#it happens right after he ends the message to pepper
can i just say
listen VERY carefully when tony goes to sleep while in the gotg’s spaceship with nebula FUCKING LISTEN
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navstuffs · 10 months
"Private" Security
Pairing: Rookie!Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: Your rookie cop boyfriend, Leon, protects you during your morning jog. Based on the tiktok by @johnny_tsunami_88.
Warnings tags: protective!leon, fluff, though the image says female jogger, this is a fic for gn!reader!!!, reader might be jogging/running/walking
Author's notes: heeey!! finally i have decided to write! i am a HUGE sucker for protective fics and when i saw this tiktok i HAD TO WRITE.
my leon's masterlist
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"Leaving the house. Love you."
Your text message arrives around 15 minutes before the end of Leon's shift. It had been a relatively peaceful night in Raccoon City, except for a fight in the busy bar on Main Street at 3 am. Again, Leon had to separate two males who got involved in a fight because of a woman. " Every Saturday, he thought as he sent both men their way before asking for backup. At least they were inoffensive enough to get in their ride-share app cars without complaining.
Leon welcomes your text message with a smile. You tell him you want to restart your fitness journey at 5 am. Why? Because if you don't do it at 5 am, you will never compromise for the rest of the day, so it is a way to encourage yourself.
Of course, Leon was there at 5 am every morning to accompany you. There was no way in hell Leon would let you run alone. The streets could be dangerous, and Leon was always cautious about your safety, especially given the dangers of Raccoon City.
But today, the first day of his new schedule, Leon couldn't relax. He asked you to text him when you left the house, let him know if anything bothered you, and carry pepper spray, though you hated the idea of "arming" yourself. Leon couldn't fathom something happening to you.
With a sudden decision in mind, Leon turns on his patrol car with his lights on, but no sound. He has an appointment he can't miss.
Breathe, you tell yourself. Breathe deeply. Concentrate.
With your favorite playlist playing in your ears, you put one foot after the other, focused on exercising. It is your first day without Leon at your side as your loyal partner, and you thought you would feel bad, but sometimes being alone is the most peaceful thing that could happen.
You texted him as he asked you to put one earbud in (Leon begged you not to put both and to always be aware of your surroundings) and started jogging- slowly, at your own pace, with no stress. The sun wasn't out yet, and the birds weren't singing yet. Most lights are off in the houses in your neighborhood. 
This new fitness journey has always been about your mental health, a way to make you feel better about yourself. The fresh air, the feeling of having your body moving. It sucked that you had to be aware of your surroundings, but what can we do right?
Within ten minutes of your run, you notice the familiar lights of a police car appear behind you. You are surprised, turning your head quickly behind you and seeing the familiar car following you at a slow speed, escorting you as you exercise.
As you get close to the park near your house, far away from most houses, you hear your boyfriend's voice through the speakers.
"You are doing fantastic! I know you can do it, honey!"
You giggle, then continue and focus on your usual jog- almost a walk, but you don't mind. What matters is that you are feeling good about yourself. After you had enough, you walk toward the police car, breathing heavily, and Leon has his window open, a massive smile on his face.
"Hey, pretty." He looks so handsome, with the rising sunbeams illuminating his face.
"Hello, officer. Am I in any trouble?" You tease back, lying against his open window. Leon offers you a water bottle, which you gladly accept and drink. "Shouldn't you be off work already?"
"Yeah. Need to keep civilians safe, though. Especially adorable ones like you."
"I would be fine. My boyfriend told me to bring this." You raise the pepper spray in your hand, and Leon nods, happy.
"I am glad you are following your boyfriend's direction." Leon then stops and becomes more serious. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't, sweetie. Are you telling me you will always escort me during my morning jogs?" 
"I will always keep you safe. Your safety is my number one priority, always." Leon replies, his tone very serious. You nod, saluting his seriouness. "Do you need a ride back home?"
"No, I will be fine on the way home. I promise." 
Since no one was around, you decided to return to the house after giving Leon a quick goodbye kiss. Looking over your shoulder, you saw the police cruiser still parked in the same spot, probably with the driver still keeping his eyes on you.
Leon watches as you quickly turn around to blow another kiss before disappearing. His face is red, and his heart feels fuzzy. He shakes his head, thinking it's better to bring the car back to the police station.
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spidybaby · 1 year
New streets
Summary: Trying to find your way into the streets of Barcelona by yourself for the first time is harder than you expected.
Warnings: none ❤️
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Being new to the city was complicated. You moved from Tenerife to go to college in Barcelona, accepting Pedro's offer to move with him until you find your own place to stay.
You can't deny Barcelona was extraordinary, a city that has a lot of history, it's magical.
The problem is that you convinced yourself that you can start going out on your own without instructions.
When Pedro asked you to wait for him to arrive home so you could go to the market, you say no.
You already felt like a burden, having him drive you everywhere and not being able to do the same for him.
Fer even offer to take you and show you the streets, in any other occasion you'll say yes, but today you feel smart enough to do it alone.
"Estas segura?" (Are you sure?) Fer asked a little worried about you. "Si me dejas terminar con esto, te acompaño" (if you let me finish this, I'll go with you)
"Tranquilo Fer, voy rápido" (relax Fer, I'll be quick), you say, grabbing your things, ready to go. "Quieres que te traiga una Dr. Pepper?" (Want me to bring you a Dr. Pepper?")
"Por favor," he says, smiling. "Ten cuidado, cualquier cosa me llamas niña." (Be careful, call me if anything happens, kiddo.)
Once you're out of the house, you search on Google maps the closest market.
As you make your way down the street, you enjoy the views. Barcelona is breathtaking.
You were happy with how quickly you made it to the market.
Taking your phone to message Pedro, wanting to share your excitement with him.
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(I know you're training and you'll see this later, but I have to tell you something 😋
I'm at the market, I got here alone and didn't get lost)
You block your phone and continue with your shopping spree, looking for the soda you said you were buying for Fer.
Your phone takes you out of your concentration when you are reading the back of a soda can.
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("Hi baby ❤️ Actually I'm done with training.
😂😂😂😂 I'm happy for you"
"Do you want me to buy something for you?"
"No baby, I'm fine.
I'm noticing you're very close to the training camp. Do you want to come over here and then we go home?")
Not completely sure about it you Google the directions to get to where he was.
The trip to the market was easy due to it being an almost straight walk. The training camp was a more complicated way.
After a few minutes looking at the online map, you decide it was not that difficult, and you could do it.
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("See you in a bit, I just have to pay, and I'm on my way. "
"I'll wait for you, please be careful")
You hurried with the last items and paid on a self checkout to be quick.
You followed the instructions as the map says, but you also decide to trust a little more than you should and text your friend.
After a few minutes, you noticed you were, in fact, not where you should be. You frown as the map says it's the right way, seconds mistake trusting that. You kept walking and texting, only losing the way more than before.
Ten minutes later and a different name on the streets as the gps says you begin to worry.
Not wanting to worry your boyfriend, you text Fernando.
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("Remember I told you I was not going to get lost? ... Help")
You kept walking, trying to fix your mistake, little did you know you were making it worse.
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("But 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you were getting five things at the supermarket, how did you end up lost?"
"Don't laugh at me, Fernando. I wanted to get over where your brother is, and I ended up lost"
"I can't help but laugh. Where are you right now?
"I don't know")
You tried to identify the streets to be able to tell where you were, no success.
The stress was getting over you, feeling dumb.
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("Calm down, what stores are near you?"
"The Mercè library"
"You're on the other side of the camp, y/n")
The frustration was getting the best of you. Texting and walking on a road you didn't know was a bad choice.
The internal debate your mind was creating over two options, one, Fernando can give you instructions on how to take a bus or something, two, ask him what to do from now on.
Choosing the second option, you kept texting him.
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("Any recommendations?"
"Yes, stay there and call Pedro, ask him to pick you up, please don't get lost.")
Sitting on a bench outside the library, you call your boyfriend.
"Preciosa, ya estas afuera?" (Baby, are you outside?)
"No, amor. Estoy por la biblioteca, del otro lado de donde estas." (No, love. I'm by the library on the other side of the city.)
"Qué pasó? Estas bien?" (What happened? Are you okay?)
"Si, estoy bien. Es que." (Yes, I'm fine. Is just.)
You doubt telling him the truth.
You know you don't have to be nervous over him knowing you're lost. Pedro would never judge you or make fun of you.
"Me perdí" (I got lost)
"Ay, mi amor. Esta bien, ahora voy por ti, quédate quieta que ya llego por ti." (Oh love, it's okay, I'm coming to get you, stay where you're I'm coming.)
You hang up after a small "Thank you."
Picking a candy from your grocery bag while waiting for him.
Your phone started ringing, it was Fer.
"Hola, llamaste a Pedro?" (Did you call Pedro?)
"Si, ya viene por mi, gracias." (Yes, he's coming to get me, thank you.)
Fernando senses the disappointment in your voice. As much as he wants to joke about it, he knows you wanted to do things on your own, not wanting to bother him or his brother.
"Ey no te pongas triste, es normal que esto pase, eres nueva en la ciudad y para ser tu primera vez sola no fue nada mal. Llegaste a la tienda por ti sola." (Hey, don't be sad. This is normal. You're new here, and for being your first time going alone, you did it great. You got to the market all by yourself.)
That makes you feel a little better.
"Gracias, te veo en un rato cuando Pedro y yo lleguemos." (Thank you, see you in a bit when Pedro and I get there.)
"Vale, los espero" (okay, I'll wait for you)
While you waited for your boyfriend to arrive, you saw the cars passing and finished your candy.
After a good ten minutes, you saw the black Maserati parking in front of you. Pedro pulled the window down smiling.
"Uber para la señorita más hermosa de España" (uber for the most beautiful lady in Spain)
You can't help the smile. He knows how to light up your mood.
"Gracias, pero no pedí un uber, de hecho estoy esperando a mi novio" (thank you, but I actually didn't order an Uber. I'm waiting for my boyfriend.)
"Bueno pero igual te puedo llevar, descuidado te deja esperando, te podrían robar" (well, I can still take you, careless dude, leaves you waiting someone could stole you)
You laugh and open the car door.
As you got in, he took the grocery bag and placed it onto the back seat.
"Hola preciosa," he says before kissing you.
The kiss was getting a little more heated than you expected, but the sound of a car horn made you separate but not before giving him a small kiss.
"Gracias por venir por mi" (thanks for coming for me)
You took his hand in yours and kissed the back of his hand.
"No agradezcas, mejor dime como acabaste hasta acá" (don't thank me, tell me how did you end over here?)
You tell him with details how you got lost. He laughed but did the same thing Fernando did, reassured you it was okay.
Once you arrived at his house he helped you with the grocery bag.
Fernando was waiting for the two of you with some dinner ready.
"La pequeña Dora la exploradora regreso de su aventura" (little Dora the explorer came back from adventure.) He says as he hugs you.
"No la molestes" (don't make fun of her)
Pedro tried not to laugh at the jokes his brother was saying, but even you were laughing.
"Sigue así y tomaras agua del bater, capullo" (keep up, and you'll drink toilet water, idiot). You laugh as you organize the groceries.
After helping with setting the table, the three of you ate and laughed at jokes Fernando was telling.
You offered to wash the dishes as Pedro took a shower and Fernando organize something in his room.
You were concentrated in the song that was playing in the background, but a pair of hands on your waist take you back to reality.
"Me alegro que estés bien y que lograras llegar a la tienda y ahora sabes también llegar a la biblioteca" (I'm happy you're okay and that you got to get to the market, now you know how to get to the library too) Pedro joke kissing your shoulder.
"Eres un pesado, amor" (you're an asshole, love), you laugh. "Tal vez para el partido llegue al camp nou por mi cuenta" (maybe for the match I'll get to Camp Nou by myself).
"Por ahora tratemos de quedarnos cerca, no quiero tener que parar el partido para ir por ti." (Let's get close for now, I don't want to have to stop the match to come get you) he jokes.
"Acepto" (deal), you say, tuning around to kiss him.
Just like the kiss in the car, this one was getting a little more heated than necessary, but you weren't complaining.
"Consigan un cuarto o pierdanse." (Get a room or get lost) Fernando joked.
You two laugh, hugging.
Even though your first experience by yourself was not the best, it was not bad at all. You had two boys who will do everything to protect you and you were thankful for both.
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aliaology · 10 months
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summary: right person, wrong time.
pairings: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of cheating, drinking
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heels clicked against the cobblestone walkway. people came, people left. yet you stayed. you stayed in the living room. the party around you felt empty, even though the room was crowded. you watched, watched his hand move from her after she attempted to touch him.
why was it that suddenly he didn't want to touch her, but just last month he was perfectly fine being inside her? it felt unfair.
you sipped your drink. you remembered being the one who got him for his summers, winters, falls, and springs. now she had him, well, not necessarily. he barely even pays attention to her. instead he talks to his best friend, who keeps glancing your way.
every time you find jack's eyes on you, you watch the pain hit his face. but that was his fault, right? he chased two girls, lost the one.
the one. were you really the one for him? you two were young. by the time he hit 16, he called you his. that you would forever be the one. your parents and his parents laughed. you were too young to say that. too young to know anything.
you adverted your attention from jack, to the party itself. the loud music, crowded room, and bodies jumping, yet it still felt like nothing was there.
"what are you doing, jack?" you asked, a smile adorning your lips. the brunette boy shuffled through your closet. "you have literally nothing to wear" he groaned.
"hm, maybe because i dont just wear hoodies and shorts. none of my clothes will fit you" you laughed, watching him from your bed.
he groaned again. ultimately, he fell down onto the bed next to you, hands meeting your waist and pulling you on top of him. "guess ill wear you to keep warm."
you let out a laugh. "that sounds so wrong, jack. plus, im not some sort of cardigan" you giggled.
jack smiled at the sound of your laugh. "you're still my favorite, even if you unfortunately aren't a cardigan."
you let out a sigh and stood up from the couch you sat on. you grabbed your drink, and walked to the kitchen, gripping walls for support as your heels killed your feet.
you went to dump your drink out, feeling a hand on the small of your back. you jumped slightly, looking behind you to see jack. he lingered like a tattooed kiss, never leaving you alone if he knew where you were.
"what do you want, jack?" you asked, placing your cup on the counter, head now facing forward as you refused to look at him.
"i miss you" he spoke softly, his free hand reaching to your side. you weren't surprised. you knew he'd try coming back to you. you felt his hand move up under the cardigan you wore over your red dress.
you let out yet another sigh. you wanted to let him back in, to turn around and kiss the shit out of him, but you didn't. no, he hurt you. you couldn't let him do it again.
"jack we're gonna be late" you laughed, trying to pull away from him as he kept peppering kisses along your face.
"who cares? just let me love you." he placed a soft kiss on your lips. you smiled into it, hand cupping his cheek.
his hand rested on your thigh, fingers tracing stars onto your skin as his lips stayed on yours.
"i think august would be pleased to have you instead." you spit. jack let out a sigh. "baby please, it was a mistake."
you scoffed and shoved his hands away from your body. "a mistake that happened more than once over the course of a month." you sent him a harsh glare. "a mistake that occurred while i was in new hampshire, visiting my mom who was in the hospital."
"baby please" he pleaded.
you let out a sigh and walked away from him.
"baby- baby wait!" he yelled, rushing towards you, a towel being the only thing around his waist.
your heart broke at the texts, the pictures, the messages. you wanted to throw up, his endeavors happened in your home. your bed. on your sheets. your side is where she slept.
"go to hell, jack!" you ended up slamming the door, rushing to your car.
you cursed him under your breath as you walked away, hearing the same words fall from his mouth as they did that night.
"baby it was a mistake! come back to me.." and his voice trailed off even as he chased you. you drowned him out.
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erm was this good... i cant work on now that we dont talk atm bc my laptop is acting up so here is this to make up for it!!
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bulkyphrase · 2 months
Cap-IM Rec Week - Smut Saturday
Day 6 of @cap-ironman's rec week event! Today's recommendations feature a lot of lovely porn. And maybe some plot sometimes, as a treat.
And if you like subby and/or bottom Steve, check out my previous Stony smut rec list too.
Automated Fantasy by IOnlyWriteWhenCarmelyzed (MCU, Explicit, 1,711 words)
Summary: Steve gets bent over by one of Tony's Iron Man suits
Cherry Ride by copperbadge (@copperbadge) (MCU, Explicit, 12,318 words)
Summary: A SHIELD agent named Roger Stevens told Tony that his nickname was "Cap". Tony didn't connect the dots until it was much, much too late.
More below the cut!
Choices by fundamentalBlue (Marvel, Explicit, 1,749 words)
Summary: “We both know why you come here. So don’t go acting surprised or disgusted. You’re the one who wants this. You.”
Choke You With My Charms by synteis (Ults, Explicit, 8,919 words)
Summary: Steve can't seem to help himself from jerking off at Tony's big do. Tony can't seem to get it up after the last round of chemo. But when Tony offers to take Steve in hand and give Steve's cock some old-fashioned punishment, neither of them are quite expecting what happens next.
I won’t leave you falling by @blossomsinthemist (616, Explicit, 14,653 words)
Summary: Tony doms for Steve, which involves some specially enhanced red rope, cock rings, two vibrators, and a lot of orgasm control. It works out. Bottom Steve, trembling and desperate to come, loving dom Tony, plenty of aftercare.
Larger Than Life by @festiveferret (MCU, Explicit, 3,697 words)
Summary: Steve wants that in him. Right now.
Small Weird Love by @haemodye (Marvel, Explicit, 13,140 words)
Summary: When a magical mishap results in Tony swapping his legs for tentacles, he's absolutely mortified. How is he supposed to face Steve? Steve can't possibly want him like this. Right? Right...
So Much to Confide to You by @sineala (616, Explicit, 16,988 words)
Summary: After an attack by the Masters of Evil, Avengers Mansion is in ruins. Tony has come back from California to help the East Coast team pick up the pieces -- literally. And when the team finds items of a certain intimate nature in the wreckage of the mansion's bedrooms, Tony is of course the one who steps forward to claim them. This leads to two problems: Problem Number One: They're not his sex toys. His toys are in California. Therefore, one of Tony's longtime friends is also extremely kinky and he has no idea who. Problem Number Two: One of Tony's longtime friends happens to own an Iron Man butt plug. Oh, God.
The Crying Game by @fohatic (MCU, Explicit, 36,403 words)
Summary: Steve Rogers stared at the dimly glowing digital screen of the little burner phone, rereading the text message as if it might somehow give away something he missed the first dozen times he scrutinized it. His frown only deepened, though, brows drawing together with consternation as the 88 characters only left him with an even more ponderous sense of uncertainty. If you meant what you wrote, I'll be at the Swissotel Sarajevo, 4/18. Presidential Suite. 9pm. Come alone. ... Nearly a year after Steve and Tony's fallout—and only weeks after press rumors that Tony and Pepper's engagement was inexplicably called off—Steve gets a message on the dedicated burner phone. Despite his instinctive reservations, he's compelled to answer the mysterious call. An approximately canon-compliant story.
The Prize by @sabrecmc (MCU, Explicit, 318,625 words)
Summary: Steve ends up as a concubine in the royal harem.
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cleverri · 1 year
Apollo Justice x reader. Head cannons for relationship
APOLLO JUSTICE x READER | written by MOD clever
warnings; A few cuss words here and there but that's it-
headcanons for Apollo Justice in a relationship...
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Ace Attorney; Apollo Justice
First thing to know about this man- He doesn’t fall in love easily. But when he does? Man, he falls hard. He’s a dedicated and passionate individual, someone who isn’t open to dating someone unless he knows that they’re the right one.
