#Taylor deserved better
It really be your own people that make you realize you’re a Taylor Kelly defender
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afterplaidshirtdays · 6 months
This whole situation is so upsetting for everyone involved and the fact that it was completely preventable makes it worse.
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"If it's make-believe, why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?"
~ Taylor Swift (Guilty as Sin?) Pairing: Jegulus- Rating: T
"Are you sure this is real? That you can trust him? He is, well..." Evan trailed off, shrugging.
"He's a fucking Gryffindor," Barty finished. "A Gryffindor who probably thinks we're all bigoted creeps."
"Speak for yourself. I'm homophobic," Dorcas grinned.
"You're gay!" Barty retorted, looking thoroughly confused.
"Yeah. And I hate myself. And you lot," Dorcas laughed, sticking out her tongue.
But Regulus was far too busy contemplating Evan's question. He pictured James's eyes, so genuine and full of adoration, as he kissed Regulus and murmured, "I'd do anything for you, Regulus. I'm yours. I hope you know that."
"Actually..." he said softly, causing the others to look up. "I think this is pretty fucking real."
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cozy-the-overlord · 6 months
What upsets me so much is that Taylor (from the stage where you can’t see most of true people in the stadium and can only barely make out individual faces on the floor) was able to tell immediately that something was wrong to the point that she was stopping the show, telling security to get water to fans, having her personal team hand out water to fans when the stadium security wasn’t doing it, and literally throwing water bottles into the crowd mid song, and yet the security in the crowd whose only job was to protect the people there acted as though they saw nothing out of the ordinary. How was the performer on stage more aware of what was happening in the crowd and doing more to help them than the people literally in the crowd who were there to help? It’s just disgusting.
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daffodils-loverrs · 11 months
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Jackie Taylor (+ Shauna) | miscellaneous character study
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flappers and Philosophers
Carol Rifka Brunt, Tell the Wolves I'm Home
Leanna Firestone, Two Week Notice
Black Wing, Twinkling
Madison Beer, Good In Goodbye
a.j., vulnerability
Rainer Maria Rilke, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Caroline Polachek, Pang
Pablo Neruda, Tonight I Can Write (The Saddest Lines)
Taylor Swift, Fifteen
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levitatingbiscuits · 7 months
something so fucked up about shauna shipman is that she is still so obsessed with jackie taylor that she will recreate that toxic, one-sided jealousy and resentment with her own daughter. our introduction to shauna is a scene of her masturbating in callie's bed while staring at a picture of callie's boyfriend. the immediate parallels are unmistakable, because we also see her teen self fuck jeff later that episode. we both know that it was always more about taking something from jackie than any real love for jeff; now she's lusting after her daughter's underage boyfriend and secretly resenting callie in much the same way she secretly resented jackie and lusted after her boyfriend. she even mistook callie for jackie when she wore the same uniform a few episodes later.
as the first season progressed, we saw a lot of shauna's pretty chilling dislike of her own child. sure, callie's a little shit, but she's also a teen girl with deep-seated mommy issues. shauna is a woman in her 40s acting like the catty mean girl she never had the courage to be in high school. she talks shit about how much she doesn't like callie, she relishes in holding one over on her, she shows off the affair she's having with a hot younger man, she threatens callie's future, she manipulates her, and so on and so forth. she treats callie like she might have treated jackie, if the power dynamic were reversed.
and what's really heartbreaking is that callie, much like jackie, had no idea about this deep-seated jealousy and resentment. neither of them have the callousness nor the mean streak that shauna does. for jackie, shauna always mattered most; and we see how callie blooms under the attention and approval her mother gives her when she helps cover up her crimes in season two.
