#it is not an exact replica but the vibes are there!!
kikiknits · 2 years
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Project 23/33 for 2022!!
A few months ago, I saw this beautiful work of art by @checaria and was absolutely inspired to make the sweater Xie Lian is wearing! Behold the fruits of my labor!
Pattern is the Be Thankful Cardigan by Lily Kate France.
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liyazaki · 1 year
I give you the beginnings of the alley behind Yok’s bar, book nook version!
edit: it’s complete (mostly)!
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mt10lt20 · 4 months
Ciphixy - Ace Combat Zero
"Come with me."
"Where are we going, Buddy?"
"You'll see."
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Inspired by this RE 4 Leon/ Luis post that was highlighted to me by a mutual (not naming them here as I am not sure if they'd want that); and coincidentally, Leon/ Luis have an aesthetic that reminds me of Pixy & my HC ver of Cipher in some ways! Nicely coincidental!
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godlovesdykes · 1 year
i was excited for the barbie movie after the space odyssey teaser but the trailer gives me lib vibes and the promotional images were SO OBVIOUSLY made just to become a meme. i will still watch it it but i’m so disappointed it’s going to have a plot
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blue-kyber · 1 year
The short story that took me cumulative days to write and polish down to 2000 words, and once finished, forced me to take a brain break day where I had a bad headache and body aches through half of it after a terrible nights sleep. Condensing is NOT easy.
Please enjoy the spoils of my hard labor of sleepless nights, stress, screaming, frustration, obsessing over 1 paragraph for hours, because it just didn't sound right, mental agony, and blood.
I hope you like it. Please let me know.
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Sam never walked through Wisteria Park if he could help it. 
Sure, the community prioritized its maintenance and reputation as one of the safest places in town - its deep heritage made it the pride of the community - but his avoidance didn’t stem from that. 
In fact, the park could fit snugly within a heartwarming romcom.
Joggers enjoyed its well-lit meandering paths day or night, people relaxed in the cooling shade of its trees, children played in a colorful playground near a duck pond, and sunlight warmed a grassy knoll ideal for viewing firework shows. 
But what truly made it special grew within a grove at its heart; an ancient wisteria tree with lacy lavender boughs sheltering an old Victorian gazebo. 
Everyone loved it.
Except him.
It gave him the creeps. 
All his life, he could feel an ominous aura permeating the entire ten acre blob-shaped hole of nature in the middle of town. 
It legitimately frightened him to the point where he refused to go in.
People dismissed his reactions as ridiculous, invalidating what he felt and couldn’t block. He became known as the weird kid afraid of a park.
As he grew up, he learned to keep quiet and lie while forced to endure it in isolation.
It was torture.
So, he poured it into stories instead. Sam quickly found solace in writing. 
By twenty-two, his debut novel had gained more literary cold shoulders than lead in a pencil factory. 
Today marked the arrival of the latest copy/pasted ‘thanks-but-no-thanks.’  
Dejected, he headed to the corner cafe with that knife in his chest to drown the pain in copious amounts of caffeine and his work.
The rumble of a brewing storm expertly accented his mood.
His phone pinged. 
He opened it…
And stopped.
The text originated from his own number.
Sam: Go through the park. 
Confused, he read the timestamp.
July 24. 7:10pm. 
Same day, same time. Next month.
Someone had hacked his phone. 
     Sam: Who is this?
Imposter Sam: You’re gonna love this; I’m you. 
His brown eyes narrowed in irritation, “Oh, you picked the wrong phone, pal.”
Before he could finish a masterfully worded evisceration that would make his English professor proud, another text popped up.
Imposter Sam: You’re standing in front of the main path right now.
I know, because I stopped there last month to tie my
He looked down. Sure enough, his laces came undone, “How in the–”
He tied them.
    Sam: Whoever you are, this isn’t funny.
Imposter Sam: It’s not a joke. 
    Sam:  Alright, “Future Me,” tell me something only I would know
   about myself. 
Imposter Sam: The ‘SHRRRIP’ sound of velcro feels like steel wool
  scraping your spine.
The storm’s booming crescendo hit with orchestral precision.  
He’d never told anyone to save himself from further public humiliation. Imposter Sam couldn’t possibly know about that - let alone that exact description.  
Future Sam: Believe me now? 
Sam: …I – HOW?!? 
Future Sam:  Dig through your Nerd Wheelhouse. You’ll figure it out. 
Now stop staring at your phone like you lost your only
Brain cell and MOVE. 
You’re running out of time.
 “I’m hallucinating,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, “I gotta stop staying up ‘til 3am.” 
Future Sam:  You’re stuck taking a mental inventory of your sanity, aren’t 
you. Check your ‘crazy’ meter later. 
Not once in his life had he felt torn about entering the park until now, which meant there might be something to this. 
He took a deep breath. “I gotta be outta my mind.”
Bolstering his courage, Sam ripped the roots of his feet from the sidewalk and entered Wisteria Park.
A cloud of unease instantly engulfed him. 
He could feel the villi of that mysterious force creeping over him with each step.
Despite feeling like a hunted Ichabod Crane, he followed the path’s gentle undulation through the landscape’s tenebrous vibe.
The storm’s unwanted ASMR didn’t help. 
Sam: This is a horrible idea.
Future Sam: Keep walking, Samwise. 
By the time he reached the grove, the storm had reached him.  
He stopped at its entrance over an arching bridge where the path met a broad ring of interlocking paving stones. 
What loomed ahead made his pulse quicken. 
Bathed in the yellow light of antique lamps, dead-center in the grove, beat the heart of that eerie force. 
The gazebo.
A miasmic cloud of disturbing energy oozed from its white hexagonal frame.
Its decorative flourishes showcased the majestic purple curtains of the wisteria behind it. 
Warm internal lights glowed on its ring of benches, and a lamp illuminating the tree created a picturesque scene of idyllic romance befitting the aesthetics of a Jane Austen novel. 
He didn’t want to go near it.
Future Sam: Get in the gazebo.
Sam:  NO. 
Fuck you.
Fuck me.
Future Sam: You’re surrounded by trees in a severe thunderstorm, you
colossal dork. 
Get in the gazebo.
He’d rather eat carpet tacks.
The storm opened up a deluge. 
With no other form of protection, he had no choice but to shelter inside the gazebo.
Sam’s quivering hand gripped the wooden rail. He swallowed hard, stomach in knots, pulse racing, and up the old stairs he went with the heavy steps of a man sentenced to die.
The hairs on his forearms and back of his neck rose at the creak of the cedar floorboards’ haunting greeting. 
He bit his lip to keep from screaming from the brain-tingling sensation flowing through him.
Rain needled on the conical roof. 
The gazebo protected him from the raging storm, though he felt anything but. 
He shivered.
Sam:  You’d better have a damn good reason for subjecting me to this.
Future Sam: I do. Wait here.
And while you’re doing that, think about the right thing to say.
“For what?!”
He clutched clumps of his shaggy brown hair, “What am I doing? I’m in the middle of a cursed park in a cursed gazebo, texting Future Me,” he shouted at the ceiling, “who’s being annoyingly cryptic!” 
He exhaled, “I need a distraction.”
He sat in the middle. If he had to be stuck here, he might as well get some work done. 
The sound of feet splashing through puddles spiked his anxiety.
A woman around his age ran into the grove, scanning the ground.
He set his phone down and moved to the top step, “Hey, Miss?”
She looked up, pushing her cropped brown hair back, “You didn’t find a house key around here, did you?”
“No, but you might want to get in here. It’s not a good idea to be outside right now.”
“I know.” She sighed in frustration, “Alright. Gimme one minute.”
“Seriously. Get in here. I’ll help you look later–”
A brilliant bolt of lightning seared through a nearby hickory tree in an explosion of heat and sound, splitting it in half.
Sam hit the floor unconscious.
When he came to, his world became a mess of confusion. A loud ringing filled his ears. 
Trembling, he pushed himself up to a sitting position. 
He touched his ears, wincing in pain. His fingertips came away with blood.
The shock wave had ruptured both eardrums.   
A small hole burned through his right shoe.
Lightning… He’d be struck by lightning.
He wasn’t even fully outside, but the girl– 
“The girl,” he gasped. 
Sam struggled to his feet, grabbed his phone to call 911, and stumbled out of the gazebo into…
“What…?” Breath caught in his throat as he stared in awe at frozen chaos. 
Raindrops formed motionless curtains of silver beads.
The wisteria halted in mid sway.
Even the dying thread lightning paralyzed amid a heavy spray of wood shards.
