#it could have made for an interesting contrast with wanda
crimsonscloud · 1 year
alright maybe it's the hyperfixation talking but can we talk about how the end scene of the incredible hulk reminds me of the end scene in wandavision:
cabin in a forest/mountain area
tea being brewed
ominous power usage (wanda reading the darkhold, bruce inducing a hulk out through meditation)
dramatic glowing eyes (wanda hearing her sons, bruce's days without incident counter dropping to zero)
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Crushing Plans: Peter Parker x Reader
Part Five
Description: 4.2k wc, Crushing Plans part 5, y/n has a crush on her bestfriend Peter but he’s interested in their friend MJ. Meanwhile Peter and Y/n have to decide if they want the responsibility that comes with their powers (while also trying to keep these powers a secret). To make matters worse, y/n’s powers are impacted by her emotions; including jealousy. How will their class trip to Europe go with all of this going on?
Warnings (for series as a whole): Mention of injuries, villains, far from home spoilers?, evil, witches, magic, powers/abilities, jealousy, hurt-comfort, I think that’s it!
Click Here For Previous Parts and Series Masterlist (5 parts plus the story continues in Bewitched Love (No Way Home wip w/ the same characters as a story continuation)
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When they arrived, Mysterio’s display was already in effect; Happy was very surprised it wasn’t real.
Peter glanced y/n’s way once more, nodding at her before slipping his mask on as he exited the plane.
Y/n could hear Peter’s voice through the earpiece in Happy’s ear, but not enough to know what he said.
She watched as he swung closer to the projection.
Happy seemed to be promising Peter he was doing -or perhaps would be doing- whatever it was Peter had said.
Y/n beamed as she watched Peter already making headway in his fight.
“You’ve come to your senses” Agatha grinned wickedly.
Y/n focused her thoughts on Peter liking MJ, allowing Agatha to only see her emotional pain and assume it was the reason she was now complying.
“I’m still worried” y/n stated, suppressing a grin at how convincing her tone was.
“Of course you are sweet child, how can I help?” Agatha said, unrealistically sweetly.
Yn glanced around the park to get her bearings but let Agatha believe it was over fear of others learning her secret.
The fact she was donning a mask worked in her favor to convince Agatha.
Her mask should be appearing to Agatha as a bland, white, scrappily made disguise; thanks to an easy image modification spell Y/n had cast on it.
But, in reality, it was a radiant azure blue; Peter managed to adjust the hue on the Stark product generator enough to match her cosmic glow coloring exactly.
Her clothes should be seen by Agatha as the same set y/n wore when they last saw each other; Yn not wasting energy or time constructing some new fake outfit just for a distraction.
Much like her actual mask, her actual outfit was azure, fit to her in a way that allowed her to move, and had discrete padding on her knees should she collapse again.
Her clothing included a contrasting dark black cloak-like item, one merging the designs of other witches; Agatha and Wanda included.
Except, the bottom inner workings of hers, the side presently resting against the back of her legs, was a shiny silver lining, embossed with swirling stitching.
“If I… if I let you have my powers, how do I know I’ll survive?” Y/n asked, hiding her thoughts as she began calling upon her energy.
“Oh hun, you have my word” Agatha said.
Not wanting to give in uncharacteristically fast, y/n hesitated.
“I did tell you the truth about your origin didn’t I? Why would I admit that but lie now?” Agatha argued with a soft voice.
Y/n knew the reason but kept the thought from her mind.
“Okay…” y/n slowly agreed.
Agatha smiled but Yn saw the evil glint in her dark irises.
As she felt Agatha’s cosmic presence reach hers, y/n whispered “pari mensura” before having her mind wander back to her unrequited crush on Peter.
She bit her lip as she kept her lips from moving and exposing her nearly inaudible spell repetition.
The pain also helped subconsciously remind her that there was a purpose behind the torture of her own mind she was doing by focusing on her doomed situation with Peter.
pari mensura
pari mensura
pari mensura
Y/n echoed, encouraging and directing her energy heading towards Agatha to match the force Agatha was using.
Agatha fell for the sensation, believing that she was truly pulling the energy from y/n; rather than y/n sending it to her.
It wasn’t an easy task, keeping her confidence up despite replaying Peter and MJ’s flirtations.
Let alone simultaneously hiding these underlying thoughts, her mind having to both actively think and not think at the same time.
She still couldn’t explain it, but she could feel the thoughts almost filed into different places in her brain.
She’d never compartmentalized her thoughts this way before, much less in so many different subjects at the same time for such a long period of time.
She had to pretend she was thinking about MJ and Peter but not truly think about it.
She had to hide her thoughts about her actions and newly found confidence.
She had to pretend she was thinking about how it felt to have her powers pulled from her while being sure to not truly believe the illusion herself.
It was a lot, and her underlying concerns over how things were going on Peter’s end didn’t help.
She wanted to quickly look over to see how it was coming, but she knew she couldn’t risk the brief lapse in concentration.
Especially as she already felt the ache in her head returning at her attempts.
While Agatha wasn’t truly absorbing y/N’s energy, y/n had knowingly gone into the battle on a nearly empty basis.
Technically speaking, witches had an almost infinite supply of cosmic energy at their disposal.
However, it took much more energy to produce it without thinking about it.
And even more to actively focus on something else while using it.
It didn’t help that it took practice to get to the point of being able to utilize the endless access to energy waves; practice y/n didn’t have.
She felt her eyes droop as Agatha increased her strength, somehow having noticed something was off.
Irritated, y/n wanted to scream, having been nearly ready to strike Agatha prior to this sudden detection from Agatha’s end.
Her illusion was faltering and she would soon lose her chance to strike if she didn’t quickly adjust.
Y/n attempted to once again match her force by sending her own equally balanced force back, “pari mensura”.
She hadn’t realized that she forgot to keep her voice low when reciting the spell until she saw the fury in Agatha’s eyes.
It was too late to put her defenses up by the time she saw it, but fortunately, Peter had detected it.
His spider senses had tingled in an attempt to alert him to an issue around him.
He instantly scanned the area in search of y/n, his webs shooting across the street and toward the park in mere seconds upon seeing y/n’s genuine struggle.
The signs of Agatha’s realization of the illusion soon followed his release of web fluid.
Peter squinted as he waited for the seemingly long time it took for his webs to reach Agatha.
To anyone else, it was merely a matter of 2 seconds; feeling longer to Peter due to the scene being slowed down by his ‘spidey senses’,
As the webs wrapped around Agatha’s wrist, y/N’s panicked eyes turned his way.
Peter tugged on the web attached to his subject, trying to knock Agatha off kilter enough for y/n to compose herself.
Y/n forced her legs to hold her tired body steady as she pushed back against Agatha, starting to increase her force.
She wasn’t sure how much more she could do though.
Agatha’s detection was earlier than y/n had anticipated, or perhaps y/n hesitated too long to strike.
Either way, it wasn’t going to plan and her confidence was weaning as a result.
Peter having to step in and help her despite his own battle going on fueled her embarrassment and disappointment in herself.
She knew she had to change her thought patterns if she wanted to have a chance at overpowering Agatha; she had to regain her confidence somehow.
Once her legs felt semi-steady beneath her, y/n glanced over at Peter in hopes of an encouraging smile or nod to drive her confidence back up.
However, her eyes were instead met with a burst of energy shooting across the scene and throwing Peter backward into the brick siding of the bridge.
Y/n felt a sudden force deep in her bones, it had a slightly familiar feeling to it but was otherwise an unknown sensation.
The sheer volume of cosmic current flowing through her body lifted y/n into the air.
Y/N’s spell that’d previously been masking her new ‘hero’ suit dissolved before Agatha’s eyes.
Without any hesitation, y/n let the new, stronger, faster, thicker, flow of energy do as it wished.
The only thing her mind focused on was having witnessed Agatha hurt Peter.
Y/N’s eyes fell closed as the current tore through her and shot across the park to Agatha.
Agatha howled loudly as her skin flashed blue, y/N’s energy hiting deep.
Yn pried her eyes open enough to check on Peter, giving him a grateful nod before turning back to Agatha.
She could tell if she kept going at full force, it would be the end of Agatha.
And as much as she wanted to tear her apart for harming Peter, it wasn’t in her to kill someone.
Y/n was pleasantly surprised when her energy ebbed at her unspoken limitation.
She might not plan on ending Agatha’s life, but she was going to make sure Agatha was no longer a threat.
Y/n didn’t want, nor did she think she needed, Agatha’s energy.
Even if she relished the feeling of such a strong force inside herself, she didn’t want any possibly tainted cosmic energy in her.
So, she began contemplating spells that would keep her enemy alive but deplete her power.
“Vivit et impotens” y/n stated, frowning when nothing happened.
She took a deep breath, reminding herself she could do this.
Staring at Agatha, hands stretched out to her, “vivit et impotens”.
Once again, nothing.
She racked her brain for more traditional ways to say her goal.
Chest held high, she loudly declared, “reducendus au homini”.
Y/N’s fingers stiffened as a dark aura flowed between Agatha and y/N’s hand.
She gritted her jaw as she focused on directing her own energy to shield herself from any damage and form an orb in her outstretched palm.
Within three minutes, y/n stood on the ground, holding a black and purple ball of cosmic forces in her palm.
Agatha lay on the grass, visibly defeated and weeping in sorrow over her loss; but, she was alive.
Pleased in completing her task so quickly, she gazed at the ball as she contemplated how to destroy it.
Y/n felt a sweltering heat radiating from the orb and saw the very tips of her fingernails starting to darken from the insidious and dark power Agatha’d absorbed in her attempt at managing the darkhold.
Without needing to search for the words, her mind began chanting a spell she wasn’t familiar with.
In its attempt to guard y/n and her untainted energy, her mind screamed “eliminate ab existentia”.
After five repetitions of the phrase, y/n saw her fingertips return to normal as a burst of blue energy erupted, blinding her momentarily.
Y/n rubbed her eyes and smiled proudly to herself.
However, her focus quickly shifted to finding Peter.
As she whipped her head around, her eyes landed on Peter.
He let out a visible sigh of relief and slightly slowed his approach to ease the pain in his leg.
Despite his attempts to mask his pain, y/n noticed his limp and rushed over.
Peter smiled as he hugged her, pulling her to his chest as soon as she was close enough.
“You’re hurt” she whispered, stepping back after a few moments.
“I’m okay, it’s over” he huffed, eyes checking her face for any cuts.
“Can I… May I…?” Y/n mumbled hesitatingly.
“Y/n, you don’t have to be nervous around me” Peter grinned, “what are you trying to ask?”
Y/n bit her lip, looking up at him sweetly, making his legs feel weak.
“I’d like to try a spell to help your leg” she stated.
“Is this okay?” She asked, stepping back more.
Peter nodded without hesitation, completely trusting her.
She smiled, squatting and delicately placing her right hand on his kneecap.
Her left hand shyly rested against his hip, intimidated by the intimate location.
Closing her eyes, she focused on keeping her energy warm enough to relax his muscles but not too hot to hurt him.
“Okay… lenire et confirma crus” y/n whispered, letting her energy flow from her hands into his upper leg.
Peter let out an audible release of air and Y/n felt the tension leave his leg muscles.
Yn removed her hands from his body and stood back up, smiling softly, “any better?”
Peter grinned widely and nodded, his cheeks red, “very. Thank you”.
She nodded timidly, her smile widening.
“And you? You’re not hurt?” Peter pondered, his slightly bloodstained hands cupping her face as he analyzed her skin closely.
Y/n swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the warmth of his breath hitting her face and the close proximity of his lips to hers.
“Y/n?” Peter asked, stroking her cheek just below her eyemask when he found a faint blemish.
“I’m good,” she nodded, gazing into his painfully pretty, umber eyes.
Peter blushed as he noticed how close he was upon feeling himself relax after her assure she was unharmed.
“Thank you for your help back there” y/n said, waving to the park she left minutes before.
“It wasn’t a big deal” he smiled
“Yes it was, you got hurt, because of me” she shook her head as guilt flooded her voice.
“Y/n, I swear, I didn’t mind helping” he promised, voice thick with sincerity, “I wanted to make sure you were safe”.
“Because if you I was. You helped me more than you’ll know” she hummed.
Peter watched inquisitively as y/n’s eyes began to scan his mask, left to right and top to bottom.
“The blood… your hands. You said-“ she whispered, her voice tense.
“It’s not mine” he rushed out in assurance before repeating the words remorsefully as he felt their weight.
Y/n gave him an apologetic glance, “okay. We can talk about that if you want, when you’re ready”.
Peter nodded, “thank you. I could use that”.
She gave him a timid smile, but Peter noticed she kept scanning his face.
Peter looked around before pulling his mask up and off of his head, “I’m okay y/n”.
He felt his breath hitch as she furrowed her eyebrows, the tip of her middle finger slowly sending a calming warmth to seep in through his skin as her fingertip traced a minor scratch he had obtained in his fight.
Much to Peter’s disappointment, she soon leaned back, hand lowering to her side after the scratch disappeared.
Peter lifted his hand up to feel his skin where she’d touched it, a dorky smile on his face.
“Y/n,” Peter began, his need to confess his feelings shaking violently in his chest.
Y/n sensed something hanging in the air and sucked in a deep breath.
She noticed the gentle glow of his eyes and how he seemed to be radiating nervous but excited energy.
“Peter?” She asked, trying not to get her hopes up as to what he was going to say.
There was something in his gaze that made her melt, desperately hoping she was correct in seeing the love behind it.
Peter’s cheeks were nearly as red as his suit as he gave her a lopsided smile, mentally cursing himself for not pulling it together.
His hesitation made her look around, her heart plummeting to her stomach as she locked eyes with MJ several feet behind her.
MJ hadn’t noticed them, but it was clear Peter noticed her; his lovey-dovey trance now making sense to y/n.
“Oh, “ y/n breathed, taking her time as she turned back around to face Peter, “right. Umm, you can go”.
Peter’s lips parted as he stared at her with a blank expression.
Y/n rolled the rushing energy in her, picturing the blue life source loop over itself and flow in the other direction; moving along the lines of an imaginary infinity sign.
It was a technique she’d learned years ago to stay calm.
She hadn’t been in such a soul crushing situation where she needed it in a long time.
But her -albeit brief- moment of hope over her seemingly unrequited feelings actually being requited after all drove a stake into her soul as reality emerged.
Peter rubbed his neck, his eyes never leaving her face as he tried to understand why she suddenly appeared shut down, “y-y/n..”
She shook her head, wanting out of the situation rather than letting it drag on longer.
“Look, Peter… it’s okay, really” y/n said, causing Peter even more confusion.
Before he could even think of a response, she continued, “just..”.
Y/n let the calming resonance of the energy flowing in her remind her of her accomplishments today.
She may still have been in a hopelessly doomed position with her crush, but at least she could rely on him; and herself.
Allowing her confidence to drive her towards one final courageous act, y/n closed the distance between them.
Y/n way too quickly pressed her lips against his cheek and pulled away, “thank you again for helping”.
Peter’s teeth shined as he grinned like an idiot, his face felt so hot he swore he was going to catch on fire soon.
However, as y/n walked away from him, his lips instantly fell into a pout.
Without thinking, he reached for her hand, halting her departure, “where are you going? Why are you leaving?”
She couldn’t turn back to look at him, instead squeezing his hand kindly, “she’s waiting for you, go on”.
Peter tightened his grip and tugged on her hand, pleading her to turn around and explain, “who?”
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to tear his hand off and run until she couldn’t feel his presence near her.
Not that her currently exhausted body would even let her if she asked.
“Y/n” Peter whined, lost and upset over her sudden change in demeanor, “talk to me”.
“MJ” y/n whispered, making a resounding rush of guilt surface in Peter.
He’d forgotten y/n had known a tiny bit about his plans to act on his feelings for MJ.
Her voice sounded sad and distant to him.
Had he not noticed she was seemingly harboring feelings for him too?
How long had they been there?
His mind played back the last week, his guilt only growing as he found all the signs he’d missed.
“Pe-“ y/n began, finally facing him.
“No, please, “ Peter hushed her, his sorrowful eyes trying to lock with her irises but her downwards crooked neck prevented it.
Y/n remained silent but removed her hand from his, fingers trailing slowly across his palm, driving him insane.
“I need to tell you something…” Peter whispered.
She nodded, gaze still focused on her boots.
He swallowed, “I uhh… I clearly should’ve told you this before… or umm… well yeah…”.
Laughing softly at his own nervousness, “I like you. Like, really like you…. Not just as a friend.. I like-“.
Y/n gritted her teeth, “don’t. Peter. Please don’t”.
“W-what?” He inquired.
“I can’t do it Peter. I don’t want to hear it” her voice was stiff but he could hear the way her pitch wavered between words, “I’ve wanted to hear you say it, but not like this”.
Peter sighed, taking in the scene around them.
He knew it was far from romantic and certainly less than she deserved, but he hadn’t wanted to keep it in any longer.
If he’d learned anything this trip it was that life was unpredictable, terrifying, and short.
He didn’t want to waste any more of his hiding from his feelings.
The feelings he felt for her were far more intense than any he’d ever had towards MJ and he needed her to know how he felt about her; romantic scenery or not.
“You’re right, I should’ve -“ Peter apologized, bashfully rubbing the spandex covering his arms.
“I don’t want you to say it like this. Don’t tell me you like me when I know you like MJ, I can’t handle that” she whimpered, “certainly not right now”.
“Y/n, I don’t want MJ” he swore, his fingers twitching to touch her and pull her in for an embrace.
Y/N’s newly born confidence spoke up, “I don’t want to be someones backup or second choice. I’d rather just not be chosen”.
Peter felt a tinge of pride in her standing up for herself despite his heartache and guilt over her feeling this way.
“Y/n,” he hummed, “It was always you."
Y/N’s eyes snapped to his, anger flashing through her y/e/c eyes, “don’t pity me Peter. I can take you liking MJ. But I can’t take you toying with me. I know about your crush on MJ, you know I know about it. I told you I knew before we even left New York”.
Peter nodded, his eyes not leaving hers despite the hurt in them making him feel like he was the biggest villain they’d encountered on this trip.
“I did like MJ” he nodded, being sure to not leave much time between the conclusion of that sentence and the start of the next.
“But, I don’t anymore. Even when I did,” Peter shook his head softly, “it wasn’t the same”.
“I… I don’t follow” y/n admitted, eyes no longer displaying hurt or anger but rather confusion.
Confusion Peter could fix!
He had no problem taking however long it took to explain to her why the way he felt about her was different and far better than what he used to feel for MJ.
He would willingly go on and on about it until she understood.
“When I picture myself happy... It's with you” Peter told her, “I’ve not had that with anyone else”.
Y/n unintentionally caused a tiny whistle as she sucked air in through her barely parted lips, “…n-…not MJ?”
Peter held her gaze as he shook his head definitively, “no, never for MJ”.
She nodded slowly, still uncertain.
“I should’ve realized it that day, when you joined our school. I could sense something was different, not just about you…” he mumbled shyly, “but towards you. Sure I knew I found you attractive, but that was given”.
Y/n giggled softly as her lips curled up at the edges.
Peter blushed upon hearing his own confession repeat in his head, yet he continued for her sake, “I was too scared to approach you, and the feelings I had seemed too unusual.. I… couldn’t trust my senses at the time so I dismissed it and told myself I still had a crush on MJ”.
Y/n’s eyes scanned his face for signs of deception as she listened closely.
He sighed at his own behaviors, “to be fair, I still did. Or so I thought. Because, if this” he signaled between their bodies, “is what having a crush on someone truly feels like, I never actually had a crush on her then”.
Y/n felt a tear roll down her cheek as she took in his words.
Peter tenderly wiped her tear from her face, “y/n… I get it if I’ve missed my chance. But…There is something between us and… it is the most magical thing I have ever felt."
Y/n paused, her eyes distant as she visibly contemplated something, “ yeah, well.... you know… maybe I accidentally-“.
Peter chuckled, tilting her head towards him, his fingertips encouraging her to move face closer to his, “No y/n. I don’t mean actual magic”.
“Are you su-“ y/n worried.
“Yes, I know what your magic feels like, and as … strong and comforting as it is, this is different; better” he promised.
“So… now what?” Y/n asked, “what all does this mean?”
“Well, it’s a two part-plan. First, I'm gonna find an excuse to kiss you. The second step is asking you to be mine” Peter admitted, cheeks crimson.
“You don’t need an excuse to kiss me…” she whispered shyly.
Peter chuckled quietly, “no? Cause…You do have something in your hair, umm... Do you want me to get it out?"
Y/n wasn’t sure if there actually was something in her hair or if this was his attempt at finding an excuse like he planned to do, but she couldn’t care less.
She shook her head, her fingers grabbing the collar of his suit and pulling him closer until their lips met.
They smiled against each others lips before parting.
"Your lips are really warm." Peter blurted.
“Oh..sorry?” Y/n asked, her fingers feeling her bottom lip.
“No I liked it” he admitted, the words rushing out awkwardly.
She giggled and nodded, looking at her boots, “good….Me too, Uhh. err- the kiss, I mean”.
Peter grabbed her hand, “Wanna, like- I mean, I know the whole class is all going but ….for the flight home… maybe… We could sit together?“
Y/n nodded rapidly, gazing up at a smiling and blushing Peter.
So, her crush wasn’t doomed after all.
The trip hadn’t gone the way either of them planned.
But it was far better than they could've envisioned.
----Post Credit Scene----
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Stay tuned for more of Y/n and Peter as they continue their adventures in Bewitched Love where you can read about the same characters as they handle the events of No Way Home!
Bewitched Love parts can be found on the series masterlist!
