#it before going back and remembering that took me to the article area as it did so and I saw another article with the clip xD
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angellayercake · 10 months
The Diary of Cardinal Terzo Four
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Cardinal Terzo x Assorted Characters | NSFW | AO3 | Intro | Two | Three | Interlude
Based on this funny little article we start to read about some of Terzo’s creampie adventures in his diary.
disclaimer I know this is the farthest thing from safe sex but let’s pretend in this universe there is a special secret satanic sti and pregnancy protection just for fun
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02/02 New ghouls are so inquisitive.They have glimpsed our world only from the depths of hell but that does not prepare them for having a tangible body and all that  it entails, the new sensations that it offers. They explore the world wide eyed and gorge themselves on all the new and exciting experiences on offer to them. Art, music, nature, food, drink and of course, pleasures of the flesh. Sometimes they seek out their fellow ghouls, or Siblings of Sin but the recently summoned quintessence ghoul had caught my eye. He was more reserved than some of the others, hung back and observed rather than leaping into the fray. He was tall and broad, his chest straining at the buttons of his robes when he moves and strong arms straining the taught material. It seemed I had caught his eye as well. His intense gaze was tracking my movements across the welcoming party and it would have been rude not to introduce myself. His name was Omega and he accepted my invitation for a tour of the Abbey, the gardens, the common areas, the library and of course the clergy wing. Naturally the tour ended at my personal quarters, in case he ever needed to visit me. He didn't hesitate when I invited him in and tonight he got his first taste of the joys of a tight, warm, willing human body. Creampie count: 59
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19/02 Nothing makes you feel more like a rockstar than having a beautiful woman bouncing on your dick in the back of a limousine. I'm sure I will be in trouble with my fratello when he sobers from his celebratory bender and probably Imperator too but the sweet thing I picked up wanted the ride of her life. The Ghost project and the entourage which I was a part of always garners attention at these award ceremonies being the big scary spooky satanists that we are. It can other us but it also creates a lot of intrigue which is often a lot more fun. She was a typical popstar, tanned, long blond hair, and more make up then Papa and she wanted a taste of darkness. Commandeering the limo was easy enough and then I had her. I left the drivers partition open so Alpha, the lucky ghoul could watch as I stripped her and took her apart. It was easy to tell she was used to faking her pleasure. Her initial moans practised and meant to flatter a fragile ego but I soon had her shaking and gasping on my fingers until she was clawing at my cassock to get to my cock. I let her find her pleasure for a time aquainting myself with her unnaturally sculpted but still beautiful body. But then I had to show her what it is to be fucked by someone who always embraces the sin of lust completely. Creampie count: 89
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15/05 She was a Senior Sister when she had arrived at the abbey. I saw so many faces come and go as I had risen through the ranks of the Clergy, it was not surprising I had seen her somewhere before, but that hadn't stopped me propositioning her. She was beautiful, confident and commanded the attention of everyone around her. I had to have her, if she would let me. I tried everything and she just laughed. She laughed! But the way she rebuffed me was so charming I couldn't even be offended. But today! Today we were  discussing party tricks, of all things. 'Do you have any party tricks Sister?' I asked innocently. 'One,' she replied. 'I can swallow a sword. Right to the hilt.' I was frozen to the spot and could feel the blush rising on my face. 'Would you like me to show you Cardinal?' I couldn't speak or move or do anything. Her hand was on my chest as she waited for my answer and I had to do something before I lost my chance. I nodded, so awkwardly it makes me cringe to remember but she was as good as her word and showed me exactly how much she could take down her throat. Her talent in this particular trick was unmatched, exceeded all expectations. So it was only fair that I showed her my party trick and if I do say so myself, I was unmatched too! Creampie count: 259
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stellari-s · 5 months
if you wanna write about one of the idv girls.......... alice deross and a reader who's also a journalist, perhaps working together?
you can wait till she releases ofc!!
hi, sorry for it being so late, but sure yeah i'm open to writing idv girls! to be fully honest, i've never written for alice though (except for one occasion before her release...) but i can try for sure!
request; yes, by anon! requests are closed til i get my current requests taken care of but may open some comms?
wc; 730.
tags; default! journalist (alice deross), jounalist! gn! reader, work relationship, reader admires alice, canon-divergent, first person pov.
summary; an avid reader of alice's columns, you've wanted to be a journalist. and now that you are, for your first assignment, you are to work with alice deross...
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rumors spread like wildfire, and this agency was no exception.
i had gotten my dream job as a journalist - since i was still in school, i had always admired a certain writer named alice deross, who wrote articles with a striking amount of detail, as if she herself had experienced what she was writing firsthand (even if such wasn’t the case), while still keeping a certain veil of mystery. that’s why i worked hard to get recruited into the same agency as ms. deross, networking and honing my writing.
and, to say the least, my first day was, indeed, filled with rumors.
rumors about what? why, of course, the famed oletus manor. it’s become a famous place for novelists to center horror stories around, seeing as many strange events are said to have happened there, yet they all seem so wild it’s hard to believe. “participate in a game for a chance to have your wish, no matter its grandness, granted.” who would believe such a thing? was my first thought.
yet, alice deross allegedly was passionate about this very case - everyone else was either scared to enter the unknown or uncertain whether it even existed or if it was a reality warped to exaggeration by the people who spread the rumors.
ms. deross, however, insisted on taking this case.
only she had the resolve to delve into the unknown and only she held such strong beliefs with eyes that could light a fire.
“surely there is something from this manor i can glean. i had prior connections to the manor, so it’s hard to believe such liveliness could be overtaken by these dangerous games,” she had declared to the head editor.
it appeared she had other motivations than producing a good story.
supposedly, it took quite a bit of convincing, but it was only after ms. deross went out of her way to obtain a manor invitation, the reddish wax seal bearing an abstract floral imprint, that the head editor (reluctantly, and much to his chagrin) accepted; clearly, ms. deross was adamant about this case, so as long as she could make a good story, who was he to say “no”?
...must have been what he thought.
i was curious about her said “other motivations” that i was nothing less than certain she held close to her heart, so with the head editor’s approval, i ventured to oletus manor, shrouded in mystery, with ms. deross. my first impression of her was what her writing style conveyed: polite, clear-spoken yet slightly distant. as they say, “style is the man himself,” i suppose.
in fact, i distinctly remember her first question: “i have been curious why you insist on going with me to oletus manor,” she said while i drove through the forested area, “it will likely be a dangerous gig.”
“yes,” i replied back (perhaps my voice betrayed me, for ms. deross shot me a look with a gleam of worry), “i’m fully aware.”
her look of worry diffused then into a wry smile.
“i don’t know whether you are courageous or reckless.”
“maybe both.”
“...regardless, i should warn you: curiosity can kill the cat. i do respect it though, seeing as you even volunteered to come with me.”
those were her last words as i remember parking up at the manor. it was then ms. deross seemed to change her demeanor considerably to the point of tangibility - i could practically taste it.
what had transpired at the manor was already reflected in her eyes before we had even entered its premises.
its happenings are a story for another day. a whole article wouldn’t be enough.
ms. deross handed me an envelope. “remember, (y/n), it is never too late to withdraw. i have a personal matter to settle here, but your life is what should be most important to you.”
she handed me a camera, the black lens reflecting my own face, revealing nothing but the truth at that moment laid bare. when i looked up at ms. deross, meeting her eyes, i couldn’t help but notice a more soft look than usual.
perhaps she had resigned to the fact that, since we both made it this far, i would not turn back now.
“after all, dead men tell no tales.”
(that said, i am alive even now, so for the future, i still have a tale to tell.)
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where-dreamers-go · 1 month
What about Eragon walking in on their SO changing! But make it spicy!
"Look In Your Eyes" Eragon x Reader
(A/N: Oh dear. Spicy, but not too spicy, okay? XD Wait, haven’t I wrote something about Eragon or Reader without a shirt before? I just dawned on me. Ah ha! There is a laundry day drabble thing where Reader isn’t wearing anything from the waist up. See? I knew. I remembered. Anyways… Warnings: mentions of undressing, kissing, and romance. Word Count: 453 words)
Strange days happened to everyone. Even lucky days happened to others.
You had spilled a drink on your shirt not too long ago. Said article of clothing had been tossed in the bathing area to be dealt with at a later time. It was in fact not the day to work on dirty laundry.
A few minutes in peace and quiet would work nicely, however.
Until the door to your quarters opened and you remembered how you forgot to lock it properly.
You hastily covered your front torso with a fresh shirt.
“There you are,” said Eragon as he walked in.
Brown eyes widened as he took in the sight of you. Eragon had not seen you in a handful of hours and walking in on you half dressed definitely surprised the Dragon Rider.
He kicked the door shut.
You jumped only slightly at the sound.
Seeing your body language, he raised his hands up and stated, “Formal dress isn’t necessary here. There’s no need to worry.”
“Oh?” You caught how he looked at you with intimate ideas behind brown eyes. He was hardly one to mask his expressions around you.
“It’s only me. Also a room with a bed,” he lowered his hands and walked toward you, “and a closed door.”
“Very observant, love,” you laughed lightly as he stood before you. “Should I not worry about you?”
“Why should you?” Eragon inquired, linking his arms around your hips slowly.
“You have that look in your eyes.”
“What look?” Thumbs created circles along your skin, causing chills to run up your back.
“Your ‘I can be in your arms all night and day’ look. Have I been away from you that long?” You teased.
“We’re not needed for anything important today.”
“I should hope not.” You kept your shirt close to your chest, keeping in warmth.
“No one knows I’m here except you.”
“Eragon,” you sighed, “if you’re going to do anything, why do you insist on voicing observations instead of asking for a kiss when we both know you want one?”
“Only thinking of you.” Eragon’s arms tightened their hold. “May I have your kiss? And many kisses after?”
“You certainly may.”
Time slowed as lips met. Hands roamed to where skin lay uncovered on the other they loved most. Top-most outerwear, however clean, met in a small pile atop of a wooden desk. A series of kisses and shared breathes kept the pair of you busy, an activity neither declared a bother as others.
How long were the two of you to enjoy the benefits of love while life continue outside the quarters?
No telling, not when Eragon’s hands splayed across your back with little intention of leaving.
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: 
Inheritance Cycle Tags: @shewhobreathesfire @emburbaguette
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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polyphonical · 2 months
Dragon's Head - Prologue
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Bookstore
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〈At the bookstore in the downtown area〉
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Tetora: Tomoya-kun, sorry to keep you waitin’ ssu! The line at the register was really long.
It took a long time huh~. You had some free time to look around while you were waiting, right ssu?
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Tomoya: Yeah. I was just looking at all the books around. Did you find the book you wanted?
Tetora: Ossu! I was able to find what I wanted ‘cuz of you~. Look, “The Way of Karate—Monthly”! If I forgot anythin’ else, it doesn’t matter! This one is the one I really don’t wanna miss!
What were you lookin’ at before, Tomoya-kun?
Tomoya: Hm? I’ve just been wandering around the manga corner the whole time.
I thought using e-books was easier since it takes up less space, but sometimes it’s nice going to a bookstore~
See, the staff here sets up the manga section with stacks of manga underneath popups for recommendations. I end up finding manga I never would’ve found before!
Tetora: That’s like buying books based on their covers ssu~
Ah, did you see any mangas you wanna buy, Tomoya-kun? I can wait around this time.
Tomoya: Hm~. I think I’m good. I don’t want to spend any more of the money I have on hand today.
Tetora: That so? Then, let’s go back ssu~
Tomoya: Okay~
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Tomoya: ……… (Staring intensely)
Tetora: ? Tomoya-kun? What corner are you lookin’ atーー Aah, that’s the weekly magazine corner isn’t it? What, were you thinkin’ of getting one ssu?
