#it by accident. whoops.
twilightarcade · 11 months
Cats or dogs? Or cant decide (me)
Im going to say a bunch of words but it basically boils down to can't decide 🔥🔥
i used to be REALLY scared of dogs as a kid like there was this tiny little fluffy black dog that barked at me (I had never met the dog before and it was a party) and I sat there and CRIED until we went home. Nothing was getting me into that house and I missed the party entirely. I honestly have no idea who's party it was or what it was for because I never talked to those people again. (I was like. 10 or so maybe, maybe younger.) MY FRIENDS DOG. This um the flutist (that doesn't really narrow it down) I think I've mentioned her. He absolutely hated me. Supposedly nice dog was growling at me the whole visit then inevitably banshed outside. We cured racism though so it's ok,
THERES ALSO UM!!!!!!! This other dog I wanna say her name is hope I sorta love her. A lot of my neighbors have dogs too and I'm on fairly good terms with them I think. I know I said I'm not really scared of dogs but fight or flight and once a while ago there was this corgi bolting at me (neighbors) and I ran as if I could outrun it. Idiot. I bet they (I) feel really stupid right now.
CATS UMMM. I sorta love cats. I don't really know anyone with cats though? My other friend (idk if I've talked about her but I'll reduce her down to an instrument too, she plays trumpet) has TWO and I love them. I have more pictures of them than myself (she sends a bunch and I jump up and down and lovingly tuck them into my camera roll) anyways that ends my cat stories because they don't exist ACTUALLY I LIED TODAY I BOUGHT A BOOKMARK THAT SAYS CAT DAD (DO NOT HAVE A CAT NOR AM I A DAD) if I do get a cat (or somehow become a dad) in the near future (before i inevitably lose it) I'm going to swap it out for a dog mom bookmark because I'm a huge fan of blatantly lying with my personal belongings.SPEAKING OF BLATANTLY lying with personal belongings I have a bunch of clothes from fandoms I'm not in (namely, star wars and stranger things) and I wear my stranger things hoodie fairly frequently (it was my dad's and also its comfortable) and I am mildly obsessed with how I'm constantly feeding those I meet false information. On multiple occasions an actual fan has walked up to me and tried to start a conversation (which is kinda crazy and I wish I could've participated) only to learn I've barely watched the show. Which I think would kill me actually. "Hey I like [thing] too what do you think about x?" "actually I don't care about [thing] lol" then there's everyone else who gets to judge me on a trait I don't have. Maybe there's someone out there who thinks I'm obsessed with stranger things
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justsigma-bsd · 5 days
He comes back by the evening, quietly entering Sigma's room.
- @my-taintedsorrow
*He's not in his room, but a note is*
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pansylair · 10 months
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whipped up some patches i just sent as part of a care package for the boyfriend!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Wardrobe Woes
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samble-moved · 9 months
"pmmm is yuribait"
meanwhile, pmmm:
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sorry, because i know i made a post before like "i swear lesbophobes and people who are weird about sapphics will say a wlw ship isn't canon/is bait unless you show them getting married on screen", but some of you are really proving it with calling characters who are canonically in love with one another "bait" because they don't say "we are lesbians btw".
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egophiliac · 8 months
I was wanting to try doing an art piece in the style of the signature spell poster art pieces you create. But I’m not really the best at coming up with a composition for such a thing.
Do you have a process for how you come up with the compositions for them?
oh, awesome! it is an INCREDIBLY enjoyable style to work in; I hope you have fun with it! :D
I'm not great at putting my thought/art process into words, so my apologies if this doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'll try! my first step is always to do a LOT of thumbnails to figure out both the idea and how I want to show it; not trying to do a real sketch or anything, just little doodles to figure out what exactly I'm trying to portray. (I also call these "garbage passes" because they're not meant to be any good, they're just there to throw things out. aha. ha. ...anyway.) I think it's important during that first stage to really focus on the idea and the layout and not to get too bogged down in the actual drawing yet!
