#it hits you. it fucking HITS you. his death still isnt the sad thing. at all. its the love and sadness and aughhh. everytime he shows up
sualne · 1 year
fun fact but its because i was rereading ace's death that the crocodad au exist, the way croco saved luffy (& jinbei) afterwards, the whole 'thanks for loving me' i was filled with emotions, got my head thinking about it all, luffy's family and the croc theory. and. man. ○| ̄|_
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disappointingcabbage · 2 months
The Dragon Prince Season 6 Episode 8 live reaction, spoilers under the cut!!
This episode title (We All Fall Down) scares me tbh
The dramatic shot of a jelly tart falling to the ground as Sol Regem flies overhead is exactly what I expected from this show in the best way possible
Oh shit he’s attacking Katolis castle
Oh fuck the only people guarding the pear are Soren and Opeli and they don’t know that it’s the real one and not the decoy this is very Not Good
Oh and neither of them have even seen sol regem before so they don’t even know what the fuck his deal is
This episode really shows how absolutely terrifying dragons can be
Oh fuck Soren got Jason Grace’d (hit in the head by a brick)
Soren going “fuck this let’s just evacuate” is such a smart decision
“Take good care of hat” sounds very self-sacrificial Soren I don’t like how this sounds
“The spell requires a human heart” Soren no
I think Viren is using his own heart. Fitting end to his redemption tbh
How fucking dare this show make me feel sad about this asshole’s death
Well, he’s dead for real this time. Third time’s a charm I guess.
I’m assuming since Pharos has the shadowbeast corruption he now works for aaravos probably and so his end goal of attacking Katolis castle with Sol Regem is to get the pearl, right?
Oh fuck seeing Viren dead is gonna be the thing that makes Claudia free Aaravos FUCK HE DIED TOO EARLY
Aaravos why are you bowing dramatically to Sol Regem he can’t see you
The fuck does Anak Arow mean?
Oh fuck that’s a cruel truth to dump on a dying dragon
The TMA brainrot is real because I literally just went okay Aaravos and Elias Bouchard would get along really well
Well, RIP Sol Regem I guess. I never liked him but damn that’s a brutal way to go.
Oh poor Claudia. This is a phenomenal vocal performance. Also damn this is really dark for a kids’ show
shut the FUCK up Aaravos get out of her head
Lujanne I cannot emphasize enough that the romance drama here isn’t the point
are the quasar diamonds fake????
“Are you still willing to help me, Claudia?” “… her DAD just DIED!” Terry out here saying what we were all thinking
Oh Aaravos wants to Frankenstein this shit with all 6 primal sources
Good luck getting the quasar diamond Claudia, Callum and Rayla have all three
wait WHAT
One of the ones in the crown are fake
Ah fuck, Rayla can only summon 2 out of her 3 coined parents
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vashsscoreboardofpain · 5 months
Welcome back to the only sports that matter: suffering! 98 Vash surprised us all yesterday but will today be the same? Or will he go back to his average points per episode?
Episode 12 show us what you got!
After his visit to the shoe store, the contestant enjoys a nice day and lets a few shenanigans happen. And in one fast move he strikes the first point: 1 "action" point for getting sad about rem. He plays with the children for a while and-
He moved! Out of nowhere another MVP of the season appeared and now 98 vash is heading to get a bunch of points. The contestant positions himself and he strikes like a fucking typhoon (pun so intented). He hits 1 "action" point for hiding whats going on to millie while being ominous as fuck, 1 "bad event" point for getting scared by legato "killing" a kid, 1 "bad event" point for being "guilty" of the dead of a guy aka psychological torture, and 1 "bad point" for actually getting arrested for the death of the guy. The move was so quiet yet effective. The audience stays quiet for a minute and then cheer with all the energy of the world. It seems like the contestant was preparing something and now he gets the chance to show it off.
The contestant is not done tho. He may be in chains but his mind sure isnt. He hits 1 "traumatic event" point for the flashback of the dead guy and his brother. Because the point is being counted now however, it wont be counted if they explain the flashback in the future. AND HE KEEPS GOING. 1 "action" point for going from really angry to his normal calm self.
Theres no more time to think about it tho, because its gunfight time.
The contestant closes the round with 15 points, making his new total 95 points! He was so close to reach the total stampede vash got in episode 12 of stampede but its still pretty good considering the time 98 vash has left.
Is it time for 98 vash to go wild for the 2nd half of the sports season? We will find out right here
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alstroemerian-dragon · 6 months
theres something that really bothers me about the way a lot of people talk about and write peko re: her place as fuyuhiko’s “tool,” especially when it comes to like. despair. and i feel like it stems from a few different places and one of those is definitely uh. distance from the source material. because. w. did we play the same game
like. the second trial is a lot of things. annoying. about the death of a character i dont really care about. kind of confusing. Very Sad At The End. but the one thing it shows beyond any shadow of a doubt is that peko Does Not Want To Be Fuyuhiko’s Tool. she leans into it a lot in that trial, past the stupid. serial killer shit. which is literally just desperation and quick thinking on her part (and non diagetically meant to parallel the first game but whatever). but she does that because it is the only option she thinks she has if she wants to keep fuyuhiko alive. because thats her ultimate goal, right? sure, she’s his tool. sure, theyre Badly and Unhealthily codependent. sure, she was basically groomed to stay at his side no matter what. but…
she also cares about him. genuinely. she loves him. for all that teenagers can properly conceive of love in all its forms, but she at least think she does. but she does truly care about him.
did anybody do her free time events other than me? genuine question. because i dont think someone who wants to ask the guy shes sworn to protect on a date would be content being just his tool. that sure sounds like someone who wants to be on equal footing with him.
like. look. say what you want about the anime. take it with a grain of salt. cherry pick what you like and toss the rest of it out. that sure is what i do!! but even if you do that, youve got to take the text of the game itself into account if you want to have any semblance of regular characterization, and the game makes it clear that she hates this!!! she doesnt want to be his tool! she will fight him on things if she has to! she will disobey him if she has to!!! thats the whole point of the trial!!!!! he told her to run and that he would take the fall and she told him no!!!!!!!!!
and you cant ignore the fact that the time between them starting at hope’s peak and the tragedy hitting the ground running was two whole years. people can change a lot in two years, especially teenagers, and especially high schoolers. idk how long its been since you were in high school (unless you currently are in which case. dear gd im so sorry. good luck) but your mental state in high school is so fucked. you have no idea who you are and neither does anybody else and can you even imagine the kinds of pressure the ultimates would have been under?? again, taking the anime with a grain of salt, but even if you go along with it and think the school was barely a school at all, the pressure from society, from family, from peers still has an impact. everyone was telling them who they were and that thats who they were going to be for the rest of their lives and i doubt ANY of them felt like it.
and even if you subscribe to the idea, like me, that their second year was a downward spiral because of junko’s presence and influence, they still needed somewhere to fall from. the idea that peko was uniquely comfortable being quiet and violent and doing whatever fuyuhiko wanted so she didnt need despair to be his tool is ridiculous. i see the argument of “well watching her friends fall into despair and spiral made her spiral in turn and grow numb to it and retreat into herself until she needed to become fuyuhiko’s tool again as a coping mechanism” but. buddy. That Is Despair.
sometimes i feel like the only person who thinks about despair complexly and maybe thats its own post because this ones too long already but. despair isnt just Being Brainwashed Into A Monster. ignore what the writers told you. okay? look at me. Look Into My Eyes. The Writers Are Fucking Idiots And Dont Know How To Write Good Drama With Genuine Stakes. despair as a nuanced concept is so much more horrifying. different post. sorry. peko.
if peko had not been pulled down by despair just like the rest of them she would have fought tooth and nail to keep fuyuhiko above it. she would have demanded he explain to her why he was doing what he was doing. and she would have told him no.
and of course heres where i get into the accusatory part because the other place a lot of this comes from is, and im sorry, an unwillingness to write complex or nuanced women. not pointing fingers, but reducing peko down into “fuyuhiko’s tool” and “she does whatever he says without question” completely destroys any minuscule amount of agency she has. shes a fucking person. yes, shes pixels on a screen. yes, shes a representation of tropes. but diagetically, within the fiction of the game, she is a human being, and if you want to write her, and not be puppeting around a gddamn cardboard cutout, you have to think of her as a person with agency who makes her own fucking choices. sometimes those choices are taken away from her. but they shouldnt be taken away by you.
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laneynoir · 2 years
A few quotes from my brother during RotK:
Opening scene: "what the? Oh I thought he was going to eat the worm."
"Oh so its his fault"
Sam: not before mister Frodo's had somthing to eat.
"Sam's got his priorities straight. Oohh do we still have some of your lambas bread? Wait not I ate it"
"Pippin is smoking weed, I want some."
As Eowyn gives Aragorn the drink:
"Eowyn is driving him isnt she?"
Me refusing to tell him who the "she" Smeagol is
Him: "its you isn't it? Your going to eat the hobbits."
Gandalf sleeping with his eyes open:
"Creepy fucker."
(Jokingly)"Aragorn and Legolas are gay"
"Haha 'You smoke to much' "
*arwen seeing her vision* *Oh she's hallucinating"
"Is that baby Aragorn? Oh no, the old guy's Aragorn"
"disrESPECT TO THE BOOK? HOW do you still like her? You stabbed me for dropping yours!"
*Gandalf telling pippin not to say anything* "oH so THAT'S why you say that to me"
*Denthor insulting Aragorn* "oh fuck this guy, Aragirns the one running around t;e wolrf protecting your fatass"
"Oohh the dead city is cool, it looks like that picture you drew"
"I like Farimir, he seems cool"
"I want a job where I just sit around drinking and set fire to shit"
"Come on Théoden, dont be a loser"
"Oh good hes not a loser"
(The ring dangling infront of Gollum/Smeagol) "grab it and run Gollum!"
