen both series.⚠️
let’s start with the mentors: L and all might.
they’re both considered to be the best of the best at what they do—L is the world’s greatest detective, all might is japan’s number one hero. both of them are at the end of their careers. both of them “lose” their careers around halfway through their respective series.
both of them have successors lined up for when they inevitably retire (or die).
personality-wise, however, they appear to be very different. all might is loud, charismatic, and kind, while L is reserved, awkward, and very blunt. those are their most obvious personality traits. still, they’re both incredibly driven people that are willing to do absolutely anything and everything to achieve their goals.
now, imagine we’ve taken all might’s and L’s personalities, and split them in half—giving us four sets of personality traits.
all might:
1) kind, charismatic, loud
2) driven, tenacious, passionate
1) reserved, awkward, blunt
2) driven, tenacious, passionate
do you see where i’m going here?
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now, let’s talk about the “official” successors to L and all might: near and izuku
i call them the “official” successors because these two were the ones explicitly chosen in canon to succeed their idol—be it by the idol himself or via process of elimination.
they are also the successors that embody the most dominant traits of their mentor. the similarities between them and their mentors are obvious.
izuku’s desire to be a hero that saves everyone is the same motivation all might had that drove him to become the symbol of peace. they recognize the importance of having a positive and inspiring role model, and they embody those traits to become a beacon of hope for those in need of saving.
as for near, we don’t know if he actually has any motivation to become L’s successor other than the fact that that’s all he’s known. he had natural intelligence that placed him ahead of the other orphans in the running to be the next L, so he just kept doing what he had to. wammy’s house was designed to mould vulnerable children into genius detectives. he never got a chance to be anything but L’s successor.
but that’s also the same kind of trap that izuku fell into when he received one for all.
from the very beginning, there’s a part of izuku that believes he’s doing a favour for all might by taking on the responsibility of OFA. yes, he’s always wanted to be a hero, but as the story goes on, his motivation to keep going is not fully coming from his desire to save, but from the knowledge that the world will literally end if he doesn’t become the next symbol of peace. izuku—like near—had no choice but to be exactly like all might but far before he was ready to.
there’s also a recurring theme of “i’m not worthy of this title” that we see in both izuku and near. near gets right to the point i’m going to make later, and exclaims that he will never surpass L so long as he doesn’t have his rival beside him.
izuku rejects that idea. he has an extremely hard time accepting help with OFA because of how dangerous it is to be associated with the power.
there’s the little details too. they’re both nerdy. they’re both kinda childish with their interests.
and neither of them are afraid to stand up to their utter asshole of a rival.
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the amount of similarities between katsuki and mello is actually rediculous.
they are the “unofficial” successors to their respective mentors—izuku was favoured over katsuki because katsuki already had a power, and mello gave up the chance to be L because he couldn’t stand the idea of working alongside near.
katsuki and mello represent the less noticeable traits of their mentors, and their narratives do a great job of reminding you of this at the most heartbreaking times. after katsuki’s final exam, all might points out that katsuki always smiles in battle—even in the face of defeat. while near is explaining how he caught kira, he expresses that they’d all be dead had it not been for mello’s impulsive sacrifice—something he acknowledges he doesn’t have the ability to do.
despite being a literal representation of their mentors’ intense drive to succeed by any means, both mello and katsuki are painted in a negative light. however, it’s always their rival that comes to their defense and even envies those traits (while still chastising their less-than-favourable behavior).
near acknowledges mello’s immaturity and impulsivity while also admitting that mello’s quick thinking is what saved him and caught kira. izuku has always admired katsuki; so much so that his subconscious recognized that katsuki always wins, therefore izuku should act like katsuki if he wants to win. izuku acknowledges this, however, he condemns both katsuki for being an asshole, as well as himself for imitating the asshole behavior when he gets riled up.
now let’s take a look at the paths that mello and katsuki took with their character development (read left -> right)
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wild how similar they are, right?
i don’t have any mic drop conclusion to this, i’ve just been wanting to share my thoughts on this for a long time now! @imaginarylungfish
(side note: listen carefully to these three songs. [L’s theme] [near’s theme] [mello’s theme] the first half of near’s theme + the second half of mello’s theme = L’s theme. what an absolute genius detail!)
