#it came out surprisingly clear too all things considered
totheecore · 6 months
almost dislocated my jaw but not enough to stop me from hollering PORCO GIUDA at the top of my lungs when i thought it wouldn't click back in place ✌🏻
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Secretly Mine
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Summary: Spencer and Reader have been seeing each other for a while without the team's knowledge
Category: Fluff
Couple: Spencer/BAU Fem!Reader
Content warnings: None
Word count: 1.5k
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Eight months have passed since your arrival at the BAU. You’re an integral part of the team. Hotch has been sure to let you know. You’ve stood out with your eye for detail at certain crime scenes, outshining even some of the team’s more seasoned members. Luckily, the academy’s rumors about the Quantico team’s bond have rang true time and time again, so competition and jealousy never became an issue. It only made them respect you and even open up to you.
One person who has particularly opened up to you is the genius of the group, Spencer Reid. The secret you learned: he’s a gentle kisser. Almost childishly chaste, but nothing seemed more fitting for his personality. What was surprising was the setting of your first kiss.
New York City police invited the team to investigate the terrorist cell killing random people across the city. Their attacks grew more volatile by the time you all arrived, placing bombs on government vehicles. One of these bombs hurt Hotch, and SSA Joyner did not survive the same blast. The results could have been worse, considering.
Your team faced the problem of uncertainty regarding who (if anyone) had been injured at that moment. Spencer was with Rossi at the police station while the rest of you were on the ground. That damn terrorist organization interfered with signals and transmissions all the time, and this was no different. You, by your luck, were the most difficult to get in contact with, despite being safe at Federal Plaza. You met with the team when it was safe to do so and all targeted areas were cleared. Most of you sighed in relief. Garcia even held your face, as if to make sure you were real, alive and, breathing.
Spencer held your face too, but not in the same way. You both took refuge by the water cooler, surprisingly where no one was present in a once-crowded New York City police station. You talked about what happened, Hotch’s current condition, and how long to expect these nerves to last. Your nerves didn’t settle, though, when Spencer’s knuckles brushed your cheek as he said, “I’m glad you’re okay.”
You didn’t blame these nerves, though, when you leaned into the touch, looking up at him with a smile. “I’m glad you’re okay, too.”
Spencer was cute, obviously, but workplace relationships are highly unprofessional and even a liability, if the case they just survived wasn’t enough proof of that. You’d think (well, you knew actually) Spencer of all people would know this. He knows everything. When you had a case in Baltimore involving the Ravens, he told you their name came from Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous poem. Then he explained the detailed theories surrounding his untimely death. Spencer believes it has something to do with cooping, whatever that means, you dared not to ask. There’s nothing he doesn’t consider.
So, Spencer must have considered all the odds of professional behavior in that moment by the water cooler since his lips delicately brushed yours. It was barely a kiss at first, until he leaned in for another, to where you could feel the warmth of his mouth and felt that he could do with some lip exfoliant. The last part you didn’t care about because it was practically over before it began. Neither of you said anything about it. Instead, you stayed there for a while, not touching or talking. Then Morgan told the team to pack up and get ready to go home.
Throughout the past month, you and Spencer have shared many kissing sessions. Not at work, though, because you both still have some sense. Kissing Spencer, though, tends to not leave you with much sense. His gentleness is not a front. His touches are tender and he’s never pushed you beyond your limits. It’s a good thing then that he’s a gentleman, so he earned kisses through dinners, movies, and day trips. It was something to look forward to in between grueling cases.
And it wasn’t even off work when Spencer would bring joy to you. There was a case recently in North Carolina that shook you more than you cared to admit. You didn’t want to mention what specifically, as it’s something you haven’t spoken about in a long time, but the team picked up on it quickly. They checked on you and even asked if you needed to sit out. You powered through and came to a satisfactory (for lack of a better word) conclusion. Afterward, Spencer invited you to ice cream. It was a welcoming change of scenery, despite the ice cream place being called Jack the Dipper. It was hilariously fitting, so it really wasn’t an issue. Spencer didn’t ask about what happened or what made you feel so disturbed. Throughout the night, he just made sure to ask if you were okay.
You haven’t been okay for a while. Not because of that case, but because it’s been three months now and you are still running around with Spencer without the team’s knowledge. The team might feel cheated (and Hotch might be pissed) because they are not aware of this information, but the uneasiness of all this was starting to settle in. The fear, the worry that this might just be all for nothing. Outside of the office, he shows that he cares. He knows things about you that you haven't revealed in some time. And apparently he has done the same. Bruises from harsh kisses around your bodies linger under work clothes from a weekend in, and the team has been none the wiser. And you’re not sure if you’re as okay with it as you thought you were.
The team went out to the bar on a Thursday, celebrating a government holiday the night before (i.e. a three-day weekend). The team took shots, bet money, threw darts, and Emily ended up with the most by closing. You would’ve coughed up more cash throughout the night if you were confident in your bets.
Spencer barely looked at you. Didn’t brush your hand or even stand near you for too long, like you had the plague or whatever Poe died from. It didn’t help the feeling in your core, and neither did the walk home. Morgan drove Garcia home, Hotch with Rossi, and J.J. with Emily. And of course, Spencer with you. When J.J. drove away after boasting about avoiding a ticket on an expired meter, Spencer didn’t hesitate to reach for your hand. It was nice, and as the weather grew colder, it was a welcomed warmth. But how could it not feel at least a little sour?
His apartment wasn’t far from here, so you walked. Your hands were laced the entire time, but he didn’t breathe a word and you couldn’t tell if that should make you feel better or worse.
It wasn’t until you climbed the steps to his door that he asked, “Are you staying the night?”
You swallowed. Unlike Emily, Garcia, and Rossi, you were on the side of tipsy rather than in dire need of a toilet to bury your head into. “Sure.” You said. “If you want me to.”
“Yeah,” He said, fiddling with his key and lock. “Of course I want you to.”
He finally opens the door and turns on the living room light. You barely had time to put your purse down before his lips were on yours. They were still chapped like the first time, except you could forgive that because of the growing cold outside. His hands hold your waist, they creep to your back. You couldn’t help but lean in, away from the door he pressed you into. It was when Spencer moaned in your mouth that you broke away. Catching your breath, you try putting together a sentence. But breathing is difficult right now for both of you. Spencer’s eyes are lazy and his breath still lingers with a scent of the mint gum he spit out when he showed up to the bar.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and you think it’s the start to an actual apology. “I was trying to stay patient.” He kisses you again, softly. And you kiss him back still. He moans again. “I want you.”
You swallow again. Your throat is so dry. “Spencer, I—”
“I want to tell them.” He interrupts.
You blink, it quickens as you take in the words. “What?”
His hands cup your face. He brushes the messy bangs from your forehead. “I want to tell them. About this. About us. I just…” He trails off. That is not something you’re used to seeing. “I want more time with you.”
As Spencer’s words sank in, you felt a mix of apprehension and longing, wondering just what could go wrong. A lot, in fact. But you have to believe he’s being honest. Why wouldn’t he be?
And with a soft smile, you reached for his hand and met his gaze. “I want that too,” you said, feeling the weight of it finally being lifted off your chest. “I’ve wanted that for a while.”
“I know. And I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you about it earlier. I was being selfish.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“But I would. Because it’s true. But that changes now.” The look on his face, the fully sober look on his face. He’s all in. “I will tell them you’re my girlfriend.”
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asocialangel · 4 months
a polaroid love
For Christmas, Isagi got a polaroid, and you best believe all his 10 polas would be of you, his muse.
smut – 4k words🧍. Isagi x fem!reader
DO NOT READ IN PUBLIC unless you’re a brave soul wwww. Mentions of sex, slight chocking, p in v, cum.... yadayada. Characters obvi aged up.
inspired by someone here on tumblr ! Who's user i forgot so if you know pleassssse tell me !! Their fic was something along the lines of: where the bllk boys would keep their dirty polaroids. I feel so stupid for not finding it again... Anyway enjoy my first long fic ! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
For christmas, Isagi got a polaroid with 10 pictures to take. He did not ask for that, neither had he ever thought about getting one, let alone actually using it. But he figured, now that it’s here, might as well make a good use out of it. 
His muse was obviously the one and only you. It wasn’t necessarily his intention, but his first and last pictures would be of you. At first he asked you when to take pictures, if you considered they would be worthwhile. Over time, he had his own sense of photographic art. The very first one was his idea though. 
1rst pola: a picture of you two. 
When he got it, he instantly said that the first picture he wanted was one of the two of you, to put in his phone case. Therefore the first picture ever printed was you two hugging in front of the christmas tree. You’re looking at the camera, smiling, his hand on your waist, your head nuzzled in his neck. You were wearing matching christmas sweaters if it matters, yours red, his green. He had asked Hiori, who gifted him the polaroid, to take the picture and choose the settings. And it turned out perfect ! Not over exposed, centered. Isagi was so happy with the results… As promised, he instantly put it in his clear phone case, hiding the dollar bill that was already there. It’s a happy memory you are glad has been immortalized. 
2nd pola: you at a café
His second picture was at a café, not much after the first pola. He had almost forgotten the existence of his camera, until he saw it sitting on his shelf and thought your upcoming coffee date was a great time to take a pic. He quickly put it in his bag and carried on. When you were finally seated he asked you to pose and ! Flash and all, the picture was getting printed. It came out a bit too bright ‘cause he didn’t master the settings yet, but he was happy nonetheless. “Pretty for my first polaroid, isn't it?” “Your model did all the work”, you answered, kittenish. 
3rd pola: you fixing your hair
For his third polaroid, Isagi had decided he wanted to have a candid moment, not a perfected pose. So when he saw you getting ready to go to run errands, he thought “this is the typa moments i want to capture, my lovely day-to-day”. He turned the polaroid on and sneakily took a picture of you fixing your hair in front of the mirror. The flash surprised you so much, you turned around and couldn’t help but to smile at his contented face. To be fair, the picture turned out great. The yellow bathroom light almost gave it a retro vibe. and the composition, for something that was taken so fast, was surprisingly good. Had it been digital, it definitely would have become your insta profile picture. 
4rth pola: you at the beach
The fourth film was used at the sea. You and your boyfriend were on a beach vacation. That definitely was a good place for pictures, had he thought. In the suitcase it went. Isagi was definitely not the type of guy to “save things for the perfect moment, a moment that ultimately never came so you ended up never using said thing''. He was a firm believer in “use it as soon as you feel like it, or else it would end up unopened 5 years later when you are no longer interested in it”. So whenever he felt like taking a polaroid, he did it, not thinking about its price or anything else. Obviously, a vacation in a paradisaic landscape was the place he wanted to have physical memories of. As soon as you guys had arrived at the hotel, you put down your suitcases and stripped down to put your swimsuit on – a baby blue and white striped bikini – and ran to the sand. Isagi did the same, only taking his polaroid with him and a bit of cash cause he knew you would want ice cream. Just as he planned, you first ran up to the water, went in until your claves got wet, turned around, splashed him a bit, laughed at him and exited the water, until you saw the ice cream vendor with his cart, and looked at him with puppy eyes. You didn't even need to say a word, he was already holding your hand as you walked towards the man. You chose your always flavor, Isagi did the same. He had the routine memorized, so he knew the next step would be you tasting your ice cream and immediately asking to taste his before even finishing experiencing your own flavor. “Sure” he said as he brought his cone to your face. Just as it was close enough for you to lick (you were staring at him right in the eyes), he pushed it a little more, until it hit your nose leaving a bit of ice cream on it. You smiled really hard, til the corners of your mouth reached your ears. He stepped back, and clicked the perfect shot. Beautiful you in a beautiful outfit with a beautiful sea behind. And a cute moment. Maybe his favorite pola as of this far. 
5th pola: you flashing him at the supermarket
When the time came for him to take his 5th polaroid, half his shots, you wanted to make things more interesting. Isagi had been so sweet to you these days, especially during these beach vacations. He told you he wanted a more casual souvenir, one in a random place. So the local mini supermarket seemed perfect ! He told you to stand next to the soda bottles for a colorful background. So you did. But you were feeling a little mischievous and also wanted to give your lover a special gift. You were all reddish from the sun, your freckles stood out and your hair was curly from the salt. You looked effortlessly innocent, maybe that was why Isagi loved you so hard perhaps. Since you were coming back from the beach, you still had your tote bag on your shoulder, your mini shorts on, and sand on your knees. Oh and you weren't wearing anything under your shirt. So after making sure you were right where Isagi wanted you in the frame, you hit a pose. “Are you ready ? One, Two, Three !” Right as he said three, you shook your peace signs away to grab the bottom of your shirt and lift it up, showing your beautiful boobs to the entire supermarket. Luckily, it was empty and no one saw it. Clueless, Isagi put down his camera and waited for the film to come out. Perhaps from the small window thing on his camera, he hadn't seen what you did. So he was there, blissfully unaware, looking at the white yet undeveloped polaroid. “Okay, we can get moving now ! As always, the picture’s gonna show up in a few minutes so let’s buy what we have to buy”. Isagi started walking in front of you. As you guys grabbed snacks, you could see him peeping at the picture. Getting chips, he peeped. Getting fruit, he peeped, longer this time. Getting chocolates, he peeped and looked confused, bringing the pola closer to his face. While grabbing chewing gum at the cashier, you could see him getting redder and redder, though he didn't say a word. He quickly put it in his pocket, and asked for the total, stuttering. You could feel he was avoiding your eyes. So to tease him even more, you got up to him and grabbed his arm. You could feel how hot his face was, it was so cute. When you passed the automatic exit doors, he looked at you: “Y/N ! Why did you do that !” He wanted to sound mad but you knew he was just flustered. “Why, are they ugly ?” “No – don't say that ! They are way too beautiful, that’s the problem. I’m gonna cherish this pola, it will be mine and only mine to see”. You laughed and laid your head on his shoulders as you walked. “Don’t play tricks like this on me again, y/n…”
6th pola: a facial
The sixth pola was taken the same day as the fifth. I guess all these emotions had him excited. When you guys went back to your hotel room at the end of the day, you put down your stuff and headed straight for the shower (you hated the feeling of sand in your hair and salt on your skin). As you started singing a tune under the shower head, you heard the bathroom open, but you paid no mind to it as Isagi often entered to take random items and exited as if he was never there. So you continued singing “yeogi pale blue dot, ooh hoo ohh…” When you heard the door close, you sang a little louder as you tried to wash away the shampoo from your hair. But you soon heard the shower curtain wrinkle and water droplets fall on the rug. You barely started to turn around to see what was happening when you felt Isagi’s hand on your waist. His touch felt a bit slippery as you still had remains of foam on you. “What are you doi–” you giggled but he stopped you from finishing your sentence, interrupting you with a kiss. From there on everything went literally steamy, as you guys locked yourself up in the bathroom for quite some time, stopping all the vapor from ventatiling. It did not stop at a kiss, and when you guys finally decided to exit the bathroom, it was only to continue in the bedroom. You had your high quite a few times, so did he. It ended when he came on your face for one last time. You looked at him with lustful eyes, shiny from tears, cheeks flushed pink. You were so beautiful. So much so he wanted to remember your beauty forever. Without letting go of your throat –that he had been holding as hard as you liked– he turned around and grabbed the polaroid that you guys had thrown on the hotel carpet since you were in such a hurry to free up the bed. Because one hand of his was busy, he had to pull on the lens with his teeth, to turn the camera on. As soon as it was ready, he chose the right setting and flashed your eyes almost blind. He did it so swiftly you barely had time to realize it, let alone change poses. You still had your innocent expression on, face dazzled with his milky cum. He took the picture that was coming out and laid it on the bed. He finally unclenched his hand on your throat and with his thumb, rubbed off some of the cum you had on your nose to spread it on your pouty lips. You licked it off and finally smiled, like you regained your spirits. “Did it turn out great ?” “How couldn't it ? You’re so photogenic”. Once the pola had fully gotten his colors, he looked at him before showing you. You were lying in the bed sheets when you took it from his hands. Beautiful. Your big eyes, the eerie white flash on the white hotel sheets, his veined hand, your breasts with pointy nipples and obviously, Isagi’s artistic streaks all over your face. “Are you putting this one in your phone case, Isagi ?” “Want me to ?”. You chuckled. 
7th pola: your wet pussy 
I think at that point you guys had hit the point of no return. Every pola he’d take from now on would not end up in a family photo album. The 7th was taken back home. The vacation had ended and neither of you had wanted to take a pola, maybe nothing was memorable enough to take a pic. So the 7th one happened in your house actually, after a match. Isagi had played against a random nugu team, but somehow had made very beautiful plays. Maybe it was because you, for once, made the effort to go see him. To be fair Isagi was having a really bad season and you kept on taunting him about it. It’s understandable that you didn’t particularly want to see him barely run on the field. But that day you went because you had nothing better to do, and you guys arranged an at-home date, so it was easier if you went home together. You didn't warn him you were coming, you just parked your car and sat in the VIP lounge, close enough to the field he’d notice you fast. Damn had he been good for once in a hot while. He was very lively, made beautiful feints, and memorable goals. He was so attractive when he played… The way his muscles tensed up, how he constantly wiped his sweaty face with his jersey, revealing his abs… Yeah you were no better than a fangirl. Actually you were the fangirl. But to top it off, really tie the knot, something that, unbeknownst to him, physically made you wet… He got mad at other players. Ah, so embarrassing for you but how down bad you were for him shouting at his teammates, borderline pushing the opponents, cussing himself when he missed… You could feel your pussy throbbing all throughout the match, getting more flustered as he began bad mouthing more and more the opponents cause he was winning. When people tried to talk to you, you stuttered, afraid at the idea they could read your mind. Oh the things you were imagining right now. When the match finished, Isagi went directly to you, and changed moods like nothing happened (he was never mean to you like that, to your discontent…). “You came to see me, angel ?” “Yes I figured I’d spare my boyfriend some of my precious time”. You went and kissed him, tasting the salty sweat on his face. You loved him like that, but again, it was a secret. Your kiss was unusually passionate for just a ‘hello’ kiss. Isagi stepped back and looked down at you, chuckling. “Thank you for coming. Let’s go home ?” “Yeah”, you answered as he took your hand and walked to your car.
