#it deserved better execution
aphantimes · 1 year
i love the end actually it's so so fascinating
just thinking about how it immediately introduces itself as the arbiter of order.... it being a representation of death, its goal being to instill "peace" by annihilating all life....
like. ok. if it is "order", is "death", then that would mean chaos is life, right? its antithesis. the emeralds. sources of great catastrophes, but also grand miracles. they are equal parts beautiful and terrifying. they are life. life is messy, is painful, is unpredictable, it evolves and changes and grows. death is nothingness. the absence of all sensation, of all emotion. stagnation. none of the bad, but at the cost of all of the good. technically, "peace".
the end refers to itself as one of the living. i think, if it were to succeed in wiping out all life, it would then willingly destroy itself. it wholly believes in what it says. it isn't evil for the sake of being evil, from its perspective it's a saviour. doing what it sees as "necessary".
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opheliapurple · 1 month
The juxtaposition of Louis’ monologues on Claudia and the actual scenes with Claudia are so funny to me.
Louis: she was an obsessive whirlwind
Claudia: let’s spend more than .05% of our immortal lives looking for and researching our own kind.
Louis: there was nothing in her but feverish fixation
Claudia: omfg Louis uncurl from your ball of depression we have shit to do.
Louis: she was a perfect killer, forever teetering on the edge of madness
Claudia: *possesses the ability to eat people without writing tearful poetry about it*
Louis: she was mercurial- always abandoning me to chase her desires :(
Claudia: I hate your boyfriends
Louis: she was never satisfied, and rebelled and suspected Armand and the coven
Louis: god I feel so responsible for her- even for the bad stuff that happens her- it’s such a burden
Claudia: you told your boyfriend we did WHAT on your second date???
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shroommush · 3 months
Sir charles, youre king to us, even if your kingdom rejected you
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i have a fic need that needs to be fulfilled and it's just sirius post-azkaban in ootp locked up in number twelve and his memory is damaged and he only remembers the worst of the worst so he just . pensieve-s it and pulls his worst memories out because he doesnt want to be burdened by them . and then harry finds them and takes a dip. and it's just all very horrifying yk because its really the worst of the worst and it's all happened in number twelve . and sirius doesn't find out and the next time harry sees sirius sirius is just doing the crossword on the dining table and he just thinks to sirius' memories where he's being punished on the exact same spot where he's sitting and just bursting into tears but he cant tell sirius because sirius didnt need to be reminded of that
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rowsandrowsofnothing · 5 months
It really be your own people that make you realize you’re a Taylor Kelly defender
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What are your opinions on more „popular“ salt takes about Adrien and Mari, like the typical „Adrichat is an ass for for flirting with LB after she rejects him“ and „Maribug us a horrible stalker“?
Well, I'd be lying if I said that I have no idea where they're coming from. There are definitely times when I'll watch an episode and wonder what in the world the writers are trying to do, especially when it comes to Adrien's behavior as it's played a lot more straight than Marinette's. While I don't like her behavior at times, it's almost always treated as a joke, not a dramatic character beat whereas I cannot say the same for Adrien.
But these are characters in a TV show, not real people and we need to keep that in mind when judging them. It's why my go-to thought is "what is wrong with the writing staff" and not "Adrien is an incel." Because Adrien is very clearly not supposed to be an incel. Unless the writers are plotting something truly asinine, the Love Square is our end game couple. We are supposed to view Adrien as a charming and funny romantic lead. When he falls short of that role, it's not Adrien "showing his true colors." He's a fictional character. He has no true colors. If his actions and words are ever unbecoming for a romantic lead, it's because the writers are failing to write Adrien the way they want us to see him.
They consistently do this to all of the characters. Alya's supposed to be an awesome friend and a smart journalist (I think), but she can't see through Lila's BS. Marinette's parents are supposed to be loving and supportive, but they randomly believed that their daughter stole from their bakery to make a dress and didn't even try to let her explain herself. Nino is supposed to be the Chosen of Protection, but he didn't care to protect his best friend and just happily sent Gabriel on a rampage without a second thought.
Give me a character and I can point to a bunch of episodes that justify every salty take this fandom has because they're not pulling this stuff from thin air. They're picking and choosing the worst writing in the show and venting about it, which is frankly understandable. Like I get why there are so many Alya salt fics. Her writing in the Lila episodes is infuriating and I do find those fics a little cathartic at times. But it's really, really obvious that she's not supposed to be a terrible friend. She's a victim of the writers drawing the Lila plot line out for far too long and making Lila's lies far too obvious.