Tomoya: Ahaha…. No~. It’s just, I realized that ES really made idols a more prominent discussion, right?
So maybe I just get too defensive whenever I see idols being talked about in weekly magazines like this.
It’s weird right? I’m not even doing anything wrong, so it’s not like the paparazzi is going to pop out and take pictures of me.
Tetora: Nah, I kinda get what you’re sayin’! It’s like that feelin' you get when you see a police car. I’m not even committin’ crimes, so it’s not like I’m gonna get arrested, but… I always get kinda nervous seein' one ssu.
Tomoya: Right! That’s exactly it!
Tetora: I understand what you’re feelin’, but don’t worry! You don’t needta be nervous! It’s not like we have anythin’ to do with this magazineーー
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Tetora: Huh!?
Eh? Eehh!? Wait a sec, ssu!
Tomoya: W-What is it? What’s the matter…?
Tetora: Tomoya-kun, look at this weekly magazine ssu!
Tomoya: Let me see… “Starpro VS Rhylink, a new spark in the entertainment industry!?” ……?
Starpro and Rhylink… They’re talking about the agencies we work for, right? Not something with the same name or abbreviation?
Tetora: I don’t think they could be talkin’ about anythin’ else… Here, lemmie look at what the article says ssu.
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Tetora: Ummーー “Two major entertainment agencies, Starpro and Rhylink,
A credible source informed us that there was a heated confrontation hidden under that peaceful façade they are maintaining to the public.
Both Starpro and Rhylink have a large number of top idols. They’re undoubtedly major agencies in the entertainment industry.
While both agencies are respectable figures in the industry, they’ve secretly been engaged in frequent infighting.
There are reports that Starpro is trying to steal projects from the idols in Rhylink, while Rhylink are sabotaging new and upcoming idols joining Starpro.
Actions such as these are what is causing such a big rift to form between the agencies.
Some reports even indicate that Starpro is trying to convince an ace idol at Rhylink to leave the agency and join Starpro instead.
On top of that, there are even rumors that Rhylink is offering an exclusive contract to a Starpro idol”?
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Tetora: What is this ssu…? Was somethin’ like this really happenin’ when I had no idea?
Tomoya: Hmm… I don’t know.
Ah, but all of us in Ra*bits were at the scene this picture was taken in.
It looks like Rhylink and all the other staple idols were fighting if you add the context of the article. But, from what I remember, the atmosphere was actually pretty playful and light.
So, I don’t think there’s any hostility there~
I can’t go as far as to say the whole thing is a hoax, but I do think it’s pretty exaggerated.
Tetora: Do ya think the higher ups in the office know about the article ssu? And Anego too?
Tomoya: I don’t know. But it’s probably better to report it ourselves, just in case.
Tetora: That’s true. Let’s head over to ES and report it ssu!
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Baneful Fox
(If you didn’t know, a shiny version of the Baneful Fox mask in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is available through mystery gift until (I do believe) late may, 2023! I got mine and was super inspired by it)
(Y’all I had a good portion written down and then I accidentally tapped a notification that popped up on my phone and lost it all. So part of this had to be rewritten L)
(Btw, your choice if you want the shiny baneful fox mask or the normal one!)
Ingo x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Platonic/Romantic
Summary: Ingo, new to the Pearl Clan, is going around and meeting everyone. And then he gets to you…
The Pearl Clan could see the distortion from miles away, how the rift tore and crackled. Lady Sneasler, despite being a Highlands dweller, was visiting the Pearl Clan Settlement that day, and more than a few were surprised to see her rush off towards the distortion.
Hours later, after that distortion had long been gone, Lady Sneasler returned, a worn and ragged man in her arms.
He was taken in, his wounds wrapped and tended to. When he awoke, he introduced himself as Ingo, and how the only thing he remembered was falling, no other memories of where he hailed from.
The Pearl Clan allowed him to stay after seeing how well he got along with the Pokémon, and how much Lady Sneasler had taken to him as well. They gave him clothes more befitting of the harsh winter winds, and a few were surprised to hear him refuse them taking his old, torn clothes. He had kept the coat and hat, mentioning that the articles of ragged fabric felt important to him. Like they were a piece of him somehow.
It had been a few days since his fall, Ingo learning the significant landmarks of the Alabaster Icelands, the Pokémon and their Alphas, and meeting the different Clan members and their beliefs.
At one point, Irida had mentioned you, and that is what led to Ingo traveling to the Alabaster Forest, a Machoke at his side. Irida had mentioned you were another of the Pearl Clan’s wardens, despite you staying out in the wilderness quite often.
Ingo was given a vague description of you, but Irida had mentioned the most prominent feature. A Baneful Fox mask.
You had a past with the fox Pokémon that lived in the forest. From what you had shared with the Clan, you were on your own when an avalanche cut through your village. You were found by an Alpha Zoroark when her pups led her to your half-frozen form in the snow. From there, the Zoroark had brought you to the Pearl Clan, not too different from how Sneasler had brought him.
Since then, you’d gone out of your way to greet the Pokémon that saved you whenever you went out for supplies. Irida said that’s what you were probably up to now, collecting medicinal leeks and other berries for the clan.
The trees that soon surrounded him helped block the icy chill that threatened to cut through his clothes, his steely gaze giving a slow sweep of the area as he walked. This was where Irida said you’d be, so where…?
A sudden crashing through the underbrush caught his attention, red and white fur rushing out at him with fangs bared. Machoke was quick to step in front of Ingo, prepared to protect his new friend when—
“Zoroark! They bare my clan’s symbol!”
The alpha Zoroark came to a screeching halt, piercing yellow eyes locked onto Ingo before it glanced back at the sound of your feet crunching through the snow.
“So sorry if Zoroark scared you! You’re just a new face a biiit too close to her territory.” You walked up beside the Alpha fearlessly, adjusting the baneful fox mask up a bit to show your clan member your face, your other arm holding a basket of medicinal leeks to your side.
“It is quite understandable.” Ingo took a moment to both settle his nerves and dip his hat in respect to the both of you, “I had merely traveled out this way in search of the final Pearl Clan Warden I had yet to meet.”
“Did you come from the distortion a few days ago? I had just reached Zoroark’s woods when it started, and she didn’t really let me leave for a bit, so I’ve been gathering quite an amount of herbs for the clan!”
“I did fall from the distortion rift,” Ingo hummed, “I have lost most of my memories however, and so the Pearl Clan was kind enough to let me stay.”
“Machoke!” The fighting type besides him chirped, smiling brightly.
“They all seem surprised I get along so well with Pokémon however…”
“Well,” you reached up to adjust your mask, Zoroark gently nudging you towards Ingo before taking off, “Not many people here do!”
You both turned and began the trek back to the settlement as you gave each other your names, Ingo taking some of the herbs you’d collected to lighten your load. “Many people here fear Pokémon, and finding someone who can quickly make friends and cooperate with them isn’t easy.”
“I see.” Ingo mused, glancing up at the gray clouds for a moment. Seemed like a snowstorm was brewing again. “If I think hard enough, a part of me feels like my world is drastically different than this one.”
“One where people and Pokémon get along?”
You grinned under your mask, Ingo just barely able to catch sight of it. “That world sounds amazing. Maybe someday we can meet Almighty Sinnoh, and it can take you back there. I’m sure you must miss it.”
“I do, even if I don’t remember it. But task at hand, we should hurry if we don’t wish to get caught in a snowstorm.”
You nodded, adjusting your bag before picking up the pace.
Perhaps once the storm was over, you’d take Ingo to meet Zoroark’s children. Even though their first interaction seemed tense, you knew right away she trusted him, just as you had.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner Playlist Collection 💕
She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 here
Word count: 7.4k
I should add that there are a lot of time jumps which I typically break with ✨✨✨ this emoji but it’s used for time jumps too. This is laid out differently because originally it was like a bunch of smaller chapters. This part contains the first 3 chapters.
This will have MULTIPLE parts so I’ll update my master list so they can all be found. Reader is a member of the BAU.
Warnings: cursing, some fictional cases that I totally make up from random bits of the show, talks of drinking. No smut yet. Slow burn friends to lovers fic
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You took a deep breath as you walked up the large concrete steps of the Training Academy, your new place of employment. You'd been assigned to the BAU right out of college per the recommendations of your professors and a few strings pulled by someone from your past— Erin Strauss. She'd called you in weeks before graduation to talk to you about an incredible opportunity, one you wouldn't be able to pass up if you tried.
"Now you understand that this is a demanding job, right? You'll be on the road often," you tried not to let your excitement show as she offered you the dream of a lifetime.
"I don't exactly have any family I'm leaving behind, ma'am."
Her eyes softened as she scanned your features. You knew it was because you reminded her of the man she once loved more than anything—your father. You knew your presence was difficult for her, you were a painful memento of the man she left behind, her biggest regret. You wondered if the job opportunity was her way of making things right in her own way—you deserved the job, but her guilty conscience and your ability to learn quickly had made for the perfect set of circumstances for you.
"I know that. I know you can handle it. Forgive me, but I still worry about you."
She was cold, but something about you melted her; she'd always had a soft spot for you, but this was different, almost maternal.
"I appreciate that ma'am. You're the closest thing to family I have left. I won't let you down."
She shook her head, brushing her hair back behind her ears as she leaned forward.
"I know you won't. You're going to do great things. I just know it."
You found yourself nervous as you stepped into the large office area, eyes frantically searching for your superior. You'd met him once before, although you doubted he remembered. It had been early in his career, and you were young. You would understand if he didn't recognize you, but you'd never dare tell him who you were if he didn't already know.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for SSA Hotchner," you stopped the first person you saw, a young guy, maybe a little older than you, with a head full of brown hair and a purple tie.
"His office is at the top of the steps. You must be Y/n," he offered a small wave instead of a handshake, so you smiled back at him.
"You must be Dr. Reid. I've heard a lot about you."
His lips turned up in a smile before he spoke again.
"Spencer. We have the same IQ."
You couldn't help but laugh because that was the first thing Strauss had told you about him.
"But you have more degrees. I'm down by one," you'd double majored, which was stressful, but you'd received an abundance of grants and scholarships due to your achievements before college, so you dedicated your entire college experience to learning as much as you could. In the end, it was what had made you stand out among your classmates. You'd received a plethora of awards at graduation, the highest honors possible, going above and beyond what was required of you. You'd been published in the same Psychology journal as Dr. Reid once before, and you'd framed every copy you could find.
"I read your article. Your theories on substance abuse linked to childhood trauma make a lot of sense scientifically. I know you were coming from a more personal perspective because of your mom, but childhood trauma actually damages the brain, altering the actual influence it has over the human body."
You cleared your throat at the mention of your mother and checked to make sure no one else was listening.
"No one else has read that, right? Just you? Would you do me a favor and maybe not mention my parents around the others? It's just— it's a lot to explain—"
He put his hands up to stop you and nodded his head in understanding.
"I get it. I don't think anyone else read it, but I'd never say anything like that in front of people. But if you ever want to talk about it, I feel like now that you're in the BAU, we could learn a lot from you, since you've been there firsthand. I just want you to know, you're not alone. I've been there too."
It came out almost as a whisper, and you realized you made your first friend more easily than anticipated. You already had a bond, something that distinguished the two of you from everyone else. You'd seen Hell and conquered it.
"It's not so easy for me to talk about, but I'll keep it in mind. I'm pretty early, what are you doing here already?"
You changed the subject, hoping he'd get the hint. He did, shooting you a sympathetic look.