You were driving when you talked about the match. “I think I went overboard with the rudeness today on the field”. “You think ? I think it was okay. Plus it made them tense, so I guess it worked.” “Tense ? Wait, you could hear them too up where you were ?” “... No, I just, I’m just guessing”. You could feel your cheeks getting redder. “Soooo you know how I am on the field ? Why’d you never mention it ? This is so embarrassing for me y/n…” Isagi closed his eyes while you were pretending to be focused on the road to avoid looking at him. “No it’s not actually. I find it… sexy”. Your cheeks were now hot. “Sexy ?! What do you mean ?! I’m plain spiteful !” “Yeah… that’s kinda what I like. I thank you for not being like this with me cause I’d be constantly horny”. Big blank. Isagi paused as you turned left into your driveway. His mind was working double (So she knew about it ? But she likes it ? Does she like being disrespected or is it just me ? What does she mean horny, if I push her she’ll kiss me ? If I insult her she’ll moan ? What the flip ?) ((Yes I'm convinced Isagi genuinely says that)). You turned the car off, took your keys and opened the door. “Forget about it, I’ve said too much and lost my dignity ‘till the end of our relationship”. You look at the floor sheepishly. “Are you fucking crazy ? You’re so weird y/n !” Isagi looked at you, angry as he caught up to you. You didn't react and went for the door, but Isagi blocked you, putting himself between you and the lock. “Answer”, he forced your chin up with his hand, making you look him in the eyes. Finally you could see the playful spark in his eyes. You smiled. “Yes I’m ‘fuckin crazy’. Cause this is enough for me to want to take my shirt off”. “Damn that’s… crazy. I adore crazy. So when you said wet, you meant… wet ?” “I’m pretty sure I left my seat back there drenched”. Isagi finally let you unlock the door and as soon as you closed it behind you, he picked you up from the floor, taking you straight to the bedroom. “Let me see”. He threw you rather carelessly on the mattress, making you laugh at how everything turned out. He unbuttoned your jeans and took them off for you while you kept laughing. As he threw them on the floor you heard him fulfilled: “it IS true ! You’re so wet only from me ?” You hide your face with your hands, still giggling “I ammm”. As Isagi looked up to see your face, a wide smile on his face, he saw his pola sitting on his shelf. “I am so proud – wait let me show you !” He removed his hand from your inner thighs and stood over you, hands on the bed, stretching trying to reach his camera. When he grabbed it, he looked down and looked at you in the eyes. Your faces were so close to each other. He snapped out of it and went back to business. He touched your wet pussy and tugged on one lip, revealing its pinkish color. Your panties were so stretchy, and so thin, even with fabric, all its topography was clear. And your wetness made the fabric stick even closer to your beautiful inner lips. Your panties were DRENCHED. You didn't lie when you said it made you feel things. Actually, had he looked, even your jeans were humid. He stroked your pussy quickly, and spread your legs slightly more with one hand, as he framed the shot, looking through the small camera preview. “Looks good”. He clicked and you heard the shutter go down. He took the picture and jumped back up to tower you. He looked deeply into your eyes “when you said you loved all of me, you did mean it” “i did, i do”. He kissed you passionately. The polaroid eventually showed its colors. A close up of your beautiful pussy, half of it revealed by Isagi’s fingers, and almost all your panties soaked. “You better not use this kink I have as a secret weapon during our fights from now on, babe”. What a use of a polaroid. 
8th pola: your hands on his dick
The eight pola was the result of a game. Basically you guys went to an arcade and you had set a rule: you would count the winner of every mini activity you did, and the one with the most wins could have a wish realized, any wish. In the end, you ended up winning. And your wish was simple, you wanted a pola that you could keep for yourself. With the satisfied grin you had when you told him what your wish was, he directly understood this would not be a polaroid like the first one you took. You really hesitated for what exactly you wanted to capture, so you thought to yourself that you would see how the night would go and you’d choose the right moment. Isagi looked really really cute, cute enough for you to want to take the picture multiple times. Honorable mentions of when you really hesitated to take the pic: when he took his belt and jeans off, that’s a classic but always has its effect on you, when he towered you, shirtless, and finally when he was eating you out. But you settled on perhaps your second favorite thing ever of Isagi, after his sweet personality: his cock. When you were giving him a blowjob, it really kicked in that, yes, damn his dick was beautiful. So you had him come but forbid him from spitting his cum anywhere but his abs or right up in the air so it’d fall back on his tip (usually he loves cumming on your thighs). So bam, his penis is covered in his own cum, and your beautiful hands –with a fresh manicure mind you– are stroking his dick. “Isagi stay like this. This is how I want the pola”. He looked at you almost embarrassed, he wasn't used to you being the one giving orders, especially in this context. “Can you take it for me ? I love your artistic vision better than mine”. Okay that was already too much for him so now he felt straight up humiliated. “Uhm, sure…” “A bet is a bet, angel”. Now you were using HIS pet name for YOU, TURNED AGAINST HIM ? He was the one who called you angel usually… He pouted, cheeks started to flush from embarrassment and he reached for the polaroid. “Make sure to leave your balls, your abs and my hand on the frame, angel”. He did not answer, he just kept pouting and pressed the button. When he was done you wiped the cum on his dick with your hand, cleaning your hands on his abs. “Good boy” you purred. You kissed him and grabbed the picture. It turned out perfect. “This one’s gonna be in my phone case”. 
9th pola: your naked body
The second to last, 9th polaroid was taken the same night. Had he been honest, Isagi would’ve admitted it was for revenge and to remind you who was in control. But he just said that “the camera was his after all, so he could take pics whenever he wanted”. As soon as you admitted being satisfied with your wish, Isagi pushed you lying on the mattress and pinned you down. “Let me show you a prettier sight”. He edged you for minutes on end, fingering your tight pussy. At the end, when he finally let you cum, you were left breathless and tired. That's when he grabbed his camera back, and took a picture of your naked body, bright flash on, leaving out your face. You could see everything in the picture, your boobs, your pretty hands, your shiny pussy from your own cum, your cute belly, and even your underwear that was still tossed next to you. “I’m the only one who knows it’s you because your face is left out, but I know every detail of you, even the heart shaped mole on your hips”. It was a cool pola to be fair. 
10th pola: his dick in your pussy 
The very last polaroid of the 10 item refill was thought through carefully. Isagi wanted something memorable and quintessential of his photographic journey. So he hesitated quite a long time between a genuinely innocent picture of the two of you, a selfie perhaps, or a nasty, dirty, filthy intimate scene. He was an advocate for the first one while you preferred the latter, that's why he decided to choose while playing rock paper scissors… Guess who won ?? Yours truthfully, obviously !! You shouted in joy and jumped around, hugging him from behind and teasing him. “I know what I want already, babe, something that is fair to the both of us”. You whispered in his ears: “let’s photograph a creampie”. He snickered. I’ll leave it up to your imagination how everything unraveled, but the last pola was very pretty indeed, showing equal parts of you and Isagi. 
A/N: Y’ALL MY 1RST SMUT WAS IT GOOD OR NAH ? I fear it’s not even that smutty but idk, I find fics describing graphically everything boring, like I'm creative enough to imagine which dirty words my delusionalship would say to me… This was longer than anticipated, but I gotta say I'm quite proud ! Plus I wrote it in like 3 days, which is unusual for inconsistent me. I lovvveeee isagi sm, this felt illegal writing cause I was always in my family living room kkkkk. And I was also inspired by my current polaroid I dusted off from last time I used it in 2017 bahaha.
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wearebarca · 3 months
7. Captured // Alexia Putellas x Original character pt. 7
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
synopsis: Rosalie has never stayed somewhere too long. When the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself at critical moment in her life, the photographer decides to once again leave behind what she knows and joins the staff of Europe's best football team.
Word count: 6,4k
A/N: Feedback is always nice. Spanish is from google translate so please be nice. French is my first language so all should be good on that part. Enjoy
Rosalie knew before she opened her eyes that she wasn’t in her bed. The stiffness in her neck was indication enough, along with the slightly rough feeling of the wool blanket she kept as a decoration on her couch. An unknown alarm was blaring from her phone on the coffee table. Suddenly, the memories from the night before  started to come back to her. How good it was to be wrapped in the footballer’s arms, how warm and safe it felt. She was probably the one who set an alarm to make sure the photographer wouldn’t be late for work.  The simple thought put a smile on the woman’s face.
 A quick look around her kitchen told her that most of the dishes were put away and a cup of coffee along with a note were waiting for her on the counter. 
“ I have to bring Nala home before training. You looked too peaceful to wake up. Thank you for yesterday, I really needed it. See you at training bonita.”
The photographer took the note and pinned it on her fridge. Every time her eyes strayed to it while getting ready, she could feel butterflies fill her stomach. The brunette hopped quickly in the shower and changed into her day clothes before heading out for the training center. 
The first thing she noticed upon entering her office was the small brown paper bag which seemed to be the source of the delicious smell lingering in the room. There could only be one person responsible for such a gesture. The fluttering feel from the morning came back full swing as the photographer pulled out a fresh pastry from the bag. 
Her morning was quite slow. She had tasked some of the junior photographers to attend training to allow her to finish answering some emails and send the contend Martina was waiting on for the next social media campaign. Rosalie’s morning was surprisingly productive considering the stiffness in her neck. The only thing that pulled her out of her work induced trance was the repeated buzz of her phone. When the device kept vibrating after a good five minutes, the brunette finally checked her screen to see what was going on. She was surprised to see the nicknames of several girls from the team appear on her screen, with the first notification being “Capi has added you to the chat”. Most were welcoming the photographer to the group and the rest were discussing the team bonding night organised by Ingrid that would most likely take place two weeks from now. 
Deciding she would read everything later, she left her phone on her desk and focused on finishing a few tasks before lunch. When she arrived in the cafeteria, she was immediately called by Mapi and Ingrid to join them and the rest of their group. The brunette grabbed her food and took the last available seat, which happened to be next to the Spanish captain. 
She was leaning with her elbows on the table, her hands holding her chin up and listening intently to what Patri was saying. Only, as soon as the brunette took her seat, her focus shifted. 
« Hola, » she said with a lazy smile stretching on her lips. Patri was aware of their budding friendship, but so far had not been aware of a deeper connection blooming between the captain and the photographer. Now, with her friend who had seemingly forgotten about her in order to engage in a conversation with the Canadian, it was clear that something more was happening.
“Did you sleep ok?”
“Yes, thank you, I didn’t even realize that you left this morning.” The photographer said a little embarrassed by how hard she was sleeping. They were leaning close to each other in order to keep a certain level of privacy in a table filled with their friends and colleagues. “ How did you sleep? Can’t imagine my couch would provide the best sleep.”
“I slept good actually, but I can’t say it’s because of your sofa no.” She said with a smile. 
Patri, still amazed by what was unfolding in front of her, tried to catch Pina’s attention by elbowing her in the ribs. “¿qué es?¿qué es?”
“¿desde cuando?”
“no sé” Pina said, watching the two women converse in front of her. “tengo curiosidad por saber que esta pasando”
“Le preguntaré a algunas de las chicas sobre esto.” Patri said, getting up to bring back her tray. 
The week passed on quickly for everyone. The team was preparing for their game next wednesday and the media team was working extra hard to provide the fans with fun content with their favourite players. Rosalie was able to get out of her office more, and take back her place as the main photographer present during the training sessions. More than ever, Rosalie was appreciating the little routine she had formed, but now, there was a new element present in her daily life. Every lunch, she would spend it with the team in the cafeteria, more precisely with a certain blond captain. 
As they grew closer, the rest of the team noticed the growing chemistry. With the realization came the teasing, which Alexia shot down pretty quickly. Even if these girls were her family, she did not want her private life to be the subject of discussion among them. But even with her efforts, the whole team was soon aware of the clear interest the women had for each other. 
Even with the thought of the photographer in her mind, Alexia was still dead focused on training. Her comeback after her injury had not been an easy road and the pressure of getting back to her old standards was a heavy load on her shoulders. Her appointment with the physio had been full of warnings against overtraining and focusing on a slower but safer road to full recovery. 
Alexia knew all of this. She knew that overworking herself would only slow her down in the end. But she was stubborn. The guilt she felt for her club, her teammates, the fans, who had yet to see the return of their queen, was simply too strong. 
She wasn’t surprised when Monday , two days before the game, she felt some discomfort in her knee. It wasn’t pain, yet, but it was enough to allow fear to grasp at her mind. 
Rosalie could see it from the sidelines, the anxiety slowly creeping in the blonde’s eyes. She was slower than normal, running through the drills with a carefulness she hadn’t seen her use before. She wasn’t the only one who had noticed the change in intensity. Jonatan soon after called for the captain who immediately ran to him, making a tremendous effort to hide the slight limp she had developed in the course of the session. 
Their exchange was fast. Alexia clearly seemed to want to finish this session and was arguing her case with as much intensity as she would with a ref during a game. Jonatan stayed strong, even with the captain towering over him. 
At this point, their argument had pulled the attention of several of the girls. Rosalie lowered her camera, not wanting to breach what clearly was a conversation meant to stay between player and coach. When she realized that Martina failed to show the same respect as her, she positioned herself between the pair and the head of media’s phone. 
“ I doubt this is the entertainment the fans want.” She said with a raised eyebrow. She had heard from the players how Martina could sometimes be invasive but she hasn’t seen her cross the line just yet. 
A dry laugh escaped Martina’s lips as she finally lowered her phone. “Si, si, you are right.” She said as she moved farther on the sidelines. Rosalie turned back around just in time to see Alexia storm off the pitch, leaving a discouraged Jonatan behind. 
“ Thank you Rosa.” Mapi said, approaching the photographer. “ Ale would have been livid if this came out in one of her instagram stories.” 
“Would she really?”
“ She has before.” Mapi said with bitterness in her tone. 
“ I’m starting to understand why Alexia is so wary of the media team.” Rosalie made a move towards the tunnel but was stopped by a hand on her wrist. 
“I know you want to make sure she’s alright, but for now Ale needs a minute to process.” Mapi said with a sad smile. Rosalie knew the Spanish woman was right, and she could not just leave practice to go comfort the captain. 
“ Oui, oui I understand.” She said, picking back up her camera. The rest of the practice seemed to drag on to no end for the photographer who wanted nothing more than to see how the blonde was doing. 
Once training was over, Rosalie learned that Alexia had been sent to the physios to assess the situation. Not wanting to disturb the professional, she went back to her office to work in the editing of the pictures she had taken. 
Once again, her afternoon seemed a lot slower than usual, and for one of the first times since she had started this job, Rosalie left her office at the same time as the rest of the staff. 
Lucy and Keira could not believe their eyes when they saw the Canadian walk out of the building. 
“Are you feeling alright Frenchy?” Keira asked, almost worried for her friend.  
“Oui oui, I just thought finishing early would hurt once in a while.”
“Who are you?” Lucy asked, grabbing the younger woman by the shoulders. 
“Non mais voyons lâches moi.” The brunette said, laughing loudly. 
“Wanna come by for dinner? We could watch a movie or something.” Keira asked, happy to finally have the opportunity to finally spend some time with her best friend. 
“Sure! That’s a great idea!” They all walked together in the parking lot, discussing what they would watch, when a specific dark grey cupra caught the attention of the photographer. 
“Isn’t that Alexia’s car?”
“Yeah, I thought she left at the same time as the rest of us.” Lucy said, checking her watch. At this time, the medical staff had already left and no one was left in the gym. 
“I hope she’s ok.” Rosalie said as she came to a stop half way to her car. Lucy and Keira could practically see the dilemma forming in the younger woman’s head. They knew that she would not ditch them, even if her heart was telling her to go see the Catalonian.
“Go.” Lucy decided for her. Rosalie sent a thankful look towards the couple as she turned around and almost dashed to the training center. 
She let her instincts guide her to the pitch, where she found the blond sitting alone on a ball. She  took a seat next to her. They stayed silent for a while, until the blonde was ready to talk 
“I am not playing on Wednesday.” The blonde said, her gaze not leaving the pitch. “They want to prevent further deterioration.”
The brunette shuffled closer to the footballer. “Can you still train?”
“ In the gym, yes, and light drills.” She said sadly. 
Rosalie took a second to take in the footballer's sad features. With her foot, she kicked the ball slightly under Alexia, just hard enough to make her lose balance and slide to the floor. As soon as the ball was free, Rosalie dashed down the pitch to the nearest goal and sent the ball in the top right corner. When she turned back towards the blond, she was still sitting on the floor with a very cute and confused expression. 
“Come on! What are you gonna do about that?” The photographer yelled arms in the air with what Alexia thought was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. 
“Are you scared of an amateur, La Reina?” Rosalie knew she had her now. Alexia got up and slowly jogged to the goal to retrieve the ball. She kicked it in the brunette’s direction and stood a few feet away from her. 
“ I just know that you  are no amateur Rosalia.” She said with a soft smile. 
As soon as the brunette touched the ball, Alexia’s whole demeanour changed. Her face was the epitome of focus and her whole body tensed, revealing her taut muscles. The sight was intimidating to say the least, but Rosalie was not going to let the opportunity to show off a little pass. 
She dashed forward, ball at her feet, pulling all the tricks she could think of. She was fast, but Alexia seemed to be able to predict her every move and soon enough, the photographer ended up on her ass, no ball in sight. 
A loud laugh was heard behind her. She turned around to see Alexia with one foot on the ball, seemingly trying very hard to keep her composure. 
“ You’re fast, and skilled, but a tiny bit predictable.” She said, offering a hand to pull the photographer up. 