You have to be someone he’s known for a long time. He’s been through a lot, and even though he continues to say that he’s fine, you need to be someone who can actually see through his facade and care for him as a person. Though he’s stubborn, he’ll be practically putty in your hands.
Apollo appreciates intellectual stimulation and enjoys engaging in deep conversations with his partner. (Taxes. /J) He enjoys being able to just have a full conversation with his partner, either it be about a trial coming up, or something random that you enjoy. With that being said, Apollo is also a great listener and a reliable source of emotional support. He genuinely cares about his partner's well-being and will lend a listening ear whenever they need to vent or seek advice. (Even if he's completely awkward at it at first.)
Dates? You mean spending time at a crime scene trying to figure out what the hell happened with Apollo's secret younger sister? Yeah- 
Seriously though, Trucy definitely has third wheeled y'all a lot. So has Phoenix. Phoenix absolutely will tease Apollo in front of you. 
"This is (Y/N), the person I was talking about earlier." "Oh, couldn't you have found anyone better?" "Mr. Wright-!?" "I was talking to (Y/N)-"
Isn’t exactly that big on PDA. He gets flustered easily, face- Hell, entire body going red at any type of affection from his partner. Grab him by the face and pepper his face with kisses. Hold his hand and shout with him that you two are fine. Let him know how much he is valued, admired, and loved so you can make his heart soar.
Leave small hand-written notes for Apollo to find throughout the day- You don’t understand how much that will brighten his mood and make him feel special. These notes could include words of encouragement, affectionate messages, or even playful inside jokes. At some point, he’ll start writing little notes back, and it’ll become a little thing between the two of you. (You two have a little jar of unopened notes for each other for whenever either of you need a pick-me-up.)
Apollo appreciates whenever his partner cheers him on in court. Though, most of the time he’ll miss the sighting of you, and ends up a bit surprised whenever he sees you after court, waiting for him- But just the realization that you had been there, so excited for him to reveal the truth and provide justice has him absolutely melting.
Loves cooking with you. Is he a bit horrible at it? … Yes- BUT HEAR ME OUT- The guy is a romantic at heart, and longs for a domestic life after everything he’s been through. He loves the idea of standing next to you and learning how to make something with you. He knows how to make everyday things, like- he knows how to make eggs and such. But anything past that is stuff he needs help with.
His siblings give him the teasings of his life whenever you’re around. Even if it’s ever so subtle- Or completely obvious- (COUGH COUGH- RAYFA-) Though, prepare to be completely confused when Apollo’s siblings start speaking Khura'inese. (Don’t worry, Apollo’s confused too- He barely knows anything in Khura’In tongue-)
Old-School kid. He has a vintage record player that he… Doesn’t use that much- He just loves it too much to give it away. He loves taking Polaroid photos and putting them into a little scrapbook (Most photos are of you but shh-). 
He tries to surprise you with dates, yet they never really seem to work in his favor due to how chaotic the people are in his life. He wants to be extravagant, yet his work schedule (and wallet-) tells him ‘Absolutely not.’ So dates usually end up with just watching random movies while helping Apollo work on an upcoming case.
You must like Mikeko. Mikeko must like you. I don’t make the rules, he does. Genuinely, he loves his cat so much, and if you aren’t willing to get along with his cat, then there will be a bit of a problem. Of course, if the two of you get along, he’s already getting the wedding ring- /J
Apollo pays attention to the small details and remembers the things that matter to his partner. Whether it's their favorite snack, a specific interest or hobby, or a meaningful memory, he shows that he's invested in their happiness by remembering and incorporating these details into their relationship. Though, he does this absolutely unintentionally. The guy doesn’t even realize he does this. Must be the lawyer in him-
Strong man /J I wouldn’t call him *that* strong, his arms are though- Has pretty buff arms- Strong upper-body strength. This is another thing he doesn’t quite realize? It’s quite funny watching him realize this over-and-over again, to be honest. That being said, he definitely will accidentally pick you up if you hug him. 
Lawyer- Lawyer business- Meaning his schedule is usually filled to the brim with upcoming cases and such. It’s a bit difficult to find some quality time with him- It gets a tad worse after the whole Spirit of Justice arc. Just be there for him, ya’ll.
Isn’t used to having someone be there for him 24/7. He’s lived a tough life, lost many people along the way of becoming an attorney, he’s used to the concept of loss. He’d be so scared of losing you as well, seeing how horrible his luck was around this certain topic. He’ll shout that he’s fine, when in reality, most of the time he isn’t. Hold him, and make sure he knows you’re not going anywhere.
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
into the aurora - chapter twenty-two (ot8)
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chapter twenty-two: a memory of something owed
chapter summary: everything with the boys has been going well, but just as you start to relax and feel like you're home, someone from your past appears.
warnings: please read the notice under the cut for a few specific content warnings that i want readers to be aware of. otherwise, warnings for soft sex, comfort sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), sleepy orgasms
pairings: ot8 x reader
genre: fluff, angst, romance, ateez ensemble x reader, polyamory, non-idol!reader, fem!reader, smut
word count: 7.2K
(previous chapter) (next chapter) | AO3 | masterlist
special content warning: this chapter introduces an ex-boyfriend of reader's. i want to be clear, there is no physical abuse in the backstory, but he's definitely shitty and manipulative. specific content warnings for verbal abuse, threatening texts, revenge porn/threatening use of consensually taken nudes, an almost panic attack / discussions of anxiety. this is not the hinted at backstory up to this point or the source of reader's old injury. i hope this is clear as the story unfolds, but please don't worry that i'm going to feature a physically abusive backstory, i will not be. thank you all, safe reading. The first time you see his name light up on your phone, your stomach drops, but you’re at work and you’re focused on the task in front of you, so you silence it and move on. By the time the day ends, you have four missed calls from In Su, but no voicemails. When you don’t hear anything else from him for days, it starts to feel like maybe he just drunk called you or reached out by mistake and didn’t really mean to get in contact. That would have been preferred. 
It happens almost a full week after the four missed calls, right when you start to stop worrying about it. 
You’re at dinner with the boys, you and Seonghwa had just finished making a triple batch of ramen and gotten settled at the table with everyone when your phone dings and you freeze when you see the message. 
Why haven’t you called me back?
You can barely breathe and as you reach for your phone to silence it, and it dings again twice in quick succession to alert you to two new messages. 
I know you still have my number. 
You flip the phone over, silencing it as you do and trying to shift your attention back to the lively conversation. Yeosang taps your arm gently, “Who’s bothering you?” 
“Ah, no one,” you shake your head, “not important.” 
“Mm,” his eyes narrow as he assesses your words, and while he knows you’re probably lying or brushing it off, he lets it lie.
You rejoin the conversation just as Wooyoung groans, “I said I would do the dishes! Ramen nights I clean up, I know, I know,” 
They are teasing him of course, mercilessly, and you raise an eyebrow, “Wooyoung? Cleaning up?”
He huffs at you, “Don’t you start!”
You stick your tongue out at him and give him a playful shove, “I’m kidding, you always help,” 
“See!” He points at you and addresses the other members, “you heard it here!”
Yunho interrupts, “This is the best ramen you’ve ever made, Hwa,” He’s nearly face down in the bowl inhaling the noodles. 
“It’s spicier than normal, I like it,” Jongho comments. 
Seonghwa throws his arm over the back of your chair, “y/n added the extra red pepper,” 
The table runs through compliments, but your phone starts ringing in earnest, vibrating against the table, and startling you. You flip the phone and see that it’s In Su calling, which didn’t necessarily surprise you, but it still makes you feel sick. You consider silencing it again, but instead you just stare at his number lighting up your phone, and watch it ring out, hitting your voicemail. 
The boys are watching you carefully. 
“In Su?” Yeosang asks. 
“Mm,” you sigh and flip the phone back over. 
“Who’s that?” Wooyoung asks from your other side. 
“Ah just someone I’m not friends with anymore,” you say, “I don’t really want to talk to him.” 
The phone starts ringing again, and you pick it up off the table, sliding your finger across the screen to accept the call. “Stop calling me, I don’t want to talk to you.” You don’t wait for him to respond, just click end call, and then slide the phone back down onto the table. 
“A friend?” San questions after you have hung up. 
“Ex,” you admit. 
Mingi raises his head from his ramen and quirks his head to the side, “Ex-boyfriend?” 
“Yes,” you sigh, “we didn’t end on great terms, and I haven’t talked to him in over a year, I have no idea what he wants.” 
The table is quiet for a few moments, all eight of your current partners shifting uncomfortably at the idea of your ex-boyfriend. The phone buzzes again before you can say anything else, this time just two short vibrations for incoming text messages, and you glance down. 
You’re not being very nice. 
You owe me this.
Your jaw clenches at the words. Seonghwa murmurs from across the table, “He’s from your hometown?”
You nod. 
“Maybe it’s important? If you want to go call him it’s okay,” 
You shake your head, “No, no it’s not that,” you’re firm, “I really have nothing to say.” 
You glance up from your phone and see Yunho’s gaze locked on you, his chopsticks set to the side. “What is it?” he asks.
“He’s not very nice,” you say simply, “so I don’t want to talk to him. Hopefully he’ll stop reaching out to me soon.” 
“Not very nice.” Mingi quietly repeats. 
“It’s nothing bad,” you wave your hands, “we only dated for a short time in college. He was more in love with me than I was with him, and when I ended it, he said some mean things. He wasn’t a very good boyfriend, and proved it when we broke up, but that’s really it.” 
“But he keeps calling?” Yunho points out. 
“All of a sudden,” you nod, “I haven’t heard anything from him in over a year otherwise.” 
“I don’t like his texts,” Yeosang gestures to your phone, “the way he talks to you.” 
You flip your phone over, “Yeo,” 
“I’m sorry, it’s right on the table,” he gestures to it. 
“It’s fine,” you turn to address the whole table, “it’s totally fine, I’m just not going to answer him, and he’ll get the picture.” 
“Hmm,” Seonghwa hums, “I still don’t like it,” 
You smile, “Just let it go for now, okay?” You tuck your phone into your back pocket and they agree, but as the dinner continues you feel your phone vibrate several more times in your pocket. 
After dinner, while the boys clean up, you take the opportunity to slip into the living room and check your messages. 
I saw Yu Jun. I know you moved to Seoul.
Heard you landed a fancy job.
Honestly, I just want to talk to you, stop ignoring me.
Fine, but you asked for this. 
The last message flips your stomach. Below the string of unanswered text messages is a gallery of photos, photos you hadn’t seen or thought about in two years, photos you thought were deleted. You can feel your breathing coming quick. You flip through the photos to see which ones he included, and it’s the exact ones you were worried about. You suggestively pulling down the strap of your bra in one, you wearing nothing but a men’s dress shirt in another. At the shots of you in bed, nothing but a sheet strategically covering you, tears prick your eyes. “Fuck,” you breathe. 
Ready to talk?
Without hesitation you press the call button next to In Su’s name. The boys are being loud, and some of them have made it into the living room. Yeosang gives you a sharp look when he realizes you’re on the phone, and you quickly leave the room to have this conversation without prying eyes from your boyfriends.
“Finally,” In Su’s voice comes through sharply, and the sound of his tone brings you right back to two years ago.
“What do you want?” 
“I wanted to remind you of a few things,” he says simply. 
You press your back up against the wall in the hallway by the staircase, “You told me those were gone,” 
“I lied.”
“I can see that,” you manage, “I trusted you to delete those, In Su.” 
“You left me, okay? I didn’t have to do anything for you.” His voice is cutting as always, and you wince.
“What do you want?” 
“I’m applying for a job at KQ,” he says, “I’ve been trying to get hired but it’s been a lot of rejection letters. It’s definitely not my first option, but when I heard you were there and working with Edenary directly? I’m sure you can pull some strings.”
“What are you talking about?” You can hardly believe his words. 
“I don’t know how you got the job,” he says, full of smug self-satisfaction, “I’m sure whoever you’re fucking put in a good word,” 
“I did not fuck someone for this job,” you bite back, “and I can’t help you.” 
“y/n, I honestly don’t care. But you’ll get my resume on the right desk and talk to whoever you need to talk to about getting me hired,” he sighs, “and if you had just picked up my phone calls, I wouldn’t have had to remind you about the pictures, but you chose to escalate this.” 
“Are you threatening me?” Your stomach knots. 
“Of course not,” he says immediately, “but you and I both know there’s no way a pretty girl like you keeps her job working with very important people in the industry if her nudes are all over the internet.”
“I trusted you,” 
“I trusted you too,” he says, “every time you said, ‘I love you’ and you were lying. I’m sending you my resume tonight, make it happen.” The call ends with a click. 
You drop the phone, and rake your hands through your hair, “Fuck,” you mutter to yourself. 
There is no good way out of this. Either you’d sell him as a great employee to KQ and get him hired, meaning you’ll have to spend every day in his vicinity, or he’d ruin everything you’d built for yourself and the boys the past couple of months. 
“Love,” Yeosang’s voice calls. 
“Fuck,” you repeat, squeezing your eyes shut tightly before sighing and looking towards him. 
Yeosang stands a few feet away, his calm demeanor almost making you more nervous than anything. Hongjoong and Mingi stand close as well, and while you can hear the rest of the boys farther off into the house, the three of them are here, quietly regarding you. 
Mingi is the first to break the silence, “This In Su,” a look of disgust passes over his features, “you said he threatened you?” 
“Kind of,” you scrub your hand across your face and through your hair, “he wants me to do a favor for him.”
“And the favor isn’t for free.” Yeosang surmises. 
Hongjoong is the first to catch on, “y/n, what does he have?” 
You look down, the shame burning a blush up your cheeks, “It’s so embarrassing,” you admit, “I acted like such a fool.” 
Hongjoong reaches out a hand and you cross the length of the hall to reach them. Some of the others in view behind the three of them. “You can tell us,” he assures you. 
It’s hard to find the words, so you pull your phone forwards and unlock it. You open In Su’s texts and pass the phone to Hongjoong, immediately looking at your slippered feet and holding yourself tightly. You hear Yeosang’s tight intake of breath and Mingi’s low curse and your eyes close at the reaction. 
“What’s going on?” Yunho asks and you freeze, the blush deepening in your cheeks. 
“She talked to In Su,” Hongjoong says simply. 
“Oh,” Yunho, his voice is closer now and you’re sure that he’s moments away from seeing the pictures. You can’t bring yourself to look up, but you hear it when he makes a high surprised sound, “What the fuck?” 
You can hear them gathering, and Jongho says, “Are those what I think they are?” 
Hongjoong makes a terse noise, and you finally open your eyes, slowly looking up to meet their gazes. “I was very young, and very stupid,” you try to explain. 
“None of that,” Yeosang says with finality, “it was consensual, wasn’t it?” 
His words startle you and your eyes flick back down momentarily, “Yes,” you nod, “we were dating. It was something he thought would be fun, sexy. It was at the time but given how little I really knew him it was still stupid. I should have just said no.” 
“How old were you?” Jongho asks, his jaw set hard in anger as he gestures to the phone. 
“Nineteen, I think,” you can feel the blush burning and you shake your head, “I thought I loved him, and I wanted to make him happy, and when we broke up, he showed me that he had deleted them. I guess he had copies.” 
“And now he’s threatening you?” San asks. 
“Mm,” you nod, “he heard that I’m working at KQ. He wants a job,” 
“That’s what he wants?” Jongho shakes his head, “I don’t get it,” 
“He was never very diligent in school,” you explain, “we were both in the same courses, both wanted to work in the industry, but he spent more of his time chasing me around and partying than studying or working hard. He said he hasn’t been having any luck finding a job on his own, and that I owe him this for the breakup.” 
“Absolutely not,” Yunho’s voice is murderous, “there’s no way you’re working with this guy.” 
“I definitely don’t want to,” you agree. 
“Has he ever done something like this before?” Seonghwa asks. 
“Threaten me?” You laugh, “No, but after we broke up, he was hung up on me for a while. He followed me around campus a lot, sent me a lot of letters. Eventually it stopped, but it took my best friend at the time threatening him with the police.” 
“He never,” Yunho shifts from foot to foot, clearing his throat, “he never hurt you, did he?” 
“No! No, he never did anything but be clingy and it made me uncomfortable, but he never touched me,” you assure him. 
“Okay,” Yeosang interrupts, “but his texts? Even the idea that he would try and hurt your career? He’s not safe for you to be around, to see.” 
“Definitely not,” San agrees. 
You sigh and shake your head, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do except try and get him hired,” 
“I say we kick this guy’s ass.” Wooyoung offers. 
“Wooyoung, be serious!” Hongjoong scolds. 
“I was being serious.” He grumbles. 
His suggestion makes you smile, “While I love the idea of my eight boyfriends scaring the shit out of him,” you reach out and squeeze Wooyoung’s hand, “I don’t think any of you should get in trouble and cause attention. So, any non-violent suggestions?” 
“This is extortion,” Yeosang says, “you should really go to the police.” 
“I don’t know,” 
“Tell him you’ll take his resume, the job process takes time. While that is happening, call the police.” Jongho says.
“Lead him on?” Seonghwa turns to Jongho, concern evident on his face. 
“Is that safe?” Mingi asks.
“y/n is always with us,” Yeosang jumps in, nodding along with Jongho’s plan, “at least one of us. So, she promises to help, buys a little time, and before he can figure out he’s not getting a call back from KQ, the police can pick him up. I’m sure the photos can get deleted that way,” 
“It could work,” Hongjoong nods. 
You nod, taking your phone back from Hongjoong’s hands and slipping it into your pocket. “It’s not a bad idea.” You agree. 
“It’s not your fault,” Jongho says clearly, “it’s obvious that you think it is, but this In Su betrayed your trust, and you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
His arms are around you a moment later, and you relish in the crushing hug for a moment before you say, “It doesn’t change the fact that it was still stupid,”
Jongho shakes his head, “People in relationships do lots of different things on trust, expecting that their secrets or their actions will be kept private. Look at all of us.” 
You break away from the hug, giving him a squeeze of thanks, but you can’t help but say, “I’m just disappointed in myself, in trusting someone like him,” 
Seonghwa reaches for you and presses a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t be angry you loved someone, or that within the safety of a relationship you trusted someone. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say this guy didn’t deserve your love, and that isn’t your fault.” 
“Thank you,” you murmur. 
“Text him back,” San suggests, “tell him you’ll take the resume in tomorrow, and then we’ll figure out the rest.” 
You follow his lead and text In Su back, carefully laying out the plan that you’d take his resume in that week and recommend him for the job, he just had to be a little patient while the hiring manager assessed things. Tomorrow you’d contact the police and see what you could do to get In Su caught and the pictures resolved. 
But that's tomorrow. Tonight, none of the boys seem like they want to leave you alone. You can feel their tense anger coming off them in waves at the thought that someone would do this to you, but it does nothing but make you feel more embarrassed. You’re curled in the corner of the sectional anxiously worrying the inside of your cheek and flicking through articles about revenge porn aimlessly when Wooyoung collapses down on the couch next to you and tucks close to your side. 
“Woo,” you shake your head, “I’m really not in the mood.” 
“For?” He raises an eyebrow at you. 
“I don’t know,” you sigh. 
“Give me that,” he plucks your phone out of your hands and clicks the lock to darken the screen, setting it on the table and catching your attention. 
“You’re doom scrolling,” he takes your jaw in one warm hand and turns your face to meet his eyes. 
“Look,” you groan, “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I’m just trying to figure out if he’s even broken any laws. We don’t know for sure that the cops can help.”
“That’s true,” Wooyoung says, “but why don’t you let them tell us that instead of a bunch of posts on Reddit,” 
Your mouth clamps shut, and you look away from him quickly, as tears well up in your eyes you realize all of the boys are still in the shared living space. They’ve all been aimlessly on their phones or watching TV, but clearly just waiting on alert for whatever you might need, too unsure of what to say. Of course, it’s Wooyoung who breaks the uncomfortable silence. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung’s voice drops as he notices your sudden tears, “whoa, whoa, what’s this?” His hands reach for you, pulling you into his chest instantly. 