"I was up already. Let me introduce you to Hotch. He was really excited about you joining the team. Thought we'd make a good pair," he said the last part enthusiastically, and you had no doubt that you and the Doctor would be a good team.
"He's right. I was so nervous when I walked in but you helped that a lot. Thank you, Spencer." You stood outside of your Superior's door, taking a deep breath before knocking.
"Good luck. I'll see you on the jet," he descended the steps at the same time that Agent Hotchner told you to come in.
He was more handsome than you remembered.
You noticed he was missing his wedding ring now—you wondered what happened. He stood up, coming around his big desk to shake your hand.
"Agent Y/l/n, good to finally meet you."
You were taken aback by his deep, neutral toned voice, it rumbled through you and made your brain go white hot.
"It's good to be here. I'm excited to have the opportunity."
He studied you for a moment as he invited you to sit down, his hands clasped together on his desk.
"I can't help thinking that I know you," he said after a moment, and you tried to put on a poker face; you weren't sure you wanted him to remember you.
"I've been in DC a while. I'm sure we've ran into each other before."
He nodded, going over your paperwork in front of him.
"We're leaving in an hour to consult on a case in Tennessee. Can you be ready by then?"
You nodded, because you'd came prepared. There was a go bag already packed in your car, per Strauss's suggestion.
"Perfect. I'll let you find a desk and introduce yourself. I'll see you on the jet."
"Y/n is onto something, I think the counselor knows more than he's telling us," Spencer said, going over his witness statements once more. It had been a long day, and it faded into night quickly. You were at the hotel, Spencer and Hotch standing in front of you.
"First thing in the morning, you two go check him out at work. We need to try to get a little sleep," Hotch reasoned, and you nodded in agreement. You were exhausted; you'd been going all day long with no signs of stopping. They'd showed up at nearly the same time, and you three had been bouncing theories off one another for half an hour.
"I'll be ready by 7," you told Spencer, and he nodded before he let himself out and headed to his own room. Hotch stayed behind for a moment.
"You did really good work today."
That was all he'd said, so you patted yourself on the back before heading to bed yourself.
The next morning, Spencer knocked lightly, waiting for you on the other side of the door.
"We'll say we're just doing a follow up interview, see what details about his private life we can get," Spencer already had a plan.
"You should do the talking. He doesn't take women seriously," you'd noticed it the day before when his secretary made a comment and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He'd been short and rude with you and JJ, which was why you had doubts about him in the first place. He didn't like that you were meddling.
"Good idea. I could tell how annoyed he was when JJ corrected him," the address for his office wasn't far, so you drove. Spencer actually handed you the keys and let you take the wheel.
"So what happened with Hotch? He used to be married," Spencer's face fell before he explained Haley's tragic death and their divorce months prior. It happened nearly two years before, but he obviously still carried the weight of her lord.
"How did you know he was married?" He asked finally, but you didn't have time to answer because you'd arrived at your destination.
The first thing that you noticed was how he seemed shakier than he was the day before; when he led you to his office, he was nervous, agitated.
You took in your surroundings and almost immediately made a connection, looking at a framed piece of artwork on the wall. You noticed the signature belonged to one of the other victims who'd been an artist.
"You didn't tell us that you knew both victims," you said suddenly, making him clear his throat for a third time since he'd started talking to Spencer.
"I uh, didn't think it was important. I bought art from her occasionally."
The signature was the same on all the art; the first victim had been Dr. Trent's running partner, which made him the number one suspect now that you knew he was the only survivor. It made no sense for the unsub to leave him alive, that wasn't a part of his method.
"So what I knew them both? You can't prove anything," he defended, which made you turn sharply on your heel, looking back at him.
"We're going to have to ask you to come with us," Spencer said firmly, the handcuffs on his waist clinking together as he retrieved them.
"Did you know I asked her out, bought her stupid artwork, and she still wouldn't date me?! As far as I'm concerned, she had it coming! She loved Stan, who couldn't even run half a mile without gasping for air! They got what was fair!" Spencer cuffed him as he made his confession, easier than you'd anticipated. You stepped aside to call Hotch.
"We got a confession. We're bringing him in," you told him, and you were met with silence on the other end.
"You've only been gone twenty minutes."
"It didn't take much. We'll see you at the station," you couldn't help but feel a tiny bit proud of being the crucial part of solving the case. You wished you had a family to call and tell about it.
"Nice work. We'll see you there."
Dr. Trent was chatty, giving you both all the grave details on the ride in. You led him into the precinct, watching the other officers talk amongst themselves about how you all had been able to crack the case so swiftly.
You were back at the hotel within the hour, grounded for the night due to some uncertain weather. It was sleeting outside, ice particles slapping against your window. You'd just showered and gotten changed when there was a knock at the door.
"Spencer says you're the one who found the missing pieces. The artwork, the confession, he gave you all the credit."
Hotch was staring back at you, baffled as to how you'd managed to do it.
"Every time you asked him about his running partner, his jaw would clench for half a second. I barely saw it. Thought it was coincidence until it happened three times."
He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door frame.
"I missed it."
He sounded partly amused, like he still couldn't believe it.
"It was easy to miss. I've seen it before."
He nodded, gesturing towards the hall.
"We're getting dinner down the street if you want to ride with me. It's sleeting too hard to walk," you opened the door the rest of the way, slipping on your coat and shoes before grabbing your key. You could feel his watchful gaze on you as you maneuvered around the room, his eyes darting away when you joined him again.
"I bet there's snow by morning," he stopped in the hall to take a look out the big bay window. You took a moment to admire all of his great features, the curve of his jaw, his nose, perfectly framing his face. He'd always been handsome but age had treated him well. His voice was stern but smooth, and it made you powerless.
"Think we'll be stuck for more than a day?"
"It's a good possibility," he confirmed, pressing the button for the elevator while you waited. You were cursing yourself silently for letting his attractiveness make your judgement cloudy, but you couldn't help it. Everything about him made you want to know more, from his firm body to what was going on in his mind.
"Gives me time to finish my report before we get back," you had just made it to the lobby, Derek and Spencer already waiting for you. Rossi and JJ were the only missing ones.
"I hope they hurry, I'm starving," Derek complained, earning an eye roll from Spencer. He made his way to stand next to you, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. He made small talk until the elevator dinged and everyone else joined you, and then you were on your way. You climbed into the passengers seat and realized you were the only one riding with him, everyone else had climbed into the other SUV.
"Try to relax a little tonight. You've earned it. Everyone is impressed with you," it made you happy to hear, a little more like an actual member of the team.
"I know everyone else has been with the team a while. Having someone new means big expectations," you'd been worried about feeling like you fit in among a group of established friends, but they'd been so welcoming that your worries had eased significantly.
"You're doing just fine. Don't worry."
You arrived at the restaurant, sitting between Hotch and JJ, who leaned in quickly when she saw Hotch was distracted with Rossi.
"Do you two know each other?"
You shook your head, raising an eyebrow at her questionably. Her own eyes bounced between the two of you before she continued, her hands covering her mouth as if she were telling a secret.
"He just warmed up to you really quick is all," she wasn't entirely convinced, but you weren't going to explain any further. Spencer saved the day, asking JJ a question across the table, giving you something new to chat about. You noticed Hotch's stare on you multiple times as you talked, but you didn't think much of it. You wanted to blush beneath his gaze, and there were occasions when you felt the heat in your cheeks. By the time dinner arrived, you weren't sure what to think about his attention.
"So, Y/n, are you seeing anyone?"
Derek always had a question for you, curious as to what he could find out about you. You shook your head before explaining that you'd been focused on school and didn't have time to date.
"You sound like Reid," Derek teased, but you shrugged in response, sipping your wine.
"I was a busy girl. I just didn't want to waste my time on something that wasn't going to last after graduation."
"Smart," Hotch said softly, smirking behind his glass at you.
"Well that all changes now that you're a hotshot," Derek joked, and you rolled your eyes dramatically before finishing your dinner. You weren't exactly looking for a relationship, and now that you were a part of the BAU, it seemed like a thing of the past, being close to someone. You'd been looking for a distraction to keep you busy, and traveling nonstop was the perfect tool for combating the loneliness. You were surrounded by some of the brightest minds on the planet as far as you were concerned, and you couldn't wait to see what life looked like as a part of the team.
The following day, you were grounded, as Hotch predicted. JJ and Emily invited you out for brunch, and then it unanimously became a group activity when everyone was in the lobby at your agreed upon meeting time.
"I hope everyone is ready for bottomless mimosas. We're off the clock," Emily whooped, and you piled into an SUV with Reid, JJ and Emily, who was turning in the passengers seat to look at you.
"Okay, spill it. What's the deal with you and Hotch? He's got like, puppy dog eyes when he looks at you," she made a face and you giggled softly, shrugging your shoulders.
"I don't know if I should say anything. We've met before. I was fifteen, so I doubt he remembers me, but I'm sure he's trying to."
You recalled the day you met him like it had just happened. It had been ten years ago, and you were begging anyone who would listen to get you out of the situation you were in. It wasn't until he was called back to profile your mother that he'd believed you, offering a sincere apology and a sad goodbye. He'd felt for you, and it was obvious in the way he came to your school just to check on you the day after everything transpired, to make sure you were settling in okay in a new place.
"He's acting weird, I noticed it too," Spencer agreed, and you weren't sure what could be causing him to act out of character. He had no reason to feel bad anymore; it was a long time ago, and truth be told, your story was a hard one to believe. It had seemed too theatrical for him, you saw it in his eyes when you pleaded with him to listen to you. He wanted to believe you, but without any evidence, he couldn't. It wasn't until a Social Service worker was alerted about your situation that anyone took you seriously. For the first time in your life, you had a voice, and you fucking used it to tell your story.
Hotch was asked for a private consult by the local authorities and he came, interviewed you and your mother, and then he left again. He was the first adult you trusted, but he was still fresh in his career. You didn't blame him. He wasn't the only one who didn't listen.
"So what happened when you were fifteen?"
Emily knew you didn't want to talk about it, but you just told her that he worked a case you were involved in and you left it at that. She nodded, knowing there was more that you'd share when you were ready.
"Do you not want him to remember you?" JJ asked from the drivers seat as she pulled in next to Hotch, Derek and Rossi.
"Not like that. I don't want him to think I'm a victim."
The car fell silent so you stepped out, everyone else following your lead. JJ put a comforting hand on your shoulder, and you gave her a soft smile in return. They were only curious, but you had nothing to compare Hotch's normal behavior to how he was acting now, all you knew was that everyone had noticed a change.
"They can get kind of rowdy," Hotch told you, at your side before you could blink. He spoke to the hostess and when it came time to choose a seat, he'd already offered you the chair next to him. You decided it was too early in the day for you to be drinking, so when the mimosas were passed around, you, Hotch and Reid all politely declined. You opted for coffee instead, excited to try breakfast at a new place. You scanned the menu and Hotch did the same, occasionally stealing a glance at you from behind his menu.
"What are you thinking?" He asked, and you shrugged before pointing to something called simply 'The Special' which was a little bit of everything, and it sounded delicious.
"What are you getting?" He pointed to the steak and egg combo, and you weren't surprised that he'd be eating a ribeye at 11 in the morning.
"What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Everyone else was lost in a group discussion and Hotch was sneaking behind his menu to talk to you like the two of you were school children.
"I was just going to finish up some work," he sat down his menu, shaking his head.
"We're grounded, off the clock. Please don't spend it shut off in your hotel room. There's always time on the jet for reports. Try to enjoy yourself a little. I'm sure the girls could use you as a good influence today," he chuckled, nodding towards Emily who was already on her second glass.
"If I drink this early in the day, I'll be trashed. The last thing I need to do is embarrass myself," you muttered, his eyebrow raised questionably at you.