“Rematch.” Was all the photographer said as she took the ball from the blond and positioned herself once again. Alexia smiled at the brunette’s eagerness. She had found someone as competitive as her. 
They were at it for  almost an hour, with Rosalie successfully scoring a grand total of seven times against Alexia who blocked at least twelve attempts.
 Rosalie, unsatisfied with these statistics, almost begged the footballer for one last attempt. Whoever won this, would win the whole game. 
“ I think I have you now Reina.” Rosalie said with a cheeky smile. 
“ Don’t get so cocky now bonita, I won’t go easy on you.” The nickname made the photographer blush furiously, but she refused to let it distract her. She finally launched her attack , but Alexia’s response was so fast Rosalie wasn’t even able to register what was happening. She was left standing alone in the field while Alexia was already halfway across the pitch, sending the ball in a perfect arc in the opposite goal. 
Rosalie sat on the grass and let herself fall on her back dramatically, arms in a cross. Alexia retrieved the ball and ran back to the photographer, flopping down almost on top of her. The impact knocked the air out of her lungs, but she made no move to get out from under the blond. 
“ I think it is safe to say that I won.” Alexia said, still laughing. No answer came from the brunette, who was too mesmerized by the blond’s eyes and the feeling of her weight on top of her. 
Her smile softened as her eyes shifted to the captain’s lips. Alexia seemed to finally notice the position they were in, as well as how little space separated the two. She could feel the rapid pulse of the photographer, which matched her own. The pull was magnetic, and every second passing seemed to eat away at the woman’s resolve. 
They did not know who reached for who first, their movements almost synchronized. 
Her lips were even softer than Rosalie had imagined. They fit perfectly on her own and it felt like something had just clicked. She could feel the tension in the captain’s body slowly fade away, as if she was melting in their embrace. The shift of weight brought the delicious feeling of the footballer’s body moving on her, which pulled a small moan from the brunette. 
The sound caught Alexia’s attention. She smiled into the kiss, which made the smaller woman pull away slightly. When she saw the happy expression on the footballer’s face, she smiled and angled her head away, embarrassed by her body’s reaction to the blond. Alexia’s hand came up and caressed the photographer’s cheek before diving back in for a slow kiss. The contrast between Alexia’s callous hands and her soft lips made the photographer’s head spin. 
They pulled away when oxygen became an issue. Alexia thought, as she looked at the smaller woman who’s pupils were blown and lips swollen from their kiss, she realized that she needed to see more of this blissed out version of the photographer. 
Rosalie’s expression changed, mistaking Alexia’s silence for regret. “I’m so sorry I didn’t want to overstep I’m…” she was interrupted by the feeling of the blonde’s lips back on her. 
“ Don’t apologize, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” She said with a smile. They got back up and retrieved their bags. None of them uttered a word as they walked back to their car, content in the comfortable silence. Alexia stopped next to the photographer’s car, holding the door open for Rosalie. 
“Thank you,” Alexia said with a shy smile. “I needed this.”
“Which one, the game or the kiss?”
“I think it’s safe to say both.” She said with a grin. 
Rosalie had a love-hate relationship with her phone. She liked the convenience of having a decent camera always with her, but she hated the constant buzzing and being bombarded by text and notifications. She kept her phone on silent outside of work hours.
 If she had it on, she would have seen the notification of a new instagram story on the club’s account. She would have seen that she had been tagged in it, along with Alexia’s account. She would have seen the massive wave of messages flooding her dms. 
Instead, it was in her bed , when she reached for her phone in order to set her alarm, that she realized exactly how invasive the head of social media could really be. 
The video wasn’t too bad really. It captured the moment of the photographer’s fall after she had lost to the captain and Alexia toppling on her a few moments later. To anyone else, it simply looked like two friends having fun after a long day at work but to the women’s football community, it was a lot more. 
Emotions flooded the brunette all at once. Never would she have thought that her privacy would be so easily exposed to the world. She never wanted to be thrusted into the spotlight, and all this attention made all the color drain from her face. 
The feeling only grew much worse when Rosalie thought of Alexia. She knew how the blonde felt about her life being exposed to the public eye. 
Rosalie didn’t sleep that night, and the consequences were very visible the next morning when she pulled up at the training center. She had ignored all of Ingrid and Mapi’s numerous calls and texts, and only answered a thumbs up to Lucy and Keira’s worried messages. 
For the brunette, it was impossible to think about anything else than Alexia’s reaction to all this. The facility was quieter than usual, due to the fact that Rosalie had opted to arrive later to avoid crossing paths with anyone. Surprisingly, Ingrid was sitting in the lobby, and got up as soon as she saw the Canadian enter. 
Rosalie froze and didn’t move when the Norwegian made a move to hug her. «How are you? »
« Worried.» the photographer said in a small voice. « My phone won’t stop buzzing. »
The raven hair girl tightened her hold before letting go and grabbing her arm to start guiding the brunette down the corridor. 
 « The media team and the coaches have called a meeting to deal with the situation. Alexia is there as well. »
« How is she? »
« Very angry. » Ingrid said. She panicked a little as she saw her friend’s face fall. « Not at you Rosy! She’s in this state mainly because this time, Martina dragged someone dear to her in this mess. »
Rosalie blushed slightly at that and stayed silent for the rest of the walk. They arrived in front of a room where loud and rapid Spanish conversations could be heard through the closed door. Ingrid sent an encouraging look to the photographer before pushing her inside the room. 
Inside was a long table where Jonatan, Sara, Marcelo, Martina, Alexia and another man she did not recognize were all sitting. The room went quiet as the Canadian entered. Jonatan got up and smiled at the nervous photographer. 
« Bon dia Rosalie, take a seat. » he said motioning to the open seat next to Sara, which happened to be right across Alexia. Just like Ingrid had said, the captain looked livid, anger overtaking all of her features, making her look cold and almost Dangerous. 
« Hey, I’ll translate if it gets too fast.” Rosalie sent a grateful nod her way, but when the conversation started back, they had switched to English to make sure the photographer would follow. 
“ As I was saying, it is simply unacceptable to use the player’s personal life to promote the club. Let’s not forget that this video was taken outside of training hours and I am certain none of the girls gave their consent to post this.” Jonatan said, turning to Rosalie to confirm his statement. 
“ I never gave my consent, nor was even aware of being filmed during that time.” She said in a shaky voice. 
“ But you were at the training centre. That makes it ok to film since what happens inside these walls is club business.” Martina said, clearly trying to justify her actions. “ It was a wholesome moment that attracted a lot of attention to the club.” She added. 
Every word coming out of the woman’s mouth seemed to chip away at Alexia’s patience. She decided that she had been silent long enough and it was time to show just how angry she truly was. 
“ Attention? You exposed us for attention? You forcefully pulled Rosalie at the forefront of an obsessed fan base who’s been harassing us for the last 12 hours, for attention?” She said, the sound of her voice getting louder and more aggressive with every word. 
“You don’t realize the impact your actions have on other people. As players, we know that we are constantly being watched and that our lives are but a source of entertainment for others. But Rosalia never asked for any of this. She doesn't deserve this violation of her privacy.” She added, sending a look in the photographer’s way. One that greatly reassured the brunette. Alexia was trying to protect her. 
“We are tired of the abuse the head of social media  has perpetuated and the team, along with the coaches, ask management to take action against the perpetrators.” Alexia sat back in her chair. The rest of the table was silent, waiting to see who would dare speak after Alexia’s declaration. 
Finally, the man Rosalie did not know coughed a little and spoke in spanish, too fast for Rosalie to be able to understand properly. 
“He said that from now on, Marcelo would be acting as head of social media and that every post Matina would prepare would have to be approved beforehand.” Sara whispered to the brunette. She turned just in time to see Martina’s face fall and Alexia’s smirk appear. 
“There is still the matter of the video itself.” Marcelo said, pulling out his computer. “Millions of people have already seen it. Taking it down now would only attract more attention to it.” He said, turning his screen so they could all see the statistics. 
“ The response is mainly positive and Alexia told me that the messages she’s been receiving are mostly positive.” The new head of socials turned towards the photographer. “ What about you?”
“I haven’t read anything really, but none of my notifications stood out.” She said pulling out her phone and opening the app for the first time since the night before. 
“ So it seems that for now, most people see this as the friendship we all know you two have. This is good. I think that the best course of action would be to leave it up, and simply continue our posting habits as usual, but featuring the other players more.” He said with confidence. 
“ We need to give the fans something else to focus on. We can post a fun interview from media day today along with an update on our injured players.” The solution seemed like a good  plan to the rest of the staff who all agreed and stood up. The man Rosalie had yet to know the name walked out first, followed closely by Martina who looked dead set on trying to explain her point of view. The fact that she seemed incapable of understanding what she had done was wrong baffled the brunette. She really did not regret her actions and Rosalie was starting to think that her consequences weren’t harsh enough. 
From the corner of her eye, the photographer saw Alexia abruptly stand up and bolt out of the room. Her instinct told her to follow, and she was glad she did because she arrived just in time to see Alexia trap Martina against the wall. 
“¿Viste algo más anoche?” She asked in a low, menacing voice. Her tone gave Rosalie chills, and she didn’t know if it was because of fear or something else. 
“No, me fui justo después, lo juro.” Martina said, visibly shaken by the taller woman’s action. Alexia released her and stormed out towards the locker room. When Rosalie passed her, she sent a strange look her way, as if she was trying to see something that would have evaded her keen snooping skills. 
Her gaze made the photographer feel uncomfortable as she quickened her steps. She pushed the door of the locker room and found Alexia, head in her hands, sitting at her cubicle. 
“Ale…” At the sound, the captain’s gaze met her own and Rosalie saw for the first time how Alexia truly felt about the whole ordeal. Fear and panic was visible in her hazel eyes as she stood up to pace around the room. 
“You shouldn’t be in here.” She said, eyes to the floor. “If someone sees…”
“Everyone is on the pitch, it's ok.” Rosalie could see Alexia getting agitated , so she decided to take a seat in the closet cubicle to her, on the opposite side of the room. 
“I knew this would happen. It’s always the same thing with your team.” She said, still pacing.
“My team?” Rosalie said incredulously. 
“Si, you can’t stop putting your nose in other’s lives and it’s hell for the rest of us.” Alexia said, stopping in her tracks to look at the brunette. 
Rosalie was too stunned to speak. Her expression was a mix of hurt and sadness that broke the captain’s heart as soon as she saw it. 
Rosalie knew that Alexia was angry and it was this anger that pushed her to say these things, but she couldn’t help how bad she felt after hearing it. 
“ I thought you knew I wasn’t like this. I would never breach your privacy like this.” 
“ I know, I know.” Alexia said, trying to calm down. “Maybe we should just be colleagues,” she said in a small voice, incapable of looking the photographer in the eyes. She knew that if she did, she would cross the room and take the smaller woman in her arms, apologize and tell her that everything would be alright. 
“Is that what you really want?” 
“Then there’s nothing I can do but respect your decision.” Rosalie said in a sad voice. She turned around and walked out of the locker room, leaving Alexia alone. 
As soon as the brunette left, Alexia sat back down. She felt like her legs weren’t able to carry her anymore. Her hands were shaking and a heavy feeling lingered in her heart. 
She knew that what she had just done was cold, but it was the only way she could protect her from the scrutiny of the public eye. She knew Rosalie was like her, a very private person and the moment the photographer crossed the threshold of the confederation room, she could see from how small she looked, how much this was affecting her. Distancing herself from the French-Canadian was the only option to keep Rosalie, and herself, out of the spotlight. 
When she finally mustered up the strength to get out on the pitch, her eyes immediately scanned the field for the family silhouette of the brunette. She only found one of the other photographers and the rest of the media team. Thankfully, Martina was nowhere in sight. 
Alexia walked to the huddle in the center of the pitch and took a spot next to Lucy. The woman turned around and sent a glare her way, almost frightening the captain. The rest of practice was hell for the midfielder. She made mistake after mistake, missing targets on her passes and unable to complete plays that she usually had no difficulty doing.    
She simply could not stop thinking about how it all went down this morning. She knew that it would be hard to stay away from the photographer, especially now that the feeling of the woman’s soft lips was ingrained in her mind, but she had not planned feeling this sort of withdrawal so soon. 
As soon as the photographer reached her office, the tears that were threatening to fall ran down her cheeks. It was all too much at the same time for the woman. Her phone blowing up with various messages from fans, her anger towards the former head of social media, Alexia’s rejection and the workload that came a few days before a match, was simply more than what she could handle emotionally. 
So Rosalie did what she always did when it became too much. She buried herself in her work and training. She spent her whole day barricaded in her office, arranging the photoshoot schedule for the next month and working on the fan project. She skipped lunch and stayed well after the last staff member had left. She ignored the messages from Lia and Leah who had seen the story and wanted to know if their friend was alright, and sent a quick answer to Lucy, who she had briefly talked to before hiding in her office. She needed to be alone, isolate herself from the world for a bit. 
Having the match here in Barcelona came as a relief for Rosalie who didn’t have to take the team bus or interact with anyone before the actual match. She had tasked the other photographers to take the arrival pictures and was able to receive and edit them in her office while everyone was preparing. 
With Alexia on the bench, Rosalie found her job sligh harder than normal due to the piercing gaze she could feel on her back. It took every ounce of self control to not turn and meet her gaze head on. She knew that if she did, she would forgive the blond for the harsh words she had said. So she focused on her job, and did not linger on the pitch once the team secured the win. 
The rest of the week stayed more or less the same for the French-Canadian. Wake up, run, breakfast, work, strength training, sleep then repeat.  She had declined coffee with Ingrid and Mapi and had yet to decide if she was going to show up at the team bonding night, which was scheduled in 3 days. 
All week she could see, as well as the rest of the team, that Alexia was clearly not in the right mindset. Her temper was short and she easily lost her patience when training wasn’t going the way she wanted. The whole team had come to fear the blonde and simply did not know how to approach their captain. 
When it became clear that Alexia’s mood wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Mapi decided that it was time to have a talk. Which is why, when the midfielder was sulking all alone on the sidelines, she was swiftly grabbed by the jersey and dragged in the stands.
 From their spot, they could see the rest of the girls doing drills and for a moment, Alexia was able to take a breath. She had loved watching her teammates practice when she herself could not play. She used to close her eyes and visualize herself back in the field. But for now, she was focused on the reason why her friend had dragged her in the stands in the middle of training. 
The tattooed woman stayed silent while she kept looking at the blonde in the eyes. 
“You are going to talk to me now.”
“What about?” Alexia knew exactly what Mapi was hinting at, but she still tried to act confused. 
“ You know exactly what I’m talking about, now spill.” Mapi said with a stern expression. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say. It’s the same thing every time any of us gets close to someone. We get exposed and our whole lives are scrutinized. I don’t want this and I am pretty sure she doesn’t want that either.”
“You are scared.”
“Alexia, you can’t let this dictate your life.”
“You don’t understand. I can’t be distracted by all this. I can’t have people think football is not my priority.”
“They won’t. Ale you are human, you are allowed to have a life outside of football. We all saw you with her. You haven’t been this happy in a long time.” Mapi said, trying to reason with her friend. She could see that beneath this facade, the woman was simply scared to allow herself to thrive outside of football.
“It’s too late now, she probably doesn’t want anything to do with me anyway.” Alexia said.
“ I know for a fact that isn’t true. She cares about you too Alexia. Make it right.” Mapi got up and made her way down the stairs, leaving Alexia alone to think. She knew her friend was right, and she knew that the true motivation behind her decision to cut ties was fear, but the feeling was still so potent that the blond could simply not allow herself to act on her emotions. 
Alexia did not go back to practice, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the photographer who was currently dying under the harsh Spanish sun. Even after last week, the brunette still caught herself seeking out the captain on the pitch. She shook her head and tried to focus back on her job, but the heat combined with the exhaustion caused by her excessive training and lack of proper sleep was a deadly combination. 
One second she was up, the next she was on her ass with her head on her knees, concentrating hard on staying conscious. The first to notice was Lucy, who bolted across the pitch, followed closely by Sara and Kiera. 
The last thing the photographer saw was Lucy crouching down in front of her, and the feeling of her hand on her forehead before the world went black. 
Rosalie woke up in Sarah's office with her head pounding and vision blurred. As soon as she opened her eyes, Lucy was all over her, making sure that the girl had everything she needed. The older English woman managed, after some arguing, to convince Rosalie to take the rest of the week off, since she had already finished her work and the rest of the photography team could manage without her just fine for two days. 
A knock suddenly echoed in the room and a silhouette blocked the frosted glass of the door. Lucy stood up from the chair and opened the door slightly before sliding out once realizing who was at the door. Rosalie could not clearly see who was at the door, but she could hear the faint sound of talking 
“Lucia I just want to know if she is ok.” 
“ I’m telling you she’s fine. It’s just exhaustion Alexia you can relax.” Rosalie could hear a long exhale that most likely came from the blonde. 
“Alexia, if you care about her so much why did you treat her like this.” Lucy asked. The captain stayed silent, but Lucy learned a lot more from the blond’s silence than any word could explain. 
“Make it right ale.” Lucy said, echoing the words Mapi had said to her just a few hours prior. 
Rosalie heard some footsteps and soon after, the door opened softly and a disheveled blond head poked through. Once she saw that the brunette was awake, Alexia realized that she had not planned what she would say to the photographer. 
“Hey..” Her voice was so hushed and shy that Rosalie almost didn’t hear it. 
“You can come in, you don’t have to hover at the door.”
“I won’t disturb you too long. I just wanted to see if you were ok.” She said, finally stepping in the room. 
“Just a bit dizzy still, but I’m fine.” She said,
“Good.” She stood awkwardly for a moment, looking around the room unable to look the brunette in the eyes. 
“I am sorry about the things I said. I was stressed and did not think before speaking.” Alexia finally said, taking  the few steps separating her from the chair next to the exam chair. 