His eyes followed the jagged streamer up to the graphite clouds, illuminating everything in a ghostly periwinkle hue.
Nothing moved.
Except him.
Time had come to a complete stop.
He passed his hand through the raindrops, sending water fanning out in a zero G effect. “Whoa.” 
He clicked record on his phone, angling it to show himself before turning in a slow circle to capture everything. No one would ever believe this. 
His heart lurched when he spotted the girl hovering an inch above the ring - directly in the path of the tree’s suspended death descent.
Time began to crawl as though it could no longer hold its cryonic state.
The deep groans of popping and snapping permeated the cotton in his ears. 
Sam reacted on instinct. 
He dashed through the slow motion no-man’s-land of raindrops and shrapnel in a race against the tree. With strength fueled by adrenaline, he scooped her up and bolted back.
Time resumed the moment he entered the gazebo.
The tree crashed to the ground with a seismic boom that rattled his bones, taking out two lamps in a shower of sparks.  
He lifted his head when the cacophony settled.  
The decimated hickory tree narrowly missed the gazebo. 
Sam sat on the floor among a few wood shards and the muffled, apathetic patter of rain, staring in wide-eyed shock.
“...Holy shit…”
His phone next to him recorded everything. 
Something had stopped time long enough for him to recover, and save her.
No… Not something. 
What he’d sensed all his life wasn’t a malicious force, but a thin point in the fabric of space-time. 
Motion from the girl snared his focus. 
He tucked his hoodie under her head. Blood darkened the fabric from a deep gash on her right temple. 
“Oh no. Oh god.” He grabbed a handful of napkins donned with story notes from his pocket, and pressed them to the wound. The shine of her blood covered his hand.
He called 911. 
Her face twisted in pain, “Ow,” she squeaked.
“Stay still. You’re gonna be ok. Help is on the way,” He took her hand, “Can you hear me?”
“Barely,” she whimpered.
“What’s your name?” 
His voice wobbled as he tried to smile with his adrenaline still off the charts, “I’m Sam.”
“Hi, Sam,” she rasped. 
He felt her grip tighten when she began to cry, “I’m not going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he shrugged, “Sorry.”
He glanced at the destruction, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Please?” She struggled to stay conscious.
If it kept her awake, so be it.
The ambulance lights reflected on the wet street as it rushed them to the hospital.
Kayla lay on a gurney receiving care.
Sam sat with a shock blanket over his shoulders and a bandage around his ears. His whole body hurt coming down from the adrenaline and trauma. 
A paramedic applied burn cream over a lichtenberg pattern on his foot.
Sam grimaced, “Will she be ok?” 
The paramedic used speech-to-text on his phone, “She will be, thanks to you. Her phone took most of the charge. You both took an indirect strike, so go easy.”
“I felt so helpless. All I could do was talk.”
“Whatever you said kept her fighting. Words have consequences, Sam,” he secured the bandage, “You saved her life.” 
He slumped with a heavy breath and opened his phone. He’d forgotten about his future self in the chaos. 
Future Sam:  I got a chance to change things.
I hope you found the right thing to say.
The reply box grayed out.
He had changed not only Kayla’s future, but his own.
He grinned. 
This would make one hell of a story. 
He couldn’t hear her, but he recognized the shape of his name on her lips.
The paramedic let her use his phone to translate, “About what happened...”  
He braced himself for the inevitable. 
She spoke into the phone, then showed it to him. 
His heart skipped.
He looked from the screen to her, searching for the lie in her smile, but found none.
She’d given him more validation in three words than he’d received in a lifetime - words he’d never heard, and didn’t realize how badly he’d needed to hear them. 
Words that changed his life forever.
“I believe you.” 
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queenofallimagines · 2 months
Blue Lock boys and having a S/O who has a sex toy collection
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A/N: This is extremely self indulgent and came to me while browsing the internet. Part one of 2 and These are also all real toys so if you know exactly what I’m talking about lmao kudos to you✌🏿
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- lmao oh boy
- Brand new to this world
- Only has the blue flesh light you got him as a joke for Christmas
- He uses it more often than he’d like to admit…
- So when he comes to your place and he’s in the mood to get nasty
- You gotta hold his hand bc he’s gunna be a little nervous
- You ask him if he’s cool with toys and he’s like ofc
- Very excited to see what you use to make yourself feel good
- Then he is taken aback to see a box of sex toys ORGANIZED BY COLOR
- “We in for a more rough mood today or like a quick thing?”
- Let him take a look through your treasure chest(pun intended)
- And he’s like 🙂 bc how does he use that
- “So whats this?? It’s like flat but it has silicone flowers on the top??”
- “Oh that’s a grinder you strap it to a pillow”
- “….and it’s supposed to be green and blue?”
- “The colors on this one were pretty 😤 aesthetic matters too!”
- Best way is to just dive in and let him test out each one
- His favorite so far is this pretty little one called CLAUDETTE and he likes grinding on it while he kisses you and fucking into it
- Likes how the colors look all funky and fun
- “Is that-“
- “A football colored one yes it is.”
- “…..you didn’t have this before you met me did you?”
- “Listen it’s not MY fault that you be away on games a lot and this just so happened to be in your girth!”
- He will indulge you and do those dick mold cast things and will demand to see videos of you fucking yourself with it when he’s away
- Nothing would make him rush home faster than seeing a video of you moaning all pretty in nothing but a spare jersey of his bounding up and down on an exact replica of his cock begging him to hurry home
- Fuck the game he’s on the first fight back to Japan IMMEDIATELY
- LOVES to use them in punishments!
- When you’re acting all bratty he’ll pretend he’s not on his very last nerve
- Not super good at controlling his true emotions but when he’s calling you pet names making you feel all flustered can you really tell he’s upset?
- So when he flips a switch and tells you to “hold fucking still or I’ll tie your hands to the headboard” and he’s in between your legs holding you down it’s definitely a surprise
- Has one of the vibes that are controlled by phone
- He’s not so cruel as take you for a stroll in public
- (Also he really doesn’t want to get slammed with a public indecency charge because you can’t keep quiet)
- He’ll make you wear it as he goes about his business in the house
- Ignoring you without a care in the world as he’s relaxing on the couch and you’re begging him to bend you over anything
- “Hm? I didn’t hear a ‘I’m sorry for being a brat Yoichi’ so all that crying ain’t doing nothing”
- He has really good control when he’s pissed
- Usually that glassy eyed look while begging him to ruin you would be enough to have him on you like a dog in heat
- Buuuuuy unfortunate for you upset yoichi is some cold
- He’s literally not even flinching as you grind in his thigh making a mess all over his pants
- Rolling his eyes before shooting you the most annoyed look
- “You gunna keep making a mess on my pants or you going to fucking apologize already?”
- “I-I’m sorry Yoichi… please I need you so bad.”
- “Fucking finally.”
- Throws your legs over his shoulders but he’s still mad so he’s gunna edge and then overstimulate you before he even pulls his cock out
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- oh he’s so silly
- Like he’s definitely like??
- Probably accidentally finds your stash before YOU show him
- “Oi, what’s this thing over here?”
- And you walk in and he’s messing w a silicone octopus cockring
- Boy if you don’t stay out my mf closet-
- Wants you to show him all the cool weird stuff you have
- “How do you even use this?”
- “Like any other toy???”
- “This tentacle is NOT like a regular sex toy.”
- Does it again by laying down on some of your stuffies and sees one w a obvious zipper
- Opens it to see a dildo inside
- “Why is this IN here?”
- “So nosey mfs like YOU don’t just come in my room and find my shit.”
- “…..that’s fair.”
- His fav for you to use on him is this gold and grey silicone stroker that has skin like texture
- When he’s too lazy to move he likes you being on top of him kissing and biting his neck while you slowly move the toy on his cock
- Will have him squirming and moaning loud as hell like you’ve never seen before
- Nagi isn’t the most vocal but he’s moaning like a pornstar
- “Ohhhh fuuuck pretty keep stroking me like that.”
- No better way to get him to fuck you like you want then to slow stroke him with a fleshlight or stroker
- Asks you to make a cast of your pussy
- When you actually make him one it’s like never brought up again until one night you get a text around 2am a few hours before nagi is set to touchdown back in Japan
- Of him fucking it like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do
- Not sure who the fuck recorded that for him🤨 bc it’s too good and so are the angles to be a shaky one handed quick video
- Moans about how he can’t wait to feel you cream on his cock
- As the most obscene noises play from your speakers with the image of seishiro fucking into a fleshlight of your likeness all messy with lube and cum
- From the way the video starts off he had to have been at it for a while already
- You catch a glimpse of his hazy eyes as he’s mercilessly pounding into the toy
- When the video ends you get another text from him
- ‘Just got out the airport be home in 25’
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- you’d think he’d be like weirded out
- Or confused
- Nah
- He’s seen all the gamer porn there is to see
- Monster and fantasy themed sex toys are a walk in the park
- “Woah, they like make dragon dicks that you can actually ride?”