"You don't strike me as a drunken party girl," there was the faintest smirk on his lips while you tried to backpedal.
"I just—I can get kind of honest when I drink," what you were trying to say was, you had no filter and you surely wouldn't be able to stop yourself from openly flirting with him if given the chance.
"Drunk words are sober thoughts," he told you, and you shrugged, knowing some thoughts should be kept a secret.
"I'd like to keep my sober thoughts private for now," you joked back before ordering your food. JJ hadn't stopped staring at the exchange between the two of you, a sly grin on her lips as she winked at you from across the table. You thought you'd been subtle, but the whole chatting behind the menu trick had proven itself faulty because she was onto you. You knew you could only avoid their questions for so much longer—then the fun would really begin.
Adjusting to the BAU took very little effort. After a few weeks, you easily fell into routine with the rest of them. Hotch had silently made you his partner after he saw what an asset you were to the team, and no one questioned it. He paired you up with him for nearly everything, always asking for your opinion or input. A level of trust had been established and the two of you often did reports together either in his office after everyone had left or in your hotel rooms while everyone else was out partying. It wasn't uncommon for him to wander to your room, pen and folders in hand, or vice versa.
He'd sit on one side of the bed and you on the other, silently working together to finish what needed to be done. It was just easier if you did it as a team, and he didn't mind the help. It meant he could go straight home to Jack when you landed.
On this night in particular, everyone else was in their rooms while the two of you worked to build a profile. He was pacing, snowballing ideas at you while you wrote furiously, putting the pieces together.
"Sharp blows to the head, ligature marks. I can't charm my victims, I can't over power them. I'm guessing he has some sort of disadvantage, like being physically smaller or under average weight," you suggested, and he nodded, his hands on his hips.
"Being small would make sense. Blow to the head will knock anyone out no matter what size you are."
You then had a shocking realization that it wasn't a man at all.
"It's a woman. Think about it, all of the victims had been cheating on their wives. It's a mistress, or an ex. Someone who's been scorned. The letters said 'We were insignificant,' talking about the women being cheated on. Why use the term we if you're not putting yourself in the same category?"
The lightbulb clicked for him seconds later as the two of you worked tirelessly to revise the profile now that you knew the unsub was a woman. By the time everyone else was awake and in the lobby at your meeting time, you and Hotch were already downstairs, chomping at the bit to deliver the new profile and narrow down the parameters.
"We'll need an entirely new perspective on suspects. Reid and Emily will work on the geographic profile, Dave and Morgan will revisit the first crime scene to canvas with our new information. Y/n and I will talk to the wives of the deceased and see if they knew anything about the mistresses."
You all went your separate ways, with Hotch behind the wheel. The two of you were up all night, so his first stop was a coffee shop.
"I figured we could use it considering we were working all night. We can't make a habit of that, you know. It's bad enough that I do it," he was hinting that you should've gotten sleep when everyone else did last night instead of staying up to help him.
"I wasn't going to be able to sleep until we caught a break," you told him, and he nodded in understanding. His mind worked and operated in the same way, often restless when there was still work to be done.
"In that case, I'm glad you can keep me company. It's a lot easier working with you than on my own," he admitted, and you felt your stomach do flips at the fact that he enjoyed having you around.
"We work pretty well together."
He smirked slightly as he handed you your coffee, his fingertips lightly brushing yours during the exchange.
"You have surpassed every expectation I had for you. I'm glad you're a part of this team."
By the time afternoon rolled around, you had a viable suspect and you were on your way to her apartment, back up close behind. Reid and Emily would be arriving shortly after you, but you weren't too worried. Her apartment was quiet, so the two of you proceeded with caution.
"Living room's clear," Hotch called, and just as you were about to say the same for the bedroom, there was a crash behind you as your unsub tried to take you out from behind, like her previous victims. You'd narrowly missed her, kicking her legs so she lost her footing and fell to the ground. She was about to throw a punch from below you that you managed to dodge before pinning her down.
"Don't even think about it," you growled as she resisted you, but you managed to get her cuffed and stood her up before Hotch rounded the corner.
"You alright?"
His eyes quickly scanned your body as you nodded, gesturing to the woman next to you.
"She tried to knock me out."
The two of you led her outside to the rest of the team and local PD, where she sat in the back of a cop car before being driven away. You took a second to regroup now that you were finished with the case.
"We'll fly out at 8 am sharp tomorrow, so everyone meet in the lobby by 7. As far as I'm concerned, you've all earned a night off," he looked to you briefly, the same exhausted look in his eyes. You knew the girls would all invite you out with them, but your plans involved dinner and bed, in that order.
"Let's all grab a drink at least," Morgan said to Hotch, who thought for a moment before nodding back at him. You were all going to meet at the hotel bar and have dinner and a drink before parting ways for the evening. You rode back in the SUV with Hotch, who couldn't seem to keep his eyes on the road. They darted towards you every spare moment he got, making you feel a bit insecure under the scrutiny of his gaze.
"Is it the coffee shop on 14th Avenue? Is that where I know you?"
You were a bit surprised that he didn't remember you given his knowledge of previous cases was extensive. You shook your head, a teasing smile on your lips as you bit your tongue.
"You really don't remember, do you?"
He nearly stopped in the middle of the road, but he caught himself, clearing his throat before he spoke again.
"So we have met before."
You weren't ready to explain to him why he couldn't figure it out. You wanted to leave it for a bit longer, give him time to really think about it before you spilled your safe kept secret.
"I'll make you a deal. If you don't remember by the end of the month, I'll tell you."
You had nearly two weeks for him to come to realization on his own or you'd fill him in. You were hoping he'd have a moment where it clicked and he'd drop it entirely when he did remember so you didn't have to relive that experience. You were dreading the day you'd have to tell him the truth.
"I can't help but feel like there's a reason you aren't telling me now." His curiosity was getting the best of him, but you were saved, pulling into the hotel parking lot.
"You'll remember. I have faith in you," you winked at him, hearing his low chuckle that came shortly after. You knew he wasn't sure how to take your playful nature at times, considering he was the polar opposite. That's partly why you made such a great team; you were balanced in ways you'd never dreamed of being with another person. Where you fell short, he picked up the slack.
"We'll see. Let's get you something to eat so you can go to bed."
Dinner was mostly uneventful, and when you finally crawled into bed, you felt more relief than you ever thought possible. You set an alarm just in case, but you ended up waking up around midnight anyway, bright eyed and full of life. You took a shower, hearing the person on the opposite wall doing the same thing. You got out first, drying off and dressing in something more comfortable. You'd fallen asleep in jeans, and you woke up partly because they were so uncomfortable.
You'd just sat down to finish your reports, a cup of coffee cooling in a mug when a knock came at the door. You assumed it was Hotch because you weren't sure who else it would be, but you were met with Spencer instead.
"Spence, what's up?"
His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shrugged awkwardly as he struggled with what to say. His eyes told a sad story, something you feared you'd have to answer questions about because he'd been snooping.
"I uh, I wanted to talk to you about something. I just don't want to make you mad," he explained, so you invited him in after making sure he was the only person in the hall.
"What is it?"
He took a seat at the table and invited you to sit across from him, his hands fidgety as he avoided your eyes.
"I'm not going to tell anyone, but I know how you and Hotch know each other."
Your heart sank to your stomach as you processed his words, knowing that Hotch wouldn't be the only one to know about your past when it was all said and done.
"It's public record, Spence. I wouldn't be mad about that. You said you've been there too, so you can understand why I don't want everyone knowing."
Although it was before anyone but Hotch was in the BAU, you didn't want your personal business aired out for the entire team to hear.
"Are you okay? I read the case file and I almost didn't believe it. What she did to you, it was—"
You put your hands up to stop him because the last thing you wanted to talk about was your mother. It held a tremendous amount of trauma for you and it was best to avoid the topic at all costs.
"I'm fine. It was a long time ago. I know if I need anything, there's always a Doctor close by," you smiled at him, making him grin back at you in return. He was concerned and he had every right to be, but unless it affected your ability to perform, you didn't want to speak about it.
"I'll let you work, I just wanted to make sure you knew that I'm here for you."
You knew he didn't do hugs, so you gave him a quick fist bump before he showed himself out. You decided to make a walk to the vending machine, colliding directly into Hotch as you rounded the corner. You walked right into him, more shocked to see him standing there than anything. His arms reached out to steady you before he took in your attire; you were just in a t-shirt and shorts, but his eyes traveled up your body like he'd never seen anything quite like you before.
"Sorry, I didn't realize our snack schedules are in sync too," you told him as he gave you a genuine smile, his fingertips lingering on your shoulder, brushing a stray strand of hair back over your shoulder.
"I woke up in the mood to work," he said simply and you nodded as he made his choice and stepped aside so you could too. He stood and waited with you so he could walk you back to your room, standing outside of the door.
"I'm working too if you want to come over," you told him, and he nodded before going to retrieve his things, spending yet another night in your bed, a pen scribbling furiously in his hand. You managed to finish up around 5 AM, the two of you opting to drink coffee and stay awake.
"Will you at least give me a hint?" He was laying on his side, facing you on the bed as you laid flat on your back, staring up at the ceiling. You turned to look at him, scrunching your face up in indecision before giving him one tiny detail.
"Foster High School."
He sat thoughtful for a moment but eventually drew a blank, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes.
"It's driving me crazy. I just can't believe I could forget a face like yours," he blushed like mad, but you felt a smile creeping onto your face at how smooth your demanding boss could be.
"Well, I certainly couldn't forget you. I always wondered where you ended up. I knew you'd be doing something spectacular."
His face only grew more red as he took you in, from your feet to your face, his eyes trailed over every inch of you.
"I don't even know where Foster High School is," he groaned, and you giggled lightly, standing up so you could stretch out. You were feeling the weight of exhaustion, and so was he. His eyes were dimmed red, but they were glued to you.
"You'll remember. Promise me you won't ask Garcia, I want you to remember on your own," he rolled his eyes playfully before agreeing, standing up to head towards the door.
"Ride with me to the airstrip?"
You nodded and he was out the door, off to get ready to fly home.
"I love Halloween!" Spencer was passing out treat bags around the bullpen, making sure you got one as he handed them out. He even went to give one to Hotch, who wasn't exactly excited that we were having a Halloween Bash at Rossi's the following night, but he was trying to be.
"You all got your costumes?"
You and Emily exchanged a look before nodding, because you, Emily and Penelope had a perfect group costume that involved leather and feathered wings, something you'd been planning for weeks.
"Oh we've got them," you said, a cocky grin spread out on your face. When you'd tried them on, the three of you had looked incredible and that was without hair and makeup. JJ and Will were doing a costume together, so the three of you quickly set to work on a trio costume.
"Who wants to bet that Hotch doesn't dress up?" His office door was closed but you could see him on the phone through the blinds. Rossi had intended for everyone to crash at his place after so no one had to drive, and you wondered if he'd stick around too. It had been almost two weeks and he was nowhere closer to figuring out where he knew you, so you planned to tell him soon.
That night at Emily's getting ready, you couldn't help but feel good. The three of you made a stunning group and even though Penelope was the only one who decided to wear wings, it was obvious that you were Charlie's Angels.
"We look HOT!" Penelope cheered as you rallied into her car, blasting music as you made the drive to Rossi's. Everyone else was already there, the garden lit up purple to match the evening festivities. Spencer was Frankenstein's Monster, you could see his mask as you were walking in. Hotch had certainly dressed up, that was for sure. He wore a silky black dress shirt, no tie, and black slacks, the combination striking with his eyes. He was the first to catch your gaze lingering on him, his own eyes raking you in as you approached him and Rossi.