Similarly, a lot of the issues with Adrien and Marinette stem from the fact that you simply can't draw a romance plot out for five seasons without causing issues unless you make the romance a background plot. But they didn't do that. The love square is front and center for most episodes, but since it can't actually resolve, the writers keep adding drama that makes our leads feel horribly unhealthy.
On the Marinette side, her not being able to talk to Adrien was fine as an initial issue, but we are five seasons into this show. Over 100 episodes! You reach a point where it stops being cute and starts being concerning. It's also not helped by the fact that Marinette's crush is written like a celebrity crush and not a crush on someone she actually knows. Daily exposure to Adrien should mellow her out. Especially since he's supposed to be her friend! But if the writers let Marinette talk to Adrien, then they'd grow closer and might feel like they had to get together, so they couldn't let that. Thus Marinette being a disaster for four seasons and the terrible shoehorned plot to try and justify it in season five.
On the Adrien side, they let Chat Noir confess too soon. Prior to that, the Ladynoir relationship was a playful one where it was feasible that Ladybug just viewed her kitty as a massive flirt. This was especially true since he flirts with everyone. But once she knew that he was serious? The playfulness vanished and Chat Noir started coming across as entitled and pushy. It didn't help that they had him ignoring her preferences ("Don't call me Bugaboo") and getting them in trouble by not taking his job seriously (his flirting getting them hit in Oblivio).
In summary, the love square should have been resolved much sooner or been relegated to a b plot that got far less attention. I also would have reversed the square since it makes for a far more interesting story that you can organically draw out longer, but that's just me. I don't have any issue with people ignoring the canon problems and just writing Adrien and Marinette as the cute couple that they were obviously intended to be. I also enjoy fics that treat Adrien's pushiness as a character flaw that can be resolved because that's what canon should have done. His issues aren't the mark of a terrible person. They're the understandable flaws of a teenager who is in love for the first time and doesn't know how to express himself. If a show would actually address this kind of common tween/teen issue, then a lot of kids would get an incredibly valuable lesson that would help them when they grow up and fall in love. If you're ever watching Miraculous with a kid, I strongly encourage you to approach Adrien's character from that perspective. Talk about why his actions are understandable, but ultimately wrong and more likely to push someone away than win their heart just like we see with Ladybug.
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bibibbon · 2 months
Chap 429 made me realize I can't stand Class 1A anymore, I like individual students like Tokoyami but as a whole I can't stand them. Their bond is so artificial especially when none of them gave any concern about Izuku's well-being throughout the first year and took Bakuhoe's word immediately. Plus, they are mostly flakes riding off of Izuku's heroism and hard work during the Villain Hunt arc. None of them doing were jackshit about the criminals including "Symbol of Victory" Bakuturd until they remember that Izuku exists. The fact that Hori never lets the students addresses or think about Izuku's quirkless nature after the OFA reveal is something I will never forgive Hori for.
Hori tries so hard to glaze them as this unbreakable team of heroes, but he cheats using plot armor and plot contrivances to make his point seem valid but most of these kids would be dead if the villains were allowed to kill them instead of Hori holding them back with puppet strings. I hate to sound deranged but if some of the students had actually died during the first battle then I could see 1-A actually building a bond and realizing how precious life is and the dangers of being a hero then their concern for Izuku's well-being would seem more valid after all of the other crap they were ignoring about.
Lastly, I hate that damn poem that Hori claims was the inspiration for Deku because it feels like an excuse to justify his narrative abuse of Izuku and deny him any moment of confidence or pride in his achievements. This was supposed to be the story of the Greatest Hero not Class 1-A nobodies. Meanwhile he is too busy celebrating Bakuhoe's moments for during the bare minimum and fans on reddit and elsewhere eat up like its pure cinema or something.
Fair enough it's not that I actually hate class 1A but for some reason I can't simply believe that their dynamic is one of a little happy found family. I just can't and its probably because there's too many characters and we don't get the screentime needed for them to develop such a dynamic.
That is to say I don't hate class 1A like I love the individual characters like tokoyami, iida, jiro and I even love the little groups they have or at least the potential that was in those groups and dynamics.