Your breath comes in an a hitched sob and you shake your head into his chest, “This is really bad, Woo,” 
“Shh,” he soothes you, running a strong hand up and down your back, “we don’t know anything yet.” 
Wooyoung shifts on the couch, dragging you over a little to sit closer to him and you feel someone drop down on your other side and rest a warm hand on your bare thigh, softly dragging a comforting line with his thumb. 
“I just thought this was over,” you sigh into his chest, tears still coming hot against his t-shirt. 
“I know,” he murmurs. 
“Come here, baby,” San says from your side, sliding closer to you and lifting your hips to tuck you in his lap. Here you’re cradled between them both, and with your head still buried in Wooyoung’s chest, San rubs a comforting hand up your back, shoulder to shoulder with his best friend. 
“y/n,” Yunho’s voice breaks through and when you lift your eyes, you see him crouched in front of you, “what can we do?” His eyes are soft and tender, empathetic and aching to help. 
You shake your head and sigh, sniffing back tears, “I don’t know,” you tell him honestly. 
He nods and rests his palm on your knee, squeezing you softly. You straighten up in between Wooyoung and San and they let you move out of their grip, but tears bubble up again and Yunho reaches forwards to brush them away with his thumb. Launching yourself forwards, you wrap your arms around Yunho and drop your head against his neck, pressing your eyes tightly closed and holding back another sob. 
“Hey,” he rocks back on his heels when you collide with him, but he steadies himself and holds you close, cupping your head with one and the other warmly on your back. Your legs wrap around him easily and he tucks you close, rocking you softly as he murmurs softly into your ear, “we’re not going to let anything happen to you, okay? Not a thing.” 
“Yunho,” you sigh, “you can’t promise that.” 
He shakes his head and makes a dismissive sound, “I can, and I am,” 
You lean back from your tight grip on his neck and meet his eyes again. Even though it’s not really a promise he can make or keep, you don’t know what the police will be capable of doing or how In Su will react, you choose to believe him. He brushes the tears away and again and draws you in for a kiss, comforting and slow, before breaking your lips apart and pressing another to your forehead. 
“Okay,” you sigh. 
“Don’t be scared,” he murmurs. 
“Yunho’s right,” San says from behind you, and you feel his warm hand rest on your neck, stroking your hair softly, “this man is nothing but a coward. He’s acting out of desperation.” 
Before you can respond, Hongjoong’s voice breaks through the moment and your eyes snap up over Yunho’s shoulder when you hear him say, “What he’s doing is definitely illegal.”
Hongjoong and Jongho are seated together, eyes trained on the laptop in front of them and Jongho nods, “It’s blackmail, but it’s also considered a sex crime.” 
“I didn’t think we recognized revenge porn,” you swipe at your eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt and slide back off Yunho’s lap, coming to rest on the floor between San’s open knees and letting Yunho shift around too before he takes your hand back in his. 
“We don’t exactly,” Jongho clarifies, “but he isn’t just posting the pictures, he’s threatening you with them to get something. That’s just good old-fashioned blackmail, the nature of the leverage just makes the crime more severe.” 
Your eyes widen, “Are you sure?” 
“We’ve been reading,” Hongjoong points towards his laptop screen, “I think we have enough to go on to talk to the police.” 
“His text messages,” Seonghwa pipes in, “they’re threatening, you have that in writing.” 
“They are,” you nod, the tightness in your chest releasing ever so slightly. 
“And he actually sent you the pictures,” Jongho notes, “he doesn’t just allude to them. We have proof what he’s doing is sex crime, not just a threat.” 
“They really might be able to help?” You meet Jongho’s eyes. 
“I hope so,” he nods, “but if they can’t we’ll figure it out.” 
You exhale long, your nerves that have been knotting up since he started texting you at the dinner table leaving your hands shaky and your brain foggy. Mingi’s eyes flick over you and he’s up and out of the room. It takes you a minute to realize what he’s doing, what he’s sensing, but when he returns and crouches in front of you it all comes together. 
He presses a cold glass of ice water into your hand, and you break away from Yunho’s grip to hold the glass between both hands and take a long gulp. The boys are watching carefully, Mingi nodding for you to take another sip, the shock of icy water to the brain helping ground you out of a potential anxiety attack. From his pocket he produces your anti-anxiety medication and uncaps it, dropping a single pill into his palm and passing it to you. 
Yunho rubs your back softly as you down the pill and take a deep breath, letting it work for a moment. San’s hand is a little tighter on your shoulder, and you can feel all their eyes on you. Up to this point, Yunho and Mingi are the only two that know anything about your panic attacks or your medications, and while you know they won’t judge you or think differently, the last thing you want is to be treated like glass by everyone. 
“Okay?” Mingi checks when your eyes open, tucking your pills away in his pocket. 
“Yeah,” you give him a small smile, “you knew before I did,” 
“You had that same look in your eyes,” he explains. 
You watch as Yunho and Mingi share a quick, private look, and Mingi backs up to his previous spot on the couch, gesturing again for you to drink more of the cold water just to keep things in check.
“y/n,” Seonghwa’s soft voice comes from next to Wooyoung, “is there… is everything alright?” 
Yunho turns towards Seonghwa, opening his mouth to respond but you rest your hand on his forearm to stop him and he nods, holding his tongue. 
“I get panic attacks sometimes,” you manage, turning towards Seonghwa, “they’re anti-anxiety pills to help stop them. It doesn’t happen often at all; you don’t have to worry.” You try to preemptively answer their questions. 
“Are you okay now?” he asks. 
You nod, reaching out for him and squeezing his hand, “I’m good, I promise.” 
Hongjoong clears his throat gently and you turn to look at him, “Is there something we should notice? Like Mingi did? For the future,” 
You soften at that, the way Hongjoong has started to grow more tender towards you over these weeks of living with them and spending so much time in the studio. You shake your head, “No, I can usually take care of it myself,” you shift in your seat and feel Seonghwa’s thumb stroking over your knuckles, Wooyoung’s hand coming to rest on your shoulder, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” 
“That’s not something you have to tell anyone,” Wooyoung says from behind you, “don’t apologize.” 
San is oddly quiet behind you, his hand still firmly planted on the back of your neck, and you want to twist around and see what he’s thinking but Yeosang leans forwards from his spot, “So, we have a plan?” he brings the conversation away from your anxiety directly and back to the problem at hand, and relief floods you. 
“Mm,” you nod, “I’ll call and speak with an officer tomorrow if I can and see what they need me to do. Can you send me anything relevant you found in your research that I can reference on the phone?” You nod towards Jongho and Hongjoong. 
“Got it,” Hongjoong nods, shifting his attention back to the task at hand. 
After a beat of quiet you sigh, running your hands through your hair and admitting to the boys that what you really need is sleep and some time to yourself. But then even after several hours have passed, you’re still awake, staring at your ceiling and nervously checking your phone. Your brain flicks back to earlier, and the way San said little after Mingi gave you your medication. He kissed you goodnight, but you could practically feel him thinking. 
You glance at the clock and the digital white numbers read two-fifteen. Your leg bounces restlessly against the mattress, your mind carding through the night again. You sit up straight and slip out of bed. Standing at your doorway, you decide not to think, and just go with what you’re feeling, what you need. 
Quietly you creep across the lower level to San and Yunho’s room, easing open the door as softly as you can and shutting it behind you. Yunho’s thankfully dead asleep, and easily one of the heaviest sleepers imaginable. It takes a full minute to shake him awake sometimes, and with the way he’s laid out flat on his back with a hushed, steady snore, you’re sure he’s out like a light. Using the soft city light streaming in through the windows you make your way to San’s bed. 
He's on his side facing you, arms gripping around a pillow and legs tangled up in the sheets. As quietly as you can, you ease down onto the open spot in bed and shift some of the covers out of his twisted position to cover you both, scooting close to him and running your hand down his arm. 
He groans softly, shifting against his pillow. 
“Sannie,” you whisper, tugging at the one in his arms gently. 
His arms release it easily, and you drop it off the side of the bed and move into his arms. They lock around you instantly and he hugs you to his chest, hitching a leg up over your hip and dropping his head against yours. He grumbles softly, pleasantly, and you know he’s close to waking. 
Prodding him softly you kiss his jaw and murmur again, “Choi… San…” 
“Hmm?” he sighs
“Baby,” you kiss him again, “I can’t sleep.” 
San’s eyes blink open at that, and he squints at you in the darkness for a moment before he comes fully into consciousness. He’s still a little bleary from being woken up, but he cups your cheek and leans back to get a good look at you, “What’s wrong?” 
“I couldn’t sleep,” you whisper back. 
“No,” you shake your head and sigh, “I couldn’t fall asleep.” 
“This whole time?” He glances over your shoulder for the time. 
“Are you worried about tomorrow?” He asks. 
“A little,” you admit, and he nods. 
“We’ll be with you,” he kisses your forehead softly, “even if we’re not next to you, we’re there.” 
You slip your hand into his and he interlaces your fingers. With a sigh you murmur, “Can I stay here tonight?” 
“Mhm,” he brings the covers up over you a little further. 
San watches you quietly in the low light, his thumb stroking your cheek. Finally, he sighs, “Can I ask you something?” 
“Earlier… you said,” he looks concerned, his brows ever so slightly drawn together, “are you really okay, or is that just something you said?” 
“I really am okay,” you soothe him. 
He draws you up to his lips, kissing you soft, deepening it when he feels you responding. He leans away again, “I don’t want you to be scared for tomorrow,” 
“It’s a scary thing,” The idea of filing a police report, showing strangers these pictures, leaving it in the hands of someone else to care and resolve, it all terrifies you.
He nods, swallowing hard and you watch him gather his thoughts, “I hate that someone’s hurting you like this,” he says simply. 
“I know,” you whisper, tears prick at your eyes. 
“I can’t stop thinking of the hundred different ways I would kill this guy with my bare hands if I had him for a single second,” he admits, and it connects why he’s been so quiet. 
“Come here,” you shake your head, pulling him back to your mouth and shifting your position so that your leg is now hitched up over his, bringing you closer, “I don’t want you to think like that,” 
“I just want to protect you,” he admits, kissing you again, his tender care coming off him in waves, “we all do,” 
“I know,” you nod, “and you are,” 
He opens his mouth to protest but you shake your head, interrupting him again with a kiss. You didn’t come to his bed for this, but the anxiety is melting away and here in his arms you feel incredibly held. His cock twitches beneath you, and you feel him hardening against your clothed mound where your hips are slotted together. 
“I,” he shakes his head slightly and you know he’s about to move away when you interrupt him, catching his cheek in your hand. 
“No, please, I need you,” you whisper, shifting your hips slightly to grind against him gently. 
“Are you sure?” His eyes are full of concern, and you draw him closer. 
“Please,” you nod, “I can’t think about this anymore tonight, I just want to feel better,” 
San’s tongue darts out and wets his lips, his eyes drinking you in, and glances to Yunho, “We’re not exactly alone.” 
“Oh,” you glance over, but Yunho’s still dead asleep. 
“Can you be quiet?” Your head snaps back to him and you nod immediately. He smiles and you watch as he shuffles around under the covers to discard his underwear before reaching for yours. 
“Eager,” you giggle softly, and he shushes you. 
“Let me make you feel good,” he slides your underwear off and before you can blink, he’s sliding under the comforter completely. 
You lift the edge to watch him as he maneuvers between your legs, knocking them open wide easing down between your thighs. He looks up to meet your gaze and smiles, pressing a single finger to his lips to keep you quiet before easing his mouth down over your clit. 
You can’t help the soft hiss that leaves your lips at the sudden sensation, and he squeezes your hips in his warm hands to tell you to quiet down. You steal a glance at Yunho who’s shifted in his bed, arm up over his head and his blankets now around his hips, bare chest exposed. San runs his tongue up the length of your slit, darting against your swollen bud and teasing you relentlessly. The combination of San’s mouth on you and Yunho mere feet away sends a hot rush through your body, but you tear your eyes away. 
Your head falls back as you focus on the feeling of San’s mouth on you, his fingers teasing your entrance and testing your wetness. When he sinks one finger inside you fully, knuckles pressing flush against your cunt, you clap a hand over your lips and squeeze your eyes shut. 
He hums softly, feeling your hips jerk under his ministrations and adds a second finger, working you up quickly while he sucks sharply on your clit again. The sharp sensation has you arching, rocking your hips against his mouth and you keep one hand over your lips and one on your breast, kneading it softly the way you like. 
When his mouth and fingers leave you suddenly you blink your eyes open looking down to watch as he surfaces from the covers and moves over you, lining up his cock with your entrance. 
“What,” you start to say, but he shakes his head, dropping his hand over your mouth and thrusting inside you in one sharp motion. You moan against his hand, and San presses himself down hard into you, seating every inch in your tight channel, quickly looking over to ensure his roommate is still asleep. 
You’re breathing heavily through your nose, and he starts to roll his hips quickly and quietly into you. He’s biting down on his own lip to keep from making a sound, and with every push of his warm cock inside you, you feel yourself buzzing, coming up to the rolling edge of pleasure. 
He falters slightly when he reaches with his free hand to grab one of your wrists, softly tugging your hand between your bodies and nodding to you. You communicate with ease in the dark, everything so clear in his desperate expression. Sliding your fingers down your front you navigate them to your folds, and before you start to circle your clit you feel the place where you’re connected, your soft fingers catching against his slick cock as it moves in and out of you. 
He lets out a startled groan and you smile against his hand, moving your fingers over your clit faster now. He grins down at you, shaking his head at your teasing. Yunho hasn’t so much as twitched in his sleep as far as you can tell, but you both know that if he wakes up now nothing could stop you both from finishing. 
San’s mouth widens in pleased awe when he watches your brows knit together tightly, your free hand tight against the muscles of his back and the hand between your bodies picking up the pace to bring you crashing headlong into your orgasm. Your body locks up under him, and he nods as he watches you silently come as if he’s easing you along through it.
He pumps his hips faster, the bed making small creaks now, but he ignores it and drives down into you. A light sheen of sweat across his brow, a slight smile on his lips, his hands gripping you tight, and when he comes it’s with a snap of his hips to drive himself in as deep as possible and a choked breath on his lips before collapsing down over you. 
It takes a minute for both your heads to clear, but when you come back to reality and he slips his softening cock out of you, you take one last glance at Yunho to confirm that he did stay asleep the whole time. You sigh, a little relieved and smile at San. 
He cuddles you immediately, twining your slick bodies together and dragging the covers up over your shoulders. “Feeling better, baby?” He nuzzles your ear. 
“So much,” you sigh, and it’s true. At least for tonight you can relax, slip into sleep with his arms around you, your problems still problems tomorrow but your head clear enough now to know that there’s nothing you can really do at three in the morning. 
You don’t even remember dropping off into sleep, just San’s arms around you and his soothing words against your ear keeping you calm and at ease, but when you wake it’s sudden, to a broad, warm hand on your cheek. When your eyes snap open it’s morning and Yunho’s looking down at you, fully dressed and ready for his day. 
You smile up at him, but you suddenly remember where you are, the night patching itself back together in your foggy morning brain and you pull the covers up to tuck under your arms and keep you somewhat decent. “Hey,” you murmur, blushing and glancing over at a still sleeping San. 
“I have an early schedule,” he murmurs quietly to not wake San, “but I wanted to tell you good luck today. If you need anything, just call and I’ll figure out a way to step away,” 
“You don’t have to do that,” you shake your head. 
“I’m offering,” he stops you. 
You nod, “Thank you, Yunho.” 
He leans forward and kisses you softly, not an ounce of awkwardness in his actions or expression, and when he breaks away and steps back, he smiles, “I’ll see you tonight.” 
You wave quietly, watching him go, and then curl back into San’s embrace, burrowing into his arms until you have to get up, until you have to start thinking about what you would say on the phone to the police. 
It should have been easy, especially after all the research Hongjoong and Jongho did, all the evidence you feel is at your disposal. It takes time to get through to an officer, and time to get connected to one that even works cases like yours. When you finally do, the reality you worried about starts to form again in front of your eyes. The texts, while threatening in nature, do not contain a direct threat in writing. The photos were taken consensually, and he’s not breaking any law by having them in his possession. While your description of the phone call is an active threat against you, it was your word against his. The officer takes your name, copies of the evidence you had collected, and promises to look into things for you. 
For a week you stall things, you juggling work and the boys juggling their schedules as you try to figure out a way out of this. You call the detective every other day just to see what can be done, and every other day he promises he is working on things, but it starts to feel like just that, a promise alone.  
You’re in the coffee shop a block from the KQ offices when you see him again. Park In Su standing at the end of the bar with a smirk. Panic flutters in your stomach, and you feel your heartbeat pick up. You consider leaving right then, turning on your heel and walking back to your office at KQ, or better yet making it down the street a little further to the studio where you know at least some of the boys are arriving, but you find yourself frozen. 
The last contact you had with In Su was a lie, a promise to get his resume on the right desk but given that a week had passed, you’re not surprised that he’s suspicious and changing tactics. The barista behind the counter clears his throat gently and gestures to you. You’re flustered, but you hand over the money for the coffee and apologize before stepping away from the counter. In Su’s eyes are fixed on you, and you see him collect his coffee from the end of the bar and step towards you. 
Your stomach is churning. 
His smirk turns into a genuine looking smile and your breath catches in your throat. 
He calls your name. 
Your phone rings, and you jump, fishing in your pockets for it. 
“Hello?” you answer as quickly as possible and watch In Su slow his steps to regard you carefully. 
“Ah, y/n have you gotten to the studio yet?” Yeosang asks and you hear a car in the background. 
“No, I was on my way,” you say. 
“Where are you now? We could pick you up,” he replies. 
“I’m…” your mouth is dry, and you steady your breathing, “I’m at the coffee house by work, I ran into a friend.”
“A friend?” Yeosang questions, the tension obvious in your voice. 
“You know him,” you hint, nervous to say his name out loud. 
“In Su,” Yeosang surmises immediately, and you hear Wooyoung in the background make a noise. 
“Are you alright?” His voice is serious now. 
“At the moment,” you settle on. 
“I’m coming,” Yeosang says firmly, “we’re close, stay put.” 
“Don’t,” your eyes break from In Su when you realize what he’s suggesting. 
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Yeosang says, his voice clipped, “just stay put.” 
The call ends abruptly, and you swallow hard. Your name is called at the end of the coffee bar, and In Su smiles before picking up your cup and making his way across the café to meet you for the first time in over a year. 
There are a lot of options in front of you, but the one you like the least is staying put and letting Yeosang and Wooyoung put themselves in the public eye for you. As In Su approaches, a pleased smile on his lips, you take a step backwards and try to think of a plan, any plan that would get you away from him and keep your boys out of view. 
chapter 23 will be posted on tuesday, november 1st at 5:00 PM ET
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Letters to G. Weasley. [g.w. x reader]
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Inspired by Letters to Milena.
You left me in that beautiful heap of dazzles and brilliance; your recalcitrance with your brother— just to send a message.
Do you know how I felt when I saw what you left in the sky on the morning of my NEWTS; your farewell to Hogwarts while we were all stuck under the authoritarian regime of that daft pink woman.
I was so, so, so devastated.
I spent my nights crying, you git. You didn't tell me you were leaving.
- Y/N, May 14, 1996.
Dear George,
I've come to peace with you after ignoring all your owls. Yes, I'm writing back to you. Yes, I've decided to address you, unlike my last letter, if you still have it.
Even though I dearly, passionately, and remarkably hate you; I still miss your voice.