“It’s ok, it was the stress talking, I can understand that this kind of pressure is hard to deal with.” The younger woman said. She couldn’t deny that the initial reaction had hurt her but after a while, especially after seeing the echo it had online, she was able to understand why one would react like that. “ But I want you to know that I don’t appreciate how you blamed me and my profession for someone else’s actions.” 
Rosalie could excuse the reaction, but this part still stung. “ I am not like that, I respect and value the privacy of every player in this team.”
“I know. I am truly sorry.” The brunette offered a smile which was answered by Alexia’s shy one.
“ Do you need me to drive you home?” Alexia offered.
“Thank you but Lucy has that covered I think.” 
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Alexia asked with the slightest bit of hope in her voice.
“ I think I’ll take the next two days off and work from home if they need me.” 
“ But I’ll be there at team bonding night on Friday. The girls won’t let me miss it after disappearing on them these past two weeks.” She added when she saw the blond’s shoulder fall at her previous statement.
“ Good, I am glad you are ok Rosalia.” Alexia said, standing up and making her way to the door. “ I would like it if we could start over, be friends again.” The blond added.
“ I think we can do that.” Rosalie said with a smile.
“ Ok, you take care of yourself Rosalie please.” Alexia said before walking out of the room, leaving Rosalie alone, feeling the best she had all week.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
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patrick ends up threatening birdie - to no one's suprise - surprisingly, he isn't as mean as he could've been - or even as much as he planned to be. you had this kind of pathetic aura to you. a kind of wide doe eyed startled expression when you saw him. it was clear you'd dolled yourself up - or at least attempted to. your eyeliner was wobbly. your lipgloss too tacky. your hair was a hackjob, but it could be interpreted as stylish, he guessed. didn't dress too shabby, either.
all in all you were cute. for a stalker, anyway.
"you know." was the first thing he said, looking you up and down from where he leaned against the gym building. "if you'd just approached art like this normally, I'd give you at least a 50/50 shot."
you looked down at your shoes. he could tell you wanted to bolt, but you knew you were caught. his fate was in your hands.
"you're kind of a fucking freak, you know that?"
you didn't answer and patrick felt a spark of irritation. all that shit you spouted about art being your god, about wanting to live in his skin and fucking have his babies, and here you were, shy as a lamb. couldn't even look him in the eye and own up to what a pervert you were.
"i bet you do." he took his hands out of his hoodie pockets and approached you. you backed away as he did, but he followed and it wasn't long before he had you pressed against the brick wall. looking up at him with big worried eyes. like you were the victim, here. "really - you're not half bad to look at. I'd fuck you."
you flinched at the words. worried your bottom lip between your teeth and shook your head. but that was all, still not a word. it was really starting to piss him the fuck off.
"is that what it was all about?" he placed a hand at your waist - felt the muscles in your body jump at the contact but he pressed in close. pinned you. "you need some dick?"
he skated his hand up your body - to the swell of your breast - felt himself get hard, despite it all, because fuck, you really were cute. he hadn't gotten laid since he landed.
"maybe i should see what this pussies all about. you put coke up there or something? got poor artie fucking hooked on some shit he hasn't even tested yet." he squeezed your tit, painfully. enough to make you jump. it wasn't meant to feel good and he leered at the whine you let out. pinched your nipple between his fingers meanly. "got yourself real nice and pretty, huh? what kind of friend would i be if i didn't test the goods first -"
it burst from your chest. somehow loud and quiet all at once - your hand came up to strike him, but patrick caught it easily. stepping back and squeezing your wrist so hard you whimpered. "d - dont touch me." you gasped, jerking your hand back. cradling it to your chest - you felt sick. sick to your stomach. you wanted to scream for help but knew how ridiculous that'd be considering what led you here. you were trapped.
patrick glared at you.
"you're going to write art one more letter." he said. your eyes widened. "you're going to tell him it was all a game - that you never meant it to get this far - tell him you never meant anything you said. that it was all lies to mess with his head. that it was supposed to be fun but its not anymore and you're ending it."
you stared at him in shock. the cool night air made strands of your hair float in front of your face like tendrils of doom and you imagined choking on them until you died.
"i cant -" you said. "it wasn't a game. I love -"
"you're sick. you dont know what love is." at this patricks eyes seemed to soften. with pity. your gut churned. "and you can. you dont have a choice."
you didn't like his tone. didn't like the finality of it.
"because i took pictures of everything i saw - the letters - the messages - all of it. its right here -" he pulled a hardrive out of his jeans pocket. "and if you dont do what i say, this is all going to the police."
you closed your eyes. felt a cold calm sense of dread settle over your heart.
"i dont care." you said pitifully, eyes pricking with tears. "turn me in - i dont care. i cant lie to him."
patrick sighed.
"i was afraid you'd say that. which is why im telling you - if you do this - I'll give you updates. on art and how hes doing. if you're in prison - you'll never hear from him or about him again. which of those options sounds better to you?"
you didn’t even have to think about it.
"I'll write the letter."
patrick smiled.
"i knew you would."
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the letter comes the next day. It's waiting for art in his dorm room, slid under the small gap - he nearly drops his phone in his rush to pick it up and read it. he's meant to be meeting patrick for lunch - but he can cancel - will cancel a million lunches if it means he hears from you again - gets to read your words - gets to talk to you - he hopes after he reads you'll answer his texts. let him call you. anything.
his eyes scan the inked words on the page and the eager smile on his face slips slowly - his bag drops from his limp hand. he finishes the letter. sits on his bed and stares blankly at nothing for a long time.
something in his chest breaks. in his mind too. he can feel the crack frissure and then the shattering of it. like glass. he tastes blood in his mouth and realizes he's been biting his lip hard enough to make it bleed. he rubs the red stain from his mouth and numbly stares at it. he thinks 'i want her to die for this.'
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unoislazy · 10 months
Fucking Brat
Mizu x Reader
Summary: you fuck around, you find out.
Disclaimer; Ray if you read this fic I’m gonna kill you.
Obviously swearing.
A bit heated but no nsfw
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You and Mizu met during one of her many stops, this stop in particular happens to be the town you lived in. Mizu had essentially saved you from being taken by three men who had no regard or respect for your boundaries. From then on, you refused to leave her side, wanting some kind of protection in exchange for really anything Mizu wanted.
Well apparently the one thing off the table was your cooperation.
While traveling together, you and Mizu butt heads constantly. The fact that she had kept you around this long would’ve been a shock to anyone considering how you two talked to each other. You always liked to poke fun at things that she did, situations you came across, anything and everything. Mizu never openly found your jokes or teasing manner all that funny and yet for some reason unbeknownst to you, she kept you around.
You liked to tease her, oftentimes that meant just openly flirting with her despite never getting a reaction. You almost thought it was impossible for her to ever flirt back so you never felt any shame in what you said. She had never truly given you a reason to believe otherwise so you constantly tested her patience.
You had found a place to rest, which this time surprisingly was not in the middle of nowhere in the woods. Due to low funds, you, Ringo, and Mizu all had to share a room but you had agreed to sleep on opposite sides of the room.
Now you sit staring at the woman across from you, the room was extremely quiet given the fact that Ringo was not there. You had your chin resting on your hand as you pouted. Mizu didn’t even need to look up to know that you were staring at her.
“What do you want?” She asked, one of her hands lightly rubbed a cloth on the lense of her glasses to clear them up.
“Am I not allowed to look at you?” You asked in a very sarcastic tone, you knew what you were starting.
“Not when you’re staring, no.” She argued, her voice was low and she didn’t really want to enable you by responding but she couldn’t help herself.
“Why? Are you going to burst into flames if I don’t stop?”
“No, but you’ll lose an eye.” She responded, placing her glasses down on top of her cape which had been folded beside her. She really had no reason to wear them, you already knew two of the secrets she hid.
“Oh, scary.” You mocked, pretending to be trembling in fear. “You know you’d never hurt me.”
“You wanna bet?” She asked, finally looking up at you.
“You’re no fun.” You pouted again, now facing away from her. You didn’t think Mizu would actually ever put you in danger, but honestly you didn’t want to find out either.
“Never said I was.”
“Do you have even the slightest sense of humor?”
“Considering what you think is funny? No.”
You groaned at her response, she was so annoyingly dull and barely ever gave you anything to work off of. Which is why, any chance you’d get, you’d try your best to annoy her and push her to her limit.
“So, Mizu.” You began. The woman didn’t even pay you any mind this time but you knew she was at least still listening. You had slowly begun to make your way next to her, much to her very clear dismay. “Are you always so serious?” You asked despite obviously knowing the answer.
“Only when I’m annoyed.” She answered just as plainly as she had every other time. By now she had already set down her glasses but she still refused to properly look at you.
“You know I feel like our time together would be much more pleasant if you would lighten up a bit.” You jokingly suggested. You didn’t mind her reluctance to give you any sort of answer, sure it was incredibly annoying, but it only made your job more interesting trying to find more intricate ways to go about it.
However, this time Mizu didn’t even answer. She sent you one look and that was it.
“Your eyes are so pretty, it’s too bad that every time you look at me they’re only filled with disdain.” You pouted, still not gaining any response from the woman. Alright fine, if she was going to be boring, you’d have to up your game.
You moved yourself closer to the woman, now sitting beside her
You very carefully moved your hand closer to hers before you muttered,
“You know letting yourself have fun won’t kill you.”
You were persistent, she’d have to hand you that. She had to catch herself at one point, she couldn’t let herself so much as look interested in whatever kind of trouble you were trying to offer. No distractions, that was what she kept herself to, and that’s what she planned on staying with.
Your persistence was beginning to get on her nerves though, not because she didn’t enjoy your useless bickering, oh no it was quite the opposite. It was because she enjoyed it that she was annoyed. She didn’t want to let herself cave in, she had to keep herself from pointless endeavors, no matter how tempting they may have been, and you had tried tempting her on more than one occasion and nearly succeeded.
Why she kept you around if she didn’t want to be distracted was beyond either of you.
“Come on Mizu.” You teased, your hand overlapping hers as you noticed the annoyed look on her face. It wasn’t incredibly noticeable but the way her lips and nose scrunched ever so slightly let you know you were doing precisely what you wanted. Besides, Mizu was no stranger to being blunt, had she not wanted this attention she would’ve stopped you well before this point.
Your hand slowly traveled from her hand, lightly grazing up her arm before landing on her shoulder, you leaned towards her and whispered,
“Let go, just for a little.”
Mizu then swiftly grabbed your arms pulling them off her shoulder and then pinning you down. You hit the ground fast, but it wasn’t a hard enough impact to hurt, if anything it simply shocked you. You weren’t expecting such a sudden outburst, and especially not such a restricting one. Now you were lying beneath her, her lower half straddling you much like you had seen her due to a few others on your travels.
You’d never admit it to her but any time she did this to someone else you silently wished it would have been you, well it seems like you got your wish.
You looked up at her, her breathing wasn’t incredibly heavy but it was noticeable enough, her hands were tightly wrapped around your wrists, they didn’t hurt but it was a bit uncomfortable.
The annoyance she held on her face had become much more noticable, but her eyes held an emotion that you couldn’t quite read.
“Do you ever stop talking?” She asked, obviously not wanting an answer. Your eyes were widened from the sudden shift in attitude before you smirked.
“I think you already know the answer to that.” You joked, earning a scoff from Mizu.
“You think you’re so funny.”
“I know I am.”
“Would you shut up?”
“Make me.” You challenged. The woman whose face was no more than a few mere inches away from your face paused for a moment. She was contemplating something and honestly with the way she acted it could either be that she wanted to slit your throat or make you regret saying that somehow.
You wouldn’t though, you said what you said and you meant it.
“What, you don’t know how too? That’s too bad, I guess you’ll just have to de-“ Before you could finish your snarky remark, Mizu had planted a kiss directly on your lips. It wasn’t a soft loving kiss, it was rough, full of longing, and an annoyance that only you could be the blame for. You couldn’t help but melt into it, sure you were trapped underneath her so there was not much else you could do but you’d be lying if you said this wasn’t something you wanted to come out of your shameless flirting.
She shifted a bit on top of you, her legs were firmly planted on either side of your waist keeping her still. She was still holding your hands down but not as tightly as she had been, one of them slowly moved down your arm as she deepened the kiss.
While this wasn’t exactly what you were expecting from Mizu, you weren’t complaining. If anything you just expected, “you’re so annoying leave me alone.” And to call it a day, but clearly that’s not where you were going to leave this off.
As flirty and unflustered you wanted to act about this situation, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last that long. Your heart was pounding rapidly, you shifted your legs a bit uncomfortably underneath her, trying to readjust yourself.
Seeing as this wasn’t the outcome you were expecting you didn’t know where to go from here, you truly didn’t believe you’d get this far.
After some time Mizu finally released from the kiss, lifted off of you only to return back to the position she had been in before where she was a few inches away from your face. Once she had lifted from you, you both sat in silence for a moment before she let out,
“God you’re such a fucking brat.” She practically growled. You stared at her, your eyes widening even the slightest bit as you felt your stomach do a backflip. You had never felt that way with anyone so feeling it now with her was a discovery you had not planned on making at this specific point in time.
As funny as you might have thought this situation was before this point, You had pushed her to the limit and now you were dealing with the consequences of it.
You weren’t complaining either.
She continued to hold you in place despite you making no real effort to move away from her, not like you could even if you tried. You both sat there, inches away from each other, just staring at each other. Her eyes were filled not with annoyance like you expected them to be but… amusement. She was enjoying this just as much as you were.
Seemed like she was willing to partake in a distraction after all.
Your reluctance to make another joke at her expense after saying what she did didn’t go unnoticed by Mizu. A smirk slowly made its way onto her face as she scoffed, “That's what gets you to shut up?” She asked rhetorically.
She wasn’t wrong, you hadn’t said anything since then and honestly it embarrassed you. You had so many good lines but that one thing made you shut down almost completely. It felt almost as if the whole reality of the situation came running into you full force.
You were laying under Mizu as she straddled you, and you got yourself into that position by annoying her until she wanted to make you shut up. If this was anyone’s fault, it was your own.
“Nothing to say now?” She mocked in a way similar to how you had originally. You didn’t know what to say and all you could do was just stare at her. What does one say in this position?
“Where did this come from?”
Finally you had at least managed to get a few words out.
Mizu leaned forward, her lips gently brushing against your ear as she whispered,
“From you testing my patience.”
With that the feeling had come back yet again. She knew what she was doing and you really couldn’t complain, not like you would anyways.
“Not so brave when you have no power.” She continued to tease, a very knowing smirk stayed plastered on her face before she had neared your face once again. You could see it in her eyes that she had gotten some sort of idea and you hadn’t a clue in the world what it could’ve been.
“Since you feel it so necessary to speak all the time,” She began, pushing your wrists together so you could grab them with one hand, the now free hand was now gently placed on your chest.
“Why don’t you say out loud what you want to come from this, and we’ll see how lucky you get.”
Her eyes were staring into yours, suddenly you felt as if you never wanted to speak again. Sure this wasn’t what you planned but it was still what you wanted, and yet you felt an odd sense of stage fright.
It was only you two, no one else. Ringo had been off gathering items which often took him up to an hour, Taigen had been left behind yet again after trying to get Mizu to duel him for the millionth time. There was no one else but you and her and an empty room.
“I want…” You began, earning an expectant gaze from Mizu. She was being surprisingly patient for someone who seemed to really want to drag you off the pedestal you pretended to put yourself on sometimes. As you tried to express whatever it was you wanted, her hand slowly made its way from your chest and up to gently cup your face,
“You don’t know, do you?”
It was as if she read your mind, or just paid attention to the fact you couldn’t figure out how to answer. You shook your head, you didn’t want to admit to her that you had been bluffing throughout your flirts but it seems like that wall was wearing thin either way. You were surprised it even took this long to begin with, you had been bluffing from the get go, but now that you were actually face to face with the extremely attractive woman who you’ve said multiple things you might have wanted to take back, you didn’t know what to do or say until it finally clicked,
“All of you. I want all of you.” You finally answered. It wasn’t the answer your originally intended but it was an answer nonetheless.
“Not exactly what I was referring to, but it’s ambitious, I like it.” She admitted. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed before she leaned down yet again and whispered,
“Let’s see how much you can handle.”
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sadiestarrs · 4 months
To Meet A Jinx
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this is part one!!
Warnings: none :)) just one mention of a gun
A/N: this is my first arcane/ jinx fic so if it's terrible I'm sorry lol
Plot: You work for Silco and his infamous adopted daughter Jinx, except you’ve never met her until now.
Word count: 1,535
Everybody in the city knew about Silco’s insane, blue-haired, and seemingly manic daughter, Jinx. Working for him meant that you were around his henchmen 24/7 and they definitely talked about her.
Most things said about her ranged from the fact that she looked innocent but could blow your face off or that she did actually blow someone's face off that day.
You had heard Sevika complain, too, especially on shipment days. They were always the busiest and most stressful. Silco made sure to have his trusted members on the ship “just to be safe”. 
He had no reason to make everyone work, mostly because he had Jinx. Everyone knew that she could take on twenty people double her size and still win. You hadn’t seen her do anything remotely close to this but it wasn’t hard to believe.
When more than half of a city knows you for being a bloodthirsty killer, of course, they would be weary. But you still weren’t that convinced.
Some older workers talked about a young Jinx running into Silco’s arms with him hugging back and taking her in immediately. Silco didn’t look like the type of guy to appreciate hugs from anyone but it was clear he loved Jinx. And that had to be for a reason.
“I want you to keep an eye on those two,” Sevika says to you, directing people carrying crates. The two men she pointed at were getting on each other's nerves, shoving and bumping one another for no reason. They must have had other issues away from work. 
Your main job was to solve disputes and help Sevika. It didn’t take much but when there were problems, they were always big.