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amoonalls · 2 years
Dating Lessons I Have Learned Over 7 Years (Make It To Astrology + Mostly For Women)
1. You Have to Have Your Own Life Gathered
And that include school and career. Family. Almost everything. We may not always have it all for all the time. We are human too. But we have to have control in our life. Do not run into dating scene if your school, career, or family are very chaotic you lose control over that. You are only attracting all kinds of unimaginable bad people esp men in dating. This is especially true if you have Scorpio/8th house, Pisces/12th house Venus. You are more likely to attract 8th house/12th house synastry esp stellium with this pattern
2. Each Man Has Their Own Type
Although all people seem to be so adamant to speak about how men attracted to beauty only, we have to remember everyone is different. That's why here in astro we learn about astrology through natal chart. The same things happen in men too. Not all men only choose beautiful women. With various placements that differ between one man and other men esp when we see their Moon, Venus, 7th house placements, they also have differences in what they desire from women. Sagittarius/9th house and/or Aqua/11th house placements men esp Aqua Venus men may desire intellectual women that differ with women in general. Scorpio/8th house or Venus-Pluto men may desire women they can connect deeply and they may be very into intense women who are in touch with their feelings. Pisces/12th house or Cancer/4th house men may want women who they know somehow also have feelings toward them or display sensitivity or motherly characters. Every man is different we can't put them in same box. Although we do have to admit that facts based on majority do exist.
3. Men See Your Personal Life Too
This is especially true for Saturnian men. They see how you are doing in terms of career and school. Saturnian men tend to want women who they see as having the same calibre as them. Deep in Saturnian men's mind, they respect women who are doing great at their school or career. That also somehow push them to treat you better. It adds your values in front of them
4. Men Love Ego Stroke
Needless to say this is especially true for Leo and/or Aries placements men. They need to feel needed. Feel handsome, feel masculine. Leo placements men tend to be attracted to women who make them feel good. And funnily, it's Pisces/12th house, Cancer/4th house, or even Scorpio/8th house women in some occasions that able to give them these feelings. It's cuz that water sign women tend to be people pleaser and this is actually what people include me always warn about water signs women being people pleaser. However as a quote say that your weakness can be your strongest point, water sign women's tendency of wanting to make people feel good toward themselves can work very well with men who have Leo and/or Aries placements. Water sign women will give that ego stroke naturally and Leo and/or Aries placements men will take that gladly and like the women more. And the ego stroke is genuine too coming from water sign women. The only thing to remember is that water sign women should never be doormat or they will be seen as pitiful in front of the men. And they also need to let the men to chase them cuz both Aries and/or Leo placements love the feeling of being masculine.
5. Men Who Love You Will Always Make It Known, Even When You Are In Doubt
This is Scorpio/8th house/Plutonic men's power at the strongest. These men can show you every signs that they indeed love you, even in conditions like people say "when these men have their mouth covered and their hand and legs tied, do you still able to feel that they love you, even if their mouth can't say that and their body can't move?" Scorpio/8th house/Plutonic men at their strongest point always be able to serve utmost sense of security for women. You don't need to be afraid they will cheat or have their attention elsewhere, their eyes and nerves are on you. Which is why many women feel secure around Scorpio/8th house/Plutonic men even if on downsides, these men are also very possesive and jealous one and won't bother to ask you directly or be suspicious if you have other men
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psyduc · 4 months
the terror hockey au
it's the way.... i've been thinking about this.......... also shoutout to the fic white carnations because they did this before me BUT. RAMBLINGS UNDER THE CUT
there is no organization here we are sharing our thoughts like they are coming out of a faucet with a broken knob
blanky was a goalie and a really good one too- and one who wasn't afraid to push back or start shit, you know? played until he was 40 when a terrible knee injury forced him into retirement. he still visits the rink to say hi to francis- and even though his doctor says he can't be back on the ice, he still goes out there on occasion to help thomas hartnell practice <3
francis was the alternate and then captain for... The Terrors (it has to be The Terrors right. it just has to be). helped them get two stanley cups, had a notoriously disastrous final season. like "got really drunk, started a huge fight on the ice, even fought the refs" sort of disastrous that cut his career short. after getting sober, he put the work in and was able to get a job as manager. well, co-manager