*Gollum trying to convince Frodo that Sam eants the ring* "Fuck you buddy, Smawise just wants his potatoes and to snuggle with Frodo"
*Denthor saying he wished Farimer had died and Boromir lived* "Well somebody sure is loosing the perant of the year award" "he's sending him to his DEATH, yes Pippin, that is exactly my face right now"
"Oh come on Sam! Hit him harder! Kick him off the edge"
"Frodo- your going to trust the thing that tried to kill you over Sam?! SMEAGOL NEVER MADE YOU SOUP!"
"... I am done with this tomato eating son of a headghog and orc mutantv
"Merry, you nearly stabbed Eowyn!"
"I feel like Aragorn is the perfwct mix of stupid and brave"
"Théoden isnt even her real sad and he's still better than Denny dude."
"Noooooo I wamt to see Èowyn fight!"
"Ooooh its a ghost king. I thouht hey were just people living underground."
"I think the reason you don't date is because you need a guy like Legolas, or Aragorn. Èomer is also a candidate."
*as Gandalf knocks Denthor out* "YES! GO GANDALF!"
"How many watts does that star pack?"
"I like Grond"
"So... Your saying Rohan has the most horse power?"
"Oh yeah, because Farimir hasn't gine through enough shit, lets burn him alove!"
"Go Gandalf! Smack the fucker!"
*Èowyn battling which king* "But since shes not a man dies that mean she might acctually kill him?"
*Legolas kills the Oliphant and slides down the trunk* "yeah no, you just need to date an elf"
*as the forces of Mordor suround them* "Wait does Legolas die?"
(Here is where I admit that I told him that Legolas, Aragorn, and Frodo die.)
"Good aim Sam."
"The Eagles are here!"
"Frodoooooo whyyyyy"
*Aragorn fighting troll thing* "Kill my boy and see what happens..."
(at this point I did get a book thrown at my head)
(Insert me convincing him that the reason that the lighting is weird when Frodo wakes up ids because they all died in the battle)
*the coronation* "Aw Farimir and Èowyn can help eachother get over their trauma."
"Wait I though Arwen died?"
"Wait so why does Frodo have to go to the inspiring lands?"
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lucidpantone · 2 years
Hi! What is your opinion on Wille's looks at the very end of season 2? Right after he smiles to Simon there is so much going on in his eyes I can't figure it out
He seems happy then sad then questioning what he's done and seems worried? but then again the little smirk I mean I'm lost 😭 but I think that also the whole point hahaha
What do you think?
Hey dear!!
I think its exactly as you described. Like yay fuck the firm! but also fuck what did I just do...... but also finally I dont have to hide who I am, but also fuck august, but also I just became the first openly queer monarch like shit is about to hit the fan hard. Like just imagine if Prince Christian who is set to become king of denmark told us today "btw am gay" at some school event over instagram shit would be wild.
Also tho I think wilhelm is sorta of welcoming the onslaught because at least he can speak his truth a bit he has been so caged up since Erik's death he isnt stupid he grew up royal he knows him coming out will change his entire life and that of his family and the monarchy. Also tho I think Simon saying I love you definitely motivated him I think its more about the symbolism of that i love you versus wilhelm thinking naively simon loves me let me throw everything in the fire. So what I mean is Wilhelm has almost no agency as prince he literally doesnt even select his own clothing. Simon's love is one of the only things he got to select entirely on his own and experience with his own agency. And tho of course his press team will try to control his relationships entire narrative its still with a person he chose and chose him back. I think this sample of self directive inspiration sorta of made him decide ok i am going to take the reigns of my own future and just take a leap of faith.
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afarcryfrommymain · 2 years
I like cult Aphid bc I like writing and drawing characters with something wrong with them™️ but the amount of prerequisites for him to join and STAY is a lot because he's got a lot wrong with him without also joining a cult, it takes some heavy fuckin lifting. So I'm just going over bullet points for this au in this post tbh.
1. Sister has to visit his home a little after he moves to Hope County, before the cult is at its worst and before he really properly starts at the sherrifs office
2. Has to meet John in a friendly setting prior to this and able to stand him enough to actually become his friend. (He absolutely cannot meet Sharky in this au until after its too late because it will become about them and its supposed to be JohnxAphid)
3. Big fight between him and Ruby which causes him to go over to Johns house and rant for 30 minutes about how he's got no one and he's sick of his family
(Alternatively Ruby dies but I really hate killing her just to make my boy sad in general and I don't like the idea of killing her until like, New Dawn time maybe and even then its like blaze of glory shit, its also more interesting for her to be alive in this au)
4. This prompts John to get him to join Edens gate, hes on the fence about joining but he's sort of considering, but like he's heard all the bs you have to do to join and isn't exactly jazzed at the idea of it. Hes also incredibly weary of a lot of religion because of his childhood n shit but let's not talk about that.
5. Aphid hops on the denial train when shit begins to hit the fan and Ruby trying to help gets into it with him again but this time its like "hey lil bro, I noticed your gay ass is about to join a cult so maybe don't?" And another fight and hes like "fuck it" and joins out of spite (dipshit)
6. Now he has to have good reason to stay in, which I'm genuinely not sure about outside of like, him and John start dating and he's like "fuck it" and leans into it. Like dating for long enough that it's at the "meet the family" kinda point.
7. He also can't be around for the first time Faith gets replaced because he could ignore it if it happens once (king of "not my business not my problem" in this au fr) but probably not twice
8. Continues to ride the denial train for a while but eventually when the reaping begins he doesn't really stay because he believes in it or whatever but because he just knows enough members of the project that he doesn't want to fight them anymore and kinda drops out of his job at the sherrifs office one day without 2 weeks notice or anything. (Point of no return for him, this point forward he can't be convinced to leave by anyone or anything)
9. Ruby will have to to take place of "main problem causer" this au (I finally let her do something woah) and the resistance generally sees her like "oh sorry your brother went crazy I think you gotta kill him tho??? Sorry"
10. Can't tell which Seeds die or if Aphid works really fucking hard to keep em around, John makes it because Aph is consistent in protecting people he loves in every au fr but they lose the bunker key in the process. Same with Jacob maybe.
11. Faith is difference bc Ruby is a bleeding heart with a savior complex and completely falls for the front she puts up and is like "but we gotta help her 🥺" but Faith does get to leave the project (sorta kinda, it's a whole thing) and survives
12. Dude idk if I can keep her from shooting Joseph and I kinda want her to fr like he starts doing his speech and she does not let him finish. Aphids busy with keeping his very pissed off boyfriend, the brother who looked like he was about to be cool with death, and the members he was able to get to safe. He doesn't even realize he straight forgot about Joseph til its too late.
13. Ruby does a broadcast about Joseph and asks Aphid one last time to come back but he's all in now and probably isnt gonna back out anytime soon. He still goes to confront her and since Aphid might as well be a raid boss theres a big show down between the two of them. They're fighting and Ruby gets really close to killing him but she hesitates because "fuck that's my brother, I raised him, I love him, this is so fucked"
14. In the minutes she hesitates the collapse comes. It's late, but it happens and Aphid just bolts to the bunker he had holed up with John in up until that point. Can't decide who Ruby's bunker buddy is. Could stick her with the Edens Gate people and have fun new issues but who knows.
That's the broad strokes though, probably won't write anything for this past a one shot or two if I feel like it but I thought it'd be fun to lay it all out like tism
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frosted-night · 3 years
Jack Frost Designs Review
Yes it’s finally his time. This is going to include his book designs including previous incarnations in said books. There are more movie concept designs than book so, let’s dig in shall we?
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This was in fact the first ever Jack Joyce designed while he came up with The Guardians Of Childhood. He even comes with his own backstory! (Which was cut. Sorry Joyce posts walls of text so it’s a girthy read.)
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So instead of a young mischievous trickster, we got a much more depressing story of Jack. (Jack by default is sad obviously) but this one... It kind of hits differently and almost reminds me of the story he crafted for Pitch. A dad who tried to defend his family but through tragic events was ripped from them and changed completely. Design wise, he’s a lot more tree than snow. There doesn’t exist a colored version of this so we’ll never know if he sported winter and dull dead leaf colors rather than grassy greens.This Jack has a weird presence to him, I can’t put my finger on it. Rating: 6/10 He’s really neat! Just a little too Autumn feeling rather than a blend of both Autumn and Winter.
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Nightlight feels like the baby evolution if Jack was a pokemon and that's what I’m gonna stick with. Below is a more recent version of him colored.
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In all honesty that one is easier on the eyes proportion wise because sometimes Joyce has ‘interesting’ anatomy choices but we aint going into that today. It’s interesting how his hair somehow looks shorter and longer than Jack’s at the same time. Could be because the longer strands float seamlessly but star boy hair physics what can ya do. It’s a little hard to tell what is his skin and what is his armor, so that is a casuality in making a character only have one or two colors in their color scheme. I love other artist’s depictions of Nightlight but the canon one feels a little weak color wise. Rating: 5/10 Sorry, get some better LEDs and then come back.
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Here we have a book Jack but I can’t entirely recall if this was used in the books or not. I digress. This design looks like him still wearing very Nightlight-esque armor/clothing and slowly growing into his new persona as Jack Frost. The intricacies are hard to make out but we’ll work with it. This one is very interesting to me because he very much looks like an older teen close to young adult. His hair looks very fluffy too. Not many complaints about this one but not much praise either.
Rating: 6/10 Not great but doesn’t stand out that much.
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Remember when I said Joyce had ‘interesting’ anatomy decisions? Jack looks like he has half a head here and it bothers me GREATLY. This is the adult Jack design he went with. Supposedly he likes the opera and he sure looks it. This! Exists!! Kind of wish it didn’t. The outfit is nice but it just doesn’t fit Jack as a whole. This just screams to me that it’s someone else with a similar-ish hairstyle.
Rating: 3/10 Guess he’d be the...Phantom Of The Opera. (I’ll go home and so should he.)