The two guys had moved out of sight and started bothering each other again, causing commotion and yelling. Before you could get around to them, three shipments were falling on the floor, creating a bright purple pool on the ground. 
Everyone had started shoving, making it too much to handle. People were on the floor, glass was being shoved into the soles of your shoes, and most importantly, nearly 500 coins worth of shimmer had been wasted.
Sevika was definitely going to blame you and no one would fess up. You couldn’t even get to the core of the fight before being shoved to the floor and cutting your hand on a large shard of glass.
It didn’t take much to lose all hope for the future. Not only would Silco fire you, but he would make you pay one way or another. None of those things were appealing, especially considering the fact that you desperately wanted to leave this chapter of your life behind. But not before getting a bit of cash and ditching Zaun.
You were sitting helpless, contemplating your life when a shot was fired. It was hard to see through the crowd but it stopped everyone, all the men scattering and moving away.
In front of you was a, surprisingly short, girl, braids nearly touching the floor, holding a revolver and looking around the ship.
No one made eye contact with her. No one went near her. They all went back to their original places as if the fight never happened.
Just her presence alone was enough to make everyone nervous. You hadn’t even realised that you were still sitting on the floor when she came towards you, holding the gun’s handle out. 
It took you a few seconds before realising that she was helping you up. It was enough to make the workers stop. From the corner of your eye, Sevika stood, arms folded, looking at the both of you. You could have sworn that she was laughing when you held on and got up. 
It brought you extremely close to her face, enough to see her baby-blue eyes glimmer. A smile pokes from the side of her mouth. She stood, analysing your face, eyes, lips. You couldn’t move if you tried, she had hypnotised you.
“What the hell is happening here?”
Silco appeared, frozen on the spot. “I spend half of my life working to make life better for all of you and I’m paid with this?”
It was almost symbolic, the liquid sitting under his shoes, mixing with the dirt and mud on the ground and turning into a deeper purple.
“Jinx?” He looks at her but she doesn’t deviate from you. Her body was rigid, completely cornering you.
Confusion was apparent in his expression, looking over at Sevika who only replies with a smirk.
Another glimmer appears in her eyes just before she turns around and walks past Silco, no words said.
No one moves or says anything but everyone was looking at you. Sevika pushes off of the wall she was leaning on, leaving the ship, still laughing.
If it wasn’t for your increased heartbeat, you would have questioned the event but too much had happened. Why did she help you up? Why did she analyse you? Why did she ignore Silco?
The questions rushed to your head faster than you could comprehend and faster than you could move after Silco ordered you to go with him. 
He simply pointed, and yelled, “You!” starting to walk faster than you could keep up with. 
“What relationship do you have with Jinx?”
Standing in front of Silco in his office with Sevika next to him was never a place you imagined to be. It almost felt like being in a principal’s office and getting scolded.
You didn’t have a “relationship” with Jinx. You had only met her a few minutes ago on the ship. Everything that happened was unplanned and, frankly, strange. And being interrogated by both of them didn’t help.
“I-I don’t have a relationship with her.” The words were staggered and hard to come out. Your heart had only slowed by a few beats but you could still feel it against your skin.
“That isn’t what I saw. Jinx doesn’t do things like that, meaning that you must have something to do with her.” 
His reasoning didn’t make any sense. Just because she looked at you for a few minutes doesn’t mean that anything happened. 
“Jinx is like a daughter to me. I would hate to have anything happen to her.” Silco continues talking, fiddling with his shimmer eye injection tool. It was nice seeing how much he cared for Jinx but in the end, nothing would happen between you two for a multitude of reasons.
Besides, Jinx didn’t seem like the type to be in a relationship. She was probably too busy blowing things up and creating gadgets.
“You’ll keep your distance. If it wasn’t for her you’d be paying for the lost shimmer right now. Don’t come in next week.”
If it wasn’t for her? Did Jinx help you? What could she have said to make Silco excuse you? You couldn’t walk out of his office quickly enough when he finished. It had turned into a hotbox with his continuous smoking, and you desperately needed air.
Just as you walk down the stairs to leave through the Last Drop, there she was, sitting at the bar and leaning dangerously far back.
“Heya toots!”
She springs up, walking towards you and trapping you in a tight hug at the waist. It was a stark difference from only an hour ago.
“Hi,” you say, walking down the stairs and stopping, awkwardly waiting for her to speak.
“Sorry about earlier, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” You tell her that it’s no problem, trying to ignore the comment and your heartbeat increasing again. “Thanks for helping me with Silco.” 
She shrugs, crossing both arms behind her back. “Yeah, he gets like that sometimes.” You both stand in the awkward silence. Luckily, the bar was empty but it was surprisingly chilly. All you wanted was to leave and try to forget everything that just happened.
“I’ve been watching you for a while. You seem pretty cool.”
The compliment was nice and well-intentioned but the more you thought about it, the more worried you became. She watched you? 
“Would you wanna go out sometime? It doesn’t have to be out out, but somewhere we can talk.”
All you could do was nod. It was stupid in hindsight. Silco had just spent twenty minutes telling you to stay away from her and but here you were, practically agreeing to go on a date. 
“Cool! I’ll see you here tomorrow!”
Here? Tomorrow? It was too soon and too close to Silco. Whether he would be out or not, Sevika and other henchmen would be nearby, not to mention all of Silco’s other enemies. It was all a bad idea. 
But you still agreed. It would be nice to talk to someone new. And you were sure that saying no would have a painful consequence.
Jinx smiles again, hugging you once more before disappearing up the stairs, leaving you standing at the bottom of the steps.
“Good luck.” You look behind the bar and see Chuck emerge from underneath the counter.
 “She’s a crazy one.”
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bratphilia · 11 months
Heyyyy so I was the person that requested more fics like the flip side (it’s 6 am and I can’t remember if that’s what it’s actually called atm) but I was thinking about possibly a situation where reader has a history with William possibly when they worked at Freddy’s before they shut down and were younger (still of age though; I’m thinking probably when they like reopened for a little bit in the early 90s). Now in the I guess present day they aren’t exactly going out with mike but maybe they are a babysitter and mike and reader are pining over each other?? But him working there brings up bad past memories of your time there but you don’t really want to tell mike.
Honestly looking for lots of tension, slow burn, pining, and angst but not too much angst yk and ofc nsfw
Sorry if this is like too specific or whatever but this has been on my mind for sure
note: i did some age calculating to fit with the timeline so reader is 18 in 1993 and 25 (the same age as mike) in 2000. creds to michy for convincing me this was actually post-worthy.
pairing: steve raglan / william afton x reader x mike schmidt
tags: threesome, rough sex, dub/con, age difference
taglist: @dilfity
triangle (w. afton x reader x m. schmidt)
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(in november, 1993, you're a fresh hire at freddy's and the youngest adult on the staff at eighteen years old. it's not an ideal workplace by any means, but it's decent compared to other jobs that you most definitely didn't qualify for. and the people at freddy's are nice! maybe a little too nice, but the motto for the employees was "remember to smile, you're the face of the company" after all.
you work mainly as a waitress. you would say you're pretty good at your job. you're nice to the customers and work surprisingly well with the kids. the uniform is admittedly cute, too. red vest and a black pencil skirt. your skirt, for some reason, came in a bit too small prompting a few lingering glances from employees and patrons, but besides that you don't really mind.
it's a cold, rainy day in autumn. you wish you were wearing pants, but for once you're thankful for the lack of air conditioning in the restaurant. it's closing time and you're heading back to the employees room to grab your jacket and umbrella. you sit on the red, metal bench waiting for your sister expectantly. you never bothered to get your own license because she's always been a reliable source for rides everywhere. tonight was not one of those days. it's been at least an hour. your leg bounces up and down.
you hear the doors shut and a jingle of keys, and the distant scent of cigarette smoke lingers. you turn to see your boss, mr. afton, locking up the restaurant. he turns to you too, clearly confused why you're still here. "shouldn't you be home by now?"
you swing your legs and sigh. "my ride never showed."
he clicks his tongue and looks out to the parking lot, then looks back at you. "why don't i take you home?" you realize in this moment you and mr. afton have never quite really spoke. he's one of the thirty-something-year old owners of freddy's. he wears the springbonnie suit sometimes and performs with the co-owner, mr. emily, for the kids on fridays and saturdays. he's very charismatic and sociable, but mainly with the older crowd of the employees at freddy's. you hear some of your colleagues whispering about him, how he's such a kind and handsome man, which, as you're getting a good look at him right now, the latter is definitely true.
"are you sure?" you ask. mr. afton smiles down at you.
"sure thing. follow me." it's a huge upgrade to what you were previously considering before his offer: walking home in the pouring rain and chancing ruining your uniform.
you follow close behind him. so close that your umbrellas slightly bump into each other. a deep purple-paint-detailed mercedes-benz comes into view. judging by mr. afton's clear affinity for the color purple, as he includes it in at least one part of his daily attire, you assume it's his. he opens the car door on the passenger's side for you.
"thanks," you say politely.
in december, 1993, mr afton — who you've come to know as william — has become a frequent presence in your life. it started when he actually asked you if you wanted another ride home. you had phoned your sister, letting her know there was a change of plans. this became an everyday thing until you no longer needed to call home.
you would be lying if you said you hadn't started to develop feelings for him somewhere along the way. how could you not? he was just such a nice man! so charismatic, not just with you, but with the customers. always asking everyone how their day is going and dropping whatever he's doing to help out. there's was something special about your connection with him. he made you feel special.
it was one rainy day, just like the day back in november, when he stopped you and leaned in and kissed you. it was the most unexpected thing that happened to you in awhile. you don't know what possessed him to do it, but you found yourself eagerly kissing him back. so much that he chuckled and commented on it before sending you off. you spent the rest of the night lying awake in bed, touching yourself to every possibility you could think of.
the next day he avoided you, much to your dismay. you couldn't stop thinking about it. it slowed down your performance, making you distracted. the time just dragged on.
it wasn't until he called you in his office after your shift that you felt any kind of relief. he asked you to lock the door behind you, just like how one of those fantasies you daydreamed of started. with a fast-beating heart, you did what he said and turned to face him. and then his mouth was on yours again. it was much more sensual and yet there was an anxious component to it that made your stomach tingle with excitement.
"why don't you sit on my lap?" he suggested once he pulled away from you.
you froze. you've never actually done this sort of thing before. something delicious curls inside of you. gingerly, you sit on the thigh he patted on and he bounces his leg slightly, the fabric of his pants hitting just the right spot. he laughs at the yelp you give.
"just relax, baby. 's just you and me."
in january, 1994, is when kids go missing. everyone is on edge and patrons are frequenting freddy's less and less. on top of that, the animatronics are malfunctioning more and more, so there are even less customers due to the amount of maintenance that needs to be done.
you and william continue your routine: you fuck and he drives you home afterwards. but lately, something's been weird with william. he's been more... erratic? is that the right word? or just elated. he seems so gleeful, but more violent during sex. he's never showed any masochism until now. he even put a knife to your throat as he pounded into you, threatening to "fucking kill you" if you scream. you took it as just one of those things he says during sex, like when he calls you "slut" and "whore" but it's starting to scare you as it becomes a frequent thing.
it gets worse. you're taking the trash out to the alley when you see the security puppet laying limp. you go and investigate only to find charlie emily, the other owner's daughter, dead and badly hurt. like she's been stabbed repeatedly. you scream in shock and run in to find william, but he's long gone. instead you went to your co-worker, who called the police.
you were asked to stay at the restaurant until you after you were questioned and you told them everything you saw. you looked but william was still nowhere in sight. you walked home that night.
catching the killer was never something you were interested in. in fact, you hoped to do the opposite of some of your vigilant co-workers, who openly investigated the restaurant. some of them ended up missing too. the police had been called at freddy's on multiple occasions.
on one particular occasion, the last one before freddy's closed, actually, you went to the backrooms to catch a breather. what you found? william pouring bleach to bloodied clothes, bloody knife laying on a nearby table. you drop your keys in shock, alerting him. Turning on your heel to break for it, he grabbed the knife and your arm.
"tell anyone and i'll fucking gut you right here, right now," he threatened in a low voice.
you jostle your arm, desperate to break free. "please!" you whisper-shout. "i won't tell anyone, please let me go!"
and for some reason, he trusted you.
freddy's closed after that, and you swore to yourself you would take what happened to the grave. maybe you were a coward, but you had no solid evidence it was him behind the murders. it would all just be hearsay. no one would believe you anyways. william had such a high reputation, not just at fredy's, but within the community.)
mike hangs up the phone with a sigh. "so...?" you say, leaning towards his direction in anticipation.
"i took the job," he grumbles. his head is in his hands, running through his hair anxiously.
you throw your hands up in the air in excitement. "yay! we get to keep abby!" mike immediately snaps out of his sulking to bust out laughing. as he shakes his hand, he mentally adds your twisted sense of humor to the endless list of things he loves about you. and your distantly maternal role in abby's life. we get to keep abby.
you snap him out of his thoughts with a question. "who's the lucky employer?"
he laughs again in disbelief. "freddy fazbear's pizza. working in security. they need someone to watch the place and make sure no one breaks in and stuff."
you frown and furrow your brow. freddy's. william. "something wrong?" he muses, noticing your change in demeanor. you shake your head.
"no, nothing. i'm happy for you. sounds.. just peachy." mike shoots you a half-smile.
it's nighttime when it's almost time for mike's shift. your head is in your hands as you sit on the couch. it's one of those times when abby's off in her room, scribbling away with a crayon. you feel sick to your stomach. why did it have to be freddy's? who even gave him this job? why is it still there?
you hear a slew of curses coming from mike's room and decide to investigate. he's struggling with the loop of his belt and you can't help but smile. "need some help?"
he looks at you, face turning red. "you don't have to—"
"oh, come on," you sigh, moving to help him. "it's okay to need help sometimes." mike doesn't say anything, but from the way he's looking at you, he wants to.
"what?" you ask, but mike just shakes his head. you wouldn't understand. you decide to just leave it alone — mike's always been a distant guy.
"you need to be careful," you tell him with a much more serious tone than intended.
"why?" he asks, confused.
you try to relax your face and give him a lighthearted smile. "you should always be careful, mike! you never know what kinds of people you can encounter."
he has no idea.
two days go by. mike comes back home, surprisingly well-rested, until before his third shift when he casually mentions to you that he mainly just sleeps on the job. you freeze at that, worry forming inside of you in the pit of your stomach. "wh-what do you mean you just sleep there?! are you fucking crazy?!"
mike looks bewildered at your outburst. "i told you about this. i'm doing that dream stuff still..."
"okay, but do you have to do it on the job? do you have any idea how dangerous that is, when you're supposed to be looking out for any suspicious behavior." you're poking a finger into his chest, scolding him like he's a child.
"jeez, what's the matter with you?" he sighs in frustration. "if it bothers you that much then why don't you come with me and make sure i stay awake? i'm tired all the fucking time, and you know that!"
you know you shouldn't, for your own safety, but you have to think about mike. besides, if there's two people there, one can call the police. you let your paranoia, and your overwhelming care for mike, get the better of you. "fine. i'll come with you. put on your vest, grab abby, and i'll be in the car."
mike looks at you with sad eyes. you really didn't mean to be so harsh but it doesn't matter; he's more important. the drive over is silent, not that mike is really a talker anyways, but there's a thick tension in the air. your jaw and your fists are clenched anxiously, and you try not to look at him. when he parks the car he sighs and says your name.
the three of you set up camp in mike's office. abby sets up her tent and shortly falls asleep. you pace around the room while mike stares at the cameras, head in his hands with his eyes barely open. you walk over and snap your fingers in front of his face with a huff.
then something goes wrong. mike calls you over. "uh, i think i just saw something move? towards the offices." if it's potential danger, you decide it should be you who goes. not in a heroine sort of way, more of a need for closure.
you make your way slowly towards the offices. the dead silent halls make room for the only sound being your quickened breathing. you can practically hear your heartbeat thrumming in your ears. something rustles and, of course, it comes from wiliam's old office. you pray it's a rat.
as you push the door open, you breath a sigh of relief when the room is empty. that is, when someone slaps a hand over your mouth. "how truly lucky i am that you were the one to find me, lovely."
you struggle instantly but he wraps his other arm around your neck and pushes you further into the office. you land on the ground, hitting your head on the chair. looking up at him in horror, you cling onto the chair for dear life and get a good look at him. he admittedly aged well. salt and pepper hair and beard and all, it looks ridiculously good on him. "don't be afraid. i only want to make amends. i saw you were here and—"
"fuck you!" you spit venomously. "i don't want anything to do with you!"
william looks dumbstruck, then he scowls. the look on his face scares you as it contorts horribly. "what is it? is that boy? you realize i'm the one that gave him this job, right?"
"i don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but—"
suddenly, william lunges towards you and grasps you by your cheeks, holding your face tightly. "stop acting like such a fucking brat. remember when you were such an obedient little girl for me? let's go back to that, yeah?"
before you know it, you're being shoved against the desk facing forward. "i'm gonna teach you some fucking manners." you scramble in his grasp but his strength is unmatched. you know what's coming next and it makes you feel something burning in your stomach that you try to convince yourself desperately is sickness.
he pulls down your pants and you begin to sob. "please!"
"look at you, begging for me already," he laughs. he's undoing his belt and you already feel his dick prodding at your entrance. if this was back in the 90s, before all of this bullshit, he would've had the decency to engage in some foreplay, but there's a sense of urgency that makes it all the more—
god, what the hell is wrong with you. you're so fucked.
he undresses your bottom half, leaving you just in your sweatshirt. "gorgeous," he comments. "just as i remember."
you feel his dick prodding at your entrance, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he pushes in. it still feels as good as it did back then. he fucks you nice and slow, emphasizing each thrust with a slap from his hips onto yours. how does he still fuck this well at his age?
instead of picking up his pace gradually, like he used to, he continues to fuck you slowly. you're moaning uncontrollably now, clawing behind you at his chest, hoping he'll get the message and pick up the pace. he doesn't and just laughs darkly. "he doesn't fuck you as good as i do, huh, baby? you needed my dick to satisfy you all those years ago, and still need it now the way you're gushing on my cock."
you want to tell him mike doesn't fuck you at all, and that you're just friends, and that you only belong to him—
someone calls your name from the doorway. you and william both snap your heads towards the direction, only to find a shocked mike with his mouth agape. "mr. raglan? what the fuck is going on?"