I've graduated from Hogwarts and I'm joining the Ministry. Has your shop been doing well? Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, was it? Never mind that I'll get straight to the point. No more preamble.
I'd like to see you, if you'd wish to, of course. I've moved on from that undesirable spring.
I fully understand if you wish not to. You can be a man of deep-seated grudges, after all.
I'll leave it up to you, and I most favourably look forward to your reply.
Y/N, June 21, 1997
It's been a rough month. I know it's been tougher for you, too. Is your ear, or lack thereof, okay? From what I understand from your letter, you're currently hiding in Sirius Black's family's manor with The Order, and the Burrow's gone? I cannot fathom this.
The Dark Lord, Cedric's death in 6th year, I thought it was all a nightmare. Now it's very much real. Please, take care of yourself. It's been hectic here in the Ministry. I've been drinking Pepper-Up potions every two days just to feel alive.
Please, please, please, I cannot stress this enough, take care of yourself.
I love you.
Y/N, August 2, 1997.
Please, let me join The Order. I know I can handle it. I want to, I need to, join the battle against Voldemort. Let me help.
He took away everything we've loved dearly. It's only a matter of time until he strikes all of us down.
Please, reply as soon as you can.
I love you dearly.
Y/N, August 14, 1997.
George Weasley.
With your lack of response, I'm going to assume you're not letting me join The Order. Or are you dead?
For the love of Merlin, let me in. I need to know you're okay. I spent nights thinking of the worst possible scenarios; what if you've all been found by Voldemort? What if I never get to see you again?
Please, at least reply. Even one single word. Anything, just to know you're alive.
I know the Ministry's hot on Potter's tail right now, so if you ever read this, please send my regards to him. I've seen the way Fudge hides away in his office. The man's out of his mind, rambling about how Voldemort isn't back.
Diagon Alley shut down. Ollivander's gone. Your shop's... Seen better days.
Oh, how I wish to go back to halcyon days. Reply, please.
I love you.
Y/N, August 29, 1997.
My dearest, George,
As soon as Errol came swooping by my window, I got up, drank my milk, and wrote to you.
I understand why you won't let me join, it's dangerous. I understand completely. But please, don't leave me in the dark. It's been two months since I last saw you, don't you think I at least deserve to know what's happening?
Merlin, you lost an ear. You're just like that Muggle painter, don't you know? I don't want to lose you spiralling in the raging sea of war.
It isn't easy for anyone right now, and I understand you're just trying to get by. Apropos of your nightmares, I'll send you Dreamless Sleep potions by Owl soon. I've brewed them a few months prior because I, too, have been plagued with nightmares.
The world's in a dark place right now. Please, take care of yourself.
I love you.
Y/N, September 2, 1997.
Dearest George,
Amidst the never-ending darkness, I got myself a cat. She's a chubby ginger tabby cat, and in the envelope is a picture of us together. I've recently taken up Muggle photography to get my mind off things; though Muggle cameras aren't as capable as magical cameras, they have this certain charm to them. They remind me a lot of you, actually.
The cat's still unnamed, so I'm leaving the task of naming her to you.
How are the potions? Are they helping? You didn't mention them in your letter, so I thought to ask you.
I miss you, dearly. Come home soon.
Y/N, October 14, 1997.
Please, for the love of fuck, tell me you're alive.
News of Death Eater attacks are all over the Prophet. I'm still safe and sound, but where are you?
Word is going around in the Ministry that a second wizarding war may break out any time soon.
Write back.
Y/N, April 29, 1998.
I'm fighting in the war.
Wait for me, my love.
Y/N, May 2, 1998
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New Year’s Eve
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Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader ft. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (all platonic)
Warnings: None.
Description: It’s December 31. You’ve just returned from a mission. Tony wants to throw a New Years Eve party. And Steve just wants to speak to you for a few minutes.
A/n: Wishing each of you an early Happy New Year! I hope 2023 is filled with happiness and love. Here’s to another year of little stories and imagination running wild x
There was a lot of noise coming from below. You would have been bothered if you hadn’t already been up awake still jumpy from the mission in Wakanda.
The thumps and bumps drew your curiosity and you set off on a journey to see what was happening. Two floors down, you ran into a series of strangers in the tower wearing guest passes. As they walked by, you noticed your favourite spy-turned-Avenger leaning against the kitchen bench.
“What’s with the good looking people at 8am?” You asked.
Natasha was quietly watching Tony sign some documents out on the helipad and sipped on her favourite morning juice.
“Didn’t you hear? Tony wants to have a lavish New Years Eve party tonight.”
A few of the stronger workers were lifting crates marked with ‘warning: explosive’ according to Tony’s instruction.
“And here come the fireworks. Hold this,” Natasha passed you her drink. “I need to move the quinjet before that goes up in flames too.”
You had questions but she left your side before you could voice them. The fridge door closed and Thor walked over with a tub of yogurt in his hands.
“I never understand you mortals. You can court chaos and yet create such beautiful ‘sky fire’.” He said bumping your shoulder. “A party this evening is exciting, is it not?”
“It would be if he hadn’t sprung this out of nowhere.”
Thor looked away from the workers and frowned at you. “Nowhere? Did you not receive the message two days ago on the small voicebox?” The God of Thunder recognised your blank expression and explained himself. “The phone?”
You reached into your back pocket and pulled out your handheld device. Tapping a few button, you realised that the battery had fallen flat. “Crap. It must have run out while I was away.” You realised.
Thor leaned over and touched the screen, sending a small electric current into the device and bringing it back to life. As the screen loaded, you gave a grateful sigh. “You’re like a walking source of energy.”
There were several pings of missed texts and calls that floated to the top of the screen.
29 December 10:50am - 1 missed call from Hawkeye.
29 December 10:56am - (Hawkeye) Text over your room’s access code. I need to hide the Asgardian mead.
29 December 1:21pm - 1 missed call from Thaddeus Ross.
29 December 2:56pm - (Hawkeye) Don’t ignore me.
29 December 2:58pm - (Hawkeye) Your phone’s dead, isn’t it?
30 December 7:22am - 1 missed call from Pepper P.
30 December 10:53am - (Steve) I’ve moved your mission debrief to after the party. Hope you’re keeping safe.
30 December 12:36pm - 2 missed calls from The Raft.
Dismissing them for now, you tapped a few icons to replay the voicemail left by Tony.
“Avengers - it’s time to celebrate the end of the year with flair. I’m hosting a New Years Eve party in two nights at the tower. Food, friends and fireworks. Invitations are going out right now so come dressed to dazzle.”
“What do you suppose he means by ‘dress to dazzle’? Perhaps, Jane will know. I’ve invited her to join us if she’s not too busy. Barton mentioned a tradition of kissing someone at midnight. Hopefully Jane finds me worthy.” Thor hoped.
You groaned internally. The dreaded pressure of kissing someone at midnight was something you never enjoyed. It felt too dramatic for your taste.
“Will you be bringing someone?” The God of Thunder wondered.
Patting his arm, you stepped away. “I’m going for a walk so less people ask me that question.”
Leaving him to watch the workers and enjoy his breakfast, you crossed the room to the elevator. You descended to the lobby where more people wandered about. While walking, you hadn’t noticed the foot of a marble statute poking out of place and accidentally kicked it.
Caught off guard, you cursed while hopping to nurse the temporary pain. Turning around, you found yourself nose-to-box when a hand grabbed yours, pulling you to the side.
“Whoa, easy there.” Steve laughed as he held your arm so you wouldn’t hit the stack of boxes.
“Sorry, I was just - why did we take the statue down?” You asked, looking back at the sculpture.
“Tony wants there to be more space for the crowd to mingle.” Steve replied.
“This party is just getting more elaborate by the second.” You sighed. “If I had known it was tonight, I might have stayed in Wakanda for a few more days.”
“Come on, you don’t mean that.”
You didn’t really wish to be away from home on New Years if you could help it.
“No, I don’t.” Placing your hands on your hips, you exhaled a thought. “I had hoped today would be a day of rest. Not party prepping.”
“Actually speaking of the party, if you’re not taking any-”
“Here he is! Just the man I was after.” Tony called out as he appeared from behind the super soldier having taken the stairs. He approached and patted Steve’s shoulder. “I need your help upstairs.” Tony then looked at you.
“And I need your help with the last remaining invitations. FRIDAY hit a small glitch during the send so I’ve texted you the names that were missed.”
Steve glanced at his friend. “Sure thing Tony but I was just-”
“You’ll have plenty of time later. Come on, Cap.”
With Steve on a task with Tony, you looked at your phone screen to read the message he left on your phone.
Stephen Strange, Wong, Peter and May, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes.
The latter two were easy to reach since you were always in touch. You could extend their invites on your way to Bleeker Street.
Wrapping up for the cold weather outside, you caught a cab to the Sanctum Sanctorum. As you were driven, you tried to give Sam a call but reached his voicemail.
“Hi, this is Sam Wilson. I’m not available but leave a message…”
“What are you doing?”
“Recording an outgoing voicemail so people leave a message when I can’t take their call.”
“That’s weird.”
The banter between Sam and Bucky was so enjoyable that you almost forgot to hang up when the tone beeped. You’d try again a little later in the day. 
With the traffic being a little heavier, your ride was slow so you went through a few missed calls and called back the time sensitive ones. After the third, you slipped your phone back into your pocket when you noticed that the cab had slowed to a stop. Paying the driver, you stepped out and pulled your coat a little tighter before walking up the stairs.
Knocking twice, you paused on the third when you heard a crash behind the door. Then the wooden panel creaked open and you were pulled inside and landed on a platform that wasn’t part of the usual foyer.
“Y/n! It’s so nice you see you.” Wong welcomed from somewhere above where he stood on a large rock as he wrangled against a large beast.
You waved at him when suddenly the ground you were standing on trembled. At the end of it was a second beast set on fire.
What the hell had you walked into?
It charged towards you until a magical leash fastened around its neck and pulled it away before you were swallowed. Following the thread, you saw the man you were after.
“Is now a bad time?” You called out.
Stephen rolled his eyes. “Does anything about this seem normal to you?”
Looking around, it was hard to answer because the last few times you visited, there was another perilous disaster occurring within the walls.
“Actually, this is a bit of a habit.” You admitted. Stephen sighed and accepted the reply. “I came to invite you to the New Years Eve party tonight. At the tower, if you survive this.”
Stephen grappled with the reigns of his creature as it grew in strength. Wong leapt into the air, opened a portal beneath the feet of his own beast and let it fall through with a growl. He then made his way over to you.
“What time is the party?” He asked.
Stephen groaned. You ignored the sorcerer and addressed his friend. “At seven.”
Wong nodded, happy with the invitation. “I’ll be there.”
You looked up at Stephen. “And you?”
Doctor Strange sighed and cast a hand in your direction with a circling motion. “I think you still have a few more guests to invite.”
That’s when you realised that there was no floor beneath your feet and you fell through a hole only to land on a soft couch.
“Oh my god!” Aunt May cried out as a bowl of popcorn flew into the air.
Peter jumped out from the kitchen brandishing wooden spoons poised for attack. “What? What?”
You cleared out the stray kernels from your hair. “I really hate it when he does that. Oh, hi you two!”
Aunt May calmed her erratic heart and lowered the volume on the television. “Y/n, as much as I enjoy having you over, why don’t you try the door next time?”
You apologised for the suddenness and the mess as you gathered the bowl. Peter set the spoons down and walked over.
“Is something wrong? Does Mr Stark need my help?” He wondered quickly filled with so much hope.
Chuckling, you helped clean up the ruined movie snack from the floor. “Not quite. Actually we’re having a party at the tower tonight and would love for you both to be there if you’re free.”
“A party? With the Avengers?” Peter’s eyes widened, mouth grinning while trying to contain his excitement.
May cleared her throat. “Will Happy be there?”
Her interest in the body guard had not gone unnoticed particularly since Happy always asked you about her. “Oh he’ll be there.” You smirked.
May looked at Peter and then pretended that she wasn’t too excited. “We’ll let you know.”
Thanking them both and apologising once more for the earlier incident, you left their apartment.
Four down, two to go you thought to yourself. There was a buzz from your pocket so you fished out your phone. There was a text message from Clint. Opening it, you read:
Emergency. Pick up blueberries.
Frowning, you texted back while audibly speaking the message. “What happened to the batch I bought?”
Three dots graced the screen and then…
I ate them.
You glanced at the time and knew that the ingredients at the cocktail bar hadn’t been prepared yet. Tony always requested the caterers to do it an hour or so before the event. Luckily there was a good market close to the tower from which you could purchase the fresh produce. 
As you walked to the subway and rounded a corner, you managed to get Sam on the line. It would be a great way to let him know of the event. The call was picked up with a familiar bright voice.
“Well if it isn’t my favourite Avenger.” Sam answered.
“Don’t let Cap hear you say that.” You laughed with a small head shake. “Are you home?”
“No, actually I’m visiting a family friend. What’s up?”
“That’s okay. I called for two reasons. Firstly, I found some intel on Zemo’s prison cell. Had to check in a few favours there. And second-”
“There’s a party happening at the Tower?” Sam guessed.
How did he know that? “Was it Steve?”
“You know I don’t reveal my sources.” He teased. “But to ease your mind, I’ll be there.”
“Could you try and get Bucky to come as well? I know Steve would appreciate having you both.”
Sam laughed. “That’s the third time you mentioned Mr Blue Eyes in this conversation and it’s not even 2’o clock. Why you’re not dating the guy is a mystery to me.”
You had made it down to the platform as a train pulled up. “Okay, I won’t mention him again.”
Sam loved to poke at you for fun and it was all done from a place of love. You caught up with the man for a little while longer until your stop and you bid him and the subway adieu. It was a short walk to the market where you collected enough blueberries to cover Clint’s thievery before anyone found out.
When you returned to the tower, you delivered the berries to the bar and let Clint know that the crisis was averted. The tower was getting busier and so you decided to head up to your room to get dressed.
Like any Tony Stark party, he delivered. It was magnificent with lots of familiar and new faces gracing the halls and levels of Avengers Tower. Everyone was dressed up and looked incredible. You caught a glimpse of Peter Parker in the crowd who was taking everything in. Wong managed to seek you out for a short conversation and gave you an apology on Stephen’s behalf for not making it.
After a round through the crowd, you settled at the bar to enjoy a drink with Pepper, Happy and Bruce. Steve was on his way to get some food when he heard your voice.
“I think the kissing tradition on New Years Eve is cute.” Bruce commented.
Happy shrugged. “I don’t know, I think it depends on the person you’re with.”
You set your glass down and pat Happy on the shoulder. “This. See, I think you should only kiss someone on New Years Eve if you’re in love with them or planning to pursue a relationship. What’s the point of kissing if it’s just for fun?”
Pepper laughed as she took a sip. “Don’t knock it until you try it Y/n. There are heaps of strangers here. Why don’t we set you up with one?”
Steve’s stomach flipped at the thought and he entered the conversation circle. “How is everyone doing over here?”
He leaned towards you to pull over a glass and pour himself a drink. You smiled as the rest of the group gave their replies and caught him up to speed on their last topic.
“What do you think Cap?” Happy asked.
“To kiss or not to kiss?” Bruce chimed in with a chuckle.
Steve paused for a few seconds as he thought up a response. “I like romance. I’d imagine each kiss to be special and tell a story.” Steve’s eyes landed on you. “Actually that’s why I wanted to speak to you. I-”
Suddenly, Tony interrupted the group with his presence and a holopad that was flashing red. “Oh boy, we have a major problem.” He said and showed them a newspaper article. “Vibranium was stolen in transit to Wakanda. We need a lock on their trail before it runs cold. Pun intended since the route was in Iceland.”
Happy sighed. “Wow, they picked a hell of a time to strike so close to midnight.”
Steve jumped into Captain America mode almost immediately, shoulders straightened and brow-furrowed. “I can be ready and take the quinjet in ten.”
Bruce set his glass down. “Want me to come with you?”
“Thanks Bruce. But if it’s a simple tailing job, I’ve got it covered. Besides, you should enjoy the night, you’ve earned it.”
Suddenly, the crowd began making their way to the terrace, Thor amidst them when he spotted his friends and called out from the sea of heads.
“Come, my friends. We are about to watch the sky fire!”
Tony unbuttoned his suit jacket with a flare, “It’s my time to shine.” He walked over to Pepper and stretched out his arm for her to take before striding out onto the balcony. Bruce found Natasha and followed her out while Happy caught a glimpse of Peter’s aunt in the crowd and also head in that direction. 
You looked at Steve and he seemed a little disheartened. “I’ve been trying to catch you all day and now-”
You placed a hand over his arm and gave a kind rub. “Hey, it’s okay. If it’s not important, it can wait until you’re back. I’ll still be here.” Hearing your name being called outside, you stepped away from the man. “I should go. Can’t miss Tony’s wondrous display.”
Leaving Steve behind for his mission, you joined the Asgardian in the middle of the crowd. He was telling stories about how he and Loki would steal fireworks from each festival and light them up on the bifrost for the people of the lower towns. “...I think our Father knew.”
In the next few minutes, Jane Foster appeared at Thor’s side and exchanged pleasantries until the crowd began to hush and stir as they looked to the sky. Tony’s drones took to the sky in marvellous fashion before they shaped themselves into the countdown numbers.
…5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
The crowd cheered, some even coming from the streets as they watched the pyrotechnics come to life. As fireworks rose and lit up the sky, you felt a kind of magical buzz, lucky to be where you stood.
It was a beautiful sight and you looked at the surrounding crowd. Lips were locking all around and you felt your stomach twist as the feeling of being alone began to settle. It normally never bothered you but this environment felt different. While everyone was distracted, you snaked between the bodies to return inside.
As you crossed the seating arrangement with every intention to call it a night, you barrelled into a very combat-suited Steve. Shouldn’t he be halfway across the sea?
“What are you still doing here? I thought you left for Iceland.”
Steve’s eyes were fixed on you, the gentle twinkle of fireworks reflecting in his blue irises. It was like he was staring into the heart of a jewelled cave - completely mesmerised.
“It’s important.” He said closing the space between you. A hand setting against your waist, Steve leaned forward. His lips ghosting against yours as your eyes closed. “You’re important.”
It was though fireworks were being set off in your body when he pressed his lips against yours. All you could feel was magic, heat, love and you just wanted to melt against him. His warmth, his touch, if you were in a private space you were sure things would have heated up far quickly. Little did you know, Steve was feeling the exact same.
Pulling away reluctantly, Steve rest his head against yours and smiled. “A part of me wishes that I could stay.”
Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath. “Me too.”
The door from the terrace opened. Tony had walked in to refill his glass and wandered about the bar for a suitable drink when he overheard. The rest of the team also came inside for a break from the party.
“Then why don’t you just go with him?” Tony suggested. “There’s no rule saying that you can’t.”
It was such a simple resolve but you remembered that Steve had turned down Bruce’s offer. You looked at the captain silently asking if he’d like the company.
He smiled. “It would be an honour.”
Tony stood to the side with a wine bottle in his hand as he poured another drink for himself and Pepper, quietly watching you and Steve walk away hand-in-hand towards the hanger bay. Clint grabbed himself some water and took a seat on a high chair.
“Don’t you think they’ll need some back up if vibranium is in play?” He wondered.
Tony nodded, closing the bottle and sipping his drink. “Of course, if the mission was real.”
Thor threw back the last of his Asgardian mead and set his cup on the table (he was learning that the Asgardian custom to break the instrument was frowned upon). “You mean to say that you fabricated a story to…”
“To stop our two closest friends from more pining? You bet I did. God it was giving me whiplash.” Tony confessed. Then he pointed to each member present. “And now you know the truth, you’re all accomplices to the crime.”