"Ah, the Angels," Dave remarked, handing the three of you a drink. Hotch refilled his glass, his eyes lingering on your chest long enough for your face to heat up.
"You guys win best costume," he told you, and you swore you saw him wink at you when Rossi wasn't looking.
"I like your costume too," you smirked, and he made a face before leading you away from the crowd.
"I was hoping you'd tell me tonight," he purred, his voice dangerously low and sexier than he intended.
"Let me have another drink and I'll think about it."
He nodded, eyeing your glass.
"I can give you a ride home later if you want, I just assumed you didn't drive," he offered, and you nodded, telling him to let you know when he was ready to leave. You'd never pass up the opportunity to have him alone, even for a little bit.
"Go have fun. We'll hang out later," he promised you, so you went to enjoy the party with your friends.
Hotch found you a few hours later so you said your goodbyes, happy to be going somewhere you could take off your heels. You'd no sooner climbed into Hotch's car when he was taking you by surprise.
"Want to come back to my place? You can change into something of mine," he offered, and you gave him a small nod, because you'd never been to his house before and the idea of it thrilled you.
"You sure you don't mind?"
He shook his head, taking off in the direction of his place.
"You're good company."
A few minutes later and you were in his clothes, clutching a glass as he set to work on playing music, his record player spinning a Beatles album. You sat at the kitchen table but he offered you his hand, helping you to stand. It took you a minute to realize what he was doing when his hand met your waist and he started to rock back and forth with you.
"You didn't dance with me once all night. I wanted to make up for it," he said simply, twirling you around the kitchen. He was a really good dancer, you let him take the lead and he whisked you around, making you giggle lightly.
"I would've asked but you didn't strike me as the dancing type. Now I know I was wrong. You can be my dancing partner any time," you told him, watching his cheeks go pink as he beamed from ear to ear.
"Ready to tell me how we know each other?" Your head was on his chest and for now you were just enjoying the moment, wrapped up in him.
"In a minute," you assured him as the song changed, but neither of you stopped swaying; he kept dancing slow with you despite the quickened pace of the song. You were enjoying just being close to him, and he didn't bother moving either.
You leaned back to look at him, knowing everything would change after today. If Hotch told anyone, it would snowball out of control, and everyone would know in a matter of days.
"You profiled my mom. I bet you remember her," you said sadly, because who could forget someone so horrific? You often wondered how he slept after she so easily described every heinous thing she'd done to you, to the missing children in the surrounding towns. You'd seen them all come, but they never got to leave.
"Your mom? Let's sit on the couch," he poured another drink, his mind reeling. He offered you one that you took gratefully, following behind him to the living room. You were close, sat in the middle, but there was still some space between the two of you.
"Her name is Vivian Hall. I took my foster family's name after about 6 months. I kept getting her—her fan mail," it was a collection of disturbing men, all wanting a chance to be loved by your cruel mother, who'd never loved anything in her life.
"Wait a second," you could practically see the gears turning as he put the pieces together, his eyes wide with shock as he stared back at you.
"I don't know how I ever forgot," he said softly, a sullen look on his face. You drained your glass, staring into your lap. You thought you might've been imagining his hand reaching for yours, but it wrapped tightly around your palm, squeezing ever so gently.
"I always wondered what you'd do, who you'd become. Look at you now," he mused, his tone much more easy going than you'd ever heard him. He must've been drunk, that had to be it. He was being entirely too nice and it was blurring your judgment by the second.
"I take it you remember me now," you whispered, capturing his gaze momentarily as he nodded back at you before letting go of your hand. It was as if he remembered you were still his subordinate and touching you might make you something more.
"You're crazy if you think I could forget. I couldn't get your face out of my mind for months. I—I didn't listen to you and I should have. I'm sorry for that," he sputtered, his eyes filled with guilt. That was something you were trying desperately to avoid—it was a hard tale for anyone to believe until you gave them the proof they needed.
"You don't have to apologize, Hotch. It was a really long time ago. It's still hard for me to believe. I can only imagine what you thought."
It had been ten years since you'd willingly given anyone information about what happened that day, but you felt safe on his couch for the first time in a long while.
"I knew those kids were missing. But I never would've suspected Vivian. She was so—"
He nodded, and you sighed, because she'd been more than normal, she was upstanding. She held awards from the Mayor for her outstanding achievements, and she would've been the last one anybody thought could do something so evil and vile.
"No one listened to me until I gave them the photos. Don't feel bad. I didn't have proof for the first three, and that my fault for not thinking sooner, but the other 5...I knew I'd need something because it was already so hard to believe."
He sat straight up, blinking at you as he tried to figure out what he could say that would make everything better.
"None of that was your fault, Y/n. You tried to tell anyone who would listen. Every single adult you trusted failed you. You did everything right and you got her caught."
You stood to your feet, running a frantic hand through your hair as you fought the demons of the past, still lingering around every corner if you thought about it too long.
"8 kids, Hotch! There was so much evidence that pointed straight to her," he was standing too, wrapping his strong arms around you to keep you still, his hand placed firmly at the small of your back.
"I know. I know."
There was nothing left for you to say—he knew now, and things would change forever.
Taglist: @wheelsupkels @hausofwhores
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 8
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Hotel Horror Story
Yandere! Eclair x Reader, Earl Grey x Sonder
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“Hey Earl Grey! I found this old book in one of the older hotel rooms..” Sonder says walking up to Earl Grey whose cleaning the front desk off.
“Whats it about?” He asked.
Sonder skims the back of the book, some words are crossed off. “Hm… Royalty, knights, a scholar, ooo and a hotel…. Seems like its about the old kingdom. Remember the one that was taken over by a mad man then it crumbled when he took control? Yeah, that one, the books called My Love for them, wanna read it together?”
“Im a little busy cleaning, do read it aloud for me Dear?”
“My pleasure” Sonder sits in one of the chairs behind the front desk and begins to read aloud.
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Once upon a time.
Deep into the unknown forest. The sun does not shine, only the light of the moon. Where dragons roam.
Theres a hotel, hiding away the kingdoms queens first born. They was taken the day they turned eighteen, the day they were supposed to get married to prince of foreign kingdom. Never to be seen again.
Before all this, they were in love with their dear bodyguard, such a forbidden relationship. The knight was hurt beyond belief, a month into his grieving he told his parents he was off to go find you. They pleaded and begged for him to not go, not to risk his life. He continued to get his armor on and left on a journey that will risk him his life. Many knights have went and have never returned.
it was long and tedious journey. bugs would keep the knight from sleep. Monsters coming and going. His chest plate was holding on by a thread it seemed, it did him no good. It covered little to nothing but he still kept it on. His food supply began to dwindle but he never lost confidence or hope.
After days, maybe weeks of walking and fighting. He was just outside the hotel. He noticed no dragons in sight. The outside of the hotel was freezing to the touch. There were lights coming from all around the inside of the hotel.
He began to push the huge doors open, they creaked and fought against him. When he finally got it open enough to get in, he walked in to see an elegant interior. The walls had intricate designs, there were paintings hung all around. As the knight got closer looks, it was you. He walks further into the hotel, the stairs creaked and groaned as he walks up them. He goes to the second floor, the corridor has different wall designs but still theres paintings of you. His cheek started to heat up and heart began to skip beats as he proceeds further in the hotel, the you in the paintings seem to loose more articles of clothing.
the lights at the end seem to not be lit, but by the moon light shining through the windows he can see a door at the end of the hallway, Its made of some type of metal.
The dear knight reached the door, he got a closer a look and the door seems to be rusted in some areas. He tried the door nob, no use. He then tried to shove it open with his shoulder, no use. He fidgeted with the nails to see if he can completely take the door off.
He heard muffled sounds coming from behind the metal door, it came to a stop, he stopped, the door cracked open. From just the crack in door, it seemed to be a bed room. He walked in, you were tied up on the bed, gag covering your mouth. You were in a blue and vanilla outfit, sitting on top of an elegant king sized bed. More paintings filled the room, but it was you with another man.
He looked back over to you when he heard you muffle words. There were tears pooling in your eyes, you kept looking at something behind him and then back at him. He quickly figured out and turned around. There was a man in red stained clothes, sword in hand. But it was too late, the man in red stained clothes stabbed him in the heart, his broken chest plate not provided any protection. You began to scream, still, they were muffled.
The man walked over to you, he was also the man in the paintings, Eclair. His clothes has been stained red over the countless knights that came for you.
Eclair undid you bindings, he kept your gag on. You began to thrash and cry, trying to reach the dead man that layed across the floor. Eclair gripped your wrist tight, pulling you to his chest, blood began to smear on you and your clothes.
Your lover, your suppose-to-be knight in shining armor was you last hope at escaping this hell. So many knights came, all received a similar fate.
You reach for your gag and yank it off. You look Eclair in the eyes, ready to say something. You open your mouth and nothing comes out, tears continue to blur your vision. Eclair looked at you and smiled, not saying a word. He picks you up and places you in chair thats in the corner of the room, his painting chair. He places your dead lovers body next you, then gets a canvas and easel. He grabs his paint and brushes, stands in front of the canvas. Before he starts he says,
“This is a big celebration, your dear bodyguard has been killed, it deserves to be remembered through out history. Once your parents are dead, I’ll paint their heads on pitchforks and hang it for all to see. The entire world deserves to see how much work I put into loving you, but for now, things that happen in the hotel stays in the hotel.”
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Sonder stops reading.
“Hm? Why’d you stop reading? I was actually interested..” Earl grey says.
Sonder and Earl Grey are now curled up together with a blanket on a sofa to the side of the hotel lobby. The lights are off besides a small lamp to their left.
“The pages are ripped out… I’ll go back to the room to see if I can find them.” Sonder got up and left for the room.
Some time passed, Earl Grey was getting inpatient. He decided to look around the hotel for Them. He first went to the second floor since those are the oldest rooms in the building. He started calling out their name, no answer. He saw a slightly cracked door at the end of the hallway and went to it.
Some more time passed. Sonder found the pages and went back to the lobby. “Sorry it took so long Earl grey, but I found some more pages and this weird painting of (name)… Earl Grey?” The blanket was on the ground and Earl Grey was not in sight.
Sonder decided to walk up the stair, they knew Earl Grey would probably go looking for them sooner or later. the stairs started squeaking. “Thats weird, that never happens…” They continue down the hallway. “Earl Grey! Earl Grey are you here?”
As Sonder continues, as she gets closer to the end of the hall, the last door slightly cracks open. “Earl Grey! Haha, if you’re trying to scare me you’ll have to do better.” The door fully opens, the silhouette of Earl Grey is seen in the dark. “Oh! Is that the room thats similar in the book? Awesome!” They cheerfully say.
Earl Grey suddenly drops once Sonders basically touching the door, a cookie with a big hat and blood stained clothes is shown. Earl grey was bloody and dead on the ground. They started walks closer to Sonder as they back up. “Wont you tell me where (name) is? You have my painting of them…Give them back..”
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birdo-is-here · 2 months
also some writing I did, in which Phanuel and Dabria liberate a zoo
written from third-person perspective because why not
word length is 1390, no TWs that i can find! (let me know if i’ve missed any)
Phanuel manifested amidst a very crowded area. He looked around, taking in what he could of his surroundings that weren’t obscured by the bustling chatter of the human form. He was on some sort of flat, stone-esk path, likely built by humans. Hm, actually. As he looked around, he figured most of the things here were human-made.
Phanuel himself had made sure to take it upon himself to go incognito. Especially considering… recent events. He took the form of a blond-haired human with white highlights, because even if he was trying to be discreet he couldn’t possibly give up his theme – even if the colours had to be inverted. He wore some ‘denim jeans’ and an article of clothing he’d heard called a ‘letterman jacket’ atop a vibrant yellow ‘t-shirt’. All those funny human words.