then shauna had the goat breakdown, and i realized that this is the closest thing to love she can give callie. she can't love her daughter the way she loved wilderness baby, can't open herself up to that kind of pain again. but she also can't help but love her child, so she recreated the only other comparable form of love she'd ever felt: her love for jackie, which is much more complicated and messy and cruel than a mother's love for her child.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
Not to be a bitch or anything but I feel like the marauders fandom is losing their flavor and sense of whimsy
Like maybe it's bc it was a new sparkling thing for me to enjoy but I feel like before I had stumbled into a room with everyone sitting in a circle with their monster high dolls out and like sharing clothes and they were like "hey have you seen these two guys in the Harry Potter movies? Yeah well they kiss now wanna play with us?" And then I went and sat down with them and it was all gravy and there were so many new characters to relate to and put in different scenarios and it was so fun bc like everyone was just like little bottom dwelling queers with raccoons as their role models like "actually so I think Sirius is genderfluid what do we think?" And the crowd went wild
and now its like all white characters with no flavor and people are like "guys James Potter is a swiftie" and "Taylor Swift wrote all the young dudes" and "Sirius black is manly and I hate the way you twinked him it's so unrealistic" and "Jily is the only acceptable ship bc jegulus nor regulily wouldn't have happened" and it's just like when the annoying kid in your class goes "no I'm tired of you guys they're my friend now" and then sits next to you and pretends to be asking you genuine questions all while glancing over at their friends and its like we spent all this time playing with our monster high dolls and diy-ing their outfits and made our doll houses out of shoeboxes and these guys come in here and start stomping on all our toys and bringing in their two story barbie house
Basically it used to feel like playing with monster high dolls with all my cool monster high doll friends and now I feel like everyone is playing with Barbies and I miss our MOTHER FREAKING CARDBOARD DOLL HOUSE
Anyways going to get back to writing rosekiller smut
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ravensmadreads · 28 days
Do you think when joel beat that guard to death in the first ep with his bare fists and turned around after, he maybe expected to see Sarah standing there? Like he flashed back to the very first scene and was like: this is it. i did it. i saved her! ;only to see Ellie, and that's why he was so mad at ellie for so long because she was the daughter that he saved, only he didnt really want to save her, he wanted to save sarah. And every time he saved Ellie, he thought maybe this'll bring sarah back, and maybe this would, and maybe this will, until he died and he was like Oh. This will.
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Swiftie Katara being a popular headcanon........Girl why would an indigineous girl listen to the aryan goddess of polution
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stareggie · 4 months
also this goes together already, idgaf.
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myfoodishappiness · 3 months
everyday i fall to my knees when i think about the gut-wrenching tragedy of shauna moulding herself into a life and identity that not even jackie would've wanted for herself if she had lived or if there had been no crash
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ryan-waddell11 · 6 months
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in a world of boys, he's a gentleman
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henrysfox · 8 days
okay but it can't be just me who thinks the vanity fair interview is a weird ass mess, everything from calling taylor a himbo????, reducing camila cabello to just a pop star (no matter anyone's personal opinion about her), mentioning bottoms where he played just a tiny little part, not mentioning rwrb (a really successful movie everyone loves), calling his projects "frothy"
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to just like straight up unfinished not grammatically correct sentences
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like... there is half of a sentence missing
can't they even proofread before posting an article lol
babygirl doesn't deserve this and neither do the costars mentioned in the article
like... the photoshoot is pretty, i wish this article had any quality, nick is so eloquent, but whoever wrote this article is just really bad at their job lmao
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"I choose you and me, religiously."
~ Taylor Swift (Guilty as Sin) Pairing: jegulus - Rating: T
"Your loyalty lies with the Dark Lord. All other ties must be severed. Your life belongs to Him, now. You face a fate worse than death, should you disobey."
Regulus sobs and screams as the Dark Mark pierces his skin.
"You loyalty is to the Order. You will attend all meetings, follow all orders, and swear allegiance to Dumbledore. You will pass on any and all information about He Who Must Not Be Named and his followers to the Order."
James sighs as he nods his head, shaking hands with Albus and leaving the room without a word.
"Does it hurt, baby?" James asks, fingers tracing lightly over Regulus's tattooed forearm.
Regulus, his face still tear-stained and his body shaking, murmurs, "S'not so bad, now you're here."
"I'm here, darling," James repeats, pulling the younger man close. "I'll never leave you."
"I'm so sorry, James, I tried-"
"Shhh," James murmurs, pressing a kiss on Regulus's clammy forehead. "It's alright. Just..." he takes a breath and looks Regulus in the eyes. "Don't be in Knockturn on the 3rd, yeah?"