fitzjames is the other manager. he has never managed a sports team in his life and when he starts, knows very little about hockey (he confuses icing for offsiding. francis can't stand him)
graham is the captain. he is great. everyone loves graham. even people on other teams respect the guy. has a nasty history with getting concussed on the ice though, so whenever he gets hit, it's a very tense moment for everyone and his team is not happy about it
collins, morfin, manson, heather, and pilkington are defensemen
irving, peglar, hodgson and armitage are right and left wingers
tozer and little are centers. tozer is also alternate captain, and there's talk of making little an alternate too, but he gets queasy at the thought
we're ignoring that this is not a full roster for a team okay we are playing fast and loose here
jopson is the equipment manager and he runs that shit so tight. he only allows gibson to help with the skates and even then, he's keeping a close eye on him
hickey was an ahl player that got suspended for playing real dirty. somehow, he has talked himself into a job with The Terrors. he's only the water boy for now, but he has big plans
chambers and young are two ahl players that came up for a couple of games before being sent back down for training
The Terror's mascot is a Newfoundland dog named Neptune. it's always a good day when Francis brings his actual dog of the same name into the arena
dundy and bridgens are the rink side reporters/announcers
hodgson has a history of lower body injuries. like he's always out for a good chunk of the season, but he's such a good player (and good for morale, even if he goes on and on about his newest niche hobby) that they keep him around
almost all of collins and morfin's teeth are fake- they lost their real ones after several puck related incidents. collins has permanent implants, morfin takes his out for the games
tartnell is their goalie and is not afraid to whack people with his stick if they get too close to the crease
The Terrors have not made it past the first round of playoffs in 20 something years. something terrible always ends up happening- last year, little took a nasty hit and broke his wrist and collarbone. the year before, heather had a concussion that kept him out all season. it's always something
i don't have a way to end this. i just. i can see it, you know, these men on the ice crashing into each other and finding and making each other bleed and wow it's just like the show except no cannibalism or colonialism. probably still some lead poisoning though, maybe that's why they keep losing
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astroyongie · 2 years
Stray Kids Reading - August Edition
Note: Please remember to take my words lightly and to enjoy the reading ! 
Chan is still single, but it seems like he has finally forgotten his ex. At the moment he is having his fun, seeing people if he wants to, changing, flirting, going out on free times. It feels like Chan needs to be careful not to lose himself in these type of behaviors because his masculine energy is getting quite strong lately
After some arguments with the company, Chan was able to come to a solution for some of his questions for the future of Stray Kids. He is already working on the next album, pondering what needs to be done. He is also taking the decisions by himself tho, and he has faith it will be a huge comeback
Physical Health: X Mental Health: X
It seems like Minho had his eyes set on someone. At first he was very hesitant with all this since it’s not something he is focused on. However when Minho tried to get to know this person, the person has completely rejected him, in a very harsh way. It has hurt his ego quite a lot
Currently he is stuck on his routine, he is being very careful as well, because there has been rumors going on about him and he doesn’t want it to go out to the public. Minho is being very quiet and focusing on helping his members with the practice and even trainees
Physical Health: Doesn’t sleep well, lot of headaches  Mental Health: His mental health is a whole mess, he is not okay. He feels stuck, like in a prison, his thoughts are encaging him. His anxiety is very high, his anger too, his environment is just beyond toxic and he can’t stand his own reflexion
Changbin’s heart is completely close, he has pushed everyone, including his ex away from his life. He wants to be alone and have time to reflect on everything that has been happening on his life at the moment. He misses his family so much, mostly his mother
Career wise, he is very frustrated because he isn’t able to voice his thoughts about what the group is becoming nor the musical style that is currently being chosen. Changbin has been talking a lot with his members and company so he can change a few things
Physical Health: I don’t know what the hell is happening, but Changbin is not okay at all physically.. If JYP doesn’t attend this, I am afraid that it will come out  Mental Health: He feels very frustrated, agitated, nervous but still woking on his self esteem
I have no idea what’s happening with Hyunjin’s love life. All I can say is that he is very happy at the moment, his crush is responding a lot better to his advances, but they are still not official from what I feel. However he is clinging into it, and he is forcing for it to finally happen