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Peter Parker Taglist (comment here to be added): @galaxyholland @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswife-marvelicious @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @theslayerofthevampires
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queenaryastark · 8 months
The Marvels wasn't as bad as the reviews made it seem. There was a lot good about it, in my opinion. Just a few things:
Carol as a character was far more complex and interesting in this than she was in Captain Marvel. She was more of a grey character who made mistakes and even darker choices. I just wish we had seen her make her darkest choices, which led to her destroying the living conditions for an entire planet, in more than just a couple flashbacks.
Kamala and the actress who played her, Iman Vellani, were flawless. She was completely believable as a teen superhero with hyper-fixations. This type of character can easily be annoying, but she never got close to it for me. She was consistently adorable and realistic. Vellani's acting choices when it came to reactions were so authentic. She played Kamala's responses the way a real person would respond in these scenarios. Now I have to watch her Disney+ show.
I loved everything about Monica, which built perfectly off of the character's appearances in both Captain Marvel and Wanda Vision. She was incredibly intelligent, with "mommy" issues regarding Carol that also allowed her to be very human and vulnerable. Her choices at the end of the movie created the best cliffhanger I've seen with Marvel in a very long time. I went in not caring about the movie one way or the other and left wanting more specifically because of Monica.
The dynamic between Carol, Kamala, and Monica was perfect. I could have watched a TV series of them having adventures. Their contrasting personalities worked well together and the way their connected powers kept making them swap places was so unique. I will say that the Carol/Monica dynamic felt more like a mother-daughter relationship than an aunt-niece one.
Kamala's family was so lovable and realistic. Getting more of them is my main reason for checking out Miss Marvel.
So, for me, there was a lot to enjoy in this move. What weakened the story were two incredibly silly moments that should have been cut and the lack of time spent developing the main villain, Dar-Benn. She could have been a lot more interesting had we really seen all the harm Carol did to her people. Had we gotten a Captain Marvel 2 where Carol made her darkest choices, which in turn caused her to harm her relationship with Monica and gave Dar-Benn her villain backstory, this film would have been a lot stronger. As is, I don't think the movie was that bad.
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nerdylilpeebee · 1 year
But do you think she should have been corrupted as punishment Because she's worse than white don't deserve support? Cuz I was seriously imagining a scenario where it's a complete contrast to how everyone gives Steven support when he was a monster and well they don't give that same support to rose/pink if she came back and became a monster because of the guilt of her actions.
kind of wonder why nobody hasn't drawn something like that if everyone hates rose/pink. Maybe somebody has somewhere on the internet on that what if sort of deal. the only thing I can even think about where something like this happens is that crossover fanfic on AO3 I read called not your problem to fix in some later chapterswhere you could say Rose was given a taste of her own medicine and a very nasty wake up call seeing how her choices devastated her son and others by Wanda maximoff, the Scarlet witch, who's obviously not really innocent either and have her own set of problems and denial that debatably makes her worse than Rose (saying Debatably because while Wanda mind controlled an entire town and going on a killing spree to make for her own selfish reasons, you would say there might be something about Rose's actions that makes Wanda's Tame by comparison because of how it directly affected everyone and earth and homeworld that it's arguably a bit more comparable to somebody like Thanos (which might not be a fair comparison because he harmed an entire universe with his own justifications by snapping 50% of it and made everybody depressed has fought but probably Fair if we are criticizing rose/pink in very harsh terms) but even though it may not be the right word to use if we are comparing Rose to somebody who didn't have an issue killing heroes of another universe and willing to take powers of a teenager by killing her) in and you can say she's being a huge hypocrite on her part but then again I think you said before that Wanda was being a hypocrite in multiverse of madness and I think even Wandavision so you can say it's kind of fitting.
Since you now know it's exist I don't know if you'll read it or like it but I am going that might be satisfying about rose getting a taste from her own medicine to who even if it's coming from somebody who's this is guilty as her
No, I don't think so, but tbh, I don't think she'd have enough guilt to become corrupted like Steven did if she did come back.
And that sounds like an interesting story, and an interesting cross-over, but I'd still say no one deserves to be corrupted.
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
wildest dreams
witch!wanda x reincarnated!reader 
summary: wanda had walked around the earth for centuries with no magic and hardly any soul left after losing her soulmate. she thought that her lover would never return and that the only reunion they would have would be in the afterlife, but a run-in with bucky changes everything after he insists that he met the long gone y/n at a fountain in the park. 
yet another au by me... 
word count: around 6.5k?
imma tag one person bc she gets upset when she isn’t tagged- and idk if anyone else would actually be interested?
also this picture is not mine, and the dividers are by @firefly-graphics !!
without further ado, it’s almost 6 in the morning but i give you this!!
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She held you tight, fingers digging into your skin as she trembled above you. The rose bushes were rustling in the wind next to you both, the sweet smell of the flowers contrasting with the moment. You were halfway gone already, eyes far off but trying to swim back to the surface, wanting to look at her one last time before the inevitable happened. 
  “S…” you tried to say, but she hushed you immediately, tears falling down on your face and mixing with your own. You shook her head at her as hard as you could, begging for her to let you continue. “Say you’ll remember me,” you ground out, fingers tightening around her hand. 
  “What?” Wanda asked, voice already thick with grief as she tried to decide whether or not it was better to keep the knife lodged between your ribs inside of you.
“When I come back-” you cut yourself off by coughing up blood, and Wanda didn’t even wince when it splattered on her cheek. “Back for you, promise that you’ll remember me.” 
 “Darling,” Wanda whispered back, her voice cracking as she bent over and rested her head on your stomach for a moment, hiding her sob. She could feel her magic tingling inside of her; under her skin, in her bones, dancing on her fingertips. “I wish I knew- I wish I just knew how-”
  “Please.” You said, a desperate look in your eyes as you halted her words, already knowing what Wanda wanted. But natural magic was nothing to mess with. She sobbed again with her lips pressed together, no sound escaping her. You squeezed her hand tighter as the sun started on its routine descent, basking the two of you in an orange glow that you would have stopped to admire in any other moment in time. But Wanda would grow to hate that shade of orange with every breath in her. “Please.” It would always remind her of the sound of your begging, voice reaching for something that she couldn’t see. 
Maybe it was the desperation in your voice, or the way that she just knew that you were well within your last moments, because she looked up at you one last time. “Of course I’ll remember you, darling. I couldn’t even dream of forgetting you.” There was a wheezing sound that came from your chest as you cracked a bloody smile, and then you gave one last squeeze before you looked away from her, your soul settling in the afterlife. 
  Wanda Maximoff would never forget it. Suddenly, her previously  irrational fear of losing her magic became real, but that feeling didn’t even come close to the one she got when you grew lifeless in her arms. 
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Ever since you knew what a normal person was supposed to be like, you had identified that you, in fact, were not the normal person that you were probably supposed to be. Normal people didn’t daydream to the point where it felt like their bodies weren’t in the present anymore. Normal people didn’t have birthmarks under their ribs that aced and burned. Normal people didn’t feel out of touch with their world, like they weren’t even meant to be in the century they were in. Normal people didn’t feel like they were searching for something tirelessly, something just under their noses. And normal people surely didn’t dream of the same set of hands, same pair of eyes, or the same voice over and over again, a new setting every time, but always the same, faceless person. You either drew the same faceless person or rose bushes, and every sketch book you ever had was full of them. 
At first, you were sure that you were going insane. Every time you closed your eyes, you would see a flash of reddish brown hair, or the same set of eyes, or the same pair of pale hands. You kept seeing this person without ever seeing a face for nights at a time before you went to see a therapist, who just ended up telling you that worrying about it was only going to make it worse, whatever it even was. But eventually, you learned to get used to it. 
Acceptance turned into expectancy. You went to sleep knowing that there was going to be a pair of hands accompanied by the same slender fingers as always before you, sometimes intertwined with your own. You knew that there was going to be a set of eyes on you, watching you intently with no ace to go with them. You knew that you would hear whispers of the same voice, speaking so clearly in a language you didn’t even come close to understanding, and soon, you were craving to see and hear those things. And wanting to see them led to something that you never told your therapist; drawings. 
You drew nearly every day under the sky, trying to find different park benches to see the sun rise and set at different angles for inspiration. You loved the sky, moon and stars alike, but there was something special about sunrises and sunsets. Sunrises and sets both meant new beginnings to you, out with the old and in with the new, and each rise and fall filled you with a strange feeling of nostalgia. You were watching the sunset on a park bench by yourself, a sketchbook sitting on your lap as you held an idle pencil, still thinking about the way you wanted to draw the hands. The birthmark between your ribs started to tingle, letting you know that it was about to burn again. That damn birthmark. You dropped the pencil and scratched at it, trying to beat the annoying feeling at its own game. You cursed the mark, but your eyes didn’t leave the sky, and you noticed your heart swelling in your chest, faint despair in the pits of it, churning around like the middle of the deep sea. 
 You shook your head and put your pencil in your hand again, brain not even having to work hard at all to see the features of the faceless person who was in your every dream. 
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Even before she ever met you, Wanda didn’t sleep well. She would toss and turn for at least an hour before she finally found some temporary, flimsy form of peace. Her sleep was always light and she hardly ever had dreams, which was customary for a woman like her at the time- an un-blossomed witch. 
It was hard for her to remember the time where she didn’t have magic, but that time certainly existed. It lasted nearly thirty years. She never aged a day past twenty one, time moving past her without a care in the world. She was stuck right there, no magic except for the little bit in her bones that was keeping her young. And then she met you. 
You were the person that kicked her magic into gear. You were her kindred soul, her other half and the power to her magic. Meeting you had flung her right into the world of magic and spells, things that she only watched others do, but even as she was introduced to an entirely different world, she could remember only really wanting you. Her heart and soul called to you far louder and stronger than spells called to her eager mind. When she met you, it all fell into place. It was an easy love, one that was never going to be disputed or questioned, and loved it. She was prepared to move heaven, earth, and the gods for you, if she had to. Your arrival into her life had caused her to finally blossom. 
But now, she had bloomed and flourished and wilted all the same, and she was just waiting to decompose. 
“Have hope,” was all that Bucky, a warlock who had been tortured enough in his own way, would tell her. “Have hope that something good will come to you, and it will.” 
She never had the heart to tell him that good things hardly came to those who waited. He himself was a product of waiting, and it had served him well. Before he met his other half, he was taken by a rival clan and experimented on with spells that were so far past illegal that they made the casual witch shudder. Eventually, he was broken out and the rival clan was defeated, but he returned to them as an empty shell of a man. But then, Steve came, and then the man was nothing but a ball of light. His magic grew to be strong and so did Steve’s, and together they became known as some of the strongest practitioners of magic in the world. 
 But what did Wanda have to hope for when you were gone? What did she have to wake up for and smile at when she knew that she had buried you hundreds of years ago? It wasn’t even about the magic. She couldn’t care less about the way she felt the energy leave her- and it was dramatic- leaving in a singular burst of light the second you left. She only knew that you were gone, and that was the only thing that mattered, and it seemed to be the only thing that she even really felt. 
Well, she did feel one other thing. Exhaustion. Exhaustion caused by the lack of you by her side. And exhaustion was exactly why she assumed that she was hallucinating when she felt a small tug at her heart, in a part of her brain that had been dormant for years and years. She shook her head and tried to take her thoughts away from you and the nagging feeling in her gut. 
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“Oh, no…” you exclaimed, voice tapering out into a whine as you watched the ruined paper sink deeper and deeper into the fountain, a fist clenching at your side in disappointment when you realized how many hours were lost, just like that, and then even tighter when you realized that part of you wasn’t even truly upset about the time spent on the ruined art. You were mostly upset that you lost the only vision of the hands that you had during the daytime. 
You were on your knees, sleeves still all the way down as you reached into the water frantically, causing the paper to move even further away. You weren’t even worried about your sketchbook that had fallen open onto the pavement, more focused on the rapidly deteriorating piece of paper. You hardly even noticed the man who knocked into you talking, trying his hardest to make the situation better. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, is there anything I can do?” 
“I mean,” you breathed out, taking the nearly disintegrated paper from the water and grimacing. When you realized that the man was fumbling to say something from behind you, celery apprehensive over the fact that you were upset, you took a short breath and turned around, giving him a small smile. He had dark brown hair that was cut short and crystal blue eyes that were striking, but you knew that they held thousands of stories by looking just once.  He was holding your sketchbook, and by the way he was gripping it tightly, you could tell that he had flipped through it for a second. “It’s just a drawing. I guess I can make another one.” 
  His eyes widened. You saw his jaw slacken and his neck stretch out, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He blinked three times, and his parted lips trembled for a second before he slammed them shut. You cocked a brow at him, your sadness about losing the drawing being replaced by a weak feeling of uneasiness. “Sir?” 
  “Knew it.” His face was clear from any type of emotion as he watched yours, and when you opened your mouth to ask him if he was okay, a grin spread across his face. “I’m Bucky, what’s your name?” You furrowed your brows at him, asking what the hell had just occurred without saying a single word. “I’m sorry, you just looked really familiar.” 
 Just like that, you smiled. You knew that feeling, you felt like you got deja vu far too often to be normal. You hated when people made you feel strange for it, you always had, so you tried your best to ignore it with him. “You’re fine, don’t worry. I’m Y/N.” You extended your dry hand for him to shake it. He stared at it for a moment, and then with an eagerness that made you smile, he shook your hand. 
“‘I’m Bucky.” 
  For a moment, you could have sworn that you had done more tha just seen him before. Could have sworn that you had shaken his hand, met him before, been at the receiving end of his blinding yet somewhat shy smile. It flashed through you warm and bright, and you cleared your throat before pulling your hand away and realizing you had held it for too long. You cleared it again when you saw something flash in his eyes, a weak smile lifting on your lips.
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“It’s not her.” 
Wanda was furious. She was insulted more than anything, really, angry that Bucky could even mistake the light of you for someone else. She knew that you would never grace the earth with your presence again, and she was so used to the fact that she was going to have to die before seeing you again. And for one of her closest friends to try to convince her that you were back? 
 “She would have already found me.” And Wanda believed that with her whole heart. You had asked her so long ago that you remember her, like she could ever forget. Your scent was so flowery that whenever she walked past a growing garden that she smelled you, your smile was so bright that she saw it in the way the rays of sun came down on the earth. She heard your laugh in the chirping of the birds every morning, and she saw your playfulness in the running waters of the stream by the cabin. She could never forget you, because everything was traced back to you. And you would never return without finding her. 
“I don’t think she even knows it yet, but she is looking for you.” Bucky insisted, stepping forward and receiving Wanda’s burning glare while Steve stepped to the side and let it happen. “I bumped into her and she dropped her sketchbook. I saw her drawings- she drew your eyes.” 
  Wanda’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” 
“She dropped the drawing of hands in the water, but I saw she had drawn eyes that looked just like yours, hair the same shade as yours, even drawn the necklace you used to wear. She draws roses, too. I swear to everything above, it’s her.” 
She could feel herself getting warm, the sort of emotions stirring inside of her that had the potential to turn into a singular weapon. The thought of a rose bush made her sick to her stomach. “It’s not her.” 
“You forget that I knew her, too,” Bucky stated, and Wanda’s desolation was replaced by some ancient feeling of possessiveness. “I could never forget her face, and that was it right there. That was her face, without a shadow of a doubt, And her voice-” 
Wanda’s face curled into a snarl. “Stop talking about her.”  
“Hey, Wanda, take a deep breath,” Steve cut in, ever the mediator, but Bucky was hardheaded. If he thought something needed to happen, he was the one to push for it to happen, and he needed her to see. 
 “She looks the same as she did the day she left.” Wanda let out a choked noise. For a second, all she could picture was her lover dying by the blooming rose bushes in the sunset, ruining two of the most beautiful things in life at once. The third (but first) was you, but not even your horrible death could taint Wanda’s memory of you. You would forever be the brightest and most beautiful thing to grace the earth. “I got her number, we’re meeting at a coffee shop a few blocks away.” 
“Leave her alone.” Wanda said through gritted teeth, tears welling up in her eyes. When she saw the brunet’s eyes widen and his mouth drop open, she spoke before he could get a word in. “Just stay away from her, Bucky.” 
All she could think about was your death. The way you choked on your own blood. The way you cried and looked up at her, but still managed to smile. And as she was consumed by rage and memories, the only other thought in her mind was that she was yours and you were here, and that she couldn’t save you then. But she was surely going to preserve your memory from Bucky’s mouth. 
  “I know you feel it coming back. You haven’t felt it in so long, but it’s warm, right? It’s powerful. You always were the strongest, and you’re not dormant any longer. Stop lying to yourself and depriving yourself of love, Wanda. You know Y/N-”
  She saw red. Red as red as the fires that burned in the magma underneath the ground, as red as embers in a fire. “You don’t get to say her name.” She saw so much red, so much hot anger that hardly covered her sadness, that she didn’t even see the way that she had her hand out red coming from her palm as she lifted Bucky right off of the wooden floor of their shared home. “You don’t get to talk about her.” There was a warbling noise in her ears, whispers that sounded like her name, getting louder and louder until she finally realized it was Steve trying to get her attention. 
Instantly, she dropped her arm and watched Bucky fall to the ground, landing in a crouched position. She watched him catch his breath on the ground. She opened her mouth to apologize, to say that she felt terrible and that she had no idea what happened, what took over her, but she was stopped by the brilliant smile that came onto Bucky’s face. 
  “You used magic.” He said, slowly and steadily, not a hint of hesitance or animosity in his eyes or voice. Instead, he seemed more proud than anything. “You can’t deny this now, Wanda.” 
She was hyperventilating, the pain in her chest intensifying as she tried without any results to get the right amount of air in her lungs. She felt her knees hit the ground before she knew that she did, her hands covering her face as she sobbed into herself. Her heart ached, tugging in so many different directions as her brain fought to rationalize what everything meant. She had used magic,  and that meant that you were back, in one way or another. She was in disbelief. She was in despair. She was in shock. 
“I know you do, I know you do,” It was Steve’s arms around her, and Steve’s voice in her ear, and she realized that she had been saying I miss her, I miss her, over and over again until the words jumbled. “We know you do, Wanda. We miss her too.” 
But he didn’t understand. He hadn’t lost Bucky since he had found him. He hadn’t walked the earth for centuries after losing the only thing that mattered to him as an empty shell of the person he used to be. He would never understand, but that wasn’t his fault. In fact, she prayed that he would never understand. 
“I’m sorry I approached you like that,” Bucky said, crouching down and hugging her just as Steve was, enclosing her into a hugging circle. They were coven, related by magic, and just being around them made her tears subside. “But you know that I would have never said anything like that unless I was one thousand percent sure. I would never do anything to hurt you, Wanda. All I want is for you to be happy. And I know that I found her.” 
And how could he want anything but the best for her? He knew her just as much as Steve did. Just as much as she probably knew herself. He and Steve were the ones who stormed the coven that took you from her by her side, and they were the ones that helped her send them to their graves. They supported her through thick and thin, through revenge and peace, and mostly, they loved you almost as much as she did. Why would Bucky lie? 
Wanda blinked, staring down at her hands in fear and wonder as her heart beat started to get away from her. Steve’s warm hand landed on her shoulder, and she flinched from the sudden touch after such a rush of power. 
“I think you should go with him, Wanda.” Her heavy breathing was all that filled the air for a moment. “Just take a look at her from outside so you can leave if he was wrong without anyone knowing, but you should at least try. I think Buck’s right.” 
Wanda’s breaths were still labored. Her hands trembled as she moved hair from her eyes, and her lip quivered before she found the strength to mutter a few words. “Will she- will she remember?” 
“I think she will,” Steve said softly. “But she’s probably just a human. It may take more than just seeing you for her to remember everything.” 
 Her eyes were wet with tears, and her heart was so big with warmth and need that she was scared that it would burst open at the seams. But she was even more terrified to lose the idea of you. Slowly and shakily, she nodded, her head bobbing up and down as she sealed her own fate. “I’ll go.” She saw Steve give her his fatherly and supportive smile, small yet full. “I’ll see her.” 
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You didn’t know how you were gently swindled into giving Bucky your number. You knew that it was nothing but friendly, but he was so charming that you felt like you could never not know him. In fact, it felt like you already did know him. He said something about maybe commissioning an artwork of yours, and of course that excited you. You were going to meet him at a coffee shop, in a public place even though you weren’t the slightest bit afraid of him. But something felt different. 
 It started once you got into your car. You were driving to get to the shop when tingles came down your spine, and bumps raised on your arms, like someone was whispering against your skin. You started to feel warmth come and go in waves, brushing against your mind and then retreating again. You shook off all of the strong feelings as you turned your car off, parked in front of the coffee shop while the music from your speakers filled the silence, soft piano music that was perfect for the weather. 
  It was drizzling, the kind of weather that you liked to call a “lover’s drizzle” because of how often it was seen in romantic scenes. Scenes of confession, of reunion, of desperation between two lovers- more often than not, they had the mild rain to stand in. You turned the music down before shutting your car off and then stepping out, closing the door and locking it immediately before walking briskly to the entrance of the coffee shop with your recent drawings in hand. 
 Bucky wasn’t there when you arrived. In fact, hardly anyone was there besides the few employees, who smiled at you when you entered but otherwise fell back into conversation amongst themselves, which was fine with you. There was one beefy blonde man who was sitting with a laptop and a ball cap on. He glanced up for a moment and then took a double take, blinking hard at you with a star struck look on his face, and then he shot his gaze back down and went back to typing.
You sat down at a table for two, the only type of table that was there besides the long, awkward study tables that they had set up in the center of the room. You would much rather take the intimate setting of a two-seater than to sit in the middle of the shop, so you did just that. You flipped through your work, looking at it closely now that you had the time. He had mentioned something about possible portrait work for a friend of his, so you naturally brought most of the drawings that you had done with hands, arms, eyes, hair, nearly everything that was the closest to your heart. You rested your palm on top of them and watched your fingers trace the slender ones that you had drawn in what felt like by memory at the time, like you were just remembering the way an old friend’s hands used to look. You peeled that one back and looked into the eyes, the strangest and prettiest light green color that made your heart pound every time you looked at it. You took a deep breath in.