"michael schmidt!" william practically exclaims, excited. he stops fucking you, purposefully burying himself to the hilt inside of you so you groan and squirm at the loss of stimulation. "come! come join us! your girl and i were just getting re-acquainted."
"she's not my..." mike trails off, finding himself moving closer without thinking. he takes in your appearance: bottom naked and bent over the desk with a fucked out expression. god, you're so pretty. you're always so pretty, but this is just...
no, this is wrong, he tries to tell himself. it's almost like william reads his mind when he sing-songs, "join us, or i'll kill the both of you."
like there was a devil and angel on mike's shoulder, the devil was winning. he's always wanted to fuck you and he doesn't necessarily have a death wish, either. "what, uh, what do you want me to do?"
your face falls and your mouth goes dry. william speaks with a grin, "why don't we trade places?"
mike scrambles to undo his belt and you practically drool when he pulls his cock out. fuck, you've wanted mike for awhile now. all that pent up tension between you two is finally spilling over the edge. all those lingering glances and long-lasting touches leading up this
especially like this, with your former fling and the guy you babysit for, makes it — and fuck it, you'll say it — all the more hotter. he replaces william's spot behind you and thrusts in quicker than the latter. he's practically humping you, fucking you desperately like he's running after something. his hands grip onto your hips tightly. "yes," william hisses, pumping himself while sitting dowqn in his chair. when you glance at him, he has the audacity to fucking wink at you. "'attaboy, keep goin.'"
that only encourages mike as he moans your name. "fuck, your pussy feels so good — hah!"
"mmm, mike!" you moan back.
"look at you two," william says breathlessly, "what a lovely fuckin' sight." mike begins to plunge in and out, reaching your cervix with each thrust, and you're close already. he senses that, and you can tell he is too by the way his thrusts gradually become more unbalanced. william's grunts are getting louder.
you're the first one to come, then william, and mike is still desperately pushing out of you. for good measure, he lands an uncharacteristic smack on your ass and then buries himself to the hilt becoming coming inside. the feeling of him filling you up is absolutely delicious. when he pulls out he studies the way that his cum drips out of your pussy. he's enamored with you, by the way.
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throneofsapphics · 6 months
taking a vacation with feysand and/or nessian
poly!feysand x reader & poly!nessian x reader
summary: for poly!acotar week day 4, adventure
warnings: none, very brief suggestiveness
a/n: look ... I messed up the dates and it might be barely but I still made it. here's some drabbles/ headcannons!
poly!Nessian x Reader
Perhaps surprisingly, Cassian insisted on planning it all as well as keeping it a surprise. Normally, he’d give in to either of you with enough pestering, but this time he was an iron wall, not a single clue or hint given to either of you. 
He pinched his thumb and forefinger together before drawing them across his lips, even miming tossing a key over his shoulder. You rolled your eyes, but a fond smile crept on to your lips.  “What if I promise not to tell Nes?” He snorted, and you lifted and dropped your shoulders. It was worth a try - but they both knew you were terrible at keeping secrets from either of them.  "It was worth a shot," you mumbled, redirecting your attention to the book on your lap. A shadow covered you, two fingers tilting your chin up. He pressed a kiss against your forehead, chapped lips lingering for a few seconds. "It'll be worth the wait," he reassured, confidence flowing through every word, not a hint of bullshit. Your eyes narrowed, but you gave a nod. Seemingly content, Cassian placed a too-brief kiss to your lips before making his way out of the room.
Nesta was a tad anxious over how his planning would turn out 
“It’s not if it’ll be a disaster, it’s how much of a disaster.”  “Have a little more faith in him,” you chastised, quickly looking away as she turned her glare on you.  “We don’t get much … time free together,” Nesta sighed, and you carefully covered her hand with your own. “I want everything to go well.”  “We’ll be together,” you insisted. “That’s good enough for me.”  Her mouth curved at one corner, a grateful look shot your way, her hand turning up so your palms met, her fingers wrapping around yours and squeezing. 
Cassian was impressed with himself, and firmly believed he had every right to be. He hoped both of you would as well. Mother above, he’d sworn an oath to Tarquin for this. 
“The blindfold is a little extreme,” you grumbled, fidgeting with the cloth knot at the back of your head. Cassian gently swatted your hand down.  “We’re almost there.”  Nesta was quiet next to you, her hand steady in yours, but you could nearly taste the anxious energy rolling from her. You gave her what you hoped was a comforting squeeze.  Salt, and sea, and sand hit you at once, along with a scent distinct to one place …  The knot loosened at the back of your head and you tore the cloth off, rapidly taking in your surroundings. You weren’t in Adriata, but it was unmistakably the summer court.  “Cassian,” you hissed, “you’re banned, for life.”  “I promise we’re fine,” he grinned, and produced a paper from his pocket, holding it out to you with a flourish. Nesta peered over your shoulder as you carefully unraveled it. A letter - attesting Cassian and company were allowed to access this beach and a rental vacation home for the next seven days, signed by Tarquin himself. 
poly!Feysand x Reader
Feyre and Rhys argued over where to take you - in their minds, of course. It seemed the only thing they could agree on was to keep it a surprise. You watched them, eyes glazed, but lips pursed - obviously in some kind of mental argument with each other. A crease formed between Feyre's brow, Rhys's lips pressing into a tight line. You didn't like that. Especially considering you were nearly certain it was related to you somehow, otherwise they would've spoken aloud. Clearing your throat, you tried your best to get their attention. Nothing. "Right, I'm heading out," you finally called. Still no response. The sting and small sense of hurt came naturally, and you let the door slam behind you a little louder than you usually would. Rhys's muffled voice came after the slam but you were already out the door. "I'll make it up to you later, darling," Rhys's voice slid into your mind, smooth and full of promise. "I'll look forward to it," you didn't know if it was possible for your voice to be breathy in your own head, but you certainly gave your best impression of it.
Feyre packed for you, of course.
You perched on the edge of the bed as Feyre started rummaging through the drawers. First, she picked up a sundress with thin straps and flowing fabric that would just brush the middle of your thighs - ideal for hot weather. Next came a thick woolen cloak. You tilted your head, catching her eye in the mirror. "How many places are we going?" "Oh," she carefully folded a long sleeved shirt, "just one." Your mouth parted, but she answered the next question for you. "We can't have you spoiling the surprise." A laugh bubbled from your chest. Their secrecy had only made you more determined in turn, and it turned into something of a game for you over the last week.
Rhys had scouted the location no less than six times in the week before, Feyre accompanying him for a few of the trips. He knew it was safe, but with you he had to be certain.
Your back pressed against his chest, his hand covering your eyes, you winnowed - holding your breath at the sensation that never quite felt comfortable. As soon as you hit solid ground, you attempted to peel his fingers away from your eyes, but his grip was firm. "Rhys," you hissed, and he laughed but released you. Jaw dropping, you spun in a circle. Feyre stood with her hands clasped in front of her, shifting back and forth. An island. "Where," you cleared your throat, "where are we?" "An island not far off the coast," Rhys wrapped an arm around your waist, slowly turning you. You felt Feyre smooth fingers grasp your other hand, thumb brushing over the back of your hand. Rhys was still speaking, you realized and focused back in. "You can see Velaris," his voice was laced with a touch of amusement that told you he was well aware your attention wandered. Sure enough, there was a cluster of lights, but appearing barely larger than your fingertip. Twisting your head over a shoulder, you spotted the ... cabin was an understatement. Mini-palace waiting for you. Shrugging away from Rhys's grip, switching to grasp his hand instead, you tugged them both forward, their laughter trailing behind you.
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Kind of dark stuff ahead? Basic Dottore warnings to be honest (blood, experimentation, he pretty much dissects someone, straps them down while they cry and beg for mercy, in front of the other Fatuis since they made you cry as a lesson, so yeah)
Been thinking about Dottore displaying to everyone in the lab what would happen to them if they crossed you, or Tsaritsa forbid, made you cry. By this point, everyone who works with Dottore or in his labs would know of you. And it'd take longer if you were sickly, but as soon as your presence is discovered, and the regular workers are aware of your standing as their Lord Harbinger's lover, immediate respect is afforded to you without any question. Do they have millions of questions? Yes, absolutely, but they prefer to keep their lives. Surprisingly though, you're... quite nice to them? It's honestly a breath of fresh air considering how the segments treat them, so the respectful way the agents treat you is a mixture of how they actually like you and how they don't want to end up as the Doctor's next test subject. There are always newcomers who are wholly unaware of you and who you are, so the older agents try to inform them as soon as possible. However, one learned the truth far too late, sealing his fate. Berating you for one minor slip-up that was just an accident, that was out of your control. And the other Fatuis are there absolutely panicking, trying to explain that you were not just an experiment, that you were- it was too late, because tears were already rolling down your eyes as you quickly exited the room. And the agents think, they are so fucked because they have no idea what the Doctor will do to them now that you've cried in their presence. They can only hope that he will have mercy on them, and punish the idiot who made you cry directly.
The next day, a multitude of Fatui agents, soldiers, scientists, and really whoever happened to be in the lab that day, were called into a room. It was very random, considering they never had meetings since the segments didn't like to be bothered with such frivolities, but upon entering the room, the same sinking feeling pooled in their stomachs. There was a lone operation table in the middle of the spacious room, along with a small table that had yet to hold anything. Strapped to the operation table was one of their fellow agents, bound and gagged, his screams were the only thing filling the room as the other Fatuis could only watch on speechlessly. Next to the (former) agent, was their Lord Harbinger. And no, this wasn't one of his segments, it was Prime, the real Il Dottore himself. Prime himself came to make a statement. Many of the agents hadn't even seen him until now, only encountering his numerous segments. And to the side of him was Omega too. The combination was enough to make some Fatuis want to faint and throw up, but they knew they couldn't for they weren't sure if they'd wake up again.
"I do believe that this is enough people. Word gets around quite fast around here, anyway," Prime hummed to no one in particular as if there wasn't a man crying next to them. Nonchalantly, he circled around the operation table, paying no mind to the muffled "please" and "i'm sorry" echoing like a broken record from the agent's mouth.
"It has come to my attention that some of you have trouble understanding orders," Prime Dottore began, his voice striking the highest amount of fear into the Fatuis. "I make myself clear, do I not? So why do you all still lack common sense? Why..." his gaze suddenly snapped to the tied-down man, "have I discovered that some of you still fail to respect [Name] the same way you do with me? Do you believe that you, a lowly person such as yourself, have the authority to speak to them in such a way?"
"I despise having my time wasted, especially by fools. Therefore, I expect this will serve as a reminder if you ever dare to think about crossing [Name], and consequently me." Prime then adjusts his gloves and motions to Omega, who then begins to set the table with... medical instruments he's retrieved from a bag. Only that they will certainly not be used ethically. The man only becomes more frantic at the sight of the dangerously sharp and pointy objects, but there's nothing you can do, once you're in the Doctor's clutches.
And so the group of onlookers got a front-row seat of one of the Doctor's experiments. As horrifying as it was, no one dared to look away.
Let's just say no one ever dared to make you sad ever again.
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scekrex · 6 months
Okay, hope I'm doing this right, but can you do an Adam x male reader where the reader is an angel who doesn't has wings and is Adam's assistant, and Adam ends up falling in love with him. Also, can you make it smutty since there's barely a lot of 'em.
Don't ya worry hun, ya did it just fine, here's assistant!reader x Adam w a very happy end
Reach out and touch faith
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, blowjobs
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Adam didn’t know when this all had started, when his tummy had started to feel funny when he was around you. You were supposed to be his assistant, someone who would do the lame and boring work so that he could continue to enjoy being the first man and not bother with the work Sera gave him. And yet he grew quite fond of your company over time. By God, he even found himself disappointing whenever you canceled boys-night. A thing Adam had invented once the both of you grew attached.
Tonight was yet another boys-night you had to cancel, a thing that happened more often than you liked it, but as Adam’s assistant there was a shittone of work to do, especially since Sera knew you’d tear off a limb in order to hand in paperwork on time. Fucking bitch. Adam was not very amused about the fact that you couldn’t hang out tonight, it had been a couple of weeks since he had seen you on boys-night. It wasn’t like he wasn’t hanging out with you after work, that man spent every free second with you as long as time allowed it, but boys-night excluded other people. Boys-night was a you and Adam thing. It was very dear to the first man, though he’d never say that out loud. So the second he got your text that you couldn't make it, he left his apartment and headed for your office. It only took him a couple minutes to barge through your door.
You flinched at the sound of the door hitting the wall and when you looked up you expected many people, but surely not Adam. “The fuck you mean you can't tonight?” the first man asked, he was visibly pissed by the fact that you had work to do. You tried to offer him a smile but he wasn't having it at all, he crossed the room until he stood in front of your desk, his hands slammed down onto the white wood and he hovered over you. “You’ve been canceling this shit for weeks, are you fucking avoiding me?” At that you had to chuckle - oh please you couldn't even avoid you even if you would try. You liked him too much to avoid him - too much to consider him just a friend. But that was the closest to him you could get, a friend, a homeboy. And maybe that was enough, it was certainly more than just being his random assistants he only talked to because he needed to. And yet you longed for him and while Adam had made it quite clear that he was not gay, you felt like he longed for you in the same way. Though that was probably just his thing, the possessive, flirty behavior was simply Adam. Right?
It was normal for colleagues to bond over physical touch, wasn't it? In the beginning Adam had strictly avoided touching you, not because he thought of you any less but because he didn't know you. Soon the both of you grew closer though and with that came cuddling. He often wrapped his arm around your shoulder whenever the both of you had to attend a meeting with Sera, it grounded the both of you. And sometimes - when you work until you pass out at your office - he'd come in late at night and carry you home. Your way home was quite long and due to your lack of wings it took you longer than the other angels.
The wing situation. Another thing that Adam had been surprisingly gentle with. Of course the first man had cracked jokes, now more than ever given that you were friends now - cose friends even. But he had always been quite sensitive with the topic itself, in God's mighty name, he even defended you a couple of times when strangers were to comment on it. I mean it was Adam, most of the time he flipped those people off and yelled at them to go fuck themselves. But he stood up for you and that was what counted in your book. He stood up for you when you kept quiet and you were quite thankful for that - even if he did that in his own adamish ways.
“I’m not avoiding you, dingus,” you rolled your eyes at the brunette who had taken his mask off in order to look at you properly. A huff came from the taller man hovering over you and your desk, “Yeah? Then why the fuck do you keep cancelling boys night? I only ever get you when fucking Lute is around.” But he liked Lute, didn't he? What was the problem with Lute being part of the group? Confusion clouded your eyes heavy enough for Adam to notice, even in his rage - but was it truly rage, or was it anger that only burned because fear fueled it? “Adam I don't understand the problem we're having, we still see each other daily, I-” Adam interrupted you by slamming his hands on the table loudly, causing you to flinch away from him a little. “It’s not about how fucking often we see each other, shithead, it's about when and where we fucking see each other,” his words only caused more confusion on your side, what was his deal? He knew you had a shit ton of work to do, mainly because he and his behavior was causing all this work in the first place. You sighed, “Look I'd rather chill on your couch too, eat shitty food and watch a fucking boring movie, but I can't okay? Sera will murder me if I don't get all of this shit done by tomorrow.” Adam's eyes roamed over your desk as if he was considering something and with a swoop of his wings all the papers that had been sorted through fell to the floor. “The fuck?” you asked surprised and annoyed. It had taken you ages to sort through every sheet of paper and now you had to start all over again. Adam reached for your chin, forcing your eyes to look at him instead of the mess he had just caused. Again. “We’ve known each other for a fucking while now, babes,” he hummed as his eyes took in your face as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Behind cool golden eyes flames were burning, flames hot and bright enough to set your own on fire. “You keep slippin’ away from me and I don't fucking like that,” you had made your own fair share of experiences with Adam and his possessiveness but this felt different, more intense, more real. “Adam, I should-” but yet again the first man wasn't willing to let you finish your sentence. “You should shut your fucking mouth and come home with me, you've worked enough for today.” - “But Sera-” Adam huffed, he was clearly fed up with how things played out and he pulled you closer, forcing you to not only get up from your chair but also to lean over your desk, you inhaled sharply as his face was suddenly so close to yours. “Sera can suck my fucking dick. I say you're done for today.”
Your brain was going wild, there was no way you could respond to his words, it was all a buzz. You felt like someone had wrapped your body in cotton. It felt soft and warm and yet not quite enough. Your eyes were focused on his, golden orbs staring into golden orbs, his expression was serious, left no room for debating things while you were still surprised, lips slightly agape and eyes wide. You wanted to lean closer, to capture his lips with yours and fight with your tongue against his, knowing well that he would win. But you didn't, you couldn't. Your body was frozen in place, still trying to process how close your face was to Adam's.
Being physically close to the first man wasn't new at all, Adam was quite touchy, resting his arm on your head every now and then, wrapping his wing around your back when watching movies at his place. But being so close to his face? That was new and that was clearly something your brain struggled to keep up with. Something in his eyes shifted as he took in your facial expression and it took you a little too long to recognize the emotion that was suddenly on display. Desire.