He is following his intuition when it comes to his career, he knows a lot of things are going to happen and very soon. Some changes for his career are coming
Physical Health: Needs to look out for his heart and chest pains, his body feels tired Mental Health: He feels abandoned and misunderstood lately 
He is single after all, but still very attached to his last relationship. Jisung is still working on that, still trying to make all that pain go away. He has a hard time, but he will eventually be able to pass through this, since he has good people around him to support him
Career wise, he is drowning himself on work. He tries to keep his thoughts positive and bring to the world out his creativity. Some things were taken away from him, but Jisung is working hard for their next project
Physical Health:Some troubles concerning his urinary system  Mental Health:  Actually working on his stability despite his high anxiety
It frustrated me, because it seems like Felix isn’t being honest with himself and with people around him. As you all know, he has a crush with whom things are going very well, however Felix hasn’t been honest with them. They talk a lot with each other yes, however he is also seeing someone else in their back. The thing is, this other person has no good intention toward Felix and it’s really upsetting to see him making such dumb mistakes when he has someone that truly cares for him
His work is going very well, he is able to express his ideas and fight for what he wants to show on their next project. Felix is finally finding a balance on his professional life, and I also see he has been earning a lot of money lately
Physical Health: Nothing but he is still not 100% Mental Health:  He has a dependence on his medication (pain medication mostly). Needs to urgently heal his inner child traumas. He is being escapist and agitated
Currently, Seungmin is in a relationship with a very dear friend of his. Things are going very well, they are both extremely balanced on their professional and love life. Seungmin is extremely happy to finally share his heart with someone and he is being hopeful that this going to last
He too had many arguments with the company and the group, since he wanted to voice his opinion about certain topics. It doesn’t seem that he was being heard tho. Seungmin is trying to ignore the bad mouths and the criticism that was done toward his person. He is focusing on helping others with Minho (trainees) so he doesn’t have to think about this own issues
Physical Health: his throat and vocal cords hurt, but also stomach aches and difficulty to breathe  Mental Health: Very exhausted
Jeongin isn’t dating but he is still seeing that one person that is older than him. Things are going very well at the moment, and he is just taking advantage of what he can have through them. Jeongin also keep this relationship a secret/discreet so people won’t be talking of him
I feel like he will be able to have some solo opportunities, something new coming for his career that he has been working on for some time now. At least he was given the opportunity to do his own things and it will bring him a lot of benefice.
Physical Health: Physically he isn’t okay at all, despite the fact that he was been under treatment for strong stomach aches, chest pains and high blood pressure and strong migraines  Mental Health:  X
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snowbanshee · 8 months
Is Lazard enhanced like a regular SOLDIER? Why or why not?
Headcanon time!
Lazard's mother invested everything she had to give him the best education possible.
After graduating political science in a reputable university, he became a consummate diplomat. What he achieved in career was through negotiations, perfect etiquette, maybe a psychological trick or ten, knowing how to navigate the most tense situations and making his opponent feel like they're winning. Physically wise, he was not strong and would easily lose in hand to hand combat to any male Turk. He can shoot a gun, but also not as good as any of the Turks. He can also use spells.
Hojo was simply not interested in older, physically mediocre people, what he craved was strong and promising teens. (If that sounds creepy it's only because it is.)
There was a lot of tension between SOLDIERs and Heidegger, everyone but him seemed to understand that Heidegger's constant attempts to "out-alpha" his subordinates was not going to work on Planet's most deadly mass murder machines.
Lazard was hired and quickly promoted to Director of SOLDIER because he was soft spoken, knew how to stand his ground without escalating situation, and was always willing to compromise. Because of his unenhanced status, SOLDIERs didn't see him as a threat or competition (see Sephiroth and Genesis).
We can see in Crisis Core how Lazard just decides to unnecessarily put himself in danger so he could personally see SOLDIERs performing their tasks in enemy territory and how protective SOLDIERs are of their cinnamon roll director.
He did get himself in a weird semi-enhanced situation before death
(Also, it doesn't mean SOLDIREs were never afraid of Lazard, knowing them very well meant he could very easily make sure they want to cooperate
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tokiro07 · 9 months
Undead Unluck ch.172 thoughts
[I Hope You Had the Time of Your Life]
Yeah I made a Good Riddance joke two weeks in a row, what of it?