Masterlist here
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polizwrites · 1 month
Operation Sea and Surf
This is a fill for today’s @flashfictionfridayofficial   prompt [#FFF266 Great Expectations] as well as my  @thisorthatevents    Tony Stark This or That: Row 7: Beach Day prompt and my @tonystarkbingo   K2 - Miscommunication square.  
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing:  Tony & the rest of the Avengers team (background Tony/Pepper)  Tags: Post-Avengers (2012) canon compatible, Team as Family,  Miscommunication,  A touch of angst, but overall happy ending Summary:  Tony rents a beach house in hopes of getting the Avengers together for a bit of team bonding;  things don’t quite go as planned.   Word Count: 837
Tony couldn’t understand what had happened.  He’d asked JARVIS to inform the other Avengers  that  he’d  rented a  beach house out on  the Island  for the weekend  …  and no one had shown up.   He’d thought that after the whole Battle of New York deal that maybe they could be more than just  - as  old One-Eye had put it - “a group of remarkable individuals”.   That instead of just  co-workers, or teammates … that maybe they could be friends, too.
Not that Tony had ever been all that great at making friends.  Here he was, in his mid-forties  and two of the three people he thought of as friends were people that were on his payroll.  (Well, technically he and Happy were on Pepper’s payroll now,  but the concept still applied.)   
Clearly he’d set his expectations too high.  At least Pepper had called and said she’d be running late due to a last minute meeting, adding that Happy was sticking around to give her a ride.  Tony was just about ready to call her back and say not to bother when  his phone rang. 
He checked the screen and sighed. “Hey, Bruce,” he greeted his fellow Science Bro, trying hard not to  let his disappointment come through in his voice.  The poor guy had probably been tagged to let Tony know that everyone else had ‘other plans.’ 
“Uh, Tony?  Where are you?”  
“What do you mean, where am I?” 
“We’re all here at the address JARVIS gave us – and there’s no-one home.”
Tony glanced out the window to the front drive of the house; it was empty.   “What the… hold on a sec.”  He tapped another button on his phone.  “JARVIS?  What address did you give the team?” 
“The one you gave me: 1279 Cliff Drive. Based on your current location, it seems you transposed two numbers in your message.”  
“Son of a bitch!” Tony burst out laughing as he re-connected with Bruce.” Okay - so for someone who is supposed to be really good with numbers, I screwed up the address that J passed along.   How about you guys come meet me at  1729 Cliff Drive instead?”  
A half-hour later, the spacious beach house was full of music and laughter.  Thor had carried the groceries in from where they’d been dropped off on the porch, and Bruce had taken on the task of unloading them.  “You remembered I’m a vegetarian, didn’t you, Tony?” he asked, staring in disbelief at the various slabs and chunks of meat Thor was eagerly eying.  
“Sure did,” Tony called out from where he’d been recruited to spray sunscreen on Natasha’s swimsuit-clad form, “there should be the makings for saag paneer somewhere in those bags.” 
“You sure I can’t set up a zipline to the beach?” Clint asked, brandishing his bow and quiver.  “I’ve got a grappling arrow and  plenty of cable right here.”   
“Yeah - I don’t think that’s covered in the rental agreement, Hawkeye.” Tony chuckled.  “You’ll have to use the stairs like everyone else.”    Which wasn’t exactly true;  Tony had brought his boots and gauntlets for his  own jaunt down the bluffs to the beach.  Although he’d give Pepper a ride, if she felt up to it.  
Speaking of whom …  “JARVIS, would you happen to have an ETA on my lovely CEO and forehead of security?” Tony asked as he strode out to the deck, where Steve was sitting with a sketchbook.  
“They should be arriving within the next fifteen minutes, Sir.”  
“Thanks.”  Tony pocketed his phone as he joined Steve.  “Figured you’d appreciate the view.” 
“It’s a lot different from the Coney Island beach, for sure,” Steve replied with a laugh, and then sobered.  “I’ve got some sketches in here I’d like you to see.”   He flipped the page. “Look familiar?” 
“Unfortunately, yes.”  Steve had detailed drawings -presumably from memory - of one of the weapons from the helicarrier. The ones meant to be powered by the Tesseract.   “I’ve got copies of all those files Banner and I were looking at just before things got interesting up there.  And then I went digging deeper.” 
“What have you found?”  Steve asked, his expression serious. 
“Some stuff that I don’t think even Fury knows about. Something called Project Insight that I really, really don’t like the looks of.” Which included references to something – someone – codenamed Winter Soldier  that had turned his stomach.    
“That said,” Tony rubbed his hand over his face, “this was supposed to be a fun weekend.  A team bonding kinda thing.  You know,  sun, surf,  ridiculous amounts of food and drink.   Can we table this for a few days?” 
“Sure, Tony,” Steve replied with a nod.  “And once again, I am so sorry for the things –” 
“All water under the bridge, Cap.”  Tony broke in.  They’d both already apologized for the scepter-fueled insults they’d thrown at one another and Tony was more than ready to move on.  “Speaking of water,  how about you grab your star-spangled swim trunks and join the rest of us on the beach?”  
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Butch: What happened to the old bank? It was beautiful. Guard: People kept robbing it. Butch: Small price to pay for beauty.
- William Goldman, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Screenplay (1970)
In a brilliant William Goldman script peppered with memorable lines, the first exchange sets the tone of this classic Western movie. Butch looks around a bank at closing time, chatting with the security guard as he perhaps sizes up his next job.
“What happened to the old bank? It was beautiful.” “People kept robbing it.” “That’s a small price to pay for beauty.”
Right away, Goldman establishes Butch as a charismatic mouthpiece for the quip-ready screenwriter, contrasting nicely with the Sundance Kid, Robert Redford’s taciturn sharpshooter. But he’s also created two heroes who break the western mold, neither justice-seeking white-hats nor grizzled, sneering black-hats, and not as traditionally masculine as either party. Butch is a man who appreciates beauty and art, but doesn’t have the stomach for violence; it’s not until late in the film that we (and the Kid) discover that he’s never shot a man before and he looks sickened to have to do it. He’s a pleasure-seeker above all else: robbing banks and trains are his way to make an easy living and enjoy whatever sinful freedoms his vocation affords him.
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Audiences in 1969 were all too happy to embrace the light, quippy irreverence of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid after a turbulent summer, and Goldman, director George Roy Hill, and the two impossibly handsome stars made them feel cool for doing it. True Grit had performed well earlier in the year as a throwback to the genre’s past, giving John Wayne a proper victory lap, but Butch Cassidy was thoroughly modern, a star-making vehicle for Newman and Redford that reflected a need for the genre to turn the page and that feels as much of its time as it does authentic to Wyoming in the late 1890s. With Katherine Ross at the centre of a love triangle between friends, the film attempted to bring a French Jules and Jim vibe to the American mainstream, taking a lesson from the French new wave on how to revive old Hollywood craft.
It still works spectacularly well. There’s an alchemy up and down the production. Redford possesses easy charm, which parries so well with Newman’s smarts that the two would run it back again with Hill a few years later in The Sting.
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The pop doodling of Burt Bacharach’s musical score is about as far from a traditional western score as possible, but it somehow meshes with the sepia sheen of Conrad Hall’s photography, which burnishes the legend of these two men while their story is still being told. And while Goldman’s screenplay dances on the edge of glib, it’s lively and sophisticated, with a strong theme about the capitalist forces that really tamed the Wild West.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is such a rollicking good time that it takes a while to notice it’s about the end of the line for its heroes, whose celebrity is already widespread when the film opens and ultimately hastens their demise. “Your times is over and you’re gonna die bloody,” warns a sheriff, prophetically, in an early scene, and the film is mostly about Butch and Sundance getting chased out of America by hired guns and dying at the hands of the Bolivian army. 
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They’re mostly guilty of stealing from the wrong guy: EH Harriman, the railroad tycoon, spends more trying to catch them than they rob from his safes, but it’s an opportunity for a powerful man to send a message about who’s really in charge. Guys like Butch and Sundance can handle local lawmen and half-hearted posses, but they can’t fight progress. The EH Harrimans along with the the Rockefellers, JP Morgans, and the Carnegies and of the world - the original robber barons - would make certain of that.
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter five: Boston Nights
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She waited like she always has to do. She waited for him to get in from his flight and come straight to see her. She was his side chick and her whole life consists on her waiting for him. Waiting for him to call or text or to have away games cause that's the only time they could be together truly.
Sometimes she goes to games at home but she always feels tempted to tap his girl on the shoulder and say "you're not special." But he would hate her for that so she stays in the shadows supporting from afar but definitely falling in love with him. He made it easy too and they were practically in a relationship the only difference is they can't be seen in public. She gets the gifts the dick the conversations the pep talks and she gets him ....40% of the time. It was enough for her in the beginning but now she was developing real feelings for him it's the third day of the road trip she's been to all three cities flying ahead of him. As she laid in bed relaxing before he got there she received a message.
"I'm not gonna make it tonight.... Enjoy the room and order whatever you want" she rolled her eyes  "Why not?" "YN don't do that" "don't do what?" "Ask me questions like you have the right to. You got the room paid for two days enjoy it" "Mhm ok thank you I guess" "you guess? what's the issue?" "If I wanted to be in a room alone I could've went home but you don't understand that though" "I don't wanna argue with you I'm actually not about to argue with you" "okay then that's that!" he didn't respond the petty girl In her wanted to order every expensive thing she could think of it's not like he couldn't afford it but she decided not to do that. He had to have a good reason for canceling cause he never really did and when he was out of town he was hers so in reality she was just sad.
Some hours passed by and she got bored of watching movies so she decided to text one of her friends who had moved here for work. "What you up too tonight?" She texted simply making her friend facetime cause she thought it was a cry for help.
"Oh I had to make sure you weren't tied up no where😂" she says while laughing "no I'm just in your city hoe just got here a few hours ago and I'm only here for two days... wanna get me lit tonight? I'm hella bored" "You happen to be in luck cause I just got canceled on" "ew? A Nigga?" "Yupp fuck these Niggas" "nah Fr fuck them why he cancel?" "one of his patients went into labor.... But what that gotta do with me" YN started laughing that's the last thing she was expecting. "Oh wow at least you got valid reason friend" "but yeah what hotel you at ... you wanna go out? Or chill there?" "we should definitely go out it's been a long ass time plus you already dressed" "you right and this nigga gave me his card and said have a good time soooo get ready I know just the place" "wait let me see your fit?" Her friend props the camera up showing YN
"Yesss that's cute I actually packed a dress that color should I wear something else or you wanna twin tonight?" "Any time we dress a like we be on demon time.... Let's do it" "okay bet I'm sending you the address I should be ready by the time you get here even if you leave now" "okay bet can't wait to see you" "byeee💋" they both say and YN hangs up she smiles at least she had faux Locs so she didn't have to worry about her hair. She'll just put on some lashes and lipstick with her hoops that should be enough for tonight after all wherever they go it'll be dark. She does a quick wash and lotion and then slides into her dress.
Within the hour her friend was downstairs ready for her. YN grabs a small nude bag putting in all her important things wallet hotel key pepper spray instant flats just in case her heels were too much by the end of the night and she rushes down the hall to the elevator and down to the main lobby where her friend was waiting. "So it's actually in walking distance right down the street you look amazing" her friend smiled as she talked YN did a cute turn so she could get a full 360 view
"your dress looks even better in person I can see every curve you got boo and I can see your ass from the front it has to be a good night" "let's get it started then" as they walked out of the hotel and down to the club they caught up about how life was going and work YN left out the small detail about being a side chick that wouldn't go over well.Plus she didn't want Melos business out in the streets. They were friends but they didn't meant she wouldn't capitalize off selling his business people get crazy about situations when money gets involved.
When they got to the club the line was extra long making YN become annoyed "maybe we should just go eat 😩" "yeah are we getting to old for this?" They laughed together "shit I wanna be on demon time but I can't wait in no line for it" "okay maybe we should go eat and then think of a game plan" "okay bet" they started to walk back up the street but got stopped as two supper tall men got out of a Rolls Royce and was about to head into the club..... they had to be basketball players YN knew one of them but couldn't put her finger on it ... what is his name? She bits her lip trying to look without staring.
But the darker one stopped in his tracks staring at her friend "please tell me you were about to come in here" her friend smiled "um we were... but the line was too long" he glanced at YN "hey ...." "Hi" she smiled this was awkward he went to the security "those two are with us" YN looked at her friend "I guess that's our plan" they laugh following the giants into the club where the lights were low and the music was loud straight to vip.
All YN kept thinking about in this moment was how glad she was that she came out tonight. Once they got seated. The guy finally spoke up again "so what's your names?" Her friend gave her name and then introduced YN. He didn't say anything else "and your names are?" YN says sounding a bit aggressive but not meaning too.
The lighter friend finally looked at her and smiled .... Jackpot now if she could remember his name she would remember why she knows his face. "Oh my bad I didn't mean to assume you knew who we were but we play for the Celtics I'm Jayson and this is Jaylen " "ooou jaylen and Jayson" YN laughs making Jayson shake his head "why don't you switch spots with YN Jaylen?" Her friend says making jaylen jump up smiling "okay sure" YN stood up switching sides so now YN was beside Jayson and Jaylen was beside her friend and pretty soon her friend was feeling on him which cause YN to gasp and it made Jayson laugh.
"People get a little crazy out here you look shocked" "no I just ... it's been a while since we hung out that's all I'm actually only in town for the game" "oh word? You know somebody on the team?" "Nah not at all I just like watching basketball and well I wanted to visit the city and see my friend so it's a win win" "wait you like watching basketball but you don't know who I am? Did you lie to us?" He became suspicious but tried to play it off with humor "you didn't see me staring outside? My brain is a little cloudy from me pregaming I know your face I know you're amazing but yeah I forgot your name" "alright that'll keep me humble" he liked her answer he could tell it was real.
"Not about keeping you humble I'm sure you're a very humble man" "hmmm what's my position" she bit her lip thinking "power forward" he clapped for her "good job YN" he bit his lip she felt her cheeks getting hot omg did he make her blush. "Don't look at me like that" she shook her head smiling "huh like what?" "It's very .... Provocative" "mmmm I like that word well ms.YN I'll stop being so provocative... if you do the same" her eyes got wide as she playfully hit him. "I am not being provocative." "Nah but your friend is" he pointed with his eyes and there she was feeling all under Jaylens shirt as he grabbed her ass. "Somebody's getting lucky tonight" YN says smiling looking back at Jayson "good for them.... I didn't even wanna come out but I'm glad I did" "why you glad you did?" "Well cause my boy getting lucky it's a team sport" she laughed "so are you only talking to me so I don't bother my friend so your friend could get lucky?" "I mean usually that'll be what this is ... but I like talking to you and you attractive so I have no complaints tonight" "do you even see ugly women? Like the groupies must be crazy"  "just someone is cute doesn't mean they're not ugly" she snaps "you right that was deep.... It's all about what's inside anyway" Before he could respond "WE GON HEAD OUT" YN's friend said loudly so they could hear over the music YN laughed "alright I'll catch up with you tomorrow!" "Aye man be ready for shoot arounds" Jayson said looking jaylen in the eyes
"of course man I'm not new to this" they waved leaving "wellllll I guess I can go too" YN says "now why would you do that?" "Well my friend is gone" "wowwww I thought we were becoming friends" he shook his head she laughed ".... Let's go eat then" "you know a place?" "Nooo but it's your city you tell me..." he smiled "alright let's head out." He stands up and then helps her up guiding her out of the club and into his car. She saw a flash but didn't think anything of it.
"So what are you in the mood for?" "You want the honest answer?" "yeah what's the honest answer?" "I want a really good cheeseburger" "okay bet I know just the place" within fifteen minutes they were inside of a burger bar ordering they got it to go since they were about to close. A few people asked him for pictures and he took them he was so nice to everyone it made her melt they got back in to his car. She held her bag not eating yet. "You can eat we were just gonna eat in the car unless you want me to take you back now?" "Ohhh no we can eat I thought I should wait" "nahh you gotta eat those fries hot" she took a sip of her drink and her phone started ringing it was Melo she quickly hit decline Jayson smiled he assumed it was a man. Melos name in her phone was 😘💋 "So what's your story?" "nothing I don't have one really I'm just a simple girl who likes simple things" he laughed as Melo texts started to roll in
"I saw you out with Jayson .... Now that's crazy Fr" "it's all over Instagram and twitter so don't fuckin lie to me" "so you ain't see me call?" "Oh so you still out with him? That's wack as fuck and you know it is" the text rolled in back to back she glanced at her Apple Watch trying to read them without going too deep into her phone "so you single? Who blowing your phone up?" She sighed making Jayson draw his own conclusions"that complicated huh?" "Very complicated....I'm single very single but he's possessive and really has no right to be" "mmm so why not answer him tell him you out with me?" "Oh he knows ... so it's no need to" "at least message that man back I feel bad" she laughed thankful that he said that "okay fine"
"I thought we don't ask questions" "nah you don't ask me questions where tf you at?" "Look you seem a little tight rn I'll talk to you tomorrow Goodnight" then she put him on dnd "so you good now?" Jayson asked smiling  "Yeah I put him on dnd" "That's cold why you do that?" "Cause we supposed to be getting to know each other ... right? I can't do that burried in my phone ... now can I?" He licked his lips "Nah I guess not" he smiled she was the most interesting person he had met in a while
"so what makes him possessive... y'all dealing with each other and just not dating? Wussup?" She laughed "yes" "so that's why he's possessive shiddd if I had someone like you on my arm I would be too" she smiled "but what if someone else was already on your arm and you just happened across me afterwards" "ohhhhhh!!!! That's what's going on?" She nodded her head " hypothetically speaking"she says slowly Jayson laughed "you act like I know the man" she shrugged making him pick up on her vibe again "wait do I know him? he's a celebrity?" she smiled "I don't tell my business when it involves other people business getting out there so I can't tell you one way or the other"
"if he wasn't famous you would've just said that but I respect you for that probably some lame ass rapper.... Who your favorite rapper" she laughed and said the first name that popped in her head "Nicki Minaj" "well I'm assuming you don't like girls so male rapper ... go" "drake😬" "Drake hmmmm okay" she laughed "why did you say it like that?" "I don't know I was expecting you to be a lil more rugged you know say some thug rapper" "I listen to everything so it's a few of them on my playlist too" she picks up her lemonade sipping slow staring in his eyes it made him feel something it made her feel something too but she didn't wanna admit that.
"Well I should be getting to bed" she licked her lips he glanced at the clock "oh wow it is getting late let me get you to your hotel" as he starts the car she focuses on his side profile
"Soo I've been in the hot seat all night wussup with you?" She says studying him "well my son and basketball are my whole life" "hmmm so you single?" "Very... more single than you" she laughed "shoots fired" "a lil bit" "so again hypothetically speaking if I was as single as you would you be taking me back to my room right now?" "Yeah .... But I would go up with you" she bit her lip "but you don't want too?"
He glanced at her "I do but I don't wanna be apart of that drama if I'm being honest I like to stay low key and out of shit like that so respectfully I would have to decline" "that's understandable I totally get it" "but shit I'll see you tomorrow you got tickets" "yeah I do but I won't be on your side" "yikes it's like that?" She laughed "I wasn't expecting to meet you tonight" he makes it to the parking lot but parks on the street cause he was sure they weren't done talking yet. "I guess that's true but next time you come you gotta sit on my side" "I would love too" "well it was nice meeting you" she sighed "yeah you too" he starts the car back up but doesn't move yet
"I'm all about being in the moment and not thinking of consequences so sorry if I'm reading this vibe wrong but...." He cuts himself off leaning over to kiss her .... It felt amazing shit it made her moan. It was one of those kisses that was practically sex. He grabbed her neck squeezing softly as he kissed her and then he pulled away. "So if you ever wanna get rid of that bullshit situation.... I'm here" "fuckkk" she said softly out of breath she hadn't been this turned on in a while. "And you still don't wanna come up?" He shook his head no "nah you got the kiss cause I couldn't resist myself" "welll how about I give you my number so we can stay in contact...." "Alright bet..." she says her number so he can type it into his phone and then he texted her a emoji so she could save his number too.