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And finally the final Jack. This is the one that almost exactly resembles the Jack we got in the movies(Probably because it was made after the movie but w/e) but just add a cape on him. I can’t really tell if hes got a hoodie and a cape, or just a cloak+hood on top of a sweatshirt. It isn’t too important because my thoughts on this one are obvious. Rating: 10/10 Edna Mode would have a field day with you boy.
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Joyce claims this is a design he drafted when Leonardo DiCaprio was considered to voice Jack and I can kind of see that with how his face is drawn here. This Jack looks a lot more like a warrior and less of that trickster look. I can’t say I’m a fan of the weird antenna his hood has but his sword is really cool looking.
Rating: 4/10 Nice bow and sword but it can’t save your fashion choices.
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This looks like a lanky 11-13 year old who would put rocks or slugs in my shoes and relish in my disgust. He has the exact look of a snot nose kid and I’m unsure how to feel about it.
His various hairstyles drafted here sort of make him softer looking or just more of a snot nose, no in between. Maybe even an Anime Protagonist.
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The top right one almost looks like Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon if you squint. It’ll be a little hard to rate them all as one individual but why not.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate them but they aren’t my cup of tea.
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Oh wait no it isn’t he looks like a 10 year old. Whatever don’t feed him after midnight. The staff’s design of not being shaped like a G is an interesting tidbit but the whole design looks like he’s really young or like a troll etc. This Jack looks like he thinks girls have cooties uses outdated slang.
Rating: 4/10 This is me being generous.
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It honestly looks like he hiked his pants up all the way to his chest. A late teen with horrid fashion choices once again. Not many other thoughts here.
Rating: 2/10 Get a sweater on or something.
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This is one is very interesting looking to me. His clothes looked a lot more leather based and very human-like. The tatters, tears and frays all make him look like he was a victim of an accident that never changed his clothes. It makes me wonder if this Jack had the same death as the final movie Jack or something else entirely. Either way, this one looks like hes a mid to late teen which really adds to my intrigue.
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This was another image that greatly resembled the design so I included it here. It almost looks like his skin is blue here which is pretty neat to me at least. He’s also got leaf motifs here, which from the first Jack design Joyce made, we can see a pattern here.
Rating: 8 /10 I was originally weirded out by his head but now its not so bad.
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This Jack is definitely dressed more like a nature boy rather than him having human influenced fashion and it’s an appealing touch. The tiny leaf sprouting from his staff is also kind of cute since the designers seemed to want to put leafs somewhere on his designs. His hairstyle is also very cute but it reminds me of Sasuke Uchiha in a sense. (Not a setback for me at least)
Rating: 7/10 13 year old Jack is going thru a phase.
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I thought this Jack didn’t show up again in story boards but I was wrong!
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They look a little different from each other but just similar enough to pair together, so bare with me. The first one obviously has looser pants, slightly longer sleeves and got his leaf motif going. This second Jack is a VERY green. It gives the impression that this Jack made his clothes out of plants and natural materials. Again I’m not wholly sure if greens fit his color scheme but they sure went for it for a while. I can’t say I’m a fan of it because it heavily reminds me of Peter Pan.
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However a very similar looking Jack could be found in this storyboard. It doesn’t look as green as the other storyboards made it out to be and looks more like dead grass. Which is a pretty nice touch.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t vibe yknow.
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Speaking of a vibe...hoo this certainly has one.  This Jack isn’t old but certainly doesn’t look very young, maybe in the 20-30 range, thats just me. He has facial features that remind me of Pitch but resembles the Jack Frost of Santa Clause 3
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That being said, I wondered if him looking similar to Pitch was in the storyline of them being brothers.(Which was a scrapped thing, who knew.) He’s a bit more menacing in this design but certainly seems like he relishes in his work.
Rating: 4/10 I’d make it a lower score but I gotta give it props
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NOW THIS JACK IS KINDA INTERESTING. This one looks like he’s 16 and going through a grunge phase. He’s gonna play Nirvana loudly and not turn it down even if you tell him too. His staff itself has mini icicles hanging off of it and leafs look stuck to his shirt. Did you glue or staple those on Jack? His hair also looks much longer than his other designs and I kind of dig it( Shut up I’m bias.) I’m not wholly sure why else this design has stuck with me but it just has something about it that I just love. I wish there was a full body drawing of it.
(He also kinda has the same hair as the Jack Frost in Runescape but I wont go on about that hoo hoo)
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Rating: 9/10 *Bad Boy by Cascada plays in the distance*
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This one definitely feels like middleschooler trying to be in a band. His sticks just resemble drumsticks to me what can I say. I’m a big fan of his shoes and his color scheme screams a hibernating tree in winter. His hair also looks like it’s covered in frost rather than it being wholly white, which is very neat!! He looks like he wants to fight but has slight hesitance. Overall a very balanced Jack.
Rating: 8/10 He’s ready for band practice
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Not many thoughts here, I just found these tiny Jack designs cute. His hoodie being a jacket instead just adds to the charm of this one.
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No talk to him he angy.
Rating: 6/10 fun sized boi
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Now this Jack resembles the one earlier that dressed entirely in leather brown colors, however he clearly is different than that one. I’m gonna say it, he looks like a zombie or undead in this design and its pretty fucking gnarly. I don’t know whats going on with his hair but I’m gonna assume it’s just the wind making it look like that. He just has the vibe that he was once human but was turned into something else entirely. It isnt in uncanny territory but borders that. This version of Jack meeting Pitch and the others would have been *very* interesting. Rating: 7/10 Eat a twinkie Jack you’ll feel better.
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The final design! I can’t complain much about this one. The way his staff subtly has a G shape and a hexagon(his signature shape) is a wonderful touch. Additionally, the way the frost is gathered mostly where his hand is such an intricate detail. His signature hoodie is iconic at this point so I can’t bad mouth that either.(I can’t anyway because there's no complaints from me here.) Although, I never understood the leather straps that his pants had or their functions. I couldn’t find any colonial outfits that resembled Jack’s pants so its a total mystery to me at least.
And I can’t go on about this design until I mention the snowflake pattern in his eyes
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Pure beauty. It’s at a hue of blue that almost looks impossible to have, combined with the electric blue color of the snowflake in his eyes. The amount of detail in this movie amazes me to this day. Rating: One Great Blizzard <3/10
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
Hey! I really liked your Annie angst where she hits the reader and wanted to request one where it's the same idea but just with Mikasa? Thanks a lot!
“A broken promise ” Mikasa x Reader. || Chapter 1. Oᴛʜᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴛᴛᴏᴍ!
this contains spoilers for the manga of AOT. || rumbling spoilers ahead||
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You walked into your both’s shared bedroom to find Mikasa staring at herself in the mirror, her eyes sad as she looking down at her feet as she laid against the mirror. Her back faced you. Your arms crept around her waist, hugging her strong body as you cuddled you head into the back of her shoulder. “Please.. come back to me..” you softly whispered for the both of you to hear. “Your so distant yet… so close..” you hugged her tighter as you embraced her presence.
Mikasa pushed you off of her after a while, and started to walk out of the room. “You make me sick.”
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Hours passed since your encounter with your girlfriend.
You couldn’t stand just letting this happen. Your relationship was slowly but surely being torn apart, weather or not mikasa was realizing it or not. Could she not care about you anymore? Her attitude changed Jurassic-ally ever since Eren told Her he hated her, which to your dismay you turned your back on him, saying that Mikasa deserved better.
You finally built up the courage to talk to her directly, as you made your way through the airship, coming out of your dorm. The common area was a wide open space, couches and a new thing from Marley that had just been discovered by the people of paradis, something called a “television.”
You turned your way to the room next to it, a small conference room. The room was long with a small glass table, a bookshelf, and a fireplace with couches. The woman stood at the bookshelf’s in the back of the room, looking at one of them.
“This has been going on for way to long,” you said to the raven haired woman, her gaze now looking at you with her eyes stern. “What happened to you?” All she could do was roll her eyes, not saying a word. “I know how attached you are to him, and I don’t want that to happen either, but I’m just saying, it’s a possible outcom-“
“No it isn’t,”
She said fiercely. “Mikasa , you have to accept the fact eren has changed,” “No he hasn’t!” Her voice got louder, to your surprise. “You act as though you knew him for your whole life, he will stop this rumbling,”
“And what if he doesn’t?”
“He will,”
“Your in denial”
“Maybe I’m so in denial because all you’ve done is try to bring me down for these past few weeks!” Your girlfriend yelled, “All you’ve done is hate on Eren all this damn time!”
“Mikasa are you fucking NUTS?! HE LITERALLY TOLD YOU HE HATED YOU!”
“He doesn’t mean that,”
“Are you sure mikasa? Think about everything he’s done to you.” There was a pause before you added, “think about everything he’s done to us,”
Mikasa shut the book closed, tossing it on a nearby table.
“Shut up,”
She gritted her teeth at you before pitching the bridge of her nose.
“What happened to you?” You asked her sadly,
“Absolutely nothing,”
“Everything changed,”
“NOTHING ABOUT ME CHANGED!” Mikasa screamed at you, pounding her fist on the wall. “Mikasa .. listen to yourself! You used to never be like this! You were so sweet and caring, and then Eren changed, and so did you.”
She went quiet, an irritated look on her face. The Airship you and the rest of the cadets were on, soared through the air. The thing they call ‘a flying boat’ letting off steam as it flew. Towards Marley you headed, where the rumbling was occurring. Eren had already planned this whole ideal out behind the Survey Corps backs, his mean demeanor changing the person who you barley can recognize, you girlfriend.
“You never used to yell at me the way you do now,” you said as her breathing got heavier with anger.
“We used to be inseparable, now look at us. Ever since the rumbling started and Eren actually going through with his plan, you slowly started drifting away from me. And at first I understood why.”
She looked at you, the woman’s eyes still as stern as they could ever be, giving you a violent but silent glare.
“And then you became mean.. and aggressive.”