This is a really nice conclusion to Chikara's recruitment arc, particularly because it so nicely mirrors his recruitment in the previous loop
In both cases, Ryo arrived to try to bring him back into the normal world, completely unaware that Chikara was even about to step foot into a world beyond his comprehension, and in both cases Chikara inevitably chose to forego a normal life for the sake of fighting alongside those who would otherwise give their lives for him without asking anything in return
As I said last week, while Chikara can be cowardly in the sense that he's afraid of pain and danger like any normal person with basic survival instincts would be, he's actually one of the bravest members of the cast, always able and willing to step up when someone else needs him to. When Fuuko or Top were in danger in the previous loop, he was always able to put aside his fears and stand firm to use Unmove properly, even when he was bleeding from the eyes or missing a limb! He may be a scaredy cat, but he's one of very few characters who can go through Andy levels of dismemberment and keep on fighting
I also really like that Sean specifically is the one to approach Chikara and ask if he wants to join the Union. Not only do his continued major appearances prove that he hasn't been relegated to being a side character like he feared, but he also has a background that's pretty similar to Chikara's in a way
Both of them had specific artistic career goals that they wanted to pursue, with Sean wanting to be an actor and Chikara wanting to be a photographer, and both of them thought they'd lost their opportunity because of their abilities. With the appearance of Unseen, Sean lost the ability to appear on film or stage because he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes open for an entire performance, and was quickly swept up into the world of organized crime
Now Chikara is being swept up into the world of Negators and UMA, but he has the chance to stay in his happy, ordinary and safe world thanks to the accomodations that Fuuko provided him with. Sean isn't trying to convince Chikara one way or the other, but instead is reminding him that he has a choice
Fuuko is projecting her desire for a normal life onto Chikara, whether it's what Chikara actually wants or not, because to her, everyone in the Union must want that. Sean, though? Sean knows what it's like to have your options taken away from you, to be railroaded down a specific path because you couldn't see any other way, and he doesn't want that for Chikara. The fact that he can turn Chikara invisible proves that Sean views him as a brother, and he definitely doesn't want his brother to lose his agency the way that he did. Chikara is allowed to fight if he wants, and he's allowed to be free if he wants, but no one else can make that choice for him. Not God, and not even Fuuko
Y'know, I'm actually starting to think that Sean might be a top contender for my favorite UU character. Don't quote me on that, but keep an eye out, I guess
Anyway, aside from the themes of the arc, I am kind of wondering why Colour just happened to appear at the school on the day of graduation. Yeah, narratively Chikara needed to be put in a situation where he would need to use Unmove in battle to learn that he can be an asset to Fuuko, but it's so coincidental, to the point where it almost feels like a setup. Not from Fuuko, mind you, it's perfectly clear that this was the last thing she wanted, but I wonder if perhaps Sun or Luna played a part in this?
If Sun wants to ensure that all humans, Negators especially, suffer, then it would make sense for him to introduce a UMA to ruin the day that Fuuko has been looking forward to and force Chikara into conflict, potentially harming the people he cares about in the process
If Luna has any control of UMAs at all, then perhaps she influenced Colour to appear as a way to ensure that a powerful piece like Unmove wasn't removed from the game?
We may find out eventually the extent of control that the Gods have over the world and what sorts of machinations they've employed to see their game run smoothly, but for now we'll just chalk it up to coincidence
On a final note, I love that Chikara evolved Unmove to work through his camera lens, as it means that he doesn't need to use both eyes specifically and allows him to focus on a specific target. It's not as effective as the silhouette goggles that Nico created for him in the previous loop since those can isolate any image without limiting Chikara's vision, but it's a great starting point for what will likely be a new branch in his metaphorical skill tree
Here's hoping that we'll get to see some cool new tools for Chikara and the rest of the group in the next big action arc, which we must be approaching soon since we only have like 10 Negators left to recruit
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bootleg-sara · 1 year
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Hello! It’s been quite awhile since I’ve made a proper post for the Purgatory AU, but I have the next batch of characters for y’all! Today I’m focusing on some demons and fallen angels. Azazel and Adversary with be the focus. I also want to touch on some other briefly and some general lore about the differences between fallen angels and demons.
Let’s get right into it!
Character bios, more doodles, and some extra lore bits undercut
Azazel: Voice Claim- West end Girls by Pet Shop Boys
Azazel: Voice Claim- West end Girls by Pet Shop Boys
Everyone’s favorite scapegoat, the brimstone boy Azazel.
One of the original angels of Eden as well as the right hand man to Semjaza, the leader of the watchers. He had fallen during the great purge of Eden along with plenty of other angels. This didn’t stop him from being a big, commanding force to be reckoned with. A rather famous fallen Angel like him always comes with a large bit of property in his section of Hell. Azazel is never shy about flaunting his wealth and power in all sorts of different ways. He may have quite the ego, but he isn’t devoid of compassion. Azazel takes good care of his city and is generally considered one of the nicer big city owners. Though that’s not an invitation to take use of his kindness or get all buddy-buddy with him. He’s not afraid to fight back physically and verbally if you try to get under his skin. Azazel is still a man of power and wanted to be treated as such.