I tend to save my final thumbnails, so I'll use 'em as examples (I posted the ones up through episode 5 here if you're interested!) (and, uhhh, spoilers through episode 5 also in this post, hopefully that won't be an issue!)
the main thing I try to think about in composition is balance -- not necessarily in terms of symmetry, but in where each element is placed and how much space it's taking up. remember, empty space is still space! it's also really important to think about the parts that don't have anything in them, as much as the parts that do!
personally, I like to divide things up roughly by both halves and by thirds -- there's a lot more in-depth info out there on why the "rule of thirds" in particular works well visually, but in short, our brains tend to focus on things that are placed closer to imaginary division lines, instead of in the exact center of an image. so even when I'm doing something that is very centered and symmetrical, I try to keep that in mind and generally aim around those for landmarks like faces/eyes (or...where they would be, anyway) and other focal points.
it's not a formula of "the character's face should be in this division of this grid" or anything, more like "our minds like to focus on these areas, let's think about how to use that", if that makes sense! and of course rules are made to be broken, art is lawless anarchy, and so on. but it can be a good starting place for deciding where you want to put things!
(blue - thirds, red - half)
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and against the finished versions, because they do usually end up changing a lot (including the empty space of the border):
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(...these actually lined up a lot better than I thought they would. :') it makes me look like I do things way more intentionally than I do.)
other stuff I just try to keep in mind is that our eyes like following arcs and paths, which can be a good way to guide the eye:
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and frame and control the focus:
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honestly, composition is one of those things I feel like I struggle with a lot, so I'm not sure how much of this is helpful or actually makes sense outside of my head. but hopefully it helps a little! it's all just stuff to think about while drawing and not anything hard-and-fast, so don't, like, stress out about making sure things are lining up exactly on the thirds or anything. again, it's more "our brains think these are the dopest parts of the rectangle" than anything else! take advantage of the cool parts of the rectangle!
NOW GO HAVE FUN DRAWING seriously though, it is always super cool that other people like this idea and style enough to want to do it themselves and for other/their own characters! thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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loud-whistling-yes · 1 year
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I started learning cross stitch about the same time r/place took place, and one of the first big projects I ever wanted to work on was the art of Techno up there. I never got around to it until July.
Can you believe that it's July again? It feels like a lifetime ago.
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databuffer · 6 months
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Some little Durandal icons for fun :)
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I've been thinking about your fake cryptids real ghosts thing nonstop, rent free in my head. That's all
All according to plan! Here's another blurb because everyone in this fandom is a gift.
So, I for one can totally see the Batfamily trying to find out where Danny set up is Haunt in Gotham because Dead Ghost Child and the implications of their first meeting. Actually, let's talk about their first meeting because it's related.
Danny bringing gifts to the biggest shrine to declare his arrival. He brings Robin a cool knife he found in the GZ (Or maybe it was a gift who knows.) Point is, it's a spooky knife, and like...nice postcard of sunrises, blue skies and other Pretty places because man, the Bats don't ever leave Gotham and aren't seen in daylight hours what if they miss it or haven't seen it and some homemade (slightly ectro-contaminated cause it was made in the GZ) Bat-themed cookies. No one Knows they're bat-themed until Danny explains. (They look like those sad misshapen spider-man ice cream cones but god did Danny and Jazz Try and intentions are what matter here.)
They meet, Danny throws them into existential crisis' because Ghosts and of course they're trying to find him so they can (adopt him, make sure he's okay, ask what who's hunting him cause WHAT) And instead of the usual shenanigans of them meeting Danny as human or Phantom, the only one to ever meet Danny is Alfred.
Danny who got help from a really nice British guy when he was trying to figure out what to give as offerings to the Bats and might've been having a small crisis because 'what if they don't let us stay and we have to go to somewhere like eugh Metropolis.' and ends up latching onto the first Nice Adult he meets during said crisis.
Danny & Jazz who just so happen to bump into the the Nice Adult while grocery shopping (Alfred who has a schedule for the family shopping and Jazz who always says having a set routine is Healthy.) and the two keep trying to politely ask how to adult and do cooking because let's be real. While Jazz has done her best to feed herself and Danny a better diet the Fenton kitchen was a disaster zone and there's only so much you can do when you're food keeps trying to attack you. There's much more to your food than striking it back down after all.
Also here's another meme.
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krowkeeper · 4 months
I’m a big ole fuckin whoops if it makes anyone feel any better.