“Adam I'm being serious, you just caused more-” No. No, Adam was done listening to your excuses. All he wanted was to spend the evening with you, to relax and forget about the sometimes stressful days in heaven. The hand that had been holding your chin in place tightened a little just to pull you in all the way. You let out a surprised gasp as you almost crashed down onto the table, however his wing stopped you from doing so, the soft feathers pressed against your chest to keep your body up while the other wing of his was being wrapped around you. His lips were onto yours and despite your expectations the kiss was surprisingly gentle and slow. You had always taken Adam for the type of guy that would kiss women like they were a five star rated meal, eating them up greedily. But you weren't a woman and Adam's kiss was gentle - so maybe you should throw your expectations aside.
The first man was eager to deepen the kiss, clearly aíming for more, but you pulled back. Confusion was written all over your face. The kiss had been pleasant and warm and had lulled you in immediately. Yet you didn’t quite understand why. “Adam?” you questioned and you watched as the confidence in his eyes faded and was slowly replaced by uncertainty. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to continue the kiss, maybe even deepen it, but you also wanted answers. Was this some one-time thing? Or was he looking for more, something more permanent, something that would go beyond just having sex? “Can you- fuck,” he pushed his hair back in frustation only for it to fall back into place, covering his forehead. “Can we just fucking leave and go home already?” And you wanted to tell him no, wanted to madly tell him that he had just created so much more work when he had pushed all the documents off your desk. But you were tired and Adam’s warm breath on your face felt like a promise, a sickly sweet promise that there would be more than just a kiss - if only for the night or for all of eternity suddenly didn’t matter anymore as you closed your eyes and leaned in again, your lips meeting his to dance with each other yet again. His feathers tickled your chin and you breathed out a laughter that bled into the kiss. This time it was Adam who parted from you instead of the other way around and when he did many emotions laid heavy in his eyes. Trust, desire, comfort, want and love. “Adam I can’t leave, I have work-” “You clearly need to fucking relax, babes, “ he hummed as he stepped around your desk, just to push you down into your chair. Perplexed, you looked up at the first man towering over you. With wide eyes you watched as the brunette dropped to his knees in one fluent motion, his hands were quick to undo your pants and you yelped in surprise as his wings lifted up your body in order to get rid of the fabric, revealing an arching hard erection. Adam shot you a proud grin, you simply rolled your eyes at him, “Don’t interpert too much into it, I haven’t had sex in- oh holy fucking shit,” you interrupted yourself with a loud moan as Adam’s lips wrapped around your penis without a warning and you threw your head back against the backrest of your chair, the gigantic wings made sure you stayed in place.
Confidence reflected in his eyes as he watched you react to his actions, his surprisingly skilled tongue played with the tip of your dick, licked your slit and effortlessly turned you into a whining and moaning mess. If this was Adam’s way to make you relax, you definitely wouldn’t mind him dropping by more often. Sure, you’d probably get even less work done, but who cared about that now, you certainly didn’t, not with your dick shoved down Adam’s throat. The first man moaned around your erection, sending shivers down your spine, his golden eyes were focused on your face, he wanted to see every little reaction of yours, didn’t dare to miss even the slightest bit of desire that was written on your face as he started to move his head up and down your shaft. Your hands clenched down onto the armrests of your chair, nails leaving scratches on the leather that covered them, oh dear lord have mercy. Your eyes were closed and yet Adam felt like you were looking at him with just as much adornment as he held in his eyes for you and only you. Was this how he had thought your first sexual interaction would play out? No, definitely not, but he didn’t mind it at all, not when you were the most divine looking creature he had ever laid eyes onto, and for the record: Adam had seen God himself before so that meant something.
“Adam,” you cried out as you felt your orgasm approach, you knew it had been quick, knew that you lacked the amount of self control it would’ve taken you to keep you from coming undone, it had simply been too long since your last sexual interaction involving someone else and the fact that it was Adam on his knees for you, Adam who you have had a crush on ever since you had first met him, Adam who had always been making jokes about fucking your brains out or giving you the head of your life - well, afterlife - only made it harder to resist. “Adam, ‘m-” With a popping sound he pulled back from your dick, he quickly licked his lips, drinking in every little drop of precum that had stained them so far as he responded, “Fucking let go then, this shit isn’t about holding back.” And then he dove in again, the pace was quicker than before, sloppier as well and with the knowledge that the first man’s only goal was to push you over the edge, no matter how soon that might be, you did as he had told you to and let go, your body physically relaxed underneath Adam’s touch and only a moment later the brunette felt your dick twitching violently against his tongue before he tasted the salty liquid. The taste of cum was gross, Adam wasn’t going to lie about that and it certainly wasn’t the reason why he swallowed it down. He swallowed your load because he wanted to take what you had to offer, no matter how gross it might taste - besides, cleaning it off the floor later wouldn’t be better so he might as well keep the surroundings as clean as possible.
The brunette pulled back yet again once he was sure you were all spent, licked the tip of your dick clean, then his very own lips. His warm hand gently patted your thigh which made you look down at him through hooded eyes, a small yet very thankful smile was on your lips and the brunette couldn’t help but smile back at you. “Feeling better, babes?” You only managed to hum in agreement, too tired to properly respond, as Adam got up from his knees and lifted you off the chair as if it was the easiest thing he’d ever done, “Good. So can we go home now?” You simply nodded as you wrapped your arms around his warm, comfortable body. You weren’t sure when Adam had dressed your lower half again, nor were you sure when he had carried you out of the building, your eyes kept falling shut and you obviously struggled to stay awake. “Get some fucking rest while I fly us home,“ was all you heard before you finally fell fully asleep in Adam’s arms as the cold air of the night surrounded your body, yet Adam’s body heat kept you warm.
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apomaro-mellow · 3 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 15
Part 14
Eddie only left long enough to pack a couple bags of the stuff he’d need to stay and then was back right away. It took less than an hour and he still didn’t like being away that long with some asshole alpha sniffing around his future mate and pup. Robin came over for dinner that evening. Apparently Steve had been keeping her at an arm’s length this past week as well and the only reason she didn’t bust down his door was because he texted her each day.
“I knew if I told you everything, you were gonna be pushy”, Steve said.
“Yeah!”, Robin threw her hands up. “Pushy is what you need. I can’t believe you let it get this far. You said you weren’t going to get involved with him again.”
“He’s not gonna lay a hand on you again, Stevie”, Eddie promised. “Robin and I’ll make sure of that.”
Evening came and Robin had to head home. Steve got Shawn ready for bed and once he was ready, he grabbed a book, Magic Treehouse of course. They had to finish where they left off. Steve sat next to him and was about to start when Shawn made him stop.
“What about Mr. Eddie?”
Steve blinked. “You want him to join us for story time?” Even the times when Eddie stayed over before, he gave Steve and Shawn their space during this, waiting for Steve in the master bedroom instead.
“He does really good voices when he reads to us in class”, Shawn said.
Steve stood, bringing the book with him as he went to his room. Eddie was in the middle of reading a book of his own, much thicker but both books had pirates on the cover. Eddie looked up when Steve entered.
“You’ve been given a very exclusive invite to story time.”
Eddie put a hand to his chest. “Moi? To what do I owe this honor?”
“The master of the house says you do good voices”, Steve smiled.
They both went back to Shawn’s room. Steve sat next to his son and put an arm around him, holding him close while Eddie sat at the foot of the bed, clearing his throat as he turned to the bookmarked page. He got right into it, giving each character a different voice. Morgan sounded ancient and wise while Jack sounded responsible, if a bit over-cautious. Shawn was enthralled and Steve almost worried that Eddie would be too exciting to get him to sleep. 
But Steve could tell Eddie was getting to a stopping point and sure enough, he felt Shawn’s head getting heavy on him. Eddie closed the book while Shawn was rubbing his eye. Steve kissed the top of his head.
“Good night, baby.”
“Night, pup”, Eddie whispered.
Shawn yawned through a good night of his own and the two of them walked out almost silently, closing the door behind themselves. Steve couldn’t wait until they got back to his room and kissed Eddie immediately. Sweetly, and then scenting him when he parted from his lips. How did he get so lucky to receive such a good alpha? Why was he so deserving?
“Let’s go to bed, honey”, Eddie said. 
They did and just as the lights turned out, Eddie remembered something that had puzzled him before. 
“Hey, is blue dish soap your favorite?”
“No”, Steve said, voice quiet in the dark. “Why?”
“That’s what you had on the shopping list. Specifically blue.” He heard Steve shift a little beside him and waited for him to respond. 
Steve sighed. “This is going to sound weird.”
“Sweetness, I’m all about weird.”
“I…like to…buy some things…in rainbow order”, Steve confessed like it was a great admission. “So like, the last soap I bought was green, so the next one had to be blue, and the next one will be purple and so on.”
Eddie waited for more and when there wasn’t, he reached for Steve, pulling him close. “Baby you think that’s weird?”
Steve shrugged.
“Are you gonna bite my head off if I forget the order?”
“I always put the color on the list, so you shouldn’t forget. But it’s no big deal if you do.”
“Then I consider it just another thing to love about you.”
It was surprisingly easy to settle into a routine over the next couple of days. Eddie would take Shawn to school and bring him home in the afternoon. Robin spent her spare time at the house too, especially in times when Steve otherwise would have been alone.
All the while, Eddie waited for Billy to show his face. He didn’t consider himself much of a fighter. In fact, back as a teen, he was more likely to run from bullies. But now he had something to fight for, someone that gave him the will to stand his ground. Billy could be seven feet of pure muscle and Eddie would go ten rounds just to keep him away from his mate and pup.
Eddie figured Billy would show up sooner or later, given that he’d been harassing Steve for about a week now. It was why he was loath to leave Steve alone for too long. It was why whenever he did leave the house, he made sure Robin was already on her way. So one afternoon, when Shawn finished his homework early and Robin walked through the door with some ingredients for dinner, Eddie took it upon himself to take Shawn to the park.
Nothing like some jungle gym time to work up an appetite for dinner. Eddie sat on a bench as Shawn ran around with other kids from the neighborhood. Sometimes just chasing each other through the playground equipment, other times coming up with games. He bristled without really understanding why until his brain caught up with his nose and realized it was the scent of the alpha that had been forcing himself onto Steve.
Billy sat down next to him, relaxed and loose like they were old buddies. Eddie held back the growl in his throat. There was no hiding who the other was. They knew each other’s scents too well and for the wrong reasons. 
“Fancy meeting you here”, Billy said.
“I’d fancy not meeting you all the same”, Eddie replied, keeping his eyes forward and on Shawn. 
“Look, I just wanted to talk, alpha to alpha. Steve’s probably told you all sorts of stories about me. But he embellishes. I’m not all that bad.”
“I took some time off to help both of us. But I’m back now. Back to be a father to my pup and an alpha to my mate. He’s been begging for my bite for years and now it’s time to give it to him.”
“What changed?”, Eddie asked. “Why now?”
“I’m ready now”, Billy shrugged.
That had Eddie turning to face him, eyes blazing with anger. Now? He was ready now? He thought about Steve, sitting alone and feeling unloved in a hospital bed, about to bring Shawn into the world but on the edge of rejection sickness. He thought of the times Billy must’ve held his pup, his own flesh and blood, only to leave him and say nothing for two years.
Had Billy ever indulged Steve when he wanted to talk about a niche topic he covered in class? Did he ever read to Shawn? Was he ever involved in Powerpoint nights? When was the last time he ever made Steve feel wanted and loved and desired?
“Fuck you”, Eddie said. “If you come around our home again, I’m calling the cops.”
“You’d get me arrested? What would Steve think? Or that little boy there?”, Billy pointed and Eddie followed the gesture to where Shawn was, hiding behind the boards of the bridge that connected the slide to the monkey bars. He’d been peering over the edge but ducked down quickly.
“He’d see his dad get hauled off and I don’t think he’d ever forgive you for that”, Billy threatened.
Eddie reigned in his scent. Billy’s words washed off him and no longer meant anything.
“You know, I had to watch that. My old man threw curses at me and my uncle while he was taken away. I got over it.” At the time, he’d hated his dad, his uncle, even himself. Everything sucked and nothing seemed worth doing it. But time passed and he healed thanks to the safety and structure provided by his Uncle Wayne. All he could do was hope he could do the same for Shawn.
“Now if you’ll excuse us”, Eddie said as he stood. “It’s time to be getting home for dinner.” He took a few steps over to the playground. “Shawn! You ready to eat!?”
Shawn scurried to the other side of the bridge, slid down and ran right to Eddie, holding his hand tight. He met Billy’s intense gaze for just a brief moment before Eddie started to walk.
“You don’t have to worry about him”, Eddie promised.
Shawn squeezed his hand and Eddie squeezed back.
Part 16
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
@hippieg1rl420 @spectrum-spectre @a-lovely-craziness @sharingisntkaren
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sluttywonwoo · 11 months
thoughts on flustered joshua!!!<33
flustered joshua is such a fav ok
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joshua doesn’t get embarrassed easily. that’s what he tells everyone and that’s what seems to be true. that iconic mistake on stage in pretty u? it’s in the past. sucking at kickball? he can’t be good at everything! they want him to do the worm again in front of everyone? ok, well if they insist!
you’re convinced you’re dating the most self-assured, well-adjusted man in the world— at least, until you hear all of his friends laughing in your living room one night. you only notice something’s off because of the absence of your favorite laugh, his laugh, mixed in with everyone else’s. were they laughing at him? you venture out of the office to check.
it’s the first thing you see when you walk into the room: the harness for your strap, lying on the coffee table
you don’t know how they found it— it’s not like you just keep it out in the open… it had been tucked away in one of the drawers of the tv stand last you checked. maybe the living room wasn’t the best place to put it but you kept it there for… reasons.
joshua’s back is turned to you but you can see that the tips of his ears are bright red. you imagine his face is too.
“what’s going on?” you ask, immediately drawing everyone’s attention to you.
the boys look like they’ve seen a ghost. everyone’s smile drops except for yours and joshua sinks even further into his seat.
“i don’t get what’s so funny. do you guys not have sex with your girlfriends?”
mingyu chokes on seemingly nothing, sputtering defensively, “w-we do we just don’t—”
“don’t what? let them top you?”
“babe,” joshua tries, voice urgent.
you ignore him.
“wow, and i thought you guys were feminists,” you say disapprovingly.
“wha- we are!” jun insists.
“then why are you acting like you’ve never seen a strap before?”
no one answers you this time.
“c’mon, you’re telling me that if you came home to your girlfriend wearing this,” you pause and reach over joshua’s shoulder to snatch the thing off the table.
joshua tenses even more as you step through the legs and pull the harness up around your waist. “baby, what are you doing?”
again, you ignore him.
“you’re telling me that if you came home to your girlfriend wearing this, you wouldn’t get hard?”
“i don’t know how you want us to answer that,” mingyu admits, rubbing his hands on his jeans.
joshua clears his throat and yanks you by the harness to stand behind where he’s sitting on the couch so that his friends’ view of you in it is at least mostly obstructed.
“i think an apology to my boyfriend would suffice,” you suggest.
there’s a chorus of sheepish apologies before a long silence, everyone too scared to step out of line again.
“uh, should we go?” seokmin asks finally, trading looks with the others.
“that would probably be best,” joshua says. he’s surprisingly composed considering what’s just happened and how obviously turned on he is by it. his hands don’t leave his lap as he adds, “see you monday?”
“if your hole isn’t destroyed by then,” soonyoung jokes, easily dodging the pillow joshua throws at him as he winks and ducks out the door after the others.
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seraphiism · 2 years
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𓆩 ღ 𓆪 𝐢𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐥
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chara : alhaitham fandom : genshin impact quote cr : vampire: the masquerade a/n : gender neutral reader ; reader and alhaitham have kids
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one. the first time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is entirely coincidental. the first time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is also entirely uncomfortable for both of you, unfortunately.
you do not expect to encounter the infamous scribe, his identity shrouded in mystery and all things intimidating. how easily he manages to slip through everyone's grasp, baffle even the most knowledgeable of researchers and send them into an existential crisis on his whereabouts. so when you hear that it's his birthday ( you also wonder how anyone found out ), you don't think much of it, not really, because how many times have you actually seen alhaitham? like once. for two seconds.
( you will be honest. you thought he was very handsome in the few moments you managed to see him. )
it happens when you seek refuge from the overwhelming projects and ideas that occupy your thoughts, desperate in search of peace and quiet. you open the door to the most obscure room known to man, and there he is.
he's quick to notice you, book in hand as his sharp gaze meets your disoriented and confused one. it is very quiet. you do not think this is the quiet you wanted.
some ( definitely not you, though ) might even say this is worse.
you have many thoughts : one: is this where he always hides? two: is he working right now? or is he just leisurely reading? three: this is very awkward. you are not sure what to say. should you introduce yourself? should you leave, wordless, hope you never see him again for the sake of preserving what little pride and dignity remain?
anyway, between all those ideas and the complete apathy in his visage, you don't come up with a coherent plan. so what do you do?
"i, uh--" you clear your throat loudly, uncertain. "happy birthday?"
you think you might see a moment of amusement grace his features-- you're not sure, too occupied with the heat that rushes to your face in embarrassment.
the first time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is what you also hope to be the last time.
( surprise : it's not. )
two. the second time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is a little better than the previous time. yes, you see him more often now, might even consider him an acquaintance of some sort, but something about your foolishness in that initial impression makes you want to fling yourself into the sun and void simultaneously.
"it was a good birthday present." he says, once again in another hiding spot that you've somehow managed to find. "i enjoyed it."
you think back to a year ago, mind running blank. you most certainly came empty handed.
"what? me saying happy birthday?"
he pauses, looks up and stares blankly at you before you see the slightest hint of a smirk dance across his lips.
"your embarrassment. it was an amusing present."
you stare back, also blank.
no, you are no longer acquaintances with him. you do not care if it took a whole year to even get to this point in your odd friendship. you think he is annoying.
the smirk seems to grow with every moment of silence.
also, you hate him now.
"i am simply so honored," you start, offering him the usual coffee, "that i could be so hilarious."