Azazel is a loud, bombastic man who loves the attention of others. A social butterfly who can easily attract a crowd. He’s a simple man with simple goals. Only wanting to spend his life partying and partaking in his hobby of blacksmithing. He’s very resilience to heat, being able to walk through flames without breaking a sweat. Though he still wears heat resistant gloves and other such outfits to prevent long term damage. Most of his blacksmithing career is spent on making weapons. Something he has been doing since his angel days. Azazel is the one who made Judas his pitchfork way back in his days. Unfortunately for him, that pitchfork was one of his best creations. He also makes jewelry time and again. His favorite kinds being solid gold creations. All of his metal accessories were made by himself, including the gold horn cap that covers his broken horn.
If he’s not working with metal, he’s out with Asmodeus partying his night away. Azazel has not learned much from his punishment on Eden. He can get way to into himself and end up hurting people who have grown to trust him because he finds new interests somewhere else. It’s not usually something he does on purpose, but his reputation has left him a bit of an outcast in Hell’s hierarchy. His commanding presence makes him near impossible to avoid anyways. Though he’s been working on straightening himself out by being a present parent for his kid with Lilith.
And a quick thing about his weapon because he is a power.
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He has a massive hammer! The hammer itself works a bit like Hemoptysis, where he can channel his magic into his hammer for a blood-spray affect that hurts the opponent. He also has his standard brimstone, which is a high power beam that works via his own boiled blood. A skill he learned from the newest choir, the principalities. His hammer uses this same magic, just more spread out and hardened on his hammer. Because he’s not human, he doesn’t have to worry about dying via blood loss as easily as a human does. However, if he uses his magic to much he will start to rapidly lose energy. Which can be seen in his fire-like wings being extinguished.
Adversary: Voice Claim- None atm :(
The complete opposite to Azazel, we go next to the stoic Adversary.
The angel who had first started the group now known as The Watchers, Adversary is a cunning and powerful fallen angel. He is a focused individual who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. His stubbornness is rather infamous, seeing as he’s one of the main players that caused the flood of Eden to begin with. He prefers to stay out of the spotlight when he can. Purposefully keeping his property on the smaller end of things to avoid any eyes on him.
He is the big business man of Hell. Always striking deals with others to get him to do what he wants to keep his hands clean. Adversary caries shame in his new form that the archangels had punished him with. His new animal features and the tearing of his flesh and wings leaves him as a shell of his former glory. The bandages he wears are not for show, he needs them to keep his body together.
Adversary has the special gift of being able to see the future of anyone he locks eyes with. As long as he can make eye contact for long enough, he can see the fate of that person. It’s what had gotten him into the ranks as the leader of The Watchers. However, these visions are often blurred or distorted by that person’s own perception of the event. He can get very specific and focused visions at the cost of having to piece together the puzzle himself. A task that proves to be a challenge every time Adversary wishes to mess it alter the future he sees.
The flood of Eden had left him aimless for the longest time. Being a man of goals, not having anything to aim for is quite the struggle. He fell into a depressive slump for a long time. Though eventually he found something to aim for again. After a lot of time and research, it was discovered that the barrier between the afterlife and the physical earth is something that has a potential to be passed through. Adversary doesn’t want anything else other than to reach the world of humans and reclaim his role as humanity’s great savior.
What’s their relationship like?
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They may be complete opposites, but that doesn’t stop them from being very close friends. Adversary keeps Azazel in check, and Azazel gets Adversary to let lose and have some fun for a bit.
They have been friends for a very long time. Their friendship standing the test of time for as long as they’ve known each other. Azazel’s “live life in the moment” kind of style doesn’t match Adversary’s more lowkey life. So they don’t spend a great deal of time with each other as compared to others they know. But that doesn’t stop them from visiting each other when they are both available. There’s nothing like a good wine and some friendly chats to unwind after a long day.
They have a lot of differences, but they also have a lot of similarities. While they both run a big city, neither of them really do any of the actual city work themselves. Azazel and Adversary hires a bunch of people do do most of the work for them. Adversary is much to focused on his own ambitions to constantly watch his city, and Azazel thinks it’s all too boring to worry about constantly.
Bonus! What’s the difference between a Fallen Angel and a Demon?
