#it fits him so well 😭😭😭
twst-beam · 1 year
ehem. deuce spade singing the broadway aladdin's Proud of Your Boy. that is all.
the song for reference:
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rustyreveries · 2 months
happy autism acceptance month!! i doodled salad to celebrate <3
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he’s one of the best unintentional autistic reps imo
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stupidrant · 5 months
atreus and angrboda’s japanese dub is so cute 😭😭😭😭
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Bedtime Bliss
I think that almost everyone in the fandom agrees that we’d simply steal all of Bakugo’s shirts to sleep in lol. Of course the oversized comfort can not be disputed!!
However, I’m the kinda person who thinks that Bakugo would still be just as enamored with you wearing your own pajamas. ———
Bakugou himself almost exclusively sleeps in his boxers alone. Occasionally throwing on a pair of sweatpants in the winter, but you his pretty little s/o, always wears a cute little outfit to bed. Your dresser in Bakugou’s apartment has changed to include only summer appropriate pjs bc Bakugou’s body runs so hot at all times!! You’ve got camisoles, ruffled shorts, and silk slips etc. A PLENTY!! 👏 If you slept in any more clothes, you’d surely wake up in the middle of the night to an uncomfortably clammy cuddle. So every night after your shower and incessantly loud session of blow drying your hair. You prance out of the bathroom into the bedroom with an undeniably pretty domestic aura. And Bakugou will wait every night, sitting against the bed board with his scared, tan chest gently rising and falling. Those broad shoulders of his finally released from damn next to his ears, to rest where they’re supposed to sit. His ash blonde hair a fuzzy mess, a pair of readers hanging off his nose as his fat fingers flick through the pages of his book. and when you DO waltz out of the bathroom into the bedroom those smouldering eyes will peek up at you from his reading, and his perfectly sharp and chubby cheekbones (which only get MORE attractive when he wears his glasses) only to soften when they land on you. Your skin all soft and supple, from the glowy sheen of your moisturizer. Your bare face all relaxed and your eyelashes all light and fluffy. the adorably sexy pjs from your summery collection that hang of your body exposing all your angelic angles. Especially the graceful curve of your legs as you make your way over to him. As you crawl into bed beside him and press a soft kiss to his shoulder. And Katsuki Bakugou grunts out his familiar sound of acknowledgment. Staring into your eyes with the tender hearth that rests behind the red curtain of feriousity that the world sees. - internally his heart beats a little faster, and does its signature flip for you. And you just beam up at him with that cover girl worthy smile. The grunt is all he can do with his heart caught in his throat. - but Bakugou was always better with his actions than his words, as he threads his fingers through your hair and presses a seeringly soft kiss to the corner of your smile.
Before your turn around and give him a real kiss full on the mouth muttering your cheeky, “you need a little chapstick babe.” all just to see the shiny little pout of his lips from the transfer of your honey chapstick
The tips of his ears turn pink as he turns and drops your book right onto your lap, grunting out a disgruntled and flustered, “Here.” As you giggle and he resumes reading his book. And the two of you lie in bed together, just like every night when Bakugou comes home early. (He purposely try’s to set his schedule up like this to enjoy this time with you) and you two sit quietly, shoulder to shoulder, with books in hand. You and Bakugou silently passing along your steaming mug of tea, fingers grazing, back and forth to the nightstand. . . . how it’s still steaming half and hour later always seems to escape your sleepy mind, as you sip the golden liquid, but Bakugou always takes mind to use his quirk and warms it up in his hand before wordlessly passing it back to you.
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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Fernando Alonso × Unconventional Drinking Implements
#if i had a nickel for every time nano drank out of a trophy id have two nickels. that's not a lot but its weird it happened twice#dont ask me if theres more i didnt have the mental capacity to look up all his podium pics...theres 20 years worth#but if you do have more somehow miraculousy do of course hit me up#this is one of these things i think that youd have to experience by watching a lot of races bcs finding it by keywords is impossible imo#though i did look up various trophies and now i want to make a tier list of trophies by drinkablity 😭#but yeah some people in the tags of the pics i posted were like 'he did exactly what i wanted to do![drink from the big cup basically]'#so this is like: hey! not the first time hes done it 🤭#but like if these are the only two times hes done it thats hilarious#bcs its been 18 yrs so was he suddenly like 'oh my god wait i just remembered what i can do with this'#but like the 2005 is the wcc win so it makes sense why he did smth so over the top#but this one i really really feel like he let the impulsive thoughts win and was just 'this looks like a giant cup....'#not pictured: flavio also drinking from the trophy. he was so indulgent of his boy 🥹#also i wonder if theres footage of him pouring in the champagne in 2023 cause i didnt even know he drank from it until i was looking at pic#cause thats my fav thing about the 2005 one is watching him trying to aim and pour it from way too high hahaha#oh also there is the brazil 2005 gp as well but he doesnt directly drink from it so i dont think it fits well here#but at the same time he really is looking at trophies like 'hmmm how well would this work as a cup'#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#2023 dutch gp#2005 chinese gp#fa14#we do a little bit of f1#formula one
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
An 0309 drabble for an anon ask I got a bit ago :) Thank you for being patient, I really enjoyed writing this!! It's actually a little moment I've wanted to write since I started Milgram fic, but never got around to it. (I mention his injured eye, but don't actually describe anything)
“Stop moving around so much.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“I mean it. You’ll make things worse.”