- Favorites are Ophiuchus the Forgotten, Spyro Slim, and the twilight Moon
- He likes textures so anything with more ridges and bumps the better!
- Likes ones that seem normal. He’s a sneaky fucker so hidden in plain sight is great
- Like oh you thought this was a regular lipstick? Nope! A bullet vibe
- Has like 6 of these in your purse at all times
- Annoying as will pull a “hey can I talk to ya for a sec?”
- And then lead you into a secluded area and shove a toy in you while having his mouth do the heavy lifting
- “Mmm~ taste better when you’re this scared.”
- Someone get his ass 🙄😒
- Let’s you fuck him but like you’re a service top at most
- Not very try willing to give up power because that means he looses the game
- Will tie you up and ride you
- Puts on his most slutty performance and really lets himself get whiny
- As soon as he unties you it’s a chance to get him
- Like oh so anyway we’re not done🥰 now you can’t touch
- Will send you links to stores asking you what you think
- “Check out this dark souls one”
- “Yo, baby who the FUCK is that going to fit inside”
- “:((( but it glows in the dark”
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“Nobody ordered a list of MJ AU tracks? Oh, ok that’s fine. I’ll just leave them right here.” 🙃👍
Figured I’d post a list of all the songs I used in the background for all the parts in case some of you are instrumental nuts like me and listen to this kind of stuff all the time just to feel the vibes. 😉❤️🎶
(Note: I did do some editing work on most of them for the MJ AU such as slowing or repeating a chorus, so they might not be exact replicas when compared to the actual MJ AU Parts they were used for.)
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mattodore · 1 month
thinking abt The OC Art again and dagger (knifebaby3000) was such a genius bc this was the (wip) reference board i put together for how i imagine theo dressing
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and she put him in this delicious cream colored vest that you can practically feel the texture of and that fits his vibe so well i’m mad i don’t have an exact replica of it to put on him in the sims
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wormwoodandhoney · 10 months
heey laura!! may i ask/request you books that "warm the heart" bc the world is so chaotic that i need a getaway, like asap hehehe or a cozy vibes, kindness, you know?? *sighs* i need that hehe
absolutely!! i ADORE cozy, so this will actually be hard to narrow down. i'm not sure what genre of cozy you want, because cozy transcends genre, so here's a little bit of everything! if there's a specific genre you want, let me know!
fantasy & sci fi
the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna is one of my all time favorite books. about a lonely witch who is hired by a found family to teach their three young witches.
legends & lattes by travis baldree is the definitive cozy fantasy, about an orc who opens a coffee shop. very little plot, mostly vibes.
a proper dragon by eb wheeler is a regency fantasy romance with dragons.
a psalm for the wild-built and it's sequel by becky chambers is about a tea monk who meets a robot looking for the answer to the question "what does humanity need?"
the banned bookshop of maggie banks by shauna robinson in which maggie agrees to help a friend run her bookshop in a small town dedicated to a historical author, in which the town's rules only allows books by this historical author or his contemporaries to be sold. maggie starts a secret, underground book club. maggie herself learns to love reading when she makes a deal with the handsome town grumpy man, who agrees to step out of his comfort zone if she reads his recommendations.
the neighbor favor by kristina forest is about a shy bookworm who asks her handsome neighbor for dating advice, not realizing he is the author she's been anonymously emailing.
you should see me in a crown by leah johnson is about a teen girl who reluctantly joins the race for prom queen in order to get a scholarship, and begins to fall for another girl in the competition.
the miniscule mansion of myra malone by audrey burges is about an agoraphobic woman who blogs about the creation of her beautiful dollhouse, only to get a confused email from a young man who lives in an exact, real-life replica of the dollhouse.
general fiction
someone else's shoes by jojo moyes is about two very different women who accidentally switch bags (and some very important shoes).
a man called ove by frederick backman is about a very grumpy old man who reluctantly befriends his new, chatty neighbors.
remarkably bright creatures by shelby van pelt is about a grumpy old octopus who reluctantly befriends his new, chatty human janitor.
i'm gonna stop there, but if you want more cozy genres (mystery, the controversial concept of "cozy horror", or i could even see if i could get cozy nonfiction), hit me up!
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copias-sewer-rat · 11 months
The Band Ghost (Slasher AU)
Which famous slasher are the papas and how would they react to you being the final survivor?
Gender neutral reader. If you like these, maybe I can make something lengthier if you ask for them.
TW: MINORS DNI +18!! gore, violence, swearing, disturbing imagery, mentions of bullying and depression, stalky behavior, some implied non-con but nothing specific, hints of smut here and there but it is more of a tease. All of these under the cut!
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This man gives Freddy Krueger vibes. He normally "haunts" Copia already as a ghost, so it is easy to imagine him haunting you in your dreams.
You had been a noisy brat, digging shit to learn about him and his past, to find a way to stop him. He did not like that one bit. He was so ready to finally kill you in your sleep. When you gave yourself to your exhaustion he sensed you enter the realm of dreams, preparing to hunt you down and cut you bit by bit.
The setting of the dream was your old high school. You knew the building like the back of your hand, so it would be fairly easy to escape Nihil if he got you cornered, or so you thought. What you had not considered is that you were dreaming, and dreams are not an exact replica of the real world. You encountered bottomless pits, never-ending stairs and long and dark corridors that you did not remember being there in the first place.
Nihil caught up with you several times, each time leaving superficial cuts on your skin, making you whine and whimper in pain, but ultimately letting you escape. Those noises coming out of you were doing something to him, something that he had not felt in a very long time. He was going to see how long he could stretch your hunt so he could hear all the sweet noises that your were able to make. And who knows? Maybe if you play your cards right, he might let you live a little longer.
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Primo is Pinhead 100%, have you seen him?
You had the box in your hands, and you were going to destroy it for good. The fire you had ignited lit your face in a monstrous fashion. You were beaten up and so tired that you thought that you were going to collapse there and then.
Slowly you extended your hand, holding the box tightly. Looking at the fire deeply until you saw yourself. A more powerful version of yourself was looking back, but you were still holding the box, this time close to your chest. You tilted your head, curious. Something was creeping your mind, and it was winning. Without thinking about it, you stepped forward towards the vivid flames. Suddenly, a hand came out the fire and grabbed the box. It was not tugging it, just holding it gently, brushing a finger on your knuckle. Then, something or rather someone appeared though the fire. A man, very tall and thin, with skull-like makeup and pins all over his face was looking at you with a mismatched gaze. You were entranced by him, by the contrast of his rough looks and gentle touch.
Primo was the keeper of the box, its protector. However, he had been alone for so long. He knew of your existence far long before you got the box. He saw something in you, a darkness equal to his own. An appreciation of the pleasure that comes from pain. You were like nothing he had seen before, and he hoped that you would accept what he was offering. The flames were only a mirror towards the future that could be if you let youself be free.
You had nothing left in this world, no one was going to miss you and you frankly had had enough of your pitiful existence. It was time to control something for once. So, you extended your other hand and put it on top of his, as if accepting your destiny besides Primo.
He understood. He knew that you wanted an escape. He had made sure that you wanted it. In return for all of the pain he had caused you, he was going to you all the pleasure you could handle. But he knew you were able to take all of it.
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Tought on the outside, softy on the inside.
This was the worst vacation of your life. The bodies of your dead workmates were scattered all over the camp and you were the last one alive. Not that you cared much about them, they were a buch of shitty assholes, but the scenery was not pretty to look at. That creep that had rose from the lake had killed everyone and now he was coming to get you as well. He was fast and silent, so you did the best you could to try to call the cops without making any sound.
Once you got to the only public phone of the camp, you used the last change you had left to call the cops. Hoping for a quick answer. Secondo was quicker though. He had cut the line some minutes before your arrival. He wanted you alone, all to himself. You reminded him of his youth, of how bad everyone was to him. He did not want the same to happen to you, that is why he had killed all those people. He had seen them hurting you, mocking you and calling you names. He did not understand why, to him you were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He just wanted to protect you, to make things right, even if it meant to have himself drenched in guts, brains and blood. They were from those terrible people who had hurt you, so it was a pleasure for him to do so. He would cut his own limbs if that meant that he could see you smile. However, no one else could get involved, you had to understand his reasoning first. To him, it was love.