It doesn't help that it's class 1A that gets the whole we are all heroes thing and the whole we will be there for you Izuku in the vigilante arc. I don't know it falls flat and becomes underwhelming simply because their dynamic isn't well built neither is it well developed. Also them saying they care for izuku seems like it's quite difficult to believe considering that we haven't seen them voice concerns over Izuku's injuries or even visit him during the first war arc when he was in a coma but maybe that's me saying too much because they were in a war and everyone was busy with stuff and trauma.
When it comes to the whole thing with bakugo I personally think that he was supposed to be a minor character for izuku to surpass but him being Izuku's symbol of victory and all of that shows us exactly that izuku hasn't DEVELOPED AT ALL IN THE SERIES!! izuku has continually been an incredibly static character and the ending shows that. Izuku still thought of OFA as a gift from all might instead of his own quirk, he literally never understood the wrongs of the hero system and he never stops viewing all might as this big hero who does so much. Like ugh this could of been things that izuku develops from and becomes a better person but I guess not.
Realistically many 1A members should either be
1) expelled (how is mineta and bakugo still there)
2) dropped out (Iam sorry you're telling me all of these kids parents let them contribute in this bs like are your parents that bad)
3) dead (you're telling me in a field of naive and not properly trained first years none of them have died really?!?!)
These factors would definitely make 1A closer to eachother and would show that they would care a lot more because of what they experienced and what they might blame themselves for what happend previously and it would be realistic/make sense within the series.
Also less 1A members would show just how competitive and tiring the hero course can be (proving aizawas words right) and it would also make the characters big moments that hori gave them have more actual suspense and impact within the narrative and plot.
I have mixed feelings about the poem and the post "the uselessness of izuku midoriya" while I do think it's a good post that shines a different perspective onto things Iam also just not a fan of the concept. I suppose it's because I don't think MHA was built in a way where it's story is a tragedy, like I don't believe tragedy suits the plot of MHA especially when it's not being treated as one.
However, I do think that it could be used as something that izuku starts with at the beginning and then develops into something much more. I think that having izuku choose the name deku and then developing into the name deriku would be fitting just how I would of liked for him to develop from someone whose acknowledgements and influence aren't recognised to someone whose achievements are recognised but not overly praised or anything of the sort something like having him be somewhat of a myth someone whose influence is known but works in the shadows (not literally) but he isn't directly known and isn't like all might. Ugh I don't know how to word it but I hope you understand. I suppose the closest example I can think of is Kim dojka (minus the angst)
(for context this is the poem I assume you're talking about)
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I suppose this maybe better phrasing to what I was trying to say last paragraph.👇
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gwandas · 4 months
I always giggle when i see certain takes defending ACOSF/Nessian like:
"Nesta was groomed to marry a prince and that's why rejecting Eris for Cassian is powerful"
"The stairs are symbolic to her recovery which is why it means so much when she finally makes it all the way down"
"The hike was about helping Nesta learn to love herself"
"Cassian saw Nesta's fighting spirit and honed her into a weapon. She channeled her anger through training instead of words"
etc. etc. you get it
You people seem to be under the impression that we don't understand what SJM was going for. These can barely even be considered interpretations as opposed to being outright truths in the text. Her "symbolism" and "arcs" may as well be bashed over our heads with a hammer for how subtle they are.
I don't know how else to tell you that you can form your own opinion on a book. You actually don't have to take the author's intentions at face value. Especially if the book itself is terribly written.
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 1 year
Satoru lost his top twice 😔 first Suguru and now this
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nesiacha · 2 months
On this day of 10 Thermidor :rest in peace Robespierre Maximilien, Couthon Georges, Lavalette Jean Louis Baptiste, Hanriot François,Saint-Just Antoine, Payan Claude-François,Vivier Nicolas Joseph,Gobeau Adrien-Nicolas,Lescot-Fleuriot, Augustin-Bon- Joseph Robespierre, Jacques-Claude Bernard , Antoine Gency, Simon Antoine, Denis-Etienne Laurent, Jacques-Louis Frédéric Warme, Jean-Etienne Forestier, Nicolas Guerin, Jean-Baptiste-Mathieu Dhazard, Christophe Cochefer, Charles-Jacques-Mathieu Bougon and Jean-Marie Quenet.
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
I don’t care if the end of the manga implied Thistle died or whatever. No he didn’t. He’s still there just in his vegetable arc and he’s gonna GET BETTER!!!!