Mikoto watched as the intensity in Fuuta’s gaze flickered between fire and fear.
He had a doctor’s kit laid out on his lap. Recently, Shidou had his hands full with Mahiru’s treatments and having intense conversations with Haruka, so Mikoto wanted to give him a break. With none of the injuries actually healing as they should, the prisoners were caught in an endless loop of changing bandages and checking for complications.
Shidou was grateful for the help. Many of the others tolerated Fuuta in the same way they spent only the necessary time around Mikoto. They smiled and placated him, acting like he’d gone mad all of the sudden. Whatever was making the others avoid the two of them, it drew the pair together. Mikoto was finding he enjoyed Fuuta’s company. Something about him was rather… charming. 
“Me? You’re the asshole that will make things worse. You’re no doctor! Fuck you.”
Eh, maybe he had gone mad. 
He took comfort, at least, in the knowledge that Fuuta was growing more comfortable with him. He sure had a special way of showing it, but Mikoto didn’t brag about being a people-person for nothing – he picked up on the way Fuuta sought him out during the day, pretending to be involved in his own activities. The way he struck up a conversation, then acted as if it had been Mikoto’s idea to come over and bother him. 
Therefore it was exciting, though not surprising, when Fuuta allowed Mikoto to help treat his injuries. They had only done it a few times, but today brought a whole new challenge. 
“I’m not performing surgery or anything. Shidou said it just needs some basic disinfecting.” He flashed his usual grin. “I have a steady hand – I’m a photographer, you know.”
Aside from Shidou, Fuuta hadn’t allowed a single person to look under his eyepatch. 
He remained unamused by Mikoto’s smile. For better or worse, he could always tell when it was forced. “It’s not like I have any proof of that. You could be awful at it, for all I know.”
“First chance I get, I’ll request a camera and prove it. Want me to take a picture of you first?”
“If you haven’t already messed up my face…” Fuuta’s focus was glued to the hand carefully reaching towards him. 
Mikoto pouted his lips. “Shidou trusted me enough with this. And you must have, because you agreed earlier. So If it’s not about me… You’re not scared, are you?”
There were some things that Fuuta didn’t stop to see through. He sputtered in surprise. “Hell no!” He lifted his chin, finally taking his attention off Mikoto’s hands. He stared defiantly. “I can take it.”
Mikoto felt a bit guilty for resorting to foul play. But not that guilty. “Good. Now hold still...”
He got right to it. One hand held ginger hair out of the way, while the other pinched the corner of the eyepatch. Fuuta’s good eye darted nervously around the room, avoiding the other's close-leaning face. Mikoto peeled it away swiftly, gently
As a horror movie buff, the injury didn’t faze him in the slightest. As someone who’d grown close to Fuuta recently, he felt a wave of anguish at the sight.
Fuuta squirmed. “It’s nasty, isn’t it…”
Mikoto reached down for some supplies. He considered mustering up a smile and saying there was no need to worry so much, but it would have been pointless. Times like these, it was kind of a relief when someone else could see right through him for a change. 
“It looks like it hurts.”
“Tch, I don’t need any pity from you.”
“I was going to say, you hide it well. You’re tougher than the warden gives you credit for.”
His cheeks flushed red. “I – I don’t need any flattery from you either!”
“Don’t need anything from anybody, huh?”
Before he could come up with a retort, he hissed through his teeth in pain.
“Ah, sorry.” Mikoto immediately retracted his hand from where it had been dabbing alcohol onto the injury.
Steeling his expression, he muttered, “it’s fine.”
Mikoto tried again. He made sure to move with even more steadiness, his face drawn up in concentration. He saw Fuuta’s features flinch when he touched him, but he stayed still. The two were silent, now, as Mikoto worked. Leaning his face so close made the short task feel much longer. The reddening in his cheeks didn't subside.
He expected Fuuta to snatch the fresh eyepatch away the moment he unwrapped it – he was shocked that Fuuta let him adjust it into place without a word.
“Alright. You’re all set.” He started packing up the kit.
“Listen, don’t tell the others. About my eye.”
Mikoto squinted. He gestured to the right side of his face. “I hate to break it to you, but the big patch kinda gives you away.”