He was going to show you all his love by making the most beautiful bouquet. One smeared with the blood of those who had ever dared to wrong you. Then, you would understand. He had planned everything in is mind: a romantic gesture, followed by a dinner and then you giving yourself to him in every possible way. If you did not want that, he would leave you alone, but he had to try first.
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Of course the slut was going to be Ghostface.
He had killed all your friends, and in his opinion, he had saved the best for last. You had trapped yourself inside of your house, you were oh so helpless and terrified, a candy for him to taste and savour. So he decided to do just that, have a little taste.
The phone to your house rang, you were hopping for a friend or even the cops, but you knew better than that.
“Hello, darling. What is the matter? Why are you hiding from me?”
“THE MATTER IS THAT YOU ARE A FUCKING PSYCHO!” You were so scared, you hopped that your screams would unsettle him, but they only made him more eager to get you.
“Oh, is that so? But you should not scream like that, it is going to hurt your beautiful voice and I want you to be very vocal when I get you. I am going to reveal myself to you and you are going to be screaming my name when I stab you, cara.”
The sexual innuendo did not get pass you, and you blushed. You were a sucker for horror movies and this was turning like one of your most private dreams. Terzo had a very good view of you through the living room window. However, that knowledge, that perception of the other’s presence was not mutual.
He saw your cheeks glowing a crimson red, and your pupils dilating. He could also swear that he could feel the heat radiating from you out there in the cold. You were attracting him like a moth to a flame, and the feeling was mutual. For you, it did not help that Terzo's voice was so smooth and sensual, even through the phone.
“Oh! Did that get you all hot and bothered? Interesting. Maybe we can make a deal then.” He said, and you could hear him smile through the phone.
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I think Copia, most of the time, is a bit silly to be Michael. However, I also believe than when serious, this man can be very scary and a bit stalky (and sexy AF). It also does not help that his mask looks a lot like Michael's. (Also the MV of Hunter’s Moon, duh!)
You were on your own, all your allies had been killed by the stalker. You had escaped to an abandoned building, but he was close behind, even if you could not see him. Knife in your hands, shaking like hell, you heard deep and steady breaths behind you. You turned abruptly to face their origin. There was nothing there. You were becoming paranoid, you said to yourself. But you were also sure that he was looking directly at you from the shadows.
It was true, Copia was having the time of his life. He had been obsessed with you for so long, and now, he had you so close. Your smell and your fear clouding his senses. He decided that that was it. He had been watching for far too long, he needed to touch you, now. So, he swiftly creeped behind, grabbed your hands and pinned them over your head. He pressed on your body, pushing you to the nearest wall. He was towering over you, mismatched eyes glowing behind his mask. Breath so hot and powerful that you could feel it even with the mask that separated your faces. He had you at last, the dim light from outside outlining your figure, so weak and small, all for him.
He truly did not want to hurt you that much. He just wanted to have you close all the time, to creep inside of you and stay there, forever. For him you were the comfort that he had been looking for during his entire existence. He could be sane with you by his side, or maybe you could be mad together. It did not matter that much to him.
You had stopped trembling at last. The tears that were close to come out from your eyes had dried completely. You looked at him, directly in the eyes. You saw the craziness, but also a passionate fire, just for you. That is when he let your hands go, but your bodies stayed so close to each other. You could feel his heart racing, something that you were sure that was not normal for a man like Copia.
If you wanted to live you had to risk it all, so you took the most insane approach you could think of. Very slowly you rose your hands to his face, touching the bottom of his mask. You stopped there, waiting for any kind of negative sign, anything that told you to stop. There was nothing.
Very slowly you took his mask off completely, revealing a very shy looking man. Sweat on his brow and black and white makeup smeared all over his face. You for sure felt like going insane, because to you he looked like the most beautiful man you had ever seen. You cupped his face, so gently it even scared you. It was like all the fear from the last few hours had dissipated completely. That is when you felt something poking your stomach, and you were sure that it was not a knife.
*My masterlist*
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As a reenactor who fires muskets on historic battlefields, I joke when I lose a pewter button marked "4" that future archaeologists would be so confused because the 4th Regiment of Foot was never there during the American War of Independence.
Although this is a joke, I would like to know a little about how archaeologists can tell replicas from the real thing, especially on objects like pewter or brass buttons and the like where carbon dating isn't an option (I don't think??)
Oooh, this is an awesome question! I'm going to answer by pretending that the fact that it's from a regiment that was never there wouldn't be a huge giveaway. It's also entirely possible that someone just digging it up could be fooled. (Although that's not to say that a button from a regiment that was never involved with a conflict has never ended up somewhere it shouldn't be. People trade things or make due with what they have, and that can lead to all sorts of interesting situations.)
The unscientific answer is an archaeological vibe check. The first step for analysis either in a lab or in the field is to determine what you do and don't know, and how those line up with processes of deposition and taphonomy. Essentially, does this button pass the vibe check for being old enough to be from the Revolutionary War? If it is old enough, was it deposited in during the course of the war or sometime after?
First component of the vibe check is stratigraphy. If you dropped your button, it's going to wind up on the top of the ground surface, which is probably at least several inches (if not several feet) above the 1700s ground surface. This is due to the law of superposition, and why archaeology requires so much digging. Even if you did manage to get your button all the way down there, we would be able to tell that the ground had been disturbed.
The second component of the vibe check would be wear marks. A button that's more than 200 years old will not have survived that long out in the elements unscathed. Your button, even if it sees some action (pun very much intended) is always going to be younger than an original.
There is also the matter of manufacturing. Unless your button is being made by some guy using the exact same materials and techniques that were in use in the 1700s, there will be minute differences that we can probably figure out in a lab setting.
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minimoefoe · 11 months
I typically do not give a fuck about the sonic bc I think other than 13's (and 12's a bit) they all look mostly generic and the same and idk I'm not that fussed by them but the fact 14's is clearly full of different parts of previous doctor's sonics and they managed to fit in something from every new who sonic except 13's is craaazy
'they didn't include any classic references' is a shit defense btw. if they included a couple classic references and a couple new who referenced and a couple new and classic sonics didn't get a reference and 13's happened to not get a reference, that would be fine. but they clearly have specifically gone for new who references so for only one sonic to not get a look in (and ofc it's 13's bc who else would get missed out) is weird. and I would be calling it weird if any other new who doctor was the only one being left out.
and also the idea of them including a reference from every sonic, classic and new, would be an absolute mess and I think it makes sense that they went for the new who vibe.
some ppl have said the tip is supposed to be a reference to 13's but I don't really see it and even if that was the intention, i don't think the other new who sonics being basically a third of 14's sonic each and then 13's just being the bit on the end would really have been fair. so that's also shit
and also ppl keep going on about 'sheffield steel' which.. is also bullshit. it first of all doesn't even remotely look like it's made from the same stuff as 13's. texture-wise, 13's is kinda bumpy idk actually has texture to it and 14's is completely smooth. and also once again every other doctor getting clear callbacks and 13's just being 'yeah its made of the same stuff'* is not the same as the other new who sonics having very clear obvious references. the doctor could literally say that in the ep and I'd be like okay cool but it's still not Really good enough
(*which is also dumb bc, what, you're telling me 14 went to Sheffield and found some spoons for his new sonic? no. in universe, obviously nothing in that sonic is the exact piece of sonic from before, the tardis has probably just spat out a replica. so it wouldn't be 'sheffield steel' at all, it would just be steel)
some ppl have also been bringing up 13's tardis exterior continuing to be used which is quite literally irrelevant to the sonic convo.