  “That’s gorgeous.” You jumped in your seat as the chair in front of you pulled out from under the table, and there was the charming brunet that you had met by the fountain, giving you the same welcoming smile that he first granted you. You smiled back without hesitation, your heart warming at the sight. “You sure can draw.” 
  “I try,” you joked, your grin nearly splitting your face. “Do you drink coffee?” 
“Nah,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “But I like tea, though.” You gave him a thoughtful look. 
“Are you into herbal healing?” 
You could have sworn that there was some sort of excitement in his eyes, but you weren’t sure enough by the time he opened his mouth again. “Yes, actually! What, does it look like I’m into it?” 
“No,” you answered, and it was true. Bucky was huge. He had the kind of build that intimidated other guys at the gym, the kind that made athletes jealous. He looked like the typical meathead, but he was sweeter than you could have imagined. But he looked nothing like a man who would be into herbal healing. “Just a guess.” 
“Pretty good guess,” he mused, and you grinned back. Your head was in the clouds of some strange deja vu when he asked you if you wanted something, and the entire exchange of whether or not you were going to pay was on the back burner as you sifted through your thoughts. By the time he came back, you noticed that you must have told him that you liked hot chocolate, and that he must have paid. You scolded him before he sat back down, waving you off. It was silent for a few moments as you looked out of the window, the rain still steadily working through the atmosphere. The cup was comfortingly warm. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
  With any other man, you would have immediately told him no, or at least have your guard up. But there was just something deep down, so buried that it was faint, but it was there, that told you that he was nowhere even close to being a threat. “Yes.”
 He nodded, taking a sip of his tea and then putting his cup down gently before giving you an intense look. “Who’s the girl?”  
You frowned. “What girl?” 
He raised a singular brow. “The one you draw.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat. You blinked twice, and then tilted your head to the side. “I don’t draw just one person,” you said slowly, the lie dragging its way out of your mouth and through your teeth. “They’re different people.” 
“Oh,” he said, but the smirk on his face told you that he knew you were lying to him and to yourself. You sipped your drink and something tugged at you, telling you to look out of the window and into the rain again, just one more time before you spilled your guts about seeing things- and then something caught your eye. A flash of a familiar reddish-brown. You turned your full body to look that way, and once you did, you nearly dropped your cup. 
  There was a woman staring back at you, eyes wide and full of so much emotion that the artist in you wanted to rush to make an unworthy attempt at capturing it. Her lips were parted in pure shock, but you were watching them tremble even from far away. She was getting slightly damp in the rain, but she stood there like it didn’t even matter, just locking eyes with you and sending your heart rate through the roof. When your eyes finally came back to hers after looking at her for what felt like the quickest eternity, you gasped. You knew those eyes. 
  If you weren’t so deep into gazing at the woman stuck behind the glass, you would have noticed the pleased and content look on Bucky’s face, and the look that he gave the big blond sitting with a ball cap on all by himself. You would have noticed the way that the blond man was turning his body towards your table, watching with the same amount of anticipation as Bucky was. You tried to understand why she looked so familiar, why she was scratching the part of your brain that always tried to convince you that you were much older than twenty something- and then it hit you. 
  You had been drawing this woman. And you had been thinking about her ever since you knew how to think. It was just the first time you were ever seeing the full picture. “I-” you muttered, eyes stuck on her and the way she looked like she was about to topple over from emotions. The words got stuck in your own throat as you weakly tried to get your mind to take you back to the conversation. “I- excuse me. I have to- I’ll be back- excuse me.” Your chair made a loud noise as you stood from the table in a haste, pushing the door open and walking towards the woman who was still standing on the sidewalk, dumbstruck. 
Before you even knew you were outside and into the rain, you were standing not even four steps away from the woman, who was now looking at you with an incomprehensible look on her face. You couldn’t even feel the rain on you. All you could feel was her gaze and the warmth that was settling in your stomach and chest, and the same intense familiarity that was hitting you when you looked at Bucky. But it was so much stronger. 
“I-” you frowned, taking a step closer and resisting the urge to reach out and touch her. “Do I know you? Have we met?” You had to have met. You had seen her in your sleep, in your daydreams, in your sketchbook. And still, you never could have imagined how beautiful she was. 
She was silent. 
“I know this is random and that I just bum rushed you, but, did we go to school together or something?” You were embarrassed. You had never begged someone to remember you before, but this woman was different. She hadn’t said a word to you, and you didn’t even know her name, but you were enraptured. You swore you knew her. You swore you saw her eyes glaze over for a second. 
“You really don’t remember, do you?” Her voice struck something familiar in your chest, something warm and comforting. It was so familiar, so far back in your memory that it felt like home. Her accent, her inflection, the way she spoke slowly yet deliberately. It was all there in your mind, but you just couldn’t figure out how you knew it so well. “You don’t remember who I am?” 
 That had you closing your mouth. You tilted your head to the side at what could have been a hostile question, but her tone made it sad. Did you forget a high school friend? “Oh, um, I know you from somewhere, but I can’t really-” 
 “Think.” The desperation in her voice made your knees shake. If she were anyone else, you would have told her to go away, but you couldn’t. You didn’t want her to go away. But you couldn’t quite place her either, even though your own heart was screaming at you to remember. 
  “I’m sorry,” you said, a hurt expression on your face. You braved yourself to leave, taking a deep breath and giving her a weak smile that embarrassed you even further. “This was weird of me. I’ll just-” 
 She was reaching for you. Time started to run slower as her pale arm extended towards you, long fingers that you had committed to memory and to paper a thousand times outstretched. Your mouth dropped open ever so slightly as you stood in place for a second, body still until you subconsciously leaned forward, your nerves buzzing under your skin. 
  For a second, the only thing you could do was look at the point where her skin touched yours. 
  You had seen magic before. You had seen it in movies and at theme parks and when miracles happened, but nothing ever like when her skin touched yours. You swore that the warmth that your body had been feeling kicked in even stronger, surrounding you in comfort. Her hand was wrapped around your arm, gentle yet begging, firm yet wishing all the same for something you couldn’t quite see yet. You looked up and into her eyes, the eyes you had drawn and seen so many times, and then you saw it. 
   You saw it in more than flashes. They were coming in at the speed of light, but somehow you were able to catch every moment and every feeling that came along. You heard her voice as clear as day, ringing with laughter. You saw the two of you attempting to skip stones. You saw her enchanting your stones behind your back to make you think you had actually done it. You saw her mouth brushing over your cheeks, your mouth, your forehead. You could feel her hands on you, holding you, protecting you, cherishing you all the same. You could remember the way that you felt when you saw her standing in traditional witch’s clothing, being inducted into her coven as a blossomed witch. You saw everything and nothing, and you remembered it all. 
A strangled sound escaped your body, so feral that it scared you, but you didn’t care. You pulled her forward, your head clashing against her chest. You could feel her shaking, like she wanted nothing more than to hold you just as tightly, but she was hesitating. “Wanda,” you called out, hugging her tighter, and then, like something in the universe stretched too far and then snapped right back into place, she was returning the embrace. 
  “I thought I had lost you forever,” she said, her voice hollow yet so full, so expressive. “I lost you, darling.” 
  The memories were all there, like all it took was a touch, but you were still coping with the knowledge. You had been murdered. Murdered by witch hunters, way back when witches were known and feared. That had to have been hundreds of years ago, you knew it. But still, your focus was on Wanda. It always would be on Wanda, forever and always. Just like hers was on you. 
“You didn’t,” you managed to say, your own voice thick with emotion as you buried your face into her neck, finally feeling the texture of the hair that you tried so hard to get right. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere ever again.” 
“I’m sorry,” she said, suddenly sobbing in your arms. You had no idea how you weren’t being interrupted in the crowded streets, but when you took a look back inside of the cafe to see the men who you so clearly remembered as Steve and Bucky, you knew it had something to do with them and their fulfilled smiles. “I wasn’t able to save you. I let you die, and I’m so sorry, darling. I’m so sorry.” 
  Her words brought you back to the present. “Wanda, no. No, no, no.” You wanted to pull away and look at her face, but the second you started to, she held onto you even tighter. You leaned your head back onto her chest. “It wasn’t your fault. There was no way any of us could have known, and no way that you could have saved me. It was beyond us.” 
  “Nothing should have ever been beyond us.” She argued softly. “I’m so sorry.” 
“But it was,” you said. “And now it’s behind us. Don’t apologize, Wanda.” You wiggled around and got free enough to look up at her teary face. “I may not have recognized you, but now that I do, I can’t believe that I ever forgot you.”
   “A new life will do that to you.” 
“Is it really a new life if I remember everything?” You said softly, the rain long gone as you stood with each other, bodies nearly molded together with how close you were. 
  She pulled away to look down at you, her eyes and overall expression tense, and then there was a look that you recognized from a long time ago. It was a look of sweet desire. You closed the cap between the two of you, pressing your lips to hers in a way that proved that you were both two lost souls who had wandered their way back to their other halves. 
“It can be whatever you want it to be, darling.” Her lips brushed your again, soft and tender and eager for more touch. “As long as you let me be in it.” 
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Must be the eyes (Teacher!Agatha x Fem!Student!Reader)
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Here it is! first part of the TxS au! Let’s get this party started!
"And who exactly was the villain then, Miss Y/L/N?" You gnashed your teeth when your teacher looked at you behind the frame of her glasses, with her piercing, stupidly beautiful blue eyes and a raised eyebrow.
You flinched a bit from her gaze, but you refused to back down, you never had and you weren't going to start now, no matter how hot your cheeks got or how close this damn woman stood to you.
Agatha Harkness, Westview’s University history professor, terror of the first years and your crush since the first class you had with her. Her blue eyes had captivated you from the first moment, as had her slightly wavy hair and mocking smile. Her sarcastic and dry sense of humor was also something you loved, plus she was incredibly smart and not afraid to show it. Beautiful, smart and taught your favorite subject. Yup, you were completely under her spell.
But you hated it when she argued with you in front of the whole class, especially for things like this. It always made you feel so small and helpless, even if you didn’t show it on the outside.
She had asked your class for an essay on Greek myths, and you had chosen Medusa’s. Miss Harkness had said that you should express your views, with clear and concise arguments, which took you most of the week to investigate. But it seemed that you had not been clear enough.
Either that, or your teacher really hated you and enjoyed challenging you in front of your classmates, expecting you to break up and argue with her, so she could send you to detention. Well, you wouldn't let her win that easy.
You forced a smile and looked up. She was right in front of your chair, looking down at you as she waited for your answer.
"Athena and Poseidon" you said confidently "They are the villains"
"Interesting posture" she smiled, but it was a smile that reminded you of the cheshire cat "Although that doesn't take away the blame for the lives she took, does it?"
"It wasn't her fault either," you said, frowning.
"Oh it wasn’t?" she asked. You suppressed a gasp when she rested her hands on your table and leaned forward. You could feel her minty breath on your face "And whose fault was it, Miss Y/L/N?" she asked.
"Men’s" you gulped "Those who went to look for her"
"Explain" she ordered. Her eyes never once left your face.
"They went looking for her. They tried to kill her, what was she supposed to do? Let herself be killed? Besides, it wasn't her fault that Athena turned her into that, she didn't ask to turn people to stone" you said, crossing your arms and leaning toward back in your seat.
Anyone would think that your gesture was one of challenge, considering that your face was neutral and your eyebrow was raised slightly. But inside you were screaming and having a panic attack.
Agatha smirked in her head at your attitude. She wouldn't tell anyone even if she was under torture, but she loved having these little discussions with you. You were the only student brave enough to argue with her, and you were brilliant in the way you did.
On the other hand, you were also incredibly cute and she would lie if she said that she didn't like to make you blush, your eyes lit up a bit and the red on your cheeks really contrasted beautifully with your skin. She knew it was wrong, that as a teacher she shouldn't find any of her students attractive. But she couldn't help it, there was something about you that just fascinated her.
Most of her fellow teachers had already noticed the strange dynamic she had with you, but they took it as a simple student/teacher rivalry, stemming from the fact that you seemed like a history prodigy, which presented a vast battlefield for Agatha, it was no secret that the woman was competitive, after all.
The only one who seemed a little suspicious of what was really going on was Wanda, the literature teacher. She had been one of the best students in the university and had returned as a teacher 5 years ago and because their subjects shared a field of investigation, she and Agatha ended up spending more and more time together, until they became good friends. 
It was fun having someone to judge and gossip about both the staff and the student body. But that also meant having to endure the teasing of the younger woman every time you walked by Agatha.
Of course, she had scolded Wanda for even suggesting that she was attracted to you, a student, and the redhead had apologized, saying that she was only joking, but she wasn't sure how long it would be before her friend became suspicious again. Not that the history teacher was that subtle with the way she looked at you.
Still, Agatha Harkness had certain principles, and she knew that she couldn't flirt with you as long as you were her student, so she was content to make you blush and nervous when she was around you.
“She broke Athena’s rules” she said, almost growling.
“Poseidon raped her. That wasn't her fault” you growled back. You cursed yourself for being so passionate about this. Your classmates probably thought you were an idiot for fighting a teacher.
"You seem quite determined to defend the monster," she accused, frowning. She pushed herself off your bench and turned to the rest of the class, letting you breathe for a second. "Not many people would pay attention to Medusa, a hideous and dangerous creature. But she seems to have won Miss Y/L/N’s heart" she said, making your classmates laugh and you blushed again.
"It must be the eyes" you mumbled without thinking.
Your teacher looked at you for a moment before smirking. Fortunately, it seemed like she didn't have time to keep arguing with you. Blessed heavens for that. You heard the ring bell and sighed in relief, starting to pack your things.
“Remember that the project is due for next monday” Ms Harkness said and you hear some groans from your classmates. You chuckled as you left the classroom.
“It’s not fair” you heard your friend Nick saying beside you “She didn’t give us enough time!”
“What do you mean?” you asked “I finished it three days ago”
“But you don’t count!” he frowned “you’re good at history! I can’t even remember my sister’s birthday!”
“Nick, you don’t have a sister” you rolled your eyes fondly
“And? I wouldn’t remember her birthday anyway”
You laughed and playfully punched his shoulder. You and Nick have been friends since your first day here and you were thankful for that. He was the only one who knew about your crush on Ms Harkness, which was a blessing but also a nightmare. He loved to embarrass you.
“So, what was that Y/N?” He asked suddenly
“What?” you frowned
“The whole Medusa’s thing”
“Well, she wasn’t a monster and-”
“No no, don’t give me a history lesson, I already had enough of that. I was talking about you and ‘Ms magical eyes’ almost kissing” he smirked as you coughed and almost tripped. 
“What?!” you hissed “The hell you’re talking about?!”
“Oh c’mon Y/N!!” Nick laughed “She was practically lying over you!”
“That’s not true” you crossed your arms
“It is” he crossed his arms too “Y/N,I love you, but you can be so blind sometimes”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked, a little offended
“Y/N, we all could feel the sexual tension between you two” he laughed and left you frozen in the hall. 
“No” Agatha frowned and crossed her arms
“Please” Wanda begged
“No, I’m not going to babysit a bunch of spoiled kids” the older woman said
“Okay, first of all, they’re college students, not from the kindergarden” the redhead frowned “and this could be an amazing opportunity!”
“For what? I already know about the Salem trials, love, I’m more than capable of teach my students about it without having to taking them there”
“But it would be more fun for them” Wanda argued
“I teach history, buttercup, it’s not supposed to be fun for them” the brunette smirked while the other woman rolled her eyes.
“We both know you don’t actually think that. You love your class and want them to love it too” 
When the other woman shrugged and started reading again, totally ignoring her, Wanda knew it was time for plan B. She kneeled in front of Agatha and gave her puppy eyes.
“Pleaaaase” she cried “I need another teacher if I want permission to do the trip”
“Then ask Monica” Agatha said, not looking up from her book
“She has a game next week with the basketball team” Wanda said “Besides, as the history teacher, your class is the most similar to mine, it just makes sense if we both go”
“I’m not going Maximoff, period”
Wanda sighed and stood. “Fine.Thanks for nothing, Harkness” she pouted and left the teacher’s room. 
Agatha rolled her eyes, she knew the other woman would get over it in a few hours.
“I just say that witches are cool” you said as you and Nick walked through the hall
“They are Y/N, but visiting an old town isn’t exactly my idea for a good summer trip” he said and you rolled your eyes “Why don’t you go to Disneyland instead?” he joked
“Because I hate gigantic amusement parks” you said “And I really want to visit Salem, it was my dream since i was 9 and i read about witches from the first time. But you know I don't have enough money to do both trips. So, Salem it is for me”
Nick sighed “Alright, you do you, history girl” he joked “But try not to get cursed while you’re there, i don’t want my best friend to be a frog” 
You laughed and he put an arm around your shoulders. None of you noticed the brunette teacher walking out of the teacher’s room and who totally heard your conversation. 
Wanda jumped when her office door opened with a slam. She looked at a frowning Agatha, who had her arms crossed and let out a sigh.
“Alright, you win” the brunette said “We’re going to Salem”
The redhead smiled and quickly stood up to run to her friend and hug her tightly.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said.
“But!” Agatha said, gently pushing the younger woman to lock eyes with her “I pick the class we’re taking with us”
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sinner-as-saint · 3 years
‘Till We Bleed Out - 2.
Vampire!bucky x reader AU
Part 2 of this series. 
Run-through: Your car breaks down on a deserted road on a rainy night. You have no other option but to seek shelter from the nearest house you could find; the mansion, which happened to be the talk of the town for its mysteriousness along with its equally mysterious owner, Mr. Barnes. The universe can be tricky sometimes but the fact that you found yourself at that mansion’s doorstep at that time was no simple coincidence. That one night changes everything forever - quite literally. True love, past lives and creatures from folklore; turns out it’s all real. 
Themes throughout the series: vampire!bucky, fluff, smut, angst 
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You woke up realizing that you had surprisingly fallen soundly asleep last night, after the strange dream about the handsome man; who was kind enough to let you take shelter from the storm in his home. 
Speaking of the storm, you got out of bed and walked over to the window, pulling the curtain aside. You noticed that the weather was even worse than last night. Heavy rain, and nonstop thunder. Although, it seemed like a very cozy day to just stay inside. You sigh with a soft smile on, perhaps you’d get to know more about Bucky today. 
You turned back around and noticed something you hadn’t last night. Roses on the nightstand, as red as blood and just as hauntingly beautiful. Your smile grew; there was something enchanting about red roses. A bunch of it looked like the embodiment of poetry and there was no other way you could explain it. 
You approached the flowers and inhaled their fresh scent. Oh how you loved them! How come you didn’t notice they were on the nightstand? Anyways, you walked into the bathroom and brushed, showered and were about to change into another pair of sweatpants when you noticed more clothes in the closets. A sundress caught your eye and you decided to wear it. It fit you perfectly. You twirled in front of the mirror, checking yourself out when Wanda walked into the room. 
“I see you’re up, Miss.” she smiled at you. And you noticed she had the same look in her eyes, like Bucky did. That of sadness, or helplessness. But you tried ignoring it. 
“Good morning.” You gave her your best smile and noticed how she took in your appearance. 
“You look lovely. Anyways, I came to let you know that breakfast is ready. Mr. Barnes is waiting for you downstairs in the dining room. Come down whenever you’re ready.”  
Wanda left and the brief mention of Bucky brought back the memories of last night’s dream. It was definitely weird that you had such an explicit dream about him, but the weirdest thing was that you were not feeling the slightest bit guilty about it. 
You took a deep breath and stepped out of the room. You made your way downstairs, leisurely. Taking in more of the décor and the paintings on the wall. These must have cost a fortune, you thought. 
You found Bucky in the dining room, sitting at one of the ends of the large table. You had to admit, even the furniture in this house seemed pricey. Bucky set the newspaper down upon seeing you. He let his eyes roam your frame quickly and his smile broadened. “You look lovely,” he commented. 
You smiled, just a little shy and whispered a ‘thank you’. As you took a seat on his left, he spoke again. “The storm intensified. Looks like you’re not going home today.” he said with a genuine smile. You began to oppose naturally but he insisted. “You’ll be safe here.” 
You agreed. You picked a few food items from the large trays and took a few bites while Bucky got back to his newspaper. The silence was comfortable, the two of you seemed perfectly alright with sharing the space without feeling the need to fill the void with any conversation. It felt like this was part of your routine almost. 
You sipped on coffee and discreetly lifted your eyes to look at Bucky. He munched on a piece of fruit while focusing on some article in the papers. His body language made him look like an older man; eating while reading his newspaper. But his face didn’t look a day over 35. The contrast made you giggle and that caught his attention. 
He turned to face you with a raised eyebrow. “Something funny, miss?” he sounded like he was teasing you, politely. 
You shook your head and set your cup down, and upon doing so you noticed the red roses in a vase in front of you, again. The sudden urge to ask a question took over you, “Your wife, did she like red roses?” 
“They were her favorite.” He seemed unfazed by your sudden curiosity. 
“What was she like?” you asked again and the smitten smile on his face gave away how much he loved her. Love like this was rare, and you felt just a little envious of the late woman. She was so lucky, you hoped she knew. 
“Like the answer to all my prayers. Beautiful. Every little thing about her was so, so beautiful. She was kind, smart and funny, and fierce. She made me a better man. She was delightful.” You noticed he looked you right in the eyes as he spoke. His answer gave away that he worshipped that woman. 
“I hope she knew how much you love her.” 
He gave you that soft smile again. “I made sure to remind her every single day.” 