Shifting in James's lap, Regulus nods before answering, "Don't be in Diagon on the tenth."
The silence between them is palpable as the reality hits.
"We’ll get through this, love," James murmurs, pulling Regulus close again. "I'll always choose you. You know that."
Thanks, @starchasersunseeker and @beautyoftheships!
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lelliefant · 1 year
If you want to know why the Loki fandom has drifted away, just look at what Disney/Marvel did to him.
He was incredibly powerful—they made him weak and helpless.
He was smarter than everyone else—they made him a fool.
He was a prince—they made him a corporate office drone. They literally put him in a cubicle.
Loki was an alien—they made him an ordinary guy.
He was flamboyant and colorful—they put him in beige. They actually made him act as if he was excited to wear a beige uniform.
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The real Loki would never have tolerated a uniform of any sort, much less something so bland. He was never a soldier or a cog in the wheel. Loki is the piston.
Loki was a deeply wounded, angst-driven son with complex motivations—Disney made him an uncaring narcissist who suddenly sees the error of his ways (in one episode) and has a total personality swipe.
Loki was iconoclastic—they made him ordinary.
They took the most interesting and volatile character in the MCU and warped him into an Everyman role, and somehow everyone bought it. Apparently because they used the same actor with the same face—?
Really think about it. If another actor had started playing Loki for the series, they couldn’t have pulled it off. Series Loki is not the same character as Loki from Thor 1, Avengers 1, and Thor 2. He’s as different as the moviemakers in charge of the productions are. (The directors of Avengers 1 and Thor 2, Joss Whedon and Alan Taylor, simply had the grace and humility to take their cue from the original vision of Kenneth Branagh.)
If you don’t actually pay attention to Loki’s character, motivations, logical action, or his history, and you’re only interested in being entertained, I guess it doesn’t matter. This is just a superhero movie character, so who cares if they turned him inside out to conform with a simpler, less challenging archetype?
He’s their property, after all. They can use him however they want to. If they want to chew him up and spit him out as a naive, lovelorn mensch because that’s the Disney protagonist formula, they can and will. If they want to put him into a buddy-cop procedural, as if he were an ordinary human person whose shtick is a magic kit, they can.
A lot of you who are constantly defending the Loki Series are not really thinking about it. Maybe you’re just happy he has a show to his name. Maybe you don’t care; you just want more “content.” Maybe you don’t want someone spoiling your fun.
Maybe you think you’re being the loyal crowd by “defending” Loki. You’re not seeing that Disney did worse than kill him off—they unmade him. They put the God of Mischief into a blender with the Disney formula, audience response data, standard storytelling tropes, a limited range of plot lines, and a great deal of money, and out came this golem with Loki’s face on it.
You might revile me for saying all this because that’s easier than facing the truth or questioning the Powers That Be. There will always be people who can’t tolerate having their beliefs challenged.
I have seen nastiness on this hellsite toward people who question and protest what the majority accepts—but that’s just a reflection of the real world. It’s never going to work out well for those of us who see things differently and who don’t shut up about it. So, why do we keep annoying everyone with our dissenting opinions?
In my case it’s because I actually do care about Loki. I care enough to tell the unpopular truth, as I see it. Because, to me, Loki isn’t just an MCU character. He is representation.
He was a survivor of abuse and scapegoating by his own family. He was an outsider who defied convention and took on great challenges, despite everyone in his world trying to push him down. He shirked the role he was forced to play and chose to define himself instead. He saw the hate and scorn directed at him from all sides and laughed.
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He struck out on his own into the unknown—which is incredibly hard to do, even if you had been given the support to believe in yourself.
The Loki Series did get one thing right: Loki is a survivor. He’s survived misinterpretations before, and he will survive Disneyfication. Maybe the public will tolerate a warped mischaracterization of him for a while before they lose interest, but the God of Mischief prevails. Thor1 Loki will always be there, smirking triumphantly from the shadows.
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dearreader · 7 months
dear reader by taylor swift is by far one of her best songs and feels like it’s in the same vein as antihero and yet no one cares about her like i do
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