#paraphrasing but yea
aphantimes · 11 months
i love the end actually it's so so fascinating
just thinking about how it immediately introduces itself as the arbiter of order.... it being a representation of death, its goal being to instill "peace" by annihilating all life....
like. ok. if it is "order", is "death", then that would mean chaos is life, right? its antithesis. the emeralds. sources of great catastrophes, but also grand miracles. they are equal parts beautiful and terrifying. they are life. life is messy, is painful, is unpredictable, it evolves and changes and grows. death is nothingness. the absence of all sensation, of all emotion. stagnation. none of the bad, but at the cost of all of the good. technically, "peace".
the end refers to itself as one of the living. i think, if it were to succeed in wiping out all life, it would then willingly destroy itself. it wholly believes in what it says. it isn't evil for the sake of being evil, from its perspective it's a saviour. doing what it sees as "necessary".
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st4rry-fruitz · 1 year
bbh: "you said forever gave up romance right? well i think romance is like an integral part of the human experience... so i think he should reconsider"
Y'all i dont think it was the hair.........
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hotboiessek · 1 year
just remembered the session with kashaw and zahra when vax learns the troubling news that some people are not bi and he took the news like a champ by drunkenly locking himself in a closet 
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toytulini · 1 year
paraphrasing this from Fathoms Deep, A Black Sails Podcast: "an offshoot effect of Flint's emotional manipulation that he does to people all the time having a trend of helping people widen their world and find new versions of themselves that are grander and larger and more powerful and possibly more, personally fulfilling"
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orcelito · 1 year
love how my unnecessarily verbose nature is coming out full force tonight via me talking about myself thru polls. meanwhile during manager meeting i was just stumbling over my words BAD bc im tired. thankfully they didnt comment on it slkdjflskdjf i was just thinking to myself 'get ur act TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!'
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sol-flo · 2 years
we're hiring! here at [redacted] we receive thousands of people from all over the world, every day! which is why we're looking for people who speak multiple languages, and are always ready to be unhelpful and insensitive!
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wordholic · 2 years
nothing on my mind except “i promised no more poetry / you are still the first person i want to share new things with” and “throw myself mouth open into the ocean for the chance to drown somewhere you can see it” and “i am afraid i’ll love you forever and we will never be in the same room again” and “love i realized is something your spine memorizes” and “it doesn’t always have to hurt but it always hurts me” and “i promise i will try to stay on my side of the couch” and “i wish i never figured it out that i love you it’s only been a torment” and “i just can’t say it out loud” and “i swear three blocks away they can smell the smoke”
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gorteaus · 2 years
Apart from being an appreciated, though however brief touchup on the concept of altruism as a type of behavior not purely exclusive to humanity (an analysis for another day) I truly think that Youpi may be an initial spin on the “powerful nen user with impeccable intellect” trend.
Within the world of hxh, every nen user worth their salt has been incredibly intelligent and demonstrative of the fact that they have at least more than a couple brain cells to rub together; from Kurapika to the adult Zoldycks to the Phantom Troupe and Genthru, the list goes on. Pitou and Pouf and Meruem as well, follow along this line, with the sole exception to their family being Youpi.
And sure; every skillful nen user has been shown to possess their own varying levels of wit, but Youpi is perhaps the first in a long line of users who’s been demonstrably shown to be straight up dumb. Like, can’t-tell-the-difference-between-Pouf-and-Pitou’s-en-type dumb. His opponents (Knuckle and Morel) even call him out on this to his face.
I once again point out the apparent with this neatly falling in line with his personality being a direct contrast to Pouf and Pitou’s for the first half of the arc (y’know, before he goes batshit berserk with rage). Both are scheming and calculative whereas Youpi sits around all day and must ask questions in order to get answers. He receives information painfully at face value and his thought process is consistently linear and straightforward in a world where being quick witted can mean a difference between life and death. He is only able to survive as long as he does, in part due to the fact that the title of “royal guard” actually meant a little bit of something in his particular situation, and that sometimes strategy is moot in the face of raw power. In spite of this, his circumstances end up forcing him to seek new tactics and adapting when push comes to shove.
If I'm able to say that Togashi’s divergence from the overpowering, scheming mastermind in this instance is played particularly well or interesting? Hard to say, especially when we weren't given enough time with the royal guard (I say this as I am biased), but I find his evolution and progress as someone who could hardly be trusted to tell his right from his left or tie his own shoes (if he ever wore them) to a character fully capable of deducing Meleoron’s ability and keeping his calm whilst doling out instructions to Pouf in a dire situation as something really charming.
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swagstar · 1 year
yesterday i was thinking about a tldr to the prisma info megapost i have in my drafts and i don't remember much but the last sentence was "and 10 years later im going insane about her - wiki empty, nothing archived. what's there not to love."