You never knew rainy days could be so lovely. After breakfast Bucky offered to show you his library because of course he owned one. And you had the time of your life just walking around and running your fingers over some of your favorite books. 
You noticed red roses on the coffee table as well, by the couches in his study room/library. While reaching for a copy of Pride and Prejudice, your hand brushed with his and your whole body felt like it was electrified. You pulled away sheepishly, but he held it up to you and you took it with a smile, admiring the front cover. 
“Your favorite?” he asked. 
You nodded, excitedly. He let out a little laugh. “You can have this one. I have plenty of other copies.” 
You smiled so big your cheeks hurt. “Thank you, Buck.” you were so excited that you walked past him, hungry to explore the other side of his library - without realizing what you just called him. 
Meanwhile Bucky was both surprised and elated. Buck… no one called him that except for-
“What’s in there?” he heard your voice and turned around immediately. You were pointing at the partially hidden door at the end of the room. “That’s where you hide all your secrets?” you teased, using the same tone he did this morning. 
He laughed and nodded. “Yes, you caught me.” 
You two shared a laugh and then he insisted that you should see the piano room. You agreed and just as everything else in the house, the grand room was equally as breathtaking. White couches, brown pillows, plants, full of light even with the stormy weather and a large balcony adjoined to it. Perfect. 
“It’s beautiful,” you said as you admired the room. You could hear the heavy rain hitting the window panes, it was comforting. You noticed the well-maintained piano right by the door which led to the balcony, “Do you play?” you asked and he gave you a dramatic look which gave away that you had just bruised his ego. 
“Miss Y/N, how dare you question my skills?” He answered with a smile on, then proceeded to play the most melodic tune you had ever heard. You weren’t much of a musical person, but you knew a melancholic tune when you heard one. It was, as most things in this house, hauntingly beautiful. Even the music carried a sense of nostalgia, and homesickness. 
You closed your eyes for a moment, getting lost in the music which filled the room effortlessly. Familiar, very familiar. Then it hit you - this was the same song being played at that ball in your dream. You opened your eyes immediately, baffled at the weird coincidences taking place lately. 
You found yourself gravitating towards the bench, and eventually you sat beside Bucky. He looked at you for a brief moment, then resumed playing somewhat of a softer tune. You smiled at him and suddenly it all felt like a déjà-vu. Like you’ve lived this exact moment a hundred times before. Sitting next to him, your elbows brushing, him looking at you lovingly, yet with sad eyes. His cologne, the slight gray in his eyes, the weather - it felt like a forgotten dream was coming back to you. 
You had to find something to say otherwise you felt like you were about to lose your mind. “You said you worked all day everyday. So is today your day off?” you tried to lighten the mood. 
He let out a little laugh. “Like I said, I rarely get visitors. I’m just making the most out of your company.” 
He was drop dead gorgeous, and he could make your heart race with just a few simple words. A dangerous combination really. 
He kept playing as you walked around the room, taking in every little detail. This was the only room in the house which had white roses in the vase, instead of dark red ones. Well, the white ones matched the interior better here. Your gaze fell upon something interesting next. 
“Vinyl records?” that seemed to catch his undivided attention as he stopped playing and turned to you. 
“Oh yes. It was one of my… old hobbies.” He answered. 
You giggled. “You say old hobbies like you are over a hundred years old.” 
He chuckled and got up from the bench. He walked over to where the records were kept, picked one out and carefully placed it down on the record player. A soothing tune filled the room again. Much lighter and happier than the piano earlier. A stark contrast to the gloomy weather but it still, somehow, fit perfectly. 
Bucky extended his arm out in front of you, out of nowhere. “Dance with me.” 
You didn’t hesitate for a single and took his hand immediately. Bucky held you close; his hand at your waist pressing your body to his gently. His other hand held yours delicately. Your arm placed over his shoulder as you stared into his deep, piercing eyes. And just like that, you two swayed slowly to the sweet, slow music. Effortlessly, gracefully and without any awkwardness or hesitation. Almost like you’ve danced a thousand times before. 
You giggled as he twirled you around and pulled you closer almost immediately. And when you looked back up into his eyes, it felt like a déjà-vu again. Only this time, you knew where you had experienced something similar to this - in your dream last night. The ballroom, the gown, the way you danced. Just like this. 
Your body tensed up and you weren’t blinking, Bucky caught the change in your behavior. “Don’t think about it.” he murmured. 
“About what?” you used a much softer tone as well. You and him were so close you could whisper and you were sure he would hear you perfectly. 
“Whatever it is you’re thinking about.” He spoke as he swayed you gently. “You’re here, with me. I don’t want you to think about anything else.” It sounded more like a plea than a request. There was something else he was trying to say; inexplicable, hidden in between the lines. Somehow you caught it. 
You nodded. “I’m here.” You spoke without paying much attention to what you were saying or doing. “With you.” All that mattered in the world right now was that you were in his embrace. His ocean blue eyes were the only thing you could make sense of. 
You felt it then. The warmth, despite his cold hands. The sparks flying around, despite the dark and gloomy weather outside. He started leaning in and you met him halfway. 
His hand moved up to gently cup your face. His lips brushed against yours briefly as he paused and waited to see if you would pull away. Seeing you didn’t, he pressed his lips to yours. You shivered at how delicately he caressed your cheek with his thumb. Kissing him felt natural. Like a habit. His lips were soft and familiar. He tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you closer. 
Your hands instinctively slid into his hair, he moaned under his breath as you tugged on it gently.  Bucky tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss, nibbling on your lips and gently stroking your lower lip with his tongue. You felt giddy and warm. And safe. 
He pulled away just a second before Wanda stepped into the room. “Dinner’s ready.” 
Bucky told her you two would be downstairs in a minute and you caught that look on her face. A look of pure joy and satisfaction. You didn’t understand why. 
When Wanda left, you faced Bucky again, now just a little nervous. “I.. I didn’t-,” 
He silenced you by gently holding your chin in between his fingers. “Shh sweetheart.” His gaze spoke volumes; he was perfectly alright with this kiss. “We should go downstairs.” 
Dinner was perfect. Lovely conversation, lovely wine, the same stormy weather outside but inside Bucky’s home; all was well. He told you that you were more than welcome to use his library if you wished to do some light reading before bed. You agreed. 
You grabbed a book and curled up on one of the couches and he did the same, sitting right across you. You found yourself re-reading the same sentence over and over again because you couldn’t focus. Not when you could physically feel his eyes on you. You even caught him staring a few times and giggled whenever he seemed flustered after being caught. 
There was ease between you two. And the next two hours went by comfortably. 
“It’s late, I should go to bed.” You spoke as you stood up. He did as well, and when you looked into his eyes you began wishing that this storm outside lasts forever. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He whispered, leaning in and kissing you at the side of your mouth. 
You tossed and turned in bed. Somehow, falling asleep was a little harder today because you couldn’t help but think about how it felt when Bucky kissed you earlier. The sound of the harsh storm echoed inside the house, but it was still comforting. 
The loud roar of the thunder was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep; dreaming again, this time of red roses, blue eyes, balconies and paintings… 
Arms wrapped around you from behind, embracing you in a tight hug. “Do you like it, my love?” the silky smooth voice asked. You looked down and you smiled at the sight of the wedding band on his finger. 
“I love it.” You looked up at the frame hung on the wall. It was a painting of you and your husband, delivered to you that morning itself. “We’ll keep it here forever.” 
You heard a soft chuckle, then felt a pair of lips kissing your neck softly. “Even longer.” 
You turned around and came face to face with Bucky, with slightly longer hair, tied in a low, neat ponytail. Behind him was a very familiar door. You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. “We should get going, else we’ll be late.” 
The surroundings faded, and you were now inside a dimly lit ballroom. The grand chandelier was mesmerizing, but not more than your husband’s eyes. He was gorgeous, your man; even with half his face covered by the masquerade mask he was still perfectly able to take your breath away. 
He smirked, as though able to read your thoughts. He leaned in, and the rest of your surroundings was suddenly a blur. “Do you wish for us to go somewhere more private, sweetheart?” He whispered in your ear. 
You bit your lip and nodded, only then realizing that you were wearing a mask as well. Bucky smiled, tugging on your hand and dragging you along to wherever it is he was taking you. 
The room around you morphed again and you found yourself running up a staircase with Bucky, giggling and holding onto each other for dear life until you finally made it to the top. You found yourself on a balcony. 
“Where are we?” you asked. 
Bucky stepped closer, pushing you gently against the balustrade. “Home.” He leaned in and kissed you. His mouth moved against yours gently, passionately. His hands were on either side of your waist as he pressed you further into him. Your hands instinctively went to his neck as you gently pulled him closer.
As you closed your eyes and cherished his touch, an image of the painting from earlier flashed in front of your eyes. But you forgot it just as quickly as it came because Bucky’s touch took over all your senses. His hand slipped under your dress, and went right to your wet core. 
You giggled into the kiss as his knuckles brushed faintly against your core and you moaned at his touch. He cupped you in between the legs and the palm of his hand pressed against your throbbing clit. His mere touch was driving you insane. His lips left yours and he kissed his way to your neck; sharp teeth nipping at your skin. At the feel of it, your own canines sharpened out of nowhere. 
Surprisingly, it didn’t feel like it was the first time that it happened. You seemed comfortable with the sudden change. 
Bucky kissed all the spots which made you weak in the knees; he knew your body by heart it seemed. While he kissed your skin, his fingers moved slightly against your dripping core. You moaned, tugging on his hair just a little. 
“Be quiet for me, sweetheart.” he mumbled against your skin as he slipped two fingers past your folds. He curled his fingers inside you immediately, and stroked your walls gently. You moved your hips against his hand as you chased your orgasm. His thumb rubbed your swollen clit furiously as you bit your lip to keep you from moaning. 
“Buck…” you were breathless, each nerve ending on fire as pleasure washed over you. 
“Shh sweetheart,” he quickened his actions and slipped his fingers in and out of you incessantly until he felt your walls clench around him. “Cum for me,” he whispered. You moaned, biting your lower lip as you came all over his hand. 
Once you recovered, he pulled your dress up, making it bunch around your waist as he stepped in between your legs again; kissing you like his life depended on it. He undid his pants and hoisted you up his own body. You wrapped your legs around his waist quickly for better balance and he leaned the two of you against the balustrade once again. 
You felt his hard cock pressing against your skin as he kissed you hungrily. His hand dipped in between the two of you and he guided the tip of his erected cock over to your dripping entrance. The brief friction caused you to moan into his mouth. 
“Be quiet for me, yes?” he spoke against your lips, almost as breathless as you were. You nodded frantically. And with that, he pushed himself inside you quickly. You felt all of him once he was completely buried in you. His cock twitched inside you and you bit your lip to prevent a moan from escaping your lips.
He held your hips, and your hands gripped his shoulders desperately as you tried to keep your voice down. You pushed your face into the crook of his neck, nibbling on his skin with your sharp fangs as he rocked in and out of you. You moaned quietly against his skin as his throbbing cock sped up into you. He pounded into you relentlessly, earning more and more moans and gasps out of you. 
He growled when he felt you clench around him. “Bucky…” you moaned and he immediately placed his lips on yours to stop you from making more noise. He loved how you lost control under his touch. He loved the sound of his name leaving your lips. 
“Shh, sweetheart. Quiet,” he mumbled against your lips as he felt your walls milking him perfectly. “We can’t get caught fucking in our own balcony while we were supposed to be hosting a party downstairs.” He ended with a chuckle. 
You whined. “Well if you weren’t so insatiable,” you teased. He scoffed, holding you at the curve of your ass, hands under your dress as he occasionally squeezed your butt cheeks, making you giggle and moan at the same time. 
“Says the one who lures me in like a seductress every moment of every day,” he sassed back. He slammed into you relentlessly while you tried your hardest to not to scream out loud. You felt a pressure building between your hips, and it seemed like he felt it as well because he dipped his head into the crook of your neck and swore under his breath as he sped up again. 
Your thoughts became cloudy, and all that you could focus on in that moment was the force of his thrust. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you found yourself unable to form proper thoughts. Your clit rubbed against his pelvic bone each time he filled you up.
Your body moved along with his like a rag doll as you could no longer keep up with his thrust. Soon, you felt the warmth taking over. And a familiar tingle went down your spine as your walls clenched around him. You gushed out all over his cock with a loud moan… 
 You woke up gasping, shocked that you had dreamt such explicit dreams two nights in a row now. You looked around and realized that it was still night time. You could still replay the dream in your head like a vivid memory. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths. 
The painting. 
The painting seemed so real, so detailed. You wondered if- 
Wait, that door you dreamt of. You’ve seen it before, haven’t you? Large, dark wood with beautifully detailed carvings on it, golden doorknob… 
You gasped again. It was the door in the library. Your heart raced. Could it be… ? 
You didn’t think twice before getting out of bed, grabbing the robe Wanda had left you earlier you stepped out of the room. Your breaths got shallower and shallower as you reached the library. 
It could very well be just a weird dream, right? You jumped at the sound of the thunder, and realized that you were already inside the library. You stared at the door. This was the exact one you dreamt of. 
Fuck it. You walked towards it, blocking out any thoughts which told you to turn back around and get back in bed. You twisted the doorknob and it was unlocked. You pushed the door open, stepping inside you found a secret room. About the same size of the library, or maybe slightly more spacious. 
It looked like a more modern and luxurious version of a drawing room. With the usual, couches, carpets and… and paintings. For a moment you almost didn’t want to find it. You didn’t want to find that painting of you and Bucky; which you had just dreamt of because if or when you do, what then? 
You looked around, the light from the two chandeliers illuminating the room just right. There were regular paintings one would find in an expensive mansion like this one; views of countryside, mountains, rivers. There were some paintings of people you couldn’t recognize but you knew, deep inside, that they seemed familiar. 
You almost let out a sigh of relief when you didn’t find the painting from your dream. 
But then you saw it. The largest frame in the room. Right above the golden fireplace, mounted on the wall perfectly straight and right in the center of the room. 
It was the painting you dreamt of. The one of you and Bucky. 
“What the hell?” you whispered as you approached the fireplace, craning your head up to look at the oddly familiar painting. 
You two seemed so happy. You were in a rose gold gown, and Bucky was well-dressed in navy blue. A lovely moment in time, captured in a beautiful painting. You weren’t quite sure what to think as you looked at yourself in the painting. 
Your eyes instinctively trailed down to the bottom on the frame. And in cursive black painted were written the words which gave you goosebumps: ‘Mr. & Mrs. Barnes. 1872.’ 
“What the hell?” you repeated. 
This time you heard a voice speak up, from behind you. “You should be in bed, sweetheart.” He said softly. 
You turned around and found Bucky leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed and a look on his face which you couldn’t quite decipher. You turned to look back at the painting, and then back at him again. He hadn’t aged since 1872 it seemed. 
Your heart raced again. 
It couldn’t be… could it? 
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The Waiting Game
Warnings: tickling, fluff
Word count: 3200
I'm not as happy with how this one came out as the last two, but if I keep thinking about it I'll never post it so... hope it's alright!
* * *
You knew you shouldn’t tell anyone. You knew there would be consequences. But it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.
You had been taking care of your friend’s pet hamster while they were away for the weekend. For the most part, you’d kept it in your room in its cage to avoid bothering the others with all the noise it made overnight, running on its squeaky wheel at all hours. When everyone else had left the compound for the day, you decided the poor animal could use some real exercise. You had placed the critter in his little hamster ball and brought him to the common area so he could roll around freely.
Except, the little door that closed the ball wasn’t latched all the way. Oops.
Before you knew it, you were crawling around on your hands and knees trying to locate your friend’s pet. You left little snacks out around the room in hopes it would get curious and come out of hiding to munch on something. You were so focused on the task at hand you hadn’t noticed Loki had entered the room, until you heard his voice behind you.
“What in the norns are you doing?” he inquired. You turned to look at him, just as you saw a little fuzzy creature tear across the room and right in front of the dark-haired god. He let out a somewhat undignified yelp as he jumped back. Luckily, the hamster stopped at one of the treats you’d left for him, giving you ample opportunity to scoop him up in your hands. “W-what is that?”
“This is my friend’s hamster!” you explained, giggling at his reaction. “The better question is – what was that noise you made? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of this little thing?”
“Of course not! It merely startled me, is all,” he quickly insisted. You held the hamster out toward him, and Loki took a nearly imperceptible step backward.
“Mmhmm, ok. Not scared. Got it.” Grinning, you moved your hand back and petted the hamster gently on the head. “What would the others think if they knew you a tiny little rodent made you freak out?”
Loki narrowed his eyes at you. “Never speak of this,” he demanded, pointing a finger firmly at you to emphasize. He quickly left the room after that, likely to regain his composure.
But you couldn’t just not tell anyone about this gold nugget of information you’d just learned. So, naturally, you told his brother. And Thor, not one for keeping secrets, told everyone else. Needless to say, there was quite a bit of teasing over the next couple of days. You steered clear of the god, knowing he would not take kindly to your having informed the rest of the team about the little incident.
You couldn’t avoid him forever, though. A couple days later, after having returned the pet to your friend, you were making breakfast for yourself in the kitchen when Loki’s voice echoed from the doorway.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he stated, his tone ominous. You turned from the stove to meet his eye, smiling sweetly to mask your nervousness at being confronted by the trickster.
“No, of course not! We just haven’t crossed paths,” you fibbed. He rolled his eyes.
“Oh yes – I suppose yesterday in the hallway you just realized you forgot something SO important you had to literally sprint in the opposite direction as you saw me approach?”
“Oh… alright, fine. Yes, I’ve been avoiding you. Wouldn’t you do the same?” Loki stepped into the kitchen, taking a few gradual steps toward you.
“You must know there are consequences when you cross me,” he warned. “You humiliated me, and so I think it only fair I do the same to you.”
“Well good luck with that, I’m an open book. There’s no secrets you can use against me,” you quipped.
“You see, I thought that may be the case, so I started querying the other Avengers,” he explained, now standing only a few feet away from you. Instinctively, you put down your half-cooked breakfast and took a step away from the advancing Asgardian. “Most of them had fairly useless information – scared of spiders, fairly standard human weakness… sleeps with a stuffed bear, which everyone already seemed to know about…”
“Please. That’s not embarrassing,” you huffed.
“…and then I spoke to the spider child. He provided me with some very interesting information about you.” Loki smirked, causing you to laugh nervously.
“Oh, do tell,” you urged, folding your arms across your chest, and trying to play it off as a laugh of disbelief. Loki had now backed you into the corner of the kitchen, which you hadn’t realized until your back met the cold plaster of the wall.
“He informed me that the only time he’s ever seen you truly flustered and embarrassed was during one of your sparring matches, when he accidentally learned about your little secret.” Realization dawned on you, and you tensed up immediately. “He described how you’d begged him not to tell anyone, and he hadn’t up until this point. Apparently he finds me threatening, so it wasn’t difficult to convince him to start talking.”
“I-I don’t know what he could possibly be talking about,” you muttered.
“I think you do,” Loki argued. He pounced at you, lunging with his hands aimed at your sides, causing you to squeak and curl into yourself. His hands stopped inches away from you, close enough that your skin tingled from sheer proximity to his fingertips. “You’re ticklish. Severely, based on that reaction.”
“Pshh, no I’m not! That’s… that’s ridiculous,” you denied, your lie exposed by your nervous giggles and blushing face.
“Mmhmm, I’m sure.” His hands darted toward your belly, again stopping right before he made contact. You yelped and whipped your arms down across your torso to protect yourself. Loki’s smirk only grew wider.
“Ok, fine. You’re right. Just… get it over with!” you begged.
“Oh no. Where would be the fun in that?” he chuckled, stepping back and allowing you space to move away from the wall. “I’ve got to build some anticipation. Catch you when you least expect it.”
“That’s just mean!” you groaned. Loki laughed again, turning around to leave the kitchen. Just before he left, he called over his shoulder.
“You’d better watch your back.”
* * *
Loki’s little game went on for days.
You were on edge at any given moment. Peeking around corners before entering rooms, listening through doors before opening them, trying to ensure your safety before making a move. You half expected him to jump out of nowhere and attack you with tickles on your way down the hallway, but it never happened. Still, you made your travel between rooms as brief as possible.
You wouldn’t say you were dreading the moment he finally did decide to pounce. In fact, in a way the idea made your heart flutter with excitement. What made you most nervous was the thought of the team figuring out you actually enjoyed being tickled, especially Loki. You were certain that that would be the embarrassing part. That, and the fact that you were already flustered by being around Loki long before he figured out this bit of information about you.
You couldn’t always avoid him. There were times that you had to be in the same room for prolonged periods, like during meetings. Loki always seemed to have things set up before you arrived so that the only seat remaining in the room was next to him. You considered sitting on the floor, once, but Steve gave you a scorning look which made you shrink down into the chair beside Loki, albeit begrudgingly. During these meetings, Loki always made sure to keep you on your toes; leaning towards you abruptly and placing his hand on the back of your chair, making you jump, only to whisper something about the meeting presentation, or some ridiculous observation about his brother.
It wasn’t just during work-related gatherings, either. One night, you joined a few of your teammates in the common room to watch a TV show together. Wanda stood up from the couch beside you to go grab a snack from the kitchen, and out of nowhere Loki swooped in and sat down in the spot she previously occupied.
“Good evening,” he greeted you, smirking as you shuffled further toward the edge of the couch to increase the distance between the two of you.
“Loki,” you grunted stiffly in reply.
“Now, y/n, that’s no way to greet your fellow team member,” he scolded tauntingly, clapping a hand on your shoulder, and causing you to flinch away reflexively. He leaned back against the couch, casually propping his feet up on the coffee table in front of you – a stark contrast from your position, huddled in the corner of the couch hugging your knees to your chest in an effort to make yourself as small as possible. “Pray tell, what are we watching?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you huffed. Maybe this whole situation was making you feel a little bratty toward the Asgardian, but in all honesty he really did deserve it.