She started stepping towards you, her eyes bloodshot with anger, “you don’t understand because you never took the time to listen!,”
“All you did was push me away! Every time I tried to help! You treated me like your punching bag!” Your girlfriend moved towards you aggressively, making you hesitant to stay put. Your girlfriend looked at you dead in the eyes and for a slight moment, you swore you could see a tear forming. “I became aggressive? Yoru kidding me! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU JUST GOING TO ACT LIKE THIS ISNT A SERIOUS SITUATION! I TRIED TO BE NICE FOR THE LONGEST TIME!
“You are NOT the same woman I feel in love with!” Your voice trailed into her ears. Your heart heavy as your words spilled out. “Oh yeah? Then maybe you weren’t in love with me at all.”
“Mikasa you know that isn’t true,”
“Yeah and the same person you’re defending is the cause of their deaths.”
“Eren wouldn’t do this.” She stated. Your head filled with irritation. ‘Why can’t she just accept it?!’
“Are you kidding me?! WAKE UP! DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING AROUND YOU!?” you yelled, “EREN IS KILLING, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!” your voice cracked out. The pain that you bared because of your friends actions was one you couldn’t get rid of no matter how hard you tried. No matter how many days would linger past, the fact that Eren, the boy who you once knew when he was running around playing tag with you and the rest of your group, is now a mass murderer.
“we don’t have to kill him-“
“SHUT UP!” Her voice raised with irrational and anger. “YOU DON’T GET TO MAKE THAT DECISION!”
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And just like that a loud crash noise was heard. The swift movement of a fist collided with the side of your face, the power containing it sending you falling back and into the glass coffee table behind you. You didn’t even realize what had just happened. You didn’t want to believe what just happened. You stared up at your girlfriend who’s face turned from anger to complete horror, her hand over her mouth as she stared at the damage she just caused. And boy was it bad.
The sting of redness on your face started to bleed droplets of blood. Soaking through your broken skin as a large red colored bruise begin to form. Tears started welting up in your e/c orbs. The sadness washed over you as you saw the woman who was suppose to love you, show an action of hatred that you never knew she could do. She hit you. She hurt you.
Heavy and frantic footsteps were heard rushing to the door of the conference room. The door swung open and there stood your best friend, Armin Artlert. “I-is everything okay!? I heard glad breaking!” He said, worried. His eyes looked around the room. The salty pieces of water flooded down your face as you choked on your tears.
Armin’s face went dead, he couldn’t believe it either. “Y-y/n.. baby.. oh g-god honey i-“ Mikasa couldn’t even form words. Hell SHEE couldn’t even believe she did that.
“W-wha-“ armin barley got out when you rushed to the door, pushing armin aside and ran back to your dorm room. “Y-y/n!” Armin tried calling out to you as your dorm slammed shut. You sinking to the floor crying.
Armin stared at Mikasa, “W-what happened?” His eyes saddened. “I..” Mikasa couldn’t get out any words, her face still in shock. “I hit them…” she managed to get out. “O-oh god I- I hit them,” her eyes filled tears as Armin pulled her into a hug. “I-I’m so sorry.. I-I’m so sorry…”
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You laid on the floor after sinking down to the ground, slamming your door shut. Wiping your tears away with your hands, you looked at your both’s shared bedroom. Studying the interior. Thinking back on the time Mikasa promised you how she’d always be there for you, how she promised that she’d never hurt you. She promised when you both had your first kiss. She kept that promise and always kept it for so long, never once breaking it. Your numb body looked over at the ticking clock.
The thoughts that ran through your head as you watched the clock tick, and with every second you couldn’t bear to accept the fact, Her promise was broken.
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Kachiniko || My Blog || What I write || 06/06/21
Chapter 2 “The conclusion”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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writingzen · 3 years
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Yandere AU, yandere heeseung, angst
Listened to Another love by Tom Odell slowed
Authors note: hope you enjoy. I decided to write some thing different. This is just fictional, none of this is real or based on true events. This writing is just for fun and if you don’t like it, please just click away. If you have an request, please ask!
WARNINGS/other info: angst, toxic relationships, mention of physical and mental abuse, suicide, blade, death, cussing, mention of murder, yandere, victim blaming, use of she/her pronouns
You’re gone.
After everything, you’re finally gone.
Did he not love you enough? Was he too mean? I mean his punishments went too far sometimes, but they weren’t that bad. Well at least that’s what he thought.
But that doesn’t matter anymore.
You’re gone.
And he isnt.
Tears leave his eyes, running down his face quickly. One after one. Sobs escape his lips as he carries your cold body in his arms. Crying into your chest, trying to bring you back while shaking uncontrollably. Holding you, please just come back
You did it. You finally did it. After years of abuse and wasted tears. After years of fake love and unwanted bruises. After years of strict rules and ugly memories, you finally did it. He hugged your body tightly, not letting go. He couldn’t let go. He still needed you. You were everything to him. Yes, he hurt you from time to time, but it was because he loved you. All he ever wanted was for you to be safe.
“Please, come back. I need you. I still fucking need you, I beg you”
All the abuse and hate ran through his head as he regretted every choice he made. If only he would had paid a attention a little more, if only he’d hide the knifes. God, if he could, he would go back just to hide that stupid knife. Who would have thought? The stupid knife he used everyday. If it was for cooking or a punishment. God why were you so disobedient? None of this would have happened, if you would have just fucking obeyed. If he could go back, he would have hide every bad thing in this world. Maybe you would still be here.
Maybe you would be alive
But no matter how much he tried to blame you, he knew, it wasn’t your fault.
God why was I so stupid? Why couldn’t I have been nicer? Why couldn’t I have just held in my anger? Did I not love you enough? Jesus Heeseung you could have fucking loved her more. I’m so fucking stupid.
He wanted to yell and cry. He wanted to kill everyone who hurt you. He wanted to break everything in the house. Every plate, every chair, every window, everything you have ever fucking used. He wanted to hurt and do everything that was evil, but what would that change? At the end, he would only hurt himself, but that’s what he wanted. He deserved it,
I know I do
Everything was a waste now, every murder, every crime, every punishment. But God it hurt so fucking much.
Now here you lay, your lifeless, cold body in the arms of your lover. While tears run down his eyes, his heart pounds hard, hurting. Warm red blood everywhere and the knife just inches away from your wrist. A pale color covered both his and your face. And all he could do was kiss you. A salty taste came to his mouth from the tears that escaped, his lips pressed against yours harshly. Holding onto your face as anger and sadness continue to hit. The kiss finally turning soft and less of a kiss as he pressed his forehead against yours. In a shaky breath he speaks one last time.
“I love you”
Finally he accepts, there’s not going back.
Cause now you’re gone
And so is he.
Hoped you enjoyed. If you have any requests, please ask! Have a great day loves !!!!!🤍🤍🤍
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
"The lesson of history is that no one learns" Steven Erickson
Did I want to read this on my class avoiding all my work? No
Did I do it anyway? Yes :)
Oh, and also!! I'm finally reading Lets Make Love Together!!! I wanted to read this fic since forever!! And now it can help me cope with the angst of tlnd!!! Also its so fucking funny and cute. Alec is the most relatable character EVER
Anyway, I have exams all this week and I'm stressing out, besides the fact that my mother is angry at me for the supidest of reasons and that is also really stressing soo much.. tlnd is what keeps me going😎😂
I will fight his nighmares with my bare hands and a knife🙂🔪
“Tell me a secret you’ve never told anyone.” this went from 100 to 10000 really quick...
PLEASE. TALK. TO. HIM. DARLING :) although the Peru thing is still funny af
I bet Magnus is feeling guilty for keeping this from Magnus while Alec doesn't hide and I am feels🥺🥺
So that is were the tours are from...
Ok, I got kinda lost in the explanation, but good for you Alec!!! Cant believe I'm learning of politics through a malec fic omg kshdjdns
I'm crying bc he did got to have a husband and kids and the mansion but at the end it didnt went well😭😭
“Your secret is sad,” Magnus says quietly.
Alec shrugs his shoulders. “I think most secrets are.” THIS HITS OK?!?!
"He wants to be Magnus’ Alexander more than he wants to the governor."....I got you some news bro...
What does Robert want now????
"The time when Alec had chosen Magnus over the world." OUCH
"He has always been the one to say difficult things out loud. He doesn’t know how else to live." I mean he is the one that asked for the divorce so it makes sense...
I love that Max doesn't drink and Rafe does bc it would fele like its otherwise BUT NO!!
I relate to Max bc I am, also, a slut for affection :)
He loves as much as possible - and then he loves you some more.💙💙💙💙
He wants you to stay you idiot but he won't bc that ship has sailed
Isnt it funny how the same word that made Alec realize he wanted to be himself and gave him freedom is the one that makes him fall apart?? I'm laughing I swear 😭😭
He likes routines. They are predictable and dependable – much like himself. RAFAEL IS A MOOD
Honestly I have a kind of similar rutine....
Alec and his texts omg😂
“Treat your skin like you would treat a newborn baby,” Bapak had told him over breakfast one day.
“So,” Max had said. “Ignore it?” ACURRATE
I don’t like her face😒 I mean I do... BUT NOT LIKE THAT JDHDJNDKS
Why are yall angry at him look at this boy he is precious and deserves a break!!!!!
There are not many places where he feels that way. In control. He is in control everywhere and all the time, of course. Otherwise, he’ll go crazy. CAN HE STOP BEING SO RELATABLE???
Rafael is not like that. It’s not easy for him to socialize. It’s not easy for him to find places where he is comfortable. Me too bro... Me too...
I think "It’s fine. It’s whatever." and "He can deal with this." at two of the most common things he says and I am not ok!!!
You gotta love Rafael and his short, straight answers💙
"It’s people who love us who can hurt us the most.” jdhdjdjd this hit where is hurts!!!