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
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WhiteboardFox Dirk from with my buddies
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murdrdocs · 2 years
thinking about corey breeding you completely full. like, he wants you to carry his baby inside of you. carry on his family name. ughhhh.
and it’s crazy because it’s not something you’d thoroughly talked about.
sure, you and corey had fleeting conversations that layered over the chatter of whatever was playing on your tv at the time, centering children and if either of you wanted any. he told you that the idea was hypothetical for now, and you were happy to agree.
but it’s one day when you’re moving around your house in a sweater and shorts, humming along to your favorite song as you do the most mundane things—when corey’s philosophy flips.
he’s on you, wrapping his arms around your waist. his forearms press against the beige cable knit of your sweater, and he’s positive that he’d saved up to buy you that one a little while ago but he’s bought you so much that he can’t really remember.
at first, you carelessly welcome his touch, leaning back into him as you fold one of your shirts. but then he kisses at your shoulders, and you’re tilting your head to give him access. and when he bites down, just a nip that stings just enough, you mewl and arch your back against his chest.
he has you laid back on the couch in just a few minutes. your sweater is pushed up to rest along your ribcage, and your shorts are discarded all together. his hands hold onto your hips, the chill of his signet ring on his pinky finger easily welcomed along your overheated skin.
corey’s saying something above you, he’s babbling and borderline ranting, and it’s hard for you to focus. he’s fucking you so well, in a way that he’d only done a few times before, and you’re a bit dizzy.
“corey,” you say, voice breathy and the syllables broken up by corey’s harsh thrusts.
he hums.
you blink harshly, trying to concentrate your eyes so that you can fully look at him. his curly hair hangs over his face, shaking with each of his thrusts. you can see sweat beginning to pool along his forehead and it shows through the grey of his shirt. he’d been so eager to fuck you, that he only unzipped his jeans, pulled his cock out, and spread you open for him.
“i—“ you begin, furrowing your eyebrows as you try to remember what you were going to say. you come up empty, though.
corey smiles, dimples on display.
“what is it, baby? you can tell me.” his eyes trail from your weeping cunt to your confused, borderline frustrated, face.
“i—“ you come up empty once again, and shake your head to tell him that there was no point.
corey coos. “that’s okay.” he angles his hips and the tip of his head scrapes along a spot in you that had your back arching, one of your hands reaching down to wrap around corey’s wrist and the other fisting the fabric of your couch cushions.
“feels too good?” he asks. you nod and corey hums again. “yeah, i know.” you don’t know how his voice is so stable when you’re mumbling and unable to stop the little sounds from escaping your lips.
you don’t bother focusing on that because he’s speaking again. “think i should put a baby in here, hm? what’d you think?” it’s rhetorical, you figure as corey continues. “yeah, i think that’ll do. fill you up real good, make sure it takes. fuck, you’d look so pretty carrying our baby. nice and full.” his eyebrows furrow as he thinks and he throws his head back as a thought comes to him.
“and your tits? my god.”
the image cements itself into your head and you groan. “core, corey, ‘m close.”
he nods frantically and licks his lips. “i’ll get you there, baby. i promise.”
and he does. he sends you over the edge when he brings his thumb to your clit and rubs just twice until you’re silently coming, your mouth opening wide before little spiels of his name falls from your tongue.
when corey cums, he lifts your ankles to rest on his shoulders. his hands find the armrest behind your head and he bends you over, fucking himself into your tightening cunt until he spills inside of you. he doesn’t pull out until his cock stops twitching, and you can feel the cum threatening to escape your walls.
and even then, he pulls out halfway, shakes his head, and tuts.
“now that won’t do, will it?” corey brings two fingers down to your cunt, slides them around his cock to gather the milky white substance, and then pushes his fingers into your cunt. the stretch of his fingers along with his cock burns and your face crinkles in slight discomfort.
“can’t have all of this spilling out.” corey kisses your cheek.
“guess we gotta do it again.”
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saintdaily · 1 month
shaved saint. bald saint
day 98
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willowser · 1 year
angsty to begin with bc i love to talk about fighting with bakugou LOL but it gets lighter, i promise 💕✨️
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you can track katsuki's heated discovery through his footsteps.
the front door closes harshly enough that the house trembles, echoing down your spine at his arrival; it feels sudden, now, though—looking at the clock—you've been waiting for hours. his day has no doubt been just as tumultuous as yours, but his resounding frustration—both new and old—bleeds through the walls all too well.
it means something that he doesn't take off his boots; what's always been regarded as a criminal offense now bares his impatience, reveals how full his mind is of the things he needs to say. underneath the comforter, your toes curl, heart thudding heavy as his heels as he lumbers for the bedroom.