Around him he figured were different types of fences: some metal and jutting out of the ground with more, muuuch longer metal bars running horizontally across the beams as support, creating some sort of grid pattern. Other fences were entirely clear – so clear he almost thought they weren’t there, but he wasn’t gonna be fooled twice by these dastardly demons supposedly called glass. The ‘glass’ ones were rather tall, and reinforced by wooden rims and beams.
Past the fences seemed to mimic several different natural environments. Admittedly, Phanuel only recognised a few of them. He saw animals resting in the trees and on the floors of the spaces, though!
A familiar, clawed, terribly feathery, figure landed on his shoulder, trilling something in his very human ear. He recognised the trills to be from the lovely Dabria, who seemed to be telling him not to stand in the middle of the road.
“Joke’s on you, I can’t even remember what a ‘road’ is,” The process of moving the lips to fit one’s speech was terribly redundant. He didn’t know why humans bothered with it.
Dabria made a small sound of disgruntlement. Just move to one side of the stone slab on the floor, it translated. He did as much, before finally doing what he had come here to do.
He scanned the environment, taking careful consideration not to have his head do a 360 degree turn, because apparently that wasn’t very natural for humans. And yet ‘glass’ was, he understood. Makes sense.
There were no signs of Jesus in the immediate vicinity, but he did pick up some other divine aura. Strange, he picked up quite a few divine auras, actually. They all seemed to be past the fences, but… lower. Underground, perhaps.
Dabria seemed to pick up on it as well, releasing a nervous scree. He could sympathise with her worries; most types of divine auras would mean bad news for them now. Still, Phanuel was a terribly curious angel. Fallen angel? Heaven-assigned fallen angel, he figured was closest. He didn’t really like to think about that too much.
He veered his attention back to the divinities underground. They seemed angelic, at least. Well, actually, that would be worse now, wouldn’t it… Hm. Anyway.
Phanuel approached the closest group of humans, waving to them in a very human fashion.
“Hello fellow humans! I must ask, is there anything underground?” For some reason Dabria did the owl equivalent of exclaiming her exasperation, which hurt Phanuel’s poor human ears, by the way.
The humans exchanged momentarily confused glances, before one of them responded, “uuuuhh… I guess there’s the underwater exhibit? Is that what you’re after?”
“Maybe! How would one get there?”
“Oh, it’s.. The entrance is just behind you, I believe,” Another pointed somewhere behind Phanuel, where he spotted a stairwell going down into the ground. There was an incredibly blue sign labelled ‘FISH AND FUN’ with a smaller sign next to the entrance that read ‘Come see the swimming harpies!’
Phanuel bid the humans farewell, before heading for the stairwell. As they got within typical eyeshot, Dabria released a small hoot. Harpies, she repeated the sign, once again slightly exasperated. Phanuel didn’t really know what those were.
When he expressed as much, Dabria gave another, slightly longer hoot. Mythological creatures. Not real at all. I think I can guess what those ‘harpies’ are supposed to be. He hummed, his attention drifting to the stairwell as he reached it. He hovered at the entrance a moment, though he was quickly ushered forward by a very impatient owl on his shoulder.
Inside was some sort of long human-made cave with rounded corners. Just ahead of him was more ‘glass’, barricading him from a very large, water-filled exhibit that held many, many scaled creatures of varying sizes. He recalled them to be the ‘fish’, if he wasn’t wrong.
There were also angels inside. About six or seven that he could see.
Oh that’s a problem actually. He momentarily stumbled back, preparing to leave the underwater exhibit before they noticed him and Dabria, but then he noticed something.
..Oh, they were Guardians. They had the odd scarf-like accessory to show as much. He debated his chances that they were unaware of the most recent news.
“Angels! Wherefore hast thou soggied yourselves?!” He called in a foreign language, in a way any human would not be able to hear. Dabria squawked very loudly in his ear. ARE YOU STUPID, she exclaimed, though Phanuel doubted he really needed to translate that one.
The angels looked over. A few of them were on the ‘sea’bed, resting gracefully on some rocks and slopes. Others were actually out swimming, playing in the currents. It was immediately obvious that they were trying to be dramatic about it, as if they were putting on some sort of show.
Their forms were distorted by the effect of the water, but it was easy to see how soaked they were – as one would be when spending all your time underwater. He wondered how heavy their feathers would be when they stepped out of the water.
“What?” The closest one replied. She had a sort of mustard-coloured halo, slightly distorted by the water just like her body. Fortunately, she didn’t immediately jump up to go apprehend him on sight, so he’d take any win he could get.
“Why are you in the water?” He clarified. Honestly he didn’t know where he learnt that other dialect.
“Oh! Uuuuh… it’s fun!”
“Oh, okay!”
Well that settles that, Phanuel thought. But then Dabria decided she wasn’t quite satisfied. Ask them if anyone knows what they actually are, she cooed. He repeated the bird’s question to them.
“The CEO does! And some other employees!” One called. “We’re working as interns!” Said another.
“Woah! I don’t know those words, but okay!”
Why would they be working as interns? Are they getting paid?
“Are you getting paid for it?”
“No! Mr. CEO man said we can stay to guard this place as long as we work as attractions!” One further up the back contributed.
Dabria made a rumbling noise of uncertainty. Phanuel didn’t really know any of these words, but he was happy to be here. She began to screech quietly again, giving quite a spiel of information for Phanuel to translate across.
“Okay— Have you ever heard of this thing called a union?”
“A bit! Not enough, though! What is that?”
“It’s this thing where like— You get money for your work, right?”
“Well the.. Typical human gets money for their work, right?” He couldn’t really remember what money was all the time. It was brought up a lot, though, so he figured he’d have to get familiar with it.
“Oh, yeah! Yeah that happens!”
“You’re doing a work right now, and you’re not getting any money! And why would you need to intern for being a.. zoo attraction?”
Many of them hummed in strange unison. “That’s true! And we can get cool things with money!”
“Yes! . .. y. yes?” He looked to Dabria, who nodded in confirmation. “Yes!”
“Wooow! Oh, well– let’s go on strike!”
They said it very cheerfully, the one who spoke clasping her hands together in front of her torso. A moment later, all the angels were teleported out of the tank, and Phanuel heard screams of shock and a bit of fear upstairs.
Dabria bopped him on the head with a wing. Job well done, we should probably go before chaos erupts.
“Yes!” He replied with finality.
Truth be told, he didn’t know what he just did, but he enjoyed the validation from the owl. The scene began to change around him as he teleported away.
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drblwmn · 6 months
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A coffee date gone right.
Coffee and Books
There was a coffee shop near by called Diluc's Brew and Diona’s Cup. At night it was a pub and in the morning a coffee shop. In the country of Teyvat, there was few visitors that actually visited the coffee shop except for the owner, Diona. It was a spring to remember, as well as the two stars of today embrace in celebration. Diona owned the coffee shop part of Diluc's establishment. They switched the naming signs out at 5:00 pm and started the alcohol establishment at 7:00 pm much to Diona's distaste. The establishment was in a city of wind, Mondstat. How both were able to get along was a mystery to the locals. The relationship akin to oil and water.
Diluc was in the shop fringing espresso beans there were about 80 pounds to go. “Oi, when you open the hour of your kidney poison change the espresso machines out with the new ones.”
“You do know that coffee is a drug don’t you.” Also night time is more for me to collect information for my mission.
Fauvonious Library
Lisa was checking the catalogs when a sudden visitor showed up. Going down the aisles with a smooth pace. She turned the corner and spotted in her peripheral vision was blonde hair. Which she assumed was either Aether or his sister Lumine. She  turned around and saw the acting Grand master Jean. “Oh, hello there, what has you up this early, by the way. The documents and articles you ordered have arrived and are in the restriction area.”  “Thank you, I’ll look over them tomorrow.”  It took a while for Lisa to attend to Jean as she was booked with people. “Ah, hold on one second Jean, I'm booked at the moment.” Going through each person was starting to wear Lisa out but it continued and 3 hours later she finished. Jean sat patiently through it all since Lisa is serious about returns. Lisa walked over from the empty desk space(finally) to Jean. “Sorry for the wait “Oh it’s alright, By the way, I want to take you to Diona’s and Diluc’s establishment. It’s new if you have the time by the way.” “I guess I could use the break.
Both took the taxi to Diluc’s Brew & Diona’s Cup. The establishment was made with a wooden balcony stone walls and had a very ancient feel to it. There was green ivy growing on the right wall and there was a drive thrue on the left side where the coffee side is located.
Sitting at the designated pot there were two love seats in the middle of the coffee shop. Jean sat down next to Lisa with their order. The pastries were two chocolate croissants and two London fog teas. The atmosphere was a gentle and laidback. The music had a gentle swing yet hard rhythm. 
“So, perhaps you’ve heard of this place before me.” “It’s nice and I like it.” The atmosphere was filled with a warm ambience. It was a nice touch and matched the decorations of autumn within the coffee shop. “About your tiime out, it’s been a while since I had some fun.” Lisa says with a smile and a laugh. Jean smiles sheepishly and nods her head in agreement. Jean blushes slightly and notices that lisa has a new hair cut it was a curly bob now instead of her usual style, with her hat she looked beautiful. Jean cleared her throat as the waitress came and smiled at the two long time friends and coworkers. 
“Hello, welcome to Diona’s Brew, where we brew the best beans. What can I get for your order? “ Jean looked up and said “I’ll have an iced black coffee with nitrogen.”
“And for this beautiful doll,” Jean felt an uncomfortable presence in her chest. She clenched her teeth and strained out, “She’ll have a caramel macchiato with extra caramel.” The waitress looked sheepish and did a back take look at the person realizing- Lisa chuckled, “Jean be more polite.” I don’t mind at all.”  She said. Jean breathed in and out and said, “Oh, ok then but…It is only polite if I’m a doll right. Jean said casually. Lisa smiled, Of course you are, you’re my doll afterall.”
The waitress seemed embarrassed, "My apologies I'll get the order right away."
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ffxiv-f13ndish · 9 months
Calm Before the Storm: Rooftop chat
collab. drabble w/ @ro-valerius [also credit to Ro for the gpose shot ^^]
Tofu Curry [guest appearance] (ro-valerius)
Kore Grimvik [mentioned] (@sorrel-haven)
Miyu Murasame
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Miyu has a chat with Tofu following a recent attack... [initial post]
When Miyu saw Tofu on the roof that night, initially they didn’t plan to bother him. They were intending to leave him to his careful watch, and return to sewing the latest clothing article they were working on – a gift. But as they stared at him from a distance, the more they focused on his expression. And their thoughts began to wander to his feverish nights, to both surprise attacks, and what was to come. Despite their uncertainty, they went up to approach Tofu, doing their very best not to rip their favorite dress on their way up the back of the house. 
“Well, I don’t suppose you’re stargazing right now, hm?” they greeted him with a soft chuckle, slightly breathless. 
Tofu had noticed Miyu long before they had decided to join him on the roof. He had gotten used to his swirling thoughts of late, and could remain in high alert as he struggled to organize what was going on in his head. He stared at them a moment after their greeting, hoping that when he spoke, his tone wouldn’t sound too cold.
“I’m not,” he said, and though he didn’t sound cold, he still sounded flat. Like there was nothing there.
Miyu caught on quickly to Tofu’s manner of response. Their expression didn’t change, though their ears twitched low with a slower movement of their tail. They sighed softly through their nose. Slowly, they walked over to join him, taking a seat beside the Viera with ample space between them. “Yeah… hard to see the difference in a couple million stars after seeing it for so long… and doesn’t help when your mind is all… busy.” They leaned back on their hands, peering over at Tofu from the corner of their eyes. There was a moment of silence where they just looked at him, contemplating what to say. 