"Alright let's get you to your room.... I'll just drop you off if I walk up there you might tempt me" She smiled "yes I would definitely try too so this is the best bet" they shared a laugh as he pulls out into the street and then into the hotel parking lot pulling up right to the door . "Welll byeee don't be afraid to use my number" she says smiling "I won't be afraid... you stay out of trouble" she gathers the trash from the food leaving only his drink. "No promises" " oh thank you for that I would've got it" "the trash can right there it's fine" she smiled opening the door making sure she had everything "bye be safe" he says "I will... text me when you get home" "will do" she finally gets out of the car shutting his door and throwing away the trash he watches her walk all the way into the hotel until he couldn't see her Frame anymore and then he pulls off.
She gets on the elevator smiling ear to ear she can't think of a time she's ever been kissed like that and the conversations they had was crazy. She got her key out of her purse but before she could unlock the door. Her door flies open.
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observeowl · 2 years
Distraction N.R
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Too many people are competing for the attention of Natasha and you're just not able to compete with it even though you were supposed to be given the priority. After giving her chance time and time again, R just couldn't take it anymore
Your POV I met Natasha when the company I was working for recently became the legal partner for Stark Industries. At that time, she was introduced as Natalie Rushman. We crossed paths numerous times as she helped me pass some paperwork either to Tony or Pepper that needed their signatures. 
When she came into my office one day, I plucked up the courage and asked her out on a date. I was so excited when she said yes, dropping everything on hand to plan for the date that day. I wasn’t expecting to be met with a positive answer. 
Ever since then we have been going out for about three years. Of course I wasn’t too happy when I realised the person who I was dating had been lying to me all this time and I didn’t realise. But I couldn’t stay mad at her for long if I was going to work for Stark Industries, I understood where she was coming from. 
I got to stay with Natasha in the Avengers compound eventually after everything got settled after the Battle of New York. A step towards the right direction.
Or maybe not. 
From the beginning I knew Natasha was work-centric. She would place work before herself and to a certain extent, I would say the same for myself. What I didn’t know was how I had to fight for her attention against her teammates, especially the captain.
“Babe…” I trailed off at the end of my word when I saw Steve in her office sitting on her desk. Surely they had chairs back in the 40s and 50s. 
He hopped off as soon as I entered. “Y/N.” 
“Hi Steve. Nat are you ready to go?” I asked as I got closer to her desk.
“I think I have to clock in extra time today. There’s more paperwork than usual.” She motioned to the two stacks of paper on each side of her desk.
“Do you need some company?” 
“It’s alright. Steve and I have things to discuss.” 
I left her office and went back to the compound alone. The rest of the team were there and we had our dinner together before each retreating to their rooms. I remained behind hoping to be able to catch Natasha coming back but there was no sign of it happening, not even a message.
12am, 1am passed and still no sign of her. I got tired of waiting and decided to head to bed alone. 
A few hours could have passed as I felt the bed next to the dipped. “What time is it?” 
“Late. You should continue to go back to sleep babe.” Nat kissed my forehead.
“Did you manage to finish your work?” I asked with sleepness in my voice. 
“Not really, I still have some leftovers. Go to sleep babe, I know you’re tired.” Nat stroked my head trying to get me to sleep.
As the legal partner for Stark Industries I have an office here even though I was not working for them, I was assigned by my company to work with them. This meant that apart from settling legal documents or agreements for SI, I had other work assigned to me from my boss that needed to be done. 
I thought of finding Nat during her lunch time so I went over to SHIELD but Maria told me she wasn’t there today and had a mission with Steve. Feeling dejected, I trudged back to SI no longer having any appetite to eat. 
I thought if they had a mission in the afternoon, there’s a chance they could be back by night time, but once again I was left alone amongst the team who noticed more than Nat ever would. “I’m sure they’ll be back soon.” Bucky placed a reassuring arm around my shoulders. 
“Thanks Buck.”
The mission dragged longer than I estimated and it was again midnight when I went back to bed alone. I heard some noises in the room and Nat had just finished changing into her night clothes. “Long mission?” I turned over to face Natasha.
“Yeah, there were some hiccups along the way, which took us longer than expected.” Nat lifted the covers and got into bed. We cuddled next to each other until the both of us fell asleep. I wanted to ask how her mission went but I knew she would push it off and tell me to go to sleep instead. 
“Will that be all?” I asked Pepper as she gave me the letters for the new legal cases. Most of them being compensation for damages caused by Tony Stark when he goes on a mission, destroying and damaging anything he deemed appropriate. 
“Yes. Why don’t you have a seat. Let’s talk.” She pointed to one of the chairs in front of her desk. I took a seat despite the confusion I had plastered on my face. “How are you and Nat doing?” 
I sighed. “Was Tony the whistleblower?” 
“He did mention something but I had my suspicions. You were already working long hours but you are working even later now. If you and Nat were going well, you would be rushing to get home.” 
I chuckled and shook my head. “Since when did you become so inquisitive? … I would like to rush home but no one’s there to welcome me anyway. I don’t want the constant reminder that she’s with Steve.” 
“Communication is very important in a relationship.” Pepper being the master here.
“So is time. If there’s no time, there isn’t any space for communication. She spends 5% of her time with me and the rest with Steve.”
“I see you have lots of time in your hand to calculate that.”
“I better get back to work.” I stood up and went back to my office. I have just as much paperwork as Nat, maybe even more. Her paperworks are one and done deals whereas mine drags over a period of time. It’s never truly done until it’s over, until the judges pass their sentence. 
With the additional work to be done today, I decided to camp in my office. As much as I didn’t want to, I still texted Nat that I wouldn’t be back tonight. Not that she would reply anyway, she never replies to my text. I don’t even know when she would realise I’m not there.
I started sorting through my documents, from the most urgent to the least. Which needed my attention first and has the earliest deadline. Throughout the entire building, only my light was on by night time. Pepper had to persuade me to go back but I was determined to stay behind.
I drove right into work and when I felt the wave of sleepiness hit me, it was already almost 4am. I checked my phone and of course no message from her. Maybe she’s having a mission too. It was hard to get comfortable on the small couch I have in my office but I managed to make it work. 
I managed to wake up and freshen myself in the washroom before the rest of the employees started coming in. I was staring at my keyboard when I heard my door open, thinking it was Pepper trying to be the mediator again, I raised my head only to see Natasha standing by the door.
“What are you doing here?” Nat was supposed to be in SHIELD or the Avengers compound during this time. 
“Figured you didn’t have breakfast so I brought you one. I have the day off.” She sets the breakfast on my table.
“It’s my turn to be busy.” Pointing to all the papers on the table and floor. 
“It’s alright. I’ll just sit here.”
“Are you sure you’re not busy with Steve?” I said emotionless. 
“You seem to enjoy his company a lot.” 
“We were only working.” Nat defends herself.
“Doesn’t explain why you have to come home so late.” I finally looked at her. 
“I told you I have lots of paperwork to do.” 
“SO AM I NAT. You may have lots of paperwork especially after the Battle of New York, things are shaky, I understand. But can’t you see that I have lots to do too? Because of all the destruction, people are suing left, right and center and I have to deal with them. It’s not as simple as filling up blanks and submitting them.” I released all the pent up frustration. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m supposed to be your girlfriend, not him. Yet you spend the majority of the day with him and only an hour with me. You only come to bed after I’m asleep and when I wake up you’re gone. People in SHIELD think I am the random person who is always looking for Natasha Romanoff.”
I took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m tired Nat, I’m tired of giving but my feelings are not being reciprocated… ”  
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel left out.” Using my experience as a lawyer I found sincerity in her eyes but we all know that she’s perfectly capable of changing her emotions, even managing to fool me once. “Look, I’ll come and get you after work. We can head back to the tower together.” I simply nodded my head and she left my office. 
I sorted through my papers and separated those that needed to be scanned and sent back to the main office and passed the rest back to Pepper after I’m done with them. They were relatively quick since SI has agreed to pay any compensation filed against them. 
Working through the night was probably not the best idea, after lunch drowsiness hit me like a truck and I scummed to the small couch calling for me. 
When I woke up, Nat was sitting on my office chair. I looked down to see that she had placed her jacket over me. I sat up and tied my messy hair again before wearing her jacket. “Sorry you had to wait.” 
“No worries, we still have time.” I went to grab my keys and bag from the table and lock my door before leaving with Nat. It’s been weeks or even months since I got to hold Nat’s hand. I’ve lost track of time, what is time anyway, when you can’t spend them with the ones you love.
The table was finally filled, even though it meant that Steve was here as well. It was a lucky day as it was Wanda’s turn to cook. She scooped everything out for us and handed us our plates. 
“How come yours has one less component in it?” Nat asked as she glanced over at my plate. I looked up at her with a slightly hurt expression on my face. “... right, you’re allergic to mushrooms.” 
I didn’t know if she remembered that herself or Wanda used her silly tricks to inform her. Either way, she had forgotten about it. 
In the middle of the night, Nat was once again called for a mission and I was left with cold sheets. I didn’t even have to ask who she’s going with, obviously the captain was going with her. 
There was no use going back to sleep after Nat left so I went to the living room and put on a movie on mute so I don’t wake the others. I hugged my knees as I watched the movie in silence. 
“Your thoughts are almost as loud as an explosion.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” 
“It’s fine. I was already up since they got called for the mission.” Wanda took a seat next to me. We sat in a comfortable silence until I spoke. “Am I not doing enough?”
“What? No! It’s just you are both very busy at the moment and it’s tough to find time for each other.” 
“Then do I feel like she fell out of feelings for me?”
“Look, I won’t tell you to go to sleep but please try not to think too much about it.”
It seems like their mission these days took longer than usual, going for close to a day. It wasn’t until the next evening that Nat came back. Missing an entire day with you. 
I was back in the office resting my head on the table when Pepper came in. “You haven’t been sleeping?”
“I woke up in the middle of the night.” 
“Here. Tony asked me to pass it to you.” She placed a white envelope on my table. I looked at her and took the envelope and opened it. 
“Thanks, but I don't think she has the time.” Two tickets for the cinema. A simple gesture, greatly appreciated. 
“Just try, for me?”
I gave her a sad smile and nodded. It has come to the point where others have to push this relationship. 
I finally managed to catch Nat coming in bed and seized the opportunity to ask if she was free this Saturday. 
“I think so.” 
“I’ve got two movie tickets. It’s been a while since we watched anything together.” 
I had hoped maybe she would remember and be able to make it. But I shouldn’t have. I have been waiting for her outside the cinema but she was nowhere to be seen. The movie is starting soon and I have lost all hope, if she wanted to be here she would have been. I pulled out my phone and called Wanda.
Wanda: Hi Y/N, what’s up?
You: Hi Wanda. Is Natasha there?
Wanda: No… isn’t she- oh wait, she just stepped in. Do you want me to-
You: NO DON’T! It’s okay, let her rest.
I hung up the phone and looked at the two tickets in my hand. Sighing, I threw them in the nearby bin. I thought I’ve hit my low, but this was the lowest I’ve felt. Maybe we were heading towards the end…
I trudged back to the compound with a heavy heart and all I saw was Wanda in the kitchen. “Why are you still up?” I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge. 
She looked at me and widened her eyes. “Don’t. I told you not to look into my head.”
“But I cannot let you continue like this.”
I didn’t reply to Wanda, I didn’t have one. I went to change and head to bed, not bothering to get under the covers. I don’t know what I was feeling. Sad? Anger? Loneliness? Lost? Betrayal? I was thinking what I was going to do as I lay in bed.
I didn’t get a wink of sleep and for the first time, I left the bed earlier than Nat. I headed to the office and settled some clerical matters before meeting Peppers in her office. 
“These are the compensation claims against Stark Industries and these are the new agreements that SI is planning to undertake. There should be no problem accepting future projects.” I reported to her my findings and conclusions.
“Okay… anything else?” I was still standing in front of her desk after handing her the documents. 
“I resigned. Another colleague will be taking over my position here.” 
“I take it as it didn’t go well?”
“If there’s nothing else, I’ll be heading out now.” I ignored Pepper’s comment. 
Back in my office, I made sure to consolidate everything in order so the next person is able to search for them with ease. With that, my job was over. 
Second POV With that, you left this life behind and leaving without telling anyone, without taking anything other than money. The only person who has any clue what you were doing was probably Wanda. 
It’s been two days since you heard your girlfriend’s voice. Humans were built so strong yet so weak.
Time to get out of here.
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gourdkeeper · 1 year
This is a fic I wrote for @nippydippy after they came up with the idea of "what if Jamie sent the reader thirsty and needy videos of him teasing and playing with himself to rile them up while they're away.
Afab Reader x Jamie 📸📸📸 (NSFW)
Word count: 4112
Content warnings: 18+, afab reader, well established relationship between the two, living together, jamie takes nudes and lewd videos, sex tape (?), come eating, dirty talking, name calling, possible blackmailling kink, anal, pegging, masturbation, hair pulling
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It was hard to leave the bed this morning let alone the house. Jamie kept hugging you and peppering kisses on your skin but sadly you had responsibilities and you wanted to stay cordial. They weren't big saving the world type of tasks but regardless, it had to be done.
You had to grab groceries and Luke, your old friend and coach asked you for help to teach his class today, he needed a capable fighter to demonstrate techniques on and he knew he could rely on you.
The thought of you being touched by Luke in any sort of way had Jamie roll his eyes and sigh. Ugh, why can't you just skip out and stay in bed with him, he thinks. It'd be so much more fun, for the both of you.
Sadly for him, nothing could be done about it. You had already gotten dressed and pecked a quick kiss on his forehead and are ready to be on your way.
He just wishes he could do anything to keep you with him. And most definitely away from his rival that you just had to become close friends with. "Unfair." He mutters and pouts as he turns on the bed, dragging the bed sheets around, pinned underneath his weight. All he can think of is you. Your touch, his fingertips brushing over your skin, his mouth on your neck, his grip on your waist as you beg for him to fill you up...or maybe the other way around. Things would never get boring. Except, that idiot Sullivan gets to be with you. He gets to touch you, toss you around, put you on a chokehold just to show off to his students. It fills him with rage. But also, with lust. The idea of someone else holding you and doing as they please, but at the end of the day you come back to him because no one's a match for the great Jamie Siu. He gets to do that to you and so much more... If only it could happen right now.
He's lost in thought, mourning the fact that he can't have you on top of him until you come back home.
He notices he's leaking. Cock straining against the bed sheets, he had started rutting against them unconsciously, craving for you.
Normally he wouldn't act on his urges, even being pent up he'd rather wait and have you take care of his needs. But this time... This time is different, he knows who you're with. He knows he can make you crave for him just as badly as he craves for you in front of your idiot coach and you'll be away from home, getting teased, pent up and wanting him the entire time you're away from him.
He reaches for his phone and opens the camera app.
Jamie ponders for a second. Wondering if this would be a good idea. "Fuck it."
He uncovers himself just a bit. Bedsheets draping over him artistically like that of a marble statue from distant times. Outline of his cock very much in frame, his neck stretched and hand over his chest.
He turns around, putting his ass up as high as he possibly could and shoves his head down, half peeking at the camera, mouth agape and lidded needy eyes.
He goes over to the edge of the bed, kneeling, legs spread apart, camera pointed at the mirror, tightening his abs and flexing, his hand wrapped around his hair, pulling on it while looking vulnerable and fully exposed.
His hand shakes with anticipation. Sending nudes feels bold even for him. He opens the messaging app and selects your contact.
With zero context, Jamie selects his pictures and hits the send button. Now he waits.
You're just about finished with the lesson, you notice your phone vibrating from the bench and you walk over to it, unlocking it.
"Message from Jamie huh? Bet he misses me-"
Your mouth goes agape, not a single sound produced.
You whip your head around to see if no one can see your phone.
"What the hell..." You mouth, cheeks turning bright red and feeling your blood rush to your nether regions.
How is this man so fucking hot? This should be illegal.
You start typing.
"Jamie holy shit." Send.
"You know others could have seen this right?" Send.
"You're so fucking hot, just you wait until I get home." Send.
Holy crap dude, he sure knows how to push your buttons.
You see the icon change as he read the messages and starts typing to you.
"Yeah? Let them see it then, they'll just be jealous of what they can't have. Come home then. Punish me."
"Oh so that's how he wants to play is it?" You think to yourself. Smile forming on your lips just as you hear a familiar voice from behind you making you jolt, turn and hide your phone behind your back.
"What got you so happy all of a sudden?"
"Oh Luke! Oh uhhh nothing really!"
He isn't buying it, he looks at you with one eyebrow raised for a second or two and then laughs and pats you in the shoulder.
"It's alright, keep your secrets then." What a nerd. "Listen, the class is over, you can go on about your day and uhm," he clears his throat, "say hi to Jamie for me will you?"
You freeze as he walks off.
"Oh my god did he catch a glimpse?" You hope he was just being friendly, regardless. Your phone buzzed again and you rushed over to the bathroom to take a look in privacy.
Your notification read:
"Jamie sent a message, 1 video attached."
"A vi...a video?"
You hesitantly put your phone's volume on at the lowest volume and listen closely while you open the file.
"Holy fuck."
He's laying on the bed sprawled out, hair a mess, sweaty, flushed cheeks and chest. Masturbating. Moaning your name. "Please... I miss you so much... I need you... Please punish me... Ruin me..." His head thrown back, body tensed as if he'd been holding his orgasm in for awhile now. Either he's a really good actor or you're gonna need to hurry up if you don't want him to blow the entirety of his loads all on his own.
You feel yourself getting wet. You want him so badly. You need to put him in his place, you need to kiss him and call him dirty names, and scratch him, and ride him and-
You hurry out of the bathroom, gather your things, say bye to everyone with a wave and a smile and rush out the door. You need to get back home right this instant. The groceries can wait for the day after.
Jamie's heart is pounding so hard it's like it'll pop out of his chest any moment. He never recorded himself before. He's watching the video playback again, "Goddamn I look good" he exclaims as if to hype himself up. He was acting it up, he's not that close to an orgasm. Yet. But it was so much fun wondering what your reaction would be.
Much to his dismay, the video has been marked as read but you haven't replied and you've been offline since... "Hmmm maybe I broke them... I should do it again."
Jamie tries his best to prop up his phone horizontally on the nightstand against the lamp. The angle is perfect. The light rays shining through the blinds illuminating him, he lays with one leg lifted up.
"Yeah that should work..."
He reaches up to hit the capture button again and immediately lays back down before it begins recording.
Leg still up, giving a perfect view, his face peeking out from behind his arm, covering his eyes which are tightly shut. Whimpering. His other arm reaching down, trailing down his thigh, moving past his sex and going over to his hole, playing with it lightly, he starts whining and quivering.
Biting his hand now as he gently inserts one finger. "Please fill my hole up... Please... Use me" he moans as he bucks his hips so that the finger slips in further.
"Please make me your slut~"
He only notices you've arrived when he looked back at the camera and sees you standing by the doorway, frozen.
He withdrew his finger as he jolted up.
"I thought you'd be gone longer!"
You grin as you drop your bag at the doorway and step in slowly.
"You thought so, didn't you? What do you think you're doing Jamie?"
His already flushed face turned into a tomato. Kneeling on the bed he tries to find words.
"I don't know what you mean..!"
"No?" You pull your phone out and open a picture to put up right against his face. "What are these then?"