"Max is not good at that. Rafael is the one who is good at playing parts." literally the way you wrote them is so painfully accurate and deep omg😍
"Don’t let things simmer." This is all I'm doing right now, sorry Rafe but I'm different 😎 jk, jk
“We need to find a new place together. The four of us. Whoever we are now, we need to work with that. We can’t go back, dad.” THIS>>>>>>>
*sigh* you gotta love these idiots💙💙💙
that quote is so deep oml. also yay for getting into my ask box 💙💙
I hope this week goes by quickly for you. Exams are stressful and not good for the skin!!!
LMLT is a comfort fic so I hope it brings you comfort.
Take care, love 💚
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vashsscoreboardofpain · 5 months
Welcome back to the 2nd volume of trigun! The contestant has gone through some bumps on the road but nothing he cant handle. This volume comes with some interesting extra chapters. What a chance to gather points and get ahead of the tally
Lets all gather and see what he has prepared today!
Chap 0.1:
-1 "yikes statement" point for his sad thoughts. dont let the nice morning routine fool you. the contestant just woke up and held no punches with the "if he was honest, he wouldve been dead by now. he cant really live like a normal person"
Chap 0.2:
-1 "bad event" point for all the guns in his face while he was vibing with his music. this marks the start of the kidnapping arc
-1 "bad event" point for becoming a hostage
-1 "bad event" point for getting kicked even though he deserved it (ah the 90s)
-1 "action" point for using himself as a shield to save the girl
-1 "action" point for crying for someone "dying" even when he didn't knew the guy. His values and mentality lead him to believe that he has to protect everyone in the world. wait whats that-
-1 "yikes statement" for saying "its so senseless. i really hate seeing people die." The suffering division will count it because it relates to his trauma later in the story
-1 "action" point for putting himself in danger. Even if he is able to evade the bullet, it was really dangerous. It seems like the contestant is putting more on the line for the sake of points!
Chap 1:
-We are back to the main story!
-1 "bad event" point for the sad thought. Imagine not being able to look at the sky without getting sad about it
-1 "bad event" point for getting hit by a ball while lost in his sad thoughts
-1 "yikes statement" point for the "its the one thing that has kept me living for so long" Well damn, trimax vash keeps hitting the audience with that reminder, the audience goes wild but also sad. Also this point is brought by one of the most important mvps of this season: Legato Blue fucking summers!
-1 "bad event" point for getting scared to death with that...vision? the suffering division isnt sure but it counts!
-1 "bad event" point for getting accused of murder. The contestant leaves the ground ready for the next chapter. It's time for some violent times folks
Chap 2:
-1 "bad event" point for getting arrested for something he didn't do
-And he hits a flashback everyone!. He strikes 1 "sad outburst" point for not being able to stop crying after rem died. fuck.
-1 "bad event" point for not being able to stop the memory. The contestant is crying but his mind keeps playing that moment like a broken record. The ships fall, they flee, she stays.
-1 "traumatizing event" point for watching rem die. He watched the ship fall into the darkness without being able to do something.
-1 "action" point for changing his expression so easily the moment the girls went to the cell. The contestant is hitting so many heavy points already
-1 "bad event" point for getting pushed against the wall with enough strength to break spines. The audience flinches but we all know the contestant will make it out of this one
-1 "bad event" point for getting choked at the same time...the contestant is really going at full speed
-1 "action" point for fighting seriously after the girls were in danger. If the contestant keeps this energy up, he could hit an "angry outburst" point next chapter!
Chap 3:
-1 "bad event" point for the...attack in his arm? dear audience, the fight scenes in trimax are really something but we're doing our best
-1 "action" point for putting himself in danger while telling others to take cover
-1 "bad event" point for having his arm pulled out with the handcuffs. even if its his fake arm, it still looks pretty painful
-1 "traumatizing event" point for seeing dead people and WHAT THAT-
-1 "bad event" point for having a sad flashback in the middle of a fight.
-1 "yikes statement" point because the contestant doesnt think a physical injury is enough. his "I'm the one who's dangerous" is more than enough to grant him the point
-AND JUST LIKE THAT. The contestant beats his ass and puts the gun to his eye. 1 "angry outburst" point
-1 "action" point for his clear internal conflict. his hate for this murderer battles against the part of him trying to keep alive rem's legacy. What a sight to behold. The audience is in tears
-1 "action" point for calling out to his basically mom. Because what else can he do?
Well that was heavy
Chap 4:
-1 "traumatizing event" point for gathering so many scars in the past
-1 "yikes statement" point for basically calling his own body ugly.
-1 "yikes statement" wow another one. The contestant strikes with no fear and pulls out the "i have to settle the score. if i just went with my own life, i wouldnt be able to life with myself"
-1 "traumatizing event" point for finding monev's dead body on a cross.
-1 "bad event" point for getting attacked, even though he dodged it
Chap 5:
The contestant gathered no points this chapter! he is either resting or preparing something devastating for chapter 6
Chap 6:
-1 "bad event" point for getting read by wolfwood like nothing. Wolfwood has just arrived and already handed the contestant a point
Chap 7:
-1 "bad event" point for being tricked in a really fucked up way. no one was able to see legato except him. therefore he cant warn people about him
-1 "bad event" point for getting injured with the door
-1 "bad event" point for dominique's first attack. although it was pretty cool. the contestant prepares himself for more moves
-and bam! 1 "bad event" point again for getting attack from behind
-AND THE CONTESTANT KEEPS GOING. 1 "bad event" point for having the gun on his chin
Chap 8:
This is the final chapter before trigun maximum everyone! lets see what the contestant has prepared for the grand finale
-1 "action" point for using his own pain against hypnosis like a madlad
-1 "traumatizing event' point for watching dominique jump...yikes
-1 "bad event" point for....fainting...from the pain???? we think????
-1 "bad event" point for being woken up by the worst vibes possible. i wonder who's fault is that
-1 "action" point for just yelling out "knives" in a moment of pure rage.
-1 "action" point for wanting to rush outside in a bad condition. the contestant has really picked up a fast pace
-1 "bad event" point for getting slapped by meryl. deserved by still counts
-1 "action" point for not being able to shoot/keep knives away from him. alright, it seems like the contestant is going pretty fast..we havent seen this kind of speed since stampede
-1 "bad event" point for getting insulted by knives
-1 "traumatizing event" point for getting his angel arm released against his will. the contestant has mastered a continuous movement to keep striking points, but when will it be too much?
-1 "traumatizing event" point for the...other kind of attack knives is inflicting on him. knives is violating vash's body in more ways than the angel arm. he's invading the body looking to release all the power and pain vash keeps inside to keep others safe. he's not only releasing vash's weapon, he's using vash as a weapon.
ok this got dark, maybe we can go back a bit-
-1 "traumatizing event" point thanks to knives and the great power of psychological torture. the contestant doesnt need reminders of july but the mvp knives is here to remind him anyway
-1 "bad event" point for getting the rest of his body injured in an attempt to not release the angel arm
-1 "yikes statement" point for his sad thoughts right before disaster strikes. he has given up. "we were no good from the very start. i should have never been born" are devastating words that get the point
-1 "traumatizing event" point for releasing the power. he knows death and destruction will follow. people will die because of him, and he was unable to stop it
The contestant is...not moving, but dont worry dear audience, he will be more than fine. While the first aid people take him to the hospital let's count the points of this wild round!
The total points of this volume are 56 points! The average per chapter is in between 7 and 8 points, but the last chapter gave the contestant an incredible boost, meaning his new total is 89 POINTS??? In just 2 volumes the contestant is closer to 100 points than the other contestants. Hold on tight to your comfy seats and call your therapist cuz we are in for a ride!
Please keep following us for sports updates!
And to see if the contestant will make it out of the hospital in time
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nitroish · 3 years
do you have any angsty warriors headcanons? it's totally okay if you don't!!
brain empty heres some things im coming up with/remembering having talked about before as i type!!!
claustrophobic, arachnophobic
hate/love relationship with compliments about bein a hero?
ego =/= confidence til u fake it til u make it
grey hairs /hj not sad til ya realizes hes fucking stressed to hell and back. having a war on his back and then bein a captain of said war? youre a trainee(?), and you decide to be a bit of a hero and suddenly youre ... literally The Hero? and now youre captain of an army. and now youre trying to do things on your own, because you dont know what else to do, who can do it with you. and now youve failed, temporarily. youve got some crazy lady with your face plastered everywhere thats in love with you? and in the end you win. and in the end? the end is not the end, because youre still The Hero and the Captain.
panic attacks? yeah. he had those probably
still does probably
obsesses over looks because when youre the face of hyrule during a war and thereafter you have people judging your every single move. they are waiting for him to make a mistake, for his oufit to be laid incorrectly. they are looking for something wrong always. he doesnt feel like finding out what happens when they find something amiss.
old habits die hard. during the war alcohol is common for soldiers to sneak in and he isnt exempt to having a few. (he doesnt drink much anymore, but you saw the beginning of the bulletpoint. not enough to be life ruining, though maybe itll seem like that in the morning lmao HDKWB)
he almost dies by the hands of copies of his ? darker side? unsure the wording for it HDKSN i think thsts pretty fuckin angsty tho. a bit of a kick to the good ole confidence level
he lives with the fact they let a kid fight in a war.
no matter how stubborn that kid was to fight, he kind of hates that he thought it was a good idea and encouraged it at the time
ledge absolutely hits a bit close to home with some of the insults he throws in wars' face way early on in the adventure. legend is fuckin brutal. thats right theres some wars n ledge angst here now
ptsd ptsd pts
more wars and legend angst: legend makes fun of warriors lookin at himself in the mirror? warriors definitely has a few critiques about legends appearance he could say. weather or not he says them is up to you though.
another one: sometimes legend and wars go too far when theyre bantering and it leaves bad vibes that neither of them really know how to clean up. theres nothing they could say to make it lighthearted again. it ends up putting them in a bad mood
can u imagine being called fucking warrior. bye NFKSN i dont think thats fun. youre the cause of a war (kinda) and your nickname is war? no fun. no fun at all. call him twink or some shit for crying out loud
i am so tired can you tell
gotta keep up appearances!! its stressful. its esp stressful when you feel like you have to continue to do it w a group of eight others, Constantly.
considering how many things can and probably did go wrong during the war that we didnt see, im a little surprised hes not more put off by being the leader and having the lives (and possible deaths (only the idea. i dont like mcd but the idea they Could die is there)) of more men in his hands.
hes sacrificial(?) to a fault. a big one. if he could take a hit for a chain member, he very well would. if its him or them, he will try and make sure it is him (him that is hurt, i mean).
does any of that make sense? no idea. is any of it GOOD? also no idea. ive forgotten 90% of what i put and i dont even know if i Agree with some of these (simply cos i dont remember,, what i wrote,,) but here you go anyway
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cassyapper · 4 years
jotaro kujo song analysis: “eight” by sleeping at last
i could not figure out what the fuck to title this for a long time. please forgive me ik it’s awkward but it’s the best i got
anyway the song “eight” by sleeping at last made me mentally ill so let’s get into why <3
here’s a link to the song: https://youtu.be/obi4KCh6eHQ
here’s a link to the lyrics i referenced: https://genius.com/Sleeping-at-last-eight-lyrics
be warned there are part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6 spoilers in this
with that let’s begin.