I'm not about to bang on about this forever but it does annoy me and I think it's reasonable for ppl to be mentioning that it kinda rubs them the wrong way.
and at this point tbh I find it less annoying that it's happened (tho the fact it has happened is kinda wild to me) and more annoying that ofc, bc this is what always happens when 13 fans have a criticism of basically anything, there are ppl basically saying 'shut the fuck up you're overreacting/making an issue where there isn't one' or trying to make dumb explanations like the couple I spoke about in this post bc the thought of possibly even for a second agreeing that yeah 13's sonic should probs have got a look in is just not possible with some ppl in this fandom bc their dislike of 13 and/or 13 fans is just that strong.
like. no one has to be really annoyed about this, you are allowed to still like the sonic we have (I think as sonics go, it's fine), but to try and come up with these bullshit reasons why 'AcTuAlLy it's not an issue' is genuinely just not normal
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
I need some romantic fluffy smut with a Christmas theme! I’ll let your imagination run wild! And….go! Love you! ❤️
Ahhhh anon ily! ❤
Thank you for requesting. Your wish is my command - hope you're prepared, it's quite tooth rotting👀
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It was Christmas Eve and you'd just polished off Joe's second signature hot chocolate of the night, the fire burning in the living room saw quite a cosy scene as the two of you snuggled under a blanket on the sofa, watching a classic Christmas movie and enjoying some one on one time together where nobody could bother you, especially before all the chaotic festivities commenced. Nibbling on the chocolate he'd brought you from the shop to snack on, the lit up tree situated by the window, the coordinated decorations in their place, the warm homely vibes the whole room gave off just added to the happiness and contentment that you felt in that moment with your man.
Joe leaned over, sneaking a bite of your chocolate. "Hey, you said you didn't want any so don't go taking mine." You frowned.
"Sharing is caring." Joe shrugged his shoulders, giving you the full puppy stare, his eyes glistening from the twinkle of the Christmas lights, a look you couldn't be mad at. He frantically got up from the sofa, jogging to the tree like he'd remembered something stupid.
"Shall we be naughty?" Joe wriggled his eyebrows at you, a mischievous grin appearing on his face as he kneeled down to the presents underneath the tree.
"Joseph Anthony Francis Quinn, you're such a rebel." You smirked sarcastically, stifling a giggle.
"Come on, one each before the morning." You stood up from your cosy spot, going over to stand beside him, leaning your hand down on his shoulder.
"Fine. I'll pick yours and you pick mine." Joe nodded subtly, digging through to find the one he was obviously quite desperate to give you. You grabbed yours and you fell back onto the sofa, adjusting the blanket back over you. "Ladies first." Joe gestured to you.
You handed him your gift, he shook it even though the box was clearly labelled Fragile, he pressed on it to try and begin guessing what it was. "Fuck it." He chuckled and ripped into it like an over excited child.
Opening the box the present was kept in, his face dropped almost instantly, he couldn't quite believe just what you'd gone to all the trouble for, all for him.
"How did you-" Joe stuttered.
"Remember how you told me about the really precious snow globe you had as a kid that you took everywhere with you?"
"This is it." Joe teared up, the snow globe was indeed his favourite core memory from being a child, it was something his grandparents had gifted him at 5 years old, something he had treasured for a long time, it had later smashed accidentally about 6 years ago and his parents didn't have the heart to tell him for days, but when he found out he was completely distraught even as an adult, to this day he never let them forget.
"But, how- where- what?"
"I found an exact replica online, it was so hard to keep the surprise! I know it'll never replace the original but at least you've still got that little piece of it back. I'll never know how much it truly meant to to you when you were young, although when you told me about it I got a pretty good idea, so I set myself on a mission."
"Baby, I don't know what to say." Joe's eyes were tearing up, it was the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for him, he hugged it into his chest, clearly basking in the memory of the day his grandparents brought it home to give him. "Thank you so much, you don't know what this means to me." He leaned over and kissed you sweetly then leaned to set it in the middle of the coffee table in pride of place. His eyes didn't stop looking at it for minutes later until he shot a look back at you and before you could say another word, Joe pushed your present into your hands. "Now it's your turn."
You carefully opened the wrapping paper, taking out a small box. Joe eye's burned into your features, you opened it up to find a beautiful silver heart shaped locket with a tiny latch on the side. "Take a look inside." Joe exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. Inside on one side was a 3D blocked image of you and Joe together, the photo saw you both effortlessly laughing with one another, your hands placed around each other, the look of love adamant in your smiles. On the opposite side was an engravement of your and Joe's anniversary date and a small italic and quite personally beautiful message which read: 'Wear this when I'm away and then I'll always be with you.'
Joe wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side. You leaned up placing your hand on his chest and kissed him, your heart aching, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"I love you." You sobbed, it was both an intense and sincerely sweet moment shared between the two of you, so unexpected yet so precious for each of you.
"I love you too, my darling." Joe took the box out of your hand, laying it on the table next to his gift. You swerved round to meet his gaze once he'd sat back, looking into one another's eyes saying nothing for seconds and then almost all at once; your lips crashed together, tongues roughly catching each other as they danced simaltaneously. The way your hands creeped around each other, feeling all the parts of your bare skin you could possibly come into contact with, Joe cupped the back of your head, bringing you in as close as he could to create a firmer feel, your lips bountifully as one, moving together in sync, a kiss that had never felt more meaning than this.
Joe moved down to your neck, kissing down it, sucking on every spot he could muster, earning soft whimpers as your fingers delicately grasped onto his curls. Pushing him by his chest softly, he laid down vertically on the sofa and you straddled his waist, lifting his t-shirt up slightly so you could stroke around his stomach and his happy trail. You smiled at each other delightedly for a moment, drinking in each other, not like you had a million times before, but this time felt special.
Joe lifted himself back up, cradling your back with his hands, soothing up and down your spine, catching your mouth in a daze once more, your bodies pressed together, the incredible aura that radiated off of you both together was phenomenal.
The crackling of the fire made the kiss break, you both stared at it, the reflection of the flames mirrored your moods, the sexual tension was about to break. You stood up from your current position in front of Joe, offering him out our hand to stand. You grabbed the blanket and took it to the fireplace, setting it out in front of the blaze. Taking off your clothes slowly, Joe's eyes grew, he caught up with your mind in a flash, the way you'd romanticised the idea in your head was now becoming a reality. You sat onto the blanket stark naked, now watching your boyfriend undress, not averting your eyes until he came and sat beside you once more.
Smiling innocently, wrapping your arms around his neck you whispered lowly. "Make love to me, baby." Now was a better time than any, especially from the sensual mood you were both feeling.
Joe's hand enveloped your jaw, his thumb stroking against your cheek in a swift but sweet motion, the way he looked at you was something only some people could dream about, his intense chocolatey stare was breath taking. "Anything for you, pretty girl."
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accidentalshifter · 7 hours
[June 4, 2024: The Phantom of the restroom stalls, Elijah finally gets to the point.]
⚜️ TW: My Mikaelsons are a ✨️ problem ✨️ and don't play nice at all. Death, sex, blood, violence, manipulation, and dark themes will probably be present. I don't condone any of the actions taken by these vampires, I'm just recording them. For science.
Shifting Notes:
I'm still over here continuing to attempt a tight-rope balance between my improved CR, my TVD DR, and everything else that is shoved in-between them without falling off the tight-rope and dying.
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Either way, a war isn't (often) won in a single battle. And a solid change doesn't happen in one day unless you're a LOA master 😂. I'm just trying to take it one shift at a time. Pray for me. And apologies for the slow updates! Warning: this post is long as fuck. It's not a short read.
Astrological Timing: Sun in Gemini, Moon in (later degrees of) Taurus. Mercury and Jupiter just entered Gemini. Venus cazimi (an exact conjunction with the sun). Moon & Pluto sextile Neptune. An alignment of 6 planets (Saturn, Neptune, Mars, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter) in the Aries, Pisces, & Cetus constellations. HOLY SHIT! There is just WAY too much to say about this. Let's boil it down to: "a day of cosmic potency." Also, the Venus Cazimi/Sun Conjunction initiates a new romantic cycle by ending an old one. Still shifting during Taurus ♉️, Cancer ♋️, Virgo ♍️ Moons to tap into the Elijah vibe.
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⚜️ On May 26th, 2024, I had a nightmare?? I wouldn't consider it a "shift" per se. Looking back on it now, this nightmare seems eeriely reminiscent of the scenes in TVD where one of the vampires (like Damon) manipulates a person's dreams while their mental guard is down. Which is just...so great in context. 🙃 If I could script all the fangs out of this DR, I'd be tempted to. But then, in my eyes, it'd stop being TVD.
⚜️ Inside the nightmare, I was dressed up in a sparkling gown made of silver sequins and a flapper headband made of white feathers, rhinestones, and pearls. I sat in a red velvet theater seat, facing a large stage whose red curtains were being drawn open for the first act in a play. A hand clamps itself down over mine. It's strong yet warm. I feel it squeezing my hand reassuringly. I immediately look at the source of this touch to see that it's Elijah Mikaelson. He's sitting in the seat next to me on my right. His hair is slicked back with gel and he's wearing a dark blue suit.