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
Netflix ATLA could make Azula a four-hundred foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings and I'd still watch it as long as they continue to keep Bryke away from Katara
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HALT AND CATCH FIRE (2014-2017) 2x01//
PAPER GIRLS (2022) 1x02
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Slightly related: in pretty recent dc canon, Slade and Talia do have a biological test tube baby together. his name is Respawn. I think neither Talia nor Slade knew about him though bc it was all Ra's al Ghul fuckery ?
Yeah Respawn, that poor little thing. You're correct, neither Talia nor Slade knew anything about him. - it's one of those thing where Ra's al Ghul goes "brilliant mastermind is 600+ year old and instead of doing anything which makes a lick of sense with his centuries of hindsight and experience of the world, he obsesses over people's genes".
Basically he spliced Talia's DNA with Slade's to replicate whatever gave him his meta-abilities, and since DC can't decide if Slade's abilities derive from his meta-gene, from the serum he was given or from both (hell, they barely can decide if Slade's hair is white because of the serum or because man's old), everything makes so little sense that somehow what Ra's al Ghul does ends up working, and he manages to create this test tube baby who indeed has both Talia and Slade's DNA, and the latter's meta-abilities.
But instead of doing anything meaningful with this kid, he keeps him locked up and tortures him (?), or uses him to get organs when Damian needs them (???), and doesn't even give him a name. Respawn picks out his own nickname, and he survives only because his healing factor keeps him alive despite all of the above, and somehow he also stays sane despite the years of isolation and hardcore physical abuse.
At some point he manages to run away and connect with Slade, and Slade *immediately* (and I mean after barely batting an eye) decides that this is his son and he will cherish him and protect him. And of course a couple of issues later Respawn gets brutally murdered right before Slade's eyes, because DC art directors are so competent and the only development they could think of was that of re-traumatizing Slade in the exact same way as it already happened with Grant (and with Joseph pre-reboot), making him lose a child brutally and by failing to protect him. Right before his eyes.
And so they also wasted a perfectly good character (Respawn I mean) which could have had an amazing plotline both with Slade and Rose & by himself, and a lot of potential for future development, just because they wanted the quick and easy drama of "child gets tortured for all his brief life for absolutely no reason, finally finds someone that wants to take care of him and dies a horrible death".
You can tell it didn't really work because not many people even know that Respawn exist, and those who know didn't get the time to truly grow fond of him since he's there for such a short time. And I bet you can also tell I'm pissed about it.
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mariocki · 3 months
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The Forgotten (Don't Look in the Basement, 1973)
"Perhaps I shouldn't have come here at all."
"I don't think there's any point in our talking about your leaving, Miss Beale. You forget, you were very anxious to take this job. I made special provisions for you to be here."
"I realise that, but I don't know what to do!"
"I'm the doctor and you're the nurse, and what I do decides what you will do!"
#the forgotten#don't look in the basement#blood tw#horror film#american cinema#video nasty#s.f. brownrigg#tim pope#rosie holotik#bill mcghee#annabelle weenick#gene ross#betty chandler#harryette warren#jessie lee fulton#robert dracup#michael harvey#jessie kirby#hugh feagin#camilla carr#rhea macadams#properly dingy DIY horror filmmaking. when you consider this was just the year before Texas Chain Saw Massacre‚ the gulf in ability and#execution between two contemporary indie horror shockers that both ended up on the video nasty list is.. staggering really#pretty clearly shot on short ends‚ this suffers badly from just what a budget production it is; real shoddy cheapo hours here‚ and it#bleeds through in every scene and in every aspect of this film. an obvious plot and a plodding script do nothing to help and honestly this#is low grade stuff but if it has one saving grace it's the spirited performances of an almost entirely unknown cast. these actors are#giving it everything and honestly they deserved a better project to be a part of: Holotik is a little shaky at first but comes into her own#during the frantic madness of the final act‚ McGhee manages to make something genuinely likeable and sympathetic of a potentially very#tactless role as a victim of lobotomy; most of all it's Gene Ross as the disturbed Judge‚ whose desperate struggle with his own repressed#humanity and discomfort with human interaction is actually beautifully played in a series of affecting moments
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inkymari · 3 months
Halona Walker: Dark States girl from USA who served as a side character and contributor to a w+D s1 character's development (affectionate)
Sophie Belle: Dark States girl from USA who served as a side character and contributor to a w+D s1 character's development (derogatory)
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