Suddenly he lunged toward you, causing you to squeak and jolt away from his fingertips. He never touched you, though, closing his fingers around the TV remote sitting on the couch beside you with a smug grin on his face.
“My, my, aren’t we jittery this evening?” he teased, settling back into his seat as he pointed the remote toward the TV to check the guide and find out the show title you had refused to provide.
“Everything alright over there, antsy-pants?” Tony asked, having witnessed the whole interaction.
“Yup! Just peachy,” you replied quickly, shooting Loki a quick glare.
“Peachy? Uh… alright then…” Tony scrutinized you for a moment before turning his attention back to the TV screen.
Needless to say, you didn’t really remember any of the rest of the show from that evening.
Then, as if these group gatherings weren’t enough, there was also your regularly scheduled training sessions. One morning, when Nat had you practicing throwing punches at the punching bag, you sensed Loki lurking around behind you. You turned your head just enough to catch him in your peripheral vision standing a few feet away, observing you silently.
“Better watch yourself – I might just throw one of these punches in your direction,” you threatened, keeping your eye on him as you continued to practice.
“Such hostility,” he teased. “Surely this much stress can’t be good for a mortal such as yourself.” He quickly advanced toward you, causing you to spin around and throw your hands up in front of you in defense. A deep, throaty laugh escaped his lips at your reaction. “You’ve only proven my point. You must learn not to be so tense.” He grabbed hold of your shoulder and turned you around, kneading both shoulders with his strong hands. Under normal circumstances, you’d have melted under his touch, but you were unwilling to let your guard down even for a moment. You grabbed his wrists and turned back to face him, pointing an accusing finger in his face.
“I’m not just going to let you slip past my defenses that easily,” you warned, stepping backward toward the door to leave while he smirked at you in amusement.
“Oh, don’t worry - I’m certain of that.”
* * *
After a week of this charade, you were really getting anxious. You were starting to flinch at every little sound, every rapid movement anyone made in your direction. Even when it wasn’t Loki you were interacting with, you couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The anticipation was literally driving you insane.
You entered the training room that morning ready to release some of your stress in your sparring session. Unfortunately, Steve had started noticing over the last few days that you and Loki were in the middle of some sort of conflict, and so he assigned the two of you as sparring partners, telling you to either fight it out or get over whatever it was. Reluctantly, you stepped out onto the sparring mat and faced your opponent, already starting to feel nervous butterflies in your stomach. Loki shot you his characteristic mischievous smirk, ducking into his fighting stance.
“I’ll do my best to make this a fair fight,” he goaded. You mimicked his stance, narrowing your eyes at him across the mat.
“Just get on with it, Loki,” you ordered. You didn’t wait around for him to make the first move, throwing a quick one-two punch which he dodged easily. He countered with a jab toward your ribs, stopping just before he made contact, but it was enough to make you flinch. You aimed a low-sweeping kick at his ankles but missed again as he hopped over your leg. Frustrated, you threw another sloppy punch toward his shoulder, but he grabbed hold of your wrist and yanked you toward him, spinning you around easily and pinning your arm behind your back, his other hand gripping your waist.
“Do you yield?” he asked, his voice low in your ear. You spun back around and yanked your wrist free in one fluid motion, driving him backward by slamming your forearm into his chest.
“Not just yet,” you grunted, grinning as he stumbled from the unexpected force. Loki quickly regained his balance, wasting no time in lunging at you again. This time, he aimed his hand toward your side, causing you to yelp and twist awkwardly to avoid his touch.
“Did Natasha teach you that move? Your form is getting sloppy.”
“You know exactly what made me move like that,” you muttered, jumping back on the offensive and landing a couple of blows to his shoulder. He retaliated with a jab straight at your stomach, stopping his own momentum early enough that he merely tapped his fist against your belly. You doubled over, wrapping both arms around your torso protectively.
“It seems your fighting skills require quite a bit of work.”
“Damnit, Loki!” you shouted, unable to take it anymore. “If you’re going to do it, just do it!”
“I’m not sure what you mean,” he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Oh, you know exactly what I mean. You’ve been finding every excuse to lean toward me or make a sudden move in my direction to make me think you’re going to do it. I can’t stand it anymore!” You didn’t quite realize how loudly you were shouting at this point, causing heads to turn in your direction without your noticing. “I know this was all part of your grand plan, to drive me insane with anticipation. You win! I give! Just… get it over with already, please!”
In one swift motion, Loki tackled you flat on your back onto the mat, arms pinned over your head. You felt your stomach somersault, partially from the sudden drop to the floor and partially from the wide smirk on Loki’s face as he hovered over you.
“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Loki released both of your wrists and latched both hands to your sides, squeezing rapidly. You burst into uncontrollable laughter at the agonizingly ticklish sensation. Even Loki seemed somewhat taken aback by your reaction. “No wonder you were so concerned; the spider boy certainly wasn’t lying.”
“Damn you Peteheher!!!” you groaned through your laughter. At this point, everyone in the room had stopped what they were doing to see what the sudden commotion was about. You could feel your face burning, knowing everyone’s eyes were on you as Loki tickled you senseless.
You couldn’t bring yourself to fight back very hard, though; after all, you’d been waiting for this to happen for an entire week. You hoped it didn’t seem too obvious. You didn’t dwell on it for long, though, as Loki’s fingers crawled up to your ribs, depriving you of all coherent thought.
“Do you regret spreading humiliating rumors about me yet?” he teased, his smirk widening.
“Tsk, tsk, wrong answer, darling,” Loki shook his head in mock disappointment, his hands darting back down to your sides so he could dig his thumbs into your hips.
“Lo… Loki… wahahait!” you pleaded, shrieking at the new sensation, and swatting feebly at his hands.
“I’m sorry, I’m not comprehending what you’re trying to tell me.” He was laughing now, clearly enjoying himself as he made you squirm under his torturous fingers. “Come, now, darling; I know you can fight better than that.” You shook your head rapidly, grasping weakly at his wrists. He moved to scribble lightly into your belly, trying to allow you the chance to talk while still keeping you giggling. “Use your words, love.”
“I-I cahahan’t!” you protested.
“You can’t? Or you’ve chosen not to?” Your eyes widened a bit, realizing he’d caught on to you. “Are you enjoying this?”
Blushing furiously, you rolled abruptly to the side to break his hold and scrambled to your feet, gasping for breath. Loki stood as well, staring you down for just a moment before lunging toward you. You turned and began to run, but the god easily caught up to you, grabbing hold of your arm and yanking you backward so he could trap you in what you could only describe as a bear hug.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Um…” Your heart was pounding in your chest from both exertion and embarrassment. “No? That would be… that would be weird.”
“On the contrary; I find it amusing. Dare I say… endearing, even.”
“Really..? Are you sure-” You were cut off by your own hysterical laughter as Loki dug his fingertips into your ribs, tickling you with renewed vigor. With your arms pinned to your sides and your back pressed flush against his chest, there was very little hope of you escaping this time.
“Surely you understand the implications of this newfound knowledge, dear? You’ve provided me with the perfect excuse to torment you whenever I’d like.”
“Stohohop teasing… LOKIHIHI!” you pleaded, your knees going weak as his fingers darted up and down your sides. You’d completely forgotten about everyone else in the room at this point, your mind going fuzzy. The only thing keeping you standing upright at this point was Loki holding your weight up as he tortured you.
By the time he released you from his hold, your stomach hurt from laughing so hard, and tears of mirth blurred your vision. It had been quite some time since anyone had tickled you like that. Heat still prickled in your cheeks, but you felt happy, nonetheless.
“Damn. Now I know how to cheer you up when you’re moping around the tower,” Tony quipped, walking past you and patting your shoulder as everyone finally returned to their own training exercises.
“Shut up, Tony,” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands. A swift poke in the sides made you jerk both arms down away from your face.
“I do believe we’re even,” Loki stated, smirking.
“Fine. We’re even. Now – can we finish our sparring match? Without cheating this time?” You shoved his shoulder playfully to emphasize your point. He only grinned wider.
“Darling, I refuse to make promises that I don’t intend to keep.”
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spideymarvelws · 3 years
could you do like a dom wanda and peter x reader smut 😳
my bi ass is screaming🥵also this is my first time writing a threesome and smut for a female character so im sorry if things are a bit iffy
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglist
Warnings : SMUT! (aged up-dom!peter, dom!wanda, sub!reader, bondage, choking, degrading, oral[fem rec], innocence kink? master kink towards the end, slapping, spitting kink, obsessive behaviour)
Word Count : 2.0k
Pretty Little Thing
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
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“She’s a pretty one isn’t she?” Wanda slurred, looking down at your kneeling form on the floor. Your back was slouched, chest rising up and down with heavy breaths after Peter finally released your mouth from around his cock. It was a pleasing sight, seeing you so fucked out and vulnerable, your eyes practically begging for more even though your body was so worn. Even with your hands webbed behind your back, you managed to shuffle forward just a little on your knees, chasing after his member like a desperate whore.
“The most beautiful thing in the world.” Peter cooed, letting the pads of his fingers travel down the side of your messy face, lightly scoffing when you nudged your cheek into his palm, “Needy thing too.”
Wanda laughed, the humiliation sending a wave of arousal to your neglected heat. You wanted to talk, to beg for them to do something, anything. But the red ring of magic around your throat contracted every time the thought of opening your mouth crossed your mind. Unless it was for Peter’s cock or Wanda’s fingers.
“Do you want to speak kitten?” Wanda leaned down, her face hovering over yours, reading your mind for all the dirty thoughts running through it. All focus from Peter’s touch left your head, moving to her devious face. She glowed under the dim light of the room, bringing out her dark red lipstick and flashing red eyes.
You nodded desperately, whimpering when her thumb made contact with your cheek, moving to the corner of your lips and swiping off the mixture of cum and spit from your skin. She pushed it into your mouth and you took it without complaint, enjoying the taste bursting onto your tongue.
“Who knew you were such a cum slut,” Peter groaned, pulling your head back by your hair so he could get a good look at your face.
“And we can’t have out little cock slave talking now can we?” she fake pouted, grabbing your jaw tightly between her fingers, moving it around like you were a toy being marvelled at, “But I guess we could make you cum, how does that sound kitten?”
You vigorously nodded your head up and down, the rest of your body bouncing like a bunny. A red aura formed around you as you were lifted up from the ground, landing softly on the mattress with your face pressed against the cold pillows and your ass in the air.
“How- How do you do that?” you heard Peter whisper, feeling his eyes move across your exposed body.
“Really?” Wanda responded, accent thick and heavy, “I nearly defeated Thanos by myself and you ask that now?”
“Well we weren’t about to fuck Thanos so I wasn’t really that interested.” his hand made contact with your ass, squeezing your cheeks when you let out a small mewl.
“Do you always think with your dick Peter?” Wanda went to slap his hand off but he was quick enough to pull it away, landing another blow on your bum.
Peter ignored her question, instead letting his fingers trail up the arch of your back, the warmth that contrasting with your cold skin sent shivers up your body. But the comfort was shortly enjoyed when he grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you up against his shoulder and placing a quick peck to the side of your forehead.
Wanda rolled her eyes at the brunette’s actions, kissing the spot she hit tenderly, “Sorry kitten.”
“Don’t apologize for something she obviously enjoyed,” Peter scoffed, reaching down and swiping his fingers along your wet pussy, smirking when your wetness dripped down his thick digits, “Maybe a little too much... huh princess?”
You only whined in response, sticking out your tongue when he hovered his drenched fingered over your mouth. He slid them in slowly, letting your taste linger in the back of your throat. He couldn’t help but imagine his cock instead, just like you were moments ago. So obedient, taking it how slow or fast he was giving it to you.
Peter couldn’t wait to fuck your tight little cunt, to use it like his own personal fuck doll. It was his fantasy ever since he saw you walk into the lab with Steve, introduced as the new secretary to the avengers, dressed in the most innocent black skirt that hugged your ass perfectly and baby pink button up. 
But it was Wanda’s fantasy too.
“Hey!” he exclaimed when he was forced off your body. Before you fell back against the sheets, you were raised once again in the air by Wanda’s magic, this time placed gently down on your back. The webs around your wrists disappeared, your arms quickly raised and put against the headboard, your thighs spread open, leaving you completely vulnerable. 
“Don’t forget she’s ours to share.” Wanda smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around the base of your thighs, bringing her face close to your pussy, “So if you want to be useful, web her up again.”
She didn’t wait for an answer, licking a bold stipe up the length of your sex with her tongue. You let out a loud whine from the back of your throat, trying your best not to scream at the contact. But Wanda didn’t like that you were holding back, she wanted you to scream under her pleasure, she wanted you begging for her, shouting her name for the entire building to know that you were hers.
And Peter’s too she guessed.
To lost in the pleasure, you didn’t notice when Peter webbed your hands once again until you frantically tugged at the retrains, whining and moaning when you couldn’t do anything but take and take until you couldn’t anymore. You wanted nothing more than to run your hands through Wanda’s perfect red hair or grab onto Peter’s wrist when he wrapped his fingers around your neck. But you couldn’t, you weren’t allowed and you accepted that quickly.
Especially when you enjoyed being used by the two avengers so much, to the point of pure insanity.
“Taste so good kitten,” Wanda mumbled into your pussy, the vibration of her voice sending shocks up your body. You jerked your hips against her face, desperate for more. She was quick to push them back against the sheets with the flick of her wrist, gently sucking your clit before letting the bud go with a pop, flicking it with her tongue.
You felt something flick of your nipple at the same time, a warm hand landing on the sensitive skin, drawing your attention to your chest. Peter looked up at you with dark eyes, blocking you from seeing Wanda but giving you an equally arousing view. 
His lips latched on to your left bud, sucking and swirling his tongue expertly while playing with your right breast. The combination of the pleasure was enough to bring you closer and closer your your high, climbing and climbing until you couldn’t take it anymore
“Wanda! Peter! I’m gonna- i’m gonna-” you threw your had back when Peter decided to lightly bit your nipple, the hero snickering when he cut off your sentence. Wanda chuckled as well, letting her digits roam over your gushing hole before slipping two of them in easily, drawing out a scream from your body.
“You’re going to what princess?” Peter teased, kissing up the middle of your chest and neck, sucking the tissue and creating his own mark, branding you as his.
“Do you want to cum kitten? Do you want to cum all over my fingers like a good little whore.” Wanda muttered but loud enough for you to hear over Peter working on your neck.
“Yes Wanda, please! Please let me cum! Please! Please! Please!” you cried, your thighs shaking from holding it in for so long. Even if they never demanded you to ask for permission, something told you that that’s what they would’ve wanted.
“Then go ahead kitten,” she whispered, quickening her fingers to an impossible pace, plunging them in and out of you, hitting all the right places over and over again, “Let go.”
You wasted no time, your orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave with the simple command. Your body went into overdrive, trying to move away when Wanda continued her assault on your fucked out pussy, only slowing down when she knew you rode it out fully.
Peter swallowed your whimpers, pressing his lips against yours, moving them slowly to calm you down from such an intense moment. You melted into the kiss, whimpering with every breath you took until they lessened into small exhales.
While Peters hands stayed on each side of your cheek, Wanda’s began moving hers up your body, soothing you with her touch. As her palm moved up your form, it was like an instant calm washed over you, letting you fully relax into the cloud like sheets.
“Thank you,” you whispered when Peter pulled back, letting you finally look up to the two sets of eyes peering down at you, “Thank you.”
Wanda smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead, swiping some of the hair that covered the now sweaty skin.
“Anything for you kitten,” she said, sending a small glare to Peter when he lightly shoved her to kiss your neck once again, directly over the mark he made earlier. She was ready to get petty but then she remembered the art piece she made between your thighs and let the hero have his moment.
“You did so well Y/n,” she smiled, kissing your nose sweetly, “But you know the night is far from over right?”
You nodded lazily, to lost in the feeling of Peter’s lips to fully process your words. So she grabbed your jaw, forcing your eyes on hers.
“Did you forget that you spoke out of turn kitten? I never gave you permission to do that,” Peter laughed harshly into your neck, bitting the skin to get a yelp out of your mouth as Wanda continued, “But I was nice, I let you cum all over the fucking bed like the little whore you are. Even Peter was kind enough to do his own work on you, such a generous boy isn’t he?”
Peter grumbled at Wanda’s words, biting your neck once again in retaliation. He liked drawing out noises from you, knowing that it was because of him. He couldn’t wait to dive in your pussy, owning it as his even if it fully wasn’t. As long as his name was screamed from your mouth he would be satisfied.
“You’re in for a long week kitten,” she tutted, opening the closet with a little wiggle of her fingers, pulling out her strap-on and resting it at the edge of the bed, letting your eyes linger on the toy, “A very, very long week.”
You whimpered, thoughts of Wanda fucking you with the rubber. Maybe she could take you from behind while Peter fucked your face or maybe the opposite way around. And while you knew it would never happen judging by the competitiveness between the two, you couldn't help but let your mind run to the both of them enjoying the toy, leaving you tied to the bed, helpless and forced to watch them pleasure each other.
The thought sounded like a dream.
“And Y/n?” Wanda’s voice broke you out of your fantasy.
You squeaked.
“My name isn’t Wanda anymore, neither is Peter’s,”
Her eyes flashed red, the soft persona she showed only seconds ago completely gone. She squeezed your jaw open, spitting directly into your mouth, tilting your head back delicately and watching as you swallowed.
“We’re your Masters now princess,” Peter said lowly into your ear, reaching down to play with your sensitive heat, “And I think it’s time you address us as such.”
Permanent Taglist (Marvel) : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7 @wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019 @black-rose-29 @parkershoco @sellmysoultothedevil @whenpugzfly @notmesimpingfortechno @partiesandblurrypolaroids
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r @hogwarts-is-my-home23 @hpotterwhore @rayssa-1705 @st4y_g01d3n @butterf1yaurora @watermelonsponge
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Have You Been Drinking?
 Hi twonk (love you really) <3 Thanks for the request even though it took a dark turn oops <3 If you don’t like drinking then don’t read this!
Summary: You got a little bit tipsy at a party and pay the price when 
You had always been a bit defiant 
It hadn’t started out as much: Staying up late, stealing leftovers and then it went to going out for hours without texting anyone 
You always said you forgot (which most of the time you did)
5 Missed calls. 12 Texts and Happy literally tracking you down and taking you back to the tower. This is what you got back to after your, how long had it been ? Seven hours?! No it couldn't have been that long, last time you checked you were 87% sure that it had been lunch time, the sun had been shining and you even got talking to this sweet old lady who was interested in birds. So how did it end up being seven hours later in the tower with a very very angry Tony and Steve as the others just listened in not so subtly at the door? “This is the 4th time you have done this this week and still you use the ‘my phone died’ excuse, what am I meant to do with you” Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as his other hand waved animatedly around in front of him “you aren’t meant to do anything, I lost track of time I promise! It’s not like I do this on purpose” you tried to reason, tears starting to threaten to spill, why couldn't they just understand that you hadn’t meant to be out late and that it was an accident “nope that’s not the right answer kiddo better luck next time” Tony said a hint of frustration seeping through his usual sarcastic demeanor. With that the men left, closing the door to your room behind them.
But there are only so many times a kid can hear ‘you’re wrong and I’m not listening’ from family who mean well but don’t exactly have the best way of showing it before they burst
If they wanted you to play the part of rebellious but strong and powerful soldier then that was exactly what you would do
So you started to go out with MJ and Peter to the occasional party they got invited to 
Then it felt like you were 3rd wheeling so you decided to just go by yourself
You started to swear more 
Put your feet on desks in boots/shoes you knew would make a mark
And that was when the concern started to shine through more than the anger
“Look we are just trying to help you sweetie” Wanda said as she stirred the sauce and the pasta together in preparation for dinner, looking back as you leant back in the chair the black from your hoodie a stark contrast to the white of the marble table. “Well don’t I’m fine I promise, just leave it alone alright I have already heard this 10 times from Sam and Bucky today” you mumbled eyes searching for somewhere to land that wasn’t her face as that was something you did when you were uncomfortable however she mistook that for you rolling your eyes and just muttered something about disrespect as you got up and walked off.
“So Wanda told me you rolled your eyes at her today” the comment sounded so nonchalant rolling off the metal armed mans lips that if you weren’t paying attention you would have missed the fact it was about something negative. “I didn’t but I know you won’t believe me so I’m not going to argue” you replied, the bag splitting slightly from the sudden increase of force in your punches. “I am not saying I don’t believe you! I am just saying that if you did you need to cut that out right now before you do it to the wrong person” he defended. This was ridiculous! Grabbing your towel from the side of the room before you started to walk out “I DIDN’T DO IT!” you called back over your shoulder, only just capturing the look of disappointment on Bucky’s face. If you would have looked harder you would have seen the look of concern that followed but it was too late and the glass door had already slammed behind you.