"you should be. few could compare."
you retract your hand, pull the drink out of his reach at the last minute. he simply raises a brow, expectant, waiting. you maintain eye contact for about five seconds, yet somehow, it feels much too longer. you sigh, feign annoyance in admittance of defeat, and give him the drink.
"happy birthday, dearest feeble scribe."
three. the third time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is a bit different.
he's surprisingly easy to find-- for you, at least, and you are not sure if that's because he lets you find him or if it's something higher that binds you together. but today, you search and search and search, even desperate enough to ask around, knowing very well that you will not find the answer you desire. there is no sign of him. you pop into his office, see everyone's documents left untouched on his desk.
it's weird-- it is, this foreign semblance of anxiety that brews unrest in your lungs. you don't think it's a big deal because it's not, but in the three years you have known him, you've yet to struggle with seeking out his presence.
you take a deep breath, fingers tapping nervously on the gift box in hand. inside there is a book alhaitham has told you about numerous times, expressed interest in yet never managed to find despite his efforts. that was very much a long time ago, so you hope that he'll still enjoy it.
you pause, feel hesitation sink into the pit of your stomach. it is very heavy.
maybe he's already read it, though. that's probably the case, isn't it? surely it must be, given his habit of carrying a book around like it is his own heart.
one, two, three-- you drum your fingers against the box once more, inhale, exhale. you contemplate leaving it on his desk, contemplate just forgetting it entirely, pretend you didn't try to get him a silly gift.
but when you turn around, he stands before you, staring at you with a newfound curiosity. you are not sure what this relief is-- the release of tension wrapped around your chest, the pressure that dissipates in the mere seconds you catch sight of him.
"oh," he starts, approaching you with an ease he does not feel with anyone else, "i found you this time."
you think you'll exchange the usual banter, give him trouble for being so difficult to locate. but instead, you let out a long sigh, find that your heart will not allow you to do so.
"yes, alhaitham," and you cannot describe the blithe smile that finds its way to his lips as you hand him the gift, "you found me."
there is something different in the air ; a tenderness , an unknown, but there is something so wonderfully gentle in the space you share, and neither of you know what to make of that.
four. the fourth time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is the one you think you will remember the most.
you cannot describe this flux & flow that exists between two beings : one seemingly indifferent yet full of intrigue and so entirely human, another that perhaps feels all too much and knows the heart more than anyone.
you have known him for four years now, strange encounters turned to comfort found in companionship and morning coffees together. but there is a strange shift and stagnancy all at once, the silence turned to something almost uncertain.
what is it, this feeling? you cannot identify it, and perhaps in protection of another, you should not.
no, you are not avoiding alhaitham. you know very well what day it is, know the typical routine of busting into a room, finding him with so little difficulty that it is almost as if you share the same soul, bound and knowing of it all. you are the one who shies away from the world this time, burdened by a heaviness that roots itself in your chest, spreads and wraps itself around the hollows of your ribs. you'll see him later, when you're ready.
you pause, lean your head back against the wall, close your eyes. you almost want to laugh. ready for what? how very foolish this all is.
you do not know how long you remain there, mind running a mile a minute until it exhausts itself, succumbs to slumber.
when you wake, he sits at the table before you, focus put forth into the book he holds. you blink, shake off the grogginess, wonder if you are imagining. a glance at the clock and the surfacing feeling of panic ; an unwanted quiet and a very much familiar scene that played out years ago.
the scribe glances at you, closes the distance quicker than either of you expect. he pulls up a chair before you, wordlessly takes a seat.
there is something unreadable in his countenance yet something that speaks volumes. he leans towards you, almost as if gauging your reaction, but you do not move away.
"you didn't say happy birthday to me."
beneath the weight of the silence, you purse your lips, fail to hold back your laughter, pat his knee gently in apology.
"you're too intense, birthday boy. i thought something was wrong."
"you have not said it." his gaze shifts from your eyes to the serene smile on your lips. he stills, wonders how to go about foreign territory. "are you alright?"
the silence returns. you place your hands on his shoulders, hope that this might be enough for now.
"sorry, sorry. happy birthday, alhaitham."
"you aren't answering."
the gentle expression you wield turns into one of reluctance, of something troubled and unbearably torn. something burns in your chest, but you will not call it love, even if there is a yearning that is not meant to be kept at bay, even if you've known that's what it was this whole time. you won't call it that because it doesn't really mean anything, not really, not when you are too cowardly to act upon it.
you want to excuse yourself, pull your hands back, but he grabs your wrists, reverent.
"i would like to know," his thumbs ghost over your skin, encouraging, "please."
it burns so terribly much, this cruelty that beats in your chest. the words of confession threaten to choke you, but you can no longer swallow them. it burns. your eyes sting.
you are so cowardly.
"i'm not alright." you begin, throw caution to the wind, feel the tears trail down your face as he wipes them away with a touch so tender that perhaps they spill even faster. what does it matter anymore? you cannot choose to live with this, unheard, unknown. what does it matter? "what am i supposed to do with all this love, alhaitham?"
his fingers trace your skin, delicate, before his hand cups your cheek. still, he does not say anything ; you wonder if you should prepare yourself for the heartbreak.
"you found me four years ago. do you remember that?"
"yeah. it was embarrassing."
"for you, yes."
"the point is," he clears his throat, "you've always managed to find me ever since then without fail. no one else has done that. i could have moved, found peace somewhere else, yet you somehow became the source of it."
a pause, a lingering hesitance.
"i would like to be with you," he tells you, closes the gap that separates you even more than you thought possible, "if you'll have me."
you swat his shoulder lightly, feel your face burn up. you didn't think he was capable of being so cheesy.
"now you're the embarrassing one."
"i'm not the one crying. answer."
you wipe your tears away, very sure you are the epitome of a mess, but alhaitham waits patiently.
"fine. i will have you."
"thank you." he chuckles at your tone, knows it is a contrast to what you truly feel. "what a touching sentiment."
you roll your eyes, cast a half-hearted glare in his direction as your arms wrap around his neck. you pull him close, hope to remember the way he looks at you so softly. he hugs you, warm, and you hope that he doesn't point out that your tears return tenfold.
"happy birthday, alhaitham."
five. the fifth time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is the first time he slips a ring on your finger.
"you're crying again."
you rub your eyes a little too aggressively, minding the cool metal that's found a home in the belonging of you. spots weave and in out of your vision, certainly not helping when you start tearing up again once you look at what lies in front of you. there is a hollowed out book that contains a jewelry box, a sight that invokes nostalgia as you realize the book is a story you once cherished very dearly in youth.
"does this mean i'm your birthday present?"
he hums in amusement, kisses you on the temple, then the nose.
"i would ask for a refund, then."
"if you do not think i will throw this ring at your face so fast--"
nine. the ninth time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is the most chaotic one, you think, and that certainly says something, given the course of your relationship.
you sleep soundly in his arms, the sunlight blessing your skin with orange and yellow hues. you shift ever so slightly, feel him stir in response. he has always been a light sleeper, but you suppose you are now, too, especially with--
"careful." his hold on you tightens, voice deep and heavy with sleep. "the cavalry is coming."
you hear footsteps, rapid, approaching. one, no, two-- and you feel his hand on the small of your back as he presses you just a bit closer as if he could protect you from the impact that is soon to come.
the door busts open -- it is very loud, both of you think, and your children come bustling in, climbing into bed and separating you in an instant.
( alhaitham doesn't know how they do that. he could have an iron grip on you and his kids would overpower him in two seconds. )
he doesn't really know what he hears-- there's a lot going on between the "good morning", "why are you still sleeping?", "wow, you're so old now", and "happy birthday". he groans as his daughter launches herself onto his chest, her laughter bringing a lightness to his heart as she wishes him a happy birthday for the fifth time in about three seconds. your son follows right behind her, the pressure on his chest much heavier.
suddenly he cannot seem to breathe very well.
it's loud. very loud, alhaitham thinks, but hearing his family laugh and seeing your children move away to shower you with kisses makes him feel such a profound tenderness that he did not ever expect to experience. he says his thanks, once or twice, maybe a thousand times, until you manage to get the little ones to prepare the table for breakfast, and then it is quiet once more.
it's almost immediately that he pulls you to his chest again, grateful for too many things that he doesn't ever dare tell you ( because he knows he will not live it down, and besides, you already know ). you laugh, run your fingers through gray locks as you kiss his nose.
"happy birthday, love."
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frozenartscapes · 6 months
I know there's debate about whether or not Anya should have told Damian about her powers and so I'm going to throw in my two cents with my own personal theory for how this is going to go down:
I like that he doesn't believe her.
But not because it will maintain the status quo. Because now, he's going to be questioning. Every interaction, every weird thing she does, every time she says something she shouldn't know... He's going to remember that conversation.
And I think it will all come to a head one day after another insane adventure (either an actual dangerous one or a surprisingly dramatic shenanigans-filled day at school) and he'll challenge her on it. And maybe Anya will have, by that point, come clean to at least one of her parents, or maybe not. But once again she'll trust him enough to give him more of her backstory. She might not tell him everything, but at least enough for him to realize that, oh shit, she can actually read minds this whole time and this is a big fucking deal.
And he'll keep the secret.
(Real talk: It really does mean a lot that Anya has chosen to tell Damian first. This wasn't for the Friendship Scheme. This wasn't a last-ditch attempt to get closer to him. She genuinely came clean, here, because she trusts him and she likes him. Think of all the times she could have told Loid or Yor - especially when there was an active threat to her family. Sure, she has more to lose if her parents find out and freak out about it. But I'd argue if Damian did believe her there's still a chance he could use that to his advantage, too. He probably wouldn't, since by this point it's clear that he cares about her even if he'll deny it to his dying breath. But there's always a chance.
But now that she's told someone and they just flat-out didn't believe her, there's a chance she could become more confident to admit it to one of her parents since this opens up another option she never considered before: they might just not believe her. Kids make stuff like that up all the time, after all. It's probably just a game... But calling it now: once Loid finds out there is going to be a solid page of his thoughts running a mile a minute as he wars with himself about whether or not it's true and if it is true just how fucked he is. Yor, meanwhile, will just have no thoughts at all. Nothing. Head empty. She may jump out a window but we'll see.)
(Oh shit I just realized something: Maybe once Damian does start to believe her, he gets desperate enough to want to connect with his father so he asks if she can read his mind to find out what he's thinking and that's how she (and Loid) can get invited to his house)
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sirenfromthelostcity · 9 months
College! Mizu x Dancer! Reader pt 2
I found this cute and old bachata song that I used to love when I was younger and I thought it'd be perfect for this. You don't have to listen to the song as you read this but I'll provide the link for it if y'all are curious about which one it is. I hope you like the song and what I wrote. Enjoy! <3
A/N: This started out as just like a blurb but kind of ended up being a bit of a story towards the end lol
Part 1
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Rehearsing your choreography with Mizu got easier every session. The more you two practiced the more comfortable and confident she became with the dance.
Dancing with Miu was such a fun feeling. You loved the feeling of her hand wrapped around your waist while the other was entwined with yours. The dance also ended with her dipping you and although you ended up falling and laughing on the floor a few times, she eventually perfected the move. And boy did you love staring into those blue eyes of hers as she securely held you by your waist.
The day finally came for your dance test. Mizu was a little nervous but you were actually fully and truly confident in the both of you.
"Look I know you're a little nervous but really there's no need. Mizu we've both worked really hard on this and I know we're gonna do amazing. Okay?"
"Okay," she nodded with you and delivered you a small smile.
"Great. Now let's go show these bitches how to do a kickass salsa dance," you grinned as you both excited your dorm and headed for your test.
After you perform your dance the both of you earned a really good reaction from the class. Grades wont be posted till later in the night but you were confident in your and Mizu’s performance.
To celebrate you and a few classmates decided to go to a club. You were a moderate drinker but mostly you all went for the great music. You invited Mizu who of course declined at first.
“Come out with me tonight. It’ll be fun and you deserve to celebrate with the rest of us!”
“I don’t know it’s not really my kind of scene.”
“But it’s Latin Night and they're gonna have a live band” you pleaded. “The place is a restaurant/club and their food is so good! They start clearing up some tables after 10 to dance but you’ll still be able to eat.”
If there's one thing that you learned about Mizu is that she is bribable with food and you began to see it on her face that she was seriously considering your invitation.
And now for the final nail.
“Also it’s my treat,” you innocently smiled to her.
"Y'know you can't just throw in 'my treat' every time you want me to do something," she sneered.
"But you told me begging never works and 'treating' you has been very effective so far."
"True, but I said begging never works when other people do it."
Your eyes slightly widen at what she implied and watched her as she put on her jacket and pocketed the keys to your dorm.
"Come on, lets go," she mumbled.
You squealed in joy and instinctively went to hug her. She stumbled at the impact but laughed and hugged you back.
When you got to the club you sat down with the rest out your classmates who decided to come out and ordered some food. You and Mizu were getting lots of compliments on your performance. One girl even pulled you aside and asked if the two of you were dating to which you confidently replied, "not yet."
Surprisingly, Mizu was having a really good time, mostly because the food was good but the music and vibes were also nice so she was genuinely enjoying herself.
That was until some tables were cleared for dancing and one of your classmates asked you to dance with him.
"You gonna be okay here for a bit?"
"Yeah, no, I'll be fine," she nodded but it wasn't too convincing to either of you.
"You sure? I don't want it to seem like I'm abandoning you, especially since I begged you to come with me."
"Don't worry about me. Go have fun, be in your element. I'll be here."
"Okay, just one quick song," you gently squeezed her shoulder before joining your friend on the dance floor.
Of course Mizu wanted to say no but she didn't want to hold you back and also you weren't together. It'd be weird if she expressed how much she disliked the idea of someone else dancing with you. Wouldn't it?
Her eyes were trained on you as you both danced. She loved the dress you picked out. It adorned you body in the most flattering way and flowed perfectly as you danced.
The dress looked lovely on you but she didn’t appreciate the hand placement of your current dance partner. In actuality his hands never strayed inappropriately but she just didn't care for them being on you at all.
A deep scowl was starting to form on her face and that's when she decided, although she wasn't much of a drinker, she needed one to cool off.
She walked to the bar and ordered herself a long island iced tea. At least now she had something to fidget with.
She’s so fixated on you she barely notices a girl is trying to hit on her.
“Hey, you’re Mizu right?”
“Yeah,” she dryly mumbled, eyes still trained on you.
“I thought your performance with (y/n) was really good!”
“Thanks,” she sipped from her drink. “It was all (y/n), she choreographed everything. I just stepped in as a favor.”
“Aw c’mon you’re telling me you didn’t improvise any of your moves?”
Mizu just slightly shook her head, relief taking over now that the song had at last concluded.
“Well,” she coyly rubbed on Mizu’s upper arm, finally succeeding in getting her to even look her way. “Maybe you can improvise some moves with me, or I'd be glad to show you some of mine.”
Mizu looked at her arm and then the girl, confounded and flustered by her actions. People had asked out Mizu in the past but no one's ever been this forward before.
You were clapping for the band and thanking your partner for the dance, as that whole scene with Mizu was going on. The band announce their next song and you get excited as it's the one you asked them to play if they knew it [the song i linked]. However the excitement is quickly replaced with anger when you finally see the a girl, the same girl who had previously asked if you and Mizu were an item, feeling up on Mizu’s arm.
"Oh that little...!" you seethed.
If you were a cartoon smoke would be blowing out of your ears right now. You wasted no time in sauntering over and grabbing Mizu's hand and leading her to the dance floor.
"Hey partner, come dance with me," you spoke, directly eyeing the girl who invaded Mizu's space.
“I appreciate the save but I don’t know this dance,” Mizu warned as you reached the crowd of people dancing.
“Don’t worry it’s a really easy 4 step dance just do as I do…1…2…3….and 4….1….2….3…and 4..."
To Mizu's relief the dance actually was incredibly simple to learn. Pretty quickly she fell into rhythm with you and the music.
"Look at you go, now you can dance salsa and bachata," you praise as you twirl her.
"I owe it all to my amazing teacher," she praised back and actually went in to twirl you.
You gasped and laughed at the instant confidence Mizu seemed to have gained with the dance. A familiar and warm feeling began to bubble up in your chest. Maybe it was because of the music or the romantic lyrics. Or maybe it was because of how right it felt having Mizu's hands on you, to be dancing with her again. Regardless, you know the crush you had previously possessed for her has only grown stronger.
The song playing was one of your all time favorites, you couldn't help but mouth the lyrics as you both danced.
*Quiero ser tuyo enterito pero tengo miedo
Prométeme que no me vas a dejar sin tu amor
I'll give you my heart girl but you gotta promise
Promise you'll hold me, touch me, love me
Way past forever
Mizu spun you around and you giggled as you twirled, wishing you could live this moment forever. But sadly all good things must come to an end.
The song finally finished and everyone clapped at their performance. The band announced they were going to take a small break and that's when everyone scurried towards the bar.
"We can start heading back home now if you want," You said to Mizu.
"You sure?" Mizu asked, surprised that you wanted to leave early, it was just past 10:40PM.
"Yeah, I got an early class tomorrow. Did you have a good time?"
"Actually I did, maybe more than I had expected."
"Well, I'm glad," you smiled and quickly looked away, finding yourself not being able to look into her gorgeous blue eyes for too long.
Both you and Mizu said bye to your classmates, the girl who hit on Mizu was nowhere to be seen and secretly you were glad about that too. Mizu helped you put on your coat and together you two headed back to your dorm.
A/N: This ending felt very MEH but I actually might make a final part 3 maybe see what happens when you get back to your dorm hmm? ;) I just felt like this already became longer than I was anticipating lol but I really hope y'all enjoyed it!
EDIT: i forgot to add the translation to the spanish part of the chorus
*I wanna be yours entirely but I’m scared
Promise me you won’t leave me without your love
Roughly that’s what it translates too! I adore this song y’all, to me its just so cute so i hope you like it 😭💖
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