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
Being in love. Feels kinda unpleasant.
-My wife, everyone
XD ily babe
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biprotagz · 2 years
"virginia woolf should be proud of the 21st century girlies out here writing smut for the online masses."
- me in my english summer reading homework
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
"Ur like me u don't understand love" aro franken stein so true <3 (also him being 2 in2 violence n dismembering/researching n caring v little 4 other humans unless researching them 2 care abt smth like 'love')
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svtskneecaps · 7 months
ETOILES LEAVING A RESPONSE FOR THE RESISTANCE MORE OR LESS LIKE "yea i can get Felipe Minecraft to join us! i'll ask him on discord i mean he follows me on instagram too" (paraphrased) AND THEN CLOSING THE BOOK LIKE 😎 "I DO RP" AND THEN GIGGLING
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violet-lavender-fem · 3 months
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
so i’m 1 minute and 16 seconds into the video and this man is saying that the fact jkr is expressing shock in the first tweet is due to the nazis burning books abt sex reassignment / gender
and not due to being basically called a nazi for being a feminist
let’s continue shall we
okay 5 minutes in and he still hasn’t proven that she was denying nazi book burning and not just ,, balking at being called a nazi, which is a serious fucking accusation
no sir (5:30) the “only good faith reading” of this tweet isn’t that she’s ignorant it’s that she’s taking offense to someone saying she follows nazi beliefs
(6:28) being opposed to the medical experimentation being performed on gnc people is not “being aligned with nazis” it’s called a nuanced issue that people come to separate conclusions on for different reasons. feminists are anti-porn bc we see it as rape on tape. conservatives hate porn bc they think women should never have sex. vaguely similar conclusions, completely different motivations and arguments.
(7:12) simply calling lgb alliance an “anti trans lobbying group” is a bit disingenuous lol
(7:59) y’all are abt to downplay eugenics and sexual inversion theory aren’t u
(8:35) yep
(8:52) still haven’t convinced me she said the book burning never happened
(9:45) a quick dig at the guy’s appearance, great, totally normal
(10:16) has this man never heard of paraphrasing as a way of making a statement more concise. jesus fucking christ
(10:30) ok the smallest possible acquiescence to paraphrasing as a concept
(12:00) yea he was definitely racist and a eugenicist :/ we’re not gonna dwell on that tho <3
(12:45) actually we’re actively going to downplay it <3 let’s just call him vaguely “problematic”
(13:32) or because he believed gay people were “born in the wrong body” — that lesbians were secretly part male (hence the searching for sperm), and the opposite for gay men
(14:09) so ur telling us what he ACTUALLY meant. like owowowoow it’s a dog whistle don’t listen i did all the thinking for u type shit
(14:51) is vaginoplasty not a form of sterilization. ur cutting the patient’s balls off aren’t u. so like. ? but i do concede to this one minor point.
(15:27) “yea he was a horrific torturing nazi. but like. not in the way u specifically said so this is all wrong.” so he was the guys coworker and he was a nazi doctor. just not this exact fucking way so it’s all moot??
(15:58) and now he’s directly comparing jkr to a real life nazi again. for making tweets he doesn’t like.
(16:40) STILL not convinced that she was referring to the book burnings as the fever dream
(17:17) THATS NOT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS THATS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO CONTINUE THE ARGUMENT AND FAILING BRUHHHHH sry someone pulled an argument out of their ass and jkr responded to that nonsense instead of the exact tweet u still seem to wanna talk abt. sorry conversations continue without u. someone ELSE shifted the goalposts FOR u.
quick timeline for ur benefit
> someone: ur basically a nazi
> jkr: what fever dream did u get that from
> someone else: yea trans ppl were literally the first victims of the nazis and every single piece of info on trans ppl was burned
> jkr: what
> someone ELSE: books on transsexuality were burned (something she didn’t deny, just put into historical context that y’all don’t like)
> jkr: are u not gonna mention the person that is doing actual holocaust revisionism here
> malcom: agreed?
(18:37) tweet didn’t say “this book burning was the first act against transsexuals” it said “trans ppl were the FIRST VICTIMS of the nazis” that’s u shifting the goalposts babygirl
(18:50) now ur claiming she said dora never died girl she wasn’t even brought UP in the CONVO
(19:21) but it is the view that this one specific person, whom jkr is specifically rebuking, holds
(19:47) girl this is what i’ve been saying this whole time. normal ppl don’t like when u call them nazis. they may even call ur logic a “fever dream.” weird huh
this is pissing me off fr how dare u call someone an actual nazi holocaust denier based on ur sickeningly bad-faith reading of their fucking TWEETS
(21:05) literally what ur doing right now
also can i point out that the reading of the tweets in such a pissy contemptuous tone of voice is of course going to make someone’s arguments sound stupid. half of ur “proof” here is her tone and what you think she’s saying, not her actual written words.