He gains a smug smirk on his face, "Did you like them? Did you crave me so badly you came running right away?"
You decide to just give him hell, with a sparkle on your eye you take a fist of his hair and pull him to you abruptly.
He cries out in pleasure as you yank him over to you. Your other hand reaching his lenght and immediately taking hold of it and start jerking it.
"I think it's better I show you how much I like them instead of saying it." You smile mischiveously at him, his face contorted and body tensed as he does nothing to stop your ministrations. "What were you pleading for again? Punish me? Use me? Ruin me? Don't worry, I will... I'll make sure to drain you dry, and when you're all spent I'll ride that pretty face of yours and come all over it." Your grip on him tightening and applying more pressure, talking dirty to him, planting the idea on his mind that you intend on using him the entire day.
You firm a knee on the bed against his balls keeping his legs spread open and lean to the crook of his neck to lick it.
He moans loudly. Making no effort to muffle it or stop himself, just lost in the moment.
You lick him again. And again. Your lips meet his skin and kiss it before opening your mouth to bite him and sucking in. That's sure to leave a mark. He's whimpering and his body rock hard, back arching and toes curling.
"I- m'gonna c- ah-!"
"You're gonna cum already? Beg for it."
You don't stop or slow down, you just want to hear the whines and moans escape his lips as he tries to put words together when his brain is a mushy mess already from just one handjob.
A stream of "please's" exit his mouth, he can't think of much else to say. His eyes and lips shut tight as his body begins to convulse.
You slow down just for a small instant as he sprays his seed all over his torso.
"Good boy..." Your hand letting go of his swollen cock to sweep up his come into your fingers.
You bring them to his mouth and snake them past his lips, leaving a mess on his chin.
His face twists for a second as he has a taste but his neediness speaks louder than his initial disgust and complies. Licking around your digits and sucking them in.
"You're such a good slut for me Jamie..."
You start moving your fingers in and out as he moans around them, letting go of his hair and moving to his chest instead, alternating between groping him and playing with his nipple.
"We're just getting started..."
His eyes are heavy and full of lust. His forehead and body sweaty with his silky hair sticking to it. You just wish this beautiful image of him could be immortalised beyond your memory. And then, it strikes you. The phone's camera is still on.
"Weren't you recording yourself again when I got here?"
"...!" His eyes go wide and he tries to get up.
Your hand on his chest pushes him back down instantly.
"You're not turning that thing off." Your voice low, your mouth crooked into a smile, tongue licking over your lips. "It's gonna keep running. I'll make sure to ruin you in front of it." You come to whisper in his ear again. "The great Jamie Siu getting ruined on camera... And don't even think of deleting that. Imagine if anyone saw it... The legendary peacekeeper? In such a vulnerable position? Being a needy slut? Begging to be used?"
Your words burrowing into his brain, finding a fantasy he didn't know he had. His cock once more growing and hardening and his cheeks flushed bright red with your fingers still deep inside his mouth.
His breath grows shallow. If you didn't know any better you'd say he could come again just from your dirty talking. "Maybe I should fuck that pretty asshole of yours next."
His eyes go wide again, if he could blush any harder he would have.
You withdraw your fingers with a pop of his lips and step off the bed to grab something from the drawer.
"Don't even dare thinking of leaving that same spot."
He wouldn't. His head is spinning, he can't believe you actually came home to punish and destroy him. His wish came true and he couldn't be any happier with the result. Maybe he should tease you over the phone more often if it leads to sex like this.
He knew what you were capable of, you've put him in his place more than once, but this pent up version of you isn't something he sees as often. The way you handle him rougher, talk dirty to him with more venom, make him beg and do as you please with him. It drives him insane in every single good way.
You come back, strap put on with the harness and a bottle of lube in hands. "Missed me?" A smirk on your face.
He lets his head roll to the side to see you.
"You're not taking your clothes off?" He's almost pouting.
"Wasn't it supposed to be a punishment? You'll have to be a good boy and earn that."
His cock twitches.
You scoop up the left over come that was on his abdomen and smear it on the dildo as he watches intently with his lips parted.
"Get over here." You hook your hands under his armpits and drag him to the edge of the mattress head hanging off the bed, checking with the camera to see if it's all in frame. Perfect.
You take his wrists, crossing them and pin them to his pelvis with one hand.
Your other hand, free, takes hold of the rubber dick and slap it lightly on his cheek.
"Open up slut."
He obliges, nervous, it's not the first time you've had him give a blowjob, but the position is definitely new for him.
"Good boy." You slip it in, head first so he can adjust himself and feel comfortable. You gently pull in and out. With each thrust going a bit further. Muffled moans around the dildo as he does his best to take it.
Normally he would have gagged on it already but he hasn't realized that you've shoved it fully in already. The position making it easier to take in, you praise him.
"You're such a good slut for me. Balls deep into your throat and your cock is still leaking. You should take a look at yourself. Good boy."
The mental image could honestly tip him over but he holds on strong. Letting you fuck his mouth and getting more pent up and closer with each thrust of yours.
"If anyone saw how much of a cocksleeve you are I'd have to fight for you. All those stupid street thugs would want to whore you out and pass you around as their toy."
He can't even understand where you keep getting these ideas from or how you know exactly how to push his buttons but it just works. His legs moving erratically, stretching and freezing in place and his feet gripping onto the bedsheets. His drool running down his cheeks as you speed up. You know he's close, making you proud that you know how to drive him there so well.
"Aw? Is my slut going to come for me again? Not yet."
You pull out, connected to his lips by a long and thick string of saliva. A whine exits his mouth.
You let go of his wrists and wipe off the excess drool on his face.
"You know that second picture you sent me? With your ass up?"
He nods.
"Take that position."
Jamie rolls around and crawls over to point his ass at you and you smack it hard making him yelp out.
"Where are you going?"
"D-doing what you told me?"
"I want your face here. Pointed at the camera."
"...! Oh-" somehow he didn't expect that. "I'm sorry-"
"You will be." You say with a wink and friendly smile on your face.
It makes him shiver. He loves you so much, it drives him completely wild how you can turn him into putty in your hands like no one else could ever.
He assumes position and you circle around, getting on the bed on your knees behind him. Taking the lube bottle and spreading some on his entrance, fingertip slightly slipping in as you lube him up.
You start with two fingers. Making sure he's relaxed but he's tensed up.
You press your other hand on his lower back, lowering it just a bit.
"Take a deep breath baby."
He does as told and his muscles relax.
"Good boy." You slip them both in, effortlessly. To be fair he was already working himself up when you arrived.
You immediately find his sweet spot like it was muscle memory and make him moan and hide his face on the bed.
"Stop hiding." You grab his hair to pull up and then shove his head back down sideways, only just partially covered by the bedsheet. "I want everyone to see your pretty face while I drill you. Want it to be loud and clear that I'm fucking Jamie Siu, protector of Chinatown like a cheap whore. You understand?"
"Yeah-" he moans out.
"Who are you?" As you pump your fingers in, striking his prostate every time.
"J-Jah- Jamie Siu!"
"Good boy. And what are you?"
"Ah...!" You've hit the spot once more making him see stars. "I'm a pe- peacekeeper..."
Your free hand strikes down on his ass.
"What are you right now?"
"Your slut!“ he cries out.
You remove the fingers and start rubbing the strap on on his taint. Poking at his balls and dragging up to his butthole.
"Good boy. And what do you want?"
"I want you to fuck me. Please!" He tries to look away and hide his face again.
One more slap on his ass cheeks.
"Face up slut."
He struggles to remain composed in any way shape or form. His brain stuggles to hold onto any thoughts, all he wants is to get pounded by you right now. His hips rutting backwards against you on instinct.
"Beg." you bark as you rub against him once more.
"Please! Please just shove it in!"
He's desperate. He needs you to fill him up and fuck him the way he deserves.
You press the tip against the entrace.
"Fuck- yes! Please!"
"Tsk, so needy."
You hold onto his waist for extra grip and insert yourself in, slowly.
His mouth forming into an O, his eyebrows knit together, one eye shut tight and the other admiring the view from the camera.
You bottom out, "That's my good boy." You stay there for a second and reach around for his cock.
He jolts and moans, not expecting the sudden touch.
"Oh my god-" he mutters under his breath.
You smirk, you love the control you have over him.
"How badly do you want me to fuck you? Hm?"
"So bad! Please, I'll do anything, just fuck me, please!"
Who are you to deny such a heartfelt plea? You grip his waist and pull out about halfway and slowly dip it in again. Angling yourself to hit his special spot. Slowly you pull out, your hand starts moving. Just as slow. And in. You're not gentle with your thrusting but you're being oh so slow. You know it drives him wild.
His greedy bottom rocking trying to get you to go faster.
He mewls out, needy and vulgar. Jamie's eagerness and need for you never fails to inflate your ego.
"Do you want me to fuck you hard?"
"And fast?“
"Yes- please!"
"You sure you can handle it big boy?"
"I can take it, please fuck my brains o-"
He doesn't have time to finish the sentence before you hold onto him hard and start pouding into his ass. Hand on his cock trying to keep up.
A myriad of moans escaping his lips. Eyes completely unfocused, hair a mess, drool dripping down onto the bedsheet. Hands gripping the bed capable of tearing it open.
"You... You take me so well Jamie..." Taking short and shallow breaths yourself, getting weary from the fast pace and brunt force you're fucking him at.
His cock is pulsing in your hand and his legs are trembling, just about to give out when you pull out leaving him feeling empty and gasping for air.
You grab him by his legs and flip him around. You want to see his pretty face when you make him come again.
You waste no time and enter him again, his face contorting from the sudden intrusion.
"Jerk yourself off for me. Good boy."
Both his hands at work, one cupping his balls and the other trying to match your pace the best it could.
You hold his legs up and press down, his lower back angled up. His head whipped back, fully visible to both you and the camera. Your dildo entering him and thrusting hard and fast. Faster. Harder. Your breath synchronized, his moans filling the room together with your grunts.
"I- I need to-"
"Come. Empty yourself for me."
He sees white and it happens in an instant. Ropes of seed shot up. Some hitting his face. Most of it pooling in his torso once more.
"That's right."
You keep fucking him until you're certain he's fully drained and then slow down. Still thrusting but at a much more bearable pace, almost gentle.
His legs continue to tremble in your hold. He ain't going anywhere after this, you'd be surprised if he could stand up right now.
You exit him and let go to grab his phone.
"You look so cute, all fucked out like a dirty slut~"
A smile flashes on his face for a second.
You flip the camera orientation and point it at him, covered in his own filth.
"Hey Jamie... Look here..."
He pries his eyes open, to look up at you...and the camera, confused.
You reach with your hand to his come once more, scooping the most of it.
"Open up... Stick your tongue out for me..."
He does as told, his with eyebrows furrowed and looking up at you as if begging for mercy.
You smear it onto his tongue.
"Clean it all up boy."
He does his best effort to lap it all up and leave your fingers spotless. Licking all over and sucking them in.
"What do you have to tell me for that?"
"T-thank you..."
You click the stop button. Perfect.
You put the phone aside and run your other hand through his hair.
"You did so well for me pretty boy... That's what you get for teasing me..."
"Still...still want to please you."
"Hm?" You look at him puzzled. How does he still have any energy after all that?
"You said you'd ride my face until you come all over me...please, let me please you..."
"Baby you don't have to, you must be exhausted..."
"I want it. Don't make me get on top of you after this." He snarls a little at the end. He is tired. A lot. But he's more than capable of flipping this whole situation on you if you don't grant him his wish and let him eat you out. On the bottom or on top, Jamie Siu always gets what he wants.
You unbuckle the strap's harness and your pants, letting them fall to the ground. Your shirt tossed aside immediately afterwards.
This is going to be a long day.
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 32
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Chapter 31
I knew that I wasn't the best person to go and face a murderer, that I was incapable of defending myself as I should. I had no training, never went with a pepper spray. Rosenschwarz was a town where it was not very common to get attacked when everyone knew each other. The things that happened in Rosenschwarz were, in the end, the gossip of everyone. Maybe that's why Grace chose Colville for Daliah to have the worst time of her life, nobody knows you, it's a city with a lot of people with a lot of problems that maybe one or two only care about you, but if you're with the wrong person, give up.
I'm also not going to be able to talk to my parents about everything I've discovered about Daliah. The secrets that the family kept from me. I had never felt more isolated than ever. They could have told me with the promise not to tell Daliah that I knew, at least so I wouldn't find out ten years later that I have a nephew. Nephew that I will never get to know. And surely I'm going to miss a lot of things after tonight: Seeing my friends again, seeing Seo-ah open her eyes, thanking Mike for the computer program. Although what I will miss the most will be talking to Jake again. In the end I couldn't tell him to do me the favor of sending the files to Inspector Lang, at least I know he won't be as aggressive as Elliot.
I didn't want to risk something happening to you again. Did you think I was going to do it? You did a lot for me and I want you to stay alive, safe from the FBI. Coming to Rosenschwarz is not an option for him and I would love for him to see his sisters one day. Missing that opportunity will only make you regret it in the end.
I've gone back to my apartment to change my clothes, something with more camouflage so no one will recognize me, but maybe I need something else. I pick up a kitchen knife and look at my reflection. Would it be too dangerous to carry a weapon? Will I be able to defend myself well with this? I just hope she's not carrying a gun or I'm done for, though if she killed Daliah with her bare hands, I don't think she does. I keep it in my pants pocket, being careful not to hurt myself.     "You know you're going to die if you go, right?" The Daliah from my imagination tells me worried. After everything I've read, I see her again as my sister from before “Don’t think that carrying a knife can change things.”     "You said to finish it" I answer, picking up the mask ", and that's what I'll do."     “Sacrificing yourself is not the right option.”     "Not sacrificing Jake again either" I run my thumb over the butterfly of pebbles, remembering that it is a gift to see him “. And I'm not going to let her kill him.”     "We're talking about a guy who's two heads taller than Grace." Daliah approaches me, crossing her arms "What makes you think she could take him?"     "She'll get angry and kill Jane" I put on my mask and my jacket, pulling up my hood “, she will talk to me.”     “No, she won't and you know it.”     "Jake can't miss a chance to one day live a normal life, Daliah" I walk to the door, ready to leave “. I have lived enough.”      I see that she has disappeared and I sigh. I hope it's the last time I sees her.
I leave the apartment adjusting my hood better. I feel my heart racing and my hands sweaty. I want to mentalize that I will surely die and so will Jane. We will both lose our lives tonight. But if I can fight to go on living, I'll try. In my head I only think about the last conversation with Jake. I haven’t been able to say goodbye correctly, I have left him talking to himself. Although if I say goodbye with a message, it may worry him even more. I'm not going to see him again. I will never hear his voice again, calling me 'love'. His eyes looking at me as if I were the only one in his life. And he had promised to kiss me again when I was well. I’m not going to receive those kisses that made me tremble so much and feel happy. I want to change. I want to be another MC. Take the reins and say 'Here I am'. I won't let Grace intimidate me, I've had enough of her manipulating me with her words.
Little by little it is noticeable that I am leaving the town, there are fewer and fewer houses and shops. It becomes deserted and empty areas, surrounded by silence. A silence that is terrifying. I hold on tightly to my jacket, preventing the cold from penetrating my body. I'm already pretty frozen knowing I'm going to die. I'll be meeting with Daliah shortly. All this time I've been looking for her killer and now I'm going straight to her. I start by going out onto the road, taking the turnoff for the lake. Surely they know what time the police should come to prowl or I don't think she took such a risk to meet us there. She has it all planned. Calculated. She is a true psycho who made an innocent believe that she was her friend. She even managed to trick me because she knew I was going to trust her. Damn, it's always going to be like this. They always end up fooling me because they can see that I'm naive. How could Daliah say that I'm amazing when I'm a stupid who believes everything? It has always been like this. But I'm going to set the record straight tonight. I manage to see the lake in the distance and a van with its lights on. I take out my phone and call Carter, putting the phone back in my pocket. Grace said not to tell anyone, but someone has to know what's going on. 
I reach the lake after accelerating my pace, staying a few meters from the van. I see Grace inside her, looking at me coldly. But she doesn’t intimidate me. Or at least I try.     “I've already made it to the lake like you asked, Grace.” I say out loud, so that I can be heard on the phone.      I feel someone grab my wrist and pull my arm back. I let out a grunt of pain, feeling a breath on the back of my neck.     “Phone, now.” Ralph whispers in my ear.     <<Shit, has he been following me?>>      I pull out the dangling cell phone quickly, handing it to Ralph.     "Good girl." he says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.      I wipe my face in disgust as he walks away, leaning against the car. Grace gets out of the van and stands next to Ralph, crossing her arms.     “I'm glad to see that until the end you are always obedient MC.” Grace giggles, as if it seemed funny to her “Does anyone else know you're here?”     “No” I lie. Jake and probably if he has heard it, Carter “, and Jane?”     “She's inside” she nods toward the van “, taking a nap.”     "Let her go, she doesn't have to do-"     “Our father had a list” Ralph begins to explain. I look at them both. Ok, so they really are siblings. Great. two blood madsiblings “and on that list, the only ones left to die were Daliah, Jane, and you.”     "And that's what you do?" I look at them both, furious "To finish the job of a psychopath?"     "Who was our father." Grace takes a step forward, straight at me. Her eyes flash with fury “. He was the most important person in our lives and you took him away from us.”     "He killed children!" I exclaim incredulous to hear her talk about Krebs like that “How can you tell me that he was important in your lives?! What if he then killed you guys?!”     "He would never have done that." Ralph gets defensive, giving me a cold look “, he was the best father we could ever have when our mother died, always watching over us, that we didn't lack anything. Much better than Armando.”      His words make sense. That is why in the chat with Daliah he repeated that he was not his father. I avoid making a gesture of reaching for the knife, for now it is better to wait. My phone rings and I freeze. Is it Carter? Did he call me to find out what’s going on?     “Nymos” Ralph says with a laugh “, what a ridiculous name.”     "It must be Jake." I look surprised at Grace, who looks at me with a smile “Did you think Daliah and I hadn't talked about this? All the time she was like 'I care about MC, Jake is not good for her' or 'Because of Jake, MC is doing illegal things, And if they put her in jail too?’” she puts on a silly voice, like she wants to imitate Daliah “Why do you think we avoided talking by message? We knew you could look at our chats. So I always preferred to be careful.”       I lower my head, unable to see his face. Damn Daliah, couldn't you shut up about this? I guess Grace made her talk somehow, I don't think she really was capable of giving it away out of hand.     "Come on, don't do that, I've been good enough not to tell the FBI anything" is getting closer to me, walking around me “, his name is safe with us” she places her hands on my shoulders ". For now.”     I separate from her with a slap, walking backwards.
I look at both of them now worried about Jake's identity. They keep playing psychologically with my fear. Ralph tosses the phone into the air, catching it in midair. He seems amused with this situation.     "How could you dare to make the video for Daliah's funeral with everything you did to her?" I raise my voice, looking into his eyes. I must put fear aside and face it.     "It was satisfying to do it" he throws the phone one last time, but this time he drops it to the ground and stomps on it hard “. I laughed while making the video, remembering how she apologized while squeezing her neck hard” my breath hitches when I hear him and I remember the camcorder I received, the audio from the phone “. And going to her funeral was even more fun, she was finally where she had to be: dead.”      I take a step toward him and Grace stops me, grabbing my arm. I try to break free, but she holds me tighter. I grit my teeth looking at her now. I could with my other hand grab my knife now, but she's too focused on me, I need a distraction.     "Was Daliah necessary to be tortured all these years?" I look at Grace and then at Ralph, remembering what he did to her "You didn't have to wreck her life like that!"     “Believe me, it disgusted me more to have to be with her at first, pretending that I liked her” Ralph makes a disgusted face, crossing his arms “But when I finally got to say how much I hated her and ruining her life so young, I felt like everything was perfect.” his eyes show happiness. So open that it looks like a cartoon. It's perfectly showing the craziness of his.     “And you also had to drug her?” I tried to get rid of Grace again, but she squeezes harder “Wasn't it enough for you to just ruin her adolescence by getting her pregnant? Scared and alone?”     "That was mom's idea" she answers, with a touch of pride pronouncing mom instead of mother, as something more affectionate “. She agreed with everything we wanted to do to Daliah because she was being a threat to the family, so she helped us a little bit to descend her further into madness apart from sending her the clippings and that little toy” she take a deep breath and let it out with a big smile “. You don't know how happy I felt when I also saw her with the necklace around her neck, I knew that would make her more confused.”     "The only thing you achieved is that She didn't trust you anymore." I answer through my teeth.     “And?” She shrugs, with a grimace “We were already planning her murder by then, I didn't care if she didn't want to trust me.”