“A lot has happened. A lot to think about, I’m sure. If you need help easing some thoughts… you know I’m here for you.” They tilted their head to one side, brow furrowing in concern. “What troubles you?”
He was quiet for another moment, eyes scanning the area around them as he thought about how to articulate what he was thinking. Without meeting their eyes, he murmured so softly it was a miracle if Miyu could hear him.
“Has Kore told you about what happened when she took over watching me…?” he asked.
“I have not heard yet – no,” they reluctantly responded, scooting closer to hear him better. Gently, they brushed their fingertips over the back of his hand. A simple, fond motion to show they were there for him. “What happened?”  
He glanced over at them and shook his head slightly. “I’m more worried about her, honestly. I’ve dealt with my past for years, had years for it to dull. She took all of it on at once, in force, unprepared.” He paused, lowering his eyes. His hands clenched into fists. “No…that’s not quite right. I mean, it is, but… I haven’t relived it that vividly in years. Seeing it all, all at once, with everything else going on…”
Miyu’s eyes went wide. Given Kore’s abilities, and the nature of Tofu’s dreams, they could surmise what happened. “Oh my…” they murmur, looking away as a deep sadness overtook their gaze. 
‘Poor dear,’ they thought to themself, tapping their fingers as they considered how to check up on Kore next. 
“Yes, that does sound troubling – for the both of you. And you’ve spoken to her?” 
Tofu put his head in his hand, letting out a deep sigh, before returning to the area scan he’d been keeping up. 
“We spoke when it happened, but not since. I…don’t know how to bring it up with her without her trying to turn it around to comfort me. I don’t need the comfort. Not the kind that comes from talking things out, at least. So I just…haven’t yet,” he murmured, an edge of sheepishness in his tone. A hollow smile crossed his face. “Remember when you said ‘too many new things all at once’? I think I understand how you feel now. Too many new things at once, indeed…”
Miyu gave a little nod in understanding. They wouldn’t know how to approach this situation, either, frankly. Their hand twitched as they watched Tofu’s head dip away into his hand, eyes lingering on his shoulder a moment. They didn’t budge again just yet, though. First, they needed to figure out what to say.
“Well… maybe what I say may not amount to much. But I do believe things will come to work out. You both care greatly for each other. Perhaps… a bit of a nice distraction is needed,” they murmur in thought. “And then, the two of you can talk about it.. Potentially.”
Their heart gave an ache. Indeed, many new things at once. 
Miyu’s gaze remained on Tofu as his own were turned to the surrounding area. “Well, at least not all new things are bad.” 
“Not…bad, no. Confusing, yes.” He thought about elaborating, but decided against it until he could understand things for himself better. He drew in a deep breath. “Unfortunately, I think the distractions are going to have to wait. Unless you want to quantify our sailing trip coming up as a ‘distraction’, but I doubt that is what you meant.”
Confusing, of course. They couldn’t agree more. Miyu gave a little sigh, nervously fiddling with the gifted ring from Tofu as they stared out to the sea of stars above. At the mention of their sailing trip, their expression dulled. 
“I… know I’ve been a lot of trouble for you lately. I’m sorry.” 
“You’re not trouble at all. Don’t apologize, you aren’t to blame. For any of this,” Tofu cut in quickly, finally fully turning to look at them. He did wish his voice would just…have something to it, but he couldn’t get it to express anything. He reached over and took their hand, the one wearing the ring he had given them, hoping he could convey what he wanted through physical contact.
Miyu was appreciative of the contact, their hand wrapping around his, but the guilt in their eyes didn’t relent. 
“I complicated things myself. You… could’ve had more time for yourself, for your situation. You ran out so fast that night, and you had only just gotten over your fever - I was…” They trailed off a moment, giving his hand a squeeze. “I know you can handle yourself. I am terrified to lose you.”
A bittersweet smile tugged at Miyu’s lips. “I suppose the nature of just how much I care for you is one of the new and… confusing… matters. Not a bad one. But being in a bad situation does make this scary,” they remark, somewhat vaguely. 
“...Seeing the state they put you in, I couldn’t just…do nothing. I…I’m afraid to lose you, too…” He lowered his eyes, his brow furrowing as he tried to put his thoughts in order. His conversation with Blomma kept running through his mind. 
Miyu’s eyes softened. They clung to his words, even if their judgment told them that this was just how Tofu was with his friends. Their senses screamed that this wasn’t good for them, that they needed to let go. 
Instead, they held on tighter. Miyu brought their clasped hands up to their face, and they softly left a kiss on his knuckles. 
“Of course — that’s how you are. You’re sweet, and you have a big heart, despite how walled up everything is.” They lowered their chin as they averted their eyes. “It's easy to go all soft on you.”
They blinked. “Not… in the fighting sense. I could probably kick your ass.” No, they couldn’t. But they at least attempted to throw some humor in there, even with their nervous tone.
Tofu tilted his head. Was that just how he was? Sure, he cared about his friends very much, but a lot of his confusion came from it feeling…different when it came to Miyu. And he didn’t know how to quantify it. Then there was what they said about going soft…they’d said they’d gone soft on someone before, and that it was affecting their work. Something about sinkhole feelings. He didn’t fully get it, but… His eyes lingered on his knuckles, where they had left a soft kiss. Once more, Blomma’s words came to mind. And his face burned. He had to look away again.
“I-I… Miyu, remember how you said you would wait for me to figure out what emotions are? And what they mean?” he asked softly. “I-I hope that hasn’t changed.”
Miyu blinked. They were quiet for a long moment after Tofu’s response. After all, they were expecting his usual ‘ah…… right.’ 
“Of course.” They swallowed hard. “But… I don’t want to influence your choices based on what I want — I want it to be what you want. If these… emotions… don’t align with my own. That’s okay.” 
Miyu took in a deep breath, their limbs tense. Their hands seemed to quiver slightly as they held onto Tofu’s, but they didn’t fall away.
“I’m always going to be here for you, in any way, regardless of that.”
He felt their hand shake in his and squeezed lightly. Before he could think too hard and decide against it, he mirrored their action, bringing their hand up and placing his lips against their knuckles softly. As he pulled their hands away slightly, he paused, keeping his eyes affixed to their hand in his. He noted that the action…didn’t feel wrong. His cheeks lit up again as he dropped their hand and turned away as the realization hit him like a rogue chocobo cart. 
Miyu couldn’t be more thankful that it was night out, given the flush that quickly washed across their face. They stared at him in a momentary quiet after the drop of their hand. Not wanting to overwhelm him too much, they decided that they’ve perhaps pushed the limits already a bit too much tonight. Not that they felt any guilt for it, really. 
“I’ll see you again tonight, my dear one,” they murmured, pressing their lips to their fingertips before they held that same hand to his cheek. They lingered there a moment before they started to make their way off the roof.
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shadowonwater · 1 year
Pokemon Scarlet playthrough part 10: fish buddy comedy, plans to break into Area 51, and the completed path of legends.
Playthrough Masterlist
So I finally headed down to see the "False Dragon Titan". And I will say, I got confused because I went to where on the map it said it was but I sure as hell didn't see anything but a bunch of those sushi fish. I assumed that this island only spawned the sushi, I later realize there is a reason they are there.
So I ended up exploring some of the other islands because I didn't know what to do. I ended up finding not just one, not just two, but three more yellow stakes. I have found many yellow ones but I still don't really know what they're for yet.
I went back to the island. And then I realized something. I didn't get into a battle by touching the sushi fish, and also that they had text boxes. So at first I thought I had to defeat all the fish to make them disappear and by the time I saw the Big One, I had already defeated most of the fish, so I figured I might as well take out the rest of them first.
So when I saw the big one, I was "whoa that's big" and "that's the one I'm supposed to fight isn't it?" It was even saying "titan" pretty much. So just as expected when I fought it the boss battle began. Just as I expected, but didn't know for sure, the giant catfish was the titan.
So when I beat the first phase and it swam off I followed. It took me a second to find where it had gone, a rather sneaky one, isn't it? Well it's little buddy ran into the cave and the herb. And they powered up together.
Arven shows up, and I don't know how he got here. Did he swim? Ride his Cloyster? Is there any sort of water taxi service like there is for flying?
I'd say he was genuine help this time in the battle. I first used my Kilowattrel for catfish and then used my grass cat for the sushi fish.
I'm very happy his dog got all better! The whole line about playing ball with him again hit me in the heart. Hell yeah, you get your dog all better! Let's gooooo! Also Kori can now climb vertical rocks! Is there no where he can't go to now? The world is Kori's oyster!
So the professor messages me while Arven is there. Kinda wild that that was the first time he had heard her voice in years. Hurts a bit she's been talking to some stranger (me) over her son, I imagine. So yeah she wants Arven to unlock the door to her lab for me.
He's clearly not happy his mom and all, very valid. He's fine with opening the door, but not for her, it's for me. So I fly down there and he opens the door, we go in. Place is super dusty, looks like there hasn't been a soul here in years.
We get a video message where she's like "Hey I need you to break into this extremely dangerous place for me and bring that Scarlet Book." She's specifically talking to me but she's fine if Arven comes too. I really do wonder what the deal is with this book.
Interesting to hear that he's been to Area Zero before. It makes sense that it was were his dog got hurt. It explains why only the mystic herbs could help him. He decides that if I'm going in, he's going to go with me, very brave of him considering what happened to his dog.
I looks around the dusty lab. Find a couple more Occulture articles. And suppliances that haven't been used in a long time along with food past its expiration date.
Me and Arven battle. I think I might have been a bit underleveled considering he had Pokemon who were level 60, and my highest was 55. I was still able to beat 5 of his Pokemon with just my Flamingo, goes to show how kick ass it is.
I tera it at the start (It's a fighting Tera) I do pretty well with double kick. I choose it because I remembered he had some grass types as well as a normal type, I also knew he had a rock. I figured Fighting/Flying covered beating his team up pretty well and it did. His last Pokemon, the big dog himself, gave me a lot more trouble.
Sure I was a fighting type facing a dark. But the dark type had a psychic move and a fairy move. I tried using my grass cat next, while he may be weak as well to fairy, he also had a fairy move. my Play Rough hits and I only need to fit one more time. I miss. He hits me but grass cat toughs it out at 1 hp. Play Rough misses again. Grass Cat faints. and I finish it off with a different Pokemon.
So he says to me if we want to sneak in to what is basically Pokemon's equivalent of Area 51. We need a Champion and also a Hacker. I see that we need Penny and Nemona for the mission. It feels like we're in a heist movie getting a team together for a big operation.
I figure we need to complete the other paths to get them on the team. And that maybe they might have their own motives to get in there other than helping me. Next I'm heading north to where the last things are. I'll see you then.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
My darling master
If I'm a good, slutty livestock for you, would you call me a good girl and maybe finger my ass while you fuck me doggy style?
⚠️ NSFW BELOW: 18+ ⚠️
"Of course, that depends entirely on how much of a 'slutty livestock' you truly are... Show it to me. Get on all fours and part yourself for my fingers since both of your holes are so needy, so desperate, to be filled. You do remember how I trained you to beg, yes...? If not, then this pretty little ass of yours will be more than just red and sore. Perhaps it may receive something other than my fingers as well," the Vampire chuckled as he gave your clothed rear a loud, moan-inducing smack. "Not that I mind either way; it's mine regardless."