(21:31) nice actual nazi dog whistle
(21:33) i don’t trust eli erlick bc he is a rapist. he rapes fellow trans people. but carry on i guess.
(21:37) much of what ur referencing is compiled by someone who has raped trans people. great.
(21:50) transvestites are not the same as todays trans people. but carry on i guess.
this is wearing me out man
(24:47) yes absolutely visibly gender nonconforming people were persecuted and tortured and even murdered. a number of them likely experienced dysphoria and may have undergone surgery. does that mean all of those people would identify as transgender if they had that terminology? the citation continues to refer to these people as both transvestites and transgender, as if those are equivalent interchangeable terms. i don’t remember what source this is from. was this passage written by eli erlick, or by an actual holocaust historian?
(26:38) so now we’re actively equating the terms transvestite and transgender. this youtuber simply claimed that the two are the same without proof. i call presentism.
(28:47) gay men were referred to as homosexual. “Homosexuell” (“homosexual”) which is a direct synonym of gay. “transvestite” is not a direct synonym of transgender.
(29:16) miriam ezagui is an orthodox jew who describes her life and her jewishness. she has addressed the role of goblins in jkr’s works, saying that the history of them in folklore may be rooted in antisemitism, but jkr’s characters are goblins. not jews. she describes it better than i do idk find her account.
30 minutes in and we’re defining holocaust revisionism and denial. ok man
(31:32) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:43) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:46) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(32:27) yep
all done
not convinced. calling someone a holocaust denier is a serious accusation, and this entire video is all either actively choosing to believe she is saying something that she didn’t or taking offense at history being complicated and not fitting into your current worldview.
the nazis targeted jewish people, people of color, the romani, homosexual men, political dissidents, and people who were transvestites. likely more groups of people that i forgot to list. would some of those people identify as trans today? maybe. but you cannot decide that for them.
nazis committed disgusting atrocities at a scale that’s practically unimaginable. and to call a woman a nazi or a holocaust denier because of the way you read her tweets is sick.
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yourmidnightlover · 9 months
i just saw a tiktok of the i carly episode where carly is running away from the nerdy guy bc he kept trying to kiss her and now i’m thinking bucky.
like you’re steve’s sister and you’ve always been seen as the stereotypical “annoying younger sister” while you have the stereotypical “crush on your brothers best friend.” no biggie.
he would come over all the time, hang out, watch movies, spend the night, whatever. sometimes he even came over just because he’s board and waiting on steve to get back from one of his courses or something.
he was nice to you though, as much as he liked to agree with steve that you were a nuisance. the soft smiles he gave you proved otherwise.
sometimes he would even invite you to watch movies with them, going as far as to wrapping his arm around you if you got scared during a particularly gruesome halloween movie marathon.
but there’s one day in particular where your government professor demanded your project be worked on in pairs and this guy was very persistent in being your partner. as soon as it was announced to be partner work, he was turning to you and writing down his number. you didn’t really get a chance to say no to the guy.
you think his name was john? Lord knows.
so there you were, upstairs in your room, trying to get a game plan for this treacherous project. well, the project itself wouldn’t be treacherous, but working with john would be.
“okay, so they want us to map out the different circuits in the-“
“yea, yea whatever,” he cut you off as you began writing in your notebook, taking your pencil and the paper to set it aside. “we both know that’s not why i’m here.”
you waited a breath, “actually, that is why you’re here. that’s the only reason i even talked to you,” you shrugged with your brows pulled together in confusion.
as much as you try to be a nice person, this guy had practically forced you to partner with him and you’d be damned if he’s going to assume your own intentions.
“sure it is,” he inched closer to you, his hand trailing up to your cheek before you got up from your chair and pushed him away by nudging his chest.
“woah there, buddy boy,” you scoffed as you backed away from him. “i dunno what signals you misread here, but i’m not into-“
“i’m not misreading anything,” he shook his head as he stepped closer to you. “i get it though; you wanna play hard to get. it’s cute, really.”
“i see,” he forced out a laugh. “this is a joke. not a very good one, but points for trying,” you gave him two thumbs up before pushing his chest once more with your fist. “now back away.”
he leaned in once more before you dodged out of his way, pushing him down and beelining for the door, screaming steve’s name in your wake.
“steve! stevie! he’s trying to kiss me!” you continued as you finally made your way to the living room where he and bucky typically resided.
upon entrance, there was no steve to be seen, but you heard johns footsteps following not too far behind. bucky, however, was there. he was already on his feet, making his way towards you in your panting state.