⚜️ Just as I'm about to say something, I feel someone lean in and whisper into my ear on my left. I immediately recognize the tone of voice before I register what is actually being said. "Shh, love. It's about to begin," says the British-accented, Niklaus Mikaelson. I whirl to my left to see the Hybrid sitting there with one finger to his lips in a sign for silence. He points to the stage as the lights dim in this... Theater? Opera House?? That I am seated in. Darkness overtakes my surroundings. I can't make out anything. Except the stage that is lit up by limelight.
Observation: Shit. Is this the Opera House in New Orleans that burnt down? 😳
⚜️ My eyes turn towards the stage now. I'm met with a scene that makes my heart drop directly into my stomach. An impersonation of my CR-self sits in an exact replica of my chair at an exact replica of my desk, typing away on an exact replica of my laptop, while surrounded by an exact recreation of my CR room. "It's you," I hear Klaus say, a loud sneer in his voice. I begin to try and explain when I am cut off by both of the Mikaelsons turning to look at me simultaneously.
"WE KNOW," they say in complete unison.
Then, I wake up.
Observation: So, uh. We're just gonna. Yeah, we're just gonna do this... *throws nightmare in the trash* Aaaand...1, 2, 3. Repressed!! 🙃 I'm honestly gonna chalk this nightmare up to stress. Even if it isn't stress and this was a true transmission from my TVD DR, there's zero rewards in it for me if I admit the truth to either of the Mikaelsons point blank. Like in TVD, this could be a fear tactic being used to manipulate me into slipping up during my shifts. So, I'm not taking the bait.
⚜️ Fast-forward to June 4th. I begin working on my process for shifting, listening to Theta wave music, & deep breathing exercises until I start catching visuals/flashes of La Avena's restroom. Like the restaurant, the restrooms are classy; cream wallpaper flecked in gold, panel moulding of black wood, and eggshell white, marble floors make the surroundings an elegant affair. Dim, yellow lighting casts it in a soothing ambiance. Fine mirrors framed in the same black wood as the mouldings sit hanging upon the walls. About four of them to match the same number of sinks & stalls in the restroom. I can see my DR-self pacing around with her cellphone pressed against her ear, looking a bit worse for wear. The day is catching up to her, I bet. And her day isn't even over yet! 🫠
⚜️ "I CAN'T believe I was SO stupid!" I hear a voice exclaim through exasperated sobs. It's Angie. They're having a mental breakdown over the break-up with their (ex) boyfriend. "I trusted him!! I-I can't believe that I gave him another chance!!!! I should've KNOWN when Evan was a-acting weird that something was up! Ugh! I'm so freakin'-"
⚜️ At this point, I interrupt/cut Angie off. I've been cheated on before in my CR and even if I don't know who Angie is, I hate hearing any person blaming themselves over the actions of a cheater. I tell Angie that it's normal and healthy to put trust in the person that you're dating. That they aren't to blame.
"But you wanna know what isn't normal??" I ask Angie, barely restraining my distaste for this fuckboy who hurt them, "Going behind your partner's back. That's NOT normal."
⚜️ Angie calms down a little. I can hear them blowing their nose. With embarrassment in their voice, Angie admits that they're jealous of the girl whom their boyfriend cheated on them with. "It's SO pathetic..." Angie moans aloud. I can hear the self-loathing in each of their words. It reminds me of ghosts of exes past. I felt the exact same way when I found out that I'd been cheated on. I tell Angie that it isn't "pathetic", that they're just really hurt right now. That again, these are ALL normal reactions given the situation.
I may not know this Angie, but I refuse to let anyone go through this experience without a bit of reassurance from me! It's what I would have wanted from my friends back when I'd discovered my ex's lies. It's...what I *wished* I had gotten from my friends, anyways...
⚜️ Angie shifts gears, then. They blow their nose (one more time) and ask me when I'm coming back home? "I want to see you right now! I need my bestie with me!!" Angie tries guessing how long my "vacation" will be. "In like, two weeks, right? Two and a half?"
I go silent. My DR-self looks embarrassed in the reflection of the mirror next to her. She's rubbing her temples again, fighting an ache forming inside her head. "Uh, no. A bit longer than that," my DR-self (Z) finally replies after a second of consideration. It seems like she's trying to choose her words tactfully.
"A month???" Angie asks, their voice holding an edge of frustration to it.
"More like a year," Z answers reluctantly, "I've told you this before I left, Angie..."
⚜️ Angie does not take this information well. "A YEAR?!" They exclaim, "A whole year?! It's not fair!!"
Zoey sighs while I awkwardly hover around. "Just until I can sell my...William's house-" I think she was about to say "Dad" but caught herself beforehand. She quickly adds on an optimistic, positive note; "Which, according to his will, is in a year from now!"
"UGH, BUT THAT'S SO LONG, THOUGH!" Comes the immediate whine response from Angie. The sound of their clear disapproval explodes from my phone & bounces off the restroom walls. My DR-self and I wince hard in unison.
⚜️ Out of the corner of *my eye*, I catch a movement in the mirror that is not our own. Like somebody had walked past us into one of the bathroom stalls. But, I didn't hear the door to the restroom open. I definitely didn't see anyone walk past Z (me) either. 🤨 Odd. Zoey continues to calm Angie down on the phone, telling them that the time would pass quickly & that she'd be back in Portland next summer.
Meanwhile, I yank on Zoey's subconscious to pay fucking attention to her surroundings. Something was ringing alarm bells inside my head!
"Any more bad news since APPARENTLY it's finally being honest with me day?" Angie asks Z in an exasperated tone. To be honest, since it's (not) honesty day, I have a bad bad feeling about whatever the hell is happening right now. I urge Z to end the call.
⚜️ "Well," Zoey says, reluctant to admit this information to Angie, but forced to since I'm urging her to hang up at this point, "I kinda need to go. I'm, uhh, out to dinner right now with someone..." I feel Zoey brace herself. As if a strong wind was about to blow her over.
⚜️ Angie explodes. Well, not really. But I can hear them squealing: "With WHO? Oh! Is it a boy?! Is it a cute boy??? Dish the details!!"
Zoey and I become immediately flustered by this. I...haven't been putting too much effort or thought into whether Elijah is a "cute boy". I've just been trying to survive dinner & keep my heart inside my chest instead of it being ripped out suddenly by him. Something that all Mikaelsons are prone to doing.
"Uh, I don't know," Zoey replies, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, "I...suppose he's handsome?? In an "old school" sort of way..."
⚜️ Angie squeals again. I swear the phone is gonna break if they keep doing that. Zoey & I make the excuse that somebody just walked into the bathroom (technically not a lie) and that I'd have to call them back later. (Much, much later) I can hear Angie complaining as I hang up the phone and tug on Zoey to pay attention. Maybe use those "slayer senses" I scripted in a year ago.
⚜️ "Hello?" I call out to the empty space, "Is anyone here?"
No response. Silence.
An eerie, still absence of sound.
⚜️ Next, I attempt to "feel" the space around me. Extending my awareness as far as I can go. However, the only significant thing that I achieve by doing this is feeling the presence of Elijah in the dining area. He's like this cold spot. Like you just under-microwaved a meal and there are still spots of it that haven't yet de-thawed. I can sense that he hasn't moved from the table. He's still there. Meaning that whatever I saw in the mirror wasn't him...
I'm starting to wonder if my main worry isn't vampires in this DR but something else.
⚜️ Whelp. Since that didn't work, I decide it's time for a more...pro-active approach.
I begin kicking open the stalls.
The first, second, and third stalls are empty. When I get to the 4th, wheelchair-accessible stall, I freeze up before it. Those senses that I used to "ping" Elijah are going crazy. I get this very weird feeling crawling up my spine. Like the air has suddenly become stagnant. Like static noise is filling the area within the 4th stall, shredding the atoms comprised in it, and creating a vacuum effect. Zoey and I brace ourselves. Preparing for something we cannot (adequately) predict. Then, kick open the 4th stall.
⚜️ No one is there. Just empty space and a suddenly "normal" feeling. As if the static we were sensing had evaporated into thin air...
Zoey sighs deeply. I mutter that "Well, that's not a good sign," and file it away for thinking about later.
Observation: That's twice now that my (not a spidey-senses knock off) slayer senses have picked something weird up since my arrival to Mystic Falls. 🧐 It's becoming a pattern I don't like. But then again, this is TVD. It's on brand for this reality. And I'm trying to stay as close to the canon reality as possible, so...