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I’ll keep this one brief, but in short, demons are off shoots of fallen angels. Think of it like evolution. Fallen Angels are the originals, the first residents of Hell. Demons are what came after millions of years of Fallen Angel children getting farther and farther away from their parents. Eventually they become so different that demons could be considered their own species separate from Fallen Angels.
Fallen angels are closer to the traditional look of how demons are represented. Two horns on the skull, goat or pointed tails, goat legs, etc. All Fallen angels where personally punished by the archangels. Most of them simply gained unsightly animal features to bring them below the humans they had taken advantage of. Some had more personalized punishments if that angel was particularly bad (Adversary having his flesh torn and his wings ripped off. Lucifer being stuck as an eternal child with small wings and horns, Belial having their second half turned to stone, and so on). Fallen angels also get to keep some of their powers from their choir. Though most fallen angels are greatly weakened in that department.
Demons are the children of Fallen angels, and are more like the “biblically accurate” trend. Holding much more wild and unnatural shapes and sizes. Because Fallen angels are very diverse in looks, demons share that same trait taken even farther. Animal features in even stranger places, bodies doubling or contorting in strange ways, a plethora of different horns and wings. Some aren’t even born with wings, a typical common trait in most fallen angels. In rare cases they don’t even have a proper humanoid form, taking the shape of an animal or an inanimate object. This effects their magic too, which is just as wild as they are. Using the more brutal and soul draining magic demons are known for, as they don’t have any of the small left over divinity fallen angels have.
It’s also good to note that fallen angels that are principalities are extremely rare due to how recent that choir is.
Most of the important characters that are from hell in this story are fallen angels, so demons aren’t something that’s super deeply explored. However, their are some little cameos and parts that demons play in the story.
For the last bit of text for this post, I’ll list off all the in-game demons and what they are. Just because I can.
Azazel: Fallen Angel - Power
Lilith: Fallen Angel - Dominion
Adversary: Fallen Angel - Seraphim
Krampus: Demon
The Horny boys: Demon
The Fallen: Fallen Angel - Virtue
Little horn: Demon - Lilith’s and Azazel’s kid
The Lamb: Fallen Angel - Cherub
Big Horn: Demon
The Siren: Fallen Angel - Principality
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f0point5 · 3 months
genuine question. why do you dislike Joe A.? from what i’ve heard he’s a alright guy and is an advocate for women’s rights, blm movement & & Palestine/Ukraine
Well I certainly don’t pick celebrities I like based on what they tell the public their political opinions are.
I mean, obviously I don’t know the guy so it’s not that deep.
The vibes weren’t vibing. He gave off a very pretentious vibe to me. He seemed to take himself very seriously (and I say seemed because everyone should take themselves seriously but when you’re building a career, you don’t necessarily want to come across that way) , to the point where you’d think he had a Cillian Murphy level filmography when he absolutely did not.
As much as I respect that he didn’t want to build a career on dating Taylor Swift, I always remember that when he was asked about her there was like a noticeable dip in his mood. Like he seemed to literally deflate when reminded of her existence. And it just didn’t sit right with me. I understand not wanting to talk about your personal life but I just got the impression that he didn’t respect the magnitude of what she meant to popular culture, or if he did that it was something he actively disliked. He just seemed like the type of guy to go home at the end of the day and mention to her in a melancholy tone that he got asked about her again as if it’s something she has to apologise for. And when you think about the way that she went out of her way to give him writing credits and talk about how he was part of the process and thank him for the Grammy. She was never afraid to his talent and he just seemed irritated by hers.
Also, not that the music always tells the full story but Lemme tell you I was in a relationship that had me playing You’re Losing Me for two months straight. It’s the cruelest way to let a relationship go to shit, to just stop putting effort in and let the other person beg you to try.
Not that I know Taylor Swift at all obviously but he kind of seemed like a symptom of where she was in her own personal journey rather than someone who complemented her. He was someone who was happy to make a home with her in the cave she was hiding out in. He was someone who stayed with her while she licked her wounds. And once she healed, it became evident that he was just a cave dweller by nature.
The first reason you fall in love with someone ends up being the first reason you hate them and that’s what seemed to happen. They got together because he didn’t care that she was Taylor Swift, and they broke up because he didn’t care that she was Taylor Swift.
And none of this makes him a bad person necessarily. But I just never got the right vibe from him. He just seemed like the guy you introduce to your friends and they’re like “as long as you’re happy” because you know they’re a phase.
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