“I remember the minute;/it was like a switch was flipped --/i was just a kid who grew up strong enough/to pick this armor up,/and suddenly it fit” Lengthy first line to start this on i know but cutting it up didn’t make sense so please forgive me… Alright let’s get to the meat of this hm? This line is about when jotaro first manifested star platinum. “I remember the minute, it was like a switch was flipped” fits perfectly with how suddenly and obviously star platinum became known to its user, as jotaro first manifests it when he’s in the middle of a fight, a fight star platinum ends very quickly and brutally. The “i was just a kid who grew up strong enough to pick this armor up” is about jotaro having the willpower to control a stand such as star platinum and not get ill over it. He “grew up strong enough to pick this armor up”, this armor being star platinum (which, yes, star platinum is armor more than a weapon because its strength is used to protect. This is stated explicitly in the jin hashimoto song “star platinum” which was written specifically with jotaro/star platinum in mind, as the title suggests). It also shows how young jotaro was re the “kid” description; he was only 17, the youngest jojo up to that point. the “and suddenly it fit” also mixes with how suddenly star platinum manifested, particularly how jotaro gained passable control over it very quickly
“God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago…/I was little, I was weak, I was perfectly naive,/and I grew up too quick.” Another long line im sorry it just doesnt make sense to cut it up 😭 Anyway this is part 6 jotaro reflecting on his past self, PARTICULARLY part 3 jotaro, which explains the “god, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago…” segment “I was little, i was weak, i was perfectly naive” is kinda gold coming from part 6 jotaro cause end of part 3 jotaro is canonically when he’s at his strongest but i dont think part 6 jotaro is talking about star platinum in this line. He’s talking about jotaro being tactless and rude and pushing away his loved aways in a disillusioned attempt to keep them safe. By part 6, jotaro has to have known his coping mechanism of self-imposed isolation wasnt fair to his loved ones/himself and it clearly didnt WORK as evidenced by jolyne’s situation, so he’s cursing his younger self for it here. Hence, the calling of part 3 jotaro “little, weak, perfectly naive.” part 3 jotaro starts making the bed that part 6 jotaro ends up having to lay in and he hates him for it. The “and I grew up too quick” part is jotaro acknowledging his trauma. Even before part 3 started jotaro clearly had issues and they just kept building and building and building from part 3 and on. Combined with his self-imposed isolation, jotaro had to grow up quick to survive, and this line is part 6 jotaro reflecting on that
“Now you won’t see all that i have to lose,/all i’ve lost in the fight to protect it.” Remember the self-imposed isolation i mentioned in the last line? This line is about why jotaro does that. He hates being vulnerable. He hates relying on others. We only see him comfortable trusting others to take care of things ONCE the entire series, during the steely dan arc, when he believes in kakyoin’s abilities to keep joseph safe and get the lovers out of him safely. ONCE out of the four parts he’s featured in, out of the three he’s prominent in. jotaro does this, as i previously mentioned, out of a disillusioned attempt to keep those he loves safe, hence the “now you won’t see all that i have to lose” line. This behavior is solidified in jotaro at the end of stardust crusaders, when the two final times he tried to trust that others would handle it resulted in the deaths of over of half those he cared the most about (he may have gotten joseph back, but don’t forget that joseph did actually die). Thus, this decisive night ties into the “all i’ve lost in the fight to protect it” line. He’s lost loved ones but he won’t lose them again, not in the same way at least. Ironically, the self-imposed isolation only puts his loved ones and himself in danger, but i can get into that later.
“I won’t let you in, i swore never again --/i can’t afford, no, i refuse to be rejected” This line kinda ties back with what i was mentioning in the last line, but it hones it a bit more on jotaro’s complete denial of being vulnerable rather than how he acts to ensure he isnt such. “I wont let you in, i swore never again” is a direct tie-in for how jotaro feels after stardust crusaders; he is never going to get as close to anyone or anything the way he was close to the crusaders ever again. Nothing is ever going to matter to him the same way and he is going to make sure of that, as the “swore never again” implies, because he is certain, at least at first, that this will keep others safe. The “i can’t afford, no, i refuse to be rejected” part goes into how selfish and arrogant jotaro’s mentality is. Don’t get me wrong, jotaro’s self-imposed isolation can be seen as selfless, especially because the main driving force behind it is to keep others safe -- but it’s not the only force driving it. Like i said, jotaro doesn’t want to be vulnerable, and to be sure he doesnt feel that way, he needs to ensure he won’t be hurt. Can’t be sad when people die if you were never close to them, right? So as much as it is to protect others, he also is protecting himself by closing off from others. It’s also arrogant of jotaro to assume he is the deciding factor of who lives and dies, that he gets to choose/manipulate the cycle of life and death by deciding on if he opens up to others. Jotaro had this mentality of being a “deciding factor” shoved into his head during the journey to egypt, and that kinda warps his worldview as a result; everything must be his fault. Things go bad surely because he let them somehow. And it’s not jotaro’s fault he’s ill in the head like this but it is still arrogant, and the “i can’t afford, no, i refuse to be rejected” line attests to this.
“I want to break these bones until theyre better/i want to break them right and feel alive” Oh jotaro you have the shittiest fuckign coping mechanisms Alright. “I want to break these bones until theyre better” ties into jotaro throwing himself into dangerous situations alone. He’s just so so damn convinced he can handle everything himself -- bc again, he is led to believe he is the deciding factor of life and death -- he just has to try. If things go wrong, it’s bc he didn’t try hard enough, hence the “break these bones until theyre better”; jotaro will hurt himself and will be convinced he deserved it until he “learns” how to be perfect like he’s “supposed” to be. But being perfect isnt something you can learn, you mentally ill motherfucker jotaro. anyway “I want to break them right and feel alive” ties into the fact jotaro would rather break his body over and over and over rather than tell his loved ones he cares. The only right way to be hurt to him is taking a hit that was meant for those he loves. Jotaro is very much a man of action rather than a man of word, and this line is about his rather unique way of acting (that is, getting beat the fuck up over and over) Basically jotaro can’t tell the people he loves that he, well, loves them, unless he is literally dying. Examples of what i mean: jotaro preferred going on a perilous, 50-day journey to just telling holly he loved her; jotaro preferred getting beat over the head with a rock in the lovers arc rather than risk hurting joseph; jotaro preferred to literally get blown up by sheer heart attack rather than tell koichi to his face he is a good kid; jotaro stepped knowingly into a trap for jolyne and had to literally believe he was in fact saying his last words before he uttered “i’ve always cherished you.”
“You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong --/my healing needed more than time” Oh my GODDDddDDDdcdd im sobbing as i type jotaro your head is so so damn ill Okay so i see him spitting this line towards joseph. Let me explain Joseph would no doubt pick up on jotaro’s ptsd and he’ll do his best to console jotaro over the deaths of their friends. But see joseph is ALSO an ill in the head idiot whose idea of therapy is electroshock and who calls ptsd “shell shock”. So all he can offer to jotaro is “youll feel better in time” because that was kinda true for him; he managed to move on in time. What joseph fails to realize is what made him feel better was not time, but the support of those remaining in his life (lisa lisa, suziq, erina, smokey). But jotaro listens and tries to give it time but the thing with jotaro is he just gets worse and worse as time wears on because he deliberately cut himself off from anyone who could console him (as well as got continually traumatized throughout his life), so time never helped but actually made things worse. Thus jotaro spitting “you were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong, my healing needed more than time”. In terms of timeline, probably happens right after part 5 jotaro stares longingly at the crusaders picture
“When i see fragile things, helpless things, broken things/i see the familiar” Im sorry every new line i start to analyze i begin crying so im just letting you all know incase the coherency takes a dip (as if this was coherent in the first place lmfao) Anyway so this line in relation to Jotaro is about how he projects HARD on the new generation. We see this w his interactions w josuke and koichi, the “fragile things” (there is no way he didnt see koichi as a filler for kakyoin im sorry. Also he just wants josuke safe with his friends like how he wished he was safe with his own friends as a teenager), how he was wary of giorno, “the helpless things” (jotaro is scared he’ll be similar to his dad, just like jotaro is similar enough to dio to share the same stand power…), and his interactions w jolyne, “the broken things” (angry teen in a prison? Come now). 