It was always the same you defending yourself and no one believing you 
You were just an angry teen after all
An angry, misunderstood and hurting teen
There was one person still on your side, Loki
But he wasn’t around much
But as if by magic that came in green swirls and bitter earl gray tea 
He was there that night
The world seemed to sway below you, the constant spinning a reminder of the alcohol you had consumed earlier that night. You didn’t care, in fact you didn’t care about anything right now. The light buzz and soon to be hangover keep you from anh logical thoughts and feelings. Which is probably why you ended up bumping into the table right down the hall from your room and knocking over the horrific looking lamp that Wanda had decorated with seashells (not that it made it look much better). “Who’s there?” you heard from behind you, too drunk to really reply to Nat you made a sort of grumbling noise and carried on walking to your room “Y/n? Is that you? Have you been drinking?” Bruce had joined the quest to find out who the mystery intruder was and even in your drunken lamp destroying zombie gurgling state you knew it was best to just sit down on the floor and wait until the whole team joined in. And soon enough they had a circle of people now surrounding you as you just sat and looked at the ceiling dreaming of being anywhere but here. “What in the nine realms is going on here?!” you heard Loki’s voice say, everything sounded as if you were underwater or in a bubble, you just wanted to sleep. A few minutes later you heard Loki start to argue, ranting and raving about something it was too dark to see what his face looked like but you could imagine the emerald green robe and matching checkered  trousers he would be wearing as his face contorted in shapes filled with rage and hurt. You couldn’t quite make out all of what he was saying but you did manage to catch a few bits “they are a child and it is your duty to protect them…. They don’t need lectures or discipline… just listen to them and pull yourself together” it was that or he was very passionate about chickens.
And so that’s what happened 
Sorrys were said,bonds and trust was rebuilt 
And everyone had a picture of Loki looking ridiculous in his dressing gown 
Let’s just say the hangover you had the next day put you off of drink for a while
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marvelsbanner · 3 years
The Little Things
Summary: What happens when shy, oblivious Bruce Banner takes an interest in the new Avengers recruit. 
Pairing: Bruce Banner x y/n, you
Warnings: None!  
Word Count: ~1300
A/N: This is my first ever fanfic I’ve put out onto Tumblr, please let me know what you think! Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much welcome!! All mistakes are my own. :-)
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It started with little things- minuscule really, things you never would have noticed if you were not a trained spy who was paid to notice the little details.
The way there was always a new pack of gum bought for you when the groceries came,
The way someone kept buying jam until they bought one you liked,
The way the blankets seemed extra warm after you would come inside from your nighttime run, despite the rest of the house being cold,
The way the coffee pot was already brewing by the time you managed to crawl out of bed,
Yes, someone was noticing you. But you didn’t know who.
Bruce was never really the observant type. Numbers and graphs, those he could interpret. He never did have much luck with human emotions and behaviors. Someone could have walked up to him and flirted right to his face and he would have been none the wiser.
That is, until y/n joined the equation.
She was the newest Avenger, none of the team knew much about her besides Fury. She was somewhere between the age of Wanda and Natasha, he imagined. She had gone through a similar training to Natasha, the organization was only recently infiltrated and y/n was the only one they were able to recruit back to SHIELD.
He didn’t want to know what happened to the others.
She was smart, incredibly smart. Quick-witted, with a very dry sense of humor. Her guard was always up- not unlike the rest of the team when they first met each other in New York.
She mostly kept to herself, never quite giving him or anyone else besides Natasha a second glance. So he couldn’t explain why he was so drawn to her.
Maybe it was her soft features, a contrast to the muscles she’s built over years of training. Her eyes- soft under the sharp stare of a built assassin. There was more to her than what she showed, and boy did he want to know more.
And so he tried, to know more that is. He observed her more closely than anyone he’s known before.
He noticed she was constantly chewing gum, whether it helped her focus or it was a force of habit he would never know but he did notice the gum, and so he maybe sort of might have added a pack of spearmint gum into the online shopping cart Pepper was making one week.
And he maybe sort of might have been adding a pack of gum each week they ordered groceries.
He noticed when you made a retort about preferring jam over nut butter, and realized that they actually didn’t have any jam in the house. So naturally, he maybe sort of kind of might have added a jar of jam into the online shopping cart each week until he found one she would use.
It took three tries: not strawberry, not grape, but raspberry was her drug of choice. He found it endearing.
He couldn't help the feeling of pride and something else that swelled in his chest when he saw the smile that crept onto her face when she saw the jam in the cupboard.
He noticed you got cold quite easily, usually opting for a thick jumper over your training uniform. Especially after your evening runs when the sun had set, when you would come home shivering and bundle in the blankets for the next half hour.
So he might have started throwing your favorite blanket into the dryer to warm up around the time you would usually return. Nothing much, just anything a friendly coworker would do- right?
He ran into Pepper one night and she gave a vow of secrecy, knowing if she blabbed to Tony about Bruce's little crush he wouldn’t be able to keep his big fat mouth shut.
He noticed you were the second person to awake after himself (and he would sometimes not have gone to bed at all) and the first to make coffee in the morning, so he decided it would only be considerate to turn the coffee pot on to brew so you had one less thing to worry about in the mornings.
And he also noticed that you didn’t seem to notice all of these things, acting as if it was all part of a normal day. And for that, he was grateful, because he didn’t know how you would feel if you knew it was him.
Wouldn't know how to explain why he was doing all these things for you. Deep down, he knew that he knew, but he also knew he couldn't afford those kinds of feelings with his job.
It took a month. A whole entire 31 days before you realized that the only one who woke up earlier than you was Bruce, the only person that would be making the coffee for you in the morning.
Once you noticed that, it all started shifting into place.
Bruce lounging in the living area when you got back from your runs, sitting in the kitchen making sure you were properly fueling yourself for your workouts (even though he didn’t eat half as often as you did), always making sure you were okay after a rough mission and feeling included when the team is talking in meetings and you could not believe you missed the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t looking. Then again, apparently up until now you weren’t.
You wanted to confront him, but were unsure of how to do it, pacing around the hallway in front of his room on your joint floor.
That's when you heard the shower start from his bathroom, and it clicked.
You ran to the laundry room, grabbing a thick, fluffy, green towel and throwing it in the dryer for a minute before returning to Bruce’s room. You heard the water still running and took that as your okay to enter.
You gave a heavy rap on the door so that he could hear over the stream of water, and you heard him give a confused shout of “Uhh... I’m... kinda busy right now. Unless Tony spilled flesh-eating chemicals on himself I’ll be out in a few more minutes.”
You gave a slight chuckle before opening the door and throwing the towel on the sink counter, hearing him give a slight yelp at the presence of someone else in the bathroom.
He peeked his head around the curtain, red flush running up his neck onto his cheeks, water dripping from his mess of dark curls. He really was handsome.. 
“Y/n.. what are you-“
“I heard the water going and thought you might need a towel. I threw it in the dryer for a bit, should be nice and toasty for ya. Just repaying the favor” and you gave a small wink as the realization hit him and he ducked his head, flushing even more-if that was even possible.
You think the red flush suited him much more than green, and decided you would do anything to see more of that lovely shade on him.
You turned to go out of the door before turning your head over your shoulder to say “You know Doc, if you ever wanted to actually talk to me- you could always just ask me to dinner. If that’s something that interests you.” You gave another wink before closing the door and swiftly leaving the room.
Bruce’s heart was beating rapidly even after you had left, letting his head rest against the cold tile and thinking about how on earth he was going to approach you after THAT.
Maybe there was one thing that he didn’t notice, that you did notice him. Maybe just as much as he noticed you. 
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Haunt (1)
Pairing: civilian!Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: Impeccable timing brings you and Wanda together.
Warnings: ghosts/demons, haunting, Ultron who?
A/N: as we get later into the series, the level of exposed I feel is only going to increase. I may or may not have put some of my own feelings into this one, which I usually do anyway, but this is a super personal thing that it took me a while to even tell my closest friend so...be gentle with me. and leave feedback!
**click here to be added to the taglist!!**
The rhythmic chopping of the knife through vegetables on the cutting board echoed through the sunlit kitchen, which was silent aside from the soft music playing through the bluetooth speaker. A grin appeared on Wanda’s lips as she realized she’d begun to mimic the beat of the current song, and if Pietro was here, he’d make his usual joke about her bringing work home. Luckily he wouldn’t be arriving for dinner for another two hours.
“Alexei, hi!” she greeted the tan corgi cheerfully as he padded into the room. “I’m sorry, but I can’t share any of this with you. The vet said you’re allergic to paprika, remember?”
An adoring smile was thrown Alexei’s way as he settled into one of his many beds to watch her cook. The vegetables were placed in a container near the stovetop as she headed to grab the aforementioned spice, sighing when she opened the cabinet and spotted the nearly empty jar.
“Can I trust you not to make a mess while I’m gone?” she asked Alexei as she faced him, chuckling when he raised his head from his paws with a curious tilt. “That’s what I thought.”
She quickly covered the food that was already prepped for the nonstick skillet resting on the stovetop and blew a kiss to her pup on the way out of the kitchen. Her phone and wallet were placed in the pockets of her jeans before she slipped on a hoodie, zipping it with one hand as she grabbed her keys with the other.
Traffic seemed lighter than usual as she made her way toward the main street, and she couldn’t fight the smile that appeared as she passed the many yards of children playing in front lawns. It was the last Saturday before the school year started, and they were determined to get as much time in the sun as they could before being stuck inside for five days a week. Wanda turned left at the end of the block and was just about to pass an alley when someone bumped into her.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
The whispered words seem to echo through the silent apartment at a deafening volume, each one timed perfectly along with every tap of your foot on the floor beside your bed. It was a taunting way of indirectly forcing you to count out the phrase that seemed to inevitably break you.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
“Please, can I just have one fucking day?” you pleaded as you lifted your head, keeping your gaze away from the corner of the room where the voice was coming from.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
A few more minutes passed before you grew tired of feeling suffocated, and you jumped off the bed to grab your phone and wallet, sliding them into your pockets before putting on a light hoodie that you zipped up as you walked. You snatched your keys from the hook beside the door before hurrying out of the apartment, locking the door and rushing down the hall and out to the street. Feeling the warm breeze and the sun on your cheeks was a welcoming contrast to the chill of your dark bedroom.
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
You jumped in response to the rushed whisper in your ear, letting out a groan as the words continued to repeat while you took a shortcut through the alleys. Flashes of arms circling your waist and lips melting against yours poured into your mind and you stopped in the middle of the next alley to close your eyes and focus on breathing. The whispers quieted, and you were almost certain you were going to catch a break for once when a car horn went off. Your loud scream was masked by those of the children on the other side of the block as your eyes flew open and you started running, your journey to the sidewalk being cut short by another woman.
“Sorry!” you called out breathlessly as she stumbled back while trying to catch you, and you carefully pulled away with a sheepish smile. “I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?”
“No no, I’m fine,” she laughed nervously as she fixed her jacket sleeves, her bright smile falling a bit as she met your eyes again. “Are you okay?”
“Also fine.” You averted your gaze with a harsh swallow, suddenly aware of how tired you must look. “Hey, I was headed to the grocery store...Am I going the right way?”
“Yeah!” Her eyes widened and her welcoming grin was restored. “I was actually going there myself if you’d like to walk with me.”
The two of you turned and began walking side by side toward the busy intersection in silence, your steps seeming to line up perfectly, and you shook your head to clear the memory of those cursed words lining up with the tapping of your foot.
“So I’m not sure if this is too invasive of a stranger to ask but…” You faced the dark-haired woman and she did the same as you began crossing the parking lot. “I noticed you have a bit of an accent. Does that come from somewhere else?”
“Yes,” she answered with a bit of a chuckle. “My parents brought my twin brother and I here from Sokovia when we were 10, just before a bombing destroyed the building we used to live in.”
“Wow, your parents have impeccable timing. But that’s so cool that you have a twin. What’s his name? Well, I’d like to know your name first.”
“I’m Wanda,” she introduced herself with a smile that widened even more when you told her your name while shaking her hand. “And my brother’s name is Pietro.”
“Wait, is your brother Pietro Maximoff, the soccer player?” Your eyebrows raised instantly as she nodded. “My roommate loves soccer and she is obsessed with him. She has a huge Quicksilver poster on the wall above her bed.”
“They call him that because he runs so fast that the players from the opposing team always struggle to keep up.” Her laugh is muffled by the air conditioning as you walk through the automatic doors. “Do you need a cart? I really just came for one thing and maybe a bakery item or something.”
“Nah, I’m good. I’m just grabbing a few snacks.” 
You take longer than necessary to make your way to the spices, snack aisles and bakery, which gives you a chance to learn about this bright-eyed, kindhearted woman with an accent that made your mind go a bit fuzzy. You found out that she was a music teacher at an elementary school, which sounded a lot more interesting than the job you’d chosen to stick with simply because you needed to pay bills. She was determined to convince you otherwise.
“Wanda, it’s fine!” you insisted as the two of you left the check out line and made your way toward the exit. “I actually prefer boring and normal right now anyway. I haven’t really ever been able to use those words when describing my life before, so this is great.”
You could feel her eyes locked on you as she followed you to the main street, and you waited for her at the corner to cross together, offering her a reassuring smile as the light changed. The two of you were standing in front of her one-story home within a few blocks, and as you took a look at the potted plants on either side of the welcome mat and lantern hung by the door, you couldn’t help but think that you’d be able to figure out this place was hers even if she hadn’t pointed it out.
“Pietro’s coming for dinner tonight if you and your roommate would like to join us,” she told you in a seemingly hopeful tone as she faced you from the steps leading to the porch. “I always make way too much food anyway.”
Stuck. Dead. High. Speak.
“Um...” You paused to clear your throat. “I actually have plans tonight but maybe I can come back tomorrow afternoon for a movie or something, if you’re not busy. I had fun with you.”
“Yeah, that’ll be great! I wake up pretty early so you can come over whenever.” 
“Okay, cool. Cute dog, by the way.”
You nodded over at the corgi watching you from the window, grinning when Wanda followed your gaze and laughed, and you bid farewell with a simple wave before walking away to finish the trip back to your building. Your smile fell as the whispers began filling your ears again before you even reached the corner of the block, and you wondered how long this situation with Wanda would last before you scared her away.
Tags: @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @slut-for-nat @honeyvenable @creepingwolfberry @stickystudentlightmug @choni-trimberly
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delyth88 · 3 years
Episode 6 reaction
Spoilers ahead!
Whoa boy! Yet again that did NOT go in the direction I expected! Overall I really enjoyed that and I’m excited to see what happens next. I can’t believe they left us on a cliff hanger like that!!! I do kinda hope this opens the door to Loki getting to be in the films with Wanda and Dr Strange at some point in the future (I want my magic trio!), but I don’t know if they’ll go there. I keep feeling like they’ll do almost anything but allow him to interact with the Avengers! Lol
So there’s no particular pattern to these thoughts… here we go…
I’m heartbroken for Loki that he lost Mobius in this. Mobius not recognising him just… agh! Can he catch a break?! I guess that makes sense of the odd sense of finality when they hugged goodbye in the last episode. And this comes after he loses Sylvie too. Very different circumstances, but he’s filled with this sense of urgency that they must fix the timeline and then all of a sudden the people he trusts to help him are all just… gone!
That moment when Loki first returns to the TVA. That was heart breaking! While I still don’t buy into the romantic relationship Tom sure can act, and this was so well done. You could see him take a moment to grieve then pull himself together for the greater good – to save the universe. Soul crushing. Ooof.
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So yeah, damn. They were going for the romance. *rolls eyes* Ah well. At least I’d had a few weeks to prepare myself. :/
And they went the route of Sylvie betraying our Loki. Now that was interesting. It was something that I really didn’t want to happen, but I actually came out of this thinking that was quite well handled. I thought the idea that they would disagree over the approach to take was quite a good idea. It gave them an opportunity to dig deeper into the differences between these two characters. And I liked that it was a difference born out of their traumatic experiences. I think there’s going to be tons of meta on why Sylvie and Loki made their choices in that moment, and I LOVE that (as of right now – who knows what I’ll think in the morning) I feel like there is actually something to dig in to there, like it wasn’t completely shallow. It wasn’t some stupid repetition of the what’s almost a joke now Loki wants to rule line. And I liked that our Loki was the one who saw the grey areas and wanted some time to analyse it, he wasn’t just hot-headedly set on killing. And I liked that he finally seemed to have some backbone, some drive.
I was wondering where they were going to find some drama from when I saw that the head of the TVA was some new character (who I have to assume is Kang since online is full of how he’s the next big bad). Like how was that going to mean anything to me? Especially when so much of that scene was Loki and Sylvie sitting there listening. (I did love the identical postures with swords across their laps though. 😊) But this worked for me.
And I really thought for a moment they were going to have Sylvie kill Loki. How sad is that that the experience of IW and Endgame has made me fear for the lead character’s life so frickn’ much! Ugh!
One thing that I can see that may have been a problem for some people, and possibly me after I’ve had some more time to think about this, is that the finale had a lot of focus on setting up the next step in the MCU. Now while this is great, especially if it enables Loki to actually participate in events, it does sort of take away from the characters. At this point, for me though, the conflict between Loki and Sylvie worked enough to satisfy me. And then the mad tumble to the end where we get revelation top of revelation was exciting and a very energised way to ‘end’ the episode. But it is definitely NOT any sort of resolution.
And omg what are we going to do knowing where Loki’s at right now for the next months? Years? Till the next season comes out!? Lol
One thing I am grateful for, and again I think it’s a sign of my super low expectations regarding Loki’s treatment, is that I am glad that Loki seems to be relevant to things again. It’s felt so much like they’re trying to ease him out of the universe, so the fact that they wanted to make a second season when they very clearly didn’t need to does make me feel good on behalf of Loki, and Tom.
I felt like Loki had the opportunity to be a little more like my Loki in this episode. Particularly some of his responses while talking to Kang. And I think this just goes to illustrate the point that in the earlier films we’ve seen a lot of time where Loki is in very serious and high stakes situations. And the way this sets up what feels like some big action to come makes me hope that perhaps he might get the chance to be a bit more of that characterisation of Loki in whatever he shows up in the future in.
So, what happened to those shots of Loki in Stark Tower and in Asgard? I am terribly confused. They weren’t in there, right? I didn’t somehow miss them, did I? I thought, when we saw Miss Minutes and her offer, that they might have been moments shown to Loki to entice him to take up the offer. I’m a little disappointed because I was really looking forward to seeing Asgard and Loki in his Asgardian gear again. Did they maybe cut them out for time or some other reason? Were they pieces they filmed pre-pandemic and then decided against using later? If so, why was it in the poster? *shrug*
So no new Loki outfit. ☹ No new Loki powers. ☹ I still feel like the various hints in Episode 5 about Loki’s power really were leading to something and we haven’t (yet?) seen it play out.
Having said that, from the perspective of the end of the season, it now feels like the whole season was a bit of a lull, and bit of a time for Loki to learn about himself (and I would say ‘grow’ but all the talk of Loki ‘growing’ in Ragnarok have made me slightly allergic to that phrase lol), almost as though this is the set up for him to take on something bigger. I dunno. It probably isn’t, it never seems to be, but I plan to enjoy the next however-many-months we have imagining the possibilities.
I liked that Mobius got to have a conversation with Renslayer. That he called her out on all the nice things she’d said but didn’t mean. To me he’s one of those people who it feels worse to have disappointed at you than angry. I also like that he tried to stop her rather than letting her go for some old feeling of friendship or some cliché like that.
So that’s what that pen was all about. So is that a version of Renslayer that Renslayer is protecting? I’m not sure I followed? Or is it just a variant that B-15 found? If so, then why does TVA!Renslayer have the pen?
I get they were going for disarming, contrasting, and just a little mad, but I didn’t particularly like Kang. It’ll be interesting to see how he plays out in the films etc.
I’m here for the multiverse, though!
So, did Sylvie push our Loki into a different multiverse? Does each one have it’s own TVA? Is that a variant Mobius? Or is this some sort of ripple effect that’s changed the course of history, even in the TVA? Questions!!
My list of negative things hasn’t changed much since episode 3 really. I’m still sad that Loki’s characterisation is so different, that they haven’t addressed his time with Thanos or his pain from being Jotun, that he still hasn’t used a lot of magic, and that he never got to see Frigga again. And mostly that he really didn’t seem to be driving the action at all for most of the season. So I think I’m likely to be both happy with this show and disappointed, and apparently completely able to hold both these opinions in my head at the same time. The characterisation and the romance seem to be things I can become more comfortable with on repeated viewings.
I maybe a hopeless fool for Loki, but him having his heart broken and then being thrown into dramatic universe ending peril within the space of two minutes works for me. lol Poor Loki.
Right, that’s enough for me. I look forward to reading other’s thoughts.
Tagging a few folks: @iamanartichoke @scintillatingshortgirl19 @sparklegemstone @pinkpondofasgard @thelightofthingshopedfor @piccolaromana
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Press: Elizabeth Olsen and Jurnee Smollett Compare Notes on Genre-Blending Acting and Advocating for Performers on Set
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VARIETY: Neither Elizabeth Olsen nor Jurnee Smollett are strangers to having to really stretch their imaginations to dive into complex characters and even more complicated worlds.
Both have superhero films on their résumés: Smollett portrayed Black Canary in DC’s “Birds of Prey,” while Olsen stepped into Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch’s shoes for Marvel’s “Avengers” franchise and then some — including Disney Plus’ first Marvel series, “WandaVision.” They are both now Emmy-nominated for projects that tasked them with jumping through time, blending genres and telling epic love stories (Olsen with “WandaVision,” Smollett with HBO’s “Lovecraft Country”). And, even though they are up in different categories (Olsen in lead limited series/TV movie actress; Smollett in lead drama actress), both of these shows are one-season wonders, leaving the performers and their audiences wanting more.
Olsen and Smollett dissected all that of when Variety brought them together post-nominations to talk about their celebrated roles and surreal playgrounds.
You both had a lot of magical or otherwise surreal elements to interact with on your shows. What did you actually have in front of you to react to on set?