“what’s goin’ on?” one of his hands went for your shoulder, the other going towards your waist. “breathe for me, doll.”
“he’s trying to shove his lips on my face and i don’t want that,” you dramatically paraphrased.
his face went stoic at your admission before he turned towards the incoming footsteps. john froze as his sight landed on bucky. you swore you heard an audible gulp as bucky approached him. you were sure from john’s perspective he had augmented himself to appear more threatening. not that bucky needed it, he had plenty of muscle that when paired with the right look, he could be easily intimidating.
“i didn’t-“ john cut himself off as bucky stood right before him. “i swear, i-“
“are you trying to say you didn’t try to kiss her?” he cut john off. “are you calling her a liar?” he barely towered over the pathetic man, but with the way john was cowering bucky had seemed five feet taller than him. “my princess isn’t a liar.”
“no! no, i-“ he threw his hands up in defense.
“i mean, i get she’s gorgeous, but that doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want with her,” bucky shoved his shoulder gently. “didn’t your ma’ ever teach you how to properly court a lady?”
“she-i’m sorry, man,” john panted out. “look, i didn’t know she was taken, like at all. i didn’t mean any-“
“i don’t care what you meant,” he swiftly grabbed his arm and turned john around, pinning it behind his back as he hissed out in pain. “i don’t ever want to see you so much as breathe near her again, got it?”
“yea-yes!” he nodded exaggeratedly. “i swear, man! i won’t be a problem!”
“good,” he used this time to usher him out the door, slamming it as soon as he turned back around.
“thank you, jamie,” you sighed as you plopped down on the coach where he had once resided. “i don’t even know why he thought he would be able to pull that off,” you scoffed as you shook your head, grabbing the remote and changing the channel.
“hey, i was watching a documentary!” he interrupted your thought process as he snatched the remote from your hands.
you chuckled lightly as you replayed the entire scene in your head. you kicked your feet up on the ottoman, trying to bite back a smile as you said, “so… you think i’m gorgeous, huh?”
he sighed as he plopped down beside you, his arm thrown on the back of the couch, “if you ever tell steve he’s gonna chop my head off.”
“well, as your princess, i can’t let that happen, can i?” you teased as you gently nudged his shoulder.
“look, that got him off your back, didn’t it?” his voice rose an entire octave as he threw his hands up in defense.
“he also thought i was taken,” you pointed out. “probably by you, might i add.”
“look, he got out of your hair, right?” you nodded. “then my job is done.”
“i’m just saying,” you sighed as you stared at the boring documentary he certainly was no longer focused on. “he’s probably gonna tell his friends. then they’re gonna tell their friends, and you get the point. meaning now everyone’s gonna think i’m taken by some strong, protective… guy.”
“what’s so bad about that?” he chuckled as he didn’t try at all to hide his little smile. “you don’t want people thinking i’m your strong, protective guy?”
“no, it’s just that-“
“sorry i’m late, buck!” steve rushed in the door.
you and bucky inched away from one another, which was odd. you weren’t doing anything, but it felt like you had crossed a line.
“debate went on so much longer this time, an argument broke out and then we had to recollect before final rebuttals and everything,” he rambled out as he plopped down in his favorite recliner. “so, how’re you guys doing?”
“fine,” bucky cut you off. “we’re fine. nothing eventful. nothing happened. nothing at all, really.”
he turned to you with a slight smirk before turning back to steve.
oh, this was gonna be fun.
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Terfs: cis woman don't experience gender euphoria from just existing as a woman. Like when we're experiencing periods, we don't have "feelings" of womanhood or having a soul that of a woman, and think "yay! I am a female!". I don't experience euphoria, I'm literally just existing. Etc etc.
Me, a cis woman: umm.... ???
This is paraphrasing but I legit saw a terf say something just like this earlier(can't remember the username because I ended up blocking them), but like. 😬😬
I mean I get that people aren't gonna like every aspect of their gender or whatever but like, can't cis people experience gender euphoria too? Like? You identify with the sex you were assigned at birth, and that doesn't give you euphoria? I don't get it.
Like I get gender euphoria and gender dysmorphia, etc etc is mostly a trans thing, so like they don't wanna be associated with anything trans. But, imagine being so miserable, that you think womanhood is about just suffering or something. Sorry for the mini rant, Idk if I'm making any sense here, but I hope you get it. 😅😅
Idk it just rubbed me the wrong way, like yea, people be just existing. Ya know, trans people be just existing too, they don't always have to have gender euphoria or whatever either I guess. People are people are people.
I would say cis women getting boob enlargements and cis men getting penis enlargements and any euphoria they get from that is a form of gender euphoria. I also think a cis woman looking at another woman and a cis man looking at another man, and thinking “I want to look like them” is a form of gender envy.
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