“I was little, i was weak, i was perfect too/now i’m a broken mirror” Throwback to the second line. Once again part 6 jotaro is reflecting but the difference here is that part 3 was when jotaro was last unashamedly happy, but more than that, part 3 jotaro was on his way to healing before everything went to shit. like i mentioned earlier, jotaro only relies on someone else completely once, and that happens in part 3. Jotaro is finally able to trust in someone else’s capabilities, which is what he needed to do before he could allow anyone to help him with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Hence, why part 6 jotaro would describe him as “perfect”; because he would’ve been perfect enough if he could just trust in others like that again But as the line suggests, that went wrong. Jotaro is now a “broken mirror,” which alludes to the fact that while he projects onto the kids, the kids (the ones that know him at least) project onto him as well, especially jolyne, because in part 6 she finally figures out her dad’s thought processes, as she is experiencing those patterns of thinking too. Jotaro is a role model for them in the sense of “see him? Do the opposite of what he did” KJ;DNJ;DN;SN
“But i can’t let you see all that i have to lose/all that i’ve lost in the fight to protect it” Same meaning as before mostly but the repetition is important me thinks because it mimics jotaro like frantically trying to remind himself why he must be distant when all he wanted to do was go home to jolyne and be her father
“I can’t let you in --/ i swore never again,/ i can’t afford to let myself be blindsided” This means roughly the same thing as the previous line that’s similar to this, but the “i can’t afford to let myself be blindsided” is less about jotaro’s selfishness/arrogance and more about how he believes enemies will use his loved ones against him and how goddamn, it would work, it would work so well because jotaro loves so, so damn much It’s a shame distancing himself didn’t work the way he wanted it to and ended up making his loved ones even more vulnerable than they would have been otherwise
“I’m standing guard,/i’m falling apart/and all i want to do is to trust you” (Begins screaming and doesn’t stop) okay so this line is about jotaro and jolyne during the beginning of stone ocean “Im standing guard” alludes to the fact that jotaro is still desperately trying to appear distant and uninterested even as he attempts to break his fucking daughter out of prison “I’m falling apart” ties into jotaro failing miserably at remaining cold towards jolyne, how he eventually caves in and tells her he loves her in addition to taking a literal bullet for her, using time stop to ensure he can make it to her to do so. and also this line ties into how he is literally physically shot and how his memories and stand are taken from him “And all i want to do is to trust you” is directed towards jolyne of course. God his whole “i’ve always cherished you” ties in with this line; like i mentioned earlier, jotaro by part 6 knows his self-imposed isolation is useless, but old habits die hard and also he was in very deep by the time he accepted there was no reason to go in the first place at all. So he doesn’t know how to change, he doesn’t know how to trust jolyne, it’d been 20ish years since he last trusted someone completely, but god he wants to. He wants to trust her. It’s all he wants to do hence this line
“Show me how to lay my sword down/for long enough to let you through” So continuing from the last line, jotaro just wants to let jolyne in. he wants to learn how to do that. I think this line is actually directed towards his younger self; 17 year old jotaro managed to let in a person once, after all (more than one person in fact, but all the crusaders). This would also make more sense w my interpretation of how part 6 jotaro calls part 3 jotaro “perfect” in this regard Essentially it’s jotaro thumbing through his memories to figure out how his past self gathered the security to trust in someone else wholeheartedly...which makes the fact that pucci steals his memories particularly fucked up in this context
“Here i am, pry me open/what do you want to know?” Another line directed toward jolyne. “Here i am, pry me open” refers to how after jotaro tells jolyne he cherishes her, all cards are on the table. He’s shown vulnerability, might as well go full throttle. So, he’s willing to talk to jolyne for the first time ever, especially because she’s a stand user now “What do you want to know?” ties into jotaro being willing to open up, but also the fact that jolyne doesnt really know her dad ):
“I’m just a kid who grew up scared enough/to hold the door shut/and bury my innocence” Hhnghg begins wailing this line is again about post-egypt jotaro. A lot of jotaro’s like...emotional maturation (and even some physical) occurred during the trip to egypt and immediately afterward. he’s in pain and desperately trying to rationalize a way he can be in control of never letting something like what happened in egypt happen again, hence the “im just a kid who grew up scared enough” “To hold the door shut” refers to how jotaro cut off other people, even the people who used to know him very well, like joseph and polnareff and holly “And bury my innocence” i mentioned this in another line but this bit also refers to how jotaro had to grow up quickly to survive, considering his self-imposed isolation and his life path of chasing down dio’s remnants
“But here’s a map, here’s a shovel/here’s my Achilles’ heel” This line is SUPPOSED to be directed toward jolyne but inadvertently it is also directed toward pucci. When jotaro says fuck it and gives up on his pretense of disinterest in jolyne, finally letting her know he loves her, he’s finally building the frame of a bridge to jolyne; he’s ready to do what he’s wanted to for so long, no matter how vulnerable it makes him, and that is to be jolyne’s father. However, pucci takes note of this; he knows to aim for jolyne in the final battle because of jotaro’s earlier actions when he tries breaking jolyne out of prison. It really is a shame how the narrative keeps fucking enforcing jotaro’s shitty self-imposed isolation
“I’m all in, palms out, i’m at your mercy now and i’m ready to begin/i am strong, i am strong, i am strong enough to let you in” Hmm i imagine this line being when jotaro meets back up with jolyne after he gets his memory disk back. The first thing he does is hug her and cradle her close to him, showing off to the world, right in front of pucci, how much his daughter means to him. But jotaro, at least for the moment, is not scared to be vulnerable anymore. Ever since he decided to give up his cold facade, he was ready to let jolyne in, and he finally has the chance to do that at least a little right before the final battle, which is what this line is about
“I’ll shake the ground with all my might/i will pull my whole heart up to the surface” Final battle in stone ocean,,, What the “i’ll shake the ground will all my might” line refers to is jotaro’s willingness to use star platinum the world during the battle. He’s ready to go all in to save the world, and most importantly, save jolyne, even if he has to use the source of his greatest trauma to do it. Jotaro’s a key player and he knows it, has known it for a long time, and this time he’s going to use that for his happy ending. And well, as i mentioned in the last line, jotaro’s done with the self-isolation and throws himself into the role of jolyne’s father, at least as much as he has the right to throw himself into. This is mostly what the “i will pull my whole heart up to the surface” line refers to
“For the innocent, for the vulnerable/i’ll show up to the frontlines with a purpose” More stone ocean final battle. The “innocent and vulnerable” jotaro is showing up for are jolyne, namely, but also hermes and emporio, and beyond that, the world. Jotaro understands how serious this is and he’s always been a force meant for protection, so he is here to do just that, which is what the “i’ll show up to the frontlines with a purpose” line refers to. Jotaro doesnt believe he’s a good person -- and he might not be, in the grand scheme of things -- but he does fight for what he believes is right, he always has, he mentions this way back in stardust crusaders during his fight with kakyoin. He’s never going to let injustice stand, especially not when he knows he’s such a key player
“And i’ll give all i have, i’ll give my blood, give my sweat --/an ocean of tears will spill for what is broken” This line actually applies to all the “final battles” jotaro has been involved in; part 3, part 4, and part 6. Jotaro, as i mentioned in the last line, has a strong sense of justice and is a force that first and foremost tries to protect, which the “i’ll give all i have, i’’l give my blood, give my sweat” part of this line refers to. Jotaro gives his all, has given his all, to rid the world of dio’s influence, he ruined his entire fucking life to do so, and this line gives credence to that. “An ocean of tears will spill for what is broken” refers to jotaro mourning all the what-ifs in his life, which are all tied with how the outcomes of these final battles go. If part 3 didnt end the way it did, jotaro would know how to trust still, he wouldve been happy even, maybe he wouldnt have had to sacrifice the rest of his life to dio; if part 4 didn’t end the way it did, maybe jotaro couldve gone home to his daughter, maybe he couldve been a bit of a better dad (this is because kids were involved in part 4 even if they didn’t try to because stand users attract stand users, and jotaro couldnt risk doing that to his daughter, so he ends up never coming home); and now for part 6, jotaro hopes that if it ends just a little better than the previous two, jotaro could at least died a satisfying death of sacrificing himself for jolyne, or maybe even got a chance to try mending his relationship with jolyne if they both survive
“I’m shattered porcelain, glued back together again” So this line speaks to both physical and emotional states Jotaro was physically “shattered porcelain” when he lost his stand and memory and also was shot, and he was “glued back together again” when he got medical attention and jolyne got back his disks Jotaro was emotionally “shattered porcelain” due to the fact he couldnt trust anyone completely since he was 17 goddamn years old but he’s “glued back together again” in the sense he’s ready to finally, finally try and be vulnerable in order to save his relationship with jolyne
“Invincible like i’ve never been” This line hurts so fucking much because i believe jotaro was optimistic, all things considered, at the beginning of the final fight in stone ocean. After all, he knows he’s an important figure in all this, he has his stand disk and memories back, he and jolyne and the others have a plan, and he has a future he wants to fight for in addition to the world’s continued functioning So he feels “invincible” like he’s never felt before because not even during the part 3 final battle with dio did he have the hope for the future he has now. But then. Then pucci brings out the knives. And the man who could control time never had enough in the end. He dies and cant even save jolyne with his death. The world ends. He failed. I think this is perfectly represented with how suddenly the song ends. It just perfectly encapsulates the tragedy that is jotaro kujo and i cant stop fucking thinking about it
thanks for reading all this if you did. jotaro kujo makes me feel mentally ill
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raynydaystorytime · 4 years
Omori thoughts and things spoilers under the cut
Thinking about how if Sunny’s “Something behind him” is based on seeing Mari hanging outside, then Basil’s “Something” must also be something traumatic. Cue me fucking realizing that Basil and Sunny had to move a body down a flight of stairs (the dark photo album seems to show that Sunny moved Mari into her bed after the fall but before Basil showed up) and out to the back yard and Basil was probably the one holding her head/shoulders and as such would have had to deal with her hair entangling around him and that’s probably why Basil’s “Something” looks the way it does and wraps around him like that and get these kids some fucking therapy please...