“You idiot! I just mean, don’t tell them what it looks like.” He pulled his hood down over his hair. “I don’t need everyone trying to steal a look at it like I’m some sort of freakshow.”
“Hey, of course.” Mikoto gave him a smile, the kind they both knew was genuine. “I’ve got you.”
Fuuta nodded. He turned his face away, his fingers lingering over where Mikoto’s had just been. “... And… thanks.”
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dhmis-autism · 1 month
something i never understood like. humanization wise is when people give human RG a scarred/fucked up mouth.
like, i love a monstrous mouth as much as the next person but like, it implies I think, that something happened to MAKE RGs mouth like that- or that its just not what his species normally looks like. Which I don't actually agree with!
i think for his weird lil RG species he probably looks totally normal. So imo it doesnt make sense to me to make his mouth in a humanization all jacked up.
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pzyii · 3 months
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what if I could predict death and you were my best friend and destined to die while trying to safe my life inspired by this fic
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vani-ash · 3 months
Fic titled 'Brother I'm Not Much A Poet But A Criminal'
Where Kinn finds out that kim didn't actually leave the mafia world he just hides the fact that their father makes him do shady shit in exchange for being otherwise left alone and doesn't interfere in Kim's life besides calling him to do what is practically suicide missions for anyone else every couple of weeks Kinn sees Kim stumbling around the compound, bleeding and bruised after a particularly bad mission but Kim refuses to tell Kinn why he's like that, he manages to get to the infirmary and pass out. When Kim wakes up Kinn is by his bed side asking what happened and being a concerned older brother, but Kim's too high on painkillers to tell him to fuck off and just starts crying with how frustrated he is with his situation and starts telling Kinn about how the only reason their father let him leave and pursue music was cause he was using Kim as an attack dog.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 8 months
Thinking plotting scheming of pt, but make it diceyd/ungeons. I think it fits so well; the plot of dd is so cute and its easy to smush existing characters into that universe.
Peppino wishes for his debt to be cleared and for his shop to be successful. Pman wants him and his art to be famous and revered beyond his wildest dreams. Vigi wants Justice or whatever (but hes actually here to be nosy about the ins and outs of the show itself). Noise wants MONEY and FAME. Mysterious man who looks like peppino wants his own shop :). All the pt bosses are dd bosses before going ‘hey, u know what? This gig kinda sucks ass. If u think u can take on the big cheese im jumpin onboard w you’.
Thats all i got LOL i am debating if i still want lady luck to be the boss or let pizzaface be the big bad and just remove the existing dd characters entirely. Pizzahead would always be the jester, and therefore, always be your last die/teammate, which i think is cute heehee hes tired of being a silly little guy no one takes seriously! Hes got silly dreams too!!!! Hes a silly guy w dreams!!!
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TODOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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potatounicoorn · 5 months
I just listened "Just a man" from Epic the musical and thought it fit early season Lord Garmadon and now my day is ruined
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darksisterswielder · 5 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
If I start thinking too deeply about how well Viva La Vida fits Fernando, I start crying in the car singing to it 😭😭😭😭
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frozen-orbit · 1 day
Some of my favorite lyrics from my Renegades playlists that i associate with Adrian:
"A child who chased his dreams, I colored it however I wanted with the paint I wanted." - Unpainted canvas, Wonpil
"Color yourself in this black and white world. Draw out the sketched dreams". - Keep on doin', Luna
"He'll lose himself knowing who you are." - The Hermit, Steve Hackett
"I have found evidence. I will certainly find you." - Sherlock, Shinee
"I’m giving it my all looking for the hidden truth." - Wake me up, B.A.P
"I threw my future away because I was drunk in love. When I woke up, I was already surrounded by land mines." - Boy meets evil, BTS
"I’ve dreamed of becoming a hero like Superman. I ran with all my strength, jumping high up in the sky." - Anpanman, BTS
"I want to become someone who’s beyond imagination." - Superhuman, NCT 127
"I will erase the nightmare you became. It comes in waves, you're everything I hate." - Nightmare, From Ashes to New
"My childhood spat back out the monster that you see." - My songs know what you did in the dark, Fall Out Boy
"My devils they whisper in my ear, deafening me with all my fears. I'm living in a nightmare." - Darkside, Neoni
"My doodle will change the world, it changes the main character, a big twist." - Doodle, Stray Kids
"My whole world is changing, I don't know where to turn. I can't leave you waiting, but I can't stay and watch this city burn." - I'll try, Jonatha Brooke
"Nightmares coming to see me. Nightmares make me go insane." - Paranoia, Kang Daniel
"Please stop this nightmare I have every night." - Eternally, TXT
"Thousand nights, I repeated so many times a vicious cycle of nightmares. I’ll end it now." - Obsession, EXO
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caprenoctem · 3 days
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Working on a new fanart, and instead of making him look threatening, I accidentally drew Alastor so cute and fluffy XD
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