Jurnee Smollett: We were very fortunate on “Lovecraft Country” because the whole VFX team worked so hard to create an atmosphere that was also practical in our space. I remember on Episode 3, the exorcism scene, we shot it over a course of three days and, while there was not a man in real life with a baby head on him, you’ve got the wind machines and the pictures are blowing and all the special effects makeup is being touched up. Atticus [Jonathan Majors] has pretty much turned into a rabid dog and I’m doing this spell with my ancestors and whether they were shooting behind us or shooting the elements, we were at our max capacity regardless because that’s just how we approach the craft. It was such a big sequence to shoot that that’s when the actor in you has to advocate for your instrument. I did go to the director and say, “Can you jump in and cross shoot Jonathan and I?” As an actor it is our job to shoot however many takes, however many angles you need, but then it is also our job to advocate for yourselves. And I love playing in this space because you get to use your imagination you get to go to crazy places. Because even while the practical elements are there; you get to go to crazy places. But I was grateful for the practical elements because it’s just so much easier.
Elizabeth Olsen: Did they have pre-viz so you knew what some of the supernatural elements looked like?
Smollett: With the Shoggoths they not only had a pre-viz for us, but for some of the scenes they had massive sculptures, like a dude standing there in a green suit with a Shoggoth head. The pilot we didn’t have this puppet, but by Episode 8, maybe we got more of a budget or something, but eventually we did get a puppet — which was really cool because you could see, “This is the moment his mouth is opening.” But also, Misha [Green], our showrunner, she just wants more blood, more dirt. She’d try to get them to blow spittle at us.
Olsen: That’s so gross!
Smollett: This concoction of Shoggoth spit, throwing it in front of this wind machine. I find the more practical stuff we have to work with, it just helps so much. And then there were the moments where it’s like, “No it’s just a green tennis ball and an X, and go.” How about you?
Olsen: For all those little things in the air and stuff in the ’50s, it was really important to our director [Matt Shakman] that we did everything ala “Bewitched.” It was all camera tricks, it was all wires. Our head of special effects had a lineage of a father who [did] special effects before him, and so puppetry and wire work and stuff like that were things that were already in his vocabulary, but we would have our special effect guys who are used to blowing things up and putting things on fire just balancing and making sure things aren’t swinging but they have to move. Even in the ’70s when she’s pregnant and everything’s in chaos, we really had a picture on the wall going in circles; they just figured out things with magnets.
When we were filming the finale, it was during COVID, during the fires last summer, and we shot Kathryn [Hahn’s] side at the beginning of the episode when she has my boys with her magic — we had to shoot them out because you always have to shoot the side with the kid out and also Kathryn was doing wires for the first time and of course it was with a corset and it was really hot and really bad air quality and so she had to be sent home by the medic at the end of the day. And so, on my side we were running out of days, and I think we had 35 minutes to shoot my side and my reactions to all of that, and there’s quite a bit of back and forth and throwing myself to the ground and hitting a different mark that will then stitch with the stunt double being pulled. I did a weird one-woman show sans kids, sans Kathryn. Our stand-ins were such a huge part of our show and I was so grateful to have them they’re reading lines with me, and our director, Matt Shakman, was like, “If you feel like you can’t do this, we’ll just do this tomorrow.” That gave an adrenaline rush to me and it just became, “I’m just going to do it.” There’s a lot of fear when you’re like, “Oh I don’t have the elements and I am on my own, literally.” But I’ve had to do this before and I’m just scared to do it because I feel stupid. But I already look kind of stupid — I’m shooting things out of my hands — so why don’t I just lean into it as full as possible and just do it and find it in some core, guttural space of desperation? That day was bizarre, but I was actually very happy that I didn’t put it off. I feel like sometimes as actors when there are things that make us nervous it’s like, “Oh we don’t have enough time to explore so let’s do it the next day if we can,” and then you’re in your head all night about it. And so, it’s nice to just do it, even if it feels silly.
Smollett: I’d imagine surrendering and using the fear and all that that you were feeling probably served you so well in it.
Olsen: And don’t you feel that, though? When you feel unsupported you just want to break down in tears and you’re not supposed to break down in tears or you’re not supposed to have those it’s those feelings in the moment, but there are other times where it is really useful and there’s something freeing about channeling it in some way.
Smollett: Yeah and it’s that word you just used: freeing. Being able to surrender — leap and the net will appear. And you’re right, if you would have gone home, you probably would have come back the next day and you would have overthought it. There’s something about using the adrenaline in that moment that I don’t think you can really teach an actor to do; it’s just experience. Because we go and we prep and we do all these things, and then you get to the set and there’s one distraction, two distractions, and those are the elements that just through experience you’ve learned to use.
But I have to say, when I was little, I used to go to sleep every night watching Nick at Nite and “Bewitched” was one of my favorite shows. I did not expect you guys, at all, to go to land of “Bewitched.”
Olsen: I didn’t either. I’m so grateful to it. I felt like I like forgot my body as an actor. You’re a very physical actor, so I feel like you probably don’t have that experience because you just seem so connected and free whether it’s on stage or doing action. And I really felt disconnected from my body until “WandaVision.” I was like, “Right, I have posture; I can walk; I have legs — all of these things are going to be telling the story and it’s period and so I get to move differently.” It’s been a while since I needed to create quite a different character, and it felt so good to wake up my body to the full character work.
Just watching you in the first episode on stage, I was like, “God damn, I want to feel that free on stage with a song and with an audience.” I’m a self-conscious actor when it comes to extras and things like that. There’s something about it where the crew’s the family, and with extras, I feel so vulnerable. And you seemed so at ease and in control and confident. It made you understand her fierceness and how fearless she was.
Smollett: Thank you so much! It’s so interesting that you point that out because, for me, singing in front of people terrifies me. It truly is one of the things that terrifies me the most. The thing about Misha’s writing is, she finds a way to teach you so much about a character in such a small amount of time. And in that first sequence we learn so much about Leti, from that fearlessness you talk about, the ease that she has in herself and in her person, but then you learn so much about her hypocrisy and the contrasting ideas that are at play inside. She’s a very complex one. In the scene with her sister where she’s talking about having dreams of pioneering into an all-white neighborhood in 1955, but she can’t afford to may for socks. [Laughs.] She didn’t come to her mother’s funeral, and yet she’s here yearning for some sort of family connection. And so, I just remember reading that and feeling so drawn to her and feeling like it’s a side of myself that I needed to unearth — there’s a Leti in me that I desired to actually be, but sometimes am not. And it’s interesting because through Leti, she really forced me to do so many things that I hadn’t done before and really become more fearless, become more unbound. It was just such a very cathartic experience for me.
Olsen: I felt that way with getting to do this sitcom comedy part. I felt like I was touching my childhood version of myself who was a ham doing children’s musical theater, who just who just like played for the laughs or whatever — that part that I don’t access at all, really, when filming. And Kathryn Hahn was such a force and Paul Bettany raised to the challenge, as well, of these comedic performances that were really physically funny. I started to get more comfortable — in the ’60s, ’70s, really got comfortable — and it was so much fun to touch that child that maybe was told too many times, “Oh, you’re such a ham” or you just felt like your big personality as a kid was not OK or wasn’t as appropriate. And so, getting to play with that was really freeing and very fun. As you were saying, there’s a release I needed to have, and through the comedy I was able to have it.
How did this sense of empowerment affect how you carried your own characters’ power? Was there something your character that inspired you to advocate for yourself or did advocating behind-the-scenes inform in-world behavior?
Olsen: I felt very lucky coming into this, because this is a world I know. And so, where my voice of advocacy came in was for actors who are coming into the world — like Teyonah [Parris], wanting to make sure that she had everything that she needed to understand where her character was going because this was a character that’s going to continue [and] if she had everything she needed for stunts. And then similarly with Kathryn, she didn’t realize there was someone who she could use to teach her hand gestures for her magic. And so, she was feeling nervous and lost, like, “How do I do this thing?” And I was like, “Oh, how do you not have that information!?” And then having a conversation with whom you need to on the crew up top and figure out how to keep everyone else feeling like they had everything they needed. And luckily, because this was a show with characters that Paul and I had before, the pieces came together and it was a situation where your voice is welcomed and heard.
From “Sorry For Your Loss,” the TV show I did with Facebook, I now have a producer voice that I can’t shut up. I now just need to talk to ADs a lot, and I need to talk to line producers a lot. I realize that I like having — especially if I’m No. 1 on the call sheet; if I’m a primary part — all of the information so I can understand why decisions that seem weird are happening, or else I’m going to get in my head about, “Why are we doing this this way? I just let people know that off the bat now because it makes me less of a control freak, having information. And it is a team effort and I think the actor’s value has changed in that in that respect. There’s a lot more opportunity for women to be vocal now, and so I’m just really seizing that opportunity.
Smollett: It was a very personal growing experience for me. It was time of transition [and] I’m still going through that transition in my life. In order to truly surrender and do the text justice, there was so much I had to bring to the altar every day to sacrifice. I remember talking to Jonathan about that, and he would refer to it as allowing your heart to break and hoping that the Holy Spirit would put it back together. She was essentially a woman trying to navigate her womanhood but she was never actually allowed to have a childhood. She was habitually abandoned by her mother and didn’t know her father and there’s something in that parental-daughter split that I found myself really relating to. Oddly enough like Leti, I was estranged from my father for years. He eventually passed away, really before there was that healing and so, oh man, it brought up so much shit with Leti. How does she see the world? She sees the world through the eyes of an abandoned child. With Leti, that made her overcompensate; with Jurnee, it made me shrink a lot. When you talk about that artist child, those of us who have been in this business for so long, you take on all the sensors. And I found myself just trying to love her a little more. One of the things I admired so much about Leti is this desire to love herself — this real desire to own herself unapologetically in a world that told her she was too Black and female, to exist in her entirety. It’s still a transition that I’m in, but I definitely feel so grateful to have been able to walk through some of that and navigate through some of that with Leti. But that’s, I think, the blessing and the curse of being an artist. You’ve got to be willing to bring your whole mind, body and spirit to it; nothing’s off limits.
Jurnee, the last time you spoke with Variety we were all assuming you’d get to return to this character, but now that HBO has said it’s not being renewed, do you have unfinished business with her?
Smollett: It’s no secret I’m heartbroken. I loved Leti and of course would have loved to continue playing her. But I am so incredibly proud of the work that we all created together — it feels so special and unique — and I am finding peace in that. We’re artists and there’s an endless well that dwells inside us— and there’s so much that’s out of our control. And I think I’ve done this long enough and I’ve experienced enough heartbreaks to know you don’t get attached to the results too much; you just try to stay in a moment. And I feel just so proud and blessed to have been chosen to go on this ride with these collaborators, so I am more so in the place of gratitude than loss.
On the other end of the spectrum, “WandaVision” was a limited series but Wanda Maximoff is a character you have been coming back to for years, Elizabeth. How do you approach that longevity — the changes in her, the changes in you and the interest in revisiting her at all?
Olsen: I’m 32 and I was 25 — so seven years ago — when I did the first one. There’s so much change that I’ve had, even as an actor and how I approach work and, I think, honor work so much more in the last five years, four years of my life. [Jurnee’s film] “Birds of Prey” feels like such a female-empowered thing, so I feel there’s a really incredible energy to beginning it, but then with me you hear people make comments about Marvel movies and it affects your own process. “WandaVision” really shook that up for me and made me reinvest.
Smollett: I so want to know your process with that because the comic book space was new for me. I’d been a fan; I’d seen all your movies and the other movies. How did you navigate all of those voices? Because they can be very loud.
Olsen: Luckily and also frustratingly my character was always this emotional anchor to a piece of the story. It was like the heart, if there’s a heart. Paul and I were the only romance that was really fleshed out in those movies. And so I just treated it like I would anything. And then, we have a really fun time filming “Avengers” And so it’s really goofy and the Russos are great. And so we, it feels light-hearted, and it feels like we have the last laugh at the end of the day. But when it comes to the reinvesting, that’s the whole mind game, right? Because you just hope that it continues to have this quality control, but the more the more things get made, you’re worried about that. Especially because I did a show on Facebook that was scripted, and I didn’t love the way they handled it. And it was hard. And so second season, we went back and we literally, as a team of producers, had meetings with people who ran Facebook Watch about where we thought they could improve. We had a whole presentation for them. And then eventually, they were like, “We’re not doing scripted anymore.” And so I didn’t have the greatest experience being a part of the launch of another streaming service. And so, the Disney Plus part made me nervous and then bringing these characters that are so big to television made me nervous. But Kevin Fiege explained to us that that they were not going to cut corners, and they’re going to try and create the same attention to detail, and they did. And I think it was really important for them to have that care for these first three shows that they were putting out because it was defining a new thing for them. And so, we were taken care of.
I think more for me with this with the reinvestment moving forward, I never had a six-movie or nine-movie thing; it was always two or three at a time — those were my contracts. And so, it’s always a really conscious decision. I wrapped “WandaVision” on a Wednesday and flew to London on a Friday to continue playing this part [in “Doctor Strange 2”]. I could have used getting out of the mindset, though, because they were totally different utilizations of the character and people would have had more time to understand “WandaVision” had we not just wrapped. And so there’s just a lot of, “We covered this in ‘WandaVision…’” It’s bigger than me, there’s lots of threads that are continuing on after me that I’m not aware of, and so it’s always about, “What can I get from this journey with this character that maybe I haven’t tapped into yet with her?” That’s where I keep approaching things from, so that I feel like I have some sort of strap-hang — that I can know that there’s going to be growth of some kind, even though it all maybe looks the same to other people. There is that conscious decision to learn a new element of this woman, or even of myself as an actor — something that I want to explore that I can bring to it.
Your passion for acting is apparent and you both produce as well. What about directing?
Smollett: I would love to one day. I find myself currently being incredibly excited about producing and ushering new voices and excited voices. I don’t know that I would want to direct myself — that’s a whole other skill. I remember watching Denzel Washington, who directed me in “Great Debaters” but he was also in it, and at that point he had such a command of his instrument that he was able to do that. But it’s a lot. And I remember him telling me, before directing himself, he went and made himself watch all his films just so that he could stomach this idea of watching himself in the editing room. And so, I love the idea of storytelling; I’m obsessed with just telling stories, but I don’t know that I would self-direct.
Olsen: I find myself still loving producing so much because I love asking questions and poking holes and thinking about reorganizing of storylines, things that I feel maybe need more structure. I loved writing essays in school so much; it was like something that I found creative because it was about putting so many different sources into a braid that could maybe create this larger conversation or thought at the end. And so, that’s how I look at scripts. That’s really satisfying enough for me, to play that role. I think one day I’ll think about it more honestly, what it what it would mean to be a director. I fear that if I were to do it anytime soon, I wouldn’t have the tools that I would want. I do ask lots of lens-y questions because I’ve really only been working for 11 years and only recently have I tried to really understand the art of what lenses to choose and why and what it makes an audience feel based on what you’re choosing. I want to have a better, more holistic understanding of [that] before attempting [directing] because I do think it’s such an art and just because I understand the structuring of a story or how a set works, I want to be able to provide the the image in my head. I don’t know if I have that skill yet, but I am curious about feeding it and nurturing that.
Press: Elizabeth Olsen and Jurnee Smollett Compare Notes on Genre-Blending Acting and Advocating for Performers on Set was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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multiplefandomfics · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: smut, Sargent kink, metal arm kink, slight dub-con,
Words: 2087
I had worked at Stark Industries since I left college. I was really good with computers and technology in general. Hence the scholarship to MIT. Tony Stark had found me there personally to recruit. I had been working there ever since.
Tony was a little eccentric… okay a lot but he was nice enough and payed very well. He even took me with him to the Avengers tower and later to the compound after the tower was destroyed, to work alongside him and Bruce Banner. It was magical.
After I helped them a lot fighting Thors’ handsome brother Loki in the battle of New York I officially became an honorary Avenger and moved into the compound. It was so surreal. Breakfast with Captain America, training with Black Widow and giving Thor and insight into popculture from earth. I loved the life at the compound.
One evening I went on a girls night out with Natasha, Wanda and Pepper. We dressed up and they put a shit ton of make up on my face. To me I looked ridiculous but the male population at home seemed to like it. Th guys shamelessly ogled me. They didn’t see me like that very often. I didn’t really care about any of their stares. Only one certain dark haired beauty constantly made me blush when he checked me out. I had a thing for Bucky since I moved here. I was so embarrassed because I thought he’d never want me like that. I was not skinny like Nat or Wanda nor did I have their charm. I was a total geek which I had no problem with but Bucky was drop-dead gorgeous. Why should he ever be interested in me? I never told anyone of my crush not even Nat and she had grown to be my best friend in the whole world. We arrived at the club at around 10.30 pm and it wasn’t too full yet so we sat at the bar and raised our blood alcohol level. After two beers and four shots I started to loosen up and grabbed both girls hands to go dancing. The mood was hot we danced closely and carefree. Celebrating our day off from saving the world.
“I have the biggest on him you know?” I slurred. “On who?” Wanda screamed over the music. “Bucky of course.” I explained as if that had been obvious. Nat opened her mouth as if to say something else but I interrupted her: “Oh my god! That’s our jam!” I almost wooed. That was the end of the conversation.
Suddenly I felt someone solid press against me from behind. I didn’t know who it was and I couldn’t turn around. Panic filled I looked at the girls when I felt the guy behind me kiss my shoulder blade. Pepper just smiled at me and Nat and Wanda had a look on their face like “go and get some girl”. So I let myself flow with it. They would have rescued me if something wasn’t right with him. At the end of the song he whipped me around and I was staring in the eyes of no other than Bucky Barnes himself. I must have had an obviously shocked expression on my face which made him smirk. “Hey doll!” he whispered in my ear. Doll? Was he serious? My panties were soaked immediately. In an instant I was sober again. He stared intensely at me with those big puppy dog eyes and I wanted to melt. “Wanna dance doll?” I just nodded still unable to form proper words. We started dancing to the rather slow song coming out of the speakers. It really helped me relax into him and before long I had my arms loosely around his neck and our faces were inches apart. The girls had vanished with knowing looks on their faces. “Wanna get out of here? it’s so loud. I’d like to talk.” he suddenly whisper yelled in my ear. “Sure!” I said confidently I really wanted to have a normal conversation plus I needed some water. He took my hand and pulled me away from the dance floor. But before we could completely leave another guy I had never seen before grabbed my ass harshly and slurred “Fine piece of as ya go there. Wanna go some where for a quicky?” I was disgusted but before I could say a word Bucky was in front of me. Between the asshole and me. I didn’t take Bucky for a macho but he flexed his muscles and you could smell testosterone in that moment. He even showed his metal arm that I thought was sexy as hell but normally he hid it from the world as a bad memory to his former hydra days but to ensure my safety he did anything. The problem was that the guy was really fucking drunk and didn’t even notice the threat in form of 260lb Bucky Barnes in front of him. He just pushed further: “Hey shithead let me to her she ain’t yours you just met her tonight.” it was so creepy that the drunk had observed me all night. “She is more mine than she’ll ever be yours.” Bucky gritted out through his teeth. It was so cute of him to defend me. So 40s actually. “You wanna fight? let’s do this.” the madmen provoked. If glances could kill the man would have been long dead. “Buck come on let’s go. You don’t need to do this.” I convinced him. He was mature enough to let it go and turned around to leave but the drunk couldn’t let it go and punched Bucky square across the face. I just sighed and rolled my eyes at the guy as Bucky lunched at him and threw a punch back. At least he used his right hand not the metal one or the mans head would have been bashed in. Immediately security came rushing towards us and friendly asked Bucky and me to go before they called an ambulance for the man on the floor. So we left, grabbed a cab and drove back to the compound. “You alright?” he asked me in the car. “Yeah. It was a little strange though. Thanks for saving me.” “Anyone would have done the same.” he replied and blushed a bit. “No they wouldn’t have. You’re a true gentleman Bucky Barnes. I appreciate your help.” I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Which seemed PG-13 if you considered the way we had danced earlier. “Can I kiss you properly?” he asked shyly. “If you want to.” I was a little shy now myself. He did what he had asked for and took my face into his hands and pressed his lips to mine. His hands stood in stark contrast to each other. One smooth and warm and the other cold and hard. I could hear the whirring sound of the metal plates shifting in his left one. I really had a kink for that thing. The kiss got more and more heated until we arrived. I threw some bills at the driver and we made our way inside and to my room. It was the last on the left at the upper floor. The moment the door behind us closed his hands were on my hips again. He grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head “No panties doll? Naughty girl!” he observed. He dragged the middle finger of his flesh hand through my folds and groaned at the wetness gathering there. “All for me baby?” “Yes Sargent all for you!” I tried to get him to pleasure me finally. He growled deeply in his throat and pushed me back on the bed. “I want you to sit on my face doll.” oh god I wanted that too. I had thought of him between my legs more than once but the real deal was so much better than I could have ever imagined. He laid on his back and I straddled his face. It was so strange that he was still fully clothed but I wasn’t gonna object then. I flung my bra across the room and touched my breasts as he pulled me down on his mouth and dove right in. The first contact of his tongue on my clit was like heaven. His strong hands on my thighs controlled my moving. Before long I was squirming like a fish in a net. This made him see that I was really close but I couldn’t form words to tell him. As he pushed one of his metal fingers inside my slick channel my orgasm broke over me. I gushed over his face and he was happy to lap everything up. He was still pumping his fingers inside me and holding me with the other arm even though I was very oversensitive after the intense orgasm I had just had. “Stop Bucky please. It’s too much.” I whined and he let me go as I fell to the mattress next to him. “that was just.. wow.” I panted and he licked his lips smiling. “You smell and taste fantastic doll so thanks to you too.” Soon I was eager again and grabbed for his clothes “You’re wearing too much sarge.” I said seductively. He let me undress him and then he was in an instant on top of me. Attacking my neck with kisses and nips that would turn into lovebites eventually. But I couldn’t care less. I wanted everyone to see who I belonged to from then on. “You ready?” he was as impatient as I was and I nodded. So he started to push past my barrier. I moaned in pain and pleasure “You’re so big sarge. Feels so good.” I moaned loudly. I couldn’t and I didn’t want to hold the noise back. He grunted in restrain. Bucky didn’t wanna hurt me so he went very slowly but at one point it was just too slow so I pushed my heels into his ass to draw him deeper. He got the hint and started moving faster and faster it was heaven. He hit my g-spot dead on. His length reached depths I never knew a man could reach. The pain and pleasure I felt when he hit my cervix was enough to push me into an amazing second orgasm. I clenched around him and that made his movements stutter. He suddenly pulled out of me and came all over my breast and stomach. It was sticky but oh so hot. He panted loudly and laid next to me on his back for a minute before getting up and taking a wet wash cloth out of the on suite bathroom to clean me up. I thanked him for it and felt my eyelids getting heavy. “So you mine now doll?” he suddenly asked into the silence. “I always was.” I answered truthfully and kissed him one last time. He smiled satisfied. “Good night.” I said before I finally drifted off.