—only to come up empty.
an indistinguishable curse shoots from his mouth, across the house. first murmured and then chanted over and over again as he tears down the hall and back into the living room. you've left your shoes out for this reason, as well as a plate in the sink and a candle burning on the end table beside the couch.
you're still here; you want him to know that.
it's silent long enough for you to realize you're holding your breath, straining to hear his every move. your cheeks are salted with tears—both new and old—and you wipe at them cautiously, as if such a movement could give you away; it's not that you want to stay hidden, but you're nervous for what will unfold, when he finds you.
not because you're afraid of him, never of him, but—you just don't want to fight anymore.
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the door to the guest room is thrown open suddenly, with an urgency that makes your heart pound and your eyes snap shut.
katsuki smells like work, strongly; sweet and musky like sweat; a once-roaring campfire; evidence of the city—smog and fried food and some amalgamation of strangers—soaked into the fabric of his hero clothes. you sniff once, wet and distracted, and it gives you away instantly.
the sound makes him sigh, though from relief or annoyance, you can't tell. maybe both. a weight he's placed on your chest dares to lighten as he shuffles closer, no doubt dragging mud across the carpet, and the warmth of his body so close is all too alluring; you peek up at him once he sits at your side, but he's just leaning his elbows onto his knees, staring at the wall.
"guess you're sleepin' in here, then."
this bed lacks the indentation you've worn into katsuki's mattress, but the comfort of it wouldn't help you to sleep anyway. not after today. after all that's been said.
your voice is very small when you speak, tip-toeing. "yeah, i think i will."
he shakes his head like you're being ridiculous, and you try not to let the action prod your still tender wounds. a harsh hand runs over his face and through his hair, tugging off the mask that had been buried there. it dangles loosely between his fingers as he fiddles with it, keeping his eyes from you as long as he can.
"y'want me to stay in here too?"
you don't. it's the whole reason you moved your pillow into the guestroom to begin with and you think he should know that, but he's still—trying. a fresh frog develops in your throat at the sentiment; it's always the softer side or katsuki that packs the heavier punch.
a weighted silence settles in the space between you, the words sour in your mouth. for a brief and tense moment, you wonder if you can get away with not saying it, without having to reject him—but then he peeks at you over his shoulder, all smoldering embers. waiting.
"that's okay," you offer a weak smile in an attempt to soften the blow. "you can have the room tonight."
katsuki rears, resisting with a huff. "well, i don't have to. and you—we can—y'don't have to sleep alone."
still trying; you can hear it in his voice, well-hidden beneath his exasperation, a slight tremble born from the fear that you'll leave him in an empty bed. so far removed from the tone used with you this morning.
you can still see his face when you close your eyes: how red it gets, the vein in his neck that swells with blood when he's yelling, lips curled like he's so angry he could spit. the argument hadn't started on any serious note, but you had something to say and so did he, and it went on and on until you were fighting less about the subject matter and more about each other. rights and wrongs that had been left unattended for too long, that had begun to fester.
it's not like you were particularly soft-spoken either, but—like most things, with katsuki—you didn't stand a chance against him.
"i know, but," you bite your lip and lose your words, settling for a shrug that only serves to annoy him further.
"fine," he grumbles, shooting up from the mattress to storm out of the room. "whatever. goodnight."
the door follows closely behind him, banging against the frame with less force than it could have, though the silence he leaves behind feels just as painful. you roll onto your back to wipe at the fresh wave of tears that pool in your eyes, groaning quietly into the emptiness.
fighting with katsuki isn't the hardest part. making up is.
it took long enough for him to place his heart comfortably in your hands, to reach the point where he felt safe enough to share his feelings with you, but his trepidations lie in wait; any sort of rejection when he's already so vulnerable is liable to have him locking his every last door.
and you know he doesn't mean it; it's instinctual, a defense mechanism he's kept in place all his life. retreating away to hide, when he's sorry and asking for absolution, is the safest route for him.
when you're finally done pawing at your eyes, the shower sounds from down the hall and you imagine him in there, head bowed under the violently hot water, trying to wash his frustrations away. his skin is always so pink and tender when he gets out, and you feel a pang of loneliness at what you'll miss in a bed without him. for tonight, all you have to hold is the idea of him, and you listen closely to the stream as if it will offer something more.
it runs for long enough that you begin to forge an excuse to go in and check on him, but just as you start to justify it, the water shuts off. you feel thwarted—though it was a silly plan—and the hope of getting to see him for one final time tonight crashes, has tears welling up again.
but before they can spill over, a soft knock sounds at the door.
you turn away despite wanting for him, and answer. "yeah?"
the door creaks, room warming with him in it. katsuki doesn't say anything until you finally roll over to look at him, his hair damp and flat, forehead resting against the wood as he watches you from the corner of his eye. head bowed, like a scolded child.