⚜️ Leaving the restroom and re-entering the dining area of La Avena again, I spy a couple who has just been seated at a table closer to the entrance. It's a middle-aged man with a balding spot and hastily-done comb over & a woman who I can't adequately see. Since the man's wide back is blocking my view of her. I (and Zoey) are visited by a sense of comfort knowing that we aren't the only ones eating in this restaurant. It was striking me as a bit. Well, odd? Suspicious?? This is supposed to be a restaurant with good reviews in a small town with nothing to do except start drama. It should be packed. But, I guess the festival is drawing away customers today? Anyways.
⚜️ "I hope everything is alright??" Elijah asks with a tone of prim politeness & gentlemanly concern when I return to the table. His menu is placed down next to him, closed shut. He's probably ready to order by now. That phone call dragged on for a bit...
Zoey and I sit down in our chair. Zoey seems confused, tilting her head slightly to the side & responding with a "What? Huh??" to Elijah.
I'm starting to think my DR-self isn't smart.
⚜️ Elijah clarifies. "The phone call," he says, looking at me with a cocked brow.
"Oh," Zoey replies, "Yeeeah, my friend is just having a rough time lately. That's all."
A knowing smile curves along Elijah's lips. It causes me to wanna look *away* from it. Or else I'm going to have to hide my blush. That smile should be made illegal. 🫣 "Ahh. Young love..." the Original vampire states. There's a wistful sound tinging his voice, memories on the tip of his tongue. Is he thinking about his girlfriends? Celeste? Tatiana?
⚜️ "What makes you say that?" Zoey asks, a bit more defensive than I thought she'd be. I keep forgetting that Z just broke up with her boyfriend before moving to Mystic Falls. You all should see that "It's over" email. Imagine 100+ replies back and forth that sounds like it should be an episode of Maury. But, I don't know. That's another thing I've been thinking about. Why did Zoey break up over email? I'd have done it in person.
⚜️ Elijah gestures to my DR-self's face with a casual wave of his hand. "I've had that very same expression when I was counseling my siblings on their many...dalliances, we'll call them." He adds afterward, "Although, I'd like to think I was a little less underslept." Elijah gives me this...look. He's gazing at me in this way that makes me instantly self-conscious.
⚜️ I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I want to say something witty but Zoey beats me to the chase, responding to his comment with sourness. "Well, I've been stuck on a bus for a few days. Mystic Falls isn't exactly a jump away from Oregon..."
Zoey follows this up by picking up her menu and opening it, creating an effective barrier between herself and Elijah Mikaelson. I can see him peering over the matte card stock to watch (Z and I) with a raised eyebrow.
"I've already selected my order, Ms. Webb. I am just waiting on yours." He comments in a cool voice.
⚜️ The menu is divided into five categories: Antipasti (appetizers), Dalla Terra (meat and vegetable dishes), Dal Mare (seafood dishes), Il Dolci (dessert items) and Rinfreschi (drinks and alcoholic beverages). The five categories are separated by simple, elegant, black lines.
I don't recognize a lot of the names for the dishes listed. I...vaguely (?) remember little bits of my CR-self's past, before the incident that had me losing my childhood memories, where I'd sit in Italian restaurants with my grandparents. And I'd struggle to figure out which food was friendly for a child to eat. It feels very similar to right now. In this instant, I am a child again. Struggling to find what I can eat.
Fuck you, Elijah Mikaelson. 🤬
⚜️ In order to strengthen my connection to this scenario, I play the song: "Cannibal" by Naethan Apollo. Listen to it! It's super good. Well, I think so, at least. Plus. It fits this very moment in my DR.
⚜️ Eventually, my sight lands on something I recognize: "Parmigiana di Pollo." Or, in other words, chicken parmesean. I didn't think that such a fancy restaurant like La Avena would serve chicken parmesean but...I mean, how fancy can a place be when you're in a small, nowhere town like Mystic Falls?? They gotta cater to public appeal on some fronts...
"I've decided," I say with confidence.
⚜️ "Wonderful," Elijah replies, then holds up a single hand to alert the waitress. Which is surprisingly effective. I hear the immediate clack of heels on wood and turn to see that Maybe?Liv has returned. She asks if we've decided on our order politely. Elijah says yes and takes the lead, saying that he'll have the "Manicotti with a Cabernet Sauvignon. Saint Anthony, 1964." Then, hands Liv his menu. I say that I'll have the chicken parmesean and a refill of the sparkling water.
⚜️ Elijah looks at me inquisitively. As if he's surprised by my restraint. "Are you certain? There's plenty on the menu to choose from. I assure you, money is no object here."
I tell him that Itallian food always goes best with wine and that I, unfortunately, am too underage to be drinking in public.
Side Note: I didn't script my age in this TVD DR, so it kind of filled in the blanks for me. If you're just tuning in, my DR-self's age is 18. I am technically an adult. But also not legally old enough to drink yet. I found this out by snooping in my DR-self's wallet & found her ID card. I'd reset the script but...that's a lot of fucking work. Plus, being 18 means that I get to possibly attend Mystic Falls High with the Scooby Gang. Maybe. Who knows?
⚜️ I notice Maybe?Liv trying to continue to smile as I hand her the menu. But I can see it is strained as her eyes dart between Elijah & I. Yup. The age difference here is probably an uncomfortable feeling for her. But, in canon TVD, the vast age gap between MOST of the characters was...uncomfortable. Did anyone see the way Elijah smelled Elena when they first met????? Was I the only one going "HEY ELIJAH MAYBE BACK UP????" or what?
Anyways, Maybe?Liv takes my menu when I hand it to her and tells us that she'll be back with refills and drinks. Quickly, she walks off with a clack of her heels.
⚜️ "Ah, yes." Elijah nods wisely, "Fair enough. But...I was serious when I told you this venue would afford us both privacy."
Elijah pauses for a beat, then switches gears immediately. He goes in for the kill. Well, in a manner of speaking anyways...
"Color me intrigued, however. I couldn't help but notice that you haven't mentioned your siblings, save in passing, very much at all. I do hope it wouldn't be too rude of me to ask why that is so?"
Zoey & I snap our attention on Elijah almost instantaneously. Our collective gut clenches in a sickening twist that makes us both lose whatever appetite we had left. The thought of eating chicken parmesean is disgusting to us now. Our revulsion towards this question must be plain on our faces. Elijah seems to note this by saying...
⚜️ "You don't have to answer if it's too much trouble," He says softly, although there's this edge of darkness to the words, "I know from personal experience that siblings can be...a tricky subject to broach upon-"
His brown eyes flick over to my green ones. I can see his pupils dilating.
"-But it would aid me greatly in my research of Mystic Falls genealogical patterns throughout the centuries." Elijah steeples his fingers into a pyramid, "So, I'm sure you can understand the relevance of why I'm asking, Ms. Webb."
This dick is trying to compell me. 🤣 Fuck. Here we go. We've finally gotten to the point of this little dinner charade. Got it. Two can play this game.
⚜️ I yank control away from Zoey before she can open her mouth and say something very damaging. I end up sighing. Both genuinely weary of the subject matter and also pretty tired in general. My CR & DR bodies are both running on fumes at this point.
"Maybe I should've ordered that wine," I end up saying, chuckling slightly as I look down at the table cloth, analyzing the threads of the linen, "Where to begin...?"
I glance up at Elijah Mikaelson. It's my turn to pierce him with a singular gaze.
"My siblings and I...don't get along."
⚜️ At this point, I'm yanked back to my CR. I decide that it's time to regroup, refocus, and get my story straight.
The next shift will have to be a work of art to fool Elijah.
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64-jungle-planks · 2 months
Night at the Museum: Redesigning Characters 1/4(?)
Character profile: Frank "Noses" Capone
This character is based off of and takes inspiration from the historical Frank Capone.
Real Name: Salvatore "Frank" Capone
Nickname and Meaning: Noses - He got this nickname from being inquisitive and being unafraid to stick his nose into other people's business, even if it gets him into trouble.
Age: 28 (July 16, 1895)
Time Period: Frank is from America's Prohibition in the 1920s, to be exact, hes from April 1st, 1924 Chicago, just before he and a group of Mafioso's went to the polling station near the Western Electric Hawthorn plant.
Family: James "Jimmy" Vincenzo Capone, Raffaele "Ralph" James Capone, and Alphonse "Al" Gabriel Capone + Three younger brothers and one sister that wasn't brought back.
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(Headcanons under the cut)
Based on/taken from History:
involved in the Five Points Gang with mobster John Torrio as a kid
Rumored to be queer because he never had an open interest in women/having sex with women like his brothers
Had a kid??? But then took it away from his fiancé??