     Crazy. They are crazy. There's no point in what they've been doing all these years. Why? Because did we manage to put their father in jail? It was me who testified against him!     "Why didn't you go after me first?" I ask, with a trembling voice “I put your father in jail thanks to my testimony, he is the one you should have tortured.”      Ralph walks over to us and takes my face in his hands. I can see the hate in them. He hates me. As Irma did, he digs his nails into my face, hurting me. I swallow nervously, waiting for him to kill me.     “We wanted to make sure that the young woman who was saved from her death suffered” he says with a cold voice “Did she feel safe all these years thinking that nothing bad would ever happen to her? Well she was wrong” he lift my face harder and I let out a small moan of pain “. And thus, the young heroine would suffer so much for not having saved her this time that little by little she began to fall into madness.”     “And what plan did you have with Jane?” I avoid being afraid of him, even though he intimidates me.     “We wanted to make her remember her dear little brother in the clippings” answer now Grace “, to feel guilty because she's alive and he's dead, to see what it feels like when you're the one who should have been the one to die.”     "You wanted her to take her own life." I reply disgustedly.     “It would have been too suspicious if we committed a crime again, but we've had a better idea” she pushes me away and I stumble “. Walk.”      I obey and Ralph stands next to me, as if he was also watching me from running away. With Grace behind me I can't get the knife out.
We approach the van and he opens the trunk. Jane is found tied up and with a tape over her mouth. She is totally asleep. I look at her with concern, what did they give her?     “Hey.” Grace kicks off her shoes “. Come on, wake up already.”      Jane groans and slowly opens her eyes, then looks at us in fright. She starts crying and whimpering, wanting to get rid. Her eyes show pleading.     “Jane!” I scream wanting to free her, but they stop me.     "Let's make this much more entertaining" Grace pulls me away a bit, looking at me with a big smile “, the heroine of Rosenschwarz is going to kill the girl who hated her sister so much” she begins to narrate as if she were explaining it as if she were a teacher “, because she discovered that it was she who sent her the articles and the doll, since they both had a very strong rivalry, Jane had done everything she could to get rid of her for always taking center stage away from her” she tilts his head with a look of false sadness “, poor Jane didn't felt well with Daliah using her story to get her performances and then reject them” she starts to walk in front of the door and I notice Jane still scared “. But Jane wasn't happy, she needed to plan it well, make it look like she was a Krebs impersonator.”      Ralph grabs me tight, pushing me into the van, sitting me down.     “She had always wished that Daliah had died, not her brother.” Grace continues to narrate and I hear Jane keep moving from inside the car, surely scared by what they are saying, blame it on her “and when she found out that Daliah's sister was investigating her death, she decided she had to get rid of her too, first trying to drive her crazy, but MC was much smarter and knew everything that happened between the two girls, for later... Take revenge into her own hand for what she did.”     “Sounds like a bad movie, don't you think?” I ask, frowning.     “When MC killed Jane in the same way that she murdered Daliah, she realized that it was useless, because she didn't return her sister” She looks at me coldly, taking a box out of her pocket “, madness had already taken over her and she didn't feel satisfied, just empty, so she took the pills” shake the box, without an expression this time “She entered the lake and decided to sleep forever, in the same place where her sister was found.”      I try to look at Jane out of the corner of my eye, who is trying to speak between her sobs. I lift up my jacket a little from behind, so she can see that I'm not unarmed. Little by little she calms down and I think she understands what I want to do, because she starts banging on the van, which makes Grace start to get angry at her attitude.     "Can you make her shut up for once?!" She asks her brother “She's pounding my head with her whining!”     “She's very annoying, I know.” Ralph hisses, walking over to the van.      As he walks in, he starts to want to hold her, but she struggles, moving. With Ralph distracted, he being the strongest, I slide my hand gently from behind while Grace is distracted watching her brother beating Jane. It's horrible to hear, but we both have to make sacrifices to get away.
I whip out the knife and plunge it into Ralph's thigh, causing him to groan and walk away.     "But what the hell have you done, bitch?!" He screams wanting to catch me.      I get up quickly and Grace walks over to me, holding my hand to keep it from being stabbed into her. We started to struggle and she ended up giving me a headbutt. I walk away dizzy and she then takes the opportunity to pick up the knife that I dropped.     “Did you know? It's done.” she says between her teeth, going to help her brother “Are you okay?”     “Yeah, I’m fine” his voice says the opposite “. I just need something to stop the bleeding.”      I stare at them, wobbling a little. I watch as Grace raises the knife, looking over at Jane. It is a second that I compose myself from the fear that she will kill her, so I jump towards her, as if I had adrenaline in my body. I manage to knock her down and she begins to move the hand that has the knife, wanting to scratch me in the face. I stop her from doing so by turning my face away and try to stop her with one hand and place her around her neck with the other.     "You deserve this for having killed my sister!" I yelled furiously, slamming her hand against the ground to make her release the knife “I'll kill you! You are a psychopath! You and Ralph are psychopaths!”     “Grace!” Ralph yells and gets behind me, separating me from her, throwing me to the ground "Leave my sister!"      I try to get up and he kicks me in the stomach that makes me turn around in pain, putting my hands up to protect myself in case he does it again. God, I think he hit me so hard I tasted iron in my mouth. Is capable a big kick making my mouth bleed? I place a hand on the ground, trying to get up. My arm shakes, I almost have a hard time getting up. I scream as he grab my ponytail, forcibly lifting me up to make me walk.     "I told Grace we shouldn't have talked, but you know her, she's more sociable than me" he says in my ear. I feel his hot breath on my skin. He disgusts me “, instead I wanted to finish it soon.”     "You won't get away with it!" I yell at him trying to free myself from him holding my hair tightly. It's as if he could rip it off with one pull.     "I already did when I got rid of your sister" We begin to enter the water, it's freezing and it makes my body hot from the adrenaline little by little to freeze, unable to do anything anymore “. Now it's your turn.”      He turns me around, placing me in front of him. Getting what he wanted: to see him afraid. He slowly runs his hand over my neck, as if he were caressing it delicately. But I know that he doesn't do it with that intention, but to intimidate me. Meanwhile, I can hear Grace trying to shut Jane up.     "Now I want you to apologize for what you did to us" His voice is deep and cold, I hardly even recognize it. It sounds like the voice of a demon “. Come on, apologize.”      I open my mouth to do it, then remember Daliah telling me it wasn't our fault. She apologized because she had clearly lived in fear because of him, but thanks to her words, I decide not to give in. I wont give up on him. I spit in his face and clench my teeth hard.     “Go to hell with your father.” I say finally.      I know that makes him angry and he starts to squeeze my neck hard. Little by little he starts to push me against the water and I struggle to avoid him, scratching his face and hands, kicking, but that makes me slip. I can hear his laugh as I fight back and I try everything in my power to get it off, but I can't. Little by little I run out of air, my throat hurts from how hard he squeezes. I feel the cold water on my back and very quickly I sink into the water. I try over and over to claw at his hands, freeing myself. Water rushes up my throat and nose, trying to scream for help, even though I know it's not possible. Nobody is coming. I start to get dizzy from lack of air, stopping fighting. I hadn’t realized until now, there’s a full moon.
It's the last thing I want to see instead of Ralph's face. 
*Jake POV*
I had tried to call MC after making a detour to avoid the FBI checkpoint in Evergreed. I had to take another road to get to Rosenschwarz. Unfortunately it was longer. Damn, I have a bad feeling. I want to think that she has not answered because she does not want to argue, not for other reason, but the strange sensation in my body tells me that something has happened. I pass between the cars without worrying that I might have an accident, maybe even the police will have been alerted by my fast speed. And I ca not slow down it, I have to get there as soon as possible.
I get to Rosenschwarz and people start screaming complaining about my speed. I try to be careful not to run over someone either, although I almost did. Damn, where is the lake? It is as if the signs have been removed. I stopped for a moment, taking out my cell phone to locate it on the map. I am thankful that I know how to write quickly and that there is a good sign. Alright, it is to the left, left again and straight ahead to the right turnoff. I put my cell phone away and quickly started the sidecar again.     "Come on, come on." I mumble, clenching my jaw "Fuck, faster!"      I had never been angry like this and it was not with MC. I remember everything bad that has happened to her, I want to erase it from her mind. I want Grace and Ralph to pay for what they have done.
I manage to get there and I see a van and a silhouette, raising their hand. I skidd and stop the bike, removing my helmet to run towards them. I see Grace holding up a knife and I push her aside, then look inside the van.     “MC!” I yell turning her around, but it's not her. I take the tape from Jane and she looks at me scared “Where is MC?!” I ask untying her.     "Ralph..." is the only thing she manages to say, taking a desperate breath.      She raises her pointing hand and I get out of the vehicle to look in the direction of the lake. I manage to see Ralph and a splash in the water. I run towards him, but fall to the ground as soon as they grab my ankle.     "Who are you, bastard?!" Grace asks me, her hand still on my ankle.     "Someone you should not mess with." I reply as I kick her in the face, right on the nose.      She whimpers, managing to let go of me and I jump up off the ground, resuming my target for Ralph. I push him making him lose his balance and I bend down to grab MC from the water.     “I got you!” I say while eating to get out of the lake “MC, I am here!” I yell when I see that her eyes are closed.      I feel how they push me and I try to keep MC's body from making a hard impact against the ground, keeping her against my body.    “I think you're a little late.” Ralph says with a laugh “She's already dead!      I gently put MC on the ground and straight up to him, to punch him. He dodges it and he gives me one in the stomach. He grumbled at me, throwing me to the ground.     “Come on, I have room for another one on the list of people I want to kill.” he says, waving me over.      I take a handful of dirt and throw it at his eyes, leaving him helpless. I got up and pushed him to the ground, starting to punch at him. He manages to stop one and gives me a headbutt, knocking me down now to the ground. He places his hands around my neck, squeezing. It is like he have been preparing all these years with this force, because I am unable to break free. I punch him again and he lets go. I sit up and just as I am about to kick him in the stomach, I get stabbed in the shoulder. I walk away placing my hand on my shoulder, looking at Grace. She has the knife in her hand.
I look at both siblings, waiting to see who makes the next move. I feel the mask damp from sweat and the metallic taste in my mouth. I see Jane slowly approaching, so I avoid looking at her so they will not notice.     “I don't know who the fuck you are” Ralph starts to say, spitting blood from his mouth, “, but you sure know how two against one ends.     “Let's get this over with.” Grace smiles, gripping the knife tightly.      Jane screams and pulls Grace's hair, causing her to drop the knife and they start fighting each other. And with that distraction, I go straight for Ralph, pushing him to the ground. I go to hit him and he stops me and again he manages to knock me down. I reach for the knife as I choke, feeling the tip of the blade. I manage to catch it and end up sticking it in his side, twisting it hard until it comes out. He screams in pain, pulling away from me. I see how blood flows from his body.     “What have you done to me?” he asks rhetorically “Do you think that this way you will be able to bring her back to life?” he lets out a laugh “She's already dead like her sister's whore!” His laughter turns into a guffaw “I'm done with both! They are both dead!”     I grip the handle tightly, feeling anger take over me. Ralph comes at me and I defend myself by digging the blade into his neck. His expression changes to one of surprise, spitting blood out of his mouth. I pull out the knife and he falls to his knees, putting his hand to the wound, wanting to stop the bleeding. I drop the weapon and run towards MC, she is pale and blue-lipped. I check to see if she is breathing, but is not. I lower the mask and begin to do compressions.     “MC, COME ON, WAKE UP!” I desperate cry “DON'T DIE! IT'S NOT YOUR TIME!”      I mouth to mouth her twice and continue to try to revive her.     “DO NOT LEAVE ME! LOVE, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! I NEED YOU!”      I remember the last time I cried and it was when I thought she had died. Now I start to cry uncontrollably, seeing how everything around me turns dark tones, mixed with the red of rage at seeing her lifeless, without having been able to keep her safe.
I hear some quick footsteps and I grab MC against my body, pulling us to one side. Grace plunges the knife into the ground, glaring at us.     “You…!” She yells at me angrily “You have killed my brother!”      I hold MC against my body and I begin to gasp for nerves. Grace rises with a smile so wide that Cheshire himself would be envious. When she is close, I swing my leg to knock her down, but she just wobbles. It is then that Jane reappears, pushing her.     "STOP… FUCKING… US… AND DIE!" she yells, hitting her hand to make her drop the knife.      Meanwhile, I return to the revive, even though I know I ca not continue, but I have to keep doing it.     “MC, after this I promise there will not be any more dangers” I continue talking to her, almost in a desperate way “I promise I will even invite you to dinner! You remember? I still owe you dinner.”      When I give her artificial respiration, I notice that it is almost difficult for me to give her air. Normally I am used to controlling my breathing when I run, but with this? This situation has made my whole body lose control of the nerves.     "Jake! Watch out!” I hear Jane and turn around, stopping Grace.      I grab her wrist tightly and she throws the knife when I break it, with all the accumulated fury. The scream she lets out sounds like an animal's.     "This is not going to stay li-" I see how just like with Ralph, a knife goes through Grace's neck.      The brunette takes her hands to her neck, looking for a way to take it off. But in the end, she falls to the ground like her brother.     “Enjoy the ride to hell, bitch.” Jane spits, kicking the corpse.     "JANE, HELP ME!" I yell for her to come over.      Jane bends down and we both try to resuscitate, how hard it is for me to breathe, I can't continue.     “MC, please wake up, WAKE UP!” my whole body trembles with the fear of losing her “I NEED YOU TO WAKE UP!”     "Jake, I'm sorry" Jane exhales, her voice rueful ". but she's not going to wake up.”     “NO! SHE HAVE TO WAKE UP!” I shout her out and resume resuscitation.      That's when we hear sirens approaching, but I ignore them.     "Jake, you have to go!" Jane tries to pull me away from her, but I push her away.     "I'm not leaving until she wake up!" I yell, taking up again the resuscitation that interrupted me.     "But it will be dangerous for you if they find you here!" She pushes me again, separating me from MC “I'll continue with the resuscitation, but get out now!”      I see how Jane keeps her word and I stay for a while looking at the scene. MC will revive right? That’s what I tell myself, perhaps to deceive myself that I have lost her forever.     "I trust you, Jane!" I yell as I get up, running to the motorcycle.
    From afar I see how Jane does not give up on reviving MC. I squeeze the handlebars of the motorcycle hard, just like my eyes when closing them. I do not want to have to leave, but if I do not, they will arrest me and take me away from her forever.     “I will be waiting for you, love, wake up soon.”      I start the motorcycle and at full speed, I walk away from there. I avoid crying so I can see where I am going, but it is hard for me. I do not feel pain from Grace's slash or when Ralph tried to choke me with his hands. The only thing that hurts me the most now is that if I lose MC, I lose all on this life.
Chapter 33
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
Teacher Anon💛💛💛💛 i mean if your offering with Ed and Stede using this prompt: 🤒flushed for the Valentine's day prompt, i would love that. If you can of course.
Edward 💜: I have good news and bad news
Stede: Oh no.
Edward 💜: Nothing too bad, love, but which would you like first?
Stede: Let’s go with bad news first, shall we? Get it out of the way 
Edward 💜: I think I caught the cold that’s been going around 
Stede shifts in his desk chair and rereads Ed’s message. Is that… 
It can’t be bad news because Ed knows that —
Before Stede can think about it any further, his phone lights up with another follow up text from Ed.
Edward 💜: Don’t think I’m fit for a restaurant :/ Can’t go ten minutes without sneezing 
Edward 💜: 😇
Stede’s whole body seems to warm as he reads the messages, smiling only a bit self-consciously into his phone. 
Stede: And that’s… the bad news? 
Edward 💜: Well, I am ruining our Valentine’s plans, so, yes
Edward 💜: But it is the good news, too 🙂
Stede: Your being sick is never good news, you know that, right? I would never want that Edward 💜: I know, sweetheart. It really was bound to happen, though. Good/bad timing, depending on how you’re feeling, alright? I’ll make it up to you, take you out to the fanciest fucking place we can find next weekend?
Stede promises that he doesn't mind the delay, stomach fluttering as he suggests takeout on his couch so he can look after Ed, make sure he's well-hydrated and taking medicine, and... curled in as close to Stede as possible, ideally.
When he gets home that evening, Ed's already there, and he really does look sick, his handsome face more pale than usual, his salt and pepper hair pulled back and away from his face in a bun, and his nose is flushed, rubbed an irritated shade of pink. He gives Stede a quick, haphazard wave over the back of the couch, turning away just as fast, his face crumpling into a battered handful of tissues.
"Hdt'ngshh! Uh'dshh! ih'SSSCHH!"
"Well," Stede says, face flushing its own shade of pink. "Hello, and god bless you!" He puts his work bag down by the door, shucks off his coat, and wastes no time making his way over to Ed on the couch, pulling him into a hug. Ed's wearing one of Stede's sweaters, which makes his heart give a little squeeze the way it always does when Ed borrows his clothes. He never imagined he'd find someone who could appreciate his eclectic taste in clothes, let alone share it, and yet...
"You really do sound sick, my love," Stede murmurs into the soft spot between Ed's neck and shoulder, hesitant, still, to look up at him.
"Mm, don't feel too hot," Ed admits, though Stede can feel him smiling softly as he says it.
"Beg to differ," Stede mutters, looking up again before kissing him. It's soft and sweet, just a press of lips, but Ed leans into it, melting into the affection.
"Missed you all day," Ed sighs, his voice just starting to take on that tired, congested sound it gets when he's coming down with something. He nuzzles himself in close to Stede, presses his face into the soft crook of his neck and sniffles a few times against him, just enough to make Stede flush all over again.
"Edward," Stede breathes, voice catching.
"Stede," Ed murmurs, sighing happily as Stede kisses him again, a little longer this time, lingering until Ed pulls away to rub his nose against another set of sniffles. "S-ihh-sorry..."
Ed doesn't make an attempt to pull away as his breath continues to catch, coming in quick, short gasps before he finally tucks his face against Stede's shoulder and sneezes three more times in quick succession.
"Hh'IITSHH! Hdt'tshhh! hhD’TTschH’iu! Ngh..."
"Goodness, bless you!" Stede says, kissing him again and wondering how it is he got so lucky. "Always three," he points out, offering Ed a handful of tissues from the box he keeps on the end table.
Ed nods, blowing his nose a good few times in a row before looking up at Stede. "Happy Valentine's Day," he smiles. "I'm sorry about... all this," he says, pointing to his face, the tissues scattered over the coffee table and couch.
"Mm, don't be," Stede says. He presses a kiss to the bridge of Ed's nose, then his cheeks, then his lips, long and slow, this time, because he really and truly does not mind in the slightest. By the time they pull apart, Ed's all but in his lap, both of them just a little breathless, dinner plans essentially forgotten.
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