"'ve got...shit to do with my old man tomorrow." he murmurs. "but i should be back by lunch."
even if you are at odds, another bout of loneliness grows at the thought of waiting, sitting in the house without him. "okay, thank you for letting me know."
just barely are you able to make out the shift of his eyes down to the carpet, the growing frown on his face before he groans quietly to himself. when he stands properly, you admire the soft curve of his muscles, his shoulders, as he crosses his arms over his bare chest.
"goodnight," he tells you again, nicer this time. you whisper it in return and there's some finality, for the night; his jaw cocks and his head shakes again, like he can't stand this shit. you know he can't. katsuki squeezes his eyes shut tight and when he fixes them on you, they are full and sad, but he doesn't look away. not this time. "y'know...that i love you, right?"
your restraint buckles, nearly slipping through your hands, and you sit up to catch it. more than anything, you want to open your arms and allow him into this bed with you, the way you always do, but your sore heart stops the words from forming.
instead you tell him, quietly, seriously, "and i love you too, katsuki."
his frown only deepens and he turns with a heavy sigh, dragging the door gently behind him.
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katsuki's all might mug is waiting on the edge of the counter the next morning, still steaming.
for you, because he doesn't drink coffee, and when you step up to it, you can tell by the color that he's added too much cream. the gesture makes you smile regardless, softening aches and pains from the night before.
he doesn't say anything when you sit at the bar counter, doesn't look up either, just continues putting away whatever he's used to make his protein shake. you can see the tension still lining his every move, the bob of his adam's apple as he swallows hard and ducks his head and acts like you don't exist here at the end of the kitchen, waiting.
twice he walks by without saying anything, busying himself with a backpack sitting by the couch. he spends a few minutes staring into the hall closet before grabbing a jacket you haven't seen him wear in months, and then he sets it with his other things and strides back to the kitchen and—has to face you.
the shadows under his eyes are dark and heavy, like he didn't get much more sleep than you did.
"shouldn't take me all morning," he speaks softly, like he would to a newborn. so, so far from how he spoke to you yesterday. "if y'need somethin' while i'm out, just—" call him, he means, though he trails off with a shrug.
"okay," you nod and sip your coffee, accepting his olive branch. "i will, thank you."
katsuki chews on his lip before finally returning to the living room to gather his things, and he waits until your back is to him before speaking again. "unless you don't want me to go." he huffs, like he's already frustrated. "i can stay and we can...figure all this shit out."
"no," you shake your head and swivel around to frown at him. "no, you should go spend time with your dad. we can talk later."
"'s not a big deal if i cancel, i can call him right now if you want me to stay."
"no, katsuki, i wouldn't want you to do that." your brow furrows and the knot that gets stuck in his throat is almost visible, as his gaze shifts to the wall beside you, avoidant. "i think it'd be good if we—"
"fuck, if you want me to get out, just say so."
"no, that's not—" the irritation you felt yesterday wakes once more and your stomach twists at the fear that this will devolve into another screaming match. your already thin patience snaps, echoes like the ceramic of your mug against the counter when you set it down. "i'm not saying that. at all. i just don't think you should cancel on your dad if you've already made plans. you said yourself it's not gonna take all morning, so we'll talk after."
"well," he scoffs, indignant, throwing his arms up in the air like he's exasperated—but you don't miss the slight wobble of his chin, how long it takes him to sound out his own words. "you even gonna be here when i get back?"