Nickname was Noses?
Smartest of the eldest Capones
Killed when 70 plain clothes police officers arrived at W 22nd St & S Cicero Ave, Cicero, IL 60804 on April 1st, 1924. He didn’t have time to pull his gun out and was shot so many times, two other bystanders were killed/injured
described as mild-mannered, intelligent and immaculately-dressed
Thought to have ordered 500 deaths since joining the Chicago outfit (1919-1921 to 1924)
“you never get no talk back from a corpse”
+ Intelligent + Social + Hard-working - Quick to anger - Unstable moods
My own silly headcanons:
Can be level-headed, but usually his anger gets the best of him.
His presence calms Al down a lot. His brother really loves him and missed Frank. Frank reminds Al of simpler times when they’d run errands for their old boss Torrio… now Al’s boss.
Represented by clover/clubs. The club symbol represents the summer season and the earth element. The club suit in cards indicates youth, a phase when a person focuses on education, and recklessness.
Frank has matching pins with Al, Jimmy, and Ralph, each brother taking a playing card suit. The brothers made them together with old scrap metal they found in the Navy yard.
Sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. He likes putting himself in the middle of gossip circles. When he’s not purposefully antagonizing Napoleon to get a reaction, they get along really well because of this.
Wiggles his nose when he thinks hard
Tallest of the Capone brothers (6’1)
Broken out of the museum in search of the closest liquor store out of pure boredom. They tried to pay with greyscale $50s and promptly got kicked out.
A little bit of a sadist.
Gets very violent when he’s upset and enjoys it. Frank doesn’t usually feel bad about his previous actions
Frank: My furby died in my arms when I was a child Ivan: I’m sorry to hear that..? Frank, grinning and joking slightly: Don’t be. I’ve never felt more like a god.
He’d be on Booktok
Like his brothers, Frank will flirt with anyone. Unlike his brothers, Frank is mostly doing it to tease and have fun.
Sucker for hallmark movies
Jerma vibes
His ears turn red when he lies (credit to @frombottlealleytotheharbor for this one)
Frank’s Tommy is a replica whereas his Smith & Wesson Model 10 is from a photo/cutout. His Tommy doesn’t work at all, but his handgun can- he just doesn’t have any bullets.
The Model 10 is named Peggy and the Tommy is Doll
….. don’t call him Frankie unless your family.
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Jimmy Consentini belongs to @all-yn-oween. I had to draw him and Frank together because (I think) they both have two-piece suits.
Plain clothes Napoleon is inspired by this and something I have scheduled.
Al, Ralph, Napoleon
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elvisabutler · 2 years
what are your favorite austin/priscilla actress!reader headcanons??
Oh anon, first off loved this ask, you are my favorite anon for it. But also, oh dear I'm so sorry about the monster you unleashed. TW: Angst, what can be seen as creepy/possessive behavior ( but not really ). Vague sexual mentions. I have a whole separate set of NSFW favorite headcanons and stuff not on this post.
Priscilla Actress Reader x Austin Butler Headcanons 
Austin tries to make sure you've fallen asleep before he goes to sleep. It started during the quarantine when the two of you would be talking over whatsapp because one of you has an android and the other has an iPhone and once you moved in together he just never stops. The one time he doesn’t is when he’s in the hospital after filming Elvis.
He buys a ring for you, an almost exact replica of Priscilla's, about a week after you first film the scene. It stays in his closet hidden. You only find it when leaving Australia. 
Y'all start dating during the shutdown of the film, originally you wanted a friends with benefits, maybe just a daddy/baby girl situation because that's what you're used to.
Having his number kind of shot that idea in the foot. You found you actually liked Austin as a person as you got to know him. It made his whole vibe make more sense.
The apartment's wifi is called the nest. Throughout everything that happens between you two that is the one thing that stays constant. You think it's silly and have told him as much but he still keeps it under that title. 
During the Shutdown of the Filming you and Austin end up trying to keep a normal schedule. You both try and keep everything normal with the exception of you fully becoming his sub. His little dove in your little nest. 
In going with that theme, both you and Austin start dressing and sounding like Elvis and Priscilla. You toyed with dying your hair Priscilla’s current red before deciding that black for both you and Austin was for the best. Instead of sweatpants, he’s in slacks with gold watches and rings. You’re dresses and skirts and jumpsuits if you’re feeling like making Daddy work for it. It makes it easier to look natural in the costumes when filming finally restarts. Catherine loves you two for it. Later on she realizes maybe she shouldn’t have encouraged it. 
Austin calls you by a lot of nicknames: Little Dove, Dove, baby girl, baby, darling.
You never let him call you Birdie after he accidentally did one time during filming. It sent such a chill through your bones that you couldn’t stand hearing it for fear of feeling that again.
He calls you it one more time when he’s sick after filming is done.
As Elvis or in relation to something with the two of you on set, he’ll call you ‘Cilla.
In hindsight you should have put that in the same category as Birdie, but everyone else made jokes about the two of you being Baz’s Elvis and Priscilla and “I think we’ve only heard your actual voices at the beginning and through old interviews.” and “I am impressed with your vocal coach. You sound like I did back then.” So it didn’t seem like it’d be a problem.
It became one so slowly you didn’t even realize what was happening until it was too late.
Your nicknames for Austin consists of a shorter list that eventually grows to a longer one later. He is Daddy or he is Austin or he is Satnin. Aus is mostly when his own name is too hard to say.
My King is always used as a joke just to bug him, but one time you call him your Cali Sunshine and he laughs a laugh so bright you swear you’re in the actual presence of the sun. That happens much later. So much later.
Austin knows when he has fucked up when you call him Butler. It’s said when you’re mad or when you don’t want to call him anything that implies you have a hint of affection to him.
During Quarantine you realize that maybe this is the first actual Daddy worthy of your time. It’s not that all your previous ones weren’t but- between his incessant (Seriously, Daddy, I’m fine, I’d have told you if you went too far. But darlin’ you’re shaking so bad. You made me come five times in less than an hour, if I wasn’t I’d be worried.) need to make sure you’re alright and checking in that you’re good and that he’s still managing to give you the best aftercare despite not being there in person it’s hard to ignore.
When both of your Quarantines are over you knock on his door and jump in his arms the second he opens the door.
You’re my Daddy if you’ll have me.
Only if you want to give yourself to me.
I wanted to a week ago.
He gives you a necklace with a Dove and his initials engraved on the back when you're on your knees in front of him.
He ordered it the night after the table read just in case.
That is not your collar, and that’s why it comes with you when you break up.
He knows your cycles which should be creepy you think and you tell him as much but as time goes on and he takes care of you every single time you’re on your period? You find it to be the hottest and sweetest thing another human being has done for you.
You’re on the patch because you had a scare one time on the pill at 18 and another on the implant at 20. You’re religious with making sure you change it but stress always makes your body a little late.
Austin gets his hopes every time you're late up because he wasn’t thinking about kids since he had broken up with Vanessa but then you came along and somehow having a kid with you seemed so right. 
You’re usually only a few days late. One month you’re 2 weeks late. Austin buys an Elvis onesie that he hides the moment you get your period.
You break up after filming ends and it’s not because of just one thing.
It’s how you start to recognize that Austin can’t separate himself from Elvis. 
Lil Dove, if I ever push you that far you gotta tell me, I can’t lose you. Not after my mom and Nessa. I can’t lose another-
I will, Daddy, I will. But you won’t ever do this to me.
You don’t and isn’t that the funniest lie you’ve ever told that someone believed.
It’s how your mom asks you how you are and you tell her how Priscilla is feeling in the scene you just filmed that night.
Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart? Are you sure that boy is good for you?
You have the best daddy in the world but he’s not just your Daddy he’s Elvis and you’re not just his Dove, you’re Priscilla. 
It’s how Austin is sick and you hate hospitals and you can’t bring yourself to go into it even for him so you call him over WhatsApp. He calls you Cilla twice.
"Austin, what’s my name?" “What kind of question is that, I know your name.” “Then tell me what it is.” “Y/N, my little dove, my baby girl.”
You start packing the second you hang up.
You find the ring he bought you and an Elvis onesie hidden together. Never in your life have you sobbed as much as you did that night. Before or after it. You’ve come close a few times, but seeing those broke you. 
You don’t hide it back properly. He finds it after you’re back in New York and he’s- going back to LA. 
He calls you 10 times and leaves 2 voicemails.
“If this is what this was about, Lil Dove, I can explain, please let me explain. Please.”
"Why didn't you ask me about them?"
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