Article by article, your clothing descended to the floor alongside his own. As if reminding you of every reward, of every discipline you endured at his hand, Ruki clutched at your chin urgently and tilted your head upwards for a passionate kiss that engulfed your lips in a fiery ember of wanton hunger and need. Hardly satisfied, it wasn't long before the Vampire's tongue slithered inside your hot cavern. A growl roared from the back of his throat as he assailed your tongue with his, clashing in an all-too-familiar dance of erotic flurry.
"From such a position, I can see everything from the way your hair cascades down your smooth skin, to how all of your most delicate, sensitive areas reveal themselves to me, practically pleading to be ravished by its master. I'm going to take it, fuck it and plunder it until you shed profuse tears for me. Now, you only get one chance at redemption, otherwise a punishment to remember for the rest of your miserable existence is in order... Do you understand? Good."
Without much of a warning, two searing stakes burned into your flesh, branding you in his bite marks as delectable crimson bloomed across your shoulder, the same place he would pillage once pounding you from behind. Energy depleted faster than you could ever hope to catch your breath from his dizzying kiss before Ruki finally took a step back, awaiting your performance with a delighted smirk.
"Fall deeper into an inescapable Hell and devote all of yourself to me."
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We have been happy, haven’t we? Chapter 5
Robert saw Cora and Edith walking in the garden, he just had a chat with Mr. Barber and Mary about how the servants would stand in as actors in the film.
He went outside and joined them.
`Hello, Papa, have you spoken with Grandmama yet about...."
Cora put her hand on Edith's arm, trying to stop her. She saw Robert's face cloud.
"I think, I will go and work on my article." Edith said quickly, kissed her mother on her cheek and left.
Cora hooked her arm in Robert's and started walking again.
"I do not know why I am postponing talking to Mama." Robert said frowning.
"It is totally understandable you are postponing it. I think I would do the same."
"Oh no you would not." Robert chuckled. "You would run upstairs and ask directly, you are not scared for answers."
Cora stopped walking. "You really think, I am never scared?" She looked up at him.
Robert moved his hand to her cheek. "You make it look like you are never scared." He kissed her forehead. "I wish I had that strength, I worry about everything all the time." He looked into Cora's eyes, he had to be honest he saw some fear and he regretted saying she was never scared. Of course, she was, she was scared she was going to leave him soon. Would she be scared he would not manage without her, because she would be right. How was he going to deal with everything life threw at him, without his Cora next to him. She was always the sensible one. When he lost all their money, she was the one who calmy excepted that they would move.
"Robert?" Cora squeezed his arm where her hand was resting. "Can you take me with you in your thought process?"
They were near the secret garden, Cora loved this area. All the flowers that were blooming, gave a wonderful scent. Robert was still not saying anything. "You remember when we walked out here about a year after we wear married?" She asked.
Now Robert was paying attention to her. "I am afraid you need to refresh my memory a little bit. I was somewhere else."
"What were you thinking off? I hope a good memory."
Robert shook his head. "It is a sad one, but at the same time a wonderful one."
"Now, let's hear your memory first." Cora encouraged him.
"Do you remember that time I invested in the railways?" Robert looked down at his shoes.
"When all our money was lost? Yes, I do remember."
"Oh darling, how could you forgive me for that so easily. You were only thinking about the upcoming wedding of Mary and Matthew, and you certainly did not mind, moving out of Downton. And there I was, all caught up in my desperate feeling of not wanting or being able to say goodbye to our home."
"You grew up at Downton, it was the only place you had ever lived. For me it was different, I moved out of my country into a foreign one. Downton was my home, but I could settle in a new place. And you have to admit, Downton Place, was not that bad."
Robert laughed. "Not that bad, it was a bit small!"
"You are exaggerating, the housing we offer our staff, that is small, Downton Place was not small at all."
Robert frowned and looked at Cora. "You think we should build bigger houses for them?"
"No, that is not what I am saying. Not everybody can live in a big house like Downton, but saying Downton Place was small, is not correct."
Robert raised Cora's hand to his mouth and planted a kiss on the back of it. "You are right, of course you are." He felt Cora tremble. "Are you alright?"
"Alright enough, but I could use a rest, before we walk back to the house."
Robert helped her down on one of the benches. "Are you warm enough?"
Cora smiled up at him and took his hand. Her fingers intertwined with his. "As long as I can hold your hand, I am. Do you remember that day when you told me you loved me?" Cora saw Robert's lips curl up in a smile. He did remember and knowing he did made her heart flutter. He was the most adorable man she ever met.
"We were walking in this part of the garden after Mary was born. You wanted to get out of the house. I remember you and Mama had an argument, I do not remember about what."
Cora huffed. "Your Mama and I had constant arguments, but I bet it had to do with me taking care of Mary. I was too hands on according to your mother."
Robert wrapped his arm around Cora's shoulders. "I know, I never supported you during that time, but I know for a fact our girls turned out the way they are today, because you gave them attention."
Cora turned her face towards him. "You never took my side, but rarely took you mothers, most of the time you stayed out of it and that was enough for me. I understood you did not want to say anything to hurt your mother."
"But I had better stood up for you, because I was hurting you."
Cora shook her head. "No, you were not."
"Are you sure?" Robert looked at her with his puppy eyes.
Cora pressed her lips against Roberts. "After you told me, you loved me, there was nothing that could hurt me anymore. The man I loved with everything I was, loved me back. You gave me a beautiful darling girl. You gave me everything a girl could wish for. The most beautiful jewellery, clothes. There was nothing I was short of.
Robert swallowed, he had his short comings. "You remember when you fell sick with the Spanish flue?" Robert started, when children voices sounded, but he could not finish his question.
"I think they are here." George said and he came around a bush. "I told you I would find them. He exclaimed. Mary was following him with Caroline next to her.
"Mama, Papa, we were worried."
Cora got up from the bench and walked towards George. Robert noticed she was a little bit more stable on her legs today. He saw how Cora took George's hand and started to walk back to the house. "Darling, do not worry too much, when things will go worse, we will tell you. I promise." She said softly and touched Mary's cheek.
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
This is a Mr. Hopp's Playhouse tickle fic requested by @howdareyoutakemyusername. I hope you enjoy it!
"Esther, could you please take the basket to the laundry room?" Matron Ruth asked, handing the woven basket full of clothes to the little girl.
"Oh, sure." She took the basket and started heading toward the lift.
It had been 4 months since the Entity incident, Esther's nightmares had long stopped, and the orphanage was a much nicer place with Miss Beverly gone. Even Molly was nicer.
"Hey, Esther! What're you up to?" Issac popped his head out of the children's room
"I'm just taking these down to the laundry for one of the matrons."
"Oh ok! Wait, Esther!"
Esther paused, looking back at her now distressed friend.
"Molly and I have been hearing some noises at night. It's probably nothing, but try to be careful, okay?"
"I will, thanks for the warning."
Issac smiled, and went back into the children's room.
It was strange. When Esther freed everyone, their memories seemed to be completely wiped of Dee and Miss Beverly's sudden dissappearance. They simply thought she'd died in her sleep, and had no recollection of a child named Dee.
They didn't even remember the hellish cavern they were taken to.
The only ones who truly understood were Molly and Issac, the owners of the other two toys.
Esther rode the now fixed lift down to to cellar, smiling as she saw the cage that was used to punish the children when Bev was around was gone.
She carried the basket down to the washing area, making sure she hadn't dropped any articles of clothing along the way.
"Esther...." a voice whispered.
Esther froze, clutching her medallion necklace, it was the only thing she had to protect herself.
"Esther..." the voice said again.
"W-What are you doing here? How are you back?"
"It is not too late Esther,....you could still join us..."
"No, NO! Go away!"
"Give yourself to us."
"Leave me alone!"
Esther picked up an empty laundry basket, and hurled it at the spirit. Surprisingly, it knocked her down to the floor.
"I said you cannot escape this! You will never escape!"
Esther grabbed her necklace, getting ready you vanquish Dee's spirit again, before the ghost yanked at it, and a struggle began.
"You've misused these for the last time."
"Let go!"
In wrestling for the necklace, Esther shot her hand into the crook of Dee's neck, causing the ghost to fall back with a squeal.
"Don't do that!"
With a blink of surprise, Esther's face quickly grew a mischievous smirk.
"What? This?!" She suddenly began scribbling her fingers into Dee's sides.
Esther continued, slowly dragging Dee to the floor.
Esther switched from her sides to her neck, the spirit's laughter heightening.
Seeing that she was now distracted, Esther grabbed her necklace again and blasted the spirit back to wherever she came from.
Then, she heard footsteps coming towards her.
"Esther? Are you in here?" It was Molly.
"Y-Yes! I'm coming!"
"Oh, there you are. Well, hurry up, it's almost time for dinner."
Esther followed her friend out of the cellar, satisfied that she somehow beat a demon yet again.
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emma-radfemcanu · 1 year
Ok I know my tennis posts are usually just me rambling to myself lol BUT this is really important and it’s been on my mind all day... just before I start ranting I should say this goes into detail about domestic abuse and suicide
I’ve talked about this before but there’s this German player called Alexander Zverev who was very credibly accused of domestic abuse by his ex girlfriend, a woman called Olya Sharypova. Olya’s story (along with evidence such as photos of bruises, screenshots of text messages, accounts from friends and witnesses) is outlined in two articles by the journalist Ben Rothenberg- Zverev won an injunction to get them blocked in some areas of Europe but if you go on his wikipedia page you can view the archived versions, they’re tough reads but worth it
Anyway the ATP were doing an investigation into her accusations- the main 3 incidents referred to in the articles were the US Open, Shanghai Masters and the Laver Cup (which isn’t technically an ATP event but they’re affiliated), basically these incidents happened at their events so they’re obliged to ‘investigate’ I can’t remember which one it was but at one point Olya was so distressed that she tried to take an overdose and when Zverev found her he got a tournament official before any medical attention... so they can’t act like they had no idea what was going on
The ‘investigation’ took 16 months and today they declared that there is ‘insufficient evidence to substantiate published allegations of abuse’ and obviously the usual suspects are quick to yell that he must be innocent... insufficient evidence doesn’t mean he didn’t do it, it just means it couldn’t be proved. And given that it took 4 months for them to even speak to Olya I can’t say that I have much faith in how thorough it was. I just feel awful for her, she’s been so brave in coming forward and she deserves much better than this half arsed investigation
It was almost a year ago that Zverev was defaulted from a match for trying to hit an umpire, at the time it seemed very telling- if he was willing to do that in front of an entire audience and TV cameras then what is he like in private? Olya has photos of her bruises, her story has been backed up by family friends, she is very credible and people are acting like she’s out to ruin his life. She’s had so much abuse online after coming forward, what exactly does she have to gain if no one really believes her and the ATP don’t care?
Zverev isn’t the first either. Nick Kyrgios is in court next month for common assault of his girlfriend, and Nikoloz Basilashvili was recently found not guilty of domestic violence against his wife... after the judge asked why his wife didn’t say anything sooner and the court staff were all asking for pictures and autographs. Yeah, that screams unbiased and fair trial 🙄 to a certain extent I get why the ATP don’t want to act on claims that haven’t been proved, but given how little effort they put into ‘investigating’ this and how hard they’ve tried to cover it up (blocking people on twitter who mention it, vaguely referring to it as ‘legal trouble’ etc), it really seems like they just don’t care. They spent a long time marketing Zverev as their golden boy so I think that’s a big part of it
I don’t know where I’m going with this, I just feel so angry and deflated about the whole thing. Olya deserves better and it’s so depressing to think how this can happen and people pretend to care but really they don’t. And how women are so quick to be accused of lying even when they have loads of evidence, meanwhile Zverev has literally behaved violently in public and loads of excuses are made for him
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