Speaking of “Somethings”. The whole scene is obviously dark as fuck but in hindsight the scene where Sunny confront Basil in his room and get into that fight with him. before the fight Sunny tries to back out, but the thing that stops him is his “Something”. Considering what Sunny’s “Something” represents (his trauma associated with Mari’s death) the fact that it stops him from leaving the room can be interpreted as Sunny being fearful of a repeat of Mari’s death, or even possibly that Sunny empathizes with Basil’s own trauma, and if it’s strong enough to stop him from leaving the room (Basil is being absolutely terrifying, and if you talk to Basil during the bathroom break down he does say that Sunny looks terrified) is actually weirdly heartwarming??? still dark as fuck though.
That fight scene is also where we’re treated to a unique emotional state, stressed out. which is interesting because this is the only place in real life where the emotion system is used (with the exception of the fear state during the phobia scenes). “stressed out” is a very interesting emotion to use during that scene, and the best way to explain it is to point out the fact that stressed out is unique. Stressed out isnt sad, Sunny isn’t despondent at seeing the state his best friend is in. Stressed out isn’t angry, he’s not furious with Basil. Stressed out isnt afraid, he wants to do something, the stressed out emotion actually triggers when your energy hits maximum. But he’s stressed out because nothing is working, you can try to calm down, focus, persist but that doesn't work, it doesn't help Basil, and those options disappear. all Sunny can do is try and subdue his friend, and that causes him immense amounts of frustration.
The phrase “waiting for something to happen?” is used whenever you need to stab yourself to escape white space (its also super eerie and memorably done, and I get chills whenever I read/hear that phrase) but it’s also makes a lot of sense in the context of being a shut in “waiting for something to happen?” is a question but the fact that the subject is removed to shorten the phrase not only makes it sound more casual but can also be used to imply sarcasm. Are you waiting for something to happen even though you know nothing will? And its a great way of implying that Sunny knows deep down that nothing else will happen if he stays locked in his room as the phrase even follows him out of white space into headspace where the snake that gives you an allowance says it as well, every time you leave the neighbors room Sunny is subconsciously reminding himself of the fact that his dream world cant continue forever and that eventually nothing else will “happen”... and we all know the only escape once that happens...
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parkertech · 4 years
:0 new request again! What about a oneshot about where y/n is just completely upset lately with a bunch of personal issues going on, and Peter notices how she’s often late, wearing long-sleeves in hot weather and such, and so while Peter is on patrol as Spider-Man, he sees y/n standing on the edge of a tall tower like Empire State Building, contemplating to jump off. So he goes over and tries to talk her out of it and she eventually does, but she slips, falling off and he catches her?? 😍 😭
the request ALONE made my heart drop to my ass-
That’s it. You couldn’t fucking take it anymore.
There was too much on your plate. It was like an endless black hole that tortured you to its heart’s content.
The second you saw your boyfriend...well, now ex, with a girl straddling his lap, you broke. You didn’t even give him a chance to explain. As if there was a good enough explanation. From that day on, you always had one question lingering in your mind.
What was wrong with me?
You compared yourself to the girl, how much sharper her jawline was, how much skinnier she was, how she was more curvy, how perfect she was. No wonder he cheated on you.
Normally you would feel sad for a few weeks and get over it, but things piled on. Your relationship ending hit you harder than you thought, and you started slipping in school. A’s turned to low C’s, some were seven F’s. Your parents yelled at you, telling you this isn’t their daughter they knew. That didn’t hurt you though, what did hurt you was when they said you kept disappointing them.
That’s what you were now, apparently. A disappointment.
Every time you looked in the mirror, you hated it. You couldn’t be anyone else? You had to be this person who met everyone down, who couldn’t even keep a boyfriend. Your usual jeans were replaced with dark sweatpants, your tight t-shirts turned into slightly oversized sweatshirts, and doing your hair turned into putting it into a low ponytail. You didn’t try anymore. You knew it would get you nowhere.
Besides, no one brought it up. Betty thought you were trying a new style, MJ thought you didn’t have the time since it was highschool, and she was the most observant person you knew. So you thought everyone didn’t notice.
Keyword: thought.
Peter noticed immediately. He noticed how your eyes were much more darker and red, and from personal experience he knew it was from a lack of sleep. He also noticed how much quieter you got, when you were with the gang. You never hanged out with him anymore, and always had some sort of excuse. This all happened during the summer, too. Who wears a thick ass Champion sweatshirt when it’s literally almost 100 degrees?
He always asked you if everything was okay, and it was always a firm nod, with a slight smile. But he could tell it was somewhat fake. There were so many red flags, and you tried to cover them up.
He knew he had to say something, and he was going to do it tonight. Right after patrol.
It took a few criminals, a robbery or two, until he decided to pack it up. Thank god he didn’t, or else his life could’ve done a quick 360.
“Peter, I’m getting reports of a woman standing over the Empire State Building close to the edge.” Peter stopped in his tracks and looked around a few times, until his eyes landed on the one building that no one could miss. He saw police cars and random bystanders behind police barriers, and didn’t hesitate to turn around and parkour his way on buildings to the top of the building.
Despite the bright lights of the rooms in Empire State, he couldn’t see exactly where the woman was. “E.D.I.T.H., activate thermal vision!” His visors in his suit showed random blobs of red, yellow, and red, and he looked a little up to see what the outline of a person. The crowd below cheered when they saw the blur of black and red jump off an apartment complex and start running up the side of Empire State.
After a few seconds of running, he used a web to swing himself sideways and into the platform where the woman was. He panted for a second, before holding his hands out slightly and taking a few cautious steps forward. Now that he was closer, he noticed the person had a hood on, and their hands were in a nervous fist. He had to be careful careful.
“Ma’am, I need you to step away from the edge, please.” The person gasped and turned around, and Peter felt his heart sink as his eyes met yours. The air got suddenly chilly, and he froze in place. “Y-Y/N...?”
“Peter, this isnt any of your business!” You yelled through hot tears. Peter swallowed hard, before cautiously pulling his mask up so it rested over his eyebrows. You noticed how his eyes were like yours—watery and panicked. His cheeks were red, and his messy hair was gently moving in the New York air. He took a step forward and you took a half step back.
“T-This does have to do with me! You’re my bestfriend, I can’t let this happen for a hundred reasons!” Peter protests. You didn’t believe him. You didn’t believe him even though you wanted to. You shook your head, and Peter’s soul crushed into two. “Why are you even doing this?!”
“Because I’m tired, Peter! I’m tired of not being good enough, I’m tired of doing everything wrong, I’m tired of letting everyone down!”
“You don’t let me down, Y/N! Think about this, you know how much I’ve lost!” His voice cracked at the last word, as a tear slipped down his cheek. “My parents, Uncle Ben, T-Tony! I cant lose you too!” You were speechless, stating into his broken eyes, and your mind began to race. You remember the flashbacks of hugging Peter when he cried for all of their deaths, and you remembered how broken he was. The fact that you could do that to him too, made your heart shatter into even more pieces. “You’re one of the few things I still have, Y/N! I’m not just gonna idly let it go! You’re too important for me to do that?”
“How important, Peter?” You asked with a trembling voice. Peter scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.
“Does all the years of our friendship not say anything? You’re the one person I let my guard down with! You’re the only person that could go 17 straight hours watching Star Wars with me! You’re the only person who can make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe for almost 30 minutes.” He took a deep breath before continuing, noticing how your face softened slightly at his words. “You’re the only person that makes everything in my life worth it. You’re one of the only reasons I’m still here. You’re the one person I want to spend my entire life with...” If it was going to save your life, he might as well blurt out everything. He swallows the lump in his throat, closing his eyes, before continuing. This was long overdue anyways...
“You’re the only person I love, Y/N...” You gasped at his reaction, the tears in your eyes coming back. But these weren’t the sad, angry tears. These were happy tears. But someone said that to you before.
“D-Do you really?” Peter didn’t waste a second to nod. “W-Why?”
“Because everything about you is perfect to me. I love how you smile at me, I love how you laugh at almost everything, even if it isn’t even that funny. I love how compassionate you are to other people, even if they’re the biggest assholes on the planet and don’t deserve it. Y/N, I always made it a goal to make sure you’re happy, to make sure you don’t feel anything negative towards yourself, or to make sure you’re not in a bad mood. I know I failed at it this time, but I won’t let it happen again. I want to be more than friends, but we can’t be that if you jump...” He holds his arm out, and you look down at his hand, taking in all his words, before looking back up at his hands. They’re desperate and pleading, while yours are thinking and contemplating.
“Please...” Peter begs though tears. You swallow hard, before taking a step forward and reaching for his hand. But the second your foot moved, the concrete underneath broke, sending you flying down the side of the building with a scream. “Y/N!”
It was the more ear ripping, bone chilling scream Peter ever heard. He got this far, he was not giving up. He ran off the side of the building, pulling down his mask and aiming his web shooters towards you. The web shot a direct beeline to your palm, and his other hand attatched a web to the side of Empire State. It made it just in time, yanking you and Peter to the wall. Peter yanked you up with one hand, and your hands instinctively wrapped his around his neck, and your legs around his hips.
He heard your panicked breathing, and titled your chin up, resting his forehead on yours. “Y/N, calm down, I got you, you’re okay!” He spoke frantically. Staring into the white eyes of his suit, your body seemed to relax. The moment was filled with heavy, panicked breathing, and one of your hands gently tugged up his mask. Peter didn’t flinch, just continued staring at you in pure protectiveness.
You stopped pulling his mask off when it reached his nose. You stared at his lips, then back up, looking for any sign of hesitation. But none of it was there. You leaned in slowly, before softly and gently pressing your lips against his soft ones. He closed his eyes and hummed against the kiss, intensifying the moment. He kissed back a little harder, and you felt all your stress flow off your body. He pulled away, resting his forehead on yours again.
“Please never leave me...” He begged breathlessly. You nodded and held him tighter, making a silent promise to Peter forever.
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