The next morning I awoke with a slight hangover and a sore feeling between my legs. Slowly memories from last night came flooding back. I felt happier than I had ever been. Bucky was still snoring next to me so I got up silently, grabbed some comfy clothes and ventured towards the kitchen. I was so hungry after the events of the night before. I met Natasha and Wanda there drinking coffee and talking until they noticed me in Bucky boxer shorts and a t-shirt. “Mornin’” I grumbled because I knew I was in for a hell of a conversation. “So you and Bucky caused some trouble last night at the club.” Wanda remarked. “Yeah and then you were gone so fast we couldn’t even wish good night.” Nat chimed in. “I assume you did it last night. So how was it?” she added. “A lady enjoys and remains silent.” I winked at them. Suddenly I felt Buckys’ familiar hands on my hips and he murmured a “good morning doll.” in my ear. I smiled and bid him good morning as well. I just ignored the girls. Then a happy Steve came rushing through the door. “Mornin everyone. Did you all sleep well?” then his eyes fell on Bucky and me in close embrace and he just threw his hands in the air and called out “Finally!”
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 17)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 4359 Warnings: fluff, light angst
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: I know you’re excited for the wedding but we’re not quite there yet. Although I think you’ll be happy about this... mostly. Feedback is always appreciated!
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Somehow it was decided that this was a good idea, that Coney Island wouldn’t be so bad on Memorial Day weekend. You were very wrong.
Everyone had the same idea, filling the subways until they were packed as you made the long trip to Brooklyn. What should have taken just over an hour became closer to two because of overcrowding. It was hard to guarantee that eight people would make it onto the same train with all the pushing and shoving of people ensuring that they made it inside before the doors shut.
By the time you arrived everyone was hungry and the mass of people covering the large Boardwalk only added to the frustration you were all feeling. Clint, Steve, Peggy and Bucky wanted Nathan’s hot dogs while you, Natasha and Wanda didn’t. You decided to split up, going down the Boardwalk to another place that was just as crowded but offered something for each of you.
“There’s no place to sit,” Natasha said, looking around as she held a lobster roll in one hand and a beer in the other.
“Ooh, over there,” you said, pointing to a bench across the Boardwalk that was quickly taken before you had the chance to take even one step towards it.
There were a few high top tables that you could stand up in front of so you quickly ran over to an open one before someone else could. Natasha lined up her food on the table, getting the restaurant’s name in the background as she took a picture.
“Clint just texted me. They’re finally about to order.”
“About time,” Wanda said, taking a bite of her sausage and pepper roll. She nudged over her container of fries towards you and Natasha, silently offering them.
“They’re asking if we should meet up with them by the Wonder Wheel.”
“Sounds good to me,” you said while chewing, covering your mouth so pieces of your cheeseburger didn’t spit out.
Despite the crowds this brief moment felt nice, feeling the breeze from the ocean and the warm sun heating your skin. Memorial Day weekend was the unofficial start of summer and that meant you could finally begin your countdown to graduation. You had three months more to go before you would finally reach your goal and it was… scary. Scary and exciting at the same time but you couldn’t wait for that day.
“So Saturday’s the big wedding huh?” Natasha smirked.
You raised your eyebrow, not giving in to the way she looked at you. “Yes it is but we’re getting there Friday and before you say anything our hotel has two beds, okay? Two of them.” you said, sticking two fingers in front of her face.
Natasha mumbled something under her breath that you didn’t bother to decipher. Nothing was going to happen. A little dancing, a little awkward conversation with people you don’t know and that’s it.
“Horses?” Wanda asked you, tilting her head up so you could get a glimpse. Natasha looked confused but held her tongue.
Music filled your ears as you passed a group of people gathered on the Boardwalk watching others dance. It was nice to see everyone let go and enjoy the sunshine.
Wanda kissed Sam as soon as the groups joined up again in contrast to Natasha. “I don’t like hot dog breath,” she said, looking into her bag for gum or a mint to give Clint.
Making a face she didn’t see, he mockingly signed back Natasha’s words making you laugh since you understood him. Bucky held his left palm up, sliding the middle finger of his right hand over it. To your shock you realized he just signed back “rude” to Clint.
Turning towards him you asked, “When did you learn ASL?”
“When someone told me our neighbor signs.” He smiled widely and you suddenly felt light enough for the breeze to carry you away. “C’mon,” Bucky said, nudging his head for you to start walking with the group.
He adjusted the brim of his baseball cap, which was the only difference between your outfits today as Sam pointed out. You and Bucky were basically matching and he thought it was cute that you coordinated even though it wasn’t planned.
You both wore crisp white t-shirts, jeans (though yours were shorts), and converse sneakers. Arguing that you were wearing red sneakers unlike Bucky’s black ones made no difference, everyone still thought it was a very “coupley” thing to do.
As you walked towards the Wonder Wheel you couldn’t help but stare at Bucky's arms. They had gotten much bigger ever since he started working out with Sam and Steve and those muscles definitely stood out now; tanned skin with a prominent vein running down his arm you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
“Swinging cars? Oh no. I’m good,” Sam said as you approached the line.
“Me too. I’ve got a belly full of hot dogs so I’d rather not,” Clint added.
The group split with Sam, Wanda, Clint and Natasha getting in line for the stationary cars as you, Bucky, Peggy and Steve waited for the swinging ones. When it was time to load into your car there were two benches facing forward. Steve and Peggy took the front one and you guys were in the back. Bucky let you enter first and you sat down quickly so the attendant could close the door, adjusting your bag between your legs on the floor.
Steve turned his head around, smiling at you in a way that made you furrow your brows at him but your unspoken communication was interrupted as the ferris wheel began moving backwards. He faced forward again, reaching his arm around Peggy in the cramped space.
The car stopped suddenly but above you was the shadow of another cart and the sounds of screams as it rocked along its own track. Everybody on the stationary cars were missing out, this was going to be fun.
Half a minute went by before the ferris wheel moved again, this time stopping at a point where your car was able to roll forward. You expected the jolt but it didn’t mean you were prepared for it and somehow you found yourself grabbing Bucky by the shoulder as you screamed with laughter as the cart swung back and forth. He didn’t seem to mind, in fact he wished you kept your hand on him the whole time.
He envied Steve holding Peggy close. When the car reached the top he watched them kiss, a small peck to show affection and Bucky was undeniably jealous. Steve had met the perfect girl in Peggy, and Bucky felt the same way about a certain person sitting next to him.
You only accepted his request to be his wedding date because he begged, he’s sure of that. It was so pathetic for him to plead but he really wanted you to go with him, and shamefully, since he knew you had sworn off dating, this was the closest thing he would ever get.
His profile was still up on the apps, and occasionally he would make plans to meet someone. The closer the wedding got, the less frequent it’s been. He’s not proud of the fact that he’s made dates and cancelled them. He tried his best to remember to cancel in advance but sometimes he would forget, becoming lost in the music he was creating, only to find a few messages with choice language he rightfully deserved from the people he didn’t mean to stand up.
Bucky wasn’t interested in any of them, only one person was always on his mind and yet he knew he would have to let that go. Going to the wedding together isn’t going to help his feelings but he hopes by some strange logic he can allow his heart to live out whatever fantasy is not coming true and then let you go.
“You wanna hit the beach now?” Sam asked, once you all got off the Wonder Wheel.
“Yeah, Nat says my ass is pasty,” Clint replied.
Natasha’s nostrils flared as her eyes widened in shock. “You are not tanning your pasty ass on this public beach Clint!”
Laughter rang out and Clint leaned in to peck a kiss to Natasha’s full lips which relaxed her tense expression. Despite all their teasing they loved each other deeply and it made your heart ache, longing to have a love like theirs.
The crowds on the beach hadn’t let up, not that anyone expected them to. Umbrellas of every color of the rainbow were spread out across the sand and it didn’t look like there was even a spot for all of you to fit among the crowd but that didn’t stop anyone.
Your sneakers crunched on the sand scattered along the wood planks by the entrance, grabbing the hot metal railing to pull them off before you walked down onto the beach. Bucky followed suit, holding his sneakers in hand while everyone else left on their flip flops or slip-on.
The sand was burning hot against your soles that also battled against sharp seashells as you trudged your way to a spot, following behind the group. Clint’s impeccable vision pointed out a spot big enough for all of you and rushed over there staking a claim.
Steve shrugged his shoulder down to let the heavy bag he was carrying for Peggy go. She had packed a large bag with towels, sunscreen and a few collapsible umbrellas. Sam helped Steve by setting up the umbrellas as everyone else worked to set their towels down.
Pulling out a large towel you placed your sneakers inside your tote bag, holding it open for Bucky in case he wanted to protect his from the sand as well.
“Hey where’s your stuff?” you wondered out loud as he placed his sneakers inside.
Bucky clenched his teeth together making an adorable face that told you your answer before he gave it. “When you said we were going to Coney Island I didn’t think you meant the actual beach. I figured food and drinks...” he trailed off, still awkwardly grimacing.
“It’s okay. You can share mine,” you offered. Turning away to unravel the towel, you missed the soft smile that settled on his face at the prospect of being close to you.
Bucky helped smooth out the towel, a pretty teal with gold pineapples printed across the fabric. He let a small huff out under his breath, disappointed by the fact that your towel was bigger than he expected and he didn’t have an excuse to be as close as he hoped. The feeling passed just as quickly as Bucky realized how stupid his thoughts were; you were only offering him the towel, it was not an invitation for anything else.
His mental chastising paused from the moment your hands hooked on the waist of your shorts, pulling them down to reveal a bikini. A sexy snakeskin pattern in a mix of steel blue, black with speckles of white that hugged you like a second skin.
Bucky’s mouth fell open as you pulled off your shirt, revealing the matching top and he had to force his gaze away. His cheeks felt hot and with the shade of the umbrella he’s not sure he could use the sun as an excuse for his bright red face.
Sam caught the interaction, raising an eyebrow to Wanda as his mouth pulled into a deep smirk.
“Hey Bucky!” The sound of Sam’s unexpected voice startled Bucky, making him jump slightly as he whipped his head towards him. “What are you wearing man? Jeans? I hope you don’t have a speedo under them.”
Everyone laughed though the sound of your giggling made Bucky ripen like a tomato. With a shaky voice he dismissed Sam’s claim, wishing he had thought this day through and worn board shorts like everyone else.
“You’re not beach ready!” Sam said, crossing his broad, sculpted arms over his chest.
Frustrated by the sound of another innocent giggle that fell from your lips, Bucky pulled off his shirt tossing it aside. “Happy? I’m beach ready!”
The breath was pulled from your lungs leaving you unable to speak, think or do anything other than stare at Bucky. Your eyes scanned his muscular body up and down, as if he had been sculpted by the gods himself.
Your hands longed to touch every ab that was carved into his stomach and when your gaze continued lower you thought you might go feral. The deep cuts on his hips had your mouth watering and without realizing it your tongue had swept across your lips. It wasn’t until Bucky moved to sit down that your focus was broken.
“You look great,” you stated, clearing the nerves away from your throat. Bucky shrugged it off with a modest half smile, unable to fully embrace the compliment coming from you. “No really, I’m actually jealous. How the fuck do you have that body with all the pizza we’ve been eating?”
Your question made him laugh, wrinkling his nose as the smile spread across his face. The tension had eased although you were very aware of Bucky as you laid on the towel, trying not to stare at him like he was a piece of meat and you hadn’t eaten in weeks.
As Sam spoke about an ER case you were happily distracted, even though you were tempted to ogle Bucky every time he shifted beside you, cringing at the gory details. The hours passed quickly as you laid out, relaxing or talking with Peggy as Natasha, Wanda and Sam went into the water. Bucky sat beside Steve and Clint, the three of them laughing at their conversation.
Peggy spoke in a low whisper, “After the way you looked at him today I don’t think you can fool yourself much longer.”
You didn’t respond because there wasn’t much to say. Peggy saw the look in your eyes, the admission of what you both knew was true and the fear that came along with having feelings for him, knowing it wouldn’t go anywhere.
“Anyone want food? I’m gonna get more hot dogs,” Clint said, wiping sand from the back of his shorts as he stood up.
Both your heads shook and he left just as Natasha was coming back. She pulled out another towel to wrap around herself, “He’s getting food?” she asked despite knowing the answer.
Wanda and Sam returned hand in hand, drying off in the still very warm sun and asking about what everyone wanted to do afterwards.
“I’ve never been on the Cyclone before,” Peggy said, looking at Steve as they both silently recalled the story he told her about throwing up after going on it as a kid.
By the time Clint returned he had already eaten the hot dogs he bought, feigning shock to see everyone packing up. Bucky put his shirt back on, slightly wrinkled from the way he tossed it into your bag, and he caught your gaze as you were slipping on your shorts.
He looked away, lifting the towel and shaking the sand off of it. You helped him fold it up to place back in your bag and Bucky kindly removed both pairs of sneakers to avoid an uncomfortable mess.
When you made it to the Boardwalk you leaned against the railing, wiping sand from the bottom of your feet before putting on your shoes. Bucky did the same though he could still feel grains of uncomfortable sand in his socks.
Natasha and Wanda needed to change so you followed them to the bathroom to use it as everyone else waited. By the time you reached the Cyclone you were paired off to sit with Bucky again, not that you minded.
“Hold up,” Sam began, lifting his hand towards Clint, “You’re okay to ride a rollercoaster after eating but not the swinging ferris wheel?”
Clint nodded as he shrugged in response, not knowing how to explain why. Sam rolled his eyes, sharing a confused look with Wanda. They made sure to sit in the back to be far enough behind Clint, just in case.
You and Bucky were cramped together in the padded leather seats of the historic coaster; packed in like sardines and secured even tighter as the lap bar came down.
“It’s squishing my thighs,” Bucky winced, laughing as the ride began; a sharp right turn before the rickety chain began pulling the car up the hill.
Your hands were both in the air as you went down the first drop but quickly you dropped them, holding on to the padded lap bar because despite having no room to move every forceful turn had you pushing against each other.
Screams were present throughout the ride as the coaster went down steep hills and hard turns and in the end you turned towards Bucky, laughing in the pit of your stomach as you saw his hair, loose and wildly covering his face.
He combed through it with his fingers, taming it as best as he could before trying to get himself out of the seat. Once he was free he held a hand out for you to take and that’s when you felt the ache in your thighs. You hissed as you rubbed them, feeling how sore they were from the rough ride.
“Maybe Bucky could rub them for you,” Natasha whispered in your ear as she passed by, laughing, hand in hand with Clint who, defying all laws, did not throw up.
You rolled your eyes and continued to walk, a little painfully as you were still feeling the dull throb from your legs. Passing a few carnival games Steve and Sam eyed each other, their friendly competitive nature carried over from their workouts to now see who could win the bigger prize for their girl.
“Sam, I’m serious, I don’t want a giant teddy bear,” Wanda insisted but Sam couldn’t hear her.
His focus was on the best spot to aim to knock over the six tin cans. He licked his lips, a confident smile spreading across his face. Winding his arm back he let go, leaving all but one can standing.
“Let me show you how it’s done Sammy,” Steve said with swagger, as he paid for his game.
Peggy and Wanda shared a look as she also expressed no interest in a four foot bear. “Honestly, my apartment is small. I can’t have a massive bear taking up space.”
Thankfully Steve’s aim was no better, leaving two cans standing.
“Oh look at that. All those muscles and you can’t knock down more cans than me. Looks like I should be the Captain now,” Sam snickered.
You and Bucky opted for a much more friendly competition playing alongside Clint and Natasha in the water gun game. The four of you sat down on the padded stools, paying for your game and waiting for the round to begin as more people joined. Beside you a small child sat on his knees on the stool, as his mother held onto him and told him what to aim for.
Grabbing the gun you tried to position it towards the target in advance, ignoring Bucky’s comments about how he has the aim of a sniper so he always wins. At the sound of the bell the water turned on and you were an inch off from the center of the target, quickly adjusting and hoping there was some chance you could still win. The prize didn’t matter, but bragging rights certainly did.
“Number eight’s a winner!” the employee resounded.
To your left you saw Bucky’s wide “I told you so” smile, written across his face that now glowed with the flashing blue light above his winning station. Another sound made you turn your head though, the kid next to you that burst out into tears after losing. Your gaze softened as you watched his mother try to comfort him as the employee asked Bucky what color dinosaur plush he would like as his prize.
“Hey buddy,” Bucky said, ignoring the employee for a moment as he knelt down beside the crying child. “Which color’s your favorite?”
With a few sniffles he lifted his head up, tiny curled hands wiping away his tears as he asked for the purple dinosaur. Bucky proudly handed over the plush toy to the now smiling kid, accepting his mother’s thanks as they walked away.
Your heart was swelling with warmth and when Bucky turned around he was met with a soft smile you couldn’t hide. He turned away smiling, trying to hide the dusting of pink he felt forming on his cheeks.
With everyone feeling a little hungry now you followed Steve who knew about a good place a few blocks away. Walking beside Bucky your fingers brushed against his every so lightly making goosebumps ripple up your arm. You wanted to take his hand, lace your fingers together as a small sign to let him know how you felt but you were too scared.
Steve brought you to a small Mexican place that had an enclosed patio, with good music blasting and brightly colored margaritas that everyone around you seemed to have. The guys pushed two circular tables together so you could all sit, looking over the menu of food which you were hungry for but more importantly drinks that you hoped would give you the courage to grab Bucky’s hand.
Your table was with the girls though Bucky was still beside you, squeezing into the other table next to Steve.
“Mmmm nachos, and ohh tacos… I feel like I haven’t eaten in forever. I want them all,” you joked, reading over the menu.
With food on the table and a strawberry margarita in hand you felt great. Today may have been hot and crowded but it was a perfect day spent with your friends.
Natasha stood up, trying to angle a selfie with everyone in it meaning you had to lean back towards Bucky and after your drink you were a little looser, tipping your head backwards to smile at him. Bucky laughed, smiling back at you before Natasha said she was ready.
Bucky moved in closer, resting his chin on your shoulder, his long hair tickled your neck which made you giggle just as Natasha took the picture. He lingered there for longer than he should have before he sat up straight, ignoring the way Sam looked at him.
Somehow everything felt right. Tonight was the night you were going to let Bucky know how you felt. Your hand slowly inched closer to Bucky’s, reaching out for his left hand resting on his thigh. All you had to do was touch it, a light caress by your fingers, just enough to let him know there’s something you want to say without saying it yet.
The high pitched voice of a woman calling out to him made your arm jerk back into the safety of your lap.
Bucky turned to see a woman he unfortunately recognized. Whitney, a bartender he had gone on a date with two months ago and ghosted afterwards. She was nice but there weren’t any sparks. He slept with her anyway, regretfully.
With her head cocked to the side and hands on her hips she smirked as she replied. “You were supposed to text me back!”
“Yeah, sorry about that…” Bucky lied.
“That’s not very nice.” She pouted, playfully swatting at his chest. “And after that night we had!”
Bucky forced a tight smile as he looked past her in the hope that she had friends waiting for her. Whitney continued to flirt, at least that’s what Bucky thought by the sound of her voice, the way she purred her words to him even though he wasn’t paying any attention.
Relief flashed in his eyes when another girl stumbled her way towards them, lacing her arm through Whitney’s to pull her away. Bucky had never been happier to see a drunken mess, because this one was saving him from dealing with her.
“Text me sometime, okay Bucky?” Whitney cooed.
“Uh yeah yeah, sure. It was nice seeing you.” Bucky responded quickly, barely hearing what she had even said.
Before he could turn to sit back down Whitney grabbed him by the collar and pressed her lips against his. You turned away, finding solace in your drink, avoiding eye contact with everyone.
Bucky contemplated if wiping his lips would be too childish even if it’s what he honestly felt like doing. He sat down again, embarrassed that everyone had to witness that.
“So…” Sam began, breaking the ice, “Another hook up huh?”
“What? No. I… No that’s nothing going to happen. Not with her.”
Sam scoffed. “Oh so some other girl then? Have you ever tried actually dating one person?”
Steve blinked a few times at Sam’s candid question even if he agreed with the sentiment. After all this time he still didn’t understand why Bucky was so averse to dating.
“It’s just that…” Bucky started before he let out a grunting sigh.
From the corner of his eye Bucky saw your head turn ever so slightly to listen in. His cheeks began to match your margarita and he knew he couldn’t answer Steve honestly, not when he wanted to have this conversation with you in private. He hates the reputation he’s built up for himself, desperately wanting to be the great boyfriend you once thought he could be.
Bucky shrugged off the question, taking a sip of his drink instead. When his glass hits the table he looks towards you and your eyes meet for a second. His smile seems fake and you know why. He’s holding back from answering the truth because you know he probably wants to have an explicit conversation about all the girls he’s fucked, bragging about every dirty detail to the guys but he can’t because you’re there.
The rest of the night was a blur as all you could think about was how to let go of your feelings because you could never be in a relationship with Bucky.
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