"well, yeah, honey, where else would i—"
"'m not gonna come home 'n—" he waves a hand, clearing his throat as he forces himself to stare at the ceiling. "'n all your shit's gonna be gone?"
you deflate instantly, watching the sharp work of his jaw until he's having to blink rapidly, over and over again as his eyes gleam. the bar stool scrapes across the floor with an ugly sound as you slip out of it, and katsuki only throws you one brief, bloodshot glance before you bury your face into his chest.
still on guard, his arms don't move, don't come to wrap around you—but you can feel the small huff that leaves his chest. the tip of his nose as it dips into your hair.
with your cheek to his chest like this, all you can hear is the rapid-fire beat of his heavy heart. "i would never just leave you like that." all you get is a half-shrug in response, voice to fragile to sound. "i'm—we had a fight, but i still love you, katsuki."
he shrugs again and shakes his head, staring glassy-eyed at his cabinets when you look up at him. "well...'m sorry."
"i know," you murmur, nuzzling your cheek into him again. in your hands, his heart is heavy, and your own mirrors its ache; has he always been like this, expecting the worst? or is this a wound suffered from another? you squeeze him a little tighter, until his breath hitches. "and i forgive you, but my feelings are still a hurt and i just need...some time, you know?"
now his walls crumble, as he finally wraps an arm around your neck so that he can press his face into your hair. "...how much time?"
you want to laugh at his impatience, the little brat that's still at his core, but you can't fault him. not when you're just as eager to leave this fight behind. to wrap him up in all the warmth you can offer. "i don't know, half a morning, maybe."
and he doesn’t say anything for a long time, as he waits for his voice to stand on its own again. even then, it's quiet, small. "...okay."
"i'm going to love you forever and ever and ever." you promise, offering him your loveliest smile when he swallows hard. "even when you don't want me to." the longer his eyes linger on your cheeks, the pinker his own get, and you can't help yourself; you stand on your tip-toes, happily, now, and wrap your arms around his neck. "can i have a kiss, please?"
katsuki scoffs, though it's lighter now, before pressing his lips to yours, softer than you expected. even though it's chaste and simple, he stays there with his eyes shut tight, like he doesn't want to ever leave. you have to pull back, because your lips start to curl and you want to laugh at him, so pliable and sweet, but he chases you, plants two more before frowning at your giggling.
"y'r a dumbass," he murmurs, and when you gasp, he throws his arm around your neck and yanks you into his chest again. the heat on his face is palpable, as he tries to tuck his vulnerability in your hair. "'m always..." katsuki tries, cutting himself off with a sharp sigh. "g'nna want this, so don't be thinkin' otherwise. ever."
you hum into him, pliable, too. melted down to his same temperature; warm, tender. you pull away to place a kiss on his cheek, more on his lips until they quirk up the slightest bit. satisfied. "i won't if you won't."
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solradguy · 8 months
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Soltober '23, 09
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anexistingexistence · 3 months
I feel like Darlin' is a very animalistic person. And I don't just mean this as "they're very in touch with their wolf" - which they are, don't get me wrong - but they also fully have a wild animal brain in their skull. Like when they go running while shifted, they don't shift like how the Shaw Security wolves were taught, instead, they choose to rip their clothes or just straight up take them off before shifting. In addition to this, they also wear very few to no clothes around the house because they find them restrictive like how a dog or cat might yell at you for putting them in a sweater. Darlin's eating habits are also what a lot of people would call atrocious because they always eat like they're starving and sometimes they almost ignore the cutlery next to their plate. They also prefer cooking and buying their food themselves rather than having someone else do those things for them because they like feeling more connected to their food - that and their hasty as well as (literal) hands-on approach to eating comes from the same feeling a wolf might have after killing its prey and serving it to its pack.
All that is to say that Darlin' also always touches people. They don't like being touched for personal reasons, but they always have to touch the people who are dear to them; They have their hand on Sam's thigh or knees, a hand on Asher's shoulder, they lean against David's side, they lean on Milo's head, they hold Angel's hand, they sit back to back with Baabe, and their knee and leg are always touching Sweetheart's when they sit next to each other. And with Sam, it's not exactly limited to just keeping a relatively tight grip on his thigh, but they've come to know that kissing and licking and nosing at their mate's neck, face, and ears isn't something that is appropriate to do in public or in front of pack. But sometimes they still lean against him and take a deep breath with their head on his shoulder and on his neck they smell their own scent and that dumb, ravenous, prideful, and possessive animal brain goes mine and mate and smells like me all mine he's marked because he's mine mine mine and nobody will touch him my mate I want to touch I want to feel and he smells like me and I want more I want him to need a shower by the time I'm done with him my mate my